Sealy L, Worthington S Cases and PDF
Sealy L, Worthington S Cases and PDF
Sealy L, Worthington S Cases and PDF
Len Sealy and Sarah Worthington
Sealy & Worthington's Cases and Materials in Company Law clearly explains the fundamental structure of
company law and provides a concise introduction to each different aspect of the subject. The materials
are carefully selected and well supported by commentary so that the logic of the doctrinal or legal
argument is unambiguously shown. Notes and questions appear periodically throughout the text to
provoke ongoing analysis and debate, and to enable students to test their understanding of the issues as
the topics unfold. This text covers a wide range of sources, and provides intelligent and ... More
Keywords: case law, corporate governance, UK codes, leading government reviews, best practice, UK
Stewardship Code, Kay and Davies, directors' remuneration,company audit, Companies Act 2006
Bibliographic Information
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Print Publication Date: Aug 2013
Print ISBN13: 9780199676446
Published online: Jun 2014
DOI: 10.1093/he/9780199676446.001.0001
Len Sealy, author
S.J. Berw in Professor Emeritus of Corporate Law , University of Cambridge
Sarah Worthington, author
Dow ning Professor of the Law s of England, University of Cambridge
Front Matter
New to this edition
Note on Prest v Petrodel Resources Ltd
List of abbreviations
Table of statutes
Table of secondary legislation
Table of cases
1. The Company and its Incorporation
2. Corporate Personality and Limited Liability
3. Corporate Activity and Legal Liability
4. Shareholders as an Organ of the Company
5. Corporate Governance
6. The Board of Directors as an Organ of the Company
7. Directors’ Duties
8. Company Auditors and Promoters
9. The Raising of Capital
10. Distributions and Capital Maintenance
12. Borrowing, Debentures and Charges
13. Remedies for Maladministration of the Company
14. Public Disclosure, Market Regulation and Public Investigations of Companies
15. Reconstructions, Mergers and Takeovers
16. Rescue and Insolvency Procedures
End Matter
To generations of students and teachers, this book will probably always be known simply as ‘Sealy’.
Nevertheless, it is a great privilege for me to join Professor Len Sealy in the title of this tenth edition of Sealy and
Worthington’s Cases and Materials in Company Law. I count Len Sealy as a friend, and owe him an enormous
debt in my own academic career. As in previous editions, I have tried to remain true to Len’s original demanding
ambitions for this book.
That has not always been easy. Over the past decade or so, the subject of company law has expanded
enormously in both bulk and complexity. In the previous edition, the biggest changes were obvious, emerging from
the introduction of the Companies Act 2006, an Act which had been almost 15 years in the making, with wide
ranging input from law reform bodies, private parties, and the government. With this tenth edition, the change is no
less dramatic. True, there have been only minor changes to the Act, especially in the area of registration of
company charges. On the other hand, the principal regulator, the FSA, has now become two separate regulatory
authorities (the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority). Corporate governance has
remained firmly under the microscope, with further revisions to the UK Corporate Governance Code; a completely
new UK Stewardship Code for institutional investors; the Kay Report noting the problems of shorttermism; the
Davies Report on gender diversity on boards; and various government reviews of board remuneration and its
excesses. Indeed, by way of recognising this everincreasing activity, this edition now has its own chapter on
corporate governance.
The courts too have proved a significant source of further change. The Supreme Court has been particularly active.
It has delivered major decisions on the separate legal personality of companies (see especially VTB Capital plc v
Nutritek International Corp [2013] UKSC 5, and Prest v Petrodel Resources Ltd [2013] UKSC 34, included in this
edition by way of late addendum); decisions on when a company is insolvent (BNY Corporate Trustee Services
Ltd v Eurosail UK 2007–3BL plc [2013] UKSC 28), and on the use of flawed assets to provide insolvency
protection (Belmont Park Investment Pty Ltd v BNY Corporate Trustee Services Ltd [2011] UKSC 38). The Court
of Appeal has also been active, with two of its most newsworthy decisions indicating that we have not yet reached
the end of the often heated debate over whether remedies for breach of a director’s fiduciary obligations are
personal or proprietary (see Sinclair Investments (UK) Ltd v Versailles Trade Finance Ltd [2011] EWCA Civ 347
and FHR European Ventures LLP v Mank arious [2013] EWCA Civ 17). The list could go on. Indeed, one decision
which came too late for any meaningful inclusion in this edition concerns the problems of misuse of a fiduciary’s
discretion (Pitt v Holt [2013] UKSC 26, a case concerning trustees rather than directors, but nonetheless clearly
applicable by analogy).
All this serves as a pointed reminder that companies are not mere abstractions. Everything done by a company
and everything done within a company is done by human beings. Every case that comes to court involves real
people facing real pressures. It is this that brings the subject alive, fills it with events and characters and makes it
fun to study and to teach. The new Act may have introduced some new concepts and changed some of the rules,
but its role will only be, as before, to serve the same needs of commerce and the people who engage in it: the
same problems and questions will arise, and there will be no better way for students to understand the new law
and to test how it will work in practice than by examining how it would apply to the facts of known cases.
In this tenth edition there has been some minor restructuring of the text and regrouping of topics: the chapter on
shareholder litigation has been reorganised, with much of the now historical learning on Foss v
Harbottle discarded; the chapter on corporate contracting has been reconfigured a little; and the directors’ duties
chapter expanded slightly. Extracts from (p. vi) the judgments in a good few older cases have again had to be
discarded in favour of newer substitutes, particularly in the areas of directors’ duties (corporate opportunities and
relief from liability), shareholder remedies, and auditor liability. Apart from statute and cases, other major
influences on corporate law and practice continue to grow in importance and need inclusion in order to give a
balanced view: the regulation of the financial services industry, the rules of the Stock Exchange, selfregulatory
measures such as the UK Corporate Governance Code, new rulings of the European Court, and directives and
reform proposals from the European Commission.
Finally, I must record my thanks to a number of people. Michael Lok has provided superb research assistance on
all the areas addressed in this book, and managed to do that while successfully undertaking his BCL in Oxford.
Joy RuskinTompkins as copy editor and Gill Clack as proof reader have provided enviably rigorous, prompt, and
professional service. And John Carroll and Heather Smyth at Oxford University Press have provided careful and
proactive help at all stages of production. Thank you to all of you.
This tenth edition endeavours to state the law as at 31 March 2013, with some minor additions at proofs stage.
Sarah Worthington
June 2013
New to this edition
Key revisions in the 10th edition include:
• Complete updating of statutory, regulatory, and case law materials.
• A new chapter consolidating corporate governance materials and providing updated
• and expanded discussion of existing and new Codes of best practice, including the UK Stewardship Code,
Kay and Davies Reviews, new rules on directors’ remuneration, company audit, and prospectuses.
• Additional coverage of the secondary legislation implementing the Companies Act 2006.
• Notes on recent restructuring of the FSA and role of the FCA.
Analysis of latest case law developments, including;
• Assénagon Asset Management S.A. and Irish Bank Resolution Corporation Ltd (Formerly Anglo Irish Bank
Corporation Ltd) [2012] EWHC 2090 (Ch).
• Borrelli v Ting [2010] UKPC 21.
• Chandler v Cape Plc [2012] EWCA Civ 525 (CA).
• Jeremy Michael Ranson v Customer Systems Plc [2012] EWCA Civ 841 (CA).
• Prest v Petrodel Resources Ltd [2013] UKSC 34 (SCt).
• Revenue and Customs Commissioners v Holland [2010] 1 WLR 2793 (SCt).
• Safeway Stores Ltd v Twigger [2010] EWCA Civ 1472.
• Schofield v Schofield [2011] EWCA Civ 103 (CA).
• Sinclair Investments (UK) Ltd v Versailles Trade Finance Ltd (In Administration) [2011] EWCA Civ 349,
[2012] Ch 453 (CA).
• Towers v Premier Waste Management Ltd [2012] BCC 72 (CA).
• VTB Capital Plc v Nutritek International Corp [2012] EWCA Civ 808.
• Additional coverage of statutory derivative actions, with excerpts from leading recent HCt cases.
• Additional coverage of insolvency and proprietary issues, including notes on
• The Matter of Lehman Brothers International (Europe) (in administration) [2009] EWHC 3228 (Ch).
• Re Nortel GmbH; Re Nortel Network s UK Pension Trust Ltd; Re Lehman Brothers International (Europe)
(In Administration) [2011] EWCA Civ 1124.
• BNY Corporate Trustee Services Ltd v EurosailUK 2007–3BL Plc [2011] EWCA Civ 227.
• Belmont Park Investments Pty Limited v BNY Corporate Trustee Services Limited and Lehman Brothers
Special Financing Inc [2011] UKSC 38 (SC)
We are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright material and commercial documents:
Canada Law Book, a division of Thomson Reuters Canada Limited, for an extract from the Dominium Law
Reports (DLR).
The Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for extracts from the Appeal Cases (AC), Chancery
Reports (Ch), King’s Bench Reports (KB), Queen’s Bench Reports (QB), and the Week ly Law Reports (WLR).
Law Book Company for extracts from the Commonwealth Law Reports (CLR). Reproduced with permission of
Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia Limited,
New Zealand Council of Law Reporting for extracts from the New Zealand Law Reports (NZLR).
Reed Elsevier (UK) Limited trading as LexisNexis for extracts from the All England Law Reports (All ER)
and Butterworths Company Law Cases (BCLC).
Sweet & Maxwell Limited for extracts for the Common Mark et Law Reports (CMLR) and from the British
Company Cases (BCC).
Every effort has been made to trace and contact the copyright holders but this has not been possible in all cases.
If notified, the publisher will undertake to rectify any errors or omissions at the earliest opportunity.
Note on Prest v Petrodel Resources Ltd
This important Supreme Court decision on piercing the corporate veil was handed down on 12 June 2013, and so
could not be included in Chapter 2, immediately preceding[2.11], where it belongs.
The court may pierce the corporate veil only where a person under an existing legal obligation or subject
to an existing legal restriction deliberately evades or frustrates its enforcement by interposing a company
under his control.
[2.11A] Prest v Petrodel Resources Ltd [2013] UKSC 34 (Supreme Court)
In matrimonial proceedings concerning the division of assets worth approximately £35m, the appellant wife (W)
applied to have certain residential properties transferred to her. The properties were not owned by her husband (H),
however, but by the respondent group of companies (X), being companies operated and controlled by H. The trial
judge concluded that H was entitled to possession or reversion of the properties, within the Matrimonial Causes
Act 1973 s 24(1), and this statute therefore entitled the court to pierce the corporate veil and order H to transfer
them to W. The Court of Appeal reversed that decision, holding that there were no legitimate grounds for piercing
the corporate veil. The Supreme Court agreed, also holding that the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 s 24(1) did not
provide a distinct power to disregard the corporate veil in matrimonial cases. The court nevertheless found
unanimously in favour of W on the basis that the most plausible inference from the littleknown facts was that
each of the properties was held on a resulting trust by X for H (paras 45, 47). There was no reliable evidence to
rebut that inference, given the husband’s refusal to afford disclosure, and accordingly the seven disputed
properties were required to be transferred to W (paras 49–51, 55). The extracts below concentrate exclusively on
the general issue of piercing the corporate veil, although the judgments merit reading in full.
The issues
8 Subject to very limited exceptions, most of which are statutory, a company is a legal entity distinct from
its shareholders. It has rights and liabilities of its own which are distinct from those of its shareholders. Its
property is its own, and not that of its shareholders. In Salomon v A Salomon and Co Ltd [2.01], the House
of Lords held that these principles applied as much to a company that was wholly owned and controlled by
one man as to any other company. …
Piercing the corporate veil
16 I should first of all draw attention to the limited sense in which this issue arises at all. ‘Piercing the
corporate veil’ is an expression rather indiscriminately used to describe a number of different things.
Properly speaking, it means disregarding the separate personality of the company. There is a range of
situations in which the law attributes the acts or property of a company to those who control it, without
disregarding its separate legal personality. The controller may be personally liable, generally in addition to
the company, for something that he has done as its agent or as a joint actor. Property legally vested in a
company may belong beneficially to the controller, if the arrangements in relation to the property are such
as to make the company its controller’s nominee or trustee for that purpose. For specific statutory
purposes, a company’s legal responsibility may (p. xviii) be engaged by the acts or business of an
associated company. Examples are the provisions of the Companies Acts governing group accounts or the
rules governing infringements of competition law by ‘firms’, which may include groups of companies
conducting the relevant business as an economic unit. Equitable remedies, such as an injunction or
specific performance may be available to compel the controller whose personal legal responsibility is
engaged to exercise his control in a particular way. But when we speak of piercing the corporate veil, we
are not (or should not be) speaking of any of these situations, but only of those cases which are true
exceptions to the rule in Salomon v A Salomon and Co Ltd [2.01], i.e. where a person who owns and
controls a company is said in certain circumstances to be identified with it in law by virtue of that
ownership and control.
17 Most advanced legal systems recognise corporate legal personality while acknowledging some limits to
its logical implications. In civil law jurisdictions, the juridical basis of the exceptions is generally the
concept of abuse of rights, to which the International Court of Justice was referring in In re Barcelona
Traction, Light and Power Co Ltd [1970] ICJ 3 when it derived from municipal law a limited principle
permitting the piercing of the corporate veil in cases of misuse, fraud, malfeasance or evasion of legal
obligations. These examples illustrate the breadth, at least as a matter of legal theory, of the concept of
abuse of rights, which extends not just to the illegal and improper invocation of a right but to its use for
some purpose collateral to that for which it exists.
18 English law has no general doctrine of this kind. But it has a variety of specific principles which achieve
the same result in some cases. One of these principles is that the law defines the incidents of most legal
relationships between persons (natural or artificial) on the fundamental assumption that their dealings are
honest. The same legal incidents will not necessarily apply if they are not. The principle was stated in its
most absolute form by Denning LJ in a famous dictum in Lazarus Estates Ltd v Beasley [1956] 1 QB 702,
No court in this land will allow a person to keep an advantage which he has obtained by fraud. No
judgment of a court, no order of a Minister, can be allowed to stand if it has been obtained by fraud.
Fraud unravels everything. The court is careful not to find fraud unless it is distinctly pleaded and
proved; but once it is proved, it vitiates judgments, contracts and all transactions whatsoever …
The principle is mainly familiar in the context of contracts and other consensual arrangements, in which the
effect of fraud is to vitiate consent so that the transaction becomes voidable ab initio. But it has been
applied altogether more generally, in cases which can be rationalised only on grounds of public policy, for
example … These decisions (and there are others) illustrate a broader principle governing cases in which
the benefit of some apparently absolute legal principle has been obtained by dishonesty. The authorities
show that there are limited circumstances in which the law treats the use of a company as a means of
evading the law as dishonest for this purpose.
19 The question is heavily burdened by authority, much of it characterised by incautious dicta and
inadequate reasoning. [His Lordship then examined those cases in detail.] …
27 In my view, the principle that the court may be justified in piercing the corporate veil if a company’s
separate legal personality is being abused for the purpose of some relevant wrongdoing is well established
in the authorities. It is true that most of the statements of principle in the authorities are obiter, because
the corporate veil was not pierced. It is also true that most cases in which the corporate veil was pierced
could have been decided on other grounds. But the consensus that there are circumstances in which the
court may pierce the corporate veil is impressive. I would not for my part be willing to explain that
consensus out of existence. This is because I think that the recognition of a limited power to pierce the
corporate veil in carefully defined circumstances is necessary if the law is not to be disarmed in the face of
abuse. I also think that provided the limits are recognised and respected, it is consistent with the general
approach of English law to the problems raised by the use of legal concepts to defeat mandatory rules of
(p. xix) 28 The difficulty is to identify what is a relevant wrongdoing. References to a ‘facade’ or ‘sham’
beg too many questions to provide a satisfactory answer. It seems to me that two distinct principles lie
behind these protean terms, and that much confusion has been caused by failing to distinguish between
them. They can conveniently be called the concealment principle and the evasion principle. The
concealment principle is legally banal and does not involve piercing the corporate veil at all. It is that the
interposition of a company or perhaps several companies so as to conceal the identity of the real actors
will not deter the courts from identifying them, assuming that their identity is legally relevant. In these
cases the court is not disregarding the ‘facade’, but only looking behind it to discover the facts which the
corporate structure is concealing. The evasion principle is different. It is that the court may disregard the
corporate veil if there is a legal right against the person in control of it which exists independently of the
company’s involvement, and a company is interposed so that the separate legal personality of the
company will defeat the right or frustrate its enforcement. Many cases will fall into both categories, but in
some circumstances the difference between them may be critical. This may be illustrated by reference to
those cases in which the court has been thought, rightly or wrongly, to have pierced the corporate veil. [His
Lordship then proceeded to examine these cases, including Gilford Motor Co Ltd v Horne [2.17], and
several of the cases considered in the Notes following [2.17].] …
34 These considerations reflect the broader principle that the corporate veil may be pierced only to prevent
the abuse of corporate legal personality. It may be an abuse of the separate legal personality of a company
to use it to evade the law or to frustrate its enforcement. It is not an abuse to cause a legal liability to be
incurred by the company in the first place. It is not an abuse to rely upon the fact (if it is a fact) that a
liability is not the controller’s because it is the company’s. On the contrary, that is what incorporation is all
about. Thus in a case like VTB Capital [2.20], where the argument was that the corporate veil should be
pierced so as to make the controllers of a company jointly and severally liable on the company’s contract,
the fundamental objection to the argument was that the principle was being invoked so as to create a new
liability that would not otherwise exist. The objection to that argument is obvious in the case of a
consensual liability under a contract, where the ostensible contracting parties never intended that any one
else should be party to it. But the objection would have been just as strong if the liability in question had
not been consensual.
35 I conclude that there is a limited principle of English law which applies when a person is under an
existing legal obligation or liability or subject to an existing legal restriction which he deliberately evades or
whose enforcement he deliberately frustrates by interposing a company under his control. The court may
then pierce the corporate veil for the purpose, and only for the purpose, of depriving the company or its
controller of the advantage that they would otherwise have obtained by the company’s separate legal
personality. The principle is properly described as a limited one, because in almost every case where the
test is satisfied, the facts will in practice disclose a legal relationship between the company and its
controller which will make it unnecessary to pierce the corporate veil. Like Munby J in Ben Hashem [2.11],
I consider that if it is not necessary to pierce the corporate veil, it is not appropriate to do so, because on
that footing there is no public policy imperative which justifies that course. I therefore disagree with the
Court of Appeal in VTB Capital who suggested otherwise at para 79. For all of these reasons, the principle
has been recognised far more often than it has been applied. But the recognition of a small residual
category of cases where the abuse of the corporate veil to evade or frustrate the law can be addressed only
by disregarding the legal personality of the company is, I believe, consistent with authority and with long
standing principles of legal policy.
36 In the present case, Moylan J held that he could not pierce the corporate veil under the general law
without some relevant impropriety, and declined to find that there was any. In my view he was right about
this. The husband has acted improperly in many ways. In the first place, he has misapplied the assets of
his companies for his own benefit, but in doing that he was neither concealing nor evading any legal
obligation owed to his wife. Nor, more generally, was he concealing or evading the law relating to the
distribution of assets of a marriage upon its dissolution. It cannot follow that the court should disregard the
legal personality of the companies with the same insouciance as he (p. xx) did. Secondly, the husband
has made use of the opacity of the Petrodel Group’s corporate structure to deny being its owner. But that,
as the judge pointed out at para 219 ‘is simply [the] husband giving false evidence.’ It may engage what I
have called the concealment principle, but that simply means that the court must ascertain the truth that
he has concealed, as it has done. The problem in the present case is that the legal interest in the
properties is vested in the companies and not in the husband. They were vested in the companies long
before the marriage broke up. Whatever the husband’s reasons for organising things in that way, there is
no evidence that he was seeking to avoid any obligation which is relevant in these proceedings. The judge
found that his purpose was ‘wealth protection and the avoidance of tax’. It follows that the piercing of the
corporate veil cannot be justified in this case by reference to any general principle of law.
59 I wish … to add a little to what Lord Sumption says on the question of whether, and if so, in what
circumstances, the court has power to pierce the corporate veil in the absence of specific statutory
authority to do so. [His Lordship then proceeded, agreeing with much of the analysis of Lord Sumption, and
also considering the US and academic criticisms of ‘piercing the corporate veil’, before continuing:]
79 In these circumstances, I was initially strongly attracted by the argument that we should decide that a
supposed doctrine, which is controversial and uncertain, and which, on analysis, appears never to have
been invoked successfully and appropriately in its 80 years of supposed existence, should be given its
quietus. Such a decision would render the law much clearer than it is now, and in a number of cases it
would reduce complications and costs: whenever the doctrine is really needed, it never seems to apply.
80 However, I have reached the conclusion that it would be wrong to discard a doctrine which, while it has
been criticised by judges and academics, has been generally assumed to exist in all common law
jurisdictions, and represents a potentially valuable judicial tool to undo wrongdoing in some cases, where
no other principle is available. Accordingly, provided that it is possible to discern or identify an approach to
piercing the corporate veil, which accords with normal legal principles, reflects previous judicial reasoning
(so far as it can be discerned and reconciled), and represents a practical solution (which hopefully will
avoid the problems summarised in para 75 above), I believe that it would be right to adopt it as a definition
of the doctrine. [He then accepted Lord Sumption’s formulation.] …
83 It is only right to acknowledge that this limited doctrine may not, on analysis, be limited to piercing the
corporate veil. However, there are three points to be made about that formulation. In so far as it is based on
‘fraud unravels everything’, as discussed by Lord Sumption in para 18, the formulation simply involves the
invocation of a wellestablished principle, which exists independently of the doctrine. In any event, the
formulation is not, on analysis, a statement about piercing the corporate veil at all. Thus, it would
presumably apply equally to a person who transfers assets to a spouse or civil partner, rather than to a
company. Further, at least in some cases where it may be relied on, it could probably be analysed as
being based on agency or trusteeship especially in the light of the words ‘under his control’. However, if
either or both those points were correct, it would not undermine Lord Sumption’s characterisation of the
doctrine: it would, if anything, serve to confirm the existence of the doctrine, albeit as an aspect of a more
conventional principle. And if the formulation is intended to go wider than the application of ‘fraud unravels
everything’, it seems to me questionable whether it would be right for the court to take the course of
arrogating to itself the right to step in and undo transactions, save where there is a wellestablished and
principled ground for doing so. Such a course is, I would have thought, at least normally, a matter for the
legislature. Indeed Parliament has decided to legislate to this effect in specified and limited circumstances
with protection for third parties, in provisions such as section 37 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 and
section 423 of the Insolvency Act 1986.
(p. xxi) LORD WALKER
106 I am reluctant to add to the discussion but for my part I consider that ‘piercing the corporate veil’ is not
a doctrine at all, in the sense of a coherent principle or rule of law. It is simply a label—often, as Lord
Sumption observes, used indiscriminately—to describe the disparate occasions on which some rule of law
produces apparent exceptions to the principle of the separate juristic personality of a body corporate
reaffirmed by the House of Lords in Salomon v A Salomon and Co Ltd[2.01]. These may result from a
statutory provision, or from joint liability in tort, or from the law of unjust enrichment, or from principles of
equity and the law of trusts. … They may result simply from the potency of an injunction or other court
order in binding third parties who are aware of its terms. If there is a small residual category in which the
metaphor operates independently no clear example has yet been identified, but Stone & Rolls Ltd v Moore
Stephens (a firm) [3.32] … is arguably an example.
LADY HALE (with whom LORD WILSON agreed) and LORDS MANCE AND CLARKE agreed, adding
further comments of their own.
List of abbreviations
All Party Parliamentary Corporate Governance Group
Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform*
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills*
CA 1985
Companies Act 1985
CA 1989
Companies Act 1989
CA 2006
Companies Act 2006
C(AICE)A 2004
Companies (Audit, Investigations and Community Enterprise) Act 2004
CDDA 1986
Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986
Chief executive officer
Community interest company
Court of Justice of the European Union
The collective publications of the DTI’s Company Law Review
Centre of main interest
Civil Procedure Rules
Company voluntary arrangement
Department of Trade and Industry*
EA 2002
Enterprise Act 2002
European Court of Human Rights
European Economic Interest Grouping
Financial Conduct Authority**
Financial Policy Committee
Financial Reporting Council
Financial Services Authority**
FSA 1986
Financial Services Act 1986
FSA 2012
Financial Services Act 2012
FSMA 2000
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000
IA 1986
Insolvency Act 1986
IR 1986
Insolvency Rules 1986
Limited liability partnership
Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (2004/39/EC)
Nonexecutive director
PublicInterest Entities
Prudential Regulation Authority**
Recognised investment exchange
Societas Europaea
United Kingdom Listing Authority
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
* These are recent successor government departments (always including responsibility for companies, although
other responsibilities have been added and subtracted with each change). The DTI ceased to exist in 2007,
replaced by BERR, which itself was replaced by BIS in June 2009.
** The FSA 2012 abolished the FSA with effect from 1 April 2013, and its responsibilities were then split between
two new agencies, the FCA and the PRA, and the Bank of England.
Table of statutes
Arbitration Act 1889
s 4 253
Arbitration Act 1996
s 9 253
Bank of England Act 1993
s 9(c) 719
Bankruptcy Act 1914
s 44(1) 811
s 44(4)(b) 811
Bills of Sale Act 1878 595, 606
Bills of Sale Act 1882 595, 606
Bribery Act 2010 144
s 7 144, 409
s 7(2) 144
s 9 144
Bubble Act 1720 87
Charging Orders Act 1979
s 5(2)(a)–(b) 589
Cinematograph Films Acts 1938–1948 61
Companies Act 1844 5, 25, 125
Companies Act 1856 220
s 16 251
s 38(4) 742
s 50 222
s 51 222
s 82 742
s 120 744
s 133 743
s 161 742, 743
s 192 744
Companies Act 1862 34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 485, 504, 800
s 14 222
s 16 222, 494
s 18 28, 39
s 48 40
s 50 221, 559
s 51 559
s 79 790
s 82 790
s 209 129
s 360 587
Companies Act 1867 505
s 25 254
Companies Act 1900 28, 601
s 1 29
s 8(2) 507
Companies Act 1907 34
Companies Act 1908
s 14(1) 253, 256
s 27 588, 589
Companies Act 1929 450, 515
Table art 68 291, 292
Companies Act 1948 180, 190, 275, 358, 438, 450
s 1(1) 30
s 20(1) 258
s 54 448, 531, 533, 539, 540
s 56 508
s 72 517
s 95(1) 633
s 95(2)(e) 633
s 143(4) 211
s 145(4) 109
ss 151–158 448
s 162 470
s 165(b) 733
s 165(b)(ii) 732, 733
s 167(3) 733
s 184 285, 286, 800, 802
s 199 126
s 206 746
s 209 747, 762
s 210 233, 257, 682, 684, 691, 692, 706, 708, 711, 800
s 222 792
s 222(f) 800
s 223 792
s 223(a) 792
s 224 792
s 224(1) 793
s 227 809
s 302 821
s 322 620, 621
s 353(6) 46
Sch, Table A
art 4 565, 566
art 80 189
Companies Act 1948 to 1976 30
Companies Act 1955
s 2 458
Companies Act 1967
s 68(1)–(2) 78
s 68(5) 78
s 109 733, 735
Companies Act 1980
s 75 707
Companies Act 1981
s 42 533
Companies Act 1985 3, 5, 24, 25, 26, 178, 196, 492, 496, 526, 541, 604, 636, 718, 721, 759, 768
Part VIII 545
Part XIIIA 754, 760
(p. xxiv) Part XIV 3, 712, 730, 735, 737, 789
Part XV 3
s 3(1) 24
s 4 212, 220
s 14 183, 251, 256, 257
s 14(1) 183
s 16 220
s 17(2)(b) 222
s 28 220
s 28(6) 134
s 29 27
s 35 86, 89, 95
s 35A 89, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 118, 119
s 35A(1) 99, 104
s 35A(6) 99
s 35B 89
s 36C 132, 134
s 39 98
s 50 251
s 103 511
s 113 511
s 121 220
s 125 25, 220, 563, 564, 565
s 135 220
s 151 443, 526, 527, 529, 531, 533, 535, 537, 538, 541
s 151(1) 527, 528, 530, 532
s 151(2) 528, 530
s 152 526
s 152(1) 529
s 152(1)(a)(i)(iii) 526
s 152(1)(a)(ii) 530
s 153 526
s 153(1)–(4) 526
s 153(1)(a) 533
s 153(2) 533
s 153(2)(a) 532, 533, 534
s 153(4) 527
ss 155–158 533, 534
s 164 213
s 221(1) 814
s 221(2)(a) 814
s 227(1) 814
s 227(3) 814
s 241(1) 814
s 241(3) 814
s 242(1)–(2) 814
s 253 472
ss 263–276 545
s 277 545
s 277(1) 545, 546
s 285 283
s 303 285, 708
s 309 320, 330
s 309(1) 329, 330
s 309A 445
s 309A–310 445
s 310 445
s 317 195, 196, 410, 445, 446, 450
s 317(1) 284
s 319 213
s 319(5)–(6) 213
s 320 449, 553
ss 320–322 448
s 320(1) 447
s 320(1)(b) 448, 449
s 322 449
s 322(3)(b) 449
s 322A 99, 101, 103, 104, 105
s 322A(4)(7) 101
s 330 447, 450
s 341 450
s 341(2)(a) 450
s 371 199, 200, 201, 202
s 395 602, 608, 609
s 425 573, 748, 752, 753
ss 425–427 204
ss 425–427A 573, 752
s 428 763
s 431 731
s 431(1) 731
s 432 731
s 432(1) 731
s 432(2) 731, 732, 733
s 434(5A)–(5B) 737
s 436(2)–(3) 733
s 438 636, 731
s 442 731
s 445 732
ss 446A–446B 731
s 447 296, 731, 733, 735, 736
s 456 691
459 33, 201, 233, 244, 249, 257, 311, 373, 383, 386, 543, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 688, 690, 692, 693, 694, 695, 696, 697, 699, 701, 702, 703, 705, 706, 708,709, 710, 711,
ss 459–461 33
s 461 683, 696, 700
s 461(1) 694, 711
s 461(2) 711
s 652 134
s 719 320
s 727 356, 357, 413, 444, 447, 547
Sch 7 320
Companies Act 1989 3, 5, 18, 99, 137, 213, 549, 604
Part VII 821
s 82 732
s 108 105
Companies Act
2006 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 30, 54, 86, 89, 133, 137, 173, 174, 178, 179, 181, 193, 197, 204, 205, 236, 251, 256, 279, 284, 311, 353, 368,466, 481, 492, 506, 508, 535,
Parts 1–39 3
Part 10 309, 318, 330, 361, 436, 437
Chap 3 370
Part 11 122, 341, 643, 652
Chap 1 651
(p. xxv) Part 14 361
Part 15 309, 722
Part 16 309
Part 21
Chap 2 574
Part 23 542
Part 25 595, 601, 602
Part 26 739, 740, 741, 743, 744, 751, 752, 753
Part 27 739, 740, 741, 743, 744
Part 28 739, 754, 755, 759
Chap 3 756, 760
Part 32 731
Part 35 86
Part 42 464
Pt 25
Chap 1 601
Chap 2 601
Chap A1 601
s 1(1) 524
s 2 4
s 2(1)(b)(c) 4
s 2(2) 4
s 3 2, 20
s 3(4) 3
s 4 21
s 7 2, 24
s 7(2) 24
s 8 24, 182, 219
s 9 24
s 9(5)(b) 25
s 12 24
s 13 24, 219
s 14 24
s 15 24, 39
s 15(4) 24, 28, 29
s 16 24, 39
s 16(3) 24, 28
s 17 25, 178
s 18 178
s 20 24, 25, 178, 181
s 21 90, 178, 212, 219, 221, 222, 225, 251, 279, 559, 716
s 21(1) 26, 193
s 22 25, 26, 90, 219, 222, 563
s 22(2) 26, 219
s 23 219
s 25 219
s 28 24, 182, 563
s 28(2) 219
s 29 90
s 29(1) 211, 212
s 30 212
s 31(1) 25, 83, 86
s 31(2) 25, 87
s 31(3) 87
s 33 25, 182, 183, 222, 250, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 322, 485, 490, 494, 636, 640, 667
s 35(4) 90
s 39 85, 87, 90
s 39(1) 83, 85
s 40 84, 85, 87, 93, 96, 97, 98, 100, 103, 105, 107, 108, 110, 111, 118, 124, 128, 487
s 40(1) 84
s 40(1)–(5) 97
s 40(2) 97
s 40(2)(b) 97, 124, 128
s 40(3) 97
s 40(6) 98
s 41 84, 97, 98, 99, 103, 105, 107, 108, 124, 487
s 41(1) 108
s 41(4)(d) 85
s 42 98
s 43 82
ss 43–52 131
s 43(1)–(2) 131
s 44 124, 131, 582, 584
s 44(2) 582, 585
ss 44(2)(a)–(b) 131
s 44(4) 131
s 44(5) 127, 585, 131, 582, 583
s 51 131, 132, 133, 134
s 53 24, 27
ss 55–56 27
s 58 21
ss 58–60 1
s 60 1
s 61 1
s 69 26
s 69(4) 26
s 80(3) 134
s 82 718
s 89 21
s 112 178, 493, 574, 645, 687
s 113 178, 490
s 114 717
s 116 717
s 126 587, 588, 589
s 136 523
s 144 523
ss 145–153 205
s 154 21, 280
s 155(1) 280, 313, 316
s 157 280
s 160 280
s 161 281, 283, 288
s 161(1)(c) 288
s 162 283, 717
ss 162–164 283
s 165 283, 717
s 167 283
s 168 44, 178, 187, 190, 193, 202, 203, 247, 279, 280, 281, 286, 286, 287, 288, 800, 802
ss 168–169 285
s 168(1) 285
s 168(5)(a) 285, 288
s 169 203
s 169(5)(b) 285
s 170 310, 319, 330, 340, 342, 354
s 170(1) 319
s 170(2) 312, 370, 387, 390, 399
(p. xxvi) s 170(3) 330
s 170(3)–(4) 310, 353
s 170(4) 330
s 170(5) 311
s 171 84, 90, 202, 249, 310, 331, 332, 340, 496, 575
ss 171–174 435
s 171(1) 655
s 171(a)(b) 331
s 172 181, 249, 268, 310, 319, 321, 327, 328, 331, 339, 340, 341, 346, 349, 646, 651, 652, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658
s 172(1) 327, 339, 340, 341, 655
s 172(1)(a) 339
s 172(1)(b) 329, 330, 341
s 172(2) 655
s 172(3) 327
s 173 284, 310, 350
s 173(2)(a) 350
s 174 310, 346, 353, 355, 356, 358, 413, 637, 813
s 174(4)–(6) 365
s 175 244, 310, 330, 361, 362, 365, 370, 378, 387, 399, 402, 404, 408, 409, 436, 646
s 175(1) 370, 371
s 175(2) 371, 408
s 175(3) 362, 370
s 175(4)(6) 368, 370
s 175(4)(a) 371, 382, 402
s 175(4)(b) 370, 371
s 175(5) 372
s 175(5)–(6) 371, 402, 409
s 175(6) 372
s 175(7) 370, 372, 404
s 176 310, 330, 362, 370, 408, 409
s 176(3) 408
s 176(4) 408
s 177 126, 195, 196, 284, 310, 362, 364, 379, 409, 410, 412, 436, 445, 446, 450
s 178 310, 354, 362, 368, 402, 409, 412, 446
s 178(2) 413
s 179 412
s 180 95, 114, 236, 310, 368, 409, 436, 446, 646
s 180(1) 436
s 180(4) 436, 646, 658
s 180(4)(a) 372, 408, 436
s 180(4)(b) 408
s 182 310, 362, 379, 409, 410, 445, 446
ss 182–187 410, 445
ss 182–231 445
s 182(2)–(4) 445
s 182(4) 445
s 182(6)(b) 445
ss 182–231 178
s 183 109, 410, 445, 446
s 188 213, 270, 288, 446
ss 188–1189 270
s 189 270, 446
s 190 6, 447, 448
ss 190–196 447
s 190(3) 447
s 191 447
s 192 447
s 193 447
s 194 447
s 195 447
ss 197–214 447
s 197(5) 447
s 198 447
s 201 447
ss 204–209 447
s 205 445
s 207 447
s 212 316, 346
s 213 447, 450
s 213(3)(a) 450
s 213(3)(b) 451
s 214 447
ss 215–222 294, 447
s 222 294
s 223(1)(a) 270
s 223(1)(b) 447
s 223(1)(c) 447
s 227 270, 447
ss 227–230 270, 447
ss 228–229 288, 717
s 231 410, 447
s 232 311, 354, 371, 445
ss 232–238 436, 444
s 232(1) 310
s 232(2) 445
s 232(3) 445
s 232(4) 408, 445
s 236(3) 648
s 239 95, 235, 236, 239, 264, 310, 338, 365, 399, 408, 409, 410, 436, 437, 637, 646, 659, 660, 661
s 239(1) 437
s 239(2) 437
s 239(3) 338, 437, 440, 660
s 239(4) 236, 338, 437, 440, 659, 660
s 239(6) 437, 438
s 239(7) 365, 437, 646, 659, 661
ss 240–246 283
s 247 181, 341
s 247(2) 341
s 250 311
s 251 261, 279, 284, 312
s 251(2) 312
s 252 236, 318, 659
s 252(5)(d) 236
s 254 659
s 257 331
s 260 330, 636, 640, 641, 642, 643, 648, 651, 661, 668
ss 260–264 178
s 260(1) 645, 647, 682
s 260(2) 643, 647, 649, 682
s 260(2)(a) 646
s 260(2)(b) 649
s 260(3) 645, 646, 682
s 260(4) 645
(p. xxvii) s 260(5) 640
s 261 644, 645, 655
s 261(1) 651
s 261(2) 646, 651, 652
s 261(3) 650
s 261(4) 650, 652
s 261(4)(c) 657
s 262 645
s 263 316, 553, 644, 646, 647, 652, 653
s 263(2) 646, 647, 650, 651, 654, 655, 664
s 263(2)(a) 646, 653, 657
s 263(2)(b) 646, 658
s 263(2)(c) 646
s 263(3) 647, 649, 651, 663, 664
s 263(3)(b) 646, 652, 653, 657
s 263(3)(f) 658, 662, 664, 669
s 263(4) 647, 649, 651, 665
s 263(e) 658
s 264 645
s 268 652, 653
s 268(2)(b) 653
s 270 269
s 271 269
s 275 283
ss 277–279 283
s 281 90, 193
s 281(2) 193
s 281(3) 193
s 281(4)(a) 193
s 282 193, 204
s 283 90, 193, 222, 559, 563
s 284 193
s 288 21, 212
ss 288–300 193
s 288(3)(a)–(b) 194
ss 290–297 194
s 291 194
ss 292–295 205
s 292(5) 194
s 294 205
s 295(4) 360
s 300 193
s 301 202
s 302 199
s 303 199
s 304 199
s 305 199
s 305(4) 208
s 306 196, 199, 201, 202, 287
s 306(2) 196
s 307 202, 204
ss 307–317 202
s 307(1) 208
s 311 202, 204
s 311(2)–(3) 202
s 311A 202
s 313 751
s 314 203
ss 314–317 205
s 315 203
s 317 203
s 318 204
ss 318–323 205
s 318(1) 195
s 318(3) 195
s 319 204, 213
s 320 686
s 321(2) 193
s 322A 193
s 323 204
s 324 195, 204
ss 324–330 204
ss 324–331 205
s 324A 204
s 327 204
s 333 204, 239
s 334 204, 563
s 335 563
s 336 204
s 336(1) 203
s 337 204
s 338 203, 204
s 338A 203
s 339 203
s 340 203, 204
s 340B 205
s 341 204
ss 355–359 204
s 357 22, 195
s 360A 204
s 360B 204, 205
s 366 136, 447
s 381 717
s 385 724
s 386 814
s 394 716, 814
s 399 69, 716, 814
s 412 270
s 415 309, 473, 716
s 416 717
s 417 309, 341, 717
s 417(2) 341
s 420 716
ss 423–424 717
s 437 40, 203, 814
s 438 40
s 441 716, 718, 814
s 444 22
s 448 21
ss 451–453 718
s 463 359
s 465 22
s 475 22, 464, 716
s 476 464
s 477 464, 716
s 480 464, 716
s 482 464
ss 485–494 464
ss 495–497 716
ss 495–509 464
s 496 473
s 498 470
s 507 466
(p. xxviii) s 510 193, 464
ss 510–526 464
s 511 202, 464
s 515 202
s 532 354, 465
ss 532–538 464
s 534 354, 465, 473
s 535 354
s 536 354, 465
s 540 493, 573
s 542 491
s 542(3) 491
s 544 573
s 546 491
s 547 491
s 548 557
s 549 496
ss 549–551 496
s 550 496
s 550(b) 496
s 551(1) 337
s 552 504
s 553 504
s 555 496
s 558 490
s 560 494, 496
ss 560–577 496
s 561 763
ss 564–577 497
s 566 558
ss 569–571 193
ss 578–579 728
s 582 507
s 583(3) 509
s 584 509
ss 584–587 509
s 585(1) 509
s 586 495
s 587(1) 509
s 588 509
s 589 509
s 593 509, 510, 511, 716
ss 593–609 509
s 593(1)(c) 510
s 593(3) 510
s 594 509
s 594(1)(3) 509
s 595 509
s 597 716
s 598 510, 716
ss 598–599 509
ss 598–604 481
s 599 510
s 602 716
s 603 509
s 605 509
s 606 509, 510, 511
s 610 492, 508
s 611 492
ss 611–613 508
s 612 492
s 614 508
s 616 596
s 617 248
ss 626–640 178
s 629 556
ss 629–640 200
s 629(1) 563
s 630 514, 518, 520, 545, 563, 564, 746
s 630(3) 563
s 630(5) 564
s 630(6) 514, 564
s 631 563, 564
s 633 193, 564
s 635 563
s 641 512
s 641(1) 193
s 641(1)(a)–(b) 513
s 641(4) 514
s 641(6) 513
ss 642–644 513
s 645 514
ss 645–651 513
s 646 514
s 648 514
s 653 497
s 655 503
s 656 203, 496, 514
s 658 513, 520, 521
s 659 521
s 662 521
s 670 524
s 677 524, 525, 526, 528, 530
s 677(1)(a)–(c) 526
s 678 524, 525, 526, 528, 530, 532, 533, 535, 536, 538, 539, 540, 541, 549
s 678(2) 525, 526, 532, 533, 535
s 678(2)(a)–(b) 533
s 678(3) 524
s 678(4) 525, 526
s 678(4)(a) 535
s 679(2) 525
s 679(4) 525
s 680 536, 541
s 681 525, 526
s 682 525, 527
s 684 512, 522, 557
s 684(4) 557
s 685 522
ss 685–689 522
s 686 522
s 687 522
s 688 522
s 689 524
s 690 522
s 691 523
s 692 523
s 694 522
s 695 235, 522
s 697 522
s 698 522
s 700 522
s 701 522
s 702 717
(p. xxix) s 704 523
s 705 523
s 706 523
ss 709–723 522
s 710(2) 330
s 716(1) 193
s 717 235
s 721 193
s 724 523
ss 726–731 523
s 733 522, 523
s 735 503, 820
s 736 282
s 736A(6) 282
s 736A(7) 282
s 738 596–597
s 743 717
s 755 21, 725
s 756 725
ss 757–759 726
s 760 725
s 761 21, 495
s 763 21, 495
s 765 491, 495
s 768 574
s 770 574
s 771(1) 575, 577
s 775 124, 582
s 775(3) 574
s 775(4) 582
s 775(4)(b) 574
s 779 493, 573
s 793 722
s 794 723
s 795 722
ss 797–802 723
s 801 723
s 803 722
s 808 717, 722
s 809 717
s 820 722
s 821 722
s 823 722
s 824 722
s 829 541, 542, 548, 552
s 829(2)(a) 548
s 830 543, 545, 549, 552
s 830(1) 316, 542
s 830(2) 542
s 831 543
s 831(1) 543
s 832 543
s 833 541, 543
s 841 542
ss 845–846 544
s 847 544, 545
s 854 718
ss 854–856a 716
s 858 716, 718
s 858(1) 718
s 859 595
s 859A 600, 601, 609, 611, 633
s 859A(2) 601
s 859A(6) 601, 602
s 859B 601
s 859C 602
s 859D(2)(c) 603, 612
s 859E 602
s 859F 601, 602
s 859H 602, 609
s 859H(3) 602
s 859H(4) 602
s 859I(4) 602
s 859I(6) 602
s 859L 604
s 859M 603
s 859N 603
s 859Q 604
s 859R 603
s 860 600
s 871 716
s 874 602, 608, 819
ss 876–877 717
s 894(1) 601
s 895 74, 573, 745, 746, 748, 769
ss 895–901 739, 743, 744, 769
s 896 746
s 899 743, 745, 751, 752
s 899(2)(c)(d) 745
s 900 824
ss 936–937 741
ss 943–946 756
ss 954–955 765
ss 966–972 759
s 974 746, 747
s 977(2) 747
s 979 323, 740, 760, 761, 762, 763
s 983 740, 760
s 986 760, 762, 763
s 988 747, 762
s 992 759
s 993 807
994 185, 201, 213, 214, 233, 244, 249, 250, 257, 288, 311, 352, 361, 373, 378, 383, 464, 490, 503, 506, 543, 573, 593, 636, 638, 643, 646, 653, 659, 662, 663,664, 665, 667, 668
ss 994–996 688
s 994(1) 687
s 994(1A) 464
s 994(1)(a)(b) 689
s 994(2) 687
s 995 731
s 996 464, 667, 682, 683, 696, 711
s 996(1)(2) 682, 695
s 996(2)(c) 663, 664
s 999 122
s 1000 134, 824
s 1001 824
s 1003 824
ss 1004–1010 824
s 1012 824
(p. xxx) s 1024 824
ss 1024–1034 825
s 1029 824
s 1029(2) 824
s 1030(1) 825
s 1031(1)(c) 825
s 1035 731
ss 1036–1039 730
s 1061 715
s 1064 716
s 1077 481, 716
s 1078 715
s 1078(3) 481
s 1079 128, 129, 717, 806
s 1080 715
s 1116 716
s 1116(5) 716
s 1139 177
s 1150(2) 509
s 1157 206, 355, 356, 357, 413, 436, 444, 447, 547, 548, 806, 807
s 1159 21, 60, 523
s 1162 60
s 1166 558
s 1176 732
s 1214 741
s 1266 721
s 1268 721
s 1270 722
s 1282 787
ss 1289–1290 4
s 1292(1) 601
sch 10 464
Companies Acts 1862–1893 28
Companies Acts 1907–1908 18
Companies Acts 1928–1929 18
Companies (Audit, Investigations and Community Enterprise) Act 2004 3
Part 2 22
s 35(2) 22
Companies Bill 1973 133
Companies Clauses Consolidation Act 1845 5, 192, 753
s 89 191
s 90 188
Companies (Consolidation) Act 1908 29, 192, 621
Companies Consolidation (Consequential Provisions) Act 1985 5
Companies Securities (Insider Dealing) Act 1985 5
Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 3, 5, 46, 280, 282, 294, 295, 298, 302, 307, 770, 808, 822
s 1 300, 307
s 1(1) 295
s 1A 295
s 1(A) 295
s 1A(1) 295
s 2 294
ss 3–5 294
s 4 299
s 6 294, 296, 297, 299, 300, 301, 302, 354, 823
s 6(1)(a) 302
s 7(2) 296
s 7(2A) 295
s 7(3) 823
s 8 294, 296, 306, 731
s 8(2A) 295
s 9A 294
s 10 294
s 15 54
s 17 300, 307
s 18 295
sch 1 294
Competition Act 1998 164, 176
Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 134, 245, 253
s 1(3) 134
s 6(2) 253
Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 145, 146
s 1 145
s 18 146
Criminal Justice Act 1988 787
s 77 65
Criminal Justice Act 1993 730
Part V 5, 46, 724, 730
s 61(1)(2) 730
s 63(2) 730
Dentists Act 1878 26
Deregulation and Contracting Out Act 1994 19
Employment Rights Act 1996
s 98 162
s 98(4) 162
Enterprise Act 2002 632, 769, 770, 771, 772, 780, 788
European Communities Act 1972 19, 95
s 9(1) 89, 100, 105, 106, 107
s 9(2) 132, 134
Financial Services Act 1986 5, 18, 723, 757
Financial Services Act 2012 265, 719, 724
s 3 719
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 3, 5, 499, 503, 719, 722, 723, 724, 725, 730, 789
Part IV 724
Part VI 722, 725
Part VIII 728
ss 1–6 723
s 77 725
s 85 725
s 85(3) 725
s 85(4) 725
s 85(5)(a)–(b) 726, 727
s 85(6)(b) 726, 727
s 86(1)(a)–(d) 726
(p. xxxi) s 86(7) 726
s 87 726
s 87A 726, 727
s 87G 726, 727
s 87G(3A) 726
ss 87K–87M 727
ss 89A–89G 721
s 89F 721
ss 89K89L 721
s 90(1) 727, 728
s 90(4) 727, 728
s 90A 722
s 90B 722
s 91 725, 727
s 97 725, 727
s 118 730
s 168(3) 731
s 285 724
s 382 722
s 384 722
s 397 730
s 397(3) 730
s 397(5) 730
Sch 10 728
Sch 11A, para 9 726
Human Rights Act 1998 16, 50, 51, 680, 751, 752
Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988
s 402 69
s 765(1) 48
Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965 1
Industrial and Provident Societies Acts 1893–1913 62
Insolvency Act 1985 18
Insolvency Act 1986 3, 5, 18, 311, 353, 524, 595, 753, 768, 775, 781, 789, 804, 805, 806, 808
Part I 744, 753, 769
Part II 753, 770
Part III 778
ss 1–7 769
s 6 769
s 8 770, 772
s 8(1) 772
s 8(1)(b) 773
s 8(2) 776
s 8(3) 772
s 14(1) 776
s 15 634
s 29(2) 780
ss 30–31 778
s 37(1) 778
s 39 778
s 40 601, 622, 625, 779, 788
s 40(3) 788
s 42 780
s 43 780, 787
s 44 778, 780, 781, 782
s 44(1) 781
s 44(1)(a) 781
s 44(1)(b) 781
s 44(1)(c) 781
s 44(2) 781
s 44(2A)–(2D) 781
s 45(2) 780
s 47 780, 822
s 48 780
ss 72A–72EA 600
ss 72B–72H 780
s 74 2
s 74(2)(d) 742
s 74(2)(f) 820
s 76 819
s 79 560
s 84 789
s 84(1) 193
s 84(1)(b) 795
s 86 805
s 88 805
s 89 789
s 90 789
s 90(2) 789
s 91 789
s 94 824
s 96 789
s 99 822
s 106 824
s 107 743, 821
s 110 739, 740, 741, 743, 744, 753
s 110(3)(b) 741
s 111 739, 741, 742, 743, 744, 753
s 115 787, 820
s 118 823
s 122 185, 790, 792
s 122(1) 789, 823
s 122(1)(f) 600, 768, 789
s 122(1)(g) 88, 214, 573, 636, 668, 689, 789, 800
s 123 789, 792
s 123(1) 768
s 123(1)(a)(d) 794
s 123(1)(a) 600
s 123(1)(e) 794
s 123(2) 768, 794
s 124 638, 742, 789, 790, 792, 795
s 124(2)–(3) 790
s 124(2)–(4A) 792
s 124(4) 789
s 124A 731, 789
s 125(1) 792
s 125(2) 696, 800, 803
s 127 805, 809, 810, 816, 819
s 128 805, 819
s 129 805
s 130 782
s 131 822
s 132(1) 823
s 133 823
ss 136–137 767
s 145 804
s 156 787, 820
s 160 804
(p. xxxii) s 165 804
s 167(1) 74
s 172(8) 824
s 175 628, 769, 806
s 175(2)(a) 820
s 175(2)(b) 601, 628, 788
s 176A 601, 779, 788, 820
s 176A(3)(a) 788
s 176A(4) 788
s 176A(5) 788
s 176ZA 600, 787
s 178 805, 819
s 183 805, 819
s 184 805
s 187 181
s 189 820
s 195 747
s 197ZA 820
s 201 789, 824
s 202 824
s 205 824
s 212 168, 238, 355, 547, 549, 620, 776, 804, 806, 807, 815, 816, 819
s 212(1)(a) 168
s 212(1)(c) 168
s 212(3) 776, 806
s 213 73, 294, 807, 813, 819, 820
ss 213–215 54
s 214 73, 294, 303, 327, 346, 353, 357, 361, 444, 549, 807, 813, 815, 816, 819, 820
s 214(1) 807, 815
s 214(2) 813, 814
s 214(2)(b) 814
s 214(3) 815
s 214(4) 356, 807, 814
s 216 282, 808
ss 216–217 54
s 216(3) 808
s 217 282, 808
s 230(3) 804
s 231 549
s 234 823
s 234(1) 823
s 235 823
s 236 737, 805, 823
s 237 823
s 238 91, 276, 549, 806, 807, 810, 812, 815, 819, 820
ss 238–241 619
s 238(4) 812, 813
s 238(5) 813
s 239 549, 601, 806, 807, 810, 811, 815, 816, 819, 820
s 239(6) 806
s 240 806, 819
s 240(1)(a) 806
s 241 806
ss 242–243 820
s 245 549, 601, 619, 620, 621, 622, 806, 819
s 245(2) 622
s 245(3)(a) 706
s 245(4) 806
s 246 823
s 249 806
s 249(2) 806
s 251 282, 623
s 386 788, 806, 820
ss 388–389 780
s 423 276, 549, 816, 820
s 423(3) 577
s 426 16, 50
s 435 619, 806
Sch 1 774, 776, 780, 816
para 14 776
Sch 4 74, 804, 805, 816
Sch 6 769, 788, 806, 820
paras 8–12 601
Sch A1 744, 753, 769
para 43 769
Sch B1 770
para 3(1) 770
para 3(2) 771, 780
para 4 771
para 5 780
para 11(a)–(b) 771, 773
para 14 780
para 42 774
para 43 771, 774
para 55 774
para 59 774
para 59(1) 774
para 60 774
para 64 777
para 65(2) 601
para 69 774
paras 70–71 600, 774
para 71 777
para 74 681
para 75 806
para 76 777
paras 79–83 777
para 84 824
para 99 600, 777
para 99(3)–(4) 777
Insolvency Act 1994
s 2 782
Insolvency Act 2000 768
Interpretation Act 1978
s 5 46
sch 1 46
Joint Stock Companies Act 1856 5, 25, 26, 40
Joint Stock Companies Arrangement Act 1870 204
Landlord and Tenant Act 1954
s 30(3) 54
Law of Property Act 1925 46
ss 85–87 598
Licensing Act 1872 62
s 3 62, 63
Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910
s 65 63
(p. xxxiii) Limitation Act 1980
s 21 424, 425
s 21(1) 436
s 21(1)(a) 422, 425, 426
s 21(1)(b) 420, 425
s 21(3) 425
s 36 425
Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000 1, 23, 473
Lotteries Act 1823 27
s 41 27
Matrimonial Causes Act 1973
s 24(1)(a) 41
Merchant Shipping Act 1894
s 502 147, 160
Misrepresentation Act 1967 486, 503
s 2(1) 499, 503
s 2(2) 499
Partnership Act 1890
s 35 800
Pharmacy Act 1868 45
Prevention of Fraud (Investments) Act 1939 18
Race Relations Act 1976 60
Regulatory Reform Act 2001 19
Sale of Goods Act 1979 3
Serious Crime Act 2007
Part 2 146
Stannaries Act 1869 194
s 10 194
Stock Transfer Act 1982 574
Trade Descriptions Act 1968 152
s 24(1) 152, 159
Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992
s 10(3) 30
Trading with the Enemy Act 1939 60
s 2 54
Trustee Act 1925
s 61 545
s 68(7) 545
Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977
s 2(2) 465
s 3(2)(a) 465
Charter of Rights and Freedoms
s 2(a) 50
European Union
Accession Act concerning the Conditions of Accession of Spain and the Portuguese Republic to the European Communities
Art 395 9
EC Treaty 7, 89
Art 5 9
Art 43 48
Art 52 14, 15, 60
Art 54(3)(g) 11
Art 58 11, 14, 15
Art 189 9
Art 251 7
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union 7
Treaty of Lisbon 7
Law No 1386/1983 10, 11
European Convention on Human Rights 50
Art 6 51, 737
Protocol 1, Art 1 752
UNCITRAL Model Law 50, 823
Art 16(3) 16
New Zealand
Securities Amendment Act 1988 158, 160
s 20(3) 160
s 20(4)(e) 160
Workers’ Compensation Act 1922 42
Civil Code
s 1261 8
s 1275 8
Uniform Commercial Code
Art 9 605
Table of secondary legislation
Allotment of Shares and Rights of PreEmption (Amendment) Regulations 2009 (SI 2009/2561) 496
Civil Procedure (Amendment) Rules 2007 (SI 2007/2204)
r 21 642
Civil Procedure Rules 1998 (SI 1998/3132) 176, 642
r 19.6 636
r 19.6(1)(4) 668
r 19.9–19.9F 642
rr 73.11–73.21 589
Companies Act 2006 (Annual Returns) Regulations 2011 (SI 2011/1487) 716
Companies Act 2006 (Commencement No 3 Consequential Amendments, Transitional Provisions and Savings)
Order 2007 SI 2007/2194)
Sch 3, para 17 659
Companies Act 2006 (Commencement No. 5, Transitional Provisions and Savings) Order 2007 (SI 2007/3495)
art 2(6) 204
Sch 5 204
para 2(1) 204
para 2(5) 204
Companies Act 2006 (Consequential Amendments etc) Order 2008 (SI 2008/948) 744, 745
Companies (CrossBorder Mergers) Regulations 2007 (SI 2007/2974)
reg 13 213
Companies (Model Articles) Regulations 2008 (SI 2008/3229)
Sch 1 Private companies limited by shares 179
art 8 284, 289
art 10 284
art 14 284
art 17 280
art 25 574
art 26(5) 575
art 37 203
art 44(2) 193
art 45 204
Sch 2 Private companies limited by guarantee 179
Sch 3 Public companies 179
art 9 284
art 16 284
art 17 284
art 18 284
art 21 285
art 29 203
art 36(2) 193
art 38 204
art 49 574
art 63(5) 575
Companies (Northern Ireland) Order 1986 (SI 1986/1032)
art 131 248
Companies (Shareholders’ Rights) Regulations 2009 (SI 2009/1632) 202
Companies (Tables A to F) (Amendment) (No 2) Regulations 2007 (SI 2007/2826) 182
Companies (Tables A to F) (Amendment) Regulations 2007 (SI 2007/2541) 182
Companies (Tables A to F) (Amendment) Regulations 2008 (SI 2008/739) 181, 182
Companies (Tables A to F) Regulations 1985 (SI 1985/805)
Table A
art 70 189
art 92 283
CrossBorder Insolvency Regulations 2006 (SI 2006/1030) 50
EEIG Regulations 1989 (SI 1989/638)
Sch 1 12
Financial Collateral Arrangements (No 2) Regulations 2003 (SI 2003/3226) 594
Financial Markets and Insolvency (Settlement Finality) Regulations 1999 (SI 1999/2979) 821
Insolvency Act 1986, Section 72A (Appointed Date) Order 2003 (SI 2003/2095) 780
Insolvency Act 1986 (Prescribed Part) Order 2003 (SI 2003/2097)
art 3 788, 820
Insolvency Rules 1986 (SI 1986/1925) 768, 804, 805
r 1.5 822
r 2.67 777, 778
r 4.218 820
r 7.62 789
Insolvent Companies (Reports on Conduct of Directors) Rules 1996 (SI 1996/1909)
r 4 823
Limited Liability Partnerships (Application of Companies Act 2006) Regulations 2009 (SI 2009/1804) 23
Limited Liability Partnerships (Transitional Provisions and Savings) (Amendments) Regulations 2009 (SI
reg 2(1) 26
(p. xxxv) Prospectus Regulations 2011 (SI 2011/1668) 725, 726
Prospectus Regulations 2012 (SI 2012/1538) 725
Statutory Auditors and Third Country Auditors (Amendment) Regulations 2008 (SI 2008/499) 463
Statutory Auditors and Third Country Auditors Regulations 2007 (SI 2007/3494) 463
Uncertificated Securities Regulations 2001 (SI 2001/3755)
reg 36 582
European Union
Directive 68/151/EEC (1st Company Law) 3, 9, 10, 128, 133, 716, 806
Art 7 132
Art 9 86, 89, 100, 105, 106
Art 9(2) 102, 105
Art 11 8, 9, 10, 29
Art 11(2)(b) 9
Art 12 29
Directive 77/91/EEC (2nd Company Law) 512, 524, 541, 555
Art 2(b) 86
Art 9(1) 11
Art 15 545
Art 16 545, 546
Art 19(1)(a)–(b) 11
Art 19(2)–(3) 12
Art 21(1) 10
Art 25(1) 10, 11, 12
Art 25(2) 11
Art 40(2) 12
Art 41(1) 10, 11
Art 41(2) 12
Art 42 10
Art 43(2) 12
Directive 78/855/EEC (3rd Company Law) 741
Directive 82/891/EEC (6th Company Law) 741
Directive 89/667/EEC (12th Company Law) 39
Directive 93/22/EEC (Investment Services) Art 16 724
Directive 2001/34/EC (Listing) 725
Directive 2001/86/EC 13, 180
Directive 2001/256/EC 12
Directive 2002/590/EC 12
Directive 2003/6/EC (Market Abuse) 728
Directive 2003/51/EEC (Accounts Modernisation) 717
Directive 2003/71/EC (Prospectus) 725
Art 3(2)(c) 596
Directive 2004/25/EC (Takeover Bids) 754, 755, 759
Art 9 759
Art 11 759
Directive 2004/39/EC (Markets and Financial Instruments) 721
Directive 2004/109/EC (Transparency) 720, 721
Directive 2006/43/EC (Audit) 463
Art 37 464
Art 39–43 465
Art 43 464
Art 43b 464
Directive 2010/72/EU 725
Regulation 809/2004 596
Regulation 1346/2000 (Insolvency) 13, 15, 50
Art 3 16
preamble 16
para 13 16
Regulation 2137/85 12
Regulation 2157/2001 13, 22, 48
Arts 38–51 180
Table of cases
AA Mutual International Insurance Co Ltd, Re [2004] EWHC 2430 (Ch); [2005] 2 BCLC 8 773
Aas v Benham [1891] 2 Ch 244 (CA) [7.26], 377, 378, 380, 381, 384, 386, 387
Abbey Forwarding Ltd (In Liquidation) v Hone [2010] EWHC 2029 (Ch) 359
Abbey Malvern Wells Ltd v Ministry of Local Government and Planning [1951] Ch 728 63
Abbington Hotel Ltd, Re [2012] 1 BCLC 410 689, 697, 708
Aberdeen Rly Co v Blaikie Bros (1854) 1 Macq 461; [1843–60] All ER Rep 249 [7.34], 362, 370, 374, 375, 404, 410, 435
Acatos & Hutcheson plc v Watson [1995] BCLC 446 67, 524
Adams v Cape Industries plc [1990] Ch 433 (CA) [2.19], 51, 54, 55, 56, 62, 67, 70, 73, 77
Addlestone Linoleum Co, Re (1887) 37 Ch D 191 (CA) 503
Agnew v Commissioner of Inland Revenue (Re Brumark Investments Ltd) [2001] UKPC 28; [2002] 2 AC 710
(PC) [12.04], [12.19], 606, 623, 624, 626, 629, 630
Airbase (UK) Ltd, Re [2008] EWHC 124 (Ch); [2008] BCC 213 788
Airey v Cordell [2007] BCC 785 657
Airlines Airspares Ltd v Handley Page Ltd [1970] Ch 193 780
Al Saudi Banque v Clark Pixley [1990] Ch 313 471, 473, 480
Alabama, New Orleans, Texas and Pacific Junction Rly Co, Re [1891] 1 Ch 213 (CA) [15.08], 750
Albazero, The [1977] AC 774; [1976] 3 All ER 129 (HL); [1975] 3 All ER 21 69
Alexander v Automatic Telephone Co [1900] 2 Ch 56 (CA) 661
Ali v Top Marques Car Rental Ltd [2006] EWHC 109; [2006] All ER (D) 40 (Feb) 602
Alipour v Ary [1997] 1 WLR 534 794
Allen v Gold Reefs of West Africa Ltd [1900] 1 Ch 656 (CA) [4.22], 129, 131, 220, 221, 222, 225, 227, 243, 246, 249, 293, 387, 563
Allen v Hyatt (1914) 30 TLR 444 (PC) 323
Alliance Bank JSC v Aquanta Corporation [2011] EWHC 3281 (Comm) [2012] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 181 75
Allied Business and Financial Consultants Ltd v Shanahan [2009] EWCA Civ 751; [2009] BCC 822 (CA) [7.27], 371, 373, 378
Allied Carpets Group plc v Nethercott [2001] BCLC 81 544, 547
Aluminium Industrie Vaassen BV v Romalpa Aluminium Ltd [1976] 1 WLR 676 (Ch and CA) [12.21], 605, 632, 633
AMB Generali Holding AG v Manches [2005] EWCA Civ 1237 112
AMG Global Nominees (Private) Ltd v Africa Resources Ltd [2008] EWCA Civ 1278; [2009] 1 BCLC 28 525
Ammonia Soda Co Ltd v Chamberlain [1918] 1 Ch 266 542
Anderson (1877) 7 Ch D 75 510
Andrews v Gas Meter Co [1897] 1 Ch 361 (CA) [11.01], 558
Anglo American Insurance Ltd [2001] 1 BCLC 755 744
Anglo Petroleum Ltd v TFB (Mortgages) Ltd [2007] EWCA Civ 456; [2007] BCC 407 (CA) [10.07], 527, 535, 537
AngloAustrian Printing & Publishing Union, Re [1895] 2 Ch 891 808, 815
AngloContinental Supply Co Ltd, Re [1922] 2 Ch 723 (Ch) 744
Antonio Gramsci Shipping Corporation v Stepanovs [2011] EWHC 333 (Comm), [2011] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 647 75, 76
Antonio v Antonio [2010] EWHC 1199 (QB) 245
Arab Bank plc v Mercantile Holdings Ltd [1994] Ch 71 524, 525
Arab Monetary Fund v Hashim (No 3) [1991] 2 AC 114; [1991] BCLC 180 (HL) 33
Arbuthnot Leasing International Ltd v Havelet Leasing Ltd (No 2) [1990] BCC 636 816
Armagh Shoes Ltd, Re [1984] BCLC 405 606, 623
Armitage v Nurse [1998] Ch 241 425
Armour Hick Northern Ltd v Armour Trust Ltd [1980] 1 WLR 1520 69, 541
Arthur D Little Ltd v Ableco Finance LLC [2002] EWHC 701 (Ch); [2003] Ch 217 630
Asegaai Consultants Ltd [2012] EWHC 1899 (Ch) 299
Ashbury Railway Carriage & Iron Co Ltd v Riche (1875) LR 7 HL 653 (HL) 87, 505
Asprey & Garrard Ltd v WRA (Guns) Ltd [2001] EWCA Civ 1499; [2002] FSR 487 (CA) 26
(p. xxxvii) Assenagon Asset Management SA v Irish Bank Resolution Corp Ltd (formerly Anglo Irish Bank Corp Ltd) [2012] EWHC 2090
(Ch) [11.07], 235, 568, 571,595, 752
Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury Corporation [1948] 1 KB 223 331
Astec (BSR) plc, Re [1998] 2 BCLC 556 703
Atlantic Computer Systems plc, Re [1992] Ch 505 (CA) [16.04], 625, 630, 774, 781, 782
Atlantic Computers plc, Re (Ch, 15 June 1998) 296
Atlantic Medical Ltd, Re [1993] BCLC 386 625
Atlas Maritime Co SA v Avalon Maritime Ltd [1991] 4 All ER 769 52
Atlasview Ltd v Brightview Ltd [2004] EWHC 1056; [2004] 2 BCLC 191 (Ch) 687
Attorney General of Belize v Belize Telecom Ltd [2009] UKPC 10; [2009] BCC 433 (PC) 122, 185
Attorney General for Canada v Standard Trust Co of New York [1911] AC 498 438–439, 442
Attorney General for Hong Kong v Reid [1994] 1 AC 324 (PC) 368, 408, 428, 431, 432, 434, 455
Attorney General v Blake (Jonathan Cape Ltd, third party) [1998] Ch 439 392
Attorney General v Blake (Jonathan Cape Ltd, third party) [2001] 1 AC 268 (HL) 392, 401
Attorney General v Davy (1741) 2 Atk 212 [4.09], 193, 194
Attorney General v Great Eastern Rly Co (1880) 5 App Cas 473 (HL) 87, 88
Attorney General v Guardian Newspapers Ltd (No 2) [1990] 1 AC 109 417
Attorney General v Walkergate Press Ltd (1930) 142 LT 408 46
Attorney General’s Reference (No 2 of 1982), Re [1984] QB 624 (CA) 155, 157, 171, 172, 173
Attorney General’s Reference (No 3 of 1998), Re [2000] QB 401 (CA) 736
Attorney General’s Reference (No 2 of 1999), Re [2000] QB 796 145
Attwood v Maidment [2013] EWCA Civ 119 708
Atwool v Merryweather (1867) LR 5 Eq 464n (Court of Chancery) 437
Automatic Bottle Makers Ltd, Re [1926] Ch 412 (CA) 613
Automatic SelfCleansing Filter Syndicate Co Ltd v Cuninghame [1906] 2 Ch 34 (CA) [4.05], 44, 187, 188, 189, 191, 192, 335
Aveling Barford Ltd v Perion Ltd [1989] BCLC 626 (Ch) [10.14], 65, 276, 544, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 554
Ayala Holdings Ltd (No 2), Re [1996] 1 BCLC 467 816
Azevedo v Imcopa Importacao Exportaacao e Industria de Oleos Ltda [2012] EWHC 1839 (Comm); [2013] EWCA Civ 364 570, 571, 595
B v B (Matrimonial Proceedings: Discovery) [1978] Fam 181; [1979] 1 All ER 801 45
Baden Delvaux & Lecuit v Société Général pour Favoriser le Développement du Commerce et de l’Industrie en France SA [1983] BCLC
325; [1993] 1 WLR 509n 451
Badgerhill Properties Ltd v Cottrell [1991] BCLC 805 134
Baglan Hall Colliery Co, Re [1870] LR 5 Ch App 346 38
Bahia and San Francisco Rly Co, Re (1868) LR 3 QB 584 (Court of Queen’s Bench) [11.11], 577, 579
Bailey, Hay & Co Ltd, Re [1971] 1 WLR 1357 209
Baily v British Equitable Assurance Co [1904] 1 Ch 374 (CA) [3.18], 129, 221, 230
Baird Textile Holdings Ltd v Marks & Spencer plc [2001] EWCA Civ 274 737 292
Bairstow v Queens Moat Houses plc [2001] EWCA Civ 712; [2002] BCLC 91 547
Balkis Consolidated Co v Tomkinson [1893] AC 396 (HL) [11.12], 574, 579, 581
Balston Ltd v Headline Filters Ltd [1990] FSR 385 371, 373, 389, 396, 397, 398, 399
Baltic Real Estate Ltd (No 2), Re [1993] BCLC 503 696, 698
Bamford v Bamford [1970] Ch 212 (CA) [4.32], 95, 235, 239, 333, 337, 437, 669, 671, 672
Bank of Credit and Commerce International (Overseas) Ltd v Chief Akindele [2000] BCLC 968 (CA) 452
Bank of Credit and Commerce International (Overseas) Ltd v Price Waterhouse [1998] BCLC 617 (CA) 473
Bank of Credit and Commerce International SA (No 3), Re [1993] BCLC 1490 74
Bank of Credit and Commerce International SA (No 8), Re [1998] AC 214 (HL); [1996] Ch 245 (CA) 610
Bank of Credit and Commerce International SA (No 10), Re [1997] Ch 213 822
Bank of Credit and Commerce International SA (No 15), Re [2005] EWCA Civ 693; [2005] 2 BCLC 328 149
(p. xxxviii) Bank of Ireland (UK) plc v Jaffery [2012] EWHC 1377 (Ch) 452
Bank of Ireland v Evans’ Charities Trustees (1855) 5 HL Cas 389 581
Bank of Tokyo Ltd v Karoon [1987] AC 45n 70
Banque Bruxelles Lambert SA v Eagle Star Insurance Co Ltd [1997] AC 191 184, 475
Barclay Pharmaceutical Ltd, AAH Pharmaceuticals Ltd, AAH Ltd v Waypharm LP [2012] EWHC 306 (Comm) 143
Barclays Bank Ltd v Quistclose Investments Ltd [1970] AC 567 (HL) 632, 822
Barclays Bank Ltd v TOSG Trust Fund Ltd [1984] BCLC 1; [1984] 1 All ER 628 (CA), affd [1984] AC 626 (HL) 107
Barclays Bank plc v British & Commonwealth Holdings plc [1996] 1 BCLC 1 (CA) 276, 526, 551, 553, 822
Barclays Bank plc v Stuart Landon Ltd [2001] EWCA Civ 140; [2001] 2 BCLC 316 (CA) 603
Barings plc (No 4), Re [1999] 1 BCLC 262 302
Barings plc (No 5), Re [1999] 1 BCLC 433; [2000] 1 BCLC 523 (Ch and CA) [6.12], 295, 300, 303, 311, 348, 357, 358, 359
Barings plc, Re [1998] BCLC 583 294
Barings plc v Coopers & Lybrand (A Firm) [1997] 1 BCLC 427 (CA) 473
Barleycorn Enterprises Ltd, Re [1970] Ch 465 787
Barlow Clowes v Eurotrust International [2005] UKPC 37; [2006] 1 WLR 1476 452, 454
Barn Crown Ltd, Re [1994] 2 BCLC 186 810
Barnes v Addy (1874) 9 Ch App 244 (CA in Chancery) 453
Barnett v South London Tramways Co (1887) 18 QBD 815 (CA) 123
Barron v Potter [1914] 1 Ch 895 (Ch) [4.08], 179, 191, 192, 235, 284
Base Metal Trading Ltd v Shamurin [2004] EWCA Civ 1316 (CA) 284
Beattie v E & F Beattie Ltd [1938] Ch 708 256, 259
Bechuanaland Exploration Co v London Trading Bank [1898] 2 QB 658 597
Beckett Investment Management Group Ltd v Hall [2007] EWCA Civ 613; [2007] IRLR 793 70
Belfairs Management Ltd v Matthew Sutherland, Christie Jane Sutherland [2010] EWHC 2276 (Ch) 504
Bell Group Finance (Pty) Ltd v Bell Group (UK) Holdings Ltd [1996] 1 BCLC 304 792
Bell Houses Ltd v City Wall Properties Ltd [1966] 2 QB 656 88
Bell v Lever Bros Ltd [1932] AC 161 (HL) 372, 396, 404, 405, 406, 685
Belmont Finance Corpn Ltd v Williams Furniture Ltd [1979] Ch 250 (CA) [10.10], 157, 171, 172, 538, 540, 541
Belmont Finance Corpn Ltd v Williams Furniture Ltd (No 2) [1980] 1 All ER 393 93, 448, 531, 533
Belmont Park Investments Pty Ltd v BNY Corporate Trustee Services Ltd and Lehman Brothers Special Financing Inc [2011] UKSC
38 [16.18], 817, 821
Ben Hashem v Ali Shayif [2008] EWHC 2380 (Family Division) [2.11], 55
Benjamin Cope & Sons Ltd, Re [1914] 1 Ch 800 613
BentleyStevens v Jones [1974] 1 WLR 639 219
Berg, Sons & Co Ltd v Mervyn Hampton Adams [2002] Lloyd’s Rep PN 41 479, 480
Bermuda Cablevision Ltd v Colica Trust Co Ltd [1998] 1 BCLC 1 60
Bernard v AG of Jamaica [2004] UKPC 47; [2004] All ER (D) 96 (Oct); [2005] IRLR 398 136
Beswick v Beswick [1968] AC 58 (HL) 258
Bhullar v Bhullar [2003] EWCA Civ 424; [2003] 2 BCLC 241 (CA) [7.25], 249, 348, 371, 373, 434, 695
Bickland Ltd, Re [2012] EWHC 706 (Ch) 778
Biggerstaff v Rowatt’s Wharf Ltd [1896] 2 Ch 93 (CA) [12.11], 121, 613, 618
Bilta (UK) Ltd (In Liquidation) v Nazir [2012] EWHC 2163 (Ch) 174, 807
Birch v Cropper (1889) 14 App Cas 525 (HL) [11.02], 559
Bird Precision Bellows Ltd [1984] Ch 419, affd [1986] Ch 658 (CA) [13.31], 707, 711
Bisgood v Henderson’s Transvaal Estates Ltd [1908] 1 Ch 743 (CA) [15.01], 741
Bishopsgate Investment Management Ltd v Maxwell [1993] Ch 1; [1992] 2 All ER 856 (CA) 737, 823
Blackspur Group plc, Re [1998] 1 WLR 422 (CA) 294, 301, 302
Blair Open Hearth Furnace Co v Reigart (1913) 108 LT 665 191
Blue Arrow plc, Re [1987] BCLC 585 691
Bluebrook Ltd, Re [2009] EWHC 2114; [2010] 1 BCLC 338 (Ch) 745, 751, 822
BNY Corporate Trustee Services Ltd v EurosailUK 2007–3BL plc [2013] UKSC 28 794
Boardman v Phipps [1967] 2 AC 46 370, 372, 375, 380, 381, 382, 384, 386, 391, 394, 403, 404, 417, 422, 435
(p. xxxix) Bond Worth Ltd, Re [1980] 1 Ch 228 [12.07], 598, 607, 609, 624, 633
BonhamCarter v Situ Ventures Ltd [2012] EWHC 230 (Ch) 285
Borden (UK) Ltd v Scottish Timber Products Ltd [1981] Ch 25 634
Borland’s Trustee v Steel Bros & Co Ltd [1901] 1 Ch 279 (Ch) [9.01], 494, 556
Borrelli v Ting [2010] UKPC 21 245
Boschoek Pty Ltd v Fuke [1906] 1 Ch 148 (Ch) [4.31], 187, 199, 239
Boulting v Association of Cinematograph Television and Allied Technicians [1963] 2 QB 606 371
Bowman v Secular Society Ltd [1917] AC 406 (HL) [1.06], 24, 27, 29, 30
Bowthorpe Holdings Ltd v Hills [2002] EWHC 2331 (Ch); [2003] 1 BCLC 442, 443
Bradford Banking Co Ltd v Briggs, Son & Co Ltd (1886) 12 App Cas 29 589
Bradford Investments plc (No 2), Re [1991] BCLC 688 509, 511
Brady v Brady [1989] AC 755 (HL) [10.08], 6, 91, 235, 344, 529, 531, 532, 535, 536, 538, 745
Brandeaux Advisers (UK) Ltd v Chadwick [2010] EWHC 3241 342, 348, 349
Bratton Seymour Service Co Ltd v Oxborough [1992] BCLC 693 (CA) [4.02], 182, 185, 212
Bray v Ford [1895–99] All ER Rep 1009; [1896] AC 44 362, 370, 371
Braymist Ltd v Wise Finance Co Ltd [2002] EWCA Civ 127; [2002] Ch 273 (CA) 133
Brazilian Rubber Plantations and Estates Ltd, Re [1911] 1 Ch 425 355
Breckland Group Holdings Ltd v London & Suffolk Properties Ltd [1989] BCLC 100 (Ch) 189, 249, 636
Brenfield Squash Racquets Club Ltd, Re [1996] 2 BCLC 184 695
Brian D Pierson (Contractors) Ltd, Re [1999] BCC 26 816
Brickenden v London Loan & Savings Co (1934) 3 DLR 465 427
Brightlife Ltd, Re [1987] Ch 200 [12.12], 606, 609, 614, 615, 623
Brink’s Ltd v AbuSaleh [1995] 1 WLR 1478 456
Bristol & West Building Society v Mothew [1998] Ch 1 343, 413, 417
British & Commonwealth Holdings plc (No 3), Re [1992] BCLC 322 821
British & Commonwealth Holdings plc v Spicer and Oppenheim [1993] AC 426 823
British American Nickel Corpn Ltd v O’Brien [1927] AC 369 (PC) [11.06], 243, 519, 563, 567, 570, 595
British and American Trustee and Finance Corpn Ltd v Couper [1894] AC 399 515
British Bank of the Middle East v Sun Life Assurance Co of Canada (UK) Ltd [1983] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 9; [1983] BCLC 78 (HL) 120, 122
British Eagle International Air Lines Ltd v Cie Nationale Air France [1975] 1 WLR 758 (HL) [16.19], 818, 821, 822
British Equitable Assurance Co Ltd v Baily [1906] AC 35 (HL) [3.19], 129, 130
British India Steam Navigation Co v IRC (1881) 7 QBD 165 (QB) [12.02], 597
British Midland Tool Ltd v Midland International Tooling Ltd [2003] EWHC 466; [2003] 2 BCLC 523 (Ch) 342, 392, 395, 397, 398
British Murac Syndicate Ltd v Alperton Rubber Ltd [1915] 2 Ch 186 221
British Racing Drivers’ Club Ltd v Hextall Erskine and Co [1996] BCC 727; [1996] 3 All ER 667 (Ch) 6
British ThomsonHouston Co v Federated European Bank Ltd [1932] 2 KB 176 (CA) 111
British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, Re [1995] 2 BCLC 1 201
Broderip v Salomon [1895] 2 Ch 323 (Ch and CA) [2.02], 35, 36, 39
Brown v Bennett [1999] BCLC 525 456
Brown v Button [2011] EWHC 1034 (Ch) 450
Brown v Stott [2001] 2 All ER 97 737
Browne v La Trinidad (1887) 37 Ch D 1 (CA) 199, 254
Brownlow v GH Marshall Ltd [2000] 2 BCLC 655 701
Brumark Investments Ltd, Re see Agnew v Commissioner of Inland Revenue
BSB Holdings Ltd (No 2), Re [1996] 1 BCLC 155 339
BTR plc, Re [1999] 2 BCLC 675 [15.06], 747
Buchan v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry [1997] IRLR 80 43
Bugle Press Ltd, Re [1961] Ch 270 (CA) [15.12], 53, 67, 761, 762
Bumper Development Corpn Ltd v Metropolitan Police Comr [1991] 1 WLR 1362 (CA) 33
Burkinshaw v Nicolls (1878) 3 App Cas 1004 578
Burland v Earle [1902] AC 83 (PC) 216, 226, 241, 242, 364, 437, 543, 661
Bushell v Faith [1970] AC 1099 (HL) [6.02], 222, 247, 285, 287, 494, 557, 565, 566
(p. xl) Business Computers Ltd v AngloAfrican Leasing Ltd [1977] 1 WLR 578 617, 632
Byng v London Life Association Ltd [1990] Ch 170 (CA) [4.11], [4.12], 196, 197, 203
Cadbury Schweppes plc v Halifax Share Dealing Ltd [2006] EWHC 1184; [2007] 1 BCLC 497 (Ch) 580
Cade (JE) & Sons Ltd, Re [1992] BCLC 213 691, 694, 702, 803
Cadogan Petroleum plc v Tolley [2011] EWHC 2286 (Ch) 433, 434
Calcutta Jute Mills Co Ltd v Nicholson (1876) 1 Ex D 428 48
Cambridge Gas Transport Corpn v The Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors of Navigator Holdings plc [2006] UKPC 26; [2007] 1 AC
508 (PC) 16, 50
Campbell v Paddington Corpn [1911] 1 KB 869 (KBD) [3.20], 137, 151
Candlewood Navigation Corpn Ltd v Mitsui OSK Lines Ltd [1986] AC 1 (PC) 471
Cane v Jones [1980] 1 WLR 1451 (Ch) [4.17], 129, 210, 212, 284
Caparo Industries plc v Dickman [1990] 2 AC 605 (HL) [8.04], 169, 170, 171, 173, 465, 467, 470, 472, 473, 474, 475, 479, 480, 503, 775
Cape Breton Co, Re (1885) 29 Ch D 795 (CA), affd sub nom Cavendish Bentinck v Fenn (1887) 12 App Cas 652 (HL) 310, 412, 486, 487
Capitol Films Ltd, Re [2010] EWHC 3223 (Ch) 776, 777
Carecraft Construction Co Ltd, Re [1994] 1 WLR 172 295
Carlen v Drury (1812) 1 Ves & B 154 637
Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co [1893] 1 QB 256 (CA) 258, 259
Carreras Rothmans Ltd v Freeman Mathews Treasure Ltd [1985] Ch 207 822
Carruth v ICI Ltd [1937] AC 707 519
CAS (Nominees) Ltd v Nottingham Forest plc [2002] BCC 145 698
Castell and Brown Ltd, Re [1898] 1 Ch 315 (Ch) [12.10], 612, 613
Cathie v Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills [2012] EWCA Civ 739 307
Cavendish Bentinck v Fenn (1887) see Cape Breton Co, Re (1885)
Cayne v Global Natural Resources plc [1984] 1 All ER 245 (CA) 763
Cesena Sulphur Co v Nicholson (1876) 1 Ex D 428 48
Chandler v Cape plc [2012] EWCA Civ 525 55
Chapman JA and Co Ltd, Re (also known as SS Trade v Amiss) [2003] EWHC 532; [2003] 2 BCLC 206 (Ch) 296
Charge Card Services Ltd, Re [1987] Ch 150 610, 611
Charles Forte Investments Ltd v Amanda [1964] Ch 240 (CA) 791, 804
Charnley Davies Ltd (No 2), Re [1990] BCLC 760 (Ch) … [16.02], 664, 690, 774
Charterbridge Corpn Ltd v Lloyds Bank Ltd [1970] Ch 62 (Ch) [3.03], 69, 92, 94, 117, 340, 346
Charterhouse Investment Trust Ltd v Tempest Diesels Ltd [1986] BCLC 1 526, 529, 531
Chaston v SWP Group Ltd [2002] EWCA Civ 1999; [2003] 1 BCLC 675 [10.06], 526, 530
ChatterleyWhitfield Collieries Ltd, Re [1948] 2 All ER 593 (CA), affd [1949] AC 512 [10.02], 516, 517, 568
Cheah Theam Swee v Equiticorp Finance Group Ltd [1992] 1 AC 472 (PC) 613
Cherry v Boultbee (1838) 2 Keen 319; 48 ER 651 822
Chesterfield Catering Co Ltd, Re [1977] Ch 373 791
Chesterfield United Inc, Re [2012] EWHC 244 (Ch) 823
Chez Nico (Restaurants) Ltd, Re [1992] BCLC 192 323, 763
Cinematic Finance Ltd v Ryder [2010] All ER (D) 283 [13.03], 649, 651
Ciro Citterio Menswear Plc v Thakrar [2002] EWHC 662; [2002] 1 WLR 2217 [7.42], 447, 450
Citco Banking Corporation NV v Pusser’s Ltd [2007] UKPC 13; [2007] BCC 205 (PC) [4.24], 225, 227, 231, 233
Citizens’ Life Assurance Co Ltd v Brown [1904] AC 423 136
City Branch Group Ltd, Re [2004] EWCA Civ 815; [2005] 1 WLR 3505 (CA) [13.25], 685, 689
City Equitable Fire Insurance Co Ltd, Re [1925] Ch 407 (Ch) [7.19], 305, 353, 354, 361, 439, 445, 459
Clark Boyce v Mouat [1994] 1 AC 428 372
Clark v Cutland [2003] EWCA Civ 810; [2003] 2 BCLC 393 (CA) [3.12], 83, 118, 444
Clark v Urquhart [1930] AC 28 727
Clarke v Earl of Dunraven [1897] AC 59 (HL) 258, 259
Claybridge Shipping Co SA, Re [1997] 1 BCLC 572 (CA) 794
Clayton’s case (1816) All ER Rep 1; (1816) 1 Mer 572 620, 621
(p. xli) Clegg v Edmondson (1857) 8 De G M & G 787 417
Clemens v Clemens Bros Ltd [1976] 2 All ER 268 (Ch) [4.20], 217, 233, 234, 243, 244
Clydebank Football Club Ltd v Steedman 2002 SLT 109 544, 553
CMS Dolphin Ltd v Simonet [2001] 2 BCLC 704 [7.31], 330, 391, 392, 397, 399, 413, 457
Cohen v Selby [2001] 1 BCLC 176 (CA) 361
Cole, Re [1998] 2 BCLC 234, CA 808
Coleman Taymar Ltd v Oakes [2001] 2 BCLC 749 444, 446
Colin Gwyer & Associates Ltd v London Wharf (Limehouse) Ltd [2002] EWHC 2748 (Ch); [2003] BCC 885 344
Collen v Wright (1857) 8 E & B 647 133
Collins Stewart Ltd v Financial Times Ltd [2005] EWHC 262; [2006] STC 100 (QB) 77
Collins v Associated Greyhound Racecourses Ltd [1930] 1 Ch 1 500
Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs v Greener Solutions Ltd [2012] UKUT 18 (Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery
Chamber)) 164
Company, Re a (No 002567 of 1982) [1983] 1 WLR 927 800
Company, Re a (No 004475 of 1982) [1983] Ch 178 698
Company, Re a [1985] BCLC 333 (CA) 55, 64
Company, Re a (No 005287) [1986] 1 WLR 281 687, 688
Company, Re a [1986] BCLC 376 692
Company, Re a [1986] BCLC 382 697
Company, Re a [1987] 1 WLR 102; [1987] BCLC 94 696
Company, Re a [1987] BCLC 82 671
Company, Re a (1988) 4 BCLC 506 543
Company, Re a, ex p Glossop [1988] 1 WLR 1068 697
Company, Re a, ex p Johnson [1992] BCLC 701 688
Company, Re a, ex p Schwarcz (No 2) [1989] BCLC 427 696
Company, Re a, ex p Shooter [1990] BCLC 384 695
Company, Re a (No 007623 of 1984) [1986] BCLC 362 696
Company, Re a (No 007828 of 1985) (1986) 2 BCC 98951 687
Company, Re a (No 008699 of 1985) [1986] BCLC 383 (Ch) [15.13], 325, 669, 763, 764
Company, Re a (No 003843 of 1986) [1987] BCLC 562 696
Company, Re a (No 004377 of 1986) [1987] 1 WLR 102 696
Company, Re a (No 006834 of 1988) (1989) 5 BCLC 218 709
Company, Re a (No 00709 of 1992) [1999] 1 WLR 1092 712
Company, Re a (No 00836 of 1995) [1996] 2 BCLC 192 696, 697
Inquiry under the Company Securities (Insider Dealing) Act 1985, Re [1988] AC 660 (HL) 737
Compaq Computers Ltd v Abercorn Group Ltd [1993] BCLC 602 634
Consumer and Industrial Press Ltd, Re [1988] BCLC 177 772
Continental Tyre and Rubber Co (Great Britain) Ltd v Daimler Co Ltd [1915] 1 KB 893 (CA) [2.13], 54, 57, 59
Conway v Ratiu [2005] EWCA Civ 1302; [2006] 1 All ER 571 53
Cook v Deeks [1916] 1 AC 554; (PC) [7.22], 242, 243, 363, 368, 369, 370, 371, 373, 400, 401, 402, 412, 413, 421, 435, 437, 486, 549, 661
Coroin Ltd, Re [2011] EWHC 3466 (Ch), affd [2012] EWCA Civ 179 [9.02], 183, 497
Coroin Ltd, Re [2012] EWHC 2343 (Ch) 690, 698, 706
Cosslett (Contractors) Ltd, Re [1998] Ch 495 (CA) [12.08], 602, 608, 626, 631
Cotman v Brougham [1918] AC 514 (HL) 24, 88, 93, 94
Cotronic (UK) Ltd v Dezonie [1991] BCLC 721 (CA) 132, 134
Cowan de Groot Properties Ltd v Eagle Trust plc [1991] BCLC 1045 410
Cox v Cox [2006] EWHC 1077 (Ch) 443
CravenEllis v Canons Ltd [1936] 2 KB 403 (CA) [5.02], 270, 272, 273
Cream Holdings Ltd v Stuart Davenport [2010] EWHC 3096 (Ch) 216, 250
Creasey v Breachwood Motors Ltd [1993] BCLC 480 54
Crigglestone Coal Co Ltd, Re [1906] 2 Ch 327; [1906] 2 Ch 327 792
Criterion Properties plc v Stratford UK Properties LLC [2004] UKHL 28; [2004] BCLC 570; [2004] 1 WLR 1846
(HL) [3.13], 112, 118, 122, 327, 337, 777
Croftbell Ltd, Re [1990] BCLC 844 780
Cuckmere Brick Co Ltd v Mutual Finance Ltd [1971] Ch 949 (CA) 774, 784, 785, 787
(p. xlii) Cumana Ltd, Re [1986] BCLC 430 697, 712
Cumbrian Newspapers Group Ltd v Cumberland and Westmorland Herald Newspaper and Printing Co Ltd [1987] Ch 1
(Ch) [11.05], 200, 222, 564
Cunnack v Edwards [1896] 2 Ch 679 28
Currencies Direct Ltd v Ellis [2002] EWCA Civ 779; [2002] 2 BCLC 482 450
Curtain Dream plc, Re [1990] BCLC 925 606
Curtis v Pulbrook [2011] EWHC 167 (Ch); [2011] 1 BCLC 638 577, 586
Cyclists’ Touring Club, Re [1907] 1 Ch 269 220
D and L Caterers Ltd and Jackson v D’Ajou [1945] KB 364 (CA) 46
Dadourian Groupinternational Inc v Simms [2006] EWHC 2973 (Ch) 55, 56
Dafen Tinplate Co Ltd v Llanelly Steel Co (1907) Ltd [1920] 2 Ch 124 (Ch) [4.25], 225, 225, 226, 227, 232, 293
Daimler Co Ltd v Continental Tyre & Rubber Co (Great Britain) Ltd [1916] 2 AC 307 (HL) [2.12], 47, 48, 52, 53, 54, 57, 60
DaisytekISA Ltd, Re [2003] BCC 562 16, 50
Daniels v Daniels [1978] Ch 406 242, 357, 368, 437, 661, 700
Darby, ex p Brougham, Re [1911] 1 KB 95 (KBD) [2.16], 53, 64, 486
Davenport v Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (Commercial Court, unreported) 307
David Massey v Financial Services Authority [2011] UKUT 49 (Tax and Chancery Chamber) 730
David Payne & Co Ltd, Re [1904] 2 Ch 608 (CA) 93, 94, 116, 117, 157
Dawes & Henderson (Agencies) Ltd (No.2), Re [1999] 2 BCLC 317 302
Dawson International plc v Coats Patons plc (1988) 4 BCC 305 (Court of Session) [14.13], 202, 763, 764
Dawson Print Group Ltd, Re [1987] BCLC 601 298, 300, 325
Day v Cook [2001] EWCA Civ 592; [2002] 1 BCLC 1(CA) 679
De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd v Howe [1906] AC 455 (HL) [2.10], 48, 51
Dean v John Menzies (Holdings) Ltd 1981 SLT 50 46
Dean v MacDowell (1877) 8 Ch D 345 377
Dear v Jackson [2013] EWCA Civ 89 287
Dean v Prince [1954] Ch 409 (CA) [11.19], 591
Denham & Co, Re (1883) 25 Ch 361
Derry v Peek (1889) 14 App Cas 337 502
Deutsche Genossenschaftsbank v Burnhope [1995] 1 WLR 1580 (HL) 161
Devlin v Slough Estates Ltd [1983] BCLC 497 670
DHN Food Distributors Ltd v Tower Hamlets London Borough Council [1976] 1 WLR 852 (CA) [2.18], 54, 62, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72
Diamantides v JP Morgan Chase Bank [2005] EWCA Civ 1612 53
Dimbleby & Sons Ltd v National Union of Journalists [1984] 1 WLR 427 (HL) 54, 70
Dimbula Valley (Ceylon) Tea Co Ltd v Laurie [1961] Ch 353 542, 548
Director General of Fair Trading v Pioneer Concrete (UK) Ltd [1995] 1 AC 456 (HL) 137, 149, 152, 159, 160
D’Jan of London Ltd, Re [1994] 1 BCLC 561 (Ch) [7.20], 212, 242, 353, 355, 438, 444
DKG Contractors Ltd, Re [1990] BCC 903 816
Docker v Somes (1834) 39 ER 1095 416
Dorchester Finance Co Ltd v Stebbing (1977), reported [1989] BCLC 498 358, 444
Dorman Long & Co Ltd, Re [1934] Ch 635 (Ch) [4.14], 204, 751
Double S Printers Ltd, Re [1999] 1 BCLC 220 624
Dovey v Cory [1901] AC 477 (HL) 548
Downsview Nominees Ltd v First City Corpn Ltd [1993] AC 295 [16.05], 779, 782, 785, 786
DPP v Kent and Sussex Contractors Ltd [1944] KB 146 (KBD) [3.26], 149, 150, 151, 153
DR Chemicals Ltd, Re (1988) 5 BCC 39 711
Drayne v McKillen [2011] EWHC 3326 (QB) 589
Driffield Gas Light Co, Re [1898] 1 Ch 451 507
Drive Yourself Hire Co (London) Ltd v Strutt [1954] 1 QB 250 (CA) 258
Dubai Aluminium Company Ltd v Salaam [2002] UKHL 48; [2003] 2 AC 366 [3.21], 136, 138
Duckwari plc, Re [1999] Ch 253; [1998] 2 BCLC 315 (CA) [7.41], 447, 448
Duke v GEC Reliance Ltd [1988] AC 618 (HL) 8
Duncuft v Albrecht (1841) 12 Sim 189, 59 ER 1104 585
Duomatic Ltd, Re [1969] 2 Ch 365 [4.15], 202, 206, 211, 213, 285, 356, 438, 442
Dyment v Boyden [2004] EWCA Civ 1586; [2005] 1 WLR 792 (CA) 532
(p. xliii) E Pfeiffer WeinkellereiWeineinkauf GmbH & Co v Arbuthnot Factors Ltd [1988] 1 WLR 150; [1987] BCLC 522 634
Earl of Carnarvon’s Chesterfield Settled Estates, Re [1927] 1 Ch 138 46
Earl of Lucan, Re (1890) 45 Ch D 470 598
Ebrahimi v Westbourne Galleries Ltd [1973] AC 360
(HL) [16.13], 53, 216, 218, 243, 257, 691, 701, 703, 704, 708, 709, 791, 795, 797, 799, 800, 802, 803
Edenwest Ltd v CMS Cameron McKenna [2012] EWHC 1258 9 (Ch) 779
Edmunds v Brown and Tillard (1668) 1 Lev 237 52
Edwards v Halliwell [1950] 2 All ER 1064 (CA) 640, 670, 671
EIC Services Ltd v Phipps [2003] EWHC 1507; [2003] 1 WLR 2360 (Ch); reversed [2004] EWCA Civ 1069; [2005] 1 WLR
1377 [3.06], 104, 548
El Ajou v Dollar Land Holdings Ltd [1994] 1 BCLC 464 (CA) 156, 157
Eley v Positive Government Security Life Assurance Co Ltd (1876) 1 Ex D 88 (CA) [4.36], 252, 252, 254, 565, 670
Elgindata Ltd, Re [1991] BCLC 959 (Ch) [13.27], 354, 698, 700, 712
Elgindata Ltd, Re [1992] 1 WLR 1207; [1993] BCLC 119 683
Elliott v Planet Organic Ltd [2000] BCC 610 711
Emmadart Ltd, Re [1979] Ch 540 189
Enviroco Ltd v Farstad Supply A/S [2011] UKSC 16, [2011] 1 WLR 921 23, 282
Equitable Life Assurance Society, Re [2002] EWHC 140; [2002] BCC 319 [15.09], 750, 751
Equitable Life Assurance Society v Bowley [2003] EWHC 2263; [2004] 1 BCLC 180 267
Equitable Life Assurance Society v Ernst and Young [2003] EWCA Civ 1114; [2003] 2 BCLC 603 467
Equitable Life Assurance Society v Hyman [2002] 1 AC 408 (HL) [4.03], 130, 184, 216, 250
Erlanger v New Sombrero Phosphate Co (1878) 3 App Cas 1218 (HL) [8.06], 412, 482, 486
Erlson Precision Holdings Ltd (formerly GG132 Ltd) v Hampson Industries plc [2011] EWHC 1137 (Comm) 503
Ernest v Nicholls (1857) 6 HL Cas 401 (HL) 128
Essex Aero Ltd v Cross [1961] Bar Library Transcript No 388 of 1961 (CA) 539, 540
Estmanco (Kilner House) Ltd v Greater London Council [1982] 1 WLR 2 (Ch) 645
Euro Brokers Holdings Ltd v Monecor (London) Ltd [2003] EWCA Civ 105; [2003] 1 BCLC 506 (CA); [2004] EWCA Civ 1069; [2005] 1 WLR
1377 [4.16], 209, 245, 670
Eurofinance Group Ltd, Re [2001] BCC 551 692
European Ventures LLP v Mankarious [2013] EWCA Civ 17 433
Evans (C) & Son Ltd v Spritebrand Ltd [1985] 1 WLR 317 142
Evans v British Granite Quarries Ltd [1910] 2 KB 979 (CA) [12.06], 607
Everet v Williams (1725), noted (1893) 9 LQR 197 169
Exchange Banking Co, Re (Flitcroft’s Case) (1882) 21 Ch D 519 (CA) [10.13], 238, 478, 542, 546, 547
Exeter City Council v Bairstow [2007] EWHC 400 (Ch) 777
Express Engineering Works Ltd, Re [1920] 1 Ch 466 (CA) 206, 207, 238, 439, 442
Exxon Corpn v Exxon Insurance Consultants International Ltd [1982] Ch 119 26
F&C Alternative Investments (Holdings) Ltd v Barthelemy [2011] EWHC 1731; [2012] Ch 613 (Ch) 688
Fairline Shipping Corp v Adamson [1975] QB 180 142
Fanmailuk v Cooper [2008] EWHC 2198 (Ch) 651
Farrow’s Bank Ltd, Re [1921] 2 Ch 164 789
Fearns v AngloDutch Paints & Chemical Co Ltd [2010] EWHC 2366 (Ch) 822
FG (Films) Ltd, Re [1953] 1 WLR 483 (Ch) [2.14], 39, 52, 53, 61, 69, 77
FHR European Ventures LLP v Mankarious [2013] EWCA Civ 17 433, 435
Fiona Trust & Holding Corporation v Privalov [2011] EWHC 664 (Comm) 419
Fiona Trust & Holding Corporation v Privalov [2010] EWHC 3199 (Comm) 457
Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co Ltd v Lewellin [1957] 1 WLR 464 (HL) 62, 69
First Energy (UK) Ltd v Hungarian International Bank Ltd [1993] BCLC 1409 (CA) 122, 584
Fiske Nominees Ltd v Dwyka Diamond Ltd [2002] EWHC 770; [2002] 2 BCLC 123 (Ch) 763
Five Minute Car Wash Service Ltd, Re [1966] 1 WLR 745 698
Floor Fourteen Ltd, Re Lewis v IRC [2001] 2 BCLC 392 (CA) 820
(p. xliv) Folgate London Market Ltd v Chaucer Insurance plc [2011] EWCA Civ 328 818
Fort Gilkicker Ltd, Re [2013] EWHC 348 (Ch) 647, 649
Foskett v McKeown [2001] 1 AC 102 429, 433
Foss v Harbottle (1843) 2 Hare 461
(Ch) [13.01], 52, 60, 191, 229, 235, 243, 257, 276, 509, 564, 637, 639, 640, 641, 661, 666, 667, 669, 670, 671, 672, 673, 695
Foster Bryant Surveying Ltd v Bryant, Savernake Property Consultants Ltd [2007] EWCA Civ 200; [2007] BCC 804
(CA) [7.29], 388, 389, 399, 457, 473
Foster v Foster [1916] 1 Ch 532 192
Franbar Holdings Ltd v Casualty Plus Ltd [2010] EWHC 1164 (Ch), affd [2011] EWCA Civ 60 210
Franbar Holdings Ltd v Patel [2008] EWHC 1534; [2009] 1 BCLC 1
(Ch) [13.08], [13.12], [13.13], 242, 437, 647, 653, 654, 656, 657, 659, 659, 662, 665, 700
Freeman and Lockyer v Buckhurst Park Properties (Mangal) Ltd [1964] 2 QB 480 (CA) [3.08], 108, 113, 114, 122, 124, 127
Freeman v Cooke (1848) 2 Exch 654 578
Freevale Ltd v Metrostores (Holdings) Ltd [1984] Ch 199 781
Freudiana Music Co Ltd, Re (1993) (Ch, 24 March 1993) 683
Fulham Football Club (1987) Ltd v Richards [2011] EWCA Civ 855; [2012] Ch 333 712, 790
Fulham Football Club (1987) Ltd v Tigana [2004] EWHC 2585 (Ch) 341
Fulham Football Club Ltd v Cabra Estates plc [1994] 1 BCLC 363 (CA) [7.18], 351
Fundy Settlement v Canada 2012 SCC 14 51
Galoo Ltd v Bright Grahame Murray [1994] 1 WLR 1360 (CA) 472, 476
Gamlestaden Fastigheter AB v Baltic Partners Ltd [2007] UKPC 26 (PC) [13.26], 692
Gardner v Parker [2004] EWCA Civ 781; [2004] 2 BCLC 554 680
Gasque v IRC [1940] 2 KB 80 (KBD) [2.09], 47
Gatnom Capital & Finance Ltd, Re [2010] EWHC 3353 (Ch) 769
Geldof Constructive NV v Simon Carves Ltd [2010] EWCA Civ 667 822
Gencor ACP Ltd v Dalby [2000] 2 BCLC 734 57, 67, 401
George Barker Ltd v Eynon [1974] 1 WLR 462 (CA) [12.15], 618
George Newman & Co, Re [1895] 1 Ch 674 206, 207, 553
George Whitechurch Ltd v Cavanagh [1902] AC 117 (HL) 123, 581
Gerber Garment Technology Inc v Lectra Systems Ltd [1997] RPC 443 676, 679
German Date Coffee Co, Re (1882) 20 Ch D 169 (CA) 791, 796
Gerrard & Son Ltd, Re [1968] Ch 455 (Ch) [8.03], 469
Gething v Kilner [1972] 1 WLR 337 763
Ghassemian v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry [2006] EWHC 1715; [2007] BCC 229 (Ch) 307
GHLM Trading Ltd v Maroo [2012] EWHC 61 (Chancery Division) [7.17], 327, 349
Giles v Rhind [2002] EWCA Civ 1428; [2003] Ch 618 (CA) [13.23], 250, 677, 680, 681, 787
Gilford Motor Co Ltd v Horne [1933] Ch 935 (CA) [2.17], 53, 56, 57, 65, 67, 75, 318, 551
Glatt v Sinclair [2011] EWCA Civ 1317 787
Globespan Airways Ltd (In Liquidation), Re [2012] EWCA Civ 1159 716, 806
Gluckstein v Barnes [1900] AC 240 (HL) [8.07], 412, 483
Gold Coast Selection Trust Ltd v Humphrey [1948] AC 459 593
Goodfellow v Nelson Line [1912] 2 Ch 324 567, 570
Grace v Biagioli [2005] EWCA Civ 1222; [2006] BCC 85 (CA) 695
Graff v Evans (1882) 8 QBD 373 63
Gramophone and Typewriter Co Ltd v Stanley [1908] 2 KB 89 (CA) [2.05], 43, 61, 62, 69, 189
Grant v United Kingdom Switchback Railways Co (1888) 40 Ch D 135 (CA) [4.29], 212, 236
Gray v GTP Group Ltd [2010] EWHC 1772 (Ch) 631
Gray v News Group Newspapers Ltd [2012] 2 WLR 848, CA 737
Grayan Building Services Ltd, Re [1995] Ch 241 300, 302
Gray’s Inn Construction Co Ltd, Re [1980] 1 WLR 711 (CA) [16.14], 809, 810
Grays Timber Products Ltd v Commissioners for HM Revenue and Customs [2010] UKSC 4 567
Green v Walkling [2007] EWHC 3251 (Ch) 444
Greenhalgh v Arderne Cinemas Ltd [1946] 1 All ER 512 (CA) [11.09], 232, 564, 572
Greenhalgh v Arderne Cinemas Ltd [1951] Ch 286 (CA) [4.27], 218, 219, 225, 226, 227, 232, 233, 712
Greenhalgh v Mallard [1943] 2 All ER 234 (CA) 497
(p. xlv) Grierson, Oldham and Adams Ltd, Re [1968] Ch 17; [1967] 1 All ER 192 (Ch) [15.11], 593, 760
Griffith v Paget (1877) 5 Ch D 894 (Ch) 743
Guardian Assurance Co, Re [1917] 1 Ch 431 744
Guidezone Ltd, Re [2000] 2 BCLC 321 690
Guinness plc v Saunders [1990] 2 AC 663 (HL) [5.01], 83, 108, 114, 118, 270, 273, 284, 410, 422, 435, 444, 446, 450
Guinness v Land Corpn of Ireland (1822) 22 Ch D 349 (CA) 25
Gwembe Valley Development Co Ltd v Koshy (No 3) [2003] EWCA Civ 1478; [2004] 1 BCLC 131
(CA) [7.37], 352, 417, 422, 435, 436, 445, 450
H, Re [1996] AC 563 300
H (Restraint Order: Realisable Property), Re [1996] 2 BCLC 500 65, 401
Hague v Nam Tai Electronics [2008] UKPC 13; [2008] BCC 295 (PC) 776
Halcrow Holdings Ltd, Re [2011] EWHC 3662 (Ch) 751
Halesowen Presswork Assemblies Ltd v Westminster Bank Ltd [1971] 1 QB 1; [1972] AC 785 610
Halt Garage (1964) Ltd, Re [1982] 3 All ER 1016
(Ch) [5.03], 94, 117, 118, 208, 243, 274, 276, 325, 329, 337, 338, 437, 544, 548, 549, 550, 551, 553, 554, 816
Halton International Inc (Holdings) Sarl v Guernroy Ltd [2005] EWHC 1968; [2006] 1 BCLC 78 (Ch) 216
Hampshire Land Co, Re [1896] 2 Ch 743 [3.31], 116, 157, 162, 163, 164, 167, 169, 170, 171, 173, 174, 348, 474, 479
Hampstead Garden Suburb Trust Ltd, Re [1962] Ch 806 220
Harborne Road Nominees Ltd v Karvaski [2011] EWHC 2214 (Ch) 706
Hardoon v Belilios [1901] AC 118, PC 585
Harman v BML Group Ltd [1994] 1 WLR 893; [1994] 2 BCLC 674 200, 202
Harold Holdsworth & Co (Wakefield) Ltd v Caddies [1955] 1 WLR 352 (HL) 71, 114, 152, 281, 291
Harris Simons Construction Ltd, Re [1989] 1 WLR 368 [16.01], 772
Harrison JJ (Properties) Ltd v Harrison [2001] EWCA Civ 1467; [2002] 1 BCLC 162 (CA) [7.36], 41, 412, 419, 436, 455, 547
Harrison, ex p Jay, Re (1879) 14 Ch D 19 (CA) [16.17], 817, 818
Harvard Securities Ltd, Re [1997] 2 BCLC 369 493, 586
Hawk Insurance Co Ltd, Re [2001] 2 BCLC 675; [2002] BCC 300 (CA) [15.07], 745, 748
Hawkes v Cuddy [2009] EWCA Civ 291; [2009] 2 BCLC 427 695, 803
Hawks v McArthur [1951] 1 All ER 22 (Ch) [11.18], 217, 586, 588, 589
Hazell v Hammersmith and Fulham London Borough Council [1992] 2 AC 1 (HL) 87
Health and Safety Executive Northern Ireland v JMW Farms Ltd, unreported 8 May 2012 (Crown Ct (Belfast)) 146
Healthcare Management Services Ltd v Catermark Properties Ltd [2012] EWHC 1693 (Ch) 771
Hedley Byrne & Co Ltd v Heller & Partners Ltd [1964] AC 465 (HL) 140, 143, 316, 458, 471, 503, 579
Hellenic & General Trust Ltd, Re [1976] 1 WLR 123 (Ch) [15.05], 568, 573, 746, 747, 751, 752
HelyHutchinson v Brayhead Ltd [1968] 1 QB 549 (Ch and CA) [3.09], 96, 113, 114, 115, 121, 127, 273, 410
Henderson v Merrett Syndicates Ltd [1995] 2 AC 145 (HL) 319, 381, 413, 775
Hendy Lennox (Industrial Engines) Ltd v Grahame Puttick Ltd [1984] 1 WLR 485 634
Henry Head & Co Ltd v Ropner Holdings Ltd [1952] Ch 124 (Ch) [9.07], 507, 508
Henshall John (Quarries) Ltd v Harvey [1965] 2 QB 233; [1965] 1 All ER 725 151
Heron International Ltd v Lord Grade [1983] BCLC 244; [1982] Com LR 108 (CA) [7.07], 157, 324, 325, 557, 763
Hichens v Congreve (1831) 4 Sim 420 485
Hickman v Kent or Romney Marsh SheepBreeders’ Association [1915] 1 Ch 881 (Ch) [4.37], 250, 251, 253, 255, 256, 258, 259, 282
Higinbotham v Holme 19 Ves Jun 88 818
Hilder v Dexter [1902] AC 474 (HL) [9.06], 507
Hill and Tyler Ltd (In Administration), Re [2004] EWHC 1261; [2005] 1 BCLC 41 [10.09], 536
Hivac Ltd v Park Royal Scientific Instruments Ltd [1946] Ch 169; [1946] 1 All ER 350 (CA) 395
HL Bolton (Engineering) (HL) Ltd v TJ Graham & Sons Ltd [1957] 1 QB 159 (CA) [3.25], 148, 152, 153
Hogg v Cramphorn Ltd [1967] Ch 254 (Ch) [7.11], 235, 240, 332, 343, 437, 763
Holders Investment Trust Ltd, Re [1971] 1 WLR 583 (Ch) [10.04], 243, 518, 563, 568, 752
Hollicourt (Contracts) Ltd v Bank of Ireland [2001] Ch 555 (CA) 810
(p. xlvi) Holroyd v Marshall (1862) 10 HL Cas 191 598
Home & Office Fire Extinguishers Ltd, Re [2012] EWHC 917 (Ch) 697, 710
Home and Colonial Insurance Co Ltd, Re [1930] 1 Ch 102 804
Home Treat Ltd, Re [1991] BCLC 705 212
Hopkins v TL Dallas Group Ltd [2004] EWHC 1379; [2005] 1 BCLC 543 (Ch) [3.10], 115, 121
Horsley & Weight Ltd, Re [1982] Ch 442 (CA) [4.30], 91, 95, 135, 208, 237, 325, 437, 438, 439, 440, 442, 816
Houghton (JC) & Co v Norhard, Lowe & Wills Ltd [1927] 1 KB 246 (CA) 111, 112, 127, 156, 157, 167
Houldsworth v City of Glasgow Bank (1880) 5 App Cas 317 (HL) 503
House of Fraser plc v ACGE Investments Ltd [1987] AC 387; [1987] BCLC 478 (HL) 518, 573
Howard Smith Ltd v Ampol Petroleum Ltd [1974] AC 821 (PC) [7.12], 33, 333, 337, 340, 437, 671
Howard v Patent Ivory Manufacturing Co (1888) 38 Ch D 156 (Ch) 126
HR Harmer Ltd, Re [1959] 1 WLR 62 (CA) 280, 670, 685, 687, 695
Humberclyde Finance Group Ltd v Hicks [2001] All ER (D) 202 680
Hunter Kane Ltd v Watkins [2002] EWHC 186 (Ch) 389
Hunter v Moss [1994] 1 WLR 452 (CA) 586
Hussain v Wycombe Islamic Mission and Mosque Trust Ltd [2011] EWHC 971 (Ch) 201, 209
Hutton v Scarborough Cliff Hotel Co Ltd (1865) 2 Drew & Sm 514 558
Hutton v West Cork Railway Co (1883) 23 Ch D 654 270, 274, 320
Hydrodam (Corby) Ltd, Re [1994] 2 BCLC 180 [7.12], 312, 313, 314, 316, 317
Iesini v Westrip Holdings Ltd [2009] EWHC 2526 (Ch Companies
Court) [13.02], [13.04], [13.10], 641, 649, 651, 652, 656, 664, 665, 682, 712
Ilife News & Media Ltd v Revenue and Customs Commissioners [2012] UKFTT 696 (First Tier Tribunal (Tax Chamber)) 554
Illingworth v Houldsworth [1904] AC 355 (HL) [12.05], 606
Imperial Hydropathic Hotel Co Blackpool v Hampson (1882) 23 Ch D 1 (CA) [4.04], 186, 239, 255, 256
In Plus Group Ltd v Pyke [2002] EWCA Civ 370; [2002] BCLC 201 [7.33], 372, 389, 392, 393, 394, 399, 405, 413
Industrial Development Consultants Ltd v Cooley [1972] 1 WLR 443 330, 348, 371, 374, 375, 376, 384, 388, 391, 396, 400
Instant Access Properties Ltd, Re [2011] EWHC 3022 (Ch) 296
Integrated Medical Solutions Ltd, Re [2012] BCC 215 16
Interedil Srl v Fallimento Interedil Srl (Case C396/09) [2012] BCC 851 16
International Credit and Investment Co (Overseas) Ltd v Adham [1998] BCLC 134 65
International Leisure Ltd v First National Trustee Co ltd [2012] EWHC 1971 (Ch) 681, 787
International Sales and Agencies Ltd v Marcus [1982] 3 All ER 551; [1982] 2 CMLR 46 (QB) 549
Introductions Ltd, Re also known as Introductions Ltd v National Provincial Bank Ltd, Re [1970] Ch 199
(CA) [3.02], 88, 90, 91, 92, 94, 95, 212
Investment Trust Corpn Ltd v Singapore Traction Co Ltd [1935] Ch 615 557
Investors Compensation Scheme Ltd v West Bromwich Building Society [1998] 1 WLR 896 186
Irvine v Union Bank of Australia (1877) 2 App Cas 366 (PC) 124, 237, 239
Island Export Finance Ltd v Umunna [1986] BCLC 460 388, 399
Isle of Wight Rly Co v Tahourdin (1883) 25 Ch D 320 (CA) 188, 189, 192
Item Software (UK) Ltd v Fassihi [2004] EWCA Civ 1244; [2005] 2 BCLC 91 (CA) [7.16], 340, 341, 346, 349, 350, 365, 372, 395, 397, 398
It’s a Wrap (UK) Ltd (In Liquidation) v Gula [2006] EWCA Civ 544; [2006] BCLC 634 (CA) [10.12], 545
Jacobus Marler Estates Ltd v Marler (1913) 85 LJPC 167n (PC) 364, 454, 486
JafariFini v Skillglass Ltd [2007] EWCA Civ 261 161
Jarvis decd, Re [1958] 1 WLR 815 417
Jeffcock’s Trust, Re (1882) 51 LJ Ch 507 46
Jenks Sales Brokers Ltd (In Administration), Re [2011] EWHC 905 (Ch) 633
Jennings v Crown Prosecution Service [2008] UKHL 29; [2008] AC 1046 55
John Crowther Group plc v Carpets International plc [1990] BCLC 460 352
John Shaw & Sons (Salford) Ltd v Shaw [1935] 2 KB 113 (CA) [4.07], 190, 337, 412, 583, 636
Johnson (B) & Co (Builders) Ltd, Re [1955] Ch 634 784
(p. xlvii) Johnson v Gore Wood and Co [2002] 2 AC 1 (HL) [13.22], 250, 639, 663, 674, 677, 678, 679, 680, 681
Johnson v Gore Wood and Co [2003] EWCA Civ 1728 467
Jones v Lipman [1962] 1 WLR 832 56, 57, 66, 67, 551
JT Firth Ltd, Re [2012] EWHC 196 (Ch) 788
Kaupthing Singer and Friedlander Ltd, Re [2010] EWCA Civ 518 822
Kaupthing Singer and Friedlander Ltd, Re [2011] UKSC 48 822
Kaye v Croydon Tramways Co [1898] 1 Ch 358 436
Kayford Ltd, Re [1975] 1 WLR 279 822
Kaytech International plc, Re [1999] 2 BCLC 351 314, 317
Keech v Sandford (1726) Sel Cas Ch 61 366, 367, 371, 379, 382, 385, 404, 411, 430, 431, 455
Keenan Bros Ltd, Re [1986] BCLC 242 624, 628, 629
Keighley Maxsted & Co v Durant [1901] AC 240, HL 83
Kelly v Inflexion Fund 2 Ltd [2010] EWHC 2850 (Ch) 788
Kelner v Baxter (1866) LR 2 CP 174 (Court of Common Pleas) 132
Kiani v Cooper [2010] EWHC 577 [13.11], [13.14], [13.18], 657, 663, 666
Kingston Cotton Mill Co (No 2), Re [1896] 2 Ch 279 (CA) [8.02], 469, 470, 554
Kitson & Co Ltd, Re [1946] 1 All ER 435 (CA) [16.11], 796
Kleanthous v Paphitis [2011] EWHC 2287 [13.06], [13.16], 652, 664
Kleinwort Benson Ltd v Malaysia Mining Corpn Bhd [1989] 1 WLR 379 (CA) 73
Kleinwort, Sons & Co v Associated Automatic Machine Corpn Ltd (1934) 50 TLR 244 (HL) 581
Knight v Frost [1999] 1 BCLC 364 436, 486
Knott v Cottee (1852) 16 Beav 77 449
Knowles v Scott [1891] 1 Ch 717 804
Kreditbank Cassel GmbH v Schenkers Ltd [1927] 1 KB 826 111
Kuenigl v Donnersmarck [1955] 1 QB 515 (QBD) [2.08], 47, 54
Kuwait Asia Bank EC v National Mutual Life Nominees Ltd [1991] 1 AC 187 (PC) [7.45], 173, 325, 329, 331, 351, 458
Kyrris v Oldham [2004] BCC 111 (CA) 775
La Seda De Barcelona SA, Re [2010] EWHC 1364 (Ch); [2011] 1 BCLC 555 751
Lacontha Foundation v GBI Investments Ltd [2010] EWHC 37 (Ch) 794
Ladies’ Dress Association Ltd, Re [1900] 2 QB 376; 69 LJ QB 705 221
Lady Gwendolen, The [1965] P 294 (CA) 151, 154
Ladywell Mining Co v Brookes (1887) 35 Ch D 400 (CA) 486
Landhurst Leasing plc, Re [1999] 1 BCLC 286 (Ch) [6.13], 300, 305, 357
Lands Allotment Co, Re [1894] 1 Ch 616 (CA) 448
Langreen Ltd, Re, Unreported, 21 October 2011 264
Law Society of England and Wales v Habitable Concepts Ltd [2010] EWHC 1449 (Ch) 65
Lebon v Aqua Salt Co Ltd [2009] UKPC 2; [2009] BCC 425 (PC) 156, 161
Lee Panavision Ltd v Lee Lighting Ltd [1992] BCLC 22; [1991] BCC 620 (CA) 352
Lee v Chou Wen Hsien [1984] 1 WLR 1202; [1985] BCLC 45 669, 671
Lee v Lee’s Air Farming Ltd [1961] AC 12 (PC) [2.04], 42, 51, 66, 280
Lee v Neuchatel Asphalte Co (1889) 41 Ch D 1 542
Leedon Ltd v Hurry [2010] UKPC 27 805
Leeds and Hanley Theatres of Varieties Ltd, Re [1902] 2 Ch 809 (CA) 486
Leeds United Holdings plc, Re [1996] 2 BCLC 545 689
Legal Costs Negotiators Ltd, Re [1999] 2 BCLC 171 (CA) 687, 696, 698
Lehman Brothers International (Europe) [2011] EWCA Civ 1124 778
Lehman Brothers International (Europe) (In Administration) (No 2), Re [2009] EWCA Civ 2141; [2010] 1 BCLC 496 751
Leicester Club and County Racecourse Co, Re (1885) 30 Ch D 629 258, 259
Lennard’s Carrying Co Ltd v Asiatic Petroleum Co Ltd [1915] AC 705 (HL) [3.24], 147, 148, 151, 153, 154, 158, 160, 175, 214
Levy v Abercorris Slate and Slab Co (1887) 37 Ch D 260 (Ch) [12.01], 597
Lexi Holdings plc (In Administration) v Luqman [2009] EWCA Civ 117; [2009] BCC 716 (CA) 358
Leyland Daf Ltd, Buchler v Talbot, Re [2004] UKHL 9; [2004] 2 AC 298 787
Liberty International plc, Re [2010] EWHC 1060 (Ch) 514
Lictor Anstalt v Mir Steel UK Ltd [2011] EWHC 3310 (Ch), affd [2012] EWCA Civ 1397 777
(p. xlviii) Lindsay Bowman Ltd, Re [1969] 1 WLR 1443 46
Lines Bros Ltd, Re [1983] Ch 1; (CA) 805
Linsen International Ltd v Humpuss Transportasi Kimia [2011] EWCA Civ 1042 77
Lister & Co v Stubbs (1890) 45 Ch D 1 368, 431, 432
Lister v Hesley Hall Ltd [2002] 1 AC 215 138
Lister v Romford Ice & Cold Storage Co Ltd [1957] AC 555 (HL) 136, 428
Litster v Forth Dry Dock and Engineering Co Ltd [1990] 1 AC 546 (HL) 7
Little Olympian EachWays Ltd (No 3), Re [1995] 1 BCLC 636 688
Little Olympian EachWays Ltd, Re [1994] 2 BCLC 420 682
Living Images Ltd, Re [1996] 1 BCLC 348 300
Lloyd Cheyham & Co Ltd v Littlejohn & Co [1987] BCLC 303 466
Lloyd v Casey [2002] 1 BCLC 454 687
Lloyd v Grace Smith & Co [1912] AC 716 581, 582, 583, 584
LoLine Electric Motors Ltd, Re [1988] Ch 477 (Ch) 297, 300
Loch v John Blackwood Ltd [1924] AC 783 (PC) [16.12], 696, 697, 698, 712, 797
Lomas v JFB Firth Rixon Inc [2012] EWCA Civ 419 818
London and General Bank (No 2), Re [1895] 2 Ch 673 (CA) [8.01], 465, 466, 467, 469, 476
London and Mashonaland Exploration Co Ltd v New Mashonaland Exploration Co Ltd [1891] WN 165 372, 405, 406, 408
London School of Electronics Ltd, Re [1986] Ch 211 687, 690, 697, 711
London United Investments plc, Re [1992] Ch 578 737
Lonrho Ltd v Shell Petroleum Co Ltd [1980] QB 358 (CA), affd [1980] 1 WLR 627 (HL) [2.06], 44, 60, 69
Lord v Sinai Securities Ltd [2004] EWHC 1764; [2005] 1 BCLC 295 (Ch) 312
Lovett v Carson Country Homes [2009] EWHC 1143; [2009] 2 BCLC 196 (Ch) [11.14], 127, 131, 580, 581, 582
Lowe v Fahey [1996] 1 BCLC 262 682
Luminar Lava Ignite Ltd, Re [2012] EWHC 951 (Ch) 778
Luxor (Eastbourne) Ltd v Cooper [1941] AC 108 184
Lyle & Scott v Scott’s Trustees [1959] AC 763 498
Lynde v AngloItalian Hemp Spinning Company [1896] 1 Ch 178 [9.03], 500
Lysaght Bros & Co Ltd v Falk (1905) 2 CLR 42 115
Macaura v Northern Assurance Co [1925] AC 619 (HL) [2.03], 41
McCarthy Surfacing Ltd, Re [2006] EWHC 832 687
MacDonald v Costello [2011] EWCA Civ 930, [2012] QB 244 77
MacDougall v Gardiner (1875) 1 Ch D 13 (CA) [13.20], 250, 255, 257, 667, 670, 672, 672
Mace Builders (Glasgow) Ltd v Lunn [1987] Ch 191; [1987] BCLC 55 620
McGuinness, Petitioners (1988) 4 BCC 161 695
Mackereth v Wigan Coal and Iron Co Ltd [1916] 2 Ch 293 (Ch) [11.17], 588, 589
McKillen v Misland (Cyprus) Investments Ltd [2012] EWHC 521 (Ch) 216
Macmillan Inc v Bishopsgate Investment Trust plc (No 3) [1995] 1 WLR 978, affd on different grounds [1996] 1 WLR 387 (CA) 115, 587
MacPherson v European Strategic Bureau Ltd [2000] 2 BCLC 683 552
Macro (Ipswich) Ltd, Re [1994] 2 BCLC 354 (Ch) [13.28], 264, 593, 683, 697, 699, 700
Madoff Securities International Ltd v Raven [2011] EWHC 3102 (QBD Commercial Court) [7.40], 441
Mahony v East Holyford Mining Co (1875) LR 7 HL 869 111
Maidment v Attwood [2012] EWCA Civ 998 322, 419
Mann v Goldstein [1968] 1 WLR 1091 793
Marini Ltd, Re [2003] EWHC 334; [2004] BCLC 172 547
Maritime Trader, The [1981] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 153; [1981] Com LR 27 70
Marshall’s Valve Gear Co Ltd v Manning, Wardle & Co Ltd [1909] 1 Ch 267 189
Mason v Harris (1879) 11 Ch D 97 235
Maxwell Communications Corpn plc (No 2), Re [1994] 1 BCLC 1 821
Maxwell v Department of Trade and Industry [1974] QB 523 735
MC Bacon Ltd, Re [1990] BCLC 324 (Ch) [16.15], 619, 805, 810
MC Bacon Ltd, Re [1990] BCLC 607 820
MCC Proceeds Inc v Lehman Bros International (Europe) [1998] 4 All ER 675 (CA) 587
Mechanisations (Eaglescliffe) Ltd, Re [1966] Ch 20 602
Medforth v Blake [2000] Ch 86 (CA) [16.06], 358, 785, 787
(p. xlix) Melhado v Porto Alegre Rly Co (1874) LR 9 CP 503 254
Menier v Hooper’s Telegraph Works (1874) 9 Ch App 350 (CA in Chancery) 242, 243, 365
Meridian Global Funds Management Asia Ltd v Securities Commission [1995] 2 AC 500
(PC) [3.01], [3.29], 81, 136, 137, 144, 145, 152, 154, 158, 161, 162, 167, 172,175, 176, 179, 463
Metropolitan Bank v Heiron (1880) 5 Ex D 319 431, 432
Michaels v Harley House (Marylebone) Ltd [2000] Ch 104 (CA) 217, 571, 585
Midland Bank Trust Co v Green [1981] AC 513 (HL) 107
Milroy v Lord (1862) 4 De GF & J 264 586
Ministry of Housing and Local Government v Sharp [1970] 2 QB 223 579
Minmar (929) Ltd v Khalastchi [2011] EWHC 1159 771
Mira Makar v PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP [2011] EWHC 3835 (Comm) 473
Mirror Group Newspapers plc, Re an Inquiry into [2000] Ch 194 (Ch) [14.03], 735
Mission Capital plc v Sinclair [13.07], 653
Molnlycke AB v Procter & Gamble [1992] RPC 583 142
Mond v Hammond Suddards [1996] 2 BCLC 470 816
Money Markets International Stockbrokers Ltd v London Stock Exchange Ltd [2002] 1 WLR 1150 818
Moore v I Bresler Ltd [1944] 2 All ER 515 151, 160
Morgan Crucible Co plc v Hill Samuel & Co Ltd [1991] Ch 295 (CA) 473
Morphitis v Bernasconi [2002] EWCA Civ 289; [2003] Ch 552 (CA) 807
Morris v CW Martin & Sons Ltd [1966] 1 QB 716 138
Morris v Kanssen [1946] AC 459 99, 101, 127, 283
Mosely v Koffyfontein Mines Ltd [1904] 2 Ch 108 506
Movitex Ltd v Bulfield [1988] BCLC 104 374, 424, 445
Mozley v Alston (1847) 1 Ph 790 (Ch) 672
MT Realisations Ltd v Digital Equipment Co Ltd [2003] EWCA Civ 494; [2003] 2 BCLC 117 (CA) 531
Mubarak v Mubarak [2001] 1 FLR 673 55
Multinational Gas and Petrochemical Co Ltd v Multinational Gas and Petrochemical Services Ltd [1983] Ch 258
(CA) [7.39], 73, 82, 95, 158, 172, 173, 208, 242, 243,325, 356, 368, 436, 437, 438, 441, 442, 443, 816
Mundy v Brown [2011] EWHC 377 (Ch) 822
Murad v AlSaraj [2005] EWCA Civ 959 (CA) [7.35], 393, 413, 419, 421, 435, 441
Musselwhite v CH Musselwhite & Son Ltd [1962] Ch 964 202, 217, 585
Mutual Life Insurance Co of New York v Rank Organisation Ltd [1985] BCLC 11 339, 347
Natal Land Co & Colonization Ltd v Pauline Colliery and Development Syndicate Ltd [1904] AC 120 (PC) 133
National Coal Board v Gamble [1959] 1 QB 11 151
National Dwelling Society v Sykes [1894] 3 Ch 159 197
National Farmers’ Union Development Trust Ltd, Re [1972] 1 WLR 1548 751
National Provincial Bank v Charnley [1924] 1 KB 431 (CA) 599
National Telephone Co, Re [1914] 1 Ch 755 (Ch) [11.03], 561
National Westminster Bank Ltd v Halesowen Presswork and Assemblies Ltd [1972] AC 785 (HL) 822
Nelson v James Nelson & Sons Ltd [1914] 2 KB 770 (CA) 292
Neptune (Vehicle Washing Equipment) Ltd v Fitzgerald [1995] BCLC 352 195
New Bullas Trading Ltd, Re [1994] 1 BCLC 485 (CA) [12.18], 624, 625, 625, 626, 627, 628
New Cedos Engineering Co Ltd, Re [1994] 1 BCLC 797 213, 285, 577
New Zealand Netherlands Society ‘Oranje’ Inc v Laurentuis Cornelis Kuys [1973] 1 WLR 1126 (PC) 374, 375
Newborne v Sensolid (Great Britain) Ltd [1954] 1 QB 45 (CA) 132, 133
Newhart Developments v Cooperative Commercial Bank [1978] QB 814 779
Newstead v Frost [1980] 1 WLR 135 (HL) 48
Newtherapeutics Ltd v Katz [1991] Ch 226 259
NewtonSealy v Armorgroup Services Ltd [2008] EWHC 233 (QB) 73
NFU Development Trust Ltd, Re [1972] 1 WLR 1548 745
Ng v Crabtree [2012] EWCA Civ 333 593
Nicholas v Soundcraft Electronics Ltd [1993] BCLC 360 690, 698
Norglen Ltd v Reeds Rains Prudential Ltd [1999] 2 AC 1 (HL) 816
Nortel GmbH, Re [2011] EWCA Civ 1124 778
(p. l) Nortel Networks UK Pension Trust Ltd, Re [2011] EWCA Civ 1124 778
NorthWest Transportation Co Ltd v Beatty (1887) 12 App Cas 589
(PC) [4.33], 95, 216, 234, 240, 242, 310, 364, 365, 372, 437, 440, 637, 660, 661
Northern Counties Securities Ltd v Jackson & Steeple Ltd [1974] 1 WLR 1133 (Ch) [4.18], 214, 234
Northern Engineering Industries plc, Re [1994] 2 BCLC 704 (CA) 518
Norwest Holst Ltd v Secretary of State for Trade [1978] Ch 201; [1978] 3 All ER 280 (CA) [14.01], 732
NW Robbie & Co Ltd v Witney Warehouse Co Ltd [1963] 1 WLR 1324 (CA) [12.14], 616
Nye (CL) Ltd, Re [1971] Ch 442 602
Oakes v Turquand and Harding (1867) LR 2 HL 325 (HL) [9.04], 501
Oasis Merchandising Services Ltd, Re [1998] Ch 170 (CA) 808, 816
OBG Ltd v Allan [2007] UKHL 21, [2008] AC 1 75
OC (Transport) Services Ltd, Re [1984] BCLC 251 697, 708, 711
Oceanrose Investments Ltd, Re [2008] EWHC 3475 (Ch) 213
O’Donnell v Shanahan [2009] EWCA Civ 751; [2009] BCC 822 (CA) [7.27], 371, 373, 378
Official Custodian for Charities v Parway Estates Ltd [1985] Ch 151 (CA) 129, 717
Official Receiver v Jupe [2011] 1 BCLC 191 [6.10], 301
O’Neill v Phillips [1999] 1 WLR 1092 (HL) [13.30], 233, 690, 691, 694, 701, 702, 706, 708, 709
Ooregum Gold Mining Co of India Ltd v Roper [1892] AC 125 (HL) [9.05], 504, 510
Ord v Belhaven Pubs Ltd [1998] 2 BCLC 447 (CA) 54, 56
Orr v Milton Keynes Council [2011] EWCA Civ 62 (CA) [3.30], 161
Oshkosh B’Gosh Inc v Dan Marbell Inc Ltd [1989] BCLC 507 (CA) 134
Osmosis Group Ltd, Re [1999] 2 BCLC 329 774
Overend, Gurney & Co v Gibb and Gibb (1872) LR 5 HL 480 502
Pamstock Ltd, Re [1994] 1 BCLC 716 301
Panama New Zealand and Australian Royal Mail Co, Re (1870) 5 Ch App 318 (CA) 599, 626
Panorama Developments (Guildford) Ltd v Fidelis Furnishing Fabrics Ltd [1971] 2 QB 711 (CA) [3.15], 123, 155, 156, 269, 581, 582
Paragon Finance plc v Thakerar & Co [1999] 1 All ER 400 420
Parke v Daily News Ltd [1962] Ch 927 320
Parker & Cooper Ltd v Reading [1926] Ch 975 (Ch) 207, 238, 443
Parker v McKenna (1874) 10 Ch App 96 374, 376, 379, 380, 395
Parkes Garage (Swadlincote) Ltd, Re [1929] 1 Ch 139 (Ch) [12.16], 619, 620, 806
Parlett v Guppys (Bridport) Ltd [1996] BCC 299 536
Parmalat Capital Finance Ltd v Food Holdings Ltd [2008] UKPC 23; [2009] BCLC 274 794
Paros plc v Worldlink Group plc [2012] EWHC 394 (Comm) 535, 538
Patrick and Lyon Ltd, Re [1933] Ch 786 807, 814
Pavlides v Jensen [1956] Ch 565 242, 357, 437, 509, 661
Peachdart Ltd, Re [1984] Ch 131 634
Peat v Clayton [1906] 1 Ch 659 (Ch) [11.16], 587
Peek v Gurney (1873) LR 6 HL 377 502, 503, 728
Pell’s Case (Heyford Co, Re) (1869–70) LR 5 Ch App 11 510
Pender v Lushington (1877) 6 Ch D 70 (Ch) … [13.19], 216, 235, 240, 252, 252, 255, 640, 667, 669, 669, 670, 671, 672
Pendleburys Ltd v Ellis Green & Co (1936) 181 LT 410 479
Pennell Securities Ltd v Venida Investments Ltd, 25 July 1974, noted (1981) 44 MLR 40 245, 697
Pennington v Waine [2002] EWCA Civ 227; [2002] 1 WLR 2075 586
Percival v Wright [1902] 2 Ch 421 (Ch) [7.05], 321, 323, 668
Pergamon Press Ltd, Re [1971] Ch 388 (CA) [14.02], 732, 733
Perry v Day [2004] EWHC 3372; [2005] 2 BCLC 405 681
Peskin v Anderson [2001] 1 BCLC 372 (Ch) [2001] BCC 87L (CA) 322, 668, 775, 776
Petrodel Resources Ltd v Prest [2012] EWCA Civ 1395 41
Peveril Gold Mines Ltd, Re [1898] 1 Ch 122 (CA) [16.07], 742, 790
Pharmaceutical Society v London and Provincial Supply Association Ltd (1880) 5 App Cas 857 (HL) [2.07], 45, 46, 150
Phillips v Brewin Dolphin Bell Lawrie Ltd [2001] UKHL 2; [2001] 1 WLR 143 (HL) 813
Phillips v Fryer [2012] EWHC 1611 (Ch) 665
(p. li) Phoenix Contracts (Leicester) Ltd, Re [2010] EWHC 2375 (Ch) 692, 697, 708
Phoenix Office Supplies, Re (Phoenix Office Supplies Ltd v Larvin) [2002] EWCA Civ 1740; [2003] 1 BCLC 76 (CA) [13.32], 698, 708
Phonogram Ltd v Lane [1982] QB 938 (CA) 132
Piccadilly Radio plc, Re [1989] BCLC 683 217
Pickard v Sears (1837) 6 Ad & El 469 578
Piercy v S Mills & Co Ltd [1920] 1 Ch 77 333
Platt v Platt [1999] 2 BCLC 745 323
Plumb v Cobden Flour Mills Co Ltd [1914] AC 62 139
Polly Peck International plc, Re [1996] 2 All ER 433 73
Popely v Planarrive Ltd [1997] 1 BCLC 8 577
Possfund Custodian Trustee Ltd v Diamond [1996] 1 WLR 1351; [1996] 2 BCLC 665 503, 728
Powdrill v Watson [1995] 2 AC 394 781, 782
Power v Sharp Investments Ltd [1994] 1 BCLC 111 (CA) 622
Precision Dippings Ltd v Precision Dippings Marketing Ltd [1986] Ch 447 (CA) 543, 544
Primlake Ltd v Matthews Associates [2007] 1 BCLC 666 316
Pritchard’s Case (1873) 8 Ch App 956 254
Produce Marketing Consortium Ltd (No 1) (Halls v David), Re [1989] 1 WLR 745; (1989) 5 BCC 399 444, 807
Produce Marketing Consortium Ltd (No 2) [1989] BCLC 520 (Ch) [16.16], 295, 326, 327, 524, 813, 820
Profinance Trust SA v Gladstone [2001] EWCA Civ 1031; [2002] 1 WLR 1024 (CA) [13.33], 711
Progress Property Co Ltd v Moore [2008] EWHC 2577 (Ch) 212, 552
Progress Property Co Ltd v Moore [2010] UKSC 55 (SC) [10.15], 276, 544, 549, 552, 555
Provimi Ltd v Roche Products Ltd [2003] EWHC 961 (Comm); [2003] 2 All ER 683 74
Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v ChatterleyWhitfield Collieries Ltd [1949] AC 512 (HL) 517
Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v Newman Industries Ltd (No 2) [1981] Ch 257; [1982] Ch 204 (Ch and
CA) [13.21], 235, 368, 437, 473, 509, 639, 641, 651, 673, 674, 675
Puddephatt v Leith [1916] 1 Ch 200 (Ch) [4.19], 217, 245
Pulbrook v Richmond Consolidated Mining Co [1878] 9 Ch D 610 (Ch) [6.01], 256, 281, 669, 670
Pulsford v Devenish [1903] 2 Ch 625 741, 804
Punt v Symons & Co Ltd [1903] 2 Ch 506 (Ch) [4.21], [7.10], 220, 222, 245, 248, 332, 333, 335
Purpoint Ltd, Re [1991] BCLC 491 816
Queensland Mines Ltd v Hudson (1978) 18 ALR 1; 52 ALJR 399 (PC) 415, 436, 440
Quickdome Ltd, Re [1988] BCLC 370 687
Quin & Axtens Ltd v Salmon [1909] AC 442 (HL) [4.06], 189, 256, 557, 670
Quinlan v Essex Hinge Co Ltd [1996] 2 BCLC 417 697
R & H Electric Ltd v Haden Bill Electrical Ltd [1995] 2 BCLC 280 694
R (Alconbury Developments Ltd) v Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions [2001] UKHL 23, [2003] 2 AC 295 51
R (North Cyprus Tourism Centre Ltd) v Transport for London [2005] EWHC 1698; [2005] UKHRR 1231 51
R v Broadcasting Standards Commission, ex p BBC [2001] 1 BCLC 244 (CA) 46
R v Churchill Cimex Tissues Ltd, Re [1994] BCLC 626 623
R v Churchill, Sub nom Churchill v Walton [1967] 2 AC 224 539
R v Cotswold Geotechnical Holdings Ltd [2011] EWCA Crim 1337 146
R v Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, ex p Lain [1967] 2 QB 864 757
R v Gaming Board for Great Britain, ex p Benaim and Khaida [1970] 2 QB 417 734
R v ICR Haulage Ltd [1944] KB 551 (CCA) [3.27], 148, 150, 153
R v Kearns [2002] EWCA Crim 748; [2002] 1 WLR 2815 (CA) 737
R v Lion Steel Equipment Ltd, unreported, 20 July 2012 (Crown Ct (Manchester)) 146
R v McDonnell [1966] 1 QB 233 (Bristol Assizes) 154, 155
R v Panel on Takeovers and Mergers, ex p Datafin plc [1987] QB 315 (CA) [15.10], 756, 758
R v Panel on Takeovers and Mergers, ex p Fayed [1992] BCLC 938 (CA) 758
R v Panel on Takeovers and Mergers, ex p Guinness plc [1990] 1 QB 146 (CA) 758
R v Registrar of Companies, ex p Attorney General (1980) [1991] BCLC 476 (QB) [1.08], 10, 24, 29, 30, 39
R v Registrar of Companies, ex p Bowen [1914] 3 KB 1161 (KBD) [1.04], 26
R v Registrar of Joint Stock Companies, ex p More [1931] 2 KB 197 (CA) [1.05], 27, 46
(p. lii) R v Roziek [1996] 1 BCLC 380 157
R v Saunders [1996] 1 Cr App Rep 463 (CA) 737
R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex p Atlantic Commercial (UK) Ltd [1997] BCLC 692 46
R v Secretary for Trade, ex p Perestrello [1981] QB 19 735
R v Stanley (Central Criminal Court, 19 October 1990) 145
R v St Regis Paper Co Ltd [2011] EWCA Crim 2527 (CA) 161
RA Noble & Sons (Clothing) Ltd, Re [1983] BCLC 273 697, 698, 799, 803
Rackham v Peek Foods Ltd [1990] BCLC 895 352
Rainford v Keith and Blackman Co Ltd [1905] 2 Ch 147 589
Rainham Chemical Works Ltd v Belvedere Fish Guano Co Ltd [1921] 2 AC 465 (HL) 62
Rama Corpn Ltd v Proved Tin and General Investments Ltd [1952] 2 QB 147 111
Ranson v Customer Systems plc [2012] EWCA Civ, 841 (CA) [7.04], 79, 311, 318
Rayfield v Hands [1960] Ch 1 (Ch) [4.38], 256, 258, 566, 668
Rayford Homes Ltd, Re [2011] EWHC 1948 (Ch) 631
Rayner JH (Mincing Lane) Ltd v Department of Trade and Industry [1989] Ch 72 61, 498
Read v Astoria Garage (Streatham) Ltd [1952] Ch 637 (CA) [6.05], 291, 292, 668
Real Meat Co Ltd, Re [1996] BCLC 254 614
Reckitt & Coleman Ltd v Borden Inc [1990] 1 All ER 873 26
Reckitt v Barnett, Pembroke & Slater Ltd [1929] AC 176, HL 114
Redwood Master Fund Ltd v TD Bank Europe Ltd [2002] EWHC 2703 (Ch) 235
Regal (Hastings) Ltd v Gulliver [1942] 1 All ER 378; [1967] 2 AC 134n
(HL) [7.23], 235, 240, 365, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 380, 381, 384, 385, 391, 392, 394, 402, 403,404, 413, 414, 415, 423, 435, 636, 661
Regentcrest plc v Cohen [2001] 2 BCLC 80 [7.14], 340, 342, 344, 349
Regina Fur Co Ltd v Bossom [1957] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 466 156
Revenue and Customs Commissioners v Football League ltd [2012] EWHC 1372 (Ch) 819
Revenue and Customs Commissioners v Holland [2010] UKSC 51; [2010] 1 WLR 2793 (SC) [7.02], 79, 122, 143, 313, 314, 317, 547
Revlon Inc v Cripps and Lee Ltd [1980] FSR 85 71
RH Tomlinssons (Trowbridge) Ltd v Secretary of State for the Environment [1999] 2 BCLC 760 (CA) 176
Rica Gold Washing Co, Re (1879) 11 Ch D 36 (CA) [16.08], 791
Richbell Strategic Holdings Ltd (No 2), Re [2000] 2 BCLC 794 823
Richmond Gate Property Co Ltd, Re [1965] 1 WLR 335 273
Richmond upon Thames London Borough Council v Pinn & Wheeler Ltd [1989] RTR 354 48
Ricketts v Ad Valorem Factors Ltd [2003] EWCA Civ 1706; [2004] BCC 164 808
Ridge Securities Ltd v IRC [1964] 1 WLR 479 550, 551
Rights and Issues Investment Trust Ltd v Stylo Shoes Ltd [1965] Ch 250 (Ch) [4.28], 225, 226, 234, 240
Roberts (Liquidator of Onslow Ditchling Ltd) v Frohlich [2011] EWHC 257 (Ch), [2011] 2 BCLC 625 (Ch) [7.15], 344, 346
Rock Nominees Ltd v RCO [2004] EWCA Civ 118; [2004] 1 BCLC 439 690
Rodenstick GmbH, Re [2011] EWHC 1104 (Ch) 750
Rolfe v Rolfe [2010] EWHC 244 (Ch) 208, 212, 213, 356
Rolled Steel Products (Holdings) Ltd v British Steel Corpn [1986] Ch 246
(CA) [3.04], [3.11], [3.17], 69, 87, 88, 91, 92, 95, 116, 124, 125, 135, 208, 549, 550, 551
Rolloswin Investments Ltd v Chromolit Portugal Cutelarias e Produtos Metálicos SARL [1970] 1 WLR 912 46
Rose, Re [1949] Ch 78 586
Rose, Re [1952] Ch 499 577
Rose v McGivern [1998] 2 BCLC 593 199
Ross v Telford [1998] 1 BCLC 82 (CA) 200, 202
Rotadata Ltd, Re [2000] 1 BCLC 122 688
Rother Iron Works Ltd v Canterbury Precision Engineers Ltd [1974] QB 1 (CA) 618
Royal Bank of Scotland plc v Sandstone Properties Ltd [1998] 2 BCLC 429 579, 580
Royal British Bank v Turquand (1856) 6 E & B 327 (Exch) [3.16], 93, 101, 106, 116, 117, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 163, 584
Royal Brunei Airlines Sdn Bhd v Tan Kok Ming [1995] 2 AC 378 (PC) [7.43], 167, 169, 170, 452, 454
(p. liii) Royal Trust Bank v National Westminster Bank plc [1996] 2 BCLC 682 (Ch) 625
Royal Trust Bank v National Westminster Bank plc [1996] 2 BCLC 699 (CA) 624
Royscot Trust Ltd v Rogerson [1991] 2 QB 297 503
Ruben v Great Fingall Consolidated [1906] AC 439 (HL) [11.13], 123, 127, 269, 580, 581, 583, 584, 585
Rubin v Cobalt Pictures Ltd (also known as Capitol Films Ltd (in Adm), Re [2010] EWHC 2240 (Ch) 120
Rubin v Cobalt Pictures Ltd [2010] EWHC 2240 (Ch) 327
Rubin v Eurofinance SA [2012] UKSC 46, [2012] 3 WLR 1019 16
Runciman v Walter Runciman plc [1992] BCLC 1084 284, 410
Russell Cooke Trust Co Ltd v Elliott [2007] EWHC 1443; [2007] 2 BCLC 637 (Ch) 623
Russell v Northern Bank Development Corpn Ltd [1992] 1 WLR 588 (HL) [4.34], 221, 244, 245, 246, 248, 287, 514, 668, 790
RW Peak (Kings Lynn) Ltd, Re [1998] 1 BCLC 193 213
Rye v Rye [1962] AC 496 611
Rylands v Fletcher [1861–1873] All ER Rep 1 62
Safeguard Industrial Investments Ltd v National Westminster Bank Ltd [1982] 1 WLR 589 498
Safeway Stores Ltd v Twigger [2010] EWCA Civ 1472 [3.33], 164, 174, 361
Said v Butt [1920] 3 KB 497 777
Salmon v Quin & Axtens Ltd [1909] 1 Ch 311 (CA), affd [1909] AC 442 255
Salomon v A Salomon & Co Ltd [1897] AC 22
(HL) [2.01], 29, 34, 38, 42, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 61, 62, 71, 72, 73, 75, 141, 143, 207, 238, 315, 316, 438, 439, 483,491, 498, 508, 816
Saltdean Estate Co Ltd, Re [1968] 1 WLR 1844 (Ch) [10.03], 514, 517, 564, 573
Sam Weller & Sons Ltd, Re [1990] Ch 682 543, 690, 697, 698
Samuel Sherman plc, Re [1991] 1 WLR 1070 90, 296
Sandhu (t/a Isher Fashions UK) v Jet Star Retailer Ltd (In Administration) [2011] EWCA Civ 459 (CA) 633, 634
Sasea Finance Ltd v KPMG (formerly KPMG Peat Marwick McLintock) [2000] 1 All ER 676 476
Satnam Investments Ltd v Dunlop Heywood [1999] 3 All ER 652 456
Saul D Harrison & Sons plc, Re [1995] 1 BCLC 14 (CA) [13.29], 690, 698, 700, 702, 703, 706
Saunders v Vautier (1841) 4 Beav 115 585
Scally v Southern Health and Social Services Board [1992] 1 AC 294 184
Schering Chemicals Ltd v Falkman Ltd [1982] QB 1 457
Schofield v Schofield [2011] EWCA Civ 154 202, 208
Schuppan (A Bankrupt) (No 2), Re [1997] 1 BCLC 256 64
Schwabacher, Re (1907) 98 LT 127 574
Scitec Group Ltd, Re [2011] 1 BCLC 277 696
Scott v Frank F Scott (London) Ltd [1940] Ch 794 (CA) [4.01], 29, 182, 185, 212
Scottish Cooperative Wholesale Society Ltd v Meyer [1959] AC 324
(HL) [13.24], 71, 243, 280, 331, 351, 352, 395, 670, 684, 686, 687, 689, 695, 697, 698, 708, 711
Scottish Insurance Corpn Ltd v Wilsons and Clyde Coal Co Ltd [1949] AC 462 (HL) [10.01], [11.04], 514, 515, 561, 562
Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform v Neufeld [2009] EWCA Civ 280; [2009] BCC 687 43, 66
Secretary of State for Business Innovation and Skills v Khan [2012] CSOH 85 307
Secretary of State for Justice v Topland Group plc [2011] EWHC 983 (QB) 454
Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Baker [1998] BCLC 583 304
Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Bottrill [1999] ICR 59 (CA) 43
Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Carr [2006] EWHC 2110; [2007] BCC 313 (Ch) [6.14], 306
Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Deverell [2000] 2 BCLC 133; [2001] Ch 300 (CA) 313
Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Griffiths [1998] 2 BCLC 646; [1998] 2 All ER 124 (CA) 305
Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Jonkler [2006] EWHC 135; [2006] 2 BCLC 239 307
Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Reynard [2002] EWCA Civ 497; [2002] 2 BCLC 625 307
Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Swan [2005] EWHC 603; [2005] BCC 596 (Ch) [6.09], 299
Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Swan (No 2) [2005] EWHC 2479 (Ch) [6.11], 295, 302
Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Tjolle [1998] 1 BCLC 333 314
Sedgefield Steeplechase Co (1927) Ltd, Re [2001] BCC 889 (CA) 498
(p. liv) Selangor United Rubber Estates Ltd v Cradock (No 3) [1968] 1 WLR 1555 (Ch) [10.11], 318, 540, 541, 549
Senex Holdings Ltd (in Liquidation) v National Westminster Bank plc [2012] EWHC 131 (Comm) 327
Sevenoaks Stationers (Retail) Ltd, Re [1991] Ch 164 (CA) [6.08], 294, 295, 296, 299, 300, 301
Shah v Shah [2010] EWCA Civ 1408 585, 687
Shahar v Tsitsekkos [2004] EWHC 2659; [2004] All ER (D) 283 (Nov) 212
Shamji v Johnson Matthey Bankers Ltd [1986] BCLC 278 (Ch), affd [1991] BCLC 36 (CA) 786
Sharp v Dawes (1876) 2 QBD 26 (CA) [4.10], 194, 204
Sheffield Corpn v Barclay [1905] AC 392 (HL) 580
Shepherds Investments Ltd v Walters [2006] EWHC 836; [2007] 2 BCLC 202 (Ch) [7.30], 349, 389, 392, 394
Shierson v VlielandBoddy [2005] EWCA Civ 974, [2005] BCC 949 16
Shindler v Northern Raincoat Co Ltd [1960] 1 WLR 1038 291
Short v Treasury Comrs [1948] AC 534 593
Shropshire Union Railways and Canal Co v R (1875) LR 7 HL 496 (HL) [11.15], 586
Shuttleworth v Cox Bros and Co (Maidenhead) Ltd [1927] 2 KB 9 (CA) [6.06], 130, 226, 227, 232, 292, 519
Sidebottom v Kershaw, Leese & Co Ltd [1920] 1 Ch 154 (CA) [4.23], 224, 227, 232, 293
Siebe Gorman & Co Ltd v Barclays Bank Ltd [1979] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 142 (Ch) 603, 604, 624, 628, 629, 630
Siemens Bros & Co Ltd v Burns [1918] 2 Ch 324 (CA) 217
Sikorski v Sikorski [2012] EWHC 1613 (Ch) 245, 697
Simm v AngloAmerican Telegraph Co (1879) 5 QBD 188 (CA) 580
Sinclair Investments (UK) Ltd v Versailles Trade Finance Ltd (In Administration) [2011] EWCA Civ 349, [2012] Ch 453
(CA) [7.38], 368, 369, 377, 428, 433, 434, 435, 486
Smith (Administrator of Cosslett (Contractors) Ltd) v Bridgend County Borough Council [2001] UKHL 58; [2002] 1 AC 336 602
Smith and Fawcett Ltd, Re [1942] Ch 304 (CA) [11.10], 178, 331, 340, 342, 497, 575, 576, 577
Smith New Court Securities Ltd v Citibank NA [1997] AC 254 (HL) 499, 503
Smith and Snipes Hall Farm Ltd v River Douglas Catchment Board [1949] 2 KB 500 (CA) 258
Smith, Stone & Knight Ltd v Birmingham Corpn [1939] 4 All ER 116 62, 69
Smith v Butler [2012] EWCA Civ 314 (CA) [3.14], 121, 196, 202, 287, 291, 444
Smith v Croft (No 2) [1988] Ch 114 (Ch) [13.17], 235, 437, 641, 646, 647, 660, 665, 669, 670
Smith v HennikerMajor and Co [2002] EWCA Civ 762; [2003] Ch 182 (CA) [3.05], 98, 103, 104, 105, 108
Smith v Hughes (1871) LR 6 QB 597 75
Smiths Ltd v Middleton [1979] 3 All ER 842 779
Snelling House Ltd (In Liquidation), Re [2012] EWHC 440 (CD) [7.03], 317
Snelling v John G Snelling Ltd [1973] QB 87; [1972] 1 All ER 79 244
Société Générale de Paris v Tramways Union Co (1884) 14 QBD 424 588, 589
South Australia Asset Management Corpn v York Montague Ltd [1997] AC 191 (HL) 475
South of England Natural Gas and Petroleum Co Ltd, Re [1911] 1 Ch 573 499
South London Greyhound Racecourses Ltd v Wake [1931] 1 Ch 496 581, 583, 585
Southard & Co Ltd, Re [1979] 1 WLR 1198 (CA) 73, 808
Southern Foundries (1926) Ltd v Shirlaw [1940] AC 701 (HL) [6.04], 221, 246, 289, 291, 667
Sovereign Life Assurance Co v Dodd [1892] 2 QB 573 745, 746, 749
Spectrum Plus Ltd, Re [2005] UKHL 41; [2005] 2 AC 680 (HL) 603, 606, 624, 625, 628, 630, 631
SSSL Realisations Ltd, Re [2004] EWHC 1760; [2005] 1 BCLC 1 630
Stablewood Properties Ltd v Virdi [2010] EWCA Civ 865 217, 585
Stainer v Lee [2010] EWHC 1539 [13.05], [13.15], 652, 652, 658, 663, 665
Standard Chartered Bank Ltd v Walker [1982] 1 WLR 1410 (CA) 774, 786
Standard Chartered Bank Ltd v Walker [1992] 1 WLR 561; [1992] BCLC 603 (Ch) 216
Standard Chartered Bank v Pakistan National Shipping Corpn (No 2) [2000] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 218 (CA), overruled in [2002] UKHL 43; [2003] 1
AC 959 (HL) [3.23], 136, 141,311, 315
Starglade Properties Ltd v Roland Nash [2010] EWCA Civ 1314 452, 454
Stealth Construction, Re [2011] EWHC 1305 (Ch) 813
Steen v Law [1964] AC 287 540
(p. lv) Stein v Blake (No 2) [1998] BCC 316 (CA) 775
Stena Line v Merchant Navy Ratings Pension Fund Trustees Ltd [2010] EWCA Civ 543 122
Stephenson, ex p Brown, Re [1897] 1 QB 638 818
Stimpson v Southern Private Landlords Association [2009] EWHC 2072 (Ch); [2010] BCC 387 [13.09], 650, 653, 655
Stirling v Maitland (1864) 5 B & S 840 289
Stone & Rolls Ltd (In Liquidation) v Moore Stephens (A Firm) [2009] UKHL 39; [2009] 1 AC 1391
(HL) [3.32], [8.05], 157, 161, 163, 164, 165, 173, 174, 175, 463, 467,474, 481
Stonegate Securities Ltd v Gregory [1980] Ch 576 (CA) [16.09], 792
Stothers v William Steward (Holdings) Ltd [1994] 2 BCLC 266 216
Strahan v Wilcock [2006] EWCA Civ 13; [2006] BCC 320 (CA) 710
Surrey Garden Village Trust Ltd, Re [1995] 1 WLR 974 (Ch) 803
Sussex Brick Co Ltd, Re [1961] Ch 289n; [1960] 1 All ER 772n 761
Swabey v Port Darwin Gold Mining Co (1889) 1 Meg 385 (CA) [6.03], 223, 288
Swaledale Cleaners Ltd, Re [1968] 1 WLR 1710 577
Swift 736 Ltd, Re [1993] BCLC 896 300
T & N Ltd (No. 2), Re [2005] EWHC 2870; [2006] 2 BCLC 374 (Ch) 744
T & N Ltd (No. 3), Re [2006] EWHC 1447; [2007] 1 All ER 851 (Ch) 751
Taff’s Well Ltd, Re Cases of [1992] Ch 179; [1992] BCLC 11 805
Talbot v Cadge [1995] 2 AC 394 (HL) 782
Target Holdings Ltd v Redferns [1996] AC 421 (HL) 417, 429, 436, 486
Tate Access Floors Inc v Boswell [1991] Ch 512 53, 68
TCB Ltd v Gray [1986] Ch 621 (Ch), affd on other grounds [1987] Ch 458n (CA) [3.07], 99, 100, 105
Tesco Stores Ltd v Pook [2003] EWHC 823; [2004] IRLR 618 (Ch) 341
Tesco Supermarkets Ltd v Nattrass [1972] AC 153 (HL) [3.28], 144, 151, 152, 154, 159, 170
Tett v Phoenix Property and Investments Co Ltd [1984] BCLC 599 575
Theakston v London Trust plc [1984] BCLC 389 498
Thermascan Ltd v Norman [2011] BCC 535 (Ch) 404
Theseus Exploration NL v Mining & Associated Industries Ltd [1973] Qd R 81 216, 280
Thomas Edward Brinsmead & Sons, Re [1897] 1 Ch 406 (CA) [16.10], 791, 795
Thomas Gerrard & Son Ltd, Re [1968] Ch 455 (Ch) 476, 477
Thomas Mortimer Ltd, Re (1925) reported [1965] Ch 186n 621, 622
Tiessen v Henderson [1899] 1 Ch 861 202
Tinsley v Milligan [1994] 1 AC 340 (HL) 165
Tobian Properties Ltd, Re [2012] EWCA Civ 998 687, 688, 690
Torvale Group Ltd, Re [1999] 2 BCLC 605 210, 212
Toshoku Finance UK plc, Re (also known as Kahn v IRC) [2002] UKHL 6; [2002] 1 WLR 671 (HL) 787, 820
Tottenham Hotspur plc, Re [1994] 1 BCLC 655 691
Towcester Racecourse Co Ltd v The Racecourse Association Ltd [2003] 1 BCLC 260 322
Towers v Premier Waste Management Ltd [2012] BCC, 72 (CA) [7.24], 369, 444
Transbus International Ltd, Re [2004] EWHC 932; [2004] 2 All ER 911 (Ch) 774
Trebanog Working Men’s Club and Institute Ltd v MacDonald [1940] 1 KB 576 (KBD) [2.15], 62
Trevor v Whitworth (1887) 12 App Cas 409 (HL) [10.05], 67, 512, 520, 521
Trimble v Goldberg [1906] AC 493 (PC) 384
Trustor AB v Smallbone (No 2) [2001] 1 WLR 1177 55, 67
Tudor Grange Holdings Ltd v Citibank NA [1992] Ch 53 779
Tunstall v Steigmann [1962] 2 QB 593; [1962] 2 All ER 417 (CA) 52, 54
Twinsectra Ltd v Yardley [2002] UKHL 12; [2002] 2 AC 164 452, 454, 456
Twycross v Grant (1877) 2 CPD 469 481
Tyrrell v Bank of London 10 HL Cas 26 432
Ultraframe (UK) Ltd v Fielding [2005] EWHC 1638 (Ch) [7.44], 312, 313, 386, 413, 435, 455
Unilever Plc v Gillette (UK) Ltd [1989] RPC 583 142
Union Corpn Ltd v IRC [1952] 1 All ER 646 (CA), affd on other grounds [1953] AC 482 (HL) 48
Union Music Ltd v Watson [2003] EWCA Civ 180; [2003] 1 BCLC 453 (CA) [4.13], 196, 199, 202
Uniq plc, Re [2011] EWHC 749 (Ch) [15.04], 535, 745
Unisoft Group Ltd (No 3), Re [1994] 1 BCLC 609 683, 689
(p. lvi) Vardy Properties Revenue and Customs Commissioners [2012] UKFTT 564 (TC), [2012] SFTD 1398 543
Veba Oil Supply & Trading GmbH v Petrotrade Inc [2001] EWCA Civ 1832; [2002] 1 All ER 703 591
Verner v General and Commercial Investment Trust [1894] 2 Ch 239 542
Victor Battery Co Ltd v Curry’s Ltd [1946] Ch 242 536
Vinton v Revenue and Customs Commissioners [2008] STC (SCD) 592 212
Virdi v Abbey Leisure Ltd [1990] BCLC 342 (CA) 697, 800
VTB Capital plc v Nutritek International Corp [2011] EWHC 3017 (Ch) 77
VTB Capital plc v Nutritek International Corp [2013] UKSC 5 [2.20], 67, 74
Vujnovich v Vujnovich [1990] BCLC 227 799
Vyse v Foster (1872) 9 Ch App 309 416
W & M Roith Ltd, Re [1967] 1 WLR 432 69
Walker v London Tramways Co (1879) 12 Ch D 705 221, 222
Walker v Stones [2000] 4 All ER 412 678
Wallersteiner v Moir (No 2) [1975] QB 373; [1995] 2 WLR 389 (CA) 539, 641, 647, 666, 712
Walters Deed of Guarantee, Re [1933] Ch 321 553
WB Anderson and Sons Ltd v Rhodes (Liverpool) Ltd [1967] 2 All ER 850 137
Weavering Capital (UK) Ltd (In Liquidation) v Peterson [2012] EWHC 1480 (Ch); affd [2013] EWCA Civ 71 359
Welch v Bowmaker (Ireland) Ltd [1980] IR 251 624
Welfab Engineers Ltd, Re (1990) BCLC 833 329, 341
Welsh Development Agency v Export Finance Co Ltd [1992] BCLC 148 (CA) 75, 606
Welton v Saffery [1897] AC 299 247, 248
Wessex Computer Stationers Ltd, Re [1992] BCLC 366 792
West Mercia Safetywear Ltd v Dodd (1988) 4 BCLC 30 173, 344, 439
Westburn Sugar Refineries Ltd, Ex p [1951] AC 625 (HL) 518
Westburn Sugar Refineries Ltd v IRC [1960] TR 105 542
Westcoast (Holdings) Ltd (formerly Kelido Ltd) v Wharf Land Subsidiary (No 1) Ltd [2012] EWCA Civ 1003 245
Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale v Islington London Borough Council [1996] AC 669 (HL) 83, 432, 544
Westmid Packing Services Ltd, Re [1998] 2 BCLC 646 303, 304, 305, 358
Westminster Property Management Ltd, Re [2000] 2 BCLC 396 (CA) 295, 737
Whaley Bridge Calico Printing Co v Green (1879) 5 QBD 109 486
Wheeler v Ross [2011] EWHC 2527 (Ch) 196, 202
Whelpdale v Cookson (1747) 1 Ves Sen 9 411
White v Bristol Aeroplane Co [1953] Ch 65 (CA) [11.08], 564, 571
Whittome v Whittome (No 1) 1994 SLT 114 104
Whyte, Petitioner (1984) 1 BCLC 99044 697
Wilkinson v West Coast Capital [2005] EWHC 3009; [2007] BCC 717 (Ch) [7.28], 249, 382, 387
Will v United Lankat Plantations Co Ltd [1912] 2 Ch 571 (CA); [1914] AC 11 (HL) 562
William Metcalfe & Sons Ltd, Re [1933] Ch 142 562
William v Redcard Ltd [2011] EWCA Civ 466 131
Williams v Natural Life Health Foods Ltd [1998] 1 WLR 830 (HL) [3.22], 136, 140, 142, 143, 311, 316
Wilson Lovatt & Sons Ltd, Re [1977] 1 All ER 274 804
Wilson v Kelland [1910] 2 Ch 306 604
Wincanton Group Ltd v Garbe Logistics UK [2011] EWHC 905 (Ch) 633
Windsor Steam Coal Co (1901) Ltd, Re [1928] Ch 609 804
Winkworth v Edward Baron Development Co Ltd [1986] 1 WLR 1512 (HL) [7.09], 46, 327, 347
Wishart v Castlecroft Securities Ltd [2009] CSIH 65; [2009] SLT 812 652, 665
Wood Preservation Ltd v Prior [1969] 1 WLR 1077 (CA) 585
Wood v Odessa Waterworks Co (1889) 42 Ch D 636 (Ch) [4.35], 251, 255, 544
Woodroffes (Musical Instruments) Ltd, Re [1986] Ch 366 (Ch) [12.13], 615
Woods v Winskill [1913] 2 Ch 303 788
Woolfson v Strathclyde Regional Council 1978 SLT 159; 38 P & CR 521 69, 71, 72
Woolwich v Milne [2003] EWHC 414 (Ch) 698
Worcester Corsetry Ltd v Witting [1936] Ch 640 280
Wragg Ltd, Re [1897] 1 Ch 796 (CA) [9.08], 508, 508, 509, 510
Wrexham Association Football Club Ltd v Crucialmove Ltd [2006] EWCA Civ 237; [2008] 1 BCLC 508 (CA) 107
(p. lvii) Wright v Atlas Wright (Europe) Ltd [1999] 2 BCLC 301 (CA) 213, 285
Wurzel v Houghton Main Home Delivery Service Ltd [1937] 1 KB 380 (KBD) 63
Yagerphone Ltd, Re [1935] Ch 392 815
Yenidje Tobacco Co Ltd, Re [1916] 2 Ch 426 (CA) 259, 803
Yeovil Glove Co Ltd, Re [1965] Ch 148 (CA) 620, 806
Yeung Kai Yung v Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corpn [1981] AC 787 (PC) 580
York and North Midland Rly Co v Hudson (1853) 16 Beav 485 410
Yorkshire Bank plc v Hall [1999] 1 WLR 1713 785
Yorkshire Woolcombers Association Ltd, In Re [1903] 2 Ch 284 606, 607, 608, 609, 624, 626
Yukong Lines Ltd of Korea v Rendsburg Investments Corpn of Liberia [1998] 1 WLR 294; [1998] 2 BCLC 485 55, 62, 72, 173, 325
Zeital v Kaye [2010] EWCA Civ 159 586
Zetnet Ltd, Re [2011] EWHC 1518 (Ch) 687, 697
ASIC v Rich [2003] NSWSC 85 359
Australian Capital Television Pty Ltd v Minister of Transport and Communications (1989) 7 ACLC 525 124
Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Healey [2011] FCA 717 (FCA) [7.21], 359
AWA case see Daniels v Anderson (1995)
Black v Smallwood [1966] ALR 744 133
Daniels v Anderson (1995) 16 ACSR 607 (NSWCA) 353, 357, 474
Darvall v North Sydney Brick and Tile Co Ltd (1989) 16 NSWLR 260 763
Davis Investments Pty Ltd v Comr of Stamp Duties (New South Wales) (1958) 100 CLR 392 (HCA) 552
Dernacourt Investments Pty Ltd In Re (1990) 2 ACSR 553 (NSWSC) 686
Fire Nymph Products Ltd v Heating Centre Pty Ltd (1992) 7 ACSR 365 (NSWCA) 614
Freehouse Pty Ltd, Re (1997) 26 ACSR 662 (SC Vic) 185
Furs Ltd v Tomkies (1936) 54 CLR 583 (HCA) 379, 423, 436
Gambotto v WPC Ltd (1995) 182 CLR 432; (1995) 127 ALR 417 (HCA) 231, 338
Green v Bestobell Industries Pty [1984] WAR 32 401
Grimaldi v Chameleon Mining NL (No 2) [2012] FCAFC 6 434
HA Stephenson & Son Ltd v Gillanders, Arbuthnot & Co (1931) 45 CLR 476 (HCA) [1.07], 10, 29, 88, 132
Harlowe’s Nominees Pty Ltd v Woodside (Lakes Entrance) Oil Co NL (1968) 121 CLR 483 (HCA) 335, 338
Hospital Products Ltd v United States Surgical Corp [1985] LRC (Comm) 411; (1984) 156 CLR 41 (HCA) 400
Kinsela v Russell Kinsela Pty Ltd (1986) 10 ACLR 395 (NSWCA) [7.08], 242, 326, 338, 357, 549
Levin v Clark [1962] NSWR 686 352
McRae v Commonwealth Disposals Commission (1950) 84 CLR 377 (HCA) 133
Mills v Mills (1938) 60 CLR 150 (HCA) [7.13], 325, 336, 337, 338, 340, 520, 637
New World Alliance Pty Ltd, Re (1994) 122 ALR 531 329
Ngurli Ltd v McCann (1953) 90 CLR 425 (HCA) 338
Norvabron (No 2) In Re (1986) 11 ACLR 279 686
Peter’s American Delicacy Co Ltd v Heath (1939) 61 CLR 457 (HCA) [4.26], 216, 220, 225, 228, 243, 637
Residues Treatment and Trading Co Ltd v Southern Resources Ltd (No 4) (1988) 14 ACLR 569 671
Segenhoe Ltd v Akins (1990) 1 ACSR 691 478
Simon v HPM Industries Pty Ltd (1989) 15 ACLR 427 (NSWSC) 185
Sycotex Pty Ltd v Baseler (1994) 122 ALR 531 329
Thorby v Goldberg (1964) 112 CLR 597 (HCA) 351, 352
Tivoli Freeholds Ltd, Re [1972] VR 445 (SC Vic) 797
Walker v Wimborne (1976) 137 CLR 1 (HCA) 69
Warman International Ltd v Dwyer (1995) 182 CLR 544 (Australia HC) 394, 414, 416, 417, 418, 422, 435, 457
Westpac Banking Corporation v The Bell Group Ltd (In Liquidation) (No 3) [2012] WASCA 157 327
White v Shortall [2006] NSWSC 1379 495, 586
Whitehouse v Carlton Hotel Pty Ltd (1987) 162 CLR 285 (HCA) 338
Whitton v CAN 003266 886 Pty Ltd (1997) 42 NSWLR 123 624
Wondoflex Textiles Pty Ltd, Re [1951] VLR 458 798, 802
(p. lviii) Canada
Associated Color Laboratories Ltd, Re (1970) 12 DLR (3d) 388 197
Belman v Belman (1995) 26 OR (3d) 56 799
Canada Safeway Ltd v Local 373, Canadian Food and Allied Workers (1974) 46 DLR (3d) 113 70
Canadian Aero Service Ltd v O’Malley (1973) 40 DLR (3d) 371 311, 388, 391, 399, 400, 401
Gray v New Augarita Porcupine Mines [1952] 3 DLR 1 424
Peso Silver Mines Ltd v Cropper (1965) 56 DLR (2d) 117 (British Columbia CA); (1966) 58 DLR (2d) 1 (SC
Canada) [7.32], 371, 402, 404, 415, 435
R v Big M Drug Mart Ltd (1985) 18 DLR (4th) 321 50
R v Consolidated Churchill Copper Corpn Ltd [1978] 5 WWR 652 615
RJ Jowsey Mining Co Ltd, Re [1969] 2 OR 549 798
Teck Corpn Ltd v Miller (1972) 33 DLR (3d) 288 (SC British Columbia) 335
Western Mines Ltd v Shield Development Co Ltd [1976] 2 WWR 300 338
Cayman Islands
Weavering Macro Fixed Income Fund Ltd (In Liquidation) v Peterson FSD 113 of 2010 (Grand Court of the Cayman Islands) 351, 353, 359
Credit and Industrial Bank v Czech Republic (2003) ECHR 2003XI (ECtHR) 51
Saunders v United Kingdom (1996) 23 EHRR 313 (ECtHR) 16, 295, 737, 823
European Union
Becker v Finanzamt MünsterInnenstadt (Case 8/81) [1982] ECR 53 11
Centros Ltd v Erhvervsog Selskabsstryrelsen [2000] Ch 446; [1999] 2 CMLR 551 (CJEU) [1.03], 14
DC, HS and AD v United Kingdom [2000] BCC 710 (ECtHR) 295, 737
Eurofood IFSC Ltd, Re [2006] ECR I03813 16, 50
Friederich Haaga GmbH [1974] ECR 1201 101
ICI v EC Commission (the Dyestuffs case) (Case 48, 49, 51–57/69) [1972] ECR 619 (CJEU) 74
Istituto Chemioterapico Italiano SpA and Commercial Solvents Corpn v EC Commission (Cases 6 and 7/73) [1974] ECR 223 71
Karella v Ministry of Industry, Energy and Technology [1991] ECR I2691; [1993] 2 CMLR 865; [1994] 1 BCLC 774 (CJEU) [1.02], 8, 10
Marleasing SA v La Comercial Internacional de Alimentación SA [1992] 1 CMLR 305 (CJEU) [1.01], 8
Marshall v Southampton and SouthWest Hampshire Area Health Authority (Case 152/84) [1986] ECR 723; [1986] 1 CMLR 688 9
O’Halloran v United Kingdom (15809/02) (2008) 46 EHRR 21 737
R v HM Treasury, ex p Daily Mail and General Trust plc [1989] QB 446; [1989] 1 All ER 328 (CJEU) 48
R v Secretary of State for Transport, ex p Factortame Ltd (No 3) [1992] QB 680 (CJEU) 60
Siemens AG v Nold [1997] 1 BCLC 291 (CJEU) 8
Von Colson and Kamann v Land NordrheinWestfalen Case 14/83 [1984] ECR 1891; [1986] 2 CMLR 430 9
Hong Kong
Sunlink International Holdings Ltd v Wong [2010] 5 HKLRD 653, HCA 1527/2010 216
Waddington Ltd v Chan Choo Hoo Thomas [2009] 2 BCLC 82 647
New Zealand
Berlei Hestia (NZ) Ltd v Fernyhough [1980] 2 NZLR 150 352
Brumark Investments Ltd, Re; Commissioner of Inland Revenue v Agnew [2000] 1 BCLC 353; [2000] 1 NZLR 223 (CA) 624, 625
Coleman v Myers [1977] 2 NZLR 225 (New Zealand CA) [7.06], 321, 322, 323, 668
Dairy Containers Ltd v NZI Bank Ltd [1995] 2 NZLR 30 474
Nicholson v Permakraft (NZ) Ltd [1985] 1 NZLR 242 326
Trevor Ivory Ltd v Anderson [1997] 2 NZLR 517 142
Dodge v Ford Motor Co 170 NW 668 (1919) 543
Ultramares Corpn v Touche 174 NE 441 (1931) 471, 475
1. The Company and its Incorporation
Chapter: (p. 1) 1. The Company and its Incorporation
Author(s): Len Sealy and Sarah Worthington
DOI: 10.1093/he/9780199676446.003.0001
A company is very easily defined.1 It is the kind of legal entity or corporate body which is brought into being by
the registration procedures laid down by the Companies Act 2006 (CA 2006) and its predecessors.2 Its creation is
evidenced by the issue of a certificate of incorporation by the Registrar of Companies. Except in a few rare cases
the last word of its name will be ‘Ltd’ (Limited) or, in the case of a public company, the unpronounceable
abbreviation ‘plc’ (public limited company).3 In the United States, the word corresponding to company is
‘corporation’, and the corporation’s name normally terminates in that word (Corpn) or ‘Incorporated’ (Inc), although
‘Limited’ is sometimes used there, too.
Companies are encountered everywhere. They provide most of the goods and services we use every day. They
own large and small stores; run transport, telephone and communication systems; supply water and power; and
run schools and hospitals. When thinking of companies, we usually think of large organisations, although ‘one
man companies’ are perfectly possible.
What makes companies remarkable is that they are ‘legal persons’ in their own right, not simply groups of
individuals working together in a common enterprise. In the study of company law, therefore, it is not only
necessary to address the types of rules that enable groups of people to work together in an organisation, but also
to address the rules that enable a nonhuman ‘person’ to perform a wide variety of acts for itself.
Companies in action: special attributes and key parties
Company law is about the interactions between a company (as a legal person in its own right), the
company’s members (and since most companies are limited by shares, these are generally its shareholders 4 ),
its directors and its creditors (both secured and unsecured).
(p. 2) The relevant law must provide rules to deal with the creation of companies; the ways companies deal with
outsiders (eg how companies contract with their suppliers and customers, how they commit torts and crimes and
how they sue and are sued, etc); how people come to be directors and shareholders; the powers and duties of
directors and shareholders in their various relationships with the company, the creditors and each other; the
regulation of disputes within these groups (eg how directors make decisions, how battles between majority and
minority shareholders are resolved, how priorities between secured and unsecured creditors are determined); and,
finally, how companies ‘die’, or cease to exist.
The key players in all of this are the directors and the members. The task of the directors is to manage the
company (although what this means in practice is determined by the constitution of the company, which in turn is
governed by the members). The directors generally act collectively, via a board of directors. The boards of
directors in mediumsized and larger companies will typically comprise both executive directors, who are
employed by the company and intimately involved in the daytoday management of the company, and non
executive directors (NEDs), who are not so employed or intimately involved in daytoday issues.
The members are not often closely involved in the daytoday management of the company (unless they are also
its directors), but they do exercise ultimate control over the company. They too act collectively, via the general
meeting, usually (but not always) by majority vote. The members have the power to dismiss the directors and,
often, the power to appoint them. The rights of members are essentially a matter of contract between the
members and the company (agreed in the company’s constitutional documents, supplemented by any
subsequent agreements).
If the company has shares, the members of the company are its shareholders. These shareholders provide ‘equity
funding’ to the company by way of paying for their shares (and can be contrasted with the debt funding provided
by bank loans, etc). The rights that the shareholders receive in return are set out in the terms of the share issue.
Generally there are rights to vote, to receive dividends out of the company’s profits while the company is a going
concern (if the directors recommend dividends), and to share in any surplus assets of the company (ie assets
remaining after all of the company’s creditors have been paid in full) when the company is wound up. There may
be more than one class of shareholder, with different classes having different rights to vote or to receive particular
financial benefits. All these matters are settled by agreement between the company and its shareholders.
Companies are used as vehicles for all sorts of activities. Typically, they are used for conducting business, from
the small corner grocery store to the large multinational corporation. Companies are also used for running many
nonprofit ventures. Despite the varied size and function of companies, there are certain core features that are
common to most companies. Two are of central significance: the separate legal personality of companies (ie a
company is a separate legal person, distinct from its directors and its members), and the limited liability of its
members.5 Both of these features are dealt with in detail in the next chapter, but deserve a word of explanation
The fact that a company is a legal person in its own right is fundamental to the whole structure of company law.
And yet there is no fanfare about this in the Act itself: all that CA 2006 s 7 says is that ‘A company is formed
under this Act by … [and then describes how a company is formed].’ But the separate legal personality of the
company ensures that it owns property, (p. 3) it contracts with third parties, it is owed duties by its
directors, it makes constitutional commitments to its members, and so on. Crucially, this independence enables
the company’s business assets and liabilities (and attendant risks) to be segregated from the personal assets
and liabilities of the company’s members and directors. This partitioning of assets is crucial to the attractiveness
of companies as commercial vehicles.
The limited liability of a company’s members is related to the company’s separate personality, but does not follow
automatically from it (after all, it is possible to have companies whose members have unlimited liability (CA 2006
s 3(4))6 ). Where liability of members is limited, it is either limited ‘by shares’ to the price of the shares or ‘by
guarantee’ to the commitment embodied in the guarantee.7 What this means is that the company’s liabilities to
third parties can only be met out of the company’s assets (including, of course, the company’s receipts of the full
share price and the benefit of the guarantees provided by members). The company’s creditors cannot seek
satisfaction from the company members personally, even if the company has insufficient funds to pay its own
liabilities in full. Notice that although we typically use the shorthand expression that a company is a ‘limited
liability company’, the company’s liability is not in fact limited at all; only its members’ liability is.8
Sources of company law
Registered companies can only be created because legislation permits it. That same legislation is also the
primary source of the rules that govern the operation of companies. Most of the relevant provisions are now to be
found within the 1,300 provisions and 16 Schedules of CA 2006. This Act received Royal Assent on 8 November
2006, and was then slowly introduced over almost three years, from January 2007 to October 2009.9 In the
transition phase, the relevant provisions from the predecessor Companies Acts 1985 and 1989 (CA 1985 and CA
1989) continued to govern. Now virtually every provision in CA 2006 is in force, and the Act is fully operational. It
replaces CA 1985 and CA 1989, other than Parts 14 and 15 of CA 1985 (company investigations).
In addition to UK legislation in the form of the Companies Acts, companies are regulated by other
statutes,10 common law rules, European law (especially harmonisation Directives), and certain other special rules
(eg the Listing Rules of the London Stock Exchange).
UK Companies Acts
CA 2006 (especially Parts 1 to 39) either restates or amends almost all of the provisions of CA 1985 and CA
1989, as well as the Companies (Audit, Investigations and Community Enterprise) Act 2004 (C(AICE)A 2004). The
Act also codifies certain aspects of the case law, (p. 4) especially that relating to directors’ duties. Note that CA
2006 s 2 defines ‘the Companies Acts’ (note the plural) to mean CA 2006 itself (but only the Parts specified in s
2(2)), and parts of other specified Acts that remain in force (s 2(1)(b) and (c)).
CA 2006 is the product of the most extensive revision of company law since 1856. It arises from a consultation
carried out over seven years, from 1998 to 2005, by the Company Law Review (CLR), which was set up by the
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). That consultation was itself preceded by substantial work and two reports
delivered by the Law Commissions on directors’ duties and shareholder remedies.11 (Note that the DTI no longer
exists. Early in 2007 it became the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR), which in
2009 became the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS). Each change of name reflects a change in
the functions undertaken by the department.)
The CLR produced eight substantial consultation documents, followed by a twovolume final report in 2001.12 In
response to this, in July 2002, the government published a twovolume White Paper, Modernising Company
Law (Cm 5553), and then in March 2005, after another three years’ work, a second and substantially revised
White Paper,Company Law Reform (Cm 6456). The Company Law Reform Bill, which resulted from all this work,
was introduced into the House of Lords in November 2005 and, as indicated earlier, received Royal Assent a year
later in November 2006. It is reputedly the longest Bill ever considered by Parliament.
According to a BIS Consultation Report published in August 2010, the key policy objectives of CA 2006 include:13
• to enhance stakeholder engagement and a longterm investment culture (promoting wider participation, and
ensuring decisions are based on a longterm view rather than immediate return);
• to ensure better regulation and a ‘think small first’ approach;
• to make it easier to set up and run a company.
Regulatory amendments to CA 2006
The process of major company law reform is considered later. But many provisions in CA 2006 give the Secretary
of State the power to make any necessary regulations by statutory instrument. This is done, as specified, by
either the ‘affirmative resolution procedure’ (s 1290) or the ‘negative resolution procedure’ (s 1289).
The affirmative procedure requires the proposed statutory instrument to be laid before Parliament and approved by
both Houses; the negative procedure does not require this, but the regulations may be annulled by resolution of
either House. The latter procedure is reserved for regulations that do not increase the burdens on the affected
parties (eg regulations introducing exemptions from audit requirements), the former for cases where Parliament
needs to retain greater control over the delegated amendment process.
(p. 5) History of legislative reform
The first Companies Act was passed in 1844. It was not concerned with the creation of companies per se: ‘joint
stock companies’ already existed in considerable numbers, and had done so for over a century. This Act provided
for the registration of the ‘deed of settlement’ of such companies (ie registration of their principal constitutional
document). In return for registration, they were accorded corporate status (ie recognised by the law as entities in
their own right). ‘Joint stock’ companies formed on the basis of a deed of settlement were different from the
chartered corporations like the Hudson’s Bay Company and the Bank of England, and different again from the
statutory companies which sprang up in great numbers early in the nineteenth century to build the nation’s
railways and canals and docks.14 They were outsized, unincorporated partnerships, running sometimes into
hundreds of members, carefully set up by the skills of clever equity draftsmen so that largescale ventures could
be organised on the basis of a common fund or ‘joint stock’ pooled by the participants, and run by directors and
managers for the benefit of all concerned. By 1844, they were too important to be ignored or outlawed and too
unwieldy to fit at all easily into normal legal procedures such as litigation. The 1844 Act was the first step in giving
these companies legal recognition.
A decade later, in 1855, a further Act was passed which allowed the shareholders who invested in a company to
limit their liability; and a year after that a revised statute, the Joint Stock Companies Act 1856, established the
framework for the modernstyle company, incorporated by the process of registration and enjoying limited liability.
The old ‘deed of settlement’ gave way to the ‘memorandum and articles of association’, which in the 2006 Act
gave way to a simple onedocument constitution, the ‘articles’.
There have not been any paradigm shifts in either the institution of ‘the company’ or in the legislation dealing with
it from 1856 to the present day. That also includes the 2006 Act: for all its welcome changes, it does not
fundamentally alter the structure of the subject. Of course, Parliament has been busy in company affairs from
time to time, passing, amending and consolidating Acts, each bigger than the last one. Until the recent review
(noted earlier), the last fundamental reassessment of the subject took place at the time of the Crimean War.
CA 1985 and CA 1989 are the immediate predecessors of CA 2006. Parts of these Acts remained in force during
the transition to full operation of CA 2006; indeed, some minor parts which were not reenacted in CA 2006 are
still operational.15 The 1985 statute was the result of parliamentary efforts to make a fresh start by consolidating
all the companyrelated statutory provisions that were then operative into one major Act, the Companies Act 1985,
and three minor ones, the Company Securities (Insider Dealing) Act 1985,16 the Company Directors
Disqualification Act 1986 (CDDA 1986) and the Companies Consolidation (Consequential Provisions) Act 1985.
But this tidying up exercise achieved very little. CA 1985 (747 sections and 25 Schedules) did not survive intact
for long. In the same year it was enacted, the Insolvency Act 1985 (now almost entirely repealed and replaced by
the Insolvency Act 1986) superseded nearly a third of it with sweeping new provisions. Further changes were
made by the Financial Services Act 1986 (itself now superseded by the Financial Services and Markets Act
2000), and by CA 1989 (again, a substantial piece of legislation containing 216 sections and 24 Schedules).
It is an unhappy fact that the volume of companies legislation almost quadrupled in the course of the 1980s. And
the process continues. Even in the lead up to the reforms embodied in CA 2006, there was a steady flow of new
measures. These included some reforms of considerable importance, such as the provisions which authorise the
formation of single (p. 6) member companies (‘Classifications based on size’, p 22) and those which have
introduced a new regime to regulate the issue of prospectuses inviting the public to invest in a company’s shares
(‘Prospectuses’, p 725).
This complexity creates its own risks. When the law is embodied in a number of different statutes, and especially
when those statutes are long and complicated, there is a risk that parties will not be aware of the relevant rules.
For example, in British Racing Drivers’ Club Ltd v Hextall Ersk ine and Co [1996] 3 All ER 667 (Ch), over £2.8
million was awarded in damages against an experienced commercial lawyer who wrongly advised that it was not
necessary for a company to obtain the approval of its members for a substantial property transaction (now see CA
2006 s 190 at ‘Transactions with directors requiring the approval of members’, p 414). And in Brady v
Brady [10.08], the lawyers did not appreciate which statutory provision was relevant to the case until it reached
the House of Lords.
The Company Law Review (CLR)
In March 1998, the DTI commissioned a fundamental review of company law. An independent Steering Group led
the CLR. Its terms of reference required it to consider how core company law could be modernised in order to
provide a simple, efficient and costeffective framework for British business in the twentyfirst century.
The CLR presented its Final Report to the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry on 26 July 2001. This report
contained a range of recommendations for substantive changes to many areas of company law, and a set of
principles to guide the development of the law more generally. Most notably it proposed that the law should be as
simple and as accessible as possible for smaller firms and their advisers and should avoid imposing unnecessary
burdens on the ways companies operate (ie ‘think small first’). See ‘The process of company law reform’, p 17.
Many, but not all, of the provisions of CA 2006 implement CLR recommendations.
The most important documents produced as a result of the CLR law reform process are:
(i) White Paper, Company Law Reform (Cm 6456, March 2005);
(ii) White Paper, Modernising Company Law (Cm 5553I and Cm 5553II, July 2002);
(iii) DTI, Modern Company Law for a Competitive Economy: Final Report (URN 01/942 and 01/943, 2001).
These, and all the other consultation papers, are available on the BIS website.17
Case law
In all these years of reform, no Companies Act has ever been a complete code. Much of company law goes back
to the days of the deed of settlement companies and the chartered and statutory corporations which flourished in
earlier centuries. A great deal of the essence and spirit of the present company law is derived from this old case
law rather than from anything in the Companies Acts themselves. Indeed, these Acts always assumed the
existence of companies, and took for granted matters of everyday practice in company affairs, and the body of
judicial precedent that has grown up over the years. The influence of these background (p. 7) factors has been
remarkably persistent, even, sometimes, on matters where business circumstances today are quite different.
In addition to the principles of common law and equity that have evolved independently of statute (eg on directors’
duties, although that has now been codified in CA 2006), there are of course many other rulings of the courts
based on the Companies Acts themselves. These are sometimes on the literal wording of particular sections and
sometimes on the broader interpretations of the general institutional framework that is established by the Acts (eg
the ‘maintenance of capital’ rules (‘Dividend distributions’, pp 541ff)). In addition, there are decisions concerned
with the interpretation of documents such as the company’s constitutional documents or shareholders’ resolutions
of individual companies. Many of these are of a common or standard type (eg provisions in articles defining the
functions of the board of directors, or the terms on which preference shares are issued) and so have significance
for company law generally as well as for the parties in the case in question.
In some areas, practice is almost as important as the law itself. A student of English company law who did not
know something of ‘the City’ and those bodies which have traditionally been selfregulating, such as the Stock
Exchange, would gain only an imperfect impression of such matters as public issues of shares and takeover bids.
It is true that the financial services legislation of 1986 and its successors have slowly put much of this regulation
on a full statutory basis, but the older rules and practices of these various bodies remain instructive.
European law
There are many ways in which the UK’s membership of the EU influences its company law. The objectives of the
Treaty of Rome (now renamed as the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, under the Treaty of
Lisbon) include the facilitating of trade and the removal of barriers to people’s freedom to establish their
businesses and invest their capital on a basis of equality throughout the EU. To this end, a programme for the
‘harmonisation’ of the domestic company laws of the member states was instituted. It seeks to remove the
differences of detail between those local laws which might act as impediments to such equality. The Treaty
expressly authorises and empowers its organs to issue ‘Directives’ for this purpose.
These harmonisation Directives are referred to as the ‘First Directive’, ‘Second Directive’, and so on, in the order in
which they were proposed by the Commission and then jointly approved by the Council and the European
Parliament following Art 251 of the EC Treaty. Of the 13 proposals so far, the fifth and tenth have not yet been
adopted, and the ninth has been withdrawn. In addition to these 13 companyspecific Directives, there are of
course other EU Directives which impact on company law issues.18
In principle, a Directive is binding only on the member state, which must implement it by its own legislation;19 it
does not immediately or directly affect individual companies or citizens as a ‘source’ of law. However, a number of
rulings given by both the European Court and English courts have made inroads into this principle. In the first
place, if a Directive has been implemented by domestic legislation, recourse may be had to the text of the
Directive as an aid to resolve questions of statutory interpretation in relation to that legislation. This will normally
require the court to give a ‘purposive’ rather than a restrictive construction to the statute or regulations in question,
in keeping with the usual approach of the European Court (Litster v Forth Dry Dock and Engineering Co Ltd [1990]
1 AC 546, HL).
(p. 8) Even where the local legislation does not itself implement a Directive, but merely covers similar ground, the
European Court has ruled that it must be interpreted in the light of the wording and purpose of the Directive
(Marleasing SA v La Comercial Internacional de Alimentación SA [1.01]), although not where this would distort the
natural meaning of the legislation (Duk e v GEC Reliance Ltd [1988] AC 618, HL).
And if a member state has implemented a Directive, or has failed to do so within the time limit fixed for
implementation, the terms of the Directive may be relied on as against the member state itself or a government
agency or public body. Thus, in Karella v Ministry of Industry, Energy and Technology [1.02], it was held that an
individual could invoke the Second EU Company Law Directive for the purpose of having legislation of the Greek
Parliament declared unlawful.
By and large, the object of a Directive is to set minimum standards: there is ordinarily nothing to stop a member
state from enacting legislation which goes further than the Directive prescribes. Thus, most of the provisions of the
Second Company Law Directive are made to apply only to public companies, but under the UK legislation many of
them were made to apply to private companies as well. And in Siemens AG v Nold [1997] 1 BCLC 291, the Court
of Justice of the European Union held that it was in order for German law to give shareholders greater protection
than was required by the Directive when a company makes an issue of new shares. Even when a Directive or
proposed Directive is only in a draft stage, it may be important to know about it, since it may indicate the lines
along which tomorrow’s law is likely to develop.
EU law may also be made by Regulations. A Regulation, in contrast to a Directive, has direct effect as part of the
domestic law of each member state, although local legislation may be necessary to supplement a Regulation by,
for instance, providing administrative facilities.
A Directive does not have direct effect so as to impose obligations on an individual. Domestic legislation
of a member state must be interpreted so far as possible in the light of the wording and purpose of any
relevant Directive.
[1.01] Marleasing SA v La Comercial Internacional de Alimentación SA [1992] 1 CMLR 305 (Court of
Justice of the European Union)
Marleasing sued a number of companies, including La Comercial. It alleged, inter alia, that the formation of La
Comercial was void because it had been formed for the purpose of defrauding the creditors of one of its founding
shareholders. The Court ruled that even though this might have been a ground for declaring that a company’s
incorporation was a nullity under Spanish domestic law, it was not consistent with Art 11 of the First EU
Company Law Directive, so that the defence could not be relied on.
The Court delivered the following judgment:
… It is apparent from the grounds set out in the order for reference that Marleasing’s primary claim, based
on, ss 1261 and 1275 of the Spanish Civil Code, according to which contracts without cause or whose
cause is unlawful have no legal effect, is for a declaration that the founders’ contract establishing La
Comercial is void on the ground that the establishment of the company lacked cause, was a sham
transaction and was carried out in order to defraud the creditors of Barviesa SA, a cofounder of the
defendant company. La Comercial contended that the action should be dismissed in its entirety on the
ground, in particular, that Article 11 of Directive 68/151, which lists exhaustively the cases in which the
nullity of a company may be ordered, does not include lack of cause amongst them.
(p. 9) The national court observed that in accordance with Article 395 of the Act concerning the Conditions
of Accession of Spain and the Portuguese Republic to the European Communities, the Kingdom of Spain
was under an obligation to bring the directive into effect as from the date of accession, but that had still not
been done at the date of the order for reference. Taking the view, therefore, that the dispute raised a
problem concerning the interpretation of Community law, the national court referred the following question
to the Court:
Is Article 11 of Council Directive 68/151, which has not been implemented in national law, directly
applicable so as to preclude a declaration of nullity of a public limited company on a ground other
than those set out in the said Article? …
With regard to the question whether an individual may rely on the directive against a national law, it should
be observed that, as the Court has consistently held, a directive may not of itself impose obligations on an
individual and, consequently, a provision of a directive may not be relied upon as such against such a
person: Case 152/84, Marshall v Southampton and SouthWest Hampshire Area Health Authority.20
However, it is apparent from the documents before the Court that the national court seeks in substance to
ascertain whether a national court hearing a case which falls within the scope of Directive 68/151 is
required to interpret its national law in the light of the wording and the purpose of that directive in order to
preclude a declaration of nullity of a public limited company on a ground other than those listed in Article
11 of the directive.
In order to reply to that question, it should be observed that, as the Court pointed out in Case 14/83, Von
Colson and Kamann v Land NordrheinWestfalen,21 the member states’ obligation arising from a directive
to achieve the result envisaged by the directive and their duty under Article 5 EEC to take all appropriate
measures, whether general or particular, to ensure the fulfilment of that obligation, is binding on all the
authorities of member states including, for matters within their jurisdiction, the courts. It follows that, in
applying national law, whether the provisions in question were adopted before or after the directive, the
national court called upon to interpret it is required to do so, so far as possible, in the light of the wording
and the purpose of the directive in order to achieve the result pursued by the latter and thereby comply with
the third paragraph of Article 189 EEC.
It follows that the requirement that national law must be interpreted in conformity with Article 11 of Directive
68/151 precludes the interpretation of provisions of national law relating to public l imited companies in
such a manner that the nullity of a public limited company may be ordered on grounds other than those
exhaustively listed in Article 11 of the directive in question.
With regard to the interpretation to be given to Article 11 of the directive, in particular Article 11(2)(b), it
should be observed that that provision prohibits the laws of the member states from providing for a judicial
declaration of nullity on grounds other than those exhaustively listed in the directive, amongst which is the
ground that the objects of the company are unlawful or contrary to public policy.
According to the Commission, the expression ‘objects of the company’ must be interpreted as referring
exclusively to the objects of the company as described in the instrument of incorporation or the articles of
association. It follows, in the Commission’s view, that a declaration of nullity of a company cannot be made
on the basis of the activity actually pursued by it, for instance defrauding the founder’s creditors.
That argument must be upheld. As is clear from the preamble to Directive 68/151, its purpose was to limit
the cases in which nullity can arise and the retroactive effect of a declaration of nullity in order to ensure
‘certainty in the law as regards relations between the company and third parties, and also between
members’ (sixth recital). Furthermore, the protection of third parties ‘must be ensured by provisions which
restrict to the greatest possible extent the grounds on (p. 10) which obligations entered into in the name of
the company are not valid’. It follows, therefore, that each ground of nullity provided for in Article 11 of the
directive must be interpreted strictly. In those circumstances the words ‘objects of the company’ must be
understood as referring to the objects of the company as described in the instrument of incorporation or the
articles of association.
The answer to the question submitted must therefore be that a national court hearing a case which falls
within the scope of Directive 68/151 is required to interpret its national law in the light of the wording and
the purpose of that directive in order to preclude a declaration of nullity of a public limited company on a
ground other than those listed in Article 11 of the directive.
➤ Note
It will be seen that Art 11 of the Directive allows a judicial declaration of nullity to be made on the ground that
a company’s objects are unlawful or contrary to public policy. When the UK implemented this Directive by
domestic legislation, no steps were taken to include any provision based on Art 11, for the reasons given at
Note 1 following HA Stephenson & Son Ltd v Gillanders, Arbuthnot & Co [1.07], p 29. But, as the case of R v
Registrar of Companies, ex p AG [1.08] shows, such a declaration is not unknown in the UK.
A Directive may be invoked by an individual directly against a member state or government agency.
[1.02] Karella v Ministry of Industry, Energy and Technology [1991] ECR I2691, [1993] 2 CMLR 865 (Court
of Justice of the European Union)
Legislation enacted by the Greek Parliament (Law No 1386/1983) empowered a governmental authority called the
Business Reconstruction Organisation (OAE) to take over control of a company and to increase the capital of
such a company by administrative decision. The OAE took control of a company called Klostiria Velka AE and
decided to increase its capital from Dr 220 million to Dr 400 million. Two shareholders successfully argued that
this was contrary to the Second EU Company Law Directive Art 25(1), which requires an increase of capital,
except in limited circumstances, to be effected by a resolution of the shareholders.
The Court delivered the following judgment:
The national court’s questions essentially raise two issues. The first is concerned with art 25(1) of the
Second Directive. The national court wishes to establish whether, having regard to art 41(1) of the Second
Directive, art 25(1) may be relied upon against the administration by individuals in the national courts. It
then asks whether art 25(1), in conjunction with art 21(1), is applicable with regard to public rules, such as
those provided for in Law No 1386/1983, which govern the completely exceptional cases of undertakings
which are of particular economic and social importance for society and are undergoing serious financial
The second issue is concerned with art 42 of the Second Directive. The national court asks whether that
provision may be relied upon by individuals and whether it has to be interpreted as precluding national rules
of the type referred to above. …
The direct effect of art 25(1) of the Second Directive
As the court has consistently held, wherever the provisions of a directive appear, as far as their subject
matter is concerned, to be unconditional and sufficiently precise, individuals are entitled (p. 11) to invoke
them against the state (see, in particular, the judgment in Case 8/81 Beck er v Finanzamt Münster
Innenstadt [1982] ECR 53).
Consequently, it should be examined whether art 25(1) of the Second Directive, which provides that any
increase in capital must be decided upon by the general meeting, satisfied those conditions.
It must be held in that connection that that provision is clearly and precisely worded and lays down,
unconditionally, a rule enshrining the general principle that the general meeting has the power to decide
upon increases in capital.
The unconditional nature of that provision is not affected by the derogation provided for in art 25(2) of the
Second Directive to the effect that the company’s instrument of incorporation or the general meeting may
authorise an increase in the subscribed capital up to a maximum amount which is to be fixed with due
regard for any maximum amount provided for by law. That individual, clearly defined derogation does not
leave member states any possibility of making the principle of the power of the general meeting subject to
any exceptions other than that for which express provision is made.
The same applies to art 41(1) of the Second Directive, under which member states may derogate from art
25(1) and art 9(1) and the first sentence of art 19(1)(a) and (b) to the extent that such derogations are
necessary to encourage the participation of employees or other groups of persons defined by national law
in the capital of undertakings. That derogation, too, is strictly confined to the case provided for.
Moreover, the fact that the Community legislature provided for precise, concrete derogations confirms the
unconditional character of the principle set forth in art 25(1) of the Second Directive.
It is appropriate therefore to answer the national court by stating that art 25(1) of the Second Directive may
be relied upon by individuals against the public authorities before national courts.
Scope of art 25(1) of the Second Directive
As for the scope of art 25(1) of the Second Directive with respect to a law, such as Law No 1386/1983, it
should be examined in the first place whether such a law falls within the field of application of the directive,
since that legislation does not set out the basic rules on increases of capital and merely seeks to deal with
exceptional situations. If that legislation falls within the field of application of the Second Directive, it should
then be considered whether it can qualify for the benefit of the derogation provided for in art 41(1) of that
As far as the field of application of the Second Directive is concerned, it should be stated first of all that, in
accordance with art 54(3)(g) of the Treaty, it seeks to coordinate the safeguards which, for the protection of
the interests of members and others, are required by member states of companies and firms within the
meaning of the second paragraph of art 58 of the Treaty with a view to making such safeguards equivalent.
Consequently, the aim of the Second Directive is to provide a minimum level of protection for shareholders
in all the member states.
That objective would be seriously frustrated if the member states were entitled to derogate from the
provisions of the directive by maintaining in force rules—even rules categorised as special or exceptional—
under which it is possible to decide by administrative measure, outside any decision by the general
meeting of shareholders, to effect an increase in the company’s capital which would have the effect either
of obliging the original shareholders to increase their contributions to the capital or of imposing on them the
addition of new shareholders, thus reducing their involvement in the decisiontaking power of the company.
However, that observation does not signify that Community law prevents member states from derogating
from those provisions in any circumstances. The Community legislature has made specific provision for
welldefined derogations and for procedures which may result in such derogations with the aim of
safeguarding certain vital interests of the member states which are liable to (p. 12) be affected in
exceptional situations. Instances of this are arts 19(2) and (3), art 40(2), art 41(2) and art 43(2) of the
In this connection, it must be held that no derogating provision which would allow the member states to
derogate from art 25(1) of the Directive in crisis situations is provided for either in the EEC Treaty or in the
Second Directive itself. …
It follows that, in the absence of a derogation provided for by Community law, art 25(1) of the Second
Directive must be interpreted as precluding the member states from maintaining in force rules incompatible
with the principle set forth in that article, even if those rules cover only exceptional situations. …
➤ Note
Despite the extensive programme for the harmonisation of companies legislation within the EU, some quite
fundamental differences remain—and in many cases are likely to continue. See ‘Country of incorporation,
“seat” and “COMI”’, p 13 on the different means of determining ‘home’ for a company. What is more, these
are often differences in the commercial practice or ‘culture’ as between one country and another, which are
likely to survive any kind of legislative reform. For instance, in some jurisdictions such as the UK, a relatively
high proportion of the shares in the larger companies are held by members of the public and institutional
investors (eg pension funds) and are actively traded on the Stock Exchange; in others, there is extensive use
of shares in ‘bearer’ form which can be transferred from one owner to another by simply handing over the
relevant share certificate; and in yet others, major shareholdings in the leading companies are held by banks,
either in their own right or as nominees for the real owners. It is very difficult to frame a single set of rules
which will take account of these variations in practice. For example, it is only in a jurisdiction like the UK
where there is an extensive market for shares that a ‘takeover bid’ can be made to work effectively; in other
countries, the different patterns of shareholding (and differences in accounting practice, etc) create ‘barriers’
to takeovers which are every bit as insurmountable as a prohibition imposed by statute would be.
European Directives and Regulations relating to company law
The Directives that have already been implemented by the European Parliament and Council cover a wide range of
company law matters, although noticeably only those where member states have a vested selfinterest in
harmonisation. These include Directives on formation of single member private limited liability companies,
formation of public limited liability companies and the maintenance and alteration of their capital, requirements for
annual accounts and consolidated accounts, prospectus requirements, crossborder mergers of limited liability
companies, transparency and disclosure Directives, a takeovers Directive and market abuse Directive.
Other Directives never proceeded past the proposal stage. For example, a Fifth Directive has never been adopted,
largely because of opposition from the UK. It would have required all companies with a workforce above a certain
size to institute a system of employee participation in management decisions, and would have included provisions
governing directors’ duties and the function of auditors. Similarly, a draft Ninth Directive would have introduced
rules governing the conduct of corporate groups, including intragroup liabilities on insolvency. Like many other
Directives, it was based on a German model, but this has not worked well even in Germany itself, and so the
Directive has now been formally withdrawn.
There are noticeably fewer Regulations. Two merit special comment, since they allow for different formal company
structures. Regulation (EC) 2137/85 permits the establishment of European Economic Interest
Groupings (EEIGs),22 intended to be used for nonprofitmaking crossborder ventures for purposes such as joint
research and development.
In the area of insolvency law, Regulation (EC) 1346/2000 establishes common rules to deal with crossborder
insolvency proceedings. See ‘Country of incorporation, “seat” and “COMI”’, p 13.
Finally, various Recommendations have been advanced. The Company Law Slim Working Group made
Recommendations on the simplification of the First and Second Directives; the Commission has made
Recommendations on statutory audit (2001/256/EC and 2002/590/EC) and on the recognition, measurement and
disclosure of environmental issues in the annual accounts and annual reports of companies.
European law harmonisation
The EU company law harmonisation programme has attracted criticism because many of its measures have been
seen as too prescriptive and regulatory in their approach, and too detailed in form, leading to widespread
proliferation of rules and increases in compliance costs. This may have been true, but recent moves aim to reduce
the burden, particularly for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), by (for instance) relaxing the accounting
requirements and, for some, removing altogether the obligation to have accounts audited.
Of course, what for one person may be an additional constraint may for another be a positive benefit: the
standardisation of accounting formats may seem tiresome for those who have to comply but makes the reading
easier for those relying on the accounts; and the general tightening up of the rules governing entry to the financial
services markets has led not only to a ‘level playing field’, but more importantly to the opening up of these
markets to users based anywhere in the EU—a development from which UK firms probably have stood to gain
more than those of any other country.
Country of incorporation, ‘seat’ and ‘COMI’
In all this talk of European harmonisation, it is important to note that there are also legal rules in particular
jurisdictions which may be regarded as inviolate. One such rule divides the EU member states into two groups:
those which take the country of incorporation as the state whose law is, for most purposes, the governing law,
and those which consider that this should be determined by the country where the company’s main establishment
or ‘seat’ (Sitz or siège réel) is located. The UK and Ireland are typical of the former; France and Germany of the
latter, and it can fairly be said that ‘never the twain shall meet’. So, a company cannot be incorporated in France if
its main business is to be based in another country, and if a Frenchregistered company were to move its main
activities abroad then under French law (p. 14) it would have to be wound up. But a company incorporated in the
UK can have its centre of business anywhere.
This dichotomy seems to be far too firmly entrenched to make radical change at all likely. Even so, the following
case shows that there may be rather more freedom of choice than might have been expected.
The country of incorporation.
[1.03] Centros Ltd v Erhvervsog Selskabsstryrelsen [1999] 2 CMLR 551, [2000] Ch 446 (Court of Justice of
the European Union)
Danish law requires that all companies should be formed with a prescribed minimum capital and that a substantial
sum should be paid up on that capital prior to incorporation. Mr and Mrs Bryde, Danish citizens, formed a
company in England with a nominal capital of £100 on which nothing was ever paid up. It never traded in the UK.
They then sought to register a branch of this company in Denmark but the Danish authority (referred to in the
report as ‘the Board’) refused, on the ground that this was a way of avoiding the Danish rules as to capital. The
court held that the authority’s refusal to register the branch was an obstacle to the freedom of establishment
conferred by Arts 52 and 58 of the Treaty of Rome.
The Court delivered the following judgment:
As a preliminary point, it should be made clear that the Board does not in any way deny that a joint stock
or private limited company with its registered office in another Member State may carry on business in
Denmark through a branch. It therefore agrees, as a general rule, to register in Denmark a branch of a
company formed in accordance with the law of another Member State. In particular, it has added that, if
Centros had conducted any business in England and Wales, the Board would have agreed to register its
branch in Denmark.
According to the Danish Government, Article 52 is not applicable in the case in the main proceedings,
since the situation is purely internal to Denmark. Mr and Mrs Bryde, Danish nationals, have formed a
company in the United Kingdom which does not carry on any actual business there, with the sole purpose
of carrying on business in Denmark through a branch and thus of avoiding application of Danish legislation
on the formation of private limited companies. It considers that in such circumstances the formation by
nationals of one Member State of a company in another Member State does not amount to a relevant
external element in the light of Community law and, in particular, freedom of establishment.
In this respect, it should be noted that a situation in which a company formed in accordance with the law of
a Member State in which it has its registered office desires to set up a branch in another Member State
falls within the scope of Community law. In that regard, it is immaterial that the company was formed in the
first Member State only for the purpose of establishing itself in the second, where its main, or indeed
entire, business is to be conducted.
That Mr and Mrs Bryde formed the company Centros in the United Kingdom for the purpose of avoiding
Danish legislation requiring that a minimum amount of share capital be paid up has not been denied either
in the written observations or at the hearing. That does not, however, mean that the formation by the British
company of a branch in Denmark is not covered by freedom of establishment for the purposes of Articles
52 and 58. The question of the application of those articles of the Treaty is different from the question
whether or not a Member State may adopt measures in order to prevent attempts by certain of its nationals
to evade domestic legislation by having recourse to the possibilities offered by the Treaty.
As to the question whether, as Mr and Mrs Bryde claim, the refusal to register in Denmark a branch of their
company formed in accordance with the law of another Member State in which it (p. 15) has its registered
office constitutes an obstacle to freedom of establishment, it must be borne in mind that that freedom,
conferred by Article 52 on Community nationals, includes the right for them to take up and pursue activities
as selfemployed persons and to set up and manage undertakings under the same conditions as are laid
down by the law of the Member State of establishment for its own nationals. Furthermore, under Article 58
companies or firms formed in accordance with the law of a Member State and having their registered office,
central administration or principal place of business within the Community are to be treated in the same
way as natural persons who are nationals of Member States.
The immediate consequence of this is that those companies are entitled to carry on their business in
another Member State through an agency, branch or subsidiary. The location of their registered office,
central administration or principal place of business serves as the connecting factor with the legal system
of a particular State in the same way as does nationality in the case of a natural person.
Where it is the practice of a Member State, in certain circumstances, to refuse to register a branch of a
company having its registered office in another Member State, the result is that companies formed in
accordance with the law of that other Member State are prevented from exercising the freedom of
establishment conferred on them by Articles 52 and 58.
Consequently, that practice constitutes an obstacle to the exercise of the freedoms guaranteed by those
According to the Danish authorities, however, Mr and Mrs Bryde cannot rely on those provisions, since the
sole purpose of the company formation which they have in mind is to circumvent the application of the
national law governing formation of private limited companies and therefore constitutes abuse of the
freedom of establishment. In their submission, the Kingdom of Denmark is therefore entitled to take steps
to prevent such abuse by refusing to register the branch.
It is true that according to the case law of the Court a Member State is entitled to take measures designed
to prevent certain of its nationals from attempting, under cover of the rights created by the Treaty,
improperly to circumvent their national legislation or to prevent individuals from improperly or fraudulently
taking advantage of provisions of Community law.
However, although, in such circumstances, the national courts may, case by case, take account—on the
basis of objective evidence—of abuse or fraudulent conduct on the part of the persons concerned in order,
where appropriate, to deny them the benefit of the provisions of Community law on which they seek to rely,
they must nevertheless assess such conduct in the light of the objectives pursued by those provisions.
In the present case, the provisions of national law, application of which the parties concerned have sought
to avoid, are rules governing the formation of companies and not rules concerning the carrying on of certain
trades, professions or businesses. The provisions of the Treaty on freedom of establishment are intended
specifically to enable companies formed in accordance with the law of a Member State and having their
registered office, central administration or principal place of business within the Community to pursue
activities in other Member States through an agency, branch or subsidiary.
That being so, the fact that a national of a Member State who wishes to set up a company chooses to form
it in the Member State whose rules of company law seem to him the least restrictive and to set up
branches in other Member States cannot, in itself, constitute an abuse of the right of establishment. The
right to form a company in accordance with the law of a Member State and to set up branches in other
Member States is inherent in the exercise, in a single market, of the freedom of establishment guaranteed
by the Treaty. …
The other concept of ‘place of business’ which is increasingly important, if only on the insolvency of a company, is
‘centre of main interest’ (COMI). This is a term which describes the jurisdiction with which a company (or a
person) is most closely associated for the purposes of crossborder insolvency proceedings. It is used in both the
EC Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings (Insolvency Regulation) (1346/2000 ([2000] OJ L160/1)) and the
UNCITRAL (p. 16) Model Law on CrossBorder Insolvency (Model Law), although it is not defined in either. The
former uses the concept of COMI to determine which member state of the EU (other than Denmark) takes
precedence if competing company insolvency procedures are commenced in different member states. The latter
uses the concept to determine the degree to which the courts of one jurisdiction are obliged to recognise and
assist insolvency proceedings commenced in a different jurisdiction.
COMI is thus an EU concept, not a feature of national law. It must therefore be given a consistent EUwide
interpretation: Interedil Srl v Fallimento Interedil Srl (Case C396/09) [2012] BCC 851. The fact that this measure
is embodied in a Regulation with direct applicability and effect, as opposed to a Directive, helps to promote
consistency of application.
Although COMI is not defined in the Insolvency Regulation or the Model Law, the preamble to the EC Insolvency
Regulation states that it should correspond to the place where the debtor conducts the administration of his
interests on a regular basis and is therefore ascertainable by third parties (para 13, Preamble). In both the
Insolvency Regulation and the Model Law, there is a rebuttable presumption that a corporate debtor’s COMI is the
location of the company’s registered office (Art 3, Insolvency Regulation and Art 16(3), Model Law). But, at least
in the Insolvency Regulation, that is a weak presumption, regularly displaced in practice.
The leading case on identifying COMI is still Eurofood IFSC Ltd (Case C341/04) [2006] ECR I3813, [2006] BCC
397. Here the European Court of Justice indicated that the presumption that a company has its COMI in the
member state where it is registered is not rebutted simply because it is a subsidiary subject to a degree of
economic control from a parent located in another member state. All factors need to be considered, in particular
where its presence is objectively ascertainable to creditors.
More significantly, COMI need not be static. And, indeed, a deliberate change of COMI may reflect a concerted
attempt to forum shop, typically to relocate to the UK at the eleventh hour to take advantage of the UK’s more
debtorfriendly insolvency rules. See, for example, Shierson v VlielandBoddy [2005] EWCA Civ 974, [2005] BCC
949. This has been sufficiently lucrative to national professional practices, that overseas jurisdictions have moved
to amend their own insolvency laws to align better with UK practices. In this field, as in many others, however, the
legislation does not deal effectively with corporate groups, and that remains an area of significant controversy:
see, for example,Eurofood (in the previous paragraph); Re Daisytek ISA Ltd [2003] BCC 562.
There is also the comity mechanism located in Insolvency Act 1986 s 426 which is available to the courts in a
number of scheduled jurisdictions with an English common law heritage. Re Integrated Medical Solutions
Ltd [2012] BCC 215 examines the interrelationship between the IA 1986 and the Insolvency Regulation, and
applied the former in the light of the latter. Indeed, the Insolvency Regulation has become even more important
given the Supreme Court’s recent retrenchment of the common law position:Rubin v Eurofinance SA [2012] UKSC
46, [2012] 3 WLR 1019, which, perhaps unexpectedly, disapproved of Cambridge Gas Transport Corp v Official
Committee of Unsecured Creditors of Navigator Holdings plc [2006] UKPC 26, [2007] 1 AC 508.
Human rights legislation
The UK has been a signatory to the European Convention on Human Rights from as long ago as 1950, but the
principles of the Convention were not incorporated into its domestic law until the enactment of the Human Rights
Act 1998. Until this Act came into force, very few cases which had implications for company law were taken to
the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg—one notable exception being Saunders v UK (1996) 23 EHCR
(p. 17) However, there is now a far greater awareness of these principles and their effect. See, for example,
amendments made to the law which now restrict the use of selfincriminating statements made under compulsion
in a later prosecution, and changes to the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers.
Finally, mention should be made of various initiatives taken independently of government which have led to reforms
of a selfregulatory nature, some of them of considerable significance. The City Code on Takeovers and Mergers
used to be the most notable of these, although now much of this work has been put on a statutory basis. Before
these recent changes, however, the Code, and the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers which administered it, which
had been set up by the Bank of England and representatives of various professional and financial bodies without
the backing of legislation, had discharged the important public function of regulating the conduct of takeovers for
several decades.
Now the most important selfregulatory regime is found in the UK Corporate Governance Code. This is a
statement of principles of good governance and a code of best practice, appended to the listing rules of the Stock
Exchange. It must be adhered to by all listed companies on a ‘comply or explain’ basis (see Chapter 5). The
current version of the UK Corporate Governance Code was issued in September 2012 by the Financial Reporting
Council (FRC), the UK’s independent regulator responsible for promoting confidence in corporate reporting and
governance. It revises a previous version from 2010, which was based on a 1998 version prepared by the
Committee on Corporate Governance chaired by Sir Ronald Hampel, which in turn built on the 1992 work of the
Cadbury Committee and others. Again, this Code operates without legislative backing.
The Bank of England sponsors an independent body, the Financial Markets Law Committee, whose role is to
identify issues of legal uncertainty or misunderstanding, both present and future, in the framework of the
wholesale financial markets which might give rise to material risks, and to consider how such issues should be
addressed. The Committee also acts as a bridge to the judiciary to help UK courts remain up to date with
developments in financial markets practice.
The process of company law reform
Company law, perhaps more so than any other branch of commercial law, is not a field where finality is ever to be
expected. There is always pressure for it to be modernised so as to take account of new developments in
business practice, or for it to be reformed for some other reason (eg because the drafting of an earlier statute has
proved to be defective, or because a ruling of the courts is thought to have left the law in an unsatisfactory state).
The substantive aspects of the various statutory changes were summarised at ‘Sources of company law’, pp 3ff.
However, the process of company law reform also merits attention.
In the past, a practice developed of establishing a committee, appointed by the government every 20 years or so,
with a general brief to look at the subject as a whole and make recommendations for reform. This would be
followed shortly after by an amending Act, which in turn was very soon consolidated with the previous Act so that
it was all brought together. The last of such committees was the Jenkins Committee, which reported in 1962. But
at that point the pattern was broken. No amending legislation was introduced to implement the committee’s
proposed reforms (apart from an abortive Bill in the late 1970s, and some piecemeal measures in the ensuing
decade), and the practice of setting up such committees was abandoned.
(p. 18) Besides these committees with a general brief, there were others appointed from time to time to look at a
particular topic, such as the Bodkin Committee on sharepushing (1937). These reports (many never followed by
legislation) contain some material of great interest, although they are now rather dated. They do, however, serve
as a pointed reminder that some problems have been in need of a solution for decades.25
From the 1980s onwards, all the initiative for reform came from within government, and legislation was usually put
in place after the publication of a consultative document inviting comments from members of the public and
interested bodies. The driving force behind many statutory changes was the need to implement numerous EU
Directives. Time constraints meant that amendments to the primary legislation were often made by statutory
instrument, frequently by enacting additional ‘layers’ of law which left the existing legislation in place and
supplemented or qualified it with further rules.
In the course of the 1990s, the DTI set up a succession of working groups to examine possible reforms of
particular topics, and also published a number of discussion documents inviting comments and suggestions from
the public at large. In a few cases amending legislation followed, usually where this could be done by statutory
instrument. But other reforms were simply left in abeyance until time could be found in the parliamentary schedule
for a Bill. Significantly, the DTI also adopted an occasional practice of referring certain specific areas of company
law to the Law Commissions. They were in a position to examine the subjects in depth, consult widely and
publish reports containing recommendations for reform. Unhappily, these recommendations, too, were put on hold
until an opportunity arose to enact primary legislation.26
It was widely accepted that, as a result of this piecemeal approach to reform, the UK companies legislation had
become very untidy, complex and difficult to understand. A thorough overhaul was thought to be essential. This
was eventually initiated in 1998 with the creation of the Company Law Review (see ‘The Company Law Review’, p
The ambitious nature of this review helped to determine the reform process. Mrs Margaret Beckett, then Secretary
of State for Trade and Industry, published a consultation paper with the challenging title Modern Company Law for
a Competitive Economy. The focus was to be on the framework of ‘core’ company law,27 reviewing every aspect of
the subject, even the foundations which were put in place by the Victorians in the midnineteenth century. The
emphasis was on clarity, simplification, consistency, predictability and transparency, with the aim of promoting
competitiveness in the modern commercial and technological environment.
The project involved very large numbers of people, many of them serving on ‘working groups’ charged with
examining separate areas of the law. At the head of all these bodies was (p. 19) a ‘Steering Group’ whose
members included representatives of commerce, the professions, the judiciary, academics and the DTI itself.
There was, in addition, a Consultative Committee of some 40 members, and, beyond this, others assisted by
undertaking research or providing information from overseas jurisdictions. All in all, the Review was the most
thorough and comprehensive undertaking since the introduction of limited liability and the other reforms of the
All these outputs then had to be converted into legislation. This was an enormous task, although one advantage of
comprehensive redrafting is the opportunity to eliminate accumulated legislative flaws. These were numerous.
From the 1970s, many corporate law reforms were effected by statutory instrument under provisions such as the
European Communities Act 1972 and the Deregulation and Contracting Out Act 1994. These Acts, exceptionally,
authorise the amendment of primary legislation by subordinate ‘regulations’ that bypass the usual full
parliamentary procedure (see ‘Regulatory amendments to CA 2006’, p 4). This has certain advantages—for
instance, it enables the UK government to honour its obligations to implement EU Directives promptly without
taking up precious parliamentary time—but it also has its drawbacks. There is not the same opportunity for
scrutiny and debate that a normal Bill receives. And the amendments are necessarily restricted to doing no more
than the empowering Act permits: the statutory instrument cannot effect related changes to other parts of
company law, however logical or desirable such further measures might be. As a consequence, before the
enactment of CA 2006, the companies legislation had become progressively more and more diffuse and untidy.
Despite acknowledging this, any future reforms of CA 2006 will still have to pursue these familiar and rather
unsatisfactory reform routes. The CLR had usefully recommended that there should be a permanent Company
Law Reporting Commission to keep company law and governance under review and submit an annual report to the
Secretary of State. In turn, the Secretary of State would be under a duty to consult the Commission on proposed
secondary legislation (Final Report, Vol 1, paras 5.21–5.37). The government rejected this suggestion, however,
saying it preferred a flexible approach, and had already shown its commitment to reform and consultation by
setting up the CLR itself (White Paper, Cm 5553I, 2002, part II, paras 5.25–5.27).
In its 2005 White Paper, the government countered with its own proposal (Cm 6456, para 6.1). It suggested that
after CA 2006 was enacted, future reform and restatement of company law should be made by a special form of
secondary legislation, using a procedure like that for regulatory reform orders under the Regulatory Reform Act
2001. This would have involved consultation by the Secretary of State, examination by committees of both Houses
and final approval by a resolution of each House. However, despite widespread earlier support, this proposal was
defeated as an inappropriate process for large and potentially controversial reforms.
➤ Question
What are the advantages and disadvantages of these different models for law reform in ensuring that the UK
has a ‘modern company law for a competitive economy’? (In 2010, BIS conducted an evaluation of the main
provisions of CA 2006, and concluded that further significant amendments were not warranted, although a
number of smaller and more technical issues are now under review (eg narrative reporting by directors).28 )
(p. 20) The purpose of company law: enabling or regulatory?
Legal scholars, economists and social scientists have between them established an extensive body of literature
that focuses on variants of the question: what is company law for ?—or, perhaps, what should it be for? At the
one extreme, there are those who advocate that its role should be primarily that of enabling those engaged in
commerce to order their affairs in whatever way suits their purpose best, with minimal interference from the state.
A strong belief in the principle of freedom of contract and in the power of market forces characterises this
philosophy. At the other extreme, it is contended that the potential for abuse inherent in the concept of limited
liability and in the massive economic power wielded by the largest corporations requires the imposition of
strong regulatory measures by the lawmakers—or, alternatively, that rules of a similar prescriptive nature can be
used to make the company a powerful instrument of social engineering, supplementing the law in other areas
such as employment law, environmental law, and so on.29
To some extent linked with these debates is a wellestablished classification of the rules of company law into
those which are permissive (‘may’), those which are presumptive (‘may waive’) and those which are mandatory
(‘must’ or ‘must not’). This analysis was pioneered by the doyen of American company law scholars, Professor
Eisenberg, in an article in (1989) 89 Colum LR 1461.
The corporation laws of the United States jurisdictions are generally regarded as the most liberal and permissive,
and those of Germany as among the most prescriptive. So far as English law is concerned, it is fair to say that
while much of the nineteenthcentury legislation was enabling, the innovations of the twentieth century have been
increasingly more regulatory in nature. Typically, the more recent reform packages have been introduced with the
avowed intention of striking a balance between interfering with business as little as possible, on the one hand, and
ensuring that adequate measures are in place to curb abuse and sharp practice, on the other. But invariably
caution seems to have dictated that the scales should be tipped heavily in the latter direction. CA 2006 has
clearly followed this pattern in some respects, but reversed it in others. Where the overall balance now lies is not
so clear.
Classification of companies
The Companies Acts recognise a number of types and classifications of company, as described in the following
Limited and unlimited companies: CA 2006 s 3
CA 2006 s 3 defines a ‘limited company’ and an ‘unlimited company’. A company may be limited by shares or by
guarantee by an appropriate limiting provision in the company’s constitution. Where there is no such limiting
provision on the liability of the company’s members, a company is an ‘unlimited company’.
An unlimited company has no limit on the liability of its members. In other words, members can be called upon to
satisfy personally the whole of its liabilities to its creditors. In a limited company, this liability is restricted by law
to an amount fixed by the terms of issue of (p. 21) the shares or by the company’s constitutional documents.
Unlimited companies are exempt from the statutory obligation to publish their accounts and reports (s 448).
Companies limited by shares and companies limited by guarantee
There are two types of limited company. In a company limited by shares a member is not liable for the company’s
debts beyond the amount remaining unpaid on his or her shares. This is, of course, in addition to what he or she
(or a previous owner of the shares) has already paid on those shares. Thus, if a company allots to Smith a share
of nominal value £1 ‘at par’ (ie for a price of £1), and 60p is paid to the company by Smith on the issue of that
share to him, the maximum potential liability of Smith or any later holder of that share to meet the company’s
debts is the outstanding balance of 40p.
In a company limited by guarantee a member is only liable to make a contribution to the assets of the company in
the event of its being wound up, and the amount of this contribution (very commonly a nominal sum such as £5) is
fixed at the outset by the company’s constitution.
Companies limited by guarantee are used mainly for nonprofitmaking purposes, ranging all the way from some of
the major charities to the local golf club. Since they must be formed without any share capital, they have to look
elsewhere for their funding, for example to subscriptions or fees.
Public and private companies: CA 2006 s 4
CA 2006 s 4 defines ‘private’ and ‘public’ companies in the following terms: a ‘private company’ is any company
that is not a public company; and a ‘public company’ is a company with a certificate of incorporation that states it
is a public company, and that has complied with all the necessary provisions of the Act (or former Companies
Acts) as regards registration or reregistration as a public company. There is a minimum share capital
requirement (the ‘authorised minimum’), currently £50,000 (CA 2006 ss 761 and 763). This authorised minimum
may be satisfied in sterling or the euro equivalent of the prescribed sterling amount (s 763).
Only a company limited by shares may be a public company. Public companies have the advantage of being able
to offer their shares by advertisement to the public for investment (s 755); but they are subject to a greater degree
of regulation by the law.
A private company is any company that is not a public company. The legislation makes a number of concessions
for private companies—for example, a private company may have only one director while a public company must
have at least two (s 154), and a public company is subject to minimum capital requirements (ss 761ff). Only
private companies may take advantage of the written resolutions procedure for decisionmaking (ss 288ff).
The name of a public company ends with the designation ‘plc’, and that of a private company with the word
‘Limited’ (ss 58ff).
English company law, unlike that of most other European countries, deals with both public and private companies
in the same Act. From time to time there have been suggestions that the law should be reframed so that each
category has its own statute, or that the law should go even further to accommodate the special needs of the
smallest businesses by having a separate, simplified, legislative regime especially designed for them (as was
done for a short time by the Close Corporations Act in South Africa). However, neither the CLR nor the Law
Commissions considered that there was any great support for such a proposal in this country, and it is unlikely to
be advanced further.
Change of company status
CA 2006 ss 89ff permit a company to alter its status (eg from limited to unlimited, or from private to public) by re
(p. 22) In each case various conditions have to be met. These relate to: (i) the agreement of the company’s
members to the change of status (eg sometimes it is necessary to have the unanimous support of members,
sometimes the support of a special resolution (ie 75% vote) of the members agreeing to the change); (ii) satisfying
the conditions necessary for the new status; and (iii) ensuring there are no historical circumstances that militate
against the change.
Charitable and community interest companies
A company of the types already mentioned may also be a charity (if it meets the legal requirements to attract that
classification) or a community interest company (if it meets the requirements of Pt 2 of C(AICE)A 2004).
A limited company wishing to register as a community interest company (CIC) must be approved by the Regulator
of Community Interest Companies, who must be satisfied that the company meets the ‘community interest’ test
and is not an excluded company. A company meets the community interest test if a reasonable person might
consider that its activities are being carried out for the benefit of the community (C(AICE)A 2004 s 35(2)).
Excluded companies are companies devoted to political campaigning. CICs are subject to limitations on the
dividends they may pay to their members.
European public limitedliability companies (SEs)
It is possible to register a European public limitedliability company (Societas Europaea or SE) in any EU state
under Regulation (EC) 2157/2001. There are strict preconditions to be met, so that in effect the formation of an SE
requires collaboration between at least two companies registered in different member states. Together they may
then register as an SE. The SE must register as an SE in the member state in which it has its registered office,
and it then will be treated in every state as if it were a public limited liability company formed in accordance with
the law of the member state in which it has a registered office.
Classifications based on size
The categories noted in the previous sections are classifications of companies formally set out by CA 2006—
companies are registered within these categories. In addition, a division of private companies and groups is made
on the basis of size by CA 2006 ss 444ff, and 465ff, which give dispensations from certain of the accounting
requirements to ‘small’ and ‘mediumsized’ companies and groups, and by CA 2006 ss 475ff, which exempt ‘very
small’ companies from the obligation to have their accounts audited.
‘Single member’ companies
Since 1992, it has been possible for private companies to have a single member. (The minimum number was
formerly two.) These companies are subject to some special rules under the Act (eg CA 2006 s 357, which
requires decisions taken by the single member to be recorded in writing). Thus single member companies may be
regarded as a further subspecies of company for classification purposes.
Notwithstanding these special provisions, and the CA 2006 approach of ‘think small first’, BIS announced in early
2011 that it was considering a new corporate form for one person businesses.30
(p. 23) Parent and subsidiary companies: CA 2006 s 1159
Larger enterprises often operate as corporate groups, or in structures where the parent company or holding
company owns (either wholly or partially) a number of subsidiary companies. CA 2006 s 1159 defines one
company to be a ‘subsidiary’ of another (the ‘holding’ company) where the holding company (i) holds a majority of
the voting rights in it; or (ii) is a member of it and has the right to appoint or remove a majority of its board of
directors; or (iii) is a member of it and controls alone, pursuant to an agreement with other members, a majority of
the voting rights in it; or (iv) is a subsidiary of a company that is itself a subsidiary of the holding company.
Although holding companies and subsidiaries are separate legal persons, CA 2006 makes certain special
provisions in relation to corporate groups, in at least partial recognition of the practical intuition that the ‘group’
acts as a combined enterprise.
The recent Supreme Court case of Enviroco Ltd v Farstad Supply A/S [2011] UKSC 16, [2011] 1 WLR 921
provides a rather dramatic illustration of these rules in operation. A contractor and its affiliates (which included its
cosubsidiaries) were all covered by an indemnity clause in a charterparty. At the time the damage was incurred,
the parent company had mortgaged the shares it owned in the subsidiary, so that the lender rather than the
parent was their registered legal owner (albeit only by way of security).31 This was enough to deny the relationship
of parent and subsidiary according to the statutory definition, and so was also enough to deny the protection of
the indemnity clause in relation to the damage caused by the subsidiary.
Companies and partnerships
There are many types of organisation which have structures that are to a greater or lesser degree similar to those
of companies, but which are governed by separate legislation. Some of these are regarded in law as being
‘persons’ in their own right, distinct from their members: for example, building societies, friendly societies and
industrial and provident societies (ie the cooperatives). Others are not, the most familiar example being trade
unions. Partnerships generally have no separate personality (although they do in Scotland, and see later).
The most important business alternatives to adopting a corporate structure are sole traders and partnerships.
Neither typically has limited liability, although there are some exceptions with partnerships. Partnerships may be
divided into three categories: ‘ordinary’ partnerships, in which every member has unlimited liability for the debts
and obligations of the firm; limited partnerships, in which the active partners have unlimited liability but the
‘sleeping’ partners’ liability is limited; and limited liability partnerships, formed and registered under the Limited
Liability Partnerships Act 2000, which do have separate personality and whose members enjoy limited liability.32
(p. 24) Incorporation, registration and the role of the registrar
To incorporate a company under CA 2006 ss 7ff, it is necessary to draw up two basic documents,
the memorandum of association and the company’s constitution orarticles of association (to the extent that this
is not supplied by default application of the Model Articles, see s 20). (Note that the memorandum here is not part
of the company’s constitution; it is not at all the same type of document as the memorandum under the previous
Companies Acts legislation.)
The memorandum must be signed or authenticated by the first member or members (‘subscribers’) and delivered
by them or their agent33 to the Registrar of Companies, together with the prescribed fee and certain supporting
documents (see ss 9ff). These include statements of the company’s proposed name, registered office, whether
members’ liability is to be limited, proposed company directors (and secretary, if there is one34 ) and their
consents to act, initial share capital (if it is a company with shares), proposed articles of association (or, by
default, the Model Articles will apply) and, finally, a statement of compliance (s 13).
Since the documents have to include the company’s name, it is prudent to check in advance that a proposed
name is likely to be available. See the rules on names in CA 2006 ss 53ff.
If the registrar is satisfied that the requirements of the Act as to registration are met, he will register the
documents (s 14), and issue a certificate of incorporation, signed by the registrar and authenticated by his seal (s
15). Note that a company may not be formed for an unlawful purpose, so this can be grounds for refusing
registration (see s 7(2)).
The certificate of incorporation is conclusive evidence that the requirements of the Act have been complied with
and that the company is duly registered (s 15(4)).35 The effects of incorporation are set out in s 16, including that
the body corporate is capable of exercising all the functions of an incorporated company (s 16(3)).
Memorandum of association
CA 2006 s 8 deals with the memorandum of association, replacing s 3(1) of the 1985 Act. Under the new
legislation the memorandum serves a more limited, but nonetheless important, purpose: it evidences the intention
of the subscribers to the memorandum to form a company and become members of that company on formation.
In the case of a company that is to be limited by shares, the memorandum also provides evidence of the
members’ agreement to take at least one share each in the company. It is not possible, or necessary, to amend
or update the memorandum; if the members want to change the company’s constitution, they do that by changing
the articles (‘History’, p 25 and Chapter 4).
All of the companies formed under the old Acts (such as CA 1985) will have been formed with an ‘oldstyle
memorandum’ and articles. The memorandum was the primary public constitutional document of the company,
setting out the company’s fixed financial information, and its objects (or powers). This document was
supplemented by the articles of association, which generally dealt with the internal management of the company.
CA 2006 s 28 provides that any provisions in the memoranda of existing companies that are not of the type
described in CA 2006 s 8 will be treated as if they were provisions in the company’s articles.
(p. 25) This includes both substantive provisions and also any provisions for their entrenchment. Existing
companies will, therefore, not be required to amend their articles to reflect these statutory changes in CA 2006,
but they may do so if they wish.
Constitutional documents: articles of association and the company’s objects
The articles of association (as amended from time to time) provide the company with its constitution (s 17). Every
company must have articles. These will be either articles registered by the company itself on its incorporation (s
9(5)(b)), or the Model Articles for limited companies that are deemed by CA 2006 s 20 to apply if no articles are
registered, or, if articles are registered, to the extent that the Model Articles are not specifically excluded or
modified. The default provisions are ‘Model Articles’ in CA 2006, and ‘Tables A–F’ for CA 1985.
Under previous legislation (CA 1985 and its predecessors), all companies were required to have objects, and
these objects had to be specified in the (‘oldstyle’) memorandum. So, for example, a company’s objects might
be the running of schools, the building of canals or the pursuit of research into medical diseases. The ‘objects’
were the activities that the company had been formed to pursue. Their statement was intended to provide comfort
to members and creditors, who could rest secure in the knowledge of the ventures the company would pursue. It
was also intended to constrain the directors, preventing them exercising their powers for unauthorised ends. But
the courts soon came to the view that purported activities outside the company’s objects were void, being ultra
vires, or outside the company’s capacity to act. This had a significant and detrimental effect on both the company
and those it had dealings with: contracts entered into in good faith were rendered void, with all that followed from
that. This was commercially unacceptable, and statutory provisions were enacted to protect third parties while still
restraining directors.
The public role played by a statement of the company’s objects was recognised as inessential, and CA 2006 s
31(1) now provides that a company will have unrestricted objects unless the objects are specifically restricted by
the articles. This means that unless a company makes a deliberate choice to restrict its objects, the objects will
have no bearing on what a company can do. If a statement restricting the objects is made, it must be made as
part of the company articles of association (s 31(2)).
CA 2006 s 33 provides that the company’s constitution binds the company and its members to the same extent
as if there were covenants on the part of the company and of each member to observe the provisions. This has
significant ramifications: see Chapter 4.
Prior to the Joint Stock Companies Act 1856, companies were formed on the basis of a deed of settlement—an
elaborate form of partnership deed. The Act of 1844 provided for the registration of the deed of settlement and the
grant of corporate status in return. The 1856 Act introduced a new constitutional framework based on two
documents—the memorandum of association and the articles of association—and this pattern continued under
successive Companies Acts. The memorandum was the more fundamental document: the articles could not
modify the memorandum, and if there was any inconsistency, the terms of the memorandum prevailed (Guinness
v Land Corpn of Ireland (1822) 22 Ch D 349, CA). In addition, statutory provisions such as CA 1985 s 125 (CA
2006 s 22) made it possible to ‘entrench’ rights by writing them into the memorandum with a prohibition or
restriction on their alteration.
Under CA 2006, this question of primacy as between the company’s two constitutional documents, its
memorandum and its articles, does not arise, as all the company’s constitutional provisions are contained in the
articles; the memorandum is nothing more than a statement by the first members that they intend to form a legal
The question of alterability was, originally, perhaps the most important distinction between the two documents:
apart from changing its name (in very limited circumstances) and (p. 26) increasing its capital, a company could
do nothing under the Act of 1856 to alter any of the terms of the memorandum, while the articles could be
changed simply by a special resolution of the members. With time it became possible to alter virtually all the
provisions of the memorandum by one procedure or another, and so this distinction was of subsidiary importance.
Broadly speaking, however, we can say that by its memorandum a company proclaimed to the world
the external aspects of its constitution, such as its name, domicile, objects, status (as limited or unlimited, public
or private, etc) and capital structure, while the articles were concerned with matters of internal organisation, which
are primarily of interest to its own members and officers, for example the procedures for paying the subscription
price for shares and for transferring shares, the convening and conduct of members’ and directors’ meetings, the
appointment, removal and remuneration of directors and the payment of dividends.
Under CA 2006 s 21(1), as in CA 1985, the general rule is that provisions of a company’s articles of association
(its constitution) may be altered by special resolution. Through entrenchment provisions, however, more restrictive
procedures can be introduced: CA 2006 s 22. Note that CA 2006 s 22(2) has not been brought into force because
of concerns that it would prevent the alteration of class rights contained in the articles (see CA 2006 and Limited
Liability Partnerships (Transitional Provisions and Savings) (Amendments) Regulations 2009 (SI 2009/2476) reg
Company names
CA 2006 introduced a system of company name adjudication to deal with problems of confusingly similar names.
An application to the Companies Name Adjudicator stating the objection must be made. Two possible grounds for
an application are specified in CA 2006 s 69: (i) it is the same as a name associated with the applicant in which
he has goodwill; or (ii) it is sufficiently similar to such a name that its use in the UK would be likely to mislead by
suggesting a connection between the company and the applicant. An objection will be upheld if either of these
grounds is satisfied, unless the defendant company can establish one of the defences listed in s 69(4). The cases
on ‘passing off’ are likely to be material in interpreting this provision (see, eg, Reck itt & Coleman Ltd v Borden
Inc [1990] 1 All ER 873; Exxon Corpn v Exxon Insurance Consultants International Ltd [1982] Ch 119; Asprey &
Garrard Ltd v WRA (Guns) Ltd [2001] EWCA Civ 1499, CA).
The registrar’s decision to register
The registrar cannot refuse registration if the objects of the company are lawful and the documents are in
[1.04] R v Registrar of Companies, ex p Bowen [1914] 3 KB 1161 (King’s Bench Divisional Court)
Application was made to register a proposed company named The United Dental Service Ltd. The subscribers to
the memorandum were seven unregistered dental practitioners. The registrar refused to register the company
unless either the memorandum was altered so as to provide that the work of the company should be undertaken
only by registered dentists, or the name of the company was amended so as not to include the word ‘dental’ or
‘dentist’. The applicants sought a writ of mandamus to compel the registrar to register the company. It was held
that the registrar’s refusal was unjustified, and mandamus was granted.
LORD READING CJ: In my opinion the question turns in the main … upon whether the use of these words,
‘The United Dental Service’, would amount to an offence under the Dentists Act 1878 … I think these
words, ‘United Dental Service’, imply a description of the acts to be performed, and do (p. 27) not imply
that the persons who will perform them are persons specially qualified under the statute of 1878. The
Registrar of Companies would be entitled, if the use of the proposed name would be an offence under the
statute (either under this or any other statute), to refuse to register the company with that name; but,
having arrived at the conclusion that that would not be the effect of the use of the words ‘United Dental
Service’, I hold that the registrar was wrong in refusing registration upon that ground. …
AVORY J delivered a concurring judgment.
BANKES J concurred.
➤ Note
The registrar’s powers in relation to company names have varied under successive Companies Acts. For the
present law, see CA 2006 ss 53ff. The use of the word ‘Dental’ is now restricted by regulations made under
the previous CA 1985 s 29 (now see CA 2006 ss 55 and 56) and requires the consent of the General Dental
The registrar may refuse to register a company whose objects are unlawful.
[1.05] R v Registrar of Joint Stock Companies, ex p More [1931] 2 KB 197 (Court of Appeal)
The registrar refused to register a company formed to sell tickets in an Irish lottery. The Court of Appeal held that
the lottery was illegal in England and that his refusal was right.
SCRUTTON LJ: This is a short point involving the construction of, s 41 of the Lotteries Act 1823. Two
gentlemen proposed to sell tickets in England in connection with an Irish lottery. For some reason they did
not propose to do this themselves; they proposed to form a private company to do it. It is merely
conjecture on my part that this may be due to the fact that the provisions in the Act of 1823 making
offenders liable to be punished as rogues and vagabonds do not apply to a company, and so the two
gentlemen intending to form this company wished in this way to avoid the risk of being prosecuted under
the Act. They accordingly lodged the memorandum and articles of association of the proposed company
with the Registrar of Companies, who, when he saw that the object of the company was to sell tickets in a
lottery known as the Irish Free State Hospitals Sweepstake, refused to register the company. Whereupon
an application was made to the court for a writ of mandamus directing the registrar to register the
company. To succeed in that application the applicant must show that it is legal to sell in England tickets
for the Irish Free State Hospital Sweepstake authorised by an Act of the Irish Free State. The only Act
which can be supposed to authorise the selling in England is an Irish Act, but the Irish Parliament has no
jurisdiction in England, and that being so, the Irish Parliament cannot authorise lottery tickets to be sold in
England. The authority to sell in any place must be given by the Parliament having jurisdiction in that
place, and the Imperial Parliament has given no authority to sell lottery tickets in England. … The appeal
must be dismissed.
GREER and SLESSER LJJ delivered concurring judgments.
Registration does not establish conclusively that the objects of a company are lawful, but after the issue of
a certificate of incorporation the regularity of the incorporation cannot be challenged on the grounds of
illegality except in proceedings specially brought in the name of the Crown to have the registration
[1.06] Bowman v Secular Society Ltd [1917] AC 406 (House of Lords)
The main object of the society, which was registered as a company limited by guarantee, was ‘to promote … the
principle that human conduct should be based upon natural knowledge, (p. 28) and not upon supernatural belief,
and that human welfare in this world is the proper end of all thought and action …’. It was alleged that this object,
involving a denial of Christianity, was against public policy, so that a bequest to the society was invalid. The
House of Lords upheld the view of the courts below that this object was not unlawful. This extract from the speech
of Lord Parker of Waddington is concerned with the incidental point of the conclusiveness of the certificate of
incorporation. His views were supported by Lords Dunedin and Buckmaster.
LORD PARKER OF WADDINGTON: My Lords, in the present case … the testator has given his residuary
estate through the medium of trustees for sale and conversion to the Secular Society Limited, and the
question is as to the validity of this gift. There is no doubt as to the certainty of the subjectmatter, or as to
the testator’s disposing power, or as to the validity of his will. So far as the conditions essential to the
validity of the gift are concerned, the only doubt is as to the capacity of the donee.
The Secular Society Limited was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee under the Companies
Acts 1862 to 1893, and a company so incorporated is by, s [18] of the Act of 1862 [CA 2006 s 16(3)]
capable of exercising all the functions of an incorporated company. Prima facie, therefore, the society is a
corporate body created by virtue of a statute of the realm, with statutory power to acquire property by gift,
whether inter vivos or by will. The appellants endeavour to displace this prima facie effect of the Companies
Acts in the following manner. If, they say, you look at the objects for which the society was incorporated,
as expressed in its memorandum of association, you will find that they are either actually illegal or, at any
rate, in conflict with the policy of the law. This being so, the society was not an association capable of
incorporation under the Acts. It was and is an illegal association, and as such incapable of acquiring
property by gift. I do not think this argument is open to the appellants, even if their major premise be
correct. By the first section of the Companies Act 1900 [CA 2006 s 15(4)] the society’s certificate of
registration is made conclusive evidence that the society was an association authorised to be registered—
that is, an association of not less than seven persons associated together for a lawful purpose. The section
does not mean that all or any of the objects specified in the memorandum, if otherwise illegal, would be
rendered legal by the certificate. On the contrary, if the directors of the society applied its funds for an
illegal object, they would be guilty of misfeasance and liable to replace the money, even if the object for
which the money had been applied were expressly authorised by the memorandum. In like manner a
contract entered into by the company for an unlawful object, whether authorised by the memorandum or
otherwise, could not be enforced either in law or in equity. The section does, however, preclude all His
Majesty’s lieges from going behind the certificate or from alleging that the society is not a corporate body
with the status and capacity conferred by the Acts. Even if all the objects specified in the memorandum
were illegal, it does not follow that the company cannot on that account apply its funds or enter into a
contract for a lawful purpose. Every company has power to wind up voluntarily, and moneys paid or
contracts entered into with that object are in every respect lawfully paid or entered into. Further, the
disposition provided by the company’s memorandum for its surplus assets in case of a winding up may be
lawful though all the objects as a going concern are unlawful. If there be no lawful manner of applying such
surplus assets they would on the dissolution of the company belong to the Crown as bona
vacantia: Cunnack v Edwards.[36 ]
My Lords, some stress was laid on the public danger, or at any rate the anomaly, of the courts recognising
the corporate existence of a company all of whose objects, as specified in its memorandum of association,
are transparently illegal. Such a case is not likely to occur, for the registrar fulfils a quasijudicial function,
[37 ] and his duty is to determine whether an association applying for (p. 29) registration is authorised to be
registered under the Acts. Only by misconduct or great carelessness on the part of the registrar could a
company with objects wholly illegal obtain registration. If such a case did occur it would be open to the
court to stay its hand until an opportunity had been given for taking the appropriate steps for the
cancellation of the certificate of registration. It should be observed that neither, s 1 of the Companies Act
1900, nor the corresponding section of the Companies (Consolidation) Act 1908, is so expressed as to
bind the Crown, and the AttorneyGeneral, on behalf of the Crown, could institute proceedings by way of
certiorari to cancel a registration which the registrar in affected discharge of his quasijudicial duties had
improperly or erroneously allowed. But … I do not think that the present is a case requiring such action on
the part of your Lordships’ House.
My Lords, it follows from what I have already said that the capacity of the Secular Society Limited to
acquire property by gift must be taken as established, and, all the conditions essential to the validity of the
gift being thus fulfilled, the donee is entitled to receive and dispose of the subjectmatter thereof …
LORDS DUNEDIN, SUMNER and BUCKMASTER delivered concurring opinions.
LORD FINLAY LC dissented.
[1.07] HA Stephenson & Son Ltd v Gillanders, Arbuthnot & Co (1931) 45 CLR 476 (High Court of Australia)
EVATT J: [The] effect of formal incorporation is not regarded by the legislature as empowering the registrar
to ignore compliance with the Act; but the legislature wishes to ensure that after the new legal entity has
been brought into existence by the formal act of a state functionary, it will not be necessary for persons
dealing with the company to ascertain at their peril whether the various statutory requirements have been
complied with … It is not so much a power given to the registrar by the legislature, as a protection given to
the public who may be dealing with the company because of the assumption that the registrar will be
careful in the matter …
See also Salomon v Salomon & Co Ltd [2.01] and Scott v Frank F Scott (London) Ltd [4.01].
➤ Notes
1. CA 2006 s 15(4) appears to make it unnecessary for English company law students to consider the topics
of defective incorporation and declaration of nullity which have traditionally occupied a substantial amount of
space in the textbooks in other European countries and in parts of the United States. It was not considered
necessary for the UK to take any steps to implement Arts 11 and 12 of the First EU Company Law Directive,
which deal with these questions. However, this may have been a misjudgement, in the light of R v Registrar
of Companies, ex p AG [1.08].
2. The Companies Act and many textbooks encourage the belief that companies are formed by a genuine
‘association’ of people with a real business that they wish to incorporate, who have constitutional documents
drawn up for that specific purpose, subscribe to them and send them off to the registrar for registration. But
this is to turn a blind eye to the facts. In the case of about 60% of the companies formed in the UK today, the
incorporation procedure is a charade: it is purely a paper exercise carried out by people who have no intention
of using the company themselves for any business whatsoever. These incorporations are undertaken to meet
the very considerable demand for ‘readymade’ or ‘shelf’ companies; and (as a glance at the advertisements
in any solicitors’ professional journal will show) many firms exist which specialise in supplying such
companies to buyers, and hold extensive stockpiles of dormant companies of every type and kind ready to be
‘delivered’ to customer’s order. The initial (p. 30) subscribers and officers will be clerks in the firm’s
employment, and the company’s name a figment of someone’s imagination.
3. There is one statutory exception to the principle that incorporation is freely available: the Trade Union and
Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 s 10(3) states that a trade union shall not be registered as a
company under CA 2006, and that any such registration is void.38
4. For many years, there was no recorded case in which the AG had brought proceedings to have a
company’s registration cancelled in the manner suggested inBowman v Secular Society Ltd [1.06]. This gap
has now been filled by the case next cited.
The registrar’s decision to incorporate a company is subject to judicial review at the suit of the Crown.
[1.08] R v Registrar of Companies, ex p AG (1980) [1991] BCLC 476 (Queen’s Bench Divisional Court)
The facts appear from the judgment.
ACKNER LJ: This application has many of the indicia that one might expect to find in a students’ end of
term moot. It appears indirectly to have been stimulated by the action of the Policy Division of the Inland
The AttorneyGeneral applies to quash the incorporation and registration by the Registrar of Companies
nearly a year ago, that is on 18 December 1979, of Lindi St Claire (Personal Services) Ltd as a limited
company under the provisions of the Companies Act 1948 to 1976.
The grounds of the application, to state them quite briefly, are these. In certifying the incorporation of a
company and in registering the same the Registrar of Companies acted ultra vires or misdirected himself
or otherwise erred in law, in particular as to the proper construction and application of, s 1(1) of the
Companies Act 1948 in that the company was not formed for any lawful purpose but, on the contrary, was
formed expressly with the primary object of carrying on the business of prostitution, such being an unlawful
purpose involving the commission of acts which are immoral and contrary to public policy.
The first point to consider is the validity of the procedure which has been adopted in this case, that is by
way of application for judicial review, such application being made by the AttorneyGeneral.
[His Lordship referred to Bowman v Secular Society Ltd [1.06] and continued:] So clearly the Attorney
General is entitled to bring these proceedings.
Now as to the facts, these come within a very short compass and they amount to the following. A firm of
certified accountants, Gilson Clipp & Co, on 16 August 1979 wrote to the Registrar of Companies at
Companies House, Crown Way, Maindy, Cardiff pointing out that they had received a letter from the Inland
Revenue Policy Division, who stated that they considered prostitution to be a trade which is fully taxable,
and that they, the certified accountants, saw no reason why their client should not be able to organise her
business by way of a limited company. They asked whether the name ‘Prostitute Ltd’ was available for
registration as a limited company, pointing out the main object of the company would be that of organising
the services of a prostitute.
The registrar did not like that name and did not accept it, nor did he accept another name ‘Hookers Ltd’
which was offered. But subsequently two further names were offered, ‘Lindi St Claire (Personal Services)
Ltd’ and ‘Lindi St Claire (French Lessons) Ltd’, and it was the former which he registered.
The memorandum of association said in terms that the first of the objects of the company was ‘To carry on
the business of prostitution’.
(p. 31) The only director of the company is Lindi St Claire, Miss St Claire describing herself specifically as
‘Prostitute’. The other person who owns also one share is a Miss Duggan, who is referred to as ‘the
Leave having been obtained to apply for judicial review, Miss St Claire wrote in these terms:
I would like to say that prostitution is not at all unlawful, as you have stated, and I feel it is most
unfair of you to take this view, especially when I am paying income tax on my earnings from
prostitution to the government Inland Revenue.
Furthermore, I feel it is most unfair of you to imply that I have acted wrongly, as I was most explicit
to all concerned about the sole trade of the company to be that of prostitution and nothing more. If
my company should not be deemed valid, then it should have not been granted in the first place by
the Board of Trade. It is most unfair of the government to allow me to go ahead with my company
one moment, then quash it the next. …
It is well settled that a contract which is made upon a sexually immoral consideration or for a sexually
immoral purpose is against public policy and is illegal and unenforceable. The fact that it does not involve
or may not involve the commission of a criminal offence in no way prevents the contract being illegal, being
against public policy and therefore being unenforceable. Here, as the documents clearly indicate, the
association is for the purpose of carrying on a trade which involves illegal contracts because the purpose is
a sexually immoral purpose and as such against public policy.
Mr Simon Brown submits that if that is the position, as indeed it clearly is on the authorities, then the
association of the two or more persons cannot be for ‘any lawful purpose’.
To my mind this must follow. It is implicit in the speeches in the Bowman case to which I have just made
reference. In my judgment, the contention of the AttorneyGeneral is a valid one and I would order that the
registration be therefore quashed.
SKINNER J concurred.
➤ Questions
1. Tom, Dick and Harry wish to incorporate the plumbing business which they have carried on in partnership
for some years. What would you say might be (i) the advantages and (ii) the disadvantages for them in buying
a readymade company rather than having one incorporated by their own solicitor?
2. If they do decide to use a readymade company, what steps will have to be taken in order to transfer the
company to them and to make it fit for their needs?
3. What might be the consequences of the court’s order in Miss St Claire’s case, in the previous
extract, [1.08], so far as concerns acts done in the year that the company was on the register?
Further Reading
BRATTON, W, ‘Corporate Law’s Race to Nowhere in Particular’ (1994) 44 University of Toronto Law
Journal 401.
Find This Resource
BRATTON, W, ‘The Nexus of Contract Corporation: A Critical Appraisal’ (1989) 74 Cornell Law Review 407.
Find This Resource
DAVIES, PL, Introduction to Company Law (2nd edn, 2010), especially ch 1.
Find This Resource
DRURY, R, ‘The “Delaware Syndrome”: European Fears and Reactions’ [2005] JBL 709.
Find This Resource
HANSMANN, H and KRAAKMAN, RH, ‘The Essential Role of Organizational Law’ (2000) 110 Yale Law
Journal 387.
Find This Resource
KAHNFREUD, O, ‘Some Reflections on Company Law Reform’ (1944) 7 MLR 54.
Find This Resource
(p. 32) KEAY, A, ‘Ascertaining the Corporate Objective: An Entity Maximisation and Sustainability Model’
(2008) 71 MLR 663.
Find This Resource
KRAAKMAN, RH et al (eds), The Anatomy of Corporate Law (2nd edn, 2009), especially ch 1.
Find This Resource
MILMAN, D, ‘The Courts and the Companies Acts: The Judicial Contribution to Company Law’ [1990] LMCLQ
Find This Resource
STOKES, M, ‘Company Law and Legal Theory’ in W Twining (ed), Legal Theory and Common Law (1986), p
155, and also in S Wheeler (ed), A Reader on the Law of Business Enterprises (1994), p 80.
Find This Resource
WEDDERBURN, KW, ‘The Social Responsibility of Companies’ (1985) 15 Melbourne University Law
Review 4.
Find This Resource
WOLFF, M, ‘On the Nature of Legal Persons’ (1938) 54 LQR 494.
Find This Resource
1 Of course, the word ‘company’ has other meanings in everyday speech; and note in particular the abbreviation
‘Co’ (and especially ‘& Co’), which is commonly used as part of the name of an unincorporated partnership that is
not a ‘company’ in any strict legal sense, and is also occasionally used by an individual trader.
2 A company may also be created by Royal Charter or by special Act of Parliament. Most of these companies are
a century or more old. Few such companies still exist, and the rules of ‘company law’ as derived from the
Companies Acts and common law may not always apply to them, eg neither the ultra vires doctrine nor the
windingup procedure has traditionally applied to chartered companies (though there are now some exceptions).
Beyond this, these types of company are mainly of interest in helping to explain some of the more arcane rules of
the subject which evolved long ago and have been allowed to survive into modern times.
CA 2006 ss 58–60. Exceptions are unlimited companies, charitable companies and companies granted a
dispensation under ss 60 and 61. There are Welsh equivalents for ‘Limited’ and ‘plc’. The word ‘limited’ is also
used by cooperatives and similar bodies registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965, and by
limited liability partnerships (‘LLP’), under the Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000.
Companies may also be limited by guarantee. In a company limited by guarantee, the members do not usually
pay any money to the company at the outset, but they promise (they ‘guarantee’) that if the company becomes
insolvent, they will pay the amount specified in their guarantee to the company, for the company’s use in paying
off its creditors. In a company limited by shares, by contrast, the shareholders promise to provide funds to the
company by way of the price paid for the share, usually paid in full at the time the share is purchased. That sum
is the limit of the shareholder’s obligation to contribute to the capital of the company, so if the company becomes
insolvent, all the shareholder is required to pay to support the company is the amount (if any) still unpaid on the
shares. See Insolvency Act 1986 (IA 1986) s 74.
5 Unless the company is an unlimited company (see ‘Limited and unlimited companies: CA 2006 s 3’, p 20).
6 Some risky corporate ventures (eg historically, mining ventures) are set up this way to persuade outside funders
of the confidence of the members in the likely success of the planned venture. But it is more usual now, in these
types of cases, to set up a company limited by shares and require the shareholders (and directors) to provide
unlimited personal guarantees of the company’s debts. The two structures are functionally equivalent.
7 See fn 4.
8 For further reading, see PL Davies, Introduction to Company Law (2nd edn, 2010); and RH Kraakman et al
(eds), The Anatomy of Corporate Law (2nd edn, 2009).
9 The full implementation timetable is available on the BIS website: For a list of
Regulations and Commencement Orders
see: http:/
Especially the IA 1986 and the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA 2000), and the company
specific Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986, but also by statutes that apply generally to ‘legal persons’,
such as the Sale of Goods Act 1979 and various Property Law Acts.
11 Law Commission, Company Directors: Regulating Conflicts of Interests and Formulating a Statement of
Duties (Law Com No 261, 1999) (available
at: This was preceded by a Consultation
Paper (LCCP 153, September 1998) which is available
at: and which usefully sets
out the Commission’s understanding of the current law. Also Law Commission, Shareholder Remedies (Law Com
No 246, 1997) available at:, and the
preceding Consultation Paper (LCCP 142, 1996), available
12 All of these documents may be downloaded from the BIS website:
2 (click on Contents: Company Law review).
The Companies Clauses Consolidation Act 1845, which is still in force, applies to these ‘statutory’ companies.
This Act contains standard provisions which may be incorporated by reference into the particular Act, so making
the procedure shorter and cheaper.
15 Eg on company investigations, see Chapter 14.
16 Since repealed and replaced by the Criminal Justice Act 1993 Pt V.
The DTI’s Review (Modern Company Law for a Competitive Economy): published Consultation Documents: No
1 (February 1999): The Strategic Framework (URN 99/654)
No 2 (October 1999): Company General Meetings and Shareholder Communication (URN 99/1144) No 3 (October
1999): Company Formation and Capital Maintenance (URN 99/1145)
No 4 (October 1999): Reforming the Law Concerning Overseas Companies (URN 99/1146)
No 5 (March 2000): Developing the Framework (URN 00/656)
No 6 (June 2000): Capital Maintenance—Other Issues (URN 00/880)
No 7 (October 2000): Registration of Company Charges (URN 00/1213)
No 8 (November 2000): Completing the Structure (URN 00/1335). See fn 12.
18 See the European Commission’s Internal Market website:
19 A range of SIs continue the technical implementation of Regulations and Directives. The full list is available
instruments and the Explanatory Memorandum details the European history of each.
[1986] ECR 723, [1986] 1 CMLR 688.
21 [1984] ECR 1891, [1986] 2 CMLR 430 at para [26].
22 Supplemented by the EEIG Regulations (SI 1989/638), which set out in Sch 1 the full text of the EU
23 For a recent report published as part of a review process on the functioning of the SEs by the European
24 See ‘Inspections and subsequent fair trials—criminal and civil cases’, p 737.
25 These reports include: Loreburn Committee, reported 1906, leading to Companies Acts of 1907–08; Wrenbury
Committee, reported 1918; Greene Committee, reported 1926, leading to Companies Acts of 1928–29; Bodkin
Committee, reported 1937 (sharepushing), leading to Prevention of Fraud (Investments) Act 1939; Anderson
Committee, reported 1936 (unit trusts); Cohen Committee, reported 1945, leading to Companies Acts of 1947–48;
Gedge Committee, reported 1954 (no par value shares); Jenkins Committee, reported 1962; Bullock Committee,
reported 1977 (employee representation); Wilson Committee, reported 1980 (financial institutions); Cork
Committee, reported 1982 (insolvency), leading to Insolvency Acts of 1985 and 1986; Gower, Review of Investor
Protection, reported 1984, leading to Financial Services Act 1986; Prentice, Reform of the Ultra Vires Rule,
reported 1986, leading to reforms in CA 1989; Dearing, The Mak ing of Accounting Standards, reported 1988;
Diamond, A Review of Security Interests in Property, reported 1989 (company charges).
26 See especially the consultations on directors’ duties and the remedies available to minority shareholders.
27 ‘Core’ company law was taken to include the essential principles of company law that are common to all
companies, or at least to large categories of companies such as public companies or private companies. The
intention was that new legislation would exclude provisions that only applied to companies that fell into a special
class for reasons unrelated to company law (eg charitable companies), or that were better treated in other
statutes, eg the rules governing the offering of shares to the public, which are now dealt with as part of the
securities regulation.
28 See
29 The CLR terms this topic the ‘scope’ issue, putting the question: ‘For what purpose and in whose interests
should companies be operated and controlled?’ It is more commonly referred to as the ‘stakeholder’ debate, and
in this book is discussed under the heading of directors’ duties, at Chapter 7.
There is as yet no detail on the proposal: /
31 This was in Scotland. In England, the lender would typically have taken a charge, and so there would have
been no transfer of legal ownership of the shares. See Chapter12.
See current proposals for the application of CA 2006 to Limited Liability Partnerships (The Draft Limited Liability
Partnerships (Application of Companies Act 2006) Regulations 2009). See also D Sutherland, ‘Limited Liability
Partnerships: All Change with the Companies Act 2006?’ (2008) 7 JIBFL 340.
Incorporation documents may be filed electronically.
This is only compulsory for public companies: CA 2006 s 12.
And can therefore only be questioned by the AG, because the Act does not bind the Crown (per Lord Parker of
Waddington in Bowman v Secular Society Ltd [1.06] at 438–440, and Cotman v Brougham [1918] AC 514 at 519).
For an example of a request for reversal of a decision to register a company, see R v Registrar of Companies, ex
p AG [1.08].
[1896] 2 Ch 679.
The use of the term ‘quasijudicial’ is misleading. This function of the registrar can only be described as
‘ministerial’: as we have seen earlier, in the matter of registration, he exercises no discretionary powers, still less
is he concerned to adjudicate any dispute.
38 See R Drury, ‘Nullity of Companies in English Law?’ (1985) 48 MLR 625.
2. Corporate Personality and Limited Liability
Chapter: (p. 33) 2. Corporate Personality and Limited Liability
Author(s): Len Sealy and Sarah Worthington
DOI: 10.1093/he/9780199676446.003.0002
General issues
We saw in the previous chapter that the separate legal personality of a company and the limited liability of its
members are two key consequences of incorporation of limited companies. Both of these ideas are examined in
more detail here.1
First, consider the idea of a company’s separate legal personality, or the idea that it is a legal person in its own
right, separate from the legal persons that are its members (or shareholders) and its directors. In ordinary speech,
we use the word ‘person’ to refer to an individual human being. But in law the word has a more technical meaning:
‘a subject of rights and duties’.2 In this sense it is possible to speak of a corporation as a ‘person’ and recognise
its separate ‘personality’.
(p. 34) A company is a legal person separate and distinct from its members.
[2.01] Salomon v A Salomon & Co Ltd [1897] AC 22 (House of Lords)3
The facts and arguments appear from the speech of Lord Macnaghten. Some extracts from the judgments of the
trial judge and the Court of Appeal are given at [2.02].
LORD MACNAGHTEN: Mr Salomon, who is now suing as a pauper, was a wealthy man in July 1892. He
was a boot and shoe manufacturer trading on his own sole account under the firm of ‘A Salomon & Co’, in
High Street, Whitechapel, where he had extensive warehouses and a large establishment. He had been in
the trade over thirty years. He had lived in the same neighbourhood all along, and for many years past he
had occupied the same premises. So far things had gone very well with him. Beginning with little or no
capital, he had gradually built up a thriving business, and he was undoubtedly in good credit and repute.
It is impossible to say exactly what the value of the business was. But there was a substantial surplus of
assets over liabilities. And it seems to me to be pretty clear that if Mr Salomon had been minded to dispose
of his business in the market as a going concern he might fairly have counted upon retiring with at least
£10,000 in his pocket.
Mr Salomon, however, did not want to part with the business. He had a wife and a family consisting of five
sons and a daughter. Four of the sons were working with their father … But the sons were not partners:
they were only servants. Not unnaturally, perhaps, they were dissatisfied with their position. They kept
pressing their father to give them a share in the concern. ‘They troubled me,’ says Mr Salomon, ‘all the
while.’ So at length Mr Salomon did what hundreds of others have done under similar circumstances. He
turned his business into a limited company. He wanted, he says, to extend the business and make
provision for his family. In those words, I think, he fairly describes the principal motives which influenced his
All the usual formalities were gone through; all the requirements of the Companies Act 1862 were duly
observed. There was a contract with a trustee in the usual form for the sale of the business to a company
about to be formed. There was a memorandum of association duly signed and registered, stating that the
company was formed to carry that contract into effect, and fixing the capital of £40,000 in 40,000 shares of
£1 each. There were articles of association providing the usual machinery for conducting the business. The
first directors were to be nominated by the majority of the subscribers to the memorandum of association.
The directors, when appointed, were authorised to exercise all such powers of the company as were not by
statute or by the articles required to be exercised in general meeting; and there was express power to
borrow on debentures, with the limitation that the borrowing was not to exceed £10,000 without the sanction
of a general meeting.
The company was intended from the first to be a private company;[4 ] it remained a private company to the
end. No prospectus was issued; no invitation to take shares was ever addressed to the public.
The subscribers to the memorandum were Mr Salomon, his wife, and five of his children who were grown up.
The subscribers met and appointed Mr Salomon and his two elder sons directors. The directors then
proceeded to carry out the proposed transfer. By an agreement dated 2 August 1892 the company adopted
the preliminary contract, and in accordance with it the business was taken over by the company as from 1
June 1892. The price fixed by the contract was duly paid. (p. 35) The price on paper was extravagant. It
amounted to over £39,000—a sum which represented the sanguine expectations of a fond owner rather than
anything that can be called a businesslike or reasonable estimate of value. That, no doubt, is a
circumstance which at first sight calls for observation; but when the facts of the case and the position of the
parties are considered, it is difficult to see what bearing it has on the question before your Lordships. The
purchasemoney was paid in this way: as money came in, sums amounting in all to [£20,000][5 ] were paid
to Mr Salomon, and then immediately returned to the company in exchange for fully paid shares. The sum
of £10,000 was paid in debentures[6 ] for the like amount. The balance, with the exception of about £1,000
which Mr Salomon seems to have received and retained, went in discharge of the debts and liabilities of the
business at the time of the transfer, which were thus entirely wiped off. In the result, therefore, Mr Salomon
received for his business about £1,000 in cash, £10,000 in debentures, and half the nominal capital of the
company in fully paid shares for what they were worth. No other shares were issued except the seven
shares taken by the subscribers to the memorandum, who, of course, knew all the circumstances, and had
therefore no ground for complaint on the score of overvaluation.
The company had a brief career: it fell upon evil days. Shortly after it started there seems to have come a
period of great depression in the boot and shoe trade. There were strikes of workmen too; and in view of that
danger contracts with public bodies, which were the principal source of Mr Salomon’s profit, were split up
and divided between different firms. The attempts made to push the business on behalf of the new company
crammed its warehouses with unsaleable stock. Mr Salomon seems to have done what he could: both he
and his wife lent the company money; and then he got his debentures cancelled and reissued to a Mr
Broderip, who advanced him £5,000, which he immediately handed over to the company on loan. The
temporary relief only hastened ruin. Mr Broderip’s interest was not paid when it became due. He took
proceedings at once and got a receiver appointed. Then, of course, came liquidation and a forced sale of the
company’s assets. They realised enough to pay Mr Broderip, but not enough to pay the debentures in full:
and the unsecured creditors were consequently left out in the cold.
In this state of things the liquidator met Mr Broderip’s claim by a counterclaim, to which he made Mr
Salomon a defendant. He disputed the validity of the debentures on the ground of fraud. On the same
ground he claimed rescission of the agreement for the transfer of the business, cancellation of the
debentures, and repayment by Mr Salomon of the balance of the purchasemoney. In the alternative, he
claimed payment of £20,000 on Mr Salomon’s shares, alleging that nothing had been paid on them.
When the trial came on before Vaughan Williams J,[7 ] the validity of Mr Broderip’s claim was admitted, and
it was not disputed that the 20,000 shares were fully paid up. The case presented by the liquidator broke
down completely; but the learned judge suggested that the company had a right of indemnity against Mr
Salomon. The signatories of the memorandum of association were, he said, mere nominees of Mr Salomon
—mere dummies. The company was Mr Salomon in another form. He used the name of the company as an
alias. He employed the company as his agent; so the company, he thought, was entitled to indemnity
against its principal. The counterclaim was accordingly amended to raise this point; and on the
amendment being made the learned judge pronounced an order in accordance with the view he had
The order of the learned judge appears to me to be founded on a misconception of the scope and effect of
the Companies Act 1862. In order to form a company limited by shares, the Act requires that a
memorandum of association should be signed by seven persons, who are each to take one (p. 36) share at
least. If those conditions are complied with, what can it matter whether the signatories are relations or
strangers? There is nothing in the Act requiring that the subscribers to the memorandum should be
independent or unconnected, or that they or any one of them should take a substantial interest in the
undertaking, or that they should have a mind and will of their own, as one of the learned Lords Justices
seems to think, or that there should be anything like a balance of power in the constitution of the company.
In almost every company that is formed the statutory number is eked out by clerks or friends, who sign their
names at the request of the promoter or promoters without intending to take any further part or interest in
the matter.
When the memorandum is duly signed and registered, though there be only seven shares taken, the
subscribers are a body corporate ‘capable forthwith’, to use the words of the enactment, ‘of exercising all
the functions of an incorporated company’. Those are strong words. The company attains maturity on its
birth. There is no period of minority—no interval of incapacity. I cannot understand how a body corporate
thus made ‘capable’ by statute can lose its individuality by issuing the bulk of its capital to one person,
whether he be a subscriber to the memorandum or not. The company is at law a different person altogether
from the subscribers to the memorandum; and, though it may be that after incorporation the business is
precisely the same as it was before, and the same persons are managers, and the same hands receive the
profits, the company is not in law the agent of the subscribers or trustee for them. Nor are the subscribers
as members liable, in any shape or form, except to the extent and in the manner provided by the Act. That
is, I think, the declared intention of the enactment. If the view of the learned judge were sound, it would
follow that no common law partnership could register as a company limited by shares without remaining
subject to unlimited liability.
Mr Salomon appealed; but his appeal was dismissed with costs, though the appellate court did not entirely
accept the view of the court below.[8 ] …
Among the principal reasons which induce persons to form private companies, as stated very clearly by Mr
Palmer in his treatise on the subject, are the desire to avoid the risk of bankruptcy, and the increased
facility afforded for borrowing money. By means of a private company, as Mr Palmer observes, a trade can
be carried on with limited liability, and without exposing the persons interested in it in the event of failure to
the harsh provisions of the bankruptcy law. A company, too, can raise money on debentures, which an
ordinary trader cannot do. Any member of a company, acting in good faith, is as much entitled to take and
hold the company’s debentures as any outside creditor. Every creditor is entitled to get and to hold the best
security the law allows him to take.
If, however, the declaration of the Court of Appeal means that Mr Salomon acted fraudulently or dishonestly,
I must say I can find nothing in the evidence to support such an imputation. The purpose for which Mr
Salomon and the other subscribers to the memorandum were associated was ‘lawful’. The fact that Mr
Salomon raised £5,000 for the company on debentures that belonged to him seems to me strong evidence
of his good faith and of his confidence in the company. The unsecured creditors of A Salomon and Co Ltd
may be entitled to sympathy, but they have only themselves to blame for their misfortunes. They trusted the
company, I suppose, because they had long dealt with Mr Salomon, and he had always paid his way; but
they had full notice that they were no longer dealing with an individual …
It has become the fashion to call companies of this class ‘one man companies’. That is a taking nickname,
but it does not help one much in the way of argument. If it is intended to convey the meaning that a
company which is under the absolute control of one person is not a company legally incorporated, although
the requirements of the Act of 1862 may have been complied with, it is inaccurate and misleading: if it
merely means that there is a predominant partner possessing an overwhelming influence and entitled
practically to the whole of the profits, there is nothing in that that I can see contrary to the true intention of
the Act of 1862, or against public policy, or detrimental (p. 37) to the interests of creditors. If the shares
are fully paid up, it cannot matter whether they are in the hands of one or many. If the shares are not fully
paid, it is as easy to gauge the solvency of an individual as to estimate the financial ability of a crowd.
One argument was addressed to your Lordships which ought perhaps to be noticed, although it was not the
ground of decision in either of the courts below. It was argued that the agreement for the transfer of the
business to the company ought to be set aside, because there was no independent board of directors, and
the property was transferred at an overvalue. There are, it seems to me, two answers to that argument. In
the first place, the directors did just what they were authorised to do by the memorandum of association.
There was no fraud or misrepresentation, and there was nobody deceived. In the second place, the
company have put it out of their power to restore the property which was transferred to them …
LORD HALSBURY LC: My Lords, the important question in this case, I am not certain it is not the only
question, is whether the respondent company was a company at all—whether in truth that artificial creation
of the legislature had been validly constituted in this instance; and in order to determine that question it is
necessary to look at what the statute itself has determined in that respect. I have no right to add to the
requirements of the statute, or to take from the requirements thus enacted. The sole guide must be the
statute itself.
Now, that there were seven actual living persons who held shares in the company has not been doubted. As
to the proportionate amounts held by each I will deal presently; but it is important to observe that this first
condition of the statute is satisfied, and it follows as a consequence that it would not be competent to any
one—and certainly not to these persons themselves—to deny that they were shareholders.
I must pause here to point out that the statute enacts nothing as to the extent or degree of interest which
may be held by each of the seven, or as to the proportion of interest or influence possessed by one or the
majority of the shareholders over the others. One share is enough. Still less is it possible to contend that
the motive of becoming shareholders or of making them shareholders is a field of inquiry which the statute
itself recognises as legitimate. If they are shareholders, they are shareholders for all purposes; and even if
the statute was silent as to the recognition of trusts, I should be prepared to hold that if six of them were
[trustees for] the seventh, whatever might be their rights inter se, the statute would have made them
shareholders to all intents and purposes with their respective rights and liabilities, and, dealing with them in
their relation to the company, the only relations which I believe the law would sanction would be that they
were corporators of the corporate body.
I am simply here dealing with the provisions of the statute, and it seems to me to be essential to the
artificial creation that the law should recognise only that artificial existence—quite apart from the motives or
conduct of individual corporators. In saying this, I do not at all mean to suggest that if it could be
established that this provision of the statute to which I am adverting had not been complied with, you could
not go behind the certificate of incorporation to show that a fraud had been committed upon the officer
entrusted with the duty of giving the certificate, and that by some proceeding in the nature of scire facias
you could not prove the fact that the company had no real legal existence. But short of such proof it seems
to me impossible to dispute that once the company is legally incorporated it must be treated like any other
independent person with its rights and liabilities appropriate to itself, and that the motives of those who took
part in the promotion of the company are absolutely irrelevant in discussing what those rights and liabilities
I will for the sake of argument assume the proposition that the Court of Appeal lays down—that the
formation of the company was a mere scheme to enable Aron Salomon to carry on business in the name of
the company. I am wholly unable to follow the proposition that this was contrary to the true intent and
meaning of the Companies Act. I can only find the true intent and meaning of the Act from the Act itself;
and the Act appears to me to give a company a legal existence with, as I have said, rights and liabilities of
its own, whatever may have been the ideas or schemes of those who brought it into existence.
(p. 38) I observe that the learned judge (Vaughan Williams J) held that the business was Mr Salomon’s
business, and no one else’s, and that he chose to employ as agent a limited company; and he proceeded
to argue that he was employing that limited company as agent, and that he was bound to indemnify that
agent (the company). I confess it seems to me that that very learned judge becomes involved by this
argument in a very singular contradiction. Either the limited company was a legal entity or it was not. If it
was, the business belonged to it and not to Mr Salomon. If it was not, there was no person and no thing to
be an agent at all; and it is impossible to say at the same time that there is a company and there is not.
Lindley LJ, on the other hand, affirms that there were seven members of the company; but he says it is
manifest that six of them were members simply in order to enable the seventh himself to carry on business
with limited liability. The object of the whole arrangement is to do the very thing which the legislature
intended not to be done.[9 ]
It is obvious to inquire where that intention of the legislature manifested in the statute is. Even if we were at
liberty to insert words to manifest that intention, I should have great difficulty in ascertaining what the exact
intention thus imputed to the legislature is, or was. In this particular case it is the members of one family
that represent all the shares; but if the supposed intention is not limited to so narrow a proposition as this,
that the seven shareholders must not be members of one family, to what extent may influence or authority
or intentional purchase of a majority among the shareholders be carried so as to bring it within the
supposed prohibition? It is, of course, easy to say that it was contrary to the intention of the legislature—a
proposition which, by reason of its generality, it is difficult to bring to the test; but when one seeks to put as
an affirmative proposition what the thing is which the legislature has prohibited, there is, as it appears to
me, an insuperable difficulty in the way of those who seek to insert by construction such a prohibition into
the statute.
As one mode of testing the proposition, it would be pertinent to ask whether two or three, or indeed all
seven, may constitute the whole of the shareholders? Whether they must be all independent of each other
in the sense of each having an independent beneficial interest? And this is a question that cannot be
answered by the reply that it is a matter of degree. If the legislature intended to prohibit something, you
ought to know what that something is. All it has said is that one share is sufficient to constitute a
shareholder, though the shares may be 100,000 in number. Where am I to get from the statute itself a
limitation of that provision that that shareholder must be an independent and beneficially interested person?
My Lords, the learned judges appear to me not to have been absolutely certain in their own minds whether
to treat the company as a real thing or not. If it was a real thing; if it had a legal existence, and if
consequently the law attributed to it certain rights and liabilities in its constitution as a company, it appears
to me to follow as a consequence that it is impossible to deny the validity of the transactions into which it
has entered. …
LORDS WATSON and DAVEY delivered concurring opinions. LORD MORRIS concurred.
➤ Questions
1. To what do you think Lord Macnaghten was alluding when he said that the unsecured creditors of the
company ‘had full notice that they were no longer dealing with an individual’? Was it fair to say that ‘they have
only themselves to blame for their misfortunes’?
2. Salomon’s case has been described as a ‘calamitous decision’ (O KahnFreund (1944) 7 MLR 54). Would
you agree?
(p. 39) 3. Was there a ‘very singular contradiction’ in the reasoning of Vaughan Williams J, as Lord Halsbury
said? (Compare Re FG Films Ltd [2.14], in which the company was held to be carrying on business as the
agent of its principal shareholder.)
➤ Note
It makes no difference to the rule in Salomon that one member owns all or substantially all of the shares. Until
1992, when the Twelfth EU Directive on SingleMember Companies was implemented in the UK, it was necessary
for a company to have at least two members. (The number in 1844 was originally set at 25, but this number was
reduced to seven by the Companies Act 1862—the Act under which Mr Salomon’s company was registered—and
later to two.) However, even under the former law it was possible for one person to own all the shares in a
company beneficially and at the same time comply with the legislation by the simple expedient of vesting one or
more shares in nominees who held the shares on his behalf and acted at his direction. In many other jurisdictions,
the one person company has been recognised for a long time.
The judgments in the lower courts in Salomon’s case (reported as Broderip v Salomon [2.02]) deserve study in
their own right as examples of ‘piercing or lifting the veil’. (For this topic, see ‘Limited liability of members and
“Lifting the corporate veil”’, p 51.)
[2.02] Broderip v Salomon [1895] 2 Ch 323 (Chancery Division and Court of Appeal)
VAUGHAN WILLIAMS J: No charge of fraud … is involved in the amended claim; but to allow a man who
carries on business under another name to set up a debenture in priority to the claims of the creditors of the
company would have the effect of defeating and delaying his creditors. There must be an implied agreement
by him to indemnify the company. Under the Companies Act of 1862 a man may become what is called a
private company so as to obtain the benefits of limited liability. I have already held, in a case where the
founder of such a company had become bankrupt and the company claimed his assets, that the company
was a mere fraud, and the Court of Appeal supported that decision. In this case I propose to hold the same
thing—that this business was Mr Salomon’s business and no one else’s; that he chose to employ as agent
a limited company; that he is bound to indemnify that agent, the company; and that his agent, the
company, has a lien on the assets which overrides his claims. The creditors of the company could, in my
opinion, have sued Mr Salomon. Their right to do so would depend on the circumstances of the case,
whether the company was a mere alias of the founder or not. In this case it is clear that the relationship of
principal and agent existed between Mr Salomon and the company …
[His Lordship accordingly ordered that Salomon was bound to indemnify the company for the debts which,
as his agent, it had incurred.
Salomon appealed to the Court of Appeal, which affirmed this decision on different grounds:] LINDLEY LJ:
The incorporation of the company cannot be disputed. (See s 18 of the Companies Act 1862 [Companies
Act 2006 (CA 2006), ss 15 and 16].) Whether by any proceedings in the nature of a scire facias the court
could set aside the certificate of incorporation is a question which has never been considered, and on which
I express no opinion;[10 ] but, be that as it may, in such an action as this the validity of the certificate
cannot be impeached. The company must, therefore, be regarded as a corporation, but as a corporation
created for an illegitimate purpose. Moreover, there having always been seven members, although six of
them hold only one £1 share each, (p. 40) Mr Aron Salomon cannot be reached under s 48 [CA 2006, ss
437 and 438] to which I have already alluded. As the company must be recognised as a corporation, I feel a
difficulty in saying that the company did not carry on business as a principal, and that the debts and
liabilities contracted in its name are not enforceable against it in its corporate capacity. But it does not
follow that the order made by Vaughan Williams J is wrong. A person may carry on business as a principal
and incur debts and liabilities as such, and yet be entitled to be indemnified against those debts and
liabilities by the person for whose benefit he carries on the business. The company in this case has been
regarded by Vaughan Williams J as the agent of Aron Salomon. I should rather liken the company to a
trustee for him—a trustee improperly brought into existence by him to enable him to do what the statute
prohibits. It is manifest that the other members of the company have practically no interest in it, and their
names have merely been used by Mr Aron Salomon to enable him to form a company, and to use its name
in order to screen himself from liability … In a strict legal sense the business may have to be regarded as
the business of the company; but if any jury were asked, Whose business was it? they would say Aron
Salomon’s, and they would be right, if they meant that the beneficial interest in the business was his. I do
not go so far as to say that the creditors of the company could sue him. In my opinion, they can only reach
him through the company. Moreover, Mr Aron Salomon’s liability to indemnify the company in this case is,
in my view, the legal consequence of the formation of the company in order to attain a result not permitted
by law. The liability does not arise simply from the fact that he holds nearly all the shares in the company.
A man may do that and yet be under no such liability as Mr Aron Salomon has come under. His liability
rests on the purpose for which he formed the company, on the way he formed it, and on the use which he
made of it. There are many small companies which will be quite unaffected by this decision. But there may
possibly be some which, like this, are mere devices to enable a man to carry on trade with limited liability,
to incur debts in the name of a registered company, and to sweep off the company’s assets by means of
debentures which he has caused to be issued to himself in order to defeat the claims of those who have
been incautious enough to trade with the company without perceiving the trap which he has laid for them …
LOPES LJ: It would be lamentable if a scheme like this could not be defeated. If we were to permit it to
succeed, we should be authorising a perversion of the Joint Stock Companies Acts. We should be giving
vitality to that which is a myth and a fiction. The transaction is a device to apply the machinery of the Joint
Stock Companies Act to a state of things never contemplated by that Act—an ingenious device to obtain
the protection of that Act in a way and for objects not authorised by that Act, and in my judgment in a way
inconsistent with and opposed to its policy and provisions. It never was intended that the company to be
constituted should consist of one substantial person and six mere dummies, the nominees of that person,
without any real interest in the company. The Act contemplated the incorporation of seven independent
bona fide members, who had a mind and a will of their own, and were not the mere puppets of an individual
who, adopting the machinery of the Act, carried on his old business in the same way as before, when he
was a sole trader. To legalise such a transaction would be a scandal.
But to what relief is the liquidator entitled? In the circumstances of this case it is, in my opinion, competent
for the court to set aside the sale as being a sale from Aron Salomon to himself—a sale which had none of
the incidents of a sale, was a fiction, and therefore invalid; or to declare the company to be a trustee for
Aron Salomon, whom Aron Salomon, the cestui que trust, was bound to indemnify; or to declare the
formation of the company, the agreement of August 1892, and the issue of the debentures to Aron Salomon
pursuant to such agreement, to be merely devices to enable him to carry on business in the name of the
company with limited liability, contrary to the true intent and meaning of the Companies Act 1862, and
further, to enable him to obtain a preference over other creditors of the company by obtaining a first charge
on the assets of the company by means of such debentures. …
KAY LJ delivered a concurring judgment.
(p. 41) The company as a separate legal person
The property of a company belongs to it and not to its members. Neither a member nor a creditor of a
company (unless a secured creditor) has an insurable interest in the assets of the company.
[2.03] Macaura v Northern Assurance Co [1925] AC 619 (House of Lords)
Macaura, the owner of the Killymoon estate in County Tyrone, sold the whole of the timber on the estate to a
company, Irish Canadian Sawmills Ltd, in consideration of the allotment to him of 42,000 fully paid £1 shares. All
the company’s shares were held by Macaura and his nominees, and he was also an unsecured creditor of the
company for an amount of £19,000. Following the sale, he effected insurance policies in his own name with the
respondent insurance company and others, covering the timber against fire. Two weeks later, almost all of the
timber was destroyed in a fire. A claim brought by Macaura on the policies was disallowed on the ground that he
had no insurable interest in the timber.
LORD SUMNER: My Lords, this appeal relates to an insurance on goods against loss by fire. It is clear that
the appellant had no insurable interest in the timber described. It was not his. It belonged to the Irish
Canadian Sawmills Ltd, of Skibbereen, co Cork. He had no lien or security over it and, though it lay on his
land by his permission, he had no responsibility to its owner for its safety, nor was it there under any
contract that enabled him to hold it for his debt. He owned almost all the shares in the company, and the
company owed him a good deal of money, but, neither as creditor nor as shareholder, could he insure the
company’s assets. The debt was not exposed to fire nor were the shares, and the fact that he was virtually
the company’s only creditor, while the timber was its only asset, seems to me to make no difference. He
stood in no ‘legal or equitable relation to’ the timber at all. He had no ‘concern in’ the subject insured. His
relation was to the company, not to its goods, and after the fire he was directly prejudiced by the paucity of
the company’s assets, not by the fire. …
My Lords, I think this appeal fails.
LORDS BUCKMASTER and WRENBURY delivered concurring opinions.
➤ Notes
1. Similarly in JJ Harrison (Properties) Ltd v Harrison [2001] EWCA Civ 1467, [2002] 1 BCLC 162, the court
stated that there is no rule of company law which constitutes a company the trustee of its property and its
members or shareholders as beneficiaries of that trust.
2. And in Petrodel Resources Ltd v Prest [2012] EWCA Civ 1395 (appeal pending), where divorcing parties
were litigating over the division of an estate worth more than £50 million, but held by nominee companies, a
majority of the Court of Appeal held that an order in respect of a company’s property (houses in London and
overseas) could not be made in favour of the wife under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 s 24(1)(a), even
though the husband owned 100% of the shares and had complete control of the companies, unless there were
legitimate grounds for piercing the corporate veil (see ‘Limited liability of members and “Lifting the corporate
veil”’, p 51). Mere ownership and control of the shares was not of itself grounds for piercing the corporate veil.
(p. 42) A company may make a valid and effective contract with one of its members. It is possible for a
person to be at the same time wholly in control of a company (as its principal shareholder or member and
its sole director) and an employee of that company.
[2.04] Lee v Lee’s Air Farming Ltd [1961] AC 12 (Privy Council)
Lee, the appellant’s late husband, had formed the respondent company to carry on his business of spreading
fertilisers on farmland (‘topdressing’) from the air. He held 2,999 of its 3,000 shares, and was by its articles of
association appointed sole governing director and (also pursuant to the articles) employed at a salary as its chief
pilot. He was killed in an aircraft crash while flying for the company. If he was a ‘worker’ (defined as ‘any person
who has entered into or works under a contract of service … with an employer … whether remunerated by wages,
salary, or otherwise’) then his widow was entitled to be paid compensation by his employer under the Workers’
Compensation Act 1922 (NZ). The company, as required by statute, was insured against liability to pay its workers
such compensation. Mrs Lee appealed successfully against the ruling of the Court of Appeal of New Zealand that
Lee could not be a ‘worker’ when he was in effect also the employer.
The opinion of their Lordships was delivered by LORD MORRIS OF BORTHYGEST: The Court of Appeal
recognised that a director of a company may properly enter into a service agreement with his company, but
they considered that, in the present case, inasmuch as the deceased was the governing director in whom
was vested the full government and control of the company he could not also be a servant of the company.
… [After discussing the facts of the case:] Their Lordships find it impossible to resist the conclusion that
the active aerial operations were performed because the deceased was in some contractual relationship
with the company. That relationship came about because the deceased as one legal person was willing to
work for and to make a contract with the company which was another legal entity. A contractual
relationship could only exist on the basis that there was consensus between two contracting parties. It was
never suggested (nor in their Lordships’ view could it reasonably have been suggested) that the company
was a sham or a mere simulacrum. It is well established that the mere fact that someone is a director of a
company is no impediment to his entering into a contract to serve the company. If, then, it be accepted that
the respondent company was a legal entity their Lordships see no reason to challenge the validity of any
contractual obligations which were created between the company and the deceased …
Nor in their Lordships’ view were any contractual obligations invalidated by the circumstance that the
deceased was sole governing director in whom was vested the full government and control of the company.
Always assuming that the company was not a sham then the capacity of the company to make a contract
with the deceased could not be impugned merely because the deceased was the agent of the company in
its negotiation. … In their Lordships’ view it is a logical consequence of the decision
in Salomon’s case [2.01] that one person may function in dual capacities. There is no reason, therefore, to
deny the possibility of a contractual relationship being created as between the deceased and the company.
If this stage is reached then their Lordships see no reason why the range of possible contractual
relationships should not include a contract for services, and if the deceased as agent for the company could
negotiate a contract for services as between the company and himself there is no reason why a contract of
service could not also be negotiated. It is said that therein lies the difficulty, because it is said that the
deceased could not both be under the duty of giving orders and also be under the duty of obeying them. But
this approach does not give effect to the circumstance that it would be the company and not the deceased
that would be giving the orders. Control would remain with the company whoever might be the agent of the
company to exercise it. The fact that so long as the deceased continued to be governing director, with
amplitude of powers, it would be for him to act as the agent of the company to give the orders does not alter
the fact that the company and the deceased were two separate and distinct legal persons. If (p. 43) the
deceased had a contract of service with the company then the company had a right of control. The manner
of its exercise would not affect or diminish the right to its exercise. But the existence of a right to control
cannot be denied if once the reality of the legal existence of the company is recognised. Just as the
company and the deceased were separate legal entities so as to permit of contractual relations being
established between them, so also were they separate legal entities so as to enable the company to give
an order to the deceased …
➤ Note
Although Lee’s case is undoubtedly correct as a ruling in company law, and in particular as authority for the
propositions stated in the headnote, the question whether a person should be regarded as an ‘employee’ of a
company which he can control as a director or major shareholder may not always be so clearcut. For
instance, in the context of the legislation relating to redundancy payments, the court may consider that such
a person is not to be treated as an ‘employee’ entitled to compensation for unfair or wrongful
dismissal: Buchan v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry [1997] IRLR 80. See this issue discussed
in Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Bottrill [1999] ICR 592, CA. In Secretary of State for Business,
Enterprise and Regulatory Reform v Neufeld [2009] EWCA Civ 280, [2009] BCC 687, the Court of Appeal
confirmed Lee’s case, but noted the potential difficulties in determining whether the putative employment
contract was a sham where the employee was at the same time the controlling director and shareholder
(although in that case the contract was upheld).
The fact that one person holds all, or substantially all, of the shares in a company does not, without more,
make the company’s business that person’s business in the eyes of the law.
[2.05] Gramophone and Typewriter Co Ltd v Stanley [1908] 2 KB 89 (Court of Appeal)
All the shares in a German company (Deutsche Grammophon Aktiengesellschaft) were held by the appellant
company, which was resident for tax purposes in England. The appellant was assessed for income tax not only
upon the profits of the German company actually remitted to it in England, but also on a sum of £15,000 retained
by the German company and transferred by it to a depreciation fund. The unremitted profits were taxable in
England only if (as the Commissioners of Inland Revenue had held) they were the profits or gains of a business
‘carried on’ by the English company. The Court of Appeal rejected this view.
BUCKLEY LJ: The question is, I think, one of fact … The question of fact is whether the business in
Germany is carried on by the appellant company. If it is, the [appellants] do not dispute that the Attorney
General is right. If, on the contrary, the German business is not carried on by the English company, then
equally the AttorneyGeneral cannot dispute but that the English company is assessable only upon the
dividends which it may receive upon its shares in the German company.
In order to succeed the AttorneyGeneral must, I think, make out either, first, that the German company is
a fiction, a sham, a simulacrum, and that in reality the English company, and not the German company, is
carrying on the business; or, secondly, that the German company, if it is a real thing, is the agent of the
English company. As regards the former of these, there are no facts at all to show that the German
company is a pretence. It was formed in January 1900 by the union of three other companies, each of which
brought in substantial properties, and of two individuals. It is duly constituted and governed according to
German law, and there is no ground whatever for saying that it is other than a real German corporation
carrying on business in Germany under circumstances in which the company and its officers are amenable
to German law and with a view to the acquisition (p. 44) of profit. The only remaining question, therefore, is
whether the German company is agent of the English company, whether the English company is really
carrying on the business and is employing the German company to do so on its behalf. Upon this point the
AttorneyGeneral relies principally upon the fact that, as stated in para 17 of the case, the appellant
company now holds all the shares of the German company. In my opinion this fact does not establish the
relation of principal and agent between the English company and the German company. It is so familiar that
it would be a waste of time to dwell upon the difference between the corporation and the aggregate of all the
corporators. But I may point out the following considerations as bearing upon the question whether the
possession of all the shares is evidence of agency. Suppose that during the year whose accounts are under
review the appellant company had held no shares at all in the first six months and had held all the shares in
the last six months, or suppose that, having held all the shares but ten today, it became the holder of all
tomorrow and again parted with ten the next day, it cannot seriously be suggested that each time one
person becomes the holder of all the shares an agency comes into existence which dies again when he
parts with some of them.
Further it is urged that the English company, as owning all the shares, can control the German company in
the sense that the German company must do all that the English company directs. In my opinion this again
is a misapprehension. This court decided not long since, in Automatic SelfCleansing Filter Syndicate Co
Ltd v Cuninghame [4.05] that even a resolution of a numerical majority at a general meeting of the company
cannot impose its will upon the directors when the articles have confided to them the control of the
company’s affairs. The directors are not servants to obey directions given by the shareholders as
individuals; they are not agents appointed by and bound to serve the shareholders as their principals. They
are persons who may by the regulations be entrusted with the control of the business, and if so entrusted
they can be dispossessed from that control only by the statutory majority which can alter the articles.
Directors are not, I think, bound to comply with the directions even of all the corporators acting as
individuals. Of course the corporators have it in their power by proper resolutions, which would generally be
special resolutions,[11 ] to remove directors who do not act as they desire, but this in no way answers the
question here to be considered, which is whether the corporators are engaged in carrying on the business
of the corporation. In my opinion they are not. To say that they are involves a complete confusion of ideas
COZENSHARDY MR and FLETCHER MOULTON LJ delivered concurring judgments.
[2.06] Lonrho Ltd v Shell Petroleum Co Ltd [1980] QB 358 (Court of Appeal); affd [1980] 1 WLR 627 (House
of Lords)
Lonrho sought an order for discovery [disclosure] of certain documents which it claimed were in the ‘power’ of two
multinational oil companies, Shell and BP. These documents were held in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and South
Africa by local subsidiaries of Shell and BP, the subsidiaries being in each case wholly owned and controlled by
those companies between them. The application was refused.
SHAW LJ: This appeal poses as its principal issue a compact question as to the application and scope of
RSC, Ord 24. When is a document in the power (as distinct from the possession or control) of a party to
litigation so as to require him to disclose it if it relates to matters in question in that litigation?
The question seems elementary, but it poses for me at any rate a difficult philosophical problem as to what
constitutes power, and I must confess to some vacillation as the arguments on either side proceeded. In
the end I have come to the view that a document can be said to be in the power (p. 45) of a party for the
purpose of disclosure only if, at the time and in the situation which obtains at the date of discovery, that
party is, on the factual realities of the case virtually in possession (as with a one man company in relation
to documents of the company) or otherwise has a present indefeasible legal right to demand possession
from the person in whose possession or control it is at that time.
In the present case no such sure or direct route to acquiring possession existed or exists. The relationship
between Shell and BP, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the various subsidiaries, including those
which are wholly owned by the two parent companies, may afford an ultimate but not an immediate or
certain prospect of acquiring possession of documents which belong to and are in the possession and
control for the time being of a subsidiary. The realisation of that prospect might involve the alteration of the
articles of an unwilling or recalcitrant subsidiary followed by the removal of its then directors and their
substitution by others more compliant. This would involve a radical transformation of the local scene within
the subsidiary company. It would involve not merely raising the corporate veil, but committing an affront on
the persona of the company itself. Even then, the directors who are substituted for the recalcitrant ones
may find that there exists a conflict of duty so that they have no right to comply with the requirement. It
would follow that the outcome of such a procedure would be at the best dubious …
There are no doubt situations, such as existed in B v B (Matrimonial Proceedings: Discovery)12 where on
the established facts a company is so utterly subservient or subordinated to the will and the wishes of
some other person (whether an individual or a parent company) that compliance with that other person’s
demands can be regarded as assured. Each case must depend upon its own facts and also upon the
nature, degree and context of the control …
LORD DENNING MR and BRANDON LJ delivered concurring judgments.
[An appeal to the House of Lords was dismissed: [1980] 1 WLR 627.]
There is a presumption that the word ‘person’ be construed as including a company, although the final
analysis depends on the context.
[2.07] Pharmaceutical Society v London and Provincial Supply Association Ltd (1880) 5 App Cas 857
(House of Lords)
The Pharmacy Act 1868 prohibited ‘any person’ from selling or keeping an open shop for retailing poisons unless
such person was qualified and registered as a pharmaceutical chemist. The respondent company was prosecuted
for an infringement of the Act. The sale of chemicals by the company was superintended by a registered chemist,
who was a salaried employee and also a minority shareholder in the company. The House of Lords held that the
company had not infringed the statute.
LORD BLACKBURN: I own I have no great doubt myself … that the word ‘person’ may very well include
both a natural person, a human being, and an artificial person, a corporation. I think that in an Act of
Parliament, unless there be something to the contrary, probably (but that I should not like to pledge myself
to) it ought to be held to include both. I have equally no doubt that in common talk, the language of men not
speaking technically, a ‘person’ does not include an artificial person, that is to say, a corporation. Nobody
in common talk if he were asked, Who is the richest person in London, would answer, The London and
NorthWestern Railway Co. The thing is absurd. It is plain that in common conversation and ordinary
speech, ‘a person’ would mean a natural person: in technical language it may mean the artificial person: in
which way it is used in any particular Act, must depend upon the context and the subjectmatter. I do not
think that the presumption that it does include an artificial person, a corporation, if that is the presumption,
is at all a strong one. Circumstances, and (p. 46) indeed circumstances of a slight nature in the context,
might shew in which way the word is to be construed in an Act of Parliament, whether it is to have the one
meaning or the other …
But, my Lords, my conclusion, looking at this Act, is that it is clear to my mind that the word ‘person’ here
is so used to show that it does not include a corporation, and that there is no object or intention of the
statute which shows that it is requisite to extend the word to a sense which probably those who used it in
legislation, were not thinking of at all. I do not think that the legislature was thinking of bodies corporate at
all. Beginning with the preamble the Act says, ‘Whereas it is expedient for the safety of the public that
persons keeping open shop for the retailing, dispensing, or compounding of poisons, and persons known as
chemists and druggists, should possess a competent practical knowledge of their business’. Stopping
there it is quite plain that those who used that language were not thinking of corporations. A corporation
may in one sense, for all substantial purposes of protecting the public, possess a competent knowledge of
its business, if it employs competent directors, managers, and so forth. But it cannot possibly have a
competent knowledge in itself. The metaphysical entity, the legal ‘person’, the corporation, cannot possibly
have a competent knowledge. Nor, I think, can a corporation be supposed to be a ‘person known as a
chemist and druggist’ … A body corporate may keep an open shop, and no mischief is done, if … qualified
persons perform or superintend the sale …
➤ Notes
1. This case concerned the interpretation of a statute; but the views of Lord Blackburn have also served as a
guide in the construction of other documents, for example in Re Jeffcock ’s Trust (1882) 51 LJ Ch 507, where
a limited company was held to be a ‘person’ within the terms of a power to lease conferred by will. The courts
have gone so far as to hold that a company is a ‘person of full age’ within the meaning of the Law of Property
Act 1925 (Re Earl of Carnarvon’s Chesterfield Settled Estates[1927] 1 Ch 138)13 but have stopped short of
holding that a company is capable of ‘exercising itself in the duties of piety and true religion’ (Rolloswin
Investments Ltd v Chromolit Portugal Cutelarias e Produtos Metálicos SARL [1970] 1 WLR 912), or of being
deemed a rogue and a vagabond (AG v Walk ergate Press Ltd (1930) 142 LT 408: compare R v Registrar of
Joint Stock Companies, ex p More [1.05]). In Wink worth v Edward Baron Development Co Ltd [7.09], Lord
Templeman found no difficulty in ascribing to a limited company a ‘conscience’. The Scottish courts have
ruled that a company is incapable of shame, and so cannot be guilty of ‘shameless conduct’: Dean v John
Menzies (Holdings) Ltd 1981 SLT 50. But it has been held that a company has a reputation and so can sue in
defamation: D and L Caterers Ltd and Jack son v D’Ajou [1945] KB 364, CA (allegation that company had
procured supplies on the black market). It is entitled to protection from invasion of its privacy (R v
Broadcasting Standards Commission, ex p BBC [2001] 1 BCLC 244, CA (secret filming of transactions in
Dixons’ shops), but not to compensation for wrongful conviction on a criminal charge (R v Secretary of State
for the Home Department, ex p Atlantic Commercial (UK) Ltd [1997] BCLC 692).
2. The Interpretation Act 1978 s 5 and Sch 1, confirms the ruling in the Pharmaceutical Society case by
providing that in any Act, unless the contrary intention appears, ‘person’ includes a body of persons corporate
or unincorporate; and those who draft legislation regularly make distinction between the term ‘person’ (which
includes a corporate body) and ‘individual’ (which does not). The use of these terms in (respectively) the
Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 and the Criminal Justice Act 1993 Pt V, means that a company
can be the subject of a disqualification order prohibiting it from acting as a director, but not convicted of insider
(p. 47) A company’s nationality is determined by the place of its registration, and it retains that nationality
throughout its existence.
[2.08] Kuenigl v Donnersmarck [1955] 1 QB 515 (Queen’s Bench Division)
The facts are immaterial.
[MCNAIR J referred to Daimler Co Ltd v Continental Tyre & Rubber Co Ltd [2.12] and continued:] Neither of
these passages in Lord Simon’s or Lord Wright’s speeches is dealing with the question which I have to deal
with, namely, whether an English company found to have enemy character by reason of enemy control
ceases to be in the eye of the English law an English company and subject to the prohibition which English
law imposes on persons subject to that law. On this question there is, so far as I know, no direct authority,
but such authority as there is in my judgment strongly suggests a negative answer. [His Lordship
discussed the cases and continued:] Enemy character is not substituted for the original character, but is
something added to it. An English company which has acquired enemy character continues to owe its very
existence to English law (under which it was incorporated) and remains subject to all its obligations towards
the Crown under the Companies Acts as an English company. It would, in my judgment, be absurd that the
acquisition of enemy character should release it from the obligations attaching to an English company and
enable it to do lawfully things which an English company not possessing enemy character was lawfully
unable to do …
I think that it is … clear that, in so far as nationality can by analogy be applied to a juristic person, its
nationality is determined in an inalienable manner by the laws of the country from which it derives its
personality …
A company is capable of having a domicile. Its domicile is the place of its registration, and it retains the
domicile throughout its existence.14
[2.09] Gasque v IRC [1940] 2 KB 80 (King’s Bench Division)
The facts are immaterial.
MACNAGHTEN J: The only question at issue on this appeal is whether the MD Company Ltd is a ‘person
resident or domiciled out of the United Kingdom’ within the meaning of that section.
It was suggested by Mr Needham on behalf of the appellant that by the law of England a body corporate
has no domicil. It is quite true that a body corporate cannot have a domicil in the same sense as an
individual any more than it can have a residence in the same sense as an individual. But by analogy with a
natural person the attributes of residence, domicil and nationality can be given, and are, I think, given by the
law of England to a body corporate. It is not disputed that a company formed under the Companies Acts
has British nationality, though, unlike a natural person, it cannot change its nationality. So, too, I think,
such a company has a domicil—an English domicil if registered in England, and a Scottish domicil if
registered in Scotland. The domicil of origin, or the domicil of birth, using with respect to a company a
familiar metaphor, clings to it throughout its existence …
(p. 48) ➤ Note
An SE (Societas Europaea)15 is able to move freely within the EU changing its domicile at will. The
Commission’s plan for a Fourteenth Company Law Directive would enable all EU companies to move within
the Union in the same manner.
A company may have an enemy or neutral character in time of war. This is determined not by any formal
test but by reference to the character of the natural person or persons really in control.
See [2.12] Daimler Co Ltd v Continental Tyre and Rubber Co Ltd.
A company’s residence16 is where it ‘really keeps house and does its real business’; its ‘real business’ is
carried on where the central management and control actually abides.17
[2.10] De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd v Howe [1906] AC 455 (House of Lords)
The facts appear from the judgment.
LORD LOREBURN LC: Now, it is easy to ascertain where an individual resides, but when the inquiry relates
to a company, which in a natural sense does not reside anywhere, some artificial test must be applied.
Mr Cohen propounded a test which had the merits of simplicity and certitude. He maintained that a
company resides where it is registered, and nowhere else. If that be so, the appellant company must
succeed, for it is registered in South Africa.
I cannot adopt Mr Cohen’s contention. In applying the conception of residence to a company, we ought, I
think, to proceed as nearly as we can upon the analogy of an individual. A company cannot eat or sleep,[18 ]
but it can keep house and do business. We ought, therefore, to see where it really keeps house and does
business. An individual may be of foreign nationality, and yet reside in the United Kingdom. So may a
company. Otherwise it might have its chief seat of management and its centre of trading in England under
the protection of English law, and yet escape the appropriate taxation by the simple expedient of being
registered abroad and distributing its dividends abroad. The decision of Kelly CB and Huddleston B in
the Calcutta Jute Mills Co Ltd v Nicholson19 and the Cesena Sulphur Co v Nicholson,20 now thirty years
ago, involved the principle that a company resides for purposes of income tax where its real business is
carried on. Those decisions have been acted upon ever since. I regard that as the true rule, and the real
business is carried on where the central management and control actually abides.
(p. 49) It remains to he [sic] considered whether the present case fails within that rule. This is a pure
question of fact to be determined, not according to the construction of this or that regulation or bylaw, but
upon a scrutiny of the course of business and trading.
The case stated by the commissioners gives an elaborate explanation of the way in which this company
carried on its business. The head office is formally at Kimberley, and the general meetings have always
been held there. Also the profits have been made out of diamonds raised in South Africa and sold under
annual contracts to a syndicate for delivery in South Africa upon terms of division of profits realised on
resale between the company and the syndicate. And the annual contracts contain provisions for regulating
the market in order to realise the best profits on resale. Further, some of the directors and life governors live
in South Africa, and there are directors’ meetings at Kimberley as well as in London. But it is clearly
established that the majority of directors and life governors live in England, that the directors’ meetings in
London are the meetings where the real control is always exercised in practically all the important business
of the company except the mining operations. London has always controlled the negotiation of the
contracts with the diamond syndicates, has determined policy in the disposal of diamonds and other
assets, the working and development of mines, the application of profits, and the appointment of directors.
London has also always controlled matters that require to be determined by the majority of all the directors,
which include all questions of expenditure except wages, materials, and suchlike at the mines, and a
limited sum which may he spent by the directors at Kimberley.
The commissioners, after sifting the evidence, arrived at the two following conclusions, viz: (1) That the
trade or business of the appellant company constituted one trade or business, and was carried on and
exercised by the appellant company within the United Kingdom at their London office. (2) That the head and
seat and directing power of the affairs of the appellant company were at the office in London, from whence
the chief operations of the company, both in the United Kingdom and elsewhere, were in fact controlled,
managed and directed.
These conclusions of fact cannot be impugned, and it follows that this company was resident within the
United Kingdom for purposes of income tax, and must be assessed on that footing. I think, therefore, that
this appeal fails. …
LORD JAMES OF HEREFORD delivered a concurring opinion.
➤ Notes
1. These cases show that, in English law, a company may be incorporated under the law of one jurisdiction
(and be domiciled there) but have its residence (its ‘head and seat and directing power’, to quote Lord
Loreburn) in another. This is also true of other countries that have derived their company laws from England,
and of the US state jurisdictions and the Netherlands. But in the rest of continental Europe there is a strict
rule that a company may only be incorporated in the jurisdiction where it will have its principal place of
business (siège réel, or Sitz, usually translated ‘seat’), and if it moves its seat out of that jurisdiction it must
be wound up. This difference in approach has been a source of considerable political difficulty and
disagreement in EU negotiations in matters of company law. The concern is that if the ‘English’ approach
were adopted everywhere, companies would incorporate in jurisdictions with the least strict regimes, but could
carry on business wherever they wanted. The risk, then, is that member states would compete with each
other by enacting very liberal companies legislation with minimal regulatory requirements in order to attract
incorporations, and the revenues which they would bring, and that commercial standards would fall to
unacceptable levels. For this reason, EU member states with very prescriptive companies legislation, such as
Germany, have striven to ensure that the rule of the ‘seat’ is maintained—for instance, in the EU Statute for a
European Company (see ‘European public limitedliability companies (SEs)’, p 22). In the United States, by
contrast, there has been keen competition between the various state jurisdictions to attract incorporations
from companies whose operations are (p. 50) based elsewhere. Delaware (one of the smallest states) has
emerged as the outright winner. This phenomenon has been condemned by some commentators as a ‘race to
the bottom’ or ‘race of laxity’, but others consider that the ‘market’ for incorporations, within which
businessmen may shop around, brings with it the merits of free competition, seen especially in administrative
simplicity, efficiency and responsiveness. Such empirical studies as have been undertaken do not
demonstrate that commercial standards are any less high in Delaware than elsewhere. Indeed, the contrary
argument is that, because so much company law expertise has come to be concentrated in the one area,
Delaware has become uniquely placed to give a lead in this respect.
These notions of ‘place of incorporation’ and ‘seat’ must be distinguished from the notion of ‘centre of main
interest’ (COMI), which can be crucial in crossborder insolvencies. Depending on the context, the applicable
rules are the European Insolvency Regulation (EC) 1346/2000 or the CrossBorder Insolvency Regulations
2006 (SI 2006/1030, which implement the UNCITRAL Model Law in Great Britain).21 Both rely on the notion of
COMI. Although the place of registration is presumed to be the COMI in the absence of proof to the contrary,
there is a substantial body of case law on claims for alternative locations. The result is that the COMI can be
different for different members of corporate groups, for example, making insolvencies of corporate groups
rather complicated to administer. The UK courts are seen to take a more expansive approach (see Re
Daisytek ISA Ltd [2003] BCC 562) than the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) (Re Eurofood IFSC
Ltd [2006] ECR I03813).22 See ‘Country of incorporation, “seat” and “COMI”’, p 13.
2. Many countries have a constitution or charter by which certain fundamental rights and freedoms are
guaranteed, such as freedom of speech and religion, freedom to trade and do business, the privilege against
selfincrimination and the right not to have property expropriated without compensation. Whether a company
should enjoy such constitutional guarantees is often a question of great difficulty, and it is not surprising that
courts in different jurisdictions have given conflicting rulings on what would appear to be much the same issue.
The most obvious reason for such a discrepancy is likely to be the language of the relevant legislation: a
charter of humanrights, for example, is less likely to be construed so as to embrace corporate bodies than is
a statement of constitutional freedoms. Differences in cultural or historical background may also play a part.
But even where it is accepted that the freedoms and rights are to be accorded only to human beings, that is
not necessarily the end of the matter. A court may be persuaded in some circumstances to ‘pierce or lift the
veil’ (holding, eg, that interference with the right of a company to publish a newspaper is an infringement of the
right to freedom of expression of the individuals concerned). Alternatively, it may accord standing to a
company to challenge legislation as unconstitutional even though the company itself is not directly affected by
it: thus, in R v Big M Drug Mart Ltd (1985) 18 DLR (4th) 321, the Supreme Court of Canada allowed such a
challenge by a company, on the ground that the statute in question infringed the guarantee of freedom of
religion and conscience in s 2(a) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, irrespective of any question
whether a corporation can enjoy or exercise freedom of religion.
3. The enactment of the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA 1998), which incorporated the European Convention on
Human Rights into UK domestic law, stimulated interest in issues of this kind in this country. Although the
title of the Convention refers to ‘human’ rights, some of its articles expressly confer rights and freedoms on
‘legal’ (as distinct from ‘natural’) persons—for example, the right to property, the right to a fair trial in the
determination of civil rights and the right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions. The European Court of
Human (p. 51) Rights (ECtHR) has held in a number of cases that a body corporate has standing to institute
proceedings complaining of a violation of the Convention. As a result of the principle of separate corporate
personality, if a company’s Convention rights are infringed, no individual member of the entity is a victim of that
breach. This means that no member has standing to apply to the ECtHR or bring proceedings under the HRA
1998. The ECtHR has, however, held that a form of derivative claim on behalf of the company would be
available where it is not possible for those responsible for the company’s litigation to make the application
(Credit and Industrial Bank v Czech Republic [2003] ECHR 2003XI).
4. While it is plain that some parts of the Convention cannot apply to companies (eg the right to life, the
prohibition of torture and the right to marry), others can quite readily do so (the right to a fair trial,23 no
retrospective punishment for crimes, the right to freedom of expression24 ). One feature of the decisions of the
ECtHR which is rather at odds with the current attitude of the domestic courts in the UK is a much greater
willingness to pierce the corporate veil—for example, treating shareholders as the ‘victims’ of an act aimed at
their company.
5. Finally, note that the De Beers [2.10] formulation for determining residence can have important tax
consequences. In a recent decision of the Supreme Court of Canada, a trustee company was incorporated in
Barbados, but the ‘trust’ was held to be resident, and taxable, in Canada where the main business of the trust
was actually conducted by the principal beneficiaries: Fundy Settlement v Canada 2012 SCC 14.
Limited liability of members and ‘piercing the corporate veil’
Recall the general rule that if (as is usual) the liability of a company’s members is limited ‘by shares’ or ‘by
guarantee’, then the company’s creditors cannot seek satisfaction from the members, even if the company has
insufficient funds to pay its own liabilities in full: see ‘Companies limited by shares and companies limited by
guarantee’, p 21. Many of the cases cited previously can be used to illustrate this. Notice in particular that
members are not made liable to outsiders simply because (as members or shareholders) they controlled the
company’s activities and thus caused liability to be incurred (see, eg, Salomon [2.01] and Lee’s Air
Farming [2.04]). This general point is crucial to understanding this area of the law.
But are there exceptions to this general rule? Are there times where the company’s members can be called upon,
by outsiders, to meet the company’s unpaid liabilities? It is not difficult to imagine situations where outsiders might
wish to do this. If a profitable holding company has an underfunded subsidiary that cannot meet tort liabilities to
hundreds of victims of the subsidiary’s negligence, then the victims may want payment from the parent company
(ie from the subsidiary’s shareholder—see, eg, Adams v Cape Industries [2.19]). Can they successfully seek this?
The general rule says no, but are there ever any exceptions? Similarly, if a ‘one man company’ is completely
underresourced and unable to meet its trading debts, but its ‘one man owner’ is personally wealthy, can the
company’s creditors ever claim against the ownershareholder?Salomon [2.01] was just such a case, so the
general answer is clearly no, but, again, are there exceptions?
This section looks at the exceptions, and at the arguments that have been advanced both successfully and
unsuccessfully by outsiders (ie third parties) wishing to pursue such claims.
(p. 52) The meaning of ‘piercing the corporate veil’
One issue of clarification may be helpful. ‘Piercing (or lifting) the corporate veil’ refers to the possibility of looking
behind the company framework (or behind the company’s separate personality) to make the members liable, as an
exception to the rule that they are normally shielded by the corporate shell (ie they are normally not liable to
outsiders at all, either as principals or as agents or in any other guise, and are only normally liable to pay
the company what they agreed to pay by way of share purchase price or guarantee, nothing more). Various
arguments can be run: for example, the members are liable because, exceptionally, their acts are such as to
constitute them ‘principals’ (and the company is merely an agent), or ‘beneficiaries’ (and the company is merely
the trustee of the corporate assets for their benefit), or constructive trustees or ‘knowing assistants’ in a wrong
committed by the company (see Re FG (Films) Ltd [2.14] and the cases following, pp 61ff). These and other
possibilities are examined later.
This is not to be confused with the possibility of making a company’s directors liable. It is equally difficult for
outsiders to sue the company’s directors to make them carry liability for the company’s unfulfilled obligations.
Third parties must generally sue the company, not its directors. They can sue directors only when one of the
agency or trust arguments aired earlier can be advanced (but this time in the context of the directors, not the
members). But, unlike the members, the directors’ liability is by no means limited. The company can sue the
directors for any wrongs they have committed against the company. These recoveries will accrue to the company,
and so increase the chance that third parties will be paid. The directors’ liability is not strict liability for losses (ie
directors do not guarantee that the company will be a success), but liability for wrongs committed against the
company, such as negligence and other breaches of duty to the company (see Chapter 7).
The process of ‘piercing the corporate veil’
As already noted, the principle of separate corporate personality as confirmed25 by Salomon’s case and
reasserted in later cases, some of which are cited previously, forms the cornerstone of company law. The authority
of these cases is unshakeable; and yet exceptionally in some instances the law is prepared to disregard or look
behind the corporate personality and (it is claimed) have regard to the ‘realities’26 of the situation. To do so may
involve, on the one hand, ‘treating the rights or liabilities or activities of a company as the rights or activities or
liabilities of its shareholders’—for example, treating the business of a company as that of its principal shareholder
—or, on the other hand, ‘[having] regard to the shareholding of the company for some legal purpose’27 —for
example, looking to the nationality of the shareholders to determine whether a company is under enemy control in
wartime (see the Daimler case [2.12]). This approach, known as ‘piercing the veil’ of incorporation, is sometimes
expressly authorised by statute and sometimes adopted by the court of its own accord.
It would, perhaps, give a better perspective to the discussion if Salomon’s case and the other cases quoted earlier
were regarded not simply as restatements of an elementary and obvious principle, but as instances when a plea
that the veil should be pierced, though (p. 53) perhaps initially successful, ultimately failed. (It is particularly
instructive to reexamine, as examples of ‘piercing the veil’, the judgments of the lower courts in Salomon’s case
itself [2.02], bearing in mind that the judges concerned were outstanding company lawyers of considerable
experience. The judgments and speeches in this case may be contrasted with those in the Daimler case [2.12],
where a greatly enlarged Court of Appeal was almost unanimous in adhering to the orthodox line, which the Lords
this time rejected.)
Some examples of ‘piercing the veil’ follow. But the topic cannot really be considered on its own as a phenomenon
separable from the rest of company law. Again and again in the succeeding chapters, the issue before the court—
or the problem faced by the legislature—is, in essence, whether the separate personality of the company is to be
respected or disregarded.
By contrast with the limited and careful statutory directions to ‘pierce the veil’ (see later), judicial inroads into the
principle of separate personality are more numerous, and were quite often made unconsciously. Any assessment
must now begin with Prest v Petrodel Resources Ltd (see ‘Note on Prest v Petrodel Resources Ltd’, p xvii). By
contrast, early commentators were generally unable to discern any set pattern in the decided cases—indeed, in
many instances the cases seemed to contradict each other in the most baffling way.28 The plea was sometimes
made for ‘some principles to be injected into this area of the law’ from which ‘litigants can predict when the courts
will, and will not, lift the veil of the corporate entity’.29 Others, however, noted that perhaps there was something to
be said for retaining flexibility, especially where it enabled the court to counter fraud, oppression or sharp
practice30 or to condone informality in the affairs of small companies.31 In Conway v Ratiu [2006] 1 All ER 571,
Auld LJ spoke of the ‘readiness of the courts, regardless of the precise issue involved, to draw back the corporate
veil to do justice when common sense and reality demand it’. His Lordship went on, ‘there is … a powerful
argument of principle … for lifting the corporate veil where the facts require it’. Laws LJ expressed ‘emphatic
agreement’ with these statements.
The contrary argument is strong, however. Most of the relevant cases concern property and contract, and the
courts should surely be hesitant to pierce the veil in response to superficial considerations of ‘common sense’ or
‘reality’ or ‘fairness’. Instead, those who adopt the corporate form should be expected to take the rough with the
smooth. This was emphasised by BrowneWilkinson VC in Tate Access Floors Inc v Boswell [1991] Ch 512 at
531, where he said:
If people choose to conduct their affairs through the medium of corporations, they are taking advantage of
the fact that in law those corporations are separate legal entities, whose property and actions are in law not
the property or actions of their incorporators or controlling shareholders. In my judgment controlling
shareholders cannot, for all purposes beneficial to them, insist on the separate identity of such corporations
but then be heard to say the contrary when discovery [disclosure] is sought against such corporations.32
(p. 54) Statutory piercing of the corporate veil
Many of the statutory directions to ‘pierce the veil’ occur in revenue law (see Gasque v IRC [2.10]); Landlord and
Tenant Act 1954 s 30(3) (see Tunstall v Steigmann [1962] 2 QB 593 (CA)), or the Trading with the Enemy Act
1939 s 2 (see Kuenigl v Donnersmarck [2.08], and Daimler Co Ltd v Continental Tyre and
Rubber [2.12] and [2.13]). Provisions with similar effect in other statutes will occasionally be noticed. However,
in Dimbleby & Sons Ltd v National Union of Journalists [1984] 1 WLR 427 at 435, HL, Lord Diplock noted that this
should be exceptional:
The ‘corporate veil’ in the case of companies incorporated under the Companies Acts is drawn by statute
and it can be pierced by some other statute if such other statute so provides; but, in view of its raison d’être
and its constant recognition by the courts since Salomon v A Salomon & Co Ltd [2.01], one would expect
that any parliamentary intention to pierce the corporate veil would be expressed in clear and unequivocal
CA 2006 does not provide for piercing the veil. It focuses instead on making directors and other officers liable for
company wrongs (see Chapter 7), rather than allowing the ‘veil’ to be penetrated to make members liable.
Similarly, the insolvency legislation contains a number of sections providing for directors (and others) to be
personally liable for the debts of a limited company, or to make a contribution to its assets in a liquidation, for
example where there has been fraudulent or wrongful trading (IA 1986 ss 213–215) or the improper reuse of an
insolvent company’s name (ss 216–217). Finally, the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 (CDDA 1986) s
15 similarly penalises a person who acts as a director in breach of a disqualification order.
None of these statutory examples involve ignoring the company’s separate personality. Instead, they impose on
defaulting directors (and perhaps other individuals) a liabilityadditional to that of the company.
A note of caution
Now that the groundwork has been laid, it is appropriate to introduce a note of caution. The topic of ‘piercing the
veil’ persists in company law textbooks (as in this one), yet, after a brief flurry of interest some decades ago, there
now seems little potential for it to develop into a doctrine of any substance, and probably good reason why it
should not. The early writers include KahnFreund in (1944) 7 MLR 54 and Gower in the first edition of his Modern
Company Law, published in 1954. In the 1960s and early 1970s, the subject attracted a good deal of judicial
attention (and, in the case of Lord Denning, positive enthusiasm). In the DHN case [2.18] the readiness of judges
to use their interventionist powers and disregard the Salomon principle probably reached its peak. Since then,
however, the trend has been almost entirely towards reasserting the orthodoxy of the Salomon principle—not only
in the UK (most notably in Adams v Cape Industries plc [2.19]), but also in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and
South Africa. To take just one example, in Creasey v Breachwood Motors Ltd [1993] BCLC 480, where assets had
been removed from company A to company B leaving a former employee with a worthless judgment against
company A, the judge thought it in the interests of justice and also found good practical reasons to pierce the veil
by substituting company B as defendant. But any hopes that this might be the first sign of a revival of judicial
willingness to pierce the veil were soon dashed: in Ord v Belhaven Pubs Ltd [1998] 2 BCLC 447, CA, Creasey was
peremptorily overruled.
Now it is rather rare to see the expression ‘piercing (or lifting) the corporate veil’ called in aid in legal analysis. The
reasons for going behind the company shell need clear articulation. As Toulson J said in Yuk ong Line Ltd v
Rendsburg Investments Corpn of Liberia (No 2) (p. 55) [1998] 1 WLR 294 at 305, ‘metaphor can be used to
illustrate a principle; it may also be used as a substitute for analysis and may therefore obscure
reasoning’. Jennings v Crown Prosecution Service [2008] UKHL 29, [2008] AC 1046 may illustrate the point. There
the court pierced the veil to convict an employee of conspiracy to defraud and prevent him from disposing of
property obtained by fraud. The fraud consisted of persuading people to pay fees to a company for the arrangement
of loans, knowing that no loans would ever be made. But was piercing the veil necessary? The employee was the
company’s agent. Where an agent’s acts constitute a crime, it is no defence for the agent to say the acts were
committed on behalf of someone else. It does not matter whether the agent acts for a human or a corporate
This more modern and direct approach is seen to good effect in Chandler v Cape plc [2012] EWCA Civ 525, CA
(part of the ongoing Cape litigation encountered again in[2.19]). Here the court applied orthodox negligence
principles to hold that a parent company owed a duty of care to the employee of a nowdissolved subsidiary
company. In delivering the judgment of the court, Arden LJ ‘emphatically reject[ed] any suggestion that this court
is in any way concerned with what is usually referred to as lifting the corporate veil’ [69]. Instead, she approached
the question purely from the tortious angle of ‘assumption of responsibility’.
The modern approach to ‘piercing the veil’ clearly recognises that ownership and control of a company are
not of themselves sufficient to justify piercing the veil; it is necessary to show both control of the company
by the wrongdoer(s) and impropriety, being the (mis)use of the company as a device or façade to conceal
[2.11] Ben Hashem v Ali Shayif [2008] EWHC 2380 (Family Division)
The issue before the court was the postseparation division of marital property between a husband and a wife. The
wife argued, in part, that the corporate veil should be pierced because the company in question was merely the
husband’s alter ego: he had overall control of it, the other shareholders being simply his nominees. The ultimate
aim was to establish that the husband alone was the beneficial owner of the properties, not the husband and his
children in accordance with their shareholdings in the company. The claim failed.
159. In the first place, ownership and control of a company are not of themselves sufficient to justify piercing
the veil. This is, of course, the very essence of the principle in Salomon v A Salomon & Co Ltd [2.01], but
clear statements to this effect are to be found in Mubarak [Mubarak v Mubarak [2001] 1 FLR 673] at page
682 per Bodey J and Dadourian [Dadourian Groupinternational Inc v Simms [2006] EWHC 2973 (Ch)] at
para [679] per Warren J. Control may be a necessary but it is not a sufficient condition (see below). As
Bodey J said in Mubarak at page 682 (and, dare I say it, this reference requires emphasis, particularly,
perhaps, in this Division): ‘it is quite certain that company law does not recognise any exception to the
separate entity principle based simply on a spouse’s having sole ownership and control.’
160 Secondly, the court cannot pierce the corporate veil, even where there is no unconnected third party
involved, merely because it is thought to be necessary in the interests of justice. In common with both
Toulson J in Yuk ong Line Ltd of Korea v Rendsberg Investments Corporation of Liberia (No 2) [1998] 1
WLR 294 at page 305 and Sir Andrew Morritt VC in Trustor [Trustor AB v Smallbone (No 2) [2001] 1 WLR
1177] at para [21], I take the view that the dicta to that effect of CummingBruce LJ in In re a
Company [1985] BCLC 333 at pages 337338, have not survived what the Court of Appeal said
in Cape [Adams v Cape Industries plc [1990] Ch 433] at page 536:
‘[Counsel for Adams] described the theme of all these cases as being that where legal technicalities
would produce injustice in cases involving members of a group of companies, such (p.
56) technicalities should not be allowed to prevail. We do not think that the cases relied on go
nearly so far as this. As [counsel for Cape] submitted, save in cases which turn on the wording of
particular statutes or contracts, the court is not free to disregard the principle of Salomon v Salomon
& Co Ltd [2.01] merely because it considers that justice so requires. Our law, for better or worse,
recognises the creation of subsidiary companies, which though in one sense the creatures of their
parent companies, will nevertheless under the general law fall to be treated as separate legal entities
with all the rights and liabilities which would normally attach to separate legal entities.’
161 Thirdly, the corporate veil can be pierced only if there is some ‘impropriety’: see Cape at page 544 and,
more particularly, Ord [Ord v Belhaven Pubs Ltd [1998] 2 BCLC 447] at page 457 where Hobhouse LJ said:
‘it is clear … that there must be some impropriety before the corporate veil can be pierced.’
162 Fourthly, the court cannot, on the other hand, pierce the corporate veil merely because the company is
involved in some impropriety. The impropriety must be linked to the use of the company structure to avoid or
conceal liability. As Sir Andrew Morritt VC said in Trustor at para [22]:
‘Companies are often involved in improprieties. Indeed there was some suggestion to that effect
in Salomon v A Salomon & Co Ltd [2.01]. But it would make undue inroads into the principle of
Salomon’s case if an impropriety not linked to the use of the company structure to avoid or conceal
liability for that impropriety was enough.’
163 Fifthly, it follows from all this that if the court is to pierce the veil it is necessary to show both control of
the company by the wrongdoer(s) and impropriety, that is, (mis)use of the company by them as a device or
façade to conceal their wrongdoing. As the Vice Chancellor said in Trustor at para [23]:
‘the court is entitled to “pierce the corporate veil” and recognise the receipt of the company as that of
the individual(s) in control of it if the company was used as a device or facade to conceal the true
facts thereby avoiding or concealing any liability of those individual(s).’
And in this connection, as the Court of Appeal pointed out in Cape at page 542, the motive of the wrongdoer
may be highly relevant.
164 Finally, and flowing from all this, a company can be a façade even though it was not originally
incorporated with any deceptive intent. The question is whether it is being used as a façade at the time of
the relevant transaction(s). And the court will pierce the veil only so far as is necessary to provide a remedy
for the particular wrong which those controlling the company have done. In other words, the fact that the
court pierces the veil for one purpose does not mean that it will necessarily be pierced for all purposes.
165 In Trustor, the defendant’s plea (see para [16]) that Introcom had been formed in connection with an
earlier scheme, having no connection with Trustor, and that it was a genuine company having its own
separate existence, cut no ice with the Vice Chancellor, who nonetheless held that the corporate veil could
be pierced. And as Warren J said in Dadourian at paras [682]–[683]:
‘[682] In all of the cases where the court has been willing to pierce the corporate veil, it has been
necessary or convenient to do so to provide the claimant with an effective remedy to deal with the
wrong which has been done to him and where the interposition of a company would, if effective,
deprive him of that remedy against him. It seems to me that the veil, if it is to be lifted at all, is to be
lifted for the purposes of the relevant transaction. It must surely be doubtful at least that the ex
employee in Gilford Motor Co v Horne [2.17] would have been liable for the company’s electricity bill
simply because he was using the company as device and sham to avoid a covenant binding on him
personally; and the same goes for the vendor of the property in Jones v Lipman [[1962] 1 WLR 832].
(p. 57) [683] It is not permissible to lift the veil simply because a company has been involved in
wrongdoing, in particular simply because it is in breach of contract. And whilst it is clear that the veil
can be lifted where the company is a sham or façade or, to use different language, where it is a
mask to conceal the true facts, it is, in my judgement, correct to do so only in order to provide a
remedy for the wrong which those controlling the company have done.’
[The judge then referred to further cases and considered the facts of this case, before coming to the
following conclusion:]
199 The common theme running through all the cases in which the court has been willing to pierce the veil
is that the company was being used by its controller in an attempt to immunise himself from liability for
some wrongdoing which existed entirely dehors the company. It is therefore necessary to identify the
relevant wrongdoing—in Gilford [2.17] and Jones v Lipman it was a breach of contract which, itself, had
nothing to do with the company, in Gencor [Gencor ACP Ltd v Dalby[2000] 2 BCLC 734] and Trustor it was
a misappropriation of someone else’s money which again, in itself, had nothing to do with the company—
before proceeding to demonstrate the wrongful misuse or involvement of the corporate structure. But in the
present case there is no anterior or independent wrongdoing. All that the husband is doing, in the
circumstances with which he is now faced—the wife’s claim for ancillary relief—is to take advantage, in my
judgment legitimately to take advantage, of the existing corporate structure and, if one chooses to put it this
way, to take advantage of the principle in Salomon.
By way of perhaps predictable exception, the court may go behind the veil of incorporation in order to
determine whether a company is to be characterised as an ‘enemy’ in time of war.
[2.12] Daimler Co Ltd v Continental Tyre and Rubber Co (Great Britain) Ltd [1916] 2 AC 307 (House of
The Continental Tyre company was incorporated in England, but all except one of its shares were held by persons
resident in Germany, and all the directors resided in Germany. The secretary, who held the remaining share,
resided in England and was a British subject. The issue was whether the company had standing in an English
court to sue and recover a debt when a state of war existed between England and Germany. The company was
allowed by the Master to sign summary judgment without proceeding to trial. His decision was affirmed by
Scrutton J in chambers and by a greatly enlarged Court of Appeal (Buckley LJ dissenting). [Extracts from the
judgments delivered in the Court of Appeal appear at [2.13].] The House of Lords unanimously reversed the order of
the Court of Appeal, and directed that the action be struck out as irregular, on the ground that the secretary was
not authorised to commence the action; and it held further (by a majority, Lords Shaw of Dunfermline and Parmoor
dissenting) that the company, though incorporated in England, was capable of acquiring an enemy character, so
that leave to sign summary judgment should not have been given.
LORD PARKER OF WADDINGTON: No one can question that a corporation is a legal person distinct from
its corporators; that the relation of a shareholder to a company, which is limited by shares, is not in itself
the relation of principal and agent or the reverse; that the assets of the company belong to it and the acts of
its servants and agents are its acts, while its shareholders, as such, have no property in the assets and no
personal responsibility for those acts. The law on the subject is clearly laid down in … Salomon v A
Salomon & Co Ltd [2.01] … I do not think, however, that it is a necessary corollary of this reasoning to say
that the character of its corporators must be irrelevant to the character of the company; and this is crucial,
for the rule against trading with the enemy depends upon enemy character.
(p. 58) A natural person, though an Englishborn subject of His Majesty, may bear an enemy character and
be under liability and disability as such by adhering to His Majesty’s enemies. If he gives them active aid,
he is a traitor; but he may fall far short of that and still be invested with enemy character. If he has what is
known in prize law as a commercial domicil among the King’s enemies, his merchandise is good prize at
sea, just as if it belonged to a subject of the enemy power. Not only actively, but passively, he may bring
himself under the same disability. Voluntary residence among the enemy, however passive or pacific he
may be, identifies an English subject with His Majesty’s foes. I do not think it necessary to cite authority for
these wellknown propositions, nor do I doubt that, if they had seemed material to the Court of Appeal, they
would have been accepted.
How are such rules to be applied to an artificial person, incorporated by forms of law? As far as active
adherence to the enemy goes, there can be no difference, except such as arises from the fact that a
company’s acts are those of its servants and agents acting within the scope of their authority …
In the case of an artificial person what is the analogue to voluntary residence among the King’s enemies?
Its impersonality can hardly put it in a better position than a natural person and lead to its being unaffected
by anything equivalent to residence. It is only by a figure of speech that a company can be said to have a
nationality or residence at all. If the place of its incorporation under municipal law fixes its residence, then
its residence cannot be changed, which is almost a contradiction in terms, and in the case of a company
residence must correspond to the birthplace and country of natural allegiance in the case of a living person,
and not to residence or commercial domicil. Nevertheless, enemy character depends on these last. It would
seem, therefore, logically to follow that, in transferring the application of the rule against trading with the
enemy from natural to artificial persons, something more than the mere place or country of registration or
incorporation must be looked at.
My Lords, I think that the analogy is to be found in control, an idea which, if not very familiar in law, is of
capital importance and is very well understood in commerce and finance. The acts of a company’s organs,
its directors, managers, secretary, and so forth, functioning within the scope of their authority, are the
company’s acts and may invest it definitively with enemy character. It seems to me that similarly the
character of those who can make and unmake those officers, dictate their conduct mediately or
immediately, prescribe their duties and call them to account, may also be material in a question of the
enemy character of the company. If not definite and conclusive, it must at least be prima facie relevant, as
raising a presumption that those who are purporting to act in the name of the company are, in fact, under
the control of those whom it is their interest to satisfy. Certainly I have found no authority to the contrary.
Such a view reconciles the positions of natural and artificial persons in this regard, and the opposite view
leads to the paradoxical result that the King’s enemies, who chance during war to constitute the entire body
of corporators in a company registered in England, thereby pass out of the range of legal vision, and,
instead, the corporation, which in itself is incapable of loyalty, or enmity, or residence, or of anything but
bare existence in contemplation of law and registration under some system of law, takes their place for
almost the most important of all purposes, that of being classed among the King’s friends or among his
foes in time of war.
