Applied Acoustics: Marco Caniato, Federica Bettarello, Paolo Bonfiglio, Andrea Gasparella
Applied Acoustics: Marco Caniato, Federica Bettarello, Paolo Bonfiglio, Andrea Gasparella
Applied Acoustics: Marco Caniato, Federica Bettarello, Paolo Bonfiglio, Andrea Gasparella
Applied Acoustics
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Article history: The acoustic performance of complex periodic structures is of paramount importance in sustainable con-
Received 25 February 2020 structions. Nevertheless, traditional numerical methodologies like progressive impedance models,
Received in revised form 30 March 2020 double-leaf theory or standard methodologies cannot offer reliable results, comparable to measurements.
Accepted 31 March 2020
Even complete modelling using Finite Element (FE) simulations may not provide good results, due to the
calculation of many variables and the consequent error propagation. For these reasons, in this paper an
extensive investigation of numerical approaches accuracy is proposed and applied to complex periodic
timber structures.
Transfer matrix method (TMM)
Simplified FEM
Transfer Matrix Modelling (TMM) method and simplified Finite Element simulations were used and
Timber buildings compared to traditional methodologies. In order to obtain reliable results, a complete material and build-
Porous materials ing element characterization is carried out.
Thick insulated walls Both transmission loss and radiation efficiency were computed in order to understand advantages and
limitations of all these methods. Results clearly show that Transfer Matrix Method combined to simpli-
fied Finite Element analysis is the best method as regards to accuracy of results and that is able to cor-
rectly compute these two parameters as a function of frequency.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0003-682X/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 M. Caniato et al. / Applied Acoustics 166 (2020) 107356
Available methodologies for acoustic simulation of transmission The last method deals with an analytical matrix approach,
loss and radiation efficiency can be summarized as follows: where many dedicated models could be introduced (when needed)
and solved in an all-inclusive model.
Empirical or Semi-empirical Standardized Models (ESSM) More specifically, TMM generally solves a two-dimensional
Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) problem related to the impact of a flat acoustic wave on the surface
Finite Element Method (FEM) of a structure composed of two or more layers. In general, the
Progressive Impedance (PI) method method can be described analytically as follows in Eq. (3):
Transfer Matrix Method (TMM).
VðS1 Þ ¼ ½T V ðS2 Þ ð3Þ
The first ones (ESSM) are related to single partition composi- The vector V(S1) represents all the variables necessary to define
tions and could not include geometrical or layering variations the acoustic indicators (pressure, stresses, velocity, etc.) present on
[6]. The unique general model is provided by ISO 12354-1 standard the surface S1, while the vector V(S2) contains the same descriptors
[7,8]. This model is based on the transmission coefficient s, which for the surface S2. Elements of matrix T depend on physical and
depends on the dimensions of the partition, on the forced wave mechanical parameters, related to each specific layer.
radiance factor, on the free wave radiance factor, on the critical fre- In other words, the transfer matrix [T] describes the full trans-
quency, on the vibration velocity and on the radiated sound power. mission of sound waves through the layered structure. The size of
All these parameters are a function of complex laboratory mea- this matrix depends on the nature of each layer, such as solid, fluid,
surements and thus they are not generally available. poroelastic or viscoelastic. The materials within the various cou-
Regarding the second and third ones, recent works managed to pled layers are assumed in the first instance to be infinite in the lat-
solve the problem using SEA [9–12] or FEM analysis [13–14] trying eral parts, but, in this way, there could be significant differences
to cover other possibilities, but with very limited results and between the measured values and those simulated, especially at
applications. low frequency. This has been avoided by using the window with
The finite element method (FEM) is the most commonly used finite limitations [20].
