Mineralogy and Geotechnical Properties of Singapore Marine Clay at Changi

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Soils and Foundations 2015;55(3):600–613

HOSTED BY The Japanese Geotechnical Society

Soils and Foundations

journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/sandf

Mineralogy and geotechnical properties of Singapore marine clay at Changi

Myint Win Boa, Arul Arulrajahb, Patimapon Sukmakc, Suksun Horpibulsukd,n
DST Consulting Engineers Inc., Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia
School of Engineering and Resources, Walailak University, Nakhonsithammarat, Thailand
School of Civil Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, 111 University Avenue, Muang District, Nakhon Ratchasima 30000, Thailand
Received 3 June 2014; received in revised form 8 January 2015; accepted 2 February 2015
Available online 8 May 2015


An engineering geological study was undertaken to determine the geotechnical properties and mineralogy of Singapore marine clay at Changi
in the Republic of Singapore. This soft soil is a quartenary deposit that lies within submarine valleys cut in an old alluvium formation. The marine
clay comprises a soft upper marine clay layer overlying a stiffer lower marine clay layer. An intermediate stiff clay layer is sandwiched between
these two marine clay layers; it is believed to be the dessicated crust of the lower marine clay layer. In the present study, morphological and
mineralogical observations of Singapore clay were taken by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and photographic identification. The
geotechnical investigation included physical, compression, permeability and field vane shear tests. The upper marine clay was found to be soft
with undrained shear strength values ranging from 10 to 30 kPa, while the lower marine clay was found to have undrained shear strength values
from 30 to 60 kPa. The sensitivity of the marine clay at Changi varied from 3 to 8 and is described as highly sensitive marine clay. The upper clay
layer had a coefficient of consolidation of 0.47–0.6 m2/year due to the vertical flow (cv) and a coefficient of consolidation of 2–3 m2/year due to
the horizontal flow (ch). The lower marine clay had a cv of 0.8–1.5 m2/year and a ch of 3–5 m2/year, while the intermediate stiff clay had a cv of
1–4.5 m2/year and a ch of 5–10 m2/year. The primary clay mineral was kaolinite, followed by smectite and mica. With this high kaolinite content,
the activity of the Singapore marine clay was found to be low at approximately 0.5–1.3 and classified as inactive to active clay. With reference to
the intrinsic state line, natural Singapore clay (upper, intermediate and lower layers) has been classified as structured clay and is in a meta-stable
state. The compression behaviour can be modelled by the Intrinsic State Line and the destructuring framework. The predicted and the measured
compression curves were comparable for various depths. The successful modelling of compression curves will be useful for settlement
calculations and for further research on the development of a constitutive model for Singapore marine clay.
& 2015 The Japanese Geotechnical Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Marine clay; Soft soils; Field vane; Geotechnical; Geology; Hydraulic; Compressibility

1. Introduction

Over the last two decades, extensive land reclamation and

ground-improvement projects have been undertaken as part of
the mega Changi Land Reclamation project. As part of these
Corresponding author. projects in the Republic of Singapore, the geotechnical in-situ
E-mail addresses: mwinbo@dstgroup.com (M.W. Bo),
aarulrajah@swin.edu.au (A. Arulrajah), patimapon.su@wu.ac.th (P. Sukmak),
testing (Bo et al., 2000, 2003, 2013; Chu et al., 2002; Arulrajah
suksun@g.sut.ac.th (S. Horpibulsuk). et al., 2004b, 2005, 2006a, 2006b, 2007, 2009a, 2011) and the
Peer review under responsibility of The Japanese Geotechnical Society. field instrumentation (Arulrajah et al., 2004a, 2009b) of these