What is involved in the decision of the Court of Appeal is that, for all purposes to which the character and
not merely the rights and powers of an artificial person are material, the personalities of the natural persons,
who are its corporators, are to be ignored. An impassable line is drawn between the one person and the
others. When the law is concerned with the artificial person, it is to know nothing of the natural persons who
constitute and control it. In questions of property and capacity, of acts done and rights acquired or liabilities
assumed thereby, this may be always true. Certainly it is so for the most part. But the character in which
property is held, and the character in which the capacity to act is enjoyed and acts are done, are not in pari
materia. The latter character is a quality of the company itself, and conditions its capacities and its acts. It
is not a mere part of its energies or acquisitions, and if that character must be derivable not from the
circumstances of its incorporation, which arises once for all, but from qualities of enmity and amity, which
are dependent on the chances of peace or war and are attributable only to human beings, I know not from
what human (p. 59) beings that character should be derived, in cases where the active conduct of the
company’s officers has not already decided the matter, if resort is not to be had to the predominant
character of its shareholders and corporators. …
THE EARL OF HALSBURY LC and LORD ATKINSON delivered concurring opinions.
LORDS SHAW OF DUNFERMLINE and PARMOOR delivered opinions concurring in the result, but
dissenting on this point.
Part of the majority judgment in the Court of Appeal is set out in the following extract. The arguments in favour of
recognising or disregarding the corporate entity could hardly be contrasted more sharply. No doubt the factor
which most influenced the House of Lords was the paramountcy of the public interest in wartime.
[2.13] Continental Tyre and Rubber Co (Great Britain) Ltd v Daimler Co Ltd [1915] 1 KB 893 (Court of
LORD READING CJ read the judgment of the majority of the court (LORD READING CJ, LORD COZENS
HARDY MR, KENNEDY, PHILLIMORE and PICKFORD LJJ): It cannot be disputed that the plaintiff
company is an entity created by statute. It is a company incorporated under the Companies Acts and
therefore is a thing brought into existence by virtue of statutory enactment. At the outbreak of war it was
carrying on business in the United Kingdom; it had contracted to supply goods, it delivered them, and until
the outbreak of the war it was admittedly entitled to receive payment at the due dates. Has the character of
the company changed because on the outbreak of war all the shareholders and directors resided in an
enemy country and therefore became alien enemies? Admittedly it was an English company before the war.
An English company cannot by reason of these facts cease to be an English company. It remains an
English company regardless of the residence of its shareholders or directors either before or after the
declaration of war. Indeed it was not argued by Mr GoreBrowne that the company ceased to be an entity
created under English law, but it was argued that the law in time of war and in reference to trading with the
enemy should sweep aside this ‘technicality’ as the entity was described and should treat the company not
as an English company but as a German company and therefore as an alien enemy. If the creation and
existence of the company could be treated as a mere technicality, there would be considerable force in this
argument. It is undoubtedly the policy of the law as administered in our courts of justice to regard
substance and to disregard form. Justice should not be hindered by mere technicality, but substance must
not be treated as form or swept aside as technicality because that course might appear convenient in a
particular case. The fallacy of the appellants’ contention lies in the suggestion that the entity created by
statute is or can be treated during the war as a mere form or technicality by reason of the enemy character
of its shareholders and directors. A company formed and registered under the Companies Acts has a real
existence with rights and liabilities as a separate legal entity. It is a different person altogether from the
subscribers to the memorandum or the shareholders on the register (per Lord Macnaghten in Salomon v A
Salomon & Co Ltd [2.01]). It cannot be technically an English company and substantially a German
company except by the use of inaccurate and misleading language. Once it is validly constituted as an
English company it is an artificial creation of the legislature and it retains its existence for all intents and
purposes. It is a living thing with a separate existence which cannot be swept aside as a technicality. It is
not a mere name or mask or cloak or device to conceal the identity of persons and it is not suggested that
the company was formed for any dishonest or fraudulent purpose. It is a legal body clothed with the form
prescribed by the legislature …
For the appellants’ contention to succeed, payment to the company must be treated as payment to the
shareholders of the company, but a debt due to a company is not a debt due to all or any of its
shareholders: Salomon v Salomon & Co. The company and the company alone is the creditor entitled to
enforce payment of the debt and empowered to give to the debtor a good and valid (p. 60) discharge. Once
this conclusion is reached it follows that payment to the plaintiff company is not payment to the alien
enemy shareholders or for their benefit …
BUCKLEY LJ delivered a dissenting judgment.
➤ Notes
1. The view of the majority of the Court of Appeal was rejected by the House of Lords, as we have seen [2.12]. The
Trading with the Enemy Act 1939 adopts the view of the House of Lords in the Daimler case:
Trading with the Enemy Act 1939
2 Definition of enemy
(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, the expression ‘enemy’ for the purposes of this Act
(a) any State, or Sovereign of a State, at war with His Majesty,
(b) any individual resident in enemy territory,
(c) any body of persons (whether corporate or unincorporate) carrying on business in any place,
if and so long as the body is controlled by a person who, under this section, is an enemy,
(d) any body of persons constituted or incorporated in, or under the laws of, a State at war with
His Majesty; and
(e) as respects any business carried on in enemy territory, any individual or body of persons
(whether corporate or unincorporate) carrying on that business; but does not include any
individual by reason only that he is an enemy subject.
(2) The Board of Trade may by order direct that any person specified in the order shall, for the
purposes of this Act, be deemed to be, while so specified, an enemy.
2. There are many contexts in company law in which the question of ‘control’ arises, but there is no single
definition which meets all cases. In Bermuda Cablevision Ltd v Colica Trust Co Ltd [1998] 1 BCLC 1 at 9, PC Lord
Steyn said: ‘Expressions such as “control” and “controlling interest” take their colour from the context in which
they appear. There is no general rule as to what the word “controlled” means … The expression must be given the
meaning which the context requires.’ The elaborate definitions of ‘subsidiary’ and ‘holding company’ in CA 2006 s
1159, and the equally elaborate, but different, definitions of ‘parent undertaking’ and ‘subsidiary undertaking’ in s
1162 show the legislative draftsman wrestling with the problem. For other illustrations, see Lonrho Ltd v Shell
Petroleum Ltd [2.06], and, historically, the discussion of the ‘fraud on the minority’ exception to the ‘rule in Foss v
Harbottle’, at ‘Exceptions to the rule in Foss v Harbottle’, pp 640ff.
3. The consequences of these rules can be far reaching. For example, under the Merchant Shipping Act 1988 and
regulations made thereunder only fishing vessels registered as ‘British’ were eligible to fish under the quota for the
UK fixed by the EU. Vessels owned by a company could be so registered only if 75% of their shareholders fulfilled
requirements as to British nationality, residence and domicile. The CJEU in R v Secretary of State for Transport,
ex p Factortame Ltd (No 3) [1992] QB 680 held that such a restriction was contrary to Art 52 of the EC Treaty,
which guarantees freedom of establishment to the nationals of all member states. Consequently, most sections of
the Act have now been repealed.
➤ Question
Could a landlord be guilty of an offence under the Race Relations Act 1976 if he refused to lease premises to
a company incorporated in England which was owned and controlled by three Nigerian businessmen?
(p. 61) An agency relationship between a company and its shareholders or controllers may, exceptionally,
be found to exist as a matter of fact.
[2.14] Re FG (Films) Ltd [1953] 1 WLR 483 (Chancery Division)
The applicant company sought to have the film Monsoon registered as a British film under the Cinematograph
Films Acts 1938–1948. The Board of Trade refused the application on the ground that the film had in reality been
made by a large American company, Film Group Incorporated. By the terms of an agreement between the two
companies, the American company had undertaken to provide finance and all the facilities required by the
applicant to make the film. The applicant company sought a declaration that it was the ‘maker’ within the meaning
of the Act.
VAISEY J: The applicants have a capital of £100, divided into 100 shares of £1 each, 90 of which are held
by the American director and the remaining 10 by a British one. The third director has no shareholding. I
now understand that they have no place of business apart from their registered office, and they did not
employ any staff. It seems to me to be contrary, not only to all sense and reason, but to the proved and
admitted facts of the case, to say or to believe that this insignificant company undertook in any real sense
of that word the arrangements for the making of this film. I think that their participation in any such
undertaking was so small as to be practically negligible, and that they acted, in so far as they acted at all
in the matter, merely as the nominee of and agent for an American company called Film Group
Incorporated, which seems (among other things) to have financed the making of the film to the extent of at
least £80,000 under the auspices and direction of the said American director, who happened to be its
president. The suggestion that this American company and that director were merely agents for the
applicants is, to my mind, inconsistent with and contradicted by the evidence, and a mere travesty of the
facts, as I understand and hold them to be.
The applicants’ intervention in the matter was purely colourable. They were brought into existence for the
sole purpose of being put forward as having undertaken the very elaborate arrangements necessary for the
making of this film and of enabling it thereby to qualify as a British film. The attempt has failed, and the
respondent’s decision not to register ‘Monsoon’ as a British film was, in my judgment, plainly right.
➤ Question
Can you identify any special feature of this case which might make it distinguishable from Gramophone &
Typewriter Co Ltd v Stanley [2.05] ?
➤ Notes
1. In this case a finding of agency allowed the court to ‘pierce the veil’. It is to be observed that a similar finding of
agency by the trial judge in Salomon’s case [2.02] was rejected by the House of Lords. On this point, Kerr LJ
in JH Rayner (Mincing Lane) Ltd v Department of Trade and Industry [1989] Ch 72 at 189 observed:
The crucial point on which the House of Lords overruled the Court of Appeal in that landmark case was
precisely the rejection of the doctrine that agency between a corporation and its members in relation to the
corporation’s contracts can be inferred from the control exercisable by the members over the corporation or
from the fact that the sole objective of the corporation’s contracts was to benefit the members. That
rejection of the doctrine of agency to impugn the nonliability of the members for the acts of the corporation
is the foundation of our modern company law.
2. We must therefore conclude that an actual agency must be shown on the evidence to exist and may not be
inferred merely from control of a company or ownership of its shares. Of course, there is nothing in principle to
prevent a company from being an agent of its (p. 62) controlling shareholders, just as it can be an agent of anyone
else. Such an agency can be created by express agreement, as in fact happened in the wellknown Rylands v
Fletcher case of Rainham Chemical Work s Ltd v Belvedere Fish Guano Co Ltd [1921] 2 AC 465, HL. There, the
company whose factory blew up had agreed to occupy the land owned by its two shareholders as their agent. The
existence of an agency does not violate the Salomon principle; on the contrary, it affirms that the company, being
capable of acting as an agent, is a separate person. But if a judge were free to infer an agency from the mere fact
of control, more or less at will, then the result would be that the veil could be pierced as often as he chose, and the
law would be unpredictable.
3. One instance of this is, perhaps, Smith, Stone & Knight Ltd v Birmingham Corpn [1939] 4 All ER 116, where
Atkinson J, on facts very similar to those of DHN Food Distributors Ltd v Tower Hamlets London Borough
Council [2.18], allowed a holding company to claim compensation as if it were an owneroccupier, on the ground
that its subsidiary (which occupied the land in question) was merely its agent for the purpose of carrying on its
business. This decision of Atkinson J, which is in marked contrast toGramophone and Typewriter Co Ltd v
Stanley [2.05], has been the subject of some criticism, for example by MA Pickering, ‘The Company as a
Separate Legal Entity’ (1968) 31 MLR 481 at 494, and by Toulson J in Yuk ong Lines Ltd of Korea v Rendsburg
Investments Corpn of Liberia (No 2) (see Note 1 following Adams v Cape Industries plc [2.19], p 72).
4. There was also a finding of agency in the tax case of Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co Ltd v Lewellin [1957] 1
WLR 464, HL, where it was held that an English company which manufactured tyres in the UK, and used them to
fulfil orders for its American holding company, did so as the agent of the latter. But nothing in this decision was
made to turn on the fact that the holding company had control of the English company.
A trust relationship, with the company as trustee and the members as beneficiaries, may, exceptionally, be
found to exist as a matter of fact.
The other argument which found support in the lower courts in Salomon’s case, based on a trust rather than an
agency, will similarly fall to the ground unless a trust can be affirmatively proved. The evidence of such a trust in
the case next cited was, to say the least, tenuous; but the court was plainly moved to find that it existed by the
close analogy with an unincorporated members’ club.
[2.15] Trebanog Working Men’s Club and Institute Ltd v MacDonald [1940] 1 KB 576 (King’s Bench
Divisional Court)
The club was incorporated under the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts 1893–1913.33 It bought liquor in its
own name, paid for it by cheque drawn on its bank account, and served it to members in exchange for a money
payment. The society was charged with selling liquor by retail without a licence, and was convicted. It appealed
successfully to the Divisional Court.
LORD HEWART CJ read the judgment of the court (LORD HEWART CJ, HUMPHREYS and HILBERY JJ):
The first general Act dealing with unlawful sales by retail of intoxicating liquor without a justices’ licence
was the Licensing Act 1872, which in s 3 created the offence now (p. 63) contained in s 65 of the
Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910 in almost identical terms. Ever since that date it has been a matter of
general agreement that the transaction which takes place in a members’ club, in which the property in the
liquor is in all the members equally, when a member orders and pays for intoxicating liquor, is not a sale at
all in the sense in which that word is used in s 3, but is rather to be deemed the transfer of a special
property in the goods from all the other members of the club to the consumer in consideration of the price
paid. The aspect of the matter is fully explained in the judgments of Field J and Huddleston B in Graff v
Evans.34 The club in that case was a bona fide members’ club, but, by rule 7 of the club rules ‘all property
acquired by the club shall be vested in the trustees’—no doubt, as Field J observed in his judgment, for the
purpose of enabling them to sue or take other legal proceedings with respect to injuries to the possession
of the goods belonging to the club. Field J, in holding that no sale by retail of intoxicating liquor took place
when a member ordered and paid for a drink, put the matter in this way: ‘I think the true construction of the
rules is that the members were the joint owners of the general property in all the goods of the club, and that
the trustees were their agents with respect to the general property in the goods.’ Huddleston B, in
concurring, says: ‘It seems to me clear that [the member] had a property or at least an interest in the
goods which were transferred to him.’ The correctness of that decision has never, so far as we are aware,
been doubted …
In our opinion, the decision in Graff v Evans applies to and governs the present case. Once it is conceded
that a members’ club does not necessarily require a licence to serve its members with intoxicating liquor,
because the legal property in the liquor is not in the members themselves, it is difficult to draw any legal
distinction between the various legal entities that may be entrusted with the duty of holding the property on
behalf of the members, be it an individual, or a body of trustees, or a company formed for the purpose, so
long as the real interest in the liquors remains, as in this case it clearly does, in the members of the club.
There is no magic in this connection in the expressions ‘trustee’ or ‘agent’. What is essential is that the
holding of the property by the agent or trustee must be a holding for and on behalf of, and not a holding
antagonistic to, the members of the club. We are dealing here with a quasicriminal case, where the court
seeks to deal with the substance of a transaction rather than the legal form in which it may be clothed …
➤ Notes
1. Three years earlier, Lord Hewart CJ had been one of the members of the Divisional Court which
heard Wurzel v Houghton Main Home Delivery Service Ltd [1937] 1 KB 380, KBD. In this case, miners had
formed two cooperative associations to run lorries for the delivery of coal to their homes, for which a payment
based on mileage was made. The one association was unincorporated, and the court ruled that the lorry was
being used by its coowners, the members, to haul their own coal, and so there was no ‘carriage of goods for
hire or reward’ in breach of the licensing laws. But the other association had been formed as a company, and
it was convicted because it (as the owner of the lorry) was an entity separate from its members (who owned
the coal). No argument based upon the existence of a trust was addressed to the court.
2. In Abbey Malvern Wells Ltd v Ministry of Local Government and Planning [1951] Ch 728, Danckwerts J held
that, where all the shares in a company were held on educational trusts and the management of the company
was in the hands of the trustees, the court could pierce the veil of incorporation so as to impress
the company’sproperty with the terms of the trusts. This decision overlooks the possibility that the trustees
might (quite properly) have decided to sell the shares, or some of them, and effectively have nullified the
court’s ruling.
➤ Question
If the Trebanog Working Men’s Club Ltd owned a vehicle which it used to deliver supplies of liquor to its
members’ homes for consumption there, would it need: (i) a retail liquor licence; (ii) a licence to carry goods
for hire or reward? Would it matter how payments for the supplies were reckoned?
The corporate veil may be pierced if the company is used as a means to perpetrate a fraud.35
[2.16] Re Darby, ex p Brougham [1911] 1 KB 95 (King’s Bench Division)
Darby and Gyde (both undischarged bankrupts, with a number of convictions for fraud) registered in Guernsey a
company called City of London Investment Corporation Ltd. It had only seven shareholders and had issued a mere
£11 of its nominal capital of £100,000. Darby and Gyde were its only directors and entitled to all of its profits. The
corporation so formed then purported to register and float in England a £30,000 company under the name of Welsh
Slate Quarries Ltd, and to sell to it a quarrying licence and plant, bought for £3,500, at a price of £18,000. The
prospectus inviting the public to take debentures in the Welsh company disclosed the role of the corporation as
vendor and promoter, but did not mention the names of Darby and Gyde or the fact that it was they who were to
receive the profit on the sale. The Welsh company failed and went into liquidation. The liquidator claimed in the
bankruptcy of Darby for the secret profit which it was alleged that he, as a promoter, had made. It was objected on
Darby’s behalf that it was not he but the corporation who had been promoter; but this argument found no favour
with the court.
PHILLIMORE J: Now this case certainly does seem to me to be an advance upon the previous decisions.
Darby and Gyde (who are two fraudulent persons, both of whom have been convicted of fraud in the present
case, and of several previous crimes) registered in Guernsey a company called the City of London
Investment Corporation, of which they were the proprietors. It was merely an alias for themselves just as
much as if they had announced in the Gazette that they were in future going to call themselves ‘Rothschild
& Co’. It was merely a name under which they carried on business, and I am quite clear in my own mind
that that was their object, and that, whenever they represented that some business was being done by or
through the corporation and concealed the fact that it was being done by or through Darby and Gyde, they
were by that mere fact probably perpetrating a fraud. I say this because their names and their persons were
so well known generally that the chance of detection and the chances of repudiation were great in
connection with any commercial transactions in which they engaged. The fraud here is that what they did
through the corporation they did themselves and represented it to have been done by a corporation of some
standing and position, or at any rate a corporation which was more than and different from themselves.
Having registered that corporation, and being minded to perpetrate a very great fraud, they, as such
corporation, agreed to buy a trivial interest in a Welsh slate quarry for a small sum in cash and (p. 65) a
consideration in shares, and then as such corporation purported to sell this interest to the Welsh Slate
Quarries Limited and thereby they made a very large profit. It is said that they concealed that profit and also
that they concealed from the Welsh Slate Quarries Limited the fact that they were themselves the real
vendors and promoters, and therefore it is contended that the liquidator is entitled to recover the profit from
them … Now they made that profit either directly or through the agency of the corporation, it does not
matter which, and they may hold it if they disclosed it at the proper time … [His Lordship then ruled that
there had been no effective disclosure, and that Gyde and Darby were bound to account for the profit which
the corporation had made.]
➤ Notes
1. See also Aveling Barford Ltd v Perion Ltd [10.14], where the veil of incorporation was pierced in order to
defeat the claims of an assetstripper who had defrauded his company.
2. In certain circumstances, the court will exercise a power to order the ‘freezing’ of a person’s assets, in
order to prevent them from being moved out of the jurisdiction or otherwise spirited away. Such a freezing
order (formerly referred to as a Mareva injunction) is commonly made when the owner of the assets in
question is likely to have judgment entered against him in a current or pending action and the court is satisfied
that there is a risk that there will be no assets available to meet this liability. The court has power, also, to
make a ‘restraint order’ under the Criminal Justice Act 1988 s 77, preventing a person from dealing with
assets which are liable to be confiscated as the proceeds of crime. It has been held in a number of cases
(eg International Credit and Investment Co (Overseas) Ltd v Adham [1998] BCLC 134; Re H (Restraint Order:
Realisable Property) [1996] 2 BCLC 500) that an order in such cases can extend to cover assets which are
not owned by the person concerned but by a company that is controlled by him.
3. In The Law Society of England and Wales v Habitable Concepts Ltd, Mr Onyek echi Onuiri [2010] EWHC
1449 (Ch), a case involving fraud and knowing receipt by a solicitors’ firm, the court refused to pierce the
corporate veil on the basis that the ‘ultimate beneficiary of the payments out of the account cannot be
established by the Law Society’. While the court accepted that ‘on its face the whole arrangement seems
deeply suspect: but suspicion is not a substitute for proof’ [22].
The veil of incorporation may be pierced to prevent the deliberate evasion of a contractual obligation.
[2.17] Gilford Motor Co Ltd v Horne [1933] Ch 935 (Court of Appeal)
The first defendant, EB Horne, had formerly been employed as managing director of the plaintiff company. He had
covenanted in a written agreement not to solicit customers of the company after leaving its employment. When
this employment was terminated, he began to set up his own business, undercutting the plaintiff’s prices; but after
taking legal advice, caused instead the formation of a company, JM Horne & Co Ltd (the second defendant) in
which his wife and an employee were sole shareholders and directors. This company took over Horne’s business
and solicited the plaintiff’s customers. Farwell J held that the covenant had been broken, but because in his view it
was too wide and therefore against public policy, declined to enforce it against the defendants. The plaintiff
appealed successfully against this latter ruling, and was granted an injunction against both defendants.
LORD HANWORTH MR: Farwell J heard the evidence about that company … He says this:
The defendant company is a company which, on the evidence before me, is obviously carried on
wholly by the defendant Horne. Mrs Horne, one of the directors, is not, so far as any evidence (p.
66) I have had before me, taking any part in the business or the management of the business. The
son, whose initials are ‘JM’, is engaged in a subordinate position in that company, and the other
director, Howard, is an employee of the company. As one of the witnesses said in the witnessbox,
in all dealings which he had had with the defendant company the ‘boss’ or the ‘guvnor’, whichever
term is the appropriate one, was the defendant Horne, and I have not any doubt on the evidence I
have had before me that the defendant company was the channel through which the defendant Horne
was carrying on his business. Of course, in law the defendant company is a separate entity from the
defendant Horne, but I cannot help feeling quite convinced that at any rate one of the reasons for the
creation of that company was the fear of Mr Horne that he might commit breaches of the covenant in
carrying on the business, as for instance, in sending out circulars as he was doing, and that he
might possibly avoid that liability if he did it through the defendant company. There is no doubt that
the defendant company has sent out circulars to persons who were at the crucial time customers of
the plaintiff company.
Now I have recalled that portion of the judgment of Farwell J, and I wish in clear terms to say that I agree
with every word of it. I am quite satisfied that this company was formed as a device, a stratagem, in order to
mask the effective carrying on of a business of Mr E B Horne. The purpose of it was to try to enable him,
under what is a cloak or sham, to engage in business which, on consideration of the agreement which had
been sent to him just about seven days before the company was incorporated, was a business in respect of
which he had a fear that the plaintiffs might intervene and object.
Now this action is brought by the plaintiffs, the Gilford Motor Company Ltd, to enforce the terms of clause 9
of the agreement of 30 May 1929, on the ground that the defendant Horne, and the company, as his agent
and under his direction, have committed breaches of the covenant which I have read. [His Lordship held that
the breaches were substantiated by the evidence, and rejected the defence that the covenant was too wide
to be supportable in law. He accordingly granted an injunction, which he ruled should go against the
company as well as Horne.]
LAWRENCE and ROMER LJJ delivered concurring judgments.
➤ Notes
1. This decision was followed in Jones v Lipman [1962] 1 WLR 832, where the defendant, who had contracted to
sell land to the plaintiff, later endeavoured to put the land beyond the reach of an order for specific performance by
conveying it to a company which he had formed for this express purpose, and which he himself effectively owned
and controlled. Ignoring the corporate veil, Russell J ordered specific performance against both the defendant and
his company.
2. Lord Cooke, in his Hamlyn Lecture (see p 53, fn 28) says of Jones v Lipman, at p 17:
Since the company was in the vendor’s control, there was no difficulty in granting a decree of specific
performance against him. Describing the company as a creation of the vendor, a device, sham and mask,
the judge also decreed specific performance directly against it. Those epithets, however, do not appear to
have been needed to justify the remedy. No particular difficulty should arise in holding that a company or
any other purchaser acquiring property with actual notice that the transaction is a fraud on a prior purchaser
takes subject to the latter’s equity.
This makes an important point. Courts often say that they are treating the company itself as a sham (as in the
remarks by Russell J in Jones v Lipman [1962] 1 WLR 832), with the implication that the company’s existence is
then ignored.36 Often, however, this is shorthand for (p. 67) finding a reason—and not a special company law
reason—for holding that both the company and individual in control should comply with certain obligations. Put
another way, the company’s separate existence is then ignored, and the court orders the company as well as the
defendant to comply with the obligations.
3. In both Gilford Motor Co Ltd v Horne and Jones v Lipman, the company whose separate existence was
disregarded had been set up deliberately in an attempt to evade an existing obligation. This was a point
emphasised in Adams v Cape Industries plc [2.19], where it was made clear that the law does not look with
similar disfavour on the formation of a limited liability company in order to confine the future or contingent liabilities
of an enterprise within specific limits.
It is common to refer to the company in cases such as these as a ‘sham’ or ‘façade’, used to mask the underlying
situation. In Adams v Cape Industries plc the court expressed the view that ‘where a façade is alleged, the motive
of the perpetrator may be highly material’.
4. Note also Gencor ACP Ltd v Dalby [2000] 2 BCLC 734, where Dalby, the director of a public company, had
dishonestly diverted assets and business opportunities from this company to a Virgin Islands company owned and
controlled by Dalby himself. An order that the benefits so obtained should be disgorged was made against the
offshore company as well as against Dalby personally.
This judgment was followed in Trustor AB v Smallbone (No 2) [2001] 1 WLR 1177, where Sir Andrew Morritt VC
held that although it is not appropriate for a court to pierce the corporate veil merely because a company is
involved in some impropriety, it is entitled to do so when the latter is used ‘as a device or façade to conceal the
true facts and the liability of the responsible individuals’.
5. In Acatos & Hutcheson plc v Watson [1995] BCLC 446, A Ltd owned nearly 30% of the shares in A & H plc but
had no other assets. It would have been unlawful for A & H plc to acquire these shares because the ‘rule in Trevor
v Whitworth’ forbids a company to own shares in itself (the rule is not the same now, see ‘Redemptions and
repurchases of shares’, p 520). But Lightman J said that it was permissible for it to purchase all the shares in A
Ltd, which of course meant that for all practical purposes it did, indirectly, own 30% of its own shares. He added,
however, that he might have thought it appropriate to pierce the veil and declare the transaction unlawful if A Ltd
had been deliberately set up by A & H plc to acquire the shares as the first of two stages in a single scheme to
evade the rule. (For a further example of a ‘façade’, see Re Bugle Press Ltd [15.12].)
6. While this may be so, the court will not pierce the corporate veil in a manner which brings a nonparty into
contractual relationships on terms to which it has not agreed:VTB Capital plc v Nutritek International Corp [2.20].
In exceptional circumstances, the veil of incorporation may be pierced to allow a group of associated
companies to be treated as one.
[2.18] DHN Food Distributors Ltd v Tower Hamlets London Borough Council [1976] 1 WLR 852 (Court of
DHN ran a wholesale cashandcarry grocery business from premises owned by its wholly owned subsidiary
company (‘Bronze’). Bronze had the same directors as DHN, but it carried on no business. Its only asset was the
freehold properties which DHN occupied as its licensee. A second wholly owned subsidiary owned vehicles used
by DHN in its business, but it, too, carried on no operations of its own. The council in 1970 compulsorily acquired
the premises, and as a result DHN had to close down its business. Substantial compensation for disturbance (over
and above the value of the land itself, which had already been paid to (p. 68) Bronze) could be claimed by DHN
only if it had an interest in the land greater than that of a bare licensee. The Court of Appeal, reversing a ruling of
the Lands Tribunal, held that the group of companies should be treated as a single economic entity, and that in
consequence compensation for disturbance should be paid. In effect, DHN was treated as if it had owned the land
SHAW LJ: [There] is the further argument[37 ] advanced on behalf of the claimants that there was so
complete an identity of the different companies comprised in the socalled group that they ought to be
regarded for this purpose as a single entity. The completeness of that identity manifested itself in various
ways. The directors of DHN were the same as the directors of Bronze; the shareholders of Bronze were the
same as in DHN, the parent company, and they had a common interest in maintaining on the property
concerned the business of the group.
If each member of the group is regarded as a company in isolation, nobody at all could have claimed
compensation in a case which plainly calls for it. Bronze would have had the land but no business to
disturb; DHN would have had the business but no interest in the land.
In this utter identity and community of interest between DHN and Bronze there was no flaw at all. As
Bronze did not trade and carried on no business, it had no actual or potential creditors other than its own
parent, DHN. The directors of that company could at any time they chose have procured the transfer of the
legal title from Bronze to itself. Mr Eyre again conceded that if they had gone through that formal operation
the day before the notice to treat was served on 12 October 1970, they would have had a secure claim for
compensation for disturbance. Accordingly, they could in law have sought and obtained whatever
advantages were derived up to that date from a separation of title and interest between the two companies
and still quite legitimately have redisposed matters right up till October 1970 so as to qualify for
compensation. They could not have been criticised, still less prevented, if they had chosen to do so. Yet if
the decision of the Lands Tribunal be right, it made all the difference that they had not. Thus no abuse is
precluded by disregarding the bonds which bundled DHN and Bronze together in a close and, so far as
Bronze was concerned, indissoluble relationship.
Why then should this relationship be ignored in a situation in which to do so does not prevent abuse but
would on the contrary result in what appears to be a denial of justice? If the strict legal differentiation
between the two entities of parent and subsidiary must, even on the special facts of this case, be observed,
the common factors in their identities must at the lowest demonstrate that the occupation of DHN would
and could never be determined without the consent of DHN itself. If it was a licence at will, it was at the will
of the licensee, DHN, that the licence subsisted. Accordingly it could have gone on for an indeterminate
time; that is to say, as long as the relationship of parent and subsidiary continued, which means for
practical purposes for as long as DHN wished to remain in the property for the purposes of its business.
The President of the Lands Tribunal took a strict legalistic view of the respective positions of the companies
concerned. It appears to me that it was too strict in its application to the facts of this case, which are, as I
have said, of a very special character, for it ignored the realities of the respective roles which the companies
filled. I would allow the appeal.
LORD DENNING MR and GOFF LJ delivered concurring judgments.
➤ Question
Can this decision be reconciled with the reasoning of BrowneWilkinson VC in Tate Access Floors Inc v
Boswell (cited at ‘The process of “piercing the corporate veil”’, p 52)?
(p. 69) ➤ Note
Lord Denning began his judgment: ‘This case might be called the “Three in one”. Three companies in one.
Alternatively, the “One in three”. One group of three companies.’ ‘Group enterprises’ are a common feature of
modern commercial life, both in domestic businesses in the UK or in great multinationals. The earlier cases
already illustrate this practice: Gramophone and Typewriter Co Ltd v Stanley [2.05]; Re FG (Films)
Ltd [2.14]; Lonrho Ltd v Shell Petroleum Co Ltd [2.06]; Smith, Stone & Knight Ltd v Birmingham Corpn (Note 3
following Re RG (Films) Ltd [2.14], p 62); and Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co Ltd v Lewellin (Note 4 following Re
RG (Films) Ltd [2.14], p 62).
A ‘group’ of companies typically consists of a holding company and one or more subsidiaries and sub
subsidiaries, or perhaps a number of companies which have substantially the same shareholders and directors.
But it is obviously possible to have an infinite variety of arrangements which closely or loosely connect a number of
companies that carry on either associated businesses or different parts of the same business.
There are a variety of statutory provisions governing groups: for instance, the companies legislation has rules
requiring the publication of consolidated accounts (CA 2006 ss 399ff); and the tax laws have rules dealing with
such matters as the transfer of assets between member companies of a group (see, eg, Income and Corporation
Taxes Act 1988 ss 402ff). Employment legislation, for example in regard to redundancy payments, sometimes
treats as continuous employment a succession of jobs with a number of associated companies, or, similarly, a
succession of employers following a takeover or reorganisation. In all these statutes, the concepts of ‘group’ and
‘associated company’ will be formally defined for the purpose of the provision in question.
The case law gives a much more confused picture. The question whether the veil of incorporation should be
pierced, so as to destroy the distinct identity of the separate companies within a group and treat the ‘enterprise’ as
being in reality one concern, is one that has come before the courts on many occasions. The willingness of the
Court of Appeal in the DHN case to treat all the companies as one contrasts sharply with its insistence on
applying the Salomon principle in Lonrho [2.06]. Indeed, in Woolfson v Strathclyde Regional Council 1978 SLT
159, 38 P & CR 521,38 the House of Lords upheld a decision of the Scottish courts delivered shortly after
the DHN case in which the Scottish judges had pointedly declined to follow the English case, although the facts
were quite similar.
Later on, we shall see cases where one company in a group has guaranteed the obligations of another
(Charterbridge Corpn Ltd v Lloyds Bank Ltd [3.03]; Rolled Steel Products (Holdings) Ltd v British Steel
Corpn [3.04] and [3.11]), paid its debts (Armour Hick Northern Ltd v Armour Trust Ltd [1980] 1 WLR 1520), or
looked after the pay and pensions of its employees (Re W & M Roith Ltd [1967] 1 WLR 432; Walk er v
Wimborne (1976) 137 CLR 1). The attitude of the courts has varied at times from an indulgent blurring of the
differentiation between the member companies to a strict insistence that the differentiation be respected. However,
all the indications are that theDHN case is increasingly a decision that is out of line with current trends. In The
Albazero [1977] AC 774 at 807, CA,39 Roskill LJ described it as a fundamental principle of English law ‘long
established and now unchallengeable by judicial decision … that each company in a group of companies (a
relatively modern concept) is a separate legal entity possessed of separate legal rights and liabilities so that the
rights of one company in a group cannot be exercised by another company in that group even though the(p.
70) ultimate benefit of the exercise of those rights would enure beneficially to the same person or corporate body’.
Counsel suggested beguilingly that it would be technical for us to distinguish between parent company and
subsidiary in this context; economically, he said, they were one. But we are concerned not with economics
but with law. The distinction between the two is, in law, fundamental and cannot here be abridged.
In Canada, industrial action has been held not to be ‘secondary’ picketing when directed by employees towards an
associated company which belonged to the same group as their employer (Canada Safeway Ltd v Local 373,
Canadian Food and Allied Work ers (1974) 46 DLR (3d) 113), but the House of Lords showed no willingness to
accede to a similar argument in Dimbleby & Sons Ltd v National Union of Journalists [1984] 1 All ER 751, [1984]
1 WLR 427, HL.40 There are also movements the other way, however. In Beck ett Investment Management Group
Ltd v Hall [2007] EWCA Civ 613, the Court of Appeal interpreted a restraint of trade clause in a way that protected
the corporate group, not a way that insisted on the technical separateness of members of that group.
The most significant of the more recent cases is Adams v Cape Industries plc.
[2.19] Adams v Cape Industries plc [1990] Ch 433 (Court of Appeal)
Cape, an English company, headed a group which included many wholly owned subsidiaries. Some of these
mined asbestos in South Africa and others marketed the asbestos in various countries, including the United
States. Several hundred plaintiffs had been awarded damages by a Texas court for personal injuries suffered as a
result of exposure to asbestos dust. The defendants included one of Cape’s subsidiaries, NAAC, which was based
in Illinois. The Court of Appeal held that the judgment could not be enforced against the English parent, Cape,
rejecting arguments: (i) that Cape and the relevant subsidiaries should be treated as a single economic unit,
following DHN[2.18]; (ii) that the subsidiaries were used as a ‘façade’ concealing the true facts; and (iii) that an
agency relationship existed between Cape and NAAC.
The judgment of the court (SLADE, MUSTILL and RALPH GIBSON LJJ) was given by SLADE LJ: …
The ‘single economic unit’ argument
There is no general principle that all companies in a group of companies are to be regarded as one. On the
contrary, the fundamental principle is that ‘each company in a group of companies (a relatively modern
concept) is a separate legal entity possessed of separate legal rights and liabilities’: The Albazero,41 per
Roskill LJ.
It is thus indisputable that each of Cape, Capasco, NAAC and CPC were in law separate legal entities. Mr
Morison did not go so far as to submit that the very fact of the parentsubsidiary relationship existing
between Cape and NAAC rendered Cape or Capasco present in Illinois. Nevertheless, he submitted that the
court will, in appropriate circumstances, ignore the distinction in law between members of a group of
companies treating them as one, and that broadly speaking, it will do so whenever it considers that justice
so demands. In support of this submission, he referred us to a number of authorities.
We have some sympathy with Mr Morison’s submissions in this context. To the layman at least the
distinction between the case where a company itself trades in a foreign country and the case where it
trades in a foreign country through a subsidiary, whose activities it has full power to control, may seem a
slender one …
It is not surprising that in many cases such as Holdsworth, Scottish Cooperative, Revlon42 and Commercial
Solvents,43 the wording of a particular statute or contract has been held to justify the treatment of parent
and subsidiary as one unit, at least for some purposes. The relevant parts of the judgments in
the DHN case must, we think, likewise be regarded as decisions on the relevant statutory provisions for
compensation, even though these parts were somewhat broadly expressed, and the correctness of the
decision was doubted by the House of Lords in Woolfson v Strathclyde Regional Council.44
Mr Morison described the theme of all these cases as being that where legal technicalities would produce
injustice in cases involving members of a group of companies, such technicalities should not be allowed to
prevail. We do not think that the cases relied on go nearly so far as this. As Sir Godfray [counsel for Cape]
submitted, save in cases which turn on the wording of particular statutes or contracts, the court is not free
to disregard the principle of Salomon v A Salomon & Co Ltd [2.01] merely because it considers that justice
so requires. Our law, for better or worse, recognises the creation of subsidiary companies, which though in
one sense the creatures of their parent companies, will nevertheless under the general law fall to be treated
as separate legal entities with all the rights and liabilities which would normally attach to separate legal
In deciding whether a company is present in a foreign country by a subsidiary, which is itself present in that
country, the court is entitled, indeed bound, to investigate the relationship between the parent and the
subsidiary. In particular, that relationship may be relevant in determining whether the subsidiary was acting
as the parent’s agent and, if so, on what terms. However, there is no presumption of any such agency.
There is no presumption that the subsidiary is the parent company’s alter ego. In the court below the judge
refused an invitation to infer that there existed an agency agreement between Cape and NAAC comparable
to that which had previously existed between Cape and Capasco and that refusal is not challenged on this
appeal. If a company chooses to arrange the affairs of its group in such a way that the business carried on
in a particular foreign country is the business of its subsidiary and not its own, it is, in our judgment,
entitled to do so. Neither in this class of case nor in any other class of case is it open to this court to
disregard the principle of Salomon v A Salomon & Co Ltd [2.01] merely because it considers it just so to
[His Lordship reviewed the evidence, and concluded that, although Cape was in a position to exercise
overall control over the general policy of NAAC, this control did not extend to the subsidiary’s daytoday
running. The contention that the group was a ‘single economic unit’ was accordingly rejected.]
The ‘corporate veil’ point
Quite apart from cases where statute or contract permits a broad interpretation to be given to references to
members of a group of companies, there is one wellrecognised exception to the (p. 72) rule prohibiting the
piercing of ‘the corporate veil’. Lord Keith of Kinkel referred to this principle in Woolfson v Strathclyde
Regional Council. With reference to the DHN decision, he said:
I have some doubts whether in this respect the Court of Appeal properly applied the principle that it
is appropriate to pierce the corporate veil only where special circumstances exist indicating that it is
a mere façade concealing the true facts …
Mr Morison submitted that the court will lift the corporate veil where a defendant by the device of a corporate
structure attempts to evade (i) limitations imposed on his conduct by law; (ii) such rights of relief against
him as third parties already possess; and (iii) such rights of relief as third parties may in the future acquire.
Assuming that the first and second of these three conditions will suffice in law to justify such a course,
neither of them apply in the present case. It is not suggested that the arrangements involved any actual or
potential illegality or were intended to deprive anyone of their existing rights. Whether or not such a course
deserves moral approval, there was nothing illegal as such in Cape arranging its affairs (whether by the use
of subsidiaries or otherwise) so as to attract the minimum publicity to its involvement in the sale of Cape
asbestos in the United States of America. As to condition (iii), we do not accept as a matter of law that the
court is entitled to lift the corporate veil as against a defendant company which is the member of a
corporate group merely because the corporate structure has been used so as to ensure that the legal
liability (if any) in respect of particular future activities of the group (and correspondingly the risk of
enforcement of that liability) will fall on another member of the group rather than the defendant company.
Whether or not this is desirable, the right to use a corporate structure in this manner is inherent in our
corporate law. Mr Morison urged on us that the purpose of the operation was in substance that Cape would
have the practical benefit of the group’s asbestos trade in the United States of America without the risks of
tortious liability. This may be so. However, in our judgment, Cape was in law entitled to organise the group’s
affairs in that manner and … to expect that the court would apply the principle of Salomon v A Salomon &
Co Ltd in the ordinary way. …
We reject the ‘corporate veil’ argument.
The ‘agency argument’
We now proceed to consider the agency argument in relation to NAAC on the footing, which we consider to
be the correct one, that NAAC must for all relevant purposes be regarded as a legal entity separate from
[His Lordship reviewed the evidence and concluded:] Having regard to the legal principles stated earlier in
this judgment, and looking at the facts of the case overall, our conclusion is that the judge was right to hold
that the business carried on by NAAC was exclusively its own business, not the business of Cape … We
see no sufficient grounds for disturbing this finding of fact.
➤ Notes
1. In Yuk ong Lines Ltd of Korea v Rendsburg Investments Corpn of Liberia [1998] 1 WLR 294, Toulson J adopted
a very similar line of reasoning where the question was whether the Salomon principle should be disregarded so as
to make Mr Ramvrias, the sole shareholder of the defendant company (Rendsburg), personally liable for damages
for breach of a contract to charter a ship which had ostensibly been entered into by that company. He rejected an
argument that the charterparty had in reality been entered into by Rendsburg as Ramvrias’s agent (in fact, the
document had been signed by Ramvrias as Rendsburg’s agent), and also further arguments that the company was
a ‘sham’ or, alternatively, that the corporate veil should be pierced in the interests of justice. (The real complaint
was that Ramvrias had caused Rendsburg to transfer most of its funds to another of his companies so that it would
not be in a position to meet any award of damages that might be made against it. It is plain (as the judge
observed) that there were other ways in which these funds might be recouped—for (p. 73) example, in an action
by Rendsburg’s liquidator for breach of Ramvrias’s duty as a director: see ‘The functions, powers and duties of the
liquidator’, pp 804ff; but Salomon stood in the way of giving the plaintiff any direct remedy against Ramvrias.)
2. Also see Re Polly Peck International plc [1996] 2 All ER 433, where PPI, a holding company at the head of a
large group, set up a specially incorporated overseas subsidiary, PPIF, in order to raise funds by a bond issue. All
the funds received were onloaned to PPI, and PPI guaranteed the subsidiary’s repayment obligations. PPIF had
no separate management or bank account. The court refused to pierce the veil on ‘group trading’, ‘agency’ or
‘sham’ grounds so as to treat PPI as being in reality the borrower of the funds.
3. These and similar cases decided since Adams v Cape Industries [2.19] indicate that it is now very unlikely that
a plea that the corporate veil should be pierced in a group context will be successful. On the other hand, piercing
the veil is not always necessary to deliver the desired outcome. In NewtonSealy v Armorgroup Services Ltd [2008]
EWHC 233 (QB), the court held that an employee’s contract was with only one company in a corporate group (and
that contract excluded liability for personal injury), but that daytoday dealings with other companies in the group
gave rise to a duty of care, allowing the employee to sue in tort for negligence.
4. There is increasing interest—although perhaps more in other parts of the world than in the UK—in whether a
holding company should be made liable for the debts of an insolvent subsidiary, or the ‘enterprise’ as a whole for
the obligations of one of its members.
The problem is well summarised in the following extract from the judgment of Templeman LJ in Re Southard & Co
Ltd [1979] 1 WLR 1198 at 1208, CA:
English company law possesses some curious features, which may generate curious results. A parent
company may spawn a number of subsidiary companies, all controlled directly or indirectly by the
shareholders of the parent company. If one of the subsidiary companies, to change the metaphor, turns out
to be the runt of the litter and declines into insolvency to the dismay of its creditors, the parent company
and the other subsidiary companies may prosper to the joy of the shareholders without any liability for the
debts of the insolvent subsidiary. It is not surprising that, when a subsidiary company collapses, the
unsecured creditors wish the finances of the company and its relationship with other members of the group
to be narrowly examined, to ensure that no assets of the subsidiary company have leaked away, that no
liabilities of the subsidiary company ought to be laid at the door of other members of the group, and that no
indemnity from or right of action against any other company, or against any individual, is by some
mischance overlooked.
The anxiety of the creditors will be increased where, as in the present case, all the assets of the subsidiary
company are claimed by another member of the group in right of a debenture.
Generally speaking, English case law has adhered to the Salomon principle in situations such as this and, as
the Multinational Gas case [7.39] illustrates, has not developed principles which would allow a court to pierce the
veil of incorporation.45 This contrasts with attitudes abroad, where factors such as ‘domination’ and ‘under
capitalisation’ (or ‘thin incorporation’) have been relied on to build up a body of rules under which other companies
in a group have been held liable to back the obligations of the ‘runt of the litter’. In New Zealand and Ireland, the
Companies Acts have been amended so as to give the court a discretion to (p. 74) order that one company in a
group should make a contribution to the assets of another which is in insolvent liquidation, or to order that the
liquidations of two associated companies should proceed jointly, so that their assets and liabilities are
pooled.46 The Cork Committee on Insolvency in its report (Cmnd 8558, 1982) did not suggest that this precedent
should be followed in the UK, but did urge that the question be studied further. The Company Law Review (CLR)
could have taken this opportunity in its Review, but instead it simply stated that it did not propose any reforms in
this area.
In the EU, too, there are signs that the veil of incorporation may not be sacrosanct in a group situation. ICI was
made to pay fines, even before the UK was a member of the Union, for the breach of EU competition laws by an
overseas subsidiary.47 The Draft Ninth Directive on the Conduct of Groups of Companies would have taken this
further, and would in certain circumstances have made a dominant company in a group liable for losses incurred
by a dependent company. But this proposal has now been withdrawn.48
Remedies: when the ‘corporate veil’ is pierced, the courts may order remedies against the parties ‘behind’
the company, but those remedies could never, merely by virtue of the veilpiercing, amount to an order
that the implicated parties are themselves bound by the contract they caused the company to enter into.
[2.20] VTB Capital plc v Nutritek International Corp [2013] UKSC 5 (Supreme Court)
The claimant (VTB) entered into a loan facility agreement with Russagroprom LLC (RAP) to fund the latter’s
acquisition of six Russian dairy plants and three associated companies from the first defendant (Nutritek).
Following RAP’s subsequent default on the loan, VTB alleged that it entered into the facility agreement in reliance
on fraudulent misrepresentations made by Nutritek for which the other defendants are jointly liable. In short, it
claimed that RAP was in fact under the control of the defendants; thus, once the veil was pierced, the defendants
could be seen always to have been parties to the two agreements jointly with RAP and the guarantors. The
Supreme Court, like the trial judge and the Court of Appeal, held that the claimant’s contract claim was
unsustainable as a matter of law.
LORD NEUBERGER: [After declining to answer counsel’s first argument, that there are no circumstances
in which the court should pierce, or lift, the corporate veil (and preferring to use ‘pierce’, as counsel had
done), continued:]
131. I therefore approach this question in the same way as the Court of Appeal, namely by considering
whether, assuming in VTB’s favour that the court can pierce the veil of incorporation on appropriate facts,
the basis on which VTB seeks to pierce the veil can be justified in the present (p. 75) case. I do so on the
basis that this issue is to be resolved by reference to English law. It seems to me, however, that there may
be a choice of law question to be addressed in cases which concern the piercing of the veil of a foreign
incorporated company. …
132. In so far as VTB invokes the principle of piercing the veil of incorporation, its case involves what, at
best for its point of view, may be characterised as an extension to the circumstances where it has
traditionally been held that the corporate veil can be pierced. It is an extension because it would lead to the
person controlling the company being held liable as if he had been a cocontracting party with the company
concerned to a contract where the company was a party and he was not. In other words, unlike virtually all
the cases where the court has pierced the corporate veil, VTB is claiming that Mr Malofeev should be
treated as if he were, or had been, a cocontracting party with RAP under the two agreements, even though
neither Mr Malofeev nor any of the contracting parties (including VTB) intended Mr Malofeev to be a party.
133. The notion that the principle can be extended to such a case receives no support from any case save
for a very recent decision of Burton J, Antonio Gramsci Shipping Corporation v Stepanovs [2011] EWHC
333 (Comm), [2011] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 647 (which he followed in his later decision in Alliance Bank JSC v
Aquanta Corporation [2011] EWHC 3281 (Comm) [2012] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 181 …
[After examining Gilford Motor Co Ltd v Horne [2.17], Yuk ong Line, Jones v Lipman, Gencor and Trustor, all
noted in the decisions noted previously, he continued:] … far from there being a strong case for the
proposed extension, there is an overwhelming case against it.
138. First, it is not suggested by VTB that any of the other contracting parties under the two agreements is
not liable. Indeed, as mentioned above, VTB’s proposed pleaded case is that Mr Malofeev is ‘jointly and
severally liable with RAP’. Even accepting that the court can pierce the corporate veil in some
circumstances, the notion of such joint and several liability is inconsistent with the reasoning and decision
in Salomon [2.01]. A company should be treated as being a person by the law in the same way as a human
being. The fact that a company can only act or think through humans does not call that point into question:
it just means that the law of agency will always potentially be in play, but, it will, at least normally, be the
company which is the principal, not an agent. On VTB’s case, if the agency analogy is relevant, the
company, as the contracting party, is the quasiagent, not the quasiprincipal.
139. Subject to some other rule (such as that of undisclosed principal), where B and C are the contracting
parties and A is not, there is simply no justification for holding A responsible for B’s contractual liabilities to
C simply because A controls B and has made misrepresentations about B to induce C to enter into the
contract. This could not be said to result in unfairness to C: the law provides redress for C against A, in the
form of a cause of action in negligent or fraudulent misrepresentation.
140. In any event, it would be wrong to hold that Mr Malofeev should be treated as if he was a party to an
agreement, in circumstances where (i) at the time the agreement was entered into, none of the actual
parties to the agreement intended to contract with him, and he did not intend to contract with them, and (ii)
thereafter, Mr Malofeev never conducted himself as if, or led any other party to believe, he was liable under
the agreement. That that is the right approach seems to me to follow from one of the most fundamental
principles on which contractual liabilities and rights are based, namely what an objective reasonable
observer would believe was the effect of what the parties to the contract, or alleged contract, communicated
to each other by words and actions, as assessed in their context—see e.g. Smith v Hughes (1871) LR 6
QB 597, 607.
141. In his argument, Mr Howard QC relied by analogy with the law relating to undisclosed principals. In my
view, the analogy tells against VTB’s argument. The existence of the undisclosed principal rule has long
been regarded as an anomaly, as discussed in Bowstead & Reynolds on Agency, 19th ed (2010), para 8
070, and as observed by Dillon LJ in Welsh Development Agency v Export Finance Co Ltd [1992] BCLC
148, 173. As the Court of Appeal said in this case at para 89, it would be inappropriate to extend an
anomaly—save where it would be unjust and unprincipled not to do so. To adapt what Lord Hoffmann said
in OBG Ltd v Allan [2007] UKHL 21, [2008] AC 1, paras 103 and 106, ‘an anomaly created by the judges to
solve a particular problem’ is ‘an insecure (p. 76) base’ on which to justify an extension to a principle,
especially when that principle can itself be said to be anomalous.
142. Quite apart from this, it seems to me that the facts relied on by VTB to justify piercing the veil of
incorporation in this case do not involve RAP being used as ‘a façade concealing the true facts’. In my view,
if the corporate veil is to be pierced, ‘the true facts’ must mean that, in reality, it is the person behind the
company, rather than the company, which is the relevant actor or recipient (as the case may be). Here, on
VTB’s case, ‘the true facts’ relate to the control, trading performance, and value of the Dairy Companies (if
one considers the specific allegations against Mr Malofeev), or to the genuineness of the nature of the
underlying arrangement (which involves a transfer of assets between companies in common ownership).
Neither of these features can be said to involve RAP being used as a ‘façade to conceal the true facts’.
143. It was suggested, however, by Mr Howard QC that the case against Mr Malofeev involves him ‘abusing
the corporate structure’, and that that is sufficient to justify piercing the corporate veil. However, in my view,
abuse of the corporate structure (whatever that expression means) adds nothing to the debate, at least in
this case. It may be another way of describing use of the company as a façade to conceal the true facts (in
which case it adds nothing to Lord Keith’s characterisation inWoolfson), or it may be an additional
requirement before the corporate veil will be pierced: otherwise, it seems to me that it would be an
illegitimate extension of the circumstances in which the veil can be pierced.
144. It is true that in many civil law systems, abuse of rights is a well recognised concept, and it may be
appropriate for a domestic court to apply such a principle in relation to some areas of EU law. However, it
was not suggested to us that it should be applied as a new or separate ground in domestic law for treating
Mr Malofeev as contractually liable to VTB, or that it would assist VTB in this case.
145. Accordingly, in agreement with the Court of Appeal and for substantially the same reasons, I consider
that VTB’s contention represents an extension to the circumstances in which the court will pierce the
corporate veil, and on analysis it is an extension which is contrary to authority and contrary to principle.
146. The proposed extension is all the more difficult to justify given that it is not needed to enable VTB to
seek redress from Mr Malofeev. It is clear that, if VTB establishes that it was induced to enter into the
agreements by the fraudulent statements which he is alleged to have made, then Mr Malofeev will be liable
to compensate VTB. The measure of damages may be different, but that is not a particularly attractive
reason for extending the principle in a new and unprincipled way. And I am not at all attracted by the notion
that the principle should be invoked simply to enable VTB to justify the proceedings being heard in this
jurisdiction, if they otherwise could not be. That would be precious close to its application being permitted
to pull itself up by its own bootstraps.
147. It follows from this analysis that I doubt that the decision in Gramsci can be justified, at least on the
basis of piercing the corporate veil. In agreement with the Court of Appeal and Arnold J, I think that the
reasoning in that case involved a misinterpretation of the basis of the decisions in Gilford and Jones. It
seems to me that the conclusion in Gramsci was driven by an understandable desire to ensure that an
individual who appears to have been the moving spirit behind a dishonourable (or worse) transaction, action,
or receipt, should not be able to avoid liability by relying on the fact that the transaction, action, or receipt
was effected through the medium (but not the agency) of a company. But that is not, on any view, enough
to justify piercing the corporate veil for the purpose of holding the individual liable for the transaction, action,
or receipt, especially where the action is entering into a contract …
➤ Notes
1. In this decision, Lord Neuberger expressly disapproves the judgment of Burton J in Antonio Gramsci Shipping
Corp v Stepanova [2011] EWHC 333 (Comm) (whereas Lord Clarke, dissenting, preferred to defer consideration
until an appropriate case). There it was held arguable that the veil should be pierced to allow the claimants to
enforce the sham charterparties (contracts (p. 77) for the hire of ships) as against the ‘directing mind and will’, ie
despite there being no direct authority, the judge reasoned that the victim would be entitled to enforce a contract
entered into by a puppet company against both the puppet company and the puppeteer [60].
2. In Linsen International Ltd and Others v Humpuss Transportasi Kimia [2011] EWCA Civ 1042, CA, Lord
Neuberger MR also denied the Gramsci approach:
12 But that does not mean that one can simply pierce the corporate veil … piercing the corporate veil would
effectively involve treating the third defendant as if it was a contractual party to the arrangements between
the first defendant and the claimants. I can see no reason why the mere fact that the third defendant, as I
am prepared to assume for present purposes, knowingly received assets from the first defendant, for the
purpose of avoiding the first defendant’s liability under a contract already entered into and breached by the
first defendant, should render the third defendant liable under the contract. It may well enable the claimants
to follow the assets but that is an entirely different matter.
3. In order better to appreciate the arguments against piercing the veil, it is also useful to read Arnold J’s first
instance judgment, at paragraphs 69–102: VTB Capital plc v Nutritek International Corp [2011] EWHC 3017 (Ch).
4. The same principles are equally applicable where the claim is for restitutionary remedies. In MacDonald v
Costello [2011] EWCA Civ 930, [2012] QB 244, the claimant builders entered into a contract with the defendant
company for the construction of houses on land which was owned by the company’s directors and shareholders
(the first and second defendants). When the company failed to meet its liabilities, the claimants sued the directors
and shareholders in unjust enrichment. The claim failed. Although these parties had been enriched, the enrichment
was not unjust—it was the result of a perfectly proper contractual arrangement between the claimant and the
company, and to hold otherwise would undermine the law of contract.
➤ Questions
1. If, in FG (Films) Ltd [2.14], FG (Films) Ltd had incurred debts of £80,000 in making the film Monsoon and
had gone into liquidation leaving its creditors unpaid, should Film Group Inc have been held liable to the
2. The plaintiffs in Adams were tort victims. Some commentators argue that there is a stronger case for
piercing the veil in such cases because the victims, unlike creditors with claims based in contract, were never
in a position to negotiate or to take the risk of the company’s potential insolvency into account in settling the
terms of their bargain. However, it is observed by others that all tort victims face this risk that their tortfeasor
may be impecunious. Should the law adopt a different approach in dealing with contract and tort claimants?
Limits to the idea of a company as a ‘person’?
The cases noted previously confirm that the central theoretical and practical feature of company law is that
incorporation creates a new and separate legal entity, a ‘being’ capable of enjoying rights, exercising powers, and
incurring duties and obligations. It is traditional to describe any subject of rights and duties as a legal ‘person’. But
it is one thing to attribute legal capacities to a company, and quite another to treat it as
having human characteristics and qualities.49 It is unnecessary and, indeed, illogical to suppose that the latter
step follows from the former. Yet, (p. 78) despite the initial hesitation in finding that companies were separate
persons, the courts have now pursued the analogy with a physical person almost as far as it is possible to go,
ascribing to companies human attributes such as reputation or intention to defraud which would previously have
been regarded as unthinkable. These extensions are not necessarily obvious or necessary, and it is instructive to
ask whether as a matter of policy they are desirable.
➤ Question
A company is sometimes described as:
(i) a ‘real person’;
(ii) an ‘artificial person’;
(iii) a ‘fictitious person’.
Consider the appropriateness of these expressions.
Blackstone, ‘Commentaries on the Laws of England’ (1768) Volume 1, p 476
Footnotes in the original are omitted.
‘Of Corporations’
There are also certain privileges and disabilities that attend an aggregate corporation, and are not applicable
to such as are sole; the reason of them ceasing and of course the law. It must always appear by attorney;
for it cannot appear in person, being, as Sir Edward Coke says, invisible, and existing only in intendment
and consideration of law. It can neither maintain, or be made defendant to, an action of battery or such like
personal injuries; for a corporation can neither beat, nor be beaten, in it’s body politic. A corporation cannot
commit treason, or felony, or other crime, in it’s corporate capacity: though it’s members may, in their
distinct individual capacities. Neither is it capable of suffering a traitor’s or felon’s punishment, for it is not
liable to corporal penalties, nor to attainder, forfeiture, or corruption of blood. It cannot be executor or
administrator, or perform any personal duties; for it cannot take an oath for the due execution of the office. It
cannot be seised of lands to the use of another; for such kind of confidence is foreign to the end of it’s
institution. Neither can it be committed to prison;[50 ] for it’s existence being ideal, no man can apprehend
or arrest it. And therefore also it cannot be outlawed; for outlawry always supposes a precedent right of
arresting, which has been defeated by the parties absconding, and that also a corporation cannot do: for
which reasons the proceedings to compel a corporation to appear to any suit by attorney are always by
distress on their lands and goods. Neither can a corporation be excommunicated; for it has no soul, as is
gravely observed by Sir Edward Coke: and therefore also it is not liable to be summoned into the
ecclesiastical courts upon any account; for those courts act only pro salute animae, and their sentences
can only be enforced by spiritual censures: a consideration, which, carried to it’s full extent, would alone
demonstrate the impropriety of these courts interfering in any temporal rights whatsoever.
➤ Notes
1. Where corporate personality is ascribed to a group of persons, such as a limited liability company, a
chartered body such as a university, or a municipality such as a city or borough, (p. 79) it is referred to as a
‘corporation aggregate’. Where the law personifies an office occupied by a single person (eg the Crown, the
Bishop of Ely), it is customarily called a ‘corporation sole’. The single member company seems to be an
anomalous institution which does not fit the criteria for either of these traditional classifications.
2. Blackstone’s remarks (which, as he acknowledges, are based on views expressed by Coke more than a
century and a half earlier) are best understood if we think of a local body such as the City of Birmingham or an
institution such as the University of Cambridge as a typical ‘corporation’—as Coke or Blackstone themselves
would have done. At the time when they were writing, the modern company was, of course, unknown, and
such commercial corporations as did exist—for example, the Hudson’s Bay Company—usually had wide
governmental powers as well as trading privileges.
Particular illustrations of a company’s separate personality
Since the separate personality of companies is fundamental to the structure of company law, there are a wide
variety of illustrations of the impact of the doctrine. The cases noted previously are primarily directed at detecting
exceptions to the rule, and identifying cases where the company’s members may be liable for the company’s
failings. But it is important not to leave this area without appreciating that the normal rule is that the company is its
own person, and this feature has a fundamental impact on engagements between the company and third parties.
By way of illustration, later in this book we consider the company and its engagements with its promoters (those
who set up the company), its directors and its auditors. All these parties owe their duties to the company, not to
the individuals concerned with the company. For example, promoters are fiduciaries in relation to the company,
and, like directors, owe their duties to the company, and not to individual members (or not, with directors, unless
there are special circumstances giving rise to separate duties): see ‘Promoters and their dealings with the
company’, pp 481ff and ‘Directors’ duties are owed to the company’, pp 319ff. Similarly, auditors owe duties to
the company, not to the company’s individual members: see ‘Auditors and their relationship with the company’, pp
463ff. In the field of directors’ duties, it is important to discern who it is that owes these duties. Hence, where
someone is the director of a sole corporate director of Company X, one must ask whether that person is also
the de facto director of Company X so as to attract liability: see Holland [7.02]. Similarly, with employees,
see Ranson v Customer Systems plc [7.04].
Equally, when the company acts, the procedures it must adopt so that the actions of human agents (directors,
members, employees, etc) count as the actions of the company are determined by the company’s constitution
(assisted by certain statutory and common law rules designed to protect third parties in their dealings with the
company): see ‘Authority of the company’s agents’, pp 84ff. But these rules also raise the problem of ‘pre
incorporation contracts’, that is, contracts negotiated, and sometimes concluded, while the company is in
contemplation, but before it is formally created by registration. Although the human actors may be the same as
those who would be entitled to act for the company once it is formally constituted, can their acts count in that
capacity before the event? (See ‘Preincorporation contracts’, pp 131ff.)
All these matters are dealt with later, but mentioned here by way of reinforcing the key point of this chapter, which
is that companies are separate legal entities.
(p. 80) Further Reading
ARMOUR, J, ‘Corporate Personality and Assumption of Responsibility’ [1999] LMCLQ 246.
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LORD COOKE OF THORNDON, ‘A Real Thing’ in Turning Points of the Common Law (1996 Hamlyn Lectures,
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EASTERBROOK, FH and FISCHEL, DR, The Economic Structure of Corporate Law (1991), ch 2 ‘Limited
Find This Resource
FLANNIGAN, R, ‘The Economic Structure of the Firm’ (1995) 33 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 105.
Find This Resource
FREEDMAN, J, ‘Limited Liability: Large Company Theory and Small Firms’ (2000) 63 MLR 317.
Find This Resource
GALLAGHER, L and ZIEGLER, P, ‘Lifting the Corporate Veil in the Pursuit of Justice’ (1990) JBL 292.
Find This Resource
HANSMANN, H and KRAAKMAN, RH, ‘The Essential Role of Organizational Law’ (2000) 110 Yale Law
Journal 387 at 387–404.
Find This Resource
HANSMANN, H and KRAAKMAN, RH, ‘Toward Unlimited Liability for Corporate Torts’ (1991) 100 Yale Law
Journal 1879.
Find This Resource
HICKS, A, ‘Corporate Form: Questioning the Unsung Hero’ [1997] JBL 306.
Find This Resource
IRELAND, P, ‘Triumph of the Company Legal Form 1856–1914’ in J Adams (ed), Essays for Clive
Schmitthoff (1983), p 29.
Find This Resource
MOORE, M, ‘“A Temple Built on Faulty Foundations”: Piercing the Corporate Veil and the Legacy of Salomon
v Salomon’ [2006] JBL 180.
Find This Resource
OTTOLENGHI, S, ‘From Peeping behind the Corporate Veil to Ignoring it Completely’ (1990) 53 MLR 338.
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PICKERING, MA, ‘The Company as a Separate Legal Entity’ (1968) 31 MLR 481.
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SAMUELS, A, ‘Lifting the Veil’ [1964] JBL 107.
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SCHMITTHOFF, CM, ‘Salomon in the Shadow’ [1976] JBL 305.
Find This Resource
SEALY, LS, ‘Perception and Policy in Company Law Reform’ in D Feldman and F Meisel (eds), Corporate and
Commercial Law (1996), pp 11–29.
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THAM, CH, ‘Piercing the Corporate Veil: Searching for Appropriate Choice of Law Rules’ [2007] LMCLQ 22.
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WITTING, C, ‘Liability for Corporate Wrongs’ (2009) 28 University of Queensland Law Journal 113.
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WOLFF, W, ‘On the Nature of Legal Persons’ (1938) 54 LQR 494.
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1 There is a considerable body of writing on the theory, or theories, of corporate personality. No attempt has been
made to select material representing the various schools of thought for inclusion in this book. For the interested
reader, the following are amongst the bestknown writings in English on the subject: FW Maitland, Introduction to
Gierk e’s Political Theories of the Middle Age (1900); F Hallis, Corporate Personality (1930); A Nekam, The
Personal Conception of the Legal Entity (1938); LC Webb (ed),Legal Personality and Political Pluralism (1958); SJ
Stoljar, Groups and Entities (1973); WM Geldart, ‘Legal Personality?’ (1911) 27 LQR 90; HJ Laski, ‘The
Personality of Associations?’ (1916) 29 Harvard Law Review 404; M Radin, ‘The Endless Problem of Corporate
Personality?’ (1932) 32 Columbia Law Review 643, and ‘A Restatement of Hohfeld’ (1938) 51 Harvard Law
Review 1141; M Wolff, ‘On the Nature of Legal Persons?’ (1938) 54 LQR 494; HLA Hart, ‘Definition and Theory in
Jurisprudence’ (1954) 70 LQR 37, 45ff; M Stokes, ‘Company Law and Legal Theory’ in W Twining (ed), Legal
Theory and Common Law (1986). There is also a discussion of the topic in some general textbooks of
A quite different theoretical basis for the study of companies, and of company law, is associated with the law and
economics movement originating in the United States more than half a century ago. Economists usually speak of
‘the firm’, rather than the company as such, because their concern is primarily with the organisation of the different
actors in the process of production of goods and services and not with the legal form which that organisation
takes; however, they also see the company as a subject of study in its own right as one of the paradigm forms of
business structure. There is an immense amount of literature in this area. Students could begin by readingRH
Coase, ‘The Nature of the Firm?’ (1937) 4 Economica NS 386; FH Easterbrook and DR Fischel, ‘The Corporate
Contract?’ (1989) 89 Columbia Law Review 1416 and the various articles by Hart, Butler and others also collected
in that number of the Columbia Law Review. The leading work dealing with the position in England is BR
Cheffins,Company Law: Theory, Structure and Operation (1997). Reference may be made also to DD Prentice, ‘The
Theory of the Firm: Minority Shareholder Oppression: Sections 459–461 of the Companies Act 1985?’ (1988) 8
OJLS 55; CA Riley, ‘Contracting Out of Company Law: Section 459 of the Companies Act 1985?’ (1992) 55 MLR
2 In this sense ‘person’ can, eg, include such inanimate entities as a fund (Arab Monetary Fund v Hashim (No
3) [1991] 2 AC 114, [1991] BCLC 180, HL), or a Hindu temple (Bumper Development Corpn Ltd v Metropolitan
Police Comr [1991] 1 WLR 1362, CA). Note that neither a fund nor a temple is regarded as a corporation under
English law, where typically corporate personality is recognised only in a group, a municipality or an office (such
as the Crown). In the two cases referred to, the court was applying the accepted rule of the conflict of laws which
states that the question whether or not a group or entity should be accorded corporate status is to be decided by
the law of the jurisdiction in which it is situated or domiciled.
3 The centenary of Salomon’s case was marked by a number of conferences and publications. See, eg, CEF
Rickett and RB Grantham (eds), Corporate Personality in the Twentieth Century (1998), and a series of articles in
(1998) 16 C & SLJ.
4 This expression is used descriptively. The ‘private company’ was first made the subject of separate statutory
provision in the Companies Act 1907.
5 The report reads ‘£30,000’, but this is plainly an error. The figure of £20,000 appears in other reports of the case,
eg 66 LJ Ch 35 at 49.
6 This means that the sum of £10,000 was advanced by Salomon to the company as a loan, secured by a charge
over the assets of the company.
7 Broderip v Salomon [1895] 2 Ch 323. [Part of the judgment of Vaughan Williams J is cited at [2.02].]
8 Broderip v Salomon [1895] 2 Ch 323 at p 333. [Parts of the judgments given in the Court of Appeal are cited at
9 In Re Baglan Hall Colliery Co (1870) LR 5 Ch App 346, Giffard LJ states that it ‘is the policy of the Companies
Act to enable business people to incorporate their businesses and so avoid incurring further personal liability’.
10 See now R v Registrar of Companies, ex p AG [1.08].
11 An ordinary resolution is now sufficient in all cases: CA 2006 s 168.
12 [1978] Fam 181, [1979] 1 All ER 801.
13 See also Re Lindsay Bowman Ltd [1969] 1 WLR 1443 at 1448, where Megarry J, referring to s 353(6) of the Act
of 1948, said: ‘In obedience to Parliament, I must assume that the artificial and impersonal entity that we know as
a limited company has been endowed with the capacity not merely of having feelings but also of feeling aggrieved
even though it has ceased to exist.’
14 This is the rule in English law and most other legal systems, but in others domicile may be determined by
reference to some other factor such as the company’s principal place of business. In some jurisdictions a
corporate body is not recognised as having a domicile at all. Under the rules of private international law, the law of
the domicile regulates questions relating to the validity of the company’s incorporation, its dissolution, the effect of
a merger, its capacity and the rights and liabilities of its members (including limited liability). It is not possible
under UK law for a company to transfer its incorporation and domicile to another jurisdiction, as is the case in
many other countries.
15 Regulation (EC) 2157/2001 allows registration by the companies registrar of any member state of a European
public limitedliability company. The Regulation is also known as the Statute for a European Company.
16 The concept of a company’s ‘residence’ is primarily of importance in revenue law, but it may also be relevant in
other contexts, eg in regard to the place where documents may be served on it. A company which is resident in
the UK may not change its residence without the consent of the Treasury (Income and Corporation Taxes Act
1988 s 765(1)). This provision has been held not to be incompatible with the ‘freedom of establishment’ principle
contained in Art 43 of the Treaty of Rome: R v HM Treasury, ex p Daily Mail and General Trust plc [1989] QB 446,
[1989] 1 All ER 328, CJEU.
17 Other cases show that the ‘central management and control’ of a company may in fact be divided, so that its
residence is in more than one country: see, eg, Union Corpn Ltd v IRC [1952] 1 All ER 646, CA; (affd on other
grounds [1953] AC 482, HL).
18 ‘Neither can it be a television entertainer or author’; per Viscount Dilhorne in Newstead v Frost [1980] 1 All ER
363 at 368, [1980] 1 WLR 135 at 139, HL. Nor a lorry driver: Richmond upon Thames London Borough Council v
Pinn & Wheeler Ltd [1989] RTR 354.
19 (1876) 1 Ex D 428.
20 (1876) 1 Ex D 428.
21 Where these are not relevant, there are also statutory and common law rules: see (Insolvency Act 1986) IA
1986 s 426 and Cambridge Gas Transport Corpn v The Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors of Navigator
Holdings plc [2006] UKPC 26, [2007] 1 AC 508, PC.
22 G McCormack, ‘Jurisdictional Competition and Forum Shopping in Insolvency Proceedings’ [2009] CLJ 169.
23 Article 6 of the Convention was invoked in R (Alconbury Developments Ltd) v Secretary of State for the
Environment, Transport and the Regions [2001] UKHL 23, [2003] 2 AC 295.
24 R (North Cyprus Tourism Centre Ltd) v Transport for London [2005] EWHC 1698 (Admin).
25 Of course, the doctrine was recognised much earlier—see, eg, Edmunds v Brown and Tillard (1668) 1 Lev 237,
where members were held not liable on the bond of a corporation after its dissolution, and Foss v
Harbottle [13.01]. The true significance of Salomon’s case in its more immediate context is that it confirmed the
legitimacy of the ‘private’ (very small) company and paved the way for its recognition by statute in 1907.
26 It is noteworthy that an appeal to the ‘realities’ of the situation is often made both in the argument for lifting the
veil and in the argument against it (see, eg, Tunstall v Steigmann [1962] 2 QB 593 (CA)).
27 The quoted phrases are taken from the judgment of Staughton LJ in Atlas Maritime Co SA v Avalon Maritime
Ltd [1991] 4 All ER 769 at 779.
28 For further reading, see A Samuels, ‘Lifting the Veil’ [1964] JBL 107; MA Pickering, ‘The Company as a
Separate Legal Entity?’ (1968) 31 MLR 481; CM Schmitthoff, ‘Salomon in the Shadow’ [1976] JBL 305; S
Ottolenghi, ‘From Peeping behind the Corporate Veil to Ignoring it Completely?’ (1990) 53 MLR 338; Lord Cooke of
Thorndon, ‘A Real Thing’ in Turning Points of the Common Law (1996 Hamlyn Lectures, 1997), and ‘Corporate
Identity’ (1998) 16 C & SLJ 160; CH Tham, ‘Piercing the Corporate Veil: Searching for Appropriate Choice of Law
Rules’ [2007] LMCLQ 22.
29 See the notes by Lord Wedderburn [1958] CLJ 152 at 155, (1960) 23 MLR 663 at 666.
30 See, eg, Re Darby [2.16]; Re Bugle Press Ltd [15.12]; Gilford Motor Co Ltd v Horne [2.17]. There is, of course,
an element of questionbegging in determining whether there has been such misuse of the privilege of
incorporation, as is revealed in the attitudes of the different courts in Salomon’s case itself.
31 See Re FG (Films) Ltd [2.14], p 61, and compare the cases in which a small company has been treated as a
quasipartnership for the purpose of winding up (seeEbrahimi v Westbourne Galleries Ltd [16.13], and Notes
following, p 802).
32 But note, eg, Conway v Ratiu [2005] EWCA Civ 1302, [2006] 1 All ER 571, where the corporate veil was lifted,
and Diamantides v JP Morgan Chase Bank [2005] EWCA Civ 1612 where that was considered.
33 A second appeal concerned a charge based upon similar facts against the Monkwearmouth Conservative Club
Ltd, which was incorporated under the Companies Acts. The cases were treated as indistinguishable and disposed
of together.
34 (1882) 8 QBD 373.
35 This principle was applied to penetrate an elaborate network of some 80 interlocking trusts and companies
in Re a Company [1985] BCLC 333, CA, and strikingly illustrated by diagrams which are reproduced in the report
of the case.
36 Contrast this with a finding that a particular transaction is a sham: see the discussion in Secretary of State for
Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform v Neufeld[2009] EWCA Civ 280, [2009] BCC 687, noted in the Note
following Lee’s case [2.04], p 43.
37 An alternative ground for the decision of the court was that DHN did have a sufficient interest in the land, on the
basis of either an irrevocable licence or a resulting trust, to claim compensation for disturbance in its own right.
38 This was not strictly a ‘group enterprise’ case. The occupier of the shop premises which were compulsorily
acquired was a company of which W held 999 shares and his wife the remaining one. Part of the land was owned
by W personally and the rest by a second company in which, again, W and his wife held all the shares. The
judgments leave little doubt, however, that DHN would not have been followed even if the facts had been identical.
39 The case went to the House of Lords on grounds which did not involve this point.
40 See also The Maritime Trader [1981] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 153, [1981] Com LR 27, in which the court refused to order
the arrest of a ship owned by the defendant company’s subsidiary.
41 [1977] AC 774 at 807.
42 Revlon Inc v Cripps and Lee Ltd [1980] FSR 85.
43 Istituto Chemioterapico Italiano SpA and Commercial Solvents Corpn v EC Commission (Cases 6 and 7/73)
[1974] ECR 223.
44 1978 SLT 159.
45 Of course, in an appropriate case a parent may be held liable on the basis of a contractual promise or a
representation that it would support its subsidiary: a plea which failed in Kleinwort Benson Ltd v Malaysia Mining
Corpn Bhd [1989] 1 All ER 785, [1989] 1 WLR 379, CA, where the ‘comfort letter’ given by the parent company
was construed as excluding an intention to create legal relations. If the subsidiary has gone into insolvent
liquidation, the parent may be liable as a party to fraudulent trading under IA 1986 s 213, or (as a ‘shadow
director’) liable for ‘wrongful trading’ under IA 1986 s 214. See ‘The functions, powers and duties of the liquidator’,
pp 804ff.
46 At present, this can be done in England only with the approval of the prescribed statutory majorities of the
creditors concerned, by a scheme of arrangement under CA 2006 ss 895ff, or, in special circumstances, under the
‘power to compromise’ conferred on liquidators and the court by IA 1986 s 167(1) and Sch 4. For an example of
the latter, see Re Bank of Credit and Commerce International SA (No 3) [1993] BCLC 1490.
47 ICI v EC Commission (Cases 48, 49, 51–57/69) (the Dyestuffs case): [1972] ECR 619, where the CJEU held
that anticompetitive behaviour of a subsidiary company within the EU, acting on the instructions of its parent
company outside the EU, was attributable to the parent so as to enforce successfully EU competition rules.
In Provimi Ltd v Roche Products Ltd [2003] EWHC 961 (Comm), [2003] 2 All ER 683 it was held that because a
group does not have legal personality, the Commission must select a specific company within the latter as an
addressee of its decision, and be responsible for payment of the penalty.
48 For further reading on this topic, see T Hadden, The Control of Corporate Groups (1983); DD Prentice, ‘Groups
of Companies: The English Experience’ in KJ Hopt (ed),Groups of Companies in European Laws (1982), p 99; CM
Schmitthoff and F Wooldridge (eds), Groups of Companies (1991); K Hofstetter, ‘Parent Responsibility for
Subsidising Corporations: European Trends?’ (1990) 30 ICLQ 576; IM Ramsay, ‘Holding Company Liable for the
Debts of an Insolvent Subsidiary: A Law and Economics Perspective?’ (1994) 17 University of New South Wales
Law Journal 520.
49 Collins Steward Ltd v Financial Times Ltd [2005] EWHC 262 (QB), eg, held that a corporation cannot have hurt
50 See Companies Act 1967 (CA 1967) s 68(5) (now, alas, repealed): ‘An insurance company which contravenes
subs (1) or (2) above shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction on indictment to imprisonment for a term
not exceeding two years.’
3. Corporate Activity and Legal Liability
Chapter: (p. 81) 3. Corporate Activity and Legal Liability
Author(s): Len Sealy and Sarah Worthington
DOI: 10.1093/he/9780199676446.003.0003
The previous chapter considered what it means to say that a company is a legal person. This chapter looks at how
the company acts as a legal person: in particular, how it enters into binding contracts, commits torts and crimes,
makes gifts, sues and is sued.
Rules of attribution: how does a company act?
A company must act through human agents. The principal issue to be addressed in every problem in this area
is: which acts of which people will count as acts of the company, so that we can say that the company has
entered into a binding contract, or the company has committed a tort or a crime?
Once we have established what the company has done, or knows, or intends, then we are usually in a good
position simply to apply the normal rules of contract, torts or crime to assess whether rights have been created or
The most significant contribution to answering the question, ‘Who acts for the company?’, comes from the next
case. The fundamental principles that it set out are extracted here, but a longer extract, in context, appears later
in this chapter (see [3.29]).
[3.01] Meridian Global Funds Management Asia Ltd v Securities Commission [1995] 2 AC 500 (Privy
The facts are immaterial at this stage, but see [3.29] for more detail.
The opinion of their Lordships was delivered by LORD HOFFMANN: … Any proposition about a company
necessarily involves a reference to a set of rules. A company exists because there is a rule (usually in a
statute) which says that a persona ficta shall be deemed to exist and to have certain of the powers, rights
and duties of a natural person. But there would be little sense in deeming such a persona ficta to exist
unless there were also rules to tell one what acts were to count as acts of the company. It is therefore a
necessary part of corporate personality that there should be rules by which acts are attributed to the
company. These may be called ‘the rules of attribution’.
The company’s primary rules of attribution will generally be found in its constitution, typically the articles of
association, and will say things such as ‘for the purpose of appointing members of the board, a majority
vote of the shareholders shall be a decision of the company’ or ‘the decisions of the board in managing the
company’s business shall be the decisions of the company’. There are also primary rules of attribution
which are not expressly stated in the articles but implied by company law, such as ‘the unanimous
decision of all the shareholders in a solvent company about (p. 82) anything which the company under its
memorandum of association has power to do shall be the decision of the company’: see Multinational Gas
and Petrochemical Co v Multinational Gas and Petrochemical Services Ltd [7.39].
These primary rules of attribution are obviously not enough to enable a company to go out into the world
and do business. Not every act on behalf of the company could be expected to be the subject of a
resolution of the board or a unanimous decision of the shareholders. The company therefore builds upon the
primary rules of attribution by using general rules of attribution which are equally available to natural
persons, namely, the principles of agency. It will appoint servants and agents …
The company’s primary rules of attribution together with the general principles of agency, vicarious liability
and so forth are usually sufficient to enable one to determine its rights and obligations. In exceptional
cases, however, they will not provide an answer. … For example, a rule may be stated in language primarily
applicable to a natural person and require some act or state of mind on the part of that person ‘himself’, as
opposed to his servants or agents. … In such a case, the court must fashion a special rule of attribution for
the particular substantive rule. This is always a matter of interpretation: given that it was intended to apply
to a company, how was it intended to apply? Whose act (or knowledge, or state of mind) was for this
purpose intended to count as the act etc of the company? One finds the answer to this question by
applying the usual canons of interpretation, taking into account the language of the rule (if it is a statute)
and its content and policy. …
The ‘primary rules of attribution’ as set out in the Model Articles, Arts 3 and 4 (for both limited and public
companies), provide as follows:
Directors’ general authority
3. Subject to the articles, the directors are responsible for the management of the company’s business, for
which purpose they may exercise all the powers of the company.
Members’ reserve power
(1) The members may, by special resolution, direct the directors to take, or refrain from taking,
specified action.
(2) No such special resolution invalidates anything which the directors have done before the passing of
the resolution.
A company may choose its own ‘primary attribution’ rules, but these model provisions are common. In addition, if
permitted by the company’s constitution, the board may delegate its powers. See, for example, Model Articles,
Arts 5 and 6. If the board then delegates in a manner permitted by the articles, the delegate(s) will have actual
authority to bind the company as long as their actions are within the scope of the delegation.
Contractual liability: general issues
The issue to be addressed here is whether a contract between the company and an outsider is binding. The
company and the outsider will only be able to enforce the contract (or be sued on it) if the contract is binding. The
Companies Act 2006 (CA 2006) s 43 provides that a company can enter into a contract either in writing under its
common seal, or through an authorised agent acting on behalf of the company.
(p. 83) A company is a legal person, and the principles which determine the validity of contracts between legal
persons are already familiar. A contract is valid and binding only if the:
(i) contracting parties have the capacity to contract (or are deemed or presumed to have that capacity); and
(ii) agents effecting the transaction on behalf of the parties have the authority (real or apparent) to do so (or
are deemed or presumed to have that authority).
Notice that the first question relates to the company, and the second to its directors (or other agents). The first
question now creates few problems (although it used to create enormous ones); the second is often critical.
For completeness, three further points should be noted. First, under the normal rules of agency just described, the
acts of an unauthorised agent (ie an agent without actual authority, statutorily deemed authority or common law
ostensible authority) will not bind the company (the principal) to the third party in contract. The contract will be
void. But if the unauthorised agent has dealt with the third party explicitly as agent, then the principal (the
company) may choose to ratify the unauthorised transaction, effectively adopting it and rendering it binding on the
third party.1 Secondly, and alternatively, if the unauthorised agent has dealt with the third party explicitly as agent
and the company does not ratify, then the third party can sue the agent for breach of warranty of authority. Finally,
even if the contract is void, its terms may nevertheless have been carried out, and assets transferred (and
effectively transferred) between company and intended counterparty. In these circumstances each party has the
right to recover the assets it has mistakenly transferred (mistakenly in the assumption that there was a contractual
obligation to transfer).2
Corporate capacity
A company’s capacity may be constrained by provisions in its articles. For example, a charitable company may
expressly limit its activities (its ‘objects’) to particular types of charitable activities in a nominated field.
Commercial companies can do the same, although they have less reason, and no obligation, to be so restrictive
(CA 2006 s 31(1)). These legal limitations in the company’s constitutional documents limit the company’s capacity
—although now to little external effect.
Historically, purported acts outside such nominated objects were void. Neither party could enforce the contract,
and any benefits transferred were subject to restitutionary claims aimed at restoring the parties to their pre
contractual positions. This created great disincentives for outsiders dealing with the company, and could wreak
unfair and unexpected consequences on transacting parties. The advantage, if there was one, was for the
members: they could be sure (if the directors acted properly) that their investments were confined to selected
types of ventures.
In the end, the commercial disadvantages and unfairness to outsiders were seen as a price too high to pay for
members’ security, and the legislature stepped in with statutory provisions protecting third parties. These
provisions do not go so far as to provide that every company actually has the capacity to do anything, but they
prevent the validity of any act being called into question on the ground of lack of capacity arising from anything in
the company’s constitution (CA 2006 s 39(1)). This is just as beneficial for outsiders, but preserves the right (p.
84) of insiders (particularly the company, or the members by derivative action, to sue their directors (or other
agents) for breaches of the company’s constitution (ie for acting outside the powers given to the directors: CA
2006 s 171), and for causing loss to the company (eg arising from the prohibited transaction). This is why the
‘capacity issue’ is no longer a problem for outsiders, but it also explains why it remains necessary—even if only for
insiders—to know how ‘objects clauses’ should be interpreted.
These issues are explored in more detail at ‘Agency and authority in corporate contracting’, pp 95ff.
Authority of the company’s agents
Even if the company does have the capacity to enter into a particular type of contract (or is deemed to have the
necessary capacity), this does not mean that anyone and everyone can decide that the company will commit
itself. For example, a national petroleum company certainly has the capacity to sell to customers, but not
everyone (not even every company employee) can decide that the company will sell to a particular customer or
enter into a transaction above certain value limits. Only those employees (or company agents) with authority to
make a sale can commit the company in this way.
The issue of authority raises its own problems. The actual authority of an agent cannot extend to the doing of
anything that is not permitted by the company’s constitution (eg a company that may only perform charitable
works, or only publish English monographs, cannot give actual authority to its agents to transact other types of
business). So all the analytical work that went into interpreting a company’s constitutional documents for the
purpose of determining a company’s capacity, could possibly go into the same task for the purpose of determining
the limits of an agent’s actual authority.
In practice, the end result might then have been a ‘vicious circle’: having removed the impediment to outsiders
arising from the objects and their impact on corporate capacity, they reappear in another guise, with the same
effect, because of their impact on agents’ authority. Again, the legislature intervened, and, in favour of third parties
‘dealing with a company in good faith, the power of the directors to bind the company, or authorise others to do so,
is deemed to be free of any limitation under the company’s constitution’ (CA 2006 s 40(1)). Note the good faith
This is not all. A company’s objects are not the only constraint on actual authority. Even where the proposed
dealing is within the company’s objects, only certain people will be given actual authority to transact the particular
business on behalf of the company. So, in the earlier example, some employees will have actual authority to sell
bulk supplies of petroleum to wholesalers or large retailers, perhaps within certain value limits depending on
seniority, others only to sell petrol to the public at domestic outlets. Employees in the latter group are unlikely to
have actual authority to transact the former types of business for the company. But appearances are sometimes
misleading. An employee at head office may appear to outsiders to have the necessary authority to sell supplies
to wholesalers, but the company’s own internal rules and organisational structure may provide otherwise. Once
again, the legal rules protect the outsider in these types of cases. They do that by common law mechanisms, not
statutory ones. These are the legal rules on ostensible or apparent authority and the ‘indoor management rule’.
Clearly all these protective rules in favour of third parties are based on an underlying policy assumption that it is
only reasonable, in the circumstances, for the outsider to believe, and rely on the fact, that the company’s agent
has the necessary authority to transact the business in issue. Where such assumptions are not reasonable, the
protective provision falls away.
In particular, in relation to the statutory assumptions, CA 2006 s 41 specifically provides that directors and
connected persons cannot rely on s 40 to assert the validity of a transaction (p. 85) (although the company can,
at its option, affirm the transaction).3 This section also imposes remedies that go beyond those available at
common law: the contract is voidable (subject to certain exceptions); and the parties to the transaction and any
directors of the company who authorised the transaction are liable to account to the company for any gain made,
and compensate for any losses caused.
Binding contracts between the company and third parties
When these various rules are put together, it can be seen that a contract between the company and an outsider
will be binding if:
(i) the company has the capacity to enter into the contract, or that capacity can be assumed (using s
39(1)); and
(ii) the director (or other agent transacting the deal) has either actual authority to transact the deal (or can be
deemed to have that authority using s 40), or hasostensible authority. And, in cases of either actual or
ostensible authority, if the impediment to successfully demonstrating the particular form of authority is an
issue of internal company procedure, then the indoor management rule allows the third party to assume that
the internal procedures are regular.4
Each of these elements is examined in the sections that follow.
Capacity: what is a company legally entitled to do?
The modern relevance of a company’s capacity to act was summarised at ‘Corporate capacity’, p 83. The rather
odd conclusion seems to be that a company is legally ableto do, and accept obligations to do, a good number of
things that are beyond its capacity. The statutory deeming provisions which lead to this conclusion are extracted
in the following section.
Statutory provisions protecting third parties (outsiders) from the consequences of
constitutional limitations on corporate capacity
Companies Act 2006 s 39
39 A company’s capacity
(1) The validity of an act done by a company shall not be called into question on the ground of lack of
capacity by reason of anything in the company’s constitution.
(2) This section has effect subject to section 42 (companies that are charities).
(p. 86) Companies Act 1985 s 35
35 A company’s capacity not limited by its memorandum
(1) The validity of an act done by a company shall not be called into question on the ground of lack of
capacity by reason of anything in the company’s memorandum.
(2) A member of a company may bring proceedings to restrain the doing of an act which but for
subsection (1) would be beyond the company’s capacity; but no such proceedings shall lie in respect
of an act to be done in fulfilment of a legal obligation arising from a previous act of the company.
(3) It remains the duty of the directors to observe any limitations on their powers flowing from the
company’s memorandum; and action by the directors which but for subsection (1) would be beyond
the company’s capacity may only be ratified by the company by special resolution.
A resolution ratifying such action shall not affect any liability incurred by the directors or any other person;
relief from any such liability must be agreed to separately by special resolution.
First EU Directive No 68/151/EEC
Article 9
1. Acts done by the organs of the company shall be binding upon it even if those acts are not within
the objects of the company, unless such acts exceed the powers that the law confers or allows to be
conferred on those organs.
However, Member States may provide that the company shall not be bound where such acts are
outside the objects of the company, if it proves that the third party knew that the act was outside
those objects or could not in view of the circumstances have been unaware of it; disclosure of the
statutes[5 ] shall not of itself be sufficient proof thereof.
2. The limits on the powers of the organs of the company, arising under the statutes or from a
decision of the competent organs, may never be relied on as against third parties, even if they have
been disclosed.
3. If the national law provides that authority to represent a company may, in derogation from the legal
rules governing the subject, be conferred by the statutes on a single person or on several persons
acting jointly, that law may provide that such a provision in the statutes may be relied on as against
third parties on condition that it relates to the general power of representation; the question whether
such a provision in the statutes can be relied on as against third parties shall be governed by Article
3.[6 ]
The history surrounding statutory intervention on corporate capacity
Before CA 2006, an oldstyle memorandum of a company was required to state the company’s objects. CA 2006,
by contrast, drops the requirement for a memorandum in this form, and makes a statement of the objects optional
for companies registering after the Act came into force (s 31(1)).7 In other words, if a statement of objects is made
it will be contained in the (p. 87) articles; if none is made then the company’s objects are unrestricted.8 Much of
the following discussion is irrelevant to companies with unrestricted objects. These companies avoid all the risks of
having their actions classified as ultra vires (to the extent that there are such risks, given CA 2006 ss 39 and 40).
History of the development of objects clauses
The reasoning behind objects clauses was that those who invest in a company are entitled to know what type of
enterprise it is. An equity investor in a goldmining company, it has been said, would not wish to see his savings
‘frittered away’ in a fish and chip business; equally, those who give credit to a company may reasonably expect
some indication of the scope of the activities of the enterprise with which they are dealing. But the objects clause
did not survive long merely as a statement for the information of investors and creditors. It soon became the basis
for the development of the ‘ultra vires’ doctrine, which dominated the thinking in important areas of company law for
over a century. The reforms made over the past 30 years (now reflected in CA 2006 ss 39 and 40) have deprived
the doctrine of its central role, but it has not disappeared altogether.
The ultra vires doctrine was a rule concerned with the capacity of the company. It imposed artificial limitations on
the acts and things which a company was regarded, in law, as capable of doing. Of course, as we saw in an
earlier chapter, there are some acts which in the nature of things a company, or any other kind of corporation,
simply cannot perform (eg marry or commit the crime of rape). But the ultra vires doctrine declared that, in addition
to these natural limitations on a company’s capacity, it was also to be regarded as incapable of doing anything
which was not within the scope of its objects clause, or reasonably incidental thereto. The doctrine, in other words,
restricted the powers of the company to matters covered by its stated objects, and any act which was outside
those objects was not simply beyond the authority of the directors as a corporate organ, but beyond the capacity
of the company itself—and, in the eyes of the law, a nullity having no effect whatever. It followed that not even the
unanimous decision of the members could authorise or ratify such an act, as the House of Lords established in the
leading case of Ashbury Railway Carriage & Iron Co Ltd v Riche[1875] LR 7 HL 653, HL.9
Although the doctrine was concerned to confine the activities of a company within its stated objects, it necessarily
had the effect also of restricting the company’s powers. The line between objects and powers is a difficult—
perhaps an impossible—one to draw. The courts did make the concession that a company should be deemed to
have implied powers to do anything reasonably incidental to its declared objects (AG v Great Eastern Rly
Co (1880) 5 App (p. 88) Cas 473, HL) so that, for instance, a trading company could borrow money for the
purposes of its trading business, but even then the position was not always clear. Could a company with surplus
funds invest them in the shares of another company? Was this something which it had power to do, incidentally to
its main business, or did it need to state in its memorandum that investing in shares was one of its objects?
The draftsmen of company memoranda, confronted with such uncertainties, chose to minimise the risk that
outsiders might attack the company’s actions for lack of capacity. They tried to put the matter beyond doubt by
enlarging the objects clause and specifically including the making of investments as one of the objects of the
company. Naturally, objects clauses become longer and longer.
The judges saw it as their role to fight a rearguard action against these attempts to undermine the ultra
vires doctrine, perhaps seeing it as the strongest weapon they had to cope with cases of blatant corporate
wrongdoing. They protested frequently at the length and prolixity of the drafting—a futile gesture, and a rather
unbecoming attitude for them to take, since most of them must, as counsel, have spent much professional time
earlier on in their careers in drafting and settling the very terms which they now sought to condemn!
By contrast, the insiders consistently aimed to ensure that the capacity of their companies should be as nearly
unfettered as possible. Besides enumerating objects at great length,10 draftsmen adopted other devices, such as:
(i) specifying what are essentially powers as objects of the company (Re Introductions Ltd [1970] Ch 199, CA
(indicating that the courts might not always be persuaded and might, despite the express words, construe the
powers as merely incidental) and Rolled Steel Products (Holdings) Ltd v British Steel Corpn [1986] Ch 246, CA);
(ii) including clauses designed to ensure that no listed object should be construed restrictively by being read as
merely ancillary to some other object (an all objects are ‘main objects’ clause: see Cotman v Brougham [1918] AC
514, HL11 ); and (iii) authorising the company, or its directors, to determine any extensions to the company’s
objects as may seem warranted (a ‘subjective objects’ clause: see Bell Houses Ltd v City Wall Properties
Ltd[1966] 2 QB 656, CA): that is, ‘To carry on any other trade or business whatsoever which can, in the opinion of
the board of directors, be advantageously carried on by the company in connection with or as ancillary to … the
general business of the company.’12 Despite attracting judicial complaints, these drafting devices went a
considerable way to mitigate the harshness of the ultra vires rule by minimising the occasions when it could be
The judges, too, assisted in this process. In the Rolled Steel case [3.04], the Court of Appeal drew a distinction
between a company’s power or capacity to do an act (absence of which would render the contract void), and the
exercise of that power or capability for improper ends. This distinction was used to save many transactions with
third parties that had previously been regarded as beyond capacity, when it was thought that the company’s
powers could not (at law) be exercised for improper ends.
(p. 89) Calls for reform
As a result of the approaches previously described, the ultra vires doctrine struck most infrequently, but then with
such random effect, that it was a hazard for the very people it was supposed to protect. These were the company’s
own members or shareholders and its unsuspecting creditors, who might naturally enough assume that a
company with a properly drafted objects clause would have the power to do anything at all. Accordingly, the case
for abolishing the doctrine altogether was for decades an unanswerable one.
It was suggested very early on by the Cohen Committee (Cmd 6659, 1945, para 12) that every company ‘should,
notwithstanding anything omitted from its memorandum of association, have as regards third parties the same
powers as an individual. Existing provisions in memoranda as regards the powers of companies … should operate
solely as a contract between a company and its shareholders as to the powers exercisable by the directors’. This
recommendation was not implemented because the government at the time recognised that to abrogate the ultra
vires principle without at the same time modifying the rule that all those dealing with a company were deemed to
have constructive notice of its memorandum (‘Constructive notice and its abolition’, p 128) would be pointless. The
outsider would simply be deemed to know that the directorshad no authority to contract on a matter not covered by
the objects clause (rather than that the company had no capacity). The constructive notice rule was thought too
important to jettison without further consideration, so the ultra vires doctrine was left in place.
The Jenkins Committee (Cmnd 1749, 1962, para 42) recommended a different reform, which would have replaced
the constructive notice doctrine with an elaborate set of statutory rules, but rather oddly did not urge the abolition
of the ultra vires doctrine itself. Nothing came of that recommendation, either.
Meantime, countries all around the Commonwealth were taking steps to discard both doctrines by one technique
or another, such as enacting comprehensive lists of statutory objects applicable to all companies, declaring
companies to have the full legal capacity of a natural person, allowing ‘unlimited objects’ clauses, making the
objects clause optional, and even (in the case of the Isle of Man) banning the registration of objects clauses
When the UK acceded to the Treaty of Rome in 1972, it was finally necessary to make modifications to the
doctrines of ultra vires and constructive notice in order to comply with Art 9 of the First EU Company Law Directive
(see the previous extract). Article 9 was concerned (inter alia) to ensure that a third party dealing with a company
should not be disadvantaged by the possibility that the company was acting beyond its capacity. In the UK, this
was effected by s 9(1) of the European Communities Act 1972 (later consolidated as Companies Act 1985 (CA
1985) s 35, in its original form, then CA 1985 ss 35, 35A and 35B, and now CA 2006 ss 39 and 40). The drafting of
the very first of these provisions was defective in a number of respects. There were suggestions it did not even
meet the demands of the Directive. The result was most unsatisfactory: the harshest effects of the ultra
vires doctrine were undoubtedly avoided in part, but the doctrine itself was allowed to survive.
Further reform came in 1989, following recommendations made by Professor Prentice in his Report, published in
1986. These recommendations also dealt with the doctrine of constructive notice (‘Constructive notice and its
abolition’, pp 128ff) and the apparent authority of corporate representatives (‘Summary of agency principles’, pp
95ff). Section 35 of CA 1985 was recast, so as to prevent the validity of any act done by a company from being
called into question on the ground of lack of capacity (see ‘Statutory provision protecting third parties (outsiders)
from the consequences of constitutional limitations on corporate capacity’, p 85). But, once again, the ultra
viresdoctrine itself was not abolished.
CA 2006 is in many respects the same. The ultra vires doctrine therefore survives for some internal purposes; has
been used as a justification for imposing a disqualification(p. 90) order on a director (Re Samuel Sherman
plc [1991] 1 WLR 1070); and continues to apply to charitable companies (s 35(4)), and to bodies not governed by
the Companies Acts. On the ‘internal purposes’, the abolition of the traditional connection between a company’s
objects clause and its capacity does not mean that those acting on behalf of the company now have carte blanche
to do what they like in the company’s name. A member has always had a right to seek an injunction to prevent the
company from entering into what would have been an ultra vires transaction. And directors must observe any
limitations on their powers flowing from the company’s constitution (s 171), and will be liable to the company for
any breaches.
The problem now is to decide just how much of the massive body of case law which the doctrine generated in its
heyday it remains important to know. It will still be necessary at times to construe a company’s objects clause,
particularly in the context of directors’ duties when it is necessary to know the proper scope of the directors’
activities, so knowledge of some, at least, of the old cases will be required for this purpose. A small number of
these cases are therefore noted in the following section.
Finally, remember that objects clauses are contained in the company’s articles (if they are included at all), and
unless these provisions in the articles are entrenched, the articles can be changed by special resolution (ss 21
and 22, and see ‘Alteration of the articles’, p 219); and special resolutions can, it would seem, be passed
informally (see ss 29, 281, 283, and ‘Informal decisionmaking—the “Duomatic” principle’, p 206).
Interpreting objects clauses
As noted earlier, it is usually no longer necessary for outsiders to concern themselves with limitations in the
corporate constitution: see CA 2006 ss 39 and (noting the good faith requirement in the latter section) at ‘Authority
of the company’s agents’, p 84. But if the directors successfully commit the company to a contract which is
outside the company’s objects, and thus outside the directors’ actual authority and therefore in breach of CA 2006
s 171, then the company may be in a position to seek a remedy from its defaulting directors. In pursuing that
claim, the company will have to prove that the company’s constitution prohibited the directors’ actions, and that
will involve construing the objects clauses, perhaps using the following cases.
Some powers—such as the power to borrow—may be construed restrictively by the court as incidental
powers, even though declared by the memorandum to be objects.
[3.02] Re Introductions Ltd [1970] Ch 199 (Court of Appeal)
The litigation concerned the validity of a secured loan. Before the loan was granted, the bank was given a copy of
the company’s memorandum and articles, and was expressly aware that the company was carrying on the
business of pig breeding, which was ultra vires. The bank unsuccessfully argued that the company nevertheless
had the power to borrow, even for this purpose, because the company’s objects included the power to borrow, and
made that power an ‘independent’ object.
HARMAN LJ: [After outlining the facts.] There is also in this memorandum a form of words which is
common enough, and has been for many years; the words at the end of the objects clause are these: ‘It is
hereby expressly declared that each of the proceeding subclauses shall be construed independently of and
shall be in no way limited by reference to any other subclause and that the objects set out in each sub
clause are independent objects of the company.’ Of course, the original idea of that form of words was to
avoid the old difficulty, which was that there was a main objects (p. 91) clause and all the others were
ancillary to the main objects; and many questions of ultra vires arose out of that.
It was argued, therefore, that the only obligation of the bank was to satisfy itself that there was an express
power to borrow money, and that this power was converted into an object by the concluding words of the
objects clause which I have read. It was said that, if this was so, not only need the bank inquire no further
but also that it was unaffected by the knowledge which it had that the activity on which the money was to
be spent was one beyond the company’s powers.
The judge rejected this view, and I agree with him. He based his judgment, I think, on the view that a power
or an object conferred on a company to borrow cannot mean something in the air: borrowing is not an end in
itself and must be for some purpose of the company; and since this borrowing was for an ultra vires
purpose, that is an end of the matter.
Mr Walton, I think, agreed that if subclause (N) must in truth be construed as a power, such a power must
be for a purpose within the company’s memorandum. He says that it is ‘elevated into an object’ (to use his
own phrase) by the concluding words of the objects clause in the memorandum, and this object, being an
independent object of the company, will protect the lender and that that is its purpose. I answer that by
saying that you cannot convert a power into an object merely by saying so …
I agree with the judge that it is a necessarily implied addition to a power to borrow, whether express or
implied, that you should add ‘for the purposes of the company’. This borrowing was not for a legitimate
purpose of the company: the bank knew it, and, therefore, cannot rely on its debentures. I would dismiss
the appeal.
➤ Notes
1. The approach of Re Introductions Ltd to the construction of objects clauses, including the ‘demotion’ in
appropriate cases of ‘objects’ to ‘incidental powers’, has been endorsed in later cases. However, in Rolled Steel
Products it is suggested that the decision in Introductions should be seen as resting not on ultra vires but on the
basis that the directors had abused their powers or exceeded their authority. See the discussion at ‘Failure to act
for proper purposes’, p 331. What difference does this make to the relevant legal analysis and to the practical
outcome for the various parties potentially affected?
2. One type of corporate ‘object’ which sometimes calls for particular attention in this connection is that of making
gifts and paying pensions and gratuities. Re Horsley & Weight Ltd [4.30] illustrates that such provisions can be
legitimate substantive objects of a company, although it is now possible that such transactions might be open to
attack under IA 1986 s 238, as being ‘at an undervalue’.
3. By contrast, in the Court of Appeal in Brady v Brady [10.08], Nourse LJ expressed views which suggest that
the ratio decidendi of Re Horsley & Weight Ltd may have a restricted application. He said:
In its broadest terms the principle is that a company cannot give away its assets. So stated, it is subject to
the qualification that in the realm of theory a memorandum of association may authorise a company to give
away all its assets to whomsoever it pleases, including its shareholders. But in the real world of trading
companies, charitable or political donations, pensions to widows of exemployees and the like apart, it is
obvious that such a power would never be taken. The principle is only a facet of the wider rule, the corollary
of limited liability, that the integrity of a company’s assets, except to the extent allowed by its constitution,
must be preserved for the benefit of all those who are interested in them, most pertinently its creditors.
The House of Lords reversed the decision of the Court of Appeal in this case without commenting on these
(p. 92) An act which comes within the scope of a power conferred expressly or impliedly by the company’s
constitution is not beyond the company’s capacity by reason of the fact that the directors entered into it for
some improper purpose.
[3.03] Charterbridge Corpn Ltd v Lloyds Bank Ltd [1970] Ch 62 (Chancery Division)
The plaintiff company asked the court to declare that a legal charge, given by a company referred to as ‘Castleford’
to the defendant bank as security for the due performance of its obligations under a guarantee, was void,
being ultra vires Castleford. The guarantee was itself security for the indebtedness to the bank of another company
(‘Pomeroy’) and other companies in the same group as Castleford, all of which were controlled and run by Mr
Pomeroy. It was alleged that the guarantee and charge were ultra vires because at the time when they were given,
Mr Pomeroy had not bona fide intended to further the interests of Castleford (although nor had he intended to
prejudice Castleford’s interests; he had simply not given the matter separate consideration, ie consideration
separate from the interests of the corporate group). The court held that this was irrelevant to the question of ultra
PENNYCUICK J: It will be borne in mind that the present action is based exclusively upon the contention
that it was ultra vires Castleford, ie outside its corporate powers, to give the guarantee and legal charge. On
this footing [so it is alleged] the guarantee and legal charge were a nullity.
Apart from authority, I should feel little doubt that where a company is carrying out the purposes expressed
in its memorandum, and does an act within the scope of a power expressed in its memorandum, that act is
an act within the powers of the company. The memorandum of a company sets out its objectives and
proclaims them to persons dealing with the company and it would be contrary to the whole function of a
memorandum that objects unequivocally set out in it should be subject to some implied limitation by
reference to the state of mind of the parties concerned.
[By contrast …] Where directors misapply the assets of their company, that may give rise to a claim based
on breach of duty. Again, a claim may arise against the other party to the transaction, if he has notice that
the transaction was effected in breach of duty. Further, in a proper case, the company concerned may be
entitled to have the transaction set aside. But all that results from the ordinary law of agency and has not of
itself anything to do with the corporate powers of the company.
[3.04] Rolled Steel Products (Holdings) Ltd v British Steel Corpn [1986] Ch 246 (Court of Appeal)
Clause 3(K) of the memorandum of RSP empowered it to give guarantees. It guaranteed the obligation of SSS, an
associated company, to BSC and gave security over its property in transactions which were in no way for its own
advantage but did benefit one of its own directors, Shenkman. All the shareholders of RSP were aware of the
irregularity of these transactions, and so also was BSC. Vinelott J at first instance ([1982] Ch 478) held that the
knowledge of BSC that the transactions did not further the objects of RSP made them ultra vires and void, and
incapable of validation by the members’ consent. The Court of Appeal, though ruling that the transactions were
unenforceable on other grounds [3.17], held that they were not ultra vires, and declared that the line of cases on
which the judge had relied (including Re Introductions Ltd[3.02]), should not be understood as establishing that an
improper purpose could affect the question of a company’s capacity.
BROWNEWILKINSON LJ: In my judgment, much of the confusion that has crept into the law flows from
the use of the phrase ‘ultra vires’ in different senses in different contexts. The reconciliation of the
authorities can only be achieved if one first defines the sense in which one is using the words ‘ultra vires’.
Because the literal translation of the words is ‘beyond the powers’, there are many (p. 93) cases in which
the words have been applied to transactions, which, although within the capacity of the company, are
carried out otherwise than through the correct exercise of the powers of the company by its officers: indeed,
that is the sense in which the judge seems to have used the words in this case. For reasons which will
appear, in my judgment, the use of the phrase ‘ultra vires’ should be restricted to those cases where the
transaction is beyond the capacity of the company and therefore wholly void.
A company, being an artificial person, has no capacity to do anything outside the objects specified in its
memorandum of association. If the transaction is outside the objects, in law it is wholly void. [Although note
the changes CA 2006 now makes to this assertion: see ‘Statutory provisions protecting third parties
(outsiders) from the consequences of constitutional limitations on corporate capacity’, p 85 and ‘CA 2006 s
40: statutory deeming provisions to avoid constitutional limitations on directors’ authority’, p 97. But the
objects of a company and the powers conferred on a company to carry out those objects are two different
things: see ‘ History of the development of objects clauses’, p 87.] If the concept that a company cannot do
anything which is not authorised by law had been pursued with ruthless logic, the result might have been
reached that a company could not (ie, had no capacity) to do anything otherwise than in due exercise of its
powers. But such ruthless logic has not been pursued and it is clear that a transaction falling within the
objects of the company is capable of conferring rights on third parties even though the transaction was an
abuse of the powers of the company: see, for example, Re David Payne & Co Ltd.13 It is therefore
established that a company has capacity to carry out a transaction which falls within its objects even
though carried out by the wrongful exercise of its powers.
In my judgment, for this purpose the position of a company is analogous to that of a human being who has
fiduciary powers. If two trustees convey trust property in breach of trust, the conveyance is not void. As
human beings they have the capacity to transfer the legal estate: their capacity to transfer flows from their
status as human beings, not from the powers conferred on them as trustees. Even if their powers under the
trust instrument did not authorise the conveyance, the legal estate will vest in the transferee. Beneficiaries
under the trust would be entitled, if they learnt in time, to restrain the execution of such conveyance in
excess of the powers of the trustees. If the beneficiaries only discovered the position after the conveyance,
the transferee, if he took with notice, would be personally liable as a constructive trustee and the property
conveyed could be recovered: but the conveyance would not be a nullity. So in the case of a limited
company, if a transaction falls within the objects of the company (and is therefore within its capacity) it is
effective to vest rights in a third party even if the transaction was carried out in excess or abuse of the
powers of the company. If the members of the company learn of what is proposed in time, they will be able
to restrain such transaction: if they only discover the facts later, their remedy lies against those who have
wrongly caused the company to act in excess or abuse of the company’s powers. If a third party has
received the company’s property with notice of the excess or abuse of powers, such third party will be
personally liable as a constructive trustee and the company will be able to recover the property:
see Belmont Finance Corpn Ltd v Williams Furniture Ltd (No 2) [10.10].
However, the analogy between companies and trustees is not complete. As an artificial person, a company
can only act by duly authorised agents. Apart from questions of ostensible authority, directors like any
other agents can only bind the company by acts done in accordance with the formal requirements of their
agency, eg by resolution of the board at a properly constituted meeting. Acts done otherwise than in
accordance with these formal requirements will not be the acts of the company. However, the principles of
ostensible authority apply to the acts of directors acting as agents of the company and the rule
in Turquand’s case [3.16]establishes that a third party dealing in good faith with directors is entitled to
assume that the internal steps requisite for the formal validity of the directors’ acts have been duly carried
through. If, however, the third party has actual or constructive notice that such steps had not been taken, he
will not be able to rely on any ostensible (p. 94) authority of the directors and their acts, being in excess of
their actual authority, will not be the acts of the company.
The critical distinction is, therefore, between acts done in excess of the capacity of the company on the
one hand and acts done in excess or abuse of the powers of the company on the other. If the transaction is
beyond the capacity of the company it is in any event a nullity and wholly void: whether or not the third
party had notice of the invalidity, property transferred or money paid under such a transaction will be
recoverable from the third party. If, on the other hand, the transaction (although in excess or abuse of
powers) is within the capacity of the company, the position of the third party depends upon whether or not
he had notice that the transaction was in excess or abuse of the powers of the company. As between the
shareholders and the directors, for most purposes it makes no practical difference whether the transaction
is beyond the capacity of the company or merely in excess or abuse of its power: in either event the
shareholders will be able to restrain the carrying out of the transaction or hold liable those who have carried
it out. Only if the question of ratification by all the shareholders arises will it be material to consider whether
the transaction is beyond the capacity of the company since it is established that, although all the
shareholders can ratify a transaction within the company’s capacity, they cannot ratify a transaction falling
outside its objects.
In this judgment I therefore use the words ‘ultra vires’ as covering only those transactions which the
company has no capacity to carry out: ie those things the company cannot do at all as opposed to those
things it cannot do properly.
The two badges of a transaction which is ultra vires in that sense are (1) that the transaction is wholly void
and (consequentially) (2) that it is irrelevant whether or not the third party had notice. It is therefore in this
sense that the transactions in Re David Payne & Co Ltd and Charterbridge Corpn Ltd v Lloyds Bank
Ltd [3.03] were held not to be ultra vires. The distinction between the capacity of the company and the
abuse of powers was also drawn by Oliver J in Re Halt Garage (1964) Ltd[5.03] …
For these reasons, in considering a claim based on ultra vires, the first step must be to determine what are
the objects (as opposed to the powers) of a company. Not all activities mentioned in the objects clause are
necessarily objects in the strict sense: some of them may only be capable of existing as, or on their true
construction are, ancillary powers: Cotman v Brougham and Re Introductions Ltd. And this may be the
position even if the memorandum of association contains the usual ‘separate objects’ clause: such a clause
is not capable of elevating into an object of the company that which is in essence a power: see Re
Introductions Ltd[3.02].
If, on construction of the objects clause, the transactions fall within the objects (as opposed to the powers),
it will not be ultra vires since the company has the capacity to enter into the transaction. If the objects
clause contains provisions (whether objects or powers) which show that a transaction of the kind in
question is within the capacity of the company, that transaction will not be ultra vires …
The main difficulty in reconciling the authorities is Re Introductions Ltd. In my judgment, however, the
decision in that case accords with the views I have expressed. The bank seeking to enforce the debenture
had actual knowledge that the company was going to use the borrowed moneys for a purpose (pig breeding)
which was wholly outside its main objects. The provision relating to borrowing in the memorandum of
association was construed as being an ancillary power to borrow for the purposes of the company’s
business. Accordingly, the lender had actual notice of all the facts necessary to appreciate that the
borrowing was in excess of the powers, ie, an abuse of powers. It is to be noted that in the Court of Appeal
judgments the transaction is nowhere categorised as ultra vires and void. Indeed, … the Court of Appeal
held that the liability of the bank depended on the fact that it had notice. Buckley J at first instance
described the borrowing as being ultra vires: but, in my judgment, this was merely an unguarded use of
language since he also regarded the bank’s knowledge of the facts as being a crucial element rendering the
debenture unenforceable … In my judgment, the Introductions case is not a decision relating to ultra vires in
the strict sense: it is an (p. 95) example of a case in which a third party has entered into a transaction with
a company with actual notice that the transaction was an abuse of power and accordingly could not enforce
the transaction against the company …
Applying those principles to the present case, in my judgment, no question of ultra vires arises.
SLADE and LAWTON LJJ delivered concurring judgments.
➤ Notes
1. Whether they acknowledged it or not, the members of the Court of Appeal in this case were making a break
with the past and laying down a new rule. Their reasoning is undoubtedly more logical, but their treatment of
earlier—indeed, binding—Court of Appeal decisions such as Re Introductions Ltd [3.02] was controversial.
2. The events in Rolled Steel occurred before the European Communities Act 1972 came into force—that is,
before there was any provision in the law corresponding to CA 1985 ss 35–35A and, now, CA 2006 s 39. But
this would not have saved BSC, since the court held that it had not been ‘acting in good faith’.
3. The judgments in Rolled Steel refer throughout to ‘corporate power’ and the company’s abuse of
its corporate power. Read in today’s context, might this be more accurately regarded as a reference to
the directors’ abuse of their powers (ie directors’ misuse of their actual authority)? See ‘Actual and ostensible
authority of corporate agents’, p 108.
4. The judgments in Rolled Steel also refer throughout to ratification by the unanimous consent of all the
shareholders where the transaction is an abuse of corporate power (but not where it is ultra vires, since even a
unanimous vote of the shareholders could not then legitimately effect the transaction). It is not clear whether
the members of the court had in mind precedents such as Multinational Gas [7.39] and Re Horsley & Weight
Ltd [4.30], where the consent had to be unanimous because it was given informally (see ‘Informal decision
making—the “Duomatic” principle’, p 206), or whether they were intending to lay down a new rule. On previous
authority, a resolution validly passed by majority vote at a general meeting would have been effective to
ratify: see NorthWest Transportation Co Ltd v Beatty [4.33] and Bamford v Bamford [4.32]. On this point, see
further ‘Members’ decisions concerning directors’ breaches’, pp 235ff, and note the changes made to these
approval and ratification rules by CA 2006 ss 180 and 239.
5. The distinction made in cases such as Re Introductions Ltd [3.02] between a substantive object and a
‘mere’ power loses a lot of point in the light of the decision inRolled Steel, but it may remain of some
relevance to the question of whether the directors have exceeded or abused their corporate powers (see
‘Failure to act for proper purposes’, p 331).
Agency and authority in corporate contracting
Reread ‘Contractual liability: general issues’, pp 82–85, which summarises the issues that need to be considered
in deciding whether an agent acting for the company has successfully bound the company in contract to the third
Summary of agency principles
These are threeparty problems. The goal is to bind the principal (the company) in contract to the third party using
the efforts of the agent (who is probably a company director or company employee).
(p. 96) The actual authority of the agent is determined by looking solely at the principal–agent relationship: what
authority has the principal actually given the agent ? The third party is irrelevant to this determination. If the board
of directors, or someone authorised by the board, effects the transaction for the company, there are few problems.
The articles typically give the board (not an individual director) the authority to manage the business of the
company (see Model Articles, extracted at ‘Rules of attribution: how does a company act?’, p 82), subject of
course to any limitations imposed by the company’s objects clause (although on that see ‘Interpreting objects
clauses’, p 90), and subject to any special limitations specified in the company’s own articles. This authority given
to the board typically includes the authority to enter into contracts on behalf of the company, and to delegate that
authority to others. If the agent obtains his or her authority in this way, then the agent will have actual
authority from the company to transact on behalf of the company (but must observe any limitations in the grant of
authority, eg authority only for specific tasks, or only within specific financial limits).
Problems arise if it is not so clear who purported to act for the company in granting actual authority to the agent.
The agent cannot obtain actual authority if the person delegating it did not have actual authority to so delegate
(see the way this delegation from the board of directors was found in HelyHutchinson [3.09]).
Delegation of actual authority by the company to the agent can be implied. The agent will then have implied actual
authority. Delegation of authority may be implied by appointing a person to a particular role in the company; then
the assumption is that the individual has implied actual authority to do all the things necessary to fulfil that role.
The cases sometimes say that the agent has ‘usual’ authority to do what the job requires (but see later for the
potential confusion).
Ostensible authority, on the other hand, arises from the relationship between the principal and the third party. The
agent is irrelevant to the analysis. The agent’s ostensible authority is the authority he is represented by the
principal to the third party as having. This may be more or less extensive than the agent’s actual authority. Again,
some care is needed, because the representation to the third party must be by the company (the principal), since
the goal is to bind the principal in contract to the third party. The person acting for the company in making the
representation must have the necessary (actual) authority to make it (it is not possible to ‘build ostensible
authority on ostensible authority’).
Again, a representation can be implied. Appointment of a person to a particular role can constitute a
representation to outsiders that the person has all the authority that usually goes with that role. A managing
director can usually do certain things, as can a marketing director or the company’s secretary. So ‘usual’ authority
rears its head again. But notice this time that the appointment serves as a representation to the third party. The
ostensible authority it will support is only the authority carried by the representation, which must be made by the
company to the third party. Care must therefore be taken with the idea of ‘usual authority’—it can be employed in
two quite different situations.
The third party’s bona fides are not relevant when the agent has actual authority to transact for the company.14 But
they are relevant when the third party wishes to rely on ostensible authority: then the third party must be able to
assert that there was reliance, and that it was reasonable.
Two further points need to be made for completeness. First, no authority of any sort is generated by mere
assertion by the agent to the third party that the agent is authorised, no matter how credible the assertion.
Secondly, the deeming provisions permitted by CA 2006 s 40 (relating to corporate capacity constraints) and the
indoor management rule (relating (p. 97) to internal procedural matters) can be relied upon to expand the
assertion by the third party of the agent’s actual or ostensible authority. These are both examined in the following
CA 2006 s 40: statutory deeming provisions to avoid constitutional limitations on directors’
The relevant provision is contained in the following extract. It must be read carefully. It allows third parties ‘dealing
with’ the company (defined in s 40(2)) in ‘good faith’ (with provisions on this in s 40(2)(b)) to deem the power of the
‘directors’15 (not other agents) to bind the company to be free of any ‘limitation under the company’s constitution’
(defined more widely than limitations in the articles (see s 40(3)).
Note CA 2006 s 41. It is an important qualification to these general rules. It excludes the presumptions permitted
by CA 2006 s 40 where the dealing is with the directors of the company or its holding company, or any persons
connected with these directors. Effectively, these ‘insiders’ are irrebuttably presumed to know the true state of
affairs. The remedies available to the company in these ‘insider’ circumstances are wider than those available at
common law, and are set out in s 41 which follows.
Companies Act 2006 ss 40 and 41
40 Power of directors to bind the company
(1) In favour of a person dealing with a company in good faith, the power of the directors to bind the
company, or authorise others to do so, is deemed to be free of any limitation under the company’s
(2) For this purpose—
(a) a person “deals with” a company if he is a party to any transaction or other act to which the
company is a party,
(b) a person dealing with a company—
(i) is not bound to enquire as to any limitation on the powers of the directors to bind the
company or authorise others to do so,
(ii) is presumed to have acted in good faith unless the contrary is proved, and
(iii) is not to be regarded as acting in bad faith by reason only of his knowing that an act is
beyond the powers of the directors under the company’s constitution.
(3) The references above to limitations on the directors’ powers under the company’s constitution
include limitations deriving—
(a) from a resolution of the company or of any class of shareholders, or
(b) from any agreement between the members of the company or of any class of shareholders.
(4) This section does not affect any right of a member of the company to bring proceedings to restrain
the doing of an action that is beyond the powers of the directors.
But no such proceedings lie in respect of an act to be done in fulfilment of a legal obligation arising
from a previous act of the company.
(5) This section does not affect any liability incurred by the directors, or any other person, by reason
of the directors’ exceeding their powers.
(p. 98) (6) This section has effect subject to—
section 41 (transactions with directors or their associates), and
section 42 (companies that are charities).
41 Constitutional limitations: transactions involving directors or their associates
(1) This section applies to a transaction if or to the extent that its validity depends on section 40
(power of directors deemed to be free of limitations under company’s constitution in favour of person
dealing with company in good faith).
Nothing in this section shall be read as excluding the operation of any other enactment or rule of law
by virtue of which the transaction may be called in question or any liability to the company may arise.
(2) Where—
(a) a company enters into such a transaction, and
(b) the parties to the transaction include—
(i) a director of the company or of its holding company, or
(ii) a person connected with any such director,
the transaction is voidable at the instance of the company.
(3) Whether or not it is avoided, any such party to the transaction as is mentioned in subsection (2)(b)
(i) or (ii), and any director of the company who authorised the transaction, is liable—
(a) to account to the company for any gain he has made directly or indirectly by the transaction,
(b) to indemnify the company for any loss or damage resulting from the transaction.
(4) The transaction ceases to be voidable if—
(a) restitution of any money or other asset which was the subject matter of the transaction is no
longer possible, or
(b) the company is indemnified for any loss or damage resulting from the transaction, or
(c) rights acquired bona fide for value and without actual notice of the directors’ exceeding their
powers by a person who is not party to the transaction would be affected by the avoidance, or
(d) the transaction is affirmed by the company.
(5) A person other than a director of the company is not liable under subsection (3) if he shows that at
the time the transaction was entered into he did not know that the directors were exceeding their
(6) Nothing in the preceding provisions of this section affects the rights of any party to the transaction
not within subsection (2)(b)(i) or (ii).
But the court may, on the application of the company or any such party, make an order affirming,
severing or setting aside the transaction on such terms as appear to the court to be just.
(7) In this section—
(a) ‘transaction’ includes any act; and
(b) the reference to a person connected with a director has the same meaning as in Part 10
(company directors).
Meaning of ‘a person’ and ‘a dealing with a company’ in CA 2006 s 40.
[3.05] Smith v HennikerMajor and Co [2002] EWCA Civ 762, [2003] Ch 182 (Court of Appeal)
The question in this case was whether a director/chairman of a company could rely on CA 1985 s 35A [CA 2006 s
40] to validate a resolution passed at the meeting, attended only by himself, to assign to himself certain causes of
action of the company. The chairman (p. 99) believed he had power under the company’s articles to act alone, but
in fact the ‘meeting’ was inquorate since the articles provided that the quorum for a board meeting was two. The
Court of Appeal divided on the issue. Robert Walker LJ thought the chairman could rely on s 35A to validate what
had happened whereas Schiemann and Carnwath LJJ thought he could not.
ROBERT WALKER LJ (dissenting on this point):
41 In my judgment the irreducible minimum, if section 35A is to be engaged, is a genuine decision taken by
a person or persons who can on substantial grounds claim to be the board of directors acting as such, even
if the proceedings of the board are marred by procedural irregularities of a more or less serious character.
This is not a precise test and it would have to be worked out on a case by case basis. But the essential
distinction is between nullity (or nonevent) and procedural irregularity.
42 That was ultimately, as I see it, the ground on which Sir Nicolas BrowneWilkinson VC based his
decision on the second issue in TCB Ltd v Gray [3.07]:
‘The evidence clearly established that no such meeting of the directors of Link ever took place. But in
fact all the directors of Link individually had decided to grant the debenture, although not at a
meeting at which they were all present.’
So the absence of a properlyconvened meeting, or a signed written resolution, was treated as an
irregularity. …
43 If an outsider had been negotiating in good faith with the company, believing that the draft contract was
to be approved at a board meeting, Mr Smith’s [the chairman’s] oneman meeting on 12 August 1998 would
in my view have passed the test and attracted protection under section 35A. Mr Smith was a duly appointed
director of SPDL. He sent a notice of the proposed board meeting to the only other director. He attended
the meeting and took decisions, recorded in the minutes which he prepared. His written evidence is that he
believed that he was entitled to take that decision on his own, and he signed the assignment of 14 August
1998 in that belief. Had he produced the minutes to a third party acting in good faith, both parties would
have been bound by any resulting agreement. …
46 Mr Mabb relied mainly on the following points in arguing that ‘person’ in section 35A(1), although
necessarily excluding the company (which could not deal with itself) did not exclude a director of the
company. (i) The contrary reading would be inconsistent with section 322A of the Companies Act 1985 [CA
2006 s 41], a provision introduced as part of the same set of amendments made by the Companies Act
1989, which must have been intended to have a coherent scheme. (ii) The natural meaning of ‘person’ is
wide and the court should be slow to find an unexpressed limitation in what are quite detailed statutory
provisions. (iii) That point was reinforced by doubt as to what limitation ought to be read in, if there were to
be any interference with the statutory text. (iv) All or most leading textbooks take the view that section
35A(1) is not restricted in this way. …
48 Mr Mabb submitted that these provisions, and those of section 35A(6) (set out in paragraph 21 above)
made plain that the two sections were intended to coexist and interact in such a way that a director who
acted in good faith but in a transaction to which he himself (or an associate) was a party, and which was
beyond the board’s powers, got through the first filter of section 35A but was caught by the second filter of
section 322A, with the result that the transaction was voidable, not void. …
50 I have found Mr Mabb’s submissions more persuasive, and especially his reliance on section 35A(6).
The two sections do crossrefer, and the terms of the crossreference in section 35A(6) are to my mind
striking. …
53 I would add that Carnwath LJ (from whom I differ only with misgivings) has referred to the speech of Lord
Simonds in Morris v Kanssen [1946] AC 459, 475–476. That was a case in which a director and his
accomplice conspired together to concoct false minutes of a board meeting which had never taken place
(and at which, as it was fraudulently claimed, the accomplice had been appointed as a director). The most
surprising thing about the case is that it reached the House of (p. 100) Lords. In the passage which
Carnwath LJ has referred to, Lord Simonds was dealing with general principles of agency and with the
general presumption of regularity of transactions. I do not find it of much help in construing section 35A of
the 1985 Act. Indeed another passage in the speech of Lord Simonds, at p 471—‘There is, as it appears to
me, a vital distinction between (a) an appointment in which there is a defect or, in other words, a defective
appointment, and (b) no appointment at all’—appears to me to give some slight support to the view which I
have expressed in paragraph 41 above. I readily acknowledge that it is not a wholly satisfactory test but I
can see no alternative short of what I would regard as an unduly restrictive reading of section 35A.
103 I agree with the judgment of Robert Walker LJ on every point, except one, in relation to the application
of section 35A of the Companies Act 1985. Unfortunately, in the somewhat unusual circumstances
explained in his judgment, this issue has now become potentially determinative of the appeal. I will therefore
explain my reasons rather more fully than in the draft judgment which was supplied to the parties.
104 The problem is to identify the ‘irreducible minimum’ needed to bring section 35A into play. Literal
interpretation does not help. On its face, the section is about the ‘power of the board of directors’ [now CA
2006 s 40 refers simply to ‘the power of the directors’] to bind the company, in favour of a person who is
party to ‘any transaction … to which the company is a party’. This begs two questions to which the section
provides no direct answer: how does the ‘board of directors’ exercise its power; and in what circumstances
is a transaction to be treated as one to which the company is a ‘party’? Both questions can only be
answered, under the ordinary law, by looking at the company’s constitution. Yet that is the very inquiry
which the section seeks to avoid.
105 I do not, with respect to Robert Walker LJ, think that this problem can be solved by the suggested
distinction between ‘nullity’ and ‘procedural irregularity’. Such distinctions have not proved workable in
administrative law (see eg de Smith, Woolf & Jowell, Judicial Review of Administrative Action, 5th ed
(1995), para 5044ff) and I do not think they are workable here. The problem is illustrated by this case. By
what criterion is it to be said that Mr Smith’s decision to constitute himself as a board of the company is to
be treated as a mere procedural irregularity, rather than a nullity? He had no more authority to take a
decision in the name of the company than the officeboy. To an outsider, of course, such a document,
emanating from the chairman, could reasonably have been assumed to have more validity than a similar
document signed by the officeboy. Yet, viewed under the company’s constitution, the decision had no
validity of any kind; it was a ‘nullity’.
106 The same problem, in different words, arises under article 9 of the Directive (‘acts done by organs of the
company’); or section 9(1) of the 1972 Act (‘transaction decided on by the directors’). In TCB Ltd v
Gray [1986] Ch 621, 636g Sir Nicolas BrowneWilkinson VC accepted the submission that it had to be
shown that the debenture was a transaction ‘decided on by the directors’, applying the wording of section
9(1) as it then was. Although there was a purported minute of a board meeting recording a decision on that
issue, the evidence showed that no such meeting had ever taken place. The position was that all the
directors had decided to grant the debenture, but not at a meeting at which they were all present. Sir
Nicolas BrowneWilkinson VC commented, at p 637:
‘It has to be borne in mind on this aspect of the case that I have to determine whether a valid
debenture was granted by Link. In my judgment Link, having put forward the minutes of the meeting
of 25 January as one of the completion documents on the basis of which TCB made the loan, could
not be heard to challenge the validity of that minute by denying that such a meeting ever took place.
Therefore the minute stands as irrefutable evidence against Link that the grant of the debenture was
a “transaction decided on by the directors”. Accordingly the necessary basis for section 9(1) of the
1972 Act to apply, as between Link and TCB, exists.’
107 I do not understand him to have treated the lack of a properly convened meeting as a mere ‘irregularity’,
which could be disregarded for that reason. The key point seems to have been that (p. 101) the purported
minute had been put forward by persons with apparent authority on behalf of the company and relied on by
the TCB in completing the transaction. In effect, therefore, Sir Nicolas BrowneWilkinson VC treated the
irreducible minimum as either an actual decision of the directors approving the transaction or something
represented as such a decision, by someone having apparent authority so to represent it, and in
circumstances in which the other party was entitled to rely on the representation.
108 I would be reluctant, however, to treat that reasoning, which was related to the facts of the case, as
laying down a general test. Nor is this the case in which to attempt that task. A purposive approach to the
section suggests a low threshold. The general policy seems to be that, if a document is put forward as a
decision of the board by someone appearing to act on behalf of the company, in circumstances where there
is no reason to doubt its authenticity, a person dealing with the company in good faith should be able to
take it at face value: see eg Mr Advocate General Mayras in Friederich Haaga GmbH [1974] ECR 1201,
1210, cited in Edwards, EC Company Law, p 43. (There may be some question, as she points out, whether
section 35A has fully achieved that policy.) In principle, where the person in question is a third party in the
ordinary sense, a wide interpretation is wholly appropriate.
109 I accept that the section does not distinguish between insiders and outsiders. It applies to any ‘person
dealing with the company’. These words are wide enough to include a director of the company. There is
nothing in law to prevent a director from being ‘a person dealing’ with his own company. If there were any
doubt in section 35A itself, it seems implicit in section 322A that a director may be such a person. On the
other hand, it is impossible to read that section as giving any comfort to directors seeking to rely on section
35A. Rather it adds a further level of defence for the company against its own directors and connected
persons, by making transactions voidable in the circumstances defined; but this is expressly stated not to
exclude any other rule by which the transaction may be avoided, and not to affect the operation of section
35A in relation to any other party: see section 322A(4)(7).
110 I would prefer, however, to express no view about the position of directors in other circumstances. The
facts here were quite exceptional. Mr Smith was not simply a director dealing with the company, and having
some incidental involvement in the decision. As chairman of the company, it was his duty to ensure that the
constitution was properly applied; yet he was personally responsible for the error by which he purported to
turn himself into a oneman board. We have to assume good faith, but that means no more than that we
have to assume that he made an honest mistake. It does not make it any less a mistake, or one for which
he is any less responsible. I do not see how he can rely on his own error to turn his own decision, which
had no validity of any kind under the company’s constitution, into a decision of ‘the board’. I see nothing in
section 35A, however purposefully interpreted, to give it that magical effect.
111 I am also comforted to find that a robust approach was taken by the House of Lords to a similar
contention in Morris v Kanssen [1946] AC 459. That concerned the application of the rule in Turquand’s
case (Royal British Bank v Turquand (1856) 6 E & B 327), which allows outsiders dealing with the company
to assume that acts of internal management have been properly carried out. The facts in Morris’s case
were, if anything, even more extreme than in the present case. There was a series of concocted meetings,
at the end of which Mr Morris claimed to have been validly appointed a director, and as such to have joined
in successfully allotting shares to himself. The question was whether he could rely on the rule for his own
benefit. Lord Simonds thought the answer was clearly no, even approaching the matter on the basis that he
was acting in good faith [1946] AC 459, 476:
‘For here Morris was himself purporting to act on behalf of the company in a transaction in which he
had no authority. Can he then say that he was entitled to assume that all was in order? My Lords,
the old question comes into my mind, “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” It is the duty of directors,
and equally of those who purport to act as directors, to look after the affairs of the company, to see
that it acts within its powers and that its transactions are regular (p. 102) and orderly. To admit in
their favour a presumption that that is rightly done which they have themselves wrongly done is to
encourage ignorance and condone dereliction from duty.’
112 Of course, he was concerned with a common law principle, rather than statute. But where, as here, the
language of a statute, even one based on a Directive, has to be stretched in a purposive way to achieve its
object, I see no reason why, in setting the limits, we should not be guided by what the common law would
deem appropriate in a similar context.
113 Accordingly, differing with great respect from the judgment just given, I would dismiss the appeal.
114 I also would dismiss this appeal.
115 So far as the issue under section 35A of the Companies Act 1985 is concerned, I have approached the
matter by first considering the First Directive on Company Law, 68/151/EEC. Article 9(2) of the Directive
‘The limits on the powers of the organs of the company, arising under the statutes or from a decision
of the competent organs, may never be relied on as against third parties, even if they have been
116 This provision was clearly intended to prevent the company from relying as against a third party on
limits on the powers of the organs of the company. I do not consider that it was intended to prevent the
company from relying on those limits as against the very director (‘the delinquent director’) who breached
those limits. The fact that the directive makes no mention of good faith seems to lend support to this view. It
is to me inconceivable that it was intended that a company should not be able to sue a director who
knowingly acted beyond his powers so as to dispose of the company’s assets. This leads me to the
conclusion that such a director falls outwith the concept of a third party as used in the Directive.
117 By contrast, the solicitors’ firm in the present case is a third party. This provision was intended to
prevent the company, and perhaps others such as the delinquent director, from relying on those limits as
against a third party. It was not in my judgment intended to prevent a third party from relying on those
118 I do not understand either of my lords to take issue with any of the foregoing. The differences between
them arise as to the proper interpretation of section 35A. Does that section enable a director, who has
made an honest mistake as to the meaning of a provision in the articles of the company of which he is a
director, himself to rely on his own mistake in order to give validity to something which would lack validity
were it not for that mistake? In the phraseology of judges who lived in a different sartorial era, to pull himself
up by his own bootstraps. To that question Robert Walker LJ gives an affirmative and Carnwath LJ and
Rimer J a negative answer.
119 Section 35A uses different drafting from the directive and I accept poses more difficult problems.
Manifestly, at least in part, it was enacted to give effect to article 9(2). However, I accept of course that it
was open to Parliament to go beyond what the Directive required and to enact that a director of a company
should be able to rely as against third parties on his own mistake made in good faith as to his powers.
120 There is frequently tension in the law—one sees it in administrative law as well as agency and
company law—between two desiderata. The first is the desire to ensure that A acting on behalf of B only
does that which B has properly authorised: this desire is caused by the wish to protect B from the
consequences of that which he has not authorised. The second is the desire to ensure that C who in good
faith relies on the acts of A as binding B is then not frustrated in his expectations because it turns out that
B has never given A the authority to do those acts. One can easily find policy arguments for giving weight to
either desideratum.
121 Manifestly both the directive and section 35A are concerned with giving greater emphasis to the second
desideratum than the first. They seek to resolve the tension between B and C in favour of C.
(p. 103) 122 Section 322A is not primarily concerned with this tension or the tension between B and C. It
is concerned with the tension between B and A and gives B the opportunity of resolving any tension in its
123 What the present case is in substance concerned with is the tension between A and C. I have not
heard of any possible policy reason for enabling a director in A’s position to rely on his own mistake visà
vis C. I can see none for myself. I thus approach the case with a predisposition to find in favour of the
solicitors rather than in favour of the director.
124 Mr Mabb has put forward a careful argument to the effect that in the circumstances it is really the
director who is to be regarded as C, rather than the solicitors who relied upon him having the authority of the
company. I find that result counterintuitive.
125 I accept that the word ‘person’ is on its face wide enough to include such a director and that there is
nothing in the section itself which points against the word being given such a wide meaning. That however is
not to say that it must be given such a wide meaning.
126 The fact that we are here dealing with a oneman board meeting I agree is irrelevant. My reasoning and
conclusions would be the same if the articles required a quorum of three and there had been merely two
who attended the board meeting which resolved to part with the company’s assets to them.
127 Moreover I accept that, whatever one’s intuitive feelings as to the right end result, one must consider
whether the statute compels a contrary conclusion.
128 Like Carnwath LJ and the judge, I do not think that it does. I do not accept that section 322A is
inconsistent with a construction of section 35A which inhibits a director who is the author of his own
misfortune from profiting visàvis third parties from his own mistake. Section 322A seems to me to be
concerned with a different problem, namely, with what a company can do visàvis its own director who has
overstepped the mark.
129 I note the point made by Mr Mabb about the desirability for certainty and the possible difficulties of
drawing the line once one says that the phrase ‘person dealing with the company’ is not to be construed as
comprising all persons. As it seems to me there is no difficulty in excluding from such persons the very
directors who overstepped the limitations in the company’s constitution.
130 So far as the other issues are concerned I gratefully adopt what Robert Walker LJ has said.
131 Since Carnwath LJ agrees that this appeal should be dismissed it will be.
➤ Questions
1. In Smith v Hennik erMajor and Co [3.05], the majority interprets the CA 1985 s 35A reference to ‘a person’
dealing with the company as excluding directors, or at least as then importing a different test of what
constitutes ‘a dealing with a company’ when the dealing is with directors. Does CA 2006 s 41, and the
approach of Robert Walker LJ, provide an effective answer to that?
2. Whatever the answer to the previous question, a court must still be clear whether there is an ‘irreducible
minimum’ that has to be established before a person can rely on CA 1985 s 35A (CA 2006 s 40). For
example, can the provision be relied upon where the person dealing on behalf of the company is not a director
at all? No conclusion emerges from the judgments (see Robert Walker LJ at [41] (dissenting) and contrast
with Carnwath LJ at [103]–[108]). Given the policy of the Directive that is being implemented, is a restrictive or
expansive approach preferable? What are the risks of either extreme in these approaches?
3. The answer to the previous question may depend in part on a further drafting matter. CA 1985 s 35A refers
to ‘the power of the board of directors to bind the company, or authorise others to do so’, whereas CA 2006 s
40 refers to ‘the power of the directors to bind the company, or authorise others to do so’. Hansard offers no
explanation for the change, nor whether it was intentional. Some commentators therefore continue to interpret
the section as if it referred to the board; others see the change as material. With the former approach, (p.
104) determining whether ‘the board’ has acted at all (as in Smith [3.05]) is clearly important. By contrast, a
test focused on determining whether ‘the directors’ (or even a director) has acted may be more lenient. Which
approach is correct? Which construction best meets the intentions of the early Directive?
[3.06] EIC Services Ltd v Phipps [2004] EWCA Civ 1069 (Court of Appeal)
The Court of Appeal held that shareholder receiving a bonus share was not ‘a person dealing with a company’
within the meaning of CA 1985 s 35A(1), and so the share issue was void as it had not been effectively authorised
by E’s members, overruling Neuberger J in the court as follows.
34 For section 35A(1) to validate the bonus issue it was necessary to find that the shareholders receiving
the shares were persons dealing with the company in good faith and that the reasons why the bonus issue
would otherwise have been invalid were limitations under the company’s constitution on the power of the
board of directors to bind the company. The judge [Neuberger J] held that a shareholder of a company
receiving shares (whether or not bonus shares) from the company is ‘a person dealing with the company’
within the scope of section 35A(1). He considered that, as a matter of ordinary language, such a
shareholder would be within the ambit of those words, and he said that, in the absence of a powerful reason
to the contrary, it is inappropriate to treat naturally wide words in a statute as subject to an implied
limitation. The judge also referred to the decision of this court in Smith v Hennik erMajor & Co [3.05] and
found that the reasoning of each member of this court appeared, if anything, to support his conclusion. He
also found that section 322A of the 1985 Act indirectly supported his conclusions. That section sets out
circumstances in which section 35A cannot be relied on. Those circumstances are limited to transactions
between a company and a director of it or of its holding company or a person connected with the directors
or a company with whom such a director is associated. Finally the judge expressed the view that the
present case plainly fell within the policy behind section 35A as expressed by Carnwath LJ in Smith, at
para 108:
‘The general policy seems to be that, if a document is put forward as a decision of the board by
someone appearing to act on behalf of the company, in circumstances where there is no reason to
doubt its authenticity, a person dealing with the company in good faith should be able to take it at
face value.’
35 I have to say that my immediate reaction to the question whether a shareholder receiving bonus shares
is ‘a person dealing with the company’ is not the same as that of the judge. Having regard to the nature of a
bonus issue (see paras 17 and 18 above) and the fact that it is an internal arrangement with no diminution
or increase in the assets or liabilities of the company, with no change in the proportionate shareholdings
and with no action required from any shareholders (seeWhittome v Whittome (No 1) 1994 SLT 114, 124, per
Lord Osborne), I do not think that the shareholder is a person dealing with the company as a matter of
ordinary language. The section contemplates a bilateral transaction between the company and the person
dealing with the company, or an act to which both are parties, such as will bind the company only if the
section applies and it will not apply if the person deals with the company other than in good faith. It would
be very surprising if a bonus issue made by a single resolution applicable to all shareholders were to be
rendered by the section binding in part but void in part, depending on the circumstances of the individual
shareholders. Nor do I agree with the judge that it matters not whether the shareholder receives a bonus
issue or pays for his new shares. If a shareholder receives shares otherwise than by way of a bonus issue
(for example, by a rights issue requiring payment of new consideration), then he would have to deal with the
company, and the question would be whether a shareholder is within the intended reach of the section.
(p. 105) 36 I turn to that question. Section 35A, as Robert Walker LJ pointed out in Smith [2003] Ch 182,
para 19, represents Parliament’s second attempt to give effect to article 9 of the First Council Directive on
Company Law (68/151/EEC). The section was introduced by section 108 of the Companies Act 1989. The
First Directive was, of course, adopted before the United Kingdom joined the European Community and so
there was no United Kingdom input into the language of the Directive. Article 9(2) provides that limits on the
powers of the organs of the company may never be relied on ‘as against third parties’.
37 The judge said that he did not find the reference to ‘third parties’ in the Directive to be of much
assistance to Mr Lee Barber’s [counsel’s] case for two reasons. The first was that it was not entirely clear
what is meant by ‘third parties’ in article 9(2). With respect, although ‘third parties’ is not defined, to my
mind it is tolerably clear from the Directive itself that third parties do not include members of the company:
see, for example, the sixth preamble. In the context of a company, the term ‘third parties’ naturally refers to
persons other than the company and its members. The judge’s second reason was that article 9(2), if not
requiring legislation to protect members dealing with the company, did not prevent section 35A going
further, as Schiemann LJ pointed out in Smith, at para 119. That is true, but in construing section 35A,
given that its purpose was to implement the Directive, it must be relevant to have regard to the extent of the
requirement of article 9(2), in the absence of any other known mischief which the section was designed to
counteract. In my judgment the Directive supports the view that a member receiving a bonus issue is not ‘a
person dealing with a company’.
38 As for the other reasons given by the judge as to why section 35A applied, I am not able to derive
assistance for the present case from the court’s judgment inSmith. The issues in that case were entirely
different, relating as they did to the actions of a director. The explanation of the policy of the section given
by Carnwath LJ does not purport to explain who is a person dealing with the company for the purposes of
the section. Nor, in my view, does section 322A assist. It does not follow from the fact that the legislature
has dealt specifically with transactions between a director and a company that an inference can be drawn
about the applicability of section 35A to shareholders who in that capacity deal with the company.
➤ Question
Is this reasoning persuasive? In particular, if Parliament did not intend shareholders to be protected by CA
1985 s 35A/CA 2006 s 40, why did it not expressly qualify the protection applying to them, as it did for
directors in CA 1985 s 322A/CA 2006 s 41?
Meaning of ‘good faith’ in CA 2006 s 40.
[3.07] TCB Ltd v Gray [1986] Ch 621 (Chancery Division); affd on other grounds [1987] Ch 458 (Court of
Gray was sued on a guarantee which he had given to the plaintiff TCB to secure the indebtedness of a company
called Link, of which Gray was a director. The debenture evidencing Link’s debt had been signed by one Rowan
purporting to act as Gray’s attorney, but Link’s articles required a director to sign personally. The court ruled that
TCB, which had acted on the debenture in good faith, was protected by s 9(1) of the European Communities Act
1972 [see ‘Calls for reform’, p 89, and now see CA 2006 s 40, ‘CA 2006 s 40: statutory deeming provisions to
avoid constitutional limitations on directors’ authority’, p 97].
BROWNEWILKINSON VC: The debenture was not signed by any director of Link, but by an attorney for a
director. There is no power in the articles of Link for a director to act by an attorney. Therefore, says Mr
Brodie, on the principle delegatus non potest delegare the seal was not affixed in accordance with the
requirements of the articles; accordingly the debenture is not the act of Link.
(p. 106) Apart from s 9(1) of the European Communities Act 1972, there would be much force in these
submissions. But in my judgment that section provides a complete answer. Under the old law, a person
dealing with a corporation was required to look at the company’s memorandum and articles to satisfy
himself that the transaction was within the corporate capacity of the company and was to be carried
through in accordance with the requirements of its articles. The rigour of those requirements was only
tempered to the extent that the rule in Royal British Bank v Turquand [3.16] allowed third parties to assume
that acts of internal management had been properly carried out. It has been generally assumed that the old
law has to a large extent been swept away by s 9(1) of the Act of 1972 … Section 9(1) was passed to bring
the law of England into line with article 9 of Council Directive 68/151/EEC. In approaching the construction
of the section, it is in my judgment relevant to note that the manifest purpose of both the directive and the
section is to enable people to deal with a company in good faith without being adversely affected by any
limits on the company’s capacity or its rules for internal management. Given good faith, a third party is able
to deal with a company through its ‘organs’ (as the directive describes them) or directors. Section 9(1)
achieves this in two ways: first it ‘deems’ all transactions to be authorised; second, it deems that the
directors can bind the company without limitations. The second part of the subsection reinforces this by
expressly abolishing the old doctrine of constructive notice of the contents of a company’s memorandum
and articles. It being the obvious purpose of the subsection to obviate the commercial inconvenience and
frequent injustice caused by the old law, I approach the construction of the subsection with a great
reluctance to construe it in such a way as to reintroduce, through the back door, any requirement that a
third party acting in good faith must still investigate the regulating documents of a company.
Mr Brodie, whilst accepting that TCB had no actual or imputed knowledge of any irregularity in the
execution of the debenture, at first submitted that TCB did not act ‘in good faith’ within the meaning of the
section since TCB was put on inquiry by the unusual manner in which the debenture had been executed.
He said that TCB should have looked at the articles and would then have discovered the irregularity.
Accordingly, he submitted, they were not acting ‘in good faith’. On further consideration Mr Brodie
abandoned this argument, to my mind rightly. The last words of the second part of s 9(1) expressly provide
that good faith is to be presumed: the second part further provides the person dealing with the company is
not bound to inquire as to limitations on the powers of directors. In my judgment, it is impossible to
establish lack of ‘good faith’ within the meaning of the subsection solely by alleging that inquiries ought to
have been made which the second part of the subsection says need not be made.
Mr Brodie’s next submission was that, in order for s 9(1) to apply at all, the first requirement is that there
must be a transaction by the company. Since Link never sealed the debenture in the only way authorised
by the articles, there was here no transaction by Link at all; the debenture was not the act of Link. If this
argument is right, it drives a coach and horses through the section. In every dealing with the company the
third party would have to look at its articles to ensure that the company was binding itself in an authorised
manner. In my judgment the section does not have the effect. The section is dealing with purported actions
by a company which, having regard to its internal documents, may be a nullity, eg acts outside its
corporate capacity. In such a case under the old law the purported act of the company would not be the act
of the company at all. Yet the first part of s 9(1) deems it so to be. Similarly a document under seal by the
company executed otherwise than in accordance with its articles was not, under the old law, the act of the
company: but s 9(1) deems it so to be since the powers of the directors are deemed to be free from
limitations, ie as to the manner of affixing the company’s seal. In my judgment, s 9(1) of the Act applies to
transactions which a company purports to enter into and deems them to be validly entered into …
Accordingly the necessary basis for s 9(1) of the Act of 1972 to apply, as between Link and TCB, exists. It
follows that the debenture was valid, and Mr Gray’s second line of defence also fails.
(p. 107) ➤ Notes
1. In Barclays Bank Ltd v TOSG Trust Fund Ltd [1984] BCLC 1 at 17, Nourse J made the following observations
on the meaning of the phrase ‘in good faith’:
[Counsel for the defendants] said that even if the assignment agreement was ultra vires the trust fund
nevertheless, in favour of the agency, it is deemed, by virtue of s 9(1) of the European Communities Act
1972 to have been intra vires, on the ground that at all material times the agency acted in ‘good faith’, that
is to say that it genuinely and honestly believed that it was within the trust fund’s corporate powers to enter
into the assignment agreement. Counsel for the plaintiffs, on the other hand, says that before s 9(1) can
apply the agency must have acted not only genuinely and honestly, but in circumstances where it neither
knew nor ought to have known the lack of vires. That means, he says, that the agency must have acted not
only genuinely and honestly, but reasonably as well …
My view of that question is this. In the case of a transaction decided on by the directors s 9(1) has
abolished the rule that a person who deals with a company is automatically affected with constructive
notice of its objects clause. But, by retaining the requirement of good faith, it nevertheless ensures that a
defence based on absence of notice shall not be available to someone who had not acted genuinely and
honestly in his dealings with the company. Notice and good faith, although two separate beings, are often
inseparable. There is a most valuable account of their liaison in the speech of Lord Wilberforce in the recent
case of Midland Bank Trust Co v Green.16 What it comes to is that a person who deals with a company in
circumstances where he ought anyway to know that the company has no power to enter into the
transaction will not necessarily act in good faith. Sometimes, perhaps often, he will not. And a fortiori where
he actually knows. Next, a person who acts in good faith will sometimes, perhaps often, act in a manner
which can also be described as being reasonable. But I emphatically refute the suggestion, if such it is,
that reasonableness is a necessary ingredient of good faith. That would require the introduction of an
objective standard into a subjective concept and it would be contrary to everything which the law has always
understood of that concept. In my judgment a person acts in good faith if he acts genuinely and honestly in
the circumstances of the case. Beyond that it is neither possible nor desirable to attempt an examination of
the circumstances in which s 9(1) may or may not apply.
[The decision of Nourse J was reversed on another point: [1984] 1 All ER 628, CA; affd [1984] AC 626, HL;
but no comment was made about this passage in any of the judgments on appeal.]
2. In Wrexham Association Football Club Ltd v Crucialmove Ltd [2006] EWCA Civ 237, CA, the court held that CA
1985 s 35A [CA 2006 s 40] does not protect a person who failed to inquire about matters in circumstances in
which he should have done so (eg where the third party does not deal with the entire board of directors, but needs
to establish whether the board has authorised the dealing—note that this was in the context of CA 1985 s 35A,
which protects dealings with the ‘board of directors’, not simply the ‘directors’ as in CA 2006 s 40).
Transactions involving directors or their associates: CA 2006 s 41
As noted earlier, CA 2006 s 40 cannot be relied upon by directors or their associates. CA 2006 s 41 ensures this,
and provides a variety of remedies for the company (see ‘CA 2006 s 40: statutory deeming provisions to avoid
constitutional limitations on directors’ authority’, p 97, on the proper formulation of these propositions). The terms
of CA 2006 s 41 (extracted in the same section, p 98) raise several questions.
(p. 108) ➤ Questions
1. In Smith v Hennik erMajor and Co [3.05], the court refused to allow a director to rely on CA 1985 s 35A
[now CA 2006 s 40]. Does CA 2006 s 41 provide an effective answer to this case? The issue may be
important, because, if the director cannot rely on s 40, then the contract is void; by contrast, if the director
can rely on s 40, but the company then has rights under s 41, the contract is voidable. Does this conundrum
suggest that directors can rely on s 40, rendering the transaction valid unlessavoided by the company under s
2. If the facts of Guinness v Saunders [5.01] were to recur, would CA 2006 s 41 be applicable?
3. What is the impact of the saving provision in s 41(1) that preserves the operation of other rules of law that
may call into question the validity of the transaction?
Actual and ostensible authority of corporate agents
Very often the authority which an agent must have to ensure a binding contract between company and third party
is not derived directly from the company’s constitution (which typically deals generally with the powers of the
board, and third parties rarely deal directly with the board). Instead, it must be found in express or implied
delegations of actual authority (including implicit delegations of usual authority), or alternatively the third party
must be able to rely on the agent’s ostensible (or apparent) authority (derived from representations of the agent’s
authority, including implicit representations of usual authority) (see ‘Summary of agency principles’, p 95),
augmented by ‘The “indoor management rule”’, p 124. All of this is common law, and the following cases illustrate
the courts’ approach. The judgment of Diplock LJ in Freeman and Lock yer[3.08] is the locus classicus.
Explaining the principles of agency
Actual and ostensible authority contrasted.
[3.08] Freeman and Lockyer v Buckhurst Park Properties (Mangal) Ltd [1964] 2 QB 480 (Court of Appeal)
Two men had formed the defendant company to buy and resell a large estate. Kapoor was a property developer;
Hoon had contributed half of the capital but played no active part in the company’s business. Kapoor, Hoon and a
nominee of each were appointed the four directors of the company, and under the articles all four were needed to
constitute a quorum. Hoon spent much time abroad, leaving all the daytoday management of the company’s
affairs to Kapoor. After an initial plan for the immediate resale of the land had fallen through, Kapoor decided to
develop the estate and engaged the plaintiffs, a firm of architects and surveyors, to apply for planning permission.
The company later refused to pay the plaintiffs’ fees on the ground that Kapoor had had no authority to engage
them. The county court judge held that the company was bound. The Court of Appeal affirmed his decision on the
basis that the agent had ostensible authority.
DIPLOCK LJ: The county court judge made the following findings of fact: (1) that the plaintiffs intended to
contract with Kapoor as agent for the company, and not on his own account; (2) that the board of the
company intended that Kapoor should do what he could to obtain the best possible price for the estate; (3)
that Kapoor, although never appointed as managing director, had throughout been acting as such in
employing agents and taking other steps to find a purchaser; (4) that Kapoor was so acting was well known
to the board …
The county court judge did not hold (although he might have done) that actual authority had been conferred
upon Kapoor by the board to employ agents. He proceeded on the basis of apparent authority, that is, that
the defendant company had so acted as to be estopped from denying (p. 109) Kapoor’s authority. This
rendered it unnecessary for the judge to inquire whether actual authority to employ agents had been
conferred upon Kapoor by the board to whom the management of the company’s business was confided by
the articles of association.
I accept that such actual authority could have been conferred by the board without a formal resolution
recorded in the minutes, although this would have rendered them liable to a default fine under s 145(4) of the
Companies Act 1948 [CA 2006 s 183]. But to confer actual authority would have required not merely the
silent acquiescence of the individual members of the board, but the communication by words or conduct of
their respective consents to one another and to Kapoor. [His Lordship discussed the evidence and
continued:] I myself do not feel that there is adequate material to justify the court in reaching the conclusion
of fact (which the county court judge refrained from making) that actual authority to employ agents had been
conferred by the board on Kapoor.
This makes it necessary to inquire into the state of the law as to the ostensible authority of officers and
servants to enter into contracts on behalf of a corporation. It is a topic on which there are confusing and, it
may be, conflicting judgments of the Court of Appeal … We are concerned in the present case with the
authority of an agent to create contractual rights and liabilities between his principal and a third party whom
I will call ‘the contractor’. This branch of the law has developed pragmatically rather than logically owing to
the early history of the action of assumpsit and the consequent absence of a general jus quaesitum tertii
[sic] in English law. But it is possible (and for the determination of this appeal I think it is desirable) to
restate it upon a rational basis.
It is necessary at the outset to distinguish between an ‘actual’ authority of an agent on the one hand, and
an ‘apparent’ or ‘ostensible’ authority on the other. Actual authority and apparent authority are quite
independent of one another. Generally they coexist and coincide, but either may exist without the other
and their respective scopes may be different. As I shall endeavour to show, it is upon the apparent authority
of the agent that the contractor normally relies in the ordinary course of business when entering into
An ‘actual’ authority is a legal relationship between principal and agent created by a consensual agreement
to which they alone are parties. Its scope is to be ascertained by applying ordinary principles of
construction of contracts, including any proper implications from the express words used, the usages of the
trade, or the course of business between the parties. To this agreement the contractor is a stranger; he
may be totally ignorant of the existence of any authority on the part of the agent. Nevertheless, if the agent
does enter into a contract pursuant to the ‘actual’ authority, it does create contractual rights and liabilities
between the principal and the contractor …
An ‘apparent’ or ‘ostensible’ authority, on the other hand, is a legal relationship between the principal and
the contractor created by a representation, made by the principal to the contractor, intended to be and in
fact acted upon by the contractor of a kind within the scope of the ‘apparent’ authority, so as to render the
principal liable to perform any obligations imposed upon him by such contract. To the relationship so
created the agent is a stranger. He need not be (although he generally is) aware of the existence of the
representation but he must not purport to make the agreement as principal himself. The representation,
when acted upon by the contractor by entering into a contract with the agent, operates as an estoppel,
preventing the principal from asserting that he is not bound by the contract. It is irrelevant whether the agent
had actual authority to enter into the contract.
In ordinary business dealings the contractor at the time of entering into the contract can in the nature of
things hardly ever rely on the ‘actual’ authority of the agent. His information as to the authority must be
derived either from the principal or from the agent or from both, for they alone know what the agent’s actual
authority is. All that the contractor can know is what they tell him, which may or may not be true. In the
ultimate analysis he relies either upon the representation of the principal, that is, apparent authority, or
upon the representation of the agent, that is, warranty of authority.
(p. 110) The representation which creates ‘apparent’ authority may take a variety of forms of which the
commonest is representation by conduct, that is, by permitting the agent to act in some way in the conduct
of the principal’s business with other persons. By so doing the principal represents to anyone who becomes
aware that the agent is so acting that the agent has authority to enter on behalf of the principal into
contracts with other persons of the kind which an agent so acting in the conduct of his principal’s business
has usually ‘actual’ authority to enter into.
In applying the law as I have endeavoured to summarise it to the case where the principal is not a natural
person, but a fictitious person, namely, a corporation, two further factors arising from the legal
characteristics of a corporation have to be borne in mind. The first is that the capacity of a corporation is
limited by its constitution, that is, in the case of a company incorporated under the Companies Act, by its
memorandum and articles of association; the second is that a corporation cannot do any act, and that
includes making a representation, except through its agent. [Lord Diplock discussed aspects of the ultra
vires and constructive notice doctrines (now, of course, repealed), and continued:]
The second characteristic of a corporation, namely, that unlike a natural person it can only make a
representation through an agent, has the consequence that in order to create an estoppel between the
corporation and the contractor, the representation as to the authority of the agent which creates his
‘apparent’ authority must be made by some person or persons who have ‘actual’ authority from the
corporation to make the representation. Such ‘actual’ authority may be conferred by the constitution of the
corporation itself, as, for example, in the case of a company, upon the board of directors, or it may be
conferred by those who under its constitution have powers of management upon some other person to
whom the constitution permits them to delegate authority to make representations of this kind. If follows
that where the agent upon whose ‘apparent’ authority the contractor relies has no ‘actual’ authority from the
corporation to enter into a particular kind of contract with the contractor on behalf of the corporation, the
contractor cannot rely upon the agent’s own representation as to his actual authority. He can rely only upon
a representation by a person or persons who have actual authority to manage or conduct that part of the
business of the corporation to which the contract relates.
The commonest form of representation by a principal creating an ‘apparent’ authority of an agent is by
conduct, namely, by permitting the agent to act in the management or conduct of the principal’s business.
Thus, if in the case of a company the board of directors who have ‘actual’ authority under the memorandum
and articles of association to manage the company’s business permit the agent to act in the management
or conduct of the company’s business, they thereby represent to all persons dealing with such agent that
he has authority to enter on behalf of the corporation into contracts of a kind which an agent authorised to
do acts of the kind which he is in fact permitted to do usually enters into in the ordinary course of such
business. The making of such a representation is itself an act of management of the company’s business.
Prima facie it falls within the ‘actual’ authority of the board of directors, and unless the memorandum or
articles of the company either make such a contract ultra vires the company or prohibit the delegation of
such authority to the agent,[17 ] the company is estopped from denying to anyone who has entered into a
contract with the agent in reliance upon such ‘apparent’ authority that the agent had authority to contract on
behalf of the company.
If the foregoing analysis of the relevant law is correct, it can be summarised by stating four conditions which
must be fulfilled to entitle a contractor to enforce against a company a contract entered into on behalf of the
company by an agent who had no actual authority to do so. It must be shown:
(1) that a representation that the agent had authority to enter on behalf of the company into a contract
of the kind sought to be enforced was made to the contractor.
(2) that such representation was made by a person or persons who had ‘actual’ authority to manage
the business of the company either generally or in respect of those matters to which the contract
(p. 111) (3) that he (the contractor) was induced by such representation to enter into the contract,
that is, that he in fact relied upon it; and
(4) that under its memorandum or articles of association the company was not deprived of the
capacity either to enter into a contract of the kind sought or be enforced or to delegate authority to
enter into a contract of that kind to the agent.[18 ]
The confusion which, I venture to think, has sometimes crept into the cases is in my view due to a failure to
distinguish between these four separate conditions, and in particular to keep steadfastly in mind (a) that the
only ‘actual’ authority which is relevant is that of the persons making the representation relied upon, and (b)
that the memorandum and articles of association of the company are always relevant (whether they are in
fact known to the contractor or not) to the questions (i) whether condition (2) is fulfilled, and (ii) whether
condition (4) is fulfilled and (but only if they are in fact known to the contractor) may be relevant (iii) as part
of the representation on which the contractor relied.
In each of the relevant cases the representation relied upon as creating the ‘apparent’ authority of the agent
was by conduct in permitting the agent to act in the management and conduct of part of the business of the
company. Except in Mahony v East Holford Mining Co Ltd (1875) LR 7 HL 869, it was the conduct of the
board of directors in so permitting the agent to act that was relied upon. As they had, in each case, by the
articles of association of the company full ‘actual’ authority to manage its business, they had ‘actual’
authority to make representations in connection with the management of its business, including
representations as to who were agents authorised to enter into contracts on the company’s behalf. The
agent himself had no ‘actual’ authority to enter into the contract because the formalities prescribed by the
articles for conferring it upon him had not been complied with. In British ThomsonHouston Co v Federated
European Bank Ltd [[1932] 2 KB 176, CA], where a guarantee was executed by a single director, it was
contended that a provision in the articles, requiring a guarantee to be executed by two directors, deprived
the company of capacity to delegate to a single director authority to execute a guarantee on behalf of the
company, that is, that condition (4) above was not fulfilled; but it was held that other provisions in the
articles empowered the board to delegate the power of executing guarantees to one of their number, and
this defence accordingly failed. In Mahony’s case no board of directors or secretary had in fact been
appointed, and it was the conduct of those who, under the constitution of the company, were entitled to
appoint them which was relied upon as a representation that certain persons were directors and secretary.
Since they had ‘actual’ authority to appoint these officers, they had ‘actual’ authority to make
representations as to who the officers were. In both these cases the constitution of the company, whether it
had been seen by the contractor or not, was relevant in order to determine whether the persons whose
representations by conduct were relied upon as creating the ‘apparent’ authority of the agent had ‘actual’
authority to make the representations on behalf of the company. In Mahony’s case, if the persons in
question were not persons who would normally be supposed to have such authority by someone who did
not know the constitution of the company, it may well be that he contractor would not succeed in proving
condition (3), namely, that he relied upon the representations made by those persons, unless he proved
that he did in fact know the constitution of the company …
The cases where the contractor’s claim failed, namely Houghton & Co v Nothard, Lowe & Wills Ltd [[1927]
1 KB 246, CA], Kreditbank Cassel GmbH v Schenk ers Ltd [[1927] 1 KB 826] and the Rama Corpn case,
[19 ] were all cases where the contract sought to be enforced was not one which a person occupying the
position in relation to the company’s business which the contractor knew that the agent occupied, would
normally be authorised to enter into on behalf of the company. The conduct of the board of directors in
permitting the agent to occupy that position, upon the which (p. 112) the contractor relied, thus did not of
itself amount to a representation that the agent had authority to enter into the contract sought to be
enforced, that is, condition (1) was not fulfilled. The contractor, however, in each of these three cases
sought to rely upon a provision of the articles giving to the board power to delegate wide authority to the
agent as entitling him to treat the conduct of the board as a representation that the agent had had
delegated to him wider powers than those usually exercised by persons occupying the position in relation
to the company’s business which the agent was in fact permitted by the board to occupy. Since this would
involve proving that the representation on which he in fact relied as inducing him to enter into the contract
comprised the articles of association of the company as well as the conduct of the board, it would be
necessary for him to establish first that he knew the contents of the articles (that is, that condition (3) was
fulfilled in respect of any representation contained in the articles) and secondly that the conduct of the
board in the light of that knowledge would be understood by a reasonable man as a representation that the
agent had authority to enter into the contract sought to be enforced, that is that condition (1) was fulfilled.
The need to establish both these things was pointed out by Sargant LJ inHoughton’s case in a judgment
which was concurred in by Atkin LJ; but his observations, as I read them, are directed only to a case where
the contract sought to be enforced is not a contract of a kind which a person occupying the position which
the agent was permitted by the board to occupy would normally be authorised to enter into on behalf of the
company …
In the present case the findings of fact by the county court judge are sufficient to satisfy the four conditions,
and thus to establish that Kapoor had ‘apparent’ authority to enter into contracts on behalf of the company
for their services in connection with the sale of the company’s property, including the obtaining of
development permission with respect to its use. The judge found that the board knew that Kapoor had
throughout been acting as managing director in employing agents and taking other steps to find a
purchaser. They permitted him to do so, and by such conduct represented that he had authority to enter
into contracts of a kind which a managing director or an executive director responsible for finding a
purchaser would in the normal course be authorised to enter into on behalf of the company. Condition (1)
was thus fulfilled. The articles of association conferred full powers of management on the board. Condition
(2) was thus fulfilled. The plaintiffs, finding Kapoor acting in relation to the company’s property as he was
authorised by the board to act, were induced to believe that he was authorised by the company to enter into
contracts on behalf of the company for their services in connection with the sale of the company’s property,
including the obtaining of development permission with respect to its use. Condition (3) was thus fulfilled.
The articles of association, which contained powers for the board to delegate any of the functions of
management to a managing director or to a single director, did not deprive the company of capacity to
delegate authority to Kapoor, a director, to enter into contracts of that kind on behalf of the company.
Condition (4) was thus fulfilled.
I think the judgment was right, and would dismiss the appeal.
WILLMER and PEARSON LJJ delivered concurring judgments.
➤ Notes
1. This case makes it clear that it is not possible to rely upon the ostensible authority of an agent if the
person transacting with the company knew that the act was beyond the actual authority of that agent. Also
see Criterion Properties plc v Stratford UK Properties LLC [3.13].
2. In AMB Generali Holding AG v Manches [2005] EWCA Civ 1237, the court held that although a company
that has endowed one of its members with ostensible authority (eg by virtue of an appointment to a given
position) may withdraw that authority by sacking the ‘agent’, third parties may continue to rely upon the initial
representation unless and until the withdrawal of authority is communicated to them specifically.
(p. 113) Implied actual authority.
[3.09] HelyHutchinson v Brayhead Ltd [1968] 1 QB 549 (Chancery Division and Court of Appeal)
Richards was chairman of directors of the defendant company and its chief executive or ‘de facto managing
director’, who often committed the company to contracts on his own initiative and only disclosed the matter to the
board subsequently. The board acquiesced in this practice. The plaintiff (referred to in the judgment as Lord
Suirdale) was chairman and managing director of another company, ‘Perdio’, which it was planned should
eventually be merged with the defendant. As part of an agreement to put more money into Perdio, the plaintiff (who
had been made a director of the defendant company) was given certain letters (referred to as C 23 and C 26)
signed by Richards, by which the defendant agreed to guarantee the repayment of money owed to the plaintiff and
to indemnify him against certain losses. When sued on these undertakings, the defendant alleged that Richards
had had no authority to make the contract in question. Roskill J held that Richards had apparent authority to bind
his company; the Court of Appeal affirmed his decision, but on the ground that he had actual authority.
ROSKILL J: The setup in Brayhead is easy to envisage. It was an industrial holding company with a large
number of subsidiaries. Its directors were in the main working directors, each in charge of a section of the
holding company’s subsidiaries. One would look after electronics, another engineering, and so on. They
would all come back to Mr Richards for advice and—which is more important—decisions from time to time
on matters concerning their own particular group. The final decision—and the final decision most especially
on any matter concerning finance—was Mr Richards’ and nobody else’s. Sometimes, I dare say, the
directors persuaded him to take or to refrain from taking a particular step; no doubt, like any wise chief
executive, he sought and obtained advice before he made up his mind; but in all these cases the final
decision, I am quite satisfied, rested with him and with nobody else.
If one goes through the minutes and documents which have been put before me, one can see repeated
examples of Mr Richards acting in this way. Sometimes, of course, the matter would come back to the
board for formal ratification after he had committed Brayhead perhaps technically without express authority.
On other occasions, of which there are a number of examples in the minutes, he plainly committed
Brayhead and then, as it were, reported the matter afterwards … I have no doubt that the board knew that
he was doing this sort of thing all the time, and that whenever he thought it was necessary he assumed, or
purported to assume, authority to bind Brayhead and that the board allowed him to do it and acquiesced in
his doing it. That is not to say, to use Mr Finer’s phrase yesterday, that all the directors were ‘Yes men’; I
am sure they were nothing of the kind. Mr Richards knew they were nothing of the kind. Mr Richards was a
forceful personality; he knew his own mind. I think he quite clearly was allowed by Brayhead to hold himself
out as having ostensible or apparent authority to enter into commitments of the kind which he entered into
or purported to enter into, when he signed C 23 and C 26. …
[The Court of Appeal affirmed the decision of ROSKILL J, but on the ground that Richards had actual
LORD DENNING MR: I need not consider at length the law on the authority of an agent, actual, apparent or
ostensible. That has been done in the judgments of this court in Freeman and Lock yer v Buck hurst Park
Properties (Mangal) Ltd [3.08]. It is there shown that actual authority may be expressed or implied. It
is expresswhen it is given by express words, such as when a board of directors pass a resolution which
authorises two of their number to sign cheques. It is implied when it is inferred from the conduct of the
parties and the circumstances of the case, such as when the board of directors appoint one of their number
to be a managing director. They thereby impliedly authorise him to do all such things as fall within the usual
scope of that office. Actual authority, express or (p. 114) implied, is binding as between the company and
the agent, and also as between the company and others, whether they are within the company or outside it.
Ostensible or apparent authority is the authority of an agent as it appears to others. It often coincides with
actual authority. Thus, when the board appoint one of their number to be managing director, they invest him
not only with implied authority, but also with ostensible authority to do all such things as fall within the
usual scope of that office. Other people who see him acting as managing director are entitled to assume
that he has the usual authority of a managing director. But sometimes ostensible authority exceeds actual
authority. For instance, when the board appoint the managing director, they may expressly limit his
authority by saying he is not to order goods worth more than £500 without the sanction of the board. In that
case his actual authority is subject to the £500 limitation, but his ostensible authority includes all the usual
authority of a managing director. The company is bound by his ostensible authority in his dealings with
those who do not know of the limitation. …
Apply these principles here. It is plain that Mr Richards had no express authority to enter into these two
contracts on behalf of the company: nor had he any such authority implied from the nature of his office. He
had been duly appointed chairman of the company but that office in itself did not carry with it authority to
enter into these contracts without the sanction of the board. … The judge held that Mr Richards had
ostensible or apparent authority to make the contract, but I think his findings carry with it the necessary
inference that he had also actual authority, such authority being implied from the circumstance that the
board by their conduct over many months had acquiesced in his acting as their chief executive and
committing Brayhead Ltd to contracts without the necessity of sanction from the board.
LORDS WILBERFORCE and PEARSON delivered concurring judgments.
➤ Questions
1. Is it right to think in terms of the ‘usual’ authority of a managing director? Is it not likely that the terms of
appointment of managing directors will vary from case to case? (See Harold Holdsworth & Co (Wak efield) Ltd
v Caddies [1955] 1 WLR 352, HL.)
2. If Richards had implied actual authority to make the contract in HelyHutchinson v Brayhead Ltd, should not
the trial judge in Freeman and Lock yer [3.08] have made a similar finding about Kapoor?
➤ Notes
1. Guinness plc v Saunders [5.01] provides a dramatic illustration of how easy it is to purport to contract with
parties who lack actual authority to bind the company (here, it was a subcommittee of the board that lacked
actual authority to negotiate remuneration issues), and the dire consequences that can ensue.
2. Remember that acts that are beyond the actual authority of directors or other agents of a company can be
ratified: see ‘Consent, approval or authorisation by members: CA 2006 s 180’, pp 436ff and ‘Ratification of acts
of directors: CA 2006, s 239’, p 437ff.
Directors’ authority and breach of directors’ duties
What is the appropriate analysis when a contract has been entered into by a director in breach of the director’s
duties to the company? To take a simple example, suppose a director has express actual authority to enter into
contracts under £10,000 on behalf of the company,20 and enters into (p. 115) such a contract, but for improper
purposes or in breach of fiduciary duty. Is the contract valid and binding on the company, being within the authority
of the agent, but voidable by the company as against third parties who are not bona fide purchasers for value
without notice of the company’s equitable rights? Or, alternatively, is the contract void, being outside the actual
authority of the agent (who can have no actual authority to act in breach of duty), unless the third party can rely on
the ostensible authority of the agent to enter into such engagements? Put like this, it is evident that the practical
outcome is likely to be the same on either analysis, although importantly the onus of proof lies in different places,
and that can be important in practice.
An agent has no actual authority to act in breach of duty (dicta).
[3.10] Hopkins v TL Dallas Group Ltd [2004] EWHC 1379 (Ch)
The question in this case was whether a deputy managing director had actual or ostensible authority to sign a
letter on behalf of his company committing the company to pay a sum of £994,000 to a third party. Lightman J
held that the director had no actual authority, either because the ‘usual’ authority of such a deputy managing
director did not extend to agreeing to such exceptionally onerous undertakings, or (as is of special interest here)
because a director’s actual authority could never extend to acting for improper purposes or in breach of fiduciary
duty (as was the case here). Further, on the facts here, the third party could not rely on the agent’s ostensible
authority, since the third party had actual knowledge or was at least on notice that the transactions were both
abnormal and suspicious and therefore required confirmation of their propriety and regularity from the company’s
managing director.
LIGHTMAN J: … Before I look at the facts I should say a word on the relevant law. The authority of an agent
is ‘actual (express or implied) where it results from a manifestation of consent that he should represent or
act for the principal expressly or impliedly made by the principal to the agent himself’: Bowstead &
Reynolds on Agency 17th ed (‘Bowstead’) Article 22(1). This authority extends to doing ‘whatever is
necessary for, or ordinarily incidental to, the effective execution of his actual authority’: Bowstead Article
27. The authority may in appropriate circumstances extend to raising funds and giving security for
borrowings for the purpose of fulfilling the functions and duties assigned to him. Where a board of directors
appoint one of the members to an executive position ‘they impliedly authorise him to do all such things as
fall within the usual scope of that office’ (HelyHutchinson v Brayhead Ltd [3.09], at 583).
The grant of actual authority to an agent will not normally include authority to act for the agent’s benefit
rather than that of his principal and therefore, without agreement, the scope of actual authority will not
include this. The grant of actual authority should be implied as being subject to a condition that it is to be
exercised honestly and on behalf of the principal: Lysaght Bros & Co Ltd v Falk (1905) 2 CLR 421. It follows
that, if an act is carried out by an agent which is not in the interests of his principal, for example signing
onerous unconditional undertakings, then the act will not be within the scope of the express or implied grant
of actual authority. As a result there cannot be actual authority: ‘the agent is simply not authorised to act
contrary to his principal’s interests: and hence that an act contrary to those interests is outside his actual
authority. The transaction is therefore void unless the third party can rely on the doctrine of apparent
authority’ (Bowstead para 8218).
In the case of Macmillan Inc v Bishopgate Trust (No 3) [1995] 1 WLR 978, Millet [sic] J (as he then was)
stated that ‘English law … recognises the distinction between want of authority and abuse of authority’ (at
984). He then went on to approve the statement that ‘an act of an agent within the scope of his actual or
apparent authority does not cease to bind his principal merely because the agent was acting fraudulently
and in furtherance of his own interests’. Bowstead suggests that this statement of the law should be limited
to apparent authority i.e. that acting fraudulently or in furtherance of own interests will by its very nature
nullify actual authority, but not apparent authority. I respectfully agree.
(p. 116) ➤ Question
Does the distinction drawn by Millett J (and rejected by Lightman J) mirror the distinction drawn in Rolled
Steel [3.04] between want of capacity and abuse of capacity? Why did the Court of Appeal in Rolled Steel see
this distinction as important?
[3.11] Rolled Steel Products (Holdings) Ltd v British Steel Corpn [1986] Ch 246 (Court of Appeal)
For the facts and another part of the decision, see [3.04] and [3.17]. On the question of ‘want of authority’ and
‘abuse of authority’, Slade LJ (with whom Lawton LJ agreed) and BrowneWilkinson LJ appear to differ.
SLADE LJ: … [Considering the judgment of Buckley J in In re David Payne & Co Ltd [1904] 2 Ch 608:] He
[Buckley J] asked the question, at p. 612:
‘is it a condition attached to the exercise of the power that the money should be borrowed for the
purposes of the business, or is that a matter to be determined as between the shareholders and the
… his conclusion was, at p. 613:
‘If this borrowing was made, as it appears to me at present it was made, for a purpose illegitimate so
far as the borrowing company was concerned, that may very well be a matter on which rights may
arise as between the shareholders and directors of that company. It may have been a wrongful act
on the part of the directors. But I do not think that a person who lends to the company is by any
words such as these required to investigate whether the money borrowed is borrowed for a proper
purpose or an improper purpose. The borrowing being effected, and the money passing to the
company, the subsequent application of the money is a matter in which the directors may have
acted wrongly; but that does not affect the principal act, which is the borrowing of the money.’
In these circumstances, he held, at p. 614, that the defendants:
‘who have paid this money and taken this debenture without notice that the money was going to be
applied as it was, are not affected by anything arising in regard to that.’
… The one crucially important point to which Buckley J. and the Court of Appeal in David Payne did not
expressly advert is the basis upon which the lenders would have lost their security if they had known of the
improper purpose for which the moneys lent were going to be applied. The basis is, in my opinion, this. The
directors of the borrowing company in fact had no authority from the company to take the loan and grant the
debenture because these transactions were not effected for the purposes of the company. Nevertheless, as
a general rule, a company incorporated under the Companies Acts holds out its directors as having
ostensible authority to do on its behalf anything which its memorandum of association expressly or by
implication gives the company the capacity to do. In David Payne the company’s memorandum gave it the
capacity to borrow. As a matter of construction of the company’s memorandum, the court was not prepared
to construe the words ‘for the purposes of the company’s business’ as limiting its corporate capacity but
construed them simply as limiting the authority of the directors. In the absence of notice to the contrary, the
lenders would thus have been entitled to assume, on the authority of the principle in Turquand’s
case [3.16] and on more general principles of the law of agency, that the directors of the borrowing
company were acting properly and regularly in the internal management of its affairs and were borrowing for
the purposes of the company’s business: see, for example, In re Hampshire Land Co. [3.31] … However, a
party dealing with a company cannot rely on the ostensible authority of its directors to enter into a particular
transaction if it knows they in fact have no such authority because it is being (p. 117) entered into for
improper purposes. Neither the rule in Turquand’s case nor more general principles of the law of agency will
avail him in such circumstances …
[He also referred to] … the powerful judgment of Pennycuick J. in Charterbridge Corporation Ltd. v. Lloyds
Bank Ltd. [1970] Ch. 62, where one finds the following statement of principle, at p. 69:
‘Apart from authority, I should feel little doubt that where a company is carrying out the purposes
expressed in its memorandum, and does an act within the scope of a power expressed in its
memorandum, that act is an act within the powers of the company. The memorandum of a company
sets out its objects and proclaims them to persons dealing with the company and it would be
contrary to the whole function of a memorandum that objects unequivocally set out in it should be
subject to some implied limitation by reference to the state of mind of the parties concerned.
‘Where directors misapply the assets of their company, that may give rise to a claim based on
breach of duty. Again, a claim may arise against the other party to the transaction, if he has notice
that the transaction was effected in breach of duty. Further, in a proper case, the company
concerned may be entitled to have the transaction set aside. But all that results from the ordinary
law of agency and has not of itself anything to do with the corporate powers of the company.’
Pennycuick J., having subsequently proceeded to review the authorities cited to him, apparently saw no
reason to qualify this statement of the law and neither do I. I respectfully agree with it in its entirety and
would regard the principles stated in the David Payne case [1904] 2 Ch 608 as giving effect to the ‘ordinary
law of agency.’
I also respectfully agree with the following observations made by Oliver J., after an extensive review of the
authorities, in In re Halt Garage (1964) Ltd. [1982] 3 All ER 1016 [5.03], 1029–1030:
‘I cannot help thinking, if I may respectfully say so, that there has been a certain confusion between
the requirements for a valid exercise of the fiduciary powers of directors (which have nothing to do
with the capacity of the company but everything to do with the propriety of acts done within that
capacity), the extent to which powers can be implied or limits be placed, as a matter of construction,
on express powers, and the matters which the court will take into consideration at the suit of a
minority shareholder in determining the extent to which his interests can be overridden by a majority
vote. These three matters, as it seems to me, raise questions which are logically quite distinct but
which have sometimes been treated as if they demanded a single, universal answer leading to the
conclusion that, because a power must not be abused, therefore, beyond the limit of propriety it
does not exist.’
To sum up, my conclusions on the ultra vires point are these. The relevant transactions of 22 January 1969
were not beyond the corporate capacity of the plaintiff and thus were not ultra vires in the proper sense of
that phrase. However, the entering into the guarantee and, to the extent of the sum guaranteed, the
debenture was beyond the authority of the directors, because they were entered into in furtherance of
purposes not authorised by the plaintiff’s memorandum. Despite this lack of authority, they might have been
capable of conferring rights on Colvilles if Colvilles had not known of this lack of authority. Colvilles, however,
did have such knowledge and so acquired no rights under these transactions. Even if the no due
authorisation point discussed earlier in this judgment were not open to the plaintiff, because Mr. Shenkman
had duly declared his interest at the relevant board meeting [and thus had actual authority], the plaintiff
could disclaim these transactions, which its directors had carried out on its behalf, as being unauthorised,
inasmuch as they were carried out for improper purposes.
BROWNEWILKINSON LJ: [where, in context, the reference to abuse of the company’s powers should, it
seems, be taken a referring to abuse of the directors’powers] … (5) If a company enters into a transaction
which is intra vires (as being within its capacity) but in excess or abuse of its powers, such transaction will
be set aside at the instance of the shareholders. (6) A third party who has notice—actual or constructive—
that a transaction, although intra vires the company, was entered into in excess or abuse of the powers of
the company cannot enforce such transaction against the (p. 118) company and will be accountable as
constructive trustee for any money or property of the company received by the third party. (7) The fact that a
power is expressly or impliedly limited so as to be exercisable only ‘for the purposes of the company’s
business’ (or other words to that effect) does not put a third party on inquiry as to whether the power is
being so exercised, i.e., such provision does not give him constructive notice of excess or abuse of such
➤ Question
Does the detail of Slade LJ’s analysis support his conclusions? Is the analysis persuasive in any event? What
is to be made of the comments of Oliver J in In re Halt Garage (1964) Ltd. ?
[3.12] Clark v Cutland [2003] EWCA Civ 810, [2004] 1 WLR 783 (Court of Appeal)
The facts are immaterial.
26 There seems to me to be a basic inconsistency between [counsel’s] submission that the payments to
the pension fund trustees were void and his main submission. His submission on this point seems to me to
accept that the contributions were misapplications of the company’s assets. However that may be, [the
company’s articles provided that] directors were not entitled to any remuneration unless it was authorised
by the company in general meeting. The judge held that there was no such authorisation in the present
case. It follows that the payments of pension contributions to the pension fund trustees were without legal
effect and not merely voidable: see Guinness plc v Saunders [5.01], 693, per Lord Templeman, with whom
Lord Keith of Kinkel, Lord Brandon of Oakbrook and Lord Griffiths agreed, and at pp 698–702, per Lord Goff
of Chieveley, with whom Lord Griffiths also agreed.
27 If those payments had merely been made by Mr Cutland in breach of his duty to the company, and he
had not also made them without the authority of the company, Mr Stockill’s submission that the payments
were voidable would have been correct. However, where an agent carries out a transaction without authority,
the consequence is (as I have stated) that the transaction is without legal effect. This consequence is more
serious in law than that which attaches to a transaction which is voidable since the right to rescind a
voidable transaction can be lost. Because the sanction attaching to an unauthorised transaction is more
serious, it must supersede the sanction of voidability that would otherwise attach in the present case.
[3.13] Criterion Properties plc v Stratford UK Properties LLC [2004] UKHL 28, [2004] 1 WLR 1846 (House of
More detailed facts appear in Lord Scott’s opinion. This was an appeal against a decision of the Court of Appeal
([2003] BCLC 50) that a ‘poison pill’ arrangement was binding on the claimant company and should not be set
aside. The ‘poison pill’ was intended to thwart a hostile takeover of Criterion. The issue before the House of Lords
was whether it was open to the board of directors of a public company to authorise the signing on the company’s
behalf of a ‘poison pill’ agreement intended to deter outsiders from making offers to members to purchase their
shares. In particular, was it open to the board to authorise the signing of a ‘poison pill’ agreement where, as here,
the deterrence consisted of a contingent divesting of the company’s assets? Companies Act 1985 s 35A [CA 2006
s 40] was relevant. The House of Lords dismissed the appeal. (p. 119)
4 … If a company (‘A’) enters into an agreement with B under which B acquires benefits from A, A’s ability
to recover these benefits from B depends essentially on whether the agreement is binding on A. If the
directors of A were acting for an improper purpose when they entered into the agreement, A’s ability to have
the agreement set aside depends upon the application of familiar principles of agency and company law. If,
applying these principles, the agreement is found to be valid and is therefore not set aside, questions of
‘knowing receipt’ by B do not arise. So far as B is concerned there can be no question of A’s assets having
been misapplied. B acquired the assets from A, the legal and beneficial owner of the assets, under a valid
agreement made between him and A. If, however, the agreement is set aside, B will be accountable for any
benefits he may have received from A under the agreement. A will have a proprietary claim, if B still has the
assets. Additionally, and irrespective of whether B still has the assets in question, A will have a personal
claim against B for unjust enrichment, subject always to a defence of change of position. B’s personal
accountability will not be dependent upon proof of fault or ‘unconscionable’ conduct on his part. B’s
accountability, in this regard, will be ‘strict’.
6 This appeal arises out of an application for summary judgment made in an action in which the appellant,
Criterion Properties plc (‘Criterion’), is seeking to establish that an agreement into which it had apparently
entered is not binding upon it and should be set aside. The respondent, Stratford UK Properties LLC (which
I will refer to as ‘Oaktree’ for reasons I will later explain) contends, on the contrary, that there is nothing the
matter with the agreement and has counterclaimed for specific performance. …
Criterion’s case
28 This is a case in which Criterion appears to have entered into a contract with Oaktree granting Oaktree
the put option that I have described. The SSA was signed by Mr Glaser and Mr Palmer, purporting to do so
on Criterion’s behalf. Did they have actual authority to do so? That is the first question. But there are sub
questions. It is accepted that Criterion in general meeting did not authorise or subsequently ratify the SSA.
But did the board of Criterion do so? If the board did do so, did it have the power to do so? The effect of s
35A of the Companies Act 1985, may have to be taken into account. If the answer to these subquestions
is ‘No’, then it would seem to follow that Mr Glaser and Mr Palmer had no actual authority to sign the SSA.
29 If Mr Glaser and Mr Palmer had no actual authority to sign the SSA, did they have apparent, or
ostensible, authority to do so? The answer to this question depends on a number of considerations as to
which there is at present no clear evidence and at least one of which raises an issue of considerable public
importance. The issue I have in mind is whether it is open to a board of directors of a public company to
authorise the signing on the company’s behalf of a ‘poison pill’ agreement intended to deter outsiders from
making offers to shareholders to purchase their shares. And, in particular, is it open to a board to authorise
the signing of a ‘poison pill’ agreement where, as here, the deterrence consists of a contingent divesting of
company assets? The issue of the apparent authority of the board, or of Mr Glaser and Mr Palmer, must
also take into account the features of the SSA that went beyond simply including provisions to deter an
unwanted predator but would have deterred also the most desirable of predators, would have entrenched the
chairman’s and the managing director’s continuance in their then current offices, and would have put them
in a position in which their voluntary decision to relinquish office would potentially attract a heavy financial
penalty for their company. Could it be said that they, or any of them, had apparent authority to conclude
such an agreement? Here, too, s 35A of the Companies Act 1985, may be relevant.
(p. 120) 30 This case turns, in my opinion, on the ‘authority’ issue. If Mr Glaser and Mr Palmer either had
actual authority to conclude the SSA, given by a person or body with power to confer that authority
(see British Bank of the Middle East v Sun Life Assurance Co of Canada (UK) Ltd [1983] 2 Ll Rep 9 and
especially Lord Brandon of Oakbrook at p 17), or, if they did not have actual authority, had apparent
authority to do so, then I can see no reason why the SSA should not be held enforceable against Criterion.
If, on the other hand, Mr Glaser and Mr Palmer had neither actual nor apparent authority to conclude the
SSA, then the SSA could not be held enforceable against Criterion. Mr Glaser and Mr Palmer might be
liable to Oaktree for breach of warranty of authority, but the SSA would not be Criterion’s contract. The
conscionability or unconscionability of Oaktree’s behaviour in seeking to hold Criterion to the SSA would in
either case be irrelevant.
31 Both Hart J and the Court of Appeal thought that the SSA was clearly contrary to the commercial
interests of Criterion. Hart J thought that Oaktree must have known, or be taken to have known, that that
was so. I do not wish to be taken to be saying that knowledge of this sort on the part of Oaktree, or
knowledge by Oaktree that Mr Glaser and Mr Palmer were, in signing the SSA, in breach of the duty they
owed to Criterion, would be irrelevant to the authority issue. If a person dealing with an agent knows that the
agent does not have actual authority to conclude the contract or transaction in question, the person cannot
rely on apparent authority. Apparent authority can only be relied on by someone who does not know that
the agent has no actual authority. And if a person dealing with an agent knows or has reason to believe that
the contract or transaction is contrary to the commercial interests of the agent’s principal, it is likely to be
very difficult for the person to assert with any credibility that he believed the agent did have actual authority.
Lack of such a belief would be fatal to a claim that the agent had apparent authority.
32 In my opinion, the authority issue cannot be resolved by your Lordships on this appeal. The authority
issue was not addressed in the courts below, as in my opinion it should have been, and as a result your
Lordships have not had the assistance of the courts below in identifying the principles which should be
applied in determining the issue. Nor have counsel had much opportunity, in the period between the opening
of the appeal when my noble and learned friend Lord Nicholls of Birkenhead raised the point and the
conclusion of the hearing on the following day, to research the point. Moreover there are, as I have
endeavoured to indicate, a number of factual matters that may be relevant to the issue that have not yet
been placed in evidence. In these circumstances it seems to me, to my regret, that your Lordships cannot
finally resolve the issue here and now but must leave the issue either to be resolved at trial or, perhaps, if
Criterion are so advised, on a further Civil Procedure Rules, Pt 20 application.
33 I would for these reasons dismiss the appeal.
➤ Question
The validity of the contract in this case was seen as a question of the directors’ authority to commit the
company to the arrangement. Given the judgments in Rolled Steel, and the law on ‘improper purposes’ (see
‘Failure to act for proper purposes’, p 331), is this the most appropriate approach? Is it the only approach that
protects third parties dealing with defaulting directors? See P Watts, ‘Authority and Mismotivation’ (2005) 121
LQR 4.
➤ Notes
1. In Rubin v Cobalt Pictures Ltd [2010] EWHC 2240 (Ch), a director entering into an agreement contrary to
the interests of his company on the verge of its insolvency was held to be acting without actual authority. The
counterparty to the agreement was held unable to rely on the director’s ostensible authority if he knew that the
director had no actual authority, since ‘he is unlikely to be able to assert that he believed that the director had
actual authority if he knows that the director is acting contrary to the commercial interests of his company …
If the (p. 121) same person is purporting to act on behalf of both parties to a transaction, it is selfevident that
the counterparty must be taken to know of any lack of authority of that person to act for the company’ [55].
2. A third party only has an obligation to inquire whether the transaction is outside the agent’s authority if the
circumstances of the transaction are somehow abnormal or suspicious: Hopk ins v TL Dallas Group Ltd [3.10].
‘Usual authority’ and its uses
See ‘Summary of agency principles’, pp 95–96.
The functions of a managing director are not fixed by law, but depend on the particular terms of his
[3.14] Smith v Butler [2012] EWCA Civ 314 (Court of Appeal)
The primary issue in this appeal was whether a managing director (B) had implied or usual power to suspend the
company’s executive chairman (S) in the absence of an express delegation of powers by the board. The issue
arose in the context of a dispute in a two man company, where B (who owned 31.2% of the shares) alleged that S
was defrauding the company, and S (who owned 68.8% of the shares) threatened to use his majority voting power
to sack B.
The primary issue: the powers of a managing director
15 We are not in this case concerned with the more usual question whether a third party dealing with a
managing director is entitled to assume that he has power to do what he did. As Lindley LJ held
in Biggerstaff v Rowatt’s Wharf [1896] 2 Ch 93 at 102, a person dealing with a managing director must see
whether according to the constitution of the company a director could have the powers which that director is
purporting to exercise. This appeal, however, is concerned with the question of what powers the managing
director actually had. There is surprisingly little authority on that point. The powers of a managing director
are not, of course, statutorily defined. The parties could have defined Mr Butler’s powers when he was
appointed. However, they did not do so. In HelyHutchinson v Brayhead [3.09] at 560, Roskill J, whose
decision was affirmed by this court, comprising unusually Lord Denning MR, Lord Wilberforce and Lord
Pearson, went so far as to state that the question of the implied authority of a managing director was one of
‘considerable difficulty’, as well as being ‘one upon which there appears to be little or no relevant authority’.
25 In my judgment, the judge’s conclusion on this primary issue was correct but the inquiry should proceed
not, as the judge analysed it, from the special provisions of the Company’s articles as to quorum but from
the provisions of its articles setting out the powers of the board to appoint a managing director. [These are
from Table A (‘the 1985 Table A’), and give the board the power to appoint a managing director and to
delegate any of their powers to the managing director.] …
27 In this case, however, there is no express delegation of any specific powers by the board to Mr Butler.
Mr Butler simply has a contract of employment appointing him as a managing director. … On the other
hand, it was clearly intended that some powers should be implicitly delegated to him. …
28 [Counsel’s] proposition is that, in principle, the implied powers of a managing director are those that
would ordinarily be exercisable by a managing director in his position. In my judgment, [counsel’s]
proposition is correct. In HelyHutchinson v Brayhead [3.09] at 583, Lord Denning MR held that the board of
directors, on appointing a managing director, ‘thereby impliedly authorise him to do all such things as fall
within the usual scope of that office.’ … Another way of putting that point is that the managing director’s
powers extend to carrying out those functions on which he did not need to obtain the specific directions of
the board. This is simply the default position. It is, (p. 122) therefore, subject to the company’s articles and
anything that the parties have expressly agreed. In essence, the issue is one of interpreting the contract of
appointment or employment in the light of all the relevant background, and asking what that contract would
reasonably be understood to have meant (Attorney General of Belize v Belize Telecom Ltd [2009] 1 WLR
1485, PC, and see my judgment in Stena Line v Merchant Navy Ratings Pension Fund Trustees Ltd [2010]
EWCA Civ 543 at 36–41).
29 On this basis, as might be expected, the test of what is within the implied actual authority of a managing
director coincides with the test of what is within the ostensible authority of a managing director:
see Freeman & Lock yer v Buck hurst Park Properties (Mangal) Ltd [3.08].
30 The holder of the office of managing director might today more usually be called a chief executive officer
in (at least) a public company. He or she has generally to work on the basis that his appointment does not
supplant that of the role of the board and that he will have to refer back to the board for authority on matters
on which the board has not clearly laid out the company’s strategy. He or she would thus be expected to
work within the strategy the board had actually set.
31 In this case, however, it was clear that the strategy of the board was that Mr Smith should be executive
chairman. Therefore, his suspension was clearly a matter for the board, and not for Mr Butler acting alone.
To my mind it is inconceivable that Mr Butler did not need the instructions of the board on the question of
the suspension of the chairman of the board. The fact that Mr Smith has special rights as a director and
shareholder under the quorum provisions in the Company’s articles reinforces this conclusion, but my
conclusion does not rest on those provisions.
32 I do not accept the submission that my conclusion renders Mr Butler powerless to act even if Mr Smith
controlled the board and could prevent any investigation into the claims against himself contrary to the best
interests of the Company. Mr Butler is a shareholder himself and has the right to seek relief from unfairly
prejudicial conduct by the majority shareholder under section 994 of the 2006 Act. Indeed that is the course
which he has now taken. …
33 Alternatively, Mr Butler could have brought a statutory derivative action against Mr Smith in accordance
with Part 11 of the 2006 Act. Those provisions could be used even if it was necessary to obtain urgent relief.
➤ Notes
1. In British Bank of the Middle East v Sun Life Assurance Co of Canada (UK) Ltd [1983] BCLC 78, HL, it was
held that a branch manager of a multinational insurance company had no ‘usual’ authority to represent to a
bank that a subordinate employee had actual authority to execute undertakings to pay moneys to the bank.
The evidence was that all such undertakings were in practice executed by insurance companies at their head
2. This decision may be contrasted with First Energy (UK) Ltd v Hungarian International Bank Ltd [1993]
BCLC 1409, CA. The senior manager in charge of the Manchester office of the defendant bank (as the plaintiff
company’s representative knew) had no actual authority to sanction a credit facility for the plaintiff. However,
he had signed a letter to the plaintiff offering to provide it with finance. He had no actual authority to sign this
letter, either; but he was held to have had ostensible authority, by virtue of his position, to communicate such
an offer on behalf of the bank—that is, to inform the plaintiff that head office approval had been given for the
offer to be made—and so the bank was bound. (Note: it is not possible to rely upon the ostensible authority of
an individual if the person transacting with the company knew that the act was beyond the actual authority of
the acting official: Criterion Properties plc v Stratford UK Properties LLC [3.13].)
3. Also see Holland [7.02] which discusses the role of de facto directors as fiduciary agents of the company.
(p. 123) The secretary of a company has usual authority to bind the company in matters concerned with
[3.15] Panorama Developments (Guildford) Ltd v Fidelis Furnishing Fabrics Ltd [1971] 2 QB 711 (Court of
The secretary of the defendant company, Bayne, hired cars from the plaintiff, ostensibly for the company’s
business; but in fact he fraudulently used them for his own purposes. The company was held bound by the
contracts to pay the hire charges.
LORD DENNING MR: [Counsel] says that the company is not bound by the letters which were signed by
Mr Bayne as ‘Company Secretary’. He says that, on the authorities, a company secretary fulfils a very
humble role: and that he has no authority to make any contracts or representations on behalf of the
company. He refers to Barnett v South London Tramways Co21 where Lord Esher MR said: ‘A secretary is
a mere servant; his position is that he is to do what he is told, and no person can assume that he has any
authority to represent anything at all …’ Those words were approved by Lord Macnaghten in George
Whitechurch Ltd v Cavanagh.22 They are supported by the decision in Ruben v Great Fingall
Consolidated [11.13]. They are referred to in some of the textbooks as authoritative.
But times have changed. A company secretary is a much more important person nowadays than he was in
1887. He is an officer of the company with extensive duties and responsibilities. This appears not only in
the modern Companies Act, but also by the role which he plays in the daytoday business of companies.
He is no longer a mere clerk. He regularly makes representations on behalf of the company and enters into
contracts on its behalf which come within the daytoday running of the company’s business. So much so
that he may be regarded as held out as having the authority to do such things on behalf of the company. He
is certainly entitled to sign contracts connected with the administrative side of a company’s affairs, such as
employing staff and ordering cars, and so forth. All such matters now come within the ostensible authority
of a company’s secretary.
Accordingly I agree with the judge that Mr R L Bayne, as company secretary, had ostensible authority to
enter into contracts for the hire of these cars, and therefore, the company must pay for them. Mr Bayne
was a fraud. But it was the company which put him in the position in which he, as company secretary, was
able to commit the frauds. So the defendants are liable. I would dismiss the appeal, accordingly.
SALMON LJ: I think there can be no doubt that the secretary is the chief administrative officer of the
company. As regards matters concerned with administration, in my judgment, the secretary has ostensible
authority to sign contracts on behalf of the company. If a company is ordering cars so that its servants may
go and meet foreign customers at airports, nothing, to my mind, is more natural than that the company
should hire those cars through its secretary. The hiring is part of his administrative functions. Whether the
secretary would have any authority to sign a contract relating to the commercial management of the
company, for example, a contract for the sale or purchase of goods in which the company deals, does not
arise for decision in the present case and I do not propose to express any concluded opinion upon the
point; but contracts such as the present fall within the ambit of administration and I entertain no doubt that
the secretary has ostensible power to sign on behalf of the company …
MEGAW LJ concurred.
(p. 124) The ‘indoor management rule’
The ‘indoor management’ or ‘internal management’ rule, also known as the rule in Royal British Bank v
Turquand [3.16], allows a person dealing with a company to assume, in the absence of circumstances putting him
or her on inquiry, that all matters of internal management and procedure have been duly complied with. So,
although under the doctrine of constructive notice (see ‘Constructive notice and its abolition’, p 128) such a person
was taken to be aware of the provisions of the company’s memorandum and articles, and thus of any procedural
restrictions contained in those documents, he was not bound to inquire further. He could take it for granted that its
officers had been duly appointed, that meetings had been properly summoned and conducted and that resolutions
had been passed by requisite majorities.
The development of the rule, and of various limitations on its application, can be seen in the following cases.
But what is the standing of this rule, and the scope for its application, now that the doctrine of constructive notice
has (at least to some extent) been abolished (see CA 2006 s 40(2)(b))? If the rule was itself only a qualification to
the doctrine of constructive notice, will it not have been swept away also? For various reasons, it seems not.
First, although the rule did operate to mitigate the effects of the doctrine of constructive notice, that was never its
only function. A person dealing with a company is always subjected to uncertainty as to whether its officers have
been properly appointed, its resolutions duly passed, etc, whether or not the question arises in connection with a
provision in the company’s constitution. He simply has to take it for granted that the internal affairs have been
regularly conducted (and, for that matter, must accept that the company’s internal affairs are none of his
business). Secondly, although the indoor management rule is commonly regarded as operating only in favour of a
person dealing with a company in good faith (see, eg, Rolled Steel Products (Holdings) Ltd v British Steel
Corpn [3.17]), the presumption of regularity in fact applies in a much wider range of situations. It may be
necessary to fall back on the common law rule for the protection of someone who is not ‘dealing with’ a company
(s 40), as in the Australian caseAustralian Capital Television Pty Ltd v Minister of Transport and
Communications (1989) 7 ACLC 525, where the Turquand rule was applied in the context of an application to a
government minister for a broadcasting licence.
However, the occasions on which the indoor management rule will be pleaded are likely to be rare:
(i) CA 2006 s 40 largely eliminates the need to raise the rule by way of rejoinder to a contention that the
person was affected by the constructive notice doctrine.
(ii) In any case, since the decision in Freeman & Lock yer v Buck hurst Park Properties (Mangal) Ltd [3.08], it
is common to use arguments based on ostensible authority rather than rely on the internal management rule
to resolve questions in this area.
(iii) Furthermore, there are now a considerable number of statutory provisions designed to protect third
parties against possible internal irregularities in a company’s decisionmaking. See, eg, CA 2006 ss 40, 41,
44, 775. The more of these provisions there are, and the more widely they are drafted, the less is the need
for the common law rule.
As well as the Turquand rule itself, the current scope of the ‘exceptions’ to the rule must be clarified. It is plain
from the Rolled Steel case [3.17] that a person who knows or has notice of the irregularity in question or has been
put on inquiry will continue to be barred from relying on the rule. But a former ‘exception’ which denied protection
to a person who could have discovered the irregularity by inspecting the company’s registered documents (Irvine v
Union Bank of Australia (1877) 2 App Cas 366, PC) has plainly been abolished along with the constructive notice
(p. 125) A person dealing with a company is entitled to assume, in the absence of circumstances putting
him on inquiry, that there has been due compliance with all matters of internal management and
procedure required by the articles.
[3.16] Royal British Bank v Turquand (1856) 6 E & B 327 (Exchequer Chamber)
Turquand was the official manager of a coal mining and railway company incorporated under the Act of 1844. He
was sued on a bond for £2,000 which had been given by the company to the plaintiff bank to secure its drawings
on current account. The bond was given under the seal of the company and signed by two directors and the
secretary, but the company alleged that under the terms of its registered deed of settlement the directors had
power to borrow only such sums as had been authorised by a general resolution of the company, and in this case
no sufficiently specific resolution had been passed. The Court of Exchequer Chamber, affirming the judgment of the
Court of Queen’s Bench, held that even so the company was bound by the bond.
JERVIS CJ: I am of opinion that the judgment of the Court of Queen’s Bench ought to be affirmed. I incline
to think that the question which has been principally argued both here and in that court does not
necessarily arise, and need not be determined. My impression is (though I will not state it as a fixed
opinion) that the resolution set forth in the replication goes far enough to satisfy the requisites of the deed of
settlement. The deed allows the directors to borrow on bond such sum or sums of money as shall from time
to time, by a resolution passed at a general meeting of the company, be authorised to be borrowed: and the
replication shows a resolution, passed at a general meeting, authorising the directors to borrow on bond
such sums for such periods and at such rates of interest as they might deem expedient, in accordance with
the deed of settlement and the Act of Parliament; but the resolution does not otherwise define the amount
to be borrowed. That seems to me enough. If that be so, the other question does not arise. But whether it
be so or not we need not decide; for it seems to us that the plea, whether we consider it as a confession
and avoidance or a special non est factum, does not raise any objection to this advance as against the
company. We may now take for granted that the dealings with these companies are not like dealings with
other partnerships, and that the parties dealing with them are bound to read the statute and the deed of
settlement. But they are not bound to do more. And the party here, on reading the deed of settlement,
would find, not a prohibition from borrowing, but a permission to do so on certain conditions. Finding that
the authority might be made complete by a resolution, he would have a right to infer the fact of a resolution
authorising that which on the face of the document appeared to be legitimately done.
The presumption of regularity cannot be relied on by a person who has notice of an irregularity or has
been put on inquiry.
[3.17] Rolled Steel Products (Holdings) Ltd v British Steel Corpn [1986] Ch 246 (Court of Appeal)
For the facts and another part of the decision, see [3.04] and [3.11].
SLADE LJ: Mr Shenkman unquestionably had a personal interest in the proposed guarantee and debenture
which fell for consideration at the board meeting of the plaintiff on 22 January 1969. Under article 17 of the
plaintiff’s articles of association he was entitled to vote as a director in regard to these transactions and to
be counted in the quorum of two directors required by article 18(a), (p. 126) notwithstanding his personal
interest, if, but only if he declared his interest ‘in manner provided by s 199 of the Companies Act 1948’ [CA
2006 s 177] … The judge, as I have said, accepted the evidence of Mr Shenkman that there had been no
meeting of the board of the plaintiff before 22 January 1969 at which the desirability of the plaintiff giving a
guarantee had been considered; and that he had made no declaration of his personal interest at the board
meeting of 22 January 1969. I can see no grounds for challenging either of these findings of fact. Mr
Shenkman and Mr Ilya Shenkman were the only two directors present and voting at the lastmentioned
board meeting …
[His Lordship accordingly ruled that the directors were acting in breach of the articles in purporting to
authorise and in executing the guarantee and debenture. He continued:]
The only remaining questions in this context are whether the judge was right by his judgment to give leave
to amend the defence so as to plead that Colvilles[23 ] was entitled to rely on the resolution as a resolution
passed at a properly constituted board of directors at which, Mr Shenkman and Mr Ilya Shenkman having
been the only directors present, a proper disclosure of Mr Shenkman’s interest had been made …
The possible relevance of the rule in Royal British Bank v Turquand [3.16] in the present context is obvious.
However … persons dealing with a company registered under the Companies Acts must be taken not only
to have read the memorandum and articles of a company, but to have understood them according to their
proper meaning: see Palmer’s Company Law, 23rd edn (1982), vol 1, para 2802 and the cases there cited.
Colvilles and BSC, therefore, must be taken to have known that, under the articles of the plaintiff, a quorum
of two was required for the transaction of the business of its directors, and of the provisions of those articles
relating to the declaration of a personal interest. They were well aware of the personal interest of Mr
Shenkman in the transactions proposed on 22 January 1969.
The signed minutes of the board meeting of that day, a copy of which was subsequently supplied to
Colvilles’ solicitors (and indeed had been drafted by them) made no mention whatever of any declaration of a
personal interest by Mr Shenkman. Since Colvilles and its legal advisers must be taken to have had
knowledge of the relevant provisions of the plaintiff’s articles, they must also be taken to have known that
the resolution could not have been validly passed unless Mr Shenk man had duly declared his personal
interest at that board meeting or a previous board meeting.
If, therefore, the defendants are to be allowed both to take and succeed on the Turquand’s case point, this
must mean that, in the circumstances subsisting in late January 1969, they were as a matter of law entitled
to assume (contrary to the fact and without further inquiry) that Mr Shenkman had duly declared his
personal interest either at the board meeting of 22 January 1969 or a previous board meeting of the plaintiff.
This contention might well have been unanswerable if the rule in Turquand’s case were an absolute and
unqualified rule of law, applicable in all circumstances. But, as the statement of the rule quoted above
indicates, it is not. It is a rule which only applies in favour of persons dealing with the company in good
faith. If such persons have notice of the relevant irregularity, they cannot rely on the rule …
[His Lordship held that, in any event, the judge had been wrong to allow the amendment to the pleadings.]
LAWTON and BROWNEWILKINSON LJJ delivered concurring judgments.
➤ Notes
1. The presumption of regularity cannot be relied on by ‘insiders’, that is, persons who by virtue of their
position in the company are in a position to know whether or not the internal regulations have been
observed: Howard v Patent Ivory Manufacturing Co (1888) 38 Ch D 156 (p. 127) (Chancery Division); Morris v
Kanssen [1946] AC 459. By contrast, therefore, the court was remarkably indulgent in HelyHutchinson v
Brayhead Ltd [3.09] in treating as an ‘outsider’ for the purpose of the rule a person who was a director of a
company, though not acting as such in the transaction in question.
2. The presumption of regularity has been held not to apply in the case of forgery: Ruben v Great Fingall
Consolidated [1906] AC 439, HL. But contrast Lovett v Carson Country Homes [11.14], where CA 2006 s
44(5) was deemed to apply despite an outright forgery.
The interaction between the indoor management rule and agency rules
The ‘indoor management’ rule, or rule in Royal British Bank v Turquand, appears in its simplest form in relation to
such questions as the due execution of documents, the passing of authorising resolutions and the regularity of
elections and appointments. In all these cases, if nothing has occurred which is evidently contrary to the
provisions of the company’s constitution, the outsider may assume the regularity of all matters internal to the
company and its organisation.
Where, however, the issue is whether a single person has, or is deemed to have, authority to represent the
company as its representative or agent, these questions of indoor management may become confused with other
questions arising from the ordinary laws of agency. The position may be illustrated by various examples. If a
person has been appointed to the office of secretary or managing director and acts as such, but there was some
technical defect in the procedure by which he or she was appointed, the indoor management rule will apply so as
to protect an outsider dealing with the agent. On the other hand, when a person has been appointed as the
company’s agent either specially, to act in a particular transaction, or generally (eg to manage a branch office), the
questions whether he has exceeded the authority conferred upon him and, if so, whether the company as principal
is nevertheless bound visàvis a third party, are matters which ought to be determined by the ordinary rules of
agency (see the preceding cases and commentary).
A more complex problem arises when a person holding some office in the company (commonly a director) purports
to act on behalf of the company in a matter which is not within the scope of such an officer’s usual activities,
but would be within the normal functions of another office to which he might have been appointed—for example, a
managing director. Such a person may, depending on the evidence, be regarded as either (i) a managing director
defectively appointed, (ii) a person held out by the company 24 as a managing director although never appointed as
such, or (iii) an officer of limited powers who has without authority simply exceeded those powers. On the first
view, the matter is one governed by the indoor management rule;25 on the second, by the rules of agency;26 and in
either case the third party with whom he deals will be protected. On the third view, the company will not be bound
whichever set of rules is applied. It is perhaps not surprising that the cases sometimes fail to keep
theTurquand and the agency principles distinct.
Many of the older cases seem to have been argued and decided primarily on the basis of the indoor management
rule, but they should all now be reconsidered in the light of the judgments in Freeman & Lock yer v Buck hurst Park
Properties (Mangal) Ltd [3.08], where the problems raised in cases of this nature were reformulated as issues of
(p. 128) Constructive notice and its abolition
In Ernest v Nicholls (1857) 6 HL Cas 401, the House of Lords ruled that a person dealing with a company should
be deemed to have notice of that company’s registered constitutional documents.
It did not necessarily follow that, because the law gave everyone the opportunity to find out about a company’s
registered documents, there was a corresponding duty to do so; and perhaps only an English chancery judge, to
whom the notion of constructive notice would have been so familiar, would so readily have run the two ideas
together, and disregarded the obvious non sequitur. Commercial law generally regards the concept of constructive
notice with disfavour; and there is much to be said for the view that, since company transactions (especially as
regards outsiders) are mostly of a commercial nature, a rule which deems the world at large to have constructive
notice of the registered documents should not have been allowed to gain a footing, still less to have become a
central feature of the law.
On the other hand, at the time the doctrine was established, most companies (including the one concerned
in Ernest v Nicholls) did not have limited liability, so there was some reason to a rule of law that called on those
dealing with a company to make investigations. But once limited liability became the norm, and especially after it
became the usual practice for shares to be paid up in full, the real trading risk shifted from the shareholders to the
creditors, and the constructive notice doctrine ceased to have any proper justification. Businessmen need to make
decisions promptly, and for them access to the relevant documents held by the registrar could only be had at too
great a cost in time and trouble.
Most jurisdictions have now abolished the constructive notice rule. In England, the argument for reform was first
raised by the Jenkins Committee in 1962 as a necessary corollary to that committee’s proposal for the reform of
the ultra vires doctrine. But, as we have seen (‘Statutory provisions protecting third parties (outsiders) from the
consequences of constitutional limitations on corporate capacity’, pp 85ff), no step was taken until the UK’s entry
to the EU required modifications to domestic company law to comply with the First Directive.
After years of relatively unsatisfactory statutory amendments to comply with this Directive, we have now reached
the stage where CA 2006 s 40(2)(b) provides that ‘a person dealing with a company is not bound to enquire as to
any limitation on the powers of the directors to bind the company or to authorise others to do so …’. In addition,
the presumptions in s 40 apply to all those dealing with the company in good faith, and a person ‘is not to be
regarded as acting in bad faith by reason only of his knowing that an act is beyond the powers of the directors
under the company’s constitution’. This effectively abolishes the doctrine of constructive notice of the contents of
the company’s registered documents, and imposes no penalty for failure to take the time to search.
The doctrine of constructive notice might have been challenged much earlier in its history but for the fact that its
harshest effects were mitigated by the development, almost contemporaneously with the doctrine itself, of the
‘indoor management’ or ‘internal management’ rule, also known as the rule in Royal British Bank v
Turquand [3.16] (see ‘The “indoor management rule”’, pp 124ff).
Third parties do not have constructive notice of events published in the Gazette
The UK has in place an additional disclosure regime of ‘official notification’: as against third parties, companies
may not rely on their implementation of certain specified constitutional changes and other events (eg amendment
of articles, appointment of a liquidator) unless they have been properly notified to the registrar and published by the
registrar in the Gazette (see CA 2006 s 1079 and ‘General disclosure obligations’, pp 715ff for details). This
provision is designed for the protection of third parties (no matter how rarely they might read the Gazette !). Given
the protective aim, companies cannot rely on the rule as also fixing third (p. 129) parties with constructive notice
of these events once they are published in the Gazette. This emerges from Official Custodian for Charities v
Parway Estates Ltd [1985] Ch 151, CA.
➤ Question
What is the effect of CA 2006 s 1079 on a resolution such as that held to have been passed in Cane v
Jones [4.17] ?
An amendment of the company’s articles will not excuse a breach of contract
A company cannot, by altering its articles, justify a breach of contract.
[3.18] Baily v British Equitable Assurance Co [1904] 1 Ch 374 (Court of Appeal)
The claimant, who was not a member of the defendant company, had taken out a life policy with the company. The
company’s bylaws (made under the authority of the original deed of settlement) provided that profits from such
policies should be distributed to policyholders without deduction. In 1903 it was proposed to register the company
under the Companies Act, with articles of association altering the bylaws so as to authorise the transfer of a
percentage of such profits to a reserve fund. The plaintiff claimed a declaration that his policy was not affected by
the altered articles. Kekewich J and the Court of Appeal granted the declaration.27
The judgment of the Court of Appeal (VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, STIRLING and COZENSHARDY LJJ) was
read by COZENSHARDY LJ: It is … contended that, as the company was registered under s 209 of the
Companies Act 1862,[28 ] it thereby acquired power by special resolution to alter … all or any of the by
laws, and that the plaintiff is seeking to restrain the company from altering bylaw no 4 in exercise of this
statutory power. And it is said that, apart from the statute, the deed of settlement itself contained a power
to alter the bylaw, of which power the plaintiff had notice. We cannot assent to this argument. As between
the members of a company and the company, no doubt this proposition is to some extent true. The rights
of a shareholder in respect of his shares, except so far as may be protected by the memorandum of
association, are by statute made liable to be altered by special resolution: see Allen v Gold Reefs of West
Africa Ltd [4.22].
But the case of a contract between an outsider and the company is entirely different, and even a
shareholder must be regarded as an outsider in so far as he contracts with the company otherwise than in
respect of his shares. It would be dangerous to hold that in a contract of loan or a contract of service or a
contract of insurance validly entered into by a company there is any greater power of variation of the rights
and liabilities of the parties than would exist if, instead of the company, the contracting party had been an
individual. A company cannot, by altering its articles, justify a breach of contract …
In the present case there was a contract for value between the plaintiff and the company, relating to the
future profits of a particular branch of the company’s business, and the company ought not to be allowed,
by special resolution or otherwise, to break that contract. The appeal must be dismissed.
(p. 130) ➤ Note
A contract may, of course, be construed as incorporating the terms of the articles whatever they may be, and
however they may be varied from time to time, just as a person joining a club is taken to agree that he will
abide by the club’s rules as they may be formulated at any given time. An alteration of the articles would then
not be a breach of contract by the company at all (unless it were held to violate an implied term that the
company would not alter its articles mala fide or unreasonably). Baily’s case went to the House of Lords,
where the decision of the Court of Appeal was reversed on the basis of such a construction.29
[3.19] British Equitable Assurance Co Ltd v Baily [1906] AC 35 (House of Lords)
LORD LINDLEY: My Lords, this appeal turns entirely on the contracts entered into between the insurance
company and its participating policyholders, represented by Mr Baily … These contracts are to be found in
the policies themselves. By each policy the company agree to pay the executors of the assured a fixed
sum out of the funds of the company, ‘and all such other sums, if any, as the said company by their
directors may have ordered to be added to such amount by way of bonus or otherwise, according to their
practice for the time being. Provided always, that this policy is made subject to the conditions and
regulations hereon indorsed.’ That is the contract between the parties; but the indorsed conditions and
regulations are part of it, and the fifth is important. The company was formed as long ago as 1854, and the
object of the fifth regulation is to limit the liability of the members of the company. But the regulation throws
light on the position of the policyholders and on what they can claim under their policies. The fifth indorsed
condition or regulation in effect provides that the funds of the company, ‘after satisfying prior claims and
charges according to the provisions of the deed of settlement and bylaws of the company for the time
being, shall alone be liable for the payment of the moneys payable under the policy …’.[30 ] The reference to
the deed of settlement and bylaws for the time being is allimportant; for the bylaws determine how the
profits of the company are to be disposed of, and those bylaws are subject to alteration from time to time
by an extraordinary meeting of the shareholders of the company … The policyholders are not shareholders,
and have no voice in making or altering bylaws; but the sum payable under any policy, in addition to the
fixed sum mentioned in it, is made by the policy itself to depend upon what the directors may have ordered
to be added to such sum, and that depends upon their practice for the time being. The practice of the
directors in its turn depends on how the profits are to be ascertained and divided in accordance with the by
laws, which may be altered from time to time, as above pointed out.
My Lords, I am quite unable to adopt the view taken by the courts below as to the inability of the company
to alter their bylaws as they have done, and, inter alia, to make a sinking fund without the consent of the
policyholders …
Of course, the powers of altering bylaws, like other powers, must be exercised bona fide, and having regard
to the purposes for which they are created, and to the rights of persons affected by them. A bylaw to the
effect that no creditor or policyholder should be paid what was due to him would, in my opinion, be clearly
void as an illegal excess of power. But in this case it is conceded (p. 131) that the alteration contemplated,
and sought to be restrained, is fair, honest and businesslike, and will, in the opinion of the directors and
shareholders of the company, be beneficial as well to the policyholders as to the shareholders. The sole
question is whether such an alteration infringes the rights of the policyholders. In my opinion it clearly does
I am of opinion that the appeal should be allowed …
LORDS MACNAGHTEN and ROBERTSON delivered concurring opinions.
➤ Question
Notice here that the court is expected to ascertain whether an alteration is ‘fair, honest and businesslike’. Is
this comparable to the court’s approach in respect of the alteration of a company’s articles, as in Allen v Gold
Reefs of West Africa Ltd [4.22] ?
Contracts and the execution of documents
The general rule at common law was that a contract was not binding upon, or enforceable by, a corporation unless
it was executed under the company’s common seal. But this general rule was subject to exceptions, particularly
in relation to routine contracts of relatively minor importance, and it was widely relaxed in favour of trading
The present position for companies incorporated under the Companies Acts is set out in CA 2006 ss 43–52. The
use of a seal is now optional (s 43(1)), and a company may make a contract with no more formality than is
required in the case of an individual (s 43(2)). Where the law requires the use of a document and the company’s
seal is not used, the document is validly executed if signed by two directors or by a director and a secretary
(where the company has a secretary) (s 44(2)(a)). Section 44(2)(b) also adds the option of signature by one
director in the presence of a witness who attests that signature. This is especially needed for private companies
with a single director.
Section 44 is also protective. For example, a ‘purchaser’ taking under a document in good faith and for valuable
consideration is given very wide statutory protection by s 44(5), wide enough, it would appear, to include a
document which is an outright forgery: see Lovett v Carson Country Homes [11.14]. In William v Redcard
Ltd [2011] EWCA Civ 466, CA, it was held that the words ‘by or on behalf of’ were not necessary to invoke s 44(4);
it sufficed that ‘the reasonable reader would understand the signatures of the natural persons are signatures both
on their own account and on behalf of the company’ [11].
Preincorporation contracts
Before leaving the issue of corporate contracting, one further practical matter deserves mention. It is quite common
for negotiations about a contract to take place, and for a contract (or what purports to be a contract) to be made,
when one of the parties to this ‘contract’ is a company which has not yet been formed. Sometimes, the fact that
the company has not been incorporated may be known to all concerned and may even be stated in the contract;
on the other hand, there may have been some misunderstanding or even a misrepresentation about its existence.
Since a ‘nonentity’ cannot have legal rights or duties ascribed to it, such situations can potentially give rise to all
sorts of legal problems. Some of these are resolved by CA 2006 s 51, see following), but not all.
(p. 132) ➤ Questions
1. What business reasons might cause people to make a preincorporation contract, rather than form the company
first and then conclude the deal?
2. How far would it help to solve the problems to use a readymade company (Note 2 following HA Stephenson &
Son Ltd v Gillanders, Arbuthnot & Co [1.07], p 30)?
Companies Act 2006 s 51
51 Preincorporation contracts, deeds and obligations
A contract that purports to be made by or on behalf of a company at a time when the company has not
been formed has effect, subject to any agreement to the contrary, as one made with the person purporting
to act for the company or as agent for it, and he is personally liable on the contract accordingly.
➤ Notes
1. This provision (like its predecessors, CA 1985 s 36C and European Communities Act 1972 s 9(2)) was
introduced to implement Art 7 of the First EU Company Law Directive. The aim was to eliminate many of the
problems apparent from earlier common law precedents. For example, it seemed that if the purported contract
was, on its face, with a nonexistent company, there could be no contract at all with the company (as it did not
exist) and no binding obligations on the promoters (as that was not intended), so third parties were left without a
remedy under the contract:31 Newborne v Sensolid (Great Britain) Ltd [1954] 1 QB 45, CA 2006. On the other
hand, this rule did not protect promoters who acted as principals (clearly), nor, it seemed, promoters who explicitly
acted as agents on behalf of their proposed company: see Kelner v Baxter (1866) LR 2 CP 174 (Court of Common
Pleas), where the promoters were held liable on the contract (ie as parties to it).
The contrasting conclusions in these two cases led to some fine distinctions being made by commentators, and to
arguments about whether the issue was one of form or substance. In Phonogram Ltd v Lane [1982] QB 938, Oliver
LJ suggested that the distinction was based on the intention of the parties at the time the contract was formed:32
The question I think in each case is what is the real intent as revealed by the contract? Does the contract
purport to be one which is directly between the supposed principal and the other party, or does it purport to
be one between the agent himself—albeit acting for a supposed principal—and the other party? In other
words, what we have to look at is whether the agent intended himself to be a party to the contract.
This was cited with approval by Dillon LJ in Cotronic (UK) Ltd v Dezonie [1991] BCC 200 at 205, on facts which lay
outside CA 2006 s 51 and its predecessors. Then all these cases remain relevant.
2. On the other hand, where CA 2006 s 51 applies, many of the difficulties have been settled, for all practical
purposes, by the interpretation put on what is now CA 2006 s 51 by the Court of Appeal in Phonogram Ltd v
Lane [1982] QB 938. In particular, CA 2006 s 51 expressly (p. 133) renders the agent personally liable on the
contract, ‘subject to any agreement to the contrary’. Lord Denning MR said:
The words ‘subject to any agreement to the contrary’ mean—as Shaw LJ suggested in the course of the
argument—‘unless otherwise agreed’. If there was an express agreement that the man who was signing
was not to be liable, the section would not apply. But, unless there is a clear exclusion of personal liability,
[CA 2006 s 51] should be given its full effect. It means that in all cases such as the present, where a
person purports to contract on behalf of a company not yet formed, then however he expresses his
signature he himself is personally liable on the contract.
3. The predecessors to CA 2006 s 51 were criticised because, it was said, they focused largely on the liability of
the ‘agent’ and were, at best, ambiguous on the question of what rights, if any, were conferred on this person.
Those doubts have been largely resolved by the decision in Braymist Ltd v Wise Finance Co Ltd [2002] EWCA Civ
127, [2002] Ch 273, CA, which held that the provision not only confers liabilities on the agent, but also rights of
This broad interpretation of CA 2006 s 51 leaves the underlying contract subject to all the normal rules of contract.
In particular, if a misrepresentation about the identity of the counterparty to the contract (ie the identity of the
purported company) induced the other party to enter into the contract, to its detriment, then the other party is
entitled to rescind the contract. In Braymist Ltd v Wise Finance Co Ltd, the court held that the identity of the
vendor (whether it was Braymist or the firm of solicitors) was immaterial to the purchaser, and so the solicitors (the
agents who had signed the contract) could enforce the contract of sale.
4. The cases cited previously do not decide the alternative question of whether an agent who has not contracted
personally might be liable to the opposite party in damages for breach of warranty of authority on the principle
of Collen v Wright.33 Parker J at first instance in Newborne’s case34 appears to have doubted this ‘because the
principal is not in existence’, but this begs the question: there are strong obiter dicta to the contrary in the
Australian case of Black v Smallwood;35 and the wellknown case of McRae v Commonwealth Disposals
Commission36 plainly establishes that a person may impliedly warrant that what is nonexistent exists.
5. A company cannot, by adoption or ratification, obtain the benefit of a contract purportedly made on its behalf
before it came into existence. A new contract must be made after its incorporation in the same terms as the old
one: Natal Land Co & Colonization Ltd v Pauline Colliery and Development Syndicate Ltd [1904] AC 120, PC. CA
2006 retains this rule, in that the contract must be novated; it cannot be ratified. It cannot be ratified, because, at
the time the contract was made, the company itself could not have validly entered into the agreement—the
company did not exist, and so could have no agents, and cannot now attempt retrospectively to authorise
purported agents. Novation may be express or implied.
The Jenkins Committee in its Report (Cmnd 1749, 1962, paras 44, 54(b)) considered the law unsatisfactory and
anomalous, and recommended that ‘a company should be enabled unilaterally to adopt contracts which purport to
be made on its behalf or in its name prior to incorporation, and thereby become a party thereto to the same extent
as if the contract had been made after incorporation …’. Many Commonwealth countries have enacted provisions
which follow the lines of this recommendation, and a similar reform was projected for the UK in the abortive
Companies Bill of 1973, but this proposal was not revived when the First EU Directive was implemented; and so
the Natal Land case is still good law.
6. The traditional doctrine of privity of contract (which states that a contract cannot confer benefits or impose
obligations upon someone who is not a party) could be seen as a further (p. 134) obstacle to allowing a company
to enforce a preincorporation contract. The doctrine has now, in part, been abrogated by the Contracts (Rights of
Third Parties) Act 1999, following a recommendation of the Law Commission (Law Com No 242, 1996). This Act
allows a person who is not a party to a contract to enforce a term, in certain circumstances, provided that that
person is sufficiently identified; and s 1(3) expressly states that the person need not be in existence when the
contract is entered into. The Law Commission in its report (paras 8.9–8.16) acknowledged that any change made
to the privity doctrine might have some impact on preincorporation contracts, but took the view that any
considered reform of the latter topic should be dealt with separately as a matter of company law. Of course, since
the 1999 Act is concerned only with the enforcement of rights by a third party, and not with the imposing of
obligations, there is no way in which that Act could be invoked in order to make a company a party in the full
sense to a preincorporation contract. However, there is scope for its application in a more limited sense—that is,
where such a contract includes a term which expressly or purportedly confers a benefit on the unformed company.
This could extend to the parties agreeing (for a consideration) that the company, when formed, should have the
option of entering into a contract on predetermined terms.
7. As already noted, it is very common for those wishing to incorporate a business to acquire a readymade
company for the purpose, possibly changing its name if the existing name is not thought suitable. In Oshk osh
B’Gosh Inc v Dan Marbel Inc Ltd [1989] BCLC 507, CA, Mr Craze bought a company named E Ltd ‘off the shelf’
and later changed its name to DM Ltd. Before the change of name was registered the company, acting through
Craze, bought goods from the plaintiff. In an action to make Craze personally liable it was held that s 9(2) of the
European Communities Act 1972 [CA 2006 s 51] could not be applied because the company had been formed
(albeit under another name) at the time when the contract was made: the issue of an amended certificate of
incorporation under CA 1985 s 28(6) [CA 2006 s 80(3)] did not imply that the company had been reformed or re
incorporated. Again, in Badgerhill Properties Ltd v Cottrell [1991] BCLC 805, CA 1985 s 36C was held to be
inapplicable where the company was in existence but had been described by an incorrect name. In contrast,
in Cotronic (UK) Ltd v Dezonie [1991] BCLC 721, CA, a defendant escaped personal liability under CA 1985 s 36C
for a different reason. He made a contract in 1986 in the name of W Ltd in ignorance of the fact that W Ltd had
been struck off the register under CA 1985 s 652 [CA 2006 s 1000] in 1981 and had ceased to exist. A new
company, also named W Ltd, was incorporated in 1989 to continue the business. The court held that he could not
be made liable under s 36C because he had purported to make the contract on behalf of the old company and not
the new one, which no one had thought about forming in 1986.
➤ Questions
1. Could any or all of the difficulties revealed by the Natal Land case have been met by Mrs de
Carrey assigning her right to the lease to the company after it had been formed?
2. It is possible to create a valid trust for the benefit of an unborn child. Could the problems revealed by
the Natal Land case have been surmounted by having someone enter into an agreement as trustee, rather
than as agent, for the yet to be formed company?
Corporate gifts
Problems of some complexity may arise when a company makes a gift, such as a donation to a charity or a
political party, or when it enters into a transaction which, although perhaps not strictly gratuitous, has an altruistic
character—such as guaranteeing someone else’s bank (p. 135) overdraft. Agreements to pay remuneration to a
company’s staff or officers may also be open to challenge (or, at least, arouse suspicion) on the ground that the
sums may not have been genuinely earned; and, a fortiori, the payment of bonuses and pensions in recognition of
past services may also be called into question as being unauthorised or unmerited.
The cases show that the courts have, over the years, viewed such payments with no great enthusiasm, and
sometimes with outright hostility. The reasons for this are varied. Creditors, of course, stand to be prejudiced if
corporate assets are given away, but they are given only limited protection by the rules of company law and
virtually no direct access to the courts to have these rules enforced while the company is a going concern.
Naturally enough, therefore, the courts will be alert to the potential need to intervene indirectly on their behalf (eg in
a suit brought by a liquidator) and to seek to upset such transactions, especially in cases where the company has
become insolvent not long after the gifts were made.
Perhaps the strongest factor influencing the judges, more especially in the Victorian period, has been the difficulty
of reconciling notions of altruism with the capitalist ethos. It seems to have been accepted practically without
question until only a decade or two ago that the sole purpose of any company was to make the greatest possible
profits for its members. Even today, this approach is by no means dead, and most people would assume that this
was at least a company’s predominant purpose. A corporate gift which diminishes profits violates this philosophy,
unless it can be justified on the ground that it is likely to bring a greater benefit in the longer term.
Nowadays, opinion has changed, and there is greater support for the view that ‘responsible’ companies ought not
to neglect ‘wider’ interests such as those of their employees, clients and customers, the community, the
environment, and so on. However, the ‘members’ money’ attitude can still influence questions such as the
propriety of corporate gifts to charity or donations to political parties: why, it is asked, should company directors,
or even majority members, decide where this benevolence is to be bestowed, when there are likely to be other
members who would choose to do something quite different with their share of the money if it were paid out to
Of course, the ‘members’ money’ approach rests on the basic assumption that companies are formed with the
paramount aim of earning profits, and that the investors contribute their capital on that understanding, and that the
members’ views on all this should prevail. This may be apt in the vast majority of instances; but we should not
forget that the Companies Act does allow the corporate form to be used for all sorts of purposes, and there is
nothing to say that business and profits must come first. The corporate form is adopted by many charitable
organisations, and could clearly be used by an enterprise that allowed its investors a limited return, after which its
excess profits were to go to philanthropy or to some other object. Many cooperatives are registered companies,
established to run businesses that make no profit. And there is no reason why a ‘one man company’ should not
have as its objects both the carrying on of its founder’s business and the support of his family—especially after his
death—and any other objects of his benevolence.
The decision in Re Horsley & Weight Ltd [4.30] confirms that, even at common law, the making of gratuitous
payments can be construed as a corporate object if the company’s old style memorandum was framed in
sufficiently explicit terms. But prior to this decision, it was the ultra vires doctrine which was relied on by the
judges to strike down many such transactions. Unhappily, in their zeal to keep corporate generosity within what
they saw as proper bounds, they allowed a degree of confusion to creep into their reasoning, failing (for instance)
to distinguish between corporate capacity and the directors’ authority, in some cases, and between a company’s
express powers and its implied powers in others.
It was not until the Court of Appeal restated the law in the Rolled Steel case [3.04] that some logic was restored to
the subject. But the result was that the ultra vires ground could be invoked only rarely to upset these gratuitous
transactions. Now the rule cannot be invoked (p. 136) at all. The courts must have recourse instead to the rules
on directors’ authority and abuse of their powers, to the ‘maintenance of capital’ rules (‘Controls over a company’s
distribution of capital’, pp 512ff), the statutory ‘wrongful trading’ provision, and perhaps to other newer concepts, in
order to counter the misapplication of corporate assets by transactions of this kind.
Note that CA 2006 s 366 now prohibits companies from making political donations or incurring political expenditure
unless the transaction or the expenditure is authorised by the members of the company. Certain exemptions are
specified, with various conditions and ceiling amounts specified.
Tort liability
There are two routes to finding a company liable in tort. The company may be primarily liable for committing the
tort, just as any natural person might be, and the usual consequences will follow. To establish such primary
liability, unless the liability is strict, it is essential to identify the person (or persons) whose acts will count as the
acts of the company (as in the Meridian Global case, [3.01] and [3.29], using Lord Hoffmann’s attribution rules),
and then to establish that those acts are sufficient to attract liability in tort.
The second route to fixing a company with liability in tort is to find the company vicariously liable for the tort. In
this case, it is essential to find some individual who is primarily liable for the tort (and who might be sued
personally by the claimant). Once that is done, it is then necessary to explain why the company is vicariously
liable for that person’s acts or omissions. Employers and principals are typically held to be vicariously liable for the
acts of their employees or agents in the conduct of their employment or agency (but not for their acts outside this
context, of course, although this is a difficult line to draw—see Dubai Aluminium Company v Salaam [3.21]).
Vicarious liability has been described as ‘a loss distribution device based on the grounds of social and economic
policy’.37 Liability attaches to the company not because it is regarded as having committed the tort, but because it
has created the risk that the tort would be committed,38 and so, for example, because of the close connection
between the nature of the employment and the particular tort and looking at the matter in the round, it is just and
reasonable to hold the employer liable.39 It follows that the company’s capacity to commit the tort is
irrelevant.40 Where vicarious liability is established, the individual and the company are jointly liable to the victim
for the tort.41
One of the problems in this area is whether the individual who ‘acts for the company’ and whose acts
attract primary liability in tort on the company, should also be primarily liable personally for the same tort (since
the facts will usually, but not always, enable that to be established). If this is always the case, then the corporate
form is not quite the insulating device in tort that it is in contract (where an agent acting for the company can
fasten liability on the company while avoiding any personal obligations under the contract that is negotiated). For a
potential resolution of the issues, see Williams v Natural Life Health Foods [3.22] and Standard Chartered Bank v
Pak istan National Shipping Corpn (No 2) [3.23].
The following cases illustrate the operation of these rules.
(p. 137) A company may be primarily liable in tort, even for acts that it is not authorised or permitted to
[3.20] Campbell v Paddington Corpn [1911] 1 KB 869 (King’s Bench Divisional Court)
The plaintiff occupied premises in Edgware Road of which the balcony and front rooms could be let to persons
wishing to view public processions. She had agreed to let a balcony to Mr Albert Ginger to watch the funeral
procession of King Edward VII, but had to release him from the contract when the defendant corporation unlawfully
erected a stand in the street outside, which blocked the view. In the county court, she was awarded £90 damages.
The Corporation’s appeal to the Divisional Court was dismissed.
AVORY J: Three objections are taken to this verdict. First, it is said that the defendants, the mayor,
aldermen and councillors of the metropolitan borough of Paddington, being a corporation, are not liable
because the borough council had no legal right to do what they did, and therefore the corporation cannot be
sued. This stand was erected in pursuance of a formal resolution of the borough council. To say that,
because the borough council has no legal right to erect it, therefore the corporation cannot be sued, is to
say that no corporation can ever be sued for any tort or wrong. The only way in which this corporation can
act is by its council, and the resolution of the council is the authentic act of the corporation. If the view of
the defendants were correct no company could ever be sued if the directors of the company after resolution
did an act which the company by its memorandum of association had no power to do. That would be
absurd. The first objection therefore fails, and the defendants are liable to be sued …
[The second and third objections are not material.]
LUSH J: … where the wrongful act is done without the express authority of the corporation, an authority
from the corporation to do it cannot be implied if the act is outside the statutory powers of the corporation.
That principle has no application to a case where the corporation has resolved to do and has, in the only
way in which it can do any act, actually done the thing which is unlawful and which causes the damage
complained of.
➤ Notes
1. Also see Director General of Fair Trading v Pioneer Concrete (UK) Ltd [1995] 1 AC 456, referred to
in Meridian Global [3.29].
2. Campbell’s case concerns the primary liability of a company in tort. The principle established by the case
extends to acts which are unlawful, as well as to acts which, prior to the coming into force of CA 2006 and its
predecessors in Companies Act 1989 (CA 1989), would have been beyond a company’s capacity under
the ultra vires doctrine (‘Corporate capacity’, p 83). The point is that the company’s primary liability in tort
cannot be limited to those things that the company is authorised to do. The issue, rather, is whether the acts
of the company’s human agents count as acts of the company (under the Meridian Global [3.29] test), and
then whether those acts constitute a tort. It follows that a company may sometimes be held primarily liable for
a tort even when none of its human actors commits the same tort. For example, in WB Anderson and Sons
Ltd v Rhodes (Liverpool) Ltd [1967] 2 All ER 850, Rhodes was held liable for negligent misrepresentation. The
Rhodes employee who made the representation was not negligent, as he could only have known the true facts
(on a buyer’s creditworthiness) if either Rhodes’ manager or its bookkeeper had told him, but they negligently
did not. They, on the other hand, could not be liable for negligent misrepresentation because they had not
made any representations. Nevertheless, Rhodes itself was liable for the tort.42
(p. 138) A company is often, although not invariably, vicariously liable for the torts of its agents and
employees even when the acts constituting those torts are unauthorised or even illegal.
[3.21] Dubai Aluminium Company Ltd v Salaam [2002] UKHL 48, [2003] 2 AC 366 (House of Lords)
The facts appear in Lord Nicholls’s opinion. This case concerned the Amhurst partnership ‘the firm’, not a
company, but the general principles remain relevant.
19 Vicarious liability is concerned with the responsibility of the firm [or a company] to other persons for
wrongful acts done by a partner [or company agent or employee] while acting in the ordinary course of the
partnership [or company] business or with the authority of his copartners. At first sight this might seem
something of a contradiction in terms. Partners do not usually agree with each other to commit wrongful
acts. Partners are not normally authorised to engage in wrongful conduct. Indeed, if vicarious liability of a
firm for acts done by a partner acting in the ordinary course of the business of the firm were confined to acts
authorised in every particular, the reach of vicarious liability would be short indeed. Especially would this be
so with dishonesty and other intentional wrongdoing, as distinct from negligence. Similarly restricted would
be the vicarious responsibility of employers for wrongful acts done by employees in the course of their
employment. Like considerations apply to vicarious liability for employees.
20 Take the present case. The essence of the claim advanced by Dubai Aluminium against Mr Amhurst is
that he and Mr Salaam engaged in a criminal conspiracy to defraud Dubai Aluminium. Mr Amhurst drafted
the consultancy agreement and other agreements in furtherance of this conspiracy. Needless to say, Mr
Amhurst had no authority from his partners to conduct himself in this manner. Nor is there any question of
conduct of this nature being part of the ordinary course of the business of the Amhurst firm. Mr Amhurst
had authority to draft commercial agreements. He had no authority to draft a commercial agreement for the
dishonest purpose of furthering a criminal conspiracy.
21 However, this latter fact does not of itself mean that the firm is exempt from liability for his wrongful
conduct. Whether an act or omission was done in the ordinary course of a firm’s business cannot be
decided simply by considering whether the partner was authorised by his copartners to do the very act he
did. The reason for this lies in the legal policy underlying vicarious liability. The underlying legal policy is
based on the recognition that carrying on a business enterprise necessarily involves risks to others. It
involves the risk that others will be harmed by wrongful acts committed by the agents through whom the
business is carried on. When those risks ripen into loss, it is just that the business should be responsible
for compensating the person who has been wronged.
22 This policy reason dictates that liability for agents should not be strictly confined to acts done with the
employer’s authority. Negligence can be expected to occur from time to time. Everyone makes mistakes at
times. Additionally, it is a fact of life, and therefore to be expected by those who carry on businesses, that
sometimes their agents may exceed the bounds of their authority or even defy express instructions. It is fair
to allocate risk of losses thus arising to the businesses rather than leave those wronged with the sole
remedy, of doubtful value, against the individual employee who committed the wrong. To this end, the law
has given the concept of ‘ordinary course of employment’ an extended scope.
23 If, then, authority is not the touchstone, what is? Lord Denning MR once said that on this question the
cases are baffling: see Morris v C W Martin & Sons Ltd[1966] 1 QB 716, 724. Perhaps the best general
answer is that the wrongful conduct must be so closely connected with acts the partner or employee was
authorised to do that, for the purpose of the liability of the firm or the employer to third parties, the wrongful
conduct may fairly and properly be regarded as done by the partner while acting in the ordinary course of
the firm’s business or the employee’s employment. Lord Millett said as much in Lister v Hesley Hall
Ltd [2002] 1 AC 215, 245. So did Lord Steyn, at pp 223–224 and 230. …
(p. 139) 24 In these formulations the phrases ‘may fairly and properly be regarded’, ‘can be said’ and ‘can
fairly be regarded’ betoken a value judgment by the court. The conclusion is a conclusion of law, based on
primary facts, rather than a simple question of fact.
25 This ‘close connection’ test focuses attention in the right direction. But it affords no guidance on the type
or degree of connection which will normally be regarded as sufficiently close to prompt the legal conclusion
that the risk of the wrongful act occurring, and any loss flowing from the wrongful act, should fall on the firm
or employer rather than the third party who was wronged. It provides no clear assistance on when, to use
Professor Fleming’s phraseology, an incident is to be regarded as sufficiently workrelated, as distinct from
personal: see Fleming, The Law of Torts, 9th ed (1998), p 427. Again, the well known dictum of Lord
Dunedin in Plumb v Cobden Flour Mills Co Ltd [1914] AC 62, 67, draws a distinction between prohibitions
which limit the sphere of employment and those which only deal with conduct within the sphere of
employment. This leaves open how to recognise the one from the other.
26 This lack of precision is inevitable, given the infinite range of circumstances where the issue arises. The
crucial feature or features, either producing or negativing vicarious liability, vary widely from one case or type
of case to the next. Essentially the court makes an evaluative judgment in each case, having regard to all
the circumstances and, importantly, having regard also to the assistance provided by previous court
decisions. In this field the latter form of assistance is particularly valuable.
27 So I turn to authority, noting that the present appeal concerns dishonest conduct. Historically the courts
have been less ready to find vicarious liability in cases of employee dishonesty than in cases of negligence.
30 I turn, then, to cases such as the present where there is no question of reliance or ‘holding out’, or of the
employer having assumed a direct responsibility to the wronged person. Take a case where an employee
does an act of a type for which he is employed but, perhaps through a misplaced excess of zeal, he does
so dishonestly. He seeks to promote his employer’s interests, in the sphere in which he is employed, but
using dishonest means. Not surprisingly, the courts have held that in such a case the employer may be
liable to the injured third party just as much as in a case where the employee acted negligently. Whether
done negligently or dishonestly the wrongful act comprised a wrongful and unauthorised mode of doing an
act authorised by the employer, in the oft repeated language of the ‘Salmond’ formulation: see
Salmond, Law of Torts, 1st ed (1907), p 83. …
32 The limits of this broad principle should be noted. A distinction is to be drawn between cases … where
the employee was engaged, however misguidedly, in furthering his employer’s business, and cases where
the employee is engaged solely in pursuing his own interests: on a ‘frolic of his own’, in the language of the
timehonoured catch phrase. In the former type of case the employee, while seeking to promote his
employer’s interests, does an act of a kind he is authorised to do. Then it may well be appropriate to
attribute responsibility for his act to the employer, even though the manner of performance was not
authorised or, indeed, was prohibited. The matter stands differently when the employee is engaged only in
furthering his own interests, as distinct from those of his employer. … Then the mere fact that the act was
of a kind the employee was authorised to do will not, of itself, fasten liability on the employer. In the
absence of ‘holding out’ and reliance, there is no reason in principle why it should. Nor would this accord
with authority. To attribute vicarious liability to the employer in such a case of dishonesty would be contrary
to the familiar line of ‘driver’ cases, where an employer has been held not liable for the negligent driving of an
employee who was employed as a driver but at the time of the accident was engaged in driving his
employer’s vehicle on a frolic of his own.
➤ Note
It is essential, if the company is to be held vicariously liable for a tort, that someone within the company is
found primarily liable for the same tort. Contrast this with the requirements where the company itself is held
primarily liable. Then the individuals within the company may or may not also be primarily liable. All depends
on the facts. This is the issue in the two cases which follow.
(p. 140) Avoiding findings of personal liability in tort against both the company and the person whose acts
count as those of the company.
[3.22] Williams v Natural Life Health Foods Ltd [1998] 1 WLR 830 (House of Lords)
Williams and his partner approached the defendant company with a view to obtaining a franchise from it to run a
health food shop in Rugby. They were given a brochure and, later, detailed financial projections for the scheme.
Encouraged by these, they entered into a franchise agreement. The project was a failure. The advice they had
been given was negligent, and although the company would have been held liable for their loss, it had been
dissolved. The plaintiffs therefore sought to have the company’s managing director and principal shareholder,
Mistlin, held personally liable. Mistlin’s expertise had been highlighted in the brochure, and he had played a
prominent part in producing the projections, but he had played no part in negotiation of the franchise agreement
with them. They succeeded at first instance, and by a majority in the Court of Appeal, but this ruling was reversed
by the House of Lords.
LORD STEYN: … What matters is not that the liability of the shareholders of a company is limited but that
a company is a separate entity, distinct from its directors, servants or other agents. The trader who
incorporates a company to which he transfers his business creates a legal person on whose behalf he may
afterwards act as director. For present purposes, his position is the same as if he had sold his business to
another individual and agreed to act on his behalf. Thus the issue in this case is not peculiar to companies.
Whether the principal is a company or a natural person, someone acting on his behalf may incur personal
liability in tort as well as imposing vicarious or attributed liability upon his principal. But in order to establish
personal liability under the principle of Hedley Byrne [[1964] AC 465, HL], which requires the existence of a
special relationship between plaintiff and tortfeasor, it is not sufficient that there should have been a special
relationship with the principal. There must have been an assumption of responsibility such as to create a
special relationship with the director or employee himself. …
The touchstone of liability is not the state of mind of the defendant. An objective test means that the
primary focus must be on things said or done by the defendant or on his behalf in dealings with the plaintiff.
Obviously, the impact of what a defendant says or does must be judged in the light of the relevant
contextual scene. Subject to this qualification, the primary focus must be on exchanges (in which term I
include statements and conduct) which cross the line between the defendant and the plaintiff. Sometimes
such an issue arises in a simple bilateral relationship. In the present case a triangular position is under
consideration: the prospective franchisees, the franchisor company, and the director. In such a case where
the personal liability of the director is in question, the internal arrangements between a director and his
company cannot be the foundation of a director’s personal liability in tort. The inquiry must be whether the
director, or anybody on his behalf, conveyed directly or indirectly to the prospective franchisees that the
director assumed personal responsibility towards the prospective franchisees. …
… it is important to make clear that a director of a contracting company may only be held liable where it is
established by evidence that he assumed personal liability and that there was the necessary reliance. …
Mr Mistlin owned and controlled the company. The company held itself out as having the expertise to
provide reliable advice to franchisees. The brochure made clear that this expertise derived from Mr Mistlin’s
experience in the operation of the Salisbury shop. In my view these circumstances were insufficient to
make Mr Mistlin personally liable to the plaintiffs. Stripped to essentials, the reasons of Langley J [the trial
judge], the reasons of the majority in the Court of Appeal and the arguments of counsel for the plaintiffs can
be considered under two headings. First, it is said that the terms of the brochure, and in particular its
description of the role of Mr Mistlin, are (p. 141) sufficient to amount to an assumption of responsibility by
Mr Mistlin. In his dissenting judgment [in the Court of Appeal] Sir Patrick Russell rightly pointed out that in
a small oneman company ‘the managing director will almost inevitably be the one possessed of qualities
essential to the functioning of the company’. By itself this factor does not convey that the managing director
is willing to be personally answerable to the customers of the company. Secondly, great emphasis was
placed on the fact that it was made clear to the franchisees that Mr Mistlin’s expertise derived from his
experience in running the Salisbury shop for his own account. Hirst LJ summarised the point by saying that
‘the relevant knowledge and experience was entirely his qua Mr Mistlin, and not his qua director’. The point
will simply not bear the weight put on it. Postulate a food expert who over ten years gains experience in
advising customers on his own account. Then he incorporates his business as a company and he so
advises his customers. Surely, it cannot be right to say that in the new situation his earlier experience on
his own account is indicative of an assumption of personal responsibility towards his customers. In the
present case there were no personal dealings between Mr Mistlin and the plaintiffs. There were no
exchanges or conduct crossing the line which could have conveyed to the plaintiffs that Mr Mistlin was
willing to assume personal responsibility to them. Contrary to the submissions of counsel for the plaintiffs, I
am also satisfied that there was not even evidence that the plaintiffs believed that Mr Mistlin was
undertaking personal responsibility to them. Certainly, there was nothing in the circumstances to show that
the plaintiffs could reasonably have looked to Mr Mistlin for indemnification of any loss. For these reasons I
would reject the principal argument of counsel for the plaintiffs. …
[3.23] Standard Chartered Bank v Pakistan National Shipping Corporation (No 2) [2000] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 218
(Court of Appeal), overruled in [2002] UKHL 43, [2003] 1 AC 959 (House of Lords)
Mr Mehra, the managing director of Oakprime Ltd, knowingly made a false statement to Standard Chartered Bank
(SCB) that enabled Oakprime Ltd to obtain payment under a letter of credit. To do this he persuaded the ship
owners, Pakistan National Shipping Corporation (PNSC), to backdate a bill of lading. SCB did not know that the
bill was falsely dated. When SCB sought payment from the bank that had issued the letter of credit, it refused
because of discrepancies in the documents. SCB sued PNSC, Oakprime Ltd and Mr Mehra for deceit. It was
successful against all three at first instance. PNSC and Mr Mehra appealed, and, in the Court of Appeal, Mr Mehra
was successful. SCB successfully appealed. The House of Lords considered a number of issues. The only one of
interest here is whether Mr Mehra was personally liable in deceit, or whether the deceit was only that of Oakprime
Ltd. The judgments of the Court of Appeal are extracted here, even though overruled, as the comparison clarifies
the analysis adopted in the House of Lords.
ALDOUS LJ [Note this analysis is now overruled by the House of Lords.]:
88 Since Salomon v Salomon & Co Ltd [2.01], companies have been recognised as separate legal entities
to their shareholders, their directors and their employees. Leaving aside certain cases, not applicable in this
case, where it has been held permissible to lift the corporate veil e.g. where the company is a mere facade,
directors or employees acting as such will only be liable for tortious acts committed during the course of
their employment in three circumstances.
89 First, if a director or an employee himself commits the tort he will be liable. An example is the lorry driver
who is involved in an accident in the course of his employment. Although Mr Mehra was the person who
was responsible for making the misrepresentations, he did not commit the deceit himself. For reasons I
have already stated the representations were made by Oakprime and not by him. Further, SCB relied upon
them as representations by Oakprime and not as representations by Mr Mehra.
(p. 142) 90 The second way that a director or an employee will become liable is a branch of the first. A
director or an employee may, when carrying out his duties for the company, assume a personal liability. An
example where personal liability was assumed was Fairline Shipping Corporation v Adamson [1975] QB
180. A different conclusion was reached in Trevor Ivory Ltd v Anderson [1997] 2 NZLR 517. What amounts
to such an assumption will depend upon the facts of the particular case. Guidance as to how to decide
whether such an assumption took place can be obtained from Williams v Natural Life Ltd [3.22]. … [He
then described the facts and cited Lord Steyn, including the passages extracted previously.]
91 In those quoted passages, Lord Steyn had in mind that the cause of action relied on was negligence.
However the principles stated are applicable to other torts, in particular to deceit. There must be an
assumption of responsibility such as to create a special relationship by the plaintiff with the director or
employee himself. Whether that exists is to be judged objectively with the primary focus on things said and
done by the director or employee. It is necessary to enquire whether the director conveyed directly or
indirectly to the plaintiff that he assumed a personal responsibility towards the plaintiff.
92 In the present case, Mr Mehra, by his actions or statements never led SCB to believe he was assuming
personal responsibility for the misrepresentations. SCB believed they were dealing with Oakprime. It follows
that Mr Mehra cannot be held liable on this ground.
93 The third ground of liability arises when the director does not carry out the tortious act himself nor does
he assume liability for it, but he procures and induces another, the company, to commit the tort.
94 A person who procures and induces another to commit a tort becomes a joint tortfeasor (see Unilever
plc v Gillette (UK) Ltd [1989] RPC 583 and Molnlyck e AB v Procter & Gamble [1992] RPC 583. There is no
reason why a director of a company should be in any different position to a third party and therefore it is
possible that a director can be capable of becoming a joint tortfeasor by procuring and inducing the
company, for which he works, to carry out a tortious act. However there are good reasons to conclude that
the carrying out of duties of a director would never be sufficient to make a director liable. That was the view
of the Court of Appeal in C. Evans v Spritebrand Ltd [1985] 1 WLR 317. …
98 It was also alleged that Mr Mehra had been guilty of conspiracy. As I understand the allegation, the
unlawful act relied was the deceit practised by Oakprime on SCB. That was an act carried out by Oakprime
but not with Mr Mehra who acted in his capacity as employee and director.
99 … I would allow the appeal by Mr Mehra …
EVANS LJ delivered a concurring judgment.
WARD LJ concurred with both.
[The decision of the Court of Appeal was overturned on appeal to the House of Lords.] LORD HOFFMANN:
20 My Lords, I come next to the question of whether Mr Mehra was liable for his deceit. To put the question
in this way may seem tendentious but I do not think that it is unfair. Mr Mehra says, and the Court of
Appeal accepted, that he committed no deceit because he made the representation on behalf of Oakprime
and it was relied upon as a representation by Oakprime. That is true but seems to me irrelevant. Mr Mehra
made a fraudulent misrepresentation intending SCB to rely upon it and SCB did rely upon it. The fact that
by virtue of the law of agency his representation and the knowledge with which he made it would also be
attributed to Oakprime would be of interest in an action against Oakprime. But that cannot detract from the
fact that they were his representation and his knowledge. He was the only human being involved in making
the representation to SCB (apart from administrative assistance like someone to type the letter and carry
the papers round to the bank). It is true that SCB relied upon Mr Mehra’s representation being attributable
to Oakprime because it was the beneficiary under the credit. But they also relied upon it being Mr Mehra’s
representation, because otherwise there could have been no representation and no attribution.
21 The Court of Appeal appear to have based their conclusion upon the decision of your Lordships’ House
in Williams v Natural Life Health Foods Ltd [3.22]. That was an action for damages for negligent
misrepresentation. My noble and learned friend, Lord Steyn, pointed out that in such a case (p.
143) liability depended upon an assumption of responsibility by the defendant. As Lord Devlin said
in Hedley Byrne & Co Ltd v Heller & Partners Ltd [1964] AC 465, 530, the basis of liability is analogous to
contract. And just as an agent can contract on behalf of another without incurring personal liability, so an
agent can assume responsibility on behalf of another for the purposes of the Hedley Byrne rule without
assuming personal responsibility. Their Lordships decided that on the facts of the case, the agent had not
assumed any personal responsibility.
22 This reasoning cannot in my opinion apply to liability for fraud. No one can escape liability for his fraud
by saying: ‘I wish to make it clear that I am committing this fraud on behalf of someone else and I am not to
be personally liable.’ Evans LJ [2000] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 218, 230 framed the question as being ‘whether the
director may be held liable for the company’s tort’. But Mr Mehra was not being sued for the company’s
tort. He was being sued for his own tort and all the elements of that tort were proved against him. Having put
the question in the way he did, Evans LJ answered it by saying that the fact that Mr Mehra was a director
did not in itself make him liable. That of course is true. He is liable not because he was a director but
because he committed a fraud.
23 Both Evans and Aldous LJJ treated the Williams case [3.22] as being based upon the separate legal
personality of a company. Aldous LJ [see earlier] referred toSalomon v A Salomon & Co Ltd [2.01]. But my
noble and learned friend, Lord Steyn, made it clear that the decision had nothing to do with company law. It
was an application of the law of principal and agent to the requirement of assumption of responsibility under
the Hedley Byrne principle. Lord Steyn said it would have made no difference if Mr Williams’s principal had
been a natural person. So one may test the matter by asking whether, if Mr Mehra had been acting as
manager for the owner of the business who lived in the south of France and had made a fraudulent
representation within the scope of his employment, he could escape personal liability by saying that it must
have been perfectly clear that he was not being fraudulent on his own behalf but exclusively on behalf of his
24 I would therefore allow the appeal against Mr Mehra …
LORD RODGER delivered a concurring opinion.
➤ Notes
1. In Barclay Pharmaceutical Ltd, AAH Pharmaceuticals Ltd, AAH Ltd v Waypharm LP and others [2012]
EWHC 306 (Comm), therefore, the court rejected the tortfeasor’s argument that the only liability rested on the
company and that he, as controller, had no separate personal liability. Citing the dicta of Lord Hoffmann and
Lord Rodger from this decision, Gloster J held that ‘a director making fraudulent misrepresentations on behalf
of a company cannot escape personal liability for his fraud’ [239] and the controller was found personally liable
for the tort of causing loss by unlawful means. Indeed, if necessary, Gloster J ‘would also hold the tortfeasor
liable for inducing his company’s breach of an agreement … because of his direct personal involvement and
responsibility for the fraudulent presentations made’ [245].
2. In Holland [7.02], Mr Holland was a director of the corporate director which, in turn, was the sole director of
the composite companies. Clarke LJ, in the Court of Appeal, in his dissenting judgment, drew an analogy with
the facts of this case, and argued that Mr Holland should be held liable as de facto director of the composite
companies because ‘he personally procured the payment of the unlawful dividends and is liable to restore
them just as the de jure director is’ [131].
➤ Questions
1. Explain the basis of the different outcomes for the individuals in Williams [3.22] and Standard
Chartered [3.23]. Is this explanation also consistent with the rules that apply in respect of contractual liability
(see earlier) and criminal liability (see the following section)?
(p. 144) 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this series of decisions on tort liability for those
dealing with companies (especially small companies) and those involved in managing such companies?
3. Are these decisions defensible on policy grounds? And on doctrinal grounds?
4. Is there now any need for vicarious liability in the context of companies, or is it always possible to find the
company primarily liable in tort by applying an appropriate rule of attribution (as described in Meridian [3.29])?
Put another way, can a company always be found primarily liable for fraud, negligent misstatement, negligent
driving, and so on, because the acts of a relevant individual count as the acts of the company for the relevant
Criminal liability
Some crimes have a mental element. To find the company liable for those, it is necessary to attribute the relevant
mental element of one person (or corporate organ) within the company to the company itself. This is most usually
done by identifying the ‘directing mind and will of the company’ (Lord Reid in Tesco Supermark ets Ltd v
Nattrass[3.28]). This rule, however, suffers from the defect that finding such a personal representative is only likely
in very small companies, not in large ones. The rather unfair consequence is that it is much easier to find small
companies liable in crime than large ones. Sometimes the problem can be overcome by using Lord Hoffmann’s
‘attribution rules’ to find the person whose mental element for these purposes (ie for the purposes of the act
constituting this crime) is to count as the mental element of the company (Meridian Global case [3.29]). It is not
possible to make the company vicariously liable for crimes with a mental element: this would, in effect, be making
the company criminally liable for all the criminal intents of anyone associated with the company.
On the other hand, where there is no mental element to the crime (ie so that the commission or omission of the
act automatically attracts liability), then vicarious liability is possible. This is the usual rule in relation to offences
relating to health and safety or environmental protection, for example. The Tesco Supermark ets case [3.28] is a
case in point.
Alternatively, liability may be imposed if appropriate standards of care are not in place. The Bribery Act 2010 came
into force on 1 July 2011, and repealed all existing statutory and common law offences relating to bribery and
replaced them with four new offences, including a new ‘corporate’ offence under s 7 (the failure of commercial
organisations to prevent bribery), which will apply where a corporation fails to prevent the payment of bribes by any
person (whether an employee, agent or other third party) who is performing services on its behalf. The company’s
only defence is, pursuant to s 7(2), to show that it has in place ‘adequate procedures’ to prevent such bribery. In
accordance with s 9 of the Act, the Secretary of State for Justice has published The Bribery Act 2010
Guidance,43 which sets out six principles accompanied by case studies to assist companies in understanding the
‘adequate procedures’ requirement: proportionate procedures, toplevel commitment, risk assessment, due
diligence, communication and monitoring and review.
Since its inception, the Act has received mixed reception. On one hand, it has been praised as being ‘clear and
accessible’, with the guidance representing a ‘useful framework for compliance with the Act’.44 On the other hand,
it has also been described as a ‘toothless wonder’,45 containing (p. 145) obvious areas of uncertainty within its
terms.46 Given its novelty, it is as yet impossible to assess its effect on companies and its success in combating
bribery. A recent report by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Working Group
on Bribery offers useful guidance on progress made by the UK on combating
Finally, there is the problem of corporate killing. This issue has been given some prominence in the press over the
past decade, with a series of public disasters making it clear that it is difficult to find a large company liable for
manslaughter, even when the business has been operated with inadequate regard to the health and safety of the
public. Again, the problem is that it is often impossible to find one individual with the necessary criminal failings
who can be identified with the company, and courts have rejected the use of aggregation to find the company liable
by aggregating the failings of a series of individuals that, in total, add up to a corporate failing that might attract
criminal liability (as is sometimes done in establishing vicarious liability in tort). See Attorney General’s Reference
(No 2 of 1999) [2000] QB 79647 and R v Stanley (Central Criminal Court, 19 October 1990, on the Herald of Free
Enterprise disaster).
The Law Commission reported on the problem (Legislating for the Criminal Code: Involuntary Manslaughter (Law
Com No 237, 1996)), there was a Home Office consultation paper in 2000 and a draft Bill was published in the
White Paper, Corporate Manslaughter: The Government’s Draft Bill for Reform (Cm 6498, 2005). Eventually,
Parliament enacted the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007. It establishes a new offence of
corporate manslaughter that is committed by a company if the way in which its activities are managed or
organised by its senior management causes the death of a person and amounts to a gross breach of the relevant
duty of care the company owed to the person. The company, if guilty, will be subject to a fine and perhaps to other
appropriate orders.
Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 ss 1 and 18
1 The offence
(1) An organisation to which this section applies is guilty of an offence if the way in which its activities
are managed or organised—
(a) causes a person’s death, and
(b) amounts to a gross breach of a relevant duty of care owed by the organisation to the
(2) The organisations to which this section applies are—
(a) a corporation;
(b) a department or other body listed in Schedule 1;
(c) a police force;
(d) a partnership, or a trade union or employers’ association, that is an employer.
(3) An organisation is guilty of an offence under this section only if the way in which its activities are
managed or organised by its senior management is a substantial element in the breach referred to in
subsection (1).
(4) For the purposes of this Act—
(a) ‘relevant duty of care’ has the meaning given by section 2, read with sections 3 to 7;
(b) a breach of a duty of care by an organisation is a ‘gross’ breach if the conduct alleged to
amount to a breach of that duty falls far below what can reasonably be expected of the
organisation in the circumstances;
(p. 146) (c) ‘senior management’, in relation to an organisation, means the persons who play
significant roles in—
(i) the making of decisions about how the whole or a substantial part of its activities are to
be managed or organised, or
(ii) the actual managing or organising of the whole or a substantial part of those activities.
(5) The offence under this section is called—
(a) corporate manslaughter, in so far as it is an offence under the law of England and Wales or
Northern Ireland;
(b) corporate homicide, in so far as it is an offence under the law of Scotland.
(6) An organisation that is guilty of corporate manslaughter or corporate homicide is liable on
conviction on indictment to a fine.
(7) The offence of corporate homicide is indictable only in the High Court of Justiciary.
18 No individual liability
(1) An individual cannot be guilty of aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring the commission of an
offence of corporate manslaughter.
(1A) An individual cannot be guilty of an offence under Part 2 of the Serious Crime Act 2007
(encouraging or assisting crime) by reference to an offence of corporate manslaughter. [subs (1A)
applies only in England and Wales.]
(2) An individual cannot be guilty of aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring, or being [p]art and part
in, the commission of an offence of corporate homicide.
Cotswold Geotechnical Holdings Ltd became the first company to be convicted of corporate manslaughter under
the Act in 2011. The case concerned the death of an employee who had entered a pit during the course of soil
investigation work; the pit, which was entirely unsupported, collapsed and killed him. The court convicted the
company, finding such gross breach of duty as falling within the ambit of the Act. On appeal, the Court of Appeal
affirmed the verdict of the Crown Court: R v Cotswold Geotechnical Holdings Ltd [2011] EWCA Crim 1337. The fine
imposed was less than the statutory minimum on the basis that otherwise the company would have been
bankrupted (£385k rather than £500k). This case concerned a one man company, which might have been found
liable for the crime in any event, given the common law ‘directing mind’ analysis (see ‘Mental state, mens rea and
criminal liability’, p 146).
Later cases include the conviction of JMW Farms Ltd in May 2011 (first company to be convicted in Northern
Ireland) and Lion Steel Equipment Ltd in July 2012: Health and Safety Executive Northern Ireland v JMW Farms
Ltd, unreported 8 May 2012 (Crown Ct (Belfast)); R v Lion Steel Equipment Ltd, unreported 20 July 2012 (Crown Ct
➤ Questions
1. What are the essential elements of the offence of corporate manslaughter?
2. Does the Act make it easier to convict companies of the offence? What sorts of actions, and by whom,
might be sufficient to attract liability?
3. What liability in crime or tort might be attached to individual managers?
Mental state, mens rea and criminal liability
The following extracted cases illustrate the process the courts were required to adopt prior to the Corporate
Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007. These cases remain relevant in contexts outside the crime of
(p. 147) The mental state of a person who is ‘the directing mind and will’ of a company may be attributed
to the company itself.
[3.24] Lennard’s Carrying Co Ltd v Asiatic Petroleum Co Ltd [1915] AC 705 (House of Lords)
The appellant company Lennard’s Carrying Co Ltd owned a ship, the Edward Dawson, which (together with her
cargo which belonged to the respondents) was destroyed at sea as a result of a fire caused by the defective
condition of her boilers. The appellant company as owner would have been exonerated from liability by the terms of
the Merchant Shipping Act 1894 s 502 (now repealed), if it could show that the loss happened without its ‘actual
fault or privity’. The House of Lords held that the concepts of fault and privity were capable in law of being attributed
to a corporate body, but that on the facts the appellant had failed to show that it came within the exception.
VISCOUNT HALDANE LC: The appellants are a limited company and the ship was managed by another
limited company, Messrs J M Lennard & Sons, and Mr J M Lennard, who seems to be the active director in
J M Lennard & Sons, was also a director of the appellant company, Lennard’s Carrying Company Limited.
My Lords, in that state of things what is the question of law which arises? I think that it is impossible in the
face of the findings of the learned judge, and of the evidence, to contend successfully that Mr J M Lennard
has shown that he did not know or can excuse himself for not having known of the defects which manifested
themselves in the condition of the ship, amounting to unseaworthiness. Mr Lennard is the person who is
registered in the ship’s register and is designated as the person to whom the management of the vessel
was entrusted. He appears to have been the active spirit in the joint stock company which managed this
ship for the appellants; and under the circumstances the question is whether the company can invoke the
protection of s 502 of the Merchant Shipping Act to relieve it from the liability which the respondents seek to
impose on it …
Now, my Lords, did what happened take place without the actual fault or privity of the owners of the ship
who were the appellants? My Lords, a corporation is an abstraction. It has no mind of its own any more
than it has a body of its own; its active and directing will must consequently be sought in the person of
somebody who for some purposes may be called an agent, but who is really the directing mind and will of
the corporation, the very ego and centre of the personality of the corporation. That person may be under the
direction of the shareholders in general meeting; that person may be the board of directors itself, or it may
be, and in some companies it is so, that that person has an authority coordinate with the board of directors
given to him under the articles of association, and is appointed by the general meeting of the company, and
can only be removed by the general meeting of the company. My Lords, whatever is not known about Mr
Lennard’s position, this is known for certain, Mr Lennard took the active part in the management of this ship
on behalf of the owners, and Mr Lennard, as I have said, was registered as the person designated for this
purpose in the ship’s register. Mr Lennard therefore was the natural person to come on behalf of the owners
and give full evidence not only about the events of which I have spoken, and which related to the
seaworthiness of the ship, but about his own position and as to whether or not he was the life and soul of
the company. For if Mr Lennard was the directing mind of the company, then his action must, unless a
corporation is not to be liable at all, have been an action which was the action of the company itself within
the meaning of s 502. It has not been contended at the Bar, and it could not have been successfully
contended, that s 502 is so worded as to exempt a corporation altogether which happens to be the owner of
a ship, merely because it happens to be a corporation. It must be upon the true construction of that section
in such a case as the present one that the fault or privity is the fault or privity of somebody who is not
merely a servant or agent for whom the company is liable upon the footing respondeat superior, but
somebody for whom the company is liable because his action is the very action of the company itself. It is
not enough that the fault should be the fault (p. 148) of a servant in order to exonerate the owner, the fault
must also be one which is not the fault of the owner, or a fault to which the owner is privy; and I take the
view that when anybody sets up that section to excuse himself from the normal consequences of the
maxim respondeat superior the burden lies upon him to do so.
Well, my Lords, in that state of the law it is obvious to me that Mr Lennard ought to have gone into the box
and relieved the company of the presumption which arises against it that his action was the company’s
action. But Mr Lennard did not go into the box to rebut the presumption of liability and we have no
satisfactory evidence as to what the constitution of the company was or as to what Mr Lennard’s position
was … Under the circumstances I think that the company and Mr Lennard have not discharged the burden
of proof which was upon them, and that it must be taken that the unseaworthiness, which I hold to have
been established as existing at the commencement of the voyage from Novorossick, was an
unseaworthiness which did not exist without the actual fault or privity of the owning company.
LORD DUNEDIN delivered a concurring opinion.
➤ Questions
1. Was Mr Lennard ‘the directing mind and will’ of JM Lennard & Sons, or of Lennard’s Carrying Co Ltd, or of
both? Was this question important?
2. How far do you think that the decision in the Lennard’s case depended upon the fact that the onus of proof
under the statute was on the appellants, who were required to prove a negative? Who would have won the
case if the onus of proof had been on the respondents?
[3.25] HL Bolton (Engineering) Ltd v TJ Graham & Sons Ltd [1957] 1 QB 159 (Court of Appeal)
In this case a corporate landlord was held capable of ‘intending’ (through its managing directors) to occupy
premises for its own use.
DENNING LJ: [The] question is whether the landlords have proved the necessary intention to occupy the
holding for their own purpose. This point arises because the landlords are a limited company. Mr Albery
says that there was no meeting of any board of directors to express the landlords’ intention, and that
therefore the landlords—the company—cannot say that it has the necessary intention.
[His Lordship stated the material facts on this part of the case and continued:] [The] judge has found that
this company, through its managers, intend to occupy the premises for their own purposes. Mr Albery
contests this finding, and he has referred us to cases decided in the last century; but I must say that the
law on this matter and the approach to it have developed very considerably since then. A company may in
many ways be likened to a human body. It has a brain and nerve centre which controls what it does. It also
has hands which hold the tools and act in accordance with directions from the centre. Some of the people
in the company are mere servants and agents who are nothing more than hands to do the work and cannot
be said to represent the mind or will. Others are directors and managers who represent the directing mind
and will of the company, and control what it does. The state of mind of these managers is the state of mind
of the company and is treated by the law as such. So you will find that in cases where the law requires
personal fault as a condition of liability in tort, the fault of the manager will be the personal fault of the
company. [His Lordship referred to Lennard’s Carrying Co Ltd v Asiatic Petroleum Co Ltd [3.24] and R v ICR
Haulage Ltd [3.27] and continued:] So here, the intention of the company can be derived from the intention
of its officers and agents. Whether their intention is the company’s intention depends on the nature of the
matter under consideration, the relative position of the officer or agent and the other relevant facts and
circumstances of the case. Approaching the matter in that way, I think that (p. 149) although there was no
board meeting, nevertheless, having regard to the standing of these directors in control of the business of
the company, having regard to the other facts and circumstances which we know, whereby plans had been
prepared and much work done, the judge was entitled to infer that the intention of the company was to
occupy the holding for their own purposes. I am of opinion, therefore, that the judge’s decision on this point
was right …
HODSON and MORRIS LJJ concurred.
➤ Note
Although the ‘directing mind and will’ is the most common criterion for attribution, there have been cases in
which a person who was not part of the directing mind and will of a company was identified with it. To hold
otherwise, would allow those persons who are the actual directing mind of the company to insulate the latter
from liability by delegating their functions. See Director General of Fair Trading v Pioneer Concrete (UK)
Ltd [1995] 1 AC 456 and Re Bank of Credit and Commerce International SA (No 15) [2005] EWCA Civ 693,
[2005] 2 BCLC 328.
A company is capable of having an intent to deceive.
[3.26] DPP v Kent and Sussex Contractors Ltd [1944] KB 146 (King’s Bench Divisional Court)
The company was charged with offences under the petrol rationing regulations involving (i) making use of a false
document with intent to deceive, and (ii) making a statement which was known to be false in a material particular.
The justices held that the company could not in law be guilty of these offences since there was implicit in them an
act of will or state of mind which could not be imputed to a body corporate, and dismissed the informations. The
prosecutor appealed by way of case stated to the Divisional Court, which ruled that a company was capable of
committing the offences in question, it being sufficient that the particular officer responsible (in this case the
transport manager) had the required intention or knowledge.
VISCOUNT CALDECOTE CJ: This special case raises the question whether a limited company, being a
body corporate, can in law be guilty of the offences charged against the respondents, or whether a
company is incapable of any act of will or state of mind such as that laid in the information. Mr Carey Evans
submits that a company can only be held to be responsible in respect of the intention or knowledge of its
agents, the officers of the company, to the same extent as a private individual is responsible for the acts of
his agent, and, therefore, that the respondent company cannot be held to form the intention or to have the
knowledge necessary to constitute the offences charged. He has not disputed the abstract proposition that
a company can have knowledge and can form an intention to do an act. A company cannot be found guilty
of certain criminal offences, such as treason or other offences for which it is provided that death or
imprisonment is the only punishment, but there are a number of criminal offences of which a company can
be convicted …
In the present case the first charge against the company was of doing something with intent to deceive, and
the second was that of making a statement which the company knew to be false in a material particular.
Once the ingredients of the offences are stated in that way it is unnecessary, in my view, to inquire whether
it is proved that the company’s officers acted on its behalf. The officers are the company for this purpose.
Mr Carey Evans stoutly maintained the position that a company cannot have a mens rea, and that a mens
rea cannot be imputed to it even if and when its agents have been known to have one, but the question of
mens rea seems to me to be quite irrelevant in the present case. The offences created by the regulation are
those of doing something with intent to deceive or of making a statement known to be false in a material
particular. There was ample evidence, on the facts as stated in the special case, that the company, by the
only people who could (p. 150) act or speak or think for it had done both these things, and I can see
nothing in any of the authorities to which we have been referred which requires us to say that a company is
incapable of being found guilty of the offences with which the respondent company was charged. The case
must go back to the justices with an intimation of our opinion to this effect, and for their determination on
the facts.
HALLETT and MACNAGHTEN JJ delivered concurring judgments.
➤ Question
Was it true to say that ‘the question of mens rea seems to be quite irrelevant in the present case’? If it had
been thought relevant, would the decision have been the same?
A company can be indicted for a common law conspiracy to defraud.
[3.27] R v ICR Haulage Ltd [1944] KB 551 (Court of Criminal Appeal)
The company was convicted with others at Maidstone Assizes on an indictment charging a common law
conspiracy to defraud. The conviction was upheld on appeal.
The judgment of the Court of Criminal Appeal (HUMPHREYS, CROOMJOHNSON and STABLE JJ) was
read by STABLE J: The question before us is whether a limited company can be indicted for a conspiracy
to defraud …
It was conceded by counsel for the company that a limited company can be indicted for some criminal
offences, and it was conceded by counsel for the Crown that there were some criminal offences for which a
limited company cannot be indicted. The controversy centred round the question where and on what
principle the line must be drawn and on which side of the line an indictment such as the present one falls.
Counsel for the company contended that the true principle was that an indictment against a limited
company for any offence involving as an essential ingredient ‘mens rea’ in the restricted sense of a
dishonest or criminal mind, must be bad for the reason that a company, not being a natural person, cannot
have a mind honest or otherwise, and that, consequently, though in certain circumstances it is civilly liable
for the fraud of its officers, agents or servants, it is immune from criminal process. Counsel for the Crown
contended that a limited company, like any other entity recognised by the law, can as a general rule be
indicted for its criminal acts which from the very necessity of the case must be performed by human agency
and which in given circumstances become the acts of the company, and that for this purpose there was no
distinction between an intention or other function of the mind and any other form of activity.
The offences for which a limited company cannot be indicted are, it was argued, exceptions to the general
rule arising from the limitations which must inevitably attach to an artificial entity, such as a company.
Included in these exceptions are the cases in which, from its very nature, the offence cannot be committed
by a corporation, as, for example, perjury, an offence which cannot be vicariously committed, or bigamy, an
offence which a limited company, not being a natural person, cannot commit vicariously or otherwise. A
further exception, but for a different reason, comprises offences of which murder is an example, where the
only punishment the court can impose is corporal, the basis on which this exception rests being that the
court will not stultify itself by embarking on a trial in which, if a verdict of Guilty is returned, no effective order
by way of sentence can be made. In our judgment these contentions of the Crown are substantially sound,
and the existence of these exceptions, and it may be that there are others, is by no means inconsistent
with the general rule …
[His Lordship referred to the authorities, including DPP v Kent and Sussex Contractors
Ltd [3.26] and Pharmaceutical Society v London and Provincial Supply Association [2.07], and continued:]
In our judgment, both on principle and in accordance with the balance of authority, the present indictment
was properly laid against the company, and the learned commissioner rightly refused to quash. We are not
deciding that in every case where an agent of a limited company acting in its (p. 151) business commits a
crime the company is automatically to be held criminally responsible. Our decision only goes to the
invalidity of the indictment on the face of it, an objection which is taken before any evidence is led and
irrespective of the facts of the particular case. [Whether] in any particular case there is evidence to go to a
jury that the criminal act of an agent, including his state of mind, intention, knowledge or belief is the act of
the company, and, in cases where the presiding judge so rules, whether the jury are satisfied that it has
been proved, must depend on the nature of the charge, the relative position of the officer or agent, and the
other relevant facts and circumstances of the case.[48 ] It was because we were satisfied on the hearing of
this appeal that the facts proved were amply sufficient to justify a finding that the acts of the managing
director were the acts of the company and the fraud of that person was the fraud of the company, that we
upheld the conviction against the company, and, indeed, on the appeal to this court no argument was
advanced that the facts proved would not warrant a conviction of the company assuming that the conviction
of the managing director was upheld and that the indictment was good in law.
➤ Questions
1. Contrast the reasoning in these cases with the categorical statement of Blackstone (‘Limits to the idea of a
company as a “person”?’, p 77): ‘A corporation cannot commit treason, or felony, or other crime, in it’s
corporate capacity …’ Is it possible to account for the change? Why do you think that it was not until as late
as 1944 that the breakthrough in making companies liable for crimes involving mens rea was made?
2. What indications are there in the judgments that the decisions of the court in Kent and Sussex
Contractors and ICR Haulage were based on policy considerations?
➤ Notes
1. The two cases just cited, and Moore v I Bresler Ltd [1944] 2 All ER 515, all of which were decided in the
same year, established that a company may be guilty of a criminal offence, including an offence
involving mens rea. (The doctrine of ultra vires might have been seen as an obstacle to imposing liability, but it
does not seem to have been raised in any of the key cases—presumably because it had long been regarded
as irrelevant to the corresponding question in tort: Campbell v Paddington Corpn [3.20].)
2. Once this step was taken in 1944, it then became necessary to determine which officers, agents or
servants of a company could be identified with the company itself for the purpose of ascribing to it a criminal
or similar intention. In Moore v I Bresler Ltd (Note 1), the secretary of the company and a branch sales
manager were so regarded; in DPP v Kent and Sussex Contractors Ltd [3.26] and in The Lady
Gwendolen [1965] P 294, CA, the only officer concerned was the transport manager; and inNational Coal
Board v Gamble [1959] 1 QB 11 it appears to have been assumed that a weighbridgeman’s knowledge and
intention could be attributed to the Coal Board, although the contrary view was taken on the same point
in John Henshall (Quarries) Ltd v Harvey [1965] 2 QB 233. It is perhaps significant that Lennard’s
Carrying case (and the ‘directing mind and will’ test of identification) was not mentioned in the judgments (nor
even, apparently, by counsel) in any of the criminal law cases referred to earlier—although the link between
the two was soon made by contemporary textbooks.
3. In the following case extract, Tesco Supermark ets [3.28], the House of Lords took the opportunity to review
the question. The Lennard’s test of identification was central to their reasoning. However, their decision relies
on a stratification of managerial functions which in the case of many companies may be far from obvious. It
may well beg the question to (p. 152) describe a transport manager as a ‘superior officer’ and the manager of
a large retail shop as a ‘subordinate’. In other contexts, the courts have not been so willing to see a significant
difference between running a company’s affairs and running part only of those affairs: see Harold Holdsworth &
Co (Wak efield) Ltd v Caddies [1955] 1 WLR 352, HL.
4. The problems with strict insistence on a ‘directing mind and will’ test of identification in a criminal context
soon emerged. The catalyst, no doubt, was the decision in the Pioneer Concrete case (in the Note
following HL Bolton (Engineering) Ltd v TJ Graham & Sons Ltd [3.25], p 149), where the issue was whether
the companies concerned could be held to be in contempt of court through the acts of employees who were of
no more than middlemanagement status. The leading statement of the law is now the Privy Council’s opinion,
delivered by Lord Hoffmann, in Meridian Global Funds Management Asia Ltd v Securities Commission [3.29].
On the basis of this, it is now clear that there is no single test of identification but rather a range of ‘rules of
attribution’ which vary from case to case; and Tesco Supermark ets may be seen as a decision reached in the
special context of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 rather than a pronouncement of general application to
criminal law cases across the board.
The mental state of one who occupies a subordinate position in the company will not necessarily be
ascribed to the company itself.49
[3.28] Tesco Supermarkets Ltd v Nattrass [1972] AC 153 (House of Lords)
Tesco was charged with an offence under the Trade Descriptions Act 1968, that is, selling a packet of washing
powder for 3 s 11 d (19½p), when it had been advertised at 2s 11 d (14½p). An assistant at the company’s
Northwich branch, Miss Rogers, had restocked the shelves with normally priced packets after supplies of ‘special
offer’ packets bearing a lower price had temporarily run out. She had not informed the branch manager, Mr
Clements, of this, while he for his part had failed to detect the discrepancy between the ‘special offer’ posters and
the price of the powder on the shelves. Mr Clements was in complete charge of this store and its 60 employees.
Under s 24(1) of the Trade Descriptions Act, it is a defence for the accused to prove that the commission of the
offence was due to the act or default of another person, and that the accused has taken all reasonable precautions
and exercised all due diligence to avoid the commission of the offence. In quashing the conviction of Tesco, which
had been upheld by the Divisional Court, the House of Lords ruled that for the purpose of the company’s criminal
liability, the branch manager did not represent its ‘directing mind and will’, but was merely a subordinate. It
followed that the company could plead that the manager’s acts were those of ‘another person’ within the terms of
the statutory defence; and that it had discharged the burden of proving that it had taken all reasonable precautions
and exercised all due diligence by showing that its managers had been issued with proper instructions.
LORD REID: Where a limited company is the employer difficult questions do arise in a wide variety of
circumstances in deciding which of its officers or servants is to be identified with the company so that his
guilt is the guilt of the company.
(p. 153) I must start by considering the nature of the personality which by a fiction the law attributes to a
corporation. A living person has a mind which can have knowledge or intention or be negligent and he has
hands to carry out his intentions. A corporation has none of these: it must act through living persons,
though not always one or the same person. Then the person who acts is not speaking or acting for the
company. He is acting as the company and his mind which directs his acts is the mind of the company.
There is no question of the company being vicariously liable. He is not acting as a servant, representative,
agent or delegate. He is an embodiment of the company or, one could say, he hears and speaks through
the persona of the company, within his appropriate sphere, and his mind is the mind of the company. If it is
a guilty mind then that guilt is the guilt of the company. It must be a question of law whether, once the facts
have been ascertained, a person in doing particular things is to be regarded as the company or merely as
the company’s servant or agent. In that case any liability of the company can only be a statutory or
vicarious liability.
In Lennard’s Carrying Co Ltd v Asiatic Petroleum Co Ltd [3.24] the question was whether damage had
occurred without the ‘actual fault or privity’ of the owner of a ship. The owners were a company. The fault
was that of the registered managing owner who managed the ship on behalf of the owners and it was held
that the company could not dissociate itself from him so as to say that there was no actual fault or privity
on the part of the company …
Reference is frequently made to the judgment of Denning LJ in HL Bolton (Engineering) Co Ltd v TJ Graham
& Sons [3.25]. [His Lordship quoted part of the judgment, which is cited earlier at [3.25], and continued:] In
that case the directors of the company only met once a year: they left the management of the business to
others, and it was the intention of those managers which was imputed to the company. I think that was
right. There have been attempts to apply Lord Denning’s words to all servants of a company whose work is
brain work, or who exercise some managerial discretion under the direction of superior officers of the
company. I do not think that Lord Denning intended to refer to them. He only referred to those who
‘represent the directing mind and will of the company, and control what it does’.
I think that is right for this reason. Normally the board of directors, the managing director and perhaps other
superior officers of a company carry out the functions of management and speak and act as the company.
Their subordinates do not. They carry out orders from above and it can make no difference that they are
given some measure of discretion. But the board of directors may delegate some part of their functions of
management, giving to their delegate full discretion to act independently of instructions from them. I see no
difficulty in holding that they have thereby put such a delegate in their place so that within the scope of the
delegation he can act as the company. It may not always be easy to draw the line but there are cases in
which the line must be drawn. Lennard’s case was one of them.
In some cases the phrase alter ego has been used. I think it is misleading. When dealing with a company
the word alter is I think misleading. The person who speaks and acts as the company is not alter. He is
identified with the company. And when dealing with an individual no other individual can be his alter ego.
The other individual can be a servant, agent, delegate or representative but I know of neither principle nor
authority which warrants the confusion (in the literal or original sense) of two separate individuals …
In the next two cases a company was accused and it was held liable for the fault of a superior officer.
In DPP v Kent and Sussex Contractors Ltd [3.26] he was the transport manager. In R v ICR Haulage
Ltd [3.27] it was held that a company can be guilty of common law conspiracy. The act of the managing
director was held to be the act of the company. I think that a passage in the judgment is too widely stated:
[Whether] in any particular case there is evidence to go to a jury that the criminal act of an agent,
including his state of mind, intention, knowledge or belief is the act of the company, and, in cases
where the presiding judge so rules, whether the jury are satisfied that it has been proved, must
depend on the nature of the charge, the relative position of the officer or agent, and the other relevant
facts and circumstances of the case.
(p. 154) … I think that the true view is that the judge must direct the jury that if they find certain facts
proved then as a matter of law they must find that the criminal act of the officer, servant or agent including
his state of mind, intention, knowledge or belief is the act of the company. I have already dealt with the
considerations to be applied in deciding when such a person can and when he cannot be identified with the
company. I do not see how the nature of the charge can make any difference. If the guilty man was in law
identifiable with the company then whether his offence was serious or venial his act was the act of the
company but if he was not so identifiable then no act of his, serious or otherwise, was the act of the
company itself …
[His Lordship discussed a number of other cases and concluded:] The Divisional Court decided this case on
a theory of delegation. In that they were following some earlier authorities. But they gave far too wide a
meaning to delegation. I have said that a board of directors can delegate part of their functions of
management so as to make their delegate an embodiment of the company within the sphere of the
delegation. But here the board never delegated any part of their functions. They set up a chain of command
through regional and district supervisors, but they remained in control. The shop managers had to obey their
general directions and also take orders from their superiors. The acts or omissions of shop managers were
not acts of the company itself.
In my judgment the appellants established the statutory defence. I would therefore allow this appeal.
delivered concurring opinions.
➤ Notes
1. As noted previously, some of the observations and assumptions in these cases need to be reconsidered in
the light of the Privy Council’s ruling in Meridian Global Funds Management Asia Ltd v Securities
Commission [3.29]. In that case Lord Hoffmann, giving the opinion of the Judicial Committee, said that when
the question arises of attributing the act or state of mind of an individual to a company, different rules should
be invoked in different circumstances, depending upon the rule of law which is being applied. It would follow
that the cases on the Merchant Shipping Acts, such as Lennard’s Carrying Co Ltd v Asiatic Petroleum Co
Ltd [3.24] and The Lady Gwendolen [1965] P 294, CA, should not be considered under the same rubric as
those involving the question of mens rea, and possibly also that the criteria for imputing a mental state in
intentional crimes such as conspiracy to defraud and in crimes not involving intention, such as manslaughter,
may not be the same (although Lord Reid in the Tesco Supermark ets case [3.28]: ‘I do not see how the
nature of the charge can make any difference’, seems not to support this view).
2. A company cannot commit conspiracy with the one person who is solely responsible for its acts: R v
McDonnell [1966] 1 QB 233 (Bristol Assizes).
➤ Questions
1. Lord Diplock in Tesco Supermark ets Ltd v Nattrass [3.28] said ([1972] AC 153 at 199–200):
My Lords, a corporation incorporated under the Companies Act 1948 owes its corporate personality and its
powers to its constitution, the memorandum and articles of association. The obvious and the only place to
look to discover by what natural persons its powers are exercisable, is in its constitution. The articles of
association, if they follow Table A [the Model Articles], provide that the business of the company shall be
managed by the directors and that they may ‘exercise all such powers of the company’ as are not required
by the Act to be exercised in general meeting. Table A also vests in the directors the right to entrust and
confer upon a managing director any of the powers of the company which are exercisable by them. So it
may also be necessary to ascertain (p. 155) whether the directors have taken any action under this
provision or any other similar provision providing for the coordinate exercise of the powers of the company
by executive directors or by committees of directors and other persons, such as are frequently included in
the articles of association of companies in which the regulations contained in Table A are modified or
excluded in whole or in part.
In my view, therefore, the question: what natural persons are to be treated in law as being the company for
the purpose of acts done in the course of its business, including the taking of precautions and the exercise
of due diligence to avoid the commission of a criminal offence, is to be found by identifying those natural
persons who by the memorandum and articles of association or as a result of action taken by the directors,
or by the company in general meeting pursuant to the articles, are entrusted with the exercise of the
powers of the company.
Is this the same test as Lord Reid’s? What do you consider that Lord Diplock meant by ‘the powers of the
company’? Who in the Tesco organisation was ‘entrusted’ with the exercise of the relevant power, and what was
this power?
2. Could the state of mind of the secretary of a company ever be attributed to the company? (See
the Panorama case [3.15], and consider what might be said of the role in a company’s articles.)
3. Does Lord Reid’s analysis allow for the possibility that a company could have more than one individual, acting
independently, ‘speaking and acting as the company’ at the same time? Should it?
4. If a corporate body is to be convicted on the basis of a confession, whose confession is necessary?
5. Half of the shares in Black & White Ltd are owned by Black and half by White, and they are its only directors.
Can Black, White and the company be indicted for a conspiracy on the basis of acts of Black and White? Can
Black and the company be indicted for a conspiracy on the basis of acts of Black at a time when White was away
on holiday?
6. It has been held that a person in total control of a one man company is capable of stealing the property of the
company (Re Attorney General’s Reference (No 2 of 1982)[1984] QB 624, CA): see ‘What does a company
know?’, p 156. Is this decision consistent with R v McDonnell ? Is this a de facto example of the court piercing the
corporate veil? Or is it a ‘blind spot’ within the legal fiction of separate legal personality?
➤ Note
The policy of making corporate bodies liable to criminal prosecution in addition to or instead of those officers
or agents who are personally at fault has been questioned by writers.50 If both are proceeded against, and the
officers are substantial members, they are doubly punished; if the company only is prosecuted and the
wrongdoers have no stake in it, the fine will, in effect, be levied wholly on innocent members or customers,
while if it is barely solvent, its creditors will suffer. Commentators have suggested that sanctions other than
fines might be imposed, ranging all the way from ‘naming and shaming’ the company to ordering its
dissolution. Note also a recent consultation initiated by the Ministry of Justice for the implementation of
Deferred Prosecution Agreements (DPAs) in the UK, a tool which has been extensively used in the United
States, and which enables companies to enter into agreements with prosecutors. This mechanism, akin to
the tool of ‘plea bargaining’ as existing in standard criminal cases, (p. 156) will bypass prosecution in
consideration for a large sum of money being paid in the form of, for instance, financial penalty and reparation
to victims.51
What does a company know?
The question whether and in what circumstances knowledge should be imputed to a company or other corporate
body is one of considerable complexity. Clearly, information which has been given to a corporate organ acting
within its sphere of responsibility (eg a document laid before the directors at a board meeting or the members at a
general meeting) has been brought home to the company.
This would also be true of information communicated to a person who is the company’s ‘directing mind and will’ if
there is an individual whose relationship to the company can be so described. Thus, in El Ajou v Dollar Land
Holdings Ltd [1994] 1 BCLC 464, CA, the question was whether DLH had received money with knowledge that it
was the proceeds of fraud. The knowledge of its chairman, Ferdman, was attributed to DLH because it was held
that for all purposes relevant to the transaction he was its directing mind and will.
In any area of activity where the members or the directors are competent to act by informal unanimous agreement,
knowledge of a matter communicated to all those concerned could readily be attributed to the corporate body.
It is where the knowledge is that of one or more individuals only, whether officers, agents or employees of the
company, who do not come into one of these categories, that the question becomes more difficult. In Regina Fur
Co Ltd v Bossom [1957] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 466 at 468, Pearson J said:
The general effect of the authorities is, in my opinion, that in deciding whether in a particular case the
knowledge of the agent is to be imputed to the company, or other principal, one should consider, mainly at
any rate, (1) the position of the agent in relation to the principal and whether the agent had a wide or narrow
sphere of operations, and (2) the position of the agent in relation to the relevant transaction and whether he
represented the principal in respect of that transaction.
From this it would follow that information communicated to a company secretary, as the officer charged with
general authority in the administrative affairs of the company (see the Panorama case [3.15]) will almost invariably
be deemed to be known to the company.
In JC Houghton & Co v Nothard, Lowe & Wills [1927] 1 KB, CA, the court was concerned with the question
whether the knowledge of a single director should be imputed to the company. Viscount Sumner in the House of
Lords was of the view that:
where knowledge may lead to a modification of the company’s rights according as it is or is not followed by
action, the knowledge which is relevant is that of the directors themselves, since it is their board that deals
with the company’s rights … What a director knows or ought in the course of his duty to know may be the
knowledge of the company, for it may be deemed to have been duly used so as to lead to action which a
fully informed corporation would proceed to take on the strength of it.
Also see Lebon v Aqua Salt Co Ltd [2009] UKPC 2, [2009] BCC 425, PC, where the knowledge of a person who
was a promoter, director and substantial shareholder was attributed to the company, so as to put the company in
bad faith, even though the information had not been communicated to the other directors.
(p. 157) Two exceptions are recognised to this rule relating to the knowledge of an agent.
The first is where the knowledge is received by him in a private capacity, in circumstances where he is under no
obligation to communicate it to his principal—in Viscount Sumner’s words, not ‘in the course of his duty’. In Re
David Payne & Co Ltd [1904] 2 Ch 608, CA, money was lent by a company which the borrower intended to use for
an improper purpose. One of the lending company’s directors was aware of this fact, but because he had received
the information privately his knowledge was not ascribed to the company.
The second exception is made where the ‘agent’ is himself a wrongdoer, as was the case in Houghton’s case
itself. Viscount Sumner went on to say:
It has long been recognised that it would be contrary to justice and common sense to treat the knowledge
of such persons as that of the company, as if one were to assume that they would make a clean breast of
their delinquency.
This emerges from the broader ‘Hampshire Land principle’, articulated in Re Hampshire Land Co [3.31]. The
reasoning on this point was applied in Belmont Finance Corpn Ltd v Williams Furniture Ltd [10.10] and in Heron
International Ltd v Grade [7.07]. It was also part of the basis of the decision in Re Attorney General’s Reference
(No 2 of 1982) [1984] QB 624, CA.52 The question there was whether a person in total control of a one man
company could in law steal its property. The court held that where the controller had acted dishonestly in relation
to the company, his own knowledge was not to be attributed to the company, and it followed that a jury was not
bound to conclude that the company must be taken to have consented to the controller’s acts. The question of
dishonesty was a separate issue, which should also be put to the jury—that is, the question whether the
defendant had established that he had an honest belief, based on the company’s ‘true’ consent, that he was
entitled to appropriate the company’s funds.
Again, in R v Roziek [1996] 1 BCLC 380, the accused had been charged with obtaining property from certain
finance companies by deception. If the branch managers with whom he had dealt were aware of the facts, to the
extent that they were parties to his dishonesty, it could not be argued that the companies had been deceived as a
result of their knowledge: in that event it was necessary to show that some other employees, who had had the
authority to issue the cheques in question to the accused, had been deceived. Since the jury had not been
directed along these lines, Roziek’s convictions were quashed.
Also see Stone & Rolls Ltd (In Liquidation) v Moore Stephens [3.32]—a difficult but vital case in this area—which
suggests that where an individual is identified with a company, the only circumstances in which that individual’s
knowledge of his or her own wrongdoing should not be attributed to the company is where the company was the
target of the wrongdoing. Knowledge may, on the other hand, be attributed where the individual uses the company
to perform a wrongful act against another person.
In El Ajou it was stressed that the ‘directing mind and will’ approach and the ‘agency’ question were separate
issues. Indeed, in that case the knowledge of Ferdman was attributed to the company on the first but not the
second of these grounds because, qua agent, it was not his duty to communicate the information to his principal.
In contrast, in the case next cited, the position was the reverse: the knowledge was deemed to be that of the
company on attribution or agency principles without regard to the question whether the particular individual was the
company’s directing mind and will.
The next case is crucial in this area.
(p. 158) Knowledge attribution rules.
[3.29] Meridian Global Funds Management Asia Ltd v Securities Commission [1995] 2 AC 500 (Privy
Under the Securities Amendment Act 1988 (NZ), a person who became a ‘substantial security holder’ in a ‘public
issuer’ (ie a company whose shares were listed for trading on the Stock Exchange) was required to give notice to
the authorities ‘as soon as the person knows, or ought to know’ that he had become such a holder. Two senior
investment managers of Meridian, Koo and Ng, acting within their authority but for improper purposes of their own,
bought in its name shares in a listed company, ENC, which made Meridian a ‘substantial security holder’ in ENC.
The knowledge of Koo, as the agent primarily involved in the transaction, was attributed to Meridian (so bringing it
under an obligation to give the statutory notice) because, on construction of the statutory provision, this was the
appropriate test of attribution rather than whether he was the company’s directing mind and will.
The opinion of their Lordships was delivered by LORD HOFFMANN: … The phrase ‘directing mind and will’
comes of course from the celebrated speech of Viscount Haldane LC in Lennard’s Carrying Co Ltd v Asiatic
Petroleum Co Ltd [3.24]. But their Lordships think that there has been some misunderstanding of the true
principle upon which that case was decided. It may be helpful to start by stating the nature of the problem
in a case like this and then come back to Lennard’ s case later.
Any proposition about a company necessarily involves a reference to a set of rules. A company exists
because there is a rule (usually in a statute) which says that a persona ficta shall be deemed to exist and
to have certain of the powers, rights and duties of a natural person. But there would be little sense in
deeming such a persona ficta to exist unless there were also rules to tell one what acts were to count as
acts of the company. It is therefore a necessary part of corporate personality that there should be rules by
which acts are attributed to the company. These may be called ‘the rules of attribution’.
The company’s primary rules of attribution will generally be found in its constitution, typically the articles of
association, and will say things such as ‘for the purpose of appointing members of the board, a majority
vote of the shareholders shall be a decision of the company’ or ‘the decisions of the board in managing the
company’s business shall be the decisions of the company’. There are also primary rules of attribution
which are not expressly stated in the articles but implied by company law, such as ‘the unanimous
decision of all the shareholders in a solvent company about anything which the company under its
memorandum of association has power to do shall be the decision of the company’: see Multinational Gas
and Petrochemical Co v Multinational Gas and Petrochemical Services Ltd [7.39].
These primary rules of attribution are obviously not enough to enable a company to go out into the world
and do business. Not every act on behalf of the company could be expected to be the subject of a
resolution of the board or a unanimous decision of the shareholders. The company therefore builds upon the
primary rules of attribution by using general rules of attribution which are equally available to natural
persons, namely, the principles of agency. It will appoint servants and agents whose acts, by a combination
of the general principles of agency and the company’s primary rules of attribution, count as the acts of the
company. And having done so, it will also make itself subject to the general rules by which liability for the
acts of others can be attributed to natural persons, such as estoppel or ostensible authority in contract and
vicarious liability in tort.
It is worth pausing at this stage to make what may seem an obvious point. Any statement about what a
company has or has not done, or can or cannot do, is necessarily a reference to the rules of attribution
(primary and general) as they apply to that company. Judges sometimes say that a company ‘as such’
cannot do anything; it must act by servants or agents. This may seem an unexceptionable, even banal
remark. And of course the meaning is usually perfectly clear. But a reference to a company ‘as such’ might
suggest that there is something out there called the company (p. 159) of which one can meaningfully say
that it can or cannot do something. There is in fact no such thing as the company as such, no Ding an
sich, only the applicable rules. To say that a company cannot do something means only that there is no
one whose doing of that act would, under the applicable rules of attribution, count as an act of the
The company’s primary rules of attribution together with the general principles of agency, vicarious liability
and so forth are usually sufficient to enable one to determine its rights and obligations. In exceptional
cases, however, they will not provide an answer. This will be the case when a rule of law, either expressly or
by implication, excludes attribution on the basis of the general principles of agency or vicarious liability. For
example, a rule may be stated in language primarily applicable to a natural person and require some act or
state of mind on the part of that person ‘himself’, as opposed to his servants or agents. This is generally
true of rules of the criminal law, which ordinarily impose liability only for the actus reus and mens rea of the
defendant himself. How is such a rule to be applied to a company?
One possibility is that the court may come to the conclusion that the rule was not intended to apply to
companies at all; for example, a law which created an offence for which the only penalty was community
service. Another possibility is that the court might interpret the law as meaning that it could apply to a
company only on the basis of its primary rules of attribution, ie if the act giving rise to liability was
specifically authorised by a resolution of the board or a unanimous agreement of the shareholders. But
there will be many cases in which neither of these solutions is satisfactory; in which the court considers
that the law was intended to apply to companies and that, although it excludes ordinary vicarious liability,
insistence on the primary rules of attribution would in practice defeat that intention. In such a case, the
court must fashion a special rule of attribution for the particular substantive rule. This is always a matter of
interpretation: given that it was intended to apply to a company, how was it intended to apply? Whose act
(or knowledge, or state of mind) was for this purpose intended to count as the act etc of the company? One
finds the answer to this question by applying the usual canons of interpretation, taking into account the
language of the rule (if it is a statute) and its content and policy.
The fact that the rule of attribution is a matter of interpretation or construction of the relevant substantive rule
is shown by the contrast between two decisions of the House of Lords, Tesco Supermark ets Ltd v
Nattrass [3.28] and Director General of Fair Trading v Pioneer Concrete (UK) Ltd.53 In the Tesco case the
question involved the construction of [s 24(1) of] the Trade Descriptions Act 1968.
[His Lordship summarised the facts and issues in that case, and continued:] The House of Lords held that
the precautions taken by the board were sufficient for the purposes of section 24(1) to count as precautions
taken by the company and that the manager’s negligence was not attributable to the company. It did so by
examining the purpose of section 24(1) in providing a defence to what would otherwise have been an
absolute offence: it was intended to give effect to ‘a policy of consumer protection which does have a
rational and moral justification’. This led to the conclusion that the acts and defaults of the manager were
not intended to be attributed to the company …
On the other hand, in Director General of Fair Trading v Pioneer Concrete (UK) Ltd, a restrictive
arrangement in breach of an undertaking by a company to the Restrictive Practices Court was made by
executives of the company acting within the scope of their employment. The board knew nothing of the
arrangement; it had in fact given instructions to the company’s employees that they were not to make such
arrangements. But the House of Lords held that for the purposes of deciding whether the company was in
contempt, the act and state of mind of an employee who entered into an arrangement in the course of his
employment should be attributed to the company. This attribution rule was derived from a construction of
the undertaking against the background of the Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976: such undertakings by
corporations would be worth little if the company could avoid liability for what its employees had actually
done on the ground that the board did not know about it …
(p. 160) Against this background of general principle, their Lordships can return to Viscount Haldane LC.
In Lennard’s Carrying Co Ltd v Asiatic Petroleum Co Ltd[3.24] the substantive provision for which an
attribution rule had to be devised was section 502 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1894, which provided a
shipowner with a defence to a claim for the loss of cargo put on board his ship if he could show that the
casualty happened ‘without his actual fault or privity’. The cargo had been destroyed by a fire caused by the
unseaworthy condition of the ship’s boilers. The language of section 502 excludes vicarious liability; it is
clear that in the case of an individual owner, only his own fault or privity can defeat the statutory protection.
How is this rule to be applied to a company? Viscount Haldane LC rejected the possibility that it did not
apply to companies at all or (which would have come to the same thing) that it required fault or privity
attributable under the company’s primary rules. Instead, guided by the language and purpose of the section,
he looked for the person whose functions in the company, in relation to the cause of the casualty, were the
same as those to be expected of the individual shipowner to whom the language primarily applied. Who in
the company was responsible for monitoring the condition of the ship, receiving the reports of the master
and ship’s agents, authorising repairs etc.? This person was Mr Lennard, whom Viscount Haldane LC
described as the ‘directing mind and will’ of the company. It was therefore his fault or privity which section
502 attributed to the company …
Once it is appreciated that the question is one of construction rather than metaphysics, the answer in this
case seems to their Lordships to be … straightforward. The policy of section 20 of the Securities
Amendment Act 1988 is to compel, in fastmoving markets, the immediate disclosure of the identity of
persons who become substantial security holders in public issuers. Notice must be given as soon as that
person knows that he has become a substantial security holder. In the case of a corporate security holder,
what rule should be implied as to the person whose knowledge for this purpose is to count as the
knowledge of the company? Surely the person who, with the authority of the company, acquired the relevant
interest. Otherwise the policy of the Act would be defeated. Companies would be able to allow employees
to acquire interests on their behalf which made them substantial security holders but would not have to
report them until the board or someone else in senior management got to know about it. This could put a
premium on the board paying as little attention as possible to what its investment managers were doing.
Their Lordships would therefore hold that upon the true construction of section 20(4)(e), the company knows
that it has become a substantial security holder when that is known to the person who had authority to do
the deal. It is then obliged to give notice under section 20(3). The fact that Koo did the deal for a corrupt
purpose and did not give such notice because he did not want his employers to find out cannot in their
Lordships’ view affect the attribution of knowledge and the consequent duty to notify.
It was therefore not necessary in this case to inquire into whether Koo could have been described in some
more general sense as the ‘directing mind and will’ of the company. But their Lordships would wish to guard
themselves against being understood to mean that whenever a servant of a company has authority to do an
act on its behalf, knowledge of that act will for all purposes be attributed to the company. It is a question of
construction in each case as to whether the particular rule requires that the knowledge that an act has been
done, or the state of mind with which it was done, should be attributed to the company. Sometimes, as
in Director General of Fair Trading v Pioneer Concrete (UK) Ltd and this case, it will be appropriate.
Likewise in a case in which a company was required to make a return for revenue purposes and the statute
made it an offence to make a false return with intent to deceive, the Divisional Court held that the mens rea
of the servant authorised to discharge the duty to make the return should be attributed to the company:
see Moore v I Bresler Ltd.54 On the other hand, the fact that a company’s employee is authorised to drive a
lorry does not in itself lead to the conclusion that if he kills someone by reckless driving, the company will
be guilty of manslaughter. There is no inconsistency. Each is an example of an attribution rule for a
particular purpose, tailored as it always must be to the terms and policies of the substantive rule.
(p. 161) ➤ Notes
1. In Deutsche Genossenschaftsbank v Burnhope [1995] 1 WLR 1580, HL, the question arose, in construing
an insurance policy, whether there had been a theft of certain valuable documents by ‘a person present on the
premises’ of the bank. The crime was attributed to a company, the necessary mens rea being found in the
intention of its principal executive director. But the only individual who had at any time been physically present
on the premises was a junior employee who had been sent to collect the documents. The House of Lords
declined to identify this employee with the company so as to hold that it was a ‘person present’ within the
term of the policy.55
2. In Regina v St Regis Paper Co Ltd [2011] EWCA Crim 2527, the Court of Appeal was required to consider
whether an employee’s intentional falsification of environmental records could be attributed to the defendant
company (the owner and operator of mills which manufactured paper and board from waste paper). The court
(Moses LJ, Davies J, Judge Gilbert QC) refused to attribute the employee’s actions to the company, since the
employee was not the ‘directing mind and will’ of the company and their lordships were of the view that, as a
matter of statutory construction, there was ‘no warrant for imposing liability by virtue of the intentions of one
who cannot be said to be the directing mind and will’ of the defendant company [12].
➤ Questions
1. Can a corporation forget? How (if at all) might this come about?
2. In Regina v St Regis Paper Co Ltd, in Note 2, the Court of Appeal noted the company’s efforts to encourage
accountability and develop best practice in health and safety [18]. Could it be said that the court thought it
simply ‘unfair’ to hold the company liable in these circumstances, so the decision was less a matter of
statutory construction, but more an exercise in factfinding? See the dicta of Lord Phillips in Stone & Rolls
Ltd [3.32] at [65].
Application of knowledge attribution rules
Although Lord Hoffmann’s approach in Meridian Global is compelling, it does not automatically solve all the difficult
issues encountered in practice. Indeed, Lord Hoffmann noted this himself, commenting that application of the
appropriate attribution rules was entirely contextspecific, and pointing out that just because a person is authorised
to act on behalf of a company, it does not always follow that his or her knowledge of that act will be attributed to
the company.
Deciding whose knowledge is to be attributed to a company as employer.
[3.30] Orr v Milton Keynes Council [2011] EWCA Civ 62 (Court of Appeal)
The facts appear from the judgment of MooreBick LJ.
34 The employee, Trevor Orr, is of Jamaican origin. He was employed by Milton Keynes Council as a part
time youth worker until he was summarily dismissed [by Mr Madden] for gross misconduct on 26 May
2006. … However, Mr Madden [Orr’s team leader] was not entirely blameless …
35 The council appointed a senior manager, Mr John Cove, to oversee the disciplinary process. …
(p. 162) 36 Mr Cove found that both allegations of misconduct had been established and that each of them
was sufficient to constitute a sufficient ground of dismissal. … Mr Orr appealed against that decision, but
his appeal failed. He subsequently made a claim for unfair dismissal and unlawful discrimination. The
tribunal found that the level of investigation was reasonable in the circumstances and that the conduct of the
disciplinary process had been reasonable and fair. It found that on the basis of the evidence before it the
council genuinely and reasonably believed that the allegations made against Mr Orr were wellfounded.
Dismissal fell within the band of reasonable responses and accordingly was not unfair. [That decision is
now being appealed.]
58 … Parliament cannot have assumed that in a large organisation every allegation of misconduct or other
grounds of dismissal against any employee would be investigated by the person or body that represents it
at the highest level, who would himself then decide whether to exercise the power of dismissal. … The
answer to the question ‘Whose knowledge or state of mind was for this purpose intended to count as the
knowledge or state of mind of the employer?’ will be ‘The person who was deputed to carry out the
employer’s functions under section 98’.
59 In the present case that person was Mr Cove. The submission that the knowledge of Mr Madden is to be
treated as the knowledge of the council and as such is to be imputed to Mr Cove is in my view unsound. In
the first place, it is doubtful whether in circumstances of this kind an employee’s knowledge of his own
wrongdoing is to be imputed to his employer: see In re Hampshire Land Co [3.31] in which an officer’s
knowledge of his own wrongdoing was not attributable to the company. More importantly, however, to
impute to Mr Cove knowledge of Mr Madden’s behaviour that he could not reasonably have acquired through
the appropriate disciplinary procedure in order to enable Mr Orr to treat as unreasonable and therefore unfair
a decision that was in all respects reasonable would be to impose on the council as the employer a more
onerous duty than that for which s 98 provides.
60 Sedley LJ suggests that the person deputed to carry out the investigation on behalf of the employer
must be taken to know any relevant facts which the employer actually knows, which include not only
matters known to the chief executive but also any relevant facts known to any person within the
organisation who in some way represents the employer in its relations with the employee. However, in my
view it would be contrary to the language of the statute to hold that the employer had acted unreasonably
and unfairly if in fact he had done all that could reasonably be expected of him and had made a decision
that was reasonable in all the circumstances. That is why it is important to identify whose state of mind is
intended to count as that of the employer for this purpose. To impute to that person knowledge held by
others is to reverse the principles of attribution formulated in Meridian Global Funds Management Asia
Ltd [3.29] and to place the whole exercise on an artificial footing. The obligation to carry out a reasonable
investigation as the basis of providing satisfactory grounds for thinking that there has been conduct
justifying dismissal necessarily directs attention to the quality of the investigation and the resulting state of
mind of the person who represents the employer for that purpose. If the investigation was as thorough as
could reasonably have been expected, it will support a reasonable belief in the findings, whether or not
some piece of information has fallen through the net. There is no justification for imputing to that person
knowledge that he did not have and which (ex hypothesi) he could not reasonably have obtained. Moreover,
the principle cannot logically be restricted to a person in the position of Mr Madden; if sound, it must apply
to all employees above a certain level of seniority, though in principle it should apply to any employee who
is in possession of information that relates to the organisation’s affairs and which it is material for his
superiors to know. To impute Mr Madden’s knowledge to Mr Cove, therefore, is tantamount to treating Mr
Cove as having acquired all the relevant information in the organisation’s possession. That is not what
section 98(4) or the authorities require.
The next extracts illustrate the difficulties. Re Hampshire Land Company [3.31] is the easier case. This case
stands for the principle that where one person is an officer (not necessarily a director) of two companies, any
personal knowledge of the officer is not necessarily the knowledge of both the companies. Knowledge acquired as
an officer of one company will only be imputed to the other where a duty is imposed on the officer to communicate
that knowledge (p. 163) to the other company, and a duty is imposed on the same officer to receive the notice for
the other company. Moreover, if the common officer has been guilty of fraud, or even irregularity, the court will not
draw the inference that the officer has fulfilled these duties.
That finding makes complete sense, but its application in the context of one man companies is controversial, as is
revealed in the Stone & Rolls case [3.32], where the House of Lords divided 3:2 on the application of the principle
to the facts before them.
Where one person is an officer of two companies, the officer’s personal knowledge is not necessarily the
knowledge of both companies: relevance of the duties of the common officer and any fraud or irregularity
in their exercise.
[3.31] In Re Hampshire Land Company [1896] 2 Ch 743 (Chancery Division)
The directors of a company were empowered to borrow money on its behalf, but not beyond a certain limit without
the consent of a general meeting. A general meeting gave the required consent, but the notices summoning the
meeting were irregular, in that they did not specify that borrowing beyond the limit was to be authorised by the
meeting. The money was borrowed from a society the secretary of which was also the secretary of the company,
and he knew of the irregularity. The court held that the knowledge of the secretary could not be imputed to the
society, and that the money lent could therefore be proved in the winding up of the company.
VAUGHAN WILLIAMS J: The question really is, whether the shareholders in the building society or the
shareholders in the company ought to bear any loss that would result from the resolution authorizing the
directors of the company to borrow this money. So far as the shareholders of both the two corporations are
concerned, they are innocent people.
It must be taken that in fact a resolution was passed by the shareholders of the company authorizing the
borrowing of the £30,000 [but] no notice was given to them that this special business was intended to be
proposed to the meeting [and the directors] had no authority in the absence of a properly passed resolution
to borrow this money. But in that state of things, the money having been lent by the society and received by
the company, the question which I have stated arises. It is not disputed that the authority of Royal British
Bank v. Turquand [see [3.16]] is such that the society had a right to assume in a case like this that all
these essentials of internal management had been carried out by the borrowing company, and that it is only
in case the law imputes to the society knowledge of these irregularities that the society is not to rank upon
the estate of the Hampshire Land Company as a creditor for the amount lent.
The question, therefore, is this: Is it right to impute this knowledge to the society? It is said that it is right,
because Mr. Wills was the common officer of both the society and the company, and was aware of these
irregularities; and I think it must be taken that he was aware of them. Then it is said that his knowledge as
the officer of the company is equally his knowledge as the officer of the society, and that therefore I ought to
impute this knowledge to the society. I do not agree. Both Mr. Bramwell Davis and Mr. Jenkins [counsel]
shrank from saying that wherever there is a common officer of two societies, the knowledge of such officer
personally is to be imputed to both the societies employing him. In fact it was quite impossible, having
regard to … [and various authorities were then cited]. But the moment you have done that you have to ask
yourself this: Where is the line to be drawn, or what is the test to be applied in order to say whether or not
in each case the knowledge of the common officer is the knowledge of each company employing him? It
seems to me that, broadly, … the knowledge which has been acquired by the officer of one company will
not be imputed to the other company, unless the common officer had some duty imposed upon him to
communicate that knowledge to the other company, and had some duty imposed on him by the company
which is alleged to be affected by the notice to receive the notice. … It seems to me that that is not at all
the case here. … The case is very much more like the one which both Mr. Bramwell (p. 164) Davis and Mr.
Jenkins had to admit was an exception to the general rule that they sought to lay down, for they admitted
that if Wills had been guilty of a fraud, the personal knowledge of Wills of the fraud that he had committed
upon the company would not have been knowledge of the society of the facts constituting that fraud;
because common sense at once leads one to the conclusion that it would be impossible to infer that the
duty, either of giving or receiving notice, will be fulfilled where the common agent is himself guilty of fraud. It
seems to me that if you assume here that Mr. Wills was guilty of irregularity—a breach of duty in respect of
these transactions—the same inference is to be drawn as if he had been guilty of fraud. I do not know, I am
sure, whether he was guilty of actual fraud; but whether his conduct amounted to fraud or to breach of duty,
I decline to hold that his knowledge of his own fraud or of his own breach of duty is, under the
circumstances, the knowledge of the company. …
➤ Notes
1. As indicated earlier (see ‘What does a company know?’, pp 156ff), subsequent cases demonstrate different
understandings of the precise nature and scope of theHampshire Land principle, and doubt has even been
expressed as to whether it exists—see Bowstead & Reynolds on Agency (18th edn, 2006), paras 8–188 and 8–
213; and P Watts, ‘Imputed Knowledge in Agency Law—Excising the Fraud Exception’ (2001) 117 LQR 300, 319–
2. In Safeway Stores Ltd and others v Twigger and others [3.33], the company sought to recover from the
responsible directors/employees the amount of penalty it paid to the Office of Fair Trading (OFT). The Court of
Appeal refused to apply the Hampshire Land principle; in the words of Longmore LJ:
29 In my judgment, however, this cannot be an answer to the defendants’ summary judgment application
since the same need for consistency between criminal (or quasicriminal) liability and civil liability is still
required to exist. Once it is appreciated that the claimant companies are (personally and not vicariously)
liable to pay the penalties exigible under the 1998 Act those companies cannot invoke the Hampshire
Land principle to say that they were not ‘truly’ liable. The principle gives them no defence to the OFT’s
claim for the penalties; they are personally liable to pay those penalties and it would be inconsistent with
that liability for them to be able to recover those penalties in the civil courts from the defendants. The
statutory scheme has attributed responsibility to the claimant companies and theHampshire
Land exception to the ordinary rule of attribution can have no import on the application of the ex turpi
30 This is not a decision which requires any resolution of fact but is a pure matter of law.
3. In The Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs v Greener Solutions Ltd [2012] UKUT 18 (Upper
Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber)), the court held that: (i) the knowledge of an agent in breach of his duty to
the company was not to be attributed to a company where the company was a victim of his fraud; (ii) to determine
whether there had been a fraud against the company, the effect of the acts should be considered, not what the
position would have been if those acts had proved ineffective; and (iii) the court should not be too ready to imply
harm to the company. In this case, the fraud had been aimed at the Revenue rather than the company, so
the Hampshire Land principle was not engaged and the director’s knowledge of the fraud was attributed to the
The next case is a difficult one. The opinion of the House of Lords is almost 100 pages long; the House divided
3:2; each of the five Law Lords gave a separate opinion; even the majority seems not completely at one; and,
finally, at least one commentator suggests that the right questions were not in any event addressed.56
(p. 165) Before reading the extract which follows, some context may be helpful. The issue before the court was
deceptively simple. A one man company had perpetrated frauds on a number of banks to the tune of almost £100
million. The company’s auditors had not detected the fraud. Neither the company nor the fraudster could meet the
company’s liabilities to the banks. Assuming the auditors were negligent, could the company (through its
liquidator) sue the auditors for the losses the company had suffered because the frauds had not been detected?
The majority of the House of Lords held that it could not.
Their reasons express different subtleties, but, broadly, they accepted that: (i) the company was a wrongdoer (the
fraudster’s fraud was the company’s fraud, and theHampshire Land exception did not apply); (ii) as a principle of
public policy, a wrongdoer cannot recover in a cause of action based on its own wrongdoing (the ex turpi
causaprinciple—see later); and (iii) in the proposed action by the company against its auditors, the
‘wrongdoers’ would recover—because, at least in a one man company, the company was exclusively identified with
its shareholders. It was immaterial, as here, that the company is a separate legal person or that the recoveries
would only benefit the company’s creditors, not its sole fraudulent shareholder. Each aspect of the analysis
generated its own problems, many of which are elaborated in the following extract.
The ex turpi causa principle warrants a few words so that the context of Stone & Rolls is clear. In Stone & Rolls,
Lord Phillips said that ‘ex turpi causa is a principle that prevents a claimant from using the court to obtain benefits
from his own illegal conduct’. As a consequence, courts will not enforce illegal contracts, nor assist claimants to
recover benefits from their own wrongdoing. In Stone & Rolls, some of the opinions appear to express a wider view
of this principle than that advanced in Tinsley v Milligan[1994] 1 AC 340, HL. There, so long as the underlying
illegality did not have to be pleaded in order for the claimant to advance her claim, she was not barred by the ex
turpi causa principle. Pursuing this approach, Lord Scott (dissenting) thought that Stone & Rolls could advance
their claim against the auditors in contract (although not in tort) without raising any fraudulent scheme, so would
not be barred by the ex turpi causa principle; the illegal scheme would, however, have to be revealed at the
causation and damages assessment stage, but he did not pursue its impact there. By contrast, the majority
seemed more concerned with whether an action against the auditors would have the effect of benefiting the
Frauds perpetrated by a ‘one man company’: how knowledge of the frauds is attributed to the company
and for what purposes; the company itself is fraudulent—disapplication of the Hampshire Land principle;
the principle of ex turpi causa prevents the company suing its auditors in negligence for failure to detect
the fraud.
[3.32] Stone & Rolls Ltd (In Liquidation) v Moore Stephens (A Firm) [2009] UKHL 39; [2009] 1 AC 1391
(House of Lords)
Another part of this judgment, dealing with the extent of the liability of auditors, is extracted at [8.05].
S & R’s beneficial owner and sole directing mind and will, S, had used S & R as a vehicle for defrauding banks.
When the fraud was discovered, the principal victim successfully sued S & R for deceit and was awarded
substantial damages. Neither S & R nor S could satisfy the judgment and S & R went into liquidation. Its
liquidators brought an action in negligence against S & R’s auditors, MS, seeking to recover losses caused to S &
R in consequence of the extension of the period of its fraudulent activity caused by MS’s breach of duty. MS
accepted, for the purposes of these proceedings, that they were in breach of their duty to exercise reasonable care
and skill in carrying out their responsibilities as auditors and that, but for their breach, the fraud perpetrated by S &
R would have been discovered earlier. MS submitted, however, (p. 166) that the action could not succeed
because it was founded on S & R’s fraud and was met by the defence of ex turpi causa. S & R argued that its
liability for S’s frauds was vicarious; that by reason of the principle in Re Hampshire Land Co [3.31] S’s fraud could
not be attributed to it; and that ex turpi causa did not provide a defence where the claimant’s illegal conduct was
the very thing that the defendant was under a duty to prevent. The House of Lords (Lords Scott and Mance
dissenting) found for MS, holding the auditors not liable in the circumstances.
12 The debate between the parties has largely centred on the nature and effect of the Hampshire
Land principle. Mr Sumption [counsel for MS] summarised this principle as follows in oral argument: ‘There
is not to be imputed to a company a fraud which is being practised against it even if it is being practised by
someone whose acts and state of mind in the ordinary way are attributed to the company.’ [Emphasis
added.] Mr Sumption submits that this principle does not prevent attribution to S & R of Mr Stojevic’s fraud
which was directed not against S & R but against the banks.
13 Mr Brindle [counsel for S & R] does not accept that the Hampshire Land principle is as narrow as this.
He submits that it also applies in respect of fraud on the part of an agent of the company that is directed
against a third party in as much as the fraud is likely ultimately to come home to roost with consequent
detriment to the company. Thus the company is a secondary victim of the fraud. That is precisely what has
happened in this case, for S & R has been held liable [to the banks] for Mr Stojevic’s fraud.
14 Mr Sumption has a fallback position that meets this argument. It turns on the fact that Mr Stojevic was,
in effect, the sole shareholder in S & R and also solely responsible for S & R’s activities. Mr Sumption
submits that where there is no human embodiment of the company other than the fraudster, attribution of
the fraud to the company is inevitable. …
43 … The important point to note is that Hampshire Land [3.31] is an exception to the normal rules for the
attribution of an agent’s k nowledge to his principal. It is not a rule about the attribution of
conduct. Hampshire Land applies where an agent has knowledge which his principal does not in fact share
but which under normal principles of attribution would be deemed to be the knowledge of the principal. The
effect of Hampshire Land is that knowledge of the agent will not be attributed to the principal when the
knowledge relates to the agent’s own breach of duty to his principal. The rationale for Hampshire Land has
been said to be that it is contrary to common sense and justice to attribute to a principal knowledge of
something that his agent would be anxious to conceal from him. …
49 … The purpose for which the question of attribution has to be answered is in order to decide whether the
defence of ex turpi causa applies. … If the underlying principle of public policy is applied, the question that
has to be answered is whether S & R is seeking to obtain compensation for the consequences of its own
fraud rather than for the consequences of fraud for which it is only vicariously liable. To answer the question
it is necessary to decide whether the fraud of Mr Stojevic falls to be treated as the fraud of S & R itself …
60 … It makes no sense to say that the fraud should not be attributed to the company. The fact that fraud
has been attributed to the company is the very thing about which the company is complaining. The
company’s complaint is that its directing mind and will has infected it with turpitude. If ex turpi causa is not
to apply in such circumstances, the reason should simply be that the public policy underlying it does not
require its application.
61 One can readily reach that conclusion where all the shareholders are innocent. Recovery from the
directing mind and will [ie by the company against the defaulting director] does not result in any individual
recovering compensation for his own wrong. The position becomes unclear, however, if some of the
shareholders were complicit in the directing mind and will’s misconduct …
65 Lord Brown and Lord Walker have based their decision on Mr Sumption’s fallback position. Lord Walker
identifies the reason for the Hampshire Land principle to be that it would be ‘unjust to its innocent
participators (honest directors who were deceived, and shareholders who were cheated)’ to fix a company
with its directors’ fraudulent intention. Where there are no honest directors or (p. 167) shareholders there is
‘ex hypothesi no innocent participator’. It follows that there is no room for the application of Hampshire
66 Lord Scott and Lord Mance do not accept this analysis. They would include among the ‘innocent
participators’ the creditors of a company in circumstances where the company is insolvent or is threatened
with insolvency. They postulate that the duty owed by auditors is owed for the benefit of these participators
also, and thatex turpi causa should not defeat a claim brought for their benefit.
67 For the reasons that I have already given, I consider that the real issue is not whether the fraud should
be attributed to the company but whether ex turpi causashould defeat the company’s claim for breach of the
auditor’s duty. That in turn depends, or may depend, critically on whether the scope of the auditor’s duty
extends to protecting those for whose benefit the claim is brought …
105 These remarks of Lord Hoffmann [in Meridian Global [3.29], cited in the earlier extract] have, as it
seems to me, a particular resonance in the present case. Your Lordships have not been shown the
memorandum of association or the articles of association of S & R nor the power of attorney granted to Mr
Stojevic. It may reasonably be assumed, I think, that the articles gave the directors power to grant a power
of attorney to Mr Stojevic to enable Mr Stojevic to take management decisions on behalf of S & R. But it
may confidently be asserted … [that] Mr Stojevic’s actions in using S & R as a vehicle for implementing the
fraudulent scheme he had devised would have been outside the powers conferred on him by the power of
attorney. This feature of the relationship between Mr Stojevic and S & R has no relevance whatever so far as
dealings between S & R and those defrauded by the scheme are concerned. They were entitled to hold S &
R liable for the frauds in which S & R had participated. But it does have relevance, in my opinion, to the
question whether S & R was itself a victim of Mr Stojevic’s fraudulent scheme and, thus, to the critical
question whether, for the purposes of S & R’s action against Moore Stephens, Mr Stojevic’s dishonesty
should be attributed to S & R.
106 In re Hampshire Land established the rule that the knowledge of an officer of a company of his own
fraud or breach of trust directed at third parties will not necessarily be imputed to that company … In
particular, if the director in breach of duty has an adverse interest to that of the company, the knowledge of
the breach of duty will not be imputed to the company: see JC Houghton & Co v Nothard Lowe & Wills
Ltd [1928] AC 1, 19 where Viscount Sumner said that it would be ‘contrary to justice and common sense to
treat the knowledge of such persons as that of their company, as if one were to assume that they would
make a clean breast of their delinquency’.
107 There are, however, cases, sometimes referred to as ‘sole actor’ cases, where the company has no
human embodiment other than the fraudster and where, therefore, there is no one in the company for the
fraudster to deceive, no one in the company to whom ‘a clean breast of … delinquency’ could be made. In
these ‘one actor’ cases, it is said, the Hampshire Land Co rule can have no sensible application. The
knowledge of the fraudster simply is the knowledge of the company. An example of this proposition in
action is Royal Brunei Airlines Sdn Bhd v Tan [7.43]. This was a case in which the issue was whether the
company, BLT, had been guilty of fraud or dishonesty in relation to money it held in trust for the plaintiff
airline. The company had become insolvent and the airline sued its controlling director, Mr Tan, on the
ground that he had knowingly assisted in the dissipation by BLT of the money. Lord Nicholls of Birkenhead
said, at p 393:
‘The defendant accepted that he knowingly assisted in that breach of trust. In other words, he
caused or permitted his company to apply the money in a way he knew was not authorised by the
trust of which the company was trustee. Set out in these bald terms, the defendant’s conduct was
dishonest. By the same token, and for good measure, BLT also acted dishonestly. The defendant
was the company, and his state of mind is to be imputed to the company.’
108 But the attribution to BLT of Mr Tan’s dishonesty for the purposes of the airline’s claim against, in
effect, BLT and Mr Tan, could not be taken to bar misfeasance proceedings by the liquidator of BLT (p.
168) against Mr Tan or against any other officer of BLT who, in relation to the trust money, ‘has … been
guilty of any misfeasance or breach of any … other duty in relation to’ BLT …
109 It is noteworthy that there appears to be no case in which the ‘sole actor’ exception to the Hampshire
Land Co rule has been applied so as to bar an action brought by a company against an officer for breaches
of duty that have caused, or contributed to, loss to the company as a result of the company engaging in
illegal activities. I can easily accept that, for the purposes of an action against the company by an innocent
third party, with no notice of any illegality or impropriety by the company in the conduct of its affairs, the
state of mind of a ‘sole actor’ could and should be attributed to the company if it were relevant to the cause
of action asserted against the company to do so. But it does not follow that that attribution should take
place where the action is being brought by the company against an officer or manager who has been in
breach of duty to the company. …
110 It appears that the liquidators of S & R know of no assets of Mr Stojevic that could become the fruits of
successful proceedings against him for breach of duty. But suppose that were not so. There can surely be
no doubt that the liquidators could issue a misfeasance summons against him under section 212(1)(c) of
the Insolvency Act 1986. Could Mr Stojevic, on such a summons, contend that his dishonesty should be
attributed to the company that, in breach of his fiduciary duties under the power of attorney, he had turned
into his vehicle for fraud? … Mr Stojevic could not, in my opinion, reduce his liability for breach of duty to S
& R by attributing to S & R his own dishonesty, praying in aid the ‘sole actor’ exception and the application
of the ex turpi causa rule.
111 It is not clear to me why Moore Stephens, or any other officer of S & R whose breach of duty had
contributed to the liabilities to which S & R is now subject, should be in any different position, so far as
attribution to S & R of Mr Stojevic’s dishonesty is concerned, to that of Mr Stojevic himself. Moore
Stephens were not … directors or managers of the company’s business. But they, too, as officers of the
company [see IA 1986 s 212(1)(a)] could have been, and could still be, the recipients of a section 212
misfeasance summons. … No doubt the same ex turpi causa objection would have been taken but the
nature of the claim, as one being brought for the benefit of S & R’s creditors, would have been more openly
apparent and not in the least a matter of objection.
112 So I return to what I regard as the determinative issue, short but difficult. Why should the dishonesty of
Mr Stojevic be attributed to S & R for the purposes of an action by S & R against its auditors, officers of the
company who, on the assumed facts, had committed breaches of contractual duty that had a causative role
in producing the liabilities to which S & R is subject? There are, in my opinion, two reasons why that
attribution should not be made: the first is a procedural reason, the second is substantive.
117 … Everything done by S & R at the direction of Mr Stojevic and in pursuance of his scheme of fraud
must have been ultra vires his powers under the power of attorney. This feature could not enable S & R to
resist the claims made by the defrauded third parties such as KB [a bank] but, in my opinion, establishes S
& R as a victim of the fraudulent scheme. In causing S & R to pay away to third parties the money
fraudulently extracted from KB and the other victims of the frauds Mr Stojevic was abusing his powers under
the power of attorney. That abuse was an essential feature of Mr Stojevic’s fraudulent scheme and, as it
seems to me, S & R was a victim of that abuse. …
118 The emphasis placed by [the majority of their Lordships] on the assumed absolute beneficial ownership
by Mr Stojevic of the S & R shareholding, coupled with his undoubted absolute managerial control,
indicates, I suggest, that they are, in effect, lifting the corporate veil and treating S & R as if it were Mr
Stojevic himself who was seeking to repel the ex turpi causa defence. But if the corporate veil cannot be
lifted, and it cannot, in my opinion, if Mr Stojevic was not the absolute beneficial owner of the shares, the
attribution of Mr Stojevic’s dishonesty to S & R for the purpose of defeating an admitted breach of duty by S
& R’s officers, a breach of duty that had caused S & R to incur liabilities that it would not otherwise have
incurred, cannot, in my opinion, be justified either in principle or on authority. S & R is a legal persona in its
own right …
144 [After examining various precedents, he continued:] In all these cases there was a company which was
the victim of a fraud or serious breach of duty, and the court held that it was not to be prejudiced by the
guilty knowledge of an individual officer who could not be expected to disclose his own fault. (The fact that
duties were owed to two different companies in the Hampshire Land [and other] cases is, I think, an
irrelevant coincidence) …
146 Mr Brindle has relied on the Hampshire Land principle to insulate S & R, for the purposes of the ex turpi
causa rule, from Mr Stojevic’s fraudulent conduct. Mr Sumption, for Moore Stephens, has in the Court of
Appeal and before the House deployed two lines of argument against that. The first is that the principle has
no application in a case where the person or persons with ownership and control of the company are
entirely complicit in the fraud, so that there is no single individual connected with the company who can be
regarded as an innocent party deceived and prejudiced by the fraud. This is, in the terminology used in the
United States, the ‘sole actor’ exception to the ‘adverse interest’ rule—which is itself an exception to the
ordinary rules of imputation. In England the phrase ‘oneman company’ is sometimes used … The other line
of argument is that the Hampshire Land principle does not apply to cases where the victim of the fraud is
not the company itself, but a third party. This leads on to arguments as to whether the company in
question, although not a primary victim, should be regarded as a secondary victim (and so within the
principle). …
167 … In the case of a oneman company (in the sense indicated above) which has deliberately engaged in
serious fraud, I would follow Royal Brunei [7.43] (and the strong line of United States and Canadian
authority) in imputing awareness of the fraud to the company, applying what is referred to in the United
States as the ‘sole actor’ exception to the ‘adverse interest’ principle.
168 In particular I would apply the ‘sole actor’ principle to a claim made against its former auditors by a
company in liquidation, where the company was a oneman company engaged in fraud, and the auditors are
accused of negligence in failing to call a halt to that fraud. Here I return to Mr Brindle’s point … about the
need to decide any question of attribution by reference to its context. Looking at the context, I cannot
accept his submission that a claim against auditors is a context in which S & R should not be treated as
primarily (or directly) liable for its fraud against [the banks], and so disabled by the ex turpi causa principle.
Mr Sumption conceded, in line with the pleadings, that the auditors did owe a duty of care to S & R … On
the assumption that the auditors did owe a duty of care to S & R, it was a duty owed to that company as a
whole, not to individual shareholders, or potential shareholders, or current or prospective creditors, as this
House decided inCaparo Industries plc v Dick man [8.04]. If the only human embodiment of the company
already knew all about its fraudulent activities, there was realistically no protection that its auditors could
give it. …
186 My Lords, after trying to analyse the intricacies of a complex and difficult case it is often helpful to
stand back, as we say, and try to identify the essentials. Had Mr Stojevic acted alone in his fraud (for
instance, had S & R been a completely fictitious company, never properly incorporated) it is perfectly clear
that he would have had no cause of action against Moore Stephens because of (among other reasons)
the ex turpi causa rule. That would have been the case even if the action had been taken by his trustee in
bankruptcy acting solely for the benefit of the defrauded bank and other innocent creditors. … The ex turpi
causa rule is distinct from the general principle that a claimant should not obtain a personal profit from his
own wrong, although the two often overlap.
