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SV-43922 SV-43922

고3 수능특강 고3 14강
수능특강 영어

1. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?1)(14-1) 3. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?3) (14-1)

① Rejecting any academic training they ② had Rejecting any academic training they had experienced,
experienced, Monet and the other Impressionists Monet and the other Impressionists believed that their
believed that their art, with its objective methods of art, with its objective methods of painting what they
painting what they saw before them, ③ was more saw before them, was more sincere than SV-43922
any academic
sincere than any academic art. They all agreed that art. They all agreed that ____________________ or what
they aimed to capture their sensations or what they they could see as they painted. These sensations
could see as they painted. These sensations included included the flickering effects of light that our eyes
the flickering effects of light that our eyes capture as capture as we regard things. In complete contrast to
we regard things. In complete contrast to the the Academie, the Impressionists painted ordinary,
Academie, the Impressionists painted ordinary, modern modern people in everyday and up-to-date settings,
people in everyday and up-to-date settings, ④ made making no attempt to hide their painting techniques.
They avoided symbols or any narrative content,
no attempt to hide their painting techniques. They
preventing viewers from reading a picture, but making
avoided symbols or any narrative content, preventing
them experience their paintings as an isolated moment
viewers from reading a picture, but making them ⑤
SV-43922 in time. SV-43922
experience their paintings as an isolated moment in
① they should adhere strictly to the classical subjects
② the emotional impact of art was paramount
③ painting outdoors was undesirable
④ they should paint their immediate impressions
⑤ art needed to convey a moral lesson
2. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적
절하지 않은 것은?2)(14-1) 4. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?4) (14-1)

① Rejecting any academic training they had Rejecting any academic training they had experienced,
experienced, Monet and the other Impressionists Monet and the other Impressionists believed that their
believed that their art, with its objective methods of art, with its objective methods of painting what they
painting what they saw before them, was more ② saw before them, was more sincere than SV-43922
any academic
sincere than any academic art. They all agreed that art. They all agreed that they aimed to capture their
they aimed to capture their sensations or what they sensations or what they could see as they painted.
could see as they painted. These sensations included These sensations included the flickering effects of light
that our eyes capture as we regard things. In complete
the flickering effects of light that our eyes capture as
we ③ regard things. In complete ④ conformity to the contrast to the Academie, the Impressionists painted
Academie, the Impressionists painted ordinary, modern ordinary, modern people in everyday and up-to-date
people in everyday and up-to-date settings, making no settings, making no attempt to hide their painting
techniques. They avoided symbols or any narrative
attempt to hide their painting techniques. They avoided
content, preventing viewers from reading a picture, but
symbols or any narrative content, ⑤ preventing viewers
from reading a picture, but making them experience
SV-43922 ① focused on capturing the essenceSV-43922 of the subject
their paintings as an isolated moment in time.
through elaborate frames
② emphasized the use of dark, somber tones to convey
③ making them experience their paintings as an
SV-43922isolated moment in time
④ insisted on the importance of historical accuracy in
their depictions
⑤ prioritized the portrayal of mythical creatures and
ancient gods

2025년 수능특강 영어 - 1 -

이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.

PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT 2025년 수능특강 영어 고3 수능 내신 만점대비