0038-0806/& 2015 The Japanese Geotechnical Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.W. Bo et al. / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 600–613 601

geotechnical projects have been reported in recent years. Department Singapore, 1976). This formation is underlain by
However, there is still a lack of understanding of the engineer- old alluvium. The preliminary site investigation and geophy-
ing geology, the mineralogical properties and the compressi- sical survey of the project site revealed that the Singapore
bility of this particular marine clay, as these aspects have not marine clay at Changi consists of two marine members locally
been previously reported. In various other countries, detailed known as the upper and lower marine clay layers. These soft to
geological and geotechnical engineering characterisations of medium stiff clay members are recent deposits of estuarine
marine clays have been undertaken, but they are still lacking origin. The upper and lower marine clays are separated by a
for Singapore marine clay. layer of medium stiff to stiff clay with a thickness of 2–5 m.
Karakouzian et al. (2003) reported on shear strength mea- This layer, locally termed as intermediate clay, is reddish in
surements taken in Norfolk, USA with the usage of field vane colour and is believed to be the desiccated crust of the lower
shear tests. Jung et al. (2012) reported on stress–strain responses marine clay resulting from the exposure of the seabed to the
of reconstituted glacial clays in Chicago, USA. Horpibulsuk atmosphere during the rise and fall of the sea levels in the
et al. (2007) and Abuel-Naga et al. (2009) reported on the geological past.
engineering properties and geological history of soft Bangkok The onset of the Wurm/Wisconsin glacial period, occurring
clay, Thailand. The mineralogical, chemical and geotechnical approximately 75,000 years ago, brought about an extremely
properties of Bangkok clay were compared with those of Ariake rapid drop in sea level to about 140 m below the present sea
clay, a Japanese clay, by Ohtsubo et al. (2000). Kim et al. level approximately 18,000 years ago. There has been a
(2012) reported on the engineering properties and geological tremendous transgression of the sea over the land in the last
history of soft clays in Songdo, South Korea. Yan and Ma 10,000–20,000 years. With the further uplift of land and the
(2010) characterised marine deposits in Macau. Liu et al. (2011) regression of the seas, more erosion and deposition have taken
characterised marine clays in Lianyougang. The results of these place. The present marine clay formation in Eastern Singapore
geological studies, which included the mineralogical and has been formed by these cycles of aggregation and erosion
geotechnical investigation of shear strength, hydraulic conduc- throughout the geological ages (Public Works Department
tivity and compression, are vital for research and design. An Singapore, 1976). This conclusion is based on evidence that
understanding of the compressive behaviour is essential for desiccation occurred on the intermediate clay layer during the
geological and geotechnical engineering purposes and is the recession of the sea level after the ice age.
core basis for modelling the stress–strain relationships of soils
(e.g., Pestana and Whittle, 1995; Hong and Onitsuka, 1998;
Potts and Zdravkovic, 1999; Baudet and Stallebrass, 2001; Chai
et al., 2004; Liu et al., 2011, 2013). 3. Site and laboratory investigations
Along the same lines, authors' intention in this study is to
report on the geological aspects of Singapore marine clay at 3.1. Site investigation
Changi inclusive of the geological history, clay mineralogy
and geotechnical properties such as physical, compression, Marine bathymetric surveys, together with marine geophy-
hydraulic conductivity and shear strength. The research site is sical seismic reflection surveys of the project area, were carried
located in the Eastern part of the Republic of Singapore where out with the help of a water surface-towed boomer profiling
Singapore marine clay is prevalent. This soft clay is a system. The elevations of the bases of the compressible layers
quartenary deposit that lies within submarine valleys cut in and the distribution of soft marine clay pockets deposited in
an old alluvium formation and is locally known as the Kallang submarine valley cuts were determined from marine bathy-
formation. The study area was submerged underwater with a metric and seismic reflection surveys.
seabed elevation varying from  2 mCD to  8 mCD (Admir- The seismic survey vessel was fitted with a trisponder, an
alty Chart Datum, where the mean sea level is þ 1.6 mCD) and echo sounder and a boomer profiling system. The survey
is underlain by marine clay up to 40 m in thickness in certain operation was run at lines with spacing of 50 m in alternate
areas. Detailed geotechnical properties and a mineralogical directions. Cross lines were run at a spacing of 50 m in
analysis of the Singapore marine clay were undertaken in this alternate directions. For horizontal control of the survey, a
study. The in-situ stress state of Singapore marine clay was trisponder positioning system was used to control the location
examined and the compression behaviour was analysed. The of the survey vessel along the pre-computed lines. For vertical
destructuring framework, which was proposed by Liu and control of the survey, the tidal reduction of the survey area was
Carter (1999, 2000) and verified by some soils, was adapted to carried out using tides observed with a tide gauge. Tidal data
model the compression curves of natural Singapore marine was obtained from the Hydrographical Department of the Port
clay. The predicted and measured compression curves were of Singapore.
compared to illustrate the applicability of the framework. The echo sounder enabled the contouring of the seabed
elevation profile, while the boomer enabled the plotting of the
2. Geological history isoline of the base elevation of the marine clay deposit.
A description of the geological sequence was then obtained
The marine clay identified in this study belongs to the based on the interpretation of the boomer data, and this could
marine member of the Kallang Formation (Public Works be correlated with the marine borehole data provided over the
602 M.W. Bo et al. / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 600–613

