Biznet Home Payment Method

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Payment Method

update 4 Feb 2020

BCA Virtual Account BCA Virtual Account BCA Virtual Account

ATM BCA BCA Mobile BCA Klik Individu
Transfer via BCA Teller

1. Go to BCA Klik Individu

1. Choose “Other Transaction” 1. Go to BCA Mobile application 1. Destination Bank: *BCA*

2. Choose “Transfer” 2. Choose “m-BCA” 2. Type in User ID and login 2. Desitination Bank Account Number:
*BCA Virtual Account Number*
Input 16 Digits of BCA Virtual
3. Choose “ To BCA Virtual Account” 3. Input access code and then login 3. Choose menu of “Transfer Dana” Account Number

4. Enter 16 digit of the BCA Virtual 4. Choose “Transfer to BCA Virtual 3. In words: *Input total amount as
4. Choose “m-Transfer”
Account number Account” stated in the bill*

5. Choose “Transfer >> BCA Virtual 5. Choose type of account, choose 4. Beneficiary Name: *Customer’s
5. Then, a confirmation page of the Account” “No. Virtual Account” Name*
payment appears, if appropriate,
choose “Continue” 6. Input 16 digits of BCA Virtual 6. Enter 16 digit of the BCA Virtual 5. Beneficiary Address: *MIDPLAZA 2
Account number Account number LT.8*

6. Follow the instruction until payment 7. Follow the instruction until payment
finish. finish.

- This method is only available for BCA customers.

NOTE - This payment can be done via BCA ATM, BCA MOBILE and BCA Klik Individu.

Permata Virtual Account Permata Virtual Account Transfer via

Transfer via Permata Bank Teller
ATM Permata Mobile Banking Permata Permata Mobile X application

1. Insert your User ID and Password, 1. Inform the Teller that you want to
1. Choose “Other Transaction” 1. Go to Permata Mobile X application
then click ‘Login’ button make payment using Virtual Account

2. Choose menu of “Pembayaran

2. Choose “Payment Transaction” 2. Choose ‘Bill Payment’ 2. Inform the 16 digits of customer’s Tagihan”
Permata Bank Virtual Account
3. Choose “Others” 3. Select the category ‘Virtual Account’ Number 3. Choose “Internet”

4. Select the bank account (if customer 3. Make payment as per the amount 4. Choose “Internet Service Provider
4. Choose “Virtual Account Payment”
have more than one bank account) stated in the bill (Biznet Home)”

5. Insert 16 digit Bank Permata Virtual 5. Input 16 digit Bank Permata Virtual 4. Customer will receive payment slip
5. Input Customer ID
Account number Account number and total payment from Teller

6. Press “Yes” for confirmation 6. Click ‘Confirm’ button and 6. Inquiry customer’s name and billing
automatically you will recieve the
7. Choose account that will be used for ‘Challenge Code’ 7. Go to confirmation page

7. Insert ‘Challenge Code’, then click

8. Input OTP code
‘Confirm’ button

9. Choose payment confirmation and

payment is successful

Bank Mandiri Virtual Account Bank Mandiri Virtual Account Transfer via
ATM Online Bank Mandiri teller

1. Choose menu PAYMENT/BUY 1. Input User ID and Pin on log in page 1. Fill in the collection form or transfer
2. Choose menu OthersOthers Collection/Tranfer Form Guidelines:
INTERNET and CABLE TV a. Fill in Date, Name & Address
3. Choose menu INTERNETBiznet Prepaid
3. Input Company Code “89591” b. Fill in Beneficiary code: 89591
(Biznet Prepaid) 4. Choose Source of Fund c. Fill in ACCOUNT NUMBER with
4. Input Virtual Account Number 5. Input Virtual Account Number d. Fill in Collection Amount & In Words
e. Fill in Underlying Transaction
5. CONFIRMATION: Press 1 and 6. Press Continue
followed by OK 2. Teller will process & print the
7. Press CONFIRMATION payment receipt
6. Transaction Done
8. Input MPIN Banking and press OK

7. Save the payment receipt 9. Transaction Done

» Electronic payment is valid only for 1 (one) Customer ID and is not applicable for multiple Customer IDs
» Transaction fee/ Bank Transfer made apart from the total amount written on the Proforma Invoice
Payment Method
update 4 Feb 2020

Transfer via Bank Teller Transfer via Bank Teller

Can be done through any Bank teller Can be done through any Bank teller Virtual Account Alfamart, Alfamidi,
via Permata Virtual Account via BCA Virtual Account ATM Bersama Indomaret & Lawson

1. Destination Bank: *Bank Permata* 1. Destination Bank: *Bank BCA* 1. Choose “Other Transaction”
Customer visit the nearest outlets of
Indomaret, Alfamart, Alfamidi, and
2. Destination Bank Account Number: 2. Destination Bank Account Number: 2. Choose “Transfer” Lawson with the following information:
*Permata Bank Virtual Account *BCA Virtual Account Number*
Number* Input 16 digits of Permata Input 16 Digits of BCA Virtual 3. Choose “Other Bank ATM Bersama/ Billing Account Number:
Bank Virtual Account Number Account Number Link” - For all customers, including new
customers, who want to pay
3. In words: *Input total amount as 3. In words: *Input total amount as 4. Insert bank code (Bank Permata code monthly subscription fee.
stated in the bill* stated in the bill* “013”)

4. Beneficiary Name: *Customer’s 4. Beneficiary Name: *Customer’s 5. Insert total payment (the number
Name* or *PT Supra Primatama Name* must be same as total billing)
Customers must inform their Billing
5. Beneficiary Address: *MIDPLAZA 2 Account numbers to the cashier in
6. Insert account number (use only 16
5. Beneficiary Address: *MIDPLAZA 2 LT.8* each outlets.
digit Permata Bank Virtual Account
LT.8* number)
*) The deposit slip must always be 7. Press “Yes” Furthermore, customers make
*) The deposit slip must always be filled completed as per the above payments according to the stated
filled as per the above data data amount.
8. Press “Yes” for confirmation

Go Bills

1. Open GO-JEK application

2. Choose “GO-BILLS” menu

3. Choose “TV Kabel & Internet” menu

4. Choose “Biznet” menu

5. Enter customer’s Billing Account


6. Customer can make payment for the

bill using GO-PAY

7. The service will be extended

automatically after payment is done
by the customer

» Electronic payment is valid only for 1 (one) Customer ID and is not applicable for multiple Customer IDs
» Transaction fee/ Bank Transfer made apart from the total amount written on the Proforma Invoice

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