Water-Powered Oscillating Unit and Oscillating Monitor Assemblies

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Water-Powered Oscillating
Unit and Oscillating
Monitor Assemblies

The CHEMGUARD COM-HD water-powered oscillating unit
is designed for use with any 3 in. water way manual monitor
equipped with a standard 4 in. ANSI Class 150 flange inlet
connection. When the monitor is connected to the oscillating
unit, the monitor operates as an automatic water-powered
oscillating monitor.
The heavy duty stainless steel swivel bearing and all stainless
steel design of the body provide exceptional durability and
corrosion-resistance for applications requiring long, continuous 011074
or repeated use in normal and harsh environments.
The innovative swivel bearing design (patent pending) allows
for easy field replacement of only the bearing, in the unlikely
event that the bearing wears out or is damaged through misuse CHEMGUARD Water-Powered Oscillating Monitors are designed
or improper maintenance. to automatically oscillate over a preset arc upon system
n The COM-HD is UL listed when sold as an assembly with activation, allowing discharge over a wide design area without
the 3 in. BRAHMA monitor and CMNB350, CMNB500, manual intervention or the use of electrical power. This device
or CMNB750 fixed flow monitor nozzle with 2-1/2 NHT is intended for use in firefighting foam systems designed in
connections. Refer to the UL Product IQ for foam concentrate accordance with NFPA 11, NFPA 409, and/or NFPA 418, typically
- specific flow and pressure ranges. found in high risk areas such as tank farm facilities, refineries,
aircraft hangars, and heliports.
n The COM-HD Oscillating Base Unit is FM Approved for use
with water when used in conjunction with FM Approved
Monitor and Nozzle assemblies. Refer to FMApprovals.com Specifications
for specific flow and pressure ranges.
A water drive wheel connected to a double reduction gearbox
n Materials of construction: drives the oscillating monitor. To operate the drive wheel, a
–  304 Stainless Steel: Bearing, main body, connection small flow, not exceeding 13 gpm at maximum recommended
flanges, linkage assembly, oscillator housings oscillation speed, is diverted from the monitor inlet. The monitor
– Bronze: Water drive wheel, speed control valve, automatic requires no external wiring or hydraulic control for operation.
drain valve The vertical angle of elevation and horizontal arc of oscillation
is field adjustable and can be set and locked in position. The
–  Brass: Check valve, test connection (garden hose adaptor)
monitor can be set to oscillate over a range of 0° to 120° and the
n  Suitable for use with most foam solutions. location of the oscillation arc may be set anywhere within the
n Arc of oscillation adjustable via six set points 360° field of operation. Elevation range of the unit is between
– 25, 40, 60, 80, 100, and 120 degrees 65° and -20°.
n Speed of oscillation is adjustable using the speed adjustment The CHEMGUARD COM-HD unit is available in three different
valve. Maximum speed is approximately 40 deg/sec. Speed configurations.
may vary when switching from water flow to foam solution
flow at same valve adjustment setting. Configuration Description
n Manual override capabilities in horizontal and vertical degree 1 Oscillating Base Unit:
fields when purchased as an oscillating monitor assembly. Oscillating Unit only, standard 4 in. ANSI
n Operating inlet pressure: M
 inimum 40 psi (2.8 bar) Class 150 inlet and outlet flange connections
Maximum 200 psi (14 bar) 2 Oscillating Monitor Assembly:
n Maximum flow rate 1250 gpm, with BRAHMA monitor. Oscillating Unit complete with assembled
n  Double reduction oil bath gearbox. 3 in. BRAHMA Monitor and choice of
fixed flow nozzle with 2-1/2 NHT nozzle
n Standard grease zerk fittings for easy maintenance.
n Single tiller bar for positioning and control of the monitor.
3 Oscillating Base Unit with externally sourced
n Oscillating monitor includes hose test connection for a Monitor and Nozzle:
functional check of the unit without flowing the system.
Oscillating Base Unit packaged with externally
n Drain valve automatically drains oscillator base piping after sourced monitor and nozzle options (may
system shutoff, to help provide cold weather protection. increase lead times).

