Self-Organizing Learning Array and Its Application To Economic and Financial Problems

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Self-Organizing Learning Array and its

Application to Economic and Financial


Z. Zhu , H. He a , J.A. Starzyk a , C. Tseng b
a School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Ohio University, Athens,
OH45701, USA
b Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, Texas A&M
University-Commerce, Commerce, Texas 75429, USA


A new Self-Organizing Learning Array (SOLAR) system has been implemented in

software. It is an information theory based learning machine capable of handling
a wide variety of classification problems. It has self re-configurable processing cells
(neurons) and an evolvable system structure. Entropy based learning is performed
locally at each neuron, where neural functions and connections that correspond
to the minimum entropy are adaptively learned. By choosing connections for each
neuron, the system sets up the wiring and completes its self-organization. SOLAR
classifies input data based on weighted statistical information from all neurons. Un-
like artificial neural networks, its multi-layer structure scales well to large systems
capable of solving complex pattern recognition and classification tasks. This paper
shows its application in economic and financial fields. A reference to influence dia-
grams is also discussed. Several prediction and classification cases are studied. The
results have been compared with the existing methods.

Key words: Self-Organizing Learning Array, Computational Intelligence,

economic and financial problems, stock investment classification and prediction,
bankruptcy, credit card and loan decision

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-740-593-1653; fax: +1-740-593-0007.

Email addresses: (Z. Zhu ), (H. He), (J.A.

Preprint submitted to Elsevier Science 24 May 2006


Information systems are used in data mining and intelligent decision support
to automatically represent the knowledge that can be extracted from data-
bases (Pawlak, 1981). Data mining applications have used inductive learning
(Russell & Norvig, 2003) algorithms to extract the rules and futures inferred
from data, which include decision trees (Quinlan, 1986), logic programming
(Michalski, 1994), and ensemble learning. Inductive learning is determinis-
tic and supervised. It generalizes hidden rules or recovers unknown functions
from observation of examples. A Decision tree is a simple but effective form
of inductive learning. It makes decisions from a set of discrete or continuous
attributes. Inductive logic programming performs knowledge-based inductive
learning expressed in first-order logic. It can learn the rational knowledge that
the attribute-based systems have difficulty obtaining. Ensemble learning se-
lects a collection of single classifiers and combines their decisions. One of the
best-known ensemble algorithms is boosting (Meir & Gunnar, 2003), which
is designed to boost the accuracy of individual learning algorithms. In many
approaches, artificial neural networks (ANNs) were used for data mining and
knowledge extraction in large data sets. An ANN processes information by
simulating biological neural systems and has been one of the most popular
statistical learning methods. It forms complex nonlinear functions with many
parameters, which can be learned via training (Russell & Norvig, 2003). Re-
cently, kernel-based learning machines have been proposed, of which the sup-
port vector machine (SVM) (Cristianini & Shawe-Taylor, 2000) is considered
the most popular technique. An SVM provides optimal separation in the ker-
nel function-induced feature space. It has also been widely used as a powerful
tool for classification and regression. These various forms of computational
intelligence were used in many specialized fields.

Over the last decade, computational intelligence has been increasingly used to
solve difficult economic and financial problems, including modeling, prediction,
recognition, and analysis. Financial datasets are usually small-sized with high
dimensionality, and contain both quantitative and qualitative attributes. The
attributes are often highly-correlated and interactive (Dhar et al., 2000). A lot
of effort has been spent to form a bridge between the computational finance
and machine learning tools developed by engineers and scientists. McNelis
(McNelis, 2004) discussed the application of ANNs coupled with evolution-
ary computation in financial and economic prediction problems. Especially,
he demonstrated examples of quantitative forecasting. Although the use of
ANNs for decision making can achieve a high predictive accuracy rate, it lacks
explanation capability and the reasoning behind how decisions are reached.
Baesens (Baesens et al., 2003) presented the results from analysis of real-life
credit-risk data sets using neural network rule extraction techniques. Clari-
fying the ANN’s decisions by explanatory rules based on learned knowledge

