HVAC - Part-1

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HVAC: Heating, Ventilation and Air

Ventilation is necessary in buildings to remove ‘stale’ air and replace it
with ‘fresh’ air:
 Helping to moderate internal temperatures.
 Replenishing oxygen.
 Reducing the accumulation of moisture, odours, bacteria, dust, carbon
dioxide, smoke and other contaminants that can build up during occupied
 Creating air movement which improves the comfort of occupants.
 Very broadly, ventilation in buildings can be classified as ‘natural’ or
 Mechanical (or ‘forced’) ventilation tends to be driven by fans.
 Natural ventilation is driven by ‘natural’ pressure differences from one
part of the building to another. Natural ventilation can be wind-driven or
buoyancy-driven. For more information see Stack effect and Cross
Natural ventilation is generally preferable to mechanical ventilation as it will
typically have lower capital, operational and maintenance costs. However there are a
range of circumstances in which natural ventilation may not be possible:

•The building is too deep to ventilate from the perimeter.

•Local air quality is poor, for example if a building is next to a busy road.
•Local noise levels means that windows cannot be opened.
•The local urban structure is very dense and shelters the building from the wind.
•Privacy or security requirements prevent windows from being opened.
•Internal partitions block air paths.
•The density of occupation, equipment, lighting and so on creates very high heat loads or
high levels of contaminants.
•Some of these issues can be avoided or mitigated by careful design, and mixed mode or
assisted ventilation might be possible, where natural ventilation is augmented by
mechanical distribution or extract.
Where Mechanical ventilation is necessary it can be:
•A circulation system such as a ceiling fan, which creates internal air
movement, but does not introduce ‘fresh’ air.
•A pressure system, in which ‘fresh’ outside air is blown into the building
by inlet fans, creating a higher internal pressure than the outside air.

•A vacuum system, in which ‘stale’ internal air is extracted from the

building by an exhaust fan, creating a lower pressure inside the building
than the outside air.

•A balanced system that uses both inlet and extract fans, maintaining the
internal air pressure at a similar level to the outside air and so reducing air
infiltration and draughts.

•A local exhaust system that extracts local sources of heat or contaminants

at their source, such as cooker hoods, fume cupboards and so on.
•In commercial developments, mechanical ventilation is typically driven by air handling
units(AHU) connected to ductwork within the building that supplies air to and extracts air from the
interior. Typically they comprise an insulated box that forms the housing for; filter racks or
chambers, a fan (or blower), and sometimes heating elements, cooling elements, sound attenuators
and dampers. In some situations, such as in swimming pools, air handling units might include
dehumidification. See Air handling units for more information.
•Where mechanical ventilation includes heating, cooling and humidity control, this
can be referred to as Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC).
•Extracting internal air and replacing it with outside air can increase the need for heating and
cooling. This can be reduced by re-circulating a proportion of internal air with the fresh outside air,
or by heat recovery ventilation (HRV) that recovers heat from extract air to pre-heat incoming fresh
air using counter-flow heat exchangers.
•The design of mechanical ventilation systems is generally a specialist task, undertaken by a building
services engineer. Whilst there are standards and rules of thumb that can be used to determine air
flow rates for straight-forward situations, when mechanical ventilation is combined with heating,
cooling, humidity control and the interaction with natural ventilation, thermal mass and solar gain,
the situation can quickly become very complicated. This, along with additional complications, such
as the noise generated by fans, and the impact of ductwork on acoustic separation means it is vital
building services are considered at the outset of the building design process, and not seen as an add-
•Mechanical ventilation may be controlled by a building management system (BMS) to maximise
occupant comfort and minimise energy consumption. Regular inspection and maintenance is
necessary to ensure that systems are op
Introduction to HVAC Systems

 Objective Comfort Zone

 Temperature 22 °C to 26 °C

 Relative Humidity 40 % R.H to 60 % R.H

 Comfort Zone 24 °C & 50 % R.H

What can HVAC do?
 HVAC system performs four basic functions:

1. Control airborne particles, dust and micro-organisms – Thru air filtration using high
efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters.
2. Maintain room pressure (delta P) – Areas that must remain "cleaner” than surrounding
areas must be kept under a “positive” pressurization, meaning that air flow must be from
the “cleaner” area towards the adjoining space (through doors or other
openings) to reduce the chance of airborne contamination.

