EFYJuly2020 PDF
EFYJuly2020 PDF
EFYJuly2020 PDF
7 | ISSN-0013-516X
52nd Year of Publication
18 HEALTHCARE: Electronic Authentication 37 TECH FOCUS: AI And ML Shifting Focus Next Issue
Of Organic Foods Back To Hardware • Understanding Cryptocurrency
24 INTERNET OF THINGS: Exploring The 43 Artificial Intelligence: AI In • Bad Users Can Fail Good
Military Service: Rules Sky, Land And Sea AI Systems
Applications Of IoT • Electronics In Education &
46 Test & Measurement: T&M Solutions Skill Development
26 Artificial Intelligence: AI Insurance
For Satellite Systems • Cutting-Edge Gadgets For
Is Coming, Here’s Why Smart Classrooms
70 Market Survey: Growth Of 5G Market
30 EDUCATION: Online Learning: An Antidote • Diy: 9V Adaptor For Arduino
And Its Impact On Economy
To Uninterrupted Education Amidst 76 Facts & Figures: Scheme For
Covid-19 Crisis Editor : Ramesh Chopra
Promotion Of MSMEs In Defence
Editorial : Editorial Secretary
32 POWER: Use Of Supercapacitors In 77 Facts & Figures: Guidelines For Use Of correspondence Phone: 011-26810601; E-mail: editsec@efy.in
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17 Automated Food Cooking C:+44 7910 073565
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Now Has A Personal Satellite StartUp Zone pms plantenberg media service GmbH, Germany
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Navigation System” Mobile: +49 170 4828426
Jim Lin, marketing director, SkyTraq 66 The IoT And AI In Defence E-mail: germany@efy.in
67 Going Green With EV Charging
67 Self-Driving Electric Vehicle For Delivery Printed, published and owned by Ramesh Chopra. Printed at
International Print-o-Pack Ltd, C-4 to C-11, Hosiery Complex, Phase-II
68 Solving Water Crisis With Air And Extension, NOIDA-201305, Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, on the
Do-It-Yourself Nanotechnology
69 The IoT For Digital Farming
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51 OTP Based Wireless Smart Lock System in any manner without the written permission of the publisher is
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56 Conveyor Jam Detector For Industries 80 First Look: Some New Gadgets
82 DIGITAL: How Intelligent Toilets Can SUBSCRIPTION RATES
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4 July 2020 • electronics For You www.EFYMag.com
Your suggestions
Gopal Jagwani Jose Rizal
EFY. Thanks for sharing your feed- The author Joy Mukherji replies:
back! There is delay in printing some Yes, replace capacitor C5 accord-
Be A
issues, and we decided not to print ingly for resonance at 3rd or 4th
April issue, due to Covid-19 and its harmonic of 27MHz (81MHz or
effect on portal as well as courier 108MHz). Replace C5 with a trim-
services. mer and tune for maximum range
••• and best sound output. If ISV149
is not easily available, try using
AI AND ROBOTICS: HYPE OR a 1N4007 or several of them in
REALITY parallel.
I came across your article on ‘AI and •••
Robotics: Hype or Reality’ published
in October 2019 issue. I really like the MICROTURBINE You don’t know
way you balanced the article giving This is regarding ‘Generate Power how much you
importance to both AI and Robotics. Using Microturbine’ DIY article don’t know.
I am looking forward to many such published in August 2019 issue.
articles in the future. The microturbine hardly gener-
ates an output of 12V DC and
Siddharth S. 20mA current. Can we use any
12V DC motor to get atleast 200
EFY. Thanks for your feedback! We to 500mA?
are glad that you liked the article.
We will try to cover related topics in Dr P. Chandra Shekar
some forthcoming issues of Electron-
ics For You as well. The author A. Samiuddhin replies: to keep up-to-date
••• Thank you for taking interest with the tech world
in my article. The microturbine
YOUR REQUEST used in this project generates
Please publish a series of articles on AC and not DC. Depending upon
programmable automation controllers the water flow, the microturbine
and industrial controllers. output could be 20V, 150mA max-
imum. Any microturbine having
Er. Sunil Pedgaonkar a maximum output up to 40V,
3A can be used in this project.
EFY. Thanks for the request! We will Make sure that the microturbine
try to cover the relevant topics in doesn’t have internal regulator. To subscribe, Scan
visit efy.in or OR This
forthcoming issues. If so, the efficiency will be com- contact us at: 011-4059660 Code
Email: support@efy.in
••• promised.
Also available at all leading magazine outlets
Q1. What are the differences between USB 3.x and USB-C?
Anand B.
Answers compiled by Sani Theo, technical editor. Letters and questions for publication may be addressed to Editor, Electronics For You, D-87/1, Okhla Industrial Area,
Phase 1, New Delhi 110020 (e-mail: editsec@efy.in) and should include name and address of the sender.
Hydrogen-powered vehicles are more efficient than a combustion engine as no greenhouse gases
are emitted. However, the process of generating hydrogen should also be green. Commonly used
processes for separating hydrogen from other substances include steam reforming of methane,
gasification, and electrolysis
ydrogen has been used as a of methane, gasification, and elec- produced can either directly flow
source of clean energy through- trolysis. Hydrogen is also a byproduct to the electric motor, which in turn
out history, from spacecraft of many industrial processes where it is converted to mechanical energy
and submarines to refineries and is often treated as waste. to drive the vehicle’s wheels, or the
forklifts. When vehicles are powered In the most popular process known energy can be stored in the battery
by hydrogen fuel cells, the only by- as electrolysis, an electric current is pack, depending on the requirement.
product is water, which is emitted in passed through water to separate its The auxiliary battery is mainly present
the form of pure water vapour, and primary constituents—hydrogen and to start the vehicle, and the thermal
hence no greenhouse gases are emit- oxygen. Electricity is not generated system keeps the operating tempera-
ted. In addition to hydrogen’s abun- from fossil fuels but produced from ture range in check.
dance in nature (as part of water and sources like wind, solar, and hydro Unlike battery electric vehicles
atmospheric gas), hydrogen-powered energies to mitigate carbon footprints. (BEVs) that require recharging from
vehicles are more efficient than a Hydrogen binds to most other an external source, FCEVs produce
combustion engine since there are no substances and is a flammable gas. electricity themselves and use a small
moving parts. So, it is stored in liquid form in a fuel and lightweight battery for storage.
For zero net emissions, the process tank for ease of transportation until it The main benefits of this propulsion
of generating hydrogen should also is needed by the fuel cell stack (col- technology include no engine noise,
be green. Commonly used processes lection of electrodes). The amount of quick charging time of less than five
for separating hydrogen from other energy stored is decided by the size minutes, and longer range as com-
substances include steam reforming of the hydrogen fuel tank. Besides, pared to fully electric vehicles, regard-
ustainable power generation of the battery storage also gets
through renewable energy, reduced, which makes it easier
instead of conventional fossil to handle.
fuels, has not only helped in reducing The generation of power
carbon footprints but also made power from wind energy is done by
available to non-electrified remote wind turbines (commonly verti-
areas. While choosing green energy cal or horizontal axis), whose
options for a region, several factors blades rotate with wind blow-
like geographic variability, economic ing within the range of defined
feasibility, and so on need to be con- cut in (usually, a minimum of
sidered. 4-5m/s) and cut off speeds, cou-
For complete reliance on renew- pled with generators. The axis
able energy like solar or wind, it must of rotation of the turbines must
be available in all seasons. However, align with the wind direction.
this is not the actual case due to unpre- Solar power systems have
dictable weather. For example, solar solar panels, which consist of
energy cannot be harnessed to its can handle both systems for charg- photovoltaic (PV) cells that utilise
full potential in monsoon, and wind ing the battery so that energy can be sunlight to generate electrical energy.
speeds may be highest in one season used whenever needed. A compatible Factors like sunlight intensity and
and not so in others. In areas where inverter converts DC output to AC duration, as well as cleanliness of
more than one renewable energy like for purposes like power distribution, panels and their orientation, need to
wind or solar is available, a hybrid powering appliances like refrigerator be considered for efficient solar panel
power system that combines their and oven, and so on. In case of on-grid arrangement. Some arrangements
benefits can improve the reliability hybrid systems, the battery is charged also involve moving solar panels in an
and stability of the grid. by the grid when both solar and wind accurate direction by tracking the sun
Wind-solar hybrid systems inter- are not available. to get more light.
face wind turbine generators and solar These systems can be installed Hybrid systems are often used for
panels to generate power in a decen- on rooftops if size permits. The cost small loads. In the residential sector,
tralised mode, typically in the range of varies based on the ratio of wind and there has been significant adoption—
1kW to 10kW. The standalone system solar components and maybe even particularly in single-family homes,
is connected to a charge controller that cheaper than a solar system. The size luxury apartments, and large multi-
nforeseen situations call for sify intensive care patients by using given the huge population of the coun-
unforeseen measures. Such is X-ray images and can examine the try. One such example is Telemetric
the case of the Covid-19 pan- lung within just three seconds. Patient Monitoring System by Cardiac
demic, where the urgency of response Singapore, which in spite of being Design Labs that allows healthcare
has resulted in a host of innovations a small country is densely populated workers and volunteers to monitor the
and proactive measures through col- and relies on an open economy, has vitals (like respiration, body tempera-
laborations among universities, indus- been able to manage well till now and ture, and blood pressure) of multiple
tries, startups, and the government. kept its Covid-19 cases under control. patients at a time from a central loca-
Existing technologies like robots Technological innovations and modi- tion by attaching wearable devices to
and drones are becoming common. fication of pre-existing solutions to their chests. Besides hospitals, it can
Robots are being used round the cater to the needs in this scenario have also be used in homes, hotels, schools,
clock in hospitals to provide medica- played a vital role in ensuring this. and the like.
tion and meals to patients. In office For example, an automated ther- A large population of India lives
entrances and public places, these mal screening device iThermo scans in rural areas. Numerous startups are
are being used for sanitisation and people’s temperature as they walk developing economical and portable
awareness. Drones are being used to by at IHiS’ office and St. Andrew’s ventilators for critical care owing to
monitor adherence to social distancing Community Hospital in Singapore and their shortage that can be deployed
rules, do temperature screening using alerts staff when a person with a high in both urban and rural areas of the
thermal imaging, and deliver medical body temperature is detected. People country after medical regulatory
supplies don’t have to stop in queues, and approval.
Big data and availability of digital frontline workers have lower chances AI and machine learning (ML)
resources on government platforms of contact with the undetected person. are playing a key role in helping state
are not only helping citizens but also The benefits of using such technolo- governments. For instance, in April,
those developing solutions by serving gies include a lower risk of infection Bihar permitted the development of an
as an authentic source of information. and reduced need for manpower AI-powered tool through a partnership
In South Korea, artificial intelligence in places like hospitals, according between Norway India Partnership
(AI) has been used to develop test- to luxresearchinc.com. Initiative (NIPI) and Wadhwani Insti-
ing kits and other tools. For example, In India, innovations that can deal tute of AI that can determine potential
VUNO‘s Chest X-Ray AI image support with multiple patients at a time are patients through cough-sound analy-
decision tool uses an algorithm to clas- helping in dealing with the situation, sis. In Andhra Pradesh, an ML-based
4 Automated
Food Cooking
With the introduction of advanced technologies such as cooking robots,
people can enjoy hassle-free cooking and save considerable time. The goal
of using such innovations is to cook hygienic food at a quicker pace
n this fast-paced world, after a tiring cooking a variety of dishes, tailored ents, and condiment combinations.
job of cooking, you barely get time according to your taste and preference. It is a well-programmed robot that
for anything else. While ordering You just need to prepare a vegetable can cook food faster than people.
food on a daily basis can affect your plate at night, store it in the fridge and Touchscreens and mobile ordering cut
health, hiring a perfect maid can also load the plate into the device before down on long lines and clumsy inter-
be a difficult task. However, with the heading to work. You can access this actions with cashiers. This robot helps
introduction of advanced technologies automated cooking machine from any- humans to focus on creating better
such as cooking robots and machines, where via an app to give commands to recipes and tastier food while main-
you can enjoy hassle-free cooking and cook food. On arriving home, you will taining cheaper bills for customers.
save considerable time and effort. get fresh and healthy homemade food. It is a fully automated, end-to-end
These robots and machines work It can cook almost all Indian recipes burger assembly line running com-
through robotic arms with multiple like Indian curries, rice dishes, samb- pletely on codes. It uses computer
joints, numerous actuated degrees har, poha, upma, and many more. The vision and other AI features to operate
of freedom, tactile sensors, and most exciting part is that your mother a grill. On completion, a human server
sophisticated control systems. These can teach it different recipes through takes the burger out, inspects it for
technologies feature the best of indus- live camera feed. quality, and preps it neatly on a plate.
try’s software, robotics, and artificial Moley Robotic Kitchen. It is an RoboChef. This fully automated
intelligence (AI) skills with top-tier advanced, fully functional robot that robotic kitchen can cook 800+ reci-
culinary expertise. The major players cooks with the same speed, skill, pes, powered by IoT, robotics, and AI.
in restaurants, industries, airlines, and sensitivity of a master chef. The RoboChef solves your food wastage
kitchen developers, and even chef Moley Robotic Kitchen has an inbuilt problems through precise measuring
training schools are also looking to library of recipes from around the cups and sensor fusion technology.
deploy these new innovations. world. You just need to prepare a You can record or customise a recipe
The goal is not to automate away plate with ingredients, give a com- and cook it whenever you like. You just
humans entirely but to automate the mand via the app or use the touch- need to choose a recipe from the app
portion of the restaurant experience screen, and let the robot prepare a or RoboChef control screen, load the
that can be done better, faster, and be delicious meal. You can also down- ingredients, and select start cooking. It
more cost-efficient with machines. load a recipe and cook yourself. has zero CO2 emissions and 24/7 moni-
The following are four smart auto- Creator Burger-Making Robot. toring. It provides intelligent, hygienic,
mated cooking machines: This robot features around 350 sen- and predictive maintenance.
