Selection and Use of ISO 9000

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Selection and use of ISO 9000

ISO in brief
ISO is the International Organization for
Standardization. It is made up of national
standards institutes from countries large and
small, industrialized and developing, in all
regions of the world. ISO develops voluntary
technical standards which add value to all
types of business operations.They contribute
to making the development, manufacturing
and supply of products and services more
efficient, safer and cleaner. They make trade
between countries easier and fairer.
ISO standards also serve to safeguard
consumers, and users in general,
of products and services – as well as to
making their lives simpler.

ISO develops only those standards which

are required by the market. This work is
carried out by experts on loan from
industrial, technical and business sectors
which have asked for the standards, and
which subsequently put them to use.
These experts may be joined by others with
relevant knowledge, such as representatives
of government agencies and testing

Published under the designation of “Inter-

national Standards”, ISO standards represent
an international consensus on the “state of
the art” in the technology concerned.

ISO/TC 176, Quality

management and quality
Selection and use of ISO 9000, 1998

ISO/TC 176 is the ISO technical committee

responsible for developing and maintaining
the ISO 9000 family of standards. Its scope
is standardization in the field of generic
quality management, including quality
systems, quality assurance and generic
supporting technologies, such as standards
which provide guidance on the selection
and use of these standards. 9
Selection and use integrated manner. Using the standards in
of ISO 9000 this way will also enable you to relate
them to other management systems (e.g.
environmental), other quality management
strategies (such as quality awards and
Total Quality Management) and sector-
specific requirements (such as QS-9000 in
The ISO 9000 family is a set of interna- the automotive industry).
tional quality standards and guidelines
which has earned a global reputation as This brochure provides you with:
the basis for establishing quality manage-
n a list of the ISO 9000 quality standards
ment systems.
and guidelines, plus other ISO 9000
This brochure provides you with a
publications by ISO;
general perspective on ISO 9000. It
presents an overview of these standards
n examples of typical applications of the
and demonstrates how, collectively, they documents;
can form a basis for continuous n a step-by-step outline of their selection
improvement and business excellence. In and use;
particular, you will see how to distinguish
n a brief view of the future evolution of
between the various publications in the
the ISO 9000 family.
ISO 9000 family and how they may be
utilized to your maximum benefit.
The frequent use of the three specific
standards ISO 9001, ISO 9002 and
ISO 9003 as a basis for quality system
certification schemes has in the past
focused attention on the external quality
assurance aspects of the ISO 9000 family
of standards. Furthermore, many people
have seen the standards as applying only
to the manufacturing sector. These
somewhat limiting views have been
answered in recent years by ISO with
Selection and use of ISO 9000, 1998

the release of new publications in the

ISO 9000 family that address the needs
of the service sector, software houses,
small and medium enterprises etc.
From a management viewpoint, enter-
prises in all sectors stand to gain the
greatest value from ISO 9000 when they
use the entire set of standards in an 1
The ISO 9000 family standards) for users who prefer the
flexibility of an electronic format.
To purchase the latest edition of
ISO 9000 standards, guidelines and other
publications, contact your national
The ISO 9000 standards and guidelines standards body, or ISO Central Secretariat.
listed below are available separately, or as
Visit the World Wide Web site, ISO
collections. The ISO 9000 Compendium
Online, at which
presents the ISO 9000 family in hard copy
includes specific information on ISO 9000
form. The documents are also available on
and on ISO’s standardization activities in
CD ROM (with or without the ISO 14000
family of environmental management

Standards and guidelines Purpose

ISO 8402, Quality management and Defines the fundamental terms used in the ISO 9000
quality assurance – Vocabulary family, which you need to know to be sure of avoiding
misunderstandings both internally and externally.

ISO 9000-1, Quality management and Establishes a starting point for understanding and
quality assurance standards – Part 1: selecting the standards appropriate to your needs.
Guidelines for selection and use

ISO 9000-2, Quality management Assists you in interpreting and applying ISO 9001,
and quality assurance standards – ISO 9002 and ISO 9003.
Part 2: Generic guidelines for the
application of ISO 9001, ISO 9002
and ISO 9003

ISO 9000-3, Quality management Provides you with specific interpretation

and quality assurance standards – of the requirements of ISO 9001 for computer
Part 3: Guidelines for the application software development applications.
of ISO 9001:1994 to the
development, supply, installation and
maintenance of computer software
Selection and use of ISO 9000, 1998

ISO 9000-4, Quality management Gives you guidance on how to plan, organize and
and quality assurance standards – control resources to produce reliable and
Part 4: Guide to dependability maintainable products.
programme management

