The Kujung Formation in Kurnia-1 A Viable Fracture
The Kujung Formation in Kurnia-1 A Viable Fracture
The Kujung Formation in Kurnia-1 A Viable Fracture
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3 authors, including:
Craig Buchan
Task Fronterra Geoscience
All content following this page was uploaded by Craig Buchan on 20 July 2015.
Trevor Magee*
Craig Buchan**
Jeremy Prosser**
Despite the large data gap between the upper and Drilling induced features and in-situ stress
lower image intervals (2086-3005 m), the
Drilling induced tensile fractures (DITF) were
relationships apparent when the data are viewed as
observed in both the upper and lower image
a whole appear to confirm the large-scale fold
intervals of Kurnia-1. Orientation of features in the
geometry suggested by the seismic analysis with
XRMI images showed that DITFs dominantly strike
some additional complexities (Figure 5). As
NNE-SSW (Figure 7). Breakouts were less
illustrated in the dip azimuth vector plot of Figure
common in both intervals and are generally low
5, there is a near continuous anti-clockwise azimuth
confidence picks as the observed hole enlargement
rotation from the NNE to WSW. This is
was often coincident with local concentrations of
accompanied by a gradual decrease in dip from
natural fractures, making it difficult to rule out hole
base to top of the well, albeit punctuated by some
enlargement by washout of fractured material. The
probable fault modifications between around 1740
interpreted breakouts, although of low confidence,
m and 1850 m in the upper image interval (Figure
do generally plot as expected at 90° to DITF strike
5). Taken together these trends are consistent with
(Figure 7). The orientation of the DITFs indicates
the strata from Kurnia-1 forming a large-scale NE
that SHmax is orientated NNE-SSW and Shmin
verging antiform (Figure 6). The orientation of this
WNW-ESE, consistent with the overall large-scale
fold was tested by plotting all data on a stereoplot
fold geometry and suggests that the stress regime
that shows that the bedding forms a linear girdle
observed today may be long-lived.
consistent with limbs of a fold with a calculated
axis plunging shallowly WNW (Figure 5). This The concentration of DITFs is greater in the Kujung
orientation was confirmed by plotting the data on Formation than in the upper clastic section. Whilst
an azimuth/depth histogram which shows a clear U- this may be partially controlled by lithological
shaped profile (Figure 5). properties, there is also a strong correlation with
drilling mud weight: the DITF frequency is highest
In addition to overall bedding trends, several faults where mud weight was highest, i.e. 16.5 ppg
were interpreted to intersect the wellbore either by between 3080-3114 m (Figure 10).
CHARACTERISTICS OF FRACTURES IN clustered, a conclusion that it is reflected in the
THE KUJUNG FORMATION fracture density distribution (Figure 10). To test
these conclusions, the orthogonal width of fracture
Fractures are common in the carbonates of the clusters was determined and the spacing of clusters
Kujung Formation and are easily recognised in the in each group calculated in order to fully
XRMI images collected in the lower interval of characterise fracture distribution (Table 1).
Kurnia-1. Fractures were classified primarily as
resistive or conductive relative to their host Figure 10 shows the approximate distribution of
lithology (e.g. Figure 8). In the case of conductive fracture clusters for each fracture group and Table 2
fractures, some show partial sinusoid traces on the shows statistics for the cluster density (number of
borehole image that are similar to DITFs (Figure 8). fractures within a cluster). These data show that the
The image trace tends to be strongest in the portion NNE-SSW striking fractures have the largest
of the image that corresponds to the tensile failure number of fractures per cluster (maximum 37 and a
direction (as determined from the occurrence of mean of around 4), although this is closely matched
DITFs) and diminishes away from this point by N-S striking fractures, which have a mean
(Figure 8). Previous studies have documented cluster density of around 3 fractures per cluster and
similar features elsewhere and suggest that the a larger total number of clusters at 77. The NW-SE
coincidence of these features with the DITF striking fractures have a mean of less than 2
orientation and their incomplete image trace are fractures per cluster and a median of 1, highlighting
caused by the fractures being drilling enhanced and the isolated nature of fractures in this orientation.
opened in response to borehole hoop stresses However, it should be noted that the mode for each
(Barton and Zoback, 2002; Barton et al., 2009). In group is one fracture indicating that isolated
view of this fact these fractures were classified fractures are common in each group (Table 2).
separately as drilling enhanced features.