187 The same results would follow if Mr Stojevic had an individual partner in crime … Two highwaymen may
be partners in crime but neither can sue the other for an account: Everet v Williams (1725), a case which
was once thought to be apocryphal, but is verified by a note in (1893) 9 LQR 197 … [equally if the claim]
had been brought, not by Everet himself but by the administrator of his insolvent estate, after Everet had
been hanged at Tyburn, even though the administrator might have been suing exclusively for the benefit of
those whom the pair had robbed.
188 Why then does it make a difference that S & R, Mr Stojevic’s partner in crime, was not an individual but
a corporation? For present purposes there is an obvious parallel between an action by a company in
insolvent liquidation, and an action by the trustee in bankruptcy of an individual, or the administrator of the
estate of an individual who has died insolvent. In each case the action is (p. 170) being brought by or under
the control of a fiduciary for the benefit of innocent creditors. But in each case the fiduciary can have no
better cause of action than the insolvent company or individual, since the ex turpi causa rule is ‘unforgiving
and uncompromising’. I can see no reason why the corporate status of S & R should alter the analysis.
Once it is accepted (first) that a company can have a guilty mind (Tesco Supermark ets Ltd v
Nattrass [3.28]; Royal Brunei Airlines Sdn Bhd v Tan [7.43]) and (second) that S & R was directly (and not
merely vicariously) liable for the frauds, then it seems to me to be in just the same position as one of the
189 My noble and learned friend, Lord Scott of Foscote, considers that the position is different because S &
R was itself a victim. It had been turned, in his view, into a corporate automaton. … That view contradicts
not only the Court of Appeal but also the judge. Langley J [the trial judge] observed [para 65(6)]:
‘The primary victims of the fraud were KB and the other losers. The fraud undoubtedly exposed S &
R to liabilities to KB and the other losers, which it could not meet once, as was intended, the
moneys fraudulently obtained were paid away as they were to those responsible for the fraud. On the
other hand S & R lost nothing to which it was ever entitled. S & R was in a real sense the perpetrator
of the fraud on KB and the banks and the liability to which it was thereby exposed was not just the
product of that fraud but the essence of it. In the particular circumstances of this case in my
judgment it would be artificial not to fix S & R with the knowledge and wrongdoing of Mr Stojevic and
also artificial to describe S & R even as a secondary victim of the fraud.’
That puts the point very clearly. Lord Scott’s view seems to me to treat the most obvious and extreme
situation of a company which has a guilty mind (a oneman company engaged in wholly fraudulent
activities) as amounting to a situation in which the company has no mind at all. That view, with great
respect, seems to me to be inconsistent with Royal Brunei Airlines v Tan …
197 … As Mr Sumption put it, uncontentiously, at the beginning of his printed case:
‘[Mr Stojevic] was as completely identified with the company as it is possible for a human agent to
be. He had sole control over the company’s every act. He was the company’s sole beneficial owner.
There were no independent or innocent directors whom Mr Stojevic had to deceive to make the fraud
happen. There were no innocent shareholders relying upon the auditors to monitor the management.
There were no employees.’
198 How in these circumstances there is any room for the application of the Hampshire Land principle … I
cannot for the life of me see. That principle, otherwise described as the adverse interest rule, operates as
an exception to the ordinary rule of attribution, itself a general principle of agency, that ordinarily one
imputes to the company (the principal) the knowledge of a director (the agent) on the basis that the agent
may be presumed to have discharged his duty to disclose all material facts to his principal. The Hampshire
Land exception recognises that in reality agents will not disclose to their principals the fact that they are
committing fraud, least of all when they are defrauding the principals themselves, and that it would be
contrary to common sense and justice for the law to presume otherwise. Indeed, theHampshire
Land principle may well go wider than this and extend also to breaches of duty by the agent short of fraud
… and to agents’ frauds even if committed against others than their principals, and perhaps irrespective of
whether the principal is to be regarded as ‘a secondary victim’ … For the purposes of the present appeal,
however, it is quite unnecessary to explore, let alone decide, any of this.
199 In the present case Mr Stojevic and S & R were in effect one and the same person. It is absurd to
describe Mr Stojevic as the agent and S & R as the principal for all the world as if, but for the Hampshire
Land principle, the law would presume that Mr Stojevic had been disclosing to S & R his fraudulent conduct
towards the Czech Bank. As Lord Reid said in Tesco Supermark ets Ltd v Nattrass [3.28], 170:
(p. 171) ‘He is not acting as a servant, representative, agent or delegate. He is an embodiment of
the company or, one could say, he hears and speaks through the persona of the company, within
his appropriate sphere, and his mind is the mind of the company. If it is a guilty mind then that guilt
is the guilt of the company.’
200 For this reason I find the concept of the ‘sole actor’ exception to the adverse interest exception
(the Hampshire Land principle) a somewhat puzzling one. Why is it necessary to except from an exception
a category of case which cannot logically fall into the exception in the first place? Assuming, however, that
there is scope for such an exception to the Hampshire Land principle, then the need for it seems to me
compelling …
201 It is on this basis and this basis alone—the oneman company or sole actor basis—that I would uphold
the Court of Appeal’s judgment that S & R is in no different or better position than Mr Stojevic himself to
resist the ex turpi causa defence (and the liquidator of S & R in no better position than either of them).
LORD MANCE (dissenting):
206 … I consider that the key to a proper resolution of this appeal is to bear firmly in mind: (a) the separate
legal identities of a company and its shareholders; (b) the common law and contractual duties which it is
common ground that auditors owe and which included in this case an express undertaking to comply with
auditing standard SAS 110 on fraud and error of the Auditing Practices Board; (c) the rights that a company
has as a result as against those who, whether as officer or auditor, commit wrongs against it; (d) the
distinction between on the one hand a company’s claim for its own net losses, for which it is entirely
consistent withCaparo Industries plc v Dick man [8.04] that it should be able to sue auditors whose
negligence led to such losses, and on the other hand its creditors’ losses, for which under Caparo its
creditors cannot sue negligent auditors; (e) the basic company law principle that the interests and powers
of shareholders yield to those of creditors in a company which is actually or potentially insolvent. I differ
from the majority speeches in this case because they fail in my respectful opinion to take these points duly
into account.
207 Within the majority speeches, although their reasoning differs, there can be found (i) an inversion of the
decision in Caparo—whereby the denial to creditors in that case of recovery against auditors because the
company would have its own claim is deployed to deny the company’s claim against auditors because this
would indirectly benefit the company’s creditors; (ii) a suggestion, never pleaded or raised by the auditors,
that the auditors’ contractual engagements might be unenforceable ab initio; (iii) a suggestion that the
company did not suffer any loss at all—a surprising proposition, when its assets were over years steadily
abstracted from it leaving it with a large deficit out of which it was unable to meet its liabilities to the banks;
(iv) a suggestion that a company might be unable to recover against auditors, if some or apparently even
one of its shareholders were complicit in fraud committed by the company’s directing mind and will causing
the company to suffer loss—a suggestion which if good would have provided auditors with immunity in a
large number of auditors’ negligence claims. I will explain my disagreement with each of [these] points …
227 Though not essential to my reasoning, I also consider that the principle established in In re Hampshire
Land Co [3.31], Belmont Finance [1979] Ch 250 andAttorney General’s Reference (No 2 of 1982) [1984] QB
624 points towards the same result. It prevents a company being treated as party to a fraud committed by
its officers ‘on’ or ‘against’ the company, at least in the context of claims by the company for redress for
offences committed against the company …
228 Mr Sumption submits that the [Hampshire Land] principle has no present relevance for two reasons.
The first is based on its original rationale: that, since an agent deceiving a company will not disclose his
own fraud to the company, the company cannot be imputed with knowledge of or treated as party to the
fraud. This rationale, Mr Sumption submits, postulates a company with an ‘innocent constituency’ (other
officers and/or shareholders) to whom Mr Stojevic could have disclosed, but from whom he would and did
actually conceal, his misdeeds. If the suggestion is that the Hampshire Land principle or the thinking
behind it can only apply where a company alleges loss (p. 172) through being deceived, I see no reason
why it should be so confined. Whether knowledge should be attributed to a company is irrelevant in
contexts like the present, where S & R’s claim is not that there were others within the company who relied
on misleading statements by Mr Stojevic, but rather that Mr Stojevic’s actions were in breach of his duties
to S & R and that, had Moore Stephens detected them, no further breaches of duty would have been
229 Neither in Belmont Finance nor in Attorney General’s Reference (No 2 of 1982) is there any suggestion
that the application of the principle in Hampshire Landdepends upon there being some innocent
constituency within the company to whom knowledge could have been communicated. Moreover, Attorney
General’s Reference (No 2 of 1982) … is direct authority to the contrary. The two defendants were charged
with theft, consisting of the abstraction of the assets of companies, of which they were ‘the sole
shareholders and directors’ and ‘the sole will and directing mind’. They contended that the companies were
bound by and had consented to the abstractions precisely because they were its sole shareholders,
directors and directing mind and will. The Court of Appeal acknowledged the rule of attribution attributing to
a solvent company the unanimous decision of all its shareholders, but roundly rejected its application to
circumstances where the sole shareholders, directors and directing minds were acting illegally or
dishonestly in relation to the company. The court cited Belmont Finance as ‘directly contradict[ing] the
basis of the defendants’ argument’. The defendants’ acts and knowledge were thus not to be attributed to
the companies—although there was no other innocent constituency within the companies. [All page
references omitted.] Another justification for this conclusion may be that the effect of the limitations
recognised by Lord Hoffmann inMeridian [3.29] is that in such situations there is another innocent
constituency with interests in S & R, since it is not open even to a directing mind owning all a company’s
shares to run riot with the company’s assets and affairs in a way which renders or would render a company
insolvent to the detriment of its creditors.
230 The second reason advanced by Mr Sumption is that, if the Hampshire Land principle could otherwise
apply, the fraud here was committed on the banks, not on S & R. The Court of Appeal agreed with this
submission. The company’s exposure when it was left ‘holding the baby’ was merely a ‘secondary
exposure’ which was not enough to engage the principle …
235 Does it make any difference to the result if the company’s directing mind(s) also own all its shares?
Here it is necessary to return to the common law rule of attribution to which Lord Hoffmann referred
in Meridian, that the unanimous decision of all the shareholders in a solvent company about anything that
the company has power to do under its memorandum of association counts as a decision of the company.
Lord Hoffmann cited Dillon LJ’s statement in Multinational Gas [7.39], 288G–H, that ‘so long as the
company is solvent the shareholders are in substance the company’. In consequence, Kerr LJ said
in Attorney General’s Reference (No 2 of 1982) [1984] QB 624, 640, ‘the decisions alleged to have been
taken negligently or in breach of duty [in Multinational Gas] were the decisions of the company itself and—
the transactions being intra vires the company’s memorandum—there was no basis for any claim by the
236 However, the limitations mentioned by Lord Hoffmann are important. The transactions must be within
the company’s power under its memorandum of association; and it is only the unanimous decision of all the
shareholders in a solvent company that can authorise or ratify an act that would otherwise constitute a
breach of duty to the company, and make it the company’s. No argument was addressed to the House on
the former limitation, which in the present context probably overlaps with the latter. Transactions entered
into by directors amounting in substance to no more than the fraudulent abstraction of increasingly large
sums from an increasingly insolvent company with no other assets are unlikely to be within the scope of the
company’s powers; and the breach of duty involved in entering into such transactions cannot be answered
by pointing to the directing mind’s ownership of all the company’s shares. This, as I have noted [earlier], is
what was decided by the Court of Appeal in Attorney General’s Reference (No 2 of 1982) [1984] QB 624, a
decision which was clearly right. In summary, at latest once directors know that a company is or would be
insolvent, a disposition of the company’s assets in disregard of the general creditors of the insolvent
company will be actionable by the company, whatever the shareholders may wish or approve: see also
per (p. 173) Dillon LJ in West Mercia Safetywear Ltd v Dodd [1988] BCLC 250, 252, distinguishing the
situation in Multinational Gas as one where the company was ‘amply solvent, and what the directors had
done at the bidding of the shareholders had merely been to make a business decision in good faith, and act
on that decision’; and also per Kerr LJ in Attorney General’s Reference (No 2 of 1982) [1984] QB 624,
640D–641C distinguishing Multinational Gas [1983] Ch 258 as not ‘concerned with allegations that the
shareholders and directors had acted illegally or dishonestly in relation to the company’.
237 The current edition (2007) of Palmer’s Company Law Annotated Guide to the Companies Act
2006 states the position, at p 169:
‘The scope of the common law duty requiring directors to consider the interests of creditors is more
controversial. Cases support a variety of propositions, but the better accepted view is that a duty is
owed by directors to the company (and not to the creditors themselves: Kuwait Asia Bank EC v
National Mutual Life Nominees Ltd [1991] 1 AC 187, 217, PC; Yuk ong Line Ltd of Korea v
Rendsburg Investments Corpn of Liberia (No 2) [1998] 1 WLR 294 [Toulson J]), and this duty
requires directors of insolvent or borderline insolvent companies to have regard to the interests of the
company’s creditors (West Mercia Safetywear Ltd v Dodd [1988] BCLC 250, CA).’
238 I agree with this analysis. …
➤ Questions
1. In introducing his analysis, Lord Phillips suggested that, as a matter of common sense, S & R’s claim
could not succeed. First, S & R was seeking to put itself forward as the victim of fraud when it was, in fact,
the perpetrator of the fraud. Second, MS were also the victims of S & R’s fraud, and it does not seem just that
S & R should be able to bring a claim in respect of the very conduct that S & R had set about inducing.
Finally, looking at the realities, the claim is actually brought for the benefit of the banks defrauded by S & R
on the ground that MS should have prevented S & R from perpetrating the frauds. If it would not be considered
fair, just and reasonable for the banks to have a direct claim (see Caparo [8.04]), then it would not seem fair,
just and reasonable that they should achieve the same result through a claim brought by the company’s
liquidators for their benefit. These reasons may all accord with lay intuition on the matter, but do they each
effectively deny the separate legal personality of the company? How should ‘separate legal personality’ be
conceived of, meaningfully, in one man companies?
2. What differentiates the analyses offered by each of their Lordships? What role does each accord to: (i) the
nature of the auditors’ liability; (ii) the ex turpi causaprinciple; and the Hampshire Land principle? What
conclusion would each have reached if S & R had been solvent? Or if S & R had had innocent shareholders?
3. Lord Phillips suggests ‘that the real issue is not whether the fraud should be attributed to the company but
whether ex turpi causa should defeat the company’s claim for breach of the auditor’s duty. That in turn
depends, or may depend, critically on whether the scope of the auditor’s duty extends to protecting those for
whose benefit the claim is brought …’. Lord Phillips was not alone; all their Lordships grappled with the nature
of the duty owed by auditors. Why should this be relevant?
4. After Stone & Rolls, how should the Hampshire Land principle be described? Is it an autonomous rule of
attribution (ie it explains when an agent’s acts or knowledge will count as the acts or knowledge of the
company)? Or is it a defence, or a rule of estoppel, available to the company only in the context of litigation
(either direct or indirect) between the company and its directors or other agents? If it is the latter, the
consequence is that in those circumstances, but only then, the company will not be taken to have done the
act itself, or approved it, or (p. 174) known of it, or ratified it, so as to disentitle the company from suing its
defaulting officer or agent. This is a limited intervention. It would mean that, so far as third parties are
concerned, the agent’s acts may well count as those of the company, and expose the company to liability—
indeed, recovery of the loss resulting from that exposure is usually precisely why the company seeks to sue
its defaulting agent.
5. If fraudulent directors controlled a widely held company (ie one with a number of relatively independent
shareholders), then the unanimous view in Stone & Rollsappears to be that the fraud would still be the
company’s fraud (so the banks could sue the company), but that the ex turpi causa principle would not apply
to deny the company a claim against its auditors. Does this make sense, since in both cases it is equally
true that at law the company is a separate person and in practice the shareholders themselves would be
unlikely to recover anything given the insolvency? Does this also mean that the key issue in applying the ex
turpi causa principle is not simply whether the company itself was fraudulent, but something more subtle (eg
whether the court is assisting the wrongdoer to benefit from its wrong)? Has the line been blurred even further
by the Chancellor’s decision in Bilta (UK) Ltd (In Liquidation) v Nazir [2012] EWHC 2163 (Ch), in which a
defence based on Stone & Rollswas refused on the ground that the duties owed by the directors in question,
at the verge of the company’s insolvency, ‘encompassed persons or interests other than the fraudsters in
corporate form’? Does the company cease to be a ‘one man’ company simply because the directors of a
company owe a duty to consider the interests of its creditors in dire circumstances?
6. Could the courts have reached the same result in Stone & Rolls more simply? For example, suppose the
court had ignored the Hampshire Land principle and the ex turpi causa rule, and allowed the company to sue
its auditors for breach of duty. Even assuming the auditors had been negligent in failing to detect the fraud,
could the auditors have argued that, in a one man company, their failure to report the frauds to the company
had made no difference to the course of action pursued by the company, and therefore there was no loss for
which they were liable? Even if this analysis were appropriate as between two contracting parties (or two tort
litigants), could it ever prevail in a Stone & Rolls context, given that CA 2006 clearly indicates a public benefit
role for auditors, so that external reporting may have effected an early cessation of the frauds?
7. Does this public benefit role of auditors suggest that the outcome favoured by the minority is preferable as a
matter of policy?
8. Does the decision fail to distinguish between how the company acts (or thinks or knows) and what the
company is ?
Where a company is ‘personally’ liable, in the sense that its liability is not vicarious, the acts of the
company will be considered ‘personal’ such that the maximex turpi causa will apply, thus precluding the
company from recovering losses from the very employees and directors whose conduct created the
company’s liability.
[3.33] Safeway Stores Ltd v Twigger [2010] EWCA Civ 1472 (Court of Appeal)
19 The difficulty and novelty of the present case is that the claimants are a corporation and can only act
through their human agents. If it is those human agents who have acted intentionally or negligently and have
thus caused the corporation to become liable by way of penalty to the OFT, does the maxim apply to
preclude recovery of that penalty and its consequences from the very (p. 175) employees and directors
whose conduct has created the corporation’s liability? The judge has held that it arguably does not because
it has not been shown (at this stage of the proceedings at any rate) that any of the defendants was the
‘directing mind or will’ of any of the claimant companies; he thought that unless that could be shown it was
impossible to say that the claimant companies were ‘personally’ at fault, and the maxim only applies where
the claimant was ‘personally’ at fault, as accepted by Mr Jonathan Sumption QC in argument in Stone &
Rolls Ltd v Moore Stephens and confirmed by the House of Lords in that case, at [3.32] paras 8 and 27–28.
20 At this stage it is important to recognise that the claimants’ liability is not a vicarious one. They are not
liable for the illegal acts of their agents or employees because s 36 1998 Act only imposes liability on an
undertaking which is a party to an agreement which infringes the prohibition in Chapter 1 of the Act, and
that liability can only be imposed if the infringement has been committed intentionally or negligently by the
undertaking. The liability to pay the penalty is thus a liability of the undertaking where it (the undertaking)
has intentionally or negligently committed the infringement. Mr Sumption submits in this case that that
liability is therefore a ‘personal’ liability of the undertaking.
21 Mr Robert Anderson QC, for the claimants, submits that the companies could only be personally at fault
if the infringement was committed or authorised by the board of directors acting as such, or by the
shareholders in general meeting, unless there was some special rule of attribution applicable in the
circumstances of the case. He relied for this purpose on the decision of the Privy Council in Meridian Global
Funds Management Asia Ltd v Securities Commission [3.29] …
22 Mr Anderson submitted that there was no need to have regard to any ‘special rule of attribution’ in this
case because the ex turpi maxim could not apply unless the claimants were personally at fault, and in no
way could they be said to be personally at fault in this case.
23 This submission misunderstands or misapplies the use of the word ‘personally’ as applied in the
requirement for the claimant to be ‘personally’ at fault. No one is liable for the penalty imposed by the 1998
Act except the relevant undertaking. The liability is therefore personal to the undertaking. If there is a
liability it cannot be imposed on any person other than the undertaking, and the undertaking is personally
liable for the infringement. If a penalty is imposed it will only be because the undertaking itself has
intentionally or negligently committed the infringement. In those circumstances it is the undertaking which
is personally at fault (there can be no one else who is), and once the maxim is engaged the undertaking
cannot say that it was not personally at fault in order to defeat the application of the maxim. The whole
hypothesis of the undertaking’s liability is that it is personally at fault.
24 The judge expressed his views in the following way [2010] Bus LR 974, para 62:
‘Attractively though these submissions on behalf of the defendants were put, I cannot accept them. It
is true that, as between the claimants and the OFT, the issue of attribution did not arise since the
relevant wrongdoing was inevitably that of the claimants as the “undertakings”. It would have been of
no avail for the claimants in their dealings with the OFT to say that it was the defendants who had
carried out the anticompetitive acts and practices, since the defendants were directors and
employees acting in the course of their employment. However, contrary to the defendants’
submissions, the question whether, in consequence, the ex turpi causa rule applies to preclude a
claim over against the defendants is simply not addressed by the Companies Act 1998, which is not
concerned with relations between the undertaking and its employees. It seems to me that the
answer to that question depends upon the correct analysis of the liability which the claimants are
The judge then concluded, at para 68, that the claimants’ liability was, arguably, not a personal liability at
all and that the determination of that question depended on whether it could be said that each of the
defendants was ‘the “directing mind or will” … of the claimant companies’ which could not be decided on an
application for summary judgment.
25 The judge’s approach would of course be correct if the question whether the claimant companies were
‘personally’ liable depended on proof that the defendants were their ‘directing mind and will’ (the phrase
used by Viscount Haldane LC in Lennards Carrying Co Ltd v Asiatic Petroleum Co (p. 176) Ltd [1915] AC
705, 713–714). But in my judgment it does not so depend because it was sufficient for the OFT to show
that the companies intentionally or negligently infringed the provisions of the 1998 Act; the companies have
accepted that they did so infringe the 1998 Act and the question whether the defendants were the ‘directing
mind and will’ of the companies does not come into the matter.
26 Mr Anderson further submits that the word ‘personal’ in the requirement for the claimant to be
‘personally’ at fault is used in a different sense from that in which it is used when one says that a
corporation which cannot be vicariously liable is ‘personally’ liable. But it is difficult to see why that should
be so. If indeed it were the law that the ex turpi maxim could only be used against a company if the act was
specifically authorised by the whole board of directors (or the shareholders in general meeting) there would
be little scope for the maxim to be used at all in a corporate context. That would not be a desirable legal
development. To the extent that it might be suggested that the maxim could be used in addition against a
company when it was an employee who was ‘the directing mind or will’ who intentionally or negligently
committed the act of infringement, that would involve a potentially difficult and factsensitive inquiry which
would be inappropriate for a maxim that is intended to be both comprehensible and readily applicable. It is
more in accordance with principle to say that if the liability of the company is personal (rather than merely
vicarious), then there is no impediment to the application of the maxim save (perhaps) in cases of strict
liability where there has been no intention or negligence on the part of any person which is not something
that needs decision now.
27 The judge appears to have accepted this part of Mr Anderson’s argument because he says, in paras 74
and 75, that the claimant companies were liable to pay penalties not by virtue of any special rule of
attribution in the Meridian sense but by virtue of the general law of agency. But to talk of liability for the acts
of one’s agents is to talk of vicarious liability, and the company’s liability is not vicarious for the simple
reason that the 1998 Act does not impose any liability of any kind on the directors or employees of an
undertaking for which the companies can be vicariously responsible. The liability is a ‘personal’ one and that
is enough to make the acts of the company ‘personal’ for the purpose of the application of the maxim.
Litigation: procedural issues
Conduct of litigation
Blackstone (‘Limits to the idea of a company as a “person”?’, p 77) quoted Sir Edward Coke as authority for the
view that a company must always appear in court by attorney, ‘for it cannot appear in person, being invisible, and
existing only in intendment and consideration of the law’. The courts have for many centuries strenuously insisted
on this rule, both in civil and in criminal cases, and it has only been by statute that inroads have been made into it
—and then mainly in relation to lower courts such as the magistrates’ courts. So we have the paradox that the law
is happy to identify a company with the individual who is its ‘directing mind and will’ for the purpose of making it
criminally liable, while at the same time it will refuse to allow the company to appear before it in the person of the
same individual. This remains the basic rule: inRH Tomlinssons (Trowbridge) Ltd v Secretary of State for the
Environment [1999] 2 BCLC 760, CA, it was solemnly affirmed by the Court of Appeal. However, the Civil
Procedure Rules, which came into effect on 26 April 1999, allow a company (with the leave of the court) to appear
by an employee and, by implication, to appear ‘in person’ in other ways, so that the rule has now been superseded
for civil cases in the county courts and the High Court.
(p. 177) Service of documents
CA 2006 s 1139: Service of documents on company
A document may be served on a company registered under this Act by leaving it at, or sending it by post to, the
company’s registered office.
Further Reading
CAMPBELL, N and ARMOUR, J, ‘Demystifying the Corporate Liability of Civil Agents’ [2003] CLJ 290.
Find This Resource
CLARKSON, CMV, ‘Kicking Corporate Bodies and Damning Their Souls’ (1996) 59 MLR 557.
Find This Resource
CRAIG, R, ‘Thou Shall Do No Murder: A Discussion Paper on the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate
Homicide Act 2007’ [2009] 30 Company Lawyer 17.
Find This Resource
DOBSON, A, ‘Shifting Sands: Multiple Counts in Prosecutions for Corporate Manslaughter’ (2012) 3 Criminal
Law Review 200.
Find This Resource
FERRAN, E, ‘Corporate Attribution and the Directing Mind and Will’ (2011) 127 LQR 239.
Find This Resource
FISSE, B and BRAITHWAITE, J, ‘The Allocation of Responsibility for Corporate Crime: Individualism,
Collectivism and Accountability’ (1988) 11 Sydney Law Review 468.
Find This Resource
GOODE, R, ‘Corporate Conspiracy: Problems of Mens Rea and the Parties to the Agreement’ (1975)
2 Dalhousie Law Journal 121.
Find This Resource
GRANTHAM, R and RICKETT, C, ‘Directors’ “Tortious” Liability: Contract, Tort or Company Law?’ (1999) 62
MLR 133.
Find This Resource
GREEN, NN, ‘Security of Transactions after Phonogram’ (1984) 47 MLR 671.
Find This Resource
GRIFFITHS, A, ‘Agents without Principals: Preincorporation Contracts and Section 36C of the Companies
Act 1985’ (1993) 13 Legal Studies 241.
Find This Resource
LEE, I, ‘Corporate Criminal Responsibility as Team Member Responsibility’ (2011) Oxford Journal of Legal
Studies 755.
Find This Resource
ORMEROD, D and TAYLOR, R, ‘The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007: Legislative
Comment’ (2008) Criminal Law Review 589.
Find This Resource
STEVENS, R, ‘Vicarious Liability or Vicarious Action’ (2007) 123 LQR 30.
Find This Resource
TWIGGFLESNER, C, ‘Sections 35A and 322A Revisited: Who is a “Person Dealing with a Company”?’ (2005)
26 Company Lawyer 195.
Find This Resource
VIRGO, G, ‘Stealing from the Small Family Business’ [1991] CLJ 464.
Find This Resource
WATTS, P, ‘Stone & Rolls Ltd (In Liquidation) v Moore Stephens (A Firm): Audit Contracts and Turpitude’
(2010) 126 LQR 14.
Find This Resource
WEDDERBURN, KW, ‘Ultra Vires in Modern Company Law’ (1983) 46 MLR 204.
Find This Resource
WELLS, C, ‘Corporate Liability and Consumer Protection: Tesco v Nattrass Revisited’ (1994) 57 MLR 817.
Find This Resource
WILLIAMS, G, ‘Vicarious Liability: Tort of the Master or of the Servant?’ (1956) 72 LQR 522.
Find This Resource
1 Note, however, that if the agency is undisclosed (so the third party does not appreciate that the intended
counterparty is the company), then the company cannot ratify the unauthorised transaction: Keighley Maxsted &
Co v Durant [1901] AC 240, HL. By contrast, an authorised agent can effect binding contracts between the
principal and the third party whether or not the agency is disclosed.
2 Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale v Islington LBC [1996] AC 669, HL; Guinness plc v Saunders [1990] 2
AC 663, HL; Clark v Cutland [2003] EWCA Civ 810, CA.
3 See s 41(4)(d). Since, by definition, the contract is in breach of the company’s constitution, it might be thought
that the affirmation procedure can only proceed if thecompany has the capacity to affirm (s 39 is immaterial in this
context). Sometimes the constitutional provision that has been breached will not touch company capacity (eg
provisions determining which directors are to make certain decisions), but others will (eg provisions determining
the type of business to be pursued by the company). In the latter case, presumably the articles will have to be
altered first. In the other cases, the company has the capacity to affirm, and provided the appropriate organ makes
the decision, it will be effective by ordinary resolution, even though a decision to amend the relevant constitutional
provision generally, for the future, would have required a special resolution. Also see the cases at ‘Ratification of
acts of directors: CA 2006 s 239’, pp 437ff, on ratification of past breaches committed by the directors.
4 More accurately, this rule allowed outsiders to presume (in the absence of facts putting the outsider on inquiry)
that there had been compliance with all matters of internal (nonpublic) management and procedure required by the
articles (or other internal rules) for the proper exercise of any power.
5 Ie the memorandum and articles.
6 Article 3 refers to the registration of documents in a central register to be maintained by each member state, and
the publication of particulars thereof in the nationalGazette. This is provided for in the case of the UK by CA 2006
Pt 35, see ‘General disclosure obligations’, pp 715ff.
7 Note that EU Directive (77/91/EEC) Art 2(b) requires public companies to state their objects in their constitution.
Whether s 31(1) (which provides that a company’s objects are ‘unrestricted’) in the absence of a ‘statement’ meets
this requirement is not clear.
8 Section 31(2) provides that where a company changes its articles to add, remove or alter a statement of the
company’s objects, it must give notice to the registrar. The registrar is to register that notice, and the alteration
does not take effect until it has been so registered. Section 31(3) ensures that such an amendment to the
company’s articles will not affect any rights or obligations of the company or render defective any legal
proceedings by or against it.
9 The doctrine had been applied rather earlier to ‘statutory’ companies incorporated by special Act of Parliament,
where it had an important role to play, for these companies commonly had powers to acquire land compulsorily for
the purposes of constructing the railways, canals, etc for which they were formed, and it was vital that the courts
could keep the exercise of such powers under strict control. It did not apply to the ‘deed of settlement’ companies
which were the forerunners of the modern company, since such companies, being in essence partnerships, were
always free to change their constitution by agreement among the members. The Ashbury Rly Carriage case had
the double effect of confirming that the doctrine applied to companies incorporated by registration under the
Companies Acts, and also that an ultra vires act of a company could not be validated even by a unanimous
The doctrine of ultra vires has never been applied to companies incorporated by Royal Charter (except in regard to
powers conferred upon them by statute: Hazell v Hammersmith and Fulham London Borough Council [1992] 2 AC
1, HL). A chartered corporation which ventured into activities not authorised by its charter ran the (largely
theoretical) risk that the charter might be forfeited on the initiative of the Crown, but the transactions which it
entered into were not invalidated. However, it is possible that the judges, when laying down the ultra vires doctrine,
did recall the scandals associated with the ‘trafficking’ in obsolete charters which went back to the days before the
Bubble Act of 1720, and wanted to ensure that similar abuses did not arise with registered and statutory
10 Knowing that, even at common law, in addition to the powers specifically conferred by the memorandum, a
company would have the power to do whatever could fairly be regarded as incidental to its express objects: AG v
Great Eastern Rly Co (1880) 5 App Cas 473, HL.
11 The ratio decidendi of this case is confined to the ultra vires rule. As appears from the speech of Lord Parker of
Waddington, the court must sometimes also construe the objects clause of the memorandum when proceedings
are brought to have the company wound up under Insolvency Act 1986 (IA 1986) s 122(1)(g) (the ‘just and
equitable’ ground) (see ‘Compulsory winding up on the “just and equitable” ground’, pp 795ff). The relevant question
then is whether the ‘main object’ or ‘substratum’ of the company has failed. For this purpose a clause such as that
considered in Cotman v Brougham is ineffective, and will not prevent the court from determining the ‘main object’ of
the company as a matter of substance.
12 Also see HA Stephenson & Son Ltd v Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co (1931) 45 CLR 476 (High Court of Australia).
13 [1904] 2 Ch 608, CA.
14 Although, of course, the normal contract rules apply if the third party has induced the company, via its agent, to
enter into the contract because of the third party’s fraud, misrepresentation, etc.
15 The predecessor provision in CA 1985 s 35A referred to the ‘board of directors’, which gave it limited application
in practice. Presumably this change is intended to widen the application of the provision, although views on this
differ, and the Hansard debates on the Bill do not illuminate.
16 [1981] AC 513 at 528 and 529, HL.
17 These remarks must now be read in the light of CA 2006 s 40.
18 This fourth requirement will not now be relevant, in the light of the reforms now embodied in CA 2006 s 40,
except in the case where the ‘contractor’ cannot bring himself within the section, eg because he was not dealing in
good faith.
19 Rama Corpn Ltd v Proved Tin and General Investments Ltd [1952] 2 QB 147, [1952] 1 All ER 554, concerning a
contract negotiated by a single nonexecutive director.
20 Note that the scope of the director’s actual authority can raise difficult questions of construction. See,
22 [1902] AC 117.
23 Colvilles was a steel company which was later taken over by BSC.
24 The agent may be ‘held out’ by the company’s documents, or by the board or other duly constituted authority,
or there may be circumstances which estop the board or other organ of the company from denying that he is a
managing director.
25 It has been held that, in order to succeed under this head, the third party must have actual knowledge of the
article conferring the power to delegate: see Houghton & Co v Northard Lowe & Wills Ltd [1927] 1 KB 246, CA.
26 In this case, knowledge of the existence of a power to delegate is unnecessary.
27 This decision was reversed by the House of Lords (British Equitable Assurance Co Ltd v Baily [3.19]) on the
basis of a different construction of the policy. But the validity of the passage cited was not disputed by the House
of Lords; and, indeed, Lord Macnaghten expressly approved it.
28 This section directed the compulsory reregistration of certain companies under the 1862 Act.
29 Also see Shuttleworth v Cox Bros & Co (Maidenhead) Ltd [6.06]. A similar distinction was made in Equitable
Life Assurance Soc v Hyman [4.03]: should the contract containing the ‘guarantee’ be read as subject to the
discretionary power conferred by the article in question, or would an exercise of the discretion that was
inconsistent with the guarantee be a breach of contract?
30 Note this early example of an attempt to limit the liability of members by contract before this was made
possible by statute.
31 It is a separate question whether these third parties might sue the promoters in damages for breach of warranty
of authority: see Note 2.
32 [1982] QB 938 at 945.
33 (1857) 8 E & B 647.
[1954] 1 QB 45 at 47.
35 [1966] ALR 744.
36 (1950) 84 CLR 377.
37 Lord Millett in Dubai Aluminium Co Ltd v Salaam [2002] UKHL 48, [2003] 2 AC 366 at [107].
38 Lord Nicholls in Dubai Aluminium Co Ltd v Salaam [2002] UKHL 48, [2003] 2 AC 366 at [21].
39 Lord Steyn in Bernard v AG of Jamaica [2004] UKPC 47 at [18].
40 Eg, a company may be vicariously liable for an employee’s defamatory libel, even though the company itself
could not have acted with the necessary malice: Citizens’ Life Assurance Co Ltd v Brown [1904] AC 423.
41 Lister v Romford Ice & Cold Storage Co Ltd [1957] AC 555, HL.
42 And perhaps could have sued its own employees in negligence, for the loss caused.
43 < >.
44 S Gentle, ‘The Bribery Act 2010: Part 2: The Corporate Offence’ (2011) Crim LR 101.
45 D Aaronberg and N Higgins, ‘All Hail the Bribery Act—The Toothless Wonder!’ (2011) Arch Rev 5.
46 C Wells, ‘Who’s Afraid of the Bribery Act 2010’ [2012] JBL 420.
47 The case arose out of the Southall train disaster, when two trains collided at high speed and seven people were
killed, but the charges of manslaughter resulted in acquittals on the direction of the judge, for want of evidence to
bring home either an actus reus or a mens rea to a ‘directing mind and will’. The Court of Appeal confirmed that
this was the correct approach in law.
48 This sentence was criticised as being too widely stated by Lord Reid in Tesco Supermark ets Ltd v
Nattrass [3.28].
49 The House of Lords in this case adopted the ‘directing mind and will’ approach, and, consequently, concluded
that subordinates would never count as the ‘directing mind’. The conclusion would not now be so clearcut.
See Meridian Global Funds Management Asia Ltd v Securities Commission [3.29]. In this case, Lord Hoffmann
stated that it would be a mistake to seize upon the phrase ‘directing mind and will’ and use that as the sole
criterion for determining whose thoughts and/or actions will be attributed to a company. The question should be
‘whose act was … intended to count as the act of the company?’
50 For further reading, see C Wells, Corporations and Criminal Responsibility (2nd edn, 2001); GR Sullivan, ‘The
Attribution of Culpability to Limited Companies’ [1996] CLJ 515; CMV Clarkson, ‘Kicking Corporate Bodies and
Damning their Souls?’ (1996) 59 MLR 557.
52 See GJ Virgo, ‘Stealing from the Small Family Business’ [1991] CLJ 464; DW Elliot, ‘Directors’ Thefts and
Dishonesty’ [1991] Crim LR 732.
[1995] 1 AC 456, [1995] 1 All ER 135, HL.
54 [1944] 2 All ER 515, DC.
55 This principle has been applied by the Court of Appeal in JafariFini v Sk illglass Ltd [2007] EWCA Civ 261 and
in the Privy Council by Lord Hoffmann in Lebon v Aqua Salt Co Ltd [2009] UKPC 2, PC.
56 P Watts, ‘Stone & Rolls Ltd (In Liquidation) v Moore Stephens (A Firm): Audit Contracts and Turpitude?’ (2010)
126 LQR 14.
4. Shareholders as an Organ of the Company
Chapter: (p. 178) 4. Shareholders as an Organ of the Company
Author(s): Len Sealy and Sarah Worthington
DOI: 10.1093/he/9780199676446.003.0004
General issues
In Chapter 2 we saw how the law recognises a company as a person in its own right, capable of having rights,
owning property, making contracts, accepting or incurring obligations, committing wrongs and conducting
litigation. Chapter 3 then addressed the practical matter of the way in which this artificial legal person functions:
how its corporate will is manifested, its decisions taken and its acts performed. Plainly, a company cannot do
anything except through human beings who are its members and officers and, vicariously, through its employees
and agents.
In neither of these earlier chapters was much attention given to the role of the shareholders, or, more generally, the
members of the company.1 Yet both the Companies Act 2006 (CA 2006) and individual companies’ constitutions
assume a limited, but nonetheless significant, role for the company’s members (as defined in CA 2006 s
112).2 The Act gives members certain rights and reserves to them certain important decisions, to the exclusion of
the company’s directors. This is usually done when there is a substantial risk associated with leaving power in the
hands of the directors. So members, not directors, must approve certain types of contracts between the company
and its directors.3 In addition, members have the right to decide upon changes to the constitution of their
company 4 and to the rights attached to their shares.5 Some of these statutory rules are mandatory; others can be
strengthened or relaxed by the company’s own articles. In addition, the members have the right to remove
directors,6 and, when wrongs have been committed against the company but the directors (perhaps through self
interest) are not inclined to pursue the claims, the members can sometimes pursue these claims and obtain a
remedy for the company.7
Beyond this, the members’ additional rights of control are derived from the company’s constitution itself. This is
the agreement that divides a company’s power between the directors and the members. As noted earlier (see
‘Constitutional documents: articles of association and the company’s objects’, p 25), the principal constitutional
document (and the one on which this chapter focuses) is the company’s articles: see CA 2006 ss 17 and 18. This
sets the constitutional framework for the company. Companies are free to draft their own articles, but CA 2006
provides default sets of Model Articles for different types of companies (as did Companies Act 1985 (CA 1985) in
Tables A–F). These Model Articles will automatically apply to companies that do not register their own articles,
and will in any event apply to the extent that any registered articles do not exclude or modify the relevant Model
Articles (CA 2006 s 20).
Despite this rather unequal power split, the members and the directors constitute the two ‘organs’ of the company.
The term signifies their constitutional authority to act asthe company rather than merely to represent the company
as its agent under an authority derived from some superior corporate source. Put another way, this is simply an
attribution rule of the sort described by Lord Hoffmann in Meridian [3.29].
These two organs share between them the most important corporate functions, and (except in the case of the
single member company, the wholly owned subsidiary or the company with only one director) each organ
normally, historically, acted by decisions (resolutions) taken at meetings. The organ constituted by the members
is called ‘the general meeting’ and by the directors ‘the board of directors’ or ‘the board’. This terminology
recognised that a meeting was the focus of corporate decisionmaking by these organs.
Historically, too, members’ meetings were typically well attended, with vigorous debate and meaningful voting.
Nowadays, the ‘meetings’ of very small companies are perfunctory affairs, if held at all. And attendance at the
meetings of large companies is commonly unrepresentative,9 and the ‘business’ a routine rubberstamping of the
directors’ proposals. CA 2006 and the Model Articles recognise this, and make explicit concessions which expand
the normal concept of a meeting or provide for alternative decisionmaking strategies (see ‘Formal decisionmaking
by members’, p 192). But old concepts die hard: both the courts and the legislative reformers have striven to
preserve some vestiges of the democratic ideal in their attitude to corporate governance, even when it seems to be
plain on all sides that the struggle is a relatively hopeless one.
This chapter considers the members’ rights and duties under CA 2006 and the company’s constitution. It
considers the problems in dividing power between the company’s members and directors and the consequences of
that division, the rules of interpretation which apply to constitutional documents, the practical exercise of the
decisionmaking powers given to members and the legal constraints on that exercise. Finally, it considers the
enforcement of the constitution by the members, and their potential use of shareholders’ agreements to achieve
what they cannot achieve via the articles.
Dividing corporate power between members and directors
The previous introduction, however brief, shows clearly that the constitutions of modern companies, with the
backing of the law, have put the power to run the company’s business in the hands of the directors, and have left
the members a very minor role. Typically this extends to amendment of the constitution, declaration of a dividend,
election or reelection of (p. 180) directors and appointment of auditors—and even in these matters there may be
little for them to do except rubberstamp the recommendations of the directors.
In other words, the role of the member has become more and more that of a passive investor (no doubt partly from
choice, but also from apathy and a sense of impotence), while power has progressively come to be concentrated
in the hands of the directors, especially the executive directors. The larger and more widely dispersed the
membership or shareholding of the company, the more marked this difference between ‘ownership’ and ‘control’
usually is. (This trend has in part been reversed by the growth of the institutional members such as the pension
funds, unit trusts and insurance companies and, more recently, buyout funds,10 although that too has created its
own set of problems.)
This commonly described split between ‘ownership’ and ‘control’ has generated an enormous literature on the
resulting agency problems: how can the members (the owners) ensure that the executives (the controllers)
manage the company as they would want? On the other hand, moving too far in the other direction would entail the
loss of other benefits. Concentrating management in the hands of the board is not only efficient, it also allows for
the employment of dedicated experts to manage the business.
Reformers, motivated both by idealistic notions of ‘shareholder democracy’ as an end in itself, and also by a sense
that directors do have too much power over ‘other people’s money’, which is at times abused (‘the unacceptable
face of capitalism’), have lobbied for new legislation that consciously seeks to put a larger share of real control into
the hands of the members. Since the time of the 1948 Act, and with increasing vigour since then, member approval
has been required for certain decisions (see ‘General issues’, p 178, for illustrations). The procedures for these
memberauthorisations are sometimes quite rigidly prescribed, and the consequences of failing to observe the
formalities very severe. The costs of compliance, both in money and in time, can prove a heavy price to pay for the
theoretical gain. By contrast, in many North American jurisdictions reformers have accepted the case for a
reduction in memberconsents in the interests of business efficiency.
In some European companies codes, by contrast, and most notably in that of Germany, the problems associated
with the concentration of power in the hands of the board of directors have been tackled in another way. In these
systems, there is provision for a ‘twotier’ management structure, consisting of a managerial (or executive) board
and a supervisory board, the former having charge of matters of daytoday management and the latter being
responsible for the control of the executive board and, in particular, having the power of appointment and removal of
its personnel. These supervisory boards in Germany also play an important role in ensuring worker participation in
management, or ‘codetermination’. In most German public companies, onethird of the members of the
supervisory board must be elected by the company’s employees, while the other twothirds are elected by the
The Draft Fifth EU Company Law Directive, in its original form (9 October 1972), contained proposals for the
adoption of this model for public companies by all the member states of the EU. If implemented in the UK, such a
change would have introduced a further ‘organ’ into the hierarchy of corporate management, and would have called
for a basic reconsideration of the principles laid down in the cases on which we currently rely. However, the move
was resisted by various governments, and a compromise in relation to SEs (Societas Europaea) allowing the
British to retain their own system, was eventually reached.11
(p. 181) In the UK, concern for employees’ interests has been limited to some very modest provisions in the
Companies Acts, such as CA 2006 s 172 (directors to have regard to interests of employees in their duty to
promote the success of the company), and CA 2006 s 247 and Insolvency Act 1986 (IA 1986) s 187 (power to
make over assets to employees on a cessation of business or in a liquidation). The directors’ annual report must
give certain information about its employment policies and employee involvement, and there are inducements in
the tax legislation to establish employee shareownership schemes, which have now become relatively common.
All of this only serves to show that, in the constitutional split of power, the directors reign supreme. This chapter
looks at what few, but sometimes crucial, collective and personal rights the members do have under the
constitution, and how they must exercise those rights. There is little by way of provision for general control over the
directors here. That is left to mechanisms discussed in Chapters 5 and 6.
Orthodox constitutional division of powers
The division of powers between the members in general meeting and the board of directors is discretionary, and
determined by the company’s articles (subject, of course, to any mandatory provisions of CA 2006). The relevant
Model Articles for private companies from the 1985 and 2006 Acts are set out in the following extract.12 These are
illustrative of the general approach within such companies (and, as noted earlier, apply by default if alternative
articles have not been registered: CA 2006 s 20).
CA 2006 Model Articles for Private Companies Limited by Shares
3. Directors’ general authority
Subject to the articles, the directors are responsible for the management of the company’s business, for
which purpose they may exercise all the powers of the company.
4. Shareholders’ reserve power
(1) The shareholders may, by special resolution, direct the directors to take, or refrain from taking, specified
(2) No such special resolution invalidates anything which the directors have done before the passing of the
Companies (Tables A to F) (Amendment) Regulations (SI 2008/739)
Table A
70 Subject to the provisions of the Act, the memorandum and the articles and to any directions given by special
resolution, the business of the company shall be managed by the directors who may exercise all the powers of the
company. No alteration of the memorandum or articles and no such direction shall invalidate any prior act of the
directors which would have been valid if that alteration had not been made or that direction had not been given. The
powers given by this regulation (p. 182) shall not be limited by any special power given to the directors by the
articles and a meeting of directors at which a quorum is present may exercise all powers exercisable by the
Articles and the rules governing their interpretation
If the articles, as the company’s primary constitutional document, define the division of powers between the
members and the directors, then it is important to know how their terms are interpreted. Orthodox rules of
contractual interpretation generally apply, since the articles constitute a contract between the company and its
members,14 but the following cases illustrate particular problems and limitations. It emerges that the articles
constitute a rather unusual type of contract. (This is even more apparent when the personal rights arising under
this contract are considered: see ‘Members’ personal rights’, pp 250ff.)
The court has no jurisdiction to rectify the articles of association.
[4.01] Scott v Frank F Scott (London) Ltd [1940] Ch 794 (Court of Appeal)
The facts appear from the judgment.
The judgment of the Court of Appeal (SCOTT, CLAUSON and LUXMOORE LJJ) was delivered by
LUXMOORE LJ: The … question which falls to be considered is whether the defendants are entitled to have
the articles of association rectified in the manner claimed by them. Bennett J [at first instance] said he was
prepared to hold that the articles of association as registered were not in accordance with the intention of
the three brothers who were the only signatories of the memorandum and articles of association, and down
to the date of Frank Stanley Scott’s death the only shareholders therein. Bennett J, however, held that the
court has no jurisdiction to rectify articles of association of a company, although they do not accord with
what is proven to have been the concurrent intention of all the signatories therein at the moment of
signature. We are in complete agreement with this decision. It seems to us that there is no room in the
case of a company incorporated under the appropriate statute or statutes for the application to either the
memorandum15 or articles of association of the principles upon which a court of equity permits rectification
of documents whether inter partes or not …
The articles cannot be supplemented by additional terms implied from extrinsic circumstances.
[4.02] Bratton Seymour Service Co Ltd v Oxborough [1992] BCLC 693 (Court of Appeal)
The company was set up to manage the commercial aspects of a development consisting of a number of flats, the
shares being held by the flat owners. The question for the court (p. 183) was whether it was possible to imply into
the company’s articles a term that the members should make contributions for the upkeep of the garden,
swimming pool and other communal amenity areas of the development. The Court of Appeal held that no such
term could be implied.
STEYN LJ: … Section 14(1) of the Companies Act 1985 [now see CA 2006 s 33] provides that ‘the
memorandum and articles, when registered, bind the company and its members to the same extent as if
they respectively had been signed and sealed by each member’. By virtue of s 14 the articles of association
become, upon registration, a contract between a company and members. It is, however, a statutory
contract of a special nature with its own distinctive features. It derives its binding force not from a bargain
struck between parties but from the terms of the statute. It is binding only insofar as it affects the rights and
obligations between the company and the members acting in their capacity as members. If it contains
provisions conferring rights and obligations on outsiders, then those provisions do not bite as part of the
contract between the company and the members, even if the outsider is coincidentally a member. Similarly,
if the provisions are not truly referable to the rights and obligations of members as such it does not operate
as a contract. Moreover, the contract can be altered by a special resolution without the consent of all the
contracting parties. It is also, unlike an ordinary contract, not defeasible on the grounds of
misrepresentation, common law mistake, mistake in equity, undue influence or duress. Moreover … it
cannot be rectified on the grounds of mistake.
Turning now to the present case, the question is whether the implied term of requiring members to
contribute to maintenance of the amenities can be implied not on the basis of any language to be found in
the articles, but on the basis of extrinsic circumstances. The question is, is it notionally ever possible to
imply a term in such circumstances? I will readily accept that the law should not adopt a blackletter
approach. It is possible to imply a term purely from the language of the document itself: a purely
constructional implication is not precluded. But it is quite another matter to seek to imply a term into
articles of association from extrinsic circumstances.
Here, the company puts forward an implication to be derived not from the language of the articles of
association but purely from extrinsic circumstances. That, in my judgment, is a type of implication which,
as a matter of law, can never succeed in the case of articles of association. After all, if it were permitted, it
would involve the position that the different implications would notionally be possible between the company
and different subscribers. Just as the company or an individual member cannot seek to defeat the statutory
contract by reason of special circumstances such as misrepresentation, mistake, undue influence and
duress and is furthermore not permitted to seek a rectification, neither the company nor any member can
seek to add to or to subtract from the terms of the articles by way of implying a term derived from extrinsic
surrounding circumstances. If it were permitted in this case, it would be equally permissible over the
spectrum of company law cases. The consequence would be prejudicial to third parties, namely potential
shareholders who are entitled to look to and rely on the articles of association as registered. Despite Mr
Asprey’s lucid and incisive argument, I take the view that on this ground alone the implication cannot
DILLON LJ and SIR CHRISTOPHER SLADE delivered concurring judgments.
➤ Notes
1. When determining the meaning of an amendment of the articles of association, the courts will not consider
the effect which the alteration was intended to have, or circumstances in which the alteration was made, but
the court will however add words to avoid absurdity, or imply a term which is strictly necessary proceeding
from the express words of the articles viewed objectively in their commercial setting. The next case is an
2. In Coroin Ltd, Re [2011] EWHC 3466 (Ch), the court was prepared to admit some extrinsic background for
the purpose of construing the articles in question. David Richards J (p. 184) held that it would be ‘somewhat
artificial to construe the articles in isolation from the shareholders’ agreement (see ‘Shareholders’ agreement’,
pp 244ff) and from the background admissible to the construction of that agreement. Nor would it conflict with
the reasons for the usual exclusionary rule to take account of the shareholders agreement and its background’
[69]. Key to this approach were the facts that the articles were adopted pursuant to the shareholders’
agreement; both documents were negotiated by and were intended to govern relations between the initial
investors as members of the company; and the agreement was clearly intended to bind all present and
future shareholders of the company (although the judge held it unnecessary to reach a final conclusion on this
last point for the purpose of determining the issues in dispute).
‘Implied terms’ in the articles.
[4.03] Equitable Life Assurance Society v Hyman [2002] 1 AC 408 (House of Lords)
The relevant article (art 65) gave the directors a wide discretionary power to pay bonuses on its members’ life
assurance policies, and in exercise of this power the directors had paid some policyholders a larger bonus than
others. This was contrary to ‘guarantees’ which had been given when certain of the members took out their
policies. Lord Steyn said that the articles should be read as containing an implied term that the directors would not
exercise their discretion ‘in a manner which deprived the guarantees of any substantial value’.
LORD STEYN: It is necessary to distinguish between the processes of interpretation and implication. The
purpose of interpretation is to assign to the language of the text the most appropriate meaning which the
words can legitimately bear. The language of article 65(1) contains no relevant express restriction on the
powers of the directors. It is impossible to assign to the language of article 65(1) by construction a
restriction precluding the directors from overriding GARs [‘guaranteed annuity rate’ policies]. To this extent I
would uphold the submissions made on behalf of the Society. The critical question is whether a relevant
restriction may be implied into article 65(1). It is certainly not a case in which a term can be implied by law
in the sense of incidents impliedly annexed to particular forms of contracts. Such standardised implied
terms operate as general default rules: see Scally v Southern Health and Social Services Board [1992] 1
AC 294. If a term is to be implied, it could only be a term implied from the language of article 65 read in its
particular commercial setting. Such implied terms operate as ad hoc gap fillers. In Luxor (Eastbourne) Ltd v
Cooper [1941] AC 108, 137 Lord Wright explained this distinction as follows:
‘The expression “implied term” is used in different senses. Sometimes it denotes some term which
does not depend on the actual intention of the parties but on a rule of law, such as the terms,
warranties or conditions which, if not expressly excluded, the law imports, as for instance under the
Sale of Goods Act and the Marine Insurance Act … But a case like the present is different because
what it is sought to imply is based on an intention imputed to the parties from their actual
It is only an individualised term of the second kind which can arguably arise in the present case. Such a
term may be imputed to parties: it is not critically dependent on proof of an actual intention of the parties.
The process ‘is one of construction of the agreement as a whole in its commercial setting’: Banque
Bruxelles Lambert SA v Eagle Star Insurance Co Ltd [1997] AC 191, 212E, per Lord Hoffmann. This
principle is sparingly and cautiously used and may never be employed to imply a term in conflict with the
express terms of the text. The legal test for the implication of such a term is a standard of strict necessity.
This is how I must approach the question whether a term is to be implied into article 65(1) which precludes
the directors from adopting a principle which has the effect of overriding or undermining the GARs.
(p. 185) The inquiry is entirely constructional in nature: proceeding from the express terms of article 65,
viewed against its objective setting, the question is whether the implication is strictly necessary. My Lords,
as counsel for the GAR policyholders observed, final bonuses are not bounty. They are a significant part of
the consideration for the premiums paid. And the directors’ discretions as to the amount and distribution of
bonuses are conferred for the benefit of policyholders. In this context the selfevident commercial object of
the inclusion of guaranteed rates in the policy is to protect the policyholder against a fall in market annuity
rates by ensuring that if the fall occurs he will be better off than he would have been with market rates. The
choice is given to the GAR policyholder and not to the Society. It cannot be seriously doubted that the
provision for guaranteed annuity rates was a good selling point in the marketing by the Society of the GAR
policies. It is also obvious that it would have been a significant attraction for purchasers of GAR policies.
The Society points out that no special charge was made for the inclusion in the policy of GAR provisions.
So be it. This factor does not alter the reasonable expectations of the parties. The supposition of the parties
must be presumed to have been that the directors would not exercise their discretion in conflict with
contractual rights. These are the circumstances in which the directors of the Society resolved upon a
differential policy which was designed to deprive the relevant guarantees of any substantial value. In my
judgment an implication precluding the use of the directors’ discretion in this way is strictly necessary. The
implication is essential to give effect to the reasonable expectations of the parties. The stringent test
applicable to the implication of terms is satisfied.
➤ Questions
1. Why did this case need to be decided as a matter of contractual interpretation of the articles, rather than a
matter of (improper) exercise of discretion by the directors?
2. Lord Steyn clearly had in mind the distinction between ‘constructional’ implied terms and ones derived from
extrinsic circumstances which he had put forward inBratton Seymour (to which he did not refer). Is it clear
from these two cases how the line is to be drawn? Also see Attorney General of Belize v Belize Telecom
Ltd[2009] UKPC 10, [2009] BCC 433, PC (in the following Note 3).
➤ Notes
1. If the understanding between the founding members as to the basis on which a company is to be incorporated
differs from the constitutional arrangements of the company when formed, this may be a reason for winding up the
company on the ‘just and equitable’ ground (IA 1986 s 122, see ‘Compulsory winding up on the “just and equitable”
ground’, pp 795ff). And a member whose ‘legitimate expectations’ are disappointed, even though they are not
formally recorded as constitutional provisions or terms, may also be granted discretionary relief under CA 2006 s
994, on the ground of ‘unfairly prejudicial’ conduct: see ‘Unfairly prejudicial conduct of the company’s affairs’, pp
2. In Australia, on facts similar to Scott v Frank F Scott (London) Ltd [4.01], the court has refused rectification but
indicated that if new proceedings were brought it would be willing to give a remedy in the nature of specific
performance ordering the defendant members to vote in favour of a special resolution to remedy the defect: Simon
v HPM Industries Pty Ltd (1989) 15 ACLR 427, SC (NSW); Re Freehouse Pty Ltd (1997) 26 ACSR 662, SC (Vic).
3. Note the following observations by Lord Hoffmann about the process of implication in Attorney General of Belize
v Belize Telecom Ltd [2009] UKPC 10 (PC) (where the issue concerned the rights attaching to a ‘Special Share’
held by the government in a privatised telecommunications company):
16 Before discussing in greater detail the reasoning of the Court of Appeal, the Board will make some
general observations about the process of implication. The court has no power to improve (p. 186) upon the
instrument which it is called upon to construe, whether it be a contract, a statute or articles of association.
It cannot introduce terms to make it fairer or more reasonable. It is concerned only to discover what the
instrument means. However, that meaning is not necessarily or always what the authors or parties to the
document would have intended. It is the meaning which the instrument would convey to a reasonable
person having all the background knowledge which would reasonably be available to the audience to whom
the instrument is addressed: see Investors Compensation Scheme Ltd v West Bromwich Building
Society [1998] 1 WLR 896, 912–913. It is this objective meaning which is conventionally called the intention
of the parties, or the intention of Parliament, or the intention of whatever person or body was or is deemed
to have been the author of the instrument.
17 The question of implication arises when the instrument does not expressly provide for what is to happen
when some event occurs. The most usual inference in such a case is that nothing is to happen. If the
parties had intended something to happen, the instrument would have said so. Otherwise, the express
provisions of the instrument are to continue to operate undisturbed. If the event has caused loss to one or
other of the parties, the loss lies where it falls.
18 In some cases, however, the reasonable addressee would understand the instrument to mean something
else. He would consider that the only meaning consistent with the other provisions of the instrument, read
against the relevant background, is that something is to happen. The event in question is to affect the rights
of the parties. The instrument may not have expressly said so, but this is what it must mean. In such a
case, it is said that the court implies a term as to what will happen if the event in question occurs. But the
implication of the term is not an addition to the instrument. It only spells out what the instrument means.
4. In Cream Holdings Ltd v Stuart Davenport [2010] EWHC 3096 (Ch), the defendant was removed as a director
and, pursuant to the articles, the removal brought about the deemed service of a transfer notice in respect of his
shareholding (ie deeming his intention to sell his shareholding). The articles then provided procedures for the
valuation and transfer of the shares, including the appointment of a third party valuer where the parties could not
agree. The defendant obstructed these procedures, and the court held that terms should be implied into the
procedures imposing an obligation to cooperate and a requirement not to withhold consent unreasonably to the
nominated appointment. These implied terms were ‘necessary [… and] represent the minimum machinery
necessary to make these articles work’ [58].
Practical consequences of the constitutional allocation of powers
The division of powers between the members in general meeting and the board of directors, as determined by the
company’s articles, has important—and sometimes counterintuitive—practical consequences for both organs. The
next few cases are illustrative.
Where the articles limit the powers of the company in general meeting, such articles cannot be disregarded
even by a majority sufficiently large to alter the articles. A formal alteration must be made and then acted
[4.04] Imperial Hydropathic Hotel Co, Blackpool v Hampson (1882) 23 Ch D 1 (Court of Appeal)
The articles provided that the directors were to hold office for a period of three years and to retire by rotation. At a
general meeting specially summoned for this and other purposes, resolutions were carried for the removal of two
directors (who were not due for retirement under (p. 187) the articles) and the election of others in their place. The
company in this action claimed a declaration that the directors had been validly removed. It was held that the
articles could not be disregarded in this way.16
COTTON LJ: There is nothing in the Act or in the articles which directly enables a general meeting to
remove directors; but the way it is put is this—that there is power in these articles, as there is power in the
Act, by a meeting duly called to pass a resolution altering the articles; and it is said that here there was a
resolution which would have been effectual to alter the articles that these directors whom the articles did not
authorise to be removed should be removed. Now in my opinion it is an entire fallacy to say that because
there is power to alter the regulations, you can by a resolution which might alter the regulations, do that
which is contrary to the regulations as they stand in a particular and individual case. It is in no way altering
the regulations. The alteration of the regulations would be by introducing a provision, not that some
particular director be discharged from being a director, but that directors be capable of being removed by the
vote of a general meeting. It is a very different thing to pass a general rule applicable to every one who
comes within it, and to pass a resolution against a particular individual, which would be aprivilegium and not
a law. Now here there was no attempt to pass any resolution at this meeting which would affect any
director, except those who are aimed at by the resolution, no alteration of the regulations was to bind the
company to those regulations as altered; and assuming, as I do for the present purpose, as the second
meeting seems to have been regular according to the notice, that everything was regularly done, what was
done cannot be treated in my opinion as an alteration first of the regulations, and then under that altered
regulation as a removal of the directors …
JESSEL MR and BOWEN LJ delivered concurring judgments.
Also see Boschoek Pty Co Ltd v Fuk e [4.31].
Where the general management of the company is vested in the directors, the members have no power by
ordinary resolution to give directions to the board or to overrule its business decisions.
[4.05] Automatic SelfCleansing Filter Syndicate Co Ltd v Cuninghame [1906] 2 Ch 34 (Court of Appeal)
Article 96 of the company’s articles of association vested in the directors ‘the management of the business and
the control of the company’ in terms similar to the 1985 Table A, art 70; and art 91(1) specifically empowered them
to sell any property of the company on such terms and conditions as they might think fit. At a general meeting a
resolution was passed directing the board to sell the company’s undertaking to a new company formed for the
purpose, but the directors disapproved of the proposed terms and declined to carry out the sale. It was held that
the shareholders had no say in the matter, which was for the board alone to decide.
COLLINS MR: This is an appeal from a decision of Warrington J, who has been asked by the plaintiffs, Mr
McDiarmid and the company, for a declaration that the defendants, as directors of the company, are bound
to carry into effect a resolution passed at a meeting of the shareholders in the company on 16 January …
The point arises in this way. At a meeting of the company a resolution was passed by a majority—I was
going to say a bare majority, but it was a majority—in favour of a sale to a purchaser, and the directors,
honestly believing, as Warrington J thought, that it was most undesirable in the interests of the company
that that agreement should be carried into effect, refused to affix the seal of the (p. 188) company to it, or
to assist in carrying out a resolution which they disapproved of; and the question is whether under the
memorandum and articles of association here the directors are bound to accept, in substitution of their own
view, the view contained in the resolution of the company. Warrington J held that the majority could not
impose that obligation upon the directors, and that on the true construction of the articles the directors were
the persons authorised by the articles to effect this sale, and that unless the other powers given by the
memorandum were invoked by a special resolution, it was impossible for a mere majority at a meeting to
override the views of the directors. That depends, as Warrington J put it, upon the construction of the
articles. [His Lordship read the relevant articles and continued:] Therefore in the matters referred to in article
97(1) the view of the directors as to the fitness of the matter is made the standard; and furthermore, by
article 96 they are given in express terms the full powers which the company has, except so far as they ‘are
not hereby or by statute expressly directed or required to be exercised or done by the company’, so that
the directors have absolute power to do all things other than those that are expressly required to be done by
the company; and then comes the limitation on their general authority—‘subject to such regulations as may
from time to time be made by extraordinary resolution’. Therefore, if it is desired to alter the powers of the
directors, that must be done not by a resolution carried by a majority at an ordinary meeting of the
company, but by an extraordinary resolution. In these circumstances it seems to me that it is not
competent for the majority of the shareholders at an ordinary meeting to affect or alter the mandate
originally given to the directors, by the articles of association. It has been suggested that this is a mere
question of principal and agent, and that it would be an absurd thing if a principal in appointing an agent
should in effect appoint a dictator who is to manage him instead of his managing the agent. I think that that
analogy does not strictly apply to this case. No doubt for some purposes directors are agents. For whom
are they agents? You have, no doubt, in theory and law one entity, the company, which might be a
principal, but you have to go behind that when you look to the particular position of directors. It is by the
consensus of all the individuals in the company that these directors become agents and hold their rights as
agents. It is not fair to say that a majority at a meeting is for the purposes of this case the principal so as to
alter the mandate of the agent. The minority also must be taken into account. There are provisions by which
the minority may be overborne, but that can only done by special machinery in the shape of special
resolutions. Short of that the mandate which must be obeyed is not that of the majority—it is that of the
whole entity made up of all the shareholders. If the mandate of the directors is to be altered, it can only be
under the machinery of the memorandum and articles themselves. I do not think I need to say more …
COZENSHARDY LJ delivered a concurring judgment.
➤ Notes
1. The decision in Cuninghame’s case marked the beginning of a departure from the traditional nineteenthcentury
view which regarded the members in general meeting as constituting ‘the company’ and the directors as their
delegates or agents. This older view is well illustrated by the wording of s 90 of the Companies Clauses
Consolidation Act 1845,17 and the remarks of Cotton LJ in Isle of Wight Rly Co v Tahourdin (1883) 25 Ch D 320,
CA, deciding a case under this section (which gave the directors general management power, but ‘subject … to
the control and regulation of any general meeting especially convened for the purpose’. The directors had
succeeded at first instance in securing an injunction to restrain the holding of a general meeting which had been
requisitioned by a number of shareholders. He said (at 329):
We are of opinion that this injunction ought not to have been granted. It is a very strong thing indeed to
prevent shareholders from holding a meeting of the company, when such a meeting is the only way in which
they can interfere, if the majority of them think that the course taken by the directors, in a matter which is
intra vires of the directors, is not for the benefit of the company …
(p. 189) Directors have great powers, and the court refuses to interfere with their management of the
company’s affairs if they keep within their powers, and if a shareholder complains of the conduct of the
directors while they keep within their powers, the court says to him, ‘If you want to alter the management of
the affairs of the company go to a general meeting, and if they agree with you they will pass a resolution
obliging the directors to alter their course of proceeding.’
2. Three further points may be made about Cuninghame’s case:
(i) It is not the law that has changed between 1883 (the date of Tahourdin’s case) and today, so much as
commercial practice. All that the courts have done is to recognise that practice. There is nothing in the law which
would prevent a company from having a provision in its articles which gave supervisory powers in the widest terms
to its members, or allowed them to override the director’s decisions—indeed, art 70 (1985 Table A) itself has such
a provision (but a special resolution is needed).
(ii) Article 70 (1985 Table A) uses the words ‘the business of the company shall be managed by the directors …’.
The ruling in Cuninghame’s case does not apply to decisions outside the company’s business and its
management. In Re Emmadart Ltd [1979] Ch 540, it was held that directors had no power under such an article to
resolve to put their company into liquidation.
(iii) Until the revision of Table A in 1985, the wording of the article corresponding to art 70 was ambiguous: there
was a power reserved to the company in general meeting to prescribe ‘regulations’ binding on the directors (see,
eg Companies Act 1948 (CA 1948) Table A, art 80). But what was meant by ‘regulations’ in this context was never
settled; and some commentators (eg Goldberg (1970) 33 MLR 177; Sullivan (1977) 93 LQR 569) argued that if due
weight were given to this provision art 80 ought to be construed as giving the members power to override the
autonomy apparently conferred on the directors by Cuninghame’s case. Their view was supported by the first
instance decision of Neville J in Marshall’s Valve Gear Co Ltd v Manning, Wardle & Co Ltd [1909] 1 Ch 267. The
problem is still very much a live one, for there are many thousands of companies that have articles in this old form.
But all the indications are that a modern court would not go out of its way to restore the nineteenthcentury
position in the face of the shift in business practice over the last hundred years; and in Breck land Group Holdings
Ltd v London & Suffolk Properties Ltd [1989] BCLC 100, Harman J expressed the view that Marshall’s case could
not stand against the overwhelming weight of authority to the contrary.
3. Following Cuninghame’s case, the Court of Appeal in Gramophone and Typewriter Co Ltd v
Stanley [2.05] declined to ‘lift the veil’ so as to identify a subsidiary with its holding company, partly on the ground
that the control of the affairs of the subsidiary was assigned to its directors. The same approach was adopted in
the cases which follow.
[4.06] Quin & Axtens Ltd v Salmon [1909] AC 442 (House of Lords)
The company’s two managing directors, Salmon and Axtens, held between them the bulk of the company’s
ordinary shares. Article 75 of the articles provided that the business of the company should be managed by the
directors, who might exercise all the powers of the company ‘subject to such regulations (being not inconsistent
with the provisions of the articles) as may be prescribed by the company in general meeting’. Article 80 stated that
no resolution of a meeting of the directors having for its object (inter alia) the acquisition or letting of certain
premises should be valid if either Salmon or Axtens dissented. The directors resolved to acquire and to let various
properties, but Salmon dissented. An extraordinary general meeting was then held at which the members by a
majority passed similar resolutions. The House of Lords, upholding the decision of the Court of Appeal, held that
the members’ resolutions (p. 190) were inconsistent with the articles and granted an injunction restraining the
company from acting on them.
LORD LOREBURN LC: My Lords, I do not see any solid ground for complaint against the judgment of the
Court of Appeal.
The bargain made between the shareholders is contained in articles 75 and 80 of the articles of association,
and it amounts for the purpose in hand to this, that the directors should manage the business; and the
company, therefore, are not to manage the business unless there is provision to that effect. Further the
directors cannot manage it in a particular way—that is to say, they cannot do certain things if Mr Salmon or
Mr Axtens objects. Now I cannot agree with Mr Upjohn in his contention that the failure of the directors
upon the objection of Mr Salmon to grant these leases of itself remitted the matter to the discretion of the
company in general meeting. They could still manage the business, but not altogether in the way they
desired …
[4.07] John Shaw & Sons (Salford) Ltd v Shaw [1935] 2 KB 113 (Court of Appeal)
As part of the settlement of a dispute concerning sums owing to the plaintiff company by Peter, John and Percy
Shaw (three brothers who were shareholders in, and directors of, the plaintiff company), the articles were altered
so as to hand over all control of the financial affairs of the company and the management of its business to three
independent persons known as ‘permanent directors’. Two of the brothers, however, later failed to accept certain
other provisions of the settlement, and as a result it was resolved at a meeting of the permanent directors that the
present action should be instituted against them. But before the hearing of the suit the shareholders held an
extraordinary meeting, at which a resolution was passed directing the board to discontinue the action forthwith. Du
Parcq J disregarded the shareholders’ resolution and gave judgment for the plaintiff company. The defendants
GREER LJ: [This] cause of action, whether likely to succeed or not, was one in respect of which the
permanent directors were, in my opinion, empowered to commence and carry on.
I am therefore of opinion that the learned judge was right in refusing to dismiss the action on the plea that it
was commenced without the authority of the plaintiff company. I think the judge was also right in refusing to
give effect to the resolution of the meeting of the shareholders requiring the chairman to instruct the
company’s solicitors not to proceed further with the action. A company is an entity distinct alike from its
shareholders and its directors. Some of its powers may, according to its articles, be exercised by directors,
certain other powers may be reserved for the shareholders in general meeting. If powers of management are
vested in the directors, they and they alone can exercise these powers. The only way in which the general
body of the shareholders can control the exercise of powers vested by the articles in the directors is by
altering their articles, or if opportunity arises under the articles, by refusing to reelect the directors of whose
actions they disapprove.[18 ] They cannot themselves usurp the powers which by the articles are vested in
the directors any more than the directors can usurp the powers vested by the articles in the general body of
shareholders …
[ROCHE LJ agreed, for other reasons, that the action had been competently brought, while SLESSER LJ,
again for other reasons, thought that it had not. But he agreed, or ‘inclined to the view’, that the
shareholders could not interfere with a power conferred by the articles on the permanent directors, except
by altering the articles. The court unanimously held, however, that the defendants were entitled to succeed
on the substantive issue of the case, and allowed the appeal.]
(p. 191) ➤ Note
These cases may be taken to have established that, where the directors in pursuance of a power conferred
upon them have instituted litigation in the company’s name, the members in general meeting may not interfere
and direct that the proceedings be discontinued. But in the converse case, where the majority of members
have instituted or consented to the institution of proceedings in the company’s name, and the directors object
to their being continued, the law is less clear. Certainly if the directors are themselves defendants or if the
allegation is that they are party to a wrong against the company, the rule in Foss v Harbottle [13.01] appears
to allow the majority members the ultimate say and even, where the directors are themselves majority
members, to permit a minority member to bring a derivative action.
The company in general meeting may act if there is no board competent or able (eg because of deadlock)
to exercise the powers conferred upon it.
[4.08] Barron v Potter [1914] 1 Ch 895 (Chancery Division)
The two directors of the company were not on speaking terms, so that effective board meetings could not be held.
The plaintiff, Canon Barron, had requisitioned a members’ meeting at which additional directors had purportedly
been appointed. The defendant objected that the power to make such appointments was vested by the company’s
articles in the directors. It was held that, in view of the deadlock, the power in question reverted to the general
meeting, and so the appointments were valid.
WARRINGTON LJ: [Having held that no proper board meeting had been held, continued:] The question then
arises, Was the resolution passed at the general meeting of the company a valid appointment? The
argument against the validity of the appointment is that the articles of association of the company gave to
the board of directors the power of appointing additional directors, that the company has accordingly
surrendered the power, and that the directors alone can exercise it. It is true that the general point was so
decided by Eve J in Blair Open Hearth Furnace Co v Reigart19 and I am not concerned to say that in
ordinary cases where there is a board ready and willing to act it would be competent for the company to
override the power conferred on the directors by the articles except by way of special resolution for the
purpose of altering the articles. But the case which I have to deal with is a different one. For practical
purposes there is no board of directors at all. The only directors are two persons, one of whom refuses to
act with the other, and the question is, What is to be done under these circumstances? On this point I think
that I can usefully refer to the judgment of the Court of Appeal in Isle of Wight Rly Co v Tahourdin [Note 1
following Automatic SelfCleansing Filter Syndicate Co Ltd v Cuninghame [4.05], p 188], not for the sake of
the decision, which depended on the fact that it was a case under the Companies Clauses Consolidation
Act 1845, but for the sake of the observations of Cotton and Fry LJJ upon the effect of a deadlock such as
arose in the present case. Cotton LJ says: ‘Then it is said that there is no power in the meeting of
shareholders to elect new directors, for that under the 89th section the power[20 ] would be in the remaining
directors. The remaining directors would no doubt have that power if there was a quorum left. But suppose
the meeting were to remove so many directors that a quorum was not left, what then follows? It has been
argued that in that case, there being no board which could act, there would be no power of filling up the
board so as to enable it to work. In my opinion that is utterly wrong. A power is given by the 89th section to
the remaining directors “if they think proper so to do” to elect persons to fill up the vacancies. I do not see
how it is possible for a nonexistent body to think proper to fill up vacancies. In such a case a general
meeting (p. 192) duly summoned for the purpose must have power to elect a new board so as not to let the
business of the company be at a deadlock …’. Those observations express a principle which seems to me
to be as applicable to the case of a limited company incorporated under the Companies (Consolidation) Act
1908 as to a case falling under the Companies Clauses Consolidation Act 1845, and moreover to be a
principle founded on plain common sense. If directors having certain powers are unable or unwilling to
exercise them—are in fact a nonexistent body for the purpose—there must be some power in the company
to do itself that which under other circumstances would be otherwise done. The directors in the present
case being unwilling to appoint additional directors under the power conferred on them by the articles, in my
opinion, the company in general meeting has power to make the appointment …
➤ Note
A similar decision was reached in Foster v Foster [1916] 1 Ch 532, where there was a dispute over which of
two directors should be appointed managing director, there being three directors in all. Although the power to
appoint was conferred by the company’s articles upon the directors, another article forbade a director from
voting in respect of any contract in which he was interested. It was therefore not possible to carry any motion,
in view of the disqualification of one director and the opposition of another. Peterson J held that in these
circumstances competence to deal with the matter reverted from the board to the general meeting.
➤ Questions
1. Warrington J’s reasoning is based largely on the decision in Tahourdin’s case which, as he points out,
depended on the Companies Clauses Consolidation Act 1845 (Note 1 following Automatic SelfCleansing
Filter Syndicate Co Ltd v Cuninghame [4.05], p 188). Was he right to treat the case of a company registered
under the Companies Acts as indistinguishable?
2. Suppose a situation the reverse of that in Barron v Potter [4.08], where the members cannot act but there is
a board of directors capable of functioning. Could the directors exercise powers reserved by the articles to the
general meeting? If not, what could be done to resolve matters?
Formal decisionmaking by members
Various practical issues are important in the mechanics of the exercise of power by the members. How are
decisions taken? Must there be a meeting? What counts as a majority? How is this assessed if not all members
vote or attend a meeting? What exactly are ‘meetings’? Is a meeting needed if everyone agrees? Are ordinary and
special resolutions managed differently in these respects? Many of the answers can be found in the Act; some are
provided in a company’s articles. The analysis and following cases illustrate some of the issues, although by no
means all.
General issues
A century or more ago, the companies legislation assumed that all members’ decisions would be taken in formal
meetings. These are called ‘general meetings’ if all the members are entitled to attend, or ‘class meetings’ if only
one class of members is entitled to attend. This style of decisionmaking is still assumed to be the preferred mode
for public companies (CA 2006 (p. 193) s 281). By contrast, CA 2006 assumes that written resolutions will be the
normal mode21 for private companies (CA 2006 ss 281, 288–300), with the limited exception that a meeting is
essential if the resolution is to remove directors (ss 281(2) and 168) or auditors (ss 281(2) and 510).
In addition to these formal statutory rules, the informal common law rule is that the unanimous decision of the
members is effective as their decision, whether or not they meet together or write it down. This rule applies to both
public and private companies (see s 281(4)(a), and Attorney General v Davy [4.09]).
There follows, in outline, a description of the first two formal modes of decisionmaking by the members (written
resolutions and meetings). The third mode (unanimous assent) is covered in the next section (see ‘Informal
decisionmaking—the “Duomatic” principle’, pp 206ff).
In addition to these formal and informal procedural rules, there are important legal constraints on the way in which
members can exercise their votes in making decisions. These rules are considered in detail at ‘Limitations on the
free exercise of members’ voting rights’, pp 213ff.
Voting majorities: ordinary and special resolutions
Most corporate decisions can be taken by simple majority (ie a majority of not less than 50%: CA 2006 ss 281(3)
and 282), with each member having one vote per share unless the articles specify otherwise (s 284).22 Such
resolutions are called ‘ordinary resolutions’. On matters where there are added risks, either to the company or its
members, CA 2006 may make a special majority essential (ie a majority of not less than 75%). These resolutions
are called ‘special resolutions’: CA 2006 s 283. They are required for decisions to amend the company’s articles (s
21(1)), to disapply members’ preemption rights when shares are issued (ss 569–571), to reduce share capital (s
641(1)), to redeem the company’s own shares (s 716(1)), to resolve that the company be wound up voluntarily (IA
1986 s 84(1)), and so on. Indeed, when there is a particular risk that the minority may be treated unfairly, even
though a special resolution has been passed, the dissenting minority may be given the additional protection of a
right to request judicial review (eg ss 633 (variation of class rights), 721 (redemption of company’s own shares)).
A company’s articles cannot override the mandatory provisions of CA 2006, but they can often legitimately specify
an even larger majority, or unanimity, for particular decisions.
As might be expected, ordinary and special majorities are assessed differently depending upon whether decisions
are made by written resolution or at a meeting (ss 282 and 283). Decisions taken by written resolution must be
passed by the required percentage of all members with voting rights. Decisions taken at a meeting need only be
passed by the appropriate percentage of those present and voting either on a show of hands,23 or by a poll
(whether in person, by proxy or in advance (s 322A)). Clearly the outcome on a show of hands can be vastly
different from the outcome on a poll. Individuals cannot automatically demand a poll; the demand has to be more
representative of the views of the members. A poll can be demanded by a member or group of members meeting
the minimum representative conditions set out in s 321(2), unless the company’s own articles make more
generous provisions (see Model Articles for private companies, art 44(2), and for public companies, art 36(2)).
Some requirements for special resolutions in CA 2006 also specify more generous rules for calling for a poll.
(p. 194) Even if the rules are silent, at common law a corporate body may act by a majority vote given at a
meeting of members duly summoned.
[4.09] Attorney General v Davy (1741) 2 Atk 212 (Lord Chancellor)
The facts as given in the report were as follows:
King Edward VI by charter incorporated twelve persons, by name, to elect a chaplain for the church of
Kirton, in Lincolnshire. By another clause three of the twelve were to choose a chaplain to officiate in the
church of Sandford, within the parish of Kirton, but with the consent and approbation of the major part of the
inhabitants of Sandford.
Upon a late vacancy, two of the three chose a chaplain, with the consent of the major part of the inhabitants
of Sandford; the third dissented. The question was whether this was a good choice.
LORD HARDWICKE LC: It cannot be disputed that wherever a certain number are incorporated, a major
part of them may do any corporate act; so if all are summoned, and part appear, a major part of those that
appear may do a corporate act, though nothing be mentioned in the charter of the major part.
This is the common construction of charters, and I am of opinion that the three are a corporation for the
purpose they are appointed, and the choice too was confirmed, and consequently not necessary that all the
three should join; … it is not necessary that every corporate act should be under the seal of the corporation,
nor did this need the corporation seal.
Who can propose a written resolution?
As noted earlier, written resolutions provide an alternative to formal meetings for decisionmaking. In private
companies only, written resolutions can be proposed by the directors (ss 288(3)(a) and 291), or by members
holding 5% of the voting rights or some lower percentage if so specified in the articles (ss 288(3)(b) and 292(5)).
There are clear rules for circulating written resolutions (ss 290–295) and agreeing them (ss 296–297). Public
companies cannot use this statutory procedure.
What are the essentials of a ‘meeting’?
To constitute a meeting, there must prima facie be more than one person present.
Although see Notes 1 and 2, following the extract, indicating exceptions for single member companies.
[4.10] Sharp v Dawes (1876) 2 QBD 26 (Court of Appeal)
A meeting of a company governed by the Stannaries Acts 24 was summoned for the purpose, inter alia, of making
a call (ie a demand from the company that members pay further unpaid amounts on their shares). It was attended
by only one member, Silversides, and the secretary (who was not a member). The proceedings were conducted
formally, as recounted in a notice sent to all members. The call was in due course made, and one member,
Dawes, refused to pay it. It was held that the meeting was a nullity and the call was invalid.
LORD COLERIDGE CJ: This is an attempt to enforce against the defendant a call purporting to have been
made under s 10 of the Stannaries Act 1869. Of course it cannot be enforced unless it was duly made
within the Act. Now, the Act says that a call may be made at a meeting of a company (p. 195) with special
notice, and we must ascertain what within the meaning of the Act is a meeting, and whether one person
alone can constitute such a meeting. It is said that the requirements of the Act are satisfied by a single
shareholder going to the place appointed and professing to pass resolutions … [The] word ‘meeting’ prima
facie means a coming together of more than one person. It is, of course, possible to show that the word
‘meeting’ has a meaning different from the ordinary meaning, but there is nothing here to show this to be the
case. It appears therefore to me that this call was not made at a meeting of the company within the
meaning of the Act.
MELLISH LJ: In this case, no doubt, a meeting was duly summoned, but only one shareholder attended. It
is clear that, according to the ordinary use of English language, a meeting could no more be constituted by
one person than a meeting could have been constituted if no shareholder at all had attended. No business
could be done at such a meeting, and the call is invalid.
BRETT and AMPHLETT JJA concurred.
➤ Notes
1. CA 2006 s 318(1) now provides that in the case of a company limited by shares or guarantee and having only
one member, one qualifying person present at a meeting is a quorum. In any other case, two qualifying people
must be present (provided they do not both represent the same member). To be a qualifying person under this
section, one must be a member in person, a corporate representative or appointed by proxy (s 318(3)). Section
324 extends the right to appoint proxies to members of all companies.
2. The single member company having a oneperson ‘meeting’ presents evidentiary problems which CA 2006 s 357
attempts to meet by requiring the decision to take the form of a written resolution, or the single member to provide
the company with a written record of the decision. Failure to comply with this requirement is punishable by a fine,
but noncompliance does not affect the validity of the decision itself.
3. Some amusement can occasionally be found in all this procedural detail. Neptune (Vehicle Washing
Equipment) Ltd v Fitzgerald [1995] BCLC 352 shows that a literal approach to statutory provisions can lead to
absurdity bordering on farce. The case concerned the rule laid down by CA 1985 s 317 (now CA 2006 s 177),
which imposed on directors a duty to declare any personal interests in contracts or proposed contracts with the
company ‘at a meeting of the directors of the company’. The company in question had only one director. Lightman
J said (at pp 818–819, 359–360):
… a sole director cannot evade compliance with s 317 by considering or committing the company to a
contract in which he is interested otherwise than at a director’s meeting or by delegating the decision
making to others.
In the context of legislation which specifically authorises sole directorships and where Table A provides for a
committee of one, the legislature cannot have intended by use of the word ‘meeting’ in s 317 to exclude
from its ambit and the achievement of the statutory object sole directors, and I so hold. This conclusion is
reinforced by the consideration that the concept of the holding of a director’s meeting in case of a sole
directorship is familiar to company lawyers.
Two different situations may arise. The sole director may hold a meeting attended by himself alone or he
may hold a meeting attended by someone else, normally the company secretary. When holding the
meeting on his own, he must still make the declaration to himself and have the statutory pause for thought,
though it may be that the declaration does not have to be out loud, and he must record that he made the
declaration in the minutes. The court may well find it difficult to accept that the declaration has been made if
it is not so recorded. If the meeting is attended by anyone else, the declaration must be made out loud and
in the hearing of those attending, and again should be recorded. In this case, if it is proved that the
declaration was made, the fact that the minutes do not record the making of the declaration will not
preclude proof of its making. In either situation the language of the section must be given full effect: there
must be a declaration of the interest.
(p. 196) 4. CA 2006 s 177 now replaces Companies Act 1986 (CA 1986) s 317, but fails to solve this problem, it
seems. There is a specific rule (a writing requirement) where a sole director makes a declaration at a directors’
meeting if the company is required to have more than one director; and s 177 itself provides that a declaration need
not be made ‘to the extent that the other directors are already aware of the interest’. The Company Law Review
(CLR) had proposed that sole directors be required to make a declaration to the company’s members prior to
entering into a transaction in which they had a personal interest. This would have been ridiculous, and thankfully
there is no such requirement in CA 2006.
5. The court is given power to order meetings pursuant to CA 2006 s 306 (see Union Music Ltd v Watson [4.13]).
Section 306(4) specifically provides that ‘such directions may include a direction that one member of the company
present at the meeting be deemed to constitute a quorum’. See also Wheeler v Ross [2011] EWHC 2527 (Ch)
andSmith v Butler [3.14].
Being together in the same physical location is not essential.
[4.11] Byng v London Life Association Ltd [1990] Ch 170 (Court of Appeal)
[Another part of this decision is extracted at [4.12].] More members turned up to attend a meeting than could be
accommodated in the cinema which had been notified as the venue. Overflow rooms with audiovisual links had
been arranged, but these facilities did not work; and, in any case, some people could not get in and had to stay
outside in the foyer. The Court of Appeal held, inter alia, that: (i) the assembly in the cinema was a ‘meeting’ which
was capable of being adjourned to another place, even though (since many members who wished to attend were
excluded) it was not capable of proceeding to business; and (ii) that it was not essential to a meeting that all
members should be present in one room or face to face, provided that proper audiovisual links were in place which
would enable everyone present to see and hear what was going on and participate in the proceedings.
BROWNEWILKINSON VC: The rationale behind the requirement for meetings in the Companies Act 1985
is that the members shall be able to attend in person so as to debate and vote on matters affecting the
company. Until recently this could only be achieved by everyone being physically present in the same room
face to face. Given modern technological advances, the same result can now be achieved without all the
members coming face to face: without being physically in the same room they can be electronically in each
other’s presence so as to hear and be heard and to see and be seen. The fact that such a meeting could
not have been foreseen at the time the first statutory requirements for meetings were laid down, does not
require us to hold that such a meeting is not within the meaning of the word ‘meeting’ in the Act of 1985. …
I have no doubt therefore that in cases where the original venue proves inadequate to accommodate all
those wishing to attend, valid general meetings of a company can be properly held using overflow rooms
provided, first, that all due steps are taken to direct to the overflow rooms those unable to get into the main
meeting and, second, that there are adequate audiovisual links to enable those in all the rooms to see and
hear what is going on in the other rooms. Were the law otherwise, with the present tendency towards
companies with very large numbers of shareholders and corresponding uncertainty as to how many
shareholders will attend meetings, the organisation of such meetings might prove to be impossible.
➤ Questions
Do you think that it is essential for a valid meeting being held by electronic linkup that the participants should
be able to: (i) see as well as to hear each other or (ii) intervene or participate, verbally, in any discussion
taking place at meeting?
(p. 197) In what ways could the law be further changed so as to facilitate the use of modern (and developing)
technology, in regard to communication with members, meetings held at several locations, electronic voting,
etc? The 2010 amendments to the Insolvency Rules are instructive.
➤ Note
In Canada, a 1970s decision (now overruled by statute) held that two persons cannot hold a ‘meeting’ by
telephone: Re Associated Color Laboratories Ltd (1970) 12 DLR (3d) 388. This decision surely misses the
point, for the essence of a meeting is not physical presence, but the ability of all the members to participate
simultaneously, and instantaneously, in the proceedings—a need which modern communications technology
is well fitted to meet, even where there are multiple participants. It also fails to meet an obvious commercial
need. It is therefore not surprising that CA 2006 and the Model Articles provide for meetings ‘at a distance’.
The role of the chairman
It is the chairman’s function at a general meeting to preserve order, see that proceedings are properly conducted
and ensure that the sense of the meeting is properly ascertained. The chairman has no power to take into his or
her own hands decisions that the meeting itself is competent to make: National Dwelling Society v Syk es [1894] 3
Ch 159. If the meeting is not competent to act, the next case indicates what the chairman is to do.
[4.12] Byng v London Life Association Ltd [1990] Ch 170 (Court of Appeal)
[See [4.11] for another extract from this case.] An extraordinary general meeting of the company had been
summoned for 12 noon at Cinema 1, The Barbican Centre, London. Because of an unexpectedly large turnout of
some 800 members, this venue was too small. At 12.45 pm Dawson, the chairman, acting on his own initiative and
without following the procedure prescribed by art 18 of the company’s articles, announced that he was adjourning
the meeting to 2.30 pm at the Café Royal, about one mile away. Only 600 people could attend this adjourned
meeting, at which certain resolutions were passed. Byng and others sought declarations that these resolutions
were invalid. The Court of Appeal upheld their contentions, ruling that although the chairman had a common law
power to adjourn the meeting in circumstances such as these where the views of the members could not be
ascertained, and despite the fact that he had acted throughout on advice and in good faith, he had failed in his duty
to take into account all relevant considerations, such as the fact that members who were unable to attend the
afternoon meeting could not arrange proxies in the time available, with the consequence that the adjourned
meeting would not be representative.
BROWNEWILKINSON VC: In my judgment, were it not for article 18, Mr Dawson would at common law
have had power to adjourn the meeting at the cinema since the inadequacy of the space available rendered
it impossible for all those entitled to attend to take part in the debate and to vote. A motion for adjournment
could not be put to the meeting as many who would be entitled to vote on the motion were excluded.
Therefore, at common law it would have been the chairman’s duty to regulate the proceedings so as to give
all persons entitled a reasonable opportunity of debating and voting. This would have required him either to
abandon the meeting or to adjourn it to a time and place where the members could have a reasonable
opportunity to debate or vote. I see no reason to hold that in all circumstances the meeting must be
abandoned: in my judgment the chairman can, in a suitable case, merely adjourn such meeting.
(p. 198) What then is the effect of article 18 which expressly confers on the chairman power to adjourn but
only with the consent of a quorate meeting? Mr Potts submits that the chairman’s power to adjourn having
been expressly laid down and expressly circumscribed, there is no room for the chairman to have any
implied power at common law …
Like the judge, I reject this submission. In my judgment article 18 regulates the chairman’s powers of
adjournment to the extent that its machinery is effective to cover the contingencies which occur. Therefore if
the circumstances are such that it is possible to discover whether or not the meeting agrees to an
adjournment, article 18 lays down a comprehensive code. But if the circumstances are such that the
wishes of the meeting cannot be validly ascertained, why should article 18 be read as impairing the
fundamental common law duty of the chairman to regulate proceedings so as to enable those entitled to be
present and to vote to be heard and to vote? … Say that there was a disturbance in a meeting which
precluded the taking of any vote on a motion to adjourn. Would this mean that the meeting had to be
abandoned even though a short adjournment would have enabled peace to be restored and the meeting
resumed? Again, say that in the present case the adjoining Barbican theatre had been available … so that
a short adjournment to the theatre would have enabled an effective meeting of all members wishing to attend
to be held that morning. Can it really be the law that because a valid resolution for such an adjournment
could not be passed in the cinema (many members entitled to vote being excluded from the cinema) no
such adjournment could take place?
I do not find that any principle of construction requires me to hold that an express provision regulating
adjournment when the views of the meeting can be ascertained necessarily precludes the existence of
implied powers when consent of the meeting cannot be obtained … Accordingly, I reach the conclusion that
in any circumstances where there is a meeting at which the views of the majority cannot be validly
ascertained, the chairman has a residual common law power to adjourn ‘so as to give all persons entitled a
reasonable opportunity of voting’ and, I would add, speaking at the meeting …
Since such power is only exercisable for the purpose of giving the members a proper opportunity to debate
and vote on the resolution, there must in my judgment be very special circumstances to justify a decision to
adjourn the meeting to a time and place where, to the knowledge of the chairman, it could not be attended
by a number of the members who had taken the trouble to attend the original meeting and could not even
lodge a proxy vote. To overlook this factor is to leave out of account a matter of central importance. True it
is that those who were available for the afternoon meeting would have been inconvenienced by an
adjournment to another date or the convening of a wholly new meeting since they would either have to have
attended at the fresh meeting or to have lodged proxies. But in my judgment this could not outweigh the
central point that the form of the adjournment was such as undoubtedly to preclude certain members from
taking any part in the meeting either by way of debate or by way of vote …
Accordingly, although Mr Dawson acted in complete good faith, his decision to adjourn to the Café Royal on
the same date was not one which, in my judgment, he could reasonably have reached if he had properly
apprehended the restricted nature and purposes of his powers. Therefore in my judgment his decision was
invalid …
MUSTILL and WOOLF LJJ delivered concurring judgments.
➤ Question
This and other similar cases are concerned with the role of the chairman at a meeting of members (or, indeed,
any other meeting, such as a meeting of class members, or a meeting of creditors). Depending upon the
terms of the company’s articles, this person will often be the chairman of the board of directors. Does this
make any legal or practical difference to proceedings?
(p. 199) Who can call a meeting?
Clearly the expense in calling and conducting a meeting is far greater than in calling for a written resolution, or in
calling for a resolution to be proposed at a meeting that is already scheduled (see ‘Who can propose a resolution
(or circulate a statement) at a meeting?’, p 203). Nevertheless, the directors can call a general meeting (s 302),
and members holding 5% of the voting capital or voting rights can require the directors to call a meeting (ss 303
and 304), or can do so themselves if the directors refuse (s 305). But the directors are not obliged to act on such a
requisition if its object is something that the general meeting is not competent to decide, for example to give
direction to the board on matters of business policy (see ‘Dividing corporate power between members and
directors’, p 179ff): Rose v McGivern [1998] 2 BCLC 593. Finally, the court may call a meeting if these other
means are impracticable (s 306).
The statutory conditions attached to all these rights to call meetings merit close attention. This is especially so
because if notice of a meeting is issued by someone who does not have authority to issue such notices, then the
notice is void, and any decisions taken at the meeting will also be void (although the court will not intervene if it is
clear that the same decisions would have been reached had the correct procedure been followed: Browne v La
Trinidad (1887) 37 Ch D 1; Boschoek Proprietary Co Ltd v Fuk e [4.31]).
Power of the court to order meetings: CA 2006 s 306.
[4.13] Union Music Ltd v Watson [2003] EWCA Civ 180, [2003] 1 BCLC 453 (Court of Appeal)
This case concerned Russell Watson (W), the internationally famous opera singer. U applied under CA 1985 s 371
for an order for a general meeting of Arias (A), a company of which U was the majority shareholder (51%) and one
of its directors. W was the only other shareholder and director. A shareholders’ agreement provided that
shareholders should exercise their voting rights so that A could not hold any meeting or transact any business at a
meeting unless all shareholders or their representatives were present. A disagreement arose between W and U. W
threatened not to attend any meetings. This created a deadlock. No business could be transacted, and no new
directors could be appointed to deal with business without a shareholders’ meeting. The trial judge refused the
application. The Court of Appeal allowed the appeal, agreeing that s 371 did not allow the court to override
entrenched or class rights, or to break the deadlock between two equal shareholders, but the instant case involved
no such rights and the shareholdings were not equal.
PETER GIBSON LJ: … I venture to make a few preliminary observations about s 371. It is a procedural
section plainly intended to enable company business which needs to be conducted at a general meeting of
the company to be so conducted. No doubt the thinking behind it is that a company should be allowed to
get on with managing its affairs, and that should not be frustrated by the impracticability of calling or
conducting a general meeting in the manner prescribed by the articles and the Act. …
… But the power confers on the court a discretion and, like all discretions, it must be exercised properly
having regard to the relevant circumstances. The authorities provide examples of cases where the power
has been exercised and where it has not. The fact that there are quorum provisions in Table A requiring two
members’ attendance will not in itself be sufficient to prevent the court making an order under s 371, where
the applicant is seeking a proper order such as the appointment of a director, something which a majority
shareholder would have the right to procure in ordinary circumstances. …
(p. 200) … I can see no sufficient reason why the order should not be made so that the deadlock in the
board can be broken. Of course, I acknowledge that that means that the majority shareholder will have his
way by the appointment of a director of its choice, save where the parties have agreed to complete equality.
One side or the other has to prevail, and I cannot see that the contractual provisions in the agreement
provide a sufficient reason why the power should not be exercised. Companies should have effective boards
able to take decisions. I would therefore be prepared to make an order for the calling of a meeting to
consider the question of the appointment of a further director and to allow the voting on that, even though
only one member is present at that meeting. …
Harman v BML Group Ltd [1994] 2 BCLC 674, [1994] 1 WLR 893 turned on the fact that there was a class
right attached to a class of shares, which the convening of a general meeting was designed to override.
That, this court held, could not be done. I add the comment that that is hardly surprising in view of the
elaborate provisions in Ch II of Pt V of the Act prescribing the procedures and conditions for varying any
class rights [CA 2006 ss 629–640]. The company in question had a share capital consisting of 290,000 A
shares and 210,000 B shares. There were four A shareholders but only one B shareholder, a Mr
Blumenthal. A shareholders’ agreement provided that Mr Blumenthal should be entitled to remain in office
as director so long as he, or any family company of his, should be the owner of the B shares, and that a
general meeting should be inquorate unless the B shareholder, or his proxy or representative, attended.
Dillon LJ, giving a judgment with which Leggatt and Henry LJJ agreed, said that the provision requiring the B
shareholder to be present was essential to entrench Mr Blumenthal’s right to remain a director and was a
special provision to secure his directorship. Dillon LJ also said ([1994] 2 BCLC 674 at 680, [1994] 1 WLR
893 at 898):
‘Class rights have to be respected and I regard the right of Mr Blumenthal, as the holder of the B
shares, to be present in the quorum as a class right for his protection which is not to be overridden
by this [the s 371] machinery.’
He made it clear that it was not for the court to make a new shareholders’ agreement and impose it on the
The present case is not one with entrenched or any class rights, as it seems to me. There is nothing in the
agreement or in the memorandum and articles of Arias which confers any right on Mr Watson as
shareholder which is not also conferred on Union as shareholder. There are simply no classes of shares:
there is but a single class. I would add at this point that we were taken by Mr Freedman to Cumbrian
Newspapers Group Ltd v Cumberland & Westmorland Herald Newspaper & Printing Co Ltd [11.05] for the
proposition that a class right could exist even though there was only one type of share in issue and the
rights of the shareholders were the same. In my judgment, nothing that was said by Scott J in
the Cumbrian case supports so broad, and indeed astonishing, a proposition. There is, in my view, no
assistance from the Cumbrian case towards resolving the dispute in the present case.
The Ross case [Ross v Telford [1998] 1 BCLC 82, CA] was a case where a husband and wife were the only
two directors of each of two companies. They were equal shareholders of one of the companies. The
shareholders of the second company were the husband and the first company. In an acrimonious divorce
the district judge had directed that the net proceeds arising out of the liquidation or sale of either company
should be divided equally. An action had been brought by the second company against a bank, alleging that
the wife had forged the husband’s signature on cheques. The husband wanted a meeting to be called under
s 371 to ratify the second company’s action, with a nominee chosen by him representing the first company
shareholder. Thus, the deadlock would have been broken if the order had been made. … [In allowing the
appeal against the order] this court accepted submissions from the wife that the court cannot make an
order under the section so as to permit a 50 per cent shareholder to override the wishes of the other 50 per
cent shareholder, (p. 201) that s 371 was a procedural section not designed to affect substantive voting
rights or to shift the balance of power between shareholders in a case where they had agreed that a power
should be shared equally, and where the potential deadlock is something which must be taken to have been
agreed for the protection of each shareholder.
In the present case the shareholdings were not equal. The agreement was not designed to ensure that
power should be shared equally. Initially, as I have noted, Mr and Mrs Watson, who might be expected to
have been in one camp, were the majority on the board, with the majority shareholder left as the minority on
the board. The deadlock happens to have been caused by Mrs Watson ceasing to be a director. Union, as
the majority shareholder, could be expected to be able to remove or appoint a director. I do not agree with
the judge’s suggestion that the parties had contracted for a situation of deadlock. What the parties had
contracted for, I accept, was that if Mr Watson chose not to attend or be represented at a general meeting,
then there could be no general meeting.
Clause 6.1.18 [of the shareholders’ agreement], however, seems to me more in the nature of a quorum
provision than a provision for a class right, which it plainly was not, or a substantive right. …
There is no doubt that if, as one would expect, Union exercises its voting rights at a meeting not attended
by Mr Watson or his proxy, it would be doing so in contravention of cl 6.1.18. For the reasons which I have
already given, I do not see that as being an insuperable obstacle in the way of the court making an order
under s 371. The court should consider whether the company is in a position to manage its affairs properly.
It ought also to take into account the ordinary right of a majority shareholder to remove or appoint a director
in exercise of his majority voting power. A meeting would be limited to the single act of enabling the
appointment of a new director to be considered and voted on. Taking the view that I do that cl 6.1.18 is in
the nature of a quorum provision rather than a provision confirming a substantive right, it seems to me that
the judge was wrong to rely on that provision to refuse to order the meeting.
I would add that I also disagree with the judge’s view that Union had chosen the wrong means in view of the
possibilities of a derivative action or a s 459 petition [CA 2006 s 994]. I see no reason why a shareholder in
the position of Union should not utilise the simple means afforded by s 371 rather than incur the greater
difficulties and expense of the other possibilities. …
[He therefore proposed to make an order for the calling of a meeting to consider the question of the
appointment of a further director and to allow the voting on that, even though only one member would be
present at that meeting.]
BUXTON LJ delivered a concurring judgment.
MORLAND J concurred with both.
➤ Notes
1. Where it is ‘impracticable’ to call a general meeting of the company in the ordinary way, the court may
direct that a meeting may be called or conducted in any way that it thinks fit (CA 2006 s 306). See,
eg, Hussain v Wycombe Islamic Mission and Mosque Trust Ltd [2011] EWHC 971 (Ch). In particular, it may
direct that one person shall be deemed to constitute a quorum at a meeting—a power which is commonly
invoked where the number of members has fallen to one.
2. In Re British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection [1995] 2 BCLC 1, the court held that the section could be
applied where previous attempts at holding a general meeting had been frustrated by a disruptive minority,
leading to breaches of the peace and intervention by the police. It was ordered that the meeting should be held
with only an executive committee attending in person, the bulk of the membership voting by postal ballot.
(p. 202) 3. In Wheeler & Another v Ross & Others [2011] EWHC 2527 (Ch), Arnold J made an order under s
306 for a meeting to be conducted, in the light of the complete breakdown of mutual trust and confidence
between the majority shareholder and the minority shareholder. A s 306 order would overcome the problem of
the extraordinary general meeting not being quorate if the minority shareholder chose not to attend the
4. The Court of Appeal in Smith v Butler [3.14] held that a trial judge’s decision to grant a s 306 order was a
discretionary judgement and that the court would therefore not interfere on appeal unless the decision was
clearly wrong or some material factor was wrongly taken into or left out of account.
5. However, the s 306 machinery may not be used to override class rights, or rights entrenched in a
shareholders’ agreement: see Harman v BML Group Ltd [1994] 1 WLR 893, CA; or to resolve a deadlock
where the company’s own constitution contains no provision to cope with such a situation: Ross v
Telford [1998] 1 BCLC 82, CA (both cases dealing with the predecessor, CA 1985 s 371). Union Music Ltd v
Watson [4.13] and, more recently, Wheeler & Another v Ross & Others [2011] EWHC 2527 (Ch), explain the
limits of these restrictions and the potential usefulness of the court’s power.
➤ Question
In Wheeler & Another v Ross & Others [2011] EWHC 2527 (Ch), Arnold J clarified that the s 306 power ‘will
enable Mr Wheeler to enforce his rights as majority shareholder. It will not extinguish Mrs Ross’ rights as the
minority shareholder’ [31]. Does this accurately reflect the practical reality?
What sort of notice must be given if a meeting is proposed?
In every case when meetings are called, there are strict rules on giving timely (s 307) and appropriate (s 311)
notice to all those entitled to attend (ss 307–317).25 See especially s 310 on who is entitled to notice. CA 2006 s
301 makes the validity of any resolution passed at the meeting depend on proper notice being given (also
seeMusselwhite v CH Musselwhite and Son Ltd [1962] Ch 964).
CA 2006 s 311 requires the notice of a general meeting to state the time and date of the meeting, as well as the
location where it is to take place. Subject to any provisions in the company’s articles, the notice must also state
the general nature of the business to be dealt with. In the case of a listed company, an explanatory circular must
also be sent out if any business other than ordinary business is to be discussed or decided at a general meeting
(Listing Rules r 13.8.8R(1)). What constitutes ordinary business is to be decided by each company.26
If the notice convening a meeting is not sufficiently full and specific to enable the members receiving it to decide
whether or not they ought in their own interest to attend, then any resolutions passed at such meetings may be
held invalid: Tiessen v Henderson [1899] 1 Ch 861.
In calling a meeting and in advising members about proposed resolutions, directors must exercise their powers
only for the purposes for which they were conferred (s 171, and see ‘Duty to act within powers: CA 2006 s 171’, pp
331ff, and Dawson International plc v Coats Patons plc [14.13]).
Note, however, that notice requirements, as with other formalities required under the Companies Act, may be
waived in accordance with the Duomatic principle [4.15]:Schofield v Schofield [2011] EWCA Civ 154, Note 2
following Re Duomatic [4.15], p 208. This, of course, (p. 203) applies only if the notice requirement is inserted for
the protection of the shareholders generally: in those circumstances, the shareholders can waive that protection.
By contrast, the requirements laid out in CA 2006 ss 168 and 169 are inserted for the protection of the impugned
director, and cannot be waived by any shareholder majority.
Who can propose a resolution (or circulate a statement) at a meeting?
Clearly the directors can propose resolutions, but so too can a sufficiently large group of members of a public
company (not a private one—they can use the written resolution procedure): the group must hold 5% of the total
relevant voting rights, or must comprise at least 100 members with an average paid up share value of £100 each
(ss 338 and 338A). Notice must be given in the same manner as notice of a meeting (s 339), and the members
making the request must carry the cost unless the company resolves otherwise (s 340).
Similarly, a sufficiently large group of members (this time of any type of company) may require the company to
circulate a statement before a meeting, being a statement that concerns either a proposed resolution or some
other business that is to be dealt with at the meeting (s 314). The group of members who may do this is defined in
the same way (s 314), their statement must be no more than 1,000 words (s 314), the notice sent out must
generally comply with all the requirements for notice of the meeting (ss 315 and 317) and the members making the
request must carry the cost unless the company resolves otherwise (s 314).
Also see s 338A, allowing a specified group of members of a traded company (the group defined in the same way
as noted earlier) to request the company to include other matters in the business to be dealt with at the annual
general meeting.
Are members’ meetings compulsory?
When companies first became part of the landscape, it was considered important to conduct regular meetings of
members to enable them to hold the directors to account. By the midnineteenth century, these were less
frequent, but an ‘annual general meeting’ was compulsory. (Other general meetings which were not these ordinary
or annual meetings were called ‘extraordinary general meetings’, although this term is now no longer used in CA
2006.) Public companies are still required to hold annual meetings linked to their reporting cycle (s 336(1)). This
annual meeting and the required ‘accounts meeting’ (for laying the company’s reports and accounts before the
members, s 437) are usually combined, and the same meeting will usually also deal with resignations and
appointments of directors.27 Private companies, by contrast, need not hold annual general meetings at all.
How must meetings be conducted?
If members are to be bound by the decisions taken at meetings (whether they are present or not), then they must
be given proper notice of the meeting (see earlier, so that they can decide whether or not to attend), and the
meeting must be properly conducted: there must be a quorum, and the voting must be properly conducted.
The underlying reason for holding meetings was always said to be to allow members to attend in person so as to
debate and vote on matters affecting the company (Byng v London Life Association Ltd [4.12]). Over the years,
however, the perceived need to be together in the same venue has waned, and now the Model Articles provide for
meetings where not all members are in the same place (private companies, art 37; public companies, art 29).
(p. 204) The quorum for a meeting is two, unless the company is a one man company (in which case it is one,
see Note 1 following Sharp v Dawes [4.10], p 195), or unless the articles specify otherwise (s 318). The meeting
can elect a chairman, unless the articles provide otherwise (s 319)—they usually do, the chairman usually being a
person selected by the directors. Neither CA 2006 nor the Model Articles give the chairman the casting vote.
Indeed, CA 2006 s 282 does not permit a members’ ordinary resolution to be passed by means of a casting vote,
even though this used to be a common provision in private company articles. This outcome seems to have been
unintended, and regulations now validate provisions for casting votes, although only if they were in the company’s
articles before 1 October 2007 (SI 2007/3495, art 2(6) and Sch 5, para 2(1) and (5)).
Voting at a meeting can be by show of hands or by poll (see earlier), and in person or by proxy (ss 324–330 and
Model Articles art 45 (private companies) and art 38 (public companies). A proxy must vote in accordance with any
instructions given by the member by whom the proxy is appointed (s 324A). Also see s 323, allowing corporate
shareholders to appoint human representatives.
CA 2006 adopts a policy of enfranchising indirect investors, and now allows members (such as corporate trustees)
to appoint more than one proxy for a meeting (so as properly to represent the different indirect or beneficial
owners), and allows proxies to vote and speak at meetings notwithstanding anything in the company’s articles (CA
2006 ss 324ff).
Even more changes have been introduced recently. Note in particular the provisions concerning advance voting on
a poll (s 322A), electronic meetings and voting (s 360A), and a wide variety of provisions concerning traded
companies (ss 307, 311, 319, 327, 333, 334, 336, 337, 338, 340, 341, 360A and 360B).
The outcome of the meeting must be formally recorded (ss 355–359).
‘Voice’ in decisionmaking
Even with large numbers of members, proper democracy is difficult.
[4.14] Re Dorman Long & Co Ltd [1934] Ch 635 (Chancery Division)
These remarks were made in reference to a scheme of arrangement under CA 1985 ss 425–427, but are applicable
MAUGHAM J: It may be observed that when the Joint Stock Companies Arrangement Act 1870 was
passed, in the majority of cases all the persons concerned with an arrangement could go to the meeting,
listen to what was said and vote for or against the arrangement according to the views which they were
persuaded to take. In these days, in many of the cases that come before me, only a fraction of the persons
who are concerned can get into the room where the meeting is proposed to be held, and in the great
majority of cases, the proxies given to the directors before the meeting begins have in effect settled the
question of the voting once for all. It is perhaps not unfair to say that in nearly every big case not more than
5 per cent of the interests involved[28 ] are present in person at the meeting. It is for that reason that the
court takes the view that it is essential to see that the explanatory circulars sent out by the board of the
company are perfectly fair and, as far as possible, give all the information reasonably necessary to enable
the recipients to determine how to vote. I am assuming, of course, that following the usual procedure,
explanatory circulars are sent out, because, I may observe, there is nothing in the Act to render them
essential. In a sense, in all these cases, the dice are loaded in favour of the views of the directors: the
notices and circulars are (p. 205) sent out at the cost of the company, the board have had plenty of time to
prepare the circulars and all the facts of the case are known the them, proxy forms are made out in favour of
certain named directors and, although it is true that the word ‘for’ or ‘against’ may be inserted in the modern
proxy form, the recipients of the circulars very often are in doubt as to whether the persons named as
proxies are bound to put in votes by proxy with which they are not in agreement. If we contrast with that
position the position of a [member of a] class of objectors … he has a minimum of information, his personal
interest in the matter may be exceedingly small, probably he knows few persons in the same position as
himself and [the procedural, financial and timing barriers to effective action are high].
➤ Note
In this context, see the reforms introduced by the UK Corporate Governance and Stewardship Codes
(Chapter 5), and also note the common law limitations on the free exercise by shareholders of their votes
(‘Limitations on the free exercise of members’ voting rights’, pp 213ff).
Reform of the law relating to general meetings
Both the CLR and a separate, earlier, Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) consultation document raised issues
relating to the general meeting (especially the annual general meeting (AGM)) and members’ resolutions. These
were accompanied in some (but not all) cases by recommendations for reform. It is perhaps best simply to list the
most important of the questions upon which comments were invited, so that the perceived concerns are apparent:
(i) Many shares are now held by nominees, and with the growing use of CREST (see ‘Share certificates,
uncertificated shares and dematerialised securities’, p 574), the proportion is bound to increase: what steps
can, or should, be taken to see that the beneficial (ie the ‘real’) owners of the shares receive information from
the company, and possibly also be permitted to attend meetings, to vote, etc? See CA 2006 ss 145–153.
(ii) Should CA 2006 require institutional investors to disclose how they have voted, the different types of
shares they own or in which they have an interest? Would a voluntary regime be preferable? What is the
reasoning behind the moves to compel disclosure, and the different methods of enforcing it? See the UK
Stewardship Code for best practice in this area (‘Regulation of institutional investors by the UK Stewardship
Code’, p 267).
(iii) Given that AGMs of public companies are usually only attended by a very small percentage of members,
that those who do attend are often quite unrepresentative and that everything may well have been settled by
proxies well in advance of the meeting, it seems clear that the AGM no longer serves its original democratic
function as an occasion for general debate and decisionmaking on matters of company policy. Alternatively,
any discussion may well be hijacked by ‘campaigners’ who have bought a few shares in order to gain
publicity for their own separate agendas. Should the traditional AGM therefore be abolished? Is there a better
replacement? Should some restrictions be put on the rights of institutional and ‘campaigning’ shareholders to
speak? See CA 2006 ss 324–331, and ss 318–323 and 360B.
(iv) Should the law be changed so as to oblige companies to circulate members’ resolutions without charge?
What are the advantages and disadvantages? See CA 2006 ss 292–295, especially s 294; and ss 314–317,
especially s 316; ss 338–340B, especially ss 340, 340B.
(p. 206) Informal decisionmaking—the ‘Duomatic’ principle
Members may make decisions formally, by written resolutions (for private companies) or by vote in general
meeting, as we have seen. As well, informal assent is possible. In principle, the informal procedures described
later apply to both private and public companies. In practice, however, they are only ever likely to be relevant to
private companies. The informal unanimous assent rule provides that a formal general meeting or written resolution
is unnecessary if all the members entitled to vote on the matter informally assent to the transaction. It does not
matter if the members’ assent is conveyed simultaneously at a meeting or is given at different times.29
A company is bound in a matter intra vires by the unanimous but informal agreement of its voting
[4.15] Re Duomatic Ltd [1969] 2 Ch 365 (Chancery Division)
The liquidator of Duomatic claimed repayment of remuneration from one of the company’s directors, Mr Elvins, on
the ground that the payments were not formally authorised by the company in general meeting.
BUCKLEY J: It is common ground that none of the sums which I have mentioned were authorised by any
resolution of the company in general meeting, nor were they authorised by any resolution of any formally
constituted board meeting; but it is said on behalf of Mr. Elvins that the payments were made with the full
knowledge and consent of all the holders of voting shares in the company at the relevant times, and he
contends that in those circumstances the absence of a formal resolution by the company in duly convened
meeting of the company is irrelevant. Alternatively, he relies on [the equivalent of CA 2006 s 1157 (power of
the court to grant relief)]. …
In support of the first part of his argument Mr. McCulloch has relied on two authorities. The first was In re
Express Engineering Work s, Ltd. [1920] 1 Ch. 466 where five persons formed a private company in which
they were the sole shareholders, and they sold to it for £15,000, which was in fact secured by debentures of
the company, property which they had acquired for £7,000 a few days before. The contract for sale to the
company and the issue of debentures was carried out at a meeting of the five individuals, who thereupon
appointed themselves directors of the company. That meeting was described in the books of the company
as a board meeting. The articles forbade any director to vote in respect of any contract or arrangement in
which he might be interested; and in a winding up of the company the liquidator claimed that the issue of
the debentures was invalid. In the Court of Appeal it was held, there being no suggestion of fraud, that the
company was bound in a matter intra vires by the unanimous agreement of its members. Lord Sterndale
M.R. in his judgment, at p. 469, referred to the earlier decision of the Court of Appeal in In re George
Newman & Co. Ltd. [1895] 1 Ch. 674 and cited a passage from the judgment of Lindley L.J. in that case, at
p. 686,[30 ] and went on himself to say that there were two differences between Newman’s case and Express
Engineering Work s, first, the transaction in Newman’s case was ultra vires, and, secondly, there never was
a meeting of the corporators. Lord Sterndale M.R. in In re Express Engineering Work s Ltd. [1920] 1 Ch.
466, 470, went on:
‘In the present case these five persons were all the corporators of the company and they did all
meet, and did all agree that these debentures should be issued. Therefore it seems that the (p.
207) case came within the meaning of what was said by Lord Davey in Salomon v. Salomon & Co.
Ltd. [1897] A.C. 22,’ and he quotes from Lord Davey. Lord Sterndale M.R. goes on: ‘It is true that a
different question was there under discussion, but I am of opinion that this case falls within what Lord
Davey said. It was said here that the meeting was a directors’ meeting, but it might well be
considered a general meeting of the company, for although it was referred to in the minutes as a
board meeting, yet if the five persons present had said, “We will now constitute this a general
meeting,” it would have been within their powers to do so, and it appears to me that that was in fact
what they did.’
Warrington L.J. said, at p. 470:
‘It was competent to them’—that is, the five corporators of the company—‘to waive all formalities as
regards notice of meetings, etc., and to resolve themselves into a meeting of shareholders and
unanimously pass the resolution in question. Inasmuch as they could not in one capacity effectually
do what was required but could do it in another, it is to be assumed that as business men they
would act in the capacity in which they had power to act. In my judgment they must be held to have
acted as shareholders and not as directors, and the transaction must be treated as good as if every
formality had been carried out.’
Younger L.J. said, at p. 471:
‘I agree with the view that when all the shareholders of a company are present at a meeting that
becomes a general meeting and there is no necessity for any further formality to be observed to
make it so. In my opinion the true view is that if you have all the shareholders present, then all the
requirements in connection with a meeting of the company are observed, and every competent
resolution passed for which no further formality is required by statute becomes binding on the
In that case there were no nonvoting shares, but Mr. McCulloch contends that the presence of the non
voting shares in the present case does not matter. If he can establish that those who were entitled to attend
and vote at general meetings of the company in fact agreed to all or any of these payments, then he says
that that is tantamount to a resolution passed at a general meeting of the company, and that the agreement
of those persons is binding on the company in the same way as a resolution of a general meeting is binding
on the company.
In Park er and Cooper Ltd. v. Reading [1926] Ch. 975, the second case relied upon by Mr. McCulloch, the
directors of a company had created a debenture and proceedings were commenced to establish that the
debenture and the resolution which authorised its issue and the appointment of a certain receiver under it
were invalid. Astbury J. referred to In re Express Engineering Work s Ltd. [1920] 1 Ch. 466 and to In re
George Newman & Co. Ltd. [1895] 1 Ch. 674 and himself expressed this view [1926] Ch. 975, at p. 984:
‘Now the view I take of both these decisions is that where the transaction is intra vires and honest,
and especially if it is for the benefit of the company, it cannot be upset if the assent of all the
corporators is given to it. I do not think it matters in the least whether that assent is given at different
times or simultaneously.’
Thus, the effect of his judgment was to carry the position a little further than it had been carried in In re
Express Engineering Work s Ltd. [1920] 1 Ch. 466, for Astbury J. expressed the view that it was immaterial
that the assent of the corporators was obtained at different times, and that it was not necessary that there
should be a meeting of them all at which they gave their consent to the particular transaction sought to be
upheld. In Park er & Cooper Ltd. v. Reading [1926] Ch. 975, as in In re Express Engineering Work s Ltd.
[1920] 1 Ch. 466, no question arose about the position of any shareholders whose shares conferred no right
of attending or voting at general meetings of the company.
(p. 208) … Mr. Wright, for the liquidator, has contended that where there has been no formal meeting of the
company and reliance is placed upon the informal consent of the shareholders the cases indicate that it is
necessary to establish that all shareholders have consented. He argues that as the preference shareholder
is not shown to have consented in the present case, that requirement is not satisfied, and that the assent of
those shareholders—that is to say, Mr. Elvins and Mr. East—who knew about these matters, and who did
approve the figures relating to them in the accounts for the year ending April 30, 1963, is of no significance.
It seems to me that if it had occurred to Mr. Elvins and Mr. East, at the time when they were considering
the accounts, to take the formal step of constituting themselves a general meeting of the company and
passing a formal resolution approving the payment of directors’ salaries, that it would have made the
position of the directors who received the remuneration, Mr. Elvins and Mr. Hanly, secure, and nobody could
thereafter have disputed their right to retain their remuneration. The fact that they did not take that formal
step but that they nevertheless did apply their minds to the question of whether the drawings by Mr. Elvins
and Mr. Hanly should be approved as being on account of remuneration payable to them as directors,
seems to lead to the conclusion that I ought to regard their consent as being tantamount to a resolution of a
general meeting of the company. In other words, I proceed upon the basis that where it can be shown that
all shareholders who have a right to attend and vote at a general meeting of the company assent to some
matter which a general meeting of the company could carry into effect, that assent is as binding as a
resolution in general meeting would be. The preference shareholder, having shares which conferred upon
him no right to receive notice of or to attend and vote at a general meeting of the company, could be in no
worse position if the matter were dealt with informally by agreement between all the shareholders having
voting rights than he would be if the shareholders met together in a duly constituted general meeting.
Also see Re Halt Garage (1964) Ltd [5.03]; Re Horsley & Weight Ltd [4.30], CA; Rolled Steel Products (Holdings)
Ltd v British Steel Corpn [3.11] and [3.17]; Multinational Gas and Petrochemical Co v Multinational Gas and
Petrochemical Services Ltd [7.39].
➤ Notes
1. Curiously, the Duomatic case has received greater recognition than it probably deserves, in that practising
lawyers now commonly refer to the rule established by Express Engineering and later cases (all cited in Duomatic)
as ‘the Duomatic principle’, overlooking the fact that the principle had been established many decades earlier. Also
see P Watts (2006) 122 LQR 15.
2. What type of informal consent is sufficient to trigger the application of the Duomatic principle remains topical.
In Schofield v Schofield [2011] EWCA Civ 103, CA, Neil Schofield (representing the corporate holder of 99.9% of
the shares in the company) unsuccessfully argued that he and Lee (his son and the owner of the remaining share)
had agreed, informally, to treat as valid and effective a meeting which was called without the 14 days’ notice
required by CA 2006 ss 305(4) and 307(1), and at which (amongst other matters) Lee was dismissed as director
and Neil was appointed sole director. The judgment of the Court of Appeal was delivered by Etherton LJ, and
included this statement of the law:
32 What all the authorities show is that the Appellant must establish an agreement by Lee to treat the
meeting as valid and effective, notwithstanding the lack of the required period of notice. Lee’s agreement
could be express or by implication, verbal or by conduct, given at the time or later, but nothing short of
unqualified agreement, objectively established, will suffice. The need for an objective assessment was well
put by Newey J in the recent case of Rolfe v Rolfe [2010] EWHC 244 (Ch) at [41], as follows:
‘… I do not accept that a shareholder’s mere internal decision can of itself constitute assent
for Duomatic purposes. I was not referred to any authority in which it had been decided that a mere
internal decision would suffice. Further, for a mere internal decision, unaccompanied by outward
manifestation or acquiescence, to be enough would, as it seems to me, give rise (p. 209) to
unacceptable uncertainty and, potentially, provide opportunities for abuse. A company may change
hands or enter into an insolvency procedure; in either event, it is desirable that past decisions should
be objectively verifiable. In my judgment, there must be material from which an observer could
discern or (as in the case of acquiescence) infer assent. The law applies an objective test in other
contexts: for example, when determining whether a contract has been formed. An objective approach
must, I think, also have a role with the Duomaticprinciple.’
33 It is perfectly plain that objectively [on due assessment of the facts] there never was unqualified
agreement by Lee to the validity of the meeting or the Company’s business which was purportedly
transacted during the course of it.
3. In Hussain v Wycombe Islamic Mission and Mosque Trust Ltd [2011] EWHC 971 (Ch), the question was
whether the Duomatic principle could serve to validate the adoption of a revised constitution for the company, given
that no meeting of the five original subscribers (whom the court found to be its only members) ever took place, and
one of those subscribers (Mr Chouglay) had written a letter setting out his objections. HHJ David Cooke held that
notwithstanding this letter, Mr Chouglay could be taken to have agreed to the adoption of the new constitution
37 Mr Chouglay clearly must have known following the submission of his letter that the constitution was
nevertheless regarded as having been adopted. He must have known of the elections that were held the
same year, in reliance upon the terms of that constitution. And yet there is no evidence that he took any
steps to protest or object, or to pursue his view that affairs would be better conducted without elections.
Given the significance of this event in relation to the affairs of the mosques, the only inference that can be
drawn from this silence, it seems to me, is that Mr Chouglay accepted that the Constitution had been
adopted and the changes that it set out to make had become effective, notwithstanding his personal
reservations about some of them. This inference from his conduct supports the hearsay evidence given by
Mr Hussain and Mr Rashid, and I therefore find that Mr Chouglay also assented to the adoption of the 2001
constitution. It thus in my judgment became binding on the company by operation of
the Duomatic principle.
➤ Questions
1. Before the adoption of the new constitution, what if Mr Chouglay had simply kept silent? Would silence
have been a clearer indication of his objection than a courteous letter setting out his ‘suggestions’?
2. Compare HHJ David Cooke’s treatment of Mr Chouglay’s silence following the adoption of the new
constitution and the Court of Appeal’s approach towards Lee’s silence (and, indeed, Lee had attended the
invalidly called meeting and voted on resolutions at the meeting). Is the court’s general approach consistent?
Also see Re Bailey, Hay & Co Ltd [1971] 1 WLR 1357.
3. Some companies include provision in their articles for members to pass resolutions informally without a
meeting. Could such a provision state that a written resolution with a simple or 75% majority would be valid
even if the detailed statutory procedure were not followed?
The principle can apply to shareholders’ agreements.
[4.16] Euro Brokers Holdings Ltd v Monecor (London) Ltd [2003] EWCA Civ 105, [2003] 1 BCLC 506 (Court
of Appeal)
The facts are immaterial.
MUMMERY LJ [He described the varied circumstances in which the principle applies:] … I see nothing in
the circumstances of the present case to exclude theDuomatic principle. It is a (p. 210) sound and
sensible principle of company law allowing the members of the company to reach an agreement without the
need for strict compliance with formal procedures, where they exist only for the benefit of those who have
agreed not comply with them. What matters is the unanimous assent of those who ultimately exercise
power over the affairs of the company through their right to attend and vote at a general meeting. It does not
matter whether the formal procedures in question are stipulated for in the articles of association, in the
Companies Acts or in a separate contract between the members of the company concerned. What matters
is that all the members have reached an agreement. If they have, they cannot be heard to say that they are
not bound by it because the formal procedure was not followed. The position is treated in the same way as
if the agreed formal procedure had been followed. The particular context for the application of the principle in
this case is that cl 11(2) of the shareholders’ agreement requires the notice to be issued by the board. That
is a formal corporate procedure. It is irrelevant that the requirement is in a separate agreement entered into
by the shareholders in EBFL, rather than in the articles. The shareholders entered into that agreement for
the very same purpose as the contract between them constituted by the articles, namely to regulate the
relationship between the shareholders in the governance of EBFL. As Neuberger J said in Re Torvale Group
Ltd [1999] 2 BCLC 605 at 617:
The articles constitute a contract, and if the parties to that contract, or if the parties for whom the
benefit of a particular term has been included in that contract, are happy unanimously to waive or
vary the prescribed procedure for a particular purpose, then … it seems to me that there is no good
reason why it should not be capable of applying.
I fail to see why the agreement of the only two shareholders in EBFL to meet a call for capital without the
need for a notice issued by the board of EBFL should not be as binding on them as if the call were made
pursuant to a notice issued by the board, which would have happened had there been communication
between the directors appointed by the members at a formal meeting and resolution of a properly
constituted board. When the members of EBFL decided to respond to the capital call it did not matter to
them that it had been communicated by Mr Pask rather than by the board.
[But see Note 7 in Further notes following the next extract, p 213.]
➤ Note
Also see Franbar Holdings Ltd v Casualty Plus Ltd [2010] EWHC 1164 (Ch), affirmed by the Court of Appeal
in [2011] EWCA Civ 60 [13.08].
An informal, unanimous agreement between members may be effective as an extraordinary or special
[4.17] Cane v Jones [1980] 1 WLR 1451 (Chancery Division)
In 1946, two brothers, Percy and Harold Jones, formed a company to run the family business. Each was a director
and the shareholding was divided equally between members of Percy’s family and members of Harold’s family. The
articles gave the chairman a casting vote at both directors’ and shareholders’ meetings; but Harold’s daughter
Gillian (the plaintiff, Mrs Cane) claimed that an agreement had been made between all the shareholders in 1967
which provided (inter alia) that the chairman should cease to be entitled to use his casting vote, so that Percy (who
was currently chairman) did not have a decisive vote in the company’s affairs. The court held that this was so, and
that the informal agreement had had the same effect as a special resolution altering the articles. It was immaterial
that the statutory obligation to register such resolutions had not been complied with. (p. 211)
MICHAEL WHEELER QC (sitting as a deputy judge of the High Court): … the [Duomatic] principle is, I
think, conveniently summarised in a short passage in the judgment in that case of Buckley J where he
says, [4.15] at 373:
… I proceed upon the basis that where it can be shown that all shareholders who have a right to
attend and vote at a general meeting of the company assent to some matter which a general
meeting of the company could carry into effect, that assent is as binding as a resolution in general
meeting would be.
Applying that principle to the present case, Mr Weaver says that the agreement of all the shareholders
embodied in the 1967 agreement had the effect, so far as requisite, of overriding the articles. In other words,
it operated to deprive the chairman for the time being of the right to use his casting vote …
For the first and third defendant, Mr Potts … answers … that on its true interpretation in relation to a
special or extraordinary resolution the Duomatic principle only applies if there has been (i) a resolution, and
(ii) a meeting; and that here he says, with some truth, there was neither a resolution nor a meeting of the
four shareholders …
[This argument]—namely that there must be a ‘resolution’ and a ‘meeting’—does not appear to have been
raised in any of the … reported cases which were convened with special or extraordinary resolutions. But it
is not an argument to which I would readily accede because in my judgment it would create a wholly
artificial and unnecessary distinction between those powers which can, and those which cannot, be validly
exercised by all the corporators acting together.
For my part I venture to differ from Mr Potts on the first limb of his argument, namely that articles
can only be altered by special resolution. In my judgment, s 10 of the Act is merely laying down a
procedure whereby some only of the shareholders can validly alter the articles: and if, as I believe to be the
case, it is a basic principle of company law that all the corporators, acting together, can do anything which
is intra vires the company, then I see nothing in s 10 to undermine this principle …
Some light is also, I think, thrown on the problem by s 143(4) of the Act of 1948 [CA 2006 s 29(1)]. Section
143 deals with the forwarding to the Registrar of Companies of copies of every resolution or agreement to
which the section applies; and subs (4) reads:
This section shall apply to—(a) special resolutions; (b) extraordinary resolutions; (c) resolutions
which have been agreed to by all the members of a company, but which, if not so agreed to, would
not have been effective for their purpose unless, as the case may be, they had been passed as
special resolutions or as extraordinary resolutions …
Paragraph (c) thus appears to recognise that you can have a resolution, at least, which has been agreed to
by all the members and is as effective as a special or extraordinary resolution would have been …
I should add in passing that a copy of the 1967 agreement was never, as far as I am aware, sent to the
Registrar of Companies for registration. It may be that there is a gap in the registration requirements of s
143. But be that as it may, the fact that the 1967 agreement was drafted as an agreement and not as a
resolution, and that the four signatories did not sign in each other’s presence does not in my view prevent
that agreement overriding pro tanto—and so far as necessary—the articles of the company; in my judgment
Mr Potts’ first argument fails and … the chairman of the company has no casting vote at board or general
meetings …
➤ Notes
1. The contention of counsel that the agreement of 1967 had the effect ‘so far as requisite’ of ‘overriding’ the
articles, exposes the central weakness of the ruling in this case. There can be little doubt that the 1967
agreement was, essentially, nothing more than a shareholder agreement which (because of the doctrine of
privity) could be enforced only by the immediate (p. 212) parties. The plaintiff was not such a party, having
inherited her shares at a later date. It is difficult to reconcile the lax view taken of the importance of formalities
in this case with the stricter approach of Scott v Frank F Scott (London) Ltd [4.01] and the Bratton
Seymour case [4.02].
2. This case was followed in Re Home Treat Ltd [1991] BCLC 705, in what was clearly a very indulgent ruling.
The company, which was in administration, had carried on the business of a nursing home for many years
without having power to do so under its objects clause. The administrator wished to continue to run the
business with a view to selling it as a going concern. Harman J held that, since the company’s only members
had agreed to the change of activity, it must be deemed to have changed its memorandum under CA 1985 s
4. It is inconceivable that such a view would have prevailed a generation ago (see, eg, the ruling of the judge’s
father in Re Introductions Ltd [3.02]). Also see Note 7 in the following Further notes, p 213.
3. Now see CA 2006, which predictably provides that the articles may be amended by special resolution (s
21), but then includes in s 29(1), in terms that may well accommodate these cases, the resolutions and
agreements that must be sent to the registrar (s 30). The implication is that these arrangements will serve to
amend the articles.
➤ Questions
1. Did the judge in Cane v Jones rule that the agreement was a special resolution, or only that it was as good
as one?
2. Suppose that Thomas, a stranger, bought out all Percy’s family’s shares and was appointed chairman,
without any knowledge of the events of 1967. Would he have a casting vote? Could he rely on the equivalent of
CA 2006 s 33 to enforce the ‘articles’?
➤ Further notes
Some glosses may be added to this line of cases.
1. The Duomatic principle does not apply if the shareholders do not understand and appreciate the transaction
or issue to which they are allegedly assenting: Vinton v Revenue and Customs Commissioners [2008] STC
(SCD) 592.
2. The Duomatic principle not only applies to decisions which formally require special and extraordinary
resolutions (Cane v Jones [4.17]), but also to decisions formally required to be taken by a group or class of
shareholders (Re Torvale Group Ltd [1999] 2 BCLC 605), and to decisions by members to ratify breaches of
directors’ duties (Progress Property Co Ltd v Moore [2008] EWHC 2577 (Ch), and see [10.15]). (On this last
matter, see ‘Members decisions concerning directors’ breaches’, pp 235ff.)
3. In contrast with the rule for informal written resolutions introduced by CA 2006 s 288 (see ‘What are the
essentials of a “meeting”?’, p 194), the informal consent of the members must be unanimous. See Re
d’Jan [7.20], where the principal shareholder held 99% of the shares and his wife 1%. He could not argue that
there had been a unanimous informal members’ resolution (ratifying his negligence), because, although his
wife was likely to have supported him, the issue was never in fact raised.
4. The Duomatic principle was extended in Shahar v Tsitsek k os [2004] EWHC 2659 (Ch) so that the
agreement of the beneficial owner of the shares is effective where the trustee can be compelled to vote in
accordance with the beneficial owner’s wishes. Note the limitation in Rolfe v Rolfe [2010] EWHC 244 (Ch),
namely that if shares are held for more than one beneficial owner jointly, then the assent of one of a number of
these owners will not suffice.
(p. 213) 5. Where a person holds some shares for himself and other shares as a trustee or executor, his
assent will prima facie apply only in relation to his own shares, and not the shares he holds on trust for a
beneficial owner, unless he intends or purports to be making a decision in relation to those shares: Rolfe v
Rolfe[2010] EWHC 244 (Ch).
6. There are limits to the application of the principle, although these remain unclear. In Re New Cedos
Engineering Co Ltd [1994] 1 BCLC 797, it was emphasised that the Duomatic principle cannot be invoked in
order to enable something to be done informally which those concerned would not be competent to do,
formally, at a general meeting (or, presumably, in some other specified formal manner). In New Cedos the
number of registered members had been reduced to one, so that no ‘meeting’ complying with the company’s
articles could effectively be held. It was ruled that nothing done informally by this sole member was equivalent
to a decision of the members reached at a meeting. (The rules on meetings have now changed: see ‘What are
the essentials of a “meeting”?’, pp 194ff.) Similarly, in Re Oceanrose Investments Ltd [2008] EWHC 3475
(Ch), approval by the sole member of a UK company to the terms of a proposed crossborder merger did not
overcome the requirement for meeting under reg 13 of the Companies (CrossBorder Mergers) Regulations
7. Contrast these cases with the decision in Wright v Atlas Wright (Europe) Ltd [1999] 2 BCLC 301, CA.
There the relationship between the common law principle and the statutory ‘written resolution’ procedure was
discussed (although in obiter dicta since the events in question occurred before the written resolution
procedure was first introduced by the Companies Act 1989 (CA 1989)). A service contract had been entered
into between the company and Wright (the former managing director of the company) appointing him a
consultant for life at an annual fee. The formalities prescribed by CA 1985 s 319 (the holding of a meeting at
which certain documentation must be produced) (now see CA 2006 s 188, which is different) had not been
followed, but the company’s sole member was fully informed of the arrangement and had signed an agreement
recording it. The court held that, since the purpose of s 319 was the protection of the company’s members,
they could override any formal (including statutory) requirements regarding the passing of resolutions at
general meetings. The court was not deterred from taking this view by the very peremptory terms in which s
319, and especially subss (5) and (6), was expressed. However, it went on to express the view that where
there was some other underlying intention of a statutory provision, such as the protection of creditors or,
perhaps, future members, this would not be so; and so it was possible to distinguish the earlier decision inRe
RW Peak (Kings Lynn) Ltd [1998] 1 BCLC 193, in which Lindsay J had held that unanimous members’
consent, given informally, was not sufficient to bypass the statutory procedure for a repurchase of shares
prescribed by CA 1985 s 164.
8. After earlier uncertainty, it is now established that there is a similar rule applying to directors’ resolutions
(see ‘Acting as a board of directors: meetings and decisions’, p 284).
Limitations on the free exercise of members’ voting rights
General issues
The general meeting operates by majority rule. Sometimes decisions are taken by ordinary resolution; in more
serious cases (such as changing the company’s constitution), they (p. 214) are taken by special resolution. In
either case, the dissenting minority will have changes forced upon them to which they have not agreed. This would
not happen under normal contract rules. On the other hand, members know, when they take up shares, that their
rights are subject to ‘majority rule’. In these circumstances, what protections does the law offer to dissenting
members against having their rights overridden by the majority? There are very few routes for redress, but the
members may be able to complain that, in the circumstances:
(i) the impugned resolution is ineffective, as an objectionable exercise of power by the members. This ground
of complaint relies on equitable control over the exercise by members of their voting rights. These controls, to
the extent that they exist, appear to be enforced with more vigour in some circumstances (eg alteration of
the articles and class rights) than in others, and to impose weak constraints in any event (see ‘Members’
personal rights’, pp 250ff);
(ii) the company should be wound up on the ‘just and equitable’ ground: IA 1986 s 122(1)(g) (see
‘Compulsory winding up on the “just and equitable” ground’, pp 795ff);
(iii) the court should order a remedy (eg compulsory buyout of the complainant’s shares) to combat the
unfair prejudice inflicted by the majority (CA 2006 s 994) (see ‘Unfairly prejudicial conduct of the company’s
affairs’, pp 681ff).
Only the first is dealt with in this chapter. The principles emerge from the cases.
A member’s vote is a property right which, prima facie, may be exercised in the member’s own interest
and as he or she thinks fit. A member voting as such is under no fiduciary duty to the company, and this is
true also of a director when voting as a member.
[4.18] Northern Counties Securities Ltd v Jackson & Steeple Ltd [1974] 1 WLR 1133 (Chancery Division)
The defendant company had given an undertaking to the court to use its best endeavours to obtain a Stock
Exchange quotation for its shares, and to allot a certain number of these shares to the plaintiffs. It was necessary,
under stock exchange rules, for the consent of the defendant company in general meeting to be obtained to the
issue of shares. After the company had for more than a year failed to take any steps to comply with its
undertaking, the plaintiffs moved for orders against the company and its directors: (i) that they should summon the
required meeting; (ii) that they should send a circular to members calculated to induce them to vote in favour of the
resolution, and warning them that the defeat of the resolution would amount to a contempt of court; and (iii)
restraining the directors, as members, from voting against the resolution. The court granted orders that the meeting
be summoned and that a circular be sent inviting the members to support the resolution, but ruled that neither the
members generally nor the directors voting as members would be in contempt of court if they opposed the
WALTON LJ: Mr Price [counsel for the plaintiffs] argued that, in effect, there are two separate sets of
persons in whom authority to activate the company itself resides. Quoting the well known passages from
Viscount Haldane LC in Lennard’s Carrying Co Ltd v Asiatic Petroleum Co Ltd [3.24] he submitted that the
company as such was only a juristic figment of the imagination, lacking both a body to be kicked and a
soul to be damned. From this it followed that there must be some one or more human persons who did, as
matter of fact, act on behalf of the company, and whose acts therefore must, for all practical purposes, be
the acts of the company itself. The first of such bodies was clearly the board of directors, to whom under
most forms of articles … the management of the (p. 215) business of the company is expressly delegated.
Therefore, their acts are the defendant company’s acts; and if they do not, in the present instance, cause
the defendant company to comply with the undertakings given by it to the court, they are themselves liable
for contempt of court. And this, he says, is well recognised: see RSC, Ord 45, r 5(1), whereunder
disobedience by a corporation to an injunction may result directly in the issue of a writ of sequestration
against any director thereof. It is of course clear that for this purpose there is no distinction between an
undertaking and an injunction: see note 45/5/3 in The Supreme Court Practice (1973).
This is, indeed, all well established law, with which Mr Instone [counsel for the directors] did not quarrel,
and which indeed his first proposition asserted. But, continues Mr Price, this is only half of the story. There
are some matters in relation to which the directors are not competent to act on behalf of the company, the
relevant authority being ‘the company in general meeting’, that is to say, a meeting of the members. Thus in
respect of all matters within the competence—at any rate those within the exclusive competence—of a
meeting of the members, the acts of the members are the acts of the company, in precisely the same way
as the acts of the directors are the acts of the company. Ergo, for any shareholder to vote against a
resolution to issue the shares here in question to the plaintiffs would be a contempt of court, as it would be
a step taken by him knowingly which would prevent the defendant company from fulfilling its undertaking to
the court. Mr Price admitted that he could find no authority which directly assisted his argument, but
equally confidently asserted that there was no authority which precluded it.
Mr Instone indicted Mr Price’s argument as being based upon ‘a nominalistic fallacy’. His precise
proposition was formulated as follows: ‘Whilst directors have special responsibilities as executive agents of
the defendant company to ensure that the company does not commit a contempt of court, a shareholder,
when the position has been put before the shareholders generally, who chooses to vote against such
approval will not himself be in contempt of court.’ …
In my judgment, these submissions of Mr Instone are correct. I think that in a nutshell, the distinction is
this: when a director votes as a director for or against any particular resolution in a directors’ meeting, he is
voting as a person under a fiduciary duty to the company for the proposition that the company should take a
certain course of action. When a shareholder is voting for or against a particular resolution he is voting as a
person owing no fiduciary duty to the company and who is exercising his own right of property, to vote as
he thinks fit. The fact that the result of the voting at the meeting (or at a subsequent poll) will bind the
company cannot affect the position that, in voting, he is voting simply in exercise of his own property rights.
Perhaps another (and simpler) way of putting the matter is that a director is an agent, who casts his vote to
decide in what manner his principal shall act through the collective agency of the board of directors; a
shareholder who casts his vote in general meeting is not casting it as an agent of the company in any
shape or form. His act therefore, in voting as he pleases, cannot in any way be regarded as an act of the
company …
I now come to paragraph 4 of the notice of motion, which seeks an order restraining the individual
respondents [ie the directors] and each of them from voting against the resolution. Mr Price says that, as
the executive agents of the defendant company, they are bound to recommend to its shareholders that they
vote in favour of the resolution to issue the shares, and hence, at the least, they cannot themselves vote
against it, for they would thereby be assisting the defendant company to do that which it is their duty to
secure does not happen. If, as executive officers of the defendant company, they are bound to procure a
certain result if at all possible, how can they, as individuals, seek to frustrate that result?
I regret, however, that I am unable to accede to Mr Price’s arguments in this respect … I think that a
director who has fulfilled his duty as a director of a company, by causing it to comply with an undertaking
binding upon it is nevertheless free, as an individual shareholder, to enjoy the same unfettered and
unrestricted right of voting at general meeting of the members of the company as he would have if he were
not also a director …
(p. 216) See also Pender v Lushington [13.19]; NorthWest Transportation Co Ltd v Beatty [4.33]; Burland v
Earle [1902] AC 83, PC; and Peter’s American Delicacy Co Ltd v Heath [4.26].
➤ Notes
1. Halton International Inc (Holdings) Sarl v Guernroy Ltd [2005] EWHC 1968 (Ch) reinforces this finding. The
defendant, a member of the company, was given the power to exercise the votes of all other members for the
purpose of raising fresh capital in any way he saw fit. The defendant member passed a resolution suspending
the preemption rights of the other members which were inserted in the company articles, thereby increasing
his voting rights in the selection of investors. The court held that the voting agreement did not give rise to any
fiduciary duties on the part of the acting member. His actions were authorised by the agreement and were
therefore upheld.
2. Similarly, in McKillen v Misland (Cyprus) Investments Ltd & Ors [2012] EWHC 521 (Ch), the court rejected
an attempt to interpret a shareholders’ agreement in a way which would impose fiduciary duties on
3. The rule that a member owes no duties to the company and can exercise his rights entirely as he pleases,
without regard to the effect of doing so upon the company, is not confined to the right to vote. In Stothers v
William Steward (Holdings) Ltd [1994] 2 BCLC 266 it was applied to the right of a member (subject, of course,
to any provision in the articles) to transfer his shares to a person of his choice. But where the articles do
make special provision, the outcome may be different: see Cream Holdings Ltd v Stuart Davenport [2010]
EWHC 3096 (Ch), in Note 4 following Equitable Life Assurance Society v Hyman [4.03], p 186.
4. By contrast, and quite exceptionally, the courts have on rare occasions been prepared to order that a
member’s votes should be cast, or at least not cast, in a certain way—in effect, to restrain him from acting
Similarly, in Theseus Exploration NL v Mining & Associated Industries Ltd [1973] Qd R 81 an injunction was
granted against majority members restraining them from voting to remove the existing directors and replace
them with a board intent on a policy of destructive assetstripping.
More recently, in a case before the Companies Court of the Hong Kong Court of First Instance, Harris J
granted an injunction to restrain the defendant shareholders from voting against a restructuring proposal which,
if exercised, would ‘result in the destruction of the economic value of other shareholders’ shares for no rational
reason’ [33]: Sunlink International Holdings Ltd v Wong [2010] 5 HKLRD 653, HCA 1527/2010. It has been
suggested, however, that the ‘no rational basis’ test in this case is too general, and requires further refinement
and clarification by a higher court when the opportunity arises: William MF Wong, ‘Can Shareholders Vote
Irrationally?’ (2011) LQR 522.
➤ Question
How, if at all, can these cases be seen as consistent with cases that seem to impose restrictions on
members when voting to alter the articles, or members when voting to alter class rights (see ‘Alteration of the
articles’, pp 219ff and ‘Variation of class rights’, pp 563ff)?
(p. 217) A contract by a member to vote in a particular way, or as directed by another person, is binding
and may be enforced by a mandatory injunction.31
[4.19] Puddephatt v Leith [1916] 1 Ch 200 (Chancery Division)
The plaintiff had mortgaged shares in the company to the defendant and transferred them into his name. By a
contemporaneous letter, the defendant had undertaken to vote the shares as directed by the plaintiff. The court
ordered him to comply with the undertaking.
SARGENT J [after stating the facts and holding that the undertaking to vote in accordance with the plaintiff’s
wishes contained in the letter constituted a collateral agreement binding on the defendant, continued]: In
my opinion, therefore, the right of the plaintiff is clear, and the only remaining question is whether she is
entitled to a mandatory injunction to enforce her right. It is not disputed that she is entitled to a prohibitive
injunction, and in my opinion she is also entitled to a mandatory injunction. Prima facie this court is bound
… to give effect to a clear right by way of a mandatory injunction. There are no doubt certain exceptions
from this rule, as in the case of a contract of service, because in such cases, it is impossible for the court
to make its order effective, but … in the present case, in as much as there is one definite thing to be done,
about the mode of doing which there can be no possible doubt, I am of opinion that I ought to grant not only
the prohibitive but also the mandatory injunction claimed by the plaintiff, and I make an order accordingly.
➤ Notes
1. The specific undertaking given in this case displaced the normal rule that a mortgagee of shares may
exercise the voting rights in respect of those shares free of any dictation from the mortgagor: Siemens Bros &
Co Ltd v Burns [1918] 2 Ch 324, CA; Stablewood Properties Ltd v Virdi [2010] EWCA Civ 865, CA. Similarly,
an unpaidvendor of shares who remains on the share register retains the voting rights free from dictation by the
purchaser (Musselwhite v CH Musselwhite & Son Ltd [1962] Ch 964), although (at least where the contract is
specifically enforceable) these rights may be inhibited by a fiduciary obligation to have regard to the
purchaser’s interests (Michaels v Harley House (Marylebone) Ltd [2000] Ch 104, CA). But once the purchaser
has paid the full price, the vendor holds the shares as a bare trustee (Hawk s v McArthur [11.18]), and must
vote the shares as directed by the purchaser (Re Piccadilly Radio plc [1989] BCLC 683).
2. This case concerned a single shareholder. A contract between several shareholders, agreeing to coordinate
their votes, or delegating to one the power to cast votes for all—commonly known as ‘voting trust’—is lawful. It
is more widely used in the United States than in the UK, and can be a powerful tool either to concentrate
control behind the management, or to use as a countervailing force against it.32
A decision carried by the votes of majority members may be set aside if it is ‘oppressive’ of the minority.
[4.20] Clemens v Clemens Bros Ltd [1976] 2 All ER 268 (Chancery Division)
The plaintiff held 45% and her aunt (‘Miss Clemens’) 55% of the shares in the defendant company. The company’s
articles gave existing members a preemptive right if another member (p. 218) wished to transfer his shares. The
plaintiff therefore had an expectation of total control of the company after her aunt’s death, and ‘negative control’ (ie
the power to block a special resolution) in the aunt’s lifetime. The aunt and four nonshareholders were the
directors. The directors proposed that the company’s capital should be increased by issuing 200 ordinary shares
to each of these four directors, and 850 ordinary shares to an employees’ trust; and resolutions to this effect were
passed by the aunt’s votes at a general meeting. Although it was claimed that the object of the resolutions was in
the company’s interests (namely, to give the directors and employees a stake in the company) the court took the
view that the real object was to deprive the plaintiff of her degree of control, and the resolutions were set aside.
FOSTER J: For the plaintiff it was submitted that the proposed resolutions were oppressive, since they
resulted in her losing her right to veto a special or extraordinary resolution and greatly watered down her
existing right to purchase Miss Clemens’ shares under article 6. For the defendants it was submitted that if
the two shareholders both honestly hold differing opinions, the view of the majority must prevail and that the
shareholders in general meeting are entitled to consider their own interests and vote in any way they
honestly believe proper in the interests of the company.
There are many cases which have discussed a director’s position. A director must not only act within his
powers but must also exercise them bona fide in what he believes to be the interests of the company. The
directors have a fiduciary duty, but is there any similar, restraint on shareholders exercising their powers as
members at general meetings? [His Lordship read extracts from the judgments in a number of cases,
including Greenhalgh v Arderne Cinemas [4.27],33 and continued:]
I think that one thing which emerges from the cases to which I have referred is that in such a case as the
present Miss Clemens is not entitled to exercise her majority vote in whatever way she pleases. The
difficulty is in finding a principle, and obviously expressions such as ‘bona fide for the benefit of the
company as a whole’, fraud on a ‘minority’ and ‘oppressive’ do not assist in formulating a principle.
I have come to the conclusion that it would be unwise to try to produce a principle, since the circumstances
of each case are infinitely varied. It would not, I think, assist to say more than that in my judgment Miss
Clemens is not entitled as of right to exercise her votes as an ordinary shareholder in any way she pleases.
To use the phrase of Lord Wilberforce,[34 ] that right is ‘subject … to equitable considerations … which may
make it unjust … to exercise [it] in a particular way’. Are there then any such considerations in this case?
I do not doubt that Miss Clemens is in favour of the resolutions and knows and understands their purport
and effect; nor do I doubt that she genuinely would like to see the other directors have shares in the
company and to see a trust set up for long service employees. But I cannot escape the conclusion that the
resolutions have been framed so as to put into the hands of Miss Clemens and her fellow directors
complete control of the company and to deprive the plaintiff of her existing rights as a shareholder with more
than 25% of the votes and greatly reduce her [preemptive] rights … They are specifically and carefully
designed to ensure not only that the plaintiff can never get control of the company but to deprive her of what
has been called her negative control. Whether I say that these proposals are oppressive to the plaintiff or
that no one could honestly believe they are for her benefit matters not. A court of equity will in my judgment
regard these considerations as sufficient to prevent the consequences arising from Miss Clemens using her
legal right to vote in the way that she has and it would be right for a court of equity to prevent such
consequences taking effect.
➤ Note
This case may have reached a just result on the merits (although that has been doubted, for there was a long
history of noncooperation by the niece), but the judge’s use of the authorities (p. 219) contrasts with earlier
approaches. The citation of Greenhalgh [4.27] draws on a line of decisions concerned with special resolutions
for the alteration of articles, which had never before been applied to other types of resolution. Further, having
read the passage from Greenhalgh’s case in which Evershed MR suggested the test of the ‘individual
hypothetical shareholder’, Foster J commented: ‘If that is right, the question in the instant case must be
posed thus: did Miss Clemens, when voting for the resolutions, honestly believe that those resolutions, when
passed, would be for the benefit of the plaintiff?’ It might equally be observed that the plaintiff was no more a
hypothetical shareholder than Miss Clemens herself; and if the test had been understood in this sense
in Greenhalgh’s case itself, the decision must surely have gone in Greenhalgh’s favour. These cases show
how unhelpful the ‘hypothetical shareholder’ test is, especially in regard to small companies. And, in quoting
Lord Wilberforce, the judge is again borrowing, this time from the windingup cases, a borrowing which might
be seen as contrary to the ruling inBentleyStevens v Jones [1974] 1 WLR 639.
➤ Questions
1. Did Foster J consider that a member in the position of Miss Clemens was under a duty to (i) the company,
or (ii) her fellowshareholder? If so, what was the nature of this duty? If not, what was the rule or principle
which he was applying?
2. If the aunt did owe such a duty, did the niece owe the company, or her fellowshareholder, any
corresponding duty?
3. Can the Clemens and Greenhalgh [4.27] cases be reconciled?
Alteration of the articles
CA 2006 s 21: alteration of articles
Provisions in the company’s articles can be amended by special resolution (s 21), unless they have been
entrenched under s 22.35 Section 22 allows the articles to contain a ‘provision for entrenchment’ nominating
specified provisions of the articles that can be amended or deleted only if conditions or procedures more stringent
than a special resolution are met. Note that CA 2006 s 22(2) has not been brought into force (see ‘History’, p 25).
If such a provision for entrenchment was contained in the company’s oldstyle memorandum, it will automatically
be treated as part of the company’s articles under the new legislation (s 28(2)), so the entrenchment will be
preserved. Notice of the existence, amendment or deletion of provisions of entrenchment must be given to the
Companies House (s 23, and s 13 for the ‘form of compliance’).
CA 2006 s 25 retains the principle that a member of a company is not bound by any alteration made to the articles
after he or she becomes a member if the alteration has the effect of increasing liability to the company or imposing
a requirement to take more shares in the company. A member may, however, give written consent to such an
alteration and, in that case, will be bound by it.
Earlier case law thus remains relevant.
Predecessor provisions
Until CA 2006 came into force, companies were required to have both a memorandum and articles (see ‘Capacity:
what is a company legally entitled to do’, p 85). There were different (p. 220) statutory rules for altering each of
them. Indeed, when the memorandum of association was first introduced as the basic constitutional document of a
company by the Joint Stock Companies Act 1856, none of its provisions could be altered (apart from the capital
clause pursuant to an increase of capital). Over time, the position was reached under CA 1985 where it was
possible to alter any of the clauses of the memorandum, except that fixing the company’s domicile, by the use of
the appropriate procedure. The company’s name could be changed under CA 1985 s 28, the objects clause under
s 4, the company’s status as limited or unlimited, public or private, and so on, by the various procedures set out in
Pt II of the Act, and the capital provisions under CA 1985 ss 121, 125 and 135.
The alteration of a company’s objects (see ‘Capacity: what is a company legally entitled to do’, p 85), contained in
the memorandum, required a special resolution, and the court became involved only if the holders of 15% or more
of the issued share capital of any class made an objection by applying to the court within 21 days. The court then
had an absolute discretion to confirm or disallow the alteration. It is perhaps significant that the only reported
cases on the exercise of the court’s discretion, under both the 1985 Act and previous procedures, seem to have
been concerned with noncommercial organisations. See Re Cyclists’ Touring Club [1907] 1 Ch 269 and Re
Hampstead Garden Suburb Trust Ltd [1962] Ch 806.
By contrast, the Acts had always allowed the articles to be altered by special resolution, with no statutory
constraints except for the protection given by CA 1985 s 125 in relation to variation of ‘class rights’.36 (See
‘Variation of class rights’, pp 563ff.)
With these bald requirements set by statute, judges have been left with the task of formulating more specific rules
controlling the power of majority members to alter articles. Unfortunately the principles that have emerged are
anything but clear. As a rule, the courts have been content to fall back on such broad general phrases as ‘bona
fide for the benefit of the company as a whole’, apparently without appreciating that these expressions mask rather
than explain the decisions they are making. The difficulty posed by the juxtaposition of the ‘benefit of the company’
test with the basic concept of the member’s vote as a property right is all too rarely faced in the judgments (with
the notable exception of Peter’s American Delicacy Co Ltd v Heath [4.26]). If it had been, the cases that follow
might have yielded more intelligible principles.
A contract by a company not to alter its articles will not be enforced by injunction.
[4.21] Punt v Symons & Co Ltd [1903] 2 Ch 506 (Chancery Division)
By arts 95 and 97 of the defendant company’s articles GG Symons, as governing director, was given the power to
appoint and remove directors, and after his death the same power was exercisable by his executors. The company
had also agreed in a separate contract, relating to the purchase of Symons’s business, that it would not alter
these articles. After the death of Symons, friction arose between his executors and the directors, which led to a
proposal from the directors to rescind the articles in question by special resolution. The executors moved for an
BYRNE J: The first point taken is that passing the resolution would be a breach of the contract which was
entered into with the testator; and that the plaintiffs as executors are entitled to enforce the terms of the
agreement by restraining any alteration of the articles. I think the answer to this (p. 221) argument is—that
the company cannot contract itself out of the right to alter its articles, though it cannot, by altering its
articles, commit[38 ] a breach of contract. It is well established as between a company and a shareholder,
the right not depending upon a special contract outside the articles, that this is the case. It has not been,
so far as I know, the precise subject of reported decision as between a contractor and a company where
the contract is independent of and outside the articles … [His Lordship referred to Allen v Gold Reefs of
West Africa [4.22]; and to an unreported decision Re Ladies’ Dress Association Ltd, in which a contract not
to alter any article was not enforced. He continued:] That appears, so far as I can judge, to be a decision
upon the point now before me. Whether that be so or not, I am prepared to hold that in the circumstances of
the present case the contract could not operate to prevent the article being altered under the provisions of s
50 of the Companies Act 1862 [CA 2006 s 21], whatever the result of that alteration may be.
See also Baily v British Equitable Assurance Co [3.18] and Southern Foundries (1926) Ltd v Shirlaw [6.04].
➤ Notes
1. The opinion expressed in this case is supported by the emphatic obiter dictum of Lord Porter in Southern
Foundries (1926) Ltd v Shirlaw [6.04]. It is therefore to be preferred, it is submitted, to the contrary view of
Sargant J in British Murac Syndicate Ltd v Alperton Rubber Ltd [1915] 2 Ch 186, which was based on the
mistaken view that Punt’s case had been overruled by Baily v British Equitable Assurance Co [3.18].
2. However, it does not follow that a contractual undertaking by a company that its articles will not be altered
might not be enforced in other ways. Lord Porter clearly thought that, if a company acted upon its altered
articles in a way which was in breach of an existing contract, a remedy in damages would lie. In principle, this
must be correct; and further, in principle also, an injunction might in such circumstances be granted, in the
discretion of the court, restraining the company from acting upon its altered articles.
3. As Byrne J notes, it was already a wellestablished rule that a company could not restrict the right to alter
its articles by a provision in the articles themselves. This was decided by Jessel MR in Walk er v London
Tramways Co (1879) 12 Ch D 705, where he held that a provision in the company’s articles declaring that
certain articles were ‘essential’ and unalterable was ineffective.
4. This ruling is but one illustration of a more general principle that a company cannot bargain away its right to
exercise the powers conferred upon it by statute. The extent to which there is such a rule, and (assuming that
there is) whether there ought to be such a rule, was a matter of considerable debate, following the decision
inRussell v Northern Bank Development Corpn Ltd [4.34] (see Sealy [1992] CLJ 437). There is clear authority
establishing that a company cannot contract not to alter its articles (Punt’s case, Note 1) nor contract not to
alter its capital (Russell). This principle would surely also extend to such matters as contracting not to go into
liquidation or to petition for a windingup order. But it is easy to demonstrate that there may be good
commercial reasons why a company might wish to bind itself not to do at least some of these things—for
instance, a bank lending money to a company may make it a condition of the loan that the company will not
reduce its capital—and, indeed, this has been done in practice for many years. So, following the ruling
in Russell, there has been pressure for Parliament to change the law so as to make contractual undertakings
given in such circumstances binding. The case for retaining a general principle of this kind is greatly
weakened by the fact that there are many alternative ways of doing indirectly what cannot at present be
achieved directly—for example, by a shareholder agreement (‘Shareholders’ agreements’, p 244), by attaching
‘class (p. 222) rights’ to certain shares (see the Cumbrian Newspapers case [11.05], by entrenching the
rights which it is sought to protect in the oldstyle memorandum (see CA 1985 s 17(2)(b)) or, now, in the
articles (see CA 2006 s 22), or by the use of ‘weighted’ voting rights (see Bushell v Faith [6.02]). And, in the
example of the bank loan, the bank could stipulate that the money would become immediately repayable if the
company should summon a general meeting to consider a proposed resolution to reduce capital.
5. Finally, note that all these limitations apply to the company limiting its statutory rights. The shareholders,
by contrast, can agree amongst themselves via a shareholder agreement, not to alter the company’s articles,
or not to do any manner of other things. But would a shareholder agreement not to alter the company’s
articles ever be specifically enforced, or would it only give rise to damages for breach? (See ‘Shareholders’
agreements’, pp 244ff.)
➤ Question
In Walk er v London Tramways Co (see earlier), Jessel MR did not give a reasoned judgment but simply
asserted that no company could contract itself out of CA 1962 s 50 (the equivalent of CA 2006 s 21). What
reasoning do you think that he might have used, and would you agree?
The power to alter a company’s articles must be exercised ‘bona fide for the benefit of the company as a
whole’. An alteration so made is valid and binding on the members and may affect their existing rights as
members. It may, however, amount to a breach of an independent contract.
[4.22] Allen v Gold Reefs of West Africa Ltd [1900] 1 Ch 656 (Court of Appeal)
Article 29 of the company’s articles of association gave it ‘a first and paramount lien’ for debts owing by a member
to the company ‘upon all shares (not being fully paid) held by such members’. The company altered this article by
deleting the words ‘not being fully paid’. Only one shareholder, Zuccani (who had died insolvent), was affected by
this alteration: he had had fully paid shares allotted to him when the company was formed, and had later acquired
other shares, that were not fully paid, on which calls were overdue. His executors challenged the company’s right
to claim a lien on his fully paid shares pursuant to the altered article. Kekewich J held that the company could not
enforce its lien. The Court of Appeal reversed this decision, and upheld the alteration.
LINDLEY MR: The articles of a company prescribe the regulations binding on its members: Companies Act
1862, s 14 [CA 2006 s 21]. They have the effect of a contract (see s 16 [CA 2006 s 33]); but the exact
nature of this contract is even now very difficult to define. Be its nature what it may, the company is
empowered by the statute to alter the regulations contained in its articles from time to time by special
resolutions (ss 50 and 51 [CA 2006 ss 21, 283]); and any regulation or article purporting to deprive the
company of this power is invalid on the ground that it is contrary to the statute: Walk er v London Tramways
The power thus conferred on companies to alter the regulations contained in their articles is limited only by
the provisions contained in the statute and the conditions contained in the company’s memorandum of
association. Wide, however, as the language of s 50 is, the power conferred by it must, like all other
powers, be exercised subject to those general principles of law and equity which are applicable to all
powers conferred on majorities and enabling them to bind minorities. It must be (p. 223) exercised, not
only in the manner required by law, but also bona fide for the benefit of the company as a whole, and it
must not be exceeded. These conditions are always implied, and are seldom, if ever, expressed. But if they
are complied with I can discover no ground for judicially putting any other restrictions on the power conferred
by the section than those contained in it. How shares shall be transferred, and whether the company shall
have any lien on them, are clearly matters of regulation properly prescribed by a company’s articles of
association. This is shown by Table A in the Schedule to the Companies Act … Speaking, therefore,
generally, and without reference to any particular case, the section clearly authorises a limited company,
formulated with articles which confer no lien on fully paidup shares, and which allow them to be transferred
without any fetter, to alter those articles by special resolution, and to impose a lien and restrictions on the
registry of transfers of those shares by members indebted to the company.
But then comes the question whether this can be done so as to impose a lien or restriction in respect of a
debt contracted before and existing at the time when the articles are altered. Again, speaking generally, I
am of opinion that the articles can be so altered, and that, if they are altered bona fide for the benefit of the
company, they will be valid and binding as altered on the existing holders of paidup shares, whether such
holders are indebted or not indebted to the company when the alteration is made. But, as it will be seen
presently, it does not by any means follow that the altered article may not be inapplicable to some
particular fully paidup shareholder. He may have special rights against the company, which do not
invalidate the resolution to alter the articles, but which may exempt him from the operation of the articles as
But, although the regulations contained in a company’s articles of association are revocable by special
resolution, a special contract may be made with the company in the terms of or embodying one or more of
the articles, and the question will then arise whether an alteration of the articles so embodied is consistent
or inconsistent with the real bargain between the parties. A company cannot break its contracts by altering
its articles,[40 ] but, when dealing with contracts referring to revocable articles, and especially with contracts
between a member of the company and the company respecting his shares, care must be taken not to
assume that the contract involves as one of its terms an article which is not to be altered.
It is easy to imagine cases in which even a member of a company may acquire by contract or otherwise
special rights against the company, which exclude him from the operation of a subsequently altered article.
Such a case arose in Swabey v Port Darwin Gold Mining [6.03] where it was held that directors, who had
earned fees payable under a company’s articles, could not be deprived of them by a subsequent alteration
of the articles, which reduced the fees payable to directors.
I take it to be clear that an application for an allotment of shares on the terms of the company’s articles
does not exclude the power to alter them nor the application of them, when altered, to the shares so applied
for and allotted. To exclude that power or the application of an altered article to particular shares, some
clear and distinct agreement for that exclusion must be shown, or some circumstances must be proved
conferring a legal or equitable right on the shareholders to be treated by the company differently from the
other shareholders.
This brings me to the last question which has to be considered, namely, whether there is in this case any
contract or other circumstance which excludes the application of the altered article to Zuccani’s fully paid
up vendor’s shares. [His Lordship ruled that there was no such special circumstance, and continued:]
The fact that Zuccani’s executors were the only persons practically affected at the time by the alterations
made in the articles excites suspicion as to the bona fides of the company. But, although the executors
were the only persons who were actually affected at the time, that was because Zuccani was the only
holder of paidup shares who at the time was in arrear of calls. The altered (p. 224) articles applied to all
holders of fully paid shares, and made no distinction between them. The directors cannot be charged with
bad faith.
After carefully considering the whole case, and endeavouring in vain to discover grounds for holding that
there was some special bargain differentiating Zuccani’s shares from others, I have come to the conclusion
that the appeal from the decision of the learned judge, so far as it relates to the lien created by the altered
articles, must be allowed …
ROMER LJ delivered a concurring judgment.
[4.23] Sidebottom v Kershaw, Leese & Co Ltd [1920] 1 Ch 154 (Court of Appeal)
The defendant company had altered its articles by introducing a provision which gave the directors power to buy
out, at a fair price, the shareholding of any member who competed with the company’s business. The plaintiffs,
who were minority shareholders and who carried on a competing business, unsuccessfully challenged the validity
of the alteration.
LORD STERNDALE MR: In my opinion, the whole of this case comes down to rather a narrow question of
fact, which is this: When the directors of this company introduced this alteration giving power to buy up the
shares of members who were in competing businesses did they do it bona fide for the benefit of the
company or not? It seems to me quite clear that it may be very much to the benefit of the company to get
rid of members who are in competing business … I think there can be no doubt that a member of a
competing business or an owner of a competing business who is a member of the company has a much
better chance of knowing what is going on in the business of the company, and of thereby helping his own
competition with it, than if he were a nonmember; and looking at it broadly, I cannot have any doubt that in
a small private company like this the exclusion of members who are carrying on a competing business may
very well be of great benefit to the company. That seems to me to be precisely a point which ought to be
decided by the voices of the business men who understand the business and understand the nature of
competition, and whether such a position is or is not for the benefit of the company. I think, looking at the
alteration broadly, that it is for the benefit of the company that they should not be obliged to have amongst
them as members persons who are competing with them in business, and who may get knowledge from
their membership which would enable them to compete better.
That brings me to the last point. It is said that that might be so were it not for the fact that the directors and
the secretary have said, ‘This is directed against Mr Bodden’, and therefore it is not done bona fide for the
benefit of the company, but it is done to get rid of Mr Bodden.[41 ] If it were directed against Mr Bodden for
any malicious motive I should agree with that—the thing would cease to be bona fide at once; but these
alterations are not as a rule made without some circumstances having arisen to bring the necessity of the
alteration to the minds of the directors. I do not read this as meaning anything more than this: ‘It was the
position of Mr Bodden that made us appreciate the detriment that there might be to the company in having
members competing with them in their business, and we passed this, and our intention was, if it became
necessary, to use it in the case of Mr Bodden; that is what we had in our minds at the time; but we also
had in our minds that Mr Bodden is not the only person who might compete, and therefore we passed this
general article in order to enable us to apply it in any case where it was for the good of the company that it
should be applied.’ It is a question of fact. I come to the conclusion of fact to which I think the Vice
Chancellor came, that the directors were acting perfectly bona fide, that they were passing the resolution for
the benefit of the company; but that no doubt the occasion of their passing it was because they realised in
the person of Mr Bodden that it was a bad thing to have members who were competing with them …
(p. 225) For these reasons I think this is a valid article. I think the alteration was within the competence of
the company, and therefore this appeal must be allowed with costs here and below.
WARRINGTON LJ and EVE J delivered concurring judgments.
[4.24] Citco Banking Corporation NV v Pusser’s Ltd [2007] UKPC 13, [2007] BCC 205 (Privy Council)
Before the events in issue in this appeal, the company had share capital of $4.4 million divided into 4.4 million
class A shares of $1 each, of which 1,673,217 shares (and warrants for another 248,000) had been issued. Each
class A share or warrant carried one vote. At an extraordinary general meeting, the company by special resolution
amended its articles of association to create 200,000 class B shares, each carrying 50 votes. It also resolved that
200,000 of the class A shares held by the chairman of the company, Mr Charles S Tobias, be converted into class
B shares. The resolutions were carried by 1,125,665 votes to 183,000, the dissenting shares all being held by
Citco. Citco alleged that the resolutions were invalid because they were passed in the interests of Mr Tobias, to
give him indisputable control, and not bona fide in the interests of the company. The trial judge agreed; the Court of
Appeal reversed his decision and held the resolutions valid. The Privy Council upheld this finding.
LORD HOFFMANN delivered the judgment of the Privy Council:
12 Section 89 of the Act [broadly equivalent to CA 2006 s 21] contains no qualification of the power of a
75% majority to amend the articles of association. But the courts have always treated the power as subject
to implied limitations. The problem has been to say where the line should be drawn. [He then examined the
authorities, including Allen v Gold Reefs of West Africa Ltd [4.22], Dafen Tinplate Co Ltd v Llanelly Steel
Co (1907) Ltd [4.25], Shuttleworth v Cox Bros and Co (Maidenhead) Ltd [6.06], and continued:]
17 These were cases in which the amendment operated to the particular disadvantage of a minority of
shareholders: Mr Zuccani’s estate in Allen’s case and the director whose removal was proposed
in Shuttleworth’s case. But the same principle must apply when an amendment which the shareholders
bona fide consider to be for the benefit of the company as a whole also operates to the particular advantage
of some shareholders. This is illustrated by Rights & Issues Investment Trust Ltd v Stylo Shoes Ltd [4.28],
18 These principles, together with the proposition that the burden of proof is upon the person who
challenges the validity of the amendment (see Peters’ American Delicacy Company Ltd v Heath [4.26], per
Latham CJ at p 482) appear to their Lordships to be clearly settled and sufficient for the purpose of deciding
this case. It must however be acknowledged that the test of ‘bona fide for the benefit of the company as a
whole’ will not enable one to decide all cases in which amendments of the articles operate to the
disadvantage of some shareholder or group of shareholders. Such amendments are sometimes only for the
purpose of regulating the rights of shareholders in matters in which the company as a corporate entity has
no interest, such as the distribution of dividends or capital or the power to dispose of shares. In the
Australian case of Peters’ American Delicacy Company, to which reference has been made, the
amendment provided that shareholders should thenceforth receive dividends rateably according to the
amounts paid up on their shares rather than, as previously, according to the number of shares (fully or
partly paid) which they held. It was, as Dixon J pointed out (at p 512), ‘inappropriate, if not meaningless’ to
ask whether the shareholders had considered the amendment to be in the interests of the company as a
whole. Some other test of validity is required. In Greenhalgh v Arderne Cinemas Ltd [4.27], where the
amendment was to remove a preemption clause to facilitate a sale of control to a third party, Sir Raymond
Evershed MR tried to preserve the application of the traditional test by saying that in such cases ‘the
company as a whole’ did not mean the company as a corporate entity but ‘the corporators as a general
body’ and that it was necessary to ask whether the amendment was, in the honest opinion of those who
voted in favour, for the benefit of a hypothetical member. Some commentators have (p. 226) not found this
approach entirely illuminating but for the purposes of this appeal it is not necessary to discuss such cases
any further. In this case, as in the Stylo Shoescase, it would have been perfectly rational to ask whether the
vesting of voting control in Mr Tobias was in the interests of the company as a whole. …
21 Their Lordships therefore return to the present appeal. …
24 The Court of Appeal, reversing the judge, said (at paragraph 16) that where he went wrong in principle
was ‘when he attempted to step into the commercial arena’. Their Lordships take this to mean that the
judge fell into the same error as Peterson J in Dafen Tinplate Company Ltd v Llanelly Steel Company (1907)
Ltd [4.25], namely that he took it upon himself to decide whether the amendment was for the benefit of the
company. The Court of Appeal said that he should instead have applied the test laid down
in Shuttleworth’s case, namely, whether reasonable shareholders could have considered that the
amendment was for the benefit of the company. The Court of Appeal considered that it would have been
reasonable for shareholders to have accepted in good faith the arguments put forward by Mr Tobias as to
why the amendment would be in the interests of the company. The only shareholder who gave evidence at
the trial was Mr de Vos, who said that he had thought the amendments were in the best interests of the
company as a whole. It was not necessary for Mr Tobias and the company to prove to the judge that the
arguments were justified by the facts.
25 Their Lordships consider that this reasoning is correct. Mr Todd QC, who appeared for Citco, said that in
a case in which one shareholder gained a personal advantage by the amendment, as Mr Tobias did in this
case, it was necessary to show that even without his votes, the amendment would have been passed.
InRights & Issues Investment Trust Ltd v Stylo Shoes Ltd [4.28], Pennycuick J laid some stress upon the
fact that the resolution had been passed at a separate meeting of ordinary shareholders at which the
holders of management shares did not vote. In this case there was, prior to the amendment, only one class
of shares, but Mr Todd said that it was necessary to show that the resolution would have passed even
without the votes controlled by Mr Tobias.
26 Their Lordships do not think that the Stylo Shoes case decided that in a case like this, shareholders
who particularly stand to gain from the amendment should not vote. As Evershed MR said in Greenhalgh v
Arderne Cinemas Ltd [4.27], 291:
‘It is … not necessary to require that persons voting for a special resolution should, so to speak,
dissociate themselves altogether from their own prospects …’
27 If Mr Tobias bona fide considered that the amendment was in the interests of the company as a whole,
and there has been no attack on his bona fides, their Lordships do not see why he should not vote. This is
only one aspect of the general principle that shareholders are free to exercise their votes in their own
interests. As Lord Davey said in Burland v Earle,42 94:
‘Unless otherwise provided by the regulations of the company, a shareholder is not debarred from
voting or using his voting power to carry a resolution by the circumstance of his having a particular
interest in the subjectmatter of the vote.’
28 In any case, it appears to their Lordships that even the test proposed by Mr Todd was satisfied. The only
evidence as to the number of shares controlled by Mr Tobias was that of Mr de Vos, who said that it
amounted to 28% of the issued share capital. He was crossexamined on this point, with counsel for Citco
seeking to establish that Mr Tobias actually controlled very few shares, but stuck to 28%. He did also say
that Mr Tobias was indirectly able to exercise the votes of 51% of the share capital, but this was consistent
with the additional votes being simply those of supporters who had decided to entrust Mr Tobias with their
proxies. Of the 28%, Mr Tobias did not vote the 62,439 shares registered in his own name. If he had not
voted the 460,245 shares registered in the names of his (p. 227) wife and Piccadilly Properties Ltd, which
made up the rest of the 28%, the votes cast in favour of the resolution would have been 665,420 out of a
total of 848,420. This would still have been 78%.
29 Their Lordships will therefore humbly advise Her Majesty that the appeal should be dismissed with
➤ Notes
1. The CLR took the view that the principle that a decision to change a company’s articles must be taken
bona fide for the benefit of the company as a whole was well established and should be retained. This was
also the view adopted in Citco [4.24].
2. It is rather curious that in both Allen [4.22] and Sidebottom [4.23] there are references to the good faith of
the directors, when it is plain from the rest of the judgments that it is the bona fides of the majority members
who pass the special resolution that is crucial. Of course, it would be easy to imagine a situation where the
directors have an improper motive in introducing the proposal for change, and simply carry the opinion of the
majority along with them. This may be what is being alluded to in the two cases. In fact, the directors
in Sidebottom’s case held over half of the company’s issued shares, and the majority in favour of the
resolution was overwhelming.
➤ Question
Lord Hoffmann, at paragraph 18 of the Citco judgment, [4.24], took the view that ‘some other test’ is needed
where the proposed alteration concerns the ‘rights of shareholders in matters in which the company as a
corporate entity has no interest’, since there it would be inappropriate ‘to ask whether the shareholders had
considered the alteration to be in the interests of the company as a whole’. What tests might meet this need?
Where the company has an interest, the court accepts asubjective ‘bona fide for the benefit of the company
as a whole’ test (subject to being persuaded of the bona fides). Where the company has no interest, and
where there must inevitably be winners and losers as between different groups of shareholders, must the test
necessarily be objective if the court is not simply to cede all power to the majority voter? See the next case
In the case next cited, Peterson J favoured an objective test of what was ‘for the benefit of the company’. This
view was disapproved in Shuttleworth v Cox Bros & Co Ltd[6.06] (and in Citco [4.24], it seems) but, in the
opinion of some writers, this has been to some extent revived by the reformulated test suggested
in Greenhalgh v Arderne Cinemas Ltd [4.27], which seemed to find favour in Citco.
[4.25] Dafen Tinplate Co Ltd v Llanelly Steel Co (1907) Ltd [1920] 2 Ch 124 (Chancery Division)
The defendant company altered its articles so as to introduce a power enabling the majority of the shareholders to
require any member (with one named exception) to transfer his shares at a fair value to an approved transferee.
The plaintiff company had transferred its custom as a purchaser of steel from the defendants to a rival company. It
held shares in the defendant company and opposed the alteration. Peterson J upheld its objection, because, in his
own view, the alteration was wider than necessary.
PETERSON J: In Sidebottom’s case [4.23] the Court of Appeal sanctioned an alteration of the articles of
association which enabled the directors to require a shareholder who carried on a competing business, or
was a director of a company carrying on a competing business, to transfer his shares, and it did so on the
ground that the alteration was for the benefit of the company as a whole. It has been suggested that the
only question in such a case as this is whether the shareholders bona fide (p. 228) or honestly believed
that that alteration was for the benefit of the company. But this is not, in my view, the true meaning of the
words of Lindley MR or of the judgment in Sidebottom’s case. The question is whether in fact the alteration
is genuinely for the benefit of the company …
The question of fact then which I have to consider is whether the alteration of the articles which enables the
majority of the shareholders to compel any shareholder to transfer his shares, can properly be said to be for
the benefit of the company. It may be for the benefit of the majority of the shareholders to acquire the
shares of the minority, but how can it be said to be for the benefit of the company that any shareholder,
against whom no charge of acting to the detriment of the company can be urged, and who is in every
respect a desirable member of the company, and for whose expropriation there is no reason except the will
of the majority, should be forced to transfer his shares to the majority or to anyone else? Such a provision
might in some circumstances be very prejudicial to the company’s interest. For instance, on an issue of
new capital, the knowledge that he might be expropriated as soon as his capital was on the point of
producing profitable results might well exercise a deterrent influence on a man who was invited to take
shares in the company
… In my view it cannot be said that a power on the part of the majority to expropriate any shareholder they
may think proper at their will and pleasure is for the benefit of the company as a whole. To say that such an
unrestricted and unlimited power of expropriation is for the benefit of the company appears to me to be
confusing the interests of the majority with the benefit of the company as a whole. In my opinion the power
which, in this case, has been conferred upon the majority of the shareholders by the alteration of the
articles of association in this case is too wide and is not such a power as can be assumed by the majority.
The power of compulsory acquisition by the majority of shares which the owner does not desire to sell is
not lightly to be assumed whenever it pleases the majority to do so. The shareholder is entitled to say non
haec in foedera veni; and while on the authorities as they stand at present it is possible to alter the articles
in such a way as to confer this power, if it can be shown that the power is for the benefit of the company as
a whole, I am of opinion that such a power cannot be supported if it is not established that the power is
bona fide or genuinely for the company’s benefit …
[4.26] Peter’s American Delicacy Co Ltd v Heath (1939) 61 CLR 457 (High Court of Australia)
As a result of an oversight by the draftsman, the company’s articles of association contained inconsistent
provisions governing the distribution of profits. Profits distributed as dividends were payable in proportion to the
amounts paid up on shares, but distributions of capitalised profits (‘bonus shares’) were to be in proportion to the
nominal value of shares held. The issued capital consisted of 511,000 fully paid and 169,000 partly paid shares.
At a general meeting the articles were altered by special resolution so that the distribution of capitalised profits
was to be made on the same basis as cash dividends, that is, in proportion to the amounts paid up on shares.
Some holders of partly paid shares objected, and their objection was upheld at first instance; but on appeal the
High Court ruled that the alteration was valid.43
RICH J: Company law confers a power of alteration on a general meeting of shareholders requiring for any
positive alteration a threefourths majority. There is no other body to whom the question can be submitted.
No rights given by articles of association can prevail against a threefourths majority and it is well
understood that all are subject to it. It is true that the power of alteration must be exercised bona fide with a
view to the advancement of the company considered as a whole and not with a view to the advancement of
the interests of a majority of voters or of a section of the company only … But in deciding what is for the
interest of the company and what is bona fide, the constitution of (p. 229) the company, the condition and
effect of the various articles of association and the extent to which rights are conferred upon different
classes of shareholders are relevant and important … Where the very problem which arises contains as
inherent in itself all the elements of a conflict of interests between classes of shareholders these authorities
do not mean that the power of alteration is paralysed, they mean only that the purpose of bringing forward
the resolution must not be simply the enrichment of the majority at the expense of the minority. The
resolution in the present case was brought forward to solve a difficulty and make possible a capitalisation. It
can hardly be supposed that the only solution of such a difficulty which can be lawfully adopted is that
which gives the minority an advantage at the expense of the majority. In my opinion the case presents
nothing but an ordinary example of an honest attempt on the part of the directors to clear up a difficulty by
securing an alteration of the articles not unjust to any class of shareholders, but at the same time
conserving the interests of the shareholders who form the great majority of the company …
In my opinion the appeal should be allowed.
DIXON J: Primarily a share in a company is a piece of property conferring rights in relation to distribution of
income and of capital. In many respects the proprietary rights are defined by the articles of association, and
it is easy to see that a power of alteration might be used for the aggrandisement of a majority at the
expense of a minority. For example, if there were no check upon the use of the power, it is conceivable that
a threefourths majority might adopt an article by which the shares which they alone held would participate,
to the exclusion of other shares, in the surplus assets in winding up or even in distributions of profit by way
of dividend. Again, authority might be obtained under an alteration so as to convert the assets or operations
of a company into a source of profit not of the company but of persons forming part of or favoured by the
majority. It has seemed incredible that alterations of such a nature could be made by the exercise of the
power. But reliance upon the general doctrine that powers shall be exercised bona fide and for no bye or
sinister purpose brings its own difficulties. The power of alteration is not fiduciary. The shareholders are not
trustees for one another, and, unlike directors, they occupy no fiduciary position and are under no fiduciary
duties. They vote in respect of their shares, which are property, and the right to vote is attached to the
share itself as an incident of property to be enjoyed and exercised for the owner’s personal advantage. No
doubt the exercise of the right affects the interests of others too, and it may be that an analogy may be
found in other powers which though given to protect the donee’s own interests affect the property rights of
others, as, for instance, does a mortgagee’s power of sale. Some such analogy probably gave rise to the
suggestion made in Buckley on The Companies Acts that the limitation on the power is that the alteration
must not be such as to sacrifice the interests of the minority to those of a majority without any reasonable
prospect of advantage to the company as a whole …
Apart altogether from altering articles of association, the voting strength of a majority of shareholders may
be used in matters of management and administration to obtain for themselves advantages which otherwise
would enure for the benefit of all the members of the company, and in some circumstances such an attempt
on the part of the majority to secure advantages to the prejudice of the minority conflicts with ordinary
notions of fair dealing and honesty. Often when this is done the thing attempted will be found by its nature
to fall outside the power of the members in general meeting and even outside the corporate powers of the
company. But this is not necessarily the case, and a thing not of its own nature ultra vires may be
invalidated by the effect which it produces or is intended to produce in benefiting some shareholders at the
expense of others or individuals at the expense of the company …
An example of a misuse of power on the part of shareholders constituting a majority in the administration of
a company’s affairs is the unjustifiable refusal to allow an action to be maintained in the name of the
company to redress a wrong to it by one of themselves[44 ] …
In these formulations of general principle there is an assumption that vested in the company or in the
minority of shareholders, as the case may be, is an independent title to property, to rights (p. 230) or to
remedies, and the ground of the court’s intervention is that by the course adopted by the majority, the
company or the minority will be deprived of the enjoyment of that to which they are so entitled. The conduct
of the majority is then given some dyslogistic description such as ‘fraudulent’, ‘abuse of powers’ or
‘oppression’. A chief purpose of articles of association is to regulate the rights of shareholders inter se, and
their relations to the profits and surplus assets of the company are governed by the provisions of the
articles. A power to alter articles of association is necessarily a power to alter the rights of shareholders
inter se, including their mutual rights in respect of profits and surplus assets. It is therefore evident that
some difficulty must arise in applying to resolutions for the alteration of articles a statement of principle
which assumes the independent existence of rights which should not be impaired or destroyed. Prima facie
rights altogether dependent upon articles of association are not enduring and indefeasible but are liable to
modification or destruction; that is, if and when it is resolved by a threefourths majority that the articles
should be altered. To attempt to distinguish between alterations which deserve the epithet fraudulent or
oppressive or unjust and those deserving no moral censure without explaining the considerations upon
which the distinction depends, is to leave the whole question to general notions of fairness and propriety …
To base the application of these descriptions to a particular resolution upon the fact that it involves a
modification or defeasance of rights of a valuable or important nature, is in effect to go back to the discarded
distinction between articles affecting the constitution and those affecting the administration of the company
or to a distinction very like it. To base the application of the epithets upon the circumstance that the
majority obtain a benefit by the change seems to involve some departure from the principle that the vote
attached to a share is an incident of property which may be used as the shareholder’s interests may dictate
The chief reason for denying an unlimited effect to widely expressed powers such as that of altering a
company’s articles is the fear or knowledge that an apparently regular exercise of the power may in truth be
but a means of securing some personal or particular gain, whether pecuniary or otherwise, which does not
fairly arise out of the subjects dealt with by the power and is outside and even inconsistent with the
contemplated objects of the power. It is to exclude the purpose of securing such ulterior special and
particular advantages that Lord Lindley used the phrase ‘bona fide for the benefit of the company as a
whole’. The reference to ‘benefit as a whole’ is but a very general expression negativing purposes foreign to
the company’s operations, affairs and organisations. But unfortunately, as appears from the foregoing
discussion, the use of the phrase has tended to cause misapprehension. If the challenged alteration relates
to an article which does or may affect an individual, as, for instance, a director appointed for life or a
shareholder whom it is desired to expropriate, or to an article affecting the mutual rights and liabilities inter
se of shareholders or different classes or descriptions of shareholders, the very subjectmatter involves a
conflict of interests and advantages. To say that the shareholders forming the majority must consider the
advantage of the company as a whole in relation to such a question seems inappropriate, if not
meaningless, and at all events starts an impossible inquiry. The ‘company as a whole’ is a corporate entity
consisting of all the shareholders. If the proposal put forward is for a revision of any of the articles regulating
the rights inter se of shareholders or classes of shareholders, the primary question must be how conflicting
interests are to be adjusted, and the adjustment is left by law to the determination of those whose interests
conflict, subject, however, to the condition that the existing provision can be altered only by a threefourths
majority. Whether the matter be voting rights, the basis of distributing profits, the basis of dividing surplus
assets on a windingup, preferential rights in relation to profits or to surplus assets, or any other question
affecting mutual interests, it is apparent that though the subjectmatter is among the most conspicuous of
those governed by articles and therefore of those to which the statutory power is directed, yet it involves
little if anything more than the redetermination of the rights and interests of those to whom the power is
committed. No one supposes that in voting each shareholder is to assume an inhuman altruism and
consider only the intangible notion of the benefit of the vague abstraction called by Lord Robertson in Baily’s
case [3.18] ‘the company as an institution’. An investigation of the thoughts and motives of each
shareholder voting with the majority would be an impossible proceeding … [When] the very question to be
determined is a (p. 231) conflict of interests, unless the subjectmatter is held outside the power, the
purpose of the resolution, as distinguished from the motives of the individuals, often must be to resolve the
conflict in favour of one and against the other interest.
In my opinion it was within the scope and purpose of the power of alteration for a threefourths majority to
decide the basis of distributing shares issued for the purpose of capitalising accumulated profits or profits
arising from the sale of goodwill, and in voting for the resolution shareholders were not bound to disregard
their own interests. I am far from saying that the resolution for the alteration of the articles would have been
bad if the existing articles had been uniform and clear in requiring that, however the ‘capitalisation’ was
effected, the basis of distribution should be the number of shares respectively subscribed for by members.
But the facts of the case were that by one method, the older indirect method, a capitalisation might have
been effected which would mean a distribution according to capital paid up. Doubts were felt about the
propriety of adopting this course, and doubts were agitated as to the meaning of the article providing for the
direct method. If there were no capitalisation, the accumulated profits would not be distributed in proportion
with capital subscribed. In these circumstances the holders of partly paid shares had no ‘right’ to receive
the profits in proportion with capital paid up. As the articles stood they were entitled only to receive shares
in that proportion if and when issued by way of direct capitalisation. That event would never be likely to
occur; for the holders of fully paid shares were perfectly entitled to prevent it and would no doubt do so. In
these circumstances it appears to me that the resolution involved no oppression, no appropriation of an
unjust or reprehensible nature and did not imply any purpose outside the scope of the power …
LATHAM CJ delivered a concurring judgment.
MCTIERNAN J concurred.
➤ Note
Ironically, this powerfully reasoned case may no longer carry weight in its native Australia. In Gambotto v
WPC Ltd (1995) 182 CLR 432, the High Court ruled that the ‘bona fide for the benefit of the company as a
whole’ test should be replaced by a test which asks whether the alteration or proposed alteration is ‘beyond
any purpose contemplated by the articles or oppressive as that expression is understood in the law relating to
corporations’ (paras [25] and [26]). The case itself was concerned with an alteration of the articles which gave
the company rights to buy out minority shareholders compulsorily, and it would be tempting to treat the
judgment as limited to the special case of alterations conferring expulsion or expropriation rights; but the court
went out of its way to disown the English line of authority in general terms.
This new test is clearly one which is almost entirely, if not wholly, objective; and one which will allow the court
to play a much more interventionist role. A test based on ‘proper purposes’ has already gone some way
towards displacing one based on ‘bona fides’ for the purpose of reviewing directors’ discretionary decisions:
see ‘Failure to act for proper purposes’, pp 331ff. However, it seems unlikely that Gambotto will ever be
followed in the UK (and see the Privy Council confirmation of this in the Citcocase [4.24]). The CLR
considered the possibility and drew attention to the fact that in Gambotto the alteration of articles was
undoubtedly of benefit to the company as a whole (it stood to gain tax advantages), and the minority were to
be fully compensated. It considered that there is no case for displacing the ‘bona fide in the best interests of
the company as a whole’ test with some other concept to deal specially with expropriation cases.
➤ Question
Is it consistent to say that the power to alter articles ‘shall be exercised bona fide and for no bye or sinister
purpose’ and (in the next sentence) ‘the power of alteration is not fiduciary’?
(p. 232) [4.27] Greenhalgh v Arderne Cinemas Ltd [1951] Ch 286 (Court of Appeal)45
The articles of the defendant (a private company) provided that existing members should have preemptive rights if
a member wished to sell his shares. Mallard, the managing director, had negotiated with an outsider, Sol
Sheckman, for the sale to Sheckman of a controlling interest in the company at 6 s [30p] per share. Mallard had
procured the passing of a special resolution to give effect to this agreement. In effect this negated the preemptive
rights of the existing members. One of the latter, Greenhalgh, claimed a declaration that the resolutions were
invalid as a fraud on the minority.46 The Court of Appeal, affirming Roxburgh J, refused a declaration.
EVERSHED MR: The burden of that case is that the resolution was not passed bona fide and in the
interests of the company as a whole, and there are, as Mr Jennings has urged, two distinct approaches.
The first line of attack is this, and it is one to which, he complains, Roxburgh J paid no regard: this is a
special resolution, and, on authority, Mr Jennings says, the validity of a special resolution depends upon
the fact that those who passed it did so in good faith and for the benefit of the company as a whole. The
cases to which Mr Jennings referred are Sidebottom v Kershaw, Leese & Co Ltd [4.23], Peterson J’s
decision in Dafen Tinplate Co Ltd v Llanelly Steel Co (1907) Ltd [4.25] and, finally, Shuttleworth v Cox Bros
& Co (Maidenhead) Ltd [6.06]. Certain principles, I think, can be safely stated as emerging from those
authorities. In the first place, I think it is now plain that ‘bona fide for the benefit of the company as a whole’
means not two things but one thing. It means that the shareholder must proceed upon what, in his honest
opinion, is for the benefit of the company as a whole. The second thing is that the phrase ‘the company as
a whole’ does not (at any rate in such a case as the present) mean the company as a commercial entity,
distinct from the corporators: it means the corporators as a general body. That is to say, the case may be
taken of an individual hypothetical member and it may be asked whether what is proposed is, in the honest
opinion of those voted in its favour, for that person’s benefit.
I think that the matter can, in practice, be more accurately and precisely stated by looking at the converse
and by saying that a special resolution of this kind would be liable to be impeached if the effect of it were to
discriminate between the majority shareholders and the minority shareholders, so as to give to the former
an advantage of which the latter were deprived. When the cases are examined in which the resolution has
been successfully attacked, it is on that ground. It is therefore not necessary to require that persons voting
for a special resolution should, so to speak, dissociate themselves altogether from their own prospects and
consider whether [the proposal is] for the benefit of the company as a going concern. If, as commonly
happens, an outside person makes an offer to buy all the shares, prima facie, if the corporators think it a
fair offer and vote in favour of the resolution, it is no ground for impeaching the resolution that they are
considering their own position as individuals.
Accepting that, as I think he did, Mr Jennings said, in effect, that there are still grounds for impeaching this
resolution: first, because it goes further than was necessary to give effect to the particular sale of the
shares; and, secondly, because it prejudiced the plaintiff and minority shareholders in that it deprived them
of the right which, under the subsisting articles, they would have of buying the shares of the majority if the
latter desired to dispose of them.
What Mr Jennings objects to in the resolution is that if a resolution is passed altering the articles merely for
the purpose of giving effect to a particular transaction, then it is quite sufficient (and it is (p. 233) usually
done) to limit it to that transaction. But this resolution provides that anybody who wants at any time to sell
his shares can now go direct to an outsider, provided that there is an ordinary resolution of the company
approving the proposed transferee. Accordingly, if it is one of the majority who is selling, he will get the
necessary resolution. This change in the articles, so to speak, franks the shares for holders of majority
interests but makes it more difficult for a minority shareholder, because the majority will probably look with
disfavour upon his choice. But, after all, this is merely a relaxation of the very stringent restrictions on
transfer in the existing article, and it is to be borne in mind that the directors, as the articles stood, could
always refuse to register a transfer. A minority shareholder, therefore, who produced an outsider was
always liable to be met by the directors (who presumably act according to the majority view) saying, ‘We
are sorry, but we will not have this man in.’ …
As to the second point, I felt at one time sympathy for the plaintiff’s argument, because, after all, as the
articles stood he could have said: ‘Before you go selling to the purchaser you have to offer your shares to
the existing shareholders, and that will enable me, if I feel so disposed, to buy, in effect, the whole of the
shareholding of the Arderne company.’ I think that the answer is that when a man comes into a company,
he is not entitled to assume that the articles will always remain in a particular form; and that, so long as the
proposed alteration does not unfairly discriminate in the way which I have indicated, it is not an objection,
provided that the resolution is passed bona fide, that the right to tender for the majority holding of shares
would be lost by the lifting of the restriction. I do not think that it can be said that this is such a
discrimination as falls within the scope of the principle which I have stated …
ASQUITH and JENKINS LJJ concurred.
➤ Notes
1. See also Clemens v Clemens Bros Ltd [4.20], where the issue before the court was similar, although no
alteration of the articles was involved; the court, although purporting to apply the same principles, reached the
opposite conclusion.
2. It is worth noting that all47 the events complained of in the sorry history of Mr Greenhalgh and his company
took place before there was any statutory provision allowing the court to grant relief to a minority shareholder
on the ground of ‘oppression’ (CA 1948 s 210) or ‘unfairly prejudicial’ conduct (CA 1985 s 459, CA 2006 s
994): see ‘Unfairly prejudicial conduct of the company’s affairs’, pp 681ff. Given the long history of the ‘salami
tactics’ by which Mr Greenhalgh’s stake in the company was systematically eroded, he might well have
succeeded in an application for relief under these provisions—although there is a possibility that they will be
construed more restrictively following the ruling of the House of Lords in O’Neill v Phillips [13.30].
3. Greenhalgh v Arderne Cinemas Ltd is a very difficult judgment. We can put some of the problems which it
raises in the form of questions, but it is not possible to give any confident answer to most of them.
➤ Questions
1. The first test posed by Lord Evershed seems to be a subjective one: the shareholders’ bona fide opinion is
determinative. In the next paragraph, with talk of discrimination, the test is apparently an objective one. Are
the two passages consistent with each other, or is the court having the best of both worlds? Could this
second limb provide ‘some other test’ which was seen as necessary by Lord Hoffmann in Citco [4.24] ?
2. Is it possible to reconcile ‘the corporators as a general body’ (distinct from ‘the company as a commercial
entity’) and ‘the company as a going concern’? What weight do you think (p. 234) should be given to the
phrase ‘at any rate in such a case as the present’? Are Lord Evershed’s remarks intended to be confined to
special resolutions, or to special resolutions altering articles, or to apply generally to all resolutions?
3. A claimant does not go to court unless he has a grievance. Would it not be true to say that in all
the unsuccessful cases in which an alteration has been challenged, as well as the successful ones, the
minorities were complaining of discrimination?
4. Whom should the court identify as ‘the individual hypothetical member’ in a case such as Clemens v
Clemens Bros Ltd [4.20], where the only two actual shareholders have fallen out?
[4.28] Rights and Issues Investment Trust Ltd v Stylo Shoes Ltd [1965] Ch 250 (Chancery Division)
The defendant company passed special resolutions increasing the issued share capital and doubling the voting
rights of the management shares. The purpose was to preserve the voting strength of the existing ‘management
shares’ notwithstanding the new issue. The resolutions were carried by a large majority at a general meeting of the
company and approved by a class meeting of the ordinary shareholders;48 the holders of management shares did
not vote on either occasion. The court ruled that the resolution altering the voting rights was valid.
PENNYCUICK J: I am not persuaded that there has been here any discrimination against or oppression of
the holders of the ordinary shares. What has happened is that the members of this company, other than the
holders of the management shares, have come to the conclusion that it is for the benefit of this company
that the present basis of control through the management shares should continue to subsist
notwithstanding that the management shares will henceforward represent a smaller proportion of the issued
capital than heretofore. That, it seems to me, is a decision on a matter of business policy to which they
could properly come and it does not seem to me a matter in which the court can interfere. So far as I am
aware there is no principle under which the members of a company acting in accordance with the
Companies Act and the constitution of the particular company and subject to any necessary consent on
the part of a class affected, cannot, if they are so minded, alter the relative voting powers attached to
various classes of shares. Of course, any resolution for the alteration of voting rights must be passed in
good faith for the benefit of the company as a whole, but, where it is so, I know of no ground on which such
an alteration would be objectionable and no authority has been cited to that effect. So here this alteration in
voting powers has been resolved upon by a great majority of those members of the company who have
themselves nothing to gain by it so far as their personal interest is concerned and who, so far as one
knows, are actuated only by consideration of what is for the benefit of the company as a whole. I cannot
see any ground on which that can be said to be oppressive. …
➤ Notes
1. It is apparent from such cases as NorthWest Transportation Co Ltd v Beatty [4.33] and Northern Counties
Securities Ltd v Jack son & Steeple Ltd [4.18] that the holders of the management shares were under no legal
obligation to abstain from voting. Their selfdenying act was, however, a very effective piece of window
dressing. In contrast with the rule which normally governs the acts of directors, there seems to be
no general common law rule that a vote by an interested shareholder renders a decision invalid, or even raises
a presumption of mala fides. The only situation in which it is clearly improper to exercise the voting rights
attached to shares (fraud apart) is where the validity of the shares concerned is at stake, when to allow (p.
235) the vote would be to beg the very question in issue: see Hogg v Cramphorn Ltd[7.11] and Bamford v
Bamford in Note 1 of Further notes following Pender v Lushington [13.19].
2. It has from time to time been suggested that it would be a desirable change in the law to allow some issues
to be resolved by submitting them to the votes of ‘independent’ members only. But this would be very difficult
to enforce (consider, eg, relatives, nominees, trustees and friends of ‘interested’ members), and it would
deprive those with most at stake from a meaningful say in their company’s affairs.
3. Denying ‘interested’ members a vote is easier, and there are, indeed, one or two special situations where
the holders of ‘interested’ shares are disfranchised by statute (CA 2006 s 239 is the most obvious one, but
also ss 695, 717), and by the Listing Rules in regard to transactions between a listed company and a ‘related
party’, such as a substantial shareholder or director.
4. In Smith v Croft (No 2) [13.17], Knox J held that it was proper for the court, in deciding whether to allow a
minority shareholder’s action to be brought as an exception to the Rule in Foss v Harbottle (‘The old common
law rule in Foss v Harbottle’, pp 639ff), to have regard to the views of ‘independent’ shareholders, that is, those
who were not involved in the proposed litigation as defendants or as persons closely connected with them. The
judgment (and that of the Court of Appeal in Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v Newman Industries Ltd (No
2) [13.21] on which it is based) comes very close to suggesting that this issue is to be resolved by
summoning a general meeting, perhaps under the direction of the court, at which the defendants and those in
their camp should be disenfranchised. This was something that the Court of Appeal had said that it had no
power to do in Mason v Harris (1879) 11 Ch D 97, but it appears to have become an accepted part of modern
thinking—and, indeed, has now been adopted as a statutory rule in many contexts (eg the ratification of
breaches of directors’ duties: ‘Members’ decisions concerning directors’ breaches’, pp 235ff and ‘Ratification
of acts of directors: CA 2006 s 239’, pp 437ff).
➤ Question
Given these authorities, what legal rule or principle restricts shareholders’ freedom to vote as they wish for a
change in their company’s articles? Does the rule or principle have wider general application?49 Should it?
Variation of class rights
See ‘Variation of class rights’, pp 563ff, and the cases extracted there.
Members’ decisions concerning directors’ breaches
Breaches of duty by directors are not always inimical to the company’s interests. Consider Regal (Hastings) v
Gulliver [7.23] or Brady v Brady [10.08]. If the company’s directors propose to engage in an activity that is beyond
their powers, or in breach of their duties to the company, but is nevertheless an activity that the majority of the
members wish the company to pursue, the members may:50
(i) take the decision themselves to commit the company to the activity (but see Barron v Potter [4.08], on
the members’ limited power to manage the company’s business in this way);
(p. 236) (ii) authorise the directors to engage in the activity (again, the members need to have the necessary
power to authorise the directors to proceed).
More commonly, however, the members will only discover the directors’ breach after the event. If they nevertheless
support the directors’ activity, they may:
(i) ratify (or, more accurately, affirm) the impugned transaction, if that is necessary for its validity;
(ii) ratify (waive or forgive) the breach, so that the directors are secure in the commitment that the company
will not sue them at a later date for the wrongdoing: this might be especially important if the company is
taken over and a new board is put in place, or the company becomes insolvent and a liquidator is appointed,
so that the members who now express support for the directors are no longer in a position to deliver their
Each of these options seems to have slightly different requirements attached to it. The cases that follow expose
some of the rules. In addition, CA 2006 enacts new requirements.
These authorisation and ratification decisions warrant such detailed scrutiny because of the acknowledged risk
that defaulting directors, in their role as members, often have the power to obtain or at least influence company
decisions that may permit them to get away with unacceptable wrongdoing.
CA 2006 s 180: consent, approval or authorisation by members
CA 2006 s 180 is a general section covering each of: authorisation by the directors, according to the terms of the
Act, of what would otherwise be a conflict of interest for one of their board members; approval by the members of
transactions required by statute to have such approval; and, finally, preservation of the general law on authorisation
by the company of anything that would otherwise be a breach of duty by the directors. This last option is the one
under review in this section.
CA 2006 s 239: ratification of acts of directors
CA 2006 s 239 preserves the current law on ratification of acts of directors, but with one significant change. Any
decision by a company to ratify conduct by a director amounting to negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of
trust in relation to the company must be taken by the members, but without reliance on the votes in favour by the
director (as member) or any connected person. Section 252 defines what is meant by a person being ‘connected’
with a director. For the purposes of this section it may also include fellow directors (s 252(5)(d)).
If the ratification decision is taken at a meeting, those members whose votes are to be disregarded may still attend
the meeting, take part in the meeting and count towards the quorum for the meeting (if their membership gives
them the right to do so) (s 239(4)).
The company in general meeting may by ordinary resolution ratify an act of the directors which is within
the powers of the company but beyond the authority or competence of the directors.
[4.29] Grant v United Kingdom Switchback Railways Co [1888] 40 Ch D 135 (Court of Appeal)
Article 100 of the articles of association of Thompson’s Patent Gravity Switchback Railways Co (the second
defendant) disqualified any director from voting at a board meeting in relation to any contract in which he was
interested. The directors of this company agreed to sell the company’s undertaking to the United Kingdom Co (the
first defendant) despite the fact (p. 237) that they were the promoters of the purchasing company. [The remaining
facts appear from the judgment.]
COTTON LJ: This is an appeal from a decision of Mr Justice Chitty refusing an injunction to restrain
Thompson’s Company and the United Kingdom Company from carrying into effect a contract for the sale of
part of the undertaking of the former company to the latter. The ground of the application was that the
directors of Thompson’s Company had no authority to enter into the contract, as the articles prohibited a
director from voting upon a contract in which he was interested, and here all the directors but one were
interested. An application for an injunction was made in the Long Vacation, and ordered to stand over till the
Michaelmas Sittings, the companies undertaking not to act upon the agreement in the meantime, but being
left at liberty to call meetings of their shareholders with reference to the agreement. A general meeting of
the shareholders of Thompson’s Company was accordingly held, and passed a resolution approving and
adopting the agreement, and authorising the directors to carry it into effect. Mr Justice Chitty under these
circumstances refused an injunction, and the plaintiff has appealed.
It was argued for the appellant that the directors could not, being interested, make a contract which would
bind their company, and that a general meeting could not, by a mere ordinary resolution, affirm that
contract, for this would be an alteration of the articles, which could only be effected by a special resolution.
This is a mistake. The ratifying of a particular contract which had been entered into by the directors without
authority, and so making it an act of the company, is quite a different thing from altering the articles. To give
the directors power to do things in future which articles did not authorise them to do would be an alteration
of the articles, but it is no alteration of the articles to ratify a contract which has been made with authority.
It was urged that the contract was a nullity, and could not be ratified. That is not the case. There was a
contract entered into on behalf of the company, though it was one which could not be enforced against the
company. Article 100 prevented the directors from binding the company by the contract, but there was
nothing in it to prevent the company from entering into such a contract. Two passages in Irvine v Union
Bank of Australia51 were referred to. Being in the same judgment, they must be taken together, and they
appear to me to express what I have said—that power to do future acts cannot be given to directors without
altering the articles, but that a ratification of an unauthorised act of the directors only requires the sanction
of an ordinary resolution of a general meeting, if the act is within the powers of the company.
LINDLEY and BOWEN LJJ delivered concurring judgments.
[4.30] Re Horsley & Weight Ltd [1982] Ch 442 (Court of Appeal)
The company’s memorandum included among its objects, by clause 3(o): ‘to grant pensions to employees and ex
employees and directors and exdirectors …’ and further provided that all the objects should be read and construed
as separate and distinct objects. The respondent, Mr Stephen Horsley, had served the company as a director and
worked for it as an estimator for many years. The other directors were Mr CampbellDick and Mr Frank Horsley
(who were the only two members of the company at the material time) and their two wives. Just before the
respondent was due to retire from active work at the age of 65, Mr CampbellDick and Mr Frank Horsley, purporting
to act on behalf of the company, took out a retirement pension policy for his benefit at a cost of over £10,000. The
company went into liquidation a year later and in these proceedings the liquidator attacked the validity of the
pension payment.
BUCKLEY LJ: I now turn to the second head of Mr EvansLombe’s argument, viz that the purchase of the
pension was effected by Mr CampbellDick and Mr Frank Horsley without the authority of the board of
directors or of the company in general meeting, and was an act of misfeasance which (p. 238) was not
validated as against the company’s creditors by virtue of the fact that Mr CampbellDick and Mr Frank
Horsley were the only shareholders. Ignoring for the moment that Mr CampbellDick and Mr Frank Horsley
were the only shareholders, the transaction in question was indeed carried out by them without the sanction
of any board resolution, whether antecedent, contemporary or by way of subsequent ratification. It was an
unauthorised act which they were, as two only of the company’s five directors, incompetent to carry out on
the company’s behalf. It therefore cannot stand unless it has in some way been ratified. The question is
whether the fact that Mr CampbellDick and Mr Frank Horsley were the only shareholders of the company
has the effect of validating the transaction.
Mr EvansLombe has submitted that there is a general duty incumbent on directors of a company, whether
properly described as owed to creditors or not, to preserve the company’s capital fund (which he identifies
as those assets which are not distributable by way of dividends) and not to dispose of it otherwise than for
the benefit or intended benefit of the company. He submits that creditors dealing with the company are
entitled to assume that directors will observe that duty; and that creditors although they are not entitled to
interfere in the daytoday management of a company which is not in liquidation, are entitled through a
liquidator to seek redress in respect of a breach of the duty. Consequently, Mr EvansLombe submits, the
members of the company cannot, even unanimously, deprive the creditors of any remedy so available to
On this part of the case Mr EvansLombe mainly relies upon Re Exchange Bank ing Co, Flitcroft’s
Case [10.13] … The facts of that case were very different from those of the present case and the principles
applicable were, in my opinion, also different. A company cannot legally repay contributed capital to the
contributors otherwise than by way of an authorised reduction of capital. Nothing of that kind occurred in the
present case. There is nothing in the statute or in the general law which prevents a company or its directors
expending contributed capital in doing anything which is an authorised object of the company. In the
present case the cost of effecting the pension policy was, in my view, incurred in the course of carrying out
an express object of the company.
It is a misapprehension to suppose that the directors of a company owe a duty to the company’s creditors
to keep the contributed capital of the company intact. The company’s creditors are entitled to assume that
the company will not in any way repay any paidup share capital to the shareholders except by means of a
duly authorised reduction of capital. They are entitled to assume that the company’s directors will conduct
its affairs in such a manner that no such unauthorised repayment will take place. It may be somewhat
loosely said that the directors owe an indirect duty to the creditors not to permit any unlawful reduction of
capital to occur, but I would regard it as more accurate to say that the directors owe a duty to the company
in this respect and that, if the company is put into liquidation when paidup capital has been improperly
repaid, the liquidator owes a duty to the creditors to enforce any right to repayment which is available to the
company. On the other hand, a company and its directors acting on its behalf, can quite properly expend
contributed capital for any purpose which is intra vires the company. As I have already indicated, the
purchase of the pension policy was, in my view, intra vires the company. It was not, however, within the
powers of Mr CampbellDick and Mr Frank Horsley acting not as members of the board of directors but as
individual directors. Unless the act was effectually ratified it cannot bind the company. They were, however,
the only two shareholders. A company is bound in a matter which is intra vires the company by the
unanimous agreement of its members (per Lord Davey in Salomon v A Salomon & Co Ltd [2.01]; and
see Re Express Engineering Work s Ltd [1920] 1 Ch 466 (CA) even where that agreement is given
informally:Park er & Cooper Ltd v Reading.52 That both Mr CampbellDick and Mr Frank Horsley assented to
the transaction in question in the present case is beyond dispute. They both initialled the proposal form and
they both signed the cheques for the premiums. Their good faith has not been impugned, nor, in my view,
does the evidence support any suggestion that in effecting the policy they did not honestly apply their
minds to the question whether it was a fair and proper thing for the company to do in the light of the
company’s financial state as known to (p. 239) them at the time. In my judgment, their assent made the
transaction binding on the company and unassailable by the liquidator …
CUMMINGBRUCE and TEMPLEMAN LJJ delivered concurring judgments, in the course of which they
made the following comments:
CUMMINGBRUCE LJ: On these facts it is unnecessary to decide whether, had misfeasance by the
directors been proved, it was open to them in their capacity as shareholders to ratify their own negligence
and so to prejudice the claims of creditors. It would surprise me to find that the law is to be so understood.
TEMPLEMAN LJ: If, however, there had been evidence and a finding of misfeasance and it appeared that
the payment of £10,000 in the event reduced the fund available for creditors by that sum, or by a substantial
proportion of that sum, I am not satisfied that the directors convicted of such misfeasance, albeit with no
fraudulent intent or action, could excuse themselves because two of them held all the issued shares in the
company and as shareholders ratified their own gross negligence as directors which inflicted loss on
creditors. I should be sorry to find the scope of s 333 [IA 1986 s 212] so restricted and need not do so on
this occasion.
An ordinary resolution of members which purports to ratify an irregular act of the directors is ineffective if
it itself contravenes the articles.
[4.31] Boschoek Pty Ltd v Fuke [1906] 1 Ch 148 (Chancery Division)
The directors had purported to appoint Fuke managing director at a remuneration of £700 per annum
notwithstanding that he did not hold ‘in his own right’ the number of qualification shares prescribed by the articles
and that the maximum remuneration of the whole board was fixed by the articles at £500. The company later
confirmed the appointment by resolutions passed unanimously at a general meeting; but the court ruled that the
resolutions were invalid.
SWINFEN EADY J: The … ground on which the plaintiff company has objected to the validity of the …
resolutions passed at this meeting is that they could only have been properly passed after the articles had
been altered by special resolution. The company in general meeting could not appoint, and could not ratify,
as from December 1901, the appointment of Fuke as managing director at £700 per annum as he had not
the necessary qualification, and the maximum remuneration of the whole board was fixed by the articles at
£500. The articles, until altered, bound the shareholders in general meeting as much as the board. The
present case is unlike that of Irvine v Union Bank of Australia,53 to which reference was made, as in that
case the limitation of the power of borrowing and mortgaging was merely a limitation of the authority of the
directors, and not a limitation of the general powers of the company. It was argued that the acts of the
directors in excess of their authority might be ratified by the company and rendered binding, and that
contention succeeded. Articles must first be altered by special resolution before the altered articles can be
acted upon: Imperial Hydropathic Hotel Co, Black pool v Hampson [4.04].
A general meeting may ratify an act of the directors which is voidable as an irregular exercise of their
[4.32] Bamford v Bamford [1970] Ch 212 (Court of Appeal)
The directors of Bamfords Ltd (referred to in the judgment as ‘the company’) issued 500,000 shares at par to FH
Burgess Ltd, one of the principal distributors of the company’s products. (p. 240) They did so in exercise of a
power vested in them by the articles, but (so the plaintiffs alleged) improperly, being primarily for the purpose of
forestalling a takeover bid by JC Bamford (Excavators) Ltd. When the validity of the allotment was challenged by
the issue of a writ, the directors convened a members’ meeting at which the allotment was ratified and approved.
(The newly issued shares were not voted.54 ) The Court of Appeal held as a preliminary point of law, on the
assumption that the facts alleged were true, that such a ratification would be effective.
HARMAN LJ: … [This] is a tolerably plain case. It is trite law, I had thought, that if directors do acts, as
they do every day, especially in private companies, which, perhaps because there is no quorum, or
because their appointment was defective, or because sometimes there are no directors properly appointed
at all, or because they are actuated by improper motives, they go on doing for years, carrying on the
business of the company in the way in which, if properly constituted, they should carry it on, and then they
find that everything has been so to speak wrongly done because it was not done by a proper board, such
directors can, by making a full and frank disclosure and calling together the general body of the
shareholders, obtain absolution and forgiveness of their sins; and provided the acts are not ultra vires the
company as a whole everything will go on as if it had been done all right from the beginning. I cannot believe
that this is not a commonplace of company law. It is done every day. Of course, if the majority of the
general meeting will not forgive and approve, the directors must pay for it.
[His Lordship referred to Regal (Hastings) Ltd v Gulliver [7.23] and continued:] So it seems to me here that
these directors, on the assumptions which we have to make, made this allotment in breach of their duty—
mala fide, as it is said. They made it with an eye primarily on the exigencies of the takeover war and not
with a single eye to the benefit of the company, and, therefore, it is a bad allotment. But it is an allotment.
There is no doubt that the directors had power to allot these shares. There is no doubt that they did allot
them. There is no doubt that the allottees are on the register and are for all purposes members of the
company. The only question is whether the allotment, having been made, as one must assume, in bad
faith, is voidable and can be avoided at the instance of the company—at their instance only and of no one
else, because the wrong, if wrong it be, is a wrong done to the company. If that be right, the company,
which had the right to recall the allotment, has also the right to approve of it and forgive it; and I see no
difficulty at all in supposing that the ratification by the decision of December 15 in the general meeting of
the company was a perfectly good ‘whitewash’ of that which up to that time was a voidable transaction. And
that is the end of the matter. …
RUSELL LJ delivered a concurring judgment.
KARMINSKI LJ concurred.
For another part of the decision, see Note 1 in Further Notes following Pender v Lushington [13.19].
[4.33] NorthWest Transportation Co Ltd v Beatty [1887] 12 App Cas 589 (Privy Council)
The facts appear from the judgment.
The opinion of their Lordships was delivered by SIR RICHARD BAGGALLAY: The plaintiff, Henry Beatty, is
a shareholder in the NorthWest Transportation Company Limited, and he sues on behalf of himself and all
other shareholders in the company, except those who are defendants. The (p. 241) defendants are the
company and five shareholders, who, at the commencement of the action, were the directors of the
company. The claim in the action is to set aside a sale made to the company by James Hughes Beatty,
one of the directors, of a steamer called the United Empire, of which, previously to such sale, he was sole
The general principles applicable to cases of this kind are well established. Unless some provision to the
contrary is to be found in the charter or other instrument by which the company is incorporated, the
resolution of a majority of the shareholders, duly convened, upon any question with which the company is
legally competent to deal, is binding upon the minority, and consequently upon the company, and every
shareholder has a perfect right to vote upon any such question, although he may have a personal interest in
the subjectmatter opposed to, or different from, the general or particular interests of the company.
On the other hand, a director of a company is precluded from dealing, on behalf of the company, with
himself, and from entering into engagements in which he has a personal interest conflicting, or which
possibly may conflict, with the interests of those whom he is bound by fiduciary duty to protect; and this
rule is as applicable to the case of one of several directors as to a managing or sole director. Any such
dealing or engagement may, however, be affirmed or adopted by the company, provided such affirmance or
adoption is not brought about by unfair or improper means, and is not illegal or fraudulent or oppressive
towards those shareholders who oppose it.
The material facts of the case are not now in dispute …
It is proved by uncontradicted evidence, and is indeed now substantially admitted, that at the date of the
purchase the acquisition of another steamer to supply the place of the Asia was essential to the efficient
conduct of the company’s business; that the United Empire was well adapted for that purpose; that it was
not within the power of the company to acquire any other steamer equally well adapted for its business; and
that the price agreed to be paid for the steamer was not excessive or unreasonable …
It is clear upon the authorities that the contract entered into by the directors on 10 February could not have
been enforced against the company at the instance of the defendant JH Beatty, but it is equally clear that it
was within the competency of the shareholders at the meeting of the 16th to adopt or reject it. In form and
in terms they adopted it by a majority of votes, and the vote of the majority must prevail, unless the
adoption was brought about by unfair or improper means.
The only unfairness or impropriety which, consistently with the admitted and established facts, could be
suggested, arises out of the fact that the defendant JH Beatty possessed a voting power as a shareholder
which enabled him, and those who thought with him, to adopt the byelaw, and thereby either to ratify and
adopt a voidable contract, into which he, as a director, and his codirectors had entered, or to make a
similar contract, which latter seems to have been what was intended to be done by the resolution passed
on 7 February.
It may be quite right that, in such a case, the opposing minority should be able, in a suit like this, to
challenge the transaction, and to show that it is an improper one, and to be freed from the objection that a
suit with such an object can only be maintained by the company itself.
But the constitution of the company enabled the defendant JH Beatty to acquire this voting power; there
was no limit upon the number of shares which a shareholder might hold, and for every share so held he was
entitled to a vote; the charter itself recognised the defendant as a holder of 200 shares, onethird of the
aggregate number; he had a perfect right to acquire further shares, and to exercise his voting power in such
a manner as to secure the election of directors whose views upon policy agreed with his own, and to
support those views at any shareholders’ meeting; the acquisition of the United Empire was a pure question
of policy, as to which it might be expected that there would be differences of opinion, and upon which the
voice of the majority ought to prevail; to reject the votes of the defendant upon the question of the adoption
of the byelaw would be to give effect to the views of the minority, and to disregard those of the majority.
See also Burland v Earle [1902] AC 83, PC.
(p. 242) ➤ Question
This case has been understood for well over a century as one of the leading authorities for the principle that a
general meeting may ratify an act of the directors which is voidable as an irregular exercise of their powers, on
the basis that here the directors had entered into a contract which was voidable because of Beatty’s
undisclosed personal interest, but was rescued from invalidity because the contract was ratified by the
members’ resolution—a resolution on which, it was held, Beatty was not debarred from voting. A number of Sir
Richard Baggallay’s remarks are consistent with this view of the matter (eg his reference to a ‘contract
entered into by the directors on 10 February’). Later commentators have gone further, interpreting the case as
one where there was a breach of duty by Beatty which he was able to whitewash by the use of his own votes.
The CLR adopts this approach, taking NorthWest Transportation v Beatty as illustrating the case of
a wrongdoing director voting in his capacity as a shareholder to ratify the transaction. It proposed by way of an
amendment to the law that the member in question should be disenfranchised and the resolution should only
be capable of being carried by a majority of disinterested shareholders (see CA 2006 s 239). A close
examination of the facts, and of the arguments of counsel, however, suggests that the whole point of the
proposed ‘byelaw’ was to put the proposal that the company should buy the ship before the members for
them to decide.
Is there any material difference between the constraints that operate on the exercise of powers by members to
affirm a voidable transaction, to waive a breach of duty, or to take a corporate decision ab initio ? If there is a
difference, how can an observer decide what the members are trying to vote on?
[See also Burland v Earle [1902] AC 83, PC, and the Multinational Gas case [7.39].]
➤ Notes
1. The principle established by these cases is subject to the limitation recognised in such cases as Cook v
Deek s [7.22] and Menier v Hooper’s Telegraph Work s(1874) 9 Ch App 350, CA: the power to ratify cannot
validate acts of fraud or expropriation, or, perhaps more specifically, that directors guilty of such acts cannot,
in their capacity as members, ratify or condone their own wrongdoing. This rigorous approach has been
extended to ratification of directors’ negligence where that negligence also leads to personal benefit (Daniels v
Daniels [1978] Ch 406, see Notes 2 and 3 following Franbar Holdings Ltd v Patel [13.12], p 661).
2. But even that simple statement has its difficulties. On one measure, a company’s claim against its
defaulting directors is a ‘corporate asset’. Accordingly, for the members to agree to waive the right, or give it
away, amounts to much the same thing as ‘giving away’ a corporate opportunity as in Cook v Deek s [7.22].
That is something the members in general meeting could not do, at least where the resolution was carried by
the votes of the wrongdoers. Yet examples abound of just this sort of ratification, where directors control the
general meeting and are permitted to vote in favour of resolutions that allow them to keep the benefits of
contracts with the company (NorthWest Transportation Co Ltd v Beatty [4.33]), or escape claims for
compensation for negligence (Pavlides v Jensen [1956] Ch 565).
3. Two further points are material. First, there must be a members’ decision to ratify: as Re D’Jan of London
Ltd [7.20] shows, it is not enough that the decision of the general meeting would certainly have gone in favour
of the errant director (here, the director owned 99% of the shares and his wife 1%). Secondly, as a company
approaches insolvency, the shareholders lose their right to vote to distribute corporate assets to particular
individuals to the detriment of the claims of the company’s creditors (Kinsela v Russell Kinsela Pty Ltd [7.08]).
(p. 243) 4. On the effect of a ratification or approval in relation to directors’ duties, also see Multinational Gas
and Petrochemical Co Ltd v Multinational Gas and Petrochemical Services Ltd [7.39] and Madoff Securities
International Ltd v Raven [7.40].
Summary of limitations on members’ voting
On one analysis, these cases appear to establish a general rule that members are free to use the votes attached
to their shares as they think fit and that they may, if they so wish, use them to advance their own interests. This
proposition is certainly true of most business and policy decisions, such as whether to make a purchase or whom
to appoint as a director. However, there are a number of particular and important limitations on members’ freedom
to vote as they choose, some of which are well recognised and others of more questionable standing. It is not
easy to unite these exceptions by any common theme, although it is probably significant that they belong mostly
in the area of intracorporate disputes,55 where one group of members is complaining that the others have used
their more powerful voting strength to gain an unfair advantage.
Some of these special situations are:
(i) Majority members may not use their votes to appropriate to themselves property which belongs to the
company or to condone their own fraud (Cook v Deek s [7.22];Menier v Hooper’s Telegraph Work s (1974) 9
Ch App 350, CA).
(ii) Where there is a resolution on an issue which affects the rights of members inter se, such as an
alteration of the articles or a variation of class rights, the majority must act ‘bona fide in the interests of the
company (or class) as a whole’ (Allen v Gold Reefs of West Africa Ltd [4.22]; British America Nick el Corpn
Ltd v O’Brien[11.06]).
(iii) Where it is sought to bring an action against persons who have allegedly committed wrongs against the
company, the alleged wrongdoers may not use their votes to stop the action being brought (historically, an
exception to the rule in Foss v Harbottle [12.01]; and also see ‘Ratification of acts of directors: CA 2006 s
239’, pp 437ff).
(iv) There are certain statutory remedies which may be sought by members who are disadvantaged as a
result of some act of the majority, even though what is complained of is within the legal power of the majority.
The most popular of these statutory remedies are relief against ‘unfairly prejudicial’ conduct (on predecessor
provisions, see the influential Scottish Cooperative Wholesale Society Ltd v Meyer [13.24], and, more
generally, see ‘Unfairly prejudicial conduct of the company’s affairs’, pp 681ff), and winding up on the ‘just
and equitable’ ground (Ebrahimi v Westbourne Galleries Ltd [16.13]).
(v) Clemens v Clemens Bros Ltd [4.20] and Re Halt Garage (1964) Ltd [5.03] appear to impose vaguer
limitations on the members’ voting powers: first, that votes must not be used ‘oppressively’, and, secondly,
that they must be used for ‘genuine’ purposes. Neither limitation is supported by weighty authority; and nor
is either strong enough to make any significant inroad into the line of cases which lay down the general rule.
It would be wrong to deduce from any of the exceptional situations listed here that a member is thereby placed
under a duty to vote against his own interests, in the altruistic way disowned by Dixon J in the Peter’s American
Delicacy case [4.26], although this is a trap into which judges do occasionally fall (Re Holders Investment Trust
Ltd[10.04]). The realistic choice faced by controlling members wishing to avoid having their role in the general
meeting decision questioned may well be between abandoning or modifying the proposal, on the one (p.
244) hand, and, on the other, taking a calculated risk and pressing ahead in the knowledge that the burden of
proof on any minority members seeking to challenge a decision has traditionally been a difficult one to discharge.
However, the body of case law under CA 2006 s 994 (the ‘unfair prejudice’ section, previously CA 1985 s 459: see
‘Unfairly prejudicial conduct of the company’s affairs’, pp 681ff), and cases such as Clemens v Clemens Bros
Ltd [4.20], suggest that the balance may be tipping towards minority members—or may already have done so.
Some of the debate in this area (both judicial and extrajudicial) confuses the demands of fiduciary duties and the
demands of public law or equitable rules on ‘proper purposes’. Because shareholders are not constrained by the
former, so the argument goes, they cannot be constrained by the latter (indeed, to some the latter are regarded
simply as a subset of the former). It is true that shareholders are not constrained by fiduciary duties: unlike
directors, they do not have to deny their own interests and favour those of the company or other shareholders (see
‘Duty to avoid conflicts of interest: CA 2006 s 175’, pp 361ff).56 But it is not clear why they should not be subject
to the same limitations that routinely apply elsewhere to those given a power to exercise—in those other cases it
is not controversial that, to be valid, the power must be exercised bona fide and for proper purposes.
➤ Question
Should members exercising their majority power be constrained to vote both bona fide and for proper
Shareholders’ agreements
The company’s constitution may be supplemented by a shareholders’ agreement—a contract, usually of a quite
formal kind, entered into by the shareholders either at the time of the company’s formation or at some subsequent
time (eg when a family company, in need of extra capital to finance an expansion of its business, invites an
outsider to join the company as an additional shareholder).58
To be fully effective as a constitutional document, it is necessary that all of the members for the time being should
be made parties to the agreement, and so the use of a shareholders’ agreement in this way is practicable only if
the membership is not too large. Shareholders’ agreements are also possible between only some of the members,
but for different objectives and with different impact. Historically, the company itself was sometimes also joined as
a party, but there are dangers in doing so if there is any risk that it will be held to have fettered its statutory powers
(see Russell v Northern Bank Development Corpn Ltd [4.34]).59
The shareholders’ agreement is used, almost as a matter of routine, to supplement the constitutional documents
of smaller companies in Canada and the United States, and its importance has been recognised by legislation in
those jurisdictions. In the UK, there is no legislative recognition, but its use is now standard practice for some
purposes, for example joint ventures, management buyouts, and in loan related securities required by lenders.
(p. 245) A shareholders’ agreement might typically contain provisions that each of the shareholders should be
entitled to appoint a director, that no shareholder should vote in support of an alteration of the company’s articles
or its capital unless all the members agreed to it, and that except in specified circumstances a shareholder would
not require the repayment of money which he or she had lent to the company.
The main advantage of a shareholders’ agreement is that normal contractual rules apply, so, unlike the articles of
association or the rules governing a company’s capital structure, its terms cannot be altered by a majority vote
(see ‘Alteration of the articles’, pp 219ff). Further, contractual obligations are in principle enforceable as of right,
and, where appropriate, by injunction. By contrast, most company law remedies are discretionary, and a member
who has only a minority shareholding may have no standing to take a complaint to the court. In addition, being
normal contracts, shareholders’ agreements are not constrained by the odd medley of rules governing enforcement
of the articles by individual members (where the courts have added a gloss to the statutory rules so that
enforcement must be qua member, not in some other capacity, and must concern matters that go beyond mere
internal irregularities; see ‘Personal claims by members’, pp 667ff). On a practical level, unlike the articles of
association which is a public document available for inspection by members of the public, a shareholders’
agreement offers enhanced privacy which is more fitting for dealing with such matters as directors’ remuneration,
dividend policy and other sensitive internal management matters. Finally, as per contract law principles, a
shareholders’ agreement may be set aside where one party entered into the agreement under duress: Antonio v
Antonio [2010] EWHC 1199 (QB). See also the recent case of Borrelli v Ting [2010] UKPC 21, in which the Privy
Council found that the liquidators had been induced to enter into a settlement agreement with the defendant
shareholder, as a result of the illegitimate economic duress exerted by the latter.
On the other hand, there are disadvantages, the main one being that under the rules of privity of contract a
shareholders’ agreement is binding only on its immediate parties and not on anyone who later takes a transfer of
shares or joins the company as a new member. (The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 is unlikely to be
relevant in this context, since it is concerned only with rights and not obligations.) This is often cured by joining
subsequent transferees as parties to an existing shareholders’ agreement by requiring the newcomer to execute a
‘Deed of Adherence’.
Judges have been known to imply a shareholders’ agreement and give effect to it (eg in Pennell Securities Ltd v
Venida Investments Ltd (25 July 1974, noted Burridge (1981) 44 MLR 40)), and the terms of a shareholders’
agreement will carry much weight in proceedings brought by a minority shareholder for relief against ‘unfairly
prejudicial’ conduct (‘Unfairly prejudicial conduct of the company’s affairs’, pp 681ff) or for a windingup order on the
‘just and equitable’ ground (‘Compulsory winding up on the “just and equitable” ground’, pp 795ff). Note,
however, Sik orsk i v Sik orsk i [2012] EWHC 1613 (Ch), in which the court held that a breach of an agreement
between shareholders would not ipso facto constitute ‘unfair prejudice’; it still falls upon the petitioner to establish
that their interests have been unfairly prejudiced.
For examples of the use (and limitations on the use) of shareholders’ agreements, see Russell v Northern Bank
Development Corpn Ltd [4.34]; Puddephatt v Leith [4.19];Euro Brok ers Holdings Ltd v Monecor (London)
Ltd [4.16]; Punt v Symons & Co Ltd [4.21] (noting that this agreement was with the company, but the judgments
allow for inferences to be made about the potentially different treatment of shareholders’ agreements). See also,
recently, Westcoast (Holdings) Ltd (formerly Kelido Ltd) v Wharf Land Subsidiary (No 1) Ltd [2012] EWCA Civ
1003, CA, in which Rimer LJ (with whom Pitchford and Mummery LJJ concurred) highlighted the importance of
accurate and precise drafting. The claimant sought to bring a petition to wind up the company for an unpaid
shareholders’ loan, but this would ordinarily (p. 246) be precluded by art 5.3 under the shareholders’ agreement. It
was however provided under art 19 that the agreement would expire upon, at the latest, its fifth anniversary, and
thus the claimant would prima facie be free to bring such petition after the agreement had lapsed. Yet there was a
proviso to art 19, which bound the shareholders to the agreement ‘to such extent and for so long as may be
necessary to give effect to the rights and obligations embodied herein’. The appeal therefore turned on the effect of
this ‘obscure’ proviso, and the Court of Appeal held that art 19 could not revive art 5.3 beyond the fiveyear period,
as the parties’ commercial arrangement as a whole demonstrated a consistent intention that the company should
have five years in which to make use of the loan and to develop the business venture, and that it would
subsequently be open to shareholders to have recourse to all such rights and remedies to recover any unsatisfied
A company may not bind itself not to exercise the power conferred on it by statute, but an agreement by
members that they will not support such a resolution is binding.
[4.34] Russell v Northern Bank Development Corpn Ltd [1992] 1 WLR 588 (House of Lords)
A company (referred to in the report as TBL) was set up in 1979 as the parent company in a group of brickmaking
companies based in Northern Ireland. It had five shareholders: the respondent bank, which held 120 shares, and
four executives (including Russell), who each held 20 shares. Soon after the incorporation of TBL, an agreement
was entered into between the five shareholders and the company which provided (inter alia) that no further share
capital would be created or issued without the consent of each of the parties. In 1988 the board of directors
proposed to make an increase of capital to £4 million by a rights issue. Russell objected to this and was
successful in obtaining a declaration that the agreement was binding on his fellow shareholders (although not on
the company itself).
LORD JAUNCEY OF TULLICHETTLE: … The issue between the parties in this House was whether art 3 of
the agreement constituted an unlawful and invalid fetter on the statutory power of TBL to increase its share
capital or whether it was no more than an agreement between the shareholders as to their manner of voting
in a given situation. Both parties accepted the longestablished principle that ‘a company cannot forgo its
right to alter its articles’ (Southern Foundries (1926) Ltd v Shirlaw[6.04], per Lord Porter), a principle that
was earlier stated in Allen v Gold Reefs of West Africa Ltd [4.22] per Lindley MR:
… the company is empowered by the statute to alter the regulations contained in its articles from
time to time by special resolutions …, and any regulation or article purporting to deprive the
company of this power is invalid on the ground that it is contrary to the statute …
Murray J and MacDermott LJ [judges in the courts below] both considered that this principle applied also to
the right of a company to alter its memorandum and I agree that this must be the case. Mr McCartney QC
for the appellant advanced a number of arguments to the effect that the agreement in no way contravened
the above principle inasmuch as it was merely an agreement between shareholders outside the scope of
company legislation which in no way fettered the statutory power of TBL to alter its memorandum and
articles. Mr Girvan QC, on the other hand, submitted that the agreement was not only a voting arrangement
between shareholders inter se but was tantamount to an article of association which constituted a
restriction on the power of TBL to alter its share capital.
My Lords, while a provision in a company’s articles which restricts its statutory power to alter those articles
is invalid an agreement dehors the articles between shareholders as to how they shall exercise their voting
rights on a resolution to alter the articles is not necessarily so. In (p. 247) Welton v Saffery,60 which
concerned an ultra vires provision in the articles of association authorising the company to issue shares at
a discount, Lord Davey said:
‘Of course, individual shareholders may deal with their own interests by contract in such way as they
may think fit. But such contracts, whether made by all or some only of the shareholders, would
create personal obligations, or an exceptio personalis against themselves only, and would not
become a regulation of the company, or be binding on the transferees of the parties to it, or upon
new or nonassenting shareholders. …’
I understand Lord Davey there to be accepting that shareholders may lawfully agree inter se to exercise
their voting rights in a manner which, if it were dictated by the articles, and were thereby binding on the
company, would be unlawful.
I turn to examine the agreement in more detail. It appears from the narrative clauses that the agreement
was intended to regulate the relationship between the shareholders with regard to the management and
control of TBL. Clause 1 provides that the terms of the agreement shall have precedence ‘between the
shareholdersover the articles of association’ (the emphasis is mine). It further provides that where there is a
conflict between the provisions of the agreement and the articles parties shall cooperate where necessary
to have the articles amended to take account of the provisions of the agreement. It further provides that no
further share capital shall be created or issued in TBL without the written consent of the parties to the
agreement. … clause 3 affects only existing shareholders and does not purport to bind other persons who
may at some future date become shareholders in TBL by allotment or transfer. Clause 3 at least so far as
shareholders are concerned constitutes an agreement collateral to the provisions of [the company’s
articles] and is, as MacDermott LJ has concluded, neither in substitution for nor in conflict with [them].
However it must be remembered that the agreement was executed not only by the shareholders but also by
TBL. In Bushell v Faith [6.02] one of the articles of a private company provided that in the event of a
resolution being proposed at a general meeting of the company for the removal of a director any share held
by him should carry three votes per share. The issued capital of the company was equally divided between
three persons and an attempt by two shareholders to remove the third from the office of director failed
because his 300 votes outnumbered the 200 of the two other shareholders. It was held that the article in
question was not invalidated by [the equivalent of CA 2006 s 168] which empowered a company by ordinary
resolution to remove a director. Russell LJ said, at pp. 447–448:
‘Mr. Dillon argued … that a company cannot by its articles or otherwise deprive itself of the power by
special resolution to alter its articles or any of them. But the point is the same one. An article
purporting to do this is ineffective. But a provision as to voting rights which has the effect of making a
special resolution incapable of being passed, if a particular shareholder or group of shareholders
exercises his or their voting rights against a proposed alteration, is not such a provision. An article in
terms providing that no alteration shall be made without the consent of X is contrary to [the Act] and
ineffective. But the provision as to voting rights that I have mentioned is wholly different, and it does
not serve to say that it can have the same result.’
Both parties sought to derive comfort from this dictum. Mr McCartney [counsel for the claimant] relied on it
as demonstrating that a provision as to the exercise of voting rights, even although it had the effect of
preventing a resolution being passed, was nevertheless valid. Mr Girvan [counsel for the defendant] argued
that the effect of clause 3 was the same as that of an article containing a provision that ‘no alteration should
be made without the consent of X.’
(p. 248) I do not doubt that if clause 3 had been embodied in the articles of association so as to be binding
on all persons who were or might become shareholders in TBL it would have been invalid but it was, of
course, not so embodied. To my mind the significant part of this dictum for the purposes of this appeal is
the words ‘articles or otherwise’ occurring in the first sentence thereof. These words appear to recognise
that it is not only fetters on the power to alter articles of association imposed by the statutory framework of
a company which are obnoxious.
Turning back to clause 3 of the agreement it appears to me that its purpose was twofold. The shareholders
agreed only to exercise their voting powers in relation to the creation or issue of shares in TBL if they and
TBL agreed in writing. This agreement is purely personal to the shareholders who executed it and as I have
already remarked does not purport to bind future shareholders. It is, in my view, just such a private
agreement as was envisaged by Lord Davey in Welton v Saffery. TBL on the other hand agreed that its
capital would not be increased without the consent of each of the shareholders. This was a clear
undertaking by TBL in a formal agreement not to exercise its statutory powers for a period which could,
certainly on one view of construction, last for as long as any one of the parties to the agreement remained a
shareholder and long after the control of TBL had passed to shareholders who were not party to the
agreement. As such an undertaking it is, in my view, as obnoxious as if it had been contained in the
articles of association and therefore is unenforceable as being contrary to the provisions of art 131 of the
Companies (Northern Ireland) Order 1986 [CA 2006 s 617]. TBL’s undertaking is, however, independent of
and severable from that of the shareholders and there is no reason why the latter should not be enforceable
by the shareholders inter se as a personal agreement which in no way fetters TBL in the exercise of its
statutory powers. I would therefore allow the appeal.
It only remains to consider the relief which would be afforded to the plaintiff. He stated in evidence that he
had no objection to the proposed resolutions in themselves but that he wished to establish the validity of
clause 3 … In these circumstances it would be inappropriate to grant him the injunction sought in his writ
[which was an injunction to prevent the defendants ‘considering and/or voting’ on the proposed resolutions].
In my view the proper order would be a declaration as to the validity of clause 3 of the agreement as
between the shareholders. No argument was addressed to your Lordships as to the form of such a
declaration and accordingly the case must be remitted back to the Court of Appeal to make the appropriate
order in the light of such submissions as counsel may think fit. …
➤ Questions
1. Lord Jauncey said that the company could not fetter the exercise of its statutory powers. Which powers are
these? Which powers are outside this classification, and could they be fettered?
2. If the company cannot fetter the exercise of its powers, who, precisely, has to be left free to act, since a
company can only act by human agents?
3. The contractual clause binding the company in Russell v Northern Bank Development Corpn Ltd was held
to be ‘unenforceable’. Does this mean it was void (as against the company)? What, if anything, is the
difference? Also see the Notes following Punt v Symons & Co Ltd [4.21], pp 221ff.
4. By contrast, the contractual clause binding the shareholders in Russell v Northern Bank Development
Corpn Ltd was enforceable. The House of Lords declined to order an injunction in the circumstances. Would
the court ever order an injunction to restrain a breach by shareholders, or would it only ever order damages on
breach? If it would order an injunction, what impact would this have on fettering the company’s exercise of its
statutory powers? If it would not order an injunction, what is the value of a shareholders’ agreement?
(p. 249) A shareholders’ agreement may alter the orthodox corporate law rules that govern amendments to
the company’s constitution and enforcement of directors’ duties.
Read Wilk inson v West Coast Capital [7.28].
The shareholders’ agreement in Wilk inson provided that certain corporate actions could only be pursued with the
consent of more than 65% of the shareholders (Clause 5), and that each shareholder should use all reasonable
and proper means to promote the interests of the company (Clause 7). Warren J held that Clause 7 must be read
subject to Clause 5, and that, therefore, Clause 5 enabled controlling shareholders who were also directors to use
their vote to decide that the company should not pursue a new business opportunity, with the result that the
opportunity would not then be regarded as a ‘corporate opportunity’, and so pursuit of it by the directors would not
constitute a breach of the conflicts rule (see Bhullar v Bhullar [7.25]). A minority shareholder unsuccessfully
sought a remedy under the unfair prejudice provisions of the Act (CA 1985 s 459; now see CA 2006 s 994). Also
see Breck land Group Holdings Ltd v London & Suffolk Properties Ltd [1989] BCLC 100 (Ch).
➤ Note
This decision confirms that shareholders exercising their rights under a shareholders’ agreement can use their
votes as they wish. Applying general contract law principles, such a conclusion is unsurprising. However, in
the context of this case, the finding ensured that the directors (as controlling shareholders) could effectively
determine changes to the company’s business objects without the constraints inherent in cases such
as Allen v Gold Reefs [4.22], and could ensure that they were not caught by the fiduciary conflicts rule in
pursuing new corporate opportunities.61
➤ Questions
1. There are good commercial reasons for shareholders’ agreements in this form, allowing the shareholders to
limit the future business direction of the company. But if this right is unqualified, what protection exists for the
dissenting minority? (Here, the dissenting minority was unsuccessful in claiming ‘unfair prejudice’—CA 2006 s
994.) Is the response simply that the minority should not have submitted themselves to the terms of the
shareholders’ agreement?
2. Should all exercises of majority power—that is, all cases where a majority can compel a dissenting
minority to conform to a decision that they have not consented to—be constrained by the (fairly minimal)
requirements that the power should be exercised in good faith and for proper purposes (a subjective test) and
for proper purposes (an objective test)? In this case, there would then be serious assessment of whether the
directors voted as they did in good faith and for proper purposes (see this issue assessed at ‘Limitations on
the free exercise of members’ voting rights’, pp 213ff, and at ‘Duty to promote the success of the company:
CA 2006 s 172’, pp 339ff, and at ‘Duty to act within powers: CA 2007 s 171’, pp 331ff). Would
the practical effect of this be the unacceptable conclusion that the majority appeared to owe
onerous fiduciary duties in that they, of all the people in the world, would be the only people who could not
pursue any attractive new ventures that might be of interest to their company? Is this the practical effect?
(p. 250) 3. In this case, Clause 5 provided that ‘unless the shareholders holding in excess of 65% of the
issued shares otherwise agree in writing the shareholders shall exercise their power in relation to the
company so as to ensure that … the company does not acquire or invest in another company or business or
incorporate any subsidiary’. This effectively gave both groups an individual veto over any further ventures. Does
this formulation suggest that the (proper) purposes for which this power might be exercised include preventing
the company pursuing an opportunity so that (ie for the purpose of allowing) the vetoing group can pursue the
venture on their own?
4. Could the exercise of powers under shareholders’ agreements ever fall foul of CA 2006 s 994?
Members’ personal rights
It might seem strange to be looking at members’ individual and personal rights in a chapter devoted to the
collective rights of members as an organ of the company. But the role of the members as such an organ is defined
in the articles, and the members may need to enforce the rights granted there in order to exercise the
constitutional powers they see as theirs. Of course, members may also seek to make claims under the articles to
obtain purely personal remedies for wrongs allegedly done to them in breach of specific provisions in the articles.
These latter claims generally have nothing to do with the exercise of members’ constitutional rights. Whether the
same approach is warranted in both types of case is a moot point.
The articles constitute a contract binding on the company and each of the company’s members (CA 2006 s 33). It
follows, therefore, that the articles will be interpreted according to general rules of contractual interpretation: Cream
Holdings Ltd v Davenport [2010] EWHC 3096 (Ch), mentioned in Note 4 following Equitable Life Assurance
Society v Hyman [4.03], p 186. It might also seem to follow that the shareholders, as members, have personal
rights under this contract and can sue the company, or other members, to enforce those rights. Two impediments
lie in the face of such claims:
(i) The courts have imposed an enormously restrictive interpretation on the types of rights that are protected
under the contract, reading into the statutory provision limitations that, prima facie, are nowhere suggested.
So, a member must sue ‘as member’,62 and ‘mere irregularities’ cannot be remedied.63
(ii) In addition, where the same facts give rise to a potential claim by the company against the wrongdoers,
the member’s claim may be disallowed because his or her losses are merely ‘reflected losses’ that will be
remedied once the company recovers its losses. This rule is applied as a substantive rule, not merely a
procedural rule that (very properly) denies double recovery.64
CA 2006 s 33: Effect of company’s constitution
(1) The provisions of a company’s constitution bind the company and its members to the same extent as if
there were covenants on the part of the company and of each member to observe those provisions. …
(p. 251) CA 1985 s 14: Effect of memorandum and articles
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the memorandum and articles, when registered, bind the company
and its members to the same extent as if they respectively had been signed and sealed by each member,
and contained covenants on the part of each member to observe all the provisions of the memorandum and
of the articles. …
Despite the seemingly clear words, this provision has been an endless source of varying interpretations and
conflicting analyses. The least of the problems with the 1985 Act was whether the company was a party to the
contract. CA 2006 makes it clear that it is. But, beyond that, the words in the new provision largely duplicate its
predecessor, so the same uncertainties seem destined to plague this area. The following extracts are all likely to
remain relevant.
Any member has the right65 to enforce observance of the terms of the constitution, by virtue of the
contractual effect given to the constitution by CA 2006 s 33.
[4.35] Wood v Odessa Waterworks Co (1889) 42 Ch D 636 (Chancery Division)
The articles empowered the directors, with the sanction of a general meeting of members, to declare a dividend ‘to
be paid’ to the shareholders. The company passed an ordinary resolution proposing to pay no dividend but instead
to give the shareholders debenturebonds (in effect, obliging them to lend back to the company the money which
could have been paid as dividends, for anything up to 30 years). Wood, a shareholder, sought an injunction to
restrain the company from acting on the resolution. It was held that the proposal was inconsistent with the articles,
and the injunction was accordingly granted.
STIRLING J: It was not disputed that profits available for the payment of a dividend by the company had
been actually earned … Neither was it disputed that the company had power to create a charge on the
assets of the company, or to raise money by means of such a charge, or to apply the money so raised in
payment of a dividend. The question, simply, is whether it is within the power of a majority of the
shareholders to insist against the will of a minority that the profits which have been actually earned shall be
divided, not by the payment of cash, but by the issue of debenturebonds of the company bearing interest at
£5 per cent and repayable at par by an annual drawing extending over thirty years. It is to be inferred from
the terms in which the bonds are offered for subscription that the company cannot issue them in the open
market except at a discount of at least £10 per cent. Now the rights of the shareholders in respect of a
division of the profits of the company are governed by the provisions in the articles of association. By s 16 of
the Companies Act 1862 [CA 2006 s 33] the articles of association ‘bind the company and the members
thereof to the same extent as if each member had subscribed his name and affixed his seal thereto, and
there were in such articles contained a covenant on the part of himself, his heirs, executors, and
administrators, to conform to all the regulations contained in such articles, subject to the provisions of this
Act’. Section 50 of the Act [CA 2006 s 21] provides the means for altering the regulations of the company
contained in the articles of association by passing a special resolution, but no such resolution has in this
case been passed or attempted to be passed; and the question is, whether this is a matter as to which the
majority of the shareholders can bind those shareholders who dissent. The articles of association constitute
a contract not merely between the shareholders and the company, but between each individual shareholder
and every other; and (p. 252) the question which I have just stated must in my opinion be answered in the
negative if there be in the articles a contract between the shareholders as to a division of profits, and the
provisions of that contract have not been followed … That then brings me to consider whether that which is
proposed to be done in the present case is in accordance with the articles of association of the company.
Those articles provide … that the directors may, with the sanction of a general meeting, declare a dividend
to be paid to the shareholders. Prima facie that means to be paid in cash. The debenturebonds proposed
to be issued are not payments in cash; they are merely agreements or promises to pay: and if the
contention of the company prevails a shareholder will be compelled to accept in lieu of cash a debt of the
company payable at some uncertain future period. In my opinion that contention ought not to prevail …
Where the rights of an individual member have been infringed, personal action to enforce such rights
individual loss is possible, even though the conduct complained of may also constitute a wrong to the
company itself.
See Pender v Lushington [13.19]. However, any claim for loss or damage is likely to face the ‘reflective loss’
arguments discussed at ‘The “no reflective loss” principle’, pp 673ff.
The articles do not constitute a contract between the company and someone who is not a member.
[4.36] Eley v Positive Government Security Life Assurance Co Ltd (1876) 1 Ex D 88 (Court of Appeal)
Article 118 of the company’s articles provided: ‘Mr William Eley, of No 27, New Broad Street, in the City of
London, shall be the solicitor to the company, and shall transact all the legal business of the company, including
parliamentary business, for the usual and accustomed fees and charges, and shall not be removed from his office
except for misconduct.’ Eley, the plaintiff, who had himself drafted the company’s documents for registration, and
who became a member several months after its incorporation, sued the company for breach of contract in not
employing him as its solicitor. In the Exchequer Division, it was held that the articles did not create any contract
between Eley and the company. Eley appealed, but the Court of Appeal affirmed the decision.
LORD CAIRNS LC: This case was first rested on the 118th article. Articles of association, as is well known,
follow the memorandum, which states the objects of the company, while the articles state the arrangement
between the members. They are an agreement inter socios, and in that view, if the introductory words are
applied to article 118, it becomes a covenant between the parties to it that they will employ the plaintiff.
Now, so far as that is concerned, it is res inter alios acta, the plaintiff is no party to it. No doubt he thought
that by inserting it he was making his employment safe as against the company; but his relying on that
view of the law does not alter the legal effect of the articles. This article is either a stipulation which would
bind the members, or else a mandate to the directors. In either case it is a matter between the directors
and shareholders, and not between them and the plaintiff. …
➤ Notes
1. The judgments do not deal with the question whether it was relevant that Eley did take shares in the
company at a later stage and so would then have become entitled to enforce whatever rights his membership
conferred on him.
(p. 253) 2. This case is commonly cited as authority for the proposition that the articles could confer rights on
Eley only in his capacity as a member and not as the company’s solicitor. But this reasoning forms no part of
the ratio decidendi, and was first put forward in Hick man’s case [4.37].
3. The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 abrogates in part the traditional doctrine of privity of
contract, by providing that a term in a contract which purports to confer a benefit on a person who is not a
party to it may in stated circumstances be enforced by that person. Theoretically, this provision might now
have enabled a person in the position of Mr Eley to enforce a term such as art 118, but s 6(2) of the 1999 Act
expressly excludes the CA 2006 s 33 contract from its scope.
The effect of s 33 is to bind the company itself, as well as the members, by the terms of the articles. But the
contract which s 33 creates affects the members only in their capacity as members, and not in any special
or personal capacity (eg as director).
[4.37] Hickman v Kent or Romney Marsh SheepBreeders’ Association [1915] 1 Ch 881 (Chancery Division)
The defendant association was incorporated as a nonprofitmaking company. Article 49 of its articles of
association provided that disputes between the association and any of its members should be referred to
arbitration. Hickman, a member, brought this action complaining of various irregularities in the affairs of the
association, including the refusal to register his sheep in its published flock book, and a threat to expel him from
membership. The association was granted a stay of proceedings on the ground that the statutory provision
corresponding to the present s 33 made art 49 an agreement to arbitrate, enforceable as between the association
and a member.
ASTBURY J: This is a summons by the defendants to stay proceedings in the action pursuant to s 4 of the
Arbitration Act 1889 [now Arbitration Act 1996 s 9]. The action is against the defendant association and
their secretary Chapman, and the plaintiff, who became a member in 1905, claims certain injunctions and a
declaration and other relief in respect of matters arising out of and relating solely to the affairs of the
association. In substance he claims to enforce his rights under the association’s articles … [After stating
the objects of the association and reading art 49 as to arbitration, his Lordship continued:] This is a
common form of article in private companies, and the objects of this association being what they are, it and
its members might be seriously prejudiced by a public trial of their disputes, and if this summons fails, as
the plaintiff contends that it should, these arbitration clauses in articles are of very little, if any, value.
It is clear on the authorities that if there is a submission to arbitration within the meaning of the Arbitration
Act 1889, there is a prima facie duty cast upon the court to act upon such an agreement …
In the present case the defendants contend, first, that article 49, dealing as it does with the members of the
association, in their capacity of members only, constitutes a submission within the meaning of the
Arbitration Act, or, secondly, that the contract contained in the plaintiff’s application for membership and the
association’s acceptance of it amounts to such a submission. The plaintiff contests both these
propositions, and independently of the particular dispute in this case, the arguments, especially upon the
first of these contentions, have raised questions of farreaching importance.
I will first deal with the question as to the effect of article 49. [His Lordship read s 14(1) of the 1908 Act
(equivalent to the present CA 2006 s 33), and referred to the longstanding dispute among leading textbook
writers as to its precise effect. He continued:]
(p. 254) The principal authorities in support of the view that the articles do not constitute a contract
between the company and its members are Pritchard’s Case,66 Melhado v Porto Alegre Rly Co,67 Eley v
Positive Life Assurance Co [4.36] and Browne v La Trinidad.68
In Pritchard’s case the articles of association of a mining company provided that the company should
immediately after incorporation enter into an agreement with De Thierry the vendor for the purchase of the
mine for £2,000 and 3,200 fully paid shares. The articles were signed by the vendor and six other persons,
and the directors allotted the 3,200 shares to the vendor or his nominees, but no further agreement was
made with him. It was held, affirming the decision of Wickens VC, that the articles of association did not
constitute a contract in writing between the vendor and the company within s 25 of the Companies Act
1867, and that the shares could not therefore be considered as fully paid.[69 ] Mellish LJ in giving judgment
said: ‘I am of opinion that the articles of association cannot be considered as a contract in writing between
De Thierry and the company for the sale of the mine to them. It may, no doubt, be the case, if no other
contract was entered into, and if De Thierry signed these articles and they were acted upon, that a court of
equity would hold that as between him and the company—from their acting upon it—there was a binding
contract; but in themselves the articles of association are simply a contract as between the shareholders
inter se in respect of their rights as shareholders. They are the deeds of partnership by which the
shareholders agree inter se.’
[The discussion of Melhado v Porto Alegre Rly Co and Eley v Positive Life Assurance Co is omitted.]
In Browne v La Trinidad before the formation of the company an agreement was entered into between B and
a person as trustee for the intended company, by which it was stipulated (inter alia) that B should be a
director and should not be removable till after 1888. The sixth clause of the articles provided that the
directors should adopt and carry into effect the agreement with or without modification, and that subject to
such modification (if any) the provisions of the agreement should be construed as part of the articles. The
agreement was acted upon, but no contract adopting it was entered into between the plaintiff and the
company. It was held that treating the agreement as embodied in the articles, still there was no contract
between B and the company that he should not be removed from being a director, the articles being only a
contract between the members inter se, and not between the company and B … Lindley LJ said: ‘Having
regard to the construction put upon [s 33] in the case of Eley v Positive Live Assurance Co and subsequent
cases, it must be taken as settled that the contract upon which he relies is not a contract upon which he
can maintain any action, either on the common law side or the equity side. There might have been some
difficulty in arriving at that conclusion if it had not been for the authorities, because it happens that this
gentleman has had shares allotted to him, and is therefore a member of the company. Having regard to the
terms of [s 33], there would be some force, or at all events some plausibility, in the argument that, being a
member, the contract which is referred to in the articles has become binding between the company and
him. Of course that argument is open to this difficulty that there could be no contract between him and the
company until the shares were allotted to him, and it would be remarkable that, upon the shares being
allotted to him, a contract between him and the company, as to a matter not connected with the holding of
shares, should arise.’
Now in these four cases the article relied upon purported to give specific contractual rights to persons in
some capacity other than that of shareholder, and in none of them were members seeking to enforce or
protect rights given to them as members, in common with the other corporators. The actual decisions
amount to this. An outsider to whom rights purport to be given by the articles in his capacity as such
outsider, whether he is or subsequently becomes a member, cannot sue on those articles treating them as
contracts between himself and the company to enforce those rights. Those rights are not part of the general
regulations of the company applicable alike to all shareholders and can only exist by virtue of some
contract between such person and the company, and the (p. 255) subsequent allotment of shares to an
outsider in whose favour such an article is inserted does not enable him to sue the company on such an
article to enforce rights which are res inter alios acta and not part of the general rights of the corporators as
such …
The wording of [s 33] is difficult to construe or understand. A company cannot in the ordinary course be
bound otherwise than by statute or contract and it is in this section that its obligation must be found. As far
as the members are concerned, the section does not say with whom they are to be deemed to have
covenanted, but the section cannot mean that the company is not to be bound when it says it is to be
bound, as if, etc, nor can the section mean that the members are to be under no obligation to the company
under the articles in which their rights and duties as corporators are to be found. Much of the difficulty is
removed if the company be regarded, as the framers of the section may very well have so regarded it, as
being treated in law as a party to its own memorandum and articles.
It seems clear from other authorities that a company is entitled as against its members to enforce and
restrain breaches of its regulations. See, for example,MacDougall v Gardiner [13.20], Pender v
Lushington [13.19] and Imperial Hydropathic Hotel Co, Black pool v Hampson [4.04]. In the last case Bowen
LJ said: ‘The articles of association, by [s 33], are to bind all the company and all the shareholders as
much as if they had put their seals to them.’
It is also clear from many authorities that shareholders as against their company can enforce and restrain
breaches of its regulations, and in many of these cases judicial expressions of opinion appear, which, in my
judgment, it is impossible to disregard.
[His Lordship referred to a number of other cases, including Wood v Odessa Waterwork s
Co [4.35] and Salmon v Quin & Axtens Ltd.70 He continued:]
In all these last mentioned cases the respective articles sought to be enforced related to the rights and
obligations of the members generally as such and not to rights of the character dealt with in the four
authorities first above referred to.
It is difficult to reconcile these two classes of decisions and the judicial opinions therein expressed, but I
think this much is clear, first, that no article can constitute a contract between the company and a third
person; secondly, that no right merely purporting to be given by an article to a person, whether a member or
not, in a capacity other than that of a member, as, for instance, as solicitor, promoter, director, can be
enforced against the company; and, thirdly, that articles regulating the rights and obligations of the
members generally as such do create rights and obligations between them and the company respectively.
In the present case, the plaintiff’s action is, in substance, to enforce his rights as a member under the
articles against the association. Article 49 is a general article applying to all the members as such, and,
apart from technicalities, it would seem reasonable that the plaintiff ought not to be allowed in the absence
of any evidence filed by him to proceed with an action to enforce his rights under the articles, seeing that
the action is a breach of his obligation under article 49 to submit his disputes with the association to
arbitration. …
➤ Notes
1. It is apparent that for a considerable period before Hick man’s case there had been uncertainty about the
scope and effect of the statutory provision which is now CA 2006 s 33. The controversy centred on three
related questions:
(i) Who were the parties to the ‘statutory contract’—the members and the company, or just the members?
(ii) Were the members deemed to have covenanted with each other, or with the company, or both?
(iii) Could one member sue another directly on the contract, or could the member enforce the statutory rights
only through the company?
(p. 256) 2. It is now settled that the company should be treated as a party to the contract contained in its
own articles: see Hick man’s case [4.37]. Indeed, this question has been conclusively resolved in the 2006
Act, which makes explicit mention of both the company and its members and provides that the contract may
contain rights which are directly enforceable by one member against another. Also see Rayfield v
Hands [4.38], although on the question of one member enforcing rights against another, much may depend on
what it is exactly that the right purports to confer.
3. But in his attempts to reconcile the decisions—or at least the results reached—in the earlier cases, it has
to be conceded that Astbury J paid little regard to the actual ratio decidendi of some of them, and added a
gloss to CA 1908 s 14(1) which appears to contradict its express wording (‘all the provisions of the
memorandum and articles of association’).71 It is really quite remarkable that so shaky a firstinstance
decision was tacitly accepted for the greater part of a century in relation to CA 1908 s 14(1) and CA 1985 s
14, and endorsed without any discussion by the Court of Appeal in Beattie v E & F Beattie Ltd [1938] Ch 708.
In that case the defendant, a director, also sought to invoke an arbitration clause contained in the articles,
when he was sued by his company for the return of certain sums which it was alleged had been improperly
paid to him. The court ruled that since he was being sued in his capacity as a director and not that as
a member, he could not rely on the ‘statutory contract’.
4. Hick man’s case may have laid some earlier controversies to rest, but it has generated several new ones of
its own.
5. First, there are a number of cases which it is not easy to reconcile with the ‘qua member’ rule: for
example, Pulbrook v Richmond Consolidated Mining Co [6.01],Imperial Hydropathic Hotel Co, Black pool v
Hampson [4.04], Quin & Axtens Ltd v Salmon [4.06]. In each of these, rights more in the nature of
managementrights than memberrights were enforced.
6. Secondly, there is an inherent conflict in the two propositions which may be deduced from the cases: (i)
that any member has a right to have the provisions of the corporate constitution duly observed; and (ii) that s
33 cannot be relied on to enforce the rights of a nonmember, or the ‘outsiderrights’ of one who is a member
(but also a director, solicitor, etc), which the articles purportedly confer.
7. Some commentators (eg Lord Wedderburn [1957] CLJ 194 at 212) have sought to resolve the problem by
saying that a member can sue under s 33 to enforce his right to have all the provisions of the corporate
constitution observed, even where this would have the consequence of indirectly enforcing ‘outsiderrights’, so
long as hesues in his capacity as a member. So, for instance, a disinterested member of the Positive Life
company could have sued for an injunction to restrain the company from employing any solicitor other than
the constitutionally appointed Mr Eley, and by the same argument Mr Eley himself, suing qua member, could
have obtained similar relief.
8. Others would argue that a solution to the conflict lies in a narrowing of proposition (i) in Note 6, to say that
it is not every provision of the articles that can be enforced by a member, but only those which are of a
‘constitutional’ character. (This requires us to beg the question, for example, by saying that the stipulation
that Mr Eley should be the solicitor was not part of the corporate constitution but peripheral to it.) More
specifically, GD Goldberg (1972) 35 MLR 362,72 would confine the members’ statutory contractual right to that
of having the company’s affairs conducted by the particular organ of the company which is specified as the
appropriate body in the Act or in the articles of association. GN Prentice (1980) 1 Co Law 179, (p.
257) considers that it is necessary to go further, and ask whether the provision in question affects the power
of the company to function: only then can a member sue to enforce a nonmember right.
9. None of these arguments is really convincing, however far they may go towards reconciling the inconsistent
decisions. Each of them involves writing even more by way of gloss into CA 1985 s 14 (now CA 2006 s 33)
than Astbury J did, and reading more into some of the judgments than the judges themselves said. Section 14
(and now s 33) was enacted to cover a gap which was thought to have been created when the memorandum
and articles replaced the deed of settlement in 1856, and in particular to ensure that a company could enforce
a member’s liability to pay calls. Its relevance in today’s conditions may be regarded as questionable, for it
perpetuates the notion that the only ‘constituents’ of a company are its members (ignoring the claims of
employees, management and other ‘stakeholders’ whose interests in the company and its constituents are
arguably quite as significant), and it also puts the relationship between members and company into a
contractual straitjacket—a characteristically nineteenthcentury approach to many difficult legal questions—
which is far from appropriate. (It is also evident that the ‘contract’ created by s 33 departs radically in a
number of respects from the contract of classic tradition: see Note 11.)
10. A similar gloss was put by the courts on CA 1948 s 210, the early precursor of CA 2006 s 994 (the ‘unfair
prejudice’ provision, see ‘Unfairly prejudicial conduct of the company’s affairs’, pp 681ff): a member bringing a
complaint to the court under that section had to show that the conduct in question affected him qua member.
CA 2006 s 994, and CA 1985 s 459 before it, has been reworded so as to meet many of the criticisms which
were levelled at s 210, but no attempt was made to deal with this point. The judges have accordingly been
obliged to construe the new section in the same way; but (at least in cases where the company is a ‘quasi
partnership’) some flexibility has been achieved by giving a fairly broad meaning to the concept of a
‘membership’ interest. In Ebrahimi v Westbourne Galleries Ltd [16.13], the House of Lords did not feel
constrained to put the same restriction on the statutory provision which allows a member to petition to have
the company wound up.
11. Thirdly, it is not possible to say that every ‘right’ which the memorandum or articles purport to confer on a
member is enforceable in an absolute sense.73 The statutory contract which these documents are deemed to
create is very different from the classical stereotype, such as a contract for the sale of goods. It is a
‘relational’ contract,74 intended to establish a framework for an ongoing set of relationships, rather than one
containing a discrete set of obligations which, once performed, will come to an end. Relational contracts
necessarily embody an underlying element of ‘give and take’, rather than outright right and wrong. Moreover,
many constitutional irregularities are curable by a majority resolution of the members, or even capable of being
condoned by acquiescence or inertia. In MacDougall v Gardiner[13.20], for instance, a member’s undoubted
right to call for a poll was denied him, but the court declined to come to his aid because the matter could be
put right (if anyone wanted to) by the company’s own internal mechanisms. Even irregularities which the
majority have no power to condone may be defeated by the procedural rule known as Foss v
Harbottle [13.01], under which the member may find that he has no access to the court unless he can carry
the majority along with him [13.17]. Any claim that s 33 gives a member a ‘right’ to have the terms of the
constitution observed is defective unless it acknowledges that the right is qualified in these senses.
(p. 258) One member may sue another on the contract created by the articles without joining the company
as a party.
[4.38] Rayfield v Hands [1960] Ch 1 (Chancery Division)
Article 11 of the articles of association of FieldDavis Ltd provided: ‘Every member who intends to transfer shares
shall inform the directors who will take the said shares equally between them at a fair value …’. Rayfield, a
member, sought to compel the defendants, the three directors of the company, to purchase his shares in
accordance with this provision. The court declared that they were bound to do so.
VAISEY J dealt first with a question of construction, and continued: The next and most difficult point taken
by the defendants, as to which it would appear that there is no very clear judicial authority, is that article 11,
as part of the company’s articles of association, does not do what it looks like doing, that is, to create a
contractual relationship between the plaintiff as shareholder and vendor and the defendants as directors and
purchasers. This depends on s 20(1) of the Companies Act 1948 [CA 2006 s 33]. [His Lordship read the
section and passages from various textbooks. He continued:]
Now the question arises at the outset whether the terms of article 11 relate to the rights of members inter
se (that being the expression found in so many of the cases), or whether the relationship is between a
member as such and directors as such. I may dispose of this point very briefly by saying that, in my
judgment, the relationship here is between the plaintiff as a member and the defendants not as directors but
as members.
In Re Leicester Club and County Racecourse Co,75 Pearson J, referring to the directors of a company, said
that they ‘continue members of the company, and I prefer to call them working members of the company,’
and on the same page he also said: ‘directors cannot divest themselves of their character of members of
the company. From first to last … they are doing their work in the capacity of members, and working
members of the company …’. I am of opinion, therefore, that this is in words a contract or quasicontract
between members, and not between members and directors.
I have now to deal with the point for which there is considerable support in the cases, that the notional
signing and sealing of the articles creates a contractual relation between the company on the one hand and
the corporators (members) on the other, so that no relief can be obtained in the absence of company as a
party to the suit. The defendants’ case in so far as it is based on this point seems to be met by two recent
decisions of the Court of Appeal. I refer first to Smith and Snipes Hall Farm Ltd v River Douglas Catchment
Board,76 and to the judgment of Denning LJ in that case, which was a case of a covenant made, not by or
with but for the benefit of the plaintiffs, and thereby enabling them to sue without the intervention of the
covenantee. Section 56 of the Law of Property Act 1925 was referred to in terms which it is not necessary
for me to repeat here. This same principle is further exemplified by the case of Drive Yourself Hire Co
(London) Ltd v Strutt,77 see especially the judgment of Denning LJ as there reported.[78 ] The case of the
plaintiff may also be said to rest upon the wellknown decision of Carlill v Carbolic Smok e Ball Co,79 to
which I need not refer except to say that it seems to me to be relevant here. To the like effect is Clark e v
Earl of Dunraven,80 upon which the plaintiff here also relied …
[His Lordship discussed a number of other cases, including Hick man’s case [4.37] and continued:]
(p. 259) The conclusion to which I have come may not be of so general an application as to extend to the
articles of association of every company, for it is, I think, material to remember that this private company is
one of that class of companies which bears a close analogy to a partnership; see the wellknown passages
in Re Yenidje Tobacco Co.81
Nobody, I suppose, would doubt that a partnership deed might validly and properly provide for the
acquisition of the share of one partner by another partner on terms identical with those of article 11 in the
present case. I do not intend to decide more in the present case than is necessary to support my
conclusion, though it may be that the principles upon which my conclusion is founded are of more general
application than might be supposed from some of the authorities on the point.
I will make an appropriate declaration of the plaintiff’s rights, or will order the defendants to give effect to
them, and if necessary there must be an inquiry to ascertain the fair value of the shares …
➤ Notes
1. The judge in this case circumvented the difficulty raised by Hick man’s case [4.37] and Beattie v E & F
Beattie Ltd (Note 3 following Hick man v Kent or Romney Marsh SheepBreeders’ Association [4.37], p 256) by
the blunt assertion that the article affected the directors ‘not as directors but as members’. In the case before
him, the directors did happen to be members, and were, in fact, required by the company’s articles to hold
shares. But in many companies this is not so. The judgment as a whole rather too readily assumes that
directors are bound to be members—something that was more likely to be true a century ago when
the Leicester Racecoursecase was decided than it is today.
2. In Newtherapeutics Ltd v Katz [1991] Ch 226, Knox J held that the appointment of a person to the office of
director did not of itself establish a contractual relationship between him and the company. He might, and
commonly would, also enter into a contract (eg of employment) with the company; but merely as officeholder
such rights and duties as he had were not based on any contract, express or implied. Vaisey J’s reference
to Carlill v Carbolic Smok e Ball Co and Clark e v Earl of Dunraven would not appear to be compatible with this
➤ Question
CA 2006 s 33 substantially reenacts its predecessor, CA 1985 s 14. This is despite the fact that both the
Law Commissions (Shareholder Remedies, Law Com No 246, 1997) and the CLR considered possible
amendments to CA 1985 s 14, particularly with a view to defining by statute which rights are ‘membership’
rights (as distinct from rights which are better seen as vested in the company itself), and are accordingly
rights which members can enforce in their personal capacity. Both bodies initially toyed with, but eventually
rejected, the idea of setting out in the legislation a nonexhaustive list of such ‘personal’ rights (eg to attend
and vote at meetings and to receive dividends). The CLR also considered whether it would be preferable to
declare all obligations imposed by the constitution to be enforceable by individual members (subject to an
exception where the complaint is trivial or where to pursue it would be pointless), unless the contrary is
provided in the constitution. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach?
(p. 260) Further Reading
AHERN D AND MAHER K, ‘The Continuing Evolution of Proxy Representation’ [2011] JBL 125.
Find This Resource
BAINBRIDGE, S, ‘Director Primacy and Shareholder Disempowerment’ (2006) 119 Harvard Law Review 1735.
Find This Resource
BEBCHUK, L, ‘The Case for Increasing Shareholder Power’ (2005) 118 Harvard Law Review 833.
Find This Resource
CHEUNG, R, ‘The Use of Statutory Unanimous Shareholder Agreements and Entrenched Articles in Reserving
Minority Shareholders’ Rights: A Comparative Analysis’ (2008) 29 Company Lawyer 234.
Find This Resource
DRURY, RR, ‘The Relative Nature of the Shareholder’s Right to Enforce the Company Contract’ [1986] CLJ
Find This Resource
DU PLESSIS, JJ and DINE, J, ‘The Fate of the Draft Fifth Directive on Company Law: Accommodation Instead
of Harmonisation’ [1997] JBL 23.
Find This Resource
FERRAN, E, ‘The Decision of the House of Lords in Russell v Northern Bank Development Corporation
Limited’ [1994] CLJ 343.
Find This Resource
FINN, PD, ‘Shareholder Agreements’ (1978) 6 Australian Business Law Review 97.
Find This Resource
GODDARD, R, ‘The Re Duomatic Principle and Sections 320–322 of the Companies Act 1985’ [2004] JBL
Find This Resource
GOLDBERG, GD, ‘The Controversy of the Section 20 Contract Revisited’ (1985) 48 MLR 158.
Find This Resource
GOLDBERG, GD, ‘The Enforcement of Outsider Rights under Section 20(1) of the Companies Act 1948’
(1972) 35 MLR 363.
Find This Resource
GOWER, LCB, ‘The Contractual Effect of Articles of Association’ (1958) 21 MLR 401.
Find This Resource
GRANTHAM, R, ‘The Doctrinal Basis of the Rights of Company Shareholders’ [1998] CLJ 554.
Find This Resource
HANNIGAN, B, ‘Altering the Articles to Provide for Compulsory Transfer—Dragging Minority Shareholders to a
Reluctant Exit’ [2007] JBL 471.
Find This Resource
MARSDEN, A, ‘Does a Shareholders’ Agreement Require Filing with the Registrar of Companies?’ (1994)
15 Company Lawyer 19.
Find This Resource
PRENTICE, D, ‘The Enforcement of Outsider Rights’ (1980) 1 Company Lawyer 179.
Find This Resource
RILEY, CA, ‘The NotSoDynamic Quality of Corporate Law: A UK Perspective on Hansmann’s “Corporation
and Contract”’ (2010) 21 King’s Law Journal 469.
Find This Resource
RIXON, FG, ‘Competing Interests and Conflicting Principles: An Examination of the Power of Alteration of
Articles of Association’ (1986) 49 MLR 446.
Find This Resource
SEALY, LS, ‘“Bona Fides” and “Proper Purposes” in Corporate Decisions’ [1989] Monash University Law
Review 16.
Find This Resource
WEDDERBURN, KW, ‘Shareholders Rights and the Rule in Foss v Harbottle’ [1957] CLJ 194 and [1958] CLJ
Find This Resource
WORTHINGTON, S, ‘Corporate Governance: Remedying and Ratifying Directors’ Breaches’ (2000) 116 LQR
Find This Resource
XUEREB, PG, ‘Voting Rights: A Comparative Review’ (1987) 8 Company Lawyer 16.
Find This Resource
XUEREB, PG, ‘Remedies for Abuse of Majority Power’ (1986) 7 Company Lawyer 53.
Find This Resource
XUEREB, PG, ‘The Limitation on the Exercise of Majority Power’ (1985) 6 Company Lawyer 199.
Find This Resource
1 Indeed, this chapter might have been better entitled ‘Members as an Organ of the Company’, since not every
company is limited by shares: see CA 2006 s 112.
2 And every company must keep a register of members: CA 2006 ss 113ff.
3 CA 2006 ss 182–231, see ‘Special rules on notice requirements and members’ approval for certain transactions:
CA 2006 ss 182–231’, pp 445ff.
4 CA 2006 s 21, see ‘Alteration of the articles’, pp 219ff.
5 CA 2006 ss 626–640, see ‘Variation of class rights’, pp 563ff.
6 CA 2006 s 168, see ‘Removal of directors’, pp 284ff.
7 CA 2006 ss 260–264, see ‘The statutory derivative action: CA 2006 ss 260ff’, pp 642ff.
8 See the Companies (Model Articles) Regulations 2008 Sch 1, which prescribes the Model Articles for private
companies limited by shares. Schedules 2 and 3 prescribe the Model Articles for private companies limited by
guarantee and for public companies respectively.
9 The small shareholders are often geographically dispersed and see no benefit in making the effort to attend; and
the large institutional shareholders generally have sufficient access to the board and other parts of the corporate
operation that these avenues, not a general meeting, provide their preferred way of influencing decisions.
10 See ‘“Voice” in decisionmaking’, p 204.
11 By this compromise, the Statute for a European Company allows an SE to adopt either a onetier or a twotier
board structure (Regulation (EC) 2157/2001, Arts 38–51). The former is the equivalent of the British company
system and the board in this case is called the administrative organ. In the twotier system there is a management
and a supervisory organ. The functions of each of these organs have been prescribed in the Act. Under Directive
2001/86/EC, the form of employee involvement in an SE is to be determined by negotiation between the
management or administrative organs of the existing companies and representatives of their companies’
12 The Companies (Model Articles) Regulations 2008 apply to all new companies incorporated under CA 2006 on
or after 1 October 2009. Companies incorporated earlier than this are subject to Table A articles (as modified at
different times): see the following extracts.
13 This provision does not appear to have been changed despite the introduction of the following: the Companies
(Tables A to F) (Amendment) Regulations 2008 (SI 2008/739); the Companies (Tables A to F) (Amendment) (No 2)
Regulations 2007 (SI 2007/2826) and the Companies (Tables A to F) (Amendment) Regulations 2007 (SI
2007/2541). Current Table A as updated is available on:
14 CA 2006 s 33, see ‘Members’ personal rights’, pp 250ff.
15 Recall that CA 2006 abolishes the company’s memorandum, in this oldstyle form, and s 28 provides that the
provisions of any existing company memorandum which are not required to be in the newstyle memorandum will
be treated as provisions of the articles, amendable by special resolution. The ‘newstyle memorandum of
association’ (s 8) is a statement of intent in prescribed form authenticated by the subscribers to the new company.
16 But now see CA 2006 s 168, which gives the general meeting power to remove the directors by ordinary
resolution notwithstanding the terms of the articles: see ‘Removal of directors’, p 284.
17 An Act containing special provisions for regulating companies incorporated by a special Act of Parliament.
18 The members can now also remove the directors by ordinary resolution, by provisions first introduced into CA
1948: now see CA 2006 s 168.
19 (1913) 108 LT 665.
20 Section 89 of the Act enabled the remaining directors to fill up interim vacancies on the board: compare the
2006 Model Articles.
21 Of course, meetings are still possible: CA 2006 s 281. But the written resolution procedure cannot be excluded
by the articles for many types of decisions: CA 2006 s 300.
22 This follows the very general common law rule about all decisionmaking in AG v Davy [4.09].
23 Where, clearly, the number of shares held by each voter is unknown.
24 These tinmining companies were unincorporated and governed by special statutes.
25 Certain resolutions require special notice: see, eg CA 2006 ss 168, 511 and 515.
26 Section 311 has been amended by SI 2009/1632 and now includes ss 311(2), 311(3) and 311A. These changes
relate to the general meetings of traded companies only and deal with the contents of notice of meeting, and
publication in advance of a meeting of a traded company.
27 Public companies must also convene a general meeting if half or more of the company’s capital has been lost:
CA 2006 s 656.
28 The CLR suggests that the figure today is probably nearer to 1%.
29 J Ellis, ‘Unanimous Consent of Shareholders: A Principle Without Form?’ [2011] Company Lawyer 260.
30 The paragraph cited was: ‘It may be true, and probably is true, that a meeting, if held, would have done anything
which Mr George Newman desired; but this is pure speculation, and the liquidator, as representing the company in
its corporate capacity, is entitled to insist upon and to have the benefit of the fact that even if a general meeting
could have sanctioned what was done, such sanction was never obtained. Individual assents given separately may
preclude those who give them from complaining of what they have sanctioned; but for the purpose of binding a
company in its corporate capacity individual assents given separately are not equivalent to the assent of a
31 Contrast the position as regards directors, see ‘General issues’, p 309.
32 Of course, such a contract between shareholders may regulate other matters besides voting. See the
discussion of shareholders’ agreements, ‘Shareholders’ agreements’, pp 244ff.
33 See the Note at the conclusion of this extract.
34 Ebrahimi v Westbourne Galleries Ltd [16.13].
35 There is no power in CA 2006 to alter the newstyle memorandum (the s 8 ‘memorandum of association’), but
then it does not contain elements that members would need or want to change. Under art 28(1), the provisions of
existing companies contained in oldstyle memoranda which are not of the kind mentioned in CA 2006 s 8, will
automatically be treated as provisions of the company’s articles of association and the rules considered later will
36 Note also CA 1985 s 16, which renders ineffective any alteration which increases the liability of a member or
obliges him to take more shares—unless he agrees in writing to be bound by the alteration.
37 They succeeded on another ground, viz that the directors had improperly issued new shares to ‘pack’ the
shareholders’ meeting: see [4.22].
38 For ‘commit’, we should here read ‘justify’: see fn 40, p 223.
39 (1879) 12 Ch D 705. [See also Punt v Symons & Co Ltd [4.21].]
40 Later cases (eg [4.23] and [4.25]) make it plain that this sentence should be understood to mean ‘a
company cannot justify a breach of contract by pleading the valid alteration of its articles’, and not ‘a
company cannot alter its articles if to do so would break an existing contract’.
41 Bodden was not, in fact, a plaintiff.
42 [1902] AC 83, PC.
43 See the Note following this case.
44 See ‘The old common law rule in Foss v Harbottle’, pp 639ff.
45 This was the last of many actions between the parties. The parties were involved in seven actions, five of which
went to the Court of Appeal; Greenhalgh lost all but the first (LCB Gower, Modern Company Law (4th edn, 1979),
pp 624–626). See further Greenhalgh v Arderne Cinemas Ltd [11.09].
46 For the meaning of this phrase, see ‘Exceptions to the rule in Foss v Harbottle’, pp 640ff.
47 In the case of the last in the round of the many resolutions, just one day before CA 1948 s 210 came into force!
Did the controllers of Arderne Cinemas Ltd have ‘the foresight of a Hebrew prophet’?
48 On ‘class meetings’, see ‘Variation of class rights’, pp 563ff.
Ltd) [2012] EWHC 2090 (Ch) (Briggs J), appeal pending; and Redwood Master Fund Ltd v TD Bank Europe
Ltd [2002] EWHC 2703 (Ch), both cases concerning analogous limits on creditors’ voting powers where the
majority has power to bind the minority.
50 See S Worthington, ‘Corporate Governance: Remedying and Ratifying Directors’ Breaches?’ (2000) 116 LQR
51 (1877) 2 App Cas 366, PC.
52 [1926] Ch 975.
53 (1877) 2 App Cas 366, PC.
54 Compare Hogg v Cramphorn [7.11], and see the reference to that case in Note 1 following Rights and Issues
Investment Trust Ltd v Stylo Shoes Ltd [4.28], p 234.
55 Although not exclusively. See, eg Re Halt Garage [5.03], noted further later.
56 Although, on special facts, a court could always find the shareholder’s relationship to be fiduciary. Then,
fiduciary duties will be owed, but this will be because of the relationship in question, not because the person is a
57 See S Worthington, ‘Corporate Governance: Remedying and Ratifying Directors’ Breaches?’ (2000) 116 LQR
58 See PD Finn, ‘Shareholder Agreements?’ (1978) 6 Australian Business Law Review 97.
59 Even if the company is not a party to the agreement, it may be able to rely on it as a defence: in Snelling v
John G Snelling Ltd [1973] QB 87, the shareholders had lent money to the company and had agreed with each
other that none of them would require the company to repay their loans while certain other funding arrangements
were in place. The court refused to allow one of the shareholders to sue for repayment in breach of this agreement.
(Is this defensible?)
60 [1897] AC 299 at 331.
61 Note that the directors’ freedom on this front was limited: any new ventures that were within the existing objects
of the company would be caught by the conflicts rule; but the conflicts rule generally stretches its tentacles
beyond the defined existing business plans, and here any broadening of the company’s activities could be
constrained under the shareholders’ agreement.
62 See the Hick man [4.37] and Eley [4.36] cases.
63 See Pender v Lushington [13.19] and MacDougall v Gardiner [13.20], and see also the Notes and Further notes
following Pender v Lushington [13.19], pp 670ff.
64 See Johnson v Gore, Wood & Co [13.22] and Giles v Rhind [13.23], and ‘The “no reflective loss” principle’, pp
65 See the following Notes and the Notes following Hick man’s case [4.37], pp 255ff.
66 (1873) 8 Ch App 956.
67 (1874) LR 9 CP 503.
68 (1887) 37 Ch D 1, CA.
69 This section required the registration in advance of all contracts for the issue of shares for a consideration other
than cash.
70 [1909] 1 Ch 311, CA, affd [4.06].
71 R Gregory (1981) 44 MLR 526 argues that for these reasons the decision in Hick man’s case is insupportable,
and that it should be reconsidered despite its long acceptance.
72 Reaffirmed in (1985) 48 MLR 158.
73 See RR Drury, ‘The Relative Nature of the Shareholder’s Right to Enforce the Company Contract’ [1986] CLJ
74 On relational contracts, see IA Macneil, ‘Contracts: Adjustment of LongTerm Economic Relations under
Classical, NeoClassical and Relational Contract Law?’ (1978) 72 North Western UL Rev 854.
75 (1885) 30 Ch D 629 at 633.
76 [1949] 2 KB 500, CA.
77 [1954] 1 QB 250, CA.
78 Lord Denning’s dicta in these cases were disapproved in Beswick v Beswick [1968] AC 58, HL. But it is
arguable that the decision in Beswick ’s case as a whole gives some support to the reasoning of Vaisey J here.
79 [1893] 1 QB 256, CA.
80 [1897] AC 59, HL.
81 [1916] 2 Ch 426, CA
5. Corporate Governance
Chapter: (p. 261) 5. Corporate Governance
Author(s): Len Sealy and Sarah Worthington
DOI: 10.1093/he/9780199676446.003.0005
General issues
The company is an artificial legal person, and can only act through its human representatives. We saw in the last
chapter that a company’s constitution typically divides management power between the board of directors and the
general meeting. Members cannot instruct the directors on how to exercise the powers assigned to the directors
(see ‘Orthodox constitutional division of powers’, pp 181ff). Indeed, many members of medium to large companies
(but not small ones) are attracted to the corporate form precisely because it provides investment opportunities
without management responsibilities (the famous ‘separation of ownership and control’). Instead, management is
conducted by the directors.
The ‘agency problems’ associated with this are obvious: the directors may use their extensive powers for their own
benefit rather than for the benefit of the passive member investors. What mechanisms are typically put in place to
manage this problem? As it turns out, there are relatively few imposed by law. The detailed construction and
implementation of risk management and reward strategies is left largely to individual companies to work out for
themselves. This does not always deliver satisfactory results. The few legal rules relating to the appointment,
tenure and remuneration of directors allow those who control a company considerable scope to look after their own
interests, generally without any serious risk of being successfully challenged by the minority.1 Even where the
directors do not hold the majority of voting shares, the passive attitude of most members towards company general
meetings and corporate decisions means that directors can often ensure they are reelected when their terms
expire, that their service contracts contain advantageous provisions and that directors’ fees, salaries and perks are
set at an attractive level. Of these, the level of directors’ remuneration often comes in for attack and unfavourable
comment. The current financial crisis has focused public attention on these issues, especially in the context of
banks, and many popular risk–reward strategies have come in for serious criticism.
Some of this has been carefully researched. In 2011, Professor John Kay was commissioned by the Secretary of
State for Business, Innovation and Skills to ‘examine investment in UK equity markets and its impact on the long
term performance and governance of UK quoted companies’. Professor Kay’s findings were published in an Interim
Report in February 2012, and a Final Report in July 2012.
In his Final Report, Professor Kay identified what he perceived as the major shortcomings in the status quo, before
setting out a series of recommendations of good practice. He highlighted the palpable lack of trust and confidence
generated by the current focus on the shortterm interests of financial agents to the detriment of the longterm
interests of the underlying beneficiaries/investors.
(p. 262) While the Kay Review is one of the most recent initiatives to review and make recommendations for
improving the effectiveness of corporate governance, it is certainly not the first. The development of this type of soft
law began as a private initiative, in response to falling public confidence in standards of corporate governance in
major public companies, including public concern about levels of directors’ remuneration. Little has changed, it
seems. The ‘Cadbury Committee’ was set up in 1991 jointly by the Stock Exchange, the Financial Reporting
Council (FRC) (see later) and the accountancy profession under the chairmanship of Sir Adrian Cadbury. The
Committee’s remit was to consider the subject of ‘corporate governance’, particularly its financial aspects. It
published its report in December 1992, and, while it did not propose changes in the law, it proposed the adoption
on a voluntary basis by larger (listed) companies of a code of best practice which addressed many of these
matters of public concern. These best practice principles became known as the ‘Cadbury Code’.
The Cadbury Committee spawned various successor committees seeking to improve upon its work. The most
important were those delivering the Greenbury (1995), Hampel (1998) and Higgs and Smith (2003) Reports. The
Hampel committee not only reviewed the Cadbury Code, but also undertook a consolidation exercise, producing a
new ‘Combined Code’ in 1998.2 This code dealt more generally with matters of corporate governance, incorporating
rules of best practice from both the Cadbury and Greenbury Committees’ recommendations. This Combined Code
became the responsibility of the FRC and has been further revised over the years, resulting in the renamed version,
the UK Corporate Governance Code, the most recent edition of which is dated September 2012, and has applied to
listed companies from 1 October 2012.3 This provides at least some ‘soft law’ rules, although only for listed
FRC and the UK Corporate Governance Code for listed companies
In the UK, the FRC is the independent regulator responsible for promoting highquality corporate governance and
reporting. It has responsibility for the UK Corporate Governance Code (the Code). This Code describes ‘best
practice’ corporate governance for large public companies. It is not enshrined in legislation, but is ‘soft law’—that
is, there is no legal compulsion to obey. Nevertheless, even without statutory backing, it is in practice virtually
obligatory for listed companies to adhere to it in most respects. The Stock Exchange has appended the Code to
the Stock Exchange Listing Rules, and requires every listed company to include in its annual report a statement of
whether it has applied the principles of the Code, how it has applied them and, to the extent that it has not applied
them, the reasons why it has not. This approach is now routinely described as a ‘comply or explain’ regulatory
regime, and has been adopted in many other jurisdictions around the world to address corporate governance
The UK Corporate Governance Code (like its predecessors) is different from legislation in two ways. First, it is not
the product of a parliamentary process, but of a series of committees (p. 263) representing business and financial
interests, and now an independent regulatory body. These have all elaborated the Code in recent years. Secondly,
the Code is binding only on listed companies (by virtue of a provision in the Listing Rules) but, even then, only on a
‘comply or explain’ basis (see earlier): Listing Rules r 9.8.6(5) and (6).5
In the latest of these reviews of the Code, in December 2011, the FRC published ‘Developments in Corporate
Governance 2011: the impact and implementation of the UK Corporate Governance and Stewardship Codes’ (the
‘2011 Review’).6 This Review evaluates successes and failures to date, and paves the way for further amendments.
It also brings to the fore the wider question: to what extent are these nonbinding codes effective and to be
preferred to hard law? Baroness Hogg, Chairman of the FRC, notes some European pressure for
additional legal limitations on the powers of boards and general meetings (rather than the more flexible ‘comply or
explain’ codes of best practice). However, the FRC remains opposed to this approach, especially given the
economic consequences any change might bring in deterring investment in the UK, and with it the flow of equity
capital which is so necessary for economic growth.
Preference for this style of regulation—that is, best practice statements and guidance rather than detailed
regulation—also finds support in the Final Report of the Kay Review. Establishing trust and respect within markets
is seen as more likely if financial agents and market participants voluntarily impose such standards on each other,
with those who do not comply coming under peer scrutiny, and peerimposed withdrawal of employment and
reward. The Kay Review therefore sets out Good Practice Statements for company directors, asset managers and
asset holders. The intention is that these should be endorsed by the regulators and used to supplement and
influence the development of the UK Corporate Governance Code and Stewardship Code, but not reduced to
prescriptive legislation or regulation.
Regulation of listed companies by the UK Corporate Governance Code
The UK Corporate Governance Code addresses various aspects of board structure and internal management, and
indicates best practice for improved standards of corporate governance for listed companies.7
Qualities of boards and board members
For listed companies, the London Stock Exchange Listing Rules, r 3.8, requires directors collectively to have
‘appropriate expertise and experience for the management of its business’. It also requires companies generally to
ensure that each director is free of potential conflicts, and, where these exist, to ensure that appropriate
arrangements are in place to avoid detriment to the company’s interests. Rule 3.9 requires the company to consult
with the Exchange at an early stage if there are potential conflicts of interest issues for any of the company’s
The Code does not suggest (even on a ‘comply or explain’ basis) that directors of listed companies ought to have
particular qualifications. It does, however, suggest in Main Principle B.1 and its Supporting Principles that the
board should have the appropriate balance of skills, experience, independence and knowledge of the company,
and be neither too large nor too (p. 264) small to function effectively. Principle B.1.2 also suggests that smaller
companies 8 have at least two independent nonexecutive directors, and that all other companies have at least half
the board, excluding the chairman, comprising nonexecutive directors determined by the board to be independent.
Principle B.1.1 defines ‘independent’ by reference to seven factors (including such matters as family ties, business
and previous employment relationships, and so on).
The Code recommends the use of Nomination Committees to make recommendations to the board on all new
board appointments. This committee should be chaired by the chairman of the board or by a nonexecutive
director, and should have a majority of nonexecutive directors (NEDs) as members. The composition of the
committee should be identified in the company’s annual report.
The Code also states that every director should receive training on the first occasion that he or she is appointed to
the board of a listed company, and subsequently as necessary. The extent of training and by whom it should be
given is left open.
Separation of the roles of chairman and managing director
The Code takes the view that the posts of chief executive officer (CEO) or managing director (where the CEO is
also a director) and chairman of the board should not normally be held by the same person, and that there should
be a clear and written division of responsibilities that will ensure a balance of power and authority with no one
individual having unfettered powers of discretion. If the company nevertheless decides that one person should hold
both posts, this should be publicly justified. In addition, a third person should be identified, a ‘senior independent
director’ (by implication a NED), to whom the concerns of the NEDs can be conveyed.
Although the Higgs Report recommended a blanket prohibition on the CEO (or managing director) of a company
subsequently being appointed chairman, the current Code takes a more lenient line and permits a former
managing director to become chairman after advance consultation with the company’s major members and
appropriate explanation subsequently.
Although it is only listed companies that are under any formal obligations concerning the Code, the failure to have
analogous safeguards in place in a relatively small company drew unfavourable comments from Arden J in Re
Macro (Ipswich) Ltd [13.28].
Balance of executive and nonexecutive directors
There is a substantial practical difference between the office of a director remunerated, if at all, by the payment of
directors’ fees (a nonexecutive director) and that of a person who, in addition to serving as a director, holds a
management or executive position within the company, whether on a fulltime or parttime basis, and is paid a
salary in respect of this employment (an executive director).
The law generally treats both categories of director similarly as a matter of principle, but the difference between an
executive director and a NED can be very important in practice. For instance, an executive director is likely to have
greater authority to represent the company in its dealings with third parties; to be more difficult to remove because
of entitlements to substantial compensation for loss of office; to be subjected to higher standards of skill and care
in the discharge of his or her duties; and, as a working ‘insider’, to have better access to market sensitive and
other information and much greater knowledge of the company’s affairs than a NED.9
(p. 265) New significance has been accorded to the role of the NED in the Code, following the recommendations
of each of the contributing committees to the Code. The current Code now prescribes that half the number of board
members should be independent NEDs in the case of FTSE 350 companies; that board committees should be
dominated by independent NEDs (with the exception of the remuneration committee, which should be constituted
exclusively by NEDs), and that these committees should take on more responsibilities; that NEDs should be
appointed from a wider range of possible candidates; and that a NED’s tenure on the board can in theory run
longer than nine years, subject to both a reelection process every one to three years depending on the size of the
company and a thorough review of any decision to reelect a NED beyond the sixyear mark. According to the
current Code, NEDs will no longer qualify as ‘independent’ if they have held their position for longer than nine
Given these best practice rules, concerns are now emerging as to whether the pool of NEDs is adequate to meet
the demand for quality people to take on the role, especially from the perspective of smaller companies, which find
it especially difficult to attract suitable candidates. The 2011 Review accepts that there is some evidence to
support this perception, and recognises that the problem is exacerbated in the current economic climate which
places increased demands on the time and expertise of NEDs. Nevertheless, the FRC reaffirms its Code policy
that companies of all sizes are to look beyond the ‘usual suspects’ when sourcing candidates to fill nonexecutive
For financial institutions, the Financial Services Authority (FSA)10 had also provided draft Guidance on the role of
NEDs.11 The Guidance comes from a ‘retail conduct risk perspective’, and therefore encourages NEDs to
challenge whether, for example, appropriate risk policies are in place, and whether the board is able to take
appropriate action in response to problems when they arise.
Directors’ remuneration
The Code makes various recommendations related to remuneration of directors. It suggests that companies should
have a formal and transparent policy on executive remuneration, as well as a remuneration committee consisting
wholly of NEDs charged with responsibility for fixing the remuneration packages of individual directors. No director
should be involved in deciding his or her own remuneration. Decisions on the remuneration of executive directors
should be taken by a remuneration committee made up exclusively of NEDs (para D.2.1). The remuneration of
NEDs should be set by the board itself unless the articles require this remuneration to be determined by the
members (para D.2.3).
Every company’s annual report should contain a statement of its remuneration policy, and details of the
remuneration of each individual director. The Turnbull (1999) and Higgs (2003) Reports were especially influential in
strengthening the role of NEDs in the management of the company.
Despite these developments, directors’ salary and benefits packages continue to attract unfavourable attention:
awards that are thought to be excessive (especially if they are out of step with the performance of the company or
individual in question) draw weighty criticism from the media and in Parliament. Further efforts in recent years have
focused on increasing the transparency of decisions concerning directors’ remuneration, including a series of fresh
reforms to be implemented by October 2013 (see later).
(p. 266) Nomination committees
The Code, Main Principle B.2, states that ‘There should be a formal, rigorous and transparent procedure for the
appointment of new directors to the board’. A listed company’s board should establish a nomination committee to
make recommendations to the board on all new appointments (para B.2.1). A majority of the members of the
nomination committee should be independent NEDs, and the chair should be either the chair of the board or an
independent NED.
Code provision B.7.1 requires all directors of listed companies to submit themselves for reelection at least every
three years (annually for directors of FTSE 350 companies), and sufficient biographical detail should be supplied
on a person submitted for election so as to enable members to take an informed decision on the election. The
rules make specific reference to the need to refresh the board and maintain the independence of NEDs.
Notwithstanding the controversy surrounding the annual election recommendation, the 2011 Review refers to data
which shows that 80% of FTSE 350 companies put all directors up for reelection in 2011, in contrast to only 10%
in 2010. It is expected that the figure will continue to rise given the remaining companies’ willingness to review their
practice ahead of 2012.
Gender diversity
In recent years, there has been heightened concern for a more diverse board culture, with current attention focused
on increasing the representation of women on boards. In 2010, Lord Davies of Abersoch was commissioned to
review the current situation. His report, published in February 2011,12 presents the business case for gender
diversity on boards: namely, improving performance; accessing the widest talent pool; being more responsive to
the market; and achieving better corporate governance. Davies urges that it is in the interests of businesses (and
shareholders) to encourage gender diversity, and, although he rejects the use of ‘quotas’ for the time being, he
sets out recommendations designed to achieve 25% female representation on boards by 2015.
Two of these recommendations have already been incorporated in the UK Corporate Governance Code and apply
to financial years beginning on or after 1 October 2012. The first requires the board to describe the board’s policy,
objectives and progress on developing gender diversity (Principle B.2.4). The second requires board evaluation to
include consideration of the balance of skills, experience, independence and knowledge of the company on the
board, its diversity, including gender, how the board works together as a unit and other factors relevant to its
effectiveness (Principle B.6).13
The full impact of these, and other, changes on board culture and board effectiveness remains to be seen.
However, a progress report14 published in 2012 points to the ‘biggestever reported increase in the percentage of
women on boards’ and concludes that there has been a ‘culture change’ in how women are seen within the
workforce. If the rate of increase in representation persists, then it is suggested that a record 26.7% female board
representation will be achieved by 2015.
The European Commission is on the bandwagon, and has launched its own consultation and investigation on
gender imbalance as a crossEU issue. A House of Lords SubCommittee has now launched an inquiry into the
subject matter, in aid of the European Commission’s consultation.15 This may result in the introduction of further
measures, on an EU level, including the possibility of imposing ‘quotas’ for corporate entities.
(p. 267) ➤ Questions
1. In Equitable Life Assurance Society v Bowley [2003] EWHC 2263 (Comm) at [41], Langley J suggested
that ‘a company may reasonably, at the least, look to NEDs for independence of judgment and supervision of
the executive management’ (emphasis added). Companies do not appoint NEDs without good reason; they
are usually chosen for their specific expertise, experience or business connections. NEDs who provide these
services can expect to be paid reasonably well for their contributions, but of course this means that they may
become financially dependent on the company to a greater or lesser extent. Is it realistic to expect NEDs to
be ‘independent’, and to supervise executive management? Equally, is it realistic to expect companies to
appoint and pay fees to individuals who have little to offer apart from independence and a policing role?
2. How is a line to be drawn between achieving gender diversity and avoiding positive discrimination?
Regulation of institutional investors by the UK Stewardship Code
One phenomenon which had remained largely overlooked until recently was the rise in the number of shares—
particularly shares in listed public companies—held by ‘institutional’ shareholders such as pension funds,
insurance companies, unit trusts and mutual funds.16 The percentage of their holdings overall has grown from
about a quarter in the 1960s to about twothirds in more recent years, and in some companies may be as high as
80% or more, although in some spheres it is now declining.
These bodies hold the longterm savings of millions of citizens, and are managed by specialist professionals who,
on the one hand, are in competition with each other but, on the other, are bound by the very nature of their function
not to take unwarranted risks with the funds for which they are responsible. Views differ on the extent to which
these institutions and their professionals should be expected, or even required, to monitor the performance of
those charged with the management of the companies held in their portfolios. Plainly, these large members are in
a position to wield considerable influence both in the affairs of a particular company (most notably in a takeover
situation) and in the development of general standards of corporate governance.
The UK Corporate Governance Code states that institutional shareholders ‘have a responsibility to make
considered use of their votes’, and that they ‘should enter into a dialogue with companies based on the mutual
understanding of objectives’.17 But this is not a panacea. Early on, the Company Law Review drew attention to the
likely risk of conflicts of interest inherent in the position of a fund manager: suppose, for instance, that the same
institution is both an investor in a company and trustee of its pension fund, or involved with both bidder and target
in a takeover bid.
These concerns therefore provided the context in which the Institutional Shareholders’ Committee (ISC), the
representative forum of the institutional shareholding community in the UK, published its ‘Code on the
Responsibilities of Institutional Investors’ in 2009. These good practice principles were geared at ‘enhancing the
quality of engagement’ between institutional investors with their investee companies, thus providing better
stewardship services for investors. This Code became the 2010 UK Stewardship Code on its adoption by the FRC.
(p. 268) At the outset, and unlike the UK Corporate Governance Code, it should be noticed that the Stewardship
Code is optional, in the sense that institutional shareholders are free to choose whether or not to sign up and
engage. However, once they do sign up, their fund managers or agents are responsible for ensuring compliance
and, like the UK Corporate Governance Code, the Stewardship Code operates on a ‘comply or explain’ basis. The
FSA introduced in December 2010 under Conduct of Business Rule 22.3 the requirement that stakeholder firms
are to disclose the extent of their commitment to the Code; and where they do not commit to the Code, they are
requires to outline their ‘alternative investment strategy’. This requirement does not deny the Code’s voluntary
Client and beneficiaryprimacy
Depending on the chosen investor structure, institutional shareholders/investors act for or represent ‘clients’ or
‘beneficiaries’. The Stewardship Code puts the interests of these clients and beneficiaries centre stage. Principle 2
reiterates the institutional investor’s duty to act in the interests of all clients and/or beneficiaries when they
exercise their powers. This duty is analogous to that imposed on directors (see Chapter 6), who are required by
Companies Act 2006 (CA 2006) s 172 to act to promote the success of the company. In both cases, the
requirement seeks to ensure that the agents in question do not seek to further their own interests and, in the
process, sacrifice the interests of those they are supposed to protect. Principle 2 therefore requires institutional
investors to formulate and disclose publicly a clear ‘robust’ policy to manage any potential conflicts of interest.
To the same ends, Principle 5 requires institutional shareholders to act collectively with other investors where
appropriate. Put this way, shareholder value (for the clients/beneficiaries) is to be promoted, even if its achievement
comes at the price of commercially sensitive collaboration with actual of potential competitors.
Enhanced interaction with investee companies
Principle 1 requires institutional shareholders to disclose their policy on discharging their stewardship
responsibilities. The Guidance indicates that such disclosure should include information as to how investee
companies will be monitored by the institutions, and suggests that active dialogue with the board of an investee
company may be necessary.
Principle 3 strengthens this idea of monitoring, including appraising investee board and committee structures
(especially in the light of any departures from the UK Corporate Governance Code), and elaborates on the need for
and nature of any regular and active dialogue with the boards.
Enhanced publicity
A consistent feature of the Code is that institutional investors are not only expected to formulate clear policies for
discharging their duties, but are also obliged to disclose these policies and report publicly on their implementation.
Review and amendment
In April 2012, the FRC published a consultation document18 on proposed revisions to the Stewardship Code (the
‘2012 Revision’). Critics have complained that the concept of ‘stewardship’ is too vague, and that the Code
provides a ‘onesizefitsall’ solution which is inappropriate for all types of institutional investors. The 2012 Revision
is designed to address these fundamental issues, as well as more specific or technical issues which have
emerged. As the consultation document puts it, the aim is to:
• clarify the aim and definition of stewardship;
(p. 269) • delineate more clearly the varying responsibilities of different types of institutional investors;
• address issues identified in the FRC’s December 2011 report;
• address a small number of other issues fundamental to stewardship that previously had not been dealt with in
the Code;
• edit the previous text where needed to create greater consistency across the Code; and
• provide more information, where needed, on how the Code is expected to be implemented.
Narrative reporting reforms
In addition to changes made to the Corporate Governance Code and the Stewardship Code, the Department for
Business, Innovation and Skills has responded to its earlier consultation on narrative reporting and produced draft
regulations introducing a series of changes aimed at facilitating shareholders’ access to information.19
As proposed, the new format annual reports will be made up of two key documents: a concise ‘high level’ Strategic
Report, replacing the business review and containing ‘strategic, headline information’, with some extra content for
quoted companies concerning the business model, human rights and diversity; and a more detailed Annual
Directors’ Statement to be made available on company websites.
Role of the company secretary
Before turning to directors, the role of company secretaries should be noted. A public company must have a
company secretary (CA 2006 s 271); a private company need not, although the functions must then be carried out
by the directors (s 270). The role of company secretary has evolved into one of increasing responsibility and
influence within the management structure: for an early recognition of this evolution, see Panorama Developments
(Guildford) Ltd v Fidelis Furnishing Fabrics Ltd [3.15].
A recent report by the All Party Parliamentary Corporate Governance Group (APPCGG) at the House of
Commons, entitled ‘Elevating the Role of the Company Secretary’, presented the findings from a study of company
secretaries of ‘FTSE All Share’ companies. These findings show that the scope of the company secretary’s role
varies considerably between companies, but none of the profiles seem adequately described by the term
‘secretary’, which is consistently seen as problematic. The most commonly suggested alternative is ‘Corporate
Governance Director’, which goes some way towards reflecting the growing importance of the role in the realm of
corporate governance.
➤ Question
Compare the approach in Panorama Developments (Guildford) Ltd v Fidelis Furnishing Fabrics Ltd [3.15] with
the dicta of Lord Macnaghten from more than 100 years ago, in Ruben v Great Fingall Consolidated [11.13], in
which his lordship described the role of the secretary as a ‘mere servant’. What factors may have contributed
to this drastic change of attitude?
(p. 270) ➤ Note
See the APPCGG’s report on engagement between the board and the nonboard management, available
Directors’ service contracts
In practical terms, directors could be made virtually irremovable by negotiating for service contracts with very long
terms, so that companies could then only get rid of the directors by paying prohibitive sums as compensation. A
board of directors acting in collusion could see to it that every member of the board was protected in this way.
To avoid this risk, the legislation now provides that no service contract may be made to run for more than two
years without the prior authorisation of the members (CA 2006 ss 188–189).20 Without this approval, the relevant
terms are void and a term is deemed to be included in the contract allowing the company to terminate the contract
at any time on reasonable notice. The rule applies to both contracts of service and contracts for services (s 227),
and also to engagements with shadow directors (s 223(1)(a)).
In addition, all directors’ service contracts must be open for inspection by the members (ss 227–230), and every
company must give, in a note to its annual accounts, information about aggregate directors’ remuneration (s 412).
(A small company can omit this information from the accounts it files at Companies House.) All unquoted/unlisted
companies must give statistical information, but are not required to identify payments to each director by name.
Remuneration of directors
Directors have no prima facie entitlement to remuneration.21 Provision for payment is therefore usually made in the
articles, and the appropriate decisionmaking process is as determined there. CA 2006 ss 188 and 189 (noted
earlier) limit the company’s power to determine its own procedures, and ss 227–230 impose disclosure
obligations. Beyond these restrictions, the company is free to determine its own practices.
It is crucial for directors that there is clear constitutional authority for any agreements that are made, and that the
proper procedures have been followed. Without these, the purported arrangements are void (see Guinness plc v
Saunders [5.01]) and directors are not entitled as of right to any remuneration, whether upon a quantum meruit,
‘equitable allowance’, or otherwise. Indeed, if a person is not a director, he or she will fare better in obtaining
payment for any services rendered (see CravenEllis v Canons Ltd [5.02]).
The power to pay directors’ remuneration must be strictly observed.
[5.01] Guinness plc v Saunders [1990] 2 AC 663 (House of Lords)
In January 1986, the board of Guinness appointed a committee of three directors, Saunders, Roux and Ward, to
handle the daytoday decisions in connection with a takeover bid which Guinness had made for another company,
Distillers. The bid was ultimately successful. Ward had been paid a fee of £5.2 million for his part in the bid, which
he said had been agreed by (p. 271) the committee. The company’s articles empowered the board of Guinness to
fix the remuneration of individual directors, and contained several provisions allowing it to delegate various of its
functions. The House of Lords declined to construe the articles in a way that invested the committee with power to
pay remuneration to one of its own members, and ordered Ward to repay the £5.2 million.
LORD TEMPLEMAN: … Mr Ward admits receipt of £5.2m from Guinness and pleads an agreement by
Guinness that he should be paid this sum for his advice and services in connection with the bid. Mr Ward
admits that payment was not authorised by the board of directors of Guinness.
The articles of association of Guinness provide:
Remuneration of directors.
90. The board shall fix the annual remuneration of the directors provided that without the consent of
the company in general meeting such remuneration (excluding any special remuneration payable
under article 91 and article 92) shall not exceed the sum of £100,000 per annum …
91. The board may, in addition to the remuneration authorised in article 90, grant special
remuneration to any director who serves on any committee or who devotes special attention to the
business of the company or who otherwise performs services which in the opinion of the board are
outside the scope of the ordinary duties of a director. Such special remuneration may be made
payable to such director in addition to or in substitution for his ordinary remuneration as a director,
and may be made payable by a lump sum or by way of salary, or commission or participation in
profits, or by any or all of those modes or otherwise as the board may determine.
Articles 90 and 91 of the articles of association of Guinness depart from the Table A articles recommended
by statute, which reserve to a company in general meeting the right to determine the remuneration of the
directors of the company.[22 ] But by article 90 the annual remuneration which the directors may award
themselves is limited and by article 91 special remuneration for an individual director can only be authorised
by the board. A committee, which may consist of only two or, as in the present case, three members,
however honest and conscientious, cannot assess impartially the value of its work or the value of the
contribution of its individual members. A director may, as a condition of accepting appointment to a
committee, or after he has accepted appointment, seek the agreement of the board to authorise payment
for special work envisaged or carried out. The shareholders of Guinness run the risk that the board may be
too generous to an individual director at the expense of the shareholders but the shareholders have, by
article 91, chosen to run this risk and can protect themselves by the number, quality and impartiality of the
members of the board who will consider whether an individual director deserves special reward. Under article
91 the shareholders of Guinness do not run the risk that a committee may value its own work and the
contribution of its own members. Article 91 authorises the board, and only the board, to grant special
remuneration to a director who serves on a committee.
It was submitted that article 2 alters the plain meaning of article 91. In article 2 there are a number of
definitions each of which is expressed to apply ‘if not inconsistent with the subject or context’. The
expression ‘the board’ is defined as ‘The directors of the company for the time being (or a quorum of such
directors assembled at a meeting of directors duly convened) or any committee authorised by the board to
act on its behalf.’
The result of applying the article 2 definition to article 91, it is said, is that a committee may grant special
remuneration to any director who serves on a committee or devotes special attention to the (p.
272) business of the company or who otherwise performs services which in the opinion of the committee
are outside the scope of the ordinary duties of a director. In my opinion the subject and context of article 91
are inconsistent with the expression ‘the board’ in article 91 meaning anything except the board. Article 91
draws a contrast between the board and a committee of the board. The board is expressly authorised to
grant special remuneration toany director who serves on any committee. It cannot have been intended that
any committee should be able to grant special remuneration to any director, whether a member of the
committee or not. The board must compare the work of an individual director with the ordinary duties of a
director. The board must decide whether special remuneration shall be paid in addition to or in substitution
for the annual remuneration determined by the board under article 90. These decisions could only be made
by the board surveying the work and remuneration of each and every director. Article 91 also provides for the
board to decide whether special remuneration should take the form of participation in profits; the article
could not intend that a committee should be able to determine whether profits should accrue to the
shareholders’ fund or be paid out to an individual director. The remuneration of directors concerns all the
members of the board and all the shareholders of Guinness. Article 2 does not operate to produce a result
which is inconsistent with the language, the subject and the context of article 91. Only the board
possessed power to award £5.2m to Mr Ward …
[Lord Templeman ruled further that: (i) none of Guinness’s other articles conferred a power on the
committee to pay Ward remuneration; (ii) Ward was not entitled to sue Guinness for professional services
rendered as a solicitor; (iii) Saunders, as chairman, had no actual or ostensible authority to agree that Ward
should be paid the sum; and (iv) that since the articles made express provision for the way in which
directors should be remunerated, Ward had no claim by way of quantum meruit.]
LORD GOFF OF CHIEVELEY delivered a concurring opinion.
If the director’s appointment is void, remuneration on a quantum meruit basis may be possible.
[5.02] CravenEllis v Canons Ltd [1936] 2 KB 403 (Court of Appeal)
The facts appear from the judgment.
GREER LJ: The signatories to the memorandum and articles, being entitled to elect the first directors,
nominated Mr Phillip du Cros, the plaintiff, and Mr A W Wheeler as the first directors on 15 August 1928,
and on 23 August the directors coopted Sir Arthur de Cros as a director. Under the articles these directors
could act without qualification for two months, but after that time they became incapable of acting as
directors as none of them had acquired the necessary qualification. The only issued shares of the company
were in the two signatories to the memorandum, but there is little room for doubt that these gentlemen were
nominees of the du Cros’. Be this as it may it is clear that on the expiration of the two months, the directors
having no qualification ceased to be directors, and were unable to bind the company except as de facto
directors by agreements with outsiders or with shareholders … On 14 April 1931 an agreement was
executed under the seal of the company, purporting to be between the company and the plaintiff, stating the
terms on which he was to act by resolution of the unqualified directors. The plaintiff in this action sought to
recover from the defendant company the remuneration set out in the agreement, and as an alternative,
sought to recover for his services on a quantum meruit. Until the company purported to put an end to his
engagement he continued to perform all the services mentioned in the agreement.
The company, having had the full benefit of these activities, decline to pay either under the agreement or on
the basis of a quantum meruit. Their defence to the action is a purely technical defence, and if it succeeds
the Messrs du Cros as the principal shareholders in the company, and the company, would be in the
position of having accepted valuable services and refusing, for purely technical reasons, to pay for them.
(p. 273) As regards the services rendered between 31 December 1930 and 14 April 1931, there is, in my
judgment, no defence to the claim. These services were rendered by the plaintiff not as managing director or
as a director, but as an estate agent, and there was no contract in existence which could present any
obstacle to a claim based on a quantum meruit for services rendered and accepted.
As regards the plaintiff’s services after the date of the contract, I think the plaintiff is also entitled to
succeed. The contract, having been made by directors who had no authority to make it with one of
themselves who had notice of their want of authority, was not binding on either party. It was, in fact, a
nullity, and presents no obstacle to the implied promise to pay on a quantum meruit basis which arises
from the performance of the services and the implied acceptance of the same by the company. …
I accordingly think that the defendants must pay on the basis of a quantum meruit not only for the services
rendered after 31 December 1930, and before the date of the invalid agreement, but also for the services
after that date. I think the appeal should be allowed, and judgment given for such a sum as shall be found to
be due on the basis of a quantum meruit in respect of all services rendered by the plaintiff to the company
until he was dismissed. …
GREENE LJ delivered a concurring judgment.
TALBOT J concurred.
➤ Questions
1. On the purported contract with the company the plaintiff, as an ‘insider’, was deemed to have constructive
notice both of the supposed directors’ want of competence and of his own ineligibility for appointment as the
managing director, because he was not a director. In the light of HelyHutchinson v Brayhead Ltd [3.09], would
he now be considered an ‘insider’? In any event, would the protections available to third parties contracting
with the company (see ‘Statutory provisions protecting third parties (outsiders) from the consequences of
constitutional limitations on corporate capacity’, pp 85ff and CA 2006 s 161) provide any assistance where the
company has no board of directors?
2. On the quantum meruit claim, the judgment rests in part upon the assumption that ‘the company’ accepted
the plaintiff’s services. Which organ or agent of the company could in the circumstances be deemed to have
done so? (There were some outside members.)
3. Why was this reasoning not acceptable in the context of a validly appointed director in Guinness plc v
Saunders ?
4. In Re Richmond Gate Property Co Ltd [1965] 1 WLR 335, Plowman J held that a managing director was not
entitled to remuneration on a quantum meruit basis, because the articles of the company provided that a
managing director was to receive ‘such remuneration … as the directors may determine’, and the company
had gone into liquidation without any consideration of the matter by the directors. The existence of an express
arrangement about remuneration, the judge held, ruled out any possibility of an alternative claim based on
a quantum meruit. The case depends in part on a misunderstanding of Craven Ellis v Canons Ltd, and may be
open to criticism on other grounds also, so that its authority is questionable. After Guinness plc v Saunders,
how would a court decide this case?
Setting the amount to be received by a director by way of remuneration
It is permissible to pay directors remuneration when the company has made no profits, and even when the
company is not solvent (subject to any other misfeasance this may involve). The amount of remuneration is for the
members (or other authorised body) to fix, and need not necessarily be determined by the market value of those
services. But an award of remuneration must be ‘genuine’ and not a ‘disguised gift’ or an unlawful return of capital
to a member, as illustrated by the next case.
(p. 274) An award of remuneration must be ‘genuine’.
[5.03] Re Halt Garage (1964) Ltd [1982] 3 All ER 1016 (Chancery Division)
Mr and Mrs Charlesworth were the only directors and members of the company, and initially they had both worked
in the business, drawing sums as directors’ remuneration under express powers in the memorandum and articles.
In 1967 Mrs Charlesworth became ill and ceased to take an active part in the business, but she remained a
director and continued to draw remuneration at a reduced rate. From 1968 onwards, the company became
unprofitable, and in 1971 it went into insolvent liquidation. The liquidator claimed that Mrs Charlesworth had no right
to be paid after she had given up work, and also that Mr Charlesworth had been paid more than the market value of
his services, and sought restitution of the sums allegedly overpaid. The payments to Mr Charlesworth were upheld,
even those made after the company had ceased to be profitable. But Mrs Charlesworth was obliged to refund that
part of the money paid to her which the judge held was not a ‘genuine award of remuneration’ but a ‘disguised gift
out of capital’.
OLIVER J: Now there is no presumption that directors’ remuneration is payable only out of divisible profits
Counsel for the liquidator does not go to the extent, in fact, of suggesting that when a company has fallen
on bad times the directors must either close the business down immediately or go on trying to pull it round
for nothing … What I think counsel’s submission comes to is this, that while the company has divisible
profits remuneration may be paid on any scale which the shareholders are prepared to sanction within the
limits of available profits, but that, as soon as there cease to be divisible profits, it can only lawfully be paid
on a scale which the court, applying some objective standard of benefit to the company, considers to be
reasonable. But assuming that the sum is bona fide voted to be paid as remuneration, it seems to me that
the amount, whether it be mean or generous, must be a matter of management for the company to
determine in accordance with its constitution which expressly authorises payment for directors’ services.
Shareholders are required to be honest but, as counsel for the respondent suggests, there is no
requirement that they must be wise and it is not for the court to manage the company.
Counsel for the liquidator submits, however, that if this is right it leads to the bizarre result that a meeting of
stupid or deranged but perfectly honest shareholders can, like Bowen LJ’s lunatic director,[23 ] vote to
themselves, qua directors, some perfectly outlandish sum by way of remuneration and that in a subsequent
winding up the liquidator can do nothing to recover it. It seems to me that the answer to this lies in the
objective test which the court necessarily applies. It assumes human beings to be rational and to apply
ordinary standards. In the postulated circumstances of a wholly unreasonable payment, that might, no
doubt, be prima facie evidence of fraud, but it might also be evidence that what purported to be remuneration
was not remuneration at all but a dressedup gift to a shareholder out of capital …
This, as it seems to me, is the real question in a case such as the present. The real test must, I think, be
whether the transaction in question was a genuine exercise of the power. The motive is more important than
the label. Those who deal with a limited company do so on the basis that its affairs will be conducted in
accordance with its constitution, one of the express incidents of which is that the directors may be paid
remuneration. Subject to that, they are entitled to have the capital kept intact. They have to accept the
shareholders’ assessment of the scale of the remuneration, but they are entitled to assume that, whether
liberal or illiberal, what is paid is genuinely remuneration and that the power is not used as a cloak for
making payments out of capital to the shareholders as such …
(p. 275) [His Lordship referred to Mrs Charlesworth’s illness, and continued:] The fact is that, however
valuable and exacting may have been the services which Mrs Charlesworth had rendered in the past, her
continued directorship contributed nothing to the company’s future, beyond the fact that she was and
remained responsible as a director and was able to make up the necessary quorum for directors’ meetings
(of which remarkably few took place if the minutes are any accurate guide).
On the other hand, it is said that the Companies Act 1948 imposes on every company incorporated under
its provisions an obligation to have a director and it contemplates that those who assume the
responsibilities of office, whether they carry them out well or ill, may be paid for that service in such way
and in such measure as the company’s regulations prescribe or permit. Here the company’s constitution
conferred on it in express terms a power to award to a director a reward or remuneration for the bare fact of
holding office, and that power the company purported to exercise. If it be legitimate for the company to
award some remuneration, however nominal, to Mrs Charlesworth for acting as a director and taking on
herself, for good or ill, the responsibilities which that office entails, at what point, counsel for the
respondents asks, does it become beyond the company’s power to do that which its constitution permits it
to do and how can the court take on itself the discretion as to quantum which is vested in the shareholders,
there being, ex concessis, no mala fides? I have not found the point an easy one, but on the view that I take
of the law the argument of counsel for the respondents is very difficult to meet if the payments made really
were within the express power conferred by the company’s constitution.
But of course what the company’s articles authorise is the fixing of ‘remuneration’, which I take to mean a
reward for services rendered or to be rendered; and, whatever the terms of the resolutions passed and
however described in the accounts of the company’s books, the real question seems to me to be whether
the payments really were ‘directors’ remuneration’ or whether they were gratuitous distributions to a
shareholder out of capital dressed up as remuneration.
I do not think that it can be said that a director of a company cannot be rewarded as such merely because
he is not active in the company’s business. The mere holding of office involves responsibility even in the
absence of any substantial activity, and it is indeed in part to the mere holding of office that Mrs
Charlesworth owes her position as a respondent in these proceedings. I can see nothing as a matter of
construction of the article to disentitle the company, if the shareholders so resolve, from paying a reward
attributable to the mere holding of the office of director, for being, as it were, a name on the notepaper and
attending such meetings or signing such documents as are from time to time required. The director
assumes the responsibility on the footing that he will receive whatever recompense the company in general
meeting may think appropriate. In this case, however, counsel for the liquidator is entitled to submit that the
sums paid to Mrs Charlesworth were so out of proportion to any possible value attributable to her holding of
office that the court is entitled to treat them as not being genuine payments of remuneration at all but as
dressedup dividends out of capital …
[His Lordship considered the evidence, and ruled that only £10 out of the £30 per week which had been paid
to Mrs Charlesworth while she was ill was genuinely ‘remuneration’. He ordered her to repay the balance.]
➤ Questions
1. Mrs Charlesworth was a member. Could Oliver J have reached the same conclusion if she had not held shares?
2. Earlier in his judgment, Oliver J said:
It is commonplace in private family companies, where there are substantial profits available for distribution
by way of dividend, for the shareholder directors to distribute those profits by way of directors’ remuneration
rather than by way of dividend, because the latter course has certain fiscal disadvantages. But such a
distribution may, and frequently does, bear very little relation to the (p. 276) true market value of the
services rendered by the directors … Yet it is very difficult to see why the payment of directors’
remuneration, on whatever scale the company in general meeting chooses, out of funds which could
perfectly well be distributed by way of dividend, should be open to attack merely because the shareholders,
in their own interests, choose to attach to it the label of directors’ remuneration …
Does this mean that different rules apply if a company has undistributed profits?
3. Could Mrs Charlesworth have kept the payments if:
(i) the company had been solvent at the time they were made?
(ii) the members had believed that the company was solvent, when in fact it was not?
4. This case indicates there are limits to the power of shareholders to decide freely on matters of remuneration.
Does the decision, in effect, suggest that shareholders must act ‘bona fide and for proper purposes’ in exercising
their powers? (See ‘Summary of limitations on members’ voting’, pp 243ff). Could this common law approach
impact on the shareholders’ vote proposed under the new legislative reforms in relation to directors’ remuneration
(see later)?
5. If the power to decide remuneration lies with the directors (see the Model Articles art 19 (private companies) and
art 23 (public companies)), are the constraints on decisionmaking the same, or greater? Who should the power be
given to?
6. Could a failure to ensure that the board fixes salaries that are affordable by the company show a director’s
unfitness and be a ground for a disqualification order under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986?
7. Could a directors’ (or majority members’) decision to award ‘excessive’ remuneration be open to challenge as a
‘fraud on the minority’ (see ‘Exceptions to the rule in Foss v Harbottle’, pp 640ff and consider whether it now has a
statutory equivalent) or ‘unfair prejudice’ (see ‘Unfairly prejudicial conduct of the company’s affairs’, pp 681ff)?
➤ Notes
1. In Barclays Bank plc v British & Commonwealth Holdings plc [1996] 1 BCLC at 9 Harman J said that he
found the decision in Halt Garage difficult to accept because, in his view, it is not possible for a resolution to
be held valid in part and unlawful as to the rest: the irregularity should have led to a finding that it was void in
toto. (The Court of Appeal ([1996] 1 BCLC 1 at 26ff) did not refer to this point.) What would this have meant for
the liquidator’s claim?
2. The payments to Mrs Charlesworth might now be caught by Insolvency Act 1986 (IA 1986) s 238 (as a
‘transaction at an undervalue’, subject to the time limits fixed by that section). In an appropriate case, IA 1986
s 423 might also be applicable (this has no time limits but requires proof of an intention to put assets beyond
the reach of the company’s creditors). See ‘The conduct of the liquidation’, pp 805ff.
3. The reasoning of Oliver J was followed by Hoffmann J in Aveling Barford Ltd v Perion Ltd [10.14] to strike
down as not ‘genuine’ and as an unauthorised return of capital a sale of land made at an undervalue by a
company to another company controlled by its principal member. Can these cases be seen as part of an
emerging new doctrine which may be invoked where corporate assets are wrongfully depleted for the benefit of
insiders? Is the doctrine, if there is one, even wider than this? Does this support an ‘arm’s length approach’ as
emerging from Progress Property Co Ltd v Moore and another [2010] UKSC 55 (Supreme Court) [10.15].
(p. 277) Statutory reforms to deal with directors’ remuneration
In the wake of the global financial crisis, the general public has been vocal in expressing concern, and sometimes
outrage, that alarmingly high levels of directors’ remuneration often bear no relationship to the laggardly
performance of their listed companies, and certainly cannot be justified when employee wages are being cut or
In response to this sentiment, in June 2012 the government announced ‘the most comprehensive reform’ in relation
to directors’ remuneration.24 The proposed measures have now been introduced through the Enterprise and
Regulatory Reform Act 2013, with the intention that these reforms will be enacted at a date yet to be determined.
In other words, these changes will come in the form of binding law, not merely ‘best practice’.
The proposed reforms are geared towards giving shareholders of quoted companies a direct voice on pay policies
and on the structure and implementation of exit payments. In conjunction with these objectives, the reforms will
also facilitate better access to information related to directors’ remuneration.
At the heart of these reform is the proposal for a binding shareholders’ vote on directors’ pay. Each year (or at a
minimum every three years), the shareholders will be given an opportunity to vote on the company’s policy on
directors’ remuneration. Before the vote, shareholders will have access to a policy report compiled by the board
which will set out the key elements of pay with supporting information, and will compare these figures with the
company’s overall strategy or objectives, and will indicate the principles or factors which formed the basis for the
pay policy. The policy report will also specify the impact on directors’ pay if the company’s performance is above,
on or below target. A majority vote in favour of the policy is required before the policy is adopted.
Shareholders will also be given an ‘advisory vote on implementation’, that is, in relation to directors’ remuneration
actually paid in accordance with the policy adopted by the annual vote. If the vote fails, then the policy will return to
the binding vote for reapproval in the subsequent year. This will ensure that the company’s remuneration policy
does not become a toothless document, but is in fact directly linked to the level of remuneration paid to directors.
Finally, ‘exit pay’ for any departing directors must also feature in the policy report and the corresponding votes
mentioned earlier. This will ensure that directors do not receive substantial exit packages on leaving the company,
which (unfortunately) seems to have been the case in recent years despite poor performance of companies and the
markets in general.
To add support to these proposed legislative changes, the FRC is considering related changes to the Code. For
example, if a vote reveals a significant dissenting minority, then the company should publish a public statement
setting out how it will address such shareholder concern, thus holding directors to public account.
These reforms will be further supported by changes to narrative reporting, namely the production of strategic
reports by companies (see ‘Narrative reporting reforms’, p 269). These will encapsulate a section on directors’ pay,
so that crossreferences can be made between the key information contained in the report and the policy
document on which the shareholders will vote.25
Finally, it is noteworthy that the FCA and PRA have in place a Remuneration Code,26 which applies to around
2,700 firms within their ambit. The Code (the latest version of which came into force on 1 January 2011) reflects
concerns that firms are taking unnecessary and unreasonable (p. 278) risk in the hope of increasing remuneration
and bonuses. It mandates firms to implement remuneration policies which are in line with the overarching goal of
harnessing ‘sound and effective risk management’. Mandatory payment deferral and use of shares in lieu of cash
payment are also featured in the Code.
➤ Questions
1. Are these changes too interventionist? Is the government placing too many limits on companies’ freedom to
set their own goals and policies, including how much they pay their directors?
2. What problems may arise when so much emphasis is placed on shareholder control? Is it realistic to
expect shareholders, especially those with small shareholdings in many different companies, to play such an
active role in monitoring directors? How should shareholder control measures be structured so as not to defeat
the purpose of centralised management in the first place?
3. Is it congruent with the idea of ‘enlightened shareholder value’ that only shareholders get a vote on such
matters as directors’ remuneration? Should other stakeholders, for example the employees, also receive a
vote? What practical disadvantages are likely to emerge if that is the case?
Further Reading
ARSALIDOU, D, ‘The Regulation of Executive Pay and Economic Theory’ (2011) 5 Journal of Business
Law 431.
Find This Resource
BAINBRIDGE, SM, ‘Why a Board? Group Decisionmaking in Corporate Governance’ (2002) 55 (1) Vanderbilt
Law Review 41.
Find This Resource
CHEFFINS, BR, ‘The Stewardship Code’s Achilles’ Heel’ (2010) 73 MLR 1004.
Find This Resource
CHEFFINS, BR and THOMAS, RS, ‘Should Shareholders Have a Greater Say Over Executive Pay? Learning
from the US Experience’ (2001) 1 Journal of Corporate Law Studies 277.
Find This Resource
DAVIES, PL, ‘PostEnron Developments in the United Kingdom’ in G Ferrarini et al (eds), Reforming Company
and Tak eover Law in Europe (2004), p 183.
Find This Resource
HIGGS, D, ‘Review of the Role and Effectiveness of NonExecutive Directors’ (2003) available
KAY, J, ‘The Kay Review of UK Equity markets and LongTerm Decision Making’, Final Report (July 2012),
available at:
RILEY, CA, ‘The Case for NonGoverning Directors in NotForProfit Companies’ (2010) 10 Journal of
Corporate Law Studies 119.
Find This Resource
WATSON, S, ‘The Significance of the Source of the Powers of Boards of Directors in UK Company Law’
(2011) JBL 597.
Find This Resource
WEST, L, ‘Challenging the “Golden Goodbye”’ [2009] JBL 447.
Find This Resource
WHEELER, S, ‘NonExecutive Directors and Corporate Governance’ (2009) 60 Northern Ireland Law
Quarterly 51.
Find This Resource
1 It is important to be aware of the differences between executive and nonexecutive directors (see ‘Balance of
executive and nonexecutive directors’, p 264); appointed, de facto and shadow directors, (see ‘Directors’ duties
are owed by de jure and de facto directors’, pp 331ff); alternate directors and nominee directors. These different
categories are not mutually exclusive.
2 These predecessor Codes are all available at
4 The European Commission has established a European Corporate Governance Institute to encourage the
coordination of national corporate governance codes: In the light of concerns raised on a
European level in relation to the effectiveness of the ‘comply or explain’ mechanism, the FRC published a guideline
providing an explanation and defence of the procedure:
5 Available at:
7 See P Davies, ‘PostEnron Developments in the United Kingdom’ in G Ferrarini et al (eds), Reforming Company
and Tak eover Law in Europe (2004), p 183.
8 A smaller company is one that is not included in the FTSE 350 throughout the year immediately prior to the
reporting year.
9 Although see Langreen Ltd (In Liquidation), Re, Ch D (Companies Ct) (Registrar Derrett) 21/10/2011, LTL
26/10/2011, Document No AC0130205, where, on the facts, the executives and nonexecutives were
10 From 1 April 2013, this responsibility was taken over by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). This is the date
on which the FSA was abolished, and its functions split between the Prudential Regulatory Authority and the FCA,
with the Bank of England having an expanded role: see Financial Services Act 2012.
12 The ‘Davies Report’ at:
13 See the FRC Feedback Statement on gender diversity at:
16 See J Farrar and M Russell, ‘The Impact of Institutional Investment on Company Law?’ (1984) 5 Company
Lawyer 107; PL Davies, ‘Institutional Investors in the United Kingdom’ in T Baums et al (eds), Institutional Investors
and Corporate Governance (1994); and John C Coffee Jr, ‘Institutional Investors as Corporate Monitors: Are
Takeovers Obsolete?’ in JH Farrar (ed), Tak eovers, Institutional Investors and the Modernization of Corporate
Laws (1993).
17 UK Corporate Governance Code, Sch C, Principles 3 and 1 respectively.
20 For companies with a Stock Exchange listing, the Code sets a standard of terms of one year or less.
21 Hutton v West Cork Railway Co (1883) 23 Ch D 654, 672; Guinness plc v Saunders [5.01].
22 The 2006 Model Articles for private and public companies now reserve this decision to the directors, subject to
the requirements of the Act, and any other terms in the articles.
23 In Hutton v West Cork Rly Co (1883) 23 Ch D 654, 671.
6. The Board of Directors as an Organ of the Company
Chapter: (p. 279) 6. The Board of Directors as an Organ of the Company
Author(s): Len Sealy and Sarah Worthington
DOI: 10.1093/he/9780199676446.003.0006
In the previous chapter we considered the scope of corporate governance as a means of mitigating the ‘agency
problems’ arising from centralised management. In this chapter we continue with this general theme, but now
focus attention on the mechanics of the board of directors, namely the appointment, removal and disqualification of
directors, as well as their functioning as a board. The next chapter will then consider the functioning of directors
as individuals, and will review the duties owed by directors under common law and Companies Act 2006 (CA
The relatively few legal rules relating to the appointment, tenure and remuneration of directors allow those who
control a company considerable scope to look after their own interests, generally without any serious risk of being
successfully challenged by the minority.1 Even where the directors do not hold the majority of voting shares, the
passive attitude of most members towards company general meetings and corporate decisions means that
directors can often ensure they are reelected when their terms expire, that their service contracts contain
advantageous provisions and that directors’ fees, salaries and perks are set at an attractive level.
Some of the external regulatory controls include:
(i) Controls over the appointment and dismissal of directors: CA 2006 gives members certain
guaranteed rights, by far the most important being the absolute right to dismiss directors by ordinary
resolution (s 168), although even this can be rendered ineffective by defensive voting arrangements. CA 2006
does little to impose eligibility criteria on potential directors.
(ii) Controls over the particular division of powers between the board of directors and the
members: see ‘Dividing corporate powers between members and directors’, pp 179ff for the general issues,
including the rule that changes to the constitution are reserved to the members (s 21), and at ‘Permitted
reductions of capital’, pp 513ff and ‘Variation of class rights’, pp 563ff for particular examples in the context of
capital reductions and class rights.
(iii) Legal duties imposing minimum standards on directors’ performance of their management
functions: see Chapter 7 on directors’ duties.
(iv) Controls over the structure and composition of the board of directors and its subcommittees: CA
2006 imposes few requirements, but public listed companies are subject to the ‘comply or explain’
regulations in the Code.
(p. 280) (v) Public disclosure of information about the company’s directors and their activities: CA 2006
provides for public registers of directors, annual accounts, directors’ reports, etc, subject to certain
exemptions for smaller companies.
(vi) Service contracts and remuneration packages: CA 2006 provides for disclosure to, and members’
approval of, most of these arrangements.
(vii) Disqualification of unfit directors, with criminal sanctions and banning for defined periods: see
Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 (CDDA 1986), ‘Directors’ disqualification’, pp 294ff.
Appointment of directors
Apart from providing that a public company must have at least two directors and a private company at least one
(CA 2006 s 154), and stipulating that vacancies on the board of a public company shall not normally be filled by a
single resolution appointing a number of candidates en bloc (s 160), the Act has little to say about the
appointment of directors; and so the matter is left to the articles of the particular company.
On eligibility, in a departure from preceding law, CA 2006 allows persons over the age of 70 to act as directors of
public companies without members’ approval, and establishes a new minimum age qualification for all directors of
16 (s 157). In addition, CA 2006 stipulates that at least one natural person must act as director of a company (s
A company’s articles typically provide that the first directors will be appointed by the subscribers to the
memorandum and that thereafter directors will be elected by the members in general meeting2 and that a
proportion, such as onethird, should retire every year but be eligible for reelection. Casual vacancies are usually
filled by cooption by the remaining directors. In small companies, by contrast, the directors will very likely be
appointed on a permanent basis by the articles themselves, as in Lee’s Air Farming Ltd [2.04].
In the absence of any provision in the articles, the general meeting has inherent power to appoint directors by
ordinary resolution.3 If the articles give exclusive power of appointment to a specific person or group (eg the board
of directors or the vendor of a business), then the power of appointment of the general meeting is displaced,
although the general meeting does have the power to change the articles.
