Development of The Juxta-Oral Organ in Rat Embryo
Development of The Juxta-Oral Organ in Rat Embryo
Development of The Juxta-Oral Organ in Rat Embryo
The aim of this work is to clarify the development and morphology of
the juxta-oral organ (JOO) in rat embryos from Day (E)14 to 19. Further-
more, in the region of the JOO, an analysis was made of the expression of
the monoclonal antibody HNK-1, which recognizes cranial neural-crest
cells. In this study, we report that JOO develops from an epithelial con-
densation at the end of the transverse groove of the primitive mouth at
E14. During E15, it invaginates and is disconnected from the oral epithe-
lium. At E16, the JOO forms an solid epithelial cord with three parts (an-
terior, middle, and posterior) and is related to the masseter, temporal,
medial pterygoid, and tensor veli palatini muscles. During E17-19, no sig-
nificant changes were detected in their position. Both the mesenchyme
caudal to the anlage of the JOO at E14, as well as the mesenchyme that
surrounds the bud of the JOO at E15, expressed positivity for HNK-1.
Our results suggest that the mesenchyme surrounding the JOO at E15
could emit some inductive signal for the JOO to reach its position at E16.
This work shows for the first time that the cranial neural-crest-derived
mesenchyme participates in the development of the JOO. Anat Rec,
295:769–775, 2012. V C 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Fig. 1. Frontal sections stained with HE. Rat embryos at E14 (A, B), the JOO. F, posterior portion of the JOO. AT, auriculotemporal nerve;
E15 (C) and E16 (D, E, F). A, prospective region of the JOO. B, epithe- B, buccal nerve; J, juxtaoral organ; M, mandible; MA, maxillary nerve;
lial condensation of the JOO at the end of the transverse groove of MC, Meckel’s cartilage; MN, mandibular nerve; MS, masseter muscle;
the primitive month (arrows). C, in this stage the anlage of the JOO (J) G, trigeminal ganglion; OC, oral cavity; PM, medial pterygoid muscle;
is not connected to the oral epithelium. D, the anterior portion of the T, temporalis muscle; TG, tooth germ; TV, tensor veli palatini muscle;
JOO (J) is related to the masseter muscle (MS). E, middle portion of V, facial vein. A, C, D, E, F Bar ¼ 100lm; B Bar ¼ 20 lm.
proposed a structural organization of the JOO in two The neural-crest cells are a transient migratory popula-
parts, the epithelium and the surrounding connective tis- tion of stem cells derived from the dorsal neural folds at the
sue capsule, with the latter containing the vessels and the border between neural and non-neural ectoderm. The
nerves (Merida-Velasco et al., 2005). migration of crest cells involves an epithelium-mesenchyme
were incubated overnight at 4 C in 10% normal goat se-
rum (Sigma) and 0.2% Triton X-100 (Merck, Germany)
diluted in PBS. Sections were incubated in monoclonal
mouse antibody HNK-1 (Becton and Dickinson, CA) in a
1/20 dilution at 4 C overnight and then washed in PBS
(3 10 min). Afterward, they were again incubated at
4 C for 12 hr with horseradish peroxidase conjugated
secondary antibody (Chemicon) diluted 1/2500 and then
rinsed in PBS (3 10 min). The preparations were
treated with 3,30 Diaminobenzidine (Sigma). After final
rinsing in PBS (3 10 min), the preparations were
dehydrated in a series of alcohols, cleared in xylene and
mounted in Eukitt (O. Kindler GmbH and Co, Ger-
many). Controls were treated as above, but omitting the
incubation in the primary antibody solution, to demon-
strate that the secondary antibody reacted only with
this corresponding primary antibody.
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the arrangement of the JOO at E19 in
a lateral view. J, juxtaoral organ; T, temporalis muscle; MS, masseter
muscle; M, mandible.
