CN 5100
EPD: BW -1; WW 8.9; MM 1.1; YW 9.4
HENRY N 1283
DAM: CN 5100 { C 522
CN 273
CN 1539
CG 4050
Marbling and Tenderness DNA - 10 STAR Test CN 2242 is in more Senepol pedigrees than any other cow.
Mother of ASL Big Ed and great E.T. cow ASL Lady 108W E.T.
General has 2 + 5 = 7
from General’s 1st Calf Crop CN 5100 said by owner Steve Lawson “Best cow in my herd”.
2 Sons with 8 Stars • 2 Sons with 7 Stars General is double bred to CN 5100.
1 Daughter with 8 Stars CN 1539 produced 14 calves at CN and then shipped to US for E.T.
Carcass EPDs have also been predicted using carcass information provided Contemporary Groups
through the Senepol carcass sire progeny testing program. Measures of carcass The effects of contemporary groups are adjusted for in the analyses procedure.
traits were obtained via live animal ultrasound from steer and heifer progeny This results in the EPDs being computed as though all animals were in one large
produced by steers participating in the program. The carcass traits evaluated contemporary group. This is the reason the EPDs can be compared across herds.
were external 12th-13th rib fat thickness and a cross section of the longissimus The proper identification of the contemporary in which an animal is raised is of
dorsi muscle (ribeye area) measured between the 12-13th ribs. Intramuscular fat the utmost importance for an accurate evaluation of the animal and its parents.
% was also evaluated. All carcass traits were adjusted to an age constant basis Breeders should be aware of the definition of a contemporary group: 1) animals of
(653 days). the same sex, 2) animals of similar age (try to keep animals within 90 day birth date
spread) and 3) animals managed together and given equal opportunity to perform
Analysis Procedures (i.e., same pasture, same feed, same weigh dates, similar breed makeup, etc.).
The pedigree information and performance records on Senepol cattle that were Producers need to send to SCBA complete information on the management of their
provided by producers and sent to SCBA were analyzed using Best Linear cattle so that contemporary groups can be properly assigned. Most inaccuracies in
Unbiased Prediction (BLUP) procedures and multiple trait animal model NCE programs are due to misidentification of contemporary groups.
technology. The analysis procedures develop and EPD for each animal based
12 • Senepol World
What are EPDs?
Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) may be used to estimate how future NCE program incorporates all available performance into the prediction of an
progeny of an animal will compare to progeny of other animals within the breed. individual’s EPD for a specific trait. An EPD may be based on any combination
EPDs are not designed to predict the performance of one or two progeny by a sire, of individual performance, pedigree and progeny performance information. In
but rather should be used to compare bulls based on estimated progeny performance. addition, EPDs are more accurate than anything previously available because
EPDs predict differences, not absolutes. EPDs describe the genetic value of an they account for the following factors:
animal much like a feed tag describes the contents of a feed sack. • Genetic value of cows to which a bull is bred.
EPDs are computed as part of the SCBA National Cattle Evaluation (NCE) • Environmental differences affecting contemporary groups.
program. The NCE program represents the application of the most recent genetic • Genetic values of other parents in the contemporary group.
and computing technology for calculating EPDs for beef cattle. The Senepol • Genetic trend.
The following two tables show the average adjusted birth, weaning and yearling weights by year of birth for bulls and heifers. These are phenotypic averages not
genetic averages. Genetic averages for these traits can be found in the following Genetic Trend table. The adjusted weight of an animal is a combination of genetic
and environmental effects. Because of this, there is not a direct relationship between the yearly weight averages and the yearly EPD averages. One cannot and should
not equate a certain year’s average EPD to that year’s average adjusted weight. These tables are given simply to show the cumulative effect of years of genetics,
management and other environmental effects.
Senepol World • 13
Criteria for Listing in Sire Summary
There are a total of 410 bulls listed in this year’s Senepol Sire Summary. Active sires are those that have a minimum weaning weight accuracy of
There are 117 Active Sires while 293 are inactive. Sires are listed by Activity .40, have sired at least 2 calves utilized in the genetic analysis and have sired a
status then alphabetically by their registered names. recorded calf since January 1, 2003.
In order to appear in the Sire Summary, a bull must be at least 93 percent Inactive sires have a minimum weaning weight accuracy of .50, but have
(15/16) Senepol. not sired a recorded calf since January 1, 2003.
14 • Senepol World
2005-2006 Senepol Genetic Trend Percentile Breakdown — All 2003/2004 Calves
Average EPDs by Birth Year
Birth Weaning Maternal Milk & Yearling
Birth Numb. Birth Wning Mat. Milk & Yrling
Weight Weight Milk Growth Weight
Year Head* Weight Weight Milk Growth Weight
1973 73 -0.3 -2.3 1.0 -0.1 -2.5 Number 2006 1601 1531 1046 1462
1974 96 -0.8 -4.5 0.7 -1.6 -5.4 Average 0.8 7.4 3.3 7.5 10.3
1975 143 -0.5 -1.8 1.5 0.6 -1.5 Minimum -4.9 -18.7 -9.1 -10.2 -19.9
1976 144 -0.5 -4.0 0.5 -1.5 -4.8 Maximum 7.9 32.9 18.2 26.4 40.9
1977 196 -0.3 -3.4 2.4 0.7 -3.0 Std. Dev. 1.6 7.0 4.0 6.0 9.2
1978 324 -0.8 -5.4 0.8 -1.9 -6.1
1979 305 -0.3 -3.4 1.3 -0.4 -3.5 Upper Birth Weaning Maternal Milk & Yearling
