A. General Considerations
A. General Considerations
A. General Considerations
This case is on the right of the people to A petition for prohibition an extraordinary judicial writ to prevent an
directly propose amendments to the Whether the
inferior tribunal from exercising jurisdiction it was not legally
constitution through People’s Initiative under petition for
vested. The SC held that the COMELEC does not NOT have
Section 2, Article 17 of the 1987 prohibition is
jurisdiction as the petition failed to meet the minimum number of
Santiago vs Constitution. Under the two previous viable – YES
signatures required by law.
COMELEC Constitutions, only two modes were
available: (1) Congress sitting as a Whether RA 6735 Section 2, Article 17 is not a self-executing provision. It states that
Constitutional Assembly upon vote of ¾ of is adequate to the Congress shall provide for the implementation of the exercise of
its members or (2) by a Constitutional propose such right. Hence, it requires implementing legislation.
Convention. The 1987 Constitution amendments to the RA 6735 was indeed intended to cover this Constitutional
requirement. However, a review of RA 6735 does not provide for full
compliance as intended by the framers of the constitution. The act
provides for proposal, enactment, approval, or rejection of laws or
ordinances. Such actions do no not apply to consti provisions since
Constitution – NO only AMENDMENTS are allowed.
introduced People’s Initiative as a mode of
Furthermore, the provisions granting power to the COMELEC to
introducing amendments only.
promulgate rules is considered invalid delegation. (remember:
potestas delagata non delegari potest). What the has been delegated
cannot be delegated.
ConCom deliberations showed that the framers intended that a draft
of the proposed Constitutional amendment be “ready and shown”;
before signing the proposal, the essence of amendments directly
proposed via initiative being that the entire proposal on its face is a
petition by the people (2 elements: people must author and sign the
entire proposal, and the proposal must be embodied in a petition). No
proof that the signatories saw the full text of the proposed
amendments; burden of proof is with Lambino group to prove that
Lambino group, collected signatures (note: the petition contained or incorporated by attachment the full text of
no proof that the signatories saw the text of the proposed amendments. Signature sheet submitted by Lambino
the amendments of the proposed Whether the group did not show any part of the text of the proposed changes, only
amendments) and filed a petition with Lambino petition asking if the signatory approved a shift in government.
Lambino vs COMELEC to hold a plebiscite to ratify their is sufficient for Lambino petition is a revision, not an amendment. Difference
COMELEC initiative, under RA 6735 (Initiative and Art. XVII Sec. 2 between amendment and revision: only Congress or ConCon may
Referendum Act) to change the 1987 of the Constitution propose revisions, people’s initiatives may only propose
Constitution by changing the current – NO amendments; revision implies a change that alters a basic principle in
Bicameral-Presidential government to a the Constitution, while amendment implies a change that adds,
Unicameral- Parliamentary one. reduces, or deletes without changing the basic principle involved.
Two-part test for whether a change is a revision or an amendment:
Quantitative test: whether the change is so extensive in its provisions
as to change directly the substantial entirety; of the constitution by
the deletion or alteration of numerous existing provisions (examines
number of provisions affected).
Qualitative test: whether the change will accomplish such far
reaching changes in the nature of our basic governmental plan as to
amount to a revision;.
Magallona vs In March 2009, Congress amended RA 3046 W/N RA 9522 is The treaty and the baseline law have nothing to do with the
Ermita by enacting RA 9522. The change was unconstitutional – acquisition, enlargement, or diminution of the Philippine territory.
prompted by the need to make RA 3046 NO What controls when it comes to acquisition or loss of territory is the
compliant with the terms of the UNCLOS III international law principle on occupation, accretion, cession and
Magallona et al questioned the validity of prescription and not the execution of multilateral treaties on the
RA 9522; the law decreased the national regulations of sea-use rights or enacting statutes to comply with the
territory of the Philippines. treaty’s terms to delimit maritime zones and continental shelves.
