Climate Change Effect On Restricted Species
Climate Change Effect On Restricted Species
Climate Change Effect On Restricted Species
Biological Conservation
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Will future climate change threaten a range restricted endemic species, the
quokka (Setonix brachyurus), in south west Australia?
Lesley Gibson a,*, Asha McNeill b, Paul de Tores a, Adrian Wayne c, Colin Yates b
Science Division, Western Australian Department of Environment and Conservation, PO Box 51, Wanneroo, WA 6946, Australia
Science Division, Western Australian Department of Environment and Conservation, LMB 104, Bentley Delivery Centre, WA 6983, Australia
Science Division, Western Australian Department of Environment and Conservation, Locked Bag 2, Manjimup, WA 6258, Australia
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Range-restricted species, such as regional endemics, possess traits that may make them particularly vul-
Received 2 February 2010 nerable to environmental change. The quokka, Setonix brachyurus, is a small macropod, endemic to south-
Received in revised form 31 May 2010 western Australia and two adjacent islands. Climatic factors appear to play a role in defining the distri-
Accepted 9 June 2010
bution of this species. Mainland populations are historically restricted to areas with an annual average
rainfall in excess of 700 mm and their current distribution is almost completely confined within the
1000 mm rainfall isohyet. As such, the predicted increasing aridity of south-western Australia due to cli-
mate change is likely to threaten the continued persistence of the quokka on the mainland. To examine
Climate change
Species distribution model
this possibility, we modelled the distribution of the quokka with Maxent using records of occurrence and
Maxent a combination of historical climate (1961–1990) and habitat variables. Future projections of this distri-
Endemic bution were then examined assuming two simple dispersal scenarios (zero and full migration) and three
Range restricted climate-change scenarios of increasing severity for 2030, 2050 and 2070. The predictive performance of
Marsupial the distribution model generated under historical climate conditions was high (AUC > 0.8), with annual
precipitation contributing the most information to the model. Except for the low-severity climate-change
scenario under the full dispersal assumption, the future projected distribution of quokka was shown to
contract over time. The extent of range contraction tended to increase with the severity of the cli-
mate-change scenario, with the species predicted to lose almost all range by the year 2070 under the
most extreme climate-change scenario. The results indicate the importance of identifying potential ref-
uges for the quokka (i.e. areas where the species is predicted to persist) and defining management strat-
egies to protect these areas from threatening processes.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction many species (e.g. Williams et al., 2003; Thomas et al., 2004; Beau-
mont et al., 2005).
Understanding how species are likely to respond to climate The ability of a species to withstand and/or recover from an
change is imperative if we are to identify appropriate management environmental change (i.e. its resilience) depends on a number of
strategies for assisting species to adapt. Climate change can effect a key life history traits (Isaac et al., 2009). Traits that render a species
species’ population and range dynamics in three primary ways: (1) particularly vulnerable to environmental perturbations include a
a species can move in response to changing climate conditions, narrow geographic range, limited dispersal capacity, low reproduc-
tracking appropriate conditions spatially (range shifts, expansions tive output and a high degree of habitat specialization (Isaac et al.,
or contractions); or (2) a species can adapt in situ, either physiolog- 2009). Range-restricted species, such as regional endemics, tend to
ically, behaviorally or genetically; or (3) failing either of these, as display most of these traits, and therefore their sensitivity to envi-
the living conditions are no longer suitable, the species goes extinct ronmental change is likely to be pronounced (Thuiller et al., 2005).
(Holt, 1990; Martínez-Meyer et al., 2004; Peterson et al., 2005). Moreover, contractions in range size of species with already re-
Evidence of contractions or shifts in geographic ranges due to re- stricted distributions are expected to result in small, highly frag-
cent climate change have been well-documented (e.g. Hickling mented and isolated populations that are susceptible to losses in
et al., 2006; Thomas et al., 2006; Moritz et al., 2008; Rosenzweig genetic diversity, thereby reducing their capacity to adapt to envi-
et al., 2008; Thomas, 2010). Models of future distributions under ronmental change (Isaac, 2009; Williams et al., 2008).
