4 Flexible Pavement Design 2018 PDF
4 Flexible Pavement Design 2018 PDF
4 Flexible Pavement Design 2018 PDF
Haryati Yaacob (fka, utm)
Flexible pavement thickness design
Axle wheel
Loading **Traffic Damaging Power – CV (BTM > 1.5 ton, 3 ton
for RN31), convert to SA (80 kN, 8160 kg, 18000 lb), for
design life ESA/CSA
e = (L/Ls)4 - examples
repetitions- Traffic
unrecoverable distribution
Commercial vehicle 1
Commercial vehicle 2a
Commercial vehicle 2b
Commercial vehicle 3
Commercial vehicle 4
Commercial vehicle 4
Commercial vehicle 5
Factors to be considered in designing pavement
Expansion and
Moisture unbound
Placing HMA in
wet conditions
Pavement thickness design methods
Objective – to provide a structure that will be suitable in a specific
environment and able to sustain the anticipated traffic loading
Design methods
Mechanistic Empirical
Group Index, RN 29, RN 31 ,
1993 AASHTO design method Shell, Chevron, Kentucky,
TRRL 1132, Circly
Design process
Pavement Thickness
Design Methods
ATJ 5/85
ATJ 5/85 RN31
ATJ 5/85
Pavement Thickness Design
ATJ 5/85
Data required:
1. Design period – proposed 10 years
2. JKR Hierarchy
3. Average Daily Traffic (opening year) – ADT (PLH)
4. Percentage of Commercial Vehicle - Pc
5. Traffic Growth Rate - r
6. Sub-grade strength - CBR
7. Terrain
Design Procedure
CBReff = effective CBR
CBR1, CBR2, … CBRn = CBR of soil strata
h1, h2, … hn = thickness of soil strata (mm)
h1 + h2 + … + hn = 1000 mm
Maximum Hourly capacity
Reduction Factor
Terrain Factor
Layer Coefficient, a
Standard and Construction Thickness, D
Minimum thickness of bituminous layer
ATJ 5/85- Design Example
Design Example:
JKR 05, carriageway width = 7.5m, shoulder = 2.0m
ADT = 6600
Pc = 15 %
r =7%
Sub-grade CBR = 5 %
Rolling Terrain
Surfacing = AC
Road base = wet mix Macadam
Sub-base = sand
ATJ 5/85 Design Method
(2013 revision)
Data required:
• Type and volume of commercial vehicles
• Design life
• Sub-grade type and strength
• Type and properties of paving materials
• Environment which pavement will be exposed to
• Data
• Number of commercial vehicles during Year 1 of Design Period, which is the
expected year of completion of construction.
• Vehicle class and axle load distribution.
• Directional and lane distribution factors.
• Traffic growth factors.
Type of Terrain Terrain factor, T
Flat 1.0
Rolling 1.1
Mountainous/steep 1.3
3. Design period
• 10 years for low volume and rural road.
• 20 years for high volume and urban road
4. Design traffic (1st year of design period)
CV 1 = 624
CV 2 = 456
CV 3 = 316
CV 4 = 102
Road Note 31
Emphasis on 5 aspects:
1. Influence of tropical climate on moisture conditions
in road sub-grades
2. Severe conditions imposed on exposed bituminous
surfacing by tropical climates
3. Interrelationship between design and maintenance
4. High axle load and tyre pressures
5. Influence of tropical climate on the nature of the soils
and rocks used in the road building
Design procedure:
1. Estimate CSA for design life >>> T (Table 3.9)
2. Assess sub-grade strength >>> S (Table 3.9, 3.10)
3. Select combination of material and thickness from structure
catalogues based on T and S
Table 3.9 , T & S determination
S determination
Material Definition
Granular base, surface dressing
Granular base, structured surface
Road Note 31
Design Example 1:
ADT = 250/day.dir, Pc = 55 %, r = 5 %, CBR = 7 %
Design Example 2:
CSA = 12M, PI > 45, WT = 2m below formation
• The predicted commercial vehicle of a proposed two lane urban
highway is 31%. The ADT of highway in 2015 is 3500 and the highway
is expected to complete and open to traffic in 208. If the traffic
growth rate is estimated at 4% over the 20 year design life. Subgrade
thickness and CBR value are 350mm (9%), 400mm(7%) and 250mm
(4%). Determine the required thickness for the pavement layers using
Road Note 31.
• Design a two lane state road with the following known parameters
using Road Note 31 method. Road will be opened to traffic in 2018.
Clearly state all the assumptions used.
-ADT 2016= 12 000
-Directional spilt=60/40
-Percentage of heavy vehicles (Pc)= 20%
-Annual Average traffic growth rate (r)=7%
-Subgrade CBR and thickness: 12% (300mm), 8% (350mm) and 5%