1980 419 -0.3 -2.7 1.7 0.4 -2.6 Percent Weight Weight Milk Growth Weight
1981 429 -0.2 -1.8 1.5 0.5 -1.7 1 -2.9 23.7 14.1 22.1 32.5
1982 481 -0.0 -0.5 1.3 1.0 -0.2 2 -2.3 22.1 12.8 20.3 30.0
1983 420 -0.1 -0.3 1.2 1.0 -0.1 3 -1.9 21.1 11.6 19.9 28.6
1984 659 -0.2 -1.3 2.4 1.7 -0.6 4 -1.7 20.1 10.9 18.1 27.2
1985 456 -0.3 -0.2 1.8 1.7 0.2 5 -1.5 19.0 10.4 17.4 26.3
1986 550 -0.0 -0.2 1.5 1.4 0.6 10 -1.0 16.0 8.7 15.1 22.1
1987 765 -0.2 0.9 2.3 2.7 1.7 15 -0.7 14.7 7.4 13.6 19.8
1988 801 0.0 0.9 2.0 2.5 1.8 20 -0.4 13.3 6.5 12.6 17.7
1989 748 0.1 0.6 2.1 2.3 1.3 25 -0.2 12.0 5.8 11.5 16.2
1990 895 0.2 1.5 2.0 2.7 2.7 30 -0.0 11.0 5.2 10.7 14.7
35 0.2 9.9 4.6 9.9 13.3
1991 1120 0.2 1.5 2.3 3.0 2.8
40 0.4 8.9 4.1 8.9 12.3
1992 1129 0.2 1.9 2.3 3.3 3.3
45 0.5 8.1 3.6 8.1 11.1
1993 1394 0.2 1.6 2.1 2.9 2.7 50 0.7 7.3 3.1 7.4 10.0
1994 1436 0.2 2.7 2.1 3.4 4.1 55 0.9 6.6 2.6 6.7 9.0
1995 1201 0.2 2.8 2.4 3.8 4.4 60 1.1 5.7 2.2 6.0 7.9
1996 1303 0.3 2.9 2.5 4.0 4.7 65 1.3 4.7 1.7 5.2 6.9
1997 1184 0.3 4.0 3.0 5.0 5.8 70 1.5 3.8 1.2 4.5 5.7
1998 948 0.4 4.2 3.2 5.2 6.1 75 1.8 2.7 0.6 3.6 4.3
1999 1049 0.7 4.9 3.7 6.2 6.5 80 2.2 1.6 0.1 2.5 2.7
2000 719 0.6 5.4 3.7 6.4 7.8 85 2.5 0.1 -0.8 1.3 0.9
2001 761 0.4 4.4 3.1 5.3 6.8 90 2.9 -1.5 -1.7 -0.1 -1.2
2002 620 0.7 6.6 3.4 6.8 9.4 95 3.6 -4.1 -3.0 -2.1 -4.5
2003 937 0.9 7.4 3.2 7.5 10.1 100 7.9 -18.7 -9.1 -10.2 -19.9
2004 664 1.0 7.3 3.5 7.5 10.1
Senepol World • 15
About Genetic Trait Leaders
A Genetic Trait Leader is a bull that exhibits genetic superiority in at least Multiple-Trait Performance sires are those sires that ranked in the top 1/3
one of five individual traits as reported in the Senepol Sire Summary. There of the bulls listed in the Sire Summary for Weaning Weight EPD, Milk EPD,
is also a Multiple Trait Performance Sire award that recognizes sires that Milk & Growth EPD and Yearling Weight EPD as well as having minimum
exhibit superiority in combined traits. Genetic superiority may be defined by a accuracies of .40 for all traits. In addition, these sires must rank in the top 2/3
particular bull’s EPDs as reported in the Senepol Sire Summary and how they of all bulls listed in the Sire Summary for Birth Weight EPD with a minimum
are superior to the rest of the bulls evaluated for a given trait. accuracy of .40.
Single-Trait Trait Leaders must have an EPD that ranks him in the top 10% Only Active sires are included on the Genetic Trait Leader List. Inactive sires
of all sires listed in the sire summary and a minimum accuracy of .60 for that are those that have not sired a recorded calf since January 1, 2003 and have a
particular trait. minimum Weaning Weight Accuracy of .50. Active sires have produced a calf
since January 1, 2003 and have a minimum Weaning Weight Accuracy of .40.
LTP RANGER 106U 11A E.T. 1060797 -2.6 (.73) -13 (.67) 4 (.56) -2 -13 (.50)
CCG 102C 1067163 -2. (.70) -4 (.50) 4 (.40) 2 -4 (.18)
CN 6409G 1081477 -1.7 (.68) -6 (.62) 3 (.21) 0 -4 (.45)
WC 705 1103270 -3.1 (0.66) -4.9 (0.55) -2.0 (0.35) -4.4 -8.9 (0.19)
WCF REDD MANN 9376 1007259 -2.6 (0.66) -1.1 (0.59) -0.2 (0.40) -0.6 -5.0 (0.48)
JC 200-1L CACAO 1109712 -2.2 (0.64) 0.4 (0.41) 0.2 (0.15) 0.5 4.3 (0.14)
CCG 102C 1067163 -1.8 (0.72) -2.7 (0.50) 6.2 (0.40) 4.9 -2.0 (0.18)
CN 5645 1063587 -1.6 (0.75) 5.2 (0.69) 4.5 (0.44) 7.2 11.7 (0.48)
CN 6409G 1081477 -1.5 (0.71) -7.4 (0.64) 4.5 (0.25) 0.9 -3.6 (0.47)
WC 710H 1100933 -1.3 (0.60) 0.8 (0.52) 6.7 (0.15) 7.0 3.3 (0.29)
RBS 9704G 1079823 -1.0 (0.66) 4.3 (0.51) -1.8 (0.35) 0.3 5.1 (0.18)
TT TnT’s Prosperity 12L 1109654 2.1 (0.74) 28.8 (0.67) -2.7 (0.15) 9.9 38.0 (0.38)
HBC 754A 21K 1107555 2.9 (0.74) 27.7 (0.66) 1.9 (0.15) 10.8 33.1 (0.35)
CN 5938D 1072179 1.9 (0.81) 27.4 (0.72) 11.4 (0.29) 25.0 32.5 (0.52)
CN 6544H 1100828 3.8 (0.72) 25.1 (0.66) 13.9 (0.35) 26.5 31.5 (0.50)
CN 6367G 1081436 0.9 (0.81) 23.6 (0.74) 7.4 (0.59) 19.2 31.4 (0.26)
D77 RUSTY 1077199 3.4 (0.75) 22.6 (0.69) 7.9 (0.51) 19.5 25.3 (0.54)
CN5480 1060890 4.3 (0.83) 21.2 (0.81) 13.0 (0.67) 23.7 28.1 (0.71)
HBC HOT STUFF 25A 1060783 3.8 (0.81) 20.4 (0.77) 8.9 (0.70) 19.0 28.9 (0.69)
HBC HOT STUFF 25A 1060783 3.8 (0.81) 20.4 (0.77) 8.9 (0.70) 19.0 28.9 (0.69)
CN5480 1060890 4.3 (0.83) 21.2 (0.81) 13.0 (0.67) 23.7 28.1 (0.71)
16 • Senepol World
2006 Senepol Carcass EPDs
The following EPDs for twenty-eight (28) bulls represent the second genetic days, which is the average age of all cattle in the analysis.
analysis for carcass traits in the Senepol breed. Since the Senepol carcass EPDs are based on live animal ultrasound measure-
The higher accuracy sire Carcass EPDs have been predicted using carcass in- ments, this is not a direct prediction of actual finished steer measurements from a
formation provided through the designed Senepol carcass sire progeny testing packing plant. Nevertheless, ultrasound is an extremely good predictor of carcass
program. This program was conducted in Paraguay and Brazil. Measures of car- composition of the cattle measured. Several research projects have shown a very
cass traits were obtained via live animal ultrasound from steer and heifer progeny favorable relationship between predictions based on ultrasound and those based
produced by both participating in the program. The carcass traits evaluated were on actual packing plant steer measurements.
external 12th-13th rib fat thickness and a cross section of the longissimus dorsi The units of measurement for Fat Thickness EPDs is inches, while Ribeye Area
muscle (ribeye area) measured between the 12-13th ribs. Intramuscular fat % EPDs are measured in square inches. Intramuscular Fat EPDs are measured in
was also evaluated. All carcass traits were adjusted to an age constant basis, 653 units of percent fat within the ribeye muscle.
