Computing Convolutions of Measures - What's New

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2020/8/13 Computing convolutions of measures | What's new

Computing convolutions of measures

26 July, 2013 in expository, math.CA | Tags: convolutions, probability measures, wave front set

If and are two absolutely integrable functions on a Euclidean space , then the
convolution of the two functions is defined by the formula

A simple application of the Fubini-Tonelli theorem shows that the convolution is well-defined almost
everywhere, and yields another absolutely integrable function. In the case that , are indicator
functions, the convolution simplifies to

where denotes Lebesgue measure. One can also define convolution on more general locally compact groups
than , but we will restrict attention to the Euclidean case in this post.

The convolution can also be defined by duality by observing the identity

for any bounded measurable function . Motivated by this observation, we may define the
convolution of two finite Borel measures on by the formula

for any bounded (Borel) measurable function , or equivalently that

for all Borel measurable . (In another equivalent formulation: is the pushforward of the product measure
with respect to the addition map .) This can easily be verified to again be a finite
Borel measure.

If and are probability measures, then the convolution also has a simple probabilistic interpretation: it
is the law (i.e. probability distribution) of a random varible of the form , where are independent
random variables taking values in with law respectively. Among other things, this interpretation makes
it obvious that the support of is the sumset of the supports of (when the supports are compact; the
situation is more subtle otherwise) and , and that will also be a probability measure.

While the above discussion gives a perfectly rigorous definition of the convolution of two measures, it does not
always give helpful guidance as to how to compute the convolution of two explicit measures (e.g. the
convolution of two surface measures on explicit examples of surfaces, such as the sphere). In simple cases, one
can work from first principles directly from the definition (2), (3), perhaps after some application of tools from
several variable calculus, such as the change of variables formula. Another technique proceeds by
regularisation, approximating the measures involved as the weak limit (or vague limit) of absolutely
integrable functions 1/8
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(where we identify an absolutely integrable function with the associated absolutely continuous measure
) which then implies (assuming that the sequences are tight) that is the weak
limit of the . The latter convolutions , being convolutions of functions rather than measures, can be
computed (or at least estimated) by traditional integration techniques, at which point the only difficulty is to
ensure that one has enough uniformity in to maintain control of the limit as .

A third method proceeds using the Fourier transform

of (and of ). We have

and so one can (in principle, at least) compute by taking Fourier transforms, multiplying them together,
and applying the (distributional) inverse Fourier transform. Heuristically, this formula implies that the Fourier
transform of should be concentrated in the intersection of the frequency region where the Fourier
transform of is supported, and the frequency region where the Fourier transform of is supported. As the
regularity of a measure is related to decay of its Fourier transform, this also suggests that the convolution
of two measures will typically be more regular than each of the two original measures, particularly if the
Fourier transforms of and are concentrated in different regions of frequency space (which should happen if
the measures are suitably “transverse”). In particular, it can happen that is an absolutely continuous
measure, even if and are both singular measures.

Using intuition from microlocal analysis, we can combine our understanding of the spatial and frequency
behaviour of convolution to the following heuristic: a convolution should be supported in regions of phase
space of the form , where lies in the region of phase
space where is concentrated, and lies in the region of phase space where is concentrated. It is a
challenge to make this intuition perfectly rigorous, as one has to somehow deal with the obstruction presented
by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, but it can be made rigorous in various asymptotic regimes, for instance
using the machinery of wave front sets (which describes the high frequency limit of the phase space

Let us illustrate these three methods and the final heuristic with a simple example. Let be a singular measure
on the horizontal unit interval , given by weighting Lebesgue measure on
that interval by some test function supported on :

Similarly, let be a singular measure on the vertical unit interval given by

weighting Lebesgue measure on that interval by another test function supported on :

We can compute the convolution using (2), which in this case becomes 2/8
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and we thus conclude that is an absolutely continuous measure on with density function

In particular, is supported on the unit square , which is of course the sumset of the two intervals
and .

We can arrive at the same conclusion from the regularisation method; the computations become lengthier, but
more geometric in nature, and emphasises the role of transversality between the two segments supporting and
. One can view as the weak limit of the functions

as (where we continue to identify absolutely integrable functions with absolutely continuous measures,
and of course we keep positive). We can similarly view as the weak limit of

Let us first look at the model case when , so that are renormalised indicator functions of
thin rectangles:

By (1), the convolution is then given by

where is the intersection of two rectangles:

When lies in the square , one readily sees (especially if one draws a picture) that consists
of an square and thus has measure ; conversely, if lies outside , is empty
and thus has measure zero. In the intermediate region, will have some measure between and . From this
we see that converges pointwise almost everywhere to while also being dominated by an
absolutely integrable function, and so converges weakly to , giving a special case of the formula (4).

