Guidelines AND OF: For Planning
Guidelines AND OF: For Planning
Guidelines AND OF: For Planning
tlriluttlilfrllfriliilffi mrnttl
Published by:
Price : T 400/-
(Plus Packing & Postage)
1. General 2
3. Roundabouts 6
4. Rotary Intersection 8
5. Planning Consideration I
5.1 Intersection Hierarchy I
5.2 Passenger Car Unit (PCU) for Roundabout 11
6. Geometric Design 12
1. General 2
2. Defi nitions and Terminologies 3
2.1 Geometric Parameters 3
3. Roundabouts 6
3.1 Single Lane Roundabouts 6
3.2 Multilane Roundabouts 7
4. Rotary lntersection 8
5. Planning Consideration 9
5.1 Intersection Hierarchy I
5.2 Passenger Car Unit (PCU) for Roundabout 11
6. Geometric Design 12
614 Drainage 27
6.15 Kerbs 28
7.1 Pedestrians 29
7.? Cyclists 30
8.3 Lag 33
I Capacity Estimation 34
10 Delay 36
12 lllumination 38
13 Landscaping 38
14 Safety 39
References 42
,,' Kumar, Manoj Director General (Road Development) & Special Secretary to Govt. of
(Convenor) India, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, New Delhi
? Singh, B.N. Addl. Director General (lncharge), Ministry of Road Transport and
(Co-Convenor) Highways, New Delhi
va Verma, Dr. S.K. chief Engineer (R) s,R & T, Ministry of Road rransport & Highways,
(Member Secretary) New Delhi
4 Bamezai, Prof. (Dr.) Gita R&D, Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi
5 Basar, Toli Chief Engineer, PWD, Arunachal Pradesh
6 Bhanot, Balraj Chairman, TED, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi
7 Bonginrvar, P.L. Secretary (Retd.), PWD Maharashtra
8 Gupta, D.P.
DG(RD) & AS (Retd.), Ministry of Road rransport and Highways,
New Delhi
I Jain, Prof. (Dr.) S.S. Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
10 Jain, R.K. Chief Englneer (Retd.), PWD Haryana
Chief Executive, L.R. Kadiyali & Associates, New Delhi
11 Kadiyali, Dr. L.R.
(Expired on 1 8.02.201 6)
12 Lal, Bhure Chairman, Environment Pollution Control Authority, Delhi
Eng neer-i n-c h ief, G u ru g ram Metropol ita n Development Authority,
.13 Lal, Chaman
14 Narain, Sunita DG, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi
15 Nashikkar, J.T. JMD, Maharashtra state Road Development corporation Ltd., Mumbal
16 Pandey, R.K. Member (Projects), National Highways Authority of India, New Delhi
17 Parida, Prof. (Dr.) M. Dean, SRIC, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
18 Pateriya, Dr. l.K. Director (Tech), National Rural Roads Development Agency, New Delhi
19 Pawar, Ajit Secretary (Retd.), PWD Maharashtra
20 Porwal, Dr. S.S. (VSM) ADG (Retd.), Border.Roads Organisation, New Delhi
21 Raju, Dr. G.V.S. Engineer-in-Chief (Retd.), Roads & Building, Andhra pradesh
22 Rawat, M.S. Executive Director, AECOM India P!rt. Ltd.
23 Sarangi, D. CGM, National Highways Authority of India, New Delhi
24 Sharma, M.P. chief Engineer, Ministry of Road rransport ano Hignways, New Delhi
25 Sharma, S.C.
DG(RD) & ss (Retd.), Ministry of Road rransport and Highways,
New Delhi
27 Singh, Nirmaljit
DG(RD) & SS (Retd.), Ministry of Road Transport and Highways,
New Delhi
28 Singh, Pawan Kumar GM, 3M India Ltd.
29 Sinha, A.V.
DG(RD) & SS (Retd.), Ministry of Road Transport and Highways,
New Delhi
30 Tawade, D.O. Member (T), National Highways Authority of India, New Delhi
The Director,
31 Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi
(Chandra, Dr. Satish)
The Director General,
32 Border Roads Organisation, New Delhi
(Shrivastava, Lt. Gen. S.K.)
The Director General,
33 Society of Indian Automobile Manufactures, New Delhi
(Mathur, Vishnu)
The Engineer-in-Chief,
34 Military Engineer Services, New Delhi
(Sharma, Lt. Gen. Suresh)
35 Tickoo, Bimal Secretary (T), PWD Jammu
36 Tiwari, Prof. (Dr.) Geetam Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi
Superintending Engineer, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways,
37 Varshney, Sharad
New Delhi
38 Verma, G.L. MD, Engg and Planning Consultants Ltd., New Delhi
Corresponding Members
1 Baluja, Dr. Rohit President, Institute of Road Traffic Education, New Delhi
2 Bhowmik, Sunil Engineer-in-Chief (Retd. ), Tripura
DG(RD) & SS (Retd.), Ministry of Road Transport and Highways,
3 Kandasamy, C
New Delhi
The Director,
(Patil, Capt. (Dr.) Rajendra B. Central Institute of Road Transport, Pune
Ex-Officio Members
The IRC:65 "Recommended Practice for Traffic Rotaries" was first published by Indian Roads
Congress in 1976. For the last three decades, India is witnessing massive road development
program to improve the mobility and connectivity. New vehicle models have been entered
into road system and vulnerable road users are exposed to high speed traffic movement.
All these result in road crashes and it is reported that more than 50% of road accidents are
junction related accidents. Therefore, a need was felt to revise the IRC:65 for rotary which is
a safer junction control where two road of comparable traffic volume is intersecting as well as
junction having considerable right turning traffic. Accordingly, the work of revision of IRC:65
was taken up by the Road Safety and Design Committee (H-7) during the tenure 2015-
2017 under the Convenorship of Shri Nirmaljit Singh. A subgroup comprising Dr. Sewa Ram
(Subgroup Chairman), Dr. Geetam Tiwari, Dr. Manoranjan Parida, Shri Jacob George, Dr.
P KAganral have developed the draft. The draft prepared by the subgroup was discussed
in various meeting of H-7 committee and the document was subsequently approved by H-7
Commiftee in its meeting held on 18.03.2017 for placing before the HSS Committee.
