Virtues of Zikir
Virtues of Zikir
Virtues of Zikir
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Virtues of
Translation of
the Urdu book Faza'il-e-Zikr
Shaikhul Hadith Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya Kaandhlawi
translated by
Shafiq Ahmad
FOREWORD... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-12
Section 2 Ahaadith on Zikr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 5
1. Allah's treatment is according to one's expecta-
tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Advice to keep the tongue ever-busy in Zikr . . . . .
3. Zikr- the best of all deeds (by Allah) . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Constant Zikr-a means to elevation of status in
Paradise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. zaakir likened to the living, and the negligent to
the dead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. The superiority of Zikr over giving in charity . . . .
7. Inmates of Paradise regret the time not devoted
to Zikr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8. Allah's pleasure and His angels surround the
zaakir; and Allah extolls them to His angels . . . . .
9. Allah takes pride in the groups of Muslims en-
gaged in remembrance of Him . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10. Angel's announcement of reward for those
gathered together for Zikr of Allah . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11. Efficacy of Zikr in avoiding the punishment of
the grave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 2 . Exaltation and facial brightness of the gathering
for the Zikr of Allah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13. Gathering of Zikr described as gardens of Para-
dise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14. Zikr of Allah to compensate for a lack in spend-
ingand labour in path of Allah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
15. Doing Zikr so much that people call you insane
16. Seven persons, including the zaakir, under the Section 1 Ayaat Implying the Kalimah Tayyibah
canopy of Allah's grace on the Day of Judge- Without mentioning it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84-94
ment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Section 2 Ayaat in Which the Kalimah Tayyibah
17. Those doing Zikr under all circumstances is Mentioned Wholly or in Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-106
called forth as "wise men" on the Day of Judge-
ment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Section 3 Ahaadith on Virtues and Blessings of
18. The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) di- Kalimah Tayyibah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..107-160
rected to sit with ascetic zaakireen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
19. Allah's promise to care for those who remem- Hadith No: Page No.
ber Him after Fajr and Asr Salaat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
20. Everything of this world is accursed except the 1. Kalimah Tayyibah the best remembrance and
Zikr of Allah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 "Alhamdulillaah" the best supplication. . . . . . . .
2. Moosa (A.S.) told that 'Laa ilaaha illallaah' out-
weighs the seven heavens and the earths. . . . . . . .
3. Sincere zaakir of 'Laa ilaaha illallaah' gains the
Prophet's maximum intercession . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Sincere zaakir of 'Laa ilaaha illallaah' to enter
Paradise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. Doors of Heavens opened for the reciter of 'Laa
ilaaha illallaah' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. Special announcement of Paradise for a gather-
ing of Sahabah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7. Reward of Imaan by reciting 'Laa ilaaha illal-
laah' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8. Frequent recitation of 'Laa ilaaha illallaah'
before death . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9. Sincere recitation of 'Laa ilaaha illallaah' re-
deems from Hell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10. 'Laa ilaaha illallaahl-the keys to Paradise . . . . . .
11. Remission of sins through recitation of 'Laa
ilaaha illallaah' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12. Trembling of the "Pillar of Light" on the recita-
tion of 'Laa ilaaha illallaah' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, 13. Believer of 'Laa ilaaha illallaah' free from wor-
ries in the grave and on the Day of Judgement . . . .
14. 'Laa ilaaha illallaah' is weightier than ninety
nine registers of misdeeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
15. 'Laa ilaaha illallaah' weightier than all that is in
the Heavens and the earth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
16. 'Laa ilaaha illal1aah'-the weightiest testimony . .
1 7 . 'Laa ilaaha illallaah' magnifies the good deeds
of the Ummat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
18. Inscription on the Gates of Paradise . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hadith No: Page No. Hadith No: Page No.
19. Reciter of 'Laa ilaaha illallaah' enters the Fort 39. 'Laa ilaaha il-lallaah' removes all sins . . . . . . . . . . . 159
of Allah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40. 'Laa ilaaha illallaah' is the most valuable of
20. 'Laa ilaaha illallaah' the best Zikr, and Istigh- more than seventy branches of Imaan . . . . . . . . . . 160
faar the best supplication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
21. Ruin of Satan through recitation of 'Laa ilaaha
illallaah' and 'Istighfaar' . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
22. Sincere dying recitation of 'Laa ilaaha illallaah'
ensures entry into Paradise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
23. Direct ascent to Allah of 'Laa ilaaha illaliaah'
and a father's blessings (for his son) . . . . . . . . . . . .
24. Hell forbidden for the sincere reciter of 'Laa
ilaaha illallaah' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
25. Recitation of 'Laa ilaaha illaliaah' by a dying
person relieves the pangs of death and ensures
entry into Paradise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
26. Abu Bakr affirms that salvation lies in the Kali-
tnah 'Laa ilaaha illallaah' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
27 Hadhrat Umar affirms that 'Laa ilaaha illallaah'
is the best Kalimah of salvation and piety . . . . . . .
28. 'Laa ilaaha illallaah Muhammadur Rasulullah'
written on the Arsh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
29. 'Isme A'zam' identical with 'Laa ilaaha illal-
laah' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
30. Redemption from Hell of all those who have re-
cited 'Laa ilaaha illallaah' or have an iota of
Imaan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
31. The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihi wasallam) gives
advice and instructions to a villager. . . . . . . . . . . .
32. Prophet (Sallallaho alaihi wasallam) tells Hadh-
rat Abu Bakr that the recitation of Kalimah
Tayyibah during lifetime demolishes sins . . . . . .
33. Recitation of 'Laa ilaaha illallaah' is the best of
all deeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
34. A Kalimah which earns 40 000 virtues when re-
cited ten times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
35. Special Kalimah which gets two million bles-
sings for its reciter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
36. Supplication after wudhu that causes eight
gates of Paradise to open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
37. Reward for daily recitation of 'Laa ilaaha illal-
laah' hundred times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
38. Teaching 'Laa ilaaha illallaah' to children and
persuation of its recitation on the death bed . . . . .
Section 1 Ayaat Mentioning the Third Kalimah viz 15. Reward of ten blessings for each letter of
Subhaanallaah ;ti iG
third Kalimahs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
;t mi 16. Prayer for atonement of adverse conse-
Alhamdulillaah ,- quences of a meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Laa ilaaha illallaah 5, $1 . i!g 1 7 . Third Kalimah circulates round the throne of
. 222
Allah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Allaahu akbar . . . . . . .3
. . i. .i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,167-193 18. Merit of counting the Tasbeeh on fingers. . . . . . 223
19. A valuable form of Tasbeeh taught to Hazrat
Juwayriah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Section 2 Ahaadith on Virtues of the Words of 20. Tasbeeh-e-Fatimah better than a servant. . . . . . 232
Tasbeeh, 'Subhaanallaah', 'Alhamdulillaah',
'Laa ilaaha illallaah' and 'Allaahu akbar' . . . . . .194-236 EPILOGUE:
Hadith No: Page No. Virtues of 'Salaatut Tasbeeh' and method of V) L,
performing it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237-245 2N
Z 2
1. Two easy-to-utter Kalimahs that are most 5
weighty in reward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Two Kalimahs enjoined on the angels . . . . . . . . . .
3. The bounties of Allah will have to be ac-
counted for on the Day of judgement and Zikr
will help in this . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Trees grow in the plains of paradise on recita-
tion of the third Kalimah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. Reciting 'Subhaanallaahi wabihamdihi' makes
up deficiencies in other deeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. Four phrases most liked by Allah . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7. The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihi wasallam) ad-
vises recitation of 'Tasbeeh-e-Fatimah' to the
destitute Muhajirin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8. Kalimahs that obtain forgiveness for countless
sins (like the foam of the sea) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9. Reciter of 'Tasbeeh-e-Fatimah' is not disap-
pointed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10. Three Kalimahs, each of which is equivalent in
virtue to Mount Uhud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11. Five things that are very weighty near Allah . . . . .
12. Prophet Nooh's (Alayhis salaam) advice to
his son . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ' ? " " '
13. Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallamj's
advice to an elderly woman to recite three
most rewarding Kalimahs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14. Angels surround thc (blessed) assemk~liesfor
Zikr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The sacred name of Almighty Allah carries the bles-
sings, taste, sweetness, thrill, and peace of mind that is in-
variably experienced by one who has practised and
=8 5
remained absorbed in His zikr for a considerable time. This KI
name brings joy to the heart and peace of mind. Almighty 5
Allah has said Himself:
the Hour is surely coming. But I will keep it hidden, that 29. Lo! they (the Prophets mentioned before) used to
every soul may be rewarded for that which it striveth to vie one with the other in good deeds, and they cried unto
achieve. Us in longing and in fear, and were submissive to Us.
(t,- L)if$$$
y Y, ( Y t )
24. And be not faint in remembrance of Me. (This is a 30. And give good tidings to the humble: whose hearts
piece of advice for Prophet Moosa and Haroon (Alayhimas fear when Allah is mentioned.
39. Then woe unto those whose hearts are hardened 44. Muhammad (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) is the
against remembrance of Allah. Such are clearly in error. messenger of Allah. And those with him are hard against
22 Virtues of Zikr
Ch. I: Quranic Verses relating Zikr 23
the disbelievers and merciful among themselves. Thou
seest them bowing and falling prostrate (in worship), seek- The third important thing is that Imaam Maalik (Rah-
ing bounty from Allah and His acceptance. Their mark is matullah alaih) and a group of scholars established kufr for
on their foreheads from the traces of prostration. Such is those people who talk ill of the Sahaba and bear hatred
their likeness in the Torah and their likeness in the (20s- against them.
pel-like sown corn that sendeth forth its shoot (lnd
strengtheneth it and riseth firm upon its stalk, delighting
the farmers-In the same manner, the Companions of the
Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) were weak in the be- 45. Is not the time ripe for the hearts of those who be-
ginning then grew in strength day by day, that He may
enrage the disbelievers with (the sight of) them. Allah hath lieve to submit to Allah's reminder?
promised, unto such of them as believe and do good works,
forgiveness and immense reward.
In these verses though the emphasis obviously is on 46. (Mentioning of the hypocrites.) The devil hath en- v, L
the blessings occurrirlg from ruku, sujood and salaat but
there is also an indication about the blessings associated
grossed them and so hath caused them to forget remem-
brance of Allah. They are the devil's party. Lo! is it not the
with the second part of the Kalimah viz. (Muhammadur devil's party who will be the losers?
Imam Raazi (Rahmatullah alaih) has related that in the
treaty of Hudaibiyah, on the refusal and insistence of the
unbeliever not to write 'Muhammad Rasulullah' and to
substitute it by 'Muhammad bin Abdullah', Allah Ta'aalaa
asserts that He himself bears testimony to the Prophethood 47. And when the (Friday) prayer is ended, then dis-
of Muhammad (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). When the perse in the land and seek of Allah's bounty, (with the per-
Sender confirms personally about a particular person to be mission to engage yourself in worldly pursuits but even
His messenger, then the non-acceptance by any number of then) and remember Allah much, that ye may be success-
people does not matter. To confirm this testimony, Allah ful.
Ta'aalaa made the statement 'Muhammadur Rasulullah'
(Muhammad is a Prophet of Allah).
There are other important subjects in these verses. One
of them relates to the glow on the face of a blessed person.
It has been explained that a person who keeps a vigil at
night for prayers develops such a glow on his face. Imaam 48. 0 ye who believe! Let not your wealth nor your
Raazi (Rahmatullah alaih) considers it an established fact children distract you from remembrance of Allah. Those
that if two persorls keep awake at night, one spending it in who d o so, they are the losers. (These things will not last
sensual and idle pleasures and the other uses his time in beyond the grave and Allah's remembrance will prove
reciting the Qur'an, learning religious knowledge and offer- useful in the Hereafter.
ing pravers, thev will get up with different facial express-
ions the next morning. The latter described above will be
because of his spiritual glow, will show himself quite a dif-
ferent person.
24 Virtues of Zikr Ch. I: Quranic Verses relating Zikr 25
Hadhrat Mu'aaz (Radhiyallaho anho) died of the "Hath he knowledge of the Unseen, or hath he made a
plague and, in the moments of death's agony, he fainted pact with the Beneficent. No, never."
many times. Whenever he regained consciousness for a The second point in this hadith is "Whenever a slave
moment, he would say, "Oh Allah! Thou knowest that I of mine remembers Me, I am with him." In another hadith,
love Thee. By Thy Honour and Glory, Thou knowest this it is stated, "So long as one's lips move in My remem-
very well." Just before breathing his last, he said, "0 Death, brance I remain with him" i.e. Almighty Allah bestows His
you are a welcome guest but have come at a time when special care and mercy on him during all this time.
there is nothing in the .house to eat." Then he said, " 0 The third point is that Almighty Allah mentions him
Allah! Thou knowest very well that I always feared Thee, with a favour to the angels, which signifies the value of
and today I die hopeful of Thy forgiveness. 0 Allah! I en- zikr. Firstly, this is because Allah created man such that in-
joyed life, not in digging canals and planting gardens, but herently he is liable to be good as well as to go astray, as
in remaining thirsty in the hot weather, in undergoing given below in Hadith No. 8. Submission on his part there-
hardships for the sake of Islaam, and in taking part in the fore deserves special appreciation. Secondly, at the time of
gatherings engaged in zikr under the supervision of the Aadam's creation, the Angels (who have no instinct for
lama." doing evil) could not understand the creation of man and
Some Ulama have written that the fulfilment of expec- had contended that he would cause blood-shed and trouble +
tations promised by Almighty Allah in the aforesaid hadith
is in its most general sense. It carries assurance not only in
respect of forgiveness but also in respect of prayers, health,
in the world, while they are always there to praise and
glorify Almighty Allah. Thirdly, man's worship of Allah
and submission to His will is more commendable than that
wealth and safety. For instance when a person prays to of the Angels, because he does so on account of his faith in
Allah and sincerely believes that Allah shall accept his the unseen which, however, is actually seen by the angels.
prayer, then his prayer is actually accepted, but if he has It is to this fact that Allah refers in the Holy Book: "How
doubt (that his prayer would not be accepted), it is not ac- would man not have worshipped if he had actually seen
cepted. Thus, in another hadith it is stated that the prayer the Paradise and the Hell." It is for this reason that
of a person is granted so long as he does not say that his Almighty Allah praises the noble deeds of those who
prayer is not granted. The same is true in the case of all worship and glorify Him without seeing Him.
blessings relating to health, prosperity, etc. According to The fourth point contained in the above-mentioned
one hadith, if a destitute perssn discloses his hunger to hadith is that if a man increases his devotion to Almighty
everybody, he is not relieved of his poverty, but if ,he Allah, the increase in His mercy and kindness upon him is
shows submission to Gracious Allah, his condition may proportionately far greater. "Getting near" and "running"
soon change for the better. However, hoping for the better signify immediate increase in His blessings and mercy.
from Almighty Allah is one thing, and being over-confident Thus, it is upto a person that, if he wants to enjoy more
of His help and forgiveness is another thing. Almighty kindness and favours from Almighty Allah, he should in-
Allah has warned us against such an attitude in several crease his devotion to Him.
verses of the Holy Qur'an e.g. The fifth point in the above mentioned hadith is that
ij$\ .A4.$3 yj the Angels have been stated to be superior to man, while it
is commonly known that man is the best creation of Allah.
"Let not the deceiver (the Satan) beguile you in regard One reason for this,has already been explained in the trans-
to Allah" i.e. one should not be misled by the devil to lation (of the hadith), that the angels are superior because
commit sins just because Allah is the most Merciful they are innocent and are unable to commit sins. Secondly,
and the Forgiver". they are superior because they are better than the majority
of men, including even the majority of believers; arid yet
There is another verse, some selected Believers like the Prophets (Alaihimus
*,*+J,*I;J+~\$ salaam) are superior to the angels. There are other reasons
30 Virtues of Zikr Ch. I: Ahaadith on Zikr 31
as well, which are however left out in order to prevent the By saying that "the commandments of Sharee-at are
discourse from getting too long. many", the Sahabi had meant that although observance of
every commandment is imperative, to specialize and attain
Hadith No.2 perfection in each and every one is difficult; and so he
wanted that Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), may
recommend him something of over-riding importance
which he might hold fast to, and practise at all times and in
all conditions of sitting, standing or walking.
According to another hadith, a person who pos-
sesses the following four things is truly blessed, from
the worldly as well as spiritual point of view:-
(i) A tongue ever absorbed in the zikr of Almighty
(ii) A heart filled with gratitude of Allah.
(iii) A body capable of undergoing hardships.
(iv) A wife who does not betray her husband's trust in
respect of her chastity and his wealth.
The phrase "moist tongue" according to some Ulama
means excessive utterance (of zikr) and, idiomatically, it is
used to convey excessive glorification and praise. But in
my (the author's) humble opinian it can have another
meaning as well. It is always very sweet and pleasant to
A Sahabi once said, "0, Rasulullah, (Sallallaho alaihe talk of one's beloved, as is the common feeling and experi-
wasallam), I know that the commandments of Sharee- ence of every lover. On this basis, the phrase "moist
at am many, but of these tell me the one that I may tongue" would, therefore mean that one should glorify
practise assiduously throughout my life." The Prophet, with love the name of Almighty Allah, so as to feel love's
(Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), replied, "Keep ydUr sweetness in the mouth. I have observed many times that
tongue always moist (i.e. busy) with the zikr of Allah." when some of my religious elders do zikr aloud, the flavour
According to another hadith, Harat Mu'aaz (Radhiyal- of the sweetness enjoyed by them is so transmitted to the
laho anho) has said, "Once at the time of my departure listeners that their mouths also feel the sweetness and they
from Rasulullah [Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), I asked share the ecstasy likewise. But this phenomenon is poss-
him to advise me of that action which is most pleasing ible only where there is a genuine yearning for zikr, and
to Almighty Allah: whereupon he replied, "At the time I the tongue is accustomed to excessive zikr. It is stated in
of your death, your tongue should be busy with zikr of one hadith that the proof of one's love for Almighty Allah
Almighty Allah." lies in one's love for the zikr of Allah, and in the same way
lack of zikr betrays lack of attachment with Almighty
Note: By "my departure", Hadhrat Mu'aaz (Radhiyal- Allah.
laho anho) refers to the occasion when he was appointed Hadhrat Abu Darda (Radhiyallaho anho) said that
by the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) as the those who keep their tongues wet with the zikr of Allah,
Governor of Yemen and sent there for teaching and propa- will snter paradise smiling.
gating Islaam. It was at the time of that farewell that Rasu-
lullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) had given him some
parting instructions.
32 Virtues of Zikr Ch. I: Ahaadith on Zikr 33
Hadith No. 3 because the value of every act of worship depends upon
ikhlaas (sincerity of the intention), which in turn depends
on the purity of heart. Therefore, according to some Sufis,
the zikr in this hadith implies the zikr of the heart as
against the zikr by the tongue. By the zikr of the heart, they
mean that the heart remains always conscious of, and in
communication with Almighty Allah. This state of the
heart is doubtless superior to all kinds of worship, because
when this state is attained, then omission of any kind of
worship is just not possible. All parts of the human body,
internal and external, are controlled by the heart and
submit completely to the Being to Whom the heart is at-
tached. The conduct of true lovers bears ample testimony
to this fact.
There are many more ahaadith that describe the
superiority of zikr over all other actions. Somebody en-
quired of Hazrat Salmaan (Radhiyallaho anho) as to what
action of man is most virtuous. He replied, "Have you not
read in the Holy Qur'an,
Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) once said to
his companions, "Shall I tell you of something that is
the best of all deeds, constitutes the best act of piety in
the eyes of your Lord, will elevate your status in the (certainly the zikr of Allah is most exalted)?"
Hereafter, and carries more virtue than the spending of Hadhrat Salmaan (Radhiyallaho anho) had referred
gold and silver in the service of Allah or taking part in here to the first ayat of Part 21 of the Holy Qur'an. The
jihaad arid slayin or being slain in the path of Allah." author of "Majaalisul Abraar", while commenting on this
The Com anions egged to be informed of such an act.
The Prop et (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) replied, "It is
the zikr of Almighty Allah."
Hadith, has written that zikr of Allah is described to be su-
perior to sadaqah, jihaad, and all forms of worship, because
it is an end in itself, and ail types of worship constitute
Note: This hadith is a generalized statement; other- only a means to achieve this end. zikr is of two kinds: one
wise, at times of specific need and emergency sadaqah is done by word of mouth and the other is in the form of
(charity) and jihaad (fighting in the path of Allah), etc., deep meditation and contemplation. It is the latter form of
become more desirable, as stated in some other ahaadith. zikr that is implied in the hadith which states that medita-
These acts become more important during the hour of tion for one moment is better than doing worship for se-
need, but the zikr is for all times and therefore generally venty years. Hadhrat Suhail (Radhiyallaho anho) reported
more important and virtuous. that Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) has said, "The
According to another hadith, Rasulullah (Sallallaho reward of the zikr of Allah is seven hundred thousand
alaihe wasallam) is reported to have said, "for everything times more than that for spending wealth in the path of
there is a purifier or cleanser. (For instance, soap is used Allah."
for cleaning the body and the clothes, while a furnace is Thus, in conclusion, it is evident that jihaad and sada-
used for purifying iron). The zikr of Almighty Allah qah, etc., assume more importance and become more virtu-
cleanses and purifies the heart, and provides the best pro- ous due to the need of the hour. The ahaadith which
tection against retribution in the Hereafter." This hadith describe their superiority are therefore understandable. For
describes zikr as the purifier of the heart, and as such it instance, it is stated in one hadith that standing up for a
also established superiority of zikr over all other actions, short while in the path of Allah is more valuable than offer-
34 Virtues of Zikr Ch. I: Ahaadith on Zikr 35
ing salaat at home for seventy years. Although salaat is person remembers Allah in times of peace, pleasure and
unanimously admitted to be the best form of worship, yet prosperity, then whenever he is in trouble and difficulty,
taking part in jihaad at the time of an invasion by the infi- the angels, being familiar with his voice, recognise him in
dels carries far greater reward. his helplessness and intercede before Almighty Allah (for
his forgiveness); but, if one who does not remember Allah
Hadith No. 4 in his time of pleasure and happens to pray for help at the
time of difficulty, the angels find his voice to be quite un-
familiar and therefore do not intercede for him."
Hadhrat Ibn Abbas, (Radhiyallaho anho) said, "Para-
dise has eight gates, one of which is exclusively reserved
for those who are engaged in zikr." It is said in one hadith,
"A person who constantly does zikr of Allah is immune
from hypocrisy in faith", and according to another hadith,
"He is loved by Almighty Allah."