Senepol World • 17
HBC 754A 21K Fat Thickness Ribeye Area Intramuscular Fat
4/7/2000 1107555 S: WC 754A EPD (Acc) -0.002 (.55) 0.293 (.54) -0.013 (.62)
B: Honey Bee Creek, GA, Adel, GA Prog 24 18 24
O: Australian Agri Co Ltd Meteor, Brisbane, Australia
HBC HOT STUFF 8E E.T. Fat Thickness Ribeye Area Intramuscular Fat
1/7/1995 1073416 S: HBC HOT STUFF 25A EPD (Acc) -0.005 (.57) -0.229 (.59) 0.025 (.63)
B: Honey Bee Creek, GA, Adel, GA Prog 24 23 24
Active Sires
5T “OZ” 15L Birth Weaning Milk M & G
1/21/2001 1109565 S: CN 5225 EPD ( Acc ) 0.3 (.68) 6 (.61) 4 (.15) 7 6 (.33)
B: 5-T Ranch, Gainesville, FL Conf. Range -1.0 : 1.6 -1 : 13 -10 : 18 -12 : 23
O: TNT Senepols, Pollock, LA Herds / Prog 2 / 28 1 / 27 0 (Daughters) 1/6
5-T Ranch, Gainesville, FL
AC 761 Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
4/19/1987 1006278 S: CN 1638 EPD ( Acc ) 3.3 (.87) 16 (.83) -6 (.73) 2 19 (.77)
B: Annaly Chesterfield, St. Croix, US Conf. Range 2.6 : 4.0 13 : 19 -11 : -1 12 : 26
O: American Senepol Ltd, Harrogate, TN Herds / Prog 26 / 198 19 / 145 45 (Daughters) 11 / 85
Honey Bee Creek, Jonesboro, GA
AC Maternal Magic 202B Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
4/5/1992 1103121 S: WC 248-W EPD ( Acc ) 1.2 (.68) 6 (.54) 1 (.44) 3 9 (.31)
B: Annaly Chesterfield, St Croix, US Conf. Range -0.1 : 2.5 -4 : 15 -8 : 10 -8 : 26
O: Chesterfield Farms, Knoxville, TN Herds / Prog 2 / 28 1 / 2 9 (Daughters) 1/2
Millertown Senepols, Knoxville, TN
AMI635E Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
11/13/1995 1078124 S: CN 4635 EPD ( Acc ) 1.8 (.78) 11 (.69) 8 (.21) 15 14 (.33)
B: Prime Rate Ranch, Miami, FL Conf. Range 0.8 : 2.8 4 : 18 -4 : 20 -3 : 31
O: Prime Rate Ranch, Miami, FL Herds / Prog 3 / 67 2 / 52 1 (Daughters) 2/7
APOLLO MS5E Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
4/11/1995 1073558 S: CHESTERFIELD 947 EPD ( Acc ) 0.2 (.58) -3 (.44) 10 (.25) 9 -8 (.37)
B: Millertown Senepols, Knoxville, TN Conf. Range -1.5 : 1.9 -13 : 7 -2 : 22 -25 : 10
O: Millertown Senepols, Knoxville, TN Herds / Prog 2 / 15 1 / 7 2 (Daughters) 1/6
AR Ruff N’ Tuff 40H ET Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
8/17/1998 1103134 S: ASL CR DUTCHMAN 26E EPD ( Acc ) 1.5 (.70) 14 (.51) -3 (.15) 4 13 (.36)
B: Ana Rosa Marcondes Machado, Brooklyn, NY Conf. Range 0.5 : 2.5 5 : 23 -17 : 12 -4 : 30
O: Ana Rosa Marcondes Machado, Brooklyn, NY Herds / Prog 3 / 41 1 / 22 0 (Daughters) 1 / 13
AR Sugar Toes 41H ET Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
8/31/1998 1103130 S: ASL HILLBILLY 1106B E.T. EPD ( Acc ) 1.8 (.72) 3 (.57) 1 (.29) 2 5 (.36)
B: Ana Rosa Marcondes Machado, Brooklyn, NY Conf. Range 0.8 : 2.8 -6 : 12 -11 : 13 -12 : 22
O: Ana Rosa Marcondes Machado, Brooklyn, NY Herds / Prog 3 / 49 1 / 27 3 (Daughters) 1 / 13
ASL CR DUTCHMAN 26E Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
5/20/1995 1076492 S: HANDSOME EPD ( Acc ) 3.6 (.77) 12 (.70) -1 (.33) 5 15 (.55)
B: Coley Ranch Senepol, Statham, GA Conf. Range 2.6 : 4.6 7 : 17 -12 : 10 3 : 27
O: Coley Ranch Senepol, Statham, GA Herds / Prog 6 / 64 3 / 51 2 (Daughters) 1 / 21
American Senepol Ltd, Harrogate, TN
Senepol World • 19
ASL G11 Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
3/30/1997 1080430 S: AC 901 MILKMAN EPD ( Acc ) 1.7 (.63) 5 (.45) 3 (.15) 6 10 (.32)
B: American Senepol Ltd, Harrogate, TN Conf. Range 0.4 : 3.0 -6 : 15 -11 : 17 -7 : 27
O: Charles Reeves, Jackson, AL Herds / Prog 3 / 20 3 / 12 0 (Daughters) 2/6
ASL HOT ROD 64X E.T. Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
8/24/1988 1050971 S: ASL BIG ED HU47 EPD ( Acc ) 1.1 (.83) 12 (.74) 1 (.66) 7 17 (.62)
B: American Senepol Ltd, Harrogate, TN Conf. Range 0.4 : 1.8 7 : 17 -5 : 7 7 : 27
O: American Senepol Ltd, Harrogate, TN Herds / Prog 14 / 71 10 / 20 22 (Daughters) 4 / 12
ASL VOLCAN 93Y E.T. Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
6/21/1989 1050980 S: ASL HOT SHOT 106U EPD ( Acc ) 3.4 (.73) 4 (.64) 7 (.51) 9 13 (.48)
B: American Senepol Ltd, Harrogate, TN Conf. Range 2.4 : 4.4 -3 : 11 -1 : 15 -1 : 27
O: American Senepol Ltd, Harrogate, TN Herds / Prog 10 / 22 7 / 12 7 (Daughters) 2/6
Genetica Ganadera Genproca, Miami, FL
BGW MOSES 30L Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
1/1/2001 1112936 S: CML Moses 35H EPD ( Acc ) 0.7 (.59) 14 (.49) 6 (.15) 13 17 (.17)
B: H J White Farm, Bladenboro, NC Conf. Range -1.0 : 2.4 4 : 24 -8 : 20 -5 : 39
O: H J White Farm, Bladenboro, NC Herds / Prog 1 / 16 1 / 14 0 (Daughters) 0/0
BGW OMEGA 09D Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
3/10/1994 1074198 S: ASL 193S OMEGA 65Y E.T. EPD ( Acc ) -0.8 (.68) 3 (.61) 4 (.25) 5 5 (.48)
B: H J White Farm, Bladenboro, NC Conf. Range -2.1 : 0.5 -4 : 10 -8 : 16 -9 : 19
O: Ludlum Farms, Bladenboro, NC Herds / Prog 2 / 36 2 / 36 0 (Daughters) 2 / 21
BTF 1645 Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
6/22/1991 1054109 S: CN 4720 EPD ( Acc ) -0.6 (.59) 11 (.51) -2 (.33) 3 11 (.38)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range -2.3 : 1.1 2 : 20 -13 : 9 -6 : 28
O: Bent Tree Farms, Fort Payne, AL Herds / Prog 3 / 14 2 / 10 1 (Daughters) 1/5