The power of the majority to appoint directors must ‘be exercised for the benefit of the company as a whole and
not to secure some ulterior advantage’ (see Re HR Harmer Ltd in the Note following Scottish Cooperative
Wholesale Society Ltd v Meyer [13.24], p 685). This seems to require the general meeting to act for proper
purposes.4 Also see ‘Limitations on the free exercise of members’ voting rights’, pp 213ff.
A company’s articles may legitimately confer the right to appoint the directors (or one or more of them) on a third
party, such as a majority member, or the sole trader whose business was incorporated. This power may be given
directly, or attached to a special class of shares (on classes of shares, see ‘Classes of shares and class rights’,
pp 556ff).
(p. 281) If the articles do not provide for such a right in third parties, then its creation by contract may be difficult.
When the members alone have the right to appoint, then the directors cannot by agreement with a stranger give
the latter a power to appoint a director. Where both groups have power to appoint directors, then one group (or a
subset of that group) cannot by contract usurp the powers of the other. In any event, the members have the
ultimate right to dismiss any directors of whom they disapprove by ordinary resolution, and without cause (CA
2006 s 168, see ‘Removal of directors’, pp 284ff).
The appointment of a person as a director of a company does not take effect unless the person properly agrees to
the appointment. If someone has been appointed, but is wrongly prevented from acting, there is authority
suggesting that the director (or any member) may bring an action to enforce the right to act: Pulbrook v Richmond
Consolidated Mining Co [6.01]). Where someone who has not been properly appointed is acting as a director, a
member may sue to restrain him from continuing to act. Any acts already undertaken, however, are likely to be
effective as against third parties (see CA 2006 s 161 and ‘Defective appointments and the validity of acts of
directors: CA 2006 s 161’, p 283).
The appointment of managing directors and other executive directors is usually a question for the board.5 Of
course, to be eligible the appointee must be a director, appointed by the customary constitutional process; and if
removed as a director for any reason, the appointee will automatically lose his management or executive office as
well (see ‘Removal of directors’, pp 284ff).
While properly appointed, directors can insist on their right to act.
[6.01] Pulbrook v Richmond Consolidated Mining Co (1878) 9 Ch D 610 (Chancery Division)
A director was required by the company’s articles, by way of qualification for the post, to hold ‘as registered
member in his own right’ shares to the nominal amount of £500. Pulbrook had granted an equitable mortgage over
his qualification shares, and delivered to the mortgagee an unregistered transfer. The directors, on learning of this,
refused to allow him to sit on the board. Jessel MR held: (i) that he still held the shares ‘in his own right’; and (ii)
that he had suffered an individual wrong for redress of which he could sue in his own name.6
JESSEL MR: In this case a man is necessarily a shareholder in order to be a director, and as a director he
is entitled to fees and remuneration for his services, and it might be a question whether he would be entitled
to the fees if he did not attend meetings of the board. He has been excluded. Now, it appears to me that
this is an individual wrong, or a wrong that has been done to an individual. It is a deprivation of his legal
rights for which the directors are personally and individually liable. He has a right by the constitution of the
company to take a part in its management, to be present, and to vote at the meetings of the board of
directors. He has a perfect right to know what is going on at these meetings. It may affect his individual
interest as a shareholder as well as his liability as a director, because it has been sometimes held that
even a director who does not attend board meetings is bound to know what is done in his absence.
Besides that, he is in the position of a shareholder, or a managing partner in the affairs of the company, and
he has a right to remain managing partner, and to receive remuneration for his service. It appears to me that
for the injury or wrong done to him by preventing him from attending board meetings by force, he has a right
to sue. He has what is commonly called a right of action, and those (p. 282) decisions which say that,
where a wrong is done to the company by the exclusion of a director from board meetings, the company
may sue and must sue for that wrong, do not apply to the case of wrong done simply to an individual. There
may be cases where, by preventing a director from exercising his functions in addition to its being a wrong
done to the individual, a wrong is also done to the company, and there the company have a right to
complain. But in a case of an individual wrong, another shareholder cannot on behalf of himself and others,
not being the individuals to whom the wrong is done, maintain an action for that wrong. That being so, in my
opinion, the plaintiff in this case has a right of action.
[His Lordship then ruled that he still held the qualification shares ‘in his own right’, and so had been properly
elected a director. He accordingly granted an injunction.]
➤ Notes
1. It is probably impossible to square all the remarks in this judgment either with the ratio
decidendi of Hick man’s case [4.37] or with the view (commonly associated with Lord Wedderburn: see his
article in [1957] CLJ 194 at 212) that every member of a company has a right to have the provisions of the
corporate constitution observed. (On these questions, see further ‘Members’ personal rights’, pp 250ff and
‘General issues’, pp 635ff.) The difficulties can be highlighted by supposing that in this case the company’s
articles did not require a director to hold shares, and that the excluded director held none.
2. Also, on the issue of whether this director held shares ‘in his own right’, making him a member of the
company, note the different outcome in Enviroco Ltd v Farstad Supply A/S [2011] UKSC 16, where the
shareholder had granted a legal mortgage over its shares, so the mortgagee became the registered owner. In
these circumstances the mortgagor was no longer a ‘member’ of the company (CA 2006 ss 736, 736A(6) and
(7)), and so, in this case, there was no longer a parent/subsidiary relationship, and the ‘subsidiary’ was no
longer protected by a contractual indemnity clause which covered the parent and its affiliates.
Eligibility for appointment as a director
The age restrictions imposed by CA 2006 have been mentioned (see ‘Appointment of directors’, p 280). The
general law also prevents bankrupts and certain classes of individuals from acting as directors, and a company’s
own articles can impose further restrictions.
But, in addition, a significant aspect of the control of companies in the general public interest lies in the prohibition
of certain people (as a class, or specifically) from acting as company directors. Under the CDDA 1986, the courts
may make disqualification orders against individuals or the Secretary of State may accept undertakings in lieu of
such orders (see ‘Directors’ disqualifications’, pp 294ff).
Further restrictions (subject to some limited exceptions) have been imposed by the Insolvency Act 1986 (IA 1986)
s 216 to prevent the ‘phoenix syndrome’. The goal is to prevent directors (including shadow directors, see ‘“Shadow
directors”: s 251’, pp 312ff) of companies that have gone into insolvent liquidation from being directors (or in any
way promoting, managing or being involved in a company or unincorporated business, whether or not as directors)
that uses the same or substantially the same registered business or trading name as that used by the insolvent
company during the 12 months preceding insolvency. Breach of this restriction is an offence punishable by fine or
imprisonment (IA 1986 s 216). In addition, the individual may be personally liable for the debts and liabilities
incurred by the company during the period that he or she is involved in its management (IA 1986 s 217). Liability is
strict and ignorance is no defence.
(p. 283) Defective appointments and the validity of acts of directors: CA 2006 s 161
Despite all the preceding rules on appointment of directors, the acts undertaken by those acting as directors are
generally valid even if the appointment is flawed. This means that third parties dealing with the company are
generally protected, and the company’s remedy is to take action, if appropriate, against those responsible for the
appointments and those acting improperly as directors.
CA 2006 s 161 replaces the more limited provision in the Companies Act 1985 (CA 1985) s 285, which was
typically supplemented in the articles by wider terms such as those now appearing in CA 2006 s 161 (see, eg,
Companies (Tables A to F) Regulations 1985 (SI 1985/805) Table A, art 92). This rule supplements the protective
provisions discussed earlier in the context of corporate contracting (see ‘Statutory provisions protecting third
parties (outsiders) from the consequences of constitutional limitations on corporate capacity’, pp 85ff). Third
parties could only rely on CA 1985 s 285 if they had acted in good faith. The material words in the new section are
identical, so presumably the same limitation will apply, even though the provision itself is silent on the issue.
Despite the breadth of the wording in CA 2006 s 161, the limitations read into its predecessor may continue to
apply. In particular, defective appointment cases used to require that there must, at some stage, have been
a purported appointment of the person to the role of director. As Lord Simonds put it in Morris v Kanssen:7
There is, as it appears to me, a vital distinction between (a) an appointment in which there is a defect or, in
other words, a defective appointment, and (b) no appointment at all. In the first case it is implied that some
act is done which purports to be an appointment but is by reason of some defect inadequate for the
purpose; in the second case, there is not a defect, there is no act at all. The section does not say that the
acts of a person acting as director shall be valid notwithstanding that it is afterwards discovered that he was
not appointed a director.
Publicity and the appointment of directors: CA 2006 ss 162 and 167
Under CA 2006, the company must: (i) register particulars about its directors with the registrar at Companies
House (s 167); (ii) keep its own register of directors (ss 162–164); and (iii) keep its own register of directors’
residential addresses (s 165). (Public companies must also keep a register of secretaries: ss 275, 277–279.)
It is not clear why companies still need to maintain their own registers of directors, open for inspection by
members for no fee and to others for a fee, when most people searching the records prefer the anonymity of
Companies House.
The separate register of residential addresses (not open for inspection) is a 2006 change, introduced because
directors’ addresses need no longer be filed at Companies House. Indeed, CA 2006 now contains several
provisions protecting the privacy of directors’ residential addresses (see ss 240–246). The change reflects a
growing concern for the safety of directors and their families, especially after some of the tactics used by
campaigners, particularly against directors of companies involved in the use of animals in biomedical research.
(p. 284) The company and its defaulting officers (including shadow directors, see ‘“Shadow directors”: s 251’, pp
312ff) are liable to fines on conviction for any failure to comply with these provisions.
Additional publicity is required about directors of public companies, especially details of salary, qualifications and
experience, that appear in annual reports for the company.
Acting as a board of directors: meetings and decisions
Absent special provisions, the general rule is that a board is expected to act by majority resolution on decisions
taken at board meetings. After some early doubts, it was established that the informal and unanimous agreement
of the directors is, for all ordinary purposes (but not for all purposes—see ‘Removal of directors’, p 284), equivalent
to a resolution passed at a duly convened meeting: see Runciman v Walter Runciman plc [1992] BCLC 1084 at
1092; Base Metal Trading Ltd v Shamurin [2004] EWCA Civ 1316, CA. (Recall that the same rule applies to
members, see Cane v Jones [4.17])
In practice, most companies have articles containing specific provisions for various forms of decisionmaking, so
overriding the general law on meetings and unanimous assent. The articles typically allow for ‘meetings’ to take
place without all the directors being in the same place, so long as they can communicate with each other, and it
does not matter how that is done (see Model Articles, art 10 (private companies) and art 9 (public companies)).
The articles may also allow directors to record their consent in writing (see Model Articles art 8 (private
companies) and arts 17 and 18 (public companies) on consent to a unanimous decision only; indeed, the Model
Articles for private companies go further, and allow for unanimous decisions regardless of how the directors
communicate their common assent to each other (art 8)). Generally the votes of interested directors will not count
towards the necessary majority (art 14 (private companies) and art 16 (public companies)).
As already noted, if the articles do not make the necessary provisions, the general law rule that unanimous
informal decisions of the directors are binding may need to be relied upon. However, in Guinness plc v
Saunders [5.01]8 the Court of Appeal declined to accept that a statutory requirement of disclosure to a ‘meeting of
directors’ (CA 1985 s 317(1) in that case; now see CA 2006 s 177) could be deemed to have been complied with
simply because every individual member of the board knew of the matter. Fox LJ said ([1988] 1 WLR 863 at 868)
that disclosure to ‘a meeting of the directors of the company’ is ‘a wholly different thing from knowledge of
individuals and involves the opportunity for positive consideration of the matter by the board as a body’. (For further
discussion, see ‘Duty to exercise independent judgement: CA 2006 s 173’, pp 350ff.)
In addition, it is well established that a meeting cannot be held informally against the will of a dissenting director
(Barron v Potter [1914] 1 Ch 895).
Removal of directors
Both CA 2006 and a company’s articles provide mechanisms for the termination of appointments of directors. The
trigger may be dissatisfaction with the director’s performance; but, equally, it may simply be part of the company’s
process of management renewal, as with (p. 285) directors’ retirement by rotation.9 The court may also force the
termination of a director’s appointment (see ‘Directors’ disqualification’, pp 294ff). In addition, a director may simply
Here, forced removal by the members or by the board is considered; voluntary retirement and resignation is not.
Removal by the members
CA 2006 ss 168–169 provide wide powers for the removal of directors, by ordinary resolution, before the expiration
of the director’s period of office and notwithstanding anything in any agreement between the company and the
director (s 168(1)).10 Special formalities (including special notice) must be observed and a director is guaranteed
certain protections (eg the right to protest his or her removal).
The statutory requirement for a meeting is mandatory. The Duomatic principle ([4.15]) of effective unanimous
informal assent or informed acquiescence without a meeting is not appropriate in this context. This is because the
formal procedure is designed to protect the impugned directors, not the voting members, and so it can only be
waived by those directors. See Re New Cedos Engineering Co Ltd [1994] 1 BCLC 797; Wright v Atlas Wright
(Europe) Ltd [1999] 2 BCLC 310 at 314–315.
CA 2006 s 168 does not derogate from any other powers that might exist apart from this section (s 169(5)(b)). This
means that all articles, including those that provide for dismissal of directors without the special protections
inherent in s 168, remain valid (eg see later, on dismissal by the board). Nor does the section deprive the director
of any compensation or damages payable in respect of the termination of the appointment as director or of any
appointment terminating with that as director (s 168(5)(a)).
The intended impact of CA 2006 s 168 can sometimes be neutered, however. It is possible, although only in private
companies, to put in place weighted voting rights that can make it impossible for the ordinary members to use the
powers in s 168: see Bushell v Faith [6.02]. Such weighted voting is inappropriate in public companies, and
impossible in listed companies (the London Stock Exchange would refuse listing).
Special voting rights may protect directors against removal under CA 2006 s 168.
[6.02] Bushell v Faith [1970] AC 1099 (House of Lords)
Bush Court (Southgate) Ltd had capital of £300 in £1 shares, with 100 shares held by Faith and each of his
sisters, Mrs Bushell and Dr Bayne. Article 9 of the articles of association provided: ‘In the event of a resolution
being proposed at any general meeting of the company for the removal from office of any director, any shares held
by that director shall on a poll in respect of such resolution carry the right to three votes per share …’. Faith was
thus able to record 300 votes and outvote his sisters, who recorded 200 votes between them, by demanding a poll
on a motion to remove him from office. UngoedThomas J held that art 9 was invalid because it infringed the
Companies Act 1948 (CA 1948) s 184 (the equivalent of CA 2006 s 168), but his decision was reversed on appeal.
The House of Lords (Lord Morris of BorthyGest dissenting) upheld the effectiveness of the article. (p. 286)
LORD DONOVAN: My Lords, the issue here is the true construction of s 184 of the Companies Act 1948
[CA 2006 s 168] and I approach it with no conception of what the legislature wanted to achieve by the
section other than such as can reasonably be deducted from its language.
Clearly it was intended to alter the method by which a director of a company could be removed while still in
office. It enacts that this can be done by the company by ordinary resolution. Furthermore, it may be
achieved notwithstanding anything in the company’s articles, or in any agreement between the company
and the director.
Accordingly any case (and one knows there were many) where the articles prescribed that a director should
be removable during his period of office only by a special resolution or an extraordinary resolution, each of
which necessitated inter alia a three to one majority of those present and voting at the meeting, is
overridden by s 184. A simple majority of the votes will now suffice; an ordinary resolution being, in my
opinion, a resolution capable of being carried by such a majority. Similarly any agreement, whether
evidenced by the articles or otherwise, that a director shall be a director for life or for some fixed period is
now also overreached.
The field over which s 184 operates is thus extensive for it includes, admittedly, all companies with a
quotation on the Stock Exchange.
It is now contended, however, that it does something more; namely that it provides in effect that when the
ordinary resolution proposing the removal of the director is put to the meeting each shareholder present
shall have one vote per share and no more: and that any provision in the articles providing that any
shareholder shall, in relation to this resolution, have ‘weighted’ votes attached to his shares, is also nullified
by s 184. A provision for such ‘weighting’ of votes which applies generally, that is, as part of the normal
pattern of voting, is accepted by the appellant as unobjectionable: but an article such as the one here under
consideration which is special to a resolution seeking the removal of a director falls foul of s 184 and is
overridden by it.
Why should this be? The section does not say so, as it easily could. And those who drafted it and enacted
it certainly would have included among their numbers many who were familiar with the phenomenon of
articles of association carrying ‘weighted votes’. It must therefore have been plain at the outset that unless
special provision were made, the mere direction that an ordinary resolution would do in order to remove a
director would leave the section at risk of being made inoperative in the way that has been done here. Yet
no such provision was made, and in this Parliament followed its practice of leaving to companies and their
shareholders liberty to allocate voting rights as they pleased. …
LORDS REID and UPJOHN delivered concurring opinions.
LORD GUEST concurred.
LORD MORRIS OF BORTHYGEST (dissenting): Some shares may … carry a greater voting power than
others. On a resolution to remove a director shares will therefore carry the voting power that they possess.
But this does not, in my view, warrant a device such as article 9 introduces. Its unconcealed effect is to
make a director irremovable. If the question is posed whether the shares of the respondent possess any
added voting weight the answer must be that they possess none whatsoever beyond, if valid, an ad hoc
weight for the special purpose of circumventing s 184. If article 9 were writ large it would set out that a
director is not to be removed against his will and that in order to achieve this and to thwart the express
provisions of s 184 the voting power of any director threatened with removal is to be deemed to be greater
than it actually is. The learned judge thought that to sanction this would be to make a mockery of the law. I
think so also.
➤ Notes
1. As Lord Donovan observes, companies with a listing on the Stock Exchange may not circumvent CA 2006
s 168 by provisions in their articles, for this is forbidden by the Listing Rules. De facto, therefore, we have one
regime for listed companies and another for all other companies.
(p. 287) 2. One important consequence of CA 2006 s 168 is that a member or group of members together
holding more than half of the shares in a company may remove the board and replace it with directors of their
own choice.11 For this reason, a takeover bid is usually made conditional upon acceptances being received
which will take the bidder’s holding to at least 51% of the voting shares.
3. ‘Weighted voting’ is not the only technique by which a director may be made irremovable, or virtually so.
The draftsman of the company’s articles in Bushell v Faithcould have achieved much the same position if its
shares had been divided into three classes (eg 100 ‘A’ shares, 100 ‘B’ shares and 100 ‘C’ shares) and it was
provided that each class of share should carry the exclusive right to appoint one director. Each member would
then have had the protection of the rules relating to class rights (see ‘Variation of class rights’, pp 563ff).
Alternatively, the three members could have entered into a shareholders’ agreement which guaranteed each of
them a permanent seat on the board: see Russell v Northern Development Corporation Ltd [4.34], in which the
precedent of Bushell v Faith was of considerable weight.
4. Where there are no mitigating class rights, a majority shareholder is entitled to exercise his or her voting
rights to appoint and remove directors. In support of that, the court may grant an order under CA 2006 s 306
(see Chapter 4) convening a general meeting in circumstances where the majority shareholder’s voting
entitlement is being neutered by the minority shareholder’s refusal to attend meetings, thus denying a
quorum: Smith v Butler [3.14].
➤ Questions
1. The members can use CA 2006 s 168 to dismiss a director ‘without cause’ (ie even if the director is
performing perfectly properly and effectively). Why should the members have this right? Are there any
2. In Russell v Northern Development Corporation Ltd [4.34], the company could not bind itself by contract in a
way that made it impossible for the company to alter its capital as permitted by the Act. Presumably
a company could not bind itself in a way that made exercise of the rights in CA 2006 s 168 impossible. And
yet in both these instances the company’s rights can only be exercised by the members in general meeting.
Given this, do shareholders’ agreements and weighted voting rights make a mockery of the Act, or is the
appropriate analysis a little more subtle?
Dismissal by the board
Articles often provide that the office of director is to be vacated if all the other members of the board make a written
request for the director’s resignation, although the Model Articles (both private and public) make no such provision.
Like all powers held by directors, exercise of this power is subject to the directors’ duties to act for proper
purposes, in good faith to promote the success of the company, and in a way that does not involve unacceptable
conflicts of interest (see Chapter 5). But, subject to that limitation, the courts appear loath to allow this power to
be further limited unless by explicit agreement: Dear v Jack son [2013] EWCA Civ 89.
➤ Question
An early suggestion (since dropped) for Model Articles for Private Companies gave power to the directors to
terminate the appointment of one of their number only ‘with cause’. Why should the dismissal power of the
board of directors be more limited than that of members in general meeting?
(p. 288) Directors acting after their office is vacated
If directors continue to act after their office is vacated, for whatever reason, their acts will generally continue to bind
the company: see CA 2006 s 161(1)(c) and s 161 generally. Also see ‘Agency and authority in corporate
contracting’, pp 95ff, on a company’s dealings with third parties.
Rights of directors on termination of appointment
Compensation claims for loss of office
Recall that directors have no entitlement to remuneration and generally no claim to any kind of tenure unless
specifically provided for by contract. Even then, they cannot specifically enforce their rights to remain in office; they
can only claim damages for breach.12
If there is a contract between the director and the company, then dismissal from office under CA 2006 s 168 may
be a breach of that contract by the company. This will be the case if the contract is for a fixed period which has
not expired, or if the director is entitled to a period of notice. Alternatively (or in addition), dismissal of a person
from the office of director may breach a second contract between the director and the company if the director can
perform the second contract only by being a director. For example, a contract between the managing director and
his company may depend upon the person continuing to be a director of the company.
The company will then be liable in damages,13 and the damages payments may be large. This is why provision is
made to ensure that members can discover the terms of their directors’ contracts of service (CA 2006 ss 228–
229), and why longterm contracts are subject to approval by the members (s 188).14 The following case extracts
all concern arguments that termination of a directorship was not a breach of contract between the company and
the director.
A contract that incorporates the provisions of a company’s articles is subject to the articles being altered in
the usual way, although an alteration cannot have retrospective effect.
[6.03] Swabey v Port Darwin Gold Mining Co (1889) 1 Meg 385 (Court of Appeal)
The articles provided that the directors were to be remunerated at the rate of £200 per annum. In July 1888 the
company passed a special resolution altering the articles so that directors were thereafter to receive £5 per month.
Swabey, a director, thereupon resigned office and claimed three months’ accrued fees at the old rate. Stephen J
rejected his claim, but he was successful in the Court of Appeal. (p. 289)
LORD ESHER MR: The articles do not themselves form a contract, but from them you get the terms upon
which the directors are serving. It would be absurd to hold that one of the parties to a contract could alter it
as to service already performed under it. The company has power to alter the articles, but the directors
would be entitled to their salary at the rate originally stated in the articles up to the time the articles were
LORD HALSBURY LC delivered a concurring judgment.
LINDLEY LJ concurred.
It may be a breach of contract for a company to alter its articles or to act, personally or vicariously, upon a
power created by altering its articles.
[6.04] Southern Foundries (1926) Ltd v Shirlaw [1940] AC 701 (House of Lords)
In 1933, the respondent was by a written agreement appointed managing director of the appellant company
(‘Southern’) for ten years. In 1936, after Southern had been taken over by Federated Foundries Ltd (‘Federated’),
Southern altered its articles so as to include, inter alia, a new art 8 which empowered Federated by a written
instrument to remove any director of Southern. In 1937 Federated exercised this power and removed the
respondent from his directorship. He sued Southern for breach of contract and Federated for wrongly procuring the
breach of contract. He was awarded £12,000 damages against both defendants (a substantial sum at the time,
hence the appeals), and the award was upheld by the Court of Appeal (Sir Wilfrid Greene MR dissenting), and by
the House of Lords (Viscount Maugham and Lord Romer dissenting).
LORD ATKIN: My Lords, the question in this case is whether the appellant company have broken their
contract with the respondent made in December 1933 that he should hold the office of managing director for
ten years. The breach alleged is that under the articles adopted by the company, after the agreement, the
respondent was removed from the position of director of the company by the Federated Foundries Ltd.
There can be no doubt that the office of managing director could only be held by a director, and that upon
the holder of the office of managing director ceasing for any cause to be a director the office would be ipso
facto vacated. Under the articles in existence at the date of the agreement, by article 89 the office of a
director could be vacated on the happening of six various events, bankruptcy, lunacy, etc, including the
giving by the director of one month’s notice to resign; while by article 105 the company by extraordinary
resolution could remove him from his office. I feel no doubt that the true construction of the agreement is
that the company agreed to employ the respondent and the respondent agreed to serve the company as
managing director for the period of ten years. It was by the constitution of the company a condition of
holding such office that the holder should continue to be a director: and such continuance depended upon
the terms of the articles regulating the office of director. It was not disputed, and I take it to be clear law,
that the company’s articles so regulating the office of director could be altered from time to time: and
therefore the continuance in office of the managing director under the agreement depended upon the
provisions of the articles from time to time. Thus the contract of employment for the term of ten years was
dependent upon the managing director continuing to be a director. This continuance of the directorship was
a concurrent condition. The arrangement between the parties appears to me to be exactly described by the
words of Cockburn CJ in Stirling v Maitland:15 ‘If a party enters into an arrangement which can only take
effect by the continuance of an existing state of circumstances’; and in such a state of things the Lord Chief
Justice said: ‘I look on the law to be that … there is an implied engagement on his part that he shall do
nothing of his own motion to put an end to that (p. 290) state of circumstances under which alone the
arrangement can be operative.’ That proposition in my opinion is wellestablished law. Personally I should
not so much base the law on an implied term, as on a positive rule of the law of contract that conduct of
either promiser or promisee which can be said to amount to himself ‘of his own motion’ bringing about the
impossibility of performance is in itself a breach. If A promises to marry B and before performance of that
contract marries C, A is not sued for breach of an implied contract not to marry anyone else, but for breach
of his contract to marry B. I think it follows that if either the company of its own motion removed the
respondent from the office of director under article 105, or if the respondent caused his office of director to
be vacated by giving one month’s notice of resignation under article 89, either of them would have
committed a breach of the agreement in question …
The question that remains is whether if the removal by the company would have been a breach by the
company, the removal under the altered articles by the Federated Foundries Ltd was a breach by the
company. In this matter the Master of the Rolls agreed with the other members of the Court of Appeal; but
all the members of this House are not agreed. My Lords, it is obvious that the question is not as simple as
in the case just considered of the removal being by the Southern Foundries Ltd; but I venture respectfully to
think that the result must be the same. The office of director involves contractual arrangements between the
director and the company. If the company removes the director it puts an end to the contract: and indeed
the contract relations cannot be determined unless by events stipulated for in the contract, by operation of
law, or by the will of the two parties. The altered article 8 which gives power to the Federated Foundries Ltd
to remove from office any director of the company is, when analysed, a power to the Federated to terminate
a contract between the Southern and its director. It is an act which binds the Southern as against its
promisee; and if a wrong to the respondent if done by the Southern it surely must be a wrong to the
respondent if done by the Federated who derive their power to do the act from the Southern only. If a
landlord gives power to a tenant to discharge the landlord’s servants, gardener or gamekeeper, it is the
master, the landlord, who is bound by the consequences of that discharge whether rightful, or whether
wrongful, and so involving the payment of damages … The action of the Federated was, I think I may say
avowedly, taken for the sole purpose of bringing the managing director’s agreement to an end. I do not think
that it could be said that the Southern committed any breach by adopting the new articles. But when the
Federated acted upon the power conferred upon them in the new articles they bound the Southern if they
acted in such a way that action by the Southern on the same articles would be a breach. It is not a
question of agency but of acting under powers conferred by contract to interfere with a contract between the
party granting the power and a third person …
LORD PORTER: The general principle therefore may, I think, be thus stated. A company cannot be
precluded from altering its articles thereby giving itself power to act upon the provisions of the altered
articles—but so to act may nevertheless be a breach of the contract if it is contrary to a stipulation in a
contract validly made before the alteration.
Nor can an injunction be granted to prevent the adoption of the new articles and in that sense they are
binding on all and sundry, but for the company to act upon them will none the less render it liable in
damages if such action is contrary to the previous engagements of the company. If, therefore, the altered
articles had provided for the dismissal without notice of a managing director previously appointed, the
dismissal would be intra vires the company but would nevertheless expose the company to an action for
damages if the appointment had been for a term of (say) ten years and he were dismissed in less …
LORD WRIGHT delivered a concurring opinion.
➤ Notes
1. A managing director is often both the chief executive officer (CEO) of a company and a director who works
full time for the company for a salary. The functions of a managing (p. 291) director are not fixed by law, but
depend upon the particular terms of the appointment: Harold Holdsworth & Co (Wak efield) Ltd v
Caddies [1955] 1 WLR 352, HL. As noted earlier, under the articles of most companies, a managing director
will automatically lose office on ceasing for any reason to be a director: see, eg, Table A, art 84. In larger
companies, there may be more than one managing, or executive, director, but there will only be one CEO.
See Smith v Butler [3.14], where the powers and authority of managing directors are discussed.
2. The Shirlaw case was followed by Diplock J in Shindler v Northern Raincoat Co Ltd [1960] 1 WLR 1038,
where the managing director had a written service agreement appointing him for ten years. By contrast, in the
case next cited, the appointment was an informal one, and the only source from which the terms of the
contract could be determined was the articles themselves. There was therefore no breach of contract when the
company exercised a power of removal which was expressly contained in the articles.
Reasonable notice rules.
[6.05] Read v Astoria Garage (Streatham) Ltd [1952] Ch 637 (Court of Appeal)
The defendant company’s articles included art 68 of Table A of the 1929 Act, which provided that the directors
might appoint a managing director for such term and at such remuneration as they might think fit: ‘… but his
appointment shall be subject to determination ipso facto if he ceases from any cause to be a director, or if the
company in general meeting resolve that his tenure of the office of managing director … be determined’. Read was
appointed managing director at a salary of £7 per week by a resolution of the board. Seventeen years later the
board, with the approval of the company in general meeting, gave him notice terminating his employment. It was
held that he had no claim for wrongful dismissal.
JENKINS LJ: There is no record anywhere of any terms on which the plaintiff was appointed managing
director beyond the minute of resolution no 4 which was passed at the first meeting of the directors by
which the plaintiff was appointed managing director at a salary of £7 a week from 1 February 1932, and the
articles of association of the company. The company’s articles adopted Table A, with certain modifications.
Amongst the articles of Table A adopted was article no 68. [His Lordship read the article.]
It is argued by Mr Harold Brown for the plaintiff that, notwithstanding the provisions of article 68, there was a
contract between the plaintiff and the defendant company in the nature of a contract of general hiring—a
plain contract of employment, one of the terms of which was the plaintiff’s employment should not be
determined by the defendant company except by reasonable notice. The judge came to the conclusion that
the terms of the plaintiff’s appointment were not such as to entitle him to any notice in the event of the
company choosing under article 68 to resolve in general meeting that his tenure of office as managing
director be determined, and, in my judgment, the judge was clearly right …
The directors purported by a resolution of the board to appoint him managing director. In my view, it is really
clear beyond argument that the directors must be taken to have been making that appointment with
reference to the provisions of article 68 of Table A—it was only under that article that they could make the
appointment. Accordingly, in my view, the resolution, containing as it did no other special terms beyond the
fixing of the remuneration of £7 a week, and containing nothing whatever amplifying, or inconsistent with,
the provisions of article 68, must be taken to have been an appointment of the plaintiff as managing director
on the terms of article 68, and accordingly it was an appointment upon terms, inter alia, that it should be
subject to termination if the company in general meeting resolved that the plaintiff’s tenure of the office of
managing director be determined …
(p. 292) We were referred to various authorities on this topic which, in one form or another, has been fairly
often before the courts. The first was the wellknown case of Nelson v James Nelson & Sons Ltd16 …
It is to be observed that this was a case in which there was an actual agreement with the plaintiff that he
should be managing director for a period which was inconsistent with the unfettered exercise by the
directors of their power under the articles to revoke the appointment of a managing director; and it seems to
me that this is a vital distinction from the present case, in which there is no vestige of any contract beyond
the minute of the resolution making the appointment and the article by reference to which, in my view, the
appointment was made …
In my view, on the facts of this case, the position was simply that the plaintiff was appointed to be
managing director in accordance with article 68 of the 1929 Table A with such tenure of office as was
provided for by that article, and had no special right to receive any particular notice of the termination of his
employment in the event of the company deciding to determine it and doing so by a resolution in general
meeting. Accordingly, in my view, the learned judge came to a right conclusion on the plaintiff’s second
claim; and in the result the appeal fails on both points, and should be dismissed.
MORRIS LJ concurred.
➤ Notes
1. In Nelson v James & Sons Ltd [1914] 2 KB 770, CA, Nelson had been appointed managing director of the
company by a written agreement ‘for so long as he shall remain a director of the company and retain his
qualification and shall efficiently perform the duties of the said office’. The board revoked his appointment. It
did not allege any breach of the terms of the agreement but purported to rely upon a provision in the articles
authorising them to do so. The company argued that in any agreement entered into by the directors for the
appointment of a managing director, a term must be implied giving them the right to revoke such appointment.
It was held, however, that no term could be incorporated by implication from the articles into this contract so
as to override its express terms, and that Nelson’s dismissal was unjustified. He was awarded £15,000
2. In Read v Astoria Garage, the director might have sought to rely on an implied term or an estoppel that
required the company to give him reasonable notice of termination, but recall the failure of such arguments
in Baird Textile Holdings Ltd v Mark s & Spencer plc [2001] EWCA Civ 274, after M&S terminated a long
standing arrangement with Baird for the supply of goods.
Complaint that alteration of the articles is invalid as an objectionable exercise of power by the members.
[6.06] Shuttleworth v Cox Bros & Co (Maidenhead) Ltd [1927] 2 KB 9 (Court of Appeal)
The plaintiff had been removed from the position of ‘permanent’ director, to which he had been appointed by the
articles, in the circumstances described by Atkin LJ in his judgment. This followed the discovery of irregularities in
the accounts between him and the company. He claimed his dismissal was wrongful. The Court of Appeal,
affirming Avory J, upheld the validity of the company’s action.
ATKIN LJ: The plaintiff was a director of the defendant company from May 1921, when the company was
incorporated, until 1926. Up to 1924 he was a director on the terms of article 18, which provided (p.
293) that he and others should be the first directors of the company, that they should be permanent
directors, and that each of them should be entitled to hold office so long as he should live, unless he should
become disqualified from any of the causes specified in article 22. At that time article 22 provided that the
office of director should be vacated in any of the events specified in the six clauses of the article. In 1924
the company passed an altered article by a special resolution … adding to the six clauses of article 22 a
seventh clause: ‘If he shall be requested in writing by all the other directors to resign his office.’ Some ten or
eleven months after article 22 was altered he was requested in writing to resign his office. He claims in this
action that the clause added to the article is invalid, and that he still remains a director …
[The] contract that they shall be permanent directors at a salary is contained in the articles only … In these
circumstances the proper inference appears to be that there was a contract that the plaintiff should be a
permanent director, but a contract … which could be altered by a special resolution of the company in
accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act; and inasmuch as the contract contemplated the
permanent office being vacated in one of six contingencies, it is not inconsistent with the contract that the
article should be altered so as to add a seventh contingency. In other words, it is a contract made upon the
terms of an alterable article, and therefore neither of the contracting parties can complain if the article is
altered. Consequently I cannot find that there has been any breach of contract in making the alteration.
The only other question is whether the article is upon general principles objectionable as being not honestly
made within the powers of the company. Here the limits to the power of the company to alter its articles
have to be considered. Certain limits there are, and they have been laid down in several cases, notably by
Lindley MR in Allen v Gold Reefs of West Africa Ltd [4.22]… There in a reasoned and lucid judgment the
Master of the Rolls uses the phrase ‘bona fide for the benefit of the company’. But neither this court nor any
court should consider itself fettered by the form of words, as if it were a phrase in an Act of Parliament
which must be accepted and construed as it stands. We must study what its real meaning is by the light of
the principles which were being laid down by the Master of the Rolls when he used the phrase … The only
question is whether or not the shareholders, in considering whether they shall alter articles, honestly intend
to exercise their powers for the benefit of the company. If they do then, subject to one or two reservations
which have been explained, the alteration must stand. It is not a matter of law for the court whether or not a
particular alteration is for the benefit of the company; nor is it the business of a judge to review the decision
of every company in the country on these questions. And even if the question were not for the shareholders
themselves, but for some other body, it must be a question of fact. In this case there is a finding of fact by
the jury that the alteration was for the benefit of the company; but I do not decide the case on that ground.
In my view the question is solely for the shareholders acting in good faith. The circumstances may be such
as to lead to one conclusion only, that the majority of the shareholders are acting so oppressively that they
cannot be acting in good faith; or, to put it in another way, it may be that their decision must be one which
could [not] be taken by persons acting in good faith with a view to the benefit of the company. But these are
matters outside and apart from the question, does this or that tribunal consider, in the light of events which
have happened, that the alteration was or was not for the benefit of the company? With great respect to a
very learned judge I cannot agree with the judgment of Peterson J to the contrary on this point.17 In my view
the passage which has been cited from the judgment of Lord Sterndale MR in Sidebottom’s
case [4.23] makes it clear that in his view the ultimate decision is to be the decision of the majority of the
shareholders …
BANKES and SCRUTTON LJJ delivered concurring judgments.
(p. 294) ➤ Question
In what circumstances might it be possible for directors to advance this sort of argument successfully? (See
‘Removal of directors’, pp 284ff.)
Other payments for loss of office
Any voluntary or noncontractual termination payment must be approved by the members (CA 2006 ss 215–222).
CA 2006 s 222 specifies the remedies for breach of this requirement subject to limited exceptions. The remedies
are: any such payment to the director is held on trust for the company; and any director who authorised such
payment is jointly and severally liable to indemnify the company for any loss resulting from the payment. For the
avoidance of doubt, these rules do not apply to any bona fide payment by way of damages for breach of contract,
or by way of pension in respect of past services, or any payment required to be made by virtue of the terms of the
director’s contract.
Directors’ disqualification
Acting to protect the public interest, the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills may apply to the
courts to have certain individuals disqualified from acting as directors (Re Sevenoak s Stationers (Retail)
Ltd [6.08]).18 A related but subsidiary goal is to raise the standards of honesty and diligence in corporate
management (Re Barings plc [1998] BCC 583 at 590; Re Black spur Group plc [1998] 1 WLR 422 at 426, CA).
The courts have wide statutory powers to order that directors of companies that have gone into insolvent
liquidation, or people who have committed serious or persistent breaches of company law, shall be banned from
being directors of a company or being concerned (directly or indirectly) in their management, except with the leave
of the court. The legislation on disqualification orders is consolidated in CDDA 1986.19 Under this Act, the court
may make an order against a person who has:
(i) been convicted of an indictable offence in connection with the formation or management of a company (s
(ii) been persistently in breach of his or her obligations under the Companies Act, for example to file returns
(ss 3, 5);
(iii) been guilty of fraud or fraudulent trading revealed in a winding up (s 4);
(iv) been a director of a company that has become insolvent and who is found ‘unfit’ to be concerned in the
management of a company (s 6), or similarly been found ‘unfit’ after a statutory investigation into the affairs of
a company (s 8);
(v) been guilty of fraudulent or wrongful trading as defined in IA 1986 ss 213–214 (s 10);
(vi) been a director of a company that has breached competition law and who is found ‘unfit’ to be concerned
in the management of a company (s 9A).
Of these provisions, CDDA 1986 ss 6 and 8 are of particular interest because of the statutory concept of
‘unfitness’, which is elaborated in CDDA 1986, Sch 1. These provisions amplify the directors’ traditional common
law duties of care and skill; indeed, this is a ‘growth area’ in (p. 295) which new standards of conduct are being
set and a greater awareness of the responsibilities of directors is being fostered.20
The Insolvency Service is charged with the task of enforcing this branch of the law. Whenever a company goes into
receivership, administration or insolvent liquidation, a report on the conduct of every director has to be made to the
Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills by the insolvency practitioner concerned (see ‘Investigating
and reporting the affairs of the company’, pp 822ff). Disqualifications are currently being made at the rate of about
1,500 per annum. A disqualification ordermay ban the person from being a director or being concerned in the
management of a company for up to 15 years in the more serious cases (eg fraudulent trading) and up to five years
in other cases (eg persistent failure to file returns with the registrar). The registrar maintains a register of the
names of those against whom disqualification orders have been made (CDDA 1986 s 18).
When the Act was introduced, it made no provision for directors to admit that their conduct justified a finding of
‘unfitness’ and, in effect, plead guilty to the charge brought against them. As a result, every case carried the
burden and expense of a contested trial, and the resulting workloads inevitably led to delays.21 Now
disqualification can be imposed without any court hearing at all. CDDA 1986 was amended in 2000 to allow the
Secretary of State to accept disqualification undertak ings from directors that for specified periods they will not do
any of the things normally prohibited by a disqualification order. Such undertakings have consequences identical in
all material respects to disqualification orders (see CDDA 1986 ss 1A, 7(2A) and 8(2A)). In the past few years
almost all disqualifications are a result of undertakings rather than court orders, and reporting of new cases is now
Note that, despite a disqualification order or undertaking, the court has a discretion to allow the director to act as a
director in specific circumstances that make his or her input essential (CDDA 1986 ss 1(1) and 1A(1)):
see Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Swan (No 2) [6.11].
An enormous number of disqualification cases used to be heard and reported in this area. Those cited in the
following extracts provide an illustration. Two are particularly significant. In the early decision of Re Sevenoak s
Stationers (Retail) Ltd [6.08], the Court of Appeal laid down guidelines for the exercise of this jurisdiction. And Re
Barings plc (No 5) [6.12] probably remains the best example of the significant role that disqualification cases
played in the development of the law on directors’ duties of care, skill and diligence.
Human rights issues have arisen. In Saunders v UK (see ‘Inspections and subsequent fair trials—criminal and civil
cases’, p 737), the European Court of Human Rights decided it was an infringement of human rights for statements
obtained under compulsion (in company investigations) to be used as evidence in criminal prosecutions of the
individual in question. Such usage is no longer allowed. Nevertheless, these statements are regularly relied on in
disqualification proceedings, and both the European Court of Human Rights and UK courts have ruled that, since
the nature of these proceedings is essentially civil and regulatory, not criminal, no violation of human rights is
involved: see DC, HS and AD v UK [2000] BCLC 710 and Re Westminster Property Management Ltd [2000] 2
BCLC 396, CA.
Finally, the court has warned against case preparation practices by the Secretary of State which risk unfairness
and oppression of both witnesses and defendant directors: see statement (p. 296) of Peter Smith J following the
discontinuance of proceedings in Secretary of State v Fowler (formerly known as Home Retail v Farepak ), 21 June
CDDA 1986 ss 6 and 8 compared.
[6.07] Re JA Chapman and Co Ltd [2003] EWHC 532, [2003] 2 BCLC 206 (Chancery Division)
PETER SMITH J: The application is made under section 8 CDDA 86 following a report from inspectors
following an investigation under section 447 of the Companies Act 1985 [this is still in force]. In the case of
an application under section 8 CDDA 86 the Court has a discretionary power of disqualification against a
person where it is satisfied that his conduct in relation to the company makes him unfit to be concerned in
the management of a company.
This contrasts with the applications that are normally made under section 6 CDDA 86, where the Court is
under an obligation to make a disqualification order against a person where such unfitness is satisfied.
There are a number of differences between the two sections. First, as I have said under the power of
disqualification under section 8 the Court retains a discretionary power not to disqualify even if the
Defendant’s conduct is unfit. That must be read in the light of the observations of Lloyd J in re Atlantic
Computers plc [Ch, 15 June 1998] where he observed that it would be unusual for the Court to use its
discretion in this way. Second, under section 8 there is no minimum period of disqualification whereas
under section 6 there is a minimum of 2 years. Third there is no limitation period for proceedings under
section 8. Fourth, there is no requirement for the company to become insolvent for an application under
section 8. Fifth, the application under section 8 must be made by the Secretary of State. The Official
Receiver cannot apply and finally, the County Court has no jurisdiction under section 8.
Nevertheless, there are a number of similarities. I have already observed the test is the same as to
unfitness. Second, it is established that the disqualification periods (if any) set out under section 6 in re
Sevenoak s Stationers (Retail) Ltd [6.08] are to be applied to the period of disqualification under section 8
see re Samuel Sherman plc [1991] 1 WLR 1070.
➤ Note
Although there is a twoyear period for proceedings to be brought without leave under s 6 (CDDA 1986 s 7(2)),
this is not strictly a limitation period: Instant Access Properties Ltd [2011] EWHC 3022 (Ch). There, Floyd J
held that ‘after the period has expired a defendant director does not acquire an immunity from suit. All that
occurs is that the Secretary of State needs to surmount an additional hurdle’ [8]. The court therefore
embarked on a balancing exercise, eventually concluding that the public interest in bringing the case outside
the twoyear period (in view of the gravity of the allegations and their prospect of success) outweighed the
purported prejudice caused by the delay.
Guidelines for exercise of the jurisdiction.
[6.08] Re Sevenoaks Stationers (Retail) Ltd [1991] Ch 164 (Court of Appeal)
Cruddas, a chartered accountant, was a director of five companies which had become insolvent with a total net
deficiency of £600,000. The defaults proved against him in respect of (p. 297) one or more of the companies
included: failing to keep proper accounting records; failing to ensure that annual returns were filed and that annual
accounts were prepared and audited; causing the companies to incur debts when he ought to have known that
they were in severe financial difficulties; causing them to trade while insolvent; and failing to pay Crown debts in
respect of PAYE and NIC contributions and VAT. The Court of Appeal upheld the judge’s finding that he was ‘unfit
to be concerned in the management of a company’ (CDDA 1986 s 6). A disqualification order for five years was
DILLON LJ: … [This] appeal has an importance beyond its own facts, since it is the first appeal against a
disqualification order which has come to this court …
I would for my part endorse the division of the potential 15 year disqualification period into three brackets,
which was put forward by Mr Keenan for the official receiver to Harman J in the present case and has been
put forward by Mr Charles for the official receiver in other cases, viz: (i) the top bracket of disqualification for
periods over 10 years should be reserved for particularly serious cases. These may include cases where a
director who has already had one period of disqualification imposed on him falls to be disqualified yet again.
(ii) The minimum bracket of two to five years’ disqualification should be applied where, though
disqualification is mandatory, the case is, relatively, not very serious. (iii) The middle bracket of
disqualification for from six to 10 years should apply for serious cases which do not merit the top bracket.
I will come back to the appropriate bracket and period of disqualification when I have considered the facts
and other issues.
[His Lordship discussed the facts, and continued:]
It is beyond dispute that the purpose of s 6 is to protect the public, and in particular potential creditors of
companies, from losing money through companies becoming insolvent when the directors of those
companies are people unfit to be concerned in the management of a company. The test laid down in s 6—
apart from the requirement that the person concerned is or has been a director of a company which has
become insolvent—is whether the person’s conduct as a director of the company or companies in question
‘makes him unfit to be concerned in the management of a company’. These are ordinary words of the
English language and they should be simple to apply in most cases. It is important to hold to those words
in each case.
The judges of the Chancery Division have, understandably, attempted in certain cases to give guidance to
what does or does not make a person unfit to be concerned in the management of a company. Thus in Re
LoLine Electric Motors Ltd,23 Sir Nicolas BrowneWilkinson VC said:
Ordinary commercial misjudgment is in itself not sufficient to justify disqualification. In the normal
case, the conduct complained of must display a lack of commercial probity, although I have no doubt
in an extreme case of gross negligence or total incompetence disqualification could be appropriate.
Then he said that the director in question
has been shown to have behaved in a commercially culpable manner in trading through limited
companies when he knew them to be insolvent and in using the unpaid Crown debts to finance such
Such statements may be helpful in identifying particular circumstances in which a person would clearly be
This is not a case in which it was alleged that Mr Cruddas had, in the colloquial phrase, ‘ripped off’ the
public and pocketed the proceeds. On the contrary, and as the judge found, he had lost a lot of his own
money … There was evidence that Mr Cruddas had remortgaged his home to raise (p. 298) money to pay
creditors of the companies, and he claimed to have lost from £200,000 to £250,000 of his own money.
I turn next to the question of Crown debts. As to this the judge said:24
In the circumstances I am faced with admitted deficiencies of a most serious character, including in
particular Crown debts in total of an order of £120,000 which were left outstanding … It is, in my
judgment, a badge of commercial immorality to cause moneys which have been taken under force of
law from third parties (PAYE deductions, after all, are taken under compulsion of law from wages
which are owed to employees; VAT is taken under compulsion of law from members of the public
who purchase goods as an addition to the price of the goods) to be not paid over to the Crown.
There have been differing views expressed by Chancery judges about the significance of Crown debts on a
disqualification application and the phrase has tended to become something of a ritual incantation. In some
earlier cases, Harman J regarded such Crown debts as ‘quasitrust moneys’. That view has not however
been followed by other judges, and the official receiver does not seek to resurrect it. A different view was
expressed by Hoffmann J in Re Dawson Print Group Ltd,25 where he said, in a passage with which I entirely
… but the fact is that, no doubt for good reasons, the Exchequer and the Commissioners of
Customs and Excise have chosen to appoint traders to be tax collectors on their behalf with the
attendant risk. That risk is, to some extent, compensated by the preference which they have on
insolvency. There is, as yet, no obligation on traders to keep such moneys in a separate account, as
there might be if they were really trust moneys. They are simply a debt owed by the company to the
revenue or the Commissioner of Customs and Excise. I cannot accept that failure to pay these debts
is regarded in the commercial world generally as such a breach of commercial morality that it
requires in itself a conclusion that the directors concerned are unfit to be involved in the management
of the company.
The official receiver cannot, in my judgment, automatically treat nonpayment of any Crown debt as
evidence of unfitness of the directors. It is necessary to look more closely in each case to see what the
significance, if any, of the nonpayment of the Crown debt is.
Mr Cruddas made a deliberate decision to pay only those creditors who pressed for payment. The obvious
result was that the … companies traded, when in fact insolvent and known to be in difficulties, at the
expense of those creditors who, like the Crown, happened not to be pressing for payment. Such conduct on
the part of a director can well, in my judgment, be relied on as a ground for saying that he is unfit to be
concerned in the management of a company. But what is relevant in the Crown’s position is not that the
debt was a debt which arose from a compulsory deduction from employees’ wages or a compulsory
payment of VAT, but that the Crown was not pressing for payment, and the director was taking unfair
advantage of that forbearance on the part of the Crown, and, instead of providing adequate working capital,
was trading at the Crown’s expense while the companies were in jeopardy. It would be equally unfair to
trade in that way and in such circumstances at the expense of creditors other than the Crown …
[His Lordship reviewed the various defaults which had been established against the respondent, and fixed a
disqualification period of five years.]
➤ Notes
1. Applications under the CDDA 1986 are normally brought by the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and
Skills or the official receiver against individuals who are or have been (p. 299) company directors. The jurisdiction
is broader than that, however. In Asegaai Consultants Ltd [2012] EWHC 1899 (Ch), a successful application was
brought by the company’s liquidator against his predecessor liquidator (who had never been a director of any of the
companies in question) for disqualification as a director and insolvency practitioner. Newey J held that the
liquidator had standing: he did not need a financial interest in a disqualification order being made, since
applications are essentially for the protection of the public and not for private advantage; moreover, there was no
suspicion that the liquidator had an improper ulterior motive, and the application was fully supported by the
company’s only legitimate creditor and the Secretary of State.
2. In the same case, Newey J also considered the appropriate way of cumulating relatively minor breaches in order
to satisfy the test laid down in s 6:
Were a serious breach of duty established, the Court could surely take other, less important breaches into
account when deciding what, if any, order to make under section 4. A number of relatively minor breaches
of duty could also, taken together, be thought serious enough to warrant a disqualification order [24].
Summary of the law and its application.
[6.09] Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Swan [2005] EWHC 603 (Ch), [2005] BCC 596 (Chancery
The Secretary of State applied for disqualification orders against former directors (S and N) of a parent company
and certain other companies within the group. S was both the chairman and chief executive of the parent company
and N was a nonexecutive director. The group had practised ‘cheque kiting’,26 which fell within the control of the
finance director. As a result of the chequekiting practice, an indebtedness statement sent to shareholders showed
misleading figures. Other irregularities were alleged. The judge held that it was not established that S had actual
knowledge of the cheque kiting, but his failure properly to inquire into the reason for the cheques (for sums
completely out of line with the company’s normal scale of transaction) before signing them had permitted the
group’s chequekiting policy to continue, and was a serious dereliction of his duty as a director, although only
within the lowest of the three categories specified in Re Sevenoak s Stationers (Retail) Ltd [6.08]. In the
circumstances, bearing in mind the purpose of the Act, and that the chequekiting policy had not caused any
person any loss or played a role in the insolvency of the company, the appropriate period of disqualification was
four years. Equally, there was no cogent evidence that N had known of the chequekiting policy, but he had failed
to react appropriately to serious allegations of financial and accounting irregularities, made to him against the
finance director. If he had investigated, the cheque kiting would have come to light. This lapse in judgement was
serious, precisely when decisive action was required of a nonexecutive director. In all the circumstances, N was
disqualified for three years.
76. The burden of proving unfitness [under CDDA 1986 s 6] lies on the SoS [Secretary of State]. Although
the standard of proof is the civil standard, that is to say on the balance of probabilities, the seriousness of
the allegation is reflected in the need for evidence of appropriate cogency to (p. 300) discharge the burden
of proof: Re Living Images Ltd [1996] 1 BCLC 348, 355–356; Re H [1996] AC 563, 586–587 (Lord Nicholls).
77. The determination of unfitness under s.6 is a twostage process. First, the SoS must establish as facts,
to the requisite standard of proof, the matters on which the allegation of unfitness is based. Second, the
court must be satisfied that the conduct alleged is sufficiently serious to warrant disqualification.
78. In determining whether past conduct leads to the conclusion of ‘unfitness’ the court is entitled to
consider any relevant contemporary extenuating circumstances.
79. The question is whether, viewed cumulatively and taking into account any extenuating circumstances,
the director’s conduct in relation to the company has fallen below the standards of probity and competence
appropriate for persons fit to be directors of companies: Re Grayan Building Services Ltd [1995] Ch. 241,
253 (Hoffmann LJ).
80. So far as incompetence is concerned, the authorities indicate that a high level of incompetence is
required to satisfy s.6 of the Act. In Re Barings plc (No.5)[1999] 1 BCLC 433 at pp. 483–484 Jonathan
Parker J said:
‘Where, as in the instant case, the Secretary of State’s case is based solely on allegations of
incompetence (no dishonesty of any sort being alleged against any of the respondents), the burden
is on the Secretary of State to satisfy the court that the conduct complained of demonstrates
incompetence of a high degree. Various expressions have been used by the courts in this
connection, including “total incompetence” (see Re LoLine Electric Motors Ltd [1998] BCLC 325 at
337, [1988] Ch 477 at 486 per BrowneWilkinson VC), incompetence “in a very marked degree”
(see Re Sevenoak s Stationers (Retail) Ltd [6.08] [1991] Ch 164 at 184 per Dillon LJ) and “really
gross incompetence” (see Re Dawson Print Group Ltd [1987] BCLC 601 per Hoffmann J). Whatever
words one chooses to use, the substantive point is that the burden on the Secretary of State in
establishing unfitness based on incompetence is a heavy one. The reason for that is the serious
nature of a disqualification order, including the fact that (subject to the court giving leave under
section 17 of the Act) the order will prevent the respondent being concerned in the management of
any company.’
81. On appeal from the decision of Jonathan Parker J, Morritt LJ, giving the judgment of the Court of Appeal,
said at [2000] 1 BCLC 523, 534:
‘… the judge made a number of observations on the proper construction and application of the Act to
which we refer, not because we disagree with the judge, but because we wish to emphasise the
propositions to which he referred. … Third, where the allegation is incompetence without dishonesty
it is to be demonstrated to a high degree … This follows from the nature of the penalty. Nevertheless
the degree of incompetence should not be exaggerated given the ability of the court to grant leave,
as envisaged by the disqualification order as defined in s.1, notwithstanding the making of such an
82. If the court finds the allegations of unfitness proved to the requisite standard and degree, then the court
must, under s.6, disqualify the director for a period of two years at least.
83. The fact that the director may be unlikely to offend again may be relevant to the length of the period of
disqualification, but not to whether or not he should be disqualified: Re Landhurst Leasing plc [1999] 1
BCLC 286, 344h–345b.
84. The disqualification is mandatory in order to protect the parties, raise standards and to act as a
deterrent. Hoffman LJ expressed the position as follows in Re Grayan Building Services Ltd at p.253H–
‘Parliament has decided that it is occasionally necessary to disqualify a company director to
encourage the others. Or as Sir Donald Nicholls V.C. said in In re Swift 736 Ltd. [1993] BCLC 896,
(p. 301) “Those who make use of limited liability must do so with a proper sense of
responsibility. The directors’ disqualification procedure is an important sanction introduced by
Parliament to raise standards in this regard.”
If this should be thought too harsh a view, it must be remembered that a disqualified director can
always apply for leave under section 17 and the question of whether he has shown himself unlikely to
offend again will obviously be highly material to whether he is granted leave or not. It may also be
relevant by way of mitigation on the length of disqualification …’
It follows that I agree with the approach of Vinelott J in In re Pamstock Ltd [1994] 1 BCLC 716 when he said
that it was his duty to disqualify a director whose conduct ‘fell short of the standard of conduct which is
today expected of a director of a company which enjoys the privilege of limited liability’ even though he did
so with regret because, he said, at p. 737:
‘The respondent seemed to me (so far as I can judge from the evidence before me) to be a man who
today is capable of discharging his duties as a director honestly and diligently.’
But the court is required to disqualify a director whose conduct has made him unfit, as the judge said:
‘even though the misconduct may have occurred some years ago and even though the court may be
satisfied that the respondent has since shown himself of capable of behaving responsibly.’
85. Lord Woolf MR summarised the policy behind the legislation as follows in Re Black spur Group
plc [1998] 1 WLR 422 CA at p. 426:
‘The purpose of the Act of 1986 is the protection of the public, by means of prohibitory remedial
action, by anticipated deterrent effect on further misconduct and by encouragement of higher
standards of honesty and diligence in corporate management, from those who are unfit to be
concerned in the management of a company.’
86. The relevant period of disqualification is in the discretion of the judge, to be exercised in accordance
with the relevant principles set down in Re Sevenoak s Stationers (Retail) Ltd [6.08] (particularly serious
cases: 11–15 years; serious cases which do not merit the top bracket: 6–10 years; relatively, not very
serious cases: 2–5 years).
It is no defence to disqualification proceedings that the company’s creditors would be, or could have been,
paid in full.
[6.10] Official Receiver v Jupe [2011] 1 BCLC 191 (Nottingham County Court)
When faced with disqualification proceedings brought by the Official Receiver, Jupe, the director, alleged that the
liquidator had sold the company’s land at a gross undervalue, and that, had it been sold at its true value, all the
company’s creditors would have been paid in full. Judge Mithani QC, without hearing argument, held that he would
have rejected such a defence.
21 It is clear that a company becoming insolvent within the meaning of s 6 of the Company Directors
Disqualification Act 1986 is simply the gateway to the bringing of disqualification proceedings against a
defendant under s 6. Once that gateway is passed, the fact that the creditors of the company have, or
might be, paid in full will not, ordinarily, amount to a defence to the proceedings, (p. 302) although the
court might take that fact into account in coming to its overall assessment about whether unfitness is
established. This is because in all but a few cases—for example where the allegation of misconduct relates
to the failure of a defendant to cooperate with the office holder—the misconduct complained of will relate to
the manner in which a director has conducted the affairs of a company prior to the company having become
insolvent within the meaning of s 6(1)(a). Accordingly, any return made to creditors will have little bearing
upon that. A substantial or significant return to creditors might, in an appropriate case, if unfitness is
established, be a mitigating factor resulting in the imposition of a lesser period of disqualification against a
defendant but will seldom amount to a defence to a claim for a disqualification order under s 6. It follows
that even if there had been evidence to the effect that the liquidator had sold Normanton’s land at an
undervalue—and there is none in the present case—that could provide no defence to the defendant to the
claim for the disqualification order in the present circumstances.
Applicable principles when the court is asked to give a disqualified director leave to act.
[6.11] Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Swan (No 2) [2005] EWHC 2479 (Chancery Division)
The facts are outlined in [6.09].
10 There is no dispute as to the relevant principles. The court has a general discretion and, in deciding how
exercise it, must balance various different factors, including the need or legitimate interest of the applicant
to be a director, the importance of protecting the public from the conduct that led to the Disqualification
Order, and also that the purposes of a disqualification are not only to protect the public but to act as a
deterrent and to raise standards: see Re Grayon Building Services Ltd. [1995] Ch. 241, 253H–254D
(Hoffmann L.J.) and Re Black spur Group plc [1998] 1 WLR 422, 426 (Lord Woolf M.R.).
11 In Re Barings (No.4) [1999] 1 BCLC 262, Sir Richard Scott V.C. said at p.269B–D:
‘It seems to me that the importance of protecting the public from the conduct that led to the
disqualification order and the need that the applicant should be able to act as a director of a
particular company must be kept in balance with one another. The court in considering whether or
not to grant leave should, in particular, pay attention to the nature of the defects in company
management that led to the disqualification order and ask itself whether, if leave were granted, a
situation might arise in which there would be a risk of recurrence of those defects.’
12 In Re Dawes & Henderson (Agencies) Ltd. (No.2) [1999] 2 BCLC 317, 326A–D, Sir Richard Scott V.C.
‘The discretion given to the court under the 1986 Act to grant leave to an individual against whom a
disqualification order has been made, enabling him during the currency of the disqualification order to
act as a director of a particular company, is a discretion unfettered by any statutory condition or
criterion. It would in my view be wrong for the court to create any such fetters or conditions. The
reason why it would be wrong is that no one, when sitting in a particular case to give judgment, can
foresee the infinite variety of circumstances that might apply in future cases not before the court.
Where Parliament has given the courts an unfettered discretion, I do not think it is for the courts to
reduce the ambit of that discretion. But in exercising the statutory discretion courts must, of course,
not take into account any irrelevant factors. The emphasis given in a judgment in a particular case on
particular circumstances in that case is not necessarily a guide to the weight to be attributed to
similar circumstances in a different case. Anything I say in this case about the circumstances that
seem to me of weight in this case must be read subject to that warning.’
(p. 303) ➤ Note
To this may be added the comments of Jonathan Parker J in Re Barings plc (No 5) [6.12] which usefully explain
the relevance of Sch 1 in considering ‘unfitness’ (at 486):
Although in considering the question of unfitness the court had to have regard (among other things) to ‘any
misfeasance or breach of any fiduciary or other duty’ by the respondent in relation to the company, it was
not a prerequisite of a finding of unfitness that the respondent should have been guilty of misfeasance or
breach of duty in relation to the company. Unfitness might be demonstrated by conduct which did not
involve a breach of any statutory or common law duty: for example, trading at the risk of creditors might be
the basis of a finding of unfitness even though it might not amount to wrongful trading under s 214 of the
Insolvency Act 1986. Nor would it necessarily be an answer to a charge of unfitness founded on allegations
of incompetence that the errors which the respondent made could be characterised as errors of judgment
rather than as negligent mistakes. It was possible to envisage a case where a respondent had shown
himself so completely lacking in judgment as to justify a finding of unfitness, notwithstanding that he had
not been guilty of misfeasance or breach of duty. Conversely the fact that a respondent might have been
guilty of misfeasance or breach of duty did not necessarily mean that he was unfit. Schedule 1 made it
clear that there were a number of matters to which the court was required to have regard in considering the
question of unfitness, in addition to misfeasance and breach of duty.
Use of the disqualification jurisdiction to refine the law on directors’ duty of care to include appropriate
[6.12] Re Barings plc (No 5) [1999] 1 BCLC 433 (Chancery Division and Court of Appeal)
The Barings Group, a longestablished banking organisation of unquestionable standing, collapsed in 1995 owing
to unauthorised trading activities carried out by a single trader, Leeson, in Singapore, which resulted in massive
losses. In these proceedings disqualification orders were sought against three of its former directors who were
based in London. Their honesty and integrity were not challenged, but it was alleged that they had been guilty of
serious failures of management in relation to Leeson’s activities, thereby demonstrating such a high degree of
incompetence as to justify their disqualification. More specifically: they had left Leeson in sole control of both the
dealing and settlement offices in Singapore, ignoring an internal audit recommendation that the roles be separated;
they had met Leeson’s requests for funding on a huge scale without proper inquiry; and they had not instituted
appropriate internal management controls. Jonathan Parker J, at first instance, held that the case for
disqualification had been made, and his ruling was upheld on appeal.
JONATHAN PARKER J: ‘[E]ach individual director owes duties to the company to inform himself about its
affairs and to join with his codirectors in supervising and controlling them’ (see Re Westmid Pack ing
Services Ltd [1998] 2 BCLC 646 at 653, [1998] 2 All ER 124 at 130 per Lord Woolf MR, giving the judgment
of the Court of Appeal). Later in the judgment Lord Woolf MR said:
It is of the greatest importance that any individual who undertakes the statutory and fiduciary
obligations of being a company director should realise that these are inescapable personal
This does not mean, of course, that directors cannot delegate. Subject to the articles of association of the
company, a board of directors may delegate specific tasks and functions. Indeed, some degree of
delegation is almost always essential if the company’s business is to be carried on efficiently: to that
extent there is a clear public interest in delegation by those charged with the responsibility for the
management of a business …
(p. 304) But just as the duty of an individual director as formulated by the Court of Appeal in Re Westmid
Pack ing Services Ltd does not mean that he may not delegate, neither does it mean that, having delegated
a particular function, he is no longer under any duty in relation to the discharge of that function,
notwithstanding that the person to whom the function has been delegated may appear both trustworthy and
capable of discharging the function …
It is not in dispute in the instant case that where delegation has taken place the board (and the individual
directors) will remain responsible for the delegated function or functions and will retain a residual duty of
supervision and control … The precise extent of the ritual duty will depend on the facts of each particular
case, as will the question whether it has been breached. These are matters which are in dispute in the
instant case. It is the Secretary of State’s case (denied by the respondents) that each of the respondents
was incompetent in failing to discharge his individual duties as a director …
Where there is an issue as to the extent of a director’s duties and responsibilities in any particular case,
the level of reward which he is entitled to receive or which he may reasonably have expected to receive from
the company may be a relevant factor in resolving that issue. It is not that the fitness or otherwise of a
respondent depends on how much he is paid. The point is that the higher the level of reward, the greater the
responsibilities which may reasonably be expected (prima facie, at least) to go with it. As Sir Richard Scott
VC said when making a disqualification order in respect of Mr Maclean (see Re Barings plc, Secretary of
State for Trade and Industry v Bak er [1998] BCLC 583 at 586):
[Counsel for the respondent] made the point that if an efficient system is in place, or if the individual
in question has good reason for believing there to be an efficient system in place, the delegation
within the system of functions to be discharged in accordance with the system by others cannot be
the subject of serious criticism if, in the event, the persons to whom responsibilities are delegated
fail properly to discharge their duties. That may be so up to a point in theory, but the higher the office
within an organisation that is held by an individual, the greater the responsibilities that fall upon him.
It is right that that should be so, because status within an organisation carries with it commensurate
rewards. These rewards are matched by the weight of responsibilities that the office carries with it,
and those responsibilities require diligent attention from time to time to the question whether the
system that has been put in place and over which the individual is presiding is operating efficiently,
and whether individuals to whom duties, in accordance with the system, have been delegated are
discharging those duties efficiently.
In summary, the following general propositions can, in my judgment, be derived from the authorities to
which I was referred in relation to the duties of directors:
(i) Directors have, both collectively and individually, a continuing duty to acquire and maintain a
sufficient knowledge and understanding of the company’s business to enable them properly to
discharge their duties as directors.
(ii) Whilst directors are entitled (subject to the articles of association of the company) to delegate
particular functions to those below them in the management chain, and to trust their competence and
integrity to a reasonable extent, the exercise of the power of delegation does not absolve a director
from the duty to supervise the discharge of the delegated functions.
(iii) No rule of universal application can be formulated as to the duty referred to in (ii) above. The
extent of the duty, and the question whether it has been discharged, must depend on the facts of
each particular case, including the director’s role in the management of the company.
[An appeal by one of the directors was dismissed: [2000] 1 BCLC 523.]
(p. 305) Individual directors must ensure they remain adequately informed.
[6.13] Re Landhurst Leasing plc [1999] 1 BCLC 286 (Chancery Division)
The company, which was in the leasing finance business, had had a meteoric rise followed by a calamitous
collapse. Its principal directors, Ball and Ashworth, had been sentenced to terms of imprisonment for offences of
corruption and dishonesty. The present disqualification proceedings were brought against three minor players,
formerly employees of the company, who had been made directors at a relatively late stage in the company’s
history. Despite the fact that control of the business remained very much in the hands of Ball and Ashworth and
that their roles in the company’s affairs continued, as before, to be essentially that of employees, it was held that
the respondents could not accept office as directors without assuming corresponding responsibilities, and that it
was no answer to a charge of misconduct that they had left to others matters for which the board as a whole had
to accept responsibility. Disqualification orders were made against two of the three respondents.
HART J: … [T]he Court of Appeal in Re Westmid Pack ing Services Ltd, Secretary of State for Trade and
Industry v Griffiths [1998] 2 BCLC 646 at 653, [1998] 2 All ER 124 at 130 accepted as correct the following
… the collegiate or collective responsibility of the board of directors of a company is of fundamental
importance to corporate governance under English company law. That collegiate or collective
responsibility must however be based on individual responsibility. Each individual director owes
duties to the company to inform himself about its affairs and to join with his codirectors in
supervising and controlling them. A proper degree of delegation and division of responsibility is of
course permissible, and often necessary, but total abrogating of responsibility is not. A board of
directors must not permit one individual to dominate them and use them, as Mr Griffiths plainly did in
this case. Mr Davis commented that the appellants’ contention (in their affidavits) that Mr Griffiths
was the person who must carry the whole blame was itself a depressing failure, even then, to
acknowledge the nature of a director’s responsibility. There is a good deal of force in that point.
Closely allied to the difficulty of distinguishing the responsibilities and conduct of the individual directors
from that of the board as a whole is the question of the extent to which an individual director may trust his
or her colleagues. The judgment of Romer J in Re City Equitable Fire Insurance Co Ltd [7.19] is usually
taken as authority for the general proposition that a director may rely on his codirectors to the extent that
(a) the matter in question lies with their sphere of responsibility given the way in which the particular
business is organised and (b) that there exist no grounds for suspicion that that reliance may be misplaced.
But even where there are no reasons to think the reliance is misplaced, a director may still be in breach of
duty if he leaves to others matters for which the board as a whole must take responsibility …
[Dealing with the case against one of the respondents, his Lordship continued:] A director in the position of
Mr Illidge from September 1991 onwards was necessarily in a difficult position, arriving in the post as he did
at a time when it must have been already known to the chairman and the managing directors that the
company was about to face possibly terminal difficulties and that knowledge was not being fully shared with
him. In setting a standard against which his conduct must be judged for the purposes of the 1986 Act a
balance must be struck between the need on the one hand not to deter honest and competent employees
(as it is accepted he was) from accepting board appointment in such circumstances and the desirability on
the other of reinforcing the hands of those accepting such office by emphasising that their duties require
them to act with independence and courage. I have not found striking that balance easy in Mr Illidge’s case.
I have borne in mind the comparatively short time during which he was a director. I have also borne in mind
that, where I have found him to be open to criticism, it is very doubtful whether had he acted differently (p.
306) the course which events ultimately took would have been significantly altered. What has caused me
difficulty is deciding whether or not the cumulative effect of the omissions for which I have criticised him
compel a conclusion that his conduct did not meet the standards which today are expected of a company
director. That conduct appears to me to reveal a pattern … of acquiescence in Mr Ball’s suppression of
information to the auditors and to the board. I do not accept the case he now seeks to make that he was in
fact at all times reassured by what Mr Ball told him. I think he well appreciated that a potentially parlous
situation had developed, and was conscious that Mr Ball was not sharing that information with the non
executive directors. I consider that this situation obtained for a sufficiently long period during his directorship
for it to have been a serious failure on his part not at some stage to take steps to see that the matter was
raised at board level. While I have considerable sympathy for him in the position in which he found himself, I
have regretfully come to the conclusion that the conduct was such as to require me to disqualify him. My
regret is due to the fact that I have little doubt that in any normal context he is a man who is perfectly fit to
be concerned in the management of a company.
[His Lordship made a similar finding against a second respondent, Dyer, but held that the case against a
third respondent had not been made out.]
Factors to be considered in assessing the disqualification period.
[6.14] Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Carr [2006] EWHC 2110, [2007] BCC 313 (Chancery
C, a director of a public listed company, settled a substantial compensation claim by F against that company for
US$18 million. Then, according to the Secretary of State, C participated in false accounting processes which were
intended to hide the company’s real financial position from creditors, members and possible investors, making
possible a more positive financial outlook than was warranted. Although C had been acquitted of criminal charges
relating to some of the conduct which was the subject of the application under CDDA 1986 s 8, he was
nevertheless disqualified for 9½ years.
DAVID RICHARDS J: … The allegations which I have held to be established amount to deliberate and
dishonest conduct on the part of Mr Carr in the performance of his duties as a director of a listed company.
They were not isolated acts but amounted to a sustained attempt over an extended period to conceal and
misrepresent the true position as regards the claim by Ford and its settlement by the company. Both were
highly material in the context of the group. It involved concealing information which, as I find, he knew
should be disclosed to the board, the auditors, the Stock Exchange, and others and should be disclosed in
the accounts. It further involved the use of false accounting treatments, leading to the approval and
publication of accounts which he knew to be false, achieved only by misleading the auditors as to the true
position. Similarly improper conduct is shown by the treatment of the Rover payment.
These are, in my judgment, very serious matters, which make a substantial period of disqualification
inevitable. The top bracket of disqualification for 10 to 15 years is invoked in particularly serious cases, of
which in my view this is one. My starting point is that the period of disqualification in this case should be in
that bracket, subject to any counterbalancing circumstances.
Submissions were made to me on behalf of Mr Carr as to matters which I should take into account in fixing
the period of disqualification. There are some to which I attach no weight. First, I attach no weight to the
fact that Mr Carr lost the value of his shareholding, which over a period had cost him approximately £2
million, exceeding, as was submitted, the total value of his remuneration over his period of employment. All
other shareholders also lost the value of their shares, but they were deprived by Mr Carr’s conduct of the
timely provision of highly material information to which they were entitled. If the group had been able to
survive, the concealment of the Ford claim (p. 307) and settlement might well have benefited him in terms
of the value of his shareholding. Mr Carr’s personal financial loss does not lessen the seriousness of his
conduct or the need to protect the public. At most, it can be said that he did not make money from his
Secondly, attention was drawn on Mr Carr’s behalf to the periods of disqualification for those former
directors who had given undertakings at the date of the hearing. I do not regard these periods, which range
from 3 to 6½ years, as providing any useful guidance. Their misconduct, as summarised in the schedules
to their undertakings, is not comparable in terms of the duration, scope or, save in some instances,
seriousness of the case against Mr Carr. I have not seen Mr Jeffrey’s undertaking or the schedule of
allegations to which he has admitted. Mr Carr was not only himself closely involved in the matters which I
have established against him, but he was also, as chief executive, senior to Mr Jeffrey.
There are other factors which, to a greater or lesser extent, I do take into account. First, while not agreeing
to give an undertaking, his decision not to defend the application has saved time and expense for the court,
the Secretary of State and witnesses. I should however note that this is not motivated by any apparent
recognition of wrongdoing on Mr Carr’s part, and it is in the circumstances a factor of only very slight
significance. Secondly, there is no evidence or suggestion of other misconduct and he had previously
enjoyed a successful career. Thirdly, and significantly, following his resignation from the company and its
collapse in December 1999, both of which were wellpublicised, he has had no significant management
responsibilities. The disqualification proceedings did not commence until August 2004, following delivery of
the Inspectors’ report in January 2003. I should also take account of the period since the hearing of this
application. Fourthly, before the issue of the disqualification proceedings, the Secretary of State was
prepared to accept an undertaking for a period of 9 years.
In all the circumstances, I consider that a period of disqualification for 9½ years is appropriate.
➤ Note
Other recent cases provide further illustration of the types of factors the court will consider in the context of
directors’ disqualification orders. It was held in Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Reynard [2002]
EWCA Civ 497 that a former director’s conduct during the disqualification proceedings themselves could
properly be taken into account by the court for sentencing purposes. Also, in Ghassemian v Secretary of
State for Trade and Industry [2006] EWHC 1715 (Ch), Lewison J held that a director’s lack of cooperation with
regulators (in this case, the Official Receiver and the Financial Services Authority) could constitute a ground of
unfitness for being a company director. In Secretary of State for Business Innovation and Sk ills v Khan [2012]
CSOH 85 (Outer House, Court of Session), Lord Hodge rejected the Secretary of State’s argument that the
specific role and involvement of the particular director were irrelevant in the court’s determination of the
appropriate length of a disqualification order. He reached this conclusion notwithstanding that directors are
collectively and individually under a continuing duty to acquire and maintain sufficient knowledge of the
company’s business. Further, in Cathie v Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Sk ills [2012]
EWCA Civ 739, the Court of Appeal reaffirmed the lower court’s finding of unfitness based on the failure of the
company to pay overdue taxes to HM Revenue and Customs. In that case, having established that non
payment of taxes led to an inference of unfitness, the burden was ‘reversed’ in the sense that the defendants
had an opportunity to adduce evidence to defeat such inference. Exceptionally, in Secretary of State for Trade
and Industry v Jonk ler [2006] EWHC 135 (Ch), S, a former director who had previously agreed to a
disqualification undertaking of five years under CDDA 1986, was released from this undertaking when the
Secretary of State discontinued disqualification proceedings against her exhusband, O, on the basis that the
Secretary no longer believed it was in the public interest to subject O to a disqualification order. Finally,
in Davenport v Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Sk ills (Commercial Court, unreported), the
court gave leave to a disqualified director, D, under CDDA 1968 ss 1 and 17(p. 308) to give instructions to a
company pursuant to a deed of trust. A company was specially created to hold a property on trust for D, and
proceedings were brought by a bank to possess the property. It was held by Morgan J that, as D would not be
dealing with the public, there was no conceivable risk of harm to the public for D to give instructions to the
company for the purpose of defending the possession claim.
Further Reading
DAVIES, PL, ‘PostEnron Developments in the United Kingdom’ in G Ferrarini et al (eds), Reforming Company
and Tak eover Law in Europe (2004), p 183.
Find This Resource
KEAY, A, ‘Company Directors Behaving Poorly: Disciplinary Options for Shareholders’ [2007] JBL 656 (on CA
2006 s 168).
Find This Resource
MCCONVILL, J and HOLLAND, E, ‘“PreNuptial Agreements” for Removing Directors in Australia—Are They a
Valid Part of the Marriage between Shareholders and the Board?’ [2006] JBL 204.
Find This Resource
MCGLYNN, CMS, ‘The Constitution of the Company: Mandatory Statutory Provisions v Private Agreements’
(1994) 15 Company Lawyer 301.
Find This Resource
NOONAN, C and WATSON, S, ‘Examining Company Directors through the Lens of De Facto Directorship’
[2008] JBL 587 (on s 161).
Find This Resource
OGILVY, DC, ‘Payments in Lieu of Notice and Shareholder Approval’ (2007) 82 Employment Law Bulletin 3.
Find This Resource
WALTERS, A, ‘Directors’ Duties: Impact of the CDDA’ (2000) 21 Company Lawyer 110.
Find This Resource
WEST, L, ‘Challenging the “Golden Goodbye”’ [2009] JBL 447.
Find This Resource
WILLIAMS, R, ‘Disqualifying Directors: A Remedy Worse than the Disease’ (2007) 7 Journal of Corporate Law
Studies 213.
Find This Resource
1 It is important to be aware of the differences between executive and nonexecutive directors (see ‘Balance of
executive and nonexecutive directors’, p 264); appointed, de facto and shadow directors (‘Directors’ duties are
owed by de jure and de facto directors’, pp 311ff); alternate directors and nominee directors. These different
categories are not mutually exclusive.
2 CA 2006 Model Articles for Private Companies art 17, provides for appointment by either the general meeting or
the board of directors. There is the same provision for public companies (Model Articles art 20), but if the
appointment is made by the directors it is subject to confirmation by the members (art 21).
3 Worcester Corsetry Ltd v Witting [1936] Ch 640.
4 In Theseus Exploration NL v Mining and Associated Industries Ltd [1973] Qd R 81, the court issued an interim
injunction to prevent members of the company electing certain persons as directors, because there was sufficient
evidence that those persons intended to use the company’s assets solely for the benefit of the majority member.
Recall that the functions of a managing director are not set by law: Harold Holdsworth & Co (Wak efield) Ltd v
Caddies [1955] 1 WLR 352, HL.
6 See the discussion at ‘Members’ personal rights’, pp 250ff.
[1946] AC 459.
8 The House of Lords affirmed the decision of the Court of Appeal on grounds that did not raise this question.
9 Eg for public companies, see Model Articles art 21; there is no equivalent in the Model Articles for private
10 The predecessor section, CA 1985 s 303, also indicated that the right was ‘notwithstanding anything in the
articles’, but, since the Act overrides the articles, this was seen as unnecessary.
11 Although note the practical impediment of having to give special notice, and hold a meeting: see ‘Removal of
directors’, pp 284ff.
12 The removal of a director may sometimes justify the making of a windingup order on the ‘just and equitable’
ground, at least in a small company (see ‘Compulsory winding up on the “just and equitable” ground’, pp 795ff), or,
alternatively, amount to ‘unfairly prejudicial’ conduct within CA 2006 s 994 (see ‘Unfairly prejudicial conduct of the
company’s affairs’, pp 681ff).
CA 2006 s 168 does not deprive the director of any compensation or damages payable in respect of termination
of the appointment as director or of any appointment terminating with that as director (s 168(5)(a)).
14 Although note that the director is subject to the usual common law duty to mitigate his or her damages by
seeking substitute employment, ie the director is not automatically entitled to be ‘paid out’ to the end of the
contractual term.
15 (1864) 5 B & S 840 at 852.
16 [1914] 2 KB 770. [See the Note following.]
17 In Dafen Tinplate Co Ltd v Llanelly Steel Co (1907) Ltd [4.25].
18 Or may direct the Official Receiver to make the application, if it comes under CDDA 1986 s 6.
19 See A Walters, ‘Directors’ Duties: Impact of the CDDA?’ (2000) 21 Company Lawyer 110.
20 Especially when the possible liability of directors for wrongful trading (Re Produce Mark eting Consortium Ltd (No
2) [16.16]) is also taken into account.
This difficulty was initially overcome by judicial ingenuity: under what was known as the ‘Carecraft’ procedure
(named after Re Carecraft Construction Co Ltd [1993] 4 All ER 499), if a director was willing to concede that a
finding of unfitness was appropriate, and also agree that a period of disqualification within a certain range (say, four
to six years) was merited, the court could proceed on the basis of an agreed statement of facts and dispose of the
case without a full hearing. This procedure remains available, but in practice it has been overtaken by the improved
statutory provisions.
23 [1988] Ch 477 at 486.
24 [1990] BCLC 668 at 671.
25 [1987] BCLC 601.
26 Cheque kiting can take a number of different forms. At the heart of the process is the utilisation by the kiter of
the period taken by the bank to clear a cheque so as to obtain a fictional increase in the balance of the payee’s
account before the cheque is cleared and its amount is deducted from the payer’s account. It can therefore be
used as a means to generate fictitious funds which may then be misappropriated or used to cover shortterm cash
flow problems, or simply to create the false impression of a healthier bank balance or cashflow than would
otherwise be the case.
7. Directors’ Duties
Chapter: (p. 309) 7. Directors’ Duties
Author(s): Len Sealy and Sarah Worthington
DOI: 10.1093/he/9780199676446.003.0007
General issues
Directors normally have exclusive power to manage the business of the company. The advantage of a board of
directors is both concentrated expertise, relative independence from the company’s various stakeholders (eg
members or shareholders, and executive management) and the efficiency of centralised decisionmaking. The
disadvantage, however, is that the directors may manage the company in their own interests rather than in the
interests of those they are supposed to serve. There are several ways of addressing this risk.
One option is to give more power to the members. Clearly it would not help to have the members make all the
company’s decisions. However, in earlier chapters we saw that certain crucial decisions are reserved to the
members and that they have the power to remove the directors by ordinary resolution, with all the benefits that this
implies by way of implicit or explicit threat to underperforming directors. Another option is to insist on certain
governance arrangements within the board of directors and certain procedures in the decisionmaking process
itself. Again, in Chapter 5 we saw that the UK Corporate Governance Code for public listed companies sets out
rules of best practice for the composition of the board and its various subcommittees. In addition, adequate
disclosure to those likely to be most affected by the activities of the directors is always helpful. That, too, is
required by the Companies Act 2006 (CA 2006) Pt 15 (requirements for accounts and directors’ reports, including
the forwardlooking ‘business review’)1 and, for larger companies, Pt 16 (requirement for audited accounts).
All of these regimes are directed at creating incentives (or threats) to improve directors’ performance. But the third
option for dealing with the various agency problems arising from centralised decisionmaking is the one most
familiar to lawyers: legal duties are imposed on directors which set limits within which they must exercise their
powers. These legal duties are the subject of this chapter.
Historically, these duties were developed by the courts of equity, largely by analogy with the rules applying to
trustees (the roles have fundamental similarities, but also certain important differences 2 ). One of the most
significant changes introduced by CA 2006 Pt 10 is to codify these common law and equitable duties applying to
(i) duty to act within powers (s 171): see ‘Duty to act within powers: CA 2006 s 171’, pp 331ff;
(ii) duty to promote the success of the company (s 172): see ‘Duty to promote the success of the company:
CA 2006 s 172’, pp 339ff;
(iii) duty to exercise independent judgement (s 173): see ‘Duty to exercise independent judgement: CA 2006
s 173’, pp 350ff;
(iv) duty to exercise reasonable care, skill and diligence (s 174): see ‘Duty to exercise reasonable care, skill
and diligence: CA 2006 s 174’, pp 353ff;
(v) duty to avoid conflicts of interest (s 175): see ‘Duty to avoid conflicts of interest: CA 2006 s 175’, pp 361ff;
(vi) duty not to accept benefits from third parties (s 176): see ‘Duty not to accept benefits from third parties:
CA 2006 s 176’, pp 408ff;
(vii) duty to declare an interest in a proposed or existing transaction or arrangement (ss 177 and 182): see
‘Duty to declare an interest in a proposed or existing transaction or arrangement: CA 2006 ss 177 and 182’,
pp 409ff.
This codification supersedes the older case law. But those cases will remain relevant to the interpretation of the
new statutory provisions, since the codified duties are generally formulated in a way that quite faithfully reflects the
older case law. Indeed, the rules set out in the Act are deliberately expressed at a sufficiently high level of
generality so as to be capable of judicial development within their terms, and the Act itself provides a novel
mechanism for applying and interpreting a statute: it requires the courts to have regard to the existing
interpretation and continuing development of the common law rules and equitable principles on which the statutory
statement is based when interpreting and applying the statutory statement (s 170(3) and (4)). This approach is not
normally allowed in interpreting the words of a statute.
Commentators have noted that all the rules are now formulated as ‘duties’, although it is not clear what, if any,
practical significance attaches to this (although clearly Vinelott J’s distinction in Movitex v Bulfield6 between a
‘duty’ and a ‘disability’ will no longer be recognised).
The remedies for breach have not been codified. The common law and equitable rules are simply imported into the
Act (s 178): see ‘General issues’, pp 413ff. But the protective rules that allow certain activities, which might
otherwise constitute breaches to be authorised (before the event) or ratified (afterwards) have been codified.
Additionally, a new ban on implicated directors voting as shareholders in ratifying resolutions (ss 180 and 239) has
been included: see ‘Ratification of acts of directors: CA 2006 s 239’, pp 437ff. This means that many older
authorities will be relegated to oblivion,7 and others reappraised, particularly those involving small companies
where the quest for ‘independent’ shareholders may well be a meaningless exercise.
Finally, these duties are mandatory. CA 2006 s 232(1) provides: ‘Any provision that purports to exempt a director
of a company (to any extent) from any liability that would otherwise attach (p. 311) to him in connection with any
negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust in relation to the company is void.’ It is irrelevant whether the
provision is contained in the articles or in a separate contract. Section 232 merits reading in full for the few
qualifications it does permit.
Additional rules
In working through this chapter, do not forget that directors are subject to various other rules and regulations. CA
2006 itself imposes substantial disclosure obligations, noted earlier, and there are various rules that apply when
directors seek funding for the company (see Chapters 9, 11 and 12), or make use of the company’s capital and
profits (see Chapter 10). Breach of these rules may attract criminal sanctions, as well as civil ones.
The Insolvency Act 1986 (IA 1986) also empowers the court to review directors’ conduct in the period leading up to
insolvency, and to penalise directors who have failed to operate according to the statutory standards (see
Chapter 16).
In addition, if a company goes into insolvent liquidation or administration, or an administrative receiver is appointed,
a director whose conduct makes him ‘unfit to be concerned in the management of a company’ may have a
disqualification order made against him (see ‘Directors’ disqualification’, pp 294ff).
For the purpose of applying these various sanctions, the courts are free (and, in some cases, expressly directed)
to assess the conduct of a director by objective standards. The context of insolvency also removes many (but not
all) of the problems associated with proving causation and quantifying loss.
As a result of these differences, the developing law on directors’ duties has in the past few decades been driven to
a much greater extent by rulings under the statutory provisions just mentioned (including, to some extent, by
proceedings under the Companies Act 1985 (CA 1985) s 459 (now CA 2006 s 994, relief for ‘unfairly prejudicial
conduct’: see ‘Unfairly prejudicial conduct of the company’s affairs’, pp 681ff)) than by traditional case law dealing
with the general duties of directors (now themselves codified).
For example, the judgment in Re Barings plc (No 5) [6.12] (a disqualification case) contains leading statements on
the duty of senior directors to ensure that proper management systems within the company are maintained. It is
doubtful whether any claim against these directors would have succeeded (or even been brought) at common law
(or under the new codified provisions in CA 2006), because of the difficulty in establishing that the directors’ failure
to discharge this duty was the cause in law of the company’s loss.
Finally, in all this discussion of the duties directors owe their companies, do not forget that directors may, in some
circumstances, be found personally liable to third parties who have dealt with the company. Recall Williams v
Natural Life Health Foods Ltd [3.22] (where the claim for negligent misstatement was unsuccessful) and Standard
Chartered Bank v Pak istan National Shipping Corpn (No 2) [3.23] (where the claim in deceit was successful).
Directors’ duties are owed by de jure and de facto directors
Section 250 defines ‘director’ as including ‘any person occupying the position of director, by whatever name
called’. This means these general duties apply equally to de facto directors.8 And notice (p. 312) s 170(2), which
applies some of the statutory duties to former directors: see ‘Statutory changes to the equitable rules’, p 370. The
position with shadow directors (see the following section) is less clear. Section 170(5) says shadow directors are
subject to the duties to the same extent that, before the Act, they were subject to the corresponding common law
rules and equitable principles. The difficult decision is thus left to the courts. For example, the mere fact that a
person is a shadow director, and exercises indirect influence, is, it seems, not enough to impose fiduciary duties:
the facts must go further and suggest that there is a fiduciary relationship (Ultraframe (UK) Ltd v Fielding [7.44]).
The merits of this restrained approach to shadow directors deserve further consideration.9
‘Shadow directors’: s 251
A ‘shadow director’ is defined as ‘a person in accordance with whose directions or instructions the directors of a
company are accustomed to act’. The court in Ultraframe (UK) Ltd v Fielding [7.44] interpreted this as meaning
that at least a consistent majority of the directors must be accustomed to act in that way. If only a minority of the
company’s directors are accustomed so to act, it is not enough to make the person a shadow director (Lord v
Sinai Securities Ltd [2004] EWHC 1764 (Ch)).
Section 251(2), however, excludes a professional person on whose advice the directors act. The definition of a
‘shadow director’ appears to preclude persons from being both a shadow director and a de jure director (Re
Hydrodam (Corby) Ltd [1994] 2 BCLC 180), but this is not explicit in the section.
Distinguishing de facto and shadow directors.
[7.01] Re Hydrodam (Corby) Ltd [1994] 2 BCLC 180
MILLETT J: I would interpose at this point by observing that in my judgment an allegation that a defendant
acted as de facto or shadow director, without distinguishing between the two, is embarrassing. It suggests
—and counsel’s submissions to me support the inference—that the liquidator takes the view that de facto
or shadow directors are very similar, that their roles overlap, and that it may not be possible to determine in
any given case whether a particular person was a de facto or a shadow director. I do not accept that at all.
The terms do not overlap. They are alternatives, and in most and perhaps all cases are mutually exclusive.
A de facto director is a person who assumes to act as a director. He is held out as a director by the
company, and claims and purports to be a director, although never actually or validly appointed as such. To
establish that a person was a de facto director of a company it is necessary to plead and prove that he
undertook functions in relation to the company which could properly be discharged only by a director. It is
not sufficient to show that he was concerned in the management of the company’s affairs or undertook
tasks in relation to its business which can properly be performed by a manager below board level. …
A shadow director, by contrast, does not claim or purport to act as a director. On the contrary, he claims
not to be a director. He lurks in the shadows, sheltering behind others who, he claims, are the only
directors of the company to the exclusion of himself. He is not held out as a director by the company. To
establish that a defendant is a shadow director of a company it is necessary to allege and prove: (1) who
are the directors of the company, whether de facto or de jure; (2) that the defendant directed those directors
how to act in relation to the company or that he was one of the persons who did so; (3) that those directors
acted in accordance with such directions; and (4) that they were accustomed so to act. What is needed is,
first, a board of directors claiming and (p. 313) purporting to act as such; and, secondly, a pattern of
behaviour in which the board did not exercise any discretion or judgment of its own, but acted in
accordance with the directions of others.
➤ Notes
1. In appropriate cases, a holding company (and possibly also its directors), a consultant called into assist in a
corporate rescue and a company’s bank could be held to be ‘shadow directors’ . But for this to be the case, the
whole board has to act in accordance with the shadow director’s instructions or directions.
2. In Ultraframe (UK) Ltd v Fielding [7.44] it was held that the fact that the directors of a company are obliged to
conduct it in accordance with requirements laid down by a major lender or customer for the protection of that
person’s interests does not necessarily make that person a shadow director.
3. The leading judicial analysis of the concept of shadow director is to be found in the judgment of Morritt LJ
in Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Deverell [2001] Ch 300, CA. In particular, Morritt LJ stressed that its
interpretation may depend on the statutory context (eg a stricter construction may be more appropriate in a
criminal or quasicriminal provision); that the purpose of the legislation is to identify those with ‘real influence’ in the
corporate affairs of the company, or part of them; that advice (other than professional advice) is capable of coming
within the phrase ‘directions or instructions’; and that it is not necessary that the board should be reduced to a
subservient role or surrender its discretion.
4. In Re Hydrodam, Millett J added some further observations as to what is required before the director of a
corporate director can be classified as de facto director of the company:
Attendance of board meetings and voting, with others, may in certain limited circumstances expose a
director to personal liability to the company of which he is a director or its creditors. But it does not, without
more, constitute him a director of any company of which his company is a director.
As to what that ‘something more’ may entail, and the difficulties which can arise in applying the test, see the next
Whether the director of a corporate director of company A is himself a de facto director of company A
depends upon whether he does more than merely discharge his duties as director of the corporate director.
[7.02] Revenue and Customs Commissioners v Holland [2010] UKSC 51, [2010] 1 WLR 2793 (Supreme
A complex corporate structure was created to minimise the tax liabilities of contractors. This involved the setting
up of 42 subsidiary companies within a corporate structure. The scheme failed, with the result that all 42
companies went into insolvency owing substantial unpaid tax which, in the circumstances, would not be recouped
from the companies themselves. Each company had only one undercapitalised corporate director,10 so an action
against the companies’ defaulting directors would not enhance recoveries. HMRC therefore brought proceedings
against Mr Holland. He was the de jure director of the corporate director of each of the 42 insolvent companies,
and HMRC alleged he was also the de facto director of each of the 42 companies, so was liable as a defaulting
director for his role in contributing to the losses (p. 314) sustained by those companies. By a narrow majority
(LORDS HOPE, COLLINS AND SAVILLE, with LORDS WALKER and CLARKE dissenting), the Supreme Court
held that Mr Holland was only a de jure director of the corporate director, and not also a de facto director of the 42
36 … Recalling that the essence of Millett J’s reasoning in Hydrodam was that membership of the board of
a corporate director will not, without more, make such member a shadow or de facto director of any
company, he [Rimer LJ in the Court of Appeal’s decision in Holland] said that he did not find anything in
that judgment to suggest that the ‘requisite more’ would be satisfied merely by the active participation of the
board member in the making of board decisions by the corporate director in relation to the actions of the
subject company: para 66.
39 How is this to be done? It is plain from the authorities that the circumstances vary widely from case to
case. Jacob J declined to formulate a single decisive test inSecretary of State for Trade and Industry v
Tjolle [1998] 1 BCLC 333, as he saw the question very much as one of fact and degree. He was
commended by Robert Walker LJ in Re Kaytech International plc [1999] 2 BCLC 351, 423 for not doing so,
and I respectfully agree that there is much force in Jacob J’s observation. All one can say, as a generality,
is that all the relevant factors must be taken into account. But it is possible to obtain some guidance by
looking at the purpose of the section. As Millett J said in Re Hydrodam (Corby) Ltd [7.01], the liability is
imposed on those who were in a position to prevent damage to creditors by taking proper steps to protect
their interests. As he put it, those who assume to act as directors and who thereby exercise the powers
and discharge the functions of a director, whether validly appointed or not, must accept the responsibilities
of the office. So one must look at what the person actually did to see whether he assumed those
responsibilities in relation to the subject company.
40 The problem that is presented by this case, however, is that Mr Holland was doing no more than
discharging his duties as the director of the corporate director of the composite companies. Everything that
he did was done under that umbrella. Mr Green QC for HMRC was unable to point to anything that he did
which could not be said to have been done by him in his capacity as a director of the corporate director.
When asked what it was that lay outside his performance of that role, he said that it was simply the quality
of his acts. He did everything. He was the decision maker, and he was the person who gave effect to those
decisions. In Hydrodam[7.01] at p 184 Millett J rejected the proposition that, where a body corporate is a
director of a company, whether it be de jure, de facto or shadow director, its own directors must ipso facto
be shadow directors of the subject company. He said that attendance at board meetings and voting with
others did not, without more, constitute him a director of any company of which his company is a director.
That would not be a fair description of what Mr Holland did in this case. But in a later paragraph on p 184
Millett J said this:
‘It is possible (although it is not so alleged) that the directors of Eagle Trust as a collective body gave
directions to the directors of the company and that the directors of the company were accustomed to
act in accordance with such directions. But if they did give such directions as directors of Eagle
Trust, acting as the board of Eagle Trust, they did so as agents for Eagle Trust (or more accurately
as the appropriate organ of Eagle Trust) and the result is to constitute Eagle Trust, but not
themselves, shadow directors of the company.’
This passage indicates that the ‘without more’ requirement that Millett J had in mind would not be satisfied
by evidence that the individual director of the body corporate was actually giving instructions in that capacity
to the subject company and the subject company was accustomed to act in accordance with those
directions. That would not be enough to prove that the individual director assumed a role in the management
of the subject company which imposed responsibility on him for misuse of the subject company’s assets.
(p. 315) 42 This was, I think, the point that Mr Knox was seeking to make when he referred to the
speeches in Salomon v A Salomon & Co Ltd [2.01]. As Lord Davey said at p 54, the intention of the
legislature must be collected from the language of its enactments. One can properly say, as Lord
Macnaghten did about the company and its subscribers at p 51, that a company is at law a different person
from its directors and that it is the intention of the enactment that this distinction should be recognised. I do
not think that one can overcome this distinction by pointing, as Mr Green seeks to do, simply to the quality
of the acts done by the director and asking whether he was the guiding spirit of the subject company or had
a real influence over its affairs. As a test, that would create far too much uncertainty. Those who act as
directors of a corporate director are entitled to know what it is that they can and cannot do when they are
procuring acts by the corporate director. That is as true of a case such as this, where the affairs of the
corporate director are effectively in the hands of one individual, as it is where there is a board comprised of
several directors who always act collectively. As Lord Collins says (see paras 53 and 95, below), the
question is one of law and it is a question of principle. I think that the guiding principle can be expressed in
this way, unless and until Parliament provides otherwise. So long as the relevant acts are done by the
individual entirely within the ambit of the discharge of his duties and responsibilities as a director of the
corporate director, it is to that capacity that his acts must be attributed.
43 It is, of course, right to bear in mind the interests of the creditors. Their protection lies in the remedies
that are available for breach of the fiduciary duty that rests on the shoulder of every director. But the
essential point, which Millett J was at pains to stress in Hydrodam, is that for a creditor of the subject
company to obtain those remedies the individual must be shown to have been a director, not just of the
corporate director but of the subject company too. I agree with Rimer LJ that, on the facts accepted by the
deputy judge, it has not been shown that Mr Holland was acting as de facto director of the composite
companies so as to make him responsible for the misuse of their assets.
LORD WALKER (dissenting):
101 I am unable to agree with the reasoning and conclusions of the majority on the first issue in this appeal.
The court’s decision will, I fear, make it easier for riskaverse individuals to use artificial corporate structures
in order to insulate themselves against responsibility to an insolvent company’s unsecured creditors. …
114 Mr Holland was … the founder and guiding spirit of the whole Paycheck empire. With the concurrence
of his wife (whose responsibilities were no more than secretarial) he was the only active director of both
Paycheck Directors and Paycheck Secretarial; he was the original holder of all the A shares which carried
voting control of the composite companies, and he was the only active director of the corporate trustee
which held the A shares under settlements which he had created. He took the decision (after receiving the
advice of leading counsel at the consultation on 18 August 2004) that composite companies should
continue trading, and should continue to pay dividends without reserving for higher rate corporation tax.
115 If those facts did not amount to the ‘something more’ referred to in the authorities, it is hard to imagine
circumstances that would do so. The repeated assertion that everything that Mr Holland did was done in his
capacity as a director of Paycheck Directors, and was within his authority as a director of that company, is
no doubt not ‘pure sham’ but it is, in my view, the most arid formalism. In my view Mr Holland was acting
both as a de jure director of Paycheck Directors and as a de facto director of the composite companies. A
de facto director is not formally invested with office, but if what he actually does amounts to taking all
important decisions affecting the relevant company, and seeing that they are carried out, he is acting as a
director of that company. It makes no difference that he is also acting as the only active de jure director of a
corporate director of the company. …
117 Mr Green, for HMRC, relied strongly on the decision of the House of Lords in Standard Chartered Bank
v Pak istan National Shipping Corpn (Nos 2 and 4) [3.23]. In that case Mr Mehra had made fraudulent
misrepresentations on behalf of a company called Oakprime, of which he was a director. The Court of
Appeal accepted the argument that he was not personally liable for deceit (p. 316) because he had been
acting solely on behalf of Oakprime. The House of Lords trenchantly exposed the fallacy of this reasoning.
118 … I will limit quotation to para 41 of Lord Rodger’s opinion:
‘The Court of Appeal sought support for their view that Mr Mehra should not be held personally liable
in the speech of Lord Steyn in Williams v Natural Life Health Foods Ltd [3.22] … In truth it provides
no such support. The issue in that case related to the personal liability of a director for a misleading
projection [requiring an assumption of responsibility under the Hedley Byrne test] … There is no such
requirement in the case of deceit. Liability for deceit is so selfevident that we do not consider it as
resulting from a breach of duty (Tony Weir, Tort Law (2002), p 30). Mr Mehra set out by his
fraudulent acts to make Standard Chartered pay under the letter of credit. He succeeded. He is
accordingly personally liable for the loss which he thereby caused them.’
119 Mr Knox, for Mr Holland, summarily dismissed this case as irrelevant on the ground that it was a claim
in deceit. So it was, and there has never been any pleading or finding of dishonesty against Mr Holland.
Nevertheless there is to my mind a significant parallel between liability for deceit (which is in Lord Rodger’s
words ‘so selfevident that we do not consider it as resulting from a breach of duty’) and the unqualified
statutory prohibition in section 263 of the Companies Act 1985 [CA 2006 s 830(1)] on payment of a dividend
otherwise than out of available profits. Contravention of this prohibition is a statutory wrong giving rise to
strict liability, and anyone who is in a position to contravene it is likely to be in a fiduciary position: see
further below. Mr Holland was the human cause of (and apart from his wife’s secretarial assistance, the only
human being who took any part in) the payment of unlawful dividends. They were, as Rimer LJ said [in the
Court of Appeal, see later], para 112, payments which should never have been made. Mr Holland is liable for
the payments because he deliberately made them. His liability has nothing to do with limited liability of
shareholders, or with Salomon v A Salomon & Co Ltd [2.01]. …
121 I agree with Lord Collins JSC that section 212 is procedural in nature, and that for liability to arise under
the section, a breach of some identifiable duty must be established. I also agree that assumption of
responsibility is the appropriate test, so long as that expression is understood as focusing on what the
individual in question did, rather than what he was called: see the authorities mentioned in para 108 above.
In this case the assumption of responsibility equates with the fiduciary duty that a company director owes
to his company not to make an unauthorised distribution of capital. But in the circumstances of this case I
think that there would be some element of putting the cart before the horse in looking for a fiduciary duty
before looking at what Mr Holland did, because it is what he did that demonstrates that he was undertaking
responsibility and exposing himself to a claim for breach of fiduciary duty. [He also referred to Lord Collins’
‘monumental’ first instance judgment in Primlak e Ltd v Matthews Associates [2007] 1 BCLC 666, especially
[311], in support.]
123 Lord Saville of Newdigate’s brief judgment overlooks the important difference between a multiplicity of
human directors participating in the collective governance of a single corporate director (as is common and
as was the case, indirectly, in In re Hydrodam [7.01]), and a single individual director who is the guiding
mind of a single corporate director, as Mr Holland was in this case.
➤ Questions
1. There are powerful arguments on both sides in this case. The case would never have arisen if it were not
possible to have single corporate directors, and single (human) directors of corporate directors. Given CA 2006
s 155(1), which prevents single corporate directors, but not single human directors, are the arguments here
now purely academic?
(p. 317) 2. The majority was concerned not to ride roughshod over the separate entity doctrine; the minority
was concerned to impose appropriate liability (as the CA 2006 requires) on individuals who assume the role
of de facto directors. Which analysis is more persuasive? Does the difference between the majority and the
minority turn on a matter of legal principle (per Lord Collins at [53]) or simply on matters of fact?
3. Both Lord Walker and Lord Clarke were of the view that a person can be a shadow director and a de
facto director simultaneously. Also see Robert Walker LJ in Re Kayteck International plc [1999] 2 BCLC 351
at 424. Is this conceptually possible? How does this square with Millett J’s comments in Re
Hydrodam [7.01] ?
[7.03] Re Snelling House Ltd (In Liquidation) [2012] EWHC 440 (Chancery Division)
Liquidators brought proceedings against a former director, and against her husband (R2) who purported to be a
consultant to the company, not a director. Mr G Moss QC, applying the principles set out in Holland [7.02], found
that the husband was a de facto director of the company, despite being subject to a 13year qualification
undertaking in relation to another company.
24 Although the majority judgments [in Holland [7.02]] do not provide any precise test applicable to all
cases, they provide some helpful guidelines to first instance judges deluged by a mass of reported
25 Lord Hope at [39] made the following points about the issue:
• Circumstances will vary widely from case to case.
• The question is one of fact and degree.
• There is no single decisive test.
• The purpose of the concept is to impose liability on those in a position to prevent damage to creditors
by taking proper steps to protect their interests.
• Those who assume to act as directors and those who thereby exercise the powers and discharge the
functions of a director must accept the responsibilities of the office.
• One must look at what the person actually did to see whether he assumed those responsibilities in
relation to the subjectmatter.
26 Lord Collins also gave helpful guidance at [89] and following:
• Holding out and claiming to be a director are relevant but not necessary factors
• It is impossible to maintain a distinction between de facto and shadow directors
• It is very difficult to identify which functions are the sole responsibility of a director or a board
• The most relevant tests are (a) whether the person was the sole person directing the affairs of the
company or at least acting on equal footing with de juredirectors; (b) holding out by the company and
whether the individual used the title of director; (c) whether the individual was part of ‘the corporate
governing structure’
• Corporate governance means the system by which companies are directed and controlled
27 In the present case, R2 was undoubtedly involved in the daytoday running of the company … and there
is no credible evidence before the Court showing any consultancy. R2’s actions in the daytoday running of
the company cannot therefore be explained by reference to such a role.
28 The question remains as to whether the Applicants have overall adduced sufficient evidence to show that
R2 was a de facto director. In my judgment, they have. …
(p. 318) 30 Along with R1 and R3, R2 was a signatory on the company’s account with the bank and had
full power under the bank mandate to act in all material respects, including withdrawing the company’s
money without any limit. This would have been a surprising power for a mere consultant but would be
understandable in the case of a director of a family company.
31 There is no evidence before the Court of any delegation of powers by the sole director, R1, to R2, as one
might expect if R2 was involved in the running of the company’s affairs otherwise than as director. R2 was
also unpaid, which would be very odd for a consultant. There is of course no evidence of any appointment
as a consultant.
32 As far as the evidence before the Court goes, R2 did most things that one might expect a director to do
in the circumstances in relation to the affairs of the company, and in particular, after the sale of the
Company’s property, dealt with:
• The resulting VAT issue, and in particular, the claim to repayment of the purchaser of the property,
whom R2 successfully fobbed off;
• Withdrawing the Company’s monies, in fact for the benefit of himself and/or his family and/or his family
‘Persons connected with a director’: s 252
A person is ‘connected with’ a director for the purposes, at least, of Pt 10 of the Act and much of the insolvency
legislation, in the circumstances laid down by CA 2006 s 252. The people connected with a director are (defined
exclusively): members of the director’s family, other companies with which the director is ‘connected’ (ie in which
he has, with his ‘connected persons’, at least a 20% stake), any trustee of a family trust and any partners.
It is important to bear in mind that statutory rules may affect these people as well as the directors. The statutory
provisions do not, of course, affect matters at common law (but then the common law has some healthy rules of
its own to cope with problems of this sort: see, eg, Gilford Motor Co Ltd v Horne [2.17] and Selangor United
Rubber Estates Ltd v Cradock [10.11], although note the following case).
Employees do not, as such, owe fiduciary duties to their employers, although such duties may sometimes
be found on the facts. This rule can be crucial in considering the role of senior managers in a company.
[7.04] Ranson v Customer Systems plc [2012] EWCA Civ 841 (Court of Appeal)
An employee started a competing business. His previous employer (CS) alleged breach of fiduciary duties. The
trial judge found that Ranson had breached his duties when he failed to inform CS of an opportunity obtained for his
own company; when he canvassed for work in competition with CS while still a CS employee; and when he copied
details of CS’s business contacts, invoices, time sheets and order confirmations for use by his own company. The
Court of Appeal (PILL, LLOYD and LEWISON LJJ) disagreed, and allowed the appeal.
20 It is, at the outset, necessary to distinguish between directors of a company and employees of a
company. …
21 The appointment of a person as a company director does not make that person an employee of the
company. A director is the holder of an office. Nor does appointment as a company director of itself bring
into existence any contract between the director and the company. Many directors will have contracts of
service running in parallel with their status as officers of the company. But they are distinct legal
(p. 319) 22 Whereas a company director will stand in a fiduciary relationship to the company, an employee
will not, merely by reason of his role as an employee, assume fiduciary obligations to his employer.
23 In addition as Lord BrowneWilkinson pointed out in Henderson v Merrett Syndicates Ltd [1995] 2 AC
145, 206:
‘The phrase “fiduciary duties” is a dangerous one, giving rise to a mistaken assumption that all
fiduciaries owe the same duties in all circumstances. That is not the case.’
24 Since fiduciary obligations are not ‘one size fits all’ it is, in my judgment, dangerous to reason by
analogy from cases about company directors to cases about employees. The former cases (obviously
enough) proceed on the basis that the director, while in office, owes a wideranging and single minded duty
of loyalty to the company. In the case of a company director there is no question but that the director owes
fiduciary duties to the company. The cases explore the extent to which, consistently with those duties, a
director may prepare for business life after the end of his directorship. But in the case of an employee there
is an anterior question: does the employee owe fiduciary (as opposed to contractual) duties at all? …
59 In his analysis of the law the judge directed himself by reference to a number of cases dealing with
breaches of fiduciary duties by company directors. In my judgment this was an approach liable to lead to
confusion. Thus in paragraph 76 of his judgment the judge said that ‘Mr Ranson’s position is here not
materially distinct from that of the director defendant in Towers.’ But in my judgment there was a highly
material difference: Mr Ranson was not a director; he was only an employee.
60 In addition, in his analysis of the law the judge did not refer to the terms of Mr Ranson’s contract of
employment. In paragraph 77 of his judgment the judge said that he was ‘satisfied that the situation with Mr
Clothier was one in which fiduciary duties arose’. Mr Stafford submitted that the judge had, in effect,
approached the question from the wrong end. He had started with the facts; finding inferentially that Mr
Ranson was in a position where there was a conflict between his interests and those of CS, and had
reasoned backwards to find from that conflict the existence of a fiduciary duty on the part of Mr Ranson.
Having decided that fiduciary duties arose as a result of ‘the situation with Mr Clothier’ the judge reasoned
that Mr Ranson was ‘thereby in breach of his contractual duty of loyalty’. There is undoubted force in these
61 In my judgment, therefore, the judge’s analysis got off on the wrong foot.
PILL and LLOYD LJJ concurred.
Directors’ duties are owed to the company
The statement that directors’ duties ‘are owed by a director of a company to the company’ (s 170(1)) may seem
unnecessary. But the notion reflects a debate that has raged for over a century in one form or another. Historically,
the argument centred on the meaning in this context of the term ‘the company’ (or ‘the company as a whole’, as it
was sometimes put), so the debate may well continue, despite s 170, unless s 172 (the duty to promote the
success of the company) has put matters to rest.
What lies at the heart of these debates? In relation to shareholders’ or members’ decisions, where similar
expressions are used requiring shareholders to act in the interests of ‘the company’, there are obiter
dicta equating the phrase with ‘the shareholders, collectively’ or ‘the shareholders, present and future’ (see
‘Alteration of the articles’, pp 219ff). This interpretation may be justifiable simply because, in most of these cases,
the decision is one that primarily, if not exclusively, affects the shareholders’ or members’ rights and interests inter
se. The question is more difficult with directors’ decisions.
(p. 320) Until fairly recently, it would not have occurred to anyone to doubt that in this context, too, ‘the company’
meant ‘the shareholders collectively’ or ‘the shareholders present and future’, for no other interest group was
recognised as having any stake in the corporate enterprise. So, for example, in cases like Hutton v West Cork Rly
Coand Park e v Daily News Ltd (‘Corporate gifts’, pp 134ff), generosity to employees was held to be lawful only if it
could be justified by reference to the longterm interests of the shareholders.
But for the past 20 years or more this view has been under attack as being increasingly out of keeping with
contemporary values. It is now widely accepted that the claims of other interest groups—commonly referred to as
‘stakeholders’—such as the company’s workforce and its customers and suppliers, may deserve recognition as
much as those of the passive investors in the enterprise. Then there are those who would go even further, and
require the ‘responsible company’ (and its directors) to have regard to wider considerations, such as the
community, the environment, charitable and other good causes and even the national interest.
The law does, of course, meet some of these demands by specific legislation: employment laws, insolvency laws,
environmental laws, and so on. But company law has responded reluctantly and tentatively to the pressure for
change. The few statutory provisions added to the 1985 Act were open to criticism as being merely symbolic (CA
1985 s 309—duty to have regard to the interests of employees, but giving employees no right of action), or
permissive rather than obligatory (CA 1985 s 719—power to provide for company employees on cessation or
transfer of the company’s business); and a favourite ploy was simply to require publicity to be given to the
company’s policy or practice in a particular matter (eg employment of the disabled) by a statement in the
directors’ annual report to the shareholders (CA 1985 Sch 7). The judges, too, have largely been content to utter
moralising or hortatory obiter dicta without making any serious attempt to frame new rules of law. On the other
hand, it is probably true that there are limits to what company law, as such, can or ought to do in this difficult area.
For instance, if directors were expected to have regard to the (often conflicting) claims of many different
stakeholders their decisions would, in effect, be unreviewable by any judicial or other process.11
The terms of reference for the CLR’s work included an instruction to consider how company law could be framed
so as to ‘protect, through regulation where necessary, the interests of those involved with the enterprise, including
shareholders, creditors and employees’. This question (referred to as the ‘scope’ issue) was considered at some
length, primarily in the context of directors’ duties. The issue pitted wideranging prostak eholder approaches
against narrower proshareholder approaches. The ‘pluralists’, in the former camp, contended that a statement of
directors’ duties should oblige directors to have regard to the interests of all ‘stakeholders’ in the enterprise (and
even, where appropriate, prioritise the interests of some stakeholders ahead of those of the shareholders). The
other camp favoured retention of a shareholderoriented approach, but conceded that this might be framed in an
‘inclusive’ way, so that, in assessing what might be likely to promote success of the company for the members’
benefit, directors should take into account the interests of stakeholders (and wider interests, such as the
environment) insofar as they believed, in good faith, that these factors were relevant. (The CLR called this approach
‘enlightened shareholder value’.) The conclusion (p. 321) of the CLR was that the ‘inclusive’ proshareholder
approach is to be preferred, not least because the ‘pluralist’ alternative would pose difficulties in formulation of
principles and their enforcement.12
CA 2006 s 172, imposing on directors a duty to promote the success of the company, adopts the enlightened
shareholder value approach.
Directors’ duties are rarely owed to individuals within or associated with the company
The corollary of what has just been said, is that directors do not generally owe their duties to anyone other than
the company.13 Nevertheless, that has not prevented shareholders, employees, creditors and other third parties
from attempting to sue directors, claiming remedies for the wrongs allegedly committed by directors against them
personally.14 These claimants would often (but not always) have no trouble establishing a legitimate claim against
the company, but if the company is insolvent, then directors with deep pockets become attractive targets.
Directors do not normally owe fiduciary duties to individual members or shareholders.
[7.05] Percival v Wright [1902] 2 Ch 421 (Chancery Division)
The plaintiffs offered to sell their shares, and the defendants (the chairman and two other directors) agreed to buy
them at £12.50 per share. After completion of the transfers, the plaintiffs discovered that at the time the board had
been negotiating with an outsider for the sale to him of the company’s whole undertaking at a price which
represented well over £12.50 per share, but this information had not been disclosed to the plaintiffs. In fact, the
takeover negotiations ultimately proved abortive. The plaintiffs claimed that the directors stood in a fiduciary
relationship towards them as shareholders, and sought to avoid the transfers on the grounds of nondisclosure; but
the court held that there was no fiduciary relationship between directors and the shareholders individually.
SWINFEN EADY J: The position of the directors of a company has often been considered and explained by
many eminent equity judges. [His Lordship discussed a number of cases dealing with directors’ duties to
their company, and continued:]
The plaintiff’s contention in the present case goes far beyond this. It is urged that the directors hold a
fiduciary position as trustees for the individual shareholders, and that, where negotiations for sale of the
undertaking are on foot, they are in the position of trustees for sale. The plaintiffs admitted that this fiduciary
position did not stand in the way of any dealing between a director and a shareholder before the question of
sale of the undertaking had arisen, but contended that as (p. 322) soon as that question arose the position
was altered. No authority was cited for that proposition, and I am unable to adopt the view that any line
should be drawn at that point. It is contended that a shareholder knows that the directors are managing the
business of the company in the ordinary course of management, and impliedly releases them from any
obligation to disclose any information so acquired. That is to say, a director purchasing shares need not
disclose a large casual profit, the discovery of a new vein, or the prospect of a good dividend in the
immediate future, and similarly a director selling shares need not disclose losses, these being merely
incidents in the ordinary course of management. But it is urged that, as soon as negotiations for the sale of
the undertaking are on foot, the position is altered. Why? The true rule is that a shareholder is fixed with
knowledge of all the directors’ powers, and has no more reason to assume that they are not negotiating a
sale of the undertaking than to assume that they are not exercising any other power. It was strenuously
urged that, though incorporation affected the relations of the shareholders to the external world, the
company thereby becoming a distinct entity, the position of the shareholders inter se was not affected, and
was the same as that of partners or shareholders in an unincorporated company. I am unable to adopt that
view. I am therefore of opinion that the purchasing directors were under no obligation to disclose to their
vendor shareholders the negotiations which ultimately proved abortive. The contrary view would place
directors in a most invidious position, as they could not buy or sell shares without disclosing negotiations, a
premature disclosure of which might well be against the best interests of the company. I am of opinion that
directors are not in that position.
There is no question of unfair dealing in this case. The directors did not approach the shareholders with the
view of obtaining their shares. The shareholders approached the directors, and named the price at which
they were desirous of selling. The plaintiffs’ case wholly fails, and must be dismissed with costs.
Also see Pesk in v Anderson [2001] 1 BCLC 372, CA.
➤ Notes
1. Directors are subject to ‘insider dealing’ rules, see ‘Insider dealing’, p 729. As the rules then stood, this
transaction would not have been caught, since the shareholders made the offer to sell at a nominated price
and the directors merely accepted. Would modern ‘insider dealing’ rules change the outcome? Should they?
2. Although fiduciary duties are rarely owed to shareholders, and therefore shareholders cannot bring a
personal claim15 against a director for breach of fiduciary duty, it should be noted that ‘noncompliance by
shareholders cum directors with their duties will generally indicate that unfair prejudice has
occurred’: Maidment v Attwood[2012] EWCA Civ 998 at [22], CA; and may also constitute a breach of the
statutory contract (CA 2006 s 33, see ‘Members’ personal rights’, p 250).16
Exceptionally, directors may owe fiduciary duties to individual members or shareholders, for example
when they undertake to act as the members’ or shareholders’ agents.
[7.06] Coleman v Myers [1977] 2 NZLR 225 (New Zealand Court of Appeal)
The defendants were directors of a family company. The first defendant made a takeover offer to all the other
shareholders and ultimately succeeded in acquiring total control of the (p. 323) company. The plaintiffs were
minority shareholders who had reluctantly agreed to sell when the first defendant invoked statutory powers of
compulsory purchase under a section equivalent to CA 2006 s 979. They then brought an action against the
defendants alleging, inter alia, breaches of fiduciary duty owed by the defendants as directors to the plaintiffs as
shareholders. Mahon J at first instance considered that Percival v Wright [7.05] had been wrongly decided,
although he found in favour of the defendants on other grounds. On appeal, the New Zealand Court of Appeal did
not regard Percival v Wright as having been wrong on its own particular facts, but did hold that a fiduciary
relationship had existed between the directors and the shareholders in the special circumstances of Coleman’s
case: the company was a private company with shares held largely by members of the one family; the other
members of the family had habitually looked to the defendants for business advice; and information affecting the
true value of the shares had been withheld from the other family shareholders by the defendants. The defendants
were accordingly held liable to compensate the plaintiffs.
In the course of his judgment, WOODHOUSE J, referring to Percival v Wright, said: In my opinion it is not
the law that anybody holding the office of director of a limited liability company is for that reason alone to be
released from what otherwise would be regarded as a fiduciary responsibility owed to those in the position
of shareholders of the same company. Certainly their status as directors did not protect the defendants in a
Canadian case which finally made its way to the Privy Council: see Allen v Hyatt.17 The decision in that
case turned upon the point that the directors of the company had put themselves in a fiduciary relationship
with some of their shareholders because they had undertaken to sell shares of the shareholders in an
agency capacity. But there is nothing in the decision to suggest that in the case of a director the fiduciary
relationship can arise only in an agency situation. On the other hand, the mere status of company director
should not produce that sort of responsibility to a shareholder and in my opinion it does not do so. The
existence of such a relationship must depend, in my opinion, upon all the facts of the particular case …
As I have indicated it is my opinion that the standard of conduct required from a director in relation to
dealings with a shareholder will differ depending upon all the surrounding circumstances and the nature of
the responsibility which in a real and practical sense the director has assumed towards the shareholders. In
the one case there may be a need to provide an explicit warning and a great deal of information concerning
the proposed transaction. In another there may be no need to speak at all. There will be intermediate
situations. It is, however, an area of the law where the courts can and should find some practical means of
giving effect to sensible and fair principles of commercial morality in the cases that come before them; and
while it may not be possible to lay down any general test as to when the fiduciary duty will arise for a
company director or to prescribe the exact conduct which will always discharge it when it does, there are
nevertheless some factors that will usually have an influence upon a decision one way or the other. They
include, I think, dependence upon information and advice, the existence of a relationship of confidence, the
significance of some particular transaction for the parties and, of course, the extent of any positive action
taken by or on behalf of the director or directors to promote it. In the present case each one of those
matters had more than ordinary significance and when they are taken together they leave me in no doubt
that each of the two directors did owe a fiduciary duty to the individual shareholders.
➤ Note
A similar approach was adopted in Re Chez Nico (Restaurants) Ltd [1992] BCLC 192 and Platt v Platt [1999]
2 BCLC 745.
(p. 324) Directors whose company is the ‘target’ in a takeover bid may owe duties to their company’s
members or shareholders.
[7.07] Heron International Ltd v Lord Grade [1983] BCLC 244 (Court of Appeal)
Associated Communications Corpn plc (ACC) was the subject of rival takeover bids from companies referred to in
the judgment as ‘Bell’ and ‘Heron’. The capital of ACC consisted of 150,000 voting shares and over 54 million non
voting shares. Article 29(A) of the company’s articles provided that the transfer of any voting share could only be
made to a person nominated by the directors and with the approval of the Independent Broadcasting Authority
The judgment of the court (LAWTON, TEMPLEMAN and BRIGHTMAN LJJ) was read by LAWTON LJ:
Under article 29(A) if a shareholder desires to sell his shares, it is for the directors and not the IBA to
decide who shall be the purchaser and transferee … Thus, [if] the directors are purporting to operate under
article 29(A) …, they must consider whether a transfer should be allowed to take place to an intended
transferee. In the present case, for example, the directors as a whole were under a duty to decide whether
to sanction a sale by any director of voting shares to Bell. This duty to determine which person shall
acquire and be registered as the holder of voting shares in ACC is a fiduciary power which the directors
must exercise in the interests of the company and in the interests of the shareholders of the company. The
fact that the directors as individuals held between them a majority of the voting shares did not authorise
them to reflect their individual inclinations. The directors as directors had a duty to consider whether, in the
exercise of the fiduciary power vested in them by article 29, they should agree to voting shares being
transferred to Bell. In the declaration which the directors signed on 11 February 1982 they appear to be
unaware of the fiduciary duties imposed upon them by article 29 because they assert that they will accept
the Bell offer irrespective of what advice they may be obliged to give other shareholders. They could not
advise shareholders to refuse Bell’s offer and, at the same time, as directors allow their own voting shares
to be transferred to Bell. Either it is in the interests of ACC and of all their shareholders, voting and non
voting, that Bell should take over ACC or it is in the interests of them all that Heron should take over ACC;
and it is in the interests of all shareholders that they should not be deprived of an opportunity to sell their
shares to the highest bidder …
Where directors have decided that it is in the interests of the company that the company should be taken
over, and where there are two or more bidders, the only duty of the directors, who have powers such as
those contained in article 29, is to obtain the best price. The directors should not commit themselves to
transfer their own voting shares to a bidder unless they are satisfied that he is offering the best price
reasonably obtainable. Where the directors must only decide between rival bidders, the interest of the
company must be the interests of the current shareholders. The future of the company will lie with the
successful bidder. The directors owe no duty to the successful bidder or to the company after it has passed
under the control of the successful bidder. The successful bidder can look after himself, and the
shareholders who reject the bid and remain as shareholders do so with their eyes open, having rejected that
price which the directors consider to be the best price reasonably obtainable. Thus, as a result of article 29,
the directors owed a duty to the general body of shareholders who were shareholders on 13 January 1982 to
obtain for the shareholders the opportunity to accept or reject the best bid reasonably obtainable.
The directors of ACC could not consistently with their duty decide to sell and transfer their individual voting
shares to Bell at 66p and, at the same time, advise other shareholders to reject the Bell bid on the grounds
that the price was lower than the price obtainable from Heron.
This does not mean that the directors were bound to refuse to commit themselves or to commit the
company to Bell on 13 January 1982. What it does mean is that, when the directors considered the
ultimatum presented by Mr Holmes à Court [a director of Bell] on 13 January 1982, they should (p.
325) have asked themselves whether there was a reasonable possibility of obtaining a higher bid either
from Heron or a third party or from Bell, or whether it was vitally necessary, in the interests of the company
and of the existing shareholders, that the Bell offer should be immediately embraced.
[His Lordship examined the evidence, and concluded that (notwithstanding the earlier remarks) the directors
had not acted unreasonably or in breach of duty in deciding that the bid from Bell should be accepted.]
➤ Question
Which ‘duty’ was in issue here? To whom was the duty owed, as described earlier?
➤ Notes
1. For further cases dealing with the duties of directors in a takeover, see Re a Company [15.13] and Dawson
International plc v Coats Patons plc [15.14]. These cases show that the directors’ duty to the shareholders
in Heron International Ltd v Lord Grade depended upon the special power contained in the company’s art
2. Also see Mills v Mills [7.13], in which it was recognised that in matters affecting the relative rights of
different categories of members or shareholders, where no considerations of the paramount interest of the
company as a corporate body arise, the directors owe a duty to act fairly as between the different classes of
shareholders. Is the duty which is described in this way still a duty owed by the directors to the company, or
is it some sort of duty owed to the shareholders?
Directors’ ‘duties’ to creditors
There are obiter dicta in a number of cases to the effect that directors owe a duty to have regard to the interests
of creditors of their company. Sometimes this is put more loosely as a duty owed to the creditors.18 But in many
other cases the suggestion that directors owe a duty to creditors is emphatically rejected: see, for example, Re
Halt Garage (1964) Ltd [5.03]; Re Horsley & Weight Ltd [4.30]; the Multinational Gas case [7.39]; and Kuwait Asia
Bank EC v National Mutual Life Nominees Ltd [7.45].
These statements must each be read in context. It would be contrary to all reason to burden directors with any
duty towards creditors when the company is solvent: their function is to make judgements about business risks,
and to take those risks—and usually, when negotiating with outside parties, to drive as hard a bargain as they
can. Similarly, creditors cannot expect their business with a solvent company to be preferred over other
stakeholders—or, in the limit, to be risk free. Those who give credit to limited liability companies are taken to be
aware of this. The dicta in the four cases cited earlier confirm this. Moreover, the law gives no standing to the
creditors, individually or collectively, to sue to redress a breach of any such supposed duty: Yuk ong Line Ltd of
Korea v Rendsburg Investments Corpn of Liberia [1998] 2 BCLC 485.
(p. 326) The picture is different when a company is insolvent, or nearly so. It is in keeping with trends in the law of
insolvency (eg in relation to ‘wrongful trading’: see Re Produce Mark eting Consortium Ltd (No 2) [16.16]) for a
judge to say that the directors of an ailing company must have regard to the interests of the company’s creditors—
not because any duty directly owed to the creditors has come into being,19 but because it is the creditors’ position
in the company’s liquidation which will be affected by the directors’ acts. Even so, the only duty of the directors
that the law is able to recognise continues to be that owed to the company as confirmed by the Yuk ong case (in
the previous paragraph). Further, it is only indirectly, through a liquidator acting on behalf of the company (or an
administrator or, perhaps, a receiver), that the creditors’ interests are represented.
Judicial statements that directors are obliged to have regard to the interests of their company’s creditors will be
found invariably to have been made in the context just described. See the following cases.
Directors’ ‘duties’ to creditors—or a company’s duties to creditors?
[7.08] Kinsela v Russell Kinsela Pty Ltd (1986) 10 ACLR 395 (New South Wales Court of Appeal)
STREET CJ: The learned judge at first instance held, as I have noted, that he was bound by authority to
hold that the approval by all the shareholders validated an action which would otherwise be beyond the
powers of the directors provided that there had been a full and frank disclosure to the shareholders of all the
circumstances relevant to the proposed transaction …
The authorities to which His Honour submitted, notwithstanding the generality of their enunciations of
principle, were not intended to, and do not, apply in a situation in which the interests of the company as a
whole involve the rights of creditors as distinct from the rights of shareholders. In a solvent company the
proprietary interests of the shareholders entitle them as a general body to be regarded as the company
when questions of the duty of directors arise. If, as a general body, they authorise or ratify a particular
action of the directors, there can be no challenge to the validity of what the directors have done. But where
a company is insolvent the interests of the creditors intrude. They become prospectively entitled, through
the mechanism of liquidation, to displace the power of the shareholders and directors to deal with the
company’s assets. It is in a practical sense their assets and not the shareholders’ assets that, through the
medium of the company, are under the management of the directors pending their liquidation, return to
solvency, or the imposition of some alternative administration …
It is, to my mind, legally and logically acceptable to recognise that, where directors are involved in a breach
of their duty to the company affecting the interests of shareholders, then shareholders can either authorise
that breach in prospect or ratify it in retrospect. Where, however, the interests at risk are those of creditors I
see no reason in law or in logic to recognise that the shareholders can authorise the breach. Once it is
accepted, as in my view it must be, that the directors’ duty to a company as a whole extends in an
insolvency context to not prejudicing the interests of creditors … the shareholders do not have the power or
authority to absolve the directors from that breach.
➤ Note
This case clearly has relevance for issues of ratification, discussed at ‘Ratification of acts of directors: CA
2006 s 239’, pp 437ff.
(p. 327) Duties to creditors?
[7.09] Winkworth v Edward Baron Development Co Ltd [1986] 1 WLR 1512 (House of Lords)
LORD TEMPLEMAN: [A] company owes a duty to its creditors, present and future. The company is not
bound to pay off every debt as soon as it is incurred, and the company is not obliged to avoid all ventures
which involve an element of risk, but the company owes a duty to its creditors to keep its property inviolate
and available for the repayment of its debts. The conscience of the company, as well as its management, is
confided to its directors. A duty is owed by the directors to the company and to the creditors of the
company to ensure that the affairs of the company are properly administered and that its property is not
dissipated or exploited for the benefit of the directors themselves to the prejudice of the creditors.
The new duty to promote the success of the company for the benefit of its members, incorporated in CA 2006 s
172(1), is made subject to ‘any enactment or rule of law requiring directors, in certain circumstances, to consider
or act in the interests of creditors of the company’ (s 172(3)). In this context, see IA 1986 s 214, Re Produce
Mark eting Consortium Ltd (No 2) [16.16]. This qualification in CA 2006 s 172(3) is seen in action in the following
➤ Notes
1. In Senex Holdings Ltd (in Liquidation) v National Westminster Bank plc [2012] EWHC 131 (Comm), Field J
accepted that in giving instruction to the bank to change the name of a joint account (which, in effect, transferred
the company’s rights in the £1 million to another company), the director was acting in breach of this duty [17].
2. Similarly, in Rubin v Cobalt Pictures Ltd [2010] EWHC 2240 (Ch) (see Note 1 following Criterion Properties plc v
Stratford UK Properties LLC [3.13], p 120), the court reaffirmed that, in the arena of borderline insolvency, the
directors must have paramount regard for the interests of creditors, and in deciding whether to enter into a
transaction on behalf of the company, the directors ‘have a duty to give consideration to the separate interests of
the Company and its creditors …’ (emphasis added) [50].
3. In GHLM Trading Ltd v Maroo [7.17], Newey J identified an analogy between creditors and shareholders in the
context of a director’s duty under s 172. When the company is insolvent, directors who act in the interests of
a particular creditor, rather than all creditors as a class, will be acting in breach of the duty to promote the
success of the company [168]. This conclusion follows the similar rule applying to directors and particular
shareholders, rather than shareholders as a class, when the company is solvent.
4. Finally, there is the monumental decision in Westpac Bank ing Corporation v The Bell Group Ltd (In Liquidation)
(No 3) [2012] WASCA 157, a judgment of the Court of Appeal of the Supreme Court of Western Australia. This
litigation ranks as the largest, longest and most expensive legal proceedings in Australian history, and may not
yet be over.20 The Court of Appeal’s judgment is 1,027 pages long; the trial judge’s 2,643 pages. The court found
that the directors’ implementation of a scheme to prioritise the interests of certain banks when the corporate group
was on the verge of insolvency had prejudiced the different companies’ respective ability to meet the claims of
other creditors. Accordingly, it was held that the (p. 328) directors had breached their duties to act in the best
interests of the companies.21 The court saw this duty as resting on an essentially subjective test of bona fides,
although noting that the mere assertion of honest belief on the part of the directors would not inevitably suffice to
excuse their liability. Indeed, the court was prepared to be more interventionist, at least to the extent of subjecting
the directors’ actions to a test which echoes the Wednesbury reasonableness requirement.
2046 Owen J [the trial judge in this case] was correct, in my opinion, … that when a company is in an
insolvency context the interests of creditors are not in all circumstances paramount, to the exclusion of
other interests including that of the shareholders. His conclusion at … was that directors could not properly
commit their company to a transaction if the circumstances were such that ‘the only reasonable conclusion
to draw, once the interests of creditors have been taken into account, is that a contemplated transaction
will be so prejudicial to creditors that it could not be in the interests of the company as a whole’. I would
prefer to say that if the circumstances of the particular case are such that there is a real risk that the
creditors of a company in an insolvency context would suffer significant prejudice if the directors undertook
a certain course of action, that is sufficient to show that the contemplated course of action is not in the
interests of the company.
2047 Changes in the organisation of large corporations that occurred during the 20th century and changes
in ideas about the proper role of corporations in society, particularly large and powerful ones, by those
controlling them and by the public may explain the change from judicial restraint to increased intervention in
corporate decisionmaking that is described by Sealy [LS Sealy, ‘“Bona Fides” and “Proper Purposes” in
Corporate Decisions’ (1989) 15 Monash University Law Review 265, 265–266, referred to earlier in para
2048 As to the first matter, when owners controlled their companies, a laissez faire attitude to directors’
conduct on the part of the courts was understandable and acceptable: there was a coincidence of interest
in companies’ activities between their owners and controllers. But with the development during the 20th
century of large economically significant corporations, and the consequent wide dispersion of ownership,
control passed to management whose interests do not always coincide with the shareholders, hence a
need for legal intervention to protect shareholder interests …
2049 As to the second matter, the quite recent development of the rule requiring directors of insolvent
companies to take into account the interests of creditors is a significant departure from earlier judicial
attitudes which left corporate decisionmaking largely to management provided only that it acted honestly in
what it believed to be the interests of the company. Further, it has become common in recent decades for
directors, particularly those running large public corporations, to speak of the need to take into account a
wide range of interests in addition to that of shareholders in order to better advance the company’s
business. Parliament in the UK has followed up on these kinds of aspirational statements by corporate
boards. Section 172 the Companies Act 2006 (UK) now requires a director of a company, in acting in the
way he considers, in good faith, to be most likely to promote the success of the company for the benefit of
its members as a whole, to have regard, not only to the interests of creditors, but also to various other
interests including those of the company’s employees, suppliers, customers and the impact of the
company’s operations on the community and the environment. …
2051 The impacts of corporate decisionmaking on a wider range of interests than shareholders are now
being given more recognition. The need to ensure protection of those interests also I think (p. 329) serves
to explain why modern company courts have become more interventionist, in reviewing the activities of
directors than was traditionally the case.
➤ Questions
1. In the Westpac case, the court was considering the common law duty imposed on directors to act bona fide in
the interests of the company and for proper purposes. Is there a difference between the formulations of the ‘bona
fides’ element of these duties as advanced by Owen J and Drummond AJA? Does English law go so far, even with
the benefit of CA 2006 s 172?
2. In Re New World Alliance Pty Ltd; Sycotex Pty Ltd v Baseler (1994) 122 ALR 531 at 550, Gummow J said:
It is clear that the duty to take into account the interests of creditors is merely a restriction on the right of
shareholders to ratify breaches of the duty owed to the company. The restriction is similar to that found in
cases involving fraud on the minority. Where a company is insolvent or nearing insolvency, the creditors are
to be seen as having a direct interest in the company and that interest cannot be overridden by the
shareholders. This restriction does not, in the absence of any conferral of such a right by statute, confer
upon creditors any general law right against former directors of the company to recover losses suffered by
those creditors … the result is that there is a duty of imperfect obligation owed to creditors, one which the
creditors cannot enforce save to the extent that the company acts on its own motion or through a liquidator.
Is the position the same under English law? Is the English law position satisfactory?
3. Insofar as directors may be said to be under a duty to have regard to the interests of creditors, do shareholders
have a similar duty? (See Re Halt Garage (1964) Ltd[5.03], and contrast the Kuwait Asia Bank case [7.45].)
Directors’ ‘duties’ to employees
CA 1985 s 309(1) (the predecessor of CA 2006 s 172(1)(b)22 ) provided that ‘the matters to which the directors of a
company are to have regard in the performance of their functions include the interests of the company’s employees
in general, as well as the interests of its members’. Much of the interest in this provision centred on the question of
enforcement—the statute gave employees no rights to sue the directors personally. But on the nature of the duty
imposed, it is plain from the wording that the directors are not merely permitted to consider the employees’
interest but bound to do so; but the borderline between ‘may’ and ‘must’ in this context is probably meaningless,
for there is no requirement that the interests of the employees should be preferred to those of the members.
Additionally, there will be many cases in which a decision adverse to the employees will be justifiable by reference
to the benefits of longterm profitability and thus the interests of the members. However, this is an argument that
can cut both ways: a decision that is unpopular with the members or shareholders or adverse to their interest may
also be defended because in reaching it the directors took account of its effect on the company’s employees.
In Re Welfab Engineers Ltd [1990] BCLC 833, the company’s liquidator alleged that the company’s directors,
faced with insolvency, had improperly sold the company’s business for less than its full value. But Hoffmann J held
them not liable because the purchaser was prepared to take on the company’s workforce and work in progress,
whereas another, higher, offer which they might have been able to accept was for the company’s freehold premises
alone, and would have led to all the employees being made redundant.
(p. 330) ➤ Questions
1. What difference does an enactment such as CA 1985 s 309(1) or CA 2006 s 172(1)(b) make in theory or in
practice to company law?
2. The CLR described CA 1985 s 309 as ‘ambiguous and unsatisfactory’, but its repeal as ‘neither desirable
nor politically sustainable’. Has CA 2006 s 172(1)(b) resolved the issues?
Scope and nature of directors’ general duties: CA 2006 s 170
The next sections of this chapter examine, in turn, each of the general duties imposed by CA 2006 Pt 10, ss
170ff.23 The provisions themselves are not generally repeated in the text. It is essential, therefore, to have a copy
of the Act close at hand.
Section 170 restates the fundamental principle that directors’ duties are owed to the company (see earlier). This
means that only the company can bring actions for a breach of these duties. Such actions may be initiated on
behalf of the company by the board of directors, a liquidator, etc, or by means of a derivative action (see ‘The
statutory derivative action: CA 2006 ss 260ff’, pp 642ff.
In addition, the duties in ss 175 (conflicts of interest) and 176 (benefits from third parties) may continue after a
person has ceased to be a director, but they apply only ‘to the extent stated’ in s 710(2), and ‘subject to any
necessary adaptation’, indicating that the courts may be flexible. Existing case law is likely to remain relevant, but
this provision offers some clarification: see Industrial Development Consultants Ltd v Cooley [1972] 1 WLR
443; CMS Dolphin Ltd v Simonet [7.31].
Importantly, s 170(3) explains that these general statutory duties replace the common law rules and equitable
principles from which they are derived. Actions against directors will have to be based on breach of some statutory
provision, not breach of related common law rules and equitable principles. But s 170(4) then provides a new way
of interpreting and applying the statute. It requires the court to have regard to the existing interpretation and the
continuing development of the common law rules and equitable principles on which the statutory statement is
based. This is not normally allowed. In Grand Committee Lord Goldsmith explained the government’s intention:
Although the duties in relation to directors have developed in a distinctive way, they are often manifestations
of more general principles. Subsection (4) is intended to enable the courts to continue to have regard to
developments in the common law rules and equitable principles applying to these other types of fiduciary
relationship. The advantage of that is that it will enable the statutory duties to develop in line with relevant
developments in the law as it applies elsewhere. (HL GC Day 3, Hansard HL 678, 6/2/06, cols 243–245)
The practical effect of this is that reference will have to be made to the statutory statement of duties, but in order to
understand and apply these duties the surrounding case law must also be read. Practitioners and judges will
therefore continue to be required to refer back to the cases.
(p. 331) Duty to act within powers: CA 2006 s 171
Section 171 requires directors to (a) act in accordance with the company’s constitution (as defined in s 257, which
is wider than s 17), and (b) only exercise powers for the purposes for which they are conferred.
Section 171(b) codifies the proper purposes doctrine as it applies to directors, thus putting to rest earlier debates
about whether such a duty exists. The precursor equitable duty to ‘act bona fide in what they [ie the directors]
consider—not what a court may consider—is in the interests of the company, and not for any collateral purpose’
(Re Smith and Fawcett Ltd [11.10]) was variously urged as imposing either one duty or two. CA 2006 separates
the two limbs, with the proper purposes aspect appearing here in s 171, and the ‘interests of the company’,
reformulated as the ‘duty to promote the success of the company’, appearing in s 172. The separation, and in
particular the objective test embraced by the proper purposes doctrine, allows for greater judicial intervention in
corporate decisionmaking than might otherwise be the case.
The positive formulation of the proper purposes obligation in s 171(b) (a director ‘must … exercise powers for …
[proper] purposes’) as opposed to the negative version inSmith and Fawcett (must not act for any collateral
purpose) also aligns the duty more closely with the common law version that is familiar in public and administrative
law (Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury Corporation [1948] 1 KB 223, Lord Greene MR).
Nominee directors in particular are at risk of breaching this duty: they may be tempted to use their powers
improperly to advance the interests of their nominator, not the interests of the company itself (see Scottish Co
operative Wholesale Society Ltd v Meyer [13.24]; Kuwait Asia Bank EC v National Mutual Life Nominees
Ltd [7.45]).
Failure to act in accordance with the company’s ‘constitution’
See the cases in Chapter 3, ‘Interpreting objects clauses’, pp 90ff.
Failure to act for proper purposes
Older cases, such as Re Smith & Fawcett Ltd [11.10], put together the two elements (good faith and proper
purposes) that are separated by ss 171 and 172. So in that case it was said: ‘[Directors] must exercise their
discretion bona fide in what they consider—not what a court may consider—is in the interests of the company,
and not for any collateral purpose.’
Later cases reflect a slow working out by the courts of the nature of these two duties, and, in particular, the
recognition of a separate duty to act for proper purposes (so that directors might act in complete good faith, but
nevertheless find themselves in breach of the requirement to act for proper purposes).24 As will be seen from the
following extracts, the good faith duty is assessed subjectively, but the proper purposes duty objectively. Any
objective assessment of breach gives the courts far greater opportunity to intervene in corporate management
decisions. Some of the most common allegations of improper purpose concern the directors’ power to allot shares,
especially in response to a hostile takeover bid—this is the issue in the next four cases.
➤ Question
For each of the following four cases, consider the following: How was the directors’ duty described? Would
such a duty apply generally, beyond the context of issues of shares by (p. 332) directors? Was the test of
breach of duty objective or subjective? What remedy was awarded by the court? Would the outcome have
been different if the law had been as prescribed in CA 2006 s 171?
[7.10] Punt v Symons & Co Ltd [1903] 2 Ch 506 (Chancery Division)
[For the facts and another part of the decision, see [4.21].] In order to secure the passing of a special resolution,
the directors had issued new shares to five additional members. This was held to be an abuse of their powers.
BYRNE J: I now come to the last and most important point. It is argued on the evidence that but for the
issue by the directors of the shares under their powers as directors, and, therefore, in their fiduciary
character under the general power to issue shares, it would have been impossible to pass the resolution
proposed; and that the shares were not issued bona fide, but with the sole object and intention of creating
voting power to carry out the proposed alteration in the articles. On the evidence I am quite clear that these
shares were not issued bona fide for the general advantage of the company, but that they were issued with
the immediate object of controlling the holders of the greater number of shares in the company, and of
obtaining the necessary statutory majority for passing a special resolution while, at the same time, not
conferring upon the minority the power to demand a poll. I need not go through the affidavits. I am quite
satisfied that the meaning, object and intention of the issue of these shares was to enable the shareholders
holding the smaller amount of shares to control the holders of a very considerable majority. A power of the
kind exercised by the directors in this case, is one which must be exercised for the benefit of the company:
primarily it is given them for the purpose of enabling them to raise capital when required for the purposes of
the company. There may be occasions when the directors may fairly and properly issue shares in the case
of a company constituted like the present for other reasons. For instance, it would not be at all an
unreasonable thing to create a sufficient number of shareholders to enable statutory powers to be
exercised; but when I find a limited issue of shares to persons who are obviously meant and intended to
secure the necessary statutory majority in a particular interest, I do not think that it is fair and bona fide
exercise of the power …
If I find as I do that shares have been issued under the general fiduciary power of the directors for the
express purpose of acquiring an unfair majority for the purpose of altering the rights of parties under the
articles, I think I ought to interfere. I propose to grant an injunction …
[7.11] Hogg v Cramphorn Ltd [1967] Ch 254 (Chancery Division)
The directors of the defendant company, acting in good faith, had issued 5,707 shares with special voting rights to
the trustees of a scheme set up for the benefit of the company’s employees, in an attempt (which proved
successful) to forestall a takeover bid by one Baxter. This was held to be an improper use of the directors’ power
to issue shares, but to be capable of ratification by the shareholders in general meeting.
BUCKLEY J: I am satisfied that Mr Baxter’s offer, when it became known to the company’s staff, had an
unsettling effect upon them. I am also satisfied that the directors and the trustees of the trust deed
genuinely considered that to give the staff through the trustees a sizeable, though indirect, voice in the
affairs of the company would benefit both the staff and the company. I am sure that Colonel Cramphorn and
also probably his fellow directors firmly believed that to keep the management of the company’s affairs in
the hands of the existing board would be more advantageous to the shareholders, the company’s staff and
its customers than if it were committed to a board selected by Mr Baxter. The steps which the board took
were intended not only to ensure that if Mr Baxter succeeded in obtaining a shareholding which, as matters
stood, would have been a controlling (p. 333) shareholding, he should not secure control of the company,
but also, and perhaps primarily, to discourage Mr Baxter from proceeding with his bid at all …
Accepting as I do that the board acted in good faith and that they believed that the establishment of a trust
would benefit the company, and that avoidance of the acquisition of control by Mr Baxter would also benefit
the company, I must still remember that an essential element of the scheme, and indeed its primary
purpose, was to ensure control of the company by the directors and those whom they could confidently
regard as their supporters. Was such a manipulation of the voting position a legitimate act on the part of the
[His Lordship referred to Punt v Symons & Co Ltd [7.10] and Piercy v S Mills & Co Ltd,25 and continued:]
Unless a majority in a company is acting oppressively towards the minority, this court should not and will
not itself interfere with the exercise by the majority of its constitutional rights or embark upon an inquiry into
the respective merits of the views held or policies favoured by the majority and the minority. Nor will this
court permit directors to exercise powers, which have been delegated to them by the company in
circumstances which put the directors in a fiduciary position when exercising those powers, in such a way
as to interfere with the exercise by the majority of its constitutional rights; and in a case of this kind also, in
my judgment, the court should not investigate the rival merits of the views or polices of the parties … It is
not, in my judgment, open to the directors in such a case to say, ‘We genuinely believe that what we seek
to prevent the majority from doing will harm the company and therefore our act in arming ourselves or our
party with sufficient shares to outvote the majority is a conscientious exercise of our powers under the
articles, which should not be interfered with’.
Such a belief, even if well founded, would be irrelevant. A majority of shareholders in general meeting is
entitled to pursue what course it chooses within the company’s powers, however wrongheaded it may
appear to others, providing the majority do not unfairly oppress other members of the company. These
considerations lead me to the conclusion that the issue of the 5,707 shares, with the special voting rights
which the directors purported to attach to them, could not be justified by the view that the directors
genuinely believed that it would benefit the company if they could command a majority of the votes in
general meetings … The power to issue shares was a fiduciary power and if, as I think, it was exercised for
an improper motive, the issue of these shares is liable to be set aside. …
[His Lordship then went on to hold that the shareholders by majority could have ratified a proposed defective
exercise of power by the directors.] It follows that a majority in a general meeting of the company at which
no votes were cast in respect of the 5,707 shares could [equally, after the event] ratify the issue of those
shares. Before setting the allotment and issue of the 5,707 shares aside, therefore, I propose to allow the
company an opportunity to decide in general meeting whether it approves or disapproves of the issue of
these shares to the trustees. Mr Goulding will undertake on behalf of the trustees not to vote at such a
meeting in respect of the 5,707 shares …
[The action of the directors was ratified by the members at the subsequent meeting. Compare Bamford v
Bamford [4.32].]
[7.12] Howard Smith Ltd v Ampol Petroleum Ltd [1974] AC 821 (Privy Council)
Rival takeover offers for all the issued shares in RW Miller (Holdings) Ltd had been made by Howard Smith Ltd and
Ampol Ltd. Since Ampol, with an associated company (‘Bulkships’), already owned 55% of Millers’ shares, there
was no prospect that Howard Smith’s offer would succeed; but a majority of Millers’ directors favoured this offer,
both because its terms were more generous and because of fears as to the future of Millers if it were to pass
into (p. 334) Ampol’s control. Millers’ directors resolved to issue some $10 million worth of new shares to Howard
Smith. This served the dual purposes of providing Millers with much needed capital to finance the completion of
two tankers, and of converting the AmpolBulkships holding into a minority one, so that the Howard Smith offer
was likely to succeed. In these proceedings, Ampol challenged the validity of the share issue. At first instance,
Street J found that, while Millers’ directors were not motivated by any consideration of selfinterest or desire to
retain control, their primary purpose was not to satisfy Millers’ admitted need for capital but to destroy the majority
holding of Ampol and Bulkships. He rejected as ‘unreal and unconvincing’ the directors’ own statements to the
contrary in the witnessbox, and set aside the allotment. The Privy Council upheld his decision.
The opinion of their Lordships was delivered by LORD WILBERFORCE: The directors, in deciding to issue
shares, forming part of Millers’ unissued capital, to Howard Smith, acted under clause 8 of the company’s
articles of association. This provides, subject to certain qualifications which have not been invoked, that the
shares shall be under the control of the directors, who may allot or otherwise dispose of the same to such
persons on such terms and conditions and either at a premium or otherwise and at such time as the
directors may think fit. Thus, and this is not disputed, the issue was clearly intra vires the directors. But,
intra vires though the issue may have been, the directors’ power under this article is a fiduciary power: and
it remains the case that an exercise of such a power, though formally valid, may be attacked on the ground
that it was not exercised for the purpose for which it was granted. It is at this point that the contentions of
the parties diverge. The extreme argument on one side is that, for validity, what is required is bona fide
exercise of the power in the interests of the company; that once it is found that the directors were not
motivated by selfinterest—ie by a desire to retain their control of the company or their positions on the
board—the matter is concluded in their favour and that the court will not inquire into the validity of their
reasons for making the issue. All decided cases, it was submitted, where an exercise of such a power as
this has been found invalid, are cases where directors are found to have acted through selfinterest of this
On the other side, the main argument is that the purpose for which the power is conferred is to enable
capital to be raised for the company, and that once it is found that the issue was not made for that purpose,
invalidity follows.
It is fair to say that under the pressure of argument intermediate positions were taken by both sides, but in
the main the arguments followed the polarisation which has been stated.
In their Lordships’ opinion neither of the extreme positions can be maintained. It can be accepted, as one
would only expect, that the majority of cases in which issues of shares are challenged in the courts are
cases in which the vitiating element is the selfinterest of the directors, or at least the purpose of the
directors to preserve their own control of the management …
Further it is correct to say that where the selfinterest of the directors is involved, they will not be permitted
to assert that their action was bona fide thought to be, or was, in the interest of the company; pleas to this
effect have invariably been rejected …
But it does not follow from this, as the appellants assert, that the absence of any element of selfinterest is
enough to make an issue valid. Selfinterest is only one, though no doubt the commonest, instance of
improper motive: and, before one can say that a fiduciary power has been exercised for the purpose for
which it was conferred, a wider investigation may have to be made … On the other hand, taking the
respondents’ contention, it is, in their Lordships’ opinion, too narrow an approach to say that the only valid
purpose for which shares may be issued is to raise capital for the company. The discretion is not in terms
limited in this way: the law should not impose such a limitation on directors’ powers. To define in advance
exact limits beyond which directors must not pass is, in their Lordships’ view, impossible. This clearly
cannot be done by enumeration, since the variety of situations facing directors of different types of company
in different situations cannot be anticipated. No more, in their Lordships’ view, can this be done by the use
of a phrase—such as ‘bona fide in the interest of the company as a whole’, or ‘for some corporate purpose’.
Such phrases, (p. 335) if they do anything more than restate the general principle applicable to fiduciary
powers, at best serve, negatively, to exclude from the area of validity cases where the directors are acting
sectionally, or partially: ie improperly favouring one section of the shareholders against another …
In their Lordships’ opinion it is necessary to start with a consideration of the power whose exercise is in
question, in this case a power to issue shares. Having ascertained, on a fair view, the nature of this power,
and having defined as can best be done in the light of modern conditions the, or some, limits within which it
may be exercised, it is then necessary for the court, if a particular exercise of it is challenged, to examine
the substantial purpose for which it was exercised, and to reach a conclusion whether that purpose was
proper or not. In doing so it will necessarily give credit to the bona fide opinion of the directors, if such is
found to exist, and will respect their judgment as to matters of management; having done this, the ultimate
conclusion has to be as to the side of a fairly broad line on which the case falls.
The main stream of authority, in their Lordships’ opinion, supports this approach. In Punt v Symons & Co
Ltd [7.10] Byrne J expressly accepts that there may be reasons other than to raise capital for which shares
may be issued. In the High Court case of Harlowe’s Nominees Pty Ltd v Woodside (Lak es Entrance) Oil Co
NL,26 an issue of shares was made to a large oil company in order, as was found, to secure the financial
stability of the company. This was upheld as being within the power although it had the effect of defeating
the attempt of the plaintiff to secure control by buying up the company’s shares … [Reference was also
made to Teck Corpn Ltd v Miller.27 ]
By contrast to the cases of Harlowe and Teck , the present case, on the evidence, does not, on the findings
of the trial judge, involve any considerations of management, within the proper sphere of the directors. The
purpose found by the judge is simply and solely to dilute the majority voting power held by Ampol and
Bulkships so as to enable a then minority of shareholders to sell their shares more advantageously. So far
as authority goes, an issue of shares purely for the purpose of creating voting power has repeatedly been
condemned … And, though the reported decisions, naturally enough, are expressed in terms of their own
facts, there are clear considerations of principle which support the trend they establish. The constitution of
a limited company normally provides for directors, with powers of management, and shareholders, with
defined voting powers having power to appoint the directors, and to take, in general meeting, by majority
vote, decisions on matters not reserved for management. Just as it is established that directors, within their
management powers, may take decisions against the wishes of the majority of shareholders, and indeed
that the majority of shareholders cannot control them in the exercise of these powers while they remain in
office (Automatic SelfCleansing Filter Syndicate Co Ltd v Cuninghame [4.05]), so it must be
unconstitutional for directors to use their fiduciary powers over the shares in the company purely for the
purpose of destroying an existing majority, or creating a new majority which did not previously exist. To do
so is to interfere with that element of the company’s constitution which is separate from and set against
their powers. If there is added, moreover, to this immediate purpose, an ulterior purpose to enable an offer
for shares to proceed which the existing majority was in a position to block, the departure from the
legitimate use of the fiduciary power becomes not less, but all the greater … Directors are of course entitled
to offer advice, and bound to supply information, relevant to the making of such a decision, but to use their
fiduciary power solely for the purpose of shifting the power to decide to whom and at what price shares are
to be sold cannot be related to any purpose for which the power over the share capital was conferred upon
them. That this is the position in law was in effect recognised by the majority directors themselves when
they attempted to justify the issue as made primarily in order to obtain much needed capital for the
company. And once this primary purpose was rejected, as it was by Street J, there is nothing legitimate left
as a basis for their action, except honest behaviour. That is not, itself, enough.
(p. 336) Their Lordships therefore agree entirely with the conclusion of Street J that the power to issue and
allot shares was improperly exercised by the issue of shares to Howard Smith.
[7.13] Mills v Mills (1938) 60 CLR 150 (High Court of Australia)
The plaintiff, Ainslie Mills, and his uncle, Neilson Mills (the defendant), were two of the directors and the largest
shareholders of a family company. Neilson Mills (who was managing director) held mostly ordinary shares, and
Ainslie Mills mostly preference shares. A resolution was passed by a majority of the directors, including Neilson
Mills, by which accumulated profits were capitalised and distributed to the ordinary shareholders in the form of fully
paid bonus shares. Such profits would have gone to the ordinary shareholders had the same sums been paid as
dividends rather than bonus shares. This resolution greatly strengthened the voting power of the ordinary
shareholders (and in particular of Neilson Mills) and diminished the rights of the preference shareholders to share
in assets in a winding up. However, it did not encroach upon the rights to dividends of either preference or ordinary
shareholders. Lowe J found that the majority of directors had acted honestly in what they believed to be the best
interests of the company, and he held that the fact that Neilson Mills stood to gain from their decision did not
invalidate it. This view was upheld by the High Court.
LATHAM CJ: … It is urged that the rule laid down by the cases is that directors must act always and solely
in the interests of the company and never in their own interest …
It must, however, be recognised that as a general rule, though not invariably … directors have an interest as
shareholders in the company of which they are directors. Most sets of articles of association actually
require the directors to have such an interest, and it is generally desired by shareholders that directors
should have a substantial interest in the company so that their interests may be identified with those of the
shareholders of the company. Ordinarily, therefore, in promoting the interests of the company, a director will
also promote his own interests. I do not read the general phrases which are to be found in the authorities
with reference to the obligations of directors to act solely in the interests of the company as meaning that
they are prohibited from acting in any matter where their own interests are affected by what they do in their
capacity as directors. Very many actions of directors who are shareholders, perhaps all of them, have a
direct or indirect relation to their own interests. It would be ignoring realities and creating impossibilities in
the administration of companies to require that directors should not advert to or consider in any way the
effect of a particular decision upon their own interests as shareholders. A rule which laid down such a
principle would paralyse the management of companies in many directions. Accordingly, the judicial
observations which suggest that directors should consider only the interests of the company and never their
own interests should not be pressed to a limit which would create a quite impossible position.
Directors are required to act not only in matters which affect the relations of the company to persons who
are not members of the company but also in relation to matters which affect the rights of shareholders inter
se. Where there are preference and ordinary shares a particular decision may be of such a character that it
must necessarily affect adversely the interests of one class of shareholders and benefit the interests of
another class. In such a case it is difficult to apply the test of acting in the interests of the company. The
question which arises is sometimes not a question of the interests of the company at all, but a question of
what is fair as between different classes of shareholders. Where such a case arises some other test than
that of ‘the interests of the company’ must be applied, and the test must be applied with knowledge of the
fact already mentioned that the law permits directors, and by virtue of provisions in articles of association
often requires them, to hold shares, ordinary or preference, as the case may be. A director who holds one
or both classes of such shares is not, in my opinion, required by the law to live in an unreal region of
detached altruism and to act in a vague mood of ideal abstraction from obvious facts which must be
presented to the mind (p. 337) of any honest and intelligent man when he exercises his powers as a
director. It would be setting up an impossible standard to hold that, if an action of a director were affected in
any degree by the fact that he was a preference or ordinary shareholder, his action was invalid and should
be set aside …
DIXON J: When the law makes the object, view or purpose of a man, or of a body of men, the test of validity
of their acts, it necessarily opens up the possibility of an almost infinite analysis of the fears and desires,
proximate and remote, which, in truth, form the compound motives usually animating human conduct. But
logically possible as such an analysis may seem, it would be impracticable to adopt it as a means of
determining the validity of the resolutions arrived at by a body of directors, resolutions which otherwise are
ostensibly within their powers. The application of the general equitable principle to the acts of directors
managing the affairs of a company cannot be as nice as it is in the case of a trustee exercising a special
power of appointment. It must, as it seems to me, take the substantial object, the accomplishment of which
formed the real ground of the board’s action. If this is within the scope of the power, then the power has
been validly exercised. But if, except for some ulterior and illegitimate object, the power would not have
been exercised, that which has been attempted as an ostensible exercise of the power will be void,[28 ]
notwithstanding that the directors may incidentally bring about a result which is within the purpose of the
power and which they consider desirable …
RICH and STARKE JJ delivered concurring judgments.
EVATT J concurred.
➤ Questions
1. How are the ‘proper purposes’ for the exercise of any given power determined? Can directors be confident they
are acting for ‘proper purposes’?
2. Is Mills v Mills a ‘proper purposes’ case or a ‘bona fide/good faith in the interests of the company’ case? Does it
3. Was the judge in Re Halt Garage (1964) Ltd [5.03] applying a ‘proper purposes’ test when he examined the
‘genuineness’ of the payment of the directors’ remuneration? If so, why did he not think that a similar payment
made out of undistributed profits was wrong? If not, was he applying merely a ‘bona fides’ test?
4. Do these takeover cases miss the real issue by focusing on the scope of the power exercised by the directors
on the particular occasion? Would it be more satisfactory to build on the basis of such cases as John Shaw &
Sons (Salford) Ltd v Shaw [4.07], where the separate roles of the different constitutional organs are recognised,
and to say that the real issue is which organ should have control of this decision? If it were seen to be the
members, then the sanction of a members’ vote would be required in all such cases, not simply under the guise of
ratifying an illpurposed act of the directors, but because the decision involved a matter which was not within the
directors’ sphere of action. This point was recognised, but was not made the ratio decidendi, in the speech of Lord
Wilberforce in Howard Smith, earlier. It is also in keeping with CA 2006 s 551(1), which allows directors to allot
shares only where authorised under the company’s articles or by resolution of the company (see ‘Limiting access
to shares: directors’ allotment rights and shareholders’ preemption rights’, pp 496ff).
5. When, if ever, might it be proper for the directors to use their powers to ensure that they retain control? Could it
ever be their duty to do so?
6. A quite different approach to the problem is mooted in Criterion Properties plc v Stratford Properties LLC [3.13].
The former managing director of the claimant company had caused it to enter into a contract which left it with a
‘poison pill’ in the form of a right by an outsider to demand a potentially crippling payment if control of the
company(p. 338) should change hands or if the managing director or chairman should leave office. Lord Scott
pointed out that the payment would have to be made even if the directors resigned voluntarily or there was a wholly
beneficial takeover, and questioned whether the managing director had authority (real or apparent) to make the
contract (see ‘Actual and ostensible authority of corporate agents’, pp 108ff). On this approach, what remedies are
available to the various affected parties, and how do these differ from the remedies available on an approach that
relies on proper purposes? Is this approach defensible? In determining whether the directors have actual authority,
is it material that their decision is for proper or improper purposes? Can a ‘poison pill’ arrangement ever be entered
into for proper purposes?
7. Where the directors are motivated by more than one purpose, the decision in Howard Smith indicates that
regard is to be held to their primary purpose in deciding whether the court will intervene. However, in Whitehouse v
Carlton Hotel Pty Ltd (1987) 162 CLR 285, the High Court of Australia appeared to favour a narrower interpretation.
The majority (Mason, Deane and Dawson JJ) in a joint judgment said (at 721):
In this court, the preponderant view has tended to be that the allotment will be invalidated only if the
impermissible purpose or a combination of impermissible purposes can be seen to have been dominant
—‘the substantial object’ (per Williams ACJ, Fullagar and Kitto JJ, Ngurli Ltd v McCann29 quoting Dixon J
in Mills v Mills[7.13] and see Harlowe’s Nominees); ‘the moving cause’ (per Latham CJ, Mills v Mills). The
cases in which that view has been indicated have not, however, required a determination of the question
whether the impermissible purpose must be the substantial object or moving cause or whether it may
suffice to invalidate the allotment that it be one of a number of such objects or causes. As a matter of logic
and principle, the preferable view would seem to be that, regardless of whether the impermissible purpose
was the dominant one or but one of a number of significantly contributing causes, the allotment will be
invalidated if the impermissible purpose was causative in the sense that, but for its presence, ‘the power
would not have been exercised’ per Dixon J, Mills v Mills.
What difference, if any, would the different tests make in these cases?
8. There does not, as yet, seem to be an explicitly recognised parallel concept of ‘proper purposes’, as a test
separate from that of bona fides, in members’ decisionmaking, although cases such as Re Halt Garage (1964)
Ltd [5.03], in which decisions have been struck down as not ‘genuine’, come very close.30 In Australia, by
contrast, the High Court has declared a ‘proper purpose’ test to be preferred over one based on bona fides for the
review of some, and perhaps all, members’ resolutions: seeGambotto v WPC Ltd (1995) 182 CLR 432, Aust HCt.
For an example from Canada, see Western Mines Ltd v Shield Development Co Ltd [1976] 2 WWR 300. Is such a
test emerging in the UK? Revisit Kinsela v Russell Kinsela [7.08], the cases on alteration of the company’s
constitution (‘Alteration of the articles’, pp 219ff), variations of class rights (‘Variation of class rights’, pp 563ff), and
ratification of directors’ wrongdoing (‘Members’ decisions concerning directors’ breaches’, pp 235ff, and
‘Ratification of breaches of duty’, p 372, ‘Ratification of acts of directors: CA 2006 s 239’, pp 437ff). In the context
of ratification, note especially CA 2006 s 239(3) and (4).
(p. 339) Duty to promote the success of the company: CA 2006 s 172
This section is one of the more important and controversial provisions in the Act, and took up much of the
discussion through the various stages of the Companies Bill that produced CA 2006. Its approach purports to end
the debate over the meaning of ‘the company’, and ‘in the interests of the company’ (see ‘Directors’ duties are
owed to the company’, p 319). Section 172 specifies that the director’s duty is to promote the success of the
company for the benefit of its members as a whole (not for the benefit of other stakeholders or constituencies).
This rejects the ‘pluralist approach’ and adopts the ‘enlightened shareholder value’ recommendations of the Law
Commissions and CLR.31 One important reason for this choice is that the pluralist view risks leaving directors
accountable to no one, since there is no clear yardstick for judging their performance.32 The section also explicitly
favours a longterm, rather than shortterm, outlook in corporate decisionmaking (see s 172(1)(a)).33
The crucial elements of s 172
Section 172(1) enshrines a number of important elements:
(i) ‘The success of the company for the benefit of its members as a whole’
This statement relates the success of the company to the interests of its members as a whole. This approach was
advocated by the CLR (CLR, Modern Company Law for a Competitive Economy: Developing the Framework (URN
00/656) (2000), para 3.51):
We believe there is value in inserting a reference to the success of the company, since what is in view is
not the individual interests of members, but their interests as members of an association with the purposes
and the mutual arrangements embodied in the constitution; the objective is to be achieved by the directors
successfully managing the complex of relationships and resources which comprise the company’s
The primacy of the company is significant. If the interests of the company as a separate entity are in conflict with
the interests of the members as a whole, or at least some of them, it would appear that the interests of the
company should be preferred (Mutual Life Assurance Co of New York v Rank Organisation Ltd [1985] BCLC 11 at
21 (Goulding J); Re BSB Holdings Ltd (No 2) [1996] 1 BCLC 155 at 251 (Arden J)).
(ii) Directors and members to decide what ‘success’ means
Directors’ good faith business judgements must be calculated to promote the success of the company. ‘Success’
is to be determined on a companybycompany basis. It is for the directors to interpret the company’s objectives
and make practical decisions about how best to achieve them. At its simplest, success may often mean the long
term increase in financial value of the company, but even this has its difficulties. It is not clear, for example,
whether the directors should favour increased dividend rates, increased market price for the shares or some other
manifestation of the longterm growth and stability of the company.
(p. 340) (iii) Success for the members as a whole
The directors must make decisions that are calculated to be for the longterm benefit of the members as a whole.
It follows that promoting sectional interests would be a breach of the duty to promote the success of the company
(see Mills v Mills [7.13]).
(iv) Directors to make decisions—subjective test
The essential principle is that it is for directors to make decisions, in good faith, as to how to promote the success
of the company for the benefit of the members as a whole. This test repeats the common law rule from which it is
derived (Re Smith and Fawcett Ltd [11.10], and ‘Duty to act within powers: CA 2006 s 171’, p 331). A court will not
inquire whether, objectively, the decision was actually the best decision for the company (Howard Smith Ltd v
Ampol Petroleum Ltd [7.12]; Regentcrest plc v Cohen[7.14] at 105), nor whether the director’s honestly held belief
was a reasonable one (Smith v Fawcett; Regentcrest plc v Cohen).
(v) Regard to the specified factors
Section 172(1), especially when read with s 170, makes it clear that the duty imposed on directors is to consider
the interests of persons other than the company (eg employees, suppliers, customers, the community) but that
directors do not owe a duty directly to those persons. A director’s duties are owed to the company alone (s 170).
(vi) Conflicting factors
Where consideration of different ‘factors’ suggests conflicting courses of action, it seems directors must simply
take their own ‘good faith business decisions’ to promote the success of the company (HC Comm D, 11/7/06, cols
591–593, Margaret Hodge).
(vii) Failure to have regard to the specified matters
If a director acts without adopting the form of consideration required by subs (1), how will a court respond? If there
is no basis on which a director could reasonably have concluded that the action was likely to promote the success
of the company, a court is likely to find the director in breach of this duty (see Item Software (UK) Ltd v
Fassihi[7.16]). But if a reasonable director, giving due consideration, might well have concluded that the action was
likely to promote the success of the company, the court’s reaction is not so clear. Assuming the director acted
bona fide, perhaps a court will find there has been no breach of duty (see Charterbridge Corporation Ltd v Lloyds
Bank Ltd [3.03]), or at least that the breach has caused no harm (also see Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith,
Hansard HL, 9/05/06, col 846).
But on a strict legal interpretation it is also possible that the decision may be subjected to review, and deemed
voidable because it has been made without taking into account all material considerations (see the earlier
discussion in relation to s 171). Subsection (1), in effect, specifies some (not all) of the matters deemed to be
relevant to decisions made by directors. Setting out such a list may expand the grounds for judicial review of
directors’ decisionmaking, whether under s 172 or s 171.
(viii) No need for a paper trail
Concerns were expressed during the legislative process that s 172 would require directors to keep a ‘paper trail’ of
all business judgements made, and that the section would lead to an increase in litigation. The concerns are
linked insofar as an increase in litigation would require directors to undertake more defensive practices and
procedures, and, conversely, the lower the threat of litigation the less the requirement for paper trails. The
government strongly denied that the section introduced a ‘tickbox culture’ whereby directors would be required to
consider each factor one by one. The list of factors is nonexhaustive and is intended to illustrate elements of the
wider principle that directors are required to make good faith business judgements to promote the success of the
company for the longterm benefit of its members (p. 341) as a whole. As such, directors should not be liable for a
‘process failure’. (On the other hand, see s 417 (contents of directors’ report: business review), especially s
(ix) No risk of increased litigation
The second fear expressed was that a failure to take into account specific factors may lead to increased litigation.
This fear was said to be overexaggerated (see HC Comm D 11/7/06, cols 568–575). The only duty at stake is the
duty to promote the success of the company, and so long as directors have made good faith business judgements
with reasonable care, skill and diligence they are unlikely to be in breach of this duty (see HL Rep, Hansard HL
681, 9/5/06, cols 845–846). In Committee Stage in the House of Commons, David Howarth made the important
additional observation that the class of potential litigants is limited, and that it will also often be difficult to identify
any loss. For these reasons, the risk of litigation is minimal. The class of potential litigants is limited to the board,
a majority of members, a minority of members under Pt 11 and liquidators acting on behalf of an insolvent
company. It is only during a takeover that a board or a majority of members is likely to bring an action against a
director; in most cases there are far better remedies available against directors, for example removal of the
director. Further, a derivative action under Pt 11 is extremely difficult to advance against the wishes of the majority
of members. In reality, it is only during takeovers and liquidation proceedings that the section is likely to be
utilised. Moreover, an action will only be useful where there is a loss to the company: a breach of the duty to
promote the success of the company is unlikely, alone, to give rise to significant calculable financial loss.
(x) A defence rather than duty?
Although the ‘enlightened shareholder value’ approach was designed to avoid the problems of director
accountability inherent in the ‘pluralist approach’, it is not clear that this ambition is achieved. Subsection (1) sets
out proper considerations for director decisionmaking, but these considerations will allow directors to justify
almost any bona fide approach to delivering the success of the company. Where directors have made a good faith
business judgement to favour employees’ interests 34 over shortterm financial gain, for example in order to promote
the success of the company for the benefits of its members as a whole, then this legitimate decision cannot be
challenged (see Re Welfab Engineers Ltd (1990) BCLC 833). Similarly, directors are not compelled to make
decisions according to the wider interests of community and the environment, and they are protected from
reproach if they choose to do so. Is there any decision directors might take which would selfevidently fall outside
the requirements of s 172(1)?
(xi) Duty to disclose misconduct?
The controversial finding in Item Software (UK) Ltd v Fassihi [7.16] at [44], may be embraced by the terms of s
172. Fassihi suggests that a director who acts in breach of his fiduciary duty is under a further duty to disclose the
breach to the company if disclosure is required by the general equitable duty to act bona fid e in what the director
considers to be the interests of the company. The analogy with the statutory duty in s 172(1) is obvious. It is
difficult to see when it would not be in the company’s interest to know of a breach of duty, and on that basis any
breach of duty will always involve a further breach in failing to disclose. The further breach may result in loss of
employment benefits (eg termination rights, share options, pension bene fits), and may provide justification for
summary dismissal (Tesco Stores Ltd v Pook [2003] EWHC 823 (Ch); Fulham Football Club (1987) Ltd v
Tigana [2004] EWHC 2585 (QB)). On the other hand, this aspect of the Fassihi decision represents a radical
extension of the traditional (p. 342) equitable duties owed by directors, and the approach to these statutory rules
advocated in s 170 may argue against its acceptance.
Less controversially, a director also has an equitable duty to disclose breaches of duty committed by fellow
directors if this is what the director, acting bona fide, considers to be in the best interests of the company (British
Midland Tool Ltd v Midland International Tooling Ltd [2003] EWHC 466 (Ch), [2003] 2 BCLC 523). Again, the
analogy with the statutory duty in s 172(1) is apparent. Also see Brandeaux Advisers (UK) Ltd v Chadwick [2010]
EWHC 3241 (QB), referred to later.
The duty to act in good faith for the success of the company
Reread the cases at [7.05]–[7.12].
Duty to act in good faith.
[7.14] Regentcrest v Cohen [2001] BCC 494 (Chancery Division)
Liquidators sought damages for a breach of fiduciary duty arising from the second defendant’s agreement, in his
capacity as a director of the claimant company, R, to waive that company’s entitlement to claw back a sum from
the vendors of a company, G. The liquidators contended that by his actions, the second defendant had disposed of
the clawback asset for negligible consideration and for an improper purpose. The second defendant submitted that
he had agreed to the waiver for a valid commercial reason and had honestly believed that he was acting in the best
interest of the company and in accordance with his duties as a director.
96. …[T]he only live claim is a claim against Mr Don Richardson for having agreed to the waiver of the
clawback claim. …
101. …[T]he central issue in the case is whether, when he voted in favour of the first resolution [to waive the
clawback], Mr Don Richardson honestly believed that he was acting in the best interest of Regentcrest. If
he did not honestly hold that belief, then … it follows that he must have breached his fiduciary duty to
Regentcrest and must accordingly be liable to Regentcrest for any resulting loss. As to the quantification of
that loss, it is common ground that the loss is equal to the value of the clawback claim as at 5 September
1990. Plainly, the value of the clawback claim cannot exceed its face value of £1.5M, but equally clearly it
may, depending on a number of factors including the ability of the vendors to satisfy any judgment and the
existence of any defences to the claim, be less than its face value. …
120. The duty imposed on directors to act bona fide in the interests of the company is a subjective one …
The question is not whether, viewed objectively by the court, the particular act or omission which is
challenged was in fact in the interests of the company; still less is the question whether the court, had it
been in the position of the director at the relevant time, might have acted differently. Rather, the question is
whether the director honestly believed that his act or omission was in the interests of the company. The
issue is as to the director’s state of mind. No doubt, where it is clear that the act or omission under
challenge resulted in substantial detriment to the company, the director will have a harder task persuading
the court that he honestly believed it to be in the company’s interest; but that does not detract from the
subjective nature of the test.
121. As Lord Greene put it in Re Smith and Fawcett, Ltd [11.10]:
‘The principles to be applied in cases where the articles of a company confer a discretion on
directors … are, for present purposes, free from doubt. They must exercise their discretion bona fide
in what they consider—not what a court may consider—is in the interests of the company, and not
for any collateral purpose.’ (Emphasis supplied.)
(p. 343) 122. To similar effect is the following passage from the judgment of Millett LJ in Bristol & West
Building Society v. Mothew [1998] Ch 1 at 18:
‘The various obligations of a fiduciary merely reflect different aspects of his core duties of loyalty and
fidelity. Breach of fiduciary obligation, therefore, connotes disloyalty or infidelity. Mere incompetence
is not enough. A servant who loyally does his incompetent best for his master is not unfaithful and is
not guilty of a breach of fiduciary duty.’
123. The position is different where a power conferred on a director is used for a collateral purpose. In such
circumstances it matters not whether the director honestly believed that in exercising the power as he did
he was acting in the interests of the company; the power having been exercised for an improper purpose, its
exercise will be liable to be set aside (see, e.g., Hogg v. Cramphorn Ltd [7.11]). However, it has not been
contended that that principle applies in the instant case. …
146. Three main reasons [for the waiver] were identified by the Richardson brothers in evidence. First, the
need to retain the services of Mr Scott and Mr Farley, with the concomitant benefit of their knowledge and
experience in seeking to realise the various properties in the Regentcrest Group’s property portfolio, and (in
the case of Mr Cohen) the desirability of retaining his services in relation to the Altrincham Site, about
which he was thought to have a good deal of useful local knowledge; secondly, the need to preserve a
united board in the face of pressure from the banks and other creditors; thirdly, the fact that it was (to put it
at its lowest) questionable to what extent the vendors would be able to satisfy any judgment; and fourthly
the fact that the vendors had made it clear (through Mr Farley) that they would not submit to judgment on
the clawback claim but would defend the claim on whatever grounds might be open to them—in other
words, they were not going to go quietly.
147. In assessing the ‘commerciality’ of the reasons put forward by the Richardson brothers I have to
eschew hindsight and to place myself so far as possible in their shoes as at 5 September 1990. …
158. In the result, therefore, I have no hesitation in accepting the evidence of each of the Richardson
brothers as to his reasons for agreeing to the waiver of the clawback claim, and I find that in voting in favour
of the resolution for waiver each of them honestly believed that he was acting in the best interests of
159. It follows that the claim of breach of fiduciary duty on the part of Mr Don Richardson fails.
The Damages Issue
160. In the light of my conclusions on the breach of the duty issue, the damages issue does not arise.
However, for the sake of completeness I will address it shortly. I do so on the assumption, contrary to the
conclusion which I have expressed above, that Mr Don Richardson was in breach of his fiduciary duty to
Regentcrest in voting in favour of the resolution for waiver of the clawback claim.
161. It is common ground that the correct measure of damage is the value of the clawback claim as at 5
September 1990, and that that value is to be assessed on an objective basis. Thus, the court is not limited
to such knowledge as the Richardson brothers had at that date as to the vendors’ means.
162. I turn, then, to the evidence as to the vendors’ means. …
174. In the circumstances as disclosed by the evidence (which is admittedly incomplete), I conclude that
as at September 1990 (a) there was no sensible prospect of recovering more than 20 per cent at the most
of the face value of the clawback claim, (b) there was a real risk, given the vendors’ expressed intention to
contest the claim so far as possible, that the total sum recovered under a judgment might not cover the
costs of obtaining it, and (c) subject to that, it was a matter of speculation how much might be recovered.
175. Doing the best I can on the basis of the above conclusions, I assess the value of the clawback claim
as at September 1990 at £50,000. …
176. In the result, for the reasons already given, the action must be dismissed.
(p. 344) [7.15] Roberts (Liquidator of Onslow Ditchling Ltd) v Frohlich [2011] EWHC 257 (Ch), [2011] 2
BCLC 625 (Chancery Division)
The facts appear from the judgment.
83 The first ground of liability rests upon misfeasance and breach of duty at common law [since the relevant
breaches occurred before the enactment of CA 2006]. Mr Frohlich and Mr Spanner [the company’s
directors] are said to be in breach of their fiduciary duty to act bona fide in the interests of the company and
in breach of their common law duty of skill and care because they permitted ODL [the company] to
commence a development which they knew or ought to have known was speculative, inadequately funded
and bound to fail.
84 An allegation of breach of fiduciary duty involves consideration of the question whether the director
honestly believed that his act was in the interests of the company. If the act undertaken resulted in
substantial detriment to the company the director has a harder task to persuade the court that he honestly
believed it to be in the company’s interest: but the test remains essentially subjective: per Jonathan Parker
J. in Regentcrest Plc (in liq.) v Cohen [7.14] at [120].
85 Some further exposition is required where the company (to whom the director owes his fiduciary duty) is
in financial difficulties.
‘Where a company is insolvent or of doubtful solvency or on the verge of insolvency and it is the
creditors’ money which is at risk the directors, when carrying out their duties to the company, must
consider the interests of the creditors as paramount and take those into account when exercising
their discretion. This principle has been recognised by the Court of Appeal in Liquidator of West
Mercia Safetywear Ltd v Dodd (1988) 4 BCC 30 at p.33 per Dillon LJ … It was also applied in the
Court of Appeal in Brady v Brady [10.08] (1987) 3 BCC 535 at p.552 per Nourse LJ where he stated
that the interests of the company in this context are in reality the interests of the existing creditors
See the judgment of Mr Leslie Kosmin QC in Colin Gwyer & Associates Ltd v London Wharf (Limehouse)
Ltd [2002] EWHC 2748 (Ch); [2003] BCC 885 at [74].
87 I am satisfied that both Mr Frohlich and Mr Spanner honestly believed that, at the time when the
acquisition of the site was completed, it was in the interests of ODL to go through with this transaction: and
in my judgment it was beneficial. ODL secured for itself a paper profit of £275,000: a realisation of that by
an ‘onsale’ of the site would (even allowing for the costs of realisation) have enabled ODL to pay off its
existing creditors and make a profit.
88 … In pitching the project to HBoS in order to secure funding offers Mr Spanner certainly misrepresented
the true position in saying that ODL had secured a fixedprice building contract and had presold some units
… [However] The ‘deception’ of the bank into making the loan offers … did not of itself make the funding
offers precarious …
89 I am [also] not prepared to infer that Mr Frohlich and Mr Spanner did not honestly believe the entry of the
letter of intent on June 8, 2004, to be in the best interests of ODL. It is right that on their evidence they
seem to have given little thought to its terms: but whilst that might call into question their competence it
does not demonstrate a lack of honest belief that the step was in the interests of ODL. …
90 The letter of intent was entered into (as I have found) with the intention that under it orders for structural
steel should be placed: and such instruction was given on July 2, 2004. … The effect of this instruction was
(at the least) to commit ODL to pay for the steel when delivered. When the order was placed ODL had no
funds in hand with which to meet that future liability. That does not demonstrate a lack of honest belief that
placing the order was not in the best interests of ODL. The directors were simply taking a risk that when the
time for payment came they would have the money to pay the bill. As well as the ‘cash flow risk’ there was
another risk, the ‘project risk’. (p. 345) Because the order related to the whole of the structural steel it
constituted ‘speculative building’ in relation to the entire development: something which (from the outset) Mr
Frohlich and Mr Spanner said they would not do because of the evident risk. In ordering the steel Mr
Frohlich and Mr Spanner were effectively using creditors’ money as the working capital of ODL for a project
they recognised was ‘speculative’. The court will therefore readily draw the inference that they cannot have
regarded this as in the best interests of ODL, and the directors face a hard task in putting before the court
evidence of sufficient quality to displace that inference.
91 In my judgment Mr Frohlich and Mr Spanner have succeeded in doing so. I have found the question a
difficult one: but ultimately I am satisfied that I ought not to conclude that Mr Frohlich and Mr Spanner were
acting in breach of their fiduciary duty. I consider that at the beginning of July 2004 they honestly believed
that that when the time came for payment they would have a good chance that the money would be
available to pay the bill. …
94 By the time one gets to the first half of September 2004, however, it seems to me that the position is
entirely different. FCL had by then already been instructed to undertake work to the value of £1.6 million (a
sum which exceeded the development facility even if fully available). HBoS had demonstrated that it
intended to adhere to its funding conditions (and was requiring proof of satisfaction): and Mr Spanner
acknowledged (and I find that Mr Frohlich must have known) that HBoS was proceeding on a false premise
as to the degree to which those conditions were met. … Attempts to find a coventurer failed on the basis
that the project was not viable. The Easier transaction had petered out: there was no longer the faintest
hope of supplementary funding from that source. Those creditors who had been waiting for the takeover to
provide a source of funds for payment of their debts would now inevitably begin to press for payment: and
they had reached £300,000 (excluding FCL and PJ Brown). The only proper inference to draw is that Mr
Frohlich and Mr Spanner cannot honestly have believed that a continuation with the work already ordered
and the placing of fresh orders was in the interests of ODL (meaning, because of the parlous state of the
company’s finances, effectively the paramount interests of ODL’s creditors). However irrational the directors’
optimism it cannot have survived these reverses save by wilful blindness—a deliberate decision not to
enquire or consider lest an unpalatable truth be exposed. The only honest thing to do was to stop the
development—at the very least, temporarily whilst a review of existing and intended commitments was
undertaken and HBoS appraised of the true position.
95 Mr Spanner said that he was an optimist and believed things could be pulled round: he said there was
interest in the project from other banks (and in particular Lloyds Bank at Guildford). (By contrast, Mr
Frohlich said he did not think that there had been any formal approaches to any other banks). Mr Frohlich
said that [other parties] were behind the project and they could be looked to as a source of funding. Mr
Frohlich said that he and Mr Spanner were people of substance (as was evident from the bank accepting a
guarantee of £500,000 from them): there was always the possibility that they could make up the shortfall.
None of this causes me to doubt my conclusion that from midSeptember at the latest Mr Frohlich and Mr
Spanner were not acting bona fide in the best interest of ODL and its creditors. [and he continued,
examining the evidence to that effect] …
97 I therefore find and hold that certainly from September 14, 2004, Mr Frohlich and Mr Spanner were in
breach of the fiduciary duties which they owed ODL in failing (as those acting bona fide in the interests of
ODL would have done) (a) to call a halt—to seek to suspend performance of the unperformed parts of
existing contracts and to refuse to authorise the placement of any further orders; and (b) to disclose to FCL
the funding status of the project and to disclose to HBoS the contractual status of the project.
➤ Note
These cases, and earlier cases, make it very clear that the test of good faith is subjective. Moreover, the onus
of proof of lack of good faith lies on the company (or its liquidator) asserting the claim against its directors. As
both Jonathan Parker J and Norris J note, however, the (p. 346) greater the detriment to the company from
the directors’ actions, the harder it will be for the directors to defend themselves against the company’s
allegations of absence of good faith. If, in the face of the company’s assertions, the directors mount a credible
rationale for their actions, ones that indicate it is plausible that directors in the circumstances could think the
chosen course of action was in good faith in the interests of the company, then they will escape liability. In
neither of these two cases are Jonathan Parker J and Norris J applying an objective test of good faith (ie would
a reasonable director in the circumstances have thought this action was in the interests of the company?):
they are simply testing the credibility of these directors’ assertions of subjective motivations.
➤ Questions
1. Does a subjective rule of good faith catch only those directors whose behaviour is patently fraudulent or
grossly negligent? Could, and should, a higher standard be imposed? (See the discussions of
subjective/objective tests in the context of the director’s duty of care (‘The subjective/objective test’, pp 355ff)
and ‘dishonest assistance’ by third parties in a director’s breach of duty (‘Required knowledge for secondary
liability’, pp 451ff).
2. See Charterbridge Corpn Ltd v Lloyds Bank Ltd [3.03]. There, the directors of a company within a corporate
group did not expressly consider the benefits to their company of a proposed course of action, as distinct from
the benefits to the corporate group. When, if ever, could such directors be found guilty of breach of the duty in
CA 2006 s 172? Does a subjective test of good faith mean that the directors must give explicit consideration
to the issue of whether their actions are in good faith in the interests of the company?
3. The Frohlich case [7.15] shows that particular facts can generate claims for breach of the duty to promote
the success of the company (s 172), the duty to act with reasonable care, skill and diligence (s 174) and the
wrongful trading provisions in IA 1986 s 214 (and also note IA 1986 s 212). Who can pursue each of these
claims, and how do the specific duties and their related remedies differ under each of these options?
The duty to act bona fide in the interests of the company includes the duty to disclose misconduct by the
director to the company.
[7.16] Item Software (UK) Ltd v Fassihi [2004] EWCA Civ 1244, [2005] 2 BCLC 91 (Court of Appeal)
Fassihi was both a director and employee of Item Software (IS), a distributor of products for Isograph. In November
1998, the company tried to renegotiate its distribution agreement with Isograph on more favourable terms. During
negotiations, Fassihi approached Isograph with the idea of establishing a new company to take over the
distribution agreement. On the other hand, he also encouraged IS to take an aggressive stance with respect to the
negotiations with Isograph. Negotiations between IS and Isograph broke down because Isograph refused to accept
IS’s terms. Isograph terminated the distribution agreement with IS and entered into a new agreement with Fassihi’s
own company. IS dismissed Fassihi when it learned of this and commenced proceedings against Fassihi, alleging
that his actions amounted to a breach of his duty as both a director and an employee to act bona fide in the
interests of the company (ie IS). It was also alleged that this duty was breached by Fassihi’s failure to disclose his
misconduct to the company.
ARDEN LJ: … [I]t seems to me that the logical place to start in relation to the disclosure issue is to
consider the position of Mr Fassihi as a director since the duties of a director are in general higher than
those imposed by law on an employee. This is because a director is not simply a senior (p. 347) manager
of [a] company. He is a fiduciary and with his fellow directors he is responsible for the success of the
company’s business.
Merely to call a person a fiduciary is only the beginning of the analysis. It is necessary to identify the
respects in which he is a fiduciary and the duties which follow. …
For my part, I do not consider that it is correct to infer from the cases to which I have referred that a
fiduciary owes a separate and independent duty to disclose his own misconduct to his principal or more
generally information of relevance and concern to it. So to hold would lead to a proliferation of duties and
arguments about their breadth. I prefer to base my conclusion in this case on the fundamental duty to which
a director is subject, that is the duty to act in what he in good faith considers to be the best interests of his
company. This duty of loyalty is the ‘timehonoured’ rule: per Goulding J in Mutual Life Insurance Co of New
York v Rank Organisation Ltd [1985] BCLC 11, 21. The duty is expressed in these very general terms, but
that is one of its strengths: it focuses on principle not on the particular words which judges or the legislature
have used in any particular case or context. It is dynamic and capable of application in cases where it has
not previously been applied but the principle or rationale of the rule applies. It reflects the flexible quality of
the doctrines of equity. As Lord Templeman once put it ‘Equity is not a computer. Equity operates on
conscience …’ (Wink worth v Edward Baron Development Co Ltd [1986] 1 WLR 1512, 1516.)
Professor Robert C Clark Corporate Law (1986), pp 34 and 141, has described the fundamental nature of the
duty of the loyalty in these terms:
‘The most general formulation of corporate law’s attempted solution to the problem of managerial
accountability is the fiduciary duty of loyalty: the corporation’s directors … owe a duty of undivided
loyalty to their corporations, and they may not so use corporate assets, or deal with the corporation,
as to benefit themselves at the expense of the corporation and its shareholders. The overwhelming
majority of particular rules, doctrines, and cases in corporate law are simply an explication of this
duty or of the procedural rules and institutional arrangements involved in implementing it. The history
of corporate law is largely the history of the development of operational content for the duty of loyalty.
Even many cases that appear to be about dull formalities or rules of the road in fact involve disputes
arising out of alleged managerial disloyalty … Most importantly, this general fiduciary duty of loyalty
is a residual concept that can include factual situations that no one has foreseen and categorised.
The general duty permits, and in fact has led to, a continuous evolution in corporate law.’
Although Professor Clark was writing about the duty of loyalty in the United States, his observations seem
to me to express qualities of the duty of loyalty applying equally to the law of England and Wales.
The only reason that I can see that it could be said that the duty of loyalty does not require a fiduciary to
disclose his own misconduct is that it has never been applied to this situation before. As I have explained,
that is not a good objection to the application of the fiduciary principle. …
… Furthermore, on the facts of this case, there is no basis on which Mr Fassihi could reasonably have
come to the conclusion that it was not in the interests of Item to know of his breach of duty. In my
judgment, he could not fulfil his duty of loyalty in this case except by telling Item about his setting up of
RAMS, and his plan to acquire the Isograph contract for himself. …
Both counsel have addressed the court on the policy reasons for holding that Mr Fassihi was in breach of
his duty of loyalty in this case. These are relevant questions. If the approach of the law were overly intrusive,
legitimate entrepreneurial activity would be discouraged and this would not be a beneficial outcome. But
that is not in my judgment the result of holding that a duty of loyalty applies in the present case. This is
because, on well established principles of law, Mr Fassihi’s setting up of a new company to which the
business of Item would be diverted was not a legitimate entrepreneurial activity. In addition, the effect of my
decision in this case (if the majority of the court is of the same opinion) is not to make any substantive
extension of the duties of directors, such as would be involved for example if the courts held that a director
of one company could not accept a directorship of another company. …
(p. 348) A conclusion that a director owes no obligation to disclose his improper actions would be also
inefficient in economic terms. It would mean that the company has to expend resources in investigating his
conduct and that the enforcement of a liability to compensate the company for misconduct depends on the
happenchance of the company finding out about the impropriety. To this it may be said that the law ought
not to hold that the duty of loyalty involves a positive duty to disclose because it is unlikely that the
consciously misbehaving director will comply with it: this indeed is the rationale for the fraud exception
(in Re Hampshire Land Co35 ) referred to above.
My answer to that is two wrongs do not make a right: the fact that a director is unlikely to comply with a
duty is not a logically sustainable reason for not imposing it if it is otherwise appropriate. As the facts of
this case demonstrate, the consequence of nondisclosure may be that the company makes erroneous
business decisions because it lacks essential information. A legal rule which condones this, in my
judgment, condones inefficient outcomes. Moreover, there is a constant dilemma in company law as to the
manner in which the shareholders of a company can monitor those who manage its business on their
behalf. The duty upheld above helps to ameliorate these problems (often called agency problems) by
encouraging the provision of information on which proper decisionmaking can take place. In many
companies, an agency problem exists not only between shareholders and directors but between the board
and executive or managing directors. There is an oversight duty owed by the board in respect of executives
by virtue of their duty of care. (The precise extent of the duty depends on the facts of the case: Re Barings
plc (No.5) [6.12].) The duty of loyalty as applied by me above supports the board in the performance of this
duty and is thus efficient for that reason also. Accordingly, in so far as my conclusion on this issue involves
a new application of the duty of loyalty, it is supported for policy reasons. For all these reasons, in my
judgment, the appeal against the judge’s judgment on the disclosure issue must be dismissed.
HOLMAN J delivered a concurring judgment.
MUMMERY LJ concurred.
Also see Industrial Development Consultants Ltd v Cooley in Bhullar v Bhullar [7.25].
➤ Note
At first instance, [2003] EWHC 3116 (Ch), N Strauss QC Deputy Judge came to the same conclusion that Mr
Fassihi’s misconduct gave rise to a ‘super added’ duty of disclosure. However, the learned judge came to the
conclusion not as a matter of fiduciary duty, but on a contractual basis:
52 … there was a separate and independent aspect of his duties which required him to disclose the facts.
He was involved in the negotiations between Item and Isograph and his contractual obligations of fidelity and
care required him to disclose important information known to him which was relevant to those negotiations.
If he had learned that a rival distributor had been trying to sabotage the negotiations with Isograph, it would
have been his duty to tell Mr. Dehghani; the fact that it was himself cannot relieve him of the duty. That it
would have been in Item’s interest to know of the misconduct in order to deal with Mr. Fassihi would not
have justified the imposition of a duty; what justifies it is its relevance to the ongoing negotiations with
Isograph. This therefore seems to me to be a case in which a duty of disclosure was owed.
Citing this part of the first instance judgment, Jack J in Brandeaux Advisers (UK) Ltd v Chadwick [2010] EWHC
3241 (QB) expressed the view that ‘it might be said that it was unnecessary in Item Software for the Court of
Appeal to have developed the law as it did’ [47]. Nevertheless, since Item Software was binding on him, he held
that a breach had been committed: the director had taken her company’s confidential information and, had there
been (p. 349) proper disclosure, she would have been dismissed by the company. He then held, however, that no
loss had been shown by the company: ‘the company had the benefit of her work, and I should take its value as the
salary the company had agreed to pay’ [56].
Where it is deemed to be in the interests of the company, the duty to disclose may include the disclosure
of information other than misconduct, and may entail disclosing such information to individuals other than
the board, for example the shareholders.
[7.17] GHLM Trading Ltd v Maroo [2012] EWHC 61 (Chancery Division)
GHLM Trading Ltd sued its former directors, Mr and Mrs Maroo, for breach of directors’ duties, and also alleged
that the directors had committed a further breach by failing to disclose their misconduct. This latter allegation was
not upheld, since it had not been pleaded or proved adequately, so Newey J’s comments on the law are by way
ofdicta only.
192 Recent authority establishes that it can be incumbent on a director to reveal his own wrongdoing. The
leading case is Item Software (UK) Ltd v Fassihi [7.16]. InItem Software (UK) Ltd v Fassihi, Arden LJ (with
whom Mummery LJ and Holman J expressed agreement) said that a fiduciary does not owe a separate and
independent duty to disclose misconduct (paragraph 41). She concluded, however, that a director’s
‘fundamental’ duty ‘to act in what he in good faith considers to be the best interests of his company’ could
mean that a director has to disclose misconduct on his part (paragraphs 41 and 44). On the facts, Arden LJ
considered that the director in question ‘could not fulfil his duty of loyalty’ except by telling his company of
steps he had taken to divert business to himself (paragraph 44).
193 As was mentioned in Brandeaux Advisers (UK) Ltd v Chadwick [2010] EWHC 3241 (QB) (at paragraph
47), Item Software (UK) Ltd v Fassihi is a somewhat controversial decision. Arguably, it breaks new ground
in treating a fiduciary duty as prescriptive rather than merely proscriptive. Its result can perhaps now be
justified also by reference to section 172 of the Companies Act 2006, which came into force on 1 October
2007. The duty to promote the success of a company which that provision imposes can be said to be
expressed in prescriptive terms (a director ‘must act in the way he considers, in good faith, would be most
likely to promote the success of the company …’—emphasis added). Be that as it may, Item Software
(UK) Ltd v Fassihi is clearly binding on me. I therefore proceed on the basis that a director’s duty of good
faith can potentially require him to disclose misconduct.
194 Two points of relevance seem to me to flow from the Court of Appeal’s analysis in Item Software (UK)
Ltd v Fassihi. The first derives from the fact that the duty of good faith focuses on a fiduciary’s subjective
intentions. Thus, in Regentcrest plc v Cohen [7.14] Jonathan Parker J explained … [at [120], see [7.14]] …
Accordingly, a company complaining of a director’s failure to disclose a matter must, I think, establish that
the fiduciary subjectively concluded that disclosure was in his company’s interests or, at least, that the
director would have so concluded had he been acting in good faith.
195 The second point is that it can be incumbent on a fiduciary to disclose matters other than wrongdoing.
The ‘single and overriding touchstone’ being the duty of a director to act in what he considers in good faith
to be in the best interests of the company (to quote from Etherton J in Shepherds Investments Ltd v
Walters [2006] EWHC 836 (Ch), [2007] 2 BCLC 202, at paragraph 132), there is no reason to restrict the
disclosure that can be necessary to misconduct. Were a director subjectively to consider that it was in the
company’s interests for something other than misconduct to be disclosed, he would, it appears, commit a
breach of his duty of good faith if he failed to do so. …
198 [Turning to the question of the person to whom disclosure should be made.] Since the ‘touchstone’ is
the duty of a director to act in what he considers in good faith to be in the best interests of the company,
the focus must be on what the relevant director in fact believed to be in (p. 350) the company’s interests or
would have believed to be in the company’s interests had he been acting in good faith. If a director
subjectively concluded that it was in the company’s interests for a matter to be disclosed to a person who
was not a member of the board (or if he would have so concluded had he been acting in good faith), it
would, it appears, be incumbent on him to ensure that such disclosure was made.
199 On the other hand, a director’s duty of good faith is owed to his company, not to shareholders. The
question is therefore as to what the director thought (or would have thought) was in the company’s interests.
That disclosure might have been in a shareholder’s interests will not matter as such.
200 It is perhaps also relevant in this context that [GHLM’s articles provide] that, subject to exceptions, ‘the
business of the company shall be managed by the directors’. In a normal case, therefore, disclosure to the
board should suffice. [Counsel] pointed out that, where the two members of a board are involved in
wrongdoing [as here], disclosure by one director to the other would not be likely to achieve anything.
However, I do not think a director in such a case would necessarily be bound to inform shareholders.
Supposing that he had a change of heart and was acting in good faith in the company’s interests, he could
potentially conclude that what the company’s interests required was a change of course by the board or, if
the wrongdoing were in the past, that nothing need be done. There could even be cases in which directors
could legitimately take the view that it would be contrary to their companies’ interests for shareholders to be
given information. It is necessary, I think, to look at the particular facts of individual cases.
➤ Questions
1. Is there any indication in the cases of how the necessary balancing of different interests of stakeholders or
constituencies is to be carried out?
2. Perhaps the real issue in Fassihi [7.16] is one of remedies. A director’s contract may provide that he or she
is to be dismissed for any breach of duty, and may add further options in favour of the company. This is not in
issue. But in Fassihi the company was not seeking the traditional remedy of an account of profits from
Fassihi for the profits he had made from his own new company (under the conflicts of interest rule, see ‘Duty
to avoid conflicts of interest: CA 2006 s 175’, pp 361ff). It was seeking compensation for the losses it had
suffered in losing its own contract. (And on recovery of losses, see ‘Proving causative loss in negligence
cases’, p 361 and ‘Equitable compensation’, p 435.) Were these losses caused by a failure to ‘act in good
faith in the interests of the company’? If so, what does a ‘failure to disclose’ add? What losses are caused by
a failure to disclose?
Duty to exercise independent judgement: CA 2006 s 173
Directors must exercise independent judgement (traditionally expressed as ‘directors must not fetter their
discretion’). The modern formulation is more illuminating than its traditional expression. This duty to exercise
independent judgement is not breached if the director merely takes advice, or acts in accordance with an
agreement duly entered into by the company (even one that restricts the future exercise of discretion by its
directors: see CA 2006 s 173(2)(a) and [7.18]), or acts in a way permitted by the company’s constitution. And,
even though this is not made explicit in s 173, nor does the duty prevent directors from delegating their functions,
provided the exercise of any power to delegate is in accordance with the company’s constitution.
The duty applies equally to nominee directors, who cannot blindly follow the judgement of those who appointed
them (this allegation is perhaps the most common complaint under (p. 351) this head of duty), although they may
rely on their advice provided they make the judgement their own: Scottish Cooperative Wholesale Society Ltd v
Meyer[13.24]; Kuwait Asia Bank EC v National Mutual Life Nominees Ltd [7.45].
Also see Weavering Macro Fixed Income Fund Ltd (In Liquidation) v Peterson FSD 113 of 2010 (Grand Court of
the Cayman Islands).
Legitimate fetters on directors’ discretion through contracts with outsiders.
[7.18] Fulham Football Club Ltd v Cabra Estates plc [1994] 1 BCLC 363 (Court of Appeal)
In return for a substantial payment, Fulham Football Club (FFC) and its directors contracted with the landlords of
the football ground which they held on lease that they would not oppose any future application to the planning
authorities which the landlords might make for the development of the ground. The directors later wished to go
back on this undertaking, and pleaded (amongst other things) that it was an unlawful fetter on their ability to act in
the best interests of the company at any relevant time in the future, and was therefore void. The Court of Appeal
rejected the argument.
The judgment of the court (NEILL, BALCOMBE and STEYN LJJ) was delivered by NEILL LJ: It is trite law
that directors are under a duty to act bona fide in the interests of their company. However, it does not follow
from that proposition that directors can never make a contract by which they bind themselves to the future
exercise of their powers in a particular manner, even though the contract taken as a whole is manifestly for
the benefit of the company. Such a rule could well prevent companies from entering into contracts which
were commercially beneficial to them.
The true rule was stated by the High Court of Australia in Thorby v Goldberg (1964) 112 CLR 597. … [Kitto
J dealt with the argument that any fetter on a director’s exercise of discretion is void for illegality in the
following terms, at pp 605–606:]
‘The argument for illegality postulates that since the discretionary powers of directors are fiduciary, in
the sense that every exercise of them is required to be in good faith for the benefit of the company as
a whole, an agreement is contrary to the policy of the law and void if thereby the directors of a
company purport to fetter their discretions in advance … There may be more answers than one to
the argument, but I content myself with one. There are many kinds of transactions in which the
proper time for the exercise of the directors’ discretion is the time of the negotiation of a contract,
and not the time at which the contract is to be performed. A sale of land is a familiar example.
Where all the members of a company desire to enter as a group into a transaction such as that in
the present case, the transaction being one which requires action by the board of directors for its
effectuation, it seems to me that the proper time for the directors to decide whether their proposed
action will be in the interests of the company as a whole is the time when the transaction is being
entered into, and not the time when their action under it is required. If at the former time they are
bona fide of opinion that it is in the interests of the company that the transaction should be entered
into and carried into effect, I see no reason in law why they should not bind themselves to do
whatever under the transaction is to be done by the board. In my opinion the defendants’ contention
that the agreement is void for illegality should be rejected.’
… In the present case the undertakings given by the directors were part of the contractual arrangements
made on 28 January 1990 which conferred substantial benefits on the company. In those circumstances it
cannot be said that the directors improperly fettered the future exercise of their discretion, nor is there any
scope for the implication of any such term as is suggested by the plaintiffs.
(p. 352) … We were referred to two English cases at first instance where in each the court held that an
undertaking by directors to use their best endeavours to ensure that their shareholders should approve a
particular deal by the company (in one case a purchase, in the other a sale) was unenforceable. The cases
areRack ham v Peek Foods Ltd [1990] BCLC 895 and John Crowther Group plc v Carpets International
plc [1990] BCLC 460. In neither case was Thorby v Goldbergcited. It may be that these decisions can be
justified on their particular facts, but they should not be read as laying down a general proposition that
directors can never bind themselves as to the future exercise of their fiduciary powers. If they could be so
read then they would be wrong.
➤ Note
The position of nominee directors is particularly difficult in this context. The nominator clearly expects its
appointed director to look after its interests, and yet the director’s duties are expressly owed to the
whole company, not to the specific nominator. In Scottish Cooperative Wholesale Society Ltd v
Meyer [13.24], the difficult and special position of a ‘nominee director’ is discussed in detail.36 That case
confirms the view that a nominated director must not put the principal’s (ie the nominator’s) interest above
those of the company, and indicates that members of the company may be able to invoke CA 2006 s 994 if
this happens.
But in Australia and New Zealand there are cases which suggest that this may be too narrow a view. The
whole object of having a director appointed to represent a special interest may have been the furtherance of
some ulterior corporate good, and in such circumstances it may be justifiable to put that interest first. Thus
in Levin v Clark [1962] NSWR 686, directors nominated to the board to represent the interests of a secured
creditor were held not to be in breach of any fiduciary duties to the company when they acted to enforce the
security: the company, by accepting the credit on the terms in question, had waived its right to have the
unqualified loyalty of those directors.
Again, in Berlei Hestia (NZ) Ltd v Fernyhough [1980] 2 NZLR 150 at 165–166, Mahon J (without deciding the
point) adverted to the possibility that the normal fiduciary duties might be modified where a company had been
set up as a joint venture between two or more participants on the understanding that each of them would be
separately represented on its board by nominee directors.
But in the UK this approach remains unacceptable. See, for example, a recent case where the joint venture
nature of a company was held not to abrogate the duties each director owed to it: Gwembe Valley
Development Co Ltd v Koshy (No 3) [7.37].
➤ Questions
1. If a company’s constitution provides for the election of employee representatives to the board, is there a case for
adopting the reasoning in Levin v Clark ?
2. Directors sometimes confer upon a ‘management company’ all their powers of management, pursuant to a
‘management agreement’ (eg Lee Panavision Ltd v Lee Lighting Ltd [1992] BCLC 22, CA). Does such an
arrangement infringe the principle of ‘independent judgement’? To be effective, must such an arrangement have the
shareholders’ approval? Would such approval make any difference (eg if new shareholders joined the company)?
3. If this sort of ‘management company’ arrangement is put in place, what, if any, duties would the directors
continue to owe to the company? Consider the following excerpt from the (p. 353) recent judgment of Weavering
Macro Fixed Income Fund Ltd (In Liquidation) v Peterson FSD 113 of 2010 (Grand Court of the Cayman Islands):
10 Directors have a duty to exercise an independent judgment … In the context of open ended investment
funds, investment management, administration and accounting funds are invariably delegated to contracted
professional service providers, but the exercise by the directors of their power of delegation in this way does
not absolve them from the duty to supervise the delegated functions. This means that they must do more
than react to whatever problems may be brought to their attention by the other professional service
providers. They must apply their minds and exercise an independent judgment, in the ordinary course of
business, in respect of all the matters falling within the scope of their supervisory responsibilities … They
are not entitled to assume the posture of automatons, as these Directors did, by signing whatever
documents are put in front of them by the investment manager without making enquiry or applying their
minds to the matter in issue, on the assumption that the other service providers have all performed their
respective roles (actual or perceived) and therefore do not need to be supervised in any way whatsoever.
Duty to exercise reasonable care, skill and diligence: CA 2006 s 174
Historically, it was widely asserted in the UK that the common law did not require directors to exhibit a greater
degree of skill than may reasonably be expected from a person with their knowledge and experience (a subjective
test).37 This test allowed inherently poor directors to escape liability for company losses, even when most
reasonable people would have regarded their decisions as negligent. In the absence of legislative intervention, the
courts had to act to raise standards. Their approach was to suggest that the common law standard was not so low
as often suggested, and indeed that it mirrored the tests laid down in IA 1986 s 214, which includes both an
objective and a subjective assessment of a director’s conduct (see Hoffmann LJ leading this move in, eg, Re D’Jan
of London Ltd [7.20]). The current law, in CA 2006 s 174, is modelled on this IA 1986 section. It provides that a
director owes a duty to the company to exercise the same standard of care, skill and diligence that would be
exercised by a reasonably diligent person with:
(i) the general knowledge, skill and experience that may reasonably be expected of a person carrying out the
same functions as the director in relation to that company (an objective test); and
(ii) the general knowledge, skill and experience that the director actually has (a subjective test).
The CA 2006 provision thus codified the approach increasingly found in the more recent case law, and marked an
end to the subjective test identified from Re City Equitable Fire Insurance Co Ltd [7.19]. The statutory approach
adopts as the minimum standard that objectively expected of a person in the directors’ position; that standard may
then be raised by the subjective element of the test if the particular director has any special knowledge, skill and
The Act does not indicate whether this duty is to be modelled (as per s 170(3) and (4)) on the common law or the
equitable duty of care (if there is a difference between the two38 ), but (p. 354) it is expressly not fiduciary (see CA
2006 s 178). The duty is owed to the company (s 170), not to the members. Members, for example, have no right
to expect a reasonable standard of general management from the company’s managing director: management
quality is one of the normal risks of investing (Re Elgindata Ltd [1991] BCLC 959).
As well as liability to the company, breach of this duty may show unfitness to be concerned in the management of
the company and so lead to disqualification under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 s 6 (see
‘Directors’ disqualification’, pp 294ff).
The old subjective test
The extent of the duty of care and skill and assessment of its breach.
[7.19] Re City Equitable Fire Insurance Co Ltd [1925] Ch 407 (Chancery Division)
The company had lost £1,200,000 (a fantastic amount at the time), owing partly to the failure of certain
investments but mainly to the frauds of the chairman of directors, Bevan, ‘a daring and unprincipled scoundrel’. In
this action the liquidator sought to make the other directors liable for the losses on the ground of negligence.39 The
action failed because of a provision in the articles which exempted the directors from liability apart from losses
caused by ‘their own wilful neglect or default’.40 The decision of Romer J remains important as a summary of the
old ‘subjectiveonly’ duties of care and skill. It also indicates some of the potential problems in applying an
objective test, and defining the outlook of a ‘reasonable director’.
ROMER J: It has sometimes been said that directors are trustees. If this means no more than that directors
in the performance of their duties stand in a fiduciary relationship to the company, the statement is true
enough. But if the statement is meant to be an indication by way of analogy of what those duties are, it
appears to me to be wholly misleading. I can see but little resemblance between the duties of a director and
the duties of a trustee of a will or of a marriage settlement. It is indeed impossible to describe the duty of
directors in general terms, whether by way of analogy or otherwise. The position of a director of a company
carrying on a small retail business is very different from that of a director of a railway company. The duties
of a bank director may differ widely from those of an insurance director, and the duties of a director of one
insurance company may differ from those of a director of another. In one company, for instance, matters
may normally be attended to by the manager or other members of the staff that in another company are
attended to by the directors themselves. The larger the business carried on by the company the more
numerous, and the more important, the matters that must of necessity be left to the managers, the
accountants and the rest of the staff. The manner in which the work of the company is to be distributed
between the board of directors and the staff is in truth a business matter to be decided on business lines …
In order, therefore, to ascertain the duties that a person appointed to the board of an established company
undertakes to perform, it is necessary to consider not only the nature of the company’s business, but also
the manner in which the work of the company is in fact distributed between the directors and the other
officials of the company, provided always that this distribution is a reasonable one in the circumstances,
and is not inconsistent with any express provisions of the articles of association. In discharging the duties
of his position thus ascertained a director must, of course, (p. 355) act honestly; but he must also
exercise some degree of both skill and diligence. To the question of what is the particular degree of skill
and diligence required of him, the authorities do not, I think, give any very clear answer. It has been laid
down that so long as a director acts honestly he cannot be made responsible in damages unless guilty of
gross or culpable negligence in a business sense. But as pointed out by Neville J in Re Brazilian Rubber
Plantations and Estates Ltd,41 one cannot say whether a man has been guilty of negligence, gross or
otherwise, unless one can determine what is the extent of the duty which he is alleged to have neglected …
The care that he is bound to take has been described by Neville J … as ‘reasonable care’ to be measured
by the care an ordinary man might be expected to take in the circumstances on his own behalf …
There are, in addition, one or two other general propositions that seem to be warranted by the reported
cases: (1) A director need not exhibit in the performance of his duties a greater degree of skill than may
reasonably be expected from a person of his knowledge and experience. [But contrast CA 2006 s 174.] A
director of a life insurance company, for instance, does not guarantee that he has the skill of an actuary or
of a physician … It is perhaps only another way of stating the same proposition to say that directors are not
liable for mere errors of judgment. (2) A director is not bound to give continuous attention to the affairs of his
company … [Romer J continued in words seemingly applicable only to nonexecutive directors, and even
then requiring less of them than would now be expected.] (3) In respect of all duties that, having regard to
the exigencies of business, and the articles of association, may properly be left to some other official, a
director is, in the absence of grounds for suspicion, justified in trusting that official to perform such duties
… [again, continuing in words that reflect perhaps more lenient views of the oversight that would now be
seen as necessary.]
➤ Questions
1. Does Romer J apply a subjective test in this case, or an objective one? The orthodox view is that it is the
former, but see A Hicks, ‘Directors’ Liability for Management Errors’ (1994) 110 LQR 390 and A Walters,
‘Directors’ Duties: The Impact of CDDA 1986’ (2000) 21 Company Lawyer 110.
2. Would a subjective duty alone work satisfactorily? See C Riley, ‘The Case for an Onerous but Subjective
Duty of Care’ (1999) 63 MLR 697.
The subjective/objective test
A simple common law illustration of the issues: standards of care and skill, breach, damages and potential
relief from liability granted either by the members (ratification) or by the court (CA 2006 s 1157).
[7.20] Re D’Jan of London Ltd [1994] 1 BCLC 561 (Chancery Division)
The facts appear from the judgment.
HOFFMANN LJ (sitting as a judge of the Chancery Division): This is a summons under s 212 of the
Insolvency Act 1986 by a liquidator against a former officer of the company. … The liquidator alleges [and
Hoffmann LJ subsequently agreed] that the respondent Mr D’Jan was negligent in completing and signing a
proposal form [which contained material errors] for fire insurance with Guardian Royal Exchange Assurance
plc. As a result, the insurers repudiated liability for a fire at the company’s premises in Cornwall which had
destroyed stock said to be worth some £174,000. The company (p. 356) is insolvent, having a deficiency
as regards unsecured creditors of about £500,000. The liquidator therefore brings these proceedings for the
benefit of the unsecured creditors …
[D’Jan trusted his insurance broker to complete the form correctly.] Nevertheless I think that in failing even
to read the form, Mr D’Jan was negligent. Mr Russen [counsel for D’Jan] said that the standard of care
which directors owe to their companies is not very exacting and signing forms without reading them is
something a busy director might reasonably do. I accept that in real life, this often happens. But that does
not mean that it is not negligent. People often take risks in circumstances in which it was not necessary or
reasonable to do so. If the risk materialises, they may have to pay a penalty. I do not say that a director
must always read the whole of every document which he signs. If he signs an agreement running to 60
pages of turgid legal prose on the assurance of his solicitor that it accurately reflects the board’s
instructions, he may well be excused from reading it all himself. But this was an extremely simple
document asking a few questions which Mr D’Jan was the best person to answer. By signing the form, he
accepted that he was the person who should take responsibility for its contents. In my view, the duty of
care owed by a director at common law is accurately stated in s 214(4) of the Insolvency Act 1986. [He
then set out the subjective and objective limbs, now largely replicated in CA 2006 s 174, which is itself
noted earlier] …
Both on the objective test and, having seen Mr D’Jan, on the subjective test, I think that he did not show
reasonable diligence when he signed the form. He was therefore in breach of his duty to the company.
Mr Russen said that nevertheless the company could not complain of the breach of duty because it is a
principle of company law that an act authorised by all the shareholders is in law the act of the company:
see Multinational Gas and Petrochemical Co v Multinational Gas and Petrochemical Services Ltd [7.39]. Mr
D’Jan held 99 of the 100 issued ordinary shares and Mrs D’Jan held the other. Mr D’Jan must be taken to
have authorised the wrong answer in the proposal because he signed it himself. As for Mrs D’Jan, she had
never been known to object to anything which her husband did in the management of the company. If she
had known about the way he signed the form and it was too late to put the matter right the chances are that
she would also have approved. She could hardly have brought a derivative action to sue her husband for
negligence because he could have procured the passing of a resolution absolving himself from liability.
The difficulty is that unlike the Multinational case, in which the action alleged to be negligent was
specifically mandated by the shareholders, neither Mr nor Mrs D’Jan gave any thought to the way in which
the proposal had been filled in. Mr D’Jan did not realise that he had given a wrong answer until the
insurance company repudiated. By that time the company was in liquidation. In my judgment
the Multinational principle requires that the shareholders should have, whether formally or informally,
mandated or ratified the act in question. It is not enough that they probably would have ratified if they had
known or thought about it before the liquidation removed their power to do so.[42 ]
It follows that Mr D’Jan is in principle liable to compensate the company for his breach of duty. But s 727 of
the Companies Act 1985 [equivalent to CA 2006 s 1157] gives the court a discretionary power to relieve a
director wholly or in part from liability for breaches of duty, including negligence, if the court considers that
he acted honestly and reasonably and ought fairly to be excused. It may seem odd that a person found to
have been guilty of negligence, which involves failing to take reasonable care, can ever satisfy a court that
he acted reasonably. Nevertheless, the section clearly contemplates that he may do so and it follows that
conduct may be reasonable for the purposes of s 727 despite amounting to lack of reasonable care at
common law.
In my judgment, although Mr D’Jan’s 99% holding of shares is not sufficient to sustain
a Multinational defence, it is relevant to the exercise of the discretion under s 727. It may be reasonable (p.
357) to take a risk in relation to your own money which would be unreasonable in relation to someone
else’s. And although for the purposes of the law of negligence the company is a separate entity [to] which
Mr D’Jan owes a duty of care which cannot vary according to the number of shares he owns, I think that the
economic realities of the case can be taken into account in exercising the discretion under s 727. His
breach of duty in failing to read the form before signing was not gross. It was the kind of thing which could
happen to any busy man, although, as I have said, this is not enough to excuse it. But I think it is also
relevant that in 1986, with the company solvent and indeed prosperous, the only persons whose interests
he was foreseeably putting at risk by not reading the form were himself and his wife. Mr D’Jan certainly
acted honestly. For the purposes of s 727 I think he acted reasonably and I think he ought fairly to be
excused for some, though not all, of the liability which he would otherwise have incurred.
[His Lordship accordingly gave judgment against D’Jan for an amount limited to the sum which he remained
entitled to claim as an unsecured creditor of the company.]
➤ Questions
1. Why was this case not brought under IA 1986 s 214? (Look closely at the conditions that must be met for
the liquidator to bring such a claim.)
2. Could the company have authorised the breach before the event (however unlikely that scenario)? Could the
shareholders have ratified the breach afterwards? SeeKinsela v Russell Kinsela Pty Ltd [7.08], Daniels v
Daniels [1978] Ch 406 and Pavlides v Jensen [1956] Ch 565. Also see CA 2006 ss 180 and 239 for the
current provisions.
3. Was the application of CA 1985 s 727 (CA 2006 s 1157) sensible in the circumstances?
‘Reasonable’ directors: keeping informed and delegating responsibilities
How do the courts decide on the qualities of a ‘reasonable director’? The problem here is that companies range
from the very large to the very small, and that even within the same company the roles of different directors may
vary considerably: some may be highly qualified and bring wide commercial experience to their post, and work for
the company full time for a substantial salary; while others may serve as nonexecutive directors and be required
only to attend monthly or quarterly board meetings. Yet others may be appointed to bring expertise of a technical
nature—as engineers or scientists, for instance—without any background in business. And, of course, the law
allows those who form a small family company or a one person company to appoint themselves directors
regardless of their abilities and circumstances. The subjective standards brought to the role will certainly be
different, but so too are the objective standards of a ‘reasonable director’ in the circumstances. So it is not
altogether surprising that the search for an objective standard has proven, and likely will continue to prove, elusive.
The following details provide further elaboration.
➤ Notes
1. Reread Re Barings plc (No 5) [6.12] and Re Landhurst Leasing plc [6.13] (both disqualification proceedings).
2. Similar developments in directors’ duties of care have taken place in Australia. In Daniels v Anderson (1995) 16
ACSR 607, NSWCA (commonly known as the AWAcase), the court signalled what was then a new approach, and
made a number of emphatic statements: that it is no longer appropriate to judge directors’ conduct by the
subjective tests applied in the older cases; that (by analogy with cases under the Australian insolvent trading
legislation) ignorance should not be regarded as a defence to proceedings brought against directors; and (p.
358) that more is required of directors than supine indifference.43 It was alleged (by the auditors) that the chief
executive and several nonexecutive directors of AWA were liable in negligence for their failure to prevent the
massive foreign exchange trading losses caused by one of their employees. In the event, only the chief executive
was held to have acted negligently. The same duty of care was owed by both types of director but, in the
circumstances, the nonexecutive directors were entitled to assume (contrary to the fact) that they had been given
a comprehensive account of the company’s problems, especially given their publicly expressed concerns and
frequent requests for detailed information and considered action. AWA’s chief executive, on the other hand, was
deemed to have acted negligently: knowing nothing himself about foreign exchange trading, he had delegated the
function to someone relatively inexperienced and had allowed this person to operate without ensuring that
appropriate management controls were in place; the obvious problems this was likely to cause were compounded
because this was a novel venture for AWA and so its managers lacked experience in the area; moreover, when the
problems eventually came to light, the chief executive failed to obtain all the information necessary to take
remedial action, failed to delegate the rescue operation to someone sufficiently experienced and failed to give the
entire matter the degree of personal attention, energy and detailed supervision that its obvious seriousness
demanded in order to achieve a successful resolution. One practical consequence of application of an objective
test is that directors are increasingly focused on ensuring that management systems, processes and procedures
are adequately developed, documented and applied—and that their application is assured by systematic
measurement, reporting and audit processes.
3. Directors cannot escape liability for negligence simply by avoiding undertaking any activities in their director’s
role. In Dorchester Finance Co Ltd v Stebbing (1977), reported [1989] BCLC 498, a moneylending company had
three directors, Stebbing, Parsons and Hamilton. Stebbing worked full time for the company; the other two paid
very little attention to it and visited its premises only rarely. They signed blank cheques at Stebbing’s request, and
he used these to make loans that were illegal and accordingly irrecoverable. No board meetings were held. All
three directors were held liable to make good the company’s losses. Foster J laid some stress on the fact that the
two nonexecutive directors were experienced in accountancy; but it appears that this was not crucial to his
decision. He said:
For a chartered accountant and an experienced accountant to put forward the proposition that a non
executive director has no duties to perform I find quite alarming. It would be an argument which, if put
forward by a director with no accountancy experience, would involve total disregard of many sections of the
Companies Act 1948 … The signing of blank cheques by Hamilton and Parsons was in my judgment
negligent, as it allowed Stebbing to do as he pleased. Apart from that, they not only failed to exhibit the
necessary skill and care in the performance of their duties as directors, but also failed to perform any duty
at all as directors of Dorchester. In the Companies Act 1948 the duties of a director whether executive or
not are the same.
4. For the suggestion that directors have a duty to take positive action and keep themselves informed, see Re
Barings plc (No 5) [6.12] (a disqualification case), and its references to Re Westmid Pack ing Services Ltd [1998]
2 All ER 124. More recently, see Lexi Holdings plc (In Administration) v Luqman [2009] EWCA Civ 117, [2009]
BCC 716, CA, where the court held two sisters liable as directors for the consequences of failing to exercise active
oversight of the company’s affairs which would have ended their brother’s dishonest dealings. He, as managing
director, had stolen almost £60 million that banks had lent the company for use (p. 359) in its business. Because
of their negligence, the sisters were held liable (jointly with their brother) for the stolen money. Similarly,
see Weavering Capital (UK) Ltd (In Liquidation) v Peterson [2012] EWHC 1480 (Ch) affd [2013] EWCA Civ
71,44 where the court held both the husband (the only active director) and his wife (also a director) liable for losses
resulting from a fraudulent scheme involving swap agreements and misrepresentations to investors. The wife’s
argument that she had only a ‘confined area of responsibility’ was rejected. The court held that her conduct fell
short of what was expected of a reasonable director of a hedge fund management company in her position, with
her experience, actual knowledge and intelligence, and she simply failed to acquire a sufficient knowledge of the
business to discharge such duties [173]–[174]. Should it be possible to be a director, but one who does not
participate in the company’s governance?45
5. For the extent to which directors can, without being negligent, rely on other officials and employees, see: Re
Barings plc (No 5) [6.12] (a disqualification case).
6. In deciding whether a director’s acts fall short in discharging his duty to exercise due care, skill and diligence,
courts may seek evidence of best or normal practice in the business in which the company operates, especially if
the breach of duty concerns the precise way in which the business is run: Abbey Forwarding Ltd (In Liquidation) v
Hone [2010] EWHC 2029 (Ch) (finding then that the directors were not liable); ASIC v Rich [2003] NSWSC 85
(where the judge referred to the Higgs Review, noted at ‘Separation of the roles of chairman and managing
director’, p 264).
7. By way of exception, note CA 2006 s 463, which exempts directors from liability for negligent misstatements in
or omissions from the directors’ report and remuneration report, imposing liability only on the basis of knowledge or
[7.21] Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Healey [2011] FCA 717 (Federal Court of
The case concerned the collapse of the Centro group, and the allegation of negligence related to a failure by the
directors to disclose in annual reports sums amounting to almost $4 billion in shortterm liabilities.
8. … The directors are intelligent, experienced and conscientious people. There has been no suggestion
that each director did not honestly carry out his responsibilities as a director. However, … the directors
failed to take all reasonable steps required of them, and acted in the performance of their duties as directors
without exercising the degree of care and diligence the law requires of them …
10. This proceeding is not about a mere technical oversight. The information not disclosed was a matter of
significance to the assessment of the risks facing [two companies in the group]. Giving that information to
shareholders and, for a listed company, the market, is one of the fundamental purposes of the requirements
of the Act that financial statements and reports must be prepared and published …
11. The significant matters not disclosed were well known to the directors, or if not well known to them,
were matters that should have been well known to them.
(p. 360) 12. In the light of the significance of the matters that they knew, they could not have, nor should
they have, certified the truth and fairness of the financial statements, and published the annual reports in
the absence of the disclosure of those significant matters. If they had understood and applied their minds to
the financial statements and recognised the importance of their task, each director would have questioned
each of the matters not disclosed. Each director, in reviewing financial statements, needed to enquire
further into the matters revealed by those statements.
13. The central question in the proceeding has been whether directors of substantial publicly listed entities
are required to apply their own minds to, and carry out a careful review of, the proposed financial statements
and the proposed directors’ report, to determine that the information they contain is consistent with the
director’s knowledge of the company’s affairs, and that they do not omit material matters known to them or
material matters that should be known to them.
14. A director is an essential component of corporate governance. Each director is placed at the apex of the
structure of direction and management of a company. The higher the office that is held by a person, the
greater the responsibility that falls upon him or her. The role of a director is significant as their actions may
have a profound effect on the community, and not just shareholders, employees and creditors.
15. This proceeding involves taking responsibility for documents effectively signedoff by, approved, or
adopted by the directors. What is required is that such documents, before they are adopted by the
directors, be read, understood and focused upon by each director with the knowledge each director has or
should have by virtue of his or her position as a director. I do not consider this requirement overburdens a
director, or as argued before me, would cause the boardrooms of Australia to empty overnight. Directors are
generally well remunerated and hold positions of prestige, and the office of director will continue to attract
competent, diligence and intelligent people.
16. The case law indicates that there is a core, irreducible requirement of directors to be involved in the
management of the company and to take all reasonable steps to be in a position to guide and monitor.
There is a responsibility to read, understand and focus upon the contents of those reports which the law
imposes a responsibility upon each director to approve or adopt.
17. All directors must carefully read and understand financial statements before they form the opinions
which are to be expressed in the declaration required by s 295(4). Such a reading and understanding would
require the director to consider whether the financial statements were consistent with his or her own
knowledge of the company’s financial position. This accumulated knowledge arises from a number of
responsibilities a director has in carrying out the role and function of a director. These include the following:
a director should acquire at least a rudimentary understanding of the business of the corporation and
become familiar with the fundamentals of the business in which the corporation is engaged; a director
should keep informed about the activities of the corporation; whilst not required to have a detailed
awareness of daytoday activities, a director should monitor the corporate affairs and policies; a director
should maintain familiarity with the financial status of the corporation by a regular review and understanding
of financial statements; a director, whilst not an auditor, should still have a questioning mind.
18. A board should be established which enjoys the varied wisdom, experience and expertise of persons
drawn from different commercial backgrounds. Even so, a director, whatever his or her background, has a
duty greater than that of simply representing a particular field of experience or expertise. A director is not
relieved of the duty to pay attention to the company’s affairs which might reasonably be expected to attract
inquiry, even outside the area of the director’s expertise.
20. Nothing I decide in this case should indicate that directors are required to have infinite knowledge or
ability. Directors are entitled to delegate to others the preparation of books and accounts and the carrying
on of the daytoday affairs of the company. What each director is expected to do is to take a diligent and
intelligent interest in the information available to him or her, to understand that information, and apply an
enquiring mind to the responsibilities placed upon him or her. Such a (p. 361) responsibility arises in this
proceeding in adopting and approving the financial statements. Because of their nature and importance, the
directors must understand and focus upon the content of financial statements, and if necessary, make
further enquiries if matters revealed in these financial statements call for such enquiries.
21. No less is required by the objective duty of skill, competence and diligence in the understanding of the
financial statements that are to be disclosed to the public as adopted and approved by the directors.
Proving causative loss in negligence cases
The problems of proof of breach are noted previously. The cases against directors are also hampered by problems
in proving a causative loss. Typically, the facts are similar to those of City Equitable [7.19]: a rogue, reasonably
trusted by all, at the centre of the action, his frauds deceiving even the auditors; and a board of directors, many of
them nonexecutive, meeting only at intervals and justifiably delegating many functions to committees or
subordinate officers. On such facts, it is sometimes virtually impossible to hold that the acts (or, more likely, the
omissions) of those directors who were not directly involved in the wrongdoing were the cause of the company’s
For example, in Cohen v Selby [2001] 1 BCLC 176, CA, a fatherandson jewellery company was run by the father,
who was a de facto director only, not formally appointed. His son, a student, was a director, but took no part in the
company’s affairs. Uninsured jewellery worth £395,000 was stolen while the father travelled with it. The father was
held fully liable for the loss. The son escaped personal liability for negligence because it was considered not
unreasonable for him to have trusted his father, an experienced businessman, and also because there was
insufficient causal link between his conduct and the company’s loss (although he was nevertheless disqualified (in
separate proceedings) for three years). Similarly, see Re Denham & Co (1883) 25 Ch D 752, where the director
had asked questions about potential fraud, but had been given so much information that he was none the wiser for
his investigations. And for a quite different ground for preventing recovery by the company from its directors, re
read Safeway Stores Ltd v Twigger [3.33].
These difficulties perhaps explain why the law on directors’ negligence is now being driven not by these breach of
duty cases, but primarily by the cases on director disqualification (with some input also from cases under CA 2006
s 994 and its predecessors (unfairly prejudicial conduct) and IA 1986 s 214 (wrongful trading)).
Duty to avoid conflicts of interest: CA 2006 s 175
This section is the first of three general sections, appearing in succession, that address the true fiduciary duties of
loyalty owed by directors to their companies (also see CA 2006 Pt 10, Ch 4 on specific transactions between
directors and the company and Pt 14 on political donations and expenditure).46 The section imposes a duty to
avoid situations where there is a conflict between the director’s interests and those of the company, and in
particular not to exploit any property, information or opportunity (presumably only where such property, information
or opportunity ‘belongs’ to the company—see the following discussion).
(p. 362) This section replaces the equitable no conflict rule (of which the no profit rule forms a key part),
although only as it applies to conflicts of interest arising from the director’s dealings with third parties (s 175(3)).
CA 2006 separates these third party dealings from situations involving bribes and secret commissions (‘third party
benefits’—CA 2006 s 176), and from the conflicts that inevitably exist in transactions between directors and their
own companies (CA 2006 ss 177 and 182).
The remedies available for breach of this duty have not been codified, but are the same as if the corresponding
equitable principle applied (CA 2006 s 178, see ‘General issues’, pp 413ff).
Before considering the wording of this duty as codified under s 175, it is useful to begin with an understanding of
the orthodox position prior to the CA 2006 codification, and, in particular, to gain some appreciation of the
difference (if any, often) between the no conflict rule and the no profit rule.
Illustrations of the rules
This area of directors’ duties has probably generated more case law than any of the others. What follows is an
illustrative selection. The cases that predate CA 2006 not only apply the equitable concepts of the no conflict and
no profit rules; they also apply the equitable rules on authorisation and ratification. These have been profoundly
affected by CA 2006, so care is needed in using the cases even as persuasive authorities. On the other hand, s
178 preserves the common law and equitable rules as to remedies, so here these cases remain applicable.
Orthodox statements of the no conflict rule
Two early judicial statements of the no conflict rule are invariably cited, even in modern cases:
(i) Lord Cranworth LC, in Aberdeen Rly Co v Blaik ie Bros (there is a longer extract at [7.34]):
… it is a rule of universal application that no one having such duties [fiduciary duties as an agent] to
discharge shall be allowed to enter into engagements in which he has or can have a personal interest
conflicting or which possibly may conflict with the interests of those whom he is bound to protect.
(ii) Lord Herschell in Bray v Ford:47
It is an inflexible rule of the court of equity that a person in a fiduciary position, such as the plaintiff’s,
is not, unless otherwise expressly provided, entitled to make a profit; he is not allowed to put himself
in a position where his interest and duty conflict. It does not appear to me that this rule is, as has
been said, founded upon principles of morality. I regard it rather as based on the consideration that,
human nature being what it is, there is danger, in such circumstances, of the person holding a
fiduciary position being swayed by interest rather than by duty, and thus prejudicing those whom he
was bound to protect. It has, therefore, been deemed expedient to lay down this positive rule. But I
am satisfied that it might be departed from in many cases, without any breach of morality, without any
wrong being inflicted, and without any consciousness of wrongdoing. Indeed, it is obvious that it
might sometimes be to the advantage of the beneficiaries that their trustee should act for them
professionally rather than a stranger, even though the trustee were paid for his services.
(p. 363) Application of the rules
Taking corporate opportunities for personal benefit—constructive trust remedies.
[7.22] Cook v Deeks [1916] 1 AC 554 (Privy Council)
Three of the four directors of the Toronto Construction Company (Deeks, Deeks and Hinds—the three defendants)
resolved to break their business relations with the fourth director, Cook (the plaintiff). The company had built up
considerable goodwill with the Canadian Pacific Railway Company as a result of the satisfactory performance of a
series of construction contracts, each of which had been negotiated with the railway company’s representative by
one of the defendants. The last of these contracts, the Shore Line contract, was negotiated in the same way, but
when the arrangements were completed, the defendants took the contract in their own names and not that of the
company. Cook claimed that the company was entitled to the benefit of the contract, and that a shareholders’
resolution (which the defendants had carried by their own votes) purporting to confirm (ie ratify) that the company
claimed no interest in the contract was ineffective. The Privy Council upheld both contentions, reversing the
decisions of the courts in Ontario in favour of the defendants.
The opinion of their Lordships was delivered by LORD BUCKMASTER, who stated the facts, and continued:
Two questions of law arise out of this long history of fact. The first is whether, apart altogether from the
subsequent resolutions, the company would have been at liberty to claim from the three defendants the
benefit of the contract which they had obtained from the Canadian Pacific Railway Company; and the
second, which only arises if the first be answered in the affirmative, whether in such event the majority of
the shareholders of the company constituted by the three defendants could ratify and approve of what was
done and thereby release all claim against the directors.
It is the latter question to which the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario have given most
consideration, but the former needs to be carefully examined in order to ascertain the circumstances upon
which the latter question depends.
It cannot be properly answered by considering the abstract relationship of directors and companies; the real
matter for determination is what, in the special circumstances of this case, was the relationship that
existed between Messrs Deeks and Hinds and the company that they controlled. Now it appears plain that
the entire management of the company, so far as obtaining and executing contracts in the east was
concerned, was in their hands, and indeed, it was in part this fact which was one of the causes of their
disagreement with the plaintiff. The way they used this position is perfectly plain. They accelerated the work
on the expiring contract of the company in order to stand well with the Canadian Pacific Railway when the
next contract should be offered, and although Mr McLean [Manager of the Toronto Construction Co] was
told that the acceleration was to enable the company to get the new contract, yet they never allowed the
company to have any chances whatever of acquiring the benefit, and avoided letting their codirector have
any knowledge of the matter. Their Lordships think that the statement of the trial judge upon this point is
well founded when he said that ‘it is hard to resist the inference that Mr Hinds was careful to avoid anything
which would waken Mr Cook from his fancied security’, and again, that ‘the sole and only object on the part
of the defendants was to get rid of a business associate whom they deemed, and I think rightly deemed,
unsatisfactory from a business standpoint’. In other words, they intentionally concealed all circumstances
relating to their negotiations until a point had been reached when the whole arrangement had been
concluded in their own favour and there was no longer any real chance that there could be any interference
with their plans. This means that while entrusted with the conduct of the affairs of the company they
deliberately designed to exclude, and used their influence and position to exclude, the company whose
interest it was their first duty to protect …
(p. 364) It is quite right to point out the importance of avoiding the establishment of rules as to directors’
duties which would impose upon them burdens so heavy and responsibilities so great that men of good
position would hesitate to accept the office. But, on the other hand, men who assume the complete control
of a company’s business must remember that they are not at liberty to sacrifice the interests which they
are bound to protect, and, while ostensibly acting for the company, divert in their own favour business which
should properly belong to the company they represent.
Their Lordships think that, in the circumstances, the defendants TR Hinds and GS and GM Deeks were
guilty of a distinct breach of duty in the course they took to secure the contract, and that they cannot retain
the benefit of such contract for themselves, but must be regarded as holding it on behalf of the company.
There remains the more difficult consideration of whether this position can be made regular by resolutions of
the company controlled by the votes of these three defendants. The Supreme Court have given this matter
the most careful consideration, but their Lordships are unable to agree with the conclusion which they
In their Lordships’ opinion the Supreme Court has insufficiently recognised the distinction between two
classes of case and has applied the principles applicable to the case of a director selling to his company
property which was in equity as well as at law his own, and which he could dispose of as he thought fit,[48 ]
to the case of the director dealing with property which, though his own at law, in equity belonged to his
company. The cases of NorthWest Transportation Co v Beatty [4.33] andBurland v Earle,49 both belonged
to the former class. In each, directors had sold to the company property in which the company had no
interest at law or in equity. If the company claimed any interest by reason of the transaction, it could only
be by affirming the sale, in which case such sale, though initially voidable, would be validated by
subsequent ratification. If the company refused to affirm the sale the transaction would be set aside and the
parties restored to their former position, the directors getting the property and the company receiving back
the purchase price. There would be no middle course. The company could not insist on retaining the
property while paying less than the price agreed. This would be for the court to make a new contract
between the parties.[50 ] It would be quite another thing if the director had originally acquired the property
which he sold to his company under circumstances which made it in equity the property of the company.
The distinction to which their Lordships have drawn attention is expressly recognised by Lord Davey
in Burland v Earle and is the foundation of the judgment in NorthWest Transportation Co v Beatty [4.33],
and is clearly explained in the case of Jacobus Marler Estates Ltd v Marler51 …
If, as their Lordships find on the facts, the contract in question was entered into under such circumstances
that the directors could not retain the benefit of it for themselves, then it belonged in equity to the company
and ought to have been dealt with as an asset of the company. Even supposing it be not ultra vires of a
company to make a present to its directors, it appears quite certain that directors holding a majority of
votes would not be permitted to make a present to themselves. This would be to allow a majority to oppress
the minority. To such circumstances the cases of NorthWest Transportation Co v
Beatty [4.33] and Burland v Earle have no application. In the same way, if directors have acquired for
themselves property or rights which they must be regarded as holding on behalf of the company, a
resolution that the rights of the company should be disregarded in the matter would amount to forfeiting the
interest and property of the minority of shareholders in favour of the majority, and that by the votes of those
who are interested in securing the property for (p. 365) themselves. Such use of voting power has never
been sanctioned by the court, and, indeed, was expressly disapproved in the case of Menier v Hooper’s
Telegraph Work s.52
If their Lordships took the view that, in the circumstances of this case, the directors had exercised a
discretion or decided on a matter of policy (the view which appears to have been entertained by the
Supreme Court) different results would ensue, but this is not a conclusion which their Lordships are able to
accept. It follows that the defendants must account to the Toronto Company for the profits which they have
made out of the transaction …
Also see Item Software (UK) Ltd v Fassihi [7.16].
➤ Note
The ratification rules set out in cases such as NorthWest Transportation Co Ltd v Beatty [4.33] (which
allowed the interested director to vote in shareholder meetings to approve or ratify the offending transaction,
even if the vote was only carried by the director’s shares) have been abrogated by statute: CA 2006 s 239.
There is now no difference between the procedures that must be followed to ratify the various different
directors’ duties. Note that s 239(7) does not affect any other rules of law imposing additional requirements or
rendering acts incapable of being ratified by the company.
➤ Questions
1. Would the position have been any different if the defendants had told Cook beforehand of their plans? Or if
the matter had been put to a members’ meeting in advance, and the defendants had used their majority votes
to carry a resolution giving them a ‘clearance’ to proceed independently of the company? Now see s 175(4)–
(6), and ‘Duty to avoid conflicts of interest: CA 2006 s 175’, pp 361ff.
2. Can you suggest circumstances in which the directors might be said to have ‘exercised a discretion or
decided on a matter of policy’, with the result that the defendants could have had the benefit of the Shore Line
contract for themselves?
3. Did the Privy Council regard this breach as ‘unratifiable’? Should it be, or has CA 2006 s 239 adopted
appropriate safeguards? Does CA 2006 s 239 itself incorporate the notion of ‘unratifiable’ breaches?
Taking corporate opportunities for personal benefit when they cannot be exploited by the company—
personal restitutionary remedies.
[7.23] Regal (Hastings) Ltd v Gulliver [1942] 1 All ER 378, [1967] 2 AC 134n (House of Lords)
The appellant company (‘Regal’) owned a cinema in Hastings, and the directors decided to acquire two others in
the same area and sell all three to an outsider as a going concern. For this purpose, they formed a subsidiary
company, Hastings Amalgamated Cinemas Ltd (‘Amalgamated’) to lease the other two cinemas. The landlord of
the cinemas insisted on either a personal guarantee of the rent from the directors or that the paidup capital of
Amalgamated be increased to £5,000. Regal was unable to pay for more than 2,000 £1 shares in Amalgamated
from its own resources, and so the directors, not wishing to give the requested guarantees, agreed to take up the
other 3,000 shares between themselves. (p. 366) In the event, four directors took 500 shares each personally, the
chairman Gulliver found outside subscribers for 500, and the remaining 500 were offered by the board to Garton,
the company’s solicitor. Some three weeks later, the proposal for a sale of the actual cinemas was abandoned,
and was replaced by an agreement to sell to the purchasers all the shares in the two companies. As a result, the
directors and others who had subscribed for the 3,000 shares in Amalgamated made a profit of £2 16 s 1 d [£2.80]
per share. Regal, now under the control of the purchasers, then issued a writ claiming reimbursement of this profit
from the four directors and Gulliver and Garton. The action was based alternatively in negligence, misfeasance and
money had and received. Before the House of Lords, only the last of these claims was argued, and the four
directors (but not Gulliver or Garton) were held severally liable to account.
LORD RUSSELL OF KILLOWEN: … We have to consider the question of the respondents’ liability on the
footing that, in taking up these shares in Amalgamated, they acted with bona fides, intending to act in the
interest of Regal.
Nevertheless, they may be liable to account for the profits which they have made, if, while standing in a
fiduciary relationship to Regal, they have by reason and in course of that fiduciary relationship made a profit
… The rule of equity which insists on those, who by use of a fiduciary position make a profit, being liable to
account for that profit, in no way depends on fraud, or absence of bona fides; or upon such questions or
considerations as whether the profit would or should otherwise have gone to the plaintiff, or whether the
profiteer was under a duty to obtain the source of the profit for the plaintiff, or whether he took a risk or
acted as he did for the benefit of the plaintiff, or whether the plaintiff has in fact been damaged or benefited
by his action. The liability arises from the mere fact of a profit having, in the stated circumstances, been
made. The profiteer, however honest and wellintentioned, cannot escape the risk of being called upon to
The leading case of Keech v Sandford53 is an illustration of the strictness of this rule of equity in this
regard, and of how far the rule is independent of these outside considerations. A lease of the profits of a
market had been devised to a trustee for the benefit of an infant. A renewal on behalf of the infant was
refused. It was absolutely unobtainable. The trustee, finding that it was impossible to get a renewal for the
benefit of the infant, took a lease for his own benefit. Though his duty to obtain it for the infant was
incapable of performance, nevertheless he was ordered to assign the lease to the infant, upon the bare
ground that, if a trustee on the refusal to renew might have a lease for himself, few renewals would be made
for the benefit of cestuis que trust. Lord King LC said, at p 62: ‘This may seem hard, that the trustee is the
only person of all mankind who might not have the lease: but it is very proper that the rule should be strictly
pursued, and not in the least relaxed
…’ …
Let me now consider whether the essential matters, which the plaintiff must prove, have been established in
the present case. As to the profit being in fact made there can be no doubt. The shares were acquired at
par and were sold three weeks later at a profit of £2 16 s 1 d [£2.80] per share. Did such of the first five
respondents as acquired these very profitable shares acquire them by reason and in course of their office of
directors of Regal? In my opinion, when the facts are examined and appreciated, the answer can only be
that they did …
It now remains to consider whether in acting as directors of Regal they stood in a fiduciary relationship to
that company. Directors of a limited company are the creatures of statute and occupy a position peculiar to
themselves. In some respects they resemble trustees, in others they do not. In some respects they
resemble agents, in others they do not. In some respects they resemble managing partners, in others they
do not. [His Lordship considered a number of the authorities and continued:]
(p. 367) In the result, I am of the opinion that the directors standing in a fiduciary relationship to Regal in
regard to the exercise of their powers as directors, and having obtained these shares by reason and only by
reason of the fact that they were directors of Regal and in the course of the execution of that office, are
accountable for the profits which they have made out of them. The equitable rule laid down in Keech v
Sandford and … similar authorities applies to them in full force. It was contended that these cases were
distinguishable by reason of the fact that it was impossible for Regal to get the shares owing to lack of
funds, and that the directors in taking the shares were really acting as members of the public. I cannot
accept this argument. It was impossible for the cestui que trust in Keech v Sandford to obtain the lease,
nevertheless the trustee was accountable. The suggestion that the directors were applying simply as
members of the public is a travesty of the facts. They could, had they wished, have protected themselves
by a resolution (either antecedent or subsequent) of the Regal shareholders in general meeting. In default of
such approval, the liability to account must remain. The result is that, in my opinion, each of the
respondents Bobby, Griffiths, Bassett and Bentley is liable to account for the profit which he made on the
sale of his 500 shares in Amalgamated.
The case of the respondent Gulliver, however, requires some further consideration, for he has raised a
separate and distinct answer to the claim. He says: ‘I never promised to subscribe for shares in
Amalgamated. I never did so subscribe. I only promised to find others who would be willing to subscribe. I
only found others who did subscribe. The shares were theirs. They were never mine. They received the
profit. I received none of it.’ If these are the true facts, his answer seems complete. The evidence in my
opinion establishes his contention … As regards Gulliver, this appeal should, in my opinion be dismissed
There remains to consider the case of Garton. He stands on a different footing from the other respondents in
that he was not a director of Regal. He was Regal’s legal adviser; but, in my opinion, he has a short but
effective answer to the plaintiffs’ claim. He was requested by the Regal directors to apply for 500 shares.
They arranged that they themselves should each be responsible for £500 of the Amalgamated capital, and
they appealed, by their chairman, to Garton to subscribe the balance of £500 which was required to make
up the £3,000. In law his action, which has resulted in a profit, was taken at the request of Regal, and I
know of no principle or authority which would justify a decision that a solicitor must account for profit
resulting from a transaction which he has entered into on his own behalf, not merely with the consent, but
at the request of his client.
My Lords, in my opinion the right way in which to deal with this appeal is (i) to dismiss the appeal as
against the respondents Gulliver and Garton with costs, (ii) to allow it with costs as against the other four
respondents, and (iii) to enter judgment as against each of these four respondents for a sum of £1,402
1 s 8 d [£1,402.08] with interest at 4% …
LORD PORTER: My Lords, I am conscious of certain possibilities which are involved in the conclusion
which all your Lordships have reached. The action is brought by the Regal company. Technically, of course,
the fact that an unlooked for advantage may be gained by the shareholders of that company is immaterial to
the question at issue. The company and its shareholders are separate entities. One cannot help
remembering, however, that in fact the shares have been purchased by a financial group who were willing to
acquire those of Regal and Amalgamated at a certain price. As a result of your Lordships’ decision that
group will, I think, receive in one hand part of the sum which has been paid by the other. For the shares in
Amalgamated they paid £3 16 s 1 d [£3.80] per share, yet part of that sum may be returned to the group,
though not necessarily to the individual shareholders, by reason of the enhancement in value of the shares
in Regal—an enhancement brought about as a result of the receipt by the company of the profit made by
some of its former directors on the sale of Amalgamated shares. This, it seems, may be an unexpected
windfall, but whether it be so or not, the principle that a person occupying a fiduciary relationship shall not
make a profit by reason thereof is of such vital importance that the possible consequence in the present
case is in fact as it is in law an immaterial consideration.
VISCOUNT SANKEY and LORDS MACMILLAN and WRIGHT delivered concurring opinions.
(p. 368) ➤ Notes
1. In an editorial note to the All ER report of this case, it is stated: ‘As their Lordships point out, no question
as to the right to retain this profit could have arisen if the respondents had taken the precaution of obtaining
the approval of the appellant company in general meeting, and this would have been a mere matter of form,
since they doubtless controlled the voting.’ In contrast, in Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v Newman Industries
(No 2) [13.21], at 308, Vinelott J at first instance said: ‘I can see nothing in the report which indicates that the
defendant directors controlled the voting and, as I understand this passage in the speech of Lord Russell of
Killowen, he contemplated that the defendant directors might have protected themselves by a resolution in
general meeting precisely because they had no control of the majority of the votes.’ However, the researches
of Richard Nolan show that the directors did control a majority of the votes and, as this fact is stated in the
judgments of the courts below, Lord Russell was no doubt aware of the position. Now see s 175(4)–(6).
2. Although there is superficially a close resemblance between this case and Cook v Deek s [7.22], it is most
difficult to attempt to reconcile them on points of detail, and especially to deal satisfactorily with this question
of ratification (which is now academic, given the statutory provisions in CA 2006 s 180).
On the question of ratification, the nature of the claim brought in Regal may be of relevance, and these
remedial distinctions remain important (CA 2006 s 178). Note that the defendants were held severally liable
in money had and received proceedings, that is, accountable in each case as debtor for what he had received.
On this basis, the observation that that transaction could have been authorised or ratified by the company in
general meeting was consistent with some earlier authorities, such as Lister & Co v Stubbs (1890) 45 Ch D 1
(although now note the debate over the legal principles and merits in this and similar cases: see Attorney
General for Hong Kong v Reid [1994] 1 AC 324, PC noted in [7.38], p 431, and Sinclair Investments (UK) Ltd
v Versailles Trade Finance Ltd [7.38]). By contrast, had the claim in negligence succeeded, all five of the
directors would have been jointly and severally liable for the loss suffered by the company, and the company,
might, it seems, still have ratified (see the Multinational Gas case [7.39]; although Daniels v Daniels, may
suggest the contrary: see ‘Consent, approval or authorisation by members: CA 2006 s 180’, p 436). But had
the court been prepared to hold, analogously with Cook v Deek s, that the business opportunity which the
defendants exploited ‘belonged’ in equity to the company, all six defendants could have been
held jointly and severally liable in equity for the value of the ‘property’ improperly paid away, and the members
could not have ratified. And, as in Cook v Deek s, those directors still holding identifiable profits of the breach
would hold those profits on constructive trust for the company.
Unless, therefore, it is thought that the finding of bona fides was crucial, it is difficult to say why the
impropriety in Regal was assumed to be capable of ratification (whether or not by the directors’ own votes as
members), while that in Cook v Deek s was held not to be.
➤ Questions
1. Would it have mattered whether the directors of Regal had voted as shareholders on a resolution to ratify
their acts?
2. Now see CA 2006 s 175(4)–(6). Applying these statutory rules, the matter could not have been authorised
by the board of directors prior to the transaction. How might the directors have protected themselves, prior to
the deal, in these circumstances?
[7.24] Towers v Premier Waste Management Ltd [2012] BCC 72 (Court of Appeal)
Mr Towers, a director of a waste disposal and treatment company, accepted a personal loan of plant and
equipment without charge from an existing client, Mr Ford, and failed to disclose such dealing to the board. He
was found to have breached the duties of loyalty he owed to the company. Although this was a preCA 2006 case,
reference was also made to the directors’ duties as codified in CA 2006 as ‘it is unrealistic to ignore the terms in
which the general statutory duties have been framed for post2006 Act cases.’
Scope of duty
47 The emphasis in Mr Quiney’s [counsel for Mr Towers] submissions was that Mr Towers did not make a
significant profit from plant and equipment in poor condition that would have been of no value to the
Company and that there was no evidence that Mr Towers would have gone out into the market to hire
equipment at commercial rates. It was not established that he had obtained a valuable benefit.
48 In my judgment, the submissions miss the point. The applicable duties are of a director’s loyalty to the
Company and the duty to observe the no conflict principle, which embrace a duty not to make a secret
profit for himself. The no conflict duty extends to preventing Mr Towers from disloyally depriving the
Company of the ability to consider whether or not it objected to the diversion of an opportunity offered by
one of its customers away from itself to the director personally …
Breach of duty
51 The ‘commercially sensible’ defences set up by Mr Quiney to the breach of the undivided loyalty duty
also miss the point: the strict loyalty and no conflict duties were breached by Mr Towers. The absence of
evidence that the Company would have taken the opportunity, or has in fact suffered any loss, or that Mr
Towers or Mr Ford had any corrupt motive or that, if there had been no free loan, Mr Towers would have
hired that sort of equipment in the market; the fact that the value of the benefit to Mr Towers was small and
that Mr Ford received no benefit from it; the fact that Mr Rafter [a subordinate of Mr Towers in the company]
and not Mr Towers dealt directly with Mr Ford and was the prime mover: none of those matters supported
the contention that there was no breach of the duty of loyalty or the no conflict duty.
(p. 370) ➤ Question
Given that the director here did not pay for the benefit received, would the case now be analysed as a conflicts
case (CA 2006 s 175) or as a third party benefits case (CA 2006 s 176)? What difference (if any) does the
classification make to proof of breach, ratification and remedies?
Statutory changes to the equitable rules
The general rule set out in s 175(1) is a reformulation of the statement of the equitable rule in Aberdeen Railway Co
v Blaik ie Bros [7.34]. It comprehends actual and potential conflicts. The codification does, however, effect a
number of important changes to the law:
(i) The exclusion of conflicts of interest arising in relation to transactions or arrangements with the company
(s 175(3)), noted earlier, is perhaps statutory acknowledgement that companies’ articles routinely permit
their directors to have interests in company transactions, provided they are declared. Instead, these
transactions will merely have to be declared to the other directors (see s 176 and CA 2006 Pt 10, Ch 3),
unless the transaction is a substantial transaction requiring the approval of members (as defined in CA 2006
Pt 10, Ch 4).
(ii) The statutory duty to avoid conflicts of interest replaces the equitable no conflict and no profit rules by a
single rule54 (although also see s 176 later). To the extent (if any) that the statutory no conflict rule and third
party benefits rule fails to cover the no profit rule, the new statutory regime deviates from existing equitable
(iii) The statutory duty substantially modifies the equitable rules with regard to authorisation of conflicts of
interest (see s 175(4)(b), (5) and (6)).
(iv) The statutory duty covers both conflicts of interest and duty and conflicts of duties (see s 175(7)). The
precise implications and remedial consequences of this bundling may need further working out.
(v) Section 170(2) makes it clear that a person who ceases to be a director will continue to be subject to the
duty to avoid conflicts of interest as regards the exploitation of any property, information or opportunity of
which he became aware at a time when he was a director. This will come into play, for example, in situations
where a director exploits an opportunity after he resigns from the directorship.
Conflicts of interest and ‘corporate opportunities’
Conflicts of interest are easy (or relatively easy) to assess when the conflict involves a defaulting director making
use of the company’s tangible or intangible property. The assessment is much more difficult where the conflict (or
alleged conflict) involves directors taking opportunities for themselves that might have been pursued by their
companies. Many of the cases in this area involve directors pursuing lucrative commercial interests on their own
behalf, or on behalf of other companies with which they are associated. Cook v Deek s [7.22] is a classic and
dramatic illustration, where three directors plotted to acquire a contract for their own company rather than for the
company they were supposed to be representing.
(p. 371) But it cannot be the case that directors have no ‘private self’, and that no commercial venture is open to
them in their private capacity once they assume the role of director. This, taken to extremes, would prevent
personal ownership or investment, and offend many of the aspects of autonomy we take for granted. For the law,
therefore, the difficult task is to draw the line between opportunities that can be pursued privately and without
censure, and those that are regarded as ‘corporate opportunities’ where pursuit should, and will, attract legal
sanctions and liability to the company which the director is supposed to be serving. Many of the following extracts
illustrate the difficulties in drawing this line satisfactorily: see Cook v Deek s [7.22], pp 363ff.
The general rule set out in s 175(1) bars unauthorised conflicts of the director’s personal interest with
the interests of the company, not with duties to the company (as in the formulation in Bray v Ford [1896] AC 44 at
51–52, at ‘Orthodox statements of the no conflict rule’, p 362). The wider formulation may make it easier,
especially in relation to corporate opportunities, to argue that pursuit of the opportunity involves a conflict. Earlier
cases on the equitable rule vary in their approach, some taking a narrow view of which opportunities are caught
(Balston Ltd v Headline Filters Ltd [1990] FSR 385 at 412; Industrial Development Consultants Ltd v Cooley noted
in Bhullar v Bhullar [7.25], p 376), and some a wider view (Bhullar v Bhullar [7.25]; Allied Business and Financial
Consultants Ltd v Shanahan (also known as O’Donnell v Shanahan) [7.27]).
Section 175(2) repeats the equitable rule that it is immaterial whether the company could take advantage of the
property, information or opportunity exploited by the defaulting director. This must also indicate that this element is
immaterial in deciding whether a situation can reasonably be regarded as likely to give rise to a conflict of interest
(s 175(4)(a)). This accords with the equitable rule (see Keech v Sandford (1726) Sel Cas Ch 61; Regal (Hastings)
Ltd v Gulliver [7.23]).
Section 175(4)(a) indicates the duty is not infringed if the situation cannot reasonably be regarded as likely to give
rise to a conflict of interest. On this basis, it may now be the case that if a company considers a new venture and
concludes, on a properly informed and bona fide basis, that it will not pursue the venture, then the company’s
directors will be free to pursue the venture on their own account (see the controversial Canadian decision to this
effect, Peso Silver Mines Ltd (NPL) v Cropper [7.32]).
The company’s articles may include exemption clauses preventing a conflict of interest arising in the first place.
Whether such a restriction on the liability of directors will be valid is left to the common law: see s 232 (provisions
protecting directors from liability).
Prior authorisation by the directors will excuse a potential breach
Section 175(4)(b) states that the duty is not infringed if the matter has been authorised by the directors, and s
175(5) describes how and when such authorisation may be given by the directors. Section 175(5) distinguishes
between private and public companies. Authorisation may be given by the directors of a private company so long
as the constitution does not contain any provision to the contrary; whereas authorisation may only be given by the
directors of a public company if the constitution contains a provision enabling the directors to authorise the matter
and they do so in accordance with this provision.
Section 175(6) states the minimum procedural requirements for an authorisation to be effective. In particular, it
provides that the director in question and any other interested director is not to be counted for quorum
requirements nor for voting numbers. It follows that this route could not have been used on the facts in Regal
(Hastings) [7.23] orCook v Deek s [7.22]. The provision also appears to override any more lenient approaches to
disapplying the conflicts rules that might be set out in a company’s articles (so, eg, the approach in Boulting v
Association of Cinematograph, Television and Allied Technicians [1963] 2 QB 606 at 636 is (p. 372) no longer
relevant). On the other hand, in Grand Committee, Lord Goldsmith explained that this kept in place any additional
restrictions derived from constitutional rules or rules of the common law:
any requirements under the common law for what is necessary for a valid authorisation remain in force. I
draw the Committee’s attention to [s 175](6)], which says: ‘The authorisation is effective only if’’. It then
sets out certain specific requirements. It deliberately does not say that if those requirements are met the
authorisation is effective. There might be other conditions in relation to the authorisation that would be
required—for example, the company’s constitution may have some specific provision with which it would be
necessary to comply. Those formalities and those conditions need to be complied with as well. (HL GC Day
4, Hansard HL 678, 9/2/06, col 326)
For example, the common law indicates that any authorisation must be ‘informed authorisation’ in order to be
Ratification of breaches of duty
Note that a breach of the duty to avoid conflicts may be ratified by a majority of members in general meeting,
although the statutory rules on this (see s 180(4)(a) (consent, approval and authorisation by members)) effect
several important changes when compared with the common law (eg NorthWest Transportation Co Ltd v
Beatty [4.33]). Ratification may be useful where the board has either failed or refused to authorise a conflict of
Conflicts of duty and duty
Section 175(7) makes it clear that a conflict of interest includes conflicts of interest and duty and conflicts of
duties. The general equitable rule prohibits a fiduciary from entering into a position which gives rise to conflicting
fiduciary duties to another person, without the informed consent of both principals (Clark Boyce v Mouat [1994] 1
AC 428). The statutory formulation adopts this equitable rule (see In Plus Group Ltd v Pyk e [7.33]), and discards
the controversial approach found in London and Mashonaland Exploration Co Ltd v New Mashonaland Exploration
Co Ltd [1891] WN 165; Bell v Lever Bros Ltd [1932] AC 161 at 195; and Item Software (UK) Ltd v
Fassihi [7.16] (Arden LJ, obiter). These latter cases suggested that a director of one company may be a director of
competing companies unless prohibited by contract. This is inconsistent with the equitable rule on conflict of
duties, and now also, it seems, with CA 2006.
Since conflicting multiple directorships are now caught by the duty to avoid conflicts of interest, these
appointments will need to be authorised according to the process outlined in s 175(5) and (6).
Which corporate opportunities are caught by the no conflict rule?
As indicated earlier (see ‘Conflicts of interest and “corporate opportunities”’, p 370), the most difficult task in
dealing with the no conflict rule is to draw the line between opportunities that can be pursued by directors in their
private capacity, without censure, and those that are regarded as ‘corporate opportunities’, where pursuit will be a
breach of duty which attracts legal liability.
Some cases take an exceptionally wide view of the opportunities that are caught—anything that could possibly be
of interest to the company, even if pursuit is legally or practically impossible, is deemed a ‘corporate
opportunity’. Regal (Hastings) [7.23] and Boardman v (p. 373) Phipps (even though not a company case) are
sometimes put in this class (although both might well also be caught by narrower rules). Bhullar v Bhullar [7.25] is
in this class.
But too wide a view is generally seen as unrealistic, even when the goal is to secure the highest possible
standards of loyalty. Inevitably, therefore, some means of narrowing the range of prohibited opportunities have been
sought. An intermediate approach confines ‘corporate opportunities’ to those that lie within the company’s own
‘scope of business’. Pursuit of these opportunities involves a conflict with the company’s interests, and so
constitutes a breach of duty; but outside this category there is no breach. (But see the rejection of this approach
in Allied Business and Financial Consultants Ltd v Shanahan (also known as O’Donnell v Shanahan) [7.27].)
A still tighter definition of ‘corporate opportunities’, and one that gives even greater freedom to directors to pursue
their own personal interests, is the ‘maturing business opportunity’ test. Only opportunities that are real and
maturing business opportunities for the company (as in Cook v Deek s [7.22]) are prohibited; other opportunities
are open to the director to pursue in a private capacity. The following extracts illustrate the arguments and
analyses that have found favour. (The ‘maturing business opportunity’ test emerges in the later cases concerning
directors who resign in order to take up alternative opportunities: see ‘Resigning to take up a corporate
opportunity’, pp 387ff.) A similar limitation is inherent in the restriction that a conflict only arises if the company
has a ‘specific interest’ in the relevant corporate opportunity (Balston Ltd v Headline Filters Ltd [1990] FSR 385:
see ‘Resigning to take up a corporate opportunity’, pp 387ff). (But again see Allied Business and Financial
Consultants Ltd v Shanahan (also known as O’Donnell v Shanahan) [7.27].)
Conflicts arise even when the company is not pursuing the opportunities in question, and they are
presented to the directors in their private capacity.
[7.25] Bhullar v Bhullar [2003] EWCA Civ 424, [2003] BCC 711 (Court of Appeal)
Two brothers, M and S, founded and equally controlled a family company (BBL), later dividing their respective
shareholdings among their wives and sons. By May 1998, family relations had broken down to the point where
negotiations to split the company’s assets and business between the M family and the S family had taken place
but were not successful. Around this time, M and one of his sons told S and his sons, I and J (the appellants), at a
board meeting that they did not wish any more properties to be purchased by the company, which S and his sons
accepted in principle. In June 1999, I and J learned that the property next door to one of the company’s existing
properties was for sale, and they purchased it in the name of Silvercrest, a company controlled by them. The M
family issued a petition under CA 1985 s 459 (now see CA 2006 s 994, the ‘unfair prejudice’ provision) seeking
relief on this basis or on the basis of breach of fiduciary duty. The judge held that I and J had committed a breach
of their fiduciary duty by purchasing the property for their own benefit. As a consequence, he held that Silvercrest
held the property on trust for the company and ordered the appellants to compel Silvercrest to transfer the property
to the company at cost, and to account for any other profits. I and J appealed, arguing that a director was under no
duty to offer to the company business opportunities which came to him privately, notwithstanding that the
company might be in a position to exploit such opportunities. The Court of Appeal upheld the judgment of the lower
court, with Jonathan Parker LJ delivering the leading judgment. This case also provides a useful summary of older
20. Mr Berragan [counsel for I] … submits that a director of a company is under no duty to offer to the
company business opportunities which come to him privately, notwithstanding that the company may be in
a position to exploit such opportunities. He submits that the judge was in error in holding that because the
Company might possibly have been interested in acquiring the Property, ergo the appellants were in breach
of their fiduciary duty in acquiring it for themselves. He submits that, applying the principles laid down
in Phipps v. Boardman, the first step is to identify the nature and scope of the appellants’ preexisting duty
as fiduciaries in relation to the purchase of the Property. Until the nature and scope of that preexisting duty
has been identified, he submits, one cannot determine whether in purchasing the Property the appellants
breached that duty.
21. He submits … that the opportunity to purchase the Property cannot be regarded as in any sense
belonging to the Company, and that the mere fact that the Company might have been interested in
purchasing the Property was not in itself enough to make it so. …
24. … Miss Rosalind Nicholson [counsel for M], relying in particular on the speech of Lord Upjohn in Phipps
v. Boardman, submits that the equitable rule as to the accountability of directors is not limited to cases in
which there is a “maturing business opportunity” but extends to cases in which the director either has or
can have (to use the words of Lord Cranworth LC in Aberdeen Railway Co v. Blaik ie (1854) 1 Macq. 461,
471) ‘a personal interest conflicting, or which possibly may conflict, with the interests of whose whom he is
bound to protect’: in other words, as Lord Upjohn explained in Phipps v. Boardman (at p.124), where there
is ‘a real sensible possibility of conflict’. She submits that on the facts the instant case is such a case. In
the instant case, the opportunity to acquire the Property was plainly in the Company’s line of business.
Relying on the decision of the Privy Council in New Zealand Netherlands Society ‘Oranje’ Inc v. Laurentuis
Cornelis Kuys [1973] 1 WLR 1126, she submits that that is enough to give rise to a real sensible possibility
of conflict of interest. She submits that the circumstances in which the opportunity presented itself to the
director are immaterial, since accountability does not depend on whether the director happens to be acting
as such at the time.
25. Nor, Miss Nicholson submits, is it necessary that the director should have profited by taking the
opportunity which presented itself. In support of this submission she relies on Park er v. McKenna (1874) LR
10 Ch 124. Citing Movitex Ltd v. Bulfield [1988] BCLC 104 at 117 per Vinelott J, she reminds us that a
director faced with such an opportunity may always free himself from the obligation to account by obtaining
the company’s full and informed consent.
26. She further submits, relying on Industrial Development Consultants Ltd v. Cooley [1972] 1 WLR 443 at
451F per Roskill J, that a director may come under a positive duty to make a business opportunity available
to his company if it is in the company’s line of business or if the director has been given responsibility to
seek out particular opportunities for the company and the opportunity concerned is of such a nature as to
fall within the scope of that remit.
27. I agree with Mr Berragan that the concept of a conflict between fiduciary duty and personal interest
presupposes an existing fiduciary duty. But it does not follow that it is a prerequisite of the accountability of
a fiduciary that there should have been some improper dealing with property ‘belonging’ to the party to
whom the fiduciary duty is owed, that is to say with trust property. The relevant rule, which Lord Cranworth
LC in Aberdeen Railway Co v. Blaik ie described as being “of universal application”, and which Lord
Herschell in Bray v. Ford [1896] AC 44 at 51, described as ‘inflexible’, is that (to use Lord Cranworth’s
formulation [in Aberdeen Railway Co v Blaik ie]) no fiduciary ‘shall be allowed to enter into engagements in
which he has, or can have, a personal interest conflicting, or which may possibly conflict, with the interests
of those whom he is bound to protect’.
28. In a case such as the present, where a fiduciary has exploited a commercial opportunity for his own
benefit, the relevant question, in my judgment, is not whether the party to whom the duty is owed (the
Company, in the instant case) had some kind of beneficial interest in the opportunity: in my judgment (p.
375) that would be too formalistic and restrictive an approach. Rather, the question is simply whether the
fiduciary’s exploitation of the opportunity is such as to attract the application of the rule. As Lord Upjohn
made clear in Phipps v. Boardman, flexibility of application is of the essence of the rule. Thus, at ibid. p.123
he said:
‘Rules of equity have to be applied to such a great diversity of circumstances that they can be stated
only in the most general terms and applied with particular attention to the exact circumstances of
each case.’
Later in his speech (at p.125) Lord Upjohn gave this warning against attempting to reformulate the rule by
reference to the facts of particular cases:
‘The whole of the law is laid down in the fundamental principle exemplified in Lord Cranworth’s
statement [in Aberdeen Railway Co v Blaik ie]. But it is applicable, like so many equitable principles
which may affect a conscience, however innocent, to such a diversity of different cases that the
observations of judges and even in your Lordships’ House in cases where this great principle is being
applied must be regarded as applicable only to the particular facts of the particular case in question
and not regarded as a new and slightly different formulation of the legal principle so well settled.’
29. To my mind that warning is particularly apt in the instant case …
30. As it seems to me, the rule is essentially a simple one, albeit that it may in some cases be difficult to
apply. The only qualification which is required to Lord Cranworth’s formulation of it is that which was
supplied by Lord Upjohn in Phipps v. Boardman, where he said this (at p. 124):
‘The phrase “possibly may conflict” requires consideration. In my view it means that the reasonable
man looking at the relevant facts and circumstances of the particular case would think that there was
a real sensible possibility of conflict; not that you could imagine some situation arising which might,
in some conceivable possibility in events not contemplated as real sensible possibilities by any
reasonable person, result in conflict.’
31. The strictness of the rule, and the flexibility of its application, was stressed by Lord Wilberforce in the
Privy Council decision in New Zealand Netherlands Society etc. v. Kuys, where he said (at p.1129):
‘The obligation not to profit from a position of trust, or, as it [is] sometimes relevant to put it, not to
allow a conflict to arise between interest and duty, is one of strictness. The strength, and indeed the
severity, of the rule has recently been emphasised by the House of Lords in Phipps v. Boardman …
It retains its vigour in all jurisdictions where the principles of equity are applied. Naturally it has
different applications in different contexts. It applies, in principle, whether the case is one of a trust,
express or implied, of partnership, of directorship of a limited company, of principal and agent, or
master and servant, but the precise scope of it must be moulded according to the nature of the
relationship.’ …
36. In so far as reference to authority is of assistance in applying the rule to the facts of any particular case,
the authority which (of those cited to us) is nearest on its facts to those of the instant case is the decision
of Roskill J in Industrial Development Consultants Ltd v. Cooley. In that case, a commercial opportunity
was offered to the defendant, who was at the time the managing director of the plaintiff company, in his
private capacity. The defendant subsequently obtained his release by the company in order to exploit that
opportunity for his own benefit. Had the company known that he had been offered that opportunity, it would
not have agreed to release him. He was held accountable for the benefits he had received by exploiting the
opportunity. The opportunity was not one which the company could itself have exploited.
37. Roskill J, after quoting extensively from Lord Upjohn’s speech in Phipps v. Boardman, observed (plainly
correctly, if I may respectfully say so) that although Lord Upjohn dissented (with Viscount (p.
376) Dilhorne) in the result, there was no difference between any of their Lordships as to the applicable
principles, but only as to the application of those principles to the facts of the case. Turning to the facts,
Roskill J said this (at p.451):
‘The first matter that has to be considered is whether or not the defendant was in a fiduciary
relationship with his principals, the plaintiffs. [Counsel for the defendant] argued that he was not
because he received this information which was communicated to him privately. With respect, I think
that argument is wrong. The defendant had one capacity and one capacity only in which he was
carrying on business at that time. That capacity was as managing director of the plaintiffs.
Information which came to him while he was managing director and which was of concern to the
plaintiffs and was relevant for the plaintiffs to know, was information which it was his duty to pass on
to the plaintiffs because between himself and the plaintiffs a fiduciary relationship existed. …’ …
39. He went on to stress the rigidity with which the rule had since been applied. As confirmation of this, he
cited the following wellknown passage from the judgment of James LJ in Park er v. McKenna:
‘I do not think it is necessary, but it appears to me very important, that we should concur in laying
down again and again the general principle that in this court no agent in the course of his agency, in
the matter of his agency, can be allowed to make any profit without the knowledge and consent of
his principal; that that rule is an inflexible rule, and must be applied inexorably by this court, which is
not entitled, in my judgment, to receive evidence, or suggestion, or argument as to whether the
principal did or did not suffer any injury in fact by reason of the dealing of the agent; for the safety of
mankind requires that no agent shall be able to put his principal in the danger of such an inquiry as
40. I turn, then, to the facts of the instant case.
41. Like the defendant in Industrial Development Consultants Ltd v. Cooley, the appellants in the instant
case had, at the material time, one capacity and one capacity only in which they were carrying on
business, namely as directors of the Company. In that capacity, they were in a fiduciary relationship with
the Company. At the material time, the Company was still trading, albeit that negotiations (ultimately
unsuccessful) for a division of its assets and business were on foot. As Inderjit accepted in cross
examination, it would have been ‘worthwhile’ for the company to have acquired the Property. Although the
reasons why it would have been ‘worthwhile’ were not explored in evidence, it seems obvious that the
opportunity to acquire the Property would have been commercially attractive to the Company, given its
proximity to Springbank Works. Whether the Company could or would have taken that opportunity, had it
been made aware of it, is not to the point: the existence of the opportunity was information which it was
relevant for the Company to know, and it follows that the appellants were under a duty to communicate it to
the Company. The anxiety which the appellants plainly felt as to the propriety of purchasing the Property
through Silvercrest without first disclosing their intentions to their codirectors—anxiety which led Inderjit to
seek legal advice from the Company’s solicitor—is, in my view, eloquent of the existence of a possible
conflict of duty and interest.
42. I therefore agree with the judge when he said … that ‘reasonable men looking at the facts would think
there was a real sensible possibility of conflict’.
This case is noted, D Prentice and J Payne, ‘The Corporate Opportunity Doctrine’ (2004) 120 LQR 198.
➤ Note
Bhullar and many other cases like it make it clear that disputes can easily arise when a director learns of an
opportunity and then pursues it on his or her own account, rather than for (p. 377) the benefit of the company.
Yet it is surely not the case that a director must pursue every opportunity for the company’s benefit alone, and
not for personal gain. What seemed to be a useful ‘scope of business’ test was articulated over a century ago
by Lindley LJ in the case next extracted.
Outside the corporate context, a ‘scope of business’ test is used to limit the range of potential conflicts of
[7.26] Aas v Benham [1891] 2 Ch 244 (Court of Appeal)
The facts are immaterial, other than to note that the case concerned a partnership, not a company; see how the
case was therefore distinguished in [7.27].
LINDLEY LJ: As regards the use by a partner of information obtained by him in the course of the transaction
of partnership business, or by reason of his connection with the firm, the principle is that if he avails himself
of it for any purpose which is within the scope of the partnership business, or of any competing business,
the profits of which belong to the firm, he must account to the firm for any benefits which he may have
derived from such information, but there is no principle or authority which entitles a firm to benefits derived
by a partner from the use of information for purposes which are wholly without the scope of the firm’s
business, nor does the language of Lord Justice Cotton in Dean v. MacDowell [8 Ch D 345] warrant any
such notion. By “information which the partnership is entitled to” is meant information which can be used for
the purposes of the partnership. It is not the source of the information, but the use to which it is applied,
which is important in such matters. To hold that a partner can never derive any personal benefit from
information which he obtains as a partner would be manifestly absurd. Suppose a partner to become, in the
course of carrying on his business, well acquainted with a particular branch of science or trade, and
suppose him to write and publish a book on the subject, could the firm claim the profits thereby obtained?
Obviously not, unless, by publishing the book, he in fact competed with the firm in their own line of
[Lindley LJ had earlier distinguished these ‘corporate opportunities’ cases from cases where the fiduciary
used the principal’s assets for personal advantage, or competed directly with the principal in the same line
of business. On those matters, he said:]
It is clear law that every partner must account to the firm for every benefit derived by him without the
consent of his copartners from any transaction concerning the partnership or from any use by him of the
partnership property, name or business connection … It is equally clear law that if a partner without the
consent of his copartners carries on business of the same nature as, and competing with that of the firm,
he must account for and pay over to the firm all profits made by him in that business … Dean v.
MacDowell [8 Ch D 345] shews that a partner is not bound to account to his copartners for profits made by
him in carrying on a separate business of his own, unless the case can be brought within one or other of
the two principles to which I have alluded, even if he carries on such separate business contrary to one of
the partnership articles.
➤ Note
The next extract, [7.27], suggests that this ‘scope of business’ test is not applicable in the context of
directors, whatever its merits might seem as a matter of principle. The issue is important, given the modern
significance of ‘corporate opportunities’ in the context of proprietary remedies (see Sinclair Investments (UK)
Ltd v Versailles Trade Finance Ltd [7.38].
(p. 378) No ‘scope of business’ test for corporate opportunities?
[7.27] Allied Business and Financial Consultants Ltd v Shanahan (also known as O’Donnell v Shanahan)
[2009] EWCA Civ 751, [2009] BCC 822 (Court of Appeal)
O and S and L were shareholders and directors of C, which provided clients with financial advice and assistance. S
and L had been involved in property investment and development on their own account through their own company
(K). O, in an action under CA 1985 s 459 [CA 2006 s 994], claimed that S and L’s conduct of C’s affairs had
unfairly prejudiced her interests as a member, and, in particular, that S and L’s acquisition of an investment
property through K was in breach of S and L’s duties as directors of C; and that the acquisition should have been
channelled through C, as S and L had come across the opportunity to purchase it in the course of C’s business
when one of C’s clients dropped out of the purchase opportunity himself. At first instance, and relying on Aas v
Benham [7.26], the judge held that the equitable no conflict and no profit rules [CA 2006 s 175 was not then in
force] had not been breached because the acquisition fell outside the ‘scope of business’ of C. The Court of Appeal
allowed the appeal, and held that Aas v Benham was of no relevance in considering the extent and application of
the no conflict and no profit rules so far as they applied to fiduciaries such as trustees and directors.
52 Subject to the Aas v. Benham ‘scope of business’ point, to which I will come, I would regard this as a
plain case in which Mr Shanahan and Mr Leonard had (without the company’s informed consent) adopted
for their private benefit a business opportunity that came to them in their capacities as directors of the
company with the consequence that they would in principle be accountable to the company for any profit
derived from it. The prime mover of the two in the Aria House matter [the property purchase in issue] as a
whole was Mr Shanahan, but neither the judge nor the argument before us drew any distinction between the
roles of the two respondents.
53 Mr Sulaiman’s engagement of the company [C] (acting by Mr Shanahan) to find a purchaser of Aria
House was the company’s first venture into estate agency. That shows that by 1999 the categories of its
activities were not closed. All that Mr Shanahan then learnt about Aria House and its virtue as an
investment opportunity derived from information he obtained as a director of the company in seeking such a
purchaser: in particular, the Matthews & Goodman report, the interest of the banks and Jacobsens’ work. It
may be that Mr Shanahan and the company owed duties of confidence to Mr Walsh with regard to the use
of this information, and Mr Walsh might legitimately have complained about its appropriation by others. But
as between Mr Shanahan and the company, the latter had the better right to its use than the former
because it was information obtained by Mr Shanahan in the course of acting as a director of the company.
When Mr Walsh withdrew from the purchase, it was this information that Mr Shanahan used in acting on
behalf of the company in seeking a substitute purchaser; and when the opportunity arose for the
respondents to participate personally in the purchase, it was this information that they used in making their
54 In my judgment, this was obviously a case in which, once that opportunity arose, the respondents could
not properly make use of the information they had so obtained in deciding to take up the opportunity for
their own benefit. That was because they had obtained the information in the course of acting as directors of
the company; and the opportunity also came to them in such course. As I shall explain, I consider that the
opportunity led the respondents straight into a breach of ‘no conflict’ rule. But quite apart from this, it was
one that they ought obviously to have made known to the company. In practice, that meant that they
needed to discuss it with Ms O’Donnell. If the company was not interested in taking up the opportunity, its
members could consent to its being taken up by the respondents personally. As the respondents did not
offer the opportunity to the company, but took it up personally, they engaged in a transaction that rendered
them liable to account under the ‘no profit’ rule.
(p. 379) 55 The authorities relating to trustees’ and directors’ duties to account for profit earned in
consequence of a breach of the ‘no profit’ rule are legion, they all appear to me to point to the same
conclusion and none appears to qualify the liability to account by reference to whether the impugned
transaction was (in the case of an alleged breach by a director) within or without the scope of the
company’s business. The principle of accountability by directors in breach of the rule derives from the strict
rule affecting trustees, the leading case in the latter field being Keech v. Sandford Sel. Cas. Ch. 61. In that
case it had been impossible for the trustee to obtain a renewal of the trust’s lease for the beneficiary, but
the trustee was nevertheless held accountable for then renewing it for himself. It may be thought odd that a
strict principle of that nature, which fathered the like principle of accountability applicable to directors, can
enable a director to answer a claim under the ‘no profit’ rule by asserting that the impugned transaction was
unimpeachable because it was not the kind of transaction the company ordinarily engaged in. That is to
ignore the point that the rationale of the ‘no conflict’ and ‘no profit’ rules is to underpin the fiduciary’s duty of
undivided loyalty to his beneficiary. If an opportunity comes to him in his capacity as a fiduciary, his
principal is entitled to know about it. The director cannot be left to make the decision as to whether he is
allowed to help himself to its benefit.
56 The authorities relating to directors’ accountability not only do not support the ‘scope of business’
exception in relation to the ‘no profit’ rule, they are contrary to it. They show that the principle is a rigorous
one. In Park er v. McKenna (1874) 10 Ch. App. 96, the directors of a bank acquired for themselves, and
made a profit on, certain shares the subject of a new issue that were not taken up by the bank’s
shareholders. Lord Cairns LC said, at 118:
‘The Court will not inquire, and is not in a position to ascertain, whether the bank has or has not lost
by the acts of the directors. All that the Court has to do is to examine whether a profit has been
made by an agent, without the knowledge of his principal, in the course and execution of his agency,
and the Court finds, in my opinion, that these agents in the course of their agency have made a
profit, and for that profit they must, in my opinion, account to their principal.’
James LJ said, at 124:
‘… it appears to me very important, that we should concur in laying down again and again the
general principle that in this Court no agent in the course of his agency, in the matter of his agency,
can be allowed to make any profit without the knowledge of his principal; that that rule is an inflexible
rule, and must be applied inexorably by this Court, which is not entitled, in my judgment, to receive
evidence, or suggestion, or argument, as to whether the principal did or did not suffer any injury in
fact by reason of the dealing of the agent; for the safety of mankind requires that no agent shall be
able to put his principal to the danger of such an inquiry as that.’
57 According to James LJ, therefore, nothing less than the ‘safety of mankind’ depends on the rigorous
application of the ‘no profit’ rule. How, it might be asked, is it consistent with that for the profiteer to claim,
as do the respondents, that the company would not have taken advantage of the acquisition opportunity
because it was outside the scope of its business? In Furs Ltd v. Tomk ies (1936) 54 CLR 583, Rich, Dixon
and Evatt JJ affirmed in their joint judgment in the High Court of Australia, at 592:
‘… the inflexible rule that, except under the authority of a provision in the articles of association, no
director shall obtain for himself a profit by means of a transaction in which he is concerned on behalf
of the company unless all material facts are disclosed to the shareholders and by resolution a
general meeting approves his doing so or all the shareholders acquiesce.[56 ] An (p.
380) undisclosed profit which a director derives from the execution of his fiduciary duties belongs in
equity to the company. It is no answer to the application of the rule that the profit is of a kind which
the company itself could not have obtained, or that no loss is caused to the company by the gain of
the director. It is a principle resting upon the impossibility of allowing the conflict of duty and interest
which is involved in the pursuit of private advantage in the course of dealing in a fiduciary capacity
with the affairs of the company …’
58 The like rigorous approach is also to be found in the speeches in the House of Lords in Regal (Hastings)
Ltd v. Gulliver [7.23]. …
59 In the same case, at 153E, Lord Macmillan posed the relevant issue as being one of fact:
‘The plaintiff company has to establish two things: (i) that what the directors did was so related to
the affairs of the company that it can properly be said to have been done in the course of their
management and in utilisation of their opportunities and special knowledge as directors; and (ii) that
what they did resulted in a profit to themselves.’
And Lord Wright said, at 154F:
‘What the respondents did, it was said, caused no damage to the appellant and involved no neglect
of the appellant’s interests or similar breach of duty. However, I think the answer to this reasoning is
that, both in law and equity, it has been held that, if a person in a fiduciary relationship makes a
secret profit out of the relationship, the court will not inquire whether the other person is damnified or
has lost a profit which would otherwise he would have got. The fact is in itself a fundamental breach
of the fiduciary relationship.’
60 Those statements, of high authority, appear to me to exclude the making of the ‘scope of business’
inquiry that the judge made in this case. Once he had found, as he did, that the opportunity to buy Aria
House came to the respondents’ attention in their capacity as directors of the company acting on the
company’s business and using information they also obtained in the course of so acting, that was the end
of the point. In principle, subject to any defences that might be available (acquiescence, for example), the
respondents would have been liable to account to the company for any profit they made by their purchase.
Their proper course was to obtain the company’s informed consent to their private venture. They did not do
61 What of Aas v. Benham [7.26] ? That was a decision of a strong court, binding upon us, and showing
that, in the context of a commercial partnership, the strict duties of accountability in accordance with the
principles of, for example, Park er v. McKenna and Regal (Hastings) Ltd v. Gulliver will not apply in a case in
which partnership information has been used by the defendant partner for the purpose of a separate
business of a nature beyond the scope of the partnership business.
62 Aas v. Benham was not cited in Regal (Hastings) Ltd v. Gulliver, but it was cited in Boardman and
Another v. Phipps [1967] AC 46, a case involving a successful claim against the appellants that they were
accountable to a trust on the basis that, as agents of the trustees, they had obtained information that they
then used to buy shares for themselves. The appellants argued (inter alia) that their case was akin to Aas v.
Benham in that the purchase of the shares was ‘wholly outside the scope of any agency undertaken for the
trustees’ ([1967] AC 46, at 66C). The test was said to be whether the information could have been used by
the principal for the purpose for which it was used by the agent; and if the answer was no, the information
was not the principal’s property ([1967] AC 46, at 71A). The counterargument was that Aas v. Benham was
‘distinguishable as being a very special case for a partner is only in a fiduciary position in relation to matters
within the ambit of the partnership business.’ ([1967] AC 46, at 70A). … [Then followed an interesting
assessment of the treatment of Aas v Benham by the House of Lords inBoardman v Phipps.]
67 Coming to my conclusions on the ‘no profit’ case, in my judgment the answer to the reliance placed by
the judge and (before us) by Mr Mallin [counsel] on Aas v. Benham is that it is of no relevance in
considering the extent and application of the ‘no profit’ and ‘no conflict’ rules so far as they apply to
fiduciaries such as trustees and directors. By way of an introduction to the reason why, (p. 381) it is
helpful to consider Lord BrowneWilkinson’s observations in Henderson and Others v. Merrett Syndicates
Ltd and Others [1995] 2 AC 145, at 206:
‘The phrase “fiduciary duties” is a dangerous one, giving rise to a mistaken assumption that all
fiduciaries owe the same duties in all circumstances. That is not the case. Although, so far as I am
aware, every fiduciary is under a duty not to make a profit from his position (unless such profit is
authorised), the fiduciary duties owed, for example, by an express trustee are not the same as those
owed by an agent. Moreover, and more relevantly, the extent and nature of the fiduciary duties owed
in any particular case fall to be determined by reference to any underlying contractual relationship
between the parties. Thus, in the case of an agent employed under a contract, the scope of the
fiduciary duties is determined by the terms of the underlying contract.’
68 The point about Aas v. Benham is that it concerned the fiduciary duties owed by a partner whose duties
were circumscribed by the contract of partnership. The extent of Mr Benham’s fiduciary duties was
determined by the nature of the partnership business, which was expressly limited by the terms of the
partnership agreement. The consequence was that if he used partnership information for any purpose that
fell within the scope of the partnership business, he was required by the fiduciary obligations to which the
contract subjected him to account to the firm for any profits so made; but his fiduciary obligations did not
require him similarly to account to the firm for any profits made by the use of such information for a purpose
that was beyond the scope of the business of the partnership. To those familiar with the wider obligations of
accountability to which trustees and directors are subject, the decision in Aas v. Benham may at first sight
appear to reflect a surprisingly narrow approach. But the explanation is that a trustee’s and director’s
fiduciary duties are not similarly circumscribed by the terms of a contract. That distinction was squarely
recognised by Lord Hodson in Boardman v. Phipps, and also, I consider, by Lord Guest. The explanation for
the decision in Aas v. Benhamwas correctly summarised in the respondents’ submission to the House of
Lords that I have earlier cited ([1967] AC 46, at 70A).
69 By contrast with Mr Benham’s position, directors of companies occupy what Lord Hodson in Boardman
v. Phipps called a ‘general trusteeship or fiduciary position’. By that he was referring to those occupying a
position whose fiduciary obligations are not circumscribed by contract. In his argument for the appellants
inBoardman v. Phipps, Mr Arthur Bagnall QC, in distinguishing the appellants’ case from that of the
directors in Regal (Hastings) Ltd v. Gulliver, submitted that the directors ‘were at all times directors of the
company and therefore they were in a fiduciary capacity which was unlimited’ ([1967] AC 46, 65G).
Submissions do not always reflect the law so much as what the advocate might wish the law to be. But I
would regard it as correct to characterise the nature of a director’s fiduciary duties as being so unlimited
and as akin to a ‘general trusteeship’. In my judgment, the decision in Aas v. Benham provides no
assistance in determining the nature and reach of the ‘no profit’ rule so far as it applies to trustees and
directors. In particular, in the present case, the scope of the company’s business was in no manner
relevantly circumscribed by its constitution: it was fully open to it to engage in property investment if the
directors so chose. The resolution of Ms McDonnell’s claim in the present case was and is not assisted by
reference to Aas v. Benham. The relevant authorities are those relating to the fiduciary duties of directors, of
whichRegal (Hastings) Ltd v. Gulliver is the leading one.
70 The statements of principle in the authorities about directors’ fiduciary duties make it clear that any
inquiry as to whether the company could, would or might have taken up the opportunity itself is irrelevant;
so also, therefore, must be a ‘scope of business’ inquiry. The point is that the existence of the opportunity
is one that it is relevant for the company to know and of which the director has a duty to inform it. It is not
for the director to make his own decision that the company will not be interested and to proceed, without
more, to appropriate the opportunity for himself. His duty is one of undivided loyalty and this is one
manifestation of how that duty is required to be discharged.
71 This was a case in which, in the course of acting as directors on behalf of the company in an estate
agency capacity, the respondents obtained information relating to the virtue of Aria House as an investment
and were given the opportunity of personally sharing in the opportunity of purchasing (p. 382) it. It may have
been improbable that the company could or would want or be able to take up the opportunity itself. But the
opportunity was there for the company to consider and, if so advised, to reject and it was no answer to the
claimed breach of the ‘no profit’ rule that property investment was something that the company did not do.
Nor, until Mr Sulaiman telephoned Mr Shanahan, did the company do estate agency work. There was no
bright line marking off what it did and did not do.
72 In my judgment the judge came to the wrong conclusion on the ‘no profit’ rule. I consider that, in
principle, the respondents’ acquisition of their interest in Aria House exposed them to a claim for an
account of profits by the company. …
AIKENS and WALLER LJJ concurred.
➤ Questions
This is a significant case on ‘corporate opportunities’, so it is important to understand the analysis.57
1. What is the rationale for applying Aas v Benham to fiduciaries who are partners, but not to fiduciaries who
are trustees or company directors? Does it make sense in practice, given their different (or similar) roles?
2. Could the Court of Appeal have reached the same conclusion by applying Aas v Benham, but holding that
on the facts the opportunity was within the ‘scope of business’ of C, since C’s business was not well defined?
What practical difference would this have made for future cases?
3. Is every company with wide objects, or with no specified objects (see ‘Corporate capacity’, pp 83ff), or with
an undefined business plan, at an advantage in claiming the loyalty of its directors as a result of this decision?
4. Whatever the width of the objects of a company, should the no conflicts rule catch corporate opportunities
that it ‘may have been improbable that the company could or would want or be able to take up’ (para [71] in
the extract)? Given that the equitable rule is not breached unless there is a ‘real, sensible possibility of
conflict’ (Lord Upjohn in Boardman v Phipps), is the conclusion in this case justified? What impact, if any,
would CA 2006 s 175(4)(a) have had on this decision?
5. The decision relies heavily on Keech v Sanford. There, the trust property was a lease, and the trustee was
not allowed to take a renewal of the lease for his own personal benefit even though the lease could not be
renewed for the benefit of the trust. But does the analysis in that case go the extra step, and suggest that the
trustee could not have taken the personal benefit of any lease without first obtaining the approval of the
beneficiary? What is the difference between the conflict in the former situation and in the latter?
6. It is much easier to assess breaches of the no conflict rule where the director uses corporate property
(whether real property, personal property or intellectual property) to achieve his or her ends. Where the
director uses information, as in this case, the assessment is much more difficult. Why?
A shareholders’ agreement giving shareholderdirectors control over the direction of the company may
enable those directors to deny that a new venture could be classed as a ‘corporate opportunity’.
[7.28] Wilkinson v West Coast Capital [2005] EWHC 3009, [2007] BCC 717 (Chancery Division)
[Also see on this case the Note and Questions at the end of the section entitled ‘Shareholders’ agreements’, p
249.] W held 40% of the shares in N. The remaining 60% of the shares were (p. 383) held by X and G. Y, a
company owned and controlled by X and G, purchased a company, B. B was subsequently sold by Y at a loss. W
asserted that B’s acquisition should have been by N because the opportunity to acquire it was a corporate
opportunity belonging to N, and the shareholders of N had agreed that it should do so (this latter assertion of
agreement was held not to be sustainable). Further, W asserted that the directors of N were in breach of the
fiduciary duties that they owed to N in causing B to be purchased by Y. W submitted that he had relied upon the
terms of the shareholders’ agreement entered into by the members of N, which had provided that certain actions of
N required the consent of more than 65% of shareholders, and that each shareholder should use all reasonable
and proper means to promote the interests of N. W claimed that the provisions of the shareholders’ agreement
meant that, even if the 65% requirement had not been fulfilled in relation to the acquisition by N of B, X and G were
obliged to use all proper and reasonable means to bring about that acquisition. W unsuccessfully claimed a
remedy for unfair prejudice under CA 1985 s 459 [now CA 2006 s 994].
The Shareholders Agreement
221 I now turn to the detail of the Shareholders Agreement dated 2 May 2003. It is made between (1) the
Original Shareholders, Mr Wilkinson and Mr Elvidge (2) NGS and (3) the Investors, WCC and Mr Gorman …
222 There are three issues arising out of these provisions. The first is whether the provisions of Clause 7
(effectively obliging the shareholders to take reasonable and proper steps to promote the interests of the
NGS) override those of Clause 5 (containing the requirement that certain actions by NGS require the
consent of more than 65% of the shareholders). The second is whether 65% of the shareholders did
consent to the acquisition by NGS of Birthdays; if they did, questions then arise about what follows from
such consent. The third is the extent to which the Shareholders Agreement defines the scope of the duties
of the directors of NGS …
224 Mr Crystal [counsel for W] says that the contrary interpretation [ie that Clause 7.1 does not take
precedence over the provisions of Clause 5] would render Clause 7.1 essentially worthless. …
225 I reject Mr Crystal’s submission concerning the interaction of Clauses 5 and 7. In my judgment, the
obligations under Clause 7.1, which are couched in wide general terms, take effect only subject to the
specific provisions of Clause 5. The parties have seen fit to make special provision for certain matters which
cannot be effected without the requisite 65% support; that provision qualifies the extent to which each
shareholder is obliged to use all proper and reasonable means to maintain, improve and develop the
business of NGS and other group companies. It can be said that, in the context of the agreement read as a
whole, ‘reasonable’ means would not include taking action which Clause 5.1 provides should be subject to
the requirement of consent. This does not render Clause 7.1 essentially worthless. The shareholders must
continue to promote the interests of NGS but are only obliged to do so in a way which does not conflict with
Clause 5.1. I do not consider that it is a purpose of Clause 7.1 to ensure that the powers under Clause 5.1
are exercised in the interests of NGS. Indeed, if that were the case, it would be Clause 5.1 which was
rendered essentially worthless …
Directors’ duties
245 The courts have, over the last century or more, had a great deal to say about the duty of directors and
their obligations as fiduciaries. It is clearly of great importance in any case based on breach of duty to be
careful to ascertain the scope of that duty. Some general principles can be set out [and were set out, at
length, later in this judgment]. But it must always be remembered that the content of any fiduciary duty is,
in the ultimate analysis, fact dependent; it is trite law that not all relationships described as fiduciary
relationships import precisely the same duties …
246 Further, whatever duties may generally be cast on a director, those duties, or at least many of them,
can be qualified in various ways. For instance, Articles of Association may define those duties in specified
situations and provide for a narrower duty than might ordinarily apply, or exclude (p. 384) a duty altogether.
Similarly, an agreement made between all of the shareholders and the company itself and which is stated
to take precedence over the Articles of Association is capable, I consider, of displacing the duties which
would otherwise rest on a director. I say ‘those duties, or at least many of them’ because there may be
certain core duties which cannot be modified, just as there are certain core duties of a trustee (eg of a
commercial trust such as a pension scheme or a family settlement) which cannot be abrogated or qualified.
I do not think I am concerned in the present case with that point since it seems clear to me that the
Articles could have validly provided expressly that Mr Gorman and Mr McMahon could purchase for
themselves in a case where the relevant 65% majority of votes could not be obtained …
272 Mr McCaughran [counsel for the defendants] identifies Mr Wilkinson’s main complaint this way: The
directors of NGS obtained information about Birthdays, and the opportunity to acquire Birthdays, in the
course of carrying out their role as directors of NGS; that because of this, the directors were not free to take
up the opportunity to acquire Birthdays themselves; and that they were in breach of duty in doing so.
However, I think that the complaint goes wider than that: even if the directors learnt of the opportunity, and
of the relevant information to permit them to formulate their offer, quite independently of their capacity as
directors of NGS, nonetheless they were in a position of conflict in relation to the acquisition of Birthdays
and should not have acquired it for themselves.
273 In considering that complaint, Mr McCaughran says, correctly I think, that one must have regard not
only to the scope of the directors’ duties, but also to the related question of the scope of NGS’s business.
In that context, he relies on the decision of the Court of Appeal in Aas v Benham [7.26], the decision of the
Privy Council in Trimble v Goldberg [1906] AC 493 and on certain passages of the judgments in Boardman
v Phipps.
274 Aas v Benham was a partnership case [citing the extract at [7.26]] … Mr McCaughran submits that
exactly the same approach should be applied in the case of a company and the duties owed to it by a
director …
281 So Aas v Benham is an illustration of the importance of defining the scope of the duty before being able
to decide whether a person is in breach of it and in particular whether the ‘no conflict’ rule or the ‘no profit’
rule applies …
284 [Mr McCaughran] also says that there is nothing in the company law authorities ‘which in any way
detracts from the principle in Aas v Benham’. I am not sure that there is anything which warrants the epithet
‘principle’ which can be derived from Aas v Benham … The case possibly establishes, or reaffirms, a
negative proposition viz that there is no principle which entitles a firm to benefits derived from the use of
information for purposes which are wholly outside the scope of the firm’s activities.
285 In applying that negative principle, one must act with care because the firm’s activities may not be
limited by the formal partnership agreement …
295 Mr McCaughran submits that what these cases [all the usual orthodox authorities] show is only
that, once a conflict has been established, a director who makes a profit, is accountable for the profit. They
do not establish accountability where no conflict is established. Of course, a fiduciary can only be made to
account for a profit if he has made a profit. That goes to remedy. At this stage, however, I am more
concerned with whether there has been any breach of duty—at a time when it cannot be known whether a
profit will in fact be made. Mr McCaughran accepts that, once a conflict has arisen and a profit has been
made, it is no defence for the director to allege that the company could not as a matter of fact have
acquired the opportunity itself, for example because the company could not afford to pursue the opportunity
(as in Regal (Hastings) Ltd v Gulliver) or because the third party would not have wanted to deal with the
company (as in Industrial Development Consultants Ltd v Cooley). But he submits that none of the cases is
concerned with the situation where, as in Aas v Benham there was a legal impediment to the company
taking up the opportunity; he says that, where there is a legal impediment of this sort, there is no relevant
conflict of interest. On the facts in the present case there was, he submits, a legal impediment to the
acquisition of Birthdays by NGS and therefore no relevant conflict of interest in the acquisition by WCC and
Mr Gorman …
(p. 385) 297 However, what I think is important in the present case is not so much the effect of a legal
impediment on the duty of directors generally; but rather the impact of the director himself being able, in a
nonfiduciary capacity, to prevent the company of which he is a director from obtaining the benefit of the
opportunity. I doubt very much that a legal impediment requiring shareholder consent to certain matters
impacts to any great extent on the duties of a director who is not a shareholder. It does not follow from the
fact that a particular acquisition requires shareholder consent that a director is freed from any duty which
would otherwise arise to bring an opportunity of acquisition to the attention of the board and the
shareholders. In contrast, the ability of a shareholder, who also happens to be a director, to block certain
action on the part of the company may be of great importance in the context of his duties to account under
the ‘no conflict’ and ‘no profit’ rules.
298 Let me take an example. Consider a company (call it X) carrying on a particular business. Suppose X
has three equal shareholders A, B and C, each of whom is a director; and suppose that it has one
additional, nonshareholder, director D. Suppose that the Memorandum and Articles of Association restrict
X’s business to its current business but so that activities can be diversified (either directly or through a
corporate acquisition) with the consent of 66% of the shareholders.
299 Suppose, then, that an opportunity to acquire a company (call it Y) whose business is outside the
scope of X’s existing business becomes generally known. There would be nothing, I think, to prevent A and
B acquiring Y for themselves even if the board of X considered that it would be a good thing for X to acquire
Y. In these circumstances, there is of course a conflict between the personal interests of A and B on the
one hand and their duties, as directors, to X on the other hand. But it is not a conflict to which the ‘no
conflicts’ rule has any application because A and B are entitled, as shareholders, to block the acquisition
by X. There is, I consider, no duty on them to use their votes as shareholders to approve the acquisition
(and this is so, in my judgment, even though it may be in the interests of X to make it and even though they
are directors). There is no risk (such as that which caused concern in Keech v Sandford) which needs to be
guarded against and no occasion for the intervention of equity. There is no question of the application of the
‘no profits’ rule either since the opportunity is, in the example, generally known.
300 The position would be the same, I consider, if the opportunity had come to the attention of A and B
other than in their capacities as directors. It would be open, I think, for them to keep that opportunity for
themselves. At most, detecting a possible advantage to X in acquiring Y, it may be their duty, acting in the
interests of X, to bring the opportunity to the attention of the board. But having done that, they could not be
compelled to agree to the actual acquisition by X of Y. Being able, acting perfectly properly, to block such
an acquisition, there is, as before, no relevant conflict of interest; and, in this case, there would clearly be
no use of a corporate opportunity were A and B to acquire Y for themselves. I ignore the possibility of
intervention by a court [of] equity if Y would be in competition with X. But that is not the present case,
where the businesses of TGS and Birthdays were so different to make it unrealistic to think that they were
301 Now suppose that the opportunity has, instead, come to the notice of X and its board in circumstances
where that opportunity is clearly that of X exclusively (egbecause the owner of Y approaches D in his
capacity as a director with an offer to sell to X). The board and the shareholders decide that it might be in
the interests of X to effect the acquisition of Y because its business, whilst outside the scope of its own
business, presents synergies with that business. Actual acquisition of Y will require the consent of A, B
and C once the merits of the acquisition have been investigated. Suppose that the vendor of Y provides
confidential information to the board to enable X to make an offer. At this stage, there is a ‘maturing
business opportunity’ which belongs to X and if D were to attempt to divert it, both the ‘no conflict’ rule and
the ‘no profit’ rule would apply if he in fact acquired the target business/company and made a profit. It would
not be open to D to claim, as against X or A, B and C, that the scope of X’s business, and therefore his
duty, was restricted by the scope of X’s current business and that he could therefore obtain Y for himself.
Nor would he escape the rules if X were unable to make the acquisition because it could not raise the
finance: the case would fall squarely within the principles established in Regal (Hastings) Ltd v Gulliver.
(p. 386) 302 Next suppose that the board, having looked carefully at the potential acquisition, decides, for
commercial reasons, not to proceed. It is a very difficult question whether this would take D out of either or
both the ‘no conflict’ and ‘no profit’ rules. Aas v Benham certainly does not provide an answer. That D can
do so with the informed consent of the company in general meeting is clear; that he cannot do so without it
is not clear.
303 Whatever the position of D, however, the position of any two of the other shareholders, say A and B,
acting together may be different. As before, where the opportunity is generally known, there is, I consider,
no duty on them to use their votes as shareholders to approve the acquisition; they remain able to block it.
Further, for the reasons already given in the example where the opportunity is generally known, I do not
consider that there is any scope for the application of the ‘no conflicts’ rule. The question then is whether
there is any scope of the application of the ‘no profits’ rule when the opportunity is confidential to X. Can A
and B, who are both directors and shareholders and who, together as shareholders, can block the
acquisition be permitted to take advantage of the opportunity themselves? That is not an easy question to
answer; and I prefer to leave it unanswered since, as will be seen, I do not consider that, on the facts, it
arises in that stark form.
304 Applying these principles to the present case, there has, in my judgment, been no breach by Mr
Gorman or Mr McMahon (or indeed by Sir Tom even if he is a de facto director) of the ‘no conflicts’ rule. On
my findings of fact, there was no agreement that NGS should acquire Birthdays so that they were, as
shareholders, able to block the acquisition. There is no question, on my findings, of the board being able to
proceed with the acquisition in the face of the provisions of the Shareholders Agreement to which NGS itself
was a party. In any event, Mr Gorman and Mr McMahon could not be criticised if, acting as board
members, they had voted against NGS acquiring Birthdays in order to respect the provisions of [the]
Shareholders Agreement which, as between 100% of the shareholders and NGS itself, were stated to take
precedence over the unamended Articles. There is no ‘omission’ for the purposes of section 459 in the
board failing to acquire Birthdays for NGS.
305 There is more difficulty with the ‘no profit’ rule. It is, of course, the position that the confidentiality
agreement was given by Mr Gorman on behalf of TGS (so that, strictly speaking, the information provided by
Birthdays in reliance on that confidentiality agreement was provided to TGS rather than NGS but no point
has been taken about that). Moreover, a considerable amount of work in the evaluation of the Birthdays
business was carried out by NGS personnel in NGS time and, initially at least, at NGS expense. In these
circumstances, WCC and Mr Gorman were able to make the successful bid only by use of the information
provided to TGS and work done by NGS personnel.
306 However, this is not a case where the original opportunity came to NGS. The possibility of acquiring
Birthdays did not come to the notice of Mr Gorman because he was a director of NGS/TGS or because of
the trial sales of TGS products in Birthdays’ shops. It came to his notice because he knew Mr Boland and
spoke to him about the opportunity. Nor did the possibility of the acquisition come to the notice of Mr
McMahon because he was a director of NGS/TGS or to Sir Tom because of his connection with NGS/TGS.
They learned of the possibility through a combination of their network of information in the business world
and Mr Gorman. Perhaps it would not have been an opportunity which would have interested them if they
had not been connected with NGS; and it was clearly an opportunity which they thought could have been of
value to NGS, otherwise they would not have been considering an acquisition through NGS. But that does
not alter the fact that they did not become aware of the opportunity as directors (or in Sir Tom’s case as
a de facto director if he is one). …
310 That, however, is not an answer to the question whether the ‘no profit’ rule applies: see the passage
from the speech of Lord Russell in Boardman v Phippsquoted by Lewison J in paragraph 1321
of Ultraframe …
312 Had a profit been made out of Birthdays, this would be a real issue: were NGS bringing an action to
make Mr Gorman—and possibly Mr McMahon (and even Sir Tom if he was a de facto director)—account for
the profit made, then there are powerful arguments that he (or they) should do so. However, the fact is that
Birthdays was sold at a loss and there is no profit to account for. (p. 387) Further, NGS has suffered no
detriment as a result of the acquisition by New Gifts: NGS was unable to acquire Birthdays itself and, as I
have already found, it would not have acquired Birthdays even if WCC and Mr Gorman had been advised
that they could not themselves acquire it …
316 It might have been argued, had Birthdays been sold at a profit, that the directors were in breach of their
duties in not suing New Gifts for an account of such profit; and that such a breach would have been unfairly
prejudicial conduct. But that argument does not begin to get off the ground on the facts …
➤ Questions
1. Does this judgment adopt the ‘scope of business’ test (from Aas v Benham [7.26]) or some other test of
‘corporate opportunity’?
2. If the company’s constitution (ie its objects or its articles) do not permit the company to pursue the venture
in question, then its pursuit for personal benefit by the directors is surely not in breach of their duty to avoid
conflicts. Is this the key to the Wilk inson v West Coast Capital [7.28] decision? Put another way, if the
companycould not pursue the opportunity unless the directors, as shareholders, exercised their vote to
expand the scope of the business of the company, then the law would not compel the directors to vote to do
so, and therefore the opportunity would never be classed as a ‘corporate opportunity’.
3. Is the conclusion the same if the directors hold sufficient shares to be able to change the company’s
objects so that pursuit by the company is not permitted, even if those votes have not yet been used to make
this change? If the directors tried to make this change at a late stage, after discovering the opportunity but
before pursuing it themselves, could they use their shareholder votes to this end? (See ‘Alteration of the
articles’, pp 219ff, especially Allen v Gold Reefs [4.22].)
4. Equally, could the controlling directorshareholders use their powers under a shareholders’ agreement to
block the pursuit by their company of a venture that was otherwise allowed and within the scope of business
of the company, so that they could then take the benefits personally?
5. Is it important to the analysis in this case that the company is a party to the shareholders’ agreement?
6. Towards the end of the judgment, there is a suggestion (obiter) that although the no conflict rule is not
breached, the no profit rule might nevertheless be breached (but was not here because no profits had been
generated). Is this logical? If sale of the new venture had generated a profit, what would the outcome have
been on this approach? Is that justified, notwithstanding that the directors’ entry into the new venture involved
no conflict (according to the earlier part of the judgment)?
7. Is it material that the company might have suffered a loss because it could not take up the new venture
(although here it did not, because the new venture was eventually sold at a loss)? Which breaches of
directors’ duties allow recovery of the company’s losses, and which allow recovery of the profits generated by
the defaulting director?
Resigning to take up a corporate opportunity
Directors may seek to pursue opportunities while still engaged as directors, but often pursuit of a corporate
opportunity by the defaulting director is linked with retirement—the directors retire, either in advance of or slightly
after commencement of the new venture, so that they can devote their full attention to the alternative endeavour.
Section 170(2) indicates that s 175 is to apply to a limited extent (this is not elaborated) to directors who are no
longer in office (see ‘Conflicts of interest and “corporate opportunities”’, p 370). Even without this, however, the
common law rule is that the remedy for pursuit of the corporate opportunity (p. 388) while the director was in office
may include profits gained after retirement, since those profits are causally connected to the breach.58
The following cases are illustrative of the equitable rules, including a recent (and rare) appeal to the Court of
Appeal: Foster Bryant Surveying Ltd v Bryant, Savernak e Property Consultants Ltd [7.29]. Note that the statute
may now lead to different conclusions on the same facts.
Before reading extracts from this Court of Appeal decision (which also provides a useful summary of earlier
authorities), a short summary of these earlier precedents is useful. In Canadian Aero Service Ltd v O’Malley (1973)
40 DLR (3d) 371, the president and the executive vicepresident of the plaintiff company (‘Canaero’) had been
engaged on behalf of Canaero in negotiating for a large aerial surveying and mapping contract with the government
of Guyana, to be financed by the external aid programme of the Canadian government. Instead of securing the
contract for Canaero, they resigned their managerial posts and formed their own company (‘Terra’), to which they
successfully diverted the contract. The Supreme Court of Canada held that their fiduciary duty had survived their
resignation and that that duty was enforceable against Terra as well as the individual defendants. The remedy took
the form of an award of damages for breach of duty, rather than an account of profits. All three features are
noteworthy. Key factors in this case were that: (i) the defendants had diverted for their own benefit a ‘maturing
business opportunity’ which their company was actively pursuing; (ii) they were participants in the negotiations on
behalf of the company; (iii) their resignation had been ‘prompted or influenced’ by a wish to acquire the opportunity
for themselves; and (iv) it was their position with the company rather than a ‘fresh initiative’ which led them to the
opportunity which they later required.
These elements were all present in Industrial Development Consultants Ltd v Cooley [1972] 1 WLR 443, where
Cooley, an architect, was managing director of the plaintiff company, which was in business as building and
development consultants. As the company’s representative, he took part in negotiations with officers of the
Eastern Gas Board, endeavouring to secure contracts for the company to build four large depots; but these
negotiations were unsuccessful because the Gas Board would not engage a firm of consultants (as distinct from a
private architect). Shortly afterwards, the work was offered to Cooley in his private capacity. Cooley obtained a
release from his employment (by falsely representing that he was in ill health), and was later given the contract by
the Gas Board. Roskill J held that he was accountable to the company for the whole of his benefits under the
contract or, alternatively, liable in damages for breach of his service contract. The amount awardable under the
second head would, however, have been relatively small—it was put by the judge at ‘a 10% chance’—because the
likelihood that the company might itself have secured the contract was so remote.
Note that in these two cases the issue was relatively straightforward because the officers in question had an
express mandate from the board to negotiate for the acquisition of the particular contract on behalf of their
company; and there was also no question of ratification.
In contrast with Canaero and Cooley, Umunna, the director in Island Export Finance Ltd v Umunna [1986] BCLC
460, was allowed to keep the profits he had derived from contracts he obtained after he had resigned as the
managing director of his company, IEF. These contracts to supply postal boxes to the Cameroons postal
authorities were of the same kind, and made with the same party, as an earlier contract which he had secured for
IEF while working as its managing director. But Hutchinson J accepted evidence that IEF was not actively seeking
further orders either when Umunna resigned or when he later obtained the contracts; that the resignation was for
unrelated reasons; and that Umunna had not made improper use of any confidential information.
(p. 389) So which opportunities are caught? In Balston Ltd v Headline Filters Ltd [1990] FSR 385, Head, an
employee and director of Balston who had worked for it for 17 years, gave notice terminating his employment and
resigned his directorship. He had already agreed to lease premises where he intended to set up his own business,
but he said in evidence that he had not then decided what that business was to be. Shortly afterwards one of
Balston’s customers telephoned Head after being notified by Balston that it would continue to supply him with a
particular kind of filter tube for only a limited further period. As a result of this call, Head commenced business
making the filter tubes and supplied them to the customer. Falconer J held that it was not a breach of fiduciary
duty for a director to form an intention to set up business in competition with his company after his directorship
had ceased, and that there was no maturing business opportunity in which the company had a ‘specific interest’
which Head had improperly diverted to himself.
These cases illustrate the difficulties in reaching predictable conclusions in different situations. As Rix LJ
expressed it in Foster Bryant Surveying Ltd v Bryant, Savernak e Property Consultants Ltd [7.29]:
At one extreme (In Plus Group v. Pyk e [7.33]) the defendant is director in name only. At the other extreme,
the director has planned his resignation having in mind the destruction of his company or at least the
exploitation of its property in the form of business opportunities in which he is currently involved
(ID, Canaero, Simonet,British Midland Tool). In the middle are more nuanced cases which go both ways:
in Shepherds Investments v. Walters [7.30] the combination of disloyalty, active promotion of the planned
business, and exploitation of a business opportunity, all while the directors remained in office, brought
liability; in Umunna, Balston, andFramlington, however, where the resignations were unaccompanied by
disloyalty, there was no liability.
Resigning and moving on to new work without breaching the conflicts rule.
[7.29] Foster Bryant Surveying Ltd v Bryant, Savernake Property Consultants Ltd [2007] EWCA Civ 200,
[2007] BCC 804 (Court of Appeal)
Bryant, a director, was effectively forced out of the company by his business partner and codirector, Foster, who
was the majority shareholder in the company. Bryant resigned, although not in order to take work or clients from
the company. Nevertheless, during his notice period, the company’s major client (Alliance) pressed Bryant to
continue working for Alliance after his departure from the company. Bryant agreed, and took up what was
essentially an employee’s role, but through a new company of his own. This company was formed a few days
before Bryant’s resignation took effect, and, when it took effect, he started to work for the client. Previously,
Alliance had channelled all its work exclusively to the company, under an exclusivity contract which had expired
without renewal a few weeks before the resignation took effect. However, Alliance, in its own interests, wanted the
personal services of Bryant and Foster, not anyone else, and was determined to split the work, or to use other
suppliers. Bryant was found not to have breached his fiduciary duty.
8 At trial it was common ground between the parties that the synthesis of principles expounded by Mr
Livesey QC, sitting as a deputy judge of the high court, inHunter Kane Limited v. Watk ins [2002] EWHC
186 (Ch) … accurately stated the law … Mr Livesey said:
‘1. A director, while acting as such, has a fiduciary relationship with his Company. That is he has an
obligation to deal towards it with loyalty, good faith and avoidance of the conflict of duty and self
(p. 390) 2. A requirement to avoid a conflict of duty and selfinterest means that a director is
precluded from obtaining for himself, either secretly or without the informed approval of the Company,
any property or business advantage either belonging to the Company or for which it has been
negotiating, especially where the director or officer is a participant in the negotiations.
3. A director’s power to resign from office is not a fiduciary power. He is entitled to resign even if his
resignation might have a disastrous effect on the business or reputation of the Company.
4. A fiduciary relationship does not continue after the determination of the relationship which gives
rise to it. After the relationship is determined the director is in general not under the continuing
obligations which are the feature of the fiduciary relationship. [But now see CA 2006 s 170(2).]
5. Acts done by the directors while the contract of employment subsists but which are preparatory to
competition after it terminates are not necessarily in themselves a breach of the implied term as to
loyalty and fidelity.
6. Directors, no less than employees, acquire a general fund of skill, knowledge and expertise in the
course of their work, which is plainly in the public interest that they should be free to exploit it in a
new position. After ceasing the relationship by resignation or otherwise a director is in general (and
subject of course to any terms of the contract of employment) not prohibited from using his general
fund of skill and knowledge, the ‘stock in trade’ of the knowledge he has acquired while a director,
even including such things as business contacts and personal connections made as a result of his
7. A director is however precluded from acting in breach of the requirement at 2 above, even after his
resignation where the resignation may fairly be said to have been prompted or influenced by a wish
to acquire for himself any maturing business opportunities sought by the Company and where it was
his position with the Company rather than a fresh initiative that led him to the opportunity which he
later acquired.
8. In considering whether an act of a director breaches the preceding principle the factors to take into
account will include the factor of position or office held, the nature of the corporate opportunity, its
ripeness, its specificness and the director’s relation to it, the amount of knowledge possessed, the
circumstances in which it was obtained and whether it was special or indeed even private, the factor
of time in the continuation of the fiduciary duty where the alleged breach occurs after termination of
the relationship with the Company and the circumstances under which the breach was terminated,
that is whether by retirement or resignation or discharge.
9. The underlying basis of the liability of a director who exploits after his resignation a maturing
business opportunity of the Company is that the opportunity is to be treated as if it were the property
of the Company in relation to which the director had fiduciary duties. By seeking t[o] exploit the
opportunity after resignation he is appropriating to himself that property. He is just as accountable as
a trustee who retires without properly accounting for trust property.
10. It follows that a director will not be in breach of the principle set out as point 7 above where either
the Company’s hope of obtaining the contract was not a ‘maturing business opportunity’ and it was
not pursuing further business orders nor where the director’s resignation was not itself prompted or
influenced by a wish to acquire the business for himself.
11. As regards breach of confidence, although while the contract of employment subsists a director
or other employee may not use confidential information to the detriment of his employer, after it
ceases the director/employee may compete and may use knowhow acquired in the course of his
employment (as distinct from trade secrets—although the distinction is sometimes difficult to apply
in practice).’ …
48 It may be observed that the factual situation presented by this case falls uneasily between the scenarios
dealt with in [earlier] jurisprudence. This is not a case where a director has used corporate property. It is not
a case where a director has resigned in order to make use of a corporate opportunity. It is not a case where
a director has solicited corporate business in competition with his company. It is not a case where a
director has acted in bad faith, deceitfully or (p. 391) clandestinely. It is, however, at any rate arguably, a
case where, by agreeing, while still a director, to work for Alliance after he ceased to be a director, Mr
Bryant was still obtaining for himself a business opportunity, possibly even existing business, of the
company, or putting himself in a position of conflict with the company, before he was free to do so.
Moreover, these events happened at a time of transition, after a forced resignation but before the resignation
had taken contractual effect, in circumstances where both parties might be said to be in need of protection.
It is possibly above all when a director is leaving that a company needs the protection which the law relating
to directors’ fiduciary duties provides. But it is also when a director is forced out of his own company that he
needs the protection that the law allows to someone who has thereafter to earn his living. Many of these
considerations are discussed in the jurisprudence, but not in our particular setting.
49 Regal (Hastings) Ltd v. Gulliver [7.23] is perhaps in many ways still the leading case … It is well
described in Gower and Davies’ Principles of Modern Company Law, 7th ed, 2003 at 417/418, where the
observation is made that the decision illustrates the extreme severity of the law but also that it possibly
carries equitable principles to an inequitable conclusion …
50 … It would thus seem that even though the directors had in fact been proved to have been acting
honestly, and even though it had been in fact proved that the company had suffered no loss, the position
must in law be regarded, for the safety of mankind, as though they had been acting secretly and
dishonestly, to the loss of their company, and no inquiry otherwise was to be permitted.
51 In other respects, however, that was a straightforward case where the directors had acquired their
personal profits by reason of and in the course of acting as directors of their company. As Viscount Sankey
said (at 139E): ‘At all material times they were directors and in a fiduciary position, and they used and
acted upon their exclusive knowledge acquired as such directors’. Lord Russell pointed out that they
acquired their shares ‘by reason and in course of their office of directors’ (at 145F, see also at 149F). Lord
Macmillan said that the critical findings of fact which the claimant company had to establish were ‘(i) that
what the directors did was so related to the affairs of the company that it can properly be said to have been
done in the course of their management and in utilisation of their opportunities and special knowledge as
directors; and (ii) that what they did resulted in a profit to themselves’ (at 153F). Lord Wright said that the
stringent rule was that a director must account to his company ‘for any benefit which he obtains in the
course of and owing to his directorship’ (at 156C). Lord Porter said that the shares were obtained by the
directors ‘by reason of their position as directors’ (at 158C) and that the relevant rule was that ‘one
occupying a position of trust must not make a profit which he can acquire only by use of his fiduciary
position’ (at 158F). [Then followed a discussion of other authorities, including Boardman v Phipps, Industrial
Development Consultants v Cooley [1972] 1 WLR 443, Canadian Aero Service Ltd v O’Malley (1973) 40 DLR
(2d) 371 (‘Canaero’) (noting the features outlined at ‘Resigning to take up a corporate opportunity’ p 387,
and continuing:]
57 The defendants [in Canaero] were castigated as ‘faithless fiduciaries’. It was again irrelevant that the
company might not have obtained the contract, for the defendants’ liability was their gain rather than the
company’s loss. Gower & Davies comment (at 420) that in that passage Laskin J seems to have favoured a
flexibility greater than English case law allows. However, the decision on the facts appears best
encapsulated in the following extract from his judgment (at 382):
‘An examination of the case law … shows the pervasiveness of a strict ethic in this area of the law.
In my opinion, this ethic disqualifies a director or senior officer from usurping for himself or diverting
to another person or company with whom or with which he is associated a maturing business
opportunity which the company is actively pursuing; he is also precluded from so acting even after
his resignation where the resignation may fairly be said to have been prompted or influenced by a
wish to acquire for himself the opportunity sought by the company, or where it was his position with
the company rather than a fresh initiative that led him to the opportunity which he later acquired.’
[Emphasis added59 ] …
(p. 392) 66 In CMS Dolphin Ltd v. Simonet [2001] 2 BCLC 704 the relevant jurisprudence was carefully
considered by Lawrence Collins J, as he then was. The director there resigned (without any notice) in order
to profit from the claimant company’s business. Having made plans in advance of resignation, after his
departure he immediately set up in competition, first in partnership and subsequently through a new
company. He approached the claimant’s staff and clients, to draw them both to him. Before long, the
claimant had no staff and no clients. The director was found to be in breach of fiduciary duty and liable to
account. By resigning, he had exploited the maturing business opportunities of the claimant, which were to
be regarded as its property. The case made by the claimant and accepted by Lawrence Collins J was that
the director had been prompted or influenced to resign by a wish to acquire for himself or his company the
business opportunities which he had previously obtained or was actively pursuing with the claimant’s clients
and had now actually diverted to his own profit.
67 Lawrence Collins J considered the legal principles at paras 84/97. Having referred to Regal (Hastings) v.
Gulliver, he said that the case before him concerned the question of how far the principle of that case,
which concerned directors who were in office at the time of acquisition of the shares, extended to—
‘a director who resigns his office to take advantage of a business opportunity of which he has
knowledge as a result of his having been a director’ (at para 87).
68 … He concluded:
‘In English law a director’s power to resign from office is not a fiduciary power. A director is entitled
to resign even if his resignation might have a disastrous effect on the business or reputation of the
company. So also in English law, at least in general, a fiduciary obligation does not continue after
the determination of the relationship which gives rise to it (see AG v Blak e (Jonathan Cape Ltd, third
party) [1998] 1 All ER 833 at 841, [1998] Ch 439 at 453, varied on other grounds [2000] 4 All ER 385,
[2001] 1 AC 268 (HL)). … In my judgment the underlying basis of the liability of a director who
exploits after his resignation a maturing business opportunity of the company is that the opportunity
is to be treated as if it were property of the company in relation to which the director had fiduciary
69 In my judgment, Lawrence Collins J was not saying that the fiduciary duty survived the end of the
relationship as director, but that the lack of good faith with which the future exploitation was planned while
still a director, and the resignation which was part of that dishonest plan, meant that there was already then
a breach of fiduciary duty, which resulted in the liability to account for the profits which, albeit subsequently,
but causally connected with that earlier fiduciary breach, were obtained from the diversion of the company’s
business property to the defendant’s new enterprise.
70 In Plus Group Ltd v. Pyk e [7.33], a rare case in this court, presents a somewhat novel position. There
the claimant company sought over a period of many months, but without success, to force the defendant
director to resign following a bout of severe illness. The relationship between him and his partner in the
company completely broke down, and he was deprived of any remuneration or information; he was also
refused the repayment of his loans to the company. But he steadfastly refused to resign. In this state, but
while still a director, the defendant set up his own company and began competing with the claimant, even to
the extent of working for its major client. Both trial court and this court held that there was no breach of
fiduciary duty. …
74 Finally, there have been two further cases in which the essence of the finding of a breach of fiduciary
duty has consisted in what the directors had done while directors, rather than in postresignation
competition. Thus in British Midland Tool Ltd v. Midland International Tooling Ltd [2003] EWHC 466 (Ch), …
the director who merely resigned in order to compete was not in breach, but his three former colleague
directors who remained and thereafter conspired with him to poach the claimant’s employees were in
breach … And in Shepherds Investments Ltd v. Walters [7.30] the directors were found to have breached
their fiduciary duties by reason of what they did while still (p. 393) directors in anticipation of the
competition they planned after their resignations. In the latter case, Etherton J said—
‘What the cases show, and the parties before me agree, is that the precise point at which the
preparations for the establishment of the competing business by a director become unlawful will
depend on the actual facts of any particular case. … It is obvious, for example, that merely making a
decision to set up a competing business at some point in the future and discussing such an idea
with friends and family would not of themselves be in conflict with the best interests of the company
and the employer. The consulting of lawyers and other professionals may, depending on the
circumstances, equally be consistent with a director’s fiduciary duties and the employee’s obligation
of loyalty. At the other end of the spectrum, it is plain that soliciting customers of the company and
the employer or the actual carrying on of trade by a competing business would be in breach of the
duties of the director and the obligations of the employee …’ …
76 … The jurisprudence which I have considered above demonstrates, I think, that the summary is
perceptive and useful. For my part, however, I would find it difficult accurately to encapsulate the
circumstances in which a retiring director may or may not be found to have breached his fiduciary duty. As
has been frequently stated, the problem is highly fact sensitive … There is no doubt that the twin principles,
that a director must act towards his company with honesty, good faith, and loyalty and must avoid any
conflict of interest, are firmly in place, and are exacting requirements, exactingly enforced … Nevertheless,
the jurisprudence has shown that, while the principles remain unamended, their application in different
circumstances has required care and sensitivity both to the facts and to other principles, such as that of
personal freedom to compete, where that does not intrude on the misuse of the company’s property
whether in the form of business opportunities or trade secrets. For reasons such as these, there has been
some flexibility, both in the reach and extent of the duties imposed and in the findings of liability or non
liability. The jurisprudence also demonstrates, to my mind, that in the present context of retiring directors,
where the critical line between a defendant being or not being a director becomes hard to police, the courts
have adopted pragmatic solutions based on a commonsense and merits based approach.
77 In my judgment, that is a sound approach, and one which reflects the equitable principles at the root of
these issues. Where directors are firmly in place and dealing with their company’s property, it is
understandable that the courts are reluctant to enquire into questions such as whether a conflict of interest
has in fact caused loss. Even so, considerations that equitable principles should not be permitted to
become instruments of inequity have been voiced: see for instance Murad v. AlSaraj [7.35] … Where,
however, directors retire, the circumstances in which they do so are so various, as the cases considered
above illustrate, that the courts have developed merits based solutions. At one extreme (In Plus Group v.
Pyk e) … [see [7.33]] …
78 On which side of the line does Mr Bryant fall? …
79 Mr Bryant’s resignation had no ulterior purpose. In human terms, and even though there was no
repudiation of the shareholders’ agreement, it was forced on him by Mr Foster’s hostile and truculent
manner and the sacking of Mrs Bryant [who was an employee of the company]. As soon as he was told
that his wife was to be made redundant, Mr Bryant, not unreasonably, reacted by announcing his
resignation. At that time his intention was to find employment with a firm of chartered surveyors … In this
important aspect, Mr Bryant’s case has no connection or similarity with, for instance, Canaero’s ‘faithless
fiduciaries’ …
87 All that Mr Bryant did was to agree to be retained by Alliance after his resignation became effective. He
did nothing more. His resignation was not planned with an ulterior motive. He did not seek employment, or a
retainer, or any business from Alliance. It was offered to him, it might be said pressed upon him …
88 Moreover, in considering the claim for loss and damage, the judge was unable to identify any existing
projects which had actually been subsequently transferred to Mr Bryant or his new company …
(p. 394) 93 … As for the extent of his fiduciary duties, it seems to me that the judge’s realistic findings as
to the position within the company after Mr Bryant’s resignation makes it very arguable that, so long as he
remained honest and neither exploited nor took any property of the company, his duties extended no further
than that. To demand more while he is excluded from his role as a director appears to me to be unrealistic
and inequitable. As for the innocence of his resignation, although the matter may not be free of doubt, it
again seems well arguable on the authorities that it is critically opposed to liability to account, where there
is no active competition or exploitation of company property while a defendant remains a director. And as
for a reassignment of projects, I have already pointed out that the judge was unable to find that any existing
company projects had been reassigned …
96 … I would dismiss the appeal.
MOSES and BUXTON LJJ delivered concurring judgments.
➤ Questions
1. In the course of his judgment, Buxton LJ made the following point:
as Sedley LJ emphasised in his judgment in In Plus Group Ltd v Pyk e [7.33], … the mere fact that a
fiduciary has not sought to place himself in a position where his interest conflicts with his duty does not
exonerate him from the obligation to perform that duty. Accordingly, it cannot be in any way conclusive that
it was Mrs Watts who offered Mr Bryant the opportunity, indeed pressed it on him, rather than that he
resigned in order to be free for that purpose, or asked for the opportunity once he had resigned.
Nevertheless, Buxton LJ held that, in the circumstances, it was not a breach for Bryant to accept the offer. Where
is the line drawn?
2. In the course of his judgment, Rix LJ noted the trial judge’s conclusions on Bryant’s potential liability if
he had been found in breach of his duties (see Rix LJ at para [46]). The trial judge noted that if Bryant had ruled
himself out of working for Alliance, the work he might have done would not then have gone to his old company, as
it had in the past—recall Alliance wanted the personal services of Bryant and Foster—it would have gone
elsewhere. The significance of this, so the trial judge thought, was that inWarman International Ltd v Dwyer (1995)
182 CLR 544, the High Court of Australia emphasised that the rule requiring a fiduciary to account for profits
should not be applied in a manner which makes it a vehicle for unjust enrichment of the claimant. It followed,
according to the trial judge, that even if Bryant had breached his duty, there were no profits for which he was liable
to account. This, however, seems to confuse claims for profits disgorgement from Bryant with claims to recover the
company’s loss. In assessing profits, it is irrelevant that the company could not itself have generated those profits
(Regal (Hastings); Boardman v Phipps). Warman, by contrast, was concerned to ensure that the net profits
(emphasising net profits, not gross profits) of the offending venture were assessed fairly, and linked causally to the
breach that generated them.
3. Would the outcome have been the same under CA 2006, given ss 170(2) and 175?
Resigning and pursuing competing opportunities in a way that breaches the conflicts rule.
[7.30] Shepherds Investments Ltd v Walters [2006] EWHC 836 (Chancery Division)
This was a claim against former directors (and employees) of Shepherds for various breaches of duty, including
setting up a competing business, diversion of a business opportunity and misuse of confidential information.
Walters and Hindle were directors and employees of Shepherds (Financial) Ltd (‘Financial’). Simmons was a
former employee and de facto (p. 395) director of Shepherds Investments Ltd (‘Investments’). ‘Assured’ and ‘PSL’
were the companies through which the individuals carried on their competing business. The individuals were held to
have breached their duties, and were therefore liable to account for the profits generated for the period of ‘advance
start’ that their breach had given them, but not liable for damages because no loss was proved to have been
caused by the breach.
82 At the heart of these proceedings is the question whether, in taking the steps which they did to establish
Assured and PSL prior to their retirement from Financial and Investments, the Individual Defendants acted in
breach of their duties to the companies which employed them and of which they were directors. The parties
are not agreed on the legal principles and test applicable to determine that central issue.
83 It is convenient to start with what is common ground …
85 A director is under a fundamental duty to act in what he in good faith considers to be the best interests
of the company. The duty was described [in] the judgment of Arden LJ in Item Software (UK) Ltd v
Fassihi [7.16] [Then followed part of the extract found in that case at [7.16] …
87 Investments claims that … the central issue in these proceedings [ie] whether the Individual Defendants
were acting lawfully in taking the steps they did for the establishment of Assured and PSL while owing
fiduciary duties … is to be found in a straightforward application of the fundamental duty of a director to act
in good faith in the best interests of his company. Mr Nicholls [counsel] submitted that the Individual
Defendants could not have been in any doubt that it would have been in the best interests of those
companies to be aware of the plans they were implementing to establish Assured and PSL.
88 Mr Nicholls placed particular weight on the reasoning and decision of Hart J in British Midland Tool Ltd v
Midland International Tooling Ltd [2003] EWHC 466, [2003] 2 BCLC 523. In that case the claimant (‘BMT’)
was a specialised engineering company which carried on the business of manufacturing and supplying
cutting tools to the motor industry. Four of the defendants, who were directors of BMT, conceived and
developed a plan, which they kept secret, to leave their jobs at BMT and set up a rival company. Following
the retirement of one of those defendants as managing director of BMT, an advertisement appeared in the
local paper inviting applications from fully skilled personnel for jobs with a ‘specialist cutting tool
manufacturer’. It gave no name and address for the prospective employer but invited applications to be sent
to a box number. Shortly afterwards, the other three directors gave notice to BMT of their resignation as
directors and of termination of their employment with BMT. A few days later twelve of BMT’s skilled workers
tendered their resignations to the company through one of those directors. The new business was set up
next door to BMT’s own premises. Subsequently more of BMT’s employees left to join the new enterprise.
A core component of BMT’s business was the supply of cutting tools to Ford Motor Co. In the event BMT
was unable to retain that business, and eventually it closed down. BMT brought the proceedings against the
defendants alleging conspiracy to damage BMT. Hart J found in favour of BMT and held the defendants
liable in damages.
89 Against that factual background, Hart J described as follows, in paragraph [81] of his judgment, the
fundamental duty of a director of a company to act in good faith towards it:
‘[81] It is a fundamental duty of the director of a limited company to “do his best to promote its
business and to act with complete good faith towards it”: seeScottish Cooperative Wholesale Ltd v
Meyer [1958] 3 All ER 66 at 88, [1959] AC 324 at 366 per Lord Denning. It is also his duty not to
embark on a course of conduct in which his own interests will conflict with those of the company:
see Park er v McKenna (1874) LR 10 Ch App 96 at 118 per Lord Cairns LC. He is also, like an
employee, under a duty of fidelity to his company: see Hivac Ltd v Park Royal Scientific Instruments
Ltd [1946] 1 All ER 350 at 353, [1946] Ch 169 at 174 per Lord Greene MR. On the face of it,
therefore, one might think it a simple proposition that a director would be under a duty to alert his
fellow board members to a nascent commercial threat to the (p. 396) future prospects of the
company, and that the duty would be all the greater (and certainly no less) when he himself was
planning to be part of that threat.’
90 Having referred to, and considered, the decision of Falconer J in Balston Ltd v Headline Filters Ltd [1990]
FSR 385 and other cases, Hart J said as follows at paragraph [89]:
‘89 … A director’s duty to act so as to promote the best interests of his company prima facie
includes a duty to inform the company of any activity, actual or threatened, which damages those
interests. The fact that the activity is contemplated by himself is, on the authority of Balston’s case,
a circumstance which may excuse him from the latter aspect of the duty. But where the activity
involves both himself and others, there is nothing in the authorities which excuses him from it. This
applies, in my judgment, whether or not the activity itself would constitute a breach by anyone of any
relevant duty owed to the company … A director who wishes to engage in a competing business and
not disclose his intentions to the company ought, in my judgement, to resign his office as soon as
his intention has been irrevocably formed and he has launched himself in the actual taking of
preparatory steps …’ …
92 Mr Quirk and Mr Kempster [counsel for the Individuals], for their part, placed particular weight on
the Balston case. The facts of that case, so far as relevant, were that Balston manufactured and sold glass
microfibre filter tubes. On 17 March 1986 the second defendant, an employee and director of Balston, gave
notice of termination of his employment which expired on 11 July 1986. Prior to that date, on 14 March
1986 he had agreed to take a lease of certain business premises. His evidence was that at that time he had
not decided whether to set up a business as a dealer in filtration products or as a manufacturer of filter
tubes. He formally resigned his directorship on 18 April 1986. On 25 April 1986 he bought the first defendant
company ‘off the shelf’. On 2 May 1986 he had a telephone conversation with one of Balston’s customers,
in which he said that he was leaving Balston’s employ and that after 12 July 1986 he would be in a position
to supply filter tubes to the first defendant. On 8 May 1986 the second defendant visited the customer, and
it was agreed that the customer would place an order with the first defendant for delivery from 14 July 1986
to December 1987. That order was confirmed in writing on 26 July 1986. Following the 2 May 1986
telephone call, the second defendant made active preparations for the first defendant to commence
manufacture of filter tubes on or as soon as possible after 14 July 1986, including the purchase of
equipment and the engaging of persons as employees of the first defendant, including certain employees
and ex employees of Balston. The second defendant commenced manufacture of sample tubes for the first
defendant on 13 July 1986 and showed them to the customer on 14 July 1986.