3. Maintain space moisture (Relative Humidity) Humidity is controlled by cooling air to

dew point temperatures or by using desiccant dehumidifiers. Humidity can affect the
efficacy and stability of drugs and is sometimes important to effectively mould the

4. Maintain space temperature - Temperature can affect production directly or indirectly by

fostering the growth of microbial contaminants on workers.
Plenum ventilation
A system of mechanical ventilation in which fresh air is forced into the spaces to be
ventilated from a chamber (plenum chamber) at a pressure slightly higher than
atmospheric pressure, so as to expel foul air.
• A building ventilation system that uses powered fans or
blowers to provide fresh air to rooms when the natural
forces of air pressure and gravity are not enough to
circulate air through a building.

• Mechanical ventilation is used to control indoor air

quality, excess humidity, odours, and contaminants
can often be controlled via dilution or replacement with
outside air. However, in humid climates specialised
ventilation systems can remove excess moisture from the

• Ceiling fans are commonly seen as ventilation systems

as they are usually the most visible mechanical system
in a building; however ceiling fans do not provide real
ventilation, as there is no introduction of fresh air.

• Ceiling fans only circulate air within a room for the

purpose of reducing the perceived temperature by
method of evaporation of perspiration on the skin of the
occupants. Also hot air rises therefore; ceiling fans may
be used to keep a room warmer in the winter by
circulating the warm from the ceiling to the floor.

• A system in which air is blown

through the building by a fan or
other blower placed at the inlet.

• The air pressure in the building

is slightly greater than that of
the outer atmosphere.
Causing an in-rush of fresh air. This is done by an exhaust fan placed at the
outlet to the vent flue or stack. The air pressure in the building is slightly lower
than that of the outer atmosphere.
Improved indoor air quality. Balanced ventilation systems supply fresh air to the living and
sleeping areas of homes while exhausting stale air at an equal rate from the bathrooms. This
proactive approach to ventilation can result in improved indoor air quality.

Improved comfort. Buildings with tight construction and balanced ventilation systems can
have fewer drafts and a constant supply of outdoor air resulting in improved comfort.

Improved health. Stale air can cause health problems. It can be responsible for symptoms
such as headaches, drowsiness, and respiratory problems. These symptoms are more
common in homes with poor ventilation and moisture control. Continuously providing fresh air
can result in the improved health and well being of the occupants.

Lower utility bills. Less energy is consumed to operate ventilation systems than to heat and
cool excessive amounts of outdoor air that infiltrates leaky homes. Additional savings are
captured when these systems are equipped with either a sensible or total heat exchanger.
This can result in lower utility bills, making homes less expensive to operate.

Balanced ventilation systems can be equipped with a heat exchanger that recovers most of
the heating and cooling energy from the exhaust air.

 Mechanical ventilation and natural ventilation have many applications where they are used,
but in most modern intelligent design both are used for the best effectiveness and efficiency.

Part 8: Building services, Section 1: Lighting and natural

This Section covers requirements and methods for lighting and
ventilation of buildings.

Part 8: Building services, Section 3 : Air Conditioning, Heating &

Mechanical Ventilation.
This section covers • The design, construction and installation
conditioning and heating systems and • equipment installed in
buildings for the purpose of providing and maintaining conditions of air
temperature, humidity, purity and • Distribution, suitable for the use
and occupancy of the space.
HVAC Standards
 The Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air
Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE), was founded in
 ISHRAE’s primary objective is the advancement of the
art and sciences of Heating, Ventilation, Air
Conditioning, Refrigeration Engineering & other
related Building Services.
HVAC Standards
HVAC Standards
The codes, regulation as detailed below shall be followed
in this contract :-
 Safety code for air-conditioning (revised) amendment 1 :
IS 659 : 1964 (reaffirmed 1991)
 Safety code for mechanical Refrigeration : IS 660 : 1963
(reaffirmed 1991)
 Air-cooled heat exchangers (amendment 1) : IS 10470 :
1983 (reaffirmed 1991)
 Packaged Air-conditioner(amendment 1991) :IS 8148 :
1976 (reaffirmed 1991)
HVAC Standards
Safety Codes
 The following IS codes shall be followed:
 Safety code for mechanical refrigeration
: IS 660
 Safety code for air conditioning : : IS 659
Introduction to
This means, as the temperature rises, demand of water vapor increases;
and as the temperature decreases the demand of water vapor decreases.
 Basic Concept
 Introduction
 Psychrometry
 Principles of air-conditioning
 Type of air-conditioning
 Cooling cycle / refrigeration cycle
 The coolant
Basic Concepts

 Thermal load
The amount of heat that must be added or removed from
the space to maintain the proper temperature in the

 When thermal loads push conditions outside of the

comfort range, HVAC systems are used to bring the
thermal conditions back to comfort conditions.
 Definition - Air conditioning is the process of altering the
properties of air to more favorable conditions.
(primarily temperature and humidity)

