05 Proposal

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Specification No.

: C-00406-S248-3 PROPOSAL
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Bidder's Name and Address:

Bid Proposal Reference:

Person to be contacted:


Telephone No.: Fax: E-mail:

Contract Services,
Power Grid Corporation of India Limited,
“Saudamini”, Plot No.2, Sector-29,
Gurgaon, Haryana - 122 001

Sub. : Proposal for Substation Package for 220/20 kV Charikar (New) And 220/20 kV
Doshi (New) Sub-Station Associated With Consultancy Services for MEW,
Afghanistan. (Specification No.: C-00406-S248-3).

Dear Sirs,

1.0 We, the undersigned Bidder, have read and examined in detail the
Specifications and Bidding Documents of Substation Package for 220/20 kV
Charikar (New) And

220/20 kV Doshi (New) Sub-Station Associated With Consultancy Services for

MEW, Afghanistan and hereby propose to do design, engineering,
manufacture, testing at works, supply on FOR destination basis including
transportation and insurance, storage, erection, testing and commissioning of
various sub-station equipment, equipment support structures and gantry
structures etc. and associated civil works as detailed in the specification and
the bidding documents for the subject package.


2.1 All other prices and price components stated are firm and not subject to any
price adjustment, in line with the bidding documents. All prices and other terms
and conditions of this proposal are valid for a period of six (6) calendar months
from the date of opening of the bids. We further declare that prices stated in
our proposal are in accordance with your "Instruction to Bidders" included in
the Conditions of Contract, Volume-I of bidding documents.

2.2 We do hereby confirm that our lumpsum Bid price quoted in attached price
schedules include all the import duties and levies including licencelicense fees
lawfully payable by us on imported items and all taxes, duties & levies
including excise duty, sales tax, value added tax, service tax, works contract
tax in respect of (i) transaction between the Contractor and the Employer and
(ii) between the bidders and their sub-vendors/sub-suppliers while procuring
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any components, sub-assemblies, raw materials and equipment as applicable

in India and no claim on this behalf shall be entertained by the Employer.

2.3 We further confirm that the following taxes, duties & levies are not included in
our bid price and have been indicated separately which shall be reimbursed by
the Employer on production of documentary evidence:

(i) all applicable taxes, duties and levies to be payable in Afghanistan for
the services to be rendered in Afghanistan;

(ii) all applicable taxes, duties & levies in Afghanistan and en-route
country(ies) levied on equipment/materials including bought-out items.

(iii) all applicable taxes, duties & levies in Afghanistan and en-route
country(ies) levied on tools & tackles required for execution of the

Further, we confirm that if there are provisions for refund of taxes, duties &
levies already paid or if there are provisions for non-payment of the taxes,
duties and levies upon performance of any act/deed by us, whether in
Afghanistan or in en-route country(ies), the same shall be duly complied with
to enable such refund or non-payment of taxes, duties and levies and pass on
the benefit to the Employer.

2.4 We further declare that while quoting the ex-works price, we have considered
Export Incentives/ Benefits as per relevant Government policies and in case of
failure to receive such benefits, Employer will not compensate us. Information
regarding Export Incentives to enable the Employer to issue necessary
certificates have been furnished at Schedule-12.

2.5 We have studied clause 6.0 of Special Conditions of Contract, Vol.-IA relating
to taxes and duties and we hereby declare that we shall bear and pay to the
concerned authorities any Income Tax, Surcharge on Income Tax and other
Corporate Taxes, wherever applicable in India, Afghanistan and en-route

2.6 We are aware that the Price Schedules do not generally give a full description
of the supplies to be made and work to be performed under each item and we
shall be deemed to have read the Technical Specifications and other Bidding
Documents and drawings to ascertain the full scope of work included in each
item while filling in the rates and prices. We agree that the entered rates and
prices shall be deemed to include the full scope as aforesaid, including
overheads and profits.

2.7 We understand that in the price schedule, if there is discrepancy between the
unit price and total price, the same shall be corrected as per provisions of
Clause No. 35.2, Section-INB, Vol.-I, Conditions of Contract.

