CC AGN PKT 2020-08-18
CC AGN PKT 2020-08-18
CC AGN PKT 2020-08-18
Notice Of Regular Meeting Of The Mayor And City Council Of The City Of Wichita
Falls, Texas, To Be Held In The City Council Chambers, Memorial Auditorium, 1300
Seventh Street, Tuesday, August 18, 2020, Beginning At 8:30 A.M.
1. Call to Order
3. Approval of minutes of the August 4, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City
4. Receive Minutes
(a) Landmark Commission, June 23, 2020
5. Ordinances
Ordinance making an appropriation to the Special Revenue Fund for COVID-19
Grant funding in the amount of $77,063 received from the Department of State
Health Services and authorizing the City Manager to execute contract accepting
6. Public Hearing
Public Hearing on the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Proposed Operating Budget
7. Resolutions
(a) Resolution expressing the City Council’s intent to place a proposal on a
future Council agenda approving a property tax rate that exceeds the no
new tax rate, but does not exceed the voter-approval tax rate; scheduling
one public tax rate hearing, and establishing the date to vote on same
(b) Resolution authorizing the City Manager to award bid and contract for the
2020 Lift Station 5 and 39 Rehabilitation and Lincoln Street Pump
Replacement Project to Bowles Construction Co. in the amount of
(c) Resolution authorizing the City Manager to award bid and contract for the
2020 Sewer Budget Utility Improvements Project Phase I to Insituform
Technologies, LLC in the amount of $493,899.75
(d) Resolution authorizing the City Manager to make application with the Texas
Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for a Comprehensive Selective
Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Grant for fiscal year 2021
10. Adjourn
Spanish language interpreters, deaf interpreters, Braille copies or any other special needs
will be provided to any person requesting a special service with at least 24 hours’ notice.
Please call the City Clerk’s Office at 761-7409.
Every item on this agenda shall be considered a public hearing. Regardless of the agenda heading under
which any item is listed, any word or phrase of any item listed on this agenda shall be considered a subject
for consideration for purposes of the Texas Open Meetings Act and other relevant law, and City Council
may deliberate and vote upon any such subject and resolutions related thereto. Resolutions, ordinances,
and other actions concerning any word, phrase, or other subject may be voted upon, regardless of any
language of limitation found in this agenda or any document referring to such action. Any penal ordinance,
development regulation or charter provision of the City of Wichita Falls or item which is funded by the current
or next proposed City of Wichita Falls budget, including, without limitation, any street, water pipe, sewer,
drainage structure, department, employee, contract or real property interest of the City of Wichita Falls,
may be discussed and deliberated, and the subject is hereby defined as such without further notice. Any
item on this agenda may be discussed in executive session if authorized by Texas law regardless of whether
any item is listed under “Executive Sessions” of this agenda, regardless of any past or current practice of
the City Council. Executive sessions described generally hereunder may include consideration of any item
otherwise listed on the agenda plus any subject specified in the executive session notice. Executive
sessions described generally hereunder are closed meetings, may include consideration of any item
otherwise listed on the agenda plus any subject specified in the executive session notice, and may include
items under Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.076, 551.084,
and/or 551.087.
I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at Memorial
Auditorium, Wichita Falls, Texas on the 12th day of August, 2020 at 4:00 o’clock p.m.
City Clerk
The City Council of the City of Wichita Falls, Texas met in regular session on the above
date in the Council Chambers of the Memorial Auditorium Building at 8:30 o’clock a.m.,
with the following members present.
Item 2a – Invocation
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Agenda Item No. 3.
8:32 a.m.
City Manager Darron Leiker gave a briefing on the items listed under the Consent
Ayes: Mayor Santellana, Councilors Brewer, Browning, Chenault, Jackson, Smith, and
Nays: None
Item 3 – Approval of minutes of the July 21, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Mayor
and City Council
Resolution authorizing the replacement of a water pump at North Beverly Pump Station,
by Pierce Pump Company, in the amount of $69,606.45.
Resolution authorizing the City Manager to make application for a grant from the Office
of the Governor, Public Safety Office, Homeland Security Grants Division, 2020 State
Homeland Security Program – LETPA Projects (SHSP-L), Grant Number 3996401, in
the amount of $60,561.67.
Motion seconded by Councilor Browning and carried with the following vote:
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Agenda Item No. 3.