Exercise 1 Use a similar method to verify (4) in the case that are continuous
functions on . (The argument also works for absolutely integrable , but one
needs to invoke the Lebesgue differentiation theorem to make it run smoothly.)

Now we compute with the Fourier-analytic method. The Fourier transform of is given by 3/8
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where we abuse notation slightly by using to refer to the one-dimensional Fourier transform of . In
particular, decays in the direction (by the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma) but has no decay in the direction,
which reflects the horizontally grained structure of . Similarly we have

so that decays in the direction. The convolution then has decay in both the and directions,

and by inverting the Fourier transform we obtain (4).

Exercise 2 Let and be two non-parallel line segments in the plane . If is

the uniform probability measure on and is the uniform probability measure on
, show that is the uniform probability measure on the parallelogram
with vertices . What happens in the degenerate
case when and are parallel?

Finally, we compare the above answers with what one gets from the microlocal analysis heuristic. The measure
is supported on the horizontal interval , and the cotangent bundle at any point on this interval
points in the vertical direction. Thus, the wave front set of should be supported on those points
in phase space with , and . Similarly, the wave front set of should
be supported at those points with , , and . The convolution
should then have wave front set supported on those points with ,
, , , , and , i.e. it should be spatially supported on the unit square and have zero
(rescaled) frequency, so the heuristic predicts a smooth function on the unit square, which is indeed what
happens. (The situation is slightly more complicated in the non-smooth case , because and
then acquire some additional singularities at the endpoints; namely, the wave front set of now also contains
those points with , , and arbitrary, and similarly contains those
points with , , and arbitrary. I’ll leave it as an exercise to the reader to
compute what this predicts for the wave front set of , and how this compares with the actual wave front

Exercise 3 Let be the uniform measure on the unit sphere in for some
. Use as many of the above methods as possible to establish multiple proofs of
the following fact: the convolution is an absolutely continuous multiple
of Lebesgue measure, with supported on the ball of radius and obeying
the bounds

for and

for , where the implied constants are allowed to depend on the dimension
. (Hint: try the case first, which is particularly simple due to the fact that the 4/8
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addition map is mostly a local diffeomorphism. The Fourier-based

approach is instructive, but requires either asymptotics of Bessel functions or the
principle of stationary phase.)


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23 comments Comments feed for this article

26 July, 2013 at 4:13 pmMissing sentence perhaps, after

Fred Lunnon
This can easily be verified to again be a finite Borel measure. As

[Sorry, that sentence fragment has now been deleted. -T.]

0 0 Rate This

26 July, 2013 at 10:26 pmIs there a typo in equation 1?

Alok Tiwari
[Corrected, thanks – T.]

0 0 Rate This

27 July, 2013 at 1:57 amIf

you utilize exterior product then you can extend formula (3) also to currents; the
mircea other ideas also nicely extend to this, plus you get a nice geometric operation. This is a
way of producing new submanifolds, e.g. the Windows symbol (as an oriented submanifold)
is the “convolution” of the two curves dividing it in 4. Also, e.g. for an oriented circle C in R² the convolution
of C with itself is zero.

0 0 Rate This

27 July, 2013 at 3:34 amIn “Another technique proceeds by reularisation, …” reularisation should be
omar aboura regularisation.

In “…given by weighting Lebesgue masure…” masure should be measure.

In the equation after “We can compute the convolution {\mu*\nu} using (2), which in this case becomes”,
\int_{{\bf R}^n} should be \int_{{\bf R}^2}.

In “…the actual waave front set” waave should be wave.

[Corrected, thanks – T.]

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2020/8/13 Computing convolutions of measures | What's new

27 July, 2013 at 5:31 amIn the paragraph beginning with

Anonymous “A third method proceeds using the Fourier transform…”
should the integration variable be x in the definition of Fourier transform of measure mu?

0 0 Rate This

27 July, 2013 at 5:33 am* The object you’ve described in Exercise 2 is the Minkowski Sum of two line
John Mangual segments in the plane. I know what that is. You offer three 4 different ways to work
out the problem.

If I remember correctly, you can approximate measures as linear combinations of step functions (… dusting off
analysis notes …) So you’re defining a measure version of Minkowski addition? I need to draw pictures.

* Using the identity: we see that a point measure is infinitely spread out in space. That’s
definitely one way of expressing wave-particle duality. Wavepackets are a compromise, kind-of localized in
space and kind-of localized in time.

In Ex 2, you seem to be describing a “quantum line segment” localized along a line, or even a “quantum
parallelogram”. I wonder now what these shapes look like in momentum space?

