Theory of Production
Theory of Production
Theory of Production
Cost of production
• Prices of inputs
Production Function – The relation
between inputs and output of a firm
Q = f(L, K , T)
Short run PF – Q=f(L ,K)
Long run PF – Q = f(L, K,)
Concepts of Production
✢ Total Product – TP of a factor is the amount of total
output produced by a given amount of the factor,
other factors held constant
Units of Total Marginal Average
Concepts of Product
labour Product Product Product
1 80 80 80
2 170 90 85
3 270 100 90
4 368 98 92
5 430 62 86
6 480 50 80
7 504 24 72
8 504 0 63
9 495 -9 55
10 480 -15 48 5
Theories of Production
✢ Short run Theory – Law of Variable Proportions-
studies the change in output due to the change in
one variable factor example labor other factors
remaining constant
✢ Also known as the law of diminishing returns
Law of Variable Proportion
An increase in some inputs relative to
other fixed inputs will, in a given state
of technology cause output to increase,
but after a point the extra output
resulting from the same addition of
extra inputs will become less”
Paul A. Samuelson
✢ As the proportion of one
factor in a combination
of factors is increased
after a point first the
marginal and then the
average product of that
factor will diminish
✢ Benham
✢ An increase in the labor
and capital applied in the
cultivation of land causes
in general a less than
proportionate increase in
the amount of produce
raised unless it happens
to coincide with an
improvement in the arts
of agriculture
✢ Marshall
✢ Assumptions of the law of variable
✢ 1. State of technology of constant
✢ 2. There should be some inputs whose
quantity is fixed.
✢ 3.It should be possible to vary the proportion
in which the different factors are combined
to produce output
Totalof Product
Units of
Marginal Average
Product Product
1 80 80 80
2 170 90 85
3 270 100 90
4 368 98 92
5 430 62 86
6 480 50 80
7 504 24 72
8 504 0 63
9 495 -9 55
10 480 -15 48
Stages of The Law of variable
Stages of The Law of variable
✢ Causes for the different stages
Stage I – increasing returns, fixed factor in abundance relative to
the variable factor – because of indivisibility of fixed factor. Fixed
factor will be more efficiently and intensively utilized. Secondly
variable factor will also be also more fully utilized leading to greater
productivity . MP of fixed factor negative
Stage II – decreasing returns, fixed factor becomes inadequate
relative to the variable factor- because of indivisibility of fixed
factor, Factors of production are imperfect substitutes
Stage III – negative returns, variable factor becomes too excessive
relative to the fixed factor causing obstruction .MP of variable
factor is negative
The Stage of Operation
✢Which stage will the rational
producer chose to produce?
✢ Stage 1 the marginal product of fixed factor is
negative and therefore it is beneficial for the
producer to increase variable factor and get a
higher return
✢ Stage 3 MP of Variable factor is negative so
higher productivity obtained by reducing variable
factor Stage I and 3 are known as regions of
economic absurdity or economic nonsense.
✢ Stage 2 AP and MP of variable factor is positive
though diminishing . Where exactly they will
chose to produce depends on the prices of FOP