Ayes: Mayor Santellana, Councilors Brewer, Browning, Chenault, Jackson, Smith, and
Nays: None
Resolution authorizing the City Manager to apply for non-matching Grant Funds from
the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program, Grant #2020-H7540-
TX-DJ, in the amount of $26,661.00 with co-applicant, Wichita County Sheriff’s Office.
Ayes: Mayor Santellana, Councilors Brewer, Browning, Chenault, Jackson, Smith, and
Nays: None
Resolution approving the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan and 2020 Annual Action Plan of
the City of Wichita Falls to include any and all revisions to the plans approved by the
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to allocate FY 2020
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds in the amount of $1,246,504 and
FY 2020 HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) funds in the amount of
$440,347; authorizing submission of the Plans to HUD; and authorizing the City
Manager to execute HUD Grant Applications and Agreements to implement the
approved Plans, to include any and all revisions approved by HUD.
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Agenda Item No. 3.
Ayes: Mayor Santellana, Councilors Brewer, Browning, Chenault, Jackson, Smith, and
Nays: None
In the past two weeks, there have been 168 new cases, an average of 12 cases per
day, with the top three types of spread being community spread, contact, and close
contact. There has been one death during this same timeframe. Mrs. Kreidler
discussed the changes in CDC guidance, and Health Department guidelines regarding
clearing cases. She reminded everyone to wash their hands, wear a mask, social
distance and disinfect surfaces often.
Councilor Browning applauded citizens for wearing masks, as it seems that most are
following the rules. In regards to school restarting, lets pray for a safe return. Hopefully
we will receive guidance soon from the Governor’s office regarding reopening of
businesses that are still closed.
Councilor Brewer stated that there are positive things going on. The housing market is
exploding, and people are moving to Wichita Falls because they are happy with how we
have handled the pandemic. There are many job openings and good things are
happening. Councilor Brewer applauded citizens for wearing masks and the City of
Wichita Falls for being the city that faith built.
Councilor Whiteley agreed with Councilor Brewer regarding positive things happening
that we are thankful for. Thank you to Lou Kreidler for the update. It seems that we are
doing better. Councilor Whiteley stated that he has some budget and workers
compensation questions for staff.
Councilor Chenault said good morning and thanked those that attended or watched the
Mayor Santellana thanked Lou Kreidler and her staff for the daily reports. Everyone
seems to be wearing masks and he hopes we can get back to some normalcy in the
near future. I hope that we will not see a big spike from kids returning to school.
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Agenda Item No. 3.
Numbers are leveling off but the news of the day is still COVID-19. Our Health
Department is doing a fantastic job. The Census is ongoing but will be cut off fifty-six
days early. We are excited and hopeful that we will get a complete count in Wichita
Falls. If you know someone that has not completed the Census, please encourage him
or her to do so. The filing period for elections is ongoing with a couple of weeks left to
file if you desire to run for City Council.
Item 9 – Comments from the Public to Members of the City Council Concerning
Items That Are Not on the City Council Agenda
8:53 a.m.
City Council went into Executive Session at 8:54 a.m. in accordance with Texas
Government Code 551.072.
Moved by Councilor Smith that the City of Wichita Falls authorize the use of the power
of eminent domain to acquire:
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Agenda Item No. 3.
4 -A 142358 3503 Kemp Faith Masonic Lodge Temporary Construction
4 -B 142358 3503 Kemp Faith Masonic Lodge TCE Field Notes
5 -A 142358 3505 Kemp Young Life Permanent Drainage
5 -B 142358 3505 Kemp Young Life Drainage Field Notes
5 -A 142358 3505 Kemp Young Life Temporary Construction
5 -B 142358 3505 Kemp Young Life TCE Field Notes
6 -A 142358 3621 Maplewood Devek Frech Permanent Drainage
6 -B 142358 3621 Maplewood Devek Frech Drainage Field Notes
for the purpose of removing commercial and residential properties out of the flood prone
areas during large rain events.
Motion seconded by Councilor Brewer and carried with the following vote:
Ayes: Mayor Santellana, Councilors Brewer, Browning, Chenault, Jackson, Smith, and
Nays: None
Moved by Councilor Smith that the City of Wichita Falls authorize the use of the power
of eminent domain to acquire:
Exhibit A: Drainage Easement 20’ x 25’ having an area of 540 square feet out of the
remainder of BLK 7, Sayles Irrigation Subdivision of J.A. Scott Survey No. 7, A-295 AKA
5401 Taft Boulevard (Shoop)
for the purpose of: widening Taft Boulevard per the 2018 Bond election to provide
adequate infrastructure to the residents and create a safer means of travel.