can help credit-risk managers explain why a particular applicant is classified
as good or bad. He applied ANN rule extraction and decision tables based on
the PROLOGA software to advanced decision-support systems for credit-risk
evaluation. Tsitsiklis and Van Roy (Tsitsiklis & Van Roy, 2001) introduced
and analyzed a simulation-based approximate dynamic programming method
for pricing complex American-style options, with a possibly high-dimensional
underlying state space. This research involves the evaluation of value func-
tions at a finite set, consisting of ”representative” elements of the state space.
Magdon-Ismail (Magdon-Ismail, 2001) gave a self-contained introduction to
the risk neutral or martingale approach to the pricing of financial derivatives.
This approach provides a rich source of problems ideally suited to the appli-
cation of Monte Carlo methods. Finally, Atiya (Atiya, 2001) conducted an
extensive study and gave a survey of bankruptcy prediction methods. He in-
troduced financial ratio and equity-based indicators for neural network based
bankruptcy prediction with improved performance. His work demonstrated
that neural networks could deliver a superior performance over other tech-
niques in bankruptcy prediction.

An automatic re-configurable learning machine Self Organizing Learning Ar-

ray (SOLAR) has been proposed recently (Starzyk & Guo, 2001). It proved
to be a useful classification and prediction tool applicable to different real
world problems. SOLAR is a regular, two or three-dimensional array of iden-
tical processing cells (neurons), with dynamically re-configurable connections.
In our previous work, SOLAR was simulated on standard benchmarks and
proved to be advantageous (Starzyk & Zhu, 2002) over many existing neural
networks and machine learning algorithms. SOLAR can be realized on both
software and hardware platforms (Starzyk et al., 2005). In this paper, SOLAR
is simulated in software and applied to solve economic and financial problems.
Due to its resemblance to the ANNs and SVM, we pay particular attention
to their performance compared with SOLAR. This paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 briefly describes the SOLAR architecture and single neuron
functionality. Section 3 discusses the approach of SOLAR data processing and
classification. In Section 4, SOLAR is applied to two stock investment decision
support problems, a bankruptcy prediction and two financial status recogni-
tion problems. SOLAR’s performance is compared with the existing methods.
Finally, a summary is given in Section 5.



A SOLAR architecture is defined by an array of identical cells. Each cell in

the array has ability to self-organize by adapting its functionality in response
to information contained in its input signals. Cells choose their inputs from

neighboring cells and send outputs to other cells. This may result in a multi-
level hierarchical system capable of statistical learning, associative memories
and reinforcement based self-organization. The SOLAR implementation pre-
sented in this paper employs a 2-dimentional feed forward (FF) structure with
all neurons arranged in multiple layers. Neurons are connected to the original
inputs or the outputs of neurons from previous layers. Based on the dimension-
ality and complexity of input data, a variable number of layers and neurons
are used, which is automatically decided by the learning algorithm. Typically,
the number of neurons per each layer is set equal to or greater than input data
dimensionality. For simplicity of implementation, a fixed number of neurons
are added per each layer and trained in parallel. All neurons inside the array
are pre-wired with the same number of redundant data and control connec-
tions, which are pseudo randomly generated. The training procedure refines
the connections and establishes the final SOLAR wiring structure. Each neu-
ron in the array has the ability to self-organize by adapting its functionality in
response to information contained in its input signals. Similar to the behav-
iour of SVM, a SOLAR neuron generates a hyper-plane in the input space and
separates it into subspaces. But unlike an SVM, hyper-planes are generated
concurrently in each neuron’s input space. Information from all neurons is
merged to form the final decision, which is found analogous to the maximum
ratio combination or the boosting algorithm.

It is believed that biological neurons tend to have local connections (Dowl-

ing, 1998). Therefore, in SOLAR there is a higher probability that a neuron
connects to close neighboring neurons. Some more distant connections are
randomly used in the pre-wiring stage with smaller probability. An example
structure of a 4-layer SOLAR is shown in Fig.1, where the circles represent
neurons and the triangles are outside inputs. Solid lines stand for data con-
nections and the dashed lines are for control connections.

Fig. 1. Pre-wired Neuron Structure

SOLAR neurons are event-driven processors responding to their selected data
and control inputs. Each neuron N receives an input vector xi and transforms
it to a scalar output xo . In addition, each neuron has a binary control input
τ i and two control outputs τ o and τ o , as illustrated in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Neuron Input and Output Signals

A logic high signal in the control input activates this neuron. Control outputs
are generated and statistical information is obtained when the neuron is acti-
vated. With control input high, this neuron only reacts to data from a selected
part of the whole input space, which forms a local input space of this neu-
ron. Thus a control input plays the role of inhibitory connections in biological
neurons, preventing a controlled neuron from firing. The first column neurons
have their control inputs set to 1, so they are always activated. Each neuron
performs a simple operation like adding, subtracting and shifting, or a simple
approximation of the logarithm and exponential functions. Concatenation of
these different basic operations, which results from signal processing by several
neurons, yields more complicated transformation of the input space. A neuron
generates partition of its input space by comparing its output So against a set
threshold t, which generates a complex n − 1 dimensional manifold to separate
an n-dimensional input feature space into two subspaces S and Si . Complexity
of the resulting separation boundary grows along with the increasing number
of neuron layers.