projected climate-change scenarios, predict dramatic changes for As a first step in assessing a species’ vulnerability to climate
change, predictions of change in geographic distribution in re-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 8 9405 5152; fax: +61 8 9306 1641. sponse to alternative scenarios of future climate can be informative
E-mail address: (L. Gibson). in terms of the range of likely consequences (Araújo et al., 2005;
0006-3207/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2454 L. Gibson et al. / Biological Conservation 143 (2010) 2453–2461
Heikkinen et al., 2006; Lawler et al., 2006; Yates et al., 2010a). populations were restricted to areas with an annual average rain-
Species distribution models that statistically relate species geo- fall of >700 mm (de Tores et al., 2007). Since the 1930s, the species
graphic records to historical climate variables, when projected on has declined in its distribution and abundance, and is now almost
changed climate scenarios can provide such predictions, and are completely confined to areas receiving >1000 mm annual rainfall.
now widely used (reviewed in Elith and Leathwick, 2009). Predation by the introduced European red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and
Here, we use this approach to examine the potential impact of loss of preferred habitat are likely to be the primary causes of this
climate change on the geographical distribution of the quokka decline, but the role recent climate change has played is unknown
(Setonix brachyurus), a small macropodid marsupial that is endemic (de Tores et al., 2007). The quokka is currently listed as vulnerable
to the south-west of Western Australia (SWWA), including two off- in accordance with IUCN Red List Criteria (http://www.iucnredlist.
shore islands (Rottnest and Bald Island) (Fig. 1). This region has a org/).
Mediterranean type climate and supports a large number of ende- In the current study, we examine predicted changes in geo-
mic species (Hopper et al., 1996; Hopper and Gioia, 2004). Mean graphic range size of the quokka on the mainland in response to
annual temperatures in the SWWA have increased during the a range of future climate scenarios at 2030, 2050 and 2070. Future
twentieth century and since the 1970’s there has been a significant projections are made under the extreme assumptions of no
decline in autumn and early winter rainfall. The consensus among dispersal and full dispersal (i.e. colonise all locations that are pre-
Global Climate Models (GCMs) is that temperature will continue to dicted to become suitable), and taking current land transformation
increase and rainfall will continue to decline in this region (CSIRO, into account.
2007; Bates et al., 2008). Being at the cool, wet end of a hot dry
continent, species occurring in SWWA may be particularly sensi- 2. Method
tive to climate change, especially because movements to the south
and west are restricted by the coastline, and with the exception of 2.1. Distribution data
the Stirling Range which is just 1109 m above sea level, the region
is flat and there is little scope for contraction into cool montane The study area was based on the inferred distribution of the
refuges (Fitzpatrick et al., 2008; Yates et al., 2010a,b). quokka at pre-European settlement in 1829 (i.e. inferred from cur-
Climate, particularly rainfall, appears to play a role in defining rent and historically known location records, as well as subfossil
the geographic range of the quokka. Historically, mainland quokka records – from de Tores et al., 2007) (‘‘study area” in Fig. 1). We ob-
Fig. 1. Location of study region in south west Western Australia, showing the extent of remnant vegetation, the distribution of quokka occurrence records (represented as
circles) and inferred distribution pre-European settlement (within the bold line).
L. Gibson et al. / Biological Conservation 143 (2010) 2453–2461 2455
tained georeferenced quokka occurrences (1905–2007) from a tive GCM resolutions were downscaled by CSIRO using linear inter-
database held by the Western Australian Department of Environ- polation to a standard 0.25° resolution to produce patterns of
ment and Conservation (DEC), Perth, Australia (see de Tores change for each month and GCM.
et al., 2007). Due to the difficulty of detecting quokkas (Hayward To examine the range of uncertainty in future climates, for each
et al., 2003), absences could not be inferred with any certainty. GCM we calculated the average anomalies for monthly Tmin, Tmax
Those records for which doubts were raised over their spatial accu- and Ptotal for all combinations of emission scenario, climate sensitiv-
racy were removed from the dataset prior to analysis. We did not ity and time period for the SWWA. Climate anomalies were visually
include island records of quokka occurrence in the analysis as compared across combinations and a low, medium and high-impact
the resolution of modelled historical and future climate data is scenario was chosen based on the relative severity of the average
too coarse to differentiate between the islands and surrounding predicted anomalies. The three scenarios chosen were: (1) low im-
ocean. An independent dataset based on indirect detection of the pact model MIROC-H (Centre for Climate Research, Japan) com-
quokka was also made available by DEC and used to evaluate the bined with the B1 emission scenario and low climate sensitivity
model. The latter dataset ranks quokka activity as high, medium (hereafter low-severity), (2) moderate impact model MIROC-M
or low based on the occurrence of signs such as characteristic run- (Centre for Climate Research, Japan) combined with the A1B emis-
ways through the vegetation, and fresh fecal pellets. Sites of med- sion scenario and medium climate sensitivity (hereafter medium-
ium to high activity were classified as presence locations for the severity), and (3) high impact model CSIRO Mk 3.5 (CSIRO, Austra-
purpose of this study. lia) combined with the A1FI emission scenario and high climate
sensitivity (hereafter high-severity) (see Table 1).