CCG 102C Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
7/12/1993 1067163 S: FREIGHT TRAIN WCF 0-220 EPD ( Acc ) -1.8 (.72) -3 (.50) 6 (.40) 5 -2 (.18)
B: Alveron’s Cypress Creek, Chipley, FL Conf. Range -2.8 : -0.8 -12 : 6 -3 : 15 -24 : 20
O: Deep Water Farm, New Albany, MS Herds / Prog 2 / 43 1 / 2 6 (Daughters) 0/0
CD 10F Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
11/17/1996 1079237 S: WC 701A EPD ( Acc ) 0.3 (.71) 3 (.64) -2 (.29) 0 7 (.22)
B: Dee & Cheryl Anderson, Houston, TX Conf. Range -0.7 : 1.3 -4 : 10 -14 : 11 -12 : 26
O: Bar 51 Senepols, Fairland, OK Herds / Prog 2 / 48 1 / 44 3 (Daughters) 0/0
CHESTERFIELD LAD 9086 Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
4/23/1990 1007771 S: AC 753 EPD ( Acc ) 2.0 (.69) 12 (.64) -2 (.51) 4 16 (.54)
B: Granard Estates, St Croix, US Conf. Range 0.7 : 3.3 5 : 19 -10 : 6 4 : 28
O: H J White Farm, Bladenboro, NC Herds / Prog 8 / 35 6 / 22 10 (Daughters) 2/4
Prime Rate Ranch, Miami, FL
Oak Lane Ranch, Hurley, MS
Parkers Senepol, Rogersville, AL
CML BGW AUBURN 119K Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
11/3/2000 1112415 S: BGW OMEGA 09D EPD ( Acc ) 1.1 (.59) 12 (.47) 3 (.15) 9 17 (.16)
B: Ludlum Farms, Bladenboro, NC Conf. Range -0.6 : 2.8 2 : 22 -11 : 17 -5 : 39
O: Ludlum Farms, Bladenboro, NC Herds / Prog 3 / 20 1 / 14 0 (Daughters) 0/0
CML Moses 35H Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
4/10/1998 1103245 S: RAB MR. EFFICIENCY S126A EPD ( Acc ) -0.4 (.76) 12 (.69) 9 (.29) 15 16 (.49)
B: Ludlum Farms, Bladenboro, NC Conf. Range -1.4 : 0.6 5 : 19 -3 : 21 2 : 30
O: Ludlum Farms, Bladenboro, NC Herds / Prog 4 / 58 3 / 50 2 (Daughters) 3 / 18
CN 105K Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
7/15/2000 1108450 S: CN 6044D EPD ( Acc ) 1.1 (.54) 11 (.46) 7 (.15) 13 15 (.16)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range -0.6 : 2.8 1 : 21 -7 : 21 -7 : 37
O: Agropecuaria La Estrella RCA, Miami, FL Herds / Prog 1 / 9 1 / 9 0 (Daughters) 0/0
CN 187L Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
2/16/2001 1109248 S: CN 6614H EPD ( Acc ) 0.8 (.63) 18 (.55) 3 (.15) 12 23 (.46)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range -0.5 : 2.1 9 : 27 -11 : 17 9 : 37
O: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Herds / Prog 1 / 19 1 / 19 0 (Daughters) 1 / 17
CN 362M Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
2/26/2002 1111491 S: CN6469G EPD ( Acc ) 2.0 (.54) 10 (.41) 8 (.15) 13 21 (.31)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range 0.3 : 3.7 0 : 20 -6 : 22 4 : 38
O: Prime Rate Ranch, Miami, FL Herds / Prog 2 / 9 1 / 5 0 (Daughters) 1/3
20 • Senepol World
CN 435M Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
7/22/2002 1112393 S: CN 6044D EPD ( Acc ) 0.1 (.64) 5 (.51) 11 (.15) 13 5 (.37)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range -1.2 : 1.4 -4 : 14 -3 : 25 -13 : 22
O: Prime Rate Ranch, Miami, FL Herds / Prog 2 / 22 1 / 13 0 (Daughters) 1/7
CN 449M Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
8/6/2002 1112402 S: CN 6445G EPD ( Acc ) 3.3 (.54) 24 (.46) 4 (.15) 16 26 (.35)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range 1.6 : 5.0 14 : 34 -10 : 18 9 : 43
O: Ganaderia Santiago, Inc., Ponce, PR Herds / Prog 1 / 9 1 / 9 0 (Daughters) 1/6
CN 4635 Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
12/25/1986 1005760 S: CN 2192 EPD ( Acc ) -0.7 (.83) 12 (.83) 3 (.73) 9 14 (.75)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range -1.4 : 0.0 9 : 15 -2 : 8 7 : 21
O: Prime Rate Ranch, Miami, FL Herds / Prog 11 / 68 11 / 148 49 (Daughters) 5 / 58
CN 5225 Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
12/12/1989 1008327 S: CN 2731 EPD ( Acc ) 3.1 (.80) 16 (.70) 3 (.52) 11 16 (.52)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range 2.4 : 3.8 11 : 21 -5 : 11 4 : 28
O: Sacramento Farms Senepol LLC, Key Biscayne, FL Herds / Prog 12 / 79 8 / 37 9 (Daughters) 4/5
CN 5562 Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
2/2/1992 1062010 S: CN 4716 EPD ( Acc ) -0.4 (.85) 4 (.80) 15 (.55) 17 1 (.69)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range -1.1 : 0.3 1 : 7 7 : 23 -9 : 11
O: Coley Ranch Senepol, Statham, GA Herds / Prog 19 / 160 10 / 133 13 (Daughters) 6 / 72
Oak Lane Ranch, Hurley, MS
CN 5645 Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
7/18/1992 1063587 S: CN 4635 EPD ( Acc ) -1.6 (.75) 5 (.69) 5 (.44) 7 12 (.48)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range -2.6 : -0.6 -2 : 12 -5 : 14 -2 : 26
O: Agropecuaria San Francisco, Miami, FL Herds / Prog 5 / 51 3 / 44 8 (Daughters) 1 / 12
CN 5825C Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
8/25/1993 1067681 S: CN 4716 EPD ( Acc ) 0.4 (.80) 5 (.75) 18 (.49) 20 7 (.61)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range -0.3 : 1.1 0 : 10 9 : 27 -3 : 17
O: TNT Senepols, Pollock, LA Herds / Prog 8 / 97 5 / 84 9 (Daughters) 4 / 49
Prime Rate Ranch, Miami, FL
CN 5938D Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
