Health & Safety Risk Assessment Form

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National Health and Safety Function, Workplace Health and Wellbeing Unit, National HR Division

Health & Safety Risk Assessment Form

Ref: CF:003:04 RE: Chemical Agents Risk Assessment Form

Issue date: November 2017 Revised Date: June 2020
Author(s): National Health & Safety Function
Legislation Under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Chemical Agents) Regulations, 2001 it is the duty of the employer to identify the
hazards and assess the risks associated with the use of chemical agents in the workplace. All risk assessments must be in writing and
the necessary control measures to eliminate or minimise the risks documented and implemented.
Note: Please note exposure to COVID-19 may present a health risk to staff and others at our places of work. It is essential that the latest
public health advice is followed and suitable control measures identified and implemented to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 infection.

When conducting Chemical Agent risk assessments consideration should be paid to the risk presented and the means of avoiding and
mitigating any such risk so far as is reasonably practicable .

Where 2 metre worker separation cannot be ensured a specific activity risk assessment must be conducted and alternative protective
measures must be put in place e.g. comprehensive hygiene measures, minimising the frequency and time staff are within 2 metres of
each other, minimising the number of staff involved in the task, physical barriers, provision of face masks.

It is responsibility of local management to implement any remedial actions identified.

20 06 30 CF: 003:04 Health and Safety Risk Assessment - Chemical Agents Page 1
National Health and Safety Function, Workplace Health and Wellbeing Unit, National HR Division

Chemical Agents Risk Assessment – Part 1 of 3

Division: Source of Risk:
HG/CHO/NAS/Function: Primary Impact Category:
Hospital Site / Service: Risk Type:
Dept/Service Site: Name of Risk Owner (BLOCKS):
Date of Assessment: Signature of Risk Owner:
Unique ID No: Risk Co-Ordinator:
*Risk Assessor(s):

Chemical Name (Concentration): Chemical Process:

Number of Employees
Categories of employees likely to be exposed: (Tick) Duration and frequency of contact (Hr/day):
Nursing Staff Medical Staff
Care Staff Maintenance Staff
Housekeeping Others (please specify):
Safety Data Sheet available: Yes No Location of SDS : Date of SDS:
Amount used and Dustiness or Volatility: High, Medium or
Hazard and risk associated with chemical: Exposure route(s) (Tick):
quantity stored Low

20 06 30 CF: 003:04 Health and Safety Risk Assessment - Chemical Agents Page 2
National Health and Safety Function, Workplace Health and Wellbeing Unit, National HR Division

Chemical Agents Risk Assessment – Part 2 of 3

Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Hazard Symbols

Acute Serious Health Corrosion Environme Flammabilit Oxidising Explosion Stored as

toxicity long term hazard Hazard ntal hazard y hazard Hazard Hazard gas under
hazard health pressure
Tick appropriate pictogram.
Refer to section 2 of SDS

Insert appropriate signal word

i.e. danger or warning. Refer to
section 2 of the SDS

Occupational Exposure Limit Value (OELV) If applicable insert airborne OELV :_____________________

Refer to Code of Practice to Chemical Agents Regulations

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National Health and Safety Function, Workplace Health and Wellbeing Unit, National HR Division

Chemical Agents Risk Assessment – Part 3 of 3

REQUIRED Person responsible
for the action)


Likelihood Impact Initial Risk Rating Open Monitor Closed

*Risk Assessor to be recorded for OSH risks only.

**Where the risk being assessed relates to an OSH risk please ensure that the HAZARD and associated risk are recorded on the form. All other risk assessments require a risk description

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