2.2. Environmental data For the three climate change severity scenarios, the monthly
Tmin, Tmax, Ptotal, and ET anomalies were converted from 0.25° to
Historical climate data (averaging period 1961–1990) were de- 0.025° grid cells using nearest neighbor resampling. The resampled
rived from mean minimum (Tmin) and maximum temperature anomaly grids were added to the 1961–1990 average historical cli-
(Tmax), precipitation (Ptotal) and aerial potential evapo-transpiration mate grids to create the Tmin, Tmax, Ptotal, and ET surfaces for the
(ET) data layers provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology three scenarios at 2030, 2050 and 2070. These surfaces were then
National Climate Centre. These layers are generated through inter- used to derive annual precipitation, mean maximum temperature
polation of mean monthly climate data from climate stations at of the warmest quarter, plus ETDecember–March for the three cli-
0.025° resolution (approximately 2.5 2.5 km in Australia) for mate-change scenarios and time periods, using the same methods
Tmax, Tmin and Ptotal, and 0.1° resolution for ET. Nearest neighbor described for historical climate data. The three climate-change sce-
resampling was used to align ET to match the other climate layers narios resulted in increasingly warmer and more arid conditions
at 0.025° resolution. The temperature and precipitation data were across the study area (Table 1, Fig. 2).
input into Matlab version 6.5.1 to derive 19 bioclimatic variables
using formulas equivalent to those using a monthly time step 2.4. Species distribution modelling
ANUCLIM (Houlder et al., 2000).
The indiscriminant use of all available bioclimatic variables in Quokka occurrence records were related to the environmental
model-building tends to result in over-fitting and loss off predic- variables using Maxent version 3.2.1 (Phillips et al., 2006; Phillips
tive performance of the models (Harrell, 2001), thereby emphasiz-
ing the importance of using expert scientific knowledge in the a Table 1
Future climate scenarios to which the quokka distribution was projected.
priori selection of variables. Here, experts on quokka ecology were
asked to select and rank the bioclimatic variables they considered Low-severity Medium-severity High-severity
important in terms of defining quokka distribution. Annual precip- Global circulation model MIROC-H MIROC-M CSIRO Mk 3.5
itation (AP), mean maximum temperature of the warmest quarter IPCC emission scenario B1 A1B A1FI
(MTHQ) and the sum of ET during the extended summer period Climate sensitivity Low Medium High
(December to March inclusive, ETDecember–March) were chosen as Temperature anomalya (°C) 0.8 1.7 4.5
Precipitation anomalya (%) 6 20 32
the best representative climate predictors. Additionally, a variable
that represented the habitat preference of the quokka for riparian Projected mean change in the mean annual value across the study region by
areas (Hayward et al., 2003) was derived by summing length of 2070.
2070 High
we assumed it would remain constant over time. Future decreases 1200
in moisture availability may mean that there is less available quo-
kka habitat than predicted by the model. 1000
2.3. Future climate scenarios
We represented future climate uncertainty using methods rec-
ommended by Australia’s leading climate science organisation
(CSIRO, 2007). Monthly Tmin, Tmax, Ptotal, and ET anomalies (i.e. pro- 200
jected rate of change) for three emission scenarios (B1, A1B and
A1FI), three climate sensitivities (low, medium and high) and three 0
time periods (2030, 2050 and 2070) were provided for eight global 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
climate models (GCMs) by the Commonwealth Scientific and Mean annual temperature (C°)
Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) from their recent regional Fig. 2. Mean annual rainfall versus mean annual temperature at 1000 points across
analysis of climate change in Australia (CSIRO, 2007; http:// the study region for the period 1961–1990 and three climate severity scenarios in Na- 2070.