Fracture aperture assessment
The imaged fractures are variable in orientation, but
can be divided into three groups based on strike The calculation of fracture aperture values from
orientation (Figure 9): group 1 strikes dominantly borehole resistivity images is complex. Several
NNE-SSW, group 2 strikes N-S and group 3 NW- methods have been suggested in different studies
SE. Conductive fractures are more common than based on measurement of excess conductance over
resistive (Figure 9), but this may be related to the the fracture interval. The most common algorithm
dominance of resistive calcareous lithologies in the used was devised by Luthi and Southaité (1990)
Kujung Formation making resistive fractures more and has many limitations that are discussed in detail
difficult to detect. No clear crosscutting relationship by the authors. The most important issue for the
was observed where one set of fractures is offset by current study is that the method is considered to be
another. Accordingly the temporal relationship of invalid for fractures with > 40° dip, which is the
the different strike groups cannot be determined. case for all fractures in the Kujung study interval.
To test this effect, the algorithm was used across
The fractures were further characterised by the lower image section of Kurnia-1, but was found
calculating spacing and density parameters to generate patently unrealistic apertures of >5 m.
specifically: orthogonal spacing of fractures in each Based on these results the method was considered
set; cluster thickness; un-fractured matrix thickness; to be inappropriate for the study well.
and along hole fracture and fracture cluster density.
Summary statistics for each of these parameters are As an alternative, a method was used in which the
provided in Tables 1 and 2 and discussed briefly interval of excess conductance associated with the
here. Calculated spacing statistics for individual fracture is measured and a pixel distance derived
fractures indicate that fractures in all three from the image that is equivalent to the fracture
orientation groups are on average closely spaced height calculated by Luthi and Southaité (1990).
(Table 1). Minimum spacing is around 1 cm and the The method is cruder than that of Luthi and
majority of fractures have spacing of less than 15 Southaité (1990), but is effective in giving a
cm. The full range of spacing values is variable up qualitative estimate of average fracture aperture. A
to a maximum of around 50 m for NW-SE striking summary of the derived apertures is provided in
fractures. Spacing statistics for all three groups Table 3.
have a lognormal distribution with spacing values
heavily skewed towards small spacing in each Based on visual examination of the XRMI images,
group, indicating that the fractures are strongly it is unlikely that any of the fractures have apertures
greater than 1 cm, and the apertures determined Relationship of fractures to large-scale structure
using the excess conductance technique appear to
provide reasonable results for the majority of the As outlined, there is strong evidence from bedding
fractures measured with a median calculated dip trends from Kurnia-1 to support the case that
aperture of 1 cm and mode and mean of 3 mm. If the strata form a large-scale anticlinal structure
the effects of apparent versus true thickness (due to (Figures 5 and 6). Asymmetric folds of this type are
angle of intersection of the fracture with the common in the over-riding plate in fold and thrust
wellbore) are taken into consideration, then it is belt settings at subduction boundaries as is the case
more likely that the true fracture aperture is on the for Madura Island. Seismic interpretation of the
millimetre rather than centimetre scale. The very Kurnia structure suggests that folding is fault
large calculated apertures of as much as 51.5 m are controlled in the form of a forced fold (Cosgrove
generated where the algorithm detects more and Ameen, 2005) with folding induced in the
conductive responses from adjacent carbonate overlying strata as the fault progressively breaks
mudstone beds and interprets these as a fracture through from below.
response. These excessively large apertures are
clearly erroneous and should be ignored. The mechanical nature of such folds has been
studied in great detail and the fracture patterns
expected in these features can be readily predicted
VIABILITY OF THE KUJUNG AS A based on the variance of outer arc extension and
FRACTURED RESERVOIR inner arc compression around the fold hinge (e.g.