5. SV-43922
다음 글을 아래와 같이 요약할 때, 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어 6. SV-43922
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?6)(14-1)
갈 말로 알맞게 연결된 것은?5)(14-1)
Rejecting any academic training they had experienced,
Rejecting any academic training they had experienced, Monet and the other Impressionists believed that their
Monet and the other Impressionists believed that their art, with its objective methods of painting what they
art, with its objective methods of painting what they SV-43922
saw before them, was more sincere than any academic
saw before them, was more sincere than any academic art. They all agreed that they aimed to capture their
art. They all agreed that they aimed to capture their sensations or what they could see as they painted.
sensations or what they could see as they painted. These sensations included the flickering effects of light
These sensations included the flickering effects of light that our eyes capture as we regard things. In complete
that our eyes capture as we regard things. In complete contrast to the Academie, the Impressionists painted
contrast to the Academie, the Impressionists painted ordinary, modern people in everyday and up-to-date
ordinary, modern people in everyday and up-to-date SV-43922
settings, making no attempt to hide their painting
settings, making no attempt to hide their painting techniques. They avoided symbols or any narrative
techniques. They avoided symbols or any narrative content, preventing viewers from reading a picture, but
content, preventing viewers from reading a picture, but making them experience their paintings as an isolated
making them experience their paintings as an isolated SV-43922
moment in time.
moment in time. ① The importance of academic training in developing
⇩ artistic techniques.
The Impressionists, including Monet, (A) __________ ② The influence of modern technology on Impressionist
academic norms, aiming instead to directly capture painting methods.
fleeting sensations and light effects in everyday ③ The focus of Impressionist art on capturing transient
settings, emphasizing (B) ____________ experiences over moments and sensations.
narratives to engage viewers in the transient moments
④ The preference for mythical and historical subjects in
Impressionist artwork.
portrayed in their artworks.
⑤ The emphasis on dark and somber tones in
(A) (B)
Impressionist paintings.
① rejected deferred
② adopted instant SV-43922
③ dismissed postponed
④ embraced prompt 7. 다음 주어진 글에 이어질 순서로 알맞은 것은?7)(14-1)
⑤ refused immediate
Rejecting any academic training they had experienced,
Monet and the other Impressionists believed that their
art, with its objective methods of painting what they
saw before them, was more sincere than any academic
SV-43922 SV-43922

(A) In complete contrast to the Academie, the

Impressionists painted ordinary, modern people in
everyday and up-to-date settings, making no
attempt to hide their painting techniques.

(B) They avoided symbols or any narrative content,

preventing viewers from reading a picture, but
making them experience their paintings as an
isolated moment in time.
SV-43922 SV-43922
(C) They all agreed that they aimed to capture their
sensations or what they could see as they painted.
These sensations included the flickering effects of
SV-43922 light that our eyes capture as we regard things.

① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A)

④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

2025년 수능특강 영어 - 2 -

이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.

PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT 2025년 수능특강 영어 고3 수능 내신 만점대비