ISO 9001, Quality systems – Model This is the requirement standard you use when
for quality assurance in design, you wish to demonstrate capability for
development, production, design/development of your product or service, as
installation and servicing well as for production, installation and servicing.
ISO 9002, Quality systems – Model This is the requirement standard you use when
for quality assurance in production, you are not responsible for the
installation and servicing design/development of your product or service,
but wish to demonstrate capability for production,
installation and servicing (identical to ISO 9001
except for design control requirement).
ISO 9003, Quality systems – Model This is the requirement standard you use when
for quality assurance in final you only need to demonstrate capability to control
inspection and test your product or service by final inspection and
ISO 9004-1, Quality management This is not a requirement standard, but provides
and quality system elements – you with guidelines to implement a quality system
Part 1: Guidelines to satisfy your customers’ and your own
organization’s needs.
ISO 9004-2, Quality management This standard is made up in a similar way as ISO
and quality system elements – 9004-1, but the guidelines are designed with
Part 2: Guidelines for services special regard to the conditions pertinent to the
service sector.
ISO 9004-3, Quality management This standard provides you with quality
and quality system elements – management guidelines applicable if you are a
Part 3: Guidelines for processed producer of processed materials, which are
materials typically provided in bulk.

ISO 9004-4, Quality management Provides you with guidelines for implementing
and quality system elements – continuous quality improvement within your
Part 4: Guidelines for quality organization using tools and techniques based on
improvement data collection and analysis.

ISO 10005, Quality management – This standard gives you guidance on how to
Guidelines for quality plans prepare quality plans for the control of specific
products, projects or contracts.
ISO 10006, Guidelines to quality in Guidelines to help you ensure the quality of both the
project management project processes and the project product.

ISO 10007, Quality management – Gives you guidelines to ensure that a complex
Guidelines for configuration product continues to function when components are
management changed individually.
Selection and use of ISO 9000, 1998

ISO 10011-1, Guidelines for Provides you with guidelines for auditing a quality
auditing quality systems – Part 1: system, and for verifying the system’s ability to
Auditing achieve defined quality objectives. You can use
this standard internally or for auditing your
ISO 10011-2, Guidelines for Provides guidance on the education, training,
auditing quality systems – Part 2: experience, personal attributes and management
Qualification criteria for quality capabilities needed to carry out an audit.
systems auditors

ISO 10011-3, Guidelines for Provides basic guidelines for managing quality
auditing quality systems – Part 3: system audit programmes.
Management of audit programmes

ISO 10012-1, Quality assurance Gives you guidelines on the main features of a
requirements for measuring calibration system to ensure that measurements
equipment – Part 1: Metrological are made with the intended accuracy.
confirmation system for measuring

ISO 10012-2, Quality assurance for Provides supplementary guidance on the

measuring equipment – Part 2: application of statistical process control when
Guidelines for control of this is appropriate for achieving the objectives
measurement processes of Part 1.

ISO 10013, Guidelines for Provides guidelines for the development,

developing quality manuals preparation and control of quality manuals tailored
to your specific needs.

Other ISO 9000 publications

Publication Purpose

ISO 9000 for Small Businesses This handbook provides you with guidelines and
practical examples of how to implement a simple and
effective quality system in a small business
environment. (Also includes full text of ISO 9001). It has
been translated into other languages by ISO members.

ISO 9000 News Published six times a year in separate English and
French editions, this journal includes updates on the
ISO 9000 family of quality management and quality
assurance standards, and news on their
implementation around the world, as well as related
developments such as ISO 9000 certification.
Coverage of ISO 14000 is being increased as these
new standards are implemented.

Publicizing your ISO 9000 This brochure (published in English and French
Selection and use of ISO 9000, 1998

or ISO 14000 certification editions) gives guidelines to help certificate

holders avoid the pitfalls of false, misleading or
confusing claims relating to ISO 9000 and ISO
14000 certification in advertisements and all forms
of promotional material.

Table of worldwide equivalence This table (bilingual, English and French) shows
of ISO 9000 series of standards the state of worldwide adoption of ISO 9000 in
ISO member countries.
Selection and use implement ISO 9001 as an internal improve-
of the ISO 9000 family ment strategy. The company used ISO
of standards 9000-4 to guide its dependability manage-
ment programme. Over a period of time, it
developed a full quality management sys-
tem in compliance with ISO 9001. It used
ISO 10011 Parts 1, 2 and 3 to help its inter-
There are many different ways to apply
nal audit programme and as a basis for
and combine the standards of the ISO
supplier audits.
9000 family. The nature of your business
and the specific demands you have will Example 4:
determine the standards relevant to you. A large chemical processing company
was required by its major customers to
Here are a few examples:
gain certification to ISO 9002. In order to
Example 1: obtain additional benefits, it planned a
A small computer software development comprehensive management strategy
company used the handbook ISO 9000 for based on ISO 9004-1 and ISO 9002.
Small Businesses plus ISO 9000-3 as a The company used ISO 10013 to guide
basis for developing its quality system. the development of quality documentation
When it undertook a contract for a more in its various production divisions and
substantial software development project, ISO 9004-3 for advice on quality assurance
it used ISO 10005 to guide the for processed materials. When it decided
development of the contract quality plan to commence a structured approach
and also consulted ISO 10007 for advice to quality improvement, it selected
on configuration management. ISO 9004-4 as a guide.
Example 2: To see which standards suit your
A welfare agency decided to establish a business, look at the list of publications
quality improvement strategy. It adopted in the ISO 9000 family and follow the
ISO 9004-2 and ISO 9004-4 as a basis for step-by-step approach on the following
planning and implementing its system. pages.
The agency found that ISO 9002 and
ISO 9000-2 provided very useful additional
guidance, particularly since it expected
that future certification to ISO 9002
Selection and use of ISO 9000, 1998

would give it more credibility.

