Pollution Assessment Of514
Pollution Assessment Of514
Pollution Assessment Of514
4 (2020), 2855-
Original Research
Pollution Assessment of Heavy Metals
in Roadside Agricultural Soils
Soil contamination of heavy metals is widespread, raising concerns about agricultural risks. We are
investigating the concentrations and forms of the heavy metals lead, zinc, chromium, cobalt, nickel,
cadmium and copper in agricultural soils near intensive traffic areas in two major cities in western
Algeria: Tlemcen and Sidi Bel Abbes. We analyzed four soil samples cultivated with grapes (E1 and
E2) and wheat (E3 and E4). The average concentrations of lead, cadmium, chromium and copper in
these agricultural lands exceeded the environmental quality standards of soil in Europe. The average of
total concentrations of nickel, cobalt and zinc are less than the environmental quality standards of soil
in Europe, which is consistent with the obtained results of the contamination degrees and the potential
ecological risk of a single heavy metal. (E ri), E r i were classified as considerable (80≤E i<160), high
(160≤Er i<320); that, Eir average for Pb in all soil samples is 68.67 and 162.91 for the Cd. As a result, the
ERI of the four soil samples was high in all cases. When using sequential extraction, our results show
that cadmium compounds are preferentially concentrated in the carbonate fraction, acid-extractable
fraction and residual phase of the soil, causing a risk because of its high value. Co was concentrated in
the phases of reducible and oxidizable, while Pb, Zn, Cu and Ni are highly concentrated in the remaining
two remaining phases, which are weak in reducible and oxidizable phases. These results show that these
minerals are less readily available in the examined soil. There is also a correlation between nickel-zinc
(Ni-Zn), cobalt, zinc (Co-Zn), cadmium and nickel (Cd-Ni), cadmium and chromium (Cd-Cr), cadmium
and lead (Cd-Pb), copper and zinc (Cu-Zn), and chromium and lead (Cr-Pb). Soil parameters such as pH,
CEC, TC% and organic matter content should also be taken into consideration when determining soil
pollution status.
*e-mail: hou_da2009@yahoo.fr
285 Seghier T.B., Bouhadjera
6 K.
Introduction the fractions (clays, metal oxides, carbonates, etc.) and
identify the soil phases involved in the solubilisation
Soil is one of the most valuable non-renewable and retention of metal pollutants, and determine the
resources, which at the same time remains among potential environmental risk index for heavy metal and
the most severely threatened elements of the natural overall environmental risk (ERI), and the correlation
environment [1]. Soil is also a major source of heavy between heavy metals in soil.
metals emitted from industrial activities: municipal
sewage sludge [2], urban fertilization, road traffic,
air sediments and chemicals used in agriculture Material and Methods
(phosphate fertilizers and pesticides) have spread to the
environment [3]. Heavy metals emitted from stationary Site Description
and mobile sources can be transported to water, air
and soil [4-5], and can even enter plants, animals and The two sites were selected for this study are
human bodies [5-6]. Their initial toxicity and the effects located in Sidi Belabbes and Tlemcen, which have a
of bioaccumulation [7] have led to many heavy metal typical Mediterranean climate with precipitation mostly
emissions being regulated. Heavy metals may cause both occurring in the autumn and winter and a long summer
human health issues and adverse environmental impacts drought. These sites, planted with wheat and grapes,
[8-9]. In addition, heavy metals can accumulate in road are located on National Roads N°07 and N°39, which
dust through atmospheric deposition. Road dust has ensures traffic that can affect transport patterns and
been used as an indicator of the contamination of heavy deposition of car emissions. All locations with similar
metals in our environment [10-11]. Thus, heavy metals terrain were large-scale, slightly uneven in traffic flow
may arise from different types of sources. Ground and provided similar movement patterns.