Classification performed by each neuron is based on estimated class probabil-

ities in each of the neuron’s subspaces. A neuron’s transformation functions
and thresholds are optimized by contributing neurons to perform a better di-
vision of classes using training data. A clear division with a proper threshold
provides a strong support for final classification. The succeeding neurons that
process the data in one of the subspaces can deal with fewer classes and simpler
distribution. The quality of this separation is evaluated based on statistical
measures. Searching for the optimum threshold, as well as selecting a neuron’s
operation, is a training task.

Using the probabilities of training data from different classes that fall into
each subspace, information index I can be obtained from

[ Psc log(Psc )−Ps log(Ps )]+[ Psic log(Psic )−Psi log(Psi )]
I = 1- Emax
= 1− sc P sic
Pc log(Pc )

where Psc is the probability of a class c satisfying threshold, Psic is the prob-
ability of a class c not satisfying threshold, Ps is the subspace probability
(percentage of input data that passes threshold), Psi is the complementary
subspace probability (data that does not pass threshold), and Pc is the class

Since neurons are pre-wired with redundant inputs, different combinations of

data inputs, transformation operations, and control inputs result in different
information index values. Selection of these parameters is a result of local opti-
mization performed by searching for the maximum information index. Instead
of using a time consuming search through all the combinations, an efficient
binary search algorithm has been designed (Starzyk et al., 2005). In the cur-
rent implementation, a neuron selects two data inputs out of three pre-wired
connections and one control input out of two connections. Thus each neuron
has 6 different input combinations to consider. The neuron also has 32 transfer
functions to choose from, each of which is analyzed with an 8-step threshold
search. Therefore, (1) is to be computed 6×32×8 = 1, 536 times for each neu-
ron, which is an easy job for modern computation hardware. Typically there
can be about 30 layers for a complicated classification task with 60 attributes.
It costs 60 × 30 × 1536 = 2, 764, 800 calculations of (1) to train a whole SO-
LAR network. Since neurons in the same layer can be trained concurrently in
parallel computation, the actual time consumed for training is dramatically
reduced to the level of 30 × 1536 = 46, 080 calculations of (1).

Information-based learning enables the SOLAR neurons to perform optimal

separation even with high uncertainty in the input space, which is especially
desired for financial datasets. The optimized information index is stored to-
gether with neuron’s configuration data, class probabilities, threshold values,
etc. The information index defined by (1) is normalized to [0,1] interval. When
I = 0, there was no reduction in data entropy, while I = 1 indicates that data
entropy in a neuron’s input space was reduced to 0. The value of I measures
the quality of this neuron’s subspace separation. It is related to the definition
of information deficiency introduced in (2), which quantifies the amount of in-
formation left in the subspaces. Information deficiency is simply a normalized
relative entropy value in a local subspace and is defined as follows:
Psc log(Psc )−Ps log(Ps )
δs = Emax
= sc P
Pc log(Pc )
. (2)

Information deficiency helps to self-organize the learning process. A subspace

with zero information deficiency does not require any learning - data is well
classified in the subspace. An important role of information deficiency is that

it can be used as a measure of learning by a group of neurons that work on
the same input data.

At the first layer of neurons, it is assumed that the input information deficiency
is one. The information index is complimentary to the summation of all the
subspace information deficiencies,

1−I = δs . (3)

The information deficiencies for output subspaces are defined as the product
of local subspace information deficiencies and input information deficiencies.

δ os = δ i δ s , (4)

where δ i is the input information deficiency. They become input information

deficiencies δ i of the connecting neurons.

δ i allows a neuron to know if its input subspace has been sufficiently learned.
If δ i is less than or equal to the chosen information deficiency threshold, it
indicates that not much information can be gained by further learning.

As subsequent neurons extract information from the input data, there is in-
creasingly less independent information left in the data. The learning array
grows by adding more neurons until the information deficiency in the subse-
quent neurons fall below a set threshold value.



