A Technique Cryptography PDF
A Technique Cryptography PDF
A Technique Cryptography PDF
A Technique: Cryptography
Network security
Abstract: Nowadays, millions of ordinary citizens are connected to networks to fulfil a thousand purposes.
With the millions of internet users able to pass information through internet, the security of business networks is
a major concern. This paper not only deals with the study of network security but also indulges a big affair in
studying the concept cryptography. Cryptography is basically the art of the secret writing. Cryptography is
budding equipment, which is essential for network defence. In this research paper we also deal with the art of
breaking ciphers called cryptanalysis, and the art devising them called cryptography, and they are collectively
known as cryptology. We also get involved with the pros and cons of cryptography and its’ usefulness in
modern technology.
Cryptography is basically the practice of technique of secure communication .Or we can also say that
Cryptography deals with constructing and analysing protocols that overcome the influence of adversaries which
are related to various aspects in information security. Applications of cryptography include ATM cards,
computer passwords, and electronic commerce. Earlier, cryptography was synonymous to with encryption.
By using cryptography many goals can be achieved. These goals can be either all achieved at the same time in
one application, or only one of them. These goals are:
1. Confidentiality: it is the most important goal, that ensures that nobody can understand the received
message except the one who has the decipher key.
2. Authentication: it is the process of proving the identity that assures the communicating entity is the
one that it claimed to be. This means that the user or the system can prove their own identities to other
parties who don’t have personal knowledge of their identities. (The primary form of host to host
authentication on the Internet today is name-based or address-based; and both of them are notoriously
3. Data Integrity: its ensures that the received message has not been altered in any way from its original
form, This can be achieved by using hashing at both sides the sender and the recipient in order to create
a unique message digest and compare it with the one that received.
4. Non-Repudiation: it is mechanism used to prove that the sender really sent this message, and the
message was received by the specified party, so the recipient cannot claim that the message was not
5. Access Control: it is the process of preventing an unauthorized use of resources. This goal controls
who can have access to the resources, If one can access, under which restrictions and conditions the
access can be occurred, and what is the permission level of a given access.
Computers are used by millions of people for many purposes. such as banking, shopping, military, student
records, etc…. . Privacy is a critical issue in many of these applications, how are we needed to make sure that an
unauthorized parties cannot read or modify messages.
Cryptography is the transformation of readable and understandable data into a form which cannot be
understood in order to secure data. cryptography refers exactly to the methodology of concealing the content of
messages, the word cryptography comes from the Greek word " Kryptos ", that means hidden, and " graphikos "
which means writing .The information that we need to hide, is called plaintext , It’s the original text, It could be
in a form of characters, numerical data, executable programs, pictures, or any other kind of information, The
plaintext for example is the first draft of a message in the sender before encryption, or it is the text at the
receiver after decryption. The data that will be transmitted is called cipher text, it's a term refers to the string of
"meaningless" data, or unclear text that nobody must understand, except the recipients. it is the data that will be
transmitted Exactly through network, Many algorithms are used to transform plaintext into cipher text .
Cipher is the algorithm that is used to transform plaintext to cipher text. This scheme is called encryption or
enciphers (encode), in other words, it's a way of converting readable and understandable data into "meaningless"
The Key is an input to the encryption algorithm, and this value must be independent of the plaintext, This input
is used to transform the plaintext into cipher text, so different keys will yield different cipher text, In the
decipher side, the inverse of the key will be used inside the algorithm instead of the key.
Computer security it's a generic term for a collection of tools designed to protect any data from hackers, theft,
corruption, or natural disaster while allowing these data to be available to the users at the same time. One
example of these tools is the A-vast antivirus program.
Network security refers to any activity designed to protect the usability, integrity, reliability, and safety of data
during their transmission on a network, Network security deals with hardware and software, The activity can be
one of the following anti-virus and anti-spyware, firewall, Intrusion prevention systems, and Virtual Private
Networks .
Internet Security is measures and procedures used to protect data during their transmission over a collection of
interconnected networks .while information security is about how to prevent attacks, and to detect attacks on
information-based systems .