Fig. 1. Typical isoline showing total thickness of marine clay.

survey area. Fig. 1 shows a typical isoline and presents the 3.2. Laboratory testing
total thickness of marine clay in the study area.
Site investigation works, consisting of marine boreholes, Laboratory tests were performed on the recovered borehole
field vane tests and laboratory tests, were carried out for this samples to determine the geotechnical properties and miner-
study. Up to 50 marine sampling boreholes were prepared. alogy of the marine clay. Oedometer consolidation tests were
Undisturbed samples taken from the boreholes were tested in conducted to determine the compression properties of the
the laboratory to determine the physical, mineralogical, Singapore marine clay at Changi. The oedometer specimens
hydraulic conductivity and compression characteristics of the were 63.5 mm in diameter and 19 mm in height. The con-
Singapore marine clay. Undrained shear strengths were mea- solidation load was applied in 24-h loading stages with a load
sured using field vane shear tests. A penetration type of vane increment ratio of unity. Rowe cell tests (Rowe and Barden
shear test, without a borehole, was used in this study. The vane (1966)) were undertaken to determine the coefficient of
used here was 13 cm in height and 6.5 cm in diameter. Sleeved consolidation due to the horizontal flow of the marine clay.
torque rods were used to eliminate friction between the vane The employed Rowe cell was 75 mm in diameter and 30 mm
rod and the subsoils. The vane was withdrawn into a protective in thickness. The consolidation load was applied in 24-h stages
shoe to avoid damage during penetration. It was inserted 30 cm with a load increment ratio of unity.
farther into the ground at the test depth. The shear test was run The mineralogy of the marine clay was determined by the
immediately after insertion of the vane with the rotation speed extraction of piston samples for the X-ray diffraction (XRD)
of about 61/min to obtain the undisturbed shear strength. The and scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis. Photo-
remoulded shear strength was next measured after 15 rotations graphic identification of the marine clay was undertaken with
of the vane, as previously performed by Horpibulsuk et al. a high resolution camera.
(2007). Thus, the sensitivity was obtained from the ratio of the
undisturbed vane shear strength to the remoulded vane shear 3.2.1. X-ray diffraction
strength. Marine site investigation works were planned with A representative portion of each sample was removed and
the aid of a geophysical seismic reflection survey. Boreholes dispersed in distilled water using a reciprocal shaker by
were drilled at locations with thick marine clay and other treatment with ultrasound. The suspension was then sieved
locations to determine the marine clay profile. Due to the large on 63 μm, and the material that had passed through the sieve
extent of the project area and variations in the underlying soil was then placed in a measuring cylinder and allowed to stand.
profile, marine boreholes were created with offshore jack-up In order to prevent flocculation of the clay crystals, 2 ml of
pontoons. Fig. 2 presents the geological profile along Y 1000, 0.1 M ‘Calgon’ (sodium hexametaphosphate) was added to
which is along the centre line of the runway, and Y 800, which each suspension. After a period dictated by Stoke's Law, a
is along the centre line of taxiway 1 in the study area based on nominal o 2 μm was then re-suspended in a minimum of
the seismic profiling and the marine borehole results. Con- distilled water and pipette onto a ceramic tile in a vacuum
tinuous undisturbed sampling holes were made at intervals of apparatus to produce an oriented mount.
every metre of depth, and continuous in-situ field vane tests The XRD analysis was conducted using a Philips PW1700
were carried out at intervals of 1 m of depth approximately 1 m series diffractometer equipped with a cobalt-target tube and
away from the locations of the sampling boreholes. The operated at 45 kV and 40 mA. The clay mineralogy of the air-
termination criteria were based on achieving three consecutive dried and glycol-solvated samples was determined using
Standard Penetration Tests blow counts of 50. oriented mounts from 1.5–321 2θ with 0.481 2θ/min where θ
M.W. Bo et al. / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 600–613 603

