Ebola: Ebolavirus

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• It is a serious and often fatal disease caused by a
virus. Symptoms include fever, diarrhea,
vomiting, bleeding, and often causes death.

• Ebola disease can cause humans and other

primates (monkeys, gorillas, and chimpanzees).

• The Ebola disease outbreak in West Africa, which

occurred in March 2014, was the largest viral
hemorrhagic epidemic in history. Almost 40% of
the people who contracted this condition during
this outbreak died

• This condition was discovered in

1976 near the Ebola River in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Since then, several small outbreaks
have occurred in Africa. The 2014
outbreak was the largest. The
countries that were most affected by
this outbreak included:

• Guinea
• Liberia
• Sierra Leone
Cases of Ebola disease have
been previously reported in:

• Nigeria, Senegal, Spain, U.S, Mali, UK, Italy

• There were four people diagnosed with Ebola
disease in the United States. Two of those
were imported cases, and two contracted the
disease after caring for a patient who had
Ebola disease in the United States. One man
died from the disease. The other three
recovered and have no symptoms of Ebola
• In August 2018, an Ebola outbreak occurred
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is
currently ongoing.

• This virus does not spread as easily as the

more common illnesses like colds, flu, or
measles. There is NO data to indicate that
the virus that causes Ebola disease is
spread through the air or water. A person
with Ebola cannot spread the disease until
symptoms appear.

• Ebola disease can ONLY be spread between

humans by direct contact with infected
body fluids including, but not limited to,
urine, saliva, sweat, feces, vomit, breast
milk, and semen. The virus can enter the
body through a break in the skin or
mucous membranes, including the eyes,
nose, and mouth.
• The Ebola virus can also be spread by contact
with ANY kind of surfaces, objects and
materials that have been in contact with the
body fluids of a sick person, such as:

• Bedding and linens

• Clothing
• Bandages
• Needles and syringes
• Medical equipment
In Africa, the Ebola
virus can also be
transmitted by:

• Handling infected wild animals hunted for food (game

• Contact with blood or body fluids from infected animals
• Contact with infected bats
The Ebola virus is
NOT spread through:

• The air
• Water
• The food
• Insects
doctors are heroes
• Health workers and caregivers of sick
family members are at high risk of
contracting the Ebola virus, because
they are more likely to come into
direct contact with body fluids.
Proper use of PPE personal protective
equipment greatly reduces this risk.
tips to avoid contagion

• Should avoid direct contact with blood or

body fluids of a patient or a corpse, and
with objects that may be contaminated.

• You will need to decrease contact with wild

animals and the consumption of raw meat.

• You should wash your hands frequently.

• You will need to avoid unprotected sex.

if you get you should follow
• you should follow the
the recommendations treatment

• you need the prescribed


• You should also use

moisturizers or inject
liquids to prevent

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