2456 L. Gibson et al. / Biological Conservation 143 (2010) 2453–2461
and Dudík, 2008). Maxent estimates the potential geographic dis- and 10,000 pixels were drawn randomly from the study area as
tribution of a species by finding the probability distribution of background samples. The predictive performance of the two mod-
maximum entropy, or closest to uniform, subject to constraints de- els was evaluated using the area under the receiver operating char-
rived from the occurrence data. Specifically, these constraints re- acteristic curve (ROC); a plot of true positive cases (or sensitivity)
quire the mean of each environmental variable (or functions against corresponding false positive cases (or 1 – specificity) across
thereof) under the predicted distribution to be close (within some a range of threshold values (Fielding and Bell, 1997). The area un-
error bounds) to the empirical average over the observed sample. A der the curve (AUC) provides a measure of discrimination ability,
specified study area or ‘background points’ represents the space and varies from 0.5 for a model with discrimination ability no bet-
over which the maximum entropy probability distribution is de- ter than random, to 1.0 for a model with perfect discriminatory
fined (Phillips et al., 2006). Maxent has been shown to outperform ability (Pearce and Ferrier, 2000). Although this evaluation tech-
various methods for modelling presence-only data (Elith et al., nique typically requires presence and absence data, it has also been
2006; Hernandez et al., 2006; Pearson et al., 2007; Phillips et al., applied to presence-only data by substituting the absences with
2006) and performs comparatively well against methods using randomly selected pseudo-absences (Graham and Hijmans, 2006;
presence and absence data (Elith et al., 2006). Hernandez et al., 2006; Lütolf et al., 2006; Phillips et al., 2006).
Two alternative models were initially generated. The first was But here, the AUC is the probability that a model ranks a randomly
trained on 75% (n = 189) randomly assigned occurrences, with chosen presence site above a random background site (Phillips
the remaining 25% (n = 63) used as an evaluation (test) data set et al., 2006).
(Fig. 3). In the second, all occurrence records (n = 252) were used In this instance, both models had good predictive ability, indi-
for model training and the independent dataset (n = 178) was used cating that the distribution of the quokka can be well described
to test the model. This permitted us to examine the reliability of by the variables selected. As the difference between the AUC scores
the independent dataset in terms of possible biases due to incor- for the partitioned model and the model tested using independent
rect assigning of quokka presence (i.e. the observed activity was data was minor (AUC: 0.80 versus 0.84, respectively), only the lat-
due to another species). For both model types, recommended de- ter model was projected (as it allowed 100% of the occurrence data
fault values for the regularisation multiplier (1), convergence to be used) to the time periods 2030, 2050 and 2070, again using
threshold (105) and maximum number of iterations (500) Maxent.
were accepted as per version 3.2.1 of the software (http:// Model results were imported into ArcGIS version 9.2 (ESRI Inc.,’schapire/maxent). Duplicate samples (i.e. Redlands, CA, USA), where the relative logistic suitability values
two or more records within the same pixel) were also removed (0–1) from Maxent were converted to predicted presence/absence
a 40%
Full dispersal
Change in range size (%)
No dispersal
2030 2050 2070 2030 2050 2070 2030 2050 2070
Low Medium High
b 40%
Full dispersal
Change in range size (%)
No dispersal
2030 2050 2070 2030 2050 2070 2030 2050 2070
Low Medium High
Fig. 3. Projected changes in range size of quokkas in 2030, 2050 and 2070 (relative to modelled historical range size) under three climate change severity scenarios, two
dispersal assumptions, and (a) without land transformation and (b) taking land transformation into account.
L. Gibson et al. / Biological Conservation 143 (2010) 2453–2461 2457
(1/0) using the threshold that maximized training sensitivity plus low-severity climate scenario (Fig. 3a). A southward contraction
specificity under historical climate (Liu et al., 2005). in distribution is shown in Figs. 4 and 5.