Fig. 2. Typical geological profile of study area.

was the diffraction angle. The diffraction data was analysed voltage of 20 kV was used throughout this study. The qualitative
using Philips APD1700 software coupled with a JCPDS chemistry of each clay mineral is identified on the list of
database running on a DEC MicroVax 2000 micro-computer elements detected. The elements listed in brackets are listed in
system. the approximate order of decreasing concentration estimated
from the peak heights.
3.2.2. Scanning electron microscope
Sub-specimens, approximately 2 cm  1 cm, were freeze 3.2.3. Photographic identification
dried prior to the specimen preparation. This involved rapidly Photographic identification of the marine clay obtained from
freezing each sub-specimen in liquid nitrogen and then drying the marine sampling boreholes was carried out with a high
it in an Edwards Modulyo Freeze Drier for approximately resolution camera. The marine clay specimens were extruded
24 h. Once dry, the specimens were carefully fractured to and the entire length of the specimen was carefully cut and
produce a freshly exposed surface for the SEM examination. subsequently opened by two different approaches, by cutting it
These specimens were then mounted on aluminium stubs and with a wire saw and by splitting it open without cutting it.
coated in a layer of carbon, approximately 25 nm thick, in a Opening the specimen, as such, exposed the inner core of the
carbon evaporation coater. specimen to identify the textures and laminations of the marine
The SEM specimens were examined in an Energy Dispersive clay. The colour of the marine clay was compared with colour
X-ray Analysis (EDXA) system, which provided qualitative charts to describe the colour of the various layers of marine
chemical information from areas of interest. An accelerating clay. Photographic identification enables the featuring of the
604 M.W. Bo et al. / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 600–613

Table 1
Engineering properties of Singapore marine clay.

Parameters Upper marine clay Intermediate stiff clay Lower marine clay

Βulk density (kN/m3) 14.2–15.7 18.6–19.6 15.7–16.6

Water content (%) 70–88 10–35 40–60
Liquid limit (%) 80–95 50 65–90
Plastic limit (%) 20–28 18–20 20–30
Initial void ratio 1.8–2.2 0.7–0.9 1.1–1.5
Specific gravity 2.6–2.72 2.68–2.76 2.7–2.75
Compression index 0.6–1.5 0.2–0.3 0.6–1.0
Recompression index 0.09–0.16 0.08–0.15 0.14–0.2
Coefficient of consolidation – vertical (m2/year) 0.47–0.6 1–4.5 0.8–1.5
Coefficient of consolidation – horizontal (m2/year) 2–3 5–10 3–5
Overconsolidation ratio 1.5–2.5 3–4 2