2.8 We declare that prices for item(s) left blank or against which `-‘ is indicated in
the attached schedules will be deemed to have been included in other item (s).
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We declare that we are making this offer on the basis of divisible Supply-cum-
Erection Contract on a single source responsibility basis. The supply portion of
the Contract will relate to the Supply of equipment/materials on ex-works basis
and the Erection portion will relate to transportation, storage, insurance,
erection, testing and commissioning etc. of equipment/materials as specified in
the Bidding Documents. However, we have no objection in case Employer
decides to split the above mentioned package into two separate Contracts-
one Contract for Supply of all equipment on ex-works basis and second
Contract for all services such as Freight & Insurance, port handling & customs
clearance, handling at site, storage, insurance, installation, testing and
commissioning etc of equipment/materials as specified in the bidding

We hereby declare that the award of two separate Contracts, will not, in any
way, dilute our responsibility for successful completion of work and fulfillment
of all obligations as per Bidding Documents and that both the Contracts will
have a cross-fall breach clause i.e. a breach in one Contract will automatically
be considered as a breach of the other Contract which will confer on the
Employer the right to terminate the other Contract at our risk and cost and/or
recover damages under any or both the Contracts.


We have enclosed a Bid Guarantee, in the form of......................... (Please fill

in alternative chosen) for a sum of ................................. (Amount in words &
figures) in original and two copies, valid for a period of seven (7) calendar
months from the date of opening of bids in accordance with the bidding
documents, as per the following details:

Form of Bid Guarantee Value of Bid Valid upto and

Guarantee Including

We have also ensured that the above bid guarantee furnished by us is in line
with the Bidding Documents and complete in the following respectsrespects

1. Value of non-judicial stamp paper, purchased in the name of executing

bank, is as per Stamp Act.
2. Power of Attorney no. and date as well as signature and full name &
designation of executant alongwith Bank's stamp.
3. Signature, full name, designation and address of witness.
4. Complete mailing address with Fax no. of the Head Office of the Bank is
(*) In case the bid guarantee is in the form of Bank Guarantee.
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(In case the bid is submitted by a joint venture, the Bid Guarantee shall
be in the name of Joint Venture covering all the partners of the joint
venture and not in the name of Lead Partner or any Partner(s) of the joint
venture only)


We declare that the rating and performance figures of the equipment to be

furnished and erected by us are guaranteed. The Guaranteed particulars of
different equipment are enclosed in Volume-III, Technical Data Sheets.


We declare that such price components, which are subject to price adjustment
as per the provisions of the bidding documents are based on the relevant
indices prevailing as on thirty days prior to the date of opening of bids. The
relevant data for price adjustment are detailed out in Schedule-8.


We confirm having submitted the Qualification Data in Original plus two

Copies, as required by you in your 'Instruction to Bidders' included in
Conditions of Contract and the Special Conditions of Contract, in a separate
envelope alongwith this Bid. Further we have filled in the information for
qualification requirements in Schedule-11. In case you require any further
information in this regard, we agree to furnish the same.


8.1 We declare that the contract shall be executed strictly in accordance with the
specifications and documents except for the variations and deviations, all of
which have been detailed out exhaustively in the following schedules,
irrespective of whatsoever has been stated to the contrary elsewhere in our

a) Commercial Deviations Schedule - Schedule-97

b) Cost of withdrawal of deviation on important - Schedule-9A
conditions Schedule

bc) Technical Deviations Schedule - Schedule-108

8.2 *We confirm that specified stipulation of the following clauses are acceptable
to us and no deviation/exceptions are taken on any account whatsoever in the
following clauses:

*In line with Clause 11.0 of Section-INB, Conditions of Contract, Volume-I of

the bidding documents, we have declared the withdrawal price in Schedule-9A
(I) for the deviations taken against the Clauses mentioned above and In line
with Clause 11.4 of Section-INB, Conditions of Contract, Volume-I of the
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bidding documents, we have declared the withdrawal price in Schedule-7A for

the deviations taken against the Clauses mentioned at Clause No. 11.4, INB,

Wwe undertake to execute the contract in line with the provisions of these
clauses in case POWERGRID agrees to bear the withdrawal cost.

