Assessment ICTSUS601 2 of 3 V2
Assessment ICTSUS601 2 of 3 V2
Assessment ICTSUS601 2 of 3 V2
Course Name: ICT60115 - Advanced Diploma of Information Technology
Training Package: ICT
Assessment Tool: Summative Assessment
Candidate Name:
Candidate ID:
“I give my permission for my assessment material to be used in the auditing, assessment
Privacy Release Clause: validation & moderation Process”
Feedback to student:
Initial attempt
2nd attempt/Re-assessment
“I understand all the above rules and guidelines for the assessment”
Submission Details:
The assessment task is due on the date provided by the assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in
writing by your assessor. Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details
Performance objective
The candidate must demonstrate skills, knowledge and understanding of promote the use and implementation of
professional ethics, copyright and privacy to effect change, as states the unit of competency ICTSUS601. Throughout this
program you are to demonstrate knowledge in:
discuss best practice approaches relevant to own work area
explain environmental or sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice applicable to the
industry and organisation
discuss and explain work health and safety (WHS) implications for new policy
explain how to estimate CO emissions 2
Assessment description:
You will undertake some research to provide appropriate responses.
1 You will need to follow instructions below and address all activities required.
2 This is an individual activity where each candidate will be assessed individually;
3 Complete all activities and submit assessment evidence (including these papers) to your assessor the date specified
above (see submission details).
Your assessor will be looking for evidence that you can understanding of:
relevant organisational policies
legislation and standards documentation
industry codes of practice.
When you are confident that you have met all requirements for this assessment task, submit your assessment
to your facilitator in class for marking.
Referencing guides are available through your facilitator. Students are advised to make use of these resources to
ensure their reference citations follow the APA style.
Assessment Task 2
1. Develop procedures for the Reduce, Reuse and Recycle environmental sustainability program
to encourage environmentally responsible disposal of IT equipment at the office. After developing the
procedures, prepare a 10 minute presentation to all office staff to communicate your procedures. You
should incorporate a 5 minutes question and answer portion where you will have to demonstrate an
effective way to handle stakeholder objections to recommended sustainability procedures. A copy of the
developed procedures needs to be submitted as evidence.
3. Establish a recording system to track and record continuous improvement outcomes related
to sustainability programs initiated in the workplace. For example, develop an Excel spreadsheet
template to record and keep track of expenses incurred in buying toners and maintaining the office
printers and photocopiers within a 6 month period. The template must include relevant headings and
labels appropriate to the data to be entered (see sample below). The information later entered into the
spreadsheet will be converted into graphs/charts to be used to make informed decisions about how to
further improve processes and reduce costs. Also assign a member of your group as a person
responsible for monitoring, recording and reporting the outcomes. A copy of the blank template including
procedures on how to fill it with data must be submitted as part of the evidence.
Sample template
Item Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Photocopier pages
Laser printer pages
MFD Pages
Total reams paper
Ream of paper
Cost of paper
Laser printer toners
Printer toner cost
Photocopier toners
Photocopier toner costs
MFD Toners
MFD Toner Costs
Cost p.p. for servicing
Cost of servicing
Total print costs
4. Students need to research and gather power consumption and CO2 emission values for all of the
devices mentioned in the below table to perform the calculations.
5. Calculate the CO2 emissions of all the devices at Exclusive printing solutions.
Devices at Exclusive printing solutions
Desktop PCs 10 10
Laptops 30 20
Audiovisual equipment 1 1
Networking equipment
-Switches with dual power supply 2 2
-Access points 4 2
4 2
Total number of devices 49 41
Hint – CO2 emission values for desktops and laptops is provided in the case study.
6. Estimate potential energy savings if all the desktop and laptops are switched off and the vampire draw
is avoided.
Marking Criteria/Guide
Assessment Task 2
Course Name:
Training Package:
Assessment Tool:
Assessor’s Name
Assessment Date/s
Yes No
Did the student:
Assessment Part 2
Completed provided cover page
Created the report in a standard format
10 minute presentation to communicate your procedures
Develop a plan of action
Establish a recording system
Gather & tabulate power consumption and CO2 emission values for devices
Calculate the CO2 emissions
Estimate potential energy savings
Evaluate estimated CO2 emissions