Flat Particles, Elongated Particles, or Flat and Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate
Flat Particles, Elongated Particles, or Flat and Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate
Flat Particles, Elongated Particles, or Flat and Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate
4.1 Individual particles of aggregate of specific sieve sizes
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D04 on Road
and Paving Materials and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D04.51 on are measured to determine the ratios of width to thickness,
Aggregate Tests. length to width, or length to thickness.
Current edition approved June 1, 2010. Published October 2010. Originally
approved in 1989. Last previous edition approved in 2005 as D4791 – 05e1. DOI:
5. Significance and Use
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
5.1 The particles shape of course aggregates influences the
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on properties of some construction materials and may affect their
the ASTM website. placement and consolidation.
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D4791 − 10
5.2 This test method provides a means for checking com- Nominal Maximum Size Minimum Mass of
pliance with specifications that limit such particles or to Square Openings, in. (mm) Test Sample, lb (kg)
3⁄8 (9.5 ) 2 (1)
determine the relative shape characteristics of coarse aggre- 1⁄2 (12.5) 4 (2)
gates. 3⁄4 (19.0) 11 (5)
1 (25.0) 22 (10)
6. Apparatus 11⁄2 (37.5) 33 (15)
2(50) 44 (20)
6.1 The apparatus used shall be equipment suitable for 21⁄2 (63) 77 (35)
3 (75) 130 (60)
testing aggregate particles for compliance with the definitions 31⁄2 (90) 220 (100)
in 3.1, at the dimensional ratios desired. 4 (100) 330 (150)
6.1.1 Proportional Caliper Device—The proportional cali- 41⁄2 (112) 440 (200)
5 (125) 660 (300)
per devices illustrated in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 are examples of 6 (150) 1100 (500)
devices suitable for this test method. The device illustrated in
Fig. 2 and consists of a base plate with two fixed posts and a 8. Procedure
swinging arm mounted between them so that the openings 8.1 If determination by mass is required, oven dry the
between the arms and the posts maintain a constant ratio. The sample to constant mass at a temperature of 230 6 9°F (1106
axis position can be adjusted to provide the desired ratio of 5°C). If determination is by particle count, drying is not
opening dimensions. Fig. 2 illustrates a device on which ratios necessary.
of 1:2, 1:3, and 1:5 may be set. The device illustrated in Fig. 3
contains several fixed posts and has the capability of measuring 8.2 Sieve the sample to be tested in accordance with Test
various ratios simultaneously. See Note 1 Method C136. Using the material retained on the 3⁄8 in. (9.5 Verification of Ratio—The ratio settings on the mm) or No. 4 (4.75 mm), as required by the specification being
proportional caliper device shall be verified by the use of a used, reduce each size fraction present in the amount of 10 %
machined block, micrometer, or other appropriate device. or more of the original sample in accordance with Practice
6.1.2 Balance—The balance or scales used shall be accurate C702 until approximately 100 particles are obtained for each
to 0.5 % of the mass of the sample. size fraction required. Size fractions containing less than 10 %
NOTE 1—Figs. 2 and 3 provide examples of possible devices that may by mass of the original total sample mass are not tested and can
be used for this test. Other devices may be found suitable if they are able be discarded.
to meet the verification requirements listed in
8.3 Method A—Test each of the particles in each size
7. Sampling fraction, and place in one of four groups: (1) flat particles,(2)
elongated particles, (3) particles that meet the criteria of both
7.1 Sample the coarse aggregate in accordance with Practice group (1) and group (2); (4) neither flat nor elongatedparticles
D75. The mass of the field sample shall be the mass shown in that do not meet the criteria of either group (1) or group (2).