93 Falconer J held, among other things, that the second defendant was not in b[r]each of fiduciary duty as a
director in not disclosing to Balston the intention to set up a business in competition or in taking such
steps as he had to forward that intention prior to 18 April 1986. Nor was he in breach of his duty of fidelity
as an employee, as at 18 April 1986, in forming the intention to set up a business in competition with
Balston and in carrying out preparatory acts for that purpose. From 8 May 1986, however, the second
defendant was in breach of his duty of good faith in being engaged in active competition with Balston for the
custom of the customer, and also in approaching one of Balston’s employees and offering her employment
with the first defendant. The critical passage in the judgment of Falconer J, relied upon by the Defendants
before me, is at p.412 as follows:
‘In the statement of the overriding principle by Roskill J in the [Industrial Development Consultants v
Cooley (“IDC”)] case, namely “that a man must not be allowed to put himself in a position in which
his fiduciary duty and his interests conflict,” the conflict contemplated must be one with a specific
interest of the company (or other body or person) to whom the fiduciary duty is owed, as, for
example, a maturing business opportunity, as in Canaero, or the plaintiff’s interest in the contract
secured by the defendant in the IDC case, or a contract falling within the first class of contracts in
Lord Blanesburgh’s dichotomy inBell v Lever Bros (page 194), or the use of some property or
confidential information of the company which has come to a director as such … In my judgment an
intention by a director of a company to set up business (p. 397) in competition with the company
after his directorship has ceased is not to be regarded as a conflicting interest within the context of
the principle, having regard to the rules of public policy as to restraint of trade, nor is the taking of
any preliminary steps to investigate or forward that intention so long as there is no actual competitive
activity, such as, for instance, competitive tendering or actual trading, while he remains a director.’
95 The Defendants rely upon the Balston case as authority that the taking of preparatory steps by a
director, short of actual competitive activity, is not in itself in conflict with a specific interest of the company
and is not therefore in breach of fiduciary duty …
105 As the most recent in the line of relevant authority, British Midland Tool is binding upon me, unless I
am satisfied that it is plainly wrong. Far from considering that the decision is wrong, I respectfully consider
that both the decision and reasoning of Hart J in that case were correct and, in so far as there is any
conflict between them and the decision and reasoning of Falconer J in Balston, the approach of Hart J is to
be preferred.
106 In my judgment it is plain that the necessary starting point of the analysis is that it is the fiduciary duty
of a director to act in good faith in the best interests of the company (Item Software at para [41]), that is to
say ‘to do his best to promote its interests and to act with complete good faith towards it’, and not to place
himself in a position in which his own interests conflict with those of the company (British Midland Tool at
paragraph [81] and CMS Dolphin Ltd v Simonet [2001] 2 BCLC 704 at paragraph [84]).
107 It is difficult to see any legitimate basis for the ‘trumping’ of those duties by ‘rules of public policy as to
restraint of trade’ as suggested by Falconer J in Balstonat p.412. There is no reference to any such
principle in any of the relevant cases prior to Balston … Hart J in British Midland Tool rejected any such
principle. He said, at paragraph [89] of his judgment:
‘It does not, furthermore, seem to me that the public policy of favouring competitive business activity
should lead to a different conclusion. A director is free to resign his directorship at any time
notwithstanding the damage that the resignation may itself cause the company: see CMS Dolphin
Ltd v Simonet [2001] 2 BCLC 704 at [95] per Lawrence Collins J. By resigning his directorship he will
put an end to his fiduciary obligations to the company so far as concerns any future activity by
himself (provided that it does not involve the exploitation of confidential information or business
opportunities available to him by virtue of his directorship).’
108 What the cases show, and the parties before me agree, is that the precise point at which preparations
for the establishment of a competing business by a director become unlawful will turn on the actual facts of
any particular case. In each case, the touchstone for what, on the one hand, is permissible, and what, on
the other hand, is impermissible unless consent is obtained from the company or employer after full
disclosure, is what, in the case of a director, will be in breach of the fiduciary duties to which I have referred
or, in the case of an employee, will be in breach of the obligation of fidelity. It is obvious, for example, that
merely making a decision to set up a competing business at some point in the future and discussing such
an idea with friends and family would not of themselves be in conflict with the best interests of the company
and the employer. The consulting of lawyers and other professionals may, depending on all the
circumstances, equally be consistent with a director’s fiduciary duties and the employee’s obligation of
loyalty. At the other end of the spectrum, it is plain that soliciting customers of the company and the
employer or the actual carrying on of trade by a competing business would be in breach of the duties of the
director and the obligations of the employee. It is the wide range of activity and decision making between
the two ends of the spectrum which will be fact sensitive in every case. In that context, Hart J may have
been too prescriptive in saying, at paragraph [89] of his judgment, that the director must resign once he has
irrevocably formed the intention to engage in the future in a competing business and, without disclosing his
intentions to the company, takes any preparatory steps. On the facts of British Midland Tool, Hart J was
plainly justified in concluding, in paragraph [90] of his judgment, (p. 398) that the preparatory steps had
gone beyond what was consistent with the directors’ fiduciary duty in circumstances where the directors
were aware that a determined attempt was being made by a potential competitor to poach the company’s
workforce and they did nothing to discourage, and at worst actively promoted, the success of that process,
whereas their duty to the company required them to take active steps to thwart the process …
127 In the light of all those matters, I am quite clear that from 12 August 2003 not only had the Individual
Defendants formed the irrevocable intention to establish a business which they knew would fairly be
regarded by Financial and Investments as a competitor to the business carried on by SSF, but they
continued to take steps to bring into existence that rival business, contrary to what they knew were the
best interests of Financial and Investments, and without the consent of those companies to do so after full
disclosure of all material facts, and so in breach of their respective fiduciary duties and their obligation of
fidelity. That conflict between the duties owed by the Individual Defendants to Financial (in the case of Mr
Walters and Mr Hindle) and Investments (in the case of Mr Simmons), on the one hand, and the personal
and private interests of the Individual Defendants, on the other hand, in the promotion of the new and rival
business is exemplified by Mr Simmons’ acknowledgement, in cross examination, that he found it difficult
to promote ‘the Shepherds product’ when developing the ‘new product’.
128 Further, irrespective of whether, by virtue of Balston and contrary to my view, there was no obligation to
disclose their own individual ‘preparatory’ activity, I am bound by British Midland Tool to hold that each of
the Individual Defendants was obliged, by 12 August 2003 at the latest, to disclose to Financial or
Investments, as the case may be, the actual and threatened activity of the others to set up the competing
business. If and so far as is necessary, like Hart J in British Midland Tool, I would distinguish Balston on
the facts on the ground that the intention to compete in Balston does not appear to have been formed in
that case prior to the resignation of the second defendant as a director. The principle that it is the duty of a
director to inform the company of any actual or threatened activity of another, whether or not he himself is
involved, which damages the interests of the company, and whether that activity would in itself constitute a
breach by anyone of any relevant duty owed to the company, is part of the core reasoning and decision
in British Midland Tool, which I must follow.
129 Finally, on this aspect of the case, I should record for completeness that, even if, contrary to my view,
Mr Simmons was a mere employee owing no fiduciary duties to Investments, I nevertheless conclude that
his conduct between 12 August 2003 and his resignation on 21 September 2003 was such as to breach his
employee’s duty of good faith and fidelity …
132 … As Arden LJ so clearly stated in Item Software, in relation to a fiduciary’s duty to disclose his own
misconduct to his principal, or, more generally, information of relevance and concern to his principal, the
single and overriding touchstone is the fundamental duty of a director to act in what he considers in good
faith to be in the best interests of the company. There is no separate and independent duty of disclosure. In
the context of the director’s own acts to promote a competing business, the breach of fiduciary duty is to
carry out the impermissible acts of promotion without first disclosing the intention to do them and obtaining
permission to do so. There is a breach because the director’s conflict between his personal interest and his
duty to the company has not been authorised after full disclosure to, and informed consent by, the
company. In the case of the acts of his fellow directors in promoting a rival business, the breach of fiduciary
duty of the director is failing to disclose matters which are of relevance and concern to the company and
which, if acting in good faith in the best interests of the company, the director would disclose. Those are
straightforward applications of ordinary principles of equity concerning fiduciary duties …
133 … Investments claims that the Individual Defendants have exploited for their own benefit a business
opportunity, namely investment in whole life policies, of which they became aware through their
employment by Financial and Investments, as the case may be, and that they are liable to account for the
profit made from the exploitation of that business opportunity … [A] director who exploits after his
resignation a maturing business opportunity of the company is to be treated as (p. 399) appropriating for
himself property of the company in relation to which he had fiduciary duties. He is, accordingly, just as
accountable as a trustee who retires without properly accounting for the trust property. In the case of the
director, he becomes a constructive trustee[] of the fruits of his abuse of the company’s property, which he
has acquired in circumstances where he knowingly had a conflict of interest and exploited it by resigning
from the company: CMS Dolphin esp. at paragraphs [84] and [96] …
146 Investments having established breach of fiduciary duty and breach of the obligation of fidelity by each
of the Individual Defendants … is, on the face of it, entitled to an inquiry as to damages …
150 It is critical that, in order to establish a claim for damages, the loss allegedly suffered by Financial and
Investments is linked to the Individual Defendants’ unlawful acts rather than the mere fact of loss of senior
management personnel and sales people. The Individual Defendants were entitled to resign. In general,
there is no legal impediment to a number of employees deciding in concert to leave their employer and set
themselves up in competition …
➤ Note
These ‘competition’ cases clearly depend on the fact that the competing opportunity is classed as a
‘corporate opportunity’, so these cases provide insights into the law on ‘maturing business opportunities’ and
other tests. In this case, Etherton J devoted a good part of his judgment (not extracted here) to the factual
assessment of this issue.
➤ Questions
1. Of the four ‘key factors’ identified in Canaero (earlier), which were missing in Island Exports Finance Ltd v
Umunna and in Balston Ltd v Headline Filters Ltd (earlier)? Do the more modern cases such as Foster Bryant
Surveying Ltd v Bryant, Savernak e Property Consultants Ltd [7.29], Shepherds Investments Ltd v
Walters [7.30] andIn Plus Group Ltd v Pyk e [7.33] adopt the same set of ‘key factors’?
2. Jane is a director of three unrelated investment companies. She is approached in confidence by two young
scientists whose company needs a major injection of finance to develop a newly discovered drug. After
investigating the project, she forms the view that it is likely to be a highly profitable venture for any one of the
three companies. What advice should Jane be given?
3. Do these cases represent the current state of the law, applying CA 2006 ss 170(2), 175 and 239?
4. Now that we have a statutory formulation of the duties, should these cases be brought under CA 2006 s
175 (conflicts of interest) or CA 2006 s 172 (good faith for the success of the company)? Does it matter? Are
the remedies different?
Remedial options when defaulting directors pursue corporate opportunities—remedies against the director
and against any corporate vehicle used to pursue the opportunity.
[7.31] CMS Dolphin Ltd v Simonet [2001] 2 BCLC 704, [2002] BCC 600 (Chancery Division)
Ball and Simonet formed an advertising agency, CMS Dolphin Ltd (CMSD), financed by Ball and run by Simonet. It
was permanently underfunded, and tensions grew between Ball and Simonet. On 16 April 1999, Simonet resigned
as managing director and set up in business, first under the trade name Millennium, and later as Blue (GB) Ltd
(Blue), with Patterson who had previously been chief executive of a company in the WPP group, the wellknown (p.
400) international advertising agency. Following Simonet’s resignation, all the staff of CMSD left to join Simonet
and Patterson, and the principal clients whom Simonet had introduced to CMSD switched their business to
2. The case raises (among other questions) the existence and applicability of the principle … that a director
is disqualified from usurping for himself or diverting to a company with which he is associated a maturing
business opportunity of his company not only while he is still a director, but also even after his resignation,
when the resignation may fairly be said to have been prompted or influenced by a wish to acquire for himself
the opportunity sought by the company …
96. In my judgment the underlying basis of the liability of a director who exploits after his resignation a
maturing business opportunity of the company is that the opportunity is to be treated as if it were property
of the company in relation to which the director had fiduciary duties. By seeking to exploit the opportunity
after resignation he is appropriating for himself that property. He is just as accountable as a trustee who
retires without properly accounting for trust property. In the case of the director he becomes a constructive
trustee of the fruits of his abuse of the company’s property, which he has acquired in circumstances where
he knowingly had a conflict of interest, and exploited it by resigning from the company.
Duty to account
97. In many cases, an account of profits will be a more advantageous remedy than equitable compensation,
since the actual profits obtained by the director may be higher than the damages for the loss of opportunity
suffered by the company, particularly where (as in Industrial Development Consultants Ltd v.
Cooley andCanadian Aero Service Ltd. v. O’Malley) the company had little or no prospect of obtaining the
benefit of the opportunity. The fiduciary is liable for the whole of the profit. There are no firm rules for
determining which is the relevant profit: see Hospital Products Ltd. v. United States Surgical Corp. (1984)
156 C.L.R. 41, at 110, perMason J. Where, as here, the business (to use a neutral term, not distinguishing
between Simonet and Blue) is not restricted exclusively to the performance of contracts which were
obtained from CMSD, the fiduciary should be accountable for the profits properly attributable to the breach
of fiduciary duty, taking into account the expenses connected with those profits and a reasonable allowance
for overheads (but not necessarily salary for the wrongdoer), together with a sum to take account of other
benefits derived from those contracts. For example, other contracts might not have been won, or profits
made on them, without (e.g.) the opportunity or cash flow benefit which flowed from contracts unlawfully
obtained. There must, however, be some reasonable connection between the breach of duty and the profits
for which the fiduciary is accountable.
Effect of use of corporate vehicle
98. In this case … Blue is hopelessly insolvent … although it is said to have made profits from the
contracts in question. Mr Simonet has personally made no profits, and claims that there is therefore nothing
for which he should account. According to CMSD, he remains accountable for the profits. Does it make a
difference to the remedy for an account of profits whether the director exploits the opportunity personally, or
through a partnership, or through a company controlled by him? In particular, is there a remedy against the
director where the profits are made by a company against which there is no effective remedy, because for
reasons unconnected with the relevant contracts it is hopelessly insolvent? The question is one of practical
importance because the case of an individual trading as such (as distinct from through a corporate vehicle)
is rare in purely commercial transactions. In this case the trading was done through the Millennium
partnership for about two weeks, and then through Blue …
100. Where the business is put into a company which is established by the directors who have wrongfully
taken advantage of the corporate opportunity, it was held inCook v. Deek s [7.22] that both the directors and
the company are liable to account for profits …
(p. 401) 101. In Canadian Aero Service Ltd. v. O’Malley it was clearly no impediment to the liability of the
directors to account for profits that the contract was obtained by a company which they had formed to
exploit the opportunity …
103. Is the position different where (as here) the corporate vehicle genuinely carries on business, and has
real premises and a staff? Even in such a case it is possible that the piercing the corporate veil approach
may be justified if the company was incorporated to perpetrate what must be regarded as wrongdoing close
to fraud: cf. Re H [1996] 2 B.C.L.C. 500. But I do not think that it is necessary to resort to piercing or lifting
the corporate veil, since Cook v. Deek s shows clearly (as does Canadian Aero Service Ltd. v. O’Malley)
that the directors are equally liable with the corporate vehicle formed by them to take unlawful advantage of
the business opportunities. The reason is that they have jointly participated in the breach of trust.
104. Nor in my judgment does it make a difference whether the business is taken up by the corporate
vehicle directly, or is first taken up by the directors and then transferred to a company …
140. As regards the allegation of unlawful diversion of the business opportunities of CMSD, CMSD is
entitled (at its option) to equitable compensation or an account of profits … from Simonet, not only in
respect of profits made by him in the short period in which he and Patterson traded as Millennium, but also
for the period they traded as Blue. What Mr Simonet diverted was not simply such business as gave rise to
profits in the period that Millennium traded. He diverted the benefit of the existing Argos and DFB contracts
and the opportunities that were associated with them and with the Reebok connection. CMSD does not
seek an account for any period beyond 1999, and there are therefore no difficult issues of connection and
causation … It is implicit in this exercise that Mr Simonet is entitled to credit for the expenses incurred by
Millennium/Blue in earning the profits including a reasonable proportion of overhead, and I will hear argument
as to whether that should include salary paid to Mr Simonet and Mr Patterson, and as to whether any other
points of principle will arise on the taking of an account …
142. … If there had been no effective remedy in relation to the allegations of breach of fiduciary duty, I would
have held that the breach of the duty of fidelity (which would have involved the acquisition of the Argos,
Reebok and DFB accounts) would have justified the remedy of an account of profits and not simply
damages. In Att. Gen. v. Blak e [2000] 3 W.L.R. 625, 639 (H.L.) Lord Nicholls said that one of the
exceptional circumstances which would justify a restitutionary remedy for breach of contract was the
characterisation of a contractual obligation as fiduciary and a finding that the claimant has a legitimate
interest in preventing the profitmaking activity of the defendant. This is such a case …
➤ Note
Lawrence Collins J suggests that the corporate opportunity (here, the ‘maturing business opportunity’) is
treated as the company’s property, and trusteetype remedies follow if the directors misuse that property.
Note that not every opportunity is a ‘corporate opportunity’; it is still necessary to decide first whether pursuit
of this venture by the directors is in breach of their duty of loyalty. Remember, too, that in making this
assessment it is irrelevant that pursuit of the opportunity by the company itself might have been legally or
practically impossible.
(p. 402) ➤ Questions
1. The defaulting director has to account for the profits made in breach of his or her duty to avoid conflicts. A
constructive trust over the whole business venture, forever, is rarely warranted—this is not the proper measure
of the ‘profit’ that the director has made from the breach (but see Cook v Deek s [7.22], Regal
(Hastings) [7.23]). If the director accounts in money, the net profits generated by the opportunity are usually
demanded for a period of time. Which of the cases extracted earlier take this approach? How is the time
period assessed? How are the ‘net profits’ assessed—in particular, why do some cases allow the directors to
claim a salary, and others do not?
2. The orthodox equitable remedy awarded against directors (or other fiduciaries) who engage in conflicts of
interest is to strip profits from them, not to award compensation to the company for breach of a ‘duty’ (now
see CA 2006 ss 175 and 178). Breach of the obligation to act bona fide and in the interests of the company,
by contrast, attracts the remedy of equitable compensation (now see CA 2006 ss 171, 172 and 178). Does
this mean, in practice, that there is always a choice of profits disgorgement or compensation in any case of
corporate opportunities? Can the injured company have both ?
3. When the defaulting director uses a new company to pursue the opportunity, Lawrence Collins J suggested
both the director and the company would be liable, either because the corporate veil might be lifted
(presumably only in appropriate circumstances) or because the company had knowingly participated in a
breach of duty. Does the choice of legal analysis affect the quantum of liability of either the director or the new
company? Are the director and the new company each liable for the same amount (whether profits
disgorgement or compensation)? Is this appropriate? What is the outcome if the new company is a ‘real’
company with innocent shareholders?
Statutory exception under s 175(4)(a)
Situations that ‘cannot reasonably be regarded as likely to give rise to a conflict’.
Board authorisation can be given where there is a conflict of interest (s 175(4)–(6)). But, in addition, s 175(4)(a)
provides that the duty is not infringed if the situation cannot reasonably be regarded as likely to give rise to a
conflict of interest. Some situations will fall very clearly into this category. But the next case is controversial: it
deals with the difficult question of whether an opportunity, once declined by the company, may then be taken up
by one of the directors on his own account, without any notification to or approval by the other directors or the
shareholders. There are no UK cases adopting this approach.
[7.32] Peso Silver Mines Ltd v Cropper (1966) 58 DLR (2d) 1 (Supreme Court of Canada)
The board of directors of the appellant company Peso was approached by an outsider named Dickson, who wished
to sell to it 126 prospecting claims near to the company’s own mining territories. The proposal was rejected by the
company after bona fide consideration by the board. Later, a syndicate was formed by Dr Aho, the company’s
geologist, to purchase Dickson’s claims. The syndicate included Cropper, a director of Peso. A company called
Cross Bow Mines Ltd was incorporated by the syndicate for the purpose. Cropper had taken part in the earlier
decision of Peso’s board to reject Dickson’s proposal. Control of Peso later passed to a company referred to as
‘Charter’, which caused this action to be brought, claiming that Cropper was accountable to the company for the
Cross Bow shares which he had thus (p. 403) obtained. The Supreme Court of Canada decided that he held them
on his own behalf and was not bound to account.60
The judgment of the court (CARTWRIGHT, MARTLAND, JUDSON, RITCHIE and HALL JJ) was delivered by
CARTWRIGHT J: On the facts of the case at bar I find it impossible to say that the respondent obtained the
interests he holds in Cross Bow and Mayo by reason of the fact that he was a director of the appellant and
in the course of the execution of that office.
When Dickson, at Dr Aho’s suggestion, offered his claims to the appellant it was the duty of the respondent
as director to take part in the decision of the board as to whether that offer should be accepted or rejected.
At that point he stood in a fiduciary relationship to the appellant. There are affirmative findings of fact that he
and his codirectors acted in good faith, solely in the interests of the appellant and with sound business
reasons in rejecting the offer. There is no suggestion in the evidence that the offer to the appellant was
accompanied by any confidential information unavailable to any prospective purchaser or that the
respondent as director had access to any such information by reason of his office. When, later, Dr Aho
approached the appellant it was not in his capacity as a director of the appellant, but as an individual
member of the public whom Dr Aho was seeking to interest as a coadventurer.
The judgments in the Regal case [7.23] in the Court of Appeal are not reported but counsel were good
enough to furnish us with copies. In the course of his reasons Lord Greene MR said: ‘To say that the
company was entitled to claim the benefit of those shares would involve this proposition: Where a board of
directors considers an investment which is offered to the company and bona fide comes to the conclusion
that it is not an investment which their company ought to make, any director, after that resolution is come
to and bona fide come to, who chooses to put up the money for that investment himself must be treated as
having done it on behalf of the company, so that the company can claim any profit that results to him from
it. That is a proposition for which no particle of authority was cited; and goes, as it seems to me, far beyond
anything that has ever been suggested as to the duty of directors, agents, or persons in a position of that
In the House of Lords, Lord Russell of Killowen concluded his reasons with the following paragraph: ‘One
final observation I desire to make. In his judgment Lord Greene MR stated that a decision adverse to the
directors in the present case involved the proposition that, if directors bona fide decide not to invest their
company’s funds in some proposed investment, a director who thereafter embarks his own money therein is
accountable for any profits which he may derive therefrom. As to this, I can only say that to my mind the
facts of this hypothetical case bear but little resemblance to the story with which we have had to deal.’
I agree with Bull JA[61 ] when after quoting the two above passages he says: ‘As Greene MR was found to
be in error in his decision, I would think that the above comment by Lord Russell on the hypothetical case
would be superfluous unless it was intended to be a reservation that he had no quarrel with the proposition
enunciated by the Master of the Rolls, but only that the facts of the case before him did not fall within it.’
As Bull JA goes on to point out, the same view appears to have been entertained by Lord Denning MR
in Phipps v Boardman.[62 ]
If the members of the House of Lords in Regal had been of the view that in the hypothetical case stated by
Lord Greene the director would have been liable to account to the company, the elaborate examination of
the facts contained in the speech of Lord Russell of Killowen would have been unnecessary.
(p. 404) The facts of the case at bar appear to me in all material respects identical with those in the
hypothetical case stated by Lord Greene and I share the view which he expressed that in such
circumstances the director is under no liability. I agree with the conclusion of the learned trial judge and of
the majority in the Court of Appeal that the action fails …
➤ Notes
1. Boardman v Phipps [1967] 2 AC 46, HL, referred to in the extract, was not a company law case, but is of
interest as an application of the principle of Regal (Hastings) Ltd v Gulliver [7.23]. B, a solicitor, and P, acting
together as agents for the trustees of an estate, attended the annual general meeting of a company in which
the estate had a minority holding of shares. Later, they obtained information about share prices from that
company. They formed the opinion that the company could be made more profitable and, acting honestly and
without concealment (but not having first obtained the ‘informed consent’ of all the trustees), used their own
money to bid for and eventually to acquire a controlling interest in it. The estate itself could not have made the
bid without the trustees committing a breach of trust, and in any case it had no funds available for the
purpose. Ultimately, they succeeded in making considerable profits for both themselves and the estate from
capital distributions on their respective holdings of shares. By a 3:2 majority, the House of Lords held that
they must account to the trust for the profit which they had made from their own investment: the profit had
been made by reason of their fiduciary position as agents and by reason of the opportunity and the knowledge
which had come to them while acting in that capacity. The remedy was proprietary (the order granted by
Wilberforce J was reinstated). However, the House of Lords did think it proper to decree that the defendants
should be paid ‘on a liberal scale’ for their work and skill.
2. In Thermascan Ltd v Norman [2011] BCC 535 (Ch), David Donaldson QC held that, once the contractual
basis for a restraint not to compete with the company has lapsed, the restraint does not persist under CA
2006 s 175. In this case, the company provided services to customers using infrared technology, in particular
for surveying commercial buildings to reveal hotspots caused by electrical faults. A former director launched
his own business to offer thermal imaging surveys and was successful in canvassing orders from the claimant
company’s former clients. It was held that these possible new surveys more than eight months later cannot
‘properly be described as a business opportunity in the course of maturing’ [19] as at the director’s
resignation. Although it is not necessary to demonstrate that formal negotiations were underway; the learned
judge found it hard to see how a claim can succeed without it being demonstrated that there had been at least
some form of significant discussion of the potential business at the time of resignation.
➤ Questions
1. Can the decision in the Peso Silver Mines case be reconciled with Boardman v Phipps (earlier), Aberdeen
Rly Co v Blaik ie Bros [7.34] and the passage from Keech v Sandford quoted in Regal (Hastings) Ltd v
Gulliver [7.23] ?
2. Is Peso Silver Mines likely to be embraced in the UK, even with the introduction of s 175(4)(a)?
Conflicts of duty and duty: competing directorships
Section 175(7) makes it clear that conflicts of duty and duty (ie conflicting duties of loyalty owed to two different
principals) are within the remit of s 175.
The controversial House of Lords authority in this area is Bell v Lever Bros Ltd [1932] AC 161. It treats directors
more leniently than employees are treated by employment law; it holds (p. 405) that directors are not under an
obligation to refrain from competing with their companies or from becoming directors of rival companies, although
this conclusion assumes that the first company has no concern in the contracts of the second, and that in earning
the profit on those contracts the director has not made use of either the property or the confidential information
belonging to the first company (see the opinion of Lord Blanesburgh).
The next case is unusual, but airs some of the concerns in this area. The extract is long, but this is a rare Court of
Appeal authority on a difficult issue.
[7.33] In Plus Group Ltd v Pyke [2002] EWCA Civ 370, [2003] BCC 332 (Court of Appeal)
The company, In Plus Group Ltd, was controlled by two men, Pyke and Plank, its only directors and members.
When the business relationship between Pyke and Plank deteriorated, Pyke was entirely excluded from the
management of the company. He was refused access to financial records, no longer received his monthly
payments from the company and his office was relocated without consultation or notice. With neither job nor
income, Pyke established a new company and started doing business with Constructive, one of the company’s
major clients. The claimants argued that this competition with the company amounted to a breach of Pyke’s
fiduciary duties to it, and they sought an account of Pyke’s profits.
BROOKE LJ: … There is no completely rigid rule that a director may not be involved in the business of a
company which is in competition with another company of which he was a director. A rather startling
illustration of this proposition can be seen in the case of London and Mashonaland Exploration Co Ltd v New
Mashonaland Exploration Co Ltd [1891] WN 165. Lord Mayo was a director and chairman of the board of
directors of the first company which was incorporated for the purpose which its name suggests. He never in
fact acted as a director, or attended a board meeting, or agreed, either expressly or in the articles of
association, not to become a director of any similar company. Four months later the second company was
formed for the same purpose. The first company had had some success with a share prospectus
advertising Lord Mayo’s name as director and chairman, and it took umbrage when it saw its rival’s
prospectus with Lord Mayo’s name at the head of its list of directors.
After summarising the facts, and adding that there was no contract, express or implied, obliging Lord Mayo
to give his personal services to the plaintiff company and not to another company, Chitty J dismissed the
plaintiffs’ application for an injunction. He said that no case had been made out that Lord Mayo was about
to disclose to the defendants any information that he had obtained confidentially in his character of
chairman, and that an analogy sought to be drawn between the present case and partnership was
This decision was applied with approval by Lord Blanesburgh in Bell v Lever Bros Ltd [earlier], at pp 193–
196. He distinguished between contracts in which the director’s own company was concerned and
contracts by which the director was bound to some outside party. In relation to the latter class of contract
he said that the company had no concern in the director’s profit, and could not make him accountable for it
unless it appeared—and this was the essential qualification—that in earning that profit he had made use
either of the company’s property or of some confidential information which had come to him as director of
the company.
I have read in draft the judgment of Sedley LJ, and I need not repeat his description of the unease with
which some modern text book writers have viewed theMashonaland case. It is unnecessary on the present
occasion to resolve this controversy, because the facts of the present case are so unusual. …
In the present case Mr Pyke, who was a sick man following his stroke, had been effectively expelled from
the companies of which he was a director more than six months before any of the events occurred of which
the claimants now make complaint. Although he had invested a very large (p. 406) sum of money in the
first and second claimants on interest free loan accounts, he was not being permitted to withdraw any of it.
At the same time he was being denied any remuneration from the companies. When he entered into
business with Constructive in the autumn of 1997 he was not using any of the claimants’ property for the
purpose of that business. Nor was he making use of any confidential information which had come to him as
a director of any of the companies.
In these circumstances I consider that the judge was right when he held that Mr Pyke committed no breach
of fiduciary duty in trading with Constructive …
SEDLEY LJ: London & Mashonaland Exploration Co Ltd v New Mashonaland Exploration Co Ltd, in its
solitary briefly reported form [1891] WN 165, establishes that there is nothing inherently objectionable in the
position of a company director (and chairman) who, without breaching any express restrictive agreement or
disclosing any confidential information, becomes engaged, whether personally or as a director of another
company, in the same line of business. The extempore judgment of Chitty J on what appears to have been
an interlocutory motion for injunctive relief, was given the imprimatur of the House of Lords by Lord
Blanesburgh in Bell v Lever Bros [earlier], at p 195. The case had not, according to the report, been referred
to by counsel on either side in argument; but Lord Blanesburgh, with whom Lord Atkin and Lord Thankerton
agreed, explicitly endorsed the principle set out by Chitty J. This, therefore, is the law which binds us. That
it can produce outcomes of debatable morality is evident from the speeches in Bell v Lever Bros itself. Lord
Blanesburgh remarked in conclusion (at p 200):
‘Nor is it to my mind unjust that, their profit accounted for, the appellants should be left in
possession by way of return for their services of sums which, while they may seem bountiful to
minds disciplined in a school of progressive austerity, would doubtless, by those engaged in great
business, he regarded as no more than adequate to the occasion.’
Lord Atkin on the other hand, though concurring in the result, said (at p 229):
‘The result is that in the present case servants unfaithful in some of their work retain large
compensation which some will think they do not deserve. Nevertheless it is of greater importance
that well established principles of contract should be maintained than that a particular hardship
should be redressed …’
The problem is obvious if one thinks of how shareholders in X Ltd or X plc, or for that matter its creditors,
would regard a director who used his boardroom vote, perhaps crucially, in a way which helped a
competitor, when the competitor was the director himself or another company of which he was also a
director. Whatever the perceived commercial morality of such a situation, I do not consider that it is
sanctioned by law. The fiduciary duty of a director to his company is uniform and universal. What vary
infinitely are the elements of fact and degree which determine whether the duty has been breached. If Mr
Pyke’s solicitors’ view of the law is as widely held as it seems to be, it needs to be revised. They wrote
‘The authorities are quite clear that it is no breach of any fiduciary duty to be involved with a business
either of the same kind or in competition with the company of which he is a director.’
Counsel have put before us what three of the leading modern textbooks say about this received view of the
law. The authors’ and editors’ views range from the dubious to the sceptical. [He then cited from Gore
Browne on Companies (Jordans), para 27.17; Palmer’s Company Law (Sweet & Maxwell), para 8.534, and
Gower’s Principles of Modern Company Law (Davies, Sweet & Maxwell), 6th ed., says at p 622:
‘Competing with the company. One of the most obvious examples of a situation which might be
expected to give rise to a conflict between a director’s interests and his duties is where he carries on
or is associated with a business competing with that of the company. Certainly a fiduciary without
the consent of his beneficiaries is normally strictly precluded (p. 407) from competing with them and
this is specifically stated in the analogous field of partnership law. Yet, strangely, it is by no means
clear on the existing case law that a similar rule applies to directors of a company. Indeed, it is
generally stated that it does not, and there appears to be a definite, if inadequately reported,
decision that a director cannot be restrained from acting as a director of a rival company. And it has
been said that “What he could do for a rival company he could, of course, do for himself.” This view is
becoming increasingly difficult to support. It has been held that the duty of fidelity flowing from the
relationship of master and servant may preclude the servant from engaging, even in his spare time, in
work for a competitor, notwithstanding that the servant’s duty of fidelity imposes lesser obligations
than the full duty of good faith owed by a director or other fiduciary agent. How, then, can it be that a
director can compete whereas a subordinate employee cannot? Moreover it has been recognised
that one who is a director of two rival concerns is walking a tightrope and at risk if he fails to deal
fairly with both.
In arguing that a director who carries on a business which competes with that of his company
inevitably places himself in a position where his personal interest will conflict with his duty to the
company, it is not being contended that he will necessarily have breached his fiduciary duty; he will
not if the company has consented so long as he observes his subjective duty to the company by
subordinating his interests to those of the company. Nor is it being suggested that there is anything
objectionable in his holding other directorships so long as all the companies have consented if their
businesses compete. But in both cases consent is unlikely if he is a fulltime executive director or if
the extent of the competition is substantial. And even if the consent is given the director is likely to
be faced with constant difficulties in avoiding breaches of his subjective duty of good faith to the
company or companies concerned. He may be able to subordinate his personal interests to those of
a single company but it is less easy to reconcile conflicting duties to more than one company. Nor
would a reformed rule be inconsistent with the modern emphasis on a more important role for non
executive directors, who are often executive directors of other companies. Even if executive directors
are regarded as a good source of nonexecutive talent for other companies (which some would
question), a reformed rule would simply require executive directors not to become nonexecutive or
competing companies, which they are, in fact, rarely asked to become.’
If one bears in mind the high standard of probity which equity demands of fiduciaries, and the reliance which
shareholders and creditors are entitled to place upon it, the Mashonaland principle is a very limited one. If,
for example, the two Mashonaland Exploration companies had been preparing to tender for the same
contract, I doubt whether Lord Mayo’s position would have been tenable, at least in the absence of special
arrangements to insulate either company from the conflict of his interests and duties, for I see no reason
why the law should assume that any directorship is merely cosmetic. A directorship brings with it not only
voting rights and emoluments but responsibilities of stewardship and honesty, and those who cannot
discharge them should not become or remain directors.
All the foregoing concerns breach of fiduciary duty. From such a breach, appropriate remedies will follow.
But both common sense and equity indicate that it is not necessary to wait for a breach giving rise to a
remedy before the possibility of intervention arises …
That the law will take notice of a situation of impending or potential breach, as well as of an actual one, is
clear … [he cited various decisions, and continued:] Without the need of any proven breach, the court will
set aside a transaction entered into in the shadow of such a conflict. It will also in an appropriate case
restrain entry into such a transaction or restrain the director from involving himself in it. The distinction …
between a director’s putting himself into a position of conflict and his being in breach of fiduciary duty is of
course legally correct and is relevant to remedies; but it does not mean that a director can cheerfully go to
the brink so long as he does not fall over the edge. It means that if he finds himself in a position of conflict
he must resolve it openly or extract himself from it …
In this situation the room in the present case for absolving Mr Pyke was very limited indeed. …
(p. 408) … Quite exceptionally, the defendant’s duty to the claimants had been reduced to vanishing point
by the acts (explicable and even justifiable though they may have been) of his sole fellow director and fellow
shareholder Mr Plank. Accepting as I do that the claimants’ relationship with Constructive was consistent
with successful poaching on Mr Pyke’s part, the critical fact is that it was done in a situation in which the
dual role which is the necessary predicate of Mr Yell’s case is absent. The defendant’s role as a director of
the claimants was throughout the relevant period entirely nominal, not in the sense in which a nonexecutive
director’s position might (probably wrongly) be called nominal but in the concrete sense that he was entirely
excluded from all decisionmaking and all participation in the claimant company’s affairs. For all the
influence he had, he might as well have resigned.
For the rest, I agree with the judgments of my Lords …
JONATHAN PARKER LJ: I agree with the order proposed by Brooke LJ, for the reasons which he has given.
I further agree with him that this is not an appropriate case in which to examine the scope and application of
what Sedley LJ refers to as the Mashonaland principle …
➤ Question
By bundling up conflicts of interest and duty and conflicts of duty and duty in the same provision (s 175), is
CA 2006 likely to encourage a hardening of the courts’ approach to the latter types of conflicts?
Duty not to accept benefits from third parties: CA 2006 s 176
For directors, this provision reformulates and replaces the equitable principle that fiduciaries must not accept
bribes or secret commissions (Attorney General for Hong Kong v Reid [1994] 1 AC 324, PC).
Several points are worth noting:
(i) The statutory duty does not embrace the entire ambit of the broader equitable ‘no profit’ rule, which is
subsumed in s 175. On the other hand, this duty is clearly related to the no conflict duty in s 175, since this
duty, too, is not infringed if acceptance of the benefit cannot reasonably be regarded as likely to give rise to a
conflict of interest (s 176(4)).
(ii) ‘Benefits’ are not defined in CA 2006. During parliamentary debates on the Bill, the SolicitorGeneral said:
‘In using the word “benefit”, we intend the ordinary dictionary meaning of the word. The Oxford English
Dictionary defines it as “a favourable or helpful factor, circumstance, advantage or profit”’ (HC Comm D,
11/7/06, cols 621–622). A benefit may be financial or nonfinancial, of any shape or size, although s 176(4)
ensures that trivial benefits are not caught by the provision, and s 176(3) covers payment of normal salary
and benefits.
(iii) The most significant difference between s 175 (no conflict) and this section (s 176, no benefits from third
parties) is that there is no provision for authorisation by the board of directors. Of course, the company’s
articles could (although it is most unlikely) contain specific provisions concerning benefits from third parties
(see s 180(4)(b) and s 232(4): provisions protecting directors from liability). Alternatively, s 180(4)(a)
(consent, approval and authorisation by members) may apply, but see the following Questions. Finally, the
members may ratify the receipt under s 239 (ratification of acts of directors): again, see the following
(p. 409) ➤ Questions
1. What ‘benefits’ received by directors will be assessed under this section rather than under s 175? Section
175 catches a director’s capture of corporate opportunities (benefits?) from third parties for personal benefit
rather than for the company’s benefit. Is the difference that the ‘benefits’ contemplated under s 175 could have
been pursued legitimately by the company itself (and the section makes the likelihood of success in that
pursuit irrelevant: s 175(2)), whereas the benefits contemplated under s 176 are benefits that the company
could not (or not legitimately) have requested or accepted for itself, such as bribes and secret commissions?
This approach would add much to these sections that is certainly not apparent from their terms. Indeed, the
qualification in s 175(2), earlier, is worded sufficiently widely to cover situations where the company could
not legally take the advantage, so discrimination in this way is not compelled by the terms of the section
itself. Does the answer to this question matter?
2. Section 176 does not provide for board authorisation as a ‘whitewashing’ procedure. If the board did consent
(in the manner fully set out in s 175(5)–(6)), could anyone obtain a remedy against the director for breach of
3. The authorisation and ratification procedures for members (ss 180 and 239) expressly import any general
law restrictions on granting pretransaction approval or postevent ratification (see ss 180(4)(a) and 239(7)).
Does the general law prevent members approving or ratifying a director’s receipt of benefits from third parties?
Are there any s 175 conflicts that could not be authorised or ratified?
4. If a director as employee of company A accepts bribes from company B, and company A is found guilty
under the Bribery Act 2010 s 7, can company A then claim against the director under s 176? Accordingly, is it
reasonable to argue that s 176 will now be more readily used because, with the Bribery Act regime in place,
companies are more motivated to investigate and pursue against their directors (who are often employees of
the companies) suspected of receiving bribes?
Duty to declare an interest in a proposed or existing transaction or arrangement: CA
2006 ss 177 and 182
Section 177 is the third of the general provisions designed to reformulate and codify the fiduciary duties owed by
directors. It deals with conflicts of interest in proposedtransactions or arrangements with the company. Directors
with direct or indirect63 interests in transactions proposed by the company must declare to the other directors the
nature and extent of those interests, unless it is an interest, or involves a transaction, of which the director is
Section 180 then makes it clear that, subject to the company’s constitution, if directors comply with s 177, the
transaction is not liable to be set aside by virtue of the usual equitable rule requiring the consent of the company’s
members. This is the significant reform introduced by this provision.
Failure to comply with s 177 constitutes a breach of duty, for which the purely civil remedies in s 178 apply. If the
company then enters into the impugned transaction, the director is under a new and continuing duty to disclose,
expressed in substantially similar terms in s 182 (declaration of interest in existing transaction or arrangement).
Breach of s 182 is an offence (p. 410) (s 183).64 Why the two regimes need to be separated at all, or by three
intervening provisions, is not clear. (On s 182, see ‘Declarations of interest in existing transactions or
arrangements: ss 182–187’, pp 445ff.)
Under various subsections in s 177, directors are treated as being aware of matters of which they ought to be
aware; declarations must be updated if necessary; the form of disclosure is not prescribed, but may be made at a
meeting of directors, by notice in writing, or by general notice. The articles may impose further requirements.
Certain exceptions exist; all are reflected in existing common law rules. These apply where there is no reasonable
likelihood of a conflict (Cowan de Groot Properties Ltd v Eagle Trust plc [1991] BCLC 1045); where the other
directors are already aware or ought reasonably to be aware of the interest; and where the interest concerns
service contracts which have been, or are to be, considered by a meeting of directors or by a remuneration
committee (Runciman v Walter Runciman plc [1992] BCLC 1084). A fourth exception, not included in the section
but recognised in s 186, is that the director of a company with only one director is not required to make a
declaration to himself, although the terms of these arrangements must be set out in writing or recorded in the
minutes (s 231).
If a director enters into a transaction or arrangement with the company in breach of s 177 (ie without making the
appropriate declaration to the directors), then the transaction is voidable.65 For the ramifications of this, see the
Note following the next extract. The more general issues relating to remedies are discussed at ‘General issues’,
pp 413ff.
For the impact of possible authorisation or ratification by the members, see ‘Ratification of acts of directors: CA
2006 s 239’, pp 437ff.
Transactions between the company and its directors (or a company with which the directors are associated)
are voidable at the option of the company unless approved by the company.
[7.34] Aberdeen Rly Co v Blaikie Bros (1854) 1 Macq 461 (House of Lords)
The respondents, Blaikie Bros, had agreed to manufacture iron chairs for the railway company at £8.50 per ton,
and sued to enforce the contract. The railway company pleaded that it was not bound by the contract because, at
the time when it was made, the chairman of its board of directors was also managing partner of the respondents.
This plea was upheld by the House of Lords.
LORD CRANWORTH LC: This, therefore, brings us to the general question, whether a director of a railway
company is or is not precluded from dealing on behalf of the company with himself, or with a firm in which
he is a partner.
The directors are a body to whom is delegated the duty of managing the general affairs of the company.
A corporate body can only act by agents, and it is of course the duty of those agents so to act as best to
promote the interests of the corporation whose affairs they are conducting. Such agents have duties to
discharge of a fiduciary nature towards their principal.66 And it is a rule of universal (p. 411) application that
no one, having such duties to discharge, shall be allowed to enter into engagements in which he has, or
can have, a personal interest conflicting, or which possibly may conflict, with the interests of those whom
he is bound to protect.
So strictly is this principle adhered to that no question is allowed to be raised as to the fairness or
unfairness of a contract so entered into.
It obviously is, or may be, impossible to demonstrate how far in any particular case the terms of such a
contract have been the best for the interest of the cestui que trust, which it was possible to obtain.
It may sometimes happen that the terms on which a trustee has dealt or attempted to deal with the estate
or interest of those for whom he is a trustee, have been as good as could have been obtained from any
other person—they may even at the time have been better.
But still so inflexible is the rule that no inquiry on that subject is permitted. The English authorities on this
head are numerous and uniform.
The principle was acted on by Lord King in Keech v Sandford,67 and by Lord Hardwicke in Whelpdale v
Cook son,68 and the whole subject was considered by Lord Eldon on a great variety of occasions …
It is true that the questions have generally arisen on agreements for purchases or leases of land, and not,
as here, on a contract of a mercantile character. But this can make no difference in principle. The inability
to contract depends not on the subjectmatter of the agreement, but on the fiduciary character of the
contracting party, and I cannot entertain a doubt of its being applicable to the case of a party who is acting
as manager of a mercantile or trading business for the benefit of others, no less than to that of an agent or
trustee employed in selling or letting land.
Was then Mr Blaikie so acting in the case now before us?—If he was, did he while so acting contract on
behalf of those for whom he was acting with himself?
Both these questions must obviously be answered in the affirmative. Mr Blaikie was not only a director, but
(if that was necessary) the chairman of the directors. In that character it was his bounden duty to make the
best bargains he could for the benefit of the company.
While he filled that character, namely, on 6 February 1846, he entered into a contract on behalf of the
company with his own firm, for the purchase of a large quantity of iron chairs at a certain stipulated price.
His duty to the company imposed on him the obligation of obtaining these chairs at the lowest possible
His personal interest would lead him to an entirely opposite direction, would induce him to fix the price as
high as possible. This is the very evil against which the rule in question is directed, and here I see nothing
whatever to prevent its application.
I observe that Lord Fullerton seemed to doubt whether the rule would apply where the party whose act or
contract is called in question is only one of a body of directors, not a sole trustee or manager.
But, with all deference, this appears to me to make no difference. It was Mr Blaikie’s duty to give to his co
directors, and through them to the company, the full benefit of all the knowledge and skill which he could
bring to bear on the subject. He was bound to assist them in getting the articles contracted for at the
cheapest possible rate. As far as related to the advice he should give them, he put his interest in conflict
with his duty, and whether he was the sole director or only one of many, can make no difference in
The same observation applies to the fact that he was not the sole person contracting with the company; he
was one of the firm of Blaikie Brothers, with whom the contract was made, and so interested in driving as
hard a bargain with the company as he could induce them to make …
LORD BROUGHAM delivered a concurring opinion.
(p. 412) ➤ Questions
1. Given the reasons for the strict rule set out in this case, is the approach adopted in CA 2006 s 177
warranted? Will the company get ‘the full benefit of all the knowledge and skill which [the director] could bring
to bear on the subject’?
2. The traditional equitable rule was that disclosure must be to the members; disclosure to a disinterested
quorum of directors was insufficient (unless the articles provided otherwise, which they usually did). This is
now amended by s 177. But was the equitable rule itself open to question? Directors owe their fiduciary duties
to the company, so the company must consent to any potential conflicts. So do cases such as John Shaw &
Sons (Salford) Ltd v Shaw [4.07] suggest that where there is a board of directors capable of acting, it and it
alone is competent to make business decisions for the company?
➤ Note
In these cases where the director’s breach involves a contract with the company, the contract is voidable at
the option of the company. It follows that the company will lose its right to rescind, on general contractual
principles, if it has affirmed the transaction, or cannot make proper restitution (restitutio in integrum), or the
rights of a third party would be adversely affected.
On orthodox principles, rescission is the only remedy (unless the director has also infringed some other rule
that will deliver an alternative), and if rescission is no longer possible for any of these reasons, then the court
will not intervene. The cases dealing with promoters, for example Erlanger v New Sombrero Phosphate
Co [8.06] andRe Cape Breton Co (Note 3 following Gluck stein v Barnes [8.07], p 486), confirm this. Also
see Cook v Deek s [7.22]. Even though impugned contracts between the director and the company are an
illustration of the ‘no conflict’ duty, for which directors are typically required to disgorge the profits they have
made (holding them on constructive trust for the company, see the Note following JJ Harrison (Properties) Ltd
v Harrison [7.36], p 421), the courts in these cases say that the director’s profit is ‘unquantifiable’ since that
would involve the courts fixing a new contract price for the parties. Given all the other situations in which
courts are content to make commercial assessments of value, this seems precious.
And if the courts will not give a ‘profits’ remedy for breach of the fiduciary duty, few options remain. The
company cannot sue the director for breach of the contract, because by definition the contract is either
affirmed (not breached) or rescinded (so rendered totally ineffective from the outset). The only option is to avoid
(rescind) the contract and seek a personal (monetary) restitutionary remedy; this practice seems to be
becoming increasingly acceptable.69
Remedies for breach of general duties: CA 2006 s 178
The remedies for breach of directors’ duties have not been codified, despite the recommendations of the Law
Commissions. CA 2006 s 178 preserves the existing civil consequences of breach (or threatened breach) of any of
the general duties. If the statutory duty departs from its equitable equivalent, the court will have to identify the
equivalent rule and apply the same consequences and remedies. For the avoidance of doubt, s 179 makes the
obvious point that more than one of the general duties may apply in any given case.
(p. 413) The consequences of breach may include:
(i) injunctions and declarations (generally only when the breach is still threatened);
(ii) common law damages or equitable compensation where the company has suffered loss;70
(iii) restoration of the company’s property, following a declaration that the property is held by the director on
constructive trust for the company;
(iv) an account of profits made by the director; or
(v) rescission of a contract where the director failed to disclose an interest.
Also see s 1157 (power of court to grant relief in certain circumstances) that replaces CA 1985 s 727.
General issues
Many of the cases in the preceding pages of this chapter include a discussion of the relevant remedial issues. See
especially Cook v Deek s [7.22]; Regal (Hastings) Ltd v Gulliver [7.23]; In Plus Group Ltd v Pyk e [7.33]; CMS
Dolphin Ltd v Simonet [7.31]; Ultraframe (UK) Ltd v Fielding [7.44], paras [1511]–[1576].
The next extract repays careful reading. It illustrates and helps to explain many of the more significant problems in
this area.71 Note, in particular, the irrelevance of the fact that the company could not have made the profit now
being claimed from the director or that the company would have given consent if requested; note also the
deterrence function, the objective to strip profits and the problems in identifying the relevant profits.
The account of profits remedy—issues of causation and quantification.
[7.35] Murad v AlSaraj [2005] EWCA Civ 959 (Court of Appeal)
Westwood (W) was a company owned by AlSaraj (S). S had proposed to the Murads (M), who were two sisters,
that they should together buy a hotel for £4.1 million, S contributing £500,000 to the purchase price, M contributing
£1 million and the balance being borrowed from a bank. M and W entered into an agreement regulating the
distribution of the proceeds of sale pro rata according to their initial contributions (ie 1/3:2/3). The hotel was
purchased by a company (D) owned by S and M. The hotel was subsequently sold for a profit of £2 million. In
proceedings by M the judge held that there had been a fiduciary relationship between S and M in relation to the
joint venture to buy the hotel and that S had fraudulently misrepresented that his contribution would be made in
cash, when in fact it had been made by setting off obligations owed by the vendor to S. He ordered that S and W
should account to M for the entire profit that they had made from the transaction. The appellants submitted that
the account of profits should have been limited to the profits obtained by the breach of fiduciary duty on the basis
that if the setoff arrangement had been disclosed to M they would have agreed to go ahead but with a higher profit
share so that S and W should only be liable for the loss incurred by M as a result of the nondisclosure of the set
off arrangement. (p. 414)
46. … The judge gave a remedy of account because there was a fiduciary relationship. For wrongs in the
context of such a relationship, an order for an account of profits is a conventional remedy. …
54. The argument which Mr Cogley [counsel for S] makes is a powerful one. His case is that, where a
fiduciary is made to account, there has to be a link between the profit and his wrongful act. …
55. On Mr Cogley’s submission, the account ordered by the judge would not be restitutionary or restorative.
It would result in unjust enrichment of the Murads. It is (he submits) wrong in principle that the Murads
should receive the benefit of any profits which, if there had been full disclosure, they would have been
content for Mr AlSaraj to have. They all along anticipated being coventurers with him and so expected him
to have a share of the profits from the acquisition of Parkside Hotel. Increases in profits not attributable to
his wrongful conduct should be excluded from the profits for which he has to account. …
56. To test Mr Cogley’s argument on the extent of the liability to account, in my judgment it is necessary to
go back to first principle. … Equity recognises that there are legal wrongs for which damages are not the
appropriate remedy. … a court of equity instead awards an account of profits … the purpose of the account
is to strip a defaulting fiduciary of his profit. …
59. I would highlight two wellestablished points about the reach of the equitable remedies: (1) the liability of
a fiduciary to account does not depend on whether the person to whom the fiduciary duty was owed could
himself have made the profit. (2) when awarding equitable compensation, the court does not apply the
common law principles of causation.
60. Proposition (1) is established by numerous authorities. … [including Regal (Hastings) [7.23]: ‘The
liability arises from the mere fact of a profit having, in the stated circumstances, been made.’]
61. The position is no different in Australia: see Warman International Ltd v Dwyer [72 ], where the High
Court specifically rejected the notion of unjust enrichment:
‘It has been suggested that the liability of the fiduciary to account for a profit made in breach of the
fiduciary duty should be determined by reference to the concept of unjust enrichment, namely,
whether the profit is made at the expense of the person to whom the fiduciary duty is owed, and to
the honesty and bona fides of the fiduciary. But the authorities in Australia and England deny that
the liability of a fiduciary to account depends upon detriment to the plaintiff or the dishonesty and
lack of bona fides of the fiduciary.’ (page 557)
62. The High Court went on to say that (in a context such as this) the fiduciary will be liable to account
(only) ‘for a profit or benefit if it was obtained by reason of his taking advantage of [an] opportunity or
knowledge derived from his fiduciary position’ (page 557). It must of course be the case that no fiduciary is
liable for all the profits he ever made from any source. However, it is clear that the High Court contemplated
that the relevant profits would be ascertained through the process of the account. The court held: ‘Ordinarily
a fiduciary will be ordered to render an account of the profits made within the scope and ambit of his duty.’
(page 559)
63. The High Court considered the allowances appropriate in that case. It concluded that a distinction
should be drawn between the profits made from the use of a specific asset and those generated by a
business which the defaulting fiduciary had diverted to himself. In the latter case, an allowance for skill,
experience and expenses might have to be made. I return to the question of allowances below.
64. The High Court made it clear that the power to make an allowance for skill and efforts (or some other
‘is not to say that the liability of a fiduciary to account should be governed by the doctrine of unjust
enrichment, though that doctrine may well have a useful part to play; it is simply to say that the
stringent rule requiring a fiduciary to account for profits can be carried to extremes (p. 415) and that
in cases outside the realm of specific assets, the liability of the fiduciary should not be transformed
into a vehicle for the unjust enrichment of the plaintiff.’ (page 561) …
67. The fact that the fiduciary can show that that party would not have made a loss is, on the authority of
the Regal case, an irrelevant consideration so far as an account of profits is concerned. Likewise, it follows
in my judgment from the Regal case that it is no defence for a fiduciary to say that he would have made the
profit even if there had been no breach of fiduciary duty.
68. … liability does not depend on fraud or lack of good faith. The existence of a fraudulent intent will,
however, be relevant to the question of the allowances to be made on the taking of the account (which
subject I consider below). …
70. The next issue is that of authorisation or consent to the breach of duty. There was no consent in fact in
this case. What is said is that the Murads would have consented to the set off arrangement and reduction
in the purchase price for the hotel, if they had been asked. The House of Lords in the Regal case
recognised that there would have been no liability to account in that case if the directors had been
authorised by their company to take the opportunity which they had appropriated for themselves. …
71. In my judgment it is not enough for the wrongdoer to show that, if he had not been fraudulent, he could
have got the consent of the party to whom he owed the fiduciary duty to allow him to retain the profit. The
point is that the profit here was in fact wholly unauthorised at the time it was made and has so remained.
To obtain a valid consent, there would have to have been full and frank disclosure by Mr AlSaraj to the
Murads of all relevant matters. It is only actual consent which obviates the liability to account. …
77. … for the policy reasons, on the taking of an account, the court lays the burden on the defaulting
fiduciary to show that the profit is not one for which he should account …
78. This principle was applied by the High Court of Australia in the Warman case:
‘It is for the defendant to establish that it is inequitable to order an account of the entire profits. If the
defendant does not establish that that would be so, then the defendant must bear the consequences
of mingling the profits attributable to those earned by the defendant’s efforts and investment, in the
same way that a trustee of a mixed fund bears the onus of distinguishing what is his own.’
79. In the Warman case, the defaulting fiduciary was able to show that some of the profit was not
attributable to his wrongful act, but to his own skill and effort. The Court limited the account accordingly. On
the facts, the court was satisfied that the period of time for which profits were to be accounted should be
limited to two years. I will come back to this point below.
80. The above examination of the rule of equity applied in the Regal case is not promising for Mr Cogley’s
argument. On the contrary, on its most obvious analysis, his argument is clearly inconsistent with it, since
the essence of his approach is to seek to limit Mr AlSaraj’s liability to account for profit to the loss suffered
by the Murads. As the Regal case shows, liability to account for profit in equity does not depend on
whether the beneficiary actually suffered any loss. I thus turn to consider whether there is any other way in
which Mr Cogley’s argument can be analysed in conformity with the principles of equity. …
82. [After considering various mechanisms that equity uses to moderate the severity of its equitable
remedies against defaulting fiduciaries, Arden LJ continued:] Moreover, it would not be impossible for a
modern court to conclude as a matter of policy that, without losing the deterrent effect of the rule, the
harshness of it should be tempered in some circumstances. In addition, in such cases, the courts can
provide a significant measure of protection for the beneficiaries by imposing on the defaulting trustee the
affirmative burden of showing that those circumstances prevailed. Certainly the Canadian courts have
modified the effect of equity’s inflexible rule (see Peso Silver Mines Ltd v Cropper (1966) 58 DLR (2d) 1; see
also the decision of the Privy Council on appeal from Australia in Queensland Mines v Hudson(1978) 52
AJLR 399), though I express no view as to the circumstances in which there should be any relaxation of the
rule in this jurisdiction. That sort of question must be left to another court.
(p. 416) 83. In short, it may be appropriate for a higher court one day to revisit the rule on secret profits and
to make it less inflexible in appropriate circumstances, where the unqualified operation of the rule operates
particularly harshly and where the result is not compatible with the desire of modern courts to ensure that
remedies are proportionate to the justice of the case where this does not conflict with some other overriding
policy objective of the rule in question.
84. … Mr AlSaraj was found to have made a fraudulent misrepresentation to the Murads who had placed
their trust in him. I do not consider that, even if we were free to revisit the Regal case, this would be an
appropriate case in which to do so. The appropriate remedy is that he should disgorge all the profits,
whether of a revenue or capital nature, that he made from inducing the Murads by his fraudulent
representations from entering into the Parkside Hotel venture, subject to any allowances permitted by the
court on the taking of the account.
85. The imposition of liability to account for secret profits and the placing of the burden of proof on the
defaulting trustee are not, however, quite the end of the matter. The kind of account ordered in this case is
an account of profits, that is a procedure to ensure the restitution of profits which ought to have been made
for the beneficiary and not a procedure for the forfeiture of profits to which the defaulting trustee was always
entitled for his own account. That is Mr. Cogley’s case and I agree with him on this point. Even when the
fiduciary is not fraudulent, the profit obtained from the breach of trust has to be defined. … equity does not
take the view that simply because a profit was made as part of the same transaction the fiduciary must
account for it. … [See] Dock er v Somes (1834) 39 ER 1095 at 1099, where Lord Brougham expressed the
view that in some circumstances a trustee who had applied considerable skill and labour to trust property
which he had misapplied would be awarded a share of the product of his skill and labour:
‘Mr. Solicitor General might have taken the case of trust money laid out in purchasing a piece of
steel or skein of silk, and these being worked up into goods of the finest fabric, Birmingham trinkets
or Brussels lace, where the work exceeds by 10,000 times the material in value. But such
instances, in truth, prove nothing; for they are cases not of profits upon stock, but of skilful labour
very highly paid; and no reasonable person would ever dream of charging a trustee, whose skill thus
bestowed had so enormously augmented the value of the capital, as if he had only obtained from it a
profit; although the refinements of the civil law would certainly bear us out, even in charging all gains
accruing upon those goods as in the nature of accretions belonging to the true owners of the
86. … The profit which belongs to the trust has to be disentangled from that which belongs to the defaulting
trustee because it is a profit of his business. I have explained above how these difficulties were resolved in
the Warman case by limiting the account to two years’ profits. The problem in the Warman case has also
faced courts within our own jurisdiction. In Vyse v Foster (1872) 9 Ch App 309, one of the partners in a
business died but his capital remained in the business and was thus used by the surviving partners. One of
the residuary legatees of the deceased partner sought an account of the share of the profits of the business
to which she was entitled. … This court was prepared in principle to ascertain the share of the profits of the
business but when it came down to working out how this was to be done this court decided that the
appropriate remedy would be to order repayment of the capital with interest. In his judgment, James LJ held
that the share of profits to which the plaintiff was entitled could not simply be ascertained by working out
the proportion of the capital to which she was entitled …
87. Does this line of authority help Mr AlSaraj in this case? I think not. …
88. It would, however, be open to Mr AlSaraj to apply to the court for an allowance for his services and
disbursements, as indeed he did. …
96. I agree that the appeal should be dismissed and the crossappeal allowed, essentially for the reasons
given by Arden LJ. However, since Clarke LJ … takes a different view from Arden LJ on question of the
extent of Mr AlSaraj’s liability to account for the profits which he has made from the joint venture, I will give
my reasons for agreeing with Arden LJ’s conclusion on that issue in my own words. …
(p. 417) 98. On those findings [of fact] it is beyond argument that, unknown to the Murads (and hence
without their consent), Mr AlSaraj placed himself in a position of acute conflict between his fiduciary duty
to them in relation to the joint venture and his personal interest in earning a secret commission from the
vendor. … [Then followed a detailed analysis of the key authorities on the no conflict rule.]
108. It is thus clear on authority, in my judgment, that the ‘no conflict’ rule is neither compensatory nor
restitutionary: rather, it is designed to strip the fiduciary of the unauthorised profits he has made whilst he is
in a position of conflict. As Lord Keith observed in AttorneyGeneral v. Guardian Newspapers Ltd (No
2) [1990] 1 AC 109, at 262E–F, the remedy of an account of profits:
‘is, in my opinion, more satisfactorily to be attributed to the principle that no one should be permitted
to gain from his own wrongdoing’. …
110. By contrast, however, in addressing a claim for equitable compensation for breach of trust the court
may have regard to what would have happened but for the breach [see Millett LJ in Bristol & West Building
Society v Mothew [1998] Ch 1 at 17H; Lord BrowneWilkinson in Target Holdings Ltd v Redferns [1996] 1
AC 421 at 436; and Gwembe Valley Development Co Ltd v Koshy [2003] EWCA 1048 at [147] per
Mummery LJ.]
111. I therefore conclude, on the basis of longstanding authority, that Mr AlSaraj’s liability to account
extends to the entirety of the profits which he made from the joint venture. As the judge put it (at the hearing
on 12 July 2004):
‘the general principle is that a fiduciary is obliged by the strict rule of equity to disgorge all the profits
that he has made from the transaction, which has involved his breach of duty, … it does not matter
whether or not the transaction would have been entered into by the beneficiary instead of the
fiduciary in its entirety or as to part.’
112. The judge’s reference to the transaction ‘which has involved his breach of duty’ is important, for the
fiduciary is liable to account only for profits which he has made ‘within the scope and ambit of the duty
which conflicts or may conflict with his personal interest’ [Boardman v Phipps at 127D per Lord Upjohn]. In
the instant case, however, the point does not arise, since on the judge’s findings all the profits which Mr Al
Saraj made from the joint venture fall within that description.
113. In Warman International Ltd v. Dwyer … the defendants, in breach of their fiduciary duty to the
claimant company, set up a competing business. The trial judge awarded the company a sum as an
account of profits, but refused to declare that the defendants held part of the new business on trust for the
claimant. He also awarded the claimant damages equal to half the value of the goodwill of the business. The
Queensland Court of Appeal allowed the defendants’ appeal on the ground that the claimant company was
entitled only to the loss flowing from the breach of fiduciary duty. On the claimant company’s appeal, the
High Court of Australia held the defendants liable to account to the claimant company for the profits made
by the new business during its first two years of operation.
114. In the course of its judgment, after citing an observation by Upjohn J in In re Jarvis decd [1958] 1 WLR
815 at 821 that in dealing with a business ‘the principles applying are quite different from those in the case
of a specific asset, such as a renewed lease’, and an earlier observation to the same effect by Knight Bruce
LJ inClegg v. Edmondson (1857) 8 De G. M. & G. 787 at 814, the High Court of Australia continued:
‘In the case of a business it may well be inappropriate and inequitable to compel the errant fiduciary
to account for the whole of the profit of his conduct of the business or his exploitation of the
principal’s goodwill over an indefinite period of time. In such a case, it may be appropriate to allow
the fiduciary a proportion of the profits, depending on the particular circumstances. That may well be
the case when it appears that a significant proportion of an increase in profits has been generated by
the skill, efforts, property and resources of the fiduciary, the capital he has introduced and the risks
he has taken, so long as they are not risks to which the principal’s property has been exposed. Then
it may be said that the relevant proportion of the increased (p. 418) profits is not the product or
consequence of the plaintiff’s property but the product of the fiduciary’s skill, efforts, property and
resources. That is not to say that the liability of a fiduciary to account should be governed by the
doctrine of unjust enrichment, though that doctrine may well have a useful part to play; it is simply to
say that the stringent rule requiring a fiduciary to account for profits can be carried to extremes and
that in cases outside the realm of specific assets, the liability of a fiduciary should not be
transformed into a vehicle for the unjust enrichment of the plaintiff.
It is for the defendant to establish that it is inequitable to order an account of the entire profits. If the
defendant does not establish that that would be so, then the defendant must bear the consequences
of mingling the profits attributable to the defendant’s breach of fiduciary duty and the profits
attributable to those earned by the defendant’s efforts and investment, in the same way that a
trustee of a mixed fund bears the onus of distinguishing what is his own.
Whether it is appropriate to allow an errant fiduciary a proportion of profits or to make an allowance in
respect of skill, expertise and other expenses is a matter of judgment which will depend on the facts
of the given case. However, as a general rule, in conformity with the principle that a fiduciary must
not profit from a breach of fiduciary duty, a court will not apportion profits in the absence of an
antecedent arrangement for profitsharing but will make an allowance for skill, expertise and other
115. I do not, for my part, read that passage in the judgment of the High Court of Australia as sanctioning
any departure from, or as recognising any qualification to, the ‘no conflict’ rule. Rather, as I read its
judgment, the court is regarding the defendants as trustees who have made a profit from trust property in
breach of what I may call the ‘no profit’ rule, and recognising that given that the property in question is the
goodwill of the claimant company’s business, there will in all probability come a time when it can safely be
said that any future profits of the new business will be attributable not to the goodwill misappropriated from
the claimant company when the new business was set up but rather to the defendants’ own efforts in
carrying on that business.
116. Even if, contrary to my reading of its judgment, the court is applying the ‘no conflict’ rule as opposed to
the ‘no profit’ rule, the conclusion which it reaches is in my judgment entirely consistent with the ‘no
conflict’ rule in that it is merely recognising that an order for an account of all the profits of the new business
over an indefinite period would in all probability include profits which are not tainted in any way by the
position of conflict in which the defendants placed themselves: that is to say profits which … are not within
the scope and ambit of the relevant fiduciary duty and hence not within the scope of the ‘no conflict’ rule.
In Warman itself, the court concluded that the appropriate cut off point was the expiry of two years after the
commencement of the new business.
117. If, contrary to my reading of the court’s judgment in Warman, the court was (as Clarke LJ concludes
that it was) recognising or introducing a qualification to the ‘no conflict’ rule, then I can only say that, on my
reading of the authorities, no such qualification exists as yet in this jurisdiction. …
121. All that said, there can be little doubt that the inflexibility of the ‘no conflict’ rule may, depending on the
facts of any given case, work harshly so far as the fiduciary is concerned. It may be said with force that that
is the inevitable and intended consequence of the deterrent nature of the rule. On the other hand, it may be
said that commercial conduct which in 1874 was thought to imperil the safety of mankind may not
necessarily be regarded nowadays with the same depth of concern. So, like Arden LJ (see paragraph 82
above), I can envisage the possibility that at some time in the future the House of Lords may consider that
the time has come to relax the severity of the ‘no conflict’ rule to some extent in appropriate cases.
122. In my judgment, however, that day has not yet arrived. Nor, in any event, would I regard the instant
case as being an appropriate case for any such relaxation. …
124. With one important exception, I agree with the conclusions reached by Arden LJ. That exception
relates to the principles applicable to the taking of an account in a case of this kind. I have reached the
conclusion that the principles applicable to the correct approach to the amount of the (p. 419) profits in
respect of which an account should be ordered are more flexible than Arden LJ suggests. …
138. Whatever the position with regard to equitable compensation, which the Murads do not claim, the
cases relevant to the obligation to account for a breach of fiduciary duty provide a strong basis for Arden
LJ’s conclusion that Mr AlSaraj should account for the whole of the profit which derived from the joint
venture. However, Mr Cogley submits that, notwithstanding the strong statements of principle in the cases,
including those which say that causation is irrelevant and that it is irrelevant what the principal or person to
whom the fiduciary duty is owed would have done if full disclosure had been made, some element of
causation must be established …
162. In all these circumstances I have reached a different conclusion from Arden LJ. I would hold that the
finding that the Murads would have entered into this joint venture in any event is relevant to the scope of the
account which should be ordered. The judge did not so hold because he regarded the finding as irrelevant
because of equity’s inflexible rule. In these circumstances, subject to hearing submissions as to the
precise scope of the remission, I would remit the matter to the judge in order to give Mr AlSaraj the
opportunity to seek to persuade him that it would be inequitable to order him to account for all the profits of
the joint venture, subject only to his expenses and skill. I would therefore allow the appeal to that extent.
➤ Questions
1. When is an account of profits awarded? When is equitable compensation awarded? How is each
2. How did Arden and Jonathan Parker LJJ distinguish the approach to quantifying (and cutting back) the
recoverable profits in Warman (earlier) from the approach they felt obliged to take on the facts before them? Is
their approach more satisfactory than that of Clarke LJ?
3. Do the rules on account of profits need to be relaxed? (See Arden and Clarke LJJ, at [81]–[82] and [121]–
[122], in the previous extract.) Also see the comments of Arden LJ in Geoffrey Maidment v Allan Attwood,
Nicola Heard, Tobian Properties Limited [2012] EWCA Civ 998, CA, an unfair prejudice case, where she
cited Murad[7.35] and noted that ‘This is a harsh result. Equity has not developed exceptions to avoid this
because there is a strong deterrent element in the imposition of liability for breach of fiduciary duty’ [22].
4. In Murad, S and W also submitted that the proper claimant in respect of any alleged secret commission
paid to S on the acquisition of the hotel was D, but the Court of Appeal did not decide this matter. What is the
right answer? In any event, would S and W be allowed to benefit from any successful recovery by D? (The
question was remitted to the trial judge for determination in [2006] EWHC 2404 (Ch), but D made no claim to
the sum, therefore the sum remained owing to M.)
5. This same strict approach is also applied to assessing the profits which have to be disgorged in actions
against third parties who knowingly assist in a fiduciary’s breach of fiduciary duty: see Andrew Smith J
in Fiona Trust & Holding Corporation v Privalov [2011] EWHC 664 (Comm), this decision being one very small
part of major litigation concerning fraud and bribery in the Russian shipping industry.
[7.36] JJ Harrison (Properties) Ltd v Harrison [2001] EWCA Civ 1467, [2002] 1 BCLC 162 (Court of Appeal)
H, a director of HP, acquired land from HP without making the necessary disclosures. He then argued that the
claim against him was statute barred. The Court of Appeal held that (p. 420) HP’s claim fell within s 21(1)(b) of the
Limitation Act 1980—ie an action ‘to recover trust property or the proceeds of trust property previously received by
the trustee and converted to his use’—and therefore was not statute barred. It also ordered an account of profits on
the value of the land (now resold).
The constructive trust issue
25 I start with four propositions which may be regarded as beyond argument: (i) that a company
incorporated under the Companies Acts is not trustee of its own property; it is both legal and beneficial
owner of that property; (ii) that the property of a company so incorporated cannot lawfully be disposed of
other than in accordance with the provisions of its memorandum and articles of association; (iii) that the
powers to dispose of the company’s property, conferred upon the directors by the articles of association,
must be exercised by the directors for the purposes, and in the interests, of the company; and (iv) that, in
that sense, the directors owe fiduciary duties to the company in relation to those powers and a breach of
those duties is treated as a breach of trust. …
26 It follows from the principle that directors who dispose of the company’s property in breach of their
fiduciary duties are treated as having committed a breach of trust that a person who receives that property
with knowledge of the breach of duty is treated as holding it upon trust for the company. He is said to be a
constructive trustee of the property. …
27 It follows, also, from the principle that directors who dispose of the company’s property in breach of their
fiduciary duties are treated as having committed a breach of trust that, a director who is, himself, the
recipient of the property holds it upon a trust for the company. He, also, is described as a constructive
trustee. But, as Millett LJ explained in Paragon Finance plc v Thak erar & Co [1999] 1 All ER 400, at pp
408g–409g, his trusteeship is different in character from that of the stranger. He falls into the category of
persons who, in the words of Millett LJ (at [1999] 1 All ER 400, 408j)
… ‘though not strictly trustees, were in an analogous position and who abused the trust and confidence
reposed in them to obtain their principal’s property for themselves.’
28 Millett LJ referred to persons within that category—that is to say, persons who had abused their powers
so as to obtain their principal’s property for themselves—as ‘persons [who] are properly described as
constructive trustees’. He went on to say this:
‘Regrettably, however, the expressions “constructive trust” and “constructive trustee” have been used
by equity lawyers to describe two entirely different situations. The first covers those cases already
mentioned, where the defendant, though not expressly appointed a trustee, has assumed the duties
of a trustee by a lawful transaction which was independent of and preceded the breach of trust and is
not impeached by the plaintiff. The second covers those cases where the trust obligation arises as a
direct consequence of the unlawful transaction which is impeached by the plaintiff.
A constructive trust arises by operation of law whenever the circumstances are such that it would be
unconscionable for the owner of property (usually but not necessarily the legal estate) to assert his
own beneficial interest in the property and deny the beneficial interest of another. In the first class of
case, however, the constructive trustee really is a trustee. He does not receive the trust property in
his own right but by a transaction by which both parties intend to create a trust from the outset and
which is not impugned by the plaintiff. His possession of the property is coloured from the first by the
trust and confidence by means of which he obtained it, and his subsequent appropriation of the
property to his own use is a breach of that trust …
The second class of case is different. It arises when the defendant is implicated in a fraud. Equity
has always given relief against fraud by making any person sufficiently implicated in the fraud
accountable in equity. In such a case he is traditionally though I think unfortunately described as a
constructive trustee and said to be “liable to account as a constructive trustee”. Such a person is not
in fact a trustee at all, even though he may be liable to account as if he were. …’
(p. 421) 29 There is no doubt that Millett LJ regarded it as beyond dispute that a director who obtained the
company’s property for himself by misuse of the powers with which he had been entrusted as a director
was a constructive trustee within the first category … The reason is that a director, on appointment to that
office, assumes the duties of a trustee in relation to the company’s property. If, thereafter, he takes
possession of that property, his possession ‘is coloured from the first by the trust and confidence by means
of which he obtained it’. His obligations as a trustee in relation to that property do not arise out of the
transaction by which he obtained it for himself. The true analysis is that his obligations as a trustee in
relation to that property predate the transaction by which it was conveyed to him. The conveyance of the
property to himself by the exercise of his powers in breach of trust does not release him from those
obligations. He is trustee of the property because it has become vested in him; but his obligations to deal
with the property as a trustee arise out of his preexisting duties as a director; not out of the circumstances
in which the property was conveyed.
30 In the present case the deputy judge found that … Mr Harrison acted in breach of his fiduciary duties as
a director in failing to ensure that the land was sold at its full value … Not only did Mr Harrison fail to make
a proper disclosure of his interest; his existing duties as a director required him to ensure that the
development land was not conveyed at all until the company had received and considered advice as to its
value in the light of the change in planning potential. In those circumstances it seems to me impossible to
reach a conclusion that Mr Harrison did not hold the development land as a constructive trustee, in the
sense described by Millett LJ in the first of the two categories identified [earlier]. …
49 On the basis that Mr Harrison held the development land as trustee for the company, the remedy sought
by the crossappeal is an order that he account for the value of the land as at 23 December 1988—that
being the date of the sale of the barn.
50 It seems to me right that Mr Harrison should account for the £110,300 which he received on that sale.
He should be entitled to bring to the credit of that account a proportionate part of the £8,400 which he paid
for the development land and the cost of any works which led to an enhancement in the value of that part of
the land. It is pertinent to have in mind that the costs of pursuing planning applications has already been
borne by the company.
51 I am not persuaded, however, that it would be right to require Mr Harrison to account for the value of the
remainder of the development land—that is to say, the site of the replica Elizabethan manor house—at its
1988 value [which was a higher value than at the time of its sale, later on]. …
52 In the absence of any evidence that the value of the development land as a whole was diminished by the
sale of part in December 1988, it seems to me that the appropriate order is to require the value of the manor
house site to be brought in at the price (£122,500) obtained on the further sale in April 1992. Again Mr
Harrison can bring to the credit of that account the balance of the £8,400 and the cost of any works which
led to an enhancement in the value of that part of the land. Subject to the proviso that he is not to take
credit for expenditure which did not preserve or lead to an enhancement in the value of the land, the
question what costs and allowances can be set off against the proceeds of sale will be determined on the
taking of the account. …
➤ Note
This case involved a contract between the defaulting director and his company (where the normal remedy for
the director’s undisclosed conflict is rescission, with the asset held by the director on constructive trust until
the legal title is retransferred to the company). But the constructive trust remedy is also available where the
defaulting director deals with third parties and takes a corporate opportunity (see Cook v Deek s [7.22]). In
these corporate opportunity cases, however, an account of profits remedy is often seen as preferable
whenever the constructive trust would overcompensate the company given the real extent of the profit arising
from the breach (see the discussion in Murad [7.35] of the approach taken by the (p. 422) Australian High
Court in Warman International Ltd v Dwyer). Alternatively, the constructive trust remedy can be moderated by
permitting ‘a liberal allowance’ for the fiduciary’s input in generating the profit (see Boardman v Phipps [1967]
2 AC 46, HL, but contrast Guinness plc v Saunders [5.01]).
Account of profits and equitable compensation—rules on disclosure that will exempt the breach,
quantification of the account of profits and effect of the Limitation Act 1980 s 21(1)(a).
[7.37] Gwembe Valley Development Co Ltd v Koshy [2003] EWCA Civ 1048, [2004] 1 BCLC 131 (Court of
K, the managing director of joint venture company G, was ordered to account to G for unauthorised profits he had
made from loan transactions which he had arranged for G. The transactions involved L, an investor in G which was
controlled by K. Both K and L made large profits from the transactions. K was liable to account because he had
made an unauthorised profit from his fiduciary position and because he had dishonestly, and in breach of fiduciary
duty, procured G to enter into the transactions with L without properly disclosing to G’s other directors or
shareholders that he and L would make vast profits and the nature of his involvement with L.
K could not rely on G’s articles of association to exempt him from the rule against selfdealing because he had not
made a formal disclosure to the board, as required by the articles. No limitation period applied to G’s claim for an
account of the profits by K because the action was analogous to an action for ‘fraud or fraudulent breach of trust’
within the meaning of the Limitation Act 1980 s 21(1)(a). The scope of the account of profits was not limited; a
general account of profits should be ordered.
Core issues
1. Despite the thickets of company law, contract, fiduciary law, limitation of actions and equitable remedies,
which have grown around this case, the central questions for decision can be stated quite concisely:
between 1986 and 1988 did the managing director of a joint venture company deliberately and dishonestly
fail to disclose his personal interest in transactions with the company and, if so, is he liable to account to
the company for all, or for only part of, the unauthorised profits made by him; alternatively, did that failure to
disclose his interest render him liable to compensate the company for its losses in the joint venture? …
Brief overview
2. In 1986 a joint venture was formed in Zambia. Its aim was to develop a cotton and wheat farm of 2,500
hectares at Sinazongwe on the shores of Lake Kariba. A group of investors funded the project. Each
investor was allowed representation on the board of Gwembe Valley Development Company Limited
(GVDC), a Zambian company incorporated in November 1985 as the corporate vehicle for the project.
Representation on the board was proportionate to the size of the investment. There were no outside
‘independent’ directors.
3. The venture faltered. The investors fell out. GVDC became insolvent. The project collapsed. Litigation
broke out …
5. The relief claimed in the GVDC action included an account of profits made by its managing director, Mr
Thomas Koshy. He is an accountant. Alternative claims were made against him for equitable compensation
for breaches of fiduciary duty and for damages for deceit and conspiracy. A declaration was also sought
that Mr Koshy and a company controlled by him (Lasco) were liable as constructive trustees of all GVDC’s
money received by them …
(p. 423) 19. The essential point in all the claims against Mr Koshy is that he was at the same time both
the managing director of GVDC, in which the majority interest was held by Lasco, and a director and the
controlling shareholder of Lasco …
26. It was alleged by GVDC that Mr Koshy had breached his fiduciary duties by procuring GVDC to enter
into … loan transactions for his own purposes, knowing that they were not in the best interests of GVDC.
Their effect was that Mr Koshy and Lasco could treat GVDC as liable to pay $US 5.8m on demand. Mr
Koshy later procured GVDC to repay to Lasco substantial sums in respect of that purported debt. It was
claimed that an award of equitable compensation should be made to restore GVDC to the position it was in
prior to the pipeline loan transactions …
Basis of liability
43. Rimer J concluded that Mr Koshy was liable to account to GVDC for profits made by him from the
pipeline loan transactions … Mr Koshy’s liability arose in two ways: (1) Under the ‘no profit rule’ i.e. the rule
of equity that a company director may not make an unauthorised (secret) profit from his fiduciary position
…; (2) Dishonest breaches of fiduciary duty i.e. dishonestly using his position as managing director of
GVDC to procure, in his own interests rather than in the interests of the company, GVDC to enter into the
pipeline loan transactions, while deliberately not disclosing to the other directors and to the shareholders of
GVDC his controlling interest in Lasco and the scale of Lasco’s, and his, intended profit from the
transactions … The judge found that the nondisclosure was deliberate, that it was part of Mr Koshy’s
dishonest scheme to benefit himself and that it involved the misapplication of GVDC’s assets.
The no profit rule
44. The relevant principle was forcefully expressed and elegantly explained in the joint judgment of Rich,
Dixon and Evatt JJ in the High Court of Australia in Furs Ltd v. Tomk ies (1936) 54 CLR 583 at 592 as:
‘… the inflexible rule that, except under the authority of a provision in the articles of association, no
director shall obtain for himself a profit by means of a transaction in which he is concerned on behalf
of the company unless all the material facts are disclosed to the shareholders and by resolution a
general meeting approves of his doing so or all the shareholders acquiesce. An undisclosed profit
which a director so derives from the execution of his fiduciary duties belongs in equity to the
company. It is no answer to the application of the rule that the profit is of a kind which the company
itself could not have obtained, or that no loss is caused to the company by the gain of the director. It
is a principle resting upon the impossibility of allowing the conflict of duty and interest which is
involved in the pursuit of private advantage in the course of dealing in a fiduciary capacity with the
affairs of the company. If, when it is his duty to safeguard and further the interests of the company,
he uses the occasion as a means of profit to himself, he raises an opposition between the duty he
has undertaken and his own self interest, beyond which it is neither wise nor practicable for the law
to look for a criterion of liability. The consequences of such a conflict are not discoverable. Both
justice and policy are against their investigation.’
45. That is the same equitable doctrine of accountability for unauthorised profits as was applied by the
House of Lords in Regal (Hastings) Ltd v. Gulliver [7.23] …
Exemption under the articles through disclosure
46. Mr Koshy denied that he was under any duty to account to GVDC under the strict ‘no profit rule’
[because] … he was expressly exempted by Article 89 of the Articles of Association of GVDC from the
strict duty to account to the company for the profits made from the pipeline loan transactions, even if he had
made no disclosure to the board of his personal interest in the transactions or of his profits; and that (b) the
disclosure in fact made by him was sufficient for that purpose and under the general law …
(p. 424) 51. We are unable to accept this submission. It is necessary to read Article 89 in its proper
context and, in particular, in conjunction with Article 88, which requires a formal declaration of interest to be
made by a director at a meeting of the board of the company …
52. In Movitex v. Bulfield [1988] BCLC 104, where the relevant Articles were in similar form …, Vinelott J
treated the general exclusion of the selfdealing rule in the Articles as subject to the duty of the director to
declare his interest in a transaction to be entered into by the company. The selfdealing rule was not
excluded by the Articles, if the director’s interest was not disclosed in accordance with the Articles: see
p114e–g …
Implied modification of fiduciary duty
55. Mr Koshy’s second ground of appeal under this head also emphasised the special joint venture
character of GVDC. It was submitted that none of the members of the board of GVDC would expect other
members of the board to disclose their principal’s profits from transactions with GVDC. The board was
made up of representatives of the investors … It was not intended to be an independent board. The directors
did not owe fiduciary obligations to GVDC in respect of transactions between the principals they
represented and GVDC. In particular, it was argued that the directors of GVDC were well aware that Mr
Koshy had a conflict of interest and was making a personal profit. It was to be implied from all the
circumstances that the fiduciary’s duty of disclosure of interests in relation to transactions with the
company was excluded.
56. This argument should be rejected. It has no valid factual or legal basis …
Disclosure under the general law
64. Rimer J held that Mr Koshy failed to make sufficient disclosure in order to avoid liability to account
under the general law for breach of fiduciary duty, as distinct from being exempted from the duty to account
by making formal disclosure of his interest under the Articles.
65. The requirement of the general law is that, although disclosure does not have to be made formally to the
board, a company director must make full disclosure to all the shareholders of all the material facts. The
shareholders in the company, to which he owes the fiduciary duty not to make an unauthorised profit from
his position, must approve of, or acquiesce in, his profit. Disclosure requirements are not confined to the
nature of the director’s interest: they extend to disclosure of its extent, including the source and scale of
the profit made from his position, so as to ensure that the shareholders are ‘fully informed of the real state
of things,’ as Lord Radcliffe said in Gray v. New Augarita Porcupine Mines [1952] 3 DLR 1 at 14.
66. Rimer J held that Mr Koshy, on whom the onus of proving full disclosure to shareholders lay, fell short of
the requirements of the general law …
Dishonest breach of fiduciary duty
69. Mr Koshy challenged the evidential basis for the judge’s findings of fact under the second head of
liability to account for profits made from dishonest breaches of fiduciary duty in relation to the pipeline loan
70. Rimer J found that Mr Koshy had pursued a fraudulent scheme of deliberate concealment from GVDC
… The nondisclosure of his profits from the pipeline loan transactions was, he found, deliberate and
dishonest. That was a grave finding of fact. It is particularly relevant to Mr Koshy’s limitation defences to an
account of profits …
Limitation and claims in equity: general
71. Is GVDC’s action against Mr Koshy for an account of profits timebarred? This seemingly
straightforward question has led the parties to a prolonged and intricate analysis of the provisions of section
21 of the Limitation Act 1980, which contains special rules for ‘actions in respect of trust property’ …
78. The basis of GVDC’s case against Mr Koshy was that he had acted in breach of the ‘no profit’ rule
binding on him as a director of the company, and had done so dishonestly. The (p. 425) timelimit relied on
by GVDC as applicable to such a claim is that in section 21. That section provides:
‘(1) No period of limitation prescribed by this Act shall apply to an action by a beneficiary under
a trust, being an action—
(a) in respect of any fraud or fraudulent breach of trust to which the trustee was a party or
privy; or
(b) to recover from the trustee trust property or the proceeds of trust property in the
possession of the trustee, or previously received by the trustee and converted to his use.
(2) [Omitted as immaterial]
(3) Subject to the preceding provisions of this section, an action by a beneficiary to recover
trust property or in respect of any breach of trust, not being an action for which a limitation
period is prescribed by any other provision of this Act, shall not be brought after the expiration
of six years from the date on which the right of action accrued.’ …
81. The effect of section 36 is to preserve, except as indicated, the cases in which a court of equity would
have applied the statutory limitation periods by analogy …
Fiduciary duties and limitation—summary
111. In the light of those cases [authorities cited in the judgment but not extracted here], in our view, it is
possible to simplify the court’s task when considering the application of the 1980 Act to claims against
fiduciaries. The starting assumption should be that a six year limitation period will apply—under one or
other provision of the Act, applied directly or by analogy—unless it is specifically excluded by the Act or
established caselaw. Personal claims against fiduciaries will normally be subject to limits by analogy with
claims in tort or contract (1980 Act s 2, 5 …). By contrast, claims for breach of fiduciary duty, in the special
sense explained inMothew, will normally be covered by section 21. The sixyear timelimit under section
21(3), will apply, directly or by analogy, unless excluded by subsection 21(1)(a) (fraud) or (b) (Class 1 trust)
112. In the present case, it is clear that these principles were applicable to a director in Mr Koshy’s
position. He had ‘trusteelike responsibilities’ in the exercise of the powers of management of the property
of GVDC and in dealing with the application of its property for the purposes, and in the interests, of the
company and of all its members. In our view, accordingly, the claim for an account, if it was based on a
failure in the exercise of those responsibilities, was within the scope of section 21. It was in principle
subject to a sixyear timelimit under section 21(3). The question is whether it was excluded under either of
the two statutory exceptions in section 21(1)(a) and (b) …
The arguments in the Court of Appeal
120. … in our view, GVDC’s case cannot be b[r]ought within section 21(1)(b). It stands or falls on section
21(1)(a), and that depends on establishing fraud …
121. Accordingly, with respect to the impressive learning and industry displayed on both sides, and the
many ways in which the various arguments have been put, the determinative issue on this part of the case
is the short, but difficult, question whether the breach of fiduciary duty was fraudulent. In other words, was
Mr Koshy guilty of simple nondisclosure or of deliberate and dishonest concealment? …
Conclusions on dishonesty
131. In Armitage v. Nurse [1998] Ch 241 at 251D, 260G Millett LJ held that, in this context, a breach of
trust is fraudulent, if it is dishonest. He accepted counsel’s formulation that dishonesty—
‘… connotes at the minimum an intention on the part of the trustee to pursue a particular course of
action, either knowing that it is contrary to the interests of the company or being recklessly
indifferent whether it is contrary to their interests or not.’
(p. 426) and added:
‘It is the duty of a trustee to manage the trust property and deal with it in the interests of the
beneficiaries. If he acts in a way which he does not honestly believe is in the interests of the
beneficiaries then he is acting dishonestly.’ (p 251D–F) …
135. In the end, the issue for the judge was a very narrow one. The main point of the case against Mr Koshy
was not his failure to disclose his interest in Lasco. If that had been the critical factor, it would, in our view,
have been difficult to sustain a case of dishonesty … Nor was it the fact that Lasco was
making some profit, which, as the judge found, was known to the directors. The essential point was, as the
judge said, that the profit was not just substantial, but ‘massive’. That made it something which was
‘obviously’ in GVDC’s interests to know before committing itself to the Lasco agreements. As he said, the
fact that the other directors may have been at fault in not making more diligent inquiries, and might even
have accepted the position if they had known the full truth, does not exonerate Mr Koshy. The judge, having
heard him in evidence and crossexamination, and after a painstakingly fair analysis of the evidence in this
very complex case, was satisfied that the reason for nondisclosure was dishonest. In our view, this is not a
conclusion with which this court can or should interfere …
Scope of the account
136. In our judgment, Rimer J was wrong in limiting the scope of the account as he did. For the reasons
stated above, no part of the claim against Mr Koshy for an account of profits for dishonest breach of
fiduciary duty was statute barred.
137. The point is not, as Mr Page contended, whether the loan transactions are void or voidable, or whether
they were rescinded or not, or whether the property in the sums repaid passed out of the beneficial
ownership of GVDC and became the property of Lasco, or even whether Lasco received the sums as trust
property. The point is that Mr Koshy was not, as a fiduciary vis a vis GVDC, entitled to retain for his
personal benefit any of the unauthorised profits dishonestly made from transactions between him and the
company. If he received those profits directly in the form of payments to him or indirectly by, for example,
the consequent increase in the value of his shareholding in Lasco, he cannot be heard to say, as against
the beneficiary company, that he was entitled to retain any of the profits for himself.
138. The judge failed to follow through the consequences of his finding of dishonesty on the part of Mr
Koshy when he declined to order an account against him of allthe profits obtained by him from the pipeline
loan transactions. It is true that Mr Koshy received profits of the pipeline loan transactions indirectly via
Lasco rather than directly from GVDC, but, in our judgment, that fact does not affect the application of the
doctrine that the profits made by him, as a result of his dishonest breach of fiduciary duty, belong in equity
to GVDC. Mr Koshy is accordingly liable to account to GVDC in respect of all profits made by him …
Laches and acquiescence
140. The defence of laches is not available. As already explained no period of limitation is specified by the
1980 Act in respect of the cause of action for dishonest breach of fiduciary duty. The effect of s 21(1)(a) is
that either as a result of direct application, or of analogy, there is no period of limitation applicable to that
cause of action …
Equitable Compensation
142. A company director may be held personally liable to pay equitable compensation to a company where,
as a result of a breach of fiduciary duty on his part, the company has suffered loss. The paradigm case is
the application of the company’s property, without authority, for a purpose which is in the interests of the
directors, but is not in the interests of the company. In such cases the measure of compensation is the
value of the company’s property which has been misapplied. The director may be held liable for the
company’s loss, even though he has not himself received (p. 427) any of the misapplied property. (In cases
in which he has actually received property of the company, as a result of a breach of fiduciary duty on his
part, the company is more likely to seek to establish liability as a constructive trustee).
143. In view of the judge’s findings of a deliberate and dishonest concealment by Mr Koshy of his interest in
the pipeline loan transactions it is unnecessary to enter into the debate whether the mere failure by a
director to disclose his interest in a transaction with the company is a breach of the fiduciarydealing rules
for which the remedy of equitable compensation, as distinct from the remedies of rescission and account of
profits, is available. There are arguments, both on authority and in principle, for holding that the remedy of
equitable compensation is available in such a case …
144. It is, however, necessary to consider the question concerning the place of causation in claims for relief
for breach of the fiduciarydealing rules. We agree that causation has no part to play in determining whether
there has been noncompliance by the director with the fiduciarydealing rules. Nondisclosure is non
compliance. If there has been noncompliance, the company is entitled to seek rescission of the
transaction and an account of profits made by the director. In order to establish breach of the rules the
company does not have to prove that it would not have entered into the transaction, if there had been
compliance by the director with the fiduciarydealing rules and he had made disclosure of his interest in the
transaction. As was said by Lord Thankerton in the Privy Council in Brick enden v. London Loan & Savings
Co (1934) 3 DLR 465 at 469:
‘When a party, holding a fiduciary relationship, commits a breach of his duty by nondisclosure of
material facts, which his constituent is entitled to know in connection with the transaction, he cannot
be heard to maintain that disclosure would not have altered the decision to proceed with the
transaction, because the constituent’s action would be solely determined by some other factor, such
as the valuation by another party of the property proposed to be mortgaged. Once the Court has
determined that the nondisclosed facts were material, speculation as to what course the
constituent, on disclosure would have taken is not relevant.’
145. The strictness of the rule of equity that a fiduciary should not profit from the trust and confidence
placed in him in respect of the management of the property and affairs of another is such that the
transaction should not be allowed to stand, if it is still possible to rescind it, and that the director, who has
failed to disclose his interest in the transaction, should not be allowed to retain the unauthorised gains that
he has made from the transaction. In considering whether the transaction should be rescinded for non
disclosure or whether the director should account for unauthorised profits, what would have happened, if the
required disclosure had been made, is irrelevant.
146. As with a claim for damages for a common law wrong, such as a tort or a breach of contract, the
company, in a claim for compensation for nondisclosure of material facts, must first establish that a wrong
has been committed. The wrong in this case was a dishonest and deliberate decision by Mr Koshy not to
disclose his interest in the pipeline loan transactions entered into by GVDC with Lasco. As already
explained, it is not relevant, when determining whether the nondisclosure was actionable as a civil wrong,
to consider what would have happened if Mr Koshy had complied with the fiduciarydealing rules by making
the required disclosure.
147. However, when determining whether any compensation, and, if so, how much compensation, should
be paid for loss claimed to have been caused by actionable nondisclosure, the court is not precluded by
authority or by principle from considering what would have happened if the material facts had been
disclosed. If the commission of the wrong has not caused loss to the company, why should the company
be entitled to elect to recover compensation, as distinct from rescinding the transaction and stripping the
director of the unauthorised profits made by him? There is no sufficient causal link between the non
disclosure of an interest by Mr Koshy and the loss suffered by GVDC, if it is probable that, even if he had
made the required disclosure of his interest in the transaction, GVDC would nevertheless have entered into
it. In our judgment, a director is not legally responsible for loss, which the company would probably have
suffered, even if the director had complied with the fiduciarydealing rules on disclosure of interests. …
(p. 428) Conclusion
159. In our judgment, Rimer J was entitled to refuse to order equitable compensation on the factual basis
that he was not satisfied that loss had been caused to GVDC as a result of the breaches of duty by Mr
Koshy. The crux of Mr Koshy’s wrongdoing was nondisclosure of his personal interest in the pipeline loan
transactions and the unauthorised profit made by him from the transactions. The appropriate remedy for
nondisclosure is to make him account to GVDC for that profit. It is not appropriate, if GVDC so elected, to
require him to compensate GVDC for loss suffered in the venture when the probabilities are, as the judge,
on the evidence, found them to be, that disclosure by Mr Koshy of his interest would have made no
difference to what GVDC would have done.
160. We accordingly dismiss GVDC’s appeal on the equitable compensation point …
➤ Questions
1. Why, if at all, was it material that Koshy’s behaviour was fraudulent?
2. Why was the claimant pursuing both an account of profits and equitable compensation? Could both be
recovered? Is one generally preferable to the other?
3. Can equitable compensation be claimed in corporate opportunity cases (ie cases not involving the
defaulting director contracting with the company) or only in selfdealing cases (ie cases where the impugned
transaction is a contract between the defaulting director and his or her company)? Can equitable
compensation be claimed in all selfdealing cases?
If a defaulting fiduciary is required to disgorge profits, when is the remedy proprietary and when is it only
[7.38] Sinclair Investments (UK) Ltd v Versailles Trade Finance Ltd (In Administration) [2011] EWCA Civ
349, [2012] Ch 453 (Court of Appeal)
Traders such as Sinclair were promised high returns in exchange for paying funds to Trading Partners Ltd (TPL),
which was controlled by Mr Cushnie and his associate, Mr Clough. Mr Cushnie was also the principal shareholder
(through his alter ego company) of Versailles Group plc (VGP). Versailles Trade Finance Ltd (VTFL) was VGP’s
wholly owned principal trading subsidiary and both companies were in administrative receivership. Funds advanced
to TPL were duly passed to VTFL, but, rather than being used for genuine purchase or factoring transactions, the
funds were either used to pay purported profits to traders, or stolen by Mr Clough, or circulated round a number of
other companies also controlled by Mr Cushnie and/or Mr Clough. Both Mr Cushnie and Mr Clough were convicted
of criminal offences on discovery of this fraudulent Ponzitype scheme. Following Sinclair’s unsuccessful action to
retrieve its money, it took an assignment of all the claims of TPL and of the traders, hence their claims in this
action were treated as being brought by the latter. The first claim concerned Mr Cushnie’s breach of his director’s
duties, the details of which appear in the following extract (the other claims are not extracted).
Although the case is clearly not one of fiduciaries taking bribes, the court held that the connection here between
the director and the profits made was analogous to that between a fiduciary and a bribe received in the course of
performing his duties (see [55] and [56], which also note the relevant differences).
Accordingly, the court was faced with two inconsistent and much debated legal analyses in bribe cases.
In Attorney General for Hong Kong v Reid [1994] 1 AC 324, the Privy Council had held that the disgorgement
remedy was proprietary. By contrast, in Lister & Co v Stubbs (1890) 45 Ch D 1, the Court of Appeal had held the
remedy to be personal only. As outlined in the extract, the Court of Appeal refused to follow the Privy Council’s
decision in Reid, holding (p. 429) that it could not do so as a matter of precedent, but nor should it do so
as Reid was doubted as a matter of principle and policy.
In the event, therefore, the Court of Appeal upheld the decision of Lewison J and held that Sinclair/TPL could not
assert a proprietary claim to the profits made by Cushnie from the breach, and that the claim was merely personal.
25 The key steps in TPL’s argument on this first claim, essentially as summarised by Lewison J, are as
follows: (i) Mr Cushnie owed TPL fiduciary duties, including a duty not to make secret or unauthorised
profits and not to apply traders’ funds in breach of the terms of the agreements with the traders. (ii) Mr
Cushnie breached those duties by misusing, or permitting the misuse of, the moneys entrusted to TPL (‘the
TPL trust moneys’) in the crossfiring fraud. (iii) This misuse of the TPL trust moneys was calculated to, and
did, increase the share price of VGP above its true value, which was at all times nil. (iv) Mr Cushnie realised
the value of this increase on 9 November 1999 by selling the shares for £28.69m. (v) The £28.69m was an
unauthorised gain made by Mr Cushnie in the course of his fiduciary relationship with TPL, a gain he was
only able to make through the misuse of the TPL trust moneys … [with the issue then being whether this
gain was held on constructive trust or not] …
Proprietary claims
37 Whether a proprietary interest exists or not is a matter of property law, and is not a matter of discretion:
see Fosk ett v McKeown [2001] 1 AC 102, 109, per Lord BrowneWilkinson, It follows that the courts of
England and Wales do not recognise a remedial constructive trust as opposed to an institutional
constructive trust.
38 The Fosk ett case, at pp 127–130, also establishes that, where a person has such a proprietary interest,
he may enforce it by (a) following the asset unless and until the asset passes into the hands of a bona fide
purchaser for value without notice, and also (b) tracing the value of his proprietary interest into identifiable
substitutes for the original asset, unless the substitute has been provided by a bona fide purchaser for value
without notice …
Personal claims against fiduciaries
40 If a trustee commits a breach of trust, the beneficiary’s remedy against him is a personal one. The basic
rule, as stated by Lord BrowneWilkinson in Target Holdings Ltd v Redferns [1996] AC 421, 434, is:
‘that a trustee in breach of trust must restore or pay to the trust estate either the assets which have
been lost to the estate by reason of the breach or compensation for such loss. Courts of Equity did
not award damages but, acting in personam, ordered the defaulting trustee to restore the trust estate
… If specific restitution of the trust property is not possible, then the liability of the trustee is to pay
sufficient compensation to the trust estate to put it back to what it would have been had the breach
not been committed.’
[Lord Neuberger MR continued, citing various cases and considering equitable compensation in some
The proprietary claim to the proceeds of sale of the shares: the arguments
50 The proprietary claim [advanced by Sinclair] is thus neither to the funds in respect of which Mr Cushnie
owed the relevant fiduciary duties to TPL, nor to any asset, or proceeds of any asset, purchased with those
funds; nor is the claim to the proceeds of any right or opportunity which belonged to TPL. Further, Mr
Cushnie did not acquire the shares with funds beneficially owned by TPL, or with money derived from those
funds; indeed, he did not even acquire those shares as an indirect consequence of his misuse of those
(p. 430) 51 Having said that, there was undoubtedly a close commercial causal connection between Mr
Cushnie’s misuse of the funds in respect of which he owed fiduciary duties to TPL, and the money which he
made on the sale of the shares. Accordingly, on the basis that the misuse of the funds by Mr Cushnie in
breach of his fiduciary duty was intended to, and did, enable him to make a profit, there is some common
sense attraction in the notion that the profit should be beneficially owned by those to whom he owed the
52 However, there is obvious force in the contention that the mere fact that the breach of duty enabled Mr
Cushnie to make a profit should not of itself be enough to give TPL a proprietary interest in that profit. Why,
it may be asked, should the fact that a fiduciary is able to make a profit as a result of the breach of his
duties to a beneficiary, without more, give the beneficiary a proprietary interest in the profit? After all a
proprietary claim is based on property law, and it is not entirely easy to see conceptually how the
proprietary rights of the beneficiary in the misused funds should follow into the profit made on the sale of the
53 On this argument, the fact that the breach of fiduciary duty owed to the beneficiary resulted in the profit
should not necessarily mean that the profit is treated as the property of the beneficiary. Mr Miles argued,
however, that this was the only way of ensuring that those with fiduciary duties were dissuaded from
breaching their duties. At least on the basis of the argument we have heard, I do not regard the point as
open and shut: it is possible that the assessment of equitable compensation is sufficiently flexible to
extend to such a profit (a point touched on again at para 90 below). If, however, equitable compensation
cannot extend to include such profits, then Mr Miles’s point is correct, and I accept that it has some real
force. If it is not correct, it undermines the main policy reason supporting TPL’s proprietary claim: it does
not matter to the defaulting fiduciary if he is stripped of his profits because they are beneficially owned by
the beneficiary, or because he has to account for those profits to the beneficiary.
54 But the difference very much matters to the other creditors of the defaulting fiduciary, if he is insolvent. A
person with a proprietary claim to assets held in the name of an insolvent person is better off than a
secured creditor, and all such assets are unavailable to other creditors. That is not to suggest that there is
anything commercially objectionable about proprietary claims, whose existence is well established and
appropriate, but it is, I think, a reason for not extending the reach of such claims beyond what is
established by authority and accords with principle.
55 Both the judgment below and the arguments before us focused on [bribe] cases … As in the present
case, the money [received] derived from his fiduciary position and was a plain breach of his fiduciary duties,
it was not money which was part of the assets subject to his duties, or derived from such assets.
56 I am prepared to accept for present purposes that, if a claimant beneficially owns a bribe received by a
fiduciary, it follows that TPL’s proprietary claim to the proceeds of sale of the shares must succeed. None
the less it is worth pointing out that a fiduciary who accepts a bribe receives it directly because of his
fiduciary function, eg as the principal’s agent, in order to induce him to place a contract for the principal with
the bribe payer. Not only did Mr Cushnie not acquire the shares with, or as a result of, his breach of duty as
director of TPL, but the profit which he made on the shares was as a shareholder in VTFL (indirectly through
VGP) not as a director of TPL. Having pointed out that distinction I can well see that, for practical as well as
principled reasons, the proceeds of sale of the shares, as an unauthorised secret profit, should be treated
for present purposes in the same way as a bribe.
The proprietary claim to the proceeds of sale of the shares: the cases up to 1993
57 In the famous, if rather unsatisfactorily reported, decision of Lord King LC in Keech v Sandford (1726)
Sel Cas Ch 61 … the normal rule that a trustee who renews a lease held on trust holds the renewed lease
on trust applied …
58 [Despite the absence of analysis in the judgment], it is possible to regard Keech v Sandford as an
example of a trustee acquiring an asset through seizing for his own benefit an opportunity which was
effectively owned by the trust. As explained by Andrew Hicks in ‘The Remedial Principle (p. 431) in Keech
v SandfordReconsidered’ [2010] CLJ 287, 295–298, the opportunity to renew a tenancy, although not
strictly a legal right, was effectively recognised as such by the courts in the 18th century. … Viewed in this
way [the case] can be said to be an orthodox, if rather strict, application of the principle that where a
trustee takes advantage of an opportunity, which is really owned by the beneficiary, he holds the
consequent proceeds for the beneficiary …
[Lord Neuberger MR then went on to consider the bribe cases.]
66 Lister & Co v Stubbs (1890) 45 Ch D 1 is to the same effect.[73 ] In [Lister] an employee received a bribe
from one of his employer’s suppliers. He retained part of it in cash, and invested the remainder. The Court of
Appeal (Cotton, Lindley and Bowen LJJ) unanimously held that the bribe could not be considered to be the
property of the employers. Lindley LJ said, at p 15:
‘Then comes the question, as between [employer] and [employee], whether [the employee] can keep
the money he has received without accounting for it? Obviously not. I apprehend that he is liable to
account for it the moment that he gets it. It is an obligation to pay and account to [the employer] …
But the relation between them is that of debtor and creditor; it is not that of trustee and cestui que
trust. We are asked to hold that it is—which would involve consequences which, I confess, startle
me. One consequence, of course, would be that, if [the employee] were to become bankrupt, this
property acquired by him with the [bribe] would be withdrawn from the mass of his creditors and be
handed over bodily to [the employer]. Can that be right? Another consequence would be that … [the
employer] could compel [the employee] to account to them, not only for the money with interest, but
for all the profits which he might have made by embarking in trade with it. Can that be right? It
appears to me that those consequences show that there is some flaw in the argument.’
The last three sentences indicate that Lindley LJ thought that equitable compensation would not have
extended to enabling the employer to claim the full value of the profits made on the business or asset
purchased by the employee with the bribe, which, as Mr Miles said, rather undermines Mr Collings’s
suggestion that equitable accounting would enable a fiduciary to be held accountable for any profit he made
on an asset which he acquired with a bribe … [and then continuing with his review of the authorities …].
71 While both the Heiron 5 Ex D 319 and Lister 45 Ch D 1 cases were followed and applied in at least three
subsequent decisions of this court, they were disapproved by the Privy Council in Attorney General for Hong
Kong v Reid [1994] 1 AC 324. In that case a public prosecutor employed by the Hong Kong administration
had received bribes for not pursuing accused persons. Lord Templeman who gave the opinion of the Board
said, at p 331:
‘When a bribe is offered and accepted in money or in kind, the money or property constituting the
bribe belongs in law to the recipient. Money paid to the false fiduciary belongs to him. The legal
estate in freehold property conveyed to the false fiduciary by way of bribe vests in him. Equity,
however, which acts in personam, insists that it is unconscionable for a fiduciary to obtain and retain
a benefit in breach of duty. The provider of a bribe cannot recover it because he committed a criminal
offence when he paid the bribe. The false fiduciary who received the bribe in breach of duty must pay
and account for the bribe to the person to whom that duty was owed. In the present case, as soon
as the first respondent received a bribe in breach of the duties he owed to the Government of Hong
Kong, he became a debtor in equity to the Crown for the amount of that bribe. So much is admitted.
But if the bribe consists of property which increases in value or if a cash bribe is invested
advantageously, the false fiduciary will receive a benefit from his breach of duty unless he is
accountable not only for the original amount or value of the bribe but also for the increased value of
the property representing the bribe.’
(p. 432) The proprietary claim to the proceeds of sale of the shares: principle and precedent
[Lord Neuberger MR then had to consider which approach was correct, Lister (CA) or Reid (PC).] 76
Although it is possible that the Supreme Court would follow theReid case rather than
the Heiron and Lister cases, I am far from satisfied that they would do so. In any event it does not seem to
me right to follow the Reid case …
77 First, there are five decisions of this court … spread over 95 years, all of which have reached the same
conclusion [as Lister] on the point, and there is the reasoning of the House of Lords in Tyrrell v Bank of
London 10 HL Cas 26 [… and then dismissed conflicting authorities.]
78 Secondly, much of the reasoning of Lord Templeman in [Reid] seems to me to beg the question, or to
assume what it asserts (although I suppose that the same can be said about the views expressed in
the Heiron 5 Ex D 319 and Lister 45 Ch D 1 cases). Thus before setting out to explain his reasoning, Lord
Templeman asserts [at p 331B–C] that a bribe paid to a ‘false fiduciary’ vests in him and he must pay and
account for it to ‘the person to whom [the] duty is owed’. But that is the very issue he then purports to
79 Thirdly, the concern which Lord Templeman expressed at the end of the passage I have quoted in para
71 above might well be met by ordering an equitable account: there was apparently no argument before the
Privy Council to that effect.
80 Fourthly, it seems to me that there is a real case for saying that the decision in [Reid] is unsound. In
cases where a fiduciary takes for himself an asset which, if he chose to take, he was under a duty to take
for the beneficiary, it is easy to see why the asset should be treated as the property of the beneficiary.
However, a bribe paid to a fiduciary could not possibly be said to be an asset which the fiduciary was under
a duty to take for the beneficiary. There can thus be said to be a fundamental distinction between (i) a
fiduciary enriching himself by depriving a claimant of an asset and (ii) a fiduciary enriching himself by doing
a wrong to the claimant. Having said that, I can see a real policy reason in its favour (if equitable accounting
is not available), but the fact that it may not accord with principle is obviously a good reason for not
following it in preference to decisions of this court.
81 Fifthly, not only has there been much academic commentary since [Reid] which supports the approach
in [Heiron and Lister], but, at least from what I have seen, there is significantly more support for the
approach for those cases in scholarly articles than there is for the Reid case. It is true that Lord Millett …
strongly agrees with the Reid case. However, the reasoning in the Lister case is supported by Professor
Peter Birks …, Professor [Sir] Roy Goode, … [etc]
82 As for the textbooks, the majority appear to accept the Reid case as correct … [but] do not devote
much analysis to the point at issue …
83 Sixthly, it seems to me that Lord Templeman may have given insufficient weight to the potentially unfair
consequences to the interests of other creditors, if his conclusion was right. His dismissal of their concerns
on the basis that they should be in no better position than the defaulting fiduciary [see 331F–H] stands in
rather stark contrast with what was said in the Lister case 45 Ch D 1, 15, … as well as more recently
in Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale v Islington London Borough Council [1996] AC 669, 716 E …
84 Seventhly, there are some relevant domestic decisions subsequent to the Reid case [both for and
against …].
Conclusion on the proprietary claim to the proceeds of sale of the shares
88 In my view, Lewison J was right to reject TPL’s proprietary claim to the proceeds of sale of the shares. It
is true that the decisions in [Reid and a number of other cases] go the other way. However, there is a
consistent line of reasoned decisions of this court (two of which were decided within the last ten years)
stretching back into the late 19th century, and one decision of the House of Lords 150 years ago, which
appear to establish that a beneficiary of a fiduciary’s duties cannot claim a proprietary interest, but is
entitled to an equitable account, in respect of any money or asset acquired by a fiduciary in breach of his
duties to the beneficiary, unless the asset or money is or has (p. 433) been beneficially the property of the
beneficiary or the trustee acquired the asset or money by taking advantage of an opportunity or right which
was properly that of the beneficiary.
90 [And so far as the problem of a fiduciary being left with the profits of successful investment of the bribe
moneys (as happened in both Lister and Reid)], then it seems to me that this should be dealt with by
extending, or adjusting, the rules relating to equitable compensation rather than those relating to proprietary
interests. Such a course, as I see it, would do less violence to the law as consistently laid down …
whereas it would involve little interference with established authority relating to equitable compensation. In
addition, the law relating to proprietary interests, being within the law of property, is inherently rather less
flexible than the law relating to equitable compensation. Furthermore, extending the law relating to equitable
compensation in such a case would interfere far less with the legitimate interests of other creditors than
extending the law relating to proprietary interests.
91 (It may even be that tracing can be invoked to support such a personal claim. I find it a little hard to see
how that could work, save where the tracing exercise is being pursued in respect of a defendant’s
proprietary interest by a claimant with a personal claim against the defendant. In Fosk ett v McKeown [2001]
1 AC 102, 128, after explaining that ‘Tracing is thus neither a claim nor a remedy’, Lord Millett said that
‘The successful completion of a tracing exercise may be preliminary to a personal claim … or a proprietary
one, to the enforcement of a legal right … or an equitable one’. Lord Steyn said much the same thing, at p
RICHARDS and HUGHES LJJ concurred.
➤ Notes
1. For commentary, see Hayton (2011) 127 LQR 487; Goode (2011) 127 LQR 493; and, in detail, Lord Millett
[2012] CLJ 583.
2. A number of cases have applied this decision. In Cadogan Petroleum plc v Tolley [2011] EWHC 2286 (Ch),
another bribe case, Newey J took the view that Lord Neuberger’s three categories in Sinclair were necessarily
mutually exclusive (or at least that Category 3 did not overlap with Categories 1 and 2). In particular, and by way
ofdicta, he doubted that a bribe could fall into Category 1 merely because the bribe money was originally the
claimant’s (as in cases where the briber/vendor pays the bribe out of purchase money received from the claimant),
at least ‘when the Claimants (a) made their payments on an outandout basis [to the briber] and (b) have not
elected to rescind the contracts pursuant to which the payments were made’ [36], since in such circumstances
the claimant could not show that the money still belonged to it, at least in equity, at the time the fiduciary received
it.74 And, so far as Category 2 was concerned, he expressed the view that:
30. … In Sinclair, Lord Neuberger said that there is a ‘fundamental distinction between (i) a fiduciary
enriching himself by depriving a claimant of an asset and (ii) a fiduciary enriching himself by doing a wrong
to the claimant’ and that ‘a bribe paid to a fiduciary could not possibly be said to be an asset which the
fiduciary was under a duty to take for the beneficiary’. A bribe is to be seen as something the fiduciary
obtained by doing a wrong rather than by depriving the beneficiary of an opportunity. Were the position
otherwise, beneficiaries would (contrary to the view of the Court of Appeal in Sinclair) very frequently have
proprietary interests in bribes and secret commissions since they could commonly be said to have been
derived from opportunities to obtain a reduced price (or, where an asset is being sold, an increased one), …’
3. By contrast, in just such circumstances in FHR European Ventures LLP v Mank arious [2013] EWCA Civ 17,
the Court of Appeal determined75 that an agent for the purchaser held a secret (p. 434) commission on
constructive trust. The commission was €10 million received by the agent from the vendor of property which the
purchaser bought for €200 million, being the price negotiated on his behalf by the agent.
59. In my judgment there is no need to enquire whether the opportunity to acquire the hotel at a lower price
can be characterised as an opportunity separate from the opportunity to acquire the hotel at all. I do not,
therefore, agree with Newey J in Cadogan Petroleum plc v Tolley that it is necessary to isolate the
opportunity to acquire an asset at a lower price from the opportunity to acquire an asset at all. Nor is there
any need to enquire whether the [claimant] can be said to have a proprietary interest, in the strict sense, in
that opportunity. In my judgment the principle we must apply is that stated by Jonathan Parker LJ in Bhullar
v Bhullar[7.25]: is the fiduciary’s exploitation of the opportunity such as to attract the application of the rule?
In the present case the exclusive brokerage agreement was part of the overall arrangement surrounding the
purchase of the hotel. … In my judgment the exploitation of the opportunity by [the agent] was such as to
attract the operation of the rule with the consequence that [the agent] held the benefit of the contract on a
constructive trust for the [claimant]. Thence it is possible to trace into the money paid under that contract
which Cedar likewise held on a constructive trust for the Investor Group.
The difficulties in distinguishing between the three categories—or especially between Categories 2 and 3—were
described thus:
100. That review of situations within Category 2, as a matter of established case law which has not be
overruled by Sinclar Investments, is the necessary backdrop for an attempt to distinguish between
Category 2 and Category 3. It shows that the mere fact that the fiduciary obtains the benefit from a third
party, or obtains a benefit that could never be or would never be obtained by the principal, or that the
principal has obtained what he or she wanted or intended from the opportunity, is not necessarily a bar to a
constructive trust of the benefit wrongly obtained by the fiduciary by taking advantage of the opportunity.
Those are all features of bribe and secret commission cases. The challenge raised by Sinclair
Investments and Reid, therefore, is to identify other features which make the difference between Category 2
and Category 3. It is a very considerable challenge because neither of those cases gives any clear
And, finally, Lewison LJ explained why parties are often so keen to prove entitlement to a proprietary remedy:
14. … Why, one might ask, does it matter? In some cases it matters because the fiduciary is insolvent;
and the establishment of a proprietary remedy may mean that the profit is unavailable for distribution among
his creditors … where that is the case the argument is in essence about priorities. In some cases it is said
to matter because the secret profit has been invested in an asset that has itself increased in value. Where
that is the case the argument is in essence about what counts as the profit that the defaulting fiduciary has
made as a result of his breach of fiduciary duty. Sometimes it matters because the defaulting fiduciary no
longer has the profit and the principal wishes to recover it from a third party into whose hands it has come
… Those [secondary] proceedings are likely to be more effective ‘in ensuring payment in full’ if the
[claimant] can establish a proprietary interest in the commission. [In these cases] the argument … is really
about following and tracing.
4. In Australia, where the imposition of a remedial constructive trust is a discretionary remedy, Sinclair v
Versailles has not been followed:76 Grimaldi v Chameleon Mining NL (No 2) (p. 435) [2012] FCAFC 6. In the Full
Court of the Federal Court of Australia, Finn J refused to follow Sinclair, but nevertheless did not award a
constructive trust notwithstanding that this was a case where the claimant’s funds had been diverted in part
payment (an exceptionally tiny part) of the purchase price of a mining venture. According to Finn J at [584]:
… First, to accept that money bribes can be captured by a constructive trust does not mean that they
necessarily will be in all circumstances. As is well accepted, a constructive trust ought not to be imposed if
there are other orders capable of doing full justice … Such could be the case, for example, where a bribed
fiduciary, having profitably invested the bribe, is then bankrupted and, apart from the investment, is
hopelessly insolvent. In such a case a lien on that property may well be sufficient to achieve ‘practical
justice’ in the circumstances. This said, a constructive trust is likely to be awarded as of course where the
bribe still exists in its original, or in a traceable, form, and no third party issue arises.
➤ Question
Pill LJ in FHR European Venture LLP, see Note 3, said, at [64]: ‘At bottom, this is a question of public policy.
There would be a case for deciding that whenever, as in the present case, the agent payee is a wrongdoer, the
law, applying equitable principles, should grant a proprietary remedy to the principal. A principal shall stand in
his agent’s shoes.’ If the principal can stand in the agent’s shoes, will every disgorgement remedy invariably
be proprietary, provided the property to be disgorged is still identifiable? What, if anything, is the flaw in that
Further issues on remedies
Extent of liability for profits
See Regal (Hastings) Ltd v Gulliver [7.23]; Ultraframe (UK) Ltd v Fielding [7.44] (director only liable for profits made
personally, not for profits made by others, unless the claim can be brought under some other head of liability, eg
knowing receipt, dishonest assistance, partnership law).
Equitable allowance granted to the director
For cases taking a restrictive approach, see: Murad v AlSaraj [7.35]; Guinness plc v Saunders
[5.01]; for a more lenient approach, see: Warman International Ltd v Dwyer (cited extensively
in Murad [7.35]); Boardman v Phipps (see the Note following Peso Silver Mines Ltd (NPL) v Cropper [7.32], p 404).
Equitable compensation
The orthodox view is that equitable compensation is not available for breach of the equitable no conflict and no
profit rules, except to compensate for losses caused by breach of the equitable duty of care (if this duty exists
distinct from the common law duty) and the equitable duties to exercise powers independently, bona fide, within
the authority granted, and for proper purposes (ie the equitable equivalents of ss 171–174). Note that misuse of the
company’s property may involve a conflict of duty and interest (for which profits are recoverable) and a breach of
the duty to act bona fide, within the authority granted, and for proper purposes (for which equitable compensation
is recoverable, even if the director has not made a profit from the misuse (Gwembe Valley Development Co Ltd v
Koshy (No 3) [7.37], in which (p. 436) Mummery LJ raises but does not answer the question whether
compensation is available if the only breach is of the no conflict or no profit rules).
If equitable compensation is available, the loss is measured at the time of the trial and must be causally related to
the breach (Target Holdings Ltd v Redferns [1996] 1 AC 421, a case concerning fiduciary obligations of solicitors,
not directors).
Limitation periods
The normal limitation period for breach of equitable fiduciary duties is six years, unless the Limitation Act 1980 s
21(1) applies, in which case there is no limitation (eg JJ Harrison (Properties) Ltd v Harrison [7.36]; Gwembe
Valley Development Co Ltd v Koshy (No 3) [7.37]) (this case contains a long and informative analysis of limitation
Relief from liability
Directors may be relieved from liability for a breach of duty to the company in three ways:
(i) consent, approval or authorisation by the members: CA 2006 s 180;
(ii) ratification by the company: CA 2006 s 239; or
(iii) by the court: CA 2006 s 1157.
It is clear that any attempt to contract out of liability will be void: CA 2006 ss 232–238.
Consent, approval or authorisation by members: CA 2006 s 180
Section 180 deals with the ways in which directors can avoid liability for breaches of their general statutory duties
by making the appropriate declaration or obtaining the appropriate consent, approval or authorisation from either
the directors or the members.
Recall that a director may already have exemptions from liability because he or she has board of directors’
authorisation for dealings with outsiders (s 175) or has made a declaration to the directors about dealings with the
company (s 177). Section 180(1) indicates that these mechanisms replace the equitable rule which requires the
members, not the directors, to authorise these types of breaches of duty. This is subject to any contrary
enactment (eg CA 2006 Pt 10, Ch 4), or any provision in the company’s constitution imposing additional demands.
Section 180(4) is the crucial subsection. It retains the equitable and common law rules which allow companies to
authorise (in advance—note the wording of s 180(4)(a)) what would otherwise be a breach of duty by the directors,
and to make provision in their articles for dealing with conflicts of interest in specific ways.
Equitable rules for authorisation by the company
The equitable rules indicate that authorisation must be given by the members, not the directors (Furs Ltd v
Tomk ies (1936) 54 CLR 583, 590, 599), unless perhaps the members and directors are the same persons
(Queensland Mines Ltd v Hudson (1978) 18 ALR 1, PC, see Note 2 following Multinational Gas [7.39], p 440).
Consent is effective only if it is proper and fully informed (Kaye v Croydon Tramways Co [1898] 1 Ch 358; Knight v
Frost [1999] 1 BCLC 364). This means that the decision of the (p. 437) members must not be a fraud on the
creditors (Re Halt Garage (1964) Ltd [5.03]) or (it seems) a fraud on the minority or an abuse of power (North West
Transportation Co Ltd v Beatty [4.33]. This last aspect is controversial (Burland v Earle [1902] AC 83, PC; Cook v
Deek s [7.22]; Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v Newman Industries Ltd (No 2) [13.21]; and Smith v Croft (No
2) [13.17]). It is sometimes alleged that authorisation or ratification of negligence is more controversial, but
arguably the same rules apply—companies, like other individuals, can waive the duty of care and forgive past acts
of negligence. However, see Pavlides v Jensen [1956] Ch 565; Daniels v Daniels [1978] Ch 406 (for both these
cases, see Notes 2 and 3 following Franbar Holdings Ltd v Patel [13.12], p 661); Re Horsley and Weight
Ltd [4.30]; and Multinational Gas and Petrochemical Co v Multinational Gas and Petrochemical Services
Ltd [7.39]).
Ratification of acts of directors: CA 2006 s 239
This important provision settles new minimum requirements for effective ratification. The provision draws on existing
equitable rules, but imposes more stringent demands. In addition, to the extent (if any) that the statutory version
may still be more lenient than the equitable rules, the latter rules—and rules in any other enactment—remain
effective to supplement or enhance the statutory requirements (s 239(7)).
Section 239(1) makes it clear that the provision is designed to afford a mechanism for the company, via its
members, to forgive a defaulting director for conduct amounting to negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of
trust in relation to the company (ie the provision includes all the wrongs which are the subject of Pt 10, including
negligence, and not simply fiduciary wrongs).
Section 239(2) insists that the ratification must be by resolution of the members of the company. This minimum
requirement will apply regardless of any more lenient alternative provided by the company’s articles, or by existing
general law. And s 239(3) and (4) indicate that ratification is effective only if the resolution is passed withoutvotes in
favour of the resolution by the defaulting director (if a member of the company) and any member connected with
This changes the law as expressed in NorthWest Transportation Co Ltd v Beatty [4.33]; Burland v Earle [1902]
AC 83, PC; and Pavlides v Jensen [1956] Ch 565 (see Note3 following Franbar Holdings Ltd v Patel [13.12], p
661). Instead, it adopts the approach advocated in Atwool v Merryweather (1867) LR 5 Eq 464n; Cook v
Deek s [7.22];Hogg v Cramphorn [7.11]; Bamford v Bamford [4.32]; Howard Smith Ltd v Ampol Petroleum
Ltd [7.12]; Daniels v Daniels [1978] Ch 406 (see Note 2 following Franbar Holdings Ltd v Patel [13.12], p
661); Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v Newman Industries Ltd (No 2) [13.21]; and Smith v Croft (No 2) [13.17].
➤ Notes and Questions
1. Does CA 2006 s 239 create difficulties for smaller companies? If the majority of shares in a company are
held by directors (which is the norm for smaller familytype companies), then their votes will be disregarded for
ratification purposes, giving much more power to small shareholders (or, in an insolvency, to a liquidator), who
will then have leverage over the owners, which will not necessarily serve the best interests of the company.
What if the minority shareholders own, say, only 1% of the company? Should they still have a veto over
ratification? What if there are no independent shareholders? On the other hand, it is difficult to see why
wrongdoers should be able to vote to forgive themselves.
2. Section 239(6) makes clear that nothing in this clause changes the law on unanimous consent, so the
restrictions imposed by this clause as to who may vote on a ratification resolution (p. 438) will not apply
when every member votes (informally or otherwise) in favour of the resolution. On unanimous consent, see: Re
Duomatic Ltd[4.15] (need the agreement of every member entitled to vote); Re D’Jan of London
Ltd [7.20] (confirming that all members must actually apply their minds to the question and decide in favour of
the proposal).
3. Section 239(6) also makes clear that nothing in the section removes any power of the directors to ‘agree
not to sue, or to settle or release a claim made by them on behalf of the company’. Does this abrogate the
entire section, allowing the directors to override the tough members’ ratification rule, and agree themselves to
ratify (ie forgive, and agree not to sue) any wrongdoing director? In making such decisions, however, directors
would of course continue to be bound by their normal duties, for example to promote the success of the
Approval or ratification by the shareholders.
[7.39] Multinational Gas and Petrochemical Co Ltd v Multinational Gas and Petrochemical Services Ltd
[1983] Ch 258 (Court of Appeal)
Three international oil companies established a joint venture to deal in liquefied gas. They set up the plaintiff
company to carry on the business, and the defendant company ‘Services’ to manage it and to provide advisory
services. The three oil companies were the sole shareholders in both companies and appointed their directors. The
plaintiff company went into liquidation owing approximately £114 million, and its liquidator sued its directors and
also the defendant company, alleging that they had all been negligent. The Court of Appeal held that the action
was not founded on any tort committed within the jurisdiction and so refused leave to serve the proceedings on
those defendants who were abroad. But Lawton and Dillon LJJ also accepted an argument that there could be no
complaint about commercial decisions, alleged to be negligent, which had been made by the directors with the
approval of the three oil companies as shareholders.
LAWTON LJ: No allegation had been made that the plaintiff’s directors had acted ultra vires or in bad faith.
What was alleged was that when making the decisions which were alleged to have caused the plaintiff loss
and giving instructions to Services to put them into effect they had acted in accordance with the directions
and behest of the three oil companies. These oil companies were the only shareholders. All the acts
complained of became the plaintiff’s acts. The plaintiff, although it had a separate existence from its oil
company shareholders, existed for the benefit of those shareholders, who, provided they acted intra vires
and in good faith, could manage the plaintiff’s affairs as they wished. If they wanted to take business risks
through the plaintiff which no prudent businessman would take they could lawfully do so. Just as an
individual can act like a fool provided he keeps within the law so could the plaintiff, but in its case it was for
the shareholders to decide whether the plaintiff should act foolishly. As shareholders they owed no duty to
those with whom the plaintiff did business. It was for such persons to assess the hazards of doing business
with them. It follows, so it was submitted, that the plaintiff, as a matter of law, cannot now complain about
what they did at their shareholders’ behest.
This submission was based on … a long line of cases starting with Salomon v A Salomon & Co
Ltd [2.01] and ending with the decision of this court in Re Horsley & Weight Ltd [4.30]. In my judgment
these cases establish the following relevant principles of law: first, that the plaintiff was at law a different
legal person from the subscribing oil company shareholders and was not their agent (see Salomon v A
Salomon & Co Ltd). Secondly, that the oil companies as shareholders were not liable to anyone except to
the extent and the manner provided by the Companies Act 1948 (see Salomon v A Salomon & Co Ltd).
Thirdly, that when the oil companies acting together required the plaintiff’s directors to make decisions or
approve what had already been done, what they did or approved became the plaintiff’s acts and were binding
on it: see by way of examples AG for Canada (p. 439) v Standard Trust Co of New York ,77 Re Express
Engineering Work s Ltd78 and Re Horsley & Weight Ltd. When approving whatever their nominee directors
had done, the oil companies were not, as the plaintiff submitted, relinquishing any causes of action which
the plaintiff may have had against its directors. When the oil companies, as shareholders, approved what
the plaintiff’s directors had done there was no cause of action because at that time there was no damage.
What the oil companies were doing was adopting the directors’ acts and as shareholders, in agreement
with each other, making those acts the plaintiff’s acts.
It follows that the plaintiff cannot now complain about what in law were its own acts. Further, I can see no
grounds for adjudging that the oil companies as shareholders were under any duty of care to the plaintiff.
DILLON LJ: It is not alleged that the joint venturers or the directors of the plaintiff acted fraudulently or in bad
faith in any way or were guilty of fraudulent trading. What is alleged is that they all acted negligently in that
they made five speculative decisions in relation to the ships, when they knew or ought to have known that
they did not have sufficient information to make sensible business decisions. The decisions which they took
in good faith went, it is said, outside the range of reasonable commercial judgment.
The heart of the matter is therefore that certain commercial decisions which were not ultra vires the plaintiff
were made honestly, not merely by the directors but by all the shareholders of the plaintiff at a time when
the plaintiff was solvent. I do not see how there can be any complaint of that.
An individual trader who is solvent is free to make stupid, but honest, commercial decisions in the conduct
of his own business. He owes no duty of care to future creditors. The same applies to a partnership of
A company, as it seems to me, likewise owes no duty of care to future creditors. The directors indeed
stand in a fiduciary relationship to the company, as they are appointed to manage the affairs of the
company and they owe fiduciary duties to the company though not to the creditors, present or future,[79 ] or
to individual shareholders. The duties owed by a director include a duty of care, as was recognised by
Romer J in Re City Equitable Fire Insurance Co Ltd [7.19], though as he pointed out the nature and extent
of the duty may depend on the nature of the business of the company and on the particular knowledge and
experience of the individual director.
The shareholders, however, owe no duty to the company. Indeed, so long as the company is solvent the
shareholders are in substance the company …
The well known passage in the speech of Lord Davey in Salomon v A Salomon & Co Ltd that the company
is bound in a matter intra vires by the unanimous agreement of its members is, in my judgment, apt to
cover the present case whether or not Lord Davey had circumstances such as the present case in mind.
If the company is bound by what was done when it was a going concern, then the liquidator is in no better
position. He cannot sue the members because they owed no duty to the company as a separate entity and
he cannot sue the directors because the decision which he seeks to impugn were made by, and with the
full assent of, the members.
MAY LJ (dissenting): It is well established by such authorities as Salomon v A Salomon & Co Ltd and the
many authorities to like effect to which we were referred that a company is bound, in a matter which is intra
vires and not fraudulent, by the unanimous agreement of its members or by an ordinary resolution of a
majority of its members. However, I do not think that this line of authority establishes anything more than
that a company is bound by the legal results of a transaction so entered into: that is to say, for instance, by
the terms of contract which is so approved; or that (p. 440) neither it nor for that matter its liquidator can
challenge the legal consequences, such as a transfer of title, of a transaction to which its members have
agreed to the extent that I have mentioned.
This, however, is very different from saying that where all the acts of the directors of a company, for
instance, Services, have been carried out by them as nominees for, at the behest and with the knowledge of
all the members of the company, namely the joint venturers, then forever the company as a separate legal
entity is precluded from complaining of the quality of those acts in the absence of fraud or unless they were
ultra vires. If we assume for the purposes of this argument that the directors of the plaintiff did commit
breaches of the duty of care that they owed that company, as a result of which it suffered damage, then I
agree with the submission made by counsel for the plaintiff that the company thereby acquired a cause of
action against those directors in negligence. The fact that all the members of the company knew of the acts
constituting such breaches, and indeed knew that those acts were in breach of that duty, does not of itself
in my opinion prevent them from constituting the tort of negligence against the company or by itself release
the directors from liability for it. Of course, in the circumstances of the present case, whilst the joint
venturers retained effective control of the company they would be extremely unlikely to complain of the
negligence of their nominees. But such restraint on their part could not and did not in my opinion amount to
any release by the company of the cause of action which ex hypothesi had become vested in it against its
directors. Salomon’s case and the subsequent authorities make it clear that a limited company is a person
separate and distinct from its members, even though a majority of the latter have the power to control its
activities so long as it is not put into liquidation and whilst they remain members and a majority. Once,
however, the joint venturers ceased to be able to call the tune, either because the company went into
liquidation or indeed, though it is not this case, because others took over their interest as members of the
company, then I can see no legal reason why the liquidator or the company itself could not sue in respect
of the cause of action still vested in it. I agree with counsel’s submission that that cause of action was an
asset of the company which could not be gratuitously released …
➤ Notes
1. All three members of the Court of Appeal in this case referred to the doubts expressed obiter dicta by
Templeman and CummingBruce LJJ in Re Horsley & Weight Ltd [4.30] whether directors holding a majority of
shares were competent to ratify their own making of a corporate gift. This is now outlawed by CA 2006 s
239(3) and (4). CA 2006 therefore abrogates the rule in North West Transportation Co Ltd v Beatty (1887) 12
App Cas 589, PC, which held that a contract between the director and his company, which was voidable
because of the director’s undisclosed interest in it, could be ratified by the company in general meeting; and
that the interested director could vote as a member in such a meeting, even though he held the majority of
2. In Queensland Mines Ltd v Hudson (1978) 18 ALR 1, 52 ALJR 399, PC, the plaintiff company was set up as
a joint venture by A Ltd, a company controlled by Hudson, and F Ltd, a company controlled by Korman.
Hudson, as managing director of Queensland Mines, was involved in negotiations with the Tasmanian
government for licences to mine iron ore. Just before the licences were issued, Korman and his company F
Ltd ran into financial difficulties and Korman told Hudson that he had not the financial resources to proceed
with the venture. Hudson took the licence in his own name. He later resigned as managing director of
Queensland Mines and formed his own new company, which, at considerable risk and expense, exploited the
licences and earned profits. The Privy Council held (i) that the opportunity to make the profits had come to
Hudson through his position as managing director of Queensland Mines, but (ii) that since the board of that
company had known of Hudson’s interest at all times (and had resolved a year after the issues of the licences
that Queensland Mines ‘should not pursue the matter [ie the licences] any further’), Hudson was not
accountable for his profit.
(p. 441) ➤ Questions
1. What were the members in the Multinational Gas case purporting to do: exercise management decision
making power themselves; or authorise the directors in advance of the directors’ action in order to enable the
directors to pursue activities that would otherwise be in breach of duty; or ratify, after the event, thereby
indicating that the company would not sue the defaulting directors for their breaches?
2. If the members were ratifying the wrongdoing (see Murad v AlSaraj [7.35]), would their decision bind a
liquidator who was subsequently appointed to the company and inclined to sue the wrongdoers?
3. If the alleged acts of negligence were committed by the directors with the prior authorisation of the
members, do you consider the reasoning of Lawton LJ or that of May LJ more appropriate?
4. If the alleged acts of negligence were committed by the directors on their own initiative and later approved
by the members, do you consider the reasoning of Lawton LJ or that of May LJ more appropriate?
5. In Queensland Mines, how could a decision of the board have this effect? Was the board the legitimate
organ of the company to make arrangements with Hudson in advance of any breach? Or was the board of
directors really also the ‘general meeting’ in all but name, representing all the corporate joint venturer
members, and so able to count in effect as a members’ vote at a members’ meeting?
Approval or ratification by shareholders is not effective unless the decision is honest, bona fide and in the
best interests of the company, including but not limited to instances of prejudice to creditors.
[7.40] Madoff Securities International Ltd v Raven [2011] EWHC 3102 (QBD Commercial Court)
This case was part of the Madoff litigation. L was the liquidator of a US company (B) which had been used for a
massive Ponzi scheme fraud orchestrated by Madoff (M). Investors in the scheme had lost about US$19.5 billion.
C was an English company in which 99% of the shares were held by M and 1% by his brother who acted in
accordance with his instructions. C was used to launder money and to make payments of stolen money. B and C
paid almost $50 million to K, an Austrian national who introduced investors to M. B put C in funds to make the
relevant payments. K described the payments as commission. C’s case was that the payments were illegitimate
and that the invoices were shams, although C’s directors said that the payments were made on M’s instructions in
respect of research provided by K and they did not know or believe that the payments were by way of commission.
C brought proceedings against the directors alleging breach of contract and fiduciary duty in relation to the
payments and against K and her companies alleging knowing receipt and constructive trust. In response, it was
suggested (amongst other matters) that there was no serious issue to be tried between C and the directors
because C had suffered no loss since the money to make the payments was provided by B and/or because their
acts had been either requested or approved by the shareholders, in the person of M, so that there was no breach
of fiduciary duty or any breach had been ratified. The court disagreed.
94 Mr Mowschenson’s [counsel for the defendants] second reason for saying there is no serious issue to
be tried is a more formidable one. He submits that, where the acts of directors of a (p. 442) company have
been either requested or approved by the shareholders, those acts are the acts of the company and that, as
a matter of company law, the company cannot contend that the directors have acted in breach of fiduciary
duty. Either there was no breach or any breach has been ratified. Mr Mowschenson contends that the only
exception to this principle is if the transaction carried out by the directors at the request of or with the
approval of the shareholders is one which is likely to jeopardise the solvency of the company or cause loss
to its creditors.
95 The general principle that, where the conduct of the directors has been approved or authorised by the
shareholders, the company cannot bring a claim for breach of duty against the directors, because the acts
of the shareholders are the acts of the company, is recognised in a number of cases. A summary of the
relevant principles of law is set out in … Multinational Gas v Multinational Services [7.39] …
97 The existence of an exception to that principle, where the transaction authorised by the shareholders is
one which jeopardises the company’s solvency or causes loss to its creditors … can be traced to dicta of
CummingBruce and Templeman LJ in Re Horsley & Weight Ltd [4.30] … [He continued, citing other cases
referred to at ‘Directors’ “duties” to creditors’, p 325 on duties to creditors.]
103 Mr Mowschenson submitted that this exception, that the transaction authorised must not be likely to
jeopardise the company’s solvency or cause loss to the creditors, was the limit of any exception to the
general principle. In particular, he submitted that there was not some wider exception that the directors’
breach of fiduciary duty could not be ratified where the transaction in question was not bona fides or honest.
104 He made the point that, in the present case, at the time that the payments were made to [K], [C] was
completely solvent (and the contrary is not contended by the claimants). Furthermore, since the payments
made all derived from the subventions from [B], the creditors of [C] could not be said to have suffered a loss,
even if the company had been doubtfully solvent. In those circumstances, it was nothing to the point that Mr
Madoff, the 99% shareholder of [C], was a fraudster or that the payments to [K] were the proceeds of that
fraud … It is equally irrelevant that the true nature of the payments was disguised by Mr Madoff … The
directors’ actions in making the payments had been requested or approved by Mr Madoff, so [C] was bound
by his consent and could not be heard to complain of breach of fiduciary duty by the directors.
105 Mr Saini [counsel for the claimant] challenged that conclusion. He submitted that there was a wider
exception based on grounds of public policy, that the general principle would not apply where the
shareholders, in ratifying the directors’ acts, were acting dishonestly or using the company as a vehicle for
fraud or wrongdoing. That was the case here, since Mr Madoff was using [C] as a money laundering vehicle
to disguise and distribute the proceeds of his fraud, including by way of the payments to [K].
106 In support of the submission that the ‘doubtful solvency or loss to creditors’ exception is not the only
exception or is, at least, part of a wider exception, Mr Saini relies upon the judgment of the ViceChancellor
in Bowthorpe Holdings [[2003] 1 BCLC 226]. In that case, one of the questions was whether the sale of
shares in another company by the directors of that company was an improper exercise by them of their
powers, because it was effected otherwise than in the interests of the company and at a substantial
undervalue. It was submitted that, even on that assumption the claim must fail because the sale was
authorised by all the shareholders of that company.
107 Having stated the general principle that a company is bound by the unanimous agreement of its
shareholders, Sir Andrew Morritt VC said this at [50]–[51]:
‘But subsequent decisions show that there are exceptions to such a principle. First, the transaction
must be bona fide or honest. This, in my view, is demonstrated by the qualification of Viscount
Haldane in AG for Canada v Standard Trust [1911] AC 498, 505 that “the case was not … a cloak
under which a conspiracy to defraud was concealed”, by Younger LJ in Re: Express Engineering
Work s [1920] 1 Ch 466, 471 that “no fraud is alleged in respect of this transaction”, and by Lawton
LJ in Multinational Gas v Multinational Services [7.39], 268 that the members must act in good faith.
Thus, in Re Duomatic [4.15], 372 Buckley J cited with approval the view (p. 443) of Astbury J
in Park er and Cooper Ltd v Reading [1926] Ch 975, 984 that the transaction must be both intra vires
and honest.
51. The second exception, which may be merely an exemplification of the first, is that the transaction so
authorised must not be likely to jeopardise the company’s solvency or cause loss to its creditors.’
108 Mr Mowschenson sought to suggest that even this ‘wider’ exception was limited to cases where the
directors’ acts, albeit approved by the shareholders, have caused prejudice to the creditors of the company
109 He questioned the juridical basis of a wider interpretation of the first exception. If the shareholders and
directors acted dishonestly, but not in a manner which prejudiced the creditors, then their acts were still
those of the company and bound the company, so that the company could not complain. No question of
public policy arises in such a situation. It is all simply a question of the internal management of the
company. Accordingly, if the ViceChancellor was stating some wider exception based on public policy, he
was wrong.
110 Although I see the force of Mr Mowschenson’s submissions, I am unable to accept them [at least here,
on a strikeout action].
111 In my judgment, the wider first exception stated by Sir Andrew Morritt VC was not intended to be
limited to cases where there is prejudice to the creditors. …
112 … Bowthorpe Holdings stands as an authority of a court of concurrent jurisdiction to this court in
support of the wider exception for which Mr Saini contends. … [and]
113 … that decision does not stand alone. Whilst I accept that the authorities on this wider exception, both
before and after Bowthorpe Holdings, are limited, those to which the ViceChancellor refers do not suggest
that the earlier courts were limiting the exception to instances of prejudice to creditors. Rather, although
none of the cases contains full reasoning, the exception recognised seems a much more general one,
applicable where the transaction is one which would be a fraud on the company … [He referred again to
Lawton LJ in the Multinational Gas case [7.39].] …
122 Mr Saini also relies upon the decision of John Powell QC, sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge of the
Chancery Division in Cox v Cox [2006] EWHC 1077 (Ch). The facts of that case do not matter for present
purposes, but it is another case where the court recognised the existence of the two exceptions to which
the ViceChancellor referred in Bowthorpe Holdings. At [58], the learned Deputy Judge said:
‘It was submitted that, notwithstanding the liability of Mr and Mrs Cox as directors and Mrs Cox as
constructive trustee, to make good to the Company the excess salary payments to Mrs Cox as a
consequence of the Company’s contravention of section 151, it is open to the Company, if it so
wishes, to release them from liability. I was referred to passages in Chapter 17 of GoreBrowne on
Companies (45th ed.) and to the judgment of Sir Andrew Morritt VC inBowthorpe Holdings Ltd v.
Hills …, especially at 241–2 … I accept that it is open to a company, by its shareholders acting
unanimously, to release a director from liability for breach of duty, provided that the release does not
jeopardise the solvency of the company or cause loss to creditors and that there is no sufficient
public policy objection to the [grant] of such release.’
123 Mr Mowschenson submitted that the learned Deputy Judge was wrong about there being a public policy
exception in circumstances where, as he submitted, ratification of any breach of duty by the directors of a
company is an internal matter. However, as I have already indicated, it does seem to me that not
onlyBowthorpe Holdings itself, but a number of other cases, including Cox v Cox, recognise the existence of
a wider exception to the effect that a transaction can be impugned by the company if it is not honest, bona
fide and in the best interests of the company. One explanation of that exception may be that public policy
demands that a transaction which is not honest, bona fide and in the best interests of the company is not
binding on the company. However, whatever the precise juridical basis of the wider exception, I consider
that the claimants can show a serious issue to be tried that that exception applies here …
(p. 444) Relief from liability granted by the court: CA 2006 s 1157
The court has a discretion to grant relief to directors and other officers from liability for breach of duty, similar to
that which exists in relation to trustees, if they have ‘acted honestly and reasonably and … ought fairly to be
excused’: CA 2006 s 1157 (replacing CA 1985 s 727).
The court in Coleman Taymar Ltd v Oak es [2001] 2 BCLC 749 held that the section could apply to a liability to
account for profits, as well as to a liability to pay damages to the company. The discretion was exercised in Re
D’Jan of London Ltd [7.20], but refused, in a number of wellknown cases, for example Dorchester Finance Co Ltd
v Stebbing (Note 3 at ‘“Reasonable” directors: keeping informed and delegating responsibilities’, p 358), Guinness
plc v Saunders [5.01], and Clark v Cutland [2003] EWCA Civ 810, CA. (Note that in Re Produce Mark eting
Consortium Ltd [1989] 1 WLR 745, Knox J ruled that, as a matter of principle, relief under CA 1985 s 727 could not
be granted in favour of a director who is held liable to pay compensation for wrongful trading under IA 1986 s 214:
see Re Produce Mark eting Consortium Ltd (No 2) [16.16].) It is clear that the economic realities of the case are
relevant to the court’s exercise of its CA 2006 s 1157 discretion.80
Two recent Court of Appeal decisions (both of which refused to grant the relief) further illustrate the court’s
approach under s 1157. In Towers v Premier Waste Management Ltd [7.24], the failure to make disclosure was
found to be a breach of the director’s fiduciary duties; the regurgitation of arguments used to show that there had
not been a breach proved similarly ineffective in seeking relief under s 1157. Given the limited additional arguments
under this head, the Court of Appeal commended the brevity of the lower court’s treatment of this part of the case.
T had owed fiduciary duties to P and had acted in breach of those duties in circumstances where there was no
mitigating factor and no evidence of injustice or hardship which might be relevant to granting relief in his favour.
Just as the absence of any finding of bad faith or actual conflict, the reasonableness of T’s reliance on R and the
lack of direct contact between T and F, and the absence of quantifiable loss by P or the negligible profit to T, did
not justify a finding that there was no breach of duty, so too they did not justify relieving him from the
consequences of his breach of duty.
In Smith v Butler [2012] EWCA Civ 314, CA, having clarified the ambit of a managing director’s powers, and thus
finding that the managing director had no authority to exclude the chairman from the company, it was then held
that the manager director had no power to cause the company to support his actions by resisting the chairman’s
applications. As the managing director had already proposed to resist the applications, the company could have
avoided any significant expenditure if it had simply filed a defence to the effect that it would abide by any court
orders arising from those proceedings. It was this feature of the case which led to Arden LJ’s conclusion that no
relief under s 1157 should be granted.
Contracting out of liability: CA 2006 ss 232–238
Under CA 2006 s 232, ‘Any provision that purports to exempt a director of a company (to any extent) from any
liability that would otherwise attach to him in connection with any negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of
trust in relation to the company is void.’ The rule (p. 445) covers provisions in the articles and in separate
contracts (s 232(3)). The early predecessors to this section were introduced as a kneejerk reaction to the
decision in Re City Equitable Fire Insurance Co Ltd [7.19].
Specific exceptions are allowed by way of providing the director with insurance, qualifying third party indemnity
provisions or qualifying pension scheme indemnity provisions (s 232(2)). A further exception is provided in s 205
(exception for expenditure on defending proceedings etc).
Section 232 retains the unresolved difficulty of its predecessors, however, since s 232(4) provides: ‘nothing in the
section is to be taken as preventing the company’s articles from making such provision as had previously been
lawful for dealing with conflicts of interest.’ Such provisions in the articles are common, permitting certain activities
by directors that would otherwise constitute breaches of the no conflict rule. How these provisions could be
regarded as legitimate in the face of the predecessor to s 232 (CA 1985 ss 309A–309C) was troubling.
In Movitex Ltd v Bulfield [1988] BCLC 104, Vinelott J attempted to resolve the issue by holding that the rule against
selfdealing by a trustee or a director is properly seen as a disability or restriction on the conduct of a fiduciary and
not a duty: articles which exclude or modify the application of this rule did not, therefore, infringe CA 1985 ss
309A–310. It did not help matters much, and the analysis was described in Gwembe Valley Development Co Ltd v
Koshy (No 3) [7.37] as a ‘needless complication’. In any event, all this rather unsatisfying mental gymnastics is no
longer possible now that the codified rules expressly regard all the rules as ‘duties’. Also see R Nicholson,
‘Authorising Multiple Directorships in Unrelated Companies: Table A to the Rescue?’ (2011) 9 Journal of
International Bank ing and Finance Law 534.
Special rules on notice requirements and members’ approval for certain transactions:
CA 2006 ss 182–231
Declarations of interest in existing transactions or arrangements: ss 182–187
Section 182 provides that if a director enters into a transaction or arrangement with the company without declaring
his interest under s 177 (duty to declare interest in proposed transaction or arrangement), he will be under an
immediate obligation to declare that interest and failure to do so will constitute a criminal offence (see s 183
(offence of failure to declare interest)). Even in these circumstances, however, it seems that the director is given a
reasonable amount of time in which to comply with the duty in s 182 (see subs (4)). (This provision replaces CA
1985 s 317 with regard to existing transactions and arrangements.)
Unlike s 177, s 182(2) makes it clear that directors must use one of the three prescribed methods of declaration.
Sections 184–187 elaborate on these, and in particular provide rules for sole directors of companies that ought to
have two or more directors, and for shadow directors. Presumably a failure to make a declaration in the prescribed
manner will render the declaration either a nullity or incomplete, and a further declaration will be required (s 182(3));
how this requirement will be reconciled with s 182(6)(b), indicating that the duty does not apply if the other
directors are already aware of the interest, or ought to be aware of the interest, is unclear. As with s 177, certain
interests do not have to be declared.
Unlike the duty to declare an interest in a proposed transaction or arrangement (s 177), it is a criminal offence not
to comply with the duty to declare an interest in anexisting transaction (p. 446) or arrangement. The Attorney
General, Lord Goldsmith, in Grand Committee explained the rationale behind this:
because one is here concerned with an existing transaction or arrangement, the failure to declare cannot
affect the validity of the transaction or give rise to any other civil consequences. That is to be contrasted
with the position where there is a failure to disclose an interest in relation to a proposed transaction where
the law can say that as a result of the failure to disclose that interest—and the company then enters into
the transaction in ignorance of that—consequences follow. The transaction may be voidable, to be set
aside. The company may wish to claim financial redress in one form or another as a result of what has
taken place. But, as I say, that is different from a failure to declare an interest in an existing transaction
where those considerations probably cannot arise. That is why a criminal offence is created. (HL GC Day 4,
Hansard HL 678, 9/2/06, col 338)
This does not appear to be an accurate description of the differences between these two provisions. If a
director complies with s 177, then the company can decide on a fully informed basis whether to proceed with the
proposed transaction or arrangement. Section 180 indicates that this declaration replaces the need for the approval
of the company’s members under the equitable rules, although any additional requirements imposed by the
articles will still have to be met. Assuming these additional requirements (if any) have also been met, the
transaction cannot be impugned for breach of s 177 or for breach of the no conflict and no profit rules in relation to
transactions with the company. However, note that the deal might nevertheless be a breach of some other general
statutory duty, and give rise to an action for a remedy under some other head. The availability of the relevant
remedies in those particular circumstances will then need to be assessed in the usual way.
On the other hand, if s 177 is not complied with, and the company nevertheless enters into the proposed
transaction or arrangement, then the director will be in breach of s 177 and, if the breach continues, will also be in
breach of s 182. The equitable remedies for breach of the general statutory duty can be pursued against the
defaulting director (and, again, an assessment will have to be made about the availability of various remedies—eg
rescission will not be available against a bona fide third party purchaser, but will be available against other parties
not protected by this equitable rule, including the director). In addition, the director will also be liable for the
criminal offence described in s 183. Put this way, there is no logical divide between the remedies available for
breach of ss 177 and 182; indeed, if s 177 is breached, and the proposed arrangement is pursued, s 182 will also
be breached so long as the director fails to declare the interest. Section 177 is therefore not a provision designed
toimpose liability on directors, but a provision designed to afford protection to those who comply with it.
In this sense, there is the same relationship between ss 183 and 178 (as influenced by s 180) as there is between
CA 1985 s 317 and the equitable consequences of breach of the no conflict and no profit rules (as influenced by
any relevant consents given by the members or given in the way allowed by the articles). See Guinness plc v
Saunders [1990] 2 AC 663, 697 (Lord Goff) [5.01]; Coleman Taymar Ltd v Oak es [2001] 2 BCLC 749.
Transactions with directors requiring the approval of members
Certain transactions between the company and its directors are deemed sufficiently ‘risky’ to require members’
approval for their validity, rather than the simpler procedure of board approval set out in s 177. The details of the
statutory provisions are not addressed here, but the sections repay careful reading. Several categories of
transactions are affected:
(i) Directors’ longterm service contracts: ss 188–189
See ‘Directors’ service contracts’, pp 270ff.
(p. 447) (ii) Substantial property transactions: ss 190–196
Section 190 replaces CA 1985 s 320(1), and makes certain changes. Substantial property transactions (defined in
s 191) are permitted, provided they are approved by the members. Failure to obtain the necessary authorisation
will not result in any liability for the company (s 190(3)).
An ‘arrangement’ includes an agreement or understanding that does not have contractual effect (Re Duck wari
plc [7.41]). Note the exceptions in ss 192–194. The civil consequences are described in s 195. These sections
apply equally to shadow directors: s 223(1)(b).
The remedies provided by s 195 enlarge both the types of recovery (including recovery of losses, and not just
profits) and the persons against whom recovery is available, when compared with the remedies available in equity
for breach of fiduciary duty in entering into transactions involving a conflict of interest. These remedies are not
available if the members approve the transaction within a reasonable time (s 196). Also see s 1157 (power of court
to grant relief in certain circumstances) (replacing CA 1985 s 727).
See Re Duck wari plc [7.41] (general remedies issues) and Re Ciro Citterio Menswear plc [7.42] (no constructive
trust before rescission).
(iii) Loans, quasiloans and credit transactions: ss 197–214
Sections 197–214 are derived from CA 1985 ss 330ff. The significant change is that loans to directors and
connected persons are no longer generally prohibited but are subject to the requirement of member approval, and
sometimes also approval of the members of its holding company. The sections apply equally to shadow directors
(s 223(1)(c)).
The provisions relating to loans apply to all UKregistered companies (with the exception of wholly owned
subsidiaries (s 197(5)). The provisions for quasiloans and credit transactions apply only to public companies and
associated companies (ss 198 and 201). See other related restrictions (ss 198–203).
The requirement for members’ approval is subject to the exceptions in ss 204–209 inclusive: the exceptions extend
to expenditure on company business; expenditure on defending proceedings etc, in connection with regulatory
action or investigation; expenditure for minor and business transactions; expenditure for intragroup transactions
and expenditure for moneylending companies). Of these, the most general is s 207, which sets the minimum
threshold value for transactions requiring the approval of members (£10,000 for loans, etc; £15,000 for credit
The remedies are set out in s 213, and there is, again, a provision for subsequent affirmation (s 214).
(iv) Payments for loss of office: ss 215–222
See ‘Compensation claims for loss of office’, pp 288ff.
(v) Directors’ service contracts—definition and inspection rights of members: ss 227–230
See ‘Directors’ service contracts’, pp 270ff.
(vi) Contracts not in the ordinary course of business with sole member who is also a director: s 231
Outside the range of Pt 10, directors are subject to a raft of statutory provisions imposing liability for:
(i) losses of capital, for example through issuing shares without complying with the statutory rules about
payment; or for making an improper repurchase of shares out of capital (see ‘Redemptions and repurchases
of shares’, pp 520ff);
(ii) ‘insider dealing’: see ‘Insider dealing’, pp 729ff;
(iii) directors are liable to reimburse the company if political donations are made without shareholder
authorisation: CA 2006 ss 366ff and see ‘Corporate gifts’, pp 134ff.
(p. 448) Remedies: indemnities
It is crucial to read the relevant statutory provisions if you want to understand this area.
Statutory remedies for breach of duty may include losses not caused by the breach itself.
[7.41] Re Duckwari plc [1999] Ch 253, [1998] 2 BCLC 315 (Court of Appeal)
Mr Cooper was a director of Offerventure Ltd and also of Duckwari plc. Offerventure had contracted to buy a
property in High Wycombe for development for £495,000 (a fair price). Cooper offered to pass on the property to
Duckwari at cost, on terms that he would receive a 50% share of any profits resulting from the development. This
offer was accepted by the board of Duckwari, but not approved by its members. After Duckwari had bought the
property, there was a fall in the market and the property was eventually sold for £177,970. The Court of Appeal held
that Cooper, Duckwari’s other directors and Offerventure (as an associated company) were liable under CA 1985
ss 320–322 [now CA 2006 ss 190ff] to indemnify Duckwari for the whole of its loss, including that due to the fall in
market value, and not simply for the difference between the price paid for the property and its value at the time of
the transaction (which would have been nil).
NOURSE LJ: It is convenient to start with the judge’s comparison of the purchase with an unauthorised
investment by a trustee. The assets of a company being vested in the company, the directors are not
accurately described as trustees of those assets. Nevertheless, they have always been treated as trustees
of assets which are in their hands or under their control. The principle is best stated by Lindley LJ in Re
Lands Allotment Co:81
Although directors are not properly speaking trustees, yet they have always been considered and
treated as trustees of money which comes to their hands or which is actually under their control; and
ever since joint stock companies were invented directors have been liable to make good moneys
which they have misapplied upon the same footing as if they were trustees …
As to what is meant by a misapplication in this context, I adopt as correct the statement in GoreBrowne on
Companies, 44th edn (1986), p 27/010, para 27.6:
any disposition of the company’s property which by virtue of any provision of the company’s
constitution or any statutory provision or any rule of general law the company or the board is
forbidden or incompetent or unauthorised to make, or which is carried out by the directors otherwise
than in accordance with their duty to act bona fide in the interests of the company and for the proper
purposes. (Emphasis added.)
A statutory provision well known in this context was section 54 of the Companies Act 1948 (now re
enacted, though with substantial amendments, by sections 151 to 158 of the Act of 1985), which prohibited
a company from giving financial assistance for the acquisition of its own shares. It has been held that
directors who cause the company’s funds to be applied in breach of that prohibition are to be treated as
trustees of those funds: see, for example, Belmont Finance Corpn Ltd v Williams Furniture Ltd (No
2) [10.10]. Similarly, by virtue of section 320(1)(b) Duckwari was prohibited from entering into the
arrangement with Offerventure pursuant to which it purchased the property unless the arrangement was first
approved by a resolution of Duckwari in general meeting. Such approval not having been obtained, the
payment of £495,000, together with the other costs of the acquisition, was a misapplication of Duckwari’s
funds which, had section 320 stood alone, the directors responsible would have been liable to make good
as if they were trustees.
The basis on which trustees would have been liable to make good the misapplication is well settled. If a
trustee applies trust moneys in the acquisition of an unauthorised investment, he is liable (p. 449) to
restore to the trust the amount of the loss incurred on its realisation: see Knott v Cottee (1852) 16 Beav 77.
He is also liable for interest. Where more than one trustee is responsible for the acquisition their liability is
joint and several.
If these rules were to apply to the present case, the directors responsible would prima facie appear to be
jointly and severally liable to restore to Duckwari the difference between the gross acquisition cost,
£505,923, and the £177,970 which has since been realised on the sale of the property, plus interest, credit
being given for the amount of any rents and profits received before completion of the sale.
That would have been the position if section 320 had stood alone, which it does not. A company’s remedies
for a contravention of that section are spelled out in section 322, in this case in section 322(3)(b). So the
question is what loss or damage is comprehended by that provision. The persons who are rendered liable to
indemnify Duckwari are not only Mr Cooper and the other directors responsible but also Offerventure, as a
person connected with Mr Cooper.
[His Lordship outlined the arguments of counsel and continued:] In considering these rival submissions I
return once more to the wording of section 322(3)(b), which provides for an indemnity ‘for any loss or
damage resulting from the arrangement or transaction.’ Plainly those words, if read in isolation, are capable
of including a loss incurred by Duckwari on a realisation of the property for less than the cost of its
acquisition. Such a loss can fairly be said to result from the purchase, on the ground that if the purchase
had not been made the loss would not have been incurred. But the loss can also fairly be said to result from
the fall in value of the property. So it is necessary to look at the other provisions of sections 320 and 322
and the general law in order to see whether a loss of the former kind was intended to be included.
I agree with Mr Richards [counsel for the company] that the judge was wrong both in thinking that the
general distinction between the decisionmaking powers of directors and trustees had some relevance to
the question and in restricting the mischief addressed by the provisions to acquisitions at an inflated value
or disposals at an undervalue. It is obvious that there will be many other circumstances in which it is
appropriate for the approval of shareholders to be obtained. In the present case, for example, the
shareholders might well have declined to approve the purchase either because it was a new kind of venture
or, more pertinently, because Offerventure or Mr Cooper was to take 50 per cent of any profits arising from
the development of the property but was not to bear a share of any loss. A onesided arrangement thus
favourable to the director would seem to be an exemplar of the kind of arrangement which was intended to
be within the scope of section 320.
Bearing in mind the evident purpose of sections 320 and 322 to give shareholders specific protection in
respect of arrangements and transactions which will or may benefit directors to the detriment of the
company, I am unable to construe section 322(3)(b) as denying the company a remedy which appears to
flow naturally from a combination of section 320(1)(b) and the general law. No doubt it is possible to cite
instances where Parliament has been held to take away with one hand what it appears to give with the
other. But I cannot conceive that one would be found where the result was to give a narrow effect to
provisions plainly intended to afford a protection and equally amenable to being given some wider effect.
This broad approach to section 322(3)(b) is entirely consistent with the provisions of section 322(2)(a) and
(3)(a) …
It is well recognised that the basis on which a trustee is liable to make good a misapplication of trust
moneys is strict and sometimes harsh, especially where, as here, there has been a huge depreciation in
the value of the asset acquired. I can understand what I believe to have been the reluctance of the judge to
visit Mr Cooper (with whom I include Offerventure) with the consequences of the loss. But the loss has to
fall somewhere and, if a proposal to purchase the property had been put to and rejected by the
shareholders, it would have lain with Mr Cooper. The approval of the shareholders not having been obtained,
it is not unfair that the loss should continue to lie with Mr Cooper rather than Duckwari …
PILL and THORPE LJJ concurred.
(p. 450) Not every case in which a director receives a loan (or a quasiloan) results in a constructive
[7.42] Ciro Citterio Menswear plc v Thakrar [2002] EWHC 662, [2002] 1 WLR 2217 (Chancery Division)
ANTHONY MANN QC: The principal question in this part of this case is whether an unlawful loan gives rise
to constructive trusteeship at any stage. I take as a starting point that a loan to a director is not of itself the
sort of transaction that is inevitably a misapplication of company moneys. There is nothing inherently wrong
with such a transaction in the abstract. It may or may not be a misapplication on any particular set of facts,
but it is not, as such, a breach by a director of his trusteeship of company assets. Statute did not intervene
until the Companies Act 1929, when the predecessor of section 330 made its first appearance. The bar was
repeated in the Companies Act 1948, but without the civil consequences of the bar being spelt out. It was
not until 1985 that statute specified civil consequences.
The civil consequences are specified as being that the loan is voidable. That is of obvious significance to
this part of the case. If a loan is voidable, it stands until avoided. That means that property in the money
paid under the loan passes to the borrower. In my view that concept is inimical to the existence of a
constructive trusteeship, or any form of tracing claim, at least in the absence of special circumstances.
That view is supported by the speech of Lord Goff of Chieveley inGuinness plc v Saunders [5.01], 698. Lord
Goff was considering a breach by a Guinness director of the disclosure rules in section 317 of the
companies Act 1985 [CA 2006, s 177]. The consequences of that breach were that the contract in
question, under which the director took considerable financial benefits, was voidable, not void. The Court of
Appeal had held that the director, therefore, became a constructive trustee of the moneys he had received
under that contract and had to pay them back. Lord Goff, with whom Lord Griffiths agreed, held that this
part of the analysis could not be sustained. A voidable contract stood until avoided. He considered, at p
698, an argument by counsel for Guinness to the effect that the director
‘having received the money as constructive trustee, must pay it back. This appears to have formed,
in part at least, the basis of the decision of the Court of Appeal. But the insuperable difficulty in the
way of this proposition is again that the money was on this approach paid not under a void, but under
a voidable, contract. Under such a contract, the property in the money would have vested in Mr Ward
(who, I repeat, was ex hypothesi acting in good faith); and Guinness cannot short circuit an
unrescinded contract simply by alleging a constructive trust.’
In my view, that reasoning applies in this case. Until any avoidance by the company the loan stood, and
there was no constructive trust. In the case of section 330 that conclusion is reinforced by the terms of
section 341 [now see CA 2006 s 213]. That sets out the civil consequences, and it seems to me that in the
absence of special facts making the loan a breach of fiduciary duty they leave no room for constructive
trusteeship. Section 341(2)(a) [CA 2006 s 213(3)(a)] seems to presuppose the absence of constructive
trusteeship, because it expressly provides for what would otherwise be one of the consequences of
constructive trusteeship, namely an obligation to account for gains made.
Also see Currencies Direct Ltd v Ellis [2002] 2 BCLC 821, CA, which addresses the issue of whether payments
received by a director from his company should be characterised as loans or remuneration. In Brown v
Button [2011] EWHC 1034 (Ch) the point was made that the sixyear limitation period (see Gwembe Valley
Development Co Ltd v Koshy [7.37]) does not apply to actions to recover illegal loans from directors (now CA 2006
s 213(3)(a)), where the claim is in reality a claim to recover property which a director has obtained from the
company (p. 451) in breach of trust; but that the sixyear limitation period applies to claims against all the
directors rendering them jointly and severally liable to indemnify the company for the losses in relation to such
unauthorised loans (now CA 2006 s 213(3)(b)).
Secondary liability (liability of third parties associated with directors’ wrongs)
When directors act in breach of their fiduciary duties to the company, third parties may sometimes also be liable
to the company for their role in the wrongdoing. The company may be keen to pursue such claims, especially if
the defaulting director has absconded or is insolvent. The favoured third parties to sue are ‘deep pockets’, such as
banks and law firms. Third parties may be:
(i) Personally liable as ‘k nowing recipients’, that is, people who ‘knowingly’ receive the company’s property
as a result of the director’s breach of duty. Since liability is personal, not proprietary, it is irrelevant whether
these people still have the property or its proceeds in their possession when the claim is brought. The
necessary degree of knowledge to make these people liable remains unsettled (see the unconscionability
test, later). These people are liable to the extent of the personal benefit received.
(ii) Personally liable as ‘dishonest accessories’, that is, people who dishonestly assist or procure the
director’s breach of duty. These people are liable with the defaulting director, as accessories.82
(iii) Subject to a proprietary claim, having received the company’s property without being able to assert the
protection of bona fide purchaser for value without knowledge of the company’s interests; that is, people who
are donees of gifts of the company’s property, or who purchase it without the necessary bona fides. These
people hold the property on trust for the company.
The following case extracts illustrate the types of claims.
Required knowledge for secondary liability
In Baden Delvaux & Lecuit v Société Général pour Favoriser le Développement du Commerce et de l’Industrie en
France SA [1983] BCLC 325 at 407, [1993] 1 WLR 509n at 575, Peter Gibson J identified five different kinds of
mental state which might be relevant in assessing the knowledge required for the secondary liability, as follows:
(i) actual knowledge;
(ii) wilfully shutting one’s eyes to the obvious;
(iii) wilfully and recklessly failing to make such inquiries as an honest and responsible man would make;
(iv) knowledge of circumstances which would indicate the facts to an honest and reasonable man;
(v) knowledge of circumstances which would have put an honest and reasonable man on inquiry.
With ‘dishonest assistance’ (formerly ‘knowing assistance’), there has also been radical change. In the Royal
Brunei Airlines case (also sometimes referred to simply asTan) [7.43], it was held that what is relevant is the state
of mind of the person who, as an accessory, procures or assists in the breach of trust or other fiduciary obligation.
For this purpose it must be shown that the accessory was dishonest.
The test of dishonesty applied by Lord Nicholls in Tan was widely assumed to be an objective test: would a
reasonable person in the same circumstances have thought the transaction or arrangements dishonest? But
in Twinsectra Ltd v Yardley [2002] UKHL 12, [2002] 2 AC 164 the majority of the House adopted a double
objective–subjective test of dishonesty. Not only must the transaction be dishonest according to reasonable
standards of honesty, but the defendant must also appreciate that fact. Lord Hutton gave the leading speech,
purporting to apply the Royal Brunei Airlines principles of accessory liability, and Lord Hoffmann added that these
required ‘more than knowledge of the facts which make the conduct wrongful. They require a dishonest state of
mind, that is to say, consciousness that one is transgressing ordinary standards of honest behaviour’ [20]. Lord
Hoffmann went on to clarify: ‘I do not suggest that one cannot be dishonest without a full appreciation of the legal
analysis of the transaction. A person may dishonestly assist in the commission of a breach of trust without any
idea of what a trust means. The necessary dishonest state of mind may be found to exist simply on the fact that
he knew perfectly well that he was helping to pay away money to which the recipient was not entitled’ [24]. Lord
Millett gave a powerful dissent, suggesting the subjective element was inappropriate in civil cases, and wrongly
borrowed from the criminal law.
Lord Millett’s (and Lord Nicholls’s) views now seem to have prevailed. In Barlow Clowes v Eurotrust
International [2005] UKPC 37, [2006] 1 WLR 1476, Lord Hoffmann delivered the opinion of the Privy Council (which
included Lord Nicholls), and explicitly adopted the objective test of honesty: would a reasonable person, knowing
what the defendant knew, regard the transaction or arrangement as dishonest? Indeed, the Barlow
Clowes approach was explicitly endorsed by the Court of Appeal in Starglade Properties Ltd v Roland Nash [2010]
EWCA Civ 1314:
There is a single standard of honesty objectively determined by the court. That standard is applied to
specific conduct of a specific individual possessing the knowledge and qualities he actually enjoyed [25]…
[After considering Twinsectra and Barlow Clowes:]
There is no suggestion in this case either that the standard of dishonesty is flexible or determined by any
one other than by the court on an objective basis having regard to the ingredients of the combined test as
explained by Lord Hutton in Twinsectra and Lord Hoffmann in Barlow Clowes.
Also see Bank of Ireland (UK) plc v Jaffery [2012] EWHC 1377 (Ch).
‘Dishonest assistance’—meaning of dishonesty.
[7.43] Royal Brunei Airlines Sdn Bhd v Tan Kok Ming [1995] 2 AC 378, [1995] 3 All ER 97 (Privy Council)
Royal Brunei Airlines appointed Borneo Leisure Travel as its agent to sell passenger and cargo transportation, on
written terms which provided that moneys collected by BLT for the (p. 453) sale of such services should be held
by it on trust for RBA. BLT became insolvent owing over $335,000 to RBA. The question was whether Tan Kok
Ming, who was BLT’s managing director and principal shareholder, was accountable to RBA for this sum as a
constructive trustee. In holding that he was, the Privy Council formulated revised rules of liability.
The opinion of the Judicial Committee was delivered by LORD NICHOLLS OF BIRKENHEAD: The proper
role of equity in commercial transactions is a topical question. Increasingly plaintiffs have recourse to equity
for an effective remedy when the person in default, typically a company, is insolvent. Plaintiffs seek to
obtain relief from others who were involved in the transactions, such as directors of the company, or its
bankers, or its legal or other advisers. They seek to fasten fiduciary obligations directly onto the company’s
officers or agents or advisers, or to have them held personally liable for assisting the company in breaches
of trust or fiduciary obligations.
This is such a case. An insolvent travel agent company owed money to an airline. The airline seeks a
remedy against the travel agent’s principal director and shareholder. Its claim is based on the muchquoted
dictum of Lord Selborne LC, sitting in the Court of Appeal in Chancery, in Barnes v Addy.83
[His Lordship quoted from the judgment in this case and continued:] In the conventional shorthand, the first
of these two circumstances in which third parties (nontrustees) may become liable to account in equity is
‘knowing receipt’, as distinct from the second, where liability arises from ‘knowing assistance’. Stated even
more shortly, the first limb of Lord Selborne LC’s formulation is concerned with the liability of a person as
a recipient of trust property or its traceable proceeds. The second limb is concerned with what, for want of a
better compendious description, can be called the liability of an accessory to a trustee’s breach of trust.
Liability as an accessory is not dependent upon receipt of trust property. It arises even though no trust
property has reached the hands of the accessory. It is a form of secondary liability in the sense that it only
arises where there has been a breach of trust. In the present case the plaintiff airline relies on the
accessory limb. The particular point in issue arises from the expression ‘a dishonest and fraudulent design
on the part of the trustees’. …
In short, the issue on this appeal is whether the breach of trust which is a prerequisite to accessory liability
must itself be a dishonest and fraudulent breach of trust by the trustee.
The honest trustee and the dishonest third party
… Take the simple example of an honest trustee and a dishonest third party. Take a case where a
dishonest solicitor persuades a trustee to apply trust property in a way the trustee honestly believes is
permissible but which the solicitor knows full well is a clear breach of trust. The solicitor deliberately
conceals this from the trustee. In consequence, the beneficiaries suffer a substantial loss. It cannot be right
that in such a case the accessory liability principle would be inapplicable because of the innocence of the
trustee. In ordinary parlance, the beneficiaries have been defrauded by the solicitor. If there is to be an
accessory liability principle at all, whereby in appropriate circumstances beneficiaries may have direct
recourse against a third party, the principle must surely be applicable in such a case, just as much as in a
case where both the trustee and the third party have been dishonest. Indeed, if anything, the case for
liability of the dishonest third party seems stronger where the trustee is innocent, because in such a case
the third party alone was dishonest and that was the cause of the subsequent misapplication of the trust
The position would be the same if, instead of procuring the breach, the third party dishonestly assisted in
the breach. Change the facts slightly. A trustee is proposing to make a payment out of the trust fund to a
particular person. He honestly believes he is authorised to do so by the terms of (p. 454) the trust deed.
He asks a solicitor to carry through the transaction. The solicitor well knows that the proposed payment
would be a plain breach of trust. He also well knows that the trustee mistakenly believes otherwise.
Dishonestly he leaves the trustee under his misapprehension and prepares the necessary documentation.
Again, if the accessory principle is not to be artificially constricted, it ought to be applicable in such a case.
These examples suggest that what matters is the state of mind of the third party sought to be made liable,
not the state of mind of the trustee. The trustee will be liable in any event for the breach of the trust, even if
he acted innocently, unless excused by an exemption clause in the trust instrument or relieved by the
court. But his state of mind is essentially irrelevant to the question whether the third party should be made
liable to the beneficiaries for the breach of trust. If the liability of the third party is faultbased, what matters
is the nature of his fault, not that of the trustee. In this regard dishonesty on the part of the third party would
seem to be a sufficient basis for his liability, irrespective of the state of mind of the trustee who is in breach
of trust. It is difficult to see why, if the third party dishonestly assisted in a breach, there should be a further
prerequisite to his liability, namely that the trustee also must have been acting dishonestly. The alternative
view would mean that the dishonest third party is liable if the trustee is dishonest, but if the trustee did not
act dishonestly that of itself would excuse a dishonest third party from liability. That would make no sense.
[His Lordship discussed the authorities further, and continued:]
Drawing the threads together, their Lordships’ overall conclusion is that dishonesty is a necessary
ingredient of accessory liability. It is also a sufficient ingredient. A liability in equity to make good resulting
loss attaches to a person who dishonestly procures or assists in a breach of trust or fiduciary obligation. It
is not necessary that, in addition, the trustee or fiduciary was acting dishonestly, although this will usually
be so where the third party who is assisting him is acting dishonestly.
[It was held, accordingly that, even on the assumption that dishonesty could not be imputed to BLT, Tan
Kok Ming’s own dishonesty rendered him liable. But it was also held that BLT’s breach of trust was itself
➤ Questions
1. Compare the objective test used in Tan, Barlow Clowes and Starglade Properties with the Ghosh test of
dishonesty under criminal law. Is there a difference between how ‘dishonesty’ is interpreted in criminal and civil
cases? Should there be such a difference? What about ‘quasicriminal’ cases such as fraud?
2. In Secretary of State for Justice v Topland Group plc [2011] EWHC 983 (QB), Mr Justice King interpreted
the dishonesty test as follows:
96 First, on any current understanding of the law on accessory liability (see the analysis of recent authority
by the Chancellor in Starglade Properties Ltd v Nash[2010] EWCA Civ 1314), although the test of
dishonesty or put another way the standard of honesty, is an objective one, there being a single standard of
honesty objectively determined by the court and the views of the Defendant on what is dishonest are
irrelevant, (see Barlow Clowes Ltd v Eurocrest Ltd [2006] 1 WLR 1476 where the Privy Council explained
and interpreted the decision of the House of Lords in Twinsectra v Yardley [2002] 2 AC 164), the subjective
state of mind of the Defendant, and what he knew or did not know about the circumstances of the impugned
transaction, is still highly relevant since it is to the conduct of the Defendant in the light of that subjective
state of mind that the court has to apply the objective test.
Is this explanation compelling, or does it once again risk muddling the line between an objective and
a subjective test if the defendant’s ‘state of mind’ and ‘knowledge’ are both material?
(p. 455) Remedies associated with secondary liability.
[7.44] Ultraframe (UK) Ltd v Fielding [2005] EWHC 1638 (Chancery Division)
The facts, so far as necessary, appear from the judgment.
1 This is (for the moment) the culmination of a long war of attrition … The trial alone, on liability only,
occupied 95 days of court time. Both Ultraframe and Burnden are competitors in the market for the
manufacture and supply of conservatories, and conservatory roofs in particular … The war has been bitterly
fought. There have been accusations and counteraccusations of forgery, theft, false accounting, blackmail
and arson, not to mention the widespread allegations that many of the principal witnesses are lying. At the
heart of the litigation is a dispute about the ownership of businesses in the field of conservatory roof design
and manufacture originally developed by Mr Howard Davies …
[Lewison J’s judgment is extremely long and thorough: at [1476]ff he describes the two types of secondary
liability and how they arise; at [1511]–[1576] he surveys the law on remedies for fiduciary breaches; and at
various places, extracted in the following, he addresses the issue of remedies against third parties.] …
Personal or proprietary liability?
1484 It is important to keep distinct the two forms of secondary liability; because they have different
consequences in terms of remedy.
Knowing receipt
1485 In Twinsectra Lord Millett said:
‘Liability for “knowing receipt” is receiptbased. It does not depend on fault. The cause of action is
restitutionary and is available only where the defendant received or applied the money in breach of
trust for his own use and benefit …’
1486 Although a claim in knowing receipt is receiptbased, it is not dependent on the recipient having
retained the trust property. If he has retained it, or if he has retained property which is an identifiable
substitute for the original trust property, then the claimant is entitled simply to assert his proprietary rights
in that property. He does this by invoking the principles of following and tracing. If the original recipient has
passed on the property or its substitute to another person then, subject to any defence which that other
may be entitled to raise, the principles of following or tracing continue to apply to the property or its
substitute in the hands of that other. If the recipient has not retained the trust property, and its proceeds are
no longer identifiable, then the claimant has a personal remedy against the recipient.
What counts as trust property for the purposes of k nowing receipt?
1488 Plainly, property which is vested in the company, both legally and beneficially, before any disposition
in breach of fiduciary duty, will count as trust property. This was the case in JJ Harrison (Properties) Ltd v
Harrison [7.36] where a director who had bought land belonging to the company, without disclosing its
development potential, was held to have acquired the property as constructive trustee.
1489 But property will also count as the company’s property if it is property which the fiduciary has
acquired for his own benefit but which, consistently with his fiduciary duties, he ought to have acquired on
behalf of the company … [He cited Attorney General of Hong Kong v Reid [1994] 1 AC 324 and Keech v
Sandford(1726) Sel Cas Ch 61, and continued:]
(p. 456) Dishonest assistance
1495 In Tan Lord Nicholls said (p 387):
‘Within defined limits, proprietary rights, whether legal or equitable, endure against third parties who
were unaware of their existence. But accessory liability is concerned with the liability of a person
who has not received any property. His liability is not propertybased. His only sin is that he
interfered with the due performance by the trustee of the fiduciary obligations undertaken by the
trustee. These are personal obligations. They are, in this respect, analogous to the personal
obligations undertaken by the parties to a contract.’
1496 In similar vein Lord Millett said in Twinsectra (p 194, dissenting, although not on this point):
‘The accessory’s liability for having assisted in a breach of trust is quite different. It is faultbased,
not receiptbased. The defendant is not charged with having received trust moneys for his own
benefit, but with having acted as an accessory to a breach of trust. The action is not restitutionary;
the claimant seeks compensation for wrongdoing. The cause of action is concerned with attributing
liability for misdirected funds. Liability is not restricted to the person whose breach of trust or
fiduciary duty caused their original diversion. His liability is strict. Nor is it limited to those who assist
him in the original breach. It extends to everyone who consciously assists in the continuing diversion
of the money. Most of the cases have been concerned, not with assisting in the original breach, but
in covering it up afterwards by helping to launder the money.’ …
What counts as dishonest assistance?
1509 It is clear that the passive receipt of trust property does not count as assistance: Brown v
Bennett [1999] BCLC 525, 533. As Morritt LJ said:
‘… if there is no causative effect and therefore no assistance given by the person … on whom it is
sought to establish the liability as constructive trustee, for my part I cannot see that the
requirements of conscience require any remedy at all.’
1510 Likewise in Brink ’s Ltd v AbuSaleh Rimer J held that Mrs Elcombe’s presence in the car
accompanying her husband abroad on money laundering trips did not amount to assistance ‘of a nature
sufficient to make her an accessory’. She was in the car merely in her capacity as Mr Elcombe’s wife …
Remedies against the k nowing recipient
1577 In addition to the proprietary remedy (if it is still available) the claimant has a personal remedy for an
account against the knowing recipient. Obviously, the personal remedy depends on establishing knowing
receipt, but it does not depend on retention. Indeed it is needed precisely where the recipient has not
retained the property. In addition, the personal remedy requires the knowing recipient to account for any
benefit he has received or acquired as a result of the knowing receipt. However, a knowing recipient is not,
in my judgment, liable to account for a benefit received by someone else. [He then went on to explain that
the remedy must be fashioned to ensure that there is no double recovery, and continued:]
Fashioning the account
1579 The ordering of an account is an equitable remedy. It is not discretionary in the true sense. It is
granted or withheld on the basis of equitable principles. But one of those principles is that of proportionality.
In Satnam Investments Ltd v Dunlop Heywood [1999] 3 All ER 652 property agents had acquired
confidential information about a potential development site in the course of acting for a client. In breach of
duty they disclosed that information to a rival (Morbaine). The question arose (p. 457) whether Morbaine
(which had since purchased the site) could be made liable to account for profits. Nourse LJ said:
‘What the judge found was that some at least of the information was confidential at the time that it
was disclosed, in that its disclosure to a rival developer would or might be detrimental to Satnam.
However, even assuming that but for the disclosure Morbaine would not have acquired the Brewery
Street site, it does not follow that it would be a proportionate response to hold it liable for an account
of profits. All the circumstances must be considered. The information, though confidential, was not of
the same degree of confidentiality as the information in the Spycatcher case and in Schering
Chemicals Ltd v Falk man Ltd. All of it was either already available to Morbaine or would have been
available to it on reasonable inquiry once, as was inevitable, the news of Satnam’s receivership
became known. There being no other basis of recovery available, it would in our view be inequitable
and contrary to commercial good sense to allow Satnam to recover simply on the basis that there
was a degree of confidentiality in the information at the time that it was disclosed to Morbaine.’
[He then considered various cases, including Warman v Dwyer (Note 2 following Foster Bryant Surveying
Ltd v Bryant, Savernak e Property Consultants Ltd [7.29], p 394), and CMS Dolphin v Simonet [7.31], and
1588 … The governing principles are, in my judgment, these:
i) The fundamental rule is that a fiduciary must not make an unauthorised profit out of his fiduciary
ii) The fashioning of an account should not be allowed to operate as the unjust enrichment of the
iii) The profits for which an account is ordered must bear a reasonable relationship to the breach of
duty proved;
iv) It is important to establish exactly what has been acquired;
v) Subject to that, the fashioning of the account depends on the facts. In some cases it will be
appropriate to order an account limited in time; or limited to profits derived from particular assets or
particular customers; or to order an account of all the profits of a business subject to all just
allowances for the fiduciary’s skill, labour and assumption of business risk. In some cases it may be
appropriate to order the making of a payment representing the capital value of the advantage in
question, either in place of or in addition to an account of profits. …
Remedies against a dishonest assistant
1600 I can see that it makes sense for a dishonest assistant to be jointly and severally liable for
any loss which the beneficiary suffers as a result of a breach of trust. I can see also that it makes sense for
a dishonest assistant to be liable to disgorge any profit which he himself has made as a result of assisting
in the breach. However, I cannot take the next step to the conclusion that a dishonest assistant is also
liable to pay to the beneficiary an amount equal to a profit which he did not make and which has produced
no corresponding loss to the beneficiary. …
[Applying these various principles to the complicated facts, he then settled detailed orders between the
parties, with some matters reserved for later.]84
➤ Questions
1. What is the difference between the liability attaching to third parties who are ‘knowing recipients’ and those
who are ‘dishonest accessories’?
(p. 458) 2. Is it possible to claim (i) constructive trusts, (ii) accounts of profits, (iii) equitable compensation
against ‘knowing recipients’ or ‘dishonest accessories’?
3. How, if at all, is liability shared between the defaulting director and the offending third party? Can a claimant
recover against both of them?
Separately, but in the context of making third parties liable for breaches of directors’ duties, note that a
substantial shareholder who appoints a nominee director to the company board owes no duty to anyone
for the way in which the nominee performs as a director. It makes no difference that the nominee director
is an employee of the nominating shareholder.
[7.45] Kuwait Asia Bank EC v National Mutual Life Nominees Ltd [1991] 1 AC 187 (Privy Council)
The Kuwait Asia bank owned 40% of the shares in AICS, a New Zealand company which had taken money on
deposit from the public. The plaintiff company, NMLN, had acted as trustee for the depositors pursuant to
requirements of the New Zealand securities legislation. House and August, employees of the bank, were appointed
by the bank to be two of the five directors of AICS; the remaining three were nominees of another large
shareholder, Kumutoto. When AICS went into liquidation, NMLN settled claims brought by the depositors for
breach of its duties as their trustee, and in these proceedings NMLN sought contribution from, inter alia (i) House
and August and (ii) the bank, contending that it (NMLN) had relied on certificates of AICS’s financial position which
were inaccurate and for which the directors bore collective responsibility. The Judicial Committee held that while a
prima facie case existed against House and August, no claim lay against the bank. The bank was not vicariously
liable for any breach of duty which might be proved against the two directors whom it had nominated, and this was
so even though they were also its employees; and it did not qua shareholder owe duties to anybody.
The opinion of the Judicial Committee was delivered by LORD LOWRY: … Their Lordships now proceed to
consider the causes of action pleaded by the plaintiff against the bank. Two general principles may first be
stated. (1) A director does not by reason only of his position as director owe any duty to creditors or to
trustees for creditors of the company. (2) A shareholder does not by reason only of his position as
shareholder owe any duty to anybody …
But although directors are not liable as such to creditors of the company, a director may by agreement or
representation assume a special duty to a creditor of the company. A director may accept or assume a
duty of care in supplying information to a creditor analogous to the duty described by the House of Lords
in Hedley Byrne & Co Ltd v Heller & Partners Ltd [[1964] AC 465, HL].
[His Lordship held that there was an arguable case against House and August personally on this ground,
and continued:]
As against the bank, the statement of claim pleaded that the bank was liable to contribute to the loss
suffered by the plaintiff in settling the claims of the depositors against the plaintiff for all or any of the
following reasons: (1) House and August were appointed to the board of directors of AICS by the bank, were
employed by the bank and carried out their duties as directors in the course of their employment by the
bank. (2) House and August were, as directors of AICS, the agents of the bank which was the principal. (3)
As a substantial shareholder … the bank owed a duty of care to the plaintiff and to the depositors to ensure
that the business of AICS was not conducted negligently or recklessly or in such a manner as to materially
disadvantage the interests of those unsecured depositors. (4) House and August were persons occupying a
position of directors of AICS who were accustomed to act in accordance with the bank’s directions, and
therefore the bank was a director of AICS within the meaning of section 2 of the Companies Act 1955.
As to (1) the power of appointing a director of a company may be exercised by a shareholder or a person
who is not a shareholder by virtue of the articles of association of the company, or by virtue (p. 459) of the
control of the majority of the voting shares of the company, or by virtue of the agreement or acquiescence of
other shareholders. In the present case, the bank and Kumutoto, who together controlled AICS, decided
that the bank should nominate two directors. In the absence of fraud or bad faith (which are not alleged
here), a shareholder or other person who controls the appointment of a director owes no duty to creditors of
the company to take reasonable care to see that directors so appointed discharge their duties as directors
with due diligence and competence …
The liability of a shareholder would be unlimited if he were accountable to a creditor for the exercise of his
power to appoint a director and for the conduct of the director so appointed. It is in the interests of a
shareholder to see that directors are wise and that the actions of the company are not foolish; but this
concern of the shareholder stems from selfinterest, and not from duty … It does not make any difference if
the directors appointed by a shareholder are employed by the shareholder and are allowed to carry out their
duties as directors while in the shareholder’s employment. House and August owed three separate duties.
They owed in the first place to AICS the duty to perform their duties as directors without gross negligence;
9 the liability of a director to his company is set forth in the judgment of Romer J in Re City Equitable Fire
Insurance Co Ltd [7.19]. They owed a duty to the plaintiff to use reasonable care to see that the certificates
complied with the requirements of the trust deed. Finally, they owed a duty to their employer, the bank, to
exercise reasonable diligence and skill in the performance of their duties as directors of AICS.
If House and August did not exercise reasonable care to see that the quarterly certificates were accurate,
they committed a breach of the duty they owed to the plaintiff and may have committed a breach of the duty
they owed to the plaintiff and may have committed a breach of the duty they owed to the bank to exercise
reasonable diligence and skill. But these duties were separate and distinct and different in scope and
nature. The bank was not responsible for a breach of the duties owed by House and August to AICS or to
the plaintiff any more than AICS or the plaintiff were responsible for a breach of duty by House and August.
If House and August committed a breach of the duty which was imposed on them and other directors of
AICS and was owed to the plaintiff under and by virtue of the trust deed they did so as individuals and as
directors of AICS and not as employees of the bank; House and August were not parties to the trust deed,
nor was the bank. House and August were allowed by the bank to perform their duties to AICS in the bank’s
time and at the bank’s expense. It was in the interest of the bank that House and August should discharge
with diligence and skill the duties which they owed to AICS, but these facts do not render the bank liable for
breach by House and August of the duty imposed on them by the trust deed. In the performance of their
duties as directors and in the performance of their duties imposed by the trust deed, House and August
were bound to ignore the interests and wishes of their employer, the bank. They could not plead any
instruction from the bank as an excuse for breach of their duties to AICS and the plaintiff. Of course, if the
bank exploited its position as employers of House and August to obtain an improper advantage for the bank
or to cause harm to the plaintiff then the bank would be liable for its own misconduct. But there is no
suggestion that the bank behaved with impropriety …
(2) Then it is said that House and August were the agents of the bank. But, as directors of AICS, they were
the agents of AICS and not of the bank. As directors of AICS, House and August were agents of AICS for
the purposes of the trust deed and, by the express terms of the trust deed, responsibility for the accuracy
of the quarterly certificates was assumed by the directors of AICS. House and August accepted
responsibility for the quarterly certificates as directors of AICS and not as agents or employees of the bank.
(3) Next it was said that the bank owed a personal duty of care to the plaintiff. For the protection of the
depositors the plaintiff stipulated for and obtained by the trust deed a duty of care in the preparation of the
quarterly certificates by the directors of AICS. The plaintiff may or may not have known that two of the
directors of AICS were employed by the bank and that the bank would allow those two directors to carry out
their duties as directors while in the employment of the bank. Any of these circumstances, even if known,
could change at any time. The plaintiff may or may not have known that the bank was beneficially interested
in 40 per cent of the shares of AICS. That circumstance also could change at any time. The plaintiff did not
rely on any of these circumstances … (p. 460) An employer who is also a shareholder who nominates a
director owes no duty to the company unless the employer interferes with the affairs of the company. A
duty does not arise because the employee may be dismissed from his employment by the employer or
from his directorship by the shareholder or because the employer does not provide sufficient time or
facilities to enable the director to carry out his duties. It will be in the interests of the employer to see that
the director discharges his duty to the company but this again stems from selfinterest and not from duty on
the part of the employer.
[His Lordship ruled, finally, that the bank was not in the position of a ‘shadow director’. The proceedings
against the bank were accordingly struck out as disclosing no valid cause of action.]
Further Reading
This is the area of corporate law that attracts the most attention from commentators: the volume of literature is
enormous, a lot of it very good, but it is clearly necessary to be selective.
GODDARD, R, ‘Directors’ Duties’ (2008) Edinburgh Law Review 468.
Find This Resource
HSAIO, M, ‘‘A Sprouting Duty of Honesty and Loyalty: Companies Act 2006’ [2009] International Company
and Commercial Law Review 301.
Find This Resource
IRELAND, P, ‘Shareholder Primacy and the Distribution of Wealth’ (2005) 68 MLR 49.
Find This Resource
IRELAND, P, ‘Company Law and the Myth of Shareholder Ownership’ (1999) 62 MLR 32.
Find This Resource
LEE, R, ‘Rethinking the Content of the Fiduciary Obligation’ [2009] 3 Conveyancer 236.
Find This Resource
LOUGHREY, J, KEAY, A and CERIONI, L, ‘Legal Practitioners, Enlightened Shareholder Value and the
Shaping of Corporate Governance’ (2008) 8 Journal of Corporate Law Studies 79.
Find This Resource
SEALY, LS, ‘The Director as Trustee’ (1967) CLJ 83.
Find This Resource
WORTHINGTON, S, ‘Reforming Directors’ Duties’ (2001) 64 MLR 439.
Find This Resource
Stakeholder debate
ALCOCK, A, ‘The Case against the Concept of Stakeholders’ (1996) 17 Company Lawyer 177.
Find This Resource
BAINBRIDGE, S, ‘In Defence of the Shareholder Wealth Maximization Norm: A Reply to Professor Green’
(1993) 50 Washington and Lee Law Review 1423.
Find This Resource
BLAIR, M and STOUT, L, ‘A Team Production Theory of Corporate Law’ (1999) 85 Virginia Law Review 247.
Find This Resource
DAVIES, PL, ‘Directors’ CreditorRegarding Duties’ (2006) 7 European Business Organization Law
Review 301.
Find This Resource
DODD, Jr, ‘EM, ‘For Whom are Corporate Managers Trustees’ (1932) 45 Harvard Law Review 1145. (The entire
debate between Berle, Jr, AA and Dodd, Jr, EM, appears in (1931) 44 Harvard Law Review 1049, (1932)
45 Harvard Law Review 1145, 1365 and (1942) 9 University of Chicago Law Review 538.)
Find This Resource
EASTERBROOK, FH and FISCHEL, DR, Economic Structure of Corporate Law (1991), ch 1.
Find This Resource
EISENBERG, MA, ‘Corporate Law and Social Norms’ (1999) 99 Columbia Law Review 1253.
Find This Resource
GRANTHAM, R, ‘The Judicial Extension of Directors’ Duties to Creditors’ (1991) JBL 1.
Find This Resource
IRELAND, P, ‘Company Law and the Myth of Shareholder Ownership’ (1999) 62 MLR 32.
Find This Resource
KEAY, A, ‘Ascertaining the Corporate Objective: An Entity Maximisation and Sustainability Model’ (2008) 71
MLR 663.
Find This Resource
KEAY, A, ‘Directors Taking into Account Creditors’ Interests’ (2003) 24 Company Lawyer 300.
Find This Resource
KEAY, A, ‘Directors’ Duties to Creditors: Contractarian Concerns Relating to Efficiency and OverProtection of
Creditors’ (2003) 66 MLR 665.
Find This Resource
KEAY, A, ‘The Duty of Directors to Take Account of Creditors’ Interests: Has It Any Role to Play?’ (2002) JBL
Find This Resource
KEAY, A and ZHANG, H, ‘Incomplete Contracts, Contingent Fiduciaries and a Director’s Duty to Creditors’
(2008) 32 Melbourne University Law Review 5.
Find This Resource
KELLY, G and PARKINSON, J, ‘The Conceptual Foundations of the Company: A Pluralist Approach’
[1998] Company Financial and Insolvency Law Review 174.
Find This Resource
(p. 461) KERSHAW, D, ‘No End in Sight for the History of Corporate Law: The Case of Employee
Participation in Corporate Governance’ (2002) 2 Journal of Corporate Law Studies 34.
Find This Resource
SEALY, LS, ‘Directors’ “Wider” Responsibilities—Problems Conceptual, Practical and Procedural’ (1987)
13 Monash University Law Review 164.
Find This Resource
VAN BUREN, H, ‘Taking (and Sharing Power): How Boards of Directors Can Bring About Greater Fairness for
Dependent Stakeholders’ (2010) 115 (2) Business and Society Review 205.
Find This Resource
LORD WEDDERBURN, ‘Employees, Partnership and Company Law’ (2002) 31 ILJ 99.
Find This Resource
WEINER, JL, ‘The Berle–Dodd Dialogue on the Nature of Corporations’ (1964) 64 Columbia Law Review 1458.
Find This Resource
WILLIAMSON, OE, ‘Corporate Governance’ (1984) 93 Yale Law Journal 1197.
Find This Resource
WORTHINGTON, S, ‘Directors’ Duties, Creditors’ Rights and Shareholder Intervention’ (1991) 18 Melbourne
University Law Review 121.
Find This Resource
ZHAO, J and TRIBE, J, ‘Corporate Social Responsibility in an Insolvent Environment: Directors’ Continuing
Obligations in English Law’ [2010] International Company and Commercial Law Review 305.
Find This Resource
Duty to act within powers—proper purposes
ALCOCK, A, ‘An Accidental Change to Directors’ Duties?’ (2009) 30 Company Lawyer 362.
Find This Resource
KEAY, A, ‘Ascertaining the Corporate Objective: An Entity Maximisation and Sustainability Model’ (2008) 71
MLR 663.
Find This Resource
KERSHAW, D, ‘The Illusion of Importance: Reconsidering the UK’s Takeover Defence Prohibition’ (2007) 56
ICLQ 267.
Find This Resource
NOLAN, R, ‘The Proper Purpose Doctrine and Company Directors’ in BAK Rider (ed), The Realm of Company
Law (1998), ch 1.
Find This Resource
SEALY, LS, ‘“Bona Fides” and “Proper Purposes” in Corporate Decisions’ (1989) 15 Monash University Law
Review 265.
Find This Resource
Duty to act for the success of company—good faith
FISHER, D, ‘The Enlightened Shareholder—Leaving Stakeholders in the Dark: Will Section 172(1) of the
Companies Act 2006 Make Directors Consider the Impact of Their Decisions on Third Parties?’ (2009)
20 International Company and Commercial Law Review 10.
Find This Resource
KEAY, A, ‘Section 172(1) of the Companies Act 2006: An Interpretation and Assessment’ (2007) 28 Company
Lawyer 106.
Find This Resource
LINKLATER, L, ‘Promoting Success: The Companies Act 2006’ (2007) 28 Company Lawyer 129.
Find This Resource
Duty to exercise independent judgement
KEAY, A, ‘The Duty of Directors to Exercise Independent Judgment’ (2008) 29 Company Lawyer 290.
Find This Resource
Duty to exercise care and skill
FINCH, V, ‘Company Directors: Who Cares about Skill and Care’ (1992) 55 MLR 179.
Find This Resource
GRIGGS, L and LOWRY, J, ‘Finding the Optimum Balance for the Duty of Care Owed by the NonExecutive
Director’ in F Patfield (ed), Perspectives on Company Law: 2 (1997), ch 12.
Find This Resource
HICKS, A, ‘Directors’ Liability for Management Errors’ (1994) 110 LQR 390.
Find This Resource
RILEY, C, ‘The Company Director’s Duty of Care and Skill: The Case for an Onerous but Subjective Duty of
Care’ (1999) 62 MLR 697.
Find This Resource
WALTERS, A, ‘Directors’ Duties: Impact of the CDDA’ (2000) 21 Company Lawyer 110.
Find This Resource
WORTHINGTON, S, ‘The Duty to Monitor: A Modern View of the Director’s Duty of Care’ in F Patfield
(ed), Perspectives on Company Law: 2 (1997), ch 11.
Find This Resource
Duty to avoid conflicts
AHERN, D, ‘Guiding Principles for Directorial Conflicts of Interest: Re Allied Business and Financial
Consultants Ltd; O’Donnell v Shanahan’ (2011) 74 MLR 596.
Find This Resource
BECK, S, ‘The Quickening of the Fiduciary Obligation’ (1975) 53 Canadian Bar Review 771.
Find This Resource
BECK, S, ‘The Saga of Peso Silver Mines: Corporate Opportunity Reconsidered’ (1971) 49 Canadian Bar
Review 80.
Find This Resource
CONAGLEN, M, ‘Equitable Compensation for Breach of the Fiduciary Dealing Rules’ (2003) 119 LQR 246.
Find This Resource
COOTER, R and FREEDMAN, B, ‘The Fiduciary Relationship: Its Economic Character and Legal
Consequences’ (1991) 66 New York University Law Review 1045.
Find This Resource
FARRAR, J AND WATSON, S, ‘SelfDealing, Fair Dealing and Related Transactions—History, Policy and
Reform?’ (2011) 11 Journal of Corporate Law Studies 495.
Find This Resource
(p. 462) GRANTHAM, R, ‘Can Directors Compete with the Company?’ (2003) 66 MLR 109.
Find This Resource
HIRT, HC, ‘The Law on Corporate Opportunities in the Court of Appeal: Re Bhullar Bros Ltd’ (2005) JBL 669.
Find This Resource
KERSHAW, D, ‘Does it Matter How the Law Thinks About Corporate Opportunities’ (2005) 25 Legal
Studies 533.
Find This Resource
KERSHAW, D, ‘Lost in Translation: Corporate Opportunities in Comparative Perspective’ (2005) 25 Oxford
Journal of Legal Studies 603.
Find This Resource
LOWRY, J, ‘SelfDealing Directors—Constructing a Regime of Accountability’ [1997] Northern Ireland Law
Quarterly 211.
Find This Resource
LOWRY, J and EDMUNDS, R, ‘The No Conflict–No Profit Rules and the Corporate Fiduciary: Challenging the
Orthodoxy of Absolutism’ (2000) JBL 122.
Find This Resource
LOWRY, J and EDMUNDS, R, ‘The Corporate Opportunity Doctrine: The Shifting Boundaries of the Duties and
its Remedies’ (1998) 61 MLR 515.
Find This Resource
LOWRY, J and SLOSZAR, J, ‘Judicial Pragmatism: Directors’ Duties and PostResignation Conflicts of Duty’
[2008] JBL 83.
Find This Resource
LORD MILLETT, ‘Bribes and Secret Commissions Again’ [2012] CLJ 583.
Find This Resource
NOLAN, R, ‘Directors’ SelfInterested Dealings: Liabilities and Remedies’ [1999] Company Financial and
Insolvency Law Review 235.
Find This Resource
PRENTICE, D and PAYNE, J, ‘Director’s Fiduciary Duties’ (2006) 122 LQR 558.
Find This Resource
PRENTICE, D and PAYNE, J, ‘The Corporate Opportunity Doctrine’ (2004) 120 LQR 198.
Find This Resource
SINGLA, T, ‘The Fiduciary Duties of Resigning Directors’ (2007) 28 Company Lawyer 275.
Find This Resource
WATTS, P, ‘The Transition from Director to Competitor’ (2007) 123 LQR 21.
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Duty to declare interest
MACDONALD, R, ‘The Companies Act 2006 and the Directors’ Duty to Disclose’ [2011] International
Company and Commercial Law Review 96.
Find This Resource
Authorisation, ratification and remedies
PAYNE, J, ‘A ReExamination of Ratification’ (1999) CLJ 604.
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WEDDERBURN, KW, ‘Shareholders’ Rights and the Rule in Foss v Harbottle’ (1957) CLJ 194 and [1958] CLJ
Find This Resource
WORTHINGTON, S, ‘Corporate Governance: Remedying and Ratifying Directors’ Breaches’ (2000) 116 LQR
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Relief from liability
EDMUNDS, R and LOWRY, J, ‘The Continuing Value of Relief for Director’s Breach of Duty’ (2003) 66 MLR
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Shadow directors, nominee directors
BOROS, EJ, ‘The Duties of Nominee and Multiple Directors’ (1989) 10 Company Lawyer 211 and (1990)
11 Company Lawyer 6.
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CRUTCHFIELD, P, ‘Nominee Directors: The Law and Commercial Reality’ (1991) 12 Company Lawyer 136.
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NOONAN, C and WATSON, S, ‘The Nature of Shadow Directorship: Ad Hoc Statutory Intervention or Core
Company Law Principle’ (2006) JBL 763.
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Secondary liability
ELLIOTT, S and MITCHELL, C, ‘Remedies for Dishonest Assistance’ (2004) 67 MLR 16.
Find This Resource
SHINE, P, ‘Dishonesty in Civil Commercial Claims: A State of Mind or a Course of Conduct?’ (2012) JBL 29.
Find This Resource
CONAGLEN, M, ‘The Nature and Function of Fiduciary Loyalty’ (2005) 121 LQR 452.
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POOLE, J and KEYSER, A, ‘Justifying Partial Rescission in English Law’ (2005) 121 LQR 273.
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1 There are few if any cases on the directors’ obligations to make disclosure in this way, but reformers have
certainly seen the importance of disclosure, and CA 2006 makes specific provisions which bear concentrated
attention: see CA 2006 Pt 15 on accounts and reports, and especially ss 415ff on the content of the directors’
report, including the ‘business review’ provisions (s 417).
2 Trustees must conserve property, while directors must take business risks. Trustees must act unanimously, or
seek the court’s guidance; but directors may act by a quorum, and must accept the principle of majority rule. See
further LS Sealy, ‘The Director as Trustee’ [1967] CLJ 83. accounts).
3 Company Directors: Regulating Conflicts of Interest and Formulating a Statement of Duties (Law Com No 261,
1999), Pt 4.
4 Modern Company Law for a Competitive Economy: Final Report (2001), Vol 1, Annex C.
5 See S Worthington, ‘Reforming Directors’ Duties?’ (2001) 64 MLR 439, published before the CLR produced its
Final Report.
6 [1988] BCLC 104.
7 Eg Re Cape Breton Co (1885) 29 Ch D 795, CA, affd sub nom Cavendish Bentinck v Fenn (1887) 12 App Cas
652, HL; and NorthWest Transportation Co Ltd v Beatty[4.33].
8 Note the difference between showing that a person owes fiduciary duties to a company because he or she is
a de facto director, or because he or she can be classed as a fiduciary under the normal equitable rules for
identifying fiduciary relationships (on the latter, see Ranson v Customer Systems plc [7.04]). Also see Canadian
Aero Services Ltd v O’Malley (1973) 40 DLR (3d) 371 at 381.
9 See D Prentice and J Payne, ‘Directors’ Fiduciary Duties?’ (2006) 122 LQR 122.
10 This is no longer lawful: see CA 2006 s 155(1), which requires a company to have at least one director who is a
natural person.
11 See LS Sealy, ‘Directors’ “Wider” Responsibilities—Problems Conceptual, Practical and Procedural?’ (1987)
13 Monash University Law Review 164; also the wellknown debate between AA Berle, Jr and E Merrick Dodd, Jr in
(1931) 44 Harvard Law Review 1049, (1932) 45 Harvard Law Review 1145, 1365 and (1942) 9 University of Chicago
Law Review 538, and JL Weiner, ‘The Berle–Dodd Dialogue on the Nature of Corporations?’ (1964) 64 Columbia
Law Review 1458; and, for a detailed exploration of the ‘stakeholder’, JE Parkinson, Corporate Power and
Responsibility (1993). On the stakeholder debate generally, see FH Easterbrook and DR Fischel, Economic
Structure of Corporate Law (1991), ch 1; G Kelly and J Parkinson, ‘The Conceptual Foundations of the Company:
A Pluralist Approach’ [1998] Company Financial and Insolvency Law Review 174; A Alcock, ‘The Case against the
Concept of Stakeholders?’ (1996) 17 Company Lawyer 177; Lady Justice Arden, ‘Regulating the Conduct of
Directors?’ (2010) 1 Journal of Corporate Law Studies 1.
12 The then Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, Patricia Hewitt, in introducing the Draft Regulations on the
Operating and Financial Review and Directors’ Report: A Consultative Document (2004), expressed her view of the
functions and responsibilities of the modern companies, affirming the conclusion reached by the Steering Group:
… What are companies for? The primary goal is to make a profit for their shareholders … [but] we [also] expect
companies to generate the wealth that provides good public services and a decent standard of living for everyone
… Good working conditions, good products and services and successful relationships with a wide range of other
stakeholders are important assets, crucial to stable, longterm performance and shareholder value …
13 See the very limited exception illustrated by Coleman v Myers [7.06].
14 Note, however, that shareholders can sometimes pursue ‘derivative claims’ to enforce wrongs done to the
company, not to the shareholders personally. And shareholders also have distinctive personal rights, and avenues
for pursuing them. See Chapter 13.
15 As distinct from a derivative claim: see Chapter 13.
16 Although note that the courts will not imply terms which simply create a parallel set of duties owed by the
directors to individual shareholders: Towcester Racecourse Co Ltd v The Racecourse Association Ltd [2003] 1
BCLC 260.
17 (1914) 30 TLR 444, PC.
18 There is an extensive literature on this topic. See, eg, LS Sealy, ‘Directors’ “Wider” Responsibilities—Problems
Conceptual, Practical and Procedural?’ (1987) 13 Monash University Law Review 164; S Worthington, ‘Directors’
Duties, Creditors’ Rights and Shareholder Intervention?’ (1991) 18 Melbourne University Law Review 121; R
Grantham, ‘The Judicial Extension of Directors’ Duties to Creditors’ [1991] JBL 1; A Keay, ‘The Duty of Directors
to Take Account of Creditors’ Interests: Has It Any Role to Play?’ [2002] JBL 379; HC Hirt, ‘The Wrongful Trading
Remedy in UK Law: Classification, Application and Practical Significance?’ (2004) 1 European Company and
Financial Law Review 71; PL Davies, ‘Directors’ CreditorRegarding Duties?’ (2006) 7 European Business
Organization Law Review 301; J Zhao and J Tribe, ‘Corporate Social Responsibility in an Insolvent Environment:
Directors’ Continuing Obligations in English Law?’ (2010) 21 (9) International Company and Commercial Law
Review 305.
19 Dicta to this effect in Nicholson v Permak raft (NZ) Ltd [1985] 1 NZLR 242 at 249, per Cooke J are, it is
submitted, too wide.
20 Special leave to appeal to the High Court has apparently been filed.
21 Although the litigation was not, in the end, against the directors for these breaches, but against the banks for
‘knowing assistance’ in the directors’ breaches (in the UK, ‘dishonest assistance’). In 2009, Owen J found against
the banks, and awarded A$1.56 billion in equitable compensation. The Court of Appeal, by a 2:1 majority (Lee AJA
and Drummond AJA, Carr AJA dissenting), upheld this award, increased by additional interest, damages and
22 See Lord Wedderburn, ‘Employees, Partnership and Company Law?’ (2002) 31 ILJ 99.
23 These parts draw on contributions made earlier to Palmer’s Company Law Annotated Guide to the Companies
Act 2006 (2007).
24 See LS Sealy, ‘“Bona Fides” and “Proper Purposes” in Corporate Decisions?’ (1989) 15 Monash University Law
Review 265; S Worthington, ‘Corporate Governance: Remedying and Ratifying Directors’ Breaches?’ (2000) 116
LQR 638.
25 [1920] 1 Ch 77.
26 (1968) 121 CLR 483, Aust HCt.
27 (1972) 33 DLR (3d) 288.
28 More accurately, voidable: see Bamford v Bamford [4.32].
29 (1953) 90 CLR 425 at 445, Aust HCt.
30 But see P Finn, Fiduciary Obligations (1977), p 73, who contends that members’ decisions should be subject to
a similar test to those of the directors; also S Worthington, who advocates a proper purposes test (but not
fiduciary duties) for all members’ decisions: ‘Corporate Governance: Remedying and Ratifying Directors’ Breaches’
(2000) 116 LQR 638.
31 See the White Paper, Company Law Reform (Cm 6456, 2005), para 3.3; CLR, Modern Company Law for a
Competitive Economy: A Strategic Framework (1999), para 5.
32 Committee on Corporate Governance, Final Report, para 1.17.
33 On this, see the 2012 Kay Review, noted at ‘General issues’, p 261.
34 In the context of s 172(1)(b), also see the power to make provision for employees on cessation or transfer of
business (s 247): s 247(2) states that this latter power ‘is exercisable notwithstanding the general duty imposed
by s 172’.
35 [1896] 2 Ch 743.
36 On nominee directors, see E Boros, ‘The Duties of Nominee and Multiple Directors?’ (1989) 10 Company
Lawyer 211 and (1990) 11 Company Lawyer 6; and P Crutchfield, ‘Nominee Directors: The Law and Commercial
Reality?’ (1991) 12 Company Lawyer 136.
37 The qualification is warranted, because Australian courts may be said to have led the way in developing the law
on directors’ negligence (see, eg, Daniels v Anderson at Note 2 in ‘“Reasonable” directors: keeping informed and
delegating responsibilities’, p 357), and yet have done so on the basis that their statutory provisions largely restate
the common law, including the common law as stated by Romer J in Re City Equitable Fire Insurance Co [7.19].
38 There are arguments that the common law and equitable rules are different, and, perhaps more forcefully, that
they are not: see fn 43.
39 The action also sought to make the auditors liable, and on these issues went to the Court of Appeal; but the
auditors too were held, having acted honestly, to be exonerated by the special provision in the company’s articles.
40 Such articles are now invalidated by statute: see CA 2006 ss 232 and 532, although auditors can limit their
liability (ss 534–536): see ‘Auditors’ liability’, pp 466ff.
41 [1911] 1 Ch 425.
42 Also see Rolfe v Rolfe [2010] EWHC 244 (Ch), extracted at Note 2 following Re Duomatic [4.15], p 208, on the
application of the Duomatic principle where there is a single shareholder.
43 The controversial opinion of the majority of the court in this case, that directors’ liability could be founded in the
tort of negligence rather than as a breach of purely equitable obligations, is now academic in the UK, given the
introduction of a statutory rule in s 174. The controversy persists in other forms, however: see the Questions
following Medforth v Blak e [16.06].
44 Also see Weavering Macro Fixed Income Fund Ltd (In Liquidation) v Peterson and Ek strom FSD 113 of 2010
(Grand Court of the Cayman Islands).
45 CA Riley, ‘The Case for NonGoverning Directors in NotForProfit Companies?’ (2010) 10 (1) Journal of
Corporate Law Studies 119. See also SM Bainbridge, ‘Why a Board? Group Decisionmaking in Corporate
Governance?’ (2002) 55 Vanderbilt Law Review 1.
46 Also see R Nolan, ‘Directors’ SelfInterested Dealings: Liabilities and Remedies’ [1999] Company Financial and
Insolvency Law Review 235; J Lowry and R Edmunds, ‘The Corporate Opportunity Doctrine: The Shifting
Boundaries of the Duties and its Remedies?’ (1998) 61 MLR 515; D Kershaw, ‘Lost in Translation: Corporate
Opportunities in Comparative Perspective?’ (2005) 25 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 603.
47 [1896] AC 44 at 51.
48 These cases are now dealt with by CA 2006 s 177, requiring only notification to the directors before the
transaction takes place, but where there is a breach, it seems the statutory ratification rules in s 239 apply
equally; the equitable difference has been abolished.
49 [1902] AC 83, PC.
50 Cf the discussion on promoters, ‘Promoters and their dealings with the company’, pp 481ff.
51 (1913) 85 LJPC 167n.
52 (1874) 9 Ch App 350.
53 (1726) Sel Cas Ch 61.
54 This approach, where the no profit rule is regarded as part of the no conflict rule, is evident in Bray v Ford [1896]
AC 44 at 51–52, and Boardman v Phipps [1967] 2 AC 46 at 123. But other cases have regarded the two rules as
distinct, although overlapping, so that a breach of the no profit rule cannot always be readily analysed as a conflict
of duty and interest (see, eg, Regal (Hastings) Ltd v Gulliver [7.23]).
55 But see the next extract, which declines to apply the rule in Aas in the context of companies and their
directors: [7.27].
56 Note that this assertion relates to transactions between the company and its director (see CA 2006 ss 177 and
182), not to contracts between the director and third parties, and it is only the latter where the scope issue in
relation to ‘corporate opportunities’ arises.
57 See D Prentice and J Payne, ‘The Corporate Opportunity Doctrine?’ (2004) 120 LQR 198.
58 Foster Bryant Surveying Ltd v Bryant, Savernak e Property Consultants Ltd [7.29].
59 But note that in CMS Dolphin Ltd v Simonet [2001] 2 BCLC 704 at [91], Lawrence Collins J said that Laskin J’s
‘or’ highlighted here was probably meant to be ‘and’.
60 See S Beck, ‘The Saga of Peso Silver Mines: Corporate Opportunity Reconsidered?’ (1971) 49 Canadian Bar
Review 80; and, by the same author, ‘The Quickening of the Fiduciary Obligation’ (1975) 53 Canadian Bar
Review 771.
61 Bull JA was one of the majority judges in the court below (British Columbia Court of Appeal (1965) 56 DLR (2d)
62 [1965] Ch 992, affd by the House of Lords [1967] 2 AC 46: see Note 1.
63 Note that this means that the director need not necessarily be a party to the deal for the transaction or
arrangement to be subject to this section.
64 So, in practice, retaining the criminal sanctions imposed by the predecessor provision, CA 1985 s 317.
65 That, at least, is clear from the separation of ss 177 and 182, which eliminates many of the early debates that
surrounded CA 1985 s 317. These debates were finally resolved by recognising as quite separate the different
requirements of s 317 and the equitable conflict rules: failure to comply with the disclosure obligations in s 317
constituted an offence; failure to make the disclosures required by the equitable rules (ie to the shareholders), as
amended by the articles (often substituting the directors for the shareholders), rendered the offending contract
voidable, not void: see HelyHutchinson v Brayhead Ltd [1968] 1 QB 549, CA [3.09]; and Guinness plc v Saunders,
66 York and North Midland Rly Co v Hudson (1853) 16 Beav 485.
67 (1726) Sel Cas Ch 61.
68 (1747) 1 Ves Sen 9.
69 See J Poole and A Keyser, ‘Justifying Partial Rescission in English Law?’ (2005) 121 LQR 273.
70 CA 2006 does not spell out whether the remedies for breach of s 174 (duty to exercise reasonable care, skill
and diligence) should be assessed on common law or equitable principles. Arguably it is the former, given the
exclusion of s 174 in s 178(2). This would lay to rest the debates in that area (Henderson v Merrett Syndicates
Ltd[1995] 2 AC 145; Bristol & West Building Society v Mothew [1998] Ch 1).
71 Also see M Conaglen, ‘Equitable Compensation for Breach of Fiduciary Dealing Rules?’ (2003) 119 LQR 246; M
Conaglen, ‘The Nature and Function of Fiduciary Loyalty?’ (2005) 121 LQR 452.
72 Warman International Ltd v Dwyer (1995) 182 CLR 546, Aust HCt.
73 As Metropolitan Bank v Heiron (1880) 5 Ex D 319, where a director who had received a bribe was regarded as
only personally liable to pay the sum to the company.
74 To similar effect, see Lewison LJ in FHR European Ventures LLP v Mank arious [2013] EWCA Civ 17 at [25].
75 Although Lewison LJ and the Chancellor (Etherton LJ) put the case in Category 2, and Pill LJ in Category 1.
76 And New Zealand, Singapore, the United States and Canada all favour the approach taken in Reid over that
taken in Lister/Sinclair.
77 [1911] AC 498.
78 [1920] 1 Ch 46, CA.
79 Dillon LJ qualified this in West Mercia Safetywear Ltd v Dodd (1988) 4 BCLC 30, by saying that these remarks
only apply to a company which is solvent at the time.
See, eg, Re D’Jan of London Ltd [7.20]; Green v Walk ling [2007] All ER (D) 299.
81 [1894] 1 Ch 616, CA.
82 See S Elliott and C Mitchell, ‘Remedies for Dishonest Assistance?’ (2004) 67 MLR 16.
83 (1874) 9 Ch App 244.
84 This approach was explicitly endorsed in Fiona Trust [2010] EWHC 3199 (Comm) at [63]–[66].
8. Company Auditors and Promoters
Chapter: (p. 463) 8. Company Auditors and Promoters
Author(s): Len Sealy and Sarah Worthington
DOI: 10.1093/he/9780199676446.003.0008
The previous chapter considered the liabilities of a company’s directors to the company. This chapter fills out that
picture. It examines the duties and liabilities of the company’s auditors and its promoters. The duties of auditors
derive from contract and tort. Promoters, too, may owe duties in contract and tort, but their more significant duties
are imposed in equity, and map very closely the duties owed by the company’s directors.
The issues addressed in this chapter also reinforce the notion of the company as a separate legal person (reread
‘Particular illustrations of a company’s separate personality’, p 79) and the special issues that arise because the
artificial legal construct that is a company can only operate through human agents (see
Chapters 2 and 3generally). The problems that arise in this context are especially acute in the context of ‘one
man companies’ and their relationship with the fraudsters who might run them and the auditors and general
creditors who might deal with them (see Stone & Rolls Ltd (In Liquidation) v Moore Stephens [8.05]). The
temptation—which must be resisted—is to blur the distinctions between the company as a separate legal person
and the individuals who are the company’s agents (especially any fraudulent individuals who act as the company’s
‘directing mind and will’1 ).
Auditors and their relationship with the company
The company’s directors are responsible for the company’s statutory accounts and reports. But it has long been
accepted that the reliability of these outputs will be enhanced if there is independent third party verification of both
the documents and the corporate processes that deliver them. The company audit—conducted by the company’s
independent external auditor—is intended to provide this verification. All the rules and regulations associated with
auditors and their conduct of the audit are designed to increase the value of the audit without imposing too high a
cost on either the companies or their auditors.
General policy and regulatory issues
If the primary function of the audit is to provide independent verification, then auditor competence and
independence are essential. The relatively recent collapses of companies such as Enron have highlighted the
crucial importance of this issue. The Audit Directive (2006/43/EC), the Statutory Auditors Regulations (SI
2007/3494 and SI 2008/499) and the Companies (p. 464) Act 2006 (CA 2006) Pt 42 provide a regulatory
framework in the UK to reinforce the market demands for auditor competence and independence. Public oversight
used to be provided by the Professional Oversight Board (a subsidiary of the Financial Reporting Council (FRC)).
Since 2 July 2012, following restructuring of the FRC, the Board no longer exists, its previous functions having
been transferred to the Conduct Committee and the Conduct Division within the FRC itself. Despite much
discussion, there is no blanket ban on the auditors also providing nonaudit work to the company, but, especially
given how lucrative this work is, there is a clear risk of conflicts of interest. This nonaudit remuneration is
therefore regulated in the same way as more general conflict situations (see CA 2006 Sch 10).
Secondly, the companies seen to be most at risk (or, more accurately, the companies seen to expose those
dealing with them to greatest risks) need to have mandatory audits. Until recently, it was a statutory requirement
that every company should appoint an auditor or auditors. However, three exceptions are now made (see CA 2006
s 475): for ‘small’ companies (s 477), for ‘dormant companies’ (s 480) and for nonprofitmaking companies
subject to public sector audit (s 482). These exemptions are not available to banking, insurance and certain other
categories of company. In addition, a statutory audit must be held if members holding 10% or more of the share
capital require one (s 476). There are conditions attached to all these provisions, so the Act needs to be read
carefully. Of course, although CA 2006 does not require certain companies to undergo an audit, many do, so as
to provide external assurance to their members, creditors or investors. With these voluntary audits, the company
is free to choose the scale of audit to suit its purposes. The EU has recently followed suit; there are now
proposed changes to Arts 43 and 43b, which will lift the auditing requirement for small undertakings.
Thirdly, the choice of individual auditor and the terms of their appointment can also ensure independence. CA
2006 lays down rules for the appointment of auditors (ss 485–494), their functions and duties (ss 495–509), their
removal and resignation (ss 510–526; although note s 994(1A)—see the following paragraph) and their liability (ss
532–538). These rules give a degree of power to shareholders and to audit committees, and so go some way to
giving further assurance that the appointed auditor is independent of the directors. Equally, giving power to the
auditors to compel the company and its officers to comply with requests for information goes some way to
enhancing the value of the audit.
The increasing importance of an independent and competent audit function is clearly reflected in the addition of s
994(1A) to the s 994 ‘unfair prejudice’ provisions in CA 2006. Section 994(1A) deems the ‘improper’ removal2 of an
auditor to be unfairly prejudicial conduct, thus opening up the wideranging remedies for unfair prejudice to any
disaffected member (on ‘unfair prejudice’, see ‘Unfairly prejudicial conduct of the company’s affairs’, pp 681ff). This
provision therefore effectively qualifies the general rule that auditors may be dismissed at any time by ordinary
resolution of the shareholders, subject to the giving of special notice (ss 510 and 511).3 Section 994(1A) purports
to implement Art 37 of the Audit Directive 2006/43, which stipulates that auditors can only be removed for ‘proper
Finally, imposing personal liability on auditors for failure to live up to the standards expected can also assist in
raising the standards of the audit. On the other hand, imposing too much liability on auditors can have a chilling
effect—good auditors are deterred; indeed, the larger the company, the larger the risk, and so it is these
companies especially, companies where audits are especially valuable, that are likely to be left without competent
auditors to oversee (p. 465) operations. After years of lobbying by auditors for changes to the law, new provisions
have been introduced in CA 2006 ss 534ff that allow companies to agree to cap auditors’ liability. The agreement
cannot apply to more than one year’s audit; it must be authorised by members (s 536 specifies the requirements);
and it cannot limit liability to a sum that is less than what is ‘fair and reasonable’ (although the provisions of the
Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 ss 2(2) and 3(2)(a) do not apply). In the absence of such a power to contractually
limit liability, and in the face of provisions such as CA 2006 s 532 making other arrangements void, the auditors
had few options open to them to protect themselves against the risk of enormous claims (see Caparo Industries
plc v Dick man [8.04], and pp 472ff).
The European Commission has also been active in this area. It has recently proposed a new regulation imposing
specific requirements on the statutory audit of PublicInterest Entities (PIE),5 as well as several proposed
amendments to the Directive.6 These proposals are now before the European Council and the European
Parliament. If adopted, the provisions governing PIEs currently contained in Directive 2006/43/EC (Arts 39–43) will
be integrated into the new Regulation.7 PIEs are defined as those entities which are of significant public interest
because their businesses affect a wide range of stakeholders. The regulation of their statutory audit might
therefore be expected to be most stringent.
In that vein, a number of features of the proposal merit highlighting. As mentioned earlier, there is currently no
blanket ban on auditors also providing nonauditing work to their clients. However, as part of a chapter dealing with
‘conflicts of interest’, the proposals will prevent the provision of nonaudit services which are ‘fundamentally
incompatible with the independent publicinterest function of audit’. Auditors may provide ‘related financial audit
services’, subject to the proviso that the fees for such services are limited to 10% of the audit fees paid by the
company. Auditors may also continue providing ‘other nonaudit services that are not fundamentally incompatible
with the audit services’, subject to assessment and approval by the audit committee or the competent authority.
Furthermore, former auditors, key audit partners or their employees are also prohibited from taking up a position
within the audited entity which exposes them to conflicts with auditing checks (Chapter I, Title II).
Nonexecutive members are to be introduced to audit committees, and the regulation will introduce various
measures for avoiding uninterrupted appointments of the same audit firm. For instance, there will be mandatory
rotation of audit firms after a maximum six years (or, exceptionally, eight years), and where a PIE has two or
more statutory auditors or audit firms, then the maximum length of engagement will be six years (or,
exceptionally, 12 years). It is hoped that these amendments will address directly the problem of the ‘threat of
familiarity’ (Title III, Chapter V).
Chapter III of Title II sets out the scope of the auditor’s duties, and indicates that their role is to provide an opinion
as to whether the financial statements give a true and fair view. Their role does not, for instance, include providing
an assurance on the future viability of the audited entity, nor does it entail an assessment of the efficiency and
effectiveness of management. In adopting this approach, these provisions reflect the court’s approach in Re
London and General Bank (No 2) [8.01].
The proposals also introduce measures to govern the way member states regulate their auditors, and the way
auditors operate internally. Title IV mandates each member state to have a designated competent authority for
supervising auditors and audit firms auditing PIEs. It also requires auditors to demonstrate a higher degree of
transparency, and in particular to (p. 466) disclose their financial information, their own corporate governance and
matters related to fees (Chapter V).
Overall, the Commission is of the view that auditor selfregulation is not adequate and that auditors should be
subjected to a uniform and harmonised framework within the Union, especially in relation to PIEs which often
carry out crossborder activities.
The FRC itself is also consulting on possible changes to the UK Corporate Governance Code in relation to
auditing committees and the way audits are conducted for all companies. In essence, their proposals embrace
the following:8
• extending the remit of the audit committee to include consideration of the whole annual report, including the
narrative report, with a view to determining whether it provides the information necessary for stakeholders to
assess the performance and prospects of the company, and whether the annual report, viewed as a whole, is
fair and balanced;
• requiring the audit committee to report to the board on this issue, and the board subsequently to publish this
assessment in the annual report;
• requiring the audit committee also to report to the board, and in its own report in the annual report, on the
issues considered in relation to the financial statements, including any key judgements that it made, and its
assessment of the effectiveness of the external audit and the approach taken to the appointment or
reappointment of the external auditor; and
• introducing a ‘comply or explain’ requirement for companies to put the external audit contract out to tender at
least every ten years (which the FRC has subsequently decided should only apply to FTSE 350 companies in
the first instance). The draft Guidance recommends that companies indicate their intention to put the audit out
to tender in the previous annual report.
Auditors’ liability
A company contemplating an audit invariably enters into a contract with the auditor for the provision of
professional services. Then, like anyone who renders professional services for reward, the auditor will owe the
company an implied contractual duty of care in the proper performance of the audit.
Auditors may also be liable in tort for negligent misstatement. This liability is potentially to any third parties to
whom the auditors owe a duty of care. Here the courts have protected the auditors by adopting very restrictive
approaches to the scope of the auditors’ duty.
The standard of care to be exercised by auditors is illustrated by the cases beginning with Re London & General
Bank (No 2) [8.01] which are cited later. But these cases (some of which are a century old) give only half the
picture, for today it is the accountancy profession itself (through the Accounting Standards Board) which is largely
responsible for prescribing norms (through its Financial Reporting Standards (‘FRSs’)), for the preparation of
company accounts and the duties of auditors in relation to them. Broadly speaking, auditors are unlikely to be
held to be negligent if they have conformed to currently accepted professional practices. On the other hand, if they
depart from them, this will be regarded as strong evidence of a breach of duty (Lloyd Cheyham & Co Ltd v
Littlejohn & Co [1987] BCLC 303).
There can be little doubt that the standard of care required from auditors has progressively risen throughout the
past century through the influence of the profession itself. CA 2006 also introduces criminal liability for auditors for
knowingly or recklessly causing an auditors’ report to include any matter that is misleading, false or deceptive in a
material particular: s 507.
(p. 467) A rather more difficult question has been: to whom is the auditor’s duty of care owed, for the purposes of
civil liability? This has been largely resolved by the decision of the House of Lords in Caparo Industries plc v
Dick man [8.04], although some aspects of it still require clarification.
The reason why an auditor’s duty of care is owed to the company, and not its individual members, appears from
the case of Equitable Life Assurance Society v Ernst and Young [2003] EWCA Civ 1114: since the contract under
which the work of a company’s auditors is performed is with the company as a separate person, the auditors owe
an implied contractual duty of care to the company in and about the manner in which they perform their services.
Auditors also have general liability in tort for negligent misstatement under which individual members may be able
to claim. The scope of that duty was defined in Johnson v Gore Wood and Co [2003] EWCA Civ 1728. It includes
anything and everything which the company in general meeting could be expected to do on the strength of that
auditors’ report.
Finally, there is the vexed issue—at least for the company—of possible limitations on a company’s right to sue its
auditor for negligence when the auditor fails to detect a fraud that is being perpetrated by the company’s own
management: see Stone & Rolls [8.05].
The following extracts illustrate the issues and the judicial reasoning in resolving them.
Auditors must exercise reasonable care and skill, and must certify to the members or shareholders only
what they believe to be true.
[8.01] Re London and General Bank (No 2) [1895] 2 Ch 673 (Court of Appeal)
This was an appeal by Theobald, one of the bank’s auditors, from a judgment in which Vaughan Williams J had
held him liable to reimburse the company, now in liquidation, for the amount of certain dividends which had been
paid out of capital after the shareholders had been presented with a balance sheet which Theobald had certified as
correct. The appeal failed, except for a variation in the sum for which he was held liable. The main respect in
which the accounts were defective was the entry of certain loans at their face value when it was known that most
of the amounts were not realisable. It was held that none of the following matters absolved Theobald from liability:
(i) that he had included in his report the words ‘The value of the assets as shown on the balance sheet is
dependent upon realisation’; (ii) that he had submitted a full report to the directors in which the gravity of the
company’s position was shown in detail; (iii) that the report (to the directors) had initially expressed the view that
no dividend should be paid, but the chairman later persuaded the auditors to delete the sentence; and (iv) that the
chairman had undertaken to explain the true position verbally to the shareholders in general meeting. (In fact, he
had done so only in ambiguous terms.)
LINDLEY LJ: It is no part of an auditor’s duty to give advice, either to directors or shareholders, as to what
they ought to do. An auditor has nothing to do with the prudence or imprudence of making loans with or
without security. It is nothing to him whether the business of a company is being conducted prudently or
imprudently, profitably or unprofitably. It is nothing to him whether dividends are properly or improperly
declared, provided he discharges his own duty to the shareholders. His business is to ascertain and state
the true financial position of the company at the time of the audit, and his duty is confined to that. But then
comes the question, How is he to ascertain that position? The answer is, By examining the books of the
company. But he does not discharge his duty by doing this without inquiry and without taking any trouble
to see that the (p. 468) books themselves show the company’s true position. He must take reasonable
care to ascertain that they do so. Unless he does this his audit would be worse than an idle farce.
Assuming the books to be so kept as to show the true position of a company, the auditor has to certify
that the balancesheet presented is correct in that sense. But his first duty is to examine the books, not
merely for the purpose of ascertaining what they do show, but also for the purpose of satisfying himself that
they show the true financial position of the company … An auditor, however, is not bound to do more than
exercise reasonable care and skill in making inquiries and investigations. He is not an insurer; he does not
guarantee that the books do correctly show the true position of the company’s affairs; he does not even
guarantee that his balancesheet is accurate according to the books of the company. If he did, he would be
responsible for error on his part, even if he were himself deceived without any want of reasonable care on
his part, say, by the fraudulent concealment of a book from him. His obligation is not so onerous as this.
Such I take to be the duty of the auditor: he must be honest—ie must not certify what he does not believe
to be true, and he must take reasonable care and skill before he believes that what he certifies is true.
What is reasonable care in any particular case must depend upon the circumstances of that case. Where
there is nothing to excite suspicion very little inquiry will be reasonably sufficient, and in practice I believe
businessmen select a few cases at haphazard, see that they are right, and assume that others like them
are correct also. Where suspicion is aroused more care is obviously necessary; but, still, an auditor is not
bound to exercise more than reasonable care and skill, even in a case of suspicion, and he is perfectly
justified in acting on the opinion of an expert where special knowledge is required. Mr Theobald’s evidence
satisfies me that he took the same view as myself of his duty in investigating the company’s books and
preparing his balancesheet. He checked the cash, examined vouchers for payments, saw that the bills
and securities entered in the books were held by the bank, took reasonable care to ascertain their value,
and in one case obtained a solicitor’s opinion on the validity of an equitable charge. I see no trace whatever
of any failure by him in the performance of this part of his duty. It is satisfactory to find that the legal
standard of duty is not too high for business purposes and is recognised as correct by businessmen. The
balancesheet and certificate of February 1892 (ie for the year 1891) was accompanied by a report to the
directors of the bank. Taking the balancesheet, the certificate and report together, Mr Theobald stated to
the directors the true financial position of the bank, and if this report had been laid before the shareholders
Mr Theobald would have completely discharged his duty to them. Unfortunately, however, this report was
not laid before the shareholders …
In this case I have no hesitation in saying that Mr Theobald did fail to discharge his duty to the
shareholders in certifying and laying before them the balancesheet of February 1892 without any reference
to the report which he laid before the directors and with no other warning than is conveyed by the words
‘The value of the assets as shown on the balancesheet is dependent upon realisation’. [His Lordship
referred to the details of the balance sheet, and to the report made to the directors, including the warning
that no dividend should be paid, and continued:] A dividend of 7% was, nevertheless, recommended by the
directors, and was resolved upon by the shareholders at a meeting furnished with the balancesheet and
profit and loss account certified by the auditors, and at which meeting the auditors were present, but silent.
Not a word was said to inform the shareholders of the true state of affairs. It is idle to say that these
accounts are so remotely connected with the payment of the dividend as to render the auditors legally
irresponsible for such payment. The balancesheet and account certified by the auditors, and showing a
profit available for dividend, were, in my judgment, not the remote but the real operating cause of the
resolution for the payment of the dividend which the directors improperly recommended. The auditors’
account and certificate gave weight to this recommendation, and rendered it acceptable to the meeting
RIGBY LJ delivered a concurring judgment.
LOPES LJ concurred.
(p. 469) It is not part of the duty of auditors to repeat work already undertaken internally: in the absence of
suspicion, auditors may rely on the assurances of a manager or other apparently responsible employee.
[8.02] Re Kingston Cotton Mill Co (No 2) [1896] 2 Ch 279 (Court of Appeal)
The facts appear from the judgment.
LOPES LJ: [In] determining whether any misfeasance or breach of duty has been committed, it is essential
to consider what the duties of an auditor are. They are very fully described in Re London and General
Bank [8.01], to which judgment I was a party. Shortly they may be stated thus: It is the duty of an auditor
to bring to bear on the work he has to perform that skill, care and caution which a reasonably competent,
careful and cautious auditor would use. What is reasonable skill, care and caution must depend on the
particular circumstances of each case. An auditor is not bound to be a detective, or, as was said, to
approach his work with suspicion or with a foregone conclusion that there is something wrong. He is a
watchdog, but not a bloodhound. He is justified in believing tried servants of the company in whom
confidence is placed by the company. He is entitled to assume that they are honest, and to rely upon their
representations, provided he takes reasonable care. If there is anything calculated to excite suspicion he
should probe it to the bottom; but in the absence of anything of that kind he is only bound to be reasonably
cautious and careful.
In the present case the accounts of the company had been for years falsified by the managing director,
Jackson … Jackson deliberately overstated the quantities and values of the cotton and yarn in the
company’s mills. He did this for many years. It was proved that there is a great wastage in converting yarn
into cotton, and the fluctuations of the market in the prices of cotton and yarn are exceptionally great.
Jackson had been so successful in falsifying the accounts that what he had done was never detected or
even suspected by the directors. The auditors adopted the entries of Jackson and inserted them in the
balancesheet as ‘per manager’s certificate’. It is not suggested but that the auditors acted honestly and
honestly believed in the accuracy and reliability of Jackson. But it is said that they ought not to have
trusted the figures of Jackson, but should have further investigated the matter. Jackson was a trusted
officer of the company in whom the directors had every confidence; there was nothing on the face of the
accounts to excite suspicion, and I cannot see how in the circumstances of the case it can be
successfully contended that the auditors are wanting in skill, care or caution in not testing Jackson’s
It is not the duty of an auditor to take stock; he is not a stock expert, there are many matters in respect of
which he must rely on the honesty and accuracy of others. He does not guarantee the discovery of all
fraud. I think the auditors were justified in this case in relying on the honesty and accuracy of Jackson, and
were not called upon to make further investigation …
LINDLEY and KAY LJJ delivered concurring judgments.
➤ Question
How can this approach be reconciled with the ‘verification’ function of auditors?
An auditor who has been, or ought to have been, put on inquiry is under a duty to make an exhaustive
[8.03] Re Gerrard & Son Ltd [1968] Ch 455 (Chancery Division)
The company’s managing director, Croston, had caused the company’s books to be falsified in three ways: (i) by
altering the halfyearly stocktaking figures so as to include nonexistent stock; (ii) by altering invoices relating to
purchases of stock so that the amounts payable were (p. 470) made to appear just after, instead of just before,
the halfyearly ‘cut off’ date; and (iii) (the converse of (ii)) by advancing into the halfyearly period sums due in
respect of goods sold which were in fact invoiced after the ‘cutoff’ date. The auditors (‘Kevans’) had accepted the
explanations given by Croston and his brotherinlaw Heyes (now deceased) regarding the altered invoices. The
court held that Kevans had been negligent in relation to (ii) and (without any finding in relation to (i) and (iii)) held
them liable to the company’s liquidator in respect of dividends which the company had wrongly paid on the
strength of the false accounts.
[PENNYCUICK J referred to Re Kingston Cotton Mill Co (No 2) [8.02] and continued:] This case appears,
at any rate at first sight, to be conclusive in favour of Kevans as regards the falsification of the stock taken
in isolation. Mr Walton, for the liquidator, pointed out that before 1900 there was no statutory provision
corresponding to section 162 of the Companies Act 1948 [CA 2006 s 498]. That is so, but I am not clear
that the quality of the auditor’s duty has changed in any relevant respect since 1896. Basically that duty
has always been to audit the company’s accounts with reasonable care and skill. The real ground on
which Re Kingston Cotton Mill Co (No 2) is, I think, capable of being distinguished is that the standards of
reasonable care and skill are, upon the expert evidence, more exacting today than those which prevailed in
1896. I see considerable force in this contention. It must, I think, be open, even in this court, to make a
finding that in all the particular circumstances the auditors have been in breach of their duty in relation to
stock. On the other hand, if this breach of duty stood alone and the facts were more or less the same as
those in Re Kingston Cotton Mill Co (No 2), this court would, I think, be very chary indeed of reaching a
conclusion different from that reached by the Court of Appeal in Re Kingston Cotton Mill Co (No 2) …
I find it impossible to acquit Kevans of negligence as regards purchases of stock before the end of each
current period of account and the attribution of the price to the succeeding period of account. I will assume
in their favour that Mr Nightingale [a partner in Kevans] was entitled to rely on the assurances of Mr Heyes
and Mr Croston until he first came upon the altered invoices, but once these were discovered he was
clearly put upon inquiry and I do not think he was then entitled to rest content with the assurances of Mr
Croston and Mr Heyes, however implicitly he may have trusted Mr Croston. I find the conclusion
inescapable alike on the expert evidence and as a matter of business common sense that at this stage he
ought to have taken steps on the lines indicated by Mr Macnamara [an expert witness], that is to say, he
should have examined the suppliers’ statements and where necessary have communicated with the
suppliers. Having ascertained the precise facts so far as it was possible for him to do so, he should then
have informed the board. It may be that the board would then have taken some action. But whatever the
board did he should in each subsequent audit have made such checks and inquiries as would have
ensured that any misattribution in the cutoff procedure was detected. He did not take any of these steps. I
am bound to conclude that he failed in his duty.
[His Lordship accordingly held the auditors liable for the amount of the dividends wrongly paid.]
The auditors of a company owe no duty of care either to members of the public who rely on the accounts
in deciding whether to invest in the company’s shares, or to existing members of the company who may
also rely on the accounts for the purpose of decisions in relation to present or future investment in the
[8.04] Caparo Industries plc v Dickman [1990] 2 AC 605 (House of Lords)
Touche Ross & Co had audited the 1983–84 accounts of Fidelity plc, a listed company, which showed a pretax
profit of £1.3 million. Both before and after the publication of these accounts, Caparo bought Fidelity shares in the
market, and subsequently it made a takeover bid, as a result of which it acquired all the shares. In these
proceedings Caparo alleged that it had paid too much for the shares because the trading figures should have
shown a loss of £0.4 million (p. 471) instead of a profit, and claimed damages from the auditors on the ground
that they had been negligent in certifying that the accounts showed a true and fair view of Fidelity’s financial
position. The House of Lords, reversing in part the judgment of the Court of Appeal, held that the auditors owed
Caparo no duty of care.
[LORD BRIDGE OF HARWICH referred to a number of wellknown cases, including Hedley Byrne & Co Ltd
v Heller & Partners [1964] AC 465, HL, and continued:] The salient feature of all these cases is that the
defendant giving advice or information was fully aware of the nature of the transaction which the plaintiff had
in contemplation, knew that the advice or information would be communicated to him directly or indirectly
and knew that it was very likely that the plaintiff would rely on that advice or information in deciding whether
or not to engage in the transaction in contemplation. In these circumstances the defendant could clearly be
expected, subject always to the effect of any disclaimer of responsibility, specifically to anticipate that the
plaintiff would rely on the advice or information given by the defendant for the very purpose for which he did
in the event rely on it. So also the plaintiff, subject again to the effect of any disclaimer, would in that
situation reasonably suppose that he was entitled to rely on the advice or information communicated to him
for the very purpose for which he required it. The situation is entirely different where a statement is put into
more or less general circulation and may foreseeably be relied on by strangers to the maker of the
statement for any one of a variety of different purposes which the maker of the statement has no specific
reason to anticipate. To hold the maker of the statement to be under a duty of care in respect of the
accuracy of the statement to all and sundry for any purpose for which they may choose to rely on it is not
only to subject him, in the classic words of Cardozo CJ to ‘liability in an indeterminate amount for an
indeterminate time to an indeterminate class’: see Ultramares Corpn v Touche;9 it is also to confer on the
world at large a quite unwarranted entitlement to appropriate for their own purposes the benefit of the expert
knowledge or professional expertise attributed to the maker of the statement. Hence, looking only at the
circumstances of these decided cases where a duty of care in respect of negligent statements has been
held to exist, I should expect to find that the ‘limit or control mechanism … imposed upon the liability of a
wrongdoer towards those who have suffered economic damage in consequence of his negligence’10 rested
in the necessity to prove, in this category of the tort of negligence, as an essential ingredient of the
‘proximity’ between the plaintiff and the defendant, that the defendant knew that his statement would be
communicated to the plaintiff, either as an individual or as a member of an identifiable class, specifically in
connection with a particular transaction or transactions of a particular kind (eg in a prospectus inviting
investment) and that the plaintiff would be very likely to rely on it for the purpose of deciding whether or not
to enter upon that transaction or upon a transaction of that kind …
These considerations amply justify the conclusion that auditors of a public company’s accounts owe no
duty of care to members of the public at large who rely upon the accounts in deciding to buy shares in the
company. If a duty of care were owed so widely, it is difficult to see any reason why it should not equally
extend to all who rely on the accounts in relating to other dealings with a company as lenders or
merchants extending credit to the company. A claim that such a duty was owed by auditors to a bank
lending to a company was emphatically and convincingly rejected by Millett J in Al Saudi Banque v Clark
Pixley11 …
The main submissions for Caparo are that the necessary nexus of proximity between it and the appellants
giving rise to a duty of care stems (1) from the pleaded circumstances indicating the vulnerability of Fidelity
to a takeover bid and from the consequent probability that another company, such as Caparo, would rely
on the audited accounts in deciding to launch a takeover bid, or (2) from the circumstance that Caparo
was already a shareholder in Fidelity when it decided to launch its takeover bid in reliance on the accounts
(p. 472) I should … be extremely reluctant to hold that the question whether or not an auditor owes a duty
of care to an investor buying shares in a public company depends on the degree of probability that the
shares will prove attractive either en bloc to a takeover bidder or piecemeal to individual investors. It would
be equally wrong, in my opinion, to hold an auditor under a duty of care to anyone who might lend money
to a company by reason only that it was foreseeable as highly probable that the company would borrow
money at some time in the year following publication of its audited accounts and that lenders might rely on
those accounts in deciding to lend. I am content to assume the high probability of a takeover bid in
reliance on the accounts which the proposed amendment of the statement of claim would assert but I do
not think it assists Caparo’s case …
[Lord Bridge referred to the statutory provisions dealing with the auditor’s report (Companies Act 1985 (CA
1985) ss 253ff), and continued:] No doubt these provisions establish a relationship between the auditors
and the shareholders of a company on which the shareholder is entitled to rely for the protection of his
interest. But the crucial question concerns the extent of the shareholder’s interest which the auditor has a
duty to protect. The shareholders of a company have a collective interest in the company’s proper
management and in so far as a negligent failure of the auditor to report accurately on the state of the
company’s finances deprives the shareholders of the opportunity to exercise their powers in general
meeting to call the directors to book and to ensure that errors in management are corrected, the
shareholders ought to be entitled to a remedy. But in practice no problem arises in this regard since the
interest of the shareholders in the proper management of the company’s affairs is indistinguishable from
the interest of the company itself and any loss suffered by the shareholder, eg by the negligent failure of
the auditor to discover and expose a misappropriation of funds by a director of the company, will be
recouped by a claim against the auditors in the name of the company, not by individual shareholders.
I find it difficult to visualise a situation arising in the real world in which the individual shareholder could
claim to have sustained a loss in respect of his existing shareholding referable to the negligence of the
auditor which could not be recouped by the company. But on this part of the case your Lordships were
much impressed with the argument that such a loss might occur by a negligent undervaluation of the
company’s assets in the auditor’s report relied on by the individual shareholder in deciding to sell his
shares at an undervalue. The argument then runs thus. The shareholder, qua shareholder, is entitled to rely
on the auditor’s report as the basis of his investment decision to sell his existing shareholding. There can
be no distinction in law between the shareholder’s investment decision to sell the shares he has or to buy
additional shares. It follows, therefore, that the scope of the duty of care owed to him by the auditor
extends to cover any loss sustained consequent on the purchase of additional shares in reliance on the
auditor’s negligent report.
I believe this argument to be fallacious. Assuming without deciding that a claim by a shareholder to recover
a loss suffered by selling his shares at an undervalue attributable to an undervaluation of the company’s
assets in the auditor’s report could be sustained at all, it would not be by reason of any reliance by the
shareholder on the auditor’s report in deciding to sell; the loss would be referable to the depreciatory effect
of the report on the market value of the shares before ever the decision of the shareholder to sell was
taken. A claim to recoup a loss alleged to flow from the purchase of overvalued shares, on the other hand,
can only be sustained on the basis of the purchaser’s reliance on the report. The specious equation of
‘investment decisions’ to sell or to buy as giving rise to parallel claims thus appears to me to be untenable.
LORD ACKNER concurred.
➤ Notes
1. In Galoo Ltd v Bright Grahame Murray [1994] 1 WLR 1360, CA, it was held that, before a claim in the tort
of negligence can be maintained by a third party against an auditor, a ‘special relationship’ must be shown to
have existed between them and, in particular, an intention (p. 473) (actual or inferred) on the part of the
auditor that the third party should rely on the audit, together with actual reliance by the third party.
2. In the same vein, in Al Saudi Banque v Clark Pixley [1990] Ch 313, [1989] 3 All ER 361, it was held that a
company’s auditors owed no duty of care to existing or future creditors who might foreseeably lend money to
the company or continue its existing credit on the faith of its audited accounts.
3. Caparo Industries plc v Dick man may, however, be contrasted with Morgan Crucible Co plc v Hill Samuel
& Co Ltd [1991] Ch 295, CA, where the court declined to rule, as a preliminary point of law, that the directors
and financial advisers, including the auditors, of the target company in a contested takeover bid owed no duty
of care towards the bidder (whose identity was publicly known) in making representations as to the target’s
position, as a result of which the bidder had allegedly been induced to offer more for the shares than they
were worth.12 This was, of course, only a preliminary ruling. There are several other cases in which a court
has declined to strike out in advance an action brought by a party other than the company itself against its
auditors—holding, in effect, that the elements going to establish a ‘special relationship’ could only be
ascertained by hearing the evidence at the trial. Not too much can be read into such decisions: it is perhaps
significant that there is no report of further proceedings in any of these cases.
4. And there are cases which seem to go much further. In Barings plc v Coopers & Lybrand (A Firm) [1997] 1
BCLC 427, CA, it was held that the auditors of a subsidiary owed a duty of care not only to the subsidiary,
but also to its parent company. An argument (based primarily on Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v Newman
Industries Ltd (No 2) [13.21]) that any damage caused by the breach of the auditors’ duty would be suffered
by the subsidiary, and only indirectly by the parent in its capacity as shareholder, was unsuccessful. (Is this
finding affected by the cases on ‘reflective loss’ (see Foster Bryant Surveying Ltd v Bryant, Savernak e
Property Consultants Ltd [7.29])?) In Bank of Credit and Commerce International (Overseas) Ltd v Price
Waterhouse [1998] BCLC 617, CA, the position was more defensible: the question was whether the parent
company’s auditors might owe a duty of care to the parent in respect of the affairs of a subsidiary which had
been audited separately by another firm. Because the business of all the companies in the group was so
close that they were in effect interdependent, the court held that there would need to have been a constant
interchange of information between the two firms of auditors, and that in the circumstances such a duty might
5. In recent years, there have been increasing obligations placed on company auditors both by legislation and
by extrastatutory measures. Thus, for example, an auditor is required to state whether the directors’ report
(required by CA 2006 s 415) is consistent with the accounts (s 496); the Listing Rules stipulate that the
auditor must review the company’s statement of compliance with the UK Corporate Governance Code. The
potential exposure of firms of auditors to liability for very large sums has caused concern in accountancy
circles and has been the subject of debate in many countries. One suggestion advanced for some years is
that auditors should be allowed to limit their liability by contract: this is now permitted by CA 2006 ss 534ff,
subject to certain conditions (see ‘General policy and regulatory issues’, p 463). The alternatives were
unacceptably limited. Auditors could, at least to some extent, cover their position by insurance, but this
drives up the cost of the audit. Another solution is offered by the Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000,
which allows the members (p. 474) of auditing firms to limit their liability for losses caused by the negligence
of other members of the firm. Another possibility suggested during this debate was to amend the law of joint
liability in tort, so that (at least in this context) a tortfeasor should not be jointly and severally liable with the
others who were at fault for all the loss sustained by the claimant, but only for a proportionate part of the loss
corresponding to his share of the liability. In a number of cases decided in Commonwealth countries, auditors
have successfully pleaded that their liability should be reduced because of the contributory negligence of the
company itself (the acts of the company’s directors being attributed to the company for this purpose).
Examples include Daniels v Anderson (1995) 16 ACSR 607 and Dairy Containers Ltd v NZI Bank Ltd [1995] 2
NZLR 30.
6. The UK Corporate Governance Code (‘FRC and the UK Corporate Governance Code for listed companies’,
p 262) requires that, as a matter of good practice, the board of a listed company should establish an audit
committee of at least three directors, all nonexecutive (and having a majority of ‘independent’ nonexecutive
directors (NEDs)), whose duties should include keeping under review the scope and results of the audit and
its costeffectiveness, and the independence and objectivity of its auditors.
Frauds perpetrated by a ‘one man company’: the company cannot sue its auditors for negligence in failing
to detect the fraud; nature of the auditors’ liability.
[8.05] Stone & Rolls Ltd (In Liquidation) v Moore Stephens (A Firm) [2009] UKHL 39, [2009] 1 AC 1391
(House of Lords)
Read the facts of this case and another part of the judgment at [3.32]: the conclusion there is that a one man
company cannot sue its auditors in negligence for failing to detect the fraud of the company’s sole agent and
owner. This conclusion relies on the application of the rules of attribution, the Hampshire Land principle and the ex
turpi causa principle. The following extracts deal exclusively with the issue of auditor liability. The opinions
expressed are obiter, but repay consideration.
The duties of auditors
19 [T]he starting point for considering the issues raised by this appeal is the duties undertaken by Moore
Stephens as auditors. … I would summarise the position as follows. The leading authority is Caparo
Industries plc v Dick man [8.04]. The duties of an auditor are founded in contract and the extent of the
duties undertaken by contract must be interpreted in the light of the relevant statutory provisions and the
relevant auditing standards. The duties are duties of reasonable care in carrying out the audit of the
company’s accounts. They are owed to the company in the interests of its shareholders. No duty is owed
directly to the individual shareholders. This is because the shareholders’ interests are protected by the
duty owed to the company. No duty is owed to creditors … The auditing standards require auditors who
have reason to suspect that the directors of a company are behaving fraudulently to draw this to the
attention of the proper authority. … For present purposes it suffices to note that the duty is unquestionably
imposed in the interests of, at least, the shareholders of the company. …
68 One fundamental proposition appears to me to underlie the reasoning of Lord Walker and Lord Brown. It
is that the duty owed by an auditor to a company is owed for the benefit of the interests of the shareholders
of the company but not of the interests of its creditors. It seems to me that here lies the critical difference
of opinion between Lord Walker and Lord Brown on the one hand and Lord Mance on the other. Lord
Mance considers that the interests that the auditors of a company undertake to protect include the
interests of the creditors. …
(p. 475) 81 I have had difficulty in this case in distinguishing between questions of duty, breach and
actionable damage and, indeed, it is questionable whether it is sensible to attempt to distinguish between
them. In Caparo … Lord Oliver [said, at p 651]:
‘It has to be borne in mind that the duty of care is inseparable from the damage which the plaintiff
claims to have suffered from its breach. It is not a duty to take care in the abstract but a duty to
avoid causing to the particular plaintiff damage of the particular kind which he has in fact sustained.’
82 These comments were made in relation to duty of care in tort. In Banque Bruxelles Lambert SA v Eagle
Star Insurance Co Ltd (sub nom South Australia Asset Management Corpn v York Montague Ltd) [1997]
AC 191 Lord Hoffmann held that precisely the same reasoning applied to a duty of care in contract. …
202 Lord Mance, as I understand his opinion, would find liability here in respect of all such losses as were
occasioned by the fraud from the time when the auditors should have uncovered it. But what is this if not
‘liability in an indeterminate amount for an indeterminate time to an indeterminate class’ of claimants—
whoever came to be defrauded by the company in the trading period after the fraud should have been ended
to whatever was the extent of their loss. (The quoted phrase comes, of course, from Cardozo CJ’s
judgment in Ultramares Corpn v Touche (1931) 174 NE 441 …) The company, through its liquidator, would
be suing to recover on behalf of all those whom it had defrauded. That, indeed, is precisely the nature of
this claim. Such an approach seems to me to run diametrically counter to the principles established
in Caparo. …
203 I recognise, of course, that confining the ex turpi causa defence, as I would, to one man company
frauds means that, where any innocent shareholders are involved, a claim against the auditors may well lie
(through the company) at their suit. This, however, would not be an openended claim, wholly indeterminate
as to its potential scope and extent at the time of the audit, such as that presently brought. Quite how it
would fall to be confined is no doubt open to argument. But on one view it might be limited to the innocent
shareholders’ own loss suffered through the continuing fraud from the time when, following a diligent audit,
it should have been uncovered and brought to an end. A claim of that nature would seem to me to accord
altogether more readily with the policies and principles generally understood to apply in this context.
LORD MANCE (dissenting):
206 My Lords, the world has sufficient experience of Ponzi schemes operated by individuals owning ‘one
man’ companies for it to be questionable policy to relieve from all responsibility auditors negligently failing
in their duty to check and report on such companies’ activities. The speeches of my noble and learned
friends in the majority have that effect. In my opinion, English law does not require it. …
The auditors’ liability where the company’s directing mind is fraudulent
241 … Leaving aside situations in which the directing mind(s) is or are the sole beneficial shareholder(s), it
is obvious—although the Court of Appeal’s judgment is surprisingly silent on the point—that an auditor
cannot, by reference to the maxim ex turpi causa, defeat a claim for breach of duty in failing to detect
managerial fraud at the company’s highest level by attributing to the company the very fraud which the
auditor should have detected. It would lame the very concept of an audit—a check on management for the
benefit of shareholders—if the higher the level of managerial fraud, the lower the auditor’s responsibility.
When Lord Bridge noted inCaparo that shareholders’ remedy in the case of negligent failure by an auditor
to discover and expose misappropriation of funds by a director consisted in a claim against the auditors in
the name of the company (p 626e), he cannot conceivably have had in mind that it would make all the
difference to the availability of such a claim whether the director was or was not the company’s directing
mind. The fact that a ‘very thing’ that an auditor undertakes is the exercise of reasonable care in relation to
the possibility of financial impropriety at the highest level makes it impossible for the auditor to treat the
company itself as personally involved in such fraud, or to invoke the maxim ex turpi causa in such a case.
Context is once (p. 476) again all … Lord Phillips’s statement (para 5) that ‘common sense’ might
suggest that S & R’s claim should fail because Moore Stephens were victims of deceitfully prepared
company accounts must be categorically rejected. It would emasculate audit responsibility and the
auditor’s wellrecognised duty to approach their audit role if not as bloodhounds, then certainly as
watchdogs—planning and performing their audit with the ‘attitude of professional scepticism’ required by
paras 27 and 28 of auditing standard SAS 110 in relation to the possibility of fraud as well as of error in
management representations and company records and documents.[13 ]
242 Auditing standards and procedures have changed significantly over the years. But the potential
responsibility of auditors for negligent failure to detect accounting deficiencies or managerial fraud—leading
the company to sustain further loss connected with such deficiencies or the continuation of such fraud—
dates back to the early days of auditing: see, eg, In re London and General Bank (No 2) [8.01] (liability for
a dividend voted by shareholders on the basis of misleading accounts on which the auditors failed
adequately to report) and In re Thomas Gerrard & Son Ltd [8.03] (liability for dividends voted and tax
liabilities incurred on the basis of accounts containing fraudulent inflation of the company’s profits by Mr
Croston, its managing director and holder of 18,000 of its shares, which the auditors negligently failed to
discover and report on). In the latter case, the auditors argued (somewhat faintly), that Mr Croston knew
and was not misled about the true position and that the payment of the dividends and tax flowed from his or
the directors’ actions … Pennycuick J gave short shrift to the argument …
243 In Galoo Ltd v Bright Grahame Murray [1994] 1 WLR 1360 auditors were allegedly negligent in failing to
detect fraudulent overvaluation of Galoo Ltd’s stock by Mr Sanders, who was clearly the directing mind of
Galoo Ltd and its 100% parent. The claim was that, but for such negligence, both companies would have
been wound up in 1986 instead of in 1993 and would have avoided losses made in subsequent adverse
trading in that eightyear period. The claim was rejected on grounds of causation (the losses were caused
by the subsequent adverse trading, and the ‘but for’ link to the auditors’ negligence was insufficient). There
was no suggestion that Mr Sanders’ knowledge of or involvement in the fraud could defeat it.
‘acknowledge that there may be occasions when it is necessary for an auditor to report directly to a
third party without the knowledge or consent of the management. Such would be the case if the
auditor suspects that management may be involved in, or is condoning, fraud or other irregularities
and such would be occasions when the duty to report overrides the duty of confidentiality.’
The Court of Appeal cannot have thought such a duty in shareholders’ interests would only exist if senior
management below the level of the company’s directing mind or board were complicit in the fraud.
245 It is in principle therefore no answer to an auditor who has failed to discover fraud to point to
involvement or knowledge on the part of the company’s directing mind. This conclusion is justified on
grounds paralleling those applicable between the company and its directing mind … That is not surprising,
since both senior management and auditors owe duties to the company intended to protect shareholders’
interests, and such duties must be enforceable. The two sets of relationship are essentially
complementary, although the duty is in one case primary and in the other confirmatory. (p. 477) However
the present scheme of fraud is categorised, it cannot in the context of the audit engagement be attributed
to the company itself, so as to relieve the auditors from their duty or prevent the company complaining of
its breach. Again, this is so as a matter of general principle having regard to the nature of the roles and
duties undertaken. Again, however, it can be supported by reference to the Hampshire Land principle,
which, in this context also, means that the interests and activities of S & R and of Mr Stojevic must be
distinguished, precisely because it was among Moore Stephens’s functions as auditor to ensure to the
former a degree of protection against the latter. …
The auditor’s position where some of the shareholders have engaged in fraud
249 Fraud of the company’s directing mind is as such, therefore, no bar to a claim by the company against
its auditor for loss sustained by the company due to negligent failure to detect such fraud: paras 241–247
above. It cannot in principle make any difference if (as will very commonly be the case) the same person
owns some shares in the company. As a matter of basic company law, the company’s separate legal
personality entitles it to claim, and the situation mentioned by Lord Hoffmann in the Meridian case … in
which it is legitimate to look behind the veil at the shareholders, applies only when all the shareholders in a
solvent company concur in committing the company to some decision within its memorandum of
250 Lord Phillips expresses the view (para 61) that the position ‘becomes unclear … if some of the
shareholders were complicit in the directing mind and will’s misconduct’ because of the possibility of ‘the
fraudulent shareholders profiting from their dishonesty’. Selfevidently this focuses only on the presently
irrelevant situation of a solvent company. But even in a situation of solvency, I consider that the doubt
expressed by Lord Phillips about the company’s right of recovery conflicts with the principle precluding the
lifting of the corporate veil. In reality, it would, if accepted, transform the law regarding auditors’
responsibility, since in many cases fraudulent management own some shares.
251 The concern behind the doubt is that auditors might be liable to the company in amounts which would
then enure to the benefit of guilty shareholders. This is however an insubstantial spectre, whether or not the
company is insolvent. In cases of insolvency … there is commonly no conceivable prospect of any
shareholder benefiting by any recovery, however large, made against a negligent auditor. A claim against
auditors will not in practice reimburse the company for all its loss, because the very basis of the claim will
be that future loss was caused by failure on one or more audits to detect a continuing scheme of fraud
which will already have caused past loss. This is quite apart from the fact that auditors’ negligence cases
are commonly compromised before trial. Further, if a guilty shareholder is identifiable and has current
assets, the company will often look first to them and any recovery from the auditor will be reduced
accordingly … And, if this does not happen, auditors commonly join fraudulent directors and others as third
party defendants, and take steps to freeze any assets that they may have.
252 Nevertheless, it is appropriate to give some further consideration to the position of a solvent company
(or a company which would be rendered solvent if it recovered damages from its auditors), on the remote
hypothesis that, if it were to recover in full, then shareholders who had already benefited by or were involved
in the wrongdoing might benefit by an increase in value of the company. A similar spectre of double
recovery may be summoned in respect of the recovery from negligent auditors of dividends which a
company has wrongly paid out to shareholders on the faith of fraudulent accounts. In that situation, the
shareholders may either be entirely innocent or may include shareholders aware of the accounts’ falsity.
The spectre of double recovery was thus raised, briefly and unsuccessfully, as an objection to the recovery
of damages against negligent auditors in In re Thomas Gerrard [1968] Ch 455. Counsel submitted that it
would be ‘monstrous for the shareholders to receive again what they had already received in excess
dividends’ (p 469f). Pennycuick J’s response was simply that the auditors were ‘of course entitled to credit
for the account [sic] recovered from Mr Croston’ (p 478g). As stated above, Mr Croston was not only the
managing director, but also a significant shareholder. However, the company was in liquidation, so that the
factual basis (p. 478) for counsel’s submission that the shareholders might ‘receive again what they had
already received in excess dividends’ is also unclear.
253 The whole topic was however comprehensively revisited by Giles J in the Supreme Court of New South
Wales in Segenhoe Ltd v Ak ins (1990) 1 ACSR 691 where he held that it did not matter whether the
company paying the dividend was solvent rather than insolvent. In either case the company as a separate
entity was out of pocket to the extent of the money paid away. To prevent recovery by the company
because the money was paid to shareholders rather than to a third party ‘would negate the company’s
status as a legal entity separate from its shareholders’ and in any event, even if the shareholders remained
the same, they would not necessarily be paid twice over. Giles J’s full reasoning at pp 701–702 repays
reading. The only contrary suggestion in any authority appears to consist of a single dictum of Cotton LJ
in In re Exchange Bank ing Co (Flitcroft’s Case) (1882) 21 Ch D 519 [which he then explained in a way
consistent with the analysis being advanced]. …
254 I turn now to situations where the loss consists not of dividends paid out to shareholders, but of other
payments fraudulently extracted from the company. In these situations, by definition, the only
shareholders, who might conceivably benefit twice over if a company were able to recover such losses from
wrongdoers such as its directors or auditor, would be shareholders participating in the fraud. Again, the
issue would only arise in a case where (unlike the present) the company was solvent or (improbably) would
be made so by recovery from its directors or auditor. In my view, English law would find, as some American
courts have found, a way of addressing this issue, even though it may be a different way. … I also believe
that would be so. The common law is not so barren as to be unable to achieve in this area what Lord Goff
of Chieveley once described in another context as ‘practical justice’.
255 One approach that could not, with respect, be adopted is that suggested by my noble and learned
friend, Lord Brown, in his judgment at para 203. That paragraph ignores separate corporate personality
when it refers to ‘a claim against the auditors [which] may well lie (through the company) at their [ie
innocent shareholders’] suit’. A company (all the more so when in insolvent litigation) sues in its own right,
not for or at the suit of its shareholders. I am also aware of no ‘policies and principles’, generally
understood or not, which might limit a company’s recovery for a wrong done to it by reference to whatever
loss its innocent shareholders might, if the corporate veil were lifted, be said themselves to have suffered.
The suggestion that this could be the measure of a company’s recovery again ignores the company’s
separate legal identity and interests. Suppose senior management own 50% of the shares, and are
operating a scheme of fraud which the auditor should have detected at the end of year 1, and that fraud
costs the company £1m in year 2. Why should it matter whether, but for the £1m abstraction in year 2,
shareholders’ equity would or would not have increased in value? What if the £1m abstraction imperils the
company or renders it insolvent? The company has suffered a loss of £1m, and is entitled to recover this for
its own purposes including payment of its debts. The only qualification on full recovery that might,
theoretically, exist in a solvent situation (other than those inherent in conventional contractual and tortious
principles of causation and remoteness) is one tailored to ensuring that no guilty shareholder actually
benefits, and this could be achieved, if it were ever to be a real concern …
The auditor’s position where all the shareholders have engaged in fraud
256 The issue which is, or should be, critical to this appeal arises where the person(s) responsible for the
scheme of fraud own all the company’s shares. The auditor is there to check on management and report to
shareholders. But the shareholders know the true position. In a situation of solvency, the straightforward
analysis is that there is nothing to report, noone to complain and no loss. It might also be questioned
whether there is any breach of duty, at least in tort and perhaps also in contract, in failing to report to
persons who already know; however, this may overlook the fact that the negligent auditor will by definition
not know that the shareholders do know, and it also needs to be considered in the light of the auditor’s
statutory role and the duties, here largely express, which an auditor undertakes. More pertinently, ‘so long
as the company is solvent the shareholders are in (p. 479) substance the company’ (para 235), and the
company cannot therefore say that it was ignorant or misled or suffered loss.
257 Two cases illustrate the application of this straightforward analysis to companies solvent at the audit
date. In Pendleburys Ltd v Ellis Green & Co (1936) 181 LT 410 a company claimed against its auditor loss
caused by its cashier’s defalcations. It sought to attribute such loss to the auditor’s failure, when reporting
on the accounts, to disclose weaknesses in the company’s bookkeeping systems arising from the
absence of certain books and internal checks. The company’s only three directors were its sole
shareholders and debentureholders, and the auditor had reported the weaknesses to them from time to
time. Swift J in dismissing the claim observed that the defendants had made their reports to the three men
who had ‘every pecuniary interest in the company’, and that, ‘although they, as auditors, were there to
protect the shareholders it could not seriously be said that the shareholders did not receive the information
and protection which the law desired should be secured to them’ (p 411). The reference to the directors as
having ‘every pecuniary interest in the company’ and the absence in the report of any contrary suggestion
indicate that the company remained solvent at all times.
258 The second case is Hobhouse J’s decision in Berg [2002] Lloyd’s Rep PN 41. Berg & Co was solvent
at the date of the relevant 1982 audit. (It became insolvent some years later by reason of a trading debt
incurred in 1984.) The negligence it alleged against its former auditors related to a receivable of £2.39m
shown in the 1982 accounts as due from a company called Gimco, in respect of which the auditors had
simply accepted the uncorroborated and unsupported assurances of Gimco and Mr Golechha, Berg & Co’s
sole active director and ultimate beneficial owner. At p 44 Hobhouse J pointed out that, although Berg & Co
was a separate and distinct legal entity, Mr Golechha was its directing mind, his knowledge was the
company’s and ‘There was never any general body of shareholders nor any minority shareholders. In
addressing their certificate to “the members” of Berg, [the auditors] were for all practical purposes
addressing it to Mr Golechha alone’. Applying Caparo he said, at p 53:
‘the purpose of the statutory audit is to provide a mechanism to enable those having a proprietary
interest in the company or being concerned with its management or control to have access to
accurate financial information about the company. Provided that those persons have that
information, the statutory purpose is exhausted. What those persons do with the information is a
matter for them and falls outside the scope of the statutory purpose. In the present case the first
plaintiffs [the company] have based their case not upon any lack of information on the part of Mr
Golechha but rather upon the opportunity that the possession of the auditor’s certificate is said to
have given for the company to continue to carry on business and to borrow money from third parties.
Such matters do not fall within the scope of the duty of the statutory auditor.’ …
260 The company argued in Berg [2002] Lloyd’s Rep PN 41 that the Hampshire Land principle precluded
the attribution to it of Mr Golechha’s knowledge. The argument failed in limine (because it was not shown
that Mr Golechha was guilty of any fraud on the audit or towards the company), but Hobhouse J, at p 54,
also addressed the position as it would have been had there been any fraud:
‘However one identifies the company, whether it is the head management, or the company in
general meeting, it was not misled and no fraud was practised upon it. This is a simple and
unsurprising consequence of the fact that every physical manifestation of the company Berg was Mr
Golechha himself. Any company must in the last resort, if it is to allege that it was fraudulently
misled, be able to point to some natural person who was misled by the fraud. That the plaintiffs
cannot do.’
In the result, the company was entitled only to nominal damages for the technical breach of contract
involved in the failure to qualify the audit report. Hobhouse J’s words must be taken in context. The
company was solvent at the relevant dates. There was noone but Mr Golechha to think or act for or be
interested in it. …
(p. 480) 262 Moore Stephens argue, and I understand the majority of your Lordships to consider, that this
appeal is covered by the same analysis [as found in US cases]. In short, Mr Stojevic was S & R’s sole
directing mind and its sole beneficial owner; and the company cannot in consequence complain that it
succeeded in deceiving Moore Stephens and was in consequence not stopped by others (regulatory or
investigating authorities) from pursuing its scheme of fraud. Such a conclusion could be explained in
various ways: the auditor’s duty did not extend to supplying information which all persons who can
represent the company already have; or whistleblowing on S & R was and is outside the statutory purpose
of the audit as between the company and the auditor; or the principle ex turpi causaapplies. Which way
was adopted would be presently immaterial. …
267 The decisions in Caparo [8.04] 605 and Al Saudi Banque [1990] Ch 313 establish that auditors’ duties
are normally limited to the protection of the company’s interests for the benefit of its shareholders. …
268 Other than in special situations, therefore, auditors owe no direct duties towards third parties. But
none of the above cases addresses the present situation of a claim by the company against its auditors for
failure to pick up a fraudulent scheme rendering it increasingly insolvent. But in Caparo, both Lord Bridge
and Lord Oliver recognised the company’s standing to bring claims for loss which it has suffered by its
officers’ fraud (see para 214 above); and, further, Lord Oliver described an auditor’s duty as being, first of
all, ‘to protect the company itself from the consequences of undetected errors or, possibly, wrongdoing’,
before identifying a second duty ‘to provide shareholders with reliable intelligence’ (para 214 above).
269 In my opinion it is in no way inconsistent with Caparo … to hold auditors responsible to the company
they audit in the present circumstances. I underline four points in this connection. First, the concern about
indefinite exposure to third parties does not exist in the context of a claim by the company. S & R’s claim
is to recover its own (not its creditors’) loss by reason of the continuing scheme of fraud. Loss to the
company is not the same as loss to its creditors, although there may or may not be an overlap. An
insolvent company may by fraud raise £1m from bank A which it uses in a Ponzi type scheme to pay off a
borrowing from bank B. Bank A is £1m worse off, and bank B £1m better off. But the company itself is no
worse off from the continuing fraud. It is liable to pay bank A £1m, but it has benefited by £1m by paying off
bank B using bank A’s £1m. Of course if (as here) it raises £1m by fraud and pays only £500,000 to bank
B and if its directing mind makes off with the other £500,000, then the company is £500,000 worse off due
to the continuation of the fraud, but that is and remains its own loss. Secondly, S & R’s claim is for
precisely the same loss as a company with some shareholders innocent of involvement in top
management’s fraud would be entitled to claim from negligent auditors who had failed to detect and report
the fraud (paras 249–255 above). Thirdly, it cannot be suggested that the care to be expected of Moore
Stephens as auditors varied according to whether all of S & R’s shares happened to be owned and/or
controlled by Mr Stojevic. Their express contractual duty was under auditing standard SAS 110.10 and
110.12 to report to a proper authority without delay where suspected or actual fraud cast doubt on the
integrity of directors. This duty in fact exists under SAS 110 irrespective of whether there are or are not
independent shareholders of integrity. Auditors would not in any event necessarily have any idea whether
any such shareholders exist.
270 Fourthly, quite apart from the express provisions of auditing standard SAS 110, a situation of
insolvency introduces new considerations for reasons previously explained. The identity of interest which
normally exists between a company and its shareholders ceases, and the duties of auditors, like those of
directors, must recognise this. The company as a legal personality continues and the auditors’ duty
continues to be, in Lord Oliver’s words in Caparo (p 630), ‘to protect the company itself from the
consequences of undetected errors or, possibly, wrongdoing’. If, in Hobhouse J’s words in Berg [2002]
Lloyd’s Rep PN 41, 55, ‘those in charge of the affairs of a company or in control of it are acting contrary to
the principles governing insolvency’, then the auditors can no longer treat them as representing the
company, and must take other action—according to SAS 110 ‘without informing the directors in advance’.
(p. 481) ➤ Questions
1. In Stone & Rolls, Lord Walker said, ‘Much of the opinion of my noble and learned friend, Lord Mance,
seems to me, with great respect, to be seeking to attenuate by indirect means the House’s decision
in Caparo, although we are not invited to depart from it.’ Is this accurate?
2. What are the policy reasons in favour and against each of the opposing viewpoints advanced in the House
of Lords?
3. Is it simply impossible in the context of a one man company to maintain purist adherence to the doctrine
of separate legal personality? Or is the real problem a far more general one: we simply need special rules to
deal with fraud and fraudsters?
Promoters and their dealings with the company
The term ‘promoter’ is not defined in the Companies Act, and such attempts at definition as have been made by
the courts (mainly in the nineteenth century) seem to have been concerned only to ensure that enough flexibility
was retained to catch the next ingenious rogue which the preincorporation period might produce. The best known
of these is the description given by Cockburn CJ in Twycross v Grant (1877) 2 CPD 469 at 541: ‘one who
undertakes to form a company with reference to a given project, and to set it going, and who takes the necessary
steps to accomplish that purpose’.
There is an enormous body of old case law concerned with the obligations of promoters towards the companies
which they form and the investing public whose capital they seek to attract. But to all intents and purposes this
law has become obsolete. This is due partly to changes in the practice of marketing securities: it is unusual for a
newly formed company to make an initial public issue, and not normally possible to obtain a market listing,
without an established trading record. It is also due to the stringent control of such activities now imposed by
statute and by the Listing Rules (which must be complied with in order to gain access to the Stock
Exchange)14 and the professional codes of issuing houses and others whose services are nowadays essential.
There is thus little need to include extracts from these cases, insofar as they relate to promoters’ duties, as such
cases are now mainly of historical interest.
CA 2006, too, pays little specific attention to promoters. The only issue of real concern is, perhaps predictably,
the propriety of any sales of noncash assets to the company by its promoters (or those in similar positions).
Even here, CA 2006 only concerns itself with public companies. CA 2006 ss 598–604 require the independent
valuation of all noncash assets sold to a public company within two years of its formation or reregistration by
persons who were either the subscribers to the memorandum at the time the company was registered as a public
company, or were its members at the time it was reclassified and reregistered as a public company. The valuer’s
report must state that the asset is worth at least the price being paid for it by the company. In addition, the
agreement for sale must be approved by an ordinary resolution of the company’s members, and a copy of this
resolution and the valuation sent to Companies House within 15 days of adoption. Companies House then gives
public notice of receipt of the report (ss 1077 and 1078(3)). There are de minimis exceptions to these
requirements if the asset is worth less than 10% of the nominal value of the company’s allotted share capital. In
addition, the rules do not apply to any sales in the normal course of the company’s business.
(p. 482) Here the focus is simply on illustrations of the promoters’ relationships and dealings with the company
as a separate legal person. The next two cases have strong parallels with the approach taken to the relationship
and dealings between a company and its directors.
Promoters are fiduciaries. A contract between the promoter and the company is voidable at the company’s
option unless the promoter has disclosed all material facts relating to that contract to an independent
board, and the company has freely agreed to the terms.
[8.06] Erlanger v New Sombrero Phosphate Co (1878) 3 App Cas 1218 (House of Lords)
A syndicate headed by Erlanger, a Paris banker, acquired for £55,000 the lease of an island in the West Indies
with the right to work its phosphate deposits. The syndicate, through Erlanger, then formed the respondent
company and named its first directors. Of these, one, the Lord Mayor of London, was independent of the
syndicate; two were abroad, and the remainder were mere puppets of Erlanger. The lease was then sold through a
nominee to the company for £110,000, the purchase being ‘ratified’ without inquiry at a meeting of directors eight
days after the incorporation of the company. Many members of the public subscribed for shares, but the real
circumstances of the sale and purchase were not disclosed to them and were not discovered until eight months
later, after the first phosphate shipments had proved a failure. The members then removed the original directors
and elected a new board, which brought these proceedings to have the sale rescinded.
LORD CAIRNS LC: In the whole of this proceeding … the syndicate, or the house of Erlanger as
representing the syndicate, were the promoters of the company, and it is now necessary that I should
state to your Lordships in what position I understand the promoters to be placed with reference to the
company which they proposed to form. They stand, in my opinion, undoubtedly in a fiduciary position. They
have in their hands the creation and moulding of the company; they have the power of defining how, and
when, and in what shape, and under what supervision, it shall start into existence and begin to act as a
trading corporation. If they are doing all this in order that the company may, as soon as it starts into life,
become, through its managing directors, the purchaser of the property of themselves, the promoters, it is,
in my opinion, incumbent upon the promoters to take care that in forming the company they provide it with
an executive, that is to say, with a board of directors, who shall both be aware that the property which they
are asked to buy is the property of the promoters, and who shall be competent and impartial judges as to
whether the purchase ought or ought not to be made. I do not say that the owner of the property may not
promote and form a joint stock company, and then sell his property to it, but I do say that if he does he is
bound to take care that he sells it to the company through the medium of a board of directors who can and
do exercise an independent and intelligent judgment on the transaction, and who are not left under the
belief that the property belongs, not to the promoter, but to some other person …
LORD O’HAGAN: The original purchase of the island of Sombrero was perfectly legitimate—and it was not
less so because the object of the purchasers was to sell it again, and to sell it by forming a company
which might afford them a profit on the transaction. The law permitted them to take that course, and
provided the machinery by which the transfer of their interest might be equitably and beneficially effected for
themselves and those with whom they meant to deal. But the privilege given them for promoting such a
company for such an object, involved obligations of a very serious kind. It required, in its exercise, the
utmost good faith, the completest truthfulness, and a careful regard to the protection of the future
shareholders. The power to nominate a directorate is manifestly capable of great abuse, and may involve,
in the misuse of it, very evil consequences to multitudes of people who have little capacity to guard
themselves. Such a power may or may not have been wisely permitted to exist. I venture to have doubts
upon the point. It tempts too much to (p. 483) fraudulent contrivance and mischievous deception; and, at
least, it should be watched with jealousy and restrained from employment in such a way as to mislead the
ignorant and the unwary. In all such cases the directorate nominated by the promoters should stand
between them and the public, with such independence and intelligence, that they may be expected to deal
fairly, impartially and with adequate knowledge in the affairs submitted to their control. If they have not
those qualities, they are unworthy of trust. They are the betrayers and not the guardians of the company
they govern, and their acts should not receive the sanction of a court of justice.
Now, my Lords, for reasons repeatedly given by my noble and learned friends, which I shall not detail
again, I think that the promoters in this case failed to remember the exigencies of their fiduciary position,
when they appointed directors who were in no way independent of themselves, and who did not sustain the
interests of the company with ordinary care and intelligence …
Apparently, there was no inquiry as to the enormous advance in the price …, no consideration of the state
of the property—and no intelligent estimate of its capabilities and prospects. If the directors had been
nominated merely to ratify any terms the promoters might dictate, they discharged their function; if it was
their duty, as it certainly was, to protect the shareholders, they never seem to have thought of doing it.
Their conduct was precisely that which might have been anticipated from the character of their selection,
and taking that conduct and character together, I concur in, I believe, the unanimous opinion of your
Lordships that such a transaction ought not to be allowed to stand.
The promoters, who so forgot their duty to the company they formed, as to give it a directorate without
independence of position or vigilance and caution in caring for its interests, must take the consequences.
And this without the necessary imputation of evil purpose or conscious fraud. The fiduciary obligation may
be violated though there may be no intention to do injustice. If the protection, proper and needful for a
person standing at disadvantage in relation to his guardian or his solicitor, or to the promoters of a
company, be withheld, the guardian, the solicitor or the promoters cannot sustain a contract equitably
invalidated by the want of it, merely because it may be impossible to prove that he is impeachable with
indirect or improper motives …
➤ Notes
1. The principles of fiduciary obligation are rules applied by the courts of equity to impose high standards of
selfless conduct upon trustees and others, such as agents and solicitors, who undertake responsibility to
look after the interests or handle the property of others. Company promoters and company directors (see
Chapter 7) are subject to these rules.
2. It has been accepted at least since Salomon v A Salomon & Co Ltd [2.01] that, if there is no independent
board of directors, the company may be bound by the consent of all the original members, provided that a full
disclosure is made to them of all material facts. But, as is shown by Gluck stein v Barnes [8.07] even this will
not protect a promoter if the original members themselves are not independent and the scheme as a whole is
designed to attract and deceive the investing public at large.
Promoters, as fiduciaries, may not make a secret profit while acting in that capacity. Any profits so
received must be accounted for to the company.
[8.07] Gluckstein v Barnes [1900] AC 240 (House of Lords)
Gluckstein and three others bought the Olympia exhibition premises in liquidation proceedings for £140,000 and
then promoted a company, Olympia Ltd, to which they sold the property for £180,000. There were no independent
directors. In a prospectus inviting applications for shares and debentures the £40,000 profit was disclosed, but not
a further profit of some £20,000 (p. 484) which they had made by buying securities on the property at a discount
and then enforcing them at their face value (though there was a vague reference to ‘interim investments’). The
company went into liquidation within four years, and the liquidator claimed in this action £6,341, part of the
£20,000 received by Gluckstein.
EARL OF HALSBURY LC: My Lords, I am wholly unable to understand any claim that these directors,
vendors, syndicate, associates, have to retain this money. I entirely agree with the Master of the Rolls that
the essence of this scheme was to form a company. It was essential that this should be done, and that
they should be directors of it, who would purchase. The company should have been informed of what was
being done and consulted whether they would have allowed this profit. I think the Master of the Rolls is
absolutely right in saying that the duty to disclose is imposed by the plainest dictates of common honesty
as well as by wellsettled principles of common law.
Of the facts there cannot be the least doubt; they are proved by the agreement, now that we know the
subjectmatter with which that agreement is intended to deal, although the agreement would not disclose
what the nature of the transaction was to those who were not acquainted with the ingenious arrangements
which were prepared for entrapping the intended victim of these arrangements.
In order to protect themselves, as they supposed, they inserted in the prospectus, qualifying the statement
that they had bought the property for £140,000, payable in cash, that they did not sell to the company, and
did not intend to sell, any other profits made by the syndicate from interim investments.
Then it is said there is the alternative suggested upon the agreement that the syndicate might sell to a
company or to some other purchaser. In the first place, I do not believe they ever intended to sell to
anybody else other than a company. An individual purchaser might ask inconvenient questions, and if they
or any one of them had stated as an inducement to an individual purchaser that £140,000 was given for the
property, when in fact £20,000 less had been given, it is a great error to suppose that the law is not strong
enough to reach such a statement; but as I say, I do not believe it was ever intended to get an individual
purchaser, even if such an intention would have had any operation. When they did afterwards sell to a
company, they took very good care there should be no one who could ask questions. They were to be
sellers to themselves as buyers, and it was a necessary provision to the plan that they were to be both
sellers and buyers, and as buyers to get the money to pay for the purchase from the pockets of deluded
My Lords, I decline to discuss the question of disclosure to the company. It is too absurd to suggest that a
disclosure to the parties to this transaction is a disclosure to the company of which these directors were
the proper guardians and trustees. They were there by the terms of the agreement to do the work of the
syndicate, that is to say, to cheat the shareholders; and this, forsooth, is to be treated as a disclosure to
the company, when they were really there to hoodwink the shareholders, and so far from protecting them,
were to obtain from them the money, the produce of their nefarious plans.
I do not discuss either the sum sued for, or why Gluckstein alone is sued.
The whole sum has been obtained by a very gross fraud, and all who were parties to it are responsible to
make good what they have obtained and withheld from the shareholders.
I move your Lordships that the appeal be dismissed with costs.
LORD MACNAGHTEN: My Lords, Mr Swinfen Eady argued this appeal with his usual ability, but the case
is far too clear for argument … For my part, I cannot see any ingenuity or any novelty in the trick which Mr
Gluckstein and his associates practised on the persons whom they invited to take shares in Olympia
Limited. It is the old story. It has been done over and over again.
These gentlemen set about forming a company to pay them a handsome sum for taking off their hands a
property which they had contracted to buy with that end in view. They bring the company into existence by
means of the usual machinery. They appoint themselves sole guardians and protectors of this creature of
theirs, halffledged and just struggling into life, bound hand and foot while (p. 485) yet unborn by contracts
tending to their private advantage, and so fashioned by its makers that it could only act by their hands and
only see through their eyes. They issue a prospectus representing that they had agreed to purchase the
property for a sum largely in excess of the amount which they had, in fact, to pay. On the faith of this
prospectus they collect subscriptions from a confiding and credulous public. And then comes the last act.
Secretly, and therefore dishonestly, they put into their own pockets the difference between the real and the
pretended price. After a brief career the company is ordered to be wound up. In the course of the liquidation
the trick is discovered. Mr Gluckstein is called upon to make good a portion of the sum which he and his
associates had misappropriated. Why Mr Gluckstein alone was selected for attack I do not know any
more than I know why he was only asked to pay back a fraction of the money improperly withdrawn from
the coffers of the company.
However that may be, Mr Gluckstein defends his conduct or, rather I should say, resists the demand, on
four grounds, which have been gravely argued at the bar. In the first place, he says that he was not in a
fiduciary position towards Olympia Limited, before the company was formed. Well, for some purposes he
was not. For others he was. A good deal might be said on the point. But to my mind the point is
immaterial, for it is not necessary to go back beyond the formation of the company.
In the second place, he says that if he was in a fiduciary position he did in fact make a proper disclosure.
With all deference to the learned counsel for the appellant, that seems to me to be absurd. ‘Disclosure’ is
not the most appropriate word to use when a person who plays many parts announces to himself in one
character what he has done and is doing in another. To talk of disclosure to the thing called the company,
when as yet there were no shareholders, is a mere farce. To the intended shareholders there was no
disclosure at all. On them was practised an elaborate system of deception.
The third ground of defence was that the only remedy was rescission. That defence, in the circumstances
of the present case, seems to me to be as contrary to common sense as it is to authority. The point was
settled more than sixty years ago by the decision in Hichens v Congreve15 and so far as I know, that case
has never been questioned.
The last defence of all was that, however much the shareholders may have been wronged, they have bound
themselves by a special bargain, sacred under the provisions of the Companies Act 1862,[16 ] to bear their
wrongs in silence. In other words, Mr Gluckstein boldly asserts that he is entitled to use the provisions of
an Act of Parliament, which are directed to a very different purpose, as a shield and shelter against the just
consequences of his fraud …
There are two things in this case which puzzle me much, and I do not suppose that I shall ever understand
them. I mention them merely because I should be very sorry if it were thought that in those two matters the
House unanimously approved of what has been done. I do not understand why Mr Gluckstein and his
associates were not called upon to refund the whole of the money which they misappropriated. What they
did with it, whether they put it in their own pockets or distributed it among their confederates, or spent it in
charity, seems to me absolutely immaterial. In the next place, I do not understand why Mr Gluckstein was
only charged with interest at the rate of 3%. I should have thought it was a case for penal interest.
In these two matters Mr Gluckstein has been in my opinion extremely fortunate. But he complains that he
may have a difficulty in recovering from his codirectors their share of the spoil, and he asks that the official
liquidator may proceed against his associates before calling upon him to make good the whole amount
with which he has been charged. My Lords, there may be occasions in which that would be a proper
course to take. But I cannot think that this is a case in which any indulgence ought to be shown to Mr
Gluckstein. He may or may not be able to recover a contribution (p. 486) from those who joined with him
in defrauding the company. He can bring an action at law if he likes. If he hesitates to take that course or
takes it and fails, then his only remedy lies in an appeal to that sense of honour which is popularly
supposed to exist among robbers of a humbler type. I agree that the appeal must be dismissed with costs.
LORD ROBERTSON delivered a concurring opinion.
See also Re Darby [2.16].
➤ Notes
1. A wide choice of remedies is available against a promoter who has acted in breach of his fiduciary
obligations. The company may rescind any contract between the promoter and the newly formed company
(see Erlanger [8.06], and the following Note 3), or the company may bring proceedings for the restitution of a
benefit which the promoter has received from third parties, either in equity on the basis of a constructive trust
(although note the debate at Sinclair Investments (UK) Ltd v Versailles Trade Finance Ltd (In
Administration) [7.38] and following, on proprietary remedies), or at law as a claim for money had and
received. The parties to a secret bargain may also be sued in an action of deceit. Where a promoter has been
promised, but has not received, a profit, bribe or other benefit, the company may itself enforce his claim for
payment against the promisor, on the ground that he holds the claim as trustee for it: Whaley Bridge Calico
Printing Co v Green (1879) 5 QBD 109.
2. Where the company does not seem able to available itself of the remedies noted earlier (most commonly
because rescission is barred because restitutio in integrumhas become impossible), then the courts have
often avoided the ensuing injustice by finding the promoter liable in damages for deceit (see, eg, Re Leeds
and Hanley Theatres of Varieties Ltd [1902] 2 Ch 809, CA), or for negligence in allowing the company to
purchase at too high a price (see, eg, Jacobus Marler Estates Ltd v Marler(1913) 85 LJPC 167n, PC), or
under the Misrepresentation Act 1967 (if there has been an actionable misrepresentation17 ).18
3. Where a promoter has sold to his company property which he did not acquire as a promoter or did not
acquire with a view to launching the promotion—for example, property which he inherited some years before
—the remedy of rescission of the contract of sale is, of course, available to the company if he did not make a
proper disclosure of his interest at the time of the sale. However, if rescission is no longer possible (eg
because of supervening third party rights), or if the company elects to affirm the contract, an alternative
remedy by way of an account of profits does not lie: Re Cape Breton Co (1885) 29 Ch D 795, CA; Ladywell
Mining Co v Brook es (1887) 35 Ch D 400, CA. This seemingly anomalous rule is commonly explained by
saying that the promoter’s alleged ‘profit’ is unquantifiable, and that by giving such a remedy the court would
in effect be fixing a new price for the parties.
4. These old rulings on the liability of promoters are significant because there is a close parallel between the
fiduciary obligations of promoters and the fiduciary obligations of directors (see Chapter 7), and decisions
like Re Cape Breton Co may be relevant in the latter context. Compare the rules as they apply to directors,
especially where there has been statutory intervention: (p. 487) see ‘CA 2006 s 40: statutory deeming
provisions to avoid constitutional limitations on directors’ authority’, p 97 (in the context of CA 2006 s 41), and
‘Directors’ duties are owed to the company’, pp 319ff (in the context of directors’ statutory duties).
5. A promoter may also be liable to pay compensation to persons who subscribe for shares or other
securities on the faith of listing particulars or a prospectus for which he is responsible: see ‘Liability for
misleading statements and omissions in prospectuses’, pp 727ff.
➤ Question
Suppose that the company on facts similar to Re Cape Breton Co were to bring an action for equitable
compensation 19 against the promotervendor, and it is accepted that there is jurisdiction to award such
compensation. What issues in regard to (i) causation and (ii) the measure of compensation would arise, and
how do you think that they should be resolved?
Further Reading
AUGENHOFER, S, ‘Auditor Independence at the Crossroads—Regulation and Incentives’ (2012) European
Business Organization Law Review 90.
Find This Resource
FERRAN, E, ‘Corporate Attribution and the Directing Mind and Will’ (2011) 127 LQR 239.
Find This Resource
GOLD, J, ‘The Liability of Promoters for Secret Profits in English Law’ (1943) 5 University of Toronto Law
Journal 21.
Find This Resource
GROSS, JH, ‘Who is a Company Promoter’ (1970) 86 LQR 493.
Find This Resource
KERSHAW, D, ‘Waiting for Enron: The Unstable Equilibrium of Auditor Independence Regulation’ (2006)
33 Journal of Law and Society 388.
Find This Resource
KERSHAW, D, ‘Evading Enron: Taking Principles Too Seriously in Accounting Regulation’ (2005) 68 MLR
Find This Resource
MCCREA, BE, ‘Disclosure of Promoters’ Secret Profits’ (1968) 3 University of British Columbia Law
Review 183.
Find This Resource
MORRIS, PE, ‘Contractual Limitations on the Auditor’s Liability: An Uneasy Combination of Law and
Accounting’ (2009) 72 MLR 602.
Find This Resource
PATERSON, M, ‘Reform of the Law on Auditors’ Liability: An Assessment’ (2012) 23 International Company
and Commercial Law Review 55.
Find This Resource
WATTS, P, ‘Stone & Rolls Ltd (In Liquidation) v Moore Stephens (A Firm): Audit Contracts and Turpitude’
(2010) 126 LQR 14.
Find This Resource
This nomenclature may be evocative, but perhaps it cannot survive Lord Hoffmann’s analysis of the rules of
attribution in Meridian Global [3.29].
Ie, on the grounds of divergence of opinions on accounting treatments or audit procedures, or on any other
improper grounds (not specified).
Although it seems the removal is effective in the meantime, subject to any court orders under s 996.
It is not clear why the Directive requirement was implemented through an amendment to CA 2006 s 994 rather
than an amendment to s 510 (removal of auditors by ordinary resolution), although the decision may avoid some of
the difficulties that members typically have in enforcing their statutory and constitutional rights (see ‘Members’
personal rights’, pp 249ff).
5 For an uptodate track of the process, see:
lang=en&reference=2011/0359%28COD%29; for the proposal itself:http://eur
7 Note the legal and practical distinction between Directives and Regulations.
9 174 NE 441 at 444 (1931).
10 Candlewood Navigation Corpn Ltd v Mitsui OSK Lines Ltd [1986] AC 1 at 25, PC.
[1990] Ch 313.
Although, by contrast, see In Mira Mak ar v PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP [2011] EWHC 3835 (Comm), where
the court was prepared to strike down an application made by the claimant, who was the chief executive director
and former director of a company which engaged PricewaterhouseCoopers as its auditor. In the absence of
matters pleaded suggesting ‘exceptional circumstances of a special relation or any intention on the part of the
auditors that a director such as the claimant should rely on the audit’ [28]–[29], Teare J found that there was no
arguable case for alleging that a duty of care was owed by the auditors to the claimant as the director of the
company being audited.
13 See [3.32] for the details of this debate.
14 See Chapter 14.
15 (1831) 4 Sim 420.
16 Lord Macnaghten is referring to the fact that the contract to purchase the premises was expressly mentioned in
the company’s memorandum and articles; the ‘bargain’ was the ‘statutory contract’ created by the equivalent of
CA 2006 s 33 (‘Members’ personal rights’, p 250).
17 Mere nondisclosure of profit is not such a misrepresentation: see Jacobus Marler Estates Ltd in Cook v
Deek s [7.22].
18 These damages or equitable compensation remedies are not awarded for breach of the
promoter’s fiduciary obligation, but for breach of other legal or equitable obligations owed (by the fiduciary
promoter) to the company. See Target Holdings Ltd v Redferns [1996] AC 421, HL and Knight v Frost [1999] 1
BCLC 364 at 373. But also see, IE Davidson, ‘The Equitable Remedy of Compensation?’ (1982) 13 Melbourne
University Law Review 349 and WMC Gummow, ‘Compensation for Breach of Fiduciary Duty’ in TG Youdan
(ed), Equity Fiduciaries and Trusts (1989), ch 2, arguing that compensation (not, strictly speaking, damages) was
commonly awarded in an earlier period for at least some breaches of fiduciary obligation.
9. The Raising of Capital
Chapter: (p. 488) 9. The Raising of Capital
Author(s): Len Sealy and Sarah Worthington
DOI: 10.1093/he/9780199676446.003.0009
Company ‘capital’ and its importance
‘Capital’ is a word that can have many meanings. In company law, however, legal capital (or simply ‘capital’) may
be used in a restricted technical sense. Broadly speaking, it is cash (or, less often, the value of the assets)
received by the company from investors who subscribe for the company’s shares.1 The company’s capital, in this
technical sense, is measured in terms of ‘value received’ into the company, rather than the current value of the
assets themselves, since that will change with the business activities of the company. If the company receives
cash in exchange for its shares, for example, the company will use that cash to promote and expand the
company’s business. If the business is successful, the value of the business will increase; if not, it will decrease.
The value of the company’s legal capital is likely to be far less than the total value of the company’s assets. Even
before the company begins to trade, and certainly once it is up and running, the company is likely to borrow
money from banks and from other lending sources. It is also likely to rely on other sources of credit, such as debt
funding from suppliers who supply the company with goods and services on deferred payment terms or ‘on credit’.
None of this large and small scale ‘debt funding’ is part of the company’s legal capital. Important distinctions exist
between the treatment of debt, and the creditors who provide those funds,2 and the treatment of ‘equity funding’ (as
fundraising by share issues is known) and the shareholders who provide those funds. Both sources of funds will be
deployed in the company’s business, however, and, if the business is successful, will generate additional
company assets by way of retained business profits. These profits do not form part of the company’s legal capital
either. Of course, if the business is unsuccessful and losses are incurred, the total value of the company’s assets,
and hence its capital, may fall below the company’s legal capital.
Why is such a sharp distinction drawn between legal capital (or contributions from shareholders) and other assets
held by the company? The distinction reflects the special protection provided to creditors by the company’s legal
capital. This is seen most dramatically when the company is in financial difficulty. Take a simple example.
Suppose a company is set up with £100,000 in ‘equity funding’ contributed by shareholders, and £200,000 in ‘debt
funding’ provided over time by the bank and other creditors. If the business fails, and the company is put into
insolvency, then whatever remains of the company’s assets will be used to repay the company’s creditors, in full if
possible, before any of the shareholders are repaid any part of their contribution to funding the company. In other
words, the two types of financiers of the company’s operation do not share the losses equally. In the example
given, suppose the company’s remaining assets amount to £150,000. The creditors clearly cannot be repaid in (p.
489) full, but they will share all of this sum (obtaining 75p in the pound), and the shareholders will receive nothing.
Of course, in practice the situation is usually more complicated. There are invariably different types of creditors
(some with security provided by mortgages and charges, others unsecured, and still others given special privileges
and priorities by statute), and there may be different classes of shareholders (perhaps with different rights when the
company goes into insolvency). And some part of the company’s assets will need to be spent simply in the
mechanics of sale and distribution to those entitled (the expenses of liquidation and receivership). All of this detail
is covered later.3
The outlook for the shareholder is not all gloomy, of course. If the company is successful, then the shareholders,
not the creditors, will share in the company’s profits. The shareholders will receive dividends (distributions based
on company profits),4 and the value of their shares is likely to increase by the value of retained profits and
enhanced expectations about future profits (so that if they sell their investment to a third party, they will reap a
capital gain). The creditors, on the other hand, are restricted to the scale of return defined by their contract with the
company (eg a loan with specified rate of interest, or a sale of goods with a builtin profit margin).
Finally, by way of concluding introductory comment, note that contributions to a company’s capital are made only
by shareholders purchasing shares from the company. When these shareholders then sell their shares to third
parties (who will become the new shareholders), they may sell at a price far greater, or far less, than the price
initially paid to the company for the share. But this sale price is received by the shareholders, and, although it will
reflect their personal profit or loss on the investment, it will not alter the company’s legal capital.
Many shareholders are motivated by the possibility of realising an increase in total shareholder value comprising
capital gain on their share investment and dividends (ie income from the investment), rather than by the attraction
of being an ‘owner’ of a small business (ie by the benefits of management or voting control). Markets, such as the
London Stock Exchange, were originally set up and regulated precisely to provide for this possibility. Their
importance in attracting investors is well recognised by the increasing efforts put into appropriate regulation.5
Attracting and protecting shareholders and creditors
The interplay between the rights of shareholders and the rights of creditors is critical to the success of companies
as business entities. A company is a separate legal person. It follows that the claims of the company’s creditors
must be met from the company’s assets.6 The shareholders’ capital contributions mitigate the risks to which
creditors are exposed. The returns for shareholders are proportionately greater if the company is a success, and
proportionately worse if the company is a failure. That is why the cost of equity funding (in terms of expected total
shareholder return) is generally higher than for debt funding (an expected interest entitlement). In addition, if
shareholders are to be attracted to this form of investment, then there must be appropriate protections of their
rights and appropriate limitations on their obligations. And, unless shareholders are attracted, creditors are unlikely
to be forthcoming.
(p. 490) For shareholders, these protections include:
(i) limitations on the issue of new shares, so that shareholders’ interests in the company are not
unacceptably diluted (preemption rights and limitations on the directors’ powers of allotment) (see ‘Limiting
access to shares: directors’ allotment rights and shareholders’ preemption rights’, pp 496ff);
(ii) protection against misleading inducements to purchase shares (see ‘Offers to the public to purchase
shares and remedies for misleading offers’, pp 499ff);
(iii) protection of the financial rights attached to shares (including protection of ‘class rights’) (see
Chapter 11);
(iv) protection of shareholders’ established and agreed relationships with the company (via shareholder
control over changes to the company’s constitution (see Chapter 2), or by personal claims by shareholders
against the company or its managers, as permitted by common law (under Companies Act 2006 (CA 2006) s
33) or by statute (eg CA 2006 s 994) (see Chapter 13));
(v) protection of shareholders’ influence over the potential success of the company (via control over the
management, and, sometimes, control over the pursuit of claims on behalf of the company) (see
Chapters 4, 6 and 13).
Only the first two of these are directly associated with the process of raising capital for the company, and are dealt
with in this chapter.
What of the protection provided for company lenders and other creditors? Normal rules of contract law and security
law (see Chapters 13 and 16) provide much assistance. Here, however, we are concerned with the special
protections associated with the acquisition and treatment of company capital. These protective rules include:
(i) rules requiring the company to have a certain minimum level of capital before it begins trading (‘minimum
capital requirements’) (see ‘Minimum capital requirements for company formation’, p 495);
(ii) rules designed to ensure that the amount of legal capital shown in the company records is in fact
received in full by the company (rules relating to payment for shares) (see ‘Collecting in the company’s
capital: payment for shares’, p 504);
(iii) rules designed to ensure the maintenance of stated levels of legal capital by restricting the freedom of
companies to return assets to its shareholders (‘capital maintenance rules’ and ‘dividend distribution rules’)
(see Chapter 10).
Terminology associated with legal capital
Various terms are commonly used, and need to be understood. These include ‘allotment’ and ‘issue’ of shares,
and ‘authorised’ or ‘nominal’ capital (the terms are interchangeable, and are of less concern now that CA 2006 has
abolished the requirement to state this value, although of course it appears in older cases), ‘nominal value’ or ‘par
value’ (again used interchangeably), ‘issued capital’ and ‘share premiums’.
Formally a share is not issued to a shareholder until the investor’s name is registered in the company’s register of
members (CA 2006 s 113). This is when the shareholder acquires the legal title to the share. Until this has been
done the person entitled to the shares is neither a member nor their legal owner. Of course, there is an earlier
stage, where the company enters into a binding contract with the investor to sell a share in return for payment of
the price, and the investor acquires an unconditional right to be included in the company’s register of members in
respect of the shares; a share is then said to be allotted to the investor (CA 2006 s 558).
(p. 491) All companies with shares used to be incorporated with a ‘nominal’ or ‘authorised’ capital, the total
amount of which had to be stated in the memorandum (ie the document which, with the articles, provided the
company’s constitution). This figure had very little practical significance. It merely fixed a ceiling upon the amount
of capital the company could raise by the issue of shares without further formalities. For example, a company
might be incorporated with an authorised capital of £1 million, indicating that it was entitled to sell £1 million worth
of shares to shareholders; in fact it might only issue £500,000 worth of shares, or even only £100,000 worth of
shares.7 Indeed, companies typically plucked large figures out of the air for authorised capital, since the only
significance was to set this notional cap on issues, a cap which could in any event be increased by ordinary
resolution of the shareholders.
The specified authorised capital was required to be divided into shares of a fixed unit value. In other words, a
monetary value had (and still has: CA 2006 s 5428 ) to be attached to the shares. As a consequence, it is common
to describe a company’s capital as divided into a certain number of ‘£1’ shares, or ‘10p’ shares. We would then
say that the ‘nominal value’ or ‘par value’ of the shares was £1 or 10p respectively.
When the company allots or, later on, issues some of these shares, it is possible to speak of ‘allotted’ or ‘issued’
capital (CA 2006 s 546). The ‘issued capital’ (or, in the case of the first shareholders, the ‘subscribed capital’) is
the sum equivalent to the nominal value or par value of all the shares that have been issued, and the ‘paidup
capital’ is so much of the issued capital as is represented by money which the shareholders have in fact paid:
there may be an unpaid balance on each share which is not due for payment until a call is made (although this is
rarely the case now; shares are usually issued fully paid, so the issued capital and paidup capital are identical).
CA 2006 s 547 also defines ‘calledup share capital’, which is the aggregate of paidup capital plus capital that has
been called up (whether or not paid) plus any defined commitments to pay share capital at a future date, but which
has not yet been called up or paid.
So, in Salomon’s case [2.01], the authorised or nominal capital was £40,000 comprising 40,000 shares of £1
each; the subscribed capital was £7, the total issued capital was £20,007, which was fully paid up, and the debt
capital (a loan secured by the debenture) was a further £10,000.
Note that the ‘issued capital’ is not simply the consideration received by the company for the sale of its shares.
The calculation is more convoluted. The advantage of this, if there is one, is that it enables a creditor to calculate
that if a company has issued 100,000 shares with a nominal value of £1, for example, then the company’s issued
capital is £100,000, and this sum is subject to all the capital maintenance and other creditor protection rules
supplied by company law. In other words, the creditor has an easy basis on which to assess the company’s legal
In fact, this easy calculation underestimates the extent to which a creditor is protected. It is perhaps obvious,
given the way the nominal value is determined, that it bears no necessary relationship to the price at which the
shares may be sold. When the company issues shares, it may well sell its ‘£1’ shares at a premium of £0.50 to
the nominal value, that is, for £1.50, if that is what the market will bear.9 The ‘legal capital’ rules insist that the
company cannot sell its shares for less than the nominal value (see ‘Collecting in the company’s capital: payment
for shares’, p 504). But if it sells its shares for more than the nominal value, as in this (p. 492) case, then the £1
(representing the nominal value) received by the company must be allocated to the company’s ‘capital account’,
and the £0.50 ‘premium’ to the ‘share premium account’. The creditor is then superprotected, because the
restrictions on the use of both accounts are reasonably similar, although not identical (see ‘Issue of shares at a
premium’, p 506); in other words, the company does not receive a ‘premium’ which it is free to use at will, and the
creditor receives buffering protection beyond the company’s strict legal capital.10
CA 2006 specifies the acceptable uses of the share premium account: in line with the recommendations of the
Company Law Review (CLR), the section imposes restrictions on the application of the share premium account
that go beyond the Companies Act 1985 (CA 1985) rules. Companies are no longer able to use the account to
write off preliminary expenses (ie expenses incurred in connection with the company’s formation). Apart from two
‘exceptions’, and two forms of ‘relief’, the account can only be used as if it was a share capital account. The two
exceptions are that the account may be used to write off any expenses incurred, or commission paid, in
connection with the particular issue of shares, and also to pay up new shares to be allotted to existing members
as fully paid bonus shares (CA 2006 s 610). The two forms of relief are related to mergers and reconstructions, and
ensure that undistributed profits are not reallocated to share premium accounts, thus making them undistributable
(CA 2006 ss 611 and 612).
As noted earlier, a company no longer needs to register its authorised capital when it is incorporated. Instead, the
company must provide the registrar with a statement of capital and initial shareholdings. This statement must
contain the following information:
(i) the total number of shares of the company to be taken on formation by the subscribers to the
(ii) the aggregate nominal value of those shares;
(iii) for each class of shares: prescribed particulars of the rights attached to those shares, the total number
of shares of that class and the aggregate nominal value of shares of that class; and
(iv) the amount to be paid up and the amount (if any) to be unpaid on each share (whether on account of the
nominal value of the shares or by way of premium).
One historical point is worth making. It was very common practice in the early days for companies to issue shares
on terms that only a small part of the capital—perhaps only 5% or 10% of the nominal value—was to be paid up,
and so a very large sum of uncalled capital was left in reserve as a kind of ‘guarantee fund’ for creditors. Such
shares were called partly paid shares; and the balance of unpaid capital could generally be called up by the
company (or its liquidators) upon demand. This could have horrendous consequences for investors in the event of a
liquidation (or, worse still, a spate of liquidations, as might occur in a recession) when the shareholder was obliged
to pay up the balance of unpaid capital when there was no possibility of recovering any value via increased share
value or future dividend. It also coloured much of the thinking in company law matters generally. Nowadays, the
whole of the issue price of shares is normally payable on or soon after allotment, and so partly paid shares are not
at all common. In some jurisdictions, they have been banned altogether, primarily for the sake of simplifying the
law, but perhaps also out of a desire that investors should not be overcommitted with potential liabilities.
(p. 493) ➤ Questions
1. When shares in British Telecom plc were sold to the public in 1984, the company was permitted to issue a
simplified prospectus, for the benefit of the ‘wider’ public. This prospectus omitted to state that the nominal
value of the shares was 25p. Why might it have been thought appropriate to withhold this information?
2. The issue price of a 25p British Telecom share was £1.30. Were the shares expensive at that price?
3. If a dividend of 10p is paid on a share of nominal value 25p, does this mean that the investor has done well?
4. What protection is provided to creditors by having shares with a nominal value, and capital and share
premium accounts, that could not be equally well provided by eliminating the concept of nominal value and
simply having a capital account for all the consideration received by a company for issue of its shares? (See
DTI,Completing the Structure (URN 00/1335, November 2000) para 7.3; also see ‘Issue of shares at a
discount’, p 504, on the inability of companies to issue shares at a discount.)
5. Are the exceptions and reliefs that apply in relation to use of the share premium account in accord with a
philosophy that is actually designed to treat in the same way all the consideration received by a company for
issue of its shares?
The legal nature of shares
Before investigating the detailed rules relating to legal capital, it is worth giving some attention to the legal nature of
a share: what does a shareholder receive in return for providing the company with legal capital?
A share in a partnership reflects the partner’s proprietary interest in the partnership assets: the assets are jointly
owned by the partners. In the case of a company, it is not the shareholders but the company that owns the
corporate assets, and the concept of a share serves somewhat different functions. In the first place, it is a fraction
of the capital, denoting the holder’s proportionate financial stak e in the company and defining his or her liability to
contribute to its equity funding. Secondly, it is a measure of the holder’s interest in the company as an association
of members or shareholders and the basis of his or her right to become a member and to enjoy the rights of voting,
etc, so conferred. And, thirdly, it is a species of property, in its own right, a rather complex form of chose in action,
which the holder can buy, sell, charge, etc, and in which there can be both legal and beneficial interests.11 None
of this is quite revealed in the definition in CA 2006 s 540.
The terms ‘shareholder’ and ‘member’ are commonly regarded as interchangeable, but this is not always the case.
A company limited by guarantee has members, but it cannot have shareholders, for it has no shares. On the other
hand, the holders of bearer shares (‘share warrants’, CA 2006 s 779—in practice these are rare) do not become
members, since entry in the register of members is necessary for this purpose (s 112). The most common form of
company is a company limited by shares, however, and in these companies the members are the shareholders.
(p. 494) Finally, a company can issue classes of shares with different rights attaching to each class (ie shares
with different ‘class rights’, see Chapter 11). For example, shares may have different voting rights (recall the
weighted voting rights in Bushell v Faith [6.02]), different rights to dividends or different rights to capital on a return
of capital or on winding up (all these rights are explained in Chapters 10 and 11). ‘Preference shares’ have a
preferred right (as defined in the articles or in the share issue itself) to a specified dividend (if any dividend is
declared), and perhaps to a return of capital while the company is operating or on winding up. ‘Ordinary shares’ are
defined in CA 2006 s 560 as shares other than shares that carry a right to participate only up to a specified
amount in a distribution of dividends or capital (ie other than preference shares). And ‘equity securities’, also
defined in CA 2006 s 560, are ordinary shares and rights to subscribe for, or convert securities into, ordinary
shares. These definitions are important later, because certain rights, such as preemption rights, are given only to
equity securities (see ‘Limiting access to shares: directors’ allotment rights and shareholders’ preemption rights’,
pp 496ff).
What is a share?
[9.01] Borland’s Trustee v Steel Bros & Co Ltd [1901] 1 Ch 279 (Chancery Division)
The company’s articles provided that the shares of a member should in certain events, including bankruptcy, be
transferable compulsorily to designated persons at a fair price not exceeding the par value.12 On the bankruptcy of
Borland, who held 73 £100 shares, the company gave notice to his trustee in bankruptcy requiring him to transfer
the shares in accordance with the articles. The trustee objected that this provision in the articles was void, either
on the ground that it was repugnant to absolute ownership, or as tending to perpetuity. The court rejected both
FARWELL J: It is said, first of all, that such provisions are repugnant to absolute ownership. It is said,
further, that they tend to perpetuity. They are likened to the case of a settlor or testator who settles or gives
a sum of money subject to executory limitations which are to arise in the future, interpreting the articles as
if they provided that if at any time hereafter, during centuries to come, the company should desire the
shares of a particular person … he must sell them. To my mind that is applying to the company law a
principle which is wholly inapplicable thereto. It is the first time that any such suggestion has been made,
and it rests, I think, on a misconception of what a share in a company really is. A share, according to the
plaintiff’s argument, is a sum of money which is dealt with in a particular manner by what are called for the
purpose of argument executory limitations. To my mind it is nothing of the sort. A share is the interest of a
shareholder in the company measured by a sum of money, for the purpose of liability in the first place, and
of interest in the second, but also consisting of a series of mutual covenants entered into by all the
shareholders inter se in accordance with s 16 of the Companies Act 1862 [CA 2006 s 33]. The contract
contained in the articles of association is one of the original incidents of the share. A share is not a sum of
money settled in the way suggested, but is an interest measured by a sum of money and made up of
various rights contained in the contract, including the right to a sum of money of a more or less amount …
[His Lordship then held that the rule against perpetuities had no application to personal contracts such as
this, and ruled that the article was valid and enforceable.]
(p. 495) ➤ Note
On the nature of the ‘various rights’ enjoyed by a shareholder, also see the description of Campbell J in the New
South Wales Supreme Court in White v Shortall [2006] NSWSC 1379 at [197]–[199]:
Some of the rights to sue the company that a shareholder has exist simply by virtue of having the status of
shareholder, regardless of the number of shares held. Such rights include rights to receive the information
that statute requires shareholders to be given, the right to be given notice of and to attend at certain
meetings of the company, and the right to vote at certain company meetings. Other rights that a
shareholder has to sue the company are ones that a shareholder has proportionately to the number of
shares held—such as the right to a dividend, to a return of capital, or to vote on a poll at the meeting. Some
of the rights of a shareholder to sue the company arise by virtue of the contract contained in the company’s
constitution. Other rights of a shareholder to sue the company—including some very important ones—might
arise directly by statute (eg rights to receive accounts and reports, to join in a requisition of a company
general meeting, or to appoint a proxy). Other rights that any shareholder has in a company by virtue of the
status of being a shareholder can arise from a contract arising separately to the company’s constitution (eg
if the company in question holds itself out as willing to provide goods or services to a shareholder at a
special discounted price).
Some of the rights that attach to shares are themselves inherently assignable, even in circumstances
where the shares themselves are not assigned—it is possible to make an equitable assignment of the right
to receive dividends from a particular parcel of shares in particular years … and possible to make an
equitable assignment of the right to receive some particular measure of money on a particular type of return
of capital. Such assignments can take place only because the rights assigned are themselves treated as
property. And the only type of property they could be is choses in action. Thus, some of the rights that a
shareholder has by virtue of being a shareholder are themselves items of property that are separate to the
item of property that constitutes the share itself.
And it is not only fractional rights in a share that are capable of being seen as separate items of property.
For rights of the type where the number of shares provides the measure by reference to which a
shareholder’s right against the company is calculated, the chose in action can be seen as being the right to
sue the company to receive some particular type of benefit. For example, when the holder of 1000 shares in
a company sues to recover a dividend that has been declared but is unpaid, there is just one action that the
shareholder brings, to recover the dividend—there are not 1000 separate rights to be paid a dividend … In
that way, the chose in action—the thing that the law regards as a piece of property because it can be sued
for—is the single right to be paid the dividend, the measure of which is the number of shares held.
➤ Question
Do the compulsory share redemption provisions in Borland’s Trustee offend the antideprivation principle?
Would your answer be different if the terms provided for the sale of the deceased’s shares at
a discounted value? See Chapter 16.
Minimum capital requirements for company formation
A public company must have a nominal value of allotted share capital which is not less than the statutory
‘authorised minimum’ amount fixed by CA 2006 s 761. At present, the prescribed authorised minimum is £50,000,
or the prescribed euro equivalent (s 763), denominated in sterling or euros, but not both (s 765). At least a quarter
of this must be paid up before it begins trading (s 586).
(p. 496) The protection that this minimum delivers to creditors is dubious: the sum is relatively trivial, and is
measured at the time the company commences trading, paying little account to what business risks or mishaps
may happen as business continues. CA 2006 s 656 requires directors of public companies to call a general
meeting to consider what to do if the company’s assets fall to half or less than its calledup share capital. The
equivalent CA 1985 predecessor to this seemed unimportant in practice: well before that stage some sort of
rescue or insolvency procedure was likely to be in place (see Chapter 16).
There is no minimum capital requirement for private companies.
Limiting access to shares: directors’ allotment rights and shareholders’ preemption
There is a risk that directors may use their power of allotment of shares to influence the composition of the
company’s membership, and in particular to ensure that the majority of members support them and will keep them
in office (see ‘Duty to act within powers: CA 2006 s 171’, pp 331ff on directors’ use of power for improper
CA 2006 ss 549–551 limit this possibility of abuse by providing as a general rule that it is an offence for directors
to allot shares (or grant options to subscribe for shares or issue securities convertible into shares) without the
authority of the members given either in the articles or by ordinary resolution. This authority must be renewed every
five years.13
The exceptions relate to: (i) issues of shares to the original subscribers, to an employees’ share scheme or to
existing holders of rights to acquire or convert their shares (s 549); and (ii) in the case of a private company,
issues of shares where the company has only one class of share (s 550), although such a company may restrict
its directors’ allotment powers by inserting a provision to that effect in the company’s articles (s 550(b)).
Since there is now no ‘authorised capital’ limit, a company’s changes to issued capital must be notified to the
registrar at Companies House each time a new allotment is made (s 555).
Preemption rights governing the issue of new shares
A preemption right is a right of first refusal given to the shareholders of a company to subscribe for any new
shares that the company issues in proportion to their existing shareholdings. In this way, the balance of control
between the respective shareholders can be maintained. A preemption right may also prevent the ‘watering’ or
dilution in value of existing shares, which will happen if the new shares are issued at a price which is below their
true value.
Prior to 1980, shareholders were legally entitled to preemption rights only if this was expressly provided for in the
company’s articles; although it was a requirement under the London Stock Exchange’s Listing Rules that equity
shares of listed companies should be offered in the first instance on a pro rata basis to existing equity
shareholders. Since 1980, UK legislation implementing the Second EU Directive (and extending its provisions to
private companies), has provided a statutory preemption right. The relevant provisions are in CA 2006 ss 560–577.
The statutory right is given to ordinary shareholders (excluding the company itself as holder of treasury shares),
and applies only to new issues of ‘equity securities’ (s 560).14
(p. 497) The right is subject to certain exceptions (issues of bonus shares or shares as part of an employee share
scheme, and issues for noncash consideration);exclusions (by the articles of private
companies); disapplications (by the articles for private companies with only one class of shares, or generally by
special resolution, or by statute for the sale of treasury shares); and savings (for other rules and for certain older
preemption procedures) (see ss 564–577). The wide ambit of these exceptions means that in practice the
statutory provisions do not impose a serious restriction on companies that wish not to be bound by them.
Breach of these provisions does not invalidate the new issue, but generally exposes the company and every officer
who knowingly authorised or permitted the contravention to compensation claims in favour of those to whom offers
should have been made (CA 2006 s 653).
Preemption rights governing the transfer of existing shares
Just as shareholders maintain control over power distributions in a company through preemption provisions
applying to the issue of new shares, so they also do with transfers of existing shareholdings. Such preemption
provisions are typically found in the articles or in a shareholder agreement (see ‘Constitutional documents: articles
of association and the company’s objects’, and p 25, ‘Shareholders’ agreements’, p 244 for the advantages and
disadvantages of these two options). Such restrictions are only possible in private companies, however; shares
listed on stock exchanges must be freely transferable.
A preemption provision governing the transfer of issued shares was not triggered by a change in
ownership of the corporate shareholder of those issued shares.
[9.02] Re Coroin Ltd [2011] EWHC 3466 (Chancery Division)
Coroin Ltd was formed for the purpose of acquiring control of four wellknown hotels in London. The original
investors were McKillen, the claimant (36.23%), Misland (a company owned by A&A Investments Ltd, itself owned
by Peter Green and his family) (24.78%), Quinlan (35.4%) and McLaughlin (3.58%). Their interests were governed
by a shareholder agreement which granted preemption rights in favour of existing shareholders should any one of
the investors wish to sell its interest.
The Barclay brothers (Sir David and Sir Federick) wished to acquire complete ownership and control of Coroin.
They acquired the interests of Quinlan and McLaughlin, but could not reach agreement with Mr McKillen. They did,
however, purchase (via a corporate alter ego) the issued shares in Misland from A&A Investments. McKillen held
that this acquisition of Misland breached the preemption provisions in the shareholder agreement. The court
disagreed, holding that a proper construction of the shareholder agreement indicated that the sale of the shares in
a corporate shareholder of the company did not trigger the preemption provisions.
DAVID RICHARDS J: A principle applicable to preemption articles which has been repeated in the
authorities is that, as the right to deal freely with a share is an important attribute of ownership and the
prima facie right of a shareholder, the existence and extent of any restriction on transfer, such as pre
emption provisions, must be clearly stated: see in re Smith and Fawcett Ltd [11.10] at 306, Greenhalgh v
Mallard [1943] 2 All ER 234 at 237 … In the case of [a shareholder] agreement, the court’s function is to
discern objectively the meaning of the provision against the relevant background facts. This fundamental
principle applies as much to an ambiguously framed preemption provision as it does to any other. If,
applying that approach, the court considers that, on the proper construction of the agreement, the right of
preemption has arisen, the court should not reject it because there is a lack of clarity in the language
It is, however, right to say that preemption provisions are generally drafted with precision, as befits
provisions dealing with property rights. As appears from authorities to which I later refer, (p. 498) commonly
used phrases have distinct legal meanings and superficially small variations can have significant legal
effects. This is a relevant consideration when construing preemption provisions, particularly when as in this
case they are complex and have been professionally drafted, using and adapting wellknown standard
Clause 6.1 identifies as the person who may give a transfer notice ‘a Shareholder desiring to transfer one or
more Shares (or any interest therein)’. Each word of significance in that phrase carries a legal meaning.
First, ‘Shareholder’ is defined in clause 1.1 as ‘any holder of Shares for the time being and shall as the
context permits include any beneficial owner of shares for the time being.’ A ‘holder’ of shares is the person
registered in the company’s register of members as the holder of the shares. He holds the legal title to the
shares. He may or may not own the beneficial interest in the shares, as the second part of the definition
recognises. If company A owns the beneficial interest in shares registered in its name, it alone is the
beneficial owner of the shares. This remains the case even though company A is whollyowned by company
B or by one individual, in accordance with basic principles of legal personality: Salomon v A. Salomon & Co
Ltd [2.01], JH Rayner (Mincing Lane) Ltd v Department of Trade and Industry [1990] 2 AC 418.
Secondly, what constitutes a ‘desire’, or an intention, to transfer shares has been considered in a number
of authorities: Lyle & Scott v. Scott’s Trustees [1959] AC 763, Safeguard Industrial Investments Ltd v.
National Westminster Bank Ltd [1982] 1 WLR 589, Theak ston v. London Trust plc [1984] BCLC 389.
Thirdly, a ‘transfer’ of shares means the transfer of the legal title to the shares, by providing a signed stock
transfer form or other similar instrument and by registration of the transfer in the register of members:
see Lyle & Scott Ltd v. Scott’s Trustees (supra), Safeguard Industrial Investments Ltd v. National
Westminster Bank Ltd(supra), Scotto v. Petch, Re Sedgefield Steeplechase Co (1927) Ltd [2001] BCC 889
Fourthly, ‘any interest therein’ means a proprietary, i.e. beneficial, interest in the shares, as opposed to the
legal title. These words are included so as to broaden the effect of clause 6.1, which without them would be
confined to the legal title. It is nonetheless the language of property, and a precise use of it.
There can, in my judgment, be no dispute that, read on its own, clause 6.1 has no application to the case
where company A is the legal and beneficial owner of shares in the company and the issued shares of
company A are sold. Such a sale involves no change in company A’s legal and beneficial ownership of the
underlying shares, nor evidences a desire to transfer those shares or any interest in them.
No doubt for this reason, Mr Miles’ submissions do not start with clause 6.1, but with clause 6.17:
‘No Share nor any interest therein shall be transferred, sold or otherwise disposed of save as
provided in this clause 6.’
He submits that the words ‘any interest therein’ are, as a matter of language, ambiguous. They may carry
their legally accurate meaning of a proprietary interest or they may carry, as Mr Miles submits they do, a
broader, commercial meaning which would include the sale of a company owning the shares. [… and, after
considering the issues …]
These unambiguous provisions [6.6, 6.1 and 6.15] resolve any ambiguity which may be said to exist in
clause 6.17. The clause must be read as a whole, and the earlier provisions of the clause show that the
reference to an interest in shares in clause 6.17 is to the same direct proprietary interests as appear in
those provisions.
The various commercial considerations on which Mr Miles relies might, if the parties had so wished, have
provided good reasons for including clear provisions to the effect that a disposal of Misland would trigger the
preemption procedure. The absence of any such provisions in what is a complex clause, providing for many
eventualities, itself tells against the suggested construction. (p. 499) It is a reasonable objective
assumption that these sophisticated investors in a large commercial venture, and their advisers, did not
overlook the possibility of a sale of Misland, particularly in the light of both the definition of ‘Shareholder
Group’ with its special provisions for Misland and the proviso to clause 6.15. The absence of provisions
dealing with a sale of a corporate shareholder is, objectively speaking, consistent with a decision by the
parties not to include them …
For all these reasons, I conclude that the sale of the share capital of Misland in January 2011 was not
made contrary to clause 6.17 of the shareholder agreement and did not trigger the other shareholders pre
emption rights. I reach the same conclusion on the articles and do so whether or not reference may be
made to background facts …
[An appeal to the Court of Appeal by Mr McKillen was subsequently dismissed: [2012] EWCA Civ 179,
Offers to the public to purchase shares and remedies for misleading offers
When shares are offered to the public, a prospectus must be published and, additionally, when an application is
made for listing on a stock exchange either a prospectus or listing particulars must be published. There are
special rules about liability for errors or omissions in those documents (see Chapter 14). In practice, however, the
professionalisation of the investment industry and the high standards set both by stock exchanges and by
investment practitioners themselves mean that the chances of a misleading document getting into circulation in
consequence of sharp or sloppy practice have been virtually eliminated.
In what follows, the special rules under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA 2000) are ignored,
and what is described is the general law applicable to those who have been induced by misrepresentation to
subscribe for shares in a company. These rules, although of general application, are usually invoked only when the
special rules on public offers are inapplicable.
The different remedies available may be summarised as follows:
(i) as against the company, rescission of the contract and consequent rectification of the share register (for
material misrepresentation of any kind);
(ii) damages for deceit (for fraudulent misrepresentation);15
(iii) damages under the Misrepresentation Act 1967 s 2(2) (in lieu of rescission) and also possibly under s
2(1) (for socalled ‘negligent’ misrepresentation); and
(iv) as against the company, a possible claim in damages for breach of contract, on the basis that the
statements in the prospectus or offer have been incorporated as terms of the contract.
Note that no civil remedy lies against the company at common law for the omission of information required to be
included in the listing particulars or prospectus: Re South of England Natural Gas and Petroleum Co Ltd [1911] 1
Ch 573.
(p. 500) Misrepresentation
If a person is induced to enter into a contract by false statements of fact made by the other party, then there is a
misrepresentation, and the innocent party is entitled to rescind the contract. A number of issues may prevent an
allottee of shares from obtaining an appropriate remedy, however. The misrepresentation must have been made by
the other party to the contract (ie by the company), be one of fact and have induced the contract.
The misrepresentation must have been made by the company.
[9.03] Lynde v AngloItalian Hemp Spinning Company [1896] 1 Ch 178
ROMER J: The first question I desire to deal with is this—Assuming that Mr. Waithman [a promoter] made
material misrepresentations to the plaintiff which induced him to apply for the shares, could the plaintiff, on
that ground, hold the company liable, and have the contract set aside? It appears to me that, speaking
generally, to make a company liable for misrepresentations inducing a contract to take shares from it the
shareholder must bring his case within one or other of the following heads:—(1.) Where the
misrepresentations are made by the directors or other [of] the general agents of the company entitled to act
and acting on its behalf—as, for example, by a prospectus issued by the authority or sanction of the
directors of a company inviting subscriptions for shares; (2.) Where the misrepresentations are made by a
special agent of the company while acting within the scope of his authority—as, for example, by an agent
specially authorized to obtain, on behalf of the company, subscriptions for shares. This head of course
includes the case of a person constituted agent by subsequent adoption of his acts; (3.) Where the
company can be held affected, before the contract is complete, with the knowledge that it is induced by
misrepresentations—as, for example, when the directors, on allotting shares, know, in fact, that the
application for them has been induced by misrepresentations, even though made without any authority; (4.)
Where the contract is made on the basis of certain representations, whether the particulars of those
representations were known to the company or not, and it turns out that some of those representations
were material and untrue—as, for example, if the directors of a company know when allotting that an
application for shares is based on the statements contained in a prospectus, even though that prospectus
was issued without authority or even before the company was formed, and even if its contents are not
known to the directors.[16 ]
… Now, it appears to me that the plaintiff does not bring his case within any of these heads. Such
misrepresentations, if any, as were made to the plaintiff were made by Mr Waithman, one of the two
promoters of the company. But the company at the time had two directors entitled to act for it, and Mr
Waithman was not a director or general agent of the company. No doubt the promoters had a great deal to
do with the company at the time, and their wishes and views may have been highly regarded by the
directors. But I see nothing to justify me in coming to the conclusion that the promoters are to be regarded
as really constituting the company, or that the directors left everything in their hands, or were what may be
called dummies, or left it to the promoters to do whatever they pleased in the affairs of the company. Nor
was Mr Waithman, when he made the representations he did make to the plaintiff, authorized to act on
behalf of the company in procuring shares or authorized to make any representations on behalf of the
company to the plaintiff or others to induce him or them to apply for shares. The fact that Mr Waithman was
a promoter of the company did not in itself authorize him to procure shares for the company, or to make
representations to the plaintiff on the company’s behalf … And although the company knew that Waithman
was applying to his friends to get them to subscribe for shares, that did not, in my opinion, make him the
company’s agent, or put (p. 501) the company to inquire as to whether he had made any, and, if any,
what, representations to those friends to induce them to subscribe. In most cases directors must be aware
that subscriptions for shares are obtained through the intermediary of persons interested in the company,
and it would lead to the most astonishing results if that was held sufficient to affect the directors with
knowledge of, or to put them upon inquiry as to, the representations, if any, made by those persons to the
people applying for the shares. The fact that in the case of this company some applications, including that
of the plaintiff, were made on printed forms prepared by the company’s solicitor does not, in my opinion,
make any real difference. Mr Waithman got his forms by applying to the company’s solicitor, because he
wanted his friends to make proper applications for shares. No authority was given by the directors to the
solicitor to supply Mr Waithman with forms, nor can the directors, by seeing these forms used, be held
thereby to have adopted Mr Waithman as their agent in obtaining applications for shares. The directors did
not issue any prospectus themselves or try to get applications for shares, and, no doubt, because they
thought Waithman and Thomson would get a sufficient number of their friends to take up the necessary
number of shares. But this did not, in my opinion, make Waithman and Thomson the special agents of the
company to procure subscriptions on its behalf, or authorize them to make any representations on behalf of
the company with a view of inducing their friends to subscribe.
And, lastly, this is not a case … coming at all within the fourth head. The application for shares made by
the plaintiff was not one made conditional upon, or to the knowledge of the directors based upon, any
special or other representations made by Waithman. The application was not even, to the knowledge of the
directors, induced by representations by Waithman, though, even if it had been, whether that would in itself
have been sufficient to bring the case within my fourth head or have entitled the plaintiff to rescind I need not
now inquire.
On this ground, therefore, I hold that the action must fail, for in my judgment the plaintiff has not shewn any
ground upon which I can rescind this contract by reason of misrepresentations, if any, made to him which
induced him to apply for these shares.
[And, further, on the questions of fact, Romer J also held that the alleged misrepresentations were not
made out, nor the fact that they had induced the contract.]
Loss of the remedy of rescission
The allottee will lose the right to rescission if the parties cannot be returned to their precontractual positions (ie
if restitutio in integrum is no longer possible; see later), if the contract has been affirmed, if third party rights have
intervened or if the allottee has delayed for too long after discovering the misrepresentation.
Rescission is not possible after an order for winding up has been made, even if the share purchase was
induced by fraud.
[9.04] Oakes v Turquand and Harding (1867) LR 2 HL 325 (House of Lords)
Overend, Gurney & Co Ltd was incorporated in July 1865 to take over the longestablished banking business of
Overend, Gurney & Co. The prospectus issued to the public concealed the fact that the business was insolvent
and had been carried on at a loss for some years. Within a year after the incorporation of the company it stopped
payment and went into liquidation. In order to meet the claims of its creditors, large calls were made on the
numerous members of the public who had become shareholders. Many of them combined to form a defence
association, which appointed Oakes (an original allottee of shares) and Peek (who had bought shares in the
market) as representatives to conduct test cases on behalf of all the shareholders. In this case they claimed that
their names should be taken off the list of contributories on the ground that their contracts to take and to purchase
shares, respectively, had been induced by fraud, but it was held that they had lost the right to rescind.
LORD CHELMSFORD LC: It is said that everything which is stated in the prospectus is literally true, and so
it is. But the objection to it is, not that it does not state the truth as far as it goes, but that it conceals most
material facts with which the public ought to have been made acquainted, the very concealment of which
gives to the truth which is told the character of falsehood. If the real circumstances of the firm of Overend,
Gurney & Co had been disclosed it is not very probable that any company founded upon it would have been
formed. Indeed, it was admitted in the course of the argument that if the true position of the affairs of
Overend, Gurney & Co had been published it would have entailed the ruin of the old firm, and would have
been utterly prohibitory of the formation of the new. To which the only answer which fairly suggests itself is,
‘Then no company ought ever to have been attempted, because it was only possible to entice persons to
become shareholders by improper concealment of facts’ …
It is quite clear, therefore, that Oakes might originally have disaffirmed that contract, and divested himself of
his shares, and that he never did any act to affirm it, nor was aware of the true state of the firm of Overend,
Gurney & Co at the time of the formation of the new company, nor until after the failure …
Such was the position of Oakes when the order for winding up the company was made on 22 June 1866.
His name being upon the register of shareholders, was placed (as a matter of course) by the liquidators
upon the list of contributories …
On the part of the creditors, it is said that every person whose name is found upon the register at the time
when the order for winding up is made is a shareholder, and liable to contribute towards the payments of the
debts of the company to the extent of the sums due upon his shares, unless he can prove that his name
was put upon the register without his consent.
Did the appellant then agree to become a member? His counsel answer this question in the negative;
because they say that a person who is induced by fraud to enter into an agreement cannot be said to have
agreed; the word ‘agreed’ meaning having entered into a binding agreement. But this is a fallacy. The
consent which binds the will and constitutes the agreement is totally different from the motive and
inducement which led to the consent. An agreement induced by fraud is certainly, in one sense, not a
binding agreement, as it is entirely at the option of the person defrauded whether he will be bound by it or
not. In the present case, if the company formed on the basis of the partnership of Overend, Gurney & Co
had realised the expectations held out by the prospectus, the appellant would probably have retained his
shares, as he would have had an undoubted right to do. But when the order for winding up came, and found
him with the shares in his possession, and his name upon the register, the agreement was a subsisting
one. How could it then be said that he was not a person who had agreed to become a member? To hold
otherwise would be to disregard the long and wellestablished distinction between void and voidable
contracts …
[His Lordship then held that the supervening rights of the creditors in a winding up barred the right of a
member to avoid the contract on the ground of fraud. He concluded:] It only remains to observe that all that
has been said with respect to Oakes applies with greater force to Peek, even if his situation as a purchaser
of shares in the market did not preclude him from most of the objections which have been raised in Oakes’
LORD CRANWORTH and LORD COLONSAY delivered concurring opinions.