colours, textures and laminations of the marine clay. The rate of consolidation for preloading with the vertical drain
identification depths of the sand seams, organic material and applications. It is found that the ch/cv values for the upper and
layers of past exposure to oxidation are also evident. lower marine clay layers vary from 3.5 to 5.0. The upper
marine clay possesses a higher range of ch/cv values. The ch/cv
4. Test results values vary from 4.25 to 5.0 for upper marine clay and 3.3 to
3.5 for lower marine clay. Bergado et al. (1992) reported that
The range in physical and compression characteristics of the the ch/cv ratio varies from 4 to 10 for Bangkok clay in
upper, lower and intermediate marine clays obtained from the Thailand.
laboratory tests is tabulated in Table 1. The results of the soil The SEM photomicrographs of the upper and lower marine
investigation indicate the presence of two distinct layers, clays are shown in Fig. 3 (plates 1–6). Plates 1–3 are for the
namely, the upper marine clay layer and the lower marine upper marine clay at a depth of 6 m. Plates 4–6 are for the
clay layer. The intermediate stiff clay layer is, in reality, the lower marine clay at a depth of 15 m. Plates 1 and 4 show the
desiccated layer of the lower marine clay. This desiccated layer typical clay morphology. Plate 2 shows the typical clay
separates these two distinct marine clay layers. The soft upper morphology and an open, poorly compacted texture. Plate 3
marine clay layer lies in a range of depth of 20–30 m below the indicates the presence of rare framboical pyrite. Plate 5
seabed. The intermediate stiff clay has a range in thickness of indicates the presence of kaolinite particles within the clay
3–5 m, and this predominantly stiff sandy silt or sandy clay matrix. Plate 6 shows typical open, porous clay fabric. The
layer is sandwiched between the upper marine clay and the fabric of the marine clay at this depth of 15 m appears to be
lower marine clay. The lower marine clay lies in a range of generally open with porosities optically estimated at up to
depth of 30–50 m below the seabed. The upper marine clay is 30%. The calculated porosity of the clay with a water content
soft with undrained shear strength values ranging between 10 of 50% at this depth is 56%, which is greater than that
and 30 kPa. The undrained shear strength of the lower marine determined from the optical estimation. The lower optical
clay is between 30 and 60 kPa. The sensitivity of the marine estimation might be due to the shrinkage of the specimen
clay at Changi varies from 3 to 8, which can be described as during the freeze drying process. The clay specimens are
highly sensitive marine clay. generally composed of ragged clay mineral flakes typically less
The upper marine clay has a liquid limit of 80–95%, a than 10 μm in diameter. The platelets repel each other weakly
plastic limit of 20–28% and a water content of 70–88%. The when placed face to face. The connection between platelets
lower marine clay has a liquid limit of 65–90%, a plastic limit involves the edge of one platelet touching the centre of the face
of 20–30% and a water content of 40–60%. The intermediate of another. The resulting configuration resembles a house of
stiff clay has a liquid limit of about 50%, a plastic limit of cards as well as poorly developed clay flakes. Rare detrital
18–20% and a water content of 10–35%. The upper marine muscovite flakes, quartz and K-feldspar silt grains and shell
clay is overconsolidated with a compression index of 0.6–1.5, fragments are distributed throughout the clay matrix. Authi-
a coefficient of consolidation due to the vertical flow (cv) of genic pyrite occurs as isolated sub-spherical particles and rare
0.47–0.6 m2/year and a coefficient of consolidation due to the framboids, suggesting an anoxic diagenetic environment.
horizontal flow (ch) of 2–3 m2/year. On the other hand, the Poorly developed clay flakes, apparently associated with the
lower marine clay is slightly overconsolidated with a compres- pyrite, have a Fe, K, Mg, Al, Si chemistry and may be
sion index of 0.6–1.0, a cv of 0.8–1.5 m2/year and a ch of composed of chlorite. These chemical components cause
3–5 m2/year. The intermediate stiff clay is moderately over- cementation bonding between the clay particles. EDXA
consolidated due to desiccation, with a compression index of indicates that the clay has K, Fe aluminium silicate, dominat-
0.2–0.3, a cv of 1–4.5 m2/year and a ch of 5–10 m2/year. The ing in most specimens. Such a chemical composition probably
ch/cv ratio of the soft clay is very useful for determining the corresponds to the kaolinite mineral. Rarer flakes with Mg, K,
M.W. Bo et al. / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 600–613 605

Fig. 3. SEM photomicrographs of marine clay: (a) saw-cut open samples and (b) broken-open sample.