The Composition of H-7 committee is given below
Aganrval, Prof. (Dr.) P.K. Ram, Prof. (Dr.) Sewa
Agrawal, C.P. Ramana, Venkata'
Balakrishnan, Bina C. Reddy, S. Srinivas
Elango, Tango Roychowdhury, Anumita
Gupta, Kamini Shemar, O.P.
Jain, N.S. Singh, Parampreet
Joint Commissioner of Police Singh, Pawan Kumar
(Traffic), Delhi Sridhara, B.T.
Kirori, R.R.D. Tiwari, Prof. (Dr.) Geetam
Mitra, Prof. (Dr.) Sudeshna Velmurugan, Dr. S.
Parida, Prof. (Dr.) M. Verma, Mohit
Pateriya, Dr. l.K.
Corresponding Members
Arkatkar, Dr. Srinivas Sidhu, H.S.
Bhanot, Balraj Singh, Prof. (Dr.) Indrasen
Ex-Officio Members
President, (Pradhan, N. K.), Engineer-in-Chief
Indian Roads Congress cum Secretary, Works Department,
Director General (Kumar, Manoj), Ministry of Road
(Road Development) & Special Transport & Highways
Secretary to Govt. of India
Secretary General, Nirmal, Sanjay Kumar
Indian Roads Congress
The Highways specifications and standards committee approved the draft in its meeting
held on 23d June, 2017.The Member secretary of HSS forwarded extensive comments and
the subgroup incorporated all of them. The Executive committee in its meeting held on 13h
July, 2017 considered and approved the same document for placing it before the Council.
The Council of IRC in its212th meeting held at Udaipur on 14th and 15th July,2017 approved
the draft and the final version of the document submifted to IRC for publishing.
A roundabout is a specialized form of at-grade intersection where vehicles from the converging
arms are forced to move round a central island in one direction in orderly and regimented
manner and move/weave out of the roundabout into their desired direction. In conventional
roundabout, traffic at entry seek suitable gap in the circulating btream to negotiate the
central island. Instead of entering trafiic seeking suitable gap with circulating stream, rotary
intersection of larger central islands permits weaving maneuvering. The self-regulating form
of roundabout is safe because of reduced crossing conflict points dnd aesthetically pleasing
in appearance. When a cross road is converted into a roundabout, the number of conflicts can
be reduced from 32 to 8 as illustrated in Fig. 1.1, wherein potential right-angle collision will be
converted into angular-collision. For these reasons, roundabouts are more safe compared to
uncontrolled cross road junction.
a Diverging I a 4.
C 4
O Merging 8 i1 0
.-i crossing 16 d
Fig. 1.1 Gonflict points in cross Road Junction Vs. Roundabout
Exit Radius: lt is the radius of curvature provided to exit side of the roundabout
so that vehicle from roundabout is accelerated to leave the roundabout.
Exit Width: lt is the width of the carriageway at the exit of the roundabout.
Inscribed Gircle Diameter: The inscribed circle diameter is the basic
parameter used to define the size of a roundabout. lt is measured between
the outer edges of the circulatory path.
Non-Weaving Width : lt is the width of the carriageway used by the circulating
traffic. lt can also be defined as the width of the road from the edge of the
central island to the deflecting island as shown in Fig . 2.1 .
before they move
in one direction
gi;; ;;tand find suitable gaps to move around an island
radiating from the island' Con.trary to the
out of the traffic flow into tneii respective directions
works uiron the weaving behavior of
functioning of roundabout, tnl toiuw t'p" of intersection
shall be large enough to ensure the weaving
entry and circulating traffic. ine tnscri6"d circle
categorized to single lane and double lane roundabouts'
Roundabout and rotary are two different types of road intersedim. Rorrdabout pdmadly
functions based upon give way behavior by entering bafic gMr1g ptixity b cirollating
traffic. A vehicle on approaching the circulatory caniageway, seize the gap in the circulatory
movement in order to enter the circular carriageway and always functions based on gap
acceptance. Hence compliance to "Priority Rule" is vital for efiective function of roundabout.
On the other hand, a rotary intersection of large central island works on weaving, wherein
a vehicle while entering need not necessarily wait on give way line, rather can merge to
circulatory movement and then weave so as to change the lane. Weaving section of rotary
has one more lane than non-weaving section. Table 4,1 presents key difierences between
roundabout and rotary. The need of gap acceptance in roundabout configuration can be
appreciated from Fig. 4,1 whereas opportunities for weaving in rotary layout are depicted in
Roundabout Rotary
1. Smaller in Size 1. Rotary is bigger in size
2. Works on gap acceptance and "priority 2. Works on weaving behavior between
from rule" is vital for effective function entering traffic from approach road
and circulating stream
3. Maintain relatively low speeds (.40 kmph) 3. Higher speeds allowed (t+O kmph)
4. No pedestrian activity on central island 4. Some large traffic circles allow
pedestrian crossing to and from the
central island.
5. Large entry angle helps to create entry 5 Relatively small entry angle
deflection to control speed through the
6. Inscribed Circle Diameter (lCD) 6. Inscribed Circle Diameter (lCD) more
. Single lane (28-a0 m) than 70 m
. Double lane (40-70 m)
It can be observed that signalized intersections and roundabouts have an overlapping region
where either of the forms of intersection can be used interchangeably based upon specific
Fig. 5.2 exhibits the comparative capacity handled by different types of roundabouts
Sigtrralized Roundabout 1
and Rotary
40000 ; .Doubl aad
Rural) \
q ' SinglelaneRurall - 1,-
o) Roundabout , l' \
g*o Single lane
Urban-. :
0 10 20 30 ,fo 50 60 70 S0 90 10o
. Diameter (m) *
Fig. 5.2 Capacity of different types of Roundabouts
o L
o o (E
D (m) e
E o .9 o L *.
