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The Effect of Age on Teachers’ Intention to Use Educational Video

Games: A TAM Approach

Antonio Sánchez-Mena1,2, José Martí-Parreño1 and Joaquín Aldás-Manzano3

Universidad Europea de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Universidad Europea de Canarias, Tenerife, Spain
Universitat de València, Valencia, Spain

Abstract: Educational video games (EVGs) are gaining momentum as a means of increasing students’ motivation in their
learning process. Nevertheless, teachers might face several barriers that dissuade them from using educational video
games in their courses. This study analyses factors affecting teachers´ behavioural intention to use educational video
games in their courses using a Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) approach. The research model is tested via structural
equation modelling (SEM) on a sample of 312 teachers in Higher Education institutions. Results suggest that perceived
usefulness influences in a direct and positive way teachers’ intention to use educational video games. Results also suggest
that perceived ease of use indirectly influence intentions through perceived usefulness. Age was found to moderate the
effect of teachers’ perceived ease of use on perceived usefulness of EVGs. Regarding managerial implications, our findings
highlight the importance of addressing specific Teacher Training Programmes focusing on teachers’ age and perceived
usefulness of EVGs in order to encourage teachers to adopting this educational innovation in their courses. Limitations of
the study and future research lines are also addressed.

Keywords: Educational Video Games; TAM (Technology Acceptance Model); Higher Education; Behavioural intention; Age

1. Introduction
Educational video games (EVGs) represent a great opportunity to motivate and to engage students in their
learning process and they are gaining momentum among teachers and educational researchers. In fact, game-
based learning research has increased fivefold over the last five years (Martí-Parreño, Méndez-Ibáñez, and
Alonso-Arroyo, 2016). Recent academic research on the topic has approached the subject from different
angles including learning outcomes when using EVGs (e.g. Boyle et al. 2016), instructional effectiveness (e.g.
Sitzmann, 2011), or citation analysis (e.g. Harman, Koohang & Paliszkiewicz, 2014) to name a few.

Academic literature suggests a wide variety of subjects in which a game-based learning approach to education
has been successfully applied. These subjects include citizenship education (Lim and Ong, 2012),
nanotechnology (Blonder and Sakhnini, 2012), energy education (Yang, Chien and Liu, 2012), health education
(Sung, Hwang and Yen, 2015), veterinary education (De Bie and Lipman, 2012), Newtonian physics (Shute,
Ventura and Kim, 2013) and language teaching (Reinders and Wattana, 2014) among others. Extant academic
literature also suggests that game-based learning can be used to develop high order cognitive abilities such as
problem solving skills (Oblinger, 2004; Klopfer and Yoon, 2005) and the so-called 21st Century skills such as
teamwork, communication skills, and social/cultural skills (Romero, Usart, and Ott, 2015).

Although a game-based approach to education can be traced back to the sixties (Piaget, 1962), the benefits of
using EVGs have been pointed out more recently (Prensky, 2001). These benefits include a higher learning
motivation for digital natives who make an intense use of technology and digital interactivity and for whom
traditional learning methodologies do not appeal or motivate anymore (Prensky, 2001). Video games also
favour a trial-and-error process that makes mistakes recoverable (Hanus and Fox, 2015) and gives students the
freedom to fail without fear when learning (Lee and Hamer, 2011). Moreover, video games provide immediate
and frequent feedback (Kapp, 2012) and allow teachers to tailor difficulty progression that facilitates
scaffolded instruction based on each individual student´s needs (Hanus and Fox, 2015). Students also benefit
from the visual display of their learning progress for example through badges– (Kapp, 2012), and they can be
motivated through competition for example through leaderboards– (Camilleri, Busuttil, and Montebello,

ISSN 1479-4403 355 ©ACPIL

Reference this paper as: Sánchez-Mena A, Martí-Parreño J and Aldás-Manzano J, “The Effect of Age on Teachers’ Intention
to Use Educational Video Games: A TAM Approach” The Electronic Journal of e-Learning Volume 15 Issue 4 2017, (pp355-
366) available online at www.ejel.org
The Electronic Journal of e-Learning Volume 15 Issue 4 2017

Despite all these potential benefits of EVGs, a game-based approach to education has also been criticized
because game-based learning competition can foster adverse effects in social interaction amongst students in
the classroom (Brom et al, 2014). Gaming can also potentially cause anxiety and embarrassment among
students (Henderson, 2005) especially when leaderboarders are used and students ranking in lower positions
feel they are performing badly if compared to other students in the classroom. It has also been stated that
game-based learning often concerns repetition of cyclic content that provokes persistent re-engagement
which tends to address lower level learning goals rather than higher level goals (Ma et al, 2007).

