Paper Code 640762
Paper Code 640762
Paper Code 640762
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1 author:
Jiří Dostál
Palacký University Olomouc
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All content following this page was uploaded by Jiří Dostál on 28 November 2017.
The article is concerned with the pedagogical question associated with the significance of a traditional toy for a
kid. A toy has gone through many historical changes throughout its evolution and even at the present time it has
an irreplaceable significance because its nature stays the same. When a child plays with a toy, it positively
contributes to the cognitive, emotional and physical development of a child. In the article we are also concerned
with the criteria for the quality of toys.
Most of the games need a material impulse – a physical object, a real thing from the surroundings of a child or an
object specially made for a play – a toy. For a child a toy represents the world in a realistic or stylized way, the
world which surrounds them, motivates their activity, living and acting. During a play the children use toys
which define the type, manner and richness of their playing activities. Actually, a toy defines, influences and
develops a playing activity and because of that a variety of toys and its social, art and creative value is important.
A play with a good, functional toy encourages the fantasy and creative thinking, it supports the physical
development and it helps a child to integrate into the world of other people and into their present and future life.
The disciplines which are concerned with the study of a toy are ethnography, archaeology, pedagogy,
psychology and cultural anthropology. From their findings it results that the basic repertory of toys in different
historical eras has not essentially changed. It differed only in the level of visual realization and the quality of the
used materials. The toys were almost exclusively the miniaturized objects from the working area, family life,
combat activities, taking care of a family or human amusement. Such toys fulfilled the didactic and socializing
function, they reflected the real life and they helped children to be prepared for it.
There is a number of time-proved toys. The requirements for a good toy come from the fact that through them
the motional, sensorial, mental and emotional development of a child should be encouraged. The social attitudes
and habits of a child should also be developed and the fantasy of a child should be encouraged. The requirements
for the hygienic and safety-related quality of the toys and their aesthetic level are also non-negligible. A toy
should also be durable and safe and the price of a toy is also important.
In the most cases, the choice of a toy is not given to the children. Exceptions are the cases when a child chooses
an object from the surroundings, an object which is not primarily meant to be a toy.
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