€OL o L
E e .Y fl ct L
9f -c (g e o o L
o (u
.No fr= o L
TE 9o - t o
o o o o
o EE E$
o= G E FE (E o
c E
o s5 =tr E
o 3sI o
- o r(E
o= o
20<D<30 0.18 1.88 3.65 1.12
30<D<40 0.21 1.65 3.45 1.31
0.32 0.83 1.00 1.40 2 4 3
40<D<50 0.25 1.53 3.20 1.56
50<D<70 0.28 1.46 3.05 1.74
[source: cRRl (2017) "lndian Highway capacity Manual (lNDo-HcM)']
6,1.2 In order to ensure the maneuverability of design vehicle for single lane roundabout
of Inscribed Circle Diameter (lCD) upto 40 m, a combination as given in Table 6.2 shall be
followed between Inscribed Circle Diameter and Central lsland Diameter. lt is desirable to
provide a Truck Apron for single lane roundabout having smaller Central lsland Diameters,
which would ensure adequate deflection for light vehicles.
Table 6.2 Inscribed Circle Diameter and Central lsland Diameter for Single Lane Roundabout
28 4** 12
30 8 11
32 12 10
36 18 I
40 24 8
6.2.1 ldeally the Central lsland should be located in such a way that center lines of
approach road passes through the center of Inscribed Circle. The size and position of Central
lsland shall be such that all approach vehicles will have to be deflected even that approaching
from extreme left lane on the approach road.
6.2.2 lt is desirable to equally space the angle between entry arms of roundabout.
6.9.2 One lane width at the give way line (measured along the normal to the nearside
kerb, as for entry width) must be not less than 3 m or more than 4.5 m, with the 4.5 m value
appropriate at single lane entries and values of 3 to 3.5 m appropriate at multilane entries.
6.3.4 The downstream link in a undivided two way road with a long splitter island of
a normal roundabout should be between 7 m and 7.5 m. The exit should taper down to a
minimum of 6 m allowing traffic to pass a broken down vehicle. lf the link is an all-purpose
two-lane dual carriageway, the exit width should be between 10 m and 11 m and the exit
should taoer down to two lanes wide. The width should be reduced in such a way as to avoid
exiting vehicles encroaching onto the opposing lane at the end of the splitter island. Normally
the width would reduce at a taper of 1:1.5 to 1 :20. Where the exit is on an up gradient, the exit
width may be maintained for a short distance before tapering in.
6.3.5 The carriageway width at entrance and exit of a roundabout is governed by the
amount of traffic entering and leaving the roundabout. While deciding upon the width, the
possible growth of traffic in the design period should be considered. lt is recommended that
the minimum width of carriageway be at least 5 m with necessary extra widening to account
for the curvature of the road. Table 0.3 gives the value of the width of carriageway at entry
inclusive of widening needed on account of curvature.
It is measured as the minimum radius of curvature of the curve as shown in Fig. 6.1. The
provision of an appropriate radius on the entry curve encourages drivers to slow down before
reaching the roundabout. Radius of curve at the entry is critical for design speed, amount of
superelevation and the coefficient of friction. The values of coefficient of friction for roundabout
approaches shall be higher than for other locations. Based on overall considerations, Table
6.3 gives guidance for the selection of radii of curves at entry.
It is measured as the minimum radius of curvature of the curve as shown in Fig. 6.1. Values
for the exit kerb radius should exceed the largest entry radius. In areas where there are no
pedeskians, the exit from a roundabout should be as easy to negotiate as practicable. After
having been slowed down by the entry and circulating curves, vehicles should be able to
accelerate on the exit. Therefore, the radius of the exit curve should generally be greater
than the circulating radius. In areas where there are pedestrians, the exit speed should be
minimized. The best solution to minimize the exit speed is to provide radii similar to those at
entrances as given in Table 6,3,
6'4'1 Splifter and channelizing island are provided on each arm of roundabout to
direct and separate opposing trafiic movements onto and from a roundabout. Splifter island
shall be of physical islands where there is sufficient space to accommodate kerbed island.
Fig. 6.2 demonstrates the use of splitter islands on roundabout, which would prevent wrong
right turning.
Fig. 6.2 use of sprifter lsrands to Discourage Hazardous wrong way Movements
6:4'2 Kerbed splitter islands should be provided on all appfoaches as theywoutd provide
shelter for pedestrians, assist in controlling entry speed, and guide traffic
ontoihe roundabout
and also deter right-turners from taking dangerous ,,wrong way,,short cut
movements through
the roundabout.
6.4.3 On urban arterial road roundabouts, the kerbed splitter island should be
of sufficient
size to shelter a pedestrian (at least 2.4 m wide) and be highly visible
to approaching traffic.
A minimum area of 8 m2 to 10 m'zshourd be provided on any arteriar road approach.
roundabout approaches from local roads, the general minimurnarea
of kerbed splitter island
is 5 m2 to 8 m2. In extremely constrained cases, it is preferable to provide
a keibeo splitter
island smaller than the general minimum rather than provide no island
at all.
6'4'4 In high speed areas the splitter island should also be relatively long to give
warning to drivers that they are approaching an intersection and must
slow doin. preferably
the splitter island and its approach pavement markings should extend
back to a point where
drivers would be expected to start to reduce their soelo.
6'4'5 The kerb line of splifter island or median in case of a divided carriageway
lie on arc which when projected foruvard meets the central island tangentially-
as shown in
Fig. 6.3
6.4.6 The details of geometric design of splitter island are given in Fig. 6.4 and Fig. 6.5
Fig. 6.4 Minimum Size of Splitter lsland Fig. 6.5 Minimum Splitter lsland Nose Radii
and Offset
6.5.1 The average efiective flare length, l', is the average length over which the entry
widens. lt is the length of the curve CF', shown in Fig. 6.6
6'5.2 Procedure to determine the average effective flare length, l': As shown in Fig, 6.6,
construct curve GD parallel to the median HA (centre line or edge of central reserve or splitter
island) and distance v from it; then construct curve cF' parallel to curve BG (the nearside
kerb) and at a constant distance of lz BD from it, with F'the point where cF, intersects line
DG. The length of curve cF' is the average effective flare length 1,. The total length of the
entry widening (BG) will be about twice the average effective flare length.
6'5.3 A minimum flare length of about 25 m is desirable, but capacity will be the
determining factor. Effective flare lengths greater than 25 m may improve tire geometric
layout but have little efiect in increasing capacity. lf the efiective flaie length exceeds 100 m,
the design becomes one of link widening
6.6 EntryAngte
The entry angle, serves as a geometric proxy for the conflict angle between entering and
circulating traffic streams. There are two difierent methods for its measurement, depending
on the size of the roundabout.