Once during his return journey to Madina Rasulullah
(Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said, "Where are those who 2
have gone ahead." The Companions said, "The fast travel- g&
lers have gone ahead": then Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe
wasallam) said, "Those who remain ahead are the persons 8
Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), said, "There who remain constantly absorbed in zikr. Whoever desires
are many a people who do zikr of .Almighty Allah, to enjoy himself in Paradise, should do zikr of Allah ex-
while lying comfortably in their soft beds, and for this, cessively."
they will be rewarded with the highest positions in
Paradise by Almighty Lord." Hadith No 5
Note: ~ b n e r a l the
~ ~ ,greater the sufferings and hard-
ships one undergoes in the cause of religion, the higher
will be his status in the Hereafter. But the zikr of Allah is
such a blessed act that, even if it is done in soft beds in this
world, it will bring high rewards and elevated positions in
the Hereafter. Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) had Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said, "The
said, "If you keep yourselves busy in zikr all the time, the contrast between a person who glorifies Almighty
angels will shake hands with you in your beds as well as Allah and one who does not remember Him is like that
on your way." , between the living and the dead."
Once Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said,
"The mufarrideen have gone far ahead." "Who are the mu- Note:
farrideen?" enquired the Sahabah. Rasulullah (Sallallaho Life is dear to all, and every one fears death. The
alaihe wasallam) replied, "Those who are intensely de- Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) meant to say that one
voted to the zikr of Allah." On the basis of this hadith, the who does not remember Allah, though bodily alive, is
Sufis have stated that the kings and rulers should not be spiritually dead and his life is but worthless. A Persian
prevented from zikr of Allah, for they, by this means, can couplet quoted here by the author means,
attain a lofty rank in the Hereafter. "(The lover says) My life (of loneliness) is no life; his is the
Hadhrat Abu Darda (Radhiyallaho anho) says, "Glorify life who lives in contact with the beloved."
Almighty Allah during the time of prosperity and happi- Some scholars have stated that the example refers to the
ness, and it will help you in times of distress and trouble " condition of the heart: the heart that remembers Allah is
- 1-ladhrat Salmaan Faarsi (Radhiyallaho anho) said, "If a really alive, while the one that does not, is described as
36 Virtues of Zikr Ch. I: Ahaadith on Zikr 37
dead. Some scholars say that the contrast is in respect of According to one hadith, Almighty Allah also gives sa-
gain and loss. A man who harasses a zaakir is like one har- daqah every day, i.e. He showers His favours on the eople,
assing a living being, and he will be avenged for this har-
assment and will suffer for it. One who ill-treats the
and everybody gets what he deserves, but the luc iest is
the person who is favoured with the ability to do His zikr.
neglectful, ill-treats a dead body, which cannot avenge People who are engaged in different occupations, such as
itself. Some Sufis say that the hadith refers to the eternal trade, farming and service, should spare some time for zikr
life of the zaakireen, because those who glorify Allah con- every day and thereby earn great rewards. It should not be
stantly with sincerity never really die, but instead remain difficult to devote an hour or two out of 24 hours, exclus-
spiritually alive even after passing away from this world. ively for this noble purpose.
The zaakireen also enjoy a special life after death, like the A lot of our time is wasted in frivolous pursuits, and
martyrs, mentioned in a verse of the Holy Qur'an: some of this can be easily spared for this most useful work.
In another hadith, the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasal-
lam) is reported to have said, "The wisest of all people are
those who keep track of time, with the help of the sun, the
moon, the stars, and the shadows, for doing zikr regularly."
Nay, they are alive in the eyes of their Sustainer. Nowadays we can determine time with the help of *
Hakiem Tirmizi writes, "Zikr moistens the heart and
watches, yet one should be able to judge time with the help 92
of these natural agents, so that no time gets wasted in case
softens it. A heart that is devoid of zikr becomes dry and the watch stops or goes out of order. In another hadith, it is 5
hard, due to the excessive heat of lust and base desires. All stated that the place where zikr is done, takes pride over
parts of the body likewise become stiff and abstain from other parts of the earth.
submission to Allah; if you try to bend them, they break
like a dry piece of wood, which can be used as firewood
only. Hadith No. 7
Hadith No. 6
Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) is reported to The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said,
have said, "If a person has a lot of wealth and distrib- "Those who are admitted into Paradise will not regret
utes it amongst the needy, while another person is over anything of this world, except the time spent
only busy with the zikr of Allah, the latter, who is en- without zikr in their life."
gaged in zikr, is the better of the two."
Note: After their entry into Paradise, when they will see the
Spending in the path of Allah is a splendid virtue, but huge reward (as large as mountains) for remembering Allah
zikr of Allah is more virtuous. How lucky are those well-to- once, they will feel extremely sorry over their loss caused
do persons who, in addition to spending for the pleasure of by the time spent without zikr, as can be well imagined. In
Allah, remain also devoted to His zikr. this world, there are such blessed persons who would not
38 Virtues of Zikr Ch. I: Ahaadith on Zikr 39
relish this life it is were spent without the zikr of Allah. Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (Radhiyallaho anho) and Hadh-
Hafiz Ibn Hajar (Rahmatullah aiaih) writes in his book rat Abu Sa'eed (Radhiyallaho anho) both bore testi-
"Munabbihaat" that Yahya bin Mu'aaz Raazi (Rahmatullah mony to having heard from Rasulullah (Sallallaho
alaih) used to say in his supplication: alaihe wasallam), that the gathering engaged in zikr of
Almighty Allah is surrounded by the angels on all
sides, the grace of Allah and sakeenah (peace and tran-
quility) descend upon them, and Almighty Allah
speaks about them, by way of appreciation, to His
Hadhrat Abu Zar (Radhiyallaho anho) related that Ra-
0 Allah! the nigl.. is no good unless spent in com- sulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) had said to him, "I
munion with You, the day is no good unless spent in advise you to fear Allah, as this is the root of all virtues;
worshipping You, this life is no good without Your zikr, remain engaged in the recitation of Holy Qur'an and in zikr
the next life will be no good without forgiveness from You, of Almighty Allah, which will earn you an appreciation in
and Paradise will not be enjoyable without beholding You. the Heavens and serve you as a light in this world; keep
Hadhrat Sirri (Rahmatullah alaih) says, "I saw Jurjani silent for most of the time, so that you speak nothing but
swallowing roasted barley flour. He told me that he had good, as this will keep the Devil away from you and make %+
compared the time taken in chewing bread and in eating EN
it easy for you to perform your religious duties, abstain also $
barley flour: eating bread took so much longer that he from too much laughing, for laughing weakens the heart
could say h i seventy times in that time. There- and deprives the face of its spiritual glow (luminosity),
fore, he had not taken bread for forty years, and had lived always take part in jihaad as this is the sign of piety for my
by swallowing barley flour alone." ummah; like the poor and keep their company; compare
It is said about Mansoor bin Mu'tamar that he never your lot with persons lower than you, and never look upto
spoke to anybody after Ishaa prayers for forty years. Simi- those higher than you, otherwise you will forget the boun-
larly, it is said about Rabee' bin Hatheem that it was his ties of Almightv Allah and become ungrateful to Him; try
practice for twenty years that he noted down what he to retain ties with your relatives though they may try to
talked during the day, and would check at night whether break them; do not hesitate to speak out the truth, though it
that talking was necessary or not. Those pious scholars may be bitter for others: always obey Almighty Allah in
were particular that every moment of their life was spent in spite of adverse criticism, find fault with your own self,
zikr and in nothing else. and never with others; do not criticise others for the short-
comings that you suffer from. O! Abu Zar (Radhiyallaho
anho) there is no wisdom better than farsightedness, absti-
nence from the unlawful is the best act of piety, and good
Hadith No 8
I manners constitute true nobility."
The word 'sakeenah' according to various scholars
means tranquility and peace, as well as Allah's special
mercy, as explained in detail in my book Fazaa'il-i-Qur'an.
I:or instance, Imam Nawawi (Rahmatullah alaih) states that
sakeenah is a special favour consisting of tranquility,
mercy, etc. and is brought down from the Heavens by the
This appreciation, in the presence of the angels, by
Almighty Allah for those engaged in zikr is for two reasons.
40 Ch. I: Ahaadith on Zikr I Ch. I: Ahaadith on Zikr 41
Firstly, it is because the angels (as mentioned under the any one of them hears zikr being recited he calls all his
first hadith) had submitted, at the time of the creation of companions to come to that place, and partake of what they
Hadhrat Aadam (Alayhis salaam), that man would commit wanted. They throng to the place and they fill it up to the
mischief in the world. Secondly, it is because the Angels sky, as mentioned in Chapter I1 under item 14.
are ever engaged in prayers, submission, and obedience to
Almighty Allah, and are devoid of the very instinct for sin, Hadith No.9
whereas man has the instinct of obedience as well as of sin
and (in addition) he is surrounded by things that lead him
to negligence and disobedience, and has desires and lust
ingrained in him. Therefore, prayers, submission and absti-
nence from sin, despite all his handicaps, are more praise-
worthy and creditable on his part.
In one hadith, it is stated that, when Allah created
Paradise, he told the angel Jibra-eel (Alayhis salaam) to go
and visit it. On his return from Paradise, he reported, "0
Lord! by Your Greatness, whoever comes to know of it, will
do his best to enter it", that is to say, its pleasures, com-
forts, enjoyments and blessings are so intense that there Once Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) went to a
will be no body who, after knowing and believing these, group of Sahaba, (Radhiyallaho anhum) and said to
will not strive his utmost for admission into it. Almighty them, "What for are you sitting here?" They replied,
Allah then surrounded Paradise with hardships and made "We are engaged in the zikr of Almighty Allah, and are
it compulsory to offer prayers, observe fasting, take part in glorifying Him for His extreme kindness to us in that
jihaad, go for Haj, etc., for admission into it. Almighty He has blessed us with the wealth of Islaam." Rasulul-
Allah then sent Jibra-eel (Alayhis salaam) to visit it again. I
lah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said, "By Allah, Are
He saw these and then said, " 0 Allah! I fear that hardly you here only for this reason?" "By Allah!", replied
anybody will be able to enter it." Similarly, after creating the Sahaba, (Radhiyallaho anhum), "We are sitting
Hell, Almighty Allah ordered Jibra-eel (Alayhis salaam) to here only for this reason." Rasulullah (Sallallaho
visit it. After witnessing the punishments, horrors, afflic- alaihe wasallam) then said, "I asked you to swear not
tions and tortures of Hell, he submitted, "I swear by Thy out of any misunderstanding, but because jibra-eel
Grandeur that one who comes to know of the conditions in (Alayhis salaam) came to me and informed me just
Hell will never dare go near it." Then Allah surrounded now that Almighty Allah was speaking high about you
Hell with acts of indulgence, such as adultery, drinking i 'before angels."
wine, cruelty, disregard of the Divine commandments, etc.,
and then asked Jibra-eel (Alayhis salaam) to visit it again.
He saw it and submitted. "My Lord! I fear that hardly any-
1 Note: Enquiry on oath by the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wa-
sallam) was simply to ascertain whether there was any
other special thing, besides zikr, which might be the cause
body will be able to escape it." It is for this reason that,
when a person obeys Almighty Allah and abstains from of Allah's pride. It became definite that it was only because
sins, he becomes praiseworthy with respect to his environ- of the zikr of Almighty Allah that He was proud of them.
ments, and therefore Almighty Allah expresses His pleas- 1 How lucky were those people whose worship was ac-
ure about him. The angels mentioned in this hadith and in cepted, and the news of Allah's recognition of the zikr on
so many other similar ahaadith belong to a special group their part was revealed to them in this very earthly life
who are dutv-bound to visit the places and attend the meet- through Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). Certainly,
ings where people are engaged in zikr. This is supported by their sublime deeds deserved all this appreciation. Their
another hadith wherein it is stated that there is a class of heroic deeds are briefly described in my book named
angels who are scattered all over, and when and wherever Hikaayaat-e- Sahabah, (i.e. The Stories of Sahabah). Mulla
42 Virtues of Zikr 34 Ch. I: Ahaadith on Zikr 43
Ali Qari (Rahmatullah alaih) interprets the pride on the ering condoned by reciting the following prayer at the
part of Almighty Allah to mean that He wants the angels to conclusion of the meeting:
realize, "Despite the fact these humans are full of tempta-
tions, the Devil is after them, desires are inside them, the
worldly needs chase them, and yet they are engaged in
glorifying Almighty Allah, and so many deterrents cannot
prevent them from doing zikr: and therefore your zikr and
glorification, in the absence of any such handicaps is com-
paratively insignificant." "Glory be to Allah with all kinds of praises. Glory be to
Thee, 0 Allah! with all Thy Praise; I stand witness that
there is no one to be worshipped except Thee. I seek Thy
Hadith No 10 forgiveness and turn (for mercy) to Thee."
It is narrated in another hadith that any gathering
devoid of Allah's zikr and salawaat will be a source of
dismay and loss. Then, out of His sheer mercy, Allah may 0
grant forgiveness, or He may demand an explanation and 33
penalize. It is stated in another hadith. "Do proper justice ea
to a gathering by remembering Allah profusely, show the
way to wayfarers (if need be), and close your eyes or cast
them down when you come across a forbidden thing.
Hadhrat Ali (Karamallaaho Wajhahoo) said, "Whoso-
ever desires that his reward be weighed on the Day of
Judgement in a large scale (i.e. his reward should be very
big, as only weighty things, and not the small things, are
weighed in big scales), should recite the following prayer at
the end of a meeting:
As for such. Allah will change their evil deeds to good Almighty Allah shifts the direction of the conduct
deeds: and Allah is ever forgiving and most merciful. of such people from vices to virtues.
The following are some comments made by the com- 4. Almighty Allah guides him to repent for his sins.
mentators on this verse:- He recollects his old sins, repents over them and
1. All sins would be forgiven and only virtues would prays for forgiveness. Thus, for every sin pre-
remain (in the account); that no sin is left behind viously committed, he gets the credit of one repen-
(in the account) is itself a big change. tance, which constitues a devotion and a virtue.
2. Almighty Allah will enable them to do good deeds 5. If Allah is pleased with the good deeds of some-
when otherwise they would have committed bad body, and through His sheer benevolence grants
deeds, just as it is sometimes said, "the heat was him virtues equal to his sins, there is nobody to
replaced by the cold." question His authority. He is the Lord, He is the
King, He is All powerful, His mercy is boundless.
3. Their habits become related to virtues instead of Who can close the door of His forgiveness? Who
vices, so much so that doing good deeds becomes can stop His bounty? He gives everything from His
their habit. Habits once formed become second own treasures. He will exhibit His powers and un-
nature, which does not change. The Persian pro- %
limited forgiveness on the Day of Judgement. Vari- 8.2
verb meaning that "The mountain can move, but ous scenes of reckoning on the Day of Judgement gz
not the habit" refers to this fact. This proverb is are described in ahaadith, as briefly given in the $
also derived from another hadith, "You may be- book, Bahjatun Nufoos. It is mentioned that reck-
lieve if you hear that a mountain has moved from oning will be conducted in different ways. "Some
its place, but do not believe if you are told that the people will be examined in camera under the
habits of somebody have changed." This hadith cover of (secret) Mercy: their sins will be re-
implies that the change of a habit is more unli.kely counted to them, they will be reminded of the oc-
than a mountain changing its place. The question casion when each sin was committed by them and
then arises what is meant when it is said that the there will be no alternative for them but to confess
Sufis and religious teachers reform the behaviour all their sins. Due to the abundance of his sins. he
of their disciples. The answer is that habits do not will think that he is doomed. but the Lord will
change, but the relationship of habits changes. For say, "I covered your sins during the worldly life
instance, if a man's temperament is such that he! is and again I cover them now, and forgive them all."
prone to anger, it is difficult for him to get rid of When such a person, along with others like him,
his hot temperament through the training and will return from the place of reckoning, the people
excercises under the supervisio~lof the Shaikhs, will see him and exclaim, "What a blessed person,
but they would reform him in such a way that, he never committed any sin," because they will
whereas formerly his anger led him to show un- have no knowledge of his sins. Similarly, in an-
justified cruelty and haughtiness, it will now be I
other mode of reckoning, the people will have
directed against transgression of Allah's com- \ minor as well as major sins to their account. Then,
mandments. Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) at Almighty Allah will order that their minor sins
one time had left no stone unturned in molesting may be converted into virtues, at which they (in
the Muslims, but after embracing Islaam and re- order to get more virtues) will exclaim that many
maining in the company of Rasulullah (Sallallaho of their sins are not mentioned in their account. In
alaihe wasallam) he became correspondingly hard I
the same way, the modes of reckoning "are also
on the unbelievers and transgressors. So is the mentioned in ahaadith. An anecdote is mentioned
case with other aspects of one's conduct. This in one hadith, wherein Rasulullah (Sallallaho
clarification leads us to the conclusion that i alaihe wasallam) is reported to have said. "I recog-
46 Virtues of Zikr Ch. I: Ahaadith on Zikr 47
nise the person who will be transferred from the from that act. Everybody wondered how he dared to do
Hell to the Paradise last of all. He will be sum- this, for nobody had the courage to face the cruelty of
moned, and the angels will be directed that his the king. When the king was informed about it, he was
major sins should not be mentioned and that only surprised to learn how an ordinary person had the
his minor sins should be read out, and he should courage to do all that and also wondered why he left
be asked to give explanation for them. This trial one cask intact. The man was called for, and interro-
will start, and his sins will be recounted to him gated. He replied, "My conscience had urged me to do
with time and place. How can he deny them? He this; you may punish me as you like." He was then
will confess them all. Almighty Allah will then asked why one cask was left unbroken? He replied, "At
order that for every sin he may be given one first I broke the casks of wine out of my religous senti-
virtue. At this, the man will speak out at once, ments, but when only one was left, my heart felt elated
"There are still many sins that have not been men- at having done something forbidden by religion. I then
tioned so far." While narrating this part of the felt that breaking this last cask would be for the satis-
story, even Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasal-
lam) smiled. Firstly, to be the last one to come out
of the Hell, as mentioned in this narrative, does
not mean a light punishment; secondly, it is not
faction of my ego. I, therefore, did not break it." Find-
ing him selfless in what he did, the king ordered his
It is narrated in Ihyaa-ul Uloom that there was a
known as to who will be that lucky one whose pious man among the Israelites, who always remained g3
sins will be converted into virtues. Hoping for the busy in the worship of Allah. A group of people came 5
best from Almighty Allah and constantly begging to him and told him that a tribe living nearby
for His mercy constitute the best form of submis- worshipped a tree. The news upset him, and with an
sion. But one should never be over-complacent in
this matter. However, the above-mentioned hadith
shows that taking part in meetings of zikr with
axe on his shou der he went to cut down that tree. On
the way, Satan et him in the form of an old man and
asked him where he was going. He said he was going
ikhlaas leads to replacement of sins by virtues. But to cut a particular tree. Satan said, "You are not con-
this ikhlaas is possible only through the grace of cerned with this tree, you better mind your worship
Almighty Allah. and do not give it up for the sake of something that
The main point contained in this hadith is that of does not concern you." "This is also worship", re-
ikhlaas (i.e. doing a thing only for the pleasure 'of torted the worshipper. Then Satan tried to prevent him
Allah). That ikhlaas is the pre-requisite for all good from cutting the tree, and there followed a bout be-
deeds will be found in several other ahaadith in this tween the two, in which the worshipper overpowered
book. In fact, the acceptance by Almighty Allah de- the Satan. Finding himself completely helpless, Satan
pends only on ikhlaas: every deed will be evaluated begged to be excused, and when the worshipper re-
according to the degree of ikhlaas involved therein. leased him, he again said, "Allah has not made the cut-
According to the Sufis, ikhlaas on one's part requires ting of this tree obtigatory on you. You do not lose
i anything if you do not cut it. If its cutting were necess-
that one's words, thoughts and deeds should be com-
patible. It will be found in one hadith that ikhlaas is ary. Allah could have got it done through one of his
that which prevents one from committing sin. many Apostles." The worshipper insisted on cutting
the tree. There was again a bout between the two and
A story of a despotic king who was notorious for I again the worshipper overpowered the Satan. "Well,
his tyranny and cruelty is related in the book "Bahja- listen" said the Satan, "I propose a settlement that will
tun Nufoos." Once. a large consignment of wine was be to your advantage." The worshipper agreed, and the
being brought for him in a ship. A pious man who hap- 1 Satan said, "You are a poor man, a mere burden on
pened to travel by that ship broke all the bottles or I this earth. If you desist from this act, I will pay you
casks of wine except one, but nobody could stop him 1 three gold coins everyday. You will daily find them
48 Virtues of Zikr Ch. I: Ahaadith on Zikr 49
lying under your pillow. By this money you can fulfil Note:
your own needs, can oblige your relatives, help the How serious is the punishment in the rave can be
needy, and do soamanyother virtuous things. Cutting
the tree will be only one virtue, which will ultimately
realized only by those who have the knowle ge of hadith
on this subject. Whenever Hadhrat Uthman (Radhiyallaho
be of no use because the pebple will grow another anho) visited a grave, he would weep so much that his
tree." This proposal appealed to the worshipper, and beard would become wet with tears. Some one asked him,
he accepted it. He found the money on two successive "How is it that mention of Paradise and Hell does not make
days, but on the third day there was nothing. He got you weep so much as you do when you come across a
enraged. picked up his axe and went to cut the tree. grave?" He replied, "The grave is the first of the many
The old man again met him on the way and asked him stages of the Hereafter. For him who is successful or safe
where he was going. "To cut the tree", shouted the during this stage, the later stages will also be easy; while
worshipper. "I will not let you do it", said the Satan. for a person who is not exempted in this stage, the later
An encounter ensured between the two, and this time stages will be even more difficult." Then he quoted Rasu-
the Satan had the upper-hand and overpowered the lullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) as having said, "I have
worshipper. The latter was surprised at his own defeat, not come across any sight more terrifying than that of the
and asked the former the cause of his success. The 2
grave." Hadhrat Aa'ishah (Radhiyallaho anha) said, that (BA
Satan replied, "At first, your anger was purely for earn- Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) used to pray after
ing the pleasure of Allah, and therefore Almighty ~ E J
every Salaat for protection against the chastisement in the 5
Allah helped you to overpower me, but now it has grave. Hadhrat Zaid (Radhiyallaho anho) reported Rasulul-
been partly for the sake of the gold coins and therefore lah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) to have said, "But for fear
you lost." Truly speaking. a deed performed purely for that you might give up burying your dead, I would have
the pleasure of Allah alone carries great force. prayed to Almighty Allah to let you hear the torture of the
grave. With the exception of men and jinns, all other crea-
Hadith No.11 tures hear the punishment in the grave."
According to a hadith, once when Rasulullah (Sallal-
laho alaihe wasallam) was going on a journey, his she-
camel took fright. Someone asked him what had happened
to her. Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) replied that
somebody was being punished in the grave, and the cries of
the punished had frightened the she-camel.
