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UNIT 1 LET’S CHAT Practice 2

Listening 1. (i) Students will have the freedom of mixing
Practice 1 their subjects.
1. 2
(ii) They can choose subjects which they are
2. 1
confident of doing better in examinations.
3. 5
2. Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
4. 4
3. In biology, the students learn about human
5. 3
anatomy which is relevant to what a doctor or a
surgeon should know.
Practice 2 4. The counsellor provides advisory service to
students who have problems in study and
personal problems, etc.
5. It is based on a student‟s performance in their
4. FALSE PT3 exam.
5. TRUE 6. Those who score in Science and Mathematics.
B. 1. studying at home 7. The good students will be put in one class and
2. a wide range they will have the chance of competing and
3. a degree learning from one another.
8. Students don‟t have the freedom to choose their
4. meets his personal needs
favourite subjects.
5. getting popular
9. Good and weak students may be put in one class
based on their choice.
10. Since the class consists of a mixture of good
Practice 1
learners and slow learners, the latter may be left
(Accept any suitable or reasonable answer.) behind.
1. trend
2. without going Writing
3. discarded A. Directed Writing
4. effective SPM Practice
5. on your own Outline
6. supervision Commend your friend for wanting
7. at an age Introduction to improve her English and give
8. independent suggestions.
9. easier said than done
Elaboration Example/
10. a way Content
– what/when/ Effect
11. convenient Point
12. relaxed manner
Listening is part
13. neglect
and partial of
Reading learning English.
Listen to radio,
Practice 1 Listening
TV, songs,
1. FALSE 1. Improve provides you
2. TRUE listening skill with the input
3. FALSE for vocabulary,
4. TRUE knowledge, etc.
5. TRUE Focus when

Reading is the songs (the lyrics). You may start singing too.
Read best avenue for Remember, always focus when listening.
newspapers, input. It
2. Improve
books, novels, improves your Another input is reading. Reading is the best avenue
reading skill
periodicals, vocabulary and for improving your vocabulary and knowledge,
magazines, etc. knowledge. especially current affairs. Read avidly. Read
Read avidly. newspapers (particularly the editorial column),
Speak English books, novels, magazines and periodicals. Children
with your who read from young invariably have a high
speaking English
friends, in proficiency in English. You may cut out the editorial
widely and
school, at home, column and compile the writings and take them as
3. Improve frequently in any
good examples for essay writing.
in public, etc.
speaking skill occasion. Taking
Take part in
part in debates or
debates, Now is your output. Improve your speaking skill.
elocution contest
elocution Speak English in school, at home and in public.
is a good move.
contest Speak widely and frequently in any occasion. Taking
This is the best part in debates or elocution contest is a good move.
Write diary, avenue for The more you speak, the more fluent you will be in
4. Improve the language.
essay, story. output. The
writing skill
Take part in more you write,
writing contest. the better you Another output, I would say the most important, is
are. writing. Write diary, essay, stories and others. Take
Conclusion Be consistent and diligent. part in essay writing contest. The more you write, the
Hope/Idiom/ better you are. Make it a point to write your diary
Practice makes perfect. daily. Write on something memorable, embarrassing,
If there is a will, there is a way. amusing, unpleasant and unforgettable.

Essay Be consistent in executing the strategy suggested.

From : junelim@gmail.com Remember, practice makes perfect.
To : lily@gmail.com
Subject : Strategy to improve English Best of luck.
___________________________________________ Sarah
Dear Lily,
B. Continuous Writing
It is good to know that you want to improve your SPM Practice
English. This means that you are aware of the Quit and Stay Drug-Free
importance of English today. Well, I have a few The problem of drug addiction is not new.
suggestions to help you, but it is you who must help While proper treatment to the drug addicts should be
yourself. made easy, measures should be taken to prevent drug
addiction. We must nip in the bud before it becomes
The first step is to sharpen your listening skill. It is a big problem to the addicts and their family
part and partial of learning English. Listening members.
provides you with the input for vocabulary, Children should be reminded constantly of the
knowledge and others. Listen to news, talk shows, adverse effects and social consequences of taking
speeches, movies (not so much the subtitles), drugs. One of them is the difficulty to stay drug-free
discussions and conversations. You may also listen to or get rid of the habit. The immediate social
consequence is persecution by the society. The

addicts are often looked upon as „outcasts‟ and Now what type of treatment will the doctor prescribe
needless to say, they easily lose their jobs if they are for you? Well, heroin addiction is a complex problem
working. Being unemployed and short of money to and it will require multiple treatment. To be effective
get more drugs, the addicts invariably turned to in preventing relapse, Naltrexone treatment is
crimes. Imagine the pain and agony that the family necessary for the chronic conditions. It acts by
members and loved ones have to endure? preventing re-addiction due to the compulsive
In most cases, heroin addiction leads to medical thought of drug use. This extra help is often needed
complication, social consequences and also deaths. in the life-adjustment period that follows the
Medical complications that are common among detoxification process.
heroin addiction, especially intravenous users, are Additional rehabilitation programme, for
Hepatitis, Septicaemia and Aids. In fact, example, individual psychotherapy, group therapy
approximately 80% of the identified HIV carriers in and family therapy, can provide support for the
this country are intravenous drug users. If you are an psychological and social issues. Often parents can
addict, make a commitment to quit today; the longer make or break their child‟s attempt to stay away from
the addiction, the worse the outcome, and the more the noose of drug addiction. Do not panic if you
difficult for you to kick the habit. It is therefore of discover that your child is an addict. Refrain from
utmost importance that you quit and stay drug-free at impulsiveness and discuss the issues openly. This is
the earliest possible. the time when your support, understanding and love
Now what should you actually do once you have are very much needed. Exercise patience and
decided to turn over a new leaf? First, set realistic persuade him to quit. You should also be prepared for
objectives yourself. Be patient. Achievement of these him to undergo treatment and refer him to a doctor
objectives should be in stages, and remember that immediately.
you are doing it for yourself. You should understand In conclusion, quitting and staying drug-free is a
that drug addiction is a chronic disease that can be long process. With family‟s whole-hearted support,
treated but it may take some time. Of course you medication and the determination of the drug addict,
should consult your doctor immediately and he may be on the road to recovery soon.
cooperate closely with him. Initially you may find it
difficult to shake off the bad habit and that is normal. (Adapted from Quit and Stay Drug-Free, Malaysian
Whatever it is, you must remain determined and not Mental Health Association and Good Health Care)
to give in to temptation. Be aware that once you go
back to drug addiction, the vicious circle starts once Grammar
more. Practice 1
After you have made a commitment to quit and 1. goes
you have seen your doctor, you should stay away 2. is coming
from friends who are still taking drugs. You are 3. likes, eat
certainly better off without them. Avoid altogether 4. loves
situations and places that may tempt you back. Learn 5. practises
to control your emotion and ignore the psychological 6. makes
cravings. One good way is to change your lifestyle. 7. likes, reading
Participate actively in a physical activity and increase 8. speak, hear
interaction with your family. The more you spend 9. planning
10. visit, love
your time on your family members, the less you will
11. plays, jogs
be conscious of your cravings. Seek help from your
12. reads, likes
counsellor or doctor when the need arises. They can
13. attend, am cooking
give you valuable advice.
14. is leaving, attend
A drug addict who decides to kick the bad habit
15. walks, like
will have to take medication for quite some time.