5/28/1994 1072179 S: CN 4716 EPD ( Acc ) 1.9 (.81) 27 (.72) 11 (.29) 25 33 (.52)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range 1.2 : 2.6 22 : 32 -1 : 23 21 : 45
O: Cedar Hill Farm, Jane Lew, WV Herds / Prog 10 / 98 7 / 70 2 (Daughters) 5 / 22
CN 5991D Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
7/26/1994 1072703 S: CN 4716 EPD ( Acc ) -0.3 (.77) 3 (.72) 13 (.44) 15 5 (.59)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range -1.3 : 0.7 -2 : 8 4 : 22 -7 : 17
O: H J White Farm, Bladenboro, NC Herds / Prog 7 / 58 6 / 55 9 (Daughters) 3 / 25
Old Oakes Farm, Riegelwood, NC
CN 5K Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
2/7/2000 1107489 S: CN 6044D EPD ( Acc ) -0.9 (.59) -1 (.50) 8 (.15) 8 0 (.39)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range -2.6 : 0.8 -10 : 9 -6 : 22 -17 : 17
O: Prime Rate Ranch, Miami, FL Herds / Prog 2 / 15 1 / 13 0 (Daughters) 1/9
CN 6367G Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
1/20/1997 1081436 S: CN5480 EPD ( Acc ) 0.9 (.81) 24 (.74) 7 (.59) 19 31 (.26)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range 0.2 : 1.6 19 : 29 -1 : 15 12 : 50
O: Agropecuaria Brahman S.A., Miami, US Herds / Prog 6 / 98 1 / 62 22 (Daughters) 0/0
CN 6409G Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
2/26/1997 1081477 S: CN 5488 EPD ( Acc ) -1.4 (.71) -7 (.64) 5 (.25) 1 -4 (.47)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range -2.4 : -0.4 -14 : 0 -8 : 17 -18 : 10
O: Agropecuaria La Estrella RCA, Miami, FL Herds / Prog 2 / 36 2 / 36 1 (Daughters) 1 / 17
CN 6435G Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
6/16/1997 1082210 S: CN 5164 EPD ( Acc ) -0.5 (.72) 10 (.65) 15 (.33) 20 8 (.53)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range -1.5 : 0.5 3 : 17 4 : 26 -4 : 20
O: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Herds / Prog 2 / 40 2 / 35 4 (Daughters) 1 / 20
CN 6445G Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
7/7/1997 1082220 S: CN5480 EPD ( Acc ) B(.79) 18 (.73) 9 (.35) 18 29 (.50)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range 2.4 : 4.4 13 : 23 -2 : 20 17 : 41
O: Prime Rate Ranch, Miami, FL Herds / Prog 6 / 73 4 / 66 3 (Daughters) 3 / 12
Senepol World • 21
CN 6544H Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
2/5/1998 1100828 S: CN5480 EPD ( Acc ) 3.8 (.72) 25 (.66) 14 (.35) 27 32 (.50)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range 2.8 : 4.8 18 : 32 3 : 25 20 : 44
O: Agropecuaria Brahman S.A., Miami, US Herds / Prog 4 / 40 3 / 39 5 (Daughters) 1 / 13
CN 6614H Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
6/28/1998 1100898 S: CN 5497 EPD ( Acc ) 0.9 (.82) 11 (.77) -4 (.42) 1 12 (.68)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range 0.2 : 1.6 6 : 16 -13 : 5 2 : 22
O: Prime Rate Ranch, Miami, FL Herds / Prog 4 / 105 2 / 98 7 (Daughters) 1 / 69
CN 6646H Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
10/25/1998 1104979 S: CN 5913D EPD ( Acc ) -1.3 (.59) -2 (.51) 5 (.21) 3 2 (.42)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range -3.0 : 0.4 -11 : 7 -8 : 17 -12 : 16
O: Ganaderia Santiago, Inc., Ponce, PR Herds / Prog 1 / 14 1 / 13 1 (Daughters) 1/9
CN 6666H Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
12/28/1998 1104999 S: DAVID CN 6234F EPD ( Acc ) B (.60) 11 (.50) 0 (.15) 6 13 (.18)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range -0.6 : 2.0 2 : 20 -14 : 14 -9 : 35
O: Agropecuaria Lula CA, Miami, FL Herds / Prog 3 / 17 2 / 14 0 (Daughters) 0/0
CN 6720J Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
3/22/1999 1103981 S: CN 6013D EPD ( Acc ) 0.8 (.74) 8 (.68) 14 (.25) 18 12 (.57)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range -0.2 : 1.8 1 : 15 2 : 26 0 : 24
O: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Herds / Prog 2 / 52 1 / 49 2 (Daughters) 1 / 36
CN 6742J Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
6/15/1999 1105252 S: CN 5388 EPD ( Acc ) -0.6 (.66) 9 (.59) 9 (.15) 13 10 (.21)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range -1.9 : 0.7 0 : 18 -6 : 23 -10 : 29
O: Agropecuaria La Estrella RCA, Miami, FL Herds / Prog 2 / 28 1 / 29 0 (Daughters) 0/0
CN 6747J Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
6/21/1999 1105257 S: CN 6013D EPD ( Acc ) 0.9 (.73) 15 (.66) 8 (.29) 16 19 (.55)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range -0.1 : 1.9 8 : 22 -4 : 20 7 : 31
O: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Herds / Prog 2 / 44 1 / 38 3 (Daughters) 1 / 30
CN 6816 Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
11/10/1999 1107094 S: CN 6044D EPD ( Acc ) 0.7 (.55) 2 (.45) 10 (.21) 12 10 (.35)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range -1.0 : 2.4 -8 : 12 -2 : 22 -7 : 27
O: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Herds / Prog 1 / 9 1 / 7 1 (Daughters) 1/3
CN5480 Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
7/9/1991 1060890 S: CN 2970 EPD ( Acc ) 4.3 (.83) 21 (.81) 13 (.67) 24 28 (.71)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range 3.6 : 5.0 18 : 24 7 : 19 21 : 35
O: Rolling D Farms Inc, Louisville, GA Herds / Prog 5 / 115 5 / 126 32 (Daughters) 2 / 36
P G Shannon Van De Wall, Unadilla, GA
