Regeneracion Neuronal PDF
Regeneracion Neuronal PDF
Regeneracion Neuronal PDF
Compound Main botanical source Cell used Effective dose Function Reference
Ginsenoside Rb1 Panax ginseng rat cortical 0.1–100 ÌM axon extension 14, 21
Panax notoginseng neuron synaptogenesis
memory improvement
Metabolite 1* (protopanaxadiol-type rat cortical 0.01–1 ÌM axon extension 21
saponins) neuron synaptogenesis
memory improvement
Withanolide A Withania somnifera rat cortical 1 ÌM axon extension 36
neuron dendrite extension 37
memory improvement
Withanoside IV Withania somnifera rat cortical 1 ÌM axon extension 36
neuron dendrite extension
memory improvement
Withanoside VI Withania somnifera rat cortical 1 ÌM axon extension 36
neuron dendrite extension
memory improvement
Trigonelline coffee bean rat cortical 30–100 ÌM axon extension 41
neuron dendrite extension
memory improvement
Honokiol Magnolia obovata rat cortical 0.1–10 ÌM neurite outgrowth 43
Magnolia officinalis neuron
(–)-3,5-Dicaffeoyl- Aster scaber PC12 1–10 ÌM neurite outgrowth 44
muco-quinic acid
Catalpol Rehmannia glutinosa PC12h 0.1–1 Ìg/ml neurite outgrowth 45
Geniposide Gardenia jasminoides PC12h 0.1–10 Ìg/ml neurite outgrowth 45
Gardenoside Gardenia jasminoides PC12h 0.1–10 Ìg/ml neurite outgrowth 45
Picroside I Picrorhiza PC12D 10–100 ÌM potentiating 46
scrophulariiflora NGF-induced
neurite outgrowth
Picroside II Picrorhiza PC12D 0.1–100 ÌM potentiating 46
scrophulariiflora NGF-induced
neurite outgrowth
Nardosinone Nardostachys chinensis PC12D 0.1–100 ÌM potentiating 47
neurite outgrowth
* 20-O-ß-D-Glucopyranosyl-(20S)-protopanaxadiol.
Natural Products Enhancing Neurite Outgrowth extracts, several constituents have been identified as ac-
tive compounds (table 1). It is critical that extended neu-
Neurite outgrowth is the first step in the construction rites have specific functions, such as axons and dendrites,
of the neuronal network, and neurite outgrowth activity and can make circuits by synaptic connections. However,
has been investigated in many crude drugs. Of these the identification of axons and dendrites and the mea-
20-O- Trigonelline
OH O Glc1-6Glc1–O
Withanolide A R1 R2
Withanoside IV (WS-IV) H OH
Withanoside VI (WS-VI) OH H
After the retention test, the expression levels of phos- the temporal cortex and CA1. In all areas, the synapto-
phorylated NF-H (axonal marker), synaptophysin (synap- physin levels were almost equal to or higher than control
tic marker) and MAP2 (dendritic marker) were measured levels in ginsenoside Rb1- and M1-treated mice. Donepe-
in mouse brains. We observed two cortical areas (parietal zil treatment had no effect on the synaptophysin levels.
cortex and temporal cortex) and three hippocampal areas The MAP2 levels were also reduced in the cerebral cortex
(CA1, CA3, and the dentate gyrus), as it is known that and CA1 of the brain in Aß(25–35)-injected compared
synaptic loss occurs primarily in the cerebral cortex and with saline-injected mice (fig. 3c). Significant decreases
hippocampus in AD patients [22, 23] and in AD model were seen in the temporal cortex; however, these de-
mice [24]. The phosphorylated NF-H levels were remark- creases in the expression levels of MAP2 were not clearly
ably reduced in these five areas of the brain in Aß(25– recovered by ginsenoside Rb1, M1 or donepezil. Although
35)-injected compared with saline-injected mice (fig. 3a). treatment with M1 tended to increase the MAP2 level in
Significant decreases were seen in the parietal cortex, CA1 the temporal cortex, the effect was weak. No differences
and CA3; however, the expression levels of phosphorylat- in neuronal density were observed among the groups in
ed NF-H were nearly equal to those of the control in ginse- any brain areas. Treatment with M1, a metabolite of gin-
noside Rb1- and M1-treated mice. Donepezil treatment senoside Rb1, results in the recovery of impaired learning
had no effect on the levels of phosphorylated NF-H. The and memory in Aß(25–35)-injected mice with degener-
synaptophysin levels were also reduced in these five areas ated axons and synapses. The maintained retention of
of the brain in Aß(25–35)-injected compared with saline- spatial memory was also seen after the discontinuation of
injected mice (fig. 3b). Significant decreases were seen in ginsenoside Rb1 and M1 administration. These results
Fig. 2. Effects of ginsenoside Rb1 and M1 on the impairment of spa- been measured over 60 s, 6 days after the last acquisition test. This
tial memory induced by Aß(25–35) injection. a Escape latencies per was also 6 days after the discontinuance of drug treatment. Vehicle
group in four trials were tested in a Morris water maze over 7 days. was administered p.o. to saline-i.c.v.-injected mice. To Aß(25–35)-
Vehicle was administered p.o. to saline-i.c.v.-injected mice. To i.c.v.-injected mice, vehicle (Veh), ginsenoside Rb1 (GRb1), M1, or
Aß(25–35)-i.c.v.-injected mice (5 nmol), the vehicle, ginsenoside Rb1 donepezil (DNP) was administered p.o. Values represent the means
(10 Ìmol/kg), M1 (10 Ìmol/kg), or donepezil (0.5 mg/kg) was admin- and SEM of 9 mice. * p ! 0.05 when compared with the Aß(25–35)
istered p.o. for 14 days. Values represent the means and SEM of 9 plus vehicle-treated group. One-way analysis of variance was carried
mice. * p ! 0.05 when compared with the Aß(25–35) plus vehicle- out, followed by Dunnett’s post hoc test.