vehicles can release large quantities of heavy metals
into the air, water and soil. Therefore, vehicle emissions
Soil Analysis
are a major source of heavy metal pollution in urban
environments. Several studies have been completed
Samples were taken in winter (2017) during a
on the properties of heavy metal concentrations in
relatively cold and wet period, but we took a large
road dust resulting from traffic activities [12]; there is
sampling of the days before the end of winter and early
heavy traffic in many cities in modern society, and the
spring 2017 (March). Soil samples were collected from
total number of urban vehicles has increased rapidly in
a depth of «0-30 cm» from the roadside soil using a
modern history [13]. Traffic causes serious problems
stainless steel shovel, away from the road to find the
in large, densely populated cities in particular. Heavy
relationship between heavy metal concentration and
metals from vehicle exhausts, roads, tires and brake
distance from the road. Soil samples both from plots
wear can be deposited into road dust by dry or wet
deposition in the atmosphere [14-16]. In recent years, and from the rhizosphere were dried at 50ºC until
many materials have concentrated on the concentration constant weight, homogenized and sieved at 2 mm. The
and distribution of heavy metals in roadside dust, for fraction (2 mm) was characterized for the following:
example lead, copper, manganese, zinc and Ni have texture (normalized methods for soil analysis, ISS,
been major environmental contaminants in Turkey 1985), pH-H2O (1:2.5 soil:water solution ratio),
and other countries [17-18-19]. Because soil can be a electrical conductivity (1:5 soil:water solution ratio
major source of dust and can be a reservoir for dust -Conductimeter basic 30, Crison), carbonate content
deposition, it is important to assess the effects of traffic (Bernard calcimeter method, Loeppert and Suarez,
on the distribution and levels of heavy metals in the 1996) and ETM concentrations (acid digestion with
soil on the roadside. Due to the prolonged use of leaded aqua regia [21] followed by ICP-MS).
gasoline in Algeria, the soil can be a reservoir of lead The potentially bioavailable fraction of ETM was
contamination [20]. estimated by a single extraction with a 0.01 M calcium
chloride CaCl2 (1:10 (W/V) soil/solution ratio, solution
The objective of this work is therefore to determine
adjusted to pH<2 [22]. Heavy metals mobility was
the impact of heavy metals on agricultural soils
estimated by sequential extraction developed by the
alongside the road linking the cities of Tlemcen and
Standard Measurement and Testing Program of the
Sidi Bel Abbes through a multidisciplinary approach
European Community [23] and applied to differentiate
such as physical-chemical conditions of agricultural
metal fractions in the soils. ETM concentration in the
soil (in winter) including pH, electrical conductivity,
solution was determined by inductively coupled plasma-
CEC, organic matter and total limestone. Determine
atomic emission spectrometry (Perkin Elmer ICP-AES
the total levels of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Co
Optima 7300DV).
and Cr) present in agricultural soils by total extraction
using a reagent (aqua regia). The contents of heavy
metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Co and Cr) present in the Potential Ecological Risk Assessment
soil by selective sequential extraction make it possible
to determine the distribution of the heavy metals on With the soil contamination data in the four soil
samples, the potential ecological risk index (ERI)
Pollution Assessment of Heavy 285
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Table 1. Selected physico-chemical soil properties.
Soils pH Electrical conductivity (µs/cm ) CaCO3 (%) CEC Organic carbon (g/kg)
E1 9.66 344 36 11.82 3.07
E2 8.78 885 51.98 11.98 3.11
E3 7.84 921 37.11 10.45 3.75
E4 9.66 910 31.45 11.02 2.98
Average 8.985 765 39.135 11.3175 3.2275
was calculated. ERI represents the sensitivity of made to investigate the relationships between ERI, soil
the biological community to toxic substances and factors (pH, electric conductivity, CaCO3, CEC, organic
shows the potential ecological risk caused by overall carbon, total and bioavailable ETM) and ecological
contamination [24]. The equation used for calculating
parameters of each plot. Statistical significance in this
ERI [25] is:
analysis was defined at P<0.05 and P<0.01.