8. SV-43922
다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오8)(14-1) 10. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 SV-43922
낱말의 쓰임이 적
절하지 않은 것은?10)(14-2)
Rejecting any academic training they had experienced,
Monet and the other Impressionists believed that their Plants assess when they need to be competitive and
art, with its objective methods of painting what they when it is more prudent to be ① collaborative. To
saw before them, was more sincere than any academic SV-43922
make this kind of decision, they weigh the energy cost
art. They all agreed that they aimed to capture their relative to the benefit for improved growth and
sensations or what they could see as they painted. persistence. For example, although a plant would
These sensations included the flickering effects of light generally attempt to grow taller than a closely situated
that our eyes capture as we regard things. In complete neighbor for preferential access to sunlight, if the
contrast to the Academie, the Impressionists painted neighbor is already significantly taller and the race is
ordinary, modern people in everyday and up-to-date likely to be ② lost, the plant will temper its
settings, making no attempt to hide their painting competitive ③ instinct. That is, plantsSV-43922
compete only
techniques. They avoided symbols or any narrative when competition is needed to improve their ability to
content, preventing viewers from reading a picture, but support their own growth and reproduction and has
making them experience their paintings as an isolated some likelihood of success. Once competition ④
moment in time. SV-43922
withholds the needed results, they ⑤ cease competing
① The Impressionists aimed to paint their immediate and shift their energy to living. For plants, competition
sensations and the effects of light. is about survival, not the thrill of victory.
② Impressionist paintings focused on ordinary people
and contemporary settings.
③ Impressionists used detailed narratives and symbols
to enrich their paintings.
④ SV-43922
The Impressionists valued authenticity over academic SV-43922
art conventions. 11. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?11) (14-2)
⑤ Impressionist art invites viewers to experience rather Plants assess when they need to be competitive and
than interpret the scenes depicted. when it is more prudent to be collaborative. To make
this kind of decision, they weigh the energy cost
relative to the benefit for improved growth and
persistence. For example, although a plant would
9. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?9)(14-2) generally attempt to grow taller than a closely situated
neighbor for preferential access to sunlight, if the
Plants assess when they need to be competitive and neighbor is already significantly taller and the race is
when it is more prudent to be collaborative. To make likely to be lost, the plant ___________________. That is,
kind of decision, they weigh the energy cost plants compete only when competitionSV-43922is needed to
relative to the benefit for improved growth and improve their ability to support their own growth and
persistence. For example, ① although a plant would reproduction and has some likelihood of success. Once
generally attempt to grow taller than a closely ② competition yields the needed results, they cease
situated neighbor for preferential access to sunlight,SV-43922
if competing and shift their energy to living. For plants,
the neighbor is already significantly taller and the race competition is about survival, not the thrill of victory.
is likely ③ to be lost, the plant will temper its ① will increase its leaf production to block sunlight
competitive instinct. That is, plants compete only when from reaching the neighbor
competition is needed to improve their ability to ② will temper its competitive instinct
support their own growth and reproduction and has ③ decides to invest more in root growth to access
some likelihood of success. Once competition yields more nutrients
④ needed results, they cease competing and ⑤ ④ immediately gives up and stops growingSV-43922
shifting their energy to living. For plants, competition is ⑤ starts producing toxic substances to harm the
about survival, not the thrill of victory. neighbor


2025년 수능특강 영어 - 3 -

이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.

PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT 2025년 수능특강 영어 고3 수능 내신 만점대비

다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?12) (14-2) 14. SV-43922
다음 글을 아래와 같이 요약할 때, 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들
어갈 말로 알맞게 연결된 것은?14)(14-2)
Plants assess when they need to be competitive and
when it is more prudent to be collaborative. To make Plants assess when they need to be competitive and
this kind of decision, they weigh the energy cost when it is more prudent to be collaborative. To make
relative to the benefit for improved growth and SV-43922
this kind of decision, they weigh the energy cost
persistence. For example, although a plant would relative to the benefit for improved growth and
generally attempt to grow taller than a closely situated persistence. For example, although a plant would
neighbor for preferential access to sunlight, if the generally attempt to grow taller than a closely situated
neighbor is already significantly taller and the race is neighbor for preferential access to sunlight, if the
likely to be lost, the plant will temper its competitive neighbor is already significantly taller and the race is
instinct. That is, plants compete only when competition likely to be lost, the plant will temper its competitive
is needed to improve their ability to support their own
instinct. That is, plants compete only when competition
growth and reproduction and has some likelihood of is needed to improve their ability to support their own
success. Once competition yields the needed results, growth and reproduction and has some likelihood of
they cease competing and shift their energy to living. success. Once competition yields the needed results,
For plants, ____________________, not the thrill of victory. they cease competing and shift their energy to living.
① energy conservation becomes the top priority For plants, competition is about survival, not the thrill
② growth is primarily for reproduction of victory.
③ sunlight is the most critical resource ⇩
④ collaboration is always the preferred approach Plants strategically choose between competition and
⑤ competition is about survival collaboration based on energy costs and benefits for
growth, (A) ____________ their competitive instincts when
SV-43922 SV-43922
unlikely to succeed, demonstrating that their (B)
_________ in competition is driven by survival needs
13. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?13) (14-2) rather than the pursuit of victory.