treated group. Two-way repeated measure analysis of variance was
carried out, followed by Dunnett’s post hoc test. b The number of
crossings over the previous position of a platform had previously
cal neurons [28]. As neurite atrophy is thought to be due
to unusual cell adhesion [27, 29], M1 may be capable of
200 normalizing the adhesive mechanism. Although Aß is
known to cause neuronal death through increased [Ca2+]
neurons [30], increased peroxynitrites in microglias [31],
and mitochondrial dysfunction in neurons [32], the death
pathway has been shown to be mediated by separate
0 molecular mechanisms of a neuritic dystrophy event [27–
Veh Veh M1 NGF
29]. Since ginsenoside Rb1 did not inhibit neuronal death
a A(25–35)
induced by Aß(25–35), the mechanism of rescuing axonal
atrophy may not be identical to that for recovery from
Aß-induced neuronal death.
] ]
Length of MAP2-positive neurites
per cell (m)
a A(25–35)
Length of NF-H-positive neurites
per cell (m)
inhibited the outgrowth of both MAP2-positive neurites was completely prevented by treatment with withanolide
and phosphorylated NF-H-positive neurites, showing that A (97.0% of the control), withanoside IV (106.3% of the
Aß(25–35) induced both dendritic and axonal atrophy in control), or withanoside VI (117.4% of the control)
rat cortical neurons. Simultaneous treatment with Aß(25– (fig. 5a). In particular, treatment with withanosides IV
35) and withanolide A, withanoside IV, or withanoside VI and VI tended to induce the growth of longer dendrites
at a concentration of 1 ÌM prevented both dendritic and than treatment with withanolide A.
axonal atrophy induced by Aß(25–35). Dendritic atrophy
Fig. 6. The effect of trigonelline on the prevention of Aß(25–35)- phosphorylated NF-H. Lengths of MAP2-positive neurites (a) and
induced dendritic and axonal atrophy. Cortical neurons were cul- phosphorylated NF-H-positive neurites (b) were measured in each
tured for 3 days, and then the cells were treated simultaneously with treatment. The values represent the means and SEM of 12–20 cells
10 ÌM Aß(25–35), and trigonelline at a concentration of 30 or (a) or 14–22 cells (b). * p ! 0.05 when compared with the Aß(25–35)
100 ÌM, or vehicle (Veh), or with the vehicle alone (Cont). Five days plus vehicle-treated group. One-way analysis of variance was carried
after treatment, the cells were fixed and immunostained for MAP2 or out, followed by Dunnett’s post hoc test.
Coffee Beans
Effect of Trigonelline on Aß(25–35)-Induced Memory The ppd-type saponins of Ginseng drugs and M1 (a
Impairment metabolite of ppd-type saponins by intestinal bacteria)
Fourteen days after the i.c.v. injection of Aß(25–35) in induced significant recovery from memory impairment,
male ddY mice (6 weeks old), trigonelline (500 mg/kg), axonal atrophy and synaptic loss in mice. The effect of
donepezil hydrochloride (0.5 mg/kg), or the vehicle (tap M1 on axonal reconstruction was further confirmed in
water) was administered orally once daily for 15 days. cultured cortical neurons. These results suggest that orally
Mice were trained in the water maze for 5 days, starting administered ppd-type saponins potentially ameliorate
21 days after the i.c.v. administration of Aß(25–35). Six dementia by reconstructing the neuronal network. With-
days after the last acquisition test, the retention test was anolide A, withanoside IV, and withanoside VI, which
performed (fig. 7). The number of crossings over a pre- were isolated from Ashwagandha, facilitated the regenera-
vious platform position was significantly decreased in the tion of dendrites and axons, and led to the dramatic con-
Aß(25–35)-injected group compared with the saline-in- struction of synapses, although the neuron damage was
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