EVGs also represent a challenge for teachers who are not familiar with this type of educational innovation.
Previous research found that teachers can face new technological developments in education as a threat and
technological innovations can be a cause of much anxiety (Goodwyn, Adams, and Clarke, 1997). Factors such
as stress or anxiety towards technological innovations along with uncertainty in the expected outcomes of
technological innovations can act as barriers to teachers adopting technological innovations such as EVGs.
However, it has been stated that teachers are the true agents of change in schools (Teo, 2008) and the use of
EVGs depends largely on the acceptance by classroom teachers (Bourgonjon et al., 2013; Niederhauser &
Stoddart 2001).

Thus, the main goal of this research is to explore teachers’ intention to use EVGs using the technological
approach proposed by the Technology Acceptance Model or TAM (Davis, 1985). TAM (Davis, 1985) was
developed to predict an individual’s likelihood of accepting a technological innovation. Because EVGs can be
considered a technological educational innovation using TAM is a suitable framework to exploring teachers’
intention to use EVGs. In fact, a meta-analysis conducted by Sumak, Hericko, and Pusnik (2011) pointed out
that TAM was the most popular theory among models exploring e-learning acceptance. Because age might
affect attitude towards technological innovations the moderating role of age is also analysed.

This paper is structured as follows. First, a literature review of game-based learning and educational video
games is presented. Second, we present TAM and set the hypotheses. Third, the method is explained. Then we
discuss the results. Finally, conclusions, limitations of this study and future research lines are addressed.

2. Game-Based Learning and EVGs

A review of the literature clearly suggests that different constructs have been used to refer to game-based
learning. These constructs include gamification and serious games. Gamification has been defined as “the use
of game design elements in non-game contexts” (Deterding et. al. 2011, p. 9), and seems to broaden previous
constructs such as serious games and educational games in the sense that a game (or video game) is not
needed. Gamification focuses on game design and game mechanics, that is, contrasts “gamification” “against
other related concepts such as serious games via the two dimensions of playing/gaming and parts/whole”
(Deterding et. al. 2011, p. 5). Rather than using a (video)game in the classroom the teacher “makes the class
itself a game” (Hanus & Fox 2015). Van Eck (2006) summarizes the use of video games in education in three
main strategies: a) the use of commercial off-the-shelf videogames (COTS) that take advantage of the
existence of contents in these games that can be used for educational purposes, b) the use of serious games –
a type of video games developed with non-recreational purposes where learning is the primary goal–, and c) to
make students build their own games allowing the development of problem-solving abilities, programming
skills and game design skills. Examples of the use of commercial off-the-shelf videogames include the use of
SimCity to strengthen leadership decision-making (Lin and Lin, 2014) and RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 which has
been used to support student learning of systems thinking (Shah and Foster, 2014). Serious games have been
defined as “video games (VGs) intended to serve a useful purpose” (Girard, Ecalle, and Magnant, 2012, p. 207)
where the “useful purpose” is learning. Examples of the use of serious games include mass-market serious
games like Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? which was developed to teach geography (Sitzmann,
2011). Other examples of serious games are ETIOBE Mates which was developed to improve children's
nutritional knowledge (Baños et al., 2013) and ECOPET which was developed to educate learners to use home-
energy conservatively (Yang, Chien, and Liu, 2012). One example of making students build their own video
games as part of their learning process is the case provided by Yang and Chang (2013) where students
designed digital games based on biology course content to increase retention of both course content and
critical thinking skills.