* Naively, I picture the wave-front as a bunch of circle emanating from the point with increasing radius. I am
having trouble reconciling Hormander’s definition with the mental
image given from optics

2 3 Rate This

27 July, 2013 at 6:00 amReblogged

this on Edgar's Creative and commented:
Edgar's Creative Another brilliant take by Terry Tao on an important Mathematical subject.

1 0 Rate This

27 July, 2013 at 9:22 pm Reblogged this on Observer.

Kamran Alam Khan
0 1 Rate This

30 July, 2013 at 6:48 am Reblogged this on Observer.

Kamran Alam Khan
0 3 Rate This

5 August, 2013 at 4:10 am Reblogged

this on Being simple and commented:
Marcelo de AlmeidaAbout Bessel functions and other special functions, I suggest the well-known online
book DLMF:

0 0 Rate This

5 August, 2013 at 6:23 amThis online updated version of the original A&S is very useful indeed! (for example,
Eytan Paldi Auluck’s formula – used in the upper bound for – appears as formula 10.22.5 in
DLMF , but not in the original A&S !)

1 0 Rate This 6/8
2020/8/13 Computing convolutions of measures | What's new


5 August, 2013 at 7:54 am This online book is/was very important to me.
Marcelo de Almeida
0 2 Rate This

5 January, 2016 at 6:29 pmWhat is the “surface measure” in this note? I read throughout your math 245abc
Anonymous notes but I don’t see this concept.

[Surface measure on a k-dimensional manifold is the restriction of k-dimensional Hausdorff measure to that
manifold. It can also be defined locally using a local parameterisation of the manifold as the pushforward of k-
dimensional Lebesgue measure, multiplied by an appropriate Jacobian factor; see Exercise 12 of . A third definition is to
take Lebesgue measure restricted to an -neighbourhood of the manifold, normalise by , and take weak
limits. -T.]

2 0 Rate This

28 January, 2017 at 7:17 pmCan

anyone point me to a reference/textbook that shows that the support of the
Abraham convolution of two probability measures, f \ast g, defined on uncountable sample
spaces is the sumset of the support of the individual measures? I can only find results of
the form supp{ f\ast g} \subseteq supp{f} \oplus supp{g}. I can see how it follows when the sample space is

0 0 Rate This

30 January, 2017 at 9:10 pmUse the inequality for any two

Terence Tao balls , and the fact that whenever is in the
support of .

2 0 Rate This

16 June, 2017 at 12:57 pmWould you elaborate what you mean by “The convolution can also be defined
Anonymous by duality…” ? What is the duality here?

3 0 Rate This

22 June, 2017 at 5:29 pmA

locally integrable function (or more generally, a measure or a distribution) can
Terence Tao be defined (up to almost everywhere equivalence) by specifying its inner products
against a suitable class of test functions in a predual space. (In some cases, a
representation theorem, such as the Riesz representation theorem, may need to be invoked in order to guarantee
that actually exists.)

3 0 Rate This

30 April, 2018 at 8:03 amInFolland’s Real Analysis, it is said that if is the “closure” of
Anonymous , then . But in Wolff’s
harmonic analysis lecture notes, the author states that 7/8
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where the “closure” is not used. Which version is correct?

0 0 Rate This

30 April, 2018 at 8:25 amThe answer depends on the definition of support (set-theoretic support, topological
Terence Tao support, or essential support). But for compactly supported functions both inclusions
hold for all notions of support.

2 0 Rate This

1 May, 2018 at 4:31 amPresumably,

there is a default version for an analyst when the definition is not given
Anonymous explicitly (e.g. I don’t see which definition is used in this post)? Folland does states
explicitly that the support of is defined topologically as the closure of the
subset of where is non-zero. Wolff did not give the definition but restricted the discussion mostly in the
Euclidean space in his notes and when he wrote

functions do not need to have compact support.

1 0 Rate This

1 May, 2018 at 10:33 amIf

you keep reading Wolff’s notes until the point where the concept of support is
Terence Tao actually used, you should be able to determine from that context what the intended
definition of support is, and whether the closure operation was implicitly omitted. (See also
my general advice on how to read mathematical texts without “crashing” due to “compilation errors”.)

5 0 Rate This

16 November, 2018 at 8:18 amInsignificant typo in the Fourier transform of mu. Integration variable must be x.
[Corrected, thanks – T.]

0 0 Rate This

2 July, 2019 at 2:44 pmThe bound in Exercise 3 (for dimensions three and higher) appears to depend only on
Alex Iosevich non-vanishing curvature. At least for the small |x| bound, smoothness does not appear
to play any role (beyond what is needed to define curvature).

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