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Global Change Biology (2010), doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02192.

Vulnerability of sea turtle nesting grounds to climate

M . M . P. B F U E N T E S *, C . J . L I M P U S w and M . H A M A N N *
*School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, James Cook University, Townsville, Qld 4811, Australia, wQueensland Department of
Environment and Resource Management, Brisbane, Australia

Given the potential vulnerability of sea turtles to climate change, a growing number of studies are predicting how
various climatic processes will affect their nesting grounds. However, these studies are limited by scale, because they
predict how a single climatic process will affect sea turtles but processes are likely to occur simultaneously and cause
cumulative effects. This study addresses the need for a structured approach to investigate how multiple climatic
processes may affect a turtle population. Here, we use a vulnerability assessment framework to assess the cumulative
impact of various climatic processes on the nesting grounds used by the northern Great Barrier Reef (nGBR) green
turtle population. Further, we manipulate the variables from this framework to allow users to investigate how
mitigating different climatic processes individually or simultaneously can influence the vulnerability of the nesting
grounds. Our assessment indicates that nesting grounds closer to the equator, such as Bramble Cay and Milman
Island, are the most vulnerable to climate change. In the short-term (by 2030), sea level rise will cause the most impact
on the nesting grounds used by the nGBR green turtle population. However, in the longer term, by 2070 sand
temperatures will reach levels above the upper transient range and the upper thermal threshold and cause relatively
more impact on the nGBR green turtle population. Thus, in the long term, a reduction of impacts from sea-level rise
may not be sufficient, as rookeries will start to experience high vulnerability values from increased temperature. Thus,
in the long term, reducing the threats from increased temperature may provide a greater return in conservation
investment than mitigating the impacts from other climatic processes. Indeed, our results indicate that if the impacts
from increased temperature are mitigated, the vulnerability values of almost all rookeries will be reduced to low
Keywords: adaptive capacity, climate change, exposure, great barrier reef, marine mega-fauna, sea turtles, sensitivity, vulner-
ability assessment

Received 20 November 2009 and accepted 16 January 2010

impact on sea turtles, because as ectotherms they have

life history traits, behavior, and physiology strongly
Climate change will have direct and indirect impacts on influenced by environmental temperature (Spotila &
a number of species and ecosystems, and in turn will Standora, 1985; Janzen, 1994). The sand temperature
cause considerable challenges for natural resource con- during egg incubation plays a vital role in embryo
servation and management (Pressey et al., 2007; Lee & development, hatchling success, and hatchling sex ra-
Jetz, 2008; Heller & Zavaleta, 2009; Newson et al., 2009; tio, thus increases in temperature may alter hatchling
Robinson et al., 2009). A particular ecosystem or species attributes and survival (Yntema & Mrosovsky, 1980;
may be affected simultaneously by multiple climatic Booth & Freeman, 2006). Sea-level rise and cyclonic
processes, making it difficult for managers to respond activity may cause loss and/or alteration of nesting
to and mitigate these multiple impacts (Halpern et al., beaches and egg mortality (Pike & Stiner, 2007; Van
2007). Sea turtle nesting grounds will be affected simul- Houtan & Bass, 2007; Fish et al., 2008; Fuentes et al., in
taneously by multiple climatic processes (e.g. increased press a). In addition, nesting beaches, especially reef
temperature, sea-level rise, and cyclonic activity) at islands, are likely to be impacted because of ocean
different temporal and geographical scales (see Hawkes acidification, as this will affect carbonate sediment
et al., 2009; Poloczanska et al., 2009; Witt et al., in press). production and in turn the sediment budget and sedi-
Increase in temperature is perceived to cause the most ment traits at some beaches (Lidz & Hallock, 2000;
Mutti & Hallock, 2003; Fuentes at al. in press b). This
Correspondence: MMPB Fuentes, tel. 1 61 (07) 4781 6943, fax 1 61 can potentially alter reef-island morphology and sedi-
(07) 4781 4020, e-maill: mariana.fuentes@jcu.edu.au ment characteristics and, in turn, affect sea turtles’