Euphotic Delight Cooking sors and twenty microcomputers to Here are a few of the countless
Machine. What’s so smart about it? produce the best, freshest, and locally advantages of automated cooking
Well, the machine by Euphotic Lab sourced cheeseburger for just six robots: save time, consistent, safe to
starts cooking food of your choice on dollars. The machine is also capable use, more hygienic, trustworthy, and
one touch of a button or through an of making multiple kinds of burgers, personalised.
app command. It has the capability of with a vastly different taste, ingredi- —Deepshikha Shukla
Electronic Authentication
Of Organic Foods
The availability of adulterated food products in the market has led to a number of health
problems. In response to this, people are now moving towards the use of organic food products,
which are naturally produced, safe, healthy, and of higher quality. In addition, several new
electronic methods have been devised to ensure proper labelling of these organic products
(Credit: https://foodrevolution.org)
n the present times, human health is these are naturally produced, safe, healthy,
degrading fast due to available reasons and of higher quality. Organic food products
such as dependency on technology, are grown without using pesticides and
lack of hard work, and adulterated food weedicides, which can affect the chemical
products available in the market. composition of organic food products.
Adulteration of food products (whether
Dr S.S. Verma raw or cooked) takes place at every level— Organic food and its labelling
is professor at be it cultivation, production, marketing, Organic food products are produced by
Department of Physics,
Sant Longowal Institute or consumer levels. People are therefore methods that comply with the specific stand-
of Engineering and getting attracted towards organic food ards of organic farming but may vary world-
Technology, Sangrur,
products, whose market is steadily increas- wide. Private and government agencies are
ing worldwide. Consumers want to use regulating the production and processing
organic food products as they believe of organic products by restricting the use of
handling and non-invasive nature of electronic meth-
ods, this article only highlights the growth in electronic
authentication of organic foods.
Electronic authentication
Currently, there is an increase in consumer awareness
about the quality and authenticity of the food. With
ever-increasing health problems at present, a growing In Partnership with EFY
number of consumers are willing to pay extra for fruits,
vegetables, and other food items labelled organic, but
whether they’re getting what the label claims is another
matter. Now scientists studying conventional and
organic foods are devising new ways, in general, and
electronic methods, in particular, to make sure farms are
labelling their products appropriately, which could help
prevent organic food frauds and cheating of consumers.
Nowadays, for food analysis, electronic sensors are used
because they require less time and operate at a lower
cost per analysis than other techniques.
1. Authenticating supplier’s identity and data on
organic food products. Organic food product supplier’s
digital authentication or e-authentication may be used
when referring to the electronic authentication process
that confirms or certifies a person’s identity and work.
In a time, when fraud and identity theft have become
rampant, electronic authentication can be a more secure EFY-CERTIFIED
method of verifying the identity of the supplier.
There are various e-authentication methods that
can be used to authenticate a supplier’s identity as CENTRE
well as data of organic food products ranging from a
Referred to as ESDC, the Centre will help
password to higher levels of security that utilise multi-
students improve their hands-on skills,
factor authentication (MFA). When used in conjunction
make exciting projects of their own and
with an electronic signature, it can provide evidence of understand the latest technologies
whether data about organic food products received/
reported has been tampered with after being signed by
its original sender.
For more details, please call: Shyam (+91-8800100761)
Under electronic authentication, a quick response email: efyenq@efy.in or visit: https://efymag.com/ESDC
code, a type of 2D bar code is used to provide easy
access to information with the help of a smartphone ESDC’s New Partners
or QR scanner. Information like authentication code,
grower code, name, location, contact number, Face-
book URL, production date, expiry date, and regulatory
authority URL about authentic organic growers can be
embedded on QR code that can be tracked easily at no
cost. The model of adopting a QR code-based labelling
mechanism for organic produces drastically better trust-
worthiness among organic consumers.
he Internet of Things (IoT) could be Today, a lot of IoT related startups are
a game changer for India, but the coming and working in India. They are
country is lagging far behind China deliberately taking advantage of the Internet
in its adoption. Today, the IoT is transform- to enhance the abilities of the devices. The
ing industrial revolution. An IIoT factory devices may be lighting system, entry into
can yield 5-12.5% cost reduction in opera- home, water sprinklers used for irrigation in
Vinayak tion and optimisation, 10-40% cost savings agriculture, traffic control system, vehicles,
Ramachandra in predictive maintenance and 20-50% road lighting systems and many more. In
Adkoli is BE in cost reduction in inventory optimisation. a smart city, electric transmission, billing
industrial production.
He has been a To boost IoT concepts, Indian technol- and the security of various services such
lecturer in mechanical ogy giant Wipro announced the launch as banks, ATMs, hotels, etc, are all done
department for ten
years in three different
of industrial IoT Center Of Excellence through IoT-operated devices. Dealing with
polytechnics. He is also (COE) in Kochi, Kerala on March 14, IoT related projects by companies and start-
a freelance writer and 2019. According to Wipro, this COE aims ups is offering great challenges.
at developing innovative solutions for Vyuti is a visual object intelligence
customers in industrial manufacturing, provider for the manipulation of objects by
automotive, healthcare and pharmacy. robotic arms. It can pick, orient and place
COE aims at developing customer-ready objects in various locations. With adequate
IoT solutions. training, the solutions can be applied in
sectors like manufacturing, construction,
Innovations needed for healthcare, and warehousing. Today, there
IoT industries are many solutions in the market for object
Innovation leads, the world follows. With recognition. Funded by N.A. Gokul, Vyuti is
the rise in the Indian Startup Ecosystem, in talks with TVS, AMS and Sansera.
innovation has reached its peak in the Numocity is working with the electric
country with 45,444 patent applications vehicle ecosystem. It aims in connecting bat-
filled in 2016-17 alone. tery, charging stations, etc, via a transaction
AI Insurance
Is Coming,
Here’s Why
Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool,
but it may pose some risks if used
incorrectly. These risks can be unknown
or uncontrollable and hence, you need
to find other ways to deal with it
rtificial intelligence (AI) is not Information Technology Liability (IT
only a powerful tool, it can also be Liability) insurance covers claims arising
a highly risky technology if used from the failure of information technology
incorrectly. No matter how much you products, services, and/or advice.
take care, there still might be some lurking The information technology (IT) indus-
risks, which are either unknown or uncon- try has unique liability exposures due to
Anand Tamboli trollable, and that means you will be need- the crossover between the provision of
is a serial entrepreneur, ing a different way of risk-management. professional services and supply of goods.
speaker, award-winning
published author and If you perform a thorough pre-mortem Many service providers in this industry offer
emerging technology analysis, please ensure that training and a mix of both goods and services. It gets
thought leader testing are complete. A stress test of all further complicated by the legal ambiguity
the systems with the help of red teams around software advice and development
will make you more confident about their and whether it is, in fact, the provision of a
performance. However, there still might be service or sale of goods.
some risks that are unidentified, or identi- Traditional Professional Indemnity insur-
fied but can’t be anticipated or controlled. ance policies often have onerous exclusions
Such residual risks can be dealt with by relating to the supply of goods. In contrast,
way of transference. traditional Public and Products Liability
Transference or risk transfer is a risk policies often contain exclusions relating to
management and control strategy that the provision of professional services.
involves the contractual shifting of a pure Many insurers have developed a range
risk from one party to another. One exam- of insurance options to address these issues,
ple is the purchase of an insurance policy, which they commonly refer to as IT liability
by which a policyholder passes the speci- policies. These policies represent a combina-
fied risk of loss to the insurer. tion of Professional Indemnity and Public
and Products Liability insurances bundled
Currently available options into one product. These policies were
and their limitations developed to minimise the prospect of an
If you have an IT solution, which is the uninsured claim due to its ‘falling between
closest equivalent for an AI solution, a few the gaps’ between the two traditional insur-
options are already available in the market ance products.
for transferring some of the risks. However, the added complexity of AI
Dr Parteek Bhatia
is an Associate
Professor at Department
of Computer Science
and Engineering,
Thapar Institute of
Engineering and
Technology, Patiala
he outbreak of the deadly corona- way. Uncertainty looms all over the world,
virus has unleashed a global crisis. and everyone is feeling the heat of this pan-
With an impact spanning over demic. To restrict the further spread of the
hundred countries, the virus is already virus, mass events or gatherings have been
impacting the global economy in a hard cancelled, lockdowns and travel restrictions
Use Of Supercapacitors
In Defence And Transport
Supercapacitors are energy storage devices that bridge the gap between electrolytic
capacitors and rechargeable batteries. This article explains their importance and usage in
defence and transportation sectors
lectricity is a hugely versatile form rated. The plates are made of metal that is
of energy, but it suffers one major coated with a porous material like activated
drawback; it is relatively difficult carbon, which provides the plates effectively
to store. Batteries can store large amount with a bigger surface area, rendering it to
of power, but they take hours to charge store much more charge. For better under-
up. Capacitors, on the other hand, charge standing, let’s assume electricity as water—
Rathindra Nath almost instantly but store only tiny where an ordinary capacitor is like a cloth
Biswas is a amounts of power. that can mop up only a tiny little spillage
1964-batch chemical
engineering graduate In the next few decades, our fossil- of water, while a supercapacitor’s porous
from Jadavpur fuelled cars and home heating appliances plates can soak up many times more because
University, Kolkata. will need to be switched over to electric they are more like a chunky sponge. Porous
He was awarded a
certificate for designing power, if we are to avert catastrophic supercapacitors are big electricity sponges.
Benzol Plant by climate change. Besides, in modern-day In an ordinary capacitor, the plates are
Giprokoks, USSR, and
Certificate of Honour
defence equipments, there is a need to separated by a relatively thick dielectric
by Indian Institute supply high energy electric pulse. In our made of mica or plastic, or even simply air.
of Metals. He has electric-powered future, where we will be When the capacitor is charged, positive
published 35 research
papers in various required to store and release large amounts charges form on one plate and negative
journals. He retired of electricity very quickly, it is quite likely charges on the other plate, creating an elec-
from service as head - we will turn to supercapacitors that com- tric field between them. The field polarises
MECON, Durgapur
bine the best of both the worlds. the dielectric, so its molecules line up in the
opposite direction to the field and reduce
What is a supercapacitor? its strength. That means the plates can
The structure of a capacitor is rather store more charge at a given voltage. This is
simple. It consists of two electric conduc- shown in Fig. 1.
tors called plates and an insulating layer
between them called dielectric medium. Classification of supercapacitors
If these two plates are connected to direct Supercapacitors are mainly classified into
voltage, they become charged, and the three types: Double-layer capacitors; Pseu-
magnitude of electric charge accumulated do-capacitors; Hybrid capacitors.
on the plates becomes proportional to the Double-layer capacitor (DLC). A capaci-
magnitude of voltage. The more charge it tor consists of two electrodes, separator and
takes when voltage is applied, the higher electrolyte. As shown in Fig. 2, in a double-
the capacitance is. A supercapacitor is dif- layer capacitor (DLC) there is no dielectric
ferent from an ordinary capacitor mainly in as such. Supercapacitors are often termed as
two important ways—its plates effectively DLC. The electrolyte in a DLC is the mixture
have a much bigger area and the distance of positive ions and negative ions dissolved
between them is much smaller because in a solvent. Both the plates are soaked in
the separator between them works in a dif- an electrolyte and separated by a very thin
ferent way than a conventional dielectric. insulator made of carbon, paper or plastic.