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Antonio Sánchez-Mena, José Martí-Parreño and Joaquín Aldás-Manzano

3. Hypotheses development and research model

The Technology Acceptance Model or TAM (Davis, 1985) was developed to predict an individual’s likelihood of
accepting a technological innovation. More specifically, TAM was developed to predict computer-based
systems acceptance such as email services. Since its development TAM has been widely applied to different
technological innovation including mobile commerce (Wu, and Wang, 2005), internet banking (Lai and Li,
2005), and the adoption of mobile internet (Hong, Thong, and Tam, 2006). TAM has also been applied to
different educational contexts such as online education (Ngai, Poon, and Chan, 2007) and mobile learning (Liu,
Li, and Carlsson, 2010). One of the main goals of TAM was to identify the major motivational variables that
mediate between system characteristics and the actual use of the system. Davis (1985) identified two major
variables influencing attitude towards a given technological innovation: a) perceived usefulness and b)
perceived ease of use. Both perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are directly influenced by design
features. Finally, attitude influenced the adoption of the system, i.e. whether it was used.
3.1 Perceived usefulness
Perceived usefulness is defined as ‘the degree to which an individual believes that using a particular system
would enhance his or her job performance’ (Davis, 1985, p. 26). Hence, this variable measures the utilitarian
dimension of adopting the technology on the basis that users expect that the use of the technology will
facilitate them in accomplishing the tasks to be developed. Specifically, perceived usefulness refers to
effectiveness at work, productivity understood as time saving and the relative importance of the system for
the individual’s work (Davis, Bagozzi, and Warshaw, 1989). Within our conceptual framework, perceived
usefulness of educational video games can be conceptualized as the degree to which teachers believe that
using educational video games would enhance their job, that is, help them to improve students’ learning (for
example, students will learn faster). It is important to point out that we adopt a student-centric approach to
perceived usefulness, this is, instead of asking teachers if they believe that educational video games enables
them “to enhance their teaching” we ask them if they believe educational video games enhance students´
learning. The expectation-value model asserts that a relationship between perceived usefulness and attitude
exists (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975). Thus, the following hypothesis is posited:

H1: teachers´ perceived usefulness of educational video games has a positive influence on attitude towards
educational video games.
3.2 Perceived ease of use
Perceived ease of use is defined as ‘the degree to which an individual believes that using a particular system
would be free of physical and mental effort’ (Davis, 1985, p. 26). Hence, this variable can be used to measure
both teachers’ physical costs (e.g. time devoted to preparing gamified classes) and mental costs (e.g. switching
from traditional teaching methodologies to new teaching methodologies). Perceived ease of use can affect
attitude in two ways: perceived self-efficacy and instrumentality (Davis, Bagozzi, and Warshaw, 1989).
Perceived self-efficacy refers to the expectancy of performing well when interacting with the system while
instrumentality refers to the expectancy that performing well will lead to rewards. The easier the interaction
within the system (for example EVGs) the higher an individual’s sensation of efficiency and control (Bandura,
1982). If teachers experience difficulties working with educational video games they will show negative
attitudes towards educational video game. Thus, the following hypothesis is posited:

H2: teachers’ perceived ease of use of educational video games has a positive influence on attitude towards
educational video games.
3.3 Perceived ease of use and Perceived usefulness
Perceived ease of use influences perceived usefulness because a system’s simplicity can improve results and a
technology is perceived as being more useful if it is easier to use (Davis, 1985). Later studies focused on e-
learning services show evidence that perceived ease of use has influence on perceived usefulness (Okazaki and
Renda Dos Santos, 2012). Therefore, if teachers perceive educational video games easy to use they will
perceive educational video games useful. Hence, the following hypothesis is posited:

H3: teachers’ perceived ease of use of educational video games has a positive influence on their perceived
usefulness of educational video games.

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3.4 Attitude and behavioural intention

