12 Biologia Test R Eng SB18
12 Biologia Test R Eng SB18
12 Biologia Test R Eng SB18
Diversity in the living world and evolutionary characteristics of the living world
1. The series below is composed of the names of the taxons to which the Roman snail L L
0 0
Gastropoda, Animalia, Eukaryota, Mollusca, Cephalopoda
1 1
Write down, for each taxon, the corresponding name from the list above, in order to
2 2
illustrate the taxonomic location of the Roman snail.
3 3
Note! One of the taxons in the list above is extra.
4 4
a) Empire: ___________________________________________
b) Kingdom__________________________________________
c) Phylum: ___________________________________________
d) Class: _____________________________________________
e) Species: Roman snail.
2. Analyse the drawing which depict the characteristics of the structure of the heart in L L
vertebrates. 0
1 2 3 4 5
a) Encircle the numbers of the images representing the heart structure of homeothermic
animals. In the table, next to the encircled numbers, write the names of the animal
b) Write down a structural feature of the heart of vertebrates that led to homeothermy.
Explain the essence of this evolutionary phenomenon.
3. The vertebrates appeared later on than the other chordates, forming the progressive L L
branch in their evolution. In spite of the differences, all vertebrates have the same 0 0
structure plan, as proof of common origin. Compare the Chordate phylum 1 1
representatives shown in the images below. 2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
a) Write two similarities with regard to the internal structure of these representatives.
b) Complete the table below with the differences between these representatives.
Location of embryo
c) Give two examples of the positive role of the green lizard in nature.
6. It is known that physical effort influences the activity of different organs and organ L L
systems. 0 0
1 1
Analyse the data in the table below: 2 2
3 3
Investigated period Heart rate of bricklayer Respiratory rate
4 4
(beats per minute) (breaths per minute)
5 5
6 6
In the beginning of the 70 14 – 16
7 7
working day
8 8
While working 90 20 – 22
a) Based on the data in the table and the above information, formulate a general
b) Write three functions of the vascular system in humans. Give an example for each.
7. Perception is the superior form of recognition of the environment, which ensures the L L
unitary and integral reflection of objects and phenomena. The sensory system receives
0 0
the energy of the stimuli and transmits it to the central nervous system in the form of
1 1
nervous impulses.
2 2
Fill in the black spaces in the table, according to the indicated criteria:
3 3
4 4
Criteria Visual organ Auditory organ
5 5
Type of receptors
(depending on the type of
energy of the stimuli)
Location of receptors
Type of receptor cells 1. Auditory sensory cells
8. The auditory system allows humans to perceive the world of sounds, to integrate into L L
society and to improve their cognitive function.
0 0
a) Complete the schema of the mechanism of transmission and transduction of the
1 1
sound waves into nervous impulse, using the given terms:
2 2
Tectorial membrane, oval window membrane, organ of Corti,
3 3
auditory ossicles, endolymph
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
Basilar membrane 8 8
9 9
Sound waves
Nervous impulse
b) In a youth camp, your friend develops fever and complains of year pain and
unpleasant noises. The doctor finds an inflammation
of the mucosa of the ear.
1. Name the disease diagnosed by the doctor.
2. Write down a cause that triggers this disease.
3. Suggest your friends two prophylactic measures of
this disease.
Basis of genetics and organism improvement/genetic engineering
9. Analyse the information below and solve the task: L L
Constantin and Elena are siblings. At the age of 18, they decided to start driving
0 0
classes. Following the ophthalmologist consult, Constantin was denied permission to take
1 1
driving lessons, because he could not distinguish red from green, while Elena was allowed
2 2
to register for the classes. Both their parents have driving licenses and distinguish all
3 3
colours normally.
4 4
5 5
a) name of the hereditary disease Constantin inherited_____________________________
6 6
b) genotype of Constantin ___________________________________________________
7 7
c) genotypes of parents _____________________________________________________
d) possible genotypes of Elena_______________________________________________
e) phenotype of Elena_______________________________________________________
10. Solve the problem. L L
In humans, albinism is transmitted from parents to offspring as a recessive trait, 0 0
while the ability to write with the right hand dominates the ability to write with the left 1 1
hand. The genes determining these traits are both located on autosomes. 2 2
A left-handed male with a normal skin colour (heterozygous for this trait) is 3 3
marrying a healthy right-handed female, whose father was left-handed and albino. 4 4
Determine this family’s probability of having healthy right-handed babies. 5 5
________________________________________________________________________ 6 6
________________________________________________________________________ 7 7
________________________________________________________________________ 8 8
________________________________________________________________________ 9 9
________________________________________________________________________ 10 10
________________________________________________________________________ 11 11
11. Gametogenesis represents the process of gamete formation in the reproductive L L
organs, called gonads. Male gametes are produced within the seminiferous tubules of the 1 1
testes. 2 2
a) Fill in the blank boxes of the table, which characterise the stages of spermatogenesis in 3 3
humans. 4 4
Name of the Primary Spermatids 5 5
cell spermatocyte 6 6
Number of 7 7
chromosomes 46 23 23
in the cell
13. In the ”Plaiul Fagului” Reserve, a sanitary cleaning, through cutting of old and L L
diseased trees, takes place each year. Until 2017, annually,
0 0
200 m3 of rotten wood was cut down, but in 2017 the
1 1
number rose to 9000 m3, because in the last two years many
2 2
species of trees were attached by wood-boring beetles and
3 3
other pests. Damage estimations have shown that the ash
4 4
was attacked by pests in higher proportions (95%).
5 5
According to mass-media, in the recent years, sanitary
6 6
cleanings using aerial spraying were performed only in
territories near by the Reserve.
a) Name two causes of mass tree die off in the ”Plaiul Fagului” Reserve.
b) Suggest the management team of the Reserve two measures to save the forest
ecosystem. Argue the answer.
14. Analyse the information and solve the tasks. The contribution of several
Dioxins are chemical compounds with high types of food on the intake of 0 0
toxicity. The compounds form as a result of the dioxins in the organism (%)
1 1
activity of various industrial factories, during
30 2 2
burning of the generated waste etc. They enter the
3 3
organism through food consumption and accumulate
25 4 4
in the osseous, adipose and other tissues. Dioxins
5 5
have a marked mutagenic and carcinogenic effect 20 6 6
and affect the development of the embryo, suppress
15 7 7
the immune system.
8 8
a) The adjacent diagram illustrates the contribution 10
of several types of food on the intake of dioxins in
the human organism. Use the information in the 5
diagram and reconstruct the missing column (for
cheese), knowing that the contribution of cheese on
Cheese Meat Fish Fruit
the intake of dioxins in the human organism is six
times greater than that of the fruits.
b) Form a trophic chain consisting of three
links/chains, that would reflect the dioxin entry into living organisms as a result of
burning of waste.