Like an ordinary capacitor, a superca- When the plates are charged up, an elec-
pacitor also has two plates that are sepa- trical double layer appears at the interface
Fig. 1: Schematic diagram of ordinary capacitor Fig. 2: Double layer supercapacitor: (a) discharged, (b) charged
between a conductive electrode and strong opposition from the solvent Because of multiple processes
an adjacent liquid electrolyte. At the molecules. Hence, no charge transfer acting to store charge, the capacitance
boundary, two layers of charge with takes place between electrolyte and values are higher. Pseudocapacitance
opposing polarity are formed, one at electrode. is accompanied by an electron charge
the surface of the electrode and one in However, these opposite charges transfer between electrolyte and elec-
the electrolyte. exert electrostatic forces on each trode coming from a de-solvated and
These two layers are typically other. Thus, a large amount of charge adsorbed ion. The adsorbed ion has
separated by a single layer of solvent is built up at the common boundary no chemical reaction with the atoms
molecules (generally one molecule of electrode and electrolyte. The acti- of the electrode since only a charge
thick) that adhere to the surface of the vated carbon layer deposited on the transfer takes place. It uses transition
electrode and act like a dielectric as in electrodes is very much porous and metal-oxides like RuO2, IrO2, or MnO2
a conventional capacitor. The solvent provides astounding surface area and inserted by doping in the conductive
molecules act as a barrier and prevent acts as a storehouse for storing electric material like active carbon, which
combination of opposite charges. charges during charging. covers the electrode. Both pseudoca-
Therefore no electric charge flows in Pseudo-capacitor. A pseudo- pacitance and double-layer capaci-
between electrode and electrolyte. In capacitor is a hybrid between a battery tances contribute inseparably to the
conventional capacitor, the thickness and electric double-layer capacitor. It total capacitance value.
of dielectric might range from a few also consists of two electrodes sepa- Hybrid supercapacitor. Hybrid
microns to a millimetre or more. rated by an electrolyte. Charge storage supercapacitors are the devices with
In short, supercapacitors get their occurs by chemical and electrostatic elevated energy storage capability
much bigger capacitance from a com- means. The chemical process involves and elevated capacitance. It combines
bination of plates with a bigger surface charge transfer by means of reduction- electric double-layer capacitor and
area and less distance between them oxidation that is redox reaction when lithium-ion technology, resulting in
(because of the very effective double most of the charge is transferred near an energy density up to 115 per cent
layer). The supercapacitor’s capaci- the surface of the electrode. higher. The hybrid capacitor offers an
tance is in direct proportion to the area On the other hand, in double- enhanced capability of energy storage,
of electrical double layer. layer capacitors, positive and nega- providing power to applications more
Upon voltage application, the tive charges reside on two electrode quickly and efficiently.
electrical double layer is created that surfaces. While the charge transfer
aligns both negative and positive is similar to that in a battery, transfer Construction details
charges along the boundaries of elec- rates are higher because of the use of Electrodes. The internal arrangement
trodes and electrolytic solution. When thinner redox material on the elec- of a wound type cylindrical superca-
these negative or positive ions migrate trode, or lower penetration of the ions pacitor is shown in Fig. 3. It comprises
close to the electrode, they experience from the electrolyte into the structure. active layers made from activated
carbon electrodes and separator with
Performance Parameters aluminium tabs inserted in-between
active layers. Aluminium foils should
Parameters Electrolytic Double layer Pseudocapacitors and
capacitors supercapacitors hybrid type (Li-ion) be able to distribute a peak current of
100A, and act as the current collec-
Temperature range (°C) -40 to +125 -20 to +70 -20 to +70
tor. They are coated with activated
Maximum charge (V) 4 to 630 1.2 to 3.3 2.2 to 3.8 carbon, which is electrochemically
Recharge cycles (thousands k) Unlimited 100k to 1000k 20k to 100k etched, so that the surface area of
Capacitance (Farads) Up to 2.7 100 to 12,000 300 to 3300 the material is about 100,000 times
Specific energy (Watt hours per kg) 0.01 to 0.3 4 to 9 10 to 15 greater than the smooth surface. The
Self-discharge time Short, in days In weeks Long, in months
electrodes are separated by a very
thin ion-permeable separator made
Efficiency (%) 99 95 90
of porous polymeric films or woven
Working life in years 20 5 to 10 5 to 10 ceramic fibres.
nology delivers up
to 120kW of power
to run an airfield,
weapons, radar sys-
tems, hospitals, or a
disaster relief com-
mand centre.
Pulsed linear
accelerator weapon.
It is a futuristic
weapon designed to
Fig. 9: KALI 5000 system work in such a way
that if any enemy
into the armature and then back along missile is launched towards a country,
the other rail. It is based on principles it will quickly emit powerful pulses of
similar to those of homopolar motor. the relativistic electron beam, which
However, the problem is that ships, is converted by other components of
like an aircraft carrier or destroyer, the machine down the line into flash
which can generate 25MW of power, x-ray and high power microwave that
are only suitable for its installation destroy the target. Unlike laser beams,
due to the high power requirement of it does not bore a hole in the target
the rail gun. The device uses super- but thoroughly destroys the onboard
capacitors to store the enormous electronic system.
power and deliver it as a pulse in a As shown in Fig. 8, the circuit
short period of time. Fig. 7 shows the generates a high-voltage pulse by a
arrangement of a railgun. Marx generator by charging several
Heavy mobility truck. Heavy capacitors (likely supercapacitors) in
Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck parallel by a DC power supply through
(HEMTT) is an eight-wheel-drive, the resistors and discharging them in
9,100kg tactical truck with a 470hp series. The output is available as a
diesel engine used by the US army and brief pulse. USA, Russia, China, and
many other countries for transporting India have this powerful weapon.
combat vehicles and weapons. This India has developed this machine and
diesel-electric hybrid truck does not christened it as KALI (Kilo Ampere
use batteries. Instead, it uses superca- Linear Injector) (refer Fig. 9). KALI
pacitors that accept more of the power 5000 system can produce electron
created by regenerative braking and pulses of about 100ns with energy of
deliver the power to the wheels during about 1MeV, current 40kA, a power
acceleration. This increases efficiency of 40GW, and microwave radiation at
by up to 20 per cent. This hybrid tech- 3-5GHz.
Ayushee Sharma
(Credit: https://medium.com)
rom marketing and retail to when compared to that in technolo- applied to fields, including speech
healthcare and finance, adop- gies like extended reality, distributed recognition, social network filtering,
tion of artificial intelligence ledgers, and quantum computing. computer vision, natural language
(AI) and machine learning (ML) in Three-quarters (77 per cent) of semi- processing, and so on. These tech-
these sectors is drastically transform- conductor executives surveyed for nologies take and examine thousands
ing the conventional approach for the report claimed that they either of users’ data for precision and accu-
different applications. AI makes it had already adopted AI within their racy applications like face recogni-
possible for systems to sense, com- business or were piloting the tech- tion. This is contributing to the rapid
prehend, act, and learn for perform- nology. development of innovations that are
ing complex tasks such as decision considered magical right now, but
making that earlier required human The concept of AI and ML with hardware advancements, its
intelligence. Unlike the regular pro- Although the terms AI and ML are place might be taken by much more
gramming, where action needs to used interchangeably, the former advanced innovations in the coming
be defined for every situation, AI in aims at the success of a task, whereas decades.
conjunction with ML algorithms can the latter ensures accuracy. So,
process large data sets, be trained to solving a complex problem is done How AI and ML applications
choose how to respond, and learn through AI training, but maximising are redefining the traditional
from every problem it encounters to efficiency by learning from the data systems
produce more accurate results. and already performed tasks is the AI and ML could grow to the current
This has not only impacted how concept of ML. ML relies on large extent due to advancements in not
we use data but also how we design datasets to find common patterns only algorithms but also in storage
and fabricate hardware chips or and makes predictions based on capabilities, computation capac-
integrated circuits (ICs) for enabling probability. ity, networking, and the like, which
next-generation devices, thereby Applied AI is more commonly made it possible to make advanced
opening new opportunities. The seen in systems that are designed devices accessible to the masses at
growth of AI shifts the core of inno- for financial market predictions and an economical cost. Traditionally,
vation from the software back to autonomous vehicle control. Gener- logic was usually hard-wired in the
hardware. For better performance, alised AIs to handle different general design of electronic systems. But in
for example, AI needs more memory situations is where ML, usually con- the light of high manufacturing costs
as compared to traditional require- sidered the subset of AI, comes into presently and the growing complex-
ments to process and transfer large play. In what is called supervised ity of chip development, AI-driven
data sets. Consider the case of virtual learning ML algorithm, the relation- processor architectures are redefining
assistants that are increasingly being ship model between input data and traditional processor architectures to
used in homes. Without reliable target output is established to make suit new demands.
hardware for such functionalities as predictions, whereas unsupervised Computation is mainly done on
those associated with memory and learning does not involve categoris- the central processing unit (CPU),
logic, these cannot work properly. ing data for training. In situations like the brain of the computer. With
According to Accenture Semi- competing with humans in complex the emergence of computationally
conductor Technology Vision 2019, computer games where information demanding applications that apply
from the annual report by the Accen- needs to be gained from the environ- AI and ML algorithms, additional
ture Labs and Accenture Research, ment continuously, reinforcement processing choices through combi-
the semiconductor industry is highly learning is implemented. nations of graphics processing units
optimistic about the potential of AI Sub-branches of ML like deep (GPUs), microprocessors (MPUs),
in their work in the coming years neural networks have already been microcontrollers (MCUs), field-
programmable gate arrays (FPGAs),
and digital signal processors (DSPs)
Data Data Data Actionable
Generated Stored Processing Insights are coming up to meet the optimum
feature requirements. The options,
Big Data Artificial Intelligence
considered distinct categories, are
gradually becoming heterogeneous
processing solutions like system-on-
chips (SoCs) and custom-designed
application-specific integrated cir-
cuits (ASICs).
Structured and Data is stored Data is processed using Predictive
Unlike traditional storage meth-
unstructured in databases central processing unit (CPU)/ signals are ods to store parameters while tuning
(ex. video) data and servers graphics processing unit generated a neural network model during train-
(GPU) and AI algorithms to
detect patterns ing and inference, high-bandwidth
RAM is required not only at data
The process (Credit: https://cooltechnospy.com) centres but also for edge computing.
Potshangbam July
ndia is one of the largest import- ment. This will encourage increased defence manufacturing to 74 per cent
ers of defence equipment in the participation of the private sector in from 49 per cent, the defence sector
world. Imports account for 60-65 defence manufacturing. With a slew will surely gain more momentum in
per cent of the country’s military of reforms recently announced by the its path to self-reliance in defence
requirements, which are being met government, including banning the production.
by foreign suppliers. In a significant import of weapons that can be made In tandem with current develop-
move, the government seeks to reduce in the country, corporatisation of Ord- ments in the defence sector, a webinar
electronics import with focus on indig- nance Factory Board (OFB), and rais- titled ‘Defence Electronics—Policy
enous production of defence equip- ing foreign direct investment (FDI) in Focus on Domestic Manufacturing,
AI In Military Service:
Rules Sky, Land And Sea
With the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, modern electronics warfare has become more
intelligent, effective, and precise in many ways. Leveraging AI technology in warfare equipment
gives more advantages in the race towards modernisation of military equipment. This article covers
the use of AI in military applications and on-going modernisation of Indian warfare equipment
Sani Theo recently published book, Army of revolutions, modern warfare is unique,
None, authored by Paul Scharre, lethal, and much more destructive than
talks about autonomous weapons, ever. You may refer the ‘AI In Defence: The
artificial intelligence (AI), and cutting-edge Warfare Revolution 3.0’ article published
technology in modern warfare. Experts in EFY July 2019 issue, which talks about
think that in future, wars will be fought by various warfare revolutions in the history
AI-based autonomous machines. However, of mankind.
it’s difficult to predict whether humans will Modern warfare is part of the third revo-
still be in charge of the deadly machines. lution that uses drones, unmanned aerial
Looking back at the history of warfare vehicles (UAVs), and AI. With the use of
T&M Solutions
For Satellite Systems
A satellite has to operate in very harsh conditions after launch. It has to function in a vacuum
while handling high levels of electromagnetic radiation and fluctuation in temperatures.