An application input data was presented to SOLAR with n input features or

attributes. These n features form the dimensions of the input space. So the jth
individual input appears as an n-dimensional vector: X j = [X1j X2j ... Xnj ]T .
Therefore the whole input data set, which consists of s individuals, could be
organized in an input matrix,
 
 X1 X12 ... X1s 
 
X = {X 1 , ... X s } = 

 ... .

 
Xn1 Xn2 ... Xns

As often happens in financial datasets, not all the features are continuous

numerical values. Some of them may be in the form of discrete symbolic values.
Since SOLAR operations accept only numerical inputs, the symbolic features
need to be transformed into real numbers (Liu, 2002). In practical data there
may be a few undetermined elements in the input space. A default value needs
to be assigned for each of these missing elements to make the input space
complete. The desired default values minimize the Mahalanobis distances to
the cluster data from the same class as the sample with missing value, as
discussed in detail in (Starzyk & Zhu, 2002). Since all the features X1 through
Xn are obtained from possibly different measurements, their scale may vary
greatly. To equalize their significance, all the input features have to be rescaled.

As the result, the pre processing of SOLAR’s input matrix is carried out in 3

1. Make all the features numerical, and set values for symbols of the discrete

2. Determine the default values for each feature, and use them in place of the
missing features.

3. Rescale all the features to a unified range.

Although the processing speed of SOLAR can benefit from smaller dimension-
ality of the input data, it is not necessary to manually select the important
attributes from the dataset based on expert knowledge. SOLAR is able to
find correlation between features and make classification decision using all
the relevant ones automatically, based on the information contained in the
input space. Automatic feature selection techniques are also developed to fur-
ther improve the efficiency of learning. Similar training performed on large
dimensionality data sets could be very expensive for ANN processing, both in
computing time and hardware implementation cost.


Data to be classified is sent to the SOLAR network, and the network performs
classification based on its training results. As a result of training, neurons in-
ternally save the correct recognition probabilities of all the classes for both of
the output spaces as two probability vectors [Psc ] and [Psic ], where c stands
for different classes. If an input data point falls in a voting neuron’s input
subspace, the neuron is going to vote for this data using its estimated prob-
abilities Psc or Psic as probabilities of correct classification Pcc for that class.
Each individual neuron’s confidence in its classification is only Pcc , which can
be considered as ”weak learning”. The voting mechanism gathers all the infor-
mation and classifies the input signal using a weight function designed after

Maximum Ratio Combination (MRC) technique used in mobile communica-
tion (Proakis, 1995).
Bc = 1− s  2 , (6)
P 1
1+ 1
i=1 Pcci −1+ε

where Pcci = Pcc of each ”vote” for class c

n = number of voting neurons

ε = a small number preventing division by zero

This weight function provides a statistically robust fusion of individual neu-

ron’s votes. It is in fact an ensemble learning algorithm that improves the
accuracy of weak learning. The classifier chooses a class c with the maximum
weight Bc .


Assume that there are five neurons in a classification problem with three
classes, and that the class probabilities estimated by each neuron at the learn-
ing stage are as shown in Table 1 (the sum of probabilities in each column is
equal to 1). The largest probability value for each class is also listed, assuming
that a winner-takes-all voting scheme is used.

Table 1 Class Probabilities in Neurons’ Output Spaces

Voting Neuron Number

1 2 3 4 5 Winner-takes-all
Class 1 0 0.293 0.079 0.671 0.305 0.671
Class 2 0.753 0.632 0.125 0.329 0.695 0.753
Class 3 0.247 0.075 0.796 0 0 0.796

Using ε = 0.001 in (6), the weights of different classes for this particular input
dataset are calculated and shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Voting Weight Bc for Different Classes

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3

0.6800 0.8075 0.7960

Based on this result, SOLAR will classify this input as a sample from class
2. Notice that if the ”winner takes all” approach was used, as shown in Table

1, voting neuron No.3 should make a decision and this particular input would
be classified as class 3.

As mentioned above, the initial structure of SOLAR is randomly generated.

The diversity of individual systems may result in different classification results
on the same testing set. Although classification performance of a SOLAR net-
work can be assured using (6), an ensemble of multiple SOLAR networks can
be used to obtain stable, statistically robust output. Several SOLAR systems
with random differences in their initial structures are generated in parallel.
They are trained separately and vote together on the same testing set. It is, in
fact, a simple version of ensemble learning, where a single SOLAR implements
”weak learning”. An example of a SOLAR ensemble is shown in Fig. 3, where
n individual SOLARs are combined to perform classification.