Availability of the remedy of damages
Damages are available instead of rescission, or in addition to rescission for consequential losses: (i) at common
law if the misrepresentation was fraudulent (Derry v Peek (1889) 14 App Cas 337): see (p. 503) the important and
detailed analysis of Lord Steyn in Smith New Court Securities Ltd Citibank NA [1997] AC 254; (ii) at common law
for negligent misstatement;17 and (iii) under the Misrepresentation Act 1967, but only between parties to an
induced contract, for any form of misrepresentation, unless the misrepresentor can prove that he or she had
reasonable grounds to believe, and did believe, up to the time the contract was made, that the facts represented
were true (s 2(1)).18
➤ Notes
1. For over a hundred years, the rule laid down in Houldsworth v City of Glasgow Bank (1880) 5 App Cas 317, HL,
prevented a person who had been induced by fraud to take shares in a company from claiming damages against
the company while he or she remained a member. The same principle was applied where damages for breach of
contract were sought, based on the contract of shareholding: Re Addlestone Linoleum Co (1887) 37 Ch D 191, CA.
The juridical basis of this rule was never satisfactorily explained, but it has now been reversed by statute: CA 2006
s 655. There is one statutory exception: CA 2006 s 735 expressly excludes the possibility of a claim in damages
when a company has broken an obligation to redeem or repurchase shares (but without prejudice to other
remedies, which may include an action for specific performance or an application for relief under s 994 (unfairly
prejudicial conduct) (see ‘Unfairly prejudicial conduct of the company’s affairs’, pp 681ff) or for winding up on the
‘just and equitable’ ground (see ‘Compulsory winding up on the ‘just and equitable’ ground’, pp 795ff)).
2. In Peek v Gurney (1873) LR 6 HL 377, the House of Lords held that a prospectus should be regarded as
addressed only to those who might become allottees of shares directly from the company, and that it could not be
relied on by someone who had bought shares from another source. FSMA 2000 now imposes civil liability for
breach of the listing particulars and prospectus requirements in favour of any person who has acquired securities,
and this is defined in terms sufficiently wide to include both original allottees and persons who have purchased
shares on the market (see ‘Liability for misleading statements and omissions in prospectuses ’, pp 727ff).
In Possfund Custodian Trustee Ltd v Diamond [1996] 2 BCLC 665, Lightman J held that, in the light of changes in
market practice, a person who had bought shares on the market might nowadays be regarded as someone to
whom a prospectus was addressed, particularly if the prospectus made reference to future dealing on that market.
(This judgment also contains an excellent summary of the various remedies available to a person deceived by
misstatements in a prospectus, and their historical development.)
3. In Erlson Precision Holdings Ltd (formerly GG132 Ltd) v Hampson Industries plc [2011] EWHC 1137 (Comm),
income and customer forecasts were provided to representatives of the purchaser on behalf of the vendor listed
company; these were found to have carried an implied representation of fact, namely that the company had
reasonable grounds, or knew of facts, that justified the forecasts. The forecasts turned out to be false, as the
second largest of the company’s customers had already notified Mr Ward, CEO of the company, of its final
decision to terminate its relationship with the company entirely. In holding that the share purchase agreement was
induced by a fraudulent misrepresentation as alleged by the claimant, Field J said the following, at [43]:
If an individual in the position of Mr. Ward, the CEO of a listed company, knows that a forecast has been
falsified by events to which he is privy but remains silent intending that the forecast should (p. 504) be
relied on by persons to whom the forecast is directly communicated, dishonesty on the part of that
individual will have been proved without it being necessary distinctly and separately to show a conscious
awareness of a duty to correct the statement.
4. Where there is no fraudulent misrepresentation, by reason of there being no dishonest intent and/or reliance by
the representee, the court may nonetheless find that there has been a breach of warranties contained in the sale
and purchase agreement: Belfairs Management Ltd v Matthew Sutherland, Christie Jane Sutherland [2010] EWHC
2276 (Ch).
Collecting in the company’s capital: payment for shares
Issue of shares at a discount
A company is, in general, forbidden to issue shares 19 at a discount: see CA 2006 s 552 and the following case
extracts. But the professional people and institutions who handle new issues must, of course, be remunerated for
their services, or compensated for taking the risk of an issue not being fully subscribed for by the public (ie for
‘underwriting’ the issue). Accordingly, CA 2006 s 553 authorises the payment of commissions and discounts up to
a statutory limit (currently 10%), subject to certain safeguards.
A company may not issue shares at a discount.
[9.05] Ooregum Gold Mining Co of India Ltd v Roper [1892] AC 125 (House of Lords)
This action was brought by a holder of ordinary shares to test the validity of an issue of preference shares which
had been made by the directors, in accordance with resolutions duly passed by the members, on the basis that
each new share of £1 nominal value should be automatically credited with 75p paid, leaving an actual liability of
only 25p per share. The transaction was bona fide thought to be the best way of raising further funds for the
company, especially since the ordinary shares stood at a great discount. The House of Lords held, however, that it
was beyond the power of the company to issue the shares at a discount, and that in consequence the holders
were liable for the full nominal amount of the shares.
LORD HALSBURY LC: My Lords, the question in this case has been more or less in debate since 1883,
when Chitty J decided that a company limited by shares was not prohibited by law from issuing its shares
at a discount. That decision was overruled, though in a different case, by the Court of Appeal in 1888, and it
has now come to your Lordships for final determination.
My Lords, the whole structure of a limited company owes its existence to the Act of Parliament, and it is to
the Act of Parliament one must refer to see what are its powers, and within what limits it is free to act. Now,
confining myself for the moment to the Act of 1862, it makes one of the conditions of the limitation of
liability that the memorandum of association shall contain the amount of capital with which the company
proposes to be registered, divided into shares of a certain fixed amount. It seems to me that the system
thus created by which the shareholder’s liability is to be limited by the amount unpaid upon his shares,
renders it impossible for the company to depart from that requirement, and by any expedient to arrange with
their shareholders that they shall not be liable for the amount unpaid on the shares, although the amount of
those shares has been, in (p. 505) accordance with the Act of Parliament, fixed at a certain sum of money.
It is manifest that if the company could do so the provision in question would operate nothing.
I observe in the argument it has been sought to draw a distinction between the nominal capital and the
capital which is assumed to be the real capital. I can find no authority for such a distinction. The capital is
fixed and certain, and every creditor of the company is entitled to look to that capital as his security.
It may be that such limitations on the power of a company to manage its own affairs may occasionally be
inconvenient, and prevent its obtaining money for the purposes of its trading on terms so favourable as it
could do if it were more free to act. But, speaking for myself, I recognise the wisdom of enforcing on a
company the disclosure of what its real capital is, and not permitting a statement of its affairs to be such as
may mislead and deceive those who are either about to become its shareholders or about to give it credit.
I think … that the question which your Lordships have to solve is one which may be answered by reference
to an inquiry: What is the nature of an agreement to take a share in a limited company? and that that
question may be answered by saying, that it is an agreement to become liable to pay to the company the
amount for which the share has been created. That agreement is one which the company itself has no
authority to alter or qualify, and I am therefore of opinion that, treating the question as unaffected by the Act
of 1867, the company were prohibited by law, upon the principle laid down in Ashbury Co v Riche,20 from
doing that which is compendiously described as issuing shares at a discount.
LORDS WATSON, HERSCHELL, MACNAGHTEN and MORRIS delivered concurring opinions.
➤ Notes and Questions
1. The position in which this company found itself is not at all uncommon: unprofitable trading had led to a
depressed market price for the shares, and the company was seeking an injection of new funds to ‘keep head
above water’ while the directors endeavoured to surmount the immediate financial difficulties and find a way
back to profitability.21 The classical solution of an earlier generation was to issue preference shares, so that
those who provided the new capital ranked ahead of the existing shareholders as regards both income and
capital rights (see ‘Classes of shares and class rights’, pp 556ff). The other possible solution—to issue new
shares rankingpari passu with the existing shares but at a discounted price—is, on the authority of this case,
unlawful in England. Does the rule protect the company’s creditors? Does it protect the existing shareholders?
2. One way of making such a course of action possible would be for the law to authorise companies to create
and issue no par value shares—something which is permitted in many jurisdictions and, indeed, compulsory
in some. There is, after all, something unreal and simplistic about the concept of a par or nominal value. If the
share in question was originally issued at a premium, or in exchange for a noncash consideration, it may
never have been worth its face value; and certainly after the date of its issue its market value is never again
likely to bear any relation to the historic figure which was once ascribed to it. If it were lawful for companies to
issue shares of no par value, many of the misunderstandings associated with the concept of a nominal value
would disappear, and in addition it would be possible for a company to issue shares, ranking pari passu, at a
price of £1 in January, £1.05 in February and £0.90 in March (depending on what the market would stand),
without any implication that there was a par value which was being enhanced by a premium or reduced by a
discount. Recommendations have been made at different times for such an innovation to be made in the UK—
eg by the Gedge Committee (Cmnd 9112, 1954), the Jenkins Committee (Cmnd (p. 506) 1749, 1962, paras
32–34) and the Wilson Committee (Cmnd 7937, 1980, para 735), as well as by professional bodies—but the
response from successive governments has been nil. The CLR also considered the possibility of allowing (or
even requiring) private companies to issue nopar shares. (This would not be possible for public companies
unless the Second EU Directive were to be amended.) In the end, no change was proposed.
3. In more modern company law codes where shares of no par value are permitted, the ‘maintenance of
capital’ rules do not apply (see Chapter 10); but the payment of dividends and other distributions to
shareholders, and analogous transactions such as the repurchase by a company of its issued shares, are
permitted only if the company is able to satisfy a statutory ‘solvency test’ at the relevant time. In
consequence, attention is focused on the company’s current financial position rather than on what may be
quite misleading historic costs as shown in the accounts—indeed, the whole business of accounting is made
much more straightforward and meaningful.
Issue of debentures at a discount
There is ordinarily no prohibition on the issue of debentures at a discount, because the ‘maintenance of capital’
principle does not apply to debt capital. A company may find it attractive to create debentures on terms which give
the holders the option at some later date of converting the debentures into shares at a predetermined rate of
exchange. Such convertible debentures may not be issued at a discount on terms that they may be immediately
exchanged for shares of an equivalent nominal value, for this would be only an indirect way of achieving an issue of
shares at a discount (Mosely v Koffyfontein Mines Ltd [1904] 2 Ch 108). The rate at which the exchange of
securities is to take place must, to be above challenge, represent a realistic assessment of future trends in the
value of money and the market prices in securities.
➤ Questions
1. What might be the attractions of an issue of convertible debentures, rather than a straightforward issue of
shares, for (i) the company, (ii) the investor?
2. The basis of conversion set out in the terms of issue of convertible debentures commonly prescribes a
declining tariff, for example 75 shares for every £100 of debentures converted after three years, 70 shares per
£100 converted after four years, 65 shares per £100 after five years. Why?
Issue of shares at a premium
The rule that shares may not be issued at a discount means that a company which allots a share of nominal value
£1 must get £1 and nothing less for it; but there is no corresponding rule which says that the company must get
£1 and nothing more for it. If investors can be found who are willing to pay the company £1.20 or £2 or £5 for a
share of nominal value £1, the company is free to charge that sum. (Indeed, it may give the company’s existing
shareholders cause for complaint if a new issue of shares is made at par, for that would reduce (or ‘water down’)
the value of their shareholdings.22 )
The excess received by the company over the nominal value of the shares is called a premium, and, as noted
earlier, CA 2006 requires such sums to be shown in the company’s accounts under a separate head, as the ‘share
premium account’. This ensures that these are treated for almost all purposes as capital in the company’s hands
and not in any sense as income or profit: see ‘Terminology associated with legal capital’, pp 490ff.
(p. 507) Shareholders who have paid a premium for their shares have no right to the return of their premium in a
winding up: at least in the absence of specific provision in the terms of issue, any surplus remaining after the
return of the nominal amount of the shares is distributable on a rateable basis (Re Driffield Gas Light Co [1898] 1
Ch 451).
A company is not bound to issue its shares at a premium even though a price above par could be
[9.06] Hilder v Dexter [1902] AC 474 (House of Lords)
Immediately after its incorporation, the company issued onesixth of its shares to selected private persons in order
to obtain working capital. These shares were issued at par on the terms that the allottees should later have the
option to take up further shares at par on a oneforone basis. Hilder exercised his option at a time when the
shares were worth £2 17 s 6 d [£2.87] per £1 share. Dexter, another shareholder, sought and obtained an
injunction restraining Hilder and the company from carrying out the agreement on the ground that such an
arrangement was forbidden by s 8(2) of the Act of 1900 [CA 2006 s 582]. The House of Lords reversed this
decision and discharged the injunction.
LORD DAVEY: The advantage which the appellant will derive from the exercise of his option is certainly not
a ‘discount or allowance’, because he will have to pay 20s [100p] in the pound for every share. Nor is it, in
my opinion, a commission paid by the company, for the company will not part with any portion of its capital
which is received by it intact, or indeed with any moneys belonging to it. But the words relied on are, ‘either
directly or indirectly’, and the argument seems to be that the company, by engaging to allot shares at par
to the shareholder at a future date, is applying or using its shares in such a manner as to give him a
possible benefit at the expense of the company in this sense, that it foregoes the chance of issuing them at
a premium. With regard to the latter point, it may or may not be at the expense of the company. I am not
aware of any law which obliges a company to issue its shares above par because they are saleable at a
premium in the market. It depends on the circumstances of each case whether it will be prudent or even
possible to do so, and it is a question for the directors to decide. But the point which, in my opinion, is
alone material for the present purpose is that the benefit to the shareholder from being able to sell his
shares at a premium is not obtained by him at the expense of the company’s capital …
THE EARL OF HALSBURY LC and LORD BRAMPTON delivered concurring opinions.
Shares may be issued at a premium even though not issued for cash.
[9.07] Henry Head & Co Ltd v Ropner Holdings Ltd [1952] Ch 124 (Chancery Division)
The defendant company was formed to acquire by way of amalgamation the shares of two shipping companies,
and did so by exchanging the shares in these companies for shares in itself of equivalent nominal value. In this
way it acquired assets worth some £7 million in exchange for shares of a nominal value of £1,175,000. The court
held that the difference of just over £5 million had rightly been shown in the company’s balance sheet as carried to
a share premium account.
HARMAN J: The directors have been advised that they are bound to show their accounts in that way, and
not only they but the plaintiffs, who are large shareholders, regard that as a very undesirable thing, because
it fixes an unfortunate kind of rigidity on the structure of the company, having regard (p. 508) to the fact that
an account kept under that name, namely, the Share Premium Account, can only have anything paid out of
it by means of a transaction analogous to a reduction of capital. It is, in effect, as if the company had
originally been capitalised at approximately £7,000,000 instead of £1,750,000.
The question which I have to determine is whether the defendants were obliged to keep their accounts in
that way. That depends purely on s 56 of the Companies Act 1948 [CA 2006 s 610], which is a new
departure in legislation and was, it is said, intended to make compulsory that which had long seemed to be
desirable, namely, the practice of putting aside as a reserve and treating in the ordinary way as capital cash
premiums received on the issue of shares at a premium …
Counsel for the plaintiff company asks who would suppose that a common type of transaction of the sort
now under consideration was the issue of shares at a premium and says that nobody in the city or in the
commercial world would dream of so describing it. It is with a sense of shock at first that one hears that this
transaction was the issue of shares at a premium. Everybody, I suppose, who hears those words thinks of
a company which, being in a strong trading position, wants further capital and puts forward its shares for the
subscription of the public at such a price as the market in those shares justifies, whatever it may be,
[£1.50] a £1 share, £5 a £1 share, or any price obtainable; and the [50p] or £4 above the nominal value of a
share which it acquires as a result of that transaction is no doubt a premium. That is what is ordinarily
meant by the issue of shares at a premium. The first words of subs (1) are: ‘Where a company issues
shares at a premium’. If the words had stopped there, one might have said that the subsection merely refers
to cash transactions of that sort, but it goes on to say ‘whether for cash or otherwise’.
What ‘otherwise’ can there be? It must be a consideration other than cash, namely, goods or assets of
some physical sort.
➤ Note
The general principle expressed in this case remains valid, but CA 2006 (and its predecessors) contain relief
against the application of the share premium restrictions in the case of certain mergers and reconstructions
(ss 611–613), and the Secretary of State has power to make further regulations, either amplifying or restricting
the relief so provided (s 614).
Issue of shares in exchange for property
It is not necessary that shares be allotted for cash. It is very common instead for the issue price to be satisfied by
the transfer to the company of property, such as a business, previously owned by the allottee: this is what Mr
Salomon [2.01] did. Or the new shares may be exchanged for shares in another company: see, for example,Henry
Head [9.07].
Two problems may arise here. If the property taken by the company as consideration is worth more than the
nominal value of the new shares, then the shares will have been issued at a premium, and this will bring into play
the burdensome and restrictive accounting provisions of CA 2006 ss 610ff discussed earlier. If, on the other hand,
the property is worth less than the nominal value of the shares (as may well have been true in Mr Salomon’s case),
then in practical terms the shares will have been issued at a discount, contrary to law. Creditors who assume that
the shares have been paid for in full may then suffer loss, or at least be exposed to risk, and existing shareholders
also may be prejudiced through the ‘watering down’ of their own investment.
The common law leaves this problem to be settled by the business judgement and integrity of the directors, and
courts will normally accept the valuation made at the time of the allotment unless it is shown to have been made
dishonestly or falsely or the contract for allotment is itself set aside for fraud (Re Wragg [9.08]). This means that
the rule against issuing shares at a discount can be circumvented fairly easily, for challenges to the board’s
decisions are rarely (p. 509) mounted, and those that are face the formidable procedural obstacles of Foss v
Harbottle [13.01]: compare the analogous cases of Pavlides v Jensen [1956] Ch 565 (sale of assets at alleged
undervalue) andPrudential Assurance Co Ltd v Newman Industries Ltd (No 2) [13.21] (purchase of assets at
alleged overvalue). The case for some form of statutory control has always seemed a strong one.
Such a step has been taken in regard to public companies, as a result of the Second EU Directive (which was
implemented in 1980). The relevant provisions are now in CA 2006 ss 584–587 and 593–609. Some forms of
consideration for the allotment of shares are banned altogether, for example an undertaking to do work for the
company in the future (s 585(1)) and an undertaking of a longterm nature (other than a promise to pay cash) which
may take five years or more to perform (s 587(1)). Other forms of ‘noncash’ consideration have to be valued by an
expert (ss 593–594 and 603), and sometimes a second expert has to certify that the first one is competent (s
1150(2))! Rules of even greater severity are laid down for subscribers to the memorandum (ss 584 and 598–599). In
all, it is a very elaborate (and costly) procedure that the Act spells out, in the most finicky detail: a pretty large
sledgehammer to crack a fairly small nut.
It is not so important, here, to explain all the finer points of the statutory procedure. But something must be said
about the code of sanctions for a failure to comply—even with these finer points; and these are formidable. The
allottee is obliged to pay to the company the nominal value of the shares and any premium, with interest,
regardless of any benefit that the company may already have had (so that he or she may in effect have to pay for
the shares twice over); and, in addition, a subsequent holder of the shares is jointly and severally liable with the
allottee to pay the same amounts, unless the holder is (or has derived title through) a bona fide purchaser for value
without (actual) notice: see ss 588 and 605. The only relief that those who are caught by these provisions have
against what may be potentially a double liability to pay for their shares is that they have a right to make
application to the court and ask for exemption from some or all of the statutory liability (ss 589 and 606: see Re
Bradford Investments plc (No 2) in the Note following Re Wragg Ltd [9.08]). In addition to these civil
consequences, criminal penalties are imposed upon the company and its officers; and the transactions which
infringe the statutory rules, though enforceable by the company against the allottee, are (by implication, and in the
case of a contract with a subscriber to the memorandum, expressly) unenforceable or ‘void’ as against the
There is an exception from the valuation requirement in the case of a takeover in which all or part of the
consideration for the shares allotted is the exchange of shares in the offeree company (s 594(1)–(3)); and it also
does not apply in a merger (s 595).
One last point is worth emphasising: all of these rules apply only to issues by public companies for noncash
consideration; if the consideration is cash, the rules are not relevant. ‘Cash’ is defined in CA 2006 s 583(3): it
includes undertakings to pay in the future, or to release a liability of the company (the latter is useful in debt for
equity swaps).
It should be remembered that the rules stated here govern public companies only; private companies continue to
be subject to the common law, as declared in the case next cited [9.08].
➤ Questions
1. Fred comes to an arrangement with the directors of XYZ plc that he will subscribe for 200,000 £1 ordinary
shares in the company at their par value. He also agrees to sell to XYZ plc a leasehold shop property for a
price of £200,000. On 1 April the shares are allotted to him in exchange for his cheque, payable to the
company, for £200,000, and on the same day, the leasehold interest in the shop is transferred to the company
in return for the company’s cheque, payable to Fred, for £200,000. What legal issues arise?
2. What do you consider is the policy reasoning behind CA 2006 ss 598–599? Suppose that X and Y are the
promoters of a public company and intend within a few days of its incorporation (p. 510) to transfer a
business to it: is there any need to have regard to ss 598–599 if they take the precaution of ensuring that the
memorandum is subscribed only by two clerks in their solicitor’s office?
3. Why do you think that the legislation requires a copy of the valuation to be sent to the proposed allottee (s
593(1)(c))? If the valuer’s report advises the company that the transferor’s property would be a snip at twice
the price, can the allottee withdraw from the transaction and negotiate for more? If the valuer negligently
overvalues the property, could the allottee sue the valuer in tort?
4. Where there has been an infringement of s 593, could the company and the allottee effectively agree that
the latter should be released from liability under s 593(3) without going to court under s 606?
Private company share issues for noncash consideration.
[9.08] Re Wragg Ltd [1897] 1 Ch 796 (Court of Appeal)
This case indicates that a private company may buy property at any price it thinks fit, and pay for it in fully paid
shares. Unless the transaction itself is impeached (eg on the ground of fraud), the actual value of the consideration
received by the company for its shares cannot be inquired into. Wragg and Martin had sold to the company on its
incorporation their omnibus and liverystable business for £46,300, which was paid partly in cash and debentures
and partly by the allotment to them of the whole of the company’s original capital of £20,000 in fully paid shares.
The liquidator of the company later sought to show that the value of the business had been overstated by some
£18,000; and he claimed either to be entitled to treat shares representing this amount as unpaid, or alternatively to
charge Martin and Wragg as directors with misfeasance in connection with the purchase. Both claims failed.
LINDLEY LJ: … That shares cannot be issued at a discount was finally settled in the case of the Ooregum
Gold Mining Co of India v Roper [9.05], the judgments in which are strongly relied upon by the appellant in
this case. It has, however, never yet been decided that a limited company cannot buy property or pay for
services at any price it thinks proper, and pay for them in fully paidup shares. Provided a limited company
does so honestly and not colourably, and provided that it has not been so imposed upon as to be entitled to
be relieved from its bargain, it appears to be settled by Pell’s case,23 and the others to which I have
referred, of whichAnderson’s case24 is the most striking, that agreements by limited companies to pay for
property or services in paidup shares are valid and binding on the companies and their creditors …
[If] a company owes a person £100, the company cannot by paying him £200 in shares of that nominal
amount discharge him … from his obligation as a shareholder to pay up the other £100 in respect of those
shares. That would be issuing shares at a discount. The difference between such a transaction and paying
for property or services in shares at a price put upon them by a vendor and agreed to by the company may
not always be very apparent in practice. But the two transactions are essentially different, and whilst the
one is ultra vires the other is intra vires. It is not law that persons cannot sell property to a limited company
for fully paidup shares and make a profit by the transaction. We must not allow ourselves to be misled by
talking of value. The value paid to the company is measured by the price at which the company agrees to
buy what it thinks it worth its while to acquire. Whilst the transaction is unimpeached, this is the only value
to be considered …
AL SMITH and RIGBY LJJ delivered concurring judgments.
(p. 511) Note
This common law ruling may be contrasted with Re Bradford Investments plc (No 2) [1991] BCLC 688, which
illustrates the operation of the statutory rules governing the issue of shares by public companies for a noncash
consideration. Here the four members of a partnership had converted a dormant private company into a public
company and transferred the business of the partnership to it in consideration of the allotment to them of
1,059,000 fully paid £1 ordinary shares. No valuation of the business was obtained, as required by CA 1985 s 103
[CA 2006 s 593]. Twoandahalf years later, the company, now under independent management, claimed
£1,059,000 from the original partners as the issue price of the shares. The partners applied to the court under s
113 [CA 2006 s 606] to be relieved from liability to pay this sum. In this they were unsuccessful, for s 113 places
the onus of proving that value was given on the applicants, and they were unable to satisfy the court that the
partnership business had any net value at the time when it was transferred to the company.
Further Reading
ARMOUR, J, ‘Legal Capital: An Outdated Concept?’ (2006) 7 European Business Organization Law Review 5.
Find This Resource
ARMOUR, J, ‘Share Capital and Creditor Protection: Efficient Rules for a Modern Company Law?’ (2000) 63
MLR 355.
Find This Resource
DAEHNERT, A, ‘The Minimum Capital Requirement—An Anachronism under Conservation, Parts 1 and 2’
[2009] 30 Company Lawyer 3 and 34.
Find This Resource
FERRAN, E, ‘Creditors’ Interests and “Core” Company Law’ (1999) 20 Company Lawyer 314.
Find This Resource
GOWER, LCB, ‘Some Contrasts between British and American Corporation Law’ (1956) 69 Harvard Law
Review 1369.
Find This Resource
MYNERS, P, PreEmption Rights: Final Report (URN 05/679) (DTI, 2005).
Find This Resource
PENNINGTON, R, ‘Can Shares in Companies be Defined?’ (1989) 10 Company Lawyer 140.
Find This Resource
POPE, P and PUXTY, A, ‘What is Equity?’ (1991) 54 MLR 889.
Find This Resource
RICKFORD, J, et al, ‘Reforming Capital’ (2004) 15 European Business Law Review 919.
Find This Resource
WORTHINGTON, S, ‘Shares and Shareholders: Property, Power and Entitlement—Parts I and II’ (2001)
22 Company Lawyer 258 and 307.
Find This Resource
1 This is a simplification: as is explained later (see ‘Issue of shares at a premium’, p 506), the total sum received
by the company in exchange for the share may include both a ‘capital’ sum and a ‘premium’ sum. Both of these
sums are subject to substantially similar restrictions on the possible uses the company may make of them, but
the ‘company’s capital’, in the strictest sense, includes only the former sums.
2 See Chapters 12 and 16.
3 See Chapter 16.
4 See Chapter 10.
5 See Chapter 14.
6 It is not the same with partnerships, where the partners are personally liable for the debts of the partnership (with
limitations on that liability only if the partnership is a Limited Liability Partnership): see ‘Companies and
partnerships’, pp 23ff. Of course, if the company’s directors have caused an unwarranted diminution in the
company’s assets, then the company, not the creditors, can sue the directors, and the recoveries will augment the
company’s assets, and be available for the benefit of the company’s creditors (and its shareholders, if the
company is solvent): see ‘Pursuing claims for maladministration’, pp 635ff. If the company is being wound up,
different rules determine who may sue, and who may be sued: see ‘Statutory framework’, pp 768ff.
7 And indeed, as indicated later, a sale of ‘£100,000 worth of shares’ might well net the company more than
8 And note the permission in s 542(3), subject to s 765, to have share capital denominated in different currencies.
9 And (although this has nothing to do with legal capital) when existing shareholders sell their shares to willing
purchasers, whether privately or on a recognised market, they will again sell at whatever price the market will bear.
This may be more or less than the nominal value of the shares, depending upon the success of the company and
the estimated value of an interest in it.
Note that the shareholder does not receive similar benefits: different shareholders may have purchased the
same class of shares for different prices (ie paying different premia for shares of the same par value); if the
company goes into solvent liquidation (ie there are assets to be returned to shareholders), then all shareholders
will receive a return of their capital (ie the nominal capital associated with the share) and share equally in the
division of any surplus profits.
11 Where conflict of laws rules must be applied to decide which national law is appropriate to determine questions
of title etc in relation to the shares, the accepted rule is that where ownership of the shares is recorded in a
register, the appropriate law is that of the place where the register is kept, which is normally (but not always) the
country of incorporation; but where the shares are in bearer form the certificates or warrants are regarded as
negotiable instruments and the relevant law is that of the place where the documents happen to be (Re Harvard
Securities Ltd [1997] 2 BCLC 369).
12 See ‘Terminology associated with legal capital’, p 490, for the meaning of ‘par value’.
13 And, as of 1 October 2009, see the Allotment of Shares and Rights of PreEmption (Amendment) Regulations
2009 (SI 2009/2561).
14 Although preemption rights are mandatory in the EU, they have been abandoned in the United States. The
reasons for preemption rights are examined in Paul Myners,PreEmption Rights: Final Report (URN 05/679) (DTI,
2005). Also see LCB Gower, ‘Some Contrasts between British and American Corporation Law?’ (1956) 69 Harvard
Law Review 1369.
15 The measure of damages is normally the difference between the price that was paid for the shares and their true
value at the time of the transaction, together with any consequential loss. Exceptionally (eg where the defendant’s
fraud has created a false market or was such as to have prevented the victim from realising the shares at that
time), a different value may be substituted: Smith New Court Securities Ltd v Citibank NA [1997] AC 254, HL.
16 This has now been modified by Collins v Associated Greyhound Racecourses Ltd [1930] 1 Ch 1, to require that,
to the knowledge of the company or its agents, the contract was made on the basis of particular representations
that later turned out to be untrue.
17 See Hedley Byrne and Co Ltd v Heller and Partners Ltd [1964] AC 465; Caparo Industries plc v Dick man [8.04],
but so far no cases seem to have been brought for misstatements in offers.
18 Under the statute, damages are said to be measured in the same way as for fraud, regardless of the type of
misrepresentation: Royscot Trust Ltd v Rogerson [1991] 2 QB 297, strongly criticised in R Hooley, ‘Damages and
the Misrepresentation Act 1967?’ (1991) 107 LQR 547.
19 But not debentures: see ‘Issue of debentures at a discount’, p 506.
20 [1875] LR 7 HL 653, HL.
21 As in fact happened in Ooregum: soon afterwards, the company struck gold and its ordinary shares rose in
value from 12½p to £2.
22 The directors would not breach any legal duty to the company (see [9.08]), but the existing shareholders might
complain of unfairly prejudicial treatment (CA 2006 s 994). The statutory preemption rights are designed to help,
but do not always apply or meet the problem: see ‘Preemption rights governing the transfer of existing shares’, p
23 (1869) 5 Ch App 11.
24 (1877) 7 Ch D 75.
10. Distributions and Capital Maintenance
Chapter: (p. 512) 10. Distributions and Capital Maintenance
Author(s): Len Sealy and Sarah Worthington
DOI: 10.1093/he/9780199676446.003.0010
Controls over a company’s distribution of capital
The previous chapter illustrated the concern of the law to see that those who take shares in a company do, in fact,
contribute the value of their shares in money or money’s worth. This fund of such contributions, being the
company’s legal capital, is intended by law to provide creditor protection, in some senses at the expense of the
company’s members. The law does not restrict every disposal of the company’s assets—companies are free to
run their businesses at differing rates of success. However, the ambition of creditor protection would be defeated if,
once the funds had been received, companies were completely free to return them to the members, thereby
adversely affecting the creditors’ overall position visàvis the company.
This chapter examines the rules that are designed to ensure that a company’s legal capital is, as far as possible,
maintained in the company’s hands consistently with all the risks associated with any business venture. In
particular, these rules ensure that a company’s legal capital is not returned to the members themselves, directly or
indirectly, except through some statutory procedure, such as a reduction of capital (Companies Act 2006 (CA
2006) ss 641ff) or a redemption or a repurchase of shares (ss 684ff), which provides proper safeguards for creditors
and others who might be prejudiced by the diminution of the company’s assets. In this way, the law does its best
for the company’s creditors who are, generally, denied any direct recourse against the members, or against the
directors, whilst at the same time allowing corporate entrepreneurial activity to continue without too much state
There is, of course, only so much protection that any formal rules of law can give. In addition to the normal
business risks mentioned previously, the historic figure representing the issued capital may be eroded in real
terms by the effects of inflation. But these are risks which creditors necessarily accept; and UK company law
does provide a further measure of protection through the publicity given to company accounts and through the
remedial regime provided by the insolvency legislation.
The rules providing for ‘maintenance of capital’ were formulated in the first place by the courts in the latter part of
the nineteenth century. But the Second EU Company Law Directive (77/91/EEC) required the UK to make specific
legislative provision for many matters relating to the use of capital and the payment of dividends. The required rules
to some extent overlapped with the existing judgemade law, and in other respects went much further. English
statutory provisions are now more extensive than the Directive required, in that some of the provisions apply not
just to public companies (as the Directive stipulated) but to private companies as well.
English statute law later introduced still further changes, in the form of rules allowing a company to repurchase its
own shares.1 This had been declared unlawful in Trevor v Whitworth (p. 513) [10.05], and the common law ban is,
indeed, still confirmed as a general rule in CA 2006 s 658. It also made changes to the rules related to the giving
by a company of financial assistance towards the purchase of its shares. Much of the earlier case law was
superseded as a result. It is not possible here to describe the detail of all the statutory rules—still less to try to
explain some of their byzantine obfuscations; all that can be attempted is to summarise them, and to cite some of
the relevant judicial pronouncements.
This chapter deals, in turn, with:2
(i) permitted returns of capital implemented by a reduction of capital (see ‘Permitted reductions of capital’, pp
(ii) permitted returns of capital implemented by a repurchase or redemption of shares (see ‘Redemptions and
repurchases of shares’, pp 520ff);
(iii) prohibitions on a company giving financial assistance to others for the purchase of its shares (see
‘Financial assistance by a company for the acquisition of its own shares’, pp 524ff);
(iv) rules requiring dividend distributions to be made out of profits, not capital (see ‘Dividend distributions’, pp
541ff); and
(v) impermissible ‘disguised’ returns of capital (see ‘Disguised returns of capital’, pp 548ff).
Permitted reductions of capital
Once a company has raised a particular level of legal capital, can it adjust the amount downwards? If this could
happen at will, the rules on legal capital would become meaningless. On the other hand, there may be good
reason for adjustments.
If the company has excess capital that it cannot, or prefers not to, use profitably in pursuing its objectives, it may
wish to return this to the members rather than expand or diversify the company’s business. This involves no risk to
the creditors, provided they are satisfied first.
By contrast, if the company has traded unsuccessfully, the value of its existing assets may fall well short of the
legal capital. Potential new equity investors may want the value of the company’s existing shares to be reduced to
reflect the actual value of the company’s assets before new investments are made. This is desired so that, if the
business is resuscitated, its profits can be paid out to members (including the new members) rather than going to
meet the shortfall in undistributable legal capital. Although this type of revaluation does not involve paying any of
the company’s cash to its shareholders, it does have a detrimental impact on creditors: the value of the protective
‘creditor buffer’ is reduced, and the risk to creditors therefore increases.
CA 2006 imposes restraints on a company wishing to reduce its capital. In summary, it can only do so by: (i)
special resolution confirmed by the court (CA 2006 ss 641(1)(b), 645–651); or (ii) for private companies, by special
resolution supported by a solvency statement by the directors, filed with the registrar, provided that at least one
shareholder will remain (ie that the share capital will not be reduced to zero) (CA 2006 ss 641(1)(a), 642–
644).3 This is a major relaxation for private companies, introduced by CA 2006. Under (i), the court must not
confirm (p. 514) a reduction unless it is satisfied that affected creditors have consented, been paid or had their
debts secured (s 648), and then the court order and the new statement of capital must be registered at Companies
House. Creditors may object to the proposed reduction if it involves either a diminution of shareholder liability in
respect of unpaid capital, or the payment to any shareholder of paidup capital (s 646), unless the court thinks that
creditors should not be able to object,4 or should be able to object in an even wider range of circumstances (s
645). Subject to this, a company may reduce its capital in any way, and s 641(4) provides illustrations.
Court approval, in (i), is designed to ensure that the prescribed formalities have been strictly observed (including
creditor approval), and that the reduction treats the company’s shareholders fairly (see the cases cited later).
The procedure is rarely used by private companies, since they can now repurchase their own shares out of capital
(see ‘Redemptions and repurchases of shares’, p 520), and prefer to use this approach to buy out retiring or
deceased members. Public companies may still find the procedure useful on occasion. Note, too, the requirement
in s 656 for directors of public companies to call a general meeting if the company’s assets fall below half or less
of the company’s called up capital (see ‘Minimum capital requirements for company formation’, p 495).
Finally, where the rights of a class of shareholders are affected by a reduction, it may be necessary to have regard
also to the provisions of CA 2006 s 630 (especially since s 630(6) indicates that references to ‘variation’ of class
rights is taken to include references to ‘abrogation’), but the approach of the courts to this topic gives less scope
to that section than its draftsman probably appreciated: see [10.03] and [10.01]).
A company may not bind itself not to exercise the power conferred on it by statute to alter its capital, but
an agreement by members that they will not support a resolution to alter capital is binding.
Reread Russell v Northern Bank Development Corpn Ltd [4.34].
➤ Question
Can the first ruling in this case (that a company cannot agree that it will not exercise its statutory power to
alter its capital) be readily circumvented by the second (that members may agree by contract, either with
each other or with a third party, that they will not vote for a change in the company’s capital structure)? If so,
is the reasoning flawed? Does the answer to this depend upon whether a court would remedy infringements by
orders for specific performance or injunction, or only by orders for the payment of damages?
The court’s discretion in confirming a reduction of capital.
[10.01] Scottish Insurance Corpn Ltd v Wilsons and Clyde Coal Co Ltd [1949] AC 462 (House of Lords)
The company’s business had been nationalised, so that it could no longer earn profits. Its proposal to pay off the
preference capital5 in anticipation of liquidation was opposed, partly because it was believed that this would rob the
preference shareholders of a right to participate in (p. 515) ‘surplus assets’ in a liquidation. The House of Lords
rejected this construction of the preference shareholders’ rights (see [11.04]) and held that the reduction was in
any case fair.
LORD SIMONDS: The Companies Act 1929, no more than its predecessors, prescribes what is to guide
the court in the exercise of its discretionary jurisdiction to confirm or to refuse to confirm a reduction in
capital. But I agree with the learned Lord President [in the court below] that, important though its task is to
see that the procedure, by which a reduction is carried through, is formally correct and that creditors are not
prejudiced, it has the further duty of satisfying itself that the scheme is fair and equitable between the
different classes of shareholders: see, eg, British and American Trustee and Finance Corpn Ltd v
Couper.6 But what is fair and equitable must depend upon the circumstances of each case and I propose …
to consider the elements on which the appellants rely for saying that this reduction is not fair to them.
In the formal case which they have presented to the House the element of unfairness on which the
appellants insist is that the reduction deprives them of their right to participate in the surplus assets of the
company on liquidation and leaves the ordinary stockholders in sole possession of those assets. But in
their argument both in the Court of Session and before your Lordships they have further relied on the fact
that they have been deprived of a favourable 7% investment which they cannot hope to replace and might
have expected to continue to enjoy. They further contend that the deprivation of these rights, which would in
any case have been unmerited hardship, is rendered more unfair because it is likely to be followed at an
early date by liquidation of the company or, as it is less accurately expressed, because it is itself only a
step in the liquidation of the company.
The first plea makes an assumption, viz that the articles give the preference stockholders the right in a
winding up to share in surplus assets, which I for the moment accept but will later examine. Making that
assumption, I yet see no validity in the plea. The company has at a stroke been deprived of the enterprise
and undertaking which it has built up over many years: it is irrelevant for this purpose that the stroke is
delivered by an Act of Parliament which at the same time provides some compensation. Nor can it affect
the rights of the parties that the only reason why there is money available for repayment of capital is that
the company has no longer an undertaking to carry on. Year by year the 7% preference dividend has been
paid; of the balance of the profits some part has been distributed to the ordinary stockholders, the rest has
been conserved in the business. If I ask whether year by year the directors were content to recommend, the
company in general meeting to vote, a dividend which has left a margin of resources, in order that the
preference stockholders might in addition to repayment of the capital share also in surplus assets, I think
that directors and company alike would give an emphatic negative. Anyway they would, I think, add that
they have always had it in their power, and have it still, by making use of articles 139 or 141, to see that
what they had saved for themselves they do not share with others[7 ] … Reading these articles as a whole
with such familiarity with the topic as the years have brought, I would not hesitate to say, first, that the last
thing a preference stockholder would expect to get (I do not speak here of the legal rights) would be a share
of surplus assets, and that such a share would be a windfall beyond his reasonable expectations and,
secondly, that he had at all times the knowledge, enforced in this case by the unusual reference in article
139 to the payment off of the preference capital, that at least he ran the risk, if the company’s
circumstances admitted, of such a reduction as is now proposed being submitted for confirmation by the
court. Whether a man lends money to a company at 7% or subscribes for its shares carrying a cumulative
preferential dividend at that rate, I do not think that he can complain of unfairness if the company, being in a
position lawfully to do so, proposes to pay him off. No doubt, if the company is content not to do so, he
may get something that he can never have expected but, so long as the company can lawfully repay him,
whether it be months or years before a contemplated liquidation, I see no ground for the court refusing its
confirmation. [His Lordship (p. 516) later held that the preference shareholders had in any case no right to
participate in ‘surplus assets’ in a liquidation: see [11.04].]
VISCOUNT MAUGHAM and LORD NORMAND delivered concurring opinions.
In a reduction of capital, the prima facie rule is that money is to be repaid and losses are to be borne in the
order in which the different classes of shares would rank, as regards repayment or loss of capital
respectively, in a winding up.
[10.02] Re ChatterleyWhitfield Collieries Ltd [1948] 2 All ER 593 (Court of Appeal)
The company’s principal business had been nationalised. It proposed to continue operations on a much smaller
scale, for which it would need far less capital. It therefore proposed to reduce its capital by paying off its preference
shareholders, leaving the ordinary shareholders unaffected. This was confirmed by the court as fair, since it was in
accordance with the respective rights of the two classes in a winding up.
LORD GREENE MR: [T]he company is faced with the following situation. Its principal business has gone
and it is proposing to embark on certain new activities which may or may not turn out to be successful. So
long as it was possessed of its colliery it clearly required to keep all its issued capital in the business—
there was no question of its having capital surplus to its business requirements. The reduced form of its
activities is, however, such that it has a great deal more capital than it requires …
What is a company in that situation to do? The business answer to this question does not admit of doubt,
particularly where a substantial part of its capital consists of preference shares bearing a higher rate of
dividend than the company is reasonably likely to earn in the future. It will do what this company seeks to
do, ie reduce its capital by paying off as much of its preference capital as it is able to pay off out of its
surplus. A company which satisfies its capital requirements by issuing preference shares only does so
where it is satisfied that the new capital will earn at least the promised rate of dividend. A company which
has issued preference shares carrying a high rate of dividend and finds its business so curtailed that it has
capital surplus to its requirements and sees the likelihood, or at any rate the possibility, that its preference
capital will not, if I may use the expression, ‘earn its keep’, would be guilty of financial ineptitude if it did not
take steps to reduce its capital by paying off preference capital so far as the law allowed it to do so. That is
mere commonplace in company finance.
There has been a tendency, indeed more than a tendency, to represent a company confronted by this sort
of practical question as though it were nothing but an uneasy and warring combination of hostile classes of
shareholders. In a sense, no doubt, it is. But it is more than this. The position of the company itself as an
economic entity must be considered, and nothing can be more destructive of a company’s financial
equilibrium than to have to carry the burden of capital which it does not need, bearing a high rate of dividend
which it cannot earn. In a company so situated, the ordinary shareholders will be unfairly treated visàvis
the preference shareholders, and the company may well fall into the situation when its preference dividends
will begin to fall into irretrievable arrears. It is a fallacy to suppose that because ordinary shareholders will
benefit, the transaction ought to be vetoed as being unfair to the preference shareholders.
It is a clearly recognised principle that the court, in confirming a reduction by the payment off of capital
surplus to a company’s needs, will allow, or rather require, that the reduction shall be effected in the first
instance by payment off of capital which is entitled to priority in a winding up. Apart from special cases
where by agreement between classes the incidence of reduction is arranged in a different manner, this is
and has for years been the normal recognised practice of the (p. 517) courts, accepted by the courts and
by businessmen as the fair and equitable method of carrying out a reduction by payment off of surplus
capital. I know of no case where this method has, apart from agreement, been departed from …
In the result, I am of opinion that the present appeal should be allowed and the proposed reduction
confirmed, the application being otherwise in order.
ASQUITH LJ delivered a concurring judgment.
EVERSHED LJ dissented.
This decision was affirmed by the House of Lords: Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v ChatterleyWhitfield Collieries
Ltd [1949] AC 512.
Subject to the Act and the company’s articles,8 no separate class meetings are necessary to approve a
reduction of capital if priority is given to the different classes in accordance with the terms on which they
were issued.
[10.03] Re Saltdean Estate Co Ltd [1968] 1 WLR 1844 (Chancery Division)
The company’s preferred shareholders were entitled to participate in the ‘balance of profits’ in each year after a
10% preferred dividend and an equivalent sum in dividends on the ordinary shares had been paid; but in a winding
up they had no right to participate in surplus capital. The ordinary shareholders controlled the voting. The court was
asked to confirm a reduction of capital which was to be effected by paying off the preferred shares at 75p per 50p
share. The reduction was approved by the court, which ruled that there was no ‘variation’ of the preferred
shareholders’ rights which would call for approval by a separate class meeting.
BUCKLEY J: [It] is said that the proposed cancellation of the preferred shares will constitute an abrogation
of all the rights attached to those shares which cannot validly be effected without an extraordinary resolution
of a class meeting of preferred shareholders under article 8 of the company’s articles. In my judgment, that
article has no application to a cancellation of shares on a reduction of capital which is in accord with the
rights attached to the shares of the company. Unless this reduction can be shown to be unfair to the
preferred shareholders on other grounds, it is in accordance with the right and liability to prior repayment of
capital attached to their shares. The liability to prior repayment on a reduction of capital, corresponding to
their right to prior return of capital in a winding up is a liability of a kind of which Lord Greene MR [in
the ChatterleyWhitfield case [10.02]] said that anyone has only himself to blame if he does not know it. It
is part of the bargain between the shareholders and forms an integral part of the definition or delimitation of
the bundle of rights which make up a preferred share. Giving effect to it does not involve the variation or
abrogation of any right attached to such a share. Nor, in my judgment, has s 72 of the Companies Act 1948
[CA 2006 s 633], upon which the opponents place some reliance, any application to this case. That section
relates to variation of rights attached to shares, not to cancellation of shares …
The fact is that every holder of preferred shares of the company has always been at risk that his hope of
participating in undrawn or future profits of the company might be frustrated at any time by a liquidation of
the company or a reduction of its capital properly resolved upon by a sufficient majority of his fellow
members. This vulnerability is, and always has been, a characteristic of the preferred shares. Now that the
event has occurred, none of the preferred shareholders can, in my judgment, assert that the resulting state
of affairs is unfair to him.
For these reasons the opposition to this petition, in my judgment, fails.
(p. 518) ➤ Notes
1. In House of Fraser plc v ACGE Investments Ltd [1987] AC 387, HL, the House of Lords endorsed this decision,
and approved the following passage from one of the judgments in the court below (1987 SLT 273 at 278):
In our opinion the proposed cancellation of the preference shares would involve fulfilment or satisfaction of
the contractual rights of the shareholders, and would not involve any variation of their rights. Variation of a
right presupposes the existence of the right, the variation of the right, and the subsequent continued
existence of the right as varied. A different situation obtains where a right is fulfilled and satisfied and
thereafter ceases to exist.
2. These rulings do not apply where the company’s articles of association expressly provide that the rights
attached to a class of shares shall be deemed to be varied by a reduction of the capital paid up on the shares. A
separate class meeting must then be held: Re Northern Engineering Industries plc [1994] 2 BCLC 704, CA.
➤ Questions
1. How do these decisions relate to the statutory provision in CA 2006 s 630, especially s 630(6) which
indicates that references to a ‘variation’ of class rights is taken to include references to ‘abrogation’? (See
‘Variation of class rights, pp 563ff, and Re Northern Engineering Industries plc, in the previous Note 2.)
2. If the company has a shortfall of capital, how should a capital reduction be implemented as between the
company’s ordinary shareholders (class A), preference shareholders with a preferential right to both a dividend
and a return of capital on a winding up (class B) and preference shareholders with only a preferential right to a
dividend (class C)?
3. If the company has a surplus of capital, how should a capital reduction be implemented as between the
company’s ordinary shareholders (class A), preference shareholders with a preferential right to both a dividend and
a return of capital on a winding up (class B) and preference shareholders with only a preferential right to a dividend
(class C)?
A shareholder voting at a class meeting held in connection with a reduction of capital must have regard to
the interests of the class of shareholders as a whole.
[10.04] Re Holders Investment Trust Ltd [1971] 1 WLR 583 (Chancery Division)
The company petitioned for confirmation of a reduction of capital, under which it was proposed to cancel its
redeemable preference shares and to allot to the holders an equivalent amount of unsecured loan stock.9 The
reduction was approved by both a special resolution of the company and an extraordinary resolution of a separate
class meeting of the preference shareholders. At the latter meeting, some 90% of the votes cast were held by
certain trustees (referred to in the judgment as ‘the supporting trustees’) who also held about 52% of the ordinary
stocks and shares, and in that respect stood to gain substantially from the reduction. Megarry J held that the vote
at the class meeting was ineffectual, because the majority preference shareholders had considered their own
interests, without regard to what was best for the preference shareholders as a class. (p. 519)
MEGARRY J: Unopposed petitions by a company for the confirmation of a reduction of capital are a
commonplace of the Companies’ Court; but an opposed petition such as the one I have before me is a
comparative rarity …
Put briefly, Mr Drake’s opposition to the confirmation of the reduction is twofold. First, he contends that the
extraordinary resolution of the preference shareholders was not valid and effectual because the supporting
trustees did not exercise their votes in the way that they ought to have done, namely, in the interests of the
preference shareholders as a whole. Instead, being owners of much ordinary stock and many shares as
well, they voted in such a way as to benefit the totality of the stocks and shares that they held. Secondly,
Mr Drake contends that even if the extraordinary resolution was valid, the terms on which the reduction of
capital is to be effected are not fair, in particular in that the increase in the rate of interest from 5% to 6% is
not an adequate recompense for having the right of repayment or redemption postponed from 31 July 1971,
until at earliest 31 October 1985, and at latest some unspecified date in 1990. I may say at the outset that
it is common ground that the proposed reduction is not in accordance with the class rights of the preference
shareholders …
In the British America case, Viscount Haldane, in speaking for a strong Board of the Judicial Committee,
referred to ‘a general principle, which is applicable to all authorities conferred on majorities of classes
enabling them to bind minorities; namely, that the power given must be exercised for the purpose of
benefiting the class as a whole, and not merely individual members only …’ The matter may, I think, be put
in the way in which Scrutton LJ put it in the Shuttleworth case, where the question was the benefit of the
company rather than of a particular class of members. Adapting his language … I have to see whether the
majority was honestly endeavouring to decide and act for the benefit of the class as a whole, rather than
with a view to the interests of some of the class and against that of others …
I pause here to point the obvious. Without guidance from those skilled in these matters, many members of
a class may fail to realise what they should bear in mind when deciding how to vote at a class meeting. The
beneficial owner of shares may well concentrate on his own personal interests: even though he regards the
proposal per se as one to be rejected, collateral matters affecting other interests of his may lead him to vote
in favour of the resolution. Trustees, too, are under a fiduciary duty to do the best they properly can for their
beneficiaries. A proposal which, in isolation, is contrary to the interests of those owning the shares affected
may nevertheless be beneficial to the beneficiaries by reason of the improved prospects that the proposal
will confer on other shares in the company which the trustees hold on the same trusts: and that, in
essence, is what is in issue here …
[His Lordship referred to correspondence between the ‘supporting trustees’ and their professional advisers,
and continued:] That exchange of letters seems to me to make it perfectly clear that the advice sought, the
advice given, and the advice acted upon, was all on the basis of what was for the benefit of the trusts as a
whole, having regard to their large holdings of the equity capital. From the point of view of equity, and
disregarding company law, this is a perfectly proper basis; but that is not the question before me. I have to
determine whether the supporting trustees voted for the reduction in the bona fide belief that they were
acting in the interests of the general body of members of that class. From first to last I can see no evidence
that the trustees ever applied their minds to what under company law was the right question, or that they
ever had the bona fide belief that is requisite for an effectual sanction of the reduction. Accordingly, in my
judgment there has been no effectual sanction for the modification of class rights …
[His Lordship considered the evidence, and ruled that the reduction had not been shown to be fair to the
preference shareholders. Accordingly, he refused to confirm the reduction.]
(p. 520) ➤ Notes
1. This case was decided at common law, before the enactment of the statutory provisions on class rights which
are now to be found in CA 2006 ss 630ff.
2. In this case, it might be said that Megarry J is expecting the majority preference shareholders to show a
‘detached altruism’ which the court in such cases as Mills v Mills[7.13] dismissed as unrealistic. See LS Sealy,
‘Equitable and Other Fetters on the Shareholder’s Freedom to Vote’ in NE Eastham and B Krivy (eds), The
Cambridge Lectures 1981, attacking the rule as wrong. What is expected of shareholders? A good number of
cases suggest that some restrictions on voting are appropriate. Are such cases all best explained as illustrating
judicial review of powers which are subject to equitable ‘proper purposes’ restrictions (although not, with
shareholders, fiduciary loyalty constraints) (see Chapter 14 generally)?
3. The same judgment also set out the parties’ respective burdens of proof (at 586):
If there is [effective sanction by the majority], the court will confirm the reduction unless the opposition
proves that it is unfair; if there is not, the court will confirm the reduction only if it is proved to be fair. [And
so, on finding that there was no effectual sanction in this case, His Lordship held, at 589, that the burden
here rested on those supporting the reduction to prove that it was fair.]
4. These prohibitions on return of capital apply equally to disguised returns of capital: see ‘Disguised returns of
capital’, pp 548ff.
Redemptions and repurchases of shares
The general rule in CA 2006 s 658 is that a company is not permitted to acquire its own shares, except in
accordance with the Act. Any contravention is an offence committed by the company and by every officer in
default, and the purported acquisition of shares is void. This provision confirms the rule established at common law
byTrevor v Whitworth [10.05], which recognised the issue was not a domestic matter concerned with compliance
with the articles, or even a question of vires dependent upon the powers set out in the memorandum, but a matter
of legality under the Companies Act itself.
In fact, both law and practice in this area have moved well away from the restrictive attitudes embodied in the
general rule. This is because the general prohibition is subject to a number of substantial statutory exceptions, the
most significant being the various rules permitting companies to redeem and to repurchase their own shares in
defined circumstances. It is now quite common to see listed public companies advertise billion pound onmarket
and offmarket share buybacks, usually at a discount to the market price. The exercise demonstrates the
company’s commitment to capital discipline, and the terms maximise the economic value for the remaining
shareholders, who benefit from the enhanced value of their shares through increased value and returns attributable
to each share. The repurchase is, in effect, a judgement by the company that its shares are undervalued and
represent a better investment than any available alternative acquisition of assets or investment in a business
opportunity it owns or to which it has access. Any redemption or repurchase effected otherwise than in full
compliance with the statutory rules will not displace the general prohibition, however, so the purported transaction
will be void. This makes it important to address the technical details of the Act very carefully. The repurchased
shares are either cancelled or held by the company as socalled ‘treasury shares’ until cancelled or subjected to
some other permitted disposal (see ‘Protection of shareholders’, p 523).
(p. 521) General rule: it is illegal for a company to acquire its own shares, except as provided in CA 2006.
[10.05] Trevor v Whitworth (1887) 12 App Cas 409 (House of Lords)
LORD WATSON: … One of the main objects contemplated by the legislature, in restricting the power of
limited companies to reduce the amount of their capital as set forth in the memorandum, is to protect the
interests of the outside public who may become their creditors. In my opinion the effect of these statutory
restrictions is to prohibit every transaction between a company and a shareholder, by means of which the
money already paid to the company in respect of his shares is returned to him, unless the court has
sanctioned the transaction. Paidup capital may be diminished or lost in the course of the company’s
trading; that is a result which no legislation can prevent; but persons who deal with, and give credit to a
limited company, naturally rely upon the fact that the company is trading with a certain amount of capital
already paid, as well as upon the responsibility of its members for the capital remaining at call; and they are
entitled to assume that no part of the capital which has been paid into the coffers of the company has been
subsequently paid out, except in the legitimate course of its business.
When a share is forfeited or surrendered, the amount which has been paid upon it remains with the
company, the shareholder being relieved of liability for future calls, whilst the share itself reverts to the
company, bears no dividend, and may be reissued. When shares are purchased at par, and transferred to
the company, the result is very different. The amount paid up on the shares is returned to the shareholder;
and in the event of the company continuing to hold the shares (as in the present case) is permanently
withdrawn from its trading capital. It appears to me that … it is inconsistent with the essential nature of a
company that it should become a member of itself. It cannot be registered as a shareholder to the effect of
becoming debtor to itself for calls, or of being placed on the list of contributories in its own liquidation …
General exceptions to the prohibition in CA 2006 s 658
CA 2006 s 659 provides particular exceptions to the general prohibition in s 658.
These include instances where the company’s fully paid shares are acquired for no consideration, so there is no
detriment to creditors because the company’s legal capital is unaffected.
It also includes instances where a court has ordered or approved the acquisition (eg by way of formal reduction of
capital (see earlier), or by court order following complaints of unfair prejudice (see ‘Unfairly prejudicial conduct of
the company’s affairs’, pp 681ff)), or where the company has acquired its shares by forfeiture or surrender for non
payment of calls.11
Shares so acquired by a public company or by a nominee on its behalf must normally be cancelled within a
maximum period of three years (one year in the case of shares which have been purchased by third parties with
direct or indirect financial assistance from the company (see ‘Financial assistance by a company for the
acquisition of its own shares’, pp 524ff)), and the company’s share capital reduced accordingly, and pending
cancellation or disposal no voting rights may be exercised in respect of those shares (s 662). If this were
permitted, the directors of the company would have a voting power disproportionate to their personal stake as
shareholders. (We may quite reasonably ask why these rules, including the prohibition on voting, are restricted to
public companies.)
(p. 522) Redeemable shares
CA 2006 s 684 permits a company to issue redeemable shares if authorised by its articles (public companies) or if
not prohibited by its articles (private companies), and so long as the company also has issued shares that are not
CA 2006 ss 685–689 provide rules for the issue and redemption of such shares. Note that:
(i) the terms on which redeemable shares are issued is determined by the directors, provided they are
authorised by the articles or by an ordinary resolution (even if this ordinary resolution effects a change to the
articles) (s 685);
(ii) shares cannot be redeemed unless they are fully paid (s 686);
(iii) the shares must be paid for in full on redemption, unless the agreement between the company and
holder allows for deferred payment (s 686);
(iv) private companies can redeem shares out of capital (although only subject to the onerous condition in ss
709–723, including a requirement for a directors’ statement and an auditor’s report, and a right for members
and creditors to apply to court for the cancellation of the resolution); public companies must redeem out of
distributable profits (see ‘Current position’, pp 542ff) or from the proceeds of a new share issue made for the
purpose (s 687);
(v) redeemed shares must then be cancelled, and the company must reduce its issued share capital by the
nominal value of the cancelled shares (s 688);
(vi) to the extent that the redemption is made out of profits, the company must also transfer an amount
equivalent to the nominal value of the redeemed shares to a new capital account called the ‘capital
redemption reserve’, which can only be reduced by transfer to the share capital account to pay up fully paid
bonus shares, or otherwise as if it were part of the paid up share capital (s 733). In effect, this means that
the company must have available a surplus equivalent to double the funds needed to effect the repurchase,
and onehalf has to be set aside and treated as capital thereafter.
(vii) there are extensive disclosure provisions.
Repurchase of shares
The essential difference between a repurchase and a redemption is as follows: in the former, the buyer and seller
need to agree to the terms and conditions of repurchase at the time of the repurchase; whereas with the latter, the
shares will have been issued as redeemable shares, so that the terms and conditions of the reacquisition will be
known from the outset. Subject to that essential difference, however, the two transactions are treated by CA 2006
in broadly similar ways.
A company’s power to repurchase its own shares is broad: subject to any constraints or prohibitions in the
company’s articles, a company may repurchase its shares in accordance with the rules set out in CA 2006 ss
Again, it is necessary to pay strict attention to the detailed wording of the Act itself, although with the warning that
these sections are longwinded and not easy to follow. Note that different rules apply to:
(i) a purchase by a company of its own shares off the mark et: a special resolution is necessary, and for
public companies this authority cannot be granted for longer than 18 months (ss 694, 697 and 700); the
shareholders whose shares are to be repurchased cannot be counted in the vote (ss 695 and 698);
(ii) a purchase by a (public) company of its own shares on the mark et: an ordinary resolution is required (s
701); the authority granted may be general or specific, and unconditional or conditional, but this authority
cannot be granted for longer than 18 months.
(p. 523) Note, too, that:
(i) the company’s right to repurchase its shares cannot be assigned (s 704);
(ii) shares cannot be repurchased unless fully paid (s 691);
(iii) the shares must be paid for in full at the time of repurchase (s 691);
(iv) the permitted sources of the purchase funds for repurchases by private and public companies are the
same as for redemptions (see earlier) (ss 692 and 705), and when a private company uses capital to fund the
purchase a declaration of solvency is needed;
(v) the rules on creation of a capital redemption reserve are the same as for redemptions (see earlier) (s 733);
(vi) the repurchased shares must be cancelled, and the company must reduce its issued share capital by
the nominal value of the cancelled shares, unless the shares can be held and dealt with as ‘treasury
shares’12 in accordance with ss 724ff (s 706); and
(vii) there are extensive disclosure provisions.
Protection of shareholders
The rules discussed in this section are primarily aimed at protecting creditors while allowing companies to use
their resources in an efficient and financially sensible manner. But the rules have builtin protections for both
exiting and remaining shareholders that are worth noting:
(i) Share redemptions: these work largely on the ‘buyer beware’ principle, since the exiting shareholder is
aware of the exit terms before the shares are purchased, and the ordinary shareholders are assumed to
know that the company may issue such shares (either as a general power (private companies), or as
expressly permitted in the articles (public companies)).
(ii) Share repurchases: agreement to the terms of the repurchase is a matter of choice for the exiting
shareholder, who cannot be forced to exit; and the nonexiting ordinary shareholders are protected, either by
majority vote plus normal onmarket purchase rules, or by the protective requirement for a special resolution
for offmarket repurchases; and in both cases the intending exiting shareholders cannot vote in these general
meetings. This is a rare formal protection in the context of shareholder voting.
➤ Notes
1. A statutory rule which has some links with these principles is that contained in CA 2006 s 136. This states
that a company cannot itself be a member of a company which is its holding company, either directly or
through a nominee (s 144).13 The weakness of this provision, however, is that it is confined in its operation to
‘holding companies’ and their subsidiaries as these terms are defined by ss 1159ff. There is nothing in these
definitions which stops company A from owning 40% of the shares in company B, which itself has 40% of the
shares in company A. If a majority of the board of each of the two companies consists of the same persons,
they can usually, in practice, wield unrestricted control of both companies, regardless of the size of their own
individual shareholdings.
(p. 524) 2. In Acatos & Hutcheson plc v Watson [1995] BCLC 446 it was held not to be unlawful for a
company, A & H plc, to acquire all of the shares in another company, A Ltd, whose only asset was a 29.4%
shareholding in A & H plc itself, even though it would not have been legitimate for it to have bought these latter
shares directly.
3. Analogous to the acquisition of its own shares by a company is the taking of security over them. This, too,
is forbidden by the Act in the case of public companies: see s 670, although there are exceptions when (i) the
charge is to secure calls on partly paid shares, or (ii) it is an ordinary business dealing by a moneylending
➤ Questions
1. In the example given in Note 1, in which A Ltd and B Ltd have crossshareholdings of 40% in each other,
why is it that the board will usually have de facto control?
2. Is there any infringement of the principle of maintenance of capital in such a case?
Financial assistance by a company for the acquisition of its own shares
Another statutory rule that has links with the maintenance of capital principle is that contained in CA 2006 s 678,
which imposes a prohibition against a public company or any of its subsidiaries 14 giving financial assistance to a
person directly or indirectly for the purpose of an acquisition of its own shares.15 Contravention of the prohibition
constitutes an offence committed by every officer who is in default, and, more surprisingly, also by the company
whose protection the section is intended to promote.
Before the introduction of the 2006 Act, the prohibition applied to all companies, although private companies had
their own special ‘whitewash’ procedures which enabled them to avoid the application of the rule in certain
circumstances. The exclusion of private companies from the prohibition means that there is no inhibition, at least
from this source,16 for private company ‘management buyouts’ and other ‘hivingdown’ arrangements, under which
a business or part of it is sold off to the existing managers or to similar entrepreneurial figures who wish to become
ownerexecutives of the business but cannot finance the purchase except through the direct or indirect use of the
company’s own assets as security.
The general prohibition on the giving of financial assistance by a public company is required by the Second EU
Company Law Directive (77/91/EEC). The prohibition in the UK Act extends to postacquisition assistance (see s
678(3)), although only if the company in which the shares were acquired is a public company at the time that the
assistance is given.17
‘Financial assistance’ is defined in s 677, and includes any provision by the public company (or its subsidiaries) of
assistance by way of gifts, loans, security arrangements, guarantees (p. 525) and, indeed, any arrangements
where the company fulfils its side of a deal but those of the other party remain unfulfilled. There is also a catchall
provision that includes ‘any other financial assistance given by the company’ where the company has no net
assets, or where the net assets of the company are reduced to a material extent.
Examples of the kind of transaction in question are where the public company (or its subsidiary):
(i) lends money to A to put A in funds so that he can buy shares from an existing member;
(ii) guarantees B’s bank overdraft, and on the security of this the bank advances money to B so that he can
buy shares in the company;
(iii) lends money to C so that C can repay a loan provided earlier by C’s bank which C has already used to
buy shares in the company;
(iv) buys an asset from D, on terms that materially reduce the net assets of the company, so that D can use
the purchase money she receives to pay for shares in the company that she has agreed to buy.
The same kind of assistance can readily occur in a takeover: the person who seeks to buy all the shares, or a
controlling block of shares, in a company may wish to use some of the company’s own funds or assets to pay for
the shares or provide security for their price.
If, in examples (i) to (iii), the purchaser of the shares repays the money he or she has borrowed, then no harm may
be done. However, the risk is that the loan may never be repaid or that the bank may enforce the guarantee
against the company after the customer has defaulted so that the company will have lost money which was part of
its capital. Indeed, it may have been lost in favour of one of its shareholders so that the ‘maintenance of capital’
rule is infringed. Similar consequences necessarily follow in (iv) if the asset is not worth what the company has
paid D for it. So it is not surprising that a statutory prohibition similar to s 678 has been in the Companies Acts
since 1929.
Earlier versions of this provision (before 1981) were both much wider in their terms and notorious for the uncertainty
of their language, which seemed to catch many quite innocent transactions. Responsible lending institutions and
professional advisers were unwilling to be associated with schemes which might offend against the vague wording
of the statute, and so companies were often prevented from taking a course of action which made good business
sense and was not morally objectionable. At the same time, the relatively low penalty imposed for the offence was
no real deterrent to the unscrupulous.
In 1981, amendments were made which were intended to define more precisely the conduct to be prohibited and
introduce general and specific exemptions. These changes are all substantially carried forward in CA 2006 ss 677ff
(apart from the provisions relating to private companies).18
There is a general exemption from the prohibition on the giving of financial assistance: such assistance is not
prohibited if (i) the principal purpose of the assistance is not for an acquisition of shares, or (ii) the assistance is
incidental to some other larger purpose of the company, and (in either case) the assistance is given in good faith in
the interests of the company (ss 678(2) and (4), 679(2) and (4)). There are also a number of types of financial
assistance (eg the payment of lawful dividends) that are specifically allowed (s 681), and a number of transactions
that are exempted subject to specified conditions (s 682).
The principal cases on the meaning of ‘financial assistance’ and the application of the general exemptions are all
somewhat controversial. The words of the Act must remain the (p. 526) primary source of guidance. The following
cases that deal with the civil consequences of an infringement of the statute arose under older versions of the
statutory provisions, but may still be regarded as authoritative on the issues cited (although not on the application
of the prohibition itself).
The meaning of ‘financial assistance’
The test of financial assistance is one of commercial substance and reality.
[10.06] Chaston v SWP Group Ltd [2002] EWCA Civ 1999, [2003] 1 BCLC 675 (Court of Appeal)
This case was decided under the Companies Act 1985 (CA 1985) provisions. CA 2006 s 678 would not apply,
since the target company was a private company, but the Court of Appeal’s discussion of the meaning of ‘financial
assistance’ remains relevant.
The company allegedly providing financial assistance was the subsidiary, DRC Polymer Products Ltd (DRC) and
its parent was Dunstable Rubber Company Holdings Ltd (DRCH). Chaston (C) was a director and majority
shareholder in DRC. SWP wished to acquire the DRC Group by acquiring the shares of the holding company,
DRCH, and needed a due diligence report on the Group for its members. Work for this report was done by the
accountants, Deloitte and Touche (D&T). C agreed that D&T should invoice DRC for their fees for that work. It was
not entirely clear whether DRC committed itself to pay the fees before the invoices were rendered, nor was it clear
when the fees were paid by DRC.
The Court of Appeal held that the payment of D&T’s fees by the subsidiary, DRC, was within the definition of
unacceptable ‘financial assistance’ in CA 1985 s 152 [now CA 2006 s 677].
ARDEN LJ: … It is clear from the way in which s 151 and s 152 [CA 2006 ss 678 and 677] are drafted that
it covers financial assistance in many forms apart from loans (see for example the wide wording of s
152(3)). The general mischief, however, remains the same, namely that the resources of the target
company and its subsidiaries should not be used directly or indirectly to assist the purchaser financially to
make the acquisition. This may prejudice the interests of the creditors of the target or its group, and the
interests of any shareholders who do not accept the offer to acquire their shares or to whom the offer is not
Thus although s 152 proscribes a number of forms of financial assistance, it does not define the words
‘financial assistance’. It is clear from the authorities that what matters is the commercial substance of the
transaction: ‘The words [“financial assistance”] have no technical meaning and their frame of reference is
the language of ordinary commerce’ (per Hoffmann J in Charterhouse v Tempest Diesels [see later],
approved by the Court of Appeal in Barclays Bank plc v British & Commonwealth Holdings plc [1996] 1
BCLC 1 at 40). …
It is thus apparent that ss 151 to 153 distinguish between various categories of transactions. First, there are
the categories of financial assistance listed in s 152(1)(a)(i) to (iii) [CA 2006 s 677(1) (a)–(c)] which are
prohibited whether or not there is any diminution in net assets, unless s 153 applies [ie certain exemption
provisions noted later]. Second, there is financial assistance of a kind not specifically mentioned in s 152(1)
(a)(i) to (iii). This does not contravene s 151 [CA 2006 s 678] provided the company has positive net assets
and the reduction in actual net assets is immaterial [CA 2006 s 677(1)(d)]. (Again, I leave to one side the
case of companies with no net assets.) Third, there are those which although carried out for the purpose of
an acquisition of shares and have financial implications do not constitute financial assistance for the
purposes of s 151. This category includes lawful dividends: see s 153(3) [CA 2006 s 681]. Fourth, there are
transactions which although they constitute financial assistance within s 152(1)(a) are taken outside the
prohibition in s 151 by the principal purpose defences in s 153(1) and (2) [CA 2006 s 678(2) and (4)]. Fifth,
there are the (p. 527) transactions exempted by s 153(4), such as the lending of money by a money
lending company in the ordinary course of its business [CA 2006 s 682]. …
Here as a commercial matter assistance was clearly given. D&T received payment for their services and
both the purchaser and the vendors were relieved of any obligation to pay for this service themselves. Mr
Cunningham submits that s 151 should be restricted to assistance given to purchasers, alternatively to
assistance given to vendors and purchasers. However, in so far as that point matters in this case there is
no mandate in my judgment for reading any such limitation in that section. There is no reason why
assistance which is paid to a subsidiary or associated company or other person nominated by one of the
parties to the transaction should not be assistance contrary to the section. …
Mr Cunningham made a further submission that there was a distinction to be drawn between financial
assistance given in advance of a transaction and financial assistance given in the course of a transaction.
As to the former, this was not prohibited. On this, he relied on the four cases referred to above. In my
judgment, this distinction is not justified by s 151. It prohibits financial assistance given ‘directly or
indirectly’ and those words are sufficiently wide to cover ‘pretransactional’ financial assistance. Moreover, s
151(1) provides that a transaction can offend the section even though a person is only ‘proposing’ to acquire
shares. …
➤ Note
In this case it was irrelevant to the finding of financial assistance that:
(i) The value of the fees (about £20,000) was trivial in comparison with the total consideration for the
acquisition (about £2.55 million).
(ii) The assistance was not provided to the purchaser of the shares. The reality was that the instructions
to D&T were given at least in part to enable SWP to conclude a due diligence exercise which was
SWP’s responsibility and for SWP’s benefit and which should therefore have been paid by SWP. By
paying for part of that exercise DRC had given financial assistance to SWP.
(iii) There had been no financial detriment to the company being acquired, the financial assistance was
not given in advance of or in the course of the takeover, and the payment of the fees had no impact on
the share price.
A more commercial approach in defining ‘financial assistance’?
[10.07] Anglo Petroleum Ltd v TFB (Mortgages) Ltd [2007] EWCA Civ 456, [2007] BCC 407 (Court of Appeal)
The facts are complicated, since the alleged financial assistance involved a series of transactions. Shares in APL
had been sold by APL’s parent, Repsol, to another company (Kaluna) for £1. At the same time under a
compromise agreement Repsol agreed to release APL’s indebtedness to Repsol of £30 million and APL agreed to
pay Repsol £6 million immediately and £9 million after six months. To secure that debt APL gave Repsol a charge
over a number of petrol stations. Under the share purchase agreement, Kaluna guaranteed the performance by
APL of its obligations under the compromise agreement and that guarantee was secured by a charge granted by
Kaluna to Repsol over the shares in APL. Three months later APL borrowed £15 million from the respondent (TFB)
under a credit agreement and used £9 million to effect early repayment of the £9 million owed to Repsol. The
charge given by APL to Repsol was released and replaced by a security agreement between APL and TFB relating
to the same or substantially the same properties. S had given a guarantee of APL’s liabilities under the credit
agreement. APL went into receivership and TFB claimed against APL and S. APL claimed against TFB on the
ground that the security agreement was in breach of CA 1985 s 151 (CA 2006 (p. 528) ss 677 and 678).
Preliminary issues were tried as to whether the credit transactions were accordingly illegal and void. APL argued
that, by entering into the compromise agreement and giving the charge to Repsol, APL incurred liabilities and
thereby gave financial assistance for the purpose of the acquisition of its shares by Kaluna within the meaning of s
151(1) and that by borrowing money from TFB and using it to discharge the balance of its indebtedness to Repsol,
APL gave financial assistance for the purpose of discharging liabilities incurred for the purpose of the acquisition of
the shares within the meaning of s 151(2), and that TFB knew the purpose of the loan and was therefore not
entitled to enforce it; alternatively, that the guarantee given by Kaluna under the share purchase agreement and the
supporting charge over the shares in APL were liabilities incurred by Kaluna for the purposes of its acquisition of
the shares in APL, and that APL’s repayment of its outstanding indebtedness to Repsol, using money borrowed
from TFB, amounted to giving financial assistance for the purpose of discharging Kaluna’s outstanding liabilities to
1 This appeal [concerns] the validity of three agreements … The three agreements (‘the credit transactions’)
were a Credit Agreement made between Anglo Petroleum Limited (‘APL’) as borrower and TFB (Mortgages)
Limited (‘TFB’) as lender, a Security Agreement made between the same parties, and a Guarantee given to
TFB by Mr Paul Sutton.
2 Three months before the credit transactions, APL’s shares had been the subject of an acquisition. It is
contended by APL that it gave financial assistance for the acquisition in breach of [CA 1985] s 151 and that
this tainted the credit transactions. The judge rejected these contentions. …
Validity issues
19 APL advanced two arguments (referred to as Routes 1 and 2) in support of the contention that the credit
transactions were illegal and void.
20 The focus of Route 1 was on APL’s dealings with Repsol. It was contended that, by entering into the
Compromise Agreement and the APL/Repsol charge, APL incurred liabilities and thereby gave financial
assistance for the purpose of the acquisition of its shares by Kaluna within the meaning of s 151(1). By
borrowing money from TFB and using it to discharge the balance of its indebtedness to Repsol, APL gave
financial assistance for the purpose of discharging liabilities incurred for the purpose of the acquisition of the
shares within the meaning of s 151(2). TFB knew the purpose of the loan and was therefore not entitled to
enforce it. …
22 The focus of Route 2 was on Kaluna’s dealings with Repsol. It was contended that the guarantee given
by Kaluna under the Share Purchase Agreement and the supporting charge over the shares in APL were
liabilities incurred by Kaluna for the purposes of its acquisition of the shares in APL, and that APL’s
repayment of its outstanding indebtedness to Repsol, using money borrowed from TFB, amounted to giving
financial assistance for the purpose of discharging Kaluna’s outstanding liabilities to Repsol. …
24 The essential issues on the appeal are:
(i) Did the payment of £9 million by APL to Repsol (from the TFB loan) in discharge of APL’s
indebtedness to Repsol constitute the giving of financial assistance within the meaning of s 151,
either via Route 1 or via Route 2?
(ii) If so, is TFB prevented by the doctrine of illegality from enforcing the credit transactions? …
26 It is understandable that it has not been thought wise for the legislature to lay down a precise definition
of financial assistance because of the risk that clever people would devise ways of defeating the purpose of
the section while keeping within the letter of the law. However, the absence of a clear definition means that
the section can give rise to uncertainties and has the potential to catch transactions which might be
considered innocuous. In cases where its application is doubtful, it is important to remember its central
purpose, to examine the commercial realities of the transaction and to bear in mind that it is a penal
(p. 529) 27 Recognition of the need to examine the commercial realities, rather than search for a legal
formula for the meaning of ‘financial assistance’, comes from the judgment of Hoffmann J in Charterhouse
Investment Trust Limited v Tempest Diesels Limited [1986] BCLC 1 at 10, cited by Arden LJ
in Chaston [10.06] at para 17:
‘There are two elements in the commission of an offence under s 54 [the section that preceded s
151]. The first is the giving of financial assistance and the second is that it should have been given
“for the purpose of or in connection with”, in this case, a purchase of shares … There is no definition
of giving financial assistance in the section, although some examples are given. The words have no
technical meaning and their frame of reference is in my judgment the language of ordinary
commerce. One must examine the commercial realities of the transaction and decide whether it can
properly be described as the giving of financial assistance by the company, bearing in mind that the
section is a penal one and should not be strained to cover transactions which are not fairly within it.’
28 The court would not in any event strain a statute to cover transactions which are not fairly within it, but
the fact that the statute is penal provides an additional reason for caution in doubtful cases. …
34 There was discussion during the course of the argument about the meaning of the word ‘purpose’, and
the court was referred to the observations of Lord Oliver inBrady v Brady [10.08], 779–780, where he drew a
distinction between a purpose and a reason for forming a purpose.
35 A purpose requires a mind. The relevant purpose is that of the company or subsidiary, through its
relevant officer or officers, in giving the alleged assistance. At stages of his argument Mr Martin came close
to eliding purpose and effect, arguing that if a person does an act knowing that it will have a particular
consequence it must be his purpose (or at least one of his purposes) in doing the act to produce the
consequence. There is no must about it. Whether the consequence was the actor’s purpose is a matter for
inference from all the circumstances. There may be many situations in life in which a person does a
particular act knowing that it will have a particular consequence, but without that consequence being the
purpose for which he does the act.
Financial assistance—conclusions
43 … Standing back from the minutiae of the arguments, and looking at the transactions attacked by APL
from a commercial perspective, I do not consider that they exemplify the mischief against which the section
is aimed.
44 Mr Martin’s arguments are ingenious and were skilfully deployed, but in my view the commercial reality
is that APL and Mr Sutton are seeking to avoid their liabilities to TFB, for what was in essence a
straightforward commercial loan, by a strained reading of the statute.
45 I begin with the Compromise Agreement, the nature of which was that APL’s liability to Repsol was
reduced. I do not consider that it should be characterised as giving financial assistance to the purchaser on
account of the fact that it thereby made the company a more attractive acquisition and can thus be said to
have smoothed the path to its acquisition. Just because it smoothed the path to the acquisition, it does not
follow that it amounted to financial assistance. Nor can the APL/Repsol charge, by which APL gave
security to Repsol for its reduced indebtedness, properly be described as financial assistance to the
46 As to the purpose of the transactions from APL’s viewpoint, the judge fairly described them as ‘a bona
fide restructuring of APL’s indebtedness with a significant reduction in exchange for a security’. Repsol’s
reason for wanting to restructure APL’s indebtedness was in order to sell the shares to Kaluna and to
obtain security for the reduced amount of the indebtedness, but that does not make APL’s purpose in
entering into the restructure that of giving financial assistance to the purchaser.
47 In any event, the liabilities undertaken by APL under the Compromise Agreement did not come within
any of the categories identified in s 152 (1) as capable of amounting to financial assistance under s 151.
The APL/Repsol charge was ancillary to the Compromise Agreement in that its purpose was to secure
APL’s obligation under the Compromise Agreement. The giving of security (p. 530) over a company’s
assets can come within s 152(1)(a)(ii), but the APL/Repsol charge did not in my judgment amount to giving
financial assistance within s 151 in the present circumstances where it was merely a means of enforcing an
obligation of APL which did not involve the giving of financial assistance.
48 Moving on from the issues under s 151(1) to s 151(2), the next step of Mr Martin’s argument presents
further difficulty. He accepts that APL’s agreement to pay £15 million to Repsol under the Compromise
Agreement was not unlawful (because it did not fall within s 152 (1)), but he submits that APL’s payment of
£9 million in discharge of that obligation was unlawful. That is a surprising proposition and goes against the
grain of the authorities that the repayment by a company of its lawful indebtedness is not prohibited by s
151. Mr Martin does not dispute the correctness of those authorities, but he seeks to distinguish them by
reference to the cost of the borrowing from TFB.
49 I am not persuaded that this [is] a valid ground of distinction. Mr Martin makes the point that the cost of
borrowing reduced APL’s assets, but I do not see how logically this converts the discharge of the
company’s indebtedness from a lawful act into the giving of unlawful financial assistance. …
51 As to the Security Agreement (between APL and TFB), I agree with the judge’s reasoning that ‘if it is
lawful for a company to repay its own indebtedness and there is a genuine commercial justification it must
also equally be lawful [for] the company to assist that repayment by providing security.’ …
53 Accordingly, I reject the Route 1 argument that APL incurred a liability for the purpose of Kaluna’s
acquisition of the shares or (which would require a tortuous reading of the statute) that it gave financial
assistance for the purpose of discharging such liability by repaying £9 million to Repsol. As to the Route 2
argument, there is no dispute that Kaluna undertook obligations for the purpose of its acquisition of the
shares, but I reject the argument that APL by repaying its own indebtedness to Repsol gave financial
assistance for the purpose of discharging Kaluna’s liabilities. … [And see the discussion of illegality,
‘Consequences when a transaction breaches the prohibition’, pp 536ff.]
85 I would dismiss the appeal.
SMITH and MUMMERY LJJ concurred.
➤ Note
Kaluna could clearly afford to pay £1 for the shares it acquired. The issue of ‘financial assistance’ arose because
of the associated compromise agreement over the £30 million debt that APL owed to Repsol. The wide statutory
definition of financial assistance makes these related transactions material (now see CA 2006 s 677).
Further guidance on the meaning of ‘financial assistance’
The following cases were all decided under the predecessors to CA 2006 ss 677 and 678, but to the extent that
they discuss the meaning of ‘financial assistance’ they remain relevant to the interpretation of the 2006 Act.19
On its terms, Chaston [10.06] adopts a marketfriendly test of financial assistance, looking to the ‘commercial
substance and reality’ of the transaction; but in its application to the facts, the Court of Appeal’s approach might
lead to the conclusion that many transactions will fall foul of the provisions and will find no relief in the ‘principal
purpose’ test.
Earlier and later cases have adopted a more ‘commercial’ approach, often finding as a matter of commercial reality
that no financial assistance has been given. Chaston[10.06] may well come (p. 531) to be regarded as a high
water mark, much like Brady [10.08] on the ‘principal purpose’/‘main purpose’ exceptions. See:
(i) Charterhouse Investment Trust Ltd v Tempest Diesels Ltd [1986] BCLC 1: this case was decided under
the repealed Companies Act 1948 (CA 1948) s 54, and concerned a ‘management buyout’ transaction under
which Charterhouse hived off a subsidiary company, Tempest, by selling its entire shareholding to one of its
managers, Allam. Hoffmann J was asked to decide whether a surrender of tax losses by Tempest to
Charterhouse, as part of the transaction, constituted financial assistance. In ruling that it did not, he said:
… There is no definition of giving financial assistance in the section, although some examples are
given. The words have no technical meaning and their frame of reference is in my judgment the
language of ordinary commerce. One must examine the commercial realities of the transaction and
decide whether it can properly be described as the giving of financial assistance by the company,
bearing in mind that the section is a penal one and should not be strained to cover transactions which
are not fairly within it.
The Belmont case [10.10] indicates that the sale of an asset by the company at a fair value can
properly be described as giving financial assistance if the effect is to provide the purchaser of its
shares with the cash needed to pay for them. It does not matter that the company’s balance sheet is
undisturbed in the sense that the cash paid out is replaced by an asset of equivalent value. In the
case of a loan by a company to a creditworthy purchaser of its shares, the balance sheet is equally
undisturbed but the loan plainly constitutes giving financial assistance. It follows that if the only or
main purpose of such a transaction is to enable the purchaser to buy the shares, the section is
contravened. But the Belmont case is of limited assistance in deciding whether or not an altogether
different transaction amounts to giving financial assistance.
The need to look at the commercial realities means that one cannot consider the surrender letter
[relating to the tax losses] in isolation. Although it constituted a collateral contract, it was in truth part
of a composite transaction under which Tempest both received benefits and assumed burdens. It is
necessary to look at this transaction as a whole and decide whether it constituted the giving of
financial assistance by Tempest. This must involve a determination of where the net balance of
financial advantage lay. I see no contradiction between this view and anything which was said in
the Belmont case. In Belmont the company made cash available to the purchaser. This amounted to
giving financial assistance and no less so because it was done without any net transfer of value by the
company. On the facts of this case there is no question of cash being provided and the only way in
which it can even plausibly be suggested that Tempest gave financial assistance is if it made a net
transfer of value which reduced the price Mr Allam would have had to pay for the shares if the
transaction as a whole had not taken place.
(ii) MT Realisations Ltd v Digital Equipment Co Ltd [2003] EWCA Civ 494, [2003] 2 BCLC 117, CA: the Court
of Appeal held that there was no financial assistance in breach of CA 1985 s 151, since the chosen method
of arranging the share purchase reflected the commercial realities of the deal, not some disguised form of
financial assistance. The claimant, MTR, was a subsidiary in the Digital group of companies, which were
suppliers of computer equipment. MTR was lossmaking and insolvent. It owed £8 million to another
company in the group, repayable on demand. MTI bought all the shares in MTR from Digital for £1, and also
bought the £8 million loan for £6.5 million, payable in instalments. The facts are complicated, but the
fundamental claim was that when money due to MTR was paid to MTI and then used by MTI to pay the loan
instalments to Digital, financial assistance was given for the purchase of MTR’s shares. The Court of Appeal
rejected the argument on the basis that: (i) it was never claimed that the shares were worth more than £1, or
that MTI could not afford £1, so no assistance (p. 532) was needed; (ii) the liability to make the loan
repayments was not incurred for the purpose of acquiring the shares; and (iii) when MTR made payments to
MTI under the loan agreement, it was only paying a debt which it already owed before any of the acquisition
dealings were commenced.
(iii) Dyment v Boyden [2004] EWCA Civ 1586, [2005] 1 WLR 792, CA: the applicant and the two
respondents entered into partnership to run a residential care home. The real property was owned by the
partners in equal shares. The business was operated through a company, and the partners were each
directors of the company. The company’s registration under the Registered Homes Act 1984 was cancelled
by the local authority when one of the respondents was charged with assault. The partnership was then
dissolved by an agreement under which the respondents transferred their shares in the company to the
applicant who in turn transferred her interest in the property to the respondents, who then granted a 21year
lease of the property to the company at a rental well above the market rate. The applicant contended that
payment of the additional rent above the market rate was ‘financial assistance’ because it had the effect of
reducing the company’s net assets to a material extent, and since that assistance had been given in relation
to a transaction involving the acquisition by the applicant of the respondents’ shares, it had therefore been
given either directly or indirectly for the purposes of that acquisition, contrary to s 151(1). The Court of Appeal
affirmed the finding of the trial judge that the rent insisted on by the respondents was simply not linked to the
acquisition of the shares, and not agreed ‘for the purpose of’ acquiring the shares.
Exceptions to the statutory prohibition
Recall the statutory exceptions noted at ‘The meaning of “financial assistance”’, p 526. Here the focus is on the
‘purpose’ exceptions.
Proof by the company that the ‘principal purpose’ is not the acquisition of shares, or that the acquisition is
merely ‘an incidental part of a larger purpose’ requires proof of something more than an alternative reason
why the transaction was entered into.
[10.08] Brady v Brady [1989] AC 755 (House of Lords)
A group of companies run by the Brady brothers, Bob and Jack, had a haulage and drinks business in Barrowin
Furness. Following differences between the two brothers, it was agreed that they should divide the business in
two, Jack taking the haulage side and Bob the drinks side. A complex scheme of reconstruction was drawn up
under which drinks business assets were transferred from the principal company (‘Brady’) to a new company
controlled by Bob. Jack (through his company Motoreal) acquired his brother’s shares in Brady. This transfer, it
was conceded, involved the giving of financial assistance by Brady towards discharging the liability of its holding
company (‘Motoreal’) for the price of shares which Motoreal had purchased in Brady, and so there was a prima
facie infringement of CA 1985 s 151 [CA 2006 s 678]. Accordingly, when Jack brought proceedings for specific
performance of the agreement, Bob (who had had second thoughts) argued that the transaction was
illegal.20 However, Jack contended that the financial assistance was an incidental part of a larger purpose of the
company, namely the resolution of the conflict and deadlock between the brothers which was paralysing its
business and threatening to lead to its liquidation, so that the exception set out in s 153(2)(a) [CA 2006 s 678(2)]
applied. The House of Lords rejected this argument: the alleged ‘larger purpose’ was nothing (p. 533) more than
the reason why the transaction was entered into. However, it ruled that an order for specific performance should be
made because Brady was a solvent private company and could lawfully give financial assistance by following the
procedure prescribed by ss 155–158 [abolished by CA 2006, since s 678 no longer applies to private companies].
LORD OLIVER OF AYLMERTON: Where I part company both from the trial judge and from the Court of
Appeal is on the question of whether para (a) [of CA 1985 s 153(2), now CA 2006 s 678(2)] can, on any
reasonable construction of the subsection, be said to have been satisfied. As O’Connor LJ observed, the
section is not altogether easy to construe. It first appeared as part of s 42 of the Companies Act 1981 and it
seems likely that it was introduced for the purpose of dispelling any doubts resulting from the query raised
in Belmont Finance Corpn Ltd v Williams Furniture Ltd (No 2) [10.10] whether a transaction entered into
partly with a genuine view to the commercial interests of the company and partly with a view to putting a
purchaser of shares in the company in funds to complete his purchase was in breach of s 54 of the
Companies Act 1948. The ambit of the operation of the section is, however, far from easy to discern, for the
word ‘purpose’ is capable of several different shades of meaning. This much is clear, that para (a) is
contemplating two alternative situations. The first envisages a principal and, by implication, a subsidiary
purpose [CA 2006 s 678(2)(a)]. The inquiry here is whether the assistance given was principally in order to
relieve the purchaser of shares in the company of his indebtedness resulting from the acquisition or whether
it was principally for some other purpose—for instance, the acquisition from the purchaser of some asset
which the company requires for its business. That is the situation envisaged by Buckley LJ in the course of
his judgment in the Belmont Finance case as giving rise to doubts. That is not this case, for the purpose of
the assistance here was simply and solely to reduce the indebtedness incurred by Motoreal … The
alternative situation is where it is not suggested that the financial assistance was intended to achieve any
other object than the reduction or discharge of the indebtedness but where that result (ie the reduction or
discharge) is merely incidental to some larger purpose of the company [CA 2006 s 678(2)(b)]. Those last
three words are important. What has to be sought is some larger overall corporate purpose in which the
resultant reduction or discharge is merely incidental. The trial judge found Brady’s larger purpose to be that
of freeing itself from the deadlock and enabling it to function independently and this was echoed in the
judgment of O’Connor LJ where he observed that the answer ‘embraces avoiding liquidation, preserving its
goodwill and the advantages of an established business’. CroomJohnson LJ found the larger purpose in the
reorganisation of the whole group. My Lords, I confess that I have not found the concept of a ‘larger purpose’
easy to grasp, but if the paragraph is to be given any meaning that does not in effect provide a blank cheque
for avoiding the effective application of s 151 in every case, the concept must be narrower than that for
which the appellants contend.
The matter can, perhaps, most easily be tested by reference to s 153(1)(a) where the same formula is
used. Here the words are ‘or the giving of the assistance for that purpose’ (ie the acquisition of shares) ‘is
but an incidental part of some larger purpose of the company’. The words ‘larger purpose’ must here have
the same meaning as the same words in subs (2)(a). In applying subs (1)(a) one has, therefore, to look for
some larger purpose in the giving of financial assistance than the mere purpose of the acquisition of the
shares and to ask whether the giving of assistance is a mere incident of that purpose. My Lords, ‘purpose’
is, in some contexts, a word of wide content but in construing it in the context of the fasciculus of sections
regulating the provision of finance by a company in connection with the purchase of its own shares there
has always to be borne in mind the mischief against which s 151 is aimed. In particular, if the section is
not, effectively, to be deprived of any useful application, it is important to distinguish between a purpose and
the reason why a purpose is formed. The ultimate reason for forming the purpose of financing an acquisition
may, and in most cases probably will, be more important to those making the decision than the immediate
transaction itself. But ‘larger’ is not the same thing as ‘more important’ nor is ‘reason’ the same as
‘purpose’. If one postulates the case of a bidder for control of a public company financing his bid from the
company’s own funds—the obvious mischief at which the section is aimed—the (p. 534) immediate
purpose which it is sought to achieve is that of completing the purchase and vesting control of the company
in the bidder. The reasons why that course is considered desirable may be many and varied. The company
may have fallen on hard times so that a change of management is considered necessary to avert disaster.
It may merely be thought, and no doubt would be thought by the purchaser and the directors whom he
nominates once he has control, that the business of the company will be more profitable under his
management than it was heretofore. These may be excellent reasons but they cannot, in my judgment,
constitute a ‘larger purpose’ of which the provision of assistance is merely an incident. The purpose and the
only purpose of the financial assistance is and remains that of enabling the shares to be acquired and the
financial or commercial advantages flowing from the acquisition, whilst they may form the reason for forming
the purpose of providing assistance, are a byproduct of it rather than an independent purpose of which the
assistance can properly be considered to be an incident. Now of course in the instant case the reason why
the reorganisation was conceived in the first place was the damage being occasioned to the company and
its shareholders by reason of the management deadlock, and the deadlock was the reason for the decision
that the business should be split in two, so that the two branches could be conducted independently. What
prompted the particular method adopted for carrying out the split was the commercial desirability of keeping
Brady in being as a corporate entity. That involved, in effect, Jack buying out Bob’s interest in Brady and it
was, presumably, the fact that he did not have free funds to do this from his own resources that dictated
that Brady’s own assets should be used for the purpose. No doubt the acquisition of control by Jack was
considered, at any rate by Jack and Robert [Jack’s nephew], who were and are Brady’s directors, to be
beneficial to Brady. Indeed your Lordships have been told that the business has thriven under independent
management. But this is merely the result, and no doubt the intended result, of Jack’s assumption of
control and however one analyses the transaction the only purpose that can be discerned in the redemption
of loan stock is the payment in tangible form of the price payable to enable the Brady shares to be acquired
and ultimately vested in Jack or a company controlled by him. The scheme of reorganisation was framed
and designed to give Jack and Robert control of Brady for the best of reasons, but to say that the ‘larger
purpose’ of Brady’s financial assistance is to be found in the scheme of reorganisation itself is to say only
that the larger purpose was the acquisition of the Brady shares on their behalf. For my part, I do not think
that a larger purpose can be found in the benefits considered to be likely to flow or the disadvantages
considered to be likely to be avoided by the acquisition which it was the purpose of the assistance to
facilitate. The acquisition was not a mere incident of the scheme devised to break the deadlock. It was the
essence of the scheme itself and the object which the scheme set out to achieve. In my judgment
therefore, subs (2)(a) of s 153 is not satisfied and if the matter rested there the appeal ought to fail on that
[His Lordship went on to hold that, since the transaction involved a private company, an order for specific
performance could be made, the parties being directed to follow the ‘whitewash’ procedure in CA 1985 ss
155–158.21 ]
➤ Notes
1. This was regarded a very restrictive interpretation of statutory provisions which, it had been widely believed, were
intended not only to clarify the former law but also to make it possible for many routine business transactions—
some of them of longstanding—to go ahead without the fear that they might be illegal because they incidentally
involved a breach of the financial assistance rule. This uncertainty is very costly—it has been estimated that well
over £20 million a year is spent on obtaining legal advice in an endeavour to ensure that (p. 535) proposed
transactions do not fall foul of ‘financial assistance’ prohibitions. In consequence, there has been a demand ever
since Bradyfor further reform of the law. That has been given, at least to some extent, by CA 2006. Brady, being
concerned with a private company, would now not be caught by the prohibition at all. But the uncertainty in
interpreting the ‘purpose’ exceptions, as illustrated by Brady, unfortunately remains in full. The reason given is that,
at least for public companies, the UK must keep in place a provision sufficiently strong to meet the requirements of
the Second EU Company Law Directive. In the government’s view, none of the proposed changes in the wording of
CA 2006 s 678(4)(a) sufficed to meet the Directive’s requirements and clarify the ‘purpose’ exception.
2. Note the comments on ‘purpose’ by Toulson LJ in Anglo Petroleum Ltd v TFB (Mortgages) Ltd [10.07].
3. Despite this gloomy assessment of the uncertainties in the application of the section, there are instances where
the ‘principal purpose’ test has been relied upon to exempt transactions from being classed as ‘financial
assistance’ notwithstanding the company’s knowledge that its moneys would be used to fund the acquisition of
shares in the company or its holding company, although only as part of a larger scheme or purpose: see, for
example, Re Uniq plc [2011] EWHC 749 (Ch). Here a restructuring scheme was devised to provide a solution to
the imminent insolvency threatened by large pension fund deficits. Intergroup transactions provided funds which
would be used to purchase shares in the target company and thus provide a necessary injection of capital. In
these circumstances, David Richards J held that ‘notwithstanding that it is known and intended that it [the funds]
will be used by Newco to pay up the new shares. Even if that could properly be regarded as a purpose of the loans
and payment, I would be satisfied that the principal purpose was to obtain the release and that they were made in
good faith in the interests of the relevant companies, so falling within [CA 2006] s.678(2).’
4. Recall, too, that the prohibition now applies only to public companies. This was material in Paros plc v
Worldlink Group plc [2012] EWHC 394 (Comm), where a public company entered into a payment obligation (a
‘break fee’) which prima facie infringed the prohibition on financial assistance (as described later), but where the
obligation would only arise on fulfilment of a condition precedent that the public company be reregistered as a
private company. In such circumstances the court held there was no infringement of CA 2006 s 678. Jonathan
Hirst QC, sitting as a Deputy High Court judge, held:
72 In my judgment, … the break fee … did amount to the giving of unlawful financial assistance contrary to
s.151 [of CA 1985, now see CA 2006 s 678]. It is clear that s.151 applies to cases where a person is
proposing to acquire shares in the company, just as much as where he is actually acquiring them. Here
Paros was proposing to buy the issued shares in Worldlink. It would clearly have constituted unlawful
financial assistance for Worldlink to agree to pay Paros’s fees and costs incurred in connection with the
acquisition whilst Worldlink was a public company. [Although the] break fee was only payable in the event
that the acquisition fell through, [it provided for] Worldlink to bear all ParOS’ and its advisers’ agreed fees
and costs. … it was plainly intended to ensure that, if Worldlink withdrew from the negotiations before it
was reregistered as a private company, ParOS was certain to recover a minimum contribution towards its
expenses. As such the fee was ‘smoothing the path to the acquisition of the shares’ … The break fee was
not a mere inducement to enter into the transaction (if relevant) … it amounted to ‘other financial
assistance’ and that it materially reduced the net assets of Worldlink, given that they were negative at the
73 On the other hand, the undertaking to pay Paros’ fees and costs after it reregistered as a private
company does not in my judgment infringe s.151. The commitment was subject to a condition precedent
that Worldlink reregistered. Unless and until it did so, there was no obligation to pay ParOS’ fees and
expenses. If Paros did reregister, the financial assistance would not be caught by s.151 because it does
not apply to private companies. I think it is taking s.151 too far to hold that (p. 536) because the
conditional promise was given at a time when Worldlink was still a public company, it is unlawful.[22 ] There
is support for this conclusion at the highest level: see Brady v. Brady [10.08] where the House of Lords
granted an order for specific performance of an agreement to give financial assistance where there was a
means by which the appellants could perform the contract lawfully by using the ‘whitewashing procedure’.
The parties were to be presumed to intend that the contract was to be performed in the lawful rather than
the unlawful manner: per Lord Oliver of Aylmerton at p. 783D. Here the position is a fortiori. The obligation to
pay Paros’ fees and costs only arose if the company reregistered as a private company, when it would
become lawful.
Consequences when a transaction breaches the prohibition
The only statutory sanction for breaching the financial assistance prohibition is that an offence is committed by the
company and by every officer of the company who is in default (being an offence that can lead to a prison term):
CA 2006 s 680. Note that criminal liability is imposed on the company itself, even though the provisions are
allegedly designed to protect the company against disposal of its assets.
In practice the civil consequences are usually even more important, but for a time they seemed more troubling. The
difficulty arose from the wording of the section (which has not changed in successive reenactments): instead of
making it illegal for the purchaser to accept financial assistance, CA 2006 s 678 makes it illegal for the
company(or its subsidiary) to give financial assistance. This suggested to some judges that the object was not to
protect the company, but to punish it, and for a while the consequences of illegality were analysed in that rather
counterintuitive way.23
A transaction which infringes CA 2006 s 678 is illegal and unenforceable by either party.
[10.09] Re Hill and Tyler Ltd (In Administration) [2004] EWHC 1261, [2005] 1 BCLC 41 (Chancery Division)
The facts are immaterial.
RICHARD SHELDON QC: The argument can be broken down into three questions: (1) Is a contract involving
the provision of financial assistance in contravention of s 151 [CA 2006 s 678], even where the whitewash
procedure is available but not properly complied with, void and unenforceable as a matter of statutory
interpretation of s 151? (2) If not, under the common law, is such a contract illegal as to its formation? (3) If
not, is such a contract illegal as to its performance?
I consider first whether every contract which constitutes financial assistance within s 151 is rendered void
and unenforceable as a matter of statutory interpretation. InChitty on Contracts (29th edn) paras 16141 to
16146 the following is stated (citations omitted):
‘Unenforceability by statute … arises where a statute itself on its true construction deprives one or
both of the parties of their civil remedies under the contract in addition to, or instead of, imposing a
penalty upon them. If the statute does so, it is irrelevant whether the parties meant to break the law
or not …’ (para 16141) ‘where the statute is silent as to the civil rights of the parties but penalises
the making or performance of the contract, the courts consider (p. 537) whether the Act, on its true
construction, is intended to avoid contracts of the class to which the particular contract belongs or
whether it merely prohibits the doing of some particular act … it is important to note that where a
contract or its performance is implicated with breach of statute this does not entail that the contract
is avoided. Where the Act does not expressly deprive the plaintiff of his civil remedies under the
contract the appropriate question to ask is whether, having regard to the Act and the evils against
which it was intended to guard and the circumstances in which the contract was made and to be
performed, it would in fact be against public policy to enforce it.’ (para 16145)
‘If, on the true construction of the statute, “the contract be rendered illegal, it can make no difference,
in point of law, whether the statute which makes it so has in mind the protection of the revenue or
any other object. The sole question is whether the statute means to prohibit the contract”. If, on the
other hand, the object of the statute is the protection of the public from possible injury or fraud, or is
the promotion of some object of public policy, the inference is that contracts made in contravention
of its provisions are prohibited.’ (para 16146)
Applying these principles, and having regard to the mischief to which s 151 is directed, I consider that
contracts which are entered into in breach of s 151 are rendered illegal by that section. The section provides
that it is ‘not lawful’ for a company to give financial assistance directly or indirectly for the purpose of the
acquisition of its own shares. It seems to me to follow that contracts which are entered into in contravention
of that section are illegal. In consequence, such contracts are void and unenforceable. Although the
consequences on an innocent party may be harsh, it is well recognised that the courts will not lend their
assistance to transactions which are rendered unlawful by statute.
1. In Anglo Petroleum Ltd v TFB (Mortgages) Ltd [10.07], Toulson LJ made the following comments on illegality:
54 There are different ways in which a statute may give rise to an argument that a contract was illegal in its
formation and therefore unenforceable. They are (1) that its formation was prohibited by statute, (2) that it
was a contract to do an act prohibited by statute or (3) that … it was entered into for the purpose of doing
an act prohibited by statute. Mr Martin argued that the Credit Agreement was unlawful on grounds 2 and 3.
Since I agree with the judge that the use of the funds borrowed by APL from TFB did not contravene s 151,
it is not strictly necessary to decide whether the credit transactions would have been unlawful if the use of
the funds had contravened the section. … [but, had the transactions been in breach of s 151 …]
83 It is hard to see how public policy would be served by invalidating a contract which is not unlawful in its
terms and which a reasonable person in the position of TFB would have seen as an ordinary, innocuous
commercial transaction. It is also hard to see how public policy would be served by stretching the principle
that ignorance of the law is no excuse so as to attribute to the party seeking to enforce the contract an
unrealistic knowledge that the other party intended to act illegally. …
84 In the present case it was reasonable for TFB to regard the loan as an ordinary commercial loan made in
the course of its business. There is no good reason why public policy should have required TFB to
investigate whether the proposed use of the loan would amount to a breach of s 151, and the law would be
out of touch with reality if it deemed TFB to have knowledge that the proposed use would be a breach. Even
if Mr Martin were right in his argument about the effect of the section, this would have been far from obvious
to a lawyer, let alone to a party in the position of TFB. Moreover, as Mr Todd pointed out, even if s 151 was
potentially engaged, it would not necessarily follow that it would be breached, because if APL had itself
been aware of a problem it would have had the possibility of using the whitewash procedure.
(p. 538) 85 Even if the use of the funds had involved a breach of s 151, the judge was right to hold that the
Credit Agreement, the Security Agreement and the Guarantee were not illegal. The agreements did not
necessitate any breach of the law, and it was not the purpose of TFB in entering into them to procure or
assist the commission of conduct which would be a breach of the law. In the circumstances, it would not be
just to equate TFB’s knowledge of APL’s intended use of the loan with knowledge of its alleged illegality,
nor would it be just to draw an inference of a shared unlawful design if a reasonable person in the position of
TFB would have seen it as an ordinary commercial transaction.
2. An otherwise unenforceable obligation to pay a break fee was rendered enforceable in Paros plc v Worldlink
Group plc (see Note 4 following Brady v Brady [10.08], p 535), per Jonathan Hirst QC:
80 It seems to me that the correct analysis is that illegality renders a contract unenforceable rather than
void, if by void is meant that the agreement was never made. It is clear that property can pass under an
illegal contract, and in some circumstances a Court will enforce a contract which involves an element of
illegality. If the contract was truly void, in the sense that it is to be treated as never having existed, it is
difficult to see how that could occur. The distinction between void and unenforceable is in any event narrow.
The Shorter Oxford Dictionary defines ‘void’ as ‘having no legal force, not binding in law; (legally) invalid,
ineffective Freq. in null and void’. The essence of a contractual obligation is that it is enforceable. If it is not,
then it is ineffective as a contract.
81 In any event, whether the obligation to pay a break fee is to be regarded as at 25 February 2009 as void
or unenforceable, or both, should to make no real difference. On 4 March 2009, the parties varied the HoT in
a significant way. Their objective intention was clearly that clause 5.1 should apply in full to the
arrangement as varied. The break clause ceased to be unlawful under s.151. It is to be treated as either
reinstated or rendered enforceable. There is no longer any reason why the Court needs, as a matter of
public policy, to decline to enforce the break fee obligation. After all the parties would have been entirely
free to tear up the HoT and to conclude a new contract. It is irrational to say that they could not achieve the
same result by varying the HoT.
Although a company that is party to a transaction which infringes CA 2006 s 678 cannot enforce the illegal
contract, it is not prevented by law from suing others who have participated in the wrongdoing, for
example in an action for damages for conspiracy.
[10.10] Belmont Finance Corpn Ltd v Williams Furniture Ltd [1979] Ch 250 (Court of Appeal)
It was alleged that four of the defendants, with the connivance of two of the three directors of the plaintiff company,
had sold its property worth £60,000 for a price of £500,000 and that the four had then used the money to purchase
all the issued shares in the plaintiff. The company claimed damages for conspiracy against the defendants. It was
held that the company could sue, despite the fact that it had been itself a party to the transaction which infringed
the statute.
BUCKLEY LJ: In the course of the argument in this court counsel for the first and second defendants
conceded that the plaintiff company is entitled in this appeal to succeed on the conspiracy point, unless it
is debarred from doing so on the ground that it was a party to the conspiracy, which was the ground that
was relied upon by the judge.
The plaintiff company points out that the agreement was resolved on by a board of which the seventh and
eighth defendants constituted the majority, and that they were the two directors who countersigned the
plaintiff company’s seal on the agreement, and that they are sued as two of the conspirators. It is conceded
by Mr Miller [counsel] for the plaintiff company that a company may (p. 539) be held to be a participant in a
criminal conspiracy, and that the illegality attending a conspiracy cannot relieve the company on the ground
that such an agreement may be ultra vires; but he says that to establish a conspiracy to which the
company was a party, having as its object the doing of an illegal act, it must be shown that the company
must be treated as knowing all the facts relevant to the illegality; he relies on R v Churchill24 … But I feel
impelled to ask: can the plaintiff company sensibly be regarded as a party to the conspiracy, and in law
ought it to be regarded as a party to the conspiracy?
Section 54 of CA 1948 [CA 2006 s 678] is designed for the protection of the relevant company whose
shares are dealt with in breach of the section; that was so held in Wallersteiner v Moir.25
In the present case the object of the alleged conspiracy was to deprive the plaintiff company of over
£400,000worth of its assets, assuming always, of course, that it succeeds in establishing that allegation.
The plaintiff company was the party at which the conspiracy was aimed. It seems to me that it would be
very strange that it should also be one of the conspirators. The majority of the board which committed the
company to carry out the project consisted of two of the alleged conspirators.
The judge said that the plaintiff company was a vital party to the agreement, and it could not be said that
the other parties were conspirators but not the plaintiff company. With deference to the judge, who I think
probably had very much less reference to authority in the course of the argument before him than we have
had in this court, that view seems to me to be too simplistic a view, and not to probe far enough into the
true circumstances of the case.
On the footing that the directors of the plaintiff company who were present at the board meeting on 11
October 1963 knew that the sale was at an inflated value, and that such value was inflated for the purpose
of enabling the third, fourth, fifth and sixth defendants to buy the share capital of the plaintiff company,
those directors must be taken to have known that the transaction was illegal under s 54.
It may emerge at a trial that the facts are not as alleged in the statement of claim, but if the allegations in
the statement of claim are made good, the directors of the plaintiff company must then have known that the
transaction was an illegal transaction.
But in my view such knowledge should not be imputed to the company, for the essence of the arrangement
was to deprive the company improperly of a larger part of its assets. As I have said, the company was a
victim of the conspiracy. I think it would be irrational to treat the directors, who were allegedly parties to the
conspiracy, notionally as having transmitted this knowledge to the company; and indeed it is a well
recognised exception from the general rule that a principal is affected by notice received by his agent that, if
the agent is acting in fraud of his principal and the matter of which he has notice is relevant to the fraud,
that knowledge is not to be imputed to the principal.
So in my opinion the plaintiff company should not be regarded as a party to the conspiracy, on the ground
of lack of the necessary guilty knowledge.
GOFF LJ: [In] support of what Buckley LJ has said, I would wish to cite two short passages
from Wallersteiner v Moir; the first passage is in the judgment of Lord Denning MR where he said:
In Essex Aero Ltd v Cross,26 Harman LJ said: ‘the section was not enacted for the company’s
protection, but for that of its creditors; … the company … cannot enforce it.’ I do not agree. I think
the section was passed so as to protect the company from having its assets misused. If it is broken,
there is a civil remedy by way of an action for damages.
Scarman LJ spoke to the same effect and said:
There was, on these facts, a breach of duty by Dr Wallersteiner as a director. The companies were,
also, in breach of the section. But the maxim ‘potior est conditio defendentis’ is of no avail to Dr
Wallersteiner, for the section must have been enacted to protect company funds and the interests of
shareholders as well as creditors. I do not agree with the dictum of (p. 540) Harman LJ in Essex
Aero Ltd v Cross … to the effect that the section was enacted not for the company’s protection but
for that of its creditors.
ORR LJ delivered a concurring opinion.
A company that is party to a transaction which infringes CA 2006 s 678 may bring an action against its
directors and other implicated third parties for recovery of its misapplied property, on the grounds of
breach of trust or constructive trust.
[10.11] Selangor United Rubber Estates Ltd v Cradock (No 3) [1968] 1 WLR 1555 (Chancery Division)
The facts are immaterial.
UNGOEDTHOMAS J: Does [this] principle, however, prevent an action succeeding for breach of trust in
doing what is illegal?
In Steen v Law27 directors of a company, incorporated in New South Wales, lent the company’s funds
which the directors had to give financial assistance to purchase the company’s shares. The liquidator of the
company claimed that there had thus been a breach of a New South Wales section, which, so far as
material, was in the terms of s 54 [CA 2006 s 678]; and that the directors had thereby committed a breach
of their fiduciary duty to the company and should reimburse the company the sums so illegally applied. It
was not contended that the directors were absolved from accounting by reason of the illegality of the loan
by the company. Such illegality was clearly before the Privy Council and, if available against such a claim,
provided a complete answer to it. Yet the point was neither taken by the defendants nor by the Privy
Council; and it seems to me for the very good reason that the company was not relying for its claim on the
unlawful loan and the relationship of creditor and debtor thereby created, but upon the misapplication by the
directors of the company’s moneys by way of the unlawful loan. That is the position with regard to the
plaintiff company’s claim in our case. It was founding its claim, as in our case, not on a wrong done by it as
a party to the unlawful loan, but as a wrong done to it by parties owing a fiduciary duty to it. The courts
were being invited, as in our case, not to aid illegality but to condemn it. If this were not so, the courts
would give redress to companies against directors for misapplication and breach of fiduciary duty which did
not involve the company in illegality, but no redress if they were so serious as to involve the company in
I appreciate that, in the ordinary case of a claim by a beneficiary against a trustee for an illegal breach of
trust, the beneficiary is not a party to the illegality; but that, when directors act for a company in an illegal
transaction with a stranger, the company is itself a party to that transaction and therefore to the illegality.
[28 ] The company, therefore, could not rely on that transaction as ‘the source of civil rights’ and, therefore,
for example, it could not successfully sue the stranger with regard to rights which it was claimed that the
transaction conferred … [But in] a claim based on an illegal breach of trust the claimant does not rely on a
right conferred or created by that breach. On the contrary, he relies on a right breached by the breach, as
the very words ‘breach of trust’ indicate. It is only on the footing that there is a breach of trust that the
defence of illegality becomes relevant. So it is assumed, for present purposes, that there is a breach of
trust against the plaintiff company by those who are directors and by those who are claimed to be
constructive trustees. The constructive trustees are, it is true, parties with the plaintiff company itself to the
transaction which is illegal. The plaintiff company’s claim, however, for breach of trust is not made by it as a
party to that transaction, or in reliance on any right which that transaction is alleged to confer, but against
the directors and constructive trustees for perpetrating that transaction and making the plaintiff (p.
541) company party to it in breach of trust owing to the plaintiff company. The breach of trust includes the
making of the plaintiff a party to the illegal transaction. So it seems to me clear on analysis that the plaintiff
company is not precluded from relying on breach of trust by a party to an illegal transaction, to which the
plaintiff itself is a party, when the breach includes the making of the plaintiff a party to that very transaction.
Those who proved to be constructive trustees, sharing the responsibility with the directors for the breach of
trust, share the liability too.
The result is that the plaintiff company in this case would not, by reason of illegality, be prevented from
being reimbursed money paid by it unlawfully under a transaction to which it is a party. But this does not
mean that this would nullify the ordinary operation of illegality with regard to companies and parties outside
the company, and not being or treated as being a trustee to it. But it would prevent such operation shielding
those whose position or conduct makes them responsible as owing a fiduciary duty or as constructive
trustee …
➤ Questions
1. In the light of the reasoning in Belmont [10.10], will a company ever have the mens rea necessary for it to
be convicted under CA 2006 ss 678, 680?
2. Tortuous plc lends £5,000 to Smith for the purpose of a purchase by Smith of Tortuous shares. Can it
recover £5,000 or any sum from Smith: (i) as repayment of the loan when due; (ii) as damages on the basis
of Belmont; or (iii) on the ground that Smith is liable to it as a constructive trustee, following Selangor ?
3. In Armour Hick Northern Ltd v Armour Trust Ltd [1980] 1 WLR 1520, A Ltd was a subsidiary of B Ltd. B
owed £93,000 to X, the owner of 7,000 shares in B. Y and Z wished to buy these shares, but X was unwilling
to sell them unless the debt was first repaid. A accordingly paid off the debt out of its own funds. Y and Z then
used their own money to buy the shares. Would there in your opinion be an infringement of CA 1985 s 151 on
these facts (the 1985 Act being, for relevant purposes, in the same form as CA 2006, but applying also to
private companies)?
Dividend distributions
Permitted distributions
Pre1980 position
Before 1980, there were no general rules in the Companies Acts regulating the distribution of dividends to the
members of a company, although there were specific bans on using the share premium account and the capital
redemption reserve for this purpose. The only legal constraint was a broad prohibition established by the cases
that dividends should not be paid out of ‘capital’. Most of these cases were decided in the late Victorian period,
and reflected concepts of bookkeeping which were regarded as odd even then by some contemporary critics. In
fact, for the greater part of the past century the standards of propriety in relation to distributions have been set by
the accountancy profession and not by the law at all; and these standards have increased progressively over time.
This continues to be so, even though we now have formal statutory rules about the payment of dividends in CA
2006 ss 829ff (repeating for the most part the CA 1985 provisions). These rules implement in part the Second EU
Company Law Directive and also incorporate some recommendations made by the Jenkins Committee in 1962 and
the Company Law Review more recently.
The current Act, CA 2006, makes separate rules for private companies, public companies and investment
companies (defined in s 833).
(p. 542) The first and primary rule, applicable to all companies, is that a company may not make a ‘distribution’ to
any of its members except out of profits which are available for that purpose (s 830(1)). ‘Distribution’ is defined
exceptionally widely in s 829, to mean ‘every description of distribution of a company’s assets to its members,
whether in cash or otherwise, subject to [specified] exceptions’, being issues of bonus shares, reductions of
capital, share redemptions or repurchases, and distributions on winding up.
This rule may be thought to correspond in its effect to the common law principle laid down in Re Exchange
Bank ing Co, Flitcroft’s Case [10.13], that dividends could not be paid from ‘capital’; but when taken with other
sections of the Act its consequences are altogether different from the position at common law. This may be
illustrated by the following older common law cases:
(i) Lee v Neuchatel Asphalte Co (1889) 41 Ch D 1: a company could pay dividends out of its current trading
profits without making provision for the depreciation of its fixed assets.
(ii) Verner v General and Commercial Investment Trust [1894] 2 Ch 239: a dividend could be paid from
current trading profits without making good earlier losses in fixed capital.
(iii) Ammonia Soda Co Ltd v Chamberlain [1918] 1 Ch 266: a company could pay dividends out of current
trading profits without making good past revenue losses.
(iv) Dimbula Valley (Ceylon) Tea Co Ltd v Laurie [1961] Ch 353: a surplus resulting from the increase in the
overall book value of a company’s assets could be treated as a distributable profit even though it had not
been realised by sale.29
In short, at common law, the current year’s profit and loss account only was looked at, and the profits for that
particular year reckoned by taking it in isolation; money lost in earlier years of trading, and a fortiori capital losses,
did not have to be brought into account. And it was not necessary for profits to be realised profits before they were
regarded as distributable—although of course, as a practical matter, the company had to have available or be able
to raise the cash necessary to pay the dividend when declared.
Current position
As noted previously, the primary rule is that a company may not make a distribution to any of its members except
out of profits which are available for the purpose (CA 2006 s 830(1)). Under Pt 23 of CA 2006 (reenacting changes
made from 1980), however, ‘profits’ available for distribution by a company are to be ‘its accumulated, realised,
profits, so far as not previously utilised by distribution or capitalisation, less its accumulated, realised losses, so
far as not previously written off in a reduction or reorganisation of capital duly made’ (s 830(2)).
The two major changes introduced by this formulation are:
(i) it is now necessary to look not at the current year’s trading figures in isolation, but at the net overall
position of the company, taking into account its accumulatedsurpluses and losses over the years up to date;
(ii) the figures used in the calculation of profits must be those for the company’s realised30 profits and
losses: mere ‘revaluation surpluses’—the ‘paper profits’ relied on in the Dimbula Valley case (see the
previous point (iv))—cannot be brought into account in reckoning profits.
As a result, the current approach involves a change to what is sometimes called the ‘balance sheet surplus’
approach: the company’s cumulative position, involving past years as well as the (p. 543) current year, has to be
considered, and dividends can be paid only if justified by the picture as a whole.
Special rules apply to public companies and to investment companies:
(i) A public company must ensure that its net assets (aggregate assets less aggregate liabilities) after the
distribution does not fall below the value of its share capital and undistributable reserves,31 and its
‘undistributable reserves’ are defined so as to require public companies to allow for any excess
of unrealised losses over unrealised profits on the capital account—that is, provision must be made for any
unrealised revaluation deficit (s 831).
(ii) An investment company (defined in s 833) must draw a distinction between its revenue (trading) profits
and its capital profits, and it may make a distribution only out of the accumulated, realised revenue profits (ie
not including even realised capital profits, and taking into account realised revenue profits and both realised
and unrealised revenue losses), and it may make such a distribution provided that its assets are not thereby
reduced to less than oneandahalf times its aggregate liabilities to creditors (s 832).
Requirement to pay dividends
There is no rule that all profits must be distributed (until, of course, the company is wound up), and there has been
no English case in which a shareholder has succeeded in an action brought to compel a company to pay a
dividend. Indeed, in Burland v Earle [1902] AC 83, the Privy Council made it clear that this was a matter where the
court would not interfere. By contrast, in the wellknown US case Dodge v Ford Motor Co 170 NW 668 (1919), Ford
was ordered to pay a substantial dividend to its shareholders when the directors would have preferred to spend the
company’s trading surplus on increasing the wages and improving the work conditions of its employees, reducing
prices to its customers and similar altruistic objects.
However, in Re a Company (1988) 4 BCLC 506, Harman J did not rule out the possibility that failure to pay a
dividend might, in a particular case, be a ground for ordering the winding up of a company on the just and equitable
ground (‘Compulsory winding up on the “just and equitable” ground’, pp 795ff) if it had pursued a restrictive dividend
policy and denied the shareholders a return on their investment which they were reasonably entitled to expect.
In Re Sam Weller & Sons Ltd [1990] Ch 682, Peter Gibson J held that such a policy might also justify relief on the
ground of ‘unfairly prejudicial conduct’ (then CA 1985 s 459, now CA 2006 s 994). This section has since been
amended so as to put it beyond doubt that the view of Peter Gibson J could be followed where this was justified on
the facts (see ‘Use of CA 2006 s 994 to protect nonmember interests’, pp 692ff).
Payment of a dividend
No dividend is payable on a company’s shares, even on the preference shares, until the company has ‘declared’
(or decided to pay) a dividend. Authority to make the decision is usually determined in the articles and the
entitlements, as between shareholders, are determined by the class rights attached to the shares. In Precision
Dippings Ltd v Precision Dippings Mark eting Ltd [1986] Ch 447, CA, it was held that the statutory procedure
prescribed for the declaration of a dividend (involving, inter alia, an auditors’ report on the accounts 32 ) was (p.
544) mandatory and that a departure from it could not be rectified by a subsequent resolution of the shareholders.
Once the dividend is payable, it is a debt owed by the company to the member, and is subject to all the usual
rules on debts (limitation periods, etc). Unless the articles provide otherwise, distributions must be in cash (Wood
v Odessa Waterwork s Co (1889) 42 Ch D 636).
Distributions in kind
If a distribution in kind is made, then the valuation rules in CA 2006 ss 845–846 apply.
CA 2006 s 845 is intended to remove the doubts that arose after Aveling Barford [10.14], which concerned a
property sale at a considerable undervalue by a company that had no distributable profits. The contract was held to
be void as an unauthorised return of capital. That case left it unclear whether intragroup transfers of assets could
be conducted by reference to the asset’s book value rather than its market value (which will frequently be higher
than the book value, and which would require expensive formal valuation). A transfer at book value may have an
element of undervalue, and would therefore constitute a distribution requiring the company to have distributable
profits sufficient to cover the difference in value. As a result, companies often abandoned their plans or structured
them in more complex ways. CA 2006 s 845 does not disturb the position in the Aveling Barford case if the
company does not have distributable profits: then the transaction will be an unlawful distribution; it does, however,
clarify the position where a company has an appropriate level of available distributable profits, and it then permits
asset transfers at book value.
➤ Notes
1. Clydebank Football Club Ltd v Steedman 2002 SLT 109: a transaction which is genuinely conceived of and
effected as an exchange for value is not a distribution despite being for less than the amount of a professional
valuation. Similarly, see the Supreme Court’s decision in Property Progress Co Ltd v Moore [10.15].
2. With small companies where the business affairs are conducted with little formality, the courts may have to
distinguish between payments that can be justified as directors’ remuneration and payments that amount to
an unauthorised distribution of assets, either because there were no realised profits available or because the
statutory procedure has not been followed. See, for example, Re Halt Garage (1964) Ltd [5.03]. Also see
‘Disguised returns of capital’, pp 548ff.
Consequences of an unauthorised distribution
There are no criminal consequences. The statutory civil consequences are set out in CA 2006 s 847, which
provides that a member who ‘knows or has reasonable grounds for believing’ that the distribution contravenes the
statutory requirements is obliged to repay the sum (or the value of the asset) received in contravention. This
remedy is without prejudice to general remedies available at law. Nevertheless, its usefulness may be rather
limited. Except in relation to small private companies, it is unlikely that members will have the necessary
knowledge that any distributions are unauthorised. The common law equivalent is similar (see [10.12]), although
earlier cases suggest the added advantage of a better remedy by way of constructive trust of the distribution
(although that now seems doubtful33 ): Precision Dippings Ltd v Precision Dippings Mark eting Ltd [1986] Ch
447; Allied Carpets plc v Nethercott [2001] BCLC 81.
(p. 545) Statutory and general law remedies against the members.
[10.12] It’s a Wrap (UK) Ltd (In Liquidation) v Gula [2006] EWCA Civ 544, [2006] BCLC 634 (Court of
This case concerned the statutory liability under CA 1985 s 277(1) [CA 2006 s 847] of an insolvent company’s
directors and shareholders to repay certain dividends that had been paid out in contravention of CA 1985 Pt VIII
[CA 2006 ss 630ff].
1 This appeal raises a short point of law. [CA 1985 s 277(1)] provides a statutory remedy against a
shareholder for recovery of an unlawful distribution paid to him if he knew or had reasonable grounds to
believe that it was made in contravention of the Act. I will call the first kind of knowledge actual knowledge,
and the second kind of knowledge constructive knowledge [but see CHADWICK LJ later]. The question that
we have to decide is this: if a company brings a claim against a shareholder under this section, is the
actual or constructive knowledge that the section requires actual or constructive knowledge of:
(i) the relevant facts constituting the contravention, or
(ii) those facts and in addition the fact that the Act was contravened?
2 The deputy judge held … that the second of these alternatives was correct. In my judgment, the deputy
judge was wrong on this question of law. I reach my conclusions by the following steps:
(A) s 277(1) has to be interpreted in conformity with Art.16 of the second EC directive on company law
… which it is designed to implement;
(B) Art.16 has to be read in the context of the rules on distributions in Art.15 of the second directive
and the general principles of Community law;
(C) the provisions of ss 263–276 of the Act [CA 2006 ss 830ff] are designed to implement Art.15 of the
second directive;
(D) on its true interpretation, Art.16 means that a shareholder is liable to return a distribution if he
knows or could not have been unaware that it was paid in circumstances which amount to a
contravention of the restrictions on distributions in the second directive, whether or not he knew of
those restrictions;
(E) accordingly s 277 must be interpreted as meaning that the shareholder cannot claim that he is not
liable to return a distribution because he did not know of the restrictions in the Act on the making of
distributions. He will be liable if he knew or ought reasonably to have known of the facts which mean
that the distribution contravened the requirements of the Act.
… As to remedies against shareholders who receive dividends not lawfully made, the general law of the
United Kingdom was, arguably at least, not to exactly the same effect as Art.16. … Liability under the
general law attaches where the shareholder knew or ought to have known that the distribution was unlawful.
The following are some of the differences between the two types of liability, that is, liability under s 277(1)
and liability under the general law. First, s 277(1) only applies where the distribution contravenes the Act,
and thus it does not apply where the distribution for instance violates a provision of the general law or the
company’s constitution. Secondly, there is no defence in s 277(1) for the member who acts on advice. The
member is instead left to sue the person who gave him inaccurate advice (if he can). By contrast, under the
general law a shareholder may be able to claim that he did not have the requisite knowledge where he acted
on advice. As a constructive trustee he would be able to claim that he was entitled in appropriate
circumstances to relief under s 61 of the Trustee Act 1925 (see the definition of ‘trustee’ in s 68(7) of that
Act). (I would add, however, that there is (p. 546) no inquiry under the general law into the question whether
the shareholder was aware of the law’s requirements regarding the payment of dividends.) In sum, the
remedy under Art.16 is more absolute and stringent than that available under the general law. That is no
doubt because it has been tailor made to facilitate the recovery of unlawful distributions whereas the remedy
under the general law is an adaptation of the law of constructive trusteeship. However, the need for some
form of actual or constructive knowledge on the part of the shareholder is common to both forms of remedy.
… The underlying rationale for this rule [on distributions] is that capital constitutes the security for creditors.
A distribution that is not paid out of profits available for distribution is paid out of the reserves that must
remain available for the payment of debts. The claims of shareholders rank behind those of creditors. It is a
factor to be borne in mind that any defence given to shareholders who receive a distribution paid in
contravention of this Act detracts from the protection available to creditors. One of the objects of the second
directive was to give protection to creditors by harmonising restrictions on the profits which may be used for
the payment of distributions. …
SEDLEY LJ delivered a concurring judgment.
CHADWICK LJ delivered a concurring judgment, but differed from ARDEN LJ on one point (which was not
material on the facts): … I take the view that it is unnecessary, on the facts of this case, to decide what
meaning should be given to the words ‘has reasonable grounds for believing that’. Those words, plainly, do
enable the second (or knowledge) condition in s 277(1) to be established without proof of actual knowledge.
But, to my mind, it is by no means selfevident that they are to be equated with ‘constructive knowledge’ if
by that expression is meant knowledge which a person would have but for his negligence. I do not think that
the composite phrase ‘knows or has reasonable grounds for believing’ has the same meaning as ‘knows or
ought to know’.
General law remedies against the directors: directors who pay dividends improperly are liable to
compensate the company personally for the money so paid away (regardless of whether it was paid to the
[10.13] Re Exchange Banking Co, Flitcroft’s Case (1882) 21 Ch D 519 (Court of Appeal)
At common law, dividends could not be paid from capital. The directors had for several years made it appear that
the company had made profits, when in fact it had not, by laying before the shareholders reports and balance
sheets in which debts known to be bad were entered as assets. On the faith of these reports, the shareholders
had passed resolutions declaring dividends, which the directors had paid. In the winding up of the company the
liquidator successfully applied to have the directors who had been responsible on each occasion made
accountable to the company for the sums wrongly paid away.
JESSEL MR: A limited company by its memorandum of association declares that its capital is to be
applied for the purposes of the business. It cannot reduce its capital except in the manner and with the
safeguards provided by statute, and looking at the Act … it clearly is against the intention of the legislature
that any portion of the capital should be returned to the shareholders without the statutory conditions being
complied with. A limited company cannot in any other way make a return of capital, the sanction of a
general meeting can give no validity to such a proceeding, and even the sanction of every shareholder
cannot bring within the powers of the company an act which is not within its powers. If, therefore, the
shareholders had all been present at the meetings, and had all known the facts, and had all concurred in
declaring the dividends, the payment of the dividends would not be actually sanctioned. One reason is this
—there is a statement that the capital shall be applied for the purposes of the business, and on the faith of
that statement, which is sometimes said to be an implied contract with creditors, people dealing with the
company give it credit. (p. 547) The creditor has no debtor but that impalpable thing the corporation, which
has no property except the assets of the business. The creditor, therefore, I may say, gives credit to that
capital, gives credit to the company on faith of the representation that the capital shall be applied only for
the purposes of the business, and he has therefore a right to say that the corporation shall keep its capital
and not return it to the shareholders, though it may be a right which he cannot enforce otherwise than by a
windingup order. It follows then that if directors who are quasi trustees for the company improperly pay
away the assets to the shareholders, they are liable to replace them. It is no answer to say that the
shareholders could not compel them to do so. I am of opinion that the company could in its corporate
capacity compel them to do so, even if there were no winding up …
COTTON LJ: It was contended that though the directors might be ordered to repay what they had
themselves retained, they ought not to be ordered to refund what they had paid to the other shareholders.
But directors are in the position of trustees, and are liable not only for what they put into their own pockets,
but for what they in breach of trust pay to others …
BRETT LJ delivered a concurring judgment.
This liability is in addition to the liability imposed on directors who pay dividends improperly to themselves: they
will hold these receipts on constructive trust for the company, according to normal fiduciary principles (see JJ
Harrison (Properties) Ltd v Harrison [7.36]).
➤ Notes
1. This obligation to repay illegal dividends is imposed on the directors who authorised the excessive payment
regardless of whether the company is solvent or insolvent when it claims repayment. See Bairstow v Queens
Moat Houses plc [2001] EWCA Civ 712, [2002] BCLC 91. The Supreme Court, in Revenue and Customs
Commissioners v Holland [7.02], concluded that this obligation is a form of ‘strict liability’, subject to the
court’s discretion to grant relief under CA 1985 s 727 [CA 2006 s 1157].
2. In Allied Carpets Group plc v Nethercott [2001] BCLC 81 it was held that the object of the remedy is
restitution of what was wrongfully paid out by the company, not compensation for the loss the company has
suffered. Therefore where the dividend was unlawful because the accounts were erroneous, it is irrelevant that
the dividends might have been lawful if the accounts had been drawn up correctly. In Revenue and Customs
Commissioners v Holland [7.02], Lord Hope held that, while the obligation is restitutionary in nature, it is
nonetheless within the trial judge’s discretion under IA 1986 s 212 ‘to limit the award to what was required to
make up the deficiency of a particular creditor where the claim was made by a party other than the liquidator’.
Thus, ‘it was open to the deputy judge to limit the amount that Mr Holland [the defendant] should pay to what
HMRC [the only creditor] had lost from his unlawful conduct’.
3. In Re Marini Ltd [2003] EWHC 334 (Ch), [2004] BCLC 172, the court did not accept that, because the
dividend had been paid on the advice of the company’s accountant, the directors should qualify for relief under
CA 1985 s 727 [CA 2006 s 1157]. Although they agreed that the directors had acted reasonably and honestly
on their accountant’s advice, the honesty of their actions did not allow them to enjoy a benefit at the expense
of the company’s creditors.
➤ Questions
1. According to Re Exchange Bank ing Co, Flitcroft’s Case [10.13], the fact that the illegal distribution was
approved by the shareholders does not cure the defect, nor does it ratify the directors’ acts so as to absolve
them from liability. Could a shareholder resolution fail to achieve the former goal but succeed on the latter?
(p. 548) 2. What knowledge does a shareholder need to have, and of what, to be fixed with liability to repay
unauthorised distributions?
3. What knowledge does a director need to have, and of what, to be fixed with liability to repay unauthorised
4. Can a director be excused from liability? See Dovey v Corey [1901] AC 477 and CA 2006 s 1157. Can a
shareholder be excused from liability?
5. Can an auditor be made liable for unauthorised distributions?
Capitalisations and bonus shares
A profitable company that does not distribute all its profits as dividends will accumulate reserves (retained
earnings). The shares will in consequence have a market value which is greater than their nominal value. There will
be a similar situation when a company’s fixed assets appreciate in value as a result of inflation or of a movement in
their market value. Suppose, for example, that a company with a nominal capital of 10,000 £1 shares, all issued
and fully paid, has accumulated profits of £90,000. Instead of paying out this surplus to its shareholders as
dividends it may resolve to ‘capitalise’ these reserves by issuing a further 90,000 shares, so that nine new shares
are allotted to the holder of each existing share, and treating the new shares as fully paid because the £90,000 is
appropriated to meet the issue price. No cash changes hands at all. The formal result will be that the reserve has
become capital and ceases to be available for distribution as dividend, the company’s issued share capital has
risen from £10,000 to £100,000, each shareholder now has ten times as many shares as before, and the market
value of each share will have fallen back from something like £10 to £1.34 (Of course, other factors influence the
market price of shares, apart from their ‘asset backing’, but this in simplified terms will be what happens.)
A capitalisation issue is not a ‘distribution’ of profits or assets for the purposes of the statutory restrictions in CA
2006 ss 829ff (see s 829(2)(a)). It follows that profits which are not distributable (eg because they are unrealised
profits) may be capitalised and issued to members as bonus shares provided the articles are so worded as to
permit this.35 Note, however, that in EIC Services Ltd v Phipps [2004] EWCA Civ 1069, [2005] 1 WLR 1377, an
issue of bonus shares was declared void for mistake because the underlying ordinary shares were totally unpaid
and no resolution allowing the issue was ever passed.
➤ Questions
1. What might be the advantages to (i) the company, (ii) its shareholders, of making an issue of bonus
2. Are the shareholders better off in any real sense as a result? Is the expression ‘bonus shares’ misleading?
Disguised returns of capital
The rules noted previously provide various mechanisms for controlling what are seen as unacceptable disposals of
the company’s property. However, they do not seem to touch the ability of small companies to pay away their
assets to their members in the form of directors’ fees or employees’ salaries, or, in corporate groups, for
subsidiaries to pay large fees to holding companies for ‘group services’ or other notional (or real) benefits. There is
no rule that directors’ fees (see [5.03]), still less employees’ wages or business expenses, must be paid out of
(p. 549) But it is also true, as we saw earlier, that directors cannot make gifts out of the company’s assets unless
(i) in furtherance of the company’s objects, or (ii) out of distributable profits (and even then subject to certain
limitations): see ‘Corporate gifts’, pp 134ff. This rule provides a further avenue for restraining unacceptable
distributions of the company’s assets, although it catches only the most blatant of abuses.
The possibility of recovery of the company’s assets from third party recipients is limited. The abolition of the
doctrine of ultra vires by the Companies Act 1989 deprived the courts of the most potent of their traditional
weapons when dealing with allegations that corporate property has been misapplied. Of course, vastly expanded
objects clauses and changes in judicial analyses of their impact meant that the occasions on which the doctrine
could be successfully invoked were always destined to become rather fewer—particularly after the Court of
Appeal’s ruling in the Rolled Steel case [3.04] and [3.17]; but the doctrine did serve to deal with the most blatant
cases of misappropriation such as International Sales and Agencies Ltd v Marcus [1982] 3 All ER 551, QB.
With the demise of the ultra vires doctrine, the courts needed to have recourse to other rules and remedies in such
cases. As Rolled Steel itself shows, it may be possible to show that directors have behaved unconstitutionally,
exceeded their authority, abused their powers or acted in breach of their fiduciary duties, with the consequence
that they may be liable to make compensation to the company, and in addition (or alternatively) the relevant
transaction may be declared void or voidable and both they and any third person who has received corporate
assets with knowledge of the circumstances will be liable to reimburse the company (Selangor United Rubber
Estates Ltd v Cradock (No 3) [10.11]). If the third party has dealt in good faith, for value and without notice of the
irregularity, the company’s remedy against that person will, of course, be lost; but very often the person will be an
‘insider’ or party to the wrongdoing and not able to plead this defence. There is also the possibility that a formal or
informal ratification of the irregular act will be alleged to have occurred. But some breaches of directors’ duty are
not capable of ratification (Cook v Deek s [7.22], Kinsela v Russell Kinsela Pty Ltd [7.08]); and where the act
involves breach of statutory prohibitions (eg a prohibited distribution (s 830) or a breach of the ‘financial assistance’
prohibition (s 678)), it will not be capable of ratification at all. So the courts are still relatively well equipped to deal
with cases of wrongful depletion of corporate assets.
The following cases illustrate a possible approach to these issues, perhaps linked as a matter of underlying
principle with the ‘maintenance of capital’ doctrine. So, in Re Halt Garage (1964) Ltd [5.03], Oliver J struck down a
payment of remuneration to an inactive director as ‘not genuine’ and a ‘dressedup return of capital’ to her. While
the basis of this reasoning is open to question (not least because as a shareholder she held only one £1 share), it
has since been adopted and applied by Hoffmann J in Aveling Barford Ltd v Perion Ltd [10.14], where again the
‘dressedup return of capital’ argument was somewhat shaky because the beneficiary of the assetstripping,
although totally lacking in merit, was not strictly a shareholder. The Supreme Court has perhaps provided much
needed clarification in this area in Progress Property Co Ltd v Moore[10.15], where the court adopted an ‘arm’s
length approach’ in determining whether an undervalue transaction between the company and its member was
genuine or not.
Matters are simpler when the company is insolvent or approaching insolvency. There are now a number of
statutory provisions which may be invoked when corporate assets have been plundered or imperilled in the runup
to liquidation. These include preferences (IA 1986 s 239), transactions at an undervalue (IA 1986 ss 238 and 423),
floating charges subject to avoidance (IA 1986 s 245), fraudulent and wrongful trading (IA 1986 ss 231 and 214)
and misfeasance proceedings (IA 1986 s 212).36 In the light of these statutory developments in the UK, it is
unlikely that a new common law remedy will develop based on a duty owed by directors to creditors (see
‘Directors’ “duties” to creditors’, pp 325ff).
(p. 550) A sale at an undervalue made by a company to one of its shareholders (or to another company
controlled by the shareholder) may be open to challenge on the ground that it is not a genuine sale but a
disguised return of capital.
[10.14] Aveling Barford Ltd v Perion Ltd [1989] BCLC 626 (Chancery Division)
Aveling Barford and Perion were both owned and controlled by Lee. Aveling Barford, which was not at the material
time insolvent but was not in a position to make any distribution to its shareholders, owned a sports ground which
had planning permission for residential development. In October 1986 its directors resolved to sell this property to
Perion for £350,000 when they knew that it had recently been valued at £650,000, but no binding contract was
entered into at that stage. A later valuation put it at £1.15 million and Perion was subsequently offered £1.4 million.
There was some evidence of an agreement reached in January 1987 that a further payment of £400,000 was to be
paid to Aveling Barford by Perion if it resold the property within a year for more than £800,000. The property was
conveyed to Perion for £350,000 in February 1987 and resold by it for £1.52 million the following August. Aveling
Barford was subsequently put into liquidation and successfully sued in this action to have Perion declared a
constructive trustee of the proceeds of the sale.
HOFFMANN J: Counsel for the defendants said that even if the 10 January contract was a rewriting of
history in the summer of 1987, when it was plain that Perion would be reselling for more than £800,000, it
was reasonable for the parties retrospectively to affirm the sale at £750,000, which would have been a
proper sum to fix as the value in February 1987. I do not agree. If the February sale was, as I think, a
breach of duty and liable to be set aside at the time, Dr Lee or Mr Chapman [solicitor to all the parties] on
his behalf had no right to confirm it retrospectively as a sale at £750,000 at a time when they knew the
value to be over £1,400,000. It was the duty of the directors to set aside the February sale and obtain the
full value of the land for Aveling Barford. On any view, therefore, the sale was a breach of fiduciary duty by
Dr Lee. Perion, through Dr Lee and Mr Chapman, knew all the facts which made it a breach of duty and was
therefore accountable as a constructive trustee.
In the alternative, counsel for the defendant submitted that whether or not the sale to Perion was a breach of
fiduciary duty by Dr Lee, it cannot be challenged by the company because it was unanimously approved by
the shareholders. This approval was both informal and formal. Informal approval was given at the time of sale
by virtue of the fact that Dr Lee owned or controlled the entire issued share capital. Formally, a sale at
£750,000 was approved when the 1987 accounts were adopted at the company’s annual general meeting.
For the purposes of this motion I shall assume that shareholder consent was given in both these ways.
The general rule is that any act which falls within the express or implied powers of a company conferred by
its memorandum of association, whether or not a breach of duty on the part of the directors, will be binding
on the company if it is approved or subsequently ratified by the shareholders: see Rolled Steel Products
(Holdings) Ltd v British Steel Corpn [3.04] and [3.17]. But this rule is subject to exceptions created by the
general law and one such exception is that a company cannot without the leave of the court or the adoption
of a special procedure return its capital to its shareholders. It follows that a transaction which amounts to
an unauthorised return of capital is ultra vires and cannot be validated by shareholder ratification or approval.
Whether or not the transaction is a distribution to shareholders does not depend exclusively on what the
parties choose to call it. The court looks at the substance rather than the outward appearance. [His
Lordship referred to Re Halt Garage (1964) Ltd [5.03] and an earlier case, Ridge Securities Ltd v IRC [1964]
1 All ER 275, [1964] 1 WLR 479, and continued:]
So it seems to me in this case that looking at the matter objectively, the sale to Perion was not a genuine
exercise of the company’s power under its memorandum to sell its assets. It was a sale at a gross
undervalue for the purpose of enabling a profit to be realised by an entity controlled and put forward by its
sole beneficial shareholder. This was as much a dressedup distribution as the payment of excessive
interest in Ridge Securities or excessive remuneration in Halt Garage. (p. 551) The company had at the
time no distributable reserves and the sale was therefore ultra vires and incapable of validation by the
approval or ratification of the shareholder. The fact that the distribution was to Perion rather than to Dr Lee
or his other entities which actually held the shares in Aveling Barford is in my judgment irrelevant …
Counsel for the defendants says that this was an act within the terms of the memorandum. It may have
been a sale at an undervalue, but it was certainly a sale: a conveyance in exchange for a payment in
money. It was not a sham. The terms of the transaction were in no way different from those appearing on
the face of the documents. The purpose for which it was done was therefore irrelevant. Counsel submits that
the test for the genuineness of the transaction proposed by Oliver J inRe Halt Garage admits by the back
door all the questions about the motives, state of mind and knowledge of the company’s directors which the
Court of Appeal appeared to have expelled by the front door in the Rolled Steel case.
It is clear however that Slade LJ [in Rolled Steel] excepted from his general principle cases which he
described as involving a ‘fraud on creditors’. As an example of such a case, he cited Re Halt Garage.
Counsel for the defendants said that frauds on creditors meant transactions entered into when the company
was insolvent. In this case Aveling Barford was not at the relevant time insolvent. But I do not think that the
phrase was intended to have such a narrow meaning. The rule that capital may not be returned to
shareholders is a rule for the protection of creditors and the evasion of the rule falls within what I think Slade
LJ had in mind when he spoke of a fraud on creditors. There is certainly nothing in his judgment to suggest
that he disapproved of the actual decisions in Re Halt Garage or Ridge Securities. As for the transaction not
being a sham, I accept that it was in law a sale. The false dressing it wore was that of a sale at arms’
length or at market value. It was the fact that it was known and intended to be a sale at an undervalue which
made it an unlawful distribution.
It follows that in my judgment even on the view of the facts most favourable to Perion, it has no arguable
defence …
➤ Question
In Re Halt Garage (1964) Ltd [5.03], referred to earlier, the issued capital of the company was two £1 shares,
of which Mrs Charlesworth held one. Was the judge right to describe the overpayment of £20 per week as a
disguised ‘return of capital’ to her?
➤ Notes
1. Although in Aveling Barford Hoffmann J several times described the transaction as ultra vires (and
accordingly unratifiable), his remarks will continue to be valid and relevant despite the abolition of the ultra
vires doctrine because of his ruling that the transaction was illegal as an unauthorised return of capital.
2. In declining to make a distinction between Lee and his company Perion, Hoffmann J was ‘lifting the veil’, in
circumstances somewhat similar to cases like Jones v Lipman (Notes following Gilford Motor Co Ltd v
Horne [2.17], p 66).
3. This case was cited with approval by Harman J in Barclays Bank plc v British and Commonwealth Holdings
plc [1996] 1 BCLC 1. Here B & C plc had issued redeemable preference shares to C and had undertaken to
redeem them on a certain date. If B & C plc failed to do so (which would be unavoidable if it had no
distributable profits or was insolvent), T Ltd promised to buy the shares from C, and B & C plc promised to
indemnify T against the cost of doing so. The arrangement was held to be unlawful. Harman J said (at 17): ‘as
it seems to me it must … be unlawful to make an agreement expressed to impose a liability to make a
gratuitous payment, that is, one not for the advancement of a company’s business nor made out of
distributable profits, at a future date when in the event the company has no distributable profits’.
(p. 552) 4. However defensible the Aveling Barford decision may be on the merits, it caused concern in
commercial circles because it created uncertainty as to when payments by a company to its members in
other such circumstances might also infringe ss 829 and 830 of the Act. CA 2006 might usefully have clarified
the position and made it clear that the rules apply only to distributions to members in their capacity as
members, but this was not done and the uncertainty therefore remains. Alternative protection is provided by
other provisions of company law and insolvency law that apply on similar facts.
In determining whether an undervalue transaction constitutes a disguised return of capital, the court will
look to the substance, not the form, of the transaction, characterising it as a matter of law, and regardless
of its form or the label attached to it by the parties.
[10.15] Progress Property Co Ltd v Moore [2010] UKSC 55 (Supreme Court)
The whole of the issued share capital of company (Y), a subsidiary of the appellant company (P), was sold to the
respondent company (M). All three companies were indirectly controlled by the same holding company. The sale
price was calculated on the basis of Y’s open market value, subtracting liabilities for creditors and a further sum in
respect of an indemnity believed to have been given by P for a repairing liability. It transpired that P had no such
indemnity liability to be released from and that there was therefore no justification for the reduction in Y’s value. P
alleged that the transaction had been at a gross undervalue, and was therefore automatically a disguised return of
capital. The Supreme Court disagreed, upholding the Court of Appeal and the High Court.
A question of characterisation
24 The essential issue then, is how the sale by PPC [claimant] of its shareholding in YMS [Y Ltd] is to be
characterised. That is how it was put by Sir Owen Dixon CJ in Davis Investments Pty Ltd v Comr of Stamp
Duties (New South Wales) (1958) 100 CLR 392, 406 (a case about a company reorganisation effected at
book value in which the High Court of Australia were divided on what was ultimately an issue of construction
on a stamp duty statute). The same expression was used by Buxton LJ in MacPherson v European
Strategic Bureau Ltd [2000] 2 BCLC 683, para 59. The deputy judge did not ask himself (or answer) that
precise question. But he did [2008] EWHC 2577 (Ch) at [39]–[41] roundly reject the submission made on
behalf of PPC that there is an unlawful return of capital ‘whenever the company has entered into a
transaction with a shareholder which results in a transfer of value not covered by distributable profits, and
regardless of the purpose of the transaction’. A relentlessly objective rule of that sort would be oppressive
and unworkable. It would tend to cast doubt on any transaction between a company and a shareholder,
even if negotiated at arm’s length and in perfect good faith, whenever the company proved, with hindsight, to
have got significantly the worse of the transaction.
25 In the Court of Appeal Mummery LJ developed the deputy judge’s line of thought into a more rounded
conclusion, at para 30:
‘In this case the deputy judge noted that it had been accepted by PPC that the sale was entered into
in the belief on the part of the director Mr Moore that the agreed price was at market value. In those
circumstances there was no knowledge or intention that the shares should be disposed of at an
undervalue. There was no reason to doubt the genuineness of the transaction as a commercial sale
of the YMS1 shares. This was so, even though it appeared that the sale price was calculated on the
basis of the value of the properties that was misunderstood by all concerned.’
(p. 553) 26 In seeking to undermine that conclusion Mr Collings QC (for PPC) argued strenuously that an
objective approach is called for. The same general line is taken in a recent article by Dr Eva Micheler
commenting on the Court of Appeal’s decision, ‘Disguised Returns of Capital—An Arm’s Length Approach’
[2010] CLJ 151. This interesting article refers to a number of cases not cited to this court or to the courts
below, and argues for what the author calls an arm’s length approach.
27 If there were a stark choice between a subjective and an objective approach, the least unsatisfactory
choice would be to opt for the latter. But in cases of this sort the court’s real task is to inquire into the true
purpose and substance of the impugned transaction. That calls for an investigation of all the relevant facts,
which sometimes include the state of mind of the human beings who are orchestrating the corporate
28 Sometimes their states of mind are totally irrelevant. A distribution described as a dividend but actually
paid out of capital is unlawful, however technical the error and however wellmeaning the directors who paid
it. The same is true of a payment which is on analysis the equivalent of a dividend, such as the unusual
cases (mentioned by Dr Micheler) of In re Walters’ Deed of Guarantee [1933] Ch 321 (claim by guarantor of
preference dividends) and British and Commonwealth Holdings plc v Barclays Bank plc [1996] 1 WLR 1
(claim for damages for contractual breach of scheme for redemption of shares). Where there is a challenge
to the propriety of a director’s remuneration the test is objective (In re Halt Garage [5.03]), but probably
subject in practice to what has been called, in a recent Scottish case, a ‘margin of
appreciation’: Clydebank Football Club Ltd v Steedman 2002 SLT 109, para 76 (discussed further below). If
a controlling shareholder simply treats a company as his own property, as the domineering masterbuilder
did in In re George Newman & Co Ltd [1895] 1 Ch 674, his state of mind (and that of his fellow directors) is
irrelevant. It does not matter whether they were consciously in breach of duty, or just woefully ignorant of
their duties. What they do is enough by itself to establish the unlawful character of the transaction.
29 The participants’ subjective intentions are however sometimes relevant, and a distribution disguised as
an arm’s length commercial transaction is the paradigm example. If a company sells to a shareholder at a
low value assets which are difficult to value precisely, but which are potentially very valuable, the transaction
may call for close scrutiny, and the company’s financial position, and the actual motives and intentions of
the directors, will be highly relevant. There may be questions to be asked as to whether the company was
under financial pressure compelling it to sell at an inopportune time, as to what advice was taken, how the
market was tested, and how the terms of the deal were negotiated. If the conclusion is that it was a genuine
arm’s length transaction then it will stand, even if it may, with hindsight, appear to have been a bad bargain.
If it was an improper attempt to extract value by the pretence of an arm’s length sale, it will be held
unlawful. But either conclusion will depend on a realistic assessment of all the relevant facts, not simply a
retrospective valuation exercise in isolation from all other inquiries.
30 Pretence is often a badge of a bad conscience. Any attempt to dress up a transaction as something
different from what it is is likely to provoke suspicion. In theAveling Barford case [10.14] there were
suspicious factors, such as Dr Lee’s surprising evidence that he was ignorant of the Humberts’ valuation,
and the dubious authenticity of the ‘overage’ document. But in the end the disparity between the valuations
and the sale price of the land was sufficient, by itself, to satisfy Hoffmann J that the transaction could not
31 The right approach is in my opinion well illustrated by the careful judgment of Lord Hamilton
in Clydebank Football Club Ltd v Steedman 2002 SLT 109. It is an example of the problems which can
arise with football clubs owned by limited companies, where some small shareholders see the club as
essentially a community enterprise, and other more commerciallyminded shareholders are concerned with
what they see as underused premises ripe for profitable redevelopment. The facts are complicated, and the
main issue was on section 320 of the Companies Act 1985 (approval by company in general meeting of
acquisition of noncash asset by director or connected person). But the judge also dealt with a claim under
section 263 (unlawful distribution). He held that the sale of the club’s derelict ground at Kilbowie Park, and
another site originally purchased under an abortive plan for a new ground, was a genuine arm’slength sale
even though effected at a price (p. 554) £165,000 less than the value as eventually determined by the court
after hearing expert evidence. Lord Hamilton said, at para 76:
‘It is also clear, in my view, that a mere arithmetical difference between the consideration given for
the asset or assets and the figure or figures at which it or they are in subsequent proceedings valued
retrospectively will not of itself mean that there has been a distribution. If the transaction is genuinely
conceived of and effected as an exchange for value and the difference ultimately found does not
reflect a payment “manifestly beyond any possible justifiable reward for that in respect of which
allegedly it is paid”, does not give rise to an exchange “at a gross undervalue” and is not otherwise
unreasonably large, there will not to any extent be a “dressed up return of capital”. In assessing the
adequacy of the consideration, a margin of appreciation may properly be allowed.’
The words quoted by Lord Hamilton are from In re Halt Garage [5.03] and the Aveling Barford case [10.14].
32 Lord Hamilton said, at para 79:
‘It is plain, in my view, that directors are liable only if it is established that in effecting the unlawful
distribution they were in breach of their fiduciary duties (or possibly of contractual obligations, though
that does not arise in the present case). Whether or not they were so in breach will involve
consideration not only of whether or not the directors knew at the time that what they were doing
was unlawful but also of their state of knowledge at that time of the material facts. In reviewing the
then authorities Vaughan Williams J in In re Kingston Cotton Mill Co (No 2) [8.02], 347: “In no one of
[the cases cited] can I find that directors were held liable unless the payments were made with
actual knowledge that the funds of the company were being misappropriated or with knowledge of
the facts that established the misappropriation.” Although this case went to the Court of Appeal, this
aspect of the decision was not quarrelled with (see [1896] 2 Ch 279).’
I agree with both those passages.
33 In this case there are concurrent findings that the sale of YMS1 to Moorgarth was a genuine commercial
sale. The contrary was not pleaded or put to Mr Moore in crossexamination. I would dismiss this appeal.
Like Lord Walker, I would not go so far as Mr McGhee QC for Moorgarth in his submission that the ultimate
test is always one of the directors’ (subjective) motives in effecting the transaction. The courts will not
secondguess companies with regard to the appropriateness or wisdom of the terms of any transaction: see
eg In re Halt Garage [5.03]. But there may come a point at which, looking at all the relevant factors, an
agreement cannot be regarded as involving in substance anything other than a return or distribution of
capital, whatever the label attached to it by its parties. I do not regard Aveling Barford Ltd v Perion
Ltd [10.14] as inconsistent with this. The facts in that case made it possible to speak of knowledge and
intention to sell at an undervalue, but that does not mean that such knowledge or intention are always
necessary factors. In the present case, it is however unnecessary in my view to go further into such areas.
Also see Ilife News & Media Ltd v Revenue and Customs Commissioners [2012] UKFTT 696 (First Tier Tribunal
(Tax Chamber)). In this case, it was held that licence fees paid in excess of market value were not, in light of all
circumstances, unlawful distributions.
➤ Questions
1. What are the principal objectives of the capital maintenance rules—creditor protection against removal of a
preferential capital ‘buffer’, or company/shareholder protection against assetstripping?
(p. 555) 2. Do the current rules provide effective protection, either for creditors or for shareholders?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages in adopting ‘solvency declarations’ as a simple hurdle to these
types of transactions?
4. The Second EU Company Law Directive (77/91/EEC) was nominated for review as part of the EU Company
Law Action Plan announced in May 2003, but until then many of the identified problems will necessarily
remain on the statute books. What are the principal problems for which solutions might be found?
5. When might it be appropriate to take into account subjective elements such as the mental state of mind of
directors of a company involved in an undervalue transaction? When and how should this line be drawn so as
to prevent inappropriate judicial activism in ‘secondguessing companies with regard to the appropriateness or
wisdom of the terms of any transaction’ (per Lord Mance, Progress Property Co Ltd v Moore, [10.15])?
Further Reading
ARMOUR, J, ‘Share Capital and Creditor Protection: Efficient Rules for a Modern Company Law?’ (2000) 63
MLR 355.
Find This Resource
CLEMENTELLI, F, ‘(Under)valuing the Rules on Capital Maintenance’ [2012] International Company and
Commercial Law Review 191.
Find This Resource
DAVENPORT, B, ‘What Did Russell v Northern Bank Development Corporation Ltd Decide?’ (1993) 109 LQR
Find This Resource
FERRAN, E, ‘Simplification of European Company Law on Financial Assistance’ (2005) 6 European Business
Organisation Law Review 93.
Find This Resource
FERRAN, E, ‘Corporate Transactions and Financial Assistance: Shifting Policy Perceptions but Static Law’
[2004] CLJ 225.
Find This Resource
HO, LC, ‘Financial Assistance after Chaston and MT Realisations: Deepsix and Double Think’ [2003] Journal
of International Bank ing Law and Regulation 424.
Find This Resource
MICHELER, E, ‘Disguised Returns of Capital—An Arm’s Length Approach’ [2010] CLJ 151.
Find This Resource
NIRANJAN, V and NARAVANE, S, ‘A Reassessment of Fundamental Dividend Principles’ [2009] International
Company and Commercial Law Review 88.
Find This Resource
PAYNE, J, ‘Unjust Enrichment, Trusts and Recipient Liability for Unlawful Dividends’ (2003) 119 LQR 583.
Find This Resource
PROCTOR, C, ‘Financial Assistance: New Proposals and New Perspectives?’ (2007) 28 Company Lawyer 3.
Find This Resource
THAM, CH, ‘Unjust Enrichment and Unlawful Dividends: A Step Too Far’ [2005] CLJ 177.
Find This Resource
1 A limited statutory exception allowing companies to issue redeemable preference shares had existed since
1929. Now redeemable shares can be of any class.
2 Also revisit some of the further reading from Chapter 9: see especially J Armour, ‘Share Capital and Creditor
Protection: Efficient Rules for a Modern Company Law?’ (2000) 63 MLR 355; J Rickford et al, ‘Reforming Capital?’
(2004) 15 European Business Law Review 919; J Armour, ‘Legal Capital: An Outdated Concept?’ (2006) 7European
Business Organization Law Review 5; E Ferran, ‘Creditors’ Interests and “Core” Company Law?’ (1999)
20 Company Lawyer 314; and also E Ferran, ‘Financial Assistance: Changing Policy Perceptions but Static Law’
[2004] CLJ 225.
3 If the company’s articles prohibit reductions of capital, then the company’s articles will first have to be altered
before this procedure can be followed: see CA 2006 s 641(6) and ‘Permitted reductions of capital’, p 513.
A creditor can object only by demonstrating ‘a particular present assessment about a future state of affairs’; thus
the ‘entirely theoretical possibility’ of certain pension claims does not suffice: In re Liberty International plc [2010]
EWHC 1060 (Ch), per Norris J.
5 See ‘Classes of shares and class rights’, pp 556ff.
6 [1894] AC 399.
7 These articles dealt respectively with the paying off of the preference capital out of a reserve fund, and the
distribution of capitalised profits, in the form of bonus shares, to the ordinary shareholders.
8 These are important qualifications—see the following extract.
9 A company, in reducing its capital, is not bound to pay off its shareholders in cash: see Ex p Westburn Sugar
Refineries Ltd [1951] AC 625, HL.
10 [1937] AC 707.
11 There is no return of capital to the member in such cases: the company keeps whatever payments have already
been made on the shares, and under the terms of the company’s articles the forfeited shares may normally be re
issued to another holder.
12 Treasury shares cannot vote or receive dividends (other than by way of bonus shares); they can be sold (or used
to fund a bonus issue or employee share scheme), or may be cancelled (ss 726–731).
13 There are exceptions for subsidiaries acting as personal representatives or trustees, or as authorised dealers in
14 But not a subsidiary which is a foreign company: CA 2006 s 1(1), as applied to s 678, and giving effect to Arab
Bank plc v Mercantile Holdings Ltd [1994] Ch 71 (Millett J).
15 There is also a prohibition on the provision of financial assistance by a public company subsidiary for the
acquisition of shares in its private holding company (s 689).
16 Although of course there are other control mechanisms, eg directors’ duties (‘General issues’, pp 309ff),
‘wrongful trading’ provisions (Re Produce Mark eting Consortium Ltd (No 2) [16.16]), and other CA 2006 and
Insolvency Act 1986 (IA 1986) rules.
17 It follows that where a company has reregistered as a private company since the shares were acquired and is a
private company at the time the postacquisition assistance is given, the prohibition will not apply. On the other
hand, if at the time the shares were acquired the company was a private company, but at the time the post
acquisition assistance is given it has reregistered as a public company, the prohibition will apply.
18 Note that the prohibition does not have extraterritorial effect, so assistance can be given by an overseas
subsidiary for the purchase of shares in its UK holding company:Arab Bank plc v Mercantile Holdings Ltd [1994]
Ch 71. The fact that such assistance reduces the value of the subsidiary’s shares, and so reduces the net assets
of the holding company, does not turn the arrangement into financial assistance by the holding company: AMG
Global Nominees (Private) Ltd v Africa Resources Ltd [2008] EWCA Civ 1278, [2009] 1 BCLC 281.
19 In applying those findings to cases concerning acquisitions of shares in private companies, however, they have
been superseded by CA 2006 s 678.
20 It was also claimed that the transfer by Brady of its assets was ultra vires. In the Court of Appeal, Nourse LJ
accepted this contention; but the House of Lords held that the transfer was within the company’s objects.
21 Given the detailed legal examination that this problem must have been subjected to, it seems remarkable that
no one had thought of this option well before the case was concluded in the House of Lords.
By contrast, see the comment made earlier in the judgment that assistance is generally considered to be given
on the date when the commitment to provide it is entered into, rather than the date on which the money is
paid: Parlett v Guppys (Bridport) Ltd [1996] BCC 299. This is because the net assets of the company making the
commitment are impaired at the date it is given.
23 See especially the much criticised case of Victor Battery Co Ltd v Curry’s Ltd [1946] Ch 242. This case has
now been disapproved or not followed in a series of subsequent cases, and is accepted as wrong.
24 [1967] 2 AC 224 (sub nom Churchill v Walton).
25 [1974] 1 WLR 991.
26 [1961] CA Transcript 388.
27 [1964] AC 287.
28 See, however, the ruling in the Belmont case [10.10].
29 This was never the law in Scotland: Westburn Sugar Refineries Ltd v IRC [1960] TR 105.
30 The term ‘realised’ is not defined in the Act (although see s 841), but formal guidance is given by accountancy
practice. It is, however, acknowledged that the concepts of realised profits and losses will change over time,
reflecting changes in the financial environment, and accountancy guidelines change accordingly.
31 Given the general rule on available profits in s 830, this requirement seems to add nothing, but it is specifically
included in s 831(1) for public companies.
32 A declaration was held to be unlawful on the ground that no accounts had been prepared: Vardy Properties v
Revenue and Customs Commissioners [2012] UKFTT 564 (TC), [2012] SFTD 1398.
33 These proprietary remedies may now be excluded by the analysis adopted in Westdeutsche Landesbank
Girozentrale v Islington London Borough Council [1996] AC 669, HL.
34 Bonus issues may also be financed out of the share premium account and capital redemption reserve.
35 This confirms the position at common law declared by Buckley J in Dimbula Valley (Ceylon) Co Ltd v
Laurie [1961] Ch 353, but the judge’s reasoning (based on the view that such profits were distributable) has not
survived the statutory changes of 1980.
36 See ‘The courts’ discretion to order a compulsory winding up’, pp 803ff.
Chapter: (p. 556) 11. Shares
Author(s): Len Sealy and Sarah Worthington
DOI: 10.1093/he/9780199676446.003.0011
The nature and classification of shares
Recall the description of a share given at ‘The legal nature of shares’, p 493, and in Borland’s Trustee v Steel Bros
& Co Ltd [9.01]. It indicated that shares are a means of denoting three things: first, the shareholders’ financial
stak e in the company (including the shareholders’ liability to contribute funds to the company, and rights to capital
and income receipts from the company); secondly, their interest in the company as an association (including
rights as members, especially voting rights and rights conferred by statute and the company’s constitution); and,
thirdly, their rights as owners of a species of property (which is able to be bought, sold, charged, etc, and in which
there can be both legal and equitable interests).
This chapter is about the nature of the asset held by shareholders, and the rights that accrue as a result of that
ownership.1 It does not consider the uses that shareholders may make of their voting power in the company or
their rights to influence and control the management of the company in other ways. That is discussed at various
stages in this book, especially in Chapters 4, 6 and 13. It does, however, look at the initial allocation of financial
and voting rights to different classes of shares and the variation of those rights, the rights to transfer shares and
the protections associated with that and, finally, the valuation of shares.
In total, these combined privileges and limitations on voting and financial rights raise the question of what it means
when we say that the shareholders ‘own’ the company. The answer is material in differentiating the rights of
shareholders from those of creditors, employees and other outsiders, as highlighted in the corporate governance
debates associated with this: recall the ‘shareholder’ and ‘stakeholder’ views of a company and their impact on
corporate governance issues (see ‘Directors’ duties are owed to the company’, pp 319ff).
Classes of shares and class rights
‘Classes of shares’ and ‘class rights’ are not defined in the Companies Act 2006 (CA 2006), other than in s 629.
Nevertheless, the shares in a company may be divided into different classes, either by the company’s constitution,
or by the terms of the share issue itself. The differing rights usually relate to entitlements to vote, entitlements to
dividends and entitlements to a return of capital when the company is wound up. Some classes of shares may fall
into a wellknown category such as ‘preference shares’, but even so there is no fixed formula defining such shares:
it is a matter of construction of the terms of issue in each case what the (p. 557) rights of the particular class are.
In broad terms, however, we may describe some wellknown types of shares as follows:
Ordinary shares: this is the basic or residual category. If all the company’s shares are issued without
differentiation, they will be ordinary shares. If the shares are divided into classes, and the special rights of such
classes are set out, the remaining shares will be ordinary shares. Where the class or classes of shares are
preference shares, then the ordinary shares are commonly called ‘equity’ shares; but in CA 2006 this term has a
more elaborate definition (see s 548).
Preference shares: these shares will usually be entitled to have dividends paid, at a predetermined rate (eg at a
rate of 10% on their nominal value) in priority to any dividend on the ordinary shares. Of course, it is first necessary
for the company to have distributable profits, and for a dividend to be declared. However, if these conditions are
met, the first claim on the corporate profits in any year will be that of the preference shareholders. The right to a
preference dividend may be cumulative (in which case arrears of preference dividends not declared in earlier years
must be paid, as well as that for the current year, before any dividend is paid to the ordinary shareholders) or non
cumulative (when only the current year’s preference dividend is payable). Where the preference shares
are participating, they will be entitled to a further distribution after the ordinary shareholders have received a
dividend equivalent to their own 10% (or whatever the rate is). A company may have more than one class of
preference shares, ranking one behind the other.
Preference shareholders commonly also have a right to priority over the ordinary shareholders when capital is
returned to the members in a winding up. It is quite usual for preference shareholders to have no voting rights at
shareholders’ meetings, or alternatively to have a vote only if the preference dividend is in arrears.
Deferred shares: these are sometimes called ‘founders’ shares’ reflecting the founders’ offer to defer their own
entitlements to those of other investors from whom additional capital is sought. They are not common today
except as part of taxsaving schemes. As the name implies, deferred shares normally enjoy rights to distributable
profit or to return of capital ranking after the claims of the preference shareholders (if any) and the ordinary
Redeemable shares: these are created on terms that they shall be (or, at the option of the company or of the
member, may be) bought back by the company at a future date. The rules governing such shares and their
redemption are set out in CA 2006 ss 684ff. Prior to 1981, only preference shares could be issued as redeemable.
Although that rule fell away, it is now clear that a company must always have some nonredeemable shares (s
684(4)). The rules on the issue of redeemable shares and their redemption were discussed at ‘Redemptions and
repurchases of shares’, pp 520ff.
Nonvoting shares: these may be issued where it is sought to restrict control of the company to the holders of the
remaining shares. This is quite commonly desired when a familycontrolled company looks to outside investors for
additional capital (although it may, of course, find that the latter are not prepared to invest on those terms). A
capital structure which includes nonvoting shares may also be imposed on a company by an outside body, for
example as a condition of obtaining a broadcasting licence (seeHeron International Ltd v Lord Grade [7.07]). The
Stock Exchange does not encourage listed companies to create nonvoting shares, although it does not ban them
altogether; they must, however, be clearly designated.
Shares with limited voting rights or enhanced voting rights: these may also be created, even to the extent of giving
one shareholder a right of veto in specified circumstances. We have seen examples in Quin & Axtens Ltd v
Salmon [4.06] and Bushell v Faith [6.02].2
(p. 558) Employees’ shares: many companies issue shares to their employees, commonly under an ‘employees’
share scheme’ (defined in CA 2006 s 1166), which carries certain tax advantages. Employees’ shares are not
usually designated as a separate class of shares by the articles of association, but are issued simply as ordinary
shares (or, as the case may be, preference shares, etc) ranking pari passu with the other shares of this class.
Normally, however, they are subject to special restrictions (eg as to the holder’s right of disposal) and would
undoubtedly be regarded as a separate class of shares for some legal purposes. Various sections of CA 2006
make special provision for employees’ shares, for example s 566 excludes shares that are to be held under an
employees’ share scheme from the restrictions (but not the benefits) of the usual preemptive rights rules.
In addition, of course, classes of shares may be created for other reasons. Thus a ‘quasipartnership’ company
with three founding shareholders might well have a capital of £300 divided into £100 in ‘A’ shares, £100 in ‘B’
shares and £100 in ‘C’ shares, the shares to rank equally in all respects except that each class should have the
right to appoint one of the directors to the board. In this way, the right of each founder to participate in
management could be entrenched.
Some common law rules about classes of shares and about the construction of the terms of issue of shares are
illustrated by the cases which follow. The question of variation of class rights is discussed in the next section.
A company may alter its articles so as to take power to issue shares ranking in preference to its existing
shares. There is no implied condition in a company’s articles that all the shares in a company shall be
[11.01] Andrews v Gas Meter Co [1897] 1 Ch 361 (Court of Appeal)
The facts appear from the judgment.
The judgment of the court (LINDLEY, AL SMITH and RIGBY LJJ) was delivered by LINDLEY LJ: The
question raised by this appeal is whether certain preference shares issued by a limited company as long
ago as 1865 were validly issued or not … The company’s original capital as stated in its memorandum of
association was ‘£60,000, divided into 600 shares of £100 each, every share being subdivisible into fifths,
with power to increase the capital as provided by the articles of association’. By the articles of association
which accompanied the memorandum of association, and were registered with it, power was given to the
company to increase the capital (article 27), and it was provided that any new capital should be considered
as part of the original capital (article 28). The issue of preference shares was not contemplated or
authorised. In 1865 the company desired to acquire additional works, and passed a special resolution …
altering the articles and authorising the issue of 100 shares of £100 each, fully paid, and bearing a
preferential dividend of £5 per cent per annum. Those shares were accordingly issued to the vendors of the
works referred to, and are the shares the validity of which is now in question … The learned judge has held
that the creation of the preference shares was ultra vires, and that their holders never became and are not
now shareholders in the company, and that they have none of the rights of shareholders, whether preference
or ordinary … The judgment against the validity of the preference shares is based upon the wellknown case
of Hutton v Scarborough Cliff Hotel Co Ltd,3 which came twice before Kindersley VC in 1865, and which
Kekewich J [the trial judge] very naturally held to be binding on him. Kindersley VC’s first decision was that
a limited company which had not issued the whole of its original capital could not issue the unallotted
shares as preference shares unless authorised so to do by its memorandum (p. 559) of association or by
its articles of association. This decision was affirmed on appeal, and was obviously correct; and would have
been correct even if the whole of the original capital had been issued and the preference shares had been
new and additional capital. The company, however, afterwards passed a special resolution altering the
articles and authorising an issue of preference shares. This raised an entirely different question, and led to
the second decision. The ViceChancellor granted an injunction restraining the issue of the preference
shares, and he held distinctly that the resolution altering the articles was ultra vires. He did so upon the
ground, as we understand his judgment, that there was in the memorandum of association a condition that
all the shareholders should stand on an equal footing as to the receipt of dividends, and that this condition
was one which could not be got rid of by a special resolution altering the articles of association under the
powers conferred by ss 50 and 51 of the Act [CA 2006 ss 21 and 283 (changed)]. The judgment of the Vice
Chancellor is a little obscure, because he treats the condition as a condition of the constitution of the
company, and he may have meant by that expression either the constitution as fixed by the memorandum
of association or the constitution as fixed by the memorandum of association and the original articles. But
unless he had meant the constitution of the company as fixed by the memorandum of association his
decision is unintelligible; for, so far as the constitution depended on the articles, it clearly could be altered
by special resolution under the powers conferred by ss 50 and 51 of the Act …
[His Lordship examined a number of cases, and continued:] These decisions turned upon the principle that
although by s 8 of the Act [CA 2006 changes these rules; see Chapter 1] the memorandum is to state the
amount of the original capital and the number of shares into which it is to be divided, yet in other respects
the rights of the shareholders in respect of their shares and the terms on which additional capital may be
raised are matters to be regulated by the articles of association rather than by the memorandum, and are,
therefore, matters which … may be determined by the company from time to time by special resolution
pursuant to s 50 of the Act. This view, however, clearly negatives the doctrine that there is a condition in the
memorandum of association that all shareholders are to be on an equality unless the memorandum itself
shows the contrary. That proposition is, in our opinion, unsound …
➤ Note
Although this case established that there is no implied condition in the constitution of a company that all its
shares should rank equally, there is nevertheless a presumption (as is shown by the cases which follow) that
all shares do enjoy equal rights unless the terms of issue make some express provision to the contrary.
In many jurisdictions of the United States, the principle of equality as between shares was developed much
further by the courts, so that shareholders commonly have preemptive rights as regards any new shares
issued. This has been achieved in the UK only by legislation; see ‘Preemption rights governing the issue of
new shares’, pp 496ff.
Where the terms of issue make no express distinction between the rights of different categories of share in
respect of (i) dividend, (ii) the return of capital (and participation in surplus assets in a winding up), or (iii)
voting, the rule of construction in each case is that, prima facie, all shareholders rank equally. The fact that
a preference in respect of any one of these matters is conferred does not imply any right to preference in
some other respect: the presumption of equality is undisturbed.
[11.02] Birch v Cropper (1889) 14 App Cas 525 (House of Lords)
The articles of the Bridgewater Navigation Co Ltd provided that dividends should be paid in proportion to the
amounts paid up on the shares. There was no express provision governing the distribution of assets in a winding
up. The company had issued 5% preference shares at £10 each which were paid up in full, and ordinary shares of
£10 on which £3.50 had been (p. 560) paid. The House of Lords, reversing the Court of Appeal and varying the
order of North J, held that in distributing the surplus assets available in the company’s liquidation after the return of
capital, the paidup and partly paid shares were to be treated alike; and that the preference shareholders were to
participate rateably with the ordinary shareholders in proportion to the nominal amounts of the shares held.
LORD MACNAGHTEN:… Every person who becomes a member of a company limited by shares of equal
amount becomes entitled to a proportionate part in the capital of the company, and, unless it be otherwise
provided by the regulations of the company, entitled, as a necessary consequence, to the same
proportionate part in all the property of the company, including its uncalled capital. He is liable in respect of
all moneys unpaid on his shares to pay up every call that is duly made upon him. But he does not by such
payment acquire any further or other interest in the capital of the company. His share in the capital is just
what it was before. His liability to the company is diminished by the amount paid. His contribution is
merged in the common fund. And that is all.
When the company is wound up, new rights and liabilities arise. The power of the directors to make calls is
at an end; but every present member, so far as his shares are unpaid, is liable to contribute to the assets of
the company to an amount sufficient for the payment of its debts and liabilities, the costs of winding up, and
such sums as may be required for the adjustment of the rights of the contributories[4 ] amongst themselves
Amongst the rights to be adjusted, the most important are those which arise when there is a difference
between shareholders in the amount of calls paid in respect of their shares. Before winding up no such
rights exist; whatever has been paid by the shareholders of one issue in excess of the contributions of their
fellow shareholders of a different issue, must have been paid in pursuance of calls duly made or in
accordance with the conditions under which the shares were held. While the company is a going concern
no capital can be returned to the shareholders, except under the statutory provisions in that behalf. There is
therefore during that period no ground for complaint; no room for equities arising out of unequal
contributions. In the case of winding up everything is changed. The assets have to be distributed. The rights
arising from unequal contributions on shares of equal amounts must be adjusted, and the property of the
company, including its uncalled capital not required to satisfy prior claims, must be applied for that
purpose. But when those rights are adjusted, when the capital is equalised, what equity founded on
inequality of contribution can possibly remain? The rights and interests of the contributories in the company
must then be simply in proportion to their shares …
It now only remains to deal with the various claims put forward in the course of the argument.
The ordinary shareholders say that the preference shareholders are entitled to a return of their capital, with
5% interest up to the day of payment, and to nothing more. That is treating them as if they were debenture
holders, liable to be paid off at a moment’s notice. Then they say that at the utmost the preference
shareholders are only entitled to the capital value of a perpetual annuity of 5% upon the amounts paid up by
them. That is treating them as if they were holders of irredeemable debentures. But they are not debenture
holders at all. For some reason or other the company invited them to come in as shareholders, and they
must be treated as having all the rights of shareholders, except so far as they renounced those rights on
their admission to the company. There was an express bargain made as to their rights in respect of profits
arising from the business of the company. But there was no bargain—no provision of any sort—affecting
their rights as shareholders in the capital of the company.
Then the preference shareholders say to the ordinary shareholders, ‘We have paid up the whole of the
amount due on our shares; you have paid but a fraction on yours. The prosperity of a company results from
its paidup capital; distribution must be in proportion to contribution. The surplus assets (p. 561) must be
divided in proportion to the amounts paid up on the shares.’ That seems to me to be ignoring altogether the
elementary principles applicable to jointstock companies of this description. I think it rather leads to
confusion to speak of the assets which are the subject of this application as ‘surplus assets’ as if they were
an accretion or addition to the capital of the company capable of being distinguished from it and open to
different considerations. They are part and parcel of the property of the company—part and parcel of the
joint stock or common fund—which at the date of the winding up represented the capital of the company. It
is through their shares in the capital, and through their shares alone, that members of a company limited by
shares become entitled to participate in the property of the company. The shares in this company were all
of the same amount. Every contributory who held a preference share at the date of the winding up must
have taken that share and must have held it on the terms of paying up all calls duly made upon him in
respect thereof. In paying up his share in full he has done no more than he contracted to do; why should he
have more than he bargained for? Every contributory who was the holder of an ordinary share at the date of
the winding up took his share and held it on similar terms. He has done all he contracted to do; why should
he have less than his bargain? When the preference shareholders and the ordinary shareholders are once
placed on exactly the same footing in regard to the amounts paid up upon their shares, what is there to
alter rights which were the subject of express contract?…
Then it is said on behalf of the preference shareholders that the provision for payment of dividends in
proportion to the amounts paid up on the shares leads to an inference that the distribution of surplus assets
was to be made in the same proportion. I do not think that it leads to any inference of the kind. It is a very
common provision nowadays, though it is not what you find in Table A, and it is a very reasonable provision,
because during the continuance of the company, and while it is a going concern, it prevents any sense of
dissatisfaction on the part of those who have paid more on their shares than their fellow shareholders of a
different issue. But when it has come to an end I cannot see how it can be used to regulate or disturb rights
with which it had nothing to do even while it was in force …
LORDS HERSCHELL and FITZGERALD delivered concurring opinions.
Where the terms of issue do make express provision as to the rights of a class of shares in respect of (i)
dividend, (ii) the return of capital (and participation in surplus assets), or (iii) voting, then that provision is
presumed to be an exhaustive statement of the rights of the class in that particular respect.
[11.03] Re National Telephone Co [1914] 1 Ch 755 (Chancery Division)
SARGANT J: [It] appears to me that the weight of authority is in favour of the view that, either with regard to
dividend or with regard to the rights in a winding up, the express gift or attachment of preferential rights to
preference shares, on their creation, is, prima facie, a definition of the whole of their rights in that respect,
and negatives any further or other right to which, but for the specified rights, they would have been entitled
[11.04] Scottish Insurance Corpn Ltd v Wilsons and Clyde Coal Co Ltd [1949] AC 462 (House of Lords)
For the facts and another part of the decision, see [10.01].
The rights of the preference shareholders were, so far as is material, defined by articles 159 and 160 of the articles
of association as follows:
159. In the event of the company being wound up, the preference shares (first issue) shall rank before the
other shares of the company on the property of the company, to the extent of repayment of the amounts
called up and paid thereon.
(p. 562) 160. In the event of the company being wound up, the preference shares (second issue) shall rank
before the ordinary shares but after the said preference shares (first issue) on the property of the company
to the extent of repayment of the amounts called up and paid thereon.
LORD SIMONDS: It is clear from the authorities, and would be clear without them, that, subject to any
relevant provision of the general law, the rights inter se of preference and ordinary shareholders must
depend on the terms of the instrument which contains the bargain that they have made with the company
and each other. This means that there is a question of construction to be determined, and undesirable
though it may be that fine distinctions should be drawn in commercial documents such as articles of
association of a company, your Lordships cannot decide that the articles here under review have a
particular meaning, because to somewhat similar articles in such cases as Re William Metcalfe & Sons
Ltd5 that meaning has been judicially attributed. Reading the relevant articles, as a whole, I come to the
conclusion that articles 159 and 160 are exhaustive of the rights of the preference stockholders in a winding
up. The whole tenor of the articles, as I have already pointed out, is to leave the ordinary stockholders
masters of the situation. If there are ‘surplus assets’ it is because the ordinary stockholders have contrived
that it should be so, and, though this is not decisive, in determining what the parties meant by their bargain,
it is of some weight that it should be in the power of one class so to act that there will or will not be surplus
assets …
But, apart from those more general considerations, the words of the specifically relevant articles, ‘rank
before the other shares … on the property of the company to the extent of repayment of the amounts called
up and paid thereon’, appears to me apt to define exhaustively the rights of the preference stockholders in a
winding up. Similar words, in Will v United Lank at Plantations Co Ltd6 ‘rank, both as regards capital and
dividend, in priority to the other shares’, were held to define exhaustively the rights of preference
shareholders to dividend, and I do not find in the speeches of Viscount Haldane LC or Earl Loreburn in that
case any suggestion that a different result would have followed if the dispute had been in regard to capital. I
do not ignore that in the same case in the Court of Appeal7 the distinction between dividend and capital was
expressly made by both CozensHardy MR and Farwell LJ, and that in Re William Metcalfe & Sons Ltd,
Romer LJ reasserted it. But I share the difficulty, which Lord Keith has expressed in this case, in
reconciling the reasoning that lies behind the judgments in Will’s case and Re William Melcalfe & Sons
Ltd respectively. [His Lordship accordingly held that the latter decision should be overruled.]
VISCOUNT MAUGHAM and LORD NORMAND delivered concurring opinions.
➤ Note
The conclusion reached in the Scottish Insurance case naturally made preference shares a less secure form
of investment. It was also thought at the time to be harsh on the holders of such shares, for the overruling
of Metcalfe’s case inevitably depressed the value of shares carrying a high rate of return. To offset the effect of
theScottish Insurance decision, many listed companies have since adopted the ‘Spens formula’, under which
the sum to be repaid to preference shareholders on a reduction of capital is geared to the recent market price
of the shares.
(p. 563) Variation of class rights
Statutory requirements
If the share capital of a company has been divided into classes,8 statutory provisions come into play, defining the
ability of the company to alter the rights attached to a class of shares. CA 2006 s 630 provides that class rights
may only be varied:
(i) in accordance with the relevant provisions in the company’s articles; or
(ii) if no provision is made in the articles, if threequarters in value of the shares of that class consent in
writing, or a special resolution is passed at a separate meeting of the holders of such shares (also see ss
283 and 334).9
The company’s articles may specify either more or less onerous provisions for variation of class rights than the
default provisions in the Act.10 All three sets of model articles of association (for private companies, companies
limited by guarantee and public companies) make provision for the issue of shares of different classes, but make
no special provisions for variation of class rights. However, if the company entrenches the class rights in its
articles (ie sets conditions for change that are more demanding than the special resolution procedure) then that
protection cannot be circumvented by changing the rights attached to the class of shares under s 630: see ss
630(3) and 22.
Additional common law requirements
These statutory provisions are reinforced by a rule of common law established in the British American
Nick el case [11.06]. This case establishes the rule that members voting at a class meeting must act ‘for the
purpose of benefiting the class as a whole’. This obviously has some links with the principle of Allen v Gold Reefs
of West Africa Ltd [4.22], that members must vote ‘bona fide for the benefit of the company as a whole’. That
principle has been extended in some later cases (eg Re Holders Investment Trust Ltd [10.04]). If taken literally,
the rule as so interpreted would not permit the class to subordinate its own interests to those of the company as a
whole, and class rights could never be varied except to the classholders’ advantage. This surely cannot have been
intended. On the other hand, some limitations on the exercise of majority voting power are now a familiar theme
from earlier chapters.
Meaning of ‘class right’
These statutory provisions apply only if the shareholders have ‘class rights’,11 and only if those rights have been
‘varied’. Both requirements have caused more debate than might be imagined. (p. 564) Indeed, some textbooks
devote considerable attention to the meaning and scope of the term ‘class right’. If the preference shareholders
have a right under the articles to a 10% preference dividend, that is obviously a ‘class right’, but if the articles say
nothing about the dividend rights of ordinary shareholders in the same company, is their dividend right a ‘class
right’ too? And if nothing is said about voting in regard to either class of shares in their terms of issue, are their
voting rights ‘class rights’? In the example given following the list of types of shares in ‘Classes of shares and
class rights’, p 556, where the only expressed right is that of appointing a director, are the dividend rights of each
class ‘class rights’?
In the Cumbrian Newspapers case [11.05], Scott J was called on to give the first judicial consideration to the
meaning of the terms ‘class of shares’ and ‘class rights’. His conclusion was that they might extend to include
cases where rights are enjoyed by a particular member or category of members but no specific shares are
designated to which those rights are referable.12 This is a surprisingly wide interpretation, but has the merit of
ensuring that the protection conferred by s 630 will be applied fairly comprehensively.
Defining a ‘variation’ of class rights
The only light thrown on this issue by the Act itself is in s 630(5) and (6). Section 630(5) states that amendment or
insertion of a ‘variation of rights’ provision in the articles is itself a variation of rights. Section 630(6) deals with the
extinction of rights but not the extinction of the share itself: Re Saltdean Estate Co Ltd [10.03].
Paradoxically, the judges have not shown themselves anything like so solicitous for the interests of class
members in the cases concerned with the interpretation of the term ‘variation’. In many cases it may be possible
to make class rights less effective without effecting any technical ‘variation’ of the rights themselves: this is
illustrated byWhite v Bristol Aeroplane Co [11.08] and Greenhalgh v Arderne Cinemas Ltd [11.09].
Right of dissenting member to object to court
CA 2006 s 633 gives dissenting members of a class, who hold at least 15% of the shares of that class, the right to
challenge the variation in court within 21 days. They are thus given access to the court free from the hazards
of Foss v Harbottle [13.01], but the requirements of 15% and the need to act within 21 days may lead to
difficulties, especially in a large company.
Rights enjoyed by a member may be class rights although they are not referable to particular shares.
[11.05] Cumbrian Newspapers Group Ltd v Cumberland and Westmorland Herald Newspaper and
Printing Co Ltd [1987] Ch 1 (Chancery Division)
The plaintiff had acquired 10.67% of the ordinary shares in the defendant company (‘Cumberland’) in 1968 as part
of an arrangement designed to concentrate the local newspaper publishing business under one title and to make it
difficult for an outsider to acquire control of this paper. The articles of Cumberland were altered so that the plaintiff
had (i) rights of preemption over the company’s other ordinary shares (arts 7 and 9); (ii) rights in respect of
unissued shares (art 5); and (iii) the right to appoint a director, so long as it held at least 10% of the shares (art
12). Scott J held that these were class rights enjoyed by the plaintiff which could only be altered pursuant to CA
1985 s 125 [CA 2006 s 630].
(p. 565) SCOTT J: I turn to the critical question: are the plaintiff’s rights under articles 5, 7, 9 and 12, rights
attached to a class of shares?
Rights or benefits which may be contained in articles can be divided into three different categories. First,
there are rights or benefits which are annexed to particular shares. Classic examples of rights of this
character are dividend rights and rights to participate in surplus assets on a winding up. If articles provide
that particular shares carry particular rights not enjoyed by the holders of other shares, it is easy to
conclude that the rights are attached to a class of shares, for the purpose both of s 125 of the Act of 1985
and of article 4 of Table A [1948]. It is common ground that rights falling into this category are rights
attached to a class of shares for those purposes. Mr Howarth submitted at first that this category should be
restricted to rights that were capable of being enjoyed by the holders for the time being of the shares in
question. Such a restriction would exclude rights expressly attached to particular shares issued to some
named individual, but expressed to determine upon transfer of the shares by the named individual. Palmer’s
Company Precedents, 17th edn (1956), Pt I, p 818, contains a form for the creation of a life governor’s share
in a company. Mr Howarth accepted that the rights attached to a share in accordance with this precedent
would be rights attached to a class of shares. He accepted, rightly in my judgment, that a provision for
defeasance of rights on alienation of the share to which the rights were attached, would not of itself prevent
the rights, prealienation, from being properly described as rights attached to a class of shares. The
plaintiff’s rights under articles 5, 7, 9 and 12 cannot, however, be brought within this first category. The
rights were not attached to any particular shares. In articles 5, 7 and 9, there is no reference to any current
shareholding held by the plaintiff. The rights conferred on the plaintiff under article 12 are dependent on the
plaintiff holding at least 10% of the issued ordinary shares in the defendant. But the rights are not attached
to any particular shares. Any ordinary shares in the defendant, if sufficient in number and held by the
plaintiff, would entitle the plaintiff to exercise the rights.
A second category of rights or benefits which may be contained in articles (although it may be that neither
‘rights’ nor ‘benefits’ is an apt description), would cover rights or benefits conferred on individuals not in the
capacity of members or shareholders of the company but, for ulterior reasons, connected with the
administration of the company’s affairs or the conduct of its business. Eley v Positive Government Security
Life Assurance Co Ltd [4.36] was a case where the articles of the defendant company had included a
provision that the plaintiff should be the company solicitor. The plaintiff sought to enforce that provision as a
contract between himself and the company. He failed. The reasons why he failed are not here relevant, and I
cite the case only to draw attention to an article which, on its terms, conferred a benefit on an individual but
not in the capacity of member or shareholder of the company. It is, perhaps, obvious that rights or benefits
in this category cannot be class rights. They cannot be described as rights attached to a class of shares.
The plaintiff in Eley v Positive Government Security Life Assurance Co Ltdwas not a shareholder at the time
the articles were adopted. He became a shareholder some time thereafter. It is easy, therefore, to conclude
that the article in question did not confer on him any right or benefit in his capacity as a member of the
company. In a case where the individual had been issued with shares in the company at the same time and
as part of the same broad arrangement under which the article in question had been adopted, the
conclusion might not be so easy. But if, in all the circumstances, the right conclusion was still that the
rights or benefits conferred by the article were not conferred on the beneficiary in the capacity of member or
shareholder of the company, then the rights could not, in my view, be regarded as class rights. They would
not be rights attached to any class of shares …
In my judgment, the plaintiff’s rights under those articles do not fall within this second category.
That leaves the third category. This category would cover rights or benefits that, although not attached to
any particular shares, were nonetheless conferred on the beneficiary in the capacity of member or
shareholder of the company. The rights of the plaintiff under articles 5, 7, 9 and 12 fall, in my judgment, into
this category. Other examples can be found in reported cases.
In Bushell v Faith [6.02], articles of association included a provision that on a resolution at a general
meeting for the removal of any director from office, any shares held by that director should carry the right to
three votes. The purpose of this provision was to prevent directors being removed from (p. 566) office by a
simple majority of the members of the company. The validity of the article was upheld by the Court of
Appeal and by the House of Lords; the reasons do not, for present purposes, matter. But the rights
conferred by the article in question fall, in my view, firmly in this third category. They were not attached to
any particular shares. On the other hand, they were conferred on the director/beneficiaries in their capacity
as shareholders. The article created, in effect, two classes of shareholders—namely, shareholders who
were for the time being directors, on the one hand, and shareholders who were not for the time being
directors, on the other hand.
The present case is, and Bushell v Faith was, concerned with rights conferred by articles. The other side of
the coin is demonstrated by Rayfield v Hands [4.38]. That case was concerned with obligations imposed on
members by the articles. The articles of the company included an article entitling every member to sell his
shares to the directors of the company at a fair valuation. In effect, the members enjoyed ‘put’ options
exercisable against the directors. Vaisey J held that the obligations imposed by the article on the directors
for the time being were enforceable against them. He held that the obligations were imposed on the
directors in their capacity as members of the company. It follows from his judgment that, as in Bushell v
Faith, there were in effect two classes of shareholders in the company. There were shareholders who were
not for the time being directors, and shareholders who were for the time being directors: the former had
rights against the latter which the latter did not enjoy against the former. The two classes were identifiable
not by reference to their respective ownership of particular shares, but by reference to the office held by the
latter. But the rights of the former, and the obligations of the latter, required their respective ownership of
shares in the company. Accordingly, as a matter of classification, the rights in question fall, in my view, into
the third category.
In the present case, the rights conferred on the plaintiff under articles 5, 7, 9 and 12 were, as I have held,
conferred on the plaintiff as a member or shareholder of the defendant. The rights would not be enforceable
by the plaintiff otherwise than as the owner of ordinary shares in the defendants. If the plaintiff were to divest
itself of all its ordinary shares in the defendant, it would not then, in my view, be in a position to enforce the
rights in the articles. But the rights were not attached to any particular share or shares. Enforcement by the
plaintiff of the rights granted under articles 5, 7 and 9, would require no more than ownership by the plaintiff
of at least some shares in the defendant. Enforcement by the plaintiff of the rights granted under article 12
require the plaintiff to hold at least 10% of the issued shares in the defendant. But any shares would do. It
follows, in my judgment, that the plaintiff’s rights under the articles in question fall squarely within this third
The question for decision is whether rights in this third category are within the meaning of the phrase in s
125 of the Companies Act 1985 and in article 4 of Table A, rights attached to a class of shares. [His
Lordship examined the language and the background of the section and concluded that this was the case.]
➤ Questions
1. The implications of this case are potentially farreaching. In the Bushell v Faith case, for example, the
director’s right to deploy supervoting powers on a motion for his dismissal could only be changed by the
class rights procedure (s 630, requiring his agreement, as the only member of the relevant class). If the
director’s right had been classified differently, it could have been changed by the statutory procedure for
changing the articles (s 21, requiring a special majority of all the shareholders). Which is the preferable
outcome? Which outcome was likely to have been contemplated at the time the right was created?
2. Where the rights are not specifically attached to a share issue, how can you tell whether rights are ‘class
rights’ or rights under a shareholders’ agreement (see ‘Shareholders’ agreements’, pp 244ff and ‘Classes of
shares and class rights’, pp 556ff)? What practical consequences flow from classifying rights one way or the
other? In deciding on the appropriate classification, is it of any significance that a transfer from X to Y of the
shares to which the special rights are (p. 567) allegedly attached would not be effective to transfer the special
rights to Y—that is, the special rights are personal to X? See Grays Timber Products Ltd v Commissioners for
HM Revenue and Customs [2010] UKSC 4, SC.
A vote on a resolution to modify class rights must be exercised for the purpose, or dominant purpose, of
benefiting the class as a whole.
[11.06] British American Nickel Corpn Ltd v O’Brien [1927] AC 369 (Privy Council)
The company had issued mortgage bonds, secured by a trust deed, which provided (inter alia) that a majority of
the bondholders, representing not less than threefourths in value, might sanction any modification of the rights of
the bondholders. A scheme for the reconstruction of the company, which involved a modification of the
bondholders’ rights, was approved by the requisite majority. However, it was objected that one of the bondholders,
without whose vote the proposal would not have been carried, had been induced to give his support by a promise of
a large block of ordinary stock. The Privy Council, affirming the decision of the Ontario courts, held that the vote
was invalid.
The opinion of their Lordships was delivered by VISCOUNT HALDANE: To give a power to modify the terms
on which debentures in a company are secured is not uncommon in practice. The business interests of the
company may render such a power expedient, even in the interests of the class of debentureholders as a
whole. The provision is usually made in the form of a power, conferred by the instrument constituting the
debenture security, upon the majority of the class of holders. It often enables them to modify, by resolution
properly passed, the security itself. The provision of such a power to a majority bears some analogy to such
a power as that … which enables a majority of the shareholders by special resolution to alter the articles of
association. There is, however, a restriction of such powers, when conferred on a majority of a special class
in order to enable that majority to bind a minority. They must be exercised subject to a general principle,
which is applicable to all authorities conferred on majorities of classes enabling them to bind minorities;
namely, that the power given must be exercised for the purpose of benefiting the class as a whole, and not
merely individual members only. Subject to this, the power may be unrestricted. It may be free from the
general principle in question when the power arises not in connection with a class, but only under a general
title which confers the vote as a right of property attaching to a share. The distinction does not arise in this
case, and it is not necessary to express an opinion as to its ground. What does arise is the question
whether there is such a restriction on the right to vote of a creditor or member of an analogous class on
whom is conferred a power to vote for the alteration of the title of a minority of the class to which he himself
belongs …
[T]heir Lordships do not think that there is any real difficulty in combining the principle that while usually a
holder of shares or debentures may vote as his interest directs, he is subject to the further principle that
where his vote is conferred on him as a member of a class he must conform to the interest of the class
itself when seeking to exercise the power conferred on him in his capacity of being a member. The second
principle is a negative one, one which puts a restriction on the completeness of freedom under the first,
without excluding such freedom wholly.
The distinction, which may prove a fine one, is well illustrated in the carefully worded judgment of Parker J
in Goodfellow v Nelson Line.13 It was there held that while the power conferred by a trust deed on a majority
of debentureholders to bind a minority must be exercised bona fide, and while the court has power to
prevent some sorts at least of unfairness or oppression, a debentureholder may, subject to this, vote in
accordance with his individual interests, though these may be peculiar (p. 568) to himself and not shared
by the other members of the class. It was true that a secret bargain to secure his vote by special treatment
might be treated as bribery, but where the scheme to be voted upon itself provides, as it did in that case,
openly for special treatment of a debentureholder with a special interest, he may vote, inasmuch as the
other members of the class had themselves known from the first of the scheme. Their Lordships think that
Parker J accurately applied in his judgment the law on this point …
Their Lordships are of opinion that judgment was rightly given for the respondents in this appeal … [It] is
plain, even from his own letters, that before Mr JR Booth would agree to the scheme of 1921 his vote had to
be secured by the promise of $2,000,000 ordinary stock of the Nickel Corporation. No doubt he was entitled
in giving his vote to consider his own interests. But as that vote had come to him as a member of a class
he was bound to exercise it with the interests of the class itself kept in view as dominant. It may be that, as
Ferguson JA thought, he and those with whom he was negotiating considered the scheme the best way out
of the difficulties with which the corporation was beset. But they had something else to consider in the first
place. Their duty was to look to the difficulties of the bondholders as a class, and not to give any one of
these bondholders a special personal advantage, not forming part of the scheme to be voted for, in order to
induce him to assent …
➤ Questions
1. Does the limitation described in this case require the shareholders to vote in the class meeting in the interests
of the class (which might require selfdenial of a fiduciary nature from individual shareholders whose own self
interest conflicts with the interests of the class), or does it merely require shareholders to vote for proper purposes
(which might require shareholders not to use their power to achieve ulterior ends)? Does the requirement that
shareholders vote bona fide add anything? How is such a power exercised mala fide ?
2. You are asked to advise a preference shareholder about a class meeting which is to be held to consider a
scheme to replace the preference shares with debentures. There is evidence suggesting that this will be to the
disadvantage of the preference shareholders as a class, but that the scheme as a whole will benefit the company.
Should the preference shareholder have regard to the interests of the class, or of the company, in deciding how to
cast her vote; or is she free to weigh the relative merits of each? (See Re Holders Investment Trust
Ltd [10.04] and Re Hellenic and General Trust Ltd [15.05], and contrast Re ChatterleyWhitfield Collieries
Ltd [10.02].)
3. If all the members of a class are to take account of the same considerations when voting, will a resolution
invariably be carried (or lost) by 100% to nil?
[11.07] Assénagon Asset Management SA v Irish Bank Resolution Corporation Ltd (Formerly Anglo Irish
Bank Corporation Ltd) [2012] EWHC 2090 (Chancery Division)
This case concerned voting by classes of creditors, not shareholders, but similar rules were held to apply. The
claimant was the holder of bonds (‘2017 Notes’) issued by the bank, which were subordinate to claims by secured
and unsecured creditors in the event of insolvency, and ahead only of equity shareholders. Following the global
financial crisis, the bank faced a liquidity crisis which resulted in its rescue by the Irish government. Following a
series of measures, the government announced in September 2010 that it expected subordinated debtholders to
make a significant contribution towards meeting the costs to the bank in meeting its substantial losses. The bank
subsequently adopted a technique known as ‘exit consent’ in respect of certain series of its notes, including the
2017 Notes. In essence, it was (p. 569) proposed that a holding of 20 cents of new notes (the ‘New Notes’) would
be exchanged for every €1 of the 2017 Notes, that is, an exchange ratio of 0.20. In accepting the exchange
proposal, the noteholders would also agree to vote in favour of an extraordinary resolution to vary the terms of the
old 2017 Notes so as to enable the bank to redeem any outstanding 2017 Notes at a rate of €0.01 per €1,000, that
is, a payment ratio of 0.00001 (the ‘Resolution’). The combined effect of the exchange offer and the Resolution led
to 92.03% of noteholders offering their notes for exchange and conditionally binding themselves to vote in favour of
the Resolution. The Resolution was duly passed, and the bank exercised its newly acquired right to redeem the
remaining 2017 Notes at the payment ratio of 0.00001. The claimant received €170 for its €17 million face value of
2017 Notes. The claimant challenged the validity of the exit consent technique as being an abuse by the majority
noteholders of their power to bind the minority, albeit at the invitation of the issuer. The court allowed the claim.
1. This [claim tests], for the first time, the legality under English law of a technique used by the issuers of
corporate bonds which has acquired the label ‘exit consent’. The technique may be summarised thus. The
issuer wishes to persuade all the holders of a particular bond issue to accept an exchange of their bonds for
replacement bonds on different terms. The holders are all invited to offer their bonds for exchange, but on
terms that they are required to commit themselves irrevocably to vote at a bondholders’ meeting for a
resolution amending the terms of the existing bonds so as seriously to damage or, as in the present case
substantially destroy, the value of the rights arising from those existing bonds. The resolution is what has
become labelled the exit consent.
2. The exit consent has no adverse effect in itself upon a holder who both offers his bonds for exchange and
votes for the resolution. That is either because the issuer nonetheless fails to attract the majority needed to
pass the resolution (in which case both the resolution and the proposed exchange do not happen) or simply
because, if the requisite majority is obtained, his bonds are exchanged for new bonds and cancelled by the
issuer. By contrast, a holder who fails to offer his bonds for exchange and either votes against the
resolution or abstains takes the risk, if the resolution is passed, that his bonds will be either devalued by
the resolution or, as in this case, destroyed by being redeemed for a nominal consideration. This is in part
because the efficacy of the technique depends upon the deadline for exchange being set before the
bondholders’ meeting so that, if the resolution is then passed, the dissenting holder gets no locus
poenitentiae during which to exchange his bonds on the terms offered, and accepted in time, by the
3. It is readily apparent, and not seriously in dispute, that the purpose of the attachment of the exit consent
to the exchange proposal is to impose a dissuasive constraint upon bondholders from opposing the
exchange, even if they take the view that the proffered new bonds are (ignoring the exit consent) less
attractive than the existing bonds. The constraint arises from the risk facing any individual bondholder that a
sufficient majority of his fellow holders will participate in the exchange and therefore (as required to do) vote
for the resolution. The constraint is variously described in textbooks on both sides of the Atlantic as
encouraging, inducing, coercing or even forcing the bondholders to accept the exchange.
4. The technique depends for its persuasive effect upon the difficulties faced by bondholders in organising
themselves within the time allowed by the issuer in such a way as to find out before the deadline for
accepting the exchange whether there is a sufficient number (usually more than 25% by value) determined
to prevent the exchange going ahead by voting against the resolution. They were described in argument as
facing a variant of the wellknown prisoner’s dilemma.
84. After some hesitation [and a review of all the relevant authorities], I have concluded that Mr Snowden
[counsel for the claimant] arrived eventually at the correct question, which is whether it can be lawful for the
majority to lend its aid to the coercion of a minority by voting for a resolution which expropriates the
minority’s rights under their bonds for a nominal consideration. In (p. 570) my judgment the correct answer
to it is in the negative. My reasons derive essentially from my understanding of the purpose of the exit
consent technique, as described at the beginning of this judgment. It is not that the issuer positively wishes
to obtain securities by expropriation, rather than by the contractual exchange for value which it invites the
bondholders to agree. On the contrary, the higher percentage of those accepting, generally the happier the
issuer will be. Furthermore, the operation of the exit consent (here the Bank’s new right to redeem for a
nominal consideration) is not the method by which the issuer seeks to achieve the reconstruction
constituted by the replacement of existing securities with new. The exit consent is, quite simply, a coercive
threat which the issuer invites the majority to levy against the minority, nothing more or less. Its only
function is the intimidation of a potential minority, based upon the fear of any individual member of the class
that, by rejecting the exchange and voting against the resolution, he (or it) will be left out in the cold.
85. This form of coercion is in my judgment entirely at variance with the purposes for which majorities in a
class are given power to bind minorities, and it is no answer for them to say that it is the issuer which has
required or invited them to do so. True it is that, at the moment when any individual member of the class is
required (by the imposition of the premeeting deadline) to make up his mind, there is at that point in time
no defined minority against which the exit consent is aimed. But it is inevitable that there will be a defined (if
any) minority by the time when the exit consent is implemented by being voted upon, and its only purpose
is to prey upon the apprehension of each member of the class (aggravated by his relative inability to find out
the views of his fellow class members in advance) that he will, if he decides to vote against, be part of that
expropriated minority if the scheme goes ahead.
➤ Note
Note the way that Briggs J distinguished the facts of this case from Azevedo v Imcopa Importacao Exportaacao e
Industria de Oleos Ltda [2012] EWHC 1839 (Comm) affd on appeal [2013] EWCA Civ 364:
79. In Azevedo the defendant issuer of notes with provisions for alteration by majority substantially similar
to those here in issue proposed three successive resolutions postponing the payment of semiannual
interest payments, and in each case offering fully disclosed monetary inducements (described as consent
payments) to all those voting in favour. The purpose of the postponements sought was to facilitate a
restructuring of the issuer for the benefit of all its stakeholders. The claimant noteholder voted for the first
two postponements and received the proffered inducements, but not for the third, which was nonetheless
passed by the requisite majority, following which the underlying restructuring was approved by the Brazilian
81. Hamblen J rejected the claimant’s case, concluding in particular that the open manner in which the
inducements had been offered prohibited any characterisation of them as bribery or fraud,
following Goodfellow and British American Nick el. He also took comfort from the approval of ‘consent
payments’ of a similar type by the Delaware courts and from academic comment that such payments had
been a common feature of debt refinancing in the USA for some time.
82. I accept that there is, at least at first sight, some similarity between the ‘consent payments’ in
the Azevedo case and the ‘exit consent’ technique adopted in the present case. It is just possible to
characterise the offer of the New Notes as a financial inducement to vote in favour of the Resolution.
Nonetheless I consider that characterisation to be flawed. The reality is the other way round. The Resolution
is used as a negative inducement to deter Noteholders from refusing the proffered exchange.
83. More generally the differences between the two cases substantially outweigh their similarities. First and
foremost, the resolutions to postpone the interest payments in the Azevedo case were the substance of
that which the issuer (and in the event the majority of noteholders) wished to achieve, whereas in the
present case the substance of the Bank’s plan was to substitute New Notes for the Existing Notes by way
of a contractual exchange. The Resolution in the present (p. 571) case was no more than a negative
inducement to deter Noteholders from refusing the proffered exchange. Secondly it was the issuer
in Azevedo which proffered the inducement, whereas here it is the majority of the Noteholders which (albeit
at the issuer’s request) wields the negative inducement constituted by the Resolution. Thirdly the
postponements sought by the resolutions in Azevedo were plainly capable of being beneficial to
noteholders, since they were designed to facilitate a reconstruction of the issuer, beneficial to all its
stakeholders. Here the Resolution was designed in substance to destroy rather than to enhance the value
of the Notes and was, on its own, of no conceivable benefit to Noteholders. Fourthly, no case of oppression
or unfairness was advanced in Azevedo, only a case of bribery. Here by contrast the case is centred on
alleged oppression, and bribery is not alleged at all.
➤ Questions
1. In Assénagon, if the majority vote had bound all the bondholders to accept €0.20 for each €1.00 Note, then
would there have been any problem? The bondholders had agreed to majority rule, and a vote for such a
proposal would not have been—at least on its face—tainted. By contrast, in Assénagon the dissenting
minority did not get the deal accepted by the majority, but something far worse. Is that the material different
between Assénagon and Azevedo ?
2. Who held the majority of the 2017 Notes at the time of the vote? The claimant argued, and Briggs J agreed
(at [64]–[68]), that the exchange contract between the noteholders and the bank was specifically enforceable,
and so the noteholders held the 2017 Notes on constructive trust for the bank.14 Not only did this contradict
the terms of the bond issue and its voting rules, but it made proof of improper purposes in the voting process
still easier.
The rights of a class of shareholders are not altered, or even ‘affected’, by a change in the company’s
structure (or in the rights attached to other shares) if this change affects merely the enjoyment of such
[11.08] White v Bristol Aeroplane Co [1953] Ch 65 (Court of Appeal)
Article 68 of the defendant company’s articles provided that the rights attached to any class of shares might be
‘affected, modified, varied, dealt with, or abrogated in any manner’ with the sanction of an extraordinary resolution
passed at a separate meeting of the members of that class. The plaintiff, on behalf of the preference shareholders,
claimed that a proposal to increase the capital of the company by a bonus issue of new shares to the existing
shareholders (to both preference and ordinary shareholders) ‘affected’ the voting rights attached to their shares,
and therefore came within the terms of the article cited. The company’s view, which was upheld by the Court of
Appeal, was that the rights themselves (as distinct from the enjoyment or the effectiveness of those rights) were
not ‘affected’ by the proposal, so that no class meeting was required.
ROMER LJ: The rights attaching to the preference stockholders are those which are conferred by articles
62 and 83; and the only relevant article for present purposes is article 83. Under that article it is provided …
that on a poll every member present in person or by proxy shall have one vote for every share held by him,
or in the case of the preference stock, one vote for every £1 of preference stock held by him. It is suggested
that, as a result of the proposed increase of capital, that right of the preference stockholders will in some
way be ‘affected’; but I cannot see that it will be affected in any way whatever. The position then will be
precisely the same as now—namely, that the holder (p. 572) of preference stock will have on a poll one
vote for every £1 of preference stock held by him. It is quite true that the block vote, if one may so describe
the total voting power of the class, will, or may, have less force behind it, because it will pro tanto be
watered down by reason of the increased total voting power of the members of the company; but no
particular weight is attached to the vote, by the constitution of the company, as distinct from the right to
exercise the vote, and certainly no right is conferred on the preference stockholders to preserve anything in
the nature of an equilibrium between their class and the ordinary stockholders or any other class.
During the course of the discussion I asked Mr Gray [counsel] whether it would not be true to say that the
logical result of his argument would be that the rights of ordinary shareholders would be affected by the
issue of new ordinary capital on the ground that every one of the considerations on which he was relying
would be present in such a case. The votes of the existing shareholders would be diminished in power; and
they would have other people with whom to share the profits, and, on a winding up, to share the capital
assets. In answer to that he was constrained, I think rightly, to say that was so. But in my opinion it cannot
be said that the rights of ordinary shareholders would be affected by the issue of further ordinary capital;
their rights would remain just as they were before, and the only result would be that the class of persons
entitled to exercise those rights would be enlarged; and for my part I cannot help thinking that a certain
amount of confusion has crept into this case between rights on the one hand, and the result of exercising
those rights on the other hand. The rights, as such, are conferred by resolution or by the articles, and they
cannot be affected except with the sanction of the members on whom those rights are conferred; but the
results of exercising those rights are not the subject of any assurance or guarantee under the constitution
of the company, and are not protected in any way. It is the rights and those alone, which are protected, and
… the rights of the preference stockholders will not, in my judgment, be affected by the proposed
resolutions …
EVERSHED MR delivered a concurring judgment.
DENNING LJ concurred.
[11.09] Greenhalgh v Arderne Cinemas Ltd [1946] 1 All ER 512 (Court of Appeal)
For later litigation between the same parties, see [4.27]. The company had issued ordinary shares of 10 s [50p]
each and other ordinary shares of 2 s [10p] each (created in 1941), ranking pari passu for all purposes. On a poll,
every member had one vote for each share held by him, which meant that Greenhalgh, who held the bulk of the
2 sshares, could control about 40% of the votes and so block a special resolution. The holders of the 10 s shares
procured the passing of an ordinary resolution subdividing the 10 s shares into five 2 s shares, each ranking pari
passu with the 1941 2 s shares. Greenhalgh objected unsuccessfully that the rights attaching to his 2 s shares
were ‘varied’ by this manoeuvre.
LORD GREENE MR: Looking at the position of the original 2 s ordinary shares, one asks oneself: What are
the rights in respect of voting attached to that class within the meaning of article 3 of Table A [of the 1929
Act; there is no equivalent in later Model Articles] which are to be unalterable save with the necessary
consents of the holders? The only right of voting which is attached in terms to the shares of that class is
the right to have one vote per share pari passu with the other ordinary shares of the company for the time
being issued. That right has not been taken away. Of course, if it had been attempted to reduce that voting
right, eg by providing or attempting to provide that there should be one vote for every five of such shares,
that would have been an interference with the voting rights attached to that class of shares. But nothing of
the kind has been done; the right to have one vote per share is left undisturbed … I agree, the effect of this
resolution is, of course, to alter the position of the 1941 2 s shareholders. Instead of Greenhalgh finding
himself in a position of control, he finds himself in a position where the control has gone, and to that extent
the rights of the 1941 2 s shareholders are affected, as a matter of business. As a matter of law, I am quite
unable to (p. 573) hold that, as a result of the transaction, the rights are varied; they remain what they
always were—a right to have one vote per share pari passu with the ordinary shares for the time being
issued which include the new 2 s ordinary shares resulting from the subdivision.
In the result, the appeal must be dismissed with costs.
MORTON LJ delivered a concurring judgment.
SOMERVELL LJ concurred.
➤ Notes
1. See also Re Saltdean Estate Co Ltd [10.03] and House of Fraser plc v ACGE Investments Ltd (Note 1
following Re Saltdean Estate Co Ltd [10.03], p 518), where it was held that no variation of rights was involved
in the cancellation of a class of shares on a reduction of capital, this being consistent with the terms of issue
of the shares in question.
Reference may also be made to Re Hellenic and General Trust Ltd [15.05], where Templeman J ruled that, for
the purposes of a scheme of arrangement under CA 1985 ss 425–427A [CA 2006 ss 895ff], ordinary shares
owned by the intending purchaser’s subsidiary constituted a different ‘class’ from ordinary shares owned by
outsiders, although the terms of issue of all these shares were identical. This approach, taking account (as it
does) of matters peculiar to the holder rather than to the shares themselves, is in strong contrast with that in
the two cases last cited. However, it may be justified by reference to the wording of s 425, which refers to
classes of members rather than classes of shares (CA 2006 s 895 is the same).
2. These cases deal with the rights of the different classes of shareholder as a matter of formal law. But an act
which is within the rights of the controlling shareholders in this sense may nevertheless sometimes justify the
grant of relief to minority members under CA 2006 s 994 (see ‘Unfairly prejudicial conduct of the company’s
affairs’, pp 681ff) or IA 1986 s 122(1)(g) (see ‘Compulsory winding up on the “just and equitable” ground’, pp
Transfer of shares
This section examines the transfer of shares, but most of the remarks apply also to dealings in other company
securities, such as loan stock or debenture stock. A number of general points can be made.
Shares in a company are in principle freely transferable, subject to any restrictions imposed by the company’s
articles of association (CA 2006 s 544). However, the articles of nearly all (if not all) private companies restrict their
members’ rights to transfer their shares. This is done to ensure control over the management and direction of the
Although a share is a chose in action, the transfer of shares is not governed solely by the ordinary rules of
assignment of choses in action. The legal title to shares is transferred only by registration of the new holder’s
name in the company’s register of members.15 Oddly, it is not possible to find any categorical statement to this
effect in the Companies Act, although it is perhaps implicit from a reading of ss 540ff. The rule goes back to the
days when shares normally had a substantial element of unpaid liability, and the act of registration established
beyond argument the contractual bond of the new member to the company, so that his or her liability for calls
could be enforced. (There was also probably some analogy with the transfer of government stock, where the
requirement of registration is statutory.)
On ordinary contract law principles, specific performance will be ordered of contracts for the sale of company
shares unless there is a ready market for the purchase of substitute shares, when a damage award will suffice (Re
Schwabacher (1907) 98 LT 127).
Share certificates, uncertificated shares and dematerialised securities
The primary record of the ownership of company shares is the register of members (CA 2006 s 112). Companies
may also provide their shareholders with share certificates, which provide evidence of ownership. Until 1996, every
sale of shares had to be accompanied by the relevant share certificate. Since 1996, the London Stock Exchange
has developed a centralised securities depository, called CREST,17 which is a computerbased system that
records title to shares and enables title to be transferred. When the title to a share is recorded in CREST, no share
certificate is issued, and the share is said to be ‘uncertificated’ or ‘dematerialised’. At present, only listed
companies need to have uncertificated shares. In all other companies, shares are certificated.
Transfer of certificated securities
The holder of fully paid certificated shares transfers them by completing and signing a sharetransfer form which
indicates the name of the company, the details of the shares being transferred (number, nominal value, class), the
consideration for the transfer (nil if by way of gift) and the name and address of both the transferor and the
In the simplest case of a sale of all the shares represented on one share certificate, the transferor sends the
completed transfer form, plus the share certificate,19 to the transferee, who pays the price and the relevant stamp
duty, and requests the company to register the transfer. The transfer is recorded by the company in the register of
members and a new certificate, made out in the transferee’s name, is issued to him. This procedure (prescribed by
the Stock Transfer Act 1982) may be used for all fully paid securities even though the company’s articles provide
otherwise. Further practical steps are added if the transferor wants to sell only part of a holding denominated on
one share certificate, or if the transferee wants the shares to be converted to uncertificated securities.
If a share transfer is made as a result of fraudulently forged share certificates, then anyone who suffers loss as a
result can sue the fraudster in deceit (see ‘Forged and fraudulent transfers’, p 577). The same measure of remedy
(ie as in deceit) is available against a company that makes a negligent false certification (CA 2006 s 775(3)), and
the certification is taken to have been made by the company if it was issued and signed by the person authorised
to issue certifications (s 775(4)(b)) (see Balk is Consolidated Co v Tomk inson [11.12]).
Under the Model Articles for private companies, art 25, and the Model Articles for public companies, art 49, a
member will be supplied with a replacement for a certificate that is damaged or defaced, or which is said to be
lost, stolen or destroyed.
(p. 575) Transfer of uncertificated shares
The rules noted previously apply in the main to shares (or other securities) not traded on a public market. Although
the rules could apply in a wider context, most purchasers of publicly traded shares use a different process. For
shares traded on a public market, the Listing Rules do not permit any restrictions on transferability; the buyers and
sellers deal through the Exchange, via a broker, not facetoface; and the transfer is effected in uncertificated form,
through CREST, on the basis of realtime delivery against payment. This electronic system of transfer reduces
costs and risks.
As mentioned earlier, CREST is a computerbased securities transfer settlement system which enables securities
to be transferred electronically without a written instrument, and title to be evidenced without a certificate. CREST
came into operation in July 1996. It is operated by a company called CRESTCo Ltd, authorised for the purpose by
the Financial Conduct Authority under powers delegated by the Treasury. Securities held on CREST are recorded
in electronic form and are transferred by means of electronic instructions received from participating members
(primarily brokers), subject to elaborate provisions for security. Participation in the CREST scheme is optional, in
the sense that a company may choose to have some or all of its securities held in uncertificated form, and there is
also an option for any individual holder of the securities to hold his or her securities in one form or the other.
Until 2001, CREST did not itself maintain any register of holders, but merely provided a settlement system, and an
instruction to the company to amend its share register accordingly. An entry in the company’s register remained
evidence of title in the same way as if the entry related to certificated securities. Since 2001, CRESTCo has
maintained an Operator register (separate from the company’s own register), and registers the transfers
immediately they occur. The Operator register is prima facie evidence of the title to uncertificated shares (just as
the company’s register is for certificated shares).
Restrictions on transfer: directors’ approval and preemption rights
Listed companies are not permitted to impose restrictions on transfer. Private companies typically do, however.
The two provisions most commonly found are: (i) an article giving the directors a discretion to refuse to register any
transfer (see Model Articles art 26(5)20 ), and (ii) some form of preemptive right for existing members. A transfer of
certificated shares is not complete until the transfer is registered in the company’s register of members. After
paying for the shares and before registration, the transferee only has an equitable interest in the shares.
If the directors are given absolute discretion to refuse to transfer the shares, they must, as directors, exercise this
power bona fide and for proper purposes: see ‘Duty to act within powers: CA 2006 s 171’, pp 331ff, and Re Smith
and Fawcett Ltd [11.10]. CA 2006 s 771(1) requires the directors to consider the matter and either register the
transfer or give the transferee notice of and reasons for refusal as soon as practicable and, in any event, within two
months. The reasons for refusal must be such as may reasonably be requested, but need not extend to the
minutes of board meetings at which the matter was considered.
If transfers are subject to preemption rights (requiring the shares to be offered first to the existing shareholders),
then directors must refuse to register transfers to outsiders until this is done. Absent this, the existing
shareholders’ equitable interest in the shares takes priority over the transferee’s equitable interest under the
sale: Tett v Phoenix Property and Investments Co Ltd [1984] BCLC 599.
(p. 576) Where the articles confer on the directors a discretion to refuse to register a transfer of shares, they
must exercise their power bona fide and for proper purposes; but, subject to this qualification, they may be
given an absolute discretion.
[11.10] Re Smith and Fawcett Ltd [1942] Ch 304 (Court of Appeal)
Article 10 of the company’s articles provided that the directors might in their absolute and uncontrolled discretion
refuse to register any transfer of shares. There were only two directors and shareholders, Smith and Fawcett, who
held 4,001 shares each. After Fawcett’s death, Smith and a coopted director refused to register a transfer of his
shares into the names of his executors, or one of them; but Smith offered instead to register 2,001 shares and to
buy the remaining 2,000 shares at a price fixed by himself. The court refused to intervene in the exercise of this
discretion without evidence of mala fides.
LORD GREENE MR: The principles to be applied in cases where the articles of a company confer a
discretion on directors with regard to the acceptance of transfer of shares are, for the present purposes, free
from doubt. They must exercise their discretion bona fide in what they consider—not what a court may
consider—is in the interests of the company, and not for any collateral purpose. They must have regard to
those considerations, and those considerations only, which the articles on their true construction permit
them to take into consideration, and in construing the relevant provisions in the articles it is to be borne in
mind that one of the normal rights of a shareholder is the right to deal freely with his property and to transfer
it to whomsoever he pleases. When it is said, as it has been said more than once, that regard must be had
to this last consideration, it means, I apprehend, nothing more than that the shareholder has such a prima
facie right, and that right is not to be cut down by uncertain language or doubtful implications. The right, if it
is to be cut down, must be cut down with satisfactory clarity. It certainly does not mean that articles, if
appropriately framed, cannot be allowed to cut down the right of transfer to any extent which the articles on
their true construction permit. Another consideration which must be borne in mind is that this type of article
is one which is for the most part confined to private companies. Private companies are in law separate
entities just as much as are public companies, but from the business and personal point of view they are
much more analogous to partnerships than to public corporations. Accordingly, it is to be expected that in
the articles of such a company the control of the directors over the membership may be very strict indeed.
There are, or may be, very good business reasons why those who bring such companies into existence
should give them a constitution which confers on the directors powers of the widest description.
The language of the article in the present case does not point out any particular matter as being the only
matter to which the directors are to pay attention in deciding whether or not they will allow the transfer to be
registered. The article does not, for instance, say, as is to be found in some articles, that they may refuse
to register any transfer of shares to a person not already a member of the company or to a transferee of
whom they do not approve. Where articles are framed with some such limitation on the discretionary power
of refusal as I have mentioned in those two examples, it follows on plain principle that if the directors go
outside the matters which the articles say are to be the matters and the only matters to which they are to
have regard, the directors will have exceeded their powers.
Mr Spens [counsel], in his argument for the plaintiff, maintained that whatever language was used in the
articles, the power of the directors to refuse to register a transfer must always be limited to matters
personal to the transferee and that there can be no personal objection to the plaintiff becoming a member of
the company because the directors are prepared to accept him as the holder of [2,001] of the shares which
have come to him as legal personal representative of his father. Mr Spens relies for his proposition on the
observations in several authorities, but on examination of those cases it becomes clear that the form of
article then before the court by its express language confined the directors to the consideration of the
desirability of admitting the proposed transferee to membership on grounds personal to him …
There is nothing, in my opinion, in principle or in authority to make it impossible to draft such a wide and
comprehensive power to directors to refuse to transfer as to enable them to take into (p. 577) account any
matter which they conceive to be in the interests of the company, and thereby to admit or not to admit a
particular person and to allow or not to allow a particular transfer for reasons not personal to the transferee
but bearing on the general interests of the company as a whole—such matters, for instance, as whether by
their passing a particular transfer the transferee would obtain too great a weight in the councils of the
company or might even perhaps obtain control. The question, therefore, simply is whether on the true
construction of the particular article the directors are limited by anything except their bona fide view as to
the interests of the company. In the present case the article is drafted in the widest possible terms, and I
decline to write into that clear language any limitation other than a limitation, which is implicit by law, that a
fiduciary power of this kind must be exercised bona fide in the interests of the company. Subject to that
qualification, an article in this form appears to me to give the directors what it says, namely, an absolute
and uncontrolled discretion …
LUXMOORE LJ and ASQUITH J concurred.
➤ Notes
1. Re Smith and Fawcett Ltd is also a leading case on the general subject of directors’ powers and duties:
see ‘General issues’, pp 309ff.
2. In Re Swaledale Cleaners Ltd [1968] 1 WLR 1710 it was held that the discretionary power of directors to
refuse registration of a transfer must be affirmatively exercised. The directors must consider the matter and
make a decision not to register within a reasonable time after the transfer has been submitted, failing which
the transferee is entitled to registration. In the light of CA 2006 s 771(1), a reasonable time for this purpose is
prima facie two months. However, in Popely v Planarrive Ltd[1997] 1 BCLC 8 it was held that, so long as the
directors had reached a decision not to register a transfer within two months, it was not fatal to the
effectiveness of their decision that the applicant had not been informed of it within that period. In Re New
Cedos Engineering Co Ltd [1994] 1 BCLC 797 the company had no directors during the whole of the two
months following the receipt by it of an application to have a transfer of shares registered. It was held,
following Swaledale Cleaners, that the transferee was entitled to registration.
3. In Curtis v Pulbrook [2011] EWHC 167 (Ch), [2011] 1 BCLC 638, a director purported to give shares to his
wife and daughter in an attempt to evade his creditors. In respect of some of these shares, the director had
ensured that new share certificates were issued and entries made on the company’s register. However, the
director had no authority to register a purported share transfer, so no legal title had passed despite the
documentation. Other gifts were allegedly by deed of gift, but as nothing more had been done, neither legal or
equitable title passed (Re Rose [1952] Ch 499, see ‘Equitable interests in shares’, p 585). In any event, in
these circumstances even if the gifts had been effective, they would have been unwound under IA 1986 s
423(3) (transactions at an undervalue).
Forged and fraudulent transfers
A share certificate is prima facie evidence of a person’s title. The company is estopped from denying, as
against a bona fide purchaser of the shares, that the person named in the certificate is entitled to the shares
described there.
[11.11] Re Bahia and San Francisco Rly Co (1868) LR 3 QB 584 (Court of Queen’s Bench)
Five shares in the company were owned by Miss Amelia Trittin. Without her knowledge Stocken and Goldner
procured a forged transfer of the shares to themselves, and lodged the (p. 578) transfer and Miss Trittin’s share
certificate with the company for registration. The secretary in due course entered their names on the share register
in place of Miss Trittin’s, and issued a new share certificate in their names. Relying on this certificate, Burton and
Mrs Goodburn, acting in good faith, bought the five shares on the Stock Exchange. After they had been registered
as holders of the shares and issued with share certificates, the company was obliged to restore Miss Trittin’s
name to the share register. This action was brought by Burton and Mrs Goodburn, who claimed to be entitled to
equivalent shares in the company, or damages. The court awarded them damages, holding the company estopped
by the share certificate from denying the title of Stocken and Goldner.
COCKBURN CJ: I am of opinion that our judgment must be for the claimants. If the facts are rightly
understood, the case falls within the principle of Pick ard v Sears 21 and Freeman v Cook e22 The company
are [sic] bound to keep a register of shareholders, and have power to issue certificates certifying that each
individual shareholder named therein is a registered shareholder of the particular shares specified. This
power of granting certificates is to give the shareholders the opportunity of more easily dealing with their
shares in the market, and to afford facilities to them of selling their shares by at once showing a marketable
title, and the effect of this facility is to make the shares of greater value. The power of giving certificates is,
therefore, for the benefit of the company in general; and it is a declaration by the company to all the world
that the person in whose name the certificate is made out, and to whom it is given, is a shareholder in the
company, and it is given by the company with the intention that it shall be so used by the person to whom
it is given, and acted upon in the sale and transfer of shares. It is stated in this case that the claimants
acted bona fide, and did all that is required of purchasers of shares; they paid the value of the shares in
money on having a transfer of the shares executed to them, and on the production of the certificates which
were handed to them. It turned out that the transferors had in fact no shares, and that the company ought
not to have registered them as shareholders or given them certificates, the transfer to them being a forgery.
That brings the case within the principle of the decision in Pick ard v Sears, as explained by the case
of Freeman v Cook e, that, if you make a representation with the intention that it shall be acted upon by
another, and he does so, you are estopped from denying the truth of what you represent to be the fact.
The only remaining question is, what is the redress to which the claimants are entitled. In whatever form of
action they might shape their claim, and there can be no doubt that an action is maintainable, the measure
of damages would be the same. They are entitled to be placed in the same position as if the shares, which
they purchased owing to the company’s representation, had in fact been good shares, and had been
transferred to them, and the company had refused to put them on the register, and the measure of damages
would be the market price of the shares at that time; if no market price at that time, then a jury would have
to say what was a reasonable compensation for the loss of the shares.
BLACKBURN, MELLOR and LUSH JJ delivered concurring judgments.
➤ Notes
1. A similar estoppel operates as regards the amount stated in the certificate to be paid up on the shares:
see Burk inshaw v Nicolls (1878) 3 App Cas 1004.
2. At the time this case was decided it was particularly important to establish liability on the basis of an
estoppel, since there is no privity as between the company and the transferee which would give a remedy in
contract, and the notion of a duty of care which would allow a claim to be based in negligence was then a
century away. But now that liability in negligence (p. 579) for misrepresentations is well established (Hedley
Byrne & Co Ltd v Heller & Partners Ltd [1964] AC 465, and, perhaps most pertinently, Ministry of Housing and
Local Government v Sharp [1970] 2 QB 223), a transferee might well have a remedy on this ground, although
of course it would be necessary to prove negligence.
3. Although in Re Bahia and San Francisco Rly Co [11.11] the final purchaser could recover damages from the
company, the company would have been able to recover damages from the vendor who had presented the
company with the forged transfer initially. This would be true even if the presenter of those documents had
been unaware of the fraud or forgery (see later, and Royal Bank of Scotland plc v Sandstone Properties
Ltd [1998] 2 BCLC 429).
➤ Questions
1. Is the protection given by CA 2006 s 588 to transferees of shares that are not fully paid more, or less,
extensive than that which they would get under Burk inshaw v Nicolls (see Note 2)?
2. Note the ambit of CA 2006 ss 768 and 775. Would this have affected the outcome in this case?
In an appropriate case, the certificate holder may rely on an estoppel.
[11.12] Balkis Consolidated Co v Tomkinson [1893] AC 396 (House of Lords)
Tomkinson, who held a share certificate stating that he was the owner of 1,000 shares in the company, sold the
shares on the market to various purchasers. The company refused to register the transfers, on the ground that
Powter, who had transferred the shares to Tomkinson, had had no title at the time, and that Powter had procured
the issue of Tomkinson’s certificate by fraud. Tomkinson bought shares on the market to honour the contracts with
his transferees, and sued the company in damages to recoup this expenditure. The House of Lords, affirming the
courts below, upheld Tomkinson’s claim.
LORD HERSCHELL LC: After carefully considering the able arguments at the Bar, I have no hesitation in
expressing my concurrence in the law laid down by the Court of Queen’s Bench in Re Bahia and San
Francisco Rly Co [11.11]… The appellants argued, however, and correctly, that the present case is
distinguishable from that in the Queen’s Bench, inasmuch as it is not the purchasers who are seeking to
render the company liable by way of estoppel, but the vendor of the shares, who himself received the
certificate from the company. Does that, in the circumstances which your Lordships have to consider, make
any difference? If the company must have known, as was said in the Bahia and San Francisco Rly case,
that persons wanting to purchase shares might act upon the statement of fact contained in the certificate, it
must equally have been within the contemplation of the company that a person receiving the certificate from
them might on the faith of it enter into a contract to sell the shares. The plaintiff did enter into such a
contract, and thereby altered his position by rendering himself liable to the persons with whom he
contracted to sell the shares. All the elements necessary to create an estoppel would appear, therefore, to
be present …
LORDS MACNAGHTEN and FIELD delivered concurring opinions.
➤ Notes
1. There is one exception to the principle illustrated by these cases. Where a certificate is issued which is
based on the registration of a forged transfer, no estoppel against the company arises in favour of the person
who submitted the transfer for registration. The law takes the view that since this person has at least equally
good means as the company of knowing (p. 580) whether the transfer is genuine, it should not be deemed to
have made any representation to him: Simm v AngloAmerican Telegraph Co (1879) 5 QBD 188, CA.
2. Later cases show that the company’s position in such a case is even stronger. A person who presents a
transfer to a company for registration, whether it is in favour of himself or someone else (eg a broker
presenting a transfer on behalf of his or her client) impliedly warrants that it is genuine and, if it is not, may be
liable to indemnify the company if it suffers loss by acting on it: Sheffield Corpn v Barclay [1905] AC 392,
HL; Yeung Kai Yung v Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank ing Corpn[1981] AC 787, PC; Royal Bank of Scotland
plc v Sandstone Properties Ltd [1998] 2 BCLC 429.
3. These exceptions require qualification in the case of reliance upon an erroneous statement in a share
certificate issued by the company. Ordinarily, a person who presents a share transfer for registration is
required to indemnify the company against any liability it incurs to other persons as a result of registering the
transfer. However, where the person presenting a share certificate for registration relied upon an erroneous
statement of ownership on a share certificate, the estoppel raised against the company overrides the
company’s right to an indemnity (see earlier, and also Cadbury Schweppes plc v Halifax Share Dealing
Ltd [2006] EWHC 1184 (Ch)).
In some circumstances a forged share certificate is a nullity and does not bind the company.23
[11.13] Ruben v Great Fingall Consolidated [1906] AC 439 (House of Lords)
The plaintiffs Ruben and Ladenburg, who were stockbrokers, had procured a loan for one Rowe (the secretary of
the defendant company) on the security of a share certificate for 5,000 shares in the defendant company, to which
Rowe had affixed his own signature and the company’s seal and had forged the signatures of two directors. The
plaintiffs, having reimbursed the mortgagees, claimed damages from the company for failure to register them as
owners of the shares. It was held that the company was not estopped by the certificate.
LORD MACNAGHTEN: My Lords, this case was argued at some length and with much ingenuity by the
learned counsel for the appellants. In my opinion there is nothing in it.
Ruben and Ladenburg are the victims of a wicked fraud. No fault has been found with their conduct. But
their claim against the respondent company is, I think, simply absurd.
The thing put forward as the foundation of their claim is a piece of paper which purports to be a certificate of
shares in the company. This paper is false and fraudulent from beginning to end. The representation of the
company’s seal which appears upon it, though made by the impression of the real seal of the company, is
counterfeit, and no better than a forgery. The signatures of the two directors which purport to authenticate
the sealing are forgeries pure and simple. Every statement in the document is a lie. The only thing real
about it is the signature of the secretary of the company, who was the sole author and perpetrator of the
fraud. No one would suggest that this fraudulent certificate could of itself give rise to any right or bind or
affect the company in any way. It is not the company’s deed, and there is nothing to prevent the company
from saying so.
Then how can the company be bound or affected by it? The directors have never said or done anything to
represent or lead to the belief that this thing was the company’s deed. Without such a representation there
can be no estoppel.
The fact that this fraudulent certificate was concocted in the company’s office and was uttered and sent
forth by its author from the place of its origin cannot give it an efficacy which it does not (p.
581) intrinsically possess. The secretary of the company, who is a mere servant, may be the proper hand
to deliver out certificates which the company issues in due course, but he can have no authority to
guarantee the genuineness or validity of a document which is not the deed of the company.
I could have understood a claim on the part of the appellants if it were incumbent on the company to lock up
their seal and guard it as a dangerous beast and if it were culpable carelessness on the part of the directors
to commit the care of the seal to their secretary or any other official. That is a view which once commended
itself to a jury, but it his been disposed of for good and all by the case of Bank of Ireland v Evans’ Charities
Trustees 24 in this House …
LORD LOREBURN LC and LORDS DAVEY and JAMES OF HEREFORD delivered concurring opinions.
➤ Notes
1. Ruben’s case is defensible upon only the narrowest possible ratio decidendi, as set out at the head of this
extract. As has already been observed (Balk is Consolidated Co v Tomk inson [11.12]), the company ought to
be bound in such circumstances if a person who may be assumed to have authority to do so has put forward
the share certificate as genuine. Now that it is recognised that the secretary of a company is not a ‘mere
servant’, but a responsible officer having an important role in administrative matters (see
the Panorama case [3.15]), it could not be seriously argued that he or she does not have usual authority to
guarantee the genuineness of a document such as a share certificate.
2. Even less supportable nowadays is the decision in South Greyhound Racecourses Ltd v Wak e [1931] 1 Ch
496, where the share certificate which was issued to Wake bore genuine signatures and a true impression of
the company’s seal, and the only irregularity was that the latter had been affixed without authority. Clauson J
considered himself bound by the decision in Ruben’s case to hold that the certificate was a ‘forgery’, upon
which Wake could not base any claim.
3. A similar issue has arisen in a number of cases concerning the ‘certification’ of share transfers. Where part
only of the shares to which a share certificate relates are transferred, it is customary for the transferor to lodge
the certificate either with the company itself or with the Stock Exchange, instead of handing it to the
purchaser. A ‘certification’ is then endorsed on the transfer form by the secretary of the company (or by an
official of the Stock Exchange), confirming that the share certificate has been lodged. When the transfer is
later presented to the company for registration, separate share certificates are issued which ‘split’ the original
holding between those now entitled as separate owners. On the ordinary principles of vicarious liability, as
recognised ever since Lloyd v Grace Smith & Co [1912] AC 716, the secretary’s certification ought to be
binding on the company (and that of the official binding on the Stock Exchange), even if the secretary has
acted fraudulently. These cases were followed in Lovett v Carson Country Homes [11.14], which indicates that
a company can be estopped from disputing the validity of a forged document.
However, in two decisions of the House of Lords, George Whitechurch Ltd v Cavanagh [1902] AC 117
and Kleinwort, Sons & Co v Associated Automatic Machine Corpn Ltd (1934) 50 TLR 244, it was ruled that a
secretary had no apparent authority to act for a company in the matter of the certification of transfers, so that
where no certificate had in fact been lodged, the certification of a dishonest secretary was not binding on the
company in favour of an innocent purchaser of the shares.
(p. 582) These cases are seen by most commentators as an anomalous exception to the principle of Lloyd v
Grace Smith & Co, and in the light of the new status accorded to the company secretary by
the Panorama case [3.15], there is really no ground upon which they can be supported.
It is, of course, now open to the Supreme Court to disown its earlier rulings, in view of the relaxation of the
strict doctrine of precedent. It is also possible that CA 2006 s 775 modifies the effect of these cases, but the
repeated use of the word ‘authorised’ in s 775(4) leaves room for doubt, since a court might well hold that this
means ‘having actual authority’ as opposed to having either actual or ostensible authority.
4. If the transfer takes place within CREST, then different rules apply. The Uncertificated Securities
Regulations 2001 (SI 2001/3755) provide that the court may make an order against the CREST operator,
although several limitations apply to such orders. The most significant is that if the perpetrator of the forgery is
identified, then no compensation order can be made against CREST even where the loss cannot be recovered
from the perpetrator. See reg 36.
But a forgery is not inevitably a nullity. The normal rules of agency apply to determine whether the
company is bound by a forged document.25
[11.14] Lovett v Carson Country Homes [2009] EWHC 1143, [2009] 2 BCLC 196 (Chancery Division)
Administrators were appointed to Carson Country Homes (CCH) by Barclays Bank pursuant to powers conferred
under a debenture between CCH and the bank. Carter, a director and shareholder of CCH, asserted that his
signature on the debenture was forged by Jewson, also a director and shareholder of CCH. Jewson’s own signature
was genuine. Carter claimed that the debenture was a nullity, and the administrators were therefore not validly
appointed. The judge found that Carter’s signature was indeed a forgery, and that Jewson had no actual authority
to apply Carter’s signature in this way. (Apparently there was a practice of this, sometimes authorised or at least
ratified by Carter after the event.) He further decided that Carter and Jewson were ‘authorised signatories’ for the
purposes of CA 2006 s 44, and that the bank was a ‘purchaser’. He then had to decide whether the document
‘purported’ to be signed properly (CA 2006 s 44(2) and (5)).
79… [T]he word ‘purports’ is on its face a wide word which is not defined in the section. In my view, such a
word operates to refer to the impression a document conveys. Indeed, it is selfevidently focusing on what
appears to be the case rather than on what actually is the case. As it seems to me, if one were to pose as
a matter of impression the question here ‘Does the debenture purport to be signed on behalf of CCH by two
authorised signatories?’ the answer would be in the affirmative.
80 It was not disputed before me that such a statutory provision would operate to validate (in favour, of
course, only of a purchaser) a document which has, for example, been erroneously signed by someone
styled a director when, in fact, that person is not a director. Clearly, for example, it could potentially
overcome in favour of a purchaser any defect by reference to the internal management rule. But on the face
of the wording there is no such restriction simply as to those kinds of case, and the wording, unless
glossed, would at first sight seem to be (in favour of a purchaser) capable of validating also a document
where there has been fraud or forgery if the document purports to be signed in accordance with subsection
(2). Nor would such a conclusion be without purpose or sense: for notoriously where fraud or forgery is
concerned in a company context the innocent (p. 583) suffer: the shareholders and creditors on the one
hand if the transaction is held binding; the innocent third party purchaser on the other hand if it is not. To
favour the latter, provided and crucially he acts in good faith and is not put on inquiry as to wrongdoing, is
not unprincipled. Indeed, it means that the company has to take the consequence of employing a dishonest
director or servant and it is for the company to look for redress from that individual.
81 Mr HillSmith [counsel], however, submitted that the subsection does not operate to validate documents
which are forgeries. At the heart of Mr HillSmith’s argument is the proposition that a forgery is a nullity.
Indeed, as a general rule, a person whose signature on a document has been forged is entitled to say, ‘This
is not my document’. Mr HillSmith goes on to say that there is, as it were, nothing which can be deemed
to be ‘duly executed’ for the purposes of section 44(5). Mr HillSmith submitted that this was established by
authority. It is to be noted, however, that all counsel before me were agreed that there was no direct
authority for this proposition for the actual purposes of section 44(5) itself or its immediate statutory
predecessor …
85 In Ruben [11.13], it has to be said, the facts were very strong. …
89 The decision and approach in Ruben [11.13] has, as it seems to me, to be set in the context of the
subsequent wellknown decision of the House of Lords in Lloyd v Grace, Smith & Company [1912] AC 722
to which, indeed, Lord Loreburn and Lord Macnaghten were themselves party. But whilst aspects of the
comments of Lord Davey in his speech in Ruben were expressly disapproved in Lloyd v Grace, Smith, the
decision itself was not … Since that time, it seems to be the case that by and large Ruben has,
nevertheless, been represented as setting out the general position that a forgery is a nullity which cannot be
validated, albeit there may be circumstances in which a party may be estopped from disputing the validity of
a forged document … A particularly extreme version of the purported application of the decision
in Ruben can be found in the case of South London Greyhound Racecourses Ltd v Wak e [1931] Ch 496.
There, even though the signatures of director and secretary on the certificate were valid and they had affixed
the seal, and even though they had done so in order to defer proceedings threatened against the company,
it was held that the fact that the board had not authorised the affixing of the seal rendered the certificate a
forgery and a nullity: a decision which to my mind is very hard to sustain.
90 No doubt a forged corporate document is a nullity in the sense that no one has actual authority on the
part of a company to issue a forged document. But as the exception of estoppel shows, that does not mean
that the forged document can in no circumstances have any effect whatsoever: just because circumstances
can arise whereby the company may be estopped from disputing its validity. But once one accepts that,
then, in my opinion, that immediately opens up the prospect that such a document cannot be sidelined as
a nullity for all purposes in the case of apparent authority. Indeed, the principles of apparent authority are a
broad reflection of the general principles of estoppel. That that may be so is borne out by Ruben itself in my
view: for, admittedly in somewhat grudging terms, Shaw was not formally disapproved as a decision but
instead was distinguished as being capable on its facts as connoting that the secretary was held out as
having authority to warrant the genuineness of a certificate. …
91 Thus Ruben was to be distinguished, not in point of principle, of course, but in point of fact.
In Ruben there was no ostensible authority vested in the secretary. …
92 The position is also dealt with in Gore Browne on Companies in its latest edition in chapter 8, paragraph
28, where amongst other things this is said:
‘There is authority from the House of Lords for the proposition that forgery as such is a nullity and
cannot bind the company. On the other hand, if an organ or official of the company with the authority
to bind the company held out the person who committed the forgery as having authority to execute
the document in question, the company may be estopped from denying the validity of the forgery …’
(p. 584) 93 The paragraph then turns to deal with the case of Ruben and then this is said:
‘Indeed, it is difficult to see why even forgery as in Ruben’s case must be treated as being governed
by a special rule. So far as actual authority is concerned, a forgery is clearly a nullity. However,
whether or not it binds the company should depend on general Turquand principles [see [3.16]]. It is
clear that under general agency law forgeries are not treated differently from other fraudulent acts
which may be binding on the principal if the agent acts within his ostensible authority. In particular,
the company secretary may have a wide authority to represent that minutes and other documents
are valid.’
94 In my view, that approach is the correct approach and gives the answer to the present case on the facts,
finding as I do that the Bank was a bona fide purchaser for valuable consideration. The question of the
authority, both actual and ostensible, of a company secretary has unquestionably moved on since the days
of Ruben, as a number of authorities show. Moreover, there may well be cases where an officer or
employee of a company can in any event be authorised actually or ostensibly by the company to warrant
that procedures have been properly complied with and that documents are genuine. Indeed, the realities of
modern commerce can sometimes require as much. An example can be found in the Court of Appeal
decision in First Energy (UK) Ltd v Hungarian International Bank Ltd [1993] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 194.
95 Moreover, in general agreement with the comments in Gore Browne, I can see no reason in principle why
some special approach should be grafted on in the case of forgery by reciting the mantra that a forgery is a
nullity which is not to be grafted on in the case of fraud. After all, while not all frauds involve forgeries, all
forgeries in their own way involve a fraud. No officer or servant has actual authority to commit a fraud any
more than he has actual authority to commit a forgery. But it is clear ever since the decision in Lloyd v
Grace, Smith that a principal may in appropriate circumstances be bound by the fraudulent acts of his
agent in circumstances where there is ostensible authority. True it is that in contractual terms fraud may
make a contract voidable, not void, but the general point still remains that something which is done with
authority, actual or apparent, is capable of binding the principal. Indeed, were that not so, I do not see how
the House of Lords in Ruben could have approached the case of Shaw as they did or made the comments
that they made on authority. …
96 On the facts here, Mr Jewson was both director and secretary of CCH, as well as a shareholder in CCH
both directly and indirectly through SGJ. But more than that, through the years of the company’s
incorporation, and by consent of Mr Carter, he and he alone had had on behalf of CCH all dealings with the
Bank. This was not merely a selfappointed role on his part; this was the way he and Mr Carter, the other
director, had on behalf of CCH agreed that things should be done. As Mr Jewson said and I accept, Mr
Carter left all the Bank dealings and documentation to him and was happy for him to look after it all. The
Bank itself had no reason to think otherwise. In matters of documentation, therefore, it was to Mr Jewson on
behalf of the directors of CCH that Barclays Bank looked in its dealings with CCH, and Mr Carter had
throughout been content that that should be so. Further, as I have said, on a significant number of
occasions—not just with a separate bank, Denizbank, but also with the Bank itself—Mr Carter had been
content to leave it to Mr Jewson to communicate the appropriate signed formal documents to the Bank
when Mr Carter must have known that two signatories were required and that he himself had not signed and
when he knew that Mr Jewson had been wont to sign bank documents using Mr Carter’s purported
signature. In such circumstances, I conclude that Mr Jewson had been clothed by CCH with ostensible
authority to warrant to the Bank that all formalities relating to approval and execution of the debenture and
guarantee had been duly complied with and that the signatures could be relied upon as genuine.
97 Having so concluded on the facts, it seems to me that on any view of section 44 the debenture must be
taken to be valid visàvis the Bank. Indeed, Mr HillSmith himself accepted in the course of argument that
section 44 can at least be taken as reflecting the common law principles; and so would extend (in favour of
a purchaser) to a document purporting to be signed by the two directors in circumstances of apparent
authority on the part of Mr Jewson.
(p. 585) ➤Question
CA 2006 s 44(5) reads as follows:
(5) In favour of a purchaser a document shall be deemed to have been duly executed by a company if it
purports to be signed in accordance with subsection (2).
A ‘purchaser’ means a purchaser in good faith for valuable consideration and includes a lessee, mortgagee
or other person who for valuable consideration acquires an interest in property.
And subsection (2) reads:
(2) A document is validly executed by a company if it is signed on behalf of the company—
(a) by two authorised signatories, or
(b) by a director of the company in the presence of a witness who attests the signature.
Would Ruben’s case [11.13] or South London Greyhound Racecourses Ltd v Wak e (para [89] of the extract) be
decided differently today in the light of this provision?
Equitable interests in shares
Legal title does not pass until the transferee’s name is entered into the company’s register (or onto the CREST
register). Before this registration step is completed, it is often important to know whether the dealings between
transferor and transferee have been sufficient to constitute the transferee the owner in equity, even if not at law.
This can happen in a number of ways.
First, there is nothing to prevent the transferor declaring a trust of the shares for the benefit of the transferee. No
special formalities are required; the declaration may be oral—although writing is usually advisable if only as a
means of proof of the three certainties necessary to establish a valid trust. So, in Shah v Shah [2010] EWCA Civ
1408, CA, a letter written by the donor (and accompanied by a signed stock transfer form but without the share
certificate) was held sufficient to manifest an intention in the donor to dispose of his shares forthwith, and to do so
by way of trust in favour of his brother. His brother, as sole beneficiary, would then have been entitled to terminate
the trust and call for the transfer of legal title.26
Secondly, if the dealing is a sale which is specifically enforceable27 and unconditional, then the transferee will
become the owner in equity once the price is paid, even before the transfer is registered.28 The transferor then
holds the shares on constructive trust for the transferee, and must account for dividends and vote the shares as
the transferee directs.29 Before then, the transferor remains entitled to protect his or her own interests.30 This rule
applies even if the shares are subject to preemption or first refusal rights, although then the transferee’s interest
can be no greater than the transferor’s, that is, subject to the preemption rights in question.
Finally, even if the intended transfer is by way of gift, the donee may acquire equitable ownership in advance of the
transfer of legal title. In two cases, each coincidentally named (p. 586) Re Rose, reported in [1949] Ch 78 and
[1952] Ch 499, it was held that where the donor of shares has done everything in his power to divest himself in
favour of the donee (eg by delivering to the donee, or to the donee’s agent, or to the company, an executed transfer
and the relevant share certificate), then the gift is complete in equity despite the absence of registration.31 This
rule applies even where the directors have a discretion to refuse registration of the transfer, although then the
transferee’s rights are subject to that restriction. By way of illustration, contrast the successful arguments in
the Rose decisions with the unsuccessful attempt to apply the same arguments in Zeital v Kaye [2010] EWCA Civ
159, CA, where there was no written transfer document and the share certificate had gone missing without the
transferor applying for a duplicate.
The rule in Re Rose was extended still further in Pennington v Waine [2002] EWCA Civ 227, [2002] 1 WLR 2075,
CA, where the court found that equitable title had passed even though the transferor still had functions to perform
in transferring legal title. This conclusion is difficult to justify, unless the particular facts entitle the transferee to
rely on equitable estoppel, as in Curtis v Pulbrook [2011] EWHC 167 (Ch).
Also see Hawk s v McArthur [11.18], illustrating the problems exemplified in the next section, where there are
competing legal and equitable claims to the same parcel of shares.
These problems in determining when equitable interests arise have emerged rather dramatically over the past few
decades in the context of dealings in part only a shareholder’s holding, as in dispositions by way of trust of ‘50 of
my 950 shares’ (Hunter v Moss [1994] 1 WLR 452, CA) or by way of sale (Re Harvard Securities Ltd [1997] 2
BCLC 369 (Ch, Neuberger J).32 In that context, see the detailed analysis of Campbell J in White v Shortall [2006]
NSWSC 1379.
Competing claims to shares
A legal title to shares will prevail over an earlier equitable title; but a transfer of the legal title is not
perfected until registration of the transferee as holder of the shares.33
[11.15] Shropshire Union Railways and Canal Co v R (1875) LR 7 HL 496 (House of Lords)
Mrs Robson sought a writ of mandamus to compel the directors of the company to register a transfer of stock to
her from George Holyoake, in whose name it stood. (Holyoake had given the transfer as security for a loan made
by Mrs Robson’s late husband.) She failed because Holyoake had only a bare legal title (the beneficial interest
being in the defendants themselves) and nothing which had happened had displaced the defendants’ earlier equity.
LORD CAIRNS LC: [Undoubtedly] the position of matters was, that the defendants had the whole beneficial
interest in the stock … Theirs was the equitable title. Holyoake was a person who held merely the legal title
and the right to transfer the stock. He was able, if not interfered with, to (p. 587) transfer the stock to any
other person, and to give a valid receipt for the purchasemoney to any person who had not notice of the
beneficial interest of the defendants. On the other hand, any person with whom Holyoake might deal by
virtue of his title upon the register, had, or ought to have had, these considerations present to his mind. He
ought to have known that although Holyoake’s name appeared upon the register as the owner of these
shares, and although Holyoake could present to him the certificates of this ownership, still it was perfectly
possible either that these shares were the beneficial property of Holyoake himself, or that they were the
property of some other person. If he dealt merely by equitable transfer, or equitable assignment with
Holyoake, and if it turned out that the beneficial ownership of Holyoake was coincident and coextensive
with his legal title, well and good; his right would be accordingly, so far as Holyoake was concerned,
complete. But, if, on the other hand, it should turn out that Holyoake’s beneficial interest was either nil, or
was not coextensive with the whole of his apparent legal title, then I say any person dealing with Holyoake,
by way of equitable bargain or contract, should have known that he could only obtain a title which was
imperfect, and would not bind the real beneficial owner. And, my Lords, he also might have known, and
should have known, this, that if he desired to perfect his title, and make it entirely secure, he had the most
simple means open to him—he had only to take Holyoake at his word. If Holyoake represented that he was
the real owner of these shares, the proposed transferee had only to go with Holyoake, or to go with the
authority of Holyoake in his possession, to the company, and to require a transfer of those shares from the
name of Holyoake into his own name. If he had obtained that transfer, and the company had made it, no
question could have arisen, and no litigation could subsequently have taken place …
LORDS HATHERLEY and O’HAGAN delivered concurring opinions.
➤ Note
This rule has some surprising consequences. If the legal owner of shares enters into transactions that purport
to deliver equitable ownership interests to each of two innocent purchasers, it is possible for the holder of the
later interest to obtain priority over the holder of the prior interest if that registration is secured first, and it does
not matter that the registration process was pursued in full knowledge of the earlier equitable
interest: Macmillan Inc v Bishopsgate Investment Trust plc (No 3) [1995] 1 WLR 978 (Millett J) (affd on
different grounds in [1996] 1 WLR 387, CA); and MCC Proceeds Inc v Lehman Bros International
(Europe) [1998] 4 All ER 675, CA.
Where the equities as between successive transferees of shares are equal, the first in time prevails.
[11.16] Peat v Clayton [1906] 1 Ch 659 (Chancery Division)
Clayton assigned all his property, including the blocks of shares in question, to trustees for the benefit of his
creditors, but failed to hand over the share certificates when requested to do so. The trustees then gave notice of
the assignment to the company, but took no further steps. (It should be appreciated that the company was not
bound to receive this notice: see s 360 of the Act [CA 2006 s 126].) Clayton later sold the shares through Cohen &
Co, brokers, on the Stock Exchange, handing over the certificates and transfers duly executed. When the
company refused registration, Cohen & Co provided their purchaser with other shares in the company, and then in
these proceedings sought to resist a claim brought by the trustees, as plaintiffs, for a declaration that they were
entitled to the shares. It was held, however, that the trustees’ interest prevailed, being prior in time.
JOYCE J: As I understand the law, where there are several claimants to shares registered in the name of a
third person, the equitable title which is prior in time prevails, unless the claimant under (p. 588) a
subsequent equitable title proves that, as between him and the company, he had acquired an absolute and
unconditional right to be registered as the owner of the shares before the company received notice of the
other claim.[34 ] In my opinion, therefore, the plaintiffs appear to be entitled to these forty shares in the
Randfontein company. But Messrs Cohen claim a lien upon them. If they have any lien, however, it is only
equitable, and can only be upon Clayton’s interest, which is subject to the right of the plaintiffs under the
deed of assignment. Then it was said that the plaintiffs had disentitled themselves by negligence. I see no
negligence on the part of the plaintiffs, unless it be, as Messrs Cohen allege, in not adopting the procedure
now substituted by Ord 46, r 4, for the old procedure by distringas.[35 ] I cannot accede to the contention
that by reason of the omission to adopt this course the plaintiffs must be postponed. If they had proceeded
by distringas the result would have been just the same. It would only have prevented the company from
registering the transfer to the purchaser, which in fact they did refuse to do by reason of the notice given to
them on 8 November on behalf of the plaintiffs …
The result is that the plaintiffs are entitled to a declaration in their favour, and to an order … to register them
as the holders of the shares.
Also see Hawk s v McArthur [11.18].
Although a company is not ordinarily bound by notice of a trust or other equitable interest affecting its
shares, this rule does not apply when the company itself asserts an interest in the shares in competition
with the person who gave notice.
[11.17] Mackereth v Wigan Coal and Iron Co Ltd [1916] 2 Ch 293 (Chancery Division)
Shares in the defendant company which had formerly belonged to James Hodgson, deceased, were registered in
the name of the trustees of his estate, one of whom was the son of the deceased, James Hodgson, junior. The
company had notice that the registered shareholders held only as trustees. Later James Hodgson, junior, became
indebted to the company and the company, purporting to exercise a lien conferred upon it by the articles,
impounded certain dividends due on the shares and subsequently sold the shares to reduce the amount of the
debt. It was held that this was an infringement of the rights of the beneficiaries of the estate, and that neither s 27
of the Companies Act 1908 [CA 2006 s 126] nor an article in similar terms applied in a case such as this, where
the company was itself involved in the transaction.
PETERSON J: For the company it was argued that under s 27 of the Act of 1908, and the articles of
association, no notice of any equitable interest or trust can affect the company in any way, and that, as the
notice of the trust in the present case, which the company in fact received, must be treated as non
existent, or at least ineffectual, the lien which is conferred by the articles is operative. The argument leads
far; for it would follow that, if a trustee of shares in a company informed the company that he held the
shares for the benefit of other persons, and that he had not as against his cestui que trust any power of
mortgaging them for his own benefit, he could yet effectually charge them to the company as security for
money lent to him by the company … In several cases it has been stated in broad terms that a company
‘need not take notice in any way of trusts’: per Brett MR in Société Générale de Paris v Tramways Union
Co;36 or that any notice is (p. 589) absolutely inoperative to affect a company with any notice: per Lord
Selborne in the same case in the House of Lords—Société Générale de Paris v Walk er.37 These
observations had, however, reference to the obligation of the company to register transfers of shares. If the
passages in the judgments to which I have referred were intended to be of universal application, they are not
in accordance with the judgments of the House of Lords in Bradford Bank ing Co Ltd v Briggs, Son & Co
Ltd.38 The effect of this decision is briefly stated by Stirling LJ in Rainford v Keith and Black man Co
Ltd,39 in these words: ‘Where the company in which the shares are held sees fit to deal with the shares for
its own benefit, then that company is liable to be affected with notice of the interest of a third party.’
I am therefore of opinion that s 27 of the Act of 1908 and article 9 of the articles of association do not
protect a company which, in the face of notice that the shareholder is not the beneficial owner of the
shares, makes advances or gives credit to the shareholder … The result is that the company in the present
case was wrong in asserting a lien against the beneficiaries, and must account for the proceeds of sale of
the shares, and for the dividends which it has applied towards the satisfaction of the indebtedness of James
Hodgson, junior.
➤ Note
Although CA 2006 s 126 provides that no notice of any trust affecting shares shall be ‘entered on the register
of members … or be receivable by the registrar’,40 it is possible by using the procedures described as ‘stop
orders’ or ‘stop notices’ (Charging Orders Act 1979 s 5(2)(a) and (b) respectively, and Civil Procedure Rules
1998 rr 73.11–73.15 and 73.16–73.21 respectively) to prohibit a company from registering any transfer of the
shares in question or paying any dividend on them, or, alternatively, to require a company to refrain from doing
these things without first sending a notice to the person serving the stop notice and giving him or her a
specified time to take action.
To what extent does a stop notice give a person with an equitable interest in shares effective protection?
(See Drayne v McKillen [2011] EWHC 3326 (QB) in which the court refused an interlocutory application to
discharge a stop notice granted in favour of the alleged beneficial owner of the shares in question, where there
was a real prospect of demonstrating such an interest.)
A transfer of shares for valuable consideration, even if it is irregular under the company’s articles, is
effective to transfer an equitable interest to the purchaser which will prevail over another equitable right
accruing at a later date, for example a charging order.
[11.18] Hawks v McArthur [1951] 1 All ER 22 (Chancery Division)
The facts appear from the judgment.
VAISEY J: The plaintiff is the holder of a charging order affecting five hundred ordinary shares of £1 each in
a private company called W Lucas & Sons Ltd, which stand in the name of, and (p. 590) were originally the
property of, the first defendant, Mr Theodore Hunter McArthur, who has not entered an appearance in these
proceedings. He claims that that charging order operates on Mr McArthur’s interest in those shares, which,
he says, is a complete interest, both legal and equitable. The second and third defendants, Mr Roberts and
Mr Fraser, claim that the beneficial interest in the shares in question has passed to them as a result of
transfers executed in their favour by Mr McArthur in pursuance of certain agreements entered into between
themselves and Mr McArthur prior to the execution of those transfers, and they allege that Mr McArthur had
no interest in the shares at the date of the charging order on which the charge could operate …
There is, undoubtedly, a basic principle that a charging order only operates to charge the beneficial interest
of the person against whom the order is made, and that it is not possible, for instance, to obtain an effective
charging order over shares where the person against whom the order is made holds them as a bare trustee.
The charging order affects only such interest, and so much of the property affected, as the person whose
property is purported to be affected could himself validly charge … [His Lordship then observed that the
transfers of the shares had been made in total disregard of the requirements of the articles of association,
which obliged an intending transferor to give notice to the company so that the other members could
exercise rights of preemption. He continued:]
The real question in this case, I think, is whether the alleged agreements … operated so as to amount in
equity to a transfer of the shares held by Mr McArthur, as to 200 of them to Mr Roberts, and as to 300 of
them to Mr Fraser, or whether the failure or neglect to follow the code laid down by articles 11, 12 and 13
completely vitiates the whole transaction, so that the transfers are worthless and there has been a total
failure of consideration for the moneys which were admittedly paid over by Mr Roberts and Mr Fraser to Mr
McArthur. It is suggested on behalf of Mr Roberts and Mr Fraser that, notwithstanding the complete failure
to comply with the articles, the transfers and the antecedent agreements which must have been made—for
one does not execute a transfer without a previous intention to do so—did, in fact, operate as a sale by Mr
McArthur to Mr Roberts and Mr Fraser of, at any rate, the beneficial interest in the shares—otherwise the
result would be that Mr Roberts and Mr Fraser paid their money and got nothing for it …
Admittedly, Mr McArthur is still the legal owner of the shares. Admittedly, the plaintiff’s rights under this
charging order are in the nature of equitable rights. And admittedly, the rights of Mr Roberts and Mr Fraser,
if they have any rights, are also equitable rights. As I have come to the conclusion that Mr Roberts and Mr
Fraser have some rights and that what they did was not a complete nullity, the question is whose rights
should prevail. A not irrelevant circumstance is that the equitable rights of Mr Roberts and Mr Fraser
precede the equities or quasiequitable rights under the charging order. In my opinion, the rights of Mr
Roberts and Mr Fraser had already accrued at the time the charging order was obtained, and I think, as
between the merits (not moral merits, but legal merits) of the plaintiff and the defendants, the rights of the
second and third defendants, Mr Roberts and Mr Fraser, must prevail over the claims of the plaintiff …
Disclosure of substantial interests in shares
It is often material to know who has controlling interests in a company. For public companies, there are
requirements relating to disclosure of substantial interests in shares: see ‘Transparency obligations: investigation
and notification of major voting shareholdings in certain public companies’, pp 720ff.
(p. 591) Valuation of shares
In the valuation of shares,41 the valuer is entitled to consider the realities of the company’s situation, and
may, for example, decline to value the company’s assets as a going concern if there is no expectation that
the business will make profits.
[11.19] Dean v Prince [1954] Ch 409 (Court of Appeal)42
Dean (now deceased), Prince and Cowen had formed a private company in 1938, taking respectively 140, 30 and
30 shares. All three were ‘working directors’. The company’s articles provided that on the death of a director his
shares should be bought by the surviving directors at a price to be certified as fair by the auditor. On Dean’s death
in 1951, his holding was valued for the purpose of this article at £7 per share. His widow challenged the valuation in
these proceedings, but the Court of Appeal, reversing Harman J, held that the correct principles had been followed
by the auditor and upheld his valuation.
DENNING LJ: In this case Harman J has upset the valuation on the ground that the auditor failed to take
into account some factors and proceeded on wrong principles. I will take the points in order:
1. The right to control the company. Harman J said that the auditor should have taken into account the fact
that the 140 shares were a majority holding and would give a purchaser the right to control the company. I
do not think that the auditor was bound to take that factor into account. Test it this way: suppose it had
been Prince who had died, leaving only 30 shares. Those 30 shares, being a minority holding, would fetch
nothing in the open market. But does that mean that the other directors would be entitled to take his shares
for nothing? Surely not. No matter which director it was who happened to die, his widow should be entitled
to the same price per share, irrespective of whether her husband’s holding was large or small. It seems to
me that the fair thing to do would be to take the whole 200 shares of the company and see what they were
worth, and then pay the widow a sum appropriate to her husband’s holding. At any rate if the auditor was of
opinion that that was a fair method, no one can say that he was wrong. The right way to see what the whole
200 shares were worth, would be to see what the business itself was worth: and that is what the auditor
proceeded to do.
2. Valuation of the business ‘as a going concern’. Harman J seems to have thought that the auditor should
have valued the business as a going concern. I do not think that the auditor was bound to do any such
thing. The business was a losing concern which had no goodwill: and it is fairly obvious that, as soon as
Mrs Dean had sold the 140 shares to the other two directors—as she was bound to do—she would in all
probability call in the moneys owing to herself and to her husband amounting to over £2,000. The judge said
that she was not likely to press for the moneys because that would be ‘killing the goose that laid the eggs’,
but he was wrong about this; because as soon as she sold the shares, she would have got rid of the goose
and there was no reason why she should not press for the moneys. She was an executrix and the
company’s position was none too good. It had only £1,200 in the bank to meet a demand for £2,200. In
these circumstances the auditor was of opinion that there was a strong probability of the company having to
be wound up: and he rejected the goingconcern basis. For myself, I should have thought he was clearly
right, but at any rate no one can say that his opinion was wrong.
3. Valuation of the assets of the business. Once the goingconcern basis is rejected, the only possible way
of valuing the business is to find out the value of the tangible assets. Harman J (p. 592) thought that the
assets should have been valued as a whole in situ. It was quite likely, he said, that ‘some one could have
been found who would make a bid for the whole thing, lock, stock and barrel’. But the judge seems to have
forgotten that no one would buy the assets in situ in this way unless he could also buy the premises; and
the company had no saleable interest in the premises. In respect of part of the premises the company had
only a monthly tenancy; in respect of the rest the company had only a contract for the purchase of the
premises on paying £200 a year for twentyfive years. It had no right to assign this contract; and its interest
was liable to be forfeited if it went into liquidation, either compulsory or voluntary; and the probability was, of
course, that, if it sold all the assets, it would go into liquidation, and hence lose the premises. The
company could, therefore, only sell the assets without the premises. That is how the auditor valued them
and no one can say that he was wrong in so doing.
4. Valuation on a ‘break up’ basis. The auditor instructed the valuer, Colonel Riddle, to value the plant and
machinery at the breakup value as loose chattels on a sale by auction. Harman J thought that that was a
wrong basis because it was equivalent to a forced sale. I would have agreed with the judge if the business
had been a profitable concern. The value of the tangible assets would then have been somewhere in the
region of £4,000 or £5,000, being either the balance sheet figure of £4,070 or Pressley’s figure of £4,835.
But the business was not a profitable concern. It was a losing concern: and it is a wellknown fact that a
losing concern cannot realise the book value of its assets. There is an element to be taken into account
which is sometimes spoken of as ‘negative goodwill’. It comes about in this way: if a business is making a
loss, that shows that its assets, regarded as an entity, are not a good investment. A purchaser will decline,
therefore, to buy on that basis. He will only buy on a piecemeal basis, according to what the various assets
taken individually are worth: and it is obvious that on a sale of assets piecemeal, the vendor will suffer heavy
losses as compared with the book figures. The auditor was therefore quite justified in asking the valuer to
value the assets as loose chattels sold at an auction. At any rate, if he honestly formed that opinion, no
one can say that he was wrong.
5. The special purchaser. Harman J thought that someone could have been found to buy the 140 shares
who would use his majority holding to turn out the two directors, and reorganise the factory and put in his
own business. In other words, that the shares would have a special attraction for some person (namely, the
nextdoor neighbour) who wanted to put his own business into these premises. I am prepared to concede
that the shares might realise an enhanced value on that account: but I do not think that it would be a fair
price to ask the directors to pay. They were buying these shares—under a compulsory sale and purchase
—on the assumption that they would continue in the business as working directors. It would be unfair to
make them pay a price based on the assumption that they would be turned out. If the auditor never took
that possibility into account, he cannot be blamed; for he was only asked to certify the fair value of the
shares. The only fair value would be to take a hypothetical purchaser who was prepared to carry on the
business if it was worth while so to do, or otherwise to put it into liquidation. At any rate if that was the
auditor’s opinion, no one can say that he was wrong.
I have covered, I think, all the grounds on which Harman J upset the valuation. I do not think they were good
grounds. I would, therefore, allow the appeal and uphold the valuation.
EVERSHED MR and WYNNPARRY J delivered concurring judgments.
➤ Notes
1. In holding that it was proper for the auditor not to take into account the fact that the block of shares carried
with it control of the company, Denning LJ was no doubt correct on the particular facts of this case; but his
remarks should not be accepted as laying down a general rule. In the court below, Harman J had held that the
control factor was of paramount importance. In the Court of Appeal, Evershed MR said that he ‘should not
himself quarrel’ with a rateable apportionment of an assets valuation among all the shares, but his judgment
turned essentially on other points; while WynnParry J held that no extra value should be placed (p. 593) on
the controlling shares because (i) the article in question referred to the current worth of the company’s shares,
not the deceased director’s shares; and (ii) whereas the seller might be parting with control, none of the
surviving directors was necessarily buying it, since they were more than one in number.
2. It was established by Short v Treasury Comrs [1948] AC 534 that where one purchaser is buying control
but none of the vendors is itself selling a controlling interest, the extra value should be disregarded. But there
are dicta in that case which strongly support the view that where a majority shareholding is sold by a single
seller to a single buyer, it is proper to value the holding more highly. The same point is made obiter
dicta in Re Grierson, Oldham & Adams Ltd [15.11] and Gold Coast Selection Trust Ltd v Humphrey [1948] AC
459 at 473.
3. An indication of the value of ‘control’ in practice can be gained from the following relative figures put by an
expert on the value of different holdings in a small private company:43
Value of 100% £100,000
Value of 51% £48,000
Value of 50% £35,000
Value of 20% £5,000
Value of 10% £1,000
4. There are other alternatives to assetsbased formulae for ascertaining the value of a share. For example,
in Re Macro (Ipswich) Ltd [13.28] Arden J preferred to use a valuation reckoned by grossing up the average
dividend yield. This would be appropriate in a case where the company is making steady profits but its assets
are difficult to value or are undervalued in its accounts. In Ng v Crabtree [2012] EWCA Civ 333, CA, the Court
of Appeal accepted the experts’ opinion that an earningsbased approach was appropriate in valuing ‘a
company generating earnings, or a small profitable trading company’. On the facts, therefore, it was
appropriate to ignore a debt owed to the company’s principal supplier, since valuation was being undertaken
on a different basis.
5. Special considerations arise when the price of a minority holding of shares has to be fixed when the court
orders it to be bought by the majority shareholders pursuant to an order under the ‘unfairly prejudicial conduct’
section (CA 2006 s 994): see ‘Unfairly prejudicial conduct of the company’s affairs’, pp 681ff.
Further Reading
GREGORY, A and HICKS, A, ‘Valuation of Shares: A Legal and Accounting Conundrum’ [1995] JBL 56.
Find This Resource
PENNINGTON, R, ‘Can Shares in Companies be Defined?’ (1989) 10 Company Lawyer 140.
Find This Resource
WORTHINGTON, S, ‘Shares and Shareholders: Property, Power and Entitlement—Parts I and II’ (2001)
22 Company Lawyer 258 and 307.
Find This Resource
WORTHINGTON, S, ‘Sorting Out Ownership Interests in a Bulk: Gifts, Sales and Trusts’ [1999] JBL 1.
Find This Resource
1 See RR Pennington, ‘Can Shares in Companies be Defined?’ (1989) 10 Company Lawyer 140; S Worthington,
‘Shares and Shareholders: Property, Power and Entitlement—Parts I and II?’ (2001) 22 Company Lawyer 258 and
2 In Investment Trust Corpn Ltd v Singapore Traction Co Ltd [1935] Ch 615, one ‘management share’ could
outvote the remaining 399,999! A device of this kind (normally termed a ‘golden share’) is sometimes employed to
retain government control when a nationalised industry is privatised.
3 (1865) 2 Drew & Sm 514 at 521.
4 The term ‘contributory’ is used in a winding up to refer to members and some former members: see Insolvency
Act 1986 (IA 1986) s 79.
5 [1933] Ch 142.
6 [1914] AC 11 at 13.
[1912] 2 Ch 571.
8 Note that the new CA 2006 provisions on variation of class rights extend the rules to companies without share
capital, eg companies limited by guarantee with different classes of members having different voting rights. CA
2006 ss 631, 335 and 635 provide appropriate rules in the same terms as those discussed earlier.
9 This effects a change to the Companies Act 1985 (CA 1985), which only allowed the company to impose
conditions that were more onerous than the statute. The company could do this by inserting the conditions into the
memorandum, the articles or the terms of the share issue itself: see CA 1985 s 125.
10 And any provisions inserted in a company’s memorandum before CA 2006 will be treated as contained in the
company’s articles: CA 2006 s 28.
11 Interestingly, the term is used in the heading to s 630, but not in the section itself, which refers to ‘variation of
the rights attached to a class of shares’. The 2006 Act then specifies that ‘shares are of one class if the rights
attached to them are in all respects uniform’ (s 629(1)). Another way of putting the question posed in the previous
paragraph is to ask whether shares are of a different class, for the purpose of s 630, if some of the rights attached
to them are different, even if the right being varied is the same for all of them. The assumed answer is no, and the
analysis is invariably one that approaches the issue from a ‘class rights’ perspective, as discussed earlier. CA
1985 s 125 was in the same terms in this respect (although not in others), and this was the conclusion.
12 This is not covered by the new CA 2006 s 631, which concerns companies without share capital.
13 [1912] 2 Ch 324.
14 See Michaels v Harley House (Marylebone) Ltd [2000] Ch 104, CA.
15 Bearer shares (‘share warrants’, CA 2006 s 779—these are rare in practice) are an exception: these are
transferable by delivery. In Canada, the transfer of shares is governed by a modern code which comes close to
making all share certificates negotiable instruments.
See Chapter 12.
17 A great deal of information about CRESTCo is given on its website at:
18 ‘Blank’ transfer forms, sometimes used by shareholders to provide security to lenders, are these transfer forms
completed in all the details other than the name of the transferee.
19 A share certificate is prima facie evidence of title: CA 2006 s 768.
20 Contrast this with art 63(5) of the Model Articles for public companies, which gives a general power of refusal
only in relation to partly paid shares, and transfers that do not comply with administrative requirements.
21 (1837) 6 Ad & El 469.
22 (1848) 2 Exch 654.
23 But see the Notes following this case extract, and see [11.14].
24 (1855) 5 HL Cas 389.
25 This case concerns debentures rather than shares, but the issues are general.
26 Saunders v Vautier (1841) 4 Beav 115. Also see Stablewood Properties v Virdi [2010] EWCA Civ 865
(declaration of conditional trust nevertheless taking effect immediately).
27 Sales of shares in public companies, where shares are freely available on the market, are not specifically
enforceable; sales of shares in private companies are: Duncuft v Albrecht (1841) 12 Sim 189, 59 ER 1104.
Michaels v Harley House (Marylebone) Ltd [2000] Ch 104, CA; Wood Preservation Ltd v Prior [1969] 1 WLR
1077, CA.
29 Hardoon v Belilios [1901] AC 118, PC; Musselwhite v CH Musselwhite & Son Ltd [1962] Ch 964.
Hardoon v Belilios [1901] AC 118, PC; Musselwhite v CH Musselwhite & Son Ltd [1962] Ch 964. Also
see Michaels v Harley House (Marylebone) Ltd [2000] Ch 104, CA;Stablewood Properties v Virdi [2010] EWCA Civ
31 Thus equity provides relief against the old strict rule in Milroy v Lord (1862) 4 De GF & J 264 that equity will not
assist a volunteer, and that a gift of shares by deed is therefore ineffective.
32 See S Worthington, ‘Sorting Out Ownership Interests in a Bulk: Gifts, Sales and Trusts’ [1999] JBL 1.
33 The requirement of registration had more justification in an earlier period when it was common for shares to be
only partly paid up, but it makes less sense in the case of the fully paid, listed security, of the present day, where
the responsibilities of a shareholder are negligible, the directors have no discretion to refuse registration, and the
mechanics of transfer are a matter of pure routine. It is not obvious, eg, why the law should continue to refuse to
recognise the possibility of a transfer of the legal title to such shares by, say, a deed of gift.
34 In spite of assertions to this effect both here and in other cases, it is generally accepted that nothing short of
the registration of the subsequent transferee as legal owner will defeat the prior equity.
35 This is a ‘stop notice’: see Hawk s v McArthur [11.18].
36 (1884) 14 QBD 424 at 439.
37 (1885) 11 App Cas 20 at 30.
38 (1886) 12 App Cas 29.
39 [1905] 2 Ch 147 at 161.
40 This wording is probably not quite what might be expected of a provision having the effect described in [11.17].
41 See generally N Easterway, H Booth and K Eamer, Practical Share Valuation (4th edn, 1998); A Gregory and A
Hicks, ‘Valuation of Shares: A Legal and Accounting Conundrum’ [1995] JBL 56.
42 This case was overruled in Veba Oil Supply & Trading GmbH v Petrotrade Inc [2001] EWCA Civ 1832, although
it remains relevant in respect of the valuation of shares.
43 RM Walters [1977] British Tax Review 34 at 44.
12. Borrowing, Debentures and Charges
Chapter: (p. 594) 12. Borrowing, Debentures and Charges
Author(s): Len Sealy and Sarah Worthington
DOI: 10.1093/he/9780199676446.003.0012
General issues
Most companies do not operate using only equity funding from shareholders. Borrowing from lenders, and use of
credit such as deferred payment for goods and services, provide additional and important methods of financing
corporate activity.
The rights of lenders (bank lenders, creditors, debenture holders, etc: see later) depend on the precise terms of
their contract with the company. As a general rule, creditors are entitled to an agreed rate of interest (fixed or
variable) regardless of the commercial success of the company. Their loan agreements may be secured or
unsecured providing different protection to different creditors should the company become insolvent. However, all
creditors are paid out, in full if possible, before the shareholders are entitled to any return (see Chapter 16).
Shareholders, on the other hand, generally expect to receive a higher total return (dividend plus capital growth of
share value) on their equity funding than providers of debt funding. The level of dividend depends on the commercial
success of the company and on the discretion of the directors. The rate of share value growth depends upon the
company’s overall actual and projected success. Debt is commonly considered a cheaper (ie its cost in terms of
interest, versus dividend plus share value appreciation) but less flexible form of corporate funding than equity
In this chapter, the focus is on secured debt, looking at options that are used by small and large companies alike
(with the exception of use of the Financial Collateral Arrangements (No 2) Regulations 2003 (SI 2003/3226) and
subsequent amendments, which are beyond the scope of this book 1 ). But some general comments are warranted
first. Like any other legal person, a company may borrow money, subject to any restrictions in its
constitution.2 There are, however, a number of special features of corporate borrowing that are worth noting.
(i) To raise very large sums of money, a company may wish to attract funds on the investment market, that
is, to borrow from very many lenders at once, or in sequence, all on the same terms. The mechanics of such
a procedure are not greatly different from those involved in making an issue of shares, and indeed such
issues may (but need not) be traded on the Stock Exchange subject to the same rules as equivalent
dealings in equity securities (see Notes following, p 596). The investors will become a class of creditors of
the company rather than members of the company; and the debentures (or more often bonds, in Europe and
the United States, and increasingly here) held by each creditor will be mark etable securities. The theoretical
differences between being a creditor and a member are considerable, from a legal point of view, but (at least
in the case of a solvent and prosperous company) the practical consequences (including, often, the total
returns, ie interest plus capital appreciation) for investors, apart sometimes from tax considerations, may be
very similar.
(p. 595)
(ii) Where numerous investors advance money to a company in this way, it is usual for their rights to be
regulated by a debenture trust deed, under which trustees are appointed to represent the investors as a
class visàvis the company. In the trust deed, provision is made for the collective views of investors to be
ascertained by votes taken at meetings, with the usual apparatus of proxies, etc. Recall that where creditors
vote as a class, the majority is prohibited from voting in ways which oppress the minority, just as
shareholders are restrained: see British America Nick el Corpn Ltd v O’Brien [11.06]; Assénagon Asset
Management SA v Irish Bank Resolution Corporation Ltd (Formerly Anglo Irish Bank Corporation
Ltd) [11.07]; cp Azevedo v Imcopa Importacao Exportaacao e Industria de Oleos Ltda [2013] EWCA Civ 364.
Two basic arrangements are common. In the first, each investor lends to the company directly, and
simultaneously agrees to be bound by the terms of the trust deed in his dealings with the company. In the
second (which is the more usual form in modern practice), all the loans are consolidated into one fund and
the aggregate sum is advanced to the company by the trustees, who alone stand in a contractual
relationship with the company: each investor then subscribes for so much ‘debenture stock’ or ‘loan stock’
out of the fund. Creditors can realise their investments strictly according to the terms of the debenture, or, if
the debentures are marketable securities, by trading on the market. The ability to trade has advantages for
creditors (increased liquidity and potentially higher total returns), and for the company (the loan repayment
dates are certain, and not affected by creditors wanting early repayment).
(iii) A company can give security for its obligations, just like any other legal person. Where a
company charges its property to secure an obligation to a creditor (not necessarily, of course, a borrowing
obligation), CA 2006 may require that particulars of the charge to be registered under the provisions of Pt 25
(ss 859Aff), failing which the security will be for many (but not all) purposes void: see ‘Requirement to
register charges’, pp 601ff.
(iv) A company has the ability, not enjoyed by an individual in English law,3 to create a ‘floating charge’ over
assets such as stockintrade and book debts,4 which may fluctuate from time to time, on terms that the
company remains free to deal with them in the ordinary course of business: see ‘Fixed and floating charges:
definitions’, pp 605ff.
(v) When a company makes default in any of its obligations under the document creating a charge, or when
the security it has created is in jeopardy, the company’s obligation is normally enforced by the appointment
by the creditors (or the trustee for such creditors in the case of a debenture trust deed) of a receiver to look
after the secured creditors’ interests: see ‘Receivership and administrative receivership’, pp 778ff.
Alternatively, where the charge is floating, changes to the statutory regime now ensure that administration,
rather than administrative receivership,5 is increasingly the norm (see ‘Administration’, pp 770ff).
(vi) Borrowing transactions secured by a floating charge may raise special questions in a winding up: see
‘Different protections afforded to fixed and floating charge holders’, pp 600ff, (p. 596) indicating the relative
disadvantages of floating charges over other forms of security in providing protection to the security holder.
➤ Notes
1. It is apparent from the earlier commentary that an investment in debentures or debenture stock is very
similar to an investment in shares: both are ‘securities’ in the corporate sector of the economy offering
different kinds of risk and different kinds of return. Many companies have their debentures or debenture stock
listed for dealing on the Stock Exchange. These securities are transferred in the same way as shares, with
companies maintaining registers of debenture holders alongside their registers of members.
2. The form of the prospectus required for debt securities is prescribed in Regulation (EC) 809/2004. This
distinguishes between the retail market (intended for the general public) and the wholesale market (intended
for professional investors). The distinguishing criterion is the nominal value of the securities: those with a
nominal value of less than €50,000 are regarded as intended for the retail market. And by Directive
2003/71/EC (Art 3(2)(c)), no prospectus is required for a public offer of wholesale debt securities (traded on the
Professional Securities Market).
3. Under the CA 2006 s 616, companies are no longer able to use their share premium account to write off
any expenses incurred, commission paid or discount allowed in respect of an issue of debentures or in
providing for the premium payable on a redemption of debentures.
4. Major companies may also raise money by the issue of ‘bonds’, commonly referred to as ‘Eurobonds’ or
‘international bonds’ (a form of bearer security), which are usually denominated in a currency other than
sterling and, because they are for large amounts, will be bought and dealt in by banks and other institutional
investors rather than the general public. There are various international markets and securities exchanges for
dealings in such bonds.
➤ Questions
1. List some of the points of similarity and difference between shareholders and debenture holders which
follow from the fact that a shareholder is a member, while a debenture holder is a creditor, of the company.
Think of:
(i) the right to income;
(ii) application of the ‘maintenance of capital’ rules;
(iii) the right to return of capital during the lifetime of the company;
(iv) the right to return of capital in a liquidation;
(v) taxation;
(vi) voting.
2. Some of these points may be varied by the terms of issue of the share or debenture, for example a
share may carry no vote, a debenture holder may be given a vote in some circumstances. Which of the points
listed earlier may be varied in this way?
CA 2006 s 738
738 In the Companies Acts ‘debenture’ includes debenture stock, bonds and any other securities of a
company, whether or not constituting a charge on the assets of the company.
(p. 597) [12.01] Levy v Abercorris Slate and Slab Co (1887) 37 Ch D 260 (Chancery Division)
The facts are immaterial.
CHITTY J: In my opinion a debenture means a document which either creates a debt or acknowledges it,
and any document which fulfils either of these conditions is a ‘debenture’. I cannot find any precise legal
definition of the term, it is not either in law or commerce a strictly technical term, or what is called a term of
An instrument may be a debenture although it is not under seal and gives no security to creditors for the
company’s obligation.
[12.02] British India Steam Navigation Co v IRC (1881) 7 QBD 165 (Queen’s Bench Division)
The company had issued instruments described on their face as ‘debentures’, by which the company undertook to
pay the holder £100 on 30 November 1882, and to pay interest halfyearly at 5% per annum. It was argued
unsuccessfully that the instruments, not being under seal, came within the definition of a promissory note and so
did not attract the higher rate of stamp duty ordinarily payable on debentures.
LINDLEY LJ: Now, what the correct meaning of ‘debenture’ is I do not know. I do not find anywhere any
precise definition of it. We know that there are various kinds of instruments commonly called debentures.
You may have mortgage debentures, which are charges of some kind on property. You may have
debentures which are bonds; and, if this instrument were under seal, it would be a debenture of that kind.
You may have a debenture which is nothing more than an acknowledgment of indebtedness. And you may
have a thing like this, which is something more; it is a statement by two directors that the company will pay
a certain sum of money on a given day, and will also pay interest halfyearly at certain times and at a
certain place, upon production of certain coupons by the holder of the instrument. I think any of these things
which I have referred to may be debentures within the Act.
[His Lordship accordingly held that the instrument was a debenture and liable to be stamped as such.]
➤ Note
The term ‘debenture’ is capable in law of having a very wide meaning—it is simply a document evidencing a
debt of any kind. But both in commercial usage and in the layman’s understanding, it is commonly
understood to refer to a document evidencing some secured obligation, and so the Listing Rules require that
any issue of unsecured debentures be specifically denominated ‘unsecured’, and indeed it is more common
for the word to be avoided altogether in this situation and a term such as ‘loan stock’ or ‘loan notes’ used
Debentures and debenture stock may be issued in bearer form (ie not requiring registration for legal effect),
and may also be created on terms which make them negotiable instruments: Bechuanaland Exploration Co v
London Trading Bank [1898] 2 QB 658. As regards convertible debentures, see ‘Issue of debentures at a
discount’, p 506.
Secured debt: mortgages, fixed and floating charges
Many companies will need to provide security for the repayment of their funding obligations, and not only
obligations by way of loan. Only the largest companies, invariably trading on the (p. 598) London Stock Exchange
or some other national equivalent, can avoid this. Since the issue is so common, and so important, the rest of this
chapter is devoted to examining the rules relating to corporate security, especially fixed and floating charges. First,
though, some definitions of the types of interests used to provide security.
A mortgage is a security interest created by transfer of legal title in the secured asset from the borrower/mortgagor
to the lender/mortgagee. The borrower has an ‘equity of redemption’, allowing recovery of legal title once the
secured obligation is fulfilled (eg the loan, interest, etc repaid) and, in the meantime, the lender has the right to
take possession, and perhaps even to foreclose if permitted by court order, if the borrower defaults.
Historically, purchases of real property were secured by mortgages of this type over the land being bought. Now,
however, the legal title to the land is not transferred to the lending bank (or other mortgagee), and the bank merely
takes a legal charge over the property. (Nevertheless, we continue to speak of mortgages over land, and describe
buyers as mortgagors and banks as mortgagees.) This charge over land is anomalous only in the sense that it is
a legal charge, created by statute (Law of Property Act 1925 ss 85–87), whereas the charges discussed in this
chapter are all necessarily equitable, not legal.
A charge is a security interest created in or over an asset or assets by their owner (the ‘chargor’) in favour of a
creditor (the ‘chargee’), by which it is agreed6 that that property shall be appropriated to the discharge of a debt or
other obligation. There is no transfer of title. The chargee’s rights are proprietary, but created by contract, and only
for real consideration (since this is in equity, a deed for no consideration will not do: see Re Earl of Lucan (1890)
45 Ch D 470). The chargee’s right may be enforced by the sale of the property, if necessary by court order; but in
practice most security documents expressly empower the chargee to sell the property for this purpose without
recourse to the court (See Slade J in Re Bond Worth Ltd [1980] Ch 228, 250.). Legal charges are possible over
some forms of property, such as land (see earlier), but not over personalty. The charges discussed in this section
are all equitable charges.
Fixed charges
All charges are either fixed or floating. A fixed charge (or ‘specific’ charge) is a charge created over identified
property which restricts the debtor’s power to dispose of or otherwise deal with the property without the creditor’s
consent. It is not necessary that the property should be presently owned by the chargor: future property may be
the subject of an agreement to charge, provided that it is sufficiently well described to be identifiable when
acquired. The effect of such an agreement, if for value consideration, is that a charge is deemed to come into
existence as soon as the property is acquired by the chargor (Holroyd v Marshall (1862) 10 HL Cas 191).
Floating charges
A floating charge also requires the property affected to be identified, in the same sense, but it is of the essence of
a floating charge that it contemplates that the chargor will be free to deal with the charged property in the ordinary
course of business without reference to the chargee (sometimes called the ‘trading power’). The floating charge
thus allows a company to give (p. 599) security over assets which are continually turned over or used up and
replaced as a matter of routine trading. This is an enormously valuable invention, devised by equity draftsmen in
the latter part of the nineteenth century, founded upon the agreement of the parties and owing nothing to legislation
—rather like the device of hirepurchase which evolved at about the same time.7 What successive Companies Acts
and Insolvency Acts have done since its creation is to adopt a variety of rules designed to restrict the full power of
its impact, which is potentially to sweep up all the company’s resources (by securing ‘the undertak ing’ or ‘all the
assets and undertak ing’ of the company) and dedicate them to securing the debt of one of the company’s
creditors,8 leaving all the others unprotected, unable even to share pari passu in the company’s resources on a
winding up.
The significance of the floating charge lies in the fact that, for many businesses, fluctuating assets such as stock
intrade, raw materials and book debts may form a significant part of the property of the concern, and may be the
only worthwhile security available for an advance. Indeed, the proprietors of an unincorporated business which is in
need of finance may find themselves compelled to form a company if they are to raise the loans they are seeking:
hence the ability to grant a floating charge can be an important consideration in deciding whether or not to trade in
the corporate form. Banks, in particular, have wide experience of the floating charge and encourage its use by their
The nature of a charge.
[12.03] National Provincial Bank v Charnley [1924] 1 KB 431 (Court of Appeal)
The facts are immaterial.
ATKIN LJ: It is not necessary to give a formal definition of a charge, but I think there can be no doubt that
where in a transaction for value both parties evince an intention that property, existing or future, shall be
made available as security for the payment of a debt, and that the creditor shall have a present right to have
it made available, there is a charge, even though the present legal right which is contemplated can only be
enforced at some future date, and though the creditor gets no legal right of property, either absolute or
special, or any legal right to possession, but only gets a right to have the security made available by an
order of the Court. If those conditions exist I think there is a charge. If, on the other hand, the parties do not
intend that there should be a present right to have the security made available, but only that there should be
a right in the future by agreement, such as a licence, to seize the goods, there will be no charge …
Debenture holders’ remedies and the protection afforded by charges
We have not yet examined the approach the courts adopt in determining whether the security the parties have
created is effective, and if so whether it is fixed or floating in form. However, in large measure the reason for the
efforts in that direction are because a valid security (p. 600) delivers particular protections to the security holder. It
is helpful to be aware of what those are before descending into the detail of the analysis required to establish the
nature and effectiveness of the security itself.
Any creditor whose debt is unsatisfied may, of course, sue to recover payment, and may also seek to have the
company wound up if it fails to meet a statutory demand for payment (IA 1986 ss 122(1)(f) and 123(1)(a): see
‘Grounds for compulsory winding up’, pp 792ff). But secured creditors also have recourse to their security. Where
the charge affects specific property, powers of sale and of entry into possession may be exercised by the secured
creditor personally, although usually the creditor will appoint a professional third party as a receiver. This may
always be done by obtaining a court order; but almost invariably the need to go to court will be obviated by the
inclusion in the instrument creating the charge of a clause empowering the creditor itself (or the trustees, where
there is a trust deed) to appoint a receiver in the event of default. Note, however, that if the charge is a floating
charge secured over the whole or substantially the whole of the company’s property, then the holder may no longer
appoint an administrative receiver (IA 1986 s 72A), subject to certain limited exceptions in IA 1986 ss 72B–72EA,
but must instead appoint an administrator who has defined objectives in dealing with the company’s assets.
The subject of receivers, including administrative receivers, is discussed further at ‘Receivership and administrative
receivership’, pp 778ff.
If the borrowing company is insolvent (ie unable to pay all its debts in full), then security affords secured creditors
priority in repayment of their debts. Basically, the secured assets are used first to fund repayment of the secured
debt, and only then are any remaining assets used to repay all or a pro rata part of the debts owed to the
unsecured creditors. If a company owes £100,000 to a secured creditor and £100,000 to its unsecured creditors,
for example, and its assets are only worth £100,000, then those assets (assuming these are the assets over
which security has been taken) will go entirely to repaying the secured debt, and the unsecured creditors will get
nothing. In practice, the statutory rules are more sophisticated and more complicated, but this gross
generalisation is fundamentally true. The statutory rules are considered in detail in Chapter 16.
Being secured is obviously advantageous, but, in addition, the advantages afforded to holders of fixed charges are
substantially greater than those afforded to holders of floating charges, as described next.
Different protections afforded to fixed and floating charge holders
The distinction between fixed and floating charges has important consequences. These charges are treated
differently during the term of the security, during receivership and on the insolvency of the debtor. For example,
with floating charges (but not with fixed charges):
(i) the chargor can legitimately deal with floating charge assets in the ordinary course of business (until an
event of default that causes the charge to crystallise—see ‘Crystallisation of floating charges’, p 614), so the
value of the security may be depleted before the chargee calls on it;
(ii) prior to the 6 April 2013 amendments, it used to be the case that all floating charges needed to be
registered, but not all fixed charges (see CA 2006 s 860 as it was, and now s 859A and ‘Requirement to
register charges’, p 601);
(iii) a floating charge is subordinated to the costs and expenses of administration and liquidation (see IA
1986 Sch B1, paras 70 and 99, and IA 1986 s 176ZA; and ‘Administration’, pp 770ff and ‘Liquidation or
winding up’, pp 788ff);
(iv) an administrator can dispose of assets subject to a floating charge without first obtaining court approval
(IA 1986 Sch B1, paras 70–71, and ‘Powers and duties of the administrator’, pp 774ff);
(p. 601) (v) preferential creditors rank ahead of the floating charge holder in their call on assets subject to
the floating charge (IA 1986 ss 40 and 175(2)(b); Sch B1, para 65(2); and Sch 6, paras 8–12: see
‘Distribution of assets subject to the receivership’, pp 787ff);
(vi) on insolvency, a statutory proportion of floating charge realisations must be set aside for the unsecured
creditors (see IA 1986 s 176A, and ‘Distribution of assets subject to the receivership’, pp 787ff);
(vii) a floating charge created for no new value in the period immediately leading up to insolvency may be set
aside (IA 1986 s 245). No equivalent exists for fixed charges, which can only be set aside if they involve a
preference (IA 1986 s 239). See ‘The Liquidator’s ability to “claw back” propertyunwinding transactions’, p
Requirement to register charges
Statutory requirements
Part 25 of CA 2006 imposes on companies a statutory obligation to register particulars of charges which they have
created over their property. Following a long history of failed attempts at reforming the law in this area (see later),
the existing rules have finally been modified, although perhaps not greatly, with the aim of delivering a more
modern regime which will save time and cost for those using it. The Department of Business, Innovation and Skills
suggests the cost savings could be of the order of £22 million per annum.9 The reforms were made by way of the
Companies Act 2006 (Amendment of Part 25) Regulations 2013,10 which repealed CA 2006 Pt 25, Chs 1 and 2,
replacing them with Ch A1, which came into force on 6 April 2013.
This requirement to register charges was first imposed by the Companies Act 1900. Up until the 2013 changes,
the approach adopted was to list the types of charges which were required to be registered. Not every category of
charge was affected—fixed charges over shares or negotiable instruments, for instance, escaped the net—
although the list was always fairly comprehensive, and included all floating charges. Under the new rules, there is
no longer a prescribed list. On the contrary, s 859A quite simply states that the section will apply ‘where a
company creates a charge’, subject only to three exceptions set out in s 859A(6). The hope is that this will reduce
the uncertainty surrounding which charges must be registered. Section 859B provides parallel provisions for
charges given to support a series of debentures. But note that it is only chargescreated by the company which
come within Pt 25: a charge created by operation of law, such as an unpaid vendor’s lien over land which is the
subject of a contract of sale, is outside the scope of the Act.
For every charge created by a company, CA 2006 s 859A does not make it mandatory for the parties to register
the charge (as the previous rules had, with criminal sanctions to back up the rule), but instead compels the
registrar to register the charge if the parties deliver the appropriate instruments and details to the registrar within
the specified time (basically 21 days, but see ss 859E and 859F). Either the company or the charge holder (or
‘any person interested in the charge’, s 859A(2)) may see to the registration, and would be well advised to do so if
there is any risk that the company will default. The change from compulsion to permission may be immaterial,
however, as the consequence of failure to register is that the (p. 602) charge is void on precisely the occasions
when it is most needed: see ‘Effect of failure to register’, p 602.
If a company acquires property which is already subject to a charge, particulars of the charge may similarly be
delivered for registration (s 859C).
Where the charge (eg a charge over land or a ship) requires registration under other legislation, that does not
provide a reason for noncompliance with CA 2006 Pt 25, unless the other Act excludes the application of the CA
2006 provisions (see s 859A(6)).
Certificate of registration
On registration, a certificate is issued which must state the unique reference code allocated to the charge (s
859I(4)). Under s 859I(6), the certificate is ‘conclusive evidence that the documents required by the section
concerned were delivered to the registrar before the end of the relevant period allowed for delivery.’
This is far more specific than its predecessor, which simply stated that the certificate was ‘conclusive evidence
that the requirements of this Chapter as to registration have been satisfied’. Earlier cases suggested the force of
the certificate—and of the register—was assured even where the certificate was inaccurate (Re Mechanisations
(Eaglescliffe) Ltd [1966] Ch 20), or the facts on which the certificate was based were untrue (eg where the charge
instrument is falsely dated: Re CL Nye Ltd [1971] Ch 442), or the charge was registered by mistake (Ali v Top
Marques Car Rental Ltd [2006] EWHC 109 (Ch)). The effect was that notwithstanding that the details on the
register were incorrect, and people inspecting the register would be misled, the certificate would be conclusive
proof that the statutory requirements had been met. As a consequence, theactual charge as created by the
company would be deemed to be duly registered, and would have to be observed by the company’s creditors and
its liquidator or administrator, notwithstanding creditors who may have been misled as to the company’s true
position. And because the certificate was conclusive evidence that the requirements had been met, it was
impossible to have proceedings for judicial review of the registrar’s decision.
Despite all this, the conclusiveness of the certificate was seen as a crucial benefit of the registration system, and
a proposed downgrading of it was in large measure the reason for the unpopularity of certain proposed 1989
reforms. The new rules seem to have worked around this.
Effect of failure to register
If particulars are not registered within 21 days of the creation of the charge (a date defined in s 859E, attempting to
provide for both English and Scottish securities), or such longer period as allowed by the court (s 859F, see the
following section), then CA 2006 s 859H declares the security to be void against the liquidator, administrator and
any creditor of the company 11 (s 859H(3)), although the personal obligation remains and, indeed, the money
secured becomes immediately payable (s 859H(4)).
(p. 603) The nature of this sanction of ‘partial voidness’ should be noted. First, it is only the security that is
avoided, not the underlying obligation, which remains good as an unsecured debt. Secondly, the charge is void
only as against the persons mentioned and not, for instance, inter partes, or against an execution creditor. And
the chargee may dispose of the property in exercise of a power of sale and give a good title to the purchaser, even
though the charge is ‘void’.
Extension of the registration period and rectification of the register
CA 2006 s 859F enables applications to court to extend the 21day registration period. The court may make
whatever orders it sees as just and expedient provided certain preconditions are satisfied (s 859F(2)), including
that it is just and equitable to grant relief. This replicates predecessor rules, so see Barclays Bank plc v Stuart
Landon Ltd[2001] EWCA Civ 140, CA, for a discussion of the factors to be considered by the court when dealing
with an application for late registration of a charge created by a company which was close to liquidation.
In analogous circumstances, and subject to the same conditions, s 859M enables the court to make an order
rectifying the register where there has been an omission or misstatement, and s 859N provides the court with a
discretion to replace the instrument or debenture where there has been an omission, mistake or defect.
Registration, priority and constructive notice of registered charges
Registration does not of itself confer priority or give any protection to a charge holder, although of course, as noted
previously, nonregistration has almost fatal consequences for the security. Instead, priority as between different
charges over the same property is determined by the ordinary rules of law. Thus, for example, a legal charge will
normally have priority over an equitable charge, a fixed charge over a floating charge (because of their terms) and,
as between two equitable charges, the earlier in time will prevail. So, if a company were to create a charge in
favour of A on the first of the month, and then give an identical charge over the same property to B on the 10th,
registering particulars on the 15th, B (who had searched the register on the 10th and found it clear) could in all
innocence believe that he has a first charge, only to discover later that A has a charge which ranks ahead of his
own, so long as it has been registered within the statutory 21 days. B is deemed to have notice of the earlier
charge provided A files for registration within the statutory 21day period. (This is referred to in the Company Law
Review (CLR) as ‘the 21day invisibility problem’. It could be eliminated if ‘notice filing’ were introduced, although
even then there could be a gap between the time when a document is delivered to Companies House and the time
when it is recorded on the register.)
The doctrine of constructive notice has not been abolished in regard to particulars of charges held by the registrar,
and so everyone dealing with a company is deemed to have notice of those particulars which are required by
statute to be registered.12 These are defined in s 859D, and include the date of creation of the charge, the nature
of the charge (fixed or floating), the amount secured, short particulars of the property charged, and the persons
entitled to the charge, and, by way of change from the earlier rules, whether the charge includes a ‘negative
pledge’ clause (ie a provision by which the company undertakes not to create other charges ranking in priority to
or pari passuwith the charge; see s 859D(2)(c)).
This change in the rules on negative pledges eliminates the problem illustrated in Siebe Gorman & Co Ltd v
Barclays Bank Ltd [1979] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 142, Ch (overruled inSpectrum (p. 604) [12.20], but not on this issue).
Under the predecessor rules, details of negative pledges were not mandatory, but a practice developed of including
such details in the registered particulars. In Siebe Gorman, it was held that the constructive notice doctrine did not
extend to such additional information, but only to those matters which the Act prescribed, and so a searcher would
be taken to know of such a clause only if he had actual notice of it. The point always remained controversial, with
little persuasive authority or argument.13
Section 859L contains provision for entering on the register a ‘statement’ that the debt secured by a charge has
been satisfied or some or all of the property charged has been released from the security. But there is no
obligation to register this information under the existing law.
Company’s own register of charges
Under the old rules, the company itself was also required to keep a register of charges. Since this register was
required to cover every kind of charge, not only those which were registrable, the obligations were potentially very
burdensome. They were also largely pointless, since neither the validity of the charge nor any question relating to
priority was affected by a failure to observe these requirements, and in practice the related criminal sanctions were
never invoked. This may explain why the new rules no longer require companies to keep their own registers, but
merely demand that companies keep copies of the full instruments available for inspection (s 859Q).
Further reform of the registration system
The need for some sort of registration system is almost universally accepted, but the present system, which has
changed little for over a century, despite the various 2013 changes, has long been thought to be deficient. Almost
25 years ago, changes were made to the Companies Act 1989 that were intended to sweep away the old law and
replace it with a completely new regime containing provisions which would reduce the burden on Companies
House but at the same time give rather less protection to persons who relied on the registration system. Those
proposed reforms met with such opposition from business and professional circles that the government was
dissuaded from bringing the regime into operation. Instead, a consultation process was begun which envisaged
retaining the earlier CA 1985 provisions, but introducing some modifications. That idea was subsequently
overtaken by the decision to set up the CLR, which published its own consultation document seeking views on
possible ways forward. Following that, the Law Commission was asked to examine the whole of the law on the
registration, perfection and priority of company charges, and to consider the case for a new registration system. It
was also asked to consider whether such a system should be extended to quasisecurities (retention of title
agreements, etc), and to securities created by individuals as well as companies.
The Law Commission, looking to have changes included in CA 2006, made various recommendations, including
adoption of a noticefiling system (see later) for company charges (see Company Security Interests (Law Com No
296, 2005)). The government then issued a further consultation document (The Registration of Companies’ Security
Interests (Company Charges): The Economic Impact of the Law Commissions’ Proposals, 2005). This received a
rather negative response, and so all the issues were parked, subject to still further discussions and deliberations
before any decision could be taken on what ought to be done. The latest 2013 reforms fall far short of counting as
movement on this front. Their biggest changes are simply the elimination of the list of registrable charges in favour
of making all charges registrable, and also including public notification on the register of negative pledge clauses.
(p. 605) This rocky road to reform might be seen as both surprising and disappointing. Both the Crowther
Committee (which was concerned with reform of the law on consumer credit: Cmnd 4596, 1971) and Professor
Diamond in his report (A Review of Security Interests in Property (1989)) categorically recommended that this
country should follow the lead of the United States and Canadian jurisdictions in setting up an entirely new system
of registration for all personal property security interests, whether created by individuals or companies, on the
model of Art 9 of the American Uniform Commercial Code. This would make a separate regime for company
charges unnecessary. The same conclusion was reached independently by reform bodies in other Commonwealth
jurisdictions, such as Australia and New Zealand—each of which has now implemented this major change. But,
sadly, there seems to be little enthusiasm for any such reform in the UK, despite the most recent consultation
responses in its favour.14
What is different about these other regimes? Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code is at the same time a more
comprehensive system and yet a simpler and more flexible one: it governs all transactions which in effect create a
security, whatever their form (including, eg, hirepurchase agreements and sales on retention of title
(Romalpa[12.21] terms), and works on the principle of ‘notice filing’. Priority as between competing registered
securities is governed simply by the time of filing of the notice of such security: the security filed first has priority
over all that follow. It gives better protection—first, for security holders, in that registration confers priority over
others who may claim interests in the same property; secondly, for those intending to take security who, by filing
a notice, can cover their position provisionally until the security is completed or the charge attaches; and, thirdly,
for those seeking to rely on searches of the register, who can take the record at its face value.
Fixed and floating charges: definitions
The preceding sections described the structure of the regime for company securities. It is now appropriate to look
at the nature of the securities themselves. Recall that charges may be over present or future property and can be
either fixed or floating. A fixed (or ‘specific’) charge is one which restricts the debtor’s power to dispose of or
otherwise deal with the specific property charged, without first obtaining the creditor’s consent. A floating charge,
on the other hand, permits the debtor the freedom to deal with the charged property in the ordinary course of
business without recourse to the creditor for approval. This liberty to deal with the charged assets continues until
the floating charge crystallises into a fixed charge. The parties can nominate in the charge document the
conditions, or time, at which this will happen. Additionally, the charge will crystallise by operation of law if the
debtor company ceases to carry on business for any reason (see ‘Crystallisation of floating charges’, pp 614ff).
The distinction between fixed and floating charges is completely irrelevant in assessing the rights, as between the
company (chargor) and the lender (chargee) arising under the charge; these are determined by the charge
document. The distinction is critical solely because various statutory rules relating to validity and priority are
worded to apply to one form of security but not the other: see ‘Different protections afforded to fixed and floating
charge holders’, p 600.
(p. 606) Categorisation of a charge as fixed or floating is based on the substance of the arrangement between the
parties, not on the label they attach to their arrangement.15 The following cases indicate the process adopted by
the courts in making this determination.
[12.04] Agnew v Commissioner of Inland Revenue (Re Brumark Investments Ltd) [2001] UKPC 28, [2002] 2
AC 710 (Privy Council)
The facts and a longer extract appear at [12.19].
LORD MILLETT: The most celebrated, and certainly the most often cited, description of a floating charge is
that given by Romer LJ in In re York shire Woolcombers Association Ltd [1903] 2 Ch 284, 295:
I certainly do not intend to attempt to give an exact definition of the term ‘floating charge’, nor am I
prepared to say that there will not be a floating charge within the meaning of the Act, which does not
contain all the three characteristics that I am about to mention, but I certainly think that if a charge
has the three characteristics that I am about to mention it is a floating charge. (1) If it is a charge on
a class of assets of a company present and future; (2) if that class is one which, in the ordinary
course of the business of the company, would be changing from time to time; and (3) if you find that
by the charge it is contemplated that, until some future step is taken by or on behalf of those
interested in the charge, the company may carry on its business in the ordinary way as far as
concerns the particular class of assets I am dealing with.
This was offered as a description and not a definition. The first two characteristics are typical of a floating
charge but they are not distinctive of it, since they are not necessarily inconsistent with a fixed charge. It is
the third characteristic which is the hallmark of a floating charge and serves to distinguish it from a fixed
charge. Since the existence of a fixed charge would make it impossible for the company to carry on
business in the ordinary way without the consent of the charge holder, it follows that its ability to [do] so
without such consent is inconsistent with the fixed nature of the charge.
Also see the Spectrum decision at [12.20].
[12.05] Illingworth v Houldsworth [1904] AC 355 (House of Lords)
This is the appeal to the House of Lords of the decision in Re York shire Woolcombers Association, cited by Lord
Millett at [12.04].
EARL OF HALSBURY LC: In the first place you have that which in a sense I suppose must be an element
in the definition of a floating security, that it is something which is to float, not to be put into immediate
operation, but such that the company is to be allowed to carry on its business. It contemplates not only
that it [the security] should carry with it the book debts [the charged assets] which were then existing, but
it contemplates also the possibility of those book debts being extinguished by a payment to the company,
and that other book debts should come in and take the (p. 607) place of those that had disappeared. That
… seems to me to be an essential characteristic of what is properly called a floating security …
LORD MACNAGHTEN: I should have thought there was not much difficulty in defining what a floating charge
is in contrast to what is called a specific charge. A specific charge, I think, is one that without more fastens
on ascertained and definite property or property capable of being ascertained and defined; a floating charge,
on the other hand, is ambulatory and shifting in its nature, hovering over and so to speak floating with the
property which it is intended to affect until some event occurs or some act is done which causes it to settle
and fasten on the subject of the charge within its reach and grasp …
[12.06] Evans v British Granite Quarries Ltd [1910] 2 KB 979 (Court of Appeal)
The facts are immaterial.
BUCKLEY LJ: A floating charge is not a future security; it is a present security which presently affects all
the assets of the company expressed to be included in it … A floating security is not a specific mortgage of
the assets plus a licence to the mortgagor to dispose of them in the course of his business, but it is a
floating mortgage applying to every item comprised in the security, but not specifically affecting any item
until some act or event occurs or some act on the part of the mortgagee is done which causes it to
crystallise into a fixed security …
[12.07] Re Bond Worth [1980] 1 Ch 228
The case concerned an unsuccessful attempt to give a supplier of goods the benefit of a retention of title clause
(discussed at ‘Retention of title agreements’, pp 632ff).
SLADE J: There is, however, one type of charge (and I think one type only) which, by its very nature, leaves
a company at liberty to deal with the assets charged in the ordinary course of its business, without regard
to the charge, until stopped by a winding up or by the appointment of a receiver or the happening of some
other agreed event. I refer to what is commonly known as a ‘floating charge’… Such a charge remains
unattached to any particular property and leaves the company with a licence to deal with, and even sell, the
assets falling within its ambit in the ordinary course of business, as if the charge had not been given, until it
is stopped by one or other of the events to which I have referred, when it is said to ‘crystallise’; it then
becomes effectively fixed to the assets within its scope.
… This description of a floating charge shows that it need not extend to all the assets of the company. It
may cover assets merely of a specified category or categories …
… The critical distinction in my judgment is that between a specific charge on the one hand and a floating
charge on the other. Vaughan Williams L.J. pointed out in the Woolcombers case [1903] 2 Ch. 284 that it
is quite inconsistent with the nature of a specific charge, though not of a floating charge, that the mortgagor
is at liberty to deal with the relevant property as he pleases. He said, at p 294:
I do not think that for a ‘specific security’ you need have a security of a subject matter which is then
in existence. I mean by ‘then’ at the time of the execution of the security; but what you do require to
make a specific security is that the security whenever it has once come into existence, and been
identified or appropriated as a security, shall never thereafter at the will of the mortgagor cease to be
a security. If at the will of the mortgagor he can dispose of it and prevent its being any longer a
security, although something else may be substituted more or less for it, that is not a ‘specific
(p. 608) Floating charges: creation and effect
Creation of floating charges and impact of failure to register
It is possible for a floating charge to arise even though the parties never contemplated that this might be
the result of their actions.16
[12.08] Re Cosslett (Contractors) Ltd [1998] Ch 495 (Court of Appeal)
This case went on appeal to the House of Lords, but not on this issue: [2002] AC 336.
Cosslett had contracted with the MidGlamorgan County Council to carry out land reclamation work which involved
the washing of large amounts of coalbearing shale, and for this purpose it brought two coalwashing plants onto
the site. A clause in the contract empowered the council, if the company abandoned the work: (i) to use the plants
to complete the job, or (ii) to sell the plants and use the proceeds towards the satisfaction of any sums due to it
from Cosslett. Before the work was completed, the company abandoned the site, leaving the plants behind. The
company then went into administration. The council applied to the court for an order requiring the administrator to
deliver the plants to it; the company contended that the clause in the contract created a charge which was a
floating charge and void because it had not been registered. At first instance, Jonathan Parker J held that there
was a charge, but that it was a fixed charge. On appeal, it was held that although no charge was created by
paragraph (a) of the clause in question, a floating charge was created by paragraph (b); but that nonregistration of
(b) did not stand in the way of the council’s right to enforce (a).
MILLETT LJ:… There are only four kinds of consensual security known to English law: (i) pledge; (ii)
contractual lien; (iii) equitable charge and (iv) mortgage. A pledge and a contractual lien both depend on the
delivery of possession to the creditor. The difference between them is that in the case of a pledge the owner
delivers possession to the creditor as security, whereas in the case of a lien the creditor retains possession
of goods previously delivered to him for some other purpose. Neither a mortgage nor a charge depends on
the delivery of possession. The difference between them is that a mortgage involves a transfer of legal or
equitable ownership to the creditor, whereas an equitable charge does not.
In the present case the council’s rights in relation to the plant and materials are exclusively contractual, and
are not attributable to any delivery of possession by the company. When the company brings plant and
materials onto the site they remain in the possession of the company to enable it to use them in the
completion of the works. There is no question of the company delivering possession at that stage, either by
way of security (i.e. as a pledge) or otherwise (i.e. by way of lien). The council comes into possession of
the plant and materials when it expels the company from the site leaving the plant and materials behind.
But this does not amount to a voluntary delivery of possession by the company to the council. It is rather
the exercise by the council of a contractual right to take possession of the plant and materials against the
will of the company.
In my judgment, therefore, the council’s rights are derived from contract not possession and, in so far as
they are conferred by way of security, constitute an equitable charge …
Is the charge a fixed or floating charge?
In my judgment the three characteristics of a floating charge which were identified by Romer L.J. in In re
York shire Woolcombers Association Ltd.; Houldsworth v. York shire Woolcombers Association Ltd. (p.
609) [1903] 2 Ch. 284, 295 are all present. There is no difficulty in regard to the first two characteristics.
Plant and materials become subject to the charge as they are brought onto the site and cease to be
subject to it as they are removed from the site. Accordingly the charge is a charge on present and future
assets of the company which, in the ordinary course of the business of the company, would be changing
from time to time. The dispute has centred on the third characteristic. The administrator submits that, until
the council takes steps under clause 63(1) to enter upon the site and expel the company therefrom, the
company is free to carry on its business in the ordinary way with the plant and materials on the site. The
judge accepted the council’s submission that this was not so, because of the council’s absolute right under
clause 53(6) to refuse to permit the company to remove from the site plant and materials immediately
required to complete the works, and its qualified right to refuse permission for the removal of plant and
materials not immediately required for this purpose provided only that it acts reasonably. I am unable to
agree with him.
The judge held that it is of the essence of a floating charge that until the charge crystallises the chargor
should retain an unfettered freedom to carry on his business in the ordinary way. He relied for this purpose
on two passages, one in the judgment of Vaughan Williams L.J. in the York shire Woolcombers case, at p
294, and the other in the judgment of Slade J. in In re Bond Worth Ltd.[12.07] [1980] Ch. 228, 266. The first
passage reads as follows:
‘If at the will of the mortgagor he can dispose of [the asset] and prevent its being any longer a
security, although something else may be substituted more or less for it, that is not a “specific
security.”’ (My emphasis.)
The second passage reads:
‘It is in my judgment quite incompatible with the existence of an effective trust by way of specific
charge in equity over specific assets that the alleged trusteeshould be free to use them as he
pleases for his own business in the course of his own business.’ (My emphasis.)
But with respect the converse does not follow. The chargor’s unfettered freedom to deal with the assets in
the ordinary course of his business free from the charge is obviously inconsistent with the nature of a fixed
charge; but it does not follow that his unfettered freedom to deal with the charged assets is essential to the
existence of a floating charge. It plainly is not, for any well drawn floating charge prohibits the chargor from
creating further charges having priority to the floating charge; and a prohibition against factoring debts is not
sufficient to convert what would otherwise be a floating charge on book debts into a fixed charge: see in In
re Brightlife Ltd.[12.12] [1987] Ch. 200, 209, per Hoffmann J.
The essence of a floating charge is that it is a charge, not on any particular asset, but on a fluctuating body
of assets which remain under the management and control of the chargor, and which the chargor has the
right to withdraw from the security despite the existence of the charge. The essence of a fixed charge is
that the charge is on a particular asset or class of assets which the chargor cannot deal with free from the
charge without the consent of the chargee. The question is not whether the chargor has complete freedom
to carry on his business as he chooses, but whether the chargee is in control of the charged assets. …
Accordingly … I hold the charge to be a floating charge.
What are the consequences of the want of registration?
Of all the contractual rights which the council enjoys only one, the power of sale, constitutes a charge of a
kind which is registrable under section 395 of the Companies Act 1985 [CA 2006 s 859A]. The section
provides that the failure to register a charge makes the charge (that is to say the registrable charge) void as
a security against a liquidator or administrator of the company [now see CA 2006 s 859H]. The effect of this
is to entitle the liquidator or administrator to deal with the company’s assets free from the security created
by the charge in question.
In my judgment, therefore, the failure to register the charge renders the security created by the power of
sale void as against the administrator, but does not affect any other right of the council (p. 610) which is
not a security and which does not require registration. In particular, it does not invalidate the council’s
contractual right to retain possession of plant and materials and use them to complete the works. But after
the completion of the works the council’s right to continue in possession [and certainly to sell] is referable
to a security which is void against the administrator and cannot prevail against him …
Limitations on the assets which may be made subject to a floating charge
If a company has a proprietary interest in an asset, then it is usually assumed that the asset can be charged by
the company as security for an obligation.
The possible limits to this assumption were tested in the House of Lords. The issue arose from a practice adopted
by banks in attempting to enlarge the security they take from borrowing customers. Banks typically take fixed and
floating charges over all a customer’s fixed assets and stockintrade. But what of any sums of money the
customer might have on deposit with the bank? Put in contractual terms, these are sums of money that the bank
owes to the customer. The customer ‘owns’ a debt owed to it by the bank. Can the bank take a charge over this
asset to secure a loan it might make to its customer? The issue has now been resolved in favour of this form of
security, as illustrated by the following extract.
[12.09] Re Bank of Credit and Commerce International SA (No 8) [1998] AC 214 (House of Lords)
The facts are immaterial.
LORD HOFFMANN: The doctrine of conceptual impossibility was first propounded by Millett J in In re
Charge Card Services Ltd. [1987] Ch 150, 175–176 and affirmed, after more extensive discussion, by the
Court of Appeal in this case. It has excited a good deal of heat and controversy in banking circles; the Legal
Risk Review Committee, set up in 1991 by the Bank of England to identify areas of obscurity and
uncertainty in the law affecting financial markets and propose solutions, said that a very large number of
submissions from interested parties expressed disquiet about this ruling. It seems clear that documents
purporting to create such charges have been used by banks for many years. The point does not previously
appear to have been expressly addressed by any court in this country. Supporters of the doctrine rely on
the judgments of Buckley L.J. (in the Court of Appeal) and Viscount Dilhorne and Lord Cross of Chelsea (in
the House of Lords) in Halesowen Presswork Assemblies Ltd. v. Westminster Bank Ltd. [1971] 1 Q.B. 1;
[1972] A.C. 785. The passages in question certainly say that it is a misuse of language to speak of a bank
having a lien over its own indebtedness to a customer. But I think that these observations were directed to
the use of the word ‘lien’, which is a right to retain possession, rather than to the question of whether the
bank could have any kind of proprietary interest. Opponents of the doctrine rely upon some 19th century
cases, of which it can at least be said that the possibility of a charge over a debt owed by the chargee
caused no judicial surprise.
The reason given by the Court of Appeal [1996] Ch. 245, 258 was that ‘a man cannot have a proprietary
interest in a debt or other obligation which he owes another.’ In order to test this proposition, I think one
needs to identify the normal characteristics of an equitable charge and then ask to what extent they would
be inconsistent with a situation in which the property charged consisted of a debt owed by the beneficiary of
the charge. [Lord Hoffmann then considered the general attributes of charges, and continued:]
The depositor’s right to claim payment of his deposit is a chose in action which the law has always
recognised as property. There is no dispute that a charge over such a chose in action can validly be granted
to a third party. In which respects would the fact that the beneficiary of the charge was (p. 611) the debtor
himself be inconsistent with the transaction having some or all of the various features which I have
enumerated? The method by which the property would be realised would differ slightly: instead of the
beneficiary of the charge having to claim payment from the debtor, the realisation would take the form of a
book entry. In no other respect, as it seems to me, would the transaction have any consequences different
from those which would attach to a charge given to a third party. It would be a proprietary interest in the
sense that, subject to questions of registration and purchaser for value without notice, it would be binding
upon assignees and a liquidator or trustee in bankruptcy. The depositor would retain an equity of
redemption and all the rights which that implies. There would be no merger of interests because the
depositor would retain title to the deposit subject only to the bank’s charge. The creation of the charge
would be consensual and not require any formal assignment or vesting of title in the bank. If all these
features can exist despite the fact that the beneficiary of the charge is the debtor, I cannot see why it
cannot properly be said that the debtor has a proprietary interest by way of charge over the debt.
The Court of Appeal said that the bank could obtain effective security in other ways … All this is true. It
may well be that the security provided in these ways will in most cases be just as good as that provided by
a proprietary interest. But that seems to me no reason for preventing banks and their customers from
creating charges over deposits if, for reasons of their own, they want to do so. The submissions to the Legal
Risk Review Committee made it clear that they do …
Since the decision in In re Charge Card Services Ltd. [1987] Ch. 150 statutes have been passed in several
offshore banking jurisdictions to reverse its effect … The striking feature about all these provisions is that
none of them amend or repeal any rule of common law which would be inconsistent with the existence of a
charge over a debt owed by the chargee. They simply say that such a charge can be granted. If the trick
can be done as easily as this, it is hard to see where the conceptual impossibility is to be found.
In a case in which there is no threat to the consistency of the law or objection of public policy, I think that
the courts should be very slow to declare a practice of the commercial community to be conceptually
impossible. Rules of law must obviously be consistent and not selfcontradictory; thus in Rye v. Rye [1962]
A.C. 496, 505, Viscount Simonds demonstrated that the notion of a person granting a lease to himself was
inconsistent with every feature of a lease, both as a contract and as an estate in land. But the law is
fashioned to suit the practicalities of life and legal concepts like ‘proprietary interest’ and ‘charge’ are no
more than labels given to clusters of related and selfconsistent rules of law. Such concepts do not have a
life of their own from which the rules are inexorably derived. It follows that in my view the letter was effective
to do what it purported to do, namely to create a charge over the deposit in favour of B.C.C.I. …
➤ Questions
1. Is the analysis persuasive?
2. Is such a charge registrable? Lord Hoffmann, in [12.09], suggested the asset was not a ‘book debt’, but the
2013 amendments have abolished the list of registrable securities, and CA 2006 s 859A simply refers to
charges created by a company. On the other hand, there is no longer any obligation to register under the
amended 2013 rules. Is it advisable to register such a charge in any event?
Dealings with assets subject to a floating charge
A vital feature of the floating charge is that, until the company defaults in its obligations, the charge authorises the
company to deal with the charged assets in the ordinary course of business. It follows that, in the absence of
specific provisions to the contrary in the charge document itself, the company may not only use, sell and buy such
property during the currency of a floating charge, but may also create mortgages and fixed charges ranking in
priority to the floating charge itself.
(p. 612) Permitting the company to continue buying and selling the charged assets is usually necessary to
ensure the viability of the company’s business, but specific constraints are generally inserted by way of what is
commonly termed a ‘negative pledge clause’ or ‘restrictive clause’, to forbid the creation of later charges. These
negative pledge clauses form part of the registrable particulars of a charge (s 859D(2)(c)), and so any subsequent
debenture holder will have constructive notice of the restrictions, and its claim will not take priority.
In practice, and by way of further protection, floating charges generally provide for automatic crystallisation into a
fixed charge in the event that the chargor attempts in any way to create a mortgage or fixed charge over any of the
company’s assets or undertaking the subject of the floating charge. (See [12.12].)
A floating charge is also vulnerable to setoffs and other claims arising in favour of unsecured creditors while the
company’s power to trade continues.
This freedom to deal with the assets continues until the floating charge ‘crystallises’. (We must ignore the mixed
metaphor, which has been hallowed by a century’s use.) On crystallisation, the charge becomes a fixed charge
attaching to the company’s assets at that point of time, and the company’s freedom to trade and to incur cross
claims ceases; but until then, the security is subject to all the risks to which the assets may be exposed in the
ordinary course of business.
A fixed charge (and other subsequent interests) may be created having priority over an earlier floating
[12.10] Re Castell and Brown Ltd [1898] 1 Ch 315 (Chancery Division)
In 1885, the company issued a series of debentures secured by a floating charge over all of its assets. The title
deeds of various properties, which had been left in the possession of the company, were later deposited with the
company’s bank to secure an overdraft. The bank’s charge was held to have priority over the earlier floating charge
ROMER J: In the first place, I cannot hold that there was any negligence on the part of the bank. When
making its advances to Castell & Brown Ltd (which I will hereafter call the company), it found the company
in possession of the deeds in question, and apparently able, as unincumbered owner, to charge the
The company purported as such unincumbered owner to give a charge to the bank, and I think the bank
was, under the circumstances, entitled to rely upon obtaining a charge free from incumbrance. It is
suggested on behalf of the debentureholders that the bank ought to have made some special inquiries of
the company. But it is not suggested that the bank wilfully abstained from making inquiries, and as the
bank had no reason to suppose that the company was not fully able to give a valid first charge, and found
the company in possession of the deeds, which showed no incumbrance, I think the bank was not bound to
make any special enquiry …
And I now look to see how it was that the company retained possession of the deeds notwithstanding the
issue of the debentures. The reason appears to me obvious. The debentures were only intended to give
what is called a floating charge, that is to say, it was intended, notwithstanding the debentures, that the
company should have power, so long as it was a going concern, to deal with its property as absolute owner.
And I infer it was on this account that the company was allowed to, and did, retain possession of the
deeds. In other words, the debentureholders, notwithstanding their charge, and indeed by its very terms,
authorised their mortgagor, the company, to deal with its property as if it had not been incumbered, and left
with their mortgagor the deeds in order to enable the company to act as owner.
(p. 613) ➤ Notes
1. This decision gives rise to the following related conclusions:
(i) Can a company which has given a floating charge over its assets to A later give a fixed charge to B
over part of those assets, having priority? Answer—yes: Re Castell and Brown Ltd [12.10]. It is
immaterial whether B’s charge is legal or equitable, or whether B has notice of A’s charge.18
(ii) Can a company which has given a floating charge over its assets to A later give a fixed charge to B
over all of those assets, having priority? Answer (it seems) yes; but if the class of assets affected is
extensive the second transaction may not be ‘in the ordinary course of business’ and may therefore be
outside the terms of the express or implied trading power. What impact will this have on third parties? Is
knowledge relevant?
(iii) Can a company which has given a floating charge over its assets to A later give a floating charge to
B over the same assets, having priority? Held—no, in Re Benjamin Cope & Sons Ltd [1914] 1 Ch 800:
the equities being equal, the first in time prevails.
(iv) Can a company which has given a floating charge over its assets to A later give a floating charge to
B over part of those assets, having priority? Held—yes, inRe Automatic Bottle Mak ers Ltd [1926] Ch
412, CA, where the first charge expressly empowered the company to do so. Where no such power is
reserved, commentators generally agree that the first charge, being first in time, should have priority.
2. Where a company has created more than one charge over the same property, it is open to the charge
holders to agree to vary the order of priority which would otherwise apply, and it is not necessary to obtain the
company’s consent: Cheah Theam Swee v Equiticorp Finance Group Ltd [1992] 1 AC 472, PC.
A floating charge does not operate as an assignment to the debenture holder of the company’s book debts
and other choses in action. Until the charge has crystallised, the company’s unsecured creditors may set
off debts due by the company against sums which they owe to it.
[12.11] Biggerstaff v Rowatt’s Wharf Ltd [1896] 2 Ch 93 (Court of Appeal)
The respondent company had, to the knowledge of Harvey Brand & Co, issued debentures secured by a floating
charge. A receiver was appointed, who took possession on 30 October 1894. On this date Harvey Brand & Co
owed the respondent a liquidated sum for rent, while Harvey Brand & Co had a crossclaim against it for the price
of 4,000 barrels at 3 s 6 d [17½p] each. Harvey Brand & Co was held entitled to set off its claim, on the ground
that there had been no assignment of the respondent company’s property to the debenture holders prior to the
appointment of the receiver, so that Harvey Brand & Co had the earlier equity.
LOPES LJ: In the present case I think that Harvey, Brand & Co could sue for money had and received …
There is a total failure of consideration as regards the barrels not delivered, and the demand is a liquidated
demand which can be set off against the rent.
But it is said that there is no right of setoff against an assignee of a chose in action where the person
claiming the setoff had notice of the assignment when the debt due to him was contracted. That is quite
true in ordinary cases; but a debenture differs from an ordinary assignment. If this doctrine were applied to
debentures, no creditor of a company could ever get the benefit of a setoff (p. 614) where debentures had
been issued. Now, it is the essence of a floating security that it allows the company to carry on business in
its ordinary way until a receiver is appointed; and it would paralyse the business of companies to give to the
issuing of debentures the effect now contended for. I am of opinion, therefore, that the setoff must be
allowed …
KAY LJ: It is true that as against an assignee there can be no setoff of a debt accrued after the person
claiming setoff has notice of the assignment. But does that apply to debentures such as these? Counsel
hesitated to go so far as that, but said that there was no right of setoff, as no action had been brought in
which it could have been asserted before 30 October 1894. I think that is not so. I think that if at the time of
the assignment there was an inchoate right to setoff it can be asserted after the assignment, for the
assignment is subject to the rights then in existence. The question is whether the assignment took place at
the issue of the debentures or at the appointment of a receiver. The debentures contain provisions the effect
of which is that the company is at liberty to go on with its business as if the debentures did not exist, until
possession is taken under them. From that time the company cannot deal with its assets as against the
title of the debentureholders; up to that time it can deal with them in every legitimate way of business.
Therefore the date to be regarded is the time of taking possession. A conclusion that setoff could not arise
during the period before taking possession would be injurious to debentureholders, for it would hamper the
company in carrying on its business, and so injure the debentureholders, whose interest is that the
company should carry on a prosperous business. There was an inchoate right of setoff at the time when
the receiver was appointed; and that, and not the time of issuing the debentures, is the time to be looked
to. The debentures must be regarded as incomplete assignments which do not become complete until the
time when the receiver is appointed …
LINDLEY LJ delivered a concurring judgment.
Crystallisation of floating charges
A floating charge will crystallise, and become a fixed charge attaching to the assets of the company at that time:
(i) when a receiver is appointed; (ii) when the company goes into liquidation (since the licence to deal with the
assets in the ordinary course of business will then necessarily terminate); (iii) when the company ceases to carry
on business (see [12.13]) or sells its business (Re Real Meat Co Ltd [1996] BCLC 254); (iv) in the case where the
debenture empowers the charge holder to convert the floating charge into a fixed charge by giving the company
‘notice of conversion’, and such a notice is given (see [12.13]); and (v) where an event occurs which under the
terms of the debenture causes ‘automatic’ crystallisation.19
This last ground (automatic crystallisation) depends upon there being a provision in the document creating the
charge which states that the charge will crystallise on the happening of some particular event—for example, if a
creditor of the company should levy execution against its property, or if the company should give security over
assets covered by the charge to a third party without the charge holder’s consent.
Historically, these automatic crystallisation clauses generated considerable controversy, both as to their legality
and as to whether, as a matter of policy, their use should be prohibited or subjected to restrictions by
law.20 However, they are now generally accepted as part of the architecture of floating charges (see Re Brightlife
Ltd [12.12]).
(p. 615) A floating charge crystallises according to the terms of any automatic crystallisation clause.
[12.12] Re Brightlife Ltd [1987] Ch 200 (Chancery Division)
HOFFMANN J:… [Counsel] said that public policy required restrictions upon what the parties could
stipulate as crystallising events. A winding up or the appointment of a receiver [should this happen to the
company during its lifetime] would have to be noted on the register. But a notice [of conversion of a floating
charge to a fixed charge] need not be registered and a provision for automatic crystallisation might take
effect without the knowledge of either the company or the debentureholder. The result might be prejudicial
to third parties who gave credit to the company. Considerations of this kind impressed Berger J in the
Canadian case of R v Consolidated Churchill Copper Corpn Ltd21 where the concept of ‘selfgenerating
crystallisation’ was rejected.
I do not think that it is open to the courts to restrict the contractual freedom of parties to a floating charge
on such grounds. The floating charge was invented by Victorian lawyers to enable manufacturing and
trading companies to raise loan capital on debentures. It could offer the security of a charge over the whole
of the company’s undertaking without inhibiting its ability to trade. But the mirror image of these advantages
was the potential prejudice to the general body of creditors, who might know nothing of the floating charge
but find that all the company’s assets, including the very goods which they had just delivered on credit, had
been swept up by the debentureholder. The public interest requires a balancing of the advantages to the
economy of facilitating the borrowing of money against the possibility of injustice to unsecured creditors.
These arguments for and against the floating charge are matters for Parliament rather than the courts and
have been the subject of public debate in and out of Parliament for more than a century.
Parliament has responded, first, by restricting the rights of the holder of a floating charge and secondly, by
requiring public notice of the existence and enforcement of the charge. For example, priority was given to
preferential debts … [Hoffmann J continued with other examples of the restrictions imposed by statute on
floating charge holders]…
These limited and pragmatic interventions by the legislature make it in my judgment wholly inappropriate for
the courts to impose additional restrictive rules on grounds of public policy. It is certainly not for a judge of
first instance to proclaim a new head of public policy which no appellate court has even hinted at before …
A floating charge crystallises when the company ceases to carry on business.
[12.13] Re Woodroffes (Musical Instruments) Ltd [1986] Ch 366 (Chancery Division)
The company had given a first floating charge to its bank and a second floating charge to Mrs Woodroffe. A
provision in the latter instrument empowered Mrs Woodroffe, by giving notice to the company, to convert the
charge into a fixed charge, and this she did on 27 August 1982. The bank appointed receivers on 1 September
1982. In this action, which was brought to establish the priorities as between the two debenture holders and the
company’s other creditors, Nourse J held that Mrs Woodroffe’s notice did not have the effect of crystallising the
bank’s charge, as well as her own, on 27 August. He also ruled that the bank’s charge would have crystallised if
the company had ceased to carry on business at any time between 27 August and 1 September, but that there
was not sufficient evidence that this had happened.
NOURSE J: On what date did the bank’s floating charge crystallise? Mr Jarvis, for the bank, supported by
Mr Marks, for Mrs Woodroffe, arguing in favour of 27 August, submit in the first instance that (p. 616) the
effect of Mrs Woodroffe’s notice of conversion was to crystallise not only her own charge, but also the
bank’s. They say that the notice, by determining Mrs Woodroffe’s licence to the company to employ the
assets subject to the charge in the ordinary course of its business, rendered any further use of those
assets unlawful and impracticable, with the result that the company’s business must be taken to have
ceased at that time. Consequently, they submit that there was a crystallisation of both charges.
I find myself quite unable to accept that submission, which appears to me to run contrary to fundamental
principles of the law of contract. I do not see how the determination of Mrs Woodroffe’s licence can in some
way work a determination of the bank’s, or produce the effect that the bank has had its charge crystallised
over its head and possibly contrary to its own wishes. The relationship between the company and the bank
was governed by the [bank’s] debenture, which, although it contained a prohibition against creating any
subsequent charge without consent—see clause 5—did not provide for the bank’s floating charge to
crystallise either on the creation or crystallisation of a subsequent charge.
On analysis it appears to me that the arguments of Mr Jarvis on this point are founded, and can only be
founded, on an implied term in the [bank’s] debenture … It does not seem to me to be at all clear that a
term to the effect contended for by Mr Jarvis must be implied. Why should it be assumed that the bank and
the company, in particular the bank, intended that the crystallisation of a subsequent charge should in all
circumstances cause a crystallisation of the bank’s? No doubt it might suit the bank’s interests in the great
majority of circumstances, but that does not mean that it can be assumed in all. For example, the bank
might have taken the view that it was in its own interests that the business of the company should continue.
Unless Mrs Woodroffe had either appointed her own receiver, or had applied for an injunction restraining it
from dealing with its assets in contravention of her own fixed charge, I can see no reason why the company
could not have continued to carry on its business. True it could only have done so in breach of its contract
with Mrs Woodroffe, but the bank might have been prepared to indemnify it against that liability or even to
pay off Mrs Woodroffe. I can see no ground for any species of implication to the effect contended for …
The question whether the cessation of the company’s business causes an automatic crystallisation of a
floating charge is one of general importance upon which there appears to be no decision directly in point.
