What Is Wireless Sensor Network?: 1-Processing Unit, 2 - Sensor 3 - Transceiver 4 - Energy Source Unit
What Is Wireless Sensor Network?: 1-Processing Unit, 2 - Sensor 3 - Transceiver 4 - Energy Source Unit
What Is Wireless Sensor Network?: 1-Processing Unit, 2 - Sensor 3 - Transceiver 4 - Energy Source Unit
Application Areas
There are many commercially available sensor types to
monitor variety of conditions including:
o Temperature
o Humidity
o Movement
o Lightning condition
o Pressure
o Soil makeup
o Noise levels
o Presence or absence of certain kinds of objects
o Mechanical stress levels on attached objects
o The current characteristics such as speed, direction and size of an object
As a result of availability of different kinds of sensors, there are
various the applications of WSNs. A general categorization of WSN
applications may include military applications, environmental
applications, health applications and other commercial applications.
Military Applications:
Dense deployment of disposable and low-cost sensor nodes
makes WSN concept beneficial for battle fields. Some military
applications of WSNs are:
Environmental Applications:
Although there are some other techniques to monitor
environmental conditions, random distribution and self organization of
WSNs make them suitable for environmental monitoring. Some
applications include:
Health Applications:
Tiny sizes and light-weight structure of WSN nodes provides many
functionality in health applications, including:
Routing Techniques
Sharing information between physically separated hosts/ sources
requires both physical connections between these hosts in terms of
cables, links, etc. and a common language, called protocol, to make
these hosts understand each other. Networking concept is built on
variations of this principle. As in other networks, in WSNs we also need
some routing techniques / protocols between nodes to provide
connectivity among them in order to gather desired data. Although
WSNs have some similarities with traditional networks, currently
available routing protocols can not be directly applied to WSNs
because of some characteristics of WSNs listed below:
o Node deployment
o Data reporting method
o Node/link heterogeneity
o Fault tolerance
o Scalability
o Transmission media
o Connectivity
o Data aggregation
o Quality of service
o Flat routing
o Hierarchical routing
o Location-based routing
o Negotiation-based routing
o Multipath-based routing
o Query-based routing
o QoS-based routing
o Coherent based routing
Flat Routing
In flat networks, each node typically plays the same role and
sensor nodes collaborate together to perform the sensing task. Due to
the large number of such nodes, it is not feasible to assign a global
identifier to each node. This consideration has led to data centric
routing, where the Base Station (BS) sends queries to certain regions
and waits for data from the sensors located in the selected regions.
Two main types of algorithms in flat routing are flooding, where each
node forwards data to all its neighbor so to much redundant data
occurs, and data-centric routing where there is no global identifiers
for nodes, instead data is identified using attribute based naming.
Directed Diffusion:
In spite of SPIN, where availability of data is advertised, in directed diffusion the
BS broadcasts interest which describes a task required to be done by the network. Up on
receiving the interest, each sensor node then stores the interest entry in its cache and sets
up a gradient toward itself to the nodes from which it receives the interest. When a node
has data for broadcasted interest, it sends data through the interest’s gradient choosing
only best paths to avoid further flooding. The steps of directed diffusion process are
illustrated in Figure 4.
Figure 4 : Example of Directed Diffusion. (a) Propagate interest, (b) set up gradient and (c) send data.
I. F. Akyildiz, W. Su, Y. Sankarasubramaniam, and E. Cayirci. Wireless sensor networks: a survey. Computer Networks, 38(4):393–
422, April 2002.
Minimum Cost Forwarding Algorithm ( MCFA ):
In MCFA each node records the estimated least cost from itself to Base Station.
Initially at each node, the least cost is set to infinity ( ∞ ). The BS broadcasts a message
with the cost set zero. Whenever a node receives the broadcast message, compares the
cost of message with its estimated least cost. If the estimated cost on the message plus the
cost of current link is less than what the node has, the estimate on the message and the
estimate recorded by the node is updated and then message is broadcasted to neighbors,
otherwise the broadcast message is discarded. The figure 5 illustrates steps of this
Figure 5: Minimum Cost Forwarding Algorithm
a) each node set its least cost to BS as ∞
b) BS broadcast a message with least cost set to zero
c) if cost of message+link cost < local cost, update local cost and cost on the message, then re-
broadcast the message
d) if cost of message+link cost >= local cost, discart message
Important disadvantage of MCFA is that, the nodes that are far away from the
base station may get more broadcasts than those close to the BS. A solution to this
problem is to use a backoff algorithm to constrain nodes from sending broadcasts until a
* lc time elapsed from the time when message is updated, where a denotes a predefined
constant and lc is the link cost of received message.
Gradient Based Routing ( GBR): The paradigm in GBR is calculation of a
parameter, called height of the node, which is the minimum path between node and Base
Station (BS) in terms of the number of hops between them. The difference between a
node’s height and the height of its neighbor is called gradient of the link between them.
While forwarding data, nodes choose the links which have largest gradient.
Figure 6: Gradient Based Routing.
In order to prolong network life time, GBR balances the traffic over the links
using three different data distribution techniques:
1. Stochastic Scheme: if there are two or more links having same gradient,
randomly choose one of them.
2. Energy Based Scheme: if the available energy of the node decreases
below of a certain level, the node increases its height to prevent other
nodes sending data to it.
3. Stream Based Scheme: new streams are not forwarded to the nodes
which are already being a part of other streams.
Hierarchical Routing
Although this type of routing methods originally proposed in
wired networks with their special advantages related to scalability and
efficient communication, they also provide energy-efficient routing in
WSNs. Some techniques that belong to this family are:
o LEACH protocol
o Power-Efficient Gathering in Sensor Information Systems
o Threshold-Sensitive Energy Efficient Protocols
o Small Minimum energy communication network ( MECN )
o Self-organizing protocol
o Hierarchical power-aware routing
o Two-Tier Data Dissemination
Location-Based Routing
In this type of protocols sensor nodes are addressed depending
on their locations. Relative coordinates of neighboring nodes is
obtained either by exchanging information between neighbor nodes or
by directly communicating with a Global Positioning System (GPS).
Some techniques that belong to this family are:
In this report I have tried to explain main concepts of WSN, its
features, applications, and finally some proposed routing protocols. I
have mentioned that flexible and low-cost structures of WSNs make
them applicable for various types of projects. The current situation of
WSN can be considered under three different aspects
1) Electrical engineering perspective: hardware structure and
power consumption of WSN can be minimized further using benefits of
2) Network engineering perspective: although there are lots of
proposed routing methods for WSNs, still new methods are need and
currently existing ones need to be improved.
3) Project managing perspective: benefits of WSN, as a whole or
partially can be used in various projects.
I. F. Akyildiz, W. Su, Y. Sankarasubramaniam, and E. Cayirci.
Wireless sensor networks: a survey. Computer Networks,
38(4):393–422, April 2002.