Book MCQ Numericals Naidu and Wadhwa Combined PDF
Book MCQ Numericals Naidu and Wadhwa Combined PDF
Book MCQ Numericals Naidu and Wadhwa Combined PDF
• CSM and BEM
• Field Enhancement Factor
• Surge Voltage Distribution and Control
1. Average electrical field is the magnitude of electrical field
(a) at midpoint between conductors
(b) ratio of potential difference to the distance between the conductors
(c) at surface of the lower potential electrode
(d) ratio of potential difference to half the distance between the conductors.
2. An experimental method for computing the field distribution is
(a) solution of Laplace equation
(a) electrolytic tank method
(c) digital simulation (d) field intensity method.
3. Field enhancement factor is the ratio of
(a) maximum field to average field
(b) rms value of electric field to average value
(c) potential difference to radius of the conductor
(d) electric field at surface of the hv conductor to electric field at ground conductor.
4. A numerical method to determine electric field in a multi-conductor geometry is
(a) electrolytic tank method
(b) resistance analog method
(c) finite element method
(d) Laplace equation method
5. Most suitable numerical method to solve electrostatic field problems is
(a) Laplace equation method
(b) charge simulation method
(c) finite difference method
(d) resistance analog method
6. Open geometry does not pose any problem with
(a) boundary element method
(b) charge simulation method
(c) finite difference method
(d) resistance analog method
7. A unique feature of the Boundary Element Method is that
(a) it can be used for electric fields which are uniform only
(b) it can be used only with bounded fields
(c) electric field are proportional to the charge densities on an enclosed electrode which is
simulated by real charges
(d) none of the above.
8. Finite Element Method can be used only with
(a) fields which are bounded
(b) fields which are unbounded
(c) fields which are both bounded and unbounded
(d) when high accuracy is not required.
9. A comparison of the accuracies of various computational methods shows a good agreement
between the results of
(a) FEM and FDM
(b) CSM and BEM
(c) FEM and CSM
(d) BEM and FEM.
10. The accuracies obtained with the numerical computation of electric fields is usually (a) < 1% (b)
2 to 5% (c) 5 to 10% (d) can be very high.
1. What are the different dielectric materials according to their physical nature?
2. How is the Electric Stress/Electric Field Intensity controlled?
3. Define field factor. How does it vary in simple geometries?
4. Discuss the different numerical methods available for estimation of electric field distribution in
dielectric media.
5. What is “Finite Element Method”? Give the outline of this method for solving the field
6. Discuss briefly the “Charge Simulation Method” for solving Field Problems and estimation of
potential distribution.
7. What is “Boundary Element Method”? How does it differ from Charge Simulation Method?
8. Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of different numerical methods for solution of
field problems.
9. What are surge voltages and how are they distributed in the windings of a power apparatus like
a transformer winding?
10. What is meant by control of transient or impulse voltages? Why is this necessary?
1. The best insulation among all insulating materials available is ____________ .
2. The most commonly used liquid as insulating medium is ____________ .
3. The new insulating liquids that have been used in recent years are ____________ .
4. A composite insulation is a combination of ____________ .
5. Impurities in insulating materials reduce ____________.
6. For parallel cylindrical configuration, the field enhance factor is given by ____________ .
7. What is the governing equation for the electrical potential V for triangular elements in FEM?
8. What is governing equation for potential V for quadrilateral elements in FEM?
9. What is the principle of charge simulation method?
10. How is BEM different from CSM?
11. When is CSM or BEM most effective?
1. Alston, L.L., High Voltage Technology, Oxford University Press, Oxford (1967).
2. Seely, S., Electromagnetic Fields, McGraw-Hill, New York (1960).
3. Kuffel E., Zaengl, W.S. and Kuffel, J., High Voltage Engineering Fundamentals, (2nd edition),
Butterworths Heinemann (2000).
4. Popovic, B.D., Introductory Engineering Electromagnetics, Addison-Wesley (1971).
5. Chari, M.V.K. and Silvester, P.P., Finite Elements in Electrical and Magnetic Field Problems,
Wiley-Interscience Publication, John Wiley and Sons, New York (1980).
6. Silvester, P.P. and Ferrari, R.L., Finite Elements for Electrical Engineers, Cambridge University
Press (1983).
7. Binns, K.J. and Lawrenson, P.J., Analysis and Computation of Electric and Magnetic Field
Problems, (2nd edition), Pergamon Press (1973).
8. Zienkiewicz, O.C., The Finite Element Method in Engineering Science, McGraw-Hill, London
9. Anderson, O.W., “Finite Element Solution of Complex Potential Electric Fields”. IEEE
Transaction on power apparatus and systems, 97, 1156–1166 (1977).
10. Singer, H., Steinbirglar, H. and Weiss, P., “A Charge Simulation Method for the Calculation of
H.V. Fields”, IEEE Transactions on PAS, 93 1660–1668 (1974).
11. Malik, N.H., “A Review of Charge Simulation Method and its Applications”, IEEE Transactions
on Electrical Insulation, EI-24 No. 13–20 (1989).
12. Brebbia, C.A., Telles, J.C.F. and Wrobel, L.C., Boundary Element Techniques, Springer-Verlag
13. Takuma, T., “Recent developments in calculation of electric and magnetic fields related to high
voltage engineering”, Key Note Speech, Proc. of 12th Int. Symp. on High Voltage Engineering,
Bangalore, India (20–24 August, 2001).
14. Takuma, T. and Kawamoto, T., “Recent developments in electric field calculation”, IEEE Trans.
on Magnetics, 33, No. 2, pp. 1155–1160 (1997).
15. Singer, H., “Computation of optimized electrode geometries”, 3rd, Int. Symp. on High Voltage
choice of electrode material, and the use of thin insulating coatings on electrodes in long gaps can
increase the breakdown voltage of a vacuum gap. On the other hand, an increase of electrode area or
the presence of particles in the vacuum gap will reduce the breakdown voltage.
Example 2.1 What will the breakdown strength of air be for small gaps (1 mm) and large gaps
(20 cm) under uniform field conditions and standard atmospheric conditions?
Solution The breakdown strength of air under uniform field conditions and standard atmospheric
conditions is approximately given by
Substituting for 1 mm gap,
For 20 cm gap,
Example 2.2 In an experiment in a certain gas it was found that the steady state current is 5.5 ×
10−8A at 8 kV at a distance of 0.4 cm between the plane electrodes. Keeping the field constant
and reducing the distance to 0.1 cm results in a current of 5.5 × 10−9A. Calculate Townsend’s
primary ionization coefficient α.
Example 2.3 In Example 2.2, if the breakdown occurred when the gap distance was increased to
0.9 cm, what is the value of γ?
Example 2.4 What will be the breakdown voltage of a spark gap in a gas at pr = 760 torr at
25°C if A = 15/cm, B = 360/cm, d = 1 mm and γ = 1.5 × 10−4?
Example 2.5 What is the minimum spark-over voltage of the above gap in Example 2.4 if γ =
10−4 with all other parameters remaining the same.
Example 2.6 What is the critical threshold distance for sustained discharge if α = 2.43/cm and γ
= 6.823 × 10−4.
1. Electrical conduction in gases was first studied in 1905 by
(a) Loeb
(b) Maxwell
(c) Townsend
(d) Hertz
2. According to Townsend current growth process the current ( I) in a uniform electric field gap is
(a) I0e− αd
(b) I0eαd
(c) I0e γd
(d) I0e−γd
3. The breakdown criterion in a uniform field electrode gap is
(a) α−γd= 1
(c) γeαd= 1
(d) γe−αd=1
4. An electronegative gas is one in which
(a) positive ions are formed along with electrons
(b) the gas has inherent negative charge
(c) gas is ionized due to electron bombardment
(d) the gases in which electron gets attached to form negative ion
5. SF6 is a
(a) neutral gas
(b) electronegative gas
(c) ionizes easily to form ions
(d) non-attaching gas
6. Ionization coefficients α, γ are functions of
(a) applied voltage
(b) pressure and temperature
(c) electric field
(d) ratio of electric field to pressure
7. Time lag for breakdown is
(a) time difference between instant of applied voltage and occurrence of breakdown
(b) time taken for the voltage to rise before breakdown occurs
(c) time required for gas to breakdown under pulse application
(d) none of the above.
8. Streamer mechanism of breakdown explains the phenomena of electrical breakdown of
(a) very short spark gaps
(b) when pd is less than 1000 torr-cm
(c) very long gaps where field is non-uniform
(d) spark gaps subjected to impulse voltages.
9. Paschen’s law states that
(a) breakdown voltage is a function of electric field
(b) breakdown voltage is a function of pd
(c) α and γ depends on E/p
(d) electronegative gases have high breakdown voltage.
10. Minimum sparking potential of air is about
(a) 100 V
(b) 4.4kV
(c) 40 V
(d) 325 V
11. At standard temperature and pressure the electric field at which breakdown occur in air with a
small gap d (cm) is given by
(a) 30 + 6.08/d
(b) 24.2 + 6.08/d
12. For a 1 cm gap in air at 760 mm pressure and 20°C temperature, the breakdown voltage is
(a) 24kV
(b) 30.3kV
(c) 22.92 kV
(d) 40kV
13. Corona occurs before the breakdown in a sphere to ground air gap when ratio of gap distance to
the radius of sphere is
(a) >1.0
(b) >3.0
(c) >10
(d) <1.0
14. The requirement of gases for insulation purpose is
(a) high dielectric strength and thermal stability
(b) high dielectric strength only
(c) high thermal stability
(d) high thermal stability and low temperature condensation.
15. The mechanism of breakdown in vacuum is due to
(a) particle exchange
(b) field emission
(c) clump formation
(d) all of the above.
16. SF6 has the following property which is not favourable for use in electrical apparatus:
(a) High dielectric strength
(b) High are quenching ability
(c) It is not environmental friendly and causes global warming
(d) None of the above
17. The breakdown voltage of gas or air with increase in pressure under uniform field
has______relation with pressure
(a) almost linear
(b) square
(c) non-linear
(d) reciprocal
18. The breakdown voltage of a spark gap for impulse voltage_______is compared to the breakdown
voltage of power frequency ac
(a) same
(b) larger
(c) smaller
(d) cannot be predicted
19. Among the common gases that are used for electrical insulation, which gas has the highest
breakdown strength at atmospheric pressure?
(a) Air
(b) Nitrogen
(c) SF6
(d) Oxygen
20. Which of the following gas is a electronegative gas?
(a) Air
(b) O2
(c) SF6
(d) Both O2 and SF6
1. Obtain the value of γ at breakdown for a parallel-plate electrode configuration under uniform
electric field using Paschen’s law if the gap distance is 1 cm, pressure is 760 torr, temperature
is 30°C when breakdown voltage is 31, 500 volts.
(take A = 15/cm and B = 360/cm)
2. For a certain gap with uniform field electrodes, α was 7.5/cm with a gap distance of 6 mm
before breakdown. What will be the secondary ionization coefficient γ?
3. In a certain experiment relating to study of breakdown in gases, the ratio of current obtained to
initial current was 1.20, 1.80 and 2.25 for gap distances of 1.0, 3.0 and 4.0 cm respectively if
E/p was constant at 160 V/cm-torr and pressure 0.1 torr, calculate the value of α and γ.
4. Obtain the value of ‘ α’ assuming that it follows exponential function with constants A = 15 and
B = 360 with E/p = 150 V/cm-torr. If the secondary ionization coefficient γ = 10 −4, Calculate
the minimum ‘ pd’ value and minimum breakdown voltage for the above values A, B and γ.
5. What can be the breakdown voltage of an air gap of 1 cm at a pressure of 70 torr and a
temperature of 35°C?
(Hint: Use Eq. 2.35)
6. Calculate the electric field that causes breakdown between two cylindrical conductors of radius
0.5 cm with gap spacing of 50 cm when pressure = 750 torr, temperature = 35°C.
(Hint: Use Eqs 2.37 and 2.39)
7. If the breakdown voltage of two parallel plates with gap separation of 0.1 cm is 4.5 kV at
atmospheric pressure of 760 torr and temperature 25°C, find the value of γ
(take A = 15/cm, B = 360/cm).
1. Meek, J.M. and Craggs, J.D., Electrical Breakdown of Gases, John Wiley, New York (1978).
2. Raether, H., Electron Avalanches and Breakdown in Gases, Butterworth, London (1964).
3. Naidu, M.S. and Maller, V.N., Advances in High Voltage Breakdown and Arc Interruption in SF6
and Vacuum, Pergamon Press, Oxford (1981).
4. Nasser, E., Fundamentals of Gaseous Ionization and Plasma Electronics, John Wiley, NewYork
5. Alston, L.L., High Voltage Technology, Oxford University Press, Oxford (1968).
6. Kuffel, E. E., Zaengl, W.S. and Kuffel, J., High Voltage Engineering Fundamentals (2nd
edition), Butterworth-Heinemann (2000).
7. Christophorou, L.G., Gaseous Dielectrics, GD-2, Pergamon Press, New York (1980) .
8. Christophorou, L.G. and Dale, S.J., Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, Edited by
R.A. Mayords, 4, pp. 246–292, Academic Press, New York (1987).
9. Wurtz, M., Adam, H. and Walcher, W., Theory and Practice of Vacuum Technology,
FriedViewveg and Sohn, Braunswieg, Germany (1989).
10. Christophorou, L.G., Olthoff, J.K. and Green, D.S., Gases for Electrical Insulation and
Interruption: Possible, Present and Future Alternatives to Pure SF6, National Institute of
Standards and Technology (USA), Technical Note 1425 (1997).
11. Alpert, D., Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, 1, pp. 35–50 (1964).
12. Latnam, R.V., High Voltage Vacuum Insulation, Academic Press, London (1981).
13. Meayats, G.A. and Proskurovasky, D.L., Pulsed Electrical Discharges in Vacuum, Springer
Verlag, Berlin, Germany (1989).
14. Dielectric phenomenon in H.V. Engineering Peak F.W. and Hemphrey, H.K. McGraw-Hill
publishing Co. U.S.A. 2002.
recent years, new liquids, such as high temperature hydrocarbon oils, tetrachloroethylene and
tetrafluoropolyether have been successfully used as liquid dielectrics in high-voltage apparatus.
However, their widespread use will require further evaluation of their properties.