CN6469G Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
10/1/1997 1082622 S: CN 5806C EPD ( Acc ) 1.3 (.83) 4 (.79) 3 (.49) 5 13 (.68)
B: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Conf. Range 0.6 : 2.0 -1 : 9 -6 : 12 3 : 23
O: Castle Nugent Farms, St Croix, VI Herds / Prog 2 / 119 2 / 116 10 (Daughters) 2 / 72
CO 503 Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
11/2/1985 1005366 S: CN 1781 EPD ( Acc ) 2.9 (.78) 14 (.70) -4 (.58) 3 19 (.57)
B: Century Oaks Farms%% Dup, Somerset, KY Conf. Range 1.9 : 3.9 9 : 19 -12 : 4 7 : 31
O: Alveron’s Cypress Creek, Chipley, FL Herds / Prog 8 / 55 5 / 29 12 (Daughters) 3/4
D77 RUSTY Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
9/20/1994 1077199 S: HBC HOT STUFF 25A EPD ( Acc ) 3.4 (.75) 23 (.69) 8 (.51) 20 25 (.54)
B: Century Oaks Farms, Somerset, KY Conf. Range 2.4 : 4.4 16 : 30 0 : 16 13 : 37
O: Alta Genetics Brasil, Uberaba, Brazil Herds / Prog 3 / 59 3 / 44 10 (Daughters) 2 / 27
DL BARNEY 33J Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
12/16/1999 1107066 S: AC 761 EPD ( Acc ) 2.5 (.75) 8 (.68) 1 (.15) 5 9 (.32)
B: E & G Farm, Kennedy, AL Conf. Range 1.5 : 3.5 1 : 15 -14 : 15 -8 : 26
O: E & G Farm, Kennedy, AL Herds / Prog 4 / 60 3 / 55 0 (Daughters) 1/5
GGG 13H JUAN LUIS Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
7/9/1998 1108943 S: ASL VOLCAN 93Y E.T. EPD ( Acc ) 0.5 (.42) 1 (.41) 2 (.25) 2 8 (.29)
B: Genetica Ganadera Genproca, Miami, FL Conf. Range -1.5 : 2.5 -9 : 11 -11 : 14 -11 : 27
O: Agropecuaria Tazon CA, Miami, FL Herds / Prog 1 / 4 2 / 9 2 (Daughters) 1/2
22 • Senepol World
HANDSOME Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
4/30/1991 1008488 S: CO 500 E.T. EPD ( Acc ) 0.1 (.72) 5 (.64) -5 (.52) -2 4 (.38)
B: Windfield Farm, Brooks, GA Conf. Range -0.9 : 1.1 -2 : 12 -13 : 3 -13 : 21
O: Windfield Farm, Brooks, GA Herds / Prog 8 / 31 5 / 23 9 (Daughters) 1/1
HBC 7115 48K Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
5/11/2000 1107544 S: HBC HOT STUFF 8E E.T. EPD ( Acc ) 2.5 (.47) 12 (.42) 8 (.25) 14 14 (.15)
B: Honey Bee Creek, GA, Adel, GA Conf. Range 0.5 : 4.5 2 : 22 -4 : 20 -8 : 36
O: Elgin Breeding Services, Texas, Elgin, TX Herds / Prog 2 / 7 2 / 7 2 (Daughters) 0/0
HBC 754A 21K Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
4/7/2000 1107555 S: WC 754A EPD ( Acc ) 2.9 (.74) 28 (.66) 2 (.15) 11 33 (.35)
B: Honey Bee Creek, GA, Adel, GA Conf. Range 1.9 : 3.9 21 : 35 -12 : 16 16 : 50
O: Australian Agri Co Ltd Meteor, Brisbane, Australia Herds / Prog 2 / 47 1 / 40 0 (Daughters) 1/7
HBC 918 19G Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
3/16/1997 1080325 S: WC 918B EPD ( Acc ) 0.1 (.66) -5 (.57) 4 (.15) 1 3 (.37)
B: Honey Bee Creek, GA, Adel, GA Conf. Range -1.2 : 1.4 -14 : 5 -10 : 18 -15 : 20
O: W.A Fullilove, Cullman, AL Herds / Prog 3 / 43 2 / 36 0 (Daughters) 1 / 12
HBC 918 28G Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
3/22/1997 1080334 S: WC 918B EPD ( Acc ) 3.5 (.81) 10 (.76) 6 (.47) 12 16 (.59)
B: Honey Bee Creek, GA, Adel, GA Conf. Range 2.8 : 4.2 5 : 15 -3 : 15 4 : 28
O: King Farms, Jackson, AL Herds / Prog 9 / 104 4 / 99 8 (Daughters) 3 / 33
Parkers Senepol, Rogersville, AL
HBC Advantage 33L Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
10/3/2001 1110952 S: WC 850 EPD ( Acc ) 1.9 (.59) 10 (.49) 4 (.15) 8 13 (.17)
B: Honey Bee Creek, GA, Adel, GA Conf. Range 0.2 : 3.6 0 : 20 -10 : 18 -9 : 35
O: Whitworth Farms Senepol, Madison, AL Herds / Prog 2 / 26 1 / 23 0 (Daughters) 0/0
HBC HOT STUFF 25A Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
10/27/1991 1060783 S: ASL HOT SHOT 106U EPD ( Acc ) 3.8 (.81) 20 (.77) 9 (.70) 19 29 (.69)
B: American Senepol Ltd, Harrogate, TN Conf. Range 3.1 : 4.5 15 : 25 4 : 14 19 : 39
O: Dr Don Metz, Deer Park, TX Herds / Prog 15 / 56 10 / 41 33 (Daughters) 5 / 24
Black Diamond/Snider, Athen, TN
Honey Bee Creek, Jonesboro, GA
Lawson Senepol Farms, Harrogate, TN
HBC HOT STUFF 8E E.T. Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
1/7/1995 1073416 S: HBC HOT STUFF 25A EPD ( Acc ) 2.9 (.84) 13 (.78) 8 (.56) 14 15 (.62)
B: Honey Bee Creek, GA, Adel, GA Conf. Range 2.2 : 3.6 8 : 18 0 : 16 5 : 25
O: Prime Rate Ranch, Miami, FL Herds / Prog 12 / 151 9 / 98 15 (Daughters) 6 / 36
HBC HOT STUFF 92E E.T. Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
1/1/1995 1073410 S: HBC HOT STUFF 25A EPD ( Acc ) 3.2 (.67) 13 (.41) 6 (.25) 12 22 (.31)
B: Honey Bee Creek, GA, Adel, GA Conf. Range 1.9 : 4.5 3 : 23 -6 : 18 5 : 39
O: Hubert Sasser, Alma, GA Herds / Prog 4 / 34 3 / 3 1 (Daughters) 2/2
HBC Hotstuff 2J Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
3/1/1999 1104413 S: HBC HOT STUFF 8E E.T. EPD ( Acc ) 0.1 (.53) 10 (.45) 6 (.21) 11 8 (.16)
B: Honey Bee Creek, GA, Adel, GA Conf. Range -1.6 : 1.8 -1 : 20 -6 : 18 -15 : 30
O: Parkers Senepol, Rogersville, AL Herds / Prog 2 / 11 2 / 9 1 (Daughters) 0/0
JC 200-1L CACAO Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
2/1/2001 1109712 S: CN6469G EPD ( Acc ) -2.2 (.64) 0 (.41) 0 (.15) 1 4 (.14)
B: Agropecuaria La Estrella RCA, Miami, FL Conf. Range -3.5 : -0.9 -10 : 10 -14 : 14 -18 : 26
