A Survey of Neutral Currents in Three-Phase
A Survey of Neutral Currents in Three-Phase
A Survey of Neutral Currents in Three-Phase
90' 180' 270'
I -
z -1.0
+LO-0.5-0.5 = 0
L -1.0
z I
+LO-1.0-1.0 = -1.0
I +l.O
...... 0'
Ratio of Neutral
/- = 0.0 1 1.61
Current to Total -
- 0.0 1.61
Phase Current
The triplen harmonic currents which add in the neutral conductor DISTRIBUTION
are canceled in a delta-wye transformer. The triplen currents
flow as circulating currents in the transformer’s delta primary.
Because the power supplies which produce the harmonic neutral POWER BRANCH
currents have high peak-to-RMS current waveforms, the voltage
waveform can become distorted. “Flat-topping“ of the waveform COMMON MODE NOISE I N A
can result due to the impedance of the power system a t the har- THREE P H A S E POWER SYSTEM
monic current frequencies. Since the power supplies use the peak Figure 5
voltage of the sine wave to keep the capacitors at full charge, re-
ductions in the peak voltage appear as low voltage to the power The survey does not include conventional building wiring sys-
supply even though the RMS of the voltage may be normal. The tems, modular office wiring systems, and other non-data process-
waveform distortion can also cause additional heating in motors ing areas (for definition of data processing areas, see
and other magnetic devices which are operated from the same NFPA75-1987 121) where computer equipment and other non-
(distorted) voltage source. linear loads may cause significant neutral currents.
One form of common mode noise in three-phase power systems is To evaluate the extent of the computer system neutral current
the voltage difference between neutral and ground. With high problem, the following information was deemed to be of interest:
harmonic neutral currents, the impedance of the neutral conduc-
tors at the harmonic frequencies can cause significant neutral 1.The ratio of average load to rated system capacity
conductor voltage drops. The neutral conductor voltage drop ap- (percent capacity).
pears as common mode noise to the computer system (see Figure
2. The ratio of neutral current to average phase current.
5). The effect of these relatively low frequency common mode
noise voltages on the computer system is somewhat debatable, yet 3. The ratio of neutral current to rated full load current.
computer vendor specifications typically call for less than 0.5 to 3
volts RMS,neutral to ground, regardless of frequency. 4. The ratio of neutral triplen harmonic current to average
phase current.
COMPUTE R LOAD CURRENT SURVEY 5. The ratio of neutral triplen harmonic current to rated
full load current.
While it has been recognized that high neutral current in com-
puter power systems is a potential problem, the extent of the prob-
lem in today’s computer power systems has not been determined. Items 1, 2, and 3 are straightforward calculations directly from
To determine the extent of the neutral current problem, a survey the survey data (RMS voltages, RMS phase and neutral cur-
of computer power system load currents was taken across the rents,and rated system capacity). Items 4 and 5 are of interest be-
United States with a variety of computer vendors’ equipment. cause they indicate the extent of the harmonic neutral current
problem by excludingneutral current which is the result of simple
The survey was conducted in two parts. First, ten sites were vis- phase current imbalance, a problem which can usually be readily
ited and detailed harmonic current measurements were taken to corrected by better balancing of the loads.
verify that simplified current measurements used in the second
part of survey would yield the desired information. The second A rigorous mathematical analysis indicates that if only the RMS
part of the survey included measuring only the RMS voltages and phase and neutral currents are known, the exact harmonic con-
currents, and recording site data such as location, computer ven- tent of the neutral current cannot be determined. However, a
dor, and rated system capacity. practical approximation of the harmonic content of the neutral
current can be made by assuming that the fundamental and all
The survey data collection was kept simple as a matter of practi- non-triplen harmonics exist in the neutral according to the RMS
cality to allow a larger number of sites to be surveyed. Liebert phase current imbalance and that all neutral current in excess of
Customer Service Engineers collected the data during their nor- the phase current imbalance is due t o triplen harmonics. Implicit
mal visits to computer sites across the country. This method of in this approximation is the assumption that the phase angles of
sampling introduces some bias since only computer sites having harmonic currents of the same frequency are approximately the
Liebert power centers, power conditioners, or U P S systems are same.
included. However, the bias would not be expected to be too sub-
stantial since computer systems from over 30 different vendors Neutral Current Due to
were included in the survey. Phase Current Imbalance =JAz + +
B2 @-(AB)-(BC)-(CA)
Neutral Current Due t o
Survey data was collected from over 195 sites across the United
Triplen Harmonics +
=+&-(A2 B2 + @-(AB)-(BC)-(CA))
States during the period ofApril t o December, 1988. After exclud- Where: A = Phase ARMS Current
ing incomplete measurements, 480 volt systems, and 400 Hz sys B = Phase B RMS Current
tems, 146 sites were included in the survey results. C = Phase C RMS Current
N = Neutral RMS Current
COMPARISON OF lVZEASURED VS. fairly normally distributed about a mean (average) of 39%capac-
CALCULATED NEUTRAL TRIPLEN CURRENT ity with a standard deviation of 22.6%. The median is 38.5%ca-
pacity with a range of 3.5%to 101%capacity.