• Liquid Dielectrics
• Classification
• Characteristics and Properties
• Conduction and Breakdown in Pure Liquids
• Commercial Liquids
• Breakdown Mechanisms
Example 3.1 In an experiment for determining the breakdown strength of transformer oil, the
following observations were made. Determine the power law dependence between the gap
spacing and the applied voltage of the oil.
Solution The relationship between the breakdown voltage and gap is normally given as
V = Kdn
.·. relationship between the breakdown voltage and the gap spacing for the transformer oil studied is
V = 24.5 d0.947
Fig. E.3.1 Breakdown voltage as a function of gap spacing
1. Transformer oil is
(a) askeral
(b) silicone oil
(c) polyester
(d) mineral oil
2. The breakdown strength of mineral oil is about
(a) 20 kV/mm
(b) 50 kV/mm
(c) 3 to 5 kV/mm
(d) 30 to 40 kV/mm
3. tan δ for liquid insulants at 50 Hz should be less than
(a) 0.1
(b) 0.01
(c) 0.001
(d) 10−6
4. Dielectric constant of mineral oils is about
(a) 1.5 to 2.0
(b) 2.2 to 2.4
(c) 3.0 to 3.5
(d) 1.008
5. DC conductivity of liquid dielectrics at low electric fields is about in Siemens
(a) 10−6
(b) 10−12
(c) 10−18
(d) 10−30
6. Maximum dielectric strength obtained with pure liquids is about
(a) 100 kV/mm
(b) 10 kV/mm
(c) 1 MV/mm
(d) 50 kV/mm
7. Conduction and breakdown in commercial liquids is affected by
(a) solid particles
(b) vapour or air bubbles
(c) electrode material
(d) all the above three factors a, b and c
8. The relation between breakdown strength and gap distance in liquid dielectrics is Vb
(a) K/d
(b) Kdn
(c) Kd−n
(d) (K1d + K2)
9. Stressed oil volume theory is applicable when
(a) small volume of liquid is involved
(b) large volume of liquid is involved
(c) large gap distance is involved
(d) pure liquids are involved
10. The parameters that affect the breakdown strength of liquids is
(a) hydrostatic pressure and temperature
(b) dissolved impurities
(c) dielectric constant
(d) pressure, temperature, dissolved impurities and suspended particles
11. Which of the following liquids has highest breakdown strength?
(a) Mineral oils
(b) Silicone oils
(c) Chlorinated hydrocarbon oils
(d) Polyolefins or esters
12. Which of the following property is important for a liquid to be used both for electrical insulation
and cooling purposes?
(a) Thermal conductivity
(b) Viscosity
(c) Viscosity temperature characteristic
(d) Breakdown strength
13. For good insulating oil, the power factor or tan ‘δ’ at the given frequency of application should be
(a) 0.1
(b) less than 10−3
(c) 10−2 to 10−3
(d) 10−1 to 10−2
14. The maximum breakdown strength that can be obtained with pure liquids like hexane is about
(a) 1 MV/cm
(b) 100 kV/cm
(c) 250 to 300 kV/cm
(d) 10 MV/cm
15. In a pure liquid dielectric, with the increase in hydrostatic pressure, the breakdown stress
(a) increases linearly up to some extent and does not change afterwards
(b) increases exponentially
(c) decreases
(d) none of the above
1. Explain the phenomena of electrical conduction in liquids. How does it differ from that in gases?
2. What are commercial liquid dielectrics, and how are they different from pure liquid dielectrics?
3. What are the factors that influence conduction in pure liquid dielectrics and in commercial
liquid dielectrics?
4. Explain the various theories that explain breakdown in commercial liquid dielectrics.
5. What is “stressed oil volume theory”, how does it explain breakdown in large volumes of
commercial liquid dielectrics?
6. What are the common liquid insulants used in an electrical apparatus? Briefly give their physical
7. Why are both electrical and thermal properties important for liquids for use in an apparatus like
a transformer?
8. What are the different methods and means for purification of liquid dielectrics?
9. Discuss the effect of the following parameters on the breakdown strength of liquids:
(a) Hydrastatic pressure
(b) Solid impurities
(c) Moisture content in the oil
10. In a experiment for determining the breakdown strength of transformer oil with standard
electrodes, the following observations were obtained with two different types of oils. Determine
the power law for breakdown and hence estimate the breakdown strength for a 1 cm gap
(i) Vb ≈ 32.6 d0.84; bds ≈ 210 kV/cm
(ii) Vb ≈ 31.4 d0.82; bds ≈ 204 kV/cm
1. Adam Czewski, I., Ionization, Conduction and Breakdown in Dielectric Liquids, Taylor and
Francis, London (1969).
2. Gallager, T.J., Simple Dielectric Liquids, Clarendon Press, Oxford (1975).
3. Hawley, R. and Zaky, A.A., Conduction and Breakdown in Mineral Oil, Peter Peregrinus,
properties. It can also be filled with mineral and glass and these grades give higher temperature
resistance and increased flexibility. These properties make it an ideal choice for use in circuit
breakers, switches and plugs.
Among the Imide polymers, polyetherimine (PEI) film produced by General Electric with a trade
name Ultem, was introduced into the market in 1993. It competes with polyimide film for
applications in transformers and motors. The film has dielectric strength comparable to that of
polyimide film but with higher thermal conductivity and lower moisture absorption at significantly
less cost. Minimum film thickness is 25 µm. It retains its dielectric strength up to 250°C and is an
ideal material for the fabrication of components designed in a hostile environment. Table 4.17 gives
the electrical properties of polycarbonate and other polymers.
In the previous sections details are given of a variety of insulating materials, commonly used for
electrical insulation purposes. A good insulating material should have good dielectric strength, high
mechanical strength, high thermal conductivity, very low loss factor, and high insulation resistance.
The specific application of these materials in various power apparatus, electronic equipments,
capacitors and cables are discussed in Chapter 5.
In Table 4.18, a comparison of electrical properties of commonly used high-temperature insulation
is given
Table 4.18 Electrical properties of high-temperature materials
• Solid Dielectrics
• Breakdown Processes
• Intrinsic Breakdown
• Avalanche Breakdown
• Thermal Breakdown
• Treeing and Tracking
• Internal Discharges
• Composite Dielectrics
• Ageing Processes and Longterm Breakdon.
• Solid Dielectrics Materials, their Properties
Example 4.1 A solid specimen of dielectric has a dielectric constant of 4.2, and tan δ = 0.001 at
a frequency of 50 Hz. If it is subjected to an alternating field of 50 kV/cm, calculate the heat
generated in the specimen due to the dielectric loss.
Example 4.2 A solid specimen of dielectric dielectric constant of 4.0, shown in the figure has an
internal void of thickness 1mm. The specimen is 1cm thick and is subjected to a voltage of 80
kV(rms). If the void is filled with air and if the breakdown strength of air can be taken as 30
kV(peak)/cm, find the voltage at which an internal discharge can occur.
Solution Referring to Fig. 4.5(a) and Eqs (4.7) and (4.8), the voltage that appears across the void is
given as
where, d1=1 mm
d2=9 mm
ε0 = 8.89 × 10−12 F/m
ε1 = εr ε0 = 4.0 ε0
The voltage at which the air void of 1 mm thickness breaks down is 3 kV/mm x 1 mm = 3 kV
The internal discharges appear in the sinusoidal voltage when the voltage reaches a
value of 9.75 kV (see Fig. 4.6 for the discharge pattern).
Example 4.3 A coaxial cylindrical capacitor is to be designed with an effective length of 20 cm.
The capacitor is expected to have a capacitance of 1000 pF and to operate at 15 kV, 500 kHz.
Select a suitable insulating material and give the dimensions of the electrodes.
where l = length in metres, d1 and d2 are the diameters of the inner and outer electrodes, and εr =
dielectric constant. The dielectric material that can be selected is either polyethylene or PTFE.
Choosing high-density polyethylene, its dielectric constant εr = 2.3, and its breakdown stress is
taken as 500 V/mil or 200 kV/cm. Allowing a factor of safety of 4, the maximum stress Emax = 50
kV/cm. Emax occurs near the inner electrode and is given by
The thickness of the insulation is 3.1 mm (refer to Tables 4.11 and 4.15 for the properties of the
1. The intrinsic breakdown strength of solid dielectrics is about
(a) 50 to 100 kV/mm
(b) 500 to 1000 kV/mm
(c) 5 to 10 kV/mm
(d) 1 to 5 kV/mm
2. The usual mechanism of breakdown in solid dielectrics is
(a) intrinsic breakdown
(b) electromechanical breakdown
(c) thermal breakdown
(d) chemical breakdown
3. Long-term deterioration and breakdown occurs in solid dielectrics due to
(a) thermal phenomenon
(b) surface discharges
(c) internal discharges
(d) treeing phenomenon
4. Paper insulation is mainly used in
(a) cables and capacitors
(b) transformers
(c) rotating machines
(d) circuit breakers
5. Thermal classification of insulating materials is done for
(a) gases
(b) liquids
(c) solids
(d) composite insulation
6. Breakdown is permanent in
(a) gases
(b) liquids
(c) solids
(d) in all the three
7. The material used for insulation that is exposed to atmosphere is
(a) ceramics and glass
(b) polyesters
(c) inorganic insulation
(d) rubber and plastics
8. For high frequency applications the following plastic is preferred
(a) polyethylene
(b) polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
(c) polyester
(d) polystyrene
9. The operating temperatures of polyethylene insulation is
(a) −30° to 50°
(b) −60° to 150°
(c) −50° to 80°
(d) 0° to 100°
10. Epoxy resins are used as insulation when
(a) composite insulation is required
(b) when cast in insulation mould is required
(c) for very high temperature applications are needed
(d) filler materials are required
11. Electromechanical breakdown occurs when the thickness due to electrical stress is compressed or
reduced to about
(a) 0.9
(b) 0.8
(c) 0.7
(d) 0.6
12. Thermal breakdown occurs when the heat generated inside the insulating material is
(a) equal to or greater than the heat dissipated
(b) less than that the heat generated from the surface
(c) only under ac voltage application
(d) none of the above
13. Breakdown due to internal discharges develops
(a) in milliseconds
(b) in few seconds
(c) over a long duration of several days
(d) all the above
14. Electrochemical breakdown and deterioration of insulating material is due to
(a) temperature rise
(b) oxidation, hydrolysis or some other chemical action
(c) only due to hydrolysis and moisture effects
(d) none of the above
15. Aging in electrical insulating materials under an electrical field means
(a) gradual reduction in dielectric strength which may lead to breakdown
(b) decrease in insulation resistance of the materials
(c) progressive building up of disruptive discharges inside the material
(d) all the above
(e) none of the above
1. What do you understand by ‘instrinsic strength’ of a solid dielectric? How does breakdown
occur due to electrons in a solid dielectric?
2. What is ‘thermal breakdown’ in solid dielectrics, and how is it practically more significant than
other mechanisms?
3. Explain the different mechanisms by which breakdown occurs in solid dielectrics in practice.
4. How does the ‘internal discharge’ phenomena lead to breakdown in solid dielectrics?
5. What is a composite dielectric and what are its properties?
6. Describe the mechanism of short-term breakdown of composite insulation.
7. How do the temperature and moisture affect the breakdown strength of solid dielectrics?
8. What are the advantages of using plastic film insulation over the paper insulation?
9. What are the properties that make plastics more suitable as insulating materials?
10. What are the special features of epoxy resin insulation?
11. Explain the phenomenon ‘treeing and tracking’ in solid insulating materials under electrical
stress. How does it lead to breakdown?
12. What is composite insulation? How does short-term breakdown differ from long-term
1. O’Dwyer, J.J., Theory of Dielectric Breakdown in Solids, Clarendon Press, Oxford (1964).
2. Von Hippel, A., Dielectric Materials and Applications, John Wiley, New York (1964).
3. Clark, F.M., Insulating Materials for Design and Engineering Practice, John Wiley, NewYork
4. Bradley, A., Electrical Insulation, Peter Peregrinus, London (1984).
5. Gallagher, T.J. and Pearmain, A.F., High Voltage Measurements, Testing and Design, John Wiley
and Sons, New York (1983).
6. Arora, R. and Mosch, W., High Voltage Insulation Engineering, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi,
India (1995).
7. Khalifa, M.M. (Ed), High Voltage Engineering: Theory and Practice, Marcel Dekker, New York
8. Shugg, W.T., Handbook of Electrical and Electronic Insulating Materials, (2nd Edition), IEEE
Press, New York (1995).
9. Sillars, R.W., Electrical Insulating Materials and Their Applications, Peter Peregrinus, London
10. Tanaka, T. and Greenwood,A., Advanced Power Cable Technology, CRC Press, Boca Raton,
Florida, USA (1983).
11. Bartnikas, R. and Eichhorn, R.M. (Eds), Engineering Dielectrics, Vol., I, “Corona
Measurements and Interpretation”, ASTM Publications, Philadelphia, USA (1983).
12. Bartnikas, R. and Eichhorn, R.M. (Eds), Engineering Dielectrics, Vol. IIA, “Electrical
Properties of Solid Insulating Materials: Molecular Structure and Electrical Behaviour”,
ASTM Publications, Philadelphia, USA (1983).
13. Dissado, L.D. and Fothergill, J.C., Electrical Degradation and Breakdown in Polymers, Peter
Peregrinus, London (1992).
14. DuPont Catalogue No. H-3892–3 (Polyimide Films), (2000).
15. DuPont Catalogue No. H-04321–3 (Fluorocarbon Films), (1996).
16. Cherny, E.A., IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 7–15 (1996).
17. Hogate, R.C. and Swift, D.A., IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 1944–
1955 (1990).
18. ASTM Standard, “Natural Muscovite Block Mica and Thins Based on Visual Quality”, D-351
19. IEC Publication, “Standard Method for Evaluating Resistance to Tracking and Erosion of
Electrical Insulating Materials under Severe Ambient Conditions”, 587 (1984).
20. ASTM Standard, “Dielectric Breakdown Voltage and Dielectric Strength of Electrical Insulating
Materials at Power Frequency”, D-149 (1983).
21. ASTM Standard, “A.C. Loss Characteristics and Dielectric Constant of Electrical Insulating
Materials”, D-150 (1990).
22. ASTM Standard, “Standard Test Method for High Voltage, Low Current Dry Arc Resistance of
Solid Electrical Insulation”, D-495 (1973).