16. visits, enjoys 8. experience
17. are coming, give 9. yet
18. is taking, wait 10. concern
19. hurry, are coming 11. is
20. stay, predicts 12. to


1. reads Listening
2. is approaching Practice 1
3. cleans 1. 4
4. is talking 2. 2
5. are enjoying 3. 5
6. leaves 4. 3
7. is toying 5. 1
8. twists
9. is holding Practice 2
10. is leaving A. 1. FALSE
11. argue, is doing 2. FALSE
12. intends, aspires 3. TRUE
13. cross, Wait 4. TRUE
14. likes, forgive 5. TRUE
15. make, are coming B. 1. medical procedure
16. Leave, is talking 2. chronic disease
17. need, are waiting 3. diabetes/cirrhosis/hepatitis C
18. invites, cooks 4. a specialist
19. disturb, is sleeping 5. waiting period
20. discuss, take
Practice 3 Practice 1
1. to (Accept any suitable or reasonable answer.)
2. like 1. rapidly
3. attending 2. standard of living
4. spending 3. live up to eighty years
4. octogenarians
5. say
5. actively
6. good
6. contributions
7. perform
7. no source of income
8. crowded
8. pathetic conditions
9. effective
9. take care of
10. doing
10. an old folks home
11. quality of life
Practice 4 12. health checks
1. than 13. upgraded
2. waiting 14. health exercise, outings, indoor games
3. and 15. fellowship and sharing
4. to 16. focus on
5. more
6. To
7. improve

Reading Sometimes the teens feel lonely at home when
Practice 1 they think their parents are against them. This bitter
1. TRUE mood of loneliness in teenagers usually follows some
2. TRUE disagreements with their parents. One may be told
3. FALSE not to go to a certain movie or not to mix with certain
4. FALSE companions. Another is forbidden to see a certain
5. TRUE boy or is refused money for a new dress for a party.
So they conclude that their parents are old-fashioned
Practice 2
squares who just do not understand the youths of
1. B
today. Parents should probably strike a balance. Do
2. C
give in a little sometimes.
3. A
If teenagers look back over the past 16 to 19
4. A
years, you can, I am sure, find ample evidence that
5. C
your parents love you. They have, for instance, spent
Practice 3 a fortune on you, on clothes, food, shelter,
1. He examines your eyes and gives out the entertainment and education. Probably both your
prescription for your eyeglasses or spectacles. father and mother have done without things so that
2. It may be because only those with vision
they could spend more money on you. Besides, they
problems need to see him.
3. To have the client‟s vision checked again and have spent hours, years rather, caring for you and
the lenses tested once more. your comfort from the day when they walk you up
4. When the client does not feel comfortable with and down the bedroom in the early hours of the
the new pair of spectacles. morning trying to get you back to sleep, right down
5. When the clients are satisfied with the improved to the last meal your mother cooks for you. In fact
vision and feel comfortable using the new you and your happiness have been at the back of all
spectacles. their decisions and plans. They have proved that they
love you more than anyone else you know – probably
more than anyone else ever will.
A. Directed Writing
Therefore, you can be sure that any regulations
SPM Practice
they make, any prohibitions they impose, any
Conflicts between teens and parents
command they give you is motivated by their love for
Dealing with teenagers can be a hassle to some
you and their desire for your happiness. You can be
parents. The teens are often regarded as rebellious by
sure that no one is more interested in your welfare
their parents while their parents are referred to as old-
and happiness than they are. Whatever you think of
fashioned by the teens. Which party is to be blamed?
their ideas, at least you must concede that their
It is known that few people have gone through
intentions are good. Of course the misunderstood
their teens without feeling at some time or other that
teenagers will feel that they do not question their
they were not understood by their parents. It should
parents‟ love. It is just that parents have such ideals
not surprise them to find that people are occasionally
and such old-fashioned ways of looking at things.
motivated by their love. Often enough they find it
They have not moved with the times.
hard to understand themselves – especially during the
Compromise is the key word. If both parties can
turbulent teens. They are very sensitive or self-
understand each other closely, the conflict will
conscious. Their way of dressing may not be
diminish gradually.
agreeable to the parents. Any adverse comment from
their parents may be misconstrued that their parents
don‟t care or understand. On the other hand, parents
should understand that their teens tend to be trendy
and they also tend to listen or follow their peer group.

B. Continuous Writing in good returns, and that is farming. You may say that
SPM Practice it is rather odd for an enforcement officer to dabble in
Outline agriculture, but my grandpa did just that. He has
Introduce the character briefly – converted a piece of waste land into a small farm.
Introduction age, physical appearance, I can still recall vividly what my grandpa said:
striking features, etc. Other people may like to play golf for exercise; I
Elaboration prefer farming as I was from the kampung, and I have
– how/why/ always been close to nature. According to him,
Content Point Effect
when/where/ farming gave him peace of mind and is a healthy
what pastime. He bought a piece of land while he was still
– gets along in the police force. With a little help from grandma
1. Reasons why – friendly/ well with and his neighbours, he has turned the land into a big
he is your warm-hearted people orchard of about 5 hectares. Although grandpa spent
favourite – energetic – looks much an estimated RM60 000 on the land, it was money
younger well spent, judging by the results.
– in the Having served the police for more than 30
– describe his
police years, my grandpa has a lot of intriguing tales to tell.
2. His previous and
force/an One of his favourite was the incident in which he was
occupation present job and
orchard directly involved. It was the biggest ever post-war
owner heist; he and his fellow officers had to spend a month
– describe his – solve of sleepless nights before they hauled in eleven
contributions crimes/ suspects and recovered the loots − RM90 000.
3. Achievements
and any awards of Grandpa has won a number of meritorious awards but
rewards appreciation he never boasts about his achievements. He prefers to
Conclusion/ keep a low profile. I would sum up my grandpa‟s
Caring over you/advise to work
Hope/Idiom/ character as unassuming, humble and exemplary.
hard/never stoop low
Simile/Proverb My grandpa never fails to take a great interest in
my studies. He has been monitoring my progress in
Essay school. He advises me to always be the best, but
My Grandfather never stoop low to achieve success. I will treasure his
My grandpa is an exceptional man who has advice throughout my life.
greatly influenced me. Of medium height and build,
my grandpa has a commanding voice and appears to Grammar
be rather authoritative. However, he has a thunderous Practice 1
laugh and actually gets along with people very easily. 1. many
Once you get to know him better, you will notice that 2. Some
he is very warm-hearted and friendly. Although 65 3. –
years of age, he is very sprightly and energetic. Most 4. Much
5. much, much
people say that he looks a decade younger.
6. –, any
It has been ten years since my grandfather
7. a little
retired. For most senior officers, retirement normally
8. a lot of
is spending the rest of one‟s life in ideal relaxation or
9. any
joining the growing number of ex-policemen going
10. much
into commercial security services. This is not so for
11. a few
my grandpa, the former senior assistant 12. much, a little
commissioner of police. He has a hobby which rakes 13. many

14. much, – 6. identify
15. much, some 7. keep
16. Plenty of, – 8. regarded
17. –, someone 9. mark
18. a few, – 10. available
19. –, – 11. ignored
20. much, – 12. place

Practice 2 UNIT 3 LET’S SHOP

1. reached, rang Listening
2. met, driving Practice 1
3. playing, went 1. 2
4. sent, hoping 2. 3
5. came, packed 3. 1
6. donated 4. 4
7. found, took
8. rang, was taking Practice 2
9. twisted, was skipping A. 1. FALSE
10. was reading, rang 2. FALSE
11. were playing, heard 3. TRUE
12. was...crying, was 4. TRUE
13. was...teasing, married 5. TRUE
14. won, congratulated B. 1. popular
15. was going, remained 2. shopping at home
16. was cycling, waved 3. buy goods
17. was cleaning, broke 4. website
18. was cutting, ran 5. the hassle of going
19. were playing, came
20. was jogging, dashed Speaking
Practice 1
Practice 3 (Accept any suitable or reasonable answer.)
1. way 1. I should choose
2. for 2. I recommend black
3. much 3. goes with everything
4. time 4. does not get
5. it is the most neutral
5. are
6. light-coloured
6. up
7. are not popular
7. regard
8. dirty easily
8. clear
9. a free-sized T-shirt
9. among
10. suits
10. rid
11. the unisex
12. with a price range of
Practice 4 13. on an expensive
1. come 14. the picture and words
2. an 15. elaborate font
3. current 16. overly complicated
4. but
5. about

Reading Writing
Practice 1 A. Directed Writing
1. TRUE SPM Practice
2. TRUE Outline
3. FALSE Introduce your intention of applying
4. FALSE for the post
5. TRUE Elaboration Example/
– what/when/ Effect
Practice 2 Point
1. A
1. Introduce
2. B – give reasons – like to meet
yourself and
3. C about your people and
about your
4. A interest promote sales
5. B
6. C – describe your
2. Working
7. A working
experience − – learn to be
8. B experience – how
9. A where and tactful
you deal with
10. B how long
Practice 3 – describe your
1. The price of goods has been increasing rapidly. 3. What language skills – fluent in
2. They of course blame the retailers because it is skills you and your English/Chines
they who determine the price. possess knowledge of e/Malay, etc.
3. It is the consumers because they should control
their spending. If the demand increases, the
– give
price of goods will shoot up. 4. State your – how you intend
examples like
4. They tend to spend more, especially over- ambition to achieve it
buying certain goods. online learning
5. When the buying or demand increases and Conclusion/ Hope for an interview/favourable
causes a shortage of supply, the price of goods Hope reply
will escalate.
6. It‟s time for celebrations and they do not mind Essay
buying new things unnecessarily.
From : evelyn@gmail.com
7. They should plan what they want to buy based
on their need. To : elegantfab@fabrika.com
8. They will use the festive season as the time to Subject : Application for the Post of Sales Executive
hike up the price, disregarding whether there is ___________________________________________
a shortage or not. Dear Madam,
9. Choose quality products at reasonable price. Do
not make decisions based on a lower price or the
I am writing to apply for the post of sales executive
prestige of the brand.
10. The consumer should learn how to adapt their as advertised on the website searchforwork.com.
spending habits according to their needs and
their budget. 2. I am eighteen years old and am waiting for my
STPM results. I am quite attracted to the post because
I believe I am suitable for it. Besides, I like to meet
people and see to their satisfaction in buying what is
suitable or compatible to them. I learnt about this
while working as a sales staff in a shopping mall.
Most of the customers seem to like me and commend
me for my suggestions.