r 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1

2 M . M . P. B . F U E N T E S et al.

reproductive output, as they require specific sediment assessment (Fig. 1). We applied the framework to the northern
characteristics to incubate their eggs and dig their nests Great Barrier Reef (nGBR) green turtle population; however,
(Mortimer, 1990). if adequate data exist for other nesting populations, the
Given sea turtles’ potential vulnerability to climate approach is readily transferable to other species and regions.
change and the future scenarios of global warming, Below we describe each step.
there has been recent concern over the potential impacts
and implications of climate change on them (McMahon
Steps before assessment
& Hays, 2006; Hamann et al., 2007; Hawkes et al., 2009;
Poloczanska et al., 2009; Fuentes et al., 2009a). A grow- Step 1: define the question and study area together with
ing number of studies are investigating and predicting stakeholders. Data from the past 10 years have revealed that
how climatic processes will affect sea turtles and their the largest green turtle population in the world, the northern
nesting grounds (for review see Hawkes et al., 2009 and Great Barrier Reef, may be in the early stages of decline
Poloczanska et al., 2009). Most studies predict how (Limpus et al., 2003). This was indicated in part from poor
hatchling production resulting from low nesting success
increased sand temperature (Hays et al., 1999, 2003;
(percentage of females able to successfully lay eggs each
Glen & Mrosovsky, 2004; Hawkes et al., 2007; Fuentes
night) and low hatching success. To investigate whether
et al., 2010), or sea-level rise (Fish et al., 2005, 2008; Baker climate change will exacerbate these impacts, the
et al., 2006; Fuentes et al., in press a) will affect sea turtles Queensland Government agencies managing this population
or their nesting grounds. Although these studies pro- sought information on the vulnerability to climate change of
vide valuable information and insights into how each the nesting grounds used by this population. To investigate
climatic process can or will affect sea turtles, they are this we selected nesting grounds that encompass the
limited by scale because processes are likely to occur latitudinal range of important nesting sites used by the
simultaneously across a population and cause cumula- population and that represent 99% of nesting for this
tive and synergistic effects. Consequently, there is a population (Fig. 2). Selected study sites, in order of
need for a structured approach to investigate how importance (according to the average number of females
nesting each year), include: (1) Raine Island (11136 0 S,
multiple climatic processes may affect the full range
144101 0 E), (2) Moulter Cay (11126 0 S, 144100 0 E), (3) Bramble
of nesting grounds used by a turtle population.
Cay (9109 0 S, 142153 0 E), (4) Dowar Island (9155 0 S, 144102 0 E),
Thus, we used a vulnerability assessment framework (5) Sandbank 7 (13126 0 S; 143158 0 E), (6) Sandbank 8 (13121 0 S;
to allow assessment of the cumulative impact of multi- 143157 0 E), and (7) Milman Island (11110 0 S; 143100 0 E) (Fig. 2).
ple climatic processes on sea turtle nesting grounds. The Raine Island and Moulter Cay have the largest portion of
variables from this framework can be manipulated to nesting with approximately 90% of the nesting occurring at
allow users to investigate how addressing different these islands. Subsidiary nesting occurs at Bramble Cay and
climatic processes individually or simultaneously can Dowar Island, which have some of the highest densities of
mitigate the vulnerability of the nesting grounds. Thus, green turtle nesting in Torres Strait (Limpus et al., 2003). Minor
by using this framework, managers and scientists will nesting (50–300 nesting turtles a year) activity takes place at
be able to determine which nesting grounds will be the Sandbank 7 and 8 (Limpus et al., 2003) and trivial (10–50
nesting females a year), nesting occurs at Milman Island
most vulnerable to climate change, which climatic pro-
(Dobbs et al., 1999) and at approximately 60 other nesting
cess will cause the most impact to each nesting ground,
grounds in northern Australia (Fig. 2).
and how the vulnerability of nesting grounds will
change if impacts from specific climatic processes are
mitigated. With this information, managers will be Step 2: identify climatic processes that can affect sea turtle
better placed to direct and focus management and nesting grounds. We conducted a literature review to identify
the main climatic process that can affect sea turtle nesting
conservation actions to protect turtle populations.
grounds and thus their reproductive output. Increased sand
temperature (ST), sea-level rise (SLR) and cyclonic activity
(CA) were identified as the main climatic processes that will
Methods potentially affect sea turtles’ nesting grounds as climate
change progresses (Hawkes et al., 2009; Poloczanska et al.,
The framework 2009; Fuentes et al., 2009a).
The framework used is based on the environmental vulner-
ability assessment framework for climate change provided by Step 3: select climatic scenarios and temporal scale. We
the International Panel of Climate Change (IPCC, 2007a) and conducted our vulnerability assessment under an extreme
recent studies (Turner et al., 2003; Metzger et al., 2005; Schroter and conservative scenario of climate change for both 2030
et al., 2005). Our vulnerability assessment was conducted in and 2070. The extreme scenario is based on A1T emissions and
nine steps; the first three steps were carried out before con- is described by a future world of very rapid economic growth,
ducting the modeling and the last six steps were part of the global population that peaks in mid-century and declines

r 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02192.x


Fig. 1 A nine step method for assessing the vulnerability of sea turtle nesting grounds to climate change.

thereafter, and rapid introduction of new and more efficient was described as a function of exposure (E), sensitivity (S),
technologies, with high use of nonfossil energy sources (IPCC, and adaptive capacity (AC) (as per Turner et al., 2003; Metzger
2007b). In contrast, the conservative scenario is based on B1 et al., 2005; Schroter et al., 2005) (Fig. 3).
emissions, which describe a more integrated, convergent and Exposure. Exposure was defined as the frequency
ecologically friendly world with low population growth and that each of the selected nesting grounds would be
global environmental sustainability (IPCC, 2007b). Whereas exposed to each climatic process. We identified four levels
the A1T world invests its gains from increased productivity
of exposure to climatic processes that ranged from
and know-how primarily in further economic growth, the B1
‘never occurring’ to ‘constant’ (Table 1) (as per Halpern
world invests a large part of its gains in improved efficiency of
et al., 2007).
resource use (‘dematerialization’), equity, social institutions,
and environmental protection (IPCC, 2007b). Sensitivity. Sensitivity refers to the level that
each nesting ground will be impacted by the three climatic
processes. Sensitivity levels ranged from minimal to severe
Steps as part of the assessment impact and the categories varied in accordance with each
climatic process (Table 1). For example, for sea-level rise,
Step 4: develop the vulnerability model and define indicators
sensitivity ranged from loss of up to 10% of the nesting area
for the categories of vulnerability. The first step to calculate
of a particular nesting ground to a loss of 85% to 100% of the
the cumulative vulnerability (CV) of each nesting ground to
climate change was to determine the vulnerability of each of nesting area.
the selected nesting grounds to each climatic process (Vc): (1) Adaptive capacity. Adaptive capacity is the ability of
increased temperature, (2) sea-level rise, and (3) cyclonic nesting sea turtles at each island to adapt to each climatic
activity. The vulnerability model for each climatic process process. Three levels of adaptive capacity were identified: (1)