6'6.1 Procedure to determine to determine entry angle: For large roundabout like that
given in Fig. 6.7 construct the curve EF as the locus of the mid- poini between the nearside
the median line (or the edge of any splitter island or ceniral reserve); then construct
lgb "19
BC as the tangent to EF at the give way line; construct the curye AD as the locus of the mid-
point of (the used section of) the circulatory carriageway (a proxy for the average
direction of
travel for traffic circulating past the arm); the entry angle, Angb AcB is the ent-ry angle
lsource: Design Manual for Roads & Bridges, UK, TD 16/07, 20071
Fig. 6.7 Entry Angle at a Larger Roundabout
6.6.2 For Single Lane Roundabouts, the entry angle is measured as shown in Fig. 6.8.
This construction is used when there is insufficient separation between entry and adjacent
exit to be able t0 define the path of the circulating vehicle clearly. In this case, circulating
traffic which leaves at the following exit will be influenced by the angle at which that arm joins
the roundabout. The angle between the projected entry and exit paths is measured and then
halved to find entry angle.
reduced but excessively reduced speeds may result into increased delay at roundabouts
and in turn deteriorated level of service. Fig. 6.10 presents the typical relationship
operating speeds at roundabout and radius of Central lsland'
6.9.1 The design vehicle and consequently the swept path requirements may be different
for various paths through the roundabout. Because travel through roundabouts involves
complex reverse-turn movements, particular care is needed in the use of simple turning
path templates to achieve a satisfactory layout. Fig. 6.11 and Table 6.4 shows turning width
required for a Single Lane Roundabout for ICD diameter upto 36 m.
6,9.3 A roundabout of Inscribed Circle Diameter above 36 m can cater all movement
including U-turn of even Design Vehicle of Large Semi tailor (WB-18) of 2.58 m overall width,
19.7 m overall length and 18.2 m minimum turning radius.
geometric features:
6.11 .1 The alignment on the approach should be such that the driver has a good view of
both the splitter island, the central island and desirably the circulating carriageway. Adequate
Approach Sight Distance (ASD) should be provided to the give way lines and pedestrian
crossing as shown in Fig. 6.{3 for the approach speed given in Table 6.5.
40 30
50 40
60 60
70 70i
80 105
90 130
100 160
110 190
120 230
*On the geometric element prior to the entry curve.
**Measured from a passenger car eye height of 1.15 m to an object cut-off height of 0 m.
6.1'1.2 OtherVisibilityConsiderations
A driver, stationary at the stopping line, should ftave a clear line of sight (using a passenger
car eye height of 1.15 m) to traffic on any previous approach (an object height of 1.15 m
passenger car eye height). The desirable minimum length of this line of sight is based on the
distance travelled in 4 seconds (observation time plus reaction time) at the 85th percentile
speed plus the stopping distance (measured along vehicle paths from previous approaches).
The absolute minimum length of this line of sight is based on the distance travelled in 2.5
seconds (observation time plus reaction time) at the 85rh percentile speed plus the stopping
distance. Desired and absolute minimum sight distance at 85th percentile speed is as given
in Table 6.6.
Manual, Queensland]
[Source: Road Planning & Design
as given in
6.11.3 Traffic'plying within circulatory roadway should have sight distance
Fig. 6.14.
lsource: Design Manual for Roads & Bridges, UK' TD 16i07, 20071
Fig. 6.15 Measurement of Visibility required at Entry to Pedestrian Crossing
6.11 .5 Intersection sight distance as given in Fig. 6.16 shall be ensured for drivers to see
the confl icting vehicles
lnoqepunou oue'I olouls u! Joquec LL'g '6!J
ur uaoqs se puelsr lBJluee uorJ Ie^ e Jjounl ocelns eql utelp ol pept^ord eq,uec % L ol %g'o
repJo eql Jo Joqurec leuo[carp lun 'ocl ul 0t oldn ]noqepunou euel elouts Jol
uolle^ol+ledns pue raquec t t'g
'sarllnclJtlp o6euterp e^eq pue speeds burqceoldde leleelO ecnpur o1 lp1rl
eJe lnq 'selorqen burqceordde oLll ol iv\et^ ;;n; e eprno.rd s{e4e s[e;;en ut slnoqepunoJ rol
'lnoqepunoJ oql Outleel ellq/v\ uotleJalocce pue Durqceotdde ellqm
uorleJolecop lsrsse suo[ecol qcns Jr,uuns e uo pe]ecol aq sobeluenpe qlran '[eu lnoqepuno.t
V leluozrJoLl or.ll ol suoneurlcur luoroJ;rp 6urneq seue;d oA l ut pelecol oq lnoqepunol e lerlt
elqeJrsop lou lo^o/v\or]'s! ll '09 ur I ueql eJoul lou le lBluozuor] eql ol pautlcut st r]9 .l/v\
eue;d e uo orl ol polrs eq Ieur 11 'punol6 lo^el uo pelecol oq Ilqetele.rd plnoqs lnoqepunoJ V
peog bu;lcesralul lo opetC Zl.9
ecueJeJlelur srql pro^e
ol palecol eq lsnur pue Igr;rqrsrn Lllliv\ eJe;.telut os;e Ieur '9le sluoullueque 'selnlcnlls 'slerd
lcelord o1 posn sJorJJeq rtleles {uV 'laul oJe slueulellnbel ecuelstp lrlbls er.l} leql aJnsus
ol ue)el eq lsnu oJBc '^ltltqtst^ s,le^trp e lcnrlsqo lq6ru qcrqm puelst le4uec eq1 ur (terd
'6'e) e.rn1cru1s e oq eleql eteqm {pelncryed 'qnoqepunor peleledos epe.r6lV L.lJ'g
Fig, 6.18 Camber and superelevation in Two lane Roundabout and in Rotary
6.14 Drainage
Drainage at roundabout is a crucial part of planning and design. The reasons to provide a
sound and longJasting drainage system are:
. To preventflooding ofthe road and ponding on the road surface.
. To protect the bearing capacity of the pavement and the sub grade material.
. To avoid the erosion of side slopes.