ought to be proactive. After all, it is for their own
3. It has been three months since I started working in good.
the mall. Though it is only a short period, I have The earlier one becomes overweight, the greater
learned about the whims and fancies of customers, the risk of developing certain diseases, and the more
their likes and dislikes, and so on. Some like to severe the impact of diseases such as cardiovascular
choose their product on their own while others like disease and Type 2 diabetes. The question is what to
advice from the sales staff. I have learnt to be tactful do about it. Research in psychology tells us that firm
but not too imposing. I have learnt that being patient educational directions from caregivers towards
and tactful pays. healthful eating habits and active lifestyles encourage
long-term healthful habits.
4. For your information, I am quite fluent in English, In the years 2001–2003, the Asian Food
Mandarin, Bahasa Melayu and Chinese dialects. I am Information Council commissioned attitudinal survey
quite at home with the computer or notebook. My
of 10 to 12 years in Kuala Lumpur. The survey
ambition is to be a sales trainer in an established
looked at what these young people thought about
company like Elegant Fabrika. Actually I have
their personal health; their response to advice on
registered myself for an online degree in psychology
healthy lifestyle and diet in particular; how this fitted
in an established university. It is a two-year course
with their self-image and how it fitted how they liked
and since I‟m doing it online, I can learn at my own
to spend their time and pocket money.
Many of the young people interviewed were
5. I am able to work in a month‟s notice. I am spending a lot of time watching television or playing
prepared to attend an interview at your convenience. computer or video games instead of more physically
Looking forward to a positive reply. active tasks and plays. Children reported they
enjoyed active plays and organises sports, but found
Thank you. that homework, the attraction of TV and computer
plus high outside temperatures were barriers to a
Yours faithfully, more active lifestyle.
Evelyn Lim The US National Centre for Physical Education
recommends at least one hour a day of moderately
B. Continuous Writing vigorous physical activity for children and young
SPM Practice people, but most children in a survey estimated that
Overweight and Obesity 30–60 minutes or even less was sufficient. Diet-wise,
Malaysia is experiencing an unprecedented children in the survey understood quite a lot about
levels of overweight and obesity, and associated nutrition and could identify which goods were good
illnesses especially Type 2 diabetes, heart diseases sources of important nutrients such as protein,
and stroke. Recent figures suggest almost four out of calcium and vitamins. They also understood the
ten adults have excess body weight and figures for differences between those that could be eaten
children and young people are not far behind. occasionally and those that should be eaten every day
Certainly it is very alarming. to meet essential nutritional needs.
Health experts agree that urgent action is needed Many of the favourite dishes of Malaysian
across all age groups, but in particular for the children are quite high in calories, but detailed
younger generations. After all, these are the leaders, questioning of the children‟s dietary patterns did not
parents and income generators of the future. find any link preference or consumption of certain
Researches tracking child growth and development foods, traditional or modern, with the high level of
indicate that children and adolescents who are overweight survey respondents. This does suggest
overweight are much more likely to remain that concentrating on specific type of food (for
overweight through adulthood. Preventive measures example, fast food as recently proposed) may not
must be made available and the persons concerned have any measurable impact on overweight trend.

Parents are the best to monitor their children‟s 10. have been listening, rang
welfare. They should be knowledgeable about what 11. has completed, started
leads to overweight, and plan with the help of 12. studied, is pursing
nutritionist as well as dieticians what their children 13. has been working, graduated
should follow. Do not delay as it will be more 14. have known, migrated
difficult to control overweight later on. 15. had been playing, called
Perhaps the Ministry of Health could come out 16. has been talking, asked
17. has...contacted, arrived
with some guidelines to all schools. Provide talks and
18. have...seen, graduated
carry out awareness campaigns nationwide.
19. completed, took
(Adapted from Asian Food Information Council)
20. have been trying, called

Grammar Practice 3
Practice 1 1. for
1. would rather stay at home than to go out 2. ensure
2. to check the receipt before leaving
3. expiry
3. might have lost their way
4. making
4. had better keep quiet as Ms Lim is approaching
5. but
5. would rather drive than to travel by train
6. best
6. had better clean up the mess before mother
7. quoted
8. what
7. should help the fire victims as they have lost
everything 9. inspect
8. shouldn‟t be late, otherwise the teacher will be 10. expression
9. need to bring an umbrella along as the weather Practice 4
is unpredictable 1. unusual
10. you can‟t fish in the park 2. or
11. had better obey 3. advantages
12. should bring 4. affect
13. had better start 5. run
14. had better not make so much noise 6. to
15. must donate food 7. technology
16. should not park 8. although
17. should not walk alone 9. when
18. had better study harder 10. advantage
19. should abide by 11. relaxation
20. ought to apologise 12. exciting

Practice 2 UNIT 4 BEING A TEEN

1. have...studied Listening
2. has been studying, moved Practice 1
1. 2
3. have known
2. 4
4. had been painting
3. 1
5. has been raining
4. 5
6. has...eaten, arrived
5. 3
7. became, has been serving
8. has taken
9. had been running, captured

Practice 2 2. It means that the student prefers to be behind the
A. 1. FALSE scene and not participate in active discussion or
2. FALSE learning.
3. TRUE 3. I would suggest for the school not to focus too
4. TRUE much on marks or grades for the student‟s
5. TRUE progress. Instead promote a more broad-based
B. 1. what assessment test.
2. against 4. It means that almost everyone can read.
3. positive, negative 5. (i) It has a small number of students per
4. addiction, neglect teacher.
5. focus on (ii) It has a high literacy rate.

A. Directed Writing
Practice 1
(Accept any suitable or reasonable answer.) SPM Practice
1. useful The importance of games in school
2. better and faster Games are an integral part of the compulsory
3. audio and visual aids/teaching aids co-curricular activities in schools. Games are made
4. mike compulsory to ensure the students‟ active
5. hear better participation for their own benefits. Invariably these
6. attentive benefits have long-lasting effects on them. They will
7. interesting/effective live a happy and healthy life from childhood to
8. visualise/see better adulthood. Now what are the benefits?
9. useful Perhaps the most important benefit from taking
10. watching part in games is the all-round development of the
11. agree students. It is based on the belief that physical
12. teaching aid development should be in tandem with mental
13. exercise development. A student who excels academically
14. versatile/interesting/useful may not have a healthy development if he does not
15. alive/attractive participate in games. Remember the saying „all work
16. interact and no play makes Jack a dull boy‟? I would like to
17. effective
quote another saying „A sound mind in a sound
18. boredom
body‟. The latter means that physical health ensures
19. LCD
mental health.
Games are a good form of relaxation, that is, if
you are not training hard to be a professional.
Practice 1
1. conventional, outdated Nowadays children are a stressful lot because of
2. entrusted, laggards schoolwork and the numerous examinations they
3. denied, key have to sit for. Many go for private tuition
4. capacity, nurtured immediately after school, leaving them hardly any
5. rote, passive time to relax. Playing games offers them a chance to
unwind. They will then find that they will be
Practice 2 revitalised and are able to tackle their schoolwork
1. (i) The student may not learn to be resourceful. better in the evening.
(ii) He may become passive listeners and not Students who participate in games have the
proactive. opportunity to develop good qualities. In team games,
they learn about cooperation, teamwork, friendship,
tolerance and sportsmanship. They also have a

