99 Hacks To Sleep Faster

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99 Hacks to sleep Faster

If you are an average person, you will spend 36% of your life sleeping .So, if you
live for 90 years, you would be sleeping for straight 32 years.

It is easy to conclude that if you are doing something for this amount of time (32
years) , it must be something important .Yet majority of us do not give sleep even
a second thought.

Well, we wouldn't say that it’s your fault. Our society's perception of sleep has
drastically changed overtime. Let us take you through the journey...

During 1600s, Sleep was considered divine.

This is what famous people said,

"Enjoy the honey heavy dew of slumber"

- In Romeo & Juliet by Shakespeare

"Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together."

-Thomas Dekker

Fast forwarding it to 400 years,

In 20th Century, the perception of sleep is drastically changed

“Sleep is an utter waste of time and heritage from our cave days”

-Thomas Edison (Inventor of Light bulb)

“Money Never Sleep”

-Gordon Gekko from Wall Street

"जो सोवत है वो खोवत है , जो जागत है सो पावत है "

- Kabir and also many Indian parents

In the 20th Century, we use Thomas Edison's light bulb to evade the dark & see
sleep as our enemy.It’s like an illness or utter waste of time as we are literally not
doing anything during this period. Right?

Well, It’s quite the opposite. Think of sleep not as parking your car in the garage
but as giving your car at a workshop.

Most of us are aware of the physical benefits of sleep like restoration of energy
and healing of body. But sleep plays even for more important role in brain
development and emotional intelligence.

It is a very important biological phenomenon studied under neurosciences &

Your brain is most active when you sleep and receives 1/5th flow of blood.

Sleep helps to process information and in the consolidation of new memories. It

can help reduce anxiety. It helps the brain to perform better and increases the
cognitive ability of mind. It reduces stress and provides you with mental energy.

So in short , if you want to be happy or healthy in your life or become smarter or

want to get ahead in your career.


So next time, if you decide to stay awake to binge on a new Netflix show.
Remember a Quote from Jim Butcher -- “Sleep is God. Go worship”

Here are few tips we have collected from internet and compiled from Indian
parents for you to ensure the best sleep possible:
Daytime activities to help you get some zzzs

1. Keep busy during the day.

2. Don't take work home with you. If working from home, fix a time after
which you wouldn’t work.

3. Walk around the block after dinner.

4. Cut back on caffeine, even if you desperately love coffee.

5. Pay attention to your diet.

6. Practice gratitude during the day.

7. Cut back your alcohol consumption, and don't drink too late in the

8. Don't drink caffeine after midday.

9. Talk through any problems with a partner or friend earlier in the day.

10. Do a Sudoku puzzle before bed.

11. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Even on weekends,
as much as you want to sleep in.

12. Don't listen to the experts — have a glass of red wine with dinner.

13. See a psychologist if you have insomnia.

14. Regular exercise. You always sleep better on the days you exercise.
Bedtime routines matter

15. Have a green tea

16. Have a cup warm milk and honey before bed.

17. Don't eat right before bed.

18. Don't go to bed angry.

19. Listen to audiobooks before sleeping

20. Use Aromatic candles to create a pleasant environment

21. Moisturize your hands and feet.

22. Drink apple cider vinegar (two tea spoons 20 minutes before bed).

23. A warm shower or bath leading up to bed. It helps wash the day away
and makes you feel relaxed.

24. Avoid overeating in the evening. You may enjoy the food, but it will
keep you awake — especially if you get indigestion.

25. Make sure everything is ready for the next morning.

26. Have a regular bedtime routine that sets your brain to sleep mode.

27. Eat peanut butter on toast.

Switch off...

The dark side of blue light

 Light from screens shining into your eyes sends signals to your brain that
interfere with the production of melatonin, a chemical needed for sleep.
 Although all wavelengths of light have this effect, blue light is particularly
problematic. Blue light is so good at helping us feel awake, it's used in places like
factories to help night workers stay alert.
 Repeated use of a bright screen in the evening over five nights can delay the
body clock by 1.5 hours, the Sleep Health Foundation says. This means you want
to go to bed later and sleep in longer, which is a problem when work or study
schedules call for an early start.