Motion seconded by Councilor Browning and carried with the following vote:
Ayes: Mayor Santellana, Councilors Brewer, Browning, Chenault, Jackson, Smith, and
Nays: None
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Agenda Item No. 3.
Item 11 –Adjourn
Stephen L. Santellana, Mayor
Marie Balthrop, TRMC, MMC
City Clerk
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Agenda Item No. 3.
August 4, 2020
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Agenda Item No. 3.
Michele Derr ■ Chairperson
John Dickinson ■ Member
Christy Graham ■ Vice-Chairperson
Blake Haney ■ P&Z Liaison
Joel Hartmangruber ■ Member
Andy Lee ■ Member
Nadine McKown ■ Member
Janel Ponder Smith ■ Member
Marcela Trice ■ Member
Tim Brewer ■ Council Liaison
Cody Magana 900 ath Street
Debbie Maestaz 1309 Grant Street
Syd Littikin, Architect 620 Ohio Street
Carolyn Looney 1500 Hayes
Monica Rojo 1509 Tilden
Jana Schmader 709 Indiana
Tyler Sales, Attorney 900 ath Street
Henry Florsheim, Chamber of Commerce President 900 ath Street
Ill. Action Item: Design Review - 1509 Tilden (West Floral Heights Historic District)
Ms. Karen Gagne presented the case and stated staff received an application from Mr. &
Mrs. Rojo for a request to replace their rear fence. The subject property was constructed
in 1925 and is in the West Floral Heights historic district. The subject property is a
contributing structure in this city designated district. The Rojo's are requesting to replace
the existing 4 foot chain link fence with 6 foot wooden panels with metal post and hardware
that will face inside towards the property. Ms. Gagne advised in 2018 the Rojo's where
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Agenda Item No. 4.a
Landmark Commission 2 June 23, 2020
approved by this commission for some additional improvements such as decorative iron
fencing, a switchback handicap ramp and additional concrete.
Ms. Gagne stated the fencing to be removed and replaced was about 50 feet that goes
from the north end of the property along to alley to the rear garage. There is already similar
fencing in place in the 1500 block of Tilden that Mr. & Mrs. Rojo's requesting.
Ms. Gagne advised the commission this triggers a design review because it is and exterior
remodel and change addressing fencing. Typically fencing is not allowed in the front yard
on historic properties and in 2010/2011 the West Floral Heights group requested the design
guidelines address not having fences in the front yards in the West Floral Heights historic
Ms. Gagne stated Mrs. Rojo was present if the commission had any questions she would
be able to answer.
Chairperson Derr asked if the commission had any questions or discussions. Vice-Chair
Christy Graham made a motion to approve the case. Ms. Marcela Trice seconded, the
motion passed unanimously.
IV. Action Item: Design Review -1309 Grant (West Floral Heights Historic District)
Ms. Karen Gagne stated the subject property was built in 1925 and was a contributing
structure in the West Floral Heights Historic District. The property has a detached garage
that is very typical for the area, and is the subject of Ms. Maestaz, the applicants' request.
Inventory photos displayed from 2013 showed deterioration on garage doors and photos
from 2019 show continued further deterioration. The seals do not touch the framing and the
wooden frame and doors are rotted away. The applicant is requesting to repair/replace
garage doors as well as repair brick around doors. The current garage doors are an odd
size, 8 x 7 feet, the homeowner is having the up and over door system custom made to
maintain the same look. Existing metal hardware will be reused however rotted wood is not
able to be reused. The variety of garage doors in the West Floral Heights is vast, however,
staff follows the Secretary of the Interior Standards of repair, rehab and replace.
Ms. Gagne stated the applicant was present and wished to speak. Ms. Debbie Maestaz
stated the garage has had no maintenance in many years resulting in extreme deterioration.
Ms. Maestaz stated the left side garage is completely inoperable and the right side frame
work as fallen apart. Ms. Maestaz advised she would build however the committee
recommended, she just needs operable garage doors when she moves into the home.