Attitude is an individual’s positive or negative evaluation of a given object or behaviour (Ajzen, 1991) and
includes feelings or affective responses. Attitude also refers to an individual’s general willingness to engage in
a given behaviour. This attitude is the result of individuals’ beliefs concerning the behaviour, the results of that
behaviour and the importance attached to such beliefs. Social psychology literature clearly suggests that
attitude has two components: affective and cognitive (Bagozzi and Burnkrant, 1979). The affective component
refers to what extent a person likes the object of his thoughts (McGuire, 1985) and measures the degree of
emotional attraction to the object. The cognitive component refers to an individual’s specific beliefs about the
object (Bagozzi and Burnkrant, 1985) and consists of a value-based assessment, judgment, reception or
perception of the object (Chaiken and Stangor, 1987). Behavioural intention is defined as ‘an individual’s
subjective probability that he or she will perform a specified behaviour’ (Fishbein and Ajzen 1975, p. 288) and
is a better predictor of actual behaviour than attitude when an intention has been formed (Warshaw and
Davis, 1985). Literature review clearly shows a direct and positive relationship between a person´s attitude
towards an object or behaviour and that person´s behaviour (Brown and Stayman, 1992) so the following
hypothesis is posited:

H4: teachers’ positive attitude towards educational video games will have a positive influence on teachers´
behavioural intention to use educational video games.
3.5 The moderating role of age
Older teachers are more experienced than newer teachers are and previous research found that prior
experience influences teachers’ actions (Pajares 1992). Even for student teachers prior experience has been
found to inform their beliefs about practice (Calderhead and Robson 1991).

Academic literature also suggests that age is a factor that might moderate teachers’ behavioural intentions,
including teachers’ use of technology. In fact, Goodwyn et al. (1997) found that older teachers perceive
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as a threat and cause of anxiety. Hamari and Nousiaien
(2015) found that age affected teachers’ perceived value of EVGs. Therefore, the following hypotheses are

H5: age will moderate the effect of teachers’ perceived usefulness on attitude towards educational video

H6: age will moderate the effect of teachers’ perceived ease of use on perceived usefulness of educational
video games.

H7: age will moderate the effect of teachers’ perceived ease of use on attitude towards educational video
Figure 1 depicts a graphical representation of the research model.

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Antonio Sánchez-Mena, José Martí-Parreño and Joaquín Aldás-Manzano

Figure 1: Graphical representation of the reseaarch model

4. Method
An exploratory transversal study involving teachers serving in Higher Education institutions was used in this
research. Data was gathered through an online questionnaire. Snowball sampling (Goodman, 1961) was used
for selection of respondents in this study. Although snowball sampling is unlikely to obtain a representative
sample because there is no real control of the snowball effect (Hall and Hall 1996), this form of sampling is
often used in online questionnaires to target hard-to-reach population subgroups (Sadler, Lee, Lim, and
Fullerton, 2010).
4.1 Sample
A total of 312 teachers serving in Higher Education institutions completed the online questionnaire. The age of
the participants ranges between 26 and 65 years, with an average of 42.8 years and 52.4% are males.
4.2 Survey instrument
All items used to develop the questionnaire were adapted from existing scales previously validated in the
academic literature: ten items were adapted from Davis (1985) to measure perceived ease of use (e.g. “It is
easy for me to use educational video games in my classes”); ten items were adapted from Davis (1985) to
measure perceived usefulness (e.g. “Overall, I find educational video games useful to learn”; three items were
adapted from Taylor and Todd (1995) to measure attitude (e.g. “My attitude towards educational video games
is positive”); and three items were adapted from Shimp and Kavas (1984) to measure behavioural intention
(e.g. “My general intention to use educational video games in my classes in the future is high”). All
questionnaire items were measured using a 5-point Likert-type scale where (1) = strongly disagree, and (5) =
strongly agree.
4.2.1 Measurement model validation
As shown in tables 1 and 2, the measurement model shows evidence of reliability and convergent validity as
composite reliability indicators and Cronbach’s alpha are higher than .90 and AVEs are also higher than .50. All
the standardized loadings are significant and higher than the generally accepted minimum cut off score of .70
(Nunnally and Bernstein, 1994; Fornell and Larcker, 1981). Regarding discriminant validity correlations among
factors are always lower than their correspondent AVE square root and ratio HTMT is lower than .50

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Table 1: Reliability and convergent validity