+1-817-473-9964  | www.chemguard.com |  Form No. CG-2020004-00

© 2020 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown
were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice.
Dimensional Data
14 IN. 18 IN.
(355 mm) (457 mm)

39 IN.
(990 mm)

8 IN.
(203 mm)

17.7 IN.
(449.5 mm)

15.8 IN. 5.7 IN.

(401 mm) (144 mm)
9.1 IN. 9.6 IN.
(231 mm) (243 mm) 21.5 IN.
(546 mm)



Note: 1. Inlet flange to oscillator base unit is ANSI Class 150 raised face flange. Top flange (monitor connection) is ANSI Class 150 flat face flange.
2. Dimensions are approximate and subject to change without notice.
3. Oscillating monitor assembly must be installed in a vertical orientation, as shown.

COM-HD BRAHMA Oscillating Monitor and Base Unit

Pressure Loss vs Flow Rate



psi 25 BASE
(bar) (1.7)





200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 1,100 1,200 1,300
(757) (1,136) (1,514) (1,893) (2,271) (2,650) (3,028. (3,407) (3,785) (4,164) (4,542) (4,921)



Note: Pressure loss is measured with water only and may vary if used with foam solution or self-educting foam nozzles.
Pressure loss data shown for the COM-HD BRAHMA Monitor Assembly is the pressure loss at the recommended maximum speed control valve setting
(one turn open).
Pressure loss data shown for the COM-HD Oscillating Base Unit is the maximum possible pressure loss, with speed control valve fully open.
Pressure loss may be less for the oscillating base unit when speed control valve is set to recommended setting.
Data are for reference only. Actual results may vary depending on environmental and testing conditions.
COM-HD Oscillating Monitor Inlet Pressure vs. Flow Rate


RATE 500
gpm (1,890) COM-HD750
(1,510) COM-HD500

(1,130) COM-HD350



40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
(2.7) (3.4) (4.1) (4.8) (5.5) (6.2) (6.9) (7.5) (8.2) (8.9) (9.6) (10.3) (11.0) (11.7) (12.4) (13.1) (13.7)

Note: Flow rate data shown is the flow through the firefighting nozzle only. Up to an additional 13 gpm will be used to drive the oscillating mechanism when the
speed control valve is adjusted at or below the recommended maximum oscillation speed setting.
Data obtained with water and for reference only. Actual results may vary depending on environmental and testing conditions. Refer to the CHEMGUARD
Heavy Duty (HD) Water-Powered Oscillating Monitors Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual (Part No. 450929) for further guidance on the
operational limitations. Operating this device outside of its recommended limitations may cause premature wear and eventually product damage or

Water-Powered Oscillating Monitor Reference Range Data

COM-HD Water-Powered Oscillating Monitor
Reference Range Data – reach/height in feet - (reach/height in meters)
Monitor Inlet Pressure - psi (bar)
Monitor 50 psi (3.45 bar) 100 psi (6.90 bar) 150 psi (10.34 bar)
Monitor Elevation
Model Angle Fixed Oscillating Fixed Oscillating Fixed Oscillating
Number (deg) ft (m) ft (m) ft (m) ft (m) ft (m) ft (m)
COM-HD350 5 60/8 (18.0/2.4) 55/8 (17.0/2.4) 110/10 (34.0/3.0) 100/9 (31.0/3.0) 135/12 (41.0/4.0) 120/10 (37.0/3.0)
15 90/15 (27.0/5.0) 80/14 (24.0/4.0) 135/20 (41.0/6.0) 125/18 (38.0/6.0) 170/23 (52.0/7.0) 150/21 (46.0/6.0)
30 100/25 (30.0/8.0) 90/23 (27.0/7.0) 145/32 (44.0/10.0) 135/30 (41.0/9.0) 175/39 (53.0/2.0) 155/35 (47.0/11.0)
COM-HD500 5 65/9 (20.0/3.0) 60/9 (18.0/3.0) 115/10 (35.0/3.0) 105/9 (32.0/3.0) 150/13 (46.0/4.0) 135/11 (41.0/3.0)
15 95/16 (29.0/5.0) 85/15 (26.0/5.0) 155/23 (47.0/7.0) 145/21 (44.0/6.0) 185/25 (56.0/8.0) 165/23 (50.0/7.0)
30 105/26 (32.0/8.0) 95/24 (29.0/7.0) 165/36 (50.0/11.0) 150/33 (46.0/10.0) 200/44 (61.0/13.0) 180/40 (55.0/12.0)
COM-HD750 5 70/10 (21.0/3.0) 65/10 (20.0/3.0) 120/11 (37.0/3.0) 105/11 (32.0/3.0) 160/14 (49.0/4.0) 140/13 (43.0/4.0)
15 98/16 (30.0/5.0) 88/16 (27.0/5.0) 155/23 (47.0/7.0) 146/21 (45.0/6.0) 185/25 (57.0/8.0) 168/23 (51.0/7.0)
30 115/28 (35.0/9.0) 98/25 (30.0/8.0) 170/36 (52.0/11.0) 150/33 (46.0/10.0) 210/45 (64.0/14.0) 183/42 (56.0/13.0)