r 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02192.x

4 M . M . P. B . F U E N T E S et al.

Fig. 2 Map of nesting grounds used by the northern Great Barrier Reef green turtle population. Size of dots indicates importance of
each nesting ground: high nesting (1 1000 turtles nesting a year), moderate nesting (300–1000 turtles nesting a year), low nesting (50–300
nesting turtles a year), and trivial nesting (o50 turtles nesting a year).

ability to adapt within a nesting season, (2) ability to impact and four was given to the level that causes the most
adapt after a turtle generation, and (3) no ability to adapt impact) (as per Halpern et al., 2007).
(Table 1).
A rank (R), with a maximum value of 4, was given to the Step 5: operationalize the vulnerability model. In Step 4, we
different levels of exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capa- developed the vulnerability model and defined levels for each
city (Table 2) relative to the impact that each level causes (e.g. category of vulnerability (exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive
the lowest value was given to the level that causes least capacity). The main aim of Step 5 is to develop overall weight

r 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02192.x


Fig. 3 Cumulative vulnerability model and the relevant vulnerability categories used to asses the vulnerability of nesting grounds to
climate change.

Table 1 Identified levels of exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity for each climatic process to be used on the vulnerability

process Increased sand temperature Sea-level rise Cyclonic activity

Exposure level No increase in temperature Sea-level rise never occurs No cyclonic activity
Occasionally – increase in Occasionally – discrete events of Occasionally – 1 cyclone every
temperature during only one sea level rise, storm surges 30 years
nesting season
Often – during one turtle Often – sea-level rise over one Often – 1 cyclone every 5 years
generation (40 years) turtle generation (40 years)
Increase in temperature is Sea-level rise is constant – Constant – one cyclone every
constant – impacts the impacts the stability of the nesting season
stability of the population population
Sensitivity level Temperatures above pivotal Loss of up to 10% of current Decrease in frequency of
temperature (higher % of nesting area cyclones
Temperature above upper Loss of 10–35% of current Decrease in frequency and more
transient range temperature nesting area intense cyclones
Temperatures near the upper Loss of 35–60% of current Increase in frequency of cyclones
thermal threshold nesting area
Temperature above upper Loss of 60–85% of current Increase in frequency and more
thermal threshold nesting area intense cyclones
Loss of 85–100 % of current
nesting area
Adaptive Ability to adapt within a nesting Ability to adapt within a nesting Ability to adapt within a nesting
capacity season season season
Ability to adapt after a turtle Ability to adapt after a turtle Ability to adapt after a turtle
generation generation generation
No ability to adapt No ability to adapt No ability to adapt

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6 M . M . P. B . F U E N T E S et al.

Table 2 Different levels of exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity for each climatic process and their corresponding rank,
weight and overall value

Vulnerability category Rank (R) Weight (W) Overall value (OV)

Increased sand temperature
No increase in temperature 1 0.00 0.00
Occasionally – increase in temperature during only one nesting season 2 0.15 0.30
Often – during one turtle generation (40 years) 3 0.36 1.08
Increase in temperature is constant 4 1.00 4.00
Sea-level rise
Sea-level rise never occurs 1 0.00 0.00
Occasionally – discrete events of sea-level rise, storm surges 2 0.19 0.38
Often – sea-level rise over one turtle generation (40 years) 3 0.42 1.26
Sea-level rise is constant 4 1.00 4.00
Cyclonic activity
No cyclonic activity 1 0.00 0.00
Occasionally – 1 cyclone every 30 years 2 0.18 0.36
Often – 1 cyclone every 5 years 3 0.37 1.11
Persistent – constant – one cyclone every nesting season 4 1.00 4.00
Increased sand temperature
Temperatures above pivotal temperature (higher % of females) 1 0.07 0.07
Temperature above upper transient range temperature 2 0.16 0.32
Temperatures near the upper thermal threshold 3 0.38 1.14
Temperature above upper thermal threshold 4 1.00 4.00
Sea-level rise
Loss of up to 10% of current nesting area 0.8 0.06 0.048
Loss of 10–35% of current nesting area 1.6 0.10 0.16
Loss of 35–60% of current nesting area 2.4 0.20 0.48
Loss of 60–85% of current nesting area 3.2 0.44 1.40
Loss of 85– 100 % of current nesting area 4 1.00 4.00
Cyclonic activity
Decrease in frequency of cyclones 1 0.11 0.11
Decrease in frequency and more intense cyclones 2 0.24 0.48
Increase in frequency of cyclones 3 0.39 1.17
Increase in frequency and more intense cyclones 4 1.00 4.00
Adaptive capacity
Increased sand temperature
Ability to return to adapt within a nesting season 1.33 0.11 0.14
Ability to adapt after a turtle generation 2.66 0.30 0.80
No ability to adapt 4.00 1.00 4.00
Sea-level rise
Ability to adapt within a nesting season 1.33 0.16 0.21
Ability to adapt after a turtle generation 2.66 0.39 1.03
No ability to adapt 4.00 1.00 4.00
Cyclonic activity
Ability to adapt within a nesting season 1.33 0.16 0.21
Ability to adapt after a turtle generation 2.66 0.31 0.82
No ability to adapt 4.00 1.00 4.00