numerical prediction technique for solving engineering problems. Assuming that the layered structure is enveloped in a semi-
It solves the distribution of one (or several) field variable(s) in a infinite fluid on both sides, it is possible to describe the relation-
continuous domain, governed by an appropriate (set of) partial dif- ship between the complex transmission T and the complex reflec-
ferential equation(s) and boundary conditions. tion coefficient R as described in Eq. (4):
Quite recently [15], new simplified FEM approaches have been
proposed to reduce significantly computation time for periodic det½ðDn þ 1Þ
T ¼ ð1 þ RÞ ð4Þ
structures. In practice, if the geometry (for example a wall) can det½D1
be considered as a combination and repetition of the same unity
(usually called ‘‘unit cell”), numerical simulations are carried out being [Dn+1] and D1 matrices obtained from a complete matrix D
only on the unit cell using specific boundary conditions (Bloch- (combination of transfer matrix of each layer, coupling matrices
Floquet conditions for instance), applied to the lateral boundaries and proper boundary conditions) once columns n + 1 and 1 have
of the unit cell itself. been deleted.
The fourth one (PI theory [16]) generalizes the problem, starting The complex reflection coefficient R in Eq. (4) is defined as fol-
from the materials properties and including the 2D wave propaga- lows in Eq. (5):
tion. This method defines the surface acoustic impedance parame-
ter defined as follows in Eq. (1): Z s cos h Z 0
R¼ ð5Þ
Z s cos h þ Z 0
iz2 cot ðkc lÞ þ zc
z1 ¼ z c ð1Þ where Z0 = q0 c0 represents the characteristic impedance of the
z2 izc cot ðkc lÞ
fluid. This is a function of density q0 and speed of sound c0.
where z1 and z2 are the surface impedances at respectively x = 0 and Zs represents the surface impedance at the interface between S1
x = l of a layer, Zc is the complex impedance for dissipating materi- domain and Layer 1 and can be calculated as Eq. (6):
als and kc is the complex wave number.
If this model is applied to multi-layered systems, Eq. (1) is used Zs ¼ ð6Þ
for each individual interface and generalized in the following Eq.
(2): Finally, values of transmission coefficient are averaged over all
possible incidence angles and diffuse field sound transmission loss
izi1 cot kc li þ zic is calculated.
zi ¼ z c ð2Þ For these reasons, more effective methods, such as TMM, sim-
zi1 iz cot kc li plified FEM or a combination of them, need to be studied and val-
idated [21]. These methods have the advantage of not having to
where li is the thickness of every element constituting the completely redesign the geometry of the sample and of being able
composition. to include dedicated analytical methods focused on specific struc-
This method is widely utilized for systems involving porous or tures [22]. TMM approach has already been applied to metal
fibrous materials and in general for composite systems [17], used frame-structures and also to plasterboard double leaves walls
in the field of sound absorption. However, when the method is and massive partitions [23,24].
applied to transmission loss, the results are not always reliable TMM was successfully applied to (i) multi-layered infinite plate
because they tend to under or overestimate the impedance for [22], (ii) finite stiffened and orthotropic structures lined by porous
elastic materials such as wood, metals, etc. Furthermore, it fails materials in a multi-layered configuration [25], (iii) double fiber-
to take into account any resonance of the system or rigid or vis- board partitions and sandwich structures [26], (iv) sound absorp-
coelastic connections present in the composition [18,19]. Finally, tion prediction [27], (v) External Thermal Insulation Composite
no formulations, taking into account for structural connections System (ETICS) influence on masonry wall [28], but no application
(point or linear studs), are available to authors’ knowledge. to periodic structures is currently available. Some recent studies
M. Caniato et al. / Applied Acoustics 166 (2020) 107356 3
Fig. 3. Example of material characterization for OSB (left) and plaster (right). 1: Shaker, 2: Accelerometer, 3: tested beam.
mission loss TL is determined by adding a correction term to the At a final stage, additional layers are added in a new homoge-
transmission coefficient of the main structure without beams. nized TMM model (hTMM), where the bare wall has been replaced
According to this, timber frame beams can be considered as sound with the equivalent homogeneous plate, generally having a fre-
bridges, as described by Eq. (7): quency dependent Young’s modulus and loss factor, while the Pois-
son’s ratio is fixed in advance to a standard value.