Such authorities as there are disclose a uniform assumption in favour of crystallisation. There is a valuable
discussion of them in Picarda on The Law Relating to Receivers and Managers, pp 16–18. One of the
questions there raised is whether there is any distinction for this purpose between a company ceasing to
carry on business on the one hand and ceasing to be a going concern on the other. My own impression is
that these phrases are used interchangeably in the authorities … but whether that be right or wrong, I think
it clear that the material event is a cessation of business and not, if that is something different, ceasing to
be a going concern.
[His Lordship referred to a number of authorities, and continued:] It is unnecessary for me to examine any of
those cases in detail, or to quote extracts from the judgments of the many judges who decided them. They
all, to a greater or lesser extent, assume that crystallisation takes place on a cessation of business …
[His Lordship then held that the evidence did not support the view that the company had ceased business
before 1 September.]
Relevant assets received by the company after the floating charge crystallises automatically become
subject to the (now fixed) charge over the company’s property.
[12.14] NW Robbie & Co Ltd v Witney Warehouse Co Ltd [1963] 1 WLR 1324 (Court of Appeal)
The plaintiff company had given a debenture, secured by a floating charge, to the Bank of Ireland. The bank put in
a receiver, who continued to carry on the company’s business. The (p. 617) company sold goods to the
defendants worth in all £1,346, and in this action the receiver claimed payment of the price. The defendants had in
the meantime taken an assignment of a debt of £852 due by the company to English Spinners Ltd, and claimed to
be entitled to set off this sum against the £1,346 sued for. It was held that the claim failed, because the debenture
holder’s equity had priority. In particular, each debt accruing due to a company after a floating charge which affects
its future property has crystallised becomes immediately fixed with an equity in favour of the debenture holder. No
debt arising, or first coming into the hands of a creditor, after crystallisation may be set off by that creditor so as to
give him priority over the debenture holder.22
RUSSELL LJ: The first question for consideration is whether on the true construction of the debenture the
debt owed by the defendants as it arose became a chose in action of the company subject to an equitable
charge in favour of the debentureholders.
I consider that it did.
The relevant clauses and conditions of the debenture have already been referred to … There is under clause
3 a charge on all future assets of the company without restriction: that amounts to an agreement for
valuable consideration to charge all such future assets, which agreement enables equity to fasten a charge
on those future assets when they arise: and every such equitable charge as it arises operates as an
equitable assignment to the debentureholders of that asset … The fact that [the floating charge has
crystallised and is now fixed]… in no way justifies the conclusion that the field of the charge is in any way
restricted: it only means that after this particular quality disappears equity will fasten the charge directly
upon all assets thereafter coming into existence as soon as they do so …
If that be a correct view of the construction of the debenture, then the choses in action consisting of the
debts now sued upon became as they arise subject to an equitable charge—an equitable assignment—to
the debentureholders …
Thus far, in my judgment, by force of the debenture charge an equitable charge attached in favour of the
debentureholders not only on the £95 debt existing at the date of the appointment of the receiver and
manager, but also upon the other debts constituting the total of £1,346 as they came into existence on
delivery of goods to the defendants after such appointment. These choses in action belonging to the
company became thus assigned in equity to the debentureholders, at times when the defendants had no
crossclaim of any kind against the company and consequently no right of setoff. Before the defendants
acquired by assignment this crossclaim the defendants must be fixed with knowledge of this equitable
assignment to the debentureholders (by way of charge) of the debt owed by the defendants to the
company. A debtor cannot set off his claim against X against a claim by X against him which the debtor
knows has been assigned by X to Y before the debtor’s claims arose. Just as an assignee of a chose in
action takes subject to an already existing right of setoff, so a debtor with no existing right of setoff cannot
assert setoff of a crossclaim which he first acquires after he has notice of the assignment of the claim
against him: here, for instance, no part of the £852 could have been set off against the £95.
Applying these considerations to the present case, at the time when the defendants first acquired the claim
for £852, the choses in action sought to be enforced against the defendants had been assigned to the
debentureholders by way of charge, but the £852 claim in no way involved the debentureholders …
SELLERS LJ delivered a concurring judgment.
DONOVAN LJ dissented.
(p. 618) ➤ Question
Contrast this case with the Biggerstaff case [12.11], and also see Rother Iron Work s Ltd v Canterbury Precision
Engineers Ltd [1974] QB 1, CA. What is the essential difference that explains the contrasting outcomes?
Priorities as between the floating charge, even after crystallisation, and other interests are determined by
the usual rules.
[12.15] George Barker Ltd v Eynon [1974] 1 WLR 462 (Court of Appeal)
The case concerned a priority dispute between the holder of a contractual lien and the holder of a floating charge.
The claimants had a contractual lien over the goods of a meatimporting company whose indebtedness to a bank
was secured by a mortgage debenture creating a floating charge. The debenture holder’s rights crystallised on the
appointment of a receiver, but the Court of Appeal held that the lien took priority because the contractual rights
arose even earlier, before the appointment of the receiver and so before crystallisation of the charge. This was
notwithstanding that the claimants did not acquire actual possession of the goods until three days after the
receiver’s appointment.
STAMP LJ:… Shorn of the arguments supporting it, the receiver’s contention before this court was that this
is a case of priorities. The lien was a possessory lien which did not come into existence until the carriers
were in possession of the goods. Before the carriers came into possession of the goods the charge in
favour of the debenture holder crystallised by the effect of the appointment of the receiver. The goods had
become the subject of an equitable assignment to the debenture holder and the lien could not come into
existence as against the debenture holder.
These submissions are not, in my judgment, well founded. What is in law described under the convenient
label of a ‘lien’ is in relation to a carrier … the contractual right to hold the goods which have been carried in
respect of the debt for the carriage and in respect of the debts of the same character previously contracted.
The duty of the carriers here was to carry the goods and deliver them, or they might say after they had
carried them, ‘We will hold these goods in exercise of the right to do so conferred by the contract of
carriage until we have been paid,’ and they might say, ‘Moreover, we will, unless we are paid within a
reasonable time, in exercise of our right under the contract, sell the goods and pay ourselves out of the
proceeds. These are the terms upon which we carried the goods.’ In my judgment, these rights did not arise
or come into existence at the time the carriers took possession of the goods … The rights were rights
created by the contract which became exercisable at the moment of time when the goods had been carried.
The rights which were conferred on the carriers by condition 13 of the contract are conveniently and
accurately described as a ‘lien,’ but you do not by so describing them alter their character. They are
conveniently described as ‘a possessory lien,’ because it is only if the carriers have possession that they
can be exercised. But to say that a lien, because it is so described, does not come into existence until
possession is assumed is to reason falsely. Contractual rights come into existence at the time of the
contract creating them notwithstanding that they may not be exercisable except upon the happening of a
future event …
There was nothing remarkable about the contract. It was simply a contract for the carriage of goods
incorporating the Conditions of Carriage of the Road Haulage Association. It was, in my judgment, clearly a
contract into which, so long as the charge created by the debenture was a floating charge, the company
could, consistently with the terms of the debenture, properly enter into. It was, as I have indicated, a
contract which was not determined by the effect of the appointment of the receiver. The receiver might, so I
will assume, have repudiated it before the carriers started the journey, so preventing the carriers obtaining
possession of the goods and carrying out their obligations under it. He did not do so. How then could the
receiver or the debenture holder as assignee of the goods and of the rights of the company under the
contract be in any better position than would the (p. 619) company have been to insist at the end of the
journey that the goods be handed over without making the payments for which condition 13 provided? In my
judgment, Mr. Tugendhat was right in his contention that the assignment to the debenture holder brought
about by the appointment of the receiver was subject to the rights already given by the company to other
persons under ordinary trading contracts. As against the company, the carriers on arriving at the door of the
consignees at Gravesend could have withheld the goods against payment, and in my judgment, the
debenture holder as assignee from the company can be in no better position. The debenture holder as
assignee of the company’s rights under the contract can be in no better position than any other assignee of
the company’s rights under the contract …
Treatment of floating charges on the company’s liquidation
The point has already been made that floating charges can be a vulnerable form of security. Certain statutory
provisions cut down the effectiveness of the floating charges on liquidation or administration, by giving priority to
other debts (eg the costs of liquidation and administration, preferred debts and unsecured debts (at least to the
extent of a statutory proportion of the floating charge assets)): the statutory provisions are noted at ‘Debenture
holders’ remedies and the protection afforded by charges’, pp 599ff, and their effect is considered in more detail in
Chapter 16.
In addition, IA 1986 s 245 avoids certain floating charges not given for ‘new consideration’ in the runup to
liquidation or administration. The intention is to prevent unsecured creditors from securing existing debts when the
company is in difficulty, and thus obtaining an advantage over other unsecured creditors. IA 1986 s 245 provides
that, subject to certain qualifications, a floating charge (not a fixed charge) that is created within 12 months of a
liquidation or an administration shall be invalid except to the extent that the charge holder advances ‘new money’
or supplies goods or services to the company. This rule does not apply, at least in the normal case, if it is shown
that the company immediately after the creation of the charge was solvent. But stricter conditions are applicable
where the floating charge is given in favour of a person who is ‘connected’ with the company (see IA 1986 s 435,
including, eg, a director or major shareholder, or a close relative of either, or an associated company). In this case
the 12month period is extended to two years, and the exemption on the ground of solvency is not available.
A floating charge which has already been redeemed cannot be attacked under IA 1986 s 245, but the
payment of the debt may be open to challenge as a preference.
[12.16] Re Parkes Garage (Swadlincote) Ltd [1929] 1 Ch 139 (Chancery Division)
On 15 June, the (insolvent) company executed a floating charge to secure debts owed to a group of its creditors.
On 27 July, the company received a sum of money from the purchaser of part of its business, and used this sum
to pay off the group of creditors, who endorsed a memorandum of discharge on the debenture. On 14 September, a
windingup order was made on the petition of another creditor. It was held that the then equivalent of IA 1986 s 245
could not be invoked to compel repayment of the moneys once the debenture had been redeemed, but the court
indicated that it was open to the liquidator to challenge the transaction as a fraudulent preference.23
EVE J: Having regard to the facts which I have stated, about which there is no dispute, it is quite obvious
that the learned county court judge had no option but to declare the charge to be invalid, (p. 620) and he so
did. That part of his judgment, however, was not of much practical importance, because the charge had
been satisfied by the payments which had been made, and it was then argued that the declaration of
invalidity involved the further question: whether the debenture was still subsisting for any purpose, and if so
were the simple contract debts, to secure which it had been issued, merged in the covenant contained in
the debenture. An argument on those lines was addressed to the learned judge, at the conclusion of which
he held that the simple contract debts were merged, and forgetting for the moment the limited extent to
which he had declared the debenture invalid, he referred to the whole debenture as invalid, and held that the
simple contract debts having been merged, and the debenture being invalid, the creditors were not entitled
to retain the money paid to them through their trustee on 27 July.
At the first hearing the learned judge had not declared, nor could he declare, the debenture invalid; all he
could declare invalid was the charge therein contained. The rest of the document, the covenants to pay
principal and interest, survived and was valid, for nothing in s 212 [IA 1986 s 245] affects them. The position
therefore was that the simple contract creditors, by their trustee, who was the covenantee, were entitled to
the benefit of the covenants to pay principal and interest, and on 27 July, when the company was in
sufficient funds to pay the principal and interest, they had no alternative but to pay the same, and the
trustee cannot on this summons be ordered to repay. But having regard to what has been disclosed in
these proceedings, that the company was hopelessly insolvent from the beginning of March down to the
date of the windingup order, and that the effect of the payments to these halfdozen creditors on 27 July
was to apply the whole available assets of the company to the payment of their debts in full and to leave
other creditors whose debts largely exceeded the aggregate amount paid to the halfdozen unprovided for,
raises a doubt whether the whole transaction, which culminated in the payments on 27 July, was not in the
nature of a fraudulent preference. We desire therefore to give the liquidator an opportunity of considering the
position from this standpoint, and in allowing this appeal to state that the order is without prejudice to any
application to set aside the payments or to question the validity of the debenture on the ground of its being
a fraudulent preference or on any other grounds which the liquidator may think fit to advance …
MAUGHAM J concurred.
➤ Note
Re Park es Garage was followed in Mace Builders (Glasgow) Ltd v Lunn [1987] Ch 191, [1987] BCLC 55,
where the debenture holder had put in a receiver to enforce the charge and the receiver had sold the charged
assets before the commencement of the winding up. Although the charge had been created within 12 months
of the liquidation, and at a time when the company was insolvent, it was held that the provision corresponding
to IA 1986 s 245 (Companies Act 1948 (CA 1948) s 322) was inapplicable: transactions completed before the
liquidation were not affected by the section.
The phrase ‘money24 paid to the company’ in IA 1986 s 245 includes cheques met by a bank on the
company’s behalf.
[12.17] Re Yeovil Glove Co Ltd [1965] Ch 148 (Court of Appeal)
The company had gone into liquidation having unsecured debts totalling £94,000 and an overdraft with the National
Provincial Bank Ltd amounting to £67,000. This overdraft was secured by a floating charge given less than 12
months previously. During the currency of (p. 621) the charge the bank had met cheques drawn by the company
amounting to £110,000, and received some £111,000 for payment into the company’s account. (There were in fact
four accounts, but this is not important.) The unsecured creditors attacked the security under CA 1948 s 322
(broadly comparable with IA 1986 s 245), alleging that no ‘cash’ had been ‘paid to the company’ by the bank within
the meaning of that section; but the court treated the bank’s acts in meeting the company’s cheques as
equivalent. It followed that, by virtue of the rule in Clayton’s case,25 the bank could claim that the whole of the
£67,000 was cash advanced subsequently to the creation of the charge, so that the security was valid for this
HARMAN LJ: [The] only question which arises is whether there was cash paid to the company at the time
of or subsequently to the creation of, and in consideration for, the charge. It was admittedly created within
twelve months of the winding up at a time when the company was insolvent. It is further agreed that so far
as the overdraft was incurred before the date of the floating charge, the charge would not be a valid security
for it. The liquidator’s claim is a simple one, namely, that as neither cash nor a covenant to pay cash was
made at the time of the execution of the document, there was no consideration for it in the legal sense of
that term except the bank’s immediate forbearance. This seemed to me, I confess, an attractive argument
It was argued that consideration in law is a wellknown term and ought to receive its ordinary meaning, and
that subsequent payments provided by the bank to defray the company’s daytoday outgoings or wages or
salaries or indebtedness to its suppliers by cheque would not be consideration in law for the execution of a
charge bearing an earlier date unless those payments were made in pursuance of a promise contained in,
or made at or before the date of, the charge itself. It was, however, pointed out that such subsequent
payments would in fact not be made in consideration for the charge, but in consideration for the promise.
Now it is apparent on the fact of the section that cash subsequently paid to the company may be within the
exception if so paid in consideration for the anterior charge, and the argument is that the words ‘in
consideration for’ in this section cannot, therefore, be used in the technical sense, but mean ‘by reason of’
or ‘having regard to the existence of’ the charge. Oddly enough, there is no reported decision on these
words, nor are they discussed in any of the wellknown textbooks. There has, however, come to light a
decision of Lord Romer, when a judge of first instance, in Re Thomas Mortimer Ltd,26 in 1925, a decision on
the corresponding section of the Companies (Consolidation) Act 1908, which was in the same terms as the
present section except that the period was three instead of twelve months. A transcript of this judgment
was before us. The facts of that case were, I think, indistinguishable from those of the present, and Romer J
held that payments by the bank after the date of the charge were made in consideration for the charge …
That decision, if right, is enough to cover the present question, and Plowman J [at first instance] so held …
In the instant case some £111,000, representing its trading receipts, was paid into the no 1 account by the
company between the date of the charge and the appointment of the receiver, and the bank paid out during
the same period about £110,000. Those payments were either made directly to or to the order of the
company, or were transfers to the no 3 and no 4 accounts against advances previously made to the
company to defray wages or salaries. All the company’s accounts were at all times overdrawn, so that
every payment was a provision of new money by means of which, on the figures, it is overwhelmingly
probable that all the creditors existing at the date of the charge were in fact paid off.
There arises at this point the consideration which has given me most trouble in this case, namely, that as
the no 1 account was carried on after as well as before the charge in precisely the same way, the bank
would be entitled in accordance with the rule in Clayton’s case, to treat payments in (p. 622) as being in
satisfaction of the earliest advances made. The result is startling, for thus the bank pays itself out of
moneys received subsequent to the charge for the whole of the company’s indebtedness to it prior to the
charge, and which was admittedly not covered by it. The result is that the whole of the precharge
indebtedness is treated as paid off, and the bank is left bound to set off against its postcharge advances
only the excess received after satisfying the company’s precharge indebtedness. This would seem largely
to nullify the effect of the section in the case of a company having at the date of the charge a largely
overdrawn account with its bank, and which continues to trade subsequently. Of course, if at the date of the
charge a line were drawn in the bank’s books and a new account opened, then the company could
successfully argue that payments out by the bank subsequent to the charge were, within a few hundred
pounds, wholly repaid by the company from its trading receipts, with the result that no substantial sum
would be due on the charge. It was, however, held by Romer J in Re Thomas Mortimer
Ltd that Clayton’s case be applied with the result stated, and I can see no escape from it, nor in spite of
frequent pressing by the court did the appellant’s counsel put forward any alternative … [It] follows, if the
decision in Re Thomas Mortimer Ltd be right, that there is admittedly nothing left for the unsecured
creditors. In my judgment Romer J’s decision was right, and was rightly followed by Plowman J in the
present case.
fallacy in the appellant’s argument lies, in my opinion, in the theory that, because the company’s payments
into the bank after the date of the charge were more or less equal to the payments out by the bank during
the same period, no ‘new money’ was provided by the bank. This is not the fact. Every such payment was
in fact new money having regard to the state of the company’s accounts, and it was in fact used to pay the
company’s creditors. That the indebtedness remained approximately at the same level was due to the fact
that this was the limit set by the bank to the company’s overdraft. I can find no reason to compel the bank
to treat all payments in after the charge as devoted to postcharge indebtedness. The law is in fact the other
way …
WILLMER and RUSSELL LJJ delivered concurring judgments.
➤ Note
The exception to IA 1986 s 245 discussed in the Yeovil Glove case applies only where the money in question
is paid, or the goods or services supplied, to the company ‘at the same time as, or after, the creation of the
charge’ (s 245(2)). There has recently been some debate in the cases about the meaning of this phrase: how
nearly contemporaneous must the payment and the execution of the charge document be? In the past, this
question was treated rather loosely, a delay of even two months or so being thought unimportant if the
payment was made in anticipation of and in reliance on the creation of the charge. But in Power v Sharp
Investments Ltd [1994] 1 BCLC 111, CA (also known as Re Shoe Lace Ltd), the Court of Appeal, agreeing
with Hoffmann J in the court below, held that, while the question was one of fact and degree, a delay of any
substantial length—although not, perhaps, the time taken to have a coffeebreak—would be fatal to the
application of the exception.
➤ Questions
1. What do you think are the policy reasons behind the enactment of IA 1986 s 245?
2. What do you think are the policy reasons behind the enactment of IA 1986 s 40 (see ‘Distribution of assets
subject to the receivership’, pp 787ff)?
Distinguishing between fixed and floating charges
The previous sections indicate the need to distinguish between fixed and floating charges, and the substantial
attractions to the charge holder in having a charge classified as fixed rather than floating. Lenders therefore devote
considerable energy to drafting charges that (p. 623) will be construed as fixed rather than floating. Before
considering the case extracts, several general points can be made.
(i) Prior to 1986, it was possible for the holder of a floating charge to evade the disadvantageous statutory
rules simply by showing that the charge had crystallised (and thereby become a fixed charge) before the
commencement of the liquidation or other relevant statutory date.27 This loophole was quickly eliminated by
IA 1986 s 251, which provides that ‘floating charge’ means ‘a charge which, as created, was a floating
charge’. Despite this setback, lenders have not been discouraged from seeking to achieve the same end
result with ever more astutely worded documents.
(ii) In Agnew v Commissioner of Inland Revenue (Re Brumark ) [12.19] (one of the leading cases in this area),
the Privy Council held that, in analysing a charge agreement to determine whether it creates a fixed or a
floating charge, the court’s task is not to discover whether the parties intended to create a fixed or floating
charge and then give effect to their intention. The court’s task is to discover what rights the parties intended
to create, and then to decide whether, as a matter of law, those rights constitute a fixed or a floating charge.
See Lord Millett at [12.19].
(iii) In the Irish case Re Armagh Shoes Ltd [1984] BCLC 405, Hutton J held that the fact that a document by
its express words purports to create a fixed or specific charge does not prevent the court from construing the
charge as a floating one. The judge in that case was also prepared to infer from the terms of the charge as a
whole that the company had a licence to deal with the assets charged in the ordinary course of its business,
even though this was not stated. More unusually, the courts have also held that a charge described as
floating could, as a matter or law, be fixed: Russell Cook e Trust Co Ltd v Elliott [2007] EWHC 1443 (Ch),
[2007] 2 BCLC 637.
(iv) In Re Brightlife Ltd [12.12], in considering the scope of the freedom to deal with the charged assets,
Hoffmann J held that a charge over book debts which was expressed to be a fixed charge, and imposed
some restrictions on the use of the charged assets, was in reality a floating charge. He said, at 209:
Although clause 3(A)(ii)(a) speaks of a ‘first specific charge’ over the book debts and other debts, the
rights over the debts created by the debenture were in my judgment such as to be categorised in law
as a floating charge …
It is true that clause 5(ii) does not allow Brightlife to sell, factor or discount debts without the written
consent of Norandex [the debentureholder]. But a floating charge is consistent with some restriction
upon the company’s freedom to deal with its assets. For example, floating charges commonly contain
a prohibition upon the creation of other charges ranking prior to or pari passu with the floating charge.
Such dealings would otherwise be open to a company in the ordinary course of its business. In this
debenture, the significant feature is that Brightlife was free to collect its debts and pay the proceeds
into its bank account. Once in the account, they would be outside the charge over debts and at the
free disposal of the company. In my judgment a right to deal in this way with the charged assets for
its own account is a badge of a floating charge and is inconsistent with a fixed charge.
(v) Despite this, freedom to deal with the charged assets is clearly a relative rather than an absolute
concept, and some degree of freedom is not incompatible with a charge being a fixed charge. In Re Cimex
Tissues Ltd [1994] BCLC 626, a charge over plant and machinery was held to be a fixed charge even though
it was contemplated that some of the items of plant might be replaced from time to time as they wore out.
(p. 624) (vi) Nevertheless, it is precisely this issue of control over the use of the charged assets which
plagues analysis (along with the related issue of control over their proceeds, as, eg with a charge over book
debts, where it is relevant to look at the related control over their proceeds). Suppose the charge holder is a
bank with a charge over a company’s book debts: if use of the proceeds of the book debts is not controlled
at all, then the charge is floating (Re Brightlife Ltd [12.12], although in this case the chargee was not itself a
bank); and if use of the proceeds is completely restricted, then the charge is fixed (Re Keenan Bros
Ltd [1986] BCLC 242, where the chargee bank stipulated that the account could not be drawn against
without the countersignature of one of its officers). But if neither the freedom nor the control is absolute, then
a judgement is required. In Siebe Gorman & Co Ltd v Barclays Bank Ltd [1979] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 142, for
example, the company was forbidden to deal with the book debts before collection in certain specified ways
but not in every conceivable way; there was also a right to obtain absolute control by giving notice, but this
right was never exercised. The charge was held by Slade J to be a fixed charge, but his decision was
overruled 25 years later by the House of Lords in Spectrum[12.20].
(vii) Clearly there are limits to what can be achieved by drafting alone. In Royal Trust Bank v National
Westminster Bank plc [1996] 2 BCLC 699, CA, an instrument creating a charge over book debts gave the
chargee bank the right to demand that the company should open a dedicated account and pay all moneys
received on the collection of the debts into that account, but the bank never exercised this right, and in
practice moneys collected went into the company’s ordinary trading account. The charge was held by Millett
LJ to be floating. (All three members of the court concurred in the result; Nourse LJ on other grounds, and
Swinford Thomas LJ without giving reasons.)
(viii) Similarly, in Re Double S Printers Ltd [1999] 1 BCLC 220 the chargee, as a director of the company,
had de facto control over the proceeds of the charged book debts since he had actual control of the bank
account, but this was not backed by any contractual restraint on their disposal in the instrument itself. As in
the Royal Trust Bank case, it was held that the company’s freedom (at least in law) to deal led to the
conclusion that the charge was floating.
(ix) More imaginative structures have been adopted. Perhaps the most notorious is that which was
successfully proposed in Re New Bullas Trading Ltd [12.18](although subsequently held to be wrong by the
Privy Council in Brumark [12.19], and now overruled by the House of Lords in Spectrum [12.20]). In New
Bullas, the company granted a charge over book debts which was expressed to be a fixed charge over the
uncollected book debts and a floating charge over their proceeds. The Court of Appeal, overruling Knox J,
held that this was possible. The decision caused a good deal of controversy. It was followed in Australia
(Whitton v CAN 003 266 886 Pty Ltd (1997) 42 NSWLR 123) but disowned by the New Zealand Court of
Appeal (Re Brumark Investments Ltd, Commissioner of Inland Revenue v Agnew [2000] 1 BCLC 353, [2000]
1 NZLR 223). The Privy Council subsequently upheld the Brumark ruling, and held that New Bullas was
wrongly decided: see [12.19].
(x) It is apparent from all of this that, of the three attributes of the floating charge identified by Romer LJ in Re
York shire Woolcombers Ltd (cited in [12.04]), it is the third—the trading power—which is normally regarded
as crucial. The other two features, while characteristic of most floating charges, are less essential: in Bond
Worth [12.07] two of the classes of assets affected were not ‘present and future’ but exclusively present (the
goods) and exclusively future (the proceeds) respectively. And in Welch v Bowmak er (Ireland) Ltd [1980] IR
251 the second of the criteria—the expectation that the class of assets would be turned over in the course of
business—was lacking: a charge over a parcel of land presently owned by the company was ruled to be a
floating charge.
(p. 625) (xi) This makes it rather extraordinary that in Re Atlantic Computer Systems plc [1992] Ch 505, CA
(followed on similar facts in Re Atlantic Medical Ltd[1993] BCLC 386), the Court of Appeal appears to have
been influenced almost entirely by the fact that the property affected by the charge was specific (rental
moneys payable to the company under existing, identified computerleasing agreements) in holding that the
charge was a fixed charge. The fact that this property was not ‘ambulatory and shifting in nature’ seems to
have been regarded as conclusive in itself, even though the rental moneys when received by the company
were used by it in the ordinary course of business and the instrument did not prohibit this. Since this is a
ruling of the Court of Appeal, it must be accorded due weight; but after the decisions of the Privy Council
in Brumark [12.19] and the House of Lords in Spectrum [12.20] (neither of which referred to these cases),
their authority must now be regarded as questionable.
A fixed charge may be created over book debts, including future book debts, but will be treated as a
floating charge if the chargor is free to realise or collect the debts for his own account.
[12.18] Re New Bullas Trading Ltd [1994] 1 BCLC 485 (Court of Appeal)
This case, now overruled, is not extracted here, but given its notoriety and the continued reference to it in
subsequent cases, it seems sensible to give it some attention. The case was decided on the basis of the
contractual freedom of the parties to do what they proposed, in the absence of contrary arguments based on public
policy. Reaction to the Court of Appeal decision was probably the impetus for the subsequent radical overhaul and
a more tightly reasoned judicial approach to this area.
The company had executed a security document in favour of 3i plc which purported to create a fixed charge over
book debts, so long as they remained uncollected, but when the proceeds of the debts had been collected and
paid into a designated bank account (unless written instructions to the contrary were given by 3i) the moneys so
received were released from the fixed charge and became subject to a floating charge. At first instance, Knox J
held that the charge was a floating charge throughout and that in consequence the company’s preferential
creditors were entitled in a receivership to priority under IA 1986 s 40 as regards the uncollected debts. The Court
of Appeal reversed this decision, holding that there were commercial advantages for both parties in these
arrangements (having a fixed charge over the uncollected debts and a floating charge over the proceeds when
collected); that the parties were free to agree to such terms; and that the wording of the debenture did have the
effect of making the security over the uncollected book debts a fixed charge.
➤ Note
The ruling in this case was strongly criticised by Professor Goode (‘Charges over Book Debts: A Missed
Opportunity’ (1994) 110 LQR 592). In his view, it is not possible to create separate security interests over a
debt and its proceeds: all that it is possible to have is a single, continuous security interest which moves from
debts to proceeds. If the chargee does not retain sufficient control over the proceeds when collected, the
charge, ‘as created’, must be regarded as a floating charge. This is because ‘the distinctive feature of debts
as an object of security is that they are realised by payment, upon which they cease to exist’.
Goode’s view later received support from Millett LJ in Royal Trust Bank v National Westminster Bank
plc [1996] 2 BCLC 682, where he said (at 704): ‘while it is obviously possible to distinguish between a capital
asset and its income, I do not see how it can be possible to separate a debt or other receivable from the
proceeds of its realisation’.
New Bullas drew comment from other academic commentators. Griffin (1995) 46 Northern Ireland Law
Quarterly 163, in reply to Professor Goode, condemned the notion that a charge (p. 626) over book debts and
their proceeds must always be of an indivisible nature as ‘misconceived’. A similar view was taken by
McLauchlan in (2000) 116 LQR 211. Worthington, in contrast (1997) 113 LQR 563, while not supporting the
view that a book debt and its proceeds constitute an indivisible asset, considered that the wrong conclusion
had been reached in New Bullas because the security arrangement had left the chargor free to remove the
charged assets from the ambit of the security without recourse to the chargee.
In the event, it is this last view which has been upheld. The Privy Council, in an appeal from New Zealand in
the case next cited, stated categorically that New Bullaswas wrongly decided and so it must be taken as
having been to all intents and purposes overruled.
[12.19] Agnew v Commissioner of Inland Revenue (Re Brumark Investments Ltd) [2001] UKPC 28, [2001] 2
AC 710 (Privy Council)
[See the shorter extract at [12.04].]
Brumark had given security over its book debts to its bank (Westpac) in terms which were indistinguishable from
those in New Bullas [12.18]—that is, which purported to make the debts subject to a fixed charge so long as they
were uncollected but a floating charge over the proceeds once they had been collected and received by the
company. The company was free to collect the debts for its own account and to use the proceeds in its business.
Brumark went into receivership and the receivers collected the outstanding debts. Fisher J at first instance held
that, as uncollected debts, they were subject to a fixed charge (as the parties had agreed) and, as such, not
subject to the claims of the company’s preferential creditors. The New Zealand Court of Appeal, declining to
follow New Bullas, held that the fact that the company was free to collect the debts for its own account (and so
remove them from the bank’s security) was inconsistent with the charge being a fixed charge. It was accordingly a
floating charge and the preferential creditors had a prior claim to the proceeds. This ruling was affirmed by the Privy
The opinion of the Judicial Committee was delivered by LORD MILLETT:… The question in this appeal is
whether a charge over uncollected book debts of a company which leaves the company free to collect them
and use the proceeds in the ordinary course of its business is a fixed charge or a floating charge.
[His Lordship set out the facts and the terms of the debenture and continued:] The question is whether the
company’s right to collect the debts and deal with their proceeds free from the security means that the
charge on the uncollected debts, though described in the debenture as fixed, was nevertheless a floating
charge until it crystallised by the appointment of the receivers. This is a question of characterisation. To
answer it their Lordships must examine the nature of a floating charge and ascertain the features which
distinguish it from a floating charge … [His Lordship traced the history of the floating charge, referring to
cases from Re Panama, New Zealand and Australian Royal Mail Co28 to Re Cosslett (Contractors)
Ltd [12.08], emphasising in particular the following passage from the judgment of Vaughan Williams LJ
in Re York shire Woolcombers Association Ltd (cited in Re Cosslett (Contractors) Ltd [12.08]):
‘… but what you do require to make a specific security is that the security whenever it has once
come into existence, and been identified and appropriated as a security, shall never thereafter at the
will of the mortgagor cease to be a security. If at the will of the mortgagor he can dispose of it and
prevent its being any longer a security, although something else may be substituted more or less for
it, that is not a “specific security”’ (emphasis added).]
[His Lordship referred to the wording of the debentures in this case and in New Bullas and continued:] The
intended effect of the debenture was the same in each case. Until the charge holder (p. 627) intervened the
company could continue to collect the debts, though not to assign or factor them, and the debts once
collected would cease to exist. The proceeds which took their place would be a different asset which had
never been subject to the fixed charge and would from the outset be subject to the floating charge.
The question in New Bullas, as in the present case, was whether the book debts which were uncollected
when the receivers were appointed were subject to a fixed charge or a floating charge. …
The principal theme of the judgment [in New Bullas]… was that the parties were free to make whatever
agreement they liked. The question was therefore simply one of construction; unless unlawful the intention
of the parties, to be gathered from the terms of the debenture, must prevail. It was clear from the
descriptions which the parties attached to the charges that they had intended to create a fixed charge over
the book debts while they were uncollected and a floating charge over the proceeds. It was open to the
parties to do so, and freedom of contract prevailed.
Their Lordships consider this approach to be fundamentally mistaken. The question is not merely one of
construction. In deciding whether a charge is a fixed charge or a floating charge, the court is engaged in a
twostage process. At the first stage it must construe the instrument of charge and seek to gather the
intentions of the parties from the language they have used. But the object at this stage of the process is not
to discover whether the parties intended to create a fixed or a floating charge. It is to ascertain the nature of
the rights and obligations which the parties intended to grant each other in respect of the charged assets.
Once these have been ascertained, the court can then embark on the second stage of the process, which
is one of categorisation. This is a matter of law. It does not depend on the intention of the parties. If their
intention, properly gathered from the language of the instrument, is to grant the company rights in respect of
the charged assets which are inconsistent with the nature of a fixed charge, then the charge cannot be a
fixed charge however they may have chosen to describe it. … In construing a debenture to see whether it
creates a fixed or a floating charge, the only intention which is relevant is the intention that the company
should be free to deal with the charged assets and withdraw them from the security without the consent of
the holder of the charge; or, to put the question another way, whether the charged assets were intended to
be under the control of the company or of the charge holder.
[His Lordship considered and rejected an argument which had been upheld by the Court of Appeal in New
Bullas: that the book debts did not cease to be subject to the charge at the will of the company but that
they ceased to be subject to the charge because that was what the parties had agreed in advance when
they entered into the debenture. He also rejected as irrelevant a distinction which Fisher J had drawn
between a power on the part of the company to dispose of the debts (eg by factoring them) and a power
to consume them (by realising them). He continued:] Their Lordships turn finally to the questions which
have exercised academic commentators: whether a debt or other receivable can be separated from its
proceeds; whether they represent a single security interest or two; and whether a charge on book debts
necessarily takes effect as a single indivisible charge on the debts and their proceeds irrespective of the
way in which it may be drafted.
Property and its proceeds are clearly different assets. On a sale of goods the seller exchanges one asset
for another. Both assets continue to exist, the goods in the hands of the buyer and proceeds of sale in the
hands of the seller. If a book debt is assigned, the debt is transferred to the assignee in exchange for
money paid to the assignor. The seller’s former property right in the subject matter of the sale gives him an
equivalent property right in its exchange product. The only difference between realising a debt by
assignment and collection is that, on collection, the debt is wholly extinguished. As in the case of
alienation, it is replaced in the hands of the creditor by a different asset, viz its proceeds.
The Court of Appeal saw no reason to examine the conceptual problems further. They held that, even if a
debt and its proceeds are two different assets, the company was free to realise the uncollected debts, and
accordingly the charge on those assets (being the assets whose destination was in dispute) could not be a
fixed charge. There was simply no need to look at the proceeds at all. …
If the company is free to collect the debts, the nature of the charge on the uncollected debts cannot differ
according to whether the proceeds are subject to a floating charge or are not subject (p. 628) to any
charge. In each case the commercial effect is the same: the charge holder cannot prevent the company
from collecting the debts and having the free use of the proceeds. But it does not follow that the nature of
the charge on the uncollected book debts may not differ according to whether the proceeds are subject to a
fixed charge or a floating charge; for in the one case the charge holder can prevent the company from having
the use of the proceeds and in the other it cannot. The question is not whether the company is free to
collect the uncollected debts, but whether it is free to do so for its own benefit. …
To constitute a charge on book debts a fixed charge, it is sufficient to prohibit the company from realising
the debts itself, whether by assignment or collection. But … it is not inconsistent with the fixed nature of a
charge on book debts for the holder of the charge to appoint the company its agent to collect the debts for
its account and on its behalf. Siebe Gorman29 and Re Keenan [‘Distinguishing between fixed and floating
charges, point (vi), p 624] merely introduced an alternative mechanism for appropriating the proceeds to the
security. The proceeds of the debts collected by the company were no longer to be trust moneys but they
were required to be paid into a blocked account with the charge holder. The commercial effect was the
same: the proceeds were not at the company’s disposal. Such an arrangement is inconsistent with the
charge being a floating charge, since the debts are not available to the company as a source of its cash
flow. But their Lordships would wish to make it clear that it is not enough to provide in the debenture that
the account is a blocked account if it is not operated as one in fact. …
Their Lordships consider that New Bullas was wrongly decided.
[12.20] Re Spectrum Plus Ltd [2005] UKHL 41, [2005] 2 AC 680 (House of Lords)
The company granted a charge over its book debts to the bank, expressed to be ‘by way of specific charge’,
prohibiting disposal of the book debts and requiring the proceeds to be paid into an account with the chargee bank.
The bank permitted the company to draw on these proceeds for use in the ordinary course of business, subject to
certain restrictions. In its terms, the charge was in the same form as that which had been accepted by Slade J as
a fixed charge in Siebe Gorman.30 If it was a floating charge, the preferential creditors would be entitled to have
their debts paid out of the proceeds of the book debts in priority to the bank (IA 1986 s 175); if not, the bank would
be entitled to the whole of the proceeds. The amount at stake was relatively trivial (approximately £16,000). But the
case was run as a test case, with several hundred liquidations held up pending the resolution of the issue. The
debenture was in a form used by many banks and other commercial lenders. Indeed, the company had gone into
liquidation and took no part in the proceedings; the case was argued between the bank (as the secured creditor)
and the Crown (as preferential creditor in the liquidation (see ‘Distribution of assets subject to the receivership’, pp
LORD HOPE:… [I]t is competent for anyone to whom book debts may accrue in the future to create for
good consideration an equitable charge upon those book debts which will attach to them as soon as they
come into existence. But if this is to be effective as a fixed security everything depends on the way the
security agreement ensures that the charge over the book debts is fixed. It is not easy to reconcile the
company’s need to continue to collect and use these sums for its own business purposes with the lender’s
wish to escape from the priority which section 175(2)(b) of the 1986 Act gives to preferential debts …
There are, as Professor Sarah Worthington has pointed out, a limited number of ways to ensure that a
charge over book debts is fixed: An ‘Unsatisfactory Area of the Law’—Fixed and Floating Charges Yet
Again (2004) 1 International Corporate Rescue 175, 182. One is to prevent all dealings (p. 629) with the
book debts so that they are preserved for the benefit of the chargee’s security. … One can, of course, be
confident where this method is used that the book debts will be permanently appropriated to the security
which is given to the chargee. But a company that wishes to continue to trade will usually find the
commercial consequences of such an arrangement unacceptable. Another is to prevent all dealings with the
book debts other than their collection, and to require the proceeds when collected to be paid to the chargee
in reduction of the chargor’s outstanding debt. But this method too is likely to be unacceptable to a
company which wishes to carry on its business as normally as possible by maintaining its cash flow and
its working capital. A third is to prevent all dealings with the debts other than their collection, and to require
the collected proceeds to be paid into an account with the chargee bank. That account must then be
blocked so as to preserve the proceeds for the benefit of the chargee’s security. A fourth is to prevent all
dealings with the debts other than their collection and to require the collected proceeds to be paid into a
separate account with a third party bank. The chargee then takes a fixed charge over that account so as to
preserve the sums paid into it for the benefit of its security.
The method that was selected in this case comes closest to the third of these. It was selected, no doubt,
because it enabled the company to continue to trade as normally as possible while restricting it, at the
same time, to some degree as to what it could do with the book debts. The critical question is whether the
restrictions that it imposed went far enough. There is no doubt that their effect was to prevent the company
from entering into transactions with any third party in relation to the book debts prior to their collection. The
uncollected book debts were to be held exclusively for the benefit of the bank. But everything then
depended on the nature of the account with the bank into which the proceeds were to be paid under the
arrangement described in clause 5 of the debenture. As McCarthy J said in In re Keenan Bros Ltd [1986]
BCLC 242, 247, one must look, not at the declared intention of the parties alone, but to the effect of the
instruments whereby they purported to carry out that intention. Was the account one which allowed the
company to continue to use the proceeds of the book debts as a source of its cash flow or was it one
which, on the contrary, preserved the proceeds intact for the benefit of the bank’s security? Was it, putting
the point shortly, a blocked account?
I do not see how this question can be answered without examining the contractual relationship in regard to
that account between the bank and its customer. An account from which the customer is entitled to
withdraw funds whenever it wishes within the agreed limits of any overdraft is not a blocked account.
In Agnew v Comr of Inland Revenue [2001] 1 AC 710, 722, para 22 Lord Millett said that the critical feature
which led the Irish Supreme Court in In re Keenan Bros Ltd [1986] BCLC 242 to characterise the charge on
book debts as a fixed charge was that their proceeds were to be segregated in a blocked account where
they would be frozen and unusable by the company without the bank’s written consent. I respectfully agree.
… [He then considered the arrangements in Siebe Gorman and in this case, and decided that neither were
effective to block the account in the way required. He then continued:]
Should Siebe Gorman be overruled?
Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers MR [in this case in the Court of Appeal] said that, even if Slade J’s
construction of the debenture in Siebe Gorman & Co Ltd v Barclays Bank Ltd [1979] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 142 had
appeared to him to be erroneous, he would have been inclined to hold that the form of the debenture had, by
custom and usage, acquired the meaning and effect that he had attributed to it: [2004] Ch 337, 383, para
97. This was because the form had been used for 25 years under the understanding that this was its
meaning and effect. Banks had relied upon this understanding, and individuals had guaranteed the liabilities
of companies to banks on the understanding that the banks would be entitled to look first to their charges
on book debts unaffected by the claims of preferred creditors. The respondents say that this is the course
that ought now to be followed in the interests of commercial certainty.
… It is hard to think of an area of the law where the need for certainty is more important than that with
which your Lordships are concerned in this case. The commercial life of this country depends to a large
extent on the reliability of the security arrangements that are entered into between debtors (p. 630) and
their creditors. The law provides the context in which these arrangements are entered into, and it lays down
the rules that have to be applied when the arrangements break down. Mistakes as to the law can make all
the difference between success and failure when the creditor seeks to realise his security. So a heavy
responsibility lies on judges to provide the lending market with guidance that is accurate and reliable. This
is so that mistakes can be avoided and transactions entered into with confidence that they will achieve what
is expected of them.
These are powerful considerations, but I am in no doubt that the proper course is for the Siebe
Gorman decision to be overruled. … This is not one of those cases where there are respectable arguments
either way. With regret, the conclusion has to be that it is not possible to defend the decision on any
rational basis. It is not enough to say that it has stood for more than 25 years. The fact is that, like any
other first instance decision, it was always open to correction if the country’s highest appellate court was
persuaded that there was something wrong with it. Those who relied upon it must be taken to have been
aware of this. …
[He therefore held Siebe Gorman was wrong and should be overruled, and allowed the appeal.]
LORD WALKER: [Describing the essential difference between a fixed charge and a floating charge:] Under
a fixed charge the assets charged as security are permanently appropriated to the payment of the sum
charged, in such a way as to give the chargee a proprietary interest in the assets. So long as the charge
remains unredeemed, the assets can be released from the charge only with the active concurrence of the
chargee. The chargee may have good commercial reasons for agreeing to a partial release. If for instance a
bank has a fixed charge over a large area of land which is being developed in phases as a housing estate
(another example of a fixed charge on what might be regarded as trading stock) it might be shortsighted of
the bank not to agree to take only a fraction of the proceeds of sale of houses in the first phase, so enabling
the remainder of the development to be funded. But under a fixed charge that will be a matter for the
chargee to decide for itself.
Under a floating charge, by contrast, the chargee does not have the same power to control the security for
its own benefit. The chargee has a proprietary interest, but its interest is in a fund of circulating capital, and
unless and until the chargee intervenes (on crystallisation of the charge) it is for the trader, and not the
bank, to decide how to run its business. …
[He therefore held Siebe Gorman was wrong and should be overruled, and allowed the appeal.]
BARONESS HALE and LORDS SCOTT, NICHOLLS, STEYN and BROWN all delivered concurring
➤ Notes
1. Spectrum [12.20] and Brumark [12.19] are worth reading in full for a proper appreciation of the area.
The Spectrum case also addresses the issue of ‘prospective overruling’ by the House of Lords (pursuant to the
argument put by the bank that even if Siebe Gorman were overruled, the overruling should only have an impact on
charges created after the date of the decision). The Law Lords unanimously agreed the power existed, but refused
to exercise it in the circumstances.
2. Re SSSL Realisations Ltd [2004] EWHC 1760 (Ch), confirmed, if that were necessary, that it is possible to
create a charge only on the proceeds of collection of debts without charging the debts themselves at all.
3. In Arthur D Little Ltd v Ableco Finance LLC [2002] EWHC 701 (Ch), it was reaffirmed that a chargor may enjoy
the ‘fruits’ of the property that has been subjected to afixed charge, without thereby converting the charge to a
floating charge. Mr Roger Kaye QC said:
As Nicholls LJ put it in Re Atlantic Computer Systems Plc [1992] Ch 505 at 534G: ‘A mortgage of land
does not become a floating charge by reason of a mortgagor being permitted to remain in possession and
enjoy the fruits of the property charged from time to time.’ The receipt of dividends and other rights arising
by virtue of the shares seem to me to be examples of exploitation of the principal (p. 631) subject matter of
the charge, i.e. the shares. As Lord Millett again expressed in theBrumark case31 at page 727, paragraph
37: ‘The judge drew a distinction between a power of disposition and a power of consumption. There is
nothing he suggested inconsistent with a fixed charge in prohibiting the Company from disposing of the
charged asset to others, but allowing it to exploit the characteristics inherent in the nature of the asset
itself. Their Lordships agree with this.’
4. The reach of Spectrum has been tested in numerous cases now. In Re Rayford Homes Ltd (In Admin.
Rec.) [2011] EWHC 1948 (Ch), [2011] BCC 715, trustees involved in a priority dispute unsuccessfully argued that
the bank’s fixed charge over the company’s futureacquired investment property was on a proper analysis a floating
charge because when the property was sold, the company was free to draw on the proceeds and could keep any
excess after repayment of the advances referable to the property in question. David Richards J held that these
features did not affect the status of the charge as a fixed charge:
44 In my judgment, the essential difference between that case and the present lies in the difference in the
ability of the chargor company to deal with the charged property. Spectrum Plus Ltd was entitled to collect
book debts without any involvement or prior consent of the bank. In the present case, the company could
not realise any freehold or leasehold property without a release by the bank of its legal charge and the fixed
charge in the debenture. Indeed, assuming that the charges were registered at the Land Registry against
the title to each property as they were required to be (see cl.5 of the legal charges and cl.3.4 of the
debenture), the company could not make good title on an unencumbered transfer without the bank’s release
of its security.
45 By the terms of both the debenture and the legal charges, the charges stood as security for all monies
due to the bank. The provisions of the facility letter are not in conflict with the debenture and legal charges.
Paragraph 2.3.1 of the facility letter is a provision for repayment: the advances referable to a particular
property must be repaid on a sale of that property. It does not affect the extent of the bank’s security on the
property. It does not modify the terms of the legal charges, so that they are fixed charges securing only
repayment of the sums to which para. 2.3.1 refers.
46 It is always open to the holder of a fixed charge over property to release the charge on payment of less
than is secured by the charge, as specifically mentioned by Lord Walker of Gestingthorpe
in Spectrum [12.20] at [138]. The fact that the company is then free to use the surplus proceeds as it
wishes does not affect the status of the charge on the property as a fixed charge. For these reasons I
conclude that the fixed charge on futureacquired property in the debenture and the legal charges were and
are effective as fixed charges securing all monies due from the company to the bank.
5. Just as Cosslett [12.08] was something of a wakeup call in reminding parties that charges may arise when not
intended (and worse, turn out to be void), so too in Gray v GTP Group Ltd [2010] EWHC 1772 (Ch). In an action
by the liquidators (G), Vos J applied the Spectrum [12.20] reasoning to hold that a declaration of trust entered into
between the company in liquidation (F) and the respondent (G) was void as an unregistered floating charge on F’s
property. F sold laminated floors; G supplied store debit card services. Sums paid by F’s customers using the
debit cards were paid into a designated bank account. G held these balances on trust for F, and it was agreed that
‘except in the circumstances referred to in clause 3’ F was to have effective control over the account. Clause 3
gave G access to the account to recoup sums owed to it in defined circumstances, including F’s breach or F’s
insolvency. The judge concluded that Clause 3 created a charge, and that the charge was necessarily floating
since F could draw on the account at will, and the assets subject to the charge defined in Clause 3 were not to be
finally appropriated as a security for the payment of the debt until the occurrence of some future event.
(p. 632) ➤ Question
Does it follow from these decisions that the commercial objectives which New Bullas sought to meet are now
impossible to achieve? Draftsmen will clearly need to make sure that collections made by the company are
held for the chargee’s account (eg by being paid into a blocked bank account) and only after that released by
an act of the chargee into the chargor’s general funds. Can this be done in a way that is commercially
Avoiding the statutory regime for company securities
There are various practical mechanisms that can be adopted by way of ‘quasisecurity’ in order to gain some of the
benefits of being a secured creditor without the effort and expense (and possible disadvantages) of the fixed and
floating charge regime just described. To this end, creditors use conditional sales, hirepurchase arrangements,
trusts (eg building retention trusts, Quistclose trusts 32 ), and other such devices.
Retention of title agreements are considered here, simply by way of illustration.
Retention of title agreements
Most trading companies use bank overdrafts to meet their shortterm financial needs, and commonly also rely on
bank loans for longer term credit. Almost invariably, such advances will be secured by floating charges over all the
company’s assets, and possibly by an array of fixed charges as well. In the event of insolvency, the bank and
those creditors who are entitled to a statutory preference (see ‘Distribution of assets subject to the receivership’,
pp 787ff) are likely between them to claim all that the company has, leaving ordinary trade creditors with nothing.
Many commentators have considered this situation to be unfair—see, for example, the Cork Committee’s report
(Cmnd 8558, 1982, para 1950) and the remarks of Templeman J in Business Computers v AngloAfrican Leasing
Ltd [1977] 1 WLR 578 at 580. Admittedly, some of these criticisms centred on the statutory provisions that
accorded to the Crown status as a preferred creditor for many of the debts (including taxes) owed to the Crown.
This preference was abolished by the Enterprise Act 2002 (see ‘Liquidation or winding up’, p 788).
Nevertheless, even as regards the normal operation of floating charges, there is particular unfairness in relation to
those who supply the company with goods on credit—perhaps the raw materials needed for its manufacturing
processes. The goods delivered become subject immediately to the floating charge (if, as is usual, it affects future
property), even though it is the seller and not the bank who is providing this particular asset by way of credit. So
suppliers have endeavoured to protect themselves by ‘retention of title’ clauses. There is nothing novel about this:
the familiar hirepurchase agreement serves the same purpose. A Dutch supplier succeeded in defeating the
claims of a receiver in this way in the celebrated Romalpa case [12.21] in 1976.
[12.21] Aluminium Industrie Vaassen BV v Romalpa Aluminium Ltd [1976] 1 WLR 676 (Chancery Division
and Court of Appeal)
Aluminium foil was supplied by the plaintiffs, a Dutch company, to the defendants for processing in their factory. It
was stipulated in the contract of sale that ownership of the foil should not (p. 633) be transferred to the buyers
(the defendant purchasing company) until the price had been paid in full; that products made from the foil should
be kept by the buyers as bailees (the contract, which was a translation from a Dutch draft, used the unEnglish
expression ‘fiduciary owners’) separately from other stock, on the supplier’s behalf, as ‘surety’ for the outstanding
price; but that the buyers should have power to sell the manufactured articles in the ordinary course of business,
such sales to be made by them as the suppliers’ agents. Mocatta J, whose judgment was affirmed by the Court of
Appeal, held that the retention of title clause was effective to retain legal title to the aluminium in the hands of the
supplier; in addition, the suppliers could trace the price due to them into the proceeds of sales of the finished
goods made by the buyers, ahead of the latter’s secured and unsecured creditors.33
MOCATTA J: The preservation of ownership clause contains unusual and fairly elaborate provisions
departing substantially from the debtor/creditor relationship and shows, in my view, the intention to create a
fiduciary relationship to which the [tracing] principle stated in Re Hallett’s Estate34 applies. A further point
made by Mr Pickering was that if the plaintiffs were to succeed in their tracing claim this would, in effect, be
a method available against a liquidator to a creditor of avoiding the provisions establishing the need to
register charges on book debts: see s 95(1), (2)(e) of the Companies Act 1948 [now see CA 2006 s 859A].
He used this only as an argument against the effect of clause 13 contended for by Mr Lincoln. As to this, I
think Mr Lincoln’s answer was well founded, namely, that if property in the foil never passed to the
defendants with the result that the proceeds of subsales belonged in equity to the plaintiffs, s 95(1) had no
The plaintiffs accordingly succeeded and are entitled to the reliefs sought.
[The decision of Mocatta J was affirmed by the Court of Appeal.]
➤ Notes
1. Since this decision, draftsmen of suppliers’ contracts have endeavoured to adopt and improve upon
‘Romalpa clauses’ with varying success. In those cases where the goods sold are still in the hands of the
company and identifiable, the supplier has usually been successful. But in other cases the danger is that the
court will hold that a charge has been created, which may be void in a subsequent insolvency for non
registration under CA 2006 ss 859Aff and will, in any event, probably rank after the bank.
2. The reach of retention of title clauses is a matter of contractual interpretation. In Sandhu (t/a Isher Fashions
UK) v Jet Star Retailer Ltd (In Administration) [2011] EWCA Civ 459, CA, the Court of Appeal rejected the
seller’s claim for conversion/wrongful interference of goods subject to a retention of title clause. An express
clause enabled the seller to withdraw the buyer’s authority to deal with the goods in the ordinary course of
business. However, until such withdrawal was made, on a proper construction, the court was satisfied that it
had been the parties’ contemplation that the buyer be permitted to continue to deal with the goods (in
whatever ways it desired) even after it had become insolvent. By contrast, in Wincanton Group Ltd v Garbe
Logisitics UK 1 SARL, Jenk s Sales Brok ers Ltd (In Administration) [2011] EWHC 905 (Ch), it was agreed
that title to certain industrial storage racks would not pass to Wincanton until all outstanding debts in relation
to certain works had been met. The condition was not satisfied, so W could not claim title.
3. Re Bond Worth Ltd [12.07] established that an attempt to reserve a mere equitable title (at least in a case
where the buyer was free to resell) created a charge in the nature of a (p. 634) floating charge, which was void
unless registered; and later cases have held that the same result follows where the manufacturing process is
such as to destroy the identity of the raw material which was originally supplied: Borden (UK) Ltd v Scottish
Timber Products Ltd [1981] Ch 25 (resin used in making chipboard); Re Peachdart Ltd [1984] Ch 131 (leather
used for handbags).
4. In regard to claims against the proceeds of sale, suppliers have not been successful unless the clause has
created a duty to keep the moneys separate from other funds: Hendy Lennox (Industrial Engines) Ltd v
Grahame Puttick Ltd [1984] 1 WLR 485. Even then, the natural inference is that a charge has been created,
since almost invariably the amount of the price owing to the supplier will be part only of the proceeds of
resale: E Pfeiffer Weink ellereiWeineink auf GmbH & Co v Arbuthnot Factors Ltd [1988] 1 WLR 150, [1987]
BCLC 522; Compaq Computers Ltd v Abercorn Group Ltd [1993] BCLC 602.
5. There have been pleas for reform of the law so as to make all contracts containing retention of title clauses
(and presumably also hirepurchase and leasing contracts) registrable as charges. The Diamond Report
(1989), paras 17.8ff and 23.6.10, proposed that a distinction should be drawn between ‘simple’ clauses, which
do no more than retain title to the actual goods sold, or their proceeds if resold, but only in regard to a claim
for the original price, and more complex clauses, such as those which purport to assert title to a
manufactured product. Professor Diamond recommended that the law should be clarified by a statutory
provision which declares the latter category to be registrable as charges and the former to be exempt. These
recommendations have not been taken up by the legislature, and the question has been left in limbo during
the past two decades and more while various groups have been debating possible reforms to the charges
registration system (see ‘Further reform of the registration system’, pp 604ff).
6. IA 1986 s 15 empowers an administrator, with the leave of the court, to sell property affected by such
contracts free from the supplier’s interest on terms that the net proceeds are paid in discharge of the debt due
to the supplier. (See, eg, Sandhu (t/a Isher Fashions UK) v Jet Star Retailer Ltd (In Administration) [2011]
EWCA Civ 459, CA.)
Further Reading
ATHERTON, S and MOKAL, RJ, ‘Charges over Chattels: Issues in the Fixed/Floating Jurisprudence’ (2005)
26 Company Lawyer 163.
Find This Resource
BERG, A, ‘The Cuckoo in the Nest of Corporate Insolvency: Some Aspects of the Spectrum Case’ [2006] JBL
Find This Resource
GOODE, R, ‘The Case for the Abolition of the Floating Charge’ in J Getzler and J Payne (eds), Company
Charges: Spectrum and Beyond (2006), ch 2.
Find This Resource
LOI, K, ‘Quistclose Trusts and Romalpa Clauses: Substance and Nemo Dat in Corporate Insolvency’ [2012]
LQR 412.
Find This Resource
PENNINGTON, R, ‘Recent Developments in the Law and Practice Relating to the Creation of Security for
Companies’ Indebtedness’ (2009) 30 Company Lawyer 163.
Find This Resource
WORTHINGTON, S, ‘An “Unsatisfactory Area of the Law”—Fixed and Floating Charges Yet Again’ (2004)
1 International Corporate Rescue 175.
Find This Resource
1 See M Bridge, H Beale, L Gullifer and E Lomnicka, The Law of Security and TitleBased Financing (2nd edn,
2012) and M Bridge, L Gullifer, G McMeel and S Worthington, The Law of Personal Property (2013).
2 A lender may, however, be protected from the effect of such restrictions by the internal management rules (‘The
“indoor management rule”’, pp 124ff), by Companies Act 2006 (CA 2006) ss 39–40, or by a provision in the articles.
3 To do so would infringe the Bills of Sale Acts of 1878 and 1882 (which do not apply to companies), and in any
event it would be impossible to describe specifically the goods affected where these are to include assets acquired
in the future. The Cork Committee recommended that it should be made possible for an individual to create a
floating charge for business purposes: see (Cmnd 8558, 1982), para 1569. Also see P Giddins, ‘Floating
Mortgages by Individuals: Are They Conceptually Possible?’ (2011) 3 Butterworths Journal of International Bank ing
and Financial Law 125.
4 The term ‘book debts’ is well established in English law, although its exact scope is unclear. Broadly speaking,
in the present context it is used to describe the sums due to a company for goods sold or services rendered which
have been, or are due to be, invoiced but have not yet been paid. There is growing support for the American
expression ‘receivables’, which is more or less equivalent.
5 A ‘receiver’ takes control of all the assets that are subject to the charge. If the charge covers the entirety of the
assets and undertaking of the company, or almost so, then the receiver is typically also given power to administer
the company’s business, and is then called an ‘administrative receiver’. A charge with this breadth is generally
necessarily a combination of fixed and floating charges. The ability of such a chargee to appoint an administrative
receiver is now curtailed by the Insolvency Act 1986 (IA 1986): see ‘Administrative receivership’, pp 779ff.
6 The charges described in this chapter are all created by agreement between the parties. Charges may also
sometimes be created by operation of law (and then are referred to as equitable liens, although note that, despite
the name, the rights associated with them mirror the nonstatutory rights associated with equitable charges, and
not the rights associated with contractual liens, which are quite different), but these equitable liens are not relevant
for present purposes.
7 A voluminous literature exists on floating charges, covering both practical and theoretical aspects. See
especially J Getzler and J Payne (eds), Company Charges: Spectrum and Beyond (2006), and that provides
reference to much of the earlier literature.
8 Re Panama, New Zealand and Australian Royal Mail Co (1870) 5 Ch App 318, CA, provided early confirmation
that this is possible.
9 See Explanatory Notes available at:
10 Under CA 2006 ss 894(1) and 1292(1).
11 But see Smith v Bridgend County Borough Council [2001] UKHL 58, [2002] AC 336 (the appeal
of Cosslett [12.08]), Lord Hoffmann:
When a windingup order is made and a liquidator appointed, there is no divesting of the company’s assets.
The liquidator acquires no interest, whether beneficially or as trustee. The assets continue to belong to the
company but the liquidator is able to exercise the company’s right to collect them for the purposes of the
liquidation … It must in my opinion follow that when [Companies Act 1985 (CA 1985)] s 395 [now CA 2006
s 874] says that the charge shall be ‘void against the liquidator’, it means void against a company acting by
its liquidator, that is to say, a company in liquidation.
The same analysis applies to administration.
12 Although interestingly the final version of the Regulations omits any specific reference to constructive notice. An
earlier draft included s 859R, which explicitly provided for deemed constructive notice in relation to ‘any matter
requiring registration and disclosed on the register’, although the provision remained within square brackets with
the accompanying explanatory notes issued by BIS inviting further comments on the issue:
13 See Wilson v Kelland [1910] 2 Ch 306. Also see J de Lacy, ‘Constructive Notice and Company Charge
Registration’ [2001] Conveyancer 122.
Paragraph 28, ‘Government response: consultation on registration of charges created by companies and limited
liability partnerships’ (December 2010); available
15 Eg Re Armagh Shoes Ltd [1984] BCLC 405 per Hutton J, holding that the charge was floating even though
stated to be fixed. Although there was no provision for crystallisation, this did not matter: the charge would
crystallise on the winding up of the company or the appointment of a receiver (at 408–411, 419). Also see Re
Brightlife Ltd [1987] Ch 200, 209 per Hoffmann J (see [12.12]). There is a vast body of precedent, going back to the
earliest Bills of Sale Acts last century, concerned with the question of whether a composite transaction such as a
sale and leaseback is what it purports to be or is in reality a concealed form of charge. For contrasting modern
illustrations, see Welsh Development Agency v Export Finance Co Ltd [1992] BCLC 148, CA (agency with power
to sell held genuine) and Re Curtain Dream plc [1990] BCLC 925 (purported sale and repurchase held to be a
disguised form of security).
16 Unsurprisingly, then, these charges are not registered as required by CA 2006 s 874 (or its predecessor, CA
1985 s 395) and so are ineffective to give priority on the chargor’s insolvency: see ‘Requirement to register
charges’, p 601.
17 The debentures contained a provision that the company was not at liberty to create any mortgage or charge
having priority to the floating charge, but the bank had no knowledge or notice of this ‘negative pledge’ provision,
and so was held not to have been affected by it. Contrast the current rules: see ‘Registration, priority and
constructive notice of registered charges’, p 603.
18 Although if there is a negative pledge clause, B will now have constructive notice of it, and A’s charge will
prevail: see ‘Registration, priority and constructive notice of registered charges’, p 603.
19 A majority of the court in Fire Nymph Products Ltd v Heating Centre Pty Ltd (1992) 7 ACSR 365 (NSWCA) held
that a floating charge also crystallises when the charged assets are dealt with otherwise than in the ordinary
course of business. This might well be the case where the assets concerned comprised all or a substantial part of
the company’s property, or the whole of the assets affected by the charge, but it is doubtful that the dictum would
apply to the disposal of individual items.
The Cork Committee (Cmnd 8558, 1982, paras 1578–1579) considered that automatic crystallisation was ‘not
merely inconvenient’, but that there was ‘no place for it in a modern insolvency law’. The Committee recommended
that the circumstances in which a floating charge crystallised should be defined by statute, and that all other ways
(including automatic crystallisation) should be banned.
21 [1978] 5 WWR 652.
22 Exceptionally, such a debt may be set off if it arises out of the same contract as that which gives rise to the
assigned debt, or is closely connected with that contract:Business Computers Ltd v AngloAfrican Leasing
Ltd [1977] 2 All ER 741 at 748, per Templeman J.
23 The statute did not then provide remedies against nonfraudulent preferences. Now see IA 1986 ss 238–241,
and Re MC Bacon Ltd [16.15].
24 Prior to IA 1986, the legislation used the phrase ‘cash paid to the company’: but it would appear that the
decision in Re Yeovil Glove Co Ltd is not affected by the change in wording.
25 (1816) 1 Mer 572, under which the earliest payments into an account are set off against the earliest payments
out, and vice versa.
26 (1925), reported [1965] Ch 186n.
27 This was the case in Re Brightlife Ltd [12.12], where the debenture holder had given the company a notice
converting the floating charge into a fixed charge a week before a resolution for voluntary winding up was passed.
The court held that the preferential creditors no longer had any right to be paid in priority to the charge.
28 (1870) 5 Ch App 318, CA.
29 [1979] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 142.
30 [1979] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 142.
31 [2001] 2 AC 710.
32 Named after the seminal case, Barclays Bank Ltd v Quistclose Investments Ltd [1970] AC 567, HL.
33 This second aspect of the decision is now regarded as justifiable, if at all, on the special terms of the contract.
But the analysis in relation to basic retention of title clauses stands firm, and is much used in commercial
34 (1880) 13 Ch D 696.
13. Remedies for Maladministration of the Company
Chapter: (p. 635) 13. Remedies for Maladministration of the Company
Author(s): Len Sealy and Sarah Worthington
DOI: 10.1093/he/9780199676446.003.0013
General issues
The earlier chapters illustrate that either the directors or the members in general meeting (but generally the
directors) have responsibility for the affairs of the company. This chapter looks both at who can seek remedies if
the company is poorly run and at which matters are the legitimate subject of complaint. In particular, it examines
whether complaints can be made only about ‘legal wrongs’—negligence, breach of statutory duty, etc—or also
about more general issues of perceived ‘maladministration’, including management approaches that are simply not
in accordance with expectations. It also considers some of the problems that arise because the company is an
‘association’ of members, run by a ‘board’ of directors, so issues of majority rule have to be addressed (see ‘Why
is shareholder litigation such a problem?’, pp 635ff). Finally, it looks at the problems of potential double recovery
where both the company and its individual members seem to be entitled to remedies for particular wrongs (see
‘Personal claims by members’, pp 667ff).
Pursuing claims for maladministration
In pursuing claims for maladministration, the usual problem, of course, is that the people causing harm to the
company (whether the directors or the majority shareholders) are usually also the people in control of the
company. They are unlikely to pursue litigation against themselves. The relevant company law rules must address
this difficult issue, while at the same time avoiding the problem of allowing every vexatious or litigious member to
complain about activity that is to all intents and purposes acceptable to the company’s various participants and
interest groups.
The types of action examined in this chapter fall into slightly overlapping categories (the overlaps caused in large
measure by statutory interventions).
Actionable wrongs committed against the company
If an actionable wrong has been done to the company, then the company has a cause of action which it may
pursue in legal proceedings, just like any other legal person. Again, like any other legal person, it is not obliged to
pursue every possible claim it has. Where the company’s claim is against its own directors, however, it is clearly
unsafe to leave the decision about whether the company should sue in the hands of those same directors.
Accordingly, one special rule that allows members to pursue these company claims in very tightly defined
circumstances has been added to the general rules in an attempt to address this problem. In sum, and including
the special rule, the company may pursue its own legal claims (in its own name in all but point (iv)) by means of a
decision to do so taken by:
(i) The company’s directors, acting within their normal powers of management of the company (if, as is
usual, this is what the articles provide by way of power sharing(p. 636) within the company). Pragmatically,
if the action is against one or more of the company’s own directors, then such a decision to sue is only likely
if the majority of directors is not aligned with the wrongdoers (even though the wrongdoers remain in post), or
if a new board has taken over the management of the company and the old directors have been ousted. See,
for example John Shaw and Sons (Salford) Ltd v Shaw [4.07] and Regal (Hastings) Ltd v Gulliver [7.23].
(ii) The company’s administrator or liquidator (in an administration or a winding up), since neither is likely to
be diverted by personal allegiances to past directors.
(iii) The general meeting, in those rare cases where it seems that the general meeting has either primary or
residual control over the company’s power to litigate (but see Breck land Group Holdings Ltd v London &
Suffolk Properties Ltd [1989] BCLC 100 (Ch)).
(iv) Individual members, using the statutory procedure that allows them to take a ‘derivative action’:
Companies Act 2006 (CA 2006) ss 260ff. A derivative action is taken in the name of the member, but in
pursuit of a claim that belongs to the company, and for a remedy that will accrue to the company and not to
the member as an individual. The company is brought before the court compulsorily (and so as a defendant,
rather than a claimant), so as to ensure that it is subject to the jurisdiction and orders of the court in
circumstances where those with actual power to cause the company to pursue its own claims are resisting
this option.1
(v) The Secretary of State, under powers set out in the Companies Act 1985 (CA 1985) s 438 (see ‘Public
investigation of companies’, pp 730ff; note, these few CA 1985 provisions remain operative).
Actionable wrongs committed against individual members
If a wrong has been done to the member personally (rather than to the company), then the member may pursue
his or her claim against the company, or against the other (ie majority) members in the company, by way of:
(i) A personal action (or a representative action2 ) based on the contract the member has with the company
as set out in the company’s constitution (CA 2006 s 33) (see ‘Members’ personal rights’, pp 250ff).
(ii) A personal action (or a representative action) based on other contracts the member may have with the
company or with the body of members (see ‘Shareholders’ agreements’, pp 244ff).
(iii) A statutory action permitted by certain specific provisions in CA 2006 (see, eg, the provisions applying to
reductions of capital or variation of class rights at ‘Permitted reductions of capital’, pp 513ff and ‘Variation of
class rights’, pp 563ff).
(iv) A statutory action to remedy ‘unfair prejudice’ (CA 2006 s 994) (see ‘Unfairly prejudicial conduct of the
company’s affairs’, pp 681ff).
(v) A statutory action to wind the company up on the just and equitable ground (IA 1986 s 122(1)(g)) (see
‘Compulsory winding up on the “just and equitable” ground’, pp 795ff).
It is not necessary to examine all of these options in detail in this chapter. However, it is necessary to be alert to
the range of different procedures that are available for remedying (p. 637) different forms of maladministration.
Where the normal process for pursuing wellrecognised legal claims is adopted (as where the company sues its
directors for negligence), then nothing more needs to be added to the earlier discussion of how a company acts
(see ‘General issues’, pp 309ff) and what constitutes directors’ negligence (see ‘Duty to exercise reasonable care,
skill and diligence: CA 2006 s 174’, pp 353ff). Similarly, where the company or an individual pursues claims that
are based on special statutory rights, it is not necessary to reexamine those special rights described earlier (eg
individual member’s rights of action based on the statutory contract with the company, or the statutory right to
complain about reductions of capital or variation of class rights, see ‘Members’ personal rights’, pp 250ff,
‘Permitted reductions of capital’, pp 513ff and ‘Variation of class rights’, pp 563ff). This chapter therefore focuses
only on the availability of special rights of access to the court (see company claims in points (iii) and (iv) in the
previous list), and special grounds of complaint (see members’ claims at point (iv), while point (v) is considered in
Chapter 16, along with the other grounds for the winding up of companies) in relation to maladministration.
Some of the issues addressed in this chapter were previously dealt with under quite different common law rules
(especially the rule in Foss v Harbottle [13.01]), now replaced by provisions in CA 2006. Care must therefore be
taken in referring to older authorities.
Why is shareholder litigation such a problem?
The practical problem which the law has to deal with in this area is balancing the risk that too little litigation is
pursued because the wrongdoers are in control, or that too much litigation is pursued because vexatious
individuals are disaffected with the majoritydetermined status quo. The law must therefore define proper limits to
litigation control and majority rule. At the same time, it must be conceded that the general rule is majority rule,
whether by directors or by members (sometimes, in the latter case, with the added protection of supermajorities,
or segregated classes of interest groups), so there is always the likelihood of disaffected dissenting minorities.
‘Majority rule’ applies not only to decisions to pursue business activities, but also to decisions not to pursue
corporate wrongdoers (especially directors). The practice of proper majority rule is therefore especially important in
this chapter.
We have already seen that the law normally allows members to treat their rights to vote as an incident of property
which they may prima facie exercise for their own advantage (Peter’s American Delicacy Co Ltd v Heath [4.26]).
Further, it is established that even the strict fiduciary duties of directors do not go so far as to prohibit them
altogether from acting in matters where their own personal interests are affected by what they do as directors (Mills
v Mills [7.13]), still less from voting as they like in their capacity as members (NorthWest Transportation Co Ltd v
Beatty [4.33]) (although now contrast CA 2006 s 239). The three cases just referred to, and many others, also
illustrate the traditional unwillingness of the courts to review matters of commercial judgement or policy, or of
internal administration. ‘This Court,’ said Lord Eldon, ‘is not to be required on every Occasion to take the
Management of every Playhouse and Brewhouse in the Kingdom’.3
The timehonoured and democratic principle of majority rule, backed by these other factors, necessarily means
that quite substantial power is placed in the hands of those who control more than half of the votes on the board or
at a members’ meeting. Indeed, where shares are widely dispersed among a large number of members,
comparable power can be (p. 638) wielded with command of a good deal less than 51% of the votes.4 Minority
members must, in principle, accept the decisions of the majority and must also acknowledge that the power
lawfully enjoyed by their more numerous associates is a fact of business life. In theory it is, of course, open to
them to seek to bring about change by the normal democratic processes of persuasion, lobbying, publicity and so
on; and it may sometimes be appropriate to argue that members who do not agree with the policy of those in
control should sell their shares and invest their money elsewhere. In reality, however, neither of these courses may
offer a practical solution. Minority members may not have the resources and will often lack access to the
necessary information to mount a successful campaign against those in the seat of power. And in a smaller
company there will almost always be no market for their shares: the only available buyers (assuming that they are
interested) will probably be the very majority members with whom they are in disagreement, and they are likely to
offer only a derisory price.5
In such circumstances, frustrated minority members may turn to the law for help. Clearly, the law must provide
some remedies to meet those cases in which majority power has been abused. There cannot be power—including
the power of control over other people’s investments—without corresponding responsibility. But the law has to
strike a delicate balance. If it too readily supports the majority and is prepared to condone unfair and wrongful acts
and decisions on their part, the minority will be prejudiced and, in a small company, ‘locked in’ with an
unrealisable investment which the majority can exploit to its own advantage. If, on the other hand, too great
indulgence is shown to complaining minorities, they will be able to obstruct the company’s legitimate business
with tiresome requisitions and objections, and exploit their nuisance value.
Both the legislature and the judiciary have made attempts to reconcile the opposing needs and interests of
controllers and minorities.
Statutory protection is given to minorities by formalities of various kinds, for example:
(i) requiring a special resolution rather than a simple majority vote in important matters, such as
constitutional alterations;
(ii) requiring the court’s sanction, in matters like a reduction of capital or scheme of arrangement; and
(iii) giving dissentients a right to apply to the court to have a resolution cancelled, for example in a variation
of class rights, and sometimes empowering the court to order, alternatively, that they be bought out.
To balance this, some checks are imposed on the use of these measures by safeguards such as a requirement
that dissentients applying to the court must have at least 15% support from their fellows.
Other statutory provisions give members direct access to the courts. Foremost among these are the right to
petition to have a company compulsorily wound up (Insolvency Act 1986 (IA 1986) s 124) (see ‘Compulsory
winding up generally’, pp 789ff) and the right to seek relief for ‘unfairly prejudicial’ conduct (CA 2006 s 994) (see
‘Unfairly prejudicial conduct of the company’s affairs’, pp 681ff).
(p. 639) The judges for their part have also developed rules which are aimed at curbing the abuse of power by
those with control. The directors, for example, are restrained by their fiduciary duties and by the ‘bona fide’ and
‘proper purposes’ principles. Majority members, at least in the context of an alteration of articles and a variation of
class rights, are also constrained to act bona fide and in the common interest. But apart from these well
recognised (though not necessarily welldefined) limitations, the courts have by and large allowed laissezfaire
principles to reign and majority rule to operate unchecked. They have thus avoided putting themselves into the
position which so alarmed Lord Eldon, although in earlier chapters we have seen the increasing importance of this
means of judicial review (see ‘Failure to act for proper purposes’, pp 331).
All this aside, it remains true that, at least historically, a significant problem for members seeking to cure
maladministration of the company by legal action is that the courts strongly resist hearing such claims. Various
reasons are given. These include arguments that members’ access to the courts will open the floodgates to a
multiplicity of claims; that companies by their nature rely on majority rule, and therefore any disputes should be
settled internally, by the general meeting, where majority rule should prevail; and, finally, that the courts cannot be
asked to adjudicate on matters of business policy rather than matters of law.
The main judicial instrument by which this policy of nonintervention was maintained was a rule not of substance
but of procedure, which all company lawyers know as the rule in Foss v Harbottle [13.01]. Minority members who
complained of a wrong or irregularity may well have found this a formidable, and perhaps an insurmountable, barrier
to their quest for justice, even where they had a real and wellfounded grievance. The rule attracted criticism from
across the Atlantic both because of its complexity 6 and because it is considered unjust to recognise a substantive
right but deny a remedy on procedural grounds.7 The rule is outlined briefly in the following section, given how
frequently it is still referred to in litigation, before then turning to the modern common law and statutory rules now
enshrined in CA 2006.
The old common law rule in Foss v Harbottle
The ‘rule in Foss v Harbottle’8 provides that, subject to certain limited exceptions:
(i) the proper claimant in an action for a wrong alleged to have been done to the company is the company
itself (the ‘proper claimant principle’); and
(ii) if the alleged wrong is a matter which it is competent for the company to settle itself (the ‘internal
management principle’) or, in the case of an irregularity to ratify or condone by its own internal procedure (the
‘irregularity principle’), then no individual member may bring action.
(p. 640) Notice that the rule has an impact on potential court actions in pursuit of wrongs done to a
company and wrongs done personally to the members of the company. In both cases the rule restricts litigation by
individual members unless they can bring themselves within the exceptions to the rule.
The 2006 statutory amendments now appearing in CA 2006 ss 260ff (providing for statutory derivative actions) only
affect claims for wrongs done to the company, and even then, only claims for wrongs done by directors (s 260(5)).
Personal claims by members remain subject to the common law, and in particular to the restrictions in point (ii) of
the previous list. Recall the impact of the ‘internal management’ and ‘irregularity’ principles in the context of
litigating to enforce the s 33 contract: see ‘The “indoor management rule”’, pp 124ff, and also see Further notes
following Pender v Lushington [13.19], pp 671ff.
[13.01] Foss v Harbottle (1843) 2 Hare 461 (Chancery Division)
The case was brought by two shareholders in the Victoria Park Co (incorporated by statute) against the
company’s five directors and others, alleging that the property of the company had been misapplied and wasted
and certain mortgages improperly given over the company’s property. It asked that the defendants should be held
accountable to the company, and also sought the appointment of a receiver. The ViceChancellor ruled that it was
incompetent for the plaintiffs to bring such proceedings, the sole right to do so being that of the company in its
corporate character.
WIGRAM VC: It was not, nor could it successfully be, argued that it was a matter of course for any
individual members of a corporation thus to assume to themselves the right of suing in the name of the
corporation. In law the corporation and the aggregate members of the corporation are not the same thing for
purposes like this; and the only question can be whether the facts alleged in this case justify a departure
from the rule which, prima facie, would require that the corporation should sue in its own name and in its
corporate character or in the name of someone whom the law has appointed to be its representative …
Exceptions to the rule in Foss v Harbottle
This ‘proper claimant’ rule, if applied rigorously, would certainly ensure that few wrongs committed by directors
would be pursued in the courts. Inevitably, therefore, common law ‘exceptions’ emerged, being instances where
members, acting alone or together, were permitted to pursue causes of action vested in the company. The actions
were derivative, in that, if successful, the remedy accrued to the company, not to the members taking the action.
These exceptions, where shareholders could sue, were usually grouped under four heads:9
(i) the act complained of is ultra vires or illegal;
(ii) the matter is one which could validly be done or sanctioned only by some special majority of members;
(iii) the personal and individual rights of the claimant as a member have been invaded; or
(iv) what has been done amounts to a ‘fraud on the minority’10 and the wrongdoers are themselves in control
of the company.
(p. 641) Of course, it is plain that only the fourth exception in this list is a true exception in litigating to remedy
wrongs to the company. In pursuing the limits of this exception, the common law then proceeded to tie itself in
knots in determining what constituted wrongdoer control,11 and what counted as a ‘fraud on the minority’, and in
particular whether it concerned types of wrongs or types of decision processes, or some combination of both.12 It
was therefore a relief for all when the CA 2006 s 260ff was introduced. Some of these same notions still remain
relevant, but in the exercise of structured judicial discretion, not by way of binding rule.
It might be asked whether all this effort is necessary. The justification is perhaps best put by Lord Denning, quoted
in the following extract in a case even though the statutory rules, not the common law ones, were being applied.
[13.02] Iesini v Westrip Holdings Ltd [2009] EWHC 2526 (Chancery Division Companies Court)
The facts are irrelevant at this stage, but see [13.10]. Also see [13.04].
Derivative claims
73 I should begin by saying a little about derivative claims generally. In the first place the new code [CA
2006 ss 260ff] has replaced the common law derivative action. A derivative claim may ‘only’ be brought
under the Act. As section 260(1) makes clear a derivative claim is one in which the cause of action is
vested in the company, but where the claim is brought by a member of the company. This reflects the old
law in which a derivative action was an exception to the general principle (known as the rule in Foss v
Harbottle (1843) 2 Hare 461) that where an injury is done to a company only the company may bring
proceedings to redress the wrong. Allied to this principle was the principle that whether a company should
bring proceedings to redress a wrong was a matter that was to be decided by the company internally; that
is to say by its board of directors, or by a majority of its shareholders if dissatisfied by the board’s decision.
The court would not second guess a decision made by the company in accordance with its own
constitution. The exception to these principles was necessitated where the company’s own constitution
could not be properly operated. If the wrongdoers were in control of the company (because they were a
majority of the shareholders) they would not in practice vote in favour of taking proceedings against
themselves, even though the taking of proceedings would be in the company’s best interests. As Lord
Denning MR put it inWallersteiner v Moir (No 2) [1975] QB 373, 390:
‘It is a fundamental principle of our law that a company is a legal person, with its own corporate
identity, separate and distinct from the directors or shareholders, and with its own property rights
and interests to which alone it is entitled. If it is defrauded by a wrongdoer, the company itself is the
one person to sue for the damage. Such is the rule in Foss v. Harbottle (1843) 2 Hare 461. The rule
is easy enough to apply when the company is defrauded by outsiders. The company itself is the only
person who can sue. Likewise, when it is defrauded by insiders of a minor kind, once again the
company is the only person who can sue. But suppose it is defrauded by insiders who control its
affairs—by directors who hold a majority of the shares—who then can sue for damages? Those
directors are themselves the wrongdoers. If a board meeting is held, they will not authorise the
proceedings to be taken by the company against themselves. If a general meeting is called, they will
vote down any suggestion that the company should sue them themselves. Yet the company is the
one person who is damnified. It is the one person (p. 642) who should sue. In one way or another
some means must be found for the company to sue. Otherwise the law would fail in its purpose.
Injustice would be done without redress.’
74 Lord Denning was clearly contemplating a case in which the company’s cause of action was a cause of
action against the ‘insiders’ themselves who would be liable for damages. Indeed that seems to be the
usual situation in which derivative actions were allowed to continue. That is why this exception to the rule
in Foss v Harbottle was often called a ‘fraud on the minority’.
The statutory derivative action: CA 2006 ss 260ff
CA 2006 ss 260ff has changed the common law fundamentally, and abolished the rule in Foss v Harbottle so far
as it applies to litigating for wrongs done to the company. The Act provides a new derivative procedure
(supplemented by amended Civil Procedure Rules (CPR)13 ). It sets out what sorts of company claims can be
pursued, and when. It provides that derivative claims may only be brought under the provisions of CA 2006 (ss
260ff) or in pursuance of a (p. 643) court order in ‘unfair prejudice’ proceedings under CA 2006 s 994 (see ‘Unfairly
prejudicial conduct of the company’s affairs’, pp 681ff): CA 2006 s 260(2) (cited in the following section).14 Its
significant invention is that it passes the ‘gatekeeper’ role in derivative corporate claims to the court, which must
exercise a structured discretion on grounds laid out (nonexhaustively) in CA 2006.
The statutory rules
The provisions of CA 2006 Pt 11 deserve close reading.
CA 2006 s 260: Derivative claims
(1) This Chapter applies to proceedings in England and Wales or Northern Ireland by a member of a
(a) in respect of a cause of action vested in the company, and
(b) seeking relief on behalf of the company.
This is referred to in this Chapter as a ‘derivative claim’.
(2) A derivative claim may only be brought—
(a) under this Chapter, or
(b) in pursuance of an order of the court in proceedings under section 994 (proceedings for protection of
members against unfair prejudice).
(3) A derivative claim under this Chapter may be brought only in respect of a cause of action arising from an
actual or proposed act or omission involving negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust by a
director of the company.
The cause of action may be against the director or another person (or both).
(4) It is immaterial whether the cause of action arose before or after the person seeking to bring or continue
the derivative claim became a member of the company.
(5) For the purposes of this Chapter—
(a) ‘director’ includes a former director;
(b) a shadow director is treated as a director; and
(c) references to a member of a company include a person who is not a member but to whom shares in
the company have been transferred or transmitted by operation of law.
(p. 644) CA 2006 s 261: Application for permission to continue derivative claim
(1) A member of a company who brings a derivative claim under this Chapter must apply to the court for
permission (in Northern Ireland, leave) to continue it.
(2) If it appears to the court that the application and the evidence filed by the applicant in support of it do not
disclose a prima facie case for giving permission (or leave), the court—
(a) must dismiss the application, and
(b) may make any consequential order it considers appropriate.
(3) If the application is not dismissed under subsection (2), the court—
(a) may give directions as to the evidence to be provided by the company, and
(b) may adjourn the proceedings to enable the evidence to be obtained.
(4) On hearing the application, the court may—
(a) give permission (or leave) to continue the claim on such terms as it thinks fit,
(b) refuse permission (or leave) and dismiss the claim, or
(c) adjourn the proceedings on the application and give such directions as it thinks fit.
[Section 262 defines the exclusive circumstances in which a member can take over, by way of
derivative claim, an action commenced by the company.]
CA 2006 s 263: Whether permission to be given
(1) The following provisions have effect where a member of a company applies for permission (in Northern
Ireland, leave) under section 261 or 262.
(2) Permission (or leave) must be refused if the court is satisfied—
(a) that a person acting in accordance with section 172 (duty to promote the success of the company)
would not seek to continue the claim, or
(b) where the cause of action arises from an act or omission that is yet to occur, that the act or
omission has been authorised by the company, or
(c) where the cause of action arises from an act or omission that has already occurred, that the act or
(i) was authorised by the company before it occurred, or
(ii) has been ratified by the company since it occurred.
(3) In considering whether to give permission (or leave) the court must take into account, in particular—
(a) whether the member is acting in good faith in seeking to continue the claim;
(b) the importance that a person acting in accordance with section 172 (duty to promote the success
of the company) would attach to continuing it;
(c) where the cause of action results from an act or omission that is yet to occur, whether the act or
omission could be, and in the circumstances would be likely to be—
(i) authorised by the company before it occurs, or
(ii) ratified by the company after it occurs;
(d) where the cause of action arises from an act or omission that has already occurred, whether the act
or omission could be, and in the circumstances would be likely to be, ratified by the company;
(e) whether the company has decided not to pursue the claim;
(f) whether the act or omission in respect of which the claim is brought gives rise to a cause of action
that the member could pursue in his own right rather than on behalf of the company.
(4) In considering whether to give permission (or leave) the court shall have particular regard to any evidence
before it as to the views of members of the company who have no personal interest, direct or indirect, in the
(p. 645) (5) The Secretary of State may by regulations—
(a) amend subsection (2) so as to alter or add to the circumstances in which permission (or leave) is to
be refused;
(b) amend subsection (3) so as to alter or add to the matters that the court is required to take into
account in considering whether to give permission (or leave).
(6) Before making any such regulations the Secretary of State shall consult such persons as he considers
(7) Regulations under this section are subject to affirmative resolution procedure.
[Section 264 defines the conditions under which the court will grant permission to a member to continue a
derivative claim brought by another member.]
Grounds for bringing a derivative claim
CA 2006 broadens (but also makes exclusive) the grounds upon which a derivative claim (as defined in s 260(1)) is
available to members.15 Under s 260(3), a cause of action arising from an actual or proposed act or omission by a
director involving negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust are recognised as the only basis upon which
to commence such a claim. Perhaps not all the wrongs which a director could conceivably commit against the
company are included in the section, but breach of duty includes the newly codified directors’ duties examined in
Chapter 7, and ‘director’ for these purposes includes both former directors and shadow directors. Breach of duty
presumably also includes other breaches under the Act (beyond the directors’ general duties), and breaches of
common law duties not within the Act at all.
Provided the cause of action is in respect of a relevant breach by a director, third parties may also be made
defendants in the derivative claim, either in lieu of or in addition to the wrongdoing director (s 260(3)). The general
rules on third party liability in respect of breaches of duty by the directors are not set out in the Act, but rely on the
common law rules on dishonest assistance and knowing receipt (‘Secondary liability (liability of third parties
associated with directors’ wrongs)’, pp 451ff).
It does not matter whether the cause of action arose before or after the person seeking to bring the derivative claim
became a member (s 260(4)).
➤ Question
If the facts in Estmanco (Kilner House) Ltd v Greater London Council [1982] 1 WLR 2 were to arise now,
litigation could not be pursued in derivative form by the members under the CA 2006 rules since the wrong in
question was not committed by the directors, but by the majority shareholders voting to break an agreement.
How will remedies now be provided in this type of case?
Court permission to continue a derivative claim
General issues
The new statutory provisions oblige a member seeking to bring a derivative claim to apply to the court for
permission to continue it (s 261). There are also provisions, which, in specific circumstances, allow a member to
continue: (i) as a derivative claim, a proceeding which might appropriately be pursued as such but was initially
brought by the company (s 262); or (ii) a derivative claim brought by another member (s 264).
(p. 646) Section 263 lies at the heart of the new procedure. This section sets out the criteria the courts must use
in granting permission to members to pursue derivative claims.
Compulsory refusal of permission
Section 263(2) sets out the only three matters that are complete bars to pursuit of a derivative claim (provided, of
course, that the claimant’s evidence discloses a prima facie case, as required by s 261(2)). Other considerations
will, at most, play into the court’s exercise of its discretion under s 260(3). The court must refuse permission to
continue a derivative claim where:
(i) a person acting in accordance with s 172 (ie the duty to promote the success of the company) would not
seek to continue the claim (s 263(2)(a)); or
(ii) the proposed conduct constituting the wrongdoing has been authorised by the company (s 263(2)(b)); or
(iii) the wrongdoing has occurred, but was previously authorised or subsequently ratified by the company (s
The action is not designed to promote the success of the company
Section 260(2)(a) reflects the fundamental philosophy of the derivative claim (and, it might be hoped, of the rule
in Foss v Harbottle): a member ought to be permitted to pursue a derivative claim because this is for the benefit of
the company, not because this is for the benefit of the member personally.16 But the test that must be applied by
the court is not quite as tough as this. The court does not have to decide whether a hypothetical director (subject
to the duty in s 172) would think the claim worth pursuing (although that is relevant under s 263(3)(b)); the court
merely has to refuse permission if it considers (on the balance of probabilities, presumably) that such a director
wouldnot seek to continue the claim. It remains to be seen whether the courts will use this power simply to order
refusal in cases that are patently not in the company’s interest, or whether it will engage in more ‘commercial’
deliberations, and order refusal in cases that it considers, on a more finely tuned balance, are not in the
company’s interests.
Proper authorisation or ratification
Section 263(2)(b) and (c) follows logically from the fundamental philosophy outlined previously: if an act has
been properly authorised or ratified, then it no longer constitutes a wrong to the company, and the company cannot
pursue a claim in relation to it, either through a derivative claim or otherwise.
The issue of proper authorisation and ratification is thus brought centre stage. This is a difficult and controversial
area of law.17 CA 2006 makes some specific provisions (see especially ss 175 and 180 on authorisation and s 239
on ratification), and, crucially, both ss 175 and 239 indicate that the votes of the ‘wrongdoers’ are not to count in
determining the outcome in the decisionmaking body (the board of directors and the general meeting,
respectively). This provides welcome clarification in an area where there has been great uncertainty.18 These
sections impose further requirements. Beyond that, however, the common law rules are preserved (see ss 180(4)
and 239(7)), with all their complications and (p. 647) uncertainties. In particular, the question of whether the
particular wrongs committed by the directors can be authorised19 or ratified20 remains a live issue.21
Discretionary refusal of permission
If the court does not refuse permission to continue the derivative action under s 263(2), then it must exercise its
discretion in deciding whether to grant permission to the member to continue with the derivative claim. In
exercising this discretion, the court must take into account, ‘in particular’ the nonexclusive list of matters provided
in s 263(3) (see ‘CA 2006 s 263: Whether permission to be given’, p 644).
In addition, s 263(4) requires the court to have ‘particular regard’ to any evidence of the views of members of the
company who have no direct or indirect personal interest in the matter. This effectively adopts the Smith v Croft
(No 2) [13.17] test.
Section 263 has now been considered in a range of recent cases which give some indication as to the approach
the courts may take to an application for permission to continue a derivative claim: see later for selected extracts.
‘Multiple’ derivative claims?
The statutory definition of the derivative claim in CA 2006 s 260(1) requires that the proceedings be brought ‘by a
member of a company … in respect of a cause of action vested in the company’. This seems to exclude ‘multiple’
derivative claims. This is the common but rather uninformative term for proceedings which are brought not by a
member of the wronged company, but by a member of a member of the wronged company—typically, a member of
the parent company of a wronged subsidiary or subsubsidiary. The arguments for allowing such a claim are the
same as those for allowing any derivative claim, that is, that the wrong to the subsidiary will go unredressed
because neither the board of directors of the subsidiary nor its shareholders (the parent company) will sue.
As was explained by Lord Millett in the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal in Waddington Ltd v Chan Choo Hoo
Thomas [2009] 2 BCLC 82, such claims were permitted at common law, although without full analysis and
justification (see, eg, Wallersteiner v Moir (No 2) [1974] 1 WLR 991). The Company Law Review (CLR) Steering
Group recommended that these multiple derivative actions be brought within the statutory scheme (see Developing
the Framework (2000), para 4.133), but this was not done. A very restrictive construction of s 260(1) and (2) would
mean that such actions could not be brought either under the Act or at common law.22 In Re Fort Gilk ick er
Ltd [2013] EWHC 348 (Ch), Briggs J regarded that conclusion as ‘unpalatable’, and devised a way around it. He
34 In my view, neither interpretation [of the Act] produces a result which is so obviously more satisfactory
than the other for it to be safe on that ground alone to conclude that Parliament must have intended it. As
will appear, a main purpose of the codification of derivative claims in Chapter 1 was to remove what were
regarded (at least by the Law Commission in its report on shareholder remedies) as complicated, unwieldy
and obscure provisions of the applicable common law and to (p. 648) replace them with a clear and
transparent code. A conclusion that what Parliament in fact achieved in 2006 was to place a statutory code
for derivative claims by members of the wronged company alongside a continued obscure, complicated and
unwieldy common law regime for derivative claims by others does not commend itself as an exercise in
commonsense. Conversely, a conclusion that by narrowly defining locus standi for all company derivative
claims to members of the wronged company Parliament abolished a convenient procedural device for doing
justice in cases of wrongdoer control, in a modern context where multilayered corporate structures with
holding companies and subsidiaries are ever more common, hardly commends itself as an exercise in
justice. There is, on the face of it, no persuasive reason why Parliament should have wished to provide a
statutory scheme for doing justice where a company is in wrongdoer control, but none where its holding
company is in the same wrongdoer control.
35 Neither counsel nor I can think of any third construction which would avoid all those unpalatable
consequences. It might have been tempting to construe ‘member of a company’ in section 260(1) as
including member of its holding company, but the express and inadequately narrow widening of the ordinary
meaning of member in subsection (5)(c) makes that impossible.
44 I have come on balance to the conclusion that the 2006 Act did not do away with the multiple derivative
action. My reasons follow. First, there was before 2006 a common law procedural device called the
derivative action by which the court could permit a person or persons with the closest sufficient interest to
litigate on behalf of a company by seeking for the company relief in respect of a cause of action vested in it.
Those persons would usually be a minority of the company’s members, but might, if the company was
wholly owned by another company, be a minority of the holding company’s members. These were not
separate derivative actions, but simply examples of the efficient application of the procedural device,
designed to avoid injustice, to different factual circumstances.
45 In 2006 Parliament identified the main version of that device, namely where locus standi is accorded to
the wronged company’s members, labelled it a ‘derivative claim’ and enacted a comprehensive statutory
code in relation to it. As a matter of language, section 260 applied Chapter 1 of Part 11 only to that part of
the old common law device thus labelled, leaving other instances of its application unaffected.
46 Applying the well established relevant principle of construction, Parliament did not expressly abolish the
whole of the common law derivative action in relation to companies, even though by implication from the
comprehensiveness of the statutory code it did do so in relation to derivative claims by members (as
defined) of the wronged company. Beyond that, the assertion that the remainder of the common law device
was abolished fails because abolition was neither express nor a clear or necessary implication.
47 Section 260 could so easily have been phrased to achieve precisely that result. Subsection (1) could
have excluded the phrase ‘by a member of a company’ and reintroduced it in subsection (2) as a specific
additional requirement in subsubsection (a) so that it read ‘under this Chapter by a member of the
company’. Alternatively, the whole of the common law derivative action in relation to companies could
expressly have been abolished, as it was, for example, by section 236(3) of the Australian Corporations Act
2001 which provides that:
‘The right of a person at general law to bring, or to intervene in, proceedings on behalf of the
company is abolished.’
48 Neither Lord Millett nor any of the other academic writers who have concluded that the 2006 Act
abolished multiple derivative actions have addressed the simple point of construction advanced by Mr
Lightman, Mr Hollington QC and by Mr Bailey in the present case, and it may be assumed that the editors
of Palmer must have applied the same or a similar analysis.
49 I reach this conclusion with some relief. Not only does it address the manifest scope for real injustice
which the abolition of any derivative action by members of a holding company would have entailed, and as
graphically described by Lord Millett in his article, but it ensures that English company law runs in this
respect in harmony with the laws of Hong Kong, Singapore, Canada, Australia (p. 649) and New Zealand,
all of which have, albeit by different methods, ensured that injustice of the type described by Lord Millett
can properly be addressed.
➤ Questions
1. Is the order of the list in s 263(3) significant? In particular, is it significant that the views of the ‘hypothetical
director’ are not given greater prominence?
2. Does segregation of s 263(4) from the list of issues provided in s 263(3) indicate that the views of
disinterested members should have more or less influence than the other matters on the court’s decision?
3. Is an agreed hierarchy of discretionary considerations essential? What is a court likely to do if, for example,
the member is not acting in good faith, but a ‘hypothetical director’ would think the claim likely to promote the
success of the company?
4. Do the common law cases suggest additional factors that might be relevant to exercise of the court’s
discretion? In particular, what has happened to the idea of ‘control’ of the company by the wrongdoers?
The consequences of the new statutory derivative action are difficult to predict. Much will depend on how willing the
courts will be to intervene in a company’s decisionmaking processes. On the one hand, the traditional reluctance
of the courts to intervene, and experience of codification of derivative actions from other jurisdictions, suggest that
a wild proliferation in the number of derivative claims allowed to proceed is unlikely. On the other hand, the
expanded breadth of grounds upon which a derivative claim may be based, combined with new statutory
expressions of directors’ duties, are likely to make it easier for activist or aggrieved members to initiate a derivative
claim. In any event, the new statutory derivative claim underscores a theme that runs through CA 2006, namely,
the strengthening of legal measures to counteract wrongdoing on the part of directors. The following extracts
consider the application of the various statutory provisions to typical factscenarios. Sufficient detail of the facts is
also included to give a flavour of how these issues come to court.
Statutory derivative actions are only permitted in respect of claims for breach of directors’ duties: s
260(3).23 Common law derivative actions are not permitted at all: s 260(2).24
See Iesini v Westrip Holdings Ltd [13.10] and the dismissal of claims for restitution as not being claims in respect
of breach of fiduciary duty. (Is this right? What generated the claim to restitution?)
Standing to take proceedings—permission will rarely be granted to a majority shareholder. Is this the
statutory counterpart of the earlier common law’s ‘wrongdoer control’?
[13.03] Cinematic Finance Ltd v Ryder [2010] All ER (D) 283 (Chancery Division)
Section 260(1) refers quite generally to ‘a member’. Here, the corporate claimant had become a majority
shareholder in various investment companies set up for film financing when those (p. 650) companies failed to
repay loans the claimant had made to them. The claimant alleged various breaches of duty by the defendant
directors and shadow directors. The directors responded that this was not an appropriate case for a derivative
action, given the claimant’s control over the companies in question. The judge exercised his discretion under s
261(3) to refuse permission to continue the derivative claim.
11. I accept that proceedings for a derivative claim are now comprehensively governed by the Act. But in my
judgment the Act is not seeking to change the basic rule that a claim that lies in a company can be
pursued only by the company or to disturb the fundamental distinction between a company and its
shareholders. There is nothing to suggest that the Act intended such a radical reversal of longstanding and
fundamental principles. It is relevant that this part of the Act has its genesis in the Report of the Law
Commission on Shareholder Remedies, Law Commission No. 246 (1997). That report states at the outset
in paragraph 1.2:
‘The focus of the project was on the remedies available to a minority shareholder who is dissatisfied
with the manner in which the company of which he is a member is run.’
12 The Report proceeded to set out ‘Guiding Principles’ that the Law Commission applied as governing its
proposals for reform of the law. The first of these is expressed as follows at paragraph 1.9:
‘(i) Proper plaintiff Normally the company should be the only party entitled to enforce a cause of
action belonging to it. Accordingly, a member should be able to maintain proceedings about wrongs
done to the company only in exceptional circumstances.’
13. Although this part of the Act does not completely mirror the approach to be found in a combination of
the Law Commission’s draft bill and draft procedure rules, it clearly reflects the overall approach in the Law
Commission’s proposal and, in my view, one would expect very different language in the Act if it were
adopting such a radically different approach that involved discarding the Guiding Principle that I have quoted.
Indeed, in the Act the governing provision for the grant of permission by the court to continue a derivative
claim is section 261(4) which makes clear that this is a discretion resting in the court.
14. Whilst the discretion must, of course, be exercised in accordance with established principles, in my
judgment this is one such principle. I would not go so far as to say that it could never be appropriate for a
derivative claim to be brought by a shareholder holding the majority of the shares in a company. A judge
must be cautious about using the word ‘never’ when faced with a statutory discretion and when this is not
one of the enumerated circumstances in section 263(2) in which permission must be refused. And faced
only with the facts of the instant case, it is impossible to envisage all the factual circumstances that might
arise in other cases. But in my judgment, only in very exceptional circumstances could it be appropriate to
permit a derivative claim brought by a shareholder in control of the company. For my part, I find it difficult to
envisage what those exceptional circumstances might be.
➤ Note
See, too, the obiter comments of HHJ Pelling QC (sitting as a judge of the High Court) in Stimpson v Southern
Private Landlords Association [13.09]:
46 There remains one final factor that is significant. Under the old law if there was no wrongdoer control of
the company, permission would be refused for the obvious reason that in the circumstances there was no
need for derivative proceedings to be commenced. It was submitted on behalf of the claimant that these
principles do not appear in the statute and therefore are no longer relevant. I am doubtful if that is correct. If
the statute is followed strictly, the court is required to (p. 651) consider whether a prima facie case is
established—see s 261(2). In considering that question, the court is bound to have regard, not merely to the
factors identified in ss 263(3) and (4), but to any other relevant consideration since ss 263(3) and (4) are not
exhaustive. It is open to the first claimant to requisition an EGM, obtain if he can a replacement Board and
that Board can if it judges it appropriate to do so, applying the duties imposed upon them by s 172,
authorise the litigation. This factor is at least a powerful one that negatives the giving of permission and may
be overwhelming. However, I make clear that I have reached my conclusions for each of the reasons I have
identified and that I would have reached the same decision irrespective of this last point.
➤ Questions
1. Compare Roth J’s comments in Cinematic Finance Ltd v Ryder [13.03] with his comments in Stainer v
Lee [13.05]. Has there been a change in attitude to the statutory derivative claim?
2. Is the above approach the appropriate way to import what was an important underlying common law
requirement of ‘wrongdoer control’?
Thresholds to be reached at the mandatory first stage (s 261(2) and s 263(2)) and the discretionary second
stage (s 263(3) and (4)) in order to obtain permission to continue the derivative claim.
The practical problem here is for the court to provide a gatekeeping role, and to do so fairly on the evidence, but
also to do so without allowing the ‘permission’ stage to turn into a minitrial or a rehearsal of the entire litigation.
[13.04] Iesini v Westrip Holdings Ltd [2009] EWHC 2526 (Chancery Division Companies Court)
The facts are irrelevant at this stage, but see [13.10]. Also see [13.02].
78 The Act now provides for a twostage procedure where it is the member him self who brings the
proceedings. At the first stage, the applicant is required to make aprima facie case for permission to
continue a derivative claim, and the court considers the question on the basis of the evidence filed by the
applicant only, without requiring evidence from the defendant or the company. The court must dismiss the
application if the applicant cannot establish a prima facie case. The prima faciecase to which s 261(1)
refers is a prima facie case ‘for giving permission’. This necessarily entails a decision that there is a prima
facie case both that the company has a good cause of action and that the cause of action arises out of a
directors’ default, breach of duty (etc.). This is precisely the decision that the Court of Appeal required
in Prudential.25 As mentioned, Norris J considered the application on paper, and considered that there was
a prima facie case. Hence the hearing before me.
79 However, in order for a claim to qualify under CA 2006 Part 11 Chapter 1 a derivative claim at all (whether
the cause of action is against a director, a third party or both) the court must, as it seems to me, be in a
position to find that the cause of action relied on in the claim arises from an act or omission involving default
or breach of duty (etc.) by a director. I do not consider that at the second stage this is simply a matter of
establishing a prima facie case (at least in the case of an application under section 260) as was the case
under the old law, because that forms the first stage of the procedure. At the second stage something more
must be needed. In Fanmailuk .com v Cooper [2008] (p. 652) EWHC 2198 (Ch) Mr Robert Englehart QC
said that on an application under s 261 it would be ‘quite wrong … to embark on anything like a minitrial of
the action’. No doubt that is correct; but on the other hand not only is something more than a prima
facie case required, but the court will have to form a view on the strength of the claim in order properly to
consider the requirements of ss 263(2) (a) and 263(3)(b). Of course any view can only be provisional where
the action has yet to be tried; but the court must, I think, do the best it can on the material before it.
[13.05] Stainer v Lee [2010] EWHC 1539 (Chancery Division)
The facts are irrelevant at this stage, but see [13.15].
29 As regards the standard to be applied generally under section 263, Lewison J held that something more
than simply a prima facie case must be needed since that forms the first stage of the procedure; and that
while it would be wrong to embark on a minitrial the court must form a view on the strength of the claim,
albeit on a provisional basis: see at [79]. It seems to me possible, with respect, that the court might revise
its view as to a prima facie case once it has received evidence and argument from the other side, so the
antithesis between section 261(2) and 263 may not be so stark. But in any event, I consider that section
263(3) and (4) do not prescribe a particular standard of proof that has to be satisfied but rather require
consideration of a range of factors to reach an overall view. In particular, under s 263(3)(b), as regards the
hypothetical director acting in accordance with the s 172 duty, if the case seems very strong, it may be
appropriate to continue it even if the likely level of recovery is not so large, since such a claim stands a
good chance of provoking an early settlement or may indeed qualify for summary judgment. On the other
hand, it may be in the interests of the Company to continue even a less strong case if the amount of
potential recovery is very large. The necessary evaluation, conducted on, as Lewison J observed, a
provisional basis and at a very early stage of the proceedings, is therefore not mechanistic.
[13.06] Kleanthous v Paphitis [2011] EWHC 2287 (Chancery Division)
The facts are irrelevant at this stage, but see [13.16].
No threshold
39 Mr Kitchener submitted that the Court should grant permission for a derivative claim to be continued only
if satisfied that the Claimant has a strong case. In this connection, he relied on a passage from Iesini v
Westrip Holdings Ltd [13.04]. In paragraph 79 of his judgment in that case, Lewison J suggested that, for
the Court to give permission for a derivative claim to be continued under s 261(4), ‘something more than a
prima facie case’ is required.
40 However, Part 11 of the 2006 Act does not in terms provide that a claim must reach a specific threshold
if it is to be allowed to continue. Further, in Stainer v Lee[13.05], Roth J expressed the view [and he then
cited the passage in the previous extract]…
41 Roth J’s observations are consistent with the Law Commission’s intentions. In paragraph 6.72 of its
report on shareholder remedies (number 246), on which the relevant provisions of the 2006 Act are to a
considerable extent based, the Law Commission recommended that ‘there should be no threshold test on
the merits’. Roth J’s views are in keeping, too, with comments made in a Scottish case, Wishart v
Castlecroft Securities Ltd [2009] CSIH 65. Lord Reed, giving the opinion of the Inner House, there said (in
paragraph 40):
‘[S]ection 268 [i.e. the Scottish equivalent to section 263] does not impose any threshold test in
relation to the merits of the derivative proceedings. As we have explained, the Law (p.
653) Commission recommended that there should be no such test, partly in order to avoid the risk
of a detailed investigation into the merits of the case taking place at the leave stage, and partly to
avoid the drawing of fine distinctions based on the language of a particular rule. Section 268, and the
parallel provision for England and Wales and Northern Ireland in section 263, do not depart from that
recommendation. That is consistent with the nature of the factor to be considered under section
268(2)(b): it is possible to conceive of circumstances in which a director acting in accordance with
section 172 might attach great importance to raising proceedings which were merely arguable, and
of other circumstances in which a director might have sound business reasons for attaching little
importance to raising proceedings which had good prospects of success.’
42 In the circumstances, it seems to me that the Court can potentially grant permission for a derivative
claim to be continued without being satisfied that there is a strong case. The merits of the claim will be
relevant to whether permission should be given, but there is no set threshold.
➤ Note
In some cases, the court has been inclined to merge the two stages into one, and to consider the application
for permission in one single hearing: Mission Capital plc v Sinclair [13.07]; Franbar Holdings Ltd v Patel at
[24] [13.08]; Stimpson v Southern Private Landlords Association at [3] [13.09]. In such cases, it is arguable
that the distinction between the requisite thresholds becomes of little significance, as the judge will simply
embark on an overall analysis of the evidence and submissions put by both sides in order to decide whether
permission should be granted. Whether the threshold in the second stage is higher than that required in the
first stage, therefore, is neither here nor there, because there will not be a second stage in some of these
The court must refuse permission to continue the claim if a person acting in accordance with s 172 (duty to
promote the success of the company) would not seek to continue the claim (s 263(2)(a)). If that hurdle is
met, then, in exercising its discretion to grant permission, the court must consider the importance that a
person acting in accordance with s 172 would attach to continuing it (s 263(3)(b)).
[13.07] Mission Capital plc v Sinclair [2008] EWHC 1339 (Chancery Division)
Two former executive directors (S) (father and daughter) unsuccessfully sought permission to continue a derivative
claim. M, via its three nonexecutive directors, had terminated S’s employment and dismissed them as directors
on the basis that they had failed to meet financial forecasts and submit important financial information to the
board. S brought a derivative claim against M, the nonexecutive directors and their replacement director (P),
claiming that M would suffer damage from their wrongful dismissal, and that P would act improperly.
43 Although I could not be satisfied that the notional s 172 director would not continue the claim, I do not
believe that he would attach that much importance to it. Would a company which had wrongfully dismissed
a director normally take action against those responsible for the damage that it has suffered? It would
depend, but I suspect that the action it would take in preference would be to replace the directors.
Moreover, on the evidence before me the damage the Company will suffer is somewhat speculative—
another reason why the s 172 director would not attach great weight to it. [And in any event, S could seek a
remedy under s 994 (unfair prejudice) for the harm suffered.]
(p. 654) [13.08] Franbar Holdings Ltd v Patel [2008] EWHC 1534 (Chancery Division)
Medicentres (M) was a company established to provide primary health care and medical services. It was wholly
owned by Franbar (F) until July 2005, when F sold 75% of the shares in M to Casualty Plus (C). F and C entered
into a shareholders’ agreement pursuant to which C appointed two directors to M (Mr Patel and Dr du Plessis (P))
and F appointed one (Mr Lalani (L)). The agreement also gave each party an option to sell or call for the remaining
shares at a price nine times M’s earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation as derived from its
most recent audited accounts. F brought derivative proceedings against C and P, claiming negligence, default and
various breaches of duty of care owed by P to M, including claims that P drove down M’s share price by driving
business away from it. William Trower QC, sitting as a deputy judge of the High Court, refused permission to
continue the claim because he thought that a person acting under s 172 would not attach great importance to the
claim, and that there were alternative modes of redress which would enable Franbar to claim what it was now
28 The duty under s 172 to act in the way that the director considers, in good faith, would be most likely to
promote the success of the relevant company for the benefit of its members as a whole, having regard
amongst other matters to a number of listed criteria. Mr Sisley [counsel] has sought to persuade me that I
can be satisfied that directors acting in accordance with s 172 would not seek to continue the claim
because Franbar has not established a sufficiently cogent case on the merits to lead a reasonable director
to conclude that the continuation of the claim would be in the best interests of Medicentres. In particular, he
submits that the evidence in Mr Lalani’s witness statement is of such low quality that the hypothetical
director would not seek to continue the claim on that ground alone. …
29 Franbar contends to the contrary. It says that the allegations made are so serious and have caused
such serious losses that the hypothetical director contemplated by s 263(2) would undoubtedly seek to
continue the claim. …
30 In my judgment, this is one of those cases in which there is room for more than one view. Directors are
often in the position of having to make what is no more than a partially informed decision on whether or not
the institution of legal proceedings is appropriate, without having a very clear idea of how the proceedings
will turn out. Some directors might wish to spend more time investigating and strengthening the company’s
case before issuing process, while others would wish to press on with proceedings straight away; in a case
such as this one, both approaches would be entirely appropriate. It is my view that there is sufficient
material for the hypothetical director to conclude that the conduct of Medicentres’ business by those in
control of it had given rise to actionable breaches of duty. As it seems likely that Mr Patel and Dr du
Plessis were behind much of that conduct, I cannot be satisfied that a hypothetical director acting in
accordance with s 172 would conclude that the case advanced was insufficiently cogent to justify
continuation of the claim. Even though he may take a healthily sceptical approach to Medicentres’ ability to
prove the allegations at trial, it does not follow that the claim should not be continued on that ground alone.
[So the first hurdle was met.]
36 In my judgment, the hypothetical director acting in accordance with s 172 would take into account a
wide range of considerations when assessing the importance of continuing the claim. These would include
such matters as the prospects of success of the claim, the ability of the company to make a recovery on
any award of damages, the disruption which would be caused to the development of the company’s
business by having to concentrate on the proceedings, the costs of the proceedings and any damage to the
company’s reputation and business if the proceedings were to fail. A director will often be in the position of
having to make what is no more than a partially informed decision on continuation without any very clear
idea of how the proceedings might turn out.
(p. 655) 37 Franbar asserts that great importance would be attached to continuing the claim because there
is no other means of securing compensation for the breaches of duty that it pleads. In my judgment, the
difficulty with this submission is that the complaints are not yet in a form in which the hypothetical director
might be expected to conclude that there were obvious breaches of duty which ought to be pursued and
that the recovery to be expected in consequence of those breaches would be substantial. I also think that it
is likely that the hypothetical director would be more inclined to regard pursuit of the derivative claim as less
important in the light of the fact that several of the complaints are more naturally to be formulated as
breaches of the Shareholders’ Agreement and acts of unfair prejudice which are already the subject matter
of proceedings commenced by the minority shareholder. I accept Mr Sisley’s submission that, in the
present case, where all parties seek and have offered (as the case may be) a buyout of the minority by the
majority and the principal issue is one of valuation, that means that the hypothetical director would be less
likely to attribute importance to the continuation of the derivative claim. [And, accordingly, he refused
permission to continue.]
[13.09] Stimpson v Southern Private Landlords Association [2009] EWHC 2072 (Chancery Division)
Southern Private Landlords Association (first defendant) was a nonprofit company limited by guarantee, whose
function it was to represent the interests of private landlords. The sixth defendant was also a company limited by
guarantee, and who performed similar services, but on a large scale. The first claimant was the founding president
and a director of the first defendant whose voting capacity was, however, limited to breaking deadlocks on the
board. The remaining defendants were statutory (or, in the case of the fifth director, shadow) directors of the first
defendant. In this application under s 261, the claimants alleged that the director defendants had engineered the
transfer of all the assets of the first defendant to the sixth defendant, in breach of their duties. Taking into account
the merits and value of the claim, as well as the likely costs of the litigation and that the first claimant would seek
to recover his outlay from the first defendant, HHJ Pelling QC (sitting as a judge of the High Court) refused the
application under s 263(2) on the basis that a hypothetical director acting under s 172 would not seek to continue
the derivative claim.
HHJ PELLING QC (sitting as a judge of the High Court):
24 Thus the real first question to which I now turn is whether a hypothetical director acting in accordance
with s 172 of the 2006 Act would not seek to continue the claim.
26 Section 172(1) refers to the requirement that a director must act in a way he considers would most likely
promote the success of the company for the benefits of its members as a whole. However, that provision
has to be read subject to s 172(2). This provision contemplates two different situations—that where the
objects of the company consist of purposes other than the benefit of its members and that where the
purposes of the company include purposes other than the benefit of its members. In relation to the first of
these situations, s 171(1) is to be read as providing that a director must act in a way that he considers in
good faith would be most likely to achieve those purposes. Although it was suggested by the defendants
that the first of these constructions applies to both of the situations I have identified and that such a
construction would have an impact in the circumstances of this case, I reject that submission. To adopt
such an approach would be to apply a test that would be entirely inappropriate to a company with mixed
objects because it would require the benefit of its members to be ignored (even though the benefit of
members was one of its objects) or suborned to the other objects. Such a test would be progressively more
inappropriate depending on how relatively unimportant the other objects were both on a consideration of the
relevant objects clause and as a matter of practicality. In my judgment s 172(1) is to be construed as
meaning that a (p. 656) director of a company with mixed objects must act in a way that he considers in
good faith would most likely promote the success of the company for the benefit of its members as a whole
whilst at the same time achieving its other purposes. Where there is a conflict between promoting the
success of the company for the benefit of its members and the achievement of the other objectives, a
balancing exercise will be required.
28 Deciding whether a hypothetical director acting in accordance with s 172 of the 2006 Act would not seek
to continue the claim necessarily involves considering those issues identified by Mr Trower QC
in Franbar [13.08]… However, that list is not and was not intended to be comprehensive. In a case such as
this answering the question under consideration also involves considering the ability of the company to
provide benefits to its members after completion of the litigation, the degree to which delay in completing
the litigation would affect the ability of the company to provide services for its members at all, and the
degree to which the company can expect to retain members during the litigation, or regain them after it has
been completed, bearing in mind that the only income that the first defendant has ever had is its
subscription income.
[13.10] Iesini v Westrip Holdings Ltd [2009] EWHC 2526 (Chancery Division Companies Court)
Also see [13.02] and [13.04]. This case concerned allegations of assetstripping. Mr Iesini and his coclaimants
were shareholders in Westrip, a company formed as a vehicle to find funding for the development of a valuable
mineral exploration licence (the ‘Tanbreez licence’), worth about $900 million. Until a boardroom coup in June
2008, Westrip’s directors included Mr Iesini, Mr Barnes and Ms Walker. Westrip entered into two licences (in 2002
and 2004 respectively) with Rimbal, an Australian company to which the Tanbreez licence was granted by the
Government of Greenland Bureau of Minerals and Petroleum, to enable Westrip to control the management and
implementation of the scheme for the development of the licensed areas. The shareholders of Rimbal had been Mr
Barnes and Ms Walker. Under the licence agreement, Rimbal assigned to Westrip all of its present and future
rights to all profits arising from any exploitation of mineral deposits within the tenement. The licences further
provided for the transfer of shares in Rimbal to Westrip for a consideration of £2.5 million; however, no payment
was made and therefore no shares were transferred under these two licences.
In 2006, Westrip entered into an agreement in principle with Mr Barnes and Ms Walker for the purchase of their
shares in Rimbal, in consideration of redeemable preference shares in Westrip being allotted (notwithstanding that
Westrip’s articles of association did not provide for the allotment of such shares). Prior to this, Rimbal had
acquired another exploration licence for a different area of Greenland which was later subdivided into two licences
(the ‘Northern Licence’ and the ‘Southern Licence’ respectively).
Among other events on the chronology, the settlement date was postponed twice, and, after all, the transfer failed
to materialise as Westrip was, by May 2008, on the brink of insolvency. Accordingly, on 8 October 2008, Mr
Barnes and Ms Walker gave notice to Westrip exercising their right to rescind under the agreement (and requested
the return of their Rimbal shares, which they had earlier transferred to Westrip). After obtaining legal advice, the
board of Westrip retransferred the shares in Rimbal to Mr Barnes and Ms Walker. This gave rise to the claimants’
first ground for continuing a derivative claim against the board of Westrip; namely that they had allegedly breached
their directors’ duties in accepting the rescission of the agreement, and failing to consider such possible defences
as estoppel and waiver on the part of Mr Barnes and Ms Walker. The claimants also sought restitution for
expenses incurred by Westrip on the Tanbreez licence (which, as a result of the rescission, would directly benefit
Rimbal as beneficial owner of the licence). The claimants also advanced a trust claim, namely (p. 657) asserting
that Rimbal had been holding the Northern Licence and the Southern Licence on trust for Westrip. Finally,
conspiracy on the part of the board was also alleged.
Lewison J held that the restitution claim was not a valid ground for a derivative application, as it contained no
allegation of default or breach of duty. The conspiracy claim was accepted by counsel to add little (if anything) to
the other claims. As to the claim that the directors were at fault in accepting the rescission, the learned judge was
of the view that the strength of the claim was so weak that no director, acting in accordance with s 172, would
seek to continue it. Finally, despite coming to the view that the trust claim had been strong, the learned judge
exercised his power under s 261(4)(c) to direct the board to reconsider Westrip’s defence to the action brought by
Rimbal (in relation to the beneficiary interest) as it was evident that some particular documents had not been given
sufficient weight in previous legal advice supplied to the board. If the board decided to maintain a defence to the
action, the need for a derivative claim would be extinguished.
85 As many judges have pointed out (e.g. Warren J in Airey v Cordell [2007] BCC 785, 800 and Mr William
Trower QC in Franbar Holdings Ltd v Patel [13.08]) there are many cases in which some directors, acting in
accordance with s 172, would think it worthwhile to continue a claim at least for the time being, while
others, also acting in accordance with s 172, would reach the opposite conclusion. There are, of course, a
number of factors that a director, acting in accordance with s 172, would consider in reaching his decision.
They include: the size of the claim; the strength of the claim; the cost of the proceedings; the company’s
ability to fund the proceedings; the ability of the potential defendants to satisfy a judgment; the impact on
the company if it lost the claim and had to pay not only its own costs but the defendant’s as well; any
disruption to the company’s activities while the claim is pursued; whether the prosecution of the claim
would damage the company in other ways (e.g. by losing the services of a valuable employee or alienating
a key supplier or customer) and so on. The weighing of all these considerations is essentially a commercial
decision, which the court is illequipped to take, except in a clear case.
86 In my judgment therefore (in agreement with Warren J and Mr Trower QC) s 263(2)(a) will apply only
where the court is satisfied that no director acting in accordance with s 172 would seek to continue the
claim. If some directors would, and others would not, seek to continue the claim the case is one for the
application of s 263(3)(b). Many of the same considerations would apply to that paragraph too.
102 In my judgment this is a clear case. The strength of the claim against the board is so weak that I
conclude that no director, acting in accordance with s 172, would seek to continue the claim against the
directors in respect of their actions in accepting the rescission of the SSA. If I am wrong about that, the
case is so weak that a person acting in accordance with s 172 would attach little weight to continuing it.
[13.11] Kiani v Cooper [2010] EWHC 577 (Chancery Division)
Mrs Kiani (claimant) and Mr Cooper (first defendant) were the sole directors and shareholders of a property
development company. In this application, Mrs Kiani alleged that Mr Cooper had acted in breach of his fiduciary
duties owed to the company. These allegations concerned, first, sums claimed by Mr Cooper personally as a
creditor of the company; secondly, Mr Cooper’s failure adequately to handle and defend claims made by DPM
(third defendant), of which Mr Cooper was a director and majority shareholder; and, thirdly, sums transferred out of
the company’s bank account by Mr Cooper to another company, which was allegedly owned beneficially by Mr
Cooper himself. Proudman J concluded that Mr Cooper had a strong case to answer and he had not yet at any
rate answered it. Taking this and the other statutory (p. 658) considerations into account, permission to continue
the claim was granted, but only down to disclosure in the action, because further disclosure of documents would
reveal the real strength of Mrs Kiani’s case, and thus whether a director acting in accordance with s 172 would
wish to continue the claim.
43 Mr Irvin [counsel for Mr Cooper] submitted under this head that the case is one for mandatory dismissal.
He prayed in aid the fact that the company is deadlocked and development cannot continue. The company
has ceased trading. He submitted that liquidation in one form or another was the only realistic option and
the proper person to take decisions about whether there has been any breach of duty is a liquidator. I
observe that although this could have been a case for the court to appoint a receiver, neither side has
requested such an appointment. The evidence of Mr Rubin, an insolvency practitioner, given on the basis of
information provided by Mr Cooper, is that the company may be cash flow insolvent, although it seems to
be common ground that on a balance sheet basis there is a surplus of assets over liabilities. Mr Irvin
submitted that faced with the practical options a director would not expend money in what might be very
considerable costs of these proceedings. One of the factors specified in section 172 is the need to act fairly
between members of the company. In any event Mr Irvin submitted that it would be grossly unfair to pursue
Mr Cooper in circumstances where even if he won he would be bearing a significant proportion of the costs
of the proceedings.
44 However, taking all the factors I have stated into account, it seems to me that so far from there being a
mandatory bar on the application, a director acting in accordance with his section 172 duties would decide
to continue the proceedings on the basis that at present there is some strong evidence in favour of the case
advanced by Mrs Kiani. The notional director would take into account the size of the claim in relation to the
payments to Cranham Facilities Limited (some £296,000), which if successful would be bound to ensure full
return for all creditors. Mr Irvin submitted that the costs of such an action would be disproportionate.
However, that depends on the ability to recover in full.
45 I believe that a director acting in accordance with his duty would wish to continue the claim down to
disclosure. Mr Cooper says he has supporting documentation and that is the time to assess what
documentation he can in fact produce. …
➤ Note
In Stainer v Lee [13.05], Roth J also granted permission to continue the claim only up to the conclusion of
➤ Question
Is the possibility that the claimant shareholder has other avenues for seeking a remedy a good reason for
refusing permission to continue a derivative claim? What does CA 2006 say? (See s 263(3)(f).) What do the
judges do?
The court must refuse permission to continue proceedings if the actual or proposed wrong has been
properly authorised or ratified by the company: s 263(2)(b) and (c). If that hurdle is met, then, in exercising
its discretion to grant permission, the court must consider whether the company has decided not to pursue
the claim: s 263(e).
Care must be taken here. The authorisation (ie before the wrongdoing) or ratification (ie after the wrongdoing) must
be proper. The rules for each are different.
In the absence of specific statutory provisions, authorisation is granted according to common law rules (s 180(4)),
and these seem to permit the wrongdoing directors to vote (see the following Notes, p 661).
(p. 659) On the other hand, where ratification is in issue, s 239 applies, which adopts the common law rules with
all their poorly defined limitations on what may be ratified by whom (s 239(7)), and then adds the further
requirement that the wrongdoers cannot vote to ratify (unlike the common law), although they may count in the
quorum and participate in the proceedings (s 239(4)). See Franbar [13.12] and the following Notes, p 661.
[13.12] Franbar Holdings Ltd v Patel [2008] EWHC 1534 (Chancery Division)
For the facts, see [13.08]. Also see [13.13].
38 As all of the acts and omissions relied on by Franbar have already occurred, the third relevant factor is
whether those acts and omissions could be ratified, or in the circumstances would be likely to be ratified by
Medicentres. Although Casualty Plus has a significant number of outside shareholders, that fact of itself
does not cause me to consider that it would not vote in favour of ratification of any of the breaches of duty to
Medicentres pleaded against Mr Patel and Dr du Plessis. Mr Sisley (who is also instructed by Casualty
Plus in the s 994 petition and the shareholders’ action) told me that this was Casualty Plus’ intention. I am
satisfied that Casualty Plus will, if necessary, take steps to procure a resolution ratifying the conduct
complained of against Mr Patel and Dr du Plessis.
39 Any such ratification must of course be effective; merely purporting to do so cannot amount to ratification
sufficient to render permission to continue inappropriate, or at least less appropriate than would otherwise
be the case. Provision for the ratification by a company of conduct by a director amounting to negligence,
default, breach of duty or breach of trust is made by CA 2006 s 239, although it applies only to conduct by
a director on or after 1 October 2007 (Schedule 3 paragraph 17 of The Companies Act 2006
(Commencement No 3 Consequential Amendments, Transitional Provisions and Savings) Order 2007 SI
2007/2194). Conduct prior to that date is subject to the law relating to ratification applicable immediately
before that date. In the present case, some of the conduct of which complaint is made occurred prior to 1
October 2007 and some occurred thereafter.
40 The ratification must be effected by a resolution of the company’s members. The material part of s 239 is
in the following terms …:
41 The effect of these provisions is that the vote (in his capacity as a member) of the director whose
conduct is in issue and the vote of any member connected with him must be left out of account when
determining whether an effective resolution ratifying that conduct has been passed. Whether a member is a
connected person for these purposes is set out in CA 2006 ss 252 and 254, the material parts of which are
as follows:… [And then holding that Casualty Plus was not such a person.]
43 I shall revert shortly to Mr Matthias’ submissions on whether or not a particular aspect of the conduct of
Mr Patel and Dr du Plessis is capable of ratification. Before doing so, I should deal with a submission made
by Mr Sisley that the introduction by section 239 of an obligation to disregard connected votes means that
what he describes as the ‘untainted majority’ can ratify any act which is not ultra vires the company. He
contended that the connected person provisions in section 239 have replaced the principle that breach of
duty by a director is incapable of ratification where it constitutes a fraud on the minority in circumstances in
which the wrongdoers are in control of the company. This submission can only relate to conduct which
occurred after 1 October 2007.
44 In my judgment, that is not the correct approach. Section 239(7) explicitly preserves any rule of law as
to acts that are incapable of being ratified by the company. This will include acts which are ultra vires the
company in the strict sense, but it seems to me that it will also include acts which, pursuant to any rule of
law, are incapable of being ratified for some other reason. If Mr Sisley were right, the effect of section 239
would be to restrict the types of circumstance in which ratification is not possible because of wrongdoer
control to those in which the connected person requirements of (p. 660) section 239(3) and (4) are
satisfied. He did not suggest any policy reason why that might have been the Parliamentary intention and
the passages from GoreBrowne on Companies… and Palmer’s Company Law… suggest that it was not. In
summary, I agree with the editors of Palmer that the connected person provisions in section 239(3) and (4)
impose additional requirements for effective ratification which draw on existing equitable rules but which
impose more stringent demands (Palmer’s Company Law (25th edn) at paragraph 8.3412).
45 It follows that I consider that the words of Sir Richard Baggalay, delivering the advice of the Privy Council
in NorthWest Transportation Company v. Beatty [4.33], 594, describing the circumstances in which a
company cannot ratify breaches of duty by its directors, remain good law:
‘… provided such affirmance or adoption is not brought about by unfair or improper means, and is not
illegal or fraudulent or oppressive towards those shareholders who oppose it.’
It follows that, where the question of ratification arises in the context of an application to continue a
derivative claim, the question which the court must still ask itself is whether the ratification has the effect
that the claimant is being improperly prevented from bringing the claim on behalf of the company (c.f. Knox
J in Smith v. Croft (No 2) [13.17], 185B). That may still be the case where the new connected person
provisions are not satisfied, but there is still actual wrongdoer control pursuant to which there has been a
diversion of assets to persons associated with the wrongdoer, albeit not connected in the sense for which
provision is made by section 239(4).
46 Mr Matthias submitted that the acts complained of are incapable of ratification because their effect was
to oppress the minority by driving down the value of Franbar’s minority interest, in any event when seen
against the background of the options contained in the Shareholders’ Agreement. This might be correct in
relation to a number of the breaches alleged against Mr Patel and Dr du Plessis, but it cannot sensibly be
said that every breach of duty pleaded in the derivative claim is incapable of ratification merely because it
caused sufficient loss to Medicentres to have an effect on the value of Franbar’s shares. In my judgment,
that would be to give a meaning to the concept of minority oppression which is not justified by the
47 I do, however, accept that some of the complaints made by Franbar may well be incapable of ratification.
It seems to me that, if Franbar were to establish its claim that some part of the business of Medicentres, or
some business opportunity which properly belonged to it, had been diverted to Casualty Plus at the suit of
Mr Patel or Dr du Plessis, that may well amount to a breach of duty incapable of ratification on the votes of
Casualty Plus, more particularly if it was done with the intention of driving down Medicentres’ earnings and
reducing the amount payable to Franbar on exercise of the option. Despite Mr Sisley’s comprehensive
submissions on the improbability of any such breach being established, I am unable to say at this stage
that he is right. In my judgment it is possible that Franbar will establish at trial that, in all the circumstances
of the case, some of the breaches alleged will prove to be incapable of ratification. In this, as in many
cases, it is only possible to say at this stage that, while it is likely that an attempt will be made to ratify all
of the breaches, it is no more than a possibility that ratification of all of the breaches will prove to be
48 The fourth relevant matter of which I am required to take particular account is whether Medicentres has
decided not to pursue the claim. Mr Matthias submitted that Medicentres has made no such decision and
Mr Sisley did not contend that it had. I am able to infer, however, that if it were to engage in a formal
consideration of whether or not to pursue the claim, Medicentres would decide not to do so. In a case such
as the present, this seems to me to add little to the issue of ratification which I have already considered.
➤ Question
The previous case suggests that not only are the wrongdoers and connected persons barred from the
ratification vote (CA 2006 s 239), but that certain wrongs are simply ‘unratifiable’, even by an untainted
majority. Which wrongs are ‘unratifiable’? Are such wrongs unratifiable because of the nature of the wrong or
because of the nature of the ratification decision? (p. 661) Should any wrongs be unratifiable? Where a
wrong is ratifiable, how does effective ratification take place? See the following Notes.
➤ Notes
the contract in question was entered into under such circumstances that the directors could not retain the
benefit of it for themselves, then it belonged in equity to the company and ought to have been dealt with as
an asset of the company. Even supposing it be not ultra vires of a company to make a present to its
directors, it appears quite certain that directors holding a majority of votes would not be permitted to make a
present to themselves. This would be to allow a majority to oppress the minority. To such circumstances
the cases of NorthWest Transportation v Beatty [4.33] and Burland v Earle [1902] AC 83, PC, have no
2. In Daniels v Daniels [1978] Ch 406, three minority shareholders brought an action against Mr and Mrs Daniels,
the two directors and majority shareholders of the company, alleging negligence (rather than breach of the conflicts
rules), in that they had negligently caused the company to sell land to Mrs Daniels at a fraction of its true value. In
preliminary proceedings, Templeman J held that the plaintiffs had standing to sue, notwithstanding Foss v
Harbottle. He said:
The authorities which deal with simple fraud on the one hand and gross negligence on the other do not
cover the situation which arises where, without fraud, the directors and majority shareholders are guilty of a
breach of duty which they owe to the company, and that breach of duty not only harms the company but
benefits the directors. In that case it seems to me that different considerations apply. If minority
shareholders can sue if there is fraud, I see no reason why they cannot sue where the action of the majority
and the directors, though without fraud, confers some benefit on those directors and majority shareholders
themselves. … To put up with foolish directors is one thing; to put up with directors who are so foolish that
they make a profit of £115,000 odd at the expense of the company is something entirely different. The
principle which may be gleaned from Alexander v Automatic Telephone Co26 (directors benefiting
themselves), from Cook v Deek s [7.22](directors diverting business in their own favour) and from dicta
in Pavlides v Jensen27 (directors appropriating assets of the company) is that a minority shareholder who
has no other remedy may sue where directors use their powers, intentionally or unintentionally, fraudulently
or negligently, in a manner which benefits themselves at the expense of the company.
3. Daniels v Daniels is always contrasted with Pavlides v Jensen [1956] Ch 565 where a minority shareholder
unsuccessfully attempted to bring an action against the directors alleging negligence in the sale of an asbestos
mine to an associated company at a gross undervalue. The directors objected that the shareholder had no right to
sue, and the court agreed, there being no evidence of fraud or personal benefit.28 Is the case legitimately
distinguishable on this basis?
(p. 662) The court must consider whether the member has alternative personal claims which could be
pursued in his own right rather than on behalf of the company: s 263(3)(f).
[13.13] Franbar Holdings Ltd v Patel [2008] EWHC 1534 (Chancery Division)
For the facts, see [13.08]. Also see [13.12].
50… What is required is for the act or omission of which complaint is made to give rise to a cause of action
available to the member in its own right. Doubtless such a cause of action will sometimes be a claim
seeking relief against the same director defendants, but I do not read the subsection as being limited to
such claims. In my view, the only limitation is that the cause of action should arise out of the same act or
omission; where that act or omission gives rise to both a claim for unfair prejudice against a member and a
claim for breach of duty against a director, s 263(3)(f) is engaged. The adequacy of the remedy available to
the member in his own right is, however, a matter which will go into the balance when assessing the weight
of this consideration on the facts of the case. Even if this is wrong as a matter of strict construction of the
subsection, I consider that it is relevant in the present case for the court to see whether the acts or
omissions in respect of which the derivative claim is brought give rise to a cause of action that the member
can bring against another person. That is a consideration of some significance where that other person is
the majority shareholder with close connections to the directors concerned, and where the buyout offer
which has already been made is made on behalf of all of the Defendants.
51 I can well understand why Mr Matthias accepted the extent of the overlap between the s 994 petition and
the derivative claim and I think that he was right to do so. In my view most, if not all, of the allegations of
breach of duty to Medicentres (and certainly all those which are even arguably incapable of ratification) are
likely to be relevant to Franbar’s complaint of unfair prejudice. Furthermore, the losses which Medicentres
might have sustained as a result of the breaches of duty pleaded in the derivative claim are relevant to the
fair value of Franbar’s shares and to the question of what factual assumptions should be made on the
valuation to ensure that Franbar is put into the position that it would have been in but for the unfair prejudice
which it will (on this hypothesis) have established. I can see no reason why Franbar should not be granted
such relief on the unfair prejudice petition as may be necessary to ensure that the interest which it seeks to
realise is valued on a basis which takes full account of the value of the complaints it wishes to pursue on
behalf of Medicentres in the derivative claim.
52 In the end, it was clear that Franbar’s real concern was that Casualty Plus might not be in a position to
pay a fair value for Franbar’s shares in Medicentres (having regard to the value of Medicentres’ claims
against Mr Patel and Dr du Plessis), while a judgment against Mr Patel and Dr du Plessis is one which is
more likely to be satisfied, or in any event gives Franbar an extra string to its bow. There is some foundation
for this concern because it seems possible that Casualty Plus will have to raise additional capital to fund its
purchase of Franbar’s shares and may have difficulty in doing so, although I give this consideration less
weight in the light of the fact that the open offer to purchase is one to which each of the Defendants is a
53 Franbar also submits that continuation and consolidation will be a cost effective and proportionate way of
resolving all claims between the parties. It is said that this is a more efficient way of dealing with the dispute
than leaving over the possibility that a derivative claim might have to be pursued in due course, once unfair
prejudice has been established. I cannot rule out the possibility that a derivative claim may need to be
pursued at a later stage, but I am bound to say that it seems to me most unlikely that this will be
necessary. In this particular case, the availability (and indeed use) of both the s 994 petition and the
shareholders’ action weigh in the balance against the grant of permission to continue the derivative action.
Any possible future difficulty in enforcing a buyout order against Casualty Plus is not, anyway at this stage
of the proceedings, a sufficiently powerful (p. 663) basis for taking another view. I also take into account
the fact that continuing with a further set of proceedings at this stage might well give rise to unnecessary
further complexity in the future, even if those proceedings were to be consolidated with the s 994 petition
and even though Franbar has now abandoned (in any event for the present) its application for an indemnity
from Medicentres in respect of its costs.
[13.14] Kiani v Cooper [2010] EWHC 577 (Chancery Division)
For the facts, see [13.11].
38 Another factor prescribed by s 263(3) is the availability to Mrs Kiani of an alternative remedy in respect of
the alleged breaches of duty. Mr Irvin submits that one proper remedy would be a personal action under the
shareholders’ agreement. However, it seems to me that such an action could meet real difficulties in that
the loss claimed could be viewed as loss reflective of the company’s loss, irrecoverable under the principle
enunciated in Johnson v Gore Wood [13.22].
39 Mr Irvin’s principal submission is however that Mrs Kiani’s proper remedy is an unfair prejudice petition
under CA 2006 s 994. Under s 994 the court has a very wide discretion as to the relief it may grant,
including, by s 996(2)(c), authorising civil proceedings in the name of and on behalf of the company.
40 There is a lot to be said for this procedure in a case of a twoperson company where the real dispute is
between those two persons alone. However, the jurisdiction to make an order under s 996(2)(c) can only be
exercised if the court is first satisfied that the unfair prejudice petition is wellfounded. Mrs Kiani would not
therefore have standing on behalf of the company to restrain a winding up petition. It may well be the case
that the court would have jurisdiction on her application to restrain a winding up petition pending the
outcome of s 994 proceedings. I have not been addressed on that issue. Moreover, yesterday Mr Cooper
and DPM, through Mr Irvin, said for the first time that they were willing to offer an undertaking not to present
creditors petitions pending s 994 proceedings.
41 Taking all those factors into consideration, it seems to me that Mrs Kiani’s position is this. She says
that she and the company have been deprived of the opportunity to pursue the development venture. She
does not want the company to be wound up on the petition of Mr Cooper, at whose door she places
responsibility for the deadlock which has occurred. She wants her opportunity to be preserved. She wishes
to pursue Mr Cooper on behalf of the company in a derivative action. It seems to me that the fact that she
could in a more roundabout way achieve the relief she seeks does not mean that she ought not to be
granted permission in the present case. It is merely one of the factors that I have to take into account.
[13.15] Stainer v Lee [2010] EWHC 1539 (Chancery Division)
Also see [13.05].
A minority shareholder (S) in company C was permitted to continue a derivative claim against two of C’s directors
in respect of what appeared to be substantial interestfree loans made by C to company E which was owned by
one of those directors. E had been established as a special purpose vehicle (SPV) for the acquisition of shares in
C. By 2002, it had acquired a 65% shareholding in C with the aid of a bank loan exceeding £4 million. This debt
was repaid out of interestfree loan funds from C to E. The failure to obtain interest for C over a period of almost
nine years on lending to E that rose from £4.6 million to £8.1 million constituted very strong grounds for a claim
that the directors were in breach of their fiduciary duties. The judge held that it was therefore appropriate to grant S
permission to continue the derivative claim until the conclusion of disclosure.
(p. 664) ROTH J:
50 The Respondents also contend that this is a case that the Applicant could pursue by an ‘unfair
prejudice’ petition under section 994, and thus in his own right, which is a relevant consideration under
section 263(3)(f). As Lewison J observed in Iesini [13.10] the availability of the alternative remedy is
included under subsection 263(3) not 263(2) and is accordingly a discretionary consideration not an
absolute bar.
51 In many cases, an allegation of breach by directors of their fiduciary duties could found an unfair
prejudice petition as well as a derivative action. But that should not disguise the fundamentally different
nature of the two forms of proceedings. As Millett J explained in Re Charnley Davies Ltd (No 2) [1990]
BCLC 760 at 784:
‘The very same facts may well found either a derivative action or a s [994] petition. But that should
not disguise the fact that the nature of the complaint and the appropriate relief is different in the two
cases. Had the petitioners’ true complaint been of the unlawfulness of the respondent’s conduct, so
that it would be met by an order for restitution, then a derivative action would have been appropriate
and a s [994] petition would not. But that was not the true nature of the petitioners’ complaint. They
did not rely on the unlawfulness of the respondent’s conduct to found their cause of action; and they
would not have been content with an order that the respondent make restitution to the company.
They relied on the respondent’s unlawful conduct as evidence of the manner in which he had
conducted the company’s affairs for his own benefit and in disregard of their interests as minority
shareholders; and they wanted to be bought out. They wanted relief from mismanagement, not a
remedy for misconduct.’
52 In the present action, the Applicant is not seeking to be bought out. He commenced these proceedings,
with the support of 35 other minority shareholders, seeking financial remedies for misconduct against the
two directors personally, and now an order for restitution from Eldington. Such orders could not be made on
an unfair prejudice petition, albeit that the court could by way of remedy authorise the bringing of
proceedings in the name of the company by the petitioner: section 996(2)(c). But that would then give rise
to a subsequent and further set of proceedings. I consider that given what is at the heart of the present
case, a derivative action is entirely appropriate and therefore the theoretical availability to the Applicant of
proceedings by way of an unfair prejudice petition is not a reason to refuse permission.
[13.16] Kleanthous v Paphitis [2011] EWHC 2287 (Chancery Division)
Also see [13.06].
Mr Kleanthous was a shareholder in Ryman Group Limited (RGL), the three subsidiaries of which were engaged in
the fields of stationery, lingerie and mobile telephone businesses respectively. Mr Kleanthous complained that the
other directors had breached their fiduciary duties owed to RGL, by virtue of their decision to enable one of their
number, Mr Paphitis, to acquire La Senza, a listed company also engaged in the lingerie business. Mr Kleanthous
argued that Mr Paphitis and his company had been enabled to develop this opportunity as well as to use assets of
RGL for their own benefit. It was further contended that the defendants had made very substantial profits which
resulted in enormous loss to RGL. Newey J refused permission to continue the claim on the basis that the claim
was not of such strength and size as could make it appropriate for permission to be granted when (i) that course
was strongly opposed, on a reasoned basis, by the Ryman Companies’ independent committees as well as by Mr
Childs (who was accepted by the court as being disinterested in the alleged conflicts); (ii) that other means of
redress were available under CA 2006 s 994; and (iii) much of the money recovered by the company from the
director defendants could be expected to be returned to them by way of distribution.
(p. 665) NEWEY J:
78 In Franbar Holdings Ltd v Patel [13.13], Mr William Trower QC, sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge,
gave considerable weight to the fact that the Claimant should be able to achieve all that it could properly
want through a s 994 petition and shareholders’ action which were already on foot (see paragraphs 53 and
54). InIesini v Westrip Holdings Ltd [13.10], Lewison J said (in paragraph 126) that the availability of an
alternative remedy under s 994 was one of the factors which would have led him to the conclusion that, had
he not adjourned the matter, it would not have been appropriate to allow a derivative claim to proceed.
79 In contrast, the availability of an alternative remedy under s 994 did not appear to the Inner House to be a
compelling consideration on the facts of Wishart v Castlecroft Securities Ltd [2009] CSIH 65, where Lord
Reed commented (in paragraph 46) that such proceedings would ‘constitute, at best, an indirect means of
achieving what could be achieved directly by derivative proceedings’. Similarly, in Stainer v Lee [13.15] Roth
J considered a derivative action ‘entirely appropriate’ and ‘the theoretical availability to the applicant of
proceedings by way of an unfair prejudice petition … not a reason to refuse permission’; the applicant was
‘not seeking to be bought out’ (paragraph 52).
80 In the present case, likewise, it was submitted on Mr Kleanthous’ behalf that he was not seeking a buy
out of his shares. However, the evidence indicates that Mr Kleanthous is interested in being bought out.
[The judge referred to various witness statements, and to proposed action under s 994.]… One is left with
the suspicion that Mr Kleanthous has chosen to pursue derivative proceedings alone in the hope that he will
be able to obtain a costs indemnity (with the result that the other shareholders in RGL would be likely to
bear the bulk of the costs even if the claims against them failed).
81 In all the circumstances, I agree with Mr Todd that the availability of an alternative remedy in the form of
an unfair prejudice petition is a powerful reason to refuse permission for the derivative claim to proceed in
this case.
➤ Note
Where practical considerations demand, such as the urgent need for a summary judgment for the recovery of
money misappropriated, and to stop more money from being taken, the claimant may be allowed to change
his mind and bring a derivative action in addition to a s 994 petition: Phillips v Fryer [2012] EWHC 1611 (Ch).
➤ Question
Compare the previous cases. Are the courts’ approaches consistent? What features render the alternative
remedy more than a mere ‘theoretical availability’ (per Roth J in Stainer v Lee [13.15])?
In exercising its discretion, the court shall have particular regard to the views of the members of the
company who have no direct or indirect personal interests in the matter: s 263(4).
[13.17] Smith v Croft (No 2) [1988] Ch 114 (Chancery Division)
This case predates the CA 2006 changes, but reflects their import. The claimants were minority shareholders
claiming (inter alia) to recover, on behalf of their company, sums which had been paid away in transactions which
were both ultra vires and in breach of the statutory prohibition on financial assistance (‘Financial assistance by a
company for the acquisition of its own shares’, pp 524ff). With their supporters, the plaintiffs had 14% of the voting
rights in the company and the defendants 63%; and there were other shareholders commanding 21% of the votes
who did not wish the litigation to proceed. Knox J held that: (i) a prima facie case (p. 666) of ultra vires and
illegality had been made out, for which the company was entitled to relief; (ii) the plaintiffs accordingly had
standing to bring a derivative action; but that (iii) the plaintiffs nevertheless had no right to sue if a majority of the
shareholders who were independent of the defendants did not want the action to continue.
KNOX J: Another way of putting the question is to ask whether if a minority has been the victim of a fraud
entitling the company in which they are shareholders to financial redress, the majority within that minority
can prevent the minority within that minority from prosecuting the action for redress. The usual reason in
practice for wanting to abandon such an action is that there is far more to lose financially by prosecuting
the right to redress than by abandoning or not pursuing it, and that view will be reinforced in the minds of
those who wish to abandon the claim if their opinion is that it is a bad claim anyway. …
Mr Potts [counsel] submitted that no reported authority held that in a case falling within the fraud on a
minority exception to the rule in Foss v Harbottle the court should go beyond seeing whether the
wrongdoers are in control and count heads to see what the other shareholders, ie those other than the
plaintiff and the wrongdoers, think should be done. I accept that in many reported cases the court has not
gone on to the second stage.
… Ultimately the question which has to be answered in order to determine whether the rule in Foss v
Harbottle applies to prevent a minority shareholder seeking relief as plaintiff for the benefit of the company is
‘Is the plaintiff being improperly prevented from bringing these proceedings on behalf of the company?’ If it is
an expression of the corporate will of the company by an appropriate independent organ that is preventing
the plaintiff from prosecuting the action he is not improperly but properly prevented and so the answer to the
question is ‘No’. The appropriate independent organ will vary according to the constitution of the company
concerned and the identity of the defendants who will in most cases be disqualified from participating by
voting in expressing the corporate will. [His Lordship then held that a majority of shareholders, excluding the
defendants but including the Wren Trust (which he ruled was ‘independent’29 ) were opposed to continuing
the action, and ordered that it should be struck out.]
[13.18] Kiani v Cooper [2010] EWHC 577 (Chancery Division)
For the facts and another part of the judgment, see [13.11]. Also see [13.14].
47 That brings me to the second issue, which is the discrete one whether Mrs Kiani should be indemnified
from the company’s assets in respect of her costs. Mr Dougherty pressed me to make such an order. He
said this is the usual order. He submitted that the claim is properly brought on behalf of the company in
accordance with the statutory framework. The company is the loser as a result of the acts and defaults of
the director and there is no justification for departure from the usual course. He prayed in aid the wellknown
comments of Lord Denning, Master of the Rolls, in Wallersteiner v Moir (No 2).30
(p. 667) 48 However, it seems to me that in a case of this kind, where the dispute is one between the two
directors and shareholders, the court ought to take a realistic view. There are no significant unsecured
creditors of which Mrs Kiani is aware whose interests come into the equation. There is some analogy with
the trustee beneficiary who brings a Beddoe summons for directions to sue his fellow trustee beneficiary
and asks for his costs of doing so out of the fund. In such circumstances the court is likely to refuse to
force the defendant to fund proceedings against him. The claimant must take the risk as to costs.
49 On that basis I am prepared to make an order that Mrs Kiani’s costs should be borne by the company,
but I am not prepared to grant her an indemnity in respect of any adverse costs order, that is to say, any
order that Mr Cooper or DPM should be entitled to costs. It seems to me that she should be required to
assume part of the risk of the litigation. However, that part of the order will be subject to review after
Personal claims by members
All these pitfalls associated with derivative claims can be avoided if members can pursue personal remedies for
any wrongs done to them. Much of the relevant substantive law has been addressed in earlier chapters. The one
omission is an enormously significant one. Members have a statutory right to complain to court that the
company’s affairs are being conducted in a manner that is unfairly prejudicial to the member’s interests (CA 2006
s 994). This provision is commonly known as the ‘unfair prejudice’ section. The court has wide powers to make
orders as it sees fit if a claim of unfair prejudice is made out (s 996). The relevant rules are discussed in detail at
‘Unfairly prejudicial conduct of the company’s affairs’, pp 681ff. In addition, members have the right to petition for
the company to be wound up on the ‘just and equitable’ ground. These rules are discussed in detail at
‘Compulsory winding up on the “just and equitable” ground’, pp 795ff. First, however, it is necessary to consider
some of the more general issues that are relevant to pursuit of personal claims by members.
The sources of members’ personal rights
Members’ claims for a personal remedy are generally based on wrongs committed in relation to:
(i) The contractual rights derived from the company’s constitution (CA 2006 s 33):31 see ‘Members’ personal
rights’, pp 250ff. Recall the difficult learning on the nature of the statutory contract, including the distinction
between ‘insider’ and ‘outsider’ rights. In addition, these claims are subject to the ‘internal irregularity
principle’ imposed by Foss v Harbottle: see Macdougall v Gardiner [13.20] and Pender v Lushington [13.19].
These rights are relevant in the pursuit of claims concerning amendments to the constitution, variations of
class rights, capital reductions, etc, at least to the extent that the shareholder is not simply relying on
specific statutory rights given to dissenting minorities to complain.
(ii) The contractual rights derived from outside contracts, especially shareholders’ agreements:32 see
‘Shareholders’ agreements’, pp 244ff. See especially Southern(p. 668) Foundries (1926) Ltd v
Shirlaw [6.04], Read v Astoria Garage (Streatham) Ltd [6.05] and Russell v Northern Bank Ltd [4.34].
(iii) The duties owed by directors to members individually, in those rare cases where this can be asserted
successfully: see ‘Directors’ duties are rarely owed to individuals within or associated with the company’, pp
321ff. See especially Percival v Wright [7.05]; Pesk in v Anderson [2001] BCLC 874, CA; Coleman v
Myers[1977] 2 NZLR 225 and also see ‘Offers to the public to purchase shares and remedies for misleading
offers’, pp 499ff.
(iv) The entitlements inherent in the ‘unfair prejudice’ section (CA 2006 s 994): see ‘Unfairly prejudicial
conduct of the company’s affairs’, pp 681ff. This section provides a procedural mechanism for a member to
raise a wide variety of complaints, including those noted in points (i)–(iii), although the court cannot give a
remedy unless the ‘unfair prejudice’ basis is established. But this section also permits shareholders to
complain of, and obtain legal remedies for, acts and omissions that do not of themselves constitute legal
(v) The entitlements inherent in the ‘just and equitable’ windingup provisions (IA 1986 s 122(1)(g)): see
‘Compulsory winding up on the “just and equitable” ground’, pp 795ff.
The procedural form of members’ personal claims
Two types of proceedings may be brought by shareholders to enforce personal rights. These need to be
distinguished from the derivative claim discussed earlier (see ‘The statutory derivative action: CA 2006 ss 260ff’, p
(i) A member may sue alone to enforce some personal or individual right: for instance, in Pender v
Lushington [13.19] the right to have a vote recorded or a proxy recognised. Rayfield v Hands [4.38] shows
that the company is not a necessary party to such proceedings—unless, of course, it is claimed that the
company is a party to the wrongdoing.
(ii) A member may sue alone, or with others, but in a representative capacity, claiming that a right has been
infringed which, although affecting him as an individual member, also affects in a similar way either all or a
number of the other members. Cases where a member has succeeded in a claim to have the directors
observe the requirements of the Act or the constitution of the company itself are examples of this kind of
action. This is a representative action.33
(p. 669) Establishing the member’s personal right: personal and corporate claims can coexist
Sometimes it is very clear that the member has a personal right. But not all wrongs that a member complains of
will be exclusively one thing or the other: an unconstitutional act by those in control may violate both shareholder’s
individual membership rights and those of the company, as has been recognised on many occasions: see,
eg Pulbrook v Richmond Consolidated Mining Co [6.01] and Pender v Lushington [13.19].
It ought to be possible in such cases for an action to be brought in the name of either the member or the company
(for different remedies), but unfortunately the courts have not always appreciated this. We find them giving an
individual complainant short shrift and showing him the door of the court on the basis of a somewhat peremptory
ruling that the wrong person has been named as plaintiff.34 For example, see Lee v Chou Wen Hsien (Question 3
following Pender v Lushington [13.19], p 671); and contrast the views of Hoffmann J in Re a Company (Note 2 in
Further notes following Pender v Lushington [13.19], p 671) with those expressed in Bamford v Bamford [1970] Ch
212 (see Note 1 in Further notes following Pender v Lushington [13.19], p 671). This sometimes seems to provide
further proof of a de facto policy to discourage minority members from engaging in litigation. Added to this, there is
the modern debate on ‘reflective loss’, which aims to ensure that if both forms of action are possible, there is no
chance of double recovery for the same loss (see ‘The “no reflective loss” principle’, pp 673ff).
An individual member whose personal rights have been infringed may pursue a personal claim even when
the conduct complained of also constitutes a wrong to the company itself.
[13.19] Pender v Lushington (1877) 6 Ch D 70 (Chancery Division)
Pender had split his shareholding among nominees in order to defeat a provision in the articles that fixed the
maximum number of votes to which any one shareholder was entitled. The chairman refused to accept the
nominees’ votes and accordingly declared lost a resolution proposed by Pender, which would otherwise have been
carried. The Master of the Rolls granted Pender (who brought a representative action on behalf of himself and the
other shareholders, and also an action in the name of the company) an injunction restraining the directors from
acting on the basis that the nominees’ votes had been bad. He also held that Pender had a right to sue in the
company’s name, at least until a general meeting resolved otherwise,35 and a further right to sue in his own name.
JESSEL MR: But there is another ground [other than the claim in the company’s name] on which the action
may be maintained. This is an action by Mr Pender for himself. He is a member of the company, and
whether he votes with the majority or the minority he is entitled to have his vote recorded—an individual right
in respect of which he has a right to sue. That has nothing to do with the question like that raised in Foss v
Harbottle and that line of cases. He has a right to say, ‘Whether I vote in the majority or minority, you shall
record my vote, as that is a right of property belonging to my interest in this company, and if you refuse to
record my vote I will institute legal proceedings against you to compel you’. What is the answer to such an
action? It seems to me it can be maintained as a matter of substance, and that there is no technical
difficulty in maintaining it …
(p. 670) ➤ Notes
1. The real problem in these cases is to determine whether a member does have a personal right, and one
that can be pursued despite the ‘irregularity principle’ in Foss v Harbottle: see Macdougall v Gardiner [13.20],
which is difficult to reconcile with Pender v Lushington.
2. Personal rights do arise under some basic constitutional provisions, such as the right to vote or to exercise
a preemptive power over a retiring member’s share, andEdwards v Halliwell [1950] 2 All ER 1064, CA,
illustrates the right in operation in a trade union context, protecting a member against having his dues raised
without proper procedure and from unjustifiable expulsion. But all these ‘constitutional’ rights have an element
of property linked with them, so it is easier to understand the readiness of the courts to come to the aid of a
victimised member.
3. Where the complaint is about a mere matter of procedure, the courts seem much less willing to recognise
a ‘right to have the company observe the terms of its own constitution’ which an individual member might
invoke to claim standing to sue. One difficulty about such a supposed right is that it is balanced by an
obligation to abide by majority decisions (see Smith v Croft (No 2) [13.17]). Another is that there are some
constitutional irregularities which members may waive by a majority vote, or even, on the reasoning
of MacDougall v Gardiner [13.20], simply acquiesce in. Certainly, obiter dicta in cases such as Re HR Harmer
Ltd [1959] 1 WLR 62, CA (see Note following Scottish Cooperative Wholesale Society Ltd v Meyer [13.24], p
685), to the effect that members have a right to have their company conduct its affairs in accordance with its
articles cannot be understood to apply without some such qualification.
4. Another difficulty concerns rights purportedly conferred on members by the company’s articles, but not in
their character as members. Cases like Eley v Positive Life Assurance Co [4.36] are accepted as laying down
a rule that ‘outsider rights’ are not enforceable on a contractual basis by the member against the company.
Nor can this rule be avoided simply by bringing an action as a ‘member’ to compel the company to comply
with its ‘constitutional obligations’ to recognise the right. But the distinction between ‘insider’ and ‘outsider’
rights is not always clear. In Pulbrook v Richmond Consolidated Mining Co [6.01], a director who had been
excluded from board meetings was held to have suffered an individual wrong, and held able to sue in his own
name; also see Quin and Axtens Ltd v Salmon [4.06].
5. Of course, if the member waives the personal right, then there can be no complaint later on, even if it
becomes apparent that the waiver was unwise. For example, inEuro Brok ers Holdings Ltd v Monecor (London)
Ltd [2003] EWCA Civ 105, special decisionmaking procedures were set out in a shareholders’ agreement
specifically to protect the interests of certain members. All the members nevertheless took a decision,
unanimously, without following the special procedures. The decision was held valid. The key point in this
case, however, was that the decision attracted the support of all members at the time, and the court therefore
held that it should not be subsequently reviewable on the basis of noncompliance with some specified
procedure. In Edwards v Halliwell [1950] 2 All ER 1064, CA, situations, it is precisely the lack of agreement to
waive the special procedural requirements on the part of those protected by such requirements which gives
rise to the arguments about personal rights and exceptions to the rule in Foss v Harbottle.
➤ Questions
1. In Pender v Lushington [13.19], if a general meeting had been called and had voted against continuing the
action, what would have happened to Pender’s personal and derivative claims?
2. In Devlin v Slough Estates Ltd [1983] BCLC 497 a member sought a declaration that the directors had
acted in breach of duty. He alleged that they had prepared accounts which failed (p. 671) to conform with the
requirements of the Companies Acts, and also that they had failed to distribute accounts properly prepared in
accordance with the Acts to the members in advance of the annual general meeting as required by the
company’s articles. Dillon J held that Devlin did not have standing to bring either a derivative action on the
company’s behalf or an action in his own right complaining that his personal rights as a member had been
infringed. How, if at all, can Dillon J’s decision be reconciled with Edwards v Halliwell, Pender v
Lushington and the previous Note?
3. In Lee v Chou Wen Hsien [1984] 1 WLR 1202, the plaintiff sued in his own name complaining that he had
been improperly removed as a director by his fellow directors, who had purportedly acted under a power
conferred by the articles. The Privy Council took the view that if a wrong had been done, it was done to
thecompany, and that the rule in Foss v Harbottle precluded any action by the director in his own name. Do
you agree?
➤ Further notes
This area is difficult, and the cases are not easy to reconcile. Yet, if members are to pursue personal claims, then
it is essential to know whether the wrong in question is one which has been done to the company or to the
member personally, since in the latter circumstances the member, being the proper claimant, is able to sue,
subject only to the ‘internal management’ and ‘irregularity’ principles (see ‘The old common law rule in Foss v
Harbottle’, pp 639ff). The following examples further illustrate the courts’ approach.
1. In Bamford v Bamford [1970] Ch 212 (for the facts and another part of the decision, see [4.32]), Russell LJ held
The harm done by the assumed improperly motivated allotment is a harm done to the company, of which
only the company can complain. It would be for the company by ordinary resolution to decide whether or
not to proceed against the directors for compensation for misfeasance.
2. By contrast, in Re a Company [1987] BCLC 82, at 84, Hoffmann J said:
Although the alleged breach of fiduciary duty by the board is in theory a breach of its duty to the company,
the wrong to the company is not the substance of the complaint. The company is not particularly concerned
with who its shareholders are. The true basis of the action is an alleged infringement of the petitioner’s
individual rights as a shareholder. The allotment is alleged to be an improper and unlawful exercise of the
powers granted to the board by the articles of association, which constitute a contract between the
company and its members. These are fiduciary powers, not to be exercised for an improper purpose, and it
is generally speaking improper ‘for the directors to use their fiduciary powers over the shares in the
company purely for the purpose of destroying an existing majority, or creating a new majority which did not
previously exist’. (See Howard Smith Ltd v Ampol Petroleum Ltd [7.12].) An abuse of these powers is an
infringement of a member’s contractual rights under the articles.
3. Similarly, in Residues Treatment and Trading Co Ltd v Southern Resources Ltd (No 4) (1988) 14 ACLR 569, the
Supreme Court of South Australia held that an action to challenge an allotment of shares on the ground that the
directors had acted for an improper purpose came within the ‘personal rights’ exception to the rule in Foss v
Harbottle [13.01] (as well as being a breach of duty to the company for which the company itself could have sued),
since such an allotment brought about an impermissible dilution of the plaintiff member’s voting rights. King CJ
said, at 575:
A member’s voting rights and the rights of participation which they provide in the decisionmaking of the
company are a fundamental attribute of membership and are rights which the member should be able to
protect by legal action against improper diminution.
(p. 672) (He also expressed doubts whether Bamford v Bamford, Note 1, was correct in treating such an act on
the part of the directors as ratifiable by the members, but it is suggested that Bamford v Bamford may be
defended on this point.)
4. Finally, in MacDougall v Gardiner (1875) 10 Ch App 606, the member had an undoubted personal right under the
articles, but the Court of Appeal nevertheless held that it had no jurisdiction to cure the improper denial of the
member’s right to call for a poll, since this was an irregularity which could be cured by the majority. James LJ drew
attention to the good sense that lies behind the normal constitutional provisions which allow a meeting to be
requisitioned, or conducted in a particular manner, only when a significant percentage of supporters can be
mustered. (But contrast Pender v Lushington [13.19].)
➤ Questions
1. Given the comments in Note 1 of the previous Further notes, was Russell LJ right to say that the harm done
by an improperly motivated allotment was a harm to the company of which only the company could complain?
Are these various views reconcilable?
2. Is it of any concern to a company who has control of it?
Can the member’s personal right be enforced?
The ‘irregularity principle’.
[13.20] MacDougall v Gardiner (1875) 1 Ch D 13 (Court of Appeal)
Gardiner, the chairman of the Emma Silver Mining Co, had adjourned a general meeting of the company without
acceding to the request of a shareholder, MacDougall, and others, that a poll be held on the question of the
adjournment. MacDougall now claimed a declaration that the chairman’s action was improper, and an injunction
restraining the directors from taking further action. The Court of Appeal held that this was a matter of internal
management in which it should not interfere.
MELLISH LJ: In my opinion, if the thing complained of is a thing which in substance the majority of the
company are entitled to do, or if something has been done irregularly which the majority of the company are
entitled to do regularly, or if something has been done illegally which the majority of the company are
entitled to do legally, there can be no use in having a litigation about it, the ultimate end of which is only
that a meeting has to be called, and then ultimately the majority gets its wishes. Is it not better that the rule
should be adhered to that if it is a thing which the majority are the masters of, the majority in substance
shall be entitled to have their will followed? If it is a matter of that nature, it only comes to this, that the
majority are the only persons who can complain that a thing which they are entitled to do has been done
irregularly; and that, as I understand it, is what has been decided by the cases of Mozley v Alston (1847) 1
Ph 790 (Ch) and Foss v Harbottle[13.01]. In my opinion that is the rule that is to be maintained. Of course if
the majority are abusing their powers, and are depriving the minority of their rights, that is an entirely
different thing, and there the minority are entitled to come before this court to maintain their rights; but if
what is complained of is simply that something which the majority are entitled to do has been done or
undone irregularly, then I think it is quite right that nobody should have a right to set that aside, or to
institute a suit in Chancery about it, except the company itself.
➤ Note
For a comment on this case, and a suggested reconciliation with the apparently contrary ruling in Pender v
Lushington [13.19], see C Baxter, ‘Irregular Company Meetings’ [1976] JBL 323, (p. 673) and the same
author’s ‘The Role of the Judge in Enforcing Shareholder Rights’ [1983] CLJ 96. His view is that ‘the court will
not interfere in the affairs of a company unless it is necessary to do so and that interference is always
unnecessary when it has no practical consequence’. In the context of irregularities in company meetings,
references to Foss v Harbottle are often gratuitous and irrelevant.
➤ Questions
1. The company’s articles of association gave any five or more members the right to demand a poll, and
MacDougall had the necessary support. Was there not a wrong done here to MacDougall, a denial of his
rights as a member? If so, how do you think he might have enforced them?
2. Is the ratio decidendi of this case the same as that of the court in Foss v Harbottle ?
The ‘no reflective loss’ principle
The ‘no reflective loss’ principle ensures that a defendant can be sued only once for the same loss, and, in doing
that, prioritises the company’s claim as a matter of principle. Regardless of the type of claim (common law or
equity), or the form of remedy (compensation or restitution), or the status of the member (majority or minority), the
principle prevents a person other than the company suing for the loss even when the person has a cause of action
against the defendant, and even if the cause of action is different from the company’s.
A member has no right to sue in a personal capacity where the loss merely reflects the loss suffered by the
company (the ‘no reflective loss’ principle).
[13.21] Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v Newman Industries Ltd (No 2) [1982] Ch 204 (Court of Appeal)
The plaintiff, a large institutional investor, held 3% of the shares in Newman. It brought an action against Bartlett
and Laughton, two directors of Newman who, the plaintiff alleged, had defrauded Newman of over £400,000. These
directors did not have a majority of the shares in Newman and so did not formally have ‘control’ of it. The
transaction by which Newman had been allegedly defrauded had been approved by the shareholders in general
meeting, but it was claimed that the shareholders had been misled into doing so. The plaintiff sought declaratory
relief and damages on three grounds: (i) its own personal cause of action against the defendants (of interest here);
(ii) its derivative claim against the defendants on behalf of Newman; and (iii) its representative claim on behalf of
Newman shareholders. Vinelott J, after hearing all the evidence, found the case proved and held that there had
been a ‘fraud’ by those in ‘control’ (in the sense that the wrongdoers had de facto control). The Court of Appeal
allowed the appeal in part, and expressed the view that the plaintiff should not have been allowed to bring a
derivative suit. Here, the Court of Appeal expressed the view that the plaintiff’s claim in its own right was
[The judgment of the Court of Appeal (CUMMINGBRUCE, TEMPLEMAN and BRIGHTMAN LJJ) included
the following:] In our judgment the personal claim is misconceived. It is of course correct, as the judge
found and Mr. Bartlett did not dispute, that he and Mr. Laughton … owed the shareholders a duty to give …
advice in good faith and not fraudulently. It is also correct that if directors convene a meeting on the basis of
a fraudulent circular, a shareholder will have a right of action to recover any loss which he has been
personally caused in consequence of the fraudulent circular; this might include the expense of attending the
meeting. But what he cannot do is to (p. 674) recover damages merely because the company in which he
is interested has suffered damage. He cannot recover a sum equal to the diminution in the market value of
his shares, or equal to the likely diminution in dividend, because such a ‘loss’ is merely a reflection of the
loss suffered by the company. The shareholder does not suffer any personal loss. His only ‘loss’ is through
the company, in the diminution in the value of the net assets of the company, in which he has (say) a 3 per
cent. shareholding. The plaintiff’s shares are merely a right of participation in the company on the terms of
the articles of association …
Counsel for the plaintiffs sought to answer this objection by agreeing that there cannot be double recovery
from the defendants, but suggesting that the personal action will lie if the company’s remedy is for some
reason not pursued. But how can the failure of the company to pursue its remedy against the robber entitle
the shareholder to recover for himself? What happens if the robbery takes place in year 1, the shareholder
sues in year 2, and the company makes up its mind in year 3 to pursue its remedy? Is the shareholder’s
action stayed, if still on foot? Supposing judgment has already been recovered by the shareholder and
satisfied, what then?
A personal action could have the most unexpected consequences …
The plaintiffs in this action were never concerned to recover in the personal action. The plaintiffs were only
interested in the personal action as a means of circumventing the rule in Foss v. Harbottle. The plaintiffs
succeeded. A personal action would subvert the rule in Foss v. Harbottle and that rule is not merely a
tiresome procedural obstacle placed in the path of a shareholder by a legalistic judiciary. The rule is the
consequence of the fact that a corporation is a separate legal entity. Other consequences are limited
liability and limited rights. The company is liable for its contracts and torts; the shareholder has no such
liability. The company acquires causes of action for breaches of contract and for torts which damage the
company. No cause of action vests in the shareholder. When the shareholder acquires a share he accepts
the fact that the value of his investment follows the fortunes of the company and that he can only exercise
his influence over the fortunes of the company by the exercise of his voting rights in general meeting. The
law confers on him the right to ensure that the company observes the limitations of its memorandum of
association and the right to ensure that other shareholders observe the rule, imposed upon them by the
articles of association. If it is right that the law has conferred or should in certain restricted circumstances
confer further rights on a shareholder the scope and consequences of such further rights require careful
consideration. In this case it is neither necessary nor desirable to draw any general conclusions …
The ‘no reflective loss’ principle.
[13.22] Johnson v Gore Wood and Co [2002] 2 AC 1 (House of Lords)
A company, WWH, commenced proceedings against a firm of solicitors, GW, for professional negligence related
to the exercise of an option to purchase land. That claim was eventually settled. Subsequently, Johnson, a
majority member in the company, commenced proceedings against the same firm for personal losses sustained
which arose out of the same circumstances. It was argued by the firm that Johnson could not recover his own
personal losses as these were essentially the same as the losses sustained by the company. The House of Lords
explained the relevant legal rules.
LORD BINGHAM:… GW’s first argument before the House … was in principle very simple. It was that this
damage, if suffered at all, had been suffered by WWH, and Mr Johnson, being for this purpose no more than
a shareholder in the company, could not sue to recover its loss. As the Court of Appeal pointed out
in Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v Newman Industries Ltd (No 2) [13.21], 210:
‘A derivative action is an exception to the elementary principle that A cannot, as a general rule, bring
an action against B to recover damages or secure other relief on behalf of C for an injury (p.
675) done by B to C. C is the proper plaintiff because C is the party injured, and, therefore, the
person in whom the cause of action is vested.’…
Mr Johnson’s response was equally simple. It was accepted, for purposes of the application to strike out
the damages claim, that GW owed a duty to him personally and was in breach of that duty. Therefore,
subject to showing that the damage complained of was caused by GW’s breach of duty and was not too
remote … he was entitled in principle to recover any damage which he had himself suffered as a personal
loss separate and distinct from any loss suffered by the company.
[The authorities we were referred to] support the following propositions:
(1) Where a company suffers loss caused by a breach of duty owed to it, only the company may sue in
respect of that loss. No action lies at the suit of a shareholder suing in that capacity and no other[36 ] to
make good a diminution in the value of the shareholder’s shareholding where that merely reflects the loss
suffered by the company. A claim will not lie by a shareholder to make good a loss which would be made
good if the company’s assets were replenished through action against the party responsible for the loss,
even if the company, acting through its constitutional organs, has declined or failed to make good that loss.
So much is clear from Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v Newman Industries (No 2) [13.21]…
(2) Where a company suffers loss but has no cause of action to sue to recover that loss, the shareholder in
the company may sue in respect of it (if the shareholder has a cause of action to do so), even though the
loss is a diminution in the value of the shareholding …
(3) Where a company suffers loss caused by a breach of duty to it, and a shareholder suffers a loss
separate and distinct from that suffered by the company caused by breach of a duty independently owed to
the shareholder, each may sue to recover the loss caused to it by breach of the duty owed to it but neither
may recover loss caused to the other by breach of the duty owed to that other …
[It follows that the task of the court is to] ascertain whether the loss claimed … is one which would be
made good if the company had enforced its full rights against the party responsible, and whether (to use the
language of Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v Newman Industries (No 2)… the loss claimed is ‘merely a
reflection of the loss suffered by the company’. In some cases the answer will be clear, as where the
shareholder claims the loss of dividend or a diminution in the value of a shareholding attributable solely to
depletion of the company’s assets, or a loss unrelated to the business of the company. In other cases,
inevitably, a finer judgment will be called for. … [Applying these principles to the facts, Lord Bingham held
that, prima facie, the claim for sums which Mr Johnson, acting on GW’s advice, invested in … companies
and lost; the cost of personal borrowings made necessary because of other losses; the increased tax
liability; and perhaps the diminution in value of his pension were all potentially recoverable; whereas the loss
in value of his majority shareholding in WWH was merely a reflection of the company’s loss and should be
struck out.]
LORD MILLETT:… A company is a legal entity separate and distinct from its shareholders. It has its own
assets and liabilities and its own creditors. The company’s property belongs to the company and not to its
shareholders … If the company has a cause of action, this represents a legal chose in action which
represents part of its assets. Accordingly, where a company suffers loss as a result of an actionable wrong
owed to it, the cause of action is vested in the company and the company alone can sue. No action lies at
the suit of a shareholder suing as such, though exceptionally he may be permitted to bring a derivative
action in right of the company and recover damages on its behalf: see Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v
Newman Industries Ltd (No 2). Correspondingly, of course, a company’s shares are the property of the
shareholder and not the company, and if he suffers loss as a result of an actionable wrong done to him,
then prima facie he alone can sue and the company cannot. On the other hand, although a share is an
identifiable piece of property which belongs to the (p. 676) shareholder and has an ascertainable value, it
also represents a proportionate part of the company’s met assets, and if these are depleted the diminution
in its assets will be reflected in the diminution in the value of the shares. The correspondence may not be
exact, especially in the case of a company whose shares are publicly traded, since their value depends on
market sentiment. But in the case of a small private company like this company, the correspondence is
This causes no difficulty where the company has a cause of action and the shareholder has none; or where
the shareholder has a cause of action and the company has none … Where the company suffers loss as a
result of a wrong to the shareholder but has no cause of action in respect of its loss, the shareholder can
sue and recover damages for his own loss, whether of a capital or income nature, measured by the
diminution in the value of his shareholding. He must, of course show that he has an independent cause of
action of his own and that he has suffered personal loss caused by the defendant’s actionable wrong. Since
the company itself has no cause of action in respect of its loss, its assets are not depleted by the recovery
of damages by the shareholder.
The position is, however, different where the company suffers loss caused by the breach of a duty owed
both to the company and to the shareholder. In such a case the shareholder’s loss, in so far as this is
measured by the diminution in value of his shareholding or the loss of dividends, merely reflects the loss
suffered by the company in respect of which the company has its own cause of action. If the shareholder is
allowed to recover in respect of such loss, then either there will be double recovery at the expense of the
defendant or the shareholder will recover at the expense of the company and its creditors and other
shareholders. Neither course can be permitted. This is a matter of principle; there is no discretion involved.
Justice to the defendant requires the exclusion of one claim or the other; protection of the interests of the
company’s creditors requires that it is the company which is allowed to recover to the exclusion of the
shareholder. These principles have been established in a number of cases, though they have not always
been faithfully observed …
[After discussing two cases he regarded as incorrectly decided, he continued:] I cannot accept this
reasoning as representing the position in English law. It is of course correct that the diminution in the value
of the plaintiff’s shares was by definition a personal loss and not the company’s loss, but that is not the
point. The point is that it merely reflected the diminution of the company’s assets. The test is not whether
the company could have made a claim in respect of the loss in question; the question is whether, treating
the company and the shareholder as one for this purpose, the shareholder’s loss is franked by that of the
company. If so, such reflected loss is recoverable by the company and not by the shareholders.
[One of the judges in the cases criticised] acknowledged that double recovery could not be permitted, but
thought that the problem did not arise where the company had settled its claim. He considered that it would
be sufficient to make an allowance for the amount paid to the liquidator. With respect, I cannot accept this
either. As Hobhouse LJ observed in Gerber Garment Technology Inc v Lectra Systems Ltd [1997] RPC 443,
471, if the company chooses not to exercise its remedy, the loss to the shareholder is caused by the
company’s decision not to pursue its remedy and not by the defendant’s wrongdoing. By a parity of
reasoning, the same applies if the company settles for less than it might have done. Shareholders (and
creditors) who are aggrieved by the liquidator’s proposals are not without remedy; they can have recourse to
the Companies Court, or sue the liquidator for negligence.
But there is more to it than causation. The disallowance of the shareholder’s claim in respect of reflective
loss is driven by policy considerations. In my opinion, these preclude the shareholder from going behind the
settlement of the company’s claim. If he were allowed to do so then, if the company’s action were brought
by its directors, they would be placed in a position where their interest conflicted with their duty; while if it
were brought by the liquidator, it would make it difficult for him to settle the action and would effectively take
the conduct of the litigation out of his hands. The present case is a fortiori; Mr Johnson cannot be permitted
to challenge in one capacity the adequacy of the terms he agreed in another …
(p. 677) For the reasons given by Lord Bingham, I too would strike out Mr Johnson’s claims to damages for
mental distress and anxiety and aggravated damages. Accordingly, I would dismiss the crossappeal while
varying the order of the Court of Appeal in the manner proposed …
Despite the ‘no reflective loss’ principle, if a company is unable to pursue its own cause of action precisely
because of the actions of the wrongdoer, a member may be able to recover all the personal losses arising
out of the same wrongdoing.
[13.23] Giles v Rhind [2002] EWCA Civ 1428, [2003] Ch 618 (Court of Appeal)
G and R had been members in a company which became insolvent following the diversion by R of a contract to a
third party, in contravention of a shareholders’ agreement. The company discontinued its proceedings against R as
a consequence of its insolvency, but G sought to pursue in his own right damages against R. G contended that his
claims were not merely reflective of the company’s loss. Accepting this argument, the Court of Appeal held G had
a cause of action against R separate from that of the company. In any case, with regard to G’s losses which
reflected those of the company, G was entitled to proceed with his personal claim, as the company had been
prevented from pursuing its own action as a result of R’s wrongdoing. Hence, this case can be distinguished
from Johnson v Gore Wood, where additional claims by a member in relation to reflective losses were barred where
the company was in fact able to pursue its own action (and had pursued it to settlement).
WALLER LJ:… There are certain facts which distinguish our present case from Johnson v Gore Wood &
Co [13.22]. First, Johnson v Gore Wood & Co was a case as emphasised by Lord Bingham and Lord Millett
where Mr Johnson carried on his business through a small private company. His position was practically
indistinguishable from that of his company. It was a case where the depletion in the value of the assets
reflected in the diminution in the value of the shares was likely to correspond exactly (in the words of Lord
Millett at 121B). Second, W Ltd had brought an action and compromised the same; indeed Johnson was
the directing mind of the company when it agreed to the compromise. There is no reason to think that the
company would not have recovered if it had chosen to do so precisely that value which would have reflected
the diminution in value of the shares which Johnson was claiming. There was no question of W Ltd having
been disabled from bringing the claim by the very wrongdoing which by contract the defendant had promised
the plaintiff he would not carry out. Third, the action was tried on the assumption that the solicitors owed an
independent duty to Johnson, but the nature of the case was such that it was not easy to assume such a
totally independent duty. Fourth, it could not be argued ultimately that the loss of value was other than
reflective of the company’s loss despite the way the claim was pleaded. But, so far as the damage in
relation to investment in shares in this case is concerned, Mr Giles’ losses are not as it seems to me
‘merely reflective’. The shares became valueless on his case because the company’s business as a whole
was destroyed. Obviously the value of his shares reflect to some extent the value of the assets of the
company but in his case they also reflect what Lord Millett described as market sentiment or what would
have been considered their value because of the potential which the business had. Fifth, it certainly is not in
my view in reality a case where Mr Giles is seeking to recover as damages, damages which the company
could have recovered. The company’s claim for damages for breach of contract would have been of a quite
different nature based on an assessment of profits lost by virtue of the confidential information being used to
take the Netto contract. Mr Giles’ loss relates to the fact that the business as a whole was totally
destroyed. Indeed even if the company had recovered damages the Netto contract would never have been
restored, the business would never have been the same and Mr Giles’ share would inevitably have been
devalued by Mr Rhind’s activities. The value of the shares when Mr Rhind obtained £300,000 for them in
1993 (p. 678) reflected not only the assets of the company but the good prospects of the company into the
future and that loss of value could not be recovered by SHF in any action that it might have brought. …
… [N]either Lord Bingham nor Lord Millett would I think argue with the following propositions. First that the
principle which Johnson v Gore Wood & Co establishes will not in the words of Sir Christopher Slade
in Walk er v Stones [2000] 4 All ER 412 at 438:
‘operate to deprive a claimant of an otherwise good cause of action in a case where (a) the claimant
can establish that the defendant’s conduct has constituted a breach of some legal duty owed to him
personally (whether under the law of contract, torts, trusts or any other branch of the law) and (b) on
its assessment of the facts, the court is satisfied that such breach of duty has caused him personal
loss, separate and distinct from any loss that may have been occasioned to any corporate body in
which he may be financially interested.’
Second (as they both recognised) if shareholders have a cause of action in relation to damage suffered by
the company in which they hold the shares where that company does not have a cause of action, the
shareholders may bring a claim even if in reality they are claiming damages reflective of the loss suffered by
the company. The logic of that second exception ought to be based on the injustice of a wrongdoer being
able to defeat a claim by suggesting that the loss being suffered was suffered by the company and is thus
irrecoverable by the shareholder although the company does not or may not have a cause of action. But it is
right to say that Lord Millett justifies that exception on the basis that ‘since the company itself has no
cause of action in respect of its loss, its assets are not depleted by the recovery of damages by the
shareholder’. Thus Lord Millett appears to have in mind the concept that the cause of action which a
company has (if it has) is one which enables the company to bring about full recovery. …
In my view there are two aspects of the case which Mr Giles seeks to bring which point to Mr Giles being
entitled to pursue his claim for the loss of his investment. First, as it seems to me, part of that loss is not
reflective at all. It is a personal loss which would have been suffered at least in some measure even if the
company had pursued its claim for damages. Second, even in relation to that part of the claim for diminution
which could be said to be reflective of the company’s loss, since, if the company had no cause of action to
recover that loss the shareholder could bring a claim, the same should be true of a situation in which the
wrongdoer has disabled the company from pursuing that cause of action. I accept that on the language of
Lord Millett’s speech there are difficulties with this second proposition, but I am doubtful whether he
intended to go so far as his literal words would take him. Furthermore it seems to me that on Lord
Bingham’s speech supported by the others, it would not be right to conclude that the second proposition is
unarguable. …
In my judgment Mr Giles should be entitled to pursue his head of damage relating to his case that his
shares became valueless as a result of the activities of Mr Rhind.
As regards his other heads of loss, again on the basis that Mr Rhind disabled the company from pursuing
any claim for damages, I would suggest that Mr Giles should not be precluded from proceeding with those
claims. In any event I do not see that the other heads are pure ‘reflective loss’. If Mr Giles had not been a
shareholder but simply an employee or a lender with an enforceable covenant in his favour, those losses
surely would have been recoverable. The fact that he is also a shareholder should not deny him his claims
under those other heads. There will of course have to be detailed consideration given to the quantification of
those claims. It may be relatively straightforward to demonstrate that the shares should have had the value
of £330,000 as at April 1994 and that he would also have recovered his loan plus arrears of remuneration if
the breach of contract had not taken place when it did. But what might have happened if the Netto contract
had not been taken wrongfully as it was, is far more speculative. Would Mr Giles have continued with the
company? What would the company’s fortunes have been? Certainly he would not be entitled as it seems
to me to have the value of his shares as at April 1994 and future remuneration because the sale of the
shares would presumably have meant resignation from the company. In any event all those matters need
proper enquiry and investigation at assessment. All it is necessary for us to decide is whether (p. 679) the
heads of claim should be struck out as at this stage and I would be in favour of allowing them to go forward.
I would thus allow the appeal. …
CHADWICK LJ:… Subject to two reservations, I do not quarrel with the propositions which the judge derived
from the speeches in Johnson v Gore Wood. They are, I think, consistent, with the analysis of those
speeches in the judgments in this Court in Day v Cook . As Lady Justice Arden put it, where the loss
suffered by the shareholder is merely a reflection of the loss suffered by the company, ‘the company’s
claim, if it exists, will always trump that of the shareholder’. [He then introduced his two reservations, and
The first issue: is this a case in which the no reflective loss principle should be applied?
The paradigm case in which, by reason of the wrong done to it, the company is unable, in practice, to
pursue its claim against the wrongdoer is one in which the company is obliged to abandon its claim
because the wrong has deprived it of the funds needed for that purpose. Johnson v Gore Wood was not
such a case. The company (WWH) had pursued its claim against Gore Wood & Co to trial. It had
compromised that claim, in the sixth week of that trial, upon payment of a substantial sum. Although the
company was in financial difficulties at the time of the compromise, those difficulties were caused by other
factors …
… To put the point more starkly, the effect of the judge’s decision [Lord Bingham in Johnson v Gore Wood]
—as he himself recognised—is that a wrongdoer who, in breach of his contract with the company and its
shareholders, ‘steals’ the whole of the company’s business, with the intention that the company should be
so denuded of funds that it cannot pursue its remedy against him, and who gives effect to that intention by
an application for security for costs which his own breach of contract has made it impossible for the
company to provide, is entitled to defeat a claim by the shareholders on the grounds that their claim is
‘trumped’ by the claim which his own conduct was calculated to prevent, and has in fact prevented, the
company from pursuing. If that were, indeed, the law following the decision inJohnson v Gore Wood, I would
not find it easy to reconcile the result with Lord Bingham’s observation, at [2002] 2 AC 1, 36C–D, that ‘the
court must be astute to ensure that the party who has in fact suffered loss is not arbitrarily denied fair
In my view the reasoning in Johnson v Gore Wood does not compel the conclusion that the law requires
that result. …
I confess that I have found it difficult to reconcile the point which Lord Millett appears to be making in the
sentence ‘The test is not whether the company could have made a claim in respect of the loss in question;
the question is whether, treating the company and the shareholder as one for this purpose, the
shareholder’s loss is franked by that of the company’ with the second of Lord Bingham’s propositions
[see [13.22]] or with the decision in Gerber,37 which Lord Millett did not criticise. In a case where the
company never had a cause of action in respect of the wrong which has caused it loss, the shareholder
may sue on his own cause of action (if he has one) even though the loss is a diminution in the value of the
shareholding—see [2002] 2 AC 1, 35H, 43B. I do not think that Lord Millett could have intended it to be
understood, from that sentence, that the question whether the company ever had a cause of action in
respect of the wrong which has caused its loss is irrelevant. And, in the light of his approval (in the following
paragraph) of Lord Justice Hobhouse’s reasoning in Gerber, he could not have intended it to be understood
that the circumstances in which the company fails to pursue its remedy are necessarily irrelevant.
It is clear, however, that Lord Millett did not think that the inability of the shareholder to establish causation
was the sole reason for the no reflective loss principle. In the paragraph which immediately follows that
which I have just set out Lord Millett said this (ibid at page 66F–G):
‘But there is more to it than causation. The disallowance of the shareholder’s claim in respect of
reflective loss is driven by policy considerations [etc, see[13.22]].’
(p. 680) The policy consideration to which, as it seems to me, Lord Millett is referring in that passage is
the need to avoid a situation in which the wrongdoer cannot safely compromise the company’s claim
without fear that he may be met with a further claim by the shareholder in respect of the company’s loss.
That, I think, is what he had in mind when he referred to the difficulty which a liquidator would have in
settling the action if a shareholder, or creditor, were able to go behind the settlement. He had recognised, in
the previous paragraph, that an aggrieved shareholder or creditor could sue the liquidator; his concern was
to limit their remedy to a claim against the liquidator. Similar considerations apply where the company’s
claim is settled by the directors. But, in such a case, there is the further consideration that directors who
are also shareholders (or creditors) should not be in a position where settlement of the company’s claim at
less than its true value (or abandonment of that claim) leaves them with a claim which they can pursue
against the wrongdoer in their own interest. If that is a correct analysis of that passage, then the passage
presents no difficulty in the case where the company has not settled its claim, but has been forced to
abandon it by reason of impecuniosity attributable to the wrong which has been done to it. In such a case
the policy considerations to which Lord Millett referred are not engaged. And it is difficult to see any other
consideration of policy which should lead to the conclusion that a shareholder or creditor who has suffered
loss by reason of a wrong which, itself, has prevented the company from pursuing its remedy should be
denied any remedy at all. …
For those reasons, I am satisfied that the decision in Johnson v Gore Wood does not compel the
conclusion … that the no reflective loss principle is applicable. …
The second issue: is the loss of future benefits properly to be regarded as reflective of the company’s
The question turns on whether the loss which Mr Giles has suffered as a result of the termination of his
employment by the receivers is reflective of loss suffered by the company by reason of the wrong done to it
by Mr Rhind. In my view the judge was wrong to hold that it was. I think that he fell into error by confusing
the loss claimed under this head with the circumstances which had given rise to that loss. There is a
distinction to be drawn between the claim for accrued remuneration under the first head and the claim for
loss of future benefits under the second head. In the first case, the loss suffered by Mr Giles as an
employee is reflective of the company’s own loss; if the company had been able to enforce its rights against
Mr Rhind, it would have the funds needed to pay its debts. In the second case, the loss suffered by Mr
Giles is not reflective of any loss suffered by the company; it flows from the termination of his employment
following the destruction of the company’s business. If the company had been able to enforce its rights
against Mr Rhind, following the destruction of its business, the damages which the company might recover
would not compensate Mr Giles for the loss which flows from the termination of his employment. I would
allow the appeal, in relation to the second head of loss, on this ground also. …
➤ Notes
1. In Humberclyde Finance Group Ltd v Hick s [2001] All ER (D) 202 (Nov), the court held that the ‘no reflective
loss’ principle from Johnson v Gore Wood did not infringe the European Convention on Human Rights, as
embodied in the UK’s Human Rights Act 1998.
2. Both Johnson v Gore Wood [13.22] and Giles v Rhind [13.23] were considered in Gardner v Park er [2004]
EWCA Civ 781, [2004] 2 BCLC 554. G, the assignee of the rights of action of B, a company, sought recovery
for an alleged breach of fiduciary duty by P (the sole director of B) and S, a second company in which B held
a minority of shares. G claimed that P had sold an asset of S at an undervalue, forcing S into administrative
receivership. G argued that the ‘no reflective loss’ principle should not apply where: (i) the shareholder’s claim
concerned a breach of fiduciary duty; (ii) P’s actions had prevented S from commencing legal proceedings to
recover its losses from P; and (iii) the shareholder’s claim was in the capacity of creditor. Dismissing the
case, the Court of Appeal held that: (i) the ‘no reflective loss’ principle was applicable where (p.
681) breaches of fiduciary duty were concerned, as the principle governed recovery for particular kinds of loss
and thus the cause of action and relief sought in any particular case was irrelevant; (ii) a lack of evidence
prevented the conclusion being drawn that P’s actions precluded S from seeking recovery; and (iii)
applying Johnson v Gore Wood, no reason existed to disapply the ‘no reflective loss’ principle where the
shareholder’s claim as creditor was based on his position as an employee. All these cases do, however,
emphasise the need for careful assessment of the facts to determine accurately whether the loss being
pursued is indeed a ‘reflected’ loss.
3. In Perry v Day [2004] EWHC 3372 (Ch), [2005] 2 BCLC 405, P and D were both shareholders in a private
company. P sought damages from D for breach of a shareholders’ agreement which bound the shareholders,
inter alia, to use their ‘best endeavours to promote the interests and prospects of the company’. D had sold a
parcel of land to the company, but as the consequence of a mistake, an important strip of land had been
excluded from the conveyance. The mistake only became evident when the company tried to sell the land to a
third party, and then D would only agree to transfer the excluded strip of land on payment of further
consideration. The court upheld P’s claim on the basis that: (i) D’s demand for more money was a clear
breach of his obligations under the shareholders’ agreement; (ii) it was only D’s demand for more money in
exchange for the transfer of the strip that caused the relevant loss, as the loss caused by the defective sale
itself could be repaired by D’s agreement to transfer the strip; and (iii) though P’s loss was reflective of the
company’s loss, and the company could have successfully brought a claim for rectification of the title, the
company was precluded from doing this because of D’s wrongdoing. By demanding the company surrender its
claim on terms generous to D, D had breached his obligations, and this constituted a wrongdoing sufficient to
bring the situation within the parameters of the Giles v Rhind exception to the no reflective loss principle
upheld in Johnson v Gore Wood.
4. By contrast, in International Leisure Ltd v First National Trustee Co Ltd [2012] EWHC 1971 (Ch), Mr
Edward Bartley Jones QC (sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge) refused the application of the ‘reflective loss’
principle where the secured debenture holder (secured creditor) of a company had suffered loss as a result of
the receiver’s breach of his duties. Drawing a distinction between the position of secured and unsecured
creditors, the judge held that the primary duty of an administrative receiver was owed to the debenture holder
(see ‘Receivership generally’, pp 778ff), so the secured creditor here had a primary entitlement to obtain and
retain all damages awarded for the breaches of duty, whereas the unsecured creditor’s prejudice arose only
through the depletion of the assets of the company. The court was also persuaded by policy considerations,
recognising that invoking the reflective loss principle would have the deleterious effect of denying the secured
creditor his right to pursue his claims directly and under his own control.
Unfairly prejudicial conduct of the company’s affairs
So far in this chapter the focus has been on maladministration that constitutes a legal wrong, either to the
company itself or to its members. CA 2006 ss 994ff give the court, on the application of a member, a wideranging
power to remedy conduct of a company’s affairs that is ‘unfairly prejudicial to the interests of members generally or
to some part of its members’.38 The most (p. 682) common complaint is that a controlling majority has acted in a
manner that is ‘unfairly prejudicial’ (the meaning of this term is explored later). The most common remedy sought
is an order that the majority purchase the minority’s shares at a price that reflects their proportion of the
company’s value. This is despite s 996(1), which gives the court the power to make ‘such order as it thinks fit’,
with s 996(2) merely providing examples of possible orders, including compulsory share purchases. Most of the
cases concern ‘quasipartnerships’, although the provision has general application.
➤ Note
By way of linking the previous section on derivative claims to this one on ‘unfair prejudice’, note Lewison J in Iesini
v Westrip Holdings Ltd (facts at [13.10]):
81 In parallel with a derivative action, there was (and is) the possibility of bringing a petition for unfair
prejudice. This procedure is now governed by section 994 of the Companies Act 2006. The relief which the
court may give under section 996 is very wideranging (‘such order as it thinks fit’); but the section
specifically provides that the court may require the company to do an act that the petitioner has complained
that it has omitted to do; or authorise civil procee dings to be brought in the name and on behalf of the
company by such person or persons and on such terms as it may direct. If a petition is brought the court
will decide (on the balance of probabilities) in the course of the petition whether the affairs of the company
have been conducted in a manner unfairly prejudicial to the petitioner. It is only if the court has decided that
they have that it will go on to consider the appropriate relief. It will be noted that section 260(1) contains a
general definition of ‘derivative claim’ and section 260(2) envisages two different ways in which such a claim
may be brought. One is ‘under this Chapter’, in which case the restriction on the permissible cause of
action contained in section 260(3) applies (‘A derivative claim under this Chapter may only be brought …’).
The other is pursuant to an order made in proceedings under section 994, in which case the restrictions in
section 260(3) do not apply. In that case, the general definition in section 260(1) is the only relevant
definition of a derivative claim.
82 Accordingly it seems to me that where the petitioner’s complaint is that the company has failed to
assert a good claim against a third party the court’s powers under section 996 would include the making of
an order requiring the company to assert that claim, if necessary by taking or defending proceedings. Since
the company’s claim would be a claim against a third party, once the court had decided that a failure to
assert that claim had unfairly prejudiced the petitioner, the directors would not need to be parties to the
subsequent claim against the third party. In addition the width of the court’s jurisdiction under section 996
enables the joinder of third parties to the petition itself, at least where relief is claimed against them: Re
Little Olympian EachWays Ltd [1994] 2 BCLC 420; Lowe v Fahey [1996] 1 BCLC 262.
83 On the other hand, it may be that the company’s cause of action is a cause of action only against the
directors for loss suffered as a result of their default or breach of duty (etc.). In such a case the directors will
be necessary parties to the company’s claim. It may be, therefore, that different procedural routes will be
adopted depending on the company’s underlying claim.
The scope of CA 2006 s 994
CA 2006 s 994 repeats CA 1985 s 459, so the doctrinal and practical learning on the earlier provision remains
relevant. Indeed, some of the cases on the initial provision (Companies Act 1948 (CA 1948) s 210), which provided
remedies for ‘oppression’ rather than unfair prejudice, are still considered influential.
(p. 683) CA 1985 s 459 was a popular provision, not least because the courts adopted a purposive approach and
interpreted the section liberally where necessary in order not to stultify its development. Moreover, by its very
terms the section clearly aimed to address management problems ranging well beyond traditional legal wrongs
done to a company or its shareholders. But this popularity created problems of its own. The courts were required
to handle large numbers of cases, each often demanding the hearing of a great deal of evidence and examination
of the conduct of the parties, sometimes going back over many years. This caused costs to escalate, even though
most cases concerned relatively small companies, where costs of full High Court hearings are discouraging, if not
entirely prohibitive.39
In the light of these factors, there were frequent calls for reform (not least from the judges themselves). Both the
Law Commissions and the CLR examined CA 1985 s 459 and proposed possible reforms.40 The Law
Commissions recommended that the excessive length and cost of many CA 1985 s 459 proceedings should be
dealt with primarily by active case management by the courts. This happened. They also recommended
encouraging the use of alternative dispute resolution procedures. Their other recommendations (not so far adopted)
(i) making legislative provision for a statutory buyout remedy (at a price reckoned on a pro rata and not a
discounted basis) where a member of a private company with a shareholding of at least 10% has been
excluded from participation in management, coupled with a presumption in such cases that the expulsion
was unfairly prejudicial. Since research shows that the most common s 459 application is made in this kind
of case, and that a buyout is invariably ordered if the claimant is successful, it seems likely that a rule along
these lines would lead to many cases being settled out of court;
(ii) providing a time limit for bringing s 459 claims, to stop so much past history being put before the court;
(iii) adding a windingup remedy to the remedies available under s 459 (but also providing that an application
to seek this remedy should require the leave of the court);41
(iv) prohibiting advertisement (ie publicity) of s 459 proceedings, unless the court orders otherwise; and
(v) encouraging the use of ‘shareholder’s exit’ articles in the constitutions of private companies (ie articles
which settle in advance the terms on which members will leave the company in the event of future disputes),
and providing such an article in the Model Articles for private companies.
The CLR gave these suggestions a cool reception, and expressly opposed recommendations (i) and (iii). It did,
however, put forward one suggestion which features in the law of some other countries, but would be a novelty
here: that is, that s 459 should apply not only to the abuse of power by a majority, but also to cases where
a minorityexercises its powers to block (p. 684) company decisions—for example, where it improperly prevents
the passing of a special resolution which is demonstrably in the best interests of the company. As matters have
emerged, CA 2006 has not taken up any of these suggestions, and CA 2006 s 994 adopts precisely the same
form as CA 1985 s 459.
Although an enormous number of decisions are reported every year, not many repay prolonged study. Since the
remedy is at the court’s discretion, and depends upon the facts, there is often a lengthy account of all the
evidence given in the case, but little chance of finding statements of principle of any significance. Included here are
extracts from the few leading cases, and from a further selection of illustrative cases.
Nominee directors and conflicts that amount to ‘oppression’.
[13.24] Scottish Cooperative Wholesale Society Ltd v Meyer [1959] AC 324 (House of Lords)
[This case was decided under the old CA 1948 s 210 ‘oppression’ section, but is still regarded as influential.
Despite the differences in the wording of CA 2006 ss 994 and 210, there can be little doubt that the same
conclusion would be reached today.]
Scottish Textile & Manufacturing Co Ltd was a private company formed in 1946 by the appellant society and the
respondents, Meyer and Lucas, to manufacture rayon cloth at a time when this product was subject to a system
of state licensing. The society held the majority of the issued shares and had appointed three of its own directors
to the board; the respondents, who held the rest of the shares, were joint managing directors and as such filled the
remaining seats on the board. The society had formed this subsidiary because it could not have secured a licence
to produce rayon cloth without experienced managers, and the respondents had the necessary experience. After
licensing ceased in 1952, the society, by transferring the company’s business to another branch of its organisation
and cutting off the supply of raw materials on which the company was dependent, caused its activities to come to
a standstill, with the result that it made no profits and the value of its shares fell greatly. The respondents
petitioned for relief under s 210, and the House of Lords, confirming the decision of the Court of Session, ordered
the society to purchase their shares at a fair price.
LORD DENNING discussed the facts, and continued: Such being ‘the matters complained of’ by Dr Meyer
and Mr Lucas, it is said: ‘Those are all complaints about the conduct of the cooperative society. How do
they touch the real issue—the manner in which the affairs of the textile company were being conducted?’
The answer is, I think, by their impact on the nominee directors. It must be remembered that we are here
concerned with the manner in which the affairs of the textile company were being conducted. That is, with
the conduct of those in control of its affairs. They may be some of the directors themselves, or, behind
them, a group of shareholders who nominated those directors or whose interests those directors serve. If
those persons—the nominee directors or the shareholders behind them—conduct the affairs of the
company in a manner oppressive to the other shareholders, the court can intervene to bring an end to the
What, then, is the position of the nominee directors here? Under the articles of association of the textile
company the cooperative society was entitled to nominate three out of the five directors, and it did so. It
nominated three of its own directors and they held office, as the articles said, ‘as nominees’ of the co
operative society. These three were therefore at one and the same time directors of the cooperative society
—being three out of twelve of that company—and also directors of the textile company—three out of five
there. So long as the interests of all concerned were in harmony, there was no difficulty. The nominee
directors could do their duty by both companies without embarrassment. But, so soon as the interests of
the two companies were in conflict, the nominee directors were placed in an impossible position. It is plain
that, in the circumstances, these three (p. 685) gentlemen could not do their duty by both companies, and
they did not do so. They put their duty to the cooperative society above their duty to the textile company in
this sense, at least, that they did nothing to defend the interests of the textile company against the conduct
of the cooperative society. They probably thought that ‘as nominees’ of the cooperative society their first
duty was to the cooperative society. In this they were wrong. By subordinating the interests of the textile
company to those of the cooperative society, they conducted the affairs of the textile company in a manner
oppressive to the other shareholders.
It is said that these three directors were at most only guilty of inaction—of doing nothing to protect the
textile company. But the affairs of a company can, in my opinion, be conducted oppressively by the
directors doing nothing to defend its interests when they ought to do something—just as they can conduct
its affairs oppressively by doing something injurious to its interests when they ought not to do it …
Your Lordships were referred to Bell v Lever Bros Ltd,42 where Lord Blanesburgh said that a director of one
company was at liberty to become a director also of a rival company. That may have been so at that time.
But it is at the risk now of an application under s 210 if he subordinates the interests of the one company to
those of the other.
So I would hold that the affairs of the textile company were being conducted in a manner oppressive to Dr
Meyer and Mr Lucas …
One of the most useful orders mentioned in the section—which will enable the court to do justice to the
injured shareholders—is to order the oppressor to buy their shares at a fair price: and a fair price would be, I
think, the value which the shares would have had at the date of the petition, if there had been no oppression
concurring opinions.
➤ Note
The ‘most useful’ remedy of compulsory buyout at a fair price, recognised in the extract, has become almost
the only remedy called upon in these cases. Re HR Harmer Ltd [1959] 1 WLR 62, CA, remains notable for a
more imaginative approach. The trial judge found that an autocratic father, in his role as ‘governing director’,
was behaving ‘oppressively’. He granted the sons relief, ordering, inter alia, ‘that the company should contract
for the services of the father as philatelic consultant at a named salary, that the father should not interfere in
the affairs of the company otherwise than in accordance with the valid decision of the board of directors, and
that he should be appointed president of the company for life, but that this office should not impose any duties
or rights or powers’. The order was upheld by the Court of Appeal.
Unfair prejudice in the conduct of the affairs of a subsidiary will suffice.
[13.25] Re City Branch Group Ltd [2005] 1 WLR 3505 (Court of Appeal)
This case was decided under CA 1985 s 459, and provides a modern example of what may constitute ‘unfairly
prejudicial’ conduct. R and G each held 50% of the shares in a company, C. C had three wholly owned
subsidiaries. All the business of C, which involved investment property portfolios, was carried out through its
subsidiaries. C’s business was effectively a quasipartnership between R and G, which broke down following
differences between them. R had applied for C to be wound up on the ‘just and equitable’ ground (see ‘Compulsory
winding up on the “just and equitable” ground’, pp 795ff), and G had sought an order under (p. 686) CA 1985 s 459
on the ground that C’s affairs had been conducted in a manner unfairly prejudicial to the interests of C, citing
breaches of fiduciary duty and misappropriation of funds by R in respect of two of C’s subsidiaries. On appeal, R
argued that his alleged conduct related solely to C’s subsidiaries and not to C itself, and therefore the petition
could not succeed in relation to C. The Court of Appeal, dismissing the appeal, held that ‘the affairs of the
company’ (in s 459) had a broad application and could include the affairs of a subsidiary, particularly as in the
instant case where the directors of the holding company and the subsidiary were substantially the same.
SIR MARTIN NOURSE:… I now come to the main question. Does the court have power to make an order
under section 459 in relation to a holding company where, first, it is the affairs of its whollyowned
subsidiary that are being or have been conducted in an unfairly prejudicial manner and, secondly, the
directors of the holding company are also directors of the subsidiary? I emphasise that here Mr Gross and
Mr Rackind are the only directors of the company and of Blaneland and are also directors of Citybranch, of
which Mr Gerald Gross is an additional director.
There is no English authority which directly answers this question. … [He then examined various potentially
relevant authorities, and continued:] [These observations] demonstrate that the expression ‘the affairs of the
company’ is one of the widest import which can include the affairs of a subsidiary. Equally, I would hold that
the affairs of a subsidiary can also be the affairs of its holding company, especially where, as here, the
directors of the holding company, which necessarily controls the affairs of the subsidiary, also represent a
majority of the directors of the subsidiary. (In the case of Blaneland they are identical). … [He then
examined various Australian authorities, and continued:]
… The decision in In re Norvabron (No 2)43 was followed and applied by Powell J, sitting in the Equity
Division of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, in In re Dernacourt Investments Pty Ltd (1990) 2 ACSR
553… It was held that the conduct of the affairs of the holding company towards a subsidiary may
constitute the conduct of the affairs of the subsidiary and vice versa. Powell J said, at p 556:
‘8. The words “affairs of the company” are extremely wide and should be construed liberally: (a) in
determining the ambit of the “affairs” of a parent company for the purposes of section 320 [the
equivalent of CA 1985 s 459], the court looks at the business realities of a situation and does not
confine them to a narrow legalistic view; (b) “affairs” of a company encompass all matters which may
come before its board for consideration; (c) conduct of the “affairs” of a parent company includes
refraining from procuring a subsidiary to do something or condoning by inaction an act of a
subsidiary, particularly when the directors of the parent and the subsidiary are the same.’ (Reference
was there made to three authorities including In re Norvabron (No 2).)
Powell J said, at p 561:
‘although the relevant plaintiff must demonstrate that it is the relevant company’s affairs which are
being so conducted, I am prepared to proceed upon the bases, first, that, in an appropriate case, the
conduct of a holding company, or of such of its directors who happen to be directors of the relevant
subsidiary, towards a subsidiary, may constitute conduct in the affairs of that subsidiary (Scottish
Cooperative Wholesale Society Ltd v Meyer [13.24]), and, secondly, that, in an appropriate case, the
conduct of a subsidiary, or of some or all of its directors who happen as well to be directors of the
holding company, may be regarded as part of the conduct of the affairs of the holding company: In re
Norvabron Pty Ltd (No 2) 11 ACLR 279.’
In my view the second basis identified by Powell J, following and applying the decision in In re Norvabron
(No 2), is of great value in the decision of the present case. I accept that decisions of (p. 687) courts in
other Commonwealth countries are of persuasive value only. But those two decisions certainly persuade me
that the view taken by Judge Weeks QC, without their assistance, was correct … Those were considered
judgments of judges of the Supreme Courts of Queensland and New South Wales respectively and they are
directly in point. I would follow them accordingly. …
KEENE and JACOB LJJ concurred.
Basic principles
A very large number of cases have been reported under CA 1985 s 459 (the predecessor to CA 2006 s 994).
However, (no doubt out of a concern to save costs) many of them are rulings on preliminary points of law or on
applications to strike out the proceedings, dealing with isolated issues, so that it is possible to identify the
principles which are emerging only after fairly wide reading of the reports. But certain points as summarised in the
following sections are now regarded as reasonably well settled. These principles can be assumed also to apply in
full to CA 2006 s 994, since the wording is identical.
Who may apply
CA 2006 s 994 allows applications to court from:
(i) a member (s 994(1), as defined in CA 2006 s 112), or members, including nominee shareholders,44 not
necessarily constituting a numerical minority,45 but not holding a voting majority;46
(ii) a person to whom shares have been ‘transmitted by operation of law’ (s 994(2)), such as a trustee in
bankruptcy or the personal representative of a deceased member: these people can apply even though they
are not registered as members; but ‘transmitted by operation of law’ does not include persons holding by
way of constructive trust (Re a Company (No 007828 of 1985) (1985) 2 BCC 98,951);
(iii) a person to whom shares have been ‘transferred’ (s 994(2)): these people can apply even though they are
not registered as members, but the cases have drawn a line indicating that mere agreement to transfer will
not suffice; there must be a proper instrument of transfer executed and delivered to either the transferee or
the company (Re Quick dome Ltd [1988] BCLC 370; Re McCarthy Surfacing Ltd [2006] EWHC 832 (Ch); Re
Zetnet Ltd [2011] EWHC 1518 (Ch)); or
(iv) the Secretary of State (s 995).
But a former member has no standing to apply, even if the conduct complained of occurred while he or she was a
member (Re a Company [1986] 2 All ER 253). On the other hand, members (and presumably others) with standing
can rely on conduct that predates their registration as shareholders (Lloyd v Casey [2002] 1 BCLC 454).
Petitioners seeking relief need not ‘come with clean hands’, although their conduct may be relevant in deciding
whether relief should be granted and what the nature of such relief should be: Re London School of Electronics
Ltd [1986] Ch 211. In Shah v Shah [2010] EWHC 313 (Ch), for example, the petitioner ‘clearly misconducted
himself as employee’, yet the learned judge nonetheless found that his attitude to the overall management of the
company could not justify his exclusion [115]. In Re Tobian Properties Ltd [2012] EWCA Civ 998, the lower court
had refused an unfair prejudice petition on the basis that the alleged wrongdoing had (p. 688) been disclosed in
the company’s accounts (available at Companies House). Arden LJ (with whom Aikens and Kitchin LJJ concurred)
reversed the lower court’s ruling, holding that this requirement was wrong in principle, as it would impose a new
restriction on shareholders, namely that they would be at risk of losing their rights to protect their interests as
minority shareholders if they failed to read filed accounts properly.
Although most s 459 petitions have been brought by shareholders in private companies, the jurisdiction does not
exclude public companies from its scope. The same trend is likely with CA 2006 s 994 petitions.
Normally, the respondents are the controlling members and/or directors. If the company is made a party, this is
usually on a nominal basis. Several cases have held that it is improper for the controllers to use the company’s
funds to fight their case (see, eg, Re a Company, ex p Johnson [1992] BCLC 701).
Orders can, however, be sought against more remote respondents. In Re Little Olympian EachWays Ltd (No
3) [1995] 1 BCLC 636, the company’s assets had been sold at an undervalue by those in de facto control to
another company which was also controlled by them. It was held that an order could be made against
the second company requiring it to buy out the petitioner’s shares at a price which reflected their value before the
wrongful sale.
And in Re a Company [1986] 1 WLR 281, Hoffmann J ruled that an order could be made against a former member,
so ensuring that a potential respondent cannot escape liability by transferring his shares away before proceedings
are commenced.
In F&C Alternative Investments (Holdings) Ltd v Francois Barthelemy, Anthony Culligan [2011] EWHC 1731 (Ch) at
[1096], Sales J said the following:
What is the relevant test of attribution of responsibility beyond the narrow class of case where an agency
relationship exists? In my judgment, the test is whether the defendant in a s 994 claim is so connected to
the unfairly prejudicial conduct in question that it would be just, in the context of the statutory regime
contained in ss 994 to 996, to grant a remedy against that defendant in relation to that conduct. The
standard of justice to be applied reflects the requirements of fair commercial dealing inherent in the
statutory regime. This is to state the test at a high level of abstraction. In practice, everything will depend
upon the facts of a particular case and the court’s assessment whether what was done involved unfairness
in which the relevant defendant was sufficiently implicated to warrant relief being granted against him.
(This decision was later reversed by the Court of Appeal, but on a separate issue.)
Since the introduction of the CPR, courts have started to take a much more vigorous and proactive stance (see,
eg, Re Rotadata Ltd [2000] 1 BCLC 122). The Rules require the court to take the initiative from the outset and
manage cases actively. The court registrar is required to consult the parties with a view to narrowing the issues, to
consider bringing in outside experts and/or conciliators, etc, so as to minimise the length of any court hearing and
cut down costs. The litigants are reminded that it is their duty to cooperate and to agree as much as possible on
the issues in a constructive and sensible way. Recently, in Re Tobian Properties Ltd [2012] EWCA Civ 998, CA,
at [27], Arden LJ made the following comments in relation to effective case management in s 994 proceedings:
Unfair prejudice proceedings generally raise numerous factual issues entailing examination of events over a
considerable period of time. Just as defended divorces used to raise numerous issues, making trials long
and complex, so trials of s 994 petitions can be long and complex. Thus a high degree of case
management is required if the case is not to get out of hand. Effective case (p. 689) management means
that, where possible, the court prevents unnecessary court time being spent on issues that are not capable
of giving rise to relief. Thus a court will generally determine the issues necessary to determine whether a
buyout order should be made at one hearing (‘the liability hearing’) and only proceed to a second hearing
(‘the quantum hearing’), at which evidence would be given relevant to establishing the value of the
petitioner’s shares, once it has determined that a buyout order should be made. Case management,
however, must be consistent with both parties’ right to a fair hearing.
In this area, combined claims can cause special problems. In particular, it is possible for a complaint under s 994
and an application for winding up47 to be combined in the same petition. Since there are several reported cases in
which a member has failed on the former ground but succeeded on the latter, judges could hardly complain when
this became more or less standard practice. But since the presentation of a petition for winding up is likely to
attract unfavourable publicity (and lead almost invariably to the freezing of the company’s bank account), so putting
considerable pressure on the controllers, this may give a minority shareholder an unfair bargaining advantage. In an
attempt to counter this, Practice Direction [1999] BCC 741, para 9, requires petitioners to seek a windingup order
only where this is genuinely considered appropriate and, where they do, to consent to a standardform interim
order which enables the company to continue to trade and use its bank account pending the hearing of the case.
In Re Abbington Hotel Ltd [2012] 1 BCLC 410, an unfair prejudice claim was brought by the petitioner, while the
respondent concurrently brought a crossclaim of unfair prejudice against the petitioner. David Richards J was
satisfied that both petitions established a case of unfairly prejudicial conduct of the company’s affairs, and
therefore ordered that relief be granted and one party was ordered to buy out the 50% holding of the other. This is a
good example of effective case management where both complaints were disposed of in the course of one set of
proceedings, especially where there was considerable overlap between the two claims.
CA 2006 s 994 requires the petitioner to show that ‘the company’s affairs are being or have been conducted in a
manner that is unfairly prejudicial to the interests of members generally or of some part of its members …’ (s
994(1)(a)); or that ‘an actual or proposed act or omission of the company … is or would be so prejudicial’ (s 994(1)
(b)). Each of the highlighted requirements has proved troublesome.
Meaning of ‘the company’s affairs’
The complaint must be about the conduct of the company’s affairs, not the conduct of the affairs a member or
director in a private capacity. So, in Re Unisoft Group Ltd (No 3) [1994] 1 BCLC 609, and again in Re Leeds United
Holdings plc [1996] 2 BCLC 545, relief under s 459 was refused where the respondent was alleged not to have
honoured a shareholders’ agreement relating to the transfer of shares. But the leading case of Scottish Wholesale
Cooperative Society Ltd v Meyer [13.24] shows that a broad view may also be taken of this requirement. And
in Re City Branch Group Ltd [13.25], it was held that ‘the affairs of the company’ could be interpreted widely, and
could extend to the affairs of a subsidiary company, especially where, as in that case, the directors of the holding
company and the subsidiary were almost identical. In Re Abbington Hotel Ltd [2012] 1 BCLC 410, it was held that
the completion of the false minute by the respondent director seeking to agree a sale of the company, and in the
hope of (p. 690) persuading the company’s solicitor that he was acting with authority, occurred in the course of
his conduct, albeit wrongful, of the company’s affairs.
➤ Question
Consider the recent case of Re Home & Office Fire Extinguishers Ltd [2012] EWHC 917 (Ch). HHJ Strauss
QC found that a director/shareholder’s physical attack on his brother/coshareholder was part of the conduct
of the company’s affairs, not the conduct of the affairs of the director/shareholder in his private capacity. This
was because it constituted a breach of the implied understanding that the two brothers would act properly and
in good faith towards each other. Further, the attack was a single event which made it impossible for them to
continue their association as directors of, and shareholders in, the company; and that the attack arose as a
reaction to the petitioner brother’s refusal to lend money to the respondent (ie a decision concerning the
company’s finances). Are you persuaded by such a broad interpretation of ‘company’s affairs’? Is it true that
most acts complained of in s 994 clams are ‘personal’ (even if not physical), and they make it impossible for
shareholders to continue their association, which is why a s 994 petition is brought in most cases?
Meaning of ‘unfairly prejudicial’
The conduct complained of must be both unfair and prejudicial, not merely unfair (Re Saul D Harrison & Sons
plc [13.29]; Rock Nominees Ltd v RCO [2004] 1 BCLC 439), nor merely prejudicial (Re London School of
Electronics Ltd [1986] Ch 211; Nicholas v Soundcraft Electronics Ltd (‘Examples of “unfairly prejudicial” conduct’,
pp 697ff)).
The courts also stress that unfairly prejudicial conduct and wrongful or illegal conduct are separate concepts, each
leading to its own remedies (Re Charnley Davies Ltd[1990] BCLC 760).
The test is objective, so the emphasis is not so much on the motive or intention of the controllers, as on the effect
that the conduct has had on the complaining member (Re Sam Weller & Sons Ltd [1990] Ch 682). In Re
Guidezone Ltd [2000] 2 BCLC 321 at 355, Jonathan Parker J said that O’Neill v Phillips [13.30] established that:
‘unfairness’ for the purposes of s 459 is not to be judged by reference to subjective notions of fairness, but
rather by testing whether, applying established equitable principles, the majority has acted, or is proposing
to act, in a manner which equity would regard as contrary to good faith.
In similar vein, Arden LJ in Re Tobian Properties Ltd [2012] EWCA Civ 998, CA, explained ‘fairness’ in this context
as being ‘flexible and opentextured but it is not unbounded. The courts must act on a principled basis even though
the concept is to be approached flexibly. They cannot decide whether to grant or refuse relief from unfair prejudice
on the basis of palmtree justice’.
Further guidance on the meaning of ‘prejudice’ can be found in the following judgment of David Richards J in Re
Coroin Ltd [2012] EWHC 2343 (Ch):
630 Prejudice will certainly encompass damage to the financial position of a member. The prejudice may be
damage to the value of his shares but may also extend to other financial damage which in the
circumstances of the case is bound up with his position as a member … The prejudice must be to the
petitioner in his capacity as a member but this is not to be strictly confined to damage to the value of his
shareholding. Moreover, prejudice need not be financial in character. A disregard of the rights of a member
as such, without any financial consequences, may amount to prejudice falling within the section.
631 Where the acts complained of have no adverse financial consequence, it may be more difficult to
establish relevant prejudice. This may particularly be the case where the acts or (p. 691) omissions are
breaches of duty owed to the company rather than to shareholders individually. If it is said that the directors
or some of them had been in breach of duty to the company but no loss to the company has resulted, the
company would not have a claim against those directors. It may therefore be difficult for a shareholder to
show that nonetheless as a member he has suffered prejudice …
Examples are given at ‘Examples of “unfairly prejudicial” conduct’, pp 697ff.
Meaning of ‘interests of members’
The conduct must be unfairly prejudicial to the ‘interests’ of all or some part of the members. Whether the affected
interests must be those of members, in their capacity as members, is considered later. But certainly the term
‘interests’ is wider than ‘rights’, and the cases show that regard can be had to ‘legitimate
expectations’48 (particularly in a small company) that the member will be employed by the company, or have a
say in its management, or receive some return in the form of dividends.
But the judge ‘does not sit under a palm tree’:49 although the court may have regard to ‘wider’ equitable
considerations beyond the parties’ strict constitutional and statutory rights, it cannot simply add still further rights
and obligations arising from its own concept of fairness (Re JE Cade & Son Ltd [1992] BCLC 213 at 227; O’Neill v
It follows that the more clearly and fully the parties have spelt out their arrangements, the less scope there will be
for the court to find that there were other, unrecorded, ‘legitimate expectations’. And if the company is a public
company (more particularly if it has made a public issue of its shares) the court is most unlikely to take notice of
any alleged arrangement that is not recorded in the company’s published documents, for to do so would fly in the
face of the principle that all material information must be disclosed to potential investors. Thus, in Re Blue Arrow
plc [1987] BCLC 585 the court refused to grant any relief to a petitioner who alleged an agreement that she should
remain in office as chairman; and in Re Tottenham Hotspur plc [1994] 1 BCLC 655 it declined to give effect to an
alleged understanding that Terry Venables, the club’s team manager, would continue to have a say in the
company’s management even after he had ceased to be a 50% shareholder.
Members in their capacity as members
A petitioner must show unfair prejudice in his or her character as a member and not, for example, as a director or
creditor. Re JE Cade & Son Ltd [1992] BCLC 213 provides an illustration: the petitioner was a shareholder in a
family farming company and was also the owner of land which the company held on an agricultural tenancy. The
court found that his real object in bringing s 459 proceedings was not to obtain any relief in his capacity as a
member but to obtain possession of the land, as landlord, and dismissed his claim.
But the rule is now applied more flexibly, following a lead given by the House of Lords in Ebrahimi v Westbourne
Galleries Ltd [16.13]. In Ebrahimi the petitioner had been removed from office as a salaried director and so deprived
of both his employment and any say in the management of the company, contrary to the basic assumptions on
which this twoman company had been set up. In what is now the leading decision on the winding up of small
companies, the House of Lords held that it was proper to have regard to ‘wider’ equitable considerations and not
just the parties’ strict legal rights in circumstances such as these, and granted him a windingup order. But he
failed on an alternative claim under CA 1948 s 210 (the forerunner of the present s 994) because, as that section
was then construed, it (p. 692) was necessary for him to show that he had suffered oppression as a
member rather than as a director or salaried employee. Soon after, s 210 was replaced and it was made clear that
there would be a new departure: the same ‘wider’ equitable considerations would be applied in interpreting s 459
as the House of Lords had considered appropriate in the windingup context inEbrahimi.
For example, in Re a Company [1986] BCLC 376, Hoffmann J said (at 379):
In the case of a small private company in which two or three members have invested their capital by
subscribing for shares on the footing that dividends are unlikely but that each will earn his living by working
for the company as a director … [the] member’s interests as a member who has ventured his capital in the
company’s business may include a legitimate expectation that he will continue to be employed as a
director and his dismissal from that office and exclusion from the management of the company may
therefore be unfairly prejudicial to his interests as a member.
This reasoning resulted in the court issuing a buyout order in Re Eurofinance Group Ltd [2001] BCC 551. And
in Re Phoenix Contracts (Leicester) Ltd [2010] EWHC 2375 (Ch), Mr Shepherd was held to be entitled to be a
working director, not merely a nonexecutive director, and so, accordingly, it was ‘wholly artificial to draw a
distinction between Mr Shepherd’s role as an employee on the one hand and as a director and shareholder on the
other’ [115].
Use of CA 2006 s 994 to protect nonmember interests
Using the unfair prejudice remedy to protect creditor interests.
[13.26] Gamlestaden Fastigheter AB v Baltic Partners Ltd [2007] UKPC 26 (Privy Council)
Gamlestaden was both a member and a creditor of Baltic. It sued under the Jersey equivalent of CA 2006 s 994,
alleging unfair prejudice occasioned by the mismanagement of Baltic by its directors. It sought, by way of remedy,
an order of the court that the directors pay damages to Baltic for their mismanagement. If successful, this claim
would: (i) avoid possible limitation problems that existed in Baltic suing its own directors for their breach of duty;
and (ii) put Baltic in funds which might be used to repay its creditors, including Gamlestaden, although not in
sufficient funds to allow for any distribution to Baltic’s members. The issue for the Board was whether the unfair
prejudice provisions could deliver these ends.
The decision of the Board was delivered by LORD SCOTT OF FOSCOTE:… Baltic is insolvent and the main
issue for decision is whether it is open to a member of a company to make an unfair prejudice application
for relief in circumstances where, as here, the company in question is insolvent, will remain insolvent
whatever order is made on the application and where the relief sought will confer no financial benefit on the
applicant qua member. The main relief now sought by Gamlestaden on its Article 141 application [the
Jersey equivalent of CA 2006 s 994] is an order under Article 143(1) ordering the directors to pay damages
to Baltic for breaches of the duty they owed to Baltic as directors. But it is accepted that the damages,
assuming the claim succeeds, will not restore Baltic to solvency. It will, however, if it does succeed,
produce a considerable sum which will be available to Baltic’s creditors. Gamlestaden, either itself or as
representing its parent company Gamlestaden AB, is a substantial creditor. The indebtedness in question
was a major part of Gamlestaden’s investment in Baltic’s business ventures. So, it is said, Gamlestaden
has a legitimate interest, in the particular circumstances of this case, justifying the making of the Article
141 application.
The directors, however, applied to have the application struck out on the ground that it was bound in law to
fail. They contended before the Bailiff of the Royal Court and before the Court of Appeal, (p. 693) and have
repeated the contention before the Board, that the alleged improprieties in the management of Baltic of
which Gamlestaden complain cannot be shown to have caused Gamlestaden any financial loss in its
capacity as shareholder. Its loss, if any, is suffered as a creditor. An application under Article 141 (or under
section 459 of the 1985 Act) is, it is argued, a shareholder’s remedy, not a creditor’s remedy. Once it
becomes clear that the only benefit to be derived from the relief sought in an unfair prejudice application
would be a benefit to the company’s creditors, and that no benefit would be obtained by the company’s
shareholders, it becomes clear that the application is an abuse of process, cannot succeed and should be
struck out. The learned Bailiff agreed and struck out the application. The Court of Appeal dismissed
Gamlestaden’s appeal. The point is now before the Board for a final decision. It must be emphasised that,
since this appeal arises out of a strike out of the Article 141 application, the facts pleaded in support of the
application must be taken as true (save for any that can be shown by incontrovertible evidence to be
untrue). The Bailiff and the Court of Appeal approached the case on that footing and so must their
The point at issue (identified in para. 3 above) depends, first, upon the scope of the power of the court under
Articles 141 and 143, properly construed, in dealing with the unfair prejudice application and, secondly,
upon the particular circumstances that are relied on for bringing this application within that scope. …
[Having decided that Gamlestaden was a member, and was therefore entitled to request relief under Art 43,
Lord Scott continued:] The first question to be addressed, therefore, is whether an order for payment of
damages to the company whose affairs have allegedly been conducted in an unfairly prejudicial manner can
be sought and made in an unfair prejudice application. …
There is nothing in the wide language of Article 143(1) to suggest a limitation that would exclude the
seeking or making of such an order: the court ‘may make such order as it thinks fit for giving relief in
respect of the matters complained of.’…
That leaves the important issue regarding Baltic’s insolvency. Here, too, it is appropriate to start by noting
the breadth of the Article 143(1) discretion conferred on the court. The court ‘may make such order as it
thinks fit for giving relief in respect of the matters complained of …’…
Bar the relatively trivial sum that Gamlestaden must have paid in subscribing for its 1100 shares in Baltic,
Gamlestaden’s investment took the form of the provision of loans to Baltic to enable Baltic to fund SPK.
Baltic was the corporate vehicle through which the joint venture enterprise of Gamlestaden and Mr Karlsten
of investment in German commercial property was to be pursued. If mismanagement by the directors of that
corporate vehicle has led to loss it seems to their Lordships somewhat artificial to insist that the qualifying
loss, for Article 141 (or section 459) purposes, must be loss which has reduced the value of the investor’s
equity capital and that it is not sufficient to show that it has reduced the recoverability of the investor’s loan
capital. …
[Counsel’s] submission comes to this, that it is a fatal and insurmountable bar in any and every application
for Article 141 (or section 459) relief if the relief sought cannot be shown to be of some benefit to the
applicant shareholder in his capacity as shareholder.
Mr Moss [counsel] supported his submission by reference, in particular, to the well established rule that a
shareholder cannot petition for a windingup order to be made in respect of a company that is insolvent. The
reason is that the petitioning shareholder cannot obtain any benefit from the windingup. The company’s
assets will be realised; dividends may be paid to creditors but nothing, if the company is insolvent, will go to
the members. The rule that Mr Moss prays in aid is a long established one and one on which their
Lordships cast no doubt. But there is a significant difference between a creditor’s windingup petition and an
Article 141 (or section 459) application. The former is seeking an order to put the company into an insolvent
liquidation that will affect the interests of all creditors as well as of all members. It will involve the
administration of the liquidation either by the Viscount (or, in England, the Official Receiver) and his officials
or by a professional liquidator who, in carrying out his duties, will be an officer of the court. The liquidation,
although from a financial point of view carried out for the benefit of creditors, is a public act or process in
which the public has an interest. It seems to their Lordships quite right that a member (p. 694) with no
financial interest in the process or its outcome should be denied locus standi to initiate the process.
Where relief is sought via an unfair prejudice application, on the other hand, the position is quite different.
There is no public involvement or interest in the proceedings, other than the natural interest that may attend
any proceedings heard in open court. The purpose of Article 141, or of section 459, or of their counterpart in
Hong Kong, is to provide a means of relief to persons unfairly prejudiced by the management of the
company in which they hold shares. If the company is a joint venture company and the joint venturers have
arranged that one, or more, or all of them, shall provide working capital to the company by means of loans,
it would, in their Lordships’ opinion, be inconsistent with the purpose of these statutory provisions to limit
the availability of the remedies they offer to cases where the value of the share or shares held by the
applicant member would be enhanced by the grant of the relief sought. If the relief sought would, if granted,
be of real, as opposed to merely nominal, value to an applicant joint venturer, such as Gamlestaden, in
facilitating recovery of some part of its investment in the joint venture company, that should, in their
Lordships’ opinion, suffice to provide the requisite locus standi for the application to be made.
Mr Moss placed reliance on Re J.E. Cade & Son Ltd [1992] BCLC 213 where Warner J refused section 459
relief because the applicant was ‘pursuing his interests as a freeholder of the farm and not his interests as a
member of the company’ (p 229). But there was no counterpart in that case with the feature in this case
that the loans made by Gamlestaden were made pursuant to and for the purposes of the joint venture to be
carried on by Gamlestaden and Mr Karlsten via Baltic.
There are several cases in which judicial approval is given to affording a wide scope to section 459. [His
Lordship cited from several of them and continued:]
And in O’Neill v Phillips [13.30] at 1105 Lord Hoffmann said that
‘As cases such as R&H Electric Ltd v Haden Bill Electrical Ltd [1995] 2 BCLC 280 show, the
requirement that prejudice must be suffered as a member should not be too narrowly or technically
In their Lordships’ opinion Articles 141 and 143 properly construed do not ipso facto rule out the grant of
relief simply on the ground that the relief sought will not benefit the applicant in his capacity as member. In
many cases such a feature might justifiably lead to the refusal of relief. … Their Lordships do not accept
that the benefit must be a benefit to Gamlestaden in its capacity as a shareholder but they do accept that
there must, where the only purpose of the application is to obtain payment of a sum of money to Baltic, be
some real financial benefit to be derived therefrom by Gamlestaden.
In particular, in a case where an investor in a joint venture company has, in pursuance of the joint venture
agreement, invested not only in subscribing for shares but also in advancing loan capital, the investor ought
not, in their Lordships’ opinion, be precluded from the grant of relief under Article 143(1) (or section 461(1))
on the ground that the relief would benefit the investor only as loan creditor and not as member.
In the present case the provision of loan capital to Baltic seems to have been mainly, if not wholly, made by
Gamlestaden AB, rather than by Gamlestaden, although procured by Gamlestaden pursuant to its
obligation to do so under its joint venture agreement with Mr Karlsten. But their Lordships, in agreement
with the view expressed by Robert Walker J in relation to similar arrangements made by the applicant for
section 459 relief in the R&H Electric Ltd case[50 ]… conclude that that feature should not bar Gamlestaden
from relief under Article 141.
[And so] this appeal against the strikeout of Gamlestaden’s Article 141 application ought to be allowed. …
(p. 695) ➤ Question
This case is likely to prove controversial. Is the legal analysis defensible? What practical consequences are
likely to flow from this approach to the unfair prejudice provisions? Are these consequences either practically
or commercially desirable?
Section 996(1) gives the court the power to make ‘such order as it thinks fit’,51 and s 996(2) provides examples of
possible orders, including the commonly used compulsory share buyback.
In particular, as indicated in s 996(2), the order may:
(i) regulate the conduct of the company’s affairs in the future (Re HR Harmer Ltd in the Note
following Scottish Cooperative Wholesale Society Ltd v Meyer [13.24], p 685);
(ii) require the company to do or not to do some specified act (eg in McGuinness, Petitioners (1988) 4 BCC
161, the directors were ordered to comply promptly with a shareholders’ requisition for the calling of a general
(iii) authorise civil proceedings to be brought in the name of the company (this is a possible way around the
restrictions of Foss v Harbottle [13.01]; see, eg, Bhullar v Bhullar [7.25];
(iv) prohibit the alteration of all or a specified part of the company’s constitution without the leave of the
court; or
(v) provide for the purchase of the shares of any members of the company by other members or by the
company itself (see later).
Buyout orders
In almost all successful cases brought under s 459, the court ordered one faction of shareholders to buy out the
others. Section 994 is not proving any different. Usually, the majority is required to buy out the minority, although
the reverse was ordered (on certain conditions) in Re a Company, ex p Shooter [1990] BCLC 384, where the
controlling shareholder had shown himself unfit to continue to manage the business, and also in Re Brenfield
Squash Racquets Club Ltd [1996] 2 BCLC 184.
Three questions arise. First, at what date should the valuation be made? Secondly, on what basis should the
shares be valued and, in particular, should the holding be discounted to reflect the fact that it is a minority holding?
Thirdly, should the conduct of the parties be taken into account in making the valuation?
As will be seen in ‘Valuing shares in buyout orders’, pp 707ff, the courts have reserved to themselves a discretion
as regards the first two questions, and have also held that the parties’ conduct, and in particular their relative
blameworthiness in the events leading to the breakdown in good relations between them, is a factor to be taken
into account.
Although this may have some justification in logic, the consequences have been most unfortunate, for parties have
felt obliged to make a s 459 hearing the occasion to review the whole of the company’s history from its very
beginnings and to reopen many old battles, thus greatly adding to the length and cost of the case and, at times,
attracting unfavourable comment from the judges concerned.
Finally, the prevalence of the courts’ exercise of its discretion to order a buyout once unfair prejudice has been
proved appears, by weight of precedent, to be becoming aright accruing to the petitioner once the unfair prejudice
grounds are established: see Grace v Biagioli [2005] (p. 696) EWCA Civ 1222, [2006] BCC 85, CA. There the
Court of Appeal held that the trial judge had erred when he declined to issue a buyout order in circumstances
where unfairly prejudicial conduct (in this case, nonpayment of a dividend) had been established. The trial judge
had considered the request, but refused to make a buyout order, and instead ordered payment of a sum
representing the dividend plus interest. The Court of Appeal affirmed the broad discretion in CA 1985 s 461 (CA
2006 s 996), but nevertheless ordered a buyout, holding that these orders were the usual remedy under s 459 for
addressing disputes within small companies, and for good reason, since it was normally only this order that could
achieve the full purpose behind the court’s power to intervene.
In Re Scitec Group Ltd [2011] 1 BCLC 277, after conceding that there had been unfair prejudice against the
petitioner, the respondent argued that he should not be orderedto purchase the petitioner’s shares, as he was
willing to do so anyway. The judge rejected this submission and held that ‘it will ordinarily be appropriate that an
order for purchase should be made’, and that it was appropriate to do so here, taking into account the history of
the dispute between the parties.
Relevance of alternative remedies
In Re Baltic Real Estate Ltd (No 2) [1993] BCLC 503 and Re Legal Costs Negotiators Ltd [1999] 2 BCLC 171 the
court refused relief to a petitioner who was complaining about a situation which he could remedy by using his own
votes. In Re a Company, ex p Schwarcz (No 2) [1989] BCLC 427 Peter Gibson J said:
The developing jurisprudence on s 459 petitions has established that the court, even on a strikingout
application, will consider whether the relief sought by a petitioner is inappropriate and whether it is
unreasonable to pursue a petition when, for example, it is clear that the petitioner must leave the company
and a fair offer has been made for the petitioner’s shares (see, for example, Re a Company (No 003843 of
1986)52 ) [or] when a petitioner seeking an order for the sale of his shares might have achieved that result by
invoking the transfer machinery available in the articles but failed to do so (see Re a Company (No 007623
of 1984)53 and Re a Company (No 004377 of 1986)54 ). If the court is of the view that the relief sought is
wholly inappropriate and the petitioner is acting unreasonably in pursuing the petition, it may stay or strike
out the petition as being an abuse of the process.
A parallel may perhaps be drawn between these remarks and the approach of the courts in giving rulings under IA
1986 s 125(2), where a petitioner has sought the winding up of a company and it is contended that he ought to
have pursued some other remedy: see Note 2 following Loch v John Black wood Ltd [16.12], p 800.
An alternative remedy may be provided by the articles; then the general approach of the courts is to leave the
parties to their constitutional rights, unless there are special circumstances. For example, where the majority
shareholders had followed a procedure laid down by the company’s articles to deal with a breakdown in relations,
Hoffmann J in Re a Company [1987] 1 WLR 102, [1987] BCLC 94 held that this was not unfairly prejudicial
conduct. The procedure in this case provided for the remaining shareholders to purchase the minority member’s
shares at a price fixed by the company’s auditors. In similar circumstances, in Re a Company (No 00836 of
1995) [1996] 2 BCLC 192, the court took the view that what was on offer under the articles would give the minority
shareholder all the relief which he could realistically expect to obtain under s 459. But in several other cases it has
been thought not unreasonable for a minority shareholder to persist in his desire to have his shares bought out on
terms fixed by the court rather than at a price determined by the company’s auditors, since (p. 697) he might
have reason to fear that the auditors would not be wholly independent and objective. (See, eg, the longish list of
cases (all reported as Re a Company) cited in the lastmentioned case, and compare the Court of Appeal’s ruling
in Virdi v Abbey Leisure Ltd(Note 2 following Loch v John Black wood Ltd [16.12], p 800), a windingup case.)
Examples of ‘unfairly prejudicial’ conduct
The cases provide guidance. But note that many of the rulings are not given on the basis of real evidence, but on
presumed facts on an application to strike out the proceedings as disclosing no cause of action, or on a
preliminary point of law. Then the decision is no more than a ruling that the conduct in question is (or is not), in
theory,capable of being unfairly prejudicial within CA 1985 s 459 (or CA 2006 s 799). This can at best provide only
a rough guide.
Examples of conduct that has been held to be (or held capable of being) unfairly prejudicial, include:
(i) exclusion from management (in a company formed as a quasipartnership55 ): Re RA Noble & Sons
(Clothing) Ltd [1983] BCLC 273 (Note 1 following Loch v John Black wood Ltd [16.12], p 754); Re OC
(Transport) Services Ltd [1984] BCLC 251; Re Phoenix Contracts (Leicester) Ltd [2010] EWHC 2375
(Ch); Re Abbington Hotel Ltd [2012] 1 BCLC 410;
(ii) taking excessive remuneration: Re Cumana Ltd [1986] BCLC 430;
(iii) diversion of a corporate asset or business opportunity: Re London School of Electronics Ltd [1986] Ch
(iv) not paying dividends: Re a Company, ex p Glossop [1988] 1 WLR 1068; Re Sam Weller & Sons
Ltd [1990] Ch 682; Sik orsk i v Sik orsk i [2012] EWHC 1613 (Ch);
(v) making or proposing a rights issue which the minority cannot afford to take up: Re Cumana Ltd (see point
(ii)); cf Pennell Securities Ltd v Venida Investments Ltd(25 July 1974, noted by Burridge (1981) 44 MLR 40);
(vi) stacking the board with directors having interests adverse to the company: Whyte, Petitioner (1984) 1
BCC 99,044;
(vii) failure on the part of the directors to advise the shareholders impartially on the merits of rival takeover
bids (in one of which the directors were personally interested): Re a Company [1986] BCLC 382;
(viii) misuse of fiduciary powers: Scottish Cooperative Wholesale Society Ltd v Meyer [13.24];
(ix) mismanagement, but only if ‘serious’: Re Macro (Ipswich) Ltd [13.28]; contrast Re Elgindata Ltd [13.27];
(x) failing to allow minority shareholders independent representation on the board when all control is in the
hands of the majority faction which has potentially conflicting interests: Re Macro (Ipswich) Ltd [13.28];
(xi) seeking to sell the company’s assets (a hotel) contrary to the original agreement, and knowingly
creating and putting forward a false minute for that purpose: Re Abbington Hotel Ltd [2012] 1 BCLC 410;
(xii) dilution of a shareholder’s interest: Re Zetnet Ltd [2011] EWHC 1518 (Ch);
(xiii) physical attack on the petitioner shareholder with a hammer: Re Home & Office Fire Extinguishes
Ltd [2012] EWHC 917 (Ch).
(p. 698) Examples of conduct which has been held not to be (or not to be capable of being) unfairly prejudicial
(i) declining to implement a scheme to make it possible for petitioners, ‘locked in’ to a private company, to
realise their shares: Re a Company [1983] Ch 178 (Note 2 following Loch v John Black wood Ltd [16.12], p
(ii) mere breakdown of confidence between the parties: Re RA Noble & Sons (Clothing) Ltd ((Note 1
following Loch v John Black wood Ltd [16.12], p 799);
(iii) a situation which the petitioner could remedy by using his own votes: Re Baltic Real Estate Ltd (No
2) [1993] BCLC 503; Re Legal Costs Negotiators Ltd [1999] 2 BCLC 171;
(iv) the nonpayment by a parent company of debts owing to a subsidiary when this course was considered
to be in the interests of the group as a whole: Nicholas v Soundcraft Electronics Ltd [1993] BCLC 360;
contrast Scottish Cooperative Wholesale Society Ltd v Meyer [13.24];
(v) continuing to run a lossmaking business when the minority shareholders stood to receive a substantial
capital distribution if the company were wound up: Re Saul D Harrison plc [13.29];
(vi) the dismissal of a member director of a quasipartnership company as a result of his own misconduct,
which jeopardised the company’s ongoing survival:Woolwich v Milne [2003] EWHC 414 (Ch);
(vii) certain valuation offers, for example the valuation procedure at a discounted rate which underpinned the
original offer made to Larvin in Phoenix Office Supplies Ltd v Larvin [13.32];
(viii) the company’s decision to achieve, by legitimate means, a result which avoids the need for a special
resolution, even though this disempowers the minority from opposing the intended result: CAS (Nominees)
Ltd v Nottingham Forest plc [2002] BCC 145;
(ix) failure to issue a transfer notice where it should have been given, as this falls within
the personal obligation of a shareholder: Re Coroin Ltd [2012] EWHC 2343 (Ch).
Legitimate expectations and equitable considerations
As a general rule, managerial decisions are unlikely to amount to unfairly prejudicial conduct.
[13.27] Re Elgindata Ltd [1991] BCLC 959 (Chancery Division)
Rowland, the petitioner, had invested in a company controlled by Mr and Mrs Purslow, taking a minority
shareholding. The company had been in existence for over four years. The remarks of Warner J quoted here relate
to the question whether mismanagement is capable of constituting unfairly prejudicial conduct.
WARNER J: [He referred to Re Five Minute Car Wash Service Ltd [1966] 1 WLR 745, a case under CA
1948 s 210 in which it had been held that mere mismanagement, however damaging, did not amount to
‘oppression’ for the purposes of that section, and continued:] I was referred, on this point also, to the
judgment of Peter Gibson J in Re Sam Weller & Sons Ltd56 at the end of which he said (p. 699) that he
had no doubt that the court would ordinarily be very reluctant to accept that managerial decisions could
amount to unfairly prejudicial conduct …
I do not doubt that in an appropriate case it is open to the court to find that serious mismanagement of a
company’s business constitutes conduct that is unfairly prejudicial to the interests of minority shareholders.
But I share Peter Gibson J’s view that the court will normally be very reluctant to accept that managerial
decisions can amount to unfairly prejudicial conduct.
Two considerations seem to me to be relevant. First, there will be cases where there is disagreement
between petitioners and respondents as to whether a particular managerial decision was, as a matter of
commercial judgment, the right one to make, or as to whether a particular proposal relating to the conduct
of the company’s business is commercially sound … In my view, it is not for the court to resolve such
disagreements on a petition under s 459. Not only is a judge illqualified to do so, but there can be no
unfairness to the petitioners in those in control of the company’s affairs taking a different view from theirs on
such matters.
Secondly, as was persuasively argued by Mr Chivers, a shareholder acquires shares in a company knowing
that their value will depend in some measure on the competence of the management. He takes the risk that
that management may prove not to be of the highest quality. Short of a breach by a director of his duty of
skill and care (and no such breach on the part of either Mr Purslow or Mrs Purslow was alleged) there is
prima facie no unfairness to a shareholder in the quality of the management turning out to be poor. It
occurred to me during the argument that one example of a case where the court might none the less find
that there was unfair prejudice to minority shareholders would be one where the majority shareholders, for
reasons of their own, persisted in retaining in charge of the management of the company’s business a
member of their family who was demonstrably incompetent. That of course would be a very different case
from this. Mr Rowland deliberately invested in a company controlled and managed by Mr Purslow, whom he
had known for five years or so. Indeed, he did so, despite Mr Purslow’s reluctance to have him as a
shareholder in his company. Mr Nourse submitted that Mr Rowland had a right to expect a reasonable
standard of general management from Mr Purslow. In my view, he had no such right. He took the risk that
Mr Purslow’s management of the company might not be up to the standard that he, Mr Rowland, had hoped
and expected …
However, exceptionally, significant and serious mismanagement may justify relief.
[13.28] Re Macro (Ipswich) Ltd [1994] 2 BCLC 354 (Chancery Division)
The applicants claimed that the two propertyowning companies in which they were minority shareholders had
suffered losses because a firm referred to as ‘Thompsons’ (the companies’ propertymanaging agents) had
committed various improprieties which Mr Thompson (an elderly, autocratic person who was the founder of
Thompsons and the companies’ sole director) had connived at or inadequately supervised. Arden J held that this
was unfairly prejudicial conduct and ordered that the applicants’ shares be bought out.
ARDEN J:… The question whether any action was or would be ‘unfairly prejudicial’ to the interests of the
members has to be judged on an objective basis. Accordingly it has to be determined, on an objective
basis, first whether the action of which complaint is made is prejudicial to members’ interests and secondly
whether it is unfairly so. Based on the findings of fact that I have made, I am satisfied that the companies
suffered prejudice in consequence of failure to have a planned maintenance programme, the failure to
supervise repairs, the failure to inspect properties regularly, the failure to let on protected shorthold
tenancies, the taking of commissions from builders doing work for the companies by employees of
Thompsons, the charging of excessive management charges and secretarial salary and the
mismanagement of litigation. The absence of an effective system to prevent excessive amounts being
retained on Thompsons’ client account instead of paying it over to (p. 700) the companies is also in my
judgment likely to cause loss to the companies in the future. All of these matters are within the
responsibility of Thompsons as the companies’ managing agent but they are attributable to the lack of
effective supervision by Mr Thompson on behalf of the companies. It is this conduct of the companies’
affairs by Mr Thompson which, in my judgment, is prejudicial in the respects I have mentioned. As the
conduct is prejudicial in a financial sense to the companies, it must also be prejudicial to the interests of
the plaintiffs as holders of its shares …
[This] is not a case where what happened was merely that quality of management turned out to be poor
(cf Re Elgindata Ltd [13.27]). This is a case where there were specific acts of mismanagement by
Thompsons, which Mr Thompson failed to prevent or rectify. Moreover, several of the acts of
mismanagement which the plaintiffs have identified were repeated over many years, as for example in
relation to the failure to inspect repairs. In my judgment, viewed overall, those acts (and Mr Thompson’s
failures to prevent or rectify them) are sufficiently significant and serious to justify intervention by the court
under s 461…
➤ Note
Although there is no finding in the judgment that Mr Thompson was guilty of anything other than
mismanagement, it is pertinent to note that, like the negligence of the directors in Daniels v Daniels,57 there
was a selfserving aspect to this mismanagement, since it was Mr Thompson’s own firm which stood to gain
from (inter alia) the excessive management charges.
➤ Question
In Re Macro (Ipswich) Ltd [13.28], Arden J also said:
Given the presence of minority interests, the absence of an independent director would in my judgment be
prejudicial to the position of the plaintiffs as shareholders in the companies. If support were needed for such
proposition, it can be found in the recent report of the Committee on the Financial Aspects of Corporate
Governance (the Cadbury Committee) published in December 1992. This report, which has been accepted
by, inter alia, the Stock Exchange, emphasises that no one individual within a company should have
unfettered powers of decision and that, where the chairman is also chief executive, there should be a strong
and independent element on the board. While that report is directed to listed companies, the desirability of
having a truly independent board is applicable to all cases where there are minority shareholders. In my
judgment neither Mr Thompson nor Mr Farley [Mr Thompson’s proposed nominee] would be able to act
independently of Mr Thompson’s position as majority shareholder and sole proprietor of Thompsons. That
situation would in my judgment not only be prejudicial to the interests of the minority shareholders, but
unfairly so.
Does the modern law on private companies adopt this approach, or even suggest that it is best practice?
‘Legitimate expectations’.
[13.29] Re Saul D Harrison & Sons plc [1995] 1 BCLC 14 (Court of Appeal)
The petitioner held ‘C’ class shares in a company that made industrial cleaning cloths. The business had been
founded by her greatgrandfather in 1891. The ‘C’ class shares carried rights to dividends and to capital
distributions in a liquidation, but no entitlement to vote. (p. 701) The company had substantial assets but had
recently been run at a loss. The petitioner complained that the directors (her cousins) had unreasonably continued
to run the business (and to pay themselves salaries, although the court ruled that these were not excessive),
instead of closing the business down and distributing the assets to the shareholders. Vinelott J and the Court of
Appeal held that the petitioner had no ‘legitimate expectations’ over and above an expectation that the board would
manage the company in accordance with their fiduciary obligations and the terms of the articles of association and
the Companies Act, and that no breach of these obligations had been shown.
HOFFMANN LJ: Mr Purle, who appeared for the petitioner, said that the only test of unfairness was whether
a reasonable bystander would think that the conduct in question was unfair. This is correct, so far as it
goes, and has some support in the cases. Its merit is to emphasise that the court is applying an objective
standard of fairness. But I do not think that it is the most illuminating way of putting the matter. For one
thing, the standard of fairness must necessarily be laid down by the court. In explaining how the court sets
about deciding what is fair in the context of company management, I do not think that it helps a great deal
to add the reasonable company watcher to the already substantial cast of imaginary characters which the
law uses to personify its standards of justice in different situations. An appeal to the views of an imaginary
third party makes the concept seem more vague than it really is. It is more useful to examine the factors
which the law actually takes into account in setting the standard.
In deciding what is fair or unfair for the purposes of s 459, it is important to have in mind that fairness is
being used in the context of a commercial relationship.[58 ] The articles of association are just what their
name implies: the contractual terms which govern the relationships of the shareholders with the company
and each other. They determine the powers of the board and the company in general meeting and everyone
who becomes a member of a company is taken to have agreed to them. Since keeping promises and
honouring agreements is probably the most important element of commercial fairness, the starting point in
any case under s 459 will be to ask whether the conduct of which the shareholder complains was in
accordance with the articles of association …
Although one begins with the articles and the powers of the board, a finding that conduct was not in
accordance with the articles does not necessarily mean that it was unfair, still less that the court will
exercise its discretion to grant relief …
Not only may conduct be technically unlawful without being unfair: it can also be unfair without being
unlawful. In a commercial context, this may at first seem surprising. How can it be unfair to act in
accordance with what the parties have agreed? As a general rule, it is not. But there are cases in which the
letter of the articles does not fully reflect the understandings upon which the shareholders are associated.
[His Lordship referred to Ebrahimi v Westbourne Galleries Ltd [16.13], and continued:] Thus the personal
relationship between a shareholder and those who control the company may entitle him to say that it would
in certain circumstances be unfair for them to exercise a power conferred by the articles upon the board or
the company in general meeting. I have in the past ventured to borrow from public law the term ‘legitimate
expectation’ to describe the correlative ‘right’ in the shareholder to which such a relationship may give rise.
It often arises out of a fundamental understanding between the shareholders which formed the basis of their
association but was not put into contractual form, such as an assumption that each of the parties who has
ventured his capital will also participate in the management of the company and receive the return on his
investment in the form of salary rather than dividend …
(p. 702) Although the petition speaks of the petitioner having various ‘legitimate expectations’, no grounds
are alleged for saying that her rights are not ‘adequately and exhaustively’ laid down by the articles. And in
substance the alleged ‘legitimate expectations’ amount to no more than an expectation that the board
would manage the company in accordance with their fiduciary obligations and the terms of the articles and
the Companies Act …
Unfair prejudice and limiting the independent impact of legitimate expectations.
[13.30] O’Neill v Phillips [1999] 1 WLR 1092 (House of Lords)
In 1985 Phillips, who had owned all the shares in the company, gave a 25% share to O’Neill, its foreman and
principal employee, and appointed him as a director. He told O’Neill that he hoped O’Neill would be able to take
over the whole daytoday management of the business, and on that basis he would be allowed to draw 50% of the
profits. This in due course occurred and, indeed, Phillips retired from the board, leaving O’Neill as sole director.
The company prospered for the next five years, during which time there were discussions about increasing
O’Neill’s shareholding to 50%. But then the construction industry went into recession and the company’s fortunes
declined. Phillips took back control of the business and reduced O’Neill’s status to that of a branch manager, and
also withdrew his share of the profits. O’Neill took steps to leave the company, and also issued a s 459 petition.
Lord Hoffmann, with the support of all the other members of the House, held that there was no basis for a court to
hold that Phillips had acted unfairly.
‘Unfairly prejudicial’
In [CA 1985] s 459 Parliament has chosen fairness as the criterion by which the court must decide whether
it has jurisdiction to grant relief. It is clear from the legislative history (which I discussed in Re Saul D
Harrison & Sons plc [13.29]) that it chose this concept to free the court from technical considerations of
legal right and to confer a wide power to do what appeared just and equitable. But this does not mean that
the court can do whatever the individual judge happens to think fair. The concept of fairness must be applied
judicially and the content which it is given by the courts must be based upon rational principles. As Warner
J said in Re JE Cade & Sons Ltd [1992] BCLC 213 at 227: ‘The court … has a very wide discretion, but it
does not sit under a palm tree.’
Although fairness is a notion which can be applied to all kinds of activities, its content will depend upon the
context in which it is being used. Conduct which is perfectly fair between competing businessmen may not
be fair between members of a family. In some sports it may require, at best, observance of the rules, in
others (‘it’s not cricket’) it may be unfair in some circumstances to take advantage of them. All is said to be
fair in love and war. So the context and background are very important.
In the case of s 459, the background has the following two features. First, a company is an association of
persons for an economic purpose, usually entered into with legal advice and some degree of formality. The
terms of the association are contained in the articles of association and sometimes in collateral
agreements between the shareholders. Thus the manner in which the affairs of the company may be
conducted is closely regulated by rules to which the shareholders have agreed. Secondly, company law
has developed seamlessly from the law of partnership, which was treated by equity, like the Roman
societas, as a contract of good faith. One of the traditional roles of equity, as a separate jurisdiction, was to
restrain the exercise of strict legal rights in certain relationships in which it considered that this would be
contrary to good faith. These principles have, with appropriate modification, been carried over into company
The first of these two features leads to the conclusion that a member of a company will not ordinarily be
entitled to complain of unfairness unless there has been some breach of the terms on which he agreed that
the affairs of the company should be conducted. But the second leads to (p. 703) the conclusion that there
will be cases in which equitable considerations make it unfair for those conducting the affairs of the
company to rely upon their strict legal powers. Thus unfairness may consist in a breach of the rules or in
using the rules in a manner which equity would regard as contrary to good faith.
This approach to the concept of unfairness in s 459 runs parallel to that which your Lordships’ House,
in Ebrahimi v Westbourne Galleries Ltd [16.13], adopted in giving content to the concept of ‘just and
equitable’ as a ground for winding up.
[His Lordship cited extracts from that case, and continued:] I would apply the same reasoning to the
concept of unfairness in s 459. The Law Commission, in its report on Shareholder Remedies (Law Com No
246) (1997) para 4.11, p 43 expresses some concern that defining the content of the unfairness concept in
the way I have suggested might unduly limit its scope and that ‘conduct which would appear to be deserving
of a remedy may be left unremedied’. In my view, a balance has to be struck between the breadth of the
discretion given to the court and the principle of legal certainty. Petitions under s 459 are often lengthy and
expensive. It is highly desirable that lawyers should be able to advise their clients whether or not a petition
is likely to succeed. Lord Wilberforce, after the passage which I have quoted, said that it would be
impossible ‘and wholly undesirable’ to define the circumstances in which the application of equitable
principles might make it unjust, or inequitable (or unfair) for a party to insist on legal rights or to exercise
them in particular way. This of course is right. But that does not mean that there are no principles by which
those circumstances may be identified. The way in which such equitable principles operate is tolerably well
settled and in my view it would be wrong to abandon them in favour of some wholly indefinite notion of
fairness …
I agree with Jonathan Parker J when he said in Re Astec (BSR) plc [1998] 2 BCLC 556 at 588:
… in order to give rise to an equitable constraint based on ‘legitimate expectation’ what is required is
a personal relationship or personal dealings of some kind between the party seeking to exercise the
legal right and the party seeking to restrain such exercise, such as will affect the conscience of the
This is putting the matter in very traditional language, reflecting in the word ‘conscience’ the ecclesiastical
origins of the longdeparted Court of Chancery … I have no difficulty with this formulation. But I think that
one useful crosscheck in a case like this is to ask whether the exercise of the power in question would be
contrary to what the parties, by words or conduct, have actually agreed. Would it conflict with the promises
which they appear to have exchanged?… In a quasipartnership company, they will usually be found in the
understandings between the members at the time they entered into association. But there may be later
promises, by words or conduct, which it would be unfair to allow a member to ignore. Nor is it necessary
that such promises should be independently enforceable as a matter of contract. A promise may be binding
as a matter of justice and equity although for one reason or another (for example, because in favour of a
third party) it would be enforceable in law …
I do not suggest that exercising rights in breach of some promise or undertaking is the only form of conduct
which will be regarded as unfair for the purposes of s 459. For example, there may be some event which
puts an end to the basis upon which the parties entered into association with each other, making it unfair
that one shareholder should insist upon the continuance of the association. The analogy of contractual
frustration suggests itself. The unfairness may arise not from what the parties have positively agreed but
from a majority using its legal powers to maintain the association in circumstances to which the minority
can reasonably say it did not agree: non haec in foedera veni.
Legitimate expectations
In Re Saul D Harrison & Sons plc I used the term ‘legitimate expectation’, borrowed from public law, as a
label for the ‘correlative right’ to which a relationship between company members may give rise in a case
when, on equitable principles, it would be regarded as unfair for a majority to exercise a power conferred
upon them by the articles to the prejudice of another member. I gave as (p. 704) an example the standard
case in which shareholders have entered into association upon the understanding that each of them who
has ventured his capital will also participate in the management of the company. In such a case it will
usually be considered unjust, inequitable or unfair for a majority to use their voting power to exclude a
member from participation in the management without giving him the opportunity to remove his capital upon
reasonable terms. The aggrieved member could be said to have had a ‘legitimate expectation’ that he would
be able to participate in the management or withdraw from the company.
It was probably a mistake to use this term, as it usually is when one introduces a new label to describe a
concept which is already sufficiently defined in other terms. In saying that it was ‘correlative’ to the
equitable restraint, I meant that it could exist only when equitable principles of the kind I have been
describing would make it unfair for a party to exercise rights under the articles. It is a consequence, not a
cause, of the equitable restraint. The concept of a legitimate expectation should not be allowed to lead a life
of its own, capable of giving rise to equitable restraints in circumstances to which the traditional equitable
principles have no application. That is what seems to have happened in this case.
Was Mr Phillips unfair?
The Court of Appeal found that by 1991 the company had the characteristics identified by Lord Wilberforce
in Ebrahimi v Westbourne Galleries Ltd as commonly giving rise to equitable restraints upon the exercise of
powers under the articles. They were (1) an association formed or continued on the basis of a personal
relationship involving mutual confidence, (2) an understanding that all, or some, of the shareholders shall
participate in the conduct of the business and (3) restrictions on the transfer of shares, so that a member
cannot take out his stake and go elsewhere. I agree. It follows that it would have been unfair of Mr Phillips
to use his voting powers under the articles to remove Mr O’Neill from participation in the conduct of the
business without giving him the opportunity to sell his interest in the company at a fair price. Although it
does not matter, I should say that I do not think that this was the position when Mr O’Neill first acquired his
shares in 1985. He received them as a gift and an incentive and I do not think that in making that gift Mr
Phillips could be taken to have surrendered his right to dismiss Mr O’Neill from the management without
making him an offer for the shares. Mr O’Neill was simply an employee who happened to have been given
some shares. But over the following years the relationship changed. Mr O’Neill invested his own profits in
the company by leaving some on loan account and agreeing to part being capitalised as shares. He worked
to build up the company’s business. He guaranteed its bank account and mortgaged his house in support
The difficulty for Mr O’Neill is that Mr Phillips did not remove him from participation in the management of
the business. After the meeting on 4 November 1991 he remained a director and continued to earn his
salary as manager of the business in Germany. The Court of Appeal held that he had been constructively
removed by the behaviour of Mr Phillips in the matter of equality of profits and shareholdings. So the
question then becomes whether Mr Phillips acted unfairly in respect of these matters.
To take the shareholdings first, the Court of Appeal said that Mr O’Neill had a legitimate expectation of
being allotted more shares when the targets were met. No doubt he did have such an expectation before 4
November and no doubt it was legitimate, or reasonable, in the sense that it reasonably appeared likely to
happen. Mr Phillips had agreed in principle, subject to the execution of a suitable document. But this is
where I think that the Court of Appeal may have been misled by the expression ‘legitimate expectation’. The
real question is whether in fairness or equity Mr O’Neill had a right to the shares. On this point, one runs up
against what seems to me the insuperable obstacle of the judge’s finding that Mr Phillips never agreed to
give them. He made no promise on the point. From which it seems to me to follow that there is no basis,
consistent with established principles of equity, for a court to hold that Mr Phillips was behaving unfairly in
withdrawing from the negotiation. This would not be restraining the exercise of legal rights. It would be
imposing upon Mr Phillips an obligation to which he never agreed. Where, as here, parties enter into
negotiations with a view to (p. 705) a transfer of shares on professional advice and subject to a condition
that they are not to be bound until a formal document has been executed, I do not think it is possible to say
that an obligation has arisen in fairness or equity at an earlier stage.
The same reasoning applies to the sharing of profits. The judge found as a fact that Mr Phillips made no
unconditional promise about the sharing of profits. He had said informally that he would share the profits
equally while Mr O’Neill managed the company and he himself did not have to be involved in daytoday
business. He deliberately retained control of the company and with it, as the judge said, the right to redraw
Mr O’Neill’s responsibilities. This he did without objection in August 1991. The consequence was that he
came back to running the business and Mr O’Neill was no longer managing director. He had made no
promise to share the profits equally in such circumstances and it was therefore not inequitable or unfair for
him to refuse to carry on doing so …
Nofault divorce?
Mr Hollington, who appeared for Mr O’Neill, said that it did not matter whether Mr Phillips had done anything
unfair. The fact was that trust and confidence between the parties had broken down. In those circumstances
it was obvious that there ought to be a parting of the ways and the unfairness lay in Mr Phillips, who
accepted this to be the case, not being willing to allow Mr O’Neill to recover his stake in the company. Even
if Mr Phillips was not at fault in causing the breakdown, it would be unfair to leave Mr O’Neill locked into the
company as a minority shareholder.
Mr Hollington’s submission comes to saying that, in a ‘quasipartnership’ company, one partner ought to be
entitled at will to require the other partner or partners to buy his shares at a fair value. …
I do not think that there is any support in the authorities for such a stark right of unilateral withdrawal. …
The Law Commission Report on Shareholder Remedies to which I have already referred considered whether
to recommend the introduction of a statutory remedy ‘in situations where there is no fault’ (paragraph 3.65)
so that members of a quasipartnership could exit at will. They said, at p. 39, para. 3.66:
‘In our view there are strong economic arguments against allowing shareholders to exit at will. Also,
as a matter of principle, such a right would fundamentally contravene the sanctity of the contract
binding the members and the company which we considered should guide our approach to
shareholder remedies.’
The Law Commission plainly did not consider that section 459 already provided a right to exit at will and I
do not think so either. …
The offer to buy
Mr Ralls, who appeared for Mr Phillips, submitted that even if his conduct had been unfairly prejudicial, the
petition should have been dismissed because he had made an offer to buy the shares at a fair price, which
was the whole of the relief to which Mr. O’Neill would have been entitled. In view of the conclusion I have
reached about the absence of unfair prejudice, with which I understand your Lordships to agree, this point
does not need to be decided. Nevertheless, the effect of an offer to buy the shares as an answer to a
petition under section 459 is a matter of such great practical importance that I would invite your Lordships
to consider it. …
The Law Commission Report on Shareholder Remedies, at pp. 30–37, paras. 3.26–56 has recommended
that in a private company limited by shares in which substantially all the members are directors, there
should be a statutory presumption that the removal of a shareholder as a director, or from substantially all
his functions as a director, is unfairly prejudicial conduct. … [T]he unfairness does not lie in the exclusion
alone but in exclusion without a reasonable offer. If the respondent to a petition has plainly made a
reasonable offer, then the exclusion as such will not be unfairly prejudicial and he will be entitled to have the
petition struck out. It is therefore very important that participants in such companies should be able to know
what counts as a reasonable offer.
(p. 706) In the first place, the offer must be to purchase the shares at a fair value. This will ordinarily be a
[pro rata] value … without a discount for its being a minority holding. [Although sometimes it will be fair to
apply a discounted value.]
Secondly, the value, if not agreed, should be determined by a competent expert. …
Thirdly, the offer should be to have the value determined by the expert as an expert. I do not think that the
offer should provide for the full machinery of arbitration or the halfway house of an expert who gives
reasons. …
Fourthly, the offer should, as in this case, provide for equality of arms between the parties. Both should
have the same right of access to information about the company which bears upon the value of the shares
and both should have the right to make submissions to the expert, though the form (written or oral) which
these submissions may take should be left to the discretion of the expert himself.
Fifthly, there is the question of costs. In the present case, when the offer was made after nearly three years
of litigation, it could not serve as an independent ground for dismissing the petition, on the assumption that
it was otherwise well founded, without an offer of costs. But this does not mean that payment of costs need
always be offered. If there is a breakdown in relations between the parties, the majority shareholder should
be given a reasonable opportunity to make an offer (which may include time to explore the question of how
to raise finance) before he becomes obliged to pay costs. …
➤ Notes
1. O’Neill v Phillips [13.30] is the first (and, to date, the only) House of Lords or Supreme Court case on the ‘unfair
prejudice’ provisions (rather than the earlier CA 1948 s 210 ‘oppression’ provisions). The case has generated a
good deal of debate as to whether Lord Hoffmann (both in this case and in his earlier judgment in Re Saul D
Harrison & Sons plc [13.29]) has given a restrictive interpretation to s 459 (and in particular to the concept of
‘legitimate expectations’), so that the remedy is likely to be less readily available (as the Law Commissions seem
to think), or whether the law remains substantially unchanged (as the CLR believes).
2. In Re Coroin Ltd [2012] EWHC 2343 (Ch), David Richards J refused to recognise legitimate expectations where
the founding members were:
a group of highly sophisticated and experienced business people and investors with a view to the purchase
of a wellknown group of hotels for a price running into many hundreds of millions of pounds and to retaining
and managing some of those hotels. There was little prior relationship between many of the investors and
some were unknown to each other until a few days before the company was formed. More importantly,
articles of association and a shareholders’ agreement were negotiated and drafted, containing lengthy and
complex provisions governing their relations with each other and with the company. I find it hard to imagine
a case where it would be more inappropriate to overlay on those arrangements equitable considerations of
the sort discussed by Lord Wilberforce and Lord Hoffmann.
3. In relation to pretrial offers to buy, in Harborne Road Nominees Ltd v John Greenway Karvask i [2011] EWHC
2214 (Ch), the court held that the rules in O’Neill v Phillipsdid not apply in the case of equal shareholders. In such
cases, the question was whether the shareholder had been offered a sale on terms that gave him all the
advantages he could reasonably expect to achieve from issuing an unfair prejudice petition: only then would it be
an abuse to continue those proceedings in the face of such an offer.
(p. 707) Valuing shares in buyout orders
Relevance of parties’ conduct to the valuation of shares.
[13.31] Bird Precision Bellows Ltd [1984] Ch 419 (Nourse J), affd [1986] Ch 658 (Court of Appeal)
The only issue before the court was the issue of valuing shares when (in this case pursuant to an order made by
consent) the petitioner’s shares were to be purchased by the majority under CA 1980 s 75 [now CA 2006 s 994].
Nourse J, at first instance, held that the conduct of the parties could be relevant in determining whether the shares
of the respective parties in the company were to be valued pro rata or whether the minority’s interest should be
NOURSE J: Broadly speaking, shares in a small private company are acquired either by allotment on its
incorporation or by transfer or devolution at some later date. In the first category it is a matter of common
occurrence for a company to be incorporated in order to acquire an existing business or to start a new one,
and in either event for it to be a vehicle for the conduct of a business carried on by two or more shareholders
which they could, had they wished, have carried on in partnership together. Although it has been pointed
out … that the description may be confusing, it is often convenient and it is certainly usual to describe that
kind of company as a quasipartnership. In the second category, irrespective of the nature of the company,
it is a matter of common occurrence for a shareholder to acquire shares from another at a price which is
discounted because they represent a minority holding. It seems to me that some general observations can
usefully be made in regard to each of these examples …
I would expect that in a majority of cases where purchase orders are made under s 75 in relation to quasi
partnerships the vendor is unwilling in the sense that the sale has been forced upon him. Usually he will be
a minority shareholder whose interests have been unfairly prejudiced by the manner in which the affairs of
the company have been conducted by the majority. On the assumption that the unfair prejudice has made it
no longer tolerable for him to retain his interest in the company, a sale of his shares will invariably be his
only practical way out short of a winding up. In that kind of case it seems to me that it would not merely not
be fair, but most unfair, that he should be bought out on the fictional basis applicable to a free election to
sell his shares in accordance with the company’s articles of association, or indeed on any other basis
which involved a discounted price. In my judgment the correct course would be to fix the price pro rata
according to the value of the shares as a whole and without any discount, as being the only fair method of
compensating an unwilling vendor of the equivalent of a partnership share. Equally, if the order provided …
for the purchase of the shares of the delinquent majority, it would not merely not be fair, but most unfair,
that they should receive a price which involved an element of premium.
Of the other, I would expect more rare, cases in which the court might make a purchase order in relation to
a quasipartnership, the arguments of Mr Jacob require me to mention one. Suppose the case of a minority
shareholder whose interests had been unfairly prejudiced by the conduct of the majority, but who had
nevertheless so acted as to deserve his exclusion from the company. It is difficult to see how such a case
could arise in practice, because one would expect acts and deserts of that kind to be inconsistent with the
existence of the supposed conduct of the majority. Be that as it may the consideration of that possibility
has been forced upon me by the agreement for the price to be determined by the court without any
admission of unfairly prejudicial conduct on the part of the respondents. As will appear, Mr Jacob submitted
that the petitioners did act in such a way as to deserve their exclusion from the company. He further
submitted that it would therefore be fair for them to be bought out on the basis which would have been
applicable if they had made a free election to sell their shares pursuant to the articles, ie at a discount.
Assuming, at present, that the (p. 708) respondents can establish the necessary factual basis, I think that
Mr Jacob’s further submission is correct. A shareholder who deserves his exclusion has, if you like, made a
constructive election to sever his connection with the company and thus to sell his shares.
On appeal, the Court of Appeal declined to interfere with the judge’s approach, which was a matter for his
➤ Note
In Re OC (Transport) Services Ltd [1984] BCLC 251, Mervyn Davies J held that it was proper to backdate a
valuation to the commencement of the ‘unfairly prejudicial’ conduct, so that the value of the shares would not
be affected by the changes which that conduct had brought about. In this, he was following the approach of
the House of Lords under the old s 210 in the Scottish Cooperative case [13.24]. Citing the position in Re OC
(Transport) Services Ltd, Proudman J in Re Phoenix Contracts (Leicester) Ltd [2010] EWHC 2375 (Ch) was of
the view that it would be required ‘to specify an early valuation date where it was simply unclear whether the
respondent’s conduct after the date of unfairly prejudicial conduct caused the diminution in the value of the
shares, on the basis that it was unfair for the petitioner to assume the burden of the risk’ [150]. The learned
judge therefore fixed the date of valuation as the date the petitioner was excluded from the company.
Similarly, in Re Abbington Hotel Ltd [2012] 1 BCLC 410, David Richards J held that such a date ‘meet[s] and
provide[s] a remedy for the exclusion of Mr D’Angelo from the company’ [140]. Also see Attwood v
Maidment [2013] EWCA Civ 119 for discussion of other relevant issues.
Even in quasipartnerships, purchase at an undiscounted price is not inevitable.
[13.32] Re Phoenix Office Supplies Ltd [2003] 1 BCLC 76 (Court of Appeal)
P appealed against a decision ordering its two remaining directors to purchase the shares of a departing director,
L, at their full undiscounted value. L had decided to leave his employment with P for personal reasons but had
remained a director whilst seeking to sell his shareholding without a discount to reflect his minority holding. The
remaining directors had refused L’s request to pay onethird of the company’s net asset value for the shares and
had further rejected his requests for copies of management accounts. The Court of Appeal, allowing the appeal,
held that a director leaving his position of his own volition was not entitled to have his shares bought out at their full
undiscounted value: not every quasipartnership entitles directors to a ‘no fault divorce’, and L could not ‘put’ his
shares on the company.
AULD LJ: Section 459 has two roles, as explained by Lord Hoffmann in O’Neill v Phillips [13.30] at pp
1098G–1099A. First, it protects shareholders against the breach of terms on which they have agreed the
affairs of the company should be conducted, through the articles of association or, say, some collateral
agreement. Secondly, it protects them against some inequity that makes it unfair for those conducting the
company’s affairs to rely upon their strict legal power, for example, a resolution by majority shareholders to
remove a minority director under s 303 of the 1985 Act [see CA 2006 s 168]. As Lord Wilberforce had
earlier explained in Re Westbourne Galleries Ltd [16.13], the latter protection is the source of the notion of
a relationship of quasipartnership between shareholders …
[He then referred to various authorities, including O’Neill v Phillips [13.30], citing some of the passages
cited previously on ‘legitimate expectations’ and whether exclusion might be in breach (p. 709) of such
expectations. He then continued:] Given the breadth of such propositions, it is important to keep in mind
that s 459 is designed for the protection of the members of companies. It is in that capacity that they seek
its protection, not as directors or employees, an important reminder where the provision is prayed in aid by
a departing member who may also be a director or employee. And, as Lord Hoffmann indicated in O’Neill v
Phillips at p 614B; 1107B–C, where the member is departing because he has been excluded by other
members from his involvement as a director and/or employee, the provision is aimed not at unfairness in
such exclusion for its own sake, but at unfairness in his exclusion without a reasonable offer for his shares
How then is the principle to be applied in a quasipartnership company where the departing minority
shareholder, not the majority shareholders, seeks to put an end to the association for personal reasons and
take his investment in it with him, and where, as the judge found, there was no agreement for such a ‘no
fault divorce’? I have already indicated the answer in my summary of Lord Hoffmann’s propositions, but here
is the place to put it in his own words, at pp 611G–612D; 1104D–1105B:
‘Mr Hollington’s submission comes to saying that, in a “quasipartnership” company, one partner
ought to be entitled at will to require the other partner or partners to buy his shares at a fair value. All
he need do is to declare that trust and confidence has broken down …
I do not think that there is any support in the authorities for such a stark right of unilateral withdrawal.
There are cases, such as Re a Company No 006834 of 1988 (1989) 5 BCC 218, in which it has been
said that if a breakdown in relations has caused the majority to remove a shareholder from
participation in the management, it is usually a waste of time to try to investigate who caused the
breakdown. Such breakdowns often occur … without either side having done anything seriously
wrong or unfair. It is not fair to the excluded member, who will usually have lost his employment, to
keep his assets locked in the company. But that does not mean that a member who has not been
dismissed or excluded can demand that his shares be purchased simply because he feels that he
has lost trust and confidence in the others. I rather doubt whether even in partnership law a
dissolution would be granted on this ground in a case in which it was still possible under the articles
for the business of the partnership to be continued. And as Lord Wilberforce observed in Re
Westbourne Galleries Ltd … [at] p 380B, one should not press the quasipartnership analogy too far:
“A company, however small, however domestic, is a company not a partnership or even a quasi
partnership …”
The Law Commission, in the report to which I have already referred, Shareholder Remedies…
considered whether to recommend the introduction of a statutory remedy “in situations where there
is no fault”, so that members of a quasipartnership could exit at will. They said, in para 3.66:
“In our view there are strong economic arguments against allowing shareholders to exit at will.
Also, as a matter of principle, such a right would fundamentally contravene the sanctity of the
contract binding the members and the company which we considered should guide our
approach to shareholder remedies.”
The Law Commission plainly did not consider that s 459 already provided a right to exit at will and I
do not think so either.’
The [trial] judge … ruled that a consequence of the quasipartnership here was that Mr Larvin was entitled to
the full undiscounted value of his shares. In so ruling, he appears to have proceeded as if it had been
Messrs Parish and Ogden who had taken the initiative to sever the association rather than, as was the
case, Mr Larvin. True it was that they refused to recognise him as a director or to give him access to certain
company information, but that was only after he had made plain that he wanted to sever all relationship with
the company and them and to take the value of his shareholding with him. In my judgment, this is not the
sort of case that Lord Hoffmann had in mind when formulating his propositions applicable to excluded
members. The judge did not expressly (p. 710) refer to such propositions, but he appears to have had them
in mind in the passages that I have emphasised …
Lord Hoffmann’s different treatment of those cases where there is a withdrawal because of a sense of loss
of trust and confidence applies a fortiori to a shareholder who, even without such a sense, but for other
personal reasons, simply wishes to leave and take his investment in the company with him. Where, as
here, the company is small and with only a few shareholders each holding a significant proportion of the
company’s issued capital, a sudden demand from one of them, for essentially personal reasons, to seek to
withdraw his investment could be very damaging, even potentially ruinous, to them and the company.
As to the judge’s reliance on the ‘lockin’ effect of art. 6 of the company’s articles of association, I do not
consider that the ‘absolute discretion’ it purported to give to the directors to decline to register any transfer
of any share pointed to an intention that if any one of them wanted to move elsewhere, for whatever reason,
he could be sure of realising the full value of his shareholding. Such an entitlement could, for the reasons I
have just given, be ruinous to the company and its members. The company’s directors have a fiduciary duty
as such to act in the interests of the company. The power of veto on a transfer, despite its terms, is not
absolute. It is subject to the equitable jurisdiction of the court to intervene by winding up the company on
the just and equitable ground or to the provisions of s 459 itself. …
As Mr Crawford submitted, not every quasipartnership company relationship gives rise to an entitlement to
a ‘nofault divorce’; there must be something more. …
Accordingly, it does not follow from the fact that the company was a quasipartnership that Mr Larvin was
entitled to insist on leaving with an undiscounted value of his minority shareholding. …
Depending on the issues as they developed between the parties, there might have been a claim for an
appropriately discounted value of his holding. Or Mr Larvin could have continued with his substantial
minority holding, with a view eventually to agreeing a price with the others or for its transfer to a third party.
Failing such agreement, he might have been able to seek such relief as might then be appropriate under s
459 or for the company to be wound up on the just and equitable ground. But that was not the basis of his
petition. …
[He then went on to allow the appeal.]
CLARKE LJ concurred.
JONATHAN PARKER LJ delivered a concurring judgment.
➤ Note
By contrast, in Strahan v Wilcock [2006] EWCA Civ 13, [2006] BCC 320, CA, purchase at the undiscounted
price was ordered. The company was held to be a quasipartnership. This despite the facts that S had not
participated in the business from the outset, had commenced the relationship as a consultant, had only later
become a shareholder and manager, and had held only a minority of the shares. Given the quasipartnership
nature of the relationship at the time the shares were acquired, however, there were equitable considerations
which bound W to purchase S’s shares on a nondiscounted basis once S had been dismissed by the
company. S’s departure from the company was involuntary. He did not take a unilateral decision to leave and
nor was he guilty of misconduct. Fairness demanded that he should be entitled to claim back not simply the
cost of acquiring the shares, but their value at the date of the buyout order.
Indeed, in quasipartnerships involving two shareholders with 50% shareholding each, the court will be
reluctant to apply market discounts to the price at which 50% of the shares are purchased, even where the
vendor shareholder has been found to be responsible for the breakdown of the ‘partnership’: Re Home & Office
Fire Extinguishers Ltd [2012] EWHC 917 (Ch). To do so, in the learned judge’s dicta at [77], ‘when no loss
has been proved, would be in effect to impose a penalty on the selling shareholder, and to give a windfall to
the buying shareholder’.
(p. 711) Date of valuation.
[13.33] Profinance Trust SA v Gladstone [2002] 1 WLR 1024 (Court of Appeal)
The facts are immaterial.
judgment the deputy judge was right in his view that an order for the equivalent of interest [ie a sum paid in
addition to the settled price of the shares to be bought out, where the valuation has been carried out early]
is not beyond the powers of the court under section 461(1) of the Companies Act 1985 [reenacted in CA
2006 s 996]. The court has repeatedly emphasised the width of the discretion conferred by that subsection,
which is not limited to the particular powers enumerated in subsection (2). The House of Lords has (in
relation to the court’s closely comparable powers under section 210 of the Companies Act 1948) approved
the making of adjustments in the valuation process which mean that the court is actually valuing shares,
not as they are, but as they would have been if events had followed a different course; and that practice is
regularly followed by the court in orders under section 461(1). In these circumstances a denial of the court’s
power to award the equivalent of interest would come close to straining at a gnat.
It is however a power which should be exercised with great caution. Miss Newman [counsel] has rightly
drawn attention to the need for lawyers to be able to advise their clients as to the likely range of outcomes
of section 459 proceedings, in order to encourage compromise in an area in which litigation can be
cripplingly expensive. If a petitioner seeking an order for the purchase of his shares contends (either as his
only claim or in the alternative) that they should be valued at a relatively early date but then augmented by
the equivalent of interest, he must put forward that claim clearly and persuade the court by evidence that it
is the only way, or the best way, to a fair result. It should not be a lastminute afterthought (as it may have
been, to some extent, in In re Bird Precision Bellows Ltd [13.31] andElliott v Planet Organic Ltd [2000] BCC
610). Unless a petitioner is asking for no more than simple interest at a normal rate he should also put
before the court evidence on which the court can decide what amount (if any) to allow. The exercise which
the deputy judge undertook, as described in the last paragraph of his judgment, does not appear to have
had a solid evidential basis. …
[And on the more general issue of valuation of shares, he continued:] The starting point should in our view
be the general proposition stated by Nourse J in In re London School of Electronics Ltd [1986] Ch 211, 224:
‘Prima facie an interest in a going concern ought to be valued at the date on which it is ordered to be
purchased.’ That is, as Nourse J said, subject to the overriding requirement that the valuation should be fair
on the facts of the particular case.
The general trend of authority over the last 15 years appears to us to support that as the starting point,
while recognising that there are many cases in which fairness (to one side or the other) requires the court to
take another date. It would be wrong to try to enumerate all those cases but some of them can be
illustrated by the authorities already referred to:
(i) Where a company has been deprived of its business, an early valuation date (and compensating
adjustments) may be required in fairness to the claimant: seeScottish Cooperative Wholesale Society Ltd
v Meyer [13.24].
(ii) Where a company has been reconstructed or its business has changed significantly, so that it has a
new economic identity, an early valuation date may be required in fairness to one or both parties: see In re
OC (Transport) Services Ltd [1984] BCLC 251, and to a lesser degree In re London School of Electronics
Ltd[1986] Ch 211. But an improper alteration in the issued share capital, unaccompanied by any change in
the business, will not necessarily have that outcome: see In re DR Chemicals Ltd (1988) 5 BCC 39.
(p. 712) (iii) Where a minority shareholder has a petition on foot and there is a general fall in the market,
the court may in fairness to the claimant have the shares valued at an early date, especially if it strongly
disapproves of the majority shareholder’s prejudicial conduct: see In re Cumana Ltd [1986] BCLC 430.
(iv) But a claimant is not entitled to what the deputy judge called a oneway bet, and the court will not direct
an early valuation date simply to give the claimant the most advantageous exit from the company,
especially where severe prejudice has not been made out: see In re Elgindata Ltd [1991] BCLC 959 [13.27].
(v) All these points may be heavily influenced by the parties’ conduct in making and accepting or rejecting
offers either before or during the course of the proceedings: see In re A Company (No 00709 of 1992) [1999]
1 WLR 1092.
In our judgment the fairest course in this case would be to take the agreed value as at the time of the first
instance hearing, that is £215,000. We allow this appeal and substitute an order that Mr Gladstone should
purchase Profinance’s 40% holding in the company for £86,000.
Unfair prejudice and other remedies
Before leaving this discussion of CA 2006 s 994, it is worth noting that this avenue for complaint by members
might fruitfully be used to remedy a wide variety of wrongs that have been considered elsewhere in this book. Many
of the cases traditionally located in some other part of the company law syllabus, such as those relating to the
alteration of a company’s articles, might well be decided differently today if proceedings were brought under this
section. For example, consider the saga which culminated in the case of Greenhalgh v Arderne Cinemas
Ltd [4.27] and [11.09]. Mr Greenhalgh might well have claimed (possibly with success) that he had been the victim
of unfairly prejudicial conduct. It is also possible that minority shareholders who were in fact successful in some
older cases might now choose to seek a remedy under CA 2006 s 994 rather than whatever was then available to
them: for instance, the petitioners in Loch v John Black wood Ltd [15.12] might well have preferred a buyout rather
than having the company compulsorily wound up.
On the other hand, where CA 2006 s 994 seems less than satisfactory, members might resort to petitioning the
court for a windingup order on the ‘just and equitable’ ground: see ‘Compulsory winding up on the “just and
equitable” ground’, pp 795ff. There is also, at least in theory, the possibility of invoking the powers of the
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills under CA 1985 Pt XIV (not reenacted in CA 2006), to have the
affairs of the company investigated (see ‘Public investigation of companies’, pp 730ff). In practice, the
Department’s powers are most commonly invoked in cases of insolvency, fraudulent trading and financial scandal
—that is, in matters of interest to the investing public and to creditors—while minority shareholders who seek aid
are sent away emptyhanded. Mr Moir (see Wallersteiner v Moir (No 2) cited in Iesini v Westrip Holdings
Ltd [13.02], p 641) is reported to have made 15 unsuccessful requests to the Department (Economist, 8 February
Also note a recent decision by the Court of Appeal, in which it was held that members’ rights to bring a petition
under s 994 is not inalienable, in that members can agree to resolve such disputes through means of alternative
dispute resolution, such as arbitration. No objection can be raised both as a matter of statutory construction, and
on the ground of public policy: Fulham Football Club (1987) v Richards [2011] EWCA Civ 855, [2012] Ch 333,
[2012] 2 WLR 1008, [2012] Bus LR 606, [2012] 1 All ER 414, [2012] 1 All ER (Comm) 1148, [2011] BCC 910,
[2012] 1 BCLC 335.
(p. 713) ➤ Questions
1. Reconsider the cases on directors’ decisionmaking (see Chapter 7) and assess the extent to which
a company can complain that its directors have not acted bona fide, or not acted for proper purposes, and so
impugn a decision on those grounds without having to prove that a particular commercial decision is
inappropriate and in itself constitutes maladministration. Do the CA 2006 provisions on directors’ duties
strengthen the law in this regard?
2. Once you have read this entire chapter, assess the extent to which a member can complain about the
sorts of directors’ activities just described. If action ispossible, is the remedy one for the company or one for
the shareholders personally?
3. Reconsider the cases on members’ decisionmaking (eg see ‘Members’ personal rights’, pp 250ff,
‘Permitted reductions of capital’, pp 513ff and ‘Variation of class rights’, pp 563ff) and assess the extent to
which a company can complain that its members have not acted bona fide, or not acted for proper purposes.
Can membersuse this as a ground for complaint, in seeking a remedy for the company or a remedy for
themselves personally?
Further Reading
ARSALIDOU, D, ‘Litigation Culture and the New Statutory Derivative Claim’ (2009) 30 Company Lawyer 205.
Find This Resource
BAXTER, C, ‘The True Spirit of Foss v Harbottle’ (1987) 38 Northern Ireland Law Quarterly 6.
Find This Resource
BAXTER, C, ‘The Role of the Judge in Enforcing Shareholder Rights’ [1983] CLJ 96.
Find This Resource
BAXTER, C, ‘Irregular Company Meetings’ [1976] JBL 323.
Find This Resource
BECK, SM, ‘Shareholders’ Derivative Action’ (1974) 52 Canadian Bar Review 159.
Find This Resource
BOYLE, AJ, ‘The Minority Shareholder in the Nineteenth Century’ (1965) 28 MLR 317.
Find This Resource
DRURY, R, ‘The Relative Nature of a Shareholder’s Right to Enforce the Company Contract’ [1986] CLJ 219.
Find This Resource
GIBBS, D, ‘Has the Statutory Derivative Claim Fulfilled its Objectives? A Prima Facie Case and the Mandatory
Bar: Part 1’ (2011) 32 Company Lawyer 41.
Find This Resource
GIBBS, D, ‘Has the Statutory Derivative Claim Fulfilled its Objectives? The Hypothetical Director and CSR:
Part 2’ (2011) 32 Company Lawyer 76.
Find This Resource
GREGORY, R, ‘What is the Rule in Foss v Harbottle?’ (1982) 45 MLR 584.
Find This Resource
GRIFFIN, S, ‘Shareholder Remedies and the No Reflective Loss Principle—Problems Surrounding the
Identification of a Membership Interests’ [2010] JBL 461.
Find This Resource
HIRT, HC, ‘The Company’s Decision to Litigate against its Directors’ [2005] JBL 159.
Find This Resource
HIRT, HC, ‘In What Circumstances Should Breaches of Directors’ Duties Give Rise to a Remedy under ss
459–461 of the Companies Act 1985?’ (2003) 24 Company Lawyer 100.
Find This Resource
KEAY, A and LOUGHREY, J, ‘Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed: An Analysis of the New
Derivative Action under the Companies Act 2006’ (2008) 124 LQR 469.
Find This Resource
KOH, P, ‘Derivative Actions “Once Removed”’ [2010] JBL 101.
Find This Resource
LIGHTMAN, D, ‘The Role of the Company at the Permission Stage in the Statutory Derivative Claim’ (2011) 30
CJQ 23.
Find This Resource
MITCHELL, C, ‘Shareholders’ Claims for Reflective Loss’ [2004] 120 LQR 457.
Find This Resource
MUJIH, EC, ‘The New Statutory Derivative Claim: A Delicate Balancing Act: Part 1’ (2012) Company
Lawyer 76.
Find This Resource
MUJIH, EC, ‘The New Statutory Derivative Claim: A Paradox of Minority Shareholder Protection: Part 2’
(2012) Company Lawyer 99.
Find This Resource
PARTRIDGE, RJC, ‘Ratification and the Release of Directors from Personal Liability’ [1987] CLJ 122.
Find This Resource
PICKERING, MA, ‘Shareholders’ Voting Rights and Company Control’ (1965) 81 LQR 248.
Find This Resource
RILEY, C, ‘Contracting Out of Company Law: Section 459 of the Companies Act 1985 and the Role of the
Courts’ (1992) 55 MLR 782.
Find This Resource
(p. 714) SEALY, LS, ‘Problems of Standing, Pleading and Proof in Corporate Litigation’ in B Pettet
(ed), Company Law in Change (1987), p 1.
Find This Resource
SULLIVAN, GR, ‘Restating the Scope of the Derivative Action’ [1985] CLJ 236.
Find This Resource
WEDDERBURN, KW, ‘Derivative Actions and Foss v Harbottle’ (1981) 44 MLR 202.
Find This Resource
WEDDERBURN, KW, ‘Shareholders’ Rights and the Rule in Foss v Harbottle’ [1957] CLJ 194 and [1958] CLJ
Find This Resource
WORTHINGTON, S, ‘Corporate Governance: Remedying and Ratifying Directors’ Breaches’ (2000) 116 LQR
Find This Resource
1 Also see ‘The statutory derivative action: CA 2006 ss 260ff’, pp 642ff.
2 A ‘representative action’ is a court procedure allowing one or more individuals to appear as claimants or
defendants on behalf of a larger number of people having an identical interest in the proceedings, and so obtain a
remedy (or provide a defence) for the entire class of them, as individuals, without each appearing individually before
the court. See the Civil Procedure Rules 1998 (CPR) r 19.6; also see fn 33, p 668.
Carlen v Drury (1812) 1 Ves & B 154 at 158.
4 This is because the controllers can usually count on a high degree of apathy and inertia on the part of the small
‘armchair’ investor. In addition, various devices such as ‘pyramid’, circular and crossholdings of shares between
companies can be used to concentrate power: see the classic analysis of A Berle and G Means, The Modern
Corporation and Private Property (1932) and MA Pickering, ‘Shareholders’ Voting Rights and Company Control?’
(1965) 81 LQR 248. More generally, see JE Parkinson,Corporate Power and Responsibility (1993), pp 241–259.
5 By contrast, in public companies where there is a ready market for shares, and exit is a real possibility, it seems
that the chance of UK directors being sued by their companies is ‘virtually nil’: J Armour et al, ‘Private Enforcement
of Corporate Law: An Empirical Comparison of the UK with the US?’ (2009) 6 Journal of Empirical Legal
Studies 687, available at:
RWV Dickerson, JL Howard and L Getz, in Proposals for a New Business Corporation Law for Canada (1971),
§482, called it an ‘infamous doctrine’ which they recommended should be ‘relegated to legal limbo without
compunction’. In England, by contrast, the rule has been defended with enthusiasm by the Court of Appeal in
cases such as Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v Newman Industries Ltd (No 2) [1982] Ch 204, which itself was cited
with approval in the House of Lords decision in Johnson v Gore Wood and Co [13.22].
7 GD Hornstein [1967] JBL 282.
8 (1843) 2 Hare 461. For further reading, see AJ Boyle, ‘The Minority Shareholder in the Nineteenth Century?’
(1965) 28 MLR 317; Lord Wedderburn, ‘Shareholders’ Rights and the Rule in Foss v Harbottle’ [1957] CLJ 194;
[1958] CLJ 93 (a classic); SM Beck, ‘An Analysis of Foss v Harbottle’ in JS Ziegel (ed), Studies in Canadian
Company Law (1967) and ‘Shareholders’ Derivative Action’ (1974) 52 Canadian Bar Review 159; C Baxter, ‘The
True Spirit of Foss v Harbottle?’ (1987) 38 Northern Ireland Law Quarterly 6; LS Sealy, ‘Problems of Standing,
Pleading and Proof in Corporate Litigation’ in Company Law in Change (1987), p 1; HC Hirt, ‘The Company’s
Decision to Litigate against its Directors’ [2005] JBL 159.
9 These are the heads used as a basis for discussion by KW Wedderburn, ‘Shareholders’ Rights and the Rule
in Foss v Harbottle’ [1957] CLJ 194 at 203. The same exceptions are listed (in a different order) by Jenkins LJ
in Edwards v Halliwell [1950] 2 All ER 1064, CA.
10 More properly described in most cases as a fraud on the company: see Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v Newman
Industries Ltd (No 2) [1981] Ch 257 (Ch, Vinelott J), the most significant case on this issue and on the rule in Foss
v Harbottle.
11 See especially Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v Newman Industries Ltd (No 2) [1981] Ch 257 (Ch, Vinelott J);
and Smith v Croft (No 2) [13.17].
12 See the detailed discussion in the 9th edition of this book, at Chapter 12.
13 See CPR 1998 r 19.9–19.9F (subject to transitional provisions specified in SI 2007/2204, r 21):
19.9 Derivative Claims—how started
(1) This rule—
(a) applies to a derivative claim (where a company, other body corporate or trade union is alleged to be
entitled to claim a remedy, and a claim is made by a member of it for it to be given that remedy),
whether under Chapter 1 of Part 11 of the Companies Act 2006 or otherwise; but
(b) does not apply to a claim made pursuant to an order under [section 996] of that Act.
(2) A derivative claim must be started by a claim form.
(3) The company, body corporate or trade union for the benefit of which a remedy is sought must be made a
defendant to the claim.
(4) After the issue of the claim form, the claimant must not take any further step in the proceedings without
the permission of the court, other than—
(a) a step permitted or required by rule 19.9A or 19.9C; or
(b) making an urgent application for interim relief.
19.9A Derivative claims under Chapter 1 of Part 11 of the Companies Act 2006—application for
(1) In this rule—
‘the Act’ means the Companies Act 2006;
‘derivative claim’ means a derivative claim under Chapter 1 of Part 11 of the Act;
‘permission application’ means an application referred to in [section 261(1), 262(2) or 264(2)] of the Act;
‘the company’ means the company for the benefit of which the derivative claim is brought.
(2) When the claim form for a derivative claim is issued, the claimant must file—
(a) an application notice under Part 23 for permission to continue the claim; and
(b) the written evidence on which the claimant relies in support of the permission application.
(3) The claimant must not make the company a respondent to the permission application.
(4) Subject to paragraph (7), the claimant must notify the company of the claim and permission application
by sending to the company as soon as reasonably practicable after the claim form is issued—
(a) a notice in the form set out in the practice direction supplementing this rule, and to which is
attached a copy of the provisions of the Act required by that form;
(b) copies of the claim form and the particulars of claim;
(c) the application notice; and
(d) a copy of the evidence filed by the claimant in support of the permission application.
(5) The claimant may send the notice and documents required by paragraph (4) to the company by any
method permitted by Part 6 as if the notice and documents were being served on the company.
(6) The claimant must file a witness statement confirming that the claimant has notified the company in
accordance with paragraph (4).
(7) Where notifying the company of the permission application would be likely to frustrate some party of the
remedy sought, the court may, on application by the claimant, order that the company need not be notified
for such period after the issue of the claim form as the court directs.
(8) An application under paragraph (7) may be made without notice.
(9) Where the court dismisses the claimant’s permission application without a hearing, the court will notify
the claimant and (unless the court orders otherwise) the company of that decision.
(10) The claimant may ask for an oral hearing to reconsider the decision to dismiss the permission
application, but the claimant—
(a) must make the request to the court in writing within seven days of being notified of the decision;
(b) must notify the company in writing, as soon as reasonably practicable, of that request unless the
court orders otherwise.
(11) Where the court dismisses the permission application at a hearing pursuant to paragraph (10), it will
notify the claimant and the company of its decision.
(12) Where the court does not dismiss the application under section 261(2) of the Act, the court will—
(a) order that the company and any other appropriate party must be made respondents to the
permission application; and
(b) give directions for the service on the company and any other appropriate party of the application
notice and the claim form.
14 Although note that the Explanatory Notes to the 2006 Act specifically state at para 491 that, ‘The sections in
this Part do not formulate a substantive rule to replace the rule in Foss v Harbottle, but instead reflect the
recommendations of the Law Commission that there should be a “new derivative procedure with more modern,
flexible and accessible criteria for determining whether a shareholder can pursue an action” (Shareholder
Remedies, paragraph 6.15)’ (emphasis added).
15 A ‘member’ is defined in CA 2006 s 112, and is not restricted to a shareholder.
16 The possibility of personal benefit should be addressed via personal claims, either at common law or under the
statutory ‘unfair prejudice’ provisions in CA 2006 s 994.
17 See Chapter 7, and the cases and articles cited.
18 See the cases cited in Chapter 7, and also Smith v Croft (No 2) [13.17].
See the law on authorisation by the board or the general meeting in Chapter 7.
20 The question is whether there are any ‘nonratifiable wrongs’, see Notes following Franbar Holdings Ltd v
Patel [13.12], pp 661ff.
21 In Franbar Holdings Ltd v Patel [2008] EWHC 1534 (Ch), [2009] 1 BCLC 1, the court interpreted s 239(7) as
requiring it to decide whether the purported ratification was such as to improperly prevent the member from bringing
a claim on behalf of the company. This approach focuses not on the nature of the wrong done to the company, but
on the quality of the approval/ratification decision.
22 Note a contrary argument advanced by D Lightman, who argues that multiple derivative claims fall outside the
definition of ‘derivative claim’ under s 260(1); therefore, it is said that a multiple derivative may still be brought under
common law outside the statutory framework: D Lightman, ‘Two Aspects of the Statutory Derivative Claim’
[2011]Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 142. For a comparative analysis of the appetite for multiple
derivative claims between Hong Kong and England, see SH Goo, ‘Multiple Derivative Action and Common Law
Derivative Action Revisited: A Tale of Two Jurisdictions’ (2010) Journal of Corporate Law Studies 255.
23 Or in pursuance of a court order in proceedings under s 994 (unfair prejudice): s 260(2)(b).
25 Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v Newman Industries Ltd (No 2) [1981] Ch 257 (Ch), overturned in part in [1982] Ch
204, CA.
26 [1900] 2 Ch 56, CA.
27 [1956] Ch 565.
28 This distinction between different forms of negligence is eliminated in CA 2006 ss 260ff, where, prima facie, all
claims based on negligence can be pursued by way of derivative action, although the relevance of proper
confirmation by the general meeting remains: see ‘Grounds for bringing a derivative claim’, p 645.
29 His test of independence was: ‘In my judgment in this case votes should be disregarded if, but only if, the court
is satisfied either that the vote or its equivalent is actually cast with a view to supporting the defendants rather than
securing benefit to the company … The court should not substitute its own opinion but can, and in my view should,
assess whether the decision making process is vitiated by being or being likely to be directed to an improper
purpose’ (at 186D–F).
30 [1975] QB 173, CA.
31 See CLR, Completing the Framework , paras 5.64–5.74; R Drury, ‘The Relative Nature of a Shareholder’s Right
to Enforce the Company Contract’ [1986] CLJ 219.
32 See E Ferran [1994] CLJ 343.
33 This procedure allows one or more individuals to appear as claimants or defendants on behalf of a number of
persons having an identical interest in the proceedings. It was developed by the courts of Chancery in the early
nineteenth century especially to deal with the problems of large unincorporated associations. Now the procedural
rules are found in CPR r 19.6 (Representation of parties with the same interest):
(1) Where more than one person has the same interest in a claim—
(a) the claim may be begun; or
(b) the court may order that the claim be continued, by or against one or more of the persons who have
the same interest as representatives of any other persons who have that interest.
(2) The court may direct that a person may not act as a representative.
(3) Any party may apply to the court for an order under paragraph (2).
(4) Unless the court otherwise directs any judgment or order given in a claim in which a party is acting as a
representative under this rule—
(a) is binding on all persons represented in the claim; but
(b) may only be enforced by or against a person who is not a party to the claim with the permission of
the court. …
It should be obvious that a derivative claim can be pursued by a shareholder acting in a representative capacity, so
the two types of procedures may be in use at the same time.
34 Although whether s 263(3)(f) will change this in favour of personal claims remains to be seen—see Franbar
Holdings Ltd v Patel [13.12].
35 The analysis is not persuasive, however, and in the light of the comments in the Notes following Franbar
Holdings Ltd v Patel [13.12], p 661, seems of doubtful authority.
36 Ie suing personally or in a representative capacity, but not pursuing a derivative claim.
37 Gerber Garment Technology Inc v Lectra Systems Ltd [1997] RPC 443.
38 See the parallel provision applying to the acts and omissions of the administrator, which can be invoked by
creditors as well as shareholders: IA 1986 Sch B1, para 74. This substitutes the word ‘harm’ for ‘prejudice’ (it is
not clear whether this was intended to have substantive implications) and specifically allows for complaints that the
administrator is not performing his functions ‘as quickly or as efficiently as is reasonably practicable’.
39 One unreported case (Re Freudiana Music Co Ltd (Ch, 24 March 1993)) lasted for 165 full court days, with the
respondent awarded costs of £2 million. In Re Elgindata Ltd [13.27], costs totalling £320,000 were run up in a
dispute over shares worth less than £25,000: see [1993] BCLC 119. The judgment of Arden J in Re Macro
(Ipswich) Ltd[13.28] reviews the history of the company over a period of nearly 50 years and extends to 56 pages.
In Re Unisoft Group Ltd (No 3) [1994] 1 BCLC 609 at 611, Harman J said: ‘Petitions under s 459 have become
notorious to judges of this court—and also to the Bar—for their length, their unpredictability of management, and
the enormous and appalling costs which are incurred upon them.’
40 See Law Commission, Shareholder Remedies (LCCP No 142, 1996), pp 55–102; and Shareholder
Remedies (Law Com No 246, 1997), Pts 2–4 (for reform proposals); CLR, Developing the Framework (2000), paras
4.100–4.111; Completing the Structure (2000), paras 5.75–5.81, and Final Report I (2001), paras 7.41–7.45. Also
see C Riley, ‘Contracting Out of Company Law: Section 459 of the Companies Act 1985 and the Role of the
Courts?’ (1992) 55 MLR 782.
41 Since CA 2006 s 996 gives the court the widest possible discretion (as did CA 1985 s 461), this might seem
unnecessary, but precedents suggested that courts could not make such an order, given that it would profoundly
affect parties not before the court, without providing all the protections delivered by the IA 1986 procedures.
42 [1932] AC 161, HL.
43 (1986) 11 ACLR 279.
44 Atlasview Ltd v Brightview Ltd [2004] EWHC 1056 (Ch), [2004] 2 BCLC 191.
45 Eg in Re HR Harmer Ltd (see Note following Scottish Cooperative Wholesale Society Ltd v Meyer [13.24], p
685) the petitioners were majority shareholders but did not have voting control.
46 A petition may not be brought by persons having voting control, since they may have recourse to domestic
remedies (such as changing the directors) to remedy the conduct which is the source of complaint: Re Legal
Costs Negotiators Ltd [1999] 2 BCLC 171, CA.
47 On the ‘just and equitable’ ground (IA 1986 s 122(1)(g)), see ‘Compulsory winding up on the “just and equitable”
ground’, pp 795ff.
48 Lord Hoffmann in O’Neill v Phillips [13.30] expressed reservations about the use of this expression (borrowed
from administrative law) in the s 456 (CA 2006 s 994) context, but it is fairly well established—and no one has yet
suggested a better alternative.
49 The expression used by Warner J in Re JE Cade & Sons Ltd [1992] BCLC 213 at 227.
50 R&H Electric Ltd v Haden Bill Electrical Ltd [1995] 2 BCLC 280.
51 This means that the court is not limited to giving the relief asked for by the petitioner: Hawk es v Cuddy [2009]
EWCA Civ 291.
52 [1987] BCLC 562.
53 [1986] BCLC 362.
54 [1987] 1 WLR 102.
55 Note that it is not necessary that the members of a ‘quasipartnership’ should have equal shares in the venture:
a junior partner in Quinlan v Essex Hinge Co Ltd [1996] 2 BCLC 417 successfully petitioned following his exclusion
from management by a dominant senior partner.
56 [1990] Ch 682.
57 [1978] Ch 406, Notes 2 and 3 following Franbar Holdings Ltd v Patel [13.12], p 661.
58 Note, however, that in O’Neill v Phillips [13.30] Lord Hoffmann states that ‘conduct which is perfectly fair
between competing businessmen may not be fair between members of a family’, a consideration which weighed
with the judge in giving a petitioner relief in Brownlow v GH Marshall Ltd [2000] 2 BCLC 655.
14. Public Disclosure, Market Regulation and Public
Investigations of Companies
Chapter: (p. 715) 14. Public Disclosure, Market Regulation and Public Investigations of
Author(s): Len Sealy and Sarah Worthington
DOI: 10.1093/he/9780199676446.003.0014
Public disclosure and the disclosure philosophy
It has long been recognised that the ‘price’ that companies must pay for the privileges of incorporation (separate
personality) and limited liability is a fair degree of openness and publicity about their affairs. The Companies Acts
have been largely based on this philosophy. Even the obligatory term ‘Limited’ is intended to achieve this purpose,
warning those dealing with a company that its resources are finite.
In the ordinary course of business of a company, disclosure under the Act is secured by: (i) delivery of information
to the registrar of companies; (ii) publication in theGazette; (iii) information made available at the company’s
registered office; and (iv) notifications in various business documents. The Stock Exchange imposes additional
obligations on listed companies. And, quite outside any legal regime, the market, and the financial press, may
publicly disclose information considered significant.
Companies are also subject to special disclosure rules designed to give interested parties information on
substantial share ownership in the company and to provide appropriate information to investors when new shares
are issued to the public. Finally, there are rules restricting the use of nonpublic information by those acquiring
shares in the market.
General disclosure obligations
The Registrar of Companies
A company’s obligation to make public disclosure is generally fulfilled by delivering the required information to the
Registrar of Companies. Section 1061 of the Companies Act 2006 (CA 2006) confirms the role of the registrar,
whose duties and functions date back to 1844.
There are three separate registrars, for England and Wales (situated in Cardiff), for Scotland and for Northern
Ireland. The registrar maintains a file for every company and adds to it all the documents relating to that company
as they are lodged for registration over the years. Files are open to public search, either electronically or using a
microfiche system. Certain information delivered after 1 January 2007 must be filed electronically (CA 2006 s
1078); otherwise the filing mechanism is discretionary (s 1080).
All the company’s most important documents relating to its constitution and its history subsequent to its
incorporation, together with information about its membership, finances and management must be notified to the
registrar with, as history shows, each successive Act stepping up the reporting obligations.
A person searching the records of a company at the registry will find the following documents available: the
memorandum and articles of association, notices giving the situation of its registered office and details of its
directors and secretary, particulars of charges over its (p. 716) property and trust deeds covering issues of
debentures, copies of any prospectus or listing particulars that may have been issued, returns of allotments and
lists of current members. In addition, there must be filed once a year an annual return giving all the information
specified by regulations (ss 854–856A,1 and see s 858 for the consequences of noncompliance), and various
accounts and reports depending upon the size of the company (s 441), but generally including copies of the
company’s annual accounts (ss 394 and 399), together with the directors’ report (s 415), the auditors’ report (ss
475 and 495–497, unless the company is exempt under s 477 or 480, although s 476, gives the members the
power to require an audit in any event), and, for quoted companies, a directors’ remuneration report (s
420).2 Other events in the life of a company, both major ones such as alterations of its constitution (s 21) or the
appointment of a receiver (s 871), and more minor ones where shares in public companies are issued for a non
cash consideration (ss 593 and 597), or where public companies agree to certain transfers of noncash assets (ss
598 and 602), may trigger filing obligations. Today, company secretaries (or their equivalent for companies without
secretaries) need the aid of very extensive checklists.
The registration system is first and foremost an information service: not many legal consequences turn on the fact
that a document has or has not been filed. Of these, the most important for the student are: (i) what remains of
the constructive notice doctrine (‘Constructive notice and its abolition’, pp 128ff); (ii) the sanction of partial
voidness which follows from the nonregistration of charges (‘Requirement to register charges’, pp 601ff); and (iii)
official notification (see the following section).
Although the information provided by the registration system was initially seen as a means of helping creditors to
assess the risks of dealing with a limited company (the ‘forewarned is forearmed’ principle), the disclosure regime
is now seen as increasingly essential in reducing the risks of managerial selfinterest and incompetence, and
facilitating the efficient operation of the capital markets.3
Publication in the Gazette
The registrar is obliged to give publicity in the Gazette to a company’s incorporation (CA 2006 s 1064) and to
various events affecting a company’s administration or status—an alteration of its constitution or change in its
directorate, for instance, or the appointment of a liquidator or redemption of shares out of capital. Most ‘official
notifications’ in the Gazette are made under CA 2006 s 1077 in compliance with the First Company Law Directive
These s 1077 notifications are really only token publicity, for very few copies of the special Companies
Supplement to the Gazette (which is available only on microfiche) are sold. The Company Law Review (CLR)
suggested electronic publication might be more effective (Final Report (2001), para 11.48). Accordingly, CA 2006
s 1116 provides a power for the Secretary of State to specify alternative means which the registrar may then
approve for use. To ensure that any such change in current practice is itself publicised, s 1116(5) requires it to be
announced first in the Gazette.
(p. 717) In contrast to the registers maintained at Companies House, legal consequences do flow from failures to
secure the necessary official notification of specified events. These include the making of windingup orders or
appointments of liquidators in voluntary liquidations, alteration of the company’s articles, changes in the
company’s directors or changes in the company’s registered office (at least for service of documents on the
company). Third parties dealing with the company are protected by CA 2006 s 1079: it provides that the company
cannot rely, as against a third party, on the happening of the specified events if, at the material time, the event
had not been officially notified, unless the company can prove that the third party knew of the event at the material
On the other hand, notification in the Gazette is intended to protect third parties, not the company, so notification
does not operate as constructive notice to third parties that the event has occurred: Official Custodian for
Charities v Parway Estates Developments Ltd [1985] Ch 151, CA.
Publicity at the company’s own registered office
Many of the statutory provisions requiring registration of matters at the Companies Registry are duplicated or
supplemented by obligations to maintain copies of documents and other information at the company’s own office,
and to have facilities there for searching these records. Normally, this means public search, but sometimes the
right is restricted to members of the company or to members and creditors. In practice, little use is made of these
search facilities: people generally prefer the anonymity of the registrar’s public office, even if it means getting less
uptodate or less detailed information. Despite this, companies are required to keep registers of directors (s 162),
directors’ residential addresses (s 165—not open for inspection—see Pt 10, Ch 8), directors’ service contracts (ss
228 and 229), secretaries (s 275—public companies only), members (ss 114, 116), members’ substantial
shareholdings (ss 808, 809; also see ‘Transparency obligations: investigation and notification of major voting
shareholdings in certain public companies’, p 720), debenture holders (s 743), and company charges (ss 876 and
877). CA 2006 no longer requires companies to keep a register of directors’ interests in shares and debentures.
Specific provision of information to members
Most of the material which the Act requires a company to send to its members is linked to the annual general
meeting. Copies of the accounts for the past year, the auditors’ report and directors’ report are required to be sent
to members along with the notice summoning the meeting (ss 423 and 424). The confidentiality which one might
associate with these essentially domestic reports is, however, destroyed by the statutory requirement that they
also be filed with the registrar and made available at Companies House for public inspection. The directors’ report,
in particular, has in recent times become a vehicle for giving publicity to matters of general interest, such as the
company’s policy on employment or the environment. CA 2006 s 416 lists those items currently required to be
covered, and allows the Secretary of State to make regulations as to other matters that must be disclosed.
Unless the company is subject to the small companies’ regime (s 381), the directors’ report must also contain a
business review (s 417), as required by the EU Accounts Modernisation Directive (2003/51/EEC), which is
intended to inform members and help them to assess how the directors have performed in their duty to promote
the success of the company (s 172).
There are other scattered sections of the Act which make it obligatory to provide information to members, or to
keep documents available for them to inspect, for example directors’ service contracts (ss 228 and 229) and
contracts relating to share repurchase (s 702).
(p. 718) Publicity on business documents
The Act may require a company to display its name outside its offices and places of business, and to state its
name and registration details on its business letters and certain other business documents (s 82, authorising the
Secretary of State to make appropriate regulations). In addition, if the company wishes to mention its share
capital or directors’ names on its business stationery, the Act may provide for the appropriate form. Finally,
investment companies, charitable companies and insolvent companies must reveal that status on their business
Enforcement of the disclosure regime
CA 2006 seeks to secure compliance with these various disclosure obligations by a vast array of criminal
sanctions (see the various penalties set out in the Act in relation to the individual sections noted later), which—
depending upon the wording of the particular provision—may be imposed upon the company or its officers, or
both. In practice, at least so far as the predecessor provisions in the Companies Act 1985 (CA 1985) were
concerned, virtually no attempt was made to police or enforce any of these provisions except the requirements to
file accounts (now CA 2006 ss 441 and 451–453) and annual returns (now CA 2006 ss 854 and 858).4 Note the
range of sanctions for failure to file accounts: the directors commit an offence and may be subjected to a fine (s
451), the company is automatically liable to a ‘civil penalty’ (which is a fine in all but name) (s 453) and the court
may order immediate compliance with the statutory provision on pain of punishment for contempt of court (s 452).
Whether it makes best sense to use the criminal law to sanction compliance with a purely commercial regime—
particularly if it is not enforced in practice—is a matter of debate. Some overseas systems largely manage
without. The CLR reviewed the scheme, but saw advantages in retaining criminal sanctions: even though the
number of prosecutions is relatively small, a high degree of compliance with the statutory filing obligations is
achieved by the practice of sending preprosecution warning letters (threatening ‘worse to come’). The CLR did,
however, recommend that most of the criminal sanctions imposed on companies should be removed, and only the
individual officers concerned should be made liable. CA 2006 has largely adopted this suggestion.
Listed companies and the Stock Exchange
Those companies whose shares are listed for dealing on the Stock Exchange (including the Alternative Investment
Market (AIM)) are required, by the Listing Rules, as one of the conditions for the admission of their securities to
listing, to undertake to make more frequent periodic disclosures about their financial and other affairs 5 to the
Quotations Department and to the investing public (see ‘Company investigations into share ownership and the
disclosure register’, pp 722ff). In addition, such companies are subject to a ‘continuing disclosure’ obligation
which requires them to ensure prompt publicity of any matters which are likely to have, when made public, a
substantial effect on the price of the company’s shares.
These enhanced disclosure requirements are motivated primarily by a desire to ensure accurate pricing by the
market of the securities traded on it, so promoting investor confidence.
(p. 719) Public regulation of securities markets
Most of the world’s developed countries have a Securities Regulation Act of some kind. Uniquely, the control of
securities dealing in the UK was traditionally not a matter for the law at all. Until relatively recently, it was largely
left in the hands of ‘selfregulatory’ agencies such as the London Stock Exchange, with some informal backing
from institutions like the Bank of England. For the enforcement of their rules, these bodies relied almost entirely
on extralegal sanctions, such as the disciplinary powers which they could exercise over their own members (eg
stockbrokers) who acted as intermediaries in securities dealings, and the power to suspend or withdraw the listing
of a particular company’s securities. These sanctions were, on the whole, remarkably effective, but only because
the selfregulatory bodies had virtual monopoly control of access to the securities markets. Supplementing this
informal regime was a modest array of legislation, such as the Prevention of Fraud (Investments) Act 1958, which
imposed limitations on the distribution of circulars and other inducements to invest.
Since then we have moved, in several steps, to the point where the conduct of financial investment businesses is
now subject to an allembracing, statutebased regime in the form of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000
(FSMA 2000). This Act was in gestation from the earliest days of the Blair administration. The essence of the new
scheme was the creation of a single regulator for financial businesses of every description—not just investment
businesses, but fund managers, banking and insurance firms, clearing houses, building societies, friendly
societies and so on. The Financial Services Authority (FSA) was the supreme regulator, and under the 2000 Act it
had full statutory authority and corresponding accountability.
Such radical reform was inspired by a combination of factors. First, the proliferation of regulatory and self
regulatory bodies meant that there were some areas of overlap, some areas not covered and many
inconsistencies; moreover, the fragmentation of management effort between these bodies was both inefficient and
expensive. Secondly, many of the leading firms in the City were multifunctional, and under the earlier regime were
required to seek multiple authorisations. Thirdly, there was a growing belief that selfregulation was no longer
working well: there were wellpublicised scandals to do with pensions misselling, Lloyd’s insurance and the
collapse of banks such as BCCI and Barings, and doubts whether foreignbased businesses could ever be
effectively policed by a voluntary regime.
Under FSMA 2000 there was one ‘super’ regulator, one authorisation procedure, one rule book and one monitoring
and disciplinary procedure. Overall responsibility lay with the Treasury, and little remained of the City’s long
standing selfregulatory tradition.
Against this backdrop, we embarked on yet another round of reforms which radically shake up the system. On 1
April 2013 the Financial Services Act 2012,6 came into force. It seeks to strengthen the financial regulatory
structure in the UK by making substantial changes to the previous system. The previous system divided
responsibility for financial stability between the Treasury, the Bank of England and the FSA, but the FSA was the
‘super regulator’.
This unitary ‘super regulator’ structure has now been divided, and the Bank of England is required to play a far
bigger role in financial regulation and stability. Rather than having the FSA as the supreme authority, three
separate bodies have been created, each with defined and focused responsibilities. As described in policy
documents issued by HM Treasury,7 the Financial Policy Committee (FPC) within the Bank of England will be
responsible for ‘macroprudential oversight’ of the financial services system. For instance, s 3 of the Act inserts a
new s 9(c) into the Bank of England Act 1993, which brings ‘systematic risks attributable to structural features of
financial markets’ to the future agenda of the FPC. It is intended that the (p. 720) FPC will make use of Bank of
England’s expertise and experience to make independent decisions, free of undue political influence. Where the
FPC disagrees and does not act in accordance with the recommendations of the Treasury, however, the FPC will
be required to set out its reasons for taking such course of action.
At the same time, the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) has been created as a subsidiary of the Bank of
England, and is charged with adopting a ‘microprudential approach’ in order to regulate firms which manage
significant risks, and thus it is expected to harness the ‘safety and soundness of individual firms’. The PRA is
expected to intervene where necessary so as to ensure that firms satisfactorily address possible solvency and
systemic risks, and mitigate costs that could otherwise be brought to their clients and the public in general.
Finally, outside the Bank of England structure, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has been created. It is to
act as the regulator of business conduct. This means that the FCA will be responsible for dealing with an
extensive range of issues, from encouraging effective competition, to protecting consumers and providing for
transparency, disclosure and access to information.
Overall, the spirit of these reforms places judgement and expertise at the heart of the financial regulatory regime.
The aspiration is that these new regulators will take a more proactive and preventive role, in lieu of the ‘boxticking
approach’ evident in the lead up to the financial crisis. It remains to be seen, however, whether these reforms will
be effective in instilling a new regulatory culture, and whether the new regulators are indeed able to take and
maintain a hard line against some of the biggest financial institutions in the world. Perhaps the biggest challenge
facing the new structure is how the elements will coordinate as between themselves so as to achieve a clear
demarcation of functions and duties.
Transparency obligations: investigation and notification of major voting shareholdings
in certain public companies
The Transparency Directive
The register of members of a company does not necessarily reveal the true identity of its shareholders: nominees
often hold shares for unnamed beneficial owners. The Transparency Directive (2004/109/EC) replaces earlier
Directives (and corresponding provisions in CA 1985) and makes detailed provision for disclosure of substantial
interests in the shares of public companies that are traded on regulated markets (ie not all public companies—
see ‘Company investigations into share ownership and the disclosure register’, pp 722ff). The object of these
measures is to enable both the company and the market to know who has a controlling interest, or who may be in
a position to acquire such an interest in the company. More particularly, they enable a close eye to be kept on
those who might otherwise obtain control without adhering to the principles laid down in the City Code on
Takeovers and Mergers (see ‘Takeovers’, pp 753ff).
The Directive also makes provision for the periodic financial disclosures that must be made by issuers admitted to
trading on a regulated market.
Substantial holdings
The new Transparency Directive was implemented in the UK on 20 January 2007, and responsibility for major
shareholding disclosures moved from the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) (as BIS previously was, several
iterations ago) to the FSA (and now to the FCA). According to the Directive, a notification requirement is triggered
when the size of a (p. 721) shareholder’s voting holdings reaches, exceeds or moves below certain thresholds
stated in the Directive (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 50% and 75%). The shareholder is required to inform the
issuer, and the issuer must then inform the market.
In preparation for this implementation, CA 2006 s 1266 inserted seven new sections into FSMA 2000 (ss 89A–
89G). These new sections enabled new rules to be made by the FSA to implement the Directive. The UK’s new
rules, the Disclosure and Transparency Rules (DTR), Ch 5, go beyond those required by the Directive, in that the
notification thresholds are tighter (3% then +/–every 1%), the range of issuers subjected to the disclosure
obligations is more extensive (including both regulated markets and prescribed markets (such as AIM and
PLUS)), and the time limitations for notification are stricter. These tighter rules substantially repeat the rules
previously contained in CA 1985.
The thresholds and resulting notification requirements are subject to some practical exemptions and
(i) clearing and settling—shares acquired for the sole purpose of clearing and settlement within the usual
short settlement cycle will be exempt from the requirement to notify;
(ii) custodians—shares held by custodians in their custodian capacity will not be required to notify, provided
that they can only exercise the voting rights attached to such shares under instructions given in writing or
(iii) market makers—market makers are exempt from the 5% threshold when acting in the capacity of
market maker. This is provided that they are authorised under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive
(MiFID) (2004/39/EC) and do not intervene in the management of the issuer or exert any influence on the
issuer to buy back shares or back the share price;
(iv) Investment Management Companies—the parent undertakings of management companies, as defined
by the Transparency Directive, are not required to aggregate their holdings with those of their controlled
undertakings. This is provided that the controlled undertaking exercises the voting rights independently from
the parent.
Since the sections are concerned with questions of control, it is only voting shares that are affected, but in
assessing this both options and rights convertible into shares are also covered (see s 1266, inserting s 89F into
FSMA 2000).
In October 2011, the European Commission put forward proposals to amend the Transparency Directive. These
seek to cure the ‘notification gap’. They will mandate the disclosure of ‘major holdings of certain types of financial
instruments’ that can be used to acquire economic interests in the subject listed companies. It is anticipated that
even those who do not acquire the actual shares themselves may become subject to the disclosure requirements
so as to prevent ‘possible market abuse situations, low levels of investor confidence and the misalignment of
investor intentions with longterm interests of companies’.8
Consequences of infringement of transparency obligations
If the FCA discovers that an issuer of securities admitted to trading on a regulated market (but not, it seems,
other markets) has failed to comply with the various transparency rules, it may publicly censure the issuer (after a
warning notice) and/or suspend or prohibit trading in the securities (s 1268, inserting ss 89K and 89L into FSMA
(p. 722) Liability for false or misleading statements concerning the transparency rules
The primary liability of issuers and directors for the accuracy of the required disclosures lies in criminal and
administrative penalties under CA 2006 Pt 15 and FSMA 2000 Pt VI. In addition, restitution can be ordered by the
court on the application of the FCA or the Secretary of State under FSMA 2000 s 382, or directly by the FCA
under FSMA 2000 s 384.
CA 2006, through FSMA 2000, now also establishes a regime for civil liability to third parties in respect of
disclosures that are made public in response to the transparency rules (including periodic financial disclosures)
by issuers admitted to trading on regulated markets (CA 2006 s 1270 inserts ss 90A and 90B into FSMA 2000).
The aim of this provision is to reduce the legal uncertainty as to whether any actionable duty is owed by issuers
and their directors to investors. The section is intended to ensure that the potential scope of any civil liability is
reasonable, and that the duties owed to investors are not extended unnecessarily, so that there is some
protection for company members, employees and creditors. Clearly, however, there is some doubt about the
potential impact of the new section, and FSMA 2000 s 90B enables the provision on liability to be amended if a
wider or narrower civil liability regime is deemed appropriate. The 2007 Davies Review of Issuer Liability proposed
that issuers’ liability to investors for breaches of their continuing disclosure obligations should be limited to cases
where those responsible for the misstatement to the market had known that the statement was false, or were
reckless in regard to its potential falsity, and where the claimant acted in reliance on the information in question.9
This new civil liability regime leaves undisturbed any other liability owed by directors to the issuer and to members
of the company under UK and any other national law, and any liability under other FCA rules. It also leaves
undisturbed any liability of the issuer in respect of any loss or damage arising other than as a result of acquiring
securities in reliance on the relevant statement or report.
Company investigations into share ownership and the disclosure register
Although the disclosure obligations just noted are limited to issuers on regulated and prescribed markets, it is
possible for every public company to obtain information about the voting control over its shares. Under CA 2006 s
793, a public company is empowered to require a person to inform it whether he or she has, or has had at any
time within the past three years, an interest in its voting shares and, if so, to supply information about that
interest. The information so obtained must be recorded on the company’s register of interests in shares (s 808).
These powers apply against anyone, not just to members. And members who themselves hold 10% or more of
the voting shares may requisition the exercise of these powers by the company (s 803). For example, the
members may want to act if they suspect that the directors are building up a holding behind the shelter of
These sections serve a different purpose from the automatic disclosure obligations discussed previously. They
enable a company to discover the identity of those with direct or indirect voting rights that fall below the threshold
for automatic disclosure, and to ascertain the underlying beneficial ownership of shares. To this end, the definition
of an interest in shares is exceptionally wide (s 820): it includes the right to acquire or subscribe for shares (ss
824 and 821), and provides for indirect and family interests to be attributed to the same person (s 823).
If a person fails to give the company the information it requests, or gives false information, the person is not only
subject to a penalty (s 795), but the company may apply to the court for (p. 723) an order directing that the
shares be subject to restrictions (s 794) which may in effect freeze the right to transfer the shares and to receive
dividends, vote and take advantage of rights offers (ss 797–802), and may even permit the sale of the shares with
court approval (s 801). The restriction order can be a particularly effective sanction in the case where holdings of
shares are being built up secretly through nominees based overseas, who are not easily made amenable to the
local jurisdiction and who may be able to shelter behind laws in their own country which protect the confidentiality
of nominee arrangements. The weakness of the sections is, however, that the company must know which of its
shares are being affected by the scheme which it supposes to exist.
Disclosure and public offerings of shares
Companies wishing to raise capital may offer their shares for sale to the general public. To do this legally, the
company must be a public company. The shares in public companies are often widely held, and individual
members are usually more interested in capital and income returns than in close involvement in the management
of the company. In order to make a company’s shares more attractive to such investors, it is necessary to assure
them that the initial sale is conducted on the basis of full and proper information, and that the new shares can
easily be sold in the market to liquidate the investment, switch to a new investment or realise the capital gains.
These activities, and others, are regulated by FSMA 2000. This Act replaces the Financial Services Act 1986 and
other legislation under which different aspects of the financial services industry were separately regulated by a
mixture of public bodies, trade associations and professional institutes. Now there is a single regulator, the FCA,
with members of its board appointed by the Treasury. The FCA has to meet four regulatory objectives (FSMA
2000 ss 1–6):
(i) maintaining confidence in the financial system;
(ii) promoting public awareness of the financial system;
(iii) securing the appropriate degree of protection for consumers; and
(iv) reducing the extent to which the financial system can be used to support financial crime.
During the nineteenth century (and, indeed, for a considerable period before that), the formation of almost all
companies was followed immediately by an appeal to the public to participate in the new venture by joining as
members and subscribing for ‘shares’ in the ‘joint stock’. The main reason for ‘going public’ in this way was to
raise funds in the large amounts necessary for the enterprises of the period—often massive operations which built
a large proportion of the world’s railways, laid submarine cables, opened up trade and investment in distant parts
and provided the banking, insurance and other services to support such activities. The promoters of the company
would publish a ‘prospectus’, giving information about the undertaking and inviting subscriptions. This process is
often referred to as a ‘flotation’ of the company or, more accurately, of its securities. Today, big business still has
need of funding on a large scale, and this can be sought by the same process of appealing to the public to
become investors in the enterprise. But it would be very unlikely nowadays that this would be attempted by the
promoters of a new company immediately after its incorporation. The reason for this is that people will usually be
prepared to become investors in shares or (p. 724) other securities only if they can be readily sold and turned
back into cash, more or less at will. To meet this need there must be a ‘market’, available to all comers, where
shares can be bought and sold and prices can fluctuate in response to supply and demand. Access to the share
market is virtually indispensable if investors are to be attracted in any large numbers. And rules have been
developed by the London Stock Exchange—the body which has for many years controlled the only markets of
any significance in the country—which will not normally allow a company’s securities to be accepted for dealing
on the market unless it has an established business record. For a ‘full’ or ‘official’ listing on the Main Market this
record must go back for at least three years. The requirements are less demanding, though still quite strict, if the
listing is to be on AIM. Responsibility for the formulation of the Listing Rules was an ‘inhouse’ matter for the
Stock Exchange until October 1999 (originally, as a matter of selfregulation but later with the blessing of
legislation). With the introduction of FSMA 2000, this function was taken over by the FSA and now passes to the
FCA by virtue of the Financial Services Act 2012.
Securities markets
Securities markets make it easier for investors to buy and sell securities. These markets are regulated in the
interests of investors, since attracting these people will maximise the amount of capital available to the issuers of
the securities traded on the market. But this form of regulation imposes costs on the issuers, who must provide
information and subject themselves to public scrutiny. The greater the regulation, the greater the cost. Regulators
have therefore adopted a variety of regimes, so that the securities of larger, betterknown and more stable
companies can be traded on highly regulated exchanges, while the securities of smaller, less wellknown and
riskier companies can be traded elsewhere.
FSMA 2000 s 285 allows investment exchanges to become recognised investment exchanges (RIEs). To become
recognised in this way, an exchange must have sufficient financial resources, be a ‘fit and proper person’ and
ensure its business is conducted in an orderly manner so as to afford proper protection to investors (including
deciding which investments should be ‘admitted to trading’ and what information should be made available to
Exchanges that are not RIEs must obtain permission under FSMA 2000 Pt IV to carry on regulated activities, and
are then subject to lesser regulation than RIEs. These exchanges are called multilateral trading facilities, following
the transposition of MiFID into UK law in November 2007.
A RIE can operate a ‘regulated mark et’ as defined in the Investment Services Directive (93/22/EEC), Art
16.10 RIEs and alternative trading systems (ATSs) can also operate ‘exchangeregulated mark ets’ that are
regulated by the exchange itself. For example, the London Stock Exchange is an RIE, and it operates a number
of markets subject to different regulatory regimes. The most significant are the Main Market, AIM and the
Professional Securities Market (PSM). The Main Market is a ‘regulated market’; AIM is an ‘exchangeregulated
The regulations operate at three levels: (i) at EU level for all securities admitted to trading on regulated markets
(‘traded companies’); (ii) at EU level for any security which is the subject of a public offer; and (iii) at national level
(subject to EU minimum requirements) for listed securities on a domestic exchange (‘listed companies’). In
addition, ‘quoted companies’ (CA 2006 s 385) are companies officially listed on various specified UK and other
The London Stock Exchange’s Main Market provides the most expensive and extensive form of regulation for
listed securities. A company whose equity share capital is admitted to (p. 725) trading on this market is
simultaneously listed, traded and quoted. A company whose shares are admitted to trading on AIM is not usually
listed, traded on a regular basis or quoted.
Official listing
Official listing is an optional additional regulatory regime for securities markets. There are minimum EU standards
for official listing (Listing Directive (2001/34/EC)), but the UK domestic rules (set out in the FCA’s Listing Rules)
are particularly extensive, and are said to contribute to the sound financial reputation of the London Stock
Exchange’s Main Market.
EU rules require an issuer to have a demonstrable track record, a certain financial size and a wide enough spread
in public shareholdings to create a realistic market. In addition, the rules oblige publication of halfyearly reports.
The Listing Rules impose additional obligations, requiring adherence to the Listing Principles, continuing
obligations requiring extra information in annual accounts and reports, preliminary statements of annual results,
compliance with the Model Code, which restricts dealings in securities by company managers and others, and
compliance with the UK Corporate Governance Code (see Chapter 5) (or an explanation of noncompliance).
The FCA may permanently discontinue or temporarily suspend a listing, without notice, if it suspects irregularities
that preclude normal dealings in the securities (FSMA 2000 s 77). It may also impose public censure or financial
penalties, or launch a public investigation (FSMA 2000 ss 91 and 97).
As it applies in the UK, the Prospectus Directive (2003/71/EC), implemented by FSMA 2000 Pt VI, provides that,
with defined exceptions, whenever there is a public offer of securities or a request for admission of securities to
trading on a regulated market, a prospectus approved by the FCA must be published (FSMA 2000 s 85). The
prospectus must contain all the information required by investors to make an informed assessment of the
securities. A person who contravenes the requirement for a prospectus commits an offence, and is liable to be
sued for breach of statutory duty by anyone who suffers loss as a result of the contravention (s 85(3) and (4)).
These rules undergo periodic review. In mid2010, for example, an Amending Directive (Directive 2010/73/EU) was
approved by the European Parliament, and the changes thereof have now been implemented in the UK, through
amendments made to the FSMA 2000, which came into force on 31 July 2012. Other changes were also
introduced through Prospectus Regulations 2011 (SI 2011/1668) and 2012 (SI 2012/1538). Most of these changes
are seen as ‘deregulatory’, in that they aim to better facilitate the raising of funds and to allow greater legal
certainty in the prospectus regime.11
When the FCA acts as the competent UK authority for these purposes, it sometimes uses the name United
Kingdom Listing Authority (UKLA), and its rules on prospectuses are to be found in the Prospectus Rules
Sourcebook (PR) in the FCA Handbook.
Restrictions on public offers by private companies
A private limited company is not permitted to offer its unlisted shares to the public (CA 2006 s 755, and s 756 for
the meaning of ‘offer to the public’), although an allotment following such an offer is not invalid (s 760).
Exceptions from the prohibition exist where the company acts in good faith in pursuance of arrangements to re
register as a public company before the shares are allotted, or as part (p. 726) of the terms of the offer it
undertakes to and does in fact reregister as a public company (s 755).
The court may make an order restraining the company from contravening the prohibition, order the company to re
register as a public company, order it to be wound up or make a remedial order intended to put a person affected
by the contravention in the position he or she would have been in had the contravention not occurred (ss 757–
Content of prospectuses
The prospectus must contain all the information required by investors to make an informed assessment of the
securities, the rights attaching to them and the status of the issuer (assets and liabilities, financial position,
profits and losses and prospects). This must be presented in a form that is easy to analyse and comprehend, and
must contain a brief summary in nontechnical language containing ‘key information’ which assists investors in
deciding whether or not to invest in the subject securities. A definition for ‘key information’ is also provided, along
with a list of information required thereof (FSMA 2000 s 87A (as amended in 2012)). Once approved in the issuer’s
home state, the prospectus is valid throughout the EU. This is to facilitate the development of a single European
capital market in which an issue of shares can be offered to the public and traded throughout the EU.
If a significant new factor arises, or a material mistake or inaccuracy is noted, between the time of approval of the
prospectus and the final closing of the offer of securities to the public or the beginning of trading on a regulated
market, then a supplementary prospectus must be issued by way of correction (FSMA 2000 s 87G). Where the
securities are both offered to the public and are to be admitted to trade on a regulated market, then the relevant
period becomes the time of approval to either the closure of the public offer or the time when trading in the
regulated market begins, whichever is later (FSMA 2000 s 87G(3A)).
Exemptions from the prospectus requirements
An approved prospectus need not be published if:
(i) the offer of securities is addressed solely to qualified investors (FSMA 2000 s 86(1)(a) and (7));
(ii) the offer of securities is addressed to fewer than 150 persons, other than qualified investors (FSMA 2000
s 86(1)(b) as amended by Prospectus Regulations 2011);
(iii) the total consideration for the offer is less than €5 million, with the exemption applying only once during
a 12month period, and applying on an EUwide basis (FSMA 2000 ss 85(5)(a), 87, and Sch 11A, para 9);
(iv) the minimum consideration payable by each investor is €100,000 (or its equivalent in another currency),
or the nominal value of each security is €100,000 (or its equivalent in another currency)12 (FSMA 2000 s
86(1)(c) and (d));
(v) the additional shares being offered for trading (and not offered to the public, unless to existing or former
directors or employees) are of the same class as existing shares and number less than 10% of those
already admitted, with the 10% limit available once every 12 months (FSMA 2000 s 85(6)(b) and (5)(b));
(vi) the offer of securities is in exchange for shares of the same class already issued or admitted to trading,
provided there is no increase in issued capital, or if the shares result from conversion or exchange of other
transferable securities or from rights associated with such securities (FSMA 2000 s 85(5)(b) and (6)(b));
(p. 727) (vii) the offer of securities is in connection with a takeover, merger or division, provided there is
another document which the UKLA considers contains equivalent information (FSMA 2000 s 85(5)(b) and (6)
(viii) the offer of securities is by way of bonus shares or shares issued in lieu of a dividend, provided there is
a document explaining the offer (FSMA 2000 s 85(5)(b) and (6)(b)); or
(ix) the shares have been admitted to trading on one EU regulated market for more than 18 months, and the
proposal is to admit them on another regulated market (FSMA 2000 s 85(6)(b)).
In cases (i)–(iv), although the particular offer is exempt, it may still be necessary to publish a prospectus if the
issuer wishes to obtain admission of the securities to trading on a regulated market (and exemptions (v)–(ix) do
not apply).
FCA sanctions
The FCA has extensive powers to:
(i) suspend or prevent a public offer of securities, or an application for admission to trading on a regulated
market (FSMA 2000 ss 87K and 87L);
(ii) publicly censure or impose a financial penalty (FSMA 2000 ss 87M and 91); or
(iii) instigate an investigation (FSMA 2000 s 97).
Liability for misleading statements and omissions in prospectuses
The primary object of the prospectus legislation (like the Listing Rules) is to ensure that potential investors in
companies whose shares are offered to the public or traded on the market are provided with sufficient information
to enable them to make informed decisions. Disclosure is the key. But the current legislation sets high standards;
it imposes a general duty to ensure that the prospectus contains all such information as investors would
reasonably require and reasonably expect to find there for the purpose of making an informed assessment of the
financial position of the issuing company and the rights attaching to the securities.
