CH 2 Pavement
CH 2 Pavement
CH 2 Pavement
Formation (Earthwork in Embankment/filling)
Natural Soil
The pavement is designed to support the wheel loads imposed on it from mov ing traffic over it. Additional stresses are also
imposed by changes in environment.
It should be strong enough to resist the stresses on it and should be thick enough to distribute the external loads on the
earthen sub grade, so that the sub-grade it self can safely bear it.
Pavement consist one or more layers.
Indian practice
Surface course
Base course
Sub-base course
Sub-grade soil
American practice
Surface course
Binder course
Base course
Sub-base course
Sub-grade soil
British practice
Wearing course
Base course
Road- base
Sub-base course
Sub-grade soil
Quality of pavements:
Structurally sound to withstand the stresses.
Sufficient thick to distribute the loads.
Should have reasonably hard, wearing surface.
Should be dust proof.
Smooth enough for comfort driving.
Should develop low friction for low resistance to movement.
Should have a texture and adequate roughness to prevent skidding.
It should be impermeable.
Types of pavement:
From the structural performance point of view, pavements can be broadly classified as:
It is essentially a layered system, wh ich has low flexural strength, due to which the pavement defects mo mentarily under load
but rebounds to its original level on removal of load. The pavement thickness is so designed that the stresses on the sub -grade
soil are kept within its bearing power. The deformation of the lower layers is reflected on to the surface layers.
Rigid pavement:
This type of pavement derives its capacity to withstand loads fro m flexural strength or beam strength. Inherent strength of t he
slab plays major role in resisting the wheel load. It has slab action and is capable of transmitting the wheel load stresses
through a wider area below.
Semi-Rigid pavement:
It represents an intermediate state between flexib le and rig id pavement. Typical examp les of this type are ; lean concrete base,
soil cement and lime concrete construction.
Composite pavement:
It comprises of mu ltiple, structurally significant layers of different co mposition. Examp les: brick -sandwiched cement
i) Maximum wheel load
The wheel load configurat ions are important to know the way in which the loads of a given vehicle are applied on the
pavement surface.
Wheel load configuration:
𝐹=* +
where, La=Actual axle load in KN
Ls=Standard axle load, 82 KN
N=Exponential power, =4.5
For the single wheel assembly, the wheel load is taken half of the axle load.
The contact pressure is smaller than the tire pressure for high pressure tire, because the wall of the tires is in tension.
However in pavement design the contact pressure is generally assumed to be equal to the tire pressure.
Example: 1
• Total number of axle=4450
• Following data is axle load survey.
• Now calculate the total number of Equivalent Standard Axle Load (ESAL)
Axle Category (ton) % of Axle Number
0 to 2 15
2 to 4 15
4 to 6 20
6 to 8 30
8 to 10 10
10 to 12 10
More than 1500 4.5 2.5
2. Sub-grade soil
The properties of the sub-grade soil are important in deciding the thickness requirements of pavements .A sub -grade is lower
stability requires thicker pavement to protect it from traffic loads.
The design CBR of sub grade is selected based on the traffic
Traffic, ESA Design sub-grade value, %
104 or less 60
104 –106 75
more than 106 87.5
3. Climatic factor
Among the climatic factors, rainfall affects the moisture conditions in the sub-grade and the pavement layers. The daily and
seasonal variation in temperature has significance in the design of rigid pavements and bituminous pavements.
5. Environmental factors
The environ mental factors such as height of embankment and its foundations details, depth of cutting, depth of surface water
table etc. affect the performance of the pavement.
poles etc.) after construction.
Gl are and night vision: Cement concrete has gray colour which can cause glare under sunlight. Black bitu minous surface is
free from this defect. On the other hand bituminous surface needs more street lighting at night.
Traffic dislocation during construction: A cement pavement requires 28 days to open for traffic after laying the slabs. But
in bituminous surface traffic can be allowed just after the rolling.
Environmental considerati on during construction: heating of b itumen, aggregate and mixing them in hot-mix p lants, may
be more hazardous to the environment than cement concrete.
