Yangon Technological University: Department of Civil Engineering

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Yangon Technological University

Department of Civil Engineering

Geotechnological Engineering
Soil Mechanics Laboratory

Name : Kyalsin PhyoPhyoKyaw

Roll No: IIIC - 19
Group - 7
Date - 27.8.2019

Consolidation Test
● Introduction
● Apparatus
● Procedure
● Experimental Data
● Graph

Triaxial Test
● Introduction
● Apparatus
● Procedure
● Experimental Data
● Graph

Direct Shear Test

● Introduction
● Apparatus
● Procedure
● Experimental Data
● Graph



When a saturated soil layer is subjected to a stress increase, the pore water pressure is
increased suddenly and causing drainage which reduces the volume of the soil and thus
settlement occurs.The sum of elastic settlement and consolidation settlement is the total
settlement.The consolidation settlement includes primary settlement and secondary settlement.

Elastic Settlement occurs when a saturated compressible clay layer is subjected to a stress
increase. This occurs due to elastic deformation of soil without change in moisture content and
depends on the size, rigidity of foundation, type of soil supporting the foundation and intensity of
load applied.

Primary Settlement occurs due to water expulsion which occupies the void space.

Secondary Settlement occurs due to plastic deformation of soil after complete dissipation
of excess pore water pressure.

One Dimensional Consolidation Test

This test is performed in a consolidometer ( oedometer ) and we can observe the three
distinct stages of soil : Initial compression, Primary consolidation and Secondary consolidation
from this test, which also determines the magnitude and rate of the consolidation of a saturated
Coefficient of consolidation can be determined from two common graphical methods,
logarithm of time method and the square root of time method for each load increment.We will
also apply these two methods on our experimental test results.


Dial gauge reading, Consolidometer, Loading Device, StopWatch and Sample trimming


Preparation of Sample and Apparatus

Moist fine grained soil is placed in the consolidation ring and the excess soil from the ring is
trimmed carefully to level with the top of the ring.

For the test, the diameter and mass of the consolidation ring are measured. The wet mass of
soil sample including the ring is also measured.


The specimens are applied with total stress through a lever arm and compression is measured
by a micrometer dial gauge.

The load increment ratio is obtained by doubling the total stress on the soil. The load values are
1kg, 3kg, 5kg, 10kg, 20kg and 50kg.

For each load increment, the dial readings at times intervals of 0s, 10s, 20s, 30s, 1min, 1.5min,
2min, 3min, 4min,6min,9min,12min, 16min, etc are recorded intervally.

After recording the necessary data, the soil sample is dried to determine the water content.
Triaxial Test


Triaxial test is one of the most reliable methods available to determine the shear strength
paramenters.It is used widely for research and conventional testing.In this test, the specimen is
subjected to confined pressure by compression of the fluid in the chamber.To cause shear
failure of the specimen, the axial stress is applied through a vertical loading ram.


Compression machine, triaxial cell, Specimen mold, rubber membrane, porous stone, Vacuum
pump and air pressure source, Calipers, Specimen trimmer.


The specimen and the cell containing the specimen are placed to an all around confining
pressure of the loading machine.The operating fluid is admitted to the cell to give the pressure.
A rate for axial compression shall be selected such that failure is produced within the intervals of
5min to 10min. The test is continued The test is continued until the maximum value of the stress
has been passed or until an axial strain of 20% has been reached.
The apparatus are then maintained. The specimen shall be weighted and samples for
determination of the specimen shall be taken.
Direct Shear Test


Direct Shear Test is the oldest and simplest form of shear test arrangement.Depending
on the equipment, the shear test can be either stress controlled or strain controlled.


Direct shear device , Caliper


● After preparing the necessary conditions for the soil sample, the shear box is mounted
on the loading frame.
● The shear box is placed according to the instructions given and the dial is set to zero.
The correct loading is applied to the hager pan.The screws clamping are removed and
this is the important precaution.
● The test is conducted by applying horizontal shear load to failure.the readings of vertical
and horizontal dial gauges and proiving ring are recorded at regular intervals.
● The test is conducted on three indentical samples under different stresses.

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