Ms. Derr asked if the committee had any questions for the home owner. Ms. Janel Ponder
Smith if the pedestrian door was new. Ms. Maestaz advised the door was within the fence
and not visible. Ms. Ponder-Smith asked if the contractor would be using salvageable parts.
Ms. Maestaz stated yes, whatever the contractor could salvage they would repair and
rehab. Ms. Ponder-Smith asked if those were the original wooden doors to which Ms.
Maestaz stated she did not know. Chairperson Derr asked if there were any other questions
or discussion. Ms. Ponder-Smith made a motion to approve request. Mr. Blake Haney
seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
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Agenda Item No. 4.a
Landmark Commission 3 June 23, 2020
V. Action Item: Design Review - 620 Ohio Street (Depot Square Historic District)
*This property is owned by Landmark Commission member, John Dickinson, whom had recused
himself. All required paperwork was completed and can be found on file with the City Clerk's office.
Ms. Gagne stated staff was happy to see this application come into the office to restore this
significant structure back to its original state, built circa 1913. The subject property is a
contributing structure located in the central part of downtown in the Depot Square Historic
District and is unique in that it is an "L" shaped property. Inventory photos from 1995 to
current day show very little has changed. There have been substantial changes to the rear
alley which did not go through the design review process for approval from the Landmark
Commission since 1999 for replacement transom windows, the window and former garage
door. The previous owner participated in the tree planting program downtown between
1995 and 1999 adding trees to the property as well as an awning at some point.
The current owners are not planning any changes to the Ohio Street fa9ade, only trimming
of the trees and rehab existing doors. This request is mainly focused on the rear of the
structure to bring it back to more of its original state. Ms. Gagne advised the commission
there had been several changes to the rear of the property that included a very large
overhead garage door being installed at some point without Landmark approval. The
addition of this door was not adequately installed. In photos the faulting and lack of support
is clearly visible. The owners have engaged a Historic Preservation Consultant because
they are also working with Texas Historical Commission (THC) to apply for state historic
tax credits. That process with run concurrently with this design review.
Ms. Gagne stated part of this proposal was to have the large rear garage door removed
and then add a new lintel that will be properly installed to provide support the wall and also
fill in with salvaged brick. The existing roll top door which is non-functional at this time is
proposed to be bricked in and then the large door that was added are to be replaced with
two pedestrian doors, one a double door and one a single door.
Ms. Gagne stated in photos you could see how the overlap of the property lines effect
redevelopment of this property. It's almost an overlap at the rear of 620 and 612 7th Street
and the land that 612 7 th Street actually extends about 10 feet out, leaving only 2-3 feet
access gap for 620 Ohio to get to that roll top door. There are also 2 windows on the other
side of that being blocked by 612 7th Street. The owners are proposing to install a firewall
inside the building and will function as two separate unit spaces.
A note provided by the Historic Preservation Consultants and their detailed assessment of
the building addressed the fact that those two doors on the McIntosh Building are not
original and are being proposed for replacement. Due to the access issue with the 7th Street
property they are looking at creating an internal access point for the 2 n d unit, essentially the
double pedestrian door being put in where the white overhead door will be removed will be
a point of access for both units. There are other impacts for whomever rents the second
unit due to it having less than 3 feet access is difficult in having full use of that building as
well as impacts on the International Building Code, fire access and fire ratings.
Ms. Gagne referred to the design guidelines in addressing the changes to the fa9ade, which
is visible from public right-of-way, even though it is in the alley, and the removal and
replacement of doors. The guidelines state there are to be no added architectural features,
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Agenda Item No. 4.a
Landmark Commission 4 June 23, 2020
which, in this case the owners are trying to restore the structure to the original time period.
The walls are to be replaced with in-kind materials and the original door openings are not
to be enlarged or closed in. Also it states to try and retain original doors which they are
rehabbing back to a style more time-period appropriate.
Ms. Gagne turned the discussion over to the owners/applicants along with their architect
and legal consultant. Mr. John Dickinson, owner, stated his architect, Mr. Syd Littikin,
wished to address the commission. Mr. Littikin stated in the rear of the building on 7th Street
had an added addition in stucco that was not approved by Landmark Commission that
extends out approximately 17 feet behind the subject property has multiple cracks in the
walls. Mr. Littikin also advised the commission the old over-head door was completely
rotted and not salvageable. As there is less than 3 foot of access in the rear a door would
not comply with the required 5 foot of space by the International Building Code, therefore,
they are requesting to block that off for security purposes. The large overhead door does
not meet code requirements and is not structurally safe. Mr. Littikin went into detail on
proposed design plans and existing damage to structure.
