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TMA4165 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 23.

May 2017Page 1 of 2

Problem 1 Consider the system

ẋ 1 0 x
= .
ẏ ≠1 2 y

a) Sketch the phase diagram of the system with orientations.

b) Compute the solution to the initial value problem

ẋ 1 0 x 1 x(0) 1
= + , = .
ẏ ≠1 2 y 0 y(0) 0

Problem 2 Consider the system

ẋ = y(1 ≠ y)
ẏ = x.

a) Sketch the phase diagram of the system with orientations.

b) Determine whether or not the system has non-constant periodic solutions.

Determine whether or not the system has solutions (x(t), y(t)) which satisfy

lim x(t) = 0 and lim y(t) = 1.

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Hint: How are such solutions represented in the phase diagram?

Problem 3 Consider the system

ẋ = xg(x, y) + y
ẏ = ≠x + yg(x, y).

where g(x, y) = 3 + 2x ≠ x2 ≠ y 2 .

a) Determine if the origin is a stable, asymptotically stable or unstable equilib-

rium point for the system.

b) Determine whether or not this system has non-constant periodic solutions.

Page 2 of 2TMA4165 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 23. May 2017

Problem 4 Consider the system

1 ≠ 2et
ẋ = (1 + e≠t )x + y
1 + et
4t2 + 7
ẏ = 3x ≠ y.
1 + t2
Determine if the origin is a stable, asymptotically stable or unstable equilibrium
point for the system.

Problem 5 Consider the initial value problem

ẋ = ≠t3 x, x(0) = x0 œ R.

Define what it means for a solution to be asymptotically stable.

Show that all solutions to the above differential equation are asymptotically stable.

Problem 6 Consider the system

ẋ = (y ≠ x)(y + x)y
ẏ = (y ≠ x2 )(y + x2 )

Compute the index of the origin.

Problem 7 Consider the initial value problem

ẋ = 2 ≠ cos2 (x), x(0) = x0 œ R.

Show, with the help of a Grönwall estimate, that the initial value problem cannot
have more than one solution.

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