First Year M.SC Nursing Degree Examinations - September 2015
First Year M.SC Nursing Degree Examinations - September 2015
First Year M.SC Nursing Degree Examinations - September 2015
Essays (4x20=80)
1. Mr. Bhatt is admitted in the hospital with a complaint of breathing difficulty and he is
posted for tracheostomy. Define tracheostomy. Explain the immediate post-operative
management of Mr.Bhatt. List any three nursing diagnosis according to priority for this
patient and prepare a care plan. (2+8+10=20)
2. Explain the concept of primary health care and discuss the problems related to
resources in present system of health care in India. (10+10=20)
3. Define the concept of genetic counseling. Discuss the ethical, legal and psychosocial
issues in genetic testing. Explain the role of a nurse in genetic counseling.
4. Explain the concept of Orem's Self care theory in nursing. Describe the applications
of Orem’s self care model in rehabilitating client with below knee amputation.
5. Tele-medicine
6. Assertiveness
7. Acid-base imbalance
8. Quality assurance in nursing