(W) values for each level of the vulnerability categories, to been widely used in other studies (e.g. Sala et al., 2000;
indicate their relative impact in relation to each other. As no Halpern et al., 2007; Grech & Marsh, 2008; McClanahan et al.,
quantitative data exist on the relative impact of each level of 2008; Newson et al., 2009; Robinson et al., 2009).
exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity, we used expert We identified potential respondents for this study through
knowledge to fill this gap. The use of expert knowledge to (1) the Web of Science for Literature, by selecting scientists that
quantify how different threats affect various ecosystems has have conducted research on sea turtles and climate change and

r 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02192.x


with extensive knowledge of Australian’s sea turtles; and (2) We averaged the weighting (w) from all the experts to
from government agencies responsible for marine turtle calculate the overall weighting (W) for each level of exposure,
management in northern Australia, by selecting managers sensitivity, and adaptive capacity (as per McClanahan et al.,
with extensive knowledge of north Queensland’s sea turtles, 2008, 2009) (see Table 2 for overall weight). The overall weight
their management, and some of the potential threats they may was then multiplied by the corresponding rank value (R) to
face in relation to climate change. We identified 30 potential obtain the overall value (OV) for each level of the vulnerability
respondents and 22 experts (11 managers and 11 scientists) categories (exposure, sensitivity, adaptive capacity) (Table 2 and
responded to the survey. Respondents were from 10 different Fig. 5).
agencies including the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Each vulnerability category (exposure, sensitivity, adaptive
Torres Strait Regional Authority, Queensland Department of capacity) was then multiplied by each other to obtain the
Environment and Resource Management, James Cook vulnerability (Vc) value for each climatic process (Fig. 5).
University, University of Queensland, University of Sydney,
University of Melbourne, Charles Darwin University, and
Step 6: assign levels of exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive
Southern Cross University. Experts were asked to complete 50
pair-wise comparison matrixes based around each category
capacity to each nesting ground. In the previous steps, we
determined the overall value for each level of exposure,
level and climatic process (see example in Fig. 4) to indicate
sensitivity, and adaptive capacity for each of the three
scores for their perception of the relative severity of each
climatic processes. The aim of this step is to assign one level
category level. Weights (w) were calculated from the scores
of exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity to each nesting
given in the matrices using Analytical Hierarchy Process
ground. To illustrate this process, we provide a working
calculation software available at http://www.isc.senshu-u.
example of how we determined Bramble Cay’s overall
ac.jp/  thc0456/EAHP/AHPweb.html (Saaty, 1980).
vulnerability to increased temperature for 2030 under a
conservative scenario of climate change (Fig. 6).
Exposure. To assign an exposure value for each nest-
ing ground we assumed that increases in temperature and
sea-level rise would be constant for all nesting grounds over
all years and for all climatic scenarios. For example, to
calculate the OV of Bramble Cay’s exposure to increased
temperature, we multiplied the rank of constant exposure (4)
by its corresponding weight (1) (Table 2 and Fig. 6). To
calculate the exposure values for cyclonic activity, we as-
Fig. 4 Example of a pair-wise comparison matrix given to sumed that cyclonic activity would occur occasionally at
respondents to complete. nesting grounds in the Torres Strait region and often at

Fig. 5 Vulnerability model, vulnerability categories and an expression of how the overall value for each vulnerability category was

r 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02192.x

8 M . M . P. B . F U E N T E S et al.

Fig. 6 Worked example of how Bramble Cay’s vulnerability to increased temperature for 2030 under a conservative scenario of climate
change was determined.