Therefore it’s crucial to test each satellite properly before it enters space. This article covers the
various types of satellites testing and challenges that may occur during the process
Deepshikha Shukla
ost people probably never think Therefore satellites have to be durable
of how many times satellites and reliable.
affect their lives. But every time A satellite has to operate in very harsh
you turn on your GPS to find a location, conditions after launch. It has to function
or check the weather forecast, satellites in a vacuum while handling high levels of
play an essential part. We rely on satellites electromagnetic radiation and fluctuation
for so many things in our lives, including in temperatures. Also, it must survive
communication, navigation, remote sens- the extreme vibrations and high acoustic
ing, surveillance, and earth observation. levels during launch. Governments or pri-
There Is No Machine
Which Can’t Be Made In India
Ashok Chadda
managing director, Powersem GmbH Germany
and Powersem Semiconductors Pvt Ltd India
Make in India is surely what we all should promote; but first of all, we need a well-developed infrastructure for the same. Ashok Chadda,
managing director, Powersem GmbH Germany and Powersem Semiconductors Pvt Ltd India, in a conversation with Deepshikha Shukla,
discusses how Make in India helps to uplift the Indian electronics market and what its challenges are
Q. How can Make in India products sudden introductions like GST. But and are manufacturing products
help to reduce costs? we feel that with this government, in Sweden, Germany, Brazil, or
A. Customers in India should buy we can get it done. We have to talk the USA. They are coming to India
innovative modules made in India openly and keep trust in our abilities and want to sell the same products
and believe more in Indian products. because Europeans and Americans in India. But it makes no sense
If you want to innovate with your trust Indian abilities, and a lot of manufacturing in Germany and
application, use resources available in their CEOs are Indians. other places and sending it all the
India. Also, with new kinds of mount- way here because the cost becomes
ing technologies and modules, you Q. Do you believe that moving in addition very high. And if you
can really save costs. towards industry automation can want to be competitive with China,
help India? you have to reduce costs. So, we
Q. What is a good way to target cus- A. We believe that with the want to make the same modules in
tomers in the electronics market? number of people we have in India, India that we make in Germany for
A. It’s good to look for distributors we should mainly work with them. the local market and also for export
both online as well as offline. But we And we don’t believe in buying to Middle East Turkey, Australia
are thinking about selling products expensive machines from Ger- or Malaysia and other emerging
online only. In Europe, we’re selling many or Europe because you will markets.
mainly through online distributors, also have to fly in people who are
and it is working fine. Therefore we maintaining these. We don’t need Q. How are you planning to contrib-
are also starting online sales in India. to buy big expensive machines from ute to the Indian electronics market?
Earlier, we were only exporting, but Europe as we can make alternative A. Powersem’s main target is
now we are in contact with some of machines even in India and learn to to sell innovative and customised
the online distributors. We’re looking use and improve them step by step. power semiconductor modules in
for partnerships in India with online So, in India, we have got every- India—whether developed and made
distributors and application centres. thing, including skilled labour and in Germany or India. We want to
industries that can make customised offer a single quality worldwide that
Q. How far the Make in India govern- machinery, which is much cheaper. can be also exported from India.
ment policies are helping manufac- If we buy machines in India, these We provide power semiconductor
ture in India? can be maintained by Indians. So, modules for the PC board, which can
A. A lot of developers of semicon- our maintenance costs also get be mounted directly on the board or
ductors are from India, but living and reduced. And the other thing is that can be pressed in or can be soldered.
working abroad. We can all innovate we don’t believe in making goods We are also focusing on the minia-
here too, but to sell products from in India by buying machines from turisation of electronic components
India worldwide, we need a far better abroad like from China, USA or to save material and costs. We are
infrastructure facilities, better corpo- Europe. planning to supply innovation made
rate laws, and more support from the in India not bought from China or
Indian government. What we have Q. What are the challenges faced by Germany into India. Currently, we
seen so far is that there is no machine the Indian market and how are you have a manufacturing unit in Banga-
which can’t be made in India. planning to overcome them? lore, and we are planning to expand
Right now, it is very difficult to A. There are a lot of foreign it to North India, Pondicherry or East
manufacture in India as there are companies that are coming to India India.
From providing logistic solutions to guiding users, navigation satellite systems are fundamental to modern technologies like the
Internet of Things (IoT). Jim Lin, marketing director, SkyTraq, discusses the operation and scope of GPS/GNSS technology for industrial
and consumer navigation and tracking applications in an interaction with Ayushee Sharma
Q. What are the applications of GNSS spheres in 3D, with sphere centre being rection data is being broadcast on the
receivers? the satellite position and the sphere satellite signal. Japan’s QZSS satellites
A. Popular Global Navigation Satel- radius being travelled distance, the are broadcasting LEX signals to provide
lite System (GNSS) receiver applica- receiver position will be one of the two centimetre-level accuracy positioning to
tions are navigation with smartphones, intersecting points; that is, using three Japan and Asia-Pacific regions. Galileo
calling taxi knowing where it is and satellite measurements to derive the plans to provide high accuracy service
when it’ll arrive, fleet management, (x,y,z)- three unknowns of the receiver by broadcasting E6 signals to enable
vehicle anti-theft GPS locator, GPS position. better than 20cm accuracy positioning
sports watch, etc. Less well known are GNSS receivers typically do not have globally, and so on.
time synchronisation and frequency super-accurate atomic clocks as in the New GNSS chipsets will accom-
reference application, which can be navigation satellites but have low-cost modate these new signals to enable
used for synchronising time across time reference that has some time dif- the standalone centimetre-level to
the globe to the accuracy of 10nsec, ference (dt) from the atomic clock. This decimetre-level accuracy. By using an
or used in GPS Disciplined Oscillator unknown dt time difference requires inertial measurement unit with a GNSS
(GPSDO) to generate precise reference another satellite measurement. Once dt receiver, high accuracy can be main-
frequency for base stations. is known, the GNSS receiver can adjust tained for a while after signal blockage
its local time to match atomic clock time to ensure reliability.
Q. How are compatibility and interop- within 10nsec.
erability among different service pro- Q. Which GNSS system is most often
viders of navigation satellite systems Q. On what factors is the selection of a found in smartphones?
maintained? GNSS module based? A. A smartphone has a minimum
A. The compatibility and interoper- A. Applications such as autono- of GPS/GLONASS signal receiving
ability of different global and regional mous ground vehicle precision guid- capability. Newer models can receive
navigation systems were carried out ance or UAV to spray pesticides will additional Galileo and BeiDou signals.
bilaterally in the past between US-India require centimetre-level-accuracy RTK They have similar 2.5m CEP accuracy
on GPS/IRNSS, EU-US on Galileo/GPS, receivers. Applications that are often in (inferior to precise RTK or PPP solu-
EU-China on Galileo/BeiDou, and US- a partial signal blockage environment tions) under the open sky. The ones
Japan on GPS/QZSS. Multilaterally, the may benefit from the latest quad-GNSS capable of using more satellite constel-
compatibility and interoperability are capable receivers. Being able to use lations can have better accuracy under
discussed through ICG (International more satellite constellations, a quad- adverse signal environments.
Committee on Global Navigation Satel- GNSS receiver can have more satellite
lite Systems). signals to work within urban canyons Q. How do you see the growth of the
than a regular GPS/GLONASS receiver, consumer satellite navigation market in
Q. Can you explain the working of thus providing better accuracy. the coming years?
GNSS? Another consideration may arise A. Everyone with a smartphone
A. The principle of GNSS is trian- from regulation requirements. For now has a personal satellite naviga-
gulation. The GNSS receiver measures example, the AIS-140 application in tion system. New growth areas would
the travel time of GNSS signals from India requires a minimum of NavIC/ be smartwatches with GNSS function
satellites to the receiver. Using decoded GPS capability. for accurate fitness tracking of running
data from GNSS signals, the receiver distance and pace rate, cars with satel-
can compute the position of satellites. Q. What considerations in design can lite navigation systems having inertial
By using travel time measurements, help ensure GPS accuracy? measurement units, and barometric
one could derive travelled distance by A. There are various new devel- pressure sensors that provide improved
multiplying travel time by the speed opments on the satellite signals to position accuracy in all road envi-
of light. By combining positions of improve GNSS receiver accuracy. ronments, giving correct navigation
three satellites, one can draw three Precise Point Positioning (PPP) cor- instructions.
his is a one-time password every time you try to unlock it, which key is lost or stolen, it creates a huge
(OTP) based smart locking gives you extra security. problem. Also, the electronic wireless
system using Arduino and Blue- A key-based locking system has locking system is not that safe because
tooth. It can generate a new password now become outdated because if your you might forget your password, or it
might get stolen by others while enter-
ing the password on your device. So,
we can make a DIY smart lock that
has the capability to remove all these
security threats and problems.
The author’s prototype wired on a
breadboard is shown in Fig. 1.
To start the project, we need the
following hardware components/
• Arduino Uno
• Bluetooth HC-05
• Jumper wires
• Servo motor
• 5V battery or power bank
• USB type-B cable for program-
ming Arduino
• Breadboard or veroboard PCB
After collecting all these compo-
Fig. 1: Author’s prototype wired on breadboard nents, start the project by writing an
Arduino code.
First, we need to include the library
and declare variables, as shown in
code snippet Fig. 2. Include a servo
library and then create a string array
to generate a password. Next, create a
few more string variables to store the
password, OTP, and LED pin numbers
as given in code snippet.
Fig. 2: Arduino code with library and variables Now, in the second code snippet,
Fig. 3: Setup serial, servo and pin mode Fig. 4: Loop( )and OTP( ) functions
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And Get
Instant Discount!
Facility is
available for
multiple insertions.
successful pairing, you will get a ‘con- time, the onboard LED of Arduino
will light up, indicating success-
ful unlocking of the smart lock
EFY Note
The source code Ashwini Kumar Sinha is an electronics
of this project hobbyist and tech journalist at EFYi
is available
for free download
at source.efymag.com
www.EFYMag.com electronics FOR YOU • JULY 2020 53
he circuit presented here is com-
pact and handy for measuring the BOARD1= STEP UP BUCK BOOSTER/CONVERTER (9V TO 30V OR 40V)
voltage rating of a Zener diode 1N4007 BOARD1
instantly. To check a Zener diode, it is D1 VIN+ VOUT+ PZ1 FOR
connected across a DC power supply 1N4007
1 IC1 3 R1 VOUT−
with a suitable resistor in series, then 7805 2.2K
the voltage drop across Zener diode 2 SJ1,SJ2 ARE 12K
is measured using a multimeter. The \1
whole setup, including selection of S1
voltage range in multimeter, takes POWER C1
3 6
ON/OFF 10u PB4 PB1 R4
more time than the actual measure- 25V 16V 2.2K R7
4 5
ment itself. GND PB0
This circuit uses only a 9V battery BATT.1
Vcc IC2 2N2222
9V CON1 C3 CON3 P−
as a power supply for checking voltage FOR ATTINY85 0.1u FOR VR1
drop across a Zener diode that may OLED SJ1 10K
also be used as a continuity tester,
diode junction tester, LED tester, etc. Fig. 1: Circuit diagram of handy Zener meter
It displays basically the voltage drop
across its two probes, which is useful played in 32×24 bit size font. supply module to change the output
for such testing. A buck-boost converter (Board1) is voltage. The buck-boost converter
a type of DC-DC switch-mode power used here is an LM2577 based step-
Circuit and working up module. Any step-up buck-boost
The circuit diagram of the Zener meter Parts List module with more than 30V DC
is shown in Fig. 1. It is built around a Semiconductors: output may be used in this circuit.