(a) Small Generators and Starters These are mass-produced items and are used in the
automobile industry. Therefore the insulation system must guarantee reliability, combined with good
processing capability, mechanical strength and tolerance to severe short-thermal stress while in
operation. For this kind of application, the following materials have been found to have excellent
insulation properties, viz., presspaper reels, NMN multilayers (made of Nomex and polyester film)
as well as saturated DMD (made from non-woven polyester and polyester film). These materials are
cured with high-quality resin impregnation on both the sides.
(b) Small-size Motors These motors are made in large numbers and are used in automobile
industry and in household appliances. They should give reliable service in operation which involve
vibrations. Manufacturers of this type of motors use pressboard as the main insulation. In contrast to
polyester film, pressboard has no melting point. This board has been widely used in small size
motors over many decades. Further, in the case of electric power tools, the main insulation is the
multilayer material made of pressboard and polyester film. The greatest advantages of this material is
that it can withstand short-term thermal stresses.
In recent years, many new high-temperature polymers have been developed and are being widely
used as insulating materials in small-size electric motors and generators and for a variety of
electronic applications, including manufacture of PCB, electronic components, etc. Details of these
materials involving their characteristics, operating temperature ranges and applications have already
been described in the previous chapter (Sec. 4.7, Chapter 4).
1. The most commonly used liquid for transformer insulation is
(a) mineral oil
(b) askerals
(c) silicone oil
(d) polyester oils
2. For generator coil insulation the class of insulation used is
(a) class A
(b) class B
(c) class C
(d) class F
3. The insulation used in high voltage circuit breakers of large power rating is
(a) air
(b) vacuum
(c) SF6
(d) mineral oil
4. For HV cable insulation, the materials used are
(a) glass and ceramic
(b) silicone rubber
(c) XLPE
(d) paper-oil insulation
5. Askerals are not used as transformer or capacitor insulation in recent years because
(a) it has less dielectric strength
(b) its density and dielectric constant are high
(c) it decomposes easily giving out toxic gases
(d) it is highly flammable
6. Gas insulation is nowadays used in
(a) generators
(b) motors
(c) transformers
(d) circuit breakers and substations
7. Synthetic liquid dielectrics are mainly used in
(a) capacitors and cable insulation as impregnants
(b) In transformer insulation
(c) In circuit breakers
(d) all the three above a, b, and c
8. Resins and varnishes are mainly used for
(a) transformer coil impregnation
(b) Generator and motor coil impregnation
(c) In cable and capacitor insulation
(d) overhead line insulation
9. For high temperature applications such as few motor or generator coils with class F or H
insulation the materials used are
(a) Polymer films (Mylar, etc.)
(b) Polyester films
(c) Glass fibre reinforced epoxy or polyester films
(d) PTFE or PXE films
10. In high-voltage switch gear, the insulation used inside the breaker (arc chambers) is
(a) Epoxy resin
(b) Porcelain
(c) Vulcanized
(d) Fibre and resin bonded glass fibre
1. Clark, F.M. Insulating Materials for Design and Engineering Practice, John Wiley, New York
2. Black, R.M. and Reynolds, E.H., Proc. I.E.E. 112(6), 1226 (1965).
3. Birks, J.B., Modern Insulating Materials, Haywood, London (1960).
4. Koritsky, Y.U., Electrical Engineering Materials, Mir Publishers, Moscow (1970).
5. Insulation Encyclopedia, Journal of Insulation, June-July (1970).
6. Insulation Directory, p. 163–207 (1969).
7. Palmer, S. and Sharpley, W.A., Proc. I.E.E., 116, 2029 (1969).
8. Micafil News, MNV 45/3e, August (1968).
9. Sillars, R.W., Electrical Insulating Materials and Their Applications, Peter Peregrinus, London
10. Schewarz, K.K., Proc. I.E.E., 116(10), 1735 (1969).
11. Guide for the Determination of Thermal Endurance Properties of Electrical Insulating Materials,
I.E.C. Publication, 216–1, 1974.
12. Indian Standard Specifications IS: 6380–1971, IS: 692–1973, IS: 6474–1971, IS: 1554–1964,
and IS: 7098–1973.
13. Von Hippel, A., Dielectric Materials and Applications, M.I.T. Press, Boston, Mass. (1962).
14. Johns, A.J. and Platts, J.R., High Voltage Engineering and Testing, Peter Peregrinus, London
• Rectangular Current Pulse Generation
• Tripping and Control of Impulse Generators
Example 6.1 A Cockcroft-Walton type voltage multiplier has eight stages with capacitances, all
equal to 0.05 μF. The supply transformer secondary voltage is 125 kV at a frequency of 150 Hz.
If the load current to be supplied is 5 mA, find (a) the percentage ripple, (b) the regulation, and
(c) the optimum number of stages for minimum regulation or voltage drop.
Example 6.2 A 100 kVA, 400 V/250 kV testing transformer has 8% leakage reactance and 2%
resistance on 100 kVA base. A cable has to be tested at 500 kV using the above transformer as a
resonant transformer at 50 Hz. If the charging current of the cable at 500 kV is 0.4 A, find the
series inductance required. Assume 2% resistance for the inductor to be used and the
connecting leads. Neglect dielectric loss of the cable. What will be the input voltage to the
Solution The maximum current that can be supplied by the testing transformer is
R = Total resistance in the circuit on 100 kVA base is 2% + 2% = 4%. Hence, the ohmic value of the
Example 6.3 An impulse generator has eight stages with each condenser rated for 0.16 μF and
125 kV. The load capacitor available is 1000pF. Find the series resistance and the damping
resistance needed to produce 1.2/50 μs impulse wave. What is the maximum output voltage of
the generator, if the charging voltage is 120 kV?
Solution Assume the equivalent circuit of the impulse generator to be as shown in Fig. 6.15b.
C1, the generator capacitance = 0.02 μF
C2, the load capacitance = 0.001 μF
t1, the time to front = 1.2 μs
Example 6.4 An impulse current generator has a total capacitance of 8 μF. The charging
voltage is 25 kV. If the generator has to give an output current of 10 kA with 8/20 βs waveform,
calculate (a) the circuit inductance, and (b) the dynamic resistance in the circuit. (Ref. Sec.
6.4.2, Eq. 6.28)
Example 6.5 (Alternative Solution for Example 6.4): Assuming the wave to have a time-to-front
of 8 μs, the time-to-first half cycle of the damped oscillatory wave will be 20 μs. Then
Example 6.6 A 12-stage impulse generator has 0.126 βF capacitors. The wave-front and the
wave-tail resistances connected are 800 ohms and 5000 ohms respectively. If the load capacitor
is 1000 pF , find the front and tail times of the impulse wave produced.
Example 6.7 A Tesla coil has a primary winding rated for 10 kV. If Lp L2 and coefficient of
coupling K are 10 mH, 200 mH, and 0.6 respectively find the peak value of the output voltage if
the capacitance in the primary side is 2.0μF and that on the secondary side is 1 nF. Neglect the
winding resistance. Find also the highest resonant frequency produced with rated voltage
Example 6.8 In Example 6.7, if the energy efficiency is 5%, calculate the output voltage.
Note: Normally Tesla coils have poor energy efficiency as most of the energy is consumed in the
resistance of the windings as well as at the spark gaps.
Example 6.9 A 6.6 kV/350 kV, 350 kVA, 50 Hz testing transformer when tested had the following
observations: (a) No load voltage rise on HV side was 1% more than the rated value when 6.6
kV was applied on primary side. (b) The rated short circuit current was obtained on HV side
when shorted with 8% rated voltage on primary side. Calculate (i) self-capacitance of
transformer along with its hv side bushing, and (ii) leakage reactance neglecting resistance.
Rise in voltage = 0.01 V= I0XL(I0 is current drawn by line self-capacitance C)
Example 6.10 A model impulse generator has a capacitance of 1 μi rated to 10 kV and uses
series R-L-C circuit to produce 1/50 μ second voltage wave.(a) Determine the resistance and
inductance needed toproduce the same and the output voltage across the resistance ‘R’. (b) If
the same circuit is to be used to produce 8/20 μ second impulse voltage wave, what are the other
1. Peak to peak ripple is defined as
(a) the difference between average dc voltage and peak value
(b) the difference between maximum and minimum dc voltage
(c) the difference between maximum ac and average dc voltages
(d) the difference between ac (rms) and average dc voltages
2. In a voltage doubler circuit peak to peak ripple is if C: capacitance, I : load current, and f=
(a) = (3If/C)
(b) = 2If/fC
(c) = 3I/fC
(d) = I/fC
3. Optimum number of stages for Cockcroft Walton voltage multiplier circuit are (if Vmax= supply
voltage, f= frequency, I = load current, C = stage capacitance)
4. A Van de Graaff generator has a belt speed of 2.5 m/s, charge density of 10 μc/m2 and a belt width
2 m. The maximum charging current is
(a) 50 μA
(b) 5 μA
(c) 2 μA
(d) 12.5 μA
5. The nominal rating of a testing transformer in kVA is given by (if ω = supply frequency, C =
capacitance loading and V= output voltage)
(a) 0.5 V2 ωC
(b) V2 ωC
(c) 1.5 V2 ω C
(d) 10 V2 ω C
6. In testing with a resonant transformer, the output voltage is
(a) rectangular wave
(b) triangular wave
(c) trapezoidal wave
(d) pure sine wave
7. Parellel resonant transformer test system is used when
(a) large test voltages are needed
(b) stable output voltage with high rate of rise of voltage is needed
(c) large current is needed
(d) when high frequency test voltage is needed
8. Tesla coil is used for
(a) generation of sinusoidal output voltages
(b) generation of very high voltages
(c) generation of rectangular voltages
(d) generation of high frequency ac voltages
9. Time to front of a impulse voltage wave-form is defined as
(a) 1.25 times the interval between 0.1 to 0.9 of peak value
(b) time interval between 0.1 to 0.9 of peak value
(c) 1.67 times the interval between 0.1 to 0.9 of peak value
(d) 1.25 times the interval between 0.3 to 0.9 of peak value.
10. The approximate value of time to front in an impulse voltage generator is
(a) 3 R1 C1
(b) 2.3 R1 C1
1. Explain with diagrams, different types of rectifier circuits for producing high dc voltages.
2. What are the special features of high-voltage rectifier valves? How is proper voltage division
between the valves ensured, if a number of tubes are used in series?
3. Why is a Cockcroft-Walton circuit preferred for voltage multiplier circuits? Explain its working
with a schematic diagram.
4. Give the expression for ripple and regulation in voltage multiplier circuits. How are the ripple
and regulation minimized?
5. Describe, with a neat sketch, the working of a Van de Graaff generator. What are the factors that
limit the maximum voltage obtained?
6. Explain the different schemes for cascade connection of transformers for producing very high ac
7. Why is it preferable to use isolating transformers for excitation with cascade transformer units,
if the power requirement is large?
8. What is the principle of operation of a resonant transformer? How is it advantageous over the
cascade connected transformers?
9. What is a Tesla coil? How are damped high-frequency oscillations obtained from a Tesla coil?
10. Define the front and tail times of an impulse wave. What are the tolerances allowed as per the
11. Give different circuits that produce impulse waves explaining clearly their relative merits and
12. Give the Marx circuit arrangement for multistage impulse generators. How is the basic
arrangement modified to accommodate the wave time control resistances?
13. How are the wave-front and wave-tail times controlled in impulse generator circuits?
14. Explain the different methods of producing switching impulses in test laboratories.
15. Explain the effect of series inductance on switching impulse waveshapes produced.
16. Describe the circuit arrangement for producing lightning current waveforms in laboratories.
17. How is the circuit inductance controlled and minimized in impulse current generators?
18. How are rectangular current pulses generated for testing purposes? How is their time duration
19. Explain one method of controlled tripping of impulse generators. Why is controlled tripping
20. What is a trigatron gap? Explain its functions and operation.
1. An impulse generator has 12 capacitors of 0.12 μF, and 200 kV rating. The wave-front and
wave-tail resistances are 1.25 kΩ and 4 kΩ respectively. If the load capacitance including that
of the test object is 1000 pF, find the wave-front and wave-tail times and the peak voltage of
impulse wave produced.
2. An 8-stage impulse generator has 1.2 μF capacitors rated for 167 kV. What is its maximum
discharge energy? If it has to produce a 1/50 μs waveform across a load capacitor of 15,000 pF,
find the values if the wave front and wave tail resistances.
3. Calculate the peak current and waveshape of the output current of the following generator. Total
capacitance of the generator is 53 μF. The charging voltage is 200 kV. The circuit inductance is
1.47 mH, and the dynamic resistance of the test object is 0.051 ohms.
4. A single-phase testing transformer rated for 2 kV/350 kV, 3500 kVA, 50 Hz on testing yields the
following data: (i) No-load voltage on HV side = 2% higher than the rated value when the input
voltage is 2 kV on the LV side (ii) Short circuit test with HV side shorted, rated current was
obtained with 10% rated voltage on the input side. Calculate the self-capacitance on the HV
side and the leakage reactance referred to the HV side. Neglect resistance.
5. Determine the ripple voltage and regulation of a 10 stage Cockcroft-Walton type dc voltage
multiplier circuit having a stage capacitance = 0.01 μF, supply voltage = 100 kV at a frequency
of 400 Hz and a load current = 10 mA.
6. A voltage doubler circuit has C1 = C2 = 0.01 μF and is supplied from a voltage source of V =
100 sin 3141 kV. If the dc output current is to be 4 mA, calculate the output voltage and the
7. The primary and secondary winding inductances of a Tesla coil are 0. 093 H and 0.011 H
respectively with a mutual inductance between the windings equal to 0.026 H. The capacitance
included in the primary and secondary circuits are respectively 1.5 μF and 18 nF. If the Tesla
coil is charged through a 10 kV DC supply, determine the output voltage and its waveform.
Neglect the winding resistances.
8. An impulse current generator is rated for 60 kW seconds. The parameters of the circuit are C =
53 μF, L = 1.47 µH and the dynamic resistance = 0.0156 ohm. Determine the peak value of the
current and the time-to-front and the time-to-tail of the current waveform.
9. A high voltage testing laboratory is required to test apparatus with a capacitance of the order of
2000 p.F. used in a 230kV system. If the test voltage requirement is 2.2 times the system rated
voltage, determine the rating of the test transformer at 50 Hz operation.