chance to hone their leadership qualities which will psychological
be an important asset in the working world later. It effects
would not be wrong to say that those students who – negative – commit crimes
4. Access to
take part in games are generally more outward- effect on – difficult to
looking and sociable. They will continue to enjoy children control
social games with their colleagues when they are – system
working. 5. Over- down – chaos and
On the other hand, students who shun games dependence – pose a great confusion
totally but excel in the academic field but may be too problem
self-centred, individualistic, unable to socialise or Advantages far outweigh
mix with people readily. Such qualities may be a Conclusion
hindrance at work and in adult life. They will be Indispensable – part and parcel of
more likely to find it difficult to work as a team. Opinion
our life
In addition, anti-social students may certainly be
at a disadvantage later when they are attending a job Essay
interview. Since employers are looking for potential Advantages and disadvantages of computers
employees good at studies and games, they will be The age of computers has seen a new dimension
overlooked. These students often lack self-confidence in learning, in the use of automation and in business
and are not used to being in a group or team. They transaction. Indeed, the computer has brought
could be a liability to the company. innumerable benefits to us in our everyday life, but it
The importance of games as a part of school life has also brought a great deal of negative effects.
cannot be overlooked. It is fervently hoped that all Firstly the electronic device enables us to store
students will participate actively in games for their and analyse information fed into it, make calculations
own good. and control machinery automatically fast. Probably it
is one of the most useful inventions in modern times.
B. Continuous Writing It presents learning in an interesting way, gradually
SPM Practice revolutionising the education system. In the near
Outline future schoolchildren may carry CDs to school
Computers provide innumerable instead of textbooks.
benefits The computer is a cheap and quick medium of
Elaboration communication. Through the Internet, one can send
– what/when/ Example/Effect and receive messages halfway across the world, read
Content Point
where/how/ the news in other countries, visit Internet sites and
why whatever information you need, and even participate
– present in live group discussions with users throughout the
1. Store and –
learning in an world. All these can be carried out in a matter of
analyse revolutionalising
interesting minutes at approximate cost of a local telephone call.
information education system
way The computer is a vast source of reference. The
– use of – send/receive World Wide Web (WWW), being a part of the
2. A cheap and internet messages Internet, is a vast collection of documents stored in
quick medium – a vast – live group computers throughout the world. These documents
of reference source of discussions/ contain facts, pictures, sounds and even movies,
information communication covering virtually every possible topic from
– engrossed – neglect school entertainment to medicine, and business to sports. We
3. Misuse/
in computer work may regard WWW as a big library on the Internet and
games – long-term Website, similar to books in a library, each covering

a different topic. The whole world is literally at your 11. will contact
doorstep. 12. will participate
The negative aspects of computers are serious 13. shall organise
enough to be allowed to go unnoticed. One grave 14. will have worked
likelihood is that children may be so engrossed in 15. will be celebrating/will celebrate
computer games they forget their school work or 16. will beat
neglect other healthier activities like sports and 17. shall help
outdoor games. Perhaps there is a great long-term 18. will have passed
psychological effect of overindulgence in computer 19. will be warded
20. will go/will be going
games. Hence it is of utmost importance that the use
of computers by children be monitored closely.
Practice 2
Another great fear is the easy access of
1. Janet as well as Carissa plays badminton.
pornographic materials. There is no effective control
2. There is neither water nor electricity supply.
to such access to X-rated materials through
3. We can either play hockey or football.
computers. While great effort has been taken to curb
4. The bus driver as well as the passengers is
pornography in the mass media, it is quite impossible injured.
to check it on the computers or prevent the abusers 5. The beggar not only has no money, but also has
from using it. Parents must keep a close check on no home to go to.
their children, but more often than not, this is a futile 6. Gina does not like reading or swimming.
effort. 7. Mother may bake not only a banana cake, but
Overdependence on the computer will pose a also a butter cake.
great problem. Whenever there is a breakdown, there 8. The park is not only littered with plastic bottles,
will be chaos and confusion in banking, business, but also full of mosquitoes.
communication and the industrial sector. As it is, 9. The stalled car has neither water in the radiator
great effort has been taken and a huge budget nor petrol in the tank.
allocated to overcome the problem of breaking down. 10. Lalita may either take a holiday in Japan or a
Overdependence on the computer has placed us at its holiday in New Zealand.
mercy. 11. There is no sign of the lost travellers nor any
In conclusion, the advantages of the computer trace of the caravan.
far outweigh the disadvantages. If used properly, 12. We can play snooker either today or tomorrow.
there is so much to gain. It cannot be denied that in 13. Neither Darren nor Patrick likes to sing in
this age of technology and automation, the computer public.
14. Li Peng as well as Adeline is late for the
has become an indispensable commodity. It has
become part and parcel of our modern way of life.
15. The old man has neither relatives nor a home to
go to.
Grammar 16. The villagers are not only very cooperative, but
Practice 1 also very proactive.
1. will help 17. Annie is good at baking cakes as well as making
2. shall postpone cookies.
3. will have worked 18. I have neither been to England nor France.
4. will be celebrating/will celebrate 19. David is courageous as well as very helpful.
5. will complete 20. Ecotourism not only encourages conversation,
6. shall visit but also does not cause pollution.
7. will be leaving
8. will have graduated
9. will be discharged
10. will go/will be going

Practice 3 3. simultaneously/at the same time
1. stage 4. picture/visualise
2. yet 5. spend his whole time
3. or
4. hard Speaking
5. against Practice 1
6. accepted (Accept any suitable or reasonable answer.)
7. to 1. fun
8. life 2. lodging, meals, itinerary
9. on 3. round-the-clock
4. for sightseeing
10. choose
5. excellent
6. mode of transport
Practice 4
7. cheap, convenient, flexible
1. break
8. nature
2. listening
9. faster, easy
3. front
10. fun, adventure
4. aids
11. cheap, convenient, flexible
5. how
12. fast and safe
6. as
13. comfortable
7. used
14. served by flight attendants
8. tools
15. luggage
9. utilised
16. read, watch the scenery
10. with
17. safest form
11. effective
18. fun, fellowship
12. are
19. sing, watch video
20. flexible
21. tickets
Practice 1 22. map or GPS
1.  23. whatever
2. – 24. rain/bad weather
3.  25. the cost, suitability and personal choice
4. –
5.  Reading
6. – Practice 1
7. – 1. not wanted
8.  2. frightened
9. – 3. tiredness
10.  4. searched
5. noticeable
Practice 2 6. pictured
A. 1. FALSE 7. loud noise
2. TRUE 8. trespassers
3. TRUE 9. basically
4. FALSE 10. disappeared
5. TRUE 11. not giving up
B. 1. quick 12. withdrew
2. composure and focus 13. regenerated
14. automatically

food. Canned meat, sardines, butter and jam are
Practice 2 practical food supplies. Dried or concentrated food
1. He was trekking in a desert with a camel to and juices are tasty and easy to prepare.
carry his loads. Camels are normally found in It is important to choose a suitable campsite.
the desert. Safety and comfort should be considered. The
2. He was frightened by the presence of hyenas organiser should first get permission from owner of
which could be dangerous to his life. the land or the relevant authorities to camp there.
3. He told himself that hyenas were basically When choosing a suitable campsite, avoid any hollow
scavengers. They would not attack humans. into which water may accumulate when there is rain.
4. The hyenas still came for him threateningly.
Do not choose a site under a tree because of danger
5. He made a lot of noise by beating the plates and
from lightning and strong wind. The ideal campsite
6. They would not give up but kept on coming. should be on high ground. Look for a place where
7. They disappeared quickly into the darkness. fresh water and perhaps firewood are easily available.
8. The writer could not sleep well and he became Once the site is chosen, find a level place to pitch the
very tired. tent.
9. The knowledge that his destination was You have to check first the layout of the camp
approaching renewed his energy. where the fire place, woodpile, leterine, refuse pit and
10. (i) He was too excited, knowing that that he cooking site will be. The primary shelter for every
would soon reach his destination.
camper is a tent. A two-man nylon hiker‟s tent,
(ii) He was still in fear of the hyenas.
equipped with a sewed-in floor, insect netting and a
Writing plastic coated nylon fly, is sufficient for a short trip.
A. Directed Writing All campers should be aware they are not to
SPM Practice destroy nature or public property. Any act of
Do’s and Don’ts in Camping vandalism should be avoided. Always keep the
Camping is a popular pastime for those who campsite clean and tidy. This means there should be
love nature and the outdoor life. It is also an excellent no littering at the campsite. Select only fallen
way to spend a holiday for the family. There are branches as firewood. Do not pluck flowers or uproot
many activities they can participate while they are plants for no apparent reason. When the camp is over,
camping. clean up the whole place and bury whatever rubbish
For those who intend to go camping for the first that is left behind. Ensure all camp fires are
time, here are some useful tips. Choose your extinguished completely.
equipment carefully to enable you to travel light and By the time you are ready to leave for home, the
yet have all you need. Your personal requirement campsite should be as new as before and no one
includes clothing, a sweater, pyjamas and a towel. should tell there has been a camp on the site.
You may need a raincoat, a pair of comfortable shoes
and sandals, a swimming trunk or suit, a torch light,
some simple utensils and toiletries. A rucksack is
useful if there is a lot of walking to do. It may be a
good idea to put your things in separate bags so that
they do not get wet or dirty.
Ensure that your camping is equipped with a
first-aid kit, containing at least some antiseptic, lint,
adhesive plaster and bandages for emergencies like
blister, burns, cut and insect bites. The group also has
to decide who will take along the tent, sleeping bag
and the necessary tools and a reasonable amount of

