0038 1098 (74) 90767 4 PDF
0038 1098 (74) 90767 4 PDF
0038 1098 (74) 90767 4 PDF
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York 10598, U.S.A.
I I I k
6cm’3 q,w
NrlO’ 269 (a) _________
- _
6 we find
density n-type GaAs sample. An argon laser at 5145A the scattering
that wLo(Ko)data
= 287
by cm’1,
and Dolling,
is in good agreement
has been used in the back scattering geometry along with our spectrum. Since the ground state energy is of
(111), and various polarizations between the incident the order of a few kbTat room temperatures, effects
and scattered light beams are employed in the measure- of surface quantization may be difficult to observe,
ments. However, for the case of highly doped n-GaAs however, since the collision broadening is of the order
shown in Fig. 1(b), in addition to the usual LO and of a few meV, the quantized state should be well
TO peaks, the data clearly indicate that something defined. The calculated line shape for the LOSQ mode
else is present. When cross-polarization is used for based on our model gives good agreement with the
crystal of Td symmetry with (111) orientation, the measured.7 As mentioned earlier, the absorption
measured spectrum shows only a TO mode with depth is of the order of the depletion thickness, the
Lorentzian line shape having its peak at 269 cnf’. usual LO peak appears at 291 cm’1, which is the
However, in measurements on samples with (100) position corresponding to an absence of carriers.
orientation only the LO mode is excited. The line
shape of the LO mode for the highly doped sample is
skewed, having higher intensity at the lower frequency BIAS VOLTAGES
side of the peak located at 291 cm”. The spectrum of
the LOSQ mode is resolved by subtracting the LO and We evaporated stannic oxide semi-transparent
TO peaks with symmetric line shapes. The peak of the electrodes on the same sample as well as other ones.
LOSQ mode is found to be 286 cm’. If we assume In addition to the LOSQ contributions broad peaks
that the scattering is due to the process shown in Fig. appear at frequencies above 291 cm’ as shown in
2, where all but the hole states denoted by b are Fig. 3(a)—(c). It is hard to maintain that the shift is
plane wave states, momentum is not conserved. In due to plasmon—phonon interaction, because the
order to estimate the position of the peak in LOSQ, reversed bias case should increase d, further depleting
we take the wave function for the state b to be5 the surface. We think that the shift is due to the inter-
~I~b= (b3/2)”2 z exp(—bz/2), action of LO phonons with plasmon excitations of
the steady-state carrier distribution induced by the
where b = (12 m*e2Nd/ch2)h/3, in which e is the illumination. Furthermore, this shift is not present for
permitivity of the medium, m*, the hole mass, N, the a free surface. Suppose i’~denotes the surface
I ~I0mA
equilibrium, w = noEgV/rrn, where the laser power
input, energy gap and the volume of the absorbed light
are respectively, w, E, and V. The best estimate for
these quantities are w = 0.1 W, Eg = 1.5 eV, and V=
200 pm X 400 pm X 200A, giving the value of Tm =
5 X 10’i~sec.For bulk GaAs, the recombination
I~0 (b) time TB is of the order of a few nanoseconds. Our
results then indicate a surface recombination time
shorter than the corre~spondingbulk value, which is
2985 286 / ~
consistent. If ~ < I0’bo sec., the steady-state carrier
density would be too low to show an appreciable
0 shift. Since TB > Tm, under forward bias condition,
(1) I
surface recombination time is increasing toward the
I ~-IOmA bulk value, resulting in a higher steady-state density,
N 29 18cm3298 BIAS 284
v~—EvERSE ,‘ /
and hence,
measure a larger
surface shift. Our model
recombination time.explains the
There appears to
x10 observed shift and possibly serves as a new means to
have a.shift in the position of the LOSQ mode to lower
frequencies when bias voltages are changed from
320 310 300 290 280 270 260 250 forward to reverse. This slight shift is thought to be
FREQUENCY SHIFT (cm~) due to the narrowing of the depletion layer, i.e.,
FIG. 3. Raman spectra for LO and TO phonons for the decreasing z
0, thereby increasing K0. Also, from the
same sample as in Fig. 1(b) but semi-transparent con- linewidth of the shifted LO peak, we obtain a value
tacts are deposited on the (111) face of the crystal. for the electronic relaxation time of 910—13 sec.,the
assuming that the
phonon broadening. plasmon broadening
recombination time for the free surface and Tm~the
surface recombination for the case where metal con-
One of the purposes of this investigation was to
tact is present, if Tm ~ r~,the steady state carrier study the possibility of electron tailing into the semi-
concentration for the free surface will be too low to conductor from the metal surface~° Although our
show a shift. Let us estimate the value of Tm. We data do not rule out this possibility, we feel that it is
shall assume under equilibrium conditions, that the more likely that the observed changes are due to
free electron density and free hole density are equal, phonon interaction with plasmons formed by the
i.e., n
0 = Po~Due to the smaller electron mass, we steady state carrier injection.
may further assume that all of the shift in the peak
position is due to interaction with free electrons n0. Acknowledgement We are pleased to acknowledge
Consider, for example, the case shown in Fig. 3(b), many helpful discussions with W.E. Howard.
1. MEAD C.A. and SPITZER W.G.,Phys. Rev. 134, A713 (1964).
2. PHILLIPS HR. and EHRENREICH H.,Phys. Rev. 129, 1550 (1963).
3. MOORADIAN A. and WRIGHT G.,Phys. Rev. Lett. 16,999 (1966).
4. CORDEN P., PINCZUK A. and BURSTEIN E.,Proc. 10th mt. Conf. Phys. ofSemiconductors (Edited by
KELLER S.P., HENSEL S.C. and STERN F.) p. 739. United States Atomic Energy Commission (1970).