Maths Lesson One Week 6 Prac

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Week 6 Thursday 7th of June 2018 Term 2


Year Level: Pre-Primary Students’ Prior Knowledge:
-Students’ have heard of and have a brief
Time: 8:45-10:10am understanding of the terms heavy and light.
Date: 7/6/18

Learning Area: Mathematics

Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum
Measurement and Geometry
-Use direct and indirect comparisons to decide which is
longer, heavier or holds more, and explain reasoning in
everyday language (ACMMG006)
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative thinking behaviour Social understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
histories and cultures
Proficiencies:(Mathematics only) Understanding, Problem Solving, Reasoning.
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

 Explain the terms heavy and light.
 Use the terms heavy and light when comparing two objects.
 Justify the use of the terms heavy and light when describing objects.
 Categorise objects into groups that are heavy and light.

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

-Have the reading book Who Sank the Boat? By Pamela -For students that are misbehaving during the lesson
Allen. the teacher will use her one, two, three warning
-Have all of the subject tags ready to place in their correct behaviour system.
positions on the daily timetable. -The teacher can also move students down on the
-Have the weather and date website up on the computer castle behaviour chart if they are misbehaving and not
and the television turned on ready to use. making good choices.
-Have a scale ready to use during the mat session. -The teacher must be prepared to respond to any
-Teacher Directed Table: Mystery bag filled with 10 objects: questions on words in the story that the children do not
5 light and 5 heavy objects, student checklist, pencil, scale, know of and ensure that she explains the words clearly
2 containers labelled light and heavy. to the students.
-EA Directed Table: 27 A3 sheet of paper with scale
template, lead and coloured pencils.
-Writing Table: 27 A4 comparing weight worksheet, lead
and coloured pencils.
-Fourth Table: Playdough, various cookie cutter shapes,
scale, rolling pins.
LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Week 6 Thursday 7th of June 2018 Term 2

Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)

Time Motivation and Introduction:
Align these with the segment where
8:45am The teacher will call all students to the mat after they have cleaned they will be introduced.
up the work stations prepared for morning arrival.
The students will then be told to sit in the squares that have been
specifically chosen for each student. The teacher will then mark the
class role for attendance.
The teacher will go through the structure of the day with the
students by organising the subject tags on the board. This is so the Subject name tags
students know what to expect throughout the day.
The teacher will then get the students to go through the daily
weather and date activity on the television. The students must
report to the teacher what the weather is for the day and what day
of the week it is, what the date is and what month they are in. The Television with the weather
teacher can use prompts such as: website open:
- “What does the sky look like today?”
- “If the date yesterday was … then the next number after … is?”
- “Yesterday was … so that means today is?”
- “What sound does our month start with?”
The teacher will then begin the lesson with the story book in hand.

Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key

9:00am Questions):
The teacher will introduce the topic that the students will be
learning this week in maths which is weight. She will then ask the
students if they know what the two terms heavy and light mean and
then explicitly explain the terms to the students.

- “Over the next two days we are going to be learning about weight
and how different objects weigh different amounts.”
- “There are two words that we need to know when we are talking
about weighing objects.”
- “Who knows what we mean when we say something is heavy?”
- “When something is heavy it means that it is hard to lift up and we
might need help to lift it up.”
- “Who knows what we mean when we say something is light?”

Week 6 Thursday 7th of June 2018 Term 2

- “When something is light it means that it is easy to lift up and that

we can lift it up on our own.”

After explaining the terms heavy and light to the students the
teacher will explain that there are different ways that we can weigh
objects. She will also show the students the scales and explain
what they are used for and how to use them.

- “There are a lot of different ways that we can weigh things, we

can use our hands to try and think about if the object is heavy or
- “When we are using our hands to weigh objects, it is called
hefting. Hefting is when we are putting one object in each hand
and trying to decide which object is heavier and lighter using our
- “We can also weigh things using this (scale), does anyone know Scale
what this is called?”
- “It is called a scale and it is used to weigh objects. If we put one
object on each side of the scale, then we can see which object is
- “When an object is heavier than another object, then the heavier
object will be closer to the ground and the light object will be closer
to the sky.”

After explaining the different ways that we can weigh objects the
9:10am teacher will introduce the book Who Sank the Boat? By Pamela Book: Who Sank the Boat? By
Allen. The teacher will ask the students to pay attention to the Pamela Allen
different characters in the story and their weight as they will be
discussing them at the end of the story.

Once the teacher has read the story to the students, she will ask
the following questions about the topic of weight in relation to the

- “Who do you think sunk the boat?”