On re-examination of changes in range size excluding areas pre-
dicted as potentially suitable habitat by the model, but lacking in
2.5. Incorporating dispersal, land transformation and land tenure native vegetation cover (i.e. transformed for other land uses such
as agriculture and urban development), shows almost the same
Two simple dispersal scenarios were used to estimate the per- trends as above in terms of change in range size (Fig. 3b).
centage gain or loss of the quokka’s geographic range: full and no A breakdown of the modelled historical distribution into land
dispersal. The full dispersal scenario assumes a species can track tenure categories shows that the majority of the area predicted
its shifting climate envelope, and colonise all locations that are as suitable falls within State Forest and other DEC managed land,
predicted to become suitable. The no dispersal scenario assumes such as conservation reserves, with only a relatively small propor-
a species will persist only in areas where the modelled historical tion classified as cleared or private land (Fig. 6). Over time, the
and future geographic ranges overlap. In cases where no overlap largest proportional loss of suitable habitat is predicted to occur
exists, a species is assumed to go extinct. within State Forest, which is consistent across climate scenarios
Land transformation data were derived from the extent of rem- and dispersal assumptions (Fig. 6). There also appears to be a gen-
nant (uncleared) vegetation polygons for the study region (sup- eral trend of range contraction into DEC managed land (other than
plied by DEC corporate database). These were derived from the State Forest) with all range contained in conservation estate by
1995 Landsat TM satellite imagery and corrected using digital aer- 2070 under the high-severity climate scenario.
ial photography for the period 1996–1999 (dates limited by avail-
ability of photography). The remnant vegetation dataset was 4. Discussion
converted to a 0.025° grid which aligned the modelled historical
and future quokka predicted distributions. Spatial overlap between The results presented here predict that the distribution of the
this grid and modelled historical and projected quokka distribu- quokka will contract over time, with the degree of range contrac-
tions were calculated by a mathematical addition on a cell by cell tion increasing with severity of climate-change scenario. Even
basis for each climate scenario and time period, producing cell assuming the quokka can disperse into all available suitable habi-
counts of historical and future quokka distributions taking land tat, the species is predicted to lose almost all range by the year
transformation into account (i.e. the overlap zone). 2070 under the most extreme climate-change scenario. Hughes
The percentage change in geographic range size in each time et al. (2008) reported a similar result for the riverine rabbit (Bunol-
period, for both dispersal scenarios, and with and without taking agus monticularis), a restricted endemic species occurring in the
the extent of remnant vegetation into account was calculated as Karoo region of South Africa, with at least 96% of the current hab-
[(Rfuture/Rhistorical) 1]100, where R represents the geographic itat predicted to become unsuitable under the most severe climate-
range of the quokka in hectares. change scenario. Contractions in range size were also predicted for
Land tenure data (supplied by DEC) was converted to a 0.025° several regionally endemic vertebrate species in the Wet Tropics
grid and reclassified into State Forest, other land managed by bioregion of Australia (Williams et al., 2003). In response to a
DEC (e.g. conservation reserves), and private land (not cleared of conservative increase in temperature of 1 °C, for 63 out of the
vegetation). The area of predicted historical and future range sizes 65 species modelled, Williams et al. (2003) predicted significant
contained within each of these classes, as well as privately owned declines in range size (average decrease of 63%) with one species
cleared land, was calculated using the same method as remnant losing all core range. A study examining climate change impacts
vegetation above. on the distributions of European mammals (both endemic and
widespread species), likewise emphasised the potential severity
of climate change for endemic species, where several species were
3. Results predicted to lose all range under low and high climate change
severity scenarios (Levinsky et al., 2007).
