Rapid Fall Design

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Reference:- Theory and Design of Irrigation Structure by R.S.Varshney & Gupta Volume II
Chapter 8 Page 293

Design details:- The fall of Western Yamuna canal were of rapid type in which gently sloping
glacis 1:10 to 1:20 was provided. These were quite successful owing to the fact that the glacis assured
the formation of the hydraulic jump. Therefore, in RMC/LMC fall having height less than 0.60 m. has
been designed as rapid type.

The glacis slope has been provided as 1:10 and 1.0m.long U/S& D/S horizontal pucca floor for
smooth functioning.

The bed width in glacis/S and D/S pucca floor has been provided same as the bed width of U/S
of canal section. The side slope in this portion has been kept same as U/S& D/S canal section i.e. 1:1.5.

In the bed of glacis ,U/S&D/S pucca floor 0.23 m. soling has been provided over this 0.20 m.
thick PCC M-10 has been provided .And above this 0.15 m, thick PCC M-15 has been provided.

In sides of rapid fall 0.15 m. thick PCC M-10 has been provided as base /leveling course ,over this
PCC 0.30 m. thick R R Stone Masonry in C M{1:5} with 20 mm thick cement plaster has been provided.

In addition to above provisions 2.0 m. long and 0.60 m, deep cistern has also been provided to
kill the remaining energy of fall.

The entire structure is at rest condition/position; hence, no structural design is required.

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