nesting grounds in the nGBR. Cyclone values were based on step was to calculate the overall vulnerability of each nesting
past cyclonic activity in the study region (information from ground to climate change. We first had to determine the
the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, 2008). relative impact of each climatic factor. We took a similar
Sensitivity. Values for the sensitivity of each nesting approach to determining the relative impact values for each
level of the vulnerability categories (Step 5) and consequently
ground to increased temperature and sea-level rise were
used the same expert panel, analysis, and type of questions to
assigned based on published projections from Fuentes et al.
determine weights and thus the relative impact of each cli-
(2009b, 2010 and in press a) (see summary in Table 3). For
matic process as per Step 5. After the weights for each climatic
example, Fuentes et al. (2009b and 2010) predict that by 2030 process were determined, they were multiplied by the corre-
under a conservative scenario of climate change, Bramble sponding vulnerability value from each climatic process to
Cay will experience temperatures above the pivotal tem- obtain an overall vulnerability (Vc) Eqn (1). We then calculated
perature. Consequently, to determine Bramble Cay’s sensi- the cumulative vulnerability (CV) for each nesting ground by
tivity value to increased temperature we multiplied 1, which adding the Vc values for each climatic process. Thus, the CV at
is the rank for temperatures above the pivotal temperature each nesting ground is described as (also see Figs 3 and 6):
(see Table 2), by 0.07, which is the corresponding weight, and
CV ¼ Vc ðSTÞ  0:548 þ Vc ðSLRÞ  0:269 þ Vc ðCAÞ  0:183; ð1Þ
obtained 0.07 as the OV of sensitivity for Bramble Cay for
2030 under a conservative scenario (Fig. 6). In line with where CV is the cumulative vulnerability, Vc the vulnerability
recent studies, we assumed that cyclonic activity will de- to a climatic process, ST the increased temperature, SLR the
crease in frequency and increase in intensity (Webster et al., sea-level rise, and CA is the cyclonic activity.
2005; IPCC, 2007b; Emanuel et al., 2008).
Adaptive capacity. Assigning a value to the capacity
Step 7: modify vulnerability variables to explore how different
of sea turtles to adapt to the impacts of different climate
management strategies will mitigate impacts from climate
processes on their nesting grounds was more challenging as
change. To investigate how the CV of each nesting ground will
no empirical data exist. Indeed, reviews and published
alter as the impact of different climatic processes is addressed
research on sea turtles and climate change highlight the (by management strategies), we manipulated some of the
need for further investigation of sea turtles’ adaptive capa- vulnerability categories. To investigate the degree to which
city (see Hawkes et al., 2009; Fuentes et al., 2009a). Never- the vulnerability of the nesting grounds would change if the
theless, based on the knowledge that sea turtles have impacts from increased temperature are mitigated, we altered
adapted to past climate changes (see Hamann et al., 2007; the increased temperature exposure value for all nesting
Limpus, 2008; Poloczanska et al., 2009), we assumed that sea grounds to ‘no increase in temperature’ (level rank 1 and
turtles would have the ability to adapt to climate change weight 0.0 – as per Table 2) and the sensitivity value to
after a turtle generation. Therefore, to assign Bramble Cay an ‘temperatures above pivotal temperature’ (category 1 and
weight 0.07 – as per Table 1). Similarly, to investigate the
overall value of adaptive capacity to increased temperature
changes in the vulnerability of the nesting grounds if sea-
we multiplied 2.66 (rank value) by 0.3 (weight value) (Tables
level rise is addressed, we changed the sea-level rise exposure
2 and 3 and Fig. 6). As more data become available, the
value for all nesting grounds to ‘no sea-level rise’ (category 1
adaptive capacity value can be easily modified. and weight 0.0 – as per Table 1) and the sensitivity value to
‘loss of up to 10% of the nesting area’ (category 0.8 and weight
0.06 – as per Table 1). The reason we used this sensitivity
Overall vulnerability
category, even though sea-level rise would be mitigated, is that
After we calculated the vulnerability of each nesting ground loss of nesting area can still occur from either or both aperiodic
for each climatic process, emission scenario, and year, the next cyclonic activity and storm surges.

r 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02192.x

Table 3 Categorical values for each vulnerability category for conservative (C) (based on B1 emission scenario of the IPCC, 2007b) and extreme (E) (based on A1T emission
scenario of the IPCC, 2007b) scenarios for 2030 and 2070

Increased sand temperature Sea-level rise Cyclonic activity

2030 C 2030 E 2070 C 2070 E 2030 C 2030 E 2070 C 2070 E 2030 and 2070 E and C

Bramble Cay Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Up to 10% Up to 10% 10–35% 10–35% Decrease in frequency and
north above pivotal above UTRT near the UTT above the UTT more intense cyclones
Dowar north Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature near Up to 10% Up to 10% Up to 10% 10–35% Decrease in frequency and
above pivotal above UTRT near the UTT the UTT more intense cyclones
Dowar south Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Up to 10% Up to 10% 10–35% 10–35% Decrease in frequency and
above pivotal above pivotal above UTRT above UTRT more intense cyclones
Milman north Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature 10–35% 10–35% 10–35% 10–35% Decrease in frequency and
above pivotal above pivotal above UTRT above the UTT more intense cyclones
Milman east Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature 10–35% 10–35% 10–35% 10–35% Decrease in frequency and
above pivotal above pivotal above pivotal above UTRT more intense cyclones
Milman south Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature near 10–35% 10–35% 10–35% 10–35% Decrease in frequency and
above pivotal above pivotal above UTRT the UTT more intense cyclones
Milman west na na Temperature Temperature 10–35% 10–35% 10–35% 10–35% Decrease in frequency and
above pivotal above UTRT more intense cyclones
Moulter Cay Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature near Up to 10% Up to 10% 10–35% 10–35% Decrease in frequency and
north above pivotal above pivotal above UTRT the UTT more intense cyclones
Raine Island Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Up to 10% Up to 10% 10–35% 10–35% Decrease in frequency and
south above pivotal above pivotal above pivotal above UTRT more intense cyclones
Sandbank 7 Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Up to 10% 10–35% 10–35% 35% to Decrease in frequency and

r 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02192.x

north above pivotal above pivotal above pivotal above UTRT 60% more intense cyclones
Sandbank 7 na na Temperature Temperature Up to 10% 10–35% 10–35% 35% to Decrease in frequency and
south above pivotal above pivotal 60% more intense cyclones
Sandbank 8 Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Up to 10% 10–35% 10–35% 10–35% Decrease in frequency and
north above pivotal above pivotal above pivotal above UTRT more intense cyclones

Categories were assigned based on published material; categories for increased temperature we assigned according to Fuentes et al. 2009b, 2010, categories for sea-level rise were
assigned based on Fuentes et al. in press a, and categories for cyclonic activity were assigned based on Webster et al. 2005. Pivotal temperature refers to the temperature where a
50 : 50 male to female sex ratio is produced, TRT refers to the transitional range of temperature and is the range of temperature where sex ratio shifts from all male to all females,
the UTRT refers to temperatures above the TRT and when only females are produced, and UTT refers to upper thermal threshold.
10 M . M . P. B . F U E N T E S et al.