B. Continuous Writing
SPM Practice Essay
Outline An Adventure in Taman Negara
Mention the place and why you Taman Negara, Malaysia‟s oldest national park,
decided to visit it. is a very popular destination for local and foreign
Elaboration travellers and eco-tourists. That prompted a group of
Content – how/why/ us teenagers to take the plunge for a trip there.
Point when/where/
Our initial preparation was to take the basic
necessities like first-aid kit, a poncho or rain gear, a
– first-aid
pair of good shoes for trekking, „tall socks‟ as a
1. Describe kit/rain
– bring basic prevention against leeches, insect repellent, small
your gear/trekking
necessities backpack, sunscreen, a flashlight for night walks and
preparations shoes/insect
repellent, etc. hygiene items like tooth brush and so on.
– from KL to – van/bus/boat We took a van from Kuala Lumpur to Jerantut
Jerantut in north Pahang. It took us about three and a half
– from Jerantut hours to reach Jerantut. Once in Jerantut, we took a
2. Mode of to Kuala Tahan bus to Kuala Tahan, the base village inside the
transport and – from Kuala national park. We learnt that the entrance fees for
prices Tahan to Taman Taman Negara were surprisingly reasonable. You
Negara could purchase permits at park headquarters upon
– entrance fees – RM 1
arrival. The entrance cost RM1. Crossing the river by
boat to the park entrance also cost RM1 each way.
– park – watched
Our first visit was the park headquarters where
headquarters videos
we could get an insight of our visit to Taman Negara.
3. First visit – an insight
and first – canopy walk – 40 metres up We looked around the vicinity of the park
activity – aerial – 530 metre-long headquarters. Then we watched videos that were
observation – captivating shown in the Interpretative Room to be prepared for
view what to expect or see.
– mode of – boat The weather being fine, we wasted no time in
4. Visit transport – special skill heading for the canopy walk, one of the most popular
orang asli – learnt to use needed activities. The 530-metre long bridge is suspended 40
settlement blow pipe – a treat of fruit metres in the air allowing you to potentially spot
juices some of the many birds and monkeys that call the
– followed a – use a map
national park home. It was captivating and awesome.
group – insects, birds,
5. Jungle We had a close aerial view of the equatorial forests.
– observing leeches, etc.
trekking; It‟s a real eye-opener.
flora and fauna – fascinated by
night safari The next day, we visited an orang asli
– watched from nocturnal
man-made hide animals settlement. There were quite a number of settlements
– seeing is believing throughout the national park. Some were accessible
– enriched by the trip by boat only. At the settlement, we were taught how
Conclusion – unspoilt treasure should be to use a blowpipe. It might look simple but without
conserved the right technique, you might miss the target way
– ecotourism for conservation off. I personally blew the pipe until breathless,

missing the target of course. We were also given to a Practice 2
treat of fruit juices. 1. the results would be announced the next day.
Our next activity was jungle hiking. The map 2. who were supposed to do the class duty that
showed many routes to take. We made it safe and
3. the hall was very dirty and messy.
easy by following a group with their permission.
4. traffic would be heavy during peak hours.
Along the way, we had the chance of observing the 5. I knew how to use that gadget.
diverse flora and fauna, including leeches, spiders, 6. I ought to be early for the charity run.
insects and birds. 7. whether I knew what Johan had contributed.
The night safari was another exciting adventure. 8. he had met Ms Lily about two years ago.
With the help of the park rangers in park 9. how we should address the VIP.
headquarters, we ventured into the jungle at night. 10. ordered us not to talk nonsense and start our
We took position in a man-made hide, from where we
11. the details would be announced the next day.
watched in fascination the nocturnal animals
12. who the duty boys were that week.
approaching the salt lick. Along with nocturnal 13. the house was very noisy and messy.
creatures, we even saw glowing fungi! 14. heavy rain was expected in the month of
After two nights and three days in Taman December.
Negara, it‟s time to head for home. Seeing is 15. whether I knew how to operate the oven.
believing indeed. I have been much enriched by the 16. we should exercise daily for at least half an
trip. I can‟t help but feel that the unspoilt treasure of hour.
17. whether he knew how to send an email.
Taman Negara should be conserved at all costs.
18. they had an enjoyable time at the Green Park.
Ecotourism should be strictly promoted as a form of
19. how he had been keeping.
protection and conservation. 20. not to delay anymore and to start straightaway.

Grammar Practice 3
Practice 1 1. safety
1. had watered 2. include
2. had started 3. between
3. had been jumping 4. am
4. had left 5. vast
5. had been keeping 6. directly
6. had been given 7. rid
7. had been working 8. to
8. had disappeared 9. with
9. had been trying
10. during
10. had contacted
11. had paid
Practice 4
12. had left
1. up
13. had been travelling
2. hectic
14. had started
3. into
15. had been keeping
4. routine
16. had been postponed
5. often
17. had been teaching
6. achieve
18. had been sent
7. healthy
19. had been trying
8. experience
20. had decided
9. handle

10. things 4. C
11. during 5. B
12. stressed 6. B
7. C
Listening 9. C
Practice 1 10. A
1. B
2. C Practice 2
3. A 1. It will be featured in the 2020 Olympic Games.
4. A 2. To teenagers and young adults.
5. C 3. To sweat out and rejuvenate themselves after
their sedentary work in the office.
Practice 2 4. He is connected with a rope to his harness and
A. 1. FALSE held by a belayer on the other end.
2. FALSE 5. The belayer holds on to the other end of the rope
3. TRUE connected to the harness of the climber.
4. TRUE 6. The climber is close to the ground which has a
5. FALSE thick padded mat.
B. 1. redundant, trilogy 7. The lead climber constantly connects the rope
to the protection equipment for safety in the
2. similar, out of place
event of a fall.
3. coming to terms, mortality 8. When they have gained enough experience
4. realities, existence especially after mastering the discipline of speed
5. purpose, role climbing.
9. It provides you the complete physical workout
Speaking you need, increasing your strength, endurance
Practice 1 and flexibility.
10. It is a convenient way for the busy city folks to
(Accept any suitable or reasonable answer.)
take part in rock climbing within the city limit.
1. entertaining
2. witty and interesting Writing
3. good dish A. Directed Writing
4. cuisines SPM Practice
5. delight Review of a film, ‘Jungle Book’
6. inspiring „The Jungle Book‟ is an animated film. The
7. see the world story is based on the book with the same title written
8. diverse culture by Rudyard Kipling. The film is a 1967 Walt
9. appeals to
Disney‟s production, and like most of his animated
10. form of relaxation
films, is a classic.
11. down memory lane
The settings and characterisations are drawn
12. nostalgic songs
from Kipling‟s own experiences during his
13. glued to
nineteenth-century travels, mainly in India. The story
14. highly entertaining
15. favourite features all talking animals. Although it appeals to
children most, the film is set with themes that easily
Reading reach out to mature audiences as well. The themes
Practice 1 include friendship, compassion, prejudice, hypocrisy
1. B and greed, which are very relevant today in our
2. B society.
3. A