Overall economy on a life-cycle basis: A good road is costly to construct, but such road requires little maintenance and
results in saving in vehicle operat ion cost. Considering these facts it is proven that rigid pavements are more econo mical th an
flexible on overall economic consideration
Excessive Local depression Causes Cracks
Stress Transmits vertical and Tensile Stress and Temperature Increases
compressive stresses to the
lower layers
2.4 Design methods of Flexible Pave ments: Overseas Road Note 31, IRC37-2001, AASHTO,
Asphalt Institute, DoR guidelines
N = cumulative number of standard axles to be catered for the design in terms of million standards axle (msa),
A = initial traffic in the year of completion of construction in terms of the number of commercial vehicles per day,
D = lane distribution factors,
F = vehicle damage factor,
n = design life in years, and
r = annual growth rate of commercial vehicles (r=-0.075 if growth rate is 7.5 percent per annum).
Assessing the strength of the subgrade soil over which the road is to be built expressed in CBR.
Selecting the most economical co mb ination of pavement materials and layer thicknesses that will provide
satisfactory service over the design life of the pavement using structural catalogues.
• The method considers traffic in terms o f the cu mu lative nu mber of standard axles (8160 kg) to be carried by the
pavement during the design life. This can be computed using the following equation:
[( ) ]
= 𝐹
N = cumulative number of standard axles to be catered for the design in terms of million standards axle (msa),
A = initial traffic in the year of completion of construction in terms of the number of commercial vehicles per day,
D = lane distribution factors,
F = vehicle damage factor,
n = design life in years, and
r = annual growth rate of commercial vehicles (r=-0.075 if growth rate is 7.5 percent per annum).
Initial traffic
Initial traffic is determined in terms of commerc ial vehicles per day (CVPD). Fo r the structural design of the pavement only
commercial vehicles are considered assuming laden weight of three tones or more and their axle loading will be considered.
A = P( r) x
Design life
For the purpose of the pavement design, the design life is defined in terms of the cumu lative nu mber of standard axles that
can be carried before strengthening of the pavement is necessary taken as 10 to 15 year
Example 2:
Design the pavement for construction of a new bypass with the following data:
1. Two lane carriage way
2. Initial traffic in the year of completion of construction = 400 CVPD (sum of both directions)
3. Traffic growth rate = 7.5 %
4. Design life = 15 years
5. Vehicle damage factor based on axle load survey = 2.5 standard axle per commercial vehicle
6. Design CBR of subgrade soil = 4%.
The design procedures are based on cumulative expected 18-kip equivalent single axle load (ESAL).
Design Traffic=W 18 = DD + DL + w18
DD = a directional d istribution factor expressed as a ratio, that accounts for the distribution of ESA L units
by direction e.g. east-west, north-south etc. (=0.5 typically)
DL = a lane distribution factor expressed as a ratio, that accounts for the distribution of traffic when two or
more lanes are available in one direction.
w18 = the cumulative two direct ional 18-kip ESA L units predicted for a specific section of highway during
the analysis period.
Analysis period
The analysis period is the period of t ime that any design strategy must cover. It may be identical to the selected perfo rmanc e
period. In the past, pavements were typically designed and analyzed fo r a 20 -year performance period. It is now
recommended that consideration be given to longer analysis periods because they may be better suited for the evaluation of
alternative long-term strategies based on life cycle costs.
Highway conditions Analysis period ( years)
High-volume urban 30-50
High-volume rural 20-50
Low-volume paved 15-25
Low-volume aggregate surface 10-20
Performance period
The performance period refers to the time that an initial pavement structure will last before it needs rehabilitation or the
performance time between rehabilitation operations. The selection of performance period can be affected by such factors as
the functional classification of the pavement, the type and level of maintenance applied the funds available for init ial
construction, life cycle cost and other engineering consideration.
Basically reliability is a means of incorporating some degree of certainty into the design process to ensure that the various
design alternatives will last the analysis period. The level of reliab ility to be used for design shou ld increase as the volume of
traffic, difficulty of diverting traffic and public expectation of availability increase.
Application of the reliability concept requires the selection of a standard deviation that is representative of local conditions. It
is suggested that standard deviation of 0.45 be used for flexible pavements and 0.35 for rigid pavements.