Plants assess _________________________. To make this kind
(A) (B)
of decision, they weigh the energy cost relative to the ① tempering avoidance
benefit for improved growth and persistence. For ② moderating engagement
example, although a plant would generally attempt to ③ adjusting withdrawal
grow taller than a closely situated neighbor for ④ intensifying detachment
preferential access to sunlight, if the neighbor is ⑤ aggravating involvement
already significantly taller and the race is likely to be
the plant will temper its competitive instinct. That SV-43922
is, plants compete only when competition is needed to
improve their ability to support their own growth and
reproduction and has some likelihood of success. Once
competition yields the needed results, they cease SV-43922
competing and shift their energy to living. For plants,
competition is about survival, not the thrill of victory.
①the need for pollination and the presence of
② the exact composition of the soil and the availability
of nutrients
③ SV-43922
the intensity of the sunlight and the amount of SV-43922
water available
④ when they need to be competitive and when it is
more prudent to be collaborative
⑤ the changes in temperature and their impact SV-43922 on

2025년 수능특강 영어 - 4 -

이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.

PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT 2025년 수능특강 영어 고3 수능 내신 만점대비

다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?15)(14-2) 17. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 SV-43922
들어가기에 가장
Plants assess when they need to be competitive and 적절한 곳은? (14-2)

when it is more prudent to be collaborative. To make That is, plants compete only when competition is
this kind of decision, they weigh the energy cost needed to improve their ability to support their own
relative to the benefit for improved growth and SV-43922
growth and reproduction and has some likelihood of
persistence. For example, although a plant would success.
generally attempt to grow taller than a closely situated
neighbor for preferential access to sunlight, if the
Plants assess when they need to be competitive and
neighbor is already significantly taller and the race is
when it is more prudent to be collaborative. ① To
likely to be lost, the plant will temper its competitive
make this kind of decision, they weigh the energy cost
instinct. That is, plants compete only when competition
is needed to improve their ability to support their own
relative to the benefit for improvedSV-43922growth and
persistence. ② For example, although a plant would
growth and reproduction and has some likelihood of
generally attempt to grow taller than a closely situated
success. Once competition yields the needed results,
neighbor for preferential access to sunlight, if the
they cease competing and shift their energy to living.
neighbor is already significantly taller and the race is
For plants, competition is about survival, not the thrill
likely to be lost, the plant will temper its competitive
of victory.
instinct. ③ Once competition yields the needed results,
① The vital role of sunlight in plant growth.
they cease competing and shift their energy to living.
② Plants' ability to make strategic decisions based on
④ For plants, competition is about survival, not the
environmental cues.
thrill of victory. ⑤
③ The importance of soil nutrients for plant
④ SV-43922
How plants use water more efficiently than their SV-43922
⑤ The impact of plant height on reproductive success.
18. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오18)
Plants assess when they need to be competitive and
when it is more prudent to be collaborative. To make
16. 다음 주어진 글에 이어질 순서로 알맞은 것은?16)(14-2) this kind of decision, they weigh the energy cost
Plants assess when they need to be competitive and relative to the benefit for improved growth and
when it is more prudent to be collaborative. persistence. For example, although a plant would
generally attempt to grow taller than a closely situated
(A) SV-43922
That is, plants compete only when competition is neighbor for preferential access to sunlight,
SV-43922 if the
needed to improve their ability to support their neighbor is already significantly taller and the race is
own growth and reproduction and has some likely to be lost, the plant will temper its competitive
likelihood of success. instinct. That is, plants compete only when competition
is needed to improve their ability to support their own
(B) To make this kind of decision, they weigh the growth and reproduction and has some likelihood of
energy cost relative to the benefit for improved success. Once competition yields the needed results,
growth and persistence. For example, although a they cease competing and shift their energy to living.
plant would generally attempt to grow taller than a For plants, competition is about survival, not the thrill
closely situated neighbor for preferential access to of victory.
sunlight, if the neighbor is already significantly taller ① Plants engage in competition for resources such as
and the
SV-43922 race is likely to be lost, the plant will sunlight. SV-43922
temper its competitive instinct. ② A plant will cease competing if it determines the
effort is futile.
(C) Once competition yields the needed results, they
③ Competition among plants is always for the thrill of
cease competing and shift their energy to living.
For plants, competition is about survival, not the SV-43922
④ Plants assess the energy costs and benefits before
thrill of victory. deciding to compete.
① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ⑤ Once achieving their goal through competition,
④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A) plants focus on growth and living.