Wi Wi
TL ¼ 10 log ¼ 10 log ð7Þ
W2 W 2;P þ W 2;B 2.5. Numerical: FEM simulations
where Wi is the incident power on the primary wall and W2 is the In the present section an overview of the simplified finite ele-
radiated power from the layering. It could be divided into two parts: ment model is given, as depicted in Fig. 9 for the bare panel.
the power W2,B radiated from the bending wave near field due to A 2D dimensional model was created for the simulation of the
the beam and the power W2,P due to the transmission through sound transmission loss. In particular:
the main structure (Fig. 7).
In order to investigate which procedure is more suitable to be The upper domain A represents a fluid domain (defined by den-
adapted to different partition components, various simulation sity and sound speed), where an incident sound pressure level
steps were taken: of 94 dB at each frequency of interest was applied. The lower
(B) represents the receiving semi-infinite fluid domain. Over
a. Once defined the elastic properties of the external shells the red line, the sound intensity in normal direction with
(OSB), the partition is modelled, as if the rigid connections respect the bare panel was averaged.
between the two external panels were not present. The domains related to OSB layers (horizontal yellow) and studs
b. The structural connections are inserted. (vertical orange) were modelled as elastic solids defined by
c. The glass wool and plaster are introduced (as poroelastic and standard mechanical properties (Young’s modulus, Poisson’s
elastic solids, respectively) in order to simulate the ETICS ratio and damping loss factor) and density.
construction. The domain related to internal mineral wool was modelled as a
poroelastic medium using Biot’s theory for poroelasticity [18].
In all the previous phases, the OSB panels are considered linear This model requires five physical parameters (airflow resistiv-
elastic solids. ity, open porosity, tortuosity and viscous and thermal charac-
Available formulations considering the structural links have teristic lengths) and mechanical properties.
been proposed mainly for lightweight partitions made of two lay- ETICS layering was modelled using an elastic solid for the plas-
ers of elastic solid (wood, plasterboard, metal, etc.) separated by ter and a poroelastic medium for the glass wool.
sound absorbing materials. When supplementary layers are added
(such for example ETICS systems), some limitation can arise due to The incident sound pressure (and thus the emitted sound inten-
not well-defined coupled conditions between main partition and sity) was investigated at each frequency of interest (in this case 9
added layer. To overcome this limitation, an alternative procedure frequency for each 1/3 octave band between 100 Hz and
can be used. 5000 Hz) and for equally-spaced 40 angle of incidence between
In particular, as a first stage the bare partition is modeled using 0° and 90°.
the standard TMM method described before (steps (i) to (iii)). Once For each frequency and angle of incidence h, the sound trans-
the transmission loss of the bare partition has been calculated, mission loss was calculated as Eq. (8) [46]:
such a partition is simulated as a unique layer (having the same
equivalent density) using a homogenization procedure, as TLðf ; hÞ ¼ Lp ðf ; hÞ LI ðf ; hÞ 6 ð8Þ
described in Ref. [28]. In practice, a frequency dependent Young’s
modulus of an equivalent linear viscoelastic solid has been deter- where Lp is the average sound pressure level in the source room, LI
mined, guaranteeing that its transmission loss was identical to is the sound intensity level of the receiving room, 6 is the adapta-
the one obtained with traditional TMM scheme of the complete tion term provided by standard.
wall (Fig. 8). Successively, an integration over all possible angles of incidence
was applied to numerical results and a spatial windowing function
[20] was used in order to calculate the diffuse field sound trans-
mission loss.
All the domains were meshed using quadratic tetrahedron ele-
ments (six elements per wavelength, referring to a maximum fre-
quency of 6000 Hz). Boundary condition of Floquet-Bloch theory
are applied to lateral dimension (left and right) [47–49].