Once Rasulullah (Sallallaho a l a i k wasallam) entered
the mosque and saw that some people were laughing very
loudly. He said to them, "If you had remembered death
quite often, you would not have laughed like this. Not a
day passes when the grave does not proclaim, "I am the
house of wilderness, the house of loneliness. and the abode
of worms and insects." When a true believer is buried in a
grave, it welcomes him, saying, "You are welcome here,
you have done well to have come here. Of all the people
walking upon the earth, you were the dearest to me. Now
Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said, "No that you have been made over to me, you will see my excel-
other action of a person can surpass zikr of Almighty lent behaviour." Then the grave expands to the farthest
Allah in saving him from the punishment in the point of sight, and a door of paradise opens into it.
grave." Through this door comes the scented air of paradise. But
50 Virtues of Zikr Ch. I: Ahaadith on Zikr 51
> .,
clawing at him till the Day of Resurrection. If one of those
y A;$\
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serpents or dragons were to blow on the earth, it will be
rendered incapable of growing any grass till the Day of &\ 3. 1
s -A\ 3 +ul;
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JG A\ 3 i > ~ ; , - A\ 2 i;&\
Judgement. Then Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)
continued. "The -grave is either a -garden out of Paradise or i)Stf.J.\j I
4 u& J ~lljl\
p j (ij J F,:
a pit out of Hell." (r
----.- to another hadith. Rasulullah lsallallaho Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) had said,
alaihe wasallgm) happened to pass by two grave'~.He said,
"The two persons buried in these graves are being pun-
"Almighty Allah will, on the Day of Resurrection, res-
urrect certain groups of people in such a state that e3
ished, one for back-biting and the other for polluting his their faces will be radiant with light, they will be sit-
bodv with his urine." It is a pity that many of our so-called ting on pulpits of pearls and others will envy their lot.
civilized people regard isti4aa (washingthe private parts They will neither be from among the Prophets nor
after urination) as an undignified act, and even redicule it. from among the martyrs." Somebody asked the
Some Ulama regard such pollution by urine as a major sin. Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) to let him have
Ibn Hajar Makki (Rahmatullah alaih) has stated that, more details about these people, so that he may be able
according to an authentic hadith, the punishment in the to recognize them. Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasal-
grave is generally due to neglect of cleanliness from urine. lam) replied, "They will be the people who belong to
It is narrated in one hadith that interrogation in the different families and different places, but assemble at
grave will first be about (pollution with) urine. In short, the one place for the love of Almighty Allah and are en-
punishment of the grave is a very serious affair. Just as gaged in His zikr."
some types of sins lead to this affliction, in the same way It is said in another hadith, "In paradise there will be
certain virtuous acts provide special safeguard against it. It pillars of emerald supporting balconied houses made of
is stated in several ahaadith that the recitation of surah rubies and with open doors on all the four sides. These will
Tabarakal lazi ,every night guarantees security from the shine like brilliant stars, and will be occupied by those
tortures in the grave, as well as from that in the Hell. The people who love each other for the sake of Allah, and who
effectiveness of zikr in this respect is evident from the assemble at a place and meet each other only for His pleas-
above-mentioned hadith. ure.
Nowadays, the religious devotees are criticizd and
Hadith No. 12 ridiculed by everybody. The people may reproach them
today as much as they like, but the reality will dawn on
them in the Hereafter, when they will realize how these
humble persons have been able to earn high fortunes and
occupy such grand pulpits and such flats, whereas those
who criticized and ridiculed them had earned nothing but
misery and despair:
52 Virtues of Zikr Ch. I: Ahaadith on Zikr 53
generate that no amount of treatment can restore their Ibn Katheer (Rahmatullah alaih) has narrated, on the
strength to compare with that of the Sahabah. Nevertheless, authority of Hadhrat Abdullah bin Abbas (Radhiyallaho
whatever improvement is effected is worthwhile at this anho) "Nothing has been made obligatory by Almighty
time when the disease has taken the form of an epidemic. Allah without fixing maximum limit for it and excusing
shortcomings in respect of it, except His zikr, for which no
It is related about a holy man that he prayed to limit has been fixed and no person, as long as he is sane is
Almighty Allah that he may be shown how Satan prevails exempted from it." Almighty Allah has ordered in the Holy
upon the heart. He found that the Satan sits like a mosquito Quran:
over the left side of the heart under the back of the shoul-
der and then advances his needle-like snout towards the
heart. If he finds the heart buzy in zikr he withdraws at
once, but if the heart is idle he injects the poison of evil "Practise zikr of Allah excessively." A person should
and sinful thoughts into it. It is stated in one hadith that do zikr under all circumstances, whether by day or
Satan keeps on sitting with the top of his nose over the night; whether in the jungle or at sea; whether travel-
heart, and if the heart is buzy in zikr he withdraws in dis- ling or halting; whether i n . affluence or poverty; ,
grace, but if it is idle he makes a morsel of it. whether in sickness or health; whether loudly or
quietly. jg &
Hadith No 15 In his book 'Munabbihaat', Hafiz Ibn Hajar (Rahmatul- 5
lah alaih) writes that Hadhrat Uthman (Radhiyallaho anho),
while explaining the Quranic verse
just ruler (2) A young man who worships Allah in his hadith, because the presence or absence of others makes no
youth (3) A person whose heart yearns for the musjid difference to him. His heart is free from the thoughts, not
(4) Those two persons who love, meet and depart only
only of his companions, but also of everything other than
for the pleasure of Allah. (5) A man who is tempted by Almighty Allah. The presence of others cannot distract him
a beautiful woman and refuses to respond for fear of from his attention towards Allah.
Allah. (6) A person who gives alms so secretly that the To be able to weep for fear and love of Allah implies
charity of one hand is not known to the other hand. (7) possession of great spiritual wealth. Fortunate is he who is
A person who practises zikr of Allah in solitude, so blessed with it by Almighty Allah. It is stated in one hadith
that tears flow of his eyes." that a person who weeps for fear of Allah will not be sent
to Hell till the milk goes back into the teats of an animal
The flowing of tears can mean deliberate weeping, due (which is imposssible). This implies that it is similarly im-
to repentance over one's past sins, but it may also mean a possible for such a person to go to Hell. According to an-
spontaneous outburst of tears due to overwhelming passion other hadith, a person who weeps for fear of Allah will not
of love. Thaabit Banaani (Rahmatullah alaih) has quoted be punished on the Day of Judgement.
the words of a pious man, "I come to know when a prayer It is stated in one hadith that the fire of Hell is forbid-
of mine is accepted." When asked as to how he comes to den for two eyeszone that sheds tears for fear of Allah, and *
know of it, he said, "That prayer, at the time of which the the other that has remained awake in guarding the Muslims
hair on my body stand up, my heart starts beating rapidly and Islaam against the infidels. In another hadith, it is
and my eyes shed tears, is accepted by Allah." Among the stated that the fire of Hell is forbidden on the eye that has gN
seven persons mentioned in the foregoing hadith, is in- wept for fear of Allah, on the eye that has remained awake
cluded also the person who weeps while doing zikr in soli- in the path of Allah, on the eye that has refrained from the
tude. He combines two sublime qualities: first ikhlaas, unlawful and also on the eye that has been lost in the path
which makes him remember Allah in solitude, secondly of Allah.
the fear or love of Allah, which makes him weep. Both Yet another hadith states that a person who remembers
these things are extremely virtuous. According to a poet, Allah in solitude is like one who goes all alone to fight
against the infidels.
Hadith No 17
zikr, which is not heard even by the angels, is rewarded se- God! if they were men, I would not have toyed with them
venty times over. When, on the Day of Resurrection, Allah as do the boys with their playball, Real men are those who
will summon all the creation for reckoning, and the record- made me ill", and he pointed to the group of Sufis. Abu
ing angels will bring the recorded accounts of all the Sa'eed Khazzaar (Rahmatullah alaih) also states that he
people, Allah will ask them to verify if there is any more once saw in a dream that Satan attacked him and he tried
good deed to the credit of a certain individual. They will to beat him back with a stick, but the Satan did not care for
submit that they had not omitted anything from his re- this beating. Then he heard a heavenly voice saying that
corded account. Allah will then say, there is yet one good the devil is not scared away by the beating, he is only
to his credit, which is not known to the angels, and it is his frightened by the spiritual light in one's heart.
zikr in silence. Baihaqi (Rahmatullah alaih) has quoted on Hadhrat Sa'od (Radhiyallaho anho) quoted Rasulullah
the authority of Hadhrat Aa'ishah (Radhiyallaho anha) that (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) to have said, "The best zikr is
the zikr that is not heard even by the angels is seventy the silent one, and the best livelihood is that which just
times superior to the zikr that is heard by them. The fol- suffices", (i.e. it should neither be too insufficient to make
lowing Persian couplet refers to the same thing: both ends meet, nor too abundant as to drive one to vanity
and vice). In another hadith, Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe
wasallam) is reported to have said. "Remember Allah O
through perfect zikr". When somebody enquired; "What is
perfect zikr." He replied, "Silent zikr." All the above ji
quoted narrations establish the excellence of zikr in si-
lence. We have also read the hadith that favours loud zikr,
as of a mad man. Either form of zikr is important under dif-
Between the lover and the beloved, there is a code of ferent sets of conditions. It is for the Shaikh (religious
communication that is not known even to the reporting guide) of a person to prescribe the best form of zikr for him
angels. at a particular time.
How fortunate are the people who do not remain idle
from zikr even for a moment. In addition to the reward that Hadith No. 18
they will get for their outward prayers, their zikr and medi-
tation throughout their life will earn for them seventy times
extra reward. It is for this reason that the devil remains
Hadhrat Junaid (Rahmatullah alaih) is stated to have
seen Satan starkanaked in a dream. He asked him whether
he did not feel ashamed of the men around him. "Are these
men?" replied the devil, "The men are those who are sit-
ting in the mosque of Shonezia, who have worried me so
much that my body has become lean and thin, and my
heart is burnt." Hadhrat Junaid (Rahamatullah alaih) writes
that he went to the mosque of Shonezia and saw that a few
i Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) was in his
house when the verse
men sitting there were deeply absorbed in meditation.
When they saw Hadhrat Junaid (Rahamatullah alaih) they
told him not to be misled by the deceptive words of the
wicked Satan. Similar to this, Masoohi (Rahmatullah alaih)
has also written about a dream. On seeing Satan in naked Keep yourself bound to the company of those who
condition, he asked him whether he did not feel ashamed I
invoke their Lord, morning and evening
of being naked in the midst of men. The Satan replied, "By I was revealed to him. On this revelation, he went out in
66 Virtues of Zikr Ch. I: Ahaadith on Zikr 67
search of such people; he found a group of men who were the other hand, if somehow one happens to be in a group of
engaged in zikr. Some of them were with dishevelled hair, the negligent, and even there he keeps busy with zikr of
parched skins, and clad in a single cloth i.e. except for the Allah, great reward is also promised for him, as stated in
loin cloth, the whole body was naked. On seeing them, Ra- many ahaadith. On such occasions, it is all the more
sulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) sat down by them necessary that one should remain absorbed in remem-
and said, "All praise is for Allah who has created in my brance of Allah, so that he is immune from the evil effect of
ummah such people that I have been ordered to sit in their such company.
company." According to one hadith, a person who remains en-
gaged in zikr, while in the company of the negligent is like
According to aiother hadith, Rasulullah (Sallallaho one who remains steadfast in his allotted position in a
alaihe wasallam) went out in search of them and found jihaad (holy war), while his companions are fleeing for
them in the farthest part of the mosque, where they were their lives. In another hadith, he is like one who fights the
busy in zikr of Almighty Allah. He said, "All praise is for infidels single-handed, after his companions have fled
Allah Who has created, during my lifetime, such people away. He is also likened to a lamp in a dark house or a
that I have been ordered to sit with them." Then he con- beautiful green tree in autumn, when all the trees have
tinued, "My life and death is with you" (i.e. You are my shed their leaves. Almighty Allah will show him before-
Fajr salaat and after Asr salaat, and I will suffice for be protected from the Devil and other undesirables
you during the intervening periods." throughout the day.
In one hadith it is stated, "Do zikr of Allah, He will
look after your interests."
We work so hard for this worldly life, though not for Nobody is worthy of worship except Allah; He is one,
the life Hereafter. We lose nothing if we remember Allah and He has no partner. This world and the Hereafter belong
for a little while after Fajr and after Asr, because so many to Him and He is worthy of all praise; life and death are
virtues have been mentioned for doing zikr at these two controlled by Him, and He controls the destiny of every-
times. When Almighty Allah promises His full help, what thing.
more is needed?
According to another hadith, whosoever, after Fajr and
According to one hadith, Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe Asr, recites three times the following prayer:
wasallam) has said, "I prefer sitting with those who remain
busy in remembering Allah after Fajr prayer up to sunrise,
to the noble act of setting four Arab slaves free; and simi-
larly I prefer sitting with ths group who remain busy in
zikr !of Allah after Asr salaat up to sunset to setting four I seek pardon of Allah, except whom there is nobody
slaves free." According to another hadith, if a person offers worthy of worship and Who is living and eternal; I turn to
Fajr salaat in congregation and remains engaged in zikr of Him.
Allah until sunrise, and then offers two rakaats of nafl
salaat, his reward will equal to that of a perfect Hajj and All his sins, even if big like the sea, will be forgiven.
Umrah. Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) is also
stated to have said, "offering Fajr salaat in congregation, Hadith No. 20
and then remaining busy in zikr until sunrise, is more pre-
cious to me than this world and all that it contains. Simi-
larly, remaining busy in zikr with a group after Asr till
sunset is preferred by me to this world and everything that
it contains." It is for this reason that the time after Fajr and
Asr prayers is specially reserved for zikr as a matter of rou-
tine by the Sufis. Especially, the time after Fajr prayer is
also reserved for zikr, even by the Fuqahaa i.e. the Muslim
It is stated in the book 'Mudawwanah' on the authority I
of Imaam Maalik (Ral~matullalialaih) that it is makrooh
(undesirable) to indulge in talking during the time between
i Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) has said, "The
Fajr and sxnrise. From amongst the Hsnafees the author of i world and all it contents, are accursed (i.e. are devoid
Durrul Mukhtaar also regarded it undesirable to indulge in of Allah's mercy), except the folowing three:
talking during this time. According to one hadith, if after (1) zikr of Allah and everything that is near it,
Fajr prayer a person continues to sit in the same posture
before talking, recites the following kalimah ten times, ten (2) the (Religious) aalim, and,
virtues will be recorded to his account, ten sins remitted, (3) the student (the seeker of religious knowledge)."
his position in Paradise raised by ten degrees, and he will
The first may mean either the things near to zikr of
70 Virtues of Zikr Ch. I: Ahaadith on Zikr
Allah, in which case all the things that are helpful in doing herein are by parts corroborated by many other ahaadith. In
zikr, such as eating and drinking in reasonable quantities,
and all other necessities of life, as also all forms of worship
are implied therein; or it may mean the things near to
fact, many additional virtues are mentioned in the books of
ahaadith, let alone the foregoing accounting for the specific
mention of the 'aalim' and the student in the fore-men-
Allah, in which case it will mean all forms of worship of tioned hadith.
Allah, and the zikr would mean special form of zikr. In
both cases, 'ilm is included therein, because in the first Hafiz Ibn Qayyim (Rahmatullah alaih), a well-known
case, it is 'ilm that leads one to zikr, and whereas an ignor- muhaddith, has written an authentic book, named 'al-Waa-
ant man cannot recognize.Allah and in the second case be- bilus Sayyib', on the virtues of zikr. He has stated therein
cause 'ilm (i.e. religious knowledge) is the best form of that the virtues of zikr are more than one hundred and he
worship. In spite of this, the 'aalim and the student have has listed seventy nine of these, which are briefly given
been specially mentioned separately for emphasis. 'ilm, below in the same order. Some of these include multiple
indeed, is a great wealth. benefits, and for this reason their actual number is more
According to one hadith, "Learning 'ilm just for the than one hundred:
pleasure of Allah is a proof of the fear of Allah, travelling (1) Zikr keeps away the Satan and weakens his L.
Though some authorities have questioned the overall (11)It helps realization of Allah so that by and by a
authenticity of this hadith, yet the virtues mentioned stage is reached when he comes to regard
72 Virtues of Zikr i Ch. I: Ahaadith on Zikr 73
Almighty Allah as his sole Cherisher, Guardian (19) It safeguards against pitfalls and lapses.
and Master, and he turns unto Him, in all afflic- (20) The heart of a neglectful person is tormented by a
tions. I
feeling of remoteness from Allah, and nothing
(12) It is the key to nearness to Almighty Allah; the other than zikr can rid the heart of this feeling.
greater the zikr, the greater the nearness to Allah, (21) The words of zikr keep on moving round the Arsh
and greater the indifference to zikr, the greater the of Almighty Allah, as stated in a hadith.
distance from Him.
(13) It opens the door of Ma'rifat (realization) of Allah. (22) If one remembers Allah in happiness, Almighty
Allah remembers him in his afflictions.
(14) It makes one realize the greatness and grandeur of
Almighty Allah, and strengthens the conscious- (23) It is a means to deliverance from Allah's punish-
ness of his omni-presence. ment.
(15) Zikr of Allah causes one's mention in the Court of (24) It causes Allah's peace and mercy to descend,
while angels surround the person engaged in zikr.
Allah, as said in the Holy Book. %
person is free to have a choice between the two,
him in My heart. I
and verily man, by instinct, is drawn towards
! what is akin to his temperament.
It has already been explained under other verses
and ahaadith that, even if there were no other (27) By virtue of zikr, the zaakir is blessed, as also the
good points in zikr, except that mentioned above, person sitting by him. Similarly the indolent
this alone would have established its superiority person is accursed for his indolence, as also the
over others. Nevertheless, there are many more person sitting by him.
virtues and benefits of zikr. (28)Zikr will save one from despair on the Day of
(16) It gives life to the heart. Hafiz Ibn Taimiyah (Rah- Judgement. This is confirmed by one of the ahaa-
matullah alaih) says that zikr is as necessary for dith which says that the gathering devoid of
the heart as water for the fish. Imagine the con- Allah's zikr will cause sorrow and losses on that
dition of a fish out of water. day.
(17) It is food for the heart and the soul; depriving (29)If zikr is shared by tears and repentance in loneli-
them of zikr is like depriving the body of its food. ness the zaakir will be blessed under the shadow
of Allah's throne on the Day of Judgement, when
(18) It cleanses the heart of its rust. It has been men- hearts will jump to lips due to agony of intolerable
tioned in an earlier hadith; everything .rusts heat of that day.
according to its nature; and the heart rusts with
wordly desires and indifference, to purify it zikr is (30)Those who remain busy in zikr are better re-
necessary. warded by Allah than those who remain busy in
74 Virtues of Zikr Ch. I: Ahaadith on Zikr 75
alaihe wasallam) prayed that Almighty Allah may (41) Zikr is just like a tree, the fruit of which is realiza-
bless his flesh, bones, muscles, hair, skin, eyes and tion of Almighty Allah. The more zikr is done, the
ears with noor, and that he may be surrounded stronger shall grow the root of this tree; and
with noor on all sides; he even prayed that he may stronger the root of this tree, the more abundant
be blessed with noor from top to bottom, and that the fruit it will bear.
his whole person may be made into noor. One's (42)Zikr of Almighty Allah promotes nearness to Him
deeds will shine according to the noor in oneself, and thereby earns His constant patronage. It is
so much so that the good deeds of some people given in the Quran
(while going upto heaven) will shine like the sun.
Similar noor will be found in their faces on the
Day of Judgement.
ljih j;$l b 5!
(37) Zikr is the basic principle of Tasawwuf (Sufism) No doubt Allah is with those who fear Him.
and is invoked in all the schools of Sufism. A It is stated in one hadith
person who gets conversant with zikr enters the
gateway to Almighty Allah, and one who enters .
&w - '
j& J (
thanks worthy of Your greatness." Almighty Allah wealth. They said, "These rich men offer prayers
replied, "Let your tongue always remain engaged and fast, just as we do, but they excel us by per-
in zikr." forming Umrah and Hajj, and taking part in jihaad
(45) According to Almighty Allah, the best of the pious on account of their wealth." Rasulullah (Sallallaho
people are those who always remain busy in zikr, alaihe wasallam) replied, "Should I tell you some-
because piety leads to paradise, and zikr to the thing, so that none except one who practices it can
excel you." He then advised them to recite after
nearness to Allah: every salaat:
(46)There is a sort of hardness in the human heart,
which is not softened by anything except zikr.
(47)In fact, zikr is a remedy for all ills of the heart.
(48)Zikr of Allah is the root of His love, and neglecting By this Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)
zikr is the root of His enmity. - had indicated the importance of zikr, to be the
substitute for various kinds of worship, like
(49)Nothing is more effective than zikr in attracting Umrah, Hajj, jihaad, etc. o
Allah's blessings and in warding off His chastise- aa
ment. (58) Zikr is very helpful to all other forms of worship.
Excessive zikr creates love for various forms of gR
(50) Almighty Allah grants His grace to those who do 5
worship, so that one starts taking delight in their
zikr, and the angels pray for them. performance and never feels bored or burdened
(51) One who wants to remain in the gardens of Para- while offering them.
dise, even in this life, should sit in the gatherings (59)Zikr is a solution to all difficulties, and remedy for
of zikr, because these are likened to the gardens of all handicaps. It lightens every burden, and re-
Paradise. lieves every affliction.
(52)Gatherings of zikr are also the gatherings of angels. (60) Zikr dispels every fear of the heart. It has a special
(53)In the presence of the angels, Almighty Allah hand in inducing peace of mind and for relieving
praises those who do zikr. the heart of its fear. To free the heart of its fears
and mind of its perplexity is one of the specific
(54)One who 'is constant in doing zikr will enter Para- qualities of zikr. The greater, therefore, the amount
dise in high spirits. of zikr, the greater freedom from fear.
(55) All good deeds have been ordained because of (61)By zikr one is blessed with divine help that asso-
zikr.. ciates in all one's doings. That is why some time
(56)A good deed becomes superior to others of its kind man's achievements surpass his powers, and he
because of zikr. Of the fasts, the one with more
I attains what was seemingly beyond his reach.
zikr is the best; Of the Hajj, one with excessive This is perhaps the reason why Rasulullah (Sal-
zikr is more virtuous. Similar is the case with lallaho alaihe wasallam) advised his daughter
other good deeds like jihaad etc; Hadhrat Fatimah, (Radhiyallaho anha) to recite
B .i;;ji a, ;G thirty three times each and ;;i& thirty
(57)Zikr is a substitute of nafl salaat and other non- ,
obligatory devotions. It is related in one hadith four times before going to bed at night, when she
that the poor people once complained to Rasulul- approached him for a helper, complaining that she
lah (Sallallaho a!aihe wasallam) of the higher was over-worked by the labour of grinding wheat
reward available to the rich because of their and doing other house-hold jobs. 'The Prophet
80 Virtues of Zikr 1 Ch. I: Ahaadith on Zikr 81
(Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) further said, "The zikr. It is related on the authority of Hadhrat Amr
recitation of these kalimahs is better for you than a bin Aas (Radhiyallaho anho) that when a man says
servant." j 1 9% 9.14; A-l;iji the angels pray to
Almighty Allah for his forgiveness.