Design equation
( ( )
= ( )
( )
W 18 = Predicted number of 18-kip single axle load application ESALs
ZR = Normal deviate for given reliability R
ZR can be determined from table below
S0 = Standard deviation
. SN=a1D1 + a2D2m2 + a3D3m3
a1 , a2, a3 are layer coefficient for the surface, base and subbase respectively.
D1 , D2 , D3 are the thickness of the surface, base and subbase respectively.
m2 is the drainage coefficient of base course and m3 is the drainage coefficient of subbase course.
M R is the road bed soil resilient modulus.
The layer coefficient a1 for asphalt concrete surface course used in the AASHTO Road Test was 0.44. The layer coefficient
depends upon the resilient modulus of the material. The values of a 1 are given in table below.
The following approximate values of a2 and a3 for granular base courses can be used.
CBR a2 CBR a3
100 0.14 100 0.14
55 0.12 40 0.12
45 0.11 30 0.11
30 0.09 25 0.10
20 0.07 15 0.09
10 0.08
Quality of drainage
Minimum thickness
It is generally imp ractical and uneconomical to use layers of materials that are less than some minimu m thickness.
Furthermore, traffic consideration may dictate the use of a certain min imu m thickness for stability. Table shows the
minimu m thickness of asphalt surface and aggregate base. Because such minimu ms depend somewhat on local practices and
conditions, they may be changed if needed.
Traffic ESAL Asphalt concrete Aggregate base
Less than 50,000 1.0 4
50,001-150,000 2.0 4
150,001-500,000 2.5 4
500,001-2,000,000 3.0 6
2,000,001-7,000,000 3.5 6
Greater than 7,000,000 4.0 6
Using E3 as M R determine fro m figure the structural number SN2 required to protect the subbase and compute the thickness
of layer 2 by;
Based on the roadbed soil resilient modulus M R, determine fro m figure the total structural number SN3 required and compute
the thickness of layer 3 by;
Transportation Engineering-II/ Page 101
Example 3:
Figure below is a pavement system with the resilient moduli, layer coefficients, and drainage coefficients as shown. If
predicted ESAL = 18.6 x 106 , R=95%, S0 = 0.35 and ΔPSI = 2.1, select thicknesses D1 , D2 and D3 .
E3=11,000 psi, a3=0,08 , m3 =1.2 D3
MR=5,700 psi
=( )
t1 , t 2 = Thickness of layer 1 and 2 respectively
E1 , E2 =Modulus of elasticity of layer 1 and 2 respectively
Example 4
A pavement has to be designed for a certain length of existing single lane carriage way road from the followi ng
1. Current traffic of 80kN equivalent single axle load = 0.95x105 ESAL/year
2. Design period = 10 years
3. Construction period = 18 months from the last traffic count
4. Traffic growth rate = 7%
5. CBR value of sub-grade soil =5%
6. Elastic modulus of asphalt concrete for surface course = Eac=2500MPa
7. Elastic modulus of emulsified stabilized base = Eb =1200MPa
8. Elastic modulus of granular sub-base = Esb =120MPa
Draw the cross section of final pavement layers considering the thickness of asphalt concrete on surface course is not less
than 75mm
maximu m traffic) to be carried during the design life of the pavement. This can be computed as:
[( ) ]
= 𝐹
N = the cumulative number of standard axles to be catered for in the design in terms of msa
A = Initia l traffic in the year of completion of construction in terms of number of co mmercial vehicles per
day is estimated using the following formula:
A = P( r) x
Where, P is the number of co mmercial vehicles as per the last traffic count; x is the number of
years between the last traffic count and the year of completion of construction.
D = Lane distribution factor
F = Vehicle damage factor
n = Design life in year It is reco mmended that National highways should be designed for a life of 15 years.
Exp ressways and urban roads may be designed longer life of 20 yrs. For other categories of roads, a
design life of 10 to 15 years may be taken.
r = annual growth rate of commercial vehicle (in the absence of detail traffic study r can be taken as 7% i.e
The sub-grade in cut and fill should be well co mpacted to utilize its fu ll strength and to economize on the overall
thickness of the pavement required. Heavy co mpaction is recommended for the construction of express ways,
National highways and feeder roads as well as urban roads. Current Standard Specificat ion for Road and Bridge
Works (SSRBW) describes the provision of Capping layer (Clause 1004), mechanical stabilizat ion (Clause 1005)
and Lime stabilization (Clause 1006) for the preparation of sub -grade in different soil conditions. The general
requirements for the construction detail of sub-grade should be referred to the Section 1000 of Standard
Specifications for Road and Bridge Works.