2 0:5 2 !
2q0 c0 ðl1þ l2 Þfc
s¼ 2r f þ 2 forf < fc
2pfm0 2
l1 þ l2 f g
Fig. 7. Decoupled approach to taking into account structural link in TMM method.
6 M. Caniato et al. / Applied Acoustics 166 (2020) 107356
Fig. 8. Equivalent Young’s modulus for bare wall obtained from the homogenization process.
2 2
2q0 c0 p fc r The radiation efficiency r is of paramount importance for the
s¼ for f ffi fc ð10Þ
2pfm0 2 f g prediction models related to building acoustics. This parameter
defines the relation between the radiated sound power Wrad of a
2 moving partitions and the one hypothetically related to a rigid pis-
2q0 c0 p r2 ton with the same surface area S, moving with same mean square
s¼ for f > fc
2pfm0 2 g velocity [7,46] as Eq. (12):
W rad
where f is the frequency [Hz], fc is the critical frequency [Hz], g is r¼ ð12Þ
the global damping [-], m’ is the mass per unit area [m2] and l1 qo c0 Shv 2 i
and l2 are the linear dimension of the partition [m]. The radiation where q0 is the air density [kg/m3], c0 the speed of sound within the
factor for forced transmission rf is described by the following equa- fluid [m/s], S is the radiating surface area [m2] and hvi is the aver-
tions (11): aged values of measured velocity in the receiving side. In this equa-
tion, the Waterhouse correction has been applied [50], assuming
rf ¼ 0:5 lnðk0 ðl1 l2 Þ0:5 K the diffuse field approach and taking into account the boundary
effects as depicted in Eq. (13):
l2 l2 5l2 1
K ¼ 0; 964 0:5 þ ln þ ð11Þ A St k 0
pl1 l1 2pl1 4pl1 l2 k20 W rad ¼< p2 > 1þ ð13Þ
4qo c0 8V
1 where hpi is the averaged values of the sound pressure level in the
k0 ¼ 2pf
c0 receiving room [Pa], A is the absorption area [m2], V is volume of the
M. Caniato et al. / Applied Acoustics 166 (2020) 107356 7
Furthermore, in order to graphically compare trends, two- By carrying out numerical simulations using simplified FEM, the
populations Q-Q plots are used to identify the quantile influences. frequency behavior of the various layers was investigated. In
The square regression index r2 is calculated and reported. Fig. 17 left, the frequency trends of the numerical simulations are
reported, while in Fig. 17 right the simulated radiation efficiency
frequency trends are depicted.
3. Results
3.5. Empirical, semiempirical and standard models
In this section, the results of the performed tests and simulation
are presented. The calculated transmission loss frequency trends are reported
in Fig. 18, while the rbare,standard and rbare,ETICS,standard overlap the
3.1. Materials characterization measured ones.
The results of materials characterization are summarized in 3.6. Combination of simulation methodologies
Table 1.
Taking into account all the positive results obtained from the
presented analysis, a combination of methodologies usable for
3.2. Laboratory measurements the determination of transmission loss and radiation efficiency of
complex periodic structures is described below. This procedure is
The results obtained by the transmission loss test conducted in to be followed in order to raise the accuracy at the maximum level
the laboratory are used as a basis for the validation of the designed and thus to obtain the best predicted results, compared to simu-
models. The frequency trend is shown in Fig. 10, highlighting the lated ones:
typical resonance and coincidence zones for this type of partition.
In addition, vibration measurements were carried out on the a. The combined procedure can only be used as long as an
receiving wall side, using a dodecahedral source as exciting source acoustical and mechanical characterization of any single
in the emitting room. component is carried out. Only in this way, reliable result
In Fig. 11, the mean acceleration spectrum for the two kind of can be achieved. If these data are not available, they have
configuration is reported, highlighting the frequency trend mea- to be measured or found in literature. Particular attention
sured on the rigid connection and on the OSB panel. should be paid to the frequency dependency of some param-
The measured radiation efficiencies rbare,meas and rbare,ETICS,meas eters, characterizing the behavior of elements, such as
are reported in Fig. 12. Young’s Modulus or damping.