 The control of these conditions may be desirable to maintain the

health and comfort of the occupants, or to meet the
requirements of industrial processes irrespective of the external
climatic conditions.
Air Conditioning
 The air conditioning must be able to vary the
temperature and humidity of the air conditioning
space according to the outside conditions. That
 In hot arid (dry) regions it must reduce
temperature and increase humidity;
 In hot-humid regions, reduce both
temperature and humidity;
 In cold humid regions, increase temperature
and decease humidity
 The field of engineering concerned with the determination of
physical and thermodynamic properties of gas-vapour mixtures.
 Study of various properties of air, method of controlling its
temperature and moisture content or humidity and its effect on
various materials and human beings.
 Helps in understanding different constituents of air and how they
affect each other.
A psychrometric chart is drawn against two fundamental dimensions - dry-bulb
temperature and humidity ratio. We can use a psychrometric chart to
determine the other properties of a moist air system knowing dry-bulb
temperature and humidity ratio (a.k.a. absolute humidity, specific humidity).
Psychometric Processes:
 Sensible Cooling
 Sensible Heating
 Cooling & Humidification
 Cooling & Dehumidification
 Heating & Humidification
 Heating & Dehumidification
Psychrometric Processes:
 Sensible Cooling and Sensible Heating of Air

 In the domestic and industrial air conditioning applications some

Psychrometric processes have to be performed on the air to
change the Psychrometric properties of air so as to obtain certain
values of temperature and humidity of air within the enclosed
space. Some of the common Psychrometric processes carried out
on air are: sensible heating and cooling of air, humidification
and dehumidification of air, mixing of various streams of air,
or there may be combinations of the various processes.
 In the ordinary window or the split air conditioner the cooling of air is
carried out by passing it over the evaporator coil, also called as the
cooling coil. The room air or the atmospheric air passes over this coil
carrying the refrigerant at extremely low temperatures, and gets cooled
and passes to the space which is to be maintained at the comfort

 In general the sensible cooling process is carried out by passing the

air over the coil. In the unitary air conditioners these coils are cooled by
the refrigerant passing through them and are called also called evaporator
coils. In central air conditioners these coils are cooled by the chilled
water, which is chilled by its passage through the evaporator of the large
air conditioning system. In certain cases the coil is also cooled by some
gas passing inside it.
 Sensible Heating of the Air

 Sensible heating process is opposite to sensible cooling process. In sensible heating

process the temperature of air is increased without changing its moisture content.
During this process the sensible heat, DB and WB temperature of the air increases
while latent of air, and the DP point temperature of the air remains constant.

 Sensible heating of the air is important when the air conditioner is used as the heat
pump to heat the air. In the heat pump the air is heated by passing it over the
condenser coil or the heating coil that carry the high temperature refrigerant. In
some cases the heating of air is also done to suit different industrial and comfort air-
conditioning applications where large air conditioning systems are used.

 In general the sensible heating process is carried out by passing the air over the
heating coil. This coil may be heated by passing the refrigerant, the hot water, the
steam or by electric resistance heating coil. The hot water and steam are used for the
industrial applications.
 Sensible Cooling of the Air
Cooling of the air is one of the most common Psychrometric processes in the air
conditioning systems. The basic function of the air-conditioners is to cool the air
absorbed from the room or the atmosphere, which is at higher temperatures. The
sensible cooling of air is the process in which only the sensible heat of the air is
removed so as to reduce its temperature, and there is no change in the moisture
content (kg/kg of dry air) of the air. During sensible cooling process the dry bulb
(DB) temperature and wet bulb (WB) temperature of the air reduces, while the
latent heat of the air, and the dew point (DP) temperature of the air remains
constant. There is overall reduction in the enthalpy of the air.
Dew point
The dew point is the temperature to which air must be cooled to become saturated with water vapour.When further
cooled, the airborne water vapour will condense to form liquid water.When air cools to its dew point through contact
with a surface that is colder than the air, water will condense on the surface.
Enthalpy Of Moist Air
The enthalpy of moist air is defined as the sum of its internal energy and the product of its pressure and volume.
Enthalpy comprises a system's internal energy, which is the energy required to create the system, plus the
amount of work required to make room for it by displacing its environment and establishing its volume
and pressure..
Psychrometric chart
A Psychrometric chart graphically represents the thermodynamic properties of moist air.
Standard psychrometric charts are bounded by the dry-bulb temperature line (abscissa) and
the vapour pressure or humidity ratio (ordinate). The Left Hand Side of the psychrometric
chart is bounded by the saturation line. Figure 27.2 shows the schematic of a psychrometric

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