10. A cable test unit is required to test cables of 5000 pf at 200 kV. The testing transformer available
is 230 V/50 kV, 15 kVA with 2.5% resistance and 6% reactances. Determine the inductance
required for resonant testing and input voltage to the testing transformer. Assume the resistance
of inductor and leads to be 2.5%.
11. Three 350 kV, 350 kVA testing transformers are connected in cascade and have a short circuit
impedance of 5%. Determine (i) the full load current, (ii) the short circuit current, (iii) maximum
capacitive load that can be tested without exceeding the power rating.
12. In Question 6.31 determine (a) the maximum capacitive load that can be tested at 350 kV, if all
the transformers are connected in parallel, and (b) the maximum line charging current that can be
given by the unit if all the transformers are connected in star to supply a 3 phase line.
Answers to Problems
1. t1 = 3.41 μs, t2 = 40.4 μs, peak output voltage = 1655 kV
2. Energy = 133 kJ, R1 = 24.4 ohms, R2 = 409.6 ohms
3. Im = 97.6 kA, I(t) = 121.6 e-∞ sin ωt
a=> 1.7347 x 104, ω = 11.19 × 104
t1 = 12.67 μs, t2 = 28.07 μs
4. 17.8nF,3.5kohms
5. Ripple = 137.5 kV, 6.88%, regulation = 715kV, 35.75%
6. Output = 186 kV, ripple = 24 kV
7. output wave 9.22 (cos γ1t − cos γ2t) kV
γ1 = 1.606 x 103, γ2 = 71.13 x 103
8. Im = 266.2 kA, I(t) = 286 e-∞ sin ωt
α=5.306 × 103, ω= 113.2x103
t1 = 13.46 μs, t2 = 22.75 μs
9. V= 500 kV, 150 kVA
10. Inductance 1708 H, V1 = 11.5 V
11. Ifull load =0.33A, Ishort ckt = 6.67A, Cl = 3.03 nF at 1050 kV, 50 Hz
(Total ratings is 350 kVA only)
12. (a) CL = 9.09 nF at 50 Hz, 350 kV
(b) 0.33 A at 600 kV
1. Craggs, J.D. and Meek, J.M., High Voltage Laboratory Tecnique, Butterworths, London (1954).
2. Heller, H. and Veverka, A., Surge Phenomenon in Electrical Machines, Illifice and Company,
London (1969).
3. Dieter Kind, An Introduction to High Voltage Experimental Technique, Wiley Eastern, New
Delhi (1979).
4. Gallangher, T.J. and Pearman, A.J., High Voltage Measurement, Testing and Design, John Wiley
and Sons, New York (1982).
5. Kuffel, E., Zaengl, W. and Kuffel, J., High Voltage Engineering, Butterworth Heinemann (2000).
6. Begamudre, R.D., E.H.V a.c. Transmission Engineering, Wiley Eastern, New Delhi (1986).
7. Niels Hilton Cavillius, High Voltage Laboratory Planning, Emil Haefely and Company, Basel,
Switzerland (1988).
8. “High Voltage Technology for Industry and Utilities”, Technical Literature of Hippotronics Inc.,
Brewster, NewYork, USA.
9. “High-Voltage Testing Techniques”, Part-2, Test Procedures. IEC Publication Number 60-2-1973.
10. “Standard Techniques for High-Voltage Testing”, IEEE Standard no. 4-1978.
11. MazenAbdul Salam, High-Voltage Engineering Marcel Dekker Inc. NewYork 2001.
12. Rihond Reid, “High-Voltage Resonant Testing”, Proceedings of IEEE PES Winter Conference,
Paperno. C74-038-6, 1974.
13. Kannan, S.R. and Narayana Rao, Y., “Prediction of Parameters for Impulse Generator for
Transformer Testing”, Proceedings of IEE, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 535-538, 1973.
14. Glaninger, P., “Impulse Testing of Low Inductance Electrical Equipment”, 2nd International
Symposium on High Voltage Technology, Zurich, pp. 140-144, 1975.
15. Khalifa, M., (ed.), High-Voltage Engineering: Theory and Practice, Marcel Dekker Inc.,
NewYork (1990).
• High-voltage and Current Measurements
• dc Voltage Measurements
• Potential Dividers
• Generating Voltmeters
• Electric Field Meters
• Measurement of Ripple Voltage
• ac Voltage Measurements
• Series Impedance Meters
• Potential Dividers
• Electrostatic Meters
• Peak Voltmeters
• Sphere Gap Measurements
• Impulse Voltage Measurements
• Potential Dividers
• Response Characteristics
• LV Arms
• Peak Voltmeters
• Impulse Measuring Systems
• Impulse Current Measurements
• Shunts
• High Current Transformers
Example 7.1 A generating voltmeter has to he designed so that it can have a range from 20 to
200 kV dc If the indicating meter reads a minimum current of 2μα and maximum current of 25
μα, what should the capacitance of the generating voltmeter be?
Solution Assume that the driving motor has a synchronous speed of 1500 rpm.
The capacitance of the meter should be 0.9 pF. The meter will indicate 20 kV at a current 2 μA and
200 kV at a current of 20 μA.
Example 7.2 Design a peak reading voltmeter along with a suitable microammeter such that it
will be able to read voltages, up to 100 kV (peak). The capacitance potential divider available
is of the ratio 1000 : 1.
Solution Let the peak reading voltmeter be of the Haefely type shown in Fig. 7.18b.
Let the micro-ammeter have the range 0−10 μA.
The voltage available at the C2 arm = 100 × 103 × = 100 V (peak)
The series resistance R in series with the micro-ammeter
Example 7.3 Calculate the correction factors for atmospheric conditions, if the laboratory
temperature is 37°C, the atmospheric pressure is 750 mmHg, and the wet bulb temperature is
From Table 7.6, air density correction factor K = 0.9362. From Fig. 10.1, the absolute humidity (by
extrapolation) corresponding to the given temperature is 18 g/m3. From Fig. 10.2, the humidity
correction factor for 50 Hz (curve a) is 0.925.
(Note: No humidity correction is needed for sphere gaps.)
Example 7.4 A resistance divider of 1400 kV (impulse) has a high-voltage arm of 16 kilo-ohms
and a low-voltage arm consisting 16 members of 250 ohms, 2 watt resistors in parallel. The
divider is connected to a CRO through a cable of surge impedance 75 ohms and is terminated at
the other end through a 75 ohm resistor. Calculate the exact divider ratio.
Solution hv arm resistance, R1 = 16,000 ohms
Example 7.5 The HV arm of an R-C, divider has 15 numbers of 120 ohms resistors with a 20pF
capacitor to ground from each of the junction points. The LV arm resistance is 5 ohms.
Determine the capacitance needed in the LV arm for correct compensation.
Ground capacitance per unit = C' g = 20 pF
Effective ground capacitance = Ce = (2/3) Cg
This capacitance is aasumed to be between the centre tap of the hv arms and the ground as shown
in Figs 7.31 and 7.29.
Making the LV arms time constant to be the same as that of the hv arms; the capacitance required
for compensation is calculated as
Example 7.6 A coaxial shunt is to be designed to measure an impulse current of 50 kA. if the
bandwidth of the shunt is to be at least 10MHz and if the voltage drop across the shunt should
not exceed 50 V, find the ohmic value of the shunt and its dimensions.
Resistance of the shunt (max)
Taking the simplified equivalent circuit of the shunt as give in Fig. 7.49b
d, the thickness of the cylindrical resistive tube is taken from the consideration of the bandwidth as
For the return conductor the outer tube can be taken to have a length = 10 cm, radius = 30 mm, and
thickness = 1 mm, and it can be made from copper or brass.
taking the peak values
(It should be noted that for a given frequency, Xc << R; otherwise the low frequency response will
be poor. Here, Xc at f = 107/4 is 60 Ω only.)
Example 7.8 If the coil in Example 7.7 is to be used for measuring impulse current of 8/20 µs
wave and of the same peak current, what should be the R-C integrating circuit.
Solution In this case, the lowest frequency to be read should be at least of the lowest
frequency component present in the waveform.
The frequency corresponding to the tail time is
(Xc at a frequency of 10 kHz is about 60 Ω which is very much less than R.).
1. A generating voltmeter is used to measure
(a) impulse voltages
(b) ac voltages
(c) dc voltages
(d) high-frequency ac voltages
2. A series capacitance voltmeter can measure
(a) dc voltages
(b) ac voltage (rms value)
(c) ac voltage (peak value)
(d) impulse voltages
3. CVT when tuned does not have
(a) ratio error
(b) phase angle error
(c) both ratio and phase angle errors
(d) temperature error
4. Electrostatic voltmeters can measure
(a) only dc voltage
(b) both dc and ac voltages up to high frequency
(c) impulse voltages
(d) ac, dc and impulse voltages
5. Sphere gaps are used to measure
(a) dc voltages
(b) ac peak voltages
(c) dc, ac peak and impulse voltages
(d) only dc and ac peak voltages.
6. Sphere gap measurement is linear and valid for gap spacing less than or equal to
(a) radius of the sphere
(b) diameter of the sphere
(c) half the radius of sphere
(d) two times diameter of the sphere
7. The main factors that affect the sparkover voltage of sphere gap are
(a) humidity and waveform
(b) nearby earthed objects and atmospheric conditions
(c) diameter of the sphere
(d) gap spacing, diameter and waveform
8. For an RC divider to be compensated, the condition is
(a) R1C1=R2C2
(b) R1C2=R2C1
(c) R1C1 = R2 Cg
(d) (R1+R2)(C1 + C2)µs.
9. Compensated capacitance divider for high voltages (1 MV) generally has a bandwidth of
(a) 10 MHz
(b) 1 MHz
(c) 100 MHz
(d) 1000 MHz.
10. In a pure capacitive divider, the ground capacitance Cg is represented by adding additional
capacitance from central point of hv capacitor to the ground and is equal to
(a) Cg
(b) Cg/3
(c) 2Cg/3
(d) Cg/2.
11. For an optimally damped R-C divider, the damping resistance R1 connected in hv arm is equal to
(L = high voltage lead inductance, and Cg = equivalent ground capacitance)
12. The surge impedance of a measuring cable with its resistance neglected, Cg is (if L and C are
inductance and capacitance of cable per unit lamp
16. Rogowski coils and high frequency current transformers have bandwidth of about
(a) 100 KHz
(b) 10 MHz
(c) 1.0 MHz
(d) 1100 Hz
17. An R-C voltage divider has hv an arm capacitance, C1 = 600 pF, resistance = 400 Ω and
equivalent ground capacitance Cg = 240 pF. The effective time constant of the divider in
nanoseconds is
(a) 108
(b) 90
(c) 69
(d) 32.
18. Shunts used for measuring impulse currents, in the range 10 kA-50 kA will have a resistance of the
order of
(a) 10 to 25mΩ
(b) 0.1 to 1 mΩ
(c) 100 to 500 mΩ
(d) 0.1 to 1.0Ω.
19. The type of measuring device preferred for measurement of impulse currents of short duration is
(a) Park’s tubular shunt
(b) current transformer
(c) Hall generator
(d) Faraday ammeter.
20 Secondary arm of a resistance impulse voltage divider consists of
(a) a few resistors connected in series
(b) a few resistors connected in parallel
(c) a single wire wound resistor of very high power rating
(d) a linear resistor in parallel with a non-linear resistor of high power rating
21. The resistivity of the materials used as shunts for high currents will be in the range (Ω - cm)
(a) 1 to 5 × 10-5
(b) ≈10-3
(c) 0.5 × 10-6 to 0.5 X 10-7
(d) 0.2 × 10-6 to 1.5 X 10-6
22. In high frequency and RF current transformers, the secondary winding is terminated with a
resistance of
(a) 1 Ω
(b) 10 Ω
(c) 1kW
(d) 50 Ω or 75 Ω
23. To measure a high-voltage of peak value abut 150 kV, the suitable sphere gap would be (diameter
in cm)
(a) 5 or 10
(b) 10 or 15
(c) 15 or 25
(d) 50 or 100
24. With a series capacitor voltmeter, a large error will result in when the
(a) capacitance is larger
(b) meter used is an electromechanical meter
(c) voltage to be measured is non-sinusoidal and contains harmonics
(d) none above
25. Sphere-gap measurement of peak voltage has an error of
(a) <±1%
(b) 5 to 10%
(c) 3 to 5%
(d) <3%
1. Discuss the different methods of measuring high dc voltages. What are the limitations in each
2. Describe the generating voltmeter used for measuring high dc voltages. How does it compare
with a potential divider for measuring high dc voltages?
3. Compare the relative advantages and disadvantages of using a series resistance microammeter
and a potential divider with an electrostatic voltmeter for measuring high dc voltages?
4. Why are capacitance voltage dividers preferred for high ac voltage measurements?
5. What is capacitance voltage transformer? Explain with phasor diagram how a tuned capacitance
voltage transformer can be used for voltage measurements in power systems.
6. Explain the principle and construction of an electrostatic voltmeter for very high voltages. What
are its merits and demerits for high-voltage ac measurements?
7. Give the basic circuit for measuring the peak voltage of (a) ac voltage, and (b) impulse voltage.
What is the difference in measurement technique in the above two cases?
8. Explain how a sphere gap can be used to measure the peak value of voltages. What are the
parameters and factors that influence such voltage measurement?
9. Compare the use of uniform field electrode spark gap and sphere gap for measuring peak values
of voltages.
10. What are the conditions to be satisfied by a potential divider to be used for impulse work?
11. Give the schematic arrangement of an impulse potential divider with an oscilloscope connected
for measuring impulse voltages. Explain the arrangement used to minimize errors.
12. What is a mixed potential divider? How is it used for impulse voltage measurements?
13. Explain the different methods of high current measurements with their relative merits and
14. What are the different types of resistive shunts used for impulse current measurements? Discuss
their characteristics and limitations.
15. What are the requirements of an oscillograph for impulse and high frequency measurements in
high-voltage test circuits?
16. Explain the necessity of earthing and shielding arrangements in impulse measurements and in
high-voltage laboratories. Give a sketch of the multiple shielding arrangements used for impulse
voltage and current measurements.