Fe (tr Ca) aluminium silicate to K, Fe (tr Ca, Ti) aluminium results of the exposure of the seabed to the atmosphere during
silicate composition may relate to the smectite-group mineral. the rise and fall of the sea levels in the geological past. Fig. 6
Figs. 4–6 present the textures of the clay specimens. The shows the photographic identification of the lower marine clay
left-hand side photos show the texture of the clay specimen, which is brownish-blue with organic deposits. Fine sand
which is cut open with a wire saw where some smearing has particles are observed in all the layers. The XRD results for
occurred. The right-hand side photos show the texture of the the specimens at depths between 2 and 18 m are shown in
clay specimen when it is spilt open without cutting. Fig. 4 Fig. 7. The strong reflection at 14.412θ for all samples
shows the photographic identification of the upper marine clay indicates the presence of kaolinite as the main clay mineral;
which is brownish-blue with organic deposits. Fig. 5 shows the this supports the SEM and EDXA results. The peaks between
photographic identification of the intermediate stiff clay which 6.31 2θ and 6.91 2θ represent smectite, and the peak at 101 2θ
is reddish due to the oxidation of the layer. This indicates the represents mica.
606 M.W. Bo et al. / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 600–613

Fig. 4. Photographic identification of upper marine clay: plates 1–3 for upper marine clay at depth of 6 m and plates 4–6 for lower marine at depth of 15 m.
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 5. Photographic identification of intermediate stiff clay. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)

5. Analysis of mineralogy and geotechnical properties for the entire depth, being approximately 2.6 7 0.1. The
sensitivities vary from 2 to 7 with an average value of 5.
The typical soil profile and geotechnical properties (includ- The field vane shear strength increases linearly with depth at
ing water content, physical properties, vane shear strength, depths of o 15 m. The field vane shear strength varies from
sensitivity and compression characteristics) of a boring log at 35 kPa to 65 kPa for deeper depths. The activity reduces with
Changi are shown in Fig. 8. The liquid limits are within the depths up to 8 m and then increases with depth. The activity is
range of 40–90% and predominantly greater than 50%. The in the range of 0.5–1.3; thus, the Singapore marine clay is
water contents are very close to the corresponding liquid limits considered as inactive to active, but is mostly inactive.
(liquidity index close to 1.0) at depths of 0–10 m. For deeper As is evident from Fig. 9 that the liquid limit (LL), plasticity
depths, the water contents are slightly lower than the corre- index (PI) and activity vary significantly with depth, and that
sponding liquid limits. The specific gravities are almost similar the PI and LL points from different depths are above the A-line
M.W. Bo et al. / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 600–613 607

Fig. 6. Photographic identification of lower marine clay. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure, the reader is referred to the web version of this

on the plasticity chart. It is observed that the PI of Singapore 6. In-situ stress state of Singapore clay
marine clay bears a functional relationship to LL. Fig. 10
shows the relationship between PI and the clay fraction of The in-situ stress state of clay can be examined using the
Singapore clay with various depths compared with that of intrinsic (reference) state line (Nagaraj et al., 1998; Nagaraj
Bangkok clay reported by Horpibulsuk et al. (2007). The test and Miura, 2001; Horpibulsuk et al., 2007, 2011). The
data on Bangkok clay was selected for comparison with that of Intrinsic State Line (ISL) for a clay–water system devoid of
Singapore clay because both Singapore and Bangkok clays are any stress history, time or cementation effects is the path
Southeast Asian marine clays and are classified as problematic obtained by the compression of remoulded clay. The compres-
clays. The slope of the relationship represents the soil activity, sion behaviour of remoulded Singapore clay samples with
which is mainly controlled by the clay mineralogy and pore different liquid limits is illustrated in Fig. 12. The difference in
fluid (Skempton, 1953). Fig. 10 suggests that the activity of the compression index is the result of the variation in fabric
Bangkok clay is higher than that of Singapore clay. The patterns, which control the response of the clay (Nagaraj et al.,
majority of activity values for Bangkok clay are greater than 1990). The specimen with a higher liquid limit exhibits a
1.25, indicting it as active clay, while the majority of activity higher slope (compression index). Since clays at the liquid
values for Singapore clay are lower than 1.25. limit have the same order of pore-water suction (5–6 kPa)
The clay minerals of Singapore marine clay are summarised in (Russell and Mickle, 1970; Wroth and Wood, 1978),
Fig. 11 and compared with those of Bangkok clay (Ohtsubo et al. undrained shear strength (1.7–2.5 kPa) and hydraulic conduc-
(2000)) to understand the role of clay mineralogy in the index and tivity (10  7 cm/s) (Nagaraj et al., 1993), the liquid limit has
geotechnical properties of remoulded Singapore clay. The quantity been successfully used as a state parameter to obtain the ISL
of each clay mineral was determined from the ratio of the area (Nagaraj et al., 1998). The ISL was empirically proposed based
under the XRD curve for the considered mineral (kaolinite, on 11 different clays with various liquid limits ranging from
smectite or mica) to the total area under the XRD curve for all 36% to 159%. As such, the validity of this proposed ISL needs
clay minerals. For Singapore clay, the kaolinite content is in a to be examined for the clay studied here. The ISL for
range of 62–70%, followed by smectite and mica for the whole Singapore marine clay is presented, as shown in Eq. (1), and
depth. On the other hand, Bangkok clay contains high smectite compared with that proposed by Nagaraj et al. (1998) in
content, followed by kaolinite and mica. The kaolinite content in Fig. 12
Singapore marine clay is approximately twice higher than that of eR 0
Bangkok clay for all depths. Since kaolinite is a non- to low- ¼ 1:226  0:286 log σ v ð1Þ
swelling mineral, the activity and liquid limit of Singapore clay are
found to be significantly lower than those of Bangkok clay. The where eR is the void ratio in the remoulded state and eL is the
liquid limit of Singapore clay is between 30% and 70%, while it void ratio at the liquid limit. This relation has the same pattern
was reported to be between 70% and 110% for Bangkok clay at as that proposed by Nagaraj et al. (1998); Horpibulsuk et al.
Bangpee (Horpibulsuk et al., 2007). The effect of the liquid limit (2007), and yet the slope for Bangkok clay is found to be
on the compression behaviour is shown in Section 6. slightly higher than that of remoulded Singapore clay.
608 M.W. Bo et al. / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 600–613