Step 8: assigning vulnerability thresholds. To aid the 7 and 8 (0.02) and Milman Island (0.005). This will allow
interpretation of the results, we created four vulnerability investigation of the relative impact on the overall population.
categories (low, intermediate, high, and extreme). The
categories were determined in accordance with the
sensitivity values (Table 1) for each climatic factor. The Results
exposure values (Table 1) and adaptive capacity values
(Table 1) were kept constant – as described in Step 6. For
Vulnerability to increased temperature
example, a low vulnerability value was obtained by using the
lowest sensitivity category for increased temperature and sea- The nesting grounds studied here will start to be
level rise and using the value for cyclonic activity as vulnerable to increase in temperature by 2070. Before
decreasing in frequency but intensifying. Similarly, for the that, most rookeries will have temperatures that are
extreme category, we used the highest values for increased between the pivotal temperature and above the upper
temperature and sea-level rise and again for cyclonic activity
transient range, and thus in 2030 will have only low
we used the value for activity as decreasing in frequency but
vulnerability scores (Table 4). However, by 2070 rook-
intensifying. The other vulnerability categories were
eries will be much more vulnerable to increased tem-
determined in the same way with the respective sensitivity
category. perature and the nesting grounds will experience
temperatures above the upper transient range and the
Step 9: weight vulnerability values according to the upper thermal threshold. Bramble Cay and the northern
importance of each nesting site to the overall population of facing beach at Milman Island are the nesting areas
sea turtles. A particular sea turtle population uses several sites most vulnerable to increased temperature (Table 4).
to nest, with some sites having more importance (proportional
to the number of turtles nesting) than others. This is the case
for the nGBR green turtle population as discussed in Step 1. Vulnerability to sea-level rise
Because of the variability in the importance of each of these
In the long term (by 2070) the vulnerability to sea-level
sites, we weighed the vulnerability scores of each nesting site
rise of the nesting grounds studied here is relatively low
according to the importance of each nesting site to the
population. The weights were based on the percentage of compared with their vulnerability to increased tem-
nesting that occurs at each site in relation to the overall perature (Table 4). However, some nesting grounds in
nesting across these sites. Consequently, the following the nGBR will experience higher levels of vulnerability
weights were attributed: Raine Island (0.50), Moulter Cay to sea-level rise in the short term (by 2030) than
(0.40), Dowar Island (0.025), Bramble Cay (0.03), Sandbanks they will to increased temperature. Nevertheless, the

Table 4 Overall vulnerability of the nesting grounds to different climatic processes under conservative (C) (based on B1 emission
scenario of the IPCCb) and extreme (E) (based on A1T emission scenario of the IPCC, 2007b) scenarios of climate change by 2030 and

Vulnerability to increased
temperature Vulnerability to sea-level rise Vulnerability to cyclonic activity

2030 C 2030 E 2070 C 2070 E 2030 C 2030 E 2070 C 2070 E 2030 C 2030 E 2070 C 2070 E

Bramble Cay north 0.12 0.56 2.00 7.02 0.05 0.05 0.18 0.18 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
Dowar north 0.12 0.56 2.00 2.00 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.18 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
Dowar south 0.12 0.12 0.56 0.56 0.05 0.05 0.18 0.18 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
Milman north 0.12 0.12 0.56 7.02 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08
Milman east 0.12 0.12 0.56 2.00 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08
Milman south 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.56 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08
Milman west 0.12 0.12 0.56 2.00 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08
Moulter Cay north 0.12 0.12 0.56 2.00 0.05 0.05 0.18 0.18 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08
Raine Island south 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.56 0.05 0.05 0.18 0.18 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08
Sandbank 7 north 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.56 0.05 0.18 0.18 0.54 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08
Sandbank 7 south 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.12 0.05 0.18 0.18 0.54 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08
Sandbank 8 north 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.56 0.05 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08

Vulnerability values were obtained as described in steps 1–7. Threshold values for increased temperature, sea-level rise and cyclonic
activity, respectively are: low (40.13, 40.05, and 40.02; white), intermediate (between 0.13 and 0.56, 0.05 and 0.18, and 0.02 and
0.08; light grey), high (0.56 to 1.99, 0.18 to 1.58, and 0.08 to 0.19; dark grey), and extreme (above 7, 4.48, and 0.65; darker/black grey)
(see step 6 for how vulnerability values where assigned).