Figure 7 shows the distribution of the ratio of neutral current to
the average of the phase currents in percent. The distribution is
189A 193A 209A llOA 108.6A
166A 149A 164A 115A 110.6A not normally distributed and has a mean of 60%,median of 50%,
292A 286A 277A 81A 77.3A and a range of 0% to 244%.There are alarge cluster of sites having
188A 231A 145A 137A 111.6A less than 25%neutral current. 22.6%of the sites had neutral cur-
174A 191A 146A 66A 47.8A rent in excess of 100%of the phase current. High ratios of neutral
127A 70A 115A 176A 165.7A current to average phase current were the result of both severe
143A 164A 187A 120A 100.8A
226A 225A 224A 223A 220.6A phase imbalance and triplen harmonic currents.
19A 24A 6.8A
120A 127A 120A 23A 21.8A
Figure 8 shows the distribution of the ratio of neutral current to
rated system full load current. This distribution reflects the com-
bination of the distributions of Figures 6 and 7. Since the average
The data from the ten sites where detailed harmonic currents computer power system is relatively lightly loaded, even high neu-
were measured is summarized in Table 2. Since there is a good tral-current-to-phase current ratios result in low neutral-cur-
correlation of the measured neutral triplen currents with the cal- rent-to-rated-full-load-current ratios. The mean is only 22.4%
culated neutral triplen currents, it was decided that the practical with a median of 10.8%and a range of 0% to 147%. Only 3.4%of
approximation was valid. the sites had neutral current in excess of the rated phase current
(greater than 100%).
Figures 6 to 10 summarize the results of the survey. Figure 9 shows the distribution of the ratio of neutral triplen har-
monic current to the average of the phase currents. This ratio is
the same as the distribution in Figure 7 except that the effect of
Figures 6 shows the distribution of the present computer system any phase current imbalance has been removed, and allows the
load (KVA) compared to the rated power system capacity (name- evaluation of the harmonic neutral current problem by itself. The
plate KVA) in percent capacity. The distribution appears to be mean is 45.8%with a median of 31%and a range of 0% to 173%.
22 1
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100
6o 1
6o 1
B C O M M E N D E D REMEDIES The loading on the three phases should be kept as balanced as pos-
sible. In this way, neutral current in excess of the triplen harmon-
Observations of computer power systems have indicated har-
ic current is minimized. Whenever changes are made to the com-
monic neutral currents from nearly zero (with predominately
puter system, the phase current balance should be checked.
line-to-line power supplies) to 1.73 times the phase current (with
predominately line-to-neutral power supplies). Even though the
majority of computer power systems today do not have significant
A delta-wye transformer or other delta-wye power source should
neutral currents, changes made to the computer system may pro-
be located as close to the computer loads as practical to cancel the
duce high neutral currents. Therefore, for safety, high neutral
triplen harmonic neutral currents and to minimize the length of
currents should be considered in the design of all three-phase
the output power feeders and branch circuits. In this way, com-
computer power systems.
mon mode noise at the loads and the effect of neutral current are
minimized. For best results, the transformer and branch circuit
All four-wire, three-phase power feeders or branch circuits for distribution should be combined, such as in a computer power
computer systems should be designed to accommodate neutral center. The transformer should be of a three-legged common core
currents up to 1.73 times the phase current. The wiring am- construction to provide the best path for the circulating triplen
pacities should be calculated considering the neutral to be a cur- harmonic currents. Individual (single-phase) transformers con-
rent-carrying conductor. For four-wire, three-phase circuits in nected for three-phase operation (asis common practice for build-
a conduit or raceway, the ampacity should be derated to 80% of ing transformers) should not be used with computer systems be-
the three-conductor-in-a-conduit ampacity (reference NEC Ta- cause they do not provide a low impedance path for the circulating
ble 310-16 Notes 8 and 10). triplen harmonic currents.