If investors suffer a loss as a result of an untrue or misleading statement in, or omission from, a prospectus or
supplementary prospectus, then, in addition to the various remedies available under the general rules described at
‘Offers to the public to purchase shares and remedies for misleading offers’, pp 499ff, certain specific remedies
are available:
(i) statutory compensation remedies under FSMA 2000 s 90(1) for losses caused by reliance on any untrue
or misleading statements in the prospectus or supplement, or any omissions of matters required to be
included by FSMA 2000 s 87A or 87G; or
(ii) statutory remedies under FSMA 2000 s 90(4) for losses suffered in respect of failures to issue necessary
supplementary prospectuses as required by FSMA 2000 s 87G.
‘Compensation’, under FSMA 2000 s 90(1) and (4), is likely to be assessed in the same way as damages for the
tort of deceit (see Clark v Urquhart [1930] AC 28 in relation to predecessor provisions).
Under the FSMA 2000 provisions, compensation is payable by any person ‘responsible for’ the misleading
prospectus (s 90(1)). This includes the company, every director at the time the prospectus was published (unless
published without the director’s knowledge or consent, and on becoming aware of it the director gave public notice
to that effect as soon as practicable); every person named as being or having agreed to become a director
(provided this statement was made with the person’s consent); every person named as accepting responsibility for
the prospectus (or the relevant specific parts of it); and every person who authorised the (p. 728) contents of the
prospectus (or the relevant specific parts of it), although giving professional advice does not make a person
Certain defences are available to these potential defendants, including their own reasonable belief in the accuracy
of the information, reasonable reliance on experts, reasonable efforts to effect corrections, or, alternatively, proof of
the claimant’s knowledge that the relevant statements were false or misleading or that there was a relevant
omission (FSMA 2000 Sch 10).
It appears arguable that anyone who has ‘acquired’ shares, whether as the original allottee or on the market, is
able to sue for compensation (FSMA 2000 s 90(1) and (4)). According to the common law, only the original
allottees could sue, on the basis that a prospectus was intended for subscribers, not for subsequent purchasers
(Peek v Gurney (1873) LR 6 HL 377). But Lightman J, in obiter dicta, suggested a different and broader approach
to the FSMA 2000 provisions, on the basis that prospectuses are now intended to encourage subsequent trading
in shares: Possfund Custodian Trustee Ltd v Diamond [1996] 1 WLR 1351. The decision is controversial.
Undersubscription for the new issue
Under CA 2006 ss 578–579, a company must not allot any shares unless the issue is fully subscribed or the offer
makes it clear that some other conditions are to apply. If the issue is not fully subscribed (or other specified
conditions are not met) within 40 days, then the subscribed funds must be returned to the investors forthwith, but
without interest. Interest is payable after 48 days, with the directors becoming jointly and severally liable. Any
attempt to contract out of this provision is void. If an allotment is made in contravention of this section, then the
allottee may rescind the allotment within one month even if the company is in the course of being wound up.
Both the company and any allottee can recover any loss or damage sustained as a result of the contravention
from any director who knowingly committed, permitted or authorised the contravention.
Market abuse: insider dealing and market manipulation
Controlling market abuse
Market confidence exists only if traders believe that market prices reflect the true value of what is bought and
sold. Correct pricing is more likely if both buyers and sellers have all the relevant information to hand. Public
confidence in the market is easily damaged if people close to the company use ‘inside information’ about the
company to revalue the shares ahead of the market, and trade on that privileged basis (this is known as ‘insider
dealing’). Public confidence is also damaged if false information about the value of shares is spread, creating a
false market (this is known as ‘mark et manipulation’).
Control of these forms of market abuse on regulated markets is required by the Market Abuse Directive
(2003/6/EC),13 and is implemented in FSMA 2000 Pt VIII (which extends to all markets operated by RIEs) by:
(i) penalising insider dealing and market manipulation;
(p. 729) (ii) requiring insiders to declare their trading; and
(iii) requiring companies to disclose pricesensitive information promptly to the market.
If the FCA discovers that a person has engaged in market abuse (on the balance of probabilities), it may request
the court to issue an injunction restraining the activity, or order restitution or some form of mitigation, or issue a
freezing injunction preventing the person dealing with his or her assets (FSMA 2000 ss 381 and 383–384).
Alternatively, the FCA itself may impose a financial penalty or publicly censure the individual (FSMA 2000 s 123).
The imposition of a penalty does not make the transaction void or unenforceable (FSMA 2000 s 131).
Insider dealing
There has been much interest in the past few decades in the topic of ‘insider dealing’ or ‘insider trading’. These
terms are used to describe the use (or, rather, the misuse) of confidential information by people who, as company
officers or employees or as civil servants, avail themselves of knowledge which they acquire in the course of their
work, or by reason of their office, to deal to their own profit in a company’s securities. Most people regard this
practice as unfair in itself and damaging to the confidence of investors in the integrity of the share market.
Insider dealing: common law protection
Until 1980, the only constraints available to deal with insider trading were those imposed extralegally by the self
regulatory agencies of the City, and in particular by the Takeover Panel, and the possibility that there might be
civil liability in at least some cases. It seemed that decisions like Regal (Hastings) Ltd v
Gulliver [7.23] andBoardman v Phipps [1967] 2 AC 46 (see Note 1 following Peso Silver Mines Ltd v
Cropper [7.32], p 404) might be used as authority for making directors, and others similarly placed, liable to
account to their company for any profit that they made, and indeed that is very much what happened in Regal.
There was also the possibility of some form of liability for breach of confidence as an equitable remedy in its own
right (Seager v Copydex Ltd [1967] 1 WLR 923). But all these possible claims are open to the criticism that in
most insider dealing cases the company is not the real loser, and may have no incentive to pursue the
wrongdoer. Percival v Wright [7.05] seems to bar the development of a claim based on breach of duty between the
director (or other ‘insider’) and the person to whom he or she has sold or from whom he or she has bought the
shares. However, there have been hints in cases such as Coleman v Myers ([1977] 2 NZLR 225) that a civil
remedy for victims of insider trading could be developed, similar to that which has evolved in the United States
through such cases as SEC v Texas Gulf Sulphur Co 401 F 2d 833 (1968) and Diamond v Oreamuno 24 NY 2d
494 (1969) (though the authority of the latter is questionable, since it was not followed in the company’s home
state, Florida: see Schein v Chasen 313 So 2d 739 (1975)).
All these questions centred on possible civil liability for insider dealing remain live issues, but they have had less
of the limelight since 1980, when successive legislative provisions established both criminal and civil penalties for
those guilty of the offences of insider dealing as there defined. Nevertheless, they remain important in cases
where the statutory provisions do not apply (eg in cases of dealings in shares of private companies).
Insider dealing: statutory civil protection (FSMA 2000 s 118)
FSMA 2000 Pt VIII protects prescribed markets, being all regulated markets and markets operated by RIEs (and,
under legacy provisions operating until 2008, all markets operated by UK RIEs and PLUS) (FSMA 2000 s 130A).
Within these markets, it protects against three forms of insider dealing (FSMA 2000 s 118): dealing by an insider
(s 118B) on the basis of inside information (s 118C) relating to the investment in question (insider dealing);
improper disclosure (p. 730) by an insider otherwise than in the proper course of his or her duties (improper
disclosure or tipping); and (only until 2008, under the legacy provisions) use by anyone of information not
generally available (misuse of information).
Insider dealing: criminal protection (Criminal Justice Act 1993 Pt V)
The definitions of regulated market, inside information and insider dealing are all slightly different under the 1993
Act from the rules adopted in FSMA 2000. Within these definitions, and subject to limited exceptions, insiders
cannot deal in the relevant securities, encourage others to deal, or disclose inside information to others. On
indictment for an offence, the penalty can be imprisonment for up to seven years, and/or a fine for which there is
no limit (Criminal Justice Act 1993 s 61(1)). Criminal proceedings may only be instituted by the FCA (FSMA 2000
s 402), or by, or with the consent of, either the Secretary of State or the Director of Public Prosecutions (Criminal
Justice Act 1993 s 61(2)). A transaction entered into in contravention of the Criminal Justice Act 1993 is neither
void nor voidable (s 63(2)), although, being illegal, it is unlikely to be enforced by any court.
Market abuse
FSMA 2000 s 118 identifies six forms of market manipulation as market abuse, all of which have the capacity to
distort the market price of the relevant securities. The FCA provides some safe harbours for practices regarded as
proper (eg company share buybacks, or a public authority’s pursuit of monetary or exchange rate policies).
The civil penalties for such conduct were outlined earlier (see ‘Liability for false or misleading statements
concerning the transparency rules’, p 722). In addition, FSMA 2000 s 397 makes creating a false market a
criminal offence,14 subject to certain statutory defences (s 397(3) and (5)).
For a recent illustration on the working of the market abuse provisions, see David Massey v The Financial
Services Authority [2011] UKUT 49 (Tax and Chancery Chamber).
Public investigation of companies
The past 50 years have seen a continuing increase in the involvement of government in the affairs of companies.
This reflects a longheld recognition that abuse of corporate power is unlikely to be adequately constrained by
leaving all regulation and litigation to the company’s members. It is further evidence of the loss of privacy that
comes with limited liability. That said, the UK is one of the few jurisdictions to go further and provide for more
controversial inspectorship provisions, allowing investigation of companies’ affairs by the Companies Investigations
Branch (CIB) of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), and providing for extensive powers to
collect evidence and pass it on to regulatory or prosecuting authorities.
These powers of the Secretary of State to appoint inspectors to investigate the affairs of companies under CA
1985 Pt XIV (not transported to CA 2006, although CA 2006 ss 1035–1039 introduced certain amendments) may
seem of little significance in comparison with the various forms of regulation ensuring control of fair practices,
unfair competition, mergers and monopolies, takeovers (and mergers effected by takeover), and so on.
Nevertheless, the possibility of such public investigation of companies sets them apart from individuals and
partnerships. (p. 731) Investigations may be launched into the affairs of companies (CA 1985 ss 431 and 432) or
into the membership and control of companies (CA 1985 s 442).
Powers of investigation
CA 1985 confers powers of investigation of two different kinds. The first is more formal. The Secretary of State
may appoint inspectors ‘to investigate the affairs of a company and to report on them in such manner as he may
direct’ (CA 1985 s 431(1)). The appointment may be initiated by the Secretary of State (see later). It may also be
initiated on the application of the company itself, or by a requisition having the support of at least 200 members or
members holding not less than onetenth of the issued shares (CA 1985 s 432(2)), but then the applicants must
show that they have good reason and be prepared to pay the costs. Not surprisingly, there are few occasions
when this has been done. Alternatively, an investigation of this type may be ordered by the court (CA 1985 s
The mere announcement of an inspection is likely to have a substantial and detrimental impact on the company’s
standing and profit. The powers are therefore used sparingly, and only in the most serious of cases, often after
public outcry and extensive media coverage. In the past decade, only five or six investigations have been
launched, often with long and expensive consequences. For example, the Mirror Group Newspapers trials lasted
nine years and cost £9.5 million.15
Inspections are most commonly initiated by the Secretary of State. This may be done if the Secretary of State
considers there is fraud or other improper conduct, or that the company’s members have not been given all the
information that they might reasonably expect (CA 1985 s 432(2)); or it is necessary to ascertain where the true
ownership of shares or debentures or control of the company actually lies (CA 1985 s 442); or there has been
insider dealing (FSMA 2000 s 168(3), also allowing the FCA to initiate such investigations).
In a straightforward case the inspectors may be officers in the Secretary of State’s own department, but, for the
more serious cases, it is usual to appoint a QC and a leading accountant. The report may be published, and
usually is if the matter is one that has attracted public interest.
The second form of power held by the Secretary of State is lower key, allowing for an informal, unpublicised
inquiry, requiring a company to produce specified documents for inspection by his officers or some other
competent person, or, if they are not in its possession, to state where it believes they are (CA 1985 s 447).
Failure to comply may be punished as contempt of court. This latter power (which avoids much expense and
publicity) can be used alone, but is often used as a first step, before a decision is taken whether to set up a full
scale investigation under CA 1985 s 432(2). Use of this power is controversial. Many complain that the exercise is
as detrimental, probing and traumatic as a formal inspection, yet often reveals no cause for followup. In
2005/2006, 3,702 companies were named in requests, but formal investigations were started in only 148 cases (ie
in approximately 4% of cases). The investigations rarely concern the accountability of management to members,
but almost always focus on fraudulent trading, theft, breach of disqualification orders and undertakings, and such
An investigation may lead to a number of consequences. If criminal conduct is revealed, or suspected, the
inspectors’ findings may be followed by a prosecution. The Secretary of State may apply for disqualification orders
against directors and other persons involved in the management of the company (Company Directors
Disqualification Act 1986 (CDDA 1986) s 8), or for the winding up of the company (Insolvency Act 1986 (IA 1986) s
124A), or for a remedy under CA 2006 s 995. Under CA 1985 s 438, the Secretary of State could institute
proceedings (p. 732) for a civil remedy in the name of the company, but this provision has since been repealed
under CA 2006 s 1176. Documents and information obtained during the investigation may be disclosed to
regulatory authorities; comparable powers may also be used to assist certain overseas law enforcement and
regulatory authorities (Companies Act 1989 (CA 1989) ss 82ff). If satisfactory information about the ownership or
control of a company is not forthcoming, this may lead to the imposition of a ‘freezing’ order on the shares in
question (CA 1985 s 445; see ‘Company investigations into share ownership and the disclosure register’, p 722).
Conduct of the investigation
The cases that follow illustrate aspects of the working of the investigatory powers in practice.
In reaching a decision whether to appoint inspectors to investigate the affairs of a company, the Secretary
of State is not bound by the rules of natural justice.
[14.01] Norwest Holst Ltd v Secretary of State for Trade [1978] Ch 201 (Court of Appeal)
The facts appear from the judgment.
LORD DENNING MR: Ever since 1948 there has been a valuable provision of the Companies Act by which
the Board of Trade can appoint inspectors to investigate the affairs of a company. Many investigations have
been held by inspectors, usually one of Queen’s Counsel, and the other an accountant. In a case we had
fairly recently, Re Pergamon Press Ltd [14.02], we had to consider the position of the inspectors under
such an inquiry. It was held by this court that the inspectors were under a duty to act fairly in the conduct
of their inquiry.
Now we have to consider a different point. It is said that the minister himself has done wrong. His conduct
is challenged. It is said that the minister has acted beyond his powers in appointing inspectors. He ought,
it is said, to have warned the company beforehand and given them a chance of being heard. Furthermore, it
is said that the minister exercised his discretion erroneously. He ought to have had sufficient reasons, and
he had none in this case. It is said further that he is acting on the information of informers, which is
inadmissible as being against the public interest.
On these grounds the company has brought an action to try to stop the inspectors proceeding with the
inquiry. The minister applied to strike it out. Foster J struck it out. The company appeal to this court …
On 11 March 1977, the Secretary of State ordered the inquiry now in question. He did it under s 165(b)(ii)
of the Companies Act 1948 [CA 1985 s 432(2)]. On 25 March 1977, the secretary of the group wrote:
I am authorised to say that it does not appear to my board that there are any circumstances which
would justify the exercise of your discretionary power under the section to appoint inspectors.
He asked: What were the circumstances? Would they be disclosed? The Secretary of State declined to
give that information …
As the minister gave no information, the company started this action. They delivered a statement of claim,
which they afterwards amended. The burden of the statement of claim is that the company know of no
wrongdoing which has been done by them or any of their people; and therefore it is wrong that the minister
should appoint inspectors without, as they say, any proper justification. They put it in these words in their
final amended pleadings:
… It is implicit in the provisions of s 165(b)(ii) of the said Act that the discretionary power to appoint
inspectors is to be exercised fairly and/or in accordance with the principles of natural justice.
(p. 733) They ask for a declaration that the appointment or purported appointment was ultra vires and
It is important to know the background of the legislation. It sometimes happens that public companies are
conducted in a way which is beyond the control of the ordinary shareholders. The majority of the shares
are in the hands of two or three individuals. These have control of the company’s affairs. The other
shareholders know little and are told little. They receive the glossy annual reports. Most of them throw
them into the wastepaper basket. There is an annual general meeting but few of the shareholders attend.
The whole management and control is in the hands of the directors. They are a selfperpetuating oligarchy:
and are virtually unaccountable. Seeing that the directors are the guardians of the company, the question
is asked: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes—Who will guard the guards themselves?
It is because companies are beyond the reach of ordinary individuals that this legislation has been passed
so as to enable the Department of Trade to appoint inspectors to investigate the affairs of a company. Mr
Brodie, who appears for Norwest Holst Ltd, drew our attention to the practice of the Board of Trade from
1948 to 1962. It was given in evidence to Lord Jenkins’ Company Law Committee (1962) (Cmnd 1749). The
Board of Trade said (at p 79) that it was very necessary to hear both sides before deciding whether or not
an inspector should be appointed. By so doing it is often possible in cases where no fraud is alleged to
bring the parties together or for them to reach a mutually satisfactory arrangement so that an investigation
is not necessary.
That was the practice before 1962. Mr Brodie submitted that that practice was required by the common
law. He said that the principles of natural justice are to be applied; and, accordingly, both sides should be
heard before an inspector is appointed.
That may have been the practice of the Board of Trade in those years; but I do not think that this was
required by the common law. There are many cases where an inquiry is held—not as a judicial or quasi
judicial inquiry—but simply as a matter of good administration. In these circumstances there is no need to
give preliminary notice of any charge, or anything of that sort. Take the case where a police officer is
suspected of misconduct. The practice is to suspend him pending inquiries. He is not given notice of any
charge at that stage, nor any opportunity of being heard. The rules of natural justice do not apply unless
and until it is decided to take proceedings. Other instances can be given in other fields. For instance, the
Stock Exchange may suspend dealings in a company’s shares. They go by what they know, without
warning the company beforehand.
Equally, so far as s 109 [CA 1985 s 447] is concerned, when the officers of the Department of Trade are
appointed to examine the books, there is no need for the rules of natural justice to be applied. If the
company was forewarned and told that the officers were coming, what is to happen to the books? In a
wicked world, it is not unknown for books or papers to be destroyed or lost.
So also with the appointment of inspectors, under s 165(b)(ii). The inspectors are not to decide rights or
wrongs. They are to investigate and report. This inquiry is a good administrative arrangement for the good
conduct of companies and their affairs. It is not a case to which the rules of natural justice apply. There is
no need for them to be given notice of a charge, or a fair opportunity of meeting it. I would say that, so long
as the minister acts in good faith, it is not incumbent upon him to disclose the material he has before him,
or the reasons for the inquiry.
ORMROD and GEOFFREY LANE LJJ delivered concurring judgments.
Inspectors appointed by the Secretary of State must act fairly, but their function is not judicial or quasi
[14.02] Re Pergamon Press Ltd [1971] Ch 388 (Court of Appeal)
Maxwell and others, the directors of a company which was the subject of an investigation ordered under s 165(b)
of the Act of 1948 [CA 1985 s 432(2)] had declined to answer questions unless they were first given assurances
that, in effect, the proceeding would be conducted as if it were a judicial inquiry. The inspectors, acting under CA
1948 s 167(3) [CA 1985 s 436(2), (3)] referred (p. 734) this refusal to the court. The Court of Appeal, affirming
Plowman J, held that the directors were not entitled to the assurances.
LORD DENNING MR: [Counsel for the directors] claimed that they had a right to see the transcripts of the
evidence of the witnesses adverse to them … [and] to crossexamine the witnesses [and] that they ought
to see any proposed finding against them before it was included finally in the report. In short, the directors
claimed that the inspectors should conduct the inquiry much as if it were a judicial inquiry in a court of law
in which Mr Maxwell and his colleagues were being charged with an offence.
It seems to me that this claim on their part went too far. This inquiry was not a court of law. It was an
investigation in the public interest, in which all should surely cooperate, as they promised to do. But if the
directors went too far on their side, I am afraid that Mr Fay, for the inspectors, went too far on the other. He
did it very tactfully, but he did suggest that in point of law the inspectors were not bound by the rules of
natural justice. He said that in all the cases where natural justice had been applied hitherto, the tribunal
was under a duty to come to a determination or decision of some kind or other. He submitted that when
there was no determination or decision but only an investigation or inquiry, the rules of natural justice did
not apply …
I cannot accept Mr Fay’s submission. It is true, of course, that the inspectors are not a court of law. Their
proceedings are not judicial proceedings … They are not even quasijudicial, for they decide nothing; they
determine nothing. They only investigate and report. They sit in private and are not entitled to admit the
public to their meetings … They do not even decide whether there is a prima facie case …
But this should not lead us to minimise the significance of their task. They have to make a report which
may have wide repercussions. They may, if they think fit, make findings of fact which are very damaging to
those whom they name. They may accuse some; they may condemn others; they may ruin reputations or
careers. Their report may lead to judicial proceedings. It may expose persons to criminal prosecutions or
to civil actions. It may bring about the winding up of the company, and be used itself as material for the
winding up … When they do make their report, the Board are bound to send a copy of it to the company;
and the Board may, in their discretion, publish it, if they think fit, to the public at large. Seeing that their
work and their report may lead to such consequences, I am clearly of the opinion that the inspectors must
act fairly. This is a duty which rests on them, as on many other bodies, even though they are not judicial,
nor quasijudicial, but only administrative: see R v Gaming Board for Great Britain, ex p Benaim and
Khaida.16 The inspectors can obtain information in any way they think best, but before they condemn or
criticise a man, they must give him a fair opportunity for correcting or contradicting what is said against
him. They need not quote chapter and verse. An outline of the charge will usually suffice.
That is what the inspectors here propose to do, but the directors of the company want more. They want to
see the transcripts of the witnesses who speak adversely of them, and to see any documents which may
be used against them. They, or some of them, even claim to crossexamine the witnesses.
In all this the directors go too far. This investigation is ordered in the public interest. It should not be
impeded by measures of this kind. Witnesses should be encouraged to come forward and not hold back.
Remember, this not being a judicial proceeding, the witnesses are not protected by an absolute privilege,
but only by a qualified privilege … It is easy to imagine a situation in which, if the name of a witness were
disclosed, he might have an action brought against him, and this might deter him from telling all he knew.
No one likes to have an action brought against him, however unfounded. Every witness must, therefore, be
protected. He must be encouraged to be frank. This is done by giving every witness an assurance that his
evidence will be regarded as confidential and will not be used except for the purpose of the report. This
assurance must be honoured. It does (p. 735) not mean that his name and his evidence will never be
disclosed to anyone. It will often have to be used for the purpose of the report, not only in the report itself,
but also by putting it in general terms to other witnesses for their comments. But it does mean that the
inspectors will exercise a wise discretion in the use of it so as to safeguard the witness himself and any
others affected by it. His evidence may sometimes, though rarely, be so confidential that it cannot be put
to those affected by it, even in general terms. If so, it should be ignored so far as they are concerned. For I
take it to be axiomatic that the inspectors must not use the evidence of a witness so as to make it the
basis on an adverse finding unless they give the party affected sufficient information to enable him to deal
with it.
It was suggested before us that whenever the inspectors thought of deciding a conflict of evidence or of
making adverse criticism of someone, they should draft the proposed passage of their report and put it
before the party for his comments before including it. But I think this also is going too far. This sort of thing
should be left to the discretion of the inspectors. They must be masters of their own procedure. They
should be subject to no rules save this: they must be fair. This being done, they should make their report
with courage and frankness, keeping nothing back. The public interest demands it. They need have no fear
because their report, so far as I can judge, is protected by an absolute privilege …
SACHS and BUCKLEY LJJ delivered concurring judgments.
➤ Notes
1. In later proceedings (reported as Maxwell v Department of Trade and Industry [1974] QB 523), Robert
Maxwell claimed that the inspectors had not acted fairly in that, before making their report, they had not first
formulated their criticisms of him in tentative form and given him an opportunity of meeting them. The Court of
Appeal, affirming Wien J, held that this procedure was unnecessary: it was sufficient that, in the course of the
inquiry, all the matters which appeared to call for an explanation or an answer by a witness should have been
put to him; and in substance this had been done.
2. In R v Secretary for Trade, ex p Perestrello [1981] QB 19, Woolf J held that there was a similar obligation
to act fairly, but, again, no requirement to observe the rules of natural justice, in exercising the power to
demand production of a company’s books and papers under CA 1967 s 109 (CA 1985 s 447).
[14.03] Re an Inquiry into Mirror Group Newspapers plc [2000] Ch 194 (Chancery Division)
Nearly 30 years after [14.02], and after Robert Maxwell’s death and the collapse of his business empire, his son
Kevin was the subject of a DTI investigation. The Secretary of State had appointed inspectors to look into the
affairs of the company (MGN) of which Kevin Maxwell had been a director. Their investigation was put on hold until
criminal proceedings against him (in which he was acquitted) had been concluded. Meanwhile, he had been
crossexamined at the trial and questioned under other statutory procedures for a total of 61 days. The inspectors
required Maxwell to sign an undertaking that he would not disclose information put to him in the course of their
questioning, which he was unwilling to do. He also objected that the course which the inspectors proposed to
take was unfair and unreasonable (especially since he had no legal representation), and in particular that they
intended to question him at length on matters which had already been covered in the previous interrogations.
Scott VC ruled that his objections were largely justified.
SIR RICHARD SCOTT VC:… There are two issues in this case. First, there is the issue of confidentiality.
Are inspectors who have been appointed under Part XIV of the Companies Act 1985 entitled (p. 736) to
demand of a person who is placed under a statutory obligation to attend before them and answer their
questions that the person enter into an undertaking of confidentiality on the lines of that which Mr Maxwell
was asked to sign or, indeed, any confidentiality undertaking at all?
This issue is one of general importance. As I have said, it appears to be the general practice of inspectors
to insist on being given confidentiality undertakings. Are those who appear before them obliged to comply?
Second, there is an issue as to what, if any, limits there are on the right of inspectors to require officers
and agents of a company under investigation to attend before them and assist them in their investigation. Is
there a point at which the demands made by the inspectors become so onerous that a witness’s refusal to
cooperate becomes excusable? If there is such a point, has it been reached in the present case?…
The confidentiality issue
… I do not accept that the inspectors have any legal obligation to those from whom they obtain information
or documents to insist on confidentiality undertakings being given by others before whom, for the purposes
of their inquiry, they wish to put the information or documents. If they wish to preserve and protect the
confidentiality of the information and documents, they need do no more than make sure that every person
to whom the information is communicated, or before whom the documents are put, is on notice of their
confidential character. Such a person would not be inhibited by being given such notice from making use of
the information and documents for the purpose of answering the inspectors’ questions. He could take
advice from lawyers and others. He could consult others who had been involved, in order to check his
recollection or remedy his lack of recollection. In doing so he would not, in my judgement, be in breach of
any duty owed either to those from whom the information and documents had originated or to the
inspectors. If, on the other hand, the new witness were to disclose the contents of the documents or
information for a purpose not connected with the purposes for which they had been supplied to him, he
would, in my view, prima facie commit a breach of duty to those from whom the information or documents
had been obtained …
Unfairness and oppression
The starting point is the statutory obligation of persons such as Mr Maxwell to answer relevant questions
put to them by Companies Act inspectors … None the less, the assistance that those on whom the
statutory obligation is placed must give is not unlimited. They must give the assistance that they are
‘reasonably able to give’. The word ‘reasonably’ limits the extent of their obligation. To put the point another
way, the inspectors cannot place demands on them that are unreasonable, whether as to the time they
must expend or the expense they must incur in preparation for the questions or in any other respect …
In my opinion, the inspectors should do their best to avoid questioning Mr Maxwell on topics on which he
has been questioned before. They should, so far as possible, rely on the answers he has given in previous
interrogations …
All the circumstances must, in my judgment, be taken into account in deciding whether or not assistance
which a person is, in an absolute sense, able to give is also assistance which he is reasonably able to
give. But, if, in all the circumstances, the demands made on the person go beyond what he is reasonably
able to give, his failure to comply with the demands will not be a breach of his statutory duty and should
not be treated as a contempt of court …
[His Lordship accordingly declined to rule that Maxwell had been in contempt.]
➤ Note
In Re Attorney General’s Reference (No 3 of 1998) [2000] QB 401, CA, the court was asked to rule on the
meaning of the phrase ‘to provide an explanation’ of documents which had been produced to inspectors under
CA 1985 s 447. It was held that this was not limited to giving an (p. 737) exposition of the text of the
document, but covered ‘not only the contents, but also the date of creation, the authorship, provenance,
accuracy, completeness, intended purpose, destination and significance of the document or its contents, and
of the use to which it was in fact put’, and also (subject to a test of reasonableness) to explain discrepancies
between the documents and other evidence.
Inspections and the privilege against selfincrimination
A person who is being interviewed by inspectors has no privilege against selfincrimination. In Re London United
Investments plc [1992] Ch 578 it was held that this common law privilege had been impliedly abrogated by CA
1985 Pt XIV. This means that the person is compellable to answer questions put to him, on pain of punishment for
contempt of court if he refuses. There is similarly no privilege where a person is being examined (eg as to the
causes of a company’s insolvency) under the provisions of IA 1986 s 236: Bishopsgate Investment Management
Ltd v Maxwell [1993] Ch 1, CA.
Indeed, in Re an Inquiry under the Company Securities (Insider Dealing) Act 1985 [1988] AC 660, HL, a journalist,
Jeremy Warner, declined to answer questions put to him by inspectors because he felt obliged as a journalist to
protect sources of information which had been given to him in confidence. The House of Lords held that this fact
did not of itself provide a reasonable excuse, and that he was liable to punishment for contempt.
Inspections and subsequent fair trials—criminal and civil cases
Prior to 1994, courts had ruled in a number of cases that evidence given by a person during an investigation could
be used against him in a subsequent criminal trial, or in proceedings brought to have a disqualification order made
against him. This was so notwithstanding the fact that he was compellable to give the evidence, even if it was
incriminating, on pain of punishment for contempt of court. Evidence obtained under compulsion in other statutory
procedures (eg IA 1986 s 236) was the subject of similar rulings.
However, in 1994 the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) ruled in the Saunders case (Saunders v United
Kingdom (1996) 23 EHRR 313) that the use of such evidence in a criminal prosecution violated the individual’s
right to a fair trial under Art 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Following this decision, the Crown
changed its practice and ceased to use evidence so obtained in subsequent criminal trials. Now the law itself has
been changed to reflect this: see CA 1985 s 434(5A) and (5B). (Note that notwithstanding the ruling by the
Strasbourg Court, Saunders’ conviction was upheld by the Court of Appeal: R v Saunders [1996] 1 Cr App Rep
463, CA.)
The protection is not absolute, however. For example, both the European Court and UK courts have ruled that
disqualification proceedings are not criminal proceedings, but civil proceedings ‘of a regulatory nature’, in which
the use of such evidence involves no infringement of Art 6.17
Although Saunders prompted legislative change, there is a lack of clarity in the case as to whether the right to
silence and the right not to incriminate oneself are absolute rights. Four decisions, Brown v Stott [2001] 2 All ER
97, R v Kearns [2002] 1 WLR 2815, Gray v News Group Newspapers Ltd [2012] 2 WLR 848, CA, and a decision
of the ECtHR, O’Halloran v United Kingdom (15809/02) (2008) 46 EHRR 21, all suggest that Art 6 may be limited
if national authorities have a clear and proper public objective.
(p. 738) Further Reading
ALCOCK, A, ‘Five Years of Market Abuse’ (2007) 28 Company Lawyer 163.
Find This Resource
DAVIES, PL, ‘Liability for Misstatements to the Market: Some Reflections’ (2009) 9 Journal of Corporate Law
Studies 295.
Find This Resource
DUFFY, M, ‘Fraud on the Market: Judicial Approaches to Causation and Loss from Securities Nondisclosure
in the United States, Canada and Australia’ (2005) 29Melbourne University Law Review 20.
Find This Resource
GILOTTA, S, ‘Disclosure in Securities Markets and the Firm’s Need for Confidentiality: Theoretical
Framework and Regulatory Analysis’ (2012) 13 European Business Organization Law Review 45.
Find This Resource
HAYNES, A, ‘Market Abuse, Fraud and Misleading Communications’ (2012) Journal of Financial Crime 234.
Find This Resource
HAYNES, A, ‘Market Abuse: An Analysis of its Nature and Regulation’ (2007) 28 Company Lawyer 323.
Find This Resource
VILLIERS, C, ‘Implementing the Transparency Directive: A Further Step towards Consolidating the FSAP’
(2007) 28 Company Lawyer 257.
Find This Resource
The government recently amended these provisions, to the effect that companies which are already subject to
other disclosure requirements (see later) by virtue of their shares being traded on a ‘regulated market’, a
‘prescribed market’ or any other market outside the UK, become subject to less stringent requirements on
disclosing shareholder information under CA 2006. See BIS Explanatory Memorandum to Companies Act 2006
(Annual Returns) Regulations 2011, available
See Chapter 5 on changes proposed by BIS on directors’ remuneration and reporting on directors’ pay.
Consultation details available
3 See Re Globespan Airways Ltd (In Liquidation) [2012] EWCA Civ 1159, CA, where Arden LJ explained the
significance of the filing system and described the role of the registrar within the process.
4 Note that CA 2006 s 858(1) provides that ‘for this purpose a shadow director is treated as a director’.
5 Eg the Listing Rules require companies to state in their annual reports the extent to which they have complied
with the UK Corporate Governance Code (see ‘FRC and the UK Corporate Governance Code for listed companies’,
p 262).
7 Available at:
8 See: and
9 See PL Davies, ‘Liability for Misstatements to the Market: Some Reflections?’ (2009) 9 Journal of Corporate Law
Studies 295.
10 The UK list of ‘regulated markets’ are all operated by RIEs. ‘Regulated market’ is also sometimes used to refer
to markets which are protected from insider trading by the Criminal Justice Act 1993 Pt V (see ‘Insider dealing:
criminal protection (Criminal Justice Act 1993 Pt V)’, pp 730ff).
11 See:
12 This exemption applies in practice to debt securities and convertibles intended for the wholesale market
(professional investors) rather than the retail market (general public).
13 The Commission has made proposals for a Regulation on insider dealing and market manipulation (market
abuse) to strengthen the current provisions contained in the Market Abuse Directive. It is aimed that the rules as
amended will prove more fitting in the modern markets, especially in relation to market abuse practices that take
place in commodity and derivative markets.
14 Note also EC Commission proposals on a uniform standard of criminal sanctions across member states, in
order to increase the effectiveness of the criminal regime, and thus increasing the deterrent effect of such
15 Although the CLR found the length of investigations to be often necessary and certainly difficult to control, CA
2006 Pt 32 nevertheless indicates a legislative desire to control proceedings more closely and terminate them
when necessary (see the new CA 1985 ss 446A and 446B inserted by CA 2006 s 1035).
[1970] 2 QB 417.
17 See DC, HS and AD v United Kingdom [2000] BCC 710, ECtHR; and Re Westminster Property Management
Ltd [2000] 2 BCLC 396, CA.
15. Reconstructions, Mergers and Takeovers
Chapter: (p. 739) 15. Reconstructions, Mergers and Takeovers
Author(s): Len Sealy and Sarah Worthington
DOI: 10.1093/he/9780199676446.003.0015
General issues
Companies can generally undertake the full gamut of normal business activities using no more than basic
company and common law rules, assisted by market forces: they can expand and contract, change business
focus, undergo shifts in corporate control, and make various advantageous contractual arrangements with
members and creditors and the like. But when companies want to act rapidly and decisively, or enter into
arrangements with large numbers of members or creditors, or effect mergers with other corporate entities, or de
mergers of their own conglomerate business, then some more efficient way of proceeding is essential.
Modern company law provides three formal mechanisms to facilitate major corporate reconstructions:
(i) arrangements or reconstructions under the Insolvency Act 1986 (IA 1986) ss 110–111 (see ‘Schemes of
reconstruction under IA 1986 ss 110–111’, pp 741ff);
(ii) arrangements, reconstructions, mergers or divisions under the Companies Act 2006 (CA 2006) Pts 26
and 27 (see ‘Arrangements and reconstructions under CA 2006 ss 895–901’, pp 744ff);
(iii) takeovers under CA 2006 Pt 28 (see ‘Takeovers’, pp 753ff).
Companies make use of these provisions for a variety of reasons. They may want to restructure the mutual rights
and obligations of the company and its members or creditors. Economic motivations may prompt them to expand
the company’s business, whether by diversification, vertical integration (with companies performing other functions
in the production process chain) or horizontal integration (with companies at the same stage in the production
process). Alternatively, financial or fiscal considerations may prompt changes that will reduce liability to tax or
improve the balance sheet.
Meaning of the terms
The terms employed in this chapter are commonly used without any great precision, but some generalisations are
A ‘reconstruction’ is usually the transfer of the undertaking and business of a company (or, sometimes, several
companies) to a new company specially formed for the purpose. The old company is put into liquidation and its
members, instead of being repaid their capital by the liquidator in cash, agree to take equivalent shares in the new
company. The result of this is that the same members carry on the same or some part of the same enterprise
through the medium of a new company. The simpler set of statutory provisions governing this procedure is
contained in IA 1986 ss 110–111 (‘Schemes of reconstruction under IA 1986 ss 110–111’, pp 741ff).1 The
sanction of the court is not required, but a dissenting member may always (p. 740) require that he or she be paid
out in cash rather than take the new shares. Creditors who do not agree to look to the new company for payment
of their debts may prove in the liquidation of the old company.
This procedure is popular with private and family companies, and with investment trust companies undergoing
restructuring. The process can enable the creation of a new company with wider or different objects, or a change
in the rights of classes of members, or a necessary reorganisation prior to a demerger which splits the
company’s businesses into more discrete units.
A ‘merger’ or ‘amalgamation’ takes place when the assets and undertakings of more than one company are
brought under the ownership and control of a single company, which may be one of the companies involved or a
new one. The result is that the shareholders who were members of the several amalgamating companies now
together own and control the same enterprises as one aggregated venture. In a straightforward case, the
procedure laid down by IA 1986 s 110 may be used. In more complicated cases, the other procedures are used.
Much the same consequences of merger and amalgamation may follow from a ‘tak eover’, which is a general term
used to describe the acquisition by one company (or by one or more individuals, or by a group of companies) of
the share capital (all or part) and control of another, usually by buying all or a majority of its shares (‘Takeovers’,
pp 753ff). In the ordinary case, the company taken over is the smaller; in a ‘reverse tak eover’, a smaller company
gains control of a larger one.2 An offer addressed to all the shareholders of a company to buy the shares of each
member at a stated price is known as a ‘takeover bid’. It is usually expressed to be conditional upon a designated
percentage of shares being accepted by a given date. This is commonly set at 51%, which is a sufficient majority
for the bidder to replace the board of directors. Alternatively, it may be as high as 90%, because CA 2006 s 979
permits a company that has acquired 90% or more of a company’s shares by a takeover bid to buy the remaining
shares compulsorily, and conversely s 983 empowers the minority shareholders in such a situation to insist on
being bought out.
Where the company making a takeover bid offers to exchange its own shares for those in the company being
acquired, rather than make a bid for cash, the result is to all intents and purposes an amalgamation of the two
companies as described earlier.
A ‘scheme of arrangement’ or a ‘reconstruction’ under CA 2006 Pts 26 and 27 (additional requirements for public
companies) enables a company to effect mergers and amalgamations, and also to alter the rights of its
members or its creditors, with the sanction of the court. The provisions are sufficiently wide to accommodate
schemes having a considerable diversity of objectives and range of complexity, which may involve more than one
company. The more elaborate kinds of merger will usually need to be dealt with under these sections, as will any
scheme of reconstruction which is intended to affect creditors (and especially debenture holders) as well as
shareholders. Unless the court orders otherwise, the members or creditors who dissent are nevertheless bound to
accept the terms of the scheme. In contrast with IA 1986 s 110, there is no liquidation of the company or
companies involved.
Corporate businesses may, of course, be split up as well as aggregated. The most common procedure by which
part of a company’s assets and undertaking is sold off is usually referred to as ‘hiving down’. The company forms
a subsidiary and vests the assets in question in its name, or transfers the assets to an existing subsidiary, and
sells the shareholding in that subsidiary to new owners. These may include the managers of that part of the
business who have hitherto been employees of the vendor (a ‘management buyout’). Alternatively, there may be a
simple sale of the assets, either for cash or in consideration of the allotment of shares in the purchasing company
to the vendor, or to the shareholders of the vendor if it is a company. (p. 741) This last type of transaction, which
is not common in this country, is known as a ‘division’3 or a ‘demerger’.
A merger or division that involves a public company and is achieved by a transfer of assets and undertak ing in
consideration of the allotment of shares in the transferee company to the former shareholders of the transferor
must observe the requirements of CA 2006 Pt 27 (which modifies or excludes some of the provisions in Pt 26).
These provisions implement the Third and Sixth EU Company Law Directives, although the independence
requirements for experts and valuers in CA 2006 ss 936 and 937 are new, and correspond with the independence
requirements for a statutory auditor (s 1214). The provisions have less impact than might be supposed, however,
since the standard procedures for takeover and hiving down usually involve the purchase and sale of shares and
not of assets.
Finally, the economic consequences of a merger may be such as to create a monopoly or other situation or one
which distorts competition. Both the EU and successive governments in the UK have enacted measures which
have as their object the control of mergers, as part of the wider legislation designed to promote competition and
regulate restrictive and anticompetitive practices. These statutes and the associated regulations often impose
additional restrictions, especially on largescale mergers.
Schemes of reconstruction under IA 1986 ss 110–111
Under this type of reorganisation, the company resolves, first, to go into voluntary liquidation (members’ or
creditors’), and, secondly, to authorise by special resolution the transfer by the liquidator of the whole or part of
the company’s business or assets to another company (or limited liability partnership (LLP)) in consideration of
shares in that company (or membership of the LLP).
The procedure provides a relatively simple method for reconstructing a single company or effecting a simple
merger or takeover. Its advantage is that court approval is not generally required.4 But its use is limited. The
liquidator must ensure that the creditors’ proved claims are met, and cannot rely on any indemnity given by the
acquiring company.5 And in a members’ voluntary liquidation, dissenting members have a right to veto the
scheme, or to be bought out at a price determined by agreement or arbitration (an appraisal right).6
A company cannot by a provision in its constitution authorise a scheme of reconstruction which
disregards the rights of dissentients under IA 1986 s 111.
[15.01] Bisgood v Henderson’s Transvaal Estates Ltd [1908] 1 Ch 743 (Court of Appeal)
The company in general meeting resolved to carry out a scheme whereby each fully paid £ 1 share was to be
exchanged for one £ 1 share in a new company, to be credited as paid up to an amount of 87½p. Under the
scheme, the ‘new’ shares of those who dissented were to be sold en bloc for what they would fetch, and the
proceeds distributed pro rata amongst them. (p. 742) The company’s memorandum and articles purported to
authorise such a transaction; but it was held to be unlawful.
The judgment of the court (COZENSHARDY MR and FLETCHER MOULTON and BUCKLEY LJJ) was
delivered by BUCKLEY LJ: The question involved is whether by clauses even in the memorandum of
association of a company limited by shares the limit upon the shareholder’s liability can be raised—
whether the constitution of the company can provide that the majority may impose upon the minority a
scheme under which the member must either come under an increased liability or accept such
compensation as the scheme offers him. Section 161 of the Companies Act 1862 [IA 1986 s 111] protects
the dissentient member by securing him the value of his interest to be determined by arbitration or
agreement. The purpose of schemes such as that here in question is to evade or escape the provisions of
that section. Their object is to impose upon the shareholders what is generally called an assessment—to
require that in a limited company after the shares are fully paid the shareholder must either come under
liability to make further contributions to capital or submit to take, not the value of his interest to be
determined by arbitration or agreement, but such satisfaction as the scheme offers him. That satisfaction
commonly means, and in substance means in this case, the surrender of his interest in the company …
The question is whether the reorganisation scheme contained in the agreement and resolutions is intra
vires. The argument is that it is because it is justified by clauses in the memorandum of association …
The purpose of the memorandum and articles … is not confined to defining and limiting the purposes of the
corporation; it extends also within proper limits to defining and ascertaining the rights of the corporators. I
have no doubt that within proper limits the memorandum and articles may provide how, as between the
corporators, the corporate assets shall be dealt with after liquidation. But in this, as in many matters, there
are limits imposed by the statutes. There are matters in respect of which the constitution of the company
cannot provide that the corporator shall not enjoy rights and immunities which the statute gives him. For
instance, s 82 of the Companies Act 1862 [IA 1986 s 124] empowers a contributory to present a winding
up petition. His right in that respect cannot be excluded by the articles: Re Peveril Gold Mines [16.07]…
Upon a like principle the articles cannot exclude a shareholder from his right of dissent under s 161 of the
Companies Act 1862… It is, therefore, not necessarily true that, because there are found in the
memorandum and articles clauses such as those upon which the question here arises, the corporators as
individuals are contractually bound by them. The question is not whether each individual corporator can
bind himself in respect of his distributive share in the assets. The question is whether, consistently with the
statutes, the constitution of the corporation can be such that every corporator shall in the matter of
distribution—or a fortiori of distribution and further liability—be bound by the vote of the majority …
In the matter of liability upon his shares the statute provides in plain terms by s 38(4) [IA 1986 s 74(2)(d)],
that in the case of a company limited by shares no contribution shall be required from any member
exceeding the amount unpaid on his shares. In my opinion, any attempt so to define the constitution of the
company as that the member shall in any event be liable for a larger sum is in breach of the statute and is
ultra vires. Any clauses which can be used to maintain a scheme which imposes upon the member the
alternative of accepting liability for a larger sum or of being dispossessed of his status as shareholder upon
terms which he is not bound to accept are, I think, ultra vires …
The company, it is true, have issued the allotment letters in such form as that the shareholder could sell
his right to an allotment and put forward the name of a purchaser if he found one. And the old company
could within the language of the agreement sell the shares which are not applied for, and under the fifth
resolution the proceeds would be distributable among the nonassenting members. Shortly stated, the
scheme is one under which the shareholder is told that he may take the share in the new company with its
liability or sell the share in the new company with its liability, but (p. 743) he shall have nothing but the
share in the new company or its proceeds; that he must be assessed or find some one who will take the
new share with the assessment or take his chance that the liquidator may find someone who will do so,
but that he shall have nothing else. In my opinion this is ultra vires. The plaintiff is, in my judgment, entitled
to an injunction to restrain the defendants from carrying out the reorganisation scheme.
In a reconstruction under IA 1986 ss 110–111, the general meeting has no power to decide that the
consideration received shall be distributed among the members otherwise than in accordance with their
rights in a winding up.
[15.02] Griffith v Paget (1877) 5 Ch D 894 (Chancery Division)
The capital of the Argentine Tramways Co Ltd was divided into preferred shares and deferred shares each of a
nominal value of £ 10, the former being entitled to a cumulative 12% preferential dividend. There was no provision
as to the relative rights of the classes in a winding up. The preferred dividend had not been paid in full for many
years. A scheme of reconstruction was proposed under which the shares in the existing company should be
exchanged for shares, all of one class, in a new company, on a basis which gave the preferred shareholders
approximately the par value of their existing holdings, but the deferred shareholders only about 15% of such value.
The plaintiff, a preferred shareholder, who considered that this scheme gave the deferred shareholders more than
the market value of their shares, objected that the general meeting had no power to fix the mode of distribution of
the new shares; and the court upheld his view.
JESSEL MR: The question which is now raised, as far as I know for the first time, is this, whether in the
case of a limited liability company, when there are two or more classes of shareholders having different
rights inter se, and the powers conferred by the Companies Act 1862, s 161 [IA 1986 s 110], are
exercised, the company can do more than decide on the nature of the consideration to be accepted, or
whether it can, at the same time, by the statutory majority, decide as to the mode of distribution of the
consideration so accepted between the two classes of shareholders. In my opinion it cannot do the latter
at all.
I think the meaning of s 161, stated broadly, was this, that instead of disposing of the assets of the
company, wound up under a voluntary winding up, for money, you may dispose of them for shares in any
other company, or policies, or any like interest, or future profits or other benefit from the purchasing
company, but that whatever the benefit was, in whatever shape it was taken, it was to be given, or paid, or
handed over to the liquidators for the benefit of the contributories, if I may call them so, of the company
wound up—of course subject to the payment of their debts; and that there was no authority conferred by
the Act of Parliament on the general meeting, or rather the statutory majority, to direct a distribution as
between those contributories otherwise than according to their rights inter se. I think that is tolerably plain
from the nature of the case.
First, what is to become of the assets of the company when wound up voluntarily in the ordinary way? In
that case we find, by s 133 [IA 1986 s 107], the property, after being applied in satisfaction of the liabilities,
is to ‘be distributed among the members according to their rights and interests in the company’. Therefore,
if the liquidator sells the assets for money, there is no power given to a general meeting to alter the rights
of the contributories inter se. They are to share according to their rights and interests …
➤ Note
There is an obvious advantage to a company in proceeding under CA 2006 Pts 26 and 27 (see ‘Arrangements
and reconstructions under CA 2006 ss 895–901’, pp 744ff) rather than IA 1986 s 110, in that dissenting
shareholders can be forced to accept a scheme under the (p. 744) former section, rather than being allowed
to insist on their right under IA 1986 s 111 to be paid out in cash. In the next case cited, an attempt was
made to formulate rules governing the freedom of a company to choose between the two forms of procedure.
Choosing between IA 1986 and CA 2006 procedures.
[15.03] Re AngloContinental Supply Co Ltd [1922] 2 Ch 723 (Chancery Division)
The facts are immaterial.
ASTBURY J: As a result of his researches, Mr Maugham [counsel for the company] has formulated three
propositions which, when expressed as follows, are in my judgment sound: (1) When a socalled scheme
is really and truly a sale, etc under s 192 [IA 1986 s 110] simpliciter, that section must be complied with
and cannot be evaded by calling it a scheme of arrangement under s 120 [CA 2006 Pt 26]: see per
Warrington LJ in Re Guardian Assurance Co.7 (2) Where a scheme of arrangement cannot be carried
through under s 192, though it involves (inter alia) a sale to a company within that section for ‘shares,
policies and other like interests’, and for liquidation and distribution of the proceeds, the court can sanction
it under s 120 if it is fair and reasonable in accordance with the principles upon which the court acts in
these cases, and it may, but only if it thinks fit, insist as a term of its sanction on the dissentient
shareholders being protected in manner similar to that provided for in s 192. (3) Where a scheme of
arrangement is one outside s 192 entirely, the court can also and a fortiori act as in proposition (2), subject
to the conditions therein mentioned …
Arrangements and reconstructions under CA 2006 ss 895–901
The procedures in CA 2006 Pts 26 (ss 895–901) and 27 (applying to specific types of mergers and divisions of
public companies only 8 ) can be used to effect compromises or arrangements of one company with its members
or its creditors,9 but can also be used to amalgamate two or more companies, or to achieve the equivalent of a
takeover.10 The procedure requires:
(i) a court order convening meetings of the appropriate classes of members or creditors who will be affected
by the scheme;11
(ii) class meetings, seeking the approval of a majority in number and representing 75% in value of the
groups affected by the proposal (ie members or classes of members, and creditors or classes of
creditors 12 ); and
(p. 745) (iii) sanction by the court of the approved scheme (CA 2006 s 899): the court must form its own
judgement of the merits of the scheme, not simply confirm the view of the majority voters.13
The procedure has the advantage that, with court sanction, the proposed scheme is binding with only 75%
approval, whereas a takeover leading to a compulsory buyout requires 90% acceptance by the members being
made the offer. The difference may be justified on the basis that the scheme procedure also requires court
approval before the dissentients are bound. On the other hand, because the scheme is not binding until the vote
and court approval, competing proposals can be organised to defeat the objectives. By contrast, takeover bidders
can solicit irrevocable commitments even before the formal takeover offer is made.
A ‘compromise or arrangement’ under ss 895 and 899.
[15.04] Re Uniq plc [2011] EWHC 749 (Ch) (Chancery Division, Companies Court)
For the facts, see Note 3 following Brady v Brady [10.08].
24 Sections 895 and 899 require a scheme to constitute a compromise or arrangement between the
company and its members or creditors, or classes of members or creditors. Where members or creditors
give up all their rights and receive no benefit, there is no compromise or arrangement: Re NFU
Development Trust Ltd[1972] 1 WLR 1548. If regard is had only to the terms of the scheme itself, the
existing members see their 100% equity interest diluted to 9.8%, without any benefit to Uniq or themselves
unless the restructuring as a whole is completed. If the restructuring is completed, a very substantial
benefit is conferred on Uniq and, while the existing members’ interests are reduced to 9.8%, they retain an
interest in a viable company. It would, in my judgment, be artificial to confine the analysis to the terms of
the scheme itself when the scheme forms an integral part of a restructuring which confers substantial
benefit on the members bound by the scheme. I agree with the approach of Mann J in Re Bluebrook
Ltd [2010] 1 BCLC 338 at [72] to [74].
25 It is true that it was possible for the scheme to come into effect but for the rest of the restructuring not
to do so. This was neither intended nor likely, and it would not in my view be sensible or realistic to ignore
the benefits flowing from the restructuring on the basis of this possibility.
Defining the classes for member or creditor meetings
The classic definition of a class is that of Bowen LJ in Sovereign Life Assurance Co v Dodd: a class consists of
‘those persons whose rights are not so dissimilar as to make it impossible for them to consult together with a
view to their common interest’.14 This test sounds simple, but can be difficult to apply in practice, as the next
extracts indicate. The practical consequences of different definitions of classes are also evident from these
extracts—if two meetings need to give approval rather than only one, the scheme may founder.
(p. 746) Different classes—defined by different rights or different interests?
[15.05] Re Hellenic & General Trust Ltd [1976] 1 WLR 123 (Chancery Division)
Hambros Ltd, through a wholly owned subsidiary (referred to in the judgment as ‘MIT’) held 53% of the ordinary
shares of the company, Hellenic & General Trust Ltd. A scheme of arrangement was proposed under which
Hambros would acquire all the ordinary shares for a cash consideration of 48p per share. At a meeting of ordinary
members, over 80% approved the scheme. MIT voted in support, but the National Bank of Greece, a minority
shareholder holding some 14% of the shares, opposed the scheme because it would be liable to pay heavy taxes
under Greek law. Templeman J refused to sanction the scheme, first, because he ruled that there should have
been a separate ‘class’ meeting of those ordinary members who were not already a wholly owned subsidiary of
Hambros and, secondly, because, although the scheme was objectively fair, it was as a matter of discretion, not
fairness, to allow the use of CA 1948 s 206 (CA 2006 ss 895ff) to achieve the compulsory purchase of shares
which could not be acquired by the use of the takeover procedure now contained in CA 2006 ss 974ff.
TEMPLEMAN J: The first objection put forward is that the necessary agreement by the appropriate class of
members has not been obtained. The shareholders who were summoned to the meeting consisted, it is
submitted, of two classes. First there were the outside shareholders, that is to say the shareholders other
than MIT; and secondly MIT, a subsidiary of Hambros. MIT were a separate class and should have been
excluded from the meeting of outside shareholders. Although s 206 [CA 2006 s 896] provides that the court
may order meetings, it is the responsibility of the petitioners to see that the class meetings are properly
constituted, and if they fail then the necessary agreement is not obtained and the court has no jurisdiction
to sanction the arrangement …
The question therefore is whether MIT, a wholly owned subsidiary of Hambros, formed part of the same
class as the other ordinary shareholders.[15 ] What is an appropriate class must depend upon the
circumstances but some general principles are to be found in the authorities. In Sovereign Life Assurance
Co v Dodd,16 the Court of Appeal held that for the purposes of an arrangement affecting the policyholders
of an assurance company the holders of policies which had matured were creditors and were a different
class from policyholders whose policies had not matured. Bowen LJ said: ‘It seems plain that we must give
such a meaning to the term “class” as will prevent the section being so worked as to result in confiscation
and injustice, and that it must be confined to those persons whose rights are not so dissimilar as to make
it impossible for them to consult together with a view to their common interest.’ Vendors consulting
together with a view to their common interest in an offer made by a purchaser would look askance at the
presence among them of a wholly owned subsidiary of the purchaser … Mr Heyman, on behalf of the
petitioners, submitted that since the parent and subsidiary were separate corporations with separate
directors, and since MIT were ordinary shareholders in the company, it followed that MIT had the same
interests as the other shareholders. The directors of MIT were under a duty to consider whether the
arrangement was beneficial to the whole class of ordinary shareholders, and they were capable of forming
an independent and unbiased judgment, irrespective of the interests of the parent company. This seems to
me to be unreal. Hambros are purchasers making an offer. When the vendors meet to discuss and vote
whether or not to accept the offer, it is incongruous that the loudest voice in theory and the most significant
voice in practice should come from the wholly owned subsidiary of the purchaser. No one can be both a
vendor and a purchaser and in my judgment, for the purpose of the class meetings in the present case,
MIT were in the camp of the purchaser. Of course this does (p. 747) not mean that MIT should not have
considered at a separate class meeting whether to accept the arrangement. But their consideration will be
different from the considerations given to the matter by the other shareholders. Only MIT could say, within
limits, that what was good for Hambros must be good for MIT …
Accordingly I uphold the first objection, which is fatal to the arrangement. But in view of the careful
arguments put forward by both sides I will consider the other objections which are raised by Mr Wright and
which are material if the class meeting in the present case, contrary to my view, was properly constituted.
The second objection is founded on the analysis of the arrangement as an offer by Hambros to acquire the
ordinary shares for 48p. Section 209 [CA 2006 ss 974ff] provides safeguards for minority shareholders in
the event of a takeover bid and in a proper case provides machinery for a small minority of shareholders to
be obliged to accept a takeover against their wishes … If the present arrangement had been carried out
under s 209, MIT as a subsidiary of Hambros would have been expressly forbidden to join in any approval
for the purposes of s 209,[17 ] and in any event the objectors could not have been obliged to sell because
they hold 10% of the ordinary shares of the company.
[It] seems to me that it is unfair to deprive the objectors of shares which they were entitled to assume were
safe from compulsory purchase and with the effect of putting on the objectors a swingeing fiscal impost
which, if the matter had proceeded under s 209, they could have avoided simply and quite properly by
refusing to join in approving the scheme under that section.
Accordingly in the result, both as a matter of jurisdiction and as a matter of discretion, I am not prepared to
make any order approving this scheme.
Different classes: rights and interests distinguished.
[15.06] Re BTR plc [1999] 2 BCLC 675 (Chancery Division)
A proposed scheme of arrangement, designed to effect a merger between BTR and another company, Siebe plc,
had been carried by a 97% majority of BTR’s ordinary shareholders at a single class meeting. Some dissenting
shareholders contended that there should have been a separate class meeting for those BTR shareholders who
already held shares in Siebe.
JONATHAN PARKER J [in rejecting the argument of the dissenting shareholders, said of Re Hellenic &
General Trust Ltd [15.05] (at 682)]: For myself, I find it difficult to understand the concept of an interest
arising out of a right as being something separate from the right itself. Nor do I think that such a process of
analysis is necessary in relation to the Hellenic case where the majority of shares in the company the
subject of the scheme were already held by a subsidiary of the intended purchaser. Templeman J
effectively discounted the views of the registered holder of those shares and he did so, as I read the
judgment, on the basis that in substance the scheme affected only the remainder of the shares. That is, in
my judgment, the ratio of Templeman J’s decision in so far as it addressed the question of separate
classes …
It does not, as I see it, involve any analysis of interests and rights, nor is it inconsistent with the
submission made by Mr Sykes (which I accept) that the relevant test is that of differing rights rather than
differing interests. Nor do I agree with Mr Northcote that ‘interest’ in this connection is synonymous with
right. Shareholders with the same rights in respect of the shares which they hold may be subject to an
infinite number of different interests and may therefore, assessing their own personal interests (as they are
perfectly entitled to do), vote their shares in the light of those interests. But that in itself, in my judgment, is
simply a fact of life: it does not lead to (p. 748) the conclusion that shareholders who propose to vote
differently are in some way a separate class of shareholders entitled to a separate class meeting. Indeed a
journey down that road would in my judgment lead to impracticability and unworkability. In the course of his
submissions Mr Northcote accepted that in the instant case it may well be that (if he is right) a very large
number of separate class meetings would be required in order properly to reflect the differing interests of
shareholders. The question then arises how the company could possibly reach an informed decision as to
the division of shareholders into separate classes without first requiring a considerable amount of personal
information from individual shareholders; a wholly unworkable, and highly undesirable, situation.
In my judgment, therefore, there was no warrant in this case for the convening of more than one meeting of
the holders of the scheme shares, and I reject the submission that there are separate classes of holders of
scheme shares for the purposes of this scheme …
Court intervention on its own motion.
[15.07] Re Hawk Insurance Co Ltd [2002] BCC 300 (Court of Appeal)
This was an appeal against a decision of the lower court refusing to sanction an unopposed scheme of
arrangement under CA 1985 s 425 [CA 2006 s 895] on the ground that the court had no jurisdiction to do so
because it was not satisfied that the creditors who had (without dissent) approved the scheme at a single meeting
did, in fact, constitute a single class. The court allowed the appeal.
The decision whether to summon more than one meeting
13 The decision whether to summon more than one meeting—and, if so, who should be summoned to
which meeting—has to be made at the first stage [at the hearing for a court order summoning the
meetings]. If the matter were free from authority, I would have regarded the basis upon which that decision
has to be taken as selfevident. The relevant question is: between whom is the proposed compromise or
arrangement to be made? There are, as it seems to me, three possible answers to that question. Which
answer is correct in any particular case will depend upon the circumstances peculiar to that case.
14 First, there will be cases where it is plain that the compromise or arrangement proposed is between the
company and all its creditors. In such a case [the Act] provides for the court to order a single meeting of all
the creditors.
15 Secondly, there will be cases where it is plain that the compromise or arrangement proposed is
between the company and one distinct class of creditors; for example, unsecured trade creditors whose
debts accrued before (or after) a given date. Or it may be plain that there are two (or more) separate
compromises or arrangements with two (or more) distinct classes of creditors; for example, one
compromise with unsecured trade creditors whose debts accrued before a given date and a separate
compromise (on different terms) with unsecured trade creditors whose debts accrued after that date. In
such a case, the section provides for the court to order a meeting of each class of creditors with whom the
compromise or arrangement is to be made. …
16 Cases which fall into the two categories which I have described above are likely to be recognised
without difficulty. More difficult to recognise are cases in a third category. Those are cases where what
appears at first sight to be a single compromise or arrangement between the company and all its creditors
(or all creditors of a particular description, say, unsecured creditors) can be seen, on a true analysis, to be
two or more linked compromises or arrangements with creditors whose rights put them in several and
distinct classes. The compromises or arrangements are linked in the sense that each is conditional upon
the other or others taking effect. In such a case [there should be] separate meetings of each of the distinct
classes of creditors.
(p. 749) 17 If the correct decision is not made at the first stage [ordering the meetings], the court may
find, at the third stage [sanctioning the scheme], that it is without jurisdiction. … That is what the judge [in
the lower court] found to be the position in the present case.
18 It might be thought that the structure of the statutory provisions required the court to consider, at the
first stage … whether the scheme proposed was a single compromise or arrangement … or was (on a true
analysis) two or more linked compromises or arrangements … That has not been the practice in the
Companies Court. [He then described, and criticised, the 65yearold Practice Note, at [1934] WN 142,
which set the approach taken. See later for the current revisions.]…
21 In my view an applicant is entitled to feel aggrieved if, in the absence of opposition from any creditor, the
court holds, at the third stage and on its own motion, that the order which it made at the first stage was
pointless. It is, to my mind, no answer to say that that is a risk which the applicant must accept. It may be
inevitable that an applicant must accept the risk that a dissentient creditor will persuade the court at the
third stage that the order which it made at the first stage (without hearing that creditor) was the wrong
order. But that is not to say that the applicant must be required to accept that, when exercising what is
plainly a judicial discretion at the first stage, the court will not address the question whether the order
which it makes serves any useful purpose; or that, if it has addressed that question at the first stage, it will
change its mind, of its own motion, at the third stage. …
How is it to be determined whether separate class meetings are required?
23 As I have indicated, I would have regarded it as selfevident, in the absence of authority, that the relevant
question at the outset is: between whom is it proposed that a compromise or arrangement is to be made?
Are the rights of those who are to be affected by the scheme proposed such that the scheme can be seen
as a single arrangement; or ought the scheme to be regarded, on a true analysis, as a number of linked
arrangements? The question may be easy to state; but, as the cases show, it is not always easy to
answer. Nor can it be said that, hitherto, the courts have posed the question in quite those terms.
24 The starting point, and (so far as I am aware) the only decision of this court on the point, is Sovereign
Life Assurance Co v Dodd [1892] 2 QB 573. [He then discussed this case at some length and concluded
that Bowen LJ’s answer to his question was as follows:]
26… The scheme proposed may be regarded as a single arrangement with those creditors whom it is
intended to bind if, but only if, the rights of those creditors are not so dissimilar as to make it impossible for
them to consult together with a view to their common interest. If the rights of those creditors whom the
scheme is intended to bind are such as to make it impossible for them to consult together with a view to
their common interest, then the scheme must be regarded as a number of linked arrangements. In the
latter case it will be necessary to have a separate meeting of each class of creditors; a class being
identified by the test that the rights of those creditors within it are not so dissimilar as to make it
impossible for them to consult together with a view to their common interest. …
29 I have thought it right to examine the judgments in Sovereign Life Assurance Co v Dodd [1892] 2 QB
573 at some length, not only because the decision in that appeal is the only authority binding upon this
court, but because the decision has been relied upon from time to time in later cases for the proposition
that creditors whose rights have vested must, necessarily, be regarded as a different class from creditors
whose rights are contingent … [and] that ‘in the case of a life assurance company holders of matured
policies are a different class from holders of current policies’… In my view, the Sovereign Life case is
authority for neither of those propositions. …
30… it will not necessarily follow, in every case, that the treatment under the scheme of vested and
contingent rights, or the rights under matured and current policies, will be so dissimilar that the holders of
those rights must be regarded as persons in different classes in the context of the question ‘with whom is
the compromise or arrangement made’. In each case the answer to that question will depend upon
analysis (i) of the rights which are to be released or varied under the scheme and (ii) of the new rights (if
any) which the scheme gives, by way of compromise or arrangement, to those (p. 750) whose rights are
to be released or varied. It is in the light of that analysis that the test formulated by Bowen LJ in order to
determine which creditors fall into a separate class—that is to say, that a class ‘must be confined to those
persons whose rights are not so dissimilar as to make it impossible for them to consult together with a
view to their common interest’—has to be applied. …
33 When applying Bowen LJ’s test to the question ‘are the rights of those who are to be affected by the
scheme proposed such that the scheme can be seen as a single arrangement; or ought it to be regarded,
on a true analysis, as a number of linked arrangements?’ it is necessary to ensure not only that those
whose rights really are so dissimilar that they cannot consult together with a view to a common interest
should be treated as parties to distinct arrangements—so that they should have their own separate
meetings—but also that those whose rights are sufficiently similar to the rights of others that they can
properly consult together should be required to do [so]; lest by ordering separate meetings the court gives
a veto to a minority group. The safeguard against majority oppression … is that the court is not bound by
the decision of the meeting. It is important Bowen LJ’s test should not be applied in such a way that it
becomes an instrument of oppression by a minority.
[He then continued his analysis and concluded that separate class meetings were not required in the
present case, and therefore allowed the appeal.]
PILL LJ gave a concurring judgment and WRIGHT LJ concurred with both.
➤ Notes
1. The risk that the classes have not been correctly identified so that, at the later stages, the court will not
sanction the scheme has been reduced by a change in practice: see Practice Statement [2002] 3 All ER 96.
This requires greater attention to the issues at the convening hearing, where application is made to the court
for an order convening the necessary meetings. In addition, courts have adopted the approach of Chadwick LJ
in the previous extract that they should find, on their own motion and without the intervention of dissentient
voices, that the initial selection of classes was inappropriate.
2. By analogy with creditors’ meetings in insolvency law, it is possible for the court to direct at stage 1 that
split voting is possible at the creditors’ meetings, particularly by nominee or trustee creditors, so that they
might vote both for and against the scheme in relation to different parts of the value of that creditor’s claim (Re
Equitable Life Assurance Society [2002] BCC 319).
3. In In the Matter of Rodenstock GmbH (the ‘Scheme Company’) [2011] EWHC 1104 (Ch), the court, on its
own motion, undertook a detailed review of the jurisdiction and other issues arising from the fact that the
company was located in Germany. Briggs J concluded that, analogous with the court’s jurisdiction to wind up
a foreign company, it must be demonstrated that the company whose scheme is subject to sanction has a
sufficient connection with the English jurisdiction. Here, it was held that the Scheme Creditors’ choice of
English law and, for Senior Lenders, exclusive English jurisdiction, was a sufficient feature for establishing
jurisdiction of the English court to sanction the scheme. Briggs J then considered whether such a sanction
could be effectively enforced in German courts, and concluded in the affirmative. Finally, after reviewing the
merits of the proposed scheme, he sanctioned the scheme.
The function of the courts in considering whether to sanction a scheme.
[15.08] Re Alabama, New Orleans, Texas and Pacific Junction Rly Co [1891] 1 Ch 213 (Court of Appeal)
The facts are immaterial.
LINDLEY LJ: [What] the court has to do is to see, first of all, that the provisions of that statute have been
complied with; and, secondly, that the majority has been acting bona fide. The court also has (p. 751) to
see that the minority is not being overridden by a majority having interests of its own clashing with those of
the minority whom they seek to coerce. Further than that, the court has to look at the scheme and see
whether it is one as to which persons acting honestly, and viewing the scheme laid before them in the
interests of those whom they represent, take a view which can be reasonably taken by businessmen …
➤ Notes
1. Also see Re Hellenic & General Trust Ltd [15.05], and the observations of Maugham J in Re Dorman Long
& Co [4.14].
2. A scheme which is designed to deal with and potentially alter the property rights of people who also
happen to be creditors of the scheme company does not constitute a compromise or arrangement within the
scope of CA 2006 Pt 26: Re T & N Ltd [2006] EWHC 1447 (Ch); Re Lehman Brothers International (Europe)
(In Administration) (No 2) [2009] EWHC 2141 (Ch), affd [2009] EWCA Civ 1161.
3. In Re National Farmers’ Union Development Trust Ltd [1972] 1 WLR 1548, a nonprofitmaking company
wished to write down its capital and reduce the number of its members from 94,000 to seven in order to
reduce its administrative expenses. The proposal had the support of an 85% majority vote. But Brightman J
held that he had no power to sanction the scheme under what is now CA 2006 s 899, since the statutory
terms ‘compromise’ and ‘arrangement’ implied some element of accommodation on each side and were not
appropriate to describe a scheme under which some members surrendered their rights altogether. Also
see Re Bluebrook Ltd [2009] EWHC 2114 (Ch).
4. The court has extensive powers under CA 2006 s 900 to make such ancillary orders as are necessary to
facilitate implementation of any sanctioned scheme.
5. In In the Matter of Halcrow Holdings Ltd [2011] EWHC 3662 (Ch), some 306 out of the 1,175 shareholders
did not receive the scheme documents as a result of an accidental error in the printing process. Vos J held
that the solicitors nonetheless had intended to notify all the shareholders and to provide all shareholders with
copies of the scheme documents; and that the company took all reasonable steps to inform the relevant
shareholders as soon as it had become aware of the mistake. Thus, the learned judge opined that the
accidental omission could and should be waived under both CA 2006 s 313 and an ‘accidental omission
provision’ in the company’s articles. Further, in this case, the learned judge found that there was no ‘blot’ on
the proposed scheme and did not refuse to sanction the scheme, because the concerns raised by the
pensioners (in relation to the purchaser’s failure to respond to requests by the pensioners’ fund trustees for
some legally binding assurances as to injecting future funding) were ‘not financial, but only the risk of a
different cultural approach to the business in the pension scheme’ [50].
6. In Re La Seda De Barcelona SA [2010] EWHC 1364 (Ch), [2011] 1 BCLC 555, Proudman J accepted that
the court had jurisdiction to sanction a scheme which also provided for the release of liabilities on the part of
a nonparty to the scheme because the release fell within the ‘requisite element of give and take between the
scheme creditors and the company’ [19].
Compulsory binding of dissentient minorities and the Human Rights Act 1998.
[15.09] Re Equitable Life Assurance Society [2002] EWHC 140 (Chancery Division)
Arguably the strength of Pt 26 lies in the ability to bind dissenting minorities. Lloyd J rejected the suggestion that
compelling dissenting individuals to accept a scheme that alters their (p. 752) rights may be contrary to Art 1 of
the First Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights, as implemented by the Human Rights Act 1998:
this type of rule, essential in a liberal society, cannot in principle be considered contrary to art 1 of the
First Protocol, provided that the law does not create such inequality that one person could be arbitrarily
and unjustly deprived of property in favour of another. It seems to me plain that, given the terms of s 425 [s
899] and the case law that has been established concerning its application, there is no possible argument
for saying that the approval of a scheme under s 425, so as to bind dissentients among the relevant
classes, breaches the rights afforded by art 1 of the First Protocol … [In order to be sanctioned by the
court] the scheme does both in law and in fact [have to] involve exchange of rights and thus consideration.
No arrangement capable of being approved under s 425 could, in my view, amount to a confiscation such
that art 1 would be infringed.
Compulsory binding of dissentient minorities and judicial review of majority determinations.
➤ Question
You are consulted in advance of the meeting by the National Bank of Greece (in Re Hellenic & General Trust
Ltd [15.05]), and asked to advise it whether it would be proper for the bank to consider its tax position in
deciding how to cast its vote at the class meeting. What would your advice be? (See Re Holders Investment
Trust Ltd[10.04].)
Proposals for reform of the law
1. The Cork Committee on Insolvency made the following observations about the procedure under ss 425–
427A [now CA 2006 Pt 26] and its utility in corporate insolvencies (Cmnd 8558, 1982, paras 406ff):
Because of the long and involved procedure, it is virtually impossible to shorten the period of time
between initial formulation of a scheme of arrangement and its becoming effective by Court Order
below eight weeks. During those eight weeks each individual creditor can exercise all the rights and
remedies available to him against the company debtor …
The insolvent company’s inability—particularly if it is a trading company—to hold the position (that is
to prevent winding up or the random seizure of assets by individual creditors) during the period
necessary for the devising and processing of a scheme, makes it extremely difficult for even the most
uncomplicated scheme of arrangement to be launched. A straightforward moratorium on the payment
of debts to unsecured creditors for a limited period, or such a moratorium coupled with a
composition, say the reduction of all debts by 25%, may be the plainest good sense for all
concerned, but it often cannot be done …
The Court is heavily involved in the procedure under section [425]. There are two distinct phases.
First, the convening of the necessary meetings of creditors and contributories and, secondly, the
petition to the Court for the sanctioning of the scheme as approved by the appropriate majorities at
the meetings …
[We] believe that the Court procedure could be substantially streamlined and greatly improved. We
cannot believe that there is the need for quite so many applications to, or attendances on, the Court.
We doubt whether painstaking perusal of documents by Court officials with little or no experience of
commerce or finance provides any real protection for creditors or contributories.
(p. 753) 2. The report of the Insolvency Service’s Review Group on Company Rescue and Business
Reconstruction Mechanisms (May 2000) proposed that consideration be given to augmenting what is now
CA 2006 Pt 26 by introducing the option of a moratorium while a scheme for a composition between a
company and its creditors is being put together. This idea has now been dropped. Is that wise?
3. The Company Law Review (CLR) queried whether there was any real point in preserving the distinction
between the IA 1986 s 110 and the CA 2006 Pt 2618 procedures, and suggested there might be a case for
combining the two, giving the company the option of choosing between providing cash appraisal rights for
dissenting members or seeking the sanction of the court.
4. The CLR doubted whether the IA 1986 s 111 system of cash appraisal which provides for compulsory
arbitration without recourse to a court is compatible with the Human Rights Act.19
5. The CLR considered that there may be a case for introducing a statutory procedure (as is available in
New Zealand) which would allow wholly owned companies within the same group to merge with each other
or with their holding company without the need for court approval and with little more formality than the
approval of all the directors, a declaration of solvency and appropriate notification to creditors.
There is no reform embedded in the new CA 2006 Pt 26 itself to meet these various criticisms. However, certain
procedures introduced into IA 1986 over the years do meet some of the needs identified earlier. These measures
include the statutory procedures for company voluntary arrangements (CVAs), with and without moratorium
periods (IA 1986 Pt I and Sch A1), and also for administrations (IA 1986 Pt II): see ‘General issues’, pp 767ff.20
Where a company acquires control over another by buying all or a majority holding of its shares, this is termed a
‘tak eover’.21 A general offer to buy addressed to all the members of a company is called a ‘tak eover bid’. This is
by far the commonest method used in this country for merging one corporate business with another. The two
companies are usually referred to respectively as the ‘offeror’ company or ‘bidder’ and the ‘target’ or ‘offeree’
If the target is a private company, control can usually only be exercised by a group holding more than 50% of the
voting shares. Moreover, the target will probably have a provision in its articles authorising the directors to refuse
to register a transfer of shares. It follows that a takeover of a private company usually requires the agreement of
the directors.
On the other hand, if the target is a listed company, control can often be exercised by the holder of fewer than
50% of the voting shares because the other shareholders are either apathetic or lack coordination. But the bidder
is unlikely to be able to acquire the necessary shareholding simply by purchases on the Stock Exchange. It is
usually necessary to send a circular (a takeover bid) to the target’s members offering to buy their shares.
(p. 754) For many years, economists have argued about whether takeovers and mergers are beneficial for the
economy. The argument in favour is essentially that assets should be owned and/or managed in the most
productive way possible: less productive or efficient ownership and/or management should be replaced by a more
efficient one, via a takeover. Takeovers thus form part of the market for corporate ownership and control of
assets.22 On the other hand, empirical evidence suggests that underperforming management is not a primary
inducement to a takeover, so the bids do not have a disciplining effect. And even where there is such an effect,
the mechanism has been described as costly, disruptive and counterproductive in motivating longterm good
corporate governance.23
Regulation of takeovers
The Takeovers Directive lays down, for the first time, minimum EU rules concerning the regulation of takeovers of
companies whose shares are traded on a regulated market. It aims to strengthen the single market in financial
services by facilitating crossborder restructuring and enhancing minority shareholder protection. It contains:
(i) general principles that apply to the conduct of takeover bids;
(ii) a regulatory framework for bodies that supervise takeover bids (in the UK, the Panel on Takeovers and
Mergers (‘the Panel’));
(iii) basic rules about takeover bids (eg when a bid must be made, the price that must be paid to members,
the contents of offer documents prepared by the bidder, requirements to inform employees and the time
period a bid will be open for);
(iv) provisions restricting barriers to takeovers (eg action that might be taken to prevent a takeover by a
company or its board of directors);
(v) disclosure requirements for companies whose shares are traded on a regulated market; and
(vi) provisions dealing with the problems of, and for, residual minority members following a successful
takeover bid (ie ‘squeezeout’ and ‘sellout’ provisions).
The Panel on Takeovers and Mergers
The Takeovers Directive requires certain significant structural changes to UK practices.
Since 1968, takeover regulation in the UK has been overseen by the Panel. The Panel’s function is to ensure that
shareholders are treated fairly and placed in a position to decide on the merits of a takeover, and that
shareholders of the same class are afforded equivalent treatment by an offeror. The Panel administers rules
contained in the City Code on Takeovers and (p. 755) Mergers (‘the Takeover Code’), which historically had no
legal force.27 The Takeover Code was prepared and first issued in 1968 by representatives of various City bodies,
including the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange and the Issuing Houses Association, as a statement of the
principles of commercial morality which those taking part in a takeover were expected to follow. The Takeover
Code is not concerned with the financial or commercial advantages of a takeover, nor does it seek to encourage or
discourage takeovers in general. These are matters for the company and its shareholders. Wider questions of
public interest are dealt with by the Competition Commission, the Office of Fair Trading, the Department for
Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) or the European Commission. The latest version of the Takeover Code (the
10th edition) is dated 19 September 2011.
There are six General Principles governing the Takeover Code:
(i) All holders of the securities of an offeree company of the same class must be afforded equivalent
treatment; moreover, if a person acquires control of a company, the other holders of securities must be
(ii) The holders of the securities of an offeree company must have sufficient time and information to enable
them to reach a properly informed decision on the bid; where it advises the holders of securities, the board
of the offeree company must give its views on the effects of implementation of the bid on employment,
conditions of employment and the locations of the company’s places of business.
(iii) The board of an offeree company must act in the interests of the company as a whole and must not
deny the holders of securities the opportunity to decide on the merits of the bid.
(iv) False markets must not be created in the securities of the offeree company, of the offeror company or of
any other company concerned by the bid in such a way that the rise or fall of the prices of the securities
becomes artificial and the normal functioning of the markets is distorted.
(v) An offeror must announce a bid only after ensuring that he or she can fulfil in full any cash consideration,
if such is offered, and after taking all reasonable measures to secure the implementation of any other type of
(vi) An offeree company must not be hindered in the conduct of its affairs for longer than is reasonable by a
bid for its securities.
The Takeovers Directive requires certain regulatory activities of the Panel to be placed within a legal framework.
CA 2006 Pt 28 seeks to do this in a way that retains the considerable strengths of the previous system of
takeover regulation overseen by the Panel, including:
(i) flexibility, speed and certainty in decisionmaking;
(ii) independence and regulatory autonomy;
(iii) principlesbased regulation;
(iv) involvement of key City and business participants in developing takeover rules and the regulatory
(v) professional expertise in regulatory activities, notably through Panel membership and secondments; and
(vi) consensual approach to regulation amongst those involved in the markets.
(p. 756) Part 28 therefore provides a statutory underpinning to the regulatory activities of the Panel, but leaves the
Panel with considerable scope to decide its internal structures and operational framework. The Panel remains an
unincorporated body. As such, it has rights and obligations under common law, supplemented by the relevant
legislative provisions. It has power to make rules in relation to takeover regulation, and will continue to make
rulings on the interpretation, application and effect of the Takeover Code and to give directions (CA 2006 ss 943–
Decisions of the Panel are in principle subject to judicial review. However, the court will not normally
intervene while the Panel is actively dealing with a matter, but will only grant relief of a declaratory nature
after the event.
[15.10] R v Panel on Takeovers and Mergers, ex p Datafin plc [1987] QB 815 (Court of Appeal)28
The facts are immaterial, although some of the descriptions of the Panel are now out of date, given the changes
implemented by CA 2006 Pt 28.
SIR JOHN DONALDSON MR: The Panel on Takeovers and Mergers is a truly remarkable body. Perched
on the 20th floor of the Stock Exchange building in the City of London, both literally and metaphorically it
oversees and regulates a very important part of the United Kingdom financial market. Yet it performs this
function without visible means of legal support.
The panel is an unincorporated association without legal personality … It has no statutory, prerogative or
common law powers and it is not in contractual relationship with the financial market or with those who
deal in that market.
[His Lordship read extracts from the City Code, and continued:] ‘Selfregulation’ is an emotive term. It is
also ambiguous. An individual who voluntarily regulates his life in accordance with stated principles,
because he believes that this is morally right and also, perhaps, in his own longterm interests, or a group
of individuals who do so, are practising selfregulation. But it can mean something quite different. It can
connote a system whereby a group of people, acting in concert, use their collective power to force
themselves and others to comply with a code of conduct of their own devising. This is not necessarily
morally wrong or contrary to the public interest, unlawful or even undesirable. But it is very different.
The panel is a selfregulating body in the latter sense. Lacking any authority de jure, it exercises immense
power de facto by devising, promulgating, amending and interpreting the City Code on Takeovers and
Mergers, by waiving or modifying the application of the code in particular circumstances, by investigating
and reporting upon alleged breaches of the code and by the application or threat of sanctions. These
sanctions are no less effective because they are applied indirectly and lack a legally enforceable base.
The principal issue in this appeal, and only issue which may matter in the longer term, is whether this
remarkable body is above the law. Its respectability is beyond question. So is its bona fides. I do not doubt
for one moment that it is intended to, and does, operate in the public interest and that the enormously wide
discretion which it arrogates to itself is necessary if it is to function efficiently and effectively. Whilst not
wishing to become involved in the political controversy on the relative merits of selfregulation and
governmental or statutory regulation, I am content to assume for the purposes of this appeal that self
regulation is preferable in the public interest. But that said, what is to happen if the panel goes off the rails?
Suppose, perish the thought, that it were to use its powers in a way which was manifestly unfair. What
(p. 757) [His Lordship outlined the facts of the case and continued:] It will be seen that there are three
principal issues, viz: (a) Are the decisions of the panel susceptible to judicial review? This is the
‘jurisdictional’ issue. (b) If so, how in principle is that jurisdiction to be exercised given the nature of the
panel’s activities and the fact that it is an essential part of the machinery of a market in which time is
money in a very real sense? This might be described as the ‘practical’ issue. (c) If the jurisdictional issue
is answered favourably to the applicants, is this a case in which relief should be granted and, if so, in what
The jurisdictional issue
As I have said, the panel is a truly remarkable body, performing its function without visible means of legal
support. But the operative word is ‘visible’, although perhaps I should have used the word ‘direct’. Invisible
or indirect support there is in abundance. Not only is a breach of the code, so found by the panel, ipso
facto an act of misconduct by a member of the Stock Exchange, and the same may be true of other
bodies represented on the panel, but the admission of shares to the Official List may be withheld in the
event of such a breach. This is interesting and significant for listing of securities is a statutory function
performed by the Stock Exchange in pursuance of … [and he went on to name various regulations and
rules now incorporated in the Financial Services Act 1986].
… The picture which emerges is clear. As an act of government it was decided that, in relation to take
overs, there should be a central selfregulatory body which would be supported and sustained by a
periphery of statutory powers and penalties wherever nonstatutory powers and penalties were insufficient
or nonexistent or where EEC requirements called for statutory provisions …
The issue is thus whether the historic supervisory jurisdiction of the Queen’s courts extends to such a
body discharging such functions, including some which are quasijudicial in their nature, as part of such a
system. Mr Alexander, for the panel, submits that it does not. He says that this jurisdiction only extends
to bodies whose power is derived from legislation or the exercise of the prerogative. Mr Lever, for the
applicants, submits that this is too narrow a view and that regard has to be had not only to the source of
the body’s power, but also to whether it operates as an integral part of a system which has a public law
character, is supported by public law in that public law sanctions are applied if its edicts are ignored and
performs what might be described as public law functions.
[His Lordship referred to the analogous position of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, which had
been considered by the Divisional Court in R v Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, ex p Lain,29 and
continued:] In fact, given its novelty, the panel fits surprisingly well into the format which this court had in
mind in theCriminal Injuries Compensation Board case. It is without doubt performing a public duty and an
important one. This is clear from the expressed willingness of the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry
to limit legislation in the field of takeovers and mergers and to use the panel as the centrepiece of his
regulation of that market. The rights of citizens are indirectly affected by its decisions … At least in its
determination of whether there has been a breach of the code, it has a duty to act judicially and it asserts
that its raison d’être is to do equity between one shareholder and another. Its source of power is only partly
based upon moral persuasion and the assent of institutions and their members, the bottom line being the
statutory powers exercised by the Department of Trade and Industry and the Bank of England. In this
context I should be very disappointed if the courts could not recognise the realities of executive power and
allowed their vision to be clouded by the subtlety and sometimes complexity of the way in which it can be
exerted …
In reaching my conclusion that the court has jurisdiction to entertain applications for the judicial review of
decisions of the panel, I have said nothing about the substantial arguments of Mr Alexander based upon
the practical problems which are involved. These, in my judgment, go not to the existence of the
jurisdiction, but to how it should be exercised and to that I now turn.
(p. 758) The practical issue
… In many cases of judicial review where the time scale is far more extended than in the financial markets,
the decisionmaker who learns that someone is seeking leave to challenge his decision may well seek to
preserve the status quo meanwhile and, in particular, may not seek to enforce his decision pending a
consideration of the matter by the court. If leave is granted, the court has the necessary authority to make
orders designed to achieve this result, but usually the decisionmaker will give undertakings in lieu. All this
is but good administrative practice. However, against the background of the time scales of the financial
market, the courts would not expect the panel or those who should comply with its decisions to act
similarly. In that context the panel and those affected should treat its decisions as valid and binding,
unless and until they are set aside. Above all they should ignore any application for leave to apply of which
they become aware, since to do otherwise would enable such applications to be used as a mere ploy in
takeover battles which would be a serious abuse of the process of the court and could not be adequately
penalised by awards of costs.
[His Lordship referred to the various functions of the Panel and expressed the opinion that it was unlikely
that the courts would often have occasion to intervene. He continued:] Nothing that I have said can fetter or
is intended to or should be construed as fettering the discretion of any court to which application is made
for leave to apply for judicial review of a decision of the panel or which, leave having been granted, is
charged with the duty of considering such an application. Nevertheless, I wish to make it clear beyond a
peradventure that in the light of the special nature of the panel, its functions, the market in which it is
operating, the time scales which are inherent in that market and the need to safeguard the position of third
parties, who may be numbered in thousands, all of whom are entitled to continue to trade upon an
assumption of the validity of the panel’s rules and decisions, unless and until they are quashed by the
court, I should expect the relationship between the panel and the court to be historic rather than
contemporaneous. I should expect the court to allow contemporary decisions to take their course,
considering the complaint and intervening, if at all, later and in retrospect by declaratory orders which
would enable the panel not to repeat any error and would relieve individuals of the disciplinary
consequences of any erroneous finding of breach of the rules. This would provide a workable and valuable
partnership between the courts and the panel in the public interest and would avoid all of the perils to which
Mr Alexander alluded.
[His Lordship then ruled that a case for intervention in the present instance had not been made out.]
LLOYD and NICHOLLS LJJ delivered concurring judgments.
➤ Notes
1. On two occasions since Datafin the Court of Appeal has declined to intervene by way of judicial review in
decisions of the Panel. See R v Panel on Tak eovers and Mergers, ex p Guinness plc [1990] 1 QB 146, CA
and R v Panel on Tak eovers and Mergers, ex p Fayed [1992] BCLC 938, CA. However, in the Guinness case
the Panel did not escape criticism, some of its decisions being condemned as ‘insensitive and unwise’.
2. It should be borne in mind that not all takeovers are contested: many are settled by agreement between
the respective boards and accepted by the members without opposition. Also (more particularly in the case of
smaller companies), a change of control is commonly effected by a simple share sale and purchase
agreement concluded between the outgoing and incoming members. (Although ‘simple’ may not be a
particularly apt word to use here: the documents in these transactions often run to hundreds of pages!) For
reference, see G Stedman, J Jones and J Cadman, Shareholders’ Agreements (4th edn, 2003).
(p. 759) Restricting barriers to takeovers
The Takeovers Directive seeks to override certain steps that may be taken by companies both prior to and during
a takeover bid which have the aim of frustrating a bid, including:
(i) Prebid defences (Takeovers Directive Art 11): this provides ‘breakthrough provisions’ that will defeat
strategies including differential share structures under which minority shareholders exercise disproportionate
voting rights, limitations on share ownership and restrictions on transfer of shares set out in the company’s
articles or in contractual agreements. Companies with voting shares traded on a regulated market may opt
in to these breakthrough provisions should they wish to do so (CA 2006 ss 966–972); the Directive rules are
not compulsory.
(ii) Postbid defences (Takeovers Directive Art 9): the management of a target company cannot take action
to frustrate a bid (eg by sale of the company’s key assets) without the approval of the members at the time
of the bid. The rules banning this type of defensive action are contained in the Takeover Code.
Disclosure requirements
CA 2006 Pt 28, Ch 4 (s 992) amends the 1985 Act in relation to the content of annual reports of companies traded
on a regulated market, compelling disclosure of matters such as the share and control structures of companies.
Note also the new requirements under the Takeover Code, namely in relation to the disclosure of offerrelated fees
and expenses, the disclosure of financial and other information, and the public display of certain offer documents
after the announcement of an offer. There are also additional rules requiring the disclosure by offeror and offeree
companies of the offeror’s intentions and plans regarding the offeree company and its employees.
‘Virtual bids’
With a desire to counter prolonged ‘virtual bid’ periods—that is, where a potential offeror announces its intention to
make an offer but without providing a firm commitment to do so—the recent amendments to the Takeover Code
now require the offeree company to make an announcement identifying any potential offerors (Rule 2.4). This is
supplemented by the ‘put up or shut up’ procedure (Rule 2.6(a)). Within 28 days from an announcement under
Rule 2.4, the identified potential offeror must publically provide a firm response, that is, either make a formal offer,
or announce that it does not seek to proceed forward. It may, however, seek the Panel’s consent for an extension
of the deadline.
Mandatory offer rules
The Takeover Code recognises that a public company may be controlled by holders of less than 50% of its voting
rights. It therefore requires that a person (or persons acting in concert) who gains 30% of the voting rights in a
public company must make a takeover bid for all the voting shares (Rule 9.1). The price that has to be offered is
the highest price at which the offeror (or persons acting in concert with it) has dealt in the offeree’s shares in the
12 months preceding the announcement of the mandatory offer. This rule is designed to prevent an offeror
obtaining a controlling interest at a premium price from a few large members and then buying out the remaining
small members cheaply.
Deal protection measures and inducement fees
Previously, offeree companies might have provided offerors certain ‘inducement fees’ (which payment may or may
not be conditional upon the success of the takeover). The latest edition of (p. 760) the Takeover Code, however,
now prohibits (subject to five exceptions contained in Rule 21.2(b)) any form of such payments. It is said that
similar arrangements may deter potential offerors (thus limiting available offer choices) and/or encourage offerors
to put forward a less favourable offer (both, it seems, will go the detriment of the offeree shareholders) (Rule 21.2).
Position of minority members following a takeover
The concepts of ‘squeezeout’ and ‘sellout’30 are designed to address the problems of, and for, residual minority
members following a successful takeover bid. Squeezeout rights (CA 2006 s 979) enable a successful bidder to
purchase compulsorily the shares of remaining minority members who have not accepted the bid. Sellout rights
(CA 2006 s 983) enable minority members to require the majority member to purchase their shares. Because
these procedures involve compulsory sale or acquisition of shares against the will of the holder or the acquirer,
higher thresholds apply to the exercise of such rights, there are protective rules on the price that must be paid for
the shares and the procedure can be challenged in the court (CA 2006 s 986).
CA 2006 Pt 28, Ch 3 introduces some changes to the 1985 Act to ensure compliance with the Takeovers
Directive and to implement certain recommendations from the CLR. Chapter 3 applies to all companies and all
bids within the ambit of Pt 28, whether or not the Takeovers Directive requires this.
Grounds on which the court will interfere in a squeezeout.
CA 2006 s 986, like its predecessors, does not specify the grounds on which a court will interfere. Given the
similar wording of the provisions, the earlier cases on this issue remain relevant.
[15.11] Re Grierson Oldham and Adams Ltd [1968] Ch 17 (Chancery Division)
The company, which dealt in wines and spirits, had been the subject of a successful takeover bid by John Holt &
Co (Liverpool) Ltd. The offer made by Holts of 6 s [30p] per 2 s [10p] ordinary share had been accepted by 99.9%
of the shareholders, and notice had been given of Holt’s intention to acquire the remaining shares compulsorily at
the same price pursuant to CA 1948 s 209 [CA 2006 ss 979 and 986]. The applicants, who had paid between
6 s 7 d [33p] and 6 s 9 d [34p] per share for their holdings, objected on the ground that the price offered was unfair
to them; but the court declined to intervene.
PLOWMAN J: The contentions which are put forward by the applicants fall under two main heads. In the
first place it is said that the price of 6 s a share is unfair, taking into account the assets and future
prospects of the company and the advantages which will accrue to Holts by the takeover; and secondly,
that it is unfair to the applicants that they should be compelled to sell their shares at a loss. Before
considering those contentions in more detail, there are two or three general observations which I should
make and which I think are justified by the authorities on this section to which I have been referred.
The first general observation is that the onus of proof here is fairly and squarely on the applicants, and
indeed they accepted that that is so. The onus of proof is on them to establish, if they can, that the offer
was unfair …
The second general observation which seems to me to be relevant is this: that since this is not a case of a
purchase of assets, but of a purchase of shares, the market price on the stock exchange of those shares
is cogent evidence of their true value; not conclusive evidence, of course, but cogent (p. 761) evidence …
And in this case it is a formidable onus that the applicants have set out to discharge, bearing in mind that
not only was the offer price above the stock exchange price, but that over 99% of the ordinary shareholders
accepted the offer.
The third general observation which arises out of the arguments that have been put forward concerns the
question whether the test of the fairness of the offer is fairness to the individual shareholder or fairness to
the body of shareholders as a whole. In my judgment, the test of fairness is whether the offer is fair to the
offerees as a body and not whether it is fair to a particular shareholder in the peculiar circumstances of his
own case … It would quite obviously be impossible, at any rate in most cases, for the offeror to know the
circumstances of every individual shareholder and, therefore, to frame an offer which would necessarily be
fair to every individual shareholder in the peculiar circumstances of his case.
I agree that certain criticisms set out in the applicant’s affidavit show that a good case could be
made out for the formulation of a better scheme, of a fairer scheme, of one which would be more
attractive to the shareholders if they could have understood the implications of the criticisms. I have
no doubt at all that a better scheme could have been evolved, but is that enough?…
A scheme must be obviously unfair, patently unfair, unfair to the meanest intelligence. It cannot be
said that no scheme can be effective to bind a dissenting shareholder unless it complies to the
extent of 100 per cent with the highest possible standards of fairness, equity and reason …
It must be affirmatively established that, notwithstanding the view of the majority, the scheme is
unfair, and that is a different thing from saying that it must be established that the scheme is not a
very fair one or not a fair one: a scheme has to be shown affirmatively, patently, obviously and
convincingly to be unfair.
With those general observations, let me refer in a little more detail to some of the points which have been
put forward on the part of the applicants. They have complained that the market price was substantially
higher than 6s a share for a number of years [His Lordship cited prices ranging up to 9 s 9 d [49p]];
equally, as Mr GurneyChampion said, in each of those years the lowest price for the shares was under
6 s. But however that may be, it seems to me that the real point is, was 6 sa fair price at the time when
the offer was made, namely, in September 1965?
Then Mr GurneyChampion submitted that it was unfair that he should be compelled to sell these shares at
a loss, particularly having regard to the fact that the loss would be one which was not available for capital
gains tax purposes, for the reason that he had bought the shares before 6 April 1965, and on that day the
price of the shares was less than the purchase price. If I am right in thinking that the question of unfairness
has to be judged without reference to the particular circumstances of the applicant, then it seems to me
that this argument is irrelevant, and I am bound to reject it because I have already indicated the view that
the particular circumstances of the applicant is not a matter with which the court is concerned. What the
court is concerned with is the fairness of the offer as a whole …
Squeezeout provisions in s 979 may not be used by majority shareholders to expropriate a minority.
[15.12] Re Bugle Press Ltd [1961] Ch 270 (Court of Appeal)
The £ 10,000 issued share capital of Bugle Press Ltd was held as to 4,500 £ 1 shares each by Shaw and
Jackson (‘the majority shareholders’) and as to the remaining 1,000 shares by (p. 762) Treby. The majority
shareholders formed a £ 100 company, Jackson & Shaw (Holdings) Ltd, which they caused to make an offer,
addressed to the shareholders in Bugle Press Ltd, to purchase their holdings at £ 10 per share. After Shaw and
Jackson had accepted this offer, and Treby had refused it on the ground that the price was too low, the offeror
company gave Treby notice of its intention to purchase his holding compulsorily under CA 1948 s 209 [CA 2006
ss 979 and 986]. The Court of Appeal, affirming Buckley J, exercising the discretion conferred by the section,
declared that the scheme was not binding on Treby.
LORD EVERSHED MR: Mr Instone [counsel for the offeror company] freely accepts that the mechanism of
the section has here been invoked by means of the incorporation of this holding company, Jackson &
Shaw (Holdings) Ltd, especially for the purpose, and in order to enable the two persons, Shaw and
Jackson, to expropriate the shares of their minority colleague, Treby. He says that although that is
undoubtedly true, nevertheless, in the result, the case does fall within the strict language of the section and
falling within it the consequences must follow. If that argument is right, it would enable by a device of this
kind the 90% majority of the shareholders always to get rid of a minority shareholder whom they did not
happen to like. And that, as a matter of principle, would appear to be contrary to a fundamental principle of
our law that prima facie, if a man has a legal right which is an absolute right, then he can do with it or not
do with it what he will …
[It] is, I think, relevant … to note that by the terms of the section itself one must have regard to what lies
behind the invocation of the section … [It] seems to me plain that what the section is directed to is a case
where there is a scheme or contract for the acquisition of a company, its amalgamation, reorganisation or
the like, and where the offeror is independent of the shareholders in the transferor company or at least
independent of that part or fraction of them from which the 90% is to be derived. Even, therefore, though the
present case does fall strictly within the terms of s 209, the fact that the offeror, the transferee company, is
for all practical purposes entirely equivalent to the ninetenths of the shareholders who have accepted the
offer, makes it in my judgment a case in which, for the purposes of exercising the court’s discretion, the
circumstances are special … It is no doubt true to say that it is still for the minority shareholder to
establish that the discretion should be exercised in the way he seeks. That, I think … follows from the
language of the section which uses the formula which I have already more than once read ‘unless on an
application made by the dissenting shareholder the court thinks fit to order otherwise’. But if the minority
shareholder does show, as he shows here, that the offeror and the 90% of the transferor company’s
shareholders are the same, then as it seems to me he has, prima facie, shown that the court ought
otherwise to order, since if it should not so do the result would be … that the section has been used not for
the purpose of any scheme or contract properly so called or contemplated by the section but for the quite
different purpose of enabling majority shareholders to expropriate or evict the minority; and that, as it
seems to me, is something for the purposes of which, prima facie, the court ought not to allow the section
to be invoked—unless at any rate it were shown that there was some good reason in the interests of the
company for so doing, for example, that the minority shareholder was in some way acting in a manner
destructive or highly damaging to the interests of the company from some motives entirely of his own …
HARMAN LJ delivered a concurring judgment.
DONOVAN LJ concurred.
➤ Notes
1. In most cases of substantial identity of interest, the accepting members will be ‘associates’ of the offeror
(CA 2006 s 988), so their shares will not count in the calculation of the 90% acceptance limit.
2. Another special circumstance (beyond substantial identity of interest, as illustrated in Re Bugle Press Ltd)
is where insufficient information has been given to the members to enable (p. 763) them to evaluate the offer
properly: Fisk e Nominees Ltd v Dwyk a Diamond Ltd [2002] EWHC 770 (Ch), [2002] 2 BCLC 123. Note that
the court may take into account the extent to which the bidder has made the disclosure required by the
Takeover Code and otherwise complied with it, even where the company is a private company and so not
subject to the Code.
3. Technical failures can derail a squeezeout. In Chez Nico (Restaurants) Ltd [1992] BCLC 192, the
squeezeout letters invited the remaining members to offer their shares for purchase, and were accordingly
only invitations to treat. The court held that CA 1985 ss 428ff [CA 2006 ss 979 and 986] did not apply, since
the ‘bidders’ had not made an offer.
Directors’ role in a takeover
The duties imposed on directors apply with equal force during a takeover. The position of directors of the target
company has been the subject of judicial consideration in a variety of contexts:
(i) It is well established that directors may not use their powers (eg to issue further shares 32 ) for improper
purposes, and this may include their use as a defensive tactic to thwart a takeover bid (see Hogg v
Cramphorn Ltd [7.11] and the other cases cited at pp 332ff.33 The use of any defensive tactics by directors
without members’ approval is forbidden by the Takeover Code, Rule 21.
(ii) In addition, the directors owe fiduciary duties to the company and cannot use their powers to further their
own personal interests (see conflicts of duty and interest rules).
(iii) On the other hand, the ruling in Heron International Ltd v Lord Grade [7.07] that the directors in that
case owed fiduciary duties towards the company’s members(as distinct from the company) cannot be taken
to be of general application, since it turned upon the special article which gave the board control over the
transfer of the voting shares.
(iv) In addition, in giving information relevant to the bid to their members—as they are required to do by the
Takeover Code, for example—the directors must act in an honest way and not seek to mislead the
members (Gething v Kilner [1972] 1 All ER 1166, [1972] 1 WLR 337). However, in forming its opinion on a
particular offer, the board is not limited to consider a prescribed set of factors, and in particular, its opinion is
not required to be based on the offer price as the determining factor (Rule 25.2, Note 1).
(v) The directors must not exercise their powers in such a way as to prevent the members obtaining the
best price for the shares (Heron International Ltd v Lord Grade[7.07]; Re a Company (No 008699 of
1985) [15.13]) although they are not under a positive duty to recommend and facilitate implementation of the
highest offer (Re a Company (No 008699 of 1985) [15.13]; Dawson International plc v Coats Patons
plc [15.14]).
The extracts which follow throw some light on the question, but each must be read in the light of the facts of the
particular case.
(p. 764) [15.13] Re a Company (No 008699 of 1985) [1986] BCLC 383 (Chancery Division)
Rival takeover bids had been made for the shares in a private company, one (referred to in the judgment as ‘the N
bid’) by a company controlled by the target company’s own directors and another, higher, bid by a trade
competitor. The chairman had sent a circular to the members urging them to accept the N bid and explaining, with
reasons, why the higher bid could not succeed. In these proceedings it was claimed that the directors had been in
breach of duty in not recommending the higher offer and in not taking steps to facilitate the chances of that offer
being successful, and that these breaches of duty had been unfairly prejudicial to the company’s shareholders so
as to justify relief under CA 1985 s 459 [CA 2006 s 994].
HOFFMANN J: I cannot accept the proposition that the board must inevitably be under a positive duty to
recommend and take all steps within their power to facilitate whichever is the highest offer. In a case such
as the present, where the directors propose to exercise their undoubted right as shareholders to accept the
lower offer in respect of their own shares and, for understandable and fully disclosed reasons, hope in their
personal capacities that a majority of other shareholders will accept it as well, it seems to me that it would
be artificial to say that they were under a positive duty to advise shareholders to accept the highest offer.
The fact that they would get more money by taking the higher offer is hardly something which needs to be
pointed out. I do not think that fairness can require more of the directors than to give the shareholders
sufficient information and advice to enable them to reach a properly informed decision and to refrain from
giving misleading advice or exercising their fiduciary powers in a way which would prevent or inhibit
shareholders from choosing to take the better price. Thus I doubt whether it would have been unfair if the
directors, on receipt of the rival bid, had issued a statement saying something along the following lines:
Shareholders will have received both bids. We think that they contain sufficient information to enable
shareholders to reach a properly informed decision and there is nothing which the board wish to
add. As individual shareholders, your directors propose to accept the N bid and hope that other
shareholders who have no contrary fiduciary duties will have sufficient family loyalty to do so also.
[His Lordship held, however, that the circular which the directors had in fact sent to the members was
arguably misleading and that accordingly the petition should be allowed to proceed.]
[15.14] Dawson International plc v Coats Paton plc 1993 SLT 80, [1988] 4 BCC 305 (Court of Session
(Outer House))
The facts are immaterial.
LORD CULLEN: At the outset I do not accept as a general proposition that a company can have no
interest in the change of identity of its shareholders upon a takeover. It appears to me that there will be
cases in which its agents, the directors, will see the takeover of its shares by a particular bidder as
beneficial to the company. For example, it may provide the opportunity for integrating operations or
obtaining additional resources. In other cases the directors will see a particular bid as not in the best
interests of the company …
I next consider the proposition that in regard to the disposal of their shares on a takeover the directors
were under a fiduciary duty to the shareholders and accordingly obliged to act in such a way as to further
their best interests. It is well recognised that directors owe fiduciary duties to the company. Thus the
directors have the duty of fiduciaries with respect to the property and funds of the company …
(p. 765) In contrast I see no good reason why it should be supposed that directors are, in general, under a
fiduciary duty to shareholders, and in particular current shareholders with respect to the disposal of their
shares in the most advantageous way. The directors are not normally the agents of the current
shareholders. The cases and other authorities to which I was referred do not seem to me to establish any
such fiduciary duty. It is contrary to statements in the standard textbooks … The absence of such a duty
is demonstrated by the remarkable case of Percival v Wright [7.05]. I think it is important to emphasise
that what I am being asked to consider is the alleged fiduciary duty of directors to current shareholders as
sellers of their shares. This must not be confused with their duty to consider the interests of shareholders
in the discharge of their duty to the company. What is in the interests of current shareholders as sellers of
their shares may not necessarily coincide with what is in the interests of the company. The creation of
parallel duties could lead to conflict. Directors have but one master, the company. Further it does not seem
to me to be relevant to the present question to build an argument upon the rights, some of them very
important rights, which shareholders have to take steps with a view to seeing that directors act in
accordance with the constitution of the company and that their own interests are not unfairly prejudiced.
If on the other hand directors take it upon themselves to give advice to current shareholders, the cases
cited to me show clearly that they have a duty to advise in good faith and not fraudulently, and not to
mislead whether deliberately or carelessly. If they fail to do so the affected shareholders may have a
remedy, including the recovery of what is truly the personal loss sustained by them as a result. However,
these cases do not, in my view, demonstrate a preexisting fiduciary duty to the shareholders but a
potential liability arising out of their words or actions which can be based on ordinary principles of law.
This, I may say, appears to be a more satisfactory way of expressing the position of directors in this
context than by talking of a socalled secondary fiduciary duty to the shareholders.
The Panel is responsible for enforcing the rules contained in the Takeover Code. The Panel has power to order
compensation in circumstances where a rule requiring the payment of money has been breached and to apply to
the court to enforce its rulings and directions (CA 2006 ss 954 and 955). The Panel can also impose a range of
sanctions upon persons who breach its rules, including reporting conduct to other regulatory authorities, such as
the Financial Conduct Authority.
BIS is responsible for enforcement of other provisions in the Act, including the criminal offences created in
connection with unlawful disclosure of information subject to secrecy provisions, bid documentation which fails to
meet the standards required by the Takeovers Directive and where a company fails to notify relevant takeover
authorities of its decision to opt in or out of the breakthrough provisions.
Further Reading
BOARDMAN, N, ‘What the Takeover Directive Means for the UK’ (2006) 25 International Financial Law
Review 174.
Find This Resource
HANNIGAN, B, ‘Altering the Articles to Allow for Compulsory Transfer—Dragging Minority Shareholders to a
Reluctant Exit’ [2007] JBL 471.
Find This Resource
HOPT, K and WYMEERSCH, E (eds), European Tak eovers: Law and Practice (1992), especially the
chapters by R Romano, ‘A Guide to Takeovers: Theory, Evidence and Regulation’ and R Cranston, ‘The Rise
and Rise of the Hostile Takeover’.
Find This Resource
(p. 766) MEJUCQ, M, ‘The European Regime on Takeovers’ (2006) 3 European Company and Financial Law
Review 222.
Find This Resource
ROBINSON, W, ‘A Change in the Legal Wind—How a New Direction for Corporate Governance Could Affect
Takeover Regulation’ (2012) 23 (9) International Company and Commercial Law Review 292.
Find This Resource
TRIBE, J and ZHAO, J, ‘Companies Act 2006 Schemes of Arrangement in Comparative Perspective’ (2010)
25 Butterworths Journal of International Bank ing and Financial Law 15.
Find This Resource
VAN DER ELST, C and VAN DEN STEEN, L, ‘Balancing the Interests of Minority and Majority Shareholders:
A Comparative Analysis of SqueezeOut and SellOut Rights’ (2009) 6 European Company and Financial Law
Review 391.
Find This Resource
1 The other set is in CA 2006 Pts 26 and 27, see ‘Arrangements and reconstructions under CA 2006 ss 895–901’,
pp 744ff.
2 Paradoxically, however, if this is done by the bidding company exchanging its own shares for the shares of the
target company, the former shareholders in the target will end up controlling the bidder.
3 See CA 2006 Pt 27.
4 It is required if the creditors’ liquidation committee does not give approval: IA 1986 s 110(3)(b).
5 Pulsford v Devenish [1903] 2 Ch 625.
6 IA 1986 s 111.
7 [1917] 1 Ch 431.
8 See ‘General issues’, pp 739ff.
9 Moratoria on debts and compromises with creditors (even, occasionally, including compromises that provide for
different entitlements than those obtaining on winding up:Anglo American Insurance Ltd [2001] 1 BCLC 755) can
be agreed under these provisions. However, a quicker and simpler alternative may be provided by company
voluntary arrangements (see IA 1986 Pt I and Sch AI: see ‘Company voluntary arrangements (CVAs)’, pp 769ff).
10 Such a scheme is also subject to the Takeover Code: see ‘Takeovers’, pp 753ff.
11 The court has discretion as to the details of the meetings: Re T & N Ltd [2006] 2 BCLC 374.
12 Companies Act 2006 (Consequential Amendments etc) Order 2008 (SI 2008/948) now enables a liquidator (if
the company is being wound up) or an administrator (if the company is in administration) to apply to the court to
order a meeting of creditors or members.
13 CA 2006 s 899(2)(c) and (d) now enable a liquidator (if the company is being wound up) or an administrator (if
the company is in administration) to apply to the court to sanction a compromise or arrangement (SI 2008/948).
14 [1892] 2 QB 573 at 583. This was endorsed in Re Hawk Insurance Co Ltd [15.07].
15 Note that this is not the same question as that arising under CA 2006 s 630, which speaks of rights ‘attached
to’ a class of shares. Section 896 contemplates that creditors, as well as members, may fall into different
16 [1892] 2 QB 573.
17 See now the more detailed provisions contained in CA 2006 ss 977(2) and 988.
18 Or, more accurately, its predecessor in CA 1985 s 425, which is in substantially the same form.
19 IA 1986 s 111 invokes the arbitration provisions of the Companies Clauses Consolidation Act 1845, and does
not specify the basis of valuation.
20 See the broad and useful discussion in V Finch, Company Insolvency Law: Perspectives and Principles (2nd
edn, 2009), pp 479–488.
21 For further reading, see N Boardman, ‘What the Takeover Directive Means for the UK?’ (2006) 25
(7) International Financial Law Review 174; M Mejucq, ‘The European Regime on Takeovers?’ (2006) 3
(2) European Company and Financial Law Review 222.
22 See K Hopt and E Wymeersch (eds), European Tak eovers: Law and Practice (1992), especially the chapters
by R Romano, ‘A Guide to Takeovers: Theory, Evidence and Regulation’ and R Cranston, ‘The Rise and Rise of
the Hostile Takeover’.
23 PW Moerland, ‘Alternative Disciplinary Mechanisms in Different Corporate Systems?’ (1995) 26 Journal of
Economic Behavior and Organization 17.
24 This restates and amends CA 1985 Pt XIIIA.
25 See DTI, Implementation of the EU Directive on Tak eover Bids—Guidance on Changes to the Rules on
Company Tak eovers (URN 07/659, February 2007).
26 DTI, Company Law—Implementation of the European Directive on Tak eover Bids (January 2005).
27 Further information about the Panel and copies of the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers are available on the
Panel’s website (
28 See Lord Alexander of Weedon, ‘Judicial Review and City Regulators?’ (1989) 52 MLR 640.
29 [1967] 2 QB 864, [1967] 2 All ER 770.
Previously contained in CA 1985 Pt XIIIA.
Re Sussex Brick Co Ltd [1961] Ch 289n, [1960] 1 All ER 772n.
Although the preemption rights in CA 2006 s 561 have reduced the incidence of such cases.
Note that there is no legal principle suggesting that it is inevitably improper for directors to take action designed
to defeat a takeover bid: Cayne v Global Natural Resources plc [1984] 1 All ER 245, CA; Darvall v North Sydney
Brick and Tile Co Ltd (1989) 16 NSWLR 260 at 325. But also see Re a Company (No 008699 of 1985)[15.13],
and Dawson International plc v Coats Patons plc [15.14].
16. Rescue and Insolvency Procedures
Chapter: (p. 767) 16. Rescue and Insolvency Procedures
Author(s): Len Sealy and Sarah Worthington
DOI: 10.1093/he/9780199676446.003.0016
General issues
When a company is in financial difficulty, various procedures exist to effect either the timely rescue of viable
commercial enterprises or the orderly and competent management of the company’s affairs before the company’s
existence is brought to an end (by a process of liquidation or winding up: the terms are used interchangeably).
That said, it is worth noting that there is no necessary connection between insolvency and winding up: a very large
number of companies are wound up whose balance sheets are in healthy surplus. A solvent company may be
wound up because the business opportunity the company was formed to exploit has come to an end, or the
members may wish to retire or reinvest their capital in other ventures, or there may be internal disputes. In this
chapter, however, we concentrate on liquidations occasioned by insolvency.
With companies in difficulty, the important procedures include:
(i) voluntary arrangements (see ‘Company voluntary arrangements (CVAs)’, pp 769ff);
(ii) administration (see ‘Administration’, pp 770ff);
(iii) administrative receiverships (see ‘Administrative receivership’, pp 779ff); and
(iv) liquidations (including voluntary liquidations by the members 1 or creditors, and courtordered liquidations)
(see ‘Liquidation or winding up’, pp 788ff).
Each is considered in this chapter. In each case, the governance of the company is assumed by a qualified
insolvency practitioner or (in compulsory liquidations, at least at the outset) an official receiver.2 The role of the
directors is, at least temporarily, displaced.
If the rescue procedure envisaged by the voluntary arrangement or administration is successful, or if the company
survives receivership, then the company will continue in business. If not, then the company is likely to be put into
liquidation. This is a process by which the company’s business is wound up, its contracts completed, transferred
or brought to an end, and its assets and undertaking realised for the benefit of its creditors and (if there is a
surplus of assets over liabilities) its members.3 Finally, the company must be removed from the register of
companies and dissolved.4
(p. 768) Insolvency and rescue
There are many ways of defining insolvency. For present purposes it is sufficient to note three. These serve to
illustrate that when a company is in financial difficulty a judgement needs to be made about the likelihood of
successful rescue, or alternatively the advisability of efficient liquidation.
‘Commercial’ insolvency
A company may be described as insolvent if it is unable to pay its debts as they fall due. In other words, even
though its overall asset position may not be in deficit, it has cashflow problems which prevent it from paying its
way. This is the most common reason for the making of a compulsory windingup order (Insolvency Act 1986 (IA
1986) s 122(1)(f)). There is a statutory definition of this type of insolvency (and also certain rules and presumptions
relating to proof) in IA 1986 s 123(1).
‘Balance sheet’ insolvency
A company may also be said to be insolvent if the value of its assets is less than the amount of its liabilities.
While the company is a going concern, an assessment of insolvency in this sense will depend upon the business
judgement of those concerned. For this purpose it is proper to take account of the company’s contingent and
prospective liabilities (see IA 1986 s 123(2)), although the value of these will necessarily be difficult to estimate. A
company which is insolvent in balance sheet terms will not necessarily be commercially insolvent: it may, for
instance, have a heavy potential liability in tort and yet for the time being have a perfectly satisfactory cash flow.
And, of course, it may happen that if its assets are realised there is in fact a surplus at the end of the day.
‘Ultimate’ insolvency
This definition of insolvency is based on the final position when the company’s assets are sold up, for example by
a liquidator, and there is not sufficient money realised to pay the creditors in full. This unhappy result may occur
even though the company has previously seemed solvent under definitions (i) and (ii), for assets which are quite
reasonably valued highly on a historic cost or going concern basis may fetch very little in a forced sale.
Statutory framework
The principal statute governing the procedures discussed in this chapter is IA 1986. This Act is a consolidation of
the Insolvency Act 1985 and those parts of the Companies Act 1985 (CA 1985) which dealt with receivership and
winding up. The insolvency legislation of 1985 introduced comprehensive reforms to both the law of corporate
insolvency and that of individual bankruptcy—the first major overhaul of either subject for over a hundred years—
based largely on the report of the Cork Committee (Report of the Review Committee on Insolvency Law and
Practice (Cmnd 8558, 1982)). IA 1986 is supplemented by the Insolvency Rules 1986 (IR 1986) (SI 1986/1925 as
amended), which specify the relevant procedural rules and requirements.
IA 1986 has been amended on various occasions, most significantly by:
(i) Insolvency Act 2000, which introduced new rules on company voluntary arrangements, allowing for a
(p. 769) (ii) Enterprise Act 2002 (EA 2002), which provided a new regime for administration, restricted the
right to appoint administrative receivers, and substantially changed the rules for distribution of company
assets on liquidation.
Company voluntary arrangements (CVAs)
One of the most useful rescue mechanisms for a distressed company is the ability to make binding compromises
or arrangements with all its creditors. IA 1986 now provides two mechanisms for this.6 The first is an older,
informal and relatively private procedure, open to all companies, introduced by IA 1986 Pt I, ss 1–7, under which a
company may seek to achieve an accommodation with its creditors under the supervision of a ‘supervisor’, being a
qualified insolvency practitioner. The arrangement is proposed by the company’s directors (or its liquidator or
administrator), reported to the court (but court approval is not necessary), and, if then approved by the requisite
majority (over 75%) of unsecured creditors and members at separate single meetings, is binding on the dissenting
Some protection of minorities is provided by IA 1986 s 6, which allows the majority approvals to be challenged in
court by anyone entitled to vote in the meetings, or by the supervisor or the liquidator or administrator, on the
ground that the scheme is unfairly prejudicial or that there is some material process irregularity 7 affecting either of
the meetings.
Although this procedure was a progressive one, enabling companies to continue trading while ensuring creditors
received at least part of their debt, it got off to a slow start: only 21 arrangements were recorded in the first year of
its operation and, although the number gradually increased, it has never reached more than a few hundred per
annum, in contrast with the voluntary arrangement procedure for individuals, which is used in nearly a quarter of all
personal insolvency cases. There are two main reasons for this: first, that a CVA cannot be made binding on
secured or preferential creditors 8 without their consent; and, secondly, that (contrary to the Cork Committee’s
recommendation) the Act originally contained no provision for a moratorium to be put in place while the quite
lengthy formalities are gone through: thus one impatient creditor could thwart the whole scheme.
A way round this second difficulty was, eventually, found, and a second option was introduced allowing for CVAs
with a moratorium (IA 1986 Sch A1). But this was achieved only at the cost of making the whole procedure more
elaborate, public and expensive. In addition, the option is only available to ‘eligible companies’ (primarily small
private companies). The procedure allows for an automatic 28day moratorium to come into force as soon as the
documents containing a proposal for a CVA are filed in court. During this period (which may be extended for up to
a further two months), the company may not be wound up and no steps may be taken, at least without the leave of
the court, to enforce security over the company’s property 9 or to take proceedings against it. The success of the
much soughtafter provision remains unclear, however. The advantages of the moratorium may be outweighed by
the relative complexity (and cost) in terms of the companies which are eligible, the role of the (p. 770) supervisor,
the restrictions on directors during the moratorium and the possible liabilities of directors and the supervisor for
actions taken during the moratorium. In addition, even the advantages of the procedure pale in significance now
that EA 2002 permits the appointment of administrators out of court (with their own associated moratorium
provisions) (see ‘Administration’, pp 770ff).
On the other hand, the major attraction of CVAs, in either form, is that the directors remain in post, they retain
control over the choice of the supervisor and the supervisor is not required to make a report of unfitness to the
Insolvency Service under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 (CDDA 1986).
The underuse of these CVA procedures must be a source of disappointment, particularly since much of the thrust
of the reforms proposed by the Cork Committee was the fostering and promotion of a ‘rescue culture’ for failed (or
failing) businesses: whereas the liquidation of a company frequently involves the breakup of its assets, the
destruction of its goodwill and business connections, and the displacement of its employees, less drastic (and
less costly) solutions can often be found if steps are taken in time to bring the affairs of the company under control
with a view to ensuring the survival, if not of the entire concern, at least of the viable parts of it.
A statutory administration procedure has been in operation since IA 1986 was introduced, but EA 2002 made
substantial amendments, and the new rules are now found in IA 1986 s 8 and Sch B1.10 The amendments
introduced fundamental changes in the purpose, appointment and powers of administrators, although the
procedure remains open only to companies that are, or are likely to become, insolvent.11
Purpose of administration
Administration, after EA 2002, is explicitly designed to rescue an insolvent company, saving it from liquidation if at
all possible. The amended IA 1986 Sch B1, para 3(1), specifies a hierarchy of purposes: administrators must
perform their functions with the objective of:
(i) rescuing the company as a going concern;
(ii) achieving a better result for the company’s creditors as a whole than would be likely if the company were
wound up; or
(iii) realising property in order to make a distribution to one or more secured or preferential creditors.
Administrators must pursue (i) rather than (ii) unless it is not reasonably practicable to pursue (i), or unless (ii)
would achieve a better result for the company’s creditors as a whole. Moreover, administrators may only pursue
(iii) if it is not reasonably practicable to achieve the other two objectives and the goal is pursued in such a way that
it will not unnecessarily harm the interests of the creditors of the company as a whole. In addition, the
administrator (p. 771) must act in the interests of the creditors as a whole (IA 1986 Sch B1, para 3(2)), and as
quickly and efficiently as reasonably practicable (para 4).
Administration orders reflect the philosophical premise, held since the findings of the Cork Committee, that
appointing a receiver and manager to a company (as was commonly done by floating charge holders) offered
outstanding benefits to the commercial community and public as a whole, advancing the possibility of restoring an
ailing enterprise to profitability, or disposing of a business as a going concern.12 The administration procedure
attempts to mirror this, allowing an ailing company an alternative to liquidation where there is a chance that it may
be rehabilitated. In the light of the EA 2002 changes, administration has now largely replaced receiverships, at
least for floating charge holders, and has the merit of being conducted in the interest of all concerned rather than
only the secured creditor. The process is associated with a moratorium (Sch B1, para 43), so it also provides the
company with breathing space, free from creditors’ claims, where the administrator can determine the future of the
company even where liquidation is inevitable, so that its assets can be realised to better advantage—ideally, by
selling the business as a going concern.
Appointment of the administrator
An administrator may be appointed by the court (on the application of the company itself, or its directors, or a
creditor)13 or out of court (which is far more common) by the holder of a floating charge relating to the whole or
substantially the whole of the company’s property, by the company itself or by the company’s directors. An out of
court appointment must be reported to the court.14 In each case, the company must be unable to pay its
debts,15 or likely to become unable to do so.
Preconditions for a court order for administration: ‘likely’ and ‘reasonably likely’.
For an administration order to be made by the court, the court must be satisfied that the company ‘is or is likely to
become’ unable to pay its debts (Sch B1, para 11(a)), and that the administration order ‘is reasonably likely’ to
achieve the purpose of the administration (Sch B1, para 11(b)). The next case predates EA 2002, and the previous
test was that the order be ‘likely to achieve’ the set purpose. The courts interpreted this as a requirement that
there be ‘a real prospect’ (see later). It is not clear whether this remains the test, or whether there should be some
lower threshold in recognition of Parliament’s intention that administration be more readily available, especially as
the administrator who cannot achieve the set purpose may always convert the administration into a creditors’
voluntary winding up.
Even if this threshold is met, the court has a discretion as to whether to make the order, and will not do so where,
weighing all the circumstances, this seems inappropriate (see later).
(p. 772) [16.01] Re Harris Simons Construction Ltd [1989] 1 WLR 368 (Chancery Division)
The facts appear from the judgment.
HOFFMANN J: The company carries on business as builders. Over the past four years there has been a
spectacular increase in turnover, from £830,000 in the year to April 1985 to £17m in the year to April 1987
and £27m in the year to April 1988. Almost all of this increased turnover has come from one client, a
property developer called Berkley House plc, with which the directors had a close relationship. Recently the
relationship has turned sour. There are disputes over a number of contracts and Berkley House has
purported to dismiss the company and require its employees to leave their sites. It is also withholding sums
running into several million pounds which the company says are due and in respect of which Berkley House
says it has crossclaims. The effect on the company’s cash flow has been that it is unable to pay its debts
as they fall due and several writs and a statutory demand have been served. If no administration order is
made, the company cannot carry on trading. There is no debentureholder who can be invited to appoint a
receiver. The company will have to go into liquidation more or less immediately. The workforce will have to
be dismissed and the contracts and work in progress will become a tangle of disputes and probably
litigation. The report of the proposed administrator says that in those circumstances it would be extremely
difficult to sell any part of the business.
If an administration order is made, the company will have what is usually called a breathing space but
unless some source of funding can be found, will continue to have serious respiratory problems with its
cash flow. It has however been able to negotiate at least an armistice with Berkley House by which the
latter will, conditionally upon an administration order being made, provide sufficient funding to enable the
company to complete four current contracts on condition that it quietly removes itself from the other sites in
dispute. It is hoped that the four remaining contracts will produce a profit and that it may thereby be
possible to stabilise and preserve a business which can either survive or be sold to a third party. In the
meanwhile, it may be possible to arrive at a negotiated settlement of the underlying dispute with Berkley
House. The administration order is therefore proposed to achieve two of the purposes specified in section
8(3) of the Act [IA 1986, but prior to the EA 2002 amendments]: ‘(a) the survival of the company, and the
whole or any part of its undertaking, as a going concern;’ and ‘(d) a more advantageous realisation of the
company’s assets than would be effected on a winding up’…
Section 8(1) gives the court jurisdiction to make an administration order if it ‘(a) is satisfied that a company
is or is likely to become unable to pay its debts’ and it ‘(b) considers that the making of an order … would
be likely to achieve’ one or more of the purposes specified in section 8(3). I am satisfied on the evidence
that the company is unable to pay its debts. Whether the order would be likely to achieve one of the
specified objects is not so easy to answer. When the statute says that I must consider it likely, what
degree of probability does this involve? In Re Consumer and Industrial Press Ltd,16 Peter Gibson J said:
As I read section 8 the court must be satisfied on the evidence put before it that at least one of the
purposes in section 8(3) is likely to be achieved if it is to make an administration order. That does
not mean that it is merely possible that such purpose will be achieved; the evidence must go further
than that to enable the court to hold that the purpose in question will more probably than not be
He therefore required that on a scale of probability of 0 (impossibility) to 1 (absolute certainty) the likelihood
of success should be more than 0.5. I naturally hesitate to disagree with Peter Gibson J, (p.
773) particularly since he had the benefit of adversarial argument. But this is a new statute on which the
judges of the Companies Court are still feeling their way to a settled practice and I therefore think I should
say that in my view he set the standard of probability too high. My reasons are as follows. First, ‘likely’
connotes probability but the particular degree of probability intended must be gathered from qualifying words
(very likely, quite likely, more likely than not) or context. It cannot be a misuse of language to say that
something is likely without intending to suggest that the probability of its happening exceeds 0.5, as in ‘I
think that the favourite, Golden Spurs at 5–1, is likely to win the Derby’. Secondly, the section requires the
court to be ‘satisfied’ of the company’s actual or likely insolvency but only to ‘consider’ that the order would
be likely to achieve one of the stated purposes. There must have been a reason for this change of language
and I think it was to indicate that a lower threshold of persuasion was needed in the latter case than the
former. … Thirdly, some of the stated purposes are mutually exclusive and the probability of any one of
them being achieved may be less than 0.5 but the probability of one or other of them being achieved may be
more than 0.5. I doubt whether Parliament intended the courts to embark on such calculations of cumulative
probabilities. Fourthly, as Peter Gibson J said, section 8(1) only sets out the conditions to be satisfied
before the court has jurisdiction. It still retains a discretion as to whether or not to make the order. It is
therefore not unlikely that the legislature intended to set a modest threshold of probability to found
jurisdiction and to rely on the court’s discretion not to make orders in cases in which, weighing all the
circumstances, it seemed inappropriate to do so. Fifthly, the Report of the Review Committee on Insolvency
Law and Practice (1982), (Cmnd 8558), para 508, which recommended the introduction of administratorship,
said that the new procedure was likely to be beneficial only in cases where there is a business of sufficient
substance to justify the expense of an administration, and where there is a real prospect of returning
profitability or selling as a going concern.
Elsewhere the report speaks of an order being made if there is a ‘reasonable possibility’ of a scheme of
reconstruction. I think that this kind of phraseology was intended to be reflected in the statutory phrase
‘considers that [it] would be likely’ in section 8(1)(b).
For my part, therefore, I would hold that the requirements of section 8(1)(b) are satisfied if the court
considers that there is a real prospect that one or more of the stated purposes may be achieved. It may be
said that phrases like ‘real prospect’ lack precision compared with 0.5 on the scale of probability. But the
courts are used to dealing in other contexts with such indications of the degrees of persuasion they must
feel. ‘Prima facie case’ and ‘good arguable case’ are well known examples. Such phrases are like tempo
markings in music; although there is inevitably a degree of subjectivity in the way they are interpreted, they
are nevertheless meaningful and useful.
On the facts as they appear from the evidence before me, I think there is a real prospect that an
administration order, coupled with the agreement with Berkley House, will enable the whole or part of the
company’s undertaking to survive or at least enable the administrator to effect a more advantageous
realisation of the assets than would be effected in a winding up. Certainly the prospects for the company,
its employees and creditors look bleak if no administration order is made and there has to be a winding up.
Consequently, although I cannot say that it is more probable than not that one of the specified purposes will
be achieved, I accept the opinion of the prospective administrator that ‘the making of an administration order
offers the best prospect for preserving the company’s future and maximising the realisation of the
company’s assets for the benefit of its creditors.’ I therefore make the order.
➤ Note
Other judges, including Peter Gibson J, have since followed the views expressed in this case. In Re AA
Mutual International Insurance Co Ltd [2004] EWHC 2430 (Ch), [2005] 2 BCLC 8, Lewison J held that the test
under the reformed provisions, IA 1986 Sch B1, para 11(a), was ‘more probable than not’, while for para 11(b)
it was a ‘real prospect’ (as in [16.01]).
(p. 774) Powers and duties of the administrator
The first task of the administrator is to formulate a set of proposals for the company which must, within eight
weeks, be submitted to the registrar and to the company’s unsecured creditors, for approval within ten weeks by a
simple majority in value of creditors present and voting in person or by proxy. If the creditors approve the
proposals, the administrator must act accordingly. If they fail to approve them, the court may make any order it
thinks fit, including terminating the administrator’s appointment (Sch B1, para 55).
In the period between the appointment of the administrator and submission of proposals to the creditors’ meeting,
the administrator may exercise all of the exceptionally wide powers conferred by Sch B1, para 59 and Sch 1
(conferred by Sch B1, para 60). These include the power to sell the company’s property (including the power to
sell property subject to a floating charge, and, with court approval, property subject to any other charge17 ).
Paragraph 59(1) provides that the administrator ‘may do anything necessary or expedient for the management of
the affairs, business and property of the company’. The administrator can act without the approval of the creditors,
or the court, if he considers this is in the best interests of the creditors: Re Transbus International Ltd [2004]
EWHC 932 (Ch); Re Osmosis Group Ltd [1999] 2 BCLC 329. The administrator is deemed to be an agent of the
company (para 69).
The administrator also has the benefit of the statutory moratorium (Sch B1, para 43). This prevents a winding
up,18 and prevents anyone taking action against the company, or any creditors from enforcing security, putting in
execution, distraining on the company’s goods, repossessing goods sold under hirepurchase, conditional sales,
chattelleasing or retention of title agreements, except, in every case, with the consent of the administrator or the
permission of the court. The Court of Appeal has given guidance on exercising security rights against companies
in administration: Re Atlantic Computer Systems plc (No 1) [1992] Ch 505 at 541–544.
Duties owed by the administrator to the company.
[16.02] Re Charnley Davies Ltd (No 2) [1990] BCLC 760 (Chancery Division)
The facts are immaterial.
MILLETT J: It was common ground that an administrator owes a duty to a company over which he is
appointed to take reasonable steps to obtain a proper price for its assets. That is an obligation which the
law imposes on anyone with a power, whether contractual or statutory, to sell property which does not
belong to him. A mortgagee is bound to have regard to the interests of the mortgagor, but he is entitled to
give priority to his own interests, and may insist on an immediate sale whether or not that is calculated to
realise the best price; he must ‘take reasonable care to obtain the true value of the property at the moment
he chooses to sell it’: see Cuck mere Brick Co Ltd v Mutual Finance Ltd.19 An administrator, by contrast,
like a liquidator, has no interest of his own to which he may give priority, and must take reasonable care in
choosing the time at which to sell the property. His duty is ‘to take reasonable care to obtain the best price
that the circumstances permit’: see Standard Chartered Bank Ltd v Walk er.20
(p. 775) It is to be observed that it is not an absolute duty to obtain the best price that circumstances
permit, but only to take reasonable care to do so; and in my judgment that means the best price that
circumstances as he reasonably perceives them to be permit. He is not to be made liable because his
perception is wrong, unless it is unreasonable.
An administrator must be a professional insolvency practitioner. A complaint that he has failed to take
reasonable care in the sale of the company’s assets is, therefore, a complaint of professional negligence
and in my judgment the established principles applicable to cases of professional negligence are equally
applicable in such a case. It follows that the administrator is to be judged, not by the standards of the most
meticulous and conscientious member of his profession, but by those of an ordinary, skilled practitioner. In
order to succeed the claimant must establish that the administrator has made an error which a reasonably
skilled and careful insolvency practitioner would not have made …
No duty owed by the administrator to creditors.
[16.03] Kyrris v Oldham [2004] BCC 111 (Court of Appeal)
The facts are immaterial.
141 In my judgment it matters not whether one adopts the approach of the House of Lords in Caparo
Industries plc v Dick man [8.04], or the ‘assumption of responsibility’ approach which it adopted
in Henderson v Merrett Syndicates:21 on either approach the result is the same, namely that, absent some
special relationship, an administrator appointed under the 1986 Act owes no general common law duty of
care to unsecured creditors in relation to his conduct of the administration.
‘31. … [Counsel for the directors] accepted that the fiduciary duties owed by the directors to the
company do not necessarily preclude, in special circumstances, the coexistence of additional duties
owed by the directors to the shareholders. In such cases individual shareholders may bring a direct
action, as distinct from a derivative action, against the directors for breach of fiduciary duty.
32. A duality of duties may exist. In Stein v Blak e [1998] BCC 316 at pp 318 and 320 Millett LJ
recognised that there may be special circumstances in which a fiduciary duty is owed by a director
to a shareholder personally and in which breach of such a duty has caused loss to him directly (eg
by being induced by a director to part with his shares in the company at an undervalue), as distinct
from loss sustained by him by a diminution in the value of his shares (eg by reason of the
misappropriation by a director of the company’s assets), for which he (as distinct from the company)
would not have a cause of action against the director personally.
33. The fiduciary duties owed to the company arise from the legal relationship between the directors
and the company directed and controlled by them. The fiduciary duties owed to the shareholders do
not arise from that legal relationship. They are dependent on establishing a special factual
relationship between the directors and the shareholders in the particular case. Events may take
place which bring the directors of the company into direct and close contact with the shareholders in
a manner capable of generating fiduciary obligations, such as a duty of disclosure of material facts to
the shareholders, or an obligation to use confidential information and valuable commercial and
financial opportunities, which have been acquired by the directors in that office, for the benefit of the
shareholders, and not to prefer and promote their own interests at the expense of the shareholders.
(p. 776) 34. These duties may arise in special circumstances which replicate the salient features of
well established categories of fiduciary relationships. Fiduciary relationships, such as agency,
involve duties of trust, confidence and loyalty. Those duties are, in general, attracted by and attached
to a person who undertakes, or who, depending on all the circumstances, is treated as having
assumed, responsibility to act on behalf of, or for the benefit of, another person. That other person
may have entrusted or, depending on all the circumstances, may be treated as having entrusted, the
care of his property, affairs, transactions or interests to him. There are, for example, instances of the
directors of a company making direct approaches to, and dealing with, the shareholders in relation to
a specific transaction and holding themselves out as agents for them in connection with the
acquisition or disposal of shares; or making material representations to them; or failing to make
material disclosure to them of insider information in the context of negotiations for a takeover of the
company’s business; or supplying to them specific information and advice on which they have relied.
These events are capable of constituting special circumstances and of generating fiduciary
obligations, especially in those cases in which the directors, for their own benefit, seek to use their
position and special inside knowledge acquired by them to take improper or unfair advantage of the
143 It has not been suggested (nor could it be, in my judgment) that there is any relevant distinction for
present purposes between a fiduciary duty and a common law duty of care. Further, I accept Miss Hilliard’s
submission that the position of an administrator appointed under the 1986 Act visàvis creditors is directly
analogous to that of a director visàvis shareholders.
144 Section 8(2) of the 1986 Act defines an administration order as: ‘… an order directing that, during the
period for which the order is in force, the affairs, business and property of the company shall be managed
by a person (“the administrator”) appointed for the purpose by the court.’
145 Section 14(1) of the 1986 Act confers on an administrator a number of specific powers of management
set out in Sch 1, including (in para 14) a power to carry on the business of the company, together with a
general power: ‘… to do all such things as may be necessary for the management of the affairs, business
and property of the company’.
146 Given the nature and scope of an administrator’s powers and duties, I can for my part see no basis for
concluding that an administrator owes a duty of care to creditors in circumstances where a director would
not owe such a duty to shareholders. In each case the relevant duties are, absent special circumstances,
owed exclusively to the company.
147 It is also material, in my judgment, to consider the nature of the remedy provided by s 212 of the 1986
Act. Section 212(3) provides that on an application under the section the court may compel an
administrator (among others):
‘(a) to repay, restore or account for the money or property or any part of it, with interest at such rate
as the court thinks just, or
(b) to contribute such sum to the company’s assets by way of compensation in respect of the
misfeasance or breach of fiduciary or other duty as the court thinks just.’
148 To my mind, this is a further indication that, absent some special relationship of the kind described by
Mummery LJ in Pesk in v Anderson, an administrator owes no general duty to creditors.
➤ Notes
1. This case has been followed in Hague v Nam Tai Electronics [2008] UKPC 13, [2008] BCC 295, PC (a
case concerning a liquidator rather than an administrator).
2. In Re Capitol Films Ltd (In Administration) [2010] EWHC 3223 (Ch), after finding that the assets of the film
company were only sufficient to meet the claims of secured creditors (or part thereof), Mr Richard Snowden
QC held that the administration was therefore ‘being (p. 777) conducted to make a payment to the secured
creditors, and that it was, in essence, a substitute for each of the holders of fixed security conducting their
own sales of the charged assets’ [87]. Accordingly, given the administrators’ failure to consider the interests
of the secured creditors, and their failure to investigate the validity of a purported assignment of valuable rights
in certain films executed prior to the company’s insolvency, an application brought under IA 1986 Sch B1,
para 71 (to dispose of the film rights in question as if they were not subject to any fixed security to yield an
overall greater return) had no real prospect of success. As such, it was neither reasonable nor rational for the
administrators to have made this application; it was ‘wrong to commence and pursue the application under
paragraph 71 in the manner that they did’ [94]. It followed that the administrators were ordered to pay the
costs of the secured creditors who appeared to oppose the application. Indeed, their acts were held to be so
‘out of the norm’ and ‘unreasonable to a sufficiently high level’ as to justify an indemnity costs order [97].23
3. Given that the administrator is an agent of the company as principal, the court in a recent summary
application accepted that an administrator acting in good faith in the course of his duties as administrator will
not be held liable for procuring the breach of a contract between the company and a third party: Lictor Anstalt
v Mir Steel UK Ltd [2011] EWHC 3310 (Ch) (affd on other grounds, [2012] EWCA Civ 1397). This ‘defence of
justification’ finds its roots in Said v Butt [1920] 3 KB 497, which referred to a director’s role in causing his
company to act in breach of contract.
Effect of appointment on directors
The appointment of an administrator leaves the directors with very limited authority (though they retain their
statutory responsibilities). IA 1986 Sch B1, para 64 provides that any power of the company or its officers that
could be exercised in such a way as to interfere with the exercise by the administrator of his powers is not
exercisable except with the consent of the administrator.
Termination of administration
Administration ends automatically after one year, unless the term is extended by consent of the creditors or order
of the court (Sch B1, para 76). Otherwise it can be terminated by the administrator (unilaterally or under directions
from a creditors’ meeting), or by a creditor on application to the court (Sch B1, paras 79–83).
Priority of expenses of administration
The expenses of an administration have priority over a debt secured by a floating charge (Sch B1, para 99). But
debts or liabilities arising out of contracts entered into by the administrator (including contracts of employment
adopted by the administrator so far as they relate to postadoption work) have priority over the administrator’s own
remuneration and expenses (‘superpriority’) (Sch B1, para 99(3) and (4)).24
(p. 778) For a detailed consideration of the distinction between provable debts and expenses, see Re Nortel
GmbH; Re Nortel Network s UK Pension Trust Ltd; Re Lehman Brothers International (Europe) (In
Administration) [2011] EWCA Civ 1124, CA. The case arose out of the insolvency proceedings of Nortel and
Lehman Brothers. The Court of Appeal (Lloyd LJ giving the judgment of the court, with Laws and Rimer LJJ
concurring) affirmed the lower court’s ruling that the company’s liability arising from a financial support direction or
a contribution notice pursuant to the Pensions Act 2004 constituted a ‘necessary disbursement’ of the liquidator or
In similar vein, Re Luminar Lava Ignite Ltd [2012] EWHC 951 (Ch), illustrates the position of sums falling due as
rent in different circumstances. Finally, in Re Bick land Ltd[2012] EWHC 706 (Ch), the court was willing to treat the
costs of a director’s dismissed application to appoint administrators (after a codirector had appointed
administrators) ‘as if’ they were administration expenses, despite these falling out of the defined list under IR 1986
r 2.67.
Receivership and administrative receivership
Receivership generally
Any secured creditor may enforce his security by the appointment of a receiver. So, for example, if a company has
given a creditor a fixed charge over its bookdebts, the appointment of a receiver will enable the debts to be
collected and applied in satisfaction of the company’s obligation. This may always be done by order of the court;
but in practice the instrument by which the security is created will invariably confer on the holder of the security a
power to appoint a receiver without recourse to the court. Receiverships (and administrative receiverships, to the
extent that they still exist) are thus insolvency procedures operating largely without the involvement of the
Until the reforming insolvency legislation of 1985–86, the subject of receivership was largely a matter for the
common law. There are now a number of provisions in IA 1986 Pt III which apply generally to receiverships: for
example, there is a prohibition on the appointment of a body corporate or an undischarged bankrupt (ss 30–31);
there must be notification on the company’s stationery of the appointment of a receiver (s 39); and it is declared
that normally a receiver is personally liable on any contracts he makes, but subject to a right of indemnity out of
the assets under his control (ss 37(1) and 44).
A receiver appointed by the court is an officer of the court and accountable to it, and is not subject to direction or
to dictation by the creditor in whose interests he has been appointed. A receiver appointed independently may in
theory be the agent either of the company or of the creditor who appointed him: in practice, he is always expressly
made the former (and this is now a statutory rule in the case of an administrative receiver (see the following
section)). This agency (whether contractual or statutory) enables the receiver to enter into contracts in the
company’s name, employ staff and so on, but it ceases if the company goes into liquidation. From then on he
continues to be competent to realise the company’s assets for the purpose of discharging the secured debt, and
to take any necessary steps to protect and preserve those assets, but he can no longer incur credit in the
company’s name or cause it to incur executory (p. 779) obligations. Note, however, the ‘unusual’ features in this
agency relationship as enunciated in a recent case considering the duties owed by a firm of solicitors retained by
the receivers of a company in receivership: Edenwest Ltd v CMS Cameron McKenna (A Firm) [2012] EWHC 1258
The primary duty of a receiver is to get in and, as necessary, realise sufficient of the company’s assets and
undertaking to satisfy the outstanding debt of the creditor on whose behalf he has been appointed. He does not
owe duties of a fiduciary nature (in the fullest sense) to the company or the other creditors, although he may be
liable to them if he uses his powers for an improper purpose (Downsview Nominees Ltd v First City Corpn
Ltd [16.05]). He is under an obligation to keep and produce to the company proper accounts (Smiths Ltd v
Middleton [1979] 3 All ER 842). In these respects his position may be contrasted with that of an administrator or a
liquidator. A receiver’s duties are owed first and foremost to the security holder who has appointed him, and the
interests of the company, its trade creditors and any other person concerned can legitimately be subordinated to
those of the security holder. An administrator or liquidator, however, is required to deal with the company’s assets
for the benefit of all the interested parties.
It is very common for an appointment to be made, not simply of a receiver, but of a receiver and manager—a twin
office under which the appointee is empowered to manage the business and not just get in and sell off its assets.
This is done in the hope either that the company may be able to trade its way back into profitability or, at the very
least, that its business can be sold as a going concern rather than on a breakup basis and in that way fetch
more. Of course, a power to manage ‘the business’ of a company can be given to a receiver only if the charge is
over the whole of the company’s undertaking—which means that it must be a floating charge.
The appointment of a receiver and manager puts an end to the directors’ powers to manage the business, though
they will revert once he has discharged his functions, so long as the business or part of it has survived. But the
directors do retain their office, and their other powers and functions: in Newhart Developments v Cooperative
Commercial Bank [1978] QB 814, it was held that they had power to issue a writ claiming damages for breach of
contract against the very creditor who had appointed the receiver.27 Likewise, the directors have the power to take
proceedings to challenge the validity of the receiver’s appointment, to oppose a petition to wind up the company or
to cause the company to sue the receiver for breach of duty.
A company that is in receivership may be put into liquidation. The liquidator has then, in principle, to allow the
receiver to continue to act until the claims of his debenture holders or chargee are met out of the security.
Conversely, a receiver may be appointed after a company has gone into liquidation; and, as we have seen, the fact
of liquidation is itself effective to crystallise a floating charge.
Where a receiver is appointed to enforce a floating charge, the claims of certain preferential creditors (eg
employees for certain claims) must be paid ahead of the debenture holder: IA 1986 s 40. In addition, a certain
proportion must be set aside for the unsecured creditors: IA 1986 s 176A.
Administrative receivership
The main innovation made by the insolvency legislation of 1985–86 was the introduction of a separate category of
receiver, the administrative receiver. Although this was a major (p. 780) innovation at the time, the reforms of EA
2002 signal the end for most administrative receiverships (see the following section).
An administrative receiver is defined by IA 1986 s 29(2). Essentially, administrative receivers are receivers and
managers of the whole, or substantially the whole, of the property of a company appointed by or on behalf of the
holders of a debenture of the company secured by a floating charge.28 IA 1986 stipulates that administrative
receivers must be qualified insolvency practitioners (ss 45(2) and 388–389), and confers on them a number of
statutory powers (ss 42–43 and Sch 1). It also declares that they are deemed to be the company’s agent, unless
the company is in liquidation (s 44); this converts to a rule of law what was previously the standard practice under
the usual terms of floating charge debentures before the Act.29 The Act requires the directors to provide
administrative receivers with information about the company by submitting to them a statement of affairs (s 47), but
in turn requires the administrative receivers to keep the company’s unsecured creditors informed about the
progress of the receivership (s 48). This report must also be sent to secured creditors and to the registrar at
Companies House.
Enterprise Act 2002 reforms—limited scope for administrative receiverships
After the reforms of EA 2002, it is not now possible to appoint an administrative receiver under a floating charge
created on or after 15 September 2003 (IA 1986 s 72A; Insolvency Act 1986, Section 72A (Appointed Date) Order
2003 (SI 2003/2095)), except in special cases specified in IA 1986 ss 72B–72H.30 Instead, the chargee has the
right to appoint an administrator (IA 1986 Sch B1, para 14). Recall that an administrator is an officer of the court
(Sch B1, para 5) who performs his functions in the interests of the company’s creditors as a whole (Sch B1, para
Chargees with floating charges created before 15 September 2003 retain the right to appoint an administrative
receiver, but also have the option to appoint an administrator. A chargee whose floating charge does not cover the
whole or substantially the whole of the company’s assets can still appoint a receiver, who will by definition not be
an administrative receiver, but cannot appoint an administrator.31 An administrator, administrative receiver or
receiver cannot be appointed unless the charge is enforceable.
These EA 2002 reforms, largely doing away with administrative receivership, were intended to favour the rescue
culture. An administrative receiver is entitled to put the secured creditor’s interests first, and a suspicion prevailed
that the interests of unsecured creditors and the company itself were not always best served; by contrast, an
administrator must manage the company’s affairs for the benefit of everyone concerned.
Powers of management—company contracts
An administrative receiver may cause the company to repudiate any contracts entered into before he was
appointed. The only remedy the injured party will have is a claim against the company for breach of contract. If the
claim sounds in damages only, then the company is unlikely to be able to pay once the claims of the secured
creditor are met (Airlines Airspares Ltd v Handley Page Ltd [1970] Ch 193). If, on the other hand, the contract is
one for which (p. 781) the court will award specific performance or an injunction, then the injured party is protected
(Freevale Ltd v Metrostores (Holdings) Ltd [1984] Ch 199).
An administrative receiver is personally liable on any new contract entered into in the performance of his functions,
except insofar as the contract otherwise provides (IA 1986 s 44(1)(b)). So far as personal liability is assumed, the
administrative receiver is entitled to an indemnity out of the assets of the company (s 44(1)(c)). In practice, he will
also have an indemnity from the chargee. In the majority of cases, however, his aim will be expressly or impliedly
to exclude all personal liability.
Employment contracts are a special class. Since the administrative receiver is the company’s agent, the
appointment does not automatically terminate these contracts. If the administrative receiver finds that the
employees cannot be retained, he may dismiss them, and this will almost certainly not be unfair dismissal. On the
other hand, if he wants to retain employees, he may either adopt their existing contracts or negotiate new ones on
behalf of the company. An administrative receiver who adopts existing contracts is, by statute, and with no ability
to contract out, personally liable in respect of services rendered wholly or partly after the adoption (IA 1986 s 44(1)
(b) and (2A)–(2D)). He can, however, opt out of personal liability for newly negotiated contracts (s 44(1)(b)). Nothing
the administrative receiver does in the first 14 days after appointment is taken as indicating adoption of existing
contracts (s 44(2)), but if he continues to employ people and pay them according to their existing contracts after
that time, he is taken to have impliedly adopted the contracts: Powdrill v Watson [1995] 2 AC 394.
The role of administrative receivers and their relationship to the company and its property.
[16.04] Re Atlantic Computer Systems plc [1992] Ch 505 (Court of Appeal)
The facts are immaterial.
NICHOLLS LJ:… Typically, when lending money to a company, a bank will take as security a charge over
all or most of the assets of the company, present and future, the charge being a fixed charge on land and
certain other assets, and a floating charge over the remaining assets. The deed authorises the bank to
appoint a receiver and manager of the company’s undertaking, with power to carry on the company’s
business. Such a receiver is referred to in the Act of 1986 as an ‘administrative receiver’.
Normally the deed creating the floating charge and authorising his appointment provides that an
administrative receiver shall be the agent of the company. Now the Act of 1986, in s 44(1)(a), provides that
this shall always be so, unless and until the company goes into liquidation. For many years the position
regarding a receiver appointed as agent of the company was that in general he was not personally liable for
contracts entered into by him for and on behalf of the company. He was no more personally liable than was
a director who entered into a contract for and on behalf of his company … The position now, with regard to
administrative receivers, is set out in s 44(1) and (2) of the Act of 1986.[32 ] Under that section an
administrative receiver is personally liable on (a) any contract entered into by him in the carrying out of his
functions, except in so far as the contract otherwise provides, and (b) on any contract of employment
‘adopted’ by him in the carrying out of those functions. In the latter regard the administrative receiver has, in
effect, a period of 14 days’ grace after his appointment … In cases where he is personally liable an
administrative receiver is entitled to an indemnity out of the assets of the company: s 44(1)(c). But even
today an administrative receiver is not, in general, personally liable, and hence the statutory indemnity out
of the assets of the company does not arise, in respect of contracts adopted by him in the course of
managing the company’s business, other than (p. 782) contracts of employment. With that one special
exception, personal liability is confined, in general, to new contracts made by him. Thus he is not
personally liable for the rent payable under an existing lease, or for the hire charges payable under an
existing hirepurchase agreement. This is not a surprising conclusion. It does not offend against basic
conceptions of justice or fairness. The rent and hire charges were a liability undertaken by the company at
the inception of the lease or hirepurchase agreement. The land or goods are being used by the company
even when an administrative receiver is in office. It is to the company that, along with other creditors, the
lessor and the owner of the goods must look for payment.
Nor is a lessor or owner of goods in such a case entitled to be paid his rent or hire instalments as an
‘expense’ of the administrative receivership, even though the administrative receiver has retained and used
the land or goods for the purpose of the receivership. The reason is not far to seek. The appointment of an
administrative receiver does not trigger a statutory prohibition on the lessor or owner of goods such as that
found in s 130 in the case of a windingup order. If the rent or hire is not paid by the administrative receiver
the lessor or owner of the goods is at liberty, as much after the appointment of the administrative receiver
as before, to exercise the rights and remedies available to him under his lease or hirepurchase agreement.
Faced with the prospect of proceedings, an administrative receiver may choose to pay the rent or hire
charges in order to retain the land or goods. But if he decides not to do so, the lessor or owner of goods
has his remedies. There is no occasion, assuming that there is jurisdiction, for the court to intervene and
order the administrative receiver to pay these outgoings …
➤ Note
IA 1986 s 44 has been amended since Nicholls LJ delivered his judgment in the Atlantic Computer
Systems case, to meet the difficulties revealed in Powdrill v Wastonand Talbot v Cadge [1995] 2 AC 394, HL
(and more particularly in the rulings of the lower courts in these cases). The effect of this amendment (effected
by the Insolvency Act 1994 s 2) is to make it clear that the receiver’s personal liability is restricted to
payments due to the employee in respect of services actually rendered during the receivership.
Duties of administrative receivers
This area of law remains troublesome. Clearly, the way in which an administrative receiver carries out his duties
can have a profound and practical impact on the financial wellbeing of the security holder, the debtor company,
any subsequent security holders with interests in the same assets, and any third parties who have guaranteed the
secured debt. What duties, if any, does the administrative receiver owe to these parties?
[16.05] Downsview Nominees Ltd v First City Corpn Ltd [1993] AC 295 (Privy Council)
The company, which carried on a motor dealing and garage business in New Zealand, had given a first debenture
to the Westpac bank and a second debenture to FCC, each secured by a floating charge over all of its assets. It
had defaulted under the second debenture and FCC had appointed receivers who formed the view that the
company’s business was unprofitable and that it should be closed down. The company’s managing director
appealed to Russell (the second defendant) for help. His response was (i) to procure Downsview (a company which
he controlled) to take an assignment of W bank’s first debenture and (ii) to have Downsview appoint himself as a
receiver under that debenture. FCC’s receivers were thus ousted from any but a residual role. FCC at once offered
to pay Downsview all the moneys owing under the first debenture, so that it would be redeemed and FCC’s
receivers could again take charge. But this offer was declined, and Russell continued to carry on the company’s
business, incurring (p. 783) further losses of over $500,000. The Privy Council held that: (i) Russell had used his
powers not for the proper purpose of realising Downsview’s security but in order to meet the managing director’s
wish that the company should continue trading; (ii) Downsview ought to have accepted FCC’s offer to redeem; and
(iii) each of them should compensate FCC for its losses. But it rejected the view of the trial judge and the New
Zealand Court of Appeal that any liability lay in negligence.
The opinion of the Judicial Committee was delivered by LORD TEMPLEMAN:… The first submission made
on behalf of the first and second defendants is that they owed no duty to the first plaintiff because the first
plaintiff was only a debenture holder and not a mortgagee. This submission is untenable.
A mortgage, whether legal or equitable, is security for repayment of a debt. The security may be constituted
by a conveyance, assignment or demise or by a charge on any interest in real or personal property … A
security issued by a company is called a debenture but for present purposes there is no material difference
between a mortgage, a charge and a debenture. Each creates a security for the repayment of a debt.
The second argument put forward on behalf of the first and second defendants is that though a mortgagee
owes certain duties to the mortgagor, he owes no duty to any subsequent encumbrancer, so the first and
second defendants owed no duty to the first plaintiff. This argument also is untenable. The owner of property
entering into a mortgage does not by entering into that mortgage cease to be the owner of that property any
further than is necessary to give effect to the security he has created. The mortgagor can mortgage the
property again and again. A second or subsequent mortgage is a complete security on the mortgagor’s
interests subject only to the rights of prior encumbrancers. If a first mortgagee commits a breach of his
duties to the mortgagor, the damage inflicted by that breach of duty will be suffered by the second
mortgagee, subsequent encumbrancers and the mortgagor, depending on the extent of the damage and the
amount of each security. Thus if a first mortgagee in breach of duty sells property worth £500,000 for
£300,000, he is liable at the suit of any subsequent encumbrancer or the mortgagor. Damages of £200,000
will be ordered to be taken into the accounts of the first mortgagee or paid into court or to the second
mortgagee who, after satisfying, as far as he can, the amount of any debt outstanding under his mortgage,
will pay over any balance remaining to the next encumbrancer or to the mortgagor if there is no subsequent
encumbrancer …
The next submission on behalf of the first and second defendants is that, even if a mortgagee owes certain
duties to subsequent encumbrancers, a receiver and manager appointed by a mortgagee is not under any
such duty where, as in the present case, the receiver and manager is deemed to act as agent for the
mortgagor. The fallacy in the argument is the failure to appreciate that, when a receiver and manager
exercises the powers of sale and management conferred on him by the mortgage, he is dealing with the
security; he is not merely selling or dealing with the interests of the mortgagor. He is exercising the power
of selling and dealing with the mortgaged property for the purpose of securing repayment of the debt owing
to his mortgagee and must exercise his powers in good faith and for the purpose of obtaining repayment of
the debt owing to his mortgagee. The receiver and manager owes these duties to the mortgagor and to all
subsequent encumbrancers in whose favour the mortgaged property has been charged.
The next question is the nature and extent of the duties owed by a mortgagee and a receiver and manager
respectively to subsequent encumbrancers and the mortgagor.
Several centuries ago equity evolved principles for the enforcement of mortgages and the protection of
borrowers. The most basic principles were, first, that a mortgage is security for the repayment of a debt
and, secondly, that a security for repayment of a debt is only a mortgage. From these principles flowed two
rules, first, that powers conferred on a mortgagee must be exercised in good faith for the purpose of
obtaining repayment and secondly that, subject to the first rule, powers conferred on a mortgagee may be
exercised although the consequences may be disadvantageous to the borrower. These principles and rules
apply also to a receiver and manager appointed by the mortgagee.
(p. 784) It does not follow that a receiver and manager must immediately upon appointment seize all the
cash in the coffers of the company and sell all the company’s assets or so much of the assets as he
chooses and considers sufficient to complete the redemption of the mortgage. He is entitled, but not bound,
to allow the company’s business to be continued by himself or by the existing or other executives. The
decisions of the receiver and manager whether to continue the business or close down the business and
sell assets chosen by him cannot be impeached if those decisions are taken in good faith while protecting
the interests of the debenture holder in recovering the moneys due under the debenture, even though the
decisions of the receiver and manager may be disadvantageous for the company … But since a mortgage is
only security for a debt, a receiver and manager commits a breach of his duty if he abuses his powers by
exercising them otherwise than ‘for the special purpose of enabling the assets comprised in the debenture
holders’ security to be preserved and realised’[33 ] for the benefit of the debenture holder. In the present case
the evidence of the second defendant himself and the clear emphatic findings of Gault J show that the
second defendant accepted appointment and acted as receiver and manager not for the purpose of
enforcing the security under the Westpac debenture but for the purpose of preventing the enforcement by
the plaintiffs of the [FCC] debenture.
This and other findings to similar effect establish that, ab initio and throughout his receivership, the second
defendant did not exercise his powers for proper purposes. He was at all times in breach of the duty, which
was pleaded against him, to exercise his powers in good faith for proper purposes.
Gault J rested his judgment not on breach of a duty to act in good faith for proper purposes but on
negligence. He said:
on an application of negligence principles, a receiver owes a duty to the debenture holders to take
reasonable care in dealing with the assets of the company … [The first defendant’s] position is
merely a specific example of the duty a mortgagee has to subsequent chargeholders to exercise its
powers with reasonable care …
Richardson J, delivering the judgment of the Court of Appeal, agreed that duties of care in negligence as
defined by Gault J were owed by the second defendant as receiver and manager and by the first defendant
as first debenture holder to the plaintiffs as second debenture holders. Richardson J agreed that the second
defendant was in breach of his duty but, differing from Gault J, held that the first defendant had committed
no breach.
The general duty of care said to be owed by a mortgagee to subsequent encumbrancers and the mortgagor
in negligence is inconsistent with the right of the mortgagee and the duties which the courts applying
equitable principles have imposed on the mortgagee. If a mortgagee enters into possession he is liable to
account for rent on the basis of wilful default; he must keep mortgage premises in repair; he is liable for
waste. Those duties were imposed to ensure that a mortgagee is diligent in discharging his mortgage and
returning the property to the mortgagor. If a mortgagee exercises his power of sale in good faith for the
purpose of protecting his security, he is not liable to the mortgagor even though he might have obtained a
higher price and even though the terms might be regarded as disadvantageous to the mortgagor. Cuck mere
Brick Co Ltd v Mutual Finance Ltd34 is Court of Appeal authority for the proposition that, if the mortgagee
decides to sell, he must take reasonable care to obtain a proper price but is no authority for any wider
proposition. A receiver exercising his power of sale also owes the same specific duties as the mortgagee.
But that apart, the general duty of a receiver and manager appointed by a debenture holder … leaves no
room for the imposition of a general duty to use reasonable care in dealing with the assets of the company.
The duties imposed by equity on a mortgagee and on a receiver and manager would be quite (p.
785) unnecessary if there existed a general duty in negligence to take reasonable care in the exercise of
powers and to take reasonable care in dealing with the assets of the mortgagor company …
A mortgagee owes a general duty to subsequent encumbrancers and to the mortgagor to use his powers for
the sole purpose of securing repayments of the moneys owing under his mortgage and a duty to act in good
faith. He also owes the specific duties which equity has imposed on him in the exercise of his powers to go
into possession and his powers of sale. It may well be that a mortgagee who appoints a receiver and
manager, knowing that the receiver and manager intends to exercise his powers for the purpose of
frustrating the activities of the second mortgagee or for some other improper purpose or who fails to revoke
the appointment of a receiver and manager when the mortgagee knows that the receiver and manager is
abusing his powers, may himself be guilty of bad faith but in the present case this possibility need not be
The liability of the second defendant in the present case is firmly based not on negligence but on the breach
of duty. There was overwhelming evidence that the receivership of the second defendant was inspired by
him for improper purposes and carried on in bad faith, ultimately verging on fraud. The liability of the first
defendant does not arise under negligence but as a result of the first defendant’s breach of duty in failing to
transfer the Westpac debenture to the first plaintiff at the end of March 1987. It is well settled that the
mortgagor and all persons having any interest in the property subject to the mortgage or liable to pay the
mortgage debt can redeem. It is now conceded that the first plaintiff was entitled to require the first
defendant to assign the Westpac debenture to the first plaintiff on payment of all moneys due to the first
defendant under the Westpac debenture …
The first defendant was from the end of March 1987 in breach of its duty to assign the Westpac debenture
to the first plaintiff. If that debenture had been assigned, the second defendant would have ceased to be the
receiver and manager and none of the avoidable losses caused by the second defendant would have been
sustained …
A receiver who is appointed to manage the business of the chargor has a duty to do so with due diligence.
[16.06] Medforth v Blake [2000] Ch 86 (Court of Appeal)
Medforth was a pig farmer on a very large scale: his annual turnover was over £2 million. He ran into financial
difficulties and his bank appointed receivers, who ran the business for fourandahalf years, until Medforth was able
to find a new source of finance and repay the bank. Although Medforth repeatedly told the receivers that they could
claim large discounts from the suppliers of feedstuffs, amounting to some £1,000 a week, they failed to do so. The
court held that the receivers owed a duty (subject to their primary duty to the bank) to manage the business with
due diligence, and that for breach of this duty they were liable to Medforth.
SIR RICHARD SCOTT VC:… As a Privy Council case, the Downsview Nominees case [16.05] is not
binding but, as Mr. Smith submitted, is a persuasive authority of great weight. But what did it decide as to
the duties owed by a receiver/manager to a mortgagor? It decided that the duty lies in equity, not in tort. It
decided that there is no general duty of care in negligence. It held that the receiver/manager owes the same
specific duties when exercising the power of sale as are owed by a mortgagee when exercising the power of
sale. Lord Templeman cited with approval the Cuck mere Brick case [1971] Ch 949 test, namely, that the
mortgagee must take reasonable care to obtain a proper price …
I do not accept that there is any difference between the answer that would be given by the common law to
the question what duties are owed by a receiver managing a mortgaged property to those interested in the
equity of redemption and the answer that would be given by equity to that question. I do not, for my part,
think it matters one jot whether the duty is expressed as a common law duty or as a duty in equity. The
result is the same. The origin of the receiver’s duty, like the mortgagee’s duty, lies, however, in equity and
we might as well continue to refer to it as a duty in equity.
In my judgment, in principle and on the authorities, the following propositions can be stated. (1) A receiver
managing mortgaged property owes duties to the mortgagor and anyone else with an interest in the equity
of redemption. (2) The duties include, but are not necessarily confined to, a duty of good faith. (3) The
extent and scope of any duty additional to that of good faith will depend on the facts and circumstances of
the particular case. (4) In exercising his powers of management the primary duty of the receiver is to try and
bring about a situation in which interest on the secured debt can be paid and the debt itself repaid. (5)
Subject to that primary duty, the receiver owes a duty to manage the property with due diligence. (6) Due
diligence does not oblige the receiver to continue to carry on a business on the mortgaged premises
previously carried on by the mortgagor. (7) If the receiver does carry on a business on the mortgaged
premises, due diligence requires reasonable steps to be taken in order to try to do so profitably …
[His Lordship accordingly ruled that the trial judge had rightly held the receivers liable for breach of duty.]
➤ Questions
1. Does the duty described in Downsview [16.05] meet commercial needs and expectations? Does it
contribute to a ‘rescue culture’? See G Lightman, ‘The Challenges Ahead: Address to the Insolvency Lawyers’
Association’ [1996] JBL 113 at 119–120; contrast H Rajak, ‘Can a Receiver be Negligent?’ in B Rider
(ed), The Corporate Dimension (1998).
2. Does it matter whether the receiver’s duty is an equitable duty or a common law duty?35
3. What difference does it make to say that the receiver owes a duty of good faith, rather than a duty of care,
to the company and to subsequent encumbrancers or guarantors?36
4. What duty does the chargee owe in deciding when or whether to appoint a receiver? See Shamji v Johnson
Matthey Bank ers Ltd [1986] BCLC 278, Ch, affd [1991] BCLC 36, CA. If an offer is made to redeem the
secured debt (thereby extinguishing the charge), must the debenture holder accept it?
(p. 787) 5. What duty does the receiver owe in deciding whether to exercise the power of sale or continue the
business, and in deciding when to sell? See Cuck mere Brick Co Ltd v Mutual Finance Ltd [1971] Ch 949, CA.
6. Is the duty owed by the receiver when exercising the power of sale or the power to carry on the business
one of good faith, due diligence or reasonable care? See LS Sealy, ‘Mortgagees and Receivers—A Duty of
Care Resurrected and Extended’ [2000] CLJ 31; S Frisby, ‘Making a Silk Purse Out of a Pig’s Ear—Medforth
v Blak e’ (2000) 63 MLR 413.
➤ Notes
1. Also see International Leisure Ltd v First National Trustee Co Ltd [2012] EWHC 1971 (Ch), discussed in
the context of ‘reflective losses’, at Note 4 following Giles v Rhind [13.23], pp 681.
2. In Glatt v Sinclair [2011] EWCA Civ 1317, applying the general principles governing the receiver’s duties to
the principal, the Court of Appeal ruled that there was at least an arguable case that a receiver appointed by
the court pursuant to the Criminal Justice Act 1988 had committed a breach of duty in failing properly to
market the property in question, given that the same property was readvertised and resold by the purchaser
with an uplift of nearly 38%.
Distribution of assets subject to the receivership
If there is more than one charge over the secured assets, then priority as between chargees depends upon rules
discussed earlier (see ‘Registration, priority and constructive notice of registered charges’, pp 603ff). IA 1986 s 43
provides for sale of the secured assets by a receiver other than one appointed by the chargee with first claim on
the proceeds.
If the charge over the secured assets is floating, then various claims rank ahead of the secured creditor’s claim to
have the secured debt repaid. This is one of the disadvantages of floating charges. The order of payment out of the
realisations is as follows:
(i) The expenses of winding up (including the remuneration of the liquidator),37 if the company goes into
liquidation at any time while the administrative receiver has in his possession undistributed realisations from
the charged assets—see CA 2006 s 1282, inserting a new provision in the IA 1986 s 176ZA,38 providing that
property subject to a floating charge may, where necessary, be used to fund the general expenses of winding
up in priority to the floating charge holder and to any preferential creditors entitled to be paid out of the
property, but not providing for payment of these expenses out of the statutory share of assets for the
unsecured creditors (see point (iii)). IA 1986 s 176ZA also provides for the power to make rules requiring the
authorisation or approval of the floating charge holder, or the preferential creditors, or the court, to the
expenditures in certain circumstances.
(p. 788) (ii) The expenses of receivership: these are payable in priority to the other preferred claims, on the
basis that the person who has produced a fund for distribution should have the costs of doing so paid in
priority. But the receiver has a duty not to incur expenses if this would lessen the amount available for the
preferred creditors (see point (iv)): Woods v Winsk ill [1913] 2 Ch 303.
(iii) The statutory share of assets (the ‘prescribed part’) for unsecured creditors: a prescribed percentage of
floating charge asset realisations must be set aside to pay the company’s unsecured creditors—see IA 1986
s 176A, and Insolvency Act 1986 (Prescribed Part) Order 2003 (SI 2003/2097) art 3.39 The prescribed
percentage is: (a) 50% of the first £10,000; and (b) 20% or the remainder, up to a maximum grand total of
£600,000.40 The rule does not apply if the company’s net assets are worth less than £10,000 (s 176A(3)(a)),
or if the costs of distribution to unsecured creditors would be disproportionate to the benefits (s 176A(5)).
(iv) The ‘preferential debts’41 (now primarily owed to employees, since EA 2002 abolished Crown priority),
being debts that Parliament has decided should be paid in priority to all other debts, other than the expenses
of winding up—see IA 1986 ss 40 and 175(2)(b). Any payment of preferential debts may be recouped out of
the assets of the company available for the payment of unsecured creditors (if there are any such assets
remaining in the company’s insolvency) (IA 1986 s 40(3)).
(v) Finally, the debt owed to the charge holder.
By contrast, if the charge over the secured assets is fixed, rather than floating, then the property cannot be used
to pay off the debts in points (i), (iii) and (iv). This is so even if the charge secures the same debt to the same
charge holder as a floating charge in the creditor’s favour expressed to be over all the company’s assets and
undertaking. This distinction between treatment of fixed and floating charge realisations is one reason why
creditors expend such efforts in drafting charges that are classified as fixed rather than floating (see ‘Distinguishing
between fixed and floating charges’, pp 622ff). It also explains why creditors adopt the practice of taking a fixed
charge over as many assets as possible and an equally ranking floating charge over whatever assets remain. The
same receiver can then be appointed over both classes of assets, but the distributions will follow quite different
Liquidation or winding up
Both solvent and insolvent companies may be wound up. In the winding up or liquidation (the terms are
synonymous), the company gives up its business, sells off its assets, pays its debts (or, if it is insolvent, does so
to the extent that its funds allow) and distributes whatever surplus remains amongst its members or otherwise as
its constitution may provide. The event must be notified in the Gazette (see ‘Publication in the Gazette’, p 716).
(p. 789) The conduct of the winding up is placed by law in the hands of a liquidator; and on his appointment the
directors’ power to manage the business of the company ceases.42
The company continues in being throughout the process of winding up: there is still a corporate personality and all
corporate acts in the course of the liquidation, such as the transfer of property and the institution of legal
proceedings, are done in its name rather than by the liquidator in his own name. The company ceases to exist
only by the formal act of dissolution (IA 1986 ss 201ff) after the windingup procedure has been completed (see
‘Dissolution of the company’, p 823).
A company may be wound up compulsorily, that is, by court order, or voluntarily, as a consequence of an
extraordinary resolution passed by the members.
Voluntary winding up
In a voluntary winding up, following a special resolution passed by the members (IA 1986 s 84, also indicating
limited exceptions), the liquidator is appointed by the members if the directors are able to declare that the
company will be able to meet its debts in full (a ‘members’ voluntary winding up’) (IA 1986 ss 89 and 91 setting out
the detailed requirements); if not, the company’s creditors have the power of appointment and exercise general
control over the conduct of the liquidation (a ‘creditors’ voluntary winding up’) (IA 1986 ss 90 and 96).
The court need not be involved in a voluntary winding up, although court confirmation gives a creditors’ winding up
recognition throughout the EU, which is important if the company has assets in other EU states (IR 1986 r 7.62).
Compulsory winding up generally
In a compulsory (or courtordered) winding up the Official Receiver43 automatically becomes the liquidator and is in
law regarded as an officer of the court acting under its direction and control. Various people are entitled to petition
the court for the compulsory liquidation of a company (IA 1986 s 124, and note the conditions specified), including
company creditors (who bring almost all petitions), the company itself and the company’s directors. The Secretary
of State may petition for winding up, in the public interest, generally in cases of notoriety, most often following an
investigation of the company’s affairs under CA 1985 Pt XIV or the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (see
‘Public investigation of companies, pp 730ff) (IA 1986 ss 124(4) and 124A). By way of additional protection, these
people may also petition for the appointment of a provisional liquidator, as an interim measure designed to
maintain the status quo and prevent prejudice to any party pending the court’s decision on the petition itself (IA
1986 s 135).
A company may be wound up by the court only if it is shown that one of the circumstances listed in IA 1986 s
122(1) exists. In practice, companies are usually wound up because the company is unable to pay its debts (s
122(1)(f)), or because the court is of the opinion that it is ‘just and equitable’ to do so (s 122(1)(g)).44 IA 1986 s 123
describes circumstances that a court will take as sufficient evidence of a company’s inability to pay its debts.
(p. 790) Permitted petitioners for a compulsory winding up
Every contributory has a statutory right45 to petition for a winding up, which cannot be excluded or limited
by any provision in the articles.
[16.07] Re Peveril Gold Mines Ltd [1898] 1 Ch 122 (Court of Appeal)
The company’s articles provided that no member should petition for the winding up of the company unless (i) two
directors had consented in writing, or (ii) a general meeting had so resolved, or (iii) the petitioner held at least 20%
of the issued capital. A member presented a petition without satisfying any of these conditions. It was held that
the articles were ineffective to prevent him from doing so.
LINDLEY MR: Anyone who is familiar with the Companies Act knows perfectly well that these registered
limited companies are incorporated on certain conditions; they continue to exist on certain conditions; and
they are liable to be dissolved on certain conditions. The important sections of the Act of 1862, with regard
to dissolution, are ss 79 and 82 [IA 1986 ss 122 and 124]. Section 79 states the circumstances under
which such a company may be dissolved by the court, and s 82 states the persons who may petition for a
dissolution. Any article contrary to these sections—any article which says that the company is formed on
the condition that its life shall not be terminated when any of the circumstances mentioned in s 79 exist, or
which limits the right of a contributory under s 82 to petition for a winding up, would be an attempt to
enforce on all the shareholders that which is at variance with the statutory conditions, and is invalid. It is no
answer to say that the right to petition may be waived by any contributory personally. I do not intend to
decide whether a valid contract may or may not be made between the company and an individual
shareholder that he shall not petition for the winding up of the company. That point does not arise now. But
to say that a company is formed on the condition that its existence shall not be terminated under the
circumstances, or on the application of the persons, mentioned in the Act is to say that it is formed
contrary to the provisions of the Act, and upon conditions which the court is bound to ignore. The view taken
by Byrne J was right, and the appeal must be dismissed.
CHITTY LJ delivered a concurring judgment.
➤ Questions
1. Lindley MR left open the question whether a contract outside the articles between the company and a member
that he would not petition for a windingup order was enforceable. Is it? (An analogy might be drawn with Fulham
Football Club (1987) Ltd v Richards [2011] EWCA Civ 855, [2012] Ch 333, CA, at [82], where the court upheld an
agreement to refer unfair prejudice allegations to arbitration, ie a statutory right was compromised by private
2. Would a contractual promise by a company that it would not petition for its own winding up be binding?
Consider Russell v Northern Development Corpn Ltd [4.34].
3. Would an agreement between a shareholder and an outsider, or between several or all of the shareholders inter
se, containing a promise that none of the parties would petition for a windingup order, be upheld?
(p. 791) A member cannot petition for a winding up unless there are assets available for distribution to
[16.08] Re Rica Gold Washing Co (1879) 11 Ch D 36 (Court of Appeal)
The facts appear from the judgment.
JESSEL MR: This is an appeal from the decision of ViceChancellor Hall dismissing a petition to wind up
the company, on the ground that it was not a bona fide petition, and that the petitioner, as I read the
judgment, had not sufficient interest to support it …
Now I will say a word or two on the law as regards the position of a petitioner holding fully paidup shares.
He is not liable to contribute anything towards the assets of the company, and if he has any interest at all,
it must be that after full payment of all the debts and liabilities of the company there will remain a surplus
divisible among the shareholders of sufficient value to authorise him to present a petition. That being his
position, and the rule being that the petitioner must succeed upon allegations which are proved, of course
the petitioner must show the court by sufficient allegation that he has a sufficient interest to entitle him to
ask for the winding up of the company. I say ‘a sufficient interest’, for the mere allegation of a surplus or of a
probable surplus will not be sufficient. He must show what I may call a tangible interest. I am not going to
lay down any rule as to what that must be, but if he showed only that there was such a surplus as, on
being fairly divided, irrespective of the costs of the winding up, would give him £5, I should say that would
not be sufficient to induce the court to interfere in his behalf …
I cannot believe that a shareholder who has 75 £1 paidup shares can imagine that he has sufficient interest
to make it worth his while to present a windingup petition … I have no doubt that, as the ViceChancellor
says, this is not a bona fide petition, but a petition presented with a very different object than that of
obtaining for the petitioner, the £75, or any part of it. In my opinion it is either presented for the purpose of
obtaining costs, or for the purpose of annoyance to some other person or persons; and I entirely agree with
the ViceChancellor that it is not a bona fide petition. Therefore I think we must dismiss this appeal.
BRETT LJ delivered a concurring judgment.
BRAMWELL LJ concurred.
➤ Questions
1. What is the ratio decidendi of this case?
2. If a petition for winding up is presented by a holder of a small parcel of fully paid shares on facts similar
to Re German Date Coffee Co (1882) 20 Ch 169, CA, or Re Thomas Edward Brinsmead &
Sons [16.10] should the court apply the Rica Gold rule?
3. The Jenkins Committee (Cmnd 1749, 1962, para 503(h)) recommended the reversal of this rule by statute.
In Re Chesterfield Catering Co Ltd [1977] Ch 373, the decision was affirmed as being still good law,
notwithstanding an argument by counsel that in the light of Ebrahimi v Westbourne Galleries Ltd [16.13] the
principle ofRica Gold should be regarded not as a strict rule, but merely as one of the considerations for the
court to take into account in assessing whether it was just and equitable to order a winding up. Is this logic
4. Given the imposition of filing fees to lodge a windingup petition, plus legal fees (a hefty sum for a contested
case), plus the chance that a petition which is not well founded may be dismissed with an order that the
petitioner pay the company’s costs, or may be struck out as vexatious (see Charles Forte Investments Ltd v
Amandaat ‘The courts’ discretion to order a compulsory winding up’, p 804), does the law need the rule
in Rica Gold ?
(p. 792) ➤ Notes
1. Note the other restrictions on the circumstances in which a contributory can bring a petition: IA 1986 s
2. The petitioner is not required to prove a tangible interest if the petition is based on, or alleges, company
defaults that themselves make it impossible to determine whether there is a surplus for contributories: Re
Wessex Computer Stationers Ltd [1992] BCLC 366.
3. By contrast, and subject to the wishes of the class of creditors, an unpaid creditor of an insolvent company
will not be refused an order on the ground that there are no assets, unless it is shown that making the order
would be pointless: Re Crigglestone Coal Co Ltd [1906] 2 Ch 327, [1906] 2 Ch 327 at 336; IA 1986 ss 195 and
➤ Question
In Bell Group Finance (Pty) Ltd v Bell Group (UK) Holdings Ltd [1996] 1 BCLC 304, Chadwick J granted a
windingup order to a petitioning creditor where the company had no assets, so that the liquidator could
investigate whether there had been impropriety in the conduct of the company’s affairs. Is there any reason in
principle for having one rule for a creditor (see earlier) and an opposite rule for a member [16.08] ?
Grounds for compulsory winding up
1. Compulsory winding up because the company is unable to pay its debts
A windingup order will not be made on the basis of a debt which is bona fide disputed.
[16.09] Stonegate Securities Ltd v Gregory [1980] Ch 576 (Court of Appeal)
Prior to the presentation of a petition to wind up the plaintiff company, the defendant, in accordance with the
Companies Act 1948 (CA 1948) s 223(a) [IA 1986 s 123], served a notice on the company demanding the payment
of a debt within 21 days. The company, while accepting that there was a contingent or prospective liability to the
defendant, denied that the debt was presently due. It issued a writ and sought interlocutory relief restraining the
defendant from presenting a petition. The trial judge found that there was a bona fide dispute whether the defendant
was a creditor for a sum presently due and granted an injunction restraining the defendant from presenting a
petition in respect of the alleged debt provided that, within three weeks, the directors of the plaintiff company made
a declaration of solvency of the company. The company successfully appealed.
BUCKLEY LJ:… The relevant statutory provisions are contained in sections 222, 223 and 224 of the
Companies Act 1948 [IA 1986 ss 122, 123 and 124]. Section 222, as is very familiar, provides that a
company may be wound up by the court if ‘(e) the company is unable to pay its debts.’ Section 223
provides that a company shall be deemed to be unable to pay its debts if, among other things, a creditor to
whom the company is indebted in a sum exceeding £50 [now £750] then due—and I emphasise those last
two words—has served a statutory demand upon the company and the company has failed for three weeks
to comply with it. That provision has no application to a case in which the creditor is a creditor in respect of
a sum which is not presently due …
… in my opinion, the expression ‘contingent creditor’ means a creditor in respect of a debt which will only
become due in an event which may or may not occur; and a ‘prospective creditor’ is a creditor in respect of
a debt which will certainly become due in the future, either on some date which has been already
determined or on some date determinable by reference to future events.
(p. 793) Where a creditor petitions for the winding up of a company, the proceedings will take one of two
courses, depending upon whether the petitioner is a creditor whose debt is presently due, or one whose
debt is contingent or prospective … If the creditor petitions in respect of a debt which he claims to be
presently due, and that claim is undisputed, the petition proceeds to hearing and adjudication in the normal
way; but if the company in good faith and on substantial grounds disputes any liability in respect of the
alleged debt, the petition will be dismissed or, if the matter is brought before a court before the petition is
issued, its presentation will in normal circumstances be restrained. That is because a winding up petition is
not a legitimate means of seeking to enforce payment of a debt which is bona fide disputed.
UngoedThomas J. put the matter thus in Mann v Goldstein [1968] 1 WLR 1091, 1098–1099:
‘For my part, I would prefer to rest the jurisdiction directly on the comparatively simple propositions
that a creditor’s petition can only be presented by a creditor, that the winding up jurisdiction is not for
the purpose of deciding a disputed debt (that is, disputed on substantial and not insubstantial
grounds), since, until a creditor is established as a creditor he is not entitled to present the petition
and has no locus standi in the Companies Court; and that, therefore, to invoke the winding up
jurisdiction when the debt is disputed (that is, on substantial grounds) or after it has become clear
that it is so disputed is an abuse of the process of the court.’
I gratefully adopt the whole of that statement, although I think it could equally well have ended at the
reference to want of locus standi. In my opinion a petition founded on a debt which is disputed in good faith
and on substantial grounds is demurrable for the reason that the petitioner is not a creditor of the company
within the meaning of section 224(1) at all, and the question whether he is or is not a creditor of the
company is not appropriate for adjudication in winding up proceedings.
The circumstances may, however, be such that the company adopts an intermediate position, denying that
the debt is presently due but not denying that it will or may become due in the future—in other words,
accepting it as a contingent or prospective debt. The present case is of the lastmentioned kind and the
present appeal involves consideration of what is proper in such a case.
… The company now admits that the defendant is a contingent creditor at any rate in a sum of £33,000, but
not that any part of that sum is immediately due … and the defendant now accepts that there is a bona fide
dispute as to whether any part of the £33,000 is now due, and he further admits that in so far as the debt is
contingent, the relevant contingency may never happen. So the situation is such that the defendant cannot
petition to wind the company up on the basis that he is a debtor for a sum which is presently due [ie via the
statutory demand that had been issued], because that position is disputed in good faith and on substantial
grounds; but he is competent to petition as a contingent creditor …
If the only established footing upon which the defendant can petition to wind up the company is as a
contingent or prospective creditor, the burden rests on him to show prima facie that there is a case for
winding up the company … If the ground for seeking a winding up order is that the company is unable to
pay its debts—and no other ground is suggested here—it would be incumbent on the defendant to establish
a prima facie case that this was so. The condition [imposed in the trial judge’s injunction, requiring the
directors to make a declaration of solvency] seems to me to reverse this burden of proof, for if the condition
is not complied with it would be open to the defendant as a petitioner to rely upon that fact as some
evidence of the company’s inability to pay its debts; and moreover, having regard to the nature of the
declaration of solvency … the condition imposes upon the company, through its directors, a heavier burden
of proof than the burden of establishing merely that the company is not commercially solvent; it imposes
the burden of proof of establishing that the company will ultimately be solvent on the basis of a prospective
liquidation within 12 months. It seems to me that such a condition cannot be supported in principle …
The whole of the doctrine of this part of the law is based upon the view that winding up proceedings are not
suitable proceedings in which to determine a genuine dispute about whether the company does or does not
owe the sum in question; and equally I think it must be true that winding (p. 794) up proceedings are not
suitable proceedings in which to determine whether that liability is an immediate liability or only a
prospective or contingent liability …
GOFF LJ and SIR DAVID CAIRNS delivered concurring judgments.
➤ Notes
1. Exceptional circumstances may, however, justify the making of a windingup order even if the debt is bona fide
disputed. See the judgment of Warren J in Lacontha Foundation v GBI Investments Ltd [2010] EWHC 37 (Ch),
where this exception is summarised:
84 The law today, which I regard as clear, is that there is no absolute jurisdictional bar to a petition being
allowed to proceed, or indeed the making of windingup order, where the debt on which the petition is
founded is bona fide disputed on substantial grounds.
85 However, before the Companies Court will make a windingup order or even allow a petition to proceed
where the debt is bona fide disputed on substantial grounds, there have to be exceptional circumstances.
The Privy Council in Parmalat declined to give any guidance on the limits of the discretion. But some
guidance can be obtained from two other authorities.
86 The first is Claybridge,46 where a departure from the usual rule was said to be justified where the
company was a foreign company and the petitioner would otherwise be without a remedy or otherwise
injustice would result or for some other sufficient reason the petition should proceed.
88 The second authority is Alipour v Ary.47 In that case, the company was a foreign company. The
petitioner originally claimed to be the registered holder of 10 shares in a foreign company and subsequently
wished to claim instead to be the original allottee of the shares having accepted that his claim to be a
registered shareholder could not be maintained. The court summarised the position in this way:
‘The position as we see it, in the light of the authorities as affected by the current procedures of the
Companies Court, is this. (1) A creditor’s petition based on a disputed debt will normally be
dismissed. (2) It will not be dismissed if the petitioning creditor has a good arguable case that he is
a creditor and the effect of dismissal would be to deprive the petitioner of a remedy or otherwise
injustice would result or for some other sufficient reason the petition should proceed. (3) On a
contributory’s petition where the locus standi of the petitioner is disputed, the court will consider all
the circumstances, including the likelihood of damage to the company if the petition is not
dismissed, in determining whether to require the petitioner to seek the determination of the dispute
outside the petition.’
2. Deciding when a company is unable to pay its debts can be difficult. There are deeming provisions in s 123(1)
(a)–(d), a ‘cashflow’ test (used to examine the shortterm future of the company) in s 123(1)(e), and a ‘balance
sheet’ test (used to examine the long term prospects of the company) in s 123(2). On s 123(2), the Supreme Court
inBNY Corporate Trustee Services Ltd v EurosailUK 20073BL plc [2013] UKSC 28, at [48], has insisted that the
words of the section (requiring the petitioner to satisfy the court, on the balance of probabilities, that the company
has insufficient assets to be able to meet all its liabilities, including prospective and contingent liabilities) should
not be paraphrased as a ‘“point of no return” (test reached by a company) because of an incurable deficiency in its
(p. 795) 2. Compulsory winding up on the ‘just and equitable’ ground
Members are entitled, as ‘contributories’, to petition for the compulsory winding up of the company (IA 1986 s
124). They are not restricted to using the ‘just and equitable’ ground49 (and nor is this ground restricted to
members), but this is the one most commonly used by members who find themselves unable to proceed on the
basis of a special resolution for the voluntary winding up of the company (IA 1986 s 84(1)(b)).
A company formed for a fraudulent purpose may be wound up on the ‘just and equitable’ ground.
[16.10] Re Thomas Edward Brinsmead & Sons [1897] 1 Ch 406 (Court of Appeal)
Three men named Brinsmead, former employees of John Brinsmead & Sons, the wellknown piano makers, formed
the present company to make pianos which were to be passed off as the product of the older established firm. An
injunction had been obtained, restraining the company from this action; but meantime shares in the company
worth many thousands of pounds had been subscribed for by the public in a promotion fraud instigated by the
Consolidated Contract Corporation. On this evidence, it was held to be just and equitable to grant a windingup
The judgment of the court (LINDLEY, AL SMITH and RIGBY LJJ) was read by AL SMITH LJ: In our
judgment it has been proved that this company—ie Thomas Edward Brinsmead & Sons Limited—was
initiated to carry out a fraud, and that, until restrained by injunction, it continued therein; and that a strong
prima facie case has been made out that the Consolidated Contract Corporation are at the present moment
dishonestly keeping the shareholders’ money to which the shareholders, and not they, are entitled, and are
resisting the petition to wind up in order to continue to do so. If the sums which they have improperly
obtained from the company can be recovered from them, there will probably be something to distribute
among the shareholders and, although the petitioner is a fully paidup shareholder, he cannot be said to
have no locus standi. The company is hopelessly embarrassed by the actions already brought against it,
and there will, no doubt, be many more of the same sort if this petition is dismissed; and if it is not wound
up the £35,000 obtained from it by its promoters will remain in their hands.
Although the words ‘just and equitable’ have had a narrow construction put upon them,[50 ] they have never
been construed so narrowly as to exclude such a case as this. If ever there was a case in which it was just
and equitable that a company should be wound up by the court, we cannot doubt that the case is this case.
For the reasons above, we dismiss this appeal with costs.
➤ Note
The entire scheme for the company must be fraudulent in order to justify liquidation under this principle. Usually if
the company itself has been defrauded, or if subscribers for shares have been misled or defrauded, these parties
must simply apply for a remedy against the wrongdoer; the company will not be wound up.
(p. 796) It is just and equitable to wind up a company when its ‘substratum’ or principal object has failed.
[16.11] Re Kitson & Co Ltd [1946] 1 All ER 435 (Court of Appeal)
The company was incorporated in 1899. The first two subclauses of the objects clause in its memorandum read
as follows:
(i) To acquire and take over as a going concern the business now carried on at Airedale Foundry, Hunslet, in
the city of Leeds, under the style or firm of ‘Kitson & Co’, and all or any of the assets and liabilities …
(ii) To carry on the business of locomotive engine manufacturers, ironfounders, mechanical engineers and
manufacturers of agricultural implements and other machinery, tool makers, brass founders, metal workers,
boiler makers …
In July 1945, the company agreed to sell the goodwill and assets of the engineering business which was carried on
at the Airedale foundry, and acquire the assets of a subsidiary (‘Balmforth’) and to continue an engineering
business. It was held that the substratum had not gone.
LORD GREENE MR: [The] form of the memorandum is the common form where a business is being
acquired. It sets out in the usual way the acquisition of the business as the first step which the company is
going to undertake. We are not considering now whether failure in 1899 to acquire the business of Kitson &
Co would have destroyed the substratum of the company. It might possibly have been thought that unless it
got this business it was not really starting its career in the way in which the shareholders bargained it
should be started; but the question we have to decide is whether, that business having been acquired, forty
six years ago, the disposal of it last year amounted to a destruction of the substratum. In my opinion, the
main and paramount object of this company was to carry on an engineering business of a general kind. It
was such a business that was carried on by Kitson & Co, and I cannot bring myself to construe this
memorandum as limiting the paramount object and restricting the contemplated adventure of the
shareholders to the carrying on of what could be called the business of Kitson & Co. The impossibility of
applying such a construction seems to me to be manifest when one remembers that a business is a thing
which changes. It grows or it contracts. It changes; it disposes of the whole of its plant; it moves its factory;
it entirely changes its range of products, and so forth. It is more like an organic thing. Counsel for the
respondents quoted to us a number of very wellknown authorities on which it has been held that on
particular facts the substratum of particular companies had gone. I do not propose to examine those
authorities because they do not assist me in construing this particular memorandum. It must be
remembered in these substratum cases that there is every difference between a company which on the true
construction of its memorandum is formed for the paramount purpose of dealing with some specific subject
matter and a company which is formed with wider and more comprehensive objects. I will explain what I
mean. With regard to a company which is formed to acquire and exploit a mine, when you come to
construe its memorandum of association you must construe the language used in reference to the subject
matter, namely, a mine, and, accordingly, if the mine cannot be acquired or if the mine turns out to be no
mine at all, the object of the company is frustrated, because the subjectmatter which the company was
formed to exploit has ceased to exist. It is exactly the same way with a patent, as in the well
known German Date Coffee case.51 A patent is a defined subjectmatter, and, if the main object of a
company is to acquire and work a patent and it fails to acquire that patent, to compel the shareholders to
remain bound together in order to work some other patent or make some unpatented article is to force them
into a different adventure (p. 797) to that which they contracted to engage in together; but, when you come
to subjectmatter of a totally different kind like the carrying on of a type of business, then, so long as the
company can carry on that type of business, it seems to me that prima facie at any rate it is impossible to
say that its substratum has gone. So far as this stage of the argument is concerned, it is to my mind quite
impossible upon the true construction of this memorandum of association to limit the paramount object of
this company to the specific business of Kitson & Co, so as to lead to the result that as soon as Kitson &
Co’s business was sold the substratum of the company had gone …
MORTON and TUCKER LJJ delivered concurring judgments.
➤ Note
In Re Tivoli Freeholds Ltd [1972] VR 445 (SC Vic) a windingup petition was granted on the just and equitable
ground. The main objects of the company had been to own and build theatres and to carry on theatrical and similar
entertainment businesses. An outside group acquired control of the company and, having realised nearly all of its
assets, used the funds so raised to mount corporate raids on other firms. (These activities were quite profitable
and dividends were regularly paid on the strength of the profits, so an alternative petition based on alleged
oppression of the minority members (see ‘Unfairly prejudicial conduct of the company’s affairs’, pp 681ff) was
rejected by the judge.) Although it was not contended that the company could not, if it chose, have continued to
pursue its original objects, the court accepted that the evidence showed that the business for which the company
was formed had been conclusively abandoned, and granted relief on a basis analogous to a failure of substratum.
It is just and equitable to wind up a company when there is a complete deadlock in the management.
What is meant by ‘deadlock’ is not completely clear from the cases. Deadlock requires at least an impasse in the
corporate decisionmaking process. But in most cases the courts will hold that there is no deadlock if a legal
means exists to get decisions made, using some procedure under either the company’s constitution or the general
law. On the other hand, in quasipartnerships, it may be unjust or inequitable to leave one faction to exercise its
legal rights over the other (see the Ebrahimi case [16.13]).
It is just and equitable to wind up a company where there is such a justifiable (and, it seems, insoluble)
lack of confidence in the management of the company’s affairs that it is unjust and inequitable to require
the petitioner to remain a member.
[16.12] Loch v John Blackwood Ltd [1924] AC 783 (Privy Council)
The engineering business of John Blackwood had, after his death, been formed into a company and run by one of
his trustees, McLaren, for the benefit of the three beneficiaries in his estate: McLaren’s wife (who was to take one
half), Mrs Loch (onequarter) and Rodger (since deceased, onequarter). The business had been run very profitably
by McLaren, but (as is described in the judgment) he had run it in a manner which was oppressive to the
beneficiaries other than his wife. They accordingly petitioned for the winding up of the company on the ground that
it was just and equitable to do so. The Chief Justice of Barbados made an order, which was reversed by the West
Indian Court of Appeal but restored by the Privy Council. The remaining facts appear from the judgment.
The opinion of the Privy Council was delivered by LORD SHAW OF DUNFERMLINE: The board of directors
now consists of Mr McLaren, his wife Mrs McLaren, who was appointed in 1913, and (p. 798) Mr
Yearwood. Under this directorate the business of the company appears to have been energetically managed
and to have amassed considerable profits.
The arrangement of the capital was this: the total amount was 40,000 in £1 shares; 20,000 of these were
allotted to Mrs McLaren; of the remaining 20,000, 10,000 should have gone to Mrs Loch and 10,000 to Mr
Rodger. Mrs Loch, however, was allotted 9,999; Mr Rodger, 9,998; and the three shares left over were
allotted one to Mr McLaren and one each to Mr Yearwood and Mr King (Mrs McLaren’s nominees; the first
being Mr McLaren’s clerk and the second his solicitor). This was quite a natural and proper arrangement;
but, of course, in the event of a division of opinion in the family between what may be called the McLaren
interest on the one hand, and the interest of the nephew and niece on the other, the preponderance of voting
power lay with the former. It is thus seen that although taking the form of a public company the concern
was practically a domestic and family concern. This consideration is important,[52 ] as also is the
preponderance of voting power just alluded to.
In the petition for winding up eight different reasons are assigned therefor. The first is: that the statutory
conditions as to general meetings have not been observed; the second that balancesheets, profit and loss
accounts and reports have not been submitted in terms of the articles of the company; and the third is that
the conditions under the statute and articles as to audit have not been complied with. All these allegations
are true, and it seems naturally to follow from the preponderance already alluded to, that there is at least
considerable force in the fifth reason that it is impossible for the petitioners to obtain any relief by calling a
general meeting of the company. There are further submissions—namely, that the company and the
managing director, Mr McLaren, have refused to submit the value of the shares to arbitration, and that
without winding up it is impossible for the petitioners to realise the true value of their shares. But the
principal ground of the petitioner is that in the circumstances to be laid before the court it is just and
equitable that the company should be ordered to be wound up. This last ground was affirmed by the Court of
Common Pleas.
With regard to the first three submissions made in the petition, it was strenuously argued on behalf of the
company, which practically means the directorate or the McLaren interest, that however true it might be
that owing to the informal way in which the books of the company had been kept it appeared as if both the
statute and the articles of association had been violated in various particulars and that no general meetings
of the company had been held, and no auditors properly appointed, and it was certain that no balance
sheets, profit and loss accounts and reports had been submitted for the critical years 1919 and 1920, still
these were no grounds for winding up. Other applications, it was said, might competently be made to the
court to compel the statute and articles to be properly complied with. It may be doubtful whether such a
course of conduct lasting in several particulars since its inception until now, would be insufficient as a
ground for winding the company up. But their Lordships think it unnecessary to give any separate decision
upon such a point.
In their opinion, however, elements of that character in the history of the company, together with the fact
that a calling of a meeting of shareholders would lead admittedly to failure and be unavailable as a remedy,
cannot be excluded from the point of view of the court in a consideration of the justice and equity of
pronouncing an order for winding up. Such a consideration, in their Lordships’ view, ought to proceed upon a
sound induction of all the facts of the case, and should not exclude, but should include circumstances
which bear upon the problem of continuing or stopping courses of conduct which substantially impair those
rights and protections to which shareholders, both under statute and contract, are entitled. It is undoubtedly
true that at the foundation of applications for winding up, on the ‘just and equitable’ rule, there must lie a
justifiable lack of confidence in the conduct and management of the company’s affairs. But this lack of
confidence must be grounded on conduct of the directors, not in regard to their private life or affairs, but in
regard to the (p. 799) company’s business.[53 ] Furthermore the lack of confidence must spring not from
dissatisfaction at being outvoted on the business affairs or on what is called the domestic policy of the
company. On the other hand, wherever the lack of confidence is rested on a lack of probity in the conduct of
the company’s affairs, then the former is justified by the latter, and it is under the statute just and equitable
that the company be wound up …
Mr McLaren, for reasons not unnatural, had come to be of opinion that the business owed much of its value
and prosperity to himself. But he appears to have proceeded to the further stage of feeling that in these
circumstances he could manage the business as if it were his own. Had Mrs Loch and Mr Rodger, or after
his death Mr Rodger’s executor, obtained a dividend which year by year represented in any reasonable
measure a just declaration out of the undoubted profits of the concern, they might no doubt have been
content to allow this state of matters to go on; but although on one or two occasions, Mr McLaren paid
trifling and fragmentary sums to Mrs Loch, neither she nor the Rodger family have ever obtained any
dividend at all. And it is not to be wondered at that in the transaction now about to be mentioned they
completely lost confidence in Mr McLaren, and had only too great justification for doing so …
[His Lordship then referred to a decision of the directors to pay McLaren an increased salary and to transfer
to him £12,500 War Loan stock, and continued:] No notice was given to the respondents, as shareholders,
of this piece of business being contemplated, and no notice was given of what had been done. Four days
after this extraordinary transaction, Mr McLaren wrote to Mrs Loch’s husband a letter dated 5 May 1920
proposing to her that £10,000 should be given by him as the cumulative value of Mrs Loch’s shares and Mr
JB Rodger’s executor’s shares. These shares in all amounted to onehalf of the capital of the company—
namely, £20,000—and, as already mentioned, it is evident that the true value of assets much exceeded this
amount. The proposal was to buy Mrs Loch and the Rodger family out for £10,000. But a further suggestion,
which in some ways seems to have been mixed up with the umbrage felt by Mr McLaren in regard to the
contents of Mr Rodger’s will, was made, and that was that Mrs Loch should be a participant in a scheme
whereby the £10,000 to be paid should be distributed—£8,000 to herself and only £2,000 to the Rodgers
Their Lordships do not desire to characterise these suggestions in the language which perhaps they fully
deserve. The Rodger family, entitled to onefourth of the holding in the company, nominally £10,000, but in
reality of a much higher value, were to be bought off for £2,000, and Mrs Loch was to be the agent in this
scheme. No confidence in the directorate could survive such a proposal. To crown all this, as was
afterwards discovered, the £10,000 could be comfortably paid by Mr McLaren out of the £12,500 which, four
days before, he and his wife and clerk had voted to himself out of the funds of the company. Their Lordships
express no surprise at the instant repudiation of Mr McLaren’s proposals by Mrs Loch—a repudiation which
is creditable to her—and at the application for a winding up of the company being made. Upon the principles
already set forth in this judgment that application must succeed. The broad ground is that confidence in its
management was, and is, and that most justifiably, at an end …
➤ Notes
1. In Re RA Noble & Sons (Clothing) Ltd [1983] BCLC 273, Nourse J held that, so long as the conduct of those in
control has been ‘the substantial cause’ of the destruction of the mutual confidence between the parties, it is
unnecessary to show either that that conduct has been in some way underhand or that the petitioner’s own
conduct has been above reproach. The Privy Council took a similar view in Vujnovich v Vujnovich [1990] BCLC
(p. 800) 2. But note that the court has a discretion under IA 1986 s 125(2) to refuse an order on the ‘just and
equitable’ ground if the petitioner is acting unreasonably in seeking to have the company wound up instead of
pursuing some other remedy. In Re a Company [1983] 1 WLR 927, Vinelott J held that a petitioner had acted
unreasonably in refusing an offer made by the majority members to buy his shares, following a breakdown of
confidence, and refused him a windingup order. That case may be contrasted with Virdi v Abbey Leisure
Ltd [1990] BCLC 342, CA, where the court exercised its discretion in the petitioner’s favour on a similar issue.
It may be just and equitable to wind up a company where one party has simply exercised his or her legal
rights, but in an unjust or inequitable way.
[16.13] Ebrahimi v Westbourne Galleries Ltd [1973] AC 360 (House of Lords)
This is probably the most cited case in this area. The company was formed in 1958 to take over a business which
Nazar and Ebrahimi had run in partnership for over a decade. At first, the two were equal shareholders and the only
directors, but soon afterwards Nazar’s son joined the company as a director and shareholder, so that Ebrahimi
found himself in a minority position both on the board of directors and at a general meeting. In 1969, after some
disagreement between the parties, an ordinary resolution was passed under s 184 of the Act of 1948 [CA 2006 s
168], removing Ebrahimi as director. Ebrahimi sought relief under s 210, or, alternatively, s 222(f) of the 1948 Act
[respectively CA 2006 s 994 and IA 1986 s 122(1)(g)]. Plowman J declined to make an order under s 210 because
(inter alia) Ebrahimi’s complaint was in his capacity as director rather than as member (see ‘Members’ personal
rights’, pp 250ff); but he did make a windingup order. The Court of Appeal reversed the latter ruling, holding that
the exercise by a majority of its constitutional and statutory rights, unless shown to be mala fide, was not a
ground for ‘just and equitable’ relief under s 222(f). The House of Lords restored the decision of the trial judge.
LORD WILBERFORCE: My Lords, the petition was brought under s 222(f) of the Companies Act 1948 [IA
1986 s 122(1)(g)], which enables a windingup order to be made if ‘the court is of the opinion that it is just
and equitable that the company should be wound up’. This power has existed in our company law in
unaltered form since the first major Act, the Companies Act 1862. For some fifty years, following a
pronouncement by Lord Cottenham LC in 1849, the words ‘just and equitable’ were interpreted so as only to
include matters ejusdem generis as the preceding clauses of the section, but there is now ample authority
for discarding this limitation. There are two other restrictive interpretations which I mention to reject. First,
there has been a tendency to create categories or headings under which cases must be brought if the
clause is to apply. This is wrong. Illustrations may be used, but general words should remain general and
not be reduced to the sum of particular instances. Secondly, it has been suggested, and urged upon us,
that (assuming the petitioner is a shareholder and not a creditor) the words must be confined to such
circumstances as affect him in his capacity as shareholder. I see no warrant for this either. No doubt, in
order to present a petition, he must qualify as a shareholder, but I see no reason for preventing him from
relying upon any circumstances of justice or equity which affect him in his relations with the company, or,
in a case such as the present, with the other shareholders.
One other signpost is significant. The same words ‘just and equitable’ appear in the Partnership Act 1890, s
35, as a ground for dissolution of a partnership and no doubt the considerations which they reflect formed
part of the common law of partnership before its codification. The importance of this is to provide a bridge
between cases under s 222(f) of the Act of 1948 and the principles of equity developed in relation to
(p. 801) The windingup order was made following a doctrine which has developed in the courts since the
beginning of this century. As presented by the appellant, and in substance accepted by the learned judge,
this was that in a case such as this the members of the company are in substance partners, or quasi
partners, and that a winding up may be ordered if such facts are shown as could justify a dissolution of
partnership between them. The common use of the words ‘just and equitable’ in the company and
partnership law supports this approach. Your Lordships were invited by the respondents’ counsel to restate
the principle on which this provision ought to be used; it has not previously been considered by this House.
The main line of his submission was to suggest that too great a use of the partnership analogy had been
made; that a limited company, however small, essentially differs from a partnership; that in the case of a
company, the rights of its members are governed by the articles of association which have contractual
force; that the court has no power or at least ought not to dispense parties from observing their contracts;
that, in particular, when one member has been excluded from the directorate, or management, under
powers expressly conferred by the Companies Act and the articles, an order for winding up, whether on the
partnership analogy or under the just and equitable provision, should not be made. Alternatively, it was
argued that before the making of such an order could be considered the petitioner must show and prove that
the exclusion was not made bona fide in the interests of the company.
[His Lordship discussed a number of earlier cases and continued:] My Lords, in my opinion these
authorities represent a sound and rational development of the law which should be endorsed. The foundation
of it all lies in the words ‘just and equitable’ and, if there is any respect in which some of the cases may be
open to criticism, it is that the courts may sometimes have been too timorous in giving them full force. The
words are a recognition of the fact that a limited company is more than a mere legal entity, with a
personality in law of its own: that there is room in company law for recognition of the fact that behind it, or
amongst it, there are individuals, with rights, expectations and obligations inter se which are not necessarily
submerged in the company structure. That structure is defined by the Companies Act and by the articles of
association by which shareholders agree to be bound. In most companies and in most contexts, this
definition is sufficient and exhaustive, equally so whether the company is large or small. The ‘just and
equitable’ provision does not, as the respondents suggest, entitle one party to disregard the obligation he
assumed by entering a company, nor the court to dispense him from it. It does, as equity always does,
enable the court to subject the exercise of legal rights to equitable considerations, considerations, that is,
of a personal character arising between one individual and another, which may make it unjust, or
inequitable, to insist on legal rights, or to exercise them in a particular way.
It would be impossible, and wholly undesirable, to define the circumstances in which these considerations
may arise. Certainly the fact that a company is a small one, or a private company, is not enough. There are
very many of these where the association is a purely commercial one, of which it can safely be said that
the basis of association is adequately and exhaustively laid down in the articles. The superimposition of
equitable considerations requires something more, which typically may include one, or probably more, of
the following elements: (i) an association formed or continued on the basis of a personal relationship,
involving mutual confidence—this element will often be found where a preexisting partnership has been
converted into a limited company; (ii) an agreement, or understanding, that all, or some (for there may be
‘sleeping’ members), of the shareholders shall participate in the conduct of the business; (iii) restriction
upon the transfer of the members’ interest in the company—so that if confidence is lost, or one member is
removed from management, he cannot take out his stake and go elsewhere.
It is these, and analogous, factors which may bring into play the just and equitable clause, and they do so
directly, through the force of the words themselves. To refer, as so many of the cases do, to ‘quasi
partnerships’ or ‘in substance partnerships’ may be convenient but may also be confusing. It may be
convenient because it is the law of partnership which has developed the conceptions of probity, good faith
and mutual confidence, and the remedies where these are absent, which become relevant once such
factors as I have mentioned are found to exist: the words ‘just and equitable’ sum these up in the law of
partnership itself. And in many, but not necessarily all, cases there (p. 802) has been a preexisting
partnership the obligations of which it is reasonable to suppose continue to underlie the new company
structure. But the expressions may be confusing if they obscure, or deny, the fact that the parties (possibly
former partners) are now comembers in a company, who have accepted, in law, new obligations. A
company, however small, however domestic, is a company, not a partnership or even a quasipartnership
and it is through the just and equitable clause that obligations, common to partnership relations, may come
My Lords, this is an expulsion case, and I must briefly justify the application in such cases of the just and
equitable clause. The question is, as always, whether it is equitable to allow one (or two) to make use of his
legal rights to the prejudice of his associate(s). The law of companies recognises the right, in many ways,
to remove a director from the board. Section 184 of the Companies Act 1948 [CA 2006 s 168] confers this
right upon the company in general meeting whatever the articles may say. Some articles may prescribe
other methods: for example, a governing director may have the power to remove (compare Re Wondoflex
Textiles Pty Ltd).54 And quite apart from removal powers, there are normally provisions for retirement of
directors by rotation so that their reelection can be opposed and defeated by a majority, or even by a
casting vote. In all these ways a particular directormember may find himself no longer a director, through
removal, or nonreelection: this situation he must normally accept, unless he undertakes the burden of
proving fraud or mala fides. The just and equitable provision nevertheless comes to his assistance if he can
point to, and prove, some special underlying obligation of his fellow member(s) in good faith, or confidence,
that so long as the business continues he shall be entitled to management participation, an obligation so
basic that, if broken, the conclusion must be that the association must be dissolved …
I come to the facts of this case. It is apparent enough that a potential basis for a windingup order under the
just and equitable clause existed. The appellant after a long association in partnership, during which he had
an equal share in the management, joined in the formation of the company. The inference must be
indisputable that he, and Mr Nazar, did so on the basis that the character of the association would, as a
matter of personal relation and good faith, remain the same. He was removed from his directorship under a
power valid in law. Did he establish a case which, if he had remained in a partnership with a term providing
for expulsion, would have justified an order for dissolution? This was the essential question for the judge.
Plowman J dealt with the issue in a brief paragraph in which he said: ‘while no doubt the petitioner was
lawfully removed, in the sense that he ceased in law to be a director, it does not follow that in removing him
the respondents did not do him a wrong. In my judgment, they did do him a wrong, in the sense that it was
an abuse of power and a breach of the good faith which partners owe to each other to exclude one of them
from all participation in the business upon which they have embarked on the basis that all should participate
in its management. The main justification put forward for removing him was that he was perpetually
complaining, but the faults were not all on one side and, in my judgment, this is not sufficient justification.
For these reasons, in my judgment, the petitioner, therefore, has made out a case for a windingup order.’
Reading this in the context of the judgment as a whole, which had dealt with the specific complaints of one
side against the other, I take it as a finding that the respondents were not entitled, in justice and equity, to
make use of their legal powers of expulsion and that … the only just and equitable course was to dissolve
the association …
LORD CROSS OF CHELSEA delivered a concurring opinion.
➤ Notes
1. The Ebrahimi case [16.13] makes it clear that it may be just and equitable to wind up a company even
though the controllers have acted within their strict legal rights.
(p. 803) 2. The Ebrahimi case also makes it clear that it may be just and equitable to wind up a company
when the complaint relates to behaviour that is contrary to the settled and accepted course of conduct
between the parties, whether or not reinforced by contract or by the articles.
3. Many of the previous cases, especially the earlier ones, in which a windingup order was made on the ‘just
and equitable’ ground, might now be more appropriately made the subject of proceedings under CA 2006 s
994 (discussed at ‘Unfairly prejudicial conduct of the company’s affairs’, pp 681ff). On the other hand, there
are modern quasipartnership cases where the courts refuse to find prejudicial conduct (under CA 1985 s 459,
the predecessor of CA 2006 s 994), but will order a just and equitable winding up: for example, Re RA Noble
(Clothing) Ltd [1983] BCLC 273.
4. Hawk es v Cuddy [2009] EWCA Civ 291, makes it clear that the windingup and unfair prejudice jurisdictions
overlap but are not identical.
➤ Question
In Re Yenidje Tobacco Co Ltd [1916] 2 Ch 426, CA, the Court of Appeal held that it was just and equitable to
wind up a quasipartnership company where there were sufficiently serious breaches of mutual understanding.
The company had been formed by two tobacco manufacturers, Rothman and Weinberg, in order to
amalgamate their businesses. They were the only members, with equal voting rights, and the only directors.
The parties had been in a state of continuous quarrel for some time. Rothman had brought an action against
Weinberg alleging fraud; they had spent over £1,000 (a substantial sum at the time) in litigation over the
validity of the dismissal of a factory manager; had argued over the terms of employment of a traveller; and had
been communicating with each other only through the secretary of the company. In this situation (despite the
fact that the company was making larger profits than ever before), the court granted a windingup order on
Weinberg’s petition. Would this case now be dealt with under CA 2006 s 994? What are the advantages and
disadvantages of each option?
The courts’ discretion to order a compulsory winding up
Once the petitioner has established the right to bring a petition, and proved the grounds alleged, the court has to
decide whether or not to make the order to wind up the company. Normally their decision will follow from proof of
the elements of the claim, but it is worth noting that:
(i) On a member’s or contributory’s petition, the court has a statutory discretion to refuse the petition if some
other remedy is available to the petitioners and it seems that the petitioners are acting unreasonably in
seeking to have the company wound up rather than relying on that other remedy (IA 1986 s 125(2)). The
court is frequently asked to exercise this discretion where minority shareholders seek an order on the
grounds of ‘unfair prejudice’ (CA 2006 s 994, see ‘Unfairly prejudicial conduct of the company’s affairs’, pp
681ff) and, alternatively, a winding up on the ‘just and equitable’ ground.
(ii) The court has an inherent jurisdiction to refuse a windingup order brought for extraneous or improper
purposes. In Re Surrey Garden Village Trust Ltd [1995] 1 WLR 974, Ch, Plowman J said ‘… I go further and
say that in my judgment it is oppressive and an abuse of the process of the court for shareholders to make
use of a windingup petition for the purpose of seeking to facilitate the achievement of a purely sectional and
extraneous object which … has no relevance to the interests of the members as such …’. Similarly, in Re
JE Cade & Sons Ltd [1992] BCLC 213, a minority member (p. 804) owned the freehold of a farm which had
been occupied under licence by the company for some years. He sought a windingup order on the ‘just and
equitable’ ground or, alternatively, relief under CA 1985 s 459 (CA 2006 s 994); but the court struck out his
petition because his real object in bringing the proceedings was not to protect his interests as a member but
to secure possession of the farm.
(iii) Finally, the court has an inherent jurisdiction to strike out a petition for winding up which is bound to fail,
as an abuse of the process of the court, and it may grant an injunction to restrain the presentation of such a
petition (see Charles Forte Investments Ltd v Amanda [1964] Ch 240, CA, where Amanda was attempting to
use the windingup procedure as a means of putting pressure on the directors to register certain share
By invoking these statutory and inherent jurisdictions to have petitions dismissed, a company may avoid the
unfavourable publicity that a windingup petition inevitably attracts.
The functions, powers and duties of the liquidator
The basic duty of the liquidator is to wind up the company’s affairs, collect in and realise the company’s assets
and undertaking, and make the appropriate distributions to the creditors and, if there is a surplus, to the
The rules governing the functions, powers and duties of a liquidator are partly set out in IA 1986 and IR 1986, and
partly established by the case law. The Act now makes it obligatory for a liquidator to be a qualified insolvency
practitioner (s 230(3)). In a compulsory liquidation, the liquidator is also an officer of the court.
A liquidator acts in the name of the company (which continues to have a separate corporate personality) and not in
his own name (except where he is exercising certain special statutory powers), although sometimes,
exceptionally, an order of the court is sought vesting all or part of the company’s property in the liquidator’s name
(IA 1986 s 145). This might be necessary, for example, to deal with the local assets of a foreign company which
had already been dissolved in its home jurisdiction. Although a liquidator acts in the company’s name and not in
his own name, he can sometimes incur personal liability, for example where he institutes proceedings and the
costs exceed the amount of the company’s assets: Re Wilson Lovatt & Sons Ltd [1977] 1 All ER 274.
A liquidator owes his duties to the company, not to individual creditors or contributories (Knowles v Scott [1891] 1
Ch 717). He may be personally liable for breach of duty, and sued in misfeasance proceedings under IA 1986 s
212, if he:
(i) fails to comply with the strict statutory terms of his office (eg in wrongly admitting a claim by an alleged
creditor: Re Home and Colonial Insurance Co Ltd [1930] 1 Ch 102; or in distributing the company’s assets
properly among the persons entitled: Pulsford v Devenish [1903] 2 Ch 625);
(ii) performs his functions negligently (Re Windsor Steam Coal Co (1901) Ltd [1928] Ch 609); or
(iii) breaches his fiduciary duties to the company by taking secret profits or placing himself in positions of
Certain statutory powers of a liquidator are conferred by IA 1986 ss 165ff and Sch 4. These, or rather the
circumstances in which they may be exercised, vary slightly depending on the type of winding up. Other powers
(eg to make calls upon the contributories) are given by the Act in the first place to the court but are then delegated
to the liquidator by the rules, pursuant to s 160.
(p. 805) The conduct of the liquidation
The way in which a liquidation is conducted can be described in general terms, but there are differences in detail
between compulsory and voluntary liquidations, and between a members’ and a creditors’ voluntary winding up,
which can be discovered only from a study of the 1986 Act and the Insolvency Rules.
The Act confers a wide range of powers on a liquidator.55 There is an extensive list of specific powers set out in
Sch 4, for example the power to bring and defend proceedings, to carry on the company’s business and to borrow
and to charge the company’s property as security. By ss 178ff a liquidator is empowered to ‘disclaim’ what are
described as ‘unprofitable contracts’ and ‘onerous property’—in other words, to wash his hands of any
responsibility under the contract or any interest in the property. A common example is a lease of property which is
let at a rental higher than the current market rate. Anyone who suffers loss as a result of a disclaimer can prove for
it as a debt in the winding up, but will usually be an unsecured creditor with all the disadvantages that entails.
Other powers (which are also given to an administrator) include the power to examine directors and other persons
on oath in order to gain information about the company’s affairs (s 236, see ‘Investigating and reporting the affairs
of the company’, pp 822ff): recall that the person being examined cannot refuse to give answers even where they
are incriminating (see ‘Inspections and the privilege against selfincrimination’, p 737).
‘Commencement’ of winding up
For many statutory purposes,56 a winding up takes effect from its ‘commencement’, which may involve some
backdating. IA 1986 s 86 provides that a voluntary winding up is deemed to commence at the time of the passing
of the resolution for winding up. In the case of a compulsory winding up, the liquidation is deemed to commence at
the time of the presentation of the petition (and not the making of the order itself), but if the company is already in
voluntary liquidation when the petition is presented, the relevant time is when the windingup resolution was passed
(s 129).
These provisions have important consequences because from the date of commencement:
(i) dispositions of property by the company (in a compulsory winding up) are avoided, unless the court
otherwise orders (s 127);57
(ii) attachments, distress and execution (in a compulsory winding up) which have not been completed are
void (s 128);58
(iii) transfers of shares are avoided (ss 88 and 127);
(iv) transactions entered into within prescribed periods before that date may be invalidated as having been ‘at
an undervalue’ or ‘preferences’ (ss 238–241: see Re MC Bacon Ltd [16.15]);
(p. 806) (v) a floating charge created within 12 months (or, in some cases, two years) of that date may be
invalidated (s 245; see Re Park es Garage [11.16], and Re Yeovil Glove [12.17]).
By contrast, some categories of creditor are given preferential rights in regard to debts incurred within prescribed
periods before the date of the order (ss 175 and 386 and sch 6) (see ‘Application of assets by the liquidator’, pp
820ff). Also see Re Globespan Airways Ltd (in Liquidation) [2012] EWCA Civ 1159, CA.
It is not easy to reconcile these ‘backdating’ provisions with those of CA 2006 s 1079, which aims to protect third
parties without actual notice until 15 days after the ‘official notification’ in the Gazette of the making of a windingup
order or, in a voluntary liquidation, of the appointment of a liquidator (see Publication in the Gazette’, pp 716ff). It is
plain that the full implications of this statutory misfit (which are the result of implementing the First EU Company
Law Directive) have not been fully thought through by the legislators.
The liquidator’s ability to ‘claw back’ property—unwinding transactions
The effect of the statutory provisions referred to in points (i), (ii), (iv) and (v) in the previous section, is to allow the
liquidator to ‘claw back’ property which has been transferred away by the company, and to avoid some
transactions which it has entered into in the period immediately preceding the winding up, thus increasing the
assets available for distribution to the creditors generally.
IA 1986 dramatically extended the scope of these provisions by comparison with the previous law. The existing
provisions do not depend upon proof of fraud and dishonesty, but simply require that there be ‘transactions at an
undervalue’ (s 238), or ‘preferences’ (s 239). The rules also operate more strictly where the other party to the
transaction is a person ‘connected with’ the company (eg a director or a substantial shareholder, or a close relative
of such a person, or another company in the same group: for the full definition, see ss 249 and 435). Where a
connected person is involved, the time limits may be extended (ss 240(1)(a) and 245(3)(a)), the onus of proof may
be reversed (ss 239(6) and 249(2)), or a possible defence disallowed (s 245(4)). It goes without saying that a very
careful reading of the Act is necessary to discover exactly which rules are applicable in a particular case.
The liquidator’s ability to require wrongdoers to make personal contributions to the assets of the
IA 1986 (in addition to imposing criminal liability for various forms of misconduct which may be revealed in the
course of a winding up) contains a number of provisions under which the directors of a company in liquidation, and
in some cases others, may be made liable to account, pay compensation or contribute to the assets of the
company in the hands of the liquidator:
(i) IA 1986 s 212 (commonly called the ‘misfeasance’ section) provides a summary remedy 59 for establishing
accountability or assessing damages against delinquent officers (excluding administrators 60 ). This is a
purely procedural provision, which creates no new liabilities but provides a simpler mechanism for the
recovery of property or compensation in a winding up. It does, however, give the court a discretion to require
such compensation to be paid in full or in part, ‘as the court thinks just’, and does not specify conditions for
the exercise of this discretion (s 212(3)).61
(p. 807) (ii) If, in the course of a winding up, it is found that any business of the company has been carried
on with intent to defraud creditors or for any other fraudulent purpose (‘fraudulent trading’), the court may
order those who were knowingly parties to this misconduct to contribute to the company’s assets (s 213).
For the purposes of this provision, actual dishonesty must be proved (Re Patrick and Lyon Ltd [1933] Ch
786). The sum to be contributed is now to be assessed on a compensatory basis only, with no punitive
element: Morphitis v Bernasconi [2002] EWCA Civ 289, [2003] Ch 552, CA.62
(iii) A director, former director or ‘shadow director’ of a company in liquidation may be ordered to contribute
personally to the assets in the hands of the liquidator if there have been circumstances constituting ‘wrongful
trading’ (a phrase used in the sidenote, but not the text, of the Act): s 214. The complex provisions of this
section need careful study.
Prerequisites for liability are that (i) the person has been a director (or ‘shadow director’) and (ii) the company has
gone into insolvent liquidation. The person must have known, or should have concluded, that there was no
reasonable prospect that the company would avoid going into insolvent liquidation. However, he can avoid liability if
the court is satisfied that he ‘took every step with a view to minimising the potential loss to the company’s
creditors’ that he ought to have taken. Only the liquidator has standing to bring proceedings.
Although described as ‘wrongful trading’, as noted earlier, the possible scope of this section is very wide indeed. It
can cover passive inactivity just as much as positive wrongdoing; there need be no actual ‘trading’, but conduct
such as allowing the payment of unjustified remuneration or dividends could be caught; and as s 214(4) makes
clear, and, as the Produce Mark eting case [16.16] confirms, the director’s behaviour is to be judged by objective
as well as subjective standards.
It has also been held, as a matter of law, that CA 2006 s 1157 (which empowers a court to relieve a director from
liability for breach of duty where he has acted honestly and reasonably and ought fairly to be excused) is not
available to a director in s 214 proceedings, although the logic of that analysis appears questionable.63 On the
other hand, s 214(1) itself allows the court to declare that the person is ‘liable to make such contribution (if any) to
the company’s assets as the court thinks proper’, so the court can exercise a discretion in any event.
Although the statutory charge of fraudulent trading (s 213) remains on the books, the introduction in 1986 of the
concept of ‘wrongful’ trading, which can lead to the same consequences with a much lighter burden of proof,
means that s 213 is only rarely invoked. It is invoked, however, if the objective is to attach liability to defendants
who are not subject to s 214, which has a much narrower remit than s 213 (eg over the past decade, the
liquidators of BCCI have made significant use of s 213). For a recent example, see Bilta (UK) Ltd (In Liquidation) v
Nazir [2012] EWHC 2163 (Ch), in which s 213 was held to be of extraterritorial effect.
Money that is ordered to be paid under ss 213 and 214 (and, similarly, ss 238 and 239) goes into the general
assets of the company in the hands of the liquidator. It is not awardable directly to those affected by the fraudulent
or wrongful trading. This avoids the danger that a particular creditor might bring pressure on the directors of a
company that was close to insolvency in order to induce them to pay him off out of their own pockets and so gain
an advantage over the other creditors. On the other hand, sums recovered under s 212 are the product of a chose
in action vested in the company prior to liquidation. Accordingly they are (p. 808) ‘assets of the company’, which
are capable of being caught by the provisions of an appropriately drafted charge (Re AngloAustrian Printing &
Publishing Union [1895] 2 Ch 891), or of being assigned by the company or its liquidator (Re Oasis Merchandising
Services Ltd [1998] Ch 170).
Finally, CDDA 1986 authorises the court to make a disqualification order (‘Directors’ disqualification’, pp 294ff)
against anyone held liable for fraudulent or wrongful trading.
Reuse of company names and the ‘phoenix syndrome’
The Cork Committee, on whose recommendation the concept of wrongful trading was introduced, were concerned
also with another situation, popularly referred to as the ‘phoenix syndrome’. This occurs where a person who had
been trading through the medium of a company allows it to go into insolvent liquidation and then forms a new
company, sometimes with a similar name, and carries on trading much as before. He might even use assets in the
new business which he had bought at a knockdown price in the liquidation of the old company, so that the old
company’s creditors subsidise his fresh start. The Committee (Cmnd 8558, 1982, para 1827) recommended that
such a person should be personally liable for the second company’s debts if it went into insolvent liquidation within
three years.
However, instead of this targeted liability, the Insolvency Act simply focuses on the reuse of the name of a defunct
company by a person who was one of its directors. Criminal and civil liability follow: the behaviour is made a
criminal offence (s 216) which, in R v Cole [1998] 2 BCLC 234, CA, was held to be one of strict liability.64 In
addition, the director, without the need of any court order, is made personally liable, without limitation, for the
debts of the new business, whether or not it becomes insolvent (s 217). The conditions for liability are stringently
drawn, the criminal and civil consequences are severe and liability is automatic: the court has no discretion to
absolve the defendant (Rick etts v Ad Valorem Factors Ltd [2003] EWCA Civ 1706, [2004] BCC 164). The
provisions seem to be used increasingly frequently.
Insolvency and corporate groups
Another problem discussed by the Cork Committee was that of ‘group trading’—the ‘runt of the litter’ situation
criticised by Templeman LJ in Re Southard & Co Ltd (Note 4 following Adams v Cape Industries plc [2.19], p 73).
Is it in keeping with commercial morality that a parent company can allow one of its subsidiaries to decline into
insolvency while the rest of the group prospers? A fortiori, for the debts owed by the subsidiary to other members
of the group to rank equally with those of outside creditors—or even, if secured, ahead of them? The Committee
recommended (para 1963) that the law should be changed so that intercompany indebtedness could in some
circumstances be postponed to the claim of outside creditors. But, it hesitated to follow the bolder reforms made
in New Zealand and Ireland, which empower the court to order one company in a group to pay the debt of another
in the insolvent winding up of the latter.
IA 1986 contains no special provisions relating to insolvent groups, although it may have met these problems in
part by its ‘wrongful trading’ provisions (which might extend to a parent company as a ‘shadow director’) and by its
measures to extend the circumstances in which floating charges given to ‘connected persons’ can be invalidated
(companies within the same group are ‘connected persons’).
The cases which follow illustrate the operation in practice of some of the provisions of IA 1986 that are discussed
(p. 809) Avoidance of property dispositions: IA 1986 s 127.
[16.14] Re Gray’s Inn Construction Co Ltd [1980] 1 WLR 711 (Court of Appeal)
The company, which carried on a building business, was ordered to be wound up by the court. Between the time
when the petition was presented and the date of the order its bank had allowed it to continue to operate its
account. During this period it had traded unprofitably. The Court of Appeal held that both the amounts credited to
the company’s account and those debited to it constituted ‘dispositions’ of the company’s property (although now
see the Note following) and, in the exercise of its discretion under IA 1986 s 127, declined to validate most of
these banking transactions. In the course of his judgment, Buckley LJ enunciated some principles for the guidance
of courts in relation to the jurisdiction under s 127.
BUCKLEY LJ: It is a basic concept of our law governing the liquidation of insolvent estates, whether in
bankruptcy or under the Companies Acts, that the free assets of the insolvent at the commencement of the
liquidation shall be distributed rateably amongst the insolvent’s unsecured creditors as at that date … In a
company’s compulsory winding up [this] is achieved by section 227 [of CA 1948, equivalent to IA 1986 s
127]. There may be occasions, however, when it would be beneficial, not only for the company but also for
its unsecured creditors, that the company should be enabled to dispose of some of its property during the
period after the petition has been presented but before a windingup order has been made. An obvious
example is if the company has an opportunity by acting speedily to dispose of some piece of property at an
exceptionally good price. Many applications for validation under the section relate to specific transactions of
this kind or analogous kinds. It may sometimes be beneficial to the company and its creditors that the
company should be enabled to complete a particular contract or project, or to continue to carry on its
business generally in its ordinary course with a view to a sale of the business as a going concern. In any
such case the court has power under section 227 of the Companies Act 1948 to validate the particular
transaction, or the completion of the particular contract or project, or the continuance of the company’s
business in its ordinary course, as the case may be. In considering whether to make a validating order the
court must always, in my opinion, do its best to ensure that the interests of the unsecured creditors will not
be prejudiced. Where the application relates to a specific transaction this may be susceptible of positive
proof. In a case of completion of a contract or project the proof may perhaps be less positive but
nevertheless be cogent enough to satisfy the court that in the interests of the creditors the company should
be enabled to proceed, or at any rate that proceeding in the manner proposed would not prejudice them in
any respect. The desirability of the company being enabled to carry on its business generally is likely to be
more speculative and will be likely to depend on whether a sale of the business as a going concern will
probably be more beneficial than a breakup realisation of the company’s assets. In each case, I think, the
court must necessarily carry out a balancing exercise … Each case must depend upon its own particular
Since the policy of the law is to procure so far as practicable rateable payments of the unsecured creditors’
claims, it is, in my opinion, clear that the court should not validate any transaction or series of transactions
which might result in one or more preliquidation creditors being paid in full at the expense of other
creditors, who will only receive a dividend, in the absence of special circumstances making such a course
desirable in the interests of the unsecured creditors as a body. If, for example, it were in the interests of the
creditors generally that the company’s business should be carried on, and this could only be achieved by
paying for goods already supplied to the company when the petition is presented but not yet paid for, the
court might think fit in the exercise of its discretion to validate payment for those goods …
It may not always be feasible, or desirable, that a validating order should be sought before the transaction in
question is carried out. The parties may be unaware at the time when the transaction is entered into that a
petition has been presented; or the need for speedy action may be such as to preclude an anticipatory
application; or the beneficial character of the transaction may be so obvious (p. 810) that there is no real
prospect of a liquidator seeking to set it aside, so that an application to the court would waste time, money
and effort. But in any case in which the transaction is carried out without an anticipatory validating order the
disponee is at risk of the court declining to validate the transaction. It follows, in my view, that the parties
when entering into the transaction, if they are aware that it is liable to be invalidated by the section, should
have in mind the sort of considerations which would influence the court’s decision.
A disposition carried out in good faith in the ordinary course of business at a time when the parties are
unaware that a petition has been presented may, it seems, normally be validated by the court … unless
there is any ground for thinking that the transaction may involve an attempt to prefer the disponee, in which
case the transaction would probably not be validated. In a number of cases reference has been made to the
relevance of the policy of ensuring rateable distribution of the assets …
But although that policy might disincline the court to ratify any transaction which involved preferring a pre
liquidation creditor, it has no relevance to a transaction which is entirely postliquidation, as for instance a
sale of an asset at its full market value after presentation of a petition. Such a transaction involves no
dissipation of the company’s assets, for it does not reduce the value of those assets. It cannot harm the
creditors and there would seem to be no reason why the court should not in the exercise of its discretion
validate it. A fortiori, the court would be inclined to validate a transaction which would increase, or has
increased, the value of the company’s assets, or which would preserve, or has preserved, the value of the
company’s assets from harm which would result from the company’s business being paralysed …
➤ Note
The transactions which were challenged in this case were payments into and out of the company’s bank account,
and the court held, or accepted concessions made by counsel, that all such payments were ‘dispositions’ by the
company within s 127. But later cases have shown that this is not always true. In Re Barn Crown Ltd [1994] 2
BCLC 186 it was held that there was no ‘disposition’, but only an adjustment of entries in the statement recording
the accounts between the customer and the banker, when cheques belonging to the company were paid into an
account which was already in credit. (However, Professor Goode, Principles of Corporate Insolvency Law (3rd edn,
2005), paras 11.128ff, disagrees: if the bank were to become insolvent, the money would be lost, and accordingly
there must have been a ‘disposition’.) More recently, inHollicourt (Contracts) Ltd v Bank of Ireland [2001] Ch 555,
CA, it has been held that where a bank meets a cheque drawn by its customer (whether the account is in credit or
overdrawn), it does so merely as the customer’s agent. As a result, while there is clearly a disposition by the
customer in favour of the payee, there is no disposition to the bank itself—as had been assumed in the Gray’s
Inn case. Hollicourt no doubt provides considerable comfort to the banking community, since it reduces concern
about this type of restitutionary liability.
Preferences and transactions at an undervalue: IA 1986 ss 239 and 238.
[16.15] Re MC Bacon Ltd [1990] BCLC 324 (Chancery Division)
The company, which carried on business as a bacon importer and wholesaler, had been profitable until it lost its
principal customer. It continued trading on a reduced scale for a time, but eventually had to go into liquidation. This
action was brought to challenge a debenture which had been given to its bank during this latter period, at a time
when it was actually or virtually insolvent and could not have continued without the bank’s support. Millett J
held (p. 811) that the debenture was not liable to be struck down either (i) as a preference under IA 1986 s 239,
since the directors in granting it had not been motivated by a desire to prefer the bank but only by a desire to avoid
the calling in of the overdraft and their wish to continue trading, or (ii) as a transaction at an undervalue under s 238
because the giving of the security had neither depleted the company’s assets nor diminished their value.
Voidable preference
So far as I am aware, this is the first case under the section [s 239] and its meaning has been the subject
of some debate before me. I shall therefore attempt to provide some guidance.
The section replaces s 44(1) of the Bankruptcy Act 1914, which in certain circumstances deemed
fraudulent and avoided payments made and other transactions entered into in favour of a creditor ‘with a
view of giving such creditor … a preference over the other creditors’. Section 44(1) and its predecessors had
been construed by the courts as requiring the person seeking to avoid the payment or other transaction to
establish that it had been made ‘with the dominant intention to prefer’ the creditor.
Section 44(1) has been replaced and its language has been entirely recast. Every single word of
significance, whether in the form of statutory definition or in its judicial exposition, has been jettisoned.
‘View’, ‘dominant’, ‘intention’ and even ‘to prefer’ have all been discarded. These are replaced by
‘influenced’, ‘desire’, and ‘to produce in relation to that person the effect mentioned in subs (4)(b)’.
I therefore emphatically protest against the citation of cases decided under the old law. They cannot be of
any assistance when the language of the statute has been so completely and deliberately changed. It may
be that many of the cases which will come before the courts in future will be decided in the same way that
they would have been decided under the old law. That may be so, but the grounds of decision will be
different. What the court has to do is to interpret the language of the statute and apply it. It will no longer
inquire whether there was ‘a dominant intention to prefer’ the creditor, but whether the company’s decision
was ‘influenced by a desire to produce the effect mentioned in subs (4)(b)’.
This is a completely different test. It involves at least two radical departures from the old law. It is no longer
necessary to establish a dominant intention to prefer. It is sufficient that the decision was influenced by the
requisite desire. That is the first change. The second is that it is no longer sufficient to establish an
intention to prefer. There must be a desire to produce the effect mentioned in the subsection.
This second change is made necessary by the first, for without it it would be virtually impossible to uphold
the validity of a security taken in exchange for the injection of fresh funds into a company in financial
difficulties. A man is taken to intend the necessary consequences of his actions, so that an intention to
grant a security to a creditor necessarily involves an intention to prefer that creditor in the event of
insolvency. The need to establish that such intention was dominant was essential under the old law to
prevent perfectly proper transactions from being struck down. With the abolition of that requirement intention
could not remain the relevant test. Desire has been substituted. That is a very different matter. Intention is
objective, desire is subjective. A man can choose the lesser of two evils without desiring either.
It is not, however, sufficient to establish a desire to make the payment or grant the security which it is
sought to avoid. There must have been a desire to produce the effect mentioned in the subsection, that is to
say, to improve the creditor’s position in the event of an insolvent liquidation. A man is not to be taken as
desiring all the necessary consequences of his actions. Some consequences may be of advantage to him
and be desired by him; others may not affect him and be matters of indifference to him; while still others
may be positively disadvantageous to him and not be desired by him, but be regarded by him as the
unavoidable price of obtaining the desired advantages. It will (p. 812) still be possible to provide assistance
to a company in financial difficulties provided that the company is actuated only by proper commercial
considerations. Under the new regime a transaction will not be set aside as a voidable preference unless
the company positively wished to improve the creditor’s position in the event of its own insolvent liquidation.
There is, of course, no need for there to be direct evidence of the requisite desire. Its existence may be
inferred from the circumstances of the case just as the dominant intention could be inferred under the old
law. But the mere presence of the requisite desire will not be sufficient by itself. It must have influenced the
decision to enter into the transaction. It was submitted on behalf of the bank that it must have been the
factor which ‘tipped the scales’. I disagree. That is not what subs (5) says; it requires only that the desire
should have influenced the decision. That requirement is satisfied if it was one of the factors which operated
on the minds of those who made the decision. It need not have been the only factor or even the decisive
one. In my judgment, it is not necessary to prove that, if the requisite desire had not been present, the
company would not have entered into the transaction. That would be too high a test.
It was also submitted that the relevant time was the time when the debenture was created. That cannot be
right. The relevant time was the time when the decision to grant it was made. In the present case that is not
known with certainty … But it does not matter. If the requisite desire was operating at all, it was operating
[His Lordship ruled that the directors had been motivated by the desire to continue trading and not by a
desire to give the bank a preference in the event of a liquidation. He continued:]
Transactions at an undervalue
Section 238 of the 1986 Act is concerned with the depletion of a company’s assets by transactions at an
undervalue. [His Lordship read s 238(4) and continued:]
The granting of the debenture was not a gift, nor was it without consideration. The consideration consisted
of the bank’s forbearance from calling in the overdraft and its honouring of cheques and making of fresh
advances to the company during the continuance of the facility. The applicant relies therefore on para (b).
To come within that paragraph the transaction must be (i) entered into by the company; (ii) for a
consideration; (iii) the value of which measured in money or money’s worth; (iv) is significantly less than the
value; (v) also measured in money or money’s worth; (vi) of the consideration provided by the company. It
requires a comparison to be made between the value obtained by the company for the transaction and the
value of consideration provided by the company. Both values must be measurable in money or money’s
worth and both must be considered from the company’s point of view.
In my judgment, the applicant’s claim to characterise the granting of the bank’s debenture as a transaction
at an undervalue is misconceived. The mere creation of a security over a company’s assets does not
deplete them and does not come within the paragraph. By charging its assets the company appropriates
them to meet the liabilities due to the secured creditor and adversely affects the rights of other creditors in
the event of insolvency. But it does not deplete its assets or diminish their value. It retains the right to
redeem and the right to sell or remortgage the charged assets. All it loses is the ability to apply the
proceeds otherwise than in satisfaction of the secured debt. That is not something capable of valuation in
monetary terms and is not customarily disposed of for value.
In the present case the company did not suffer that loss by reason of the grant of the debenture. Once the
bank had demanded a debenture the company could not have sold or charged its assets without applying
the proceeds in reduction of the overdraft; had it attempted to do so, the bank would at once have called in
the overdraft. By granting the debenture the company parted with nothing of value, and the value of the
consideration which it received in return was incapable of being measured in money or money’s worth.
Counsel for the applicant (Mr Vos) submitted that the consideration which the company received was, with
hindsight, of no value. It merely gained time and with it the opportunity to lose more money. But he could
not and did not claim that the company ought to have received a fee or other (p. 813) capital sum in return
for the debenture. That gives the game away. The applicant’s real complaint is not that the company
entered into the transaction at an undervalue but that it entered into it at all.
In my judgment, the transaction does not fall within subs (4)…
➤ Notes
1. Phillips v Brewin Dolphin Bell Lawrie Ltd [2001] 1 WLR 143, HL, establishes that the consideration for a
transaction may be provided by various parties, and that it may be appropriate to consider the details of a complex
series of linked transactions to assess any ‘undervalue’. Here, even doing that, the transaction was held to be one
at an undervalue.
2. IA 1986 s 238(5) provides that the court shall not make an order in respect of a transaction at an undervalue if it
is satisfied that the company entered into the transaction in good faith and for the purpose of carrying on its
business, and that at the time it did so there were reasonable grounds for thinking that the transaction would
benefit the company. This is clearly a difficult test to apply.
3. The time for judging whether the company was influenced by the requisite desire to improve the position of a
creditor was recently considered in Stealth Construction, Re[2011] EWHC 1305 (Ch). The relevant time was held
to be the time at which the decision to give the preference was made, not the time at which preference was
actually given.
‘Wrongful trading’: IA 1986 s 214.
[16.16] Re Produce Marketing Consortium Ltd (No 2) [1989] BCLC 520 (Chancery Division)
This was the first reported case decided under IA 1986 s 214 (‘wrongful trading’). The two directors, David and
Murphy, had continued to run the company’s fruitimporting business when they ought to have known that there
was no prospect of avoiding insolvent liquidation. Knox J, in holding them liable for wrongful trading, emphasised
that their conduct was to be judged, in part, by the objective standards laid down by s 214—that is, by more
exacting criteria than those of the traditional common law, although CA 2006 s 174 now adopts this same s 214
standard (see ‘The liquidator’s ability to require wrongdoers to make personal contributions to the assets of the
company’, pp 806ff).
KNOX J: The first question is whether [s 214(2)] applies to Mr David and Mr Murphy. There is no question
but that they were directors at all material times and that PMC [the company] has gone into insolvent
liquidation. The issue is whether at some time after 27 April 1986 and before 2 October 1987, when it went
into insolvent liquidation, they knew or ought to have concluded that there was no reasonable prospect that
PMC would avoid going into insolvent liquidation. It was inevitably conceded by counsel for the first
respondent that this question has to be answered by the standards postulated by subs (4), so that the
facts which Mr David and Mr Murphy ought to have known or ascertained and the conclusions that they
ought to have reached are not limited to those which they themselves showing reasonable diligence and
having the general knowledge, skill and experience which they respectively had, would have known,
ascertained or reached but also those that a person with the general knowledge, skill and experience of
someone carrying out their functions would have known, ascertained or reached …
The 1986 Act now has two separate provisions; s 213 dealing with fraudulent trading,… and s 214 which
deals with what the sidenote calls ‘wrongful trading’. It is evident that Parliament intended to widen the
scope of the legislation under which directors who trade on when the company is insolvent may, in
appropriate circumstances, be required to make a contribution to the assets of the company which, in
practical terms, means its creditors.
(p. 814) Two steps in particular were taken in the legislative enlargement of the court’s jurisdiction. First,
the requirement for an intent to defraud and fraudulent purpose was not retained as an essential, and with it
goes what Maugham J[65 ] called ‘the need for actual dishonesty involving real moral blame’.
I pause here to observe that at no stage before me has it been suggested that either Mr David or Mr Murphy
fell into this category.
The second enlargement is that the test to be applied by the court has become one under which the
director in question is to be judged by the standards of what can reasonably be expected of a person
fulfilling his functions, and showing reasonable diligence in doing so. I accept the submission of counsel for
the first respondent in this connection, that the requirement to have regard to the functions to be carried out
by the director in question, in relation to the company in question, involves having regard to the particular
company and its business. It follows that the general knowledge, skill and experience postulated will be
much less extensive in a small company in a modest way of business, with simple accounting procedures
and equipment, than it will be in a large company with sophisticated procedures.
Nevertheless, certain minimum standards are to be assumed to be attained. Notably there is an obligation
laid on companies to cause accounting records to be kept which are such as to disclose with reasonable
accuracy at any time the financial position of the company at that time: see the Companies Act 1985, s
221(1) and (2)(a) [CA 2006 s 386]. In addition directors are required to prepare a profit and loss account for
each financial year and a balance sheet as at the end of it: Companies Act 1985, s 227(1) and (3) [CA 2006
ss 394 and 399]. Directors are also required, in respect of each financial year, to lay before the company in
general meeting copies of the accounts of the company for that year and to deliver to the registrar of
companies a copy of those accounts, in the case of a private company, within 10 months after the end of
the relevant accounting reference period (see the Companies Act 1985, ss 241(1) and (3) and 242(1) and
(2)) [CA 2006 ss 437 and 441, providing different rules].
As I have already mentioned, the liquidator gave evidence that the accounting records of PMC were
adequate for the purposes of its business. The preparation of accounts was woefully late, more especially in
relation to those dealing with the year ending 30 September 1985 which should have been laid and delivered
by the end of July 1986.
The knowledge to be imputed in testing whether or not directors knew or ought to have concluded that there
was no reasonable prospect of the company avoiding insolvent liquidation is not limited to the documentary
material actually available at the given time. This appears from s 214(4) which includes a reference to facts
which a director of a company ought not only to know but those which he ought to ascertain, a word which
does not appear in subs (2)(b). In my judgment this indicates that there is to be included by way of factual
information not only what was actually there but what, given reasonable diligence and an appropriate level of
general knowledge, skill and experience, was ascertainable. This leads me to the conclusion in this case
that I should assume, for the purposes of applying the test in s 214(2), that the financial results for the year
ending 30 September 1985 were known at the end of July 1986 at least to the extent of the size of the
deficiency of assets over liabilities.
Mr David and Mr Murphy, although they did not have the accounts in their hands until January 1987, did, I
find, know that the previous trading year had been a very bad one. They had a close and intimate knowledge
of the business and they had a shrewd idea whether the turnover was up or down. In fact it was badly down
in that year to £526,459 and although I have no doubt that they did not know in July 1986 that it was that
precise figure, I have no doubt that they had a good rough idea of what it was and in particular that it was
well down on the previous year. A major drop in turnover meant almost as night follows day that there was a
substantial loss incurred, as indeed there was. That in turn meant again, as surely as night follows day, a
substantial increase in the deficit of assets over liabilities.
(p. 815) That deals with their actual knowledge but in addition I have to have regard to what they have to be
treated as having known or ascertained and that includes the actual deficit of assets over liabilities of
£132,870… It was a deficit that, for an indefinite period in the future could not be made good even if the
optimistic prognostications of level of turnover entertained by Mr David and Mr Murphy were achieved …
Counsel for the first respondent was not able to advance any particular calculation as constituting a basis
for concluding that there was a prospect of insolvent liquidation being avoided. He is not to be criticised for
that for in my judgment there was none available. Once the loss in the year ending 30 September 1985 was
incurred PMC was in irreversible decline, assuming (as I must) that the respondents had no plans for
altering the company’s business and proposed to go on drawing the level of reasonable remuneration that
they were currently receiving …
The next question which arises is whether there is a case under s 214(3) for saying that after the end of
July 1986 the respondents took every step with a view to minimising the potential loss to the creditors of
PMC as, assuming them to have known that there was no reasonable prospect of PMC avoiding insolvent
liquidation, they ought to have taken. This clearly has to be answered No, since they went on trading for
another year …
I am therefore driven to the conclusion that the court’s discretion arises under s 214(1)…
In my judgment the jurisdiction under s 214 is primarily compensatory rather than penal. Prima facie the
appropriate amount that a director is declared to be liable to contribute is the amount by which the
company’s assets can be discerned to have been depleted by the director’s conduct which caused the
discretion under subs (1) to arise. But Parliament has indeed chosen very wide words of discretion and it
would be undesirable to seek to spell out limits on that discretion, more especially since this is, so far as
counsel were aware, the first case to come to judgment under this section …
I take into account the following factors in addition to those set out above, which give rise to the existence
of the court’s discretion under s 214(1).
This was a case of failure to appreciate what should have been clear rather than a deliberate course of
There were occasions when positive untruths were stated which cannot just be treated as unwarranted
optimism …
The most solemn warning given by the auditor in early February 1987 was effectively ignored. The affairs of
PMC were conducted during the last seven months of trading in a way which reduced the indebtedness to
the bank, to which Mr David had given a guarantee, at the expense of trade creditors … The bank is, if not
fully, at least substantially secured. If this jurisdiction is to be exercised, as in my judgment it should be in
this case, it needs to be exercised in a way which will benefit unsecured creditors …
Taking all these circumstances into account I propose to declare that Mr David and Mr Murphy are liable to
make a contribution to the assets of PMC of £75,000…
➤ Notes
1. Recall that the ‘fruits’ of litigation instituted under s 214 are not at any time assets or property of the
company, but the outcome of a power vested in the liquidator which only he can exercise. It follows that a
charge over the company’s assets—even if expressed to include its future assets—does not extend to sums
ordered to be paid under s 214. The same reasoning applies to the various other ‘clawback’ provisions which
vest similar powers in a liquidator, for example transactions at an undervalue (s 238) and preferences (s
239): Re Yagerphone Ltd [1935] Ch 392.
2. In contrast, it has been held that moneys recovered under the ‘misfeasance’ provision (s 212) are the fruits
of a right of action which was vested in the company before it went into liquidation, and therefore an asset of
the company capable of being caught by a suitably worded charge: Re AngloAustrian Printing and Publishing
Union [1895] 2 Ch 891.
(p. 816) 3. It is also possible for a charge to extend to money or property which was disposed of by the
company between the presentation of a windingup petition and the making of a windingup order but, as a
result of the disposition being declared void under IA 1986 s 127, comes back into its hands (Mond v
Hammond Suddards[1996] 2 BCLC 470).
4. The ‘charge’ issue is only one aspect of the more general question raised by the meaning of the term
‘assets (or property) of the company’. Schedules 1 and 4 to IA 1986 confer on an administrator and a
liquidator respectively a statutory power to sell or otherwise dispose of ‘the property of the company’, and
‘property’ in this context plainly includes the right to bring proceedings to enforce any chose in action vested
in the company (eg a right to sue a third party in tort: Norglen Ltd v Reeds Rains Prudential Ltd [1999] 2 AC 1,
[1998] 2 All ER 218, HL). In Re Oasis Merchandising Services Ltd [1998] Ch 170, [1997] 1 All ER 1009, CA,
however, it was held that this power did not extend to an assignment by a liquidator of the ‘fruits’ of a s 214
action, since the right to bring such proceedings does not belong to the company but is conferred exclusively
on the liquidator by the statute. It followed that there was no statutory authority justifying the assignment, and
so it was liable to be held void at common law on the ground that it was champertous and against public
policy. (Paradoxically, given the ruling in Mond v Hammond Suddards (Note 3), it has been held that the right
to have dispositions of the company declared void under s 127 is also an incident of the office of liquidator
which he cannot assign: Re Ayala Holdings Ltd (No 2) [1996] 1 BCLC 467.)
5. In Re DKG Contractors Ltd [1990] BCC 903 the respondent was held liable to the company under IA 1986 s
212 (misfeasance), s 214 (wrongful trading) and s 239 (preference). The court ordered that these liabilities
should not all be cumulative but that payments made under ss 212 and 239 should go towards satisfying the
liability under s 214. The judge in Re Brian D Pierson (Contractors) Ltd [1999] BCC 26 was similarly
considerate: not only did she rule that the respondents’ liability for wrongful trading should not be increased by
sums recoverable from them as preferences and on the ground of misfeasance, but she held also that the
company’s losses were in part due to extraneous factors, such as bad weather conditions, and reduced the
contribution for wrongful trading by 30%. However, it is clear from other decisions that the jurisdiction is
entirely discretionary, and that there is nothing to stop an order being made in an appropriate case which
makes such liabilities cumulative (eg Re Purpoint Ltd [1991] BCLC 491).
6. A transaction at an undervalue may also be challenged under IA 1986 s 423 (‘transactions defrauding
creditors’), which replaces earlier legislation that can be traced back at least as far as 1571. Under this
provision there are no time limits and the company need not be in liquidation or even insolvent. However, it
must be shown that the transaction was entered into for the purpose of putting assets beyond the reach of a
creditor or potential creditor or of prejudicing the interests of such a person. For an example, see Arbuthnot
Leasing International Ltd v Havelet Leasing Ltd (No 2) [1990] BCC 636, where a company’s business and
assets had been transferred on legal advice to an offtheshelf company shortly before it went into receivership,
and the court ordered the reversal of the transaction.
➤ Questions
1. What difference might the insolvency legislation of 1986 have made to the outcome of the following cases:
(i) Salomon v Salomon & Co Ltd [2.01];
(ii) the Multinational Gas case [7.39];
(iii) Re Horsley & Weight Ltd [4.30];
(iv) Re Halt Garage (1964) Ltd [5.03].
(p. 817) 2. Would any of the persons concerned in the cases (i) to (iv) have been liable to disqualification or
compensation orders, as directors or shadow directors?
The common law ‘antideprivation principle’
The next case is one of the earliest cases to set out what is now known as the antideprivation principle. This is a
common law principle which renders void contractual arrangements which provide for the forfeiture of proprietary
interests where the forfeiture is triggered by the debtor’s bankruptcy or liquidation.66 These arrangements have re
emerged for judicial consideration in the fallout from the recent financial crisis, and in Belmont Park Investments
Pty Ltd v BNY Corporate Trustee Services Ltd and Lehman Brothers Special Financing Inc [16.18] the issues
were litigated all the way to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court affirmed the existence of the principle, but
attenuated its operation in ways which make any simple formulation now exceptionally difficult.
[16.17] Re Harrison, ex p Jay (1879) 14 Ch D 19 (Court of Appeal)
A term in a building contract which provided for the forfeiture of the builder’s materials to the landlord on the
bankruptcy of the builder was held to be void, as contrary to the policy of the bankruptcy law, and accordingly,
where the purported forfeiture had been triggered by that clause, the materials on the land did not thereby become
the property of the landlord, but became instead the property of the trustee in bankruptcy in the builder’s
JAMES LJ: The case has been very well argued. But it appears to me that it is governed by [earlier]
decisions of this Court … which only followed much older decisions. The principle of those decisions is this,
that a simple stipulation that, upon a man’s becoming bankrupt, that which was his property up to the date
of the bankruptcy should go over to some one else and be taken away from his creditors, is void as being a
violation of the policy of the bankrupt law. Now that we have all the facts before us, I think we cannot
escape from applying that principle to the present case. According to the debtor’s own evidence everything
that he was bound to do under the agreement had been performed by him up to the date of the bankruptcy,
and therefore no right was vested in the lessor except by virtue of the bankruptcy. Her title is founded only
on the stipulation that in the event of the builder’s bankruptcy the materials which had been placed on the
land should become her property. It seems to me impossible to distinguish the case from those authorities
to which I have referred.
[16.18] Belmont Park Investments Pty Ltd v BNY Corporate Trustee Services Ltd and Lehman Brothers
Special Financing Inc [2011] UKSC 38 (Supreme Court)
In the context of complicated derivative investments held by creditors of the Lehman Brothers Group, the Supreme
Court held, amongst other matters, that a clause which flipped secured charge priority from one creditor (Lehman
Brothers Special Financing Inc) to another (Belmont Park Investments Pty Ltd) in the event of the original secured
creditor’s insolvency did not offend the common law antideprivation principle. The case is important. The seven
judges were unanimous in their conclusions, although Lord Mance gave quite different reasons.
(p. 818) LORD COLLINS (with whom the majority agreed67 ):
75 From the earliest days of the [antideprivation] rule, it has been based on the notion of a fraud, or ‘a
direct fraud’ (Lord Eldon LC in Higinbotham v Holme 19 Ves Jun 88, 92), on the bankruptcy laws, and that
decision was taken to be authority for the proposition that where a person settles property in such a way
that his interest determines on his bankruptcy ‘that is evidence of an intention to defraud his creditors’: In re
Stephenson; Ex p Brown [1897] 1 QB 638, 640, per Vaughan Williams J. The overall effect of the authorities
is that, where the antideprivation rule has applied, it has been an almost invariably expressed element that
the party seeking to take advantage of the deprivation was intending to evade the bankruptcy rules; but that
where it has not applied, the good faith or the commercial sense of the transaction has been a substantial
factor. By contrast, in the leading pari passu principle case, British Eagle [16.19], it was held by the
majority that it did not matter that the clearing transaction was a sensible commercial arrangement not
intended to circumvent the pari passu principle. …
78 Thus [after looking at a long line of authorities] there is an impressive body of opinion from some of the
most distinguished judges that, in the case of the antideprivation rule, a deliberate intention to evade the
insolvency laws is required. That conclusion is not affected by the decision in British Eagle [16.19]. The pari
passu rule is clear. Parties cannot contract out of it. …
79 That does not mean, of course, that a subjective intention is required, or that there will not be cases so
obvious that an intention can be inferred, as in Ex p Jay[16.17]. But it does suggest that in borderline cases
a commercially sensible transaction entered into in good faith should not be held to infringe the anti
deprivation rule. Although he did not accept that absence of good faith was a necessary element, Neuberger
J suggested in Money Mark ets International Stock brok ers Ltd v London Stock Exchange Ltd [2002] 1 WLR
1150, para 103 that if a deprivation provision, which might otherwise be held to be valid, could be shown to
have been entered into by the parties with the intention of depriving creditors of their rights on an insolvency,
then that might be sufficient to justify holding invalid the provision when it would not otherwise have been
held invalid. …
80 By contrast with the pari passu principle, it is well established that if the deprivation takes place for
reasons other than bankruptcy, the antideprivation rule does not apply. In British Eagle [16.19] the clearing
house system was ineffective to avoid the pari passu principle, even though it applied throughout
irrespective of whether the airlines went into liquidation. But the position is different with regard to the anti
deprivation rule, which is intended to operate only where provision is made for deprivation on bankruptcy.
Thus in Ex p Jay [16.17]… both Brett and Cotton LJJ accepted, at p 26, that if forfeiture had taken place on
the builder’s breach (as the provision [also, in the alternative] envisaged) then it would have been valid …
➤ Note
Although the ancient and underutilised concept of antideprivation has now been given a new lease of life by
the Supreme Court’s decision, much work remains to be done in defining its precise modern scope and ambit.
Relying on notions of ‘good faith’ and ‘commercial reasonableness’ may have their attractions in suggesting
no intention to commit a fraud on the statute,68 but may also undermine muchneeded certainty when not only
are the deals typically commercial, but the parties’ rights are in stark conflict given the insolvency context.
Also see the recent decisions in Lomas v JFB Firth Rixon Inc [2012] EWCA Civ 419, CA; Folgate (p.
819) London Mark et Ltd v Chaucer Insurance plc [2011] EWCA Civ 328 and Revenue and Customs
Commissioners v Football League Ltd [2012] EWHC 1372 (Ch).69
Assets available for distribution by the liquidator
The assets available to the liquidator in a winding up will include the following (or their proceeds after realisation):
(i) all property beneficially owned by the company at the commencement of the winding up, apart from any
property that the liquidator elects to disclaim under IA 1986 ss 178ff;
(ii) calls recovered from contributories;
(iii) moneys paid out of capital within the preceding 12 months for the repurchase of shares and recovered
from past members and directors (s 76);
(iv) money or property recouped as a result of a court order nullifying a ‘transaction at an undervalue’ entered
into within the preceding two years (ss 238 and 240);
(v) property and money paid away by the company within the preceding six months (or, if the recipient is a
‘connected person’, two years) and recovered by the liquidator as a preference (ss 239 and 240);
(vi) property disposed of after the commencement of the liquidation under transactions which are invalidated
by s 127, unless the court orders otherwise;
(vii) property not fully seized in execution or distress (s 183), or attached after the commencement of the
winding up (s 128);
(viii) property recovered and compensation ordered to be paid by court order made against directors and
others on the grounds of misfeasance (s 212), fraudulent trading (s 213) and wrongful trading (s 214).
The liquidator will take the assets—with one important qualification—subject to any security validly created in
favour of a debenture holder or other creditor prior to the commencement of the winding up unless it is:
(i) void against the liquidator for nonregistration under CA 2006 s 874;
(ii) void as a preference under IA 1986 s 239;
(iii) a floating charge created within the preceding 12 months (or, if the chargee is a ‘connected person’, two
years), except to the extent that it is valid under s 245.
The one qualification is that such security can be created only over the property of the company (present or future),
and some of the categories of assets listed are regarded as falling outside this description—for example, money
recovered by the liquidator as a preference: see Note 1 following [16.16], p 815. These sums are therefore freely
available for distribution among the company’s unsecured creditors.
Property in the hands of the company will also be taken by the liquidator subject to any equities and setoffs
enforceable against the company before it went into liquidation.
(p. 820) Application of assets by the liquidator
The claims of a secured creditor to the secured assets rank in principle ahead of any claim in the winding up—
including even the costs of the liquidation. But recall that afloating charge holder must meet: (i) the claims of the
unsecured creditors to a statutory share of the assets (IA 1986 s 176A, and Insolvency Act 1986 (Prescribed Part)
Order 2003 (SI 2003/2097) art 3); (ii) the claims of the preferential creditors under s 175; and (iii) somewhat
anomalously, the expenses of the winding up (including the liquidator’s remuneration): see IA 1986 ss 175(2)(a)
and 197ZA (see ‘Distribution of assets subject to the receivership’, p 787).
Assets will be applied, after the claims of secured creditors (other than holders of floating charges) have been
satisfied, in the following order of priority:
(i) the expenses of the liquidation (including the liquidator’s remuneration, postliquidation debts and certain
preliquidation debts) (s 115 (voluntary liquidations) and s 156 (compulsory liquidation)). What amounts to an
expense of winding up has been the subject of major litigation: Re Toshok u Finance UK plc, Kahn v
IRC [2002] UKHL 6, [2002] 1 WLR 671, HL, concluding that IR 1986 r 4.218 is a definitive statement of what
counts as a liquidation expense70 and of the priorities as between expenses;
(ii) the debts declared to be preferential debts by s 386 and Sch 6;
(iii) floating charge holders (but see ‘Distribution of assets subject to the receivership’, pp 787ff, for the
precise working out of this, including the statutory share to unsecured creditors, if the assets are not
sufficient to meet (i)–(iii) in total);
(iv) unsecured creditors—but note that some debts owed by the company to shareholders, such as moneys
paid in advance of calls and sums due by way of dividends, are postponed to outside creditors (s 74(2)(f));
(v) interest on all debts proved in the winding up (s 189);
(vi) money due to a member under a contract to redeem or repurchase shares which has not been
completed prior to the winding up (CA 2006 s 735);
(vii) the debts due to members mentioned in (iv);
(viii) repayment of capital to preference members; and
(ix) repayment of capital to ordinary members.
Any ‘surplus assets’ then go to whoever is entitled under the company’s constitution; normally, this will be the
ordinary members.
A Department of Trade and Industry review, now rather dated, suggested that average recovery rates in formal
insolvency procedures were: 77% for the bank; 27% for preferential creditors; and virtually nil for unsecured
(p. 821) A contract under which creditors agree to vary the statutory rules governing the distribution of a
company’s assets in a liquidation is contrary to public policy and void.
[16.19] British Eagle International Air Lines Ltd v Cie Nationale Air France [1975] 1 WLR 758 (House of
Many airlines set up a ‘clearing house’ scheme under which their mutual debits and credits were not set off one
against another but were pooled with a third party, IATA. Under the agreement, participants could not claim
against each other but only against IATA for any net balance due to the particular airline under the scheme. British
Eagle went into liquidation at a time when it was a net debtor to the scheme in respect of its aggregated claims
but, as between itself and Air France, it was a net creditor. The liquidator successfully challenged the legality of
the clearing house arrangement.
LORD CROSS OF CHELSEA: [What] the respondents are saying here is that the parties to the ‘clearing
house’ arrangements by agreeing that simple contract debts are to be satisfied in a particular way have
succeeded in ‘contracting out’ of the provisions contained in [CA 1948 s 302] [IA 1986, s 107] for the
payment of unsecured debts ‘pari passu’. In such a context it is to my mind irrelevant that the parties to the
‘clearing house’ arrangements had good business reasons for entering into them and did not direct their
minds to the question how the arrangements might be affected by the insolvency of one or more of the
parties. Such a ‘contracting out’ must, to my mind, be contrary to public policy. The question is, in
essence, whether what was called in argument the ‘mini liquidation’ flowing from the clearing house
arrangements is to yield to or to prevail over the general liquidation. I cannot doubt that on principle the rules
of the general liquidation should prevail …
➤ Notes
1. The Supreme Court reaffirmed the strictness of this rule, obiter, in Belmont Park Investments Pty Ltd v
BNY Corporate Trustee Services Ltd and Lehman Brothers Special Financing Inc [16.18].
2. There may be strong public policy arguments for allowing creditors to vary the statutory priorities by
arrangement among themselves. One such situation is when the existing creditors of a company in difficulties
are willing to let a new creditor advance money in an attempt to save the company from liquidation, on the
understanding that if the attempt is unsuccessful the claim of the ‘rescuer’ should not rank equally with their
own, but have priority. Following British Eagle, there was for a time considerable uncertainty whether such an
arrangement—at least if effected by contract between the parties—would be lawful. There was pressure for
legislation to be passed which would expressly permit subordination agreements. However, in two decisions of
Vinelott J, Re British & Commonwealth Holdings plc (No 3) [1992] BCLC 322 and Re Maxwell Communications
Corpn plc (No 2) [1994] 1 BCLC 1 (where the agreements took the forms respectively of a trust and a
contract), it was held that no violation of the pari passu principle is involved, where all that the subordinating
creditor agrees to is that its rights in an insolvency shall be less than what would obtain under the statutory
3. Special legislative provision has been made by Pt VII of CA 1989 (not moved to CA 2006) and the Financial
Markets and Insolvency (Settlement Finality) Regulations 1999 (SI 1999/2979) to allow ‘netting’ arrangements
of the type rejected in the British Eagle case to be used by investment exchanges, clearing houses and
money market institutions and in banking and securities settlement arrangements.
(p. 822) 4. It is also sometimes possible to avoid the application of the British Eagle ruling by establishing
a trust, so that the sum which would ordinarily be payable as a debt to a particular creditor is held by the
company as a trustee on his behalf: see Re Kayford Ltd [1975] 1 WLR 279; Carreras Rothmans Ltd v
Freeman Mathews Treasure Ltd [1985] Ch 207. The courts have, on occasion, been prepared to infer the
existence of a trust in such circumstances, for example Barclays Bank Ltd v Quistclose Investments
Ltd [1970] AC 567, HL, and more recently, Mundy v Brown [2011] EWHC 377 (Ch).
5. The statutory rules as to set off,72 like the pari passu distribution rule, are also regarded as mandatory and
cannot be excluded by agreement between the parties (National Westminster Bank Ltd v Halesowen
Presswork and Assemblies Ltd [1972] AC 785, HL), or under any discretionary power of the court (Re Bank of
Credit and Commerce International SA (No 10) [1997] Ch 213).
6. In Barclays Bank plc v British & Commonwealth Holdings plc [1996] 1 BCLC 1 (on appeal, but not on this
issue, [1996] 1 BCLC 1 at 26) Harman J held as unlawful a tripartite arrangement between a company, one of
its members and a third party which breached, by an indirect route, the principle that a company may not
return capital to its members except by a procedure authorised by statute (see ‘Consequences of an
unauthorised distribution’, p 544). It was also a consequence of the arrangement that a sum of money which
would have been repayable to the shareholder qua shareholder in a liquidation was replaced by an equivalent
amount payable to the third party as a debt. In effect, this altered the statutory order of priorities in a
liquidation (since creditors rank before shareholders) and was a further ground justifying the finding of illegality.
By contrast, the court sanctioned three schemes of arrangement which, despite excluding the mezzanine
lenders, were held not unlawful because those lenders had no economic interest in the company in any
event: Re Bluebrook Ltd [2009] EWHC 214 (Ch).
7. In the United States, the courts have developed an equitable jurisdiction under which they have a discretion
to subordinate the claims of some creditors to others—for example, to postpone the claims of creditors who
are members of the same corporate group. It would require legislation to bring about any reform along these
lines in this country.
Investigating and reporting the affairs of the company
In any of the insolvency or rescue procedures just noted, an insolvency practitioner must take charge of the affairs
of the company and put himself in a position to take action quickly. IA 1986, therefore, makes special provision for
acquisition of information by the officeholder. In addition, an insolvency officeholder is required to investigate
potential wrongdoing in relation to the company’s affairs, in particular for the purpose of action under CDDA 1986.
The officeholder has available the following rights against specified persons involved in the management of the
(i) The right to require a ‘statement of affairs’ verified by a statement of truth from persons connected with the
company (IA 1986 ss 47, 99 and 131 and IR 1986 r 1.5).
(p. 823) (ii) Other than under CVAs, the right to require reasonable cooperation from persons connected with
the company (IA 1986 ss 234(1) and 235). SeeBishopsgate Investment Management Ltd v Maxwell [1993]
Ch 1 at 57, for ‘reasonableness’. Failure to comply without reasonable excuse is an offence (s 235).
(iii) Other than under CVAs, the right to require production of the company’s books, papers and records (IA
1986 ss 234 and 246).
(iv) Other than under CVAs, the right to apply to court for an order requiring a ‘private examination’ (ie
appearance for oral examination but with limited attendance); submission of an affidavit; or production of
books, papers or other documents (IA 1986 ss 234, 236 and 237). An examinee is not entitled to privilege
against selfincrimination (Bishopsgate Investment Management Ltd v Maxwell [1993] Ch 1), so the statutory
protection that followed from Saunders v United Kingdom (1996) 23 EHRR 313 applies (see ‘Inspections and
the privilege against selfincrimination’, p 737). On the discretion to order a private examination, see British
and Commonwealth Holdings plc v Spicer and Oppenheim [1993] AC 426; on the conduct of private
examinations, see Re Richbell Strategic Holdings Ltd (No 2) [2000] 2 BCLC 794; and on the successful
application for the production of documents pursuant to s 236 by a foreign company under the UNCITRAL
Model Law on CrossBorder Insolvency, see Re Chesterfield United Inc [2012] EWHC 244 (Ch).
(v) In compulsory (courtordered) liquidations, the right of the official receiver (himself, or pursuant to a
request by specified majorities of the company’s creditors or contributories) to apply for a public examination
of parties concerned in the promotion, formation or management of the company (IA 1986 s 133). Again,
there is no privilege against selfincrimination (Bishopsgate Investment Management Ltd v Maxwell [1993]
Ch 1). If the company is in voluntary liquidation, it seems a public examination may still be ordered (IA 1986
ss 122(1) and 133: see Bishopsgate Investment Management Ltd v Maxwell [1993] Ch 1 at 24, 46).
When a company is subject to any of the insolvency or liquidation procedures other than a CVA, the relevant
officeholder must submit a report to the Secretary of State on the conduct of any director whom the officeholder
believes should be disqualified under CDDA 1986 s 6 (CDDA 1986 s 7(3)), and must, in any event, within six
months of appointment, submit a return listing every director and stating whether a report has been made and, if
not, why not (Insolvent Companies (Reports on Conduct of Directors) Rules 1996 (SI 1996/1909) r 4).
In compulsory liquidations, the official receiver has a duty to investigate the affairs of the company, and may make
a report to the court (IA 1986 s 132(1)).
In any type of liquidation, the liquidator must report any criminal offences apparently committed in relation to the
company by any past or present officers or members (IA 1986 s 118). This may lead to a public investigation of the
company (see ‘Public investigation of companies’, pp 730ff).
Dissolution of the company
The corporate entity created under the Companies Act ceases to exist by the formal act of dissolution, effected by
removing the name of the company from the register at Companies (p. 824) House. Dissolution ends the
company’s separate personality, terminates any legal relationships 73 and dissolves the relationship between the
company and its members.
Dissolution may take place in a variety of ways (most requiring some form of publication in the Gazette at an
appropriate stage in the process), including:
(i) On completion of liquidation, automatically, three months after the registrar has been notified of the
completion of the windingup procedure (IA 1986 ss 94, 106, 172(8), 201 and 205). The processes vary
slightly for voluntary and compulsory liquidations.
(ii) By the registrar, where the registrar has reasonable cause to believe that no liquidator is acting or the
affairs of the company have been fully wound up, and yet the required returns (see (i)) have not been made for
a period of six months (CA 2006 s 1001).
(iii) On application by the official receiver, automatically, three months after requesting early dissolution
(unless some interested person intervenes in the meantime), if it appears that the realisable assets of the
company are insufficient to cover the expenses of liquidation and that the affairs of the company do not
require further investigation (IA 1986 s 202).
(iv) On completion of administration, three months after notification by the administrator that there is nothing
to distribute to the creditors (IA 1986 Sch B1, para 84).
(v) By order of the court, in conjunction with compromises, arrangements and reconstructions (CA 2006 s
(vi) On application by the company itself, three months after publication of the application in the Gazette (CA
2006 s 1003). This option for voluntary striking off is subject to a wide variety of restrictions and conditions
(CA 2006 ss 1004–1010), but it does enable the expense of a formal liquidation to be avoided.
(vii) By the registrar, exercising an administrative power to strike off (CA 2006 s 1000). In practice, the
largest number of companies are dissolved by the simple administrative procedure of ‘striking off the register’.
CA 2006 s 1000 empowers the registrar to do this, after advertisement, if his inquiries show or suggest that
the company has ceased to carry on business. This is a useful sanction in the case of a company which has
failed to file accounts or annual returns.
Restoration to the register
Restoration of dissolved companies to the register may be necessary if, for example, further assets are
discovered, or someone wishes to bring a damages claim for which the former company was insured.
There are two procedures available for restoring companies to the register:
(i) an administrative procedure, available when companies have been incorrectly struck off as defunct under
CA 2006 s 1000 or 1001 (see points (ii) and (vii) in the previous section), requiring application to the registrar
by the company’s former directors or former members within six years of the date of dissolution (CA 2006 s
1024); and
(ii) a judicial procedure, requiring application to court (CA 2006 s 1029), in all other cases. The application
may be made by a wide class of people (s 1029(2)), and must generally be made within six years of the
dissolution of the company, although there are (p. 825) various exceptions. For example, there is no time
limit where the application is for the purpose of bringing proceedings against the company for damages for
personal injury (s 1030(1)). The court has wide powers to make restoration, including any case in which the
court thinks it just to do so (s 1031(1)(c)).
CA 2006 ss 1024–1034 provide detailed rules on the preconditions and consequences of the procedures, including
special supplementary rules dealing with company names and with restoration of property that had vested in the
Further Reading
ANDERSON, H, ‘Receivership Preferential Creditors’ (1994) 15 Company Lawyer 195.
Find This Resource
DEAKIN, S and ARMOUR, JH, ‘Norms in Private Insolvency: The “London Approach” to the Resolution of
Financial Distress’ (2001) 1 Journal of Corporate Law Studies21.
Find This Resource
DOYLE, LG, ‘The Residual Status of Directors in Receivership’ (1996) 17 Company Lawyer 131.
Find This Resource
FERRAN, E, ‘The Duties of an Administrative Receiver to Unsecured Creditors’ (1998) 9 Company Lawyer 58.
Find This Resource
FINCH, V, ‘Corporate Rescue in a World of Debt’ [2008] 8 JBL 756.
Find This Resource
FRISBY, S, ‘Making a Silk Purse Out of a Pig’s Ear—Medforth v Blak e’ (2000) 63 MLR 413.
Find This Resource
HANSMANN, H and KRAAKMAN, RH, ‘The Essential Role of Organisational Law’ (2000) 110 Yale Law
Journal 387.
Find This Resource
KASTRINOU, A, ‘An Analysis of the PrePack Technique and Recent Developments in the Area’ (2008)
29 Company Lawyer 259.
Find This Resource
KEAY, A, ‘The Duty of Directors to Take Account of Creditors’ Interests; Has It Any Role to Play?’ [2002] JBL
Find This Resource
MOKAL, R, ‘What Liquidation Does for Secured Creditors and What It Does for You?’ (2008) 71 MLR 699.
Find This Resource
SCHILLIG, M, ‘“Deepening Insolvency”—Liability for Wrongful Trading in the United States?’ (2009)
30 Company Lawyer 298.
Find This Resource
WALTERS, A, ‘Corporate Restructuring under Schedule B1 of the Insolvency Act 1986’ (2005) 26 Company
Lawyer 97.
Find This Resource
WORTHINGTON, S, ‘Good Faith, Flawed Assets and the Emasculation of the UK AntiDeprivation Rule’
(2012) 75 MLR 112.
Find This Resource
1 This procedure is only available to solvent companies.
2 The official receiver attached to the court automatically becomes the company’s liquidator in a courtordered
(compulsory) liquidation (see ‘Liquidation or winding up’, p 788), but the creditors, the Secretary of State or the
official receiver himself can seek his replacement by an insolvency practitioner (IA 1986 ss 136 and 137).
3 Unless the articles provide otherwise, as with charitable companies.
4 There is statutory provision for restoration of companies to the register, if dissolution is later found to have been
premature: see ‘Restoration to the register’, p 824.
5 For an overview of the definition, role and policy justification for a moratorium in the insolvency context, see D
Milman, ‘Moratoria in UK Insolvency Law: Policy and Practical Implications?’ (2012) 317 Company Law
Newsletter 1.
6 Theoretically a scheme of arrangement, under Companies Act 2006 (CA 2006) s 895 provides a further
alternative, but the process is generally considered too complex, timeconsuming and expensive: see
‘Arrangements and reconstructions under CA 2006 ss 895–901’, p 744.
7 For a recent example, see Re Gatnom Capital & Finance Ltd [2010] EWHC 3353 (Ch). The Companies Court
reversed a previous decision approving the CVA in question, on the ground that the creditors’ meeting to approve
the CVA was carried only because of the votes based on certain sham liabilities.
8 See IA 1986 s 175 and Sch 6. See ‘Distribution of assets subject to the receivership’, pp 787ff.
9 And it is not possible for a floating charge holder to specify that obtaining or preparing for a moratorium
crystallises the floating charge: IA 1986 Sch A1, para 43.
10 The ‘old’ provisions on administration contained in IA 1986 Pt II are retained and apply to special categories of
companies (water companies, railway companies, air traffic services companies, public–private partnership
companies and building societies). They are not discussed here.
11 For suggested reforms in the area of administration, see European High Yield Association (EHYA), Submission
on Insolvency Law Reform (2009). And on evaluating the effectiveness of administration, see V Finch, Corporate
Insolvency Law: Perspectives and Principles (2nd edn, 2009), pp 392–410.
12 Report of the Review Committee on Insolvency Law and Practice (Cmnd 8558, 1982), para 495.
13 Where there is a difference in view as to the choice of administrator, all things being equal, the Companies
Court in Healthcare Management Services Ltd v Caremark Properties Ltd [2012] EWHC 1693 (Ch) regarded the
choice of the largest creditor (in terms of the value of the debt owed to it by the company) as being the ‘tie
14 ‘Prepacks’ or arrangements under which the sale of all or part of the company’s business or assets is
negotiated prior to the appointment of an administator and then effected shortly after the appointment, are
increasingly common, but not considered here. See J Anderson, ‘Minmar (2): Quite Possibly Mar!?’ (2012)
309 Company Law Newsletter 1.
15 For appointments by a floating charge holder, the floating charge must simply be enforceable.
16 [1988] BCLC 177 at 178.
17 Sch B1, paras 70 and 71, although the proceeds must be deployed according to the statutory priorities
accorded to such chargees.
18 Except on a public interest petition by the Secretary of Sate or the Financial Conduct Authority (Sch B1, para
19 [1971] Ch 949. See, however, ‘Duties of administrative receivers’, pp 782ff.
20 [1982] 1 WLR 1410.
21 [1995] 2 AC 145, HL.
22 [2001] BCC 87C, CA.
23 This part of the proceedings dealt with the cost consequences following a determination of the validity of the
purported assignment: Re Capitol Films Ltd (In Administration) [2010] EWHC 2240 (Ch) (see
Note 1 following Criterion Properties plc v Stratford UK Properties LLC [3.13], p 120).
24 If a company in administration is in rateable occupation of property, the nondomestic rates payable during the
administration are ‘necessary disbursements by the administrator in the course of the administration’ and, under
IR 1986 r 2.67, rank for payment before the administrator’s remuneration (Exeter City Council v Bairstow [2007]
EWHC 400 (Ch)). This case has been highly criticised: see, eg G Moss, ‘Rescue Culture Speared by Trident?’
(2007) 20 Insolvency Intelligence 72.
25 For an analysis of the wider implications of this case, see I Fletcher and G Squires, ‘Nortel in the Court of
Appeal—How Damaging is the Result to the Wider Interests of the Rescue Culture? Part 1?’ (2012) 25
(5) Insolvency International 77; and Part 2 at (2012) 25(6) Insolvency International 93.
26 On the future of receivership generally, V Finch, Corporate Insolvency Law: Perspectives and Principles (2nd
edn, 2009), pp 358–362.
27 In Tudor Grange Holdings Ltd v Citibank NA [1992] Ch 53, BrowneWilkinson VC expressed doubts whether
the Newhart case was rightly decided. He ruled that in any event the directors could not sue on a cause of action
which it was competent for the receiver to bring, and later cases have made it plain that any action brought by the
directors must be funded from sources other than the assets under the receiver’s control.
28 Or a person who would be such a receiver but for the fact that there is someone else already in office as the
receiver of part of the company’s property under a priorranking charge.
29 The practice was adopted to avoid the receiver being the agent of the chargee, and thus exposing the chargee
to the onerous duties of a mortgagee in possession.
30 The exceptions relate to largescale marketable loans, projects with stepin rights, financial market charges,
registered social landlords and some utility companies.
31 But note Re Croftbell Ltd [1990] BCLC 844, where a receiver appointed under a charge over ‘the whole of [the
company’s] undertaking and all its property and assets’ was held to be an administrative receiver notwithstanding
that, at the time of appointment, the company’s only asset (other than a small debt owed by the parent company)
would not come into the receiver’s control because it was separately charged to a third party.
32 Section 44 has since been amended: see the Note following.
33 The quotation is from the judgment of Jenkins LJ in Re B Johnson & Co (Builders) Ltd [1955] Ch 634 at 662–
34 [1971] Ch 949.
if it were a common law duty; contrast Downsview [16.05].
conclusion in the former case must now be regarded as wrong, given the decision in Downsview.
37 IA 1986 s 115 (and s 156 for compulsory liquidations), and IR 1986 r 4.218, defining both what counts as a
liquidation expense (according to Re Toshok u Finance UK plc, Kahn v IRC [2002] UKHL 6, [2002] 1 WLR 671,
HL), and setting out the order of priority in which they are to be paid.
38 So reversing the controversial decision in Re Leyland DAF Ltd, Buchler v Talbot [2004] UKHL 9, [2004] 2 AC
298, which denied priority to liquidation expenses (and which had itself overruled the longstanding Court of Appeal
authority allowing such priority: Re Barleycorn Enterprises Ltd [1970] Ch 465).
39 And floating charge holders cannot claim against this fund, as ‘unsecured creditors’, for any shortfall in the
recovery of their secured debts (for the simple reason that they are not ‘unsecured creditors’): Re Airbase (UK)
Ltd [2008] EWHC 124 (Ch), [2008] BCC 213. On the other hand, a secured creditor can waive or forego its security
entirely, so that it becomes an unsecured creditor who is then entitled to participate in the ‘prescribed part’ as with
other unsecured creditors: Re JT Frith Ltd [2012] EWHC 196 (Ch); Kelly v Inflexion Fund 2 Ltd [2010] EWHC 2850
(Ch). Secured creditors may be motivated to take this step where their security rights are subordinated, and there
are insufficient funds to repay both debts.
40 It is possible to vary this rule by means of a CVA: IA 1986 s 176A(4).
41 Defined in IA 1986 s 386 and Sch 6, although the Crown preference was abolished by EA 2002 reforms.
42 By statute in voluntary liquidations (IA 1986 s 90(2)), and by common law in compulsory liquidations (Re
Farrow’s Bank Ltd [1921] 2 Ch 164).
43 The Official Receiver is a public officer who is appointed by the Secretary of State to act in the administration of
bankruptcies and company liquidations. There are in fact many Official Receivers, each attached to a particular
court. Since the coming into force of IA 1986, many more bankruptcies and liquidations have been placed in the
hands of private insolvency practitioners than was the case under the former law, so enabling the Official Receiver
to devote his attention to the larger or more complex insolvencies, and in particular those in which fraud or other
wrongdoing is suspected.
44 The ‘just and equitable’ ground is less common now that CA 2006 s 994 provides better and more tailored
45 Although note the conditions in IA 1986 s 124(2) and (3). ‘Contributory’ refers to members and some former
members: IA 1986 s 79.
46 [1997] 1 BCLC 572, CA.
47 [1997] 1 WLR 534.
48 The test advocated in the Court of Appeal: [2011] EWCA Civ 227, CA, [47]–[49] (Lord Neuberger MR).
49 On the ‘just and equitable’ ground generally, see BH McPherson, ‘Winding Up on the Just and Equitable
Ground?’ (1964) 27 MLR 282, suggesting that the decided cases fall into three broad categories: (i) where it
initially is, or later becomes, impossible to achieve the objects for which the company was formed; (ii) where it has
become impossible for the company to carry on its business; and (iii) where there has been serious fraud,
misconduct or oppression in regard to the affairs of the company.
This narrow construction was later rejected: see the Ebrahimi case [16.13].
51 Re German Date Coffee Co (1882) 20 Ch D 169, CA.
52 Although an important factor, it is probably not vital. In some jurisdictions overseas it has been held that the
principle is not confined to domestic companies: see Re Wondoflex Textiles Pty Ltd [1951] VLR 458; Re RJ
Jowsey Mining Co Ltd [1969] 2 OR 549.
53 Later cases, particularly those in which there has been a breakdown of personal relationships between the
parties (eg a husband and wife who have divorced), seem to adopt a less restrictive approach: see, eg, Belman v
Belman (1995) 26 OR (3d) 56, and cf the remarks of Lord Wilberforce in the Ebrahimi case [16.13], ‘any
circumstances of justice or equity which affect him in his relations … with the other shareholders’.
54 [1951] VLR 458.
55 And on the accountability of liquidators post the Human Rights Act, see V Finch, Corporate Insolvency Law:
Perspectives and Principles (2nd edn, 2009), p 569.
56 But not all: eg, the value of a debt is reckoned for the purpose of proof at the date when the company goes into
liquidation: Re Lines Bros Ltd [1983] Ch 1, [1982] 2 All ER 183, CA; and the periods of time prescribed by the
Limitation Act 1980 cease to run against the company’s creditors (other than the petitioning creditor himself) on
the making of the windingup order: Re Cases of Taff’s Well Ltd [1992] Ch 179, [1992] BCLC 11.
Also see Leedon Ltd v Hurry [2010] UKPC 27, where the Privy Council held that a clause in a shareholders’
agreement granting preemption rights on the sale of the company’s assets was not intended to be applied
following liquidation of the company as the detailed and prescriptive requirements of the clause would prevent the
liquidators from achieving a satisfactory realisation of the assets.
58 In any case, the rights of creditors in levying execution etc, are restricted by ss 183–184 in every type of
winding up.
59 Note that the liquidator, too, may be sued under this provision, and may be sued by a creditor or any
60 They are dealt with in IA 1986 Sch B1, para 75.
Contrast CA 2006 s 1157.
62 Also note the fraudulent trading provision in CA 2006 s 993, where criminal liability is imposed in circumstances
not limited to winding up. This is the provision where penal remedies are appropriate.
63 Re Produce Mark eting Consortium Ltd (Halls v David) [16.16].
64 Unless leave of the court has been obtained permitting such activity: s 216(3).
65 In Re Patrick and Lyon Ltd [1933] Ch 786 at 790.
66 Note that leases and licences which terminate on the insolvency of the debtor have never been regarded as
subject to avoidance under this principle: see Belmont [16.18]at paras [84]–[88].
67 Lord Walker agreed and added further points by way of ‘footnote’, while Lords Phillips, Hope and Clarke and
Lady Hale agreed without further comment. Lord Mance delivered a separate judgment (not extracted here) which
dissented from the majority in a number of crucially significant matters although not in its conclusion.
68 Although, despite its name, a ‘fraud on the statute’ does not require any type of fraud or intention; the wrong is
committed if the arrangement achieves an outcome contrary to the statute, regardless of good faith, etc.
69 This issue has attracted a wealth of writing: S Worthington, ‘Good Faith, Flawed Assets and the Emasculation
of the UK AntiDeprivation Rule?’ (2012) 75 MLR 112; R Goode, ‘Flip Clauses: The End of the Affair?’ (2012) 128
LQR 171; S Worthington, ‘Insolvency Deprivation, Public Policy and Priority Flip Clauses’ (2010) International
Corporate Rescue 28; S Worthington, ‘Making Sense of Arguments about the AntiDeprivation Rule’
(2011) International Corporate Rescue 26; T Cleary, ‘Lehman Brothers and the AntiDeprivation Principle: Current
Uncertainties and Proposals for Reform?’ (2011) 6 Capital Mark ets Law Journal 411; S Worthington, ‘Testing the
AntiDeprivation Rule: A Response to “Lehman Brothers and the AntiDeprivation Principle: Current Uncertainties
and Proposals for Reform”?’ (2011) 6 Capital Mark ets Law Journal 450.
70 And this rule has also been amended to cover litigation expenses under IA 1986 ss 213, 214, 238, 239, 242,
243 and 423, all of which are claims to recover assets or seek contributions to the company’s assets, but where
the claims are not ‘assets of the company’ (see Note 1 following Produce Mark eting [16.16], p 815), and so
litigation expenses relating to them were not previously allowed: Re MC Bacon Ltd [1990] BCLC 607; Re Floor
Fourteen Ltd, Lewis v IRC [2001] 2 BCLC 392, CA.
71 Insolvency Service, A Review of Company Rescue and Business Reconstruction Mechanisms: Report by the
Review Group (2000), para 57.
72 All the various setoff rules have enormous practical importance: see, eg, Fearns v AngloDutch Paints &
Chemical Co Ltd [2010] EWHC 2366 (Ch) (legal setoff), Geldof Constructivie NV v Simon Carves Ltd [2010]
EWCA Civ 667 (equitable setoff) and Re Kaupthing Singer and Friedlander Ltd [2010] EWCA Civ 518 (insolvency
setoff), together with Re Kaupthing Singer and Friedlander Ltd [2011] UKSC 48 (setoff and the rule in Cherry v
73 So, eg, the company’s property passes as bona vacantia to the Crown: CA 2006 s 1012.
account of profits
breach of directors’ duties
causation 413–419
constructive trusts 419–422
quantification 413–419
directors 413–419, 422–428
limitation periods 422
accounting records
disqualification of directors 297
annual accounts
directors’ remuneration 270
disclosure 280, 716
disqualification of directors 297
EU law 12, 13
Listing Rules 725
disclosure 280, 716, 718
errors 547
failure to file accounts 824
filing accounts 716, 718
information for members 717
profit and loss 798
sanctions 824
share premiums 492, 506–508
acquisition of own shares
exceptions to prohibition 521
financial assistance 512–513, 524–541
forfeiture 521
prohibition 67, 448, 512, 521
redemption 520
repurchase 486, 514, 520–523
shareholder protection 523–524
acting in concert
takeovers 756, 759
actual authority
see also authority of agents
breach of directors’ duties 114–116
delegation 96
determination 96
implied authority 96, 113–114
chairman’s power 197–198, 672
meetings 197–198, 672
company names 26
administration orders
see also insolvency
effect on director 777
preferential creditors 770
priority of expenses 777–778
purpose 770–771
termination 777
administrative receivers 311, 600, 778–779, 779–787
see also receivers; receivership
duties of 781–787
agency 774
appointment 582, 770–773, 777
assumption of responsibility 775
company voluntary arrangements 769
directors’ duties 326
company, to 774–775
creditors, to 775–777
purpose of administration 770–771
floating charges 600, 608
functions 600, 770
invalid appointment 582
objectives 600
powers 774
retention of title clauses 634
role 600, 770
affirmative resolution procedure 4
see also authority of agents
administrators 774
company and shareholders, between 61
contractual liability 83
corporate governance 261
good faith 105–107
limited liability 61–62
piercing the corporate veil 61–62
principles 95–96, 108–112
receivers 778
usual authority 124–127
allotment of shares 490, 496
Alternative Investment Market 718, 724
meaning 740
annual accounts
directors’ remuneration 270
disclosure 280, 716
disqualification of directors 297
EU law 12, 13
Listing Rules 725
annual general meetings
see also meetings
attendance 205, 733
distribution of accounts in advance 671
information requirements 717
private companies 203
proposal of resolutions 203
public companies 205
reform 205
requirement to hold 203
annual reports
disclosure 759
narrative reporting reforms 269
public companies 733
annual returns
disclosure 718
failure to file 824
filing 279, 716, 824
antideprivation principle 817–819
arrangement, schemes of see schemes of arrangement
articles of association
actual authority 110–112
additional terms from extrinsic circumstances 182–183
breach of contract 129–131, 288–291
complaint by members 292–294
(p. 828) contracts not to alter 221
exercise of power 222–235
generally 25–26, 219
must benefit company as a whole 222–235
powers of general meeting 219–243
preference shares 558–559
retrospective effect 288–289
special resolution 26, 219
attribution rules 81, 158
binding nature 253–257
breach of contract 129–131, 288–291
capacity 83
class rights 559–562
companies limited by guarantee 563
constitutional documents 25–26
contractual effect 250–259
directors’ remuneration 270–272
disregarded by majority 186–187
division of powers 181–182
effect 250–259
enforcement 251–252
entrenching rights 25, 219, 563
extrinsic evidence 182
generally 5, 24, 181–182
history 5, 25–26
implied terms 184–185
incorporation 24
interpretation 182–185
joining company as party 258–259
nonmembers 252–253
objects of company 25
rectification 182
requirements 24, 25
schemes of reconstruction, authorising 741–743
shareholders’ agreement 244
shares, class rights 559–562
Table A 181
windingup petitions 790
dissipation of corporate assets 548–552
floating charges 610–614
liquidation 819–823
promoters, sale by 481
receivership 787–788
winding up
application of 819–823
available for distribution 819–820
avoidance of dispositions 809–810
contract to vary in liquidation 821–822
assumption of responsibility
administrators 775
Hedley Byrne test 316
liability of members 55, 140–143
annual general meetings 205, 733
meetings 204–205
audit committee
approval 465
Corporate Governance Code 473–474
powers 464, 466
reporting to the board of directors 466
appointment 464
exempted companies 464
breach of duty 466–467
certificate 467–468
breach of 466–467
directors’ report 473
duty of care 466–467, 470–474
future creditors 473
generally 467–468
subsidiary company 473
takeovers 473
duty of care 466–467, 470–474
EU law 465–467
fraud 163–173, 474–481
independence 463, 464, 474, 741
on inquiry 469–470
limiting liability 464–465, 474
Listing Rules 473
negligence 466–467, 473, 474–481
regulation 463–464
standard of care 466–467, 467–468
stocktaking 469
true and fair view 465, 471
see also audit committees; auditors
conduct 466
fraud detection 477
mandatory audits 464
use 464–465
voluntary audits 464
see also authority of agents
abuse of authority 116–118
breach of duty 114–116
company agents 84
company secretary 123
corporate contract 108–129
directors 97–107
‘poison pill’ agreements 118–120
want of authority 116–118
authority of agents
abuse of authority 116–118
actual authority
breach of directors’ duties 114–116
delegation 96
determination 96
implied authority 96, 113–114
breach of directors’ duties 114–116
dealing with a company 98–105
delegation 96
generally 84
implied authority 96, 113–114
ostensible authority
actual authority compared 108–112
implied authority 96
meaning 96
statutory deeming provisions 97–98
usual authority 96, 124–127
want of authority 116–118
balance sheet
auditors’ duties 467–469
bad debts 546
insolvency 768, 794, 798
requirements 814
surplus approach 542
takeovers 739
Bank of England
Financial Policy Committee (FPC) 719–720
regulation 719–720
antideprivation principle 817–819
(p. 829) avoidance of property dispositions 809, 811
law reform 768
private companies 36
transfer of shares 494, 687
bearer shares 493
board of directors
see also directors
action where no competent board 190–193
actual authority 96
appointment of directors 280–284
composition 2
decisionmaking 284
division of powers 181–182, 186–192
external regulatory controls 279–280
functions 7
generally 180
independence 263, 309
Listing Rules 263, 286
managing director not chair, where 264
no competent board 190–193
ordinary resolutions, effect of 187–191
removal of directors 287
subsidiary companies 23
UK Corporate Governance Code 263–264
Bodkin Committee 18
issue 596
bonus shares 548
see also debentures
articles of association 594
bond issue 596
generally 594–596
power 90–91
powers 594
retention of title clauses 632–634
trust deed 594
winding up 594
country of incorporation 14–15
breach of directors’ duties
account of profits 413
causation 413–419
constructive trusts 419–422
quantification 413–419
actual authority 114–116
authority of agents 114–116
damages 413
equitable compensation 413
injunctions 413
liability of members 158–460
limitation periods 425, 451
remedies 413–428
rescission of contracts 413
restoration of company property 413
breach of fiduciary duty
damages 486
limitation periods 425, 436
criminal liability 144–145
building societies
legal personality 23
regulations 719
business documents
charitable companies 718
publicity 718
business names see company names
buyout orders 695–696, 707–713
Cadbury Committee 17, 262
capacity of company 83–95
generally 83–84
improper purposes 92–95
memorandum of association 86
ultra vires doctrine 87
account 492
alteration 246–248, 513–514
authorised capital 490
borrowing see borrowing
calledup share capital 491
capitalisation issues 548
disguised capital 548–552
dissipation of corporate assets 548–552
generally 541–544
payment out of capital 251–252, 541, 546–467
unauthorised 544–548
guarantee fund 492
importance 488–489
insolvency 488–489
issued capital 491
maintenance 7, 506, 512–513, 549
members’ resolution to alter 246–248, 513–514
minimum requirements 21, 495–496
nominal capital 491
paidup capital 491
purchase of own shares 512, 514, 520–523
financial assistance by company 512–513, 524–541
shareholders’ protection 523–524
redeemable shares 522, 557
reduction 513–520
court’s discretion 514–516
repayment 516–517
returns 513
statement 492
subscribed capital 491
terminology 489–492
transactions at an undervalue 550–555
unauthorised dividends 544–548
capital redemption reserve
bonus issues 548
creation 523
distributions 541
redeemable shares 522, 577
account of profits 413–419, 419–422
certificate of incorporation
effect of issue 24
generally 1, 24
adjournment of meeting 197–198, 672
role 197–198
see also floating charges
fixed charges
book debts 625–631
definition 597–598, 605–607
floating charge distinguished 622–632
future property 598
identifiable property 598
priority over earlier floating charge 612–613
protections afforded 599–601
treated as floating charge 625–631
generally 595, 597–598
(p. 830) meaning 598
‘money paid to the company’ 620–622
nature 599
negative pledge clause 603, 612
protections afforded 599–601
company register 604
extension of period 603
failure to register 602–603
priority of registered charges 603–604
reform 604–605
statutory requirement 601–605
charitable companies
business documents 718
capacity 83, 85
constitution 22
directors’ powers and duties 98
objects 83
ultra vires 90
companies limited by guarantee 21
donations 134, 135
charter companies
capacity 87
creation 1
forfeit of charter 87
legal history 5
class meetings 192
class rights 494, 556–561
articles of association 562
change in company structure 571–573
definition 564
entrenched 563
generally 556–561
not referable to particular shares 564–567
repayment of capital 517–520
variation 251–252, 563–573
benefiting class as a whole 563, 567–571
definition 564
dissenting members 564
classification of companies 20–23
Cohen Committee 89
Community Interest Companies (CIC) 22
companies limited by guarantee
articles of association 563
generally 3
liability 21
members 493
use 21
company incorporation see incorporation
company investigations 730–737
conduct 732–737
disclosure 722–723
disqualification of directors 731
appointment 730, 732–733
confidentiality 736
duty to act fairly 733–737
functions 733–737
unfairness and oppression 736
knowledge 161–163
liquidator 822–823
powers of investigation 730–737
receivers 822–823
selfincrimination privilege 737
winding up 822–823
company law
enabling role 20
harmonisation 7, 12, 13
mandatory 20
parties 1–3
permissive 20
presumptive 20
purpose 1–3, 20
reform process 17–19
regulatory nature 20
sources 3–17
Company Law Review 6, 18
company limited by shares
generally 3, 20–21
partnership company 23
company names
adjudicators 26
alteration 25
availability 24
‘Dental’ 26–27
improper reuse of insolvent company name 54, 808
‘Incorporated (Inc)’ 1
incorporation 24
‘Limited (Ltd)’ 1, 21, 715
passing off 26
phoenix syndrome 808
‘plc’ 1, 21
Registrar of Companies 26–27
similar names 25
company voluntary arrangements
see also insolvency
administrators 769
nominees 769–770
breach of contract 350
breach of fiduciary duty 549
directors 288
disturbance 67–68
equitable 413, 426–428
liquidation 806, 819
loss of office 264, 270, 285, 288
misfeasance 671
misleading statements in prospectuses 727–728
negligence 242
promoters 487
Takeover Panel 765
unfair dismissal 43
wrongful conviction 46
wrongful dismissal 43
conflicts of interest
political donations 361
see also authority
alteration of articles 219
decisionmaking 284
directors 24
general meetings 163, 206–212
institution of proceedings 191
members 236, 436–437
ratification of ultra vires acts 114, 407
transfer of shares 589–590
constitutional documents
see also articles of association; memorandum of association
deed of settlement 5, 25
generally 25
shareholders’ agreement 244–246
(p. 831) constructive notice 128–129
indoor management rule 84, 85, 86, 108, 124, 128
register of charges 604
constructive trusts
account of profits 419–422
accountability for property 419–422
loans to directors 447
quasiloans 450
contractual liability
agency 83
binding contracts 82–83, 85
general issues 82–83
legal personality 83
Cork Committee 632, 752, 769, 770, 808
corporate assets
dissipation of 548–552
corporate gifts 134–136
corporate governance
see also UK Corporate Governance Code
agency 261
audit committees 473–474
board of directors 263–264
Cadbury Committee 262
capacity 261
directors 263–264
executive directors 263–264
Financial Reporting Council 262–263
gender diversity 266
Hampel Committee 17
Kay Report 261–262
nomination committees 266
nonexecutive directors 263–264
remuneration of directors 264–265
role 17
corporate manslaughter
offence 145–146
corporate personality
conspiracy to defraud 150–152
contracting with members 41–45
contracts 131
corporate acts and attributes 81–82
corporate killing 145–146
criminal liability 144–156
‘directing mind and will’ 144
domicile 47–48
execution of documents 131
extent of analogy 77–79
human rights legislation 50–51
illustration 79
intent to deceive 149–150
knowledge 156–177
lifting the veil see piercing the corporate veil
litigation 176–177
manslaughter 145–146
mental state
common law conspiracy to defraud 150–152
‘directing mind and will’ 144
intent to deceive 149–150
manslaughter 145–146
subordinates 152–155
nationality 47
notice see constructive notice
number of shares held 43–45
parent companies 23
partnerships 23
‘person’ 45–46
primary liability 136, 137
property ownership 41
residence 48–51
separate legal personality 1, 2–3, 23, 34–51
service of documents 177
subsidiary companies 23
liability in 136–144
primary liability 136, 137
vicarious liability 136, 137–139
vicarious liability 136, 137–139
winding up 789
derivative claims 666–667
directors’ duties to 325–329
investors as 594
protection of 490
criminal liability
bribery 144–145
corporate killing 145–146
corporate personality 144–156
directors 731, 737
winding up 806
Crowther Committee 605
floating charges 613–619
see also compensation
breach of directors’ duties 413
breach of fiduciary duty 486
shares 502–503
de facto directors
directors’ powers and duties 311–319
liability 79, 143
managing directors 113
shadow directors distinguished 312–313
de jure directors
duties 311–319
just and equitable winding up 797–799
bearer form 597
definition 596–597
investment in 594–595
issue at discount 506
receivership 779
appointment of receiver 600
duty of care 781–787
exercise of powers in good faith 781–787
remedies 600
unsecured 597
debt funding 2, 488
declarations of interest
members’ approval 445–446
proposed or existing transactions 409–411
deed of settlement 5, 25
deferred shares 557
definition of company 1
actual authority 96
authority of agents 96
directors’ powers and duties 357–361
dematerialised shares 574
demerger 741
derivative claims
application for permission to continue claim 644
(p. 832) breach of directors’ duties 649
Companies Act 2006, s 260 643–644
continuation of action after permission 653–658
costs 666–667
court permission 644–658
grounds 645
majority shareholders 649–651
multiple 647–648
permission 644–645, 644–658
ratification 659–666
statutory procedure 630–667
thresholds for permission 651–653
Diamond Report 605, 634
see also board of directors; directors’ powers and duties; disqualification of directors; remuneration
of directors
account of profits 413–419, 422–428
administrator, appointment of 777
articles of association 280–281
commencement of appointment 281
defects 283
eligibility 280, 282
executive directors 281
general meetings 280
managing directors 281
number of directors 280
publicity 283–284
qualifications 280
compensation for loss of office 264, 270, 285, 288
consent 24, 236, 436–437
contracting out of liability 435, 441–445
creditors 325–329
criminal prosecution 731, 737
de facto directors
directors’ powers and duties 311–319
liability 79, 143
managing directors 143
shadow directors distinguished 312–313
de jure directors 311–319
dealing with a company 98–105
defective appointments 283
definition of director 311–312
delegation 96, 357–361
dismissal see removal of directors
distributions in kind 544
improper payment 251–252, 546–547
payment 251–252, 541–544, 546–547
requirement to pay 543
unauthorised payment 544–548
eligibility for appointment 280, 282
employees 329–330
executive 2, 263–264, 281
exemption from liability 435, 436, 441–445, 444
fraudulent trading 806–808
gender diversity 266
indemnities 448–450
insisting on right to act 281–282
Kay Review 261–262
contracting out 435, 441–445
personal liability 54
relief from 436, 444
winding up 806–807
loans 447
loss of office 264, 270, 285, 288
managing directors
functions 121–122
not Chair of board 264
remuneration, 272–273
misconduct 341–342
narrative reporting reforms 269
nominations committee 266
nominee directors 331, 350, 352, 458–460, 684–685
nonexecutive directors, role of 264, 474
number of 21, 264
‘organ’ of company 179
person, meaning of 98–105
personal benefit 363–370, 377–382, 382–387
remedies 399–402
posttermination rights 288–294
preventing a director from acting 281
private companies 21
public companies 21
publicity for appointment 283–284
qualities 263–264
ratification of acts 236–243, 437–443
registers 280, 283, 717
regulatory controls 261–262
relief from liability 436, 444
remedies for breach of duties 413–428
reports 473, 716
corporate opportunities 387–399
fiduciary duties 388
written request 287
restraining from action 281
corporate opportunities 387
profits gained after retirement 388
rotation, by 285, 802
rival company, becoming director of 405–408
selfdealing 422, 445
service contracts 270
shadow director 312–313, 807, 808
sole directors 195–196
solvency statements 512
special voting rights 285–287
UK Corporate Governance Code 263–264
winding up 311, 806–807
wrongful trading 807, 808, 813–817
directors’ powers and duties
see also authority
abuse of power 331–332
acting in accordance with constitution 331
acting after office vacated 288
acting within powers 331–338
acts beyond directors’ authority 236–239
administrators 326
authority 97–107
avoiding conflicts of interest 361–408
benefits from third parties 408–409
bona fide acts 331–338, 341, 346–349, 639
breaches of duty 235–236, 236
members’ liability 458–460
remedies 448–450
care and skill 303–304, 353–361
subjective test 355–357
subjective/objective test 355–357
charitable companies 98
(p. 833) competing with own company 404–408
conflicts of duty 404–408, 405–408
conflicts of interest
avoidance 361–408
prior authorisation 371–373
consent, approval or authorisation by members 236, 436–437
contracts involving
voidable 409–412
creditors 326
de facto directors 311–312, 311–319
de jure directors 311–319
delegation 357–361
disclosing misconduct 341–342, 349–351
disgorgement of profits 428–435
division of powers 181–182, 186–192
employees 329–330
exercise for proper purpose 331–338, 639
extent 353–355
failure to act for proper purpose 331–338
fettering own discretion 351–353
fiduciary duties 321–323, 486, 639
Financial Reporting Council 262–263
generally 309–310
good faith 342–349
illustrations 362–370
independent judgement 350–352
insider dealing 729–731
interest in existing transactions 409–412, 445–446
interests of director 409–412
irregular acts 239
members’ liability 458–460
nature of powers and duties 329–330
negligence 361
owed to company 319–321
owed to individuals 321–329
personal opportunities 363–370
promoting success of company 339–350
ratification of acts at general meeting 235–243
recklessness 359
remedies 448–450
requiring members approval 445–448
scope of business test 377–382
scope and nature 329–330
secondary liability 451–460
secret profits 413–428
selfdealing 422
situation unlikely to give rise to 402–404
statutory statement of duties 310, 320
substantial property transaction 447
success of company promotion 339–350
takeovers 324–325, 753, 763–765
third party benefits 408–409
transfer of shares 575–577
voidable acts 239–243
when voting as member 213–216
accounts 280, 716, 718
annual accounts 280, 716
annual reports 759
annual returns 718
company investigations 722–723
control structure of company 759
directors’ remuneration 265
disclosure of shares 722–723
enforcement of obligations 718
information for members 717
institutional investors 268
major shareholders 720
official notification 128–129, 716–717
principle of 715
public offers
FCA sanctions 727
history 723–724
misleading information 727–728
official listing 725
omissions 727–728
private companies 725–726
prospectuses 725, 726–727
regulation 723
securities markets 724–725
undersubscription 728
business documents 718
registered office 717
Registrar of Companies 715–716
company investigations 722–723
register of interests 722
substantial interests 590
Stock Exchange 718
Transparency Directive 720–723
disguised returns
capital 548–552
disqualification of directors 311, 713, 731, 808
acting in breach of order 54
annual accounts 297
application 294
breach of order 54
case preparation 295–296
company investigations 731
conduct during proceedings 307–308
defences 301–302
discretion to act 295, 302–303
disqualification orders 294–308
duty of care 303–304
evidence 737
examples 295
exercise of jurisdiction 296–299
fraudulent trading 808
guidelines 296–299
human rights 295
insolvency 295, 311, 823
Insolvency Service 295, 770
jurisdiction 296–299
leave to act 302–303
limitation periods 296
nature of proceedings 737
negligence 361
period 306–308
period of disqualification 306–308
reasons 294
responsibility of office 305–306
statutory powers 294, 296
summary of law 299–301
unfitness 294, 295, 298–301, 354
wrongful trading 808
disqualification orders 294–308
dissolution of company
criminal prosecutions 155
effect 823–824
foreign companies 804, 823
methods 824
restoration to register 824
winding up 789, 823–824
available assets 819–820
(p. 834) capital redemption reserve 541
dividends 544
receivership 787–788
winding up 819–820
dividends 541–544
distributions in kind 544
just and equitable winding up 543
limitation periods 544
payment out of capital 251–252, 546–547
preference shares 557
requirement to pay 543
treasury shares 523
unauthorised 544–548
companies 47–48
Societas Europaea 48
dormant companies 464
Duomatic principle 206–212
directors’ duties to 329–330
employee participation 12, 180
principal shareholder and sole director as employee 41–45
representatives 352
shares 558
company as 48, 52, 57–60
definition 57
environmental issues
EU Law 13
equitable compensation
breach of directors’ duties 413
equity funding 2, 488
equity securities 494
equity shares 557
EU law
annual accounts 12, 13
constructive notice doctrine 128
country of incorporation 13–16
binding nature 7
direct effect 10–12
implementation 7, 12–13
interpretation of domestic legislation 8–10
minimum standards 8
recourse to text 7
reliance upon terms 8
disclosure 720–723
employee participation 12, 180
freedom of establishment 14
harmonisation of company law 7, 12, 13
investment regulation 720–723
listing particulars 725
mutual recognition 726
prospectuses 725
regulations 8, 12–13
Societas Europaea 180
standards for official listing 725
Transparency Directive 720–723
twotier management structure 180
issue 596
European Companies see Societas Europaea
European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG) 13
European public limitedliability companies 22
execution of documents
corporate personality 131
executive directors
appointment 281
corporate governance 263–264
generally 2
independence 741
extraordinary general meetings
meaning 203
facade company 66
financial assistance for purchase of shares 512–513, 524–541
Financial Conduct Authority 720, 723, 725, 727
Financial Markets Law Committee 17
Financial Reporting Council 262–263
Financial Services Authority 719
fixed charge see charges
floating charges
administrators 600, 608
assets 610–614
assets subject to 612–614
creation 608–610
crystallisation 613–619
debentures secured by 614
declarations of trust 631
definition 605–607
enforcement of, liquidation 779
fixed charges
distinguished 622–632
priority 612–613
generally 594
identifiable property 598
insolvency 619–622
limitation on assets subject to 610–611
liquidation 619–622
major shareholders 619
meaning 598–599
negative pledge clause 612
preferential creditors 601, 626, 628, 779
protections afforded 599–601
restrictive clause 612
retention of title 632–634
setoff 612
trading power 598
winding up 779
flotation of company 723
foreign companies
dissolution 804, 823
winding up 750, 794
acquisition of own shares 521
antideprivation principle 817
charter companies 87
share certificates 580–585
Foss v Harbottle rule 639–643
exceptions to the rule 640–642
fraud on the minority 640–641
general rule 639–640
personal and individual rights invaded 640
special majority 640
founders’ shares 557
attribution of knowledge 163–173
common law conspiracy to defraud 150–152
company used to perpetrate 64–65
fraudulent trading 807–808
(p. 835) liability of auditors 163–173, 474–481
limited liability 64–65
and mental state 150–152
on minority 640, 641
single member companies 163–173
winding up of company formed for fraudulent purpose 795
fraud on minority
Foss v Harbottle rule 640, 641
fraudulent trading
directors 806–808
disqualification of directors 808
freedom of establishment
EU law 14–15
fishing quotas 60
registration of branches 14–15
friendly societies
legal personality 23
regulation 719
gender diversity
directors 266
UK Corporate Governance Code 266
general meetings
see also annual general meetings; meetings
Duomatic principle 206–212
institutional investors 205
majority voting 194, 213–214
nominees 205
majority vote 193, 213–214
gifts/gratuitous payments
by company 134–136
going concern
valuation of shares 591
Greenbury Committee 262
group companies
insolvency of subsidiary 808
limited liability 67–74
piercing the corporate veil 67–74
single economic unit 68, 70–71
group enterprise 69
Hampel Committee 17, 262
EU company law 7, 12, 13
hiving down 700
human rights
disqualification of directors 295
legislation 16–17, 50–51, 295, 737, 751–752
see also registration
articles of association 24
certificate of 1, 24
effect of issue 27–30
challenging regularity 27–29
contracts see preincorporation contracts
country of 13–16
effect of registration 24
European Company 13
judicial review of decision to incorporate 30–31
lawful objects 24–25
memorandum of association 24
mode of forming incorporated companies 24
name of company 24
private companies 24
public companies 24
reregistration 21
shelf companies 29
unlawful objects 27
directors 448–450
auditors 463, 464, 474, 741
board of directors 263, 309
directors 350–352
experts 741
gender diversity 266
legal personality 2–3
nonexecutive directors 266, 267
Takeover Panel 755
valuers 741
indirect investors
voting 204
indoor management rule 85, 124
assumption of compliance 125
constructive notice doctrine 124, 128
interaction with agency rules 127
notice of irregularity 125–127
scope 125
standing of 124–125
industrial and provident societies
legal personality 23, 63
breach of directors’ duties 413
inside information
definition 730
disclosure to others 730
insider dealing 729
use of information 728
insider dealing
common law 729
criminal penalties 729
definition 730
directors’ powers and duties 729–731
fiduciary duties 322
forms 729–730
market abuse 728–729
meaning 728, 729
penalties 729
statutory civil protection 729–731
administration orders 770–778
balancesheet insolvency 768
and capital 488–489
commercial insolvency 768
company voluntary arrangements 769–770
corporate assets, dissipation of 549
crossborder proceedings 13
defining 768
disqualification of directors 295, 311, 823
dissipation of assets 549
floating charges 619–622
improper reuse of insolvent company name 54, 808
personal liability for debts 54
protection afforded by charges 600–601
receivership see receivers; receivership
schemes of arrangement 753
statutory framework 768
subsidiary company 808
ultimate insolvency 768
voluntary arrangements 769–770
winding up see winding up
Insolvency Service
disqualification of directors 295, 770
(p. 836) inspectors see company investigations institutional investors
bonds 596
discharge of duties 268
disclosure 268
exercise of powers 268
general meetings 205
shares held by 12
UK Stewardship Code 267–269
international bonds
issue 596
investigations see company investigations
investment business
Bank of England 719–720
Financial Conduct Authority 720
Prudential Regulation Authority 720
regulation 719
regulatory reform 719–720
selfregulating organisations 719
Transparency Directive 720–723
Jenkins Committee 17, 89, 128, 791
joint stock company 5, 723
judicial review
Registrar of Companies 30–31
registrar’s incorporation decision 30–31
Takeover Panel 756–758
just and equitable winding up
actionable wrongs against members 636, 667
constitutional problems 185
deadlock 797–799
dissenting members’ views 214, 243
dividends 543
exercise of rights 800–802
failure of principle objects 796–797
fraudulent purposes 795
ground for winding up 789, 795
maladministration 668
petitions 795
redemption of shares 503
repurchase of shares 503
unfair prejudice 245, 685, 712
Kay Review 261–262
attribution rules 156–163
company investigations 161–163
corporate personality 156–177
officer of two companies 163–165
law reform committees 17–18
Companies Acts 3–4
sources of company law 3–17
statutory instruments 4
subordinate legislation 19
legitimate expectations
experience 706
interests of members 691
minority shareholders 698–706
unfair prejudice 185, 698–706
lifting the veil see piercing the corporate veil
limitation periods
account of profits 422
breach of directors’ duties 425, 451
breach of fiduciary duty 425, 436
disqualification of directors 296
dividends 544
limited companies
limited by guarantee 3, 21
limited by shares 3, 21
partnership company 23
meaning 21
limited liability
see also piercing the corporate veil
agency 61–62
contracting with members 42–43
evasion of contractual liability 65–67
fraud 64–65
general rule 51
generally 2, 3
group companies 67–74
industrial and provident societies 62–63
legal personality 33–39, 77–79
married partners 64
one member companies 39, 43–44, 51
ownership of property 41–45
partnerships 23
‘person’ 45–46
privacy 715, 730
trusts 62
limited liability partnerships 23
limited partnerships 23
see also winding up
application of assets 819–823
appointments 779
assets available for distribution 819–820
clawback provisions 806
company investigations 822–823
compensation 806, 819
conduct of liquidation 805–819
disclaimers 805
expenses 787
personal liability 806–807
powers 804, 805
reporting 823
listing particulars
EU Directive 725
generally 724
inaccurate or misleading statements in 499–500, 727–729
remedies and liabilities 499, 727–729
Listing Rules
see also Stock Exchange
admission of securities 718
annual accounts 725
auditors 473
board of directors 263, 286
formulation 724
notice of general meetings 202
obligations 725
official listing 725
preemption rights 496
promoters 481
source of company law 3
transfer of uncertificated shares 575
UK Corporate Governance Code 17, 262
unsecured debentures 597
voting rights 235
corporate personality and 176–177
directors 447
(p. 837) London Stock Exchange see Stock Exchange loss of office
compensation 264, 270, 285, 288
directors 264, 270, 285, 288
major shareholders
banks 12
disclosure 720
floating charges 619
nominees 12, 39
majority shareholders
expropriation of minority 761–763
majority rule principle 637–639
see also minority shareholders; remedies
litigation, problem of 637–639
pursuing claims 635–637
wrongs against company 635–636
wrongs against shareholder 636–637
management buyout 700
management structure
twotier 180
appointment 779
managing directors
appointment 281
de facto directors 113
functions 121–122
not Chair of board 264
remuneration 272–273
corporate responsibility 145–146
market abuse 728–737
misleading statements 730
penalties 730
market manipulation
meaning 728
see also annual general meetings; board of directors; general meetings
adjournment 197–198
articles of association, alteration 219–235
audiovisual links
decisionmaking powers 197
generally 196–197
role 197–198
adjournment of meeting 197–198
role 197–198
class meetings 192
common law 194
compulsory nature 203
conduct 203–204
deadlock, action where 190–193
division of powers between board and 181–182, 186–192
Duomatic principle 206–212
formalities 203–204
informal resolutions 206–214
meaning 192–193
members’ attendance 204–205
more than one member must be present 194–196
no competent board 191–193
notice convening 202–203
oneperson meetings 194–196
ordinary resolutions see also ratifying acts of directors
cannot direct board or overrule decisions 187–191
‘organ’ of company 179
physical location 196–197
powers of court to order 199–202
procedures 192–205
proxies 204
quorum 204
ratifying acts of directors 236–243
acts beyond directors’ authority 236–239
irregular acts 239
voidable acts 239–243
reform of the law 205–206
single member companies 195–196
telephone meetings 197
unanimous but informal agreement 206–209, 210–212
video link meetings 196–197
contracts to vote 217
generally 213–219
limitations on 213–244
member under no fiduciary duty to company 214–216
preference shareholders 557
setting aside of decisions ‘oppressive’ of minority 217–219
vote as property right 214–216, 637
where unnecessary 206–209
members of company 1–3, 178–179
see also shareholders
approval of directors’ transactions 445–448
company wronged in addition to personal claim 669–672
consent, authorisation or approval of directors 236
liability for directors’ breach of duty 458–460
limited liability 2, 3
no reflective loss principle 673–681
as ‘organ’ of company 179
personal claims against company 667–681
personal rights under constitution 251–259
powers 179–180
protection 512
ratification of directors’ acts 437–443
rights 178
shareholders distinguished 493
suing in own name 667–681
unauthorised dividends 544–548
vote as property right 214–216, 637
members’ voluntary winding up
see also windingup
meaning 789
voting 741
memorandum of association 5, 24–25, 25
alteration 26, 220
articles of association distinguished 26
capacity of company 86
class rights 251–252
contractual effect 251–259
effect 251–259
money payable under 251–252
objects clause see objects of company
rectification 182
schemes of reconstruction, authorising 741–743
shares class rights 251–252
(p. 838) mental state (mens rea)
common law conspiracy to defraud 150–152
corporate personality and 146–156
‘directing mind and will’ 147–150
intent to deceive 149–150
subordinates 152–155
see also Takeover Panel; takeovers
accounting 507–508
economic consequences 741
effect 700
European law 12, 741
meaning 700
scheme of arrangement 700, 744–753
mezzanine finance 822
minimum share capital
requirement 21
minority shareholders
derivative claims 630–667, 642–665
expropriation by majority 761–763
Foss v Harbottle exceptions
fraud on the minority 640
personal and individual rights invaded 640
rule 639–643
special majority 640
fraud on minority 640, 641
legitimate expectations 698–706
majority rule and 637–639
oppression 217–219
protection 637–713
alternative remedies 696–697
applicants 687–688
buyout orders 695–696
capacity as member 691–692
company’s affairs 689–690
conduct of petitioner 707–713
grounds 689
interests of members 691
mismanagement 699–700
oppression 684–685
procedure 688–689
respondents 688
shareholders’ agreement 245
unfair prejudice 690–691, 697–698, 702–706
windingup order 712
‘squeeze out’ 760–763
statutory protection 638
suing in own name 667–681
misleading statements
listing particulars 499–500, 727–729
market abuse 730
promoters 487
prospectuses 727–728
transparency 722
model articles 181
mortgages 598
multilateral trading facilities 724
name of company
see company names
nationality of company
liability 47
public companies 21
negative resolution procedure 4
auditors 466–467, 473
compensation 242
directors 361
disqualification of directors 361
no reflective loss principle
members of company 673–681
nominal value
capital 491
company voluntary arrangements 769–770
general meetings 205
major shareholders 12, 39
nominee directors 331, 350, 352, 458–460, 684–685
ownership of property 41
piercing the corporate veil 55
redemption of shares 521
nonexecutive directors 2, 264–265, 474
independence 266, 267
notice, constructive see constructive notice
general meetings 202–203
objects of company 87–90
borrowing powers 90–91
improper purposes 92–95
gratuitous payments and analogous transactions 134–136
interpretation of clause 90–95
lawful 24–25
powers of company 90–91
incidental powers 90–91
ultra vires doctrine 86–95
unlawful 27
unrestricted 25
winding up on failure of principal object 796–797
officers of the company see auditors; directors; secretary
official notification
see also disclosure
incorporation of company 716–717
ordinary shares 494, 557
ostensible authority
see also authority of agents
actual authority compared 108–112
implied authority 96
meaning 96
overseas companies see foreign companies
Panel on Takeovers and Mergers see Takeover Panel
parent companies
definition 23
partly paid shares 492
corporate personality 23
limited 23
limited liability 23
ordinary 23
quasipartnerships 558, 803
sleeping partners 23
unincorporated 5
unincorporated partnership 5
passing off
company names 26
criminal penalties 509
false or misleading statements 722
insider dealing 729
(p. 839) liability to pay 164
market abuse 730
official listing 725
recovery 164
phoenix syndrome 808
piercing the corporate veil
agency 61–62
associated companies treated as one 67–74
concealing wrongdoing 55–57
deliberate evasion of contractual obligation 65–67
enemy in time of war 52, 57–60
fraud 64–65
meaning 52
misuse of company 55–57
modern approach 55–57
nominees 55
process 52–55
remedies 74–77
statutory directions 54
trusts 62–64
place of business
importance of concept 15
incorporation 15, 49
political donations
authorisation 447
capacity 91
conflicts of interest 361
prohibition 136
preemption rights
existing shares 497
Listing Rules 496
new shares 496–497
treasury shares 496
triggers 497–499
preincorporation contracts 128–134
personal liability at common law 131
privity of contract 134
preference shares 7, 494, 557, 558–561
preferential creditors
administration 770
company voluntary arrangements 769
floating charges 601, 626, 628, 779
priority 601, 625
receivership 787
winding up 820
Prentice Report 89
private companies
definition 21
directors 21
incorporation 24
minimum capital 494–496
public share offers 724
reregistration 21
registration 24
single member 23
privity of contract
meaning 133–134
preincorporation contracts 134
shareholders’ agreement 211, 245, 253
profit and loss accounts 798
compensation payment 487
damages for breach of fiduciary duty 486
definition 481
duties owed 79
failure to disclose material facts 482–483
fiduciary relationship with company 482–483
Listing Rules 481
misleading statements 487
obligations of 481
prospectuses 723
remedies for breach of fiduciary duty 486
sale of noncash assets 481
secret profit 483–487
voidable contracts 482–483
content 726
EU Directive 724
exemption from requirement 726–727
generally 6, 723
inaccurate or misleading statements 496–497, 727–729
material misrepresentation 500–504
mutual recognition in EU 726
public offers 499, 725, 726–727
remedies and liabilities 499, 727–729
meetings 204
Prudential Regulation Authority 720
public company
definition 21
incorporation 24
minimum capital 494–496
name 21
promoters see promoters
reregistration 21
registration 24
public offers
FCA sanctions 727
history 723–724
misleading information 727–728
official listing 725
omissions 727–728
private companies 725–726
prospectuses 725, 726–727
regulation 723
securities markets 724–725
undersubscription 728
prospectuses 499, 725, 726–727
requirements 499
wholesale debt securities 596
business documents 718
directors’ appointment 283–284
business documents 718
registered office 717
registered office 717
purchase of own shares 512, 514, 520–523
see also acquisition of own shares
financial assistance by company for 512–513, 524–541
shareholders’ protection 523–524
approval 447
constructive trusts 450
companies 558
winding up 803
company 21
administrative receiver 311, 600, 778, 779–786
as agent of company 778
(p. 840) appointment 311, 600, 778
duties 779
due diligence 785–787
duty of care 781–787
exercise of powers in good faith 781–787
investigation rights 822–823
personal liability 778, 781
reporting 822–823
receivership 778–768
see also insolvency
distribution of assets 787–788
duty of care 781–787
expenses 787
liquidation 779, 787
preferential creditors 787
auditor’s report 466
directors’ powers and duties 359
misleading statements 723
secondary liability 451
recognised investment exchanges 724
meaning 739–740
schemes of 741–744
articles of association 182
redeemable shares 557
capital redemption reserve 522
nominees 521
acquisition of own shares 520
just and equitable winding up 503
nominees 521
reflective loss 669, 673–81
registered office
publicity 717
charges 604
debenture holders 596
directors 280, 283, 717
members 596
transfer of uncertificated shares 575
Registrar of Companies 24, 715–716
certificate of incorporation 1, 24
judicial review of decision 30–31
name of company 26–27
notification of share allotment 496
refusal of registration 24, 27
striking off from register 823–824
unlawful objects 24, 27
see also incorporation
certificate of incorporation 1, 24
company register 604
extension of period 603
failure to register 602–603
priority of registered charges 603–604
reform 604–605
statutory requirement 601–605
company names 26–27
effect 24
notification of share allotment 496
private companies 24
reregistration 21
refusal of registration 24, 27
regulations 4
reinstatement of company 824–825
related party transactions 235
breach of directors’ duties 413–428
breach of fiduciary duty by promoters 486
debentures 600
listing particulars 499, 727–729
minority shareholders
applicants 687–688
buyout orders 695–696
capacity as member 691–692
company’s affairs 689–690
conduct of petitioner 707–713
grounds 689
‘interests’ of members 691
mismanagement 699–700
‘oppressive’ conduct 684–685
procedure 688–689
relevance of alternative remedies 696–697
respondents 688
shareholders’ agreement 245
unfairly prejudice 690–691, 697–698, 702–706
windingup order 712
piercing the corporate veil 74–77
prospectuses 499, 727–729
unfair prejudice 695, 712
removal of director
by members 285
dismissed by board 287
ordinary resolution 285
protection from 285–287
reasonable notice rules 291–292
rights after termination 288–294
special voting rights 285–287
statutory provisions 285
remuneration of directors 270–276
articles of association 270–271
disclosure 265
fixing amount of 273–276
insolvent company 273–276
must be genuine 273–276
quantum meruit claim 272–273
statutory reforms 277–278
UK Corporate Governance Code 264–265
unlawful return of capital to member 273–276
where no profits 273–276
demergers 740
schemes of reconstruction 741–743
annual reports
disclosure 759
narrative reporting 759
public companies 733
audit committee 466
directors 473, 716
liquidators 822–823
receivers 822–823
winding up 822–823
rescission of contracts
breach of directors’ duties 413
residence of company 48–51
resignation of directors
corporate opportunities 387–399
directors 387–399
fiduciary duties 388
written request 287
alteration of articles 219
alteration of capital 246–248, 513–514
(p. 841) general meetings 187–191, 193–194, 203, 206–213, 236–243
informal 206–213
ordinary resolutions
cannot direct board or overrule decisions 187–191
majority vote 193–194
removal of directors 285
proposal 203
ratifying acts of directors 236–243
acts beyond directors’ authority 236–239
irregular acts 239
voidable acts 239–243
special resolutions 219
majority vote 193–194
written 194
retention of title clauses 605, 632–634
retirement of directors
corporate opportunities 387
profits gained after retirement 388
rotation, by 285, 802
rights issues
unfair prejudice 697
Romalpa clause 605, 632–634
safe harbours
market abuse 730
sale at an undervalue see transactions at an undervalue
schemes of arrangement 744–753
effect 700
insolvency 753
meaning 700
schemes of reconstruction 741–744
secret profits
directors 413–428
promoters 483–487
authority to bind company 123
role 269–270
EU directives 725–726
listing particulars see listing particulars
offer of 724–728
prospectus see prospectuses
unlisted 725
securities markets 724
directors 422, 445
equitable compensation 428
trustees 445
selfregulation 7, 17
investment business 719
service contracts
directors 270
service of documents
corporate personality and 177
shadow directors 807, 808
de facto directors distinguished 312–313
sham company 66
share certificates
estoppel 577–580
evidence of ownership 577–580
forgeries 580–585
share premium account 492, 506–508
share transfers see transfer of shares
see also general meetings; meetings; members of company; minority shareholders; shareholders’
and capital 488–489
institutional 205
expropriation of minority 761–763
principle of majority rule 637–639
members distinguished 493
preemption rights 496–497
preference shareholders 557
protection of 489–490
shareholders’ agreement 244–246
alteration of capital 246–248
amendment of constitution 249
binding nature 246–248
corporate opportunities 382–387
implied 245
informal decision 209–210
privity of contract 211, 245, 253
allotment 490, 494–496
bearer shares 493
bonus shares 548
capitalisation issues 548
certificates see share certificates
class rights 494, 556–562
articles of association 562
change in company structure 571–573
definition 564
entrenched 563
not referable to particular shares 564–567
repayment of capital 517–520
variation 251–252, 563–573
benefiting class as a whole 563, 567–571
definition 564
dissenting members 564
classes of 556–558
company investigations 722–723
competing claims to 586–590
damages 502–503
deferred shares 557
definition 556
dematerialised 574
disclosure of interests
company investigations 722–723
register of interests 722
substantial interests 590
discount, issue at 504–506
dividends see dividends
employees’ shares 558
enhanced voting rights 558
no implied condition as to 558–561
presumption of 559–561
equitable interests 585–586
equity shares 557
founders’ shares 557
insider dealing 729–730
investigations into share ownership 722–723
issue 491
discounts 504–506
exchange for property 508–510
premiums 506–507
terms of 559–562
underwriting 503
legal nature 493–495
legal title
prevails over earlier equitable title 586–590
transfer 586–587
limited voting rights 558
listing particulars see listing particulars
market abuse 728–737
material misrepresentation 500–504
meaning 494–495
(p. 842) nature of 556
nonvoting shares 557
notice of trust 588–589
offer by prospectus 723, 725
offer for sale 723–728
offer for subscription 723
ordinary shares 494, 557
ownership, investigations into 722–723
participating shares 557
partly paid shares 492
payment for 503–511
preemption rights 496–497
preference shares 7, 494, 557, 558–561
premium, issue at 506–507
prospectus see prospectuses
public companies 21
purchase of own 512, 514, 520–523
financial assistance by company for 512–513, 524–541
quasipartnership company 558
redeemable shares 522, 557
register of interests 722
rescission of contract 501–502
special purchaser 592
stop notice 589
substantial interests 590
taking of security over own shares 524
transfer 573–586
brokers transfer 575
certification 574, 577–580
competing claims to shares 586–590
CREST system 575
directors’ discretion to refuse to register 575–577
forged and fraudulent 577–580
irregular 589–590
restrictions 575–577
uncertificated 575
valuable consideration 589–590
transparency of ownership 720–723
uncertificated 575
undersubscription 728
valuation 591–593
assets of business 591–592
‘break up’ basis 592–593
buyout orders 707–713
‘going concern’ 591
realities of company’s situation 591–593
special purchaser 592
shelf companies
incorporation 29
single economic unit
group companies 68, 70–71
subsidiaries 70
single member companies 12, 22–23, 24
fraud 474–481
meetings 195–196
small companies 13, 22, 464
very small companies 22
Societas Europaea
domicile 48
EU law 180
incorporation 13
registration 22
sole directors 195–196
see also single member companies
sole traders 23
solvency statements
directors 512
sources of company law 3–17
squeezeout rights
minority shareholders 760–763
statutory audit
EU Law 13
statutory companies 5, 5–6
Stock Exchange
admission to listing 725
disclosure requirements 718
generally 7
Listing Rules 17, 481, 499, 598, 718, 724, 725
nonvoting shares 557
public regulation of securities markets 719–720
stop notice 589
striking off
companies 823–824
mental state of 152–155
single economic unit 70
subsidiary companies
definition 23
Takeover Panel
see also mergers; takeovers
compensation 765
functions 17, 754–756, 765
independence 755
judicial review 756–758
takeovers 753–754
see also mergers; Takeover Panel
acting in concert 756, 759
auditors 473
barriers to 759
bid 324–325, 700, 753
City Code on Takeovers and Mergers 17, 754–756
enforcement 765
deal protection measures 759–760
directors’ duties 324–325, 753, 763–765
European law 12
inducement fees 759–760
mandatory offer rules 759
meaning 700
minority protection 760–763
regulation 754
virtual bids 759
liability of both company and individual 140–144
liability of company 136–144
vicarious liability 136, 137–139
transactions at an undervalue 550–555
winding up 806, 810–813
transfer of shares 573–586
brokers transfer 575
certification 574, 577–580
competing claims to shares 586–590
CREST system 575
directors’ discretion to refuse to register 575–577
forged and fraudulent 577–580
irregular 589–590
restrictions 575–577
uncertificated 575
valuable consideration 589–590
(p. 843) transparency 720–723
treasury shares
dividends 523
preemption rights 496
repurchase of shares as treasury shares 520, 523
sale 497
voting 523
true and fair view
auditors 465, 471
trust deed
borrowing 595
trust relationships
between company and shareholders 62–64
borrowing power 594
constructive trusts
account of profits 419–422
accountability for property 419–422
loans to directors 447
quasiloans 450
declarations of trust 631
limited liability 62
notice 588–589
piercing the corporate veil 62–64
twotier management structure 180
UK Corporate Governance Code 262–267, 474
audit committee 473–474
board of directors 263–264
current version 17
executive directors 263–264
gender diversity 266
issue 17
nomination committees 266
nonexecutive directors 263–264
remuneration of directors 264–265
reviews 263
role 17
UK Listing Authority 725
ultra vires doctrine 86–95, 549, 640
objects clause 87–95
unfair prejudice
basic principles 687–698
examples 697–698
just and equitable winding up 245, 685, 712
legitimate expectation 185, 698–706
meaning of unfair prejudice 690–691
nonmember interests 692–695
remedies 695, 712
rights issues 697
scope of s 994 682–687
subsidiaries 685–687
unincorporated partnership 5
unlimited companies 3, 21
unlisted securities 725
usual authority 96, 124–127
valuation of shares 591–593
assets of business 591–592
‘break up’ basis 592
buyout orders 707–713
‘going concern’ 591
realities of company’s situation 591–593
special purchaser 592
independence 741
very small companies 22
vicarious liability
tort 136, 137–139
voluntary arrangements 769–770
contracts to vote 217
general meetings 214–219
indirect investors 204
limitations on 213–244
majority vote 193–194, 213–214
member under no fiduciary duty to company 213–216
oppression 217–219
preference shareholders 557
property rights 213–216, 637
proxies 204
rights 557
setting aside decisions 217–219
special voting rights 285–287
wholesale debt securities
public offers 596
winding up 767, 779, 788–7789
see also insolvency
antideprivation principle 817–819
articles of association 790
application of 819–823
available for distribution 819–820
avoidance of dispositions 809–810
contract to vary in liquidation 821–822
bona fide disputed debt 792–794
borrowing transactions 595
commencement 805–806
company investigations 822–823
compulsory 789
bona fide disputed debt 792–794
commercial insolvency 768
company formed for fraudulent purpose 795
controllers acted within legal rights 800–803
court’s discretion to order 803–804
failure of principal object 796–797
grounds 792–803
just and equitable grounds 789, 795
justifiable lack of confidence in management 797–800
petition brought for extraneous or improper purpose 803–804
petitioners 790–791
refusal of order 803–804
conduct 789, 805–819
controllers acted within legal rights 800–803
corporate personality 789
criminal liability 806
deadlock in management 797
debts disputed 792–794
directors’ liability 311, 806–807
dissolution of company 789, 823–824
exercise of rights in unjust or inequitable way 800–803
failure of principal object 796–797
floating charges 779
foreign companies 750, 794
fraudulent purposes 795
fraudulent trading 807
group trading 808
just and equitable winding up
actionable wrongs against members 636, 667
constitutional problems 185
deadlock 797–799
(p. 844) dissenting members’ views 214, 243
dividends 543
exercise of rights 800–802
failure of principle objects 796–797
fraudulent purposes 795
grounds 789, 795
maladministration 668
petitions 795
redemption of shares 503
repurchase of shares 503
unfair prejudice 245, 685, 712
lack of confidence in management 797–800
liquidator 779
application of assets 819–823
assets available for distribution 819–820
clawback provisions 806
conduct of liquidation 805–819
disclaimers 805
expenses 787
investigations 822–823
personal liability 806–807
powers 805
reporting 822–823
minority shareholders 712
partnerships 800–803
petition brought for extraneous or improper purpose 803
phoenix syndrome 808
preference shareholders 557
preferential creditors 820
quasipartnerships 803
refusal of order 803–804
reporting 822–823
restoration to register 824–825
return of capital 822
substratum, failure of 796–797
transactions at an undervalue 806, 810–813
voidable preference 810–813
voluntary 789
wrongful trading 807, 813–817
written resolutions 194
wrongful trading
disqualification of directors 808
winding up 807, 813–817