Example 3:
A washing machine manufacturer had a
well-established company culture of
continuous improvement and effective
production control. It decided to improve
its product development processes and to 5
Implementing ISO 9000

Steps Guidance

1 Identify
what goals
Typical goals may be:
n Be more efficient and profitable

you want to n Produce better products and services

achieve n Achieve customer satisfaction

n Increase market share

n Improve communication and morale in the organization

n Reduce costs and liabilities

2 Identify what
others expect of
These are the expectations of interested parties (stakeholders)
such as:
n Customers and end users
n Suppliers

n Shareholders

n Society

n Employees

3 Establish your
current status
You may use one or more of the following:
n self assessment

n assessment by an external organization

n customer feedback

4 Obtain informa-
n For general information, look to this brochure
n For more detailed information, see ISO 9000-1
tion about the
ISO 9000 family n For terminology, see ISO 8402

In some cases you may wish to use only one or two specific
standards in the ISO 9000 family to meet your needs
Selection and use of ISO 9000, 1998

5 Apply the
ISO 9000
n Use ISO 9004-1 as a basis
n For small and medium sized organizations refer to the

standards in your handbook ISO 9000 for Small Businesses

management Where appropriate, consider the requirements in:
system n ISO 9001 if you are involved with any kind of product
development, or
n ISO 9002 if you are producing products or services (but not
involved with any kind of product development), or
6 n ISO 9003 if you are only relying on final inspection or testing
6 Use sector-
For general guidance use:
n ISO 9000-2
specific and
general guidance For specific guidance use:
n ISO 9000-3 for computer software

n ISO 9004-2 for services

n ISO 9004-3 for process industry

n ISO 9000 for Small Businesses

n Relevant national standards and industry sector guidelines

For dependability guidance use:

n ISO 9000-4 for dependability programme management

7 Obtain guidance
These topic-specific standards are:
n ISO 10005 for quality plans
on specific topics
within the quality n ISO 10007 for configuration management
management n ISO 10011 for auditing
n ISO 10012 for measurement systems

n ISO 10013 for quality manuals

8 Do you need to
You may need to show conformance (certification/registration)
for various purposes, for example:
n Contractual requirements
n Market reasons

n Regulatory requirements

n Risk management
n To set a clear goal for your internal quality development
9 Undergo inde-
pendent audit
n Use all parts of ISO 10011 for guidance in auditing, auditor
qualification and managing audit programmes
n Use ISO 9001, ISO 9002 or ISO 9003 as the specification for
quality assurance
(ISO 9000 for Small Businesses may be used since it includes
ISO 9001)

10 Continue to
Review the effectiveness and suitability of your management
Selection and use of ISO 9000, 1998

improve your
business ISO 9004-4 provides guidance for quality improvement


The future evolution The new standards will be more specifi-
of ISO 9000 cally directed to the achievement of busi-
ness results, including satisfaction of
customers and other stakeholders. The
incorporation of these standards into an
integrated quality management philosophy
will provide a basis to bring together
In order for the ISO 9000 family to quality assurance, quality management,
maintain its effectiveness, the standards sector-specific initiatives and various
are constantly being improved, so as to quality awards.
incorporate new initiatives in the quality ISO’s commitment to sustaining
management field. ISO’s Technical the ISO 9000 momentum through the
Committee TC 176, which is made up of revision and streamlining of the standards
experts from businesses and other guarantees that your investment in
organizations around the world, is ISO 9000 today will continue to provide
responsible for maintaining and developing effective management solutions well into
the ISO 9000 standards. ISO/TC 176’s the future.
current work aims to simplify and consoli-
date the ISO 9000 family of international
quality standards and guidelines while
maintaining continuity for existing users.

Selection and use of ISO 9000, 1998

For more information
on ISO 9000

è Contact
your national standards institute or the ISO
Central Secretariat.

è Subscribe to “ISO 9000 News Service”,

ISO 9000 News (six issues a year),
which includes updates on the ISO 9000
family of quality management and quality
assurance standards, and news on their
implementation around the world, as well as
related developments, such as ISO 9000
certification; coverage of ISO 14000 is being
increased as these new standards are

ISO Bulletin (monthly), which provides

an overview of ISO’s activities in
international standardization over almost
the entire range of technology, including
articles on the ISO 14000 family of
environmental management standards.

Both publications are available through

ISO’s national members and the Central

è Connect
with ISO Online, the electronic information
service on Internet, accessible via the World
Wide Web by connecting with the following
Uniform Resource Locator (URL):
Selection and use of ISO 9000, 1998


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