Serial Sections Stained with HE
transition, whereby mesenchyme cells become dispersed At E14 appeared a condensation of cuboidal epithelial
along specific migratory pathways and located in their final cells with rounded nuclei and scant cytoplasm. This con-
position. In the craniofacial region, they give rise to a wide densation is visible at the end of the transverse groove
variety of cell types and tissues, including intramembra- of the primitive mouth, near the mandibular nerve. This
nous bone, cartilage, muscle, and nerves (Creuzet et al., epithelial condensation corresponds to the prospective
2005; Noden and Trainor, 2005). The possible influence of region of the JOO (Fig. 1A,B). At E15, the epithelial con-
the cranial neural-crest-derived mesenchyme in the devel- densation invaginates and disconnects from the oral
opment of the JOO has not been studied. epithelium, becoming surrounded by loose mesenchyme
Despite decades of studies on JOO, very few descrip- and related to the buccal nerve (Fig. 1C). At E16, the
tions are available on the development and morphology JOO forms a solid epithelial cord with no lumen. During
of this organ in rats. The aim of the present work was to this stage, the anterior part of the JOO was related lat-
study the development and morphology of the JOO in erally to the masseter muscle, surrounding its anterior
rat embryos at E14 to 19. In addition, we studied the edge. In the middle part, it was related laterally to the
expression in the region of the JOO of the monoclonal temporal muscle and dorsally to the blastemas of the
antibody HNK-1, which recognizes neural-crest cells medial pterygoid and tensor veli palatini muscles (Fig.
(Lipinski et al., 1983) and migration (Bronner-Fraser, 1D–F). No significant changes were detected in the posi-
1986). Here, we report for the first time the participation tion of the JOO during E17-19. The thickest portion was
of the cranial neural-crest-derived mesenchyme in the the anterior, which thinned in the posterior direction.
development of the JOO. The arrangement of the JOO at E19 is represented in
Figure 2.
Animals Immunohistochemistry
The experimental protocol was approved by the Ethics At E14, HNK-1 positivity was noted in some zones of
Committee for Animal Experimentation of University the trigeminal ganglion and in the mesenchyme that
Complutense of Madrid (Spain). Wistar rat embryos surrounded both the mandibular nerve as well as the
from stages E14 to E19 (considering the fertilization day branches of the maxillary artery (Fig. 3A–D). The man-
as E0, based on vaginal cytology control) were used for dibular nerve and the mesenchyme located between the
the study. The specimens were extracted from anaesthe- nerve and the end of the transverse groove of the primi-
tized and dissected mothers, and fixed in 4% tive mouth showed positivity for HNK-1 (Fig. 3E–G).
paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffered saline At E15, the loose mesenchyme surrounding the JOO
(PBS) at pH 7.4 overnight at 4 C. Five specimens at and the buccal nerve proved HNK-1 positive, whereas
each stage were used. The embryos were dehydrated the JOO was negative (Fig. 4A–F). At E18, the buccal
and embedded in paraffin. Serial sections were cut at nerve was HNK-1 positive and a branch of it innerved
6–8 lm thickness and mounted on poly-L-lysine pre- the JOO (Fig. 5A–D). At all the stages analyzed, the
coated slides. For orientation, sections were stained with JOO proved HNK-1 negative.
haematoxylin and eosin (HE).
Immunohistochemical Procedure
The results of this study show that the development
For the peroxidase antiperoxidase reaction, we used of the JOO in the rat begins at E14, with the epithelial
the following procedures. The sections were pre-treated condensation of the end of the transverse groove of the
with 0.3% hydrogen peroxide in PBS for 4 hr at room primitive mouth, relating it to the mandibular nerve.
temperature before washing in PBS (3 10 min). They This epithelial condensation corresponds to the
Fig. 3. Rat embryo E14. Frontal sections of the region of the tri- tive. C, D, F and G, the mandibular nerve (MN) and the mesenchyme
geminal ganglion (A, B, C, D). Frontal section of the region of the end cells are HNK-1 positive (arrows). A, maxillary artery branch; OC, oral
of the transverse groove of the primitive month (E, F, G). HE staining cavity. TO, tongue. A, B, C Bar ¼ 100 lm. D, E, F Bar ¼ 50 lm. G
are shown in A and E; HNK-1 immunoperoxidaxe labelling are shown Bar ¼ 20 lm.