For more details on drainage, reference may be made to IRC:SP:42 "Guidelines of Road
Drainage" and IRC:SP:50 "Guidelines on Urban Drainage".
lnoqepunor ouel e16u;g peuJB-t erol ueld 6u;1.leq pue u6;g lec;drt1 6L'9'6!l
'noIel Lrelo.r pue; ueld buqleut pue
u6ls lecldAl e /v\ OZ'g '6ll pue 6l'9 '6!l fp4pedsel ,,subtg peou JoJ erllceJd lo epoC,,
/g:CUl pue ,,s6utyey1 peou roJ erlceJd lo epoC,, 9€ CUI u! uenl6 seulleprn6 oql led se
pep4ord eq [er.u 6u1u6;s pue 6u14reur eue-l ot{I'cge4 peldrulelutun o1 eprn6 pue plenOe;es
ol suollsJol elqelns pue luetuo^uoc 1e paceld eq lleqs 6u;1.reu lueuened pue subts peog
s6u; lueureled pue su6;g peog 9l'9
'syels qoeoJdde eql lo 6uueg oql eleqrrn lutod oql uJo4 tu
'ed& Fqpen
0t lo ocuelsrp rlnurlurur e o1 dn sqtel q1m pep;nold oq seqceoldde eql
eql Jo oq Alqe.relerd plnoqs speol qceo.rdde eql lP pup Ilelol 1o se6pe lelno eqt lp scuel eql
'perncsqo eq lou lleqs Alllqlsn ler{ uen;6 eq lleqs oJsr lsoun 'ed& olqEunou-uou eq
'sqral pue ww gZZ ueql eJout oq lou lleqs pueF! lerlueo eql Jo qrel eql lQ ilOleq eql
elqelunou ro sqJol lectUel Jeqlte eq plnoqs spuelsl lPJluoo pue Dutzt;euueqc Jol sqJel eql
sqjoy 9l'9
Fig. 6.20 Typical Sign and Marklng plan for a 4-armed Rotary
7.1 Pedestrians
It is essential that splitler islands (or medians) are provided for pedestrian crossing. In the
planning and design of roundabouts special consideration should be given to the movement of
pedestrians. Roundabouts are at least as safe for pedestrians as other forms of intersections.
This is possible as pedestrians are able to cross one direction of traffic at a time by staging
on the splitter islands. However, pedestrians must cross with care because, unlike traffic
signals, roundabouts do not give priority to pedestrians over through traffic movements.
To minimize pedestrian accidents at crossings of entries and exits, the entry and exit speeds
should be kept low. The best solution to achipve this is to provide small radius entry and exit
Consideration may be given to providing priority crossings (e.9. zebra crossings), for
pedestrians where:
. Pedestrian volumes are high; I
'noqepunor eql qonorql q/tlJ)l 09 peeoxe speeds oplr.lon
:qnoqBpunoJ euel-ulnuJ e sr oJol.ll
llep red selclqe^ OOO'Ol speecxe 'eurnlo^ clJleJl qceordde 's [elnurnc eql
elqersep sr slsr;cfc .ro; uogsgnord lepeds 'q/uD1 Ot ueql ssel eJe lnoqepunor eq1 qOnoql
speeds oplr.lo aJoqi slnoqepunor eue; e;6urs 1e perrnber fllereueb 1ou sr uorsrnord c4;cedg
'peurelqo eq ol uoucogep pue oJnlerunc &lue repeq 6ur;qeue lnoqepunoJ eql qbnolql
sqlplrn 6ugc;.r1ser 1o ebeluenpe poppe eql seq ]uourleoJl sll.ll 'slnoqepunor pe>|cuJal Ilr.lbltl
1elpelncr;red 'Aearebeurec peoJ eql urqlr/v\ eue; e;c{crq e ueql Joles ere sqled eplc eleredeg
osre ,,,v\ srdecuoc ,u,."0
eql secnper seqceordde uee/$leq ecuelsrp eqg Ourzrurrxeu pue 'sauel Ouuelnc.rc 1o Jequrnu
eq1 burzru.rruru.r 'seprqen Ouue;nclrc pue Ouuelue uee/nleq peeds errue;er eq1 Ouonpeg
'uorlecol eqg ro; ser6ele4s lueure6eueur clJJeJl llBJeAo eql
pue pe^lo^u! spEoJ or,ll lo uorlecursselc leuorlcunJ oql
:ureerls cgerl lelol eql u! slslplc lo uoryodotd eq1
:s AoU Jnoq )eed eql pue eurnlo^ cuJerl alclqe^ Ilrep aq1
:uo puedep ;1;nn fieles;o lenel elenbepe ue e^elqce ol
pepeeu ore sornseeur loJluoc cUJeJl Jo/pue slusuleeJl cr4euoe6 ;e;ceds qc;qarr ol lueya oql
le^e/$oH 's1s;lcIc le^el e;qegdeoce ue eprnold o1 peu6rsep eq uec slnoqepunou
ro1 Aleles Jo
s1s;;cIg Z'L
eq uec Dursso.rc dol elqel pue suo[do lueu]eerl ocelns snouel'sJosn ppoJ eql ol uo4eui4ul
pue firlrqrssecce lesrenrun lo eles eql rol {peple eq1 Jo looLlcs }o slstsuoc cuJerl
ueulseped eql eJeqa eru1 {;lercedse sr srql 'luauleorl uollcosJo}ur enneuJelle ue Jo esn
eq1 o1 uenro eq plnoqs uo[pJeprsuoJ snoues 'q6;q are sounlo uerrlseped eJeq,$ !e^e,\ oH
'sueulseped se qcns
peoJ orll lo sJesn ,,lleurs,, eJncsqo ol lou se os uo4e1e6er pue subgs Ouuecol
pue :seqceordde eql osle nq
slemebepec 6uue;ncrrc eqlA;uolou soleurunll; qc;qrir6u;1q6;11ee4s 6urprnor6
reep eplnord ol slnoqepunor eql ol seqceoJdde eq] uo buryled 6u;1q;qor6
:s Aolle elrs eq1 se e6re; sE ere qc!q/v\ spue;sr regr;ds 6u;u6;seg
:opnpu! slnoqepunor 1e Ale;es uer4seped ooueque ol suo[ereplsuoo ubrsep.reqlg
pe{elep burgeb ere pue bugsso.rc u; fi;nc;g;p bupuauedxe ere sueulseped .