Note: 1. Throw distance and heights noted are with water flow only and provided discharge nozzle in no wind conditions. Distances and heights will be reduced
by approximately 10% with foam solution. Wind or other environmental conditions will affect ranges as well.
2. Maximum discharge range is achieved at approximately 30°-35° elevation in low wind conditions, with nozzle adjusted to straight stream setting.
3. Some ranges are based on extrapolation of existing data and observations.
4. Maximum height of discharge stream is usually found at approximately 65% of maximum discharge range from nozzle, not at maximum discharge

For additional information, please visit www.chemguard.com

Applicable terms and conditions of sale, such as warranty can be found at www.tycofsbp.com/TFPPTerms_of_Sale/TFPPTerms_of_Sale.pdf
Ordering Information
COM-HD Oscillating Monitor Assembly (Part No. 448974)
Order the COM-HD oscillating base unit as a stand-a-lone unit or configured as an oscillating monitor assembly. Contact Technical
Services to order models and customized assemblies.

COM-HD Oscillating Base Unit COM-HD Oscillating Monitor Assembly



Standard model options include:

Model Description Model Description
COM-HD † Oscillating Base Unit only COM-HD350CEN Oscillating Monitor Assembly complete
with BRAHMA Monitor and Elkhart Model
COM-HD350 ** Oscillating Monitor Assembly complete with HF350 Nozzle (Self-Educting Foam Nozzle)
BRAHMA Monitor and CMNB350 Nozzle
COM-HD500 ** Oscillating Monitor Assembly complete with COM-HD500CEN Oscillating Monitor Assembly complete
BRAHMA Monitor and CMNB500 Nozzle with BRAHMA Monitor and Elkhart Model
HF500 Nozzle (Self-Educting Foam Nozzle)
COM-HD750 ** Oscillating Monitor Assembly complete with COM-HD750CEN Oscillating Monitor Assembly complete
BRAHMA Monitor and CMNB750 Nozzle with BRAHMA Monitor and Williams
Model LWNS750 Nozzle (Self-Educting
Foam Nozzle)
COM-HD1000 Oscillating Monitor Assembly complete with COM-HD1000CEN Oscillating Monitor Assembly complete
BRAHMA Monitor and CMNB1000 Nozzle with BRAHMA Monitor and Akron Brass
Style 4470 Nozzle (Self-Educting Foam
† FM Approved: Approved for use with water when used with FM Approved monitor and nozzle assemblies. Refer to FM Approvals for specific flow and
pressure ranges.
** UL Listed: Refer to the UL Product IQ for foam concentrate - specific flow and pressure ranges.

Note: Contact Technical Services to obtain an electronic copy of the Heavy Duty (HD) Water-Powered Oscillating Monitors Installation, Operation and
Maintenance Manual (Part No. 450929).
Note: The converted values in this document are provided for dimensional reference only and do not reflect an actual measurement.

CHEMGUARD and the product names listed in this material are marks and/or registered marks. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

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