ii n i
iC i
C f E r i 1 T r
ERI i 1 T r i
Results and Discussion
i 1 Cn
) Soil Features of the Four Soil Samples
…where: E r i is the monomial potential ecological risk
index of the heavy metals, Tr i is the toxic response factor All the soils showed good organic matter content
for a specific heavy metals (Cd = 30, Cr = 2, Cu = 5, and a subalkaline pH that coincides with the higher
Pb = 5, Ni = 5, Co = 5 and Zn r
= 1), C i is the carbonate content in these soils, while EC and CEC
contamination factor of heavy metals, Cn is the content were high for all soils (Table 1). The particle size
of ETM in the distribution according to the textural classes of E1
samples (mg/kg), and Cni is the background value of and E2 show that soils have similar profiles. They are
heavy metals in the study area (mg/kg). mainly composed of fractions of 2 mm – 500 μm and
In this study, soil background values (BV) of the 500 μm – 200 μm. They are sandy loam. The particle
area from Cicchella et al. (2008) [25] were used (Co: size distribution according to textural classes E1 and
2; Ni: 23; Cd: 0.45; Cr: 10; Cu: 28.50; Pb: 46.50; E2 shows that soils have similar profiles and are mostly
78.0 mg/kg). The contamination degrees and the
potential ecological risk of a single ETM (E i ) were
classified as low (Er i r composed of fractions of 2 mm – 500 μm, so they are
<40), moderate (40≤E i
<80), sandy clay.
considerable (80≤E ir<160), high (160≤ E i <320)
r Analytical results of the heavy metal concentrations
very high (Er ≥320). The overall ecological risk (ERI) of the investigated soil samples (E1, E2, E3 and E4)
was classified as low (ERI<95), moderate (95≤ERI<190), were summarized in Table 2. From these results,
high (190≤ERI<380) and very high (ERI≥380) [25].
we note that soil lead (Pb) concentrations ranged from
564.78 mg/kg to over 691.11 mg/kg and exceeded the
Statistical Analysis European screening values (ESV) (100 mg/kg) in
all cases (Fig. 1a), which is proof that the road traffic
The statistical analyses were all carried out using
and emission of fumes caused by cars have an impact
MS Excel 2007. Pearson correlation analyses were
Table 2. Heavy metal concentrations (mg/kg) and ERI of soils samples (E1, E2, E3 and E4).
E1 E2 E3 E4
Pb (mg/kg) 628.67 691.11 670 564.78
Cr (mg/kg) 232.3 00 108.425 92.575
Cu (mg/kg) 67.675 156.425 0.475 67.675
Cd (mg/kg) 3.925 1.75 2.45 1.65
Zn (mg/kg) 109.825 94.025 5.4 125.225
Ni (mg/kg) 19.25 20.05 23.375 18.87
Co (mg/kg) 26.475 24.175 24.92 21.27
ERI 612.60 284.42 324.59 259.99
285 Seghier T.B., Bouhadjera
8 K.
on the soil content of lead. Soil Cd concentrations heavy metals (mainly Pb and Cd). The ERI of the
ranged from 1.65 mg/kg to 3.92 mg/kg and were four soil samples proved to be high in all cases. This
above ESV (2 mg/kg) in 50% of cases (Fig. 1f). Soil pollution originates from the fact that the soils studied
Cr concentrations ranged from 00 to 232.3 mg/kg are located on roads and near the quarries by the use of
and exceeded ESV (150 mg/kg) in 25% of cases rock. Traffic consists of a contribution by the circulation
(Fig. 1b). Soil Cu concentrations ranged from of vehicles and the equipment of the road [26]. In
0.47 mg/kg to 156.42 mg/kg and exceeded ESV addition to the flow rate of traffic, another factor that
(120 mg/kg) in 25% of cases (Fig. 1c), and soil Ni, Co affects the accumulation of pollutants in soil near the
and Zn concentrations were lower than ESV for sites roads is the weather and long dry periods, as well as
(Ni: 30 mg/kg; Co: 20 mg kg; Zn: 150 mg/kg) in all duration and intensity of sediments. All of the above
the soils due to the very high concentrations of some factors may have contributed to the high concentrations
Fig. 1. Total concentrations (mg/kg) of heavy metals in soils samples: a) Pb, b) Cr, c) Cu, d) Zn, e) Co, f) Cd, g) Ni.
Pollution Assessment of Heavy 285
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of trace elements detected along the Tlemcen-Sidi bel associate cadmium with the carbonate fraction, the
abbes road. In the case of lead (Pb), the most studied exchangeable fraction and the residual phase [27].
metal made its notable presence in gasoline. The total cadmium content contained in the different
phases slightly exceeds the limits (20 mg/kg), so there
Variations in Heavy-Metal Forms is a slight cadmium pollution of the soil; it appears that
in Soils a significant proportion of this pollution is theoretically
leachable, because it is not associated with the residual
In Fig. 2, the contents of heavy metals vary from phase.
