Petunjuk Pembayaran Invoice: Teller Bank CIMB Niaga Internet Banking CIMB Niaga
Petunjuk Pembayaran Invoice: Teller Bank CIMB Niaga Internet Banking CIMB Niaga
Petunjuk Pembayaran Invoice: Teller Bank CIMB Niaga Internet Banking CIMB Niaga
1 Isi dan lengkapi form (slip) 1 Isi dan lengkapi form (slip) 1 Login ke CIMB Clicks 1 Login ke Internet Banking
transfer transfer pilihan Anda
2 Klik Transfer dan pilih
2 Input nomor Virtual Account 2 Input nomor Virtual Account rekening asal pada Form 2 Klik Transfer dan pilih Other
perusahan Anda (yang perusahan Anda (yang Transfer Bank Accounts
tertera di invoice) pada kolom tertera di invoice) pada kolom
rekening tujuan rekening tujuan 3 Masukkan jumlah tagihan 3 Input nomor Virtual Account
perusahan Anda (yang
3 Isi nama penerima dengan 3 Isi nama penerima dengan 4 Pilih Other Account pada opsi tertera di invoice) pada kolom
PT Grab Teknologi Indonesia PT Grab Teknologi Indonesia Transfer To rekening tujuan
4 Masukkan jumlah tagihan 4 Isi Bank penerima dengan 5 Pilih Bank CIMB Niaga lalu 4 Masukkan jumlah tagihan
sesuai dengan invoice CIMB Niaga Kantor Pusat klik Next
atau Cabang Jakarta 5 Input nomor sales invoice
5 Masukkan nomor invoice 6 Input nomor Virtual Account pada Notes/Message
(lihat invoice) pada berita 5 Masukkan jumlah tagihan Perusahaan Anda
acara/notes sesuai dengan invoice 6 Pilih metode transfer
7 Input nomor sales invoice LLG/RTGS
6 Masukkan nomor invoice pada Notes/Message
(lihat invoice) pada berita 7 Konfirmasi dan proses
acara/notes 8 Konfirmasi dan proses pembayaran Anda
pembayaran Anda
Invoice Payment Guideline
1 Fill in and complete your 1 Fill in and complete your 1 Login to CIMB Clicks 1 Login to your Internet
transfer form transfer form Banking
2 Go to Transfer and select
2 Input your company Virtual 2 Input your company Virtual your source on Transfer Form 2 Go to Transfer and select
Account Number on the Account Number on the Other Bank Accounts
receiver’s bank account receiver’s bank account 3 Enter your total pay amount
number box number box 3 Input your company Virtual
4 Choose Other Account (CIMB Account Number on the
3 Fill in the receiver’s name with 3 Fill in the receiver’s name with Niaga) on ‘Transfer To’ option receiver’s bank account
PT Grab Teknologi Indonesia PT Grab Teknologi Indonesia number box
5 Choose Bank CIMB Niaga
4 Fill in your total pay amount 4 Input CIMB Niaga Kantor then click Next 4 Enter your total pay amount
Pusat or Cabang Jakarta as
5 Enter the invoice number the Bank Receiver 6 Input your Company Virtual 5 Input Sales invoice number
paid on Notes Account number on Notes/Message
5 Fill in your total pay amount
7 Input Sales invoice number 6 Select the LLG/RTGS transfer
6 Enter the invoice number on Notes/Message method
paid on notes
8 Confirm and process your 7 Confirm and process your
payment payment