(62) Those who are working for the life Hereafter are in
a race, wherein the zaakirs shall remain ahead of (67) The mountain or plain on which zikr is recited
all on account of their zikr. On the day of Judge- feels proud of it. According to a hadith, one moun-
ment, says Umar Maula Ghufra (Rahmatullah tain asks another if any zaakir has crossed over it
alaih), when people will be rewarded for their during the day. If the.reply is in the affirmative. it
good deeds, many shall repent why they neglected feels happy.
zikr when it was easiest of all good deeds and the (68)Zikr guarantees immunity from hypocrisy, for
highest in reward. In a hadith, Rasulullah (Sallal- Almighty Allah has described the hypocrite as
laho alaihe wasallam) is quoted to have said, "The % YI i l b;;ij; y They do not remember Allah except
mufarrideen have surpassed all." He was asked, very rarely. It is also related on the authority of
"Who were the mufarrideen?" The Prophet (Sallal- Ka'b Ahbaar (Radhiyallaho anho) that he who
laho alaihe wasallam) replied, "Those who toil makes frequent zikr of Allah is free from hypoc-
hard for zikr because it lightens their burdens."
(63)Those who do zikr are held truthful by Almighty
risy. el
(69) Compared with other good deeds, zikr carries a
Allah, and those who are testified as such by special taste, which is not to be found in any other
Almighty Allah cannot be raised among the liars action. Even if there were no other virtue to zikr,
on the Day of Judgement. It is quoted on the auth- this fine taste alone would have been a sufficient
ority of Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) that reward to justify it. Maalik bin Deenaar (Rahmatul-
when a man utters, lah alaih) has said that nothing surpasses the taste
of zikr, which is the best and finest.
(70) The faces of those who do zikr remain bright in
Allah proclaims, "My slave has spoken the truth, this life, and will carry a special radiance in the
and nobody is worthy of worship except I, and I Hereafter.
am the Greatest of all." (71) One who is frequently engaged in zikr, whether he
is in or out of his house, whether he is stationary
(64) Zikr causes houses to be built in Paradise by the or travelling, he will find, on the Day of Judge-
angels. When zikr is stopped, the angels also stop ment, a large number of witnesses in his favour.
construction of houses. When asked why a par- Almighty Allah has described the Day of Judgment
ticular construction was stopped by the angels,
they reply, "The construction had to be stopped as 6jVI LLJ +3 The day when the Earth will tell
because funds for that were stopped. The fact is I all that it knows.
confirmed by a hadith, which says when a man re- Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) asked his
cites 41b G 4 k j d% seven times, a tower companions if they knew what those news would
be. They expressed their ignorance. Then Rasulul-
is raised for him in paradise. lah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said, "Whatever
(65)Zikr provides protection against Hell. If, due to deed is done, good or bad, by any man or woman
any misdeed a zaakir deserves Hell, his zikr acts as on the face of the Earth, the Earth will describe it
a defence between him and the Hell, the more his all, with d a t ~ time
, and place." Hence, one who
zikr, the stronger will be this defence. does zikr at many places will find many witnesses
in his favour.
(66) T h e ~ n g e l pray
s for the forgiveness of those who do
82 Virtues of Zikr
(72) As long as the tongue is busy in zikr, it cannot in-
dulge in lies, backbiting or any other kind of evil
talk. The tongue will engage itself in useless talk if CHAPTER I1
it is not in zikr, because it-cannot remain quiet. So
is the case with the heart; if it is devoid of love for 1
Almighty Allah, it will be filled with the love of I KALIMAH TAYYIBAH
worldly things.
(73) The devils are outright enemies of man and always Kalimah Tayyibah, which is also called Kalimah Tau-
create trouble for him and keep him surrounded. I heed (utterance of Unity), has been mentioned in the
The miserable condition of one who remains sur- Qur'an and the hadith far more frequently than anything
rounded by enemies can well be imagined, espec- else. Since all the saints and Prophets had been sent speci-
ially when the enemies are vindictive and fically with the primary aim of propagating the Unity of
everyone of them wants to surpass the other in Allah, its excessive mention can well be understood. In the
troubling him. Nothing except zikr can protect Holy Qur'an, this kalimah has been referred to by various
him against these enemies. Many forms of du'aa names and in different contexts. It has been referred to as
are mentioned in the ahaadith, so that, if any of Kalimah Tayyibah (excellent utterance), cat J3)(firm state- %
V) L.
these is recited by a person, then Satan dare not ment) (cs# iJS) (utterance of piety), (/jJlj al&l (key of 3
heaven and earth), etc: as will be found in the Qur'anic EN
come near him. If the same is recited at the time of
going to bed, one remains safe from the Satan verses given in the following pages. Imaam Ghazaali (Rah-
throughout the night. Hafiz Ibn Qayyim (Rahma- matullah alaih) has written in his book Ihyaa that it is
tullah alaih) has also mentioned many such (+PILIo (utterance of Unity) W * ~ U ) (utterance of sincer-
du'aas. ity) (&#dlLK) (utterance of piety) (a U)(excellent utter-
ance) ( j r 3 1 a ~ j (strong
) rope) (&I Yj) (call of truth) (SlJ;)
In addition to these, the author has also mentioned in (price of paradise).
detail under six headings the relative merits of zikr as also As this kalimah has been mentioned in various con-
some of its virtues, which are specific to zikr alone. Then texts in the Holy Qur'an, this chapter is divided into three
he has also given seventy five chapters on special du'aas, parts. The first part includes those verses wherein the
which are suited to specific times and occasions. For the words of Kalimah Tayyibah do not occur, although it is im-
sake of brevity, these have been excluded from this book. plied therein. Each verse is followed by a brief explanation,
For those blessed with determination to act, the virtues of as given by the Sahabah and by Rasulullah (Sallallaho
zikr detailed above are more than enough, and for those alaihe wasallam) himself.
who are disinclined to act, thousands of such virtues The second part consists of t h o s ~verses which contain tlie
would be of little avail. text of Kalimah Tayyibah i.e. ~ I YJ!Y ! in full-, or slightly
modified, such as j i y i~ ~ jAs . the words of the kalimah
si g,&; & - $! 3.-.3 b,
I 1
occur in these verses, their translation has not been consid-
ered necessary. Only the surah and ruku, in which the avat
occurs, has been indicated. The third part includes the
Whatever good I have done is through the grace of i
Almighty Allah; I, therefore, depend on Him and turn translation and explanation of those ahaadith that describe
to Him. the virtues and importance of this kalimah
+$ +-*I i!' $1 @, )@I & &I\ &I, (A)
(5) Unto Him is the real praver. Those unto whom they
prav besides Allah responds to them not at all. Thev ( \ - t.a, . .&
) ~ifi'iu ;
U '
are like those who stretch forth their hands for water to
reach their mouths but it reaches them not. The praver
of clisbelie\lers goes astray. Lf (8) Establish regular prayer at the two ends of the day and
at the approaches of the night. Lo! good deeds annul i l l
Note: According to 1-jadhrat Ali (Radhiyallaho anho) as deeds. This is a reminder for the mindful.
well as Ibn Abbas (Radhi!lallaho anho) and Inanv others, T h e expla~lationof this sacred avat is to be found in
the words ;$I +(propagation of truth) means this kalimah. I
I maliy ahaatlith ac:cording to whic:h Kasulullah (Sallallaho
alaihe wasnll;lnl) while refering to this ayat had said that
1 good cieeds wipe out the sins from one's acc:ount. l-iadhrat
1 Abu Zar (Katlhi!lallaho rt~iho)says that he had once re-
quested Kasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) to give
him some advice and Kasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasal-
88 Virtues of Zikr Ch. 11: Ayaat Implying Kalimah Tayyibah 89
lam) replied, "Hold Almighty Allah in constant fear. If per- all actions. The first is to do zikr of Allah under all circum-
chalice you commit anv sin. hasten at once to do some vir- stances, in happiness and in grief, i n poverty and in afflu-
tuous deed so that the sin is atoned, and it is written off." ence; the second is to conduct oneself with impartiality
'Then Abu Zar (Radhiyallaho anho) continues to say that he even when one's own interests are involved; and the third
asked Kasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) if this kali- is to help one's brother with money.
mah I was also counted amongst the virtues.
At this, Kasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) gave the
replv that this kalimah is the highest of all virtues. It is
likewise quoted from Hadhrat Anas (Radhiyallaho anho)
that Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) had said
"Whosover, any time during the day or night, recites the (11)Give good tidings to my servants, who hear advice and
kalimah I ! . his sins are washed off his ac- follow the best thereof. Such are those whom Allah
count." guideth, and such are men of understanding.
Hadhrat Ibn Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) said that Hadh-
rat Sa'eed bin Zaid, Hadhrat Abu Zar Ghifaari and Hadhrat 'b
~l L
Salmaan Faarsi (Radhiyallaho anho), all the three, used to 2
recite the kalimah I even before they em- 5
(9) (a) Lo! Allah enjoineth justice and kindness and braced Islaam, and by the words I I (the best ut-
giving to kinsfolk. He forbids shameful deeds, in- terance) what is exactly meant in thls sacred ayat is this
justice and rebellion. He instructs you in order kalimah. Hadhrat Zaid bin Aslam (Radhiyallaho anho) had
that you take heed. also said that this ayat relftes to three persons who used to
recite the kalimah I Y A even in their days of ig-
There are different versions regarding the interpreta-
tion of the word 2-i; (justice). In one version, Hadh- norance, and they were Hadhrat Zaid bin Amr bin Nufail,
Hadhrat Abu Zar Ghifaari and Hadhrat Salmaan Faarsi
rat Abdullah bin Abbas (Radhiyallaho anho) says that ?L
(Radhiyallaho anhum).
(justice) means to believe that nobody is worthy of worship
except Allah, while J (goodness) means to do
one's obligations to Allah.
(12)He who brings the true thing and He who confirms it;
(10) 0, you who believe! Fear Allah and say words straight such are the dutiful. They shall have all they wish
to the point, that He may make your conduct sound from their Lord's bounty. Such is the reward of those
and forgive your sins. Whosoever obeys Allah and His who do good.
Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), he has attained
the highest achievement. The persons who brought the message from Almighty
Allah are the Prophets (Alaihimus salaatu was salaam) and
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Abbas and Hadhrat Ikramah the people who brought a message from Rasulullah (Sallal-
(Radhiyallaho anhuma) are both said to have been of the
8 ,
laho alaihe wasallam) are the Ulama (May Allah accept
view that the meaning of L Y I (and speak words their efforts). Hadhrat lbn Abbas (Radhiyallaho anho) is
straight to the right) is to recite the I kalimah. stated \o Fave said that "the true thing'' means the kali-
According to one hadith, three things constitute the best of mah AIY! a19 . According to some commentators, the
90 Virtues of Zikr
37 Ch. 11: Ayaat Implying Kalimah Tayyibah 91
words Z L ' l i ;& 2-i" (one who brought the true message Nobody is worthy of worship except Allah: Allah is the
froni Allah) refers to Kasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasal-
lam) and the words 2 (those who confirmed it) greatest and I am from among the Muslims.
refer to the believers.
gave up idol-worship. According to Hadhrat k a y h (Ra- lullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) who held that @j!i!y)
dhiyallaho anho) 2 3 means he proclaimed b 4!d!J and was the best amongst all virtuous deeds.
this also was the viewpoint held by Ibn Abbas (Radhiyallaho According to Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (Radhiyallaho
anho) anho). one good deed is counted ten times over as a general
principle but, for the muhaajirs, compensation for one good
deed is raised to seven hundred times.
(18) As for him who giveth and is dutiful (towards Allah)
and believeth in goodness. Surely we will ease his way
unto the state of ease.
(JA)(state of ease) means Paradise, because it is
Paradise where all kinds of comforts and facilities will be (20) The revelation of this. Book is from Allah, exalted in
available. Its further elaboration is that Allah will so grace power, full of knowledge, who forgives sin and accepts
a man as to make good deedseasy for him, which will ex-
pedite his entry to Paradise. Many commentators are of the
repentance, strict in punishment, and hath a long ,
resch. There is no god save He; to Him is the final goal.
- 0 (r
to them. ..
' ,-, (21) He who rejects false deities and believeth in Allah has
It is related when this ayat *kbk 3 descended, grasped the firm hand-hold, which will never break.
someone asked Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) if Note:
the reciting of (bg! A!$ was also counted among their vir-
tuous deeds. The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) re- Hadhrat Ibn Abbaas (Radhiyallaho anho) says that
plied that it i s the best of all virtues. Hadhrat Abdullah bin "grasping the firm handhold I , means pro-
9 ,
Abbaas and Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mas'ood (Radhiyallaho claiming & +\ illy) . The same interpretation is also related
anhum) take (b) (virtue) to mean j\ ill% . Hadhrat Abu from Sufyaan (Rahmatullah alaih).
Hurairah (Radhiyallaho anho) also holds exactly the same
view. Similar meanings were also narrated by Hadhrat Abu
94 Virtues of Zikr
This chapter includes such ayaat as contains the Kali-
mah Tayyibah in full or in part, or else its equivalent in dif-
ferent words but having the same meaning. The Kalimah
Tayyibah (&l$d!J) means that nobody is worthy of wor-
ship except Allah. The words (;;;i+>r;, and jcj!d!J and
(31J! W)also cany the same meaning. Similarly (i$ d! l;irJ) (We
do not worship anybody other than Allah) and d! 3 @)
(He is the only one worthy of worship) also mean the same
thing. There are other similar ayaat, which imply the same
meaning as of Kalimah Tayyibah. The surah and ruku in cl
which each such ayat occurs has been indicated below. In
fact, the whole of the Holy Qur'an is an explanation of the 8&
Kalimah Tayyibah, because the basic objective of the Holy ZN
Qur'an and of the deen of Islam is towheed. It is to propa-
gate towheed that the messengers of Allah were sent to
people at different times. Towheed is the common objec-
tive of all'the revealed religions, and for this reason the
subject of towheed has all along been dealt with under dif-
ferent headings to establish its truth. The same towheed is
therefore the object of Kalimah Tayyibah.
Ch. 11: Ayaat mentioning Kalimah Tayyabah
Allah Himself is witness, there is no god but He. The
I Ch. 11: Ayaat mentioning Kalimah Tayyabah
12. That is Allah, your Lord. There is no god save Him.
13. There is no god save Allah, and turn away from those
5. There is no god but He-The Exalted in Power, The who join gods with Allah. (An'aam- 106)
Wise. (Aali Imraan- 18)
(,It- dlpl) $! &$i&I j$i j6 ( I t )
14. He said: Shall I seek for you a god other than Allah.
6. There is no god save Allah, and Allah is Exalted in (A'raaf- 140)
Power, The Wise. (Aali Imraan-62)
7. Come to an agreement between us and you, that we 15. There is no god save He (Allah). It is he that gives both
shall worship none but Allah. (Aali Imraan-64) life and death. (A'raaf- 185)
9. There is no god save One Allah. (Maa'idah- 76) 17. Allah is sufficient for me. There is no god save He
(Allah). In Him I have put my trust. He is the Lord of
the Tremendous Throne.
(Yt - ?k,)+I;d! ji Ld! j
i (I.) (Taubah- 129)
21. I worship not what you worship other than Allah. 31. There is no god but I, so do your duty unto Me.
(Yunus- 104) (Nahl- 2)
35. Say if there had been other gods with Him (Allah), as
27. Are many lords differing among themselves better or they say. (Bani Israa-eel-42)
the One Allah, the Irresistible? (Yusuf-39)
36. They said: 'Our Lord is the Lord of the Heavens and of
28. He has commanded that you worship none but Him. the Earth. Never shall we call upon any god other than
(Yusuf-40) Him (Allah). (Kahf - 14)
(it - UJ)ji Y! d!Y
* -
sjji j j (yq)
100 Virtues of Zikr I
37. There are people who chose other gods beside Him
1 Ch. 11: Ayaat mentioning Kalimah Tayyabah 101
(Allah). (Kahf- 15)
46. Or have they gods who can shield them from us?
39. Verily, Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so serve Him.
(Maryam- 36)
44. Have they taken for worship gods besides Him (Allah).
(Ambiyaa-24) 53. Nor is there any god along with Him. (Mu'minoon-91)
102 Virtues of Zikr
Ch. 11: Ayaat mentioning Kalimah Tayyabah 103
61. There is no god save Allah. How then are you deluded?
(Faatir- 3)
54. Therefore Allah, Exalted, the True King! There is no
god save Him (Allah). (Mu'minoon- 114)
57. And He is Allah. There is no god but He. To Him be 65. There is no god save Allah, The One, The Irresistible.
praise. (Qasas- 70)
58. Is there other than Allah, who can give you a night? 66. He is Allah, The One, The Irresistable. (Zumar-4)
(Qasas- 70)
d,jj a,3 $j
., il $,i
(\t,j>p .. i~ (>v)
59. And call not, besides Allah, on any other god. There is 67. Such is Allah. Your Lord and Cherisher. His is the
Sovereignty. There is no god save Him. (Zumar- 6)
no god but He. , (Qasas-88)
60. And our Allah and Your Allah is One. (Ankaboot-46) 68. There is no god save Him, to Him is the final goal.
( \ t>b) L&jf 'p j; y! i!
y (I\)
104 Virtues of Zikr Ch. 11: Ayaat mentioning Kalimah Tayyabah 105
69. There is no god save Allah. How then are you de- 77. Worship ye none other than Allah. (Ahqaaf - 2 1)
luded? (Mu'min-62)
79. And set not any other god along with Allah.
71. It is revealed to me that your god is One Allah. (Zaariyaat- 51)
80. Allah is He besides Whom there is no other god. S
72. Worship Ye none but Allah. (Haameem Sajdah- 14) (Hashr-22)
73. Allah is our Lord and your Lord. (Shooraa- 15) 81. We are guiltless of you and all that you worship beside
Allah. (Mumtahixlah-4)
! -, 3, ,
(YL>LG) 9 $! d!y A\ (AY)
74. Did we appoint gods to be worshipped besides the \
Beneficient? (Zukhruf-45). 82. Allah! There is no god but He. (Taghaabun- 13)
75. The Lord of Heavens and the Earth and all between
them. 8 3 . I-Ie is the Lord of the East and the West; there is no god
(Dukhaan- 7) but He (Allah). (Muzzammil- 9)
ot >
jb.) * J
. 3,
j; j; Y! i.i! 4 ( V T ) ,
a( @il;bj&v 3i q j Ljm~
>>e' -'
hearts ( 4 1 s*) . For its purifying effect, Sufis prescribe zikr the Kalimah with Ikhlaas Miil be most deserving to be ben-
of this Kalimah and advise its recitation as a daily routine, efitted by the intercession of Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe
not only in hundreds but in thousands of times. Mulla Ali wasallam), can be interpreted in two ways. Firstly, such a
Qari (Rahmatullah alaih) writes that a disciple once com- person could be one who has just embraced Islaam with
plained to his Shaikh that, despite doing zikr, his heart re- sincerity of heart, and has done no other good deed except
mained inattentive. The Shaikh replied: "Go on with your the recitation of the Kalimah. Evidently he can be helped
zikr firmly, and thank Almighty Allah for His Grace that He only by virtue of this intercession, because he has no deed
enabled a part of your body. i.e. the tongue, to remain busy to his credit. In this case, this hadith is corroborated by
in His zikr, and pray to Allah for a devoted heart." A simi- other ahadith, in which it is stated that the intercession
lar incident is related in Ihyaa-ul Uloom about Abu Usman will be for those guilty of major sins who shall have been
Maghribi, who gave the same reply on a similar con~plaint I
sent to the Hell because of their sins, but by virtue of their
made by one of his disciples, and he prescribed the same recitation of the Kalimah Tayyibah they will be released
cure. As a matter of fact, zikr is the best remedy for indo- through the intercession of Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe
lence of the heart. Almighty Allah says in His Book, "If you wasallam). Secondly, the most deserving people to be ben-
show gratitude to Me, I will grant even more than before." efitted will be those who continually recite this Kalimah
Likewise the hadith says "zikr of Almighty Allah is a great with sincerity and they have to their credit other good '8
blessing; and be thankful to Him in as much as He has en- deeds as well. Being most fortunate means that they will be 8&
abled you to do His zikr." benefitted more than by anything else by the intercession %
a z
of Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) in raising their
Hadith No 3 status in Paradise.
Allama Ainee (Rahmatullah alaih) has stated that Ra-
sulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), will intercede in six
different ways on the Day of Judgement, Firstly, it will be
for relief from the intolerable distress and supense in the
field of judgement, where all the people will be afflicted in
various ways and will even prefer to be sent to Hell so that
their present worries may come to an end. They will go to
all the high-ranking Prophets, one by one, and beg them to
intercede before Almighty Allah, but none of them will
dare to do so. At last, Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasal-
lam) will intercede, and this intercession will be in favour
Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (Radhiyallaho anho) once en- of all the people, including Jinn and mankind, believers
quired from Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) as and non-beliyers, all of whom will be benefitted by it, as
to who would be most benefitted by his intercession explained in detail in the ahadith describing the Resurrec-
on the Day, of Resurrection. Rasulullah (Sallallaho tion. Secondly, Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)
alaihe wasallam) replied, "Knowing your anxiety for I will intercede for mitigation of punishment to some non-
the Urn (knowledge) of ahadith, I could expect that believers, as mentioned in the hadith about Abu Talib.
none other than you would have asked this question Thirdly, his intercession will be for the release from Hell of
earlier." Thereafter the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wa- some of the Believers who have been thrown in there.
sallam) told Abu Hurairah (Radhiyallaho anho) that Fourthly, it will be for the pardon from Hell of some Be-
the most blessed or the most benefitted by my interces- lievers, who on account of their misdeed have deserved to
sion will be the person who proclaims (31y'!j!y, with be condemned to it. Fifthly, it will be in favour of some Be-
Ikhlaas (sincerity). lievers for their admittance into Paradise, without requiring
The meaning of good fortune here is to get something them to render account of their deeds. Sixthly, it will be for
good through the Grace of Allah. That the person reciting raising the status of the Believers in general.
112 Virtues of Z'ikr Ch. 11: Ahadith on Virtues of Kalimah Tayyabah 113
Hadith No. 7
I 117
Virtues of Zikr C h . 11: A h a d i t h o n Virtues of Kulirnuh 'I'uyyubuh
l$as,u13ullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said. "Recite
Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: "Keep on Y!il!jij very often, before the time of death comes
renewing your Imaan. "0 Rasulullah! Sallallaho alaihe when'you will not be able to say it."
wasallam, how should we renew our Imaan?" enquired Note:
the Sahabah. "Recite &i!ii!J, very often", was the
reply. It means that no deed is possible after death. This life
is very short, but it is the only time for action and for
Note: sowing the seeds. This life after death is infinitely long.