5V voltage regulator 7805 (IC1), micro- IC1 - 7805 voltage regulator The circuit can work in either 0-30V
IC2 - ATtiny85 microcontroller
controller ATtiny85 (IC2), an organic D1, D2 - 1N4007 rectifier diode range (in case jumper SJ1 is shorting)
light-emitting diode (OLED) display, T1 - 2N2222 npn transistor or 0-40V range (in case jumper SJ1 is
transistor 2N2222 (T1), buck-boost LED1 - 5mm LED open/disconnected). The range may
Board1 - LM2577 buck-boost converter
converter (Board1) and few other be selected based on the maximum
Resistors (all 1/4-watt, ±5% carbon):
components. R1, R4 - 2.2-kilo-ohm output of the buck-boost module.
The ATtiny85 microcontroller R2, R3 - 10-kilo-ohm
(MCU) configured as a voltmeter using R5 - 12-kilo-ohm Software
R6 - 470-kilo-ohm
its ADC channel displays the voltage R7 - 47-kilo-ohm
The software code (ZenerMeter.c)
across the probes on OLED display. A VR1 - 10-kilo-ohm potmeter for ATtiny85 MCU is written in C
buck-booster module is used to step- Capacitors: language. It requires three libraries
up the 9V DC input to about 42V DC, C1 - 10µF, 25V electrolytic (oled_lib.c, font_basic_16x8.h and
C2 - 10µF, 16V electrolytic
which is required for measuring the C3 - 0.1µF ceramic disk oled_nums_32x24.h), which are kept
voltage drop across the Zener diode. Miscellaneous: in the same folder as ZenerMeter.c.
Due to small size of the components BATT.1 - 9V battery The hex code (ZenerMeter.hex) can
used here, the circuit becomes compact CON1 - 4-pin connector be generated using any AVR C com-
CON2, CON3 - 2-pin connector
and handy. S1 - On/off switch piler such as Programmers Notepad
The OLED display used here is SJ1, SJ2 - Shorting jumper (WinAVR). During testing, we used
2.4cm in size with 128×64 pixel PZ1 - Piezo buzzer ISP programmer for burning the hex
- 4-pin OLED, 2.4cm
resolution, which requires a 5V DC 128×64 pixel
code ZenerMeter.hex into ATtiny85.
supply and an I2C connector. It has - 8-pin IC base You can use any suitable AVR MCU
four pins, out of which two are for - Jumper wires programmer.
power supply, one for serial data - Berg connector The software controls the display
- 2-pin terminal connector
(SDA) and one for the clock (SCL). for battery through I2C serial communication
The text/message is displayed in (All these are available from kitsnspares.com) protocol. The physical I2C pins (SDA
16×8 bit size font and voltage is dis- and SCL) of ATtiny85 are not used in
he conveyor jam detector cir- While packages of various shapes fixed-voltage timing application. It is
cuit presented here is designed and sizes move down a conveyor belt, advisable to connect the entire elec-
to activate an alarm device or it is imperative that they continue tronic assembly to an industry-grade
programmable logic controller (PLC) to travel down to prevent potential linear/switch mode DC power supply
when the speed of the conveyor system delays or severe damages due to an adaptor.
falls below the set minimum speed, accidental jam. Following the common You can design a range of prox-
alerting the workers the possibility of industrial practice, the sensor head of imity sensors as the sensor head for
jamming of the conveyor system. Con- the conveyor jam detector can be the conveyor jam detector but using
veyor jam detector is an indispensable installed in the second return idler a readymade inductive (or optical)
sensor device found in most conveyor support from the drive-end. (Normally proximity sensor can save both time
safety and control systems. when the speed of the conveyor belt is and effort.
slowing down, the rota- The circuit diagram is very clear
tion speed of the return and self-explanatory. The first mon-
idler is slowing down as ostable (IC2A) of IC2, which com-
well.) The conveyor jam prises pins 1 through 7, is configured
sensor head installation as a retriggerable monostable, and
is shown in Fig. 1. the leading edge of its output pin 6
is used to trigger the second mon-
Design description ostable (IC2B), which comprises
The circuit diagram of pins 9 through 15. LED1 and LED2
the conveyor jam detec- are system status indicators wired
tor is shown in Fig. 2. It to the output of the first and second
is built on a dual preci- monostable, respectively. RC timing
sion monostable mul-
tivibrator HCF4538B Parts List
that offers stable retrig-
gerable/resettable one- IC1 - LM7812, 12V voltage
Fig. 1: Conveyor jam sensor head installation shot operation for any regulator
IC2 - HCF4538B dual monostable
T1 - BC547 npn transistor
LED1, LED2 - 5mm LED
D1 - 1N4007 rectifier diode
1 IC1 3 C4 100n
R4 100K Resistors (all 1/4-watt, ±5% carbon):
LM7812 C3
C1 R1, R2, R4 - 100-kilo-ohm
100u 2 VR2 1M R3, R6 - 2.2-kilo-ohm
25V 1 16 C5
63V Cx1 VDD
R5 - 10-kilo-ohm
RxCx(1) Cx2 VR1, VR2 - 1-mega-ohm potmeter
R1 100K
3 14 Capacitors:
RESET(1) IC2 RxCx(2)
T1 CON4 C1 - 100µF, 63V electrolytic
D1 VR1 1M BC547 C2 - 1µF, 25V electrolytic
1u,25V HCF4538B 13
1N4007 4
+TR(1) RESET(2) C3 - 100µF, 25V electrolytic
−TR(1) +TR(2)
12 OUT C4 - 100nF ceramic disk
R2 100K 6 11
R5 C5 - 10µF, 25V electrolytic
Q1 −TR(2) 10K
7 10 GND Miscellaneous:
CON1 R3 Q1 Q2
CON1 - 2-pin terminal connector
FOR CON2 2.2K 8
Vss 9
16V − FOR SJ1
Q2 CON2-CON4 - 2-pin connector
R6 - 16V-24V unregulated power
24V CON3 2.2K supply
SENSOR - 16-pin IC base
IN - SN04-N inductive proximity
- 4N25 opto-coupler (optional)
(All these are available from kitsnspares.com)
Fig. 2: Circuit diagram of conveyor jam detector
his simple delay timer circuit is
used to prevent noise and spike
in electrical equipment before
switching on the main input supply.
Most electrical appliances powered by
230V AC mains produce large voltage
spikes when the power is switched
on. The voltage spike also affects low-
power electronic circuits. Hence, noise
suppression and spike protection are
very important. One of the easiest
solutions is to use a power-on delay
circuit that switches on the electronic
circuit after a few seconds. Fig. 1: Author’s prototype
The author’s prototype is shown in
Fig. 1. Block diagram of the power-on The output is built
delay timer circuit is shown in Fig. 2. around triac BT139,
which can switch
Circuit description up to 16-ampere AC
Circuit diagram of power-on delay load. The maximum
timer circuit is shown in Fig. 3. It is 16-ampere current
built around a timer NE555 (IC1), means we can have
60 per cent as opti-
mum current, that
Parts List
is, up to 9.6 amperes
Semiconductors: (or 16×0.6=9.6
IC1 - NE555 timer
IC2 - 4017B decade counter amperes). The opti-
IC3 - MOC3041 optotriac mum load will be
Triac1 - BT139/BTA12 triac Fig. 2: Block diagram of the power-on delay timer 2 20 V × 9 . 6 A = 211 2
BR1 - 1A, bridge rectifier
watts. The triac is trig-
Resistors (all 1/4-watt, ±5% carbon), unless stated
otherwise: decade counter 4017B (IC2), opto- gered by optotriac MOC3041 (IC3).
R1 - 100-ohm, 0.5W triac MOC3041 (IC3), triac BT139 Optotriac has the advantage of trig-
R2-R5 - 10-kilo-ohm (TRIAC1), a 100-kilo-ohm preset gering 230V AC power by itself and
R6 - 330-ohm, 0.5W
(VR1) and a few other components. providing circuit isolation.
R7 - 1.5-kilo-ohm
R8 - 150-ohm, 0.5W Timing accuracy is achieved by DC power for this circuit is derived
R9 - 1-mega-ohm using decade counter 4017B. NE555 from step-down transformer X1,
VR1 - 100-kilo-ohm preset IC is used as a bistable oscillator. bridge rectifier BR1 and capacitors C3
Capacitors: VR1 preset is used to vary the tim- and C4. Resistor R2, capacitor C5 and
C1 - 100µF, 25V electrolytic
C2, C3, C6 - 0.1µF ceramic disk ings from 0.1-sec to 1-sec pulse in preset VR1 are timing components for
C4 - 1000µF, 25V electrolytic NE555 IC. When the main power is NE555 IC. You can change the delay
C5 - 4.7µF, 25V electrolytic switched on, 4017B starts counting time (0.1 to 1-sec) of this circuit by
C7 - 0.01µF, 400V ceramic disk
the pulses received from NE555. The varying VR1.
CON1, CON2 - 3-pin terminal connector output pulses from NE555 are fed During power-on, clock enable
MOV1 - 270V metal oxide varistor to clock input pin 14 of 4017B. As a pin 13 (CLK EN) and pin 11 (Q9) of
X1 - 230V AC primary to 9V, result, 4017B gets breezed and its ten 4017B are in low states. Each output of
300mA secondary
outputs (Q0 through Q9) become high 4017B goes high one by one after each
- Heat-sink for triac sequentially. Output pin 11 (Q9) of clock pulse. When Q9 goes high with
(All these are available from kitsnspares.com) 4017B goes high at 10th pulse received tenth pulse, CLK EN also goes high.
from NE555. This stops the counting process in
ccording to the World Health want to use their expensive phones hands near the IR sensor module,
Organization (WHO) guide- near washbasins. So, it becomes dif- the sensor detects your hands. The
lines, people need to wash ficult to keep a check on time for the detection makes the sensor to send a
their hands with soap and water at handwashing procedure. low pulse signal to pin 2 of the NE555
least for 20 seconds to get rid of any Here is a low-cost and simple timer to trigger it. This activates
virus. Although you have a stopwatch solution that uses a timer at the heart NE555, and its output pin 3 goes high
on phones, wristwatches, and other of the circuit. NE555 timer is used for 20 seconds. The flush LED1 con-
electronic devices, it is not convenient in monostable mode along with an nected to pin 3 of NE555 glows for 20
to use them. Also, some people do not IR sensor to trigger it. The FC-51 IR seconds. During this time, you can
sensor module has an inbuilt wash your hands until LED1 turns off.
CON2 transmitter and receiver. Also, a buzzer can be connected to pin
When you stand in front of 3 of IC1 for audio indication.
R3 4 8
180K RESET Vcc POWER the washbasin and place your The whole circuit can be assem-
R2 IC1 O/P
10K NE555 FOR 5V
5 1
16V LED1
Make A Simple Capacitive Touch Amal Mathew S.C.
ertain shortcuts on your key-
board such as copy, paste or
print can definitely simplify
your work. And what if you can create
these different keyboard operations
on your own? Have you ever thought
about this?
This simple DIY project explains
how you can make a portable device
that performs different keyboard
operations like copy and space bar.