Factor Item Loading t-value CA CR AVE
Attitude ATT1 0,94 62,84 ** 0,95 0,97 0,92
ATT2 0,98 201,75 **
ATT3 0,95 61,14 **
Perceived ease of use EOU1 0,76 23,02 ** 0,92 0,93 0,58
EOU2 0,80 25,90 **
EOU3 0,64 11,73 **
EOU4 0,82 29,72 **
EOU5 0,68 15,69 **
EOU6 0,82 26,92 **
EOU7 0,76 17,79 **
EOU8 0,74 14,35 **
EOU9 0,77 17,44 **
EOU10 0,81 22,00 **
Intention to use INT1 0,91 76,72 ** 0,87 0,92 0,79
INT2 0,92 62,97 **
INT3 0,83 17,94 **
Perceived usefulness PU1 0,89 52,22 ** 0,96 0,96 0,71
PU2 0,81 26,45 **
PU3 0,83 32,58 **
PU4 0,81 29,16 **
PU5 0,77 16,22 **
PU6 0,90 50,46 **
PU7 0,79 27,44 **
PU8 0,91 64,20 **
PU9 0,88 45,73 **
PU10 0,85 31,59 **
** p<0.01
Note: CA=Cronbach's alpha; AVE=Average Variance Extracted; CR=Composite Reliability

Table 2: Discriminant validity

Factor F1 F2 F3 F4
F1. Attitude 0,96 0,40 0,88 0,75
F2. Perceived ease of use 0,38 0,76 0,34 0,46
F3. Intention to use 0,81 0,31 0,89 0,70
F4. Perceived usefulness 0,72 0,45 0,64 0,84

Note. Diagonal: square root of AVE; Lower triangle: factor correlation; Upper triangle: ratio HTMT

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Antonio Sánchez-Mena, José Martí-Parreño and Joaquín Aldás-Manzano

Figure 2 depicts a graphical representation of the measurement model with the factor loadings.

Figure 2: Graphical representation of the measurement model with the factor loadings

5. Results
The structural model was estimated using PLS-SEM. R2 of all the dependent latent variables are higher than
10% and Stone-Geisser Q2 are positive confirming the predictive relevance of the model. The effect of
perceived usefulness (H1, beta=0.68; p<0.01) on attitude is significant. Although ease of use improves
perceived usefulness (H3, beta=0.43; p<0.01), it has not a significant direct effect on attitude (H2, beta=0.06;
p>0.05), showing that ease of use itself cannot foster EVGs use without the mediation of perceived usefulness.
A significant attitude significantly causes intention to use EVGs favourably perceived (H4, beta=0.81; p<0.01).
Age was found to moderate teachers’ perceived ease of use on perceived usefulness of EVGs (H6, beta=0.07;
p<0.05). Nevertheless no moderating effect was found neither for perceived usefulness and attitude (H5,
beta=0.03; p>0.05) nor for ease of use on attitude (H7, beta=0.00; p>0.05). Table 3 shows the hypotheses
testing results.
Table 3: Hypotheses testing
Hypotheses Std. Beta t-value
H1 Perceived usefulness -> Attitude 0,68 ** 9,28
H2 Perceived ease of use -> Attitude 0,06 0,85
H3 Perceived ease of Use -> Perceived Usefulness 0,43 ** 6,30
H4 Attitude -> Intention to use 0,81 ** 23,43
H5 Age x (Perceived usefulness-->Attitude) 0,03 0,55
H6 Age x (Perceived ease of Use -> Perceived Usefulness) 0,07 * 2,04
H7 Age x (Perceived ease of Use ->Attitude) 0,00 0,06
**p<0.01 *p<0.05
R2 (Intention to use)=0.653; R2(Attitude)=0.524; R2 (Perceived usefulness)=0.219
Q2 (Intention to use)=0.485; Q2(Attitude)=0.441; Q2 (Perceived usefulness)=0.148

6. Discussion
Results suggest that perceived usefulness is a main antecedent of attitude towards EVGs, that is, the higher
the teachers’ perception of usefulness of EVGs the better the teachers’ attitude towards EVGs. This is
consistent with previous findings that have used TAM to test attitude and adoption of technological
developments in education such as a Skype-Based E-Learning System (Martí-Parreño et al, 2013). This finding
is also consistent with previous TAM studies analysing secondary school teachers’ acceptance of EVGs
(Bourgonjon et al., 2013). Although a direct effect of ease of use on attitude was not found, ease of use
indirectly influences attitude through perceived usefulness. This has an explanation following this rationale:

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teachers might not have a positive attitude towards EVGs just because they perceive EVGs as easy to use but
teachers must perceive that EVGs are useful to enhance their teaching activity. Attitude towards EVGs directly
and positively influences teachers’ intention to use EVGs in their courses, that is, teachers having a positive
attitude towards EVGs show behavioural intention to use EVGs. This finding is also consistent with extant
literature that found the relationship between attitude and behavioural intention (Warshaw and Davis, 1985).