17. Explain with schematic diagrams how dc current can be measured using dc current transformers.
18. How is a compensated dc potential divider used to measure the dc voltage in HVDC systems?
1. A generating voltmeter is to read 250 kV with an indicating meter having a range of (0-20) µA
calibrated accordingly. Calculate the capacitance of the generating voltmeter when the driving
motor rotates at a constant speed of 1500 r.p.m.
2. The effective diameter of the moving disc of an electrostatic voltmeter is 15 cm with an
electrode separation of 1.5 cm. Find the weight in grams that is necessary to be added to
balance the moving plate when measuring a voltage of 50 kV dc Derive the formula used. What
is the force of attraction between the two plates when they are balanced?
3. A compensated resistance divider has its high-voltage arm consisting of a series of resistance
whose total value is 25 kilo-ohms shunted by a capacitance of 400 pF. The LV arm has a
resistance of 75 ohms. Calculate the capacitance needed for the compensation of this divider.
4. What are the usual sources of errors in measuring high impulse voltages by resistance potential
dividers? How are they eliminated? An impulse resistance divider has a high-voltage arm with
a 5000 ohm resistance and the LV arm with a 5 ohm resistance. If the oscilloscope is connected
to the secondary arm through a cable of surge impedance 75 ohms, determine, (i) the terminating
resistance, and (ii) the effective voltage ratio.
5. A mixed R-C divider has its hv arm consisting of a capacitance of 400 pF in series with a
resistance of 100 ohms. The LV arm has a resistance of 0.175 ohm in series with a capacitance
C2. What should be the LV arm capacitance for correct compensation? The divider is connected
to a CRO through a measuring cable of 75 ohms surge impedance. What should be the values of
R4 and C4 (see Fig. 7.38b) in the matching impedance? Determine the voltage ratio of the
6. A bifilar strip shunt has a resistance of 100 mΩ and inductance of 0.1 μH with a parallel
capacitance of 5 pF across its terminal. What will be its step response. Determine the rise time
of the shunt.
7. Determine the dimensions of a co-axial tubular shunt with nominal resistance of 1 mΩ and rise
time of 10 ns. Take the resistivity of the material as 50 x 10-6 Ω-cm and length of the shunt not to
exceed 15 cm.
8. A Rogowski coil is to measure 20 kA peak current with a maximum di/dt of 104 A/µs. A 0−10 V
electronic voltmeter is connected across the integrating circuit of the coil. Estimate the mutual
inductance of the coil and resistance and capacitance of the integrating circuit to be used.
9. An electrostatic voltmeter has an effective plate diameter of 50 cm with a gap separation of 30
cm. Find the force between the plates when measuring a dc voltage of 100 kV. What is the
maximum voltage that can be measured if the electric field E is to be not more than 5 kV/cm.
10. A co-axial shunt has the following dimensions length = 10 cm, radius of resistive tube 2.5 cm,
thickness = 0.2 mm and p = resisitivity = 50 x 10-6 Ω cm. Determine the resistance, inductance
and band width of the shunt. What will be the voltage drop across the shunt if 10 kA peak current
passes through it.
Answers to Problems
1. 0.72 pF
2. 88.57 g
3. 0.133 µF
4. R3 = 70 ohms, R4 = 75 ohms, Ratio = 1067.7
5. C2 = 0.228 µF, C4 = 533.3 pF, R4 = 75 ohms
6. 0.02 ns
7. Radius of resistive tube = 2.54 cm
8. M = 0.22 µH, R = 10 kΩ, C = 4 nF
9. 15.02 g wt, 150 kV
10. R = 1.6 mΩ L = 0.16 μΩ, Band width = 14.5 MHz, K=16V
1. Craggs, J.D. and Meek, J.M., High Voltage Laboratory Techniques, Butterworths Scientific
Publications, London (1964).
2. Kuffel, E. and Abdullah, M., High Voltage Engineering, Pergamon Press, Oxford (1970).
3. Schwab, A.J., High Voltage Measurement Technique, M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts
4. Bowlder, G.W., Measurement in High Voltage Test Circuits, Pergamon Press, Oxford (1975).
5. Hylten Cavallius, N., High Voltage Laboratory Planning, Haefely and Co., Basel, Switzerland
6. Trump, G.J. and Van De Graaff et al., “Generator voltmeter of high voltage sources”, Rev. Sci.
Instr., 11, 54 (1940).
7. Hamwell and Van Voorhis, “An electrostatic generating voltmeter”, Rev. Sci. Instr., 4, 540 (1933).
8. Haefely and Co., “H.V meter for peak and rms value measurements”, Druckschirf, BD., 6589
Basel (1967).
9. Rabus, W., “Measurements of surges by V.T.V.M. and electrostatic voltmeters”, ETZ(A), 75, 6761
10. Blalock et al., “A capacitive voltage divider for UHV outdoor testing”, Tr. IEEE PAS, PAS-89,
1404 (1970).
11. Ziegler, “Highly stable 150 kV voltage divider”, Tr. IEEEIM, IM-19, 395 (1970).
12. Koshrt, F., “Hall generators for high dc current measurements”, ETZ (A), 77, 487 (1956).
13. Thomas, R.F., “Fastlightpulse measuring schemes”, Tr. IEEE IM-17, 12 (1968).
14. Mckibbin, F., “Use of delta modulation in pulse transmission system”, IEEE Trans., 6, 55 (1970).
15. Witt, R., “Response of low resistance shunts for impulse currents”, Eleteckric, 47, 54 (1960).
16. Schwab, A., “Low ohmic resistors for impulse currents”, Transaction 12, of H.V. Laboratory,
University of Karlsruhe 1972.
17. Heumann, K., “Magnetic potentiometer of high precision”, Tr. IEEEIM, IM-15, 242 (1966).
18. Thomas, R.T., et al., “High impulse current and voltage measurements”, Tr. IEEEIM, IM-19, 102
19. Cassidy, E.C., et al., “Electro-optical H.V. pulse measurement techniques”, Tr. IEEEIM, IM-19,
395 (1970).
20. Zaengel, W., “Impulse voltage dividers and leads”, Bull, SEV, 61, 1003 (1970).
21. Faser, K., “Transient behaviour of damped capacitive voltage dividers of millionvolts”, Tr.
IEEEPAS, 93.116 (1974).
22. Hylten Cavallius, N., et al., “A new approach to minimise response errors in the measurement of
high voltages”, Tr. IEEE PAS, Vol. PAS − 102, 2077 (1983).
23. Hylten Cavallius, N., et al., “Response errors of shunts”, Int. Symp, on High Voltage
Engineering, Paper No. 61.05,Athens, Greece (1983).
24. IEC 52, “Recommendation for Voltage Measurement by Means of Sphere Gaps (One Sphere
Earthed)”, Geneva, Switzerland (1960).
25. “Recovery Voltage Meter” Type 5461, TETTEX Instruments, Dietikon-Zurich, Switzerland.
26. IEC 60−1 (1989), “High voltage test techniques–Part 1: General specifications and test
• Insulation Co-ordination
Example 8.1 A 3-phase single circuit transmission line is 400 km long. If the line is rated for
220 kV and has the parameters, R = 0.1 ohms/km, L = 1.26 mH/km, C = 0.009 µF/km, and G =
0,find (a) the surge impedance, and (b) the velocity of propagation neglecting the resistance of
the line. If a surge of 150kV and infinitely long tail strikes at one end of the line, what is the
time taken for the surge to travel to the other end of the line?
Example 8.2 A transmission line of 500-Ω surge impedance is connected to a cable of 60Ω
surge impedance at the other end. If a surge of 500 kV travels along the line to the junction
point. Find the voltage build-up at the junction?
Coefficient of reflection,
Example 8.3 An infinite rectangular wave on a line having a surge impedance of 500 Ω strikes a
transmission line terminated with a capacitance of 0.004 µF. Calculate the extent to which the
wavefront is retarded?
Taking inverse transforms
Example 8.4 A 10 MVA, 132 kV transformer is connected to the end of a transmission line of
surge impedance 400 Ω. The transformer has an equivalent capacitance of 0.002 µF and
leakage inductance of 16 H. If a rectangular wave of 1000 kV travels through the line and
strikes the transformer, find the surge voltage on the transformer?
(The incident wave is modified to a double exponential wave when it reaches the transformer
Example 8.5 An underground cable of inductance 0.189 mH/km and of capacitance 0.3 mF/km is
connected to an overhead line having an inductance of 1.26 mH/km and capacitance of 0.009
mF/km. Calculate the transmitted and reflected voltage and current waves at the junction, if a
surge of 200 kV travels to the junction, (i) along the cable, and (ii) along the overhead line.
Example 8.6 A long transmission line is energised by a unit-step voltage 1.0 V at the sending end
and is open circuited at the receiving end. Construct the Bewley lattice diagram and obtain the
value of the voltage at the receiving end after a long time. Take the attenuation factor α = 0.8.
Fig. E.8.6 Equivalent circuit and lattice diagram of a transmission line
Since the source impedance Zs = 0 and Z2, the open receiving end impedance is ∞ (infinity), as shown
in the lattice diagram of Fig. E.8.6(b).
From the lattice diagram, the wave magnitudes are tabulated as shown below:
At the receiving end At the sending end Time unit
1 0 0
1 1 α
1 + α2 2 2α
1 3 2α- α3
1 − α4 4 2α- α3
1 5 2α-2α3 + α5
1 + α6 6 2α-2α3 + 2α5
Example 8.7 Determine the sparkover voltage and the arrester current when a surge arrester is
connected at the end of a transmission line having a surge impedance of 400 Ω. Assume that a
surge of 1000 kV (peak) strikes the arrester. The surge arrester characteristics for impulse
currents may be taken as follows:
(a)Calculation of spark over voltage with the line terminated
Assuming that the line is terminated, the equivalent voltage is twice the surge voltage = 2000 kV.
Neglecting the ground and arrester resistances, the maximum arrester current
= 2 × 2000/400 = 5 kA
Referring to Fig. E.8.7, the characteristics is cut by the line, tan-1 Z at Vd = 330 kV Hence the voltage
drop across the arrester is 330 kV and the current through the arrester 3.9 kA. For steep fronted
current waves, the voltage drop due to lead inductance is taken to be 5% more. Hence, the sparkover
voltage, Vd = 350 kV.
(b) Calculation of surge arrester sparkover voltage when the line is continuous If the line is
continuous, the Thevinin equivalent voltage is
= surge voltage = 1000 kV
Example 8.8 A transmission line has the following line constants R = 0.1 ohm/km, L = 1.26
mH/km, C = 0.009 µF/km, and G = 0. If the line is a 3-phase line and is charged from one end at
a line voltage of 230 kV, find the rise in voltage at the other end, if the line length is 400 km.
Method 1 Neglecting the resistance of the line,
Hence, the rise in voltage = 0.0896 × 132.8 kV = 11.9 kV
Method 2 Considering all the parameters,
where β is the phase constant of the line and l is the length of the line.
(α + jβ) = transmission line constant
Example 8.9 Work out the insulation coordination for a 220 kV sub-station with the following
data. Take BIL as 1050 kV and BIL to SIL ratio as 1.24.
Highest system voltage for 220 kV = 245 kV
Highest system voltage to ground = 245 × 295 kV. 200 kV
Expected switching surge voltage 3.0 p.u = 600 kV
Choosing lightning arrester of 196 kV(200 kV)
Front of wave impulse spark overvoltage 760 kV Discharge voltage for 5 kA 690 kV
Discharge voltage for 2 kA switching surge current 615 kV
SIL for 220 kV system 1050/1.24 850 kV
Protective margin for lightning impulses
The margin when the lightning arrester just sparks over is = 27.5% 1050
The protective level is adequate (more than 25%)
(The lightning-arrester data is taken from the data published by a surge-arrester manufacturer)
1. The electrical field developed within clouds before a lightning stroke occurs can be of the order
(a) 0.1 kV/cm
(b) 1.0 kV/cm
(c) 100 kV/cm
(d) 10 kV/cm
2. The maximum voltage gradient at the ground level due to a charged cloud before lightning strikes,
can be as high as
(a) 1 V/cm
(b) 30 V/cm
(c) 30 V/m
(d) 300 V/cm
3. The velocity of wind currents required for charge separation inside the moving clouds is of the
(a) 1 to 5m/s
(b) 5 to 10m/s
(c) 10 to 20m/s
(d) 50 to 200m/s
4. Velocity of leader strokes in lightning discharges is about
(a) 1.5x105cm/s
(b) 1.5x106cm/s
(c) 1.5 x 107 m/s
(d) 1.5 x 108 m/s
5. The velocity of return or main stroke may be of the order of (C = velocity of light)
(a) 0.01 C
(b) 0.001 C
(c) 0.1 C
(d) 0.8 C
6. The peak value of lightning stroke currents are of the order
(a) 100 A
(b) 1000 A
(c) 10 to 100 kA
(d) 106A
7. The cumulative probability of a 10 kA lightning stroke current (peak) is about
(a) 0.6
(b) 0.2
(c) 0.1
(d) 0.98
8. The rate of rise of current (dI/dt) in lightning strokes is
(a) 1 kA/ßs
(b) 100 kA/ßs
(c) 100 A/ms
(d) 1000 kA/ms
9. The ground flashover density (Ng) in any region due to lightning activity is about (TD =
thunderstorm days)
(a) 0.1 to 0.2TD/km2-year
(b) 1 to 2TD/km2-year
(c) 30 to 50TD/km2-year
(d) 5 to 15TD/km2-year
10. Surge impedance of loss less transmission line is (if L — inductance/m, C — capacitance/m)
11. The attenuation constant of a transmission line in terms all the parameters R, L, G and C is
12. The reflection coefficient for a travelling voltage wave at a junction of two impedances Z1 and Z2
13. A 400 Ω overhead line is connected to a cable having a surge impedance of 50 Ω, the transmission
coefficient into the cable is
(a) 2/9
(b) 1/4
(c) −16/9
(d) 1/9
14. For surge-voltage computation, a transformer is represented by an equivalent circuit of
(a) R-L parallel network
(b) L-C parallel network
(c) R-L series network
(d) R-L-C series network
15. Switching overvoltage in power system networks are of the order of
(a) 1.5pu
(b) 2.5to3.5pu
(c) 10pu or more
16. Overhead transmission lines are protected from lightning overvoltages by
(a) counter poise wires
(b) protector tubes
(c) ground or shield wires above the main conductors
(d) shunt reactors.