Design CBR of sub-grade soil = 5%.
Example 6:
Design the pavement for a given stretch of a single lane road with the following data:
1. The results of sub grade soil in CBR at seven locations in a certain stretch of a road are given below:
S.N Chainage Test CBR result in %
1 0+050 11
2 0+350 7
3 0+500 7.5
4 0+650 8
5 0+800 4
6 0+950 6
7 1+500 5
You are required to adopt sub grade CBR value as 87.5 percentile.
2. The current traffic count on both directions on that stretch of a road for 16 hrs 7 days are as following:
S.N Traffic Category Number Equivalency factors in 82 KN
Single Axle Load (ESAL)
1 Truck (loaded) 45 5.67
2 Truck (empty) 35 0.32
3 Bus (loaded) 75 0.25
4 Mini Tata Truck (loaded) 65 0.46
5 Mini Tata truck (empty) 38 0.015
6 Mini bus (loaded) 42 0.01
7 Cars 46 0.001
8 Others 50 0
You are required to design the pavement as per Asphalt Institute Method, IRC, Road note 31 methods.
Transverse joint with dowels
Longitudinal Joint
with the tie bars
15 to 30 ft 15 to 30 ft 30 to 100 ft
(a) JPCP (b) JRCP
No joints
Continuous Wire
Reinforcements strands
C. Properties of concrete
1. Strength
2. Modulus of Elasticity
3. Poisson’s Ratio
4. Shrinkage properties
5. Fatigue behavior
D. External Condition
1. Temperature Changes
2. Friction between slab and sub-grade
E. Joints
1. Arrangement of joints
F. Reinforcements
1. Quantity of reinforcements
2. Continuous reinforcement
l=radius of relative stiffness (mm)
E=modulus of elasticity of cement concrete (N/mm 2 )
µ=Poisson’s ratio of cement concrete (0.15)
h=cement concrete slab thickness(mm)
K=modulus of subgrade reaction (N/mm 3
Corner loading
• When the center of load application is located on the bisector of the corner angle formed by t wo intersecting edge of
the slab and the loaded area is at the corner touching the two corner edges
Edge loading
When the load is applied on an edge of the slab at any place remote from a corner
P = wheel load
l = radius of stiffness
H = thickness of slab
a = radius of contact area
b = radius of equivalent distribution of pressure at the bottom of slab
= a, when
= √( )
Warping stress
When the temperature of the top surface of the slab is lower than the bottom surface, the corners and the edges tend to curl
upwards. In the reverse case, the slab tends to curl downwards. This causes warping stresses in the pavement.
𝐸 𝛼 𝑡 𝐶𝑥 𝜇 𝐶𝑦
𝜎𝑡𝑖 =
𝐶𝑥 𝐸 𝛼 𝑡
𝜎𝑡𝑒 =
= Whichever maximu m
= √
( )
Transportation Engineering-II/ Page 110
Frictional stress
• The frictional stress f in kg/cm2 is given by the equation
W is the unit weight of concrete in kg/cm2 (2400),
f is the coefficient of sub grade friction (1.5)
L is the length of the slab in meters.
Example 7
Determine the warping stress at interior, edge and corner reg ions in a 25 cm thick concrete pavement with transverse joints at
11m interval and longitudinal joints at 3.6m interval. The modulus of sub -grade reaction (k) is 6.9 kg/cm³ . Assume
temperature differential for day conditions to be 0.6˚c per slab thickness. Assume radius of loaded area as 15 cm for
completing warping stress at corner. Additional data are given below. = , = ⁄
h ;cm -5 -5 -2 -2 0 0 +2
Example 8
Design a two lane cement concrete carriageway (7.0m) to be constructed of Jointed Plain Cement Concrete Pavement (JPCP)
for the following conditions.