one fraction to another and are distributed as follows:
Cobalt exhibited similar behavior in all four
The results showed that Cd is essentially carbonate- phases over the years, ranging from 7.652 mg/
bound with a maximum of 6.85 mg/kg-for soil S1, kg to 20.15 mg/kg for soil E1, from 8.13 mg/kg to
1.95 mg/kg for soil E4, 1.8 for soil E3 and 1.5 mg/kg 14.97 mg/kg for soil E2 and from 8.097 mg/kg
for soil E2. These results also indicate that a significant to 19.66 mg/kg for soil E3; the range was from
proportion of cadmium is fixed by the residual 8.76 mg/kg to 15.73 mg/kg for soil E4 in the reducible
phase with a maximum of 0.275 mg/kg for soil E1, phase. Its relative share is lower in the residual phase,
2.03 mg/kg for soil E2, 3.44 mg/kg for soil E3 and ranging from 1.33 mg/kg to 55.77 mg/kg for soil E1,
3 mg/kg for soil E4, which represents more than 50% from 11.02 mg/kg to 22.63 mg/kg for soil S2, from
in the acid-soluble phase of potentially mobilizable 11.41 mg/kg to 18.21 mg/kg for soil E3 and from
cadmium. 18.2 mg/kg to 21 mg/kg for soil E4.
The ranking of the different fractions of Cd in order These results confirm the low mobility of cobalt.
of predominance can be as follows: The ranking of the phases in descending order is as
Carbonates>Residual>Reducible>Oxidizable in follows:
descending order for soils E1, E2, E3 and E4. The Reducible>Residual>Oxidisable>Acid-extractable.
numerous studies present in the literature preferentially Several authors [27] have underlined this result.
Fig. 2. Distribution of trace element contents (mg/kg) in soil samples (E1, E2, E3 and E4) in the different fractions (sequential
286 Seghier T.B., Bouhadjera
0 K.
The total levels of Co contained in the different contents are negligible. These results reflect an average
phases exceed the limits of the standards. Soil mobility of Cr.
contamination is reported. The ranking in descending order of the phases is as
follows: Oxide>Residual>Carbonates>Reducible.
Copper The total levels of Cr contained in the different
phases during the year 2017 are below the limits,
The results of the sequential extractions show that and it can be said that the soils studied do not show
Cu is very little exchangeable and located mainly in contamination by chromium.
organic matter (with a maximum of 7.10 mg/kg for soil
S1, 11.98 mg/kg for soil E2 and 17.90 mg/kg for E3 Zinc
and 10.42 mg/kg for the E4). Moreover, in the residual
fraction the results were 15.67 mg/kg for soil E1,
The results of the sequential extractions show that
6.51 mg/kg for soil E2 and 6.01 mg/kg for soil E3 and zinc is very little exchangeable. In addition, a large
18.87 mg/kg for soil E4. fraction of Zinc is related to the residual fraction
From these results obtained, the scale of with a maximum (of 597.55 mg/kg for the soil S1,
predominance of Cu as a function of the chemical phases 448.21 mg/kg for the soil E2, 62 mg/kg for soil S3 and
can be as follows: Organicmatter>Residual>Oxides of 95 mg/kg for soil E4) in the year 2017.
Manganese and Iron>Carbonates. In fact, the ranking of the phases in order of
Several authors [28] who associate Cu with organic importance is as follows: Reducible>Residual>Carbonat
matter, iron oxides, manganese oxides and carbonates es>Organic Materials.
have recorded this affinity for the oxidisable fraction. Several works have evidenced similar results [29,
The first two fractions (the oxidisable fraction and 30].
the reducible fraction) have generally normal values
Zinc is among the metals studied, one with high
for all soils E1, E2, E3 and E4. The total Cu content
levels in the reducible phase reaching maxima of
contained in the different phases is below the limits
87.83 mg/kg for soil E1, 3.98 mg/kg for soil E2,
of the standards. We conclude that copper does not
2.73 mg/kg for soil E3 and 10.78 mg/kg for soil E4.
contaminate these soils.
And also low levels of Zn in the extractable fraction
with a maximum of 1.31 mg/kg for soil E1, 1.3 mg/kg
Nickel for soil E2, 1.5 mg/kg for soil E3 and 0.6 mg/kg for soil
E4, which induces low mobility.