Fig. 3. SOLAR Ensemble



In this work SOLAR software has been applied to economic and financial prob-
lems and compared to specialized financial analysis learning methods, which
use expert knowledge and are optimized for particular problems. The selected
reference approaches are using influence diagrams, ANNs, SVMs, decision trees
and other methods.

4.1 Influence Diagram

Before applying the SOLAR concept to market investment decision support,

the influence diagram approach was first used (Tseng et al., 2001) for refer-
ence. We discuss this approach in some detail to point out the differences in the
procedural approach to the problem formulation and its solution. Most notice-
ably, expert knowledge is required to define the initial structural organization
of the diagram that can be refined using a machine learning technique.

An influence diagram is a special type of Bayesian network (Fig. 4), one that
contains the decision node and the utility node to provide a decision recom-
mendation from the model. Influence diagrams are directed acyclic graphs
with three types of nodes: chance nodes, decision nodes, and utility nodes.
Chance nodes, shown as ovals, represent random variables in the environ-
ment. Decision nodes, shown as squares, represent the choices available to the
decision-maker. Utility nodes, either of diamond or flattened hexagon shape,
represent the usefulness of the consequences of the decisions measured on a nu-
merical utility scale. The arcs in the graph have different meanings depending
on their destinations. Dependency arcs are the arcs that point to the utility or
chance nodes representing probability or functional dependence. Informational
arcs are the arcs that point to the decision nodes implying that the pointing
nodes will be known to the decision-maker before the decision is made.

There are some fundamental characteristics of the influence diagram that one
must take into consideration when using one for decision support problems.
These characteristics influence the data requirements and choice of the ap-
propriate influence method. The first characteristic is the granularity of the
values for each node. This characteristic affects the memory requirement for
storing the probabilities and the computational time required for updating
the probabilities. The more values within each node, the larger the memory
required and the longer it will take to propagate the probability update.

Fig. 4. A Simple Influence Diagram

The second characteristic is the integration of the user’s preference into the
utility node. This characteristic will affect the decision outcome of the model.
Given different preferences among users, the model might return a different
decision recommendation. Another issue of this characteristic is how to model
the user’s preference into a set of values for the utility node. Different fields
of research have suggested different approaches to this problem. Some suggest
learning from the user’s behavior, while some suggest obtaining data from a
user survey and some simply query the expert and assign subjective values.
The third characteristic to consider is the availability of knowledge about
the structure, probabilistic knowledge for prior and conditional probabilities.

There are many variables in a specific problem domain and there might exist
several concepts in the problem domain that are observationally equivalent,
which means they are not distinguishable even with infinite data. Finding
out which of those are relevant to the problem and their casual relationships
present a challenge to the knowledge engineer. A significant amount of research
and many software tools were devoted to learning of the model structure
from data (Friedman, 1998). There are two methods to obtain the probability
distribution for a node. First, the probability distributions can be based on
frequency of occurrence by obtaining the data from gathered statistics. The
second method is to obtain the probability distributions through knowledge
acquisition sessions from the domain experts, who convey their subjective
beliefs. In both cases, the probabilities can be refined through a feedback
mechanism. Finally, the size, topology and connectivity of the model should
also be considered. Applying good knowledge engineering techniques (Laskey
& Mahoney, 1997) throughout the construction of the model will help keep
the network manageable.

4.2 Case Studies

Several application examples were selected for testing and comparative study.
Cases one and two are the cases of decision support for stock market invest-
ment. SOLAR is used to choose profitable companies. In case one, the learning
results of SOLAR are compared with the outcome of a special type of Bayesian
network, the influence diagram designed for stock investment decision support,
and the SVM algorithm. It is also compared with the SVM in case two. Case
three is the bankruptcy prediction problem, where SOLAR is used to pre-
dict companies that will file for chapter 11 within 3 years. Results obtained
in this case are compared with those obtained with Atiya’s method (Atiya,
2001). Case four is the credit card approval decision. SOLAR made decisions
on whether or not to approve a credit card based on personal information.
Case five is the adult income classification problem. Using thess classification
results, banks are able to make loan decisions. In both cases 3 and 4, SOLAR
is compared to the benchmark approaches reported in literature.