Cryptanalysis (code breaking) is the study of principles and methods of deciphering cipher text without
knowing the key, typically this includes finding and guessing the secrete key, It's a complex process involving
statistical analysis, analytical reasoning, math tools and pattern-finding, The field of both cryptography and
cryptanalysis is called cryptology.
Symmetric encryption refers to the process of converting plaintext into cipher text at the sender with the same
key that will be used to retrieve plaintext from cipher text at the recipient. while asymmetric encryption refers
to the process of converting plaintext into cipher text at the sender with different key that will be used to retrieve
plaintext from cipher text at the recipient .
Passive attacks mean that the attackers or the unauthorized parties just monitoring on the traffic or on the
communication between the sender and the recipient, but not attempting to breach or shut down a service, This
kind of attacks is very hard to discover, since the unauthorized party doesn’t leave any
traces. On the other hand active attacks mean that the attackers are actively attempting to cause harm to the
network or the data. The attackers are not just monitoring on the traffic, but they also attempt to breach or shut
down the service.
Authentication is the process of determining whether someone is the same person who really is, such as login
and password in login pages while authorization is the process of ensuring that this person has the ability to do
something .
Brute force is the attacker who is trying all of the possible keys that may be used in either decrypt or
encrypt information .
Encryption is the strongest and the safest way in securing data. Certainly, it is the most common one. Encryption
systems are divided into two major types or forms, symmetric and asymmetric. Symmetric encryption is known
as secret key or single key, The receiver uses the same key which the sender uses to encrypt the data to decrypt
the message,. This system was the only system used before discovering and developing the public key., A safe
way of data transfer must be used to moving the secret key between the sender and the receiver in symmetric
encryption. Figure 4 shows how the system works. Symmetric encryption occurs either by substitution
transposition technique, or by a mixture of both. Substitution maps each plaintext element into cipher text
element, but transposition transposes the positions of plaintext elements.
When it comes to encryption, the latest isn't necessarily the best. You should always use the encryption
algorithm that is right for the job and has been extensively publicly analyzed and tested, something the
cryptographic community won't have had the chance to do with a brand new algorithm. Let's have a look at
some of the most widely-used algorithms. For most people, encryption means taking plaintext and converting it
to cipher text using the same key, or secret, to encrypt and decrypt the text. This is symmetric encryption and it
is comparatively fast compared to other types of encryption such as asymmetric encryption. The most widely-
used algorithm used in symmetric key cryptography is AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). It comprises three
block ciphers, AES-128, AES-192 and AES-256, each of which is deemed sufficient to protect government
classified information up to the SECRET level with TOP SECRET information requiring either 192 or 256 key
The main disadvantage of symmetric key cryptography is that all parties involved have to exchange the key used
to encrypt the data before they can decrypt it. This requirement to securely distribute and manage large numbers
of keys means most cryptographic services also make use of other types of encryption algorithms. Secure MIME
(S/MIME) for example uses an asymmetric algorithm - public/private key algorithm - for non-repudiation and a
symmetric algorithm for efficient privacy and data protection. Algorithms use two interdependent keys, one to
encrypt the data, and the other to decrypt it.
This interdependency provides a number of different features, the most important probably being digital
signatures which are used amongst other things to guarantee that a message was created by a particular entity or
authenticate remote systems or users. The RSA (Rivest, Shamir and Adleman) asymmetric algorithm is widely
used in electronic commerce protocols such as SSL, and is believed to be secure given sufficiently long keys
and the use of up-to-date implementations. As RSA is much slower than symmetric encryption, what typically
happens is that data is encrypted with a symmetric algorithm and then the comparatively short symmetric key is
encrypted using RSA. This allows the key necessary to decrypt the data to be securely sent to other parties along
with the symmetrically-encrypted data.
Cryptography is used to ensure that the contents of a message are confidentiality transmitted and would not be
altered. Confidentiality means nobody can understand the received message except the one that has the decipher
key, and "data cannot be changed" means the original information would not be changed or modified; this is
done when the sender includes a cryptographic operation called a hash function in the original message. A hash
function is a mathematical representation of the information, when information arrives at its receiver; the
receiver calculates the value of this hash function. If the receiver’s hash function value is equivalent to the
sender’s, the integrity of the message is assured .in this survey paper we describe and compare between
symmetric and asymmetric encryption technique, provide many example to show the differences.
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