The predictive performance of the model derived using histori- The modelling approach used here assumes that the quokka is
cal climate data was high with an AUC of 0.84 (tested using inde- in equilibrium with its environment and that the variables in-
pendent data). Determined by an in-built procedure in Maxent, the cluded in the analysis can adequately define its distribution. Of
percent contributions of the variables in this model ranked in the variables considered, precipitation was clearly the most impor-
decreasing importance were: annual precipitation (72%), mean tant in terms of defining the modelled distribution of the quokka,
maximum temperature of the warmest quarter (11%), sum of eva- which supports the view that the distribution of the quokka was
po-transpiration from December to March (10%) and length of historically limited to relatively high rainfall areas (de Tores
drainage in each cell (7%). et al., 2007). There is evidence however that the quokka is physio-
With the exception of the low-severity climate scenario, the fu- logically able to tolerate some level of aridity. The quokka is a rel-
ture distribution of the quokka was predicted to contract over time atively efficient water conserver (Nagy et al., 1990) and
for both full and no dispersal assumptions (Fig. 3a). Assuming no populations currently persist in high densities on the seasonally
dispersal, a range contraction was also observed over time under arid Rottnest Island (Hayward et al., 2003). Although summer mor-
the low-severity scenario, but if we assume the species can shift talities do occur during extended dry periods on Rottnest Island
to occupy all suitable habitat, an initial small expansion in range (Kitchener, 1972; de Tores et al., 2007). We postulate that the asso-
size is predicted, though this trend is reversed by 2070, contracting ciation and responses of the quokka to climate on the mainland are
to its original size (Fig. 3a). The degree of range contraction also likely to be primarily indirect and as a result of interactions with
tends to increase with increasing severity of climate-change sce- other factors, principally vulnerability to introduced predators,
nario. Even allowing for dispersal, by 2070 the range size is pro- which on the mainland is largely a function of ground-level vege-
jected to decrease by 53% under the medium-severity climate tation density (Hayward et al., 2005). Vegetation density within
scenario, and under the most severe climate scenario, the species the mainland range of the quokka is mainly a function of soil and
is predicted to essentially lose all range (Fig. 3a). The percent site moisture, which is mostly a result of climate and topography
change in range size under the two dispersal assumptions does (Beard, 1990). Increasing aridity is likely to reduce the density of
not markedly differ within time periods, except perhaps for the the vegetation in current key remnant habitats of the quokka to
2458 L. Gibson et al. / Biological Conservation 143 (2010) 2453–2461
M e d iu m
H ig h H is to ric a l 203 0 2050 207 0
Fig. 4. Predicted potential distribution on cleared land (light grey) and remnant vegetation (black) under historical conditions, and low, medium and high-severity climate
scenarios assuming full dispersal.
the extent that it no longer affords them protection from predators. and 5), with only 17% of the total area predicted as suitable already
Hughes et al. (2008) implied a similar case for the riverine rabbit, a cleared of vegetation (Fig. 6). This area predominantly occurs on
species also occupying dense riparian vegetation. the western-most margin of the modelled distribution, an area
Local quokka populations in the north of their range are small where the quokka is known from only one isolated location (Sin-
and widely scattered, occurring in discrete patches of suitable hab- clair and Hyder, 2009). Consideration of land transformation, by
itat (Hayward et al., 2003), and dispersal between patches appears recalculating range size minus the area cleared of vegetation, re-
to be lacking (Hayward et al., 2004). Hayward et al. (2004) suggest sulted in only minor differences to those of the original predictions.
that predation by the introduced red fox on quokkas is suppressing This again is probably because the distribution is almost always
population booms on the mainland which would otherwise drive predicted to contract, and within this range, vegetation cover is rel-
dispersal. This apparent limited dispersal capability of the quokka atively intact. Here, we only considered land transformation up to
suggests that of the two dispersal options modelled here, the 1999, while the quokka occurrence records extend up to 2007. Re-
assumption of no dispersal is better supported. However, the pres- cent and future transformations of land, may mean our predictions
ence or absence of dispersal in the modelling process did not of range contraction are conservative, and less suitable habitat is or
appreciably alter the outcome in terms of changes in range size. will be available than predicted under historical and future cli-
This suggests the ability of the quokka to disperse may not be mates. Also, our analysis does not consider the influence of distur-
important in the context of responses to climate change. The small bance regimes such as fire and biotic factors such as predation, and
difference between the dispersal assumption outcomes is probably the interaction of climate change with these. The increasing inten-
explained by the predicted contractions in range size, rather than sity, frequency and extent of wild fires that are a potential conse-
expansions or shifts to new areas. The pattern observed for the quence of climate change (Steffen et al., 2009), are likely to
low-severity climate scenario was an exception, with small expan- further reduce the amount of quokka habitat available.