8 M. Caniato et al. / Applied Acoustics 166 (2020) 107356
Fig. 11. Mean acceleration spectrum for the two kind of configuration for bare wall (left) and bare wall plus ETICS (right).
Fig. 12. Comparison between measured radiation efficiency of the bare wall and with the ETICS adding.
M. Caniato et al. / Applied Acoustics 166 (2020) 107356 9
Fig. 14. Air-borne and structure-borne contribution to the overall sound transmission loss for the bare wall.
b. The exciting source must be identified for the determination Once the frequency trend of the transmission loss is obtained,
of the final parameter. an additional layer can be added. To this aim, two ways are possi-
ble. Again, if a parametric analysis is needed, it is preferable to use
For the bare structure, it could be chosen whether or not to the TMM. However, to avoid problems of intrinsic limits to this
perform the parametric analysis. If so, the use of the TMM method [30], it is necessary to homogenize the bare wall (hTMM).
method is preferable, since it can easily provide this type of As before, for the above mentioned reasons, the low frequency
study. However, since this procedure is analytical-energetic, it range can be covered more easily by the simplified FEM, which is
will not be able to provide a correct prediction at low and also used for the area inherent to the coincidence present on the
medium low frequency, due to the presence of structural reso- bare wall. In fact, since the additional layer modifies the structural
nances [18]. These effects are very present in the bare configu- propagation, intervening precisely on the frequency of coincidence
ration and are caused by the direct exposure of the supporting (Fig. 11), the simplified FEM is better suited to anticipate this phe-
structure to acoustic excitation. For this reason, at low and nomenon of structural nature. The frequency composition of the
medium-low frequencies (100 Hz160 Hz) the use of simplified results obtained by the combination of hTMM and simplified
FEM is to be preferred. The frequency composition of the trend FEM provides the final trend.
obtained by the simplified FEM and TMM provides final results The various steps to be followed for the determination of radi-
(Fig. 19 left). ation efficiency parameter are described and explained below.
10 M. Caniato et al. / Applied Acoustics 166 (2020) 107356
Fig. 15. Numerical TMM simulations for bare wall and ETICS system.
a. As for the transmission loss, the combination of numerical In Fig. 19, the whole procedure is graphically depicted and, in
simulations can only be used when the precise acoustic Fig. 20 the results for transmission loss are reported, highlighting
and mechanical characteristics of the involved elements the agreement between the measured results and the combination
are known. Only in this way, at some frequency reliable of numerical simulation approaches.
results can be achieved. If these data are not available, they
have to be measured or found in literature.
b. For the bare configuration, both methods have to be used to 3.7. Accuracy
obtain good frequency trend results. For low frequency
range, as for the transmission loss, the simplified FEM is As described in Section 2.7, the calculated standard deviation,
indicated, while for middle low and high frequency ranges the mean difference and the squared regression coefficient are
(2500 Hz–5000 Hz) the TMM has to be used. Unfortunately, reported in Table 2. Two-populations Q-Q plots considering two
for the layer addition, no numerical or analytic process could different groups are reported in Fig. 21 for transmission loss and
provide reliable results. Fig. 22 for radiation efficiency.
M. Caniato et al. / Applied Acoustics 166 (2020) 107356 11
Fig. 17. Comparison of transmission loss results for simplified FEM (left) and for radiation efficiency (right).
4. Discussion it from the standard frequency domain. This behavior is also high-
lighted in Fig. 12, where the radiation efficiency is depicted.
