Electronic Devices and Circuits: Laboratory Manual
Electronic Devices and Circuits: Laboratory Manual
Electronic Devices and Circuits: Laboratory Manual
FALL 2016
(LAB# 04)
Design and Analysis of Diode Circuits
Engr. Muhammad Sajjad
Lab #
& Circuits
of Computer and Emerging Sciences
Islamabad Fall 2016
Equipment required:
DC power supply (variable)
Multi-meter (DMM)
Resistor 1kohm
IN 9001 (diode)
Bread Board
Reverse Bias:
When the positive terminal of the battery is connected to the n-side and negative terminal is connected to the p-
side, then the diode is in reverse bias. In this condition the diode does not conduct and there is no current due to
majority carriers, because the depletion layer widens with the reverse bias. The positive ions in the n-side is
repel by the positive terminal and the negative ions in the P-side are repel by the negative terminal of the
battery, so the depletion region widens.
In reverse bias, there is reverse saturation current due to the minority carriers which is very
small. The minority carriers that found themselves in the depletion region passes it and thus a small reverse
saturation current denoted by ‘Is’ flows in the reverse direction.
Forward Bias:
When the positive terminal of the battery is connected to the P-side and the negative terminal is connected to the
N-side of the diode, then the diode is in the forward bias. In forward bias the diode does not conduct until the
breakdown occurs. At a certain voltage the majority carriers get sufficient energy to pass the junction. This
voltage is called breakdown voltage and if the applied voltage is increased beyond the voltage, a large current
flows through the diode. In the reverse bias the breakdown occurs at high voltages.
The diode is a device formed from a junction of n-type and p-type semiconductor material. The I-V
characteristic curve of diode is shown below.
Lab #
& Circuits
of Computer and Emerging Sciences
Islamabad Fall 2016
The lead connected to the p-type material is called anode and the lead connected to n-type material is called
cathode. In general, the cathode of a diode is marked by a solid line on diode.
Diode as Rectifier:
When an AC signal is applied at the input of a diode Rectifier circuit. During positive half of the cycle
of AC signal, diode will be forward biased and allow the current to pass. Thus the output voltage will
be almost equal to input voltage when diode is forward biased, as show in the circuit below.
Lab #
& Circuits
of Computer and Emerging Sciences
Islamabad Fall 2016
Lab #
& Circuits
of Computer and Emerging Sciences
Islamabad Fall 2016
During negative half of cycle diode will be reversed biased and will not allow current to flow and
hence output voltages will be zero. This can be seen below.
Diodes with resistor can be implemented as digital logic functions. Fig 4.9 shows an OR logic gate
Consider a positive logic system in which voltage closed to zero will be logic 0 and voltage close to 5
will be logic 1. In the circuit above there are three input volatge. If we apply volatge of 5V at one of
three input of three diode. Only diode with 5V at input will be forward biased and remaing two will
be reversed biased and hence output will have 5V. Ouput will be zero only when all input will be
zero. Hence this represent OR gate with equation given below.
Y= A + B + C
Lab #
& Circuits
of Computer and Emerging Sciences
Islamabad Fall 2016
In Fig 4.10, if any of the voltage at the input of diodes is zero output will be zero, this is because the
diode will be forward biased and will connect the output directly to ground. The ouput will have value
equal to 5V only when all the inputs are connected to 5V. This will reversed biased the diode and we
will have voltage at the ouput through resistor.
Therefore this circuit represent AND logic gate with equation given below.
Y= A. B. C
Testing a diode:
An ohmmeter may be used to qualitatively check diode function. There should be low
resistance when diode is forward bised and very high resistance measured when diode is
reversed bised as shown in Fig 4.9.
Do not use current meter in parallel.
Lab #
& Circuits
of Computer and Emerging Sciences
Islamabad Fall 2016
Task 1:
Find the angle α during which diode will be conducting using formula given below:
24 Cos α = 12
Also measure the peak value of current that is passing through diode and reverse volatges
that appear across diode
Lab #
& Circuits
of Computer and Emerging Sciences
Islamabad Fall 2016
Task 2:
Let assume that you are working in an organization where manager asked you to find out which of the
diodes in the circuit below is Forward biaed and which one is Reversed biased.
Hint: first perform calcultions and then hardware.
i. .
a. R2= 10K R1=5k
Practical Results:
With Diode Diodes Status (ON, OFF)
V (V) I (mA) ID2 (mA) D1 D2
Calculted Values
Measured Values
Lab #
& Circuits
of Computer and Emerging Sciences
Islamabad Fall 2016
b. R2= 5K R1=10k
Practical Results:
With Diode Diodes Status (ON, OFF)
V (V) I (mA) ID2 (mA) D1 D2
Calculted Values
Measured Values
Task 3:
a. Suppose you were ask to limit the current in the circuit below so that It would not
damage the diode. If the maximum circuit that diode will allow
to pass is 0.93mA then how will you select the R?
Practical Results:
With Diode
V (V) I (mA) R (Kohm)
Calculted Values
Measured Values
Lab #
& Circuits
of Computer and Emerging Sciences
Islamabad Fall 2016
b. Now if you have to limit the current to 0.10mA in the circuit below. Is it possible
to do that. If not, why?
Practical Results:
With Diode
V (V) I (mA) R (Kohm)
Calculted Values
Measured Values
c. Now limit the current to 0.10mA in the circuit below for the protection of Diode.
Practical Results:
With Diode
V (V) I (mA) R (Kohm)
Calculted Values
Measured Values
Lab #
& Circuits
of Computer and Emerging Sciences
Islamabad Fall 2016
Task 4:
Lets connect three diodes in parallel combinations as shown below and apply three
different volatges. First how they will behave, how many of these diode will be in
forward biased conditions. Show your observations and then prove them with practical
(a) Observations:
Practical Results:
Vin Output
Vin V (V) I (mA)
(b) Observations:
Practical Results:
Vin Output
Vin V (V) I (mA)
Lab #
& Circuits
of Computer and Emerging Sciences
Islamabad Fall 2016
Student's feedback: Purpose of feedback is to know the strengths and weaknesses of the
system for future improvements. This feedback is for the 'current lab session'. Circle your
[-3 = Extremely Poor, -2 = Very Poor, -1 = Poor, 0 = Average, 1 = Good, 2 = Very Good, 3 =
The following table should describe your experience with:
S# Field Rating Describe your experience in words
1 Overall Session -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
2 Lab Instructor -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
3 Lab Staff -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
4 Equipment -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
5 Atmosphere -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
of results
TOTAL 10 10 10 20 20 30 100
Lab Instructor's