17. In order to limit the overvoltages developed on ground wires due to lightning strokes, the tower
footing resistance should be less than
(a) 1000 Ω
(b) 100 Ω
(c) 25 Ω
(d) 1 Ω
18. For a typical heavy duty (10 kA rated) surge arrester, the discharge voltage at rated current will be
of the order of
(a) 1 pu
(b) less than 2.0 pu
(c) more than 3.5 pu
(d) 2.2 to 3.0 pu
19. The material used in gap less surge arresters used in hv power system is
(a) graphite
(b) aluminium oxide
(c) zinc oxide
(d) silicon carbide
20. Material that is used in surge arresters for EHV and UHV power systems
(a) silicon carbide
(b) zinc oxide
(c) aluminium oxide
(d) metal oxides.
21. The volt ampere characteristic of a non-linear resistor used in surge arrester is given by
(a) V=KI2
(b) V=KIn
(c) V=KTn
(d) V=K1I+K2I−1.
22. The equivalent circuit of a surge arrester may be represented as:
(a) capacitor
(b) an inductor
(c) non-linear resistor
(d) resistor
23. Basic impulse level (BIL) of a power system is defined as
(a) the minimum Insulation Impulse withstand voltage of any power equipment or apparatus
(b) the maximum power frequency withstand voltage of any power equipment or apparatus
(c) the minimum power frequency withstand voltage of any apparatus or power equipment
(d) the peak value of highest system voltages.
24. The BIL of a power system is usually chosen as
(a) 25% to 30% more than the protective level offered by the protective devices (surge arresters
(b) 50% more than the protective level offered by the protective devices (surge arresters etc.)
(c) 5 to 10% more than the protective level offered by the protective devices (surge arresters etc.)
(d) highest lightning surge voltage expected.
25. In EHV and UHV system the type of surge diverter used for overvoltage protection is
(a) valve type Si C arrester
(b) gapless ZnO arrester
(c) gapless Si C arrester
(d) rod gap
26. The duration of switching surges in GIS is
(a) ms
(b) microseconds
(c) few nanoseconds and less than a microsecond
(d) few tens of micro seconds
27. Indirect strokes near overhead transmission lines induce overvoltages due to
(a) electrostatic induction
(b) both electrostatic and electromagnetic induction
(c) only electromagnetic induction
(d) conduction currents through line conductors
28. In EHV and UHV system, ratio of BIL to SIL will be usually
(a) less than unity
(b) more than 1.5
(c) 1.5 to 2.0
(d) 1.2 to 1.5
29. The purpose of insulation coordination is to
(a) limit the overvoltages
(b) to protect the electrical apparatus against overvoltages
(c) to grade the insulation of different power apparatus and overhead lines such that the least
important and easily replaceable apparatus flashes or fails first and the most important one is
protected to the highest level.
(d) None of the above a, b or c.
30. The maximum rate of rise of surge currents that occur in overhead lines is
(a 2 to 3 kA/ms
(b) less than 1 kA/ms
(c) 5 to 10 kA/ms
(d) greater than 10 kA/ms
1. Explain the different theories of charge formation in clouds.
2. What are the mechanisms by which lightning strokes develop and induce overvoltages on
overhead power lines?
3. Give the mathematical models for lightning discharges and explain them.
4. What are the causes for switching and power frequency overvoltages? How are they controlled
in power systems?
5. What are the different methods employed for lightning protection of overhead lines?
6. Explain with suitable figures the principles and functioning of (a) expulsion gaps, and (b)
protector tubes.
7. What is a surge arrester? Explain its function as a shunt protective device.
8. What is meant by insulation co-ordination? How are the protective devices chosen for optimal
insulation level in a power system?
9. With suitable illustrations, explain how insulation level is chosen for various equipment in a
230/132 kV sub-station.
10. Write short notes on
(a) Rod gaps used as protective devices
(b) Ground wires for protection of overhead lines
11. Derive the expressions for the voltage and current waves on long transmission lines and obtain
the surge impedance of the line.
12. Define ‘surge impedance’ of a line. Obtain the expressions for voltage and current waves at a
junction or transition point.
13. Explain the terms ‘attenuation and distortion’ of travelling waves propagating on overhead lines.
What is the effect of corona on the transmission lines?
14. Explain the importance of switching overvoltages in EHV power systems. How is protection
against overvoltages achieved?
15. Explain the different aspects of insulation design and insulation co-ordination adopted for EHV
1. A transmission line of surge impedance, ZA equal to 500 Ω is connected through a cable of surge
impedance 50 Ω to another line of surge impedance ZB equal to 600 Ω. A travelling wave of
100 u(t) kV travels from the 500 Ω line towards the 600 Ω line through a cable. Calculate the
voltage at the junction of the 500 Ω line and the cable, after the first and second reflections.
2. A 500 kV, 2 ms rectangular wave travels on a line having a surge impedance of 350 Ω and
approaches a termination with a capacitance C equal to 300 pF. Determine the magnitudes of the
reflected and transmitted waves.
3. A 220 kV, 3-phase line has a horizontal configuration of conductors 5 m apart. The ground
clearance is 15 m. Find the position and the number of ground wires required.
4. A long transmission line of 370 ohm surge impedance is connected to two cables each of surge
impedance of 50 ohm and 75 ohm. If a surge of 100 e−01 at u(t) (t in ms) strikes the transmission
line and cables, determine (i) the junction voltage, and (ii) the voltage wave transmitted through
each of the cables.
5. Estimate the overvoltage produced on the insulator string on a transmission line tower if a 10 kA
lightning stroke directly hits the tower ground wire. Assume the surge impedance of line to be
400 ohms, surge impedance of ground wire of 350 ohms, tower footing resistance of 40 ohms
and tower surge impedance — 135 ohms.
6. A transmission line has the following line constants: L = 1.26 mH/km and C = 0.009 μF/km. If
the line is a 3-phase line and is charged from one end at a line voltage of 400 kV, 50 Hz, find the
rise in voltage at the other end, if the line length is 250 km. The line resistance and leakage
conductance may be neglected.
7. An underground cable of 0.18 mH/km inductance and of 0.5 μF/km capacitance is connected to
an overhead line having an inductance of 1.26 mH/km and capacitance of 0.009 μF/km.
Calculate the transmitted and reflected voltage waves, and the junction voltage if the surge of
500 kV travels to the junction (i) along the cable, and (ii) along the overhead line.
Answers to Problems
1. Junction voltage after 1st reflection = 18.2 kV Junction voltage after 2nd reflection = 27.9 kV
2. Reflected wave: 500 (1 − 2 e−0.9524t) [u(t) − u(t − 2)] kV, t = ßs Transmitted wave: 1000 [1 − e
−0.9524t] [u(t) − u(t − 2)] kV, t = ßs
3. Two wires at a height of 4.33 m above conductor level, i.e. 19.33 m above ground level
4. Junctionvoltage 185 e-> ltu(t) kV
Transmitted voltage through 50 Ω cable = 9 × e−0.1t u(t)
Transmitted voltage through 75 Ω cable = 6 × e−0.1t u(t)
5. 87.5 kV assuming the ground wire is spread on either side of the tower.
1. Bewley, L.V., Travelling Waves on Transmission Systems, Dover Publications Inc., NewYork
2. Lewis, W.W., Protection of Transmission Lines and Systems against Lightning, Dover
Publications., Inc. NewYork (1965).
3. Transmission and Distribution Reference Book, Westinghouse Electric Corporation and Oxford
University Press, New Delhi (1962).
4. Marshall, J.L., Lightning Protection, John Wiley and Sons, New York (1973).
5. Diesendorf, W., Insulation Coordination in H.V. Electric Power Systems, Butterworths, London
6. Begamudre, R.D., E.H.V, A.C. Transmission Engineering, Wiley Eastern, New Delhi (1986).
7. Golde, R.H., Lightning, Vol. 1 and 2, Academic Press, London (1977).
8. Black, R.M. and E.H. Raynolds, “Ionization and irradiation effects in high voltage dielectric
materials”, Journal of Institute of Engineers, London, 112, 1226 (1965).
9. Bell, E., et al., “Lightning investigations on 220 kV systems”, Tr. AIEE, 150, 1101 (1931).
10. Muller Hiller Brand, et al., “Lightning counter measurements”, Proc. IEE, 112, 203 (1965).
11. Anderson, J.G., EHV Transmission Reference Book, Edison Electric Co, New York, 1968.
12. CIGRE Report No. 22, 139 (1972).
13. Newman, S.E., et al., “Insulation coordination in H.V. stations”, English Electric Journal, 13,
No. 3, 120 (1953).
14. “Insulation co-ordination”, IEC Technical Committee 28, Report No. 35 (1970).
15. IEC Publication on “Insulation coordination”, No. 71, (5th edition), (1972).
16. Phelps., J.D., et al., “765 kV station insulation co-ordination” Tr. IEEE PAS, PAS-88, 1377
17. Kuffel, E. and Zaengl, W., “High Voltage Engineering Fundamentals”, Pergamon Press, Oxford,
England, 1984.
18. Andresson, R.B. and Erickson, A.J., “Lightning Parameters for Engineering Application”, Electra,
No. 69 (1980).
19. Chowdhuri, P., “Estimation of flashover rates of overhead power distribution lines by lightning
strokes to nearby ground”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 4, No. 3, July (1989).
20. Uman, M.A., The lightning discharge, Academic Press Inc., Orlando, Florida, (1987).
21. Nucci, C.A., Guerrieri, S., Correia de Barros, M.T. and Rachid, F., “Influence of corona on the
voltages induced by nearby lightning on overhead distribution lines”, IEEE Trans. on Power
Delivery, 15, No. 4, pp. 1265-1273, October (2000).
22. Erikson, A.J., “The incidence of lightning strikes to power lines” IEEE Power Delivery, PWRD-
2, No. 3, July (1987).
23. Brown, J.D., Fisher, F.A., Neugebauer, W. and Panek, J., Insulation-design criteria,
Transmission line reference book, 2nd edition, EPRI, (1982).
24. “Electric Systesm Issues at the turn of the 21st Century”, CIGRE Electra, Special Issue (2000).
25. Dugan, R., McGranaghan, M.F. and Beaty, H.W., Electrical Power Systems Quality, McGraw-Hill
26. Tesche, F.M., Lanoz., M. and Karlsson, T., EMC analysis methods and computational models,
John Wiley and Sons (1997).
27. Henriksen, T., “Calculation of lightning overvoltages using EMTP”, Proc. Int. Conf. on Power
Systems Transients, Lisbon, Sept. 3-7 (1995).
28. Agrawal, A.K., et al., “Transient Response of a multiconductor transmission line excited by non
uniform e.m. fields” Tr IEEE on EMC Vol: EMC-2, no 2, pp. 119-129, May 1980.
29. “Carlo Albero Nucci: Modelling of Lightning return strokes: Key note speech”, 12 ISH, Page 20-
26,Aug. 2001.
30. The Electrical Power Engineering Hand Book, Editor in Chief L.L. Grigsby CRC Press/IEEE
NewYork 2001.
Non-Destructive Testing of Materials and
Electrical Apparatus
Electrical insulating materials are used in various forms to provide insulation for the apparatus. The
insulating materials may be solid, liquid, gas, or even a combination of these, such as paper
impregnated with oil. These materials should possess good insulating properties over a wide range of
operating parameters, such as a wide temperature range (0°C to 110°C) and a wide frequency range
(dc to several MHz in the radio and high-frequency ranges). Since it is difficult to test the quality of
an insulating material after it forms part of an equipment, suitable tests must be done to ensure their
quality in the said ranges of operation. Also, these tests are devised to ensure that the material is not
destroyed as in the case of high-voltage testing.
These tests are mainly done to assess the electrical properties, such as the resistivity (dc), the
dielectric constant, and loss factor over a wide frequency range. In high-voltage apparatus, the quality
of insulation is assessed by measuring the loss factor at high voltages and also by conducting partial
discharge tests to detect any deterioration or faults in the internal insulation of the apparatus.
These tests may be conducted at a desired temperature or over a temperature range by keeping the
test specimen in controlled temperature ovens. Aknowledge of the variation of electrical properties
over the operating range can be obtained from these tests and this will help the design engineer to take
into account such variations in the design of electrical insulation for equipment.
• Non-destructive Testing
• Dc Resistivity
• Measuring Cells
• Dielectric Constant
• Loss Factor
• Bridge Techniques
• Schering-Bridge
• Transformer Ratio Arm Bridge
• Current Comparator
• PD Measurements
• Discharge Detectors
Example 9.1 The volume resistivity of a bakelite piece was determined by using standard
circular electrodes, a sensitive galvanometer, and a stabilized power supply. When the applied
voltage was 1000 V, the galvanometer deflection with the specimen was 3.2 cm. When a
standard resistance of Rs = 10MΩ is used for calibration, the deflection was 33.30 cm with a
universal shunt ratio of 3,000. The diameter of the electrodes is 10 cm, and the thickness of the
specimen is 2 mm. Find the volume resistivity.
Let G = galvanometer sensitivity,
Rs = standard resistance,
n = shunt ratio,
Ds = deflection in cm, and
V = applied voltage.
Example 9.2 The resistivity of the specimen referred to in Example 9.1 was determined using
the loss of charge method. A 0.1 µF 1000 V standard condenser was charged to 1000 V and was
discharged through the specimen. If the time taken for the voltage to fall from 1000 V to 500 V
was 30 min 20 s, find the resistivity of the specimen.
(Note: In this method, the leakage resistance of the standard condenser insulation and the voltmeter
impedance came in parallel with the specimen. Hence, the value obtained is much lower).
Example 9.3 The capacitance and loss angle of the above specimen were measured using the
same electrode set-up. The capacitance and tan δ with the specimen are 147 pF and 0.0012
respectively. The air capacitance of the electrode system was 35pF. What is the dielectric
constant and complex permittivity of Bakelite?
Example 9.4 A Schering-bridge was used to measure the capacitance and loss angle of an hv
bushing. At balance, the observations were: the value of the standard condenser = 100pF, R3 =
3180 Ω, C3 = 0.00125 μF and R4 = 636 Ω. What are the values of capacitance and tan δ of the
Example 9.5 An audio frequency Schering-bridge was used to determine the dielectric constant
and tan δ of transformer oil at 1 kHz. The observations obtained were as follows.