sions (but less than 11%) observed in both 2030 and 2050 (negligi- Another source of uncertainty unaccounted for in the analysis,
ble difference by 2070) assuming full dispersal, but range is the choice of a single modelling algorithm. Different algorithms
contractions assuming no dispersal. can result in different projections for a number of reasons (see Elith
Historically, quokka declines have been linked to loss of habitat and Graham, 2009). Exploration of these differences can provide
due to the transformation of land for urban development and agri- insights on model uncertainty (Araújo and New, 2006). However,
culture (de Tores et al., 2007). The modelled historical distribution deciding which model best approximates reality is problematic
of the quokka largely overlaps areas of intact vegetation (Figs. 4 (Elith and Graham, 2009), especially when projecting future distri-
L. Gibson et al. / Biological Conservation 143 (2010) 2453–2461 2459
Fig. 5. Predicted potential distribution on cleared land (light grey) and remnant vegetation (black) under historical conditions, and low, medium and high-severity climate
scenarios assuming no dispersal.
butions of species in response to climate change. In this case, the climate change and should be allocated high priority in regional
availability of presence-only data restricted the choice of algo- assessments of vulnerability and conservation planning in re-
rithm, and as the model performance of Maxent has been shown sponse to climate change. In the SWWA, further examples deserv-
to be superior to other presence-only approaches (Elith et al., ing such attention include the western ringtail possum
2006; Hernandez et al., 2006; Pearson et al., 2007; Phillips et al., (Pseudocheirus occidentalis), western false pipistrelle (Falsistrellus
2006), it was an obvious choice. Using this single method also al- mckenziei) and the honey possum (Tarsipes rostratus), although
lowed a more straightforward examination of uncertainty due to the latter species will probably be less effected due to its wider dis-
the selection of climate-change scenario by examining the range tribution. The species distribution modelling approach used here
of projections across predicted severity of change. gives a useful first approximation of the potential response of the
Conservation strategies aiming to maximise habitat connectiv- quokka to a range of climate-change scenarios. As global green-
ity by protecting and enhancing dispersal corridors may provide house gas emissions have been rising faster than projected, aver-
little benefit to the quokka given that it is unlikely to migrate by age global temperature increases of 4 °C above pre-industrial
natural dispersal. More benefit is likely to be gained by concentrat- levels are now anticipated (Anderson and Bows, 2008), and this
ing effort on identifying and protecting refuges, such as ‘core’ hab- corresponds with the high-severity climate-change scenario used
itat where quokkas are predicted to persist over time. The trend of in the current study. Under this scenario the quokka is predicted
range contraction into land managed by DEC (i.e. largely conserva- to lose essentially all range by 2070. Therefore the risk of cli-
tion estate), provides some flexibility in terms of developing man- mate-driven extinction of the quokka on the mainland is predicted
agement strategies to protect the habitat in these core refugial to be highly likely, particularly if there is no effective mitigation. A
areas. Additionally, mitigation of other key threatening processes, refinement of the analytical approach used here will require the
such as the impacts of predators, may significantly help to increase incorporation of population dynamics (e.g. dispersal mechanism),
the resilience of the quokka to climate change, not only by reduc- biotic interactions (e.g. predation) and physiological tolerances
ing the direct effect of predation on them, but also by removing the (e.g. energy and water balance) in a mechanistic modelling frame-
potential barrier to dispersal that predators seem to confer (Hay- work (e.g. Keith et al., 2008; Anderson et al., 2009; Kearney and
ward et al., 2004). Porter, 2009; Zurell et al., 2009; Huntley et al., 2010) to more real-
Assessing a species’ vulnerability to the effects of climate istically predict the response of the quokka to climate change and
change is a necessary first step in developing management strate- determine the relative importance of other factors. To date the
gies for enhancing adaptation and resilience (Williams et al., 2008). parameters required to feed into this modelling approach are lack-
Restricted range, endemic species are particularly susceptible to ing or limited. Addressing these limitations should be the aim of
2460 L. Gibson et al. / Biological Conservation 143 (2010) 2453–2461
a 1,000,000
Cleared land
Predicted range size (hectares) Private vegetation
800,000 State Forest
Conservation reserve
Historical 2030 2050 2070 Historical 2030 2050 2070 Historical 2030 2050 2070
Low Medium High
b 1,000,000
Cleared land
Predicted range size (hectares)
Private vegetation
State Forest
Conservation reserve
Historical 2030 2050 2070 Historical 2030 2050 2070 Historical 2030 2050 2070
Fig. 6. Breakdown of land ownership of predicted potential range under historical conditions, and low, medium and high-severity climate scenarios, and assuming (a) full and
(b) no dispersal.
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