r 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02192.x


vulnerability of rookeries to sea-level rise will not be Changes in cumulative vulnerability with different
exacerbated or achieve high levels by 2070. Only Sand- management strategies
bank 7 is likely to have high levels of vulnerability to
Addressing the impacts from increased temperature will
sea-level rise by 2070 (Table 4).
cause the greatest reductions in the cumulative vulner-
ability of nesting grounds to climate change. If the
impacts from increased temperature are mitigated, all
Vulnerability to cyclonic activity rookeries will experience very low levels of cumulative
vulnerability in the future, with the nesting grounds in
The vulnerability of the nesting grounds to cyclonic
Torres Strait experiencing the lowest level of vulnerability
activity was found to be low. This is a reflection of the
and Sandbank 7 experiencing the highest level of vulner-
low predicted cyclonic activity in the study region
ability (Table 5). Addressing the impacts from sea-level
(Table 4).
rise will not be as effective as reducing the threats from
increased temperature, especially in the long term (2070).
By 2070, a reduction of the impacts from sea-level rise
Cumulative vulnerability may not be sufficient, as rookeries will still experience
high cumulative vulnerability levels resultant from in-
The cumulative vulnerability of the nesting grounds creased temperature (Table 5).
studied is relatively low in the short term (2030). How-
ever, by 2070 the cumulative vulnerability of the nesting
grounds will increase considerably (Table 5). Under a
conservative scenario, all rookeries studied will experi-
Cumulative vulnerability of nesting grounds in relation to
ence at least intermediate vulnerability values by 2070,
importance to the overall population
with the nesting grounds in Torres Strait, Milman Island,
and Moulter Cay experiencing the highest vulnerability If the importance of each nesting ground is taken into
values (Table 4). Results are more drastic under an account, Raine Island, Moulter Cay, and Bramble Cay
extreme scenario of climate change, as most rookeries will be the nesting sites with the highest cumulative
are predicted to experience high vulnerability values, vulnerability scores (Table 5). In fact, these sites are the
with Bramble Cay and the north-facing beach at Milman only sites that will have significant cumulative vulner-
experiencing extreme vulnerability values (Table 5). ability values by 2030 (Table 5).

Table 5 Cumulative vulnerability of nesting grounds to climate change with different management responses under conservative
(C) (based on B1 emission scenario of the IPCC b) and extreme (E) (based on A1T emission scenario of the IPCC, 2007b) scenarios by
2030 and 2070

Cumulative vulnerability, in
Cumulative vulnerability with Cumulative vulnerability with Cumulative vulnerability with relation to overall population*,
no management response management of temperature management of sea-level rise with no management response

2030 C 2030 E 2070 C 2070 E 2030 C 2030 E 2070 C 2070 E 2030 C 2030 E 2070 C 2070 E 2030 C 2030 E 2070 C 2070 E

Bramble Cay north 0.20 0.64 2.21 7.23 0.08 0.08 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.59 2.03 7.05 0.006 0.019 0.066 0.216
Dowar north 0.20 0.64 2.08 2.21 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.20 0.15 0.59 2.03 2.03 0.005 0.016 0.052 0.055
Dowar south 0.20 0.20 0.77 0.77 0.08 0.08 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.15 0.59 0.59 0.005 0.005 0.019 0.019
Milman north 0.38 0.38 0.82 7.28 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.20 0.20 0.64 7.10 0.001 0.001 0.004 0.036
Milman east 0.38 0.38 0.82 2.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.20 0.20 0.64 2.09 0.001 0.001 0.004 0.011
Milman south 0.26 0.26 0.38 0.82 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.08 0.08 0.20 0.64 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.004
Milman west 0.38 0.38 0.82 2.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.20 0.20 0.64 2.08 0.001 0.001 0.004 0.011
Moulter Cay north 0.26 0.26 0.82 2.26 0.13 0.13 0.26 0.26 0.20 0.20 0.64 2.08 0.104 0.104 0.320 0.904
Raine Island south 0.26 0.26 0.38 0.82 0.13 0.13 0.26 0.26 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.64 0.130 0.130 0.190 0.410
Sandbank 7 north 0.26 0.38 0.38 1.18 0.13 0.26 0.26 0.62 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.64 0.005 0.007 0.007 0.023
Sandbank 7 south 0.13 0.26 0.38 0.74 0.13 0.26 0.26 0.62 0.08 0.08 0.20 0.20 0.002 0.005 0.007 0.014
Sandbank 8 north 0.26 0.38 0.38 0.82 0.13 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.64 0.005 0.007 0.007 0.016

Low vulnerability is highlighted in white (40.19), intermediate values are between 0.19 and 0.82 (light grey), high values are
between 0.82 and 3.76 (dark grey) and extreme values between 3.76 and 12.13 (in darker grey).
*Vulnerability values were weighted in accordance to the percentage of nesting that occurs at each site in relation to the overall
nesting for the nGBR green turtle population (see Step 9).