Case one: S&P500 Stock Investment Decision Support

The first case study is based on S&P 500 index companies from 1993 to 2003.
The problem is to classify these companies into two portfolios and select the
one expected to be more profitable. Both networks, SOLAR and the influence
diagram were trained on the 1993 to 2002 data obtained from the CompuStat
and tested on the 2003 data. This data contained the company’s one year
return and other financial information, including market/book value, ROE,
earning before tax and interest, pretax profit margin, total asset turnover,

DOE, financial leverage index and Beta. The performance metric is the average
annual return rate from the selected portfolio in the year of 2003,by percentage.

The initial structure of the influence diagram was constructed by consulting

with the domain expert. Any such model is inevitably a simplification of what
the expert knows, which itself is a simplification of the real-world problem.
The essential issue is to decide which variables and relationships are important,
and which are redundant and can be omitted. After several interviews with
the domain expert, we came up with the portfolio selection model shown in
Fig. 5. We then applied our heuristic guided refinement algorithm (Tseng et
al., 2001) to the influence diagram. The algorithm uses mutual information as
a guide to refine the model in order to increase the model’s performance.

Once the initial diagram was constructed, the next step was to define the
number of values for each variable. Most of the variables are continuous, but
all were modeled as discrete. For the first prototype, we modeled the diagram
as simply as possible, and each value of each variable was carefully set. For ex-
ample, originally there were 2 values in the Beta node, which were increased
into a range of values after refinement. Such explicit setting of variables is
necessary to avoid ambiguity when assessing conditional probabilities. We ap-
plied the refinement algorithm to only the financial factor change nodes (Beta,
ROE, etc.), and the risk tolerance remains unchanged for this experiment.

Fig. 5. Influence Diagram Structure for Stock Portfolio Selection

On the 2003 test data, the influence diagram portfolio obtains its maximum
average annual return performance when the portfolio contains 134 companies
out of the 500. The 134 companies produced an average one-year total return
of -10.2%, while the average return of all 500 companies was -17.8%.

Next, SOLAR was used to analyze the same data. The training data was
divided into two classes, with their annual return below or above average re-
spectively. SOLAR was constructed without expertise in this field and has not
been refined for this specific problem. However, the self-organizing structure
helps the system to automatically extract the useful information. As afore
stated, single networks of SOLAR may provide various results and the ensem-
ble of multiple networks improves its stability. 9 individual SOLAR networks

were used in this case, each of which yielded -9.2% to -10.5% independently.
The whole system chose 329 companies and the average return was -9.9%.
Since SVM is usually considered as the optimal classifier, it compared with
the performance of SOLAR. A library of SVM can be found in (Chang &
Lin, 2004). We used the generic C-SVM with linear, polynomial and RBF ker-
nels, of which a 5th degree polynomial gave the best performance at -10.05%.
It is recognized that an optimal selection of SVM type, kernel function and
parameter setting may bring better results.

Case two: Research Insight Stock Investment Decision Support

We expect SOLAR to be used as a strategic decision support system in a

lot of applications besides classification. Therefore, we also applied SOLAR
to a stock price prediction problem and compared the results to the optimal
classifier SVM. We used Research Insight (Standard & Poor, 2004) a financial
database derived from over 10000 publicly traded US companies and closed-
end funds trading on the NYSE, AMEX, NASDAQ, OTC and Canadian stock
exchanges. Sixty-four financial data indicators were reported by these compa-
nies over the most recent 20 years including income, balance sheet, and cash
flow statements. The training and testing datasets were constructed based on
the 192 features extracted from the database over a 3-year period. Similarly
to the annual return classification, two classes were defined for this problem
based on financial performance, measured as one-year stock price change right
after the 3-year period. Companies whose stock price increase was less than
the median value of the whole set were classified as class 1 and those above the
median were class 2. By using this classification scheme (based on the price
increase) we effectively predict future financial performance without explicit
reference to time prediction used in the time series approach. The 3-year pe-
riod of each training dataset was used to develop a classifier based on this
time frame.

First we separated the companies that have missing features from the complete
ones. Due to the high dimensionality of the dataset and correlation between
features, QR decomposition was used to reduce redundancy. After that, miss-
ing data were recovered from the complete and independent features. Fig. 6
shows the block diagram of the whole process.