(Method employed: Substitution method).
(i) With standard condenser and leads, the capacitance, Ci = 504 pF the dissipation factor,
Di = 0.0003.
(ii) With standard condenser in parallel with the empty test cell, capacitance C2 = 525pF,
anddissipationfactorD2 = 0.00031.
(iii) With the standard condenser in parallel with the test cell and oil, capacitance C3 =
550pFand dissipationfactorD3 = 0.00075.
Find the dielectric constant and tan δ of the transformer oil?
Capacitance of the test cell = 525 − 504 = 21 pF
Capacitance of the test cell + oil = 550 − 504 = 46 pF
.·. εr = dielectric constant of oil
Example 9.6 While doing studies on partial discharges in cavities of cylindrical disc of 1.0 cm
diameter and 1 cm thickness, a cylindrical cavity of 1 mm dia. and 1 mm thickness is made at its
centre. The discharge voltage measured across the specimen is 0.2 V with sensitivity of
1pC/volt. What is the magnitude of charge transferred from the cavity. Take εr of the disc = 2.5.
1 pC = 1 volt, (Referring to Fig. 9.20)
Since the discharge magnitude measured = 0.2 pC
Example 9.7 A Schering-bridge was used to determine the dielectric constant and loss factor of
a 1 mm thick Bakelite sheet at 50 Hz using a parallel-plate electrode configuration. The
electrode effective area is 100 cm2. At balance, the bridge arms are AB: test object, BC: std,
capacitor = 100pf.
CD: variable capacitor in parallel with resistor 50 nF and 1000/πohms.
DA: variable resistance 62.0 Ω
Determine the dielectric constant K and loss factor tan δ.
Fig. E 9.7
Example 9.8 InExample9.7, if the voltage applied for testing is 10,000 V, what is the voltage
that appears across the low voltage (AD and CD) at balance?
Note: The entire test voltage appears across the test object and Std. Capacitor.
Example 9.9 A high-voltage Schering-Bridge has the following arms with their component
ranges. Std. Capacitor: 100pf; variable resistor R4: 1 to 1 kΩ (decade steps)
Determine the maximum and minimum value of the capacitance and tan δ that can be
measured at 50Hz.
Note: Due to other limitations like stray couplings, uncertainties and errors in the components etc. the
effective range for tan δ in commercial bridges (C − tan δ bridges) will be 0.1 × 10−4 to 0.5 only.
1. For resistivity and dielectric constant measurements the electrode system used is
(a) two electrode
(b) three electrode
(c) four electrode
(d) none of the above
2. A sensitive dc galvanometer has a maximum sensitivity of
(a) 10−9A/cm
(b) 10−8A/cm
(c) 10−6 A/cm
(d) 10−12 A/cm
3. The power supply used in resistivity measurements is
(a) ±110V
(b) ±250 V
(c) 500 V
(d) 500 to 2000 V
4. Loss of Charge Method is used to determine
(a) insulation resistance
(b) dielectric constant
(c) loss factor − (tan δ)
(d) rate of charging of a capacitor
5. The equivalent circuit of a lossy capacitor or dielectric is
(a) R-C series circuit
(b) L-C series circuit
(c) R-C parallel circuit
(d) L-C parallel circuit
6. The type of bridge used for low frequency (≈ 50 Hz) dielectric measurement is
(a) Transformer ratio bridge
(b) Mole’s-bridge
(c) shunted Schering-bridge
(d) Wagner’s-bridge
7. Wagner’s earth is used with Schering-bridge for
(a) grounding
(b) divert high current through the bridge when specimen fails
(c) suppress spikes and over voltages
(d) eliminating stray capacitance and coupling
8. In a transformer ratio arm bridge, unknown capacitance Cx is given by (if Cs = standard capacitor,
and Ns, Nx are the number of turns used on standard capacitor and test capacitor sides)
9. Current comparator bridge is used
(a) when test capacitance is large
(b) for high-voltage power frequency measurements
(c) for high-frequency low-voltage measurements
(d) low-voltage high-frequency measurements
10. Corona discharge is
(a) an internal discharge
(b) surface discharge
(c) a spark between conductors
(d) partial discharge around a high-voltage conductor
11. Partial discharge magnitude is
(a) quantity of charge measured at the terminals of the specimen
(b) quantity of charge inside a specimen
(c) voltage across the terminals of a specimen
(d) average current through the terminals of the specimen
12. Partial discharge detector is a device that measures of detects
(a) a partial discharge
(b) corona discharge
(c) leakage current
(d) fault current
13. A simple partial discharge detector circuit consists of a power unit and a
(a) coupling capacitor and test capacitor
(b) coupling capacitor, test capacitor, measuring impedance and detector
(c) test capacitor, measuring impedance and a detector
(d) test capacitor, calibrating unit and detector
14. The discharge energy in a partial discharge in terms of discharge magnitude q and inception
voltage v is
(a) qvi
(c) 0.5 qvi
15. Partial discharge inception voltage is defined as
(a) the rms value of supply voltage at which partial discharges occur
(b) the lowest value of the voltage at which discharge disappears when the voltage is reduced
(c) the lowest value of the voltage at which discharge appears when voltage is increased
(d) the voltage at which corona discharge starts.
16. In pd detectors partial discharges are displayed on
(a) any CRO
(b) built in CRO with circular time base
(c) built in CRO with elliptic time base
(d) built in CRO with linear time base.
17. The bridge commonly used for measurement of dielectric constant and loss factor in the audio
frequency range 100 Hz to 10 kHz is
(a) high-voltage Schering-bridge
(b) transformer ratio bridge
(c) Wagner’s-Bridge
(d) low-voltage high-frequency Schering-bridge
18. The measuring range of high-voltage Schering-bridge with Std. Capacitors of 50 or 100 pf is
(a) 10pfto10nF
(b) 1pfto1000pf
(c) 1 nF to 1 µF
(d) 1 pf to 100 µF
19. The measuring range of a high-frequency low-voltage Schering-bridge is
(a) 10pfto10nF
(b) 1pfto1000pf
(c) 1 nF to 1 µF
(d) 1 pf to 100 µF
20. The charge associated with partial discharges in electrical apparatus will be
(a) micro coloumbs
(b) nano coloumbs
(c) pico coloumbs
(d) coloumbs
1. How is a lossy dielectric represented? Explain how an ideal capacitor in parallel with a
resistor can represent a lossy dielectric over a wide frequency range?
2. Define ‘complex permittivity’. What are the factors that govern the quantities ‘relative
permittivity’ and ‘loss factor’?
3. Explain how the volume resistivity of a solid dielectric is determined.
4. What is the three electrode arrangement used in dielectric measurements? Explain with sketches
the electrode arrangements for (a) solid specimen, (b) liquid specimen.
5. Describe Mole’s arrangement for measuring high dissipation factors in the low frequency range.
6. Explain the high-voltage Schering-bridge for the tan δ and capacitance measurement of
insulators or bushings.
7. Explain the modifications to be made to the Schering-bridge for the following situations:
(a) high dissipation factor test objects,
(b) high capacitance test objects, and
(c) one end of the test object to be grounded.
8. Why are the earthing and shielding arrangements needed in the Schering bridge measurements?
9. What is ‘Wagner’s earthing device’ and how is it used for eliminating stray capacitances?
10. Why is the substitution method used for measuring low capacitances?
11. Explain the transformer ratio arm bridge for audio frequency range measurements. Discuss its
merits and demerits over other methods.
12. Why is the micrometer electrode system needed for radio frequency ranges? Give a sketch of the
micrometer electrode system for solid and liquid specimens.
13. Discuss the type of detectors used in dielectric measurements in the following cases:
(a) dc measurements,
(b) 50 Hz measurements, and
(c) audio frequency measurements.
14. Briefly explain how partial discharges in an insulation system or equipment can be detected and
15. Briefly explain the methods used for calibrating the partial discharge detectors.
16. What are partial discharges and how are they detected under power frequency operating
17. Discuss the method of balanced detection for locating partial discharges in electrical equipment.
18. Describe how a fault in a long cable can be detected and located using partial discharge
19. What are ‘broad band’ and ‘narrow band’ detectors? What is the sensitivity in each of the above
20. A high-voltage Schering-bridge has the following arms
(i) standard capacitors: 500 pF and 100 pF
(ii) variable resistance R4 = 1 ohm to 1 k-ohm
(iii) C3 = 1 nF to 2 µF, R3 = 100 to 1000 ohms
Determine (a) the maximum and minimum values of Cx, unknown capacitance that can be
measured (b) the loss angle of the specimen if balance is obtained with Cx = 200 pF, C3 = 10 nF
and R4 = 1 k-ohm with a standard capacitor having a capacitance of 500 pF and (c) the value of
the shunt to be used with R4 to measure 10 µF.
1. Schwab, A., High Voltage Measurement Technique, M.I.T. Press (1972).
2. Harris, F.H., Electrical Measurements, John Wiley, New York (1966).
3. Bhimani, B.V., “Low frequency a.c. bridges”, Tr. A.I.E.E., 80, Part3, 155 (1961).
4. Mole, G., “Design and performance of a portable a.c. discharge detector”, ERA Research Report,
V/T, p. 116 (1953).
5. Von Hippel, A., Dielectrics and Applications, M.I.T. Press (1961).
6. ASTM Standardson “Electrical insulating materials,”,D 150-50T, 1961.
7. Kreuger, F.H., Discharge Detection in High Voltage Equipment, Haywood, London (1964).
8. “Partial Discharge Measurements”, I.E.C. specification No. 270 (1968).
9. CIGRE Report # 72, “Guide for the Evaluation of the Dielectric Strength of Externation
Insulation”, Working group 07 of Study Committee No. 33, CIGRE, Paris, France, (1992).
10. Kreuger, F., Partial Discharge Detection in High Voltage Equipment, Butterworths, London,
England (1989).
11. Kreuger, F., Gulski, E. and Krivda, A., IEEE Trans. on Elect. Insul., 28. No. 6, pp. 917−931
12. Krivda, A., “Recognition of Discharges, Discrimination and Classification”, Ph.D Thesis, Delft
University, Delft, The Netherlands (1995).
13. Peyraque, L., Boisdon, C., Berouel, A. and Buret, F., IEEE Trans. on Dielectrics and Elec.
Insul., 2, No. 1, pp. 40-49 (1995).
14. Hague, B., Alternating-Current Bridge Methods, (5th edition), Pitman and Sons, London,
England (1959).
Fig. 10.21 Synthetic test circuit: current and voltage waveforms in periodic and extinction tests
Synthetic tests have the advantage that both overvoltage and fault (overload) current performance
can be evaluated.
Transient voltage performance for fast transients is also checked. But synthetic test produces a
prolonged commutation time at turn-off due to injection current from the voltage source and also extra
conduction losses.
1. Fifty per cent flashover voltage is defined as
(a) the voltage at which the flashover probability is 0.5
(b) the voltage at which corona discharge appears before flashover
(c) the voltage at which the flashover occurs alternately when applied several times
(d) the average value of withstand voltage and flashover voltage.
2. Standard atmospheric condition as per Indian Standard Specifications are
(a) temp = 27°C, pressure = 1013 millibans and humidity = 17 gms/m3
(b) temp = 20°C, pressure = 1013 millibans and humidity = 11 gms/m3
(c) temp = 27°C, pressure = 1013 millibans and humidity = 11 gms/m3
(d) temp = 27°C, pressure = 1000 millibans and humidity = 17 gms/m3.
3. In wet flashover tests, the conductivity of water used is
(a) 10 ±1.5 µ Siemens
(b) 100 ±15 µ Siemens at ambient temperature
(c) 45 ±10 µ Siemens at room temperature
(d) < 1.0 µ Siemens at 27°C.
4. Most important tests conducted on isolators and circuit breakers are
(a) voltage withstand tests
(b) short circuit tests
(c) high current tests
(d) temperature rise tests.
5. Fault location in an HV cable is done by
(a) voltage withstand test
(b) partial discharge scanning tests
(c) life tests
(d) impulse testing
6. In impulse testing of transformers fault location is usually done by
(a) neutral current oscillogram
(b) chopped wave oscillogram
(c) observing for noise or smoke
(d) scanning method
7. The most important test to assert the proper functions of a surge divertor is
(a) 100% impulse withstand test
(b) front of wave spark over and residual voltage tests
(c) impulse current test
(d) pollution tests
8. The salt-fog test done on insulators is
(a) impulse test
(b) power frequency pollution test
(c) impulse current test
(d) switching surge test
9. C- tan δ test on electric bushings is done using
(a) impulse generator
(b) high voltage Schering bridge
(c) power frequency cascade transformer unit
(d) resonant transformer
10. In C- tan δ test, a steep increase in tan δ, when the applied voltage increases from 100% to 110%
(a) insulation is failing
(b) presence of an internal discharge
(c) increase in relative permittivity
(d) decrease in insulation resistance
11. Impulse testing of transformers indicates
(a) winding to ground insulation strength
(b) winding to winding insulation strength
(c) dielectric strength, quantity of insulation and processing
(d) induced voltages in other windings during transients
12. A better method to detect fault during impulse testing is to
(a) observe the windings after tests
(b) record more number of test oscillograms of currents and voltages
(c) use digital recording of waveforms
(d) analyse the waveforms using waveform analysis techniques such as transfer function
13. Switching impulse tests on UHV and EHV transformers can result in
(a) failure of transformer windings
(b) Induce high voltages in other windings
(c) drive the transformer core the saturation
(d) both c and b
14. RIV tests on transmission line hard ware is done to
(a) determine the induced noise due to corona
(b) interfering electric field in the neighborhood of power lines.
(c) high frequency signals induced in power lines
(d) determine or measure noise generated in radio frequency range due to corona or partial
15. A high-voltage dielectric test done on HVDC valves is
(a) dc corona test
(b) synthetic test
(c) fast transient or steep fronted impulse test
(d) back-to-back test
1. Explain the terms (a) withstand voltage, (b) flashover voltage, (c) 50% flashover voltage, and
(d) wet and dry power frequency tests as referred to high voltage testing.
2. What are the different power frequency tests done on insulators? Mention the procedure for
3. What is the significance of impulse tests? Briefly explain the impulse testing of insulators.
4. What are the significances of power factor tests and partial discharge tests on bushings? How
are they conducted in the laboratory?