Price 1966; Stearns 1978; Cosgrove and Ameen
The viability of a fractured reservoir depends on the 2005). Based on the method of Price (1966) a
fractures being open and connected. In Kurnia-1 the theoretical fracture orientation set was generated to
first qualitative indication of an open fracture compare to the fractures observed in Kurnia-1 in
network was obtained when the well repeatedly order to assess whether the fracture orientation sets
―kicked‖ when drilling through the upper Kujung could be generated purely from folding (Figure 11).
section, and the associated gas had to be circulated In this theoretical scenario the upper clastic section
out through the choke manifold while the would sit on the gently SW dipping limb and the
mudweight was increased. A production test was lower image interval, Kujung Formation, would fall
performed in an attempt to quantify the production on the steeply dipping NE limb (Figure 11). It can
potential from the fractured Kujung reservoir: this then be demonstrated that the theoretical fracture
flowed combustible hydrocarbons to surface, but patterns depicted in Figure 11 closely match all of
testing difficulties prevented the flow test from the defined sets observed in Kurnia-1. In addition,
being completed conclusively. the model predicts that the tensional (T) fractures,
which form parallel and perpendicular to the fold
In the absence of conclusive test results, qualitative hinge, will be orientated normal to bedding.
predictions of flow potential have been made based Therefore, the T1 and T3 fractures, formed parallel
on the image log characteristics of the fractures and to the hinge, should dip in the opposite direction to
their orientation relative to present day stress and/or bedding in each of the fold limbs and show reverse
known larger scale structures. In the following dip on either side of the fold limb (Figure 11). This
sections the character and orientations of the is indeed the case for Kurnia-1: in the upper image
fractures in the Kujung Formation are considered in interval (on the SW dipping limb) bedding dips
an attempt to qualitatively rank fracture orientations broadly to the W or SW whilst the hinge-parallel
with respect to their potential for fluid flow. fractures dip to the NE; and in the lower image
Kujung interval beds dip to the NNE whilst hinge-
It is very difficult to assess the openness and parallel fractures dip to the SW (Figure 11).
connectivity of a fracture network based purely on
wireline logs and borehole image logs. It is often An additional feature of forced folds observed in
assumed, when drilling with conductive water type examples such as the Zagros Mountains of Iran
based muds, that conductive fractures are open (e.g. Satterzadeh et al. 2000; Stephenson et al.
because they give a mud response. However, a 2007), is that they tend to form periclinal or doubly
conductive response would also be obtained from plunging non-cylindrical folds, which can cause
closed fractures filled with conductive enhancement of the fractures that strike
mineralisation such as pyrite or shale gouge. perpendicular to the main fold hinge (T2 and T4 in
Conversely, resistive fractures suggest cementation Figure 11). This could explain the preponderance of
and yet may transmit fluid. NNE striking fractures observed in both of the
image intervals of Kurnia-1 (Figures 10 and 12). often referred to as being critically stressed
Several lines of evidence support a periclinal fold (Hickman et al 1997; Finkbeiner et al. 1997; Barton
geometry for the Kurnia structure, but the most et al. 1998; Trice 1999; Rogers 2003). Figure 12
compelling is Kujung structure map that clearly shows that the majority of conductive fractures fall
shows a doubly plunging structure (Figure 3). within the 30° preferential window and that those
that were classified as drilling enhanced tend to fall
The fact that the Kurnia structure bears in the critically stressed orientation and would
resemblance to examples such as the those from the therefore be expected to more easily dilate during
Zagros Mountains is non-trivial because the drilling. Of course, this assessment is purely
lithologies that make up the Asmari Formation in qualitative because modelling of the full stress
the Iranian example are also dominated by pelagic tensor and knowledge of the mechanical nature of
carbonates with little matrix porosity and the rocks is required to accurately predict the
permeability, but which have high hydrocarbon critical stress orientation, but it serves as a
yields through secondary fracture porosity (e.g. reasonable means of ranking fracture orientations
Sattarzadeh et al. 2000, Stephenson et al. 2007 and that would be favourable for hydrocarbon
Wennberg et al. 2007). Further examples of similar extraction.
forced fold carbonate reservoirs can be found in
Oman (De Keijzer et al. 2007). Although the Fracture porosity and permeability
Kurnia-1 interpretation is based on only one well,
the comparison with the examples in Zagros and Using the calculated statistics for fracture
Oman is potentially important as both host fields distribution it is possible to make a semi-
with large hydrocarbon reserves. quantitative estimate of the secondary porosity that
may be derived from fractures and also a qualitative
Fractures and in-situ stress estimate of permeability potential. The estimates
are calculated in two ways both using the mean
As well as the comparison to proven fractured matrix block size for each fracture group but using
reservoir analogues, some other features of the different values for the assumed aperture: method 1
Kurnia fracture orientation make them attractive for uses the mean cluster width and assumes fractures
hydrocarbon production. As outlined, the fracture are open for the full width; and method 2 uses the
orientations compare well with the overall large- mean aperture combined with the mean number of
scale structure and are therefore consistent with fractures per cluster to derive a flow aperture
having formed under the same stress field that (Figure 13). The results of these calculations are
resulted in folding and faulting. However, a perhaps given in Table 4.