from B, C, D, F and G. B, the trigeminal ganglion (G) is HNK-1 posi-
prospective region of the JOO; the surrounding mesen- Carnegie’s stage 16 of human embryos (Merida-Velasco
chyme was not condensed. At E15, the JOO was et al., 2005). Grüneberg (1971) studying mice, found
disconnected from the epithelium of origin. In mice, the three parts in the JOO, the cauda, corpus, and cervix,
JOO appeared in the same region at E12 (Ito et al., whereas Ito et al. (2009) called them anterior, middle,
2009). Previously, we have observed an epithelial thick- and posterior portions, respectively. Examining rats, we
ening in the proximity of the mandibular nerve, at observed that the location of JOO is similar, as the
Fig. 4. Rat embryo E15. Frontal sections of the region JOO. HE B, buccal nerve; J, juxtaoral organ; M, mandible; MC, Meckel’s carti-
staining sections are shown in A, C, and E. HNK-1 immunoperoxidaxe lage; NF, nasal fossa; OC, oral cavity; TG, tooth germ; TO, tongue;
labelling are shown in B, D, and F. Nasal capsule (NC), nasal septum VN, vomeronasal organ. Mesenchyme cells HNK-1 positive (arrows) in
(S), facial nerve (F) and hypoglossal nerve (H) are HNK-1 positive in B. D and F. A, B Bar ¼ 200 lm. C, D Bar ¼ 100 lm. E, F Bar ¼ 50 lm.
anterior part is related to the masseter muscle; the mid- In this study, at E14, the trigeminal ganglion showed
dle part to the temporal muscle, whereas the posterior zones of positivity for HNK-1. Also, the mesenchyme
part is related to the medial pterygoid and the tensor surrounding both the mandibular nerve as well as the
veli palatini muscles, being located near the posterior branches of the maxillary artery was positive. Probably,
part of the tongue. In addition, we verified that the JOO the positive zones came from the cranial neural-crest
is ticker in the anterior portion than the posterior. (Noden, 1993). It has been reported that in rats the
Fig. 5. Rat embryo E18. Frontal sections of the region JOO. HE (layer of nerve fibres) TO, tongue; Buccal nerve branch (arrows in D).
staining sections are shown in A and C. HNK-1 immunoperoxidaxe Buccal nerve branch (arrow head in D). The squared area in B is mag-
labelling are shown in B and D. B, buccal nerve; E, eye; J, juxtaoral nified in D. A, B Bar ¼ 200 lm. C, D Bar ¼ 20 lm.
organ; NP, nasopharynx; OC, oral cavity; ON, optic nerve; R, retina
cranial ganglia and nerves were HNK-1 positive (Louryan surrounding the JOO was not condensed in the stages an-
et al., 1996; Nagase et al., 2003). Thus, in human alyzed and there was no identifiable capsule.
(O’Rahilly and Müller, 2007) and chicken embryos (Shige- The mesenchyme caudal to the prospective region of
tani et al., 2008), it has been reported that the trigeminal the JOO at E14, as well as the mesenchyme that sur-
ganglion originated from the neural crest and from the rounded both the JOO and the buccal nerve at E15,
trigeminal placode (Knabe et al., 2009). Probably, the were all HNK-1 positive. This suggests that the mesen-
parts of the trigeminal ganglion that originate from the chyme was derived from the cranial neural-crest and
trigeminal placode correspond to the parts that were migrated accompanying the mandibular nerve, to be
HNK-1 negative. located near the epithelial condensation that would give
Although the molecular mechanisms of the develop- rise to the JOO. Recent studies suggest that the fate of
ment of the JOO are not known, these appear to differ the neural crest is strongly influenced by environmental
from the classical epithelium-mesenchyme interaction of cues. Tooth development is a clear example of the con-
other epithelial organs (Merida-Velasco et al, 2005; Ito sistent shift of instructive signal between orofacial
et al., 2009). We have reported that in human develop- epithelium and the cranial neural-crest-derived mesen-
ment the mesenchyme surrounding the JOO is loose, chyme (Chai et al., 2000; Chai and Maxson, 2006).
while that surrounding the bud of the parotid gland is Tissue-recombination experiments show that the induc-
condensed. However, during the 11th-12th week of devel- tive tooth signal first occurs in the oral epithelium and
opment, the mesenchyme surrounding the JOO appeared then shifts into the underlying cranial neural-crest-
condensed, constituting a anlage of the capsule and dur- derived mesenchyme at a later development stage (Mina
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buds (Merida-Velasco et al., 2005). This may suggest that tion of the primitive mouth at the prospective region of
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