Ni is mainly bound to the reducible phase with a The total contents of Zn contained in the different
maximum of 17.95 mg/kg for soil S1, 13.93 mg/kg for phases do not exceed the limits, which corresponds to
soil E2, 11.50 mg/kg for soil E3 and 10.78 mg/kg for no significant soil contamination over time by zinc,
soil E4. It is also present in the residual phase, but its except that soil E1 contamination is detected.
content varies from soil to soil with a maximum of
19.66 mg/kg for soil S1, 17.67 mg/kg for soil E2, 15.15 Lead
mg/kg for soil E3 and 30.48 mg/kg for soil E4, so nickel
is considered as a little mobile element. Ni is very
The analysis of the results shows, on the one hand,
preferentially exchangeable.
that Pb is preferentially bound to the acid-soluble
The ranking of the phases in order of fraction (with a maximum of 293.25 mg/kg for soil
importance is as follows: Oxides of iron and E1, 312 mg/kg for soil S2, 439.75 mg/kg for soil E3
manganese>Residual>Carbonate Materials>Organic. and 263.75 mg/kg for soil E4), followed by the reducible
Several works [29-30] have highlighted similar fraction (204.58 mg.kg for soil E1, 200 mg/kg for
results. soil E2, 207.22 mg/kg for soil E3 and 198.75 mg/kg
Total Ni content contained in the different phases for soil E4). On the other hand, it is very weakly
exceeds the limits of the standards during the year 2017. adsorbed by the oxidizable fraction for the four soils.
A slight contamination due especially to the high levels According to its results, lead is potentially not very
of Ni in the reducible phase of the soil was found. mobile.
The ranking of the phases in order of importance
Chrome can be presented as follows: Acid-soluble>Reducible>R
Cr is mainly concentrated in the oxidisable We preferentially associate lead with the reducible
phase with a maximum of 227.96 mg/kg for soil E1, fraction [31] then with the acid-soluble fraction. The
24.59 mg/kg for soil E2, 47.29 mg/kg for soil E3 and total Pb levels in the different phases of the highest
26.28 mg/kg for soil E4. soils E1, E2, E3 and E4 are reported. In fact, the Pb
For soil S1, Cr is weak and exchangeably distributed contents for the first two fractions (reducible and
between 00 mg/kg and 71.95 mg/kg, 12.33 mg/kg, carbonates) are stronger than the other fractions. The
97.18 mg/kg and 30.375 mg/kg for successive soils S1, total contents of Pb contained in the different phases
S2, S3 and S4. We also noticed that reducible phase exceed the limits of the standards. Acute contamination
Pollution Assessment of Heavy 286
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Table 3. Mean values of ecological risk factor (E ir) and potential ecological risk index (ERI) in the different soil samples (E1, E2, E3
and E4).
Er i
Pb Cr Cu Cd Zn Ni Co
E1 67.59 46.46 11.87 261.66 154.63 4.1847 66.18 612.60
E2 74.31 0 27.44 116.66 1.20 4.35 60.43 284.42
E3 72.043 21.68 0.08 163.33 0.06 5.08 62.3 324.59
E4 60.72 18.51 11.87 110 1.60 4.10 53.17 259.99
Average 68.67 21.66 12.81 162.91 39.37 4.43 60.52 370.40
– especially due to high levels of Pb in the reducible between the elements indicates their common origin
phase and carbonates of soils – is found. Moreover, the [34], in particular that of carbonates and sulphides
total of the concentrations of the ETM obtained from (sphalerite, strontianite, galena, etc.). The significant
the results of the different fractions confirms the Pb, positive correlation of Cd, Cr, Pb, Co, Zn and Ni
Cd and Cu pollution found by simple extraction (aqua indicates that the elements are derived from similar
regia), but reveals the existence of Ni pollution. This materials, particularly coalmines in underground
result is perhaps due to its mobility in a basic soil. mining activities [35].