O: Agropecuaria Brahman S.A., Miami, US Herds / Prog 3 / 24 2 / 8 0 (Daughters) 0/0
JS TRAVELER 10F ET Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
7/10/1996 1100096 S: AC 761 EPD ( Acc ) 3.0 (.69) 15 (.61) 0 (.15) 8 20 (.26)
B: Jackson Senepol, Pineville, KY Conf. Range 1.7 : 4.3 8 : 22 -14 : 14 1 : 39
O: King Farms, Jackson, AL Herds / Prog 3 / 31 1 / 27 0 (Daughters) 1/2
Wilbur Downey, Grove Hill, AL
KF 125F Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
10/2/1996 1079773 S: CHESTERFIELD LAD 9086 EPD ( Acc ) 2.8 (.71) 12 (.62) -7 (.35) -1 15 (.30)
B: King Farms, Jackson, AL Conf. Range 1.8 : 3.8 5 : 19 -18 : 4 -2 : 32
O: D-Cubed Farms, Goshen, AL Herds / Prog 3 / 46 2 / 38 5 (Daughters) 1/8
KF 140G Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
12/2/1997 1100008 S: CHESTERFIELD LAD 9086 EPD ( Acc ) 2.5 (.67) 24 (.58) 1 (.40) 13 33 (.44)
B: King Farms, Jackson, AL Conf. Range 1.2 : 3.8 15 : 33 -8 : 10 19 : 47
O: King Farms, Jackson, AL Herds / Prog 6 / 27 4 / 18 5 (Daughters) 3 / 10
Prime Rate Ranch, Miami, FL
Parkers Senepols, Rogersville, AL
TNT Senepols, Pollack, LA
Senepol World • 23
KF QUANTAS 605K Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
6/5/2000 1108426 S: HBC 918 28G EPD ( Acc ) 1.7 (.69) 15 (.61) 3 (.15) 9 21 (.25)
B: King Farms, Jackson, AL Conf. Range 0.4 : 3.0 8 : 22 -11 : 17 2 : 40
O: Parkers Senepol, Rogersville, AL Herds / Prog 3 / 34 2 / 30 0 (Daughters) 1/2
TNT Senepols, Pollock, LA
LSF General 53L Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
9/15/2001 1111226 S: LSF L3D EPD ( Acc ) 0.8 (.59) 10 (.52) 2 (.15) 7 14 (.41)
B: Otto McCarty, Aiken, SC Conf. Range -0.9 : 2.5 1 : 19 -12 : 16 0 : 28
O: H J White Farm, Bladenboro, NC Herds / Prog 1 / 21 1 / 21 0 (Daughters) 1 / 14
Ludlum Farms, Bladenboro, NC
LT SCOUT 11Y E.T. Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
7/28/1989 1006950 S: ASL PERFORMER 71U EPD ( Acc ) -1.3 (.50) 0 (.40) -6 (.29) -6 4 (.27)
B: John N Snider Farm, Knoxville, TN Conf. Range -3.0 : 0.4 -10 : 10 -18 : 6 -15 : 23
O: Iona Farms, Liberty, MS Herds / Prog 4 / 8 1 / 3 1 (Daughters) 0/0
MAGNUM 27 Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
3/27/1996 1080307 S: ASL TARGET 130U EPD ( Acc ) 3.1 (.81) 8 (.76) 3 (.35) 7 11 (.55)
B: Linda G Ottaiano, Williston, FL Conf. Range 2.4 : 3.8 3 : 13 -8 : 14 -1 : 23
O: Prime Rate Ranch, Miami, FL Herds / Prog 8 / 106 6 / 91 4 (Daughters) 5 / 29
Oak Vale Farm, Morriston, FL
Linda G Ottaiano, Williston, FL
MILKMAN MS4F Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
4/14/1996 1077234 S: AC 901 MILKMAN EPD ( Acc ) 0.8 (.71) 3 (.60) 8 (.21) 11 6 (.35)
B: Millertown Senepols, Knoxville, TN Conf. Range -0.2 : 1.8 -4 : 10 -4 : 20 -11 : 23
O: Millertown Senepols, Knoxville, TN Herds / Prog 5 / 39 3 / 25 1 (Daughters) 2/8
MS 6E Maternal Magic Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
4/11/1995 1073211 S: WCF 624 EPD ( Acc ) 0.5 (.63) 0 (.45) 7 (.35) 7 2 (.16)
B: Millertown Senepols, Knoxville, TN Conf. Range -0.8 : 1.8 -10 : 10 -4 : 18 -20 : 24
O: Millertown Senepols, Knoxville, TN Herds / Prog 2 / 20 0 / 0 5 (Daughters) 0/0
N 2514F BUCCANEER Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
4/12/1996 1081482 S: N2206A-PLAYBOY EPD ( Acc ) -0.7 (.63) -11 (.52) 3 (.29) -2 -15 (.18)
B: Granard Estates, St Croix, US Conf. Range -2.0 : 0.6 -20 : -2 -9 : 15 -37 : 7
O: Penny-Doll Farm, Dobbin, TX Herds / Prog 1 / 25 1 / 17 3 (Daughters) 0/0
N2512FGranardsTemptation Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
3/2/1996 1108553 S: N2206A-PLAYBOY EPD ( Acc ) 0.3 (.79) -6 (.49) 5 (.15) 2 -9 (.17)
B: Granard Estates, St Croix, US Conf. Range -0.7 : 1.3 -16 : 4 -9 : 19 -31 : 14
O: Ganaderia Santiago, Inc., Ponce, PR Herds / Prog 2 / 81 1 / 15 0 (Daughters) 0/0
N2513FGranardsCenterfold Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
3/22/1996 1108552 S: N2206A-PLAYBOY EPD ( Acc ) -0.3 (.80) -2 (.57) 2 (.15) 1 -4 (.20)
B: Granard Estates, St Croix, US Conf. Range -1.0 : 0.4 -11 : 7 -12 : 16 -23 : 15
O: Ganaderia Santiago, Inc., Ponce, PR Herds / Prog 2 / 92 1 / 28 0 (Daughters) 0/0
N2603GGranardsGeneral Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
5/25/1997 1108554 S: N2302B-PRIORITY MALE EPD ( Acc ) -0.4 (.78) -8 (.53) 5 (.15) 1 -9 (.18)
B: Granard Estates, St Croix, US Conf. Range -1.4 : 0.6 -17 : 1 -9 : 19 -31 : 13
O: Ganaderia Santiago, Inc., Ponce, PR Herds / Prog 1 / 78 1 / 21 0 (Daughters) 0/0
NOCONA Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
10/17/1995 1079233 S: HBC CHIEFTAIN 3A E.T. EPD ( Acc ) 3.4 (.77) 12 (.70) -3 (.33) 3 17 (.55)
B: Dee & Cheryl Anderson, Houston, TX Conf. Range 2.4 : 4.4 7 : 17 -14 : 8 5 : 29
O: José Pereira, Miami, FL Herds / Prog 5 / 69 4 / 61 3 (Daughters) 3 / 34
OLR 25M Birth Weaning Milk M & G Yearling
2/22/2002 1112204 S: CN 5562 EPD ( Acc ) 4.4 (.58) 22 (.48) 13 (.15) 23 28 (.38)
B: Oak Lane Ranch, Hurley, MS Conf. Range 2.7 : 6.1 12 : 32 -1 : 27 11 : 45
O: Oak Lane Ranch, Hurley, MS Herds / Prog 2 / 14 1 / 12 0 (Daughters) 1 / 10
Senepol World • 27
Got G r a s s ??