The ISL is useful for analyses of the natural stress state and
the compression behaviour of natural soils whose formation
depends on various physical, chemical and environmental
properties (Burland, 1990; Horpibulsuk et al., 2007, 2011).
The in-situ state of Singapore clay (upper, intermediate and
lower marine clay layers), with reference to the ISL (Eq. (1)),
is presented in Fig. 13. It is shown that the e0 and σ v0 points of
Singapore clay are located above the ISL for all three layers,
where e0 and σ v0 are the in-situ void ratio and in-situ effective
vertical stress, respectively. This finding indicates that natural
Singapore marine clay is stable in the meta-stable state and
designated as a “structured clay” (Burland, 1990; Mitchell,
1996). This is because the initial fabric of natural Singapore
clay is open and involves some amount of edge-to-edge and
edge-to-face associations in a “cardhouse” arrangement and the
particle contacts are connected by the chemical bonds (as
presented earlier in Fig. 3).

7. Modelling of compression curve of Singapore clay

Based on the analysis of the compression curves of various

undisturbed clays, the idealised compression behaviour of
natural structured clay has been proposed, as presented in
Fig. 14 (Liu and Carter, 1999). The compression curve of
natural structured clay lies above the destructured (remoulded)
line even at very high effective vertical stress. The compres-
sion strain is small up to the yield stress, σ y , due to the
contribution of the clay structure. Beyond this yield stress,
there is sudden compression of a relatively high magnitude,
indicated by the steep slope and caused by the destructuring.
On further loading, the difference in void ratio between the
structured and the remoulded clays (es), with logarithm of
stress, decreases to an almost constant value. This constant
value is designated as the residual additional void ratio esr. It is
evident from this study that the compression curve of natural
Singapore clay is consistent with the idealised compressive
curve in Fig. 14.
From Fig. 14, the void ratio at a particular effective vertical
stress can be expressed (Liu and Carter, 1999) as
e ¼ e R þ es ð2Þ
where e represents the void ratio for structured clay and es is
the additional void ratio. The soil structure is defined as fabric
(arrangement of clay particles and pore space) and interparticle
forces (Nagaraj and Miura, 2001; Mitchell, 1996). The eR is
the void ratio supported by the intrinsic soil structure and
dependent upon the clay mineral and the pore fluids, while es is
the additional void ratio attributed to the ageing effect (stress
history and cementation).
Liu and Carter (1999, 2000), Horpibulsuk et al. (2007, 2010,
2013) and Suebsuk et al. (2010, 2011) have analysed the
compression behaviour of natural and artificially structured
clays and have found that the additional void ratio due to the
ageing effect, es, at the post-yield state is proportional to
Fig. 7. XRD patterns of air dried and glycol-solvated samples for different σ y =ðσ v Þb , where σy is the yield stress and b is the destructuring
depths. index, quantifying the rate of destructuring. The greater ageing
M.W. Bo et al. / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 600–613 609