Ms. Marcela Trice stated she had some questions regarding the in-fill of brick asking if the
replacement brick would be the removed bricks off the structure in other areas for repair.
Also she stated the other windows on buildings in the area have arched openings at the
top and questioned why they didn't stay with that design. Mr. Dickinson stated they cannot
be sure if the arch-head openings are original but that if it is something the Commission
requires they will comply. He also stated the brick would be the same brick salvaged from
the structure. Mr. Andy Lee stated the owners and Mr. Littikin have taken the correct steps
with Texas Historical Commission (THC) and there is a recommendation letter to enclose
the back door due to the limited access area. There is still part B of the process to go
through with THC before a final recommendation would be given. Mr. Lee stated he thinks
this is a good proposal. Ms. Janel Ponder-Smith asked if only the back doors where being
proposed. Ms. Christy Graham advised that was correct. Ms. Gagne stated the front doors
most likely would not come to the commission for review as that was considered routine
Ms. Graham made a motion to approve the design review as presented. Mr. Lee seconded
the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
VI. Action Item: Design Review- 900 8 th Street (Hamilton Building, WF Landmark #21)
*Ms. Gagne requested to move this item to the end of the meeting and move to Other Business as
the President of the Chamber of Commerce, applicant, was not yet present.
502 Ohio
Ms. Gagne advised this property had already gone to council and placed on a
demolish order, but, recently due to the recent storms the building has collapsed in
on itself. The owner, Mr. Hanson had a structural report done that states the building
still has viable use and has been in contact with city staff and has obtained a restoral
permit. City staff will continue working closely with Mr. Hanson on his plans and
timeline due to its dilapidated condition.
1512 Tilden
June 10th 2020, a building permit was issued to the owner. This project has moved
slow but is moving forward. City staff will continue communication with owner on
restoral process.
713 Indiana
The front part of this roof collapsed and was promptly removed to avoid pedestrian
909 1 O th Street
This subject property is still under Texas Historical Commission (THC) review. The
case has a new reviewer that will be looking at the roof damage, limestone capping's,
and the stolen copper downspouts that have caused stone damage.
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Agenda Item No. 4.a
Landmark Commission 6 June 23, 2020
VIII. Action Item: Design Review - 900 8th Street (Hamilton Building, WF Landmark #21)
*This item was moved to provide time for all parties to attend presentation.
Mr. Gagne stated this was a key downtown building on a critical corner of 8th and Lamar.
This is a corner unit of the historical Hamilton Building that is well recognized in the
architectural field due to prominent Texas architects, Voelcker & Dixon, where involved with
the building design. The building is Beaux Arts & Art Deco style and has remained virtually
unchanged since its construction circa 1927. A parking garage was added in the back in
the mid 1950's and was designated a Wichita Falls Historic Landmark in September 1999.
The requested proposal is to remove the current Benchmark sign removed, adding a new
Chamber of Commerce Sign on the corner of the building, an awning added and the
addition of some new outdoor carpet at the step entry way.
Ms. Gagne stated the sign being placed on the southeast corner of 8th and Lamar would
give needed visibility to the Chamber of Commerce for citizens and new visitors to Wichita
Falls. The proposed sign does comply with the sign ordinance, however, a sign permit will
be required along with an encroachment agreement with property management if the
proposal is approved. Also in the requested proposal is the addition of two new awnings,
one on Lamar and one on 8th Street at the entry point. Inventory photos from the 1950's
show canopy awnings on the building.
Ms. Gagne introduced Mr. Cody Magana, White Realty for any questions the committee.
Mr. Magana stated the new signage would help new visitors in town locate the chamber.
The requested awnings to be installed are for an additional safety measure from the rain at
the point of entry. Mr. Henry Florsheim, President and CEO of the Wichita Falls Chamber
of Commerce stated the sign was designed to match the historic feel and character of the
Hamilton Building.
Ms. Derr asked if the Commission had any questions. Ms. Ponder-Smith asked for
clarification on "new entry way" asking if it was new or they had pla.ns to change it. Mr.