'peldecce oq plno^ de6 lec!ilJc otll of ;enbe lo
ueLll.releel6 sde6 lle pue pelceler oq plnorvr de6 leclltJc otll ueLll ssol sde6 ;y
'sur6eq deO eql ueLln oull ferur enl6
eql le st JoAtJp Oupelue oql uoLlrvr {;uo poJnseou s! ueds otu!} poqucsop oql
'alotqa Ouuelue ue qll/vt lcl4uoc oleere leql solclqe^
Oulelncrrc enrlncosuoc o/rtl uee/vqeq ueds eurg er]l se peugep s1 de6 y
:sarnleoJ deg 'uo;lceslelur uen;6 e lo;
deb peldecce lselleus pue pelcelet lsabtel eq1 1o suo!]eruesqo Jo slseq eql uo pe]eulllse eq
uec de6 lec;yg 'de6 lecllpc aql o1 ;enbe .ro ueql telee.rb sdeb ldecce plnol pue de6 ;
erll ueql ssel sde6 lcele.r plnoin le^up relnctped V 'elqeldecce aq plnontt ]eql deb ulnullultu
erll q deb lecurJc s,Je^!rp eql 'snqf 'lnoqepunoJ e telue I1e;es uec qceoldde uorl elcltlo^
Ouuelue ue ueq/v\ rvrog 6u4elncltc aql ut leruolut oulll unu.llultu eq1 slueseldel de6 1ec;1113
deC lecllpC l,'g
suorvcloNl fcNvl luolufd rnogvoNnou I
ferne6eyreC oql uorl poleredes slstlcfC to qled 6u;rnoqg orn6lJ t'Z '6lJ
Fig. 8.1 shows the relationship between Diameter of Roundabout and Critical Gap
20 :m /o
Roundabout Diameter in (m)
Table 8.1 Critical Gap and Follow-up Time for Different Diameter Roundabout
8.3 Lag
A lag is the time span between an entering vehicle and opposing circulating vehicle. Many
studies have shown that it is acceptable practice to combine lags and gaps into one data set
for analysis.
:lnoqepunoJ Io AllcedBc fu1ue ;o uotleulllse
er.ll .rol lsfleue eql Iq posn eq uec (g 197) UICH Sn uroJl lepou ;etlueuodxe 6u;mop1o; eq1
'seleullse [grcedec e]eJncce ecnpord o] papuotuulocer {q6;q st eutl dn-alo;;o; pue deb
lecrlrJc Jo uolleJeprsuoc 'ecueur.roped lnoqepunoJ 6u;1cege elqetrel luec4tubts otll oq ol
sreedde Jorneqeq JoArJp sV 'anog Outlelncrc pue /nog {tlue ;o uotlcun; e st lnoqepunoJ
;o Ilrcedec eq1 '{lrcedec uo slceJJe Joutu.t o^eq e;6ue fu1ue eql pue Joleuetp elcllc
peqrrcsur eq1 'r$rcedec eql slceJle osqe q16ua1 oreg eql 'selctqen lo sol.lcunq ueen leq
sde6 re6uol epgnord os pue qcunq relqbtl u! reqlo qoee '/tlollo; :o 'epts6uo;e le^erl ol
solcrqel lrnolle sIe/$pBo.t fuo1e;ncrgc roplM 'euel e;6urs e lo leql se mog r$1ue Jo eler eql
ecra4 I;:eeu gruled seuel fu1ue om1 'lnoqepunor eql uo fu1ue eql le souel lo Jequlnu oql
.ro 'slerrnpeor fuo1e;ncrrc pue {.r1ue oql Jo qlpr/r eq} sr lueurele culeuoeb lueuoduJ! lsoul
eql '/r^ou fu1ue 1o eleJ oql lcoJJe osle lnoqepunoJ eql lo sluol.uole culeuloeo eq1 '[pe|;ut;g
'seseeJcep oslE Jelue usJ seprqo^
rlcnuv\ le eler OurpuodserJoc eql pue 'oseeJcop rnog Ouge;ncltc eq1 ut sde6 eql Jo ozts otll
'seseoJcur rrnog ouue;ncrrc et|l sv'de6 qceo Jolue {eu e;clqen euo ueq} eJouJ pue sopll,lo^
buuelue oql ol lnJesn eJou oJe ivrog buqe;ncro eql u! sdeb re6.re1 eq1 Ae;ep luecgubts
lnoqlr/n lnoqepunor eql Jeluo ol olqe aJE rttue eql le $e^!rp '/v\ol sr mog Ouue;ncrc otll uotl6
noqepunoJ or.ll Jo sluoulolo cl4euroe6
erll pue nog &lue aql qil,!\ slclguoe leql moqepunoJ oql uo /rAoU buqe;ncro eq1 fleueu
sJolceJ o Al uo spuedep ft1ue poqepunoJ e le pelepouluocce oq uec lBr.ll oleJ l oU uinulxeu
oql 'lnoqppuno.r 1o fircedec ftlue eql bururr.urelep rol sseoo.rd eql slueberd uorlces slrll
NOITVn[Sf Arr9vdv9 6
'sdn-/t'tolloJ eJe sopl.lo
Ourpeeccns aql 'olcrqe^ buneog E sr leql deb e Ouuelue olcr.lon lsJU eq1 Iluo sr 1; '6u11eog se
pou4opsr olcrqe^eq1 uOrsIervrenrbeqlledolsole Bqlouseoppuede6espu4Ja Upoqlll
ecueJluf 6u;1eo;1 g'g
'o.rueJluo cllels se pelreur sr lr lnoqepunoJ eq1 Ouuelue
eroJeq rncco o1 deb luercrgns e Jol lre/v\ pue ubrs fern eru6 eql le dols ol seq eplqe^ e Jl
ecuerluf cllEls 9'8
'sdeb luercgns 1o
)cel ol enp lnoqepunoJ eq1 Oupelue elqnorl e^Eq leql seprol Aq pesn f;ugeu ere sde6 pecro3
' Ouuelue eql olu! r.lserc lou o1 dols uene Jo u/vrop,vrols ol eleq selcrqe 6u[e;ncrtc
pue lnoqepunor oql olur se^lasureql ecJol seprqel Ouuelue eql 'cgJpJl Ounelncrrc eq1 ;o
uoqeJeprsuoc q6noue 6unl6 lnoqilnir lnoqBpunoJ eql Jelua eprqel e ueqn Jncco de6 pacrol y
deg pocrol ?'g
T. = Follow-up time in seconds
= Critical Gap in seconds
Q" = Circulating flow in PCU/hr
Using the average critical gap and follow-up time presented in the earlier section, the entry
capacity models/equations for varying range of diameters of roundabouts have been derived