r 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02192.x

12 M . M . P. B . F U E N T E S et al.

Discussion Cay, and Bramble Cay will cause the most impact to the
overall nGBR green turtle population. Consequently,
Multiple climatic processes (e.g. increased temperature, managers may decide to focus their management in
sea-level rise, and cyclonic activity) will impact sea these regions. From a governance perspective, both
turtle nesting grounds at different intensities and geo- Raine Island and Moulter Cay are protected (the En-
graphical scales Hawkes et al., 2009; Poloczanska et al., vironmental Protection Agency manages the islands
2009; Fuentes et al., 2009a; Witt et al., in press). Knowl- and surrounding intertidal areas and the Great Barrier
edge of which climatic factor will cause the most Reef Marine Park Authority has jurisdiction over the
impact, and which regions will be most impacted, can waters below mean low water), but Bramble Cay is not
aid management strategies and responses (Pressey et al., protected by any legislation (Limpus, 2008). However,
2003; Kappel, 2005; Halpern et al., 2007; Higgason & considering the ecological importance of Bramble Cay,
Brown, 2009; Mazaris et al., 2009). Our study indicates there might be scope to protect it as an Indigenous
that in the long term (by 2070), increased temperature Protected Area (an area of Indigenous-owned land or
will cause the most impact to the nesting grounds used sea where traditional owners have entered into an
by the nGBR green turtle population. Therefore, if sea agreement with the Australian Government to promote
turtles continue to use the same nesting grounds in the biodiversity and cultural resource conservation) an-
future, reducing the threats from increased temperature other option may be to declare Bramble Cay a nature
may provide a greater return in conservation invest- refuge (where land owners – traditional owners in this
ment than mitigating the impacts from sea-level rise or case – can enter in a formal agreement with the Aus-
cyclonic activity. Indeed, our results indicate that if the tralian Government).
impacts from increased temperature are mitigated, the Protection of nesting grounds that are currently less
vulnerability values of almost all rookeries will be important than these three sites and that will be less
reduced to low levels. Some of the potential options to impacted has also been suggested as a strategy. Regard-
mitigate the impacts of increased temperature include less of the priorities and goals (e.g. protect the most
changing the thermal gradient at beaches (e.g. nest threatened vs. the most ecologically important site) of
shading, revegetation programs, sand coloring, and different agencies and groups, the framework used here
habitat modification), nest relocation, and artificial in- can provide valuable guidance for management deci-
cubation (Naro-Maciel et al., 1999; Hawkes et al., 2007, sions. Our method provides the first systematic and
2009; Fuentes et al., 2009a). comprehensive framework to assess how sea turtle
The best management options will be site specific and nesting grounds will be affected by climate change.
dependent on a series of factors, including feasibility, The framework used here can easily be adapted if
risk (interaction and impact on other species and new information is obtained, and can be transferable
ecosystems), cost, constraints to implementation (both to different sea turtle populations and sea turtle life
cultural and social), and probability of success in cycle phases (e.g. adult sea turtles, foraging) provided
relation to selected sites (Pressey & Bottrill, 2009). Thus, the necessary data exist. The framework is not meant to
a ‘toolbox’ with various strategies may be needed to be a rigid prescription of a specific technique, but rather
address the impacts of increased temperature across an approach for managers and scientists to address the
the nesting sites used by the nGBR green turtle popula- impacts of climate change to sea turtles. However, we
tion. For example, the best management strategy at strongly suggest that the framework is applied to multi-
Dowar Island might be to relocate nests to cooler areas, ple areas (e.g. nesting areas) used by a single popula-
as periodic monitoring of the beaches is conducted tion, so that an understanding of a population level
by turtle and dugong rangers. However, this strategy (management unit) can be obtained. It is also important
is not feasible for other nesting grounds, such as that the models are updated as new information be-
Bramble Cay, that are remote and have no constant comes available and the experts’ knowledge changes.
monitoring. For example, as further understanding of sea turtles’
Implementing any strategy, even at small spatial adaptive capacity is gained and the experts’ opinions
scales, will be costly and time intensive (Fuentes et al., potentially change, the new scores should be altered
2009b). Hence, if we consider the limited resources and incorporated into the model.
available, managers may also need to prioritize the Indeed, our understanding of sea turtles’ adaptive
nesting grounds on which they focus their management capacity to climate change is likely to increase, since
and resources. Thus, knowledge of the extent that several studies have highlighted the need for further
nesting grounds will be affected is essential to guide research on this topic (Hamann et al., 2007; Hawkes
management decisions. According to our results, im- et al., 2009; Fuentes et al., 2009a; se). A way to move
pacts from climatic changes to Raine Island, Moulter forward may be to develop a method to measure sea

r 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02192.x


turtles’ adaptive capacity to climate change and acquire Facility, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Na-
further understanding of the geomorphology processes tional Geographic, the PADI Foundation, Queensland
at each nesting ground and their capacity to adapt. Environmental Protection Agency (QEPA), including
Some indication of sea turtles’ ability to adapt to climate Queensland Parks and Wildlife, Torres Strait Regional
change at each nesting site may be provided by infor- Authority. We thank all the respondents for taking the
mation on their current status, trend, the threats they time to answer the survey and for providing valuable
face (e.g. predation, harvest), the awareness and legis- feedback and comments on the questions. Special
lative compliance at a local level, and the morphological thanks go to Julia Hazel for providing essential feed-
stability of their nesting sites. Including these additional back on the survey structure and wording of the ques-
parameters in the framework has the potential to refine tions. The surveys complied with the current laws of
and add ecologically important information to vulner- Australia and all permits necessary for the project were
ability assessments. obtained (JCU Human Ethics H3377).
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potentially shift their nesting ground as climate change
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Hays et al., 2001), is gained the vulnerability assessment Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) (2008) Tropical cyclone database for
Australia. Available at: http://www.bom.gov.au/index.shtml (accessed 1 February
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