Magana stated it had been restored back to the original entry. At some point over the years
it had been changed. Ms. Ponder-Smith asked what the purpose was for the outdoor carpet
and what it was going to look like. Mr. Magana stated the stone slabs to the entry are
original and are worn and beat up. The issue with removing and replacing them is that they
are the ceiling to the basement below. Rather than grinding down and creating a slippery
area or trying to put down tiles it was suggested they install outdoor carpet that will look like
stone. Ms. Derr asked if the original Chamber signs would be staying. Mr. Magana stated
yes they would be staying but removing the Benchmark signs. Ms. Trice asked about the
awnings why they wouldn't have them on all windows. Mr. Magana stated the trees provide
shade to most all windows except that corner where there are no trees. Ms. Trice stated
there was no precedence for this type of sign, she feels the style is off and questioned how
it was decided upon. Mr. Magana stated directly across the street on the corner there is a
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Agenda Item No. 4.a
Landmark Commission 7 June 23, 2020
similar sign for the Oil & Gas Building as well as another sign a block away on the City
National Building and another found on the old masket building. Mr. Magana does not
believe it would stand out regarding the style. Ms. Graham stated La Salle Crossing on 7th
and Ohio that is now apartments used to be the Studio Hotel and had a sign located on the
corner similar to the proposed sign and believes the style is appropriate.
Mr. Lee made a motion to approve the design review application as presented. Mr. Haney
seconded the motion. Motion was unanimously approved.
IX. Adjourn
Next regularly scheduled meeting August 25, 2020
Meeting adjourned at 1 :30 p.m.
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Agenda Item No. 4.a
July 14, 2020
■ Members
Kathie Forehand-Chaddick; Secretary
David Coleman, Chair
Tim Brewer, City Council Rep
Pete Gill
John Pezzano
Kendrick Jones
ABSENT: Ford Swanson, Eve Montgomery, Steve Young, Marcy Brown Marsden, Eric
1. Call to Order: David called the meeting to order at 1:05 pm and declared a quorum.
2. Approval of Minutes: Minutes for the June meeting were approved unanimously.
Ribbon Cutting ceremony was held on 10 July, and project is complete. Vikesh stated
that the last TP&W reimbursement is expected to arrive next week.
Kathie stated that she has been invited to appear on the Social Space show, and that
she and David will make a presentation at the DAR meeting on 19 September. We will
also participate in Texoma Gives on 10 September, at the 6am kickoff, the 10pm
wrapup, and we will raffle off the smoker that day.
Vikesh provided the design schedule: 60% plans on 14 August; the 90% plans on 30
September, and then 100% plans on 30 October. This leaves time for design review at
each stage, and he will provide plans to David, who will send out to the Committee.
Aqua Strategies has provided the soil samples to Jim Hallock, and he will make
Compressed Earth Blocks and test them by the end of July. If the CEBs pass the tests,
then we will market the blocks for sale.
David stated that City Council appointed Sharon Roach to the LWRC, and she will
attend the August meeting.
David stated that he received the spreadsheet of brick sales information from Tom
Lang. Vikesh asked David to send him the quantity of each size brick, for the design
Kathie asked about our policy for Committee Members who don't attend the meetings.
David replied that he would reach out and ask non-attending members to either start
attending or to resign.
7. ing adjourned at 1 25 pm
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David Coleman, Chair Date
Director of Health
Ordinance No. _________
WHEREAS, the approval of these funds could not have been anticipated prior to
the adoption of the 2019 –2020 budget.
There is hereby appropriated in the Special Revenue Fund $77,063 for the
COVID-19 special revenue fund and the City Manager is authorized to execute the
contract accepting said COVID-19 grant funding from the State of Texas Department of
State Health Services.
City Clerk
· March 2020 – Fiscal Year 2020-21 budget process initiated by City staff;
· April 2020 – Department Directors finalize budget requests; City Manager
conducts individual budget meetings with Directors;
· June 16, 2020 – FY 2020-21 budget workshop: City staff presents to City Council
initial overview of projected revenues and the major operating funds;
· July 14, 2020 – City Manager’s proposed FY 2020-21 budget conveyed to City
Council, filed with the City Clerk, and posted on the City’s website;
· July 21, 2020 – City Council conducts a work session on proposed FY 2020-21
· August 5, 2020 – Notice of forthcoming August 18, 2020, public hearing on FY
2020-21 budget published in accordance with State law;
· August 18, 2020 – City Council scheduled to (1) conduct public hearing on FY
2020-21 budget, and (2) vote to forward a proposed property tax rate and to set
a public hearing on such rate for September 1, 2020;
· August 24, 2020 – Pending action on August 18, 2020, City staff to post notice of
the September 1, 2020 public hearing on the proposed tax rate in accordance
with State law;
· September 1, 2020 – Pending action on August 18, 2020, City Council scheduled
to (1) consider ordinance adopting FY 2020-21 budget, and (2) conduct public
hearing on proposed property tax rate related to FY 2020-21 budget, and (3)
consider ordinance adopting related property tax rate;
· September 30, 2020 – FY 2019-20 ends;
· October 1, 2020 – FY 2020-21 begins.