In one hadith. Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihs wasallam) and we will there reap whatever we have sown here.
is reported to have said. "Like old clothes, the Imaan also
gets worn out, hence keep on renewing it through supplica- Hadith No. 9
tion to Almighty Allah." That the Imaan gets old and worn
out means that it loses strength and radiance on account of
sins. Thus it is stated in one hadith that, when a man com-
mits h sin. a dark spot appears on his heart. If he then does
sincere l'aubah (repentance), this spot gets washed away.
otherwise it remains there. When he commits another sin,
another black dot appears on the heart. Thus, on account of
further sins, the black dots continue to increase, till ulti-
mately the heart is all blackened and rusted, as decribed in Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said, "I know
the Qur'an in Surah Tatfeef." of a Kalimah, such that if anybody recites it with sin-
*b lJgc &$
- <
* * blj
Nay, but that which they have earned is rust upon
cerity of belief in it and then dies. Hell becomes forbid-
den for him. This Kalimah is (3t j!ii~y,.''
their hearts. This subject matter has been related in many ahadith.
When such a stage is reached, then th,: heart is no If the person referred to in the above hadith has been a new
longer influenced by words. It is said in o1.d hadith, "Four convert to Islam, then there can be no doubt about the
things cause ruination of the heart. namely, debating with meaning, because it is unanimously agreed that on embrac-
stupid people, excessive sinning, excessive mixing with ing Islaam all the sins committed as a non-Muslim are for-
women, and remaining in the society of the dead." Some- given. But if it refers to an old Muslim, who recites the
body enquired, "What is meant by the dead in this case?" Kalimah with sincerity just before his death, even then it is
Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallarrl) explained that it hoped that Almighty Allah, through His sheer Grace, may
meant such wealthy persons who assume arrogance on ac- forgive all his sins. Almighty Allah has Himself said that
count of their wealth. He mav forgive whomsoever He likes, all his sins, except
1 Shirk.
Hadith No. 8 , Mulla Ali Qari (Rahmatullah alaih) has stated that
.. - . J , ;,*,, .
some scholars are of the view that these ahadith pertain to
the very earlv period of lslaam when detailed command-
1;"~0 3 9 3 (A) merits had not yet been revealed. Some scholars have
2 1
5 &> &? > L L & ?\ +> Gj & JG ii $ &, q1&, , , Li stated that the hadith implies declaration of this Kalimah
118 Virtues of Zikr I Ch. 11: Ahudjth on irirtues of Kc~lirnuh'I'u!.\'abnh 119
with proper discharge of one's obligations enjoined by it, as Hadith No 11
given under Hadith No 4 above. Hasan Basri (Ratlmatullah
alaih) and many others also held the same view. According
to the considered view of Imam Bukhari (Rahmatullah
alaih) Allah's promise holds good if the declaration of the
Kalimah before death is with repentance, which is the es-
sence of Taubah while, according to Mulla Ali Qari, the re-
citer will not be doomed to Hell-for ever. Moreover, it is a
matter of common observation that sometimes the inherent
quality of a thing becomes ineffective due to some counter-
force. For instance, a purgative may become ineffective if it Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said. "1Vhoso-
is followed by a strong constipative drug, but that does not ever recites 3,ii! W , any time during day or night. his sins
mean that the purgative has become devoid of its inherent are remitted from his account and virtues are written
effect; it has only not worked because of the strong counter- instead."
acting agent. Note:
The replacement of sins by virtues has been fully de-
Hadith No 10 scribed under Hadith No 10 of Chapter 1 , part 2 , where
various meanings of all the aayats and ahadith of this kind
are given. According to every version, this hadith categori-
cally states that sins are washed away from the account of a
person's deeds, provided there is Ikhlaas, that is sincerity
of intention. In any case, hymning the blessed name of
Al!ah and excessive recitation of Kalimah Tayyibah also
develops Ikhlans. That is why this blessed Kalimah is also
called the Kalimah of Ikhlaas."
Hadith No. 12
Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said "Profes- jo.
J a.o
J. & L\ JG
f 1$' 2
&j i&,L hi 2 ( \ r )
sing faith in j!d!~, provides the keys to Paradise."
;$.u ,,;?+! &\ .j! i!q JG \;$ 2$\d4 $t4J 2 1 5 2
Note: j ,$q $2, $i &$ J$ \ ,$ Juj JjS6
. , &, j$
9 9 9 #
J, - .- ;&Wa&>&
The Kalimah has been described as the keys of Para-
dise, because it serves as the key for opening every door
and every part of Paradise; therefore, the Kalimah consti-
r.g p 4) GyJ' j1
j , 4 +
s 4 p, ~ h " 4
~~ dw
. o'u
tutes all the keys. Or else, it is called the keys, because the bl+ d
Kalimah itself is made up of two parts. one $1 j jig, and the
other i1J>;G. Thus. the Paradise may be said to open Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said, "There is
with these two keys. In these ahadith, wherever the Kali- a pillar of Noor (Divine Light) in front of the Arshi llanhi
mah is stated to cause entry into Paradise or protection (the Throne of Allah). When somebody recites & Y! J!Y),
against Hell, it means the complete Kalimah comprising this pillar starts shaking. When Allah asks it to stop
both the parts. In one hadith. it is said that the price of Par- shaking. it says. 'How can I stop, when the reciter of
adise is ($1 u'~ii14. the Kalimah has not yet been granted forgiveness?'
ol Kulimclh 'l'uj,~u0trh
Ch. II: Ahucf~fho n \.'irI~~es 121
120 Virtues of Zikr
Some scholars of hadith have doubted authenticity of will it, you cannot even wish for anything).
this hadith, but Allanla Suyuti (Rahmatullah alaih) has
written that this hadith (tradition) in different words has Hadith No 13
been narrated through many sources. According to some
narrations. Almighty Allah also says, "I have made him
utter the Kalimah in order that I may grant him forgive-
ness." How kind and benevolent is Almighty Allah that He
himself graces a person with the power to do this virtuous
act, and then grants pardon on this basis to complete His
extreme favour. In this connection a story told about Hadh-
rat Atna (Rahmatullah alaih) is well known. He once hap-
pened to go to the market where a woman lunatic slave was
on sale. He purchased her. At midnight she got up, per-
formed her ablution. and began offering Salaat. During her
prayers she wept so profusely that her breath was getting
choked. Then she said: "0 my Lord! in the name of the
love that You have for me, bestow Your Mercy on me."
Hearing this. Ataa said "0,slave woman, say: '0 Allah, in
the name of the love that I have for YOU:" Upon hearing
this she got upset and said, "By Allah! If He had not loved
me, He would not have let you sleep and made me to stand
in prayer as you see!" Then she recited the following
each register as long as one can see, will be opened to his swearing upon Allah. No doubt, the oath was serious
before him. He will then be asked if he denies anything and offended against the declaration of Allah in the verse
recorded in his account of deeds, or whether the angels
who were appointed to record his deeds had been
unjust to him in any respect. He will reply in the nega-
tive (i.e. he will neither deny anything nor blame the
angels for any injustice to him). Then Allah will ask (Almightv Allah will not forgive Kufr and Shirk but ex-
him if he can justify his misdeeds, but he will submit cepting that. He may forgive any sin as He may like). None
that he has no excuse to offer. Then Allah will say else has the right to say that a certain person will not be
'Well, there is indeed one virtue to your credit. Today forgiven, but this does not mean that we should not warn
no injustice will be done to you.' Then a small piece of others against sins and undesirable things, and ask others
I to desist from these. At hundreds of places in the Holy
paper with the Kalimah
Qur'an and in the books of hadith. there are warnings
against not forbidding from evil. It is stated in many aha-
dith that the people who see a sin being committed and do
not stop it. in spite of their having power to do so, will also co
written on it will be handed over to him, and he will share the punishment for that sin. This point has been dis- v,
be asked to go and get it weighed. He will subniit that cussed by me in detail in mv book. Fazaaile Tabligh. which $
this small piece of paper will be of little avail as can be consulted if desired. There is, moreover. a note of 7
against so many lengthy registers. Allah will say, "This caution. Whereas i t is verv wrong to condemn sinful Mus-
day, no injustice will be done to you." Then all the lims as absolute dwellers of Hell, it is even more dangerous
registers will be placed in one pan and the piece of on the part of ignorant people to accept anv person as their
paper in the other pan. The pan with the registers will spiritual guide, in spite of his being devoid of good prac-
fly up in the air on account of the excessive weight of tices and his saving senseless and un-Islamic words. Kasu-
that piece of paper. The fact is that nothing is weight- lullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) has said: "Whosoever
ier than the name of Allah." respects a n innovator in Islam is c:onsideretl to have taken
part in dt:niolishing Islam." It is stated in several ahi~clith
Note: that in tilnes to come, there will appear Inany imposters.
cheats and liars. who will relate ahadith that vou will tlavtt
It is a blessed result of Ikhlaas that a single recitation,
with sincerity, of Kalimah Tayyibah can outweigh all the 1 never heard before. Beware of such porsons. lest they
should mislead vou and put you into trouble."
misdeeds recorded in so manv registers. It is, therefore,
necessarv that one should not look down upon anv Muslim
and think oneself as superior to him. Who knows that
Almighty Allah may accept from him some deeds that may i Hadith No.15
sutfice for his redemption, while nobody can be sure about
himself whether any of his own deeds will be found ! . ' ,
~ ~ ; I ; F ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ o J + ~ J G J o J \ ~ ~ I ~
* ,, ,,
"LeCive me to my Creator." One day, the worshipper, in a AI Y! d! Y ji ;>w py \$~,i+j 4) qj\p 4 I&) J ~ IX
fit of anger, said: 'By Allah! you will never be forgiven.' ~ s " J i J ~ ) i ~ ~ o J~ ~+ ~ j ~ u~ ~
o &~ \ ~J ~~ J ~L ; , . * U ~ ;
Almighty Allah assembled them unto His presence and
pardoned the sinner because he alwavs expected n1err:y 2' J . wi Si&\ 21 Y! LE dkJJ jl+l r ~ ~o
)~A; a+-& $A$ ~ 1 . i
from Him. but ordered purlishment for the worshipper d u e *L
126 Virtues of Zikr I Cli. 11: Ali(~dithon Virtues of Kulimuh 'I'ayyabuh 127
has to remain in the service of the Sufis. According to one is this Kalimah, that all the Prophets and all true religions
hadith, the above-mentioned saying of Rasulullah (Sallal- propagated it, and served its cause. In fact, every true relig- 4
laho alaihe wasallam) was in connection with another sub- ion is based on this Kalimah. It is in support of this Kali- .EN
ject matter. He has said: "Persuade a dying person to recite mah that the Qur'anic verse ( Y cb~, ,ijp$1 '2213 has
(81j!ii~$because he who recites this Kalimah at the time of been revealed, in which Almighty Allah is a witness in
his death gets entitled to enter Paradise." The Sahaba en- favour of Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). Accord-
quired: " 0 Rasulullah! (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) what ing to one hadith, when somebody recites &+!& then
about reciting it during good health?" He replied, "Then it Almighty Allah testifies to it and says: "My slave has
is even more effective in obtaining entitlement to Para- spoken the truth; there is nobody worthy of worship except
dise," and then stated, on oath, the hadith related above. I."
Hadith No. 17
Hadith No. 16
I The Prophet Eesa (Jesus) (Alayhis salaam) had said:
1 The deeds of the Ummat of Hadhrat Muhammad (Sal-
lallaho alaihe wasallam) would be reckoned weight-
iest, on the Day of Judgement, because their tongues
are accustomed to the recitation of a Kalimah, which
There came to Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) was found too hard by the Um~natsof other Prophets,
three non-Muslims who said to him: "0Muhammad! (Sal- and this Kalimah is 51+I i i ~ y .
lallaho alaihe wasallam) don't you recognise anybody,
except Allah as worthy of worship?" In reply, Rasulullah Note:
(Sallsllaho alaihe wasallam) recited (LI j~j~j,(Nobody is It is a fact that the Umrnat of Rasulullah (Sallallaho
worth" of worship except Allah), and gdded: "I have been alaihe wasallam) is devoted particularlv to this Kalimah,
deputed spscifically for the propagation of this Kalimah,
128 Virtues of Zikr
far more than any other Ummat. There have been hundreds the fact stated by Hazrat Eesa (Jesus) (Alayhis salaam) that
of thousands. nay millions of Sufis (divine persons) every their tongues are specially accustomed to the recitation of
one of whom had hundreds of disciples, all of whom re- the Kalimah.
cited the Kalimah thousands of times daily as a matter of
routine. It is stated in the book 'Jaami-ul-Usool' that the
word 'Allah' should be repeated a minimum number of five
thousand times daily alid that there is no upper limit for
I Hadith No. 18
J ~ 4 \1 4 1
s +I
J \
' - h - .
y &I U\ &! +\
Hadith No.20
Hadith No. 21
& 2 (yo)
a city inhabited by non-believers. He was still engaged in
the recitation of the Kalimah. The people there were sj 4A.j +i !; J& , . J & ~+Jl
wonderstruck by this scene, and after listening to his whole
story all them also embraced Islam.
w..jj'! 3
G3i .. >.+i & +q
3u L Ji
L . J= JG,
up\ 4j i r l y
*+i )-dl
ow fl u,y L i - 1
. . .-3 .
c w 9,j
,jIXL U ~ ~ +I
j I j *r-l + \)b
the light for which is the Kalimah c h l & U 311 i!d! Y) the
next life is a darkness, the light for which is good deeds;
i 4
and Pulsiraat is a darkness, the light for which is Faith."
Raabiah Adawiyyah (Rahmatullah alaiha) a well At the time of the death of the Holy Prophet (Sal-
known woman saint, used to remain busy in salaat lallaho alaihe wasallam), his companions were so
throughout the night, would sleep a little at the time of much shocked and grieved that many of them became
early dawn and would wake up abruptly just before the overwhelmed with frustration and doubts of various
Fajr prayer, blaming herself and saying: "How long will sorts. Hadhrat Uthman (Radhiyallaho anho) said: "I
you lie asleep; sbon you will be in the grave, where you was also one of those who were given to frustration.
will sleep till the Doomsday." At the time of her death, she Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) came to me and
told her maid-servant that she should be buried in the wished me salaam, but I was too absorbed to be aware
patched woolen cloak, which she used to wear at the time of his coming. He complained to Hadhrat Abu Bakr
of Tahajjud prayer, and that nobody should be informed or (Radhiyallaho anho) that I was displeased with him, so
her death. After her burial according to her wishes, the much so that I did not respond even to his salaam.
maid-servant saw her in a dream wearing a very beautiful Then both of them came to me and wished me salaam.
dress. When asked what happened to her old woolen dress, and Hadhrat Abu Bakr (Radhiyallaho anho) enquired 83
she replied that it had been deposited with her deeds. The of me the reason why I had not responded to Umar's Ei5
maid servant requested her for some advice, and she re- salaam. Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) said: "Yes, I 5
plied: "Do zikr of Almighty Allah as much as you can; by swear by Allah, most certainly you did". I denied having be-
virtue of this you will be worthy of envy in the grave." haved like this, and told them I did not even know of his
comin and wishing me salaam. Hadhrat Abu Bakr (Rad-
hiyall o anho) accepted my explanation, and said that it
must have happened so, and that probably I must have been
absorbed in some thought. I confessed that I was indeed ab-
sorbed in deep thought. Hadhrat Abu Bakr (Radhiyal-
laho anho) enquired what it was, and I submitted that I
was worried because Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wa-
sallam) had died and we had failed to enquire from
him the basic thing required for salvation. Hadhrat
Abu Bakr (Radhiyallaho anho) said that he had made
this enquiry from Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasal-
lam). I got up, and praised him saying that only he was
worthy of this honour, because he always exelled in
matters of religion. Hadhrat Abu Bakr (Radhiyallaho
anho) then said, I had asked Rasulullah (Sallallaho
alaihe wasallam) what basic thing was necessary for
salvation, and he had replied that whoever accepts the
Kalimah that he had offered to his uncle Abu Talib at
the time of his death (but which he rejected) will have
salvation, and that this Kalimah leads to salvation."
All the Sahabah were so much upset and overwhelmed
with grief and sorrow that even Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyal-
laho anho), in spite of his being so brave, held out his
140 Virtues of Zikr Ch. 11: Ahudith on Virtues of Kalirnah Tuyyubah 141
sword in his hand and proclaimed: "I will chop off the Hadith No. 27
head of whosoever.says that Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe
wasallam) is dead. He has only gone to meet his Allah, as
Hadhrat Moosa (Alayhis salaam) had gone on Mount
Toor." Some of the Sahabas feared that the death of the
Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) meant the end of
Islam, some thought that there was no longer any chance
for the progress of Islam, whereas some were dumb-
founded and could not even speak. It was only Hadhrat
Abu Bakr (Radhiyallaho anho) who, in spite of his extreme
love and attachment with Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wa-
sallam), remained firm, calm, and collected. He got up and -
delivered his forceful address, beginning with the verse +Y j\
\sjy w $1 d, + 3 w $1 dJ3 b irb Ti1 epb &I + a,i5
j i j , which means "Muhammad (Sallallaho 1-b JIiJ >I f! i!
J ,UI &G $1 4./r YI US JI 4 3 L + Uj.21 icl(
alaihe wasallam) is but a messenger; many messengers
have passed away before him. Will it be that when he dieth
'-+& 3 i+L: J(3 W i &G, ,
What we sent in advance (i.e. charity, etc.), we found, what there is difference of opinion about Laylatul Qadr (Night of
we consumed we enjoyed', and what we left behind we Power) and in respect of the special time of acceptance of
lost), prayer on Friday. This difference of opinion in such mat-
and in the third line was written ters is a blessing in disguise, as explained in detail in my
book on Fadhaail-e-Ramadhaan. Thus, there have been dif-
ferent narrations in respect of Ismul-A'zam; that given
above is one of these. There have been ahadith too in
(People are sinful, but the Lord is forgiving). regard to these two ayaat as follows:-
A saint relates: "I happened to visit a town in India, Hadhrat Anas (Radhiyallaho anho) reported that Rasu-
and there I came across a tree, the fruit of which resembles lullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam] had said that no other
the almond and has a double shell. When it ip broken, a verse falls so heavy on the most mischievous and wicked
rolled green leaf comes out with JjL; 3% Q in- devils as the two ayats beginning with
scribed on it in red. When I spoke about it to Abu Yaqoob,
the hunter, he was not suprised at all, and told me that in
Elah he had caught a fish, which had gl. .q inscribed on 1
one ear and ; j t;;; on the other.
; According to Ibrahim bin Wasma, the recitation of the fol-
lowing ayats is very effective in cases of mental derange- la
Hadith No. 29 ment, etc., and whosoever is particular in their recitation
will be safeguarded against such maladies; and that these
are written on the corner of the Arsh and cause relief to ter-
rified children or those who fear of the evil eye.
" P! pj
(Sallallaho alaihe wasallam).
&--1 L* u ,y1 ,,GI
ii! Y JG2 $1 LI i!
LI i! ii! 9 jj+
;, jLI g! ii!9 2
7 >I g! ii! 9 mark o,f distinction in the darkness of the Doomsday will
- Y! o! j) .
be (&i
+ji d ,.&) 2 A1 JyJb & d l &I Y! 2) Y JIi 2 iyj4 G y l j
1 4 L !
iQ +ji
The blessings of frequent recitation of the Kalimah fre-
,MI ,
! &,!I O I U eJL-4 &.dl o h &I LWj +I,dJ +dIJ JIi is Q quently becomes apparent just before one's death, and in
j $ . 4 1 ~JWIP+
& ~ $4 1 5 the case of some pious men, these blessings appear even
.. Y! a! Y
1 ,
Jb 4-1 & 6jJj j
)+&L dG) 3u &J, earlier in their life. Abul Abbaas related: "I was lying sick
in the town of Ashbila. I saw a large flock of huge birds of
~ d & ) d ! ~ ; i ~ ~
~ ~
d Y l L ~ l . irt&
u l ~ ~ ~
different colours, white, red, green, etc., which were
b ~ ~ l i & *
?+b Cl. &I k
. ,,d
, c-6 31. I , +i ,.,.+ JIi "j dyi
spreading their wings all together and there were many
men who were carrying something in big covered trays. I
JM +iLijtWI Jb3 4 took them as gifts of death, and started reciting the Kalimah
j 0,5iCAI OA& pu J)UI hi j Tayyibah hurriedly. Then one of those men said to me that
02, 1&
iik bb& Jpdl 3 +jj
the time of my death had not yet come, and that this was a
Once Hadhrat Abu Bakr (Radhiyallaho anho) came to gift for another believer."
Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) in a very sad Just before his death, Hadhrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz
mood. Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) asked (Rahmatullah alaih) asked those around him to make him
him: "You look very sad. What is the matter with sit up. After they did so, he said: "0 Allah! You ordered
you?" He replied: "My cousin died last night, and I me to do many things, which I could not do, and You for-
was sitting near him when he breathed his last." "Did bade me certain things, but I disobeyed you in them." He
you persuade him to recite I; i!ii!J?" asked Rasulullah repeated these words thrice. and then after reciting
(Sallallaho alaihe wasallam): "Yes", said he. "Did he ,iaJ!iij)began to stare in one direction. Somebody asked
recite?" asked Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). him what was he looking at He said: "There are green fig-
"Yes, he had recited it," said he. "Then certainly he
will go to Paradise," said the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe ures who are neither men nor Jinn", and then breathed his
wasallam). "What do the living people get if they recite last.
this Kalimah?" enquired Abu Bakr (Radhiyallaho Sombeody saw Zubaidah (Rahmatullah alaiha) in
anho). Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said dream and asked her how she fared. She replied that she
twice: "This Kalimah will demolish and ever1 elimi- has been pardoned on account of reciting four Kalimahs.
nate their sins."
Note: 49% $ii b~y\.i\
.9 &> @ b ~ i ! i ! g
Stress is laid in many ahadith on reciting Kalimah near
the dead and in the graveyard. It is said in one hadith that
the Kalimah +Ii!i!.j, should be recited profusely during a
;j $: 36\y'! A! 9
\ &+jb$i&\y!i!9
(i) I will hold fast unto $1 until I die.
funeral. In another hadith it is said that dii!d!u' (none is with me into my grave,
worthy of worship except Thee) will be the distinguishing (ii) I will take $1 j!
mark of this Ummat, when they pass over the Siraat (the (iii) I will pass my time of solitude with& J! id).
Bridge). In vet another hadith. it is related that when they (iv) I will take 4,j!ii!j) with me when I appear before
will rise from their graves on the Day of Resurrection. they my Sustainer.
will be reciting.
Hadith No 33
$& >, i!ii! y
ai yj LWId-,I
ki -7
b ( j J
Virtues of Zikr
41c gb -2 Js
.,. (1~
Hadith No 34
favour me with some advice." Rasulullah (Sallallaho
alaihe wasallam) said: "When you happen to commit a
sin, hasten to do a virtue in atonement, so that the ill
effect of the sin may be washed away." Abu Zar (Rad-
hiyallaho anho) then further enquired: "0 Rasulullah!
(Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) is recitation of 41 u'! A!Y,
also a virtue?" "It is the best of all virtues," was the Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) has said:
reply of Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). "Whosoever recites the following ten times will be re-
Note: warded with forty thousand virtues":
A minor sin, no doubt, is washed away by a virtuoys
deed, but a major one is wiped off, as a rule, through
Taubah or of course through the Mercy of Almighty Allah,
as explained earlier in this book. In either case, the wiped-
out sin is neither written in the account of deeds nor men-
tioned anywhere else. So it is said in one hadith that when Note:
a man does Taubah, the Almighty Allah makes the scribing Great rewards are mentioned in the books of hadith for
angels forget that sin. It is forgotten even by the hands and reciting Kalimah Tayyibah a certain number of times. It is
feet of the sinner, and even by the piece of land where it said in one hadith: "When you offer an obligatory Salaat,
was committed, so that there is nobody to give evidence for then recite:
that sin on the Day of Judgement, when the hands, feet, and
other parts of the body of the person himself will stand wit-
ness for his gopd or bad deeds, as will be explained in
Hadith No. 18 of Chapter 2 part 3.
ten times, because its reward is equivalent to that of releas-
The subject matter of the above mentioned hadith is ing a slave from bondage."
supported by many other ahadith. There are many ahadith
to the effect that Taubah from a sin washes it away, as if
one had never committed it. Taubah means to repent and Hadith No 35
feel ashamed of the sin that has been committed, and make
a firm resolution not to repeat it.
Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe .Wasallam) according to
one hadith has said: "Do w o ~ s h i pAllah only, and do not
ascribe any partner to Him; be s i n c e ~ ein all your actions es
if you are standing before Almighty Allah; consider your-
self among the dead; remember Allah near every stone and
154 Virtues of Zikr Ch. 11: Ahadith on,Virtues of Kalimah Tayyabah 155
It is said in another hadith: "Whoever recites:
1 is committed to Shirk at the time of his death; of the two
kinds of deeds which bring equivlrlent rewards, one is to
make firm intention for a virtuous deed (before its actual
performance), and the other is to commit a sin which is
also recorded as one only. The fifth is to do a noble deed,
the reward for which is ten times, while the sixth is to
two million virtues will be written to his credit. spend wealth in the path of Allah, in which case the
Note: reward is enhanced seven hundred times.
How great is the kindness and benevolence of Of the four categories of people, the first is of those
Almighty Allah, that He bestows thousands and millions of who enjoy prosperity in this world but will face adversity
virtues for the mere recitation of this Kalimah, which in the Hereafter, the second is of those who face adversity
action does not involve hard labour or much time; but, un- in this world but will enjoy prosperity in the Hereafter; the
fortunately we are negligent and remain so much absorbed people in the third category face adversity in both the
in our wordly pursuits that we never care to take advantage worlds i.e. they are poor in this life and will be punished
of these bounties. Almighty Allah grants at least ten times in the Hereafter, and the fourth category includes those 'S
reward for every virtue, provided it is done with Ikhlaas, who are well off in both the worlds. 34
and then this reward multiplies further according to the r*
degree of sincerity. Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) A person came to Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (Radhiyallaho 5
has said: "When a person embraced Islam, all his previous anho) and asked him if he had narrated that Almighty
sins are forgiven, and then every virtue is rewarded ten to Allah multiplies the reward of some virtues one million
seven hundred times, and even more than that as Almighty times. He swore in confirmation that he had heard it
Allah may please, but a sin is indicated as a single deed exactly like that. According to another version, he had
and if it is forgiven by Allah it is not even mentioned in the heard it from Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) that
the reward of some virtues is two million times. Almighty
account of deeds." According to another hadith, a virtue is
noted in the account of a person as soon as he intends to do Allah says in the Holy Qur'an &J+ >
2d rjij Wfr;) that
it, but when it is actually done its reward is increased from He multiplies the virtues and grants from His treasure great
ten to seven hundred times, and even more, as Allah may rewards. Who can imagine the extent of the reward which
please. There are many ahadith to this effect, that Allah's has been described as great by Almighty Lord?
bounty knows no limits, provided a person tries to deserve According to imam Ghazali, (Rahmatullah alaih] the
it. The pious people keep this thing in view, and so they great reward will be possible only if we recite these words
are not misled by any amount of worldly wealth. with full concentration on their meanings, because import-
ant attributes of Almighty Allah are described therein.
that the pious people who are used to reciting this Kalimah
excessively have a sort of brightness over their faces, even
during their earthly life.
Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said, "When a
person performs wudhu (ablution) properly (i.e. ob- Hadith No. 38
serving all its essentials as well as details) and then re-
Hadith No. 37 1
* LI >j
gtj O@j
tdb $ > (yq,
j;b &y
is washed away by flood water." According to other ahaa- JY
dith, one who recites this blessed Kalimah before his death
gets all his past sins forgiven. It is said in one hadith that a & -f a\ Ci;j my;Gr5 dpY
,,.<.A # 3-
&I Y! il!Y ~3
# -
&I -, J S ~b
~ j
hypocrite is never able to recite it (at the time of hjs death). J ,SJj+G J1 45) p/&I j rJb (4 -LJ i. &I +bJj & d i l l
It is said in another hadith that we should give ~ & I Y ! ~ I Yas
, LLL-QIL (5i
provision to our deceased ones. According to a hadith.
one who brings up a child till he is able to recite 5
Kitabm Nasaa-'ih and Imam Abu Haatim wrote "Wasful 12. To love Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam),
Imaa-, wa Shu-abihi." which include cherishing the highest esteem for
him, offering Durood on him, and following the
Tne commentators of Bukhari, the most famous collec- Sunnah i.e. his way of life.
tion of ahaadith, have summarised the contents of these
books at one place. The gist of this summary is that com- 13. To practise Ikhlaas. which includes avoiding show
plete Imaan in reality consists of three components: firstly. and hypocrisy.
confirmation by heart of all the essentials of Imaan, sec- 14. To make Taubah i.e. to repent over one's sins from
ondly, confirmation by word of mouth; and thirdly, confir- the core of the heart, and to be determined not to
mation by our physical actions. Thus, the branches of repeat them.
Imaan are divided into three categories. the first of which
concern the intention, belief and action of the heart, the 15. To fear Almighty Allah.
second concern the use of the tongue, and the third con- 16. To hope and pray for the mercy of Allah.
cern all the remaining parts of the body. All the things of
Imaan are included in these three categories. The first cat- 17. Not to despair of Almighty Allah's mercy. (r
egory includes thirty articles of faith, as follows: 18. To remain thankful to Allah. L
1. To believe in Allah-In His Being and His Attri- 19. To be faithful in one's promise. Z N
butes, and that He is One, has no partner, and that 5
there is no one like Him. 20. To exercise patience.
2. To believe that all things except Him, were created 21. To show humility, which includes respect for the
afterwards by Him, and that only He has been elders.
there forever. 22. To show kindness and pity, which includes kind-
3. To believe in the Angels. ness to children.
4. To believe in the revealed Books. 23. To be resigned to one's fate.
5. To believe in the Apostles of Allah. 24. To practise tawakkul i.e. to depend on Almighty
6. To believe in Destiny, i.e. whether good or bad, it Allah.
is ordained by Allah. 25. To refrain from self-praise and self-aggrandise-
7. To believe in the life after death, including inter- ment. This includes self reformation also. .
rogation in the grave, punishment in the grave, 26. Not to harbour rancour and jealousy against
resurrection, the Day of Judgement, rendering ac- others.
count of ones deeds, and passing over the Bridge
of Siraat. 27. To cultivate modesty.
8. To believe in the existence of Paradise, and that 28. To restrain one's rage.
(by the grace of Almighty Allah) the Believers will 29. Not to deceive, cheat or suspect others.
live in it forever. 30. To expel from one's heart the love of the worldly
9. To believe in the existence of Hell, with its things, including that for wealth and status.
severest punishments, and that it will last for ever.
10. To love Almighty Allah. According to Allamah Ainee, (Rahmatullah alaih) this
11. To love or hate other people for the pleasure of list covers all the functions of the heart. If anything is
Allah (i.e. to love the pious and hate the disobe- found apparently missing, a little thought will show that it
dient ones). It includes, of course, loving the Saha- is covered by one item or the other of this list.
bas, specially Muhajirs, Ansars, and descendants The second category includes the functions of the
of Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam).
164 Virtues of Zikr Ch. 11: Ahadith on Virtues of Kalimah Tayyabah 165
tongue, and there are seven essentials in this respect, as fol- 11. Covering the essential parts of the body, as re-
lows:- auired bv Islam, during salaat and outside salaat.
1. Recitation of Kalimah Tayyibah. 12. Offering of sacrifice and taking care of animals to
2. Recitation of the Holy Qur'an. be offered.
3. Acquisition of Ilm (religious knowledge). 13. Making arrangements for the funeral.
- .
4. Propagation of religious knowledge to others. 14. Payment of debt.
5. Duaa, i.e. supplication. 15. Rectitude in dealings, and abstaining from usury.
6. Zikr of Allah, including Istighfaar. 16. Giving correct evidence, and not concealing the
7. To abstain from loose and useless talk.
The second part, which includes action involving treat-
The third category includes bodily actions. In this re- ment with one's relatives and others, has six essentials:-
spect, there are forty essentials which are divided into 0
three parts. The first part which includes actions that relate 1. Getting married as a safeguard against adultery. V)L.
to the self or person of an individual. These are sixteen, as 2. To discharge obligation towards one's family E 5%
follows:- N
members, servants and subordinates. 5
1. Observing cleanliness of body, clothes and place. 3. Good treatment towards one's parents, and being
The cleanliness of body includes wudhu and kind and obedient to them.
obligatory bath, purification from menstruation
and post-birth blood. 4. Bringing up one's children in a proper way.
2. Offering salaat, including fardh, nafl and qadhaa 5. Remaining on good terms with one's relatives.
salaat. This would mean offering and fulfilling its 6 . Obeying one's elders, and following their advice.
The third part includes eighteen essentials, which re-
3. Giving sadaqah (charity), which includes zakaat, lates to our social obligations to society in general:-
Sadaqatul-Fitr, voluntary alms, feeding people, en-
tertaining guests, and liberating slaves. 1. To rule one's domain with justice.
4. Fasting, obligatory as well non-obligatory. 2. To support the right party.
5. Performing Hajj, obligatory or non-obligatory. It in- 3. To obey the rulers, provided their orders are not
cludes making Umrah and Tawaaf. against religion.
6. I'tikaaf (remaining in a mosque in full devotion), 4. To work for the betterment of mutual relations, in-
which includes search for Lailatul Qadr. cluding punishing the wrong-doers and making
Jihaad against the rebels.
7. Leaving one's home for the defence of the Deen.
This includes Hijrat (migratioq for the sake of 5. To help others in their noble deeds.
Allah). 6 . To enjoin the good and forbid the evil; it includes
8. Fulfilling one's offerings.
work and speech for propagation of religion.
7. To carry out the punishments enjoined by religion
9. Steadfastness in one's oaths. (for specific offences).
10. Payment of atonement money, if due. 8. To take part in Jihaad i.e. to fight in the path of
Allah. It includes guarding the defence lines.
166 Virtues of Zikr
1. (At the time of creation of man, the angels had 8. (When on the mountain of Toor, Hadhrat Moosa,
said,) "We hymn Thy Praise, glorify and revere (Alayhis salaam) could not withstand even a
Thee." 1 glimpse of Allah's glory and became senseless),
and when he woke up he said, "Glory unto 'Thee; I
turn unto Thee repentant, and I am the first of true
I believers.
2. (When the angels were put to a test vis-a-vis the
first man, they submitted,) "Glory be to Thee. We
have no knowledge save that which Thou hast
taught us; Thou art the Knower and the Wise."
9. Lo! those who are with thy Lord (i.e. angels) are
not too proud to do Him service, but they praise
3. Remember Thy Lord exceedingly, and praise
(Him) in the early hours of night and morning.
I Him and adore Him alone.
The Sufis have written that the mention of the
negation of pride before anything else implies that
to be free from pride is a pre-requisite for con-
stancy in prayers, and that pride makes one neg-
2 I.
4. (Wise men are those who remain busy in the zikr lectful in prayers.
of Allah, and ponder over the wonders of Nature
and say,) "0,Lord! Thou created this not in vain,
Glory be to Thee; preserve us from the doom of
10. Be He glorified above all that they (unbelievers)
ascribe as partners (unto Him).
7. Glorified be He and exalted high above ( a l l ) they 12. Praised be He and exalted above all that ye (non-
(Unbelievers)ascribe unto Him. believers) associate with Him.
170 Virtues of Zikr Ch. 111: Ayaat mentioning Third Kalirnah 171
13. They say, Allah had taken (unto Him) a son. Glori- rified, and unto themselves (they assign) what
fied be He; He hath no needs. they desire.
16. Well know We that thy bosom is at times op- 23. (In reply to the absurd demands of others) say,
pressed by what they say. But hymn the praise of "My Lord is glorified, and I am naught save, a
thy Lord, and be of those who make prostration mortal messenger."
(unto Him). And serve thy Lord until the inevi- I
,+j +. \ ii $'! >;G 2 *j & *+i
( 7 ~
, .
r,! -
d J j i y j@\, j$\ L s (7A) 35. Therein do offer praise to Him, at morning and
28. They (The pious people) celebrate His [Allah's) evening, men whom neither merchandise nor sale
praise night and day; they feel not tired. beguileth from remembrance of Allah and con-
stancy in prayer and paying to, the poor their dues;
(hi) U 3914j&I L u(~q) men who fear the day (i.e. Dooms-day) when the
hearts and eyeballs will be upturned.
29. G ~ O A ~ Wbe Allah, the Lord of the Arsh (throne).
from all that they ascribe (Unto Him).
(hi) \a, >JI
J ,
&J\ I J ~ (,y e )
30. And they (mushrikeen) say, the Beneficent hath
taken unto Himself a son! Be He glorified.
$1; J ~ * Ijj~j u+; (YI)
i 36. Hast thou not seen that Allah, He it is Whom all
those in the Heavens and the Earth praise, and the
birds in their flight. Each one knoweth verily its
own (mode of) worship and praise: and Allah is
aware of what they do.
$, & a.5
. 3. &
. 3 f.i- bgL &
* +
. ** \j6(YV)
31. And He subjugated the hills and the birds to
Dawood: they hymn (His) praise along with
Dawood. I
(yt, ~ , u i , ..*
lu b,
\$j Fill I> $
#' - .
174 Virtues of Zikr 1
Ch. JIJ: A~ruatmentioning Third Kulirnuh 175
3 7 . (On the Day of Judgement when Allah will haul 43. Only those believe in Our revelation who, when
up the non-believers and those whom they they are reminded of them, fall do.wn prostrate
worshipped, and enquire from the latter whether and hymn the praise of their Lord, and they are
they had misled the former) they will say, "Be not proud and scornful.
Thou glorified. It was not for us to choose any pro-
tectors besides Thee; but Thou did give them and
their fathers ease, till they forgot the warning and
became lost folk."
44. Ye who believe! Kemember Allah with much re-
membrance, and glorify Him early in the morning
and late in the evening.
38. And trust thou in the Living One, Who dieth not,
and hymn His praise. He is sufficient as Knower of 45. (On the Day of Judgement when the entire creation
His bondsman's sins. would be assembled, Allah will ask from the 'tj
Angels whether you were being worshipped). gs
They (Angels) will say, "Be Thou glorified, (and .gN
need no partner) Thou art our protector from j*
39. Glorified be Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
56. Those (angels) who bear the Throne, and all who
51. Glorified be Thy Lord, the Lord of Majesty, from are round about it, hymn the praise of their Lord,
that which they attribute (unto Him). And peace and believe in Him and ask forgiveness for all
be unto those sent as prophets, and praise be to those who believe, saying: our Lord, Thy compre-
Allah, the Lord of the worlds. hensive reach is over all things in mercy and
knowledge; therefore forgive those who repent and
follow Thy way, and ward off from them the pun-
ishment of hell.
(it- 39) J . , p . 4 t4.j && g, ( O v ) 32
52. Lo! We subdued the hills to hymn the praises (of 57. And hymn the praise of thy Lord at fall of night
their Lord) with him (Prophet Dawood) (Alayhis and in the early dawn.
salaam) at nightfall and sunrise. And the birds as-
sembled, all with him, were turning unto Him
(and hymn His Praises).
59. And the angels hymn the praises of their Lord and
ask forgiveness for those on the Earth.
54. Glorified is' l i e and exalted High above all that
they ascribe as partners (unto Him).
the Lord of the Throne, from what they ascribe 68. All that is in the Heavens and the Earth glorifieth
(unto Him). Allah, and He is the Mighty, the Wise.
72. All that is in the Heavens and the Earth glorifieth
Allah, and He is the Mighty, the Wise.
65. And hymn the praise of they Lord when thou up-
risest. And in the night time hymn His praise, and
also at the setting of the stars.
'+!L;j &G,j,j'.p
+ $9.$$i .+i&ji J,j (v,, va)
(ye- 9.1 sz
3. So, of the people who did wrong, the last remnant
was cut off. Praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds. T
78. Remember the name of thy Lord at morning and
evening; and worship Him a portion of the night,
and glorify Him through the long night.
79. Praise the name of thy Lord, the most High. 4. And they say, all praise be to Allah. Who hath
guided us to this: we could not have trulv been led
aright if Allah had not guided us.
80. Then hymn the praise of thy Lord and seek for-
giveness of Him. Lo! He is ever ready to show
In the eighty verses quoted abo\-i., there is either a
clear commandment of Almighty Allah for hymning his 5. Those who follow the messenger, the prophet who
glory, or else its importance is stressed. A thing that has can neither read nor write, whom they will find
been repeatedly mentioned and especially stressed by the described in the Torah and Gospel (which are)
Lord of Lords in His Holy Book is doubtless most virtuous. with them. (Among the qualities described in the
Along with the commandment for glorification of Almighty Torah, one is that his followers will praise Allah
Allah, it has been stressed in many of the above mentioned very much).
verses to hymn His praise and recite ( A ~ I , .In addition to
these verses, there are other ayaats as well, given below,
which describe specifically the importance of hymning His
praise and reciting (.i&i) It is most significant that the
Holy Book starts with-the verse ( & l + j i . ~ ' i ) which indi-
cates the excellence of this sacred phrase.
Ill: I iI ~~xKl C I I I I T I ~ I ~
L \ ! . ( I ~ I I~ I I ~ I I ~ I ~ I ' Il 'Il ~
182 Virtues of Zikr (;/I,
(, y t
(rt>) w~31
jA &I i! ( Y \ ) 27. Praise be to Allah; but most of them know not.
cause He alone is worthy of real praise. Nobody else my bondsman say on that?' They say, "He praised You and
(really) deserves praise, because nobody has real control recited (ij+\jJ!c!j$sfl!) (We belong to Allah, and to Him we
over anything, not even over his own person.
It is narrated in one hadith that the luckiest perLons on shall return). On this, Almighty Allah orders that a house
the Day of Resurrection will be those who hymn Allah's for him should be built in Paradise, and that it should be
praise excessively. According to one hadith, recitation of named Bait-ul-Hamd (House of Praise). According to an-
Allah's praise is in reality expression of one's gratitude to other hadith, Allah is greatly pleased with a person who
Him, and one who does not recite His praise has not ex- says &I;;ji) on eating a morsel of food or on getting a drink
pressed his thanks to Him. It is stated in one hadith that re- of water.
citing Allah's praise on receipt of any bounty acts as a The third part of this Kalimah is &i!ii~J, which has
safeguard against its loss. Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wa- been described in detail in the l?sichapter. The fourth part
sallam) is stated to have said, "Saying (h.JA1) by anyone is known as Kalimah Takbeer (3141) which means acclama-
from my IJmmat is more beneficial to him than his getting tion of His greatness and affirmation of His grandeur and
possession of the whole world." His splendour. The importance of this fourth part of the
It is narrated in one hadith that when Allah bestows a Kalimah has also been described in many of the verses
bounty on some one and thereupon that person recites His given already; there are other ayaat which specifically,de-
Praise, this act on his part surpasses the value of that scribe the greatness and grandeur of Almighty Allah. These g5
bounty, however big it might be. are as follows:- 5
A Sahabi while sitting near Rasulullah (Sallallaho
alaihe wasallam) happened to recite in a low voice
9. He is Allah, other than Whom there is no Cod. the (a) (There is no Allah except Thee) You are above all
Sovereign Lord, the Holy One, Bestower of peace. shortcomings and are worthy of all kinds of praise.
the Keeper of Faith, the Guardian, the Majestic, O! mv Lord. I have acted viciously and wronged
the Compeller, the Superb. myself; therefore forgive me, surely you are the
best of forgivers.
The avaats given above describe the greatness and
grandeur of Almightv Allah, and contain commandment (b) There is no Allah except Thee. You are above all
and persuasion for recounting it. In many of ahadith too defects: you are worthy of all praise. O! my Lord. I
commandment and persuasion for reciting Allah's Great- have acted viciously and wronged mvself; kindlv
ness has been stressed. It is stated in one hadith, "When show mercv upon me. surely You are most Com-
you see that fire has broken, out somewhere, hymn (21 passionate, most Merciful.
excessi\rely, which will put out the fire." Another hadith (c) There is no Allah except Thee. You are above all
also states that recitation of c;jiii,puts out the fire. It is said defects and shortcomings, and are worthy of all
in one hadith that when a person sa!.s $1 31 its Noor (Light) praise. O! my Lord. I have acted viciously and
covers everything between the Earth and the sky. Accord- wronged mvself: relent towards me, as You are Re-
ing to one hadith, Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) lenting ilnd Merciful.
190 Virtues of Zikr C h . Ill: A!,c~trl men1 ioning 'l' Kulinic~h 191
There are other ahadith of similar nature, as narrated and at time of Salaat he reminds him of something which
by Allamah Soyuti (Rahmatullah alaih) in 'Durrul Man- actuates him to get u p and go away at once without having
thoor' wherein words meaning glorification and hymning recited it.
praise of Allah occur.
According to one hadith Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe
was all an^) said, "Is it not possible for you to earn even one
thousand virtues every day? Someone enquired, "How can
we earn one thousand virtues daily 0' Rasulullah (Sallal-
laho alaihe wasallam?" He replied, "Recite cbSI;.;;) one
2. Whosoever bringeth a good deed will receive ten- hundred times, and you will have earned one thbusand vir-
fold the like thereof, while whosoever bringeth an tues.';
ill deed will be awarded like thereof, and they will
not be wronged.
Kasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said, "There
are two routines, which if followed by a Muslin1 will CI
enable him to enter into Paradise. Both the routines are 3. Wealth and children are the ornaments of the g, i
very easy, but there are very few people, who act according earthly life. But good deeds that endure are better EN
to them. One is to recite ($i L ,i&it i 1 a\;.;) ten times after in thy Lord's sight for rewards, and better in re- 5
every obligator" salaat i.e. five tilies a day. In this way. one spect of hope, (i.e. we should base our hope on
is able to glorify Allah one hundred an& fifty times. and good deeds instead of o n our wealth and chil-
thereby earns one thousand and five hundred virtues every dren.).
day. The second routine is to recite ($i&i)
thirtv four times. (L&i) thirty three times, and
thirty three times at .the time of going to bed evzry ntght.