It is a small single keypad device
that works on Arduino and capaci-
tive touch sensor. The sensor can be
made using any metallic object like
aluminium foil, coin, etc. The author’s Fig. 1: Author’s prototype wired on a breadboard
prototype wired on a breadboard is
shown in Fig. 1. sensor library in Arduino IDE. The
Hardware components include library turns two or more Arduino
Arduino Micro, 1-mega-ohm resistor, pins into a capacitive sensor, which POWER USB
jumper wires, and aluminium foil. can sense the electrical capacitance COIL
Arduino Micro is the smallest of the human body. Capacitive sensor IOREF
board of the family of ATmega32U4 can detect anything that is conductive RST 13
Arduino. It is easy to integrate with or that has a significantly different per- 3.3V
everyday objects to make them inter- mittivity than air, such as the human GND 10
active. It is based on the ATmega32U4 body or hand. Vin 8
built-in USB, which makes the Micro 1-mega-ohm resistor. If you are using 7
6 B
recognisable as a mouse or keyboard. a different resistor value, use the pro-
A0 5
Note that you can use only the Ardui- gram (capturing_sensor_value.ino) to A1 4
A2 3
no boards that use ATmega32U4 such find the sensor value before uploading A3 2
are shown in Fig. 3. resistor, at every touch, the sensor Amal Mathew is an
Whenever you touch the sensor, value goes up by 1000. So, a condi- electronics hobbyist
the value increases. With 1-mega-ohm tion statement in Arduino sketch is
7 billion dollars). The schemes will GITEX Technology Week World-class technology event. Technology GITEX
September 27-October 1, 2020 leaders, enterprises and startups from Website: www.gitex.com
help offset the disability of domestic Dubai World Trade Centre around the world come together to show the
electronics manufacturing and hence future of every business and every industry
strengthen the electronics manufac- OSI Days Mega technology show with multiple events EFY Enterprises Pvt Ltd
turing ecosystem in the country. October 8-9, 2020 including expositions, conference and Website: www.opensourceindia.in
Nimhans Convention Centre, seminars
The promotion of electronics Bengaluru
manufacturing has been a key Engineering Design Show UK’s only event entirely dedicated to Engineering Design Show
component of the Make in India October 14-15, 2020 engineering, electronics and embedded Website: www.engineeringdesignshows.
programme. It is to be noted here The Ricoh Arena, Coventry design co.uk
that India’s production of electron- 3rd Automotive World Exhibition and conference for advanced Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd
October 21-23, 2020 automotive technologies including Website: www.automotiveworld-nagoya.jp
ics grew from 29 billion dollars in Portmesse Nagoya, Japan electronics, smart factory and robotics
2014 to 70 billion dollars in 2019. The Light + LED Expo India 2020 Will have Future Zone for innovative Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India Private
growth in mobile phone manufactur- December 3-5, 2020 products, Solar Zone, and Launch Zone for Limited
ing, in particular, has been remark- Pragati Maidan, New Delhi new products Website: www.in.messefrankfurt.com
Email: deepak.bohara@india.
able during this period. messefrankfurt.com
Tata Power to develop 120MW solar project in Gujarat Entrepreneur First and IIT Kanpur to support aspiring
Tata Power has announced that Tata Power Renewable Energy Lim- entrepreneurs
ited (TPREL), the company’s wholly-owned subsidiary, has received a Entrepreneur First (EF) and Foundation for Innovation and Research in
Letter of Award from Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Limited (GUVNL) to de- Science and Technology (FIRST), a section 8 company promoted by the
velop a 120MW solar project in Gujarat. The energy will be supplied to Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK), have joined hands to build
GUVNL under a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), valid for a period a supportive ecosystem for aspiring tech entrepreneurs. This partner-
of 25 years from scheduled commercial operation date. The project is ship will facilitate the journey for exceptional and talented individuals
required to be commissioned within eighteen months from the date of who aspire to start tech ventures. EF will support the process of finding
execution of the PPA. Tata Power’s renewable capacity will increase to a co-founder at the very early stage of a startup and close mentorship
3,457MW, out of which 2,637MW is operational, and 820MW is under on the idea and business model, and pre-seed investment. The startups
implementation, including 120MW won under this letter of intent. formed will have an opportunity to access the IITK business incubator.
Webee joins Lora Alliance for industrial IoT adoption Tesla signs battery supply deal with Panasonic
Webee Corporation has announced that it has joined LoRa Alliance to As per a report by Reuters, Tesla has signed a three-year pricing deal
advance the deployment of IoT and AI solutions, offering a next-gen with Japan’s Panasonic Corporation in relation to the manufacture
no-coding toolset for manufacturing, agriculture, and supply chain and supply of lithium-ion battery cells at the Gigafactory in Nevada, as
operations. LoRa Alliance is a non-profit association that enables per a filing by the carmaker. The report says that Tesla and Panasonic
large scale deployment of Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) have been in talks to expand the battery joint venture’s capacity. The
IoT through the development and promotion of LoRaWAN open report adds that deal is effective from first April of this year. It sets
standard. Webee is a technology company that has developed a the terms for production capacity commitments by Panasonic and
no-coding visual approach in building complex AI, IoT, and computer purchase volume commitments by Tesla over the first two years of the
vision applications. agreement.
growing complexities of datasets, the “The infrared LED market is line to build products and surface-
need to reduce high healthcare costs, anticipated to witness significant mount technology (SMT) lines for
improving computing power and growth over the coming period TV motherboards. It will soon start
declining hardware costs. The report owing to ongoing technological manufacturing some of its Internet of
adds that a growing number of cross- advancements, high demand from Things (IoT) products. The company
industry partnerships and collabora- the automotive sector, as well as has also launched its new product
tions, and rising imbalance between rising adoption of CCTV and surveil- strategy called 1+4+N.
health workforce and patients are lance cameras across the industrial Madhav Sheth, Realme India
pushing the need for improvised sector,” reads the report. CEO, says that the company will soon
healthcare services. Since infrared LED is used in start manufacturing some of the AIoT
As per the report, a big factor for combination with different types of products in India. Sheth further adds
the growth is the adoption of this sensors, it is now becoming common that the company plans to increase
technology by multiple pharmaceu- in the Internet of Things (IoT) appli- its local workforce strength (at the
tical and biotechnology companies cations as well as M2M (machine- facility) to 10,000 in India by the
globally to expedite vaccine or drug to-machine) environments. Apart end of this year. The new strategy,
development processes for Covid-19. from these, the IR LED is used in he said, will help the company fur-
The report mentions that a major applications such as smoke detec- ther enhance smartphone and AIoT
restraint for the market is the reluc- tor, transmission system, infrared product portfolios. The company
tance among medical practitioners to applied systems, optoelectronic is also expanding its distribution
adopt AI-based technologies and lack switch, industrial equipment, and channels to tier-IV and V towns and
of a skilled workforce. The report adds infrared remote-control devices. will hire more than 5,000 sales team
that the microprocessing unit (MPU) For end-use, the infrared LED members.
processor segment is expected to hold market is bifurcated into consumer The strategy works on three
the largest share in AI in healthcare electronics, retail, aerospace and foundations. The first is ‘1 Core,’
in 2020. defence, healthcare, automotive, under which Realme smartphones
industrial, BFSI, and education. will be at the core of its AIoT eco-
Infrared LED market The industrial end-use segment system. The second foundation of
growing faster due to held a market share of over fifteen the strategy is ‘4 smart hubs,’ which
technological advancements per cent in 2019 owing to the grow- has been further divided into four
The infrared LED market is set to grow ing adoption of CCTV and surveil- sub-categories—smart TVs, smart
from its current market value of more lance cameras in the manufactur- earphones, smartwatches, and
than 500 million dollars to over one ing process. smart speakers. The third founda-
billion dollars by 2026, as reported tion is ‘N AIoT products,’ under
in the latest study by Global Market Realme to set up SMT lines which Realme plans to launch
Insights, Inc. The infrared LEDs are for TV motherboards lifestyle products and accessories.
utilised in cameras, remote controls in India This will range from in-car chargers,
for televisions, as well as in several Realme India has said that it is backpacks, luggage cases to smart
other types of electronic devices. investing in a complete production home gadgets.
ission-critical applications Kavach, an advanced intrusion detec- for defence as well as commercial
require technologies that tion system that provides accurate areas like airports, these offerings
can be utilised in real time animal, object, and human detection also cater to autonomous vehicles
with high reliability and accuracy. for complete situational awareness and mobility perception, crowd con-
Any sort of failure or defect in the in areas like the Indo-Pak border in trol and people counting, and indus-
function of systems deployed for Kashmir. The merit is that there is little trial automation. The company has
such applications can have disastrous chance of false alarms, and identifying recently introduced an AI platform
consequences. Founded in 2015 by humans, animals, or objects becomes called Innovace that utilises several
Tushar Chhabra, Saurav Agarwala, easy. In 2016, the Indian Border Secu- thermal sensing cameras integrated
and Tomer Katzenellenbogen, defence rity Force (BSF) installed several of with LiDAR to continuously scan and
technology startup CRON Systems cre- these laser walls at hostile areas along detect people with high temperatures
ates end-to-end encrypted solutions to the country’s western border. in public places such as airports,
solve convoluted security problems at Apart from ground intrusion, 3D malls, and hotels. A person with a
India’s borders. sensing also helps in the detection of normal body temperature appears as
The startup tries to bridge the gap drones or unmanned aerial vehicles a green dot in the system, while those
between fragmented sensing solutions (UAVs). Besides this, the team has also with higher temperatures appear as
market and field requirements by designed SenseEdge, a software with red ones. Movements of red dots are
providing intelligent sensing that inte- advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and then constantly tracked within the
grates multiple sensors to perceive the machine learning-based perception, coverage zone, and it has an alarm
environment even in harsh weather prediction, and planning features. option if any dot is found within a
and terrain conditions through its The startup is backed by strategic few feet of a green dot, representing a
Smart Sensor Fusion platform. Using partners and investors—YourNest healthy individual.
this technology, the company has built Venture Capital, Techstars Adelaide, —Deepshikha Shukla
2 Going Green
with EV charging
he automobile sector has seen aged for residential, corporate, and
a huge increase in the develop- industrial purposes. AC slow charging
ment of vehicles that run on stations developed by the company
clean fuels. In India, the growth of enable charging of three EVs at a time.
electric vehicles (EVs) is on the rise. The AC chargers operate on three-
Yet, one of the main reasons why phase input and deliver power ranging
people willing to invest in a cleaner from 3.3kW to 14.5kW. The AC Type
option for mobility are holding back 2 chargers range from 7kW to 22kW.
is range anxiety arising from lack of In DC fast-charging stations, a
enough charging stations. single module provides an output of
To overcome this hurdle, startup 5kW (24V 200A), which can be paral-
Meras Plugins was established in 2017 leled with four other units at a time to
to develop advanced charging solu- achieve 25kW. These fast chargers are ly-built algorithm schedules charg-
tions and public charging infrastructure integrated with multiple communica- ing for maximum utilisation of grid
across India. Founded by Vivek Swa- tion protocols (CHAdeMO, CCS, and resources. Our flexible control system
mynathan, Ragavendra Ravichandra, GB/T), which makes them compatible provides us with a network that can
Satheesh Venkatachalam, and Raghav- with all types of EVs. be connected to various systems and
endra TS, it is currently incubated with These are compliant with Bharath devices for information exchange.
IIT Madras Research Park (RTBI). standard (AC001 and DC001) and Energy management software and
Ragavendra Ravichandran, co- equipped with a complete protection mobile app will further help people to
founder, Meras Plugins, says, “We function to ensure robustness, reliabil- adopt EVs.”
started with an aim to promote a ity, and security. Additional features When it comes to future plans,
shift towards e-mobility, which helps include mobile app integration for Ravichandran says, “In April 2020, we
in reducing carbon footprints. The connecting to the cloud and allow- participated in Open Charge Alliance
company was running as a bootstrap ing users to spot the nearest charge plugfest along with leaders in the EV
startup until the development of proto- stations, Wi-Fi or GSM-based cloud sector globally to test the efficiency of
types. The fully developed prototypes interaction, RFID-based user authen- our charging station and charging man-
were tested at IIT Madras battery tication, and hassle-free payments. agement system. Besides supporting
centre for various parameters includ- The startup has also built an IoT- EV manufacturers through delivering
ing a smart feedback communication based, scalable automotive telematics high quality, algorithm-driven charg-
system. Our chargers, which have platform with the latest cloud-based ers, we also aim to be a significant
been sold to Amaron batteries, Acad- technologies to gain valuable infor- contributor in transforming the EV
emy of EV technology, have shown mation (such as vehicle tracking, fuel sector by setting up comprehensive
promising results in comparison to metrics, and driver efficiency) and charging infrastructure with our future
other standard chargers.” analytics in real time. The platform proof cloud solutions. Being the first
The company offers charge stations is capable of handling millions of company to test OCPP 2.0.1 from India,
that enable easy charging on the go. events per second and can be used to the company is currently focusing on
The chargers operate on power ranging optimise the overall cost in the system. further international expansion.”
from 3.3kW to 50kW and can be lever- Ravichandran adds, “The optimal- —Ayushee Sharma
hile growth of the Internet anywhere via mobile phones. With fully autonomous electric vehicle (EV)
and its access to the masses lockdowns imposed in various nations to make transportation of local goods
has made it possible for due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the more accessible, including groceries,
e-commerce businesses to start in need has grown further. prescription drugs, dry cleaning, and
different parts of the world, it is the Nuro, a 2016 startup founded by much more.