2025년 수능특강 영어 - 5 -

이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.

PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT 2025년 수능특강 영어 고3 수능 내신 만점대비

다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?19)(14-3) 21. SV-43922
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?21) (14-3)

Mechanisation also speeded up vertical movement. Mechanisation also _________________. Stairs and ramps
Stairs and ramps were traditionally how you went up were traditionally how you went up and down, so few
and down, so ①few buildings in frequent use buildings in frequent use exceeded five stories. The
exceeded five stories. The Otis Company, ② founded SV-43922
in Otis Company, founded in 1853 in New York, changed
1853 in New York, ③ changed all that with the all that with the invention of the safety elevator (safe
invention of the safety elevator (safe because it locked because it locked the car in place should the cables
the car in place should the cables fail) ④ that made fail) that made taller buildings possible. Escalators came
taller buildings possible. Escalators came later bringing later bringing greater capacity to move more people
greater capacity to move more people over shorter over shorter vertical distance: they made their debut,
vertical distance: they made their debut, and were a and were a sensation, at the 1900 Paris Exposition.
sensation, at the 1900 Paris Exposition. With elevators
With elevators and escalators, cities could now spread
and escalators, cities could now spread underground, underground, with deep basements, subways, and
with deep basements, subways, and tunnels, and tunnels, and upwards, with high-rise buildings, as well
upwards, with high-rise buildings, as well as outwards. as outwards. The modern cityscape — of which
The modern cityscape — ⑤ which Manhattan is still the SV-43922
Manhattan is still the iconic exemplar — was created.
iconic exemplar — was created. ① simplified architectural designs
② increased the cost of urban development
③ reduced the importance of urban spaces
④ speeded up vertical movement
⑤ enhanced the aesthetic appeal of cities

SV-43922 SV-43922
20. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적
22. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?22) (14-3)
절하지 않은 것은?20)(14-3)
Mechanisation also speeded up vertical movement.
Mechanisation also speeded up ① horizontal
movement. Stairs and ramps were traditionally how you SV-43922
Stairs and ramps were traditionally how you went up
and down, so few buildings in frequent use exceeded
went up and down, so few buildings in frequent use
five stories. The Otis Company, founded in 1853 in
② exceeded five stories. The Otis Company, founded
New York, changed all that with the invention of the
in 1853 in New York, changed all that with the
safety elevator (safe because it locked the car in place
invention of the safety elevator (safe because it locked
should the cables fail) that made taller buildings
the car in place should the cables ③ fail) that made
possible. Escalators came later bringing greater capacity
taller buildings possible. Escalators came later bringing
greater capacity to move more people over shorter
________________________________: they made their debut,
and were a sensation, at the 1900 Paris Exposition.
vertical distance: they made their debut, and were a ④
With elevators and escalators, cities could now spread
sensation, at the 1900 Paris Exposition. With elevators
underground, with deep basements, subways, and
and escalators, cities could now spread underground,
tunnels, and upwards, with high-rise buildings, as well
with deep basements, subways, and tunnels, and
as outwards. The modern cityscape — of which
upwards, with high-rise buildings, as well as outwards.
Manhattan is still the iconic exemplar — was created.
The modern cityscape — of which Manhattan is still the
① to enhance the structural integrity of buildings
⑤ iconic exemplar — was created.
② to move more people over shorter vertical distances
③ to reduce the time spent in transit between floors
④ to decrease the reliance on electrical energy
SV-43922 SV-43922
⑤ to increase the aesthetic appeal of interior spaces


2025년 수능특강 영어 - 6 -

이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.

PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT 2025년 수능특강 영어 고3 수능 내신 만점대비

다음 글을 아래와 같이 요약할 때, 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들 24. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?SV-43922

어갈 말로 알맞게 연결된 것은?23)(14-3)

Mechanisation also speeded up vertical movement.
Mechanisation also speeded up vertical movement. Stairs and ramps were traditionally how you went up
Stairs and ramps were traditionally how you went up and down, so few buildings in frequent use exceeded
and down, so few buildings in frequent use exceeded SV-43922
five stories. The Otis Company, founded in 1853 in
five stories. The Otis Company, founded in 1853 in New York, changed all that with the invention of the
New York, changed all that with the invention of the safety elevator (safe because it locked the car in place
safety elevator (safe because it locked the car in place should the cables fail) that made taller buildings
should the cables fail) that made taller buildings possible. Escalators came later bringing greater capacity
possible. Escalators came later bringing greater capacity to move more people over shorter vertical distance:
to move more people over shorter vertical distance: they made their debut, and were a sensation, at the
made their debut, and were a sensation, at the SV-43922
1900 Paris Exposition. With elevators and escalators,
1900 Paris Exposition. With elevators and escalators, cities could now spread underground, with deep
cities could now spread underground, with deep basements, subways, and tunnels, and upwards, with
basements, subways, and tunnels, and upwards, with high-rise buildings, as well as outwards. The modern
high-rise buildings, as well as outwards. The modern SV-43922
cityscape — of which Manhattan is still the iconic
cityscape — of which Manhattan is still the iconic exemplar — was created.
exemplar — was created. ① The evolution of transportation methods in the 19th
⇩ and 20th centuries
The invention of the safety elevator by the Otis ② Mechanization's Role in Shaping Expansive Vertical
Company in 1853 and later the escalator (A) __________ and Horizontal Urban Landscapes.
urban architecture, enabling the development of ③ The history of the Paris Exposition and its
high-rise buildings and (B)_________________ underground technological innovations SV-43922
spaces, thus shaping the modern cityscape exemplified ④ The development of subways and tunnels in New
York City
by Manhattan.
⑤ The role of traditional building methods in modern
(A) (B)
① preserved expansive SV-43922architecture
② transformed narrow
③ revolutionized extensive
④ stagnated restricted 25. 다음 주어진 글에 이어질 순서로 알맞은 것은?25)(14-3)
⑤ innovated insignificant
Mechanisation also speeded up vertical movement.

SV-43922 SV-43922
(A) With elevators and escalators, cities could now
spread underground, with deep basements, subways,
and tunnels, and upwards, with high-rise buildings, as
well as outwards. The modern cityscape — of which
Manhattan is still the iconic exemplar — was created.
(B) Stairs and ramps were traditionally how you went
up and down, so few buildings in frequent use
exceeded five stories. The Otis Company, founded in
1853 in New York, changed all that with the invention
of the safety elevator (safe because it locked the car in
place should the cables fail) that made taller buildings
SV-43922 possible. SV-43922
(C) Escalators came later bringing greater capacity to
move more people over shorter vertical distance: they
made their debut, and were a sensation, at the 1900
Paris Exposition.
① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A)
④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

2025년 수능특강 영어 - 7 -

이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.

PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT 2025년 수능특강 영어 고3 수능 내신 만점대비

글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 SV-43922
적절한 곳은? (14-3)

The Otis Company, founded in 1853 in New York,

changed all that with the invention of the safety
elevator (safe because it locked the car in place should
the cables fail) that made taller buildings possible.