Orie glorifies Allah one hundred times in this way, and
earns. one thousand virtues thereby. Thus, the virtues
earned during the day total two thousand and five hull- 4. Allah increaseth in right guidance those who walk
dred. O n the l)av of Judgement. when deeds will .be aright, and the good deeds which endure are better
weighed, will there be anybody who will have committed in thy Lord's sight for reward, and better for ulti-
everyday two thousand and five hundred evil deeds, which mate resort.
can counter-act as many virtues'?" Although a u ~ ~ a q(good g ~ deeds which endure for
Although among the Sahaba. there was likely to be ever) include all good deeds which are rewarded for ever.
~loilewho c:ould have done two thousand and five hundred yet according to some ahadith it implies these very Kali-
evil deeds during a day, yet in this age our daily misdeeds mahs. Kasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) has said,
far exceed this number. Thus. it was extrenlely kind of Ka- "Hymn these (oubl~ oqu~)excessively." Somebody enquired
sulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) to have told us the what this was. Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasa1,Ianl) re-
presc:riptio~~ for illcreasillg our good deeds over our mis- plied, "It is to recite Takbeer ($ %) , Tahleel 41g! il!j,. Tas-
deeds. It is upto the patient to act upon it. beeh (+I ;tG), Tahmeed , J$Y) ."
and chk g! ~JY;
Acc:ording to one haditti, the companions of Kaslllul- According to another hadith. Rasulullah (&llallaho alaihe
lah (Faltallaho alaihe wasallam) asked him the reason why wasallam) said, "Beware. $ ii!JhdijI consti-
. o ~ i l yo few people are able to act upon the above nlentioned tute ( ~ U W~I Y U I ,(good deeds which endbre for ever)." I t is
I\ro things in spite of their being so easy. He replied that at stated in one hadith that Rasulullah (Sallallaho a1a1'he wa-
night the devil makes one to sleep before he has recitetl i t sallam) had said, "Beware, be on your guard." "Somebody
192 Virtues of Zikr Ch. Ill: A!.clcll menlioning 'l'hircl K c ~ l i n l c ~ h 193
enquired "0, Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), is it forgiveness of the reciter." This is supported by the above
against some impending invasion by some enemy?" "The ayat (&I $1 Lij!) . Hadhrat Ka'ab, (Radhiyallaho anho)
Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) replied, "No, arrange
to guard yourself against the fire of hell, through the recita- had said that hymning of
tion of @ &i 31J!ii!J L UiL b G ) , because these Kalimahs
will go forward to kterckde for you on the Day of Judge-
ment (or they will move you forward towards Paradise),
these will guard you from behind, these will oblige and goes buzzing round the Arsh and therein mentions the
benefit you and these are the ~ U WaI ~ g(good
l deeds which name of the reciter. Another Sahabi narrated a similar
endure for ever)." Similarly, there are many other ahadith hadith.
in support of this contention, as given in Durul Manthoor,
by Allama Suyuti.
the sins to fall off like the leaves of trees (during the winter
PART I1 Hadith No 2
This part deals with the ahadith in which Rasulullah
(Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) mentioned the virtues of these
kalimahs and recommended their recitation.
Hadith No 1
Hadith No.4
Sahabi whose name was Waqfi (Radhiyallaho anho).
Once Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) came across a
leper who was blind, deaf and dumb. He said to his com-
panions, "Do you see any bounties of Allah on this
person?" "Apparently none," they replied. "Can he not uri-
nate easily?" said Umar (Radhiyallaho anho).
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mas'ood (Radhiyallaho anho)
said, "On the Day of Judgement there will be three courts.
In one of these, the accounts of virtues will be scrutinized,
in the second Allah's bounties will be counted, and in the
third the sins will be accounted for. The virtues will be
counterbalanced by the bounties of Allah, so the sins will
remain outstanding and their disposal will depend on
Allah's mercy."
All this means that a man is duty bound to show his
gratitude to Almighty Allah for His unlimited favours at all
times and under all conditions. Therefore, he should strive
his utmost to earn as many virtues as possible and should
not rest content at any stage, because it will be on the Day
of Judgement that he will realize how many sins had been
committed unknowingly through his eyes, nose, ears, and
other parts of the body. The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wa-
sallam) had said, "Everyone of you will have to appear
before Almighty Allah, you will be face to face with Him,
with no curtain in between. There will be no lawyer or in-
terpreter to advocate your cause; there will be heaps of
your deeds on either side. The fire of Hell will be in front
of you, and therefore you should trv your best to ward off The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) savs,
this fire through sadaqah, (voluntarv charity) which may be "When on the night of Mi'raaj 1 met I-ladhrat Ibrahim
as paltry as a single date." It is stated in one hadith, "On (Alayhis salaam) he asked me to convev his salam to
the Day of Judgement, you will first be reminded how you my Ummat and tell them that the soil of Paradise is
were blessed with good health and were given cold water very fine and fertile and there is very good water to
to drink" (which implies. whether you showed gratitude irrigate it, but the land is all a virgin plain and its
for these favours). According to another hadith, "You will plants are
not be allowed to move away from the court of Allah until
you have answered five questions: (1)How did you spend
202 Virtues of Zikr
44 Ch. 111: Ahadith on Virtues of Third Kalimah 203
so that one can plant there as much as he likes." ance with their deeds. The second explanation by some
According to one hadith, the above Kalimah is also fol- Ulama is that the gardens in the Paradise will be awarded
lowed by ! !i!i$Yj J; Y . According to another hadith it was according to the deeds of good people, and as such it is the
deeds that are said to have caused these trees to grow for
said, "A tree for every part of this Kalimah is planted in them. The third explanation is that the smallest Paradise
Paradise " It is stated in one hadith, "Whosoever recites that anybody will get will be bigger than the whole world,
e&jAlbG , a tree is planted for him in Paradise." It is
and some parts of it are covered with original gardens and
stated in one hadith, "Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasal- other parts of it are without growth, so that trees will get
lam) was going somewhere when he saw that Abu Hurairah automatically planted there according to the Zikr and glori-
(Radhiyallaho anho) was planting a tree. He asked him fication done by its recipient. Hadhrat Maulana Gangohi,
what he was doing. "I am planting a tree," was the reply. (Rahmatullah alaih) a great Shaikh and scholar, has stated
Thereupon Rasulullah, (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said, in his book Kaukabud Durree that all the trees are available
"Should I tell you about the best plantation? It is there in the form of a nursery, and are planted according to
(9 ai 51j!ii!J3, Uib LE+ ; the recitation of each of these the good deeds, after which they continue to grow.
Kalimahs caises a tree to grow for you in Paradise." *
Hadhrat Ibrahim (Alayhis salaam) sent his salam 0
scribed it is stated that there are all kinds of fruit trees in it, I How great is the grace of Allah that even those who
cannot bear hardship in the path of Allah are not deprived
so much so that the literal meaning of the word Jannat from earning virtues and huge rewards. One who cannot
(Paradise) is "garden". There is thus a sort of contradiction: I keep awake at night, cannot spend in Allah's path and
.the (Jlarna explain that originally Paradise is a treeless cannot take part in religious fighting, because of co-wardice,
plain. but when i t will be handed over to the various but still has value for Deen in his heart, and is anxious to
people tht:y will find gardens and trees there, in accord- improve his life in the Hereafter, is still eligible to earn
204 Virtues of Zikr 44 Ch. 111: Ahadith on Virtues of Third Kalimah 205
Hadith No.6
Hadith No.9
never disappointed. These are &I % A .Ui A! b G ) of ( A I ~ G )occupies half the scale-pan, the reward of
which should be recited, 33, 33 and 34 times, respect- ( A d i , occupies the remaining half, and the reward of
ively after every obligatory salaat." &ail fills the space between the Earth and the sky. It is
Note: stated in one hadith that Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wa-
sallam) had said, "
These Kalimahs have been termed as (.I. (things
that follow), either because these are recited after the salaat
or because the recitation of these after sins results in
washing them off, or because these are recited one after the is more dear to me than all the things under the Sun."
other. Hadhrat Abu Darda (Radhiyallaho anho) narrated, Mullah Ali Qari (Rahmatullah alaih) explained it to mean
"We have been directed to recite (At LI&, 33 times and (+ I;;ji) that it is more dear than spending in the path of Allah all
33 times and& 4! ii!J,34 times aftei every salaat." that this world contains. It is said that once Hadhrat Sulai-
man (Alayhis salaam) was going somewhere on his throne,
when the birds spread their wings to protect him from the
Hadith No. 10 Sun, and the armies of men and Jinn were going with him.
On seeing this, a worshippper praised Allah for the grand-
eur of this vast kingdom. Hadhrat Sulaiman (Alayhis
salaam) remarked, "The credit in the account of deeds of a
believer for reciting ( $ L G ) once is more than the whole
kingdom of Sulaiman Bin Dawood, because this kingdom is
transitory but the reward of reciting ( F J ) is everlasting."
Hadith No. 11
and therefore are stressed so much by him. Is it not there- the earth were placed in one pan of the balance and
fore incumbent upon us who claim to love him that we this kalimah were put in the other pan, the latter
should show extreme devotion to these Kalimahs, because would outweight the former. The second thing that I
doing so also amounts to showing respect, obedience, and recommend to you is the recitation of (!+j , -L S G ) ,
gratitude to Him. which is the prayer of all the creation and by virtue of
which all the creation get their sustenance. There is
No. 12
~adith none among the creation that does not hymn glorifica-
tion of Allah, but you do not understand their speech.
And the two things from which I forbid you, are shirk
(polytheism) and arrogance, because these two keep
you away from Allah and His noble creation."
The subject matter of this hadith has also been dis-
cussed before when describing the virtues of$\$ J!J,. That 2
all the creation hymn the glory of Allah is also mentioned
in the aayaat of the Holy Qur'an. One of these aayaat is EN
(There is none among the creation who does not hymn His
It is narrated in many ahadith that on the night of
Mi'raaj, Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) had heard
all the Heavens hymning the glory of Allah.
Once Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) hap-
pened to pass by a group of men who, though halted, were
sitting on the backs of their horses and camels. He said to
them "Do not use the backs of your animals as chairs and
pulpits, as so many of them are better than their riders and
do zikr of Allah more than the riders."
Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said, Hadhrat Ibn Abbas (Radhiyallaho anho) said that even
"Prophet Nooh (Alayhis salaam) said to his sons, "I the crops hymn the glory of Allah, and the owner gets the
give you a piece of advice and, in order that you may reward for it.
not forget it, I say it very briefly. I advise you for doing
two things and forbid you from doing two things. The Once a bowl of food was presented to Rasulullah (Sal-
two things which I recommend are such that Almighty lallaho alaihe wasallam), who remarked that the food was
Allah and His noble creation are greatly pleased with hymning the glory of Allah. Somebody asked if he under-
them. and both of these have easy access to Almighty stood its hymning. He replied in the affirmative, and then
Allah. One of the two things is (j14!ii!.j,, which if it he asked that it be taken to a certain person who also, when
were enclosed in the mighty sky, will break through it the cup was brought to him, heard it hymning the glory of
and reach Almighty Allah and, if all the heavens and Allah: In the same way, another person also heard it. Some-
212 Virtues of Zikr Ch. 111: Ahadith on Virtues of Third Kalimah 213
bodv requested that all those present should be allowed made taubah then and there. Afterwards, Hadhrat Imam
to hear it. Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said, Abu Hanifa (Rahmatullah alaih) prayed, " 0 Allah! take
"If some one fails to hear it, others will think that he is a away this thing from me. I do not want to see the shortcom-
sinner." This sort of revelation is known as Kashf c j t s ) . ings of other people." His prayer was accepted by Almighty
which is bestowed on the Prophets, but the Sahabas (Kad- Allah, and he got relieved of this power. It is related that it
hiyallaho anhum) also were able to attain it as a result of was during that earlier period that he had declared the
their company with and their nearness to Rasulullah (Sal- water once used for wudhu to have become polluted: when
lallaho alaihe wasallam). Hundreds of incidents can be he saw the dirt and bad smell of sins in it, he could not
cited as a proof thereof. Even the Sufis often develop this regard it otherwise. After he was relieved of this power, he
quaiitv through their spiritual labour, as a result of which also gave u p declaring this water as polluted.
they are able to understand what the rocks and animals It is related of a disciple of our Shaikh Maulana Abdur
hymn and speak. But according to the authentic scholars, Rahim Raipuri (Rahmatullah alaih), mav Allah enlighten
proficiency in this line is not necessarily proof of one's his grave, that for days together. he could not go out to
high spiritual attainment or nearness to Allah. Whoever answer the call of nature, because he found spiritual light
labours and strives for this can develop it, irrespective of prevailing all over. Similarly, there are hundreds and thou-
whether he attains nearness to Almighty Allah or not; sands of incidents proving beyond any doubt that those
therefore. the true religious authorities do not attach any who are blessed with Kashf can see hidden things, accord- 23
importance to it. On the other hand, they regard it as harm- ZN
ing to the degree of their attainment. 5
ful in the respect that the novice gets so much absorbed
and involved into it that it acts as a hindrance to his spiri-
tual progress. I know this about some disciples of Maulana Hadith No. 13
Khalil Ahniad (Rahmatullah alaih) when they happened to
develop a sort of Kashf that to prevent its further progress
Maulana (Rahmatullah alaih), stopped them from doing all
sorts of zikr. FYloreover, the scholars avoid developn~entof
Kashf. because it leads to the disclosure to them of the sins
of others, which is against their liking.
Allamah Sha'raani has related in his book "Meezaanul
Kubra" about Hadhrat Imam Abu Hanifa (Rahmatullah
alaih) that when he happened to see somebody performing
ablution. he could also see the sins that were being washed
away in the water, so much so that he could even distin-
guish whether the washed off sins were major or minor
sins or merely undesirable deeds, just as one is able to see
the material things.,Clnce he happened to go into the place
of wudhu in the main mosque of Koofa, where a young
man was performing wudhu. After looking at the water
used by him, he quietly advised him, "My brother! make
taubah from disobeying your parents," which he did. Then
he saw another person and said to him, "My brother! re-
frain from adultery, it is a major sin," and the man made
taubah from adultery. He saw that the water used by yet
another man indicated the sins of drinking and sinful
amusement. He advised the man accordingly, who also
214 Virtues of Zikr Ch. 111: Ahadith on Virtues of Third Kalimah 215
engaged in the zikr of Allah, they call each other and ness was only a statement of facts, because on that occasion
gather round them, and pile u p over each other right those angels were acting as the witnesses that those people
upto the sky. When that assembly for zikr is over. the 1 were engaged in prayers and zikr of Allah. That is why
angels ascend to the Heavens and then Almighty they had to clarify the position, lest there should be any ob-
Allah. in spite of knowing everything, asks them where 1 jection. But it is the extreme benevolence of Allah that, be-
thev had come from? They submit that they have come I cause of the blessed people engaged in zikr. a man who is
from such and such group of His bondsmen, who were sitting near them by the way is not deprived of the bles-
busy in hymning His Glorv, His Grandeur, His Great- 1 sings. Almighty Allah savs in His Book:
ness and His Praise. Allah says, "Have those people
seen Me?" "No, our Lord", confirm the angels. "How
w~ouldthev have acted if they had actually seen me?"
"They would have busied themselves with even
greater zeal in praving to You and in hymning Your "0 you who believe! fear Almighty Allah and be with the
praise and Glorv." submit the angels. "What do they truthful.
demand?" "They want Paradise", reply the angels.
"Have they ever seen Paradise?" says Almighty Lord. The Sufis say. "Remain with Almighty Allah, and if 'il I.
would they have acted if they had seen it?" says Allah. he sees, his hands with which he holds, his feet with
"They would have been more scared of it, and would which he walks: and whatever he begs of Me I grant him."
have tried more for protection against it," say the That Allah becomes his hands and feet, etc., means that he
angels. Then Almighty Allah says, "Allright then, all performs his actions for earning the pleasure and love of
of you bear witness that I grant forgiveness to all those Allah and that he does not do anything against the will of
present in that assembly." One angel says. "0 Allah! a Allah. The books of history relate the lives of many sufis
person happened to be there only by chance; he had of this level. A booklet, known as 'Nuzhatul Basaateen' is
come for some other business and had not taken part specially devoted to the account of such Sufis.
in what they did." Almighty Allah says, "That group I .Sheikh Abu Bakr Kattaani (Rahmatullah alaih) related,
was so blessed that whosoever happened to sit with "Once, at the time of Hajj, there was a gathering in Mecca
them, evell bv the way, is not deprived of the blessings of some Sufis, the youngest among whom was Junaid Bagh-
(and thus he is also forgiven)." dadi (Rahmatullah alaih). In that gathering, there was a dis-
It is described in several ahaadith that there is a group v cussion on the subject of 'Love of Allah' and as to who is
4 the lover of Allah! Many of them expressed their views on
of angels who go about in search of assemblies and individ-
uals engaged in zikr. and wherever they find them, they sit the subject, but Junaid Baghdadi (Rahmatullah alaih) kept
near them and listen to their zikr. This subject matter is quiet. He was pressed to say something. With his head
alreadv included in Hadith No. 8 in Chapter I, wherein it is bowed down and tears in his eyes, he said, "A lover (of
also explained whv Almighty Allah praises these persons Allah) is he who forgets his own self, remains engaged in
in the presence of the angels. Allah's zikr with due regard to all its requirements; sees
Allah with the eyes of his heart, which is burnt by the heat
The submission by an angel that there was, in that as- of Allah's fear; Allah's zikr intoxicates him like a cup of
semblv. a person who had come there on his private busi- wine, he speaks the word of Allah as if Almighty Allah
218 Virtues of Z i h 45 Ch. Ill: Ahadith on Virtues of Third Kaliniah 219
speaks through his mouth; if he moves he does so under bolted the door from inside, removed the bread and olive
the command of Allah; he derives peace of mind only oil from near the lamp lest she should see it, climbed up on
through obedience to Allah; and when such a stage is the roof of my house and called out to mv neighbours.
reached, his eating, drinking, sleeping, awaking and, in When people gathered. I told them that Hadhrat Sa'eed had
short, all his actions are for the pleasure of Allah; he
neither pays any heed to the worldly customs, nor does he
attach any importance to adverse criticism by the people."
Hadhrat Sa'eed bin Musayyib was a well known Ta-
i given his daughter to me in marriage, and that he had just
then himself brought her and left her in my house. 'T'hev
were all greatly surprised, and exclaimed, 'Is it true that
she is already in your house? 'Yes,' confirmed I. The news
bi'ee, and is counted as a great Muhaddith. A person spread and also reached my mother, who at once came
named Abdullah bin Abi Widaa-ah, who used to go to him there and said, 'If you touch her for three days, I will not
very often, related as follows: "I could not go to him for a see your face: in three days we will make all the prepara-
few days. Then when I went, Hadhrat Sa'eed asked me tions. After three days, when I met the girl. I found her ex-
where I had been. I told him that my wife had died and tremelv beautiful. She was a Hafiz of the Qur'an. very
conversant with the Sunnat of the Prophet (Sallallaho
that I remained busy on that account. He said, "Had you in- alaihe wasallam) and well acquainted with her obligations %
formed me, I could have also joined the funeral." When, to her husband. For one month, neither Hadhrat Sa'eed ,,
after a little while, I got up to leave he said, 'Have you mar-
ried again?" I replied, 'Who would marrv a penniless 1 came to me. nor I went to him. After one month. when I
went to him there was a big gathering. After wishing 5
person such as I am?" He said that he would arrange it, and salaam to him, I sat down. When all others left, he asked
there and then he read out the marriage serqpn and solem- me how I found my wife. I replied, 'She is most excelle~lt.
nised my nikaah (marriage declaration) with his own so that friends are pleased to see her and foes become t:n-
daughter, fixing the mehr (jointure) at a paltry sum of eight vious,' He iurther said. 'If you find anything undesirable.
or ten annas" (This small amount as mehr may be permiss- you mav use a stick to rectify it.' After I returned from
ible according to them, as it is according to some Imams, there, he sent me through a special messenger a gift of
but according to Imam Abu Hanifa (Rahmatullah alayh) a I
twenty four thousand dirhams (which comes to about five
sum less than two rupees and eight annas is not permiss-
ible). "After the nikaah, I left the place. Only Almighty 1 thousand rupees). This girl had been demanded by King
Allah knows how overjoyed I was; in my happiness, I was ', Abdul Malik bin Marwaan for marriage w i t h his son,
Waleed, who was the crown prince. but Hadhrat Sa'eed
thinking where from to borrow the money for expenses to had declined the offer. In this way, he bad incurred the
bring the wife to my house. I remained absorbed in these wrath of King Abdul Malik, who on some other pretext got
thoughts till it was evening. I was keeping a fast, and I him punished with a hundred lashes in bitter cold, J I I ~
broke it at sunset. After the evening prayer, I reached home then had a pitcher of cold water poured on him."
and, lighting the lamp, I started eating my bread with olive
oil, when somebody knocked at the door. Who is there?
said I, "Sa'eed", came the reply. I started thinking which
Sa'eed it was. It did not occur to me that it could be Hadh-
rat Sa'eed. because for forty pears he had never been to any
place except the mosque and his own house. I was sur-
prised to see him standing outside, and submitted that he
9 .
, J j
Hadith No. 15
. 3
, 3,,,;i; $ 2 (to,
. .
should have called for me. He replied, 'It was proper for me
to come. I thought that since you have been married. you .