reliable delivery service that has been Dave Ferguson and Jiajun Zhu, aims to For self-driving, the vehicle uses its
the backbone of these flourishing utilise technologies like robotics and onboard sensors (like high-definition
businesses today. From food and med- artificial intelligence (AI) for common cameras, radar, ultrasonic sensors,
icines to clothes and other consumer well-being. The team has designed, and audio sensors) to provide a 360-
essentials, items can be ordered from prototyped, and extensively tested a degree live image of the surrounding
he scarcity of clean water metic, nano-engineered, and micro-
and its access is affecting the nano structure patterned surfaces.
entire human population, be Modular water purifier cartridges
it directly or indirectly. Along with remove undesirable impurities present
natural causes like droughts, reasons in water. Re-mineralisation cartridges
like the rising population and global then add essential minerals (calcium,
warming are hugely responsible for magnesium, iron, copper, potassium,
adding to this pressure. Clean, fresh, sodium, selenium, zinc, cobalt, vana-
and safe water is not only essential dium, and molybdenum) to purified
for drinking but also for food pro- water in a sustainable and controlled
duction, besides other important Ramesh Kumar, and Ankit Nagar in manner.
uses. Indian cities, too, will run out 2017, raised a seed fund from Engi- The cost is significantly less than
of or contaminate groundwater and neers India Limited (EIL) under the that of currently available bottled
surface water resources completely Startup Fund scheme. mineral water. As these units can run
in a few years, if proper measures are Their environmentally sustainable on off-grid solar panel systems, these
not taken. device, atmospheric water generator are highly beneficial in remote or rural
This is where an IIT Madras-incu- (AWG) unit, captures moisture avail- areas where water cannot be made
bated company VayuJal Technologies, able in ambient air. The units are available due to issues like financial
which aims to translate advanced made with patented surface engineer- constraints. Energy consumption of
technologies for social good came up ing technology, energy-efficient unit solar products is low, which makes
with a unique solution to deliver clean design, and mineralisation technology them suitable for commercial pur-
water suitable for drinking and other that expands their water collecting poses, thereby boosting the renew-
day-to-day purposes on-demand, that efficiency. The moisture is condensed able energy sector. The water quality
is, when and wherever required with and collected into a tank. The con- complies with BIS - IS 2012 and all
quality assurance. The team, consist- denser is made using nanotechnology necessary World Health Organization
ing of founders Thalappil Pradeep, incorporated products such as biomi- (WHO) standards, and maintenance is
griculture is one of the most
important industries in the xNode devices
farming IoT sensors
world that not only provides
food but also raw materials for other xNode uses a LoRa
industries like textiles. Still, it is connection to stay
connected up to a
plagued by several issues, both natural distance of 1km away
and man-made, that make life difficult from your xSense Compatible
Battery sensors
for the farmers. xNode has a long battery You can pair the
xFarm, an agtech startup in life. You will have to xNode to dozens
recharge it only after of different sensors
Milano, was founded in 2017 out one year! based on your needsn
diversi in base alle tue
of Matteo Vanotti‘s need to use a necessitu00e0
digital service to manage his family’s
agricultural company in an efficient
manner. He was joined by Salvatore
Ferullo, the company’s CEO and Resistant - IP67 No SIM Connected with xFarm
Martino Poretti, head of Research and The xNode devices are designed to xNode devices do not need a xNode devices communicate
be positioned in the field and for this SIM card as they use the LoRa directly with your xFarm account
Development. The company aims to reason they are IP67 certified, i.e., connection to send all the data to and allow you to view data easily,
protected against the ingress of dust the nearest xSense station as well as use it for advanced
create a comprehensive digital plat- and water resistant to a depth of 1m features
form using the Internet of Things (IoT)
to help farmers and others save time
while working. advanced functionalities, including Besides farmers, target customers
The ecosystem provided by them forecast models, telemetry, finance include associations, cooperatives,
includes an agricultural application management, and precision fertilisa- contractors, dealers, agronomists,
that works both on mobile and desk- tion for improved work efficiency and insurances, and the like. For those
top platforms, dashboard analytics to productivity. As the modules use a employing several workers for their
manage multiple farms, and a line of LoRa wireless system, it is easy to con- farms, staff management options are
connected IoT sensors optimised for nect up to a hundred devices within an available to streamline the process.
agricultural use that can communicate approximate range of ten kilometres These customers can keep track of
via the Internet directly with users’ on the same network without high market prices for different crops as
accounts. battery consumption. well as analyse and manage their com-
xSense weather stations and This enables farmers to track pany’s financial statements.
sensors that are necessary to track activities and analyse local and reli- The mobile version available for
weather data and environmental able data, monitor crops, obtain per- Android version 5.0 and above is free
parameters come with SIMs so that sonalised recommendations for their without in-app purchases. Sensors and
users can send data via GSM to the plots to plan optimal crop schedules, advanced modules have to be bought.
software. The application provides improve irrigation and fertilisation, In the past few years, many other IoT-
up to thirteen free functions like protect plantations, and more. The based startups like Auroras, MotorLeaf,
recording treatments and processes information provided under the envi- Swinesmart, FieldIn, and Cowlar have
in the field, tracking movements and ronment tab is made simple to under- also started investing in agriculture and
transport, viewing the position of stand with the help of graphs and dairy industries. The ultimate goal is
fields and crops, managing warehouse images. Using telemetry, it becomes the same, that is, to aid people in this
inventory, among others. simple to control the performance of sector and thereby boost the economy
Premium xNode smart mod- vehicles, send prescription maps, and and well-being of individuals.
ules, when paired with sensors, add allocate fuel expenses. —Deepshikha Shukla
echnology has been going through The primary objective of 5G is increas-
an endless revolution for the past ing data speed while also reducing the
couple of years. It has transformed cost of operations in terms of per GB
our lives and several industrial sectors in cost. 5G will escort innovative business
various ways. Telecommunication is one of models, thereby providing state-of-the-art
the major sectors that has benefitted greatly applications to individuals and scores of
from new technologies. Mobile Internet has sectors such as industrial, commercial,
played a huge role in uplifting the popular- educational, healthcare, agricultural, and
ity of smartphones among every age group. social. All these sectors require a faster
It all started from 2G, then moving onto and uninterrupted network that can be
3G and 4G, and now it has entered a new offered by only 5G.
phase, 5G. The 5G network furnished with
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Ayushee Sharma
Visit: https://www.vizexperts.com; Full version: Paid
GeorbIS is a 3D GIS (Geospatial intelligence) platform for visualisation, analysis,
and development of data. The software helps to enhance the planning process of
defence and paramilitary forces through several ways, such as the area of interest
visualisation, real-time sensor data integration, terrain analysis, among others.
Besides following global symbology standards like the MIL 2525D, it is OGC
certified and also compatible with MIL symbology used by the Indian military
along with support for the Indian Military Grid Reference System (IMGRS). It
also helps in making intelligent decisions when it comes to forest management,
oceanography, and disaster management.
Voyager CommandTRACKER
Visit: http://www.salientcrgt.com; Full version: Paid
(Credit: www.salientcrgt.com/
Voyager CommandTRACKER is an incident and asset management system that provides real-
time awareness about the location of mobile users and assets, be it in vehicles or on foot via
tracking of GPS-enabled portable and mobile radio units. ‘Always On’ geo-fencing alerts and
notifications get triggered as assets enter or leave defined areas. Integration of third-party GPS
devices to other existing applications or systems enables easy sharing of data amongst command
staff, communications specialists, and emergency operations managers for management across
multiple locations.
UgCS for DJI Mgrs & Utm Map 100% Army Fit
Updated: June 2020 Updated: April 2020 Updated: November 2019
OS: Android and iOS OS: Android and iOS OS: Android and iOS
Download: Full version (free) Download: Full version (free) Download: Full version
UgCS for DJI allows users to establish Mgrs & Utm Map was developed to (free)
a connection between DJI drones (like mainly help military personnel with 100% Army Fit app by the
Phantom 4, Inspire 2, Spark) with GPR GPS and coordinate systems. The app British Army is a training
mounted on them and UgCS desktop uses satellite navigation systems such as and fitness tool built for
(version 3.5 or higher) ground station for GPS, GALILEO, and GLONASS (GNSS) prospective recruits who
are preparing for an assess-
uploading and carrying out a previously supported by smartphones and their sen-
ment, or even those who iOS
planned mission, or to fly the drone in sors to show the most accurate position
wish to achieve the fitness
‘Click&Go’ mode. This enables ground- of the user. There are several location
level of military personnel. It allows users
penetrating radar (GPR) surveys in harsh/ (coordinate) format options, including
to track their goals, which include train-
hazardous environments without compro- MGRS, UTM, or Latitude/Longitude. The ing curated by fitness coaches for losing
mising the security of team members. It centre of the map also follows user loca- weight, increasing muscular strength,
can also be used as a standalone applica- tion while on the move, which enables improving distance running performance,
tion for manually flying drones. Other fea- measurements of distance, altitude, area, and the like. Training plans can be custom-
tures include Live HD camera view, home and the like. It can even assist users with ised based on the user’s requirements. The
position reset, flight simulation, support outdoor activities and sports. app also offers nutrition advice to ensure
for metric and imperial units, and so on. that exercises deliver expected results.
Military Flashlight
Android iOS Android iOS Updated: February 2020
OS: Android
Download: Full version
Military flashlight app Android
Military News allows users to simply swipe
Updated: March 2020 for a strobe light and has different strobe
OS: Android light blinking frequencies, including Morse
Download: Full version (free) code SOS signal as well as a standard com-
Military news app provides the latest news in the field of military/ Android pass dial. Only smartphone camera access
defence taking place around the world by analysing numerous news is needed for rear flash operation. It caters
stories and breaking news from reliable news publishers. Updates on military programmes to all military lovers, veterans, soldier
and such technologies as for military gear and equipment that are happening globally are families, and personnel. Users can also
also provided regularly. This includes notifications for breaking new stories and videos personalise the torch with different colours
for a better understanding of different situations. Other features include a bookmarking (depicting Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air
system for future reference, news sharing options, and much more. The latest version Force, and Coast Guard). The ad-free ver-
sion of this app is paid.
comes with a username update option and other improvements for optimisation.
EFY Bureau
32-inch models:
` 12,999
Smart TVs
43-inch models:
` 21,999
Earbuds Notebook
With extra bass With better audio quality
Sony has launched its first-ever truly wireless earbuds in Acer has expanded its notebook series by launching Swift 3
India—WF-SP800N and WF-XB700. The earbuds are avail- notebook in India. It is available in a silver colour variant. It
able in black and blue colour options for XB700 and black, sports a 35.5cm (14-inch) full HD IPS display with 82.73 per
blue, and white colour options for SP800N. cent screen-to-body ratio. The notebook is powered by AMD
WF-SP800N earbuds are part of the sports-focused Ryzen 4000 series mobile processor coupled with Radeon
range of personal audio products. These come with active graphics, 16GB RAM, and 1TB storage space.
noise cancellation and IP55-certified dust and water resist- It also features DTS audio for better audio performance
ance. These earbuds are an excellent option for users who and Windows Hello via a fingerprint reader. It comes with a
are looking for premium features in true wireless ear- Wake on Voice (WoV) feature that enables users to activate
phones. Windows 10 using their voice even when the screen is off.
The earbuds have a battery life of nine hours and an It also allows users to interact with Cortana when the note-
additional nine hours from the case. These also feature quick book is on the standby mode. There’s also password-free
charging that brings an hour of use with ten minutes of charg- access, which gives users quick access to the notebook.
ing. There are gesture controls on the earbuds, access to voice As far as connectivity is concerned, the notebook fea-
assistants, app-based customisation through the Sony Head- tures support for dual-band Wi-Fi-6 (802.11 ax), USB Type-C
phones Connect app, and USB Type-C charging. port, and Bluetooth 5.0, among other things. It comes with
WF-XB700 earbuds a battery that can last up to eleven hours.
Price are part of the compa-
` 18,990 ny’s ‘extra bass’ range.