The law did not decrease the demarcation of our territory. In fact it
increased it. Under the old law amended by RA 9522 (RA 3046), we
adhered with the rectangular lines enclosing the Philippines. The area
that it covered was 440,994 square nautical miles (sq. na. mi.). But
under 9522, and with the inclusion of the exclusive economic zone,
the extent of our maritime was increased to 586,210 sq. na. mi.
(Nautical Miles)
The Tribunal concluded that Scarborough Shoal, Cuarteron Reef,
Fiery Cross Reef, Johnson Reef, McKennan Reef and Gaven Reef
(North) were all found to be high-tide features. The Tribunal further
noted that for the purposes of Article 121(3), the high-tide features at
Scarborough Shoal and the reefs were rocks that cannot sustain
human human habitation or economic life of their own and so have
no exclusive economic zone or continental shelf. The Tribunal found
the same to be true of the Spratly Islands and so concluded that
China, therefore, has no entitlement to any maritime zone in the area
of Mischief Reef or Second Thomas Shoal; they do, however, form
part of the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf of the
The South China Sea Arbitration was
Philippines as they lie within 200 nautical miles of the Philippines’
conducted between the Republic of the
coast and there are no overlapping entitlements in the area with
Philippines and the People’s Republic of
respect to China.
China by the Permanent Court of Arbitration
In the issue of Chinese interference with the living and non-living
(PCA), under the 1982 United Nations
Whether West resources (primarily concerned with fishing practices in the South
Convention on the Law of the Sea
In the Matter of Philippine Sea is China Sea and oil and gas exploration and exploitation) of the
(UNCLOS). The arbitration is related to
South China Sea Philippine territory Philippines, the Tribunal considered diplomatic statements from
disputes between the Parties regarding the
– YES China to the Philippines and regulations related to the matter that
legal basis of maritime rights and
China had passed domestically. The Philippines put forward four
entitlements, the status of certain geographic
contentions related to living resources: China’s prevention of fishing
features, and the lawfulness of certain
by Philippine vessels at Mischief Reef since 1995, and at Second
actions taken by China in the South China
Thomas Shoal since 1995, China’s revision of the Hainan
Regulation and China’s moratorium on fishing in the South China
Sea in 2012. The Tribunal finds that China had breached Articles
77 and 56 of the Convention through the operation of its marine
surveillance vessels (which interfered with Philippines’ oil and gas
exploration) and through its moratorium on fishing which interfered
with the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines, respectively.
The Tribunal also found China in breach of Article 58 (3) of the
Convention, due to its failure to prevent fishing by Chinese flagged
ships in the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines, failing to
respect the sovereign rights of the Philippines over its fisheries in its
exclusive economic zone.
A.2 State Immunity
Albeit title to the Arlegui property remains in the name of the
petitioner Republic, it is actually the Office of the President which
has beneficial possession of and use over it since the 1975 takeover.
The Arlegui property was taken from the Accordingly, and in accord with the elementary sense of justice, it
owners during the Martial Law behooves that office to make the appropriate budgetary arrangements
Now it is being used by the President either towards paying private respondent what is due her under the
as an office or residence Whether the premises. This, to us, is the right thing to do. The
Republic vs RTC granted a P2B decision which the judgment was fair imperatives of fair dealing demand no less. And the Court would be
Hidalgo republic is trying to overturn - it was remiss in the discharge of its duties as dispenser of justice if it does
Republic is arguing that it is immuned from recomputed not exhort the Office of the President to comply with what, in law
suit which is why they didn't submit any and equity, is its obligation. If the same office will undertake to pay
pleadings and were then declared to be in its obligation with reasonable dispatch or in a manner acceptable to
default the private respondent, then simple justice, while perhaps delayed,
will have its day. Private respondent is in the twilight of her life,
being now over 90 years of age. delay in the implementation of this
disposition would be a bitter cut.