;vi j j a ,
~ ;
should not be alone in your house. I have. therefore,
brought vour wife to live with vou. Saving this, he sent his
daughter in, closed the door and went away. The girl. being
overwhelmed with modestv, fell down on the ground. I
220 Virtues of Zikr 45 1
1 Ch. 111: Ahadith on Virtues of Third Kalimah 221
i from the Shariat point of view. Fluent talk based on lies
iii & $ I \ j1 s &I JGj WGj, Jacjy!, j ,a! &>h:
44 &I -. >,I> I!, i will be of no avail there. What we talk here and what the
actual reality is will all be known there. Rasulullah (Sallal-
l laho alaihe wasallam) had said, "Sometimes one talks
Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said, "Whoso- merely to amuse others, but because of it he is thrown into
ever recites &i&i i!i!9 A UiAt will be re- Hell to a depth which exceeds the distance between the
warded with ten virtues for each letter thereof. Whoso- earth and the sky. A slip of the tongue is fraught with more
ever supports an unjust party in a dispute incurs the dangers than the slip of the foot." It is said in one hadith,
wrath of Allah, until he repents and does toubah. Who- "Whosoever reproaches somebody else for his sin will find
soever intercedes to prevent infliction of punishment himself involved in it before his death." Imam Ahmad
awarded according to Islamic law is considered to (Rahmatullah alaih) explained that this hadith implies
oppose Almighty Allah, and whosoever slanders a such sins from which the sinner has done toubah. Hadhrat
Muslim, man or woman, will in the Hereafter be im- Abu Bakr (Radhiyallaho anho) used to pull his tongue and
prisoned in Radghatul Khabal (a deep part of Hell), say, "You are the cause of our woes." Ibn Munkadir, a
until he gets exonerated from this sin, which will famous Muhnddith, and a Taabi'ee was seen weeping when
hardly be possible there." he was about to die. Someone asked why he wept. He re- 0
plied, "I do not remember to have committed any sin, but I 2
Backing an unjust cause has nowadays become our might have said something which, though ordinary in my gi3
second nature. In spite of knowing that we are at fault, we opinion, may turn out to be something very serious before
become unjust and partial for the sake of our relatives and Almighty Allah."
our party. We are not afraid of the wrath, displeasure, and
punishment of Almighty Allah, when our relatives and
friends are involved. Not to speak of telling them that they Hadith No 16
should desist from committing wrong, we cannot even
keep quiet and remain neutral, but we go to the extreme in
supporting them. If anybody uts up a claim against them,
we try to oppose him. If a riend of ours commits theft,
wrongs somebody, or indulges in adultery, we encourage
and help him in all possible ways. Is this according to the
dictates of our faith and religion? Is this accordfig to Islam
that we feel proud of? Do we not thus degrade our Islam in
the eyes of others, and degrade ourselves before Almighty
Allah? It is stated in one hadith that one who deals or
fights with somebody on the basis of sectionalism (racial-
ism) is not one of us. According to another hadith, section-
alism means to help one's own people in their wrong In the closing period of his life, whenever Rasulul-
cause. lah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) got up from a meeting,
he used to recite
"Radghatul Khabal" is the mud formed by the blood
and puss of those in Hell. How dirty and horrible would be
that place where such people who do slander against the
Muslims will be imprisoned. In this life, we take it very
lightly to talk against whosoever we iike, but we will re- "Glory to Thee, 0 Allah, with the highest of
alise the gravity of our offence in the Hereafter when we Praises; I bear witness that there is none worthy of
will be required to justify and prove whatever we have said worship except Thee, 1 seek Thy forgiveness and turn
here, and the proof given there wi!l have to be acceptable to Thee."
222 Virtues of Zikr Ch. 111: Ahadith on Virtues of Third Kalirnah 223
Someone said, "It is only nowadays that it has these kalimahs revolve round the Arsh with a low
become customary with you to recite this prayer, but it humming tone, and mention the name of the reciter.
was not so before." Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wa- Do not you wish that there should be somebody near
sallam) said, "It is the kaffaarah (atonement) of the Almighty Allah to mention and recommend you before
meeting". According to another version Rasulullah Him?" Persons who seek an approach to the rulers,
(Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) had said, "These words and hanker after position, get overwhelmed with joy
constitute the kaffaarah of the meeting, and were and feel so proud if they are praised before a governor,
taught to me by Hadhrat Jibraa-eel (Alayhis salaam)." not to speak of the king or the minister or even the
viceroy, even though such a recommendation does not
Hadhrat Aa-ishah (Radhiyallaho anha) also related, result in any benefit to them. That no gain results is
"Whenever Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) got up clear because even if they get some lift in status, they
from a meeting, he used to recite: have to spend comparatively far more in getting it
through such recommendation. In order to approach
the high officials, some people squander their prop-
erty. get involved in debt, incur the enmity of others *
When I asked him the reason for reciting this duaa so and thus disgrace themselves in so many ways. All this 0
j IX ~3 6 ~ 9 1 LLt j &j.&
i"4' 4,.i,,u-p 6-
1_iO j Jli, 01 rib &\*,+I ,QI 2) ;GI
Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said,
si; z >I ),L 2 il&jli, +
2; z, J AGY, -L L)
+I ril j
"When a person hymns the greatness of Allah, i.e. re-
cites U ) 4LyJb iul)313 y l 05, *I&, &L& I; &, 1
i j&
\; i,d\q O$?&i, - u7
, , <
2, && 9)> h ' l c b l &&I J >$dl &I ,pJiiU-I JG JG +jJ L)
>Gy\ j
224 Virtues of Zikr Ch. 111: Ahadith on Virtues of Third Kalimah 225
laho alaihe wasallam) used to hymn Allah's glory with brance of Allah at any time. Hadhrat Shibli (Rahmatullah
counting on his fingers. alaih) writes, "I happened to see a lunatic on whom some
boys were throwing stones. I reprimanded the boys, who E2
111 the hadith under discussion, there is warning
said. "This man claims that he sees Allah." I went near
against neglecting zikr of Allah, which deprives one of His him and found that he was murmuring something. On lis-
Mercy. It is thereby learnt that the people who neglect zikr tening to him attentively, I heared him saying, "You have
are ignored in respect of the Mercy of Almighty Allah. It is done so well to have set these boys after me." I said to him,
said in the Holy Qur'an, "You remember Me, then I will re- "TChese boys accuse you of something." "What do they
member you (with My Mercy)." Almighty Allah has thus say'!'" enquired he. I said, "They say that you claim to see
conditioned His granting of favours on doing His zikr. The Allah." He yelled a shriek and said, "0 Shibli, I swear by
Holy Qur'an says: Him, who has made me mad in His Love and Who keeps
me wandering restlessly sometimes near Him and at times
away from Him, if I were to lose sight of Him even for a
while, my heart would burst into pieces on account of the
pangs of separation." He said this, and ran away reciting
the following couplet:
last thirty years, the Paradise with all its blessings has been had continued in that position right from the time he
appearing before me, but I have not even once diverted my left in the morning. I replied in the affirmative. He
attention from Almighty Allah towards it." then said, "After I left you, I recited four kalimahs
When somebody reminded Hadhrat Royam (Rahmatul- three times which, if compared to all that you have re-
lah alaih) at the time of his death, to recite the kalimah, he cited since the morning, will be found to outweigh it.
said, "I have no acquaintance with anyone except These kalimahs are:
Almighty Allah." When Hadhrat Ahmad bin Khidhrwayh
was about to die, somebody asked him something. With
tears in his eyes he said, "For the last ninety five years, I
have been knocking at a door which is now about to open. I Glory and praise be to Allah equal in number to his
am not aware whether it will mean good or bad fortune for creation, according to His will and pleasure, equal in
me; I am too absorbed to talk to anybody at this time." weight to His Arsh and equal in dimensions to His
Hadith No. 19
Hadhrat Sa'ad (Radhiyallaho anho) accompanied Rasu-
lullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) to the house of a Sahabi bul L
woman, who had before her some datestones and pebbles, g3
on which she was counting her zikr. Rasulullah (Sallallaho E
alaihe wasallam) said to her, "May I tell you something
which may be easier (or better) than this?
this reason that some Sufis say that we commit countless pebbles. Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed (Radhiyallaho anho) is also
sins, but we recite the name of Allah a limited number of reported to have used pebbles for counting zikr. It is given
times by counting. This does not mean that we should not in Mirqaat that Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (Radhiyallaho anho)
count zikr: if it were so, then counting in particular cases used to count on a string with knots on it. It is mentioned
would not have been stressed in the ahaadith. In many of in Sunan Abi Dawood (a book of ahaadith) that Hadhrat
the ahaadith, special rewards are promised for doing a par- Abu Hurairah (Radhiyallaho anho) used to keep a bag full
ticular zikr a specific number of times. It really means that of date-stones and pebbles for counting zikr on these, and
one should not feel contented after completing the speci- that when the bag would get emptv, his maid-servant
fied number, and that after completing the zikr specified would put these back into the bag and place it near him
for particular timings of the day, one should still remain again. The bag would get empty because the stones after
engaged in other various forms of zikr in one's vacant counting were placed outside the bag, till all the stones
periods, because zikr is such a precious wealth that it would get finished, when the maid-servant would put the
should not be confined to any number or any other limita- same stones again into the bag and place it near him. It is
tion. also narrated about Hadhrat Abu Darda (Radhiyallaho
These ahaadith also indicate the propriety of using a anho) that he had a bag containing Ajwah date-seeds, on
tasbeeh (i.e. a string of beads) for counting the zikr. Some which he would commence zikr after the morning prayer 2
people think this to be an innovation, but this is not cor- and would continue till all the seeds were finished from gs
rect,! because Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) saw the bag. EN
others counting zikr on pebbles and date-seeds. but did not Hadhrat Abu Safiyyah (Radhiyallaho anho) a slave of
object to i t , which proves its justification. Stringing or not Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) used to have a
stringing these together does not make any difference. piece of skin with pebbles spread on it before him, and he
Therefore all scholars and jurists have been using it. Mau- would recite zikr on these from morning to mid-day, when
lana Abdul IIay wrote a book narned Nuzhatul Fikr on this this skin with pebbles used to be removed from there, then
subject. According to Mullah Ali Qari (Rahmatullah alaih) he would attend to his other needs. After the noon-praver,
also the above mentioned hadith provides a complete argu- the skin was again spread before him, and he would (:on-
ment in favour of the commonly used string of beads, be- tinue zikr on the pebbles till the evening.
cause Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) saw his
companions counting on date-seeds and pabbles, and did The grandson of Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (Kadhiyallaho
not disapprove it, which proves its justification, and string- anho) narrated that his grandfather used to have a string
ing or not stringing the beads does not make any difference. with two thousand knots in it, and that he would not go to
Therefore, the statement of the people who call this prac- bed until he had completed doing zikr on these. Tht:
tice an innovation is not reliable. In the terminology of the daughter of Hadhrat Imam Husain (Radhiyallaho anho) nar-
Sufis, the string of beads is called a scourge for Satan. rate'd about Hadhrat Fatimah (Radhiyallaho anha) that she
Someone, once saw a tasbeeh (rosary) in the hands of had a thread with knots, on which she used to count her
Hadhrat Junaid Baghdadi (Rahmatullah alaih) at a time zikr.
when he was at the height of his spiritual glory, and ques- In the termillology of the Sufis, the tasbeeh is also
tioned him about it. He replied that he could not give up a known as muzakkirah (that which reminds), becduse when
thing by means of which he had attained nearness to Allah. i t is held in one's hand there is a sort of urgt: for doing zikr.
It .is narrated about many Sahabas (Radhiyallaho anhum) and therefore it is termed as suc:h. In this c:onnec.tioll a
that they kept date-seeds and pebbles for counting zikr. It is hadith is also narrated through Hadhrat Ali [liadhiyallaho
related about a Sahabi named Abu Safiyyah (Radhiyallaho anho) that Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaiht: wiisnllam) hncl
anho) that he used to count zikr on small pebbles or stones. said, "What a good muzakkirah (reminder) is the tasl~t!t:h."
It is related about Hadhrat Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqaas (Kad-
hiyallaho anho) that he used (both) datestones as well as In this connection, a haclith is 11arratt:tl l)y Mi~ula~ia
Abdul Hay (Rahmatullah alaih) "Every Sheikh If:nc:llc?r in
Virtues of Zikr
my line right upto a pupil of Hadhrat Junaid Baghdadi had
i Ch. 111: Ahadith on Virtues of Third Kalimah 233
he kept a tasbeeh in his hand in spite of his having attained wife, Fatimah (Radhiyallaho anha), the daughter of Ra-
such spritual heights, to which the Sheikh had replied, "It sulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) and the most be-
had proved very useful in my initial stages of Tasawwuf loved one in his family?" "Do tell us," replied the
and I had made progress by virtue of it; I do not want to disciple. Hadhrat Ali said, "She used to grind the corn
leave it in the last stage, when I want to use my heart, herself, as a result of which there were marks of cal-
tongue, hands, and everything in doing zikr of Almighty luses on her hands. She herself used to fetch the water
Allah." The Muhaddith however have questioned its use. in a skinbag, the string of which left an impression on
her chest. She swept the house herself, so that her
clothes remained dirty. Once Rasulullah (Sallallaho
Hadith No. 20 alaihe wasallam) received a few slaves, both men and
women, and I persuaded Fatimah (Radhiyallaho anha)
to go to her father and ask for a servant who could help
her i n her work. She went but, on seeing a big crowd
with Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), she came
back. The next day, Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wa-
sallam) came to our house and asked her why she had
gone to him the previous day. She kept silent (out of
modesty), so I said, "0 Rasulullah! (Sallallaho alaihe
wasallam) her hands have become worn out on ac-
count of working the grindstone, the skinbag used by
ti;,%- A > &?I / 6- 2 &,& ,j,, ~ + j g &&{',j her for fetching water has left an impression on her
cl.sst, and her clothes remain dirty because of sweep-
Li id, SCkij > 52, $ $36
ing the house herself. Therefore, I had sent her to ask
@U $
.: . * '
,&,, &.I
*GG &, 31J j 4. +
for a slave so that she would get some relief in her
, * 'W
G,ag& work. Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said, "0
> j & S U
&j !j,, &&j @ &,, Fatimah! keep fearing Almighty Allah, discharge your
, - , ,. duties to Him, d o all the work in the house yourself
and at the time of going to bed recite G ) 33
c + g > d > > ~ ~, & ~ j & j ~ & $ , & j ~ , k + , ,
, , -,
times, &i) 3 3 times and & i 34. times, be-
Virtues of Zikr Ch. III: Ahadith on Virtues of Third Kalimah 235
2 34 i 46
cause it is better for you than a servant." She said, "I ers will be the same as of the angels, i.e. reciting ( + I L G )
submit to the Will of Allah and the advice of His etc., Almighty Allah will satisfy his hunger. This hadith
Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)." proves that in this life also one can live upon the zikr of
Allah, and without eating and drinking anything. When
According to another hadith, a similar story is related such proficiency can be acquired by the common believers
by two cousins of Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) at the time of Dajjaal, it is no wonder that the distinguished
who, along with his daughter, Fatimah (Radhiyallaho ones attain this blessing even at this time. This suggests
anha), went to him, and told him of their hardships and that instances of some saints having lived without (or on
asked for a servant, Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) insufficient) food for days together should not be disbe-
replied to them, "As for giving you a servant, the orphans lieved or refuted.
of the battle of Badr deserve preference over you; but I can It is stated in one hadith that, when fire breaks out
tell you something that is better than a servant. After every
Salaat, recite the three Kalimahs (i.e. tasbeeh, tahmeed and anywhere @ %) should be recited excessively, because
- takbeer) thirty-three times each and then recite once it is helpful in extinguishing the fire. It is written in the
book His-nu1 Haseen that if somebody feels difficulty or
weariness in doing some job and requires additional c,
strength to overcome his shortcoming, he should recite 83
(&I 33 times, (A ljii) 33 times and &iii) 34 A
times, before going to-bed, or each of the three Kalimahs 5
This will he more useful than a servant." should be recited 33 times or any one of the three may be
said 34 times.
Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) recommended
this zikr especially to members of his household and his Hafiz Ibn Taimiyah (Rahmatullah alaih) has deduced
relatives. According to one hadith, he would advise his from the ahaadith, in which Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe
wasallam) instead of giving a servant to Hadhrat Fatimah
wives to recite (blS G ) , ( A - U i ) and &i ii) 33 times each at (Radhiyallabo anha) advised her to recite these Kalimahs,
the time of going to bed. ' that one who does this zikr with constancy will not get
In the hadith undgr consideration, he recommended tired while doing laborious jobs. Hafiz Ibn Hajar has stated
this zikr to face worldly labour and hardship. The reason is that, even if he feels somewhat tired, it will not harm him
apparent that the worldly lahow and hardship is not a in any way. Mulla Ali Qari stated that it had been well-
matter of serious consequence for a Muslim; he is always tried that the recitation of this zikr before going to bed
anxious to provide for the comforts and joys in the life after eliminates weariness and increases the strength.
death. It was therefore that Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe Allamah Suyuti (Rahmatultah alaih) has written in his
wasallam) diverted the attention of his dear ones from the book Mirqaatus-Sa'ood that the fact that recitation of these
hardships and worries of this life to making provision for Kalimahs is better than a servant is true in respect of the
the comforts in the Hereafter. life in the Hereafter as well as in the worldly life; of course.
the benefits that will accrue in the Hereafter as a result of
That this particular zikr is most rewarding in the Here- this zikr cannot be compared to the meagre usefulness of a
after has been described in the hadith given in this chapter. servant in )his world, and also the strength acquired
The other reason why Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasal- through doing this zikr enables one to accomplish more
lam) recommended these Kalimahs for zikr is that, in ad- than is possible even with the help of a servant.
dition to spiritual and religious gains, these Kalimahs bring
many worldly benefits as well. There are many things in According to one hadith, Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe
the Book of Allah and in the sayings of Rasulullah (Sallal- wasallam) has said, "There are two routines which if fol-
laho alaihe wasallam) which result not only in spiritual lowed by a Muslim will enable him to enter Paradise. Both
gains but also in worldly benefits. Thus, it is said in one the routines are very easy, but there are very few people
hadith that during the time of Dajjaal the food of the believ- who act according to them. One is to recite these three Ka-
236 Virtues of Zikr
limahs ten times each after every salaat. In this way, one
glorifies Allah one hundred and fifty times, and thereby
earns one thousand and five hundred virtues every day.
The second routine is to recite cLbv+) and (A+l;;ji, EPILOGUE
33 times each, and & 34 times betore going tb bed
every day. In this way, one does one hundred good deeds,
but actually earns one thousand virtues." Someone asked
I Virtues of Salaatut Tasbeeh and Method of Performing
Now I will describe something that is really very
the reason why only a few people are able to act upon this? grand, and thereby conclude this part of the book. The Ka-
Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said, "At the time limahs mentioned above are very important and very
of salaat, the devil comes and reminds him of something, useful from the wordly as well as spiritual points of view,
which actuates him to get up and go away, and at night the as mentioned in the ahaadith given above. As these Kali-
devil reminds him of other necessities, which makes him mahs are very important and rewarding. Rasulullah (Sallal-
neglect to recite these Kalimahs." laho alaihe wasallam) prescribed a special prayer, which is
In these ahaadith, there is one thing specially note- known as Salaatut Tasbeeh (i.e. salaat of these Kalimahs). It
worthy: that Hadhrat Fatimah (Radhiyallaho anha) who is called Salaatut Tasbeeh, because these Kalimahs are re- $
would be the leader of women in Paradise, and the daugh- cited 300 times during this salaat. Rasulullah (Sallallaho 83
ter of the leader of mankind in both the worlds, used to alaihe wasallam) greatly stressed this and persuaded the gz
grind corn flour herself (as a result of which her hands de- believers to offer this salaat, as is evident from the follow- 5
veloped calluses on them, would herself fetch the water in ing ahaadith:
the skin waterbag, which left impressions on her chest and
would sweep the house herself, so that her clothes re-
mained dirty, and did all other household duties, like
cooking meals and preparing bread, etc. Do our womenfolk
perform that much labour, or even half of it, with their own
hands? It is certainly not so, and our lives have little resem-
blance with the lives of those whom we profess to be our
leadefs. It ought to have been that we who claim to be the
servants should put in more labour than our masters, but it
is a matter of great disappointment that the actual position
is quite the reverse.
238 Virtues of Zikr
EPILOGUE: Virtues of 'Salaat-ut-Tasbeeh'
(5) Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubaarak and many other Tasbeeh in providing relief from misfortunes and sorrows.
scholars, while narrating the virtues of this Salaatut Allama Taqi Subki (Rahmatullah alaih) stated, "This salaat
Tasbeeh, also narrate the following method of offering, is very important, and one should not get misled if some
this salaat. "After reciting thanaa and before starting people happen to deny its importance. One who ignores it
Surah Faatihah repeat these kalimahs fifteen times. even after learning about its reward, is negligent in relig-
ious matters, fails to act like virtuous people, and should
Then start with (A4 . (h+)and, after complet-
- , i;.ii)- and not be considered as a reliable person." It is stated in Mir-
ing Surah Faatihah and some surah, these kalimahs qaat that Hadhrat Abdullah bin Abbaas (Radhiyallaho
should be repeated ten times before the ruku, ten times anho) used to offer this salaat every Friday.
during the ruku, ten times after rising from the ruku,
ten times in each sajdah and ten times while sitting be- (2) Some scholars do not accept this hadith to be au-
tween the two sajdahs. This completes seventy five thentic, because they cannot reconcile that there could be
times in one rakaat (so that the kalimahs need not be so much reward, especially forgiveness of major sins, for
recited ill the sitting position after the two sajdahs. In offering only four rakaats. But since it has been narrated by
the ruku & j and in sajdah (>i\ ;;j b G ) many Sahabas (Radhiyallaho anhum), its authenticity
cannot be denied. However, according to many aayaat and $
should be recited before reciting the kalimahs." (This other ahaadith, taubah is an essential condition for the for-
method is also narrated to have been advised by Rasu- 8$
lullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). giveness of major sins. gE;i
(3) In the ahaadith given above, two slightly different
(1)The Salaatut Tasbeeh is a very important salaat, as ways of offering this salaat have been described. One is
is evident from the ahaadith given above, wherein Rasulul- that:
lah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) enjoined it as a matter of
great kindness and favour and stressed its importance. As
such, the scholars, Muhaddiths, jurists, and Sufis through-
out the past centuries have been particular in offering this should be recited fifteen times, after recitation of Surah
salaat. Haakim (Rahmatullah alaih) who is an authority on Faatihah a?d one surah while standing, ten times after re-
hadith, has written that the authenticity of this hadith is citing (@\ s j b G ) in the ruku, ten times after rising
supported by the fact that, right from the second generation from ruku, ten times after reciting ($Y\ s j b G in each
after the Sahabah to our times, all the great teachers of re- sajdah, ten times while sitting between the two sajdahs and
ligion have been offering this salaat with constancy and ten times after the second sajdah, when after saying ($ih\)
have been advising the people to do so. Abdullah bin Mu- one should repeat it ten times before standing in the first
baarak is also one of them. He was the teacher of the teach- and third rakaats and before reciting in the second
ers of Imam Bukhari. Baihaqi (Rahmatullah alaih) stated and fourth rakaats. According to the second way of offering
that, even before Ibn Mubaarak, Abul Jauza (Rahmatullah this salaat, the kalimahs should be recited fifteen times
alaih), an authentic Taabi'ee (one who had seen the Saha- after reciting ($1 UG) and before starting Surah Faati-
bah) and whose narrations are considered to be reliable, hah, ten times after reciting Surah Faatihah and a surah,
used to be very particular in offering this salaat. Daily, as and the rest is like the first method, except that it is not
soon as he heard the azaan for the noon prayer, he would necessary to r e ~ i t ethis kalimah after the second sajdah in
go to the mosque and would complete this salaat before the any rakaat. The scholars have stated "It is better if this
noon salaat. Abdul Aziz bin Abi Rawwaad who was the salaat is offered sometimes in one way and sometimes in
teacher of Ibn Mubaarak, and who was a great devotee, the other way." As this salaat is not in general practice, a
saint, and pious man, stated that one who desires to go to few instructions are mentioned below for the facility of
Paradise should be very constant in offering Salaatut Tas- those who offer it:
beeh. Abu Uthman Hairee (Rahmatullah alaih) who was a
great saint, stated that nothing is as effective as Salaatut (1) In this salaat, no surah is particularly specified. Any
244 Virtues of Zikr