in the Indian Highway Capacity Manual (INDO-HCM) and presented in Table 9.1. The
Nomograph for the direct estimation of entry capacity of the roundabouts of different sizes of
circulating flow is presented in Fig. 9.1
- -- - 2l.30nr
. 3140llr
-..-.-. Jl.7O$r
tr -41.5O!n
H :ooo
.F rsoo
5 '' L.i ; i
7 :;;.",,
elqeldecce ue JoJ lrel ol ourl oql sopnlcxo 11 'peeds Outleredo leruJou qceeJ
ol ror4ynl Ourlerolocce Alleug uoql pue lnoqepunor oW q6norql Oulpeecold
'peeds uo;1e;1o6ou orll ol OurleJolecce 'de6 e Ou;ldecce JoUe 'pue enenb eq1
Jo puo orll te dols ol u/rlop 6urmo;s sJo^rJp o1 Aelep eql - feleq ctJlotuooC
Ouqe;ncrc oql u; de6 e ldecce o1 6u;1e^ srenup o1 felep oql - {elep Outneng
:s/v\ollol se st lnoqepunoJ le solcrr4o^ Ouuennouetu [q peruosqo {elep 1o sedfi luoJoJJlp oLlI
lnoqepunou 1o 6u;s;.rduo9 lrotn1oN e 6uoly elltoJd peedg eldueg t'0t '6!J
(u) retueC uorl ecuel$l0
08 0toz00z 09 08
'l'Ol '6ll ur u/tr\or1s sr lnoqepunor;o bursuduroc lJoaleu e
6uole elrlord peeds eldueg 'lnoqepunoJ eql q6norql Ourrenneueur e1rq4r ecueuedxe eplqa^
lenprnrpur ue lelep ;e1og o1 lcedser qlr^ pessosse sr lnoqepunoJ 1o ecueu.uoped llere^o eql
Av-l=to 0t,
eom .o
The estimation of LoS is based on the vehicular delay model derived from studies conducted
at 11 roundabouts by taking into account the delay experienced by the vehicle from entry
point to reach the exit point of the roundabout.
Fig. 11.1 reveals the LoS derived for roundabouts from the above equation and cluster analysis.
L.Z j
'6 *s
'= sj
4 a:)
:ffi. €ffi
uour" r.arni. vT,*e (vffit*r/Hn.)
[Source: CRRI (2017) "lndian Highway Capacity Manual (INDO-HCM)"]
Fig. 11.1 Relationship Between Approach Traffic Flow and Average Vehicular Delay
'lqOF Jo eurl reelc eql urelureur
ol sE os euop eq lsnul oulde3spue'l 'ruoLll uo pelueld saeJl o^eq lou plnoqs spuelsl
llEurs 'sourpunoJJns oql uro4 puElsr lBJluoc eql L{slnoulslp ol elqe sr re^up eql
leql os 'luoururord Jeedde'plnoqs puelsr le4uoc aql poJrnboJ sr uorlelueld elerrdoldde Jo
esn erolaJoql :Je^up eql ol perncsqo 106 lou plnoqs lnoqepunoJ or.ll Jo lnolel pue urol eql
cNldvcsoNv-l e l
',,seJnlcnJls pele^elf 8 sJoleredes epere
roJ lenueu\,, o6:ds:cHl ol epeur oq ecuaJe]eJ 'uorlPurulnllt uo sltelep lol 'lnoqepunor
eql uo4 Ourlrxe lsnf releurued pueq ^euUal pue spuelst leuueqc lleus uo peceld eq 1ou
plnoqs selod 6u4q6;1 'ero;ereql 'sop!qo^ qcns Jol spiezeq ou eJe ereq] leql os peuleluleul
oq plnoqs seuoz reelo elenbape 'oS 'slnoqepunoJ uo loJluoc Jo lno oO seplqe^ Jo lol V
'u.ue burlrxe eql lo luau,ruoJrluo
Uep oql ol ldepe ol alqe oq plnoqs eqs/eq 'lnoqepunor poleururnllr llo^ oql slrxe Jo^rJp or,ll
ueqM 'soseorcep l;lenper6 6u;1q6;; 1o llrsuelul eql ereq^ ,euoz uolllsueJl uotleutunllt, uB
e^eq plnoqs sure lrxa eql 'lsnu B eJe sJo)reu e^neeger 'esr/waqlg 'a;qrssod I peleululnlll
eq osle p;noqs burqrel io spuelsr pes;el {uy'puelst lerluoc eql uo posn eq p;noqs su6rs
pue sJelJeur o^llcogo; 'ure qceoldde dn grl e uo.4 Ouruoc e;lqlr lnoqepunoJ illun eql ees
ol elqe eq 1ou {eur re^Up oql asr^ roLllg 'il; 6uleq seqceo.rdde erou .lo euo qlt^t ltlun Uol
eq lou lsnur lnoqepunor eq1 'pe1q6rl llain aq plnoqs slee4s flpncas pue I1e;es Jo l ot^ ul
NotrvNtwn-r-il zt.
[,,(] CH-OONI) lenuey11 fircede3 Aerurqbrg uetpul,, QVOZ) IUUC :ocrnosl
99< I
99>p>9t f
9t>p>oz c
0z>p>91 c
9L > p > I I
9> V
cos u! qon rod ,p, feleq e6e.leny so'l
feleq luoroJJrp rol oc!ruos lo lo^a'l L'4, olqel
I se pouuep sr lnoqepunoJ or.ll Jo sol orll Aelop aql lo ssolpreoer o'! spoocxo auel E Jo oDet
(c7n) {1;cedec ol ournlo^ eql Jl 'l'lt
elqel ul uenr6 ele lnoqepunor eql ro; So'l f;Ourptoccy
'lnoqepunoJ uo /r^ou cuJe4lo oql luoseJdel o1 enbruqcel 6ur.re1sn;c 6ursn perlstlqelse
^lrlenb pue lnoqbpunol 1e Aelep relnclqo peruosqo
ueoq seq So'l '/'^oU cl;Jell butlte^eld ^q uo peseg
The plantation along the approach and exit arm should be low in height so as to maintain a
clear line of sight for the driver. Large, fixed landscape elements such as big trees, rocks,
sculptures, etc. should be avoided in areas vulnerable to vehicle run off. Landscaping in corner
radii areas should be done to channelize pedestrians to crosswalk areas and discourage
pedestrians from jaywalking or from crossing to the central island.