The story spins mainly around a human child While multiple factors influence eating
named Mowgli, who is adopted by a pack of wolves behaviours and food choices of youth, two potent
and raised as one of their own. Mowgli undergoes a forces are TV viewing and exposure to TV food
variety of trials and tribulations as he grows up in the advertising. During TV time, children between the
jungle. Mowgli eventually comes to grips with his ages of 2 to 12 are exposed to constant advertising
own identity after coming into contact with other each day. Food advertising accounts for half of all
humans. Mowgli does not want to identify as a advertising time in children‟s TV programs. The
human because he is all too aware of what humans number of food advertisements and the types of foods
signify for the jungle: greed and destruction. Though advertised remains disturbing.
the „rules‟ of the animal kingdom may prove savage, Food and beverage marketing is a major factor
Mowgli understands that the jungle animals act that influences children‟s food preferences and
according to their nature. purchasing requests. Marketers use many avenues to
The supporting „characters‟ can be divided into reach children with their messages such as using
two groups: the friendly heroes and the dangerous popular cartoon characters and toy giveaways to
villains. The former include the black panther increase the influence on youth. TV commercials and
Bagheera, who watches over Mowgli and is tasked to various new products advertised on live television
take him to civilisation one day, and Baloo the bear shows are often used to deliver messages. While
who has an addiction to honey. The villainous group technology and advertising techniques are changing,
consists of Shere Khan the tiger, who relentlessly television remains the most prominent method of
hunt for Mowgli; Kha, an enormous tree-dwelling marketing food and beverages to youth, especially for
serpent that uses its hypnotically seductive voice to those in early childhood.
attract its victim; and the dangerous overgrown The unhealthy TV food marketing must be
orangutan King Louie. controlled. The diets are inadequate in nutrient-dense
There is never a dull moment in Jungle Book. foods (e.g. fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, and
There are touching scenes like when the wolves find whole grains), and are high in energy-dense foods
the orphaned infant. There are amusing and hilarious and beverages (e.g. chips, fast food, soda). Unhealthy
moments with the songs and dances by the elephants foods include sugary breakfast cereals, fast food
and Baloo and even King Louie. There are moments restaurants and snack foods such as chips, desserts,
of fear and suspense when Kaa tries to hypnotise candy, sugar-sweetened beverages, and yogurt.
Mowgli, or when Shere Khan attempts to catch him, Since most of children‟s food preferences are
and last but not least, when Mowgli is at the mercy of formed during early childhood, children are at risk of
King Louie. forming life-long preferences for foods laden in
Overall, the film provides good relaxation and calories, fat, and added sugars and, thus, are also at
entertainment for the young and old. What happens in increased risk of obesity due to TV food marketing
the end? You will have to watch the film yourself. practices.
It is important to discuss potential regulations
B. Continuous Writing that can protect children from TV ads and deceptive
SPM Practice marketing. Family communication and media
Influence of TV advertisements on our education are an important component in countering
eating habits the negative effects of advertising on children‟s
It has been found that advertisements on TV dietary behaviours. Parents can impose restrictions of
have largely influenced our eating habits, especially advertising exposure to children and the youth. Set
the young children. The trend seems to be certain rules for various activities such as TV viewing and
brands of fast food, chips and carbonated drinks. advertising exposure. Refrain them from watching
What are the long-terms effects of eating these foods? TV during meals. Remove TV from children‟s
bedrooms, and generally limit their children‟s
exposure to TV.

If the relevant authorities plus strong parental Practice 2
support earnestly carry out measures to curb the 1. The baby is taken care of by the maid.
influence of TV advertisements on foods, the battle to 2. The vintage car has been bought by Rose.
reduce bad eating habits and obesity will not be in 3. The cat is being chased by the dog in the
vain. garden.
4. The car was blocked by the police.
5. A luggage bag has been left at the station.
6. The mystery will never be solved.
Practice 1
7. The engineer was consulted by the workers now
1. Sharul works very hard so that he can be
and then.
8. The gangsters were arrested by the police.
2. Although the visitor came again, he still could
9. A kennel has been built for the dog by Mr Tan.
not meet the owner.
10. The most expensive dress is being bought by
3. Even though the park was littered with plastic
bottles, nobody bothered.
11. The lost child was taken care of by the police.
4. The hikers brought along a first-aid kit in case
12. The expensive watch had been bought by Aini.
someone needed it.
13. The jogger is being chased by the dog.
5. We asked Din to be careful so that he might not
14. The lorry on the highway was stopped by the
be cheated.
6. We will compensate you at whatever the costs.
15. A smart phone has been left on the table.
7. Ms Lim reminded Alice so that she would be
16. The kidnapped child would never be found.
17. The teacher was asked questions after questions
8. The weather was so hot that all of us stayed
by the students.
18. The boys who played truant were reprimanded
9. It was such a long journey that the passengers
by the principal.
felt bored.
19. Fogging in the housing scheme was carried out
10. Even though I went to see the manager, he
by the workers from time to time.
would not entertain me.
20. A big celebration is being prepared.
11. Sheila trains hard so that she can be the
Practice 3
12. Although the tourists met with an accident, they
1. abide by
still wanted to continue their journey.
2. abstain from
13. Even though the beggar could not get up,
nobody bothered. 3. passed on
14. Do bring extra money in case you need it for 4. do away
emergencies. 5. angry with
15. Do double check your belongings so that you 6. cool down
will not leave anything behind. 7. ask for
16. Don‟t be choosy by eating whatever is available. 8. put up
17. We shall start early so that we can avoid the 9. rely on
traffic jam. 10. look into
18. Although it has been raining the whole day, the 11. met with
children still go out for games. 12. speed up
19. It was such a crowded market that some 13. turn on
housewives left for home in dismay. 14. dispose of
20. Even though Eugene was very qualified, he was 15. pass over
not selected. 16. switch off
17. contented with
18. turn away

19. keep up
20. play with Speaking
Practice 1
Practice 4 (Accept any suitable or reasonable answer.)
1. stages 1. the country
2. want 2. relaxing and peaceful
3. way 3. worsens
4. deeper 4. realistic
5. changes 5. job opportunities
6. worse 6. lucrative
7. peace 7. lush greenery
8. this 8. fresh
9. in 9. pollution
10. surprises 10. environment
11. stressful
Practice 5 12. traffic jams
1. who 13. scenic spots
2. hard 14. mountain climbing
3. like 15. ecotourism
4. than 16. facilities
5. good 17. relaxation
6. technique 18. urban games
7. signal 19. costly
8. half 20. much cheaper
9. after 21. a wider range
10. play 22. expensive
11. drop 23. youngsters
12. prior 24. move
25. to nature
Listening Reading
Practice 1 Practice 1
1. B
1. B
2. C
2. B
3. A
3. A
4. A
4. C
5. C
5. B
6. B
Practice 2
7. C
8. C
9. C
10. A
Practice 2
B. 1. ranges, ecotourism
1. The Earth‟s natural resources are being
2. protect, species
3. hidden, civilisations
2. There will be a rise in sea level, erosion and
4. intimate, plants
5. embark, nature

3. He is referring to our habit of wasting too much In agriculture, water is the decisive factor for a
of what we consume. good harvest. With modern technology and irrigation
4. It means the delightful sight of greenery of the schemes, double cropping is possible. If there is
island. insufficient rain or when there is a drought, crop
5. There is too much waste accumulating failure ensues. In India, the farmers are so dependent
compared to existing facility to cope with it,
on the monsoon rain that when it comes a week too
making the situation a serious one.
6. Adopt recycling as a long-term strategy for solid late or a week too early, a negative chain of reaction
management. follows, leading eventually inadequate food and
7. When materials or energy from waste cannot be starvation.
reduced, reused or recycled. In countries where water resources are limited, a
8. It is because many people take old recyclable desalination of the sea is practised. One good
items to recycling centres despite the fact that
example is Arabia. Despite the high cost, the great
they still can be used.
demand justifies the investment. The country has
9. It is because it will effectively reduce the load
proven that with the availability of water, the farmers
of waste.
can transform the desert into farm land. That is one of
10. It will help reduce waste and keep the
environment green. the wonders of water. In the desert, myriads of flower
plants literally mushroom overnight after a shower.
Writing Today, more and more people are aware of the
A. Directed Writing importance of water. Health experts advocate that we
SPM Practice should drink eight glasses of water a day as it is good
The Importance of Water for the system. Most elderly health freaks would tell
The importance of water cannot be quantified. you that if you don‟t drink enough water, you will
It‟s enough to say that our very existence depends on fall sick more often. More and more schoolchildren
it. So do the flora and fauna of the world. Most bring bottles of boiled water to school, in preference
economic activities rely heavily on water too, to aerated drinks. This is a heartening trend.
especially the agricultural sector. Our immediate The quality of our drinking water is not as good
concern is how we can ensure the continuous supply as before. This is largely because of river pollution
of this natural resource. for which we are responsible. If we do not take
The early settlement invariably focused on river urgent effort to conserve water, our very existence
valley because of the fertile soil and the availability will be threatened.
of water. In fact, ancient civilisations developed
along river valleys. Have you ever heard of „Egypt – B. Continuous Writing
the gift of the Nile‟? Today, we still depend very SPM Practice
much on water for our daily domestic use. You can From : kenchong@gmail.com
imagine the hardship and discomfort whenever there To : editor@horizon.com.my
is water rationing. Subject : Adverse effects of building too many
In countries where rainfall or snow is plentiful, hotels along beaches
the supply of water is assured, and people tend to ___________________________________________
take water for granted. There is usually a wastage of Dear Editor,
water when people wash their car, water their garden
or brush their teeth with the tap running. On the other I would like to draw the attention of the relevant
hand, in countries where rainfall is scarce, water is a authorities to the impact of rapid development on
precious commodity. In the desert, the oasis becomes coastal areas with the objective of promoting tourism.
the site for settlement and farming. In the Kalahari There seems to be over development with the
Desert, the Bushmen collect every drop of water and mushrooming of hotels, especially where sandy
keep it in the shells of ostrich eggs. beaches are found. This has led to various
environmental and social problems.