28. Turn your screens off at least an hour before bed.

29. Use a blue light filter app on your smartphone.

30. Remove as much technology from the bedroom as you can —

especially from your bedside table.

31. Get over social media FOMO and switch your phone off.

... and relax

32. Get ear plugs if you live in an apartment building, or sleep with a
snoring partner.

33. Try the 4-7-8 breathing technique (breathe in for a count of four, hold
for seven and breathe out over a count of eight).

34. Meditate to relieve stress and clear the mind of anxiety.

35. Write in a journal to relax your mind and get thoughts out of your head.
Relaxation for sleep

Including relaxation and breathing into your wind-down routine can calm an
overactive mind and help you drift off.

36. Listen to the sounds of nature. There are apps which play raindrops,
crashing waves or rainforest sounds. Or you can leave the fan on for white

37. Stop worrying about things you can't control.

38. Count sheep or something equally inane to divert your attention away
from what's keeping you awake.

39. Listen to guided sleep meditations.

40. Listen to podcasts — as long as they're interesting and not too riveting.

41. Listen to a radio talk program on very low volume.

42. Wear an eye mask.

43. Pray and be grateful.

44. Avoid scary movies.

45. Sing to yourself.

46. Have a footbath with magnesium salts, bicarb soda or your favourite
garden herbs.

47. Do stretches before bed.

48. Progressively relax every muscle in your body. (Go into Shav aasana
mode ?)

49. Diffuse oils.

50. Practice breathing exercises.

Get comfy

51. Wash your sheets and air your room regularly.

52. Put lavender drops on your pillow.

53. Invest in a good pillow. It's game-changer.

54. Keep your bedroom window open.

55. Get blackout curtains and remove all sources of light.

56. Keep your room temperature cool.

57. Dim the lights around your home.

58. Burn eucalyptus oil.

59. Keep your room free of clutter.

60. Use a organic cotton pillowcase in summer.

61. Read a book. Maybe avoid Thrillers.

62. Get a comfortable bed — you spend a third of your life in that thing.

63. Make sure your feet are warm.

64. Sleep naked.

Bedfellows can help or hinder

Could separate beds help your relationship?

With 75 per cent of you telling us you have trouble falling asleep, separate
beds might just be the answer if your partner disturbs you.

65. Have sex. Lots of sex.

66. Kick your husband out of bed.

67. Don't let pets sleep in your bed.

68. Don't be afraid to sleep in a separate room to your partner.

69. Cuddle your lover.

70. Don't have pets or children in your bed

When you lay down

71. Rest a warm heat pack across your eyes.

72. Read less interesting books.

73. Reflect on the good things you've done that day, and what work you
are looking forward to doing the next day.

74. Go to the toilet right before getting into bed.

75. Stay still if you feel restless.

76. Count back from 100 in a foreign language. You'll give up and fall
asleep before 90.

77. Think about interesting scenarios that will never come to pass.
If you wake

78. Have pen and paper nearby to write things down, instead of worrying
you'll forget them by morning.

79. Avoid looking at the clock when you wake up in the night.

80. Imagine yourself in your favourite TV show.

81. Stop agonizing over poor sleep.

Well... it might work

82. Take magnesium and melatonin tablets.

83. Get better neighbors. Seriously.

84. Nurture a clear conscience.

85. Don't get old.

86. Indulge in self care.

87. Put 'going to bed' on your to do list.

88. Leave the children with their grandparents.

89. Don't sign up for shift work.

90. Count your blessings.

91. Don't have children unless you are willing to be sleep deprived for
literally years.

92. Have an orgasm.

93. Retire!

94. Travel overseas! Sleep is better in Canada. Maybe settle over there?
95. Don't become Madhuri Dixit & keep dancing the hours leading up to

96. Don't fall in love with astronomy. Stop staring in the sky.

97. Don't be too hard on yourself.

98. Practice self-acceptance.

99. Sleep in the fetal position. (Side ways )

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