The loading of the transformer with nonlinear loads requires ad- The design of a computer power system transformer could be al-
ditional considerations. Most transformers are designed for lin- tered to improve its ability to supply nonlinear currents. How-
ear loads with a peak current of 1.414 times the RMS current. ever, oversizing (or derating) the transformer is often a more prac-
With nonlinear loads, the maximum loading of the transformer tical and less costly approach. Generally, power systems dedi-
should be reduced to less than nameplate capacity to avoid over- cated for computer loads are recommended to be operated at less
heating the transformer and to avoid causing excessive output than 80%capacity to lower the stress on all components and im-
voltage distortion. prove performance and reliability. Where a high concentration of
line-to-neutral power supplies exist, it is recommended that the
One proposed derating method for standard transformers is to transformer loadingbe limited to less than 50 to 60%of nameplate
base the transformer’s capacity with nonlinear loads on the nomi- capacity. The reduced loading on the transformer is required to
nal peak current with linear loading. For example,with nonlinear prevent overloading of the transformer as well as to control the
loads having a crest factor of 2.5 and linear loads having a crest amount of voltage distortion caused by the nonlinear loads.
factor of 1.414,the nonlinear capacity of the transformer would be
56.6%of nameplate capacity (1.41412.5). The overcurrent protection of transformers feeding computer sys-
tems require additional considerations. The NEC allows pri-
Another proposed derating method for computer power system mary-only overcurrent protection as long as the primary overc-
transformers is to limit the neutral current to the rated full load urrent protection does not exceed 125% of the transformer full
phase current. For computer systems with a ratio of neutral cur- load amps. Because the triplen harmonic load currents circulate
rent to phase current of 1.5, the nonlinear capacity would be in the delta primary windings of the transformer, the transformer
66.7%of nameplate capacity (U1.5). For the worst-case harmon- input KVAcan be less than the output KVA. The transformer can
ic neutral current of 1.73 times the phase current, the nonlinear be damaged by overload without tripping the primary overcurrent
capacity would be 57.7%of nameplate capacity (111.73). protection device. For better protection of transformers feeding
computer systems, secondary overcurrent protection should be
used to detect the actual KVA loading on the transformer. The
ANSUIEEE C57.110-1986 Recommended Practice for Establish- recommended supplemental overcurrent protection of computer
ine Transformer Capabilitv When SupplvinPNonsinusoidal Load power transformers uses temperature sensors in the transformer
Currents [3] provides two methods to establish the maximum ca- windings which detect the actual transformer loading, as well as
pacity of a power transformer when the harmonic content of the the additional heatingeffects of the harmonic currents. The tem-
load current is known. One method uses the design eddy current perature sensors can be used to sound an alarm and/or shut down
loss data while the other method estimates the eddy current loss the system before damage to the transformer occurs.
using the DC winding resistances and total power loss data. For
typical computer power system transformers in the range of 15 to
225 KVA, using the DC winding resistances and total power loss Computerpower centers (power distribution units) are the recom-
data, the calculated maximum per unit winding eddy current loss mended method to supply power to computer/data processing ar-
at rated load ( m a . Pec-r) is in the range of 1.0 to 3.0. Table 3 eas [4]. The power center uses an isolation transformer or other
shows the calculated transformer nonlinear load capacities (in power conditioning technology to provide a controlled power and
percent of rated capacity with linear load) for the two nonlinear computer grounding system, thereby minimizing common mode
loads described in Table 1 and for two typical computer systems power disturbances. Power centers from reputable manufactur-
with currents having 42% and 23% total harmonic distortion ers are proven designs which accommodate nonlinear loads and
(THD). The calculated deratings according to ANSUIEEE high harmonic neutral currents of modern data processing sys-
C57.110-1986 appear to be quite conservative since the survey in- tems. The power center design should follow the previously men-
cludes systems operating in excess of these calculated nonlinear tioned recommended remedies. Power centers are better able to
load capacities without observed problems.
-4 MAX. Pec-r
supply computer loads than comparable building power systems.
Power centers are typically designed for use in up to 40°C am- REFERENCES
bients while the data processingroom temperature is usually less National Electrical Code, NFPA 70-1987,National Fire
than 25°C. Most power centers are designed for convection cool- Protection Association, Quincy, MA.
ing while most data processing areas use pressurized raised floor
cooling systems which effectively provide forced-air cooling for Protect ion of Electronic Comp&&Data Processing
BauiDment, NFPA 75-1987,National Fire Protection As-
the power center, thereby reducing component operating tem-
sociation, Quincy, MA.
peratures and providing greater design safety margins. Tempera-
ture sensors for alarm and shutdown are included in the power Recommended Practice For Establishing Transformer Ca-
center to provide supplemental protection of the transformer from d i l i t v When supplv
.inP Nonsinusoidal b d Currents,
inadequate cooling, overload, or the effects of nonlinear loads. ANSIIIEEE C57.110-1986, The Institute of Electrical and
Monitoring systems are often included in the power center to pro- Electronic Engineers, Inc., New York, NY 10017.
vide annunciation and display of parameters and alarm condi-
tions. The power center capacity and neutral current are readily Guideline on Electrical Power For ADP Installations, Fed-
available to operating and maintenance personnel which helps eral Information Processing Standard Publication 94,Na-
prevent accidental system overloading. tional Bureau of Standards, 1983.