This item is to seek public comment on the FY 2020-21 Proposed Operating Budget,
which covers the fiscal period beginning October 1, 2020 and ending September 30,
2021. In general, the City Manager proposes a balanced budget for FY 2020-21 totaling
approximately $184.4M, which represents a reduction of approximately $9.6M from the
FY 2019-20 (current year) adopted budget. This is a decrease of 4.97%. The City’s
General Fund, representing approximately 44% of the total budget, has proposed
expenditures in FY 2020-21 of approximately $81.7M or a reduction of approximately
$1.3M from the current year. The proposed budget assumes no increase in the current
City of Wichita Falls property tax rate of $0.763323 per $100 of assessed value.
As discussed during the July 21, 2020 presentation of the Proposed Budget, the Certified
Property Tax Roll (received after completion of the proposed budget) did increase total
property tax collections by $68,619. This amount will be recorded and deposited into fund
balance at year-end.
The proposed operating budget can be viewed in its entirety on the City’s website at:
Staff recommends the City Council open the public hearing to receive comments. The
City Council is scheduled to consider adoption of the FY 2020-21 budget on September
1, 2020.
August 18, 2020
ITEM/SUBJECT: Resolution expressing the City Council’s intent to place a proposal
on a future Council agenda approving a property tax rate that
exceeds the no new tax rate, but does not exceed the voter-approval
tax rate; scheduling one public tax rate hearing, and establishing the
date to vote on same.
The current property tax rate for the City of Wichita Falls is $0.763323 per $100 of
assessed value, and the no-new-revenue tax rate is $0.744422. The no-new-revenue tax
rate is essentially the rate that generates the same tax revenue as the prior year from
properties that were on the tax roll in both tax years. The voter-approval rate is $0.776452.
The Proposed Tax Rate is the same as the prior year. The maintenance and operations
portion of this tax rate will raise $0.018901 per $100 of assessed value over the no-new-
revenue-tax rate, and $0.013129 per $100 of assessed value less than the voter-
approval-tax rate. This tax rate is 2.69% higher than the no-new-revenue tax rate.
The proposed FY 2020-21 budget recommends a tax rate of $0.763323, which is the
same tax rate as FY 2020 (current year). This tax rate does not exceed the voter-approval
tax rate.
The tax rates considered in this resolution have been calculated and certified by the
Wichita County Tax Assessor-Collector, Tommy Smyth, on August 7, 2020.
This resolution has been prepared with a blank for the proposed tax rate in order to allow
the City Council to conduct the budget hearing prior to deciding on a proposed tax rate.
After completing the budget hearing, the City Council must take a record vote expressing
its intent to adopt a tax rate that equals the tax rate in the Proposed Budget or expresses
its intent to adopt a tax rate other than the rate in the Proposed Budget. Council may vote
to adopt a tax rate between the no-new-revenue tax rate of $0.744422 and the voter-
approval tax rate of $0.776452.
Because the Proposed Tax Rate exceeds the no-new-revenue tax rate, but is below the
voter-approval tax rate, a record vote of this Council is required. It should be noted, that
the resolution must include a proposed tax rate.
Approval of this agenda item expresses the governing body’s intent to hold a public
hearing on the proposed tax rate on September 1, 2020, and its intent to vote to adopt a
tax rate on September 1, 2020, at its regularly planned Council meeting.
Staff recommends the City Council, by record vote, approve the resolution proposing a
property tax rate for FY 2020-21 to be considered at a public hearing on September 1,
Resolution No. ____________
WHEREAS, state law prescribes specific procedures that local governments must
follow when setting property tax rates for the ensuing year; and,
WHEREAS, the City Council may approve a tax rate that generates up to 3.5%
more total tax revenue from properties on the tax role than was generated in the preceding
year, less new property added to the roll and less debt service requirements.