Early Maturing Predictable Cattle Developed and Maintained on Grass
Millertown Senepols
R e a l C a t t l e f o r t h e R e a l Wo r l d
5621 Millertown Pike • Knoxville, TN 37924 •
865-523-4939 • 865-679-1773
DNA results for Marbling and Tenderness
using Bovigen’s Five Tests (ten star)
H.J. White Farm LSF General 53L LSF L3D CN5100 ✮ ✮ 0 0 ✮ ✮ ✮ 0 ✮ ✮ 57.25 5.7 4Y8.5M
H.J. White Farm BGW Moses 30L CML Moses 35H ASL Diane 39C ET 0 0 ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 56.25 5.3 5Y5M
H.J. White Farm BGW General 3R LSF General 53L GF D14 ✮ ✮ 0 0 ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 53.125 5.6 17M
H.J. White Farm BGW General 39 S LSF General 53L BGW Zipporah 19L ✮ 0 ✮ 0 ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮✮
H.J. White Farm ASL Diane 39C ET ASL193’s Omega 65YET ASL Diane 89Z ET ✮ 0 ✮ 0 ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮
H.J. White Farm BGW Mis Gene 31R LSF General 53L BGW Mis Mario 62K ✮ ✮ 0 0 ✮ ✮ ✮ 0 ✮✮
H.J. White Farm BGW Mis Gene 32R LSF General 53L BGW Zipporah 19L ✮ 0 ✮ 0 ✮ ✮ ✮ 0 ✮✮
H.J. White Farm BGW Mis Gene 41R LSF General 53L ASL Diane 39C ET ✮ ✮ 0 0 ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮✮
H.J. White Farm BGW Mis Gene 45R LSF General 53L OLR 42N ✮ ✮ 0 0 ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮
Oak Lane Senepols CN 5562 CN 4716 CN 2360 0 0 0 0 ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮✮
Oak Lane Senepols OLR 25M CN 5562 WC 7475C 0 0 0 0 ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮✮
Oak Lane Senepols OLR 6000K CN 5225 CN 1343 ✮ 0 0 0 ✮ ✮ ✮ 0 ✮0
Oak Lane Senepols OLR 33P CN 5562 OLR 30EK 0 0 0 0
✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮✮
Oak Lane Senepols OLR 5R OLR 25M HBC 46H 0 0 ✮ 0 ✮ ✮ ✮ 0 ✮0
Oak Lane Senepols OLR 14R OLR 6000K OLR 12M 0 0 ✮ 0 ✮ 0 ✮ ✮ ✮✮
Oak Lane Senepols OLR 29R OLR 9902J HBC Gean 30E 0 0 0 0 ✮ 0 ✮ ✮ ✮✮
Oak Lane Senepols ASL Black Witch 109F ET ASL Target 130M ASL PPF MS Elba 187B ET 0 0 0 0 ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮✮
Oak Lane Senepols OLR 6P OLR 6000K CN 5949D 0 0 0 0 ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮✮
Oak Lane Senepols OLR Miss Bing Cherry 44R OLR 38N OLR 22AN 0 0 0 0 ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮✮
Oak Lane Senepols OLR 42N OLR 6000K BGW 98G ✮ 0 0 0 ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮✮
Oak Lane Senepols OLR 43R OLR 25M OLR 7M 0 0 ✮ 0 ✮ ✮ ✮ 0 ✮✮
King/Parker KF Quantas 605K HBC 918 28G KF Ruby 0 0 ✮ 0 ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮✮
Sacramento Farm WC 123N WC 919K WC 8287K 0 0 ✮ 0 ✮0
✮ ✮ ✮ ✮
Heartland Cattle Farm HCF St. Nick 11R SSF S.Spike N-18 OLR Mary Lou 30N 0 0 0 0 ✮ 0 ✮ ✮ ✮✮
Heartland Cattle Farm HCF Rocky 21R SSF S. Spike N-18 JHLF Mary Page 6N 0 0 ✮ 0 ✮ 0 ✮ ✮ ✮✮
Senepol World • 29
Annaly Farms Senepol, Inc.
Continuing To Send Our
Genetics Around the World
2005 Was a Busy Year
Below are 3 of 6 Sires Sold & Shipped for Semen Collection
WC-950 WC-98
DOB 9/20/00 • SOLD 10/05 Sacramento Farms, FL DOB 4/18/03 • SOLD 6/05 Prime Rate Ranch, FL
SIRE: WC-260 SOLD 2000 Eraso Ranch, Venezuela EPD’s: Wn 24.9; Yrl 31.5
DAM: WC-5981 (MSP) SIRE: WC-719 SOLD 2002 Caribbean Senepol, Australia
WC-919 WC-112
DOB 6/13/00 • AVAILABLE FOR SALE DOB 7/01/03 • SOLD 10/05 Sacramento Farms, FL
SIRE: WC-260 SOLD 2000 Eraso Ranch, Venezuela EPD’s: Wn 16; Yrl 20; Adj WW 662# on grass
DAM: WC-5277 (MEL) (15 calves) SIRE: WC-719 SOLD 2002 Caribbean Senepol, Australia
nnaly Farms
For additional information, contact:
Hans Lawaetz
(340) 778-2229 (office) — (340) 778-3602 (Home)
s longest established (340) 778-0270 (Fax)
P.O. Box 1576, Frederiksted, St. Croix, U.S.V.I. 00841
breeders of Senepol cattle E-mail:
32 • Senepol World
RD 6801 J
WC 950 K
RBS 9704G