- “Did the little mouse actually sink the boat?”
- “Who do you think was the heaviest character and why?”
- “Who do you think was the lightest character and why?”
9:20am As discussion on the book draws to a close the teacher will then
explain the table top activities that are available to visit during
centre time. The teacher will also explain how to complete some of
the activities at the tables so then each student knows what to do
when they approach the table.

At the teacher directed table, there will be a mystery bag filled with
10 objects, 5 light and 5 heavy objects. There will be two
containers, one labelled light and the other labelled heavy. There
will also be a scale present on the table. The teacher will go
around the table allowing each student to pick two objects from the
mystery bag without looking. The teacher will then ask the student Mystery bag filled with 10 objects:
to distinguish between the two objects and decide which object 5 light and 5 heavy objects,
they think is light and which is heavy out of their two objects. The student checklist, pencil, scale, 2
teacher will also ask them to describe their objects and explain why containers labelled light and
they believe the object is light or heavy. The student must then heavy.
place the object in the corresponding box labelled light or heavy,

Week 6 Thursday 7th of June 2018 Term 2

the teacher will then go around the rest of the table allowing each
student to take their turn.

- “Can you heft the objects with your hands to try and figure out
which is heavy and which is light?”
- “Why do you think this object is heavier/lighter than the other
- “What is different about (object 1) compared to (object 2) that you
think makes it heavier?”

Once the students have all chosen and explained their mystery
objects and determined which object is heavy and light, the teacher
will go back to the first student. The teacher will ask the first
student to retrieve their objects from the containers and place them
on either side of the scale to see if their predictions were correct.
Discussion will be conducted between the students and the
teacher about their predictions and whether or not they were
correct. The teacher will then move through the group allowing
each student to place their objects on the scale to see if their
predictions were correct.

- “Were your predictions correct?”

- “Was (object 1) heavier or lighter than (object 2)?”

At the EA directed table, each student will have an A3 sheet of

paper with a scales template on it. One side of the scale will be
touching the ground whilst the other side will be up towards the
sky. At the top of the page the sentence “A ____ is heavier than
me!” will be present. The students must draw a picture of 27 A3 sheet of paper with scale
themselves on the side of the scale that is up towards the sky and template, lead and coloured
then think of something that is heavier than them that they must pencils.
draw on the opposite side of the scale. The EA will assist the
students with ideas as well as sounding out the word of their object
that they must write in the space provided at the top of the page.
The students are then able to colour in their drawings.

At the writing table, the students can complete an A4 worksheet

about weight. On the worksheet, there will be 8 different images of 27 A4 comparing weight
objects on a scale. The students are to colour in the object out of worksheet, lead and coloured
the two on the scales that is heavier and must do this for all pencils.

At a fourth table, playdough will be put out and a wide variety of

cookie cutter shapes as well as a scale. At this table the students Playdough, various cookie cutter
must use the playdough and cut out the different shapes, which shapes, scale, rolling pins.
they can then place on either side of the scale to see which shape
is heavier than the other.

Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)

10:10am At the end of centre time the teacher will ask the students to stop
where they are and clean up the area they are in, then be seated
back on the mat in their squares.

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

Prior to next lesson, the teacher will ask the students the following
questions about weight and what they had learnt in the previous

Week 6 Thursday 7th of June 2018 Term 2

maths lesson:

- “What did we learn about yesterday in our maths lesson?”

- “Who can tell me what the word heavy means?”
- “Who can explain to the class what the word light means?”
- “What is hefting?”
- “What can we use to weigh objects?”
- “What characters do you remember from the book?”

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be

Assessment of whether or not objectives were met will be carried
out during the teacher directed table top activity. As each student is
retrieving their mystery objects from the bag, the teacher will ask
the students a series of questions to gain an understanding on
each students’ knowledge. Questions such as “Why do you think
this object is heavier than the other object?” will require the
students to explain and justify their options on labelling the objects
heavy or light.

As the students are responding to the questions, the teacher will

use a checklist of her students’ names to record their achievement
of objectives. The teacher will create three columns on the
checklist, the first column is for the students who are capable of
using the terms correctly and fluently understand what the terms
mean as well as the student having the ability to apply the term to
their explanation of the object. The second column is for students
that may be able to apply the term to objects but are unable to
justify the reasoning behind their choice of term for the object. The
third column is for students that cannot correctly apply the terms to
the objects and are unable to justify or explain their choice of
terms, requiring further assistance by an educator. If the students
do not demonstrate competence in the lesson objectives, then the
teacher will have to design another lesson to explicitly teach the
content to meet the lesson objectives.

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