• Design Wheel load = 5100 kg
• Present traffic = 300 commercial vehicles /day
• Growth rate of traffic = 7 %
• Design period = 25 years
• Temperature variation = 12º C
• Modulus of subgrade reaction: K = 6 kg/cm3
• Concrete flexural strength = 40 kg/cm2
• Modulus of elasticity of concrete pavement = 3 × 105 kg/cm2
• Poisson’s ratio of the pavement = 0.15
• Coefficient of thermal expansion of pavement = 10 × 10 – 6 per ºC
i. Compacted soil CBR=7%
ii. Poorly graded gravel, CBR=20%
iii. Well grader gravel, CBR=95%
iv. Sub-grade soil, CBR=4%
Assume the present ADT of commercial vehicles = 1200, Annual growth rate=8%, construction period =3years
43. Design a flexible pavement using CBR curves, given the following data:
a) Subgrade soil (soaked) CBR = 5%
b) Laterite sub-base (soaked) CBR = 15%
c) Water bound macadam base (CBR) = 95%
d) Number of heavy vehicle per day in September 2013 = 150
e) Design life = 15 years
f) Annual rate of inv\crease in the heavy vehicles = 5%
The road is proposed to be completed in September, 2017
44. The CBR test carried out on a sub grade soil gave the following reading:
Penetration (mm) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 7.5 10 12.5
Load (kg) 0 4 14 30 41 50 58 70 77.5 93.2 102.5 110.8
The different pavement materials available near the construction site are as follows:
Sandy soil with CBR value = 10%
Soil-kankar mix with CBR value = 25%
Broken stone and gravel with CBR value = 90%
Bituminous concrete for surfacing =minimu m 5 cm thick
45. Design the pavement for construction of a new bypass with the following data:
i. Two lane carriage way
ii. Initial traffic in the year of completion of construction = 400 CVPD (sum of both directions)
iii. Traffic growth rate = 7.5 %
iv. Design life = 15 years
v. Vehicle damage factor based on axle load survey = 2.5 standard axle per commercial vehicle
vi. Design CBR of subgrade soil = 4%.
vii. Elastic modulus of asphalt concrete for surface course = Eac=2500MPa
viii. Elastic modulus of emulsified stabilized base = Eb =1200MPa
ix. Elastic modulus of granular sub-base = Esb =120MPa
46. An existing two lane single carriageway National Highway is proposed to be widened to 4-lane d ivided highway.
Design the new pavement from the following data:
a) 4-lane divided carriageway
b) Initial traffic in each direction in the year of completion of construction = 5640 CVPD
c) Design life period = 10 year
d) Design CBR value = 6%
e) Traffic growth rate = 8%
f) Axle load using the road = 11800kg
g) Elastic modulus of asphalt concrete for surface coarse(Eac) = 2750 Mpa
h) Elastic modulus of crushed stone base(CSB) coarse(Ebase) = 350 Mpa
i) Elastic modulus of granular sub base coarse (Esub base) = 130 Mpa
Transportation Engineering-II/ Page 112
47. A pavement has to be designed for a certain length of existing single lane carriage way road fro m the following
i. Current traffic of 80kN equivalent single axle load = 0.95x105 ESAL/year
ii. Design period = 10 years
iii. Construction period = 18 months from the last traffic count
iv. Traffic growth rate = 7%
v. CBR value of sub-grade soil =5%
vi. Elastic modulus of asphalt concrete for surface course = Eac=2500MPa
vii. Elastic modulus of emulsified stabilized base = Eb =1200MPa
viii. Elastic modulus of granular sub-base = Esb =120MPa
Draw the cross section of final pavement layers considering the thickness of asphalt concrete on surface course is
not less than 75mm
48. Design the flexible pavement for a stretch of existing two- lane road from the following data:
(a) Current traffic in 80 KN (in EAL) = 3.91 × 105 EAL
(b) Growth rate of traffic = 7 %
(c) Design period = 10 years
(d) Construction period = 2 years from last traffic count.
(e) Minimu m CBR values in % of subgrade at 7 locations for that stretch of the road are: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11
(f) Design resilient modulus of subgrade in Mpa is taken as 85th percentile values.