more important feature is the fact that the fracture
orientations are consistent with the orientations of The statistics show that the porosity values
present day in-situ stress based on breakout and calculated purely on cluster width (method 1) are
DITF orientations. Figure 12 shows a very very high in the order of 20% for NNE-SSW and
simplified orthogonal plain strain ellipse for N-S striking fractures. This estimate is considered
fracture mode based on a NNE-SSW orientated excessive as the cluster width calculation is based
maximum horizontal stress. This allows a basic only on the distance between the first and last
orientation ranking to be made whereby fractures fracture in each cluster and does not take into
that are NW-SE trending i.e. with strike parallel to account the matrix rock that lies between each
the minimum horizontal stress (Shmin) orientation fracture. The porosity estimate based on method 2
are the least likely to be open as they are held shut is considered to be more realistic and gives mean
by orthogonal compression (Figure 12). By secondary porosity estimates of around 0.5%, in
comparison, fractures striking parallel to SHmax line with the worldwide average for fractured
(NE-SW) are considered more likely to allow fluid reservoirs (e.g. Nelson 2001). In the most intensely
flow as they can orthogonally dilate in the direction fractured zones, however, secondary porosity
of least compressional stress (Figure 12). estimates, calculated using the maximum number of
Additionally, previous studies have shown that fractures per cluster, can approach 5% in the case of
whilst fractures parallel to SHmax may be open, they NNE-SSW striking fractures. The N-S and NW-SE
are not necessarily the most permeable (e.g. Barton striking fractures also have localised secondary
et al 1998; Rogers 2003). Field testing and porosity estimates approaching 3% (Table 4). If
modelling suggests that in many cases the most more than one set of fractures is open and
permeable fractures are those that lie oblique to connected then the combined porosity would be
SHmax and are experiencing shear failure and are high.
To convert these estimates into permeability during drilling and the distribution of fractures in
potential it is inherent that assumptions are made the well, and an incomplete drill stem test showed
that all of the fractures are open to fluids (i.e. are that it was possible to produce combustible gas to
not cemented or filled with gouge) and are surface. All of these features combine to suggest
connected away from the wellbore and have infinite that the Kujung Formation is indeed a viable
extension along their length. If this were the case fractured hydrocarbon reservoir.
then NNE-SSW striking fractures alone would
provide reasonable permeability potential and if Information gathered on the nature of the fracture
connected to either of the other groups then network will be useful in well design for future
potential for flow is good. appraisal and exploitation of the fractured Kujung
reservoir. The structural model can be used to
Fracture occurrence compared to mudlog gas predict zones of most intense fracturing. Production
shows wells should be drilled as horizontal or highly
deviated wells in a northwesterly orientation in
All of the discussions presented suggest that there is zones of greatest predicted fracture intensity to
indeed very good potential for the fracture sets in maximise the intersection of open fractures. Further
the Kujung Formation to form a viable hydrocarbon geomechanical studies should also be performed to
reservoir. However, all of these methods are in one optimise mudweight to control formation pressure
way or other indirect tests of flow potential. Despite while avoiding invasion and damage of fracture
the problems encountered during production network.
testing, it is very encouraging that combustible
hydrocarbons flowed to surface, although it is not ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
clear that these were sourced from the fractured
intervals. In this regard the record of mudlog gas The authors wish to thank the management and
proves extremely valuable in demonstrating that the geotechnical staff of Cooper Energy and our joint
extracted gas is most likely sourced from the venture partners in the South Madura PSC, Nations
fractured intervals. Figure 10 shows fracture Petroleum and PT Eksindo for their support and
density and cluster occurrence for each fracture set encouragement to conduct this study and to draft
plotted alongside mudlog gas. This plot highlights this paper and to MIGAS for their permission to
that there is a direct correlation between fracture publish this paper.
occurrence and high mudlog gas levels. In addition
the mudlog gas is highest over intervals of NNE- REFERENCES
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do not seem to correlate with the occurrence of tensor based on observations of drilling-induced
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60°/118° 56°/270° 45°/211°
Number of
clusters 50 77 42
Min number of
fractures 1.000 1.000 1.000
Max number of
fractures 37.000 15.000 15.000
Mean 3.860 2.997 1.604
Median 4.000 3.000 1.000
Mode 1.000 1.000 1.000
St Dev 7.973 3.223 2.352
Kurtosis 4.30 2.033 21.81
Skewness 2.08 1.526 4.23
Figure 2 - Photomicrographs of thin sections taken from sidewall cores in the Kujung Formation, showing
typical matrix characteristics of the carbonates.