Mechanisation also speeded up vertical movement. ①

Stairs and ramps were traditionally how you went up
and down, so few buildings in frequent use exceeded
stories. ② Escalators came later bringing greater SV-43922
capacity to move more people over shorter vertical
distance: they made their debut, and were a sensation,
at the 1900 Paris Exposition. ③ With elevators and
escalators, cities could now spread underground, with
deep basements, subways, and tunnels, and upwards,
with high-rise buildings, as well as outwards. ④The
modern cityscape — of which Manhattan is still the
iconic exemplar — was created.⑤

SV-43922 SV-43922
27. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오27)
Mechanisation also speeded up vertical movement.
Stairs and ramps were traditionally how you went up
and down, so few buildings in frequent use exceeded
five stories. The Otis Company, founded in 1853 in
New York, changed all that with the invention of the
safety elevator (safe because it locked the car in place
should the cables fail) that made taller buildings
possible. Escalators came later bringing greater capacity
SV-43922 SV-43922
to move more people over shorter vertical distance:
they made their debut, and were a sensation, at the
1900 Paris Exposition. With elevators and escalators,
cities could now spread underground, with deep
basements, subways, and tunnels, and upwards, with
high-rise buildings, as well as outwards. The modern
cityscape — of which Manhattan is still the iconic
exemplar — was created.

① The invention of the safety elevator enabled the

construction of taller buildings.
SV-43922 SV-43922
② The Otis Company was instrumental in changing how
buildings were designed and constructed.
③ Escalators were first introduced to the public at the
1900 Paris Exposition.
④ The majority of early buildings exceeded five stories
before the invention of the safety elevator.
⑤ The development of elevators and escalators allowed
cities to expand both vertically and horizontally.

2025년 수능특강 영어 - 8 -

이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.

PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT 2025년 수능특강 영어 고3 수능 내신 만점대비

[정답] 2025년 수능특강 영어 변형문제 14강

SV-43922 14) ② SV-43922
15) ② Plants' ability to make strategic decisions
1) ④
based on environmental cues.
2) ④ ①식물 성장에서 햇빛의 중요한 역할.
3) ④ they should paint their immediate impressions ②환경 단서를 바탕으로 전략적 결정을 내리는 식물의 능력.
SV-43922 ③식물 경쟁에서 토양 영양분의 중요성.
[지문변형] -원지문: they aimed to capture their sensations
④식물이 이웃 식물보다 물을 더 효율적으로 사용하는 방법.
①고전적인 주제를 엄격하게 고수해야 한다
⑤식물의 키가 번식 성공에 미치는 영향.
②예술이 주는 정서적 영향이 가장 중요했다
③야외에서 그림을 그리는 것은 바람직하지 않았다 16) ②
④즉각적인 인상을 그려야 한다
17) ③
⑤ 예술은 도덕적 교훈을 전달해야 한다
18) ③ Competition among plants is always for the
4): ③ making them experience their paintings as an
SV-43922 thrill of victory. SV-43922
isolated moment in time
①식물은 햇빛과 같은 자원을 얻기 위해 경쟁을 벌입니다.
①정교한 프레임을 통해 피사체의 본질을 포착하는 데 중점을 둠
②식물은 노력이 소용없다고 판단되면 경쟁을 중단합니다.
②분위기를 전달하기 위해 어둡고 침울한 톤의 사용을 강조
③식물 간의 경쟁은 항상 승리의 짜릿함을 위해 이루어집니다.
③그림을 고립된 시간의 한 순간으로 경험하게 함
④식물은 경쟁을 결정하기 전에 에너지 비용과 편익을 평가합니다.
④묘사에 있어 역사적 정확성의 중요성을 강조
⑤경쟁을 통해 목표를 달성한 식물은 성장과 생존에 집중합니다.
⑤신화 속 생물과 고대 신들의 묘사에 우선순위를 둠 SV-43922
19) ⑤
5) ⑤
20) ①
6) ③ The focus of Impressionist art on capturing
transient moments and sensations. 21) ④ speeded up vertical movement
①건축 설계의 단순화 ② 도시 개발 비용 증가 ③ 도시 공간의 중요성
①예술적 기법 개발에 있어 학문적 훈련의 중요성.
감소 ④ 수직 이동의 가속화 ⑤ 도시의 미적 매력 향상
②인상주의 회화 기법에 대한 현대 기술의 영향.
③일시적인 순간과 감각을 포착하는 데 중점을 둔 인상주의 예술. 22) ② to move more people over shorter vertical
④인상주의 예술 작품에서 신화적이고 역사적인 주제에 대한 선호.
SV-43922 SV-43922
⑤인상주의 회화에서 어둡고 침울한 색조를 강조한 것.
①건물의 구조적 무결성 향상 ② 더 짧은 수직 거리로 더 많은 사람 이
7) ④ 동 ③ 층간 이동 시간 단축 ④ 전기 에너지 의존도 감소
8) ③ Impressionists used detailed narratives and ⑤ 실내 공간의 미적 매력 증대.