In this work, an extensive investigation of numerical As regards to the acceleration, it could be understood that the
approaches is presented including experimental, analytical and influence of the external layer on the measured values results in
numerical simulations, in order to understand if the available a clear change of the vibration behavior for the frequency range
methods may be valid tools to predict the radiation efficiency from 160 Hz to 250 Hz. In fact, for the bare configuration it is evi-
and the transmission loss of complex periodic timber structures. dent that the studs act as a principal path for the propagation of
the structure-borne sound, while the addition of the new external
layer involves a substantial change on the acceleration peak
4.1. Results towards the internal membrane.
As regards to the analytical standard model, results clearly show
Experimental measurements show a real increase in sound that it is not able to correctly predict the transmission loss param-
insulation given by the application of the ETICS layering especially eter, especially when adding the ETICS layering and that, for the
at mid-to-high frequencies. This is also demonstrated by the accel- determination of radiation efficiency, experimental measurements
eration measurements (Fig. 11) carried out on the wall receiving are needed in a real laboratory facility. Below the critical frequency,
side of the two configurations. In this case, it is clear that in the for both configuration this model tends to underestimate the sound
bare configuration, the partition moves even at mid-high frequen- insulation, even if for the bare wall the coincidence frequency is
cies (from 1250 Hz to 2500 Hz), clearly identified by the coinci- correctly highlighted. This fact shows that this analytical model
dence frequency. When an external layer is added (ETICS), this may not be used for this kind of partitions, mainly because the pres-
phenomenon is modified by the new configuration, thus excluding ence of studs is not considered in the equations.
12 M. Caniato et al. / Applied Acoustics 166 (2020) 107356
Fig. 19. Combination of numerical simulations scheme. Transmission loss (left) and radiation efficiency (right). L stands for ‘‘low frequency range” (100 Hz–160 Hz), ML for
‘‘middle-low frequency range” (200 Hz–800 Hz), MH ‘‘middle-high frequency range” (1000 Hz–2000 Hz) and H for ‘‘high frequency range” (2500 Hz–5000 Hz).
Fig. 20. Combination of numerical simulations results. Transmission loss for bare configuration (left) and bare + ETICS (right). Radiation efficiency of bare structure (bottom).
Another unsolved issue, related to this latter reason, is that By using the transfer matrix method, (Eqs. (3) to (6), Fig. 14), it
equations parameters include the measured sound pressure levels is also possible to explore the influence of the propagation paths as
and the measured sound velocity in the radiating side. This fact part of a parametric study.
implies that the application of this procedure is not easy, because In this view, the isotropic or orthotropic nature of the OSB panel
measurements on the real sample are always necessary. was investigated (Fig. 13) and it was concluded that the first one
M. Caniato et al. / Applied Acoustics 166 (2020) 107356 13
Table 2
Accuracy for different numerical methods.
could be considered a reliable approximation. The related litera- potentially reach extremely high transmission loss values in fre-
ture [52–55] agrees that the dissipative viscoelastic effect of the quency, being governed exclusively by the mass-spring-mass phe-
polymer, which acts as a strengthening, plays a very important role nomenon. However, when rigid structural connections are added
on the propagation of the wave within recycled materials. across the entire partition thickness, the performance drops up to
As shown in Fig. 14, the partition could be extremely perform- 60 dB due to solid propagation. In this case, neither the mass of the
ing, if it did not include the structural connections passing from connection nor its stiffness is very important; as a matter of fact, it
one side to the other [56]. In fact, airborne sound insulation could has been set with a real literature values [6], as the wooden beams
14 M. Caniato et al. / Applied Acoustics 166 (2020) 107356
are very thin compared to their length. Furthermore, they present this progression. Almost the same consideration could be done for
in reality a high flexural elastic modulus and a consequent excel- the bare plus ETICS structure, where the hTMM case is included.
lent transmission of the sound wave [57–59]. This latter simulation provides more accurate results, compared
In addition, the use of the TMM method has shown to be the to TMM and very similar to simplified FEM. The combination of
possibility to study the partition parametrically, in good agreement hTMM and simplified FEM, depicted in Fig. 19 (left), presents the
with past researches [60,61]; it may therefore provide a very pow- best agreement also in this case.
