Monadenium Rubellum

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Monadenium rubellum (SuCa52)

Monadenium rubellum

€ 26.16

The exotic plant, the Monadenium rubellum has a remarkable

broad stem. Thick, dark-green leaves grow from the tip of that
stem and eventually also beautiful, pink flowers.

Plant type: Place: Adult width: Light: Watering: Araflora info

foliage plant indoor 40 cm full light normal limited

Product info

The African plant, the Monadenium rubellum looks special. Because its base consists of a large,
rounded tuber or of several smaller tubers. This tuber is also called ‘caudex' and serves as a
depository of nutrition and water for the plant. Stalks with thick, green leaves develop from the tip of
the tuber. In the flowering season the Monadenium rubellum produces beautiful pink flowers on the
end of its stalks. This species is easy to care for and will flourish indoors or at the office. This Araflora
plant can grow to about 30 centimetres high.

Height: Width:
10 cm 5 cm

Adult height: Adult width:

100 cm 40 cm

Flower period: Temperature winter:

all year 5 °C

Product: Plant type:

plant foliage plant

Growth habit: Properties:

climbing special

Growth rate: Araflora info:

normal limited

Natural habitat: Altitude range:

South America 0-1000 m

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The exotic plant, the Monadenium rubellum prefers a spot in the lightor half shadow. Water the plant
sufficiently in the flowering season, so that the soil is always somewhat moist. Do not worry if you
forget to water the plant once in a while: the Monadenium rubellum can easily tolerate periods of
drought, because of water-reserves in its tuber[s]. In winter, when the plant drops its leaves and
flowers, it only needs very little water. The soil should then be allowed to dry out completely in
between two watering sessions, so that the roots will not rot. The temperature suitable for the
Monadenium rubellum should be between 10° Celsius [ 50° F ] and 35° Celsius [ 95° F ]. The potting
soil for this species must be thoroughly permeable and may consist partly of sand. Araflora sells all
kinds of soil-mixes for tropical plants.

Care: Place:
easy indoor

Place: Light:
container plant full light

Light: Fertilize:
semi sun medium

Maintenance: Watering:
can be pruned normal

Watering tips: Air humidity at day:

not standing in water 60-90%

Air humidity at night: Air movement:

70-90% normal

Temperature max: Temperature min:

35 °C 5 °C

Soil ph: Soil type:

< 6-7> mixed

after 1 year

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