Regarding the moderating effect of age, results suggest that the effect of teachers’ perceived ease of use on
teachers’ perceived usefulness of EVGs is moderated by this factor. Broadly speaking, how useful EVGs are
perceived is a direct effect of how ease of use teachers perceived EVGs differs among older and younger
teachers. This is an important finding that must be taken into account when developing Teacher Training
Programmes as it suggests a generational gap that might affect teachers’ adoption of EVGs. Moreover,
considering that perceived usefulness has been found as the main factor contributing to teachers’ attitudes
towards EVGs this moderating effect of age deserves more attention to delve into factors that contribute age
differences on the effect of teachers’ perceived ease of use of EVGs on teachers’ perceived usefulness of EVGs.
However, no moderating effect of age was found either for perceived usefulness and teachers’ attitude or for
perceived ease of use and teachers’ attitude. That is, age is independent of how teachers’ perceived
usefulness and perceived ease of use of EVGs affects their attitude towards EVGs. Teacher Training
Programmes should focus then on different approaches to older and younger teachers because perceptions in
both groups of teachers vary regarding how their perceived ease of use of EVGs affects their perceived
usefulness of EVGs and consequently their attitude and finally their behavioural intention to use EVGs in their

7. Conclusions, limitations and future research

One main conclusion of this study is that teachers’ perceived usefulness is a key factor to predict teachers’
intention to use EVGs. This finding suggests that managers of Higher Education institutions who want teachers
to use EVGs in their courses should encourage them to enrol in specific Teacher Training Programmes that
focuses in highlighting how useful EVGs can be in their teaching activity and how EVGs can benefit students’
learning. Because ease of use does not affect teachers’ attitude towards EVGs (only indirectly through
perceived usefulness), Teacher Training Programmes should not encourage teachers to use EVGS just because
EVGs are easy to use but to use EVGs because they can be a useful resource to apply in the classroom. For
example, EVGs can be used as a means of motivating students to learn in a more entertaining way and also to
increase students’ engagement with the learning activities. Teacher Training Programmes should also consider
the age of teachers and especially how age moderates the effects of perceived ease of use on perceived
usefulness. For example, the effect of perceived ease of use on perceived usefulness in younger teachers
might rely on their greater familiarity with video games compared to older teachers. Future research should
delve into factors that better explain this moderating role of teachers’ age. Because both perceived usefulness
and perceived ease of use are directly influenced by design features, future research should also explore EVGs
design factors (e.g. difficulty level, course and subject suitability, learning goals…) that might affect teachers’
perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of EVGs. For example, teachers’ perceptions on how the
content of EVGs can fit the subject they teach or how EVGs’ features can increase students’ learning could
provide a better understanding of key drivers of teachers’ perceived usefulness of EVGs.

One main limitation of this study is the use of a convenience sample that does not allow the representation of
the target population. Future research should use a probabilistic sample that better represents the target
population. Because culture affects human behaviour, future research should be developed within a cross-
cultural framework in order to gain a better knowledge of cultural differences when adopting EVGs. Gender
can also affect attitudes and behavioural intentions to use EVGs. More research is needed in order to better
understand the role of gender in teachers’ intention to EVGs. The educational level (primary school, secondary
school…) can also affect teachers’ decisions about whether to implement EVGs in their course or not. Future
research should explore differences in teachers’ intention to use EVGs across educational levels but also across
institution characteristics, such as public or private schools. Finally, as this study adopts a teacher-centric
approach future research should use a student-centric approach in order to better understanding students’
intention to use EVGs.

www.ejel.org 362 ©ACPIL

Antonio Sánchez-Mena, José Martí-Parreño and Joaquín Aldás-Manzano

This work was supported by Laureate International Universities through the David A. Wilson Award for
Excellence in Teaching and Learning [LIU-WIL2015].

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