symbols to enrich their paintings. 23) ③

①인상파 화가들은 즉각적인 감각과 빛의 효과를 그리는 것을 목표로 했 24) ② Mechanization's Role in Shaping Expansive
Vertical and Horizontal Urban Landscapes.
②인상주의 그림은 평범한 인물과 현대적인 배경에 초점을 맞추었습니
①19세기와 20세기 교통수단의 진화 ② 광대한 수직적, 수평적 도시 경
관을 형성한 기계화의 역할 ③ 파리 박람회의 역사와 기술 혁신 ④
③인상파 화가들은 상세한 내러티브와 상징을 사용하여 그림을 풍성하게
뉴욕의 지하철과 터널의 발전 ⑤ 현대 건축에서 전통 건축 기법의
④인상주의자들은 학문적 예술 관습보다 진정성을 중요하게 여겼습니다.
⑤인상주의 미술은 묘사된 장면을 해석하기보다는 감상자가 경험하도록 25) ③
유도합니다. SV-43922
26) ②
9) ⑤
27) ④ The majority of early buildings exceeded five
10) ④ stories before the invention of the safety elevator.
11) ② will temper its competitive instinct
SV-43922 ① 안전 엘리베이터의 발명으로 더 높은 건물을 지을 수 있게 되었습니
①햇빛이 이웃에 닿는 것을 차단하기 위해 잎의 생산을 늘릴 것이다
②경쟁 본능을 누그러뜨릴 것이다 ② 오티스 회사는 건물 설계 및 건설 방식을 바꾸는 데 중요한 역할을
③더 많은 영양분을 얻기 위해 뿌리 성장에 더 많이 투자하기로 결정한 했습니다.
다 ③ 에스컬레이터는 1900년 파리 박람회에서 대중에게 처음 소개되었습
④즉시 포기하고 성장을 완전히 멈춘다 니다.
⑤이웃을 해치기 위해 독성 물질을 생산하기 시작한다 ④ 안전 엘리베이터가 발명되기 전에는 대부분의 초기 건물이 5층을 넘
12) ⑤ competition is about survival
⑤ 엘리베이터와 에스컬레이터의 개발로 도시는 수직적, 수평적으로 확
①에너지 절약이 최우선이다
SV-43922 장할 수 있었습니다. SV-43922
②성장은 주로 번식을 위한 것이다
③햇빛은 가장 중요한 자원이다
④협업은 항상 바람직한 접근 방식이다
⑤경쟁은 생존을 위한 것이다

13) ④ when they need to be competitive and when

it is more prudent to be collaborative
①수분 필요성 및 수분 매개자의 존재
②토양의 정확한 구성과 영양분의 가용성
③햇빛의 강도와 사용 가능한 물의 양
④경쟁이 필요할 때와 협력하는 것이 더 현명한 시기
⑤기온의 변화와 그것이 성장에 미치는 영향

2025년 수능특강 영어 - 9 -

이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.

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