Nevertheless, extraction with the calcium chloride A significant weak correlation exists between soil
solution aims to quantify the mobile fraction, that is pH and Cd (r = 0.78), Co (r = 0.77), Cu (r = 0.96), Cu
to say the fraction of bioavailable elements and easily (r = 0.91) and Pb (r = 0.28). In addition, there is no
leachable with water. This extraction best represents the significant correlation between soil pH, and Ni and Zn
intrinsic conditions of the soil solution at equilibrium were observed for the analyzed soils, which is consistent
in terms of ionic strength. It is often used to establish with those obtained by Tume et al. [35] for the natural
soil-plant correlations and thus define the bioavailable surface soils of Catalonia, Spain. As characterized by
fraction of pollution. a similar range of pH values and by Manta et al. [35],
From these results (Table 4), we note that: TC and CEC show strong positive correlations with all
– Cd, Cu and Ni are highly bioavailable and therefore heavy metals.
will be easily absorbed by food plants, potentially Organic matter show strong positive correlations
causing a health risk. with TC% (r = 0.98), CEC (r = 0.28), Cd (r = 0.95), Co
– Pb is moderately bioavailable. (r = 0.67), Cu (r = 0.76), Cr (r = 0.97), Pb (r = 0.48). As
– Cr and Zn are poorly bioavailable. we noted, there is no significant correlation between Ni
– Co has no bioavailability. an Zn. ERI also shows strong positive correlation with
pb, Zn, Ni and pH water, σ, TC%, CEC, and organic
Correlation Matrix (CM) matter while showing a weak or almost non-existent
correlation with Cd, Cr, Co and Cu. This confirms the
Inter-element relationships in the soil matrix results obtained.
provide information on the sources of heavy metals
and pathways in the geo environment. In general, the
correlations between the metals were in agreement
with the results obtained, and the CM was useful for
confirming some new associations between metals that Table 4. Trace elements content (mg/kg) in soil samples extracted
had not been clearly started in the previous analysis. with CaCl2.
From Pearson correlation coefficient values (Table 5),
a significant positive correlation (p<0.01) exists between
cadmium and nickel (r = 0.96, p<0.01), Cu (r = 0.69,
p<0.01), Pb (r = 0.95, p<0.01) and Zn (r = 0.98).
Cobalt shows a positive correlation to be relatively
weak with Cu (r = 0.87), and between Pb (r = 0.4) and
Zn (r = 0.98), Ni (r = 0.7) was also found by Cai et al.
(2012, r = 0.60) [32] and Mi et al. (2015, r = 0.81)
and Zn (r =0.98) and lead (Pb) is significantly correlated
with Ni (r and Zn and Cu is correlated with Cr
(r = 0.95, p<0.01), Ni (r = 0.28, p<0.01) and Zn (r =
p<0.01, Cr is positively correlated with Pb (r = 0.63),
Zn (r = 0.76) and Ni (r = 0.86). The strong correlation
E1 E2 E3 E4
Pollution Assessment of Heavy 286
Metals... 1
Pb 28.775 25 27.15 23.4
Cr 00 0.27 4,25 0,90
Cu 16.63 101.63 59.15 108.83
Zn 3.25 1.28 0.50 2.88
Ni 7.225 10.375 7.125 22.075
Co 9.125 9.2 8.6 9.55
Cd 1.58 1.45 1.80 3.53
Average 8.175 9.7875 7.8625 15.8125
286 Seghier T.B., Bouhadjera
2 K.
Table 5. Correlation matrix between different heavy metals and physico-chemical properties for soils samples.
pH Organic matter
Cd Co Cu Cr Pb Ni Zn σ TC % CEC ERI
water g.kg-1
Cd 1
Co 0.16 1
Cu 0.69 0.87 1
Cr 0.09 0.47 0.95 1
Pb 0.95 0.4 0.02 0.63 1
Ni 0.96 0.7 0.28 0.86 0.41 1
Zn 0.98 0.66 0.76 0.9 0.41 0.01 1
pH eau 0.78 0.77 0.96 0.61 0.28 0.03 0.04 1
σ 0.07 0.3 0.16 0.16 0.9 0.6 0.64 0.46 1
TC % 0.73 0.76 0.73 0.34 0.18 0.91 0.92 0.67 0.25 1
CEC 0.77 0.7 0.91 0.97 0.79 0.33 0.34 0.46 0.46 0.42 1
Organic carbon g.kg-1 0.95 0.67 0.76 0.97 0.48 nd nd 0.07 0.07 0.98 0.29 1
ERI 0.01 0.21 0.07 0.12 0.99 0.78 0.83 0.62 0.62 0.78 0.6 0.85 1