Practice D75. Each particle shall be subjected to the Flat Particle Test and
7.2 Thoroughly mix the sample and reduce it to an amount Elongated Particle Test in accordance with and
suitable for testing using the applicable procedures described in If the particle is determined to be flat but not elongated, the
Practice C702. The sample for test shall be approximately the particle is placed in the “flat” group. If is determined that the
mass desired when dry and shall be the end result of the particle is not flat, but is elongated, the particle is placed in the
reduction. Reduction to an exact predetermined mass shall not “elongated” group. In some cases it may be possible for a
be permitted. The mass of the test sample shall conform to the particle to meet the criteria of both a flat particle and an
following: elongated particle. In this case the particle is placed in the
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D4791 − 10
Metric Equivalents
in. (mm) in. (mm
1⁄ 8 (3.2) 15⁄8 (41.0)
3⁄16 (4.8) 13⁄4 (44.5)
1⁄ 4 (6.3) 2 (50.8)
5⁄16 (7.9) 21⁄2 (64.0)
3⁄ 8 (9.5) 27⁄8 (72.0)
3⁄ 4 (19.1) 33⁄4 (96.0)
7⁄ 8 (21.2) 8 (207.0)
1 (25.4) 12 (304.8)
11⁄16 (27.0) 13 (330.2)
1 1⁄ 2 (38.0) 16 (414.0)
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D4791 − 10
“particles that meet the criteria of both group (1) and group 9. Calculation
(2)” group. If the particle is not flat and is not elongated, it is
9.1 Calculate the percentage of particles in each group to the
placed in the “particles that do not meet the criteria of either
nearest 1 % for each size fraction tested greater than 3⁄8 in. (9.5
group (1) or group (2)” group.
mm) or No. 4 (4.75 mm), as required.
8.3.1 Use the proportional caliper device, positioned at the
proper ratio, shown in Fig. 4, as follows:
10. Report Flat Particle Test—Set the larger opening equal to
the maximum particle width. The particle is flat if the maxi- 10.1 Include the following information in the report:
mum thickness can be placed though the smaller opening. 10.1.1 Identification of the coarse aggregate tested, and Elongated Particle Test—Set the larger opening 10.1.2 Grading of the original aggregate sample, showing
equal to the maximum particle length. The particle is elongated percentage retained on each sieve.
if the maximum width can be placed through the smaller 10.1.3 For Method A:
opening. Number of particles in each sieve size tested,
8.3.2 After each of the particles have been classified into
one of the groups described in 8.3, determine the proportion of Percentages, calculated by number or by mass, or
the sample in each group by either count or by mass, as both, for each group: (1) flat particles, (2) elongated particles,
required. and (3) particles that meet the criteria of both group (1) and
group (2); (4) particles that do not meet the criteria of either
8.4 Method B—Test each of the particles in each size group (1) or group (2), and
fraction and place in one of two groups: (1) flat and elongated The dimensional ratios used in the tests.
or (2) not flat and elongated.
10.1.4 For Method B:
8.4.1 Use the proportional caliper device, set at the desired
ratio as shown in Fig. 4, as follows. Number of particles in each sieve size tested, Flat and Elongated Particle Test—Set the larger Percentages, calculated by number or by mass, or
opening equal to the maximum particle length. The particle is both, for flat and elongated particles for each sieve size tested,
considered flat and elongated if the maximum thickness can be The dimensional ratio used in the tests, and
placed through the smaller opening. 10.1.5 When required, weighted average percentages based
8.4.2 After the particles have been classified into the groups on the actual or assumed proportions of the various sieve sizes
described in 8.4, determine the proportion of the sample in tested. Report the grading used for the weighted average if
each group by count or mass, as required. different from that in 10.1.2.
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D4791 − 10
11. Precision and Bias 11.2 Bias—Since there is no accepted reference material
11.1 Precision—The precision values listed in Table 1, suitable for determining the bias for this test method, no
Table 2, and Table 3 are averages obtained from AMRL statement on bias is being made.
proficiency samples used in the Aggregate Proficiency Sample
Program (see Note 2). The 1S % and D2S % limits provided 12. Keywords
are described in Practice C670. 12.1 aggregates; coarse aggregates; particle shape
NOTE 2—A 1:3 ratio was used.
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D4791 − 10
TABLE 2 12.5-mm to 9.5-mm Flat and Elongated (Percent)
Precision Test Result (%) (1S) % (D2S) %
Single Operator 34.9 22.9 64.7
Multilaboratory 43.0 121.8
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