(* Bidder to strike off whichever is not applicable)

a) Price & Price adjustment : Clause 14.0 & 16.0, Section-INB, Vol.-I
and Clause 4.0 & 5.0 of SCC, Vol.-IA
b) Bid Guarantee : Clause No. 24.0, Section-INB,
Volume-I & Clause No. 24.0 of
SCC, Volume-IA
c) Contract Performance : Clause No. 43.0, Section-INB,
Guarantee Clause 32.0, Section-GCC of
Volume-I & Clause No. 14.0 of SCC,

d) Liquidated Damages for delay: Clause No. 14.0, Section-GCC of

in completion Volume-I and Clause No. 15.0 of
SCC, Volume-IA.
e) Guarantees/Warrantees : Clause No. 15.0, Section-GCC,
f) Terms of Payment : Clause No. 34.0, Section-GCC
Volume-I and Clause No. 10.0
of SCC, Volume-IA
8.3 Further, we agree that additional conditions, deviations, if any, found in the
proposal documents other than those stated in Deviation Schedules, save that
pertaining to any rebates offered, shall not be given effect to.


We further, declare that the prices stated in our proposal are in accordance
with your 'Instructions to Bidders' included in Conditions of Contract, Volume-I
of the bidding documents.


We declare that our price component, that are subject to price adjustment, is
based on the relevant indices prevailing as on one month prior to the date of
bid opening month. The relevant data for price adjustment are detailed out in


In addition to the information called for in these proposal sheets, we have

included with this proposal additional information as listed separately in
Schedule-13. We further confirm that such additional information does not
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imply any additional deviation beyond those covered in Schedules-9, 9A & 10

and in case of any contradiction between these additional information and
other provisions of Bid, the latter will prevail.


We guarantee that the equipment offered shall meet the rating and
performance requirements stipulated in this specifications in Schedule-14.


We have furnished the details of all the items/sub-assemlies, which we

propose to buy for the purpose of making supplies under the subject package
as per the specifications, in Schedule-15.


If this proposal is accepted by you, we agree to complete the entire scope of

work as per the Bidding Documents, in accordance with Schedules indicated
in the proposal. We fully understand that the work completion schedule
stipulated in this proposal is the essence of the Contract, if awarded. The
completion schedule of the various major key phases of the work is indicated
in Schedule-16.


We have given a list of Special Tools and Tackles in Schedule-17 and prices
thereof are included in our lumpsum bid price. We further agree that any items
of special tools and tackles, though not included in the aforesaid list, but
required for effective erection, testing, commissioning & operation of the
equipment for the Subject Package, shall also be furnished by us, at no extra
cost to you.


We agree that if our proposal is accepted we shall provide a Contract

Performance Guarantee of value equivalent to ten percent (10%) of the total
Contract Price initially valid upto end of 90 days after the end of the contract
warranty period in the form of Bank Guarantees in your favour within thirty (30)
days from the date of issue of Letter of Award of Contract and enter into a
formal agreement with you within sixty (60) days from the date of issue of
Letter of Award,.
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We have furnished the details of Ex-employees of POWERGRID, who had

retired/resigned at the level of General Manager and above from
POWERGRID and subsequently have been employed by us, in Schedule-18.


We have included a check list duly filled in Schedule-19.

**17.0 (For Joint Venture only) We, the Partners of Joint Venture submitting this
bid, do agree and confirm that in case of Award of Contract on the Joint
Venture, we shall be jointly and severally liable and responsible for the
execution of the Contract in accordance with Contract terms and conditions.
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18.0 We, hereby, declare that only the persons or firms interested in this proposal
as principals are named herein and that no company, persons or firms other
than herein mentioned have any interest in this proposal or in the Contract to
be entered into, if we are awarded the Contract, and this proposal is made
without any connection with any other persons, firm or party likewise
submitting a proposal and that this proposal is in all respect for and in good
faith, without collusion or fraud.

Dated this ..................................... day of ............................ 20.....................

Thanking you, we remain

Yours faithfully

Date : ……….............................................
Place : (Signature of the authorized signatory @)

(Printed Name).......................................

(Designation) ..........................................

(Common Seal) ......................................

Business Address:
(To be signed by the Lead Partner in
case of Joint Venture)

Name and Address of Principal Officer


(Signature of the authorized signatory of other

partner (s) in case of Joint Venture)

(Printed Name) ..........................................

(Designation) .............................................

(Common Seal) ..........................................

(Written Power of Attorney of all signatories of bid to commit the bidder must be
enclosed with the bid. In case of Joint Venture, the written Power of Attorney of all
signatories from the respective Partners must be enclosed with the bid)

** Applicable in case of a bid from Joint Venture of firms. Further, the bid must be
signed by each partner of the Joint Venture.

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