constriction, resulting in long queues that take hours
The massive influx of tourists, often to a relatively to clear during the peak hours.
small area, has a huge impact on the coastal
ecosystem. It affects the natural vegetation and fauna There is loss of picnic spots because of
of the coast. The pristine vegetation has been commercialisation. Hotels occupy the best spot and
replaced with concrete jungle, threatening the fragile the public are deprived of their favourite ground for
marine ecosystem. There may be loss of mangrove picnic and swimming. Why is this happening? Aren‟t
trees, coral reefs and nesting sites for endangered the authorities sensitive enough of the welfare of the
marine turtles. public?

Erosion on hill slopes becomes more frequent where There is also a loss of aesthetic value in the
forests are cleared for the construction of hotels. developed area for tourism. Often developers fail to
During the clearing of trees and construction of integrate its development structures with the natural
hotels, whenever there was a heavy downpour, huge features and indigenous architectural of the
volumes of muddy waters flowed down onto roads destination. Large, dominating resorts of disparate
and into the sea. Landslides occurred. Even after the design can look out of place in any natural
construction of the hotels, the surface runoff seems to environment and may clash with the indigenous
have increased and flash floods often occur. structural design.

One pressing problem is the sea pollution. Waste I earnestly hope that the relevant authorities will take
water especially sewage has polluted seas, damaging a serious look at the existing problems and find ways
marine life. Some tourist resorts empty their sewage to solve them. It is imperative that they should take
and other wastes directly into the sea. How it will the right steps in future development of coastal areas
affect the sea, and the picnickers swimming in the lest the situation deteriorates further. Whatever
polluted sea, you can guess. The lack of adequate measures taken must be eco-friendly.
port facilities for solid waste, especially in many
small islands, as well as the frequent lack of garbage Yours faithfully,
storing facilities on board can result in solid wastes Ken Chong
being disposed of at sea, and being transported by
wind and currents to shores often in locations distant Grammar
from the original source of the material. Practice 1
1. fishing
Recreational activities along the coast also have a 2. working
huge impact. For example, careless boating, diving, 3. Playing
snorkelling, and fishing have substantially 4. baking
damaged coral reefs in many parts of the world, 5. to cook
through people touching reefs, stirring up sediments, 6. to go
and dropping anchors. Marine animals such as 7. to participate
8. to play
whales, sharks, seals, dugongs, dolphins, and birds
9. speak
are also disturbed by increased numbers of boats, and
10. wash
by people approaching too closely to their habitat.
11. eating
12. practising
Road congestion and traffic jams become frequent
13. Winning
along the coastal roads that lead to hotels. Tour buses
14. watching
and cars converge at the tourist spots resulting in 15. to do
congestion and traffic jams. Parking becomes so 16. to carry
acute that cars are parked on road sides, causing a

17. to take 9. while
18. to walk 10. cool
19. complain 11. well
20. mop 12. problem

Practice 2 UNIT 8 IMAGE

1. should have told Listening
2. could have helped Practice 1
3. shouldn‟t have protested 1. A
4. ought to have spoken up 2. A
5. must have slept 3. C
6. shouldn‟t have left 4. A
7. might have forgotten 5. B
8. can‟t have heard
9. might have taken Practice 2
10. should have kept A. 1. FALSE
11. should have informed 2. TRUE
12. could have repaired 3. TRUE
13. shouldn‟t have rejected 4. TRUE
14. ought to have demanded 5. FALSE
15. must have reached B. 1. conscious, opposite
16. shouldn‟t have complained 2. exploit, means
17. might have forgotten 3. trends, humiliation
18. can‟t have noticed 4. flexibility, choosing
19. might have left 5. suitability, current
20. should have listened
Practice 3 Practice 1
1. located (Accept any suitable or reasonable answer.)
2. the 1. fashion trend
3. rises 2. batik shirts
4. least 3. versatile
4. many types
5. off
5. most common
6. best
6. sloppy-looking
7. unpredictable
7. cheeky yet clever things
8. off
8. interesting and attractive
9. have
9. their feelings
10. in
10. expression
11. black
Practice 4 12. get dirty
1. reported 13. universally in style
2. bounds 14. comfortable and saves time
3. accounts 15. outdoor games
4. responsible 16. with inspiring
5. related 17. spirit of camaraderie
6. to 18. affordable and convenient
7. these 19. on formal occasions
8. leave 20. short sleeves

21. affordable, and durable Writing
22. at all costs A. Directed Writing
23. pride and patriotism SPM Practice
24. among common people Dear Fiona,
25. catch the tourists
It‟s good to know that you are interested in fashion
Reading design and creation. I have done some reading and I
Practice 1 would like to share with you what I have learnt.
1. B
2. B Learning fashion design and creation will enable us
3. A
to dress ourselves in clothes which fit us, suit us,
4. C
made by us, just for us, in our own unique way. The
5. B
global fashion industry is producing millions of
6. B
clothes, which don‟t always fit us correctly, and end
7. C
up in landfills. We can help conserve the
8. C
9. C environment by buying less mass-produced cheap
clothing, and purchase clothes which are sustainably
Practice 2 made, made to last, and fit our body shapes.
1. It should be promoted more widely among
Malaysians, young and old. These two courses teach you the art of made-to-
2. (i) It has endorsed batik as the national dress. measure for lower body garments, learning how
(ii) It is used in official functions. garments should actually fit our individual body
3. The problem is that their liking is not shapes, for men and women, providing you the skills
for Malaysian batik. to be able to create the perfect fit, and style, for any
4. It seems to promote batik as the official attire of person, man, woman or child. Once you gain the
government officials and VIPs but not a understanding of how to create the pattern blocks
“common” attire for all, young and old. from measurements, you can repeat the process for
5. They let their infants wear batik fabric, and any person. You will be able to create the perfect fit
kindergarten children wear batik shirts and carry for their individual height and body shape.
batik-printed school bags as part of their
6. One effective way is to make it official for Verified learners will have access to the Fashion
schoolchildren to wear it as a school uniform Design and Creation books, which show the plan,
with perhaps the government‟s subsidy. pattern, graded specification and construction
7. It offers immense possibilities for artistic information, to inspire you on how to create different
freedom as patterns are applied by actual
drawing rather than by weaving with thread. fashion styles. The twenty styles have been
8. The batik material is much more resistant to specifically selected to give you a broad knowledge
wear and its colour does not fade easily. of construction of specific styles: skirt designs,
9. Many batik patterns are used in a wide variety trousers for women and trousers for men.
of fabrics.
10. They opine that many fabrics are called batik
although they are not made in the resist method For skirts, different pleats, „gatherings‟, godets,
of dyeing. lengths and widths have been developed to show a
wide variety of designs. You will learn how to make
jeans and casual trousers. The tailored trousers topic
shows how to sew lining into trousers and construct
the tailored pockets.

