First Year M.SC Nursing Degree Examinations - September 2014

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Q.P.Code 101375 Reg. No.


First Year M.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations - September 2014


(Common for all specialties)

Time : 3 hrs Max marks : 100

• Answer all questions

Essays (4x20=80)
1. Elaborate on the concepts, purposes and principles in evaluation and explain in detail
about formative & summative evaluation (10+10=20)
2. Eaborate on Interview as a counseling technique
3. Describe in brief the management of nursing educational institutions in relation to
planning, organizing and staffing. (6+6+8=20)
4. Explain about development of nursing standards in education and discuss the role of
state registration nursing councils (15+5=20)

Short notes (4x5=20)

5. Impact of economical and technological changes on education

6. Domains of educational objectives.
7. Roles and responsibilities of a teacher
8. Uses of non projected audio visual aids


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