Figure 3 - Seismic depth map of top Kujung horizon. The Kurnia structure is characterised as a doubly
plunging anticline with a dominant NW-SE axis. The positions of two reverse faults controlling
formation of the structure are shown in relation to the collar position of Kurnia-1.
Figure 4 - SW-NE Seismic line showing location of Kurnia-1 relative to reverse faults.
Figure 5 - Combined vector azimuth walkout plot, stereonet and dip azimuth/depth plot of all bedding in
the Kurnia-1 image intervals. Note that there is a data gap from 2086-3005 m between the
intervals. The vector walkout plot indicates a near continuous anticlockwise azimuth rotation
from NNE dip to SW dip from base to top of section. This relationship is further confirmed by
the stereoplot which shows a well defined elongate girdle indicative of a cylindrical fold feature
and the azimuth/depth plot which shows a clear U-shaped distribution. The calculated fold axis
is 8°/286° from the stereoplot and 10°/285 from dip/azimuth. Vector walkout plot created using
Task Geoscience Attitude™ software, dip/azimuth plot created using Quickdip™ software.
Figure 6 - Comparison of bedding fabric orientations in XRMI and ALD imagery. Both image types
confirm steep NNE dipping bedding in the Kujung Carbonate section. Figure 6 - Possible fold
geometry for strata in Kurnia-1 incorporating imaged NW-SE trending faults from seismic
interpretation. In this scenario it is interpreted that steep NNE dipping beds in the Kujung
Formation are formed by frictional drag along the red reverse fault. The SW dips that are
dominant in the seismic interpretation on the south limb of the structure are formed by
movement across the blue fault. Well dip projection to section line created using Task
Geoscience Attitude™ software.
Figure 7 - Examples of DITFs from lower image interval in Kujung Carbonate section. Left image shows
typical DITF forming two conductive stripes 180° apart in XRMI imagery. Note that AZD
response appears largely unaffected. DITFs appear to be offset along natural fracture traces and
natural fractures may be enhanced at points of intersection. In right image DITFs can be seen to
branch into so called petals. Note that DITFs appears bed bound in this case. Rose diagrams
show DITF and breakout orientations for features picked in the upper and lower image intervals
of Kurnia-1: these dominantly indicate a NE-SW orientation for SHmax and NW-SE orientation
for Shmin.
Figure 8 - Examples of image characteristics of fractures in the Kujung Formation. Note scale varies
slightly in each image.
Figure 9 - Summary of fracture orientations observed in the lower image interval of well Kurnia-1.
Figure 10 - Log plot showing a comparison of fracture density distribution, as raw density (black) and
corrected for borehole sampling bias (red); fracture cluster occurrence per group; DITF
density and mudlog gas. The comparison indicates that the gas shows all occurred at fractured
intervals and most commonly where fractures strike N-S or NNE-SSW. There appears to be
an almost negative correlation with DITF occurrence: where DITFs are most numerous
mudlog gas is low.
Figure 11 - (a) Predicted orientation of fractures within the limbs and hinge of an asymmetric forced fold
(after Price 1966; Cosgrove and Ameen 2005). Fractures labelled T are tensional while R
fractures are shear fractures. (b) Example of predicted fracture orientations adapted for a
doubly plunging periclinal fold geometry (after Stearns 1978). Note that the R or shear
fractures (red and green) change orientation around the outer flanks of the dome (right of
image) reflecting the change in orientation caused by the periclinal folding and tending to
parallelism with the T fractures (magenta) that form along the main hinge line. (c) Correlation
of predicted fracture patterns with those observed in Kurnia-1. The correlation fit is very good
with all of the predicted fracture orientations observed in the well data.
Figure 12 - Simple plane strain ellipse for the Kurnia structure illustrating expected shear displacements
under NE-SW orientated maximum compressive stress. Rose plot shows a qualitative
prediction of fractures that may be under critical stress and therefore more likely to be open to
fluid flow.