erful tool for the acoustic performance characterization of this type A dedicated discussion is reserved for the prediction of the radi-
of partitions [62–64]. The limits of this method lie exclusively in ation efficiency. For the bare wall configuration, reliable results are
the deep knowledge of the physical mechanisms governing the provided by TMM (Fig. 16) and simplified FEM (Fig. 18) in the mid-
propagation of the acoustic wave in different materials, as well dle low and high frequency ranges, while for the middle ones the
as the possibility of measuring them or finding reliable data in lit- trends are in good agreement; nevertheless, they fall within the
erature. In fact, it has been demonstrated that the model variation range of 5 dB. Unfortunately, for the bare wall plus ETICS layer-
of the OSB panel alone provides or does not provide good results in ing, numerical simulations provided results in agreement with
accordance with the experimental one. Furthermore, Fig. 15 shows the measured ones only for middle-low frequency (until 630 Hz).
how the TMM methods hardly predict the TL especially at high fre- In other frequencies, the predicted values do not agree with the
quencies; thus, the use of homogenization process is highly recom- measured. This fact could be related to the few simplifications
mended, as it can really improve provided results. assumed in the simulations process. Actually, there is no set of
The simplified FEM results show a very good agreement dedicated equation to the best authors’ knowledge to solve this
between the calculated transmission loss and the measured one. problem. It is then hard to predict correctly the velocity, once
In comparison with the TMM results, the FEM ones could fit better structural connections (studs) are used. In facts, many of the avail-
the laboratory values for both configuration in terms of general fre- able approaches are limited to a decoupled approach only for radi-
quency trend and for the coincidence zone. ated sound, as applied using Eq. (7). Such approach has been
The accuracy study (Table 2) shows that and improvement is mainly investigated for lightweight partitions with linear and point
conceivable. It is also possible to classify the models according to structural connections without the adding of any additional layer
the used statistical parameters. The two different structure provide (ETICS for instance).
very similar accuracy trends. As a matter of fact, for both cases In this research, this limitation was tried to be overcome by
standard models show to be the worst ones even if, for the bare using the homogenization procedure of the bare wall. This proce-
structure, results are slightly better than the bare plus ETICS one. dure has shown advantages in prediction of Sound Transmission
The combination of (h)TMM and simplified FEM in frequency Loss, but it could be that important pieces of information were lost
depicted in Fig. 19 (left) provides the best results compared to about the real velocity distribution (which is in reality a combina-
measured ones for both cases (Fig. 20). tion of velocity along main partition and in correspondence of
For the bare case, it is possible to highlight that standard devi- structural links). This is the reason that may lead to a not correct
ation and mean difference are comparable. The simplified FEM estimation of radiation efficiency with such complicated multi-
model present a higher agreement to the measured parameters layer system.
in comparison to TMM and standard models. This fact is high- On the other side, FEM analysis should better grasp the physics
lighted also graphically by the Q-Q plots (Fig. 21), where it can and coupling among field variables; it is worthy of mention that
easily be noticed how, starting from standard models which cannot what has been proposed is a simplified 2D model without real
fit the measured ones, moving to TMM, then to simplified FEM and boundary conditions (which is coherent for TMM methodology).
finally to the combination of TMM and simplified FEM, the quantile The fact that in principle the 2D system has an infinite extent
curve moves closer to the y = x one. Furthermore, regressive coef- (which is ‘‘resized” with finite size correction only for the radiated
ficients r2 resumed in Table 2 show a positive increment, following sound) may have limitations on velocity distribution of a multi-
M. Caniato et al. / Applied Acoustics 166 (2020) 107356 15
Table 3
pros and cons comparison.
layer wall. In addition, this approach has been proved to be reliable have been described and their parametric influence has been dis-
for sound transmission loss, but presents an overall limitation due cussed and argued.
to missing behavior of the wall, which is orthotropic in geometry The results provided by this approach were then validated by
and this aspect may lead to uncertainties in the velocity distribu- laboratory measurements, showing an excellent agreement for
tion. Thus, this aspect surely requires an extensive experimental the transmission loss parameter, while good results are highlighted
set, as future development. for radiation efficiency.