'sr.llpr/r^ lrxe pue eql oulseaJceo o
'suJe uee/'4oq uolleJedes ^llue oJotu oulpr^oJd o
rolourerp puelsl leJluec eql oulseolcul o
'lnoqepunol eql qbnoJql uollcegepJeleorb 6u;p;nol4 o
'uue qceordde burpeceld eql uo orunc fu1ue sntpel Jelleuls e 6utptno.l6 o
'snlper erunc ftlue eql buonpeg o
:[q pecnpe.r eq uec qceordde
relncrped fue uo se;ctqen 6ugelnclrc pue 6upo]ue 1o peeds o Deler letluolod otll Z'Z'tl
oure;ncro pue Dutelue 1o peeds o^llerer ,"or"roo
76uuelue eql ezlurlurur llr/v\ solcrqel 6u4e;ncltc pue Ouuelue;o peeds ennelel leuuelod eq1
burzrrururyl 'selcrqen Eutle;ncltc pue 6ur.re1ue;o peeds enue;e.r ;er1ue1od eq1 o1 pelelel l1efue;
sr qceordde le;ncrped {ue uo o}er }ueptcce e;crqen buuelncltcT6uuelue eq1 lz'tl
peedg Z'tl
'fruouoce rol sB llo/\a se uoseel stql JoJ
pere;erd uego sr 6uuq6;1 ge4ue9 'solctl.lo Outle;nclo ol fillqlsln oJncsqo uego eutl 6u;p1oq
eq11o firurcrn eql ur sreuJeq r$e1es 'uotltppe u; 'uondo olqerlsep lseel eql eJe pue so^lesuleql
ur pJezeq e ere sreureq Ile1es qlr/v\ ueql Ouucelord 'a;qt6ue.4 uteql oleut Jo spJezeq eptspeoJ
o^oruor o1 elqrssod lou sl ll Jl 'e1q;6uet; ueql 6u!)eu o1 uentb oq plnoqs uollereptsuoc 'ouoz
ree;c perrnber eql oplslno pelecol eq louuec splezeq eptspeoJ Jl 'c1e spoddns u6ts pue seell; 'se;od remod pue lq6ll epnpur slnoqepunoJ lP uotutltoc sprezeq optspeou 'Aernebeuleo
eql Jo aprs qceo uo spJezeq eprspeoJ ou eJe eJeql eJeq/ euoz Jeep lo slunoue elenbepe
e^eq ol olqeJrsep s! lr 'solctqo^ lolluoc-lo{no Jo Joqunu q6;q {;en;1e;et oql lo osneceg
'seseoJcop uorlcul
oprs Jo lunoure perrnber eql se eseercu! 'septqol lolluoc-lo{no en;onul fpueutuopetd qctqm
'sluoprcce elcrrlen e;6urg 'peeds q6rq eltnb qym serunc eseLll uo loABJl sJe^tJO 'lnoqepunoJ eql
qbno.rql qled pellene4 qcee JoJ serunc leluozuotl lper l1eus {;enue;el Jo requnu B Jo lslsuoo
slnoqepunoJ osneceq s1 s;q1 'sedfi uo4ces:eluileqlo o1 peleduoc q6;q ele slnoqepunor le
soler lueprcce e;crqen e;6urs 'slnoqepunoJ lol soleJ lueptvJe lleJolo /tlollo lxeluog ol.ll ulLlllM
'slnoqepunoJ 1o fuleuoeb eq1lo u6lsep
eql ol uouuoile ;erceds entb o1 luelrodur st eJoleJeqf 'uotlcesJelut epetble 1ue1erunbe ue
lo; ueql req6rq eq Allenlce uec slnoqepunoJ asoql le soler lueptcce elc;qer eld;1;ny1 'selctqe^
uao^qeq speeds o^rlelor lelluelod q6;q Ouqeerc lnoqepunor eql qOnotql speeds Ll6!q ul
sllnser uorlcogep Jo ernleruno fulue epll tllt/v\ lnoqepunoJ peu6tsep Apood e {lesleruo3
'14.2.3 The exiting/circulating vehicle accident rate at any particular exit point of multi-lane
roundabouts is predominantly related to the potential relative speed of exiting and circulating
vehicles. Minimizing the relative speed of exiting and circulating vehicles will minimize the
exiting/circulating vehicle accident rate.
if 0r
,,serJelou clJJeJI JoJ octlceJd popuotutuocou,, gL6t-gg:cuI 0t
,,e6eureJq ueqJn uo soulloptnC,, t L0Z-09:dS:CUl 6
,,o6eureJ6 peou Jo sourloplng,, V;OZ-ZV:dS:CUl 8
,,su6rg peou JoJ ectlceld Jo opoC,, Z;OZ-L7:CUl L
,,s6urlrey\ peou JoJ octlceJd Jo opoC,, gLgZ-gt:CUl 9
,,uoflelueld ooJI pue Ourdecspuel uo seurleptnC,, 6002-rZ:dS:CUl I
,,soJnlcn4s pelenolf g sJoleJedeg opeJe Jol lenuB1711,, 0 L0Z-06:dS:CUl v
'S'n 'flrsrenrun olels e/v\ol 'uollecnp] pue qcJeosou
'uorleyodsuerl JoJ JoluoC 'slnoqepunou uJopoy\ JoJ sourloptne lonel 6utuuei6 t
glOZ'lenuey\ fircede3 {emq6rg uerpul z
vroz puelsueeno 'peou
sureyt1 pue
podsueJlJo luor,upedeq 'uolllpf lsJll 'lenuey\ u6rseg j Ouluueld peou ,