Modern Physics Lab: Background Info

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Modern Physics Lab

Current Balance 9/04

Purpose of the experiment

• Measure the permeability of free space (µ0).
• Two methods will be used:
• Force vs. Current
• Force vs. Distance.

Background Info
The current balance is used to measure the forces between two parallel current
carrying conductors. It will be shown by you that the permeability of free space (µ0) can
be determined. Two methods will be compared and contrasted.

Current balance - 1
The Equipment
Current Balance Apparatus
a Pasco Scientific product

The Current Balance is made up of a rectangular conducting frame. The frame is

supported by a tension wire and balanced by a magnetically damped counter weight. To
keep the friction losses down the electrical contacts are made by dipping the frame into
liquid gallium. A second current passes through the bar under the frame on the right side
of the apparatus. The separation between the frame and the bar is controlled by the
thumbscrews at ends of the bar.

Figure 1. The current balance apparatus

Current balance - 2
The Prelab

• Two parallel wires (1 and 2) are carrying currents I1 and I2 in opposite directions.
Write an expression for the force on wire 1 by wire 2.
• Find an expression for the magnetic field produced by wire 2. Use this magnetic field
to find the magnitude of the force on wire 1.
• Use the previous expressions to determine the permeability of free space µ0.

Figure 2. Diagram of current in wires

Current balance - 3
The Lab

The goal: Use the Current Balance to measure µ0 through a variety of techniques.

Remember to include the uncertainty

in your measurement and the units

Part A Force vs. Current

• Assembly the apparatus as described in appendix A.
• Measure the length of the wires.
• Make sure the frame is balanced (see appendix A - “Balancing”).
• Set the separation between the conductors to no less than 8mm. The
procedure for this is located in appendix A in the section titled “Separation”.
• Apply a known downward force on the balance frame by placing a mass on
the mass pan. Select a mass between 5 mg and 50mg.
• Apply a current to bring the frame back to level. At this point the magnetic
forces are equal to the force pulling the mass down.
• Keep the separation constant and measure the current for varying masses.
• Make whatever graph is needed to get the permeability of free space (µ0).

Current balance - 4
Part B Force vs. Distance
• Reset the device to its initial state, no current and balanced.
• In this section the current will be held constant and the force vs. separation
will be determined.
• The force will determined by applying a torsion to the wire instead of adding
masses. The degree dial must be calibrated.
• Balance the apparatus. Set the dial set to its zero value in the middle of its
range. No current or masses added.
• Place a 20mg mass in the pan. Turn the dial counterclockwise until the frame
is balanced. Record the degrees of rotation needed.
• Repeat the above steps with the 50, 100 and 150mg masses.
• Determine the functional relationship between the torsion angle and the force
due to the mass.
• Return the setup to its “zero” position.
• Set a current between 5 and 10 amps and keep it constant throughout the
• Measure the force needed to balance the frame for several separations
between 4 and 15mm.
• Determine the permeability of free space (µ0).

The saying, “It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye” came from ancient Rome. The only rule
during wrestling matches was, “No eye gouging”. Everything else was allowed, so the only way to get
disqualified was to poke someone’s eye out.

Current balance - 5
Appendix A Assembly

• Carefully remove all the equipment from its storage box.

• Make sure all equipment is accounted for.
• Current Balance base plate Balance Damper Support
• Damping Vane Magnetic Damper
• Balance Frame Mass set
• Allen wrench Compass
• 9V transformer Spring scale
• 2 tension wires Extra Gallium vial
• Extra equipment needed for experiment.
10 Amp power supply
Current meter
Connecting cables

Figure 3. Equipment needed for experiment.

Current balance - 6
• Lower the gallium pots to support the frame on the pot covers. To lower the pots loosen
the thumb screw on the brackets (see Figure 4). The other side of the frame should rest
on the bottom conductor.

Figure 4. Adjusting the gallium pots.

• Check that the wire clamp is seated in the support rod and can rotate freely. Rotate the
screw on the clamp to the vertical position. Set the degree dial to zero. Double check
check the back of the dial to make sure it is in the middle of its range.

Figure 5. Wire clamp Figure 6. Degree dial.

Current balance - 7
• Pass the end of the wire without the loop through the hole in the front of the dial. Slide
the wire through the clamps on the frame and finally through the wire clamp.

Figure 7. Wire loop

• Tighten the screw on the wire clamp. Caution: If you over-tighten the screws you may
cut the wire.
• The wire should be free to pass through the frame and the degree dial. Have your lab
partner hold down the base while you apply a tension of 18 N on the wire. Use the spring
scale to measure the tension. Secure the wire using the screw on the back on the dial.
Raise the gallium pots until they support one side of the frame.
• Loosen the brass screw on the base of the balance. Move the bracket out to its farthest
position. Attach the vane to the frame with the center mark facing toward you. Insert the
cotter pin to keep the vane from falling off. Place the magnetic damper on the bracket.
Slide the bracket so that all three lines are visible and so the vane is between the magnets.
Tighten the brass thumb screw. See Figure 8 and Figure 9.

Current balance - 8
Figure 8. Attaching the vane and damper support.

Figure 9. Lining up the magnetic damper.

• Loosen the screws holding up the gallium pots and push them all the way down.
Loosen the screws holding the covers in place and slide the covers up and rotate 90
degrees to the side (see Figure 4). Retighten the screws. Plug in the transformer to
melt the gallium. Once the gallium has melted carefully raise the pots so that the
posts extending down from the frame extend almost to the bottom of the pot. Watch
the height of the frame when it starts to rise you have hit the bottom of the pot. Back
the pot off a bit. If the posts are not aligned with the pots loosen the screws holding
the wire on the frame with the allen wrench. Align the posts in the center of the pots
and tighten the allen screws. Caution: If you over-tighten the screws you may cut
the wire.

Current balance - 9

• Slide the counterbalance mass on the vane until the beam is horizontal. Fine adjustments
can be made by turning the thumb screw on the wire clamp located at the back of the


• The two conductors need to have an equal separation all along their lengths. To make
this happen raise the bottom conductor using the separation adjustment screws until the
bar just touches the balanced frame. Turning the screw clockwise lowers the conductor
and vise versa.
Note: the screws should be alternately turned one turn at a time.
The thickness of the conductors is 3.2 mm. Any additional separation is determined by
keeping track of the position of the adjustment screw. One turn of the screw is equal to
one millimeter of separation. There is a scale on the top of the screw with 20 divisions to
added additional accuracy. Use the corners of the post to track the rotations. This
distance needs to added to the 3.2 mm center -to-center separation at the zero position.
Once a separation is set double check the constant separation by placing the 200mg mass
in the pan or turn the dial to bring the two conductor in contact.

Figure 10. Separation Adjustment screw

Current balance - 10

• Connect the DC power supply and meter to the balance. Use long cables to limit the
effects of the magnetic field of the cables on the balance. Try to keep a minimum
distance of 25 cm from the balance.
• Place the compass under the two parallel conductors. Rotate the balance so that the
conductors are parallel to the North-South direction. This will eliminate the effect of the
earth’s magnetic field on the experiment.


Current meter

Figure 11. Wiring diagram

Current balance - 11

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