5. Mention the different electrical tests done on isolators and circuit breakers.
6. Why is synthetic testing advantageous over the other testing methods for short circuit tests? Give
the layout for synthetic testing.
7. Explain the partial discharge tests on high-voltage cables. How is a fault in the insulation
located in this test?
8. Explain the method of impulse testing of high voltage transformers. What is the procedure
adopted for locating the failure?
9. What is an operating duty cycle test on a surge arrester? Why is it more significant than other
10. Explain the importance of RIV measurements for EHV power apparatus.
11. Explain, with a schematic diagram, one method of measuring RIV of transmission line hardware.
12. What are the different high-voltage tests done on HVDC power apparatus?
13. Explain briefly the different tests done on HVDC valves.
14. What is a back-to-back test on HVDC valve unit? How and why is it done?
15. Give the synthetic testing procedure on valve units in HVDC systems. What are the different tests
done using synthetic test circuit?
1. Kreuger, F.H., Discharge Detection in H.V. Equipment, Haywood London (1964).
2. Ely, C.H.A. and Lambeth, P.J., “Artificial pollution test for H.V. outdoor insulators”,Proc. I.E.E.
111, 991 (1964).
3. Clark, C.H.W., “Radio interference from H.V. insulators”, Electrical Review, 16, 491 (1959).
4. C.I.S.P.R. Publication 1, “R.I.V. measuring apparatus for the frequency range 150 kHz to 30 MHz”
5. Berlijn, S., Garnacho, F., Gockenbach, E. and Muhr M., et al. “Influence of different lighting
impulse shapes on the breakdown behaviour of insulating materials-proposal for modification of
IEC 60060-1”, ISH Bangalore, paper 7-2 (2001).
6. Leibfried, T., et al. “On-line monitoring of power transformers-trends, new developments and
first experiences” CIGRE Pairs,paper 12-211 (1998).
7. Lemke, E., Strehl, T. and Rubwurm, D., “New development in the field of PD detection and
location in power cables under on-site condition”, ISH London, paper 5.106.S14 (1999).
8. IEC-76, “Power Transformers”, Part 1: General, Part 2: Temperature Rise, Part 3: Insulation and
Dielectric Tests, and Part 5: Ability to Withstand Short Circuit, (1993).
9. IEC 76-3-1, “Power Transformers—External Clearances in Air” (1987, 1993, 1980 and 1976).
10. IEC 55, Paper insulated cables (1978).
11. IEC 55-1 (1978): General-Amendment. 1 (1889).
12. IEC 55-2 (1981): General and construction requirement-Amendment 1 (1989).
13. IEC 141: Tests on oil-filled and gas pressure cables and their accessories.
14. IEC 183 (1984): Guide to the selection of HV cables-Amendment 1 (1990).
15. IEC 203 (1966): Impulse tests on cables.
16. IEC 383 (1983): Tests on insulator of ceramic or glass for overhead lines with voltages greater
than 1 kV.
17. IEC 506 (1975): Switching impulse tests on HV insulators.
• Classifications of hv Labs
• Size and Rating of Test Equipment
• Layout of hv Labs
• Grounding
1. A small high-voltage laboratory usually will have
(a) ac, dc test sources with ratings less than 100 kV, 10 kVA./kW and impulse of voltage 400 kV, 5
(b) ac, dc test sources of 500 kV, 100 kVA/kW, and impulse of 1 MV, 10 kJ
(c) ac voltage sources of 300 kV, 10 kVA, and impulse voltage of 1 MV, 15 kJ
(d) ac, dc sources only
2. Test sources required for testing power apparatus of 220 kV, 3-phase ac system are
(a) 500 kV ac, 1 MV impulse
(b) 800 kV impulse
(c) 300 kV ac, 500 kV impulse
(d) 250 kVA, 500 kV impulse.
3. The kVA rating of a testing transformer unit intended for test voltage and test object capacitance
‘C’ (pF)
(a) ω CV2
(b) ω CV2x10-9
(c) ω C2 V2 x 109
(d) ω C V2 x 10-6
4. The rating of an impulse voltage generator with generator capacitance Cg and voltage rating V
with n stages is (kJ)
(a) 0.5 Cg V2
(b) (n/2)(CgV2) (CgV2) (CgV2)
5. The clearances normally adopted in hv laboratories for ac and impulse voltages are
(a) 100 to 200 kV/m for ac and 500 kV/m for impulse
(b) 300 kV/m for ac and 500 kV/m for impulse
(c) 30 kV/m for ac and 50 kV/m for impulse
(d) 10 kV/m for ac and 50 kV/m for impulse
1. List the common test facilities available in high-voltage laboratories.
2. What are the criteria used in selecting the ratings of the testing equipment for hv laboratories?
3. Why is grounding very important in an hv laboratory? Describe a typical grounding system used.
1. Estimate the clearances required and the approximate dimensions of the test room for a high-
voltage laboratory with the following equipment.
ac testing transformer :25 kVA, 250 kV
Size :1.2 m dia × 3 m (including bushing height)
Impulse voltage generator :800 kV, 24 kJ
Size :1.5 m × 1.5 m × 3 m
1. August F. Metraux, “Some problems and actual limits of test techniques at extra high voltages”,
Haefely Publication, EIS 14 (1969).
2. August F. Metraux, “Earthing of impulse stations”, Haefely Publication, 508040’IE (1962).
3. Hylten Cavallius, N.R. and Giao, T.N. “Floor net used as ground return in high voltage test
areas”, Tr. IEEE, PAS, PAS-88, 996, July (1969).
4. Hylten Cavallius, N., High Voltage Laboratory Planning, Emile Haefely and Co. Ltd., Basel,
Switzerland, 1988.
5. Chinnappa, K. M., “Need for next higher voltage level in India”, National Seminar on High
Voltage AC and DC Transmission, Central Board of Irrigation and Power, New Delhi (December
6. Ryan, H. M. and Whiskard, J., “Design and operation perspective of a British UHV laboratory”,
IEE Proc. 133,pp. 501-521 (1986).
7. “Report on the Establishment of a Research Facility for UHV AC transmission” in Central Power
Research Institute (CPRI), Hyderabad (1994) and subsequent reports on the R.D. activities at this
8. IEEE Committee Report: “Standardisation of conductor vibration measurements”, Trans. IEEE
on Power Apparatus and Systems, PAS-85, pp. 10-20 (1966).
9. IEC Specification 600060-1, “High Voltage Test Techniques—Part 1: General Specifications and
Test Requirements” (1994).
10. IEC Specification 600060-2, “High Voltage Test Techniques—Part2: Measuring Systems” (1989).
Multiple Choice Questions
17. In order to prevent an excessive evaporation of the aromatics during reconditioning of trans-
former oil using filtrations under vacuum, the vapour pressure should be
(a) less than 10–4 torr (b) less than 10–2 torr
(c) less than 10–1 torr (d) none of the above
18 During reconditioning of transformer oil it is economical to use electrostatic filters if the water
content of oil is
(a) greater than 4 ppm (b) greater than 2 ppm
(c) less than 2 ppm (d) electrostatic filters are never used
19. The accepted value of dielectric strength of transformer oil is
(a) 30 kV (b) 30 kV/cm
(c) 30 kV/cm for one min. (d) none of the above
20. While testing transformer oil for dielectric strength the spherical electrodes are placed in
(a) horizontal configuration (b) vertical configuration
(c) any configuration (d) spherical electrodes are not used
21. The breakdown of solid materials is roughly given by
(a) Vbtb = constant (b) Vb 1n tb = constant
(c) tb 1n Vb = constant (d) None of the above
22. While conducting intrinsic dielectric strength on a specimen, its shape should be so prepared
(a) the electric stress is high at its centre
(b) the electric stress is high at its corner
(c) the electric stress is same all along the sample
(d) No definite consideration
23. To determine intrinsic dielectric strength, the time of application of voltage is of the order of
(a) 10–8 sec (b) 10–6 sec
(c) 10–4 sec (d) No such consideration
24. In case of impulse thermal breakdown of solid insulating materials, the critical electric filed is
(a) proportional to critical absolute temperature
(b) proportional to square of critical absolute temperature
(c) proportional to square of T0
(d) None of the above is true
25. In case of impulse thermal breakdown of insulating materials, the critical time to breakdown is
(a) proportional to critical electric filed
(b) inversely proportional to critical electric field
(c) proportional to square of critical absolute temperature
(d) None of the above
39. If a single stage system using resonance test voltage is required, it is better to use
(a) series resonant circuit (b) parallel resonant circuit
(c) series-parallel resonant circuit (d) any one of the above
40. The impulse ratio for any particular object
(a) is a constant
(b) depends upon shape of wave
(c) depends upon the polarity of the impulse wave
(d) (b) and (c)
41. Impulse generator with circuit ‘a’ configuration as compared with circuit ‘b’ configuration
(a) has high voltage efficiency
(b) can be used for most of the equipments to be tested
(c) (a) and (b) (d) none of the above
42. The wave front and tail resistance and IG are 150 and 2000 Ω respectively. The impulse capaci-
tance and load capacitances are 25 and 2 nF respectively. The approximate wave front time is
(a) 1 µ Sec. (b) 0.833 µ Sec. (c) 1.525 µ Sec. (d) 1.22 µ Sec.
43. The wave tail time for the above problem is
(a) 50.79 µ Sec. (b) 40.6 µ Sec. (c) 150 µ Sec. (d) 325.33 µ Sec.
44. For an impulse generator if C1/C2 > 10, for a given wave shape with different values of C1/C2
(a) wave front resistance is practically constant
(b) wave tail resistance is practically constant
(c) (a) and (b) (d) None of the above is true
45. The approximate voltage efficiency of IG for problem 42 is
(a) 99.45 % (b) 98.32 % (c) 92.60 % (d) 90.35 %
46. The minimum value of impulse capacitance to prevent oscillations on the tail of the impulse
wave (1.5/40 µ Sec.) while testing inductive load with inductance of 10 H is
(a) 400 pF (b) 4 pF (c) 1628 pF (d) 1280 pF
47. The minimum value of impulse capacitance to impulse test a 3 φ, 200 kV, 5% impedance, power
transformer is
(a) 4.5 nF (b) 0.22 nF (c) 0.826 nF (d) 0.02 µF
48. While impulse testing a power transformer, the impulse voltage is applied to
(a) one phase and the other two phases are short circuited, the secondary terminals are short
(b) one phase, the other two phases grounded, the secondary short circuited
(c) one phase, two phases left open, secondary left open
(d) one phase, two phases left open, secondary short circuited
49. If Rc is the charging resistance, R2 wave tail resistance and R1 the wave front control resistance
(a) Rc > R2 < R1 (b) Rc < R2 < R1
(c) R1 > R2 > Rc (d) None of the above
59. The insulation of the modern EHV lines is designed based on:
(a) The lightning voltage (b) The switching voltage
(c) Corona (d) RI
60. High voltage d.c. testing for HV machines is resorted because
(a) Certain conclusions regarding the continuous ageing of an insulation can be drawn
(b) The stress distribution is a representation of the service condition
(c) Standardisation on the magnitude of voltage to be applied is available
(d) The stresses do not damage the coil and insulation
61. Standard impulse testing of a power transformer requires :
(a) Two applications of chopped wave followed by one application of a full wave
(b) One application of chopped wave followed by one applications of a full wave
(c) One application of chopped wave followed by two applications of a full wave
(d) None of the above
62. The velocity of a travelling wave through a cable of relative permittivity 9 is :
(a) 9 × 108 m/sec (b) 3 × 108 m/sec
(c) 108 m/sec (d) 2 × 108 m/sec
63. An overhead line with surge impedance 400 ohms is terminated through a resistance R. A surge
travelling over the line does not suffer any reflection at the junction if the value of R is
(a) 20 ohms (b) 200 ohms
(c) 800 ohms (d) None of the above
64. When Oscilloscope is used as a null detector
(a) an inclined straight line shows magnitude unbalance
(b) an inclined straight line shows phase unbalance
(c) the area of the ellipse shows amptitude unbalance
(d) (b) and (c)
65. Current ratio arm bridge is used for
(a) low voltage high frequency application
(b) low voltage low frequency application
(c) high voltage low frequency application
(d) high voltage high frequency appliacation
66. Partial discharge can be detected by
(a) listening to hissing sound (b) a high tan δ
(c) optical methods (d) all of the above
67. During partial discharges if pulse currents through CK and Ct are observed simultaneously on
the oscilloscope, it is found that
(a) these occupy same location (b) these have same polarity
(c) these have same magnitude (d) (a) and (b)
(e) (a) and (c)
87. A generating voltmeter is used to measure a.c. voltages if the angular frequency of voltage is
(a) half the angular frequency of motor used
(b) twice the angular frequency of motor used
(c) thrice the angular frequency of the motor used
(d) None of the above
88. A generating voltmeter has
(a) linear scale
(b) non-linear scale
(c) no contact with high voltage electrode
(d) (a) and (c)
89. A potential divider is normally connected
(a) Outside the generator circuit towards the load circuit
(b) within the generator circuit
(c) at a distance V/100 metres from the generator where V is the voltage to be measured in kV
(d) None of the above
90. For capacitor dividers, if damping resister is inserted in series with individual element of capaci-
tor divider, the damped capacitive divider acts as
(a) capacitance divider only (b) resistance divider only
(c) resistance divider for high frequency (d) capacitance divider for high frequency
91. Klydonograph is used to record impulse voltages
(a) greater than 50 kV
(b) greater than 50 kV but less than 100 kV
(c) greater than 100 kV but less than 1000 kV
(d) None of the above
92. Klydonograph when used for measurement of voltages provides information on
(a) magnitude and polarity (b) polarity and frequency
(c) magnitude and frequency (d) all the three quantities
93. High power-frequency currents are normally measured using
(a) low shunt resistance (b) Hall element
(c) Current transformer (d) all of the above methods
94. High frequency and impulse currents are measured using
(a) resistive shunts (b) inductive elements
(c) Hall and Faraday effect devices (d) all of the above
95. Which element has flat frequency response upto 1000 MHz
(a) Bifilar shunt (b) Co-axial shunt
(c) Squirrel cage shunt (d) Rogowski coil
96. The breakdown voltage for air gap of 3 mm in a uniform field under standard atmospheric
condition is
(a) 10.59 kV (b) 6.3 kV
(c) 9.2 kV (d) 7.25 kV.