XB700: ` 9,990
These feature an IPX4
water resistance rating
and up to eighteen ` 59,999
hours of battery life.
The earbuds get sup-
port for SBC and AAC
Bluetooth codecs. The
charging case features
a USB Type-C port.
Refrigerators Smartphone
With AI-enabled technology With dewdrop notch
Panasonic has launched a new range of artificial intelligence (AI) enabled refrigera- Oppo A11K comes with a full-
tors in India. The new refrigerator range has three types of sensors. screen display with a dewdrop
The door sensor senses how frequently the door is opened to understand a fam- notch on the top centre. The
ily’s needs to automatically switch between the power saving mode to other power phone has a 15.8cm (6.2-inch)
modes. The temperature sensor detects the internal and external temperatures to display with HD resolution and
determine and adjust to the required cooling power without human intervention. 270ppi pixel density. It runs on
The light sensor, on the other hand, adjusts the temperature as per ambient light. Android 9.0-based ColorOS 6.1.
Additionally, these refrigerators come with AG Clean technology, which the For performance, Oppo A11K
company claims can deactivate up to 99.9 per cent of bacteria to keep food fresh relies on MediaTek Helio P35
and healthy. The new range comes with twenty per cent extra storage space with a octa-core processor coupled with
35-litre vegetable box.
starts at
` 22,900
With GPS positioning chip Price
` 64,990
Huami has launched Amazfit Stratos 3 smartwatch in India for athletes and sports
enthusiasts. It features a dual-chip and dual operating system. The smartwatch pro-
vides up to fourteen days of battery life. It comes with a GPS tracker and transflec- 2GB RAM and 32GB built-in stor-
tive MIP display with a 3.4cm full-round display. It is available with Corning Gorilla age. The phone supports expand-
Glass 3 protection and anti-fingerprint coating. able storage up to 256GB via a
The wearable has built-in activity profiles like ultra-endurance mode, exercise microSD card slot. It is powered
effect (TE), exercise load (TD), and recovery time data. It comes with eighty differ- by a 4,230mAh battery.
ent sports modes, includ- Oppo A11K has two rear
ing snowboarding, skiing, cameras featuring 13MP and 2MP
outdoor skating, fencing, sensors. The cameras come with
karate, and more. a bunch of modes such as AI
The smartwatch incor- beautification, bokeh, HDR, and
porates a three-mode/ photo filters. For selfies, it has a
four-satellite GPS position- 5MP front-facing camera. Other
ing chip, which provides key features of the phone include
increased speed and dual-SIM support, dual 4G, and
trajectory accuracy. It also a dedicated fingerprint sensor on
the back.
` 13,999 comes with internal music
storage of up to 400 songs.
The prices, features and specifications are based on information provided to us, or as available on various websites and portals. EFY cannot vouch for their accuracy.
he invention of intel-
ligent toilets has
been creating quite
a ripple across the
globe, considering
their smart capabilities to gather
insights into public health and
diseases. A few months back,
Numi 2.0, an advanced intel-
ligent toilet, was recognised in
the smart home category at the
2020 International Consumer
(Credit: www.watergroup.com)
Electronics Show (CES) Awards
held in Las Vegas.
Talking about India, the state
of public toilets is in a deplorable
condition. Maintenance and sus-
tainability of public toilets are
among the biggest challenges
across the country. Despite their
several benefits, not many are
aware of smart toilets. The intel-
ligent toilet is still an untapped have access to safe and private toilets reported that over 95 million toilets
area, and this technology is yet till date. This is not a case that one have been built across the country. The
to hit the mainstream in the witnesses only in remote villages, but pressing problem is the upkeep and
country. also in the cities. It is a major concern maintenance of these toilets. There is
This article explores how for the country as human waste breeds no mechanism to provide clear insights
intelligent toilets can help in various diseases and contributes to into water usage, hygiene conditions,
mitigating the most neglected environmental pollution that kills infectious diseases, the number of
issues concerning public toilets. nearly one thousand children each people using the toilets, etc. In such
day. To contain the matter, the Swachh a scenario, utilising the Internet of
Public toilet challenges Bharat Mission was launched by Prime Things (IoT) enabled technologies can
in India Minister Narendra Modi on October bring effectiveness in the whole opera-
It is undeniable that poor public 2, 2014, which has made India open tion and change the perception about
sanitation is one of the major defecation-free to a large extent. Indian public toilets.
concerns in India. Many do not Under the mission, it has been Toilet maintenance is indeed com-
some mid-range
with powerful battery
and processor
Nijhum Rudra the mid-range phones along with other to produce cracks on falling, so you
new features. should avoid buying such phones.
Before we move to the variety of Display. If you want to buy a
m a r t p h o n e s a re smartphones, we would first like to men- phone for just checking emails, social
considered to be one tion the qualities you should look for networking, and clicking photos, you
of the biggest inno- before buying a smartphone: can choose a 12-14cm (approx. 5 to 5.5
vations in the field Processor. A processor is considered inches) HD or full HD display phone.
of technology and to be the backbone of every device, and If you want a phone to stream videos,
have truly transformed the lives therefore a good chipset is also required edit photos and videos, or download
of people in several ways. With- for the smooth functioning of your phone. and view movies, a 14-15cm (approx.
out any doubt, India is one of But, you must note that the processing 5.5 to 6 inches) full HD or QHD resolu-
the fastest-growing smartphone power of a smartphone differs from one tion display would be a perfect choice.
markets worldwide. The country product to another due to various reasons Optical sensor. When we talk about
has several brands under its belt such as user interface (UI), bloatware, optical sensors, many people have a
that are available in various price operating system (OS), and more. If you misconception that high megapixels
segments along with the latest want to use your phone for heavy-duty mean better quality pictures, which is
specifications. From the budget purposes such as gaming and editing not the case. A high megapixel might
category to high-end premium photos and online documents, you should help you get a non-pixelated picture,
and flagship smartphones, there opt for Qualcomm Snapdragon 652 or but that doesn’t guarantee a crystal-
are several choices available in Snapdragon 820/821. But if you are a clear image. Several specifications,
the market. light user, you can go for any phone with such as camera aperture, ISO levels,
Smartphones have almost a good MediaTek processor. pixel size, autofocus, and more, need
become mini-computers for Battery. It is the second most impor- to be considered. Most importantly,
people as these help them to tant criterion for buyers, especially for you will have to check the quality of
stream online videos along those who spend most of their time on the camera lens being used. Leica or
with carrying out official work. phones every day. If you stream OTT plat- Sony optical sensors always give you
Keeping in mind the demand forms and play games, you need a smart- the best photos.
of people, phones are avail- phone with at least 3,500mAh battery. Now, let’s have a look at some mid-
able with powerful features and If you are an average user, a 3,000mAh range and premium smartphones with
specifications such as 6GB RAM, backed phone is good for you. However, it powerful batteries, processors and other
2TB expandable storage, high also depends on the quality of the battery important features:
internal storage options, power- that a company uses. Also, you should Nokia 7.2. Launched at the IFA
ful optical sensors, and so on. check the battery backup time carefully. trade show in 2019, Nokia 7.2 is backed
But for the past one and a Phone body. It is another important by an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdrag-
half years, people are demanding criterion that you must look for before pur- on 660 chipset. The phone
phones with powerful battery chasing a smartphone. Nowadays, phones features a 16cm (6.3-inch)
and processor. While the former are available in both plastic and metallic touchscreen coupled with
helps to use the device more, the bodies, and some devices even have glass- a resolution of 1080×2340
latter helps in running the device coated panels. If you are someone who pixels. It is powered by a
seamlessly. Hence, companies keeps dropping the phone, you should go 3,500mAh non-removable
are now introducing powerful for metal or plastic built handset. Glass battery with fast charging
batteries and processors even in body phones, on the other hand, are sure options. Along with 4GB
RAM, the smartphone has an internal Asus Zenfone 5Z. The Asus
storage of 64GB that is expandable ZenFone 5Z comes with a 15.7cm
up to 512GB. It features three rear (6.2-inch) display with full HD+ reso-
cameras—a 48MP primary camera, a lution and 19:9 aspect
second 5MP camera, and a third 8MP ratio. It is powered by
camera. The front camera sports a Snapdragon 845 proces-
20MP sensor for selfies. sor that is clocked at
Price: ` 16,999 2.8GHz. It features 6GB
Samsung Galaxy A31. This pre- RAM and 64GB internal
mium A series smartphone was storage, which is fur-
launched by Samsung in India on ther expandable up to
24th March. With a resolu- 2TB. The phone runs on
tion of 1080×2400 pixels Android 8.0 Oreo with ZenUI 5 on
and 20:9 aspect ratio, the top. It sports a dual-camera setup at
phone is available in a the back—a 12MP primary camera
16cm (6.4-inch) display. and an 8MP secondary camera with
The phone is backed by a wide-angle lens. At the front, it has
a 2GHz octa-core Medi- an 8MP selfie camera. The phone is
aTek Helio P65 processor powered by a 3,300mAh battery along
that features two cores with 18W fast charging support. It is a
clocked at 2GHz, and six cores clocked dual SIM device with a hybrid SIM slot
at 1.7GHz. For battery backup, the and support for Dual 4G and VoLTE.
phone is powered by a 5,000mAh bat- Price: ` 16,999 (6GB+64GB),
tery along with support for fast charg- ` 18,999 (6GB+128GB)
ing. The phone operates on the latest Panasonic Eluga Ray 810. This
Android 10 OS. It features 6GB RAM Panasonic smartphone comes with
and an internal memory option of a 15.7cm (6.2-inch)
128GB that is expandable up to 512GB touchscreen. The
via an SD card. As far as the cameras phone is backed by a
are concerned, the phone features a MediaTek Helio P22
48MP primary camera, a second 8MP chipset and is powered
camera, a third 5MP camera, and a by a 4,000mAh battery.
fourth 5MP camera. It sports a 20MP It sports a 16MP prima-
camera on the front. ry camera and a second
Price: ` 21,999 2MP camera. On the front, it sports a
Samsung Galaxy M31. The Sam- 16MP camera for selfies. It features
sung Galaxy M31 features a 16.2cm 4GB RAM and 64GB internal storage.
(6.4-inch) display and a waterdrop Price: ` 8,499
notch at the top. It has Moto G8 Power Lite. It is a com-
thin bezels around plete budget smartphone launched
the AMOLED display, by Motorola in April this
which helps it stand year that comes with
out among the com- a powerful battery, an
petition. The Galaxy efficient processor, and
M31 is comfortable to many more features.
hold but a little heavy Along with a resolution
at 191gm. The weight of the smart- of 720×1600 pixels at
phone is mainly due to the 6,000mAh a density of 269 pixels
battery. The phone is equipped with per inch (ppi) and an aspect ratio
Exynos 9611 SoC and 6GB RAM. It of 20:9, the phone comes with a
has two storage variants to choose 16.5cm (6.5-inch) display. It is
from—64GB and 128GB. The Galaxy backed by a 2.3GHz octa-core Medi-
M31 is a dual SIM device with support aTek Helio P35 (MT6765) chipset.
for 4G as well as VoLTE. It has a quad- It operates on Android 9 and is
camera setup at the back with a 64MP powered by a 5,000mAh non-remov-
primary camera. It also houses 8MP able battery. The phone features a
ultra-wide-angle camera, 5MP macro 16MP+2MP+2MP rear camera and
camera, and 5MP depth sensor. an 8MP selfie camera.
Price: ` 18,499 Price: ` 8,999
Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College Bidar.........................................................................87 Shavison Electronics Pvt Ltd (www.shavison.com)...............................................................85
Hasco Relays & Electronics International Corp. (www.hascorelays.com).............................31 Siglent Technologies Co., Ltd..................................................................................................9
Batteries & Power Supplies Smec Electronics India Pvt Ltd............................................ 88 LWI Electronics Inc. ............................................................ 23
Montu Electronics LLP ........................................................ 89 STMicroelectronics Private Limited ...................................... 5 TME SLOVAKIA .................................................................... 7
Sakthi Accumulators Private Ltd ......................................... 89 TME SLOVAKIA .................................................................... 7
LWI Electronics Inc. ............................................................ 23 element14 India Pvt Ltd ....................................... Front Cover Training and Certification Institutes
Samwha India Energy Saving............................................. 11 Hasco Relays & Electronics International Corp................... 31 Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College Bidar....................... 87