The accuracy study (Table 2) shows that and very few improve- It has been shown that very good results can be achieved, also
ments are conceivable. For the bare case, both standard deviations compared to traditional methodologies or standard ones and that
and mean differences highlight that the predicted results using parametrical investigations on every step of the analysis are possi-
TMM and simplified FEM are similar and that they could have ble and useful to highlight paramount effects:
some agreement with the measured ones. On the other hand, they
also evidence how no improvement is possible even combining the isotropic behavior of external panel and its consequence on
TMM with the simplified FEM depicted in Fig. 19 (right). In the bare coincidence,
plus ETICS case, statistical parameters show a bad agreement viscoelastic influence of bare partition at middle-high
between test and simulations and that again no improvement is frequencies,
possible even with methods combinations (Fig. 20). predominant sound wave path transmission through solid
Q-Q plots clearly show also graphically that the predicted junctions.
results in both structure cases do not produce a good agreement
with the tested ones. The bare case identify two different quantile Finally, it is demonstrated that a combined approach based on
distributions; although they are from the same family, they are (i) a deepened materials characterization, (ii) a TMM with homog-
very different (very different standard deviation). In the bare plus enization process and (iii) a simplified FEM numerical simulations
ETICS case the quantile plot delineate a big difference between may robustly provide reliable results, raising the accuracy results.
the two trends. Since the two curve are not aligned and they lay In the end, since the combined method is based on general
far from each other, it could be concluded that the content of the assumption, if materials characterization may be performed or is
included data is very different. already available, it could be generalized to other complex and
In the end, summarizing the pros and cons of the extensive composite structure with rigid connections (stud) and multiple
investigation (Table 3), it could be highlighted that not all the pre- layering.
sented models deals with the determination of the transmission
loss of complex partition containing rigid connections.
Author contributions
Different approaches are required for overall partition charac-
terization. With the TMM method, it is possible to obtain an opti-
M. C. and F. B. developed the research. M.C. and F.B. defined the
mal final value and, by means of the homogenization process, it is
methods and comparisons. M. C. and P. B. performed the numerical
possible to add other layers with known acoustic properties. In
simulations and the experimental measures. M. C. and F. B. per-
addition, it is possible to study the frequency partition behavior,
formed laboratory measurements. M.C. designed and tested all
thanks to parametric analysis, which is able to deeply focus to
the steps of the extensive investigation and comparisons with
the differentiation between airborne and structure-borne sound.
the measured data. A. G. overviewed and supervised the research.
The whole process takes few minutes of calculation.
M. C. wrote the paper.
The simplified FEM, however, is able to fully simulate the struc-
tures. While obtaining the same result as the TMM procedure, the
simplified FEM has the advantage of being able to choose one or Declaration of Competing Interest
more points within the geometry and, only in those areas, to inves-
tigate the behavior. However, this procedure involves much longer The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
calculation times and requires periodic structures. cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
to influence the work reported in this paper.
5. Conclusions
An extensive investigation is developed to study the transmis-
sion loss and radiation efficiency of complex periodic partitions. This work was financed by EFRE 2014-2010 1095 E2I@NOI CUP
The adopted methodology comprises analytical, empirical and D56C18000180009 and by ‘‘Klimahouse and energy production”
semiempirical models, TMM and simplified FEM simulations. All in the framework of the programmatic-financial agreement with
input data were previously measured using dedicated procedures the Autonomous Province of Bozen-Bolzano of Research Capacity
and instrumentation. Necessary factors for numerical simulation Building, which are gratefully acknowledged.
16 M. Caniato et al. / Applied Acoustics 166 (2020) 107356
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