It is required to design the pavement fro m Asphalt Institute Method. Finally, draw the cross section of pavement
(g) Elastic modulus of asphalt concrete for surface coarse(Eac) = 2750 Mpa
(h) Elastic modulus of crushed stone base(CSB) coarse(Ebase) = 350 Mpa
(i) Elastic modulus of granular sub base coarse (Esub base) = 130 Mpa
(j) Minimum thickness of asphalt concrete in surface coarse = 75 mm.
49. Design the flexible pavement as per IRC methods from the following data:
(a) Results of subgrade soil in CBR test at seven locations obtained in a certain stretch of a road are given below:
Modulus of elasticity of subgrade soil =100 kg/cm2
Modulus of elasticity of base material = 750 kg/cm2
Modulus of elasticity for asphalt concrete = 2500kg/cm2
51. Design the pavement for two-lane single carriageway road with the following parameters:
During CBR-test of subgrade soil; load after correction at 2.5 mm and 5.0 mm penetration (by standard p lunger) are
50 kg and 75 kg. (Given the standard load at 2.5 and 5.0 mm penetration by standard plunger as 1370 kg and 2155
Modulus of elasticity of subgrade soil =100 kg/cm2
Modulus of elasticity of base material = 750 kg/cm2
Modulus of elasticity for asphalt concrete = 2500kg/cm2
Design period = 20 years
Traffic growth rate = 4% for all vehicles for design period
52. Results of seven tests produced the following sub-grade resilient modulus test values 44.9, 67.5, 68.5, 58.5, 68.3,
106.9, 80.0 Mpa. The traffic classification at the end of construction is projected as below:
Number of vehicles (both direction) 4000 2050 1000 1100 1200
Truck factors 0.003 0.28 1.06 0.62 1.05
Design the flexib le pavement using AIM for two lane two way roads to cater the above traffic with following details:
i. Traffic growth rate = 6.95%
ii. Elastic modulus of asphalt concrete for surface course = Eac=2500MPa
iii. Elastic modulus of emulsified stabilized base = Eb =1250MPa
iv. Elastic modulus of granular sub-base = Esb =150MPa
v. Design period = 12 years
vi. Use 87.5 percentile resilient modulus values for the design.
53. Determine the warp ing stress at interior, edge and corner regions in a 25 cm thick concrete pavement with transverse
joints at 11m interval and longitudinal joints at 3.6m interval. The modulus of sub-grade reaction (k) is 6.9 kg/cm³.
Assume temperature differential for day conditions to be 0.6˚c per slab thickness. Assume radius of loaded area as
15 cm for completing warping stress at corner. Additional data are given belo w.
= , = ⁄
54. Design a cement concrete pavement for the following conditions.
(a) Design Wheel load = 4100 kg
(b) Present traffic = 300 commercial vehicles /day
(c) Growth rate of traffic = 7.5 %
iii. Growth rate of traffic = 7 %
iv. Design period = 25 years
v. Temperature variation = 12º C
vi. Modulus of subgrade reaction: K = 6 kg/cm3
vii. Concrete flexural strength = 40 kg/cm2
viii. Modulus of elasticity of concrete pavement = 3 × 105 kg/cm2
ix. Poisson’s ratio of the pavement = 0.15
x. Coefficient of thermal expansion of pavement = 10 × 10 – 6 per ºC
56. Given:
a) ESAL = 2 x 106
b) One week for water to be drained
c) Saturation level moisture exposure = 30% of the time
d) AC’s M r at 68Fo = 450,000 lb/in 2
e) CBR of base course =100, M r = 31,000 lb/in 2
f) CBR of subbase =22, M r = 13,500 lb/in 2
g) CBR of subgrade = 6, M r = 1500CBR= 6*1500 = 9000 lb/in 2
h) Rural interstate
i) Parameter values:
j) Reliability level (R ) = 99%
k) Standard Deviation (So ) = 0.49,
l) Initial serviceability, p i = 4.5
m) Terminal serviceability, p t = 2.5
n) Drainage mi values = 0.8 for “Fair” category and “Greater than 25%” category
Design the pavement section by AASHTO method