With an understanding of how clothes should fit you, nature. Your own garden is the best place, especially
and the experience you will gain further by in the morning. Appreciate the little flowers and the
completing the Professional Certificate, you will have insects flying about. Or just enjoy your morning
the knowledge and skills to learn to adjust and adapt coffee in your garden. Take a break and appreciate
your whole wardrobe. With labour and love for your meal outside. Make the food itself something
fashion, you can look unique, and wear your new natural, which comes directly from the earth, like a
made-to-measure clothes to express yourself, salad and some fresh fruit.
confident and proud. Exercise outdoors, especially in your backyard.
You can take up some health exercise individually or
These two courses will prepare you for a career line-dancing in a group somewhere in the open: a
within the fashion industry. Working in the field of basketball court, or a parking lot. Enjoy the fresh air.
designing, you could enter a position as a junior It will make you feel good throughout the day. You
designer and develop your skills to senior designer may even plan an outdoor activity during the
level. With the technical knowledge you will gain, weekend, like camping, picnicking, bicycling, fishing
you could work within the garment technology field, at a lake, or just relaxing with appreciation at the park
as a pattern cutter, sample machinist or fit or forest reserves. You may go in a group or with
technologist, working on the fit of clothing ready for your family. The benefits from these activities are
mass production. You can also work as a freelance endless.
designer. The knowledge gained by completing these Are you feeling blocked in your daily routine at
two courses in Fashion Design and Creation will also your office? Just change your surroundings. If you
give you the opportunity to complete an work in an office, try working remotely, perhaps
undergraduate degree program in Fashion Design from a coffeehouse with a water‟s-edge view, or
where you will have the opportunity to further maybe from your own home with a view of your yard
develop your skills in fashion designing and creating. and those awesome golden palms. When we switch
our surroundings, we‟re finding a different energy to
That‟s all for now, Fiona. Hope you will join me in help you stay more focused, appreciate nature, and, in
pursuing the fashion design and creation course. those natural surroundings, find happiness.
Gardening provides the best opportunity to be
Regards, with nature. Plant flowers, herbs, palms and even
Lily trees. Tend to the plants and see them grow. This is a
daily continuous activity. It‟s a joy to see the buds
B. Continuous Writing and then the flowers and the fruits. You are being
SPM Practice with nature and appreciating it all the way.
Let’s Appreciate Nature If we appreciate nature, we should strive to
We are close to nature so much so that most of preserve it. Let‟s go green all the way.
us have taken it for granted. Have you ever taken
time, just a few minutes, to pause, ponder or Grammar
appreciate the morning sun, the fresh garden air, the Practice 1
green surroundings and the creatures that live within? 1. had…repaired
Now how can we appreciate nature? Going to 2. has
the parks, forest reserves, lakes and seaside is of 3. is having…washed
4. will have…delivered
course a good idea. Don‟t let the outdoor activity
5. was having…repaired
overshadow the natural surroundings you are in.
6. must have…looked
Appreciate the natural settings by letting your
7. should have…replaced
imagination run joyfully wild. You don‟t actually
8. should have…installed
have to go somewhere far to enjoy the beauty of
9. will have…cancelled

10. to have…solved Practice 4
11. had…delivered 1. meet
12. has…renewed 2. current
13. is having…booked 3. mixing
14. will have…checked 4. presentations
15. was having…replaced 5. become
16. must have…investigated 6. and
17. should have…charged 7. career
18. should have stopped 8. allows
19. will have…postponed 9. styles
20. to have…reduced 10. time
11. trains
Practice 2 12. the
1. would have visited
2. would have joined SUMMATIVE TEST
3. had been Paper 1
4. would have taken Section A: Directed Writing
5. would have been Ladies and gentlemen,
6. would drop The topic of my speech is „Ways of promoting
7. could speak tourism in our country‟. This smokeless industry can
8. would stop be an important source of revenue to our country.
9. would be
Therefore, it is imperative to promote it at any cost to
10. would stop
put our economy at a higher level.
11. would have visited
How to improve it? One important way is to
12. would have participated
focus on promoting ecotourism. We are rich in
13. had been
natural resources, evergreen forests, parks, forest
14. would have brought
15. would have been reserves, lakes, beaches and islands. Ecotourism will
16. would drop directly conserve these natural assets. The foreign
17. could visit tourists are interested in the greenery, the golden
18. would be extended sandy beaches, and the flora and fauna of the land
19. would be and sea. Ecotourism on a large scale generates a wide
20. would go range of jobs for the local people. Surely this is good
for our country.
Practice 3 Publicise these natural attractions aggressively
1. preparing through the mass media. Make brochures, posters,
2. on pamphlets and TV documentaries readily available at
3. does strategic points like airports, rail and bus terminals.
4. removing Organise cultural events like Malaysian Fest, Visit
5. effects Malaysia Year 2020, Le Tour de Langkawi, etc.
6. seep When more tourists know about our natural
7. process attractions, they will put Malaysia as their favourite
8. into destination.
9. generally Improve the transport system: roads, airports,
10. catch buses, cabs, trains and ferries. Upgrade or provide
proper facilities for accommodation, like hotels,
chalets, budget hotels and homestays. However,
avoid building hotels at beaches and along the coast.

Last but not least, launch awareness campaigns to I was particularly attracted by a cave known as
encourage the local people to be friendly, helpful and Gua Telinga, where I managed to see the natural
hospitable and to always render their service with a habitat of bats and snakes. Getting into the cave was
smile. tough because it was quite dark. Moreover, the path
Well, all of us must play our part. When tourism was very narrow and full of bat droppings and
becomes our main source of revenue, it is we and the strange insects. At one point, we had no alternative
next generations that will enjoy the benefits. Thank but to crawl over the droppings. Some of us felt sick
you. because of the terrible stench. Staying a minute
longer seemed to be an agony. Surprisingly, a good
Section B: Continuous Writing number of us went through the ordeal just to see
Adventure in a National Park wildlife in their natural habitat.
During the last semester holidays, I had the On the whole, the trip could be considered
opportunity to visit the largest national park in the adventurous as well as educational. It was a good
country, Taman Negara. The four-day trip, organised opportunity for us to learn how to fend for ourselves
by our school‟s Geographical Society, was aimed at away from home and to cooperate with one another
instilling leadership qualities, building self- in times of need. I am now more aware of the
confidence and developing self-reliance, besides importance of national parks and the need to preserve
getting a first-hand knowledge of the flora and fauna the flora and fauna of the country. It was indeed an
of the park. Initially I was a little apprehensive of the unforgettable adventure.
trip because I was scared of leeches, mosquitoes and
snakes. Thoughts of having malaria or a poisonous Paper 2
snake-bite kept flashing past my mind. Section A
However, the moment I stepped into the park, 1. B
whatever anxious thoughts I had earlier vanished into 2. D
thin air. I was in high spirits and looked forward to an 3. C
unforgettable adventure. As we began to explore the 4. B
park, I became bolder and more excited and 5. D
inquisitive. Never in my life had I experienced 6. D
anything so exciting and fascinating. The feeling was 7. B
beyond description. Suffice to say that it was 8. A
wonderful to watch the unique variety of plants and 9. D
wild animals. I even managed to see a tiger, a few 10. A
deer and some magnificently coloured birds. I never 11. B
knew that the park was so rich in wildlife. 12. C
The trip was a great challenge to us as we had to 13. D
endure the heat, cold rain, slippery paths and worst of 14. A
all, the slimy, blood-sucking leeches. Pulling out the 15. B
leeches from our legs was a nauseating experience.
There were screams and cries from some of us but I Section B
tried to put on a brave front. Many felt rather 16. an accountant
homesick but after getting used to the discomforts 17. an executive
and with the moral support of friends and teachers, 18. an octogenarian
they overcame their homesickness. I personally did 19. a doctor
not mind the hardship we had to go through. Given 20. a housewife
another chance I would not hesitate to embark on the 21. eating out
same adventure again. 22. breakfast
23. eateries

24. brunch 31.
25. poor Tommy left school early and never went to
another. With his mother‟s coaching, he learnt fast.
Section C Being curious, he read widely and did experiments in
26. (a) to work out/imagine the cellar of his house. He often asked questions and
(b) his curiosity to find out things and improve figured out a new and better way to do things.
on them Sometimes mishaps happened but these did not deter
27. (a) Tommy was stupid and did not try to learn. Tommy from carrying on with his learning and
(b) She replied that he was not stupid but that experiments. When he was twelve, he worked part-
the teacher was not able to teach him what time to earn money for his experiments. At sixteen,
he wanted to learn. he worked as a telegraph operator on the Grand
28. (a) Most teachers did not know how to sing and Trunk Railroad. He improved on the telegraph
could not play the piano. invented by Samuel Morse. However, people doubted
(b) He invented the phonograph which could him because of his unkempt hair and shabby attire.
play records, thus making it easier for music Even when he worked as a telegraph operator in
teachers to teach. Boston, they tested him with the hardest work, but he
29. (a) He started to work as a candy boy at the age prevailed without a mistake.
of twelve. (133 words)
(b) He needed money to carry out his
experiments which were quite costly.
30. (a) He found a way to send two messages one
way, and two more the other way, all on one
(b) They found it hard to believe him.


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