Fig. 8. Soil profile and geotechnical properties of Singapore marine clay.

effect results in the higher σy. The greater ageing effect is also
associated with higher values for b due to the sudden
destructuring (Horpibulsuk et al., 2004, 2010; Du et al.,
2014). The additional void ratio is expressed (Liu and
Carter, 1999) as follows:
es ¼ esy 0 þ esr ð3Þ

where esy is the additional void ratio corresponding to the yield

stress and esr is the residual additional void ratio that cannot be
eliminated by an increase in the effective vertical stress (when
σ v approaches infinity, es ¼ esr). The b value can be determined
Fig. 9. Plasticity index versus liquid limit of Singapore marine clay. by the rate of the change in void ratio over the change in
effective vertical stress by considering the power relationship
described in Eq. (3). The b value can also be determined by
fitting because the values for all the other parameters can be
determined based on their physical meanings. Based on the test
results for Singapore marine clay, b is equal to 1.0, which is
similar to that for Bangkok clay. The esy can be determined by
0 0
considering that σ v ¼ σ y , as shown in the following equation:
esy þ esr ¼ ey  eRy ð4Þ
where ey and eRy are the void ratios of the structured and
remoulded curves corresponding to the yield stress, respec-
tively. Based on this destructuring framework, the experimen-
tal virgin compression curve of Singapore clay can be
modelled once σ y and ey are known. Following is the stepwise
procedure for determining the compression curve of the
Singapore marine clay:

1. Determine the in-situ void ratio, overburden stress, index

properties, compression curve and yield stress of the
undisturbed sample.
2. Draw a remoulded (e  log σ v ) line, which can be directly
obtained from consolidation tests on remoulded clay or
estimated from Eq. (1).
3. Determine the esr and compression index at the pre-yield
Fig. 10. Activity of Singapore clay and Bangkok clay. state, Cs.
610 M.W. Bo et al. / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 600–613

Fig. 11. Clay mineral composition and activity of Bangkok clay and Singapore clay.

Fig. 14. Compression behaviour of structured clays (modified from Nagaraj

et al. (1990) and Liu and Carter (1999)).

Fig. 12. Compression behaviour for different liquid limits and intrinsic 4. From the known Cs, determine the void ratio at the yield
state lines.
stress and draw a compression path at the pre-yield state.
5. Draw a compression path at the post-yield state using
Eqs. (2)–(4).

Fig. 15 shows an example of the prediction of the experi-

mental compression curves of Singapore clays for the three
layers. The remoulded lines were approximated using Eq. (1).
The predicted and measured compression curves show a
reasonably good agreement. From the results shown in
Fig. 15 and an analysis of the extensive data, it is revealed
that esr is practically constant, at about 0.11 for Singapore clay
with three layers, while esr for soft Bangkok clay is 0.20. The
difference in esr is possibly due to the different soil structures.
The lower esr of the Singapore clay implies that the ageing
effect of Singapore clay is less than that of Bangkok clay.
Fig. 13. Natural stress state of Singapore clay with reference to intrinsic Suebsuk et al. (2010) and Horpibulsuk and Liu (2015)
state line. illustrated that stronger cementation bonds (interparticle force)
M.W. Bo et al. / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 600–613 611

Fig. 15. Predicted and measured compression curves of Singapore marine clay.
612 M.W. Bo et al. / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 600–613

result in higher esr, i.e., esr of cement-stabilized clay is the financial support received from the Thailand Research
significantly higher than that of natural clay. Fund, under the TRF Senior Research Scholar programme,
Grant no. RTA5680002.
8. Conclusions
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