1. The City Council of the City of Wichita Falls hereby expresses its intent to place
an item on the City Council agenda of September 1, 2020, to consider adopting a property
tax rate of ____________ per $100 of assessed property value.
2. The City Council furthermore expresses its intent to conduct a public hearing to
discuss the property tax rate on September 1, 2020 at 8:30 a.m. to be held in the City
Council Chambers.
City Clerk
August 18, 2020
ITEM/SUBJECT: Resolution authorizing the City Manager to award bid and contract
for the 2020 Lift Station 5 and 39 Rehabilitation and Lincoln Street
Pump Replacement Project to Bowles Construction Co. in the
amount of $379,390.00.
STRATEGIC GOAL: Provide Adequate Infrastructure
COMMENTARY: On August 4, 2020, bids were opened for the 2020 Lift Station 5 and
39 Rehabilitation and Lincoln Street Pump Replacement Project, which is generally
described as the rehabilitation of wastewater Lift Stations 5 & 39, and Lincoln Street
stormwater pump station, including the replacement of pumps, motors, control panels,
and associated work. The Base Bid includes Lift Station 5 rehabilitation and Lincoln Street
stormwater pump replacement. Lift Station 39 rehabilitation was an Additive / Alternate
bid item. Funding for this project in an amount of $420,000 was included in this year’s
budget (Water/Sewer - $270,000, Stormwater Utility - $150,000).
The following bids received for this project are as follows (Base Bid Only, not including
Lift Station 39):
Bowles Construction Co. – Wichita Falls, TX $ 379,390.00
MH Civil Constructors, Inc. – Amarillo, TX $ 425,000.00
Construction of this project should require approximately 150 calendar days to complete.
Staff recommends award of the base bid contract to Bowles Construction Co. in the
amount of $379,390.00, based on unit price quantities.
Resolution No. _________
Resolution authorizing the City Manager to award bid and contract for
the 2020 Lift Station 5 & 39 Rehabilitation and Lincoln Street Pump
Replacement Project to Bowles Construction Co. in the amount of
WHEREAS, the City of Wichita Falls has advertised for bids for the 2020 Lift
Station 5 & 39 Rehabilitation and Lincoln St Pump Replacement Project; and,
The unit price base bid for the 2020 Lift Station 5 & 39 Rehabilitation and Lincoln
St Pump Replacement Project is awarded to Bowles Construction Co. in an estimated
total amount of $379,390.00, and the City Manager is authorized to execute a contract
for the City with said Contractor for the construction of such project.
City Clerk
The proposal for the project was prepared by Insituform Technologies, Inc. which is a
sewer rehabilitation company who has been selected through a competitive bidding
process by the outside agency, Buy Board.
Company Amount
Insituform Technologies, LLC – Corinth, TX $ 493,899.75
Construction of the project should require approximately one hundred eighty (180)
consecutive days to complete.
Insituform Technologies, Inc. has completed similar projects for the City, staff
recommends award of the contract to Insituform Technologies, Inc. in the amount of
$493,899.75, based on unit price quantities.
Resolution No. _________
Resolution authorizing the City Manager to award bid and contract for
the 2020 Sewer Budget Utility Improvements Project Phase I to
Insituform Technologies, LLC in the amount of $493,899.75
WHEREAS, the City of Wichita Falls has requested a Buy Board proposal from
Insituform Technologies, Inc. for the 2020 Sewer Budget Utility Improvements Project
Phase I; and,
WHEREAS, it is found that the quote is reasonable and competitive and Insituform
Technologies, Inc. is a responsible contractor who made a unit price proposal with an
estimated total of $493,899.75.
The unit price proposal for the 2020 Sewer Budget Utility Improvements Project
Phase I is awarded to Insituform Technologies, Inc., in an estimated total amount of
$493,899.75, and the City Manager is authorized to execute a contract for the City with
said Contractor for the construction of such project.
City Clerk
Police Chief
Resolution No. _________
WHEREAS, the City will use in-kind contributions to meet the required 20.18%
local match of $14,651.22; and,
The City Manager is hereby authorized to make application with The Texas
Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for a Comprehensive Selective Traffic
Enforcement Program (STEP) Grant for fiscal year 2021.
City Clerk