Using the processing shown in Fig. 6, we obtained the cross validation of the
classifiers performance on various datasets. Table 3 shows the analysis results
using SOLAR and SVM based on the companies with complete data in both
training and testing sets. Each row represents a classifier trained with data
from different years and is named as C2000, C2001,C2003. Each column shows
the correct classification rate tested on the data from different years. For in-
stance, classifier C2000 was developed based on data slice from 1998-2000
and used the stock price change reported in 2001 for classification. It was ap-

Fig. 6. Research Insight Data Analysis Procedure

plied to predict the performance in 2001, 2002 and 2003. Classification results
above 50% indicate that we can obtain a better than average performance.
The average prediction rate and its standard deviation for each classifier are
calculated. As we can see from Table 3, both SVM and SOLAR can reach
above 50% performance. SOLAR showed the ability to generalize the hidden
rule of forecasting profitable companies from financial information.

Table 3 SOLAR Analysis Results for Research Insight Data Set

Testing year
Classifier 2000 2001 2002 2003 Average Std
C2000 — 0.62017 0.60718 0.5396 0.5890 0.0433
C2001 0.54673 — 0.54454 0.51568 0.5357 0.0173
SOLAR C2002 0.5673 0.58083 — 0.50928 0.5525 0.0380
C2003 0.52755 0.49051 0.49908 — 0.5057 0.0194
C2000 — 0.58405 0.56625 0.57305 0.5745 0.0090
C2001 0.56197 — 0.60875 0.46193 0.5442 0.0750
SVM C2002 0.54915 0.57265 — 0.4784 0.5334 0.0491
C2003 0.60684 0.5584 0.62 — 0.5951 0.0324

Case three: Bankruptcy Prediction

Bankruptcy prediction has been a very important topic in the past decades
attracting a lot of attention and research effort. Atiya gave a comprehensive
review of existing bankruptcy prediction methods and provided results of his

study using traditional neural networks (Atiya, 2001). He collected data for 716
solvent US corporations and 195 defaulted (defaulted within 1 to 36 months).
Taking different instances of a company financial status before the default, he
expanded the data set to 1160 input points. These points are grouped as an in-
sample set and an out-sample set, used for training and testing respectively.
There are two systems of indicators discussed in that paper. One is based
on financial ratios alone (called the financial ratio system), containing book
value/total assets BV/TA, cash flow/total assets CF/TA, rate of change of
cash flow per share, ROC(CF), gross operating income/total assets GOI/TA,
and return on assets ROA. The other is based on financial ratios and price-
based indicators (equity-based system), with book value/total assets BV/TA,
cash flow/total assets CF/TA, price/cash flow ratio P/CF, rate of change of
stock price ROC(P), rate of change of cashflow per share ROC(CF) and stock
price volatility VOL. Using both of these systems of indicators he obtained
a significant improvement in the bankruptcy prediction compared with tradi-
tional bankruptcy prediction techniques. His success was mostly based on a
proper (expert) choice of indicators.

We used SOLAR to perform bankruptcy prediction based on the input space

data of the financial ratio and equity-based system. The correct rates are
compared with the results from (Atiya, 2001) on the out-of-sample set in
Table 4, shown as the results of selected indicators. In this case SOLAR gives
comparable results to the method presented in (Atiya, 2001), comparing the
second and third columns in Table 4.

Table 4. Correct Prediction Rate of Bankruptcy

Correct prediction rate in %

Time to default Using (Atiya, 2001) Using SOLAR
Selected Selected All
indicators indicators indicators
6 month or less 86.15 85.11 87.23
6 to 12 months 81.48 84.09 86.36
12 to 18 months 74.60 76.19 90.24
18 to 24 months 78.13 55.17 72.24
More than 24 months 66.67 64.29 75.00
Total defaulted 78.13 75.13 83.96
Solvent 90.07 92.74 93.42
Total 85.50 85.80 90.04

Since SOLAR is able to handle complicated problems, we also carried out
this prediction with all available indicators (63 in our database) instead of
using the selected indicators system introduced in (Atiya, 2001). A single SO-
LAR network can provide significant improvement in correct prediction rate
(90.04% vs. 85.5%), as shown in the fourth column of Table 4. SOLAR is a
general-purpose identifier and predictor. It was never designed nor optimized
for any particular type of problem. However, this experiment shows that SO-
LAR is good at prediction problems based on large size databases, since it
is able to use all the information contained in every indicator and the most
correlated indicators automatically contribute the most in classification.

Table 5. Misclassification Rate Comparison on Credit Card Approval

Misclassification Misclassification
Algorithm Rate Algorithm Rate
CAL5 0.131 C4.5 0.155
SOLAR 0.135 SMART 0.158
Itrule 0.137 Baytree 0.171
DIPOL92 0.141 AC2 0.181
Logdisc 0.141 k-NN 0.181
Discrim 0.141 NewID 0.181
CART 0.145 LVQ 0.197
RBF 0.145 ALLOC80 0.201
CASTLE 0.148 CN2 0.204
Naivebay 0.151 Quadisc 0.207
IndCART 0.152 Default 0.440
Bprop 0.154 Kohenen —

Case four: Australian Credit Card Approval Problem

Credit card approval is a common problem that most machine learning al-
gorithms can be applied to. To compare SOLAR with other existing meth-
ods, a credit card database (Michie et al., 1994) was used as a benchmark.
This database is available from University of California at Irvine - ftp at ( in directory/pub/machine-learning databases. It has
690 instances in two classes and 14 attributes, 6 quantitative and 8 qualitative.
37 instances have one or more features unavailable. Preprocessing (Starzyk &
Zhu, 2002) (Liu, 2002) has been applied to convert the qualitative attributes

into numerical ones and to assign default values for the missing parts.

Several traditional classification algorithms have been tested on this bench-

mark (Michie et al., 1994) including learning machines, neural networks and
statistical methods. Their misclassification rates were reported in the litera-
ture and are listed in Table 5 together with results from SOLAR networks. As
can be seen from Table 5, SOLAR shows a better classification rate than all
the listed methods except for CAL5. Notice, however, that SOLAR performs
better than all the neural network methods listed in this table. In addition,
decision tree methods, such as CAL5 and C4.5 are believed to have better
performance on credit card problems (Michie et al., 1994), while SOLAR was
not specifically optimized for this type of problem.

Table 6. Misclassification Rate Comparison Adult Income Classification

Misclassification Misclassification
Algorithm Rate Algorithm Rate
FSS Naı̈ve Bayers 0.1405 CN2 0.1600
NBTrees 0.1410 Naı̈ve Bayers 0.1612
C4.5-auto 0.1446 Voted ID3 (0.8) 0.1647
IDTM(Decision table) 0.1446 T2 0.1687
HOODG/SOLAR 0.1482 1R 0.1954
C4.5 rules 0.1494 Nearest-Neighbor (3) 0.2035
OC1 0.1504 Nearest-Neighbor (1) 0.2142
C4.5 0.1554 Pebls Crashed
Voted ID3 (0.6) 0.1564

Case five: Loan Decision - Adult Income Classification (Liu, 2002) (Michie et
al., 1994)

Potential customer analysis is an example of another real world application

where banks or financial companies can use the computational intelligence
approach for decision-support. The database, which was also obtained from the
University of California at Irvine, consists of two sets of data. One set contains
the training data and has 32,561 instances of applications, while another one
was used as testing data and has 16,281 instances. The dataset contains age,
work-class, final weight, education, education-num, marital-Status, occupation
relationship, race, sex, capital-gain, capital-loss, hours-per-week, and native
country, 8 of which are symbolic values. 14% of the instances have missing
data. There are also two classes, class1 - 23.93% people with earnings greater

than or equal to 50,000 $/year and class 2 - 76.07% people with earnings below
50,000 $/year. The data set consists of a number of instances of each class.
This is a problem with complex relationships between the selected features.

Again, performance of SOLAR was compared with the existing methods. Al-
though SOLAR did not perform as well as the best algorithms, it is the only
artificial neural network on the list.


A new computational intelligence algorithm - the self-organizing learning ar-

ray (SOLAR) was described and applied to a number of specialized economic
and financial cases. Although such datasets are usually small-sized with high
dimensionality, and contain both quantitative and qualitative attributes, the
information based learning of SOLAR successfully demonstrated the capability
of handling prediction, classification and recognition in this field. Since SO-
LAR performs its pattern recognition tasks on subsets of its neurons, it evolves
its structural organization representing information included in these subsets
according to the locally controlled learning objectives. It can be efficiently
implemented in parallel computation and in real time hardware structures.
Associative and reinforcement learning are some of its potential features. This
is a topic for further study.

Acknowledgements